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Stimati viitori cursanti, Pentru a va ajuta sa optati mai usor pentru un nivel de studiu corespunzator, va propunem un test, cu ajutorul

caruia va puteti evalua. Rezultatul testului va permite sa stabiliti daca, intr-adevar, cunostintele dobndite anterior sunt suficiente pentru a va inscrie la cursul EUROCOR de limba engleza pentru nivelul intermediar.

Punctajul Sub 15: Aveti cunostinte insuficiente de limba engleza. Ar fi indicat sa va inscrieti la cursul pentru incepatori.

15-30: Rezultatul testului arata ca posedati cunostintele de Testul este alcatuit din 30 de exercitii, care constau in baza de limba engleza, dar ele trebuie sa fie completarea unor propozitii sau formularea de raspunsuri consolidate si mai bine sistematizate. Va sugeram sa la intrebari. In fiecare caz sunt date patru variante de incepeti studiul la EUROCOR prin parcurgerea rezolvare, dintre care numai una este corecta. materiei cursului de incepatori intr-un ritm rapid (4 lectii pe luna). In orice situatie va va fi de folos Va rugam sa marcati pe formularul de test variantele alese Compendiul de gramatica a limbii engleze, care de dumneavoastra si sa verificati apoi corectitudinea lor, pe cuprinde explicatii ale tuturor problemelor de baza cheii oferite mai jos. gramatica abordate in cadrul cursului pentru incepatori. Timpul de rezolvare a testului nu trebuie sa depaseasca 30 de minute. 31-45: Cunostintele de limba engleza pe care le posedati, va Fiecare raspuns corect primeste 2 puncte. permit abordarea cursului pentru nivel intermediar. Va sugeram sa cumparati Compendiul de gramatica a Suntem convinsi ca testul, special conceput pentru limbii engleze corespunzator nivelului de incepatori. dumneavoastra, va va ajuta sa va evaluati corect. Dupa Va fi de un real sprijin in rezolvarea exercitiilor rezolvarea lui, veti sti cu siguranta ce aveti de facut. Daca recapitulative, care se bazeaza pe materia acestui v-ati decis, nu ezitati sa completati Formularul de curs. participare si sa il trimiteti pe adresa noastra. Profesorii EUROCOR sunt gata sa va ofere tot sprijinul de care aveti 46-60: nevoie. Felicitari! Rezultatul testului dovedeste ca stapaniti foarte bine notiunile de gramatica si vocabular Va dorim mult succes. puteti incepe fara ezitare studiul limbii engleze, nivelul intermediar. Departamentul Educatie al EUROCOR Raspunsurile corecte: 1d; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5a; 6a; 7c; 8a; 9b; 10c; 11c; 12d; 13a; 14c; 15a; 16b; 17d; 18b; 19c; 20d; 21c; 22a; 23d; 24a; 25b; 26a; 27b; 28d; 29b; 30b.


1. This beautiful building three hundred years ago. a) is built b) was build c) has been built d) was built 2. John said that he this place before. a) has never seen b) never saw c) had never seen d) hasn't never seen 3. Do you really think they are to buy this expensive car? a) enough rich b) rich enough c) richer d) rich 4. Before she she her father. a) came home / had visited b) came home / has visited c) had come / visited d) had came / had visited

16. When the weather good we will go for a walk. a) will be b) is c) was d) would be

17. I think these boys are too young to wash a) himself b) himselves c) themself d) themselves 18. I must go to the shop and buy sugar and tomatoes. a) a little / a little b) a little / a few c) a few / a little d) a few / a few 19. I must tell you that too much beer is dangerous. a) to drink b) drink c) drinking d) to drinking 20. They hope they can it easily. a) to do

5. sugar on the table? a) Is there any

b) Are there any c) Is there a few d) Are there a few 6. I am going to England English. a) to learn b) for learning c) for to learn d) for learn 7. My birthday is February 22. a) at b) to c) on d) in 8. My parents have been married twenty years. a) for b) since c) from d) out of

b) doing c) to doing d) do 21. Yesterday I an interesting film. a) watch b) watchd c) watched d) watchet 22. She says she dinner at home. a) never eats b) doesn't never eat c) never eat d) don't ever eat 23. How many do you want to have in this wardrobe? a) shelfs b) shelfes c) shelvs d) shelves 24. doctor Smith! Jimmy is sick! a) Call b) You call c) You do call d) Call to 25. is the school? - Two miles away. a) How much b) How far c) How long d) How big 26. I was looking everywhere but I could not find a) him b) himself c) he d) his 27. You go to the shop. I have already bought everything. a) must b) needn't c) mustn't d) have to 28. What's the time? It's a) three quarter b) a quarter and three c) three past quarter d) a quarter past three 29. George said he see us in three weeks. a) shall b) would c) will d) wants 30. They so far. a) didn't meet b) haven't met c) don't meet d) weren't here

9. At the moment John a newspaper. a) reads b) is reading c) read d) is read 10. Do you know when ? a) will they come b) shall they come c) they will come d) would they come 11. Tom says his house is than Greg's. a) biger b) more big c) bigger d) more bigger 12. Look at these two bicycles. This one is and the other one is a) my /her b) mine / her c) my / hers d) mine / hers 13. Hello, Peter. Have you got news for me? a) any b) a few c) few d) several 14. This is a) Peter room b) the room Peter c) Peter's room d) room Peter's 15. Who Jim is a bad boy? a) says b) does say c) does says d) say

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