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Ceas trebui să fac să arăt la cei din jurul meu lumină,
În doresc să fac mai multe lucuri pentru Dumnezeu pentru cer,
Sunt bucuros că fac parte din biserica EKKLESIA.
2 Întrebare:
Văd cum Dumnezeu îmi raspunde la rugăciuni constant, ii văd bunătatea și dragostea zilnic,
am un timp cu El in fiecare zi (citesc zilnic Biblia și ma rog de cel puțin 2 ori), cu toate astea nu
ii mai simt prezenta... Îl văd prezent, dar nu îl simt cum îl simteam altădată. Ce sa fac?
3 Întrebare:
Cum sa am o relație mai buna cu Dumnezeu?
4 Întrebare:
Ce pot face ca sa imi întăresc relația mea cu Dumnezeu. Caci nu il mai simt pe Dumnezeu in
viata mea...
5 Întrebare:
Cum pot sa imi fac relatia mea cu Dumnezeu mai buna?
Vreau sa imi las in urma trecutul si pacatele, cum as putea sa fiu mai puternica incat sa nu ma
las usor ispitelor?
6 Întrebare:
Cum scăpăm de anxietate?
7 Întrebare:
Uneori am impresia ca ma scufund in depresie și anxietate,ce fac?
8 Întrebare:
cum ne dam seama ca suntem pregătiți pentru o relație?
9 Întrebare:
Cum pot sa mi imbunatatesc relatia mea cu Dumnezeu?
10 Întrebare:
In timpurile astea a crescut numarul de persoane care au anxietate, depresie si in general un
apetit de viata scazut, cum am putea sa ii ajutam pe altii pe langa chestiile evidente adica
rugaciunea pentru ei, ce am putea zice si face pentru ei? Cum am putea sa ii incurajam biblic
sau nu , ca ei sa aiba macar o speranta ca totul va fi la normal.
11 Întrebare:
Cum ma pot iubii si suporta ? Intr-un mod biblic .
12 Întrebare:
În ce fel putem să-i încurajăm pe altii?

Jesus was born in Nazareth
Matt 2:1 - Jesus was born in Bethlehem

2 Noah had three sons, Ham, Shem and Japheth

Gen 6:10

3 Moses fled to Midian because he had killed an Egyptian

Exo 2:14-15

4 Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Damascus

John 2:1-10 - The wedding was at Cana

5 Jonah was sent to Nineveh by God

Jonah 1:1-2

6 Abraham's first son was called Isaac

Gen 16:15 - His first son was Ishmael who was born before Isaac

7 Five loaves and two fish were used to feed the 5,000
Matt 14:17-21

8 The pure in heart are blessed because they shall see God
Matt 5:8

9 Joshua sent three spies to Jericho who hid in Rahab's house

Josh 2:1 - There were only two spies sent

10 Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament


11 Paul and Barnabas prayed and sang hymns to God at midnight before an earthquake shook
the prison
Acts 16:25 - Paul and Silas were in prison, not Barnabas

12 There are 29 books in the New Testament

There are 27 in the New Testament
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace
Dan 3:19 - Daniel wasn't one of the men thrown into the furnace

14 Haman plotted to kill the Jews during the reign of Queen Esther
Est 3:6
15 Daniel spent three days and nights in the lions' den
Dan 6:18-19 - He only spent one night in the den

16 God created birds and fish on the fifth day of creation

Gen 1:20

17 Philip was one of the twelve apostles

Matt 10:2-3
18 Absalom was the son of David
1 Chr 3:1-2
19 Paul the apostle was a tent maker
Acts 18:3

20 Ramot was a city of refuge

Deut 4:43

21 In Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a great image, the head was made of silver

Dan 2:32 - It was made of gold

22 Efes was one of the seven churches in Revelation

Rev 2:1

23 Ilie made an axe head float which had fallen into the water
2 Ki 6:5-6 - This was a miracle of Elisei, not Ilie

24 Iosia was eight years old when he began to reign over Judah
2 Ki 22:1

25 Ehud was the first judge of Israel

Jdg 3:15 - Otniel was judge before Ehud

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