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Numerele vindecatoare

Grigori Grabovoi
ADN-ul uman este o combinatie unica de numere. Indiferent de natura ei, boala este o
reacordare la perfectiunea proprie arhetipala. De fecare data cand ne abatem de la
arhetipul propriu, ADN-ul gaseste calea cea mai potrivita pentru reacordare. Uneori este
mai simplu, alteori simptomele sunt complexe. Cel mai frecvent, starea de boala se
instaleaa prin reistentele fata de evenimentele din !urul nostru, reistente care induc
sentimentul"emotia"gandul de separare fata de Intreg, Am fost creati cu constienta ca
suntem un Intreg, asa ca, cu cat #separarea$ este mai intensa, cu atat si simptomele
sunt mai gomotoase, de lunga durata% si chinuitoare.
&oti cei care au relatat vindecari miraculoase ale unor boli numite #incurabile$, au
recunoscut ca au acceptat sa experimentee cu bucurie, evenimentele din viata lor, fara
sa se mai opuna. Au recunoscut ca trecusera dincolo de dualitatea bine"rau, moral"pacat,
frumos"urat, drept"nedrept, corect"incorect etc. 'iind in aceasta stare de constiinta, au
eliberat boala. Au eliberat !udecata mentala care genereaa separare fata de ceilalti si de
(etoda lui )rigori )rabovoi consta in emiterea constienta a sirului de numere care
formeaa un cod ce te acordeaa la o vibratie care armonieaa"vindeca o problema. In
documentul de fata sunt codurile pentru problemele de sanatate. *xista si coduri
numerice care functioneaa ca mantre, te acordeaa la vibratii subtile, sublime.
*miterea este atat vocala + rostind tare si cu entuiasm sirurile de numere ,se fac paue
foarte scurte intre sirurile de numere si se rostesc din nou, pana cand se percepe o
modifcare la nivelul constiintei-, cat si viuala, ca si cum, din mi!locul fruntii ia nastere
numarul rostit in forma tridimensionala si de culoare auriu stralucitor.
Am lucrat cu cateva coduri numerice si consider ca este o metoda foarte interesanta de
reacordare la arhetipul propriu.
.anatate perfecta/
Numerele lui Grabovoi pentru Vindecare, Materializare i Regenerarea
Organelor - James Rink
Numerele lui )rabovoi folosesc semnale radionice pentru a vindeca diferite probleme de
s0n0tate. *le au fost descoperite de metaficianul rus )rigori )rabovoi, cu a!utorul
dispoitivului s0u radionic. 1entru cei care nu cunosc teoria 2i practica 3adionic0, este
vorba despre conceptul conform c0ruia fin4ele umane 2i toate formele de via40
5mp0rt02esc un c6mp comun, prin faptul c0 ele toate sunt conectate unele cu altele, 5n
interiorul c6mpului electromagnetic al p0m6ntului7 toate formele de via40 au propriul lor
c6mp electromagnetic, care, atunci c6nd este distorsionat 5n mod considerabil, cauea0
5mboln0virea. Conform 3adionicii, care recunoa2te c0 totul este energie, organele, bolile
2i medicamentele au propriile lor frecven4e sau vibra4ii specifce. Ace2ti factori pot f
exprima4i 5n valori numerice sau Secvene"Numere sau sub forma unor tipare
geometrice. Aceste numere ofer0 mi!loacele prin care practicianul identifc0 2i tratea0
boala de la distan40. Astfel, )rabovoi folose2te dispoitivul s0u 3adionic pentru a detecta
numerele asociate cu diferite st0ri de s0n0tate, apoi 52i instruie2te clien4ii s0 meditee
asupra acestor numere, ac4iune care duce la vindec0ri miraculoase, cum ar f
regenerarea uterului, rinichilor 2i multe altele. )rabovoi consider0 c0 aceste informa4ii
trebuie folosite nu numai pentru a salva lumea de la o posibil0 catastrof0 global0, ci 2i
pentru a-i permite fec0rui om s0 aib0 o s0n0tate perfect0, imortalitate fic0, s0 readuc0
5n corpul fic o persoan0 care a decedat, s0 materialiee 2i s0 dematerialiee, s0 se
teleportee, s0 regeneree materia distrus0, depist6nd 2i solu4ion6nd de la distan40 orice
problem0 de natur0 mecanic0, ortoelectronic0, precum 2i controlul de la orice distan40
asupra materiei fice. De asemenea, el sus4ine c0 a vindecat oameni bolnavi de .IDA
sau cancer 2i c0 a vindecat sute de persoane f0r0 niciun fel de contact fic cu acestea.
Dovada acestor vindec0ri poate f confrmat0 de medicina tradi4ional0 2i sunt atestate
ofcial de c0tre persoanele vindecate. (odelul s0u folose2te c6mpul creativ al
informa4iilor, cunoscut drept energia con2tiin4ei, pentru a materialia at6t orice
informa4ie sau obiect dorit, c6t 2i pe cele din afara continuum-ului spa4io-temporal. 8n
plus, el a descoperit metode de transformare a energiei oric0rei ac4iuni 5n forme
geometrice cunoscute. Iat0 de ce numerele lui )rabovoi pot f folosite pentru
diagnosticarea de la distan40 2i regenerarea materiei, 5n orice interval de timp, prin
transformarea timpului 5n form0 spa4ial0.
1entru a 5nv04a cum s0 folosi4i aceast0 tehnic0, mai 5nt6i selecta4i un num0r din lista de
mai !os, 5n func4ie de problema de s0n0tate asupra c0reia dori4i s0 lucra4i, iar apoi apela4i
la setul de reguli ale 9io:inesiei + capitolul din manual referitor la pasul urm0tor. 1ute4i
g0si mai multe informa4ii despre aceste numere 5n cartea Recovery Of The Human Body
Focusing On Numbers (Vindecarea coru!ui omenesc rin concen"rarea asura
numere!or#, de )rigori )rabovoi.

Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization,
and Organ Regeneration
Capitolul ;. .tare critic0 - 1258912
Insufcien40 respiratorie acut0 - 1257814
Insufcien40 acut0 cardiovasculare - 1895678
.top cardiac - 8915678
&raumatic 2oc, 2oc 2i starea de oc - 1895132
CA1I&<=U= >. 9<A=A &U(<3I - 8214351
&umorile maligne de orofaringe - 1235689
&umorile maligne ale intestinului subtire - 5485143
&umorile maligne ale testiculelor - 5814321
=imfoame de piele - 5891243
(eoteliom - 58912434
(elanomul - 5674321
Neuroblastom - 8914567
&umorile maligne osoase - 1234589
&umorile uterului - 9817453
&umorile cerebrale ,creierul si maduva spinarii- - 5431547
&umori ale glandei suprarenale - 5678123
&umori ale cavitatii naale si a sinusurilor paranaale - 8514256
&umorile de naofaringe - 5678910
&umori ale glandelor paratiroide - 1548910
&umorile de insulele pancreatice =angerhans - 8951432
Cancer de papilei duodenale mari - 8912345
Cancer de vagin 2i organele genitale externe - 12589121
Cancer al buelor - 1567812
Cancer la stomac - 8912534
Cancer de veica biliara - 8912453
Cancer de duct biliar extrahepatic - 5789154
Cancerul de piele - 8148957
Cancerul de san - 5432189
Cancer de veica urinara - 89123459
Cancer de fcat - 5891248
Cancer de esofag - 8912567
Cancer pancreatic - 8125891
Cancerului de penis - 8514921
Cancer la rinichi - 56789108
Cancer de ureter - 5891856
Cancer de prostata - 4321890
De cancer al glandelor salivare - 9854321
3habdom?osarcoma la copii - 5671254
Cancer de colon ,colorectal- - 5821435
Cancer tiroidian - 5814542
Cancerul ovarian - 4851923
.arcom de 4esuturi moi - 54321891
.arcomul @aposi - 8214382 ]
CA1I&<=U= A. .epsis - 58143212
.epsis ,acut- - 8914321
.epsis ,cronic0- - 8145421
Capitolul B. .indromul de coagulare intravasculara diseminata - 5148142
DIC - 8123454
CA1I&<=U= C. 9oli circulatorii - 1289435
Anevrism aortic - 48543218
Anevrism de inima - 9187549
Aritmii cardiace - 8543210
<cluie arterial0 - 81543213
Dipertensiune arterial0 - 8145432
Dipotensiune arterial0 ,hipotensiune arterial0- - 8143546
Ateroscleroa - 54321898
9loc - 9874321
Earicele - 4831388
Easculit0 .istem - 1894238
Distonie Eegetativ-vasculara ,neurocirculator? astenie- - 8432910
Crie de hipertensiune arterial0 - 5679102
9oli de inima hipertensiv0 - 8145432
Infarctul miocardic - 8914325
Ischemica ,coronare- boli de inima - 1454210
Cardialgia - 8124567
Cardiomiopatie - 8421432
Cardio - 4891067
Colaps - 8914320
Cord pulmonar - 5432111
(iocardic - 85432104
(iocardiopatie - 8432142
(iocardita - 8432110
=ipsa de circula4ie a s6ngelui - 85432102
Distonie neurocirculatorie ,NCD- - 5432150
*demul pulmonar - 54321112
1ericardit0 - 9996127
Defecte cardiace congenitale - 9995437
Defecte cardiace dob6ndite - 8124569
'ebr0 reumatice - 5481543
Astm cardiac - 8543214
Insufcienta cardiaca - 8542106
Easculare insufcien40 - 8668888
Crie vasculare - 8543218
Angin0 pectoral0 ,angina pectoral0- - 8145999
&romboFebita - 1454580
*ndocardita - 8545421
CA1I&<=U= G. 9olile reumatice - 8148888
9oli ale articulatiilor - 5421891
Artrita infectioasa - 8111110
Artrita microcristalin0 - 0014235
Artrita reumatoida - 8914201
Artropatia psoriaica - 0145421
<steoartro0 deformatorie - 8145812
1eriartrita - 4548145
)uta - 8543215
9oli reumatice ale HHHHHHH - 1489123
.indromul 3eiter - 4848111
.pondilita anchiloant0 ,boala 9echtereI- - 4891201
&endovaginitis - 1489154
.istemul de vasculit0 ,.E- - 1894238
)ranulomatoa Jegener - 8943568
Demoragic vasculit0 - 8491234
Arterita cu celule gigant - 9998102
.indromul )oodpasture - 8491454
1eriarteritis nodoasa - 54321894
9oala &a:a?asu - 8945432
&hromboangit0 obliterant0 - 8945482
9olile difue ale 4esutului con!unctiv - 5485812
=upusul eritematos sistemic - 8543148
Dermatomioita ,polimioita- - 5481234
.clerodermie sistemica - 1110006
(ixt0 de 4esut con!unctiv boala - 1484019
.!ogren ,.egrena-, sindromul - 4891456
'ebr0 reumatice - 5481543
CA1I&<=U= K. 9oli respiratorii - 5823214
Aspergilo0 - 481543271
Astmul - 8943548
9ronsiolita - 89143215
9ronsita acuta - 4812567
9ronsita cronica - 4218910
Infarctul pulmonar - 89143211
Candidoa pulmonara - 4891444
1leureie - 4854444
1neumonie - 4814489
'ibro0 pulmonar0 - 9871234
1neumoconioa - 8423457
.ilico0 - 4818912
.ili:atoa - 2224698
Acbesto - 4814321
&alcosis - 4845145
(etallo:onio? - 4845584
@arbo:onio? - 8148545
Anthracosis - 5843214
De pneumoconioa pulberi organice - 4548912
Cancerul pulmonar - 4541589
.arcoidoa - 4589123
&uberculoa a sistemului respirator - 8941234
9aie de aburi + sindromul bogat - 4814578
*mfem - 54321892
Capitolul L. 9oli ale aparatului digestiv - 5321482
(alnutri4ie - 5456784
Amebiasis - 1289145
Amiloidoa - 5432185
Arteriomeenterialna?a obstruc4ia par4ial0 - 5891234
Atonie de esofag, stomac - 8123457
Acalaie cardia - 4895132
Achille func4ia de stomac - 8432157
9auhin - 58432148
9eri-9eri - 3489112
Diabet aharat de bron - 5454589
9ulbitis - 5432114
)astrita - 5485674
)astrita acuta - 4567891
)astrita cronica - 5489120
)astrocardiac sindrom - 5458914
)A.&3<1&<.I. - 81234574
)astroenterita - 5485674
)astroenterocolitis - 8431287
Democromatoa - 5454589
Depatita - 5814243
Depatita acuta 9 - 58432141
Depatita cronica - 5123891
Depatosis - 9876512
Depatotoxicitate acut - 1234576
)r0sime hepatotoxicitate cronic0 - 5143214
Depatotoxicitate colestatic - 5421548
Degenerare hepatolenticular0 - 5438912
)epatosplenomegaliches:? lipoido - 4851888
.indromul )epatolienaln? - 8451485
Diperbilirubinemie functionala - 84514851
Diperbilirubinemie functionala congenitale - 8432180
1osthepatic Diperbilirubinemie - 8214321
Diperlipemie esen4ial0 - 4851888
Dipovitaminoa - 5154231
Dipersecre4ie a func4iei gastric - 5484214
Diabet aharat de bron - 5454589
Diareea functionala - 81234574
D?sbiosis intestinal - 5432101
Dis:ineie a tractului digestiv - 8123457
Dis:ineie de spastic0 esofag - 5481248
Dischineii biliare - 58432144
Dischineie intestinal - 54321893
Dispepsie - 1112223
Degenerarea a fcatului - 9876512
Duodenita - 5432114
Duodenita acute - 481543288
Duodenita cronic0 - 8432154
Duodenosta0 - 8123457
*?unit - 8431287
Icter - 5432148
Icter func4ional - 84514851
Calculi biliari - 0148012
Constipatia - 5484548
Ileita - 8431287
Candida ,candidoa, afte- - 54842148
@ardiospam - 4895132
Carcinoid ,sindrom carcinoid- - 4848145
Intestinal l?mphangiectasia - 5214321
=ipodistrofe intestinal - 4814548
Colici intestinale - 8123457
Colita - 8454321
Colita acuta - 5432145
Colita cronica - 5481238
Cardiochalasia - 8545142
.indrom de defcien40, absorb4ia intestinal0 - 48543215
.indrom de defcien40, indigestie - 9988771
<misiunea de stomac - 8123457
Atonie gastrica acuta - 5485671
1ancreatita cronica - 5891432
1neumato0 de stomac - 54321455
Insufcien40 hepatic0 sindrom - 8143214
Alergiile alimentare - 2841482
Diaree ,diaree- - 5843218
.indrom de hipertensiune portal0 - 8143218
.indromul 1osthepatic - 4812819
.corbutul - 5432190
.prue non-tropical 4ar0 - 8432150
.prue tropical - 5481215
&uberculoa a sistemului digestiv - 8143215
Jhipple a bolii - 4814548
'legmonul de stomac - 4567891
Colecistita acuta - 4154382
Colecistita cronica - 5481245
.corbutul - 5432190
Ciro0 hepatic0 - 4812345
Ciro0 pigmentar0 fcatului - 5454589
*sofagita - 54321489
*sophagism - 8123457
*nterit0 - 8431287
*nterit0 acut0 - 54321481
*nterit0 cronic0 - 5432140
*nterocolita - 8454321
*nteropatie intestinal - 8432150
*nteropatie gluten - 4891483
*nteropatie disaharidaodeftsitn?e - 4845432
*nteropatie exudative - 48123454
Ulcer peptic de esofag - 8432182
Ulcer simpl0 a intestinului subtire - 48481452
Ulcere gastrice sunt simptomatice - 9671428
Ulcer peptic si duodenal - 8125432
CA1I&<=U= M. 9oli de rinichi 2i ale tractului urinar - 8941254
Amiloidoa - 4512345
Anomalii ale sistemului urinar - 1234571
Didronefro0 - 5432154
)lomerulonefrita - 4812351
)lomerulonefrita acuta - 4285614
1ielite - 5432110
1ielonefrita - 58143213
9oli de rinichi polichistic - 5421451
Colic0 renal0 - 4321054
Nefrolitia0 - 5432143
Insufcien40 renal0 - 4321843
Insufcien40 renal0 acut0 - 8218882
Insufcien40 renal0 cronic0 - 5488821
&uberculoa a rinichilor - 5814543
Uremie acuta - 5421822
Uremie cronic0 - 8914381
Cistita - 48543211
*clampsia rinichi - 8149141
CA1I&<=U= ;N. 9<=I=* D* .ON)* - 1843214
Agranulocito0 - 4856742
Anemia - 48543212
Anemia de acuta hemoragica - 9481232
Anemie ereditar0 asociate cu 5nc0lcarea de sintea de porfrine ,sideroahrestiches:ie
anemie- - 4581254
Anemia din intoxicatia cu plumb - 1237819
Anemie megaloblastica - 5481254
Anemie hemolitica - 5484813
Anemie hemolitica, imun - 5814311
Aplastic0 ,hipoplaie-, anemie - 5481541
.iclemie - 7891017
9oala )aucher - 5145432
Demoblastosis vne:ostnomogov?e - 54321451
Demoblastosis paraproteinemiches:ie - 8432184
Diate0 hemoragic0 - 5148543
Diate0 )emoppagiches:ie cauate de patologie vascular0 - 54815438
Disprotrombii - 5481542
3eac4ie =eu:emoid - 5814321
=eucemia - 5481347
9oala Dodg:in - 4845714
9oala radiatii acuta, boala radiatii - 481543294
(ielemi?a - 5142357
*lliptoc?tosis *reditar - 51454323
.tomatotsito *reditar - 4814581
Neutropenia *reditar - 8432145
Demoglobinuria paroxistica nocturna - 5481455
&alasemia - 7765437
&pombotsitopatii - 5418541
Dematogenic tromboflie - 4814543
'avim - 54321457
9oal0 cronic0 radiatii - 4812453
9oala citostatice - 4812813
CA1I&<=U= ;;. 9oli endocrine .I EA=U&A3 - 1823451
Acromegalie - 1854321
&ulbur0ri congenitale de diferen4iere sexual0 - 5451432
Eirilnoe sindrom - 89143212
Diperinsulinismul - 48454322
Diperparatiroidism - 5481412
Diperprolactinemia - 4812454
Dipogonadism - 48143121
Dipoparatiroidismul ,tetanie- - 4514321
Dipotiroidie ,mixedem- - 4812415
Nanism hipofar ,nanism- - 4141414
Diabet insipid - 4818888
Diabetul aharat - 8819977
Dispituitarim &ineret - 4145412
)usa difu0 toxic0 ,boala )raves, 9asedoI- - 5143218
)u20 endemic0 - 5432178
1ituitar? + boala Cushing - 54321458
(ehutochno-hipofo insufcien40 - 48143214
(ixedem - 4812415
Insufcien40 suprarenal0 - 4812314
<beitatea - 4812412
&umorile - 4541548
Devoltarea sexual0 prematur0 - 4814312
&iroidita - 4811111
'eocromocitom - 4818145
CA1I&<=U= ;>. 9<=I 13<'*.I<NA=* - 4185481
9olilor profesionale asociate cu expunerea la agen4i chimici - 9916514
9oli profesionale cauate de expunerea la factori fici - 4514541
9oli profesionale cauate de suprasolicitarea de organe 2i sisteme individuale - 4814542
9oli asociate cu expunerea la agen4i biologici - 81432184
CA1I&<=U= ;A. Acut - 4185412
<tr0vire acut0P
,&oxicitate oral0- - 5142154
,&oxicitate inhalare- - 4548142
,1ercutan0 otr0vire- - 4814823
,In!ectarea otrav0- - 4818142
&ulbur0ri neuropsihiatrice - 9977881
=eiuni renale - 5412123
Afectare hepatic0 - 48145428
Qoc *xotoxic - 4185421
Intoxica4ie acut0 ca urmare a muscaturilor de sarpe si artropodelor venino2i - 4812521
(uscaturile de sarpe - 4114111
Intepaturi de scorpion - 4188888
9ites :ara:urt - 8181818
Eiespi intepaturi si albinele - 9189189
C 9<=I=* IN'*CRI<A.* - 5421427
Amebiasis - 1289145
9alantidiasis - 1543218
3abia ,hidrofobie- - 4812543
# 9oala garieturii de pisica$ - 48145421
9oala lui 9ot:in - 5412514
9rill boala lui - 514854299
9otulismul - 5481252
9ruceloa - 4122222
Eaccinella - 4848148
Depatitele virale A 2i 9 ,boala lui 9ot:in- - 5412514
Delmin4ii - 5124548
Alveococcosis - 5481454
Doo:Iorm - 4815454
Ascaridiaa - 4814812
D?menolepiasis - 54812548
Diph?llobothriasis - 4812354
Clonorchiasis - 5412348
(etagonimo - 54812541
<pisthorchiasis - 5124542
.trong?loidiasis - 54812527
&eniarinhoa - 4514444
&aeniasis - 4855555
&richineloa ,trichineloa- - 7777778
&rihostrongilido? - 9998888
&richuriasis - 4125432
'ascioliasis - 4812542
Cisticercoa - 4512824
.chistosomiasis ,9ilharia- - 48125428
*nterobiasis - 5123542
*chinococo0 - 5481235
'ebra hemoragica - 5124567
Derpes - 2312489
)ripa - 4814212
Dienterie - 4812148
Difteria - 5556679
Sersionioa - 5123851
Campilobacterioa - 4815421
&use convulsiva - 4812548
1o!ar - 4214825
3ubeola - 4218547
=egioneloei - 5142122
=eishmaniasis - 5184321
=eptospiroa - 5128432
=isterioa - 5812438
'ebr0 T - 5148542
'ebra (arburg - 5184599
)iardioa - 5189148
(alaria - 5189999
9oala meningococica - 5891423
(icoplasmo0 - 5481111
(ononucleoa infectioasa - 5142548
<rnithosis - 5812435
Earicela - 48154215
Eariola este natural - 4848148
9oal0 respiratorie acut0 - 48145488
1ara:o:l?ush - 2222221
<reionul epidemiei ,oreion- - 3218421
1ediculoa - 48148121
Intoxicatii alimentare de toxine bacteriene - 5184231
1seudotuberculosis - 514854212
*riipel - 4123548
9oala rotavirus - 5148567
.almoneloa - 5142189
Antrax - 9998991
.carlatina - 5142485
&etanos - 5671454
.indromul imunodefcien4ei dob6ndite ,.IDA- - 5148555
&?phon-germen boli - 1411111
'ebr0 tifos - 1444444
9udinca de c0pu20 febr0 - 5189499
&oxoplasmoa - 8914755
&ularemia - 4819489
Dolera - 4891491
Ciuma - 8998888
9oala enterovirala - 8123456
&ic-suportate de encefalita - 7891010
*scherichiosis - 1238888
'ebra aftoas0 - 9912399
CA1I&<=U= ;C. 9oli de defcit de vitamina A - 1234895
Carenta de vitaminaP
,Avitaminoa- - 5451234
,Dipovitaminoa- - 5154231
Defcit de vitamina A - 4154812
=ipsa de vitamina 9; - 1234578
=ipsa de vitamina 9> ,riboFavina- - 1485421
Defcitul de acid nicotinic - 1842157
=ipsa de vitamina 9G - 9785621
=ipsa de vitamina C - 4141255
=ipsa de vitamina D - 5421432
=ipsa de vitamina @ - 4845414
)ipopolivitamino?, poliavitamino? - 4815432
CA1I&<=U= ;G. 9<A=A C<1II=<3 - 18543218
.indromul adrenogenital - 45143213
Alergii respiratorii - 45143212
3inita alergica si sinuita - 5814325
=aringita alergice - 58143214
&raheit0 alergica - 514854218
9ronsita alergica - 5481432
Dipersensibilitate pneumopatie - 51843215
.indromul de alcool fetal - 4845421
U ; -antitripsina defcit - 1454545
Anemia - 48543212
Anemia feripriva - 1458421
Anemie hemolitica &oxic - 45481424
Aspira4ia de corpuri str0ine - 4821543
Astmul - 58145428
9ronsita acuta - 5482145
Easculita hemoragica ,:apill?aroto:si:o, boala lui *noh- - 5128421
)alactoemie - 48125421
9oala hemolitica a nou-n0scutului - 5125432
9oala hemoragica a nou-n0scutului - 5128543
Demoflia - 548214514
Depatita - 5814243
Dipertensiune 1ortal - 45143211
3enal0 )licourie - 5142585
Dipervitamino0 D - 5148547
Dipotiroidism - 4512333
Distiocitoa V - 5484321
)lomerulonefrita difua - 5145488
Diabetul aharat - 4851421
Diabet insipid, rinichi - 5121111
Diabet rinichi sare ,psevdogipoaldosteronim- - 3245678
Diate0 alergic0 - 0195451
Diate0 hemoragic0 - 0480421
Diate0 limfatic - 5148548
Dispepsie simplu - 5142188
Dispepsie parenteral - 8124321
Dispepsie toxice - 514218821
Eegetativ-vasculare distonie - 514218838
.indromul de detresa respiratorie la nou-nascuti - 5148284
Icter nou-nascutilor - 4815457
Crupa este fals - 5148523
=eucemia - 5481347
.indrom de malabsorb4ie - 4518999
'ibroa chistica - 9154321
Nefrita ereditara - 5854312
.teno0 piloric0 - 5154321
1ilorospame - 5141482
1neumonie (icrofocal - 4814489
Copii 1neumonie - 5151421
1neumonie cronica - 51421543
Artrita cronica nespecifca - 8914201
Defecte cardiace congenitale - 14891548
3ahitism - 5481232
E0rs0turi - 1454215
'ebr0 reumatice - 5481543
.epsis neonatal - 4514821
.pamoflii - 5148999
Infec4ii staflococice - 5189542
=aringita constrictiv - 1489542
'ebra la copii - 5128514
Crampele - 51245424
.ubsepsis alergic Jissler, 'ranconi - 5421238
.indromul &oxic - 5148256
Na2tere &rauma intracraniene - 518999981
&uberculoa - 5148214
Intoxica4ie tuberculoas0 timpurie - 1284345
'enilcetonurie - 5148321
Diabet aharat 'osfat - 5148432
De &oni-Debre-sindromul 'anconi - 4514848
9oala celiaca - 4154548
*nteropatie exudative - 4548123
!olile c"irurgicale ale copil#riei - 5182314
Angiom - 4812599
Apendicita - 9999911
Atreia biliara - 9191918
Atreie a intestinului subtire - 9188888
Atreia 2i stenoa a duodenului - 5557777
Atreie a anusului si rectului - 6555557
Atreie de esofag - 8194321
Dernia de cordonul ombilical fetale - 5143248
Dernie diafragmatica - 5189412
(ec:el a diverticulului - 4815475
Invagina4ie - 5148231
Cephalhematoma - 48543214
.6ngerare gastro-intestinale - 5121432
1alatoschiisul - 5151515
Arsuri chimice ale esofagului - 5148599
*pifelor osteomielita - 12345895
.teno0 piloric0 - 5154321
Wonele sacrococcigian teratomul - 481543238
Abces nou-n0scut - 51485433
CA1I&<=U= ;K. <bstetric0, 9<A=A 1*N&3U '*(*I - 1489145
Anomalii ale for4ei de munc0 - 14891543
Asfxie a f0tului 2i nou-n0scut - 4812348
.arcina uterina - 1899911
.arcina ectopica - 4812311
.arcina si nasterea, defni4ia termenului - 1888711
.arcina multipla - 123457854
1ost-sarcinii pe termen - 5142148
9oala de san - 48123147
Demoragie ,obstetrica- - 4814821
1ol?h?dramnios - 5123481
Durerii de munc0 - 5421555
&ratamentul nou-n0scutului din cordonul ombilical - 0123455
1erioada post-partum ,normal- - 12891451
1ost-partum ,patologice- - 41854218
1revia, 2i prolaps de cordon - 1485432
1lacenta previa - 1481855
Deta2are prematur0 a placentei 5n mod normal, situat - 1111155
Na2tere prematur0 - 1284321
D?datidiform mol - 4121543
<rganele genitale lacunele - 148543291
&oxemia de sarcina - 1848542
1elvis 5ngust - 2148543
1elvis 5ngust anatomic - 4812312
1elvis 5ngust punct de vedere clinic - 4858543
*mbolie lichid amniotic - 5123412
'emeii boli - 1854312
Anexita - 5143548
.indromul adrenogenital - 148542121
&uberculoa - 4815812
Amenoreea - 514354832
Ciclul anovulatorie - 4813542
Apoplexie ovarian - 1238543
9artholinitis - 58143215
9eli - 5128999
Infertilitatea - 9918755
Eaginita ,colpita- - 5148533
Eulvitis - 5185432
Eulvovaginite - 5814513
)onoreea la femei - 5148314
(ancarime a vulvei - 5414845
Chisturile ovariene - 5148538
<var C?stoma - 58432143
(enopaua. Nevro0 cri0 - 4851548
Colpita - 5148533
@raurosis vulva - 58143218
Demoragie uterin0 disfunc4ional0 - 4853541
=eucoplaie a vulvei, cervixul - 5185321
'ibromul uterin - 51843216
<ophoritis - 5143548
1to0 2i pierderea de uter 2i vagin - 514832183
1arametrii - 5143215
1olipi ale corpului 2i colului uterin - 518999973
.indromul premenstrual - 9917891
Cancer de mutilarea genital0 a femeilor - 5148945
.alpingita - 5148914
<vare .cleroc?stic sindromul .tein-=eventhal ,- - 518 543 248
&uberculo0 genital - 8431485
Chorionepithelioma - 4854123
*ndometrioa - 5481489
*ndometrita - 8142522
*ndocervicitis - 4857148
*roiune de col uterin - 54321459
CA1I&<=U= ;L. 9oala nervului - 148543293
Abces cerebral - 1894811
Anevrism cerebral - 1485999
Arahnoidita - 4567549
.indrom astenic - 1891013
Athetosis - 1454891
.cleroa laterala amiotrofca - 5148910
Didrocefalia - 81432143
Degenerare hepatolenticular0 - 48143212
Dureri de cap - 4818543
Ame4eli - 514854217
1araliie Cerebrala - 4818521
Diencephalic ,hipotalamo-, sindromul - 514 854 215
9rain accident vascular cerebral - 4818542
Accident vascular cerebral spinal - 8888881
Coma - 1111012
(eningita - 51485431
(iastenia gravis - 9987542
(ielit0 - 4891543
(ielopatie - 51843219
(igrainous nevralgie - 4851485
(igrena - 4831421
(iotonie &homsen congenitale - 4848514
(?otonic distrofe @urshmanna-9atten-.teinert - 481543244
(ononevropatii - 4541421
Narcolepsia - 48543216
Neuropatia a nervului facial - 518999955
Nevralgie de trigemen - 5148485
Ne?rorevmatim - 8185432
Neurosiflis - 5482148
=e2in ,sincop0- - 4854548
Wona oster - 51454322
&umorile cerebrale - 5451214
&umori ale maduvei spinarii - 51843210
&umori ale sistemului nervos periferic - 514832182
<ftalmoplegie - 4848532
1ar:inson - 5481421
1araliie periodic0 a familiei - 5123488
Amiotrofa peronier de Charcot-(arie - 4814512
1olineuropatie - 4838514
1oliradi:ulonevropati?a demieliniant0 )uillain + 9arre - 4548128
1oliomielita este o epidemie acut0 - 2223214
1ostpun:tsionn? sindrom - 818543231
Distrofe musculara progresiva - 85432183
&ulbur0ri de somn - 514248538
3adiculopath? discala - 5481321
.cleroa multipla - 51843218
.?ringom?elia - 1777771
Amiotrofa coloanei vertebrale - 5483312
&remor - 3148567
'a:omato? - 5142314
(?elosis funicular - 518543251
Coreea - 4831485
=eiuni cerebrale traumatice - 51843213
Adie sindromul - 18543211
*ncefalita virala - 48188884
*pidurit - 888888149
CA1I&<=U= ;M. 9oal0 mintal0 - 8345444
Alcoolism - 148543292
Amnestic ,@orsa:ov-, sindromul - 4185432
.indroame afective - 548142182
.indroame delirante - 8142351
.indrom halucinator ,hallucinosis- - 4815428
Defect mintal0 a - 8885512
1sihoe intoxica4ia - 1142351
.indroame isterice - 5154891
.indroame catatonic - 51843214
1sihoa maniaco-depresiva - 514218857
<bsesiv-compulsive - 8142543
Dependen40 ,droguri- - 5333353
Nevro0 - 48154211
Negativ ,defect- de stat - 5418538
3etard mental ,dementa- - 1857422
Confuie - 4518533
1resenialn?e ,presenile, involutional-, psiho0 - 18543219
1araliia - 512143223
.indromul 1s?choorganic - 51843212
1sihopatie - 4182546
1sihoa reactiva - 0101255
.upraevaluat idei .indromul - 148454283
.enestopathic-hipocondrie - 1488588
1siho0 senil0 - 481854383
1sihoe simptomatice - 8148581
Abu de substante si dependenta - 1414551
*ncefalopatie post-traumatic - 18543217
.chiofrenia - 1858541
*pilepsia - 1484855
CA1I&<=U= >N. Disfunc4ie sexual0 - 1456891
Eaginism - 5142388
Dipersexualitate - 5414855
Impotenta - 8851464
(asturbare - 0021421
1erversiune sexual0 - 0001112
'rustrare sexual0 - 1818191
1resupusele tulbur0ri sexuale - 1484811
Neurohumorale tulbur0ri sexuale - 1888991
(entale, tulbur0ri sexuale - 2148222
Componenta de tulburare a ciclului de Coc: copulator - 184854281
Componenta de tulburare de e!aculare a ciclului de copulator - 1482541
'rigiditate - 5148222
CA1I&<=U= >;. De piele 2i boli venerice - 18584321
Actinomicoa a pielii - 148542156
Alopecia ,chelie, alopecie- - 5484121
Angiitis ,vasculit0-, din piele - 1454231
Dermatita atopica - 5484215
9alanoposthitis - 5814231
Negii - 5148521
Easculita a pielii - 5142544
Eitiligo - 4812588
)onoreea ,masculin- - 2225488
(?cois fungoides - 4814588
Dermatita - 1853121
Ihtioa - 9996789
Candidoa - 9876591
(6nc0rime - 1249812
Eerucilor genitale - 1489543
Urticarie - 1858432
.indromul =?ell - 4891521
=epra - 148543294
=?mphogranulomatosis inghinal - 1482348
3ed lichen plat - 4858415
=ichen de culoare ,pitiriais- - 18543214
=ichen este de culoare ro - 5148315
(astocitoa - 148542171
(icrosporia - 1858321
(olluscum contagiosum - 514321532
Neurodermatita - 1484857
&umorile de piele - 1458914
1iodermite - 51432149
.crapie - 5189123
1soriais - 999899181
1emfgus - 8145321
3oacee - 518914891
3ubromi:o - 4518481
.eboree - 1234512
.iflis - 1484999
.indromul .tevens-Xohnson - 9814753
&o:si:odermi?a ,reac4ie de droguri- - 514 832 184
&richoph?tia - 4851482
&uberculoa a pielii - 148543296
Acnee vulgaris - 514832185
1ecingine cruste - 4851481
.cabia - 8132548
.ancrul moale - 4815451
*cema - 548132151
Atlet - 5148532
*ritem nodos - 15184321
*ritem polimorf exudative - 548142137
*r?thrasma - 4821521
CA1I&<=U= >>. 9<=I CDI3U3)ICA=* - 18574321
9oli chirurgicale de adulti - 5843215
Abces - 8148321
Adenom de prostat0 - 51432144
Actinomicoa - 4832514
Anevrism - 48543218
Anevrism de inima - 9187549
Apendicita - 54321484
Aterom - 888888179
9ronsiectaii - 4812578
Earice ale membrelor inferioare - 4831388
Earice ale cordonului spermatic - 81432151
Qi hidrocel din cordonul spermatic - 481543255
Disloc0ri - 5123145
1rolaps de rect - 514832187
Cangrena de ga - 45143218
Cangrena de lumina - 4838543
Demarthrosis - 4857543
Demoroii - 58143219
D?dradenitis - 4851348
)inecomastie - 4831514
Dernie - 95184321
Dumping + .indromul - 4184214
Diverticuli - 48543217
Diverticuloa de colon - 4851614
Calculi biliari - 0148012
Icterul este un mecanic - 8012001
3eten4ie acut0 de urin0 - 0144444
.indrom Wollinger-*llison - 148543295
9ronhiilor corp str0in - 5485432
Corp str0in de stomac - 8184321
<rganisme externe ale esofagului - 14854321
<rganisme externe ale 4esuturilor moi - 148543297
Carbuncul - 483854381
Un chist de san - 4851432
Chisturi 2i g6tul lateral fstule - 514854214
Chisturi 2i fstule gat median0 - 4548541
Colita ulcerativa - 48143211
Curs de cocc?geal epiteliale - 9018532
1icior stramb - 485143241
&orticolis - 4548512
Criptorhidia - 485143287
.6ngerare intern0 - 5142543
.angerarea in afara - 4321511
9oala Crohn - 94854321
=( - 5514214
=imfadenitY - 4542143
=?mphangitis - 484851482
=ipom - 4814842
1seudartroe - 4814214
(astita - 8152142
.6nilor - 84854321
(egacolon - 4851543
(ediastinita - 4985432
Ileus - 4548148
Unghii incarnate - 4548547
'rostbite - 4858514
Arsuri termice - 8191111
<cluie a arterelor - 81543213
<rchiepidid?mitis - 818432151
1ost-traumatic osteomielita - 514854221
Abdomen acut - 5484543
1ancreatit0 acut0 - 4881431
Colecistita acuta - 4154382
Infractor - 8999999
Ulcer penetrant - 9148532
'racture - 7776551
1eritonita - 1428543
1neumoemp?ema - 148543299
1lat - 1891432
1neumotoraxul spontan - 481854221
=eiuni ale organelor interne - 8914319
=ipitoare - 4819491
.indromul 1ostcholec?stectom? - 4518421
Ulcer perforat - 8143291
9edsore - 6743514
1rostatita - 9718961
(eniscului rupt - 8435482
30nile - 5148912
'istule de rect - 5189421
.tenoa de evacuare a stomacului - 81543211
'isura anala - 81454321
&hromboangiitis - 5432142
&romboFebita - 1454580
&uberculoa de oase - 148543281
Uretrit0 - 1387549
E6n0t0i - 0156912
'ibroadenoame de san - 4854312
'imoa si parafmoa - 0180010
1hlebemphraxis - 1454580
Abces - 48143128
'uruncul - 5148385
Colangita - 8431548
Accident electric - 5185431
*mpiem - 514854223
*ndarteritis obliterant0 - 4518521
Ulcere trofce - 514852154
9oli chirurgicale de nou-nascuti - 514218871
9olile chirurgicale ale cavit04ii abdominale - 5184311
Na2tere holangiopatii congenital0 - 948514211
9oli chirurgicale de piept - 5184312
Atreie de esofag - 518543157
Dernie diafragmatica congenitala - 518543257
Chisturile congenitale pulmonare - 4851484
1neumotorax - 5142147
'istul0 traheoesofagian0 - 514854714
1urulent-inFamatorii boli - 514852171
(astita nou-n0scut - 514854238
<steomielita acuta hematogena - 5141542
1eritonita - 4184321
Abces acut - 4842118
'legmonul necrotice nou-n0scut - 514852173
9oli ale sistemului musculo-scheletice - 514218873
&raume 2i boli ortopedice - 1418518
Anchilo0 - 1848522
9ursita - 75184321
Demarthrosis - 7184321
Curbura de un deget de la picior spre exterior - 5418521
Dupu?tren contractura - 5185421
Contractura a articula4iilor - 8144855
1seudartroe - 8214231
=eiuni ale organelor interne - 5432188
.tretching - 5148517
Amputare post-traumatic - 5451891
Qoc traumatic - 1454814
CA1I&<=U= >A. 9oli ale urechii, nasului si gatului - 1851432
Eegetatiilor adenoide - 5189514
Angina ,amigdalita acuta- - 1999999
Antrim ,otoantrit- - 1844578
Atreia 2i s?nechia a cavit04ii naale - 1989142
Aerosinusitis - 514854237
Dematom de sept naal - 5431482
Dipertrofe a amigdalelor - 4514548
Diafragma de laringe - 148543283
*ustace - 18554321
Abces retrofaringieni - 1454321
Corpuri str0ine - 54321545
Deviatie de sept - 148543285
.6ngerare nas - 65184321
=abirintita - 48154219
=aringita - 4548511
=aringospasm - 485148248
(astoidita acuta - 514832186
9oala (eniere - 514854233
(u:otsele ,piotsele- sinus frontal - 5148322
3inoree ,rinit0- - 5189912
3inita vasomotorie, alergic0 - 514852351
Nevrit0 a cohlear ,nevrit0 nervului auditiv- - 1488513
<ena ,nas 5nfundat mirositor- - 514 854 241
&umori ale laringelui - 5148742
UmFarea laringelui - 2314514
<tgematoma - 4853121
<tit0 - 55184321
<tomi:o - 514832188
<tosclero0 - 4814851
1aree 2i paraliii a laringelui - 1854555
1olipi naali - 5519740
.epsis <togenic - 5900001
(uf0 sulfuric - 48145814
.inuita - 1800124
.cleroma - 0198514
.teno0 a laringelui - 7654321
.tridor congenital0 - 4185444
Amigdalit0 acut0 - 1999999
Amigdalita cronica - 35184321
=eiuni la ureche - 4548515
&uberculoa a laringelui - 5148541
'aringit0 - 1858561
'aringomi:o - 1454511
'ibrom de naofaringe - 1111122
'uruncul naale vestibul - 1389145
CA1I&<=U= >B. 9olile de ochi - 1891014
Ambliopia - 1899999
Astenopie - 9814214
Astigmatism - 1421543
Atrofa nervului optic - 5182432
9lefarit0 - 5142589
(iopie ,miopie- - 548 132 198
De prim0var0 catar - 514258951
Dislocarea cristalinului - 25184321
Centur? inversare - 5142321
<rbire de noapte - 5142842
)laucom - 5131482
Dacr?oc?stitis - 45184321
Dipermetropie - 5189988
Disc optic congestiv0 - 145432152
Irit0 - 5891231
Cataracta - 5189142
@eratita - 518432114
Con!unctivita - 5184314
.trabism - 518543254
Jebe?e - 18543212
Nevrita optica - 5451589
<bstruc4ia arterei centrale a retinei - 514852178
<bstruc4ionarea de ocluia venelor retiniene centrale - 7777788
Arsuri oculare - 8881112
<misiunea a pleoapei superioare ,ptoa palpebrala- - 18543121
Delipire de retina - 1851760
1anoftalmit - 5141588
1rebiopia - 1481854
30ni ale globului ocular - 518432118
3etinita - 5484512
<ftalmie =umina - 5841321
InFama4ie simpatic - 8185321
.clerita, episclerita - 514854248
&rachoma - 5189523
Uveita - 548432198
Qalaion - 5148582
Coroidita - 5182584
*xoftalmie - 5454311
*ndoftalmita - 514254842
Ulcer ale corneei - 548432194
<r - 514854249
CA1I&<=U= >C. 9oli ale din4ilor 2i a cavit04ii bucale - 1488514
Abces admaxillar? - 518231415
Alveolita - 5848188
Anchilo0 a articulatiei temporomandibulare - 514852179
Artrita temporo-mandibulare - 548432174
Dislocarea articulatiei temporomandibulare - 5484311
Dislocarea unui dinte - 485143277
)ingivita - 548432123
Dipersensibilitate a dintilor -1484312
*malii hipoplaie - 74854321
)lossalgia - 514852181
)losit0 - 1484542
&artar - 514852182
Cariilor dentare - 5148584
Chisturile ale maxilarului - 514218877
.angerarea dupa o interventie chirurgicala, extrac4ia dentar0 - 8144542
Verostomie - 5814514
=eucoplaie - 485148151
<steomielita de f0lci - 5414214
Durere acut0 dentare - 5182544
1apilita - 5844522
9olii parodontale - 58145421
1arodontita - 5182821
'ractur0 de dinte - 814454251
'racturi ale f0lcilor - 5182148
1eri:oronarit - 5188888
1arodontita apicala - 3124601
1ulpita - 1468550
.tomatogenna?a infectiei cronice - 514854814
.tomatit0 - 4814854
Abces admaxillar? - 5148312
Cheilit0 - 518431482
CA1I&<=U= >G. 9oli necunoscute 2i stat - 1884321
ADN-ul uman este o combinatie
unica de numere. Indiferent de natura
ei, boala este o reacordare la
erfectiunea rorie ar!etiala. De
fiecare data cand ne abatem de la
ar!etiul roriu, ADN-ul gaseste calea
cea mai otrivita entru reacordare.
"neori este mai simlu, alteori
simtomele sunt comle#e. $el mai
frecvent, starea de boala se instalea%a
rin re%istentele fata de evenimentele
din &urul nostru, re%istente care induc
sentimentul'emotia'gandul de searare
fata de Intreg, Am fost creati cu
constienta ca suntem un Intreg, asa ca,
cu cat (seararea( este mai intensa, cu
atat si simtomele sunt mai
%gomotoase, de lunga durata... si
Toti cei care au relatat vindecari
miraculoase ale unor boli numite
(incurabile(, au recunoscut ca au
accetat sa e#erimente%e cu bucurie,
evenimentele din viata lor, fara sa se
mai ouna. Au recunoscut ca trecusera
dincolo de dualitatea bine'rau,
moral'acat, frumos'urat,
dret'nedret, corect'incorect etc.
)iind in aceasta stare de constiinta, au
eliberat boala. Au eliberat &udecata
mentala care generea%a searare fata
de ceilalti si de Intreg.
*etoda lui Grigori Grabovoi consta
in emiterea constienta a sirului de
numere care formea%a un cod ce te
acordea%a la o vibratie care
armoni%ea%a'vindeca o roblema. In
documentul de fata sunt codurile
entru roblemele de sanatate. E#ista
si coduri numerice care functionea%a
ca mantre, te acordea%a la vibratii
subtile, sublime.
Emiterea este atat vocala rostind
tare si cu entu%iasm sirurile de numere
+se fac au%e foarte scurte intre sirurile
de numere si se rostesc din nou, ana
cand se ercee o modificare la nivelul
constiintei,, cat si vi%uala, ca si cum,
din mi&locul fruntii ia nastere numarul
rostit in forma tridimensionala si de
culoare auriu stralucitor.
Am lucrat cu cateva coduri
numerice si consider ca este o metoda
foarte interesanta de reacordare la
ar!etiul roriu.
-anatate erfecta.
Numerele lui Grabovoi entru
/indecare, *ateriali%are 0i
Regenerarea 1rganelor
De 2ames Rin3
!tt4''555.neol ogicaltec!.com'categor
Numerele lui Grabovoi folosesc
semnale radionice entru a vindeca
diferite robleme de s:n:tate. Ele au
fost descoerite de metafi%icianul rus
Grigori Grabovoi, cu a&utorul
diso%itivului s:u radionic. Pentru cei
care nu cunosc teoria 0i ractica
Radionic:, este vorba desre
concetul conform c:ruia fiin;ele
umane 0i toate formele de via;:
<m:rt:0esc un c=m comun, rin
fatul c: ele toate sunt conectate unele
cu altele, <n interiorul c=mului
electromagnetic al :m=ntului> toate
formele de via;: au roriul lor c=m
electromagnetic, care, atunci c=nd este
distorsionat <n mod considerabil,
cau%ea%: <mboln:virea. $onform
Radionicii, care recunoa0te c: totul
este energie, organele, bolile 0i
medicamentele au roriile lor
frecven;e sau vibra;ii secifice. Ace0ti
factori ot fi e#rima;i <n valori
numerice sauSecvene'Numere sau
sub forma unor tiare geometrice.
Aceste numere ofer: mi&loacele rin
care racticianul identific: 0i tratea%:
boala de la distan;:. Astfel, Grabovoi
folose0te diso%itivul s:u Radionic
entru a detecta numerele asociate cu
diferite st:ri de s:n:tate, aoi <0i
instruie0te clien;ii s: medite%e asura
acestor numere, ac;iune care duce la
vindec:ri miraculoase, cum ar fi
regenerarea uterului, rinic!ilor 0i multe
altele. Grabovoi consider: c: aceste
informa;ii trebuie folosite nu numai
entru a salva lumea de la o osibil:
catastrof: global:, ci 0i entru a-i
ermite fiec:rui om s: aib: o s:n:tate
erfect:, imortalitate fi%ic:, s: readuc:
<n corul fi%ic o ersoan: care a
decedat, s: materiali%e%e 0i s:
demateriali%e%e, s: se teleorte%e, s:
regenere%e materia distrus:, deist=nd
0i solu;ion=nd de la distan;: orice
roblem: de natur: mecanic:,
ortoelectronic:, recum 0i controlul de
la orice distan;: asura materiei fi%ice.
De asemenea, el sus;ine c: a vindecat
oameni bolnavi de -IDA sau cancer 0i
c: a vindecat sute de ersoane f:r:
niciun fel de contact fi%ic cu acestea.
Dovada acestor vindec:ri oate fi
confirmat: de medicina tradi;ional: 0i
sunt atestate oficial de c:tre
ersoanele vindecate. *odelul s:u
folose0te c=mul creativ al
informa;iilor, cunoscut dret energia
con0tiin;ei, entru a materiali%a at=t
orice informa;ie sau obiect dorit, c=t 0i
e cele din afara continuum-ului
sa;io-temoral. ?n lus, el a
descoerit metode de transformare a
energiei oric:rei ac;iuni <n forme
geometrice cunoscute. Iat: de ce
numerele lui Grabovoi ot fi folosite
entru diagnosticarea de la distan;: 0i
regenerarea materiei, <n orice interval
de tim, rin transformarea timului <n
form: sa;ial:.
Pentru a <nv:;a cum s: folosi;i
aceast: te!nic:, mai <nt=i selecta;i un
num:r din lista de mai &os, <n func;ie de
roblema de s:n:tate asura c:reia
dori;i s: lucra;i, iar aoi aela;i la setul
de reguli ale @io3inesiei caitolul din
manual referitor la asul urm:tor.
Pute;i g:si mai multe informa;ii desre
aceste numere <n cartea Recovery
Of The Human Body Focusing On
ADN-ul uman este o combinatie
unica de numere. Indiferent de natura
ei, boala este o reacordare la
erfectiunea rorie ar!etiala. De
fiecare data cand ne abatem de la
ar!etiul roriu, ADN-ul gaseste calea
cea mai otrivita entru reacordare.
"neori este mai simlu, alteori
simtomele sunt comle#e. $el mai
frecvent, starea de boala se instalea%a
rin re%istentele fata de evenimentele
din &urul nostru, re%istente care induc
sentimentul'emotia'gandul de searare
fata de Intreg, Am fost creati cu
constienta ca suntem un Intreg, asa ca,
cu cat (seararea( este mai intensa, cu
atat si simtomele sunt mai
%gomotoase, de lunga durata... si
Toti cei care au relatat vindecari
miraculoase ale unor boli numite
(incurabile(, au recunoscut ca au
accetat sa e#erimente%e cu bucurie,
evenimentele din viata lor, fara sa se
mai ouna. Au recunoscut ca trecusera
dincolo de dualitatea bine'rau,
moral'acat, frumos'urat,
dret'nedret, corect'incorect etc.
)iind in aceasta stare de constiinta, au
eliberat boala. Au eliberat &udecata
mentala care generea%a searare fata
de ceilalti si de Intreg.
*etoda lui Grigori Grabovoi consta
in emiterea constienta a sirului de
numere care formea%a un cod ce te
acordea%a la o vibratie care
armoni%ea%a'vindeca o roblema. In
documentul de fata sunt codurile
entru roblemele de sanatate. E#ista
si coduri numerice care functionea%a
ca mantre, te acordea%a la vibratii
subtile, sublime.
Emiterea este atat vocala rostind
tare si cu entu%iasm sirurile de numere
+se fac au%e foarte scurte intre sirurile
de numere si se rostesc din nou, ana
cand se ercee o modificare la nivelul
constiintei,, cat si vi%uala, ca si cum,
din mi&locul fruntii ia nastere numarul
rostit in forma tridimensionala si de
culoare auriu stralucitor.
Am lucrat cu cateva coduri
numerice si consider ca este o metoda
foarte interesanta de reacordare la
ar!etiul roriu.
-anatate erfecta.
Numerele lui Grabovoi entru
/indecare, *ateriali%are 0i
Regenerarea 1rganelor
De 2ames Rin3
!tt4''555.neol ogicaltec!.com'categor
Numerele lui Grabovoi folosesc
semnale radionice entru a vindeca
diferite robleme de s:n:tate. Ele au
fost descoerite de metafi%icianul rus
Grigori Grabovoi, cu a&utorul
diso%itivului s:u radionic. Pentru cei
care nu cunosc teoria 0i ractica
Radionic:, este vorba desre
concetul conform c:ruia fiin;ele
umane 0i toate formele de via;:
<m:rt:0esc un c=m comun, rin
fatul c: ele toate sunt conectate unele
cu altele, <n interiorul c=mului
electromagnetic al :m=ntului> toate
formele de via;: au roriul lor c=m
electromagnetic, care, atunci c=nd este
distorsionat <n mod considerabil,
cau%ea%: <mboln:virea. $onform
Radionicii, care recunoa0te c: totul
este energie, organele, bolile 0i
medicamentele au roriile lor
frecven;e sau vibra;ii secifice. Ace0ti
factori ot fi e#rima;i <n valori
numerice sauSecvene'Numere sau
sub forma unor tiare geometrice.
Aceste numere ofer: mi&loacele rin
care racticianul identific: 0i tratea%:
boala de la distan;:. Astfel, Grabovoi
folose0te diso%itivul s:u Radionic
entru a detecta numerele asociate cu
diferite st:ri de s:n:tate, aoi <0i
instruie0te clien;ii s: medite%e asura
acestor numere, ac;iune care duce la
vindec:ri miraculoase, cum ar fi
regenerarea uterului, rinic!ilor 0i multe
altele. Grabovoi consider: c: aceste
informa;ii trebuie folosite nu numai
entru a salva lumea de la o osibil:
catastrof: global:, ci 0i entru a-i
ermite fiec:rui om s: aib: o s:n:tate
erfect:, imortalitate fi%ic:, s: readuc:
<n corul fi%ic o ersoan: care a
decedat, s: materiali%e%e 0i s:
demateriali%e%e, s: se teleorte%e, s:
regenere%e materia distrus:, deist=nd
0i solu;ion=nd de la distan;: orice
roblem: de natur: mecanic:,
ortoelectronic:, recum 0i controlul de
la orice distan;: asura materiei fi%ice.
De asemenea, el sus;ine c: a vindecat
oameni bolnavi de -IDA sau cancer 0i
c: a vindecat sute de ersoane f:r:
niciun fel de contact fi%ic cu acestea.
Dovada acestor vindec:ri oate fi
confirmat: de medicina tradi;ional: 0i
sunt atestate oficial de c:tre
ersoanele vindecate. *odelul s:u
folose0te c=mul creativ al
informa;iilor, cunoscut dret energia
con0tiin;ei, entru a materiali%a at=t
orice informa;ie sau obiect dorit, c=t 0i
e cele din afara continuum-ului
sa;io-temoral. ?n lus, el a
descoerit metode de transformare a
energiei oric:rei ac;iuni <n forme
geometrice cunoscute. Iat: de ce
numerele lui Grabovoi ot fi folosite
entru diagnosticarea de la distan;: 0i
regenerarea materiei, <n orice interval
de tim, rin transformarea timului <n
form: sa;ial:.
Pentru a <nv:;a cum s: folosi;i aceast:
te!nic:, mai <nt=i selecta;i un num:r
din lista de mai &os, <n func;ie de
roblema de s:n:tate asura c:reia
dori;i s: lucra;i, iar aoi aela;i la setul
de reguli ale @io3inesiei caitolul din
manual referitor la asul urm:tor.
Pute;i g:si mai multe informa;ii desre
aceste numere <n cartea Recovery
Of The Human Body Focusing On
Numbers (Vindecarea corpului
omenesc prin concenrarea asupra
numerelor!, de Grigori Grabovoi.
"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing,
and Organ Regeneration"
Numbers (Vindecarea corpului
omenesc prin concenrarea asupra
numerelor!, de Grigori Grabovoi.
"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing,
and Organ Regeneration"

Disclaimer: The vies e!"ressed here are not necessaril# the vies of Neological
Technologies$ %s miraculous as the folloing information sounds, "lease do not
discontinue or begin an# ne health treatments ithout the consultation of #our doctor$
The folloing information is "rovided for entertainment "ur"oses onl#$
"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization, and Organ Regeneration"
By James Rink
Grabovoi numbers use Radionic signatures to eal various ealt aliments! "ey #ere develo$ed
by te Russian $sycic Grigori Grabovoi using is Radionic macine!
%or tose #o don&t kno# Radionic teory and $ractice is te conce$t tat man and all life forms
sare a common ground in tat tey are all connected to eac oter #itin te electro'magnetic
field of te eart( and tat all life forms carry its o#n electro'magnetic field, #ic #en
sufficiently distorted #ill result in disease and sickness! )cce$ting tat all is energy, Radionics sees
organs, diseases, and remedies as aving teir o#n $articular fre*uency or vibration! "ese
factors can be e+$ressed in numerical values or ,Rates, or in te form of geometric $atterns! "ese
numbers $rovide te means by #ic te $ractitioner can identify and treat disease at a distance!
-it tis in mind Grigori Grabovoi #ould ten use is Radionic macine to $in$oint te numbers
associated #it various ealt conditions, ten instruct is clients to meditate on tese numbers
resulting in miraculous recoveries suc as regenerated uterus&s, kidneys, reversed again, and
muc more!
&ho is Grigori Grabovoi '
Grigory .etrovic Grabovoy /Russian0 12345 6 237 89:25 6 ;3< 12=>5;5 6 7? /born November @A, @BCD in
Eazakstan? is a Russian $sycic #o claims te ability to abolis deat, resurrect te dead, cure
cancer and )FGH, tele$ort, and $in$oint and resolve at distance mecanical and electronic
$roblems on air$lanes, s$ace stations, atomic electric $o#er stations and any oter tecnical
constructions! He discusses is abilities in is tree volume book "e .ractice of Iontrol! "e -ay
to Halvation!
"ese books e+$lain o# te discovery of creative field of information, or consciousness energy,
can manifest any information or obJect you #ant, as #ell as tose not subJect to te s$ace'time
continuum! By converting tis information into kno#n geometric form! "is is #y Grabovoi
numbers can be used for remote diagnostics and regeneration of matter #itin any term of time
troug transformation of time into s$ace form!
"e goal of te teacing of Grabovoi, according to imself, is $assing on te Eno#ledge of "e
Kord to te $eo$le all over te -orld in order to save tem from te $ossible global catastro$e,
enable eac one to reac $erfect ealt, $ysical immortality, resurrect in teir $ysical bodies
everyone #o,s gone and $rovide te eternal constructive and armonious develo$ment of te
entire mankind!
He claimed $ersonal abilities of remote control of $ysical matter from any distance, cured
undreds of diseased $ersons, including cancer and aids, #itout is $ersonal $resence, tese
facts are certified by traditional medicine and $roved by notarized statement of cured $ersons!
Lsing is clairvoyance e could remotely e+amine aircraft, iFn conditions of e+$eriment e did
#orks for materialization, de'materialization, tele$ortation and tese #orks #ere stated in te
minute! He regenerated destroyed matter! He #anted tese abilities to be learned by all so tat
tey too could use teir gifts to $revent catastro$es, troug creation #itout destruction! He
also claimed imself as a second advent of Irist on Mart!

Fn NOOP, Grabovoy $romised te grieving moters of te NOOA Beslan scool ostage crisis tat e
could resurrect teir dead cildren! "e Moters of Beslan later accused Grabovoy of an attem$t
to "zombify" /brain#as? tem and accused te Russian secret service of $rovocation "aimed at
discrediting and getting rid of" te movement!
Fn a MarcQ)$ril NOOR intervie# to Karisa Bocanova Husanna Gudieva, leader of Moters of
Beslan, stated tat Grabovoy fell victim of a smearing cam$aign aimed at directing $ublic attention
a#ay from $oor andling of te Beslan ostage taking by autorities! Gudieva named some of te
media outlets tat s$read false information, often o$$osite to #at se $ersonally conveyed to
tem! )ccording to Selena Milasina of Novaya Gazeta, autorities arrested Grabovoy on carges
of fraud and se alleged tat Grabovoy #as arrested at te beest of Tladimir .utin!
On July R, NOOU "agansky Iourt in Mosco# found Grabovoy guilty of @@ counts of large scale fraud
and sentenced im to @@ years of im$risonment! ) grou$ of Russian advocates including Mikail
"re$askin brougt an action to institute criminal $roceedings against Tladimir .utin and .resident
Medvedev in te Hague "ribunal and te Fnternational Iriminal Iourt for aving effected Grigoriy
Grabovoy&s criminal $rosecution! Grabovoy,s early release in May NO@O #as a$$ealed by te
regional $rosecutor office!
Grabovoi Numbers Neo (rotocol
"o learn o# to use tis tecni*ue, first select a number listed belo# for te condition you #is to
#ork on and ten activate te Grabovoi Numbers Neo .rotocol!
"is $rotocol is designed to instruct your neo unit to utilize *uantum entanglement and o$en u$ a
tem$oral $ortal bringing your body in tune #it te best astrological time $eriod to manifest te
GN) canges! "e ne+t ste$ is to instruct your neo to take ologra$ic stem cells from your s$inal
cord and tele$ort and su$er im$ose tem over te area you #ant to regenerate or alter! -ile
doing tis visualize a s$ere of #ite'silver color in front of you, and #itin tis s$ere visualize
your cosen Grabovoi number! "en instruct your soul to begin ealing and integration! Kastly
transfer tis s$ere #it your Grabovoi number into your body,s Holar .le+us or .ineal Gland and
ask your iger self to initialize cellular differentiation #itin te $ysical realm! Htill confusedV
-ell ere is ste$ by ste$ $rocess to sim$ly tis $rocess!
N! -ait DO seconds to tree minutes in silence!
D! -en you begin to feel tingling sensations in your ands tell te device WGMTFIM F "RLH" SOL
A! -ait for te star gate to a$$ear, #en you see it recite te follo#ing $rase WH")RG)"M F "RLH"
alters te timeline so you are in tune #it te $ro$er astrological time $eriod to conduct tis
R! No# visualize micro #ormoles connecting into te scalar #ave antennas #itin our GN)! "is
is sa$ed like a torus or donut #itin your cell&s GN) in te mitocondria, ere t#o #aves of
energy cross eac oter out and allo# you to access te infinite #itin te zero $oint energy field!
U! No# visualize ologra$ic GN) coming out of tis $ortal of ligt and merging #it your GN)!
@O! No# visualize a ologra$ic co$y of te organ you #is to regenerate, tis image sould be of
$erfect size, ealt, and vitality!
@@! No# visualize a s$ere or cube of #ite'silver color in front of you! -it Grabovoi Numbers
tat contain B or more digits go #it s$ere but if its P to U digits use a D+D grid rubric cube!
Break te Grabovoi Number a$art as needed and fit it in te D+D grid! )s you turn te s*uare te
numbers sould flas ligt out#ards, and as it s$ins and tey sould re$eat on all C sides of te
rubric cube! "is is called your *uantum transfiguration camber!
@D! No# transfer te numbered s$ere into your body,s Holar .le+us or .ineal Gland and ask your
iger self to initialize cellular differentiation #itin te $ysical realm!
@A! No# let&s accelerate te timeline to increase te s$eed tese cells #ill gro#! Recite WGMTFIM
FNH")N"KS!X "is #ill el$ decrease te time it takes to regenerate te area of focus , so instead of
it taking R years to gro# ne# bones it #ill take R monts, instead of it taking C monts to eal te
eyes it #ill no# take D #eeks, and so on!
@P! )t tis $oint you may #is to take a break for a fe# moments and allo# te cells to begin te
regenerations $rocess! )llo# tem to differentiate into #atever tissue you #ant be, suc as a
blood vessel, a nerve, a muscle cell or #atever! -ile doing tis visualize te $ulsating ligt
massaging your organs! Sours cells ave all te genetic information necessary to make ne# tissue!
"at,s #at tey are $rogrammed to do! Ho your eart cells are $rogrammed to make more eart
tissue, your bladder cells are $rogrammed to make more bladder cells! Guring tis time kee$ te
ideas of ealing focused on te area you are trying to regenerate #ile allo#ing yourself to enJoy
tis moment by focusing on your accom$lisments and miracles you are about to acieve!
@C! )t te conclusion send tis ligt you been #orking in a brigt burst #it as far left into te
universe, ten arc te ligt back into your rigt side!
@R! "ime stam$ te current date and time( and recite WHO F" FH DY&H )NG F" FH GONM DY&H,
Note you don&t ave to recite and memorize all tis #ord for #ord, Just use your intuition and let
tis be a guide of #at you can do! Ff tis is a lot to remember ten try tis guided meditation!
Numere Grabovoi Neo .rotocol
.entru a afla cum sZ foloseascZ aceastZ tenicZ, selecta i mai [nt\i numZrul de mai Jos $entru Z
condi ia $e care dori i sZ lucreze i a$oi activa i numerele Grabovoi Neo .rotocol! Z Z [ Z
)cest $rotocol este conce$ut $entru a instrui unitatea $entru neo utiliza cuantice i descide un [
$ortal tem$oral aduce cor$ul [n ton cu cea mai bunZ $erioadZ de tim$ astrologic $entru a
manifesta scimbarile )GN'ului! LrmZtorul $as este de a instrui neo'ul sZ ia celule stem
olografice din mZduva s$inZrii i tele$orta i su$er'le im$unZ $e zona $e care dori i sZ regenereze [ [ Z
sau modifica! ]n tim$ ce faci acest lucru vizualizeze o sferZ de culoare alb'argintie, [n fa a ta, i [n Z [
aceastZ sferZ a vizualiza numZrul dvs! de Grabovoi ales! )$oi instrui sufletul tZu $entru a [nce$e
de vindecare i de integrare! "ransferul [n cele din urmZ aceastZ sferZ cu numZrul de Grabovoi in [
cor$ul tau $le+ul solar sau glanda $ineala i [ntreba i sinele vostru su$erior $entru a ini ializa [ Z Z
diferen iere celularZ [n tZr\mul fizic! ]ncZ confuzV Mi bine, aici este $as cu $as $rocesul de a $ur i Z [
sim$lu acest $roces!
@ H$une "activarea dis$ozitivului i de a cre te" [ [
N ) te$ta i DO de secunde $entru trei minute [n tZcere! [ Z
D I\nd [nce$i sZ sim i senza ie de furnicZturi [n m\inile tale s$une dis$ozitiv "dis$ozitivul F ai Z Z
[ncredere com$let vindeca i de a integra My Mind, tru$ i s$irit!" [ [
A ) te$ta i $entru $oarta stea sZ a$arZ, atunci c\nd vezi o s$ui urmZtoarea frazZ "H")RG)"M "M [ Z
[ncredere de$linZ !!! GFH.O^F"FT )I"FT) H")R G)"M MOGM i de a cre te" [ [
C "GFH.O^F"FT )I"FT) "FM. GM "R)N^F" MOGM cu $erioada )H"ROKOGFIM FGM)K" )ceasta
modificZ cronologie, astfel [nc\t sZ sunt [n ton cu $erioada cores$unzZtoare de tim$ astrologic
$entru a efectua acest e+erci iu! Z
R )cum, vizualizati micro'gZuri de vierme de conectare [n antenele de unde scalare [n )GN'ul
nostru! )cest lucru este ca o formZ de tor sau gogoa Z [n )GN'ul celulei'ului [n mitocondrii, aici [
douZ valuri de energie cruce reci$roc i vZ $ermite sZ accesa i infinit [n domeniul energiei [ Z
$unctului zero!
U )cum, vizualizati )GN'ul olografic iese din acest $ortal de luminZ i fuzioneazZ cu )GN'ul [
B "Gis$ozitiv IOKMI")RM) IMKLKM H"MM olografic din cordonul nostru H.FN)K LN HL.MR FM.LN'
le $este ^ON) i doresc sZ se regenereze!" [
@O )cum, vizualizati o co$ie olograficZ a cor$ului $e care dori i sZ se regenereze, aceastZ imagine Z
ar trebui sZ fie de dimensiuni $erfecte, de sZnZtate, i vitalitate! [
@@ )cum, vizualizati o sfera sau cub de culoare alb'argintie, [n fa a ta! Iu numere de Grabovoi Z
care con in B sau mai multe cifre merg cu sferZ, dar [n cazul [n care P'U cifre de a utiliza un cub Z
rubrica grilZ D+D! Break numZrul Grabovoi afarZ du$Z cum este necesar i se $otrivesc'l [n grila [
D+D! .e mZsurZ ce roti i $Ztratul numerelor trebuie sZ lumineze lumina s$re e+terior, i a a cum se Z [ [
rote te i ar trebui sZ se re$ete la toate cele ase laturi ale rubrica cub! )ceasta se nume te [ [ [ [
camera dvs! transfigurare cuantic!
@D )cum, transfera sfera numerotate [n cor$ul tZu $le+ul solar sau glanda $ineala i [ntreba i [ Z
sinele vostru su$erior $entru a ini ializa diferen iere celularZ [n tZr\mul fizic! Z Z
@A )cum, aide i sZ accelereze calendarul $entru a cre te viteza de aceste celule vor cre te! H$une Z [ [
"GFH.O^F"FT )I"FT)"M )IIMKMR)"_ MOG "FM. $entru tranzit s$re aceste organe regenera
imediat!" )cest lucru va aJuta la reducerea tim$ului necesar $entru a regenera [n zona de
focalizare, astfel [nc\t [n loc de a se lua a$te ani $entru a dezvolta noi oase va dura a$te luni, [n [ [
loc de se iau C luni $entru a se vindeca ocii se va lua acum trei sZ$tZm\ni, i a a mai de$arte! [ [
@P ]n acest moment a i $utea dori sZ ia o $auzZ $entru c\teva momente i $entru a $ermite Z [
celulelor de a [nce$e $rocesul de regenerZri! .ermiteti'le sa se diferentieze in orice esut vrei sZ Z
fie, cum ar fi un vas de sange, un nerv, o celula musculara sau orice altceva! ]n tim$ ce faci acest
lucru vizualiza lumina $ulsatorie masaJ organele! Ielulele tZu avea toate informa iile genetice Z
necesare $entru a face tesut nou! )sta e ceea ce sunt $rogramate sZ facZ! Geci, celulele inimii tale
sunt $rogramate $entru a face mai mult tesut cardiac, celulele vezicii urinare sunt $rogramate
$entru a face mai multe celule ale vezicii urinare! ]n acest tim$, sZ $Zstreze ideile de vindecare
a+at $e zona $e care sunt [ncercarea de a regenera [n tim$ ce $ermi \ndu'vZ sZ se bucure de Z
acest moment de cZtre concentr\ndu'se $e realizarile si minunile tale [ i sunt $e cale de a atinge! Z
@C Ka [nceierea trimite aceastZ luminZ ai lucrat [ntr'o e+$lozie luminoasZ, cu la fel de mult la
st\nga [n univers, a$oi lumina arc ina$oi in $artea drea$ta!
@R "im$ tam$ila data i ora curentZ( i s$une "Geci, este DY,H i se face HMHFLNM) dis$ozitivul [ [ [ [
final DY,H"
NotZ nu trebuie sZ recite i memora toate acestea cuv\nt cu cuv\nt, utiliza i doar intuitia si lasa [ Z
acest lucru sZ fie un gid de ceea ce se $oate face! GacZ aceasta este o mul ime sZ ne amintim Z
a$oi [ncerca i aceastZ medita ie gidatZ! Z Z
Regenerate Organs ith Grabovoi Numbers Neo Meditation

Grabovoi Numbers
More information about tese numbers can be found in te book WRecovery Of "e Human Body
%ocusing On Numbers, By Grigori Grabovoi !X Note tis information #as translated by babelfis and
may be ard to understand in some $laces! "e original Russian language transcri$t can be found

Disclaimer: The vies e!"ressed here are not necessaril# the vies of Neological
Technologies$ %s miraculous as the folloing information sounds, "lease do not
discontinue or begin an# ne health treatments ithout the consultation of #our doctor$
The folloing information is "rovided for entertainment "ur"oses onl#$
"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization, and Organ Regeneration"
By James Rink
Grabovoi numbers use Radionic signatures to eal various ealt aliments! "ey #ere develo$ed
by te Russian $sycic Grigori Grabovoi using is Radionic macine!
%or tose #o don&t kno# Radionic teory and $ractice is te conce$t tat man and all life forms
sare a common ground in tat tey are all connected to eac oter #itin te electro'magnetic
field of te eart( and tat all life forms carry its o#n electro'magnetic field, #ic #en
sufficiently distorted #ill result in disease and sickness! )cce$ting tat all is energy, Radionics sees
organs, diseases, and remedies as aving teir o#n $articular fre*uency or vibration! "ese
factors can be e+$ressed in numerical values or ,Rates, or in te form of geometric $atterns! "ese
numbers $rovide te means by #ic te $ractitioner can identify and treat disease at a distance!
-it tis in mind Grigori Grabovoi #ould ten use is Radionic macine to $in$oint te numbers
associated #it various ealt conditions, ten instruct is clients to meditate on tese numbers
resulting in miraculous recoveries suc as regenerated uterus&s, kidneys, reversed again, and
muc more!
&ho is Grigori Grabovoi '
Grigory .etrovic Grabovoy /Russian0 12345 6 237 89:25 6 ;3< 12=>5;5 6 7? /born November @A, @BCD in
Eazakstan? is a Russian $sycic #o claims te ability to abolis deat, resurrect te dead, cure
cancer and )FGH, tele$ort, and $in$oint and resolve at distance mecanical and electronic
$roblems on air$lanes, s$ace stations, atomic electric $o#er stations and any oter tecnical
constructions! He discusses is abilities in is tree volume book "e .ractice of Iontrol! "e -ay
to Halvation!
"ese books e+$lain o# te discovery of creative field of information, or consciousness energy,
can manifest any information or obJect you #ant, as #ell as tose not subJect to te s$ace'time
continuum! By converting tis information into kno#n geometric form! "is is #y Grabovoi
numbers can be used for remote diagnostics and regeneration of matter #itin any term of time
troug transformation of time into s$ace form!
"e goal of te teacing of Grabovoi, according to imself, is $assing on te Eno#ledge of "e
Kord to te $eo$le all over te -orld in order to save tem from te $ossible global catastro$e,
enable eac one to reac $erfect ealt, $ysical immortality, resurrect in teir $ysical bodies
everyone #o,s gone and $rovide te eternal constructive and armonious develo$ment of te
entire mankind!
He claimed $ersonal abilities of remote control of $ysical matter from any distance, cured
undreds of diseased $ersons, including cancer and aids, #itout is $ersonal $resence, tese
facts are certified by traditional medicine and $roved by notarized statement of cured $ersons!
Lsing is clairvoyance e could remotely e+amine aircraft, iFn conditions of e+$eriment e did
#orks for materialization, de'materialization, tele$ortation and tese #orks #ere stated in te
minute! He regenerated destroyed matter! He #anted tese abilities to be learned by all so tat
tey too could use teir gifts to $revent catastro$es, troug creation #itout destruction! He
also claimed imself as a second advent of Irist on Mart!

Fn NOOP, Grabovoy $romised te grieving moters of te NOOA Beslan scool ostage crisis tat e
could resurrect teir dead cildren! "e Moters of Beslan later accused Grabovoy of an attem$t
to "zombify" /brain#as? tem and accused te Russian secret service of $rovocation "aimed at
discrediting and getting rid of" te movement!
Fn a MarcQ)$ril NOOR intervie# to Karisa Bocanova Husanna Gudieva, leader of Moters of
Beslan, stated tat Grabovoy fell victim of a smearing cam$aign aimed at directing $ublic attention
a#ay from $oor andling of te Beslan ostage taking by autorities! Gudieva named some of te
media outlets tat s$read false information, often o$$osite to #at se $ersonally conveyed to
tem! )ccording to Selena Milasina of Novaya Gazeta, autorities arrested Grabovoy on carges
of fraud and se alleged tat Grabovoy #as arrested at te beest of Tladimir .utin!
On July R, NOOU "agansky Iourt in Mosco# found Grabovoy guilty of @@ counts of large scale fraud
and sentenced im to @@ years of im$risonment! ) grou$ of Russian advocates including Mikail
"re$askin brougt an action to institute criminal $roceedings against Tladimir .utin and .resident
Medvedev in te Hague "ribunal and te Fnternational Iriminal Iourt for aving effected Grigoriy
Grabovoy&s criminal $rosecution! Grabovoy,s early release in May NO@O #as a$$ealed by te
regional $rosecutor office!
Grabovoi Numbers Neo (rotocol
"o learn o# to use tis tecni*ue, first select a number listed belo# for te condition you #is to
#ork on and ten activate te Grabovoi Numbers Neo .rotocol!
"is $rotocol is designed to instruct your neo unit to utilize *uantum entanglement and o$en u$ a
tem$oral $ortal bringing your body in tune #it te best astrological time $eriod to manifest te
GN) canges! "e ne+t ste$ is to instruct your neo to take ologra$ic stem cells from your s$inal
cord and tele$ort and su$er im$ose tem over te area you #ant to regenerate or alter! -ile
doing tis visualize a s$ere of #ite'silver color in front of you, and #itin tis s$ere visualize
your cosen Grabovoi number! "en instruct your soul to begin ealing and integration! Kastly
transfer tis s$ere #it your Grabovoi number into your body,s Holar .le+us or .ineal Gland and
ask your iger self to initialize cellular differentiation #itin te $ysical realm! Htill confusedV
-ell ere is ste$ by ste$ $rocess to sim$ly tis $rocess!
N! -ait DO seconds to tree minutes in silence!
D! -en you begin to feel tingling sensations in your ands tell te device WGMTFIM F "RLH" SOL
A! -ait for te star gate to a$$ear, #en you see it recite te follo#ing $rase WH")RG)"M F "RLH"
alters te timeline so you are in tune #it te $ro$er astrological time $eriod to conduct tis
R! No# visualize micro #ormoles connecting into te scalar #ave antennas #itin our GN)! "is
is sa$ed like a torus or donut #itin your cell&s GN) in te mitocondria, ere t#o #aves of
energy cross eac oter out and allo# you to access te infinite #itin te zero $oint energy field!
U! No# visualize ologra$ic GN) coming out of tis $ortal of ligt and merging #it your GN)!
@O! No# visualize a ologra$ic co$y of te organ you #is to regenerate, tis image sould be of
$erfect size, ealt, and vitality!
@@! No# visualize a s$ere or cube of #ite'silver color in front of you! -it Grabovoi Numbers
tat contain B or more digits go #it s$ere but if its P to U digits use a D+D grid rubric cube!
Break te Grabovoi Number a$art as needed and fit it in te D+D grid! )s you turn te s*uare te
numbers sould flas ligt out#ards, and as it s$ins and tey sould re$eat on all C sides of te
rubric cube! "is is called your *uantum transfiguration camber!
@D! No# transfer te numbered s$ere into your body,s Holar .le+us or .ineal Gland and ask your
iger self to initialize cellular differentiation #itin te $ysical realm!
@A! No# let&s accelerate te timeline to increase te s$eed tese cells #ill gro#! Recite WGMTFIM
FNH")N"KS!X "is #ill el$ decrease te time it takes to regenerate te area of focus , so instead of
it taking R years to gro# ne# bones it #ill take R monts, instead of it taking C monts to eal te
eyes it #ill no# take D #eeks, and so on!
@P! )t tis $oint you may #is to take a break for a fe# moments and allo# te cells to begin te
regenerations $rocess! )llo# tem to differentiate into #atever tissue you #ant be, suc as a
blood vessel, a nerve, a muscle cell or #atever! -ile doing tis visualize te $ulsating ligt
massaging your organs! Sours cells ave all te genetic information necessary to make ne# tissue!
"at,s #at tey are $rogrammed to do! Ho your eart cells are $rogrammed to make more eart
tissue, your bladder cells are $rogrammed to make more bladder cells! Guring tis time kee$ te
ideas of ealing focused on te area you are trying to regenerate #ile allo#ing yourself to enJoy
tis moment by focusing on your accom$lisments and miracles you are about to acieve!
@C! )t te conclusion send tis ligt you been #orking in a brigt burst #it as far left into te
universe, ten arc te ligt back into your rigt side!
@R! "ime stam$ te current date and time( and recite WHO F" FH DY&H )NG F" FH GONM DY&H,
Note you don&t ave to recite and memorize all tis #ord for #ord, Just use your intuition and let
tis be a guide of #at you can do! Ff tis is a lot to remember ten try tis guided meditation!
Regenerate Organs ith Grabovoi Numbers Neo Meditation

Grabovoi Numbers
More information about tese numbers can be found in te book WRecovery Of "e Human Body
%ocusing On Numbers, By Grigori Grabovoi !X Note tis information #as translated by babelfis and
may be ard to understand in some $laces! "e original Russian language transcri$t can be found

Disclaimer: The vies e!"ressed here are not necessaril# the vies of Neological
Technologies$ %s miraculous as the folloing information sounds, "lease do not
discontinue or begin an# ne health treatments ithout the consultation of #our doctor$
The folloing information is "rovided for entertainment "ur"oses onl#$
"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization, and Organ Regeneration"
By James Rink
Grabovoi numbers use Radionic signatures to eal various ealt aliments! "ey #ere develo$ed
by te Russian $sycic Grigori Grabovoi using is Radionic macine!
%or tose #o don&t kno# Radionic teory and $ractice is te conce$t tat man and all life forms
sare a common ground in tat tey are all connected to eac oter #itin te electro'magnetic
field of te eart( and tat all life forms carry its o#n electro'magnetic field, #ic #en
sufficiently distorted #ill result in disease and sickness! )cce$ting tat all is energy, Radionics sees
organs, diseases, and remedies as aving teir o#n $articular fre*uency or vibration! "ese
factors can be e+$ressed in numerical values or ,Rates, or in te form of geometric $atterns! "ese
numbers $rovide te means by #ic te $ractitioner can identify and treat disease at a distance!
-it tis in mind Grigori Grabovoi #ould ten use is Radionic macine to $in$oint te numbers
associated #it various ealt conditions, ten instruct is clients to meditate on tese numbers
resulting in miraculous recoveries suc as regenerated uterus&s, kidneys, reversed again, and
muc more!
&ho is Grigori Grabovoi '
Grigory .etrovic Grabovoy /Russian0 12345 6 237 89:25 6 ;3< 12=>5;5 6 7? /born November @A, @BCD in
Eazakstan? is a Russian $sycic #o claims te ability to abolis deat, resurrect te dead, cure
cancer and )FGH, tele$ort, and $in$oint and resolve at distance mecanical and electronic
$roblems on air$lanes, s$ace stations, atomic electric $o#er stations and any oter tecnical
constructions! He discusses is abilities in is tree volume book "e .ractice of Iontrol! "e -ay
to Halvation!
"ese books e+$lain o# te discovery of creative field of information, or consciousness energy,
can manifest any information or obJect you #ant, as #ell as tose not subJect to te s$ace'time
continuum! By converting tis information into kno#n geometric form! "is is #y Grabovoi
numbers can be used for remote diagnostics and regeneration of matter #itin any term of time
troug transformation of time into s$ace form!
"e goal of te teacing of Grabovoi, according to imself, is $assing on te Eno#ledge of "e
Kord to te $eo$le all over te -orld in order to save tem from te $ossible global catastro$e,
enable eac one to reac $erfect ealt, $ysical immortality, resurrect in teir $ysical bodies
everyone #o,s gone and $rovide te eternal constructive and armonious develo$ment of te
entire mankind!
He claimed $ersonal abilities of remote control of $ysical matter from any distance, cured
undreds of diseased $ersons, including cancer and aids, #itout is $ersonal $resence, tese
facts are certified by traditional medicine and $roved by notarized statement of cured $ersons!
Lsing is clairvoyance e could remotely e+amine aircraft, iFn conditions of e+$eriment e did
#orks for materialization, de'materialization, tele$ortation and tese #orks #ere stated in te
minute! He regenerated destroyed matter! He #anted tese abilities to be learned by all so tat
tey too could use teir gifts to $revent catastro$es, troug creation #itout destruction! He
also claimed imself as a second advent of Irist on Mart!

Fn NOOP, Grabovoy $romised te grieving moters of te NOOA Beslan scool ostage crisis tat e
could resurrect teir dead cildren! "e Moters of Beslan later accused Grabovoy of an attem$t
to "zombify" /brain#as? tem and accused te Russian secret service of $rovocation "aimed at
discrediting and getting rid of" te movement!
Fn a MarcQ)$ril NOOR intervie# to Karisa Bocanova Husanna Gudieva, leader of Moters of
Beslan, stated tat Grabovoy fell victim of a smearing cam$aign aimed at directing $ublic attention
a#ay from $oor andling of te Beslan ostage taking by autorities! Gudieva named some of te
media outlets tat s$read false information, often o$$osite to #at se $ersonally conveyed to
tem! )ccording to Selena Milasina of Novaya Gazeta, autorities arrested Grabovoy on carges
of fraud and se alleged tat Grabovoy #as arrested at te beest of Tladimir .utin!
On July R, NOOU "agansky Iourt in Mosco# found Grabovoy guilty of @@ counts of large scale fraud
and sentenced im to @@ years of im$risonment! ) grou$ of Russian advocates including Mikail
"re$askin brougt an action to institute criminal $roceedings against Tladimir .utin and .resident
Medvedev in te Hague "ribunal and te Fnternational Iriminal Iourt for aving effected Grigoriy
Grabovoy&s criminal $rosecution! Grabovoy,s early release in May NO@O #as a$$ealed by te
regional $rosecutor office!
Grabovoi Numbers Neo (rotocol
"o learn o# to use tis tecni*ue, first select a number listed belo# for te condition you #is to
#ork on and ten activate te Grabovoi Numbers Neo .rotocol!
"is $rotocol is designed to instruct your neo unit to utilize *uantum entanglement and o$en u$ a
tem$oral $ortal bringing your body in tune #it te best astrological time $eriod to manifest te
GN) canges! "e ne+t ste$ is to instruct your neo to take ologra$ic stem cells from your s$inal
cord and tele$ort and su$er im$ose tem over te area you #ant to regenerate or alter! -ile
doing tis visualize a s$ere of #ite'silver color in front of you, and #itin tis s$ere visualize
your cosen Grabovoi number! "en instruct your soul to begin ealing and integration! Kastly
transfer tis s$ere #it your Grabovoi number into your body,s Holar .le+us or .ineal Gland and
ask your iger self to initialize cellular differentiation #itin te $ysical realm! Htill confusedV
-ell ere is ste$ by ste$ $rocess to sim$ly tis $rocess!
N! -ait DO seconds to tree minutes in silence!
D! -en you begin to feel tingling sensations in your ands tell te device WGMTFIM F "RLH" SOL
A! -ait for te star gate to a$$ear, #en you see it recite te follo#ing $rase WH")RG)"M F "RLH"
alters te timeline so you are in tune #it te $ro$er astrological time $eriod to conduct tis
R! No# visualize micro #ormoles connecting into te scalar #ave antennas #itin our GN)! "is
is sa$ed like a torus or donut #itin your cell&s GN) in te mitocondria, ere t#o #aves of
energy cross eac oter out and allo# you to access te infinite #itin te zero $oint energy field!
U! No# visualize ologra$ic GN) coming out of tis $ortal of ligt and merging #it your GN)!
@O! No# visualize a ologra$ic co$y of te organ you #is to regenerate, tis image sould be of
$erfect size, ealt, and vitality!
@@! No# visualize a s$ere or cube of #ite'silver color in front of you! -it Grabovoi Numbers
tat contain B or more digits go #it s$ere but if its P to U digits use a D+D grid rubric cube!
Break te Grabovoi Number a$art as needed and fit it in te D+D grid! )s you turn te s*uare te
numbers sould flas ligt out#ards, and as it s$ins and tey sould re$eat on all C sides of te
rubric cube! "is is called your *uantum transfiguration camber!
@D! No# transfer te numbered s$ere into your body,s Holar .le+us or .ineal Gland and ask your
iger self to initialize cellular differentiation #itin te $ysical realm!
@A! No# let&s accelerate te timeline to increase te s$eed tese cells #ill gro#! Recite WGMTFIM
FNH")N"KS!X "is #ill el$ decrease te time it takes to regenerate te area of focus , so instead of
it taking R years to gro# ne# bones it #ill take R monts, instead of it taking C monts to eal te
eyes it #ill no# take D #eeks, and so on!
@P! )t tis $oint you may #is to take a break for a fe# moments and allo# te cells to begin te
regenerations $rocess! )llo# tem to differentiate into #atever tissue you #ant be, suc as a
blood vessel, a nerve, a muscle cell or #atever! -ile doing tis visualize te $ulsating ligt
massaging your organs! Sours cells ave all te genetic information necessary to make ne# tissue!
"at,s #at tey are $rogrammed to do! Ho your eart cells are $rogrammed to make more eart
tissue, your bladder cells are $rogrammed to make more bladder cells! Guring tis time kee$ te
ideas of ealing focused on te area you are trying to regenerate #ile allo#ing yourself to enJoy
tis moment by focusing on your accom$lisments and miracles you are about to acieve!
@C! )t te conclusion send tis ligt you been #orking in a brigt burst #it as far left into te
universe, ten arc te ligt back into your rigt side!
@R! "ime stam$ te current date and time( and recite WHO F" FH DY&H )NG F" FH GONM DY&H,
Note you don&t ave to recite and memorize all tis #ord for #ord, Just use your intuition and let
tis be a guide of #at you can do! Ff tis is a lot to remember ten try tis guided meditation!
Regenerate Organs ith Grabovoi Numbers Neo Meditation

Grabovoi Numbers
More information about tese numbers can be found in te book WRecovery Of "e Human Body
%ocusing On Numbers, By Grigori Grabovoi !X Note tis information #as translated by babelfis and
may be ard to understand in some $laces! "e original Russian language transcri$t can be found
Russian Knowledge
&his is the creators :noIledge Ie alIa?s had Iithin. *as? to learn. NeI creator 3ussian
transformation :noIledge for healing and soul connection. Developing ?our
intuition using the s:ills ?ou Iere born to remember. (anifesting to the creators
,)ateIa? to &ransformation b? 3ussian founder )rigori )rabovoi-
Number Codes - *ach color has a fre]uenc? from the light spectrum, the same can be said for
numbers and number codes. In the neI :noIledge much can be achieved Iith
number codes each number has a special fre]uenc? and each number code has a particular
se]uence of fre]uenc? seen as vibrations. Apart from their oIn vibrations each number
contains a code, a :e? of information Ihich stands for a process and spiritual condition.
The regeneration of Health with Number Codes
*ver? number has a spiritual and energetic vibration structure, Iith its oIn e^ectiveness7
completel? independent of Ihich language the number is spo:en. .uch a vibration structure is
behind ever? Iord and ever? sound. &he same applies to series of numbers, because each
number vibrates in a certain fre]uenc?. .eries of numbers have their oIn correlating vibration
structures. Areas of ?our consciousness are connected Iith numbers. 9? concentrating on
numbers, vibrations Iill be activated in these areas. )rigori )rabovoi has published tIo important
boo:s on this sub!ectP #3egeneration of Dealth b? concentrating on numbers$ and #(ethods of
concentration for ever? da?$. Accordingl?, the number is a solid method of control. Numbers are
also connected, b? control, Iith the spiritual level. Concentration on numbers helps the
development of spirit and consciousness. Number Codes help to structure our consciousness. &his
is the bearer for control of our health and events. Jhile focusing on numbers ?ou should be aIare
of ?our bod? b? feeling and seeing it completel? health?. &his is important for a fast recover? to
the N<3(. 9e open to this creative process. &he goal is alIa?s the N<3(.
&he method of curing an? diseases using Number Codes is as simple as it is e^ective. In
)rabovoi_s frst boo: he names thousands of diseases and assigns each one a Number Code. &hese
Codes ma? consist of fve, seven, eight or nine digits. 'or the control of events, ten, eleven or
tIelve digits exist. Jhile ?ou focus on a specifc Code, ?ou heal ?ourself of this disease. Naturall?
the ]uestion arisesP Jh? is the method as simple as it is e^ectiveH *ver? illness is a deviation
from the N<3(. &he deviation can be expressed in various cells, in Ihole cells associations such
as organs, or in functions of the Ihole organism. &he cure for the disease !ust means a return to
the N<3(. &he Codes provide this return. Jhile ?ou focus on them, ?ou are becoming ad!usted to
the state Ihich is the N<3(. &he result is the cure of the disease.
'or a better understanding of the healing process here, read something about the vibration s?stem
and the `1ulse of the Universe$P *ach of us can hear our oIn heartbeat, and feel our pulse. In our
bod? ever? cell has its oIn rh?thm. &here is also the rh?thm of organs and their relationship to
each other. <ur life is rh?thm. 1lanets revolve in periodic orbits around the sun. 'or the *arth, this
means a constant change of the seasons, spring, summer, autumn and Iinter, high and loI tide,
dr? and rain? seasons. &he earth rotates on its axis and Ie experience this as da? and night. At
the micro-cosmos level the same happensP *lectrons revolve in defned orbits and rh?thmic
movements around the atomic nucleus.
Je can compare our organism Iith an orchestra, in Ihich musicians pla? a harmonious piece of
music b? pla?ing notes. A piece of music pla?ed b? an orchestra sounds di^erent to Ihen pla?ed
b? individual musicians pla?ing their respective instruments. In this case sound e^ects of the
individual depend on the melod? pla?ed and on the sound of the instrument. &his can trigger ver?
di^erent emotions in the listener. If a single musician in the orchestra pla?s a Irong note, then he
disrupts the harmon? of the Ihole orchestra. &he same happens in our organism. &he rh?thm of
each cell disrupts or harmonises the Ihole organism. &herefore, the sound in our bod? should
alIa?s be harmonious. Jhen a cell of the bod? di^ers from the N<3(, it means the emergence of
a disharmon? of the Ihole + as a result, a disease. Je are the conductor of this orchestra Iho can
restore the harmon? in the bod?.
Je can also observe rh?thm Ihere it cannot be detected at frst sight. =et_s loo: at a rainboI. Je
see the beautiful bright colours. Jhat are these colours from a scientifc point of vieIH <ur
perception of colour is based on the e^ect of electromagnetic Iaves Iith di^erent fre]uencies.
&he fre]uenc? of the colour #purple$, for example, is doubling the fre]uenc? of the colour #red$.
Depending on our perception of colours Ie fnd di^erent fre]uencies, vibrations. *ach colour is
assigned to a specifc fre]uenc?. All the images for example, in television are !ust a mixture of
three colours, red, green and blue. &he optimal image for us is created Ihen each of the three
colours appears in the right proportions and the correct brightness. *ach neI colour from the
spectrum therefore prduces its oIn e^ect. &he same can be said of Number Codes. *ach number
has a special fre]uenc? and each Number Code has a particular se]uence of fre]uencies, seen as
Apart from its oIn vibration each number contains a code, a :e?-information, Ihich stands for the
spiritual condition of processP
$% Beginning
&% '(ec") *c"ion
+% Resu!") ,om!e"ion) Fu!-!men"
.% /n"erac"ion) ,onnec"ion 0i"h "he ou"side 0or!d
1% /n"erac"ion) ,onnec"ion 0i"h "he inner 0or!d
2% Base or 3igh"
4% The 5o0er of 3ove
6% Time
7% The Number of "he ,rea"or
8% Transi"ion) "he "ransi"iona! sace in 0hich some"hing changes i"s 9ua!i"y (sero
sace#% Transforma"ion of a!! "o0ards "he crea"or%
;st Da? of the month
$% <n the frst da? of the month ?ou should fulfl concentration on the right foot. &his
concentration connects ?ou Iith the supporting point in the external Iorld. Consciousl?, ?ou press
?our feet against the *arth. &he *arth in ?our consciousness is a bearing support. &he control in
the s?stem of complete restoration is based on the idea that the supporting point is simultaneousl?
the point of creation. .ince it is also the point of creation, Iith the help of this concentration.
DoIever, carr?ing out this concentration ?ou can develop ?our consciousness right aIa?. Sou
realise that based on the same principle Ihich accounts for ever?thing groIing and developing on
the *arth, plants for example, and even the matter of ?our oIn bod? appear. 9ased on the same
principle ?ou ma? build an? external realit?. Understanding of this underlies this concentration.
DoIever, carr?ing out this concentration ?ou ma? not thin: about this deep-laid mechanism. Xust
concentrate on ?our right foot and simultaneousl? imagine the desired event in ?our
consciousness. &hat mechanism of construction of the realit? that has !ust been described Iill
Ior: automaticall? And ?ou Iill receive the desired event in a harmonic Ia?. 9ecause this control
simultaneousl? provides harmonisation of events. &his exercise ma? be fulflled several times a
&% Concentration on a seven-digit numberP ;LBCB>; Nine-digit numberP LBC;A>BLM
'% <n this da? ?ou should concentrate on the Jorld, on all ob!ects of the Jorld and feel, that ever?
ob!ect of the Iorld Iill prompt ?ou the decision li:e a Ihisper of the Iind. 9? being aIare that
ever? ob!ect is a part of ?our consciousness ?ou Iill experience &DA& harmon?, Ihich is sent to
?ou b? the creator.
>nd da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? ?ou should carr? out a concentration on the little fnger of ?our right hand.
.imultaneousl? ?ou should focus on ?our ob!ective in ?our consciousness. &his exercise ma? be
fulflled several times a da?. Sou can choose an? interval betIeen the exercises, convenient to
?ou. Sou ma? start another concentration after >N seconds, or ?ou ma? do one after an hour. Sou
decide on the duration of each concentration. 3el? on ?our intuition. =earn to listen to ?our internal
voice and folloI Ihat it tells ?ou. &he above refers to all exercises. In principle, doing this
exercise ?ou don_t need to be immobile. Sou ma? touch something Iith the little fnger of ?our
right hand. &his is not the main thing. Act the Ia? that is more convenient to ?ou. &he folloIing
is important here. <n the Ihole, ?ou have a lot of perceiving elements. 9esides the mentioned
above little fnger there are nine other fngers and man? other parts of ?our bod?. <ut of man?
perceiving elements ?ou should currentl? onl? concentrate on the little fnger of the right hand.
&he control becomes more harmonious.
&% (even)digit number* $+,'$&,* Nine)digit number* +-...,$&/
'% <n the second da? of the month ?ou should loo: at the harmon? of the Jorld in relation to
?ourself. Sou should create this Jorld the same Ia? the creator did. =oo: at the Jorld and ?ou
Iill see that picture of hoI the Iorld loo:ed in the beginning. =oo: at the Jorld and ?ou Iill see
Iho ?ou are in this current Iorld. &his Ia? our Jorld Iill be forever in eternit?.
Ard Da? of the monthP
$% <n the third da? of the month ?ou concentrate on plants. Sou can imagine a plant or loo: at a
real plant. During the concentration ?ou ma? !ust loo: at it. &hen ?ou concentrate on its shape. In
this concentration Ie use the (ethod of 3eFection. Je do so to alloI ?ou to imagine hoI the
desired event is being created in the reFected light of the plant. *ven better, don_t !ust imagine
this event, but reall? see it. Sou create it in realit?. &he event built Iith the help of this
concentration is proven to be harmonised. &his process contributes to the fact that the plant
alread? harmonicall? exists in this Iorld.
&% .even-digit numberP C;B>CLK7 Nine-digit numberP B>;MCBA>;.
'% =oo: around and ?ou Iill that there are man? di^erent Iorlds. =oo: at that Jorld S<U need.
Approach this Iorld and expand it. 9ecome an e?e Iitness of this Iorld. Approach it and place
?our hands on it and ?ou Iill feel the Iarmth spreading from ?our Iorld. 9ring the Iorld closer
toIards ?ou and loo: at the creator. =isten to Ihat advice he gives ?ou. Sou ma? compare this
:noIledge Iith ?our oIn and receive the eternal Jorld.
Bth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? ?ou concentrate on cr?stals or stones. Sou can also ta:e a grain of sand. Daving
chosen a stone ?ou start concentrating on it. &hen place a specifc sphere around the stone, Ihich
is the sphere of information. Consciousl? ?ou see all personal ob!ectives entering this sphere. Sou
simpl? insert ?our personal ob!ectives into this sphere. 9? doing this ?ou perform control b?
&% .even-digit numberP C;MBK>G7 Nine-digit numberP K;CNBAKGM.
'% 3ecognise the degree of realit? that ?ou obtain b? the concentrations. &he methods
demonstrate harmon?. <ne method is the result of the previous, as if ?ou Ial:ed doIn the street
observing hoI each step is the result of the previous one. After sitting ?ou can stand up and see
that each movement can be di^erent. <ne movement can be the result of a previous movement
and at the same time it can become a neI previous movement. Imagine the Jorld as if it Iere
uninterrupted as if each movement of this Iorld onl? concerns ?ou as an integrated personalit?. As
soon as ?ou feel that unit? of the Jorld, Ihich ?ou obtain b? using concrete methods of control in
this Jorld and Iith this Jorld, then ?our Jorld Iill be ever?Ihere. Sou Iill come to it. Sou Iill
ta:e into ?our hands and ?our hands Iill become that Iorld Ihich holds ?our Jorld. And ?ou Iill
see that ?ou are getting in touch Iith the eternal Jorld, the Jorld of all Jorlds. It Iill be uni]ue
for ever?one. It Iill be a collective Jorld ?ou have chosen, and that ever?one has chosen. Create
this Iorld, in a Ia? that it is ideal for ever?one AND for ?ourself. Sou must perceive the ideal state
for all man:ind and ?ourself in ?our integrated Jorld, as Iell as in the integrated Jorld of all
Cth da? of the monthP
$% <n the ffth da? of the month ?ou concentrate on the elements of realit?, Ihich occur, as a
result of their interaction Iith other elements of realit?. If ?ou observe an ob!ect, ?ou focus ?our
consciousness on this ob!ect. Due to ?our connection to this ob!ect, this element of realit? Iill
receive a certain degree of S<U3 concentration and a certain volume of S<U3 :noIledge. &his
part of ?our condition and :noIledge the ob!ect transfers to other elements of the realit?. If ?ou
loo: at one ob!ect after interaction it transfers something from itself to the external environment.
Sou ma?, of course, concentrate on onl? <N* element. Jhile concentrating this Ia? ?ou should
simultaneousl? imagine ?our desired event b? concentrating on a so-called secondar? element
&% .even-digit numberP ;NLBA>;7 Nine-digit numberP ;MBA>;NCB.
'% Jhen ?ou loo: at the s:?, ?ou :noI that the earth exists. Eice versa, if ?ou loo: at the *arth,
?ou :noI that there is a s:?. If ?ou are in the earth ,in a tunnel, cave-, the s:? above still exists.
&hese simple truths are the source of the eternal Jorld. Connect the s:? Iith the *arth and ?ou
Iill see that ever?thing that is under the *arth can be above the *arth. )o into spirit and fnd the
resurrected Ihere the? exist. Combine the infnit? Iith the truth of the Jorld and ?ou Iill see that
the Jorld is infnite. If ?ou realise this, ?ou Iill see the creator. De gave ?ou all ?ou have. Create
the same Ia? as the creator has created. &he creator is ?our friend and loves ?ou. 3each out ?our
hands toIards Dim and create the same Ia? he creates. Sou are his creation and ?ou A3* a
creator. <nl? the creator can create creators. Sou should be in harmon? Iith ?our creator. Sou
should be open for Dim and ?ou should be eternal in all of ?our manifestations, in all of ?our
creative Ior:. An?thing ?ou Iant to correct, ?ou ma? alIa?s correct. An?thing ?ou Iant to
create, ?ou ma? create in an? place at an? time. 'or fulflment there is the *ternit?. 'or ?our
actions, the *ternit? is multiplied b? the actions of the creator. Sou are that one, Ihom the creator
has seen in ?ou, Ihom he has created. DoIever, ?ou are also that one, the creator Iants to
personif? Iith his actions in the same infnit?, in Ihich ?ou see ?ourself. &he creator, Iho is
present in ?ou Iith each of ?our actions. Contact Dim and ?ou Iill receive harmon?.
Gth da? of the monthP
$% &oda? Ie Iill concentrate on the change of structure of our consciousness b? the amount of
concentration emplo?ed for the perception of remote elements. Sou should use this method if the
desired event is to happen at a specifc place. &o do so ?ou have to direct ?our consciousness
toIards this place, or if ?ou do not Iish an event to happen at a determined place ?ou should
neutralise the negative information, Ihich means that ?ou are re]uested to split ?our
consciousness at this place. As a result, a vacuum is created Ihich leads to a non-realisation of
the unfavourable event. Sou achieve the realisation of the desired event in a chosen place. 9?
concentrating on remote elements of ?our consciousness, ?ou use that part of ?our consciousness
Ihich is responsible for the perception of remote elements. Jhen doing this ?ou can perceive
remote ph?sical ob!ects in realit? !ust as ?ou see them Iith ?our habitual vieIing capabilities.
Jhen ?ou focus on the desired events in ?our consciousness, this Iill happen on that specifc place
?ou imagine. &he more remote the areas of ?our consciousness are Ihere ?ou place the
information, the better the information Iill be processed and the more perfect Iill be the
realisation of the desired event. &he event Iill come into realit? at the indicated place. &his is the
ob!ective of scattered attention. <nce ?our attention is scattered in ?our consciousness ?ou can
neutralise the negative information so that it Iill no longer be perceived, as if it had never existed.
&% .even-digit numberP ;MCBLAK Nine-digit numberP ;MBA>;NMM
'% If ?ou loo: at the Jorld as if it Ias reversed, or upside doIn, ?ou should alIa?s :noI that an?
reversed, scattered or compressed Iorld is nevertheless a Iorld of unit?, harmon? and
benefcence/ 9ehind this Iorld there is alIa?s the creator_s Iill. Sou can be eternal Ihen ?ou
realise that ?ou have alIa?s been eternal and Iill remain eternal. No structure, no information,
can change this Iill.
Kth da? of the monthP
$% <n the Kth da? of the month ?ou should concentrate on aIa:ening the deeper la?ers of
consciousness. <ften times this ta:es place subconsciousl? Ihen Ie stare or fx our gae on
clouds, trees or out-of-reach ob!ects.
'or materialisation of a desired ob!ect or realisation of some event it is necessar? to process large
volumes of information. Deeper la?ers of consciousness provide super-fast processing of this
information. &his :noIledge is used b? folloIing this methodP 1ic: ?our cloud and pro!ect ?our
desired event onto this cloud. &he same ?ou can do onto a remote leaf of a tree. 9? using distant
out-of-reach ob!ects, ?ou stimulate the deeper la?ers of ?our consciousness and the desired result
is ver? fast. &he realisation of the event ta:es place on a harmonic level, because the cloud cannot
destro? nor can a leaf cause harm.
&% .even-digit numberP ;BLCA>;7 Nine-digitP MM;LBA>LL.
'% Sou are aIare that the Jorld develops through ?our actions and interaction Iith the creator_s
Iill. Sou also see the Jorld as that creation, ac:noIledged b? ever?one. If ?ou Iant to change
the Jorld in accordance Iith ?our desires, frst bring ?our desires to universal Iellbeing and the?
Iill be confrmed. Sour health Iill become strong and universal Iellbeing Iill be achieved. &his
universal Iellbeing is an action of the Jorld that leads S<U to the :ingdom of the creator and also
gives S<U universal and individual life for all time.
Lth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? ?ou learn to control b? concentrating on the conse]uences of events.
Imagine that ?ou are sitting b? the la:e, Iatching a sailboat passing b?. In front of the boat the
Iater is calm, Iaves are created behind it7 the Ia:e of the boat. &he Iaves are made as a
conse]uence of the boat passing b?. =et_s loo: at a leaf groIing on a tree. &his leaf can be
considered a conse]uence of the trees groIth. Clouds appear and frst drops of rain fall on the
ground. 3aindrops can be considered as the conse]uence of a clouds existence. &here are
numerous similar examples around us. Sou chose an? phenomenon and concentrate on one of its
conse]uences. .imultaneousl? ?ou :eep in mind ?our desired event. &he event becomes real.
&his method of control is ver? e^ective. It can also help to change past events.
&% .even-digit numberP ;CBA>;L7 Nine-digit numberP MLBAN;>GK
'% Sou see that the continuous line of the fgure eight connects the Jorlds, Ihich ?ou have alread?
met during the previous seven da?s. And !ust li:e ?our Jorld is connected Iith all the Jorlds, ?ou
Iill recognise that ?our soul contains as much as happiness as the Jorld is diverse. 1erceive each
small part of the Jorld as universal !o?, and then ?ou Iill realise that this !o? is eternal. )ood deed
is also eternal. In this condition of happiness ?ou Iill rise up ?our hands ,raise ?our hands- and Iill
see the impulse of the benefcence of the creator Iho sends ?ou to eternit?. .ee *ternit? Ihere it
is. .ee *ternit? Ihere it has alIa?s been and ?ou Iill be the creator of the *ternit?, in a place
Ihere it does not exist for an?bod? else. Jhen ?ou see *ternit? and create it, ?ou Iill alIa?s be
eternal, ever?Ihere and in ever?thing and in an? Iorld. *ternit? create ?ou in the image of the
creator. 9? creating *ternit? ?ou Iill create ?ourself. 9? creating ?ourself ?ou create *ternit?, as
Iell as *ternit? can create another *ternit? li:e the creator created ever?thing simultaneousl?.
Mth da? of the monthP
$% <n the ninth da? of the month concentrate on the most remote area as Iell as closest points of
?our consciousness. It means that in this method of concentration ?ou transfer the most remote
areas of ?our consciousness into the most approached ones. &he ob!ective is that ?our most
remote areas and the most approached areas of ?our consciousness become one. In this case ?ou
Iill be able to get a single impulse in order to construct ?our goal. And as soon as ?ou achieve this
?ou Iill become an expert in control. &hen it Iill be enough !ust to imagine the positive state of
spiritual mood, for ever?thing to be good. Sou !ust have to Iish for ever?thing to turn out Iell, and
it Iill happen. &he single impulse develops a special spiritual state Ihich is not exactl? related to
the intellectual mind. In this state ?ou don_t necessaril? have to thin:. &here ma? be !ust an
intention for the good or for an establishment of harmon?. 9eing in the state of such a positive
mood causes the implementation of desired life events. &his method of concentration isolates a
special form of perception. &he perception is in ?our consciousness7 this perception is a part of
?our consciousness. Sou deliberatel? structure it in such a Ia?, so it Iill J<3@. &his given method
of concentration a^ects in-depth issues of control on the basis of ?our consciousness.

&% .even-digit numberP ;LBA>;N7 Nine-digit numberP M;LM>;BC>
'% If ?ou loo: at the Iorld as the core of the matter, then ?ou Iill see that ever?thing that exists in
nature, for example, a man, an animal, ever? molecule, and even that thing Ihich hasn_t been
created ?et, has one and the same basis of the creator Iho shoIed us the mechanism of creation.
Daving seen hoI to create ever?thing ?ou Iill be creating ever?thing. &hrough the depth o ?our
inner-self, ?ou Iill see hoI ?our inner-self develops together Iith the Ihole Universe, until ?our
inner-self expands and turns into a Jorld. Sou are the Jorld. Sou are realit?. =oo: at the Ihole
Jorld Iith di^erent e?es7 loo: at this Iorld Iith ?our oIn e?es and ?ou Iill see ?our soul. =oo:
Iith ?our soul and ?ou Iill see the Jorld as it is. Sou can correct the Iorld the Ia? it should be,
for the achievement of *ternit?.
;Nth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? ?ou concentrate on as man? ob!ects of external realit? as ?ou can capture
simultaneousl? Iith onl? one impulse of perception on all ob!ects. 1repare ?ourself to perceive all
ob!ects accessible to ?our perception in onl? one moment. In the beginning of course this can onl?
be achieved partiall?. Sour ob!ective is to concentrate on all ob!ects at the same time. )raduall?
?ou Iill gain possession of such abilit?. DoIever at the initial stage ?ou Iill onl? get some
information about each ob!ect, for example onl? the information that the? exist. In order to receive
more information about an ob!ect ?ou !ust have to fnd the right point of concentration and tune in
to it. Sou Iill be able to get access to all spheres of control. Jith this method of concentration ?ou
learn to control more volume of information. &his control can be fulflled on the intellectual or the
spiritual level. <ne exampleP Imagine ?ou see a computer in front of ?ou. Xust b? ta:ing a loo: ?ou
:noI hoI to operate it and Ihat :ind of possibilities it has to o^er. &his concentration method
alloIs ?ou to obtain information about an? ob!ect, because ?ou learn hoI to control Iith variable
ob!ects of information.
&% .even-digit numberP ;LCBA;>7 Nine-digit numberP LMB;CA>;N
'% &he combination of tIo numbersP the digit <N* and W*3< has initiall? led to ?our perception of
the Jorld such as if ero has alread? bee present in the digit one. If ?ou loo: at the number one
and increase it consciousl? around the number ero, ?ou perform an action. &his action and ?our
act should be harmonic, because each of ?our actions ma? increase S<U ]uantitativel? and
]ualitativel?. Sou are a manifestation of the Jorld. Sou should be there Ihere ?ou are, and ?ou
should be there Ihere ?ou are not. Sou should be ever?Ihere since ?ou are the creator.
Darmonise the Iorld Iith Ihat ?ou see. =isten to ?our inner self and oIn thoughts. Sour harmon?
should lead to *ternit?. 3esurrection is an element of *ternit? li:e immortalit? and resurrection are
!ust parts of this *ternit?. Sou should fnd true *ternit? for ?ourself, because immortalit? and
resurrection are !ust parts of this eternit?. Sou should be the creator of all and ever?thing. Sou
should :noI and clearl? imagine Ihat folloIs resurrection and immortalit?. &rue immortalit?
delivers the next level of *ternit?, the next level of the Jorld and the next level of ?our
personalit?. Sou should be read? for it and alIa?s :noI that other tas:s, the tas:s of *ternit?,
have been given to ?ou. &as:s ?ou are going to face b? creating neI Iorlds. &hese Jorlds ?ou
build in ?our consciousness, li:e <N* and W*3< to form the number &*N. Sou Iill receive this
Iorld Ihen ?ou become eternal. Sou A3* eternal. Sou are eternal and immortal. Sour immortalit?
is in ?ourself. Sou should !ust become aIare of this. )et to this level b? using logical action,
similar to !oining <N* and W*3< and ?ou Iill receive immortalit? in each of ?our actions in each of
?our steps.
;;th da? of the monthP
$% <n the eleventh da? of the month ?ou concentrate in events Ihere animals connect Iith man.
'or example, ?ou have a dog, or a cat, or bird, let_s sa? a parrot, living in ?our house. &hin: about
the deeper reason of ?our contact Iith these animals. Jhat is ?our point of vieI and Ihat is their
point of vieIH Jhen ?ou become aIare of the processes of perception and thin:ing of other
participants of interaction ?ou Iill be able to enter the structure of control of realit?.
&% .even-digit numberP ;LC>ABL7 Nine-digit numberP CG;BA>NN;.
'% Xust as ?ou increased the value of one b? ten times b? adding the digit ero, ?ou Iill receive the
next number b? adding the digit one to the number one. Number ;; is personifcation of the Jorld
Ihich is inside of ?ou, Ihich is visible to ever?one. Sou are that essence Ihich is alIa?s visible to
ever?one. *ver?one can receive ?our harmonic experience, that one Ihich ?ou received in ?our
development. .hare ?our experience and ?ou Iill obtain eternal life.
;>th da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? ?ou concentrate on phenomena, Ihich can raise a ]uestion on creation of the
Ihole. 'or example, a goose or sIan lost a feather. In this case ?ou have to concentrate on
thoughts of hoI to return the feather to its original place. DoI could this be achievedH It means
?ou are tr?ing to understand hoI the single Ihole can be created or reconstructed. <r let_s
consider another exampleP a leaf falls from the tree. DoI can Ie return the leaf to its original
place in order to have the tree and the leaf in its initial appearanceH &his is the concentration on
hoI to assemble separate elements of realit? into a single Ihole, Ihich is their Norm. In this
concentration as Iell as in man? others ?ou ma? consider ?ourself as an ob!ect. &his Ia? ?ou can
reconstruct an? of ?our organs.
&% .even-digit numberP ;LCBA>; Nine-digit numberP BLCA>;BLM
'% Unite ?ourself Iith the Iorld as ?ou ta:e the Iorld in ?our actions and ?ou Iill see that ?our
actions harmonise ever?Ihere and alIa?s. And ?ou Iill see that the creator Ihen giving ?ou his
blessing Ianted union Iith ?ou. Sou should have union Ihere the creator has his development.
&he development is the union Iith the creator. In the real and uplifting development, in each
moment of ?our movement, unifcation comes into existence. Sou move and develop ?ourself
toIards *ternit?, and this Iill be ?our unit? Iith the creator forever in ?our eternal development.
*ternit? of life is the true unit? Iith the creator.
;Ath da? of the monthP
$% <n the ;Ath da? of the month ?ou should concentrate on an un:noIn, single element of realit?.
.uppose ?ou perceive some ob!ect. It ma? be, for example, a truc:, a palm tree, or a roc:. It
doesn_t matter Ihat :ind of ob!ect it is. &he main thing in this case is that in the chosen ob!ect ?ou
deliberatel? isolate some of its fragments, some parts. A truc:, for example, ?ou can imagine
consisting of man? separate parts. .o, ?our tas: here is to fnd existing connections betIeen the
separate parts. And Ihen ?ou fnd these connection and simultaneousl? :eep in mind the desired
ob!ect, ,for example, healing someone or ac]uiring the abilit? of clairvo?ance- ?ou achieve
realisation of this event. In such a Ia? ?ou can perfect ?our abilities to control realit?.
&% .even-digit numberP ;CALBBL7 Nine-digit numberP ;CBA>;M;C
'% Sou Iill see those faces Ihich the Jorld created before ?ou. Sou Iill see those mechanisms,
Ihich the Jorld created before ?ou. Sou Iill see the Jorld, Ihich had been before ?ou. And ?ou
Iill feel that ?ou have alIa?s been, and ?ou transfer this feeling to these faces. Jith this feeling
rebuild these mechanisms. And ?ou Iill see that ever?thing around ?ou, artifciall?, reproduced or
naturall? created, that ever?thing is the creator. De personifes himself in ever?thing that ?ou see.
1ersonifcation is that Jorld Ihich is being created. &his Ia? ?ou can fnd an? technolog? of
spiritual, intellectual, man-caused, are surel? creative development. =oo: at the development, as
e]ual in rights to the universal development of an? element of realit? and an? ob!ect of
information, and ?ou Iill see that essence Ihich is our soul, ?our personalit? and ?our creator. &he
individualit? of the creator and creation b? Dim of ever?one underla?s is Jorld harmon?, Ihich is
inherent in ever?thing, has alIa?s been and understandable ever?Ihere. &he creator Iho has
created ?ou and onl? ?ou has individuall? created ever?one at once. In the same Ia?, create the
Jorld individuall? and at once simultaneousl? for ever?one and for all times and spaces.
;Bth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? of the month ?ou concentrate on the movement of ob!ects surrounding ?ou. Sou
Iatch them and as: ?ourself a ]uestionP Jh? is the cloud movingH Jh? is it rainingH Jh? can the
birds F?H Jh? is all that happening altogetherH 'ind for ?ourself the informational essence of
each event. Jhen ?ou concentrate and simultaneousl? :eep in mind the re]uired, event, ?ou
achieve its realisation. And simultaneousl? ?ou perfect ?ourself in the master? of control.
&% .even-digit numberP CLA;B>;7 Nine-digit numberP MMMLLLKKG.
'% <n this da? ?ou should see ?our hands as hands reFecting the light of life. <n this da? ?ou
should see ?our fngers as fngers reFecting the light of the hands. <n this da? see ?our bod?
shining in the clear light of the creator, shining Iith the clear light of love, goodness and health
Ihich shines for ever?one, shining Iith the clear light of this :noIledge Ihich shines above
eternal life. <n this da? ?ou can feel this :noIledge of eternal life. Sou can ad!ust to this
:noIledge on an? other da?, and ?ou can alIa?s as: an?thing that ?ou Iant for getting eternal
life and universal creation. Sou can experience this :noIledge and practice it, and shoI it to
others. Jhen time no longer measured as time and space ?ou can alIa?s appl? to me and ?ou
can alIa?s come to me Iith a re]uest for help, Iith a re]uest for a tal:, Iith a re]uest for an
event or !ust in order to connect. Sou are free, as free as ?ou have alIa?s been. (a:e it a rule,
distribute this rule to others and ?ou Iill get eternal life there Ihere Ie all are. Sou Iill get
ever?thing that is alIa?s provided. And this principal is alIa?s there and is trustIorth? and true
for ever?one, and ?ou are alread? the one Iho ?ou are in *ternit?, because ?ou are alread?
*ternit? itself.
;Cth da? of the monthP
$% <n the second da? of the month ?ou practiced concentration on the little fnger of the right
hand. <n the ffteenth da? ?ou can use some other parts of ?our bod? for this purpose, for
example, other fngers, or nails, or something else at ?our discretion. &hen the concentration is
carried out the same Ia? as for the second da?.
&% .even-digit numberP KKLLNN;7 Nine-digit numberP CA>;BCLM;
'% <n &his ffteenth da? of the month ?ou can feel this creator_s blessing, Ihich is sent doIn b?
the Universal mind, Ihich is it grateful to the creator for its creation. 'or creation of ever? of its
elements and for creation of such of its status that it can reproduce the Universe, since the creator
is present ever?Ihere. And due to this principle feel the gratitude of a plant and an animal
toIards ?ou, feel the gratitude of another person and feel their love. And ?ou Iill see that ?ou
love them. &he love includes creation, blessing and universal penetration. And common love,
achievable b? ever?one, this is the creator, Iho personifed the Jorld in ?our manifestation. Sou
are a manifestation of love of the creator, since he is the love in relation to ?ou. Sou initiall?
received the creator_s gift and ?ou are him, ?ou are a creator, because ?ou are created b? the
creator, b? the eternal and all-embracing creator7 go that Ia?, Ihere he is, since he is
ever?Ihere. )o that Ia? Ihere he calls, since he calls ever?Ihere. De is Ihere ?ou are7 De is
ever?Ihere ?ou are. Sou are in the movement of the creator7 ?ou are a personifcation of his
*ternit?. )o along Iith the concerns of the creator, he created the eternal Jorld in universal
mutual development, and ?ou Iill see that the Jorld personifes eternal ?ou. Sou are a creator
Iho creates the eternal and the creator created ?ou eternal Ihen creating the eternal Jorld.
;Gth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? ?ou concentrate on the elements of the external realit? Ihich contact ?our bod?.
.ince childhood Ie have remembered a Ionderful phrase, #&he sun, air and Iater are our best
friends$. In this concentration ?ou are tr?ing to become aIare of interaction Iith these friends.
Sou concentrate on the Iarmth, Ihich is given b? the beams of the .un falling on ?ou. Sou feel
their touch7 ?ou feel the Iarmth given b? them. Sou feel a light Iind bloIing on ?ou. Sou feel its
breath. &his ma? also be a strong blast of Iind. &his ma? be ]uite still air. And if at the same time
it is ver? hot and the humidit? is high, ?ou simultaneousl? feel Iarmth, air and moisture on ?our
chee:s. Sou ma? en!o? the refreshing action of the Iater Ihen ?ou Iash ?our face, ta:e a shoIer
or sIim. &hese concentrations can be also done in the cold Iintertime. During a Iarm season,
especiall? in summer at the beach, all ?our bod? can en!o? the contact Iith the sun, air and Iater.
A contact Iith the ground can be added here. &hese concentrations are ver? important. Doing
them ?ou enter deliberate interaction Iith the elements. It is clear that ?ou can do this practice
ever? da?. If, during the concentration, ?ou simultaneousl? :eep in mind the re]uired event, ?ou
achieve its realisation.
&% (even)digit number* $+-'&$&0 Nine)digit number* $&',12/.$
'% 'eel the harmon? Ihere it is, and it is ever?Ihere and alIa?s. &his is the harmon? of the
creator. 'eel the harmon? Ihere it is and Iill be. &his is the harmon? of ?our development. 'eel
the harmon? Ihere it is, Ias and Iill be, and Ihere it Iasn_t and isn_t but Ihere it Iill alIa?s be.
&his is the harmon? of change. &his is the harmon? of transformation. &his is the transformation
into eternal life. Come to ?ourself ever?Ihere, and feel this harmon? ever?Ihere, and ?ou Iill see
that ?ou ma:e the Jorld harmonic forever in its eternal status of stabilit?. Sou are the fghter, but
in eternal creator_s blessing for eternal life and eternal faith.
;Kth da? of the monthP
$% <n the seventeenth da? of the month ?ou should concentrate on the elements of external
realit?, Ihich, from ?our point of vieI, alIa?s surround ?ou. &his si the space surrounding ?ou +
the .un, the (oon, constellations :noIn to ?ou and all of ever?thing li:e that based on ?our
understanding + and it alIa?s exists. Sou should concentrate on an? of these elements and
simultaneousl?, as alIa?s, :eep in mind the re]uired event for its realisation.
&% .even-digit numberP ;NBCB>;7 Nine-digit numberP LM;NNN;;;
'% =oo: Iith the all-seeing e?e after resurrection of ever?one and ever?thing. And ?ou Iill see that
restoration of the Jorld is that realit? in Ihich ?ou live. And ?ou Iill feel that ?ou are in the
eternal Jorld. (ove forIard along this path and ?ou Iill see the Ia? Ihich calls ?ou. )o along
this path and ?ou Iill see the creator Iho is eternal and ?ou Iill en!o? eternit?7 and this en!o?ment
is the eternit? of life7 and the creator is exactl? that creator Iho created ?ou7 and his love is
infnite7 and his simplicit? is trusting and he is as simple and transparent as ?ou have imagined, as
?ou thought about Dim before7 and he is as :ind an constructive as ?ou :neI before. De is ?our
creator and he gives ?ou the Ia?. )o along his Ia?, since his Ia? is ?our Ia?.
;Lth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? of the month ?ou should concentrate on immovable ob!ects. &his ma? be a building,
a table, a tree. Choose an?thing ?ou li:e. 'urther on ?ou have to fnd the individual essence of the
chosen ob!ect, its meaning. &he essence for ?ou means that ?ou should understand Ihat this
ob!ect means to ?ou. During the concentration ?ou should :eep ?our re]uired event in mind in
order to manifest it.
&% .even-digit numberP ;LCB>;>7 Nine-digit numberP ;LCA>;MBC
'% Sou go that Ia?, Ihere people are. Sou go that Ia? Ihere events are. Sou Ior: Ihere the
resistance is. And Ihen ?ou see this resistance it becomes transparent, its strength Iea:ens and
?ou see the Jorld of the *ternit? even if the resistance is still present. )o and be ever?Ihere ?ou
Iant to be. Sou can be ever?Ihere. Sou can embrace the Ihole Iorld and its Ielfare7 that is Ih?,
?ou should fght the resistance for the Ielfare of the eternal life7 and the resistance Iill brea: doIn
and ?ou Iill see the light of the eternal life and ?ou Iill perceive it. And this Iill be realised
forever and all times.
;Mth da? of the monthP
$% <n the nineteenth da? of the month ?ou should concentrate on the phenomena of external
realit?, in Ihich something, Ihich previousl? had existed as a single Ihole, turns into a collection
of separate elements. An example of such a phenomenon is a cloud, Ihich turns into raindrops. <r
anotherP the croIn of a tree turning into separate falling leaves. &hroughout the concentration on
such phenomena ?ou are tr?ing to fnd the laIs Ihich could prevent their development. &o fnd
such laIs is the sense of this concentration.
&% .even-digit numberP ;>CBA;>7 Nine-digit numberP ;CLBA;MLC
'% &he struggle of the spirit for its true place in the Jorld, as Iell as the struggle of ?our soul for
personifcation of the creator, ma:es ?our intellect and ?our mind become controlled. Sour
consciousness becomes universal and ?our part of the consciousness becomes the common
consciousness. Sou become Iho ?ou are. Sour eternit? is revealed in ?our thoughts, ?our thoughts
becomes eternit?, ?our thoughts ma:e the Jorld eternal and ?ou Iill be Ihere ?ou are, and ?ou
Iill be Ihere ?ou aren_t, and ?ou Iill alIa?s be, though the Jorld consists of time intervals, and
Ihere ?ou Iill be the time interval Iill become the Jorld and the space Iill !oin the eternit?, and
the time Iill retreat and ?ou Iill be in movement and ?ou Iill be in eternal time, and ?ou Iill feel
the eternal time, and this eternal time Iill come to ?ou. *ver? moment of ?our time is an eternal
one. 'eel the eternit? in ever? moment and ?ou Iill see that ?ou have alread? achieved it.
>Nth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? ?ou should concentrate on remote areas of ?our consciousness. Sour tas: is to help
other people. Imagine that ?ou Iant to explain something to another person. &o explain Ihat
he"she doesn_t :noI or doesn_t understand. As a matter of fact Ie alread? :noI that in realit?
ever? person possesses all :noIledge, his soul initiall? has ever?thing. &hat is Ih? ?our tas: is to
help him realise information, Ihich he alread? has. 9? the Ia?, genuine understanding is exactl?
connected Iith aIareness of the :noIledge available in the soul. &he easiest Ia? to aIa:e a
person to aIareness of re]uired information :ept in his soul through the remote areas of his
consciousness. &he easiest Ia? to reach them is through remote areas of ?our consciousness.
&% .even-digit numberP ;CALB;G7 Nine-digit numberP LM;CBA>;M
'% =oo: at the Iorld from the highest position of ?our consciousness, form the deepest position of
our soul and the most spiritual passion to universal Ielfare. =oo: at the Iorld in such a Ia? as if it
is !ust being created and create it as it is noI. DoIever, creating is as it is. .imultaneousl?,
change the state of the Jorld Iith its vices for the better, toIards creation and eternal life. And
?ou Iill see that the vices are not vices at all, but a Irong understanding of the Jorld. Understand
the Jorld correctl? as it is given to ?ou b? the creator, and ?ou Iill see that the creator is
ever?Ihere and that correctness is ever?Ihere, ?ou should ma:e !ust one step toIards, not !ust
negate, and come to this correctness forever and for good and ?ou Iill see that the Iorld has
transformed. And ?ou Iill see that the universe has become ?ours, and ?ou Iill see that the
creator is pleased Iith ?ou, and ?ou Iill see that ?ou are the creator and able to create
ever?Ihere, alIa?s and forever, and ?ou are a helper of the creator, and ?ou are a helper of
an?one else and ?ou, as the creator himself, are creating a creator and here ?ou come to the point
of unit? of ever?one. And this point of unit? of ever?one is simpl? ?our soul. =oo: at it and ?ou Iill
see the light of life. &his light of life is created b? ?our soul. &he luminescence of ?our soul is the
thing, Ihich calls ?ou upIards, afar and in breadth, the luminescence of ?our soul is the Jorld.
Sou see the Jorld because ?our soul sees it. Sou see the soul because ?ou have e?es of the soul.
=oo: at ?ourself from all sides, and ?ou Iill see a common unit? Iith the entire Jorld Ihich exists
ever?Ihere and alIa?s. Sour thought is the thought of the Jorld. Sour :noIledge is the
:noIledge of the Jorld. Distribute the :noIledge of life and distribute the light of ?our soul, and
?ou Iill see the eternal life in such a state, as ?ou are in it. Sou Iill see that the eternal life has
been Iith ?ou for a long time7 it alIa?s is, Ias and Iill be. &he eternal life is ?ou.
>;st da? of the monthP
$% <n the tIent?-frst da? of the month ?ou should concentrate on the series of numbers, going in
reverse se]uence. A specifc exampleP ;G, ;C, ;B, ;A, ;>, ;;, ;N. Numbers appearing in these
se]uences should be from ; to A; ,the maximum number of da?s in the month-. .o there are A;
numbers at ?our disposal. Jhen ?ou compile se]uences from these numbers, rel? upon ?our
internal feeling.
&% (even)digit number* +$,',$20 Nine)digit number* ,+.$-+,-&%
'% Jatch hoI mountain stream runs doIn the mountains. Jatch hoI snoI melts. =oo: at these
pictures, as if ?ou have seen them b? e?e. Sou Iill see that ?our thoughts do not di^er from ?our
e?es. An? ?ou Iill see that ?our consciousness doesn_t di^er from ?our bod?. An? ?ou Iill see hoI
?our soul builds ?our bod?. 3emember this :noIledge, transferring it from one second to another,
and turning a moment into eternit? ?ou Iill be building ?ourself eternall?, as ?ou lived before Iith
no e^ort, and thus this eternal construction is the eternal life. 9uild other ob!ects around ?ourself
on the basis of the same principle, build Iorlds. Create !o? and soI Iheat, create bread, give tools
and give machines and ma:e machines harmless, not destructive and ?ou Iill see that ?ou live in
this Jorld, and ?ou Iill see that this is sent doIn to ?ou and that the creator and ?our
consciousness are revealed in this machine. .top a machine if it threatens. 9uild the bod? if it is
ill7 realise resurrection if someone has passed aIa?, prevent an?one else from passing aIa?. Sou
are a creator7 ?ou are a ma:er7 ta:e, act and go forIard in harmon? Iith the entire Iorld, in
harmon? Iith ever?thing created, in harmon? Iith ever?thing that Iill ever be created in the
entire eternit? and in the manifestation of the Jorld, and in harmon? Iith ?ourself.
>>nd da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? of the month ?ou should concentrate on such elements of realit? Ihich are
characterised b? endless reproduction. A specifc exampleP a notion of eternit?, or a notion of
endless space. Jhen ?ou thin:, for example, about eternit? at the same time ?ou should alIa?s
construct the re]uired event.
&% .even+digit numberP LCABLC7 Nine-digit numberP ;MLC;GKLM.
'% Sour soul is a created structure7 ?ou soul is a re-creating structure. Jatch hoI ?our soul is
creating, Iatch hoI it is reacting. During the act of re-creating, ?ou perceive ?our soul, open ?our
Iorld and loo:, Ihere the creator has recreated Dimself, loo: at the mechanism of re-creating and
?ou Iill see love. =ove is the thing Ihich brings light to the Iorld. =ove is the thing on Ihich the
Iorld is being built. =ove is the thing that alIa?s exists and Ias in the beginning. =oo: at that
one Iho created love and ?ou Iill see ?ourself. =ove belonging to ?ou is ?ou belonging to love.
9uild Iith love, build Iith Ielfare, build Iith a great !o? of universal life and universal happiness
and ?ou Iill be able to see that !o? Ihich is seen b? ever?one Iho is around ?ou. .ee the !o? of
those Iho are around ?ou and ?our heart Iill be flled Iith happiness. 9e in happiness7 be in
harmon? and this happiness Iill bring ?ou eternit?. =oo: Iith ?our eternal e?es, loo: Iith ?our
eternal bod?, and loo: at ?our relatives Iith ?our eternal seeing and grant them *ternit?. =oo:
Iith ?our *ternit? at all people and grant them *ternit?. =oo: Iith ?our eternit? at the entire
Jorld, at the Ihole environment and grant them *ternit?. And the Jorld Iill blossom, and a
FoIer, Ihich blossoms eternall?, Iill appear. &his FoIer Iill be ?our Jorld Ihich is the Jorld of
>Ard da? of the monthP
$% <n the tIent? third da? ?ou should concentrate on the development of all real ob!ects in the
direction of fulflment of the tas:s of the creator.
&% .even-digit numberP L;CBCKB7 Nine digit numberP CL;MKBA>;.
'% =oo: at the Jorld, Ihat there is to do in it, loo: at ?our social circumstances, Iatch ?our
feelings and loo: at them. .ee hoI ?our feelings are connected Iith the events, Ih? are ?ou
loo:ing forIards, Ih? can_t ?ou feel, Ih? do ?ou feel, Ih? do ?ou feel that ?ou ate not di^erentH
&hin: Ih? the Iord `di^erentl?_ does not exist in the Iorld, since the Iorld is uni]ue and is varied
in its unit?. &hin: about Ih? the Iord `uni]ue_ also means `varied_. &ouch the nature of something
in its specifc individualit?. =oo: at hoI it appears from all sides. =oo: at ?our bod? and re-create
it in one spirit moment. =oo: at ?our consciousness and create it to be able to solve all ?our
issues. =oo: at ?our soul and ?ou see that ever?thing exists.
>Bth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? of the month during concentration ?ou should receive and ob!ect fromHH the form of
a man. 'or example, a DED, a fountain pen, a plant. Sou should see from Ihich part of the man_s
bod? it appears, let_s sa? a DED appears. It means hoI to realise the image of a man in order to
receive a DED.
&% (even)digit number* ,$+-'&,0 Nine)digit number* $+.,-'&$/
'% Sou have seen that realit?, Ihich ?ou have seen. Sou have come to that realit?, Ihich ?ou are.
=oo: at all da?s from the frst to tIent?-fourth and ?ou Iill see that ?our love is endless. =oo: at
the Iorld, hoI ?ou loo: Iith love, loo: at the feeling, hoI ?ou build it, loo: at the feeling as at the
eternal creation and ?ou Iill come to love it as eternal. Sou come to it forever and ?ou sta? Iith it
forever. &he creator created lovingl?. Sou are thin:ing the creator_s creations and ?ou love. =ove
is life, and life is love. Displa? love Ihere ?ou appear, displa? love in those places Ihere ?ou
determine ?ourself, and predetermine ?ourself. =ove ma? not be alIa?s expressed b? Iords and
emotions. Jherever ?ou create ?ou create love.
>Cth da? of the monthP
$% <n the tIent?-ffth da? of the month ?ou ma? concentrate on an? ob!ects of ?our choice. It is
important to have several di^erent concentrations and combine them all into one concentration.
Daving anal?sed this collection, !oin various ob!ects of concentration into groups based on some
sign. 'or example, a tape-recorder and a cassette can be placed into one group because the? add
to one another Ihen the? fulfl the tas: the? are meant for. A tape-recorder and a receiver can be
!oined into one group Ihich ?ou consider them ad goods produced on the basis of electronic
e]uipment. <ne group can include ob!ects of the same t?pe, for example, tIo di^erent boo:s.
DoIever, if considering these boo:s from the point of vieI of their content, these boo:s ma?
appear in di^erent groups if a combination of groups Iill be based on the content. Sou see, ?ou
have complete freedom of creation in this case. Sou ma?, for example, sit at home, loo: around
and use its ob!ects surrounding ?ou for this concentration.
&% .even-digit numberP ;LMNNNN7 Nine-digit numberP N;>BCMMMM.
'% Come to the thought about ?ourself. Catch the thoughts about ?ourself as reFections of
?ourself. .ee ?ourself as ?ou see ever?one. .ee ?ourself as ?ou see ever?one. .ee ?ourself as
?ou see a branch of a tree, a leaf of a plant, morning deI, or snoI on a IindoIsill. Sou Iill see
those things Ihich are eternal before ?ou. Sou Iill see that ?ou are eternal.
>Gth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? of the month ?ou learn to see simultaneousl? the Ihole AND a part, the common
and the particular. .uppose there is a herd of coIs in front of ?ou. Sou see the Ihole herd and
simultaneousl? ?ou can concentrate on an? coI. Understand hoI it lives, Ihat it thin:s about, hoI
it Iill develop. <r ?ou ma? loo: at an anthill and simultaneousl? at one ant. Jith the help of this
concentration ?ou should understand hoI Iith one loo: ?ou can see at once the Ihole and its
part, the common and the particular. &his concentration Iill help ?ou to ac]uire this abilit?. Sou
Iill be able to see instantl? both common and particular.
&% .even-digit numberP ;CLBA>;7 Nine-digit numberP BLCG;KLM;.
'% &a:e into consideration that ?ou develop internall?. .ee that ?our development is eternal. 9us?
?ourself Iith all that is eternal. .ince each movement is eternal and each thing is a personifcation
of *ternit? and each personalit? is *ternit? and each soul is a multitude of *ternities. )o toIards
diverse *ternities from the one *ternit? and ?ou Iill see that there is one *ternit? for ever?one.
Come to this through understanding of ?our soul and ?ou Iill see that each thing has been created
b? ?ou. Appl? this to the health of others and having cured another one ?ou Iill gain experience
?ourself. Curing of others is alIa?s an experience for ?ou. 3estoration of ever?thing is alIa?s an
experience for ?ou. 9e good to more and more people, give more !o? and happiness and ?ou Iill
receive *ternit? into ?our hands in the form of a concrete technological tool of ?our consciousness.
.pread the consciousness to the rigid conditions of *ternit?. &here, Ihere *ternit? Iidens, outrun
it, outrun the *ternit? in Infnit? and ?ou Iill see ?ourself s a personifcation of the creator. Sou
create in that place Ihere *ternit? is Iidening, ?ou are the creator of *ternit?, ?ou control *ternit?
and *ternit? alIa?s obe?s ?ou.
>Kth da? of the monthP
$% <n the tIent?-seventh da? of the month ?ou should do the same concentration as on the ninth
da? of the month, but add to it an infnite development of each element of the concentration.
&% .even-digit number7 ;LCBAB>7 Nine-digit numberP ;LCBA;>N;
'% Come to help those Iho need help. Come to help those Iho do not need help. Come to help
?ourself, if ?ou need help. Come to help ?ourself if ?ou do not need help. Sou are :ind and ?ou
help. Sou are a creator and ?ou have help. *ver? act of ?our consciousness brings help to ?ou.
*ver?thing created b? ?ou is a help to ?ou. Sou have an infnite number of helpers as Iell as ?ou
giving help to n infnite number of others. Sou are in universal connections Iith ever?one, ?ou
alIa?s help ever?one and ever?one helps ?ou. 9eing in universal connections and mutual help
bring societ? to Ielfare7 give happiness to ever?one and ?ou Iill see ?ourself in universal Iorld
harmon? Iith ever?one Ihere the creator_s creation is ever?thing that has been created around
?ou7 it_s ever?thing that has been created b? ?ou and is the personifcation of the creator in
ever?thing created around ?ou. &he personifcation of ?ou as the creator Iill be revealed in ?our
soul b? understanding the Jorld in self-development thereafter. &he infnit? of life is the infnit? of
the creator. &o be infnitel? living ?ou should be being infnitel? created, ?ou should be infnitel?
created. Sou ma? do so that ?our ever? thought, ?our ever? movement, ?our ever? action creates
>Lth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? of the month ?ou should fulfl the same concentration as on the eighth da? of the
month but Iith one important di^erence. &he di^erence is as folloIs. Sou must have noticed that
on the previous da?, >Kth, Ihen determining the t?pe of concentration the numbers > and K Iere
addedP >aKbM. In this case the situation is di^erent. &he number >L consists of tIo fguresP > and
eight. In this case the number >L should be perceived as folloIs7 &Io multiplied b? eight. Not to
add > and L, but !ust to multipl?. It means that eight is doubled. &hat is Ih? the program of the
eighth da? is repeated on this da?. DoIever this repetition should not be strict, it shouldn_t be an
exact cop? of the previous Ior:. Sou have to change something. And frst of all change something
in ?ourself. 'or example, change something in ?our vision of this concentration. Jhile fulflling it
according to the old scheme ?ou should nevertheless see something neI in it, to loo: at it from
another side. Sour understanding as Iell as ?our perception of these concentrations should be
alIa?s Iidening and deepening. &his is a creative process. It facilitates ?our development.
&% .even-digit numberP ;LCBC;>7 Nine-digit numberP ;MCL;B>;N.
'% =oo: at ?ourself as ?ou loo: at the Ihole Jorld right aIa?. =oo: at the creator the same Ia? as
the creator loo:s at ?ou and in this understand Ihat the creator Iants from ?ou. =oo: at his loo:
and ?ou Iill see his loo:. Sou Iill see that the loo: of the creator is also fxed at the far
phenomena of the Jorld7 and ?our tas: is to control these phenomena of the Jorld. Sou should
harmonise an? phenomena of the Jorld. &his is ?our true tas:. Sou should give birth to the Jorlds
and create Jorlds Ihich Iill alIa?s be harmonic. &his has been ?our true tas: since ?our
creation. .ince he, the creator has alread? created, since he, the creator has alread? completed,
?our tas: is to go along this Ia? since ?ou have been created in the image and li:eness as the
creator has been created. &he creator created himself and created ?ou as Iell. Create ?ourself
and create others. Create all others and give universal Ielfare to ever?one and ?ou Iill have the
Jorld, Ihich has been created for ?ou, and for ever?one and the creator. Create for the creator
since he created ever?thing. &hat is Ih? Ihenever ?ou create an?thing ?ou create for the creator.
>Mth da? of the monthP
$% <n the tIent?-ninth da? ?ou fulfl a presumptive concentration. <n this da? ?ou should loo: at
all concentrations of this month from the frst da? to the tIent?-eighth. DoIever ?ou should
perceive them in an impulse. It_s important. &he Ia? covered Iithin the month ?ou ta:e in Iith
one single moment of perception. Jith this ?ou should do a certain anal?sis of ?our Ior:. <n this
da? ?ou, so as to sa?, create a platform for the Ior: in the folloIing months.
Sou ma? imagine ever?thing ?ou have done in the form of a sphere Ihich ?ou should place on an
endless straight line the initial part of Ihich includes the folloIing month. &hus ?ou create a
platform not !ust for the next month but for ?our further infnite development as Iell.
&% .even-digit numberP ;LC>;B>7 Nine-digit number C;>MB>;LN.
'% =oo: at the Jorld Iith ?our e?es. =oo: at the Jorld Iith all of ?our feelings. =oo: at the Jorld
Iith all of ?our cells. =oo: at the Jorld Iith ?our Ihole organism and Iith ever?thing Iith Ihich
?ou can see and Iith ever?thing ?ou are. =oo: at the Jorld and ?ourself and inside of ?ourself.
=oo: at the Jorld understanding that the Jorld is around ?ou and it envelopes ?ou. =oo: at the
realit?, Ihich gives life. =oo: at such realit?, Ihich gives *ternit?. And ?ou Iill see that Ihatever
?ou loo: at there is onl? this realit? that gives life and gives *ternit?. And the creator of this realit?
is the creator. &he creator Iho has created this realit? has created eternal life and he sees ?ou the
same Ia? ?ou see ?ourself, and he sees ?ou the same Ia? as ?ou don_t see ?ourself, and he is
?our creator.
ANth da? of the monthP
$% <n this da? ?ou carr? out concentration on the built platform. &his concentration la?s the basis
for ?our Ior: in the folloIing month. Sou should concentrate on the harmon? of the Jorld. Sou
should see it, fnd it, celebrate it, and admire it. And at the same time ?ou Ionder hoI the creator
could have created ever?thing so perfectl?. Sou admire the harmon? of the Jorld as the
conse]uence of perfection of the creator.
&% (even)digit number* $+,&$-'0 Nine)digit number* $+,&$.',$%
'% &he principle on Ihich ?ou build all the previous da?s ma? be the main one on this da?, since in
'ebruar?, in the current s?stem of chronolog?, >M or >L da?s, this principle on the thirtieth da? gets
over to the frst or the second da?. .o, this unifcation shoIs the eternal c?cle of life. 'ind the
eternit? in all ?our previous harmonisations. 'ind this eternit? in this simple example, since one
month consists of AN da?s, another, 'ebruar?, of >M or >L da?s and !ust through one month
'ebruar? Ie have the common !oining of the fgure AN Iith the fgure one or tIo. Xoining of the
fgures various b? nature and the origin testifes to the unit? and common nature of ever?one. 'ind
common nature in ever?thing, in each element of information. 'ind common nature Ihere it is not
seen at once, and fnd it Ihere it is obvious, Ihere it can be seen at once. &hen ?ou Iill see, ?ou
Iill become aIare, ?ou Iill feel, and ?ou Iill be inspired.
A;st da? of the monthP
$% <n the thirt?-frst da?, ?ou concentrate on the individual areas of each single volume. Imagine a
tree groIing. Sou :noI that beneath the tree is soil, above and beside it is air. All these individual
areas combine themselves in ?our consciousness in such a Ia? that ?ou see them as the eternal
reconstruction of life. =ife is eternal. Sou need to recognise this. &hin: on this Ihile ?ou observe
the environment. Dissolve ?ourself in it and recognition of this truth comes to ?ou.
&% (even)digit number* $,'&$/10 Nine)digit number* $+,&$-'&$%
'% <n this A;st da? concentrate on ?ourself. Sou are absolutel? health? and all are health?. &he
Jorld is eternal. All life events are creative. Sou see ever?thing onl? in a positive light. All around
?ou is Iell. &hese exercises develop ?our consciousness and ?our life events in a positive
direction. Sou become absolutel? health? and ?ou come into harmon? Iith the pulse of the
universe. Sou ?ourself need to decide Ihich result is the most important for ?ou at the moment.
Jhen ?ou Iant to achieve a certain result in a specifc time frame put this time frame in ?our
ob!ective and ?ou achieve it through concentration. Also notice that these exercises are creative
exercises. &he exercises develop S<U. Jith the help of the concentration ?ou are groIing
spirituall? and ?ou Iill alread? perform further concentrations on a higher level. &his process is
infnite. After a short time ?ou notice that life has improved. &o be precise, ?ou ?ourself have
changed it. Sou have the control of ?our life in ?our hands.

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