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citate[1]="\"Celor ce mi zic c n fotografiile mele nu apar oameni, le rspund: ntotdeauna apar doi oameni, fotograful i privitorul.\" Ansel Adams"; citate[2]="\"Nouzeci la sut din arta de a tri const n a te nelege cu cei pe care nu i poi suferi.\" Samuel Goldwin"; citate[3]="\"Cunoate-te pe tine nsui i vei cunoate Universul i zeii.\" Templul din Delfi"; citate[4]="\"C-a tii ceva deplin eu nu-mi nchipui, nu nu m amgesc c a putea s-ndrum pe alii sau s nva pe cineva\". Wolfgang von Goethe - Faust"; citate[5]="\"Mefistofel: Aa e pravila, a duhurilor, a dracilor: pe unde au intrat, pe acolo trebuie s ias.\" Wolfgang von Goethe - Faust"; citate[6]="\"Nu face din trup mormntul sufletului!\" Pitagora - Legile morale i politice"; citate[7]="\"Prefer crnii i sngelui dobitoacelor, legumele: ele sunt hrana neleptului i cea a eroilor.\" Homer"; citate[8]="\"i L-am recunoscut pe Dumnezeu n toate creaturile i, de asemnea, n plantele i n iarba cmpurilor; am vzut cine era El, i cum era, i care era Voina Lui.\" Jakob Boehme"; citate[9]="\"Cuvntul urt se ntoarce mpotriva celui ce l-a rostit.\" B.P. Hadeu"; citate[10]="\"Dac vei rmne n Cuvntul Meu, suntei cu adevrat ucenici ai mei. i vei cunoate adevrul, iar adevrul v va face liberi\". Ioan 8:32"; citate[11]="\"Nu trebuie s ncercam a vindeca trupul fr a cuta s vindecm sufletul.\" Socrate"; citate[12]="\"Iubirea de vise aduce atta durere n visurile de iubire.\" Eliphas Levi - Marele Arcan"; citate[13]="\"Omul poate tot ceea ce vrea cnd nu vrea dect dreptatea.\" Eliphas Levi Marele Arcan"; citate[14]="\"Cucerete prin daruri pe cel care nu d niciodat, nvinge prin credin pe cel de rea-credin, biruie prin blndee pe cel mnios i prin buntate pe cel ru.\" Mahabharata, III, 13253"; citate[15]="\"n numele sfntului/ Taci s-auzi cum latr/Caelul pmntului/ Sub crucea de piatr.\" Mihai Eminescu - Strigoii II"; citate[16]="\"Lenea nu e nimic altceva dect obinuina de a te odihni nainte de a obosi.\" Jules Renard"; citate[17]="\"Ceea ce oamenii doresc cu adevrat nu este cunoaterea, ci certitudinea.\" Bertrand Russell"; citate[18]="\"Suntem nclinai s devenim mai degrab jucria emoiilor noastre dect stpnul lor; cea mai mare parte a actelor noastre nu sunt dect reflexe.\" Papus - Kabbala"; citate[19]="\"Presupunerile afecteaz observaia. La ce i folosesc ochii dac mintea i este oarb?\". Anthony de Mello - Rugciunea Broatei"; citate[20]="\"Dac n-am fi att de plini de defecte nu ne-ar face atta plcere s le observm la alii.\" Rocherfoucauld"; citate[21]="\"Dac vreun obiect exterior te deranjeaz, nu el, ci judecata ta asupra lui te tulbur. Nu depinde dect de tine s tergi aceast judecat din sufletul tu.\" Marc Aureliu"; citate[22]="\"Iat c v-am dat orice iarb care face smn i care este pe faa ntregului pmnt i orice pom, care are n el rod cu smn; aceasta s fie hrana voastr.\" Geneza 1:29"; citate[23]="\"n esena, ca s auzi glasul Lui trebuie s faci s tac gndurile tale.\" Vasile Andru - Isihasmul sau meteugul linitirii.";

citate[24]="\"Crezi c eti virtuos? Eti de fapt vicios, pentru c te crezi iubitor de virtute [...]. Fiindc toate cele bune sunt din mila lui Dumnezeu i niciodat binele nu este de la noi.\" Teoclit Dionisiatul"; citate[25]="\"Cantitatea de mncare: s mnnci att nct, dup mas, s ai dispoziie pentru rugciune.\" Vasile Andru - Isihasmul sau meteugul linitirii."; citate[26]="\"Ct despre gndul i mintea ta, s fii mereu concentrat, ca s nu gseasc diavolii prilej s semene gnduri spurcate n inima ta.\" Avva Ammona - nvturi duhovniceti"; citate[27]="\S te lupi totdeauna cu credina c te afli naintea ochilor Lui Dumnezeu i c totdeauna l vezi.\ Avva Ammona - nvturi duhovniceti"; citate[28]="\Simplitatea si micsorarea noastra curata inima de pacat.\ - Avva Ammona nvturi duhovniceti"; citate[29]="\Singura cale de a ne apra este pomenirea nencetat a lui Dumnezeu.\ Simeon Noul Teolog"; citate[30]="\Fericit este mintea liber de orice form n timpul rugciunii.\ - Evagrie"; citate[31]="\Cci cel viclean, fiind minte netrupeasc, nu poate duce sufletele n ratacire dect prin nluciri i gnduri.\ Ioan-Climacos Scrarul"; citate[32]="\Din perspectiva religiei, singura distincie care conteaz nu este aceea ntre cei care cred i cei care nu cred, ci ntre cei care iubesc i cei care nu iubesc.\ Anthony de Mello - Rugciunea Broatei"; citate[33]="\Sngele nu-i al meu./ Mi-e team s zic mie i s zic eu.\ Tudor Arghezi - M uit"; citate[34]="\Emoiile au efect asupra sistemului nervos i funcioneaza prin acesta, iar respiraia ritmic linitete nervii mai bine dect orice droguri.\ Christmas Humphreys Concentrare i meditaie"; citate[35]="\Caut adevrul, fie c acesta i se pare plcut sau neplcut, nu extinde cu fora asupra altora nelegerea la care ai ajuns cu privire la adevr.\ Christmas Humphreys Concentrare i meditaie"; citate[36]="\Gsete limbi vorbitoare n copaci, cri n apele curgtoare, discusuri moralizatoare n stncile de piatr i binele n orice lucru.\ Shakespeare"; citate[37]="\i s cunoti bine c nceputul vieii celei curate a lui Dumnezeu, i venirea tuturor buntilor, este s cunoasc omul neputina sa.\ Gheron Iosif - Mrturii din viaa monahal"; citate[38]="\Dar Dumnezeu nu este cunoascut dect prin Duhul Sfnt, i cel ce n mndrie vrea s cunoasc pe Fctorul cu mintea sa, acela e orb i nebun.\ Siluan Athonitul - ntre iadul dezndejdii i iadul smereniei"; citate[39]="\Necredinciosului i dau sfat s zic: Doamne, dac exiti, lumineaz-m i-i voi sluji din toat inima i din tot sufletul.\ Siluan Athonitul - ntre iadul dezndejdii i iadul smereniei"; citate[40]="\Dar dac omul ncepe s murmure i spune: Aceasta n-ar trebui s fie aa... aceasta nu e bine, nu va avea niciodat pace n suflet.\ Siluan Athonitul - ntre iadul dezndejdii i iadul smereniei"; citate[41]="\Nu trebuie s ncerci s-i explici spectacolul ciumei, ci s ncerci s nvei din el ce se poate nva.\ Albert Camus - Ciuma"; citate[42]="\Las darul tu acolo, naintea altarului, i mergi nti i mpac-te cu fratele tu i apoi, venind, adu darul tu.\ Matei 5, 24"; citate[43]="\Nu v adunai comori pe pmnt, unde molia i rugina le stric i unde furii le sap i le fur. Ci adunai-v comori n cer[...]. Cci unde este comoara ta, acolo va fi i inima ta.\ Matei 6, 19-21";

citate[44]="\Deci, nu ducei grij, spunnd: Ce vom mnca, ori ce vom bea, ori cu ce ne vom mbrca?[...]Cutai mai nti mpria lui Dumnezeu i dreptatea Lui i toate acestea se vor aduga vou.\ Matei 6 31-33"; citate[45]="\Cerei i vi se va da; cutai i vei afla; batei i vi se va deschide.\ Matei 7, 7"; citate[46]="\Plcerea deriv dintr-un aspect exterior, bucuria vine din interior.\ Eckart Tolle - Puterea prezentului"; citate[47]="\Venii la Mine toi cei ostenii i mpovrai i Eu v voi odihni pe voi. [...] Cci jugul Meu e bun i povara Mea este uoar.\ Matei 11, 28-30"; citate[48]="\Atunci cnd v identificai cu o poziie mental i greii, sentimentul de identitate bazat pe gndire este serios ameninat cu moartea.\ Eckart Tolle - Puterea prezentului"; citate[49]="\Pentru ce ii va folosi omului daca va castiga lumea intreaga, iar sufletul sau il va pierde? Sau ce va da omul n schimb pentru sufletul su?\ Matei 16, 26"; citate[50]="\Credinciosul sufit este fiul timpului prezent.\ Proverb sufit"; citate[51]="\Numai un prost ar ezita s renune la tot ceea ce are de dragul Adevrului.\ Anthony de Mello"; citate[52]="\C Tu ai zidit rrunchii mei, Doamne, Tu m-ai alctuit n pntecele maicii mele. Te voi luda, c sunt o fptur aa de minunat.\ Psalmul 139, 13-14"; citate[53]="\Ce valoare are compasiunea ta profund, dac nu te implici?\ - Antoine de Saint-Exupery"; citate[54]="\Stresul este provocat de faptul c v aflai aici, dar dorii s fii acolo sau de faptul c v aflai n prezent, dar cautai s traii n viitor.\ Eckart Tolle - Puterea prezentului"; citate[55]="\Nu judecai i nu vei fi judecai; nu osndii i nu vei fi osndii; iertai i vei fi iertai.\ Luca 6, 37"; citate[56]="\Omul religios poate tri doar ntr-o lume sacr, doar o asemenea lume exist cu adevrat. Aceast necesitate religioas oglindete o sete ontologic nepotolit.\ Mircea Eliade - Sacrul i profanul"; citate[57]="\Cci, iat, mpria lui Dumnezeu este nuntrul vostru.\ Luca 17, 21"; citate[58]="\Cci n-a trimis Dumnezeu pe Fiul Su n lume ca s judece lumea, ci ca s se mntuiasc, prin El, lumea.\ Ioan 3, 17"; citate[59]="\Vntul sufl unde voiete i tu auzi glasul lui, dar nu tii de unde vine, nici ncotro se duce. Astfel este cu oricine e nscut din Duhul.\ Ioan 3, 8"; citate[60]="\Duh este Dumnezeu i cei ce I se nchin trebuie s i se nchine n duh i n adevr.\ Ioan 4, 24"; citate[61]="\Deci iari le-a vorbit Iisus zicnd: Eu sunt Lumina lumii; cel ce mi urmeaz Mie nu va umbla n ntuneric, ci va avea lumina vieii.\ Ioan 8, 12"; citate[62]="\Vad arborii nemiscati: mediteaza si ei.\ Vasile Andru - ntlniri cu maetri i vizionari"; citate[63]="\Deci dac Eu, Domnul i nvtorul, v-am splat vou picioarele, i voi suntei datori s ca s splai picioarele unii altora.\ Ioan 13, 14"; citate[64]="\Atta timp ct vor exista abatoare vor exista i rzboaie.\ Lev Tolstoi"; citate[65]="\Sa se osteneasca lucrand cu mainile sale, lucrul cel bun, ca sa aiba sa dea celui ce are nevoie.\ Efeseni 4, 28"; citate[66]="\Chipul este un sentiment solidificat pentru a fi vazut. Personalitatea este un sistem coerent de masti: straturi peste esenta, ascunzand-o sau reveland-o.\ Vasile Andru Terapia destinului"; citate[67]="\Non-violena conduce la cea mai nalt moralitate, care reprezint inta evoluiei. Pn nu ne oprim din rnirea tuturor fiinelor vii, suntem nc slbatici.\ Thomas Alva Edison";

citate[68]="\De ce ofranda este purificatoare? Pentru c arznd (druind) obiectele n care ego-ul este simbolizat, vei arde i egou-ul.\ Vasile Andru - Terapia destinului"; citate[69]="\Iubirea erotic este iubire de sine. Iubirea mistic sau beatitudinea este dincolo de sine: iubire fa de toat creaiunea. Iubirea de sine are obiect. Tot ce are obiect este iubire de sine.\ Vasile Andru - Terapia destinului"; citate[70]="\Omul nu-i neglijeaz doar semenul, ci i pe sine. Exist un conflict cu sine i unul cu spaiul i unul cu semenul. Slujirea, munca fr sil, munca fr bombneal, dizolv acest conflict triplu.\ Vasile Andru - Terapia destinului"; citate[71]="\Nu exist dumani, ci numai nevroze.\ Vasile Andru - Terapia destinului"; citate[72]="\Nu v mpovrai cu nici o grij. Ci ntru toate, prin nchinciune i prin rug cu mulumire, cererile voastre s fie artate lui Dumnezeu.\ Filipeni 4, 6"; citate[73]="\- Cum as putea cunoaste Realitatea fara cunoastere? - La fel cum cunosti muzica.\ Anthony de Mello - Absurditi la minut"; citate[74]="\Pentru c tot ce este n lume, adica pofta trupului si pofta ochilor si trufia vieii, nu sunt de la Tatal, ci sunt din lume.17 i lumea trece i pofta ei, dar cel ce face voia lui Dumnezeu ramne n veac.\ 1 Ioan 2, 16-17"; citate[75]="\Iar cine are bogaia lumii acesteia i se uita la fratele sau care este n nevoie i i nchide inima faa de el, cum rmne n acela dragostea lui Dumnezeu?18 Fiii mei, s nu iubim cu vorba, numai din gur, ci cu fapta i cu adevarul.\ 1 Ioan 3, 17-18\"; citate[76]="\Gasim idolatrie [] si de fiecare data cand omul acorda unei fiinte o finalitate, o valoare si un sens in sine, in loc ca acestea sa-i fie recunoscute ca venind de la Duemnezeu.\ Jean Claude Larchet - Terapeutica bolilor spirituale";

English citate=new Array; citate[1]=" \"To those who say to me that in my pictures there are no people, I answer: there are always two, the photographer and the viewer. \" Ansel Adams "; citate[2]=" \"Ninty percent of the art of living is to be in peace with the people you cant stand. \" Samuel Goldwin"; citate[3]="\"Know yourself and you shall know the Universe and the gods. \" Temple of Delphi"; citate[4]=" \"I dont fool myself in thinkin that I truly know something, no I dont fool myself that I could teach others or guide them. \" Wolfgang v. Goethe Faust "; citate[5]=" \"Mefistofel: That is the law of the spirits, the demons: they must go out through the same way they got in. \" Wolfgang v. Goethe - Faust "; citate[6]=" \"Dont make the body the grave of the soul\" Pitaghoras Moral and political laws"; citate[7]=" \"Choose vegetables instead of the meat and blood of beasts: they are the food of the wise and of the heroes.\" Homer "; citate[8]=" \"And I recognised God in all beings, and plants, and in the grass of the fields; I saw who He was, and how he was, and what was his Will. \" Jakob Boehme"; citate[9]=" \"The bad word comes back to the one who said it. \" B.P. Hadeu"; citate[10]="\You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.\ John 8, 32"; citate[11]="\We shouldnt try to heal the body without healing the sould.\ Socrates"; citate[12]="\Love of dreams brings so much pain in the dreams of love.\ Eliphas Levi The Great Arcan";

citate[13]="\Man can anything he wants when all he wants is just.\ Eliphas Levi The Great Arcan"; citate[14]="\Conquer by gifts the one who never gives, defeat by faith the unfaithful one, battle with kidness with the angry one and with goodnes the evil one.\ Mahabharata, III, 13253"; citate[15]="\By saints name/Listen to the houl/Of the earths dog/Under the stone cross.\ Mihai Eminescu Strigoii II (The ghosts II)"; citate[16]="\Lasiness is nothing else than being used to rest before getting tired.\ Jules Renard"; citate[17]="\What people truly want is not knowledge, but certainty.\ Bertrand Russell"; citate[18]="\We are inclined rather towards becoming the toy of our own desies rather then their master; most of our acts are only reflexes.\ Papus - Kabbala"; citate[19]="\Assumptions affect observation. To what use are your eyes if your mind is blind?\ Anthony de Mello Frogs Prayer"; citate[20]="\If we werent so full of evil then we wouldnt find so much pleasure in observing it in others.\ Rocherfoucauld"; citate[21]="\If an outside object bothers you, its not it, but your judgment on it is disturbing you. Its up to you to get rid of that judgment from your heart.\ Marcus Aurelius"; citate[22]="\I have provided all kinds of fruit and grain for you to eat.\ Genesis 1, 29"; citate[23]="\In essence, to hear his voice you have to silence your own thoughts.\ Vasile Andru Isichasm or the craft of silence"; citate[24]="\You see yourself as virtous? You are filthy, because you think you love virtue. [...] All that is good is from the kidness of God and goodness is never from us.\ Teoclit Dionisiatul"; citate[25]="\The food quantity: eat as much as, after the meal, to find yourself in the mood for prayer.\ Vasile Andru Isichasm or the craft of silence"; citate[26]="\As for your thought and mind, always be concentrated so the devils wont find the chance to seed filthy thoughts in your heart.\ Avva Ammona Spiritual teachings "; citate[27]="\Always live with the belief you are in front of Gods eyes.\ Avva Ammona Spiritual teachings "; citate[28]="\Living simple and humble will clean your heart of sins.\ Avva Ammona Spiritual teachings "; citate[29]="\The only way to defend yourself is to never-endingly remind yourself of God.\ Simeon Noul Teolog "; citate[30]="\Peaceful is the mind free of thoughts in prayers.\ Evagrie"; citate[31]="\The evil one, being mind without body, can take the souls to damnation only by thoughts and fantasies.\ Ioan-Climacos Scrarul "; citate[32]="\From a religious perspective, the only distinction that truly matters is not between the ones who believe and the ones who dont but between the ones who love and the ones who dont.\ Anthony de Mello Frogs Prayer"; citate[33]="\The blood is not mine./Im afraid to say mine and Im afraid to say me.\ Tudor Arghezi M uit (I forget myself)"; citate[34]="\Emotions have effect on the nervous system and function through it. Rithmical breathing calms the nerves better than any drugs.\ Christmas Humphreys Concentration and meditation "; citate[35]="\Search for the truth, no matter if you find it pleasent or not; dont extend on others agressively the knowledge you found about the truth.\ Christmas Humphreys Concentration and Meditation "; citate[36]="\Find words in trees, books in waters, moralising speech in stone rocks and goodness in everything.\ Shakespeare";

citate[37]="\And know good that the beggining of pure living of God, and the start of all good, is for man to know his weakness.\ Gheron Iosif Monahal life testimony "; citate[38]="\But God is know only through the Holy Spirit, and the one who in pride wants to know Him with his mind, he is blind and mad.\ Siluan from Athos Between desperation and humbleness "; citate[39]="\To the unbeliver I give advice to say: God, if you exist, shine your Light on me and I will work for you with all my being.\ Siluan from Athos Between desperation and humbleness "; citate[40]="\But if man starts to grumble and say: That shouldnt be that way... That is not good... He will never find peace.\ Siluan from Athos Between desperation and humbleness"; citate[41]="\You shouldnt try to explain the theatre of the plague, but to try to learn as much as you can from it.\ Albert Camus The plague "; citate[42]="\ leave your gift there in front of the altar. Make peace with that person, then come back and offer your gift to God.\ Matthew 5, 24"; citate[43]="\ Don't store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, store up your treasures in heaven [...]. Your heart will always be where your treasure is.\ Matthew 6, 19-21"; citate[44]="\ Don't worry and ask yourselves, Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink?[...] Put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.\ Matthew 6, 31-33"; citate[45]="\ Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.\ Matthew 7, 7"; citate[46]="\Pleasure comes from the exterior, joy comes from the interior.\ Eckart Tolle The power of now"; citate[47]="\ If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest.[...] This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.\ Matthew 11, 28-30"; citate[48]="\When you identify with a mental state and you make a mistake, the identity based on your mind is seriously threathened with death.\ Eckart Tolle The power of now "; citate[49]="\ What will you gain, if you own the whole world but destroy yourself? What would you give to get back your soul?\ Matthew 16, 26"; citate[50]="\The sufi believer is the son of now.\ Sufi word "; citate[51]="\Only a fool would hesitate to give up on everything he owns on exchange for the Truth.\ Anthony de Mello "; citate[52]="\ You are the one who put me together inside my mother's body, and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me.\ Psalm 139, 13-14"; citate[53]="\Of what value is your deep compasion, if you dont get involved?\ Antoine de Saint-Exupery "; citate[54]="\Stress is provoked by the fact that you are here, but you want to be elsewhere, or by you being in the present, but wanting to live in the future.\ Eckart Tolle The power of now "; citate[55]="\ Don't judge others, and God won't judge you. Don't be hard on others, and God won't be hard on you. Forgive others, and God will forgive you.\ Luke 6, 37"; citate[56]="\ The religious man can only live in a sacred world, only that world really exists. This religious neccessity mirrors a never-ending onthological thirst.\ Mircea Eliade The sacred and the profane "; citate[57]="\ There is no use saying, Look! Here it is or Look! There it is. God's kingdom is here with you.\ Luke 17, 21";

citate[58]="\ God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent him to save them!\ John 3, 17"; citate[59]="\ Only God's Spirit gives new life. The Spirit is like the wind that blows wherever it wants to. You can hear the wind, but you don't know where it comes from or where it is going.\ John 3, 8"; citate[60]="\ God is Spirit, and those who worship God must be led by the Spirit to worship him according to the truth.\ John 4, 24"; citate[61]="\ Once again Jesus spoke to the people. This time he said, "I am the light for the world! Follow me, and you won't be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life.\ John 8, 12"; citate[62]="\I see the trees standing still: they are meditating as well.\ Vasile Andru Meetings with masters and visionares "; citate[63]="\ And if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you should do the same for each other.\ John 13, 14"; citate[64]="\As long as there will be slaughter houses there will be wars.\ Lev Tolstoi "; citate[65]="\ If you are a thief, quit stealing. Be honest and work hard, so you will have something to give to people in need.\ Ephesians 4, 28"; citate[66]="\The face is a hardened feeling for being seen. The personality is a linked set of masks: layers upon the essence, hiding or revealing it.\ Vasile Andru The therapy of the destiny "; citate[67]="\Non-violence leads to the highest morality, that represents the target of evolution. Untill we wont stop from hurting all living beings, we are still savages.\ Thomas Alva Edison "; citate[68]="\Why is the offering puriffing? Because burning (giving) objects in which the ego is simbolised, you will burn the ego.\ Vasile Andru The therapy of the destiny "; citate[69]="\Erotic love is love for yourself. Mistical love or beatitude is beyond self: love for all creation. Love for self has an object. Everything that has an object is love for self.\ Vasile Andru The therapy of the destiny "; citate[70]="\Man not only neglects his fellow man, but also himself. There is a conflict with himself and with space and with his fellow. Work, work without disgust, work without grumbling disolves this triple conflict.\ Vasile Andru The therapy of the destiny "; citate[71]="\There are no enemies, only nevrosis.\ Vasile Andru The therapy of the destiny "; citate[72]="\Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God.\ Philippians 4, 6"; citate[73]="\- How can I know Reality without knowledge? In the same way you know music.\ Anthony de Mello One minute absurdity "; citate[74]="\Our foolish pride comes from this world, and so do our selfish desires[...]. None of this comes from the Father. The world and the desires[...] are disappearing. But if we obey God, we will live forever.\ 1 John 2, 16-17"; citate[75]="\If we have all we need and see one of our own people in need, we must have pity on that person[...]. Children, you show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it.\ 1 John 3, 17-18"; citate[76]="\We find idols [...] every time man gives any being a meaning, a value and a purpose in itself, instead of this being recognised as coming from God.\ Jean Claude Larchet The theraphy of spiritual illness.";

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