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Present Continuous

(Prezentul Continuu)

 aratặ acţiuni care se petrec acum,în momentul în care vorbim,acţiuni

temporale sau acţiuni pe care noi ni le propunem sặ le realizam în viitor.
 Se alc. din: to be(am,is,are)+verb+ing

1.form aff. 2.form neg. 3.form int.
I am drinking I am not drinking Am I drinking?
You are drinking You are not drinking Are you drinking ?
He is drinking He is not drinking Is he drinking?
We are drinking We are not drinking You are drinking?
You are drinking You are not drinking Are you drinking?
They are drinking They are not drinking Are they drinking?

 Verbul To Be nu se traduce la P.C . La P.C trebuie sặ traducem verbul care

se terminặ în ing.
 Anumite verbe se modificặ la sfậrsit cậnd adặugặm ing :

1. Litera e se eliminặ: close+ing closing

( a închide)
2. Grupul ee nu se eliminặ niciodatặ: see+ing seeing
( a vedea)
3. Litera y nu se eliminặ niciodatặ: fly+ing flying
(a zbura)
4. Grupul ie se transformặ în y : die+ing dying
(a muri)
5. Ultima consoanặ se dubleaza dacặ verbul este format dintr-o singurặ silabặ
și dacặ în faţa consoanei se aflặ o singurặ vocalặ :stop+ing stopping
sit+ing sitting
( a sta)
cut+ing cutting
swim+ing swimming
ATENȚIE! : dacӑ îi faţa consoanei sunt douӑ vocale sau o altӑ consoanӑ,la final
nuse mai dubleazӑ nimic. :
eat+ing eating
want+ing wanting
(a vrea)
ATENȚIE! :consoanele w,y,h,k,x,j nu se dubleazӑ niciodatӑ :
fix+ing fixing

6. L se dubleazӑ mereu la final : travel+ing travelling

 P.C se folosește când în propoziţii ne apar urmӑtoarele cuvinte care se

numesc adverbe de frecvenţӑ:

now=acum (nou) I am going to school now.

today=azi (tudei) You are swimming today.
at the moment=în acest moment He is watching TV at the moment.
tonight=la noapte (tunait) We are going to a party tonight.
at present= în prezent She is working at the zoo at present.
this morning=în aceastӑ dimineaţӑ It is raining this morning.
this afternoon= în aceastӑ dupӑ-amiazӑ They are playing football this afternoon.
this evening= în aceastӑ searӑ I am going for a walk this evening.
this week= în aceastӑ sӑptӑmânӑ (uic) You are cleaning the house this week.
this month= în aceastӑ luna (manf) They are visiting me this month.
this year= în aceast an (iӑr) My father is coming home this year.
this weekend=in acest weekend She is cooking this weekend.
still=încӑ ( stil) I am still doing my homework.
listen!=ascultӑ! Listen! The baby is crying.
be quiet!=fӑ liniște (cuaiӑt) Be quiet! The teacher is speaking.
shut up!=taci din gurӑ (șat ap) Shut up! I am listening to music.
look out! = ai grijӑ Look out! The car is coming.
watch out! =ai grijӑ Watch out! She is trying to kick you.
be careful! = ai grijӑ ( cherful) Be careful! That boy is running to you.

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