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1. Prezentul contract se incheie intre

GARANTI BANK SA, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Sos. Fabrica de Glucoza nr. 5, Novo Park 3, Business Center, Cladirea F,
et. 5 si 6, sector 2, telefon + (40-21) 208 92 60, fax + (40-21) 208 92 86, e-mail, cu numar de
ordine in Registrul Comertului J40/4429/2009, avand cod de inregistrare fiscala RO 25394008, inregistrata in registrul
institutiilor de credit al Bancii Nationale a Romaniei cu nr. RB-PJR-40-066/2009 si in registrul de evidenta a prelucrarilor
de date cu caracter personal al Autoritatii nationale de protectie si supraveghere a datelor cu caracter personal sub nr.
16842 si 16849, legal reprezentata, numita in continuare Banca


Dl./Dna. DUMITRU DANIEL, identificat(a) prin CI, seria / numar KT985583, eliberat de SPCLEP CERNAVODA la data
de 21/11/2011, CNP 1680122134018, denumit(a) in continuare Client

2. Descriere produs
Tipul produsului :
✔ BONUS ECONOMUS (cu Plan de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda)
ECONOMUS (fara Plan de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda)

Cont de economii :
Moneda : RON
Cont curent atasat : 40-2003450
Rata dobanzii (pe an) : 1.50
Suma initiala : 301.04 RON
Suma minima pentru plata recurenta : 50.00 RON
Suma maxima pentru plata recurenta : 4,000.00 RON
Plata recurenta
Cont de debitat : 40-2003450
Suma Platii recurente : 150.00 RON
Ziua Platii recurente : 16
Data primei plati : 16/09/2015
Soldul maxim al contului de economii : 35,000.00 RON

Plan de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda

Suma initiala : 301.04 RON
Rata bonus de dobanda (pe an) : 1.00
Perioada de economisire (luni) : 6
Data scadenta : 01/03/2016
Suma economisita : 300.00 RON
Castigul net : 1.69 RON
Soldul contului la scadenta : 301.05 RON
Suma minima pentru depunere partiala : 40.00 RON
Numarul maxim de depuneri omise : 1

3. Contul de economii este un produs de economisire. Prin prezentul contract Clientul se obliga sa deschida un cont de
economii la Banca si sa depuna lunar in acest cont o suma minima sub forma de Plata recurenta, in conditiile descrise
mai sus la art. 2, iar Banca se obliga sa ofere o dobanda de cont de economii, pe toata durata existentei contractului.

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4. La deschiderea contului de economii Clientul poate depune o suma, denumita in continuare Suma initiala, care
trebuie sa se situeze intre valorile minime si maxime stabilite de Banca pentru aceasta depunere initiala. In situatia in
care Clientul depune o Suma initiala, aceasta este mentionata la art. 2 de mai sus.
5. Prin prezentul contract Clientul mandateaza Banca sa efectueze lunar, la data indicata ca fiind Ziua platii de la art. 2
de mai sus, un transfer bancar din contul curent al Clientului indicat mai sus, in contul de economii deschis in temeiul
prezentului contract, in valoare egala cu Suma Platii recurente mentionata tot in cadrul art. 2 de mai sus. Plata efectuata
in aceste conditii este denumita Plata recurenta.
6. Prima Plata recurenta se va efectua in luna calendaristica urmatoare deschiderii contului de economii.
7. Suma Platii recurente stabilita de Client trebuie sa se situeze intre valorile minime si maxime stabilite de Banca
pentru aceasta Plata. Suma Platii recurente poate fi modificata de catre Client oricand pe durata contractului.
8. In situatia in care, in contul curent din care se efectueaza Plata recurenta nu exista o suma egala cu Suma Platii
recurente, Plata recurenta se va efectua la valoarea sumei existente in cont cu conditia ca aceasta sa fie cel putin egala
cu Suma minima pentru depunere partiala.
9. Rata dobanzii contului de economii este variabila si poate fi modificata oricand de Banca, fara sa fie necesar sa se
incheie vreun act aditional la prezentul contract. Dobanda contului de economii va fi afisata in agentii si pe pagina de
web a Bancii.
10. Dobanda se calculeaza zilnic la soldul contului si se capitalizeaza zilnic, pe toata durata existentei contului. Formula
de calcul a dobanzii este:
Sold x Rata dobanzii (%) x (1 – Rata impozit) / 365 (366).

11. Impozitul pe dobanda va fi calculat, retinut si virat de Banca, conform legii.

12. Clientul poate depune sau retrage numerar din contul de economii in orice moment, fara a pierde dobanda
13. Suplimentar fata de depunerea pe care Clientul este obligat sa o efectueze sub forma de Plata recurenta, depunerile
de sume in contul de economii se pot efectua in numerar la casieriile Bancii sau prin transfer intrabancar, efectuat
inclusiv prin internet banking. Retragerile din contul de economii se pot efectua doar prin contul curent al Clientului. In
nicio situatie nu se pot efectua transferuri interbancare in/din contul de economii.
14. Depunerile in numerar si transferurile intra-bancare in contul de economii se pot efectua atat timp cat soldul contului
de economii nu a atins valoarea Soldului maxim cont economii, mentionat la art. 2. Peste aceasta suma, contul de
economii poate fi alimentat doar prin Plata recurenta.
15. Toate taxele si comisioanele care se aplica contului de economii si contului curent sunt prevazute in Tariful de taxe
si comisioane standard persoane fizice, care face parte din prezentul contract.
16. Valoarea dobanzii, comisioanelor si a oricaror alte taxe aferente contului de economii poate fi modificata in conditiile
17. La deschiderea contului de economii Clientul poate opta pentru Planul de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda, in
vederea obtinerii unei dobanzi suplimentare fata de rata dobanzii contului de economii, denumita Rata bonus de
dobanda, in conditiile art. 2.
18. In cadrul Planului de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda, Clientul alege o perioada in luni calendaristice din
optiunile prestabilite de Banca, denumita in continuare Perioada de economisire si stabileste o suma de bani, denumita
Suma economisita, pe care se obliga sa o acumuleze pana la sfarsitul Perioadei de economisire, denumita Data
scadenta, in conditiile art. 2 de mai sus.
19. Suma economisita se va calcula ca fiind totalul intre suma initiala si sumele platilor recurente.
20. Data scadenta este calculata ca fiind prima zi din luna calendaristica imediat urmatoare Perioadei de economisire.

21. Banca va acorda Clientului Rata bonus de dobanda daca la Data scadenta Clientul detine in contul de economii
Suma economisita stabilita la art. 2 si daca pe durata Planului de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda, nu a depasit
Numarul maxim de depuneri omise mentionat la art. 2.
22. Pentru a atinge obiectivul de economisire stabilit, Clientul poate depune bani atat la deschiderea de cont sau la
intrarea in vigoare a Planului de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda, ca Suma initiala, cat si oricand pana la Data
scadenta, cu respectarea conditiei de a alimenta lunar contul de economii cu minimumul sumei agreate drept Suma
Platii recurente.
23. O Plata recurenta este considerata omisa sau neefectuata daca intr-o anumita luna calendaristica din Perioada de
economisire, Clientul nu a economisit cel putin Suma minima pentru depunere partiala, mentinata la art. 2, respectiv
daca diferenta dintre sumele depuse si cele retrase de catre client este mai mica decat Suma minima pentru depunere
24. Daca intr-o luna contul a fost alimentat cu o suma mai mica decat Suma Platii recurente, Clientul trebuie sa depuna
in cont in lunile urmatoare si diferenta de suma din luna respectiva in vederea acumularii Sumei economisite
25. Suma maxima care poate fi depusa in contul de economii intr-o anumita luna calendaristica, in numerar sau prin
transfer intrabancar, se calculeaza dupa formula:

RO001ES7DD DI0602N
Sold maxim cont economii – Sold curent cont economii – Suma plata recurenta * numarul de luni ramase pentru
atingerea Sumei economisite.
26. Prin exceptie de la prevederile art. 9, pe toata durata Planului de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda, Rata
dobanzii este fixa pana la Data scadenta si are valoarea ratei dobanzii aferente contului de economii valabila la data
intrarii in vigoare a Planului de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda. Dobanda se calculeaza conform art. 10.
27. Bonusul de dobanda este calculat de la intrarea in vigoare a Planului de economisire pentru bonus de dobanda,
zilnic la soldul contului de economii si platit cumulat la Data scadenta. Formula de calcul a bonusului de dobanda este:
Sold x Rata bonus de dobanda (%) x (1 – Rata impozit) / 365 (366).
28. Castigul net pe Perioada de economisire reprezinta dobanda acumulata si bonusul de dobanda acordat la Data
scadenta. Castigul net este calculat in functie de suma lunara asumata pentru economisire, pornind de la premisa ca
alimentarea contului se face prin Plata recurenta, asa cum este mentionat mai sus la art 2. Castigul net se modifica
daca Clientul nu respecta modalitatea de economisire - contul se alimenteaza cu alta suma sau in alta zi - sau se
efectueaza alte depuneri sau retrageri inainte de Data scadenta.
29. Daca Clientul modifica unul dintre elementele Platii recurente, Suma economisita se recalculeaza tinand cont de
alimentarile viitoare in cont, precum si de tranzactiile deja efectuate.
30. Incepand cu Data scadentei soldul contului de economii se va actualiza zilnic, cu rata dobanzii in vigoare la aceasta
data, dar fara obiectiv de economisire si fara acordarea unei Rate bonus de dobanda. Plata recurenta va continua sa fie
executata cu Suma Platii recurente.
31. In cazul in care asupra conturilor Clientului sunt instituite masuri de indisponibilizare, de ex. popriri, Banca nu are
nicio raspundere pentru imposibilitatea atingerii obiectivului de economisire de catre Client.
32. Toate disponibilitatile Clientului existente in conturile deschise la Banca sunt garantate de catre Fondul de garantare
a depozitelor în sistemul bancar in limitele si conditiile legii romane.
33. Prezentul contract este guvernat de legea romana, intra in vigoare la data semnarii si se incheie pe durata
34. Partile se obliga sa depuna toate diligentele necesare rezolvarii pe cale amiabila a diferendelor care ar aparea in
legatura cu incheierea sau executarea prezentului contract. In situatia in care nu s-a ajuns la o solutionare amiabila,
Clientul se poate adresa Autoritatii Nationale Pentru Protectia Consumatorului, cu sediul in Bucuresti, B-dul Aviatorilor
nr. 72, sector 1, e-mail: Fara a aduce atingere dreptului Clientului de a sesiza Autoritatea Nationala
pentru Protectia Consumatorilor, in calitatea sa de consumator, acesta poate apela la mediere, ca mecanism
extrajudiciar de reclamatie si despagubire, asa cum este reglementata prin Legea nr. 192/2006 privind medierea si
organizarea profesiei de mediator, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare. In vederea demararii procedurii medierii
Clientul se poate adresa unui mediator, in conditiile prevederilor sectiunii I a capitolului V din legea mentionata anterior.
35. In cazul în care rezolvarea diferendelor pe cale amiabila nu ar fi posibila, partile se pot adresa instantelor
judecatoresti competente conform legii.
36. Prezentul contract inceteaza fie prin acordul partilor, fie prin denuntarea unilaterala de catre oricare dintre parti,
gratuit, oricand pe durata contractului, in temeiul unei notificari scrise, transmise in prealabil cu maxim 15 zile la adresa
Clientului, respectiv sediul agentiilor Bancii, fara interventia instantei si fara indeplinirea unei alte formalitati.
37. La inchiderea contului de economii, suma existenta in contul de economii va fi transferata in contul curent aferent,
indicat la art. 2 de mai sus.
Prezentul contract s-a incheiat in doua exemplare, unul pentru Client si unul pentru Banca, astazi, 29/02/2016





RO001ES7DD DI0603N
1. The present agreement is concluded between

Garanti Bank S.A. with registered offices in 5 Fabrica de Glucoza Street, Novo Park 3, Business Center, F Building, 5th
and 6th floors, 2nd District, Bucharest, Romania, phone + (40-21) 208 92 60, fax + (40-21) 208 92 86, e-mail, registered in Trade Registry under number J40/4429/2009, having fiscal registration number
RO25394008, registered within Credit Institutions Registry of National Bank of Romania under number RB-
PJR-40-066/2009 and within personal data processing registry of National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data
Processing under number 16842 and 16849, duly represented by, hereinafter called the Bank


Mr./Mrs. DUMITRU DANIEL, identified by ID Card, series / number KT985583, issued by SPCLEP CERNAVODA on
the date of 21/11/2011, CNP 1680122134018, hereinafter called the Customer

2. Product Description
Product Type :
✔ BONUS ECONOMUS (with Savings Plan for Interest Bonus)
ECONOMUS (without Savings Plan for Interest Bonus)

Savings Account :
Currency : RON
Related Account : 40-2003450
Interest Rate (annual) : 1.50
Opening Amount : 301.04 RON
Minimum Amount for Standing Order : 50.00 RON
Maximum Amount for Standing Order : 4,000.00 RON
Standing Order
Payment Account : 40-2003450
Standing Order Amount : 150.00 RON
Payment Day : 16
First payment date : 16/09/2015
Maximum Savings Account Balance : 35,000.00 RON

Savings Plan for Interest Bonus

Opening Amount : 301.04 RON
Bonus Interest Rate (annual) : 1.00
Savings Term (months) : 6
Maturity Date : 01/03/2016
Savings Amount : 300.00 RON
Net Income : 1.69 RON
Total Accumulated Amount : 301.05 RON
Minimum Amount of Partial Payment : 40.00 RON
Maximum Number of Skipped Payments : 1

3. Savings account is a savings product. By this agreement the Customer undertakes to open a savings
account with the Bank and to deposit monthly to this account a minimum amount through Standing Order, under the
conditions mentioned in art. 2 above, and the Bank binds itself to grant an interest for the savings account, for the entire
duration of this agreement.

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4. At account opening the Customer may deposit an amount, hereinafter called Opening Amount, which
must be between minimum and maximum amounts established by the Bank for this initial deposit. In case the Customer
deposits an Opening Amount, it is mentioned in art. 2 above
5. By the present agreement the Customer authorizes the Bank to make a monthly payment, on the date indicated as
Payment Day in art. 2 above, from the Customer’s current account indicated above to the savings account opened
under this agreement, in amount equal to Standing Order Amount in art. 2 above. The payment made under these
conditions is called Standing Order.
6. The first Standing Order will be executed in the calendar month following savings account opening.
7. Standing Order Amount defined by the Customer must be between Minimum and Maximum Amounts established by
the Bank for this payment. Standing Order Amount may be modified by the Customer anytime during this agreement.
8. If the available balance of the Payment Account is less than Standing Order Amount, the payment will be executed for
an amount equal to the existing available balance under the condition that this one to be equal or higher than Minimum
Amount of Partial Payment.
9. Savings account Interest Rate is variable and may be modified anytime by the Bank without being necessary to
conclude an addendum to the present agreement. Savings account Interest Rate will be displayed in Bank’s agencies
and on the web pages of the Bank.
10. The interest is calculated at daily balance and capitalized daily. Interest calculation formula is:

Balance x Interest Rate (%) x (1 - Tax rate) / 365 (366).

11. The Bank will calculate and withhold interest tax according to the law provisions.
12. The customer can deposit or withdraw money from savings account at any time, without losing accumulated interest.
13. Additionally to the deposit the Customer is bound to make through Standing Order, deposits to savings account may
be done cash in the Bank’s agencies or through intra-bank transfer performed inclusively through internet banking.
Withdrawals from savings account may be done only through Customer’s current account. Interbank money transfers to/
from savings account may not be performed under any circumstances.
14. Cash deposits and intra-bank money transfers to savings account are allowed until the account balance reaches
Maximum Savings Account Balance mentioned in art. 2. Above this limit the savings account can be credited only by
Standing Order
15. All taxes and commissions applied to savings account and current account are included in the Tariff of standard fees
and commissions for individuals which is part of the present agreement.
16. The value of interest, taxes and commissions for savings account, will be modified by the Bank according to legal
17. At account opening, the Customer may choose the option of Savings Plan for Interest Bonus, in order to gain an
additional interest above standard interest rate of savings account, called Bonus Interest Rate, under the conditions of
art. 2.
18. Within the Savings Plan for Interest Bonus the Customer may choose a duration expressed in calendar months from
the options pre-established by the Bank, hereinafter called Savings Term, and states an amount hereinafter called
Savings Amount which the Customer is bound to accumulate until the end of Savings Term hereinafter called Maturity
Date, under the conditions of art. 2 above.
19. Savings Amount is calculated as the sum between the Opening Amount and the Amounts of Standing Orders.
20. Maturity Date is calculated to be the first day of calendar month following Savings Term.
21. The Bank will grant to the Customer Bonus Interest Rate if at Maturity Date the Customer withholds in the savings
account the Savings Amount established in art. 2 and if during the Savings Plan for Interest Bonus the Customer did not
exceed Maximum Number of Skipped Payments mentioned in art. 2.
22. In order to reach the established savings target the Customer may deposit money at account opening or at Savings
Plan for Bonus Interest entrance into force, as Opening Amount, as well as any time until Maturity Date under the
condition to deposit monthly minimum the agreed amount as Standing Order Amount.
23. A Standing Order is considered skipped or not executed if in one calendar month during Savings Term the Customer
didn’t save at least Minimum Amount of Partial Payment mentioned in art. 2, respectively if the difference between
amounts deposited and amounts withdrawn by the customer is less than Minimum Amount of Partial Payment.
24. In case the savings account was credited in one month with an amount less than Standing Order Amount, in the
following months the Customer must deposit the difference from the respective month in order to accumulate the
Savings Amount.
25. The maximum amount that can be deposited in the savings account in a calendar month, cash or through intra-bank
transfer, is calculated with the formula:
Maximum Account Balance – savings account current balance – Standing Order Amount * number of months remained
to reach Savings Amount.

RO001ES7DD DI0600N
26. As exception from the provisions in art. 9, during Savings Plan for Interest Bonus, the Interest Rate is fixed until
Maturity Date and has the value of the interest rate for the savings account valid at the entrance into force of the
Savings Plan for Interest Bonus. The interest is calculated according to art. 10.
27. Interest bonus is calculated from the entrance into force of the Savings Plan for Interest Bonus, at savings account
daily balance and accrued to the account cumulatively at Maturity Date. The calculation formula for interest bonus is:
Balance x Bonus Interest Rate (%) x (1 - Tax rate) / 365 (366).

28. Net Income for the Savings Term represents accumulated interest plus interest bonus granted at Maturity Date. Net
Income is calculated taking into account the monthly amount agreed to be saved, based on the hypothesis that the
customer is saving through Standing Order as mentioned above inart. 2. The Net Income will change if the customer
changes the savings scheme - deposits a different amount or amount is paid on a different day - or other amounts of
money are deposited or withdrawn before Maturity Date.
29. If the customer modifies one of the characteristics of the Standing Order, the Savings Amount is recalculated taking
into account future money deposits in the account, as well as already performed transactions.
30. Starting with Maturity Date the Savings account balance is renewed daily with the interest rate in force at this date
but without savings target amount and without interest bonus rate to be granted. The Standing Order will continue to be
performed with established Standing Order Amount.
31. In case over the Customer’s accounts enforcement measures are in place, for eg. garnishments, the Bank has no
liability for any of Customer’s failure in achieving his savings target.
32. All Customer’s funds held in the accounts opened with the Bank are guaranteed by the Bank Deposit Guarantee
Fund within the maximum amount and conditions provided by the Romanian law.
33. The present agreement is governed by the Romanian law, enters into force at signing date and is concluded for
undetermined period.
34. The parties undertake to make all reasonable efforts to amicably solve any disputes arising in relation to the
conclusion or performance of the present agreement. In case no amicable settlement is reached, the Customer may
refer the matter to the National Authority for Consumer Protection, with registered offices in 72, Aviatorilor Avenue, 1st
District, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail address: Without prejudice to Customer’s right to refer to National
Authority for Consumer Protection, as a customer, the Customer may appeal to mediation as extrajudicial complaint and
redress mechanism, as regulated by Law no. 192/2006 regarding mediation and mediator profession, with later
modifications and completions. In order to start mediation procedure the Customer may address a mediator, under the
provisions of section 1 of chapter V of the aforementioned law.
35. In case no amicable settlement is reached, the parties may address to the competent court according to the law.
36. The present agreement shall be terminated by the parties or by unilateral termination by either party for free anytime
during the contract, pursuant to a written notification sent in advance by 15 days to Customer’s address, respectively
Bank’s agencies, without court intervention and without the fulfillment of other formalities.
37. At account closure, the amount existing in the savings account will be transferred to related current account
mentioned in art. 2 above.
The present agreement was concluded in two copies, one for the Customer and one for the Bank, today, 29/02/2016





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