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Oferta este adresata exclusiv detinatorilor de drepturi de preferinta SNPR02.

Tradeville va pune la dispozitie platforma de tranzactionare pentru subscrierea in

cadrul majorarii de capital social cu aport de numerar. Astfel puteti plasa
instructiunea de subscriere aferenta exercitarii drepturilor de preferinta avand in
vedere tabela: Ordin nou Actiuni: Simbol SNP, Operatie Cumparare, Pret 0.10
RON, Valabilitate Open, Observatii Oferta.

Numarul de actiuni care poate fi subscris poate fi aflat prin inmultirea numarului de
drepturi SNPR02 detinute cu 0.1032104979290076 (rata de subscriere=
5.846.266.626 actiuni noi/ 56.644.108.335 actiuni existente).

In momentul transmiterii instructiunii de subscriere, asigurati-va ca dispuneti de

fonduri suficiente, decontate in contul de tranzactionare. Tariful perceput de
Depozitarul Central pentru procesarea instructiunii de subscriere este de 21 lei (fiind
inclus si tariful pentru procesarea componentei de cash a instructiunii).

Perioada de exercitare a drepturilor incepe din 12.09.2022, orele 11:00, pana in data
de 13.10.2022, orele 13:00, ora Romaniei, programul de subscriere fiind intre orele
09:00 – 18:00 in fiecare zi lucratoare a perioadei de subscriere, exceptand ultima zi
cand subscrierile pot fi trimise pana la orele 13:00.

Avand in vedere ca fiecare subscriere se proceseaza manual, asigurati-va ca trimiteti

din timp ordinul aferent subscrierii dumneavoastra.

Subscrierile realizate in cadrul ofertei sunt irevocabile.


The offer is addressed exclusively to holders of SNPR02 rights.

Tradeville will provide the option to subscribe through its trading platform. You can
place the subscription instruction by completing the following: New order Shares:
Symbol SNP, Operation BUY, Price 0.10 RON, Validity Open, Observations OFERTA.
The number of shares that can be subscribed can be found by multiplying the number
of SNPR02 rights held by 0.1032104979290076 (subscription rate = 5,846,266,626
new shares/ 56,644,108,335 existing shares).

When sending the subscription instruction, please make sure that you have sufficient
funds, settled in the trading account. The fee charged by the Central Depository for
processing the subscription instruction is RON 21 (including the fee for processing
the cash component of the instruction).

The period for exercising the rights starts starts 12.09.2022, 11:00 a.m., and ends
13.10.2022, 13:00 p.m. Romanian time, the subscription timetable being 09:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. every working day of subscription period, except for the last day when
subscriptions can be sent until 13:00.

Considering that each subscription is processed manually, please make sure that you
send the order related to your subscription in time.

The subscriptions made within the offer are irrevocable.

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