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Lucrarea de fa, att ghid, ct i minidicionar, a fost alctuit n scopul de a facilita tuturor celor ce se afl n stadiul elementar de nvare a limbii engleze nelegerea textelor scrise i vorbite, precum i nsuirea unei bune pronunii, necesar n toate conversaiile uzuale. Micul dicionar este structurat simplu, n trei pri. Prima parte este constituit dintr-o serie de circa 2000 de cuvinte uzuale, alese n aa fel nct s acopere ct mai bine necesarul de vocabular pentru aproape orice situaie n care poate fi pus o persoan. Lista cuvintelor a fost alctuit dup criterii tiinifice, cuvintele-titlu fiind selectate dup dicionarele cele mai adecvate pentru strinii care nva limba englez: A.S. Hornby, An Advanced Learners Dictionary, 1974 i Longman Dictionarz Of Contemporary English, 1978.

Aceste 2000 de cuvinte, a cror pronunie este transcris direct, ofer cititorului posibilitatea de a-i nsui rapid, printr-un minim de efort, un vocabular care ii va permite s se fac neles cu mare uurin. Partea a doua a lucrrii conine o serie de expresii uzuale, al cror scop este acela de a familiariza cititorul cu modul de formare a propoziiilor n limba englez, precum i de a-l obinui cu modurile de adresare direct i legat de vorbirea curent, nefiind impuse situaii rare sau specifice, cum este cazul ghidurilor de conversaie, care obinuiesc rspunsuri, fr a-i oferi, de fapt, o metod simpl i util de formare a frazelor din proprie iniiativ. cea mai puin consistent. Ea conine o cititorului principalele noiuni ale acesteia. Sunt trecute n revist aici, foare pe scurt, problemele legate de formarea timpurilor i a

modurilor verbale, de topic a propoziiei i a frazei, de concordan a timpurilor etc. Toate acestea, extrem de simplu i de eficace, pentru a oferi maximum de eficien celui ce nva limba englez. De asemenea, toate chestiunile tratate aici sunt exemplificate, pentru a fi mai uor de neles. Nu n ultimul rnd, adugarea pronuniei pentru termenii din vocabular este un lucru important pentru toi cei ce doresc s i mod, nceptorii pot nva zilnic pn la o sut de cuvinte, fr a mai apela la sprijinul din afar, al unui profesor-meditator. Pentru

indirect. Aceast serie de expresii este direct nsueasc rapid o limb strin. n acest

cititorul numai cu un anumit fel de ntrebri i c nu ntotdeauna dispunem de timp, rbdare sau bani pentru acest lucru. n acest sens soluia propus de editura noastr, soluie preluat dup cunoscuta metod de nvare

Cea de-a treia parte a lucrrii i ultima este Basic English aparinnd reputatului lingvist britanic K.G. Ogden, a fost professor ofere satisfaciile cele mai mari n nsuirea limbii engleze. sintetizare a ntregii gramatici engleze oferind al Universitii din Cambridge, va putea s v

abia (adv.) - hardly (haadli) absent (adj.) - absent (ebsnt) abur (subst.) - steam (stiim) a accepta (vb.) - to accept (ksept) accident (subst.) - accident (eksidnt) ac cu gmlie (subst.) - pin (pin) aceia (pron.) - those (zuz) acela (prion.) - that (zet) acelai (adj.) - same (seim) acelai lucru (pron.) - same (seim) acesta (pron.) - this (zis) acetia (pron.) - these (ziiz) acolo (adv.) - there (ze) acoperi (subst.) - roof (ruuf) acru (adj.) - sour (sur) activ (adj.) - active (ektiv) actor (subst.) - actor (ektr) actual (adj.) - actual (ektul) a aciona (vb.) - to act (ekt) aciune (subst.) - action (ekn) acum (adv.) - now (nau) a acuza (vb.) - to acusse (akiuuz) adpost (subst.) - shelter (eltr) a aduga (vb.) - to add (ed) adesea (adv.) - often (ofn) adevr (subst.) - truth (trus) adevrat (adj.) - true (truu)

adnc (adj.) - deep (diip) adormit (adj.) - asleep (sliip) adres (subst.) - address (dres) a aduce (vb.n.) - to bring (bring), brought (brout), brought (brout) a aduna (vb.) - to gather (ghezr) adunare (subst.) - addition (din) aer (subst.) - air (er) afacere (subst.) - affair (fer), business (bisnis) afar (adv.) - out (aut), outside (autsaid) agricultur (subst.) - agriculture (egriklcir) aici (adv.) - here (hir) a ajunge (vb.) - to reach (riici) a ajuta (vb.) - to help (help) ajutor (subst.) - aid (eid) alb (adj.) - white (uait) albastru (adj.) - blue (blu) a alctui (vb.) - to form (foom) alcool (subst.) - alcohol (elkhol) a alege (vb.) - to choose (ciuuz), chose (ciuz), chosen (ciuzn) a alerga (vb.) - to run (ran), ran (ren), run (ran) altdat (adv.) - formerly (foomrli) altminteri (adv.) - otherwise (azuaiz) altul (pron.) - another (nazr) a aluneca (vb.) - to slip (slip) amabil (adj.) - kind (kaind) amar (adj.) - bitter (bitr) ambiie (subst.) - ambition (ambin) amenda (subst.) - fine (fain)

a amenina (vb.) - to threaten (sretn) a amesteca (vb.) - to interfere (intfi), to mix (miks) amiaz (subst.) - noon (nuun) amintire (subst.) - memory (memri) a amna (vb.) - to postpone (pustpun) amndoi (pron.) - both (bus) a amuza (vb.) - to amuse (miuuz) amuzament (subst.) - amusement (miuzmnt) an (subst.) - year (ir) angajat (subst.) - employee (emploi) animal (subst.) - animal (eniml) aniversare (subst.) - birthday (brsdey) anotimp (subst.) - season (siizn) anun (subst.) - advertisment (advertismnt) anvelop (subst.) - tyre (tair) aparat (subst.) - machine (maiin) aparat (subst.) - apparatus (epreits) aparat de fotografiat (subst.) - camera (kemra) apartament (subst.) - flat (flet) a aparine (vb.) - to belong (bilong) ap (subst.) - water (uatr) a apra (vb.) - to defend (difend) aprare (subst.) - defence (difens) a aprea (vb.) - to appear (pir) a aplica (vb.) - to apply (plai) aprilie (subst.) - April (eiprl) a aprinde (vb.n.) - to light (lait), lit (lit), lit (lit) aproape (adv.) - almost (olmust) a aproba (vb.) - to approve (apruuv) aprobare (subst.) - approval (apruval)

apropiat (adj.) - nearby (nibai) apropiat (adv.) - close (klus) aproximativ (adv.) - about (baut) a arta (vb.n.) - to show (u), showed (ud), shown (un) arc (subst.) - arch (arci) a arde (vb.) - to burn (bn), burnt (bnt), burnt (bnt) argint (subst.) - silver (silvr) argument (subst.) - argument (arghiumnt) arhitect (subst.) - architect (arkitekt) arip (subst.) - wing (uing) armat (subst.) - army (armi) arm (subst.) - gun (gan), weapon (ueipn) art (subst.) - art (art) articol (subst.) - article (artikl) a asculta (vb.) - to listen (lisn) a asculta de cineva (vb.) - to obey (obei) a ascunde (vb.n.) - to hide (haid), hid (hid), hidden (hidn) ascuit (adj.) - sharp (arp) asemntor (adj.) - similar (similr) asigurare (subst.) - insurance (inurns) asistent (subst.) - assistant (sistnt) aspru (adj.) - rough (raf) astzi (adv.) - today (tudei) astfel (adv.) - such (saci), thus (dzas) a atepta (vb.) - to wait (ueit) a ataca (vb.) - to attack (tek) atelier (subst.) - Workshop (ukop)

atenie (subst.) - attention (atenn) a atinge (vb.) - to touch (taci) att de (adv.) - so (su) atmosfer (subst.) - atmosphere (etmsfir) atracie (subst.) - attraction (trekn) atunci (adv.) - then (zen) august (subst.) - August (ogst) aur (subst.) - gold (guld) autobuz (subst.) - bus (bas) autoritate (subst.) - authority (otoriti) autorizaie (subst.) - licence (laisns) autoservire (subst.) - self-service (self-svis) a auzi (vb.) - to hear (hir) a avansa (vb.) - to advance (dvens) avantaj (subst.) - advantage (dvantigi) a avea (vb.) - have (hev), had (hed), had (hed) a avea nevoie (vb.) - to need (niid) a avea voie (vb.n.) - to may (mei), might (mait) a avertiza (vb.) - to warn (un) avion (subst.) - plane (plein) avion cu reacie (subst.) - jet (get) (srun)

a bate (vb.n.) - to beat (biit), beat (biit), beaten (bitn) batist (subst.) - handkerchief (henkrciif) baz (subst.) - base (beis) bazin (subst.) - basin (beisn) bcnie (subst.) - grocers (grusrz) biat (subst.) - boy (boi) brbat (subst.) - man (men) brbie (subst.) - chin (cin) btlie (subst.) - battle (betl) btrn (adj.) - old (uld) b (subst.) - stick (stik) a bea (vb.n.) - to drink (drink), drank (drenk), drunk (drank) benzin (subst.) - gasoline (ghezulin) bere (subst.) - beer (bir) bibliotec (subst.) - library (laibrri) bijuterie (subst.) - jewel (giul) bilet (subst.) - ticket (tikit) bine (adv.) - well (uel) bineneles (adv.) - naturally (neciurli) birou (subst.) - desk (desk), office (ofis) biseric (subst.) - church (circi) blnd (adj.) - gentle (gentl), mild (maild) cu blndee (adv.) - gently (gentli) bloc (subst.) - block (blok) bluz (subst.) - blouse (blauz) boal (subst.) - disease (diziiz), illlness (ilnis) bogat (adj.) - wealthy (uelzi), rich (rici) bolnav (adj.) - ill (il), sick (sik)

a azvrli (vb.n.) - to throw (sru), threw, (sru), thrown biscuit (subst.) - biscuit (biskit)

baie (subst.) - bath (baas) banc (subst.) - bench (benci), bank (benk) bani (subst.) - money (mani) barb (subst.) - beard (biard) barc (subst.) - boat (but)

bra (subst.) - arm (arm) brutrie (subst.) - bakers (beikrz) bucat (subst.) - pice (piis) buctar (subst.) - cook (kuuk) buctrie (subst.) - kitchen (kicin) bucic (subst.) - bit (bit) a se bucura (vb.) - to enjoy (ingioi) bucurie (subst.) - joy (gioi), glad (gled) bulevard (subst.) - avenue (evniu) bumbac (subst.) - cotton (katn) bun (adj.) - good (guud) buntate (subst.) - kindness (kaindnes) bunc (subst.) - grandfather (grendfazr) bunic (subst.) - grandmother (grendmazr) burete (subst.) - sponge (spongi) buz (subst.) - lip (lip) buzunar (subst.) - pocket (pokit)

camion (subst.) - truck (trak), lorry (lori) cancer (subst.) - cancer (kensr) candidat (subst.) - candidate (kendideit) cap (subst.) - head (hed) capabil (adj.) - able (eibl) capital (subst.) - capital (kepitl) capodoper (subst.) - masterpiece (mastrpiis) caracter (subst.) - character (kerktr) caracteristic (adj.) - peculiar (pekiulir) caraghios (adj.) - funny (fani) care (pron.) - which (uici) carne (subst.) - meat (miit) carne de oaie (subst.) - mutton (matn) carne de porc (subst.) - pork (pook) carne de vit (subst.) - beef (biif) carnet (subst.) - notebook (nutbuk) carte (subst.) - book (buk) carte potal (subst.) - card (kard) cartof (subst.) - potato (poteitu) cas (subst.) - house (haus) cas de bilete (subst.) - booking office (buking ofis) categorie (subst.) - class (klas), sort (sort) caucuc (subst.) - rubber (rubr) a cauz (vb.) - to cause (kooz) a cdea (vb.n.) - to fall (fol), fell (fel), fallen (folen) a cltori (vb.) - to travel (trevl) cltorie (subst.) - journey (girni) cma (subst.) - shirt (rt) cmin (subst.) - fireplace ( fairpleis), home (hum) cpitan (subst.) - captain (keptn)

crbune (subst.) - coal (kul) cru (subst.) - cart (kart) a cstori (vb.) - to marry (meri) ctre (prep.) - towards (tudz) a cuta (vb.) - to search (sci) ce (pron.) - what (uat) ceai (subst.) - tea (tii) ceainic (subst.) - kettle (kitl) ceas (subst.) - clock (klok) ceas de mn (subst.) - watch (uaci) ceac (subst.) - cup (kap) ceart (subst.) - dispute (dispiut) cea (subst.) - fog (fog) cec (subst.) - cheque (cek) central (adj.) - central (sentrl) centru (subst.) - center (sentr) cenuiu (adj.) - grey (grei) cep (subst.) - tap (tep) cer (subst.) - sky (skai) cerc (subst.) - circle (srkl) a cere (vb.) - to request (rikuest) ceremonie (subst.) - ceremony (seremni) cerneal (subst.) - ink (ink) ceos (adj) - foggy (foghi) ceva (pron.) - some (sam), something (samsing) cheie (subst.) - key (kii) a cheltui (vb.n.) - to spend (spend), spent (spent), spent (spent) a chema (vb.) - to call (kol) chiar (adv.) - even (ivn)

cadou (subst.) - gift (gift), present (preznt) cadru (subst.) - framework (freimurk) cafea (subst.) - coffee (kofi) cafenea (subst.) - caf (kefei) cal (subst.) - horse (hoos) a calcula (vb.) - to calculate (kalkiuleit) cald (adj.) - warm (wm) cale ferat (subst.) - railway (reiluei) calitate (subst.) - quality (kuoliti) calm (adj.) - calm (kaam) camer (subst.) - room (ruum)

chimic (adj.) - chemical (kemikl) chipe (adj.) - handsome (hensm) cin (subst.) - dinner (dinr), supper (sapr) cinci (num.) - five (faiv) al cincilea (num.) - the fifth (fifs) cincizeci (num.) - fifty (fifti) al cincizecilea (num.) - the fiftieth (fiftis) cine (pron.) - who (hu) cinematograf (subst.) - cinema (sinema) cineva (pron.) - somebody (sambdi) cinstit (adj.) - fair (fe), honest (onst) a ciocni (vb.) - to knock (nok) ciocolat (subst.) - chocolate (cioklit) ciorap de dam (subst.) - stocking (stoking) a citi (vb.) - to read (riid) ciudat (adj.) - strange (streingi) cine (subst.) - dog (dog) cmp (subst.) - field (fild) cnd (adv.) - when (uen) a cnta (vb.n.) - to sing (sing), sang (seng), sung (sang) cntec (subst.) - song (song) crnat (subst.) - sausage (sosigi) a ctiga (vb.) - to earn (n) a ctiga, a nvinge (vb.n.) - to win (uin), won (un), won (un) ct pe ce (adv.) - nearly (nili) civa (adj.) - several (sevrl) cldire (subst.) - building (bilding) clim (subst.) - climate (klaimt)

clopot (subst.) - bell (bel) coad (subst.) - tail (teil) coafor (subst.) - hair dressers (hedresrz) colet (subst.) - parcel (paasl) colonie (subst.) - colony (klny) col (subst.) - corner (cornr) a comand (vb.) - to order (ood) comand (subst.) - driving (draiving) comandant (subst.) - commander (kmandr) combustibil (subst.) - fuel (fiul) comedie (subst.) - comedy (komedi) comer (subst.) - commerce (kmrs), trade (treid) comitet (subst.) - committee (kmiti) companie (subst.) - company (kampni) comparaie (subst.) - comparison (kmperijn) complet (adj.) - complete (kmpliit) complet (adv.) - quite (kuait) complex (adj.) - complex (kompleks) a comporta (vb.n.) - to behave (biheiv) comportare (subst.) - behaviour (biheivir) compromis (subst.) - compromise (kamprmaiz) compunere (subst.) - composition (kompozin) comun (subst.) - common (kamn), joint (gioint) comunicare (subst.) - communication (kmiunikein) concert (subst.) - concert (knsrt) concuren (subst.) - competition (kompetin) condiie (subst.) - condition (kondin) conductor (subst.) - conductor (kndactr), leader (liidr)

a conduce (vb.n.) - to lead (liid), led (led), led (led) a coduce maina (vb.) - to drive (draiv), drove (druv), driven (draivn) a confirma (vb.) - to confirm (knfm) confort (subst.) - comfort (kmfrt) confortabil (adj.) - comfortable (kmfrtbl) conservator (subst.) - conservative (knsrvtiv) consiliu (subst.) - council (counsl) a consimi (vb.) - to agree (agrii) constituie (subst.) - constitution (konstitiun) a construi (vb.n.) - to build (bild), built (bilt), built (bilt) contient (adj.) - conscious (kans) a continua (vb.) - to continue (kntiniu) contrar (adj.) - contrary (kntrri) a controla (vb.) - to control (kntrul) conversaie (subst.) - conversation (konvrsein) cooperare (subst.) - co-operation (kuoprein) copac (subst.) - tree (trii) copert (subst.) - cover (kavr) copie (subst.) - copy (kopi) copil (subst.) - baby (beibi) corect (adv.) - fairly (feli) a corecta (vb.) - to correct (krekt) cositor (subst.) - tin (tin) a costa (vb.n.) - to cost (kost), cost (kost), cost (kost) costum (subst.) - suit (siuut) co (subst.) - basket (baskit) covor (subst.) - carpet (karpit) crptur (subst.) - crack (krek)

a crea (vb.) - to create (krieit) creaie (subst.) - creation (kriein) a crede (vb.) - to believe (biliiv) creier (subst.) - brain (brein) creion (subst.) - pencil (pensl) a crete (subst.) - to grow (gru), grew (gru), grown (graun) cretere (subst.) - growth (grus) cret (subst.) - chalk (ciook) crim (subs.) - crime (kraim) criminal (subs.) - criminal (kriminl) crud (adj.) - cruel (krul) cu (prep.) - with (uiz) cufr (subst.) - chest (cest) al cui (prep.) - whose (huuz) culoare (subst.) - colour (kalr) cum (adv.) - how (hau) a cumpra (vb.n.) - to buy (bay), bought (but), bought (but) cumprturi (subst.) - shopping (oping) cum se cuvine (adv.) - properly (propli) cunoatere (subst.) - knowledge (noligi) cuptor (subst.) - furnace (frnis), oven (uvn) curaj (subst.) - courage (karigi) curajos (adj.) - brave (breiv) curat (adj.) - clean (kliin) curcan (subst.) - turkey (tkii) curent (subst.) - current (karnt) a curge (vb.n.) - to flow (flu), flew (fliu), flown (flun)

curios (adj.) - curious (kiuris) curnd (adv.) - soon (suun) cutie (subst.) - box (boks) cuit (subst.) - knife (naif) cuvnt (subst.) - word (ud)

de doua ori (num.) - twice (tuais) deget (subst.) - finger (fingr) deja (adv.) - already (olredi) dejun (subst.) - lunch (lanci) de la (prep.) - from (from) delicat (adj.) - delicate (delikeit) demn (adj.) - worthy (urzi) democraie (subst.) - democracy (dimocrsi) deoarece (conj.) - because (bikooz) de obicei (adv.) - usually (iujuli) deodat (adv.) - suddenly (sadnli) de o parte (adv.) - aside (said) deosebit (adj.) - different (difrnt) departe (adv.) - far (faar), away (uei) dependent (adj.) - dependent (dipendnt) a depinde (vb.) - to depend (dipend) desvrit (adj.) - perfectly (pfiktli) a deschide (vb.) - to open (upn) descoperire (subst.) - discovery (diskavry) a descrie (vb.) - to describe (diskraib) a desena (vb.n.) - to draw (dru), drew (driu), drawn (drun) destul (adv.) - enough (inaf) deert (subst.) - desert (dezrt) dei (conj.) - though (zu), although (olzu) detept (adj.) - clever (klevr) detaliu (subst.) - detail (diteil) detectiv (subst.) - detective (ditektiv) a deteriora (vb.) - to damage (demigi)

da (adv.) - yes (ies) a da (vb.) - to give (ghiv), gave (gheiv) given (ghivn) dac (conj.) - if (if) dac nu cumva (conj.) - unless (anles) dactilograf (subst.) - typist (taipist) a dactilografia (vb.) - to type (taip) a dansa (vb.) - to dance (dens) dar (conj.) - but (bt) data (subst.) - date (deit) o data (num.) - once (oans) a datora (vb.) - to owe (u) datorie (subst.) - debt (det) deal (subst.) - hill (hil) de asemenea (adv.) - also (olsu) deasupra (adv.) - above (bav) de ce (adv.) - why (uai) decembrie (subs.) - December (disembr) decizie (subst.) - decision (desijn) dect (conj.) - than (zen) declaraie (subst.) - statement (steitmnt) decor (subst.) - scenery (senri) dedesubt (adv.) - beneath (biniis)

a deveni (vb.n.) - to become (bikam), became (bikeim), become (bikam) devreme (adv.) - early (li) dezbatere (subst.) - debate (dibeit) dezgust (subst.) - disgust (dizgast) dezlegat (adj.) - loose (luus) a dezvolta (vb.) - o develop (divelop) dezvoltare (subst.) - development (divelopmnt) a dicta (vb.) - to dictate (dikteit) dictator (subst.) - dictator (dicteitr) diferen (subst.) - difference (difrns) dificil (adj.) - difficult (difiklt) dificultate (subst.) - difficulty (difiklti) diminea (subst.) - morning (mooning) dincolo de (prep.) - beyond (biond) dinte (subst.) - tooth (tuus) direct (adj.) - direct (direkt) director (subst.) - manager (menigir) direcie (subst.) - direction (direkn) a discuta (vb.) - to discuss (diskas) discuie (subst.) - discussion (diskan), chat (cet) a disprea (vb.) - to disappear (dizpir) distan (subst.) - distance (distns) distracie (subst.) - fun (fan) distribuire (subst.) - distribution (distribiun) a distruge (vb.) - to destroy (distroi) doamn (subst.) - lady (leidi) a dobndi (vb.) - to aquire (akuair) doi (num.) - two (tu) al doilea (num.) - second (seknd)

doisprezece (num.) - twelve (tuelv) al doisprezecelea (num.) - the twelfth (z tuelfs) dolar (subst.) - dollar (dalr) domn (subst.) - gentleman (gentlmen) domnioar (subst.) - miss (mis) dop (subst.) - cork (kork) a dori (vb.) - to wish (ui) dorin (subs.) - desire (dizair) a dormi (vb.) - to sleep (sliip) dormitor (subst.) - bedroom (bedrum) douzeci (num.) - twenty (tuenti) al douzecilea (num.) - the twentieth (z tuentis) a dovedi (vb.) - to prove (pruuv) drag (adj.) - dear (dir) drgu (adj.) - nice (nais) drept (adj.) - right (rait), straight (streit) dreptate (subst.) - justice (giastis) drum (subst.) - way (uei), road (rud) dublu (num.) - double (dabl) dulap (subst.) - cupboard (kapbood) dulce (adj.) - sweet (suiit) dulcea(subst.) - jam (gem) duminic (subst.) - Sunday (sandei) dup (prep.) - after (aft) dup aceea (adv.) - afterwards (aftudz) dupa-amiaz (subst.) - afternoon (aftnuun) durere (subst.) - pain (pein) durere de cap (subst.) - headache (hedeici) du (subst.) - shower (aur) duman (subst.) - enemy (enmi)

duzin (subst.) - dozen (dazn)

ea (pron.) - she (i) echilibru (subst.) - balance (belns) echip (subst.) - team (tiim) economic (adj.) - economic (iknomik) a aconomisi (vb.) - to save (seiv) a educa (vb.) - to educate (ediukeit) educaie (subst.) - education (ediukein) efect (subst.) - effect (ifekt) efectiv (adv.) - really (rili) efort (subst.) - effort (efrt) egal (adj.) - equal (ikul) egalitate (subst.) - equality (ikuoliti) ei (pron.) - they (zei) al ei (pron.) - her (hr) pe ei (pron.) - them (zem) al ei (pron.) - hers (hz) el (pron.) - he (hi) el, ea (pron.) - it (it) elastic (adj.) - elastic (ilestik) electric (adj.) - electric (ilektrik) element (subst.) - element (elmnt) elev (subst.) - pupil (piupl) a elibera (vb.) - to free (frii) elicopter (subst.) - helicopter (helikaptr) emoie (subt.) - emotion (imun) energie (subst.) - energy (enrgi) eseu (subst.) - essay (esei)

est (subst.) - east (iist) eec (subst.) - failure (feilir) eu (pron.) - I (ai) eveniment (subst.) - event (ivent) a evita (vb.) - to avoid (void) examen (subst.) - examination (igzeminein) cu excepia (prep.) - except (iksept) excursie (subst.) - trip (trip) exemplu (subst.) - example (igzampl) existen (subst.) - existence (egzistns) experien (subst.) - experience (ikspirins) expert (subst.) - expert (eksprt) a explica (vb.) - to explain (iksplein) a exploata (vb.) - to exploit (iksploit) e exporta (vb.) - to export (ekspoot) expresie (subst.) - expression (ikspren) a exprima (vb.) - to express (ikspres) extindere (subst.) - expansion (ikspenn) a ezita (vb.) - to hesitate (heziteit)

farmacie (subst.) - chemists (kemis) fat (subst.) - girl (grl) faad (subst.) - front (front) fa (subst.) - face (feis) favoare (subst.) - favour (feivr) fin (subst.) - flour (flour) fr (prep.) - without (uizaut) fr ndoial (adv.) - certainly (stnli) febr (subst.) - fever (fivr) februarie (subst.) - February (februri) a felicita (vb.) - to congratulate (kongretiuleit) felicitare (subst.) - congratulation (kongretiulein) femeie (subst.) - woman (umn) femel (subst.) - female (fimeil) fereastr (subst.) - window (uindu) fericit (adj.) - happy (hepi) ferit (adj.) - safe (seif) ferm (subst.) - farm (farm) fermier (subst.) - farmer (farmr) fertil (adj.) - fertile (frtail) a fi atent la (vb.) - to mind (maind) ficat (subst.) - liver (livr) ficiune (subst.) - fiction (fikn) fiecare (pron.) - either (aizr), each (iici) fier (subst.) - iron (airn) a fierbe (vb.) - to boil (boil) fierbinte (adj.) - hot (hot) a fi (vb.) - to be (bi), uas (uz), been (biin) fiic (subst.) - daughter (dootr) film (subst.) - film (film)

fin (adj.) - fine (fain) fiu (subst.) - son (san) a fixa (vb.) - to settle (setl), to fix (fiks) flacr (subst.) - flame (fleim) floare (subst.) - flower (flaur) foarte (adv.) - very (veri) foc (subst.) - fire (fair) folositor (adj.) - useful (iusful) form (subst.) - shape (eip) fotografie (subst.) - photograph (foutgraaf) frate (subst.) - brother (brazr) frecvent (adj.) - frequent (frikunt) frigider (subst.) - refrigerator (refrigireitr) frizerie (subst.) - barbers (barbrz) frn (subst.) - brake (breik) frontier (subst.) - border (bordr) fruct (subst.) - fruit (fruut) frumos (adj.) - beautiful (biutiful) frumusee (subst.) - beauty (biuti) frumuel (adj.) - pretty (priti) frunz (subst.) - leaf (liif) a fugi (vb.n.) - to flee (flii), fled (fled), fled (fled) a fugi (vb.) - to escape (iskeip) a fuma (vb.) - to smoke (smuk) funcionar (subst.) - clerk (klerk) fund (subst.) - bottom (batm) a fura (vb.) - to steal (stiil), stole (stul), stolen (stulen) ferculi (subst.) - fork (fook) furtun (subst.) - storm (stoom)

fabric (subst.) - factory (fektri) a face (vb.) - to make (meik), made (meid), made (meid) a face (vb.) - to do (du), did (did), done (dan) fals (adj.) - false (fols) familiar (adj.) - familiar (fmilir) familie (subst.) - family (femili) fapt (subst.) - fact (fekt) farfurie (subst.) - dish (di), plate (pleit)

furtunos (adj.) - stormy (stoomi) fust (subst.) - skirt (skrt)

grdin (subst.) - garden (gardn) greeal (subst.) - mistake (misteik) greeal (subst.) - error (err) greit (adj.) - wrong (rong) greu (adj.) - heavy (hevi) cu greu (adv.) - hardly (haadli) greutate (subst.) - weight (ueit) grij (subst.) - care (ker) grijuliu (adj.) - careful (kerful) gru (subst.) - wheat (uiit) gros (adj.) - thick (sik) grup (subst.) - group (gruup) guler (subst.) - collar (kolr) gur (subst.) - mouth (maus) a gusta (vb.) - to taste (teist) guvern (subst.) - government (gavnmnt) guvernator (subst.) - governor (gavnr)

Ianuarie (subst.) - January (geniuri) iar (adv.) - again (ghen) iarb (subst.) - grass (gras) iarn (subst.) - winter (uintr) idee (subst.) - idea (aidia) ieftin (adj.) - cheap (ciip) ieri (adv.) - yesterday (iestdei) imediat (adv.) - immediately (imiditli) a imita (vb.) - to imitate (imiteit) importa (vb.) - to import (impoot) important (adj.) - important (impootnt) imposibil (adj.) - impossible (imposbl) impozit (subst.) - tax (teks) impuls (subst.) - impulse (impls) a include (vb.) - to include (inkluud) independent (adj.) - independent (indipendnt) a indica (vb.) - to point (point) industrial (adj.) - industrial (indstril) industrie (subst.) - industry (indstry) inel (subst.) - ring (ring) infirmier (subst.) - nurse (ns) a informa (vb.) - to inform (infoom) informaie (subst.) - information (infoomein) inginer (subst.) - engineer (enginir) inim (subst.) - heart (hart) iniiativ (subst.) - initiative (initiv) insect (subst.) - insect (insekt) a inspecta (vb.) - to inspect (inspekt) instrument (subst.) - instrument (instrumnt) insul (subst.) - island (ailnd)

galben (adj.) - yellow (ielu) garaj (subst.) - garage (gradgi) gar (subst.) - station (stein) gaz (subst.) - gas (ghes) gin (subst.) - hen (hen) a gsi (vb.n.) - to find (faind), found (faund), found (faund) a gti (vb.) - to cook (kuuk) geant (subst.) - bag (beg) general (adj.) - general (generl) genunchi (subst.) - knee (nii) gheat (subst.) - boot (buut) ghea (subst.) - ice (ais) ghid (subst.) - guide (gaid) ghinion (subst.) - misfortune (misforcin) ghiveci (subst.) - pot (pot) a gndi (vb.n.) - to think (sink), thought (soot), thought (soot) gt (subst.) - neck (nek) glob (subst.) - globe (glub) a glumi (vb.) - to joke (giuk) gol (adj.) - empty (emti) grad (subst.) - degree (digrii) grani (subst.) - frontier (frontir) gras (adj.) - fat (fet) a grbi (vb.) - to hurry (hari)

haina (subst.) - coat (kut) hart (subst.) - map (mep) hrtie (subst.) - paper (peipr) hol (subst.) - hall (hool) horn (subst.) - chimney (cimni) a hotr (vb.) - to decide (disaid) hotel (subst.) - hotel (hutel) ho (subst.) - thief (siif) hran (subst.) - food (fuud) a hrni (vb.) - to feed (fiid)

inteligent (adj.) - intelligent (inteligint) a inteniona (vb.) - to intend (intend) interes (subst.) - interest (intrst) interesant (adj.) - interesting (intristing) internaional (adj.) - international (interneinl) a intra (vb.) - to enter (entr) intrare (subst.) - entrance (entrns) a introduce (vb.) - to introduce (intrdius) a inunda (vb.) - to flood (flad) a inventa (vb.) - to invent (invent) invenie (subst.) - invention (invenn) a invita (vb.) - to invite (invait) a irosi (vb.) - to waste (ueist) istorie (subst.) - history (histri) a iubi (vb.) - to love (lav) iulie (subst.) - July (giulai) iunie (subst.) - June (giun) iute (adj.) - quick (kuik) a izbucni (vb.n.) - to burst (bst), burst (bst), burst (bst)

a mprtia (vb.) - to spread (spred) mpreun (adv.) - together (tughezr) mprumut (subst.) - credit (kredit) a mprumuta cuiva (vb.n.) - to lend (lend), lent (lent), lent (lent) a mprumuta cuiva (vb.n.) - to lend (lend), lent (lent), lent (lent) a mprumuta de la cineva (vb.) - to borrow (boru) n (prep.) - in (in) n (prep.) - into (intu) nainte (adv. sp.) - forward (fooud) nainte (adv.sp.) - along (long) nainte de (adv.) - before (bifoo) nalt (despre oameni) (adj.) - tall (tol) nalt (adj.) - high (hai) napoi (adv.) - back (bek) nuntru (adv.) - inside (insaid) nc (adv.) - still (stil), yet (iet) a nclzi (vb.) - to heat (hiit) nclzire (subst.) - heating (hiiting) a ncepe (vb.n.) - to begin (bighin), began (bighen), begun (bign) a ncerca (vb.) - to attempt (temt), to try (trai) ncet (adj.) - slow (slu) ncet (adj.) - slowly (sluli) a nchide (vb.) - to close (kluz) a nchide (vb.) - to shut (at), shut (at), shut (at) a nchipui (vb.) - to imagine (imeigin) nchisoare (subst.) - prison (prizn) ncnttor (adj.) - delightful (dilaitful)

a nconjura (vb.) - to sorround (sraund) ncredere (vb.) - trust (trst) a ncuia (vb.) - to lock (lok) a ncuraja (vb.) - to encourage (inkarigi) ncurajare (subst.) - cheer (cir) a ndemna (vb.) - to urge (gi) ndeosebi (adv.) - especially (ispeli) a ndoi (vb.) - to bend (bend), bent (bent) bent (bent) a neca (vb.) - to drown (draun) nfomentat (adj.) - hungry (hangri) a nfrnge (vb.) - to defeat (difiit) n general (adv.) - generally (generli) a nghea (vb.) - to freeze (friiz), froze (frouz), frozen (frozn) ngheat (subst.) - ice-cream (ais-kriim) a se ngrijora (vb.) - to worry about (uri baut) a ngropa (vb.) - to bury (bri) n jurul (prep.) - around (raund) a nota (vb.n.) - to swim (suim), swam (sum), swum (suum) n plus (adv.) - besides (bisaidz) nsetat (adj.) - thirsty (ssti) n spate (adv.) - behind (bihaind) nsi (pron.) - herself (hrself) a nsemna (vb.n.) - to mean (miin), meant (mint), meant (mint) nsumi (pron.) - myself (maiself) nsui (pron.) - himself (himself) nsui, nsi (pron.) - itself (itself)

a mbrca (vb.n.) - to wear (ue), wore (ur), worn (un) a mbuntii (vb.) - to improve (impruv) mbuntire (subst.) - improvement (impruvmnt) a mpri (vb.) - to divide (divaid) a mpri (vb.) - to share (e) a mpinge (vb.) - to push (pu) mpotriva (prep.) - against (agheinst)

nsui (pron.) - yourself (iooself) neltorie (subst.) - cheat (ciit) nine (pron.) - ourselves (auselvz) nii (pron.) - themselves (zemselvz) niv (pron.) - yourselves (iooselvz) n timpul (prep.) - during (diuring) a ntlni (vb.n.) - to meet (miit), met (met), met (met) ntlnire (subst.) - appointment (pointmnt) ntlnire (subst.) - meeteng (miiting) a ntmpina (vb.) - to welcome (uelkm) a ntmpina (vb.n.) - to greet (griit) ntmpinare (subst.) - welcome (uelkm) a ntmpla (vb.) - to happen (hepn) ntrziere (subst.) - delay (dilei) a ntoarce (vb.) - to turn (tn) a se ntoarce (vb.) - to return (ritn) ntr-adevr (adv.) - indeed (indiid) ntre (prep.) - between (bituiin) a ntreba (vb.) - to ask (ask) ntrebare (subst.) - question (kuescin) ntreg (adj.) - whole (hul) ntre timp (adj.) - meanwhile (miinuail) ntunecat (adj) - dark (daak) a nelege (vb.n.) - to understand (andstend), undestood (andstuud), nelept (adj.) - wise (uaiz) n urm (adv.) - ago (gu) a nva (vb.n.) - to learn (ln), learnt (lnt), learnt (lnt) nvtura (subst.) - learning (lrning)

a nveli (vb.) - to wrap (rep)

lege (subst.) - law (loo) legum (subst.) - vegetable (vegetbl) lemn (subst.) - wood (uud) lene (adj.) - lazy (leizi) liber (adj.) - free (frii) libertate (subst.) - liberty (librti) - freedom (fridm) lift (subst.) - lift (lift) limb (organ) (subst.) - tongue (tong) limb (subst.) - language (lenguigi) limit (subst.) - limit (limit) limpede (adj.) - clear (klir) limpede (adv.) - clearly (klirli) lingur (subst.) - spoon (spuun) linie (subst.) - line (lain) linite (subst.) - silence (sailns) linitit (adj.) - peaceful (piisful) list (subst.) - list (list) literatur (subst.) - literature (litricir) litoral (subst.) - seaside (siisaid) livr (subst.) - pound (paund) ln (subst.) - wool (uul) lng (prep.) - beside (bisaid) loc (subst.) - place (pleis) n loc de (prep.) - instead of (instid v) local (adj.) - local (lukl) lor (det.) - their (zer) ai lor, ale lor...(pron.) - theirs (zerz) a lovi (vb.n.) - to hit (hit), hit (hit), hit (hit) a lovi (vb.n.) - to strike (straik), stroke (struk), stroken (strukn)

a jefui (vb.) - to rob (rob) joc (subst.) - game (gheim) joi (subst.) - Thursday (srsdei) jos (adv.) - down (daun) jos (adj.) - low (lu) a juca (vb.) to play (plei) a judeca (vb.) - to judge (giagi) jumtate (subst.) - half (haf)

- l, - a,...(art.) - the (z) la (prep.) - at (et) laborator (subst.) - laboratory (lbortori) lac (subst.) - lake (leik) lacom (adj.) - greedy (gridi) la fel de (adv.) - as (ez) lam de ras (subst.) blade (bleid), razor (reizr) lamp (subst.) - lamp (lemp) lapte (subst.) - milk (milk) larg (adj.) - broad (broad), wide (uaid) latur (subst.) - side (said) a lsa (vb.n.) - to let (let), let (let), let (let) a luda (vb.) - to praise (preiz) lectur (subst.) - reading (riiding) lecie (subst.) - lesson (lesn) a lega (vb.) - to tie (tai), to bind (baind), bound (bund), bound (bund) legtur (subst) - connection (knekn)

a lua (vb.n.) - to take (teik), took (tuuk), taken (teikn) lucru (subst.) - thing (sing) lui (pron.) - him (him) al lui, a lui,...(pron.) - his (hiz) al lui, al ei,...(pron.) - its (i) lui, al, a, ai, ale (pron.) - of (v) lun (subst.) - month (mans) lun (astru) (subst.) - moon (muun) lung (adj.) - long (long) luni (subst.) - Monday (mandei) a lupta (vb.n.) - to fight (fait), fought (fout), fought (fout) a lupta (vb.) - to struggle (stragl)

martie (subst.) - March (maaci) a fi martor (vb.) - to witness (uitnes) mari (subst.) - Tuesday (tiusdei) mas (subst.) - table (teibl) mas (subst.) - meal (miil) main (subst.) - car (kar) material (subst.) - material (mtirial) mcelrie (subst.) - butchers (bucirz) mnu (subst.) - glove (glav) mr (subst.) - apple (epl) mre (adj.) - great (greit) mrime (subst.) - size (saiz) mrire (subst.) - increase (inkriis) a mrlui (vb.) - to march (maaci) msur (subst.) - measure (mejr) n mare msur (adj.) - largely (laagili) a mtura (vb.n.) - to sweep (suiip), sweept (suipt), sweept (suipt) mtu (subst.) - aunt (ant) medic (subst.) - doctor (daktr) medicament (subst.) - medicine (medisin) medical (adj.) - medical (medikl) membru (subst.) . member (membr) a meniona (vb.) - to mention (menn) a merita (vb.) - to deserve (dzrv) a merge (vb.n.) - to go (gu), went (uent), gone (gon) mesaj (subst.) - message (mesigi) a mesteca (vb.) - to mix (miks) metal (subst.) - metal (metl) metod (subst.) - method (mesd)

metrou (subst.) - underground (andgraund) meu, mea (pron.) - my (mai) al meu, a mea,... (pron.) - mine (main) mic (adj.) - small (smol) mic (adj.) - little (litl) mic dejun (subst.) - breakfast (brekfst) o mie (num.) - thousand (sauznd) al o mielea (num.) - thousandth (sauzndz) miere (subst.) - honey (hani) miercuri (subst.) - Wednesday (uensdei) miezul nopii (subst.) - midnight (midnait) mijloc (subst.) - middle (midl) un milion (num.) - million (milin) al milionulea (num.) - millonth (milins) militar (adj.) - military (militri) pe mine (pron.) - me (mi) minge (subst.) - ball (bol) minunat (adj.) - wonderful (uandful) micare (subst.) - movement (muvmnt) mil (subst.) - mile (mail) min (subst.) - mine (main) mineral (subst.) - mineral (minerl) ministru (subst.) - minister (ministr) mini (vb.) - lie (lai) minut (subst.) - minute (minit) a se mira (vb.) - to wonder (uondr) a mirosi (vb.) - to smell (smel) a mica (vb.) - to move (muuv) mhnit (adj.) - sorry (sori) mine (adv.) - tomorrow (tumoru)

magazin (subst.) - shop (op) mai (subst.) - May (mei) mai (adv.) - more (moor) mai ales (adv.) - chiefly (ciifli) mai degraba (adv.) - rather (razr) mai mult dect att (adv.) - moreover (mooruvr) mam (subst.) - mother (mazr) manier (subst.) - manner (menr) a marca (vb.) - to mark (maak) mare (subst.) - sea (sii) mare (adj.) - large (laagi) mare (adj.) - big (big) marmelad (subst.) - marmalade (maamleid) maro (adj) - brown (braun)

mn (subst.) - hand (hend) a mnca (vb.) - to eat (iit), ate (eit), eaten (itn) mniat (adj.) - angry (engri) mnie (subst.) - anger (engr) moale (adj.) - soft (soft) moarte (subst.) - death (des) mobil (subst.) - furniture (frnicir) model (subst.) - model (mudl) modern (adj.) - modern (modn) moment (subst.) - moment (mumnt) moned (subst.) - coin (koin) monoton (adj.) - dull (dal) mort (adj.) - dead (ded) a moteni (vb.) - to inherit (inherit) motel (subst.) - motel (mutel) motiv (subst.) - reason (riizn) motor (subst.) - engine (engin) muchie (subst.) - edge (egi) mult (adj.) - much (maci) muli (adj.) - many (meni) mulime (subst.) - crowd (kraud) a mulumi (vb.) - to thank (senk) mulumit (adj.) - content (kontnt) munc (subst.) - labour (leibr) a munci (vb.) - to work (urk) muncitor (subst.) - worker (urkr) munte (subst.) - mountain (mauntin) murdar (adj.) - dirty (dti) a muri (vb.) - to die (dai) a muca (vb.n.) - to bite (bait), bit (bit), bitten (bitn)

muctur (subst.) - bite (bait) mut (adj.) dumb (dam) muzeu (subst.) - museum ( miuzim) muzic (subst.) - music (miuzik)

noapte (subst.) - night (nait) noi (pron.) - we (ui) pe noi (pron.) - us (as) noiembrie (subst.) - November (novembr) nor (subst.) - cloud (klaud) nord (subst.) - north (nors) normal (adj.) - normal (nooml) norocos (adj.) - lucky (laki) nostru, noastr,... (pron.) - our (au) al nostru, a noastr... (pron.) - ours (auz) a nota (vb.) - to note (nut) not de plat (subst.) - bill (bil) nou (adj.) - new (niu) nou (num.) - nine (nain) al noulea (num.) - the ninth (z nains) nu (adv.) - no (nu), not (not) nuc (subst.) - nut (nat) nuclear (adj.) - nuclear (niuklir) numai (adv.) - only (onli) a numra (vb.) - to count (kaunt) nume (subst.) - name (neim)

nas (subst.) - nose (nuz) nasture (subst.) - button (batn) natere (isubst.) - birth (brs) natural (adj) - natural (necirl) natur (subst.) - nature (neicir) naional (adj.) - national (neinl) naiune (subst.) - nation (nein) a naviga (vb.) - to sail (seil) necaz (subst.) - trouble (trabl) necesar (adj.) - necessary (nessri) negru (adj.) - black (blek) negustror (subst.) - merchant (mercint) nervos (adj.) - nervous (nvs) neted (adj.) - smooth (smuus) neutru (adj.) - neutral (niutrl) nicieri (adv.) - nowhere (nuer) nici (conj.) - nor (noo) niciodat (adv.) - never (nevr) nici unul (pron.) - neither (naizr) nimeni (pron.) - nobody (nubadi) nimic (pron.) - nothing (nasing) a ninge (vb.) - to snow (snu) nisip (subst.) - sand (send) nivel (subst.) - level (levl)

oaie (subst.) - sheep (iip) oaspete (subst.) - guest (ghest) obicei (subst.) - custom (kastm) a obiecta (vb.) - to object (obgekt) obinuit (adj.) - usual (iujul) a obliga (vb.) - to oblige (oblaigi) obosit (adj.) - tired (taid)

a observa (vb.) - to notice (nutis) observaie (subst.) - observation (observein) a obine (vb.n.) - to get (ghet), got (got), got (got) ocazie (subst.) - occasion (okeijn) ocean (subst.) - ocean (un) ochi (subst.) - eye (ai) octombrie (subst.) - October (oktubr) ocupat (adj.) - busy (bizi) o dat (adv.) - once (oans) a odihni (vb.) - to rest (rest) a oferi (vb.) - to offer (afr) ofier (subst.) - officer (ofisr) om (subst.) - man (men) omenesc (adj.) - human (hiumn) a omite (vb.) - to omit (omit) onorabil (adj.) - highly (haili) operaie (subst.) - operation (operein) opoziie (subst.) - opposition (opozin) a opri (vb.) - to stop (stop) opt (num.) - eight (eit) al optulea (num.) - the eight (z eis) a opune (vb.) - to oppose (opuz) opus (adj.) - opposite (opozit) ora (subst.) - city (siti), town (taun) or (subst.) - hour (aur) orb (adj.) - blind (blaind) orchestr (subst.) - orchestra (orkestra), band (bend) orez (subst.) - rice (rais) a organiza (vb.) - to organize (oognaiz) organizatie (subst.) - organization (orgnaizein)

ori (conj.) - or (or) orice (pron.) - anything (enising) oricine (pron.) - anybody (enibadi) oricum (conj.) - however (hauevr) origine (subst.) - origin (origin) oriunde (adv.) - anywhere (eniue) os (subst.) - bone (bun) a otrvi (vb.) - to poison (poizn) oel (subst.) - steel (stiil) ou (subst.) - egg (eg) oval (adj.) - ovl (uvl)

pat (subst.) - bed (bed) patru (num.) - four (foo) al patrulea (num.) - fourth (foos) pavaj (subst.) - pavement (peivmnt) plrie (subst.) - hat (het) pmnt (subst.) - land (lend), earth (rs) pr (subst.) - hair (he) a prsi (vb.) - to leave (liiv), left (left), left (left) a prea (vb.) - to seem (siim) prere (subst.) - opinion (pinin) printe (subst.) - parent (pernt) a pstra (vb.n.) - to keep (kiip), kept (kept), kept (kept) a pi (vb.) - to step (step) ptrat (subst.) - square (skie) ptur (subst.) - blanket (blenkit) a pzi (vb.) - to guard (gard) pe (prep.) - on (on) pedeaps (subst.) - punishment (panimnt) a pedepsi (vb.) - to punish (pani) pentru (prep.) - for (for) perdea (subst.) - curtain (ktn) perete (subst.) - wall (ul) perfect (adj.) - perfect (pfikt) pericol (subst.) - danger (deingir) perie (subst.) - brush (bra) a permite (vb.) - to permit (pmit) permanent (adj.) - permanent (pment) pern (subst.) - pillow (pilu) persoan (subst.) - person (psn)

pace (subst.) - peace (piis) pachet (subst.) - packet (pekit) pacient (subst.) - patient (peint) pagin (subst.) - page (peigi) pahar (subst.) - glass (glas) palat (subst.) - palace (pels) palid (adj.) - pale (peil) pantaloni (subst.) - trousers (trauzrs) pant (subst.) - slope (slup) pantof (subst.) - shoe (uu) parc (subst.) - park (paak) parlament (subst.) - parliament (paalmnt) parte (subst.) - part (paat) a participa (vb.) - to attend (tend) particular (adj.) - private (praivt) partid (subst.) - match (meci) pasre (subst.) - bird (brd)

peste (prep.) - across (kros) peste (adv.) - over (uvr) peste grani (adv.) - abroad (brood) pete (subst.) - fish (fi) petrecere (subst.) - party (paati) petrol (subst.) - oil (oil) piatr (subst.) - stone (stun) pia (subst.) - market (maakit) picior (subst.) - foot (fuut) pictor (subst.) - painter (peintr) a picura (vb.) - to drop (drop) piele (subst.) - skin (skin), leather (lezr) pieptene (subst.) - comb (komb) a pierde (vb.n.) - to lose (luuz), lost (lost), lost (lost) pijama (subst.) - pyjamas (pigiamas) pilot (subst.) - pilot (pailt) pip (subst.) - pipe (paip) pisic (subst.) - cat (ket) pine (subst.) - bread (bred) pn (prep.) - till (til) pn ce (prep.) - until (antil) pnz (subst.) - linen (lainin) plan (subst.) - plan (plein) plant (subst.) - plant (plaant) a plcea (vb.) - to like (laik) plcere (subst.) - pleasure (plejr) plcut (adj.) - pleasant (pleznt) plmn (subst.) - lung (lang) a plti (vb.) - to pay (pei) a plnui (vb.) - to plan (plen)

plecare (subst.) - departure (diparcir) plic (subst.) - envelope (envlup) plimbare (subst.) - walk (uk) plin (adj.) - full (ful) a plnge (vb.) - to cry (krai) a se plnge (vb.) - to complain (kmplein) a ploua (vb.) - to rain (rein) a pluti (vb.) - to float (flut) poart (subst.) - gate (gheit) pod (subst.) - bridge (brigi) podea (subst.) - floor (flur) podium (subst.) - platform (pletfoom) poezie (subst.) - poetry (putri) politic (adj.) - political (pliticl) politic (subst.) - politics (plitiks) politicos (adj.) - polite (plait) poliie (subst.) - police (pliis) pomp (subst.) - pump (pamp) popor (subst.) - people (piipl) populaie (subst.) - population (popiulein) porc (subst.) - pig (pig) a porni (vb.) - to start (staat) port (subst.) - harbour (harbr) portar (subst.) - porter (pootr) portmoneu (subst.) - wallet (ualet) portocal (subst.) - orange (oringi) porunb (subst.) - maize (meiz) a poseda (vb.) - to possess (pses) posibil (adj.) - possible (posbl) poveste (subst.) - story (stori)

poziie (subst.) - position (pzin) praf (subst.) - dust (dast) prfuit (adj.) - dusty (dasti) prea (adv.) - too (tuu) precis (adj.) - exact (igzekt) a preda (vb.n.) - to teach (tiici) a prefera (vb.) - to prefer (prif) pregtit de (adj.) - ready (redi) a presupune (vb.) - to suppose (spuz) preedinte (subst.) - president (prezidnt) a pretinde (vb.) - to pretend (pritend) pretutindeni (adv.) - everywhere (evriue) pre (subst.) - price (prais) a preveni (vb.) - to prevent (privent) pricepere (subst.) - skill (skil) prieten (subst.) - friend (frend) prietenie (subst.) - friendship (frenip) prietenos (adj.) - frendly (frendli) primar (subst.) - mayor (meir) primvar (subst.) - spring (spring) primejdios (adj.) - dangerous (deingirs) a primi (vb.) - to receive (risiiv) primul (num.) - first (fst) primul, din doi (pron.) - former (foomr) prin (prep.) - through (sruu) principal (adj.) - main (mein) a prinde (vb.n.) - to catch (keci), cought (cot), cought (cot) printre (prep.) - among (mong) privelite (subst.) - view (viu)

a privi (vb.) - to look (luk) proaspt (adv.) - fresh (fre) probabil (adv.) - probably (probbli), perhaps (pheps) problem (subst.) - problem (prablm), matter (metr) proces (subst.) - trial (trail), process (proses) a produce (vb.) - to produce (prodius) produs (subst.) - product (prodakt) profesor (subst.) - teacher (tiicir) profit (subst.) - profit (profit) program (subst.) - programme (prugrem) progres (subst.) - progress (prugres) proiect (subst.) - design (dizain) a promite (vb.) - to promise (promis) pronuna (vb.) - to pronunce (prnauns) proprietar (subst.) - owner (unr) proprietate (subst.) - property (praprti) propriu (adj.) - own (un) a propune (vb.) - to propose (propuz) peopunere (subst.) - proposal (peopuzal) prosop (subst.) - towel (taul) prosper (adj.) - successful (sksesful) prost (adj.) - silly (sili) prostesc (adj.) - foolish (fuuli) a proteja (vb.) - to protect (protekt) protest (subst.) - protest (prutest) a protesta (vb.) - to protest (prutest) proz (subst.) - prose (pruz) prun (subst.) - plum (plam)

public (adj.) - public (pablik) a publica (vb.) - to publish (pabli) pudr (subst.) - powder (paudr) pui de gin (subst.) - chicken (cikin) a pune (vb.n.) - to put (put), put (put), put (put) pur i simplu (adv.) - simply (simpli) a putea (vb.) - to can (ken), could (cud) putere (subst.) - power (paur) puternic (adj.) - strong (strong), powerful (pauful) puini (adj.) - few (fiu)

raspunztor (adj.) - responsible (risponsbl) a rsuci (vb.) - to switch (suici) rsucire (subst.) - twist (tuist) ru (adj.) - bad (bed) rzboi (subst.) - war (ur) reacie (subst.) - reaction (riekn) real (adj.) - real (ril) rece (adj.) - cold (kuld) rece (adj.) - coll (kuul) recent (adv.) - recently (risntly), lately (leitli) recolt (subst.) - harvest (haavst) recompens (subst.) - reward (riurd) record (subst.) - record (rekrd) a recunoate (vb.) - to recognize (rekgnaiz) recunosctor (adj.) - grateful (greitful) a reduce (vb.) - to reduce (ridiuus) rege (subst.) - king (king) regin (subst.) - queen (kuiin) a regreta (vb.) - to regret (rigret) regulat (adj.) - regular (reghiulr) regul (subst.) - rule (ruul) a relata (vb.) - to relate (rileit) relaie (subst.) - relation (rilein) religie (subst.) - religion (religin) renume (subst.) - fame (feim) renumit (adj.) - famous (feims) a repara (vb.) - to repair (ripe) repede (adj.) - quickly (kuikli) a repeta (vb.) - to repeat (ripiit) a replica (vb.) - to reply (riplai)

rade (vb.) - to shave (eiv) radio (subst.) - radio (reidiu) raft (subst.) - shelf (elf) ramur (subst.) - branch (brench) rapid (adj.) - rapid (repid) raport (subst.) - report (ripoot) rareori (adv.) - seldom (seldm) rat (subst.) - rate (reit) raz (subst.) - ray (rei) rmas bun (subst.) - good-bye (gud-bai) a rmne (vb.) - to remain (rimein) a rni (vb.) - to hurt (ht) a rni (vb.) - to wound (uound) rnit (adj.) - injured (ingird) rmne (vb.) - to stay (stei) a rsri (vb.n.) - to rise (raiz), rose (ruz), risen (rizn) a rspunde (vb.) - to answer (ansr)

a reprezenta (vb.) - to represent (riprizent) reprezentant (subst.) - representative (riprizenttiv) republic (subst.) - republic (ripablic) respect (subst.) - respect (rispekt) a respinge (vb.) - to reject (rigekt) a respira (vb.) - to breathe (bres) restaurant (subst.) - restaurant (restoront) a reui (vb.) - to succeed (sksiid) a nu reui (vb.) - to fail (feil) revist (subst.) - magazine (megziin) revoluie (subst.) - revolution (revolun) rezonabil (adj.) - reasonable (riznbl) rezultat (subst.) - result (rizalt) rinichi (subst.) - kidney (kidni) rival (subst.) - rival (raivl) a rde (vb.) - to laugh (laf) ru (subst.) - river (rivr) rochie (subst.) - dress (dres) rostogolire (subst.) - rool (rol) rou (adj.) - red (red) rotund (adj.) - round (raund) ruin (subst.) - ruin (ruin)

sat (subst.) - village (viligi) satelit (subst.) - satellite (setlait) a satisface (vb.) - to satisfy (setisfai) satisfacie (subst.) - satisfaction (setisfekn) satisfctor (adj.) - satisfactory (setisfektri) slbatic (adj.) - wild (uaild) sntate (subst.) - healt (hels) sntos (adj.) - healthy (helsi) a spa (vb.) - to dig (dig), dug (dag), dug (dag) sptmn (subst.) - week (uiik) spun (subst.) - soap (sup) srac (adj.) - poor (pur) srcie (subst.) - poverty (pavrti) a srbtori (vb.) - to celebrate (selbreit) a sri (vb.) - to jump (giamp) a saruta (vb.) - to kiss (kis) scar (subst.) - scale (skeil), staircase (sterkeis) scaun (subst.) - chair (cer) a scpa (vb.) - to miss (mis) scen (subst.) - stage (steigi) a schimba (vb.) - to exchange (iksceingi), to change (ceingi) schimbare (subst.) - change (ceingi) scndur (subst.) - board (boord) sclipitor (adj.) - brilliant (brilint) scop (subst.) - purpose (prps) a scrie (vb.n.) - to write (rait), wrote (rut), written (ritn) scriitor (subst.) - writer (raitr) scris (subst.) - writing (raiting)

scrisoare (subst.) - letter (letr) a scufunda (vb.n.) - to sink (sink), sank (senk), sunk (sank) scurt (adj.) - short (oot) a scutura (vb.) - to shake (eik), shook (suuk), shaken (eicn) a scuza (vb.) - to excuse (ikskiuuz) sear (subst.) - evening (ivning) secol (subst.) - century (sentri) secret (adj.) - secret (sikrit) secretar (subst.) - secretary (sekretri) a semna (vb.) - to sign (sain) sentiment (subst.) - feeling (fiiling) senzaie (subst.) - sensation (senzein) septembrie (subst.) - September (siptembr) serie (subst.) - series (siriiz) serios (adj.) - serious (siris) sertar (subst.) - drawer (dror) a servi (vb.) - to serve (sv) servitor (subst.) - servant (srvnt) sex (subst.) - sex (seks) sfat (subst.) - advice (dvais) a sftui (vb.) - to advise (dvaiz) sfert (subst.) - quarter (kutr) a sfia (vb.) - to tear (te) sfrit (subst.) - end (end) sfoar (subst.) - cord (kood) sifon (subst.) - soda (suda) sigur (adj.) - certain (stn) sigur (adj.) - sure (ur)

sac (subst.) - sack (sek) salariu (subst.) - wage (ueigi) salariu (subst.) - salary (selry) salat (subst.) - salad (seld) salona (subst.) - sitting-room (siting-ruum) sare (subst.) - salt (solt)

a sili (vb.) - to force (foos) siluet (subst.) - figure (figr) simplu (adj.) - simple (simpl) sim (subst.) - sense (sens) a simi (vb.) - to feel (fiil), felt (felt), felt (felt) sincer (adj.) - sincere (sinsir) singur (adj.) - lonely (lunli) sistem (subst.) - system (sistm) situaie (subst.) - situation (sitiuein) smbt (subst.) - Saturday (setdei) snge (subst.) - blood (blad) a sngera (vb.) - to bleed (bliid), bled (bled), bled (bled) srm (subst.) - string (string) slab (adj.) - weak (uik), thin (sin) slnin (subst.) - bacon (beikn) slujb (subst.) - job (giob) smntn (subst.) - cream (kriim) soare (subst.) - sun (san) social (adj.) - social (sul) societate (subst.) - society (ssaiti) sol (subst.) - ground (graund) soldat (subst.) - soldier (soulgir) solid (adj.) - solid (solid) somnoros (adj.) - sleepy (sliipi) sor (subst.) - sister (sistr) a sosi (vb.) - to arrive (raiv) sosire (subst.) - arrival (raivl) so (subst.) - husband (hazbnd) soie (subst.) - wife (uaif)

a sparge (vb.n.) - to break (breik), broke (bruk), broken (brukn) spate (subst.) - back (bek) spaiu (subst.) - space (speis) a spla (vb.) - to wash (u) a spera (vb.) - to hope (hup) a speria (vb.) - frighten (fraitn) spirit (subst.) - spirit (spirit) spital (subst.) - hospital (haspitl)

strin (adj.) - foreign (forin) strluci (vb.) - to shine (ain) strlucitor (adj.) - bright (brait) a strnuta (vb.) - to sneeze (sniiz) strvechi (adj.) - ancient (ennt) a striga (vb.) - to shout (aut) strngere (subst.) - grip (grip) strns (adv.) - fast (fast) structur (subst.) - structure (strakcir)

a spnzura (vb.n.) - to hang (heng), hung (hang), hung student (subst.) - student (stiudnt) (hang) sport (subst.) - sport (spoot) spre (prep.) - to (tu) a sprijini (vb.) - to support (spoot) a spune (vb.) - to tell (tel), told (tould), told (tould) a spune (vb.) - to say (sei) a sta (vb.n.) - to sit (sit), sat (set), sat (set) a sta n picioare (vb.n.) - o stand (stend), stood (stuud), stood (stuud) stat (subst.) - state (steit) stea (subst.) - flag (fleg) sticl (subst.) - bottle (botl) stilou (subst.) - pen (pen) stnc (subst.) - rock (rok) stng (adj.) - left (left) stof (subst.) - cloth (klos) stomac (subst.) - stomach (stomci) strad (subst.) - street (striit) strin (subst.) - stranger (streingir) strin (uman) (subst.) - foreigner (forinr) a studia (vb.) - to study (stadi) stupid (adj.) - stupid (stiupid) sub (subst.) - under (andr), below (bilu) subiect (subst.) - subject (sabgekt) substan (subst.) - substance (sabstns) succes (subst.) - success (skses) sud (subst.) - south (saus) a suferi (vb.) - to suffer (safr) a sufla (vb.n.) - to blow (blu), bleww (bliu), blown (blun) sufragerie (subst.) - dining-room (daining-ruum) a sugera (vb.) - to suggest (sgest) sugestie (subst.) - suggestion (sgecin) sum (subst.) - sum (sam), amount (maunt) sunet (subst.) - sound (saund) sup (subst.) - soup (suup) suprafa (subst.) - area (eria) surd (adj.) - deaf (def) a surprinde (vb.) - to surprise (srpraiz) sus (adv.) - up (ap)

o sut (num.) - hundred (handrid) al o sutlea (num.) - the hundredth (handridz)

tcut (adj.) - quiet (kuaiet) a tia (vb.) - to cut (kat), cut (kat), cut (kat) tu, ta,...(pron.) - your (ioo) al tau, a ta,...(pron.) - yours (iooz) teatru (subst.) - theatre (sietr) tehnician (subst.) - tehnician (teknin) a telefona (vb.) - to telephone (telefun) telegram (subst.) - telegram (telgrem) televiziune (subst.) - television (televijn) tem (subst.) - homework (humurk) temtor (adj.) - afraid (freid) temperament (subst.) - temper (tempr) temperatur (subst.) - temperature (tempricir) tendin (subst.) - tendency (tendnsi) teorie (subst.) - theory (siri) teribil (adj.) - terrible (terbl) a termina (vb.) - to finish (fini) a testa (vb.) - to test (test) timbru (subst.) - stamp (stemp) timp (subst.) - time (taim) n timp ce (conj.) - while (uail) tineree (subst.) - youth (iuus) tipritur (subst.) - print (print) titlu (subst.) - headline (hedlain) tnr (adj.) - young (iang) trziu (adj.) - late (leit) toamn (subst.) - autumn (otm) toast (subst.) - toast (tust) tocmai (adv.) - just (giast) ton (subst.) - ton (ton)

a topi (vb.) - to melt (melt) tort (subst.) - cake (keik) tot (pron.) - everything (evrising) tot, toate (pron.) - all (ool) totdeauna (adv.) - always (olueiz) toi (pron.) - everybody (evribadi) trabuc (subst.) - cigar (sigar) tractor (subst.) - tractor (trektr) tradiie (subst.) - tradition (tradin) tradiional (adj.) - traditional (tradinl) a traduce (vb.) - to translate (trnsleit) a trage (vb.) - to pull (pul) a trage cu arma (vb.) - to shoot (uut), shot (ot), shot (ot) tragedie (subst.) - tragedy (tregidi) a transmite (vb.) - to broadcast (broodkast) transporta (vb.) - to transport (trenspoot) tratat (subst.) - treaty (triti) a traversa (vb.) - to cross (kros) a tri (vb.) - to live (liv) treaz (adj.) - awake (ueik) a trebui (vb.modal) - must (mast) a trece (vb.) - to pass (pas) trecut de (prep.) - past (past) trecut (adj.) - past (past) trei (num.) - three (srii) al treilea (num.) - the third (sd) treisprezece (num.) - thirteen (srtiin) al treisprezecelea (num.) - the thirteenth (z srtiins) treizeci (num.) - thirty (srti)

apc (subst.) - cap (kep) apte (num.) - seven (sevn) al aptelea (num.) - seventh (sevns) ase (num.) - six (siks) al aselea (num.) - sixth (siks) coal (subst.) - school (skuul) i (conj.) - and (end) ir (subst.) - range (reingi) a oca (vb.) - to shock (sok) omaj (subst.) - unemployment (animploimnt) ofer (subst.) - driver (draivr) omer (subst.) - unemployed (animploid) oset (subst.) - sock (sok) a ti (vb.) - to know (nau), knew (niu), known (naun) tiin (subst.) - science (sains) tiinific (adj.) -scientific (saintifik) unc (subst.) - ham (hem)

tabl (subst.) - blackboard (blekbord) tablet (subst.) - tablet (tablet) tablou (subst.) - picture (pikcir) tare (adj.) - hard (haad) tare (adj.) - loud (laud) tat (subst.) - father (fazr) tav (subst.) - tray (trei) taxi (subst.) - taxi (teksi)

al treizecilea (num.) - the thirtieth (z srtis) a tremura (vb.) - to tremble (trembl) tren (subst.) - train (trein) tribunal (subst.) - court (koot) a trimite (vb.n.) - to send (send), sent (sent), sent (sent) trist (adj.) - sad (sed) truc (subst.) - trick (trik) trup (subst.) - body (badi) tu (pron.) - you (iuu) tub (subst.) - tube (tiuub) tulburat (adj.) - excited (iksaitid) tunet (subst.) - thunder (sandr) a turna (vb.) - to pour (poo) a tui (vb.) - to cough (kaf) tutungerie (subst.) - tobacconists (tobeknist)

a uita (vb.n.) - to forget (fooghet), forgot (foogot), forgotten (foogotn) ultim (adj.) - last (last) ultimul (din doi) - (pron) - latter (letr) umr (subst.) - shoulder (uldr) umbr (subst.) - shade (eid) umbrel (subst.) - umbrella (mbrela) umed (adj.) - damp (demp) umor (subst.) - humour (hiumr) a umple (vb.) - to fill (fil) un, o (art.) - a (), an (n) unde (adv.) - where (ue) undeva (adv.) - somewhere (samue) unealt (subst.) - tool (tuul) uneori (adv.) - sometimes (samtaims) unghi (subst.) - angle (engl) a uni (vb.) - to unite (iunait) a uni (vb.) - to join (gioin) unic (adj.) - only (unli) unitate (subst.) - unit (iunit) universitate (subst.) - university (iunivrsiti) unsprezece (num.) - eleven (ilevn) al unsprezecelea (num.) - the eleventh (z ilevns) unt (subst.) - butter (batr) unu (num.) - one (oan) unul (pron.) - one (oan) a urca (vb.) - to climb (klaim) ureche (subst.) - ear (ir) a ur (vb.) - to hate (heit) urt (adj.) - ugly (agli)

a urma (vb.) - to follow (folu) urmtor (adj.) - next (nekst) a usca (vb.) - to dry (drai) u (subst.) - door (door) uor (adj.) - easy (iizi) uurare (subst.) - relief (riliif) uz (subst.) - use (iuz)

vacan (subst.) - holiday (halidei) vac (subst.) - cow (kau) val (subst.) - wave (ueiv) vale (subst.) - valley (veli) valiz (subst.) - suitcase (siutkeis) valoare (subst.) - value (veliu) valoros (adj.) - valuable (veliubl) vapor (subst.) - ship (ip) var (subst.) - summer (samr) vas (subst.) - vessel (vesl) a vrsa (vb.n.) - to spill (spil) vecin (subst.) - neighbour (neibr) a vedea (vb.) - to see (sii), saw (soo), seen (siin) vedere (subst.) - sight (sait) a veni (vb.) - to come (kam), came (keim), come (kam) verde (adj.) - green (griin) vesel (adj.) - merry (meri) vest (subst.) - west (uest) veste (subst.) - news (niuz) via (subst.) - life (laif)

ar (subst.) - country (kantri) rm (subst.) - coast (kust), shore (oor) eapn (adj.) - stiff (stif) el (subst.) - goal (gul) igar (subst.) - cigarette (sigret) a ine (vb.) - to hold (huld), held (held), held (held) a ine minte (vb.) - to remember (rimembr)

a ucide (vb.) - to kill (kil) ud (adj.) - wet (uet) a uimi (vb.) - to astonish (stoni)

victorie (subst.) - victory (viktri) vierme (subst.) - worm (uoom) viitor (subst.) - future (fiucir) a vinde (vb.n.) - to sell (sel), sold (sould), sold (sould) a vindeca (vb.) - to cure (kiur) vineri (subst.) - Friday (fraidei) vinovat (adj.) - guilty (ghilti) violent (adj.) - violent (vailnt) a visa (vb.) - to dream (driim), dreamt (dremt), dreamt (dremt) viin (subst.) - cherry (ceri) vite (subst.) - cattle (ketl) vitez (subst.) - speed (spiid) viu (adj.) - alive (laiv) a vizita (vb.) - to visit (vizit) vnt (subst.) - wind (uind) vnzare (subst.) - sale (seil) vnztor (subst.) - shop-assistant (op-sistnt) vrf (subst.) - top (top) vrst (subst.) - age (eigi) voce (subst.) - voice (vois) volan (subst.) - wheel (uiil) a vopsi (vb.) - to paint (peint) a vorbi (vb.) - to talk (took) a vorbi (vb.) - to speak (spiik), spoke (spuk), spoken (spukn) a vota (vb.) - to vote (vut) a vrea (vb.) - want (unt) vreodat (adv.) - ever (evr) vreme (subst.) - weather (uezr)

zahr (subst.) - sugar (ugr) a zcea (vb.) - to lie (lei), lay (lei), lain (lein) zbor (subst.) - flight (flait) a zbura (vb.) - to fly (flai), flew (fluu), flown (floun) zece (num.) - ten (ten) al zecelea (num.) - tenth (tens) zero (num.) - zero (ziru) zgomot (subst.) - noise (noiz) zgomotos (adj.) - noisy (noizi) zi (subst.) - day (dei) ziar (subst.) - newspaper (niuzpeipr) a zmbi (vb.) - to smile (smail)

EXPRESII UZUALE Formule de salut La ntlnire Bun dimineaa, - domnule! - doamna! - domnioara! Bun ziua! Bun seara! Noapte bun! Domnelor i domnilor! Dragi prieteni! Bine ai venit! Ce mai facei? Mulumesc, bine. i dumneavoastr (dv)? Ce face familia dv? Ne simim bine! Ai cltorit bine? Ct a durat calatoria? La desprire Mi-a plcut foarte mult aici. Cnd ne mai vedem? Sper s ne revedem n curnd E deja trziu! La revedere! Pe curnd! Complimente soiei dv.! Cltorie plcut!

EVERYDAY EXPRESSION Greetings On meeting Good morning, - Sir! - madam! - madam! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Ladies and gentlemen! Dear friends! Welcome! How are you? Very well, thanks! And how are you? Hows the family? We feel fine! Did you have a good journey? How long did your journey last?

EVRIDEI EXPRENS Griitings On miiting Guud morning, - Sr - medm! - medm! Guud aftnuun! Guud ivning! Guud nait! Lediz end gentlmen! Di frends! Uelcam! Hau ar iu? Veri uel, senks! End hau ar iu? Hau z femili? Ui fiil fain! Did iu hev guud girnei? Hau long did iu girnei lest?

On parting I liked it very much here. When shall we meet again? I hope well meet again soon Its late! Good-bye! See you soon! Remember me to your wife! Happy journey!

On parting Ai laict it veri maci hi. Uen l ui miit ghen? Ai hup uil miit ghen suun I leit! Gud-bai. Sii iu suun! Rimembr mi to iu uaif! Hepi girnei!

Prezentarea Dai-mi voie s m prezint Numele meu este... Dai-mi voie s m prezint.... Acesta este... - soul meu - prietenul meu Aceasta este... - soia mea - prietena mea Acetia sunt copii notri ncntat-()! De unde (din ce ar) venii? Sunt venit din... V place aici? mi/Ne place foarte mult aici ntrebri Unde este (sunt)... ? Unde se afl...? De unde venii? Unde mergei? Unde duce acest drum/aceast osea? Ct dureaz? Cum ajung la...? Cum se cheam... ? Cine poate s-mi spun ? Pe cine? Cu cine ? Cui?

Introduction Allow me to introduce myself My name is May I introduce to you This is - my husband - my friend This is - my wife - my friend (girl) These are our children How do you do? Where are you from? I am from Do you like it here? I/We like it very much

Intrdacn lu mi tu intrdius maiselv Mai neim iz... Mei ai introdius tu iu... Zis iy... - mai hazbnd - mai frend Zis iy... - mai uaif - mai frend (grl) Ziis ar aur cildrn Hau du iu du ? Ue ar iu from? Ai em from... Du iu laic it hi? Ai/Ui laic it veri maci Cuescins Uer iz (ar)...? Uer ken ai faind...? Uer du iu cam from? Uer ar iu guing tu? Uer daz zis rud/reilrud gu tu? Hau long daz it teic ? Hau du ai ghet tu? Ua...cold ? Ken enioan tel mi... ? Hum... ? Uiz hum... ? Tu hum... ?

Questions Where is (are)? Where can I find? Where do you come from? Where are you going to? Where does this road/railroad go to? How long does it take? How do I get to? Whatscalled? Can anyone tell me Whom? With whom...? To whom...?

Cnd? Pentru ce? Ce? Ce fel de? Care? Ce este asta ? Pentru ce ? Ct? Avei nevoie de.. ? Avei... ? Ce dorii ? Ce cautai ? Ce s-a ntmplat ? Ce nseamn asta ? Cum funcioneaz aceasta ? Cnd se deschide/nchide... ? Solicitri V rog... Am o rugminte... Pot s v cer o informaie? Despre ce e vorba? Am de fcut unele cumprturi Vrei s m ajutai? Spunei-mi, v rog, cnd i unde ne putem ntlni? A vrea s tiu unde pot cumpra... Ai fi att de amabil s-mi - artai...? - dai...?

When? Why? What? What kind of? Which? Whats that? What for? How much? Do you need...? Have you...? What would you like? What are you looking for? Whats happened? What does that mean? How does that work? When does it open/closed?

Uen? Uai? Uat? Uat kaind v? Uici? Ua zet? Uat for? Hau maci? Dui u need? Hev iu... ? Uat ud iu laic ? Uat ar iu luuking for ? Ua happened? Uat daz zat miin? Hau daz zat ure? Uen daz it upn/cluz?

Requests Please Ive got a request to make to you May I ask you for an information? What is it about? Ive got some shopping to do Will you help me? Tell me, please, when and where can we meet? Id like to know, where can I buy Would you be so kind as to - show me? - give me?

Richests Pliz Aiv gat richest tu meic tu iu Mei ai esc iu for n informein ? Ut iz baut? Aiv gat sam oping tu du Uil iu help mi ? Tel mi, pliz, uen and uer ken ui miit ? Aid laic tu nu uer ken ai bai Ud iu bin - su mi? - ghiv mi... ?

Rspunsuri afirmative Da! Desigur! Bineneles! Cu plcere! Foarte bine! Far ndoial! Este posibil! Este adevarat! E drept! Avei dreptate! Nu v facei griji! Sunt de acord Nu am nimic mpotriv E foarte important Rspunsuri negative Nu! Absolut nu! Nu este aa Este exclus! n nici un caz V nelai Din contr E imposibil Nu pot s cred Nu se poate Nu pot Nu putem Nu vreau Nu vrem

Affirmative Answers Yes ! Of course ! Naturally ! With pleasure ! Very well! Without doubt! Its possible Thats true Thats right You are right Dont worry I agree I have no objection Its very important

firmtiv ensurs Ies! v cors! Neciurli! Uiz plejr! Veri uel! Uiyaut daubpt! I posibl Za tru Za rait Iu ar rait Dunt uri Ai grii Ai have nu bgecn I veri importnt Negtiv ensurs Nu! In nu uei/Not et ol! It iz not su Cuaiet aut ov z cuescin! In nu cheiz Iu ar misteicn On z countrri Ze imposibl Ai kent biliv it Zat uount du Ai kent/Ai kenot Ui kent/Ui kenot Ai dunt unt Ui dunt unt

Negative Answers No! In no way/Not at all! It is not so Quite out of the question! In no case You are mistaken On the contrary Thats impossible I cant belive it That wont do I cant/ I cannot We cant/ We cannot I dont want We dont want

Mulumiri Mulumesc! Mulumesc foarte mult! Va mulumesc pentru - ajutorul dv - primirea dv - amabilitatea dv - osteneala dv Nu avei de ce!

Thanks Thank you! Thank you very much! I thank you for your - help - reception - kindness - trouble Dont mention it!

Senks Senk iu! Senk iu veri maci! Ai senk iu for yu - help - resepn - kaindnes - trabl Dunt menn it! pologiais Eschiuz mi! Ai beg iu pardn! Aim veri sori! Aim terebli sori Pliz exchiuz mi for being leit! - for not ringhing iu ap Pliz dunt teic it amis Dunt bi angri uiz mi Zat daznt matr Rigre Ai em veri sori Ut piti! Ut bed lac! Ai em, freid, i imposibl I greit piti, zet... Uiis Ai/Ui ui hepi Niu Ir

Scuze Scuzai! Iertai-m! Imi pare ru Mi-e foarte neplcut Scuzai-m c am ntrziat - c nu v-am telefonat Nu mi-o luai n nume de ru Nu fii suprat pe mine Nu face nimic

Apologies Excuse me! I beg your pardon! Im very sorry I am terriblz sorry Please excuse me for being late! - for not ringing you up Please dont take it amiss Dont be angry with me That doesnt matter

Regrete Regret foarte mult Ce pcat ! Ce ghinion ! Din nefericire, este imposibil E pcat c... Urri V doresc/V dorim un An Nou fericit!

Regrets I am very sorry What a pity! What a bad luck! I am afraid, its impossible Its great pity, that

Wishes I/We wish you happy New Year!

V felicit pentru - logodna dv - cstoria dv - ziua de natere Petrecere frumoas!

Congratulations on your - engagement - marriage - birthday Have a good time!

Congrtulein on iur - eingheigiment - marieigi - brzdei Hev guud taim!

Vrsta Ce vrst avei? Am... ani Am peste... ani Cai ani are el/ea? M-am nscut la El e mai tnr/mai n vrst n vrst de... - minor - adult Ei (ele) sunt de aceeai etate

Age How old are you? I am year old I am over Hoe old is he/she I was born on He is younger/older At the age of - under age (a minor) - grown-up They are of the same age

Eigi Hau uld ar iu? Ai em irs uld Ai em ovr. Hau uld iz hi/i? Ai us born on... Hi iz iangr/uldr Et z eigi v - andr eigi ( mainr) - grun-ap Zei ar v z seim eigi

Timpul Avei ora exact? Ce or este? E ora unu Este aproximativ ora dou E ora trei fix E ora cinci i un sfert E ase i jumtate E nou fr un sfert E patru i cinci E opt fr zece De cte ori?

Time Do you know the exact time? Whats the time? Its one oclock Its about two oclocki Its exactly three oclock Its a quarter past five Its half past six Its a quarter to nine Its five minutes past four Its ten minutes to eight How many times? How often?

Taim Dui u nu z exct taim? Ua z taim ? I oan ocloc I baut tu ocloc I exactli srii ocloc I cuartr past faiv I halv past six I cuartr tu nain I faiv mini past for I ten mini tu eit Hau meni taimz? Hau ufn ?

O dat De dou ori De trei ori De patru ori De cinci ori Ceasul dv. merge bine? Ceasul meu... - merge nainte - ramane n urm - s-a oprit Am uitat s ntorc ceasul Cnd? Dimineaa nainte de prnz n timpul zilei Ctre prnz Dup mas Seara La miezul nopii n fiecare zi n fiecare or Ieri Alaltieri Astzi Mine Poimine ntr-o sptmn n cincisprezece zile Acum o lun Acum dou zile

Once Twice Three times Four times Five times Is your clock right? My watch. - is fast - is slow - has stopped Ive forgotten to wind my watch When? In the morinig During the morning During the day About midday In the afternoon In the evening At midnight Every day Hourly Yesterday The day before yesterday Today Tomorrow The day after tomorrow In a week In a fortnight A month ago Two days ago

Oans Tuais Srii taimz Four taimz Faiv taimz Iz iu cloc rait ? Mai uci.. - iz fast - iz slu - hez stopt Aiv forgotn tu uind mai uci Uen ? In z morning Diuring z morning Diuring z dei baut midei In zi aftnuun In zi ivning Et midnait Evri dei Haurli Iestrdei Z dei bifor iestdei Tudei Tumru Z dei aft tumoru In unic In fortnait A mouns egu Tu deis egu

La sfritul sptmnii Anul trecut Anul viitor n fiecare an Din timp n timp n prezent Curnd Pn Oricnd Acum Cateodat La timp De curnd Mai trziu Recent Zilele sptmnii Ce zi e astzi ? Astzi este....

At the weekend Last year Next year Every year From time to time At the moment Soon Until At any time Now Sometimes In time Recently Later A short time ago

Et zi uichend Last ir Next ir Evri ir From taim tu taim Et z moumnt Suun Antil Et eni taim Nau Samtaims In taim Resentli Leitr A ort taim egu Deiz v z uic Ut dei iz tudei? Tudei iz Sizns Spring In Spring Samr In Samr Otm In Otm Uinter In Uinter

Days of the week What day is it today? Today is

Anotimpurile Primvara n primvar Var n var Toamn n toamn Iarn n iarn

Seasons Spring In Spring Summer In Summer Autumn In Autumn Winter In Winter

Data n ct suntem astzi? Este nti Aprilie Mine e doi Mai Cnd ai venit? Ct timp intenionai s rmnei? Pn n zece Martie Cnd plecai? nc nu tiu Depinde de starea vremii... Cum este vremea? De cteva zile vremea este.... - nesigur - variabil - ploioas Azi de diminea era foarte rece Erau...grade peste/sub zero grade Astzi este... - cald - foarte cald - rcoare - frig Se nnoreaz Tun Fulger Furtuna a trecut

The date Whats the date? Its the First of April Tomorrow is the second of May When did you come? How long do you intend to stay here? Until the tenth of March When do you leave? I dont now yet That depends on the weather What is the weather like? The weather has been... for some days - unsettled - changeable - rainy This morning it was very cold It was... degrees above/below zero Today its - warm - hot - cool - cold It is clouding over It is thundering It is lightning The thunderstorm has passed

Z deit Ua z deit? I z frs v Eipril Tumorou iz z secnd v Mei Uen did iu cam? Hau long du iu intend to stei hi? Antil z tens v Marci Uen du iu liv? Ai dunt nu iet? Zat dipends on z uezr Uat iz z uezr laik ? Z uezr hez biin....for sam deis - ansetled - ceingebl - reini Zis morning it uz veri culd It uz digriiz buv/bilu ziru Tudei i - urm - hot - cuul - culd It iz cluding uvr It iz sandring It iz laitning Z sandrstorm hez pest

ARTICOLUL Ca i limba romn, limba englez cunoate dou tipuri de articole: hotrt i nehotrt ARTICOLUL HOTRT Articolul hotrt n limba englez este: the Ex. the chair - scaunul the teacher - profesorul The se pronun (z) naintea consoanelor (z haus) i (zi) naintea vocalelor ((zi ai) pentru the eye = ochiul) Articolul hotrt e folosit n anumite cazuri i naintea unor substantive proprii, i anume: nume de ruri, fluvii, mri, oceane, muni, dealuri, instituii, nume de familie la plural. ARTICOLUL NEHOTRT Articolul nehotrt n limba englez este a, an. A se folosete naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu o consoan, ex.: a man = un om An se folosete naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu o vocal, ex.: an apple = un mr Articolul nu se folosete naintea numelor de personae, de continente, de ri, de luni i naintea denumirii zilelor sptmnii. SUBSTANTIVUL PLURALUL SUBSTANTIVELOR n limba englez, plurarul substantivelor se formeaz prin adaugarea unui -S la forma singular, Ex. book - books;

Cuvintele care se termin in SS, SH, CH, X, Z, O, primesc terminaia -ES. De asemenea cuvintele ce se termin in F, FE schimb pe F n V, la care se adaug -ES. Ultima excepie a regulii este la substantivele terminate in Y precedate de o consoan, la care Z devine -IES. CUVINTE CU PLURAL NEREGULAT T Man - Men, Woman - Women, Gentleman Gentlemen, Child - Children, Ox -Oxen, Goose Geese, Foot - Feet, Tooth - Teeth, Mouse - Mice, Louth - Lice, Die - Dice, Penny - Pence. DECLINAREA SUBSTANTIVELOR NUME PROPRII Nominativ: John Genitiv: Johns (Ex: Johns house = Casa lui John ) Dativ: (to) John (Ex. Give the apple to John = d-i mrul lui John) Acuzativ: John (Ex. I met John yesterday = L-am ntlnit pe John ieri) SUBSTANTIVE COMUNE Nominativ: the house Genitiv: of the house (the windows of the house = ferestrele casei) Dativ: (to) the house Acuzativ: the house (I bought the house = Am cumprat casa) ADJECTIVUL COMPARAIA ADJECTIVELOR Cuvintele (adjectivele) monosilabice i cteva adjective bisilabice, primesc la comparativ -est.

Ex. large COMPARATIV: larger (mai mare) SUPERLATIV: the largest (cel mai mare) Red COMPARATIV: redder (mai rou) SUPERLATIV: the reddest (cel mai rou) Not: Superlativul n limba englez este ntotdeauna precedat de articolul hotrt: the cleverest the oldest Cuvintele (adjectivele) de mai multe silabe, la comparativ sunt precedate de adverbul more, iar la superlativ de adverbul most. Ex. beautiful COMPARATIV: more beautiful (mai frumos) SUPERLATIV: (the) most beautiful (cel mai frumos) CTEVA ADJECTIVE AU COMPARAIE NEREGULAT: good (bun); better (mai bun); the best (cel mai bun); bad (ru); worse (mai ru); the worst (cel mai rau); much (mult); more (mai mult, mai muli); the most (cel mai mult, cei mai muli); many (muli, multe); more (mai muli, mai multe); the most (cei mai muli, cele mai multe); little (puin mic); less (mai mic, mai puin); the least (cel mai mic, cel mai puin) Gradele de comparaie ale adverbelor se realizeaz la fel cu cele ale adjectivelor. PRONUMELE PRONUMELE PERSONAL - DECLINARE

ourselves CAZ I Nom. I = eu Gen. mine = al meu Dat. (to) me = mie Acuz. me = pe mine YOU You = tu your = al tu (to) you = ie you = pe mine yourselves themselves

ne v se

(noi) nine (voi) niv FORMELE INTEROGATIV I NEGATIV: formeaz punndu-se verbul (primul element) inaintea (ei) nii, (ele) nsele 1. Interogativul verbelor auxiliare i modale se

PRONUMELE DEMONSTRATIV this = acesta, aceasta these = acetia, acestea

subiectului, de exemplu: I have He can She has been - have I? - can he? - has she been?

CAZ HE Nom. He = el Gen. his = al lui Dat. (to) him = lui Acuz. him = pe el

SHE She = ea her = al ei (to) her = ei her = pe ea

that = acela, aceea those = aceia, acelea

They are coming - are they coming? 2. Negativul verbelor auxiliare i modale se formeaz cu ajutorul negaiei not (forma contras - nt) pus dup (primul) verb de la forma afirmativ, de exemplu: I have TRECUT I was You were He (She, It) was We were You were They were I was The can They will We shall They had been - I have not (I havent) - I was not (I wasnt) - She cannot (she cant) - They will not (they wont) - we shall not (we shant) - they had not been (they hadnt been) 3. Interogativul i negativul celorlalte verbe se formeaz cu ajutorul auxiliarului do, did, de exemplu: I speak - do I speak ? - I do not (dont) speak She wrote - did she write? - she did not (didnt) write


CAZ IT Nom. It = el, ea Gen. its = al lui, ei Dat. (to) it = lui, ei Acuz. it = el, o

WE we = noi ours = al nostru (to) us = nou her = pe noi, ne

PREZENT I am You are He (She, It) is We are You are

CAZ YOU Nom. you = voi Gen. yours = al vostru Dat. (to) you = vou Acuz. you = pe voi, v

THEY they = ei, ele theirs = al lor (to) them = lor her = pe ei, pe ele

They are

PREZENT I have You have He (She, It) has

TRECUT I had You had He (She, It) had We had You had They had

ASPECTUL FORMELOR VERBALE n limba englez exist dou aspecte ale formelor verbale: 1. Aspectul nedefinit care exprim o aciune fr a sublinia desfurarea ei n timp.

PRONUMELE REFLEXIV I DE NTRIRE myself yourself himself herself, itself m te se se (eu) nsumi (tu) nsui (el) nsui (ea) nsui

We have You have They have

2. Aspectul continuu care exprim o aciune n desfurare. Timpurile aspectului continuu se formeaz din timpurile nedefinite ale verbului to be i participiul nedefinit al verbului conjugat.


(eram ntrebat) CONDIIONAL TRECUT Condiionalul trecut nedefinit se formeaz cu ajutorul condiionalului present al verbului to have i infinitivul verbului de conjugat (sau cu ajutorul auxiliarelor should la persoana I i would la celelalte persoane i infinitivul perfect scurt al verbului de conjugat) Ex. ACTIV PASIV I should have been asked (s fi fost ntrebat)

MAI MULT CA PERFECTUL Se formeaz cu forma de trecut a verbului a avea, deci had + participiul verbului de conjugat Ex.

PREZENTUL NEDEFINIT Prezentul nedefinit are aceeai form ca i infinitivul scurt, cu excepia persoanei a III-a singular, care, de obicei, primete un s. Ex. ACTIV Nedefinit I ask (eu ntreb) PASIV

ACTIV Nedefinit I had asked (ntrebasem) Continuu I had been asking

PASIV I had been asked (fusesem ntrebat) (ntrebasem)


Nedefinit I should have (s fii ntrebat)

I am asked (eu sunt Viitorul simplu nedefinit este forma din auxiliarul a II-a i a III-a singular i plural, i infinitul scurt al verbului Ex.

ntrebat) shall la persoana I singular i plural, i will la persoana Continuu I should have been asking Continuu I am asking I am being asked CORESPONDENA TIMPURILOR PASIV I shall be asked (voi fi ntrebat) Regula 1: Un timp prezent poate fi nsoit n subordonat de orice alt timp condiionat logic. Regula 2: Un timp trecut cere tot un timp trecut n subordonat: a) CONDIIONAL PREZENT Condiionalul present nedefinit este format din auxiliarul should la persoana I i would la persoana IIPRETERITUL (The Past Tense) Este forma de trecut a verbului cea mai utilizat. Ex. ACTIV Nedefinit I asked PASIV I was asked (am fost ntrebat) Continuu I was asking I was being asked a i a III-a i infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat. Ex. ACTIV Nedefinit: I should ask (s ntreb) Continuu I should be asking PASIV I should be asked (s fiu ntrebat) pentru simultaneitate: preterit+ preterit SUBORDONAT that he has there c este acolo) Ex. PRINCIPAL I was sure (Eram sigur

PREZENTUL PERFECT Se formeaz cu ajutorul auxiliarului avea - to have la present i participiul verbului de conjugat. Ex. ACTIV Nedefinit I have asked (am intrebat) Continuu I have been asking PASIV I have been asked (am fost intrebat)

ACTIV Nedefinit I shall ask (voi ntreba)

Continuu I shall be asking (voi ntreba)

b) pentru anterioritate: preterit + mai mult ca perfectul Ex. PRINCIPAL I Was sure (Eram sigur c) SUBORDONAT that he had been there c fusese acolo)

pentru ideea de viitor fa de trecut: un timp trecut + viitorul n trecut

Ex. PRINCIPAL I was sure (eram sigur I had been sure (fusesem sigur)

SUBORDONAT that he would come c va veni)

Regula 3: Viitorul din principal sau regent este nsoit de present pentru simultaneitate i de perfectul prezent pentru anterioritate : Ex. PRINCIPAL Ill go there (M voi duce acolo Ill go there (M voi duce acolo Regula 4: PRINCIPAL - prezent sau viitor - condiional prezent (eterit) - condiional trecut - mai mult ca perfect SUBORDONAT when I have time cnd voi avea timp) where I have finished work dup ce-mi voi termina lucrul SUBORDONAT - prezent - past tense

S-ar putea să vă placă și