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EUROPEA Pocket Guide

Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union.

Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11

(*)Certain mobile telephone operators either do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or they bill these calls.

Bacu 2008



Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

INTRODUCERE....................................................................................................2 Ce este Uniunea European?.............................................................................3 Simbolurile Uniunii Europene............................................................................5 Istoric al Reelei Europe Direct......................................................................9 Ce este un Centru Europe Direct?..................................................................11 Portofoliul European al Limbilor.....................................................................13 EPSO - Oficiul European pentru Selecia Personalului..........................................................................................................17 Link-uri utile........................................................................................................19 EURES - Portalul mobilitii europene pentru ocuparea forei de munc.....................................................................................................................21 Stagii de practic..............................................................................................23

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................2 What is the European Union?...........................................................................4 Symbols of the European Union.......................................................................6 Hystory of Europe Direct Network...............................................................10 What is the Europe Direct Contact Centre?..............................................12 European Language Portfolio...........................................................................14 EPSO-European Pesonnel Selection Office.................................................18 Useful links.........................................................................................................20 EURES - The Europen Job Mobility Portal.................................................22 Traineeships at European Institutions........................................................24

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

EUROPA N BUZUNAR, a fost creat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT Bacu pentru a oferi cetenilor judeului Bacu informaii eseniale privind Uniunea European: ce este Uniunea European i cum a fost creat; care sunt principalele instituii europene (Parlamentul European, Consiliul Uniunii Europene, Comisia European); Simbolurile Uniunii Europene (steagul, steaua, imnul); istoria reelei Europe Direct i ce este un Centru de Contact Europe Direct; ce este PEL, EPSO i EURES ;stagii de practic la instituii europene i link-uri, website-uri, contacte i telefoane utile.

EUROPE - A pocket guide is designed by Europe Direct Bacu Relay in order to give the citizens of the county of Bacu some essential information about the European Union:what is the European Union and how it was build up; the major European institutions (the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission); the symbols of the EU (the flag, the star, the anthem); the history of Europe Direct Network and what a Europe Direct Contact Centre is; what PEL, EPSO and EURES are; traineeships at European institutions and useful links, websites, contacts and phones.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

CE ESTE UNIUNEA EUROPEAN? Un parteneriat economic i politic unic, ntre 27 state democratice europene. CUM S-A FORMAT? MBRIND UN CONTINENT. State-membre i anul aderrii: 1952: Belgia, Frana, Germania, Italia, Luxemburg, Olanda 1973: Danemarca, Irlanda, Marea Britanie 1981: Grecia 1986: Portugalia, Spania 1995: Austria, Finlanda, Suedia 2004: Cipru, Republica Ceh, Estonia, Ungaria, Letonia,Lituania, Malta, Polonia,Slovacia,Slovenia 2007: Romnia, Bulgaria

CARE SUNT SCOPURILE SALE? Pace, prosperitate i libertate pentru cei 495 de milioane de ceteni ai si, ntr- o lume mai dreapt i mai sigur.

CUM FUNCIONEAZ? PRINCIPALELE INSTITUII ALE UE Funcionarea UE este fundamentat de triunghiul decizional, un sistem politic al poporului. Principalele instituii sunt: 1. Parlamentul European este ales prin vot, la fiecare cinci ani i reprezint cetenii Uniunii. Parlamentul ales n iunie 2004, prezint 785 de membri, din toate cele 27 de state-membre, dintre care aproape o treime sunt femei. Principala sarcin este procesul legislativ, responsabilitate mprit cu Consiliul Uniunii Europene.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

WHAT IS THE EUROPEAN UNION? A unique economic and political partnership between 27 democratic European countries. HOW WAS IT BUILT UP? BY EMBRACING A CONTINENT. EU Members and the year they joined: 1952 Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands 1973 Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain 1981 Greece 1986 Portugal, Spain 1995 Austria, Finland, Sweden 2004 Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia 2007 Bulgaria, Romania WHAT ARE ITS AIMS? Peace, prosperity and freedom for its 495 million citizens in a fairer, safer world. HOW DOES IT WORK? MAJOR EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS EU works through its decision triangle, a political system which has been evolving for the past 50 years. The major institutions are: 1. The European Parliament voice of the people The European Parliament is elected every five years by the people of Europe to represent their interest.The present parliament, elected in June 2004, has 785 members from all 27 EU countries, out of which nearly a third are women. Its main job is to pass European laws, sharing this responsabilty with the Council of the European Union. Members of the European Parliament do not sit in national blocks, but in seven Europe-wide political groups.
Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

Membrii Parlamentului nu sunt mprii n grupuri naionale, ci n apte grupuri politice europene. Tot Parlamentul alege Ombudsmanul European, responsabil cu investigarea plngerilor din partea cetenilor cu privire la proasta administrare a instituiilor europene. 2. Consiliul Uniunii Europene: vocea statelor membre Cunoscut drept Consiliul Minitrilor, CUE mparte cu Parlamentul European responsabilitatea procesului legislativ i a deciziilor politice. Are, de asemenea, principala responsabilitate pentru aciunile UE n domeniul PESC (Politica Extern i de Securitate Comun). 3. Comisia European : promovarea interesului comun Comisia European realizeaz propuneri legislative, prezentate Parlamentului European i Consiliului. Se ocup de implementarea politicilor Uniunii Europene i de acordarea finanrilor structurale. Comisia se ocup de verificarea respectrii tratatelor europene i a legilor europene.

SIMBOLURILE UNIUNII EUROPENE Steagul Uniunii Europene Cu cele dousprezece stele, aezate n cerc, pe un fond albastru, steagul Uniunii Europene reprezint unitatea i identitatea popoarelor Europei. El a fost folosit, pentru ntia oar, n anul 1955 de Consiliul Europei, organizaie internaional care i propunea s apere drepturile omului i valorile culturale europene. Statele membre UE l-au adoptat ca steag al Comunitilor Europene n anul 1985 i, ncepnd cu 1986, el este utilizat de ctre toate instituiile Uniunii Europene. Albastrul este cea mai adnc dintre culori, fiind alctuit din transparen, este un vid acumulat al aerului, al apei, al cristalului. Cercul este semnul perfeciunii, al unitii principiale, al solidaritii.
Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

It is also the European Parliament which elects the European Ombudsman which investigates the citizens' complaints about maladministration by the EU institutions. 2 The Council of the European Union: voice of the member states: Formerly known as the Council of Ministers, it shares with the Parliament the responsibility for passing laws and taking policy decisions. It also bears the main responsibility for what the EU does in the field of the common foreign and security policy . 3. The European Commission: promoting the common interest The European Commission drafts proposals for new European laws, which it presents to the European Parliament and the Council. It manages the day-to-day business of implementing EU policies and spending EU funds. The Commission also keeps an eye out to see that everyone abides by the European treaties and laws.

SYMBOLS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION The flag of the European Union -With its twelve stars, displayed under a circle, against a blue background, the flag of the European Union represents the unity and the identity of the European citizens. In 1955,it was the symbol the Council of Europe, an international organization which proposed to defend human rights and European cultural values. EU member states adopted it as flag of European Communities in 1985 and, since 1986, it has become the symbol of all European Institutions. Blue represents the deepest of all colors, standing for air, water and crystal ,while the circle signifies perfection, solidarity and the initial unity.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

Steaua este simbolul omului regenerat, iar doisprezece este numrul unei mpliniri, dar i al unei renateri. Imnul Uniunii Europene. n anul 1972 Consiliul Europei a hotrt ca ultima parte a Simfoniei a IX-a, compus de Ludwig van Beethoven, cunoscut sub numele de Oda Bucuriei, s devin imnul su. Din 1985 Oda Bucuriei a devenit imnul Uniunii Europene, considerndu-se c aceasta exprim, cel mai adecvat, sperana, dar i aspiraia spre valorile comune, unitatea n diversitate i idealurile de libertate, pace i solidaritate care stau la baza Uniunii Europene.

Unit n diversitate - deviza Uniunii Europene. Aceast deviz a fost menionat oficial n Tratatul de instituire a unei Constituii pentru Europa, n sensul c numeroasele culturi, tradiii i limbi diferite care coexist n Europa reprezint un atu pentru continentul nostru. Considerm c este necesar distincia dintre unitate i divizare, pe de o parte i diversitate i omogenitate, pe de alt parte. Unitatea i diversitatea sunt purttoare de sens pozitiv, iar divizarea i omogenitatea dobndesc conotaii negative. Unitatea este simbolul esenei comune.Diversitatea reprezint doar forme de manifestare ale esenei. Dincolo de identitatea naional, identitatea European este mai cuprinztoare i i propune s exprime mai complet Sinele unei colectiviti.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

The star symbolizes the regenerated man, and twelve is the number of an accomplishment, and also of a rebirth. The European Anthem In 1972, the Council of the European Union decided that Ode to Joy , by Ludwig van Beethoven become its anthem. Since 1985, Ode to Joy has become the anthem of the European Union, as it was considered to reflect, most adequately, hope , but also aspiration towards common values, unity in diversity and the ideals of freedom, peace and solidarity which are the core of the EU. United in diversity This motto has been officialy mentioned in The European Constitutional Treaty, in the sense that numerous cultures, traditions and different languages coexisting inside Europe represent a strong point for our continent. We consider it necessary to distinguish between unity and division, on the one hand, and diversity and homogeneity, on the other hand. Unity and division bear a positive connotation, and diversity and homogeneity acquire a negative connotation. Unity is the symbol of common essence. Diversity represents only forms of essence manifestation. Beyond the national identity, the European identity is broader and wants to express, in a comprehensive manner, the Self of one collectivity.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.

Istoric al Reelei EUROPE DIRECT 1996: Comisia European deschide un serviciu de e-mail pentru a rspunde cererilor de informaie cu privire la activitatea sa. O mic echip de operatori, din interiorul Comisiei, se ocup de aceste cereri i ofer sfaturi asupra metodelor de a gsi informaiile cerute. Tot n anul 1996, ca parte a iniiativei Ceteanul este primul iniiativ de a promova drepturile cetenilor n interiorul Pieei Unice, este lansat un prim centru pentru a trimite ndrumri i fie practice apelanilor. 1998: La ntlnirea Consiliului European de la Cardiff se lanseaz apelul pentru crearea unui centru permanent sub denumirea de EUROPE DIRECT, pentru a oferi o interfa prietenoas i accesibil accesului direct la informaii i sfaturi cu privire la Uniunea European. 2000: Ca urmare a unui apel pentru candidai, lansat n anul 1999, serviciul EUROPE DIRECT devine operaional n Mai 2000, prezentnd numere diferite de apel gratuit pentru fiecare stat-membru. 2002: n acest an numerele diferite din fiecare stat sunt nlocuite cu un singur numar cu apelare gratuit, accesibil n toate reelele fixe i mobile din aproapre toate statelemembre: 00 800 67891011. 2004: Serviciul devine operaional n cele 25 de state-membre i este disponibil accesul n toate cele 20 de limbi oficiale ale Uniunii Europene. 2005: Realiznd o comparaie cu anul 2003, serviciul i dubleaz numrul de ceteni ale cror cereri le rspunde i atinge cifra de 100.000 de utilizatori n noiembrie 2005. 2007: Serviciul este extins la nc dou state-membre noi, Bulgaria i Romnia, i devine operaional n alte 3 limbi oficiale: bulgar, irlandez i romn.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


History of EUROPE DIRECT Network

1996:The Commission opens an e-mail service to answer information requests concerning its activities. A small team of operators inside the Commission handles these requests and provides advice on how to find the required information. Also in 1996, as part of the 'Citizens First' initiative promoting citizens' rights inside the Internal Market, a first call centre is launched to send guides and fact sheets to the enquirers. 1998: The European Council meeting in Cardiff calls for the creation of a permanent Call Centre under the name of EUROPE DIRECT in order to give a user-friendly direct access to information and advice about the Union. 2000: Following an open call for tenders in 1999, the EUROPE DIRECT service starts operating in May 2000 with different free-phone numbers for each member state. 2002: The various free-phone numbers are replaced by a single free-phone number accessible from all fixed telephones in every member-state and from mobile phones in most countries: 00 800 67891011. 2004: The service becomes accessible from 25 member-states and operational in 20 official languages. 2005: Comparing to 2003, the service doubles the number of citizens whose questions it answers and reaches 100 000 users in November 2005. 2007: The service is extended to two new member-states, Bulgaria and Romania, and becomes operational in 3 additional official languages: Bulgarian, Irish and Romanian.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


Ce este un Centru EUROPE DIRECT? Un centru EUROPE DIRECT este un serviciu care v ajut s gsii rspunsuri la ntrebri despre Uniunea European. Ofer informaii generale cu privire la o arie larg de subiecte legate de UE, inclusiv cu privire la drepturile i oportunitile ca cetean european i cum putei s facei uz de ele. Poate oferi rspunsuri directe la ntrebri generale, iar n cazul unor ntrebri specifice, suntei ndrumat la cea mai bun surs la nivel de UE, naional, regional i local, de informaii i sfaturi. Cum s luai legtura cu un centru EUROPE DIRECT? Avei de ales nte urmtoarele canale: a) Un numr cu apelare gratuit din toate cele 27 state-membre:

00 800 67891011.
Anumite restricii pot fi aplicate apelurilor din reele mobile i/sau hoteluri. Un numr cu apelare normal de oriunde din lume:

(se aplic tarifele normale locale) V va rspunde un operator n limba englez, dar putei cere s vi se fac legtura ctre un operator care vorbete n limba statului al crui cetean suntei. b) Un serviciu de rspuns direct prin e-mail c) Un serviciu de asisten interactiv virtual

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


What is the EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre? The EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre is a service which helps you find answers to your questions about the European Union. It offers information on all sorts of subjects related to the EU including your rights and opportunities as a EU citizen and how to take advantage of them. It can provide direct responses to general enquiries and, if you have more detailed questions, it will signpost you to the best source of information and advice at EU, national, regional and local levels. How to get in touch with the EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre? You can choose the following communication channels: A toll-free number from anywhere in the 27 member-states.

00 800 67891011
Certain restrictions may apply for calls from mobile phones and/or hotels. A normal telephone number from anywhere in the world:

(standard local telephone charges apply) You will reach an English speaking operator but you may request to be put through to an operator speaking one of the EU's other official languages. A direct response service via e-mail. An interactive, real-time Web-Assistance service for visitors of the EUROPA web site, allowing you to enter into a one-to-one navigation session with an operator and get an immediate reply to your question.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


PORTOFOLIUL EUROPEAN AL LIMBILOR (PEL) Obiectivele principale ale PORTOFOLIULUI EUROPEAN AL LIMBILOR se axeaz, pe de o parte, pe stimularea i ncurajarea iniiativelor de a nva limbi strine, iar, pe de alt parte, pe contientizarea existenei altor culturi. PEL nu presupune parcurgerea unor teste de limb, ci, mai degrab, pe abilitatea ceteanului european de a se autoevalua. Precum buletinul de identitate sau paaportul, PEL devine proprietatea ceteanului european, conferindu-i identitate cultural n unitatea n diversitate, promovat de Uniunea European i, n acelai timp, strnindu-i ambiia de a descoperi mai multe lucruri despre o anume limb. PEL cuprinde trei pri: PAAPORTUL LINGVISTIC include cunotinele i competenele dumneavoastr referitoare la diferite limbi. Se vor meniona att certificatele, diplomele obinute, ct i autoevaluarea propriilor cunotine. BIOGRAFIA LINGVISTIC reprezint un document al procesului de nvare a limbilor. Se vor meniona contextele n care ai nvat limba respectiv, motivele alegerilor dumneavoastr i mijloacele utilizate pentru nsuirea unei limbi strine. Biografia lingvistic se axeaz pe patru puncte principale. Obiectivele ceteanului n procesul de nvare a limbilor stabilete o ierarhie a acestora n procesul de nvare, de exemplu, nvarea unei limbi strine pentru un anume scop: pentru serviciu, pentru cltorii sau pentru studiu; o ierarhizare a importanei celor patru competene lingvistice: a vorbi/ a nelege, a scrie, a asculta sau
Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTOFOLIO The main aims of the EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTOFOLIO are to stimulate and support the learning of languages and to engage people of different ages into interactions with other cultures. The ELP is not based on language or culture tests, but rather on the European citizen's ability of his/ her objective self-assessment. Like your ID or passport, the ELP becomes your property, giving you cultural identity within the unity into diversity promoted by the EU and stirring your ambition to learn and find out more about a particular language. The ELP is made up of three parts: THE LANGUAGE PASSPORT focuses on your experience in and ability with different languages. You should mention formal qualifications, diplomas, and self-assessments. THE LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHY is your language learning history with updated records of the contexts you learned a language, the reasons of your choice and the means used in the learning process. The Language Biography includes four main points: My language learning aims sets a sort of hierarchy of your main objectives in the learning process (e.g. learning a foreign language for your job, for travelling, or for study; to range the four skills: speaking/ understanding, writing, listening, or reading).

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


Experiena lingvistic ofer o cronologie a tuturor experienelor ceteanului de nvare a limbilor, de exemplu folosirea unei limbi strine la locul de munc. Cele mai semnificative experienele lingvistice i interculturaleale ale ceteanului european includ diferene ntre stiluri de via i comportament; situaii jenante, amuzante sau confuze; opinii despre propria cultur sau o alt cultur; transformri personale ca efect al experienelor interculturale. Prioritile lingvistice actuale ale ceteanului european. Se va trasa o scal a nivelurilor, de la cel mai sczut (A1) pn la cel mai nalt (C2). Toate aceste niveluri se centreaz pe cele patru aptitudini/ abiliti (a asculta, a citi, a scrie i a vorbi) testate n orice examen pentru o limb strin. DOSARUL va cuprinde extrase din lucrrile personale i certificate care s ateste deprinderile, experienele i realizrile lingvistice. Acest proiect a fost realizat n colaborare cu EAQUALS (The European Association for Quality Language Services) i ALTE (The Association of Language Testers in Europe). Mai multe detalii putei afla pe site-ul:

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


My language learning history provides a chronological overview of all your language learning experiences (e.g. using foreign languages at work). My most significant linguistic and intercultural experiences focuses on striking differences in lifestyle and behaviour, embarrassing, funny or confusing situations, insights gained into your own culture or the other culture, the personal changes undergone after these intercultural experiences. My current language learning priorities. There is a scale of levels that should be filled in, ranging from the lowest (A1) to the highest one (C2). All these levels include the four main skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) tested in all language exams. THE DOSSIER consists of pieces of work and certificates that constitute the proof of your language skills, experiences, and achievements. This ELP project has been drawn out in collaboration with EAQUALS (The European Association for Quality Language Services) and ALTE (The Association of Language Testers in Europe). Further details could be found at:

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.



Oficiul European pentru Selecia Personalului a fost nfiinat n 26 iulie 2002. Misiunea sa este de a organiza recrutri de personal pentru toate instituiile Uniunii Europene, respectiv Parlamentul European, Consiliul Minitrilor, Comisia European, Curtea de Justiie, Comitetul Economic i Social, Comitetul Regiunilor i Ombdusmanul European. Aceast instituie a devenit operaional n data de 1 ianuarie 2003. Scopul su este de a oferi publicului avizat cu informaie viabil privind posturile disponibile n cadrul instituiilor europene i de a utiliza ct mai bine tehnologiile informaionale astfel nct managementul procedurilor de selecie s fie mbuntit. Este important a se reine urmtorul aspect: oricare alt site, comercial sau de alt natur, care ofer informaii privind procedurile de selecie EPSO, realizeaz acest lucru fr aprobarea EPSO. Informaiile oferite numai pe site-ul EPSO sunt cele reale, EPSO negnd orice responsabilitate privind coninutul acestor site-uri. Locurile de munc se adreseaz persoanelor (femei i brbai) care sunt ceteni ai unui stat membru al UE. Funcionarii permaneni sunt selectai, n principal, prin concurs deschis. Concursurile deschise planificate sunt indicate ntr-un calendar provizoriu. Anunurile de concursuri sunt comunicate prin acest site i sunt publicate n Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene. n Jurnalul Oficial sunt prezentate condiiile i cerinele specifice pentru concursul respectiv i se menioneaz, de asemenea, numrul de posturi disponibile i informaii cu privire la concurs. Website-ul este Interfaa este disponbil numai n limba englez, limba francez i limba german. Site-ul prezint organizarea surselor de informaie n seciunea Sitemap, punct de pornire pe care l recomandm tuturor celor interesai. Posibilitile de contactare a acestei instituii, sunt: Telefon : +32 (0); Fax: +32 (0) Prin coresponden: Epso Personnel Selection Office, Info-recruitment, Office C80 4/11, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.



The European Communities Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) was set up on 26 July 2002. Its mission is to organise open competitions to select highly qualified staff for recruitment to all institutions of the European Union, namely the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman. Its aim is to provide the public with free access to reliable information about recruitment to the EU institutions and to make best use of information technology to improve the management of selection procedures. This institution has become functional starting with 1 January 2003. It is important to remember the following aspect: any other site, commercial or of other character, which offers information regarding the selection procedures of EPSO, does so without the approval of EPSO. The information offered only on the webiste of EPSO are the correct and real ones. EPSO declines responsability for the contents of any web site other than the official EPSO web site. The positions are addressed to citizens (men and women) of a member-state of the EU. The permanent staff are selected by open competitions. The planned competitions are indicated in a provisional timetable. The announcements regarding the open competitions are posted on the website of EPSO and published in The Official Journal of the European Union. In the official Journal there are also presented the criteria and special requirements for the jobs, and they also mention the number of available positions and other relevant information for the competition. The website is The interface is only available in English, French and Dutch. We recommend first to start with the Sitemap, which points out the sources of information necessary in your study. Ways of contacting this institution: Phone: +32 (0); Fax: +32 (0) By postal address: Epso Personnel Selection Office, Info-recruitment, Office C80 4/11, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


Link-uri utile
EPSO website: Inforecrutare: Regulamentul personalului: Europa website: Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene: Birourile de informare ale Parlamentului European: Reprezentanele Comisiei: Experien de munc Parlamentul European: ge=ro Consiliul Minitrilor: Comisia European: Curtea European de Justiie: Comitetul Regiunilor: Comitetul Economic ?i Social: Ombudsmanul European: Biroul de legtur Bruxelles-Europa: Biroul Naional de Turism Luxemburg:

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


Useful links:
EPSO website: Inforecruitment: Personnel Regulations: Http:// Europa website: The Official Journal of the European Union: The Information Office of the European Parliament: The European Commission: Work Experience European Parliament: ge=ro The Council of Ministers: The European Commission: The European Court of Justice: The Committee of Regions: The Economic and Social Committee: The European Ombudsman: Brussels-Europe Link Office: The National Bureau of Tourism in Luxembourg:

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


oferi informaii, recomandri i servicii de recrutare/plasare (gsirea candidatului /locului de munc potrivit) n beneficiul lucrtorilor i angajatorilor, precum i al oricrui cetean care dorete s beneficieze de principiul liberei circulaii a persoanelor. EURES este mult mai mult dect un portal pentru mobilitatea forei de munc, el dispunnd de o reea uman format din peste 700 de consilieri EURES care se afl n contact zilnic cu solicitanii de locuri de munc i angajatorii din ntreaga Europ. n regiunile transfrontaliere europene, EURES joac un rol important n furnizarea de informaii referitoare la toate tipurile de probleme legate de naveta peste frontier cu care se confrunt lucrtorii i angajatorii, precum i de asisten pentru soluionarea acestora. nfiinat n 1993, EURES este o reea de cooperare ntre Comisia European, serviciile publice de ocupare a forei de munc din statele membre ale SEE (rile UE plus Norvegia, Islanda i Liechtenstein) i alte organizaii partenere. Elveia particip, de asemenea, la reeaua EURES. Resursele reunite ale organizaiilor membre i partenere ale EURES ofer reelei o baz solid, astfel nct aceasta s poat oferi servicii de calitate nalt att pentru lucrtori, ct i pentru angajatori.

EURES pune la dispoziie o reea de consilieri care au rolul de a oferi solicitanilor de locuri de munc i angajatorilor informaiile de care au nevoie, prin contact personal. Exist peste 700 de consilieri EURES n Europa, iar numrul lor este n cretere. Consilierii EURES sunt specialiti instruii care ofer cele trei servicii EURES de baz: informare, orientare i plasament, att angajatorilor, ct i solicitanilor de locuri de munc interesai de piaa european a muncii. Consilierii sunt experi specializai n domenii care privesc aspecte practice, juridice i administrative legate de mobilitatea la nivel naional i transfrontalier.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


EURES THE EUROPEAN JOB MOBILITY PORTAL EURES' aim is to provide information, recommendations and recruiting /placement services (finding for the candidate the right work place) for the benefit of employers and employees, and also for the benefit of any citizen who wishes to take advantage from the principle of free movement of persons. EURES represents more than a European job mobility portal. It contains a human network formed of over 700 EURES advisors, who are in a daily contact with the applicants for jobs and employers from all Europe. Within transnational European regions, EURES plays a major role in providing information regarding all types of issues related to cross-border commuting, issues with which the employers and the employees have to deal with on a daily basis, and assistance for solving these issues. Created in 1993, EURES is a cooperation network between the European Commission, public work-placement services of SEE member-states (EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and other organizations. Switzerland is also a member of EURES network. The resources provided by member and partner organizations of EURES provide the network a solid basis, so it can offer high-quality services for the employees and employers as well. EURES ADVISORS
EURES provides a network of advisors, whose role is to offer the applicants the necessary information, under a personal contact relation. There are over 700 EURES advisors in Europe, and their number is growing. EURES advisors are trained specialists who offer the three basic services: informing, orientation and placement, for the employers and for the applicants interested in finding a job on the European job market. The advisors hold the required expertise regarding political, legal and administrative aspects related to national and cross-border mobility.

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


Stagii de practic la Instituiile Europene

Posibilitatea efecturii de stagii de practic la instituiile europene reprezint pentru tinerii absolveni, cu o vechime relativ n munc, o oportunitate ce nu trebuie ratat. Posibilitatea acumulrii de informaii utile, fie ele teoretice i/sau practice, prin munca efectiv alturi de personalul acreditat i posibilitatea de a lucra ntr-un mediu multicultural lrgete orizontul profesional i cultural al celor care efectueaza un stagiu de practica. Stagiile de practic organizate de instituiile europene, fie ele organisme consultative, administrative sau aparinnd sectorului O.N.G., sunt de dou tipuri: de lung durat - maxim 5 luni, de mic durat - minim 3 luni, pltite sau nu. Informaiile relevante pentru posibilii aplicani de regsesc pe urmtoarele site-uri:

Serviciu de informare pentru tineri

Comisia European

Parlamentul European e=RO

Comitetul Economic i Social European

Comitetul Regiunilor
Http:// a1ba-c996-4236-b480-bcb4a8c17277&sm=b3c0a1ba-c996-4236-b480bcb4a8c17277

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


Traineeships at European Institutions

The possibility of traineeships at European institutions represents, for young graduates, with a relative work experience, an opportunity which must not be lost. The chance of accumulating useful information, either theoretical or practical, by learning at the workplace from experienced staff, together with the opportunity of those accepted to work in a multicultural environment broadens the professional and cultural perspectives of those interested in such traineeships. The traineeships organised by the European institutions - consultative organisms, administrative or belonging to the NGO domain - are: long period maximum 5 months, short period - minimum 3 months, paid or not. All relevant information may be found on the following websites:

Information service for youth

European Commission

European Parliament e=RO

European Economic and Social Committee

The Committee of Regions

Http:// a1ba-c996-4236-b480-bcb4a8c17277&sm=b3c0a1ba-c996-4236-b480bcb4a8c17277

Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.



Aceast publicaie este realizat de Centrul EUROPE DIRECT BACU, proiect finanat de Comisia European, prin Reprezentana Comisiei Europene n Romnia.


Europe Direct este un serviciu care v ajut s aflai rspunsuri la ntrebri despre Uniunea European.

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Bacu 2008



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