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Bibliografie generală pentru exegeza Noului Testament

Prof. univ. dr. habil. Ciprian-Flavius Terinte

1. Surse primare
1.1. Ediții ale Bibliei
1. Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th edition, in the tradition of Eberhard Nestle
and Erwin Nestle, ed. Barbara şi Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo
M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 2012.
2. The Greek New Testament with Dictionary, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2017.
3. Biblia Graeca. Septuaginta & Novum Testamentum Graece, Deutsche
Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 2006.

1.2. Versiuni românești ale Bibliei

4. Noul Testament, tradus şi adnotat de Pr. Dr. Emil Pascal, a patra ediţie,
Editions du dialogue, Societé d’éditions internationales, Paris, 1992.
5. Noul Testament. Traducere, introduceri şi note: pr. Alois Bulai şi pr. Anton
Budău, Sapienţia, Iaşi, 2002.
6. Noul Testament (EDCR), București, Societatea Biblică Interconfesională din
România, 2019.
7. Noul Testament (NTSBR), traducere și note de John Fleter Tipei, Oradea, SBR,
8. Biblia sau Sfînta Scriptură a Vechiului şi Noului Testament, [trad. D.
Cornilescu], traducere nouă, cu trimeteri, Societatea Biblică pentru
Răspîndirea Bibliei în Anglia şi Străinătate, 1924.
9. Septuaginta, ediția Colegiul Noua Europă, vol. 1-6, Iași, Polirom, 2004-2008.

2. Dicționare și monografii exegetice

2.1. Lexicoane exegetice și dicționare exegetice
1. Arndt, W.; Danker, F. W.; Bauer, W. & Gingrich, F. W., A Greek-English Lexicon
of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, sixth edition,
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2000 (BDAG).
2. Diggle, Jay (ed.), The Cambridge Greek Lexicon, 2 vol., Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2021.
3. Friberg, Timothy; Friberg, Barbara; Miller, Neva F., Analytical Lexicon of the
Greek New Testament, Grand Rapids, Baker Books, 2000.
4. Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, Theodor, Dicționar
grec-român, 5 vol., București, Nemira, 2012-2015.
5. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; Jones, Henry Stuart; McKenzie, Roderick,
A Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996.
6. Louw, J. P.; Nida, E. A., Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on
Semantic Domains, New York, United Bible Societies, 1996.
7. Montanari, Franco, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek, Leiden, Brill, 2015.

2.2. Dicționare exegetice

8. Balz, Horst Robert; Schneider, Gerhard, Exegetical Dictionary of the New
Testament, 3 vol., Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1990 (EDNT).
9. Chevalier, Jean; Gheerbrant, Alain (ed.), Dicționar de simboluri, trad. coord.
Laurențiu Zoicaș, Iași, Polirom, 2009.
10.Kittel, Gerhard, G.W. Bromiley & G. Friedrich (eds.), Theological Dictionary of
the New Testament, vol. 1-10, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1964-1976 (TDNT).
11.Silva, Moisés (ed.), New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
and Exegesis, 5 vol., eidția a 2-a, Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 2014.
12.Spicq, Ceslas, Theological Lexicon of the New Testament, trad. James D.
Ernest, 3 vol., Peabody, Hendrickson, 1996.

2.3. Dicționare biblice și teologice

13.Achtemeier, Paul J., Harper's Bible Dictionary, San Francisco, Harper & Row,
14.Brown Colin, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology,
Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1986.
15.Douglas, J. D. (ed.), Dicționar biblic, Liviu Pup, John Tipei, Cartea Creștină,
Oradea, 1995.
16.Elwell, Walter A.; Comfort, Philip Wesley, Tyndale Bible Dictionary, Wheaton,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2001.
17.Freedman, David Noel (ed.), Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, Grand Rapids,
Eerdmans, 2000.
18.__________, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, 6 vol., New York, Doubleday, 1992.
19.Petuchowski, Jacob I.; Thoma, Clemens, Lexiconul Herder al întâlnirii iudeo-
creștine. Substraturi, clarificări, perspective, trad. Dumitru Ionescu-Stăniloae,
București, Humanitas, 2000.
20.Reid, Daniel G. (ed.), Dicţionarul Noului Testament, Oradea, Casa cărţii, 2009.

21.Ryken, Leland; Wilhoit, James C.; Longman, Tremper C. (eds.), Dicționar de
imagini și simboluri biblice, Oradea, Casa Cărții, 2014.
22.Sbalchiero Patrick, Dicționar al miracolelor și al extraordinarului creștin, trad.
Mala Bărbulescu, Iași, Sapienția, 2009.
23.*** Dicționar biblic, vol. 1-3, trad. Constantin Moisa, București, Stephanus,

2.4. Monografii exegetice

24.Peters, Francis, Termenii filosofiei grecești, trad. Dragan Stoianovici, București,
Humanitas, 1997.
25.Watson, J. D., Un cuvânt pe zi. Cuvinte cheie din Noul Testament, trad. Adriana
Ioana Nacu, Oradea, Casa Cărții, 2010.

3. Serii de comentarii la Noul Testament

3.1. Comentarii textuale la Noul Testament
1. Metzger, Bruce, A Textual Commentary on the New Testament, 2nd ed.,
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 1994.
2. Omanson L. Roger, A Textual Guide to the Greek New Testament, German
Bible Society, Stuttgart, 2006, 2012.

3.2. Serii exegetice

1. Word Biblical Commentary (WBC)
2. New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)
3. New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT)
4. The Pillar New Testament Commentary
5. Black’s New Testament Commentaries
6. Baker Exegetical Commentary
7. Eerdmans Critical Commentary
8. International Critical Commentary (ICC)
9. Hermeneia
10.The Yale Anchor Bible Commentary
11.New American Commentary (NAC)
12.New International Biblical Commentary (NIBC)
13.Sacra Pagina
14.The Big Greek Idea (An Exegetical Guide for Preaching and Teaching)
15.Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament
16.Evangelical Eexegetical Commentary
17.Eerdmans Classic Bible Commentary
3.2. Serii teologice
18.Brazos Theological Commentary
19.Concordia Commentary
20.The College Press NIV Commentary
21.New Testament Library

3.3. Serii exegetic-teologice

22.Paideia Commentary on the New Testament
23.The New Interpreter’s Bible Commentary
24.ESV Expository Commentary
25.Understandig the Bible
26.The Christian Standard Commentary
27.Tyndale New Testament Commentary
28.Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary
29.ESV Expository Commentary
30.New Cambridge Bible Commentary

3.4. Serii exegetic-teologic-aplicative

31.NIV Aplication Commentary (NIVAC)
32.Zondervan Exegetical Commentary
33.New Beacon Bible Commentary
34.Kregel Exegetical Library
35.The Two Korizons Old/New Testament Commentary
36.Evangelical Exegetical Commentary

3.5. Serii teologic-aplicative

37.Life Application Commentary
38.Preaching the Word Commentary
39.IVP Commentary
40.Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary
41.Reformed Expository Commentary
42.The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament
43.The Bible Speaks Today Series
44.Teach The Text Commentary Series

3.6. Serii de istorie a interpretării

45.Ancient Christian Commentary
46.Calvin’s Commentaries
47.Luther’s Works
48.The Church’s Bible

49.Reformation Commentary on Scripture

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