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Six reasons why I believe Halloween is far from

Halloween has become one of the biggest events in the British calendar.
There have always been traditions associated with 31st October, but the present extravaganza,
with its epidemic of trick-or-treating, is a recent phenomenon.
A decade ago, spending on Halloween in the UK was only 12m; now, boosted by Hollywood
and marketing, it is 300m.
Financially, Halloween is now, after Christmas and Easter, our third highest grossing celebration.
Yet Halloween has seized this position without any serious consideration of what it stands for
and whether or not we even want it.
When people talk about what happens on 31st October a little phrase commonly heard is that
Halloween is harmless nonsense.
But is it indeed harmless? Is it merely nonsense? Its time to do some hard thinking.

Grumpy Cat, protagonista unei comedii de Crciun,

produs de postul de televiziune Lifetime
Grumpy Cat, celebra pisic a crei expresie morocnoas face senzaie pe internet, este
protagonista filmului de comedie "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever", produs de postul de
televiziune Lifetime, care va fi lansat n curnd n Statele Unite ale Americii.
n acest lungmetraj realizat pentru televiziune, care va avea premiera pe micile ecrane pe 29
noiembrie, Megan Charpentier o interpreteaz pe Chrystal, o adolescent care i dorete foarte
mult s aib o prieten. Dorina i se mplinete atunci cnd primete n dar o pisic, Grumpy Cat,
a crei voce este asigurat de Aubrey Plaza, dar realizeaz foarte repede c micua felin nu este
deloc un animal de companie ideal, informeaz

n trailerul filmului, Grumpy Cat este prezentat n timp ce trage cu o puc de paint ball,
conduce un automobil ntr-un mall i demoleaz o cldire.
De asemenea, filmul este presrat cu numeroase replici sarcastice i amuzante ale felinei.
Grumpy Cat, pisica n vrst de doi ani, al crei nume "real" este Tardar Sauce, a devenit o
veritabil senzaie pe internet n 2012, iar popularitatea ei a crescut n mod constant att n
presa tradiional, ct i n spaiul online. Motivul pentru care Grumpy Cat afieaz o expresie
morocnoas n permanen const n faptul c renumita pisic sufer de nanism felin.

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