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CENTRUL DE PERFECTIONARE, CONSULTANTA SI MANAGEMENT PENTRU COMERT INTERNATIONAL S.C, PERCOMEX S.A. 1 FULVIA TURCU VIOLETA NASTASESCU Nota asupra editici, "Engleza intensivd de afaceri" se adxescazi celor care doresc 8 invete rapid limba engleza, en deosebire limbajul economic si de afacer indiferent de formatic sau preocupari. Lucrarca contine 66 lectii concepute si structurate astiel incat lexicul de profil si gramatica limbii engleze si poatii fi insusite gradual si corect. La sfirsitul cdrtii este o lista a verbelor neregulate ¢i un indice fimetional, gramatical si lexical. Invatand primele 34 lectii, incepatorul atinge un nivel intermediar, dobandind spontancitate si autonomie in exprimarea oralii si scrisa. Urmiatoarele 82 lectii sunt destinate fixirii gi sistematizarit cunostintelor anterioare. Dupi parcurgerea celor 66 lectii, cursantul este deja capabil de o comunicare exacta si productivit in domeniull economic si de afaceri, avand posibilitatea de a-si introduce in conversatie propriile idei, ganduri, parreri indoicli etc. El este de acum pregatit sii abordeze notiunile si concepicle de specialitate gi si acceada la faza urmatoare - de expert. Toate aceste performante sunt posibile daci se tine seama de urmatoarcle recomandai: + Lectiile trebuie studiate in ordinea dati, deoarece autorii au urmarit 0 introducere gradata a problemelor gramaticale si a lexicului, dezvoltdind prin exercitii uptitudinile de intelegere si comunicare (scris si citit); + Predarea lexicului se face de citre profesor prin repetari multiple ale cuvintulut pentra a i se crea cursantnlni deprinderea de pronuntare corecti in engleza. Textul trebuie citit cu voce tare inainte de a i se cere cursantului si-1 pronunte. Principiul conform ciruia in limba englezii nu putem pronunta pana mu auzim gi nu putem scrie pind nu vedem, guverncaza predarea primelor 34 lectii, + Profesorul poate gisi cai multiple de predare a gramaticii, care structurati si clar explicata in tabele simple, la ficcare lectic. *Ficcare lectie are dowd parti de vocabular: obligatoriu si aditional Vocabularul aditional, exercitiile, traducerile, precum si indicele finctional si lexical il ajuta pe cursant si-gi fixeze cunostintele de limba englezéi, si-si dezvolte creativitatea si autonomia de exprimar + Ficcare lectic necesité 4-6 ore de studin (predare in clas si studin individual). Textele sunt exemple de limba englezi autentica; cle i deprind pe cursant cu o exprimare precisa, cu utilizarea idiomurilor gi a locutiunilor specific englezesti, bine. Contributia autorilor: Violeta Nastisescu: lectile nt.1-17, 39, 43, 46-48, 51, 55-57, 59, 65, 66, Pulvia Tureu: lectiile nr. 18-38, 40-42, 44, 45, 49, 50, 52-54, 58, 60-64, lista verbelor neregulate, indicele functional si lexical ate cepturle asupa acstei cri aparin S.C, PERCOMEX 5. A. Bucuresti Reproducereatextelor, chiar si partial, firs consimtiméntal S.C. PERCOMEX S.A, - Bucuresti este interist si se edepseste conform legilor in vigoare. ISBN 973-9021-13-1 ise > UNIT 1 unit 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 unit 7 unit 8 unit 9 CONTENTS ENGLISH SOUNDS. u Sunetele imbii engleze. Vocalele ENGLISH SOUNDS. 13 ‘Sunetele limbii engleze. Consoan WHO AND WHAT IS MRS. WHITE?. Cine sce este D-na White? Gramatica: (1) Anicolul nehotirat. (2) Puralul substantvelor, (3) Adjectival (4) Pronumele personale (6) Indicative prezent al verbuli "to be" WE ARE IN THE CLASSROOM. ‘Suntem in clas Gramatcs: (1) Anicolul hotrit. (2) Promumele i adjectivele demonstrative, (3) Constructile "There is, There are” _ MY NEW ENGLISH BOOK. Noua mea carte de englezit Gramatica: (1) Plural substantiveior. 2) Adjectivete osesive, (3) Indicatival prezent al verbului "to have" WHAT IS MINE?. Ceeste al meu? Gramatica: (1) Substantive cu plural neregult (2) Pronumele Posesive. (3) intrehiri diejunotive. IT IS MY FRIEND'S CAR. Este masina prietenului mea Gramatica: Cazul genitiv, 32 36 WE CAN SPEAK ENGLISH... ‘Nol vorbim englezeste Gramatica: (1) Verbele modale. (2) Modul imperaty G)Numeralul WHAT IS HE LIKE: Cum arati el? Gramatica: (1) Pronumele personale la cazurile dati gi acuzativ (2)Pronumele si adjectivele interopative . 41 UNIT 10 UNIT T UNIT 12 UNIT I3 UNIT 14 UNIT 15, UdUT 16, UNIT 7 Unit 18 UNITI9 WHAT COLOUR IS IT?. Ce culoare are ..? Gramatica: Prepozitia, LET US LEARN ENGLISH. SH invitim englezeste Gramatiea: (1) Prepozitiie spatiale, (2) Modal imperativ TELLING THE TIME. 60 Exprimarea orei Gramatica: Numeralul IL WE ARE HAVING OUR ENGLISH CLASS... 69 Acum avem ord de englezi Gramatica: (1) Pronumele relative. (2) Participiul nedefinit (3) Timpul prezent continu. (4) Viitorul apropiat. TOM’S EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES. 9 Activititile zilnice ale tui Toma Gramatica: (1) Pronumele reflexive side intirire. (2) Timpul prezent aspectul comun, MEALS IN ENGLAND.. Mesele in Anglia Gramatica: Pronumele gi adjectivele nehotarate. THIS IS OUR HOUSE.. Aceasta este casa noastrit Gramatica: (1) Partcipiul tecut. (2) Timpul "Present Perfect", aspectul comun. (3) Echivalentii verbelor modale. MY FRIEND’S FLAT. 104 Apartamentul prietenului meu Gramatica: Timpul "Present Perfect" aspect continuu. THE SEASONS. mel Anotimpurile Gramatica: Adjectivul - gradele de comparatie. THE FAMILY. . 118 Familia. Familia Wilson Gramatica: Comparatia neregulati a adjectivelor. UNIT 20 YOUR WAY THROUGH LIFE. Cum si-ticroiesti dramul in viata Gramatica: (1) Timpul trecul al verbuli "tobe", (2) Adverbu UNIT 21 THE JOB I LIK 134 Meseria care imi place Gramatica: Timpul trecut al verbulu "to have" (2) "Have to" - valoam modal UDUT 22 REVISION. 141 Recapitulare UNIT 23 A VISIT TO 4 FARM. 146 vizita Ia 0 ferma Gramatica: (1) Timpul trecut, aspectal comun, (2) Cateva plurale nereguiate. UNIT 24 WASHINGTON D.c. Gramatica: Timpul mecat, aspectal co UNIT 25 CITY TRAFFIC. . 164 Gireulatia in orag Gramatica: Mai-mult-ca-perfecul,aspetul eomun; aspect continu UNIT 26 I'LL PROBABLY STAY AT HOME ON WEEK-END. 175 Probabil voi sta weasd a stargit de siplimina Gramatica: (1) Timpal viitor, aspectul comun. (2) Locu) adverbelor de mod, UNIT 27 MAIL SERVICES. 184 Servicite postale Gramatica: Timpul vitor, aspectul continu, UDUT 28 PHONE CALL: 193 Convorbiritelefonice Gramatica; (1) Timpul vitoral in tecut 2) Cotespondenta timpurilo. UNIT 29 Monry. 202 Bani Gramatica; Vorbirea directa si indirect 6 UNIT 30 SHOPPIN' 210 Dupa cumps Gramatica: (1) Diateza pasiva, (2) Substative compuse. UNIT 31 STRAWBERRIES ARE APRIL’S BEST BUY. 218 ‘Capsunile sunt cele mai ieftine in aprilie Gramatica: — Reguli de trevere de la diateza activi la cea pasivi UNIT 32 LET’S DINE OUT. ‘Si cindim in oras Gramatica: Modul conditional. UNIT 33 ABOUT CLOTHING. Despre imbriedminte Gramatica: Corespondentatimpusilorinfrazele cu caracter conditional 238 UNIT 34 WANT TO BE MORE CREATIVE AT WORK? JUST TAKE A BREAK. Vreti si Iluerati mai cu spor? . 247 Luati o pauza Gramatica: (1) Viitorul perfect. (2) Pronumele reciproce. (3) Verbele modale "should" si "would”, UNIT 35 AT THE RAILWAY STATION. La gard ‘Gramaticd: Plualul substantivelor UNIT 36 AT THE AIRPORT.. La aeroport Gramatics : Pronumele si adjectivele nehotrate coerce UNIT 37 THE CUSTOMS SYSTEM. Sisterul vamal Gramatied: Pronumele gi adjectivele relative. Pronumele relatv Pronumele reflexiv i de intiite . 295 UNIT 38 HIGHER EDUCATION. fnvatiméntul superior Gramatica: Articolul nehotiit, Articolul hotarat UNIT 39 SHOPS AND STORES... 309 ‘Tipuri de magazine Gramatic&: Timpul prezent UNIT 40 ON HOLIDAYS... 320 Despre vacante Gramatica: Timpul trecut UNIT 41 LIGHTS GO DOWN AND CURTAIN GOES UP... 333 Luminile se sting $i cortina se ridica Gramatici:Timpul "vitor" UNIT 42 MULTIPLE SERVICE SHOP: 348 Magazine de prestiri de servicii Gramatica:Viitorul apropiat, Viitorul anterior UNIT 43 BANKS - THEIR FUNCTIONS AND SERVICES. Banci- funeti gi servic Gramatica: " Timpul "Present Perfect” 361 UNIT 44 SICKNESS AND HEALTH. 369 Boala gi sinatate Gramatica: Timpul "Mai-mult-ca-perfectul" UNIT 45 HINTS ABOUT HOTEL! Citeva idei despre hoteluri Gramatica: Verbe modale (can-could; may might; must; shall-should; ought to) 393 UNIT 46 THE JOB SEARCI Ciutarea unet sluppe Gramatic’; Verbe modale (will-would; need; dare) UNIT 47 PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMEN) Prezervarea mediului inconjurator Gramatica: Adjectivul - Grade de comparatie UNIT 48 LONDO! Londra Gramatica: Adjectivul - Comparatia adjetivelor neregulate UNIT 49 SPORTS. Sporturi Gramaticé: Numeralul . 411 418 UNIT 50 HINTS OF POSSIBLE LEISURE TIME. 429 Cateva idei despre petrecerea timpului liber Gramatica: Adverbul UMIT 51 DEFINING THE MARKET. Definirea pietei Gramaticd: Diateza pasiva UNIT 52 FACTORY PRODUCTION. Produetia in fabried Gramatica: Concordanta timpusilo UNIT 53 ABOUT PRESS... 462 Despre presi Gramatict: Vorbirea directa si indirect UNIT 54 BUSINESS MEETINGS. 474 intalnirile de afaceri Gram: Modul conditional 487 UDNUT 55, WHAT IS MANAGEMENET. Ce este managementul Gramaticd: Propoziiiconditionale UNIT 56 CENTRAL BANKING. Bincile centrale Gramatici: Subjonctivul 1 UNIT 57 A GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE OF ROMANIA. Prezentarea geogratich a Rominiei Gramatick: Subjonetivul I UNIT 58 WHAT ARE CORPORATIONS. Ce sunt corporatiile Gramatica: Echivalenii subjonctivulu, Subordonatele de scop sul UNIT 59 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. ‘Alimentatie si agriculturd Gramaticd:"Gerunziu, Construcii gerunziale UNIT 60 WHAT MANAGERS DO. 533 Cu ce se ocupi directorii Grama Participiul 9 UNIT 61 HOW CORPORATIONS RAISE CAPITAL Cum pot face firmele rost de bani Gramatica: Constructi pantcipiale UNIT 62 KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER.. Puncte cheie de finut minte Gramatick: Conjunctia UNIT 63 STOCK EXCHANGE. Bursa de valori Gramatic&: Subordonatele adverbiale .. STI UNIT 64 CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION. Canale de distributie Gramaticd: Ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie UNIT 65 MARKET SELECTION AND PRODUCT PLANNING Alegerea pietei si planificarea produsului Gramatic8: Prepoziia UNIT 66 BUSINESS NEGOCIATION. Negocierea comercial Gramatici: Acordul subiectului cu predicatal ~ Lista verbelor neregulate .. 615 FUNCTIONAL INDEX. 619 Indice functional LEXICAL INDEX... - 627 Indice lexical fl fe] lel fa] [oy [ei] [oul [ai] au) UNIT 1 ENGLISH SOUNDS VOWELS he (hi:]-et i} read [rz] -citete it [it] - el, ea (pron. personal, persoa- | ra lIba sg. noutra) | u:) in fin) -i0 desk {desk ~ pupitra, cates io} help [help] - ajutor Ww back folk] - negra ‘man {maen] - barbat, om | class las] ~ clas fa] unt fant] - matugé | hall fo: = sala | all [2:1] -toti, toate | ‘not [nat] - nu (negate folosit dupa verb) office ["ofis] - birow two [tu] - doi, dows ‘school [sku:l] - scoala 200d [gud] - bun, bunt ‘book [buk] - carte ‘son [san] - fiu ‘but [bat - dar, ins sil [gos] fats her (ha:] -al ei 4{9]-un, 0 articol nehotirat) DIPHTHONGS table ["teib] - masa foil name [‘neim] -nume home fhoum] - casi, cimin | tis) only [’ounli) - mumai I[ai]-eu [ea] ‘my [mai]~meu, mea, mei, mele | [uo} house [haus] » cast brown (braun) -maro | boy [boi] - baiat voice [vais] - voce here [’hia]- aici neat ["nia] - aproape hair "heal - par pair ['pea] - pereche poor [pus] -sirac tourist (tuaris] - turist intensiva de afaceri TRIPHTHONGS [aia] fire fais] - foc tired ['taiad] - obosit [aua} flower ["flaua] -floare our ['aua] - nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre SEMIVOWELS fw] we [wir] - noi what [wat] - c& Gi] you fju:]-tu, dumneata, dumneavoastrat yes [jes] - da student ['stju:dat] - student pins d {d} ip) {b] tel fe) uM [im] In] ial UNIT ENGLISH 2 SOUNDS CONSONANTS a lo two [tu] - doi, dou oy door fd‘) - ust day [dei] - 24 © pencil [‘pensl] - creion pen [pen] - toc, penita (s) ook fuk] - carte bright [brat] -luminos, strilucitor | [z] classroom (ka:srusm] ala de casa clo kok] -ceas wl green [gri:n] - verde garden ['gurdn] - grind ts a very ['veri]- foarte value [*vaelju:] - valoare [as] map [map] - harté ‘many [‘maeni] - multi, multe fi new [aju:] - now ‘ine [nain] - now hy ‘moming ['mo:nin]- dimineati | ‘evening ["i:vnin] - sear | lesson ("les -lectie three (Gri: - tei thing [Gin] ~lueru this [Sis] ~acesta, aceasta that [eet] -acela, aceea student [’stjudnt] - student ceiling ['si:li] - plafon is [iz] - este 100 [a] - gridina zoolowica she [fi] ea shot [fost] - seurt measure ['mega] - masurd pleasure ['plega] - plicere char [tfeo] ~scaun child {tJaild] - copit John (égon] ~ fon Jack [dgaek] - Jack red [red] - rogu ‘write [rit] - serie, soriegi hhow [hau] - cum housewife [’hauswaif] - zospoding Englezaintensivd de afaceri THE ENGLISH ALPHABET a b c a f g b i k 1 (ei) [bis] Ii] {di:) fel fefl [dgi:] feit{] {ai] [dsei] [kei] fel] fem] n P 4 t v v x y 2 [en] [ou] [is] Ou) fai] [es] [tis] Gu) (vi) [aablju:] [eks] [wai] [zed] UNIT 3 WHO AND WHAT IS MRS.WHITE ? Good morning, students! Good moming, teacher! Who ate yon? Tam Mrs. White ‘What are you, Mrs, White? J am a teacher. You are students and I am a teacher. Who is he? He is Mr. Black, What is Mr. Black? He is a man, an engineer, he is not an economist. Miss Brown is a typist. She is an office-worker, Isn't she a doctor? No, she isn't Is Miss Smith a student? Yes, she is. She's a very good student. Bob is a boy. He is a schoolboy ‘What is he like? He is short and fat. ‘Ann is a gil, She is a schoolgirl, ‘What is she like? She is tall and thin. We are all students Are the, 0 students? No, they aren t. They are economists. Are you an Englishman? No, I am not, I am a Romanian, am a Romanian citizen. How are you? I’m fine. Tank you. > Engleza intensivi de afacert VOCABULARY teacher ['ti:tfa] s.- profesor Mrs. ('misiz] s. ~ doamna (urmat de ‘numele de familie) ‘am [sem] v.- sunt (vb. af, indicativ prezent, pers sz.) ‘woman ['waman] s. -femeie an fon] art.-un, 0 economist [:"konamist] s.- economist engineer [endsi’nio] s ‘Miss {mis} s, - domnisoara (urmat de ‘numele de farnilie) 2 inginer typist ["taipist] s.- dactilograft office-worker ['afis’wo:ka] s. -functionar | they [ei] pron. - ei, ele also ['o:sou] adv. - de asemence Englishman ['inglifmon] s. - englez citizen ('sitizn] s ~ cetdtean | English [ineli{] adj. -englezese, de engl | ote otily.-a8 1 ati ike aie eum a? cum este el? how are you? - ce mai faci? 1m fine [fain] - sunt bine ‘thank you [@zenk] - multumese fant ant] v.- mw este (vba fiindiativ | Nume prop prezent, pes, negativ) eee aaa doctor [dokto} s.- medic a schoolboy ['snbai] . seo \ es schoo [skuga] s.- soli | Brown fal \f thin [Gin] adi. - subtire | Bob [bsb} GRAMMAR 1. THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE Articolul nehotirat I ___Reguli__ determina; Te tad mine sbtnivall po ewe | dtr doctor emple__| cert "a cind avin) car unex teacher poise | | Sep co om set cosonmne sami] @ga coma er | veal, eas | vce forma Yan” ednd cuvéntul eae urmsaz8| an economist un economist | sn Baalsh book. o cae de enaleza| | incepe cu un sunet vocalic ware aceeasi forma indiferent de genul si camil| a boy - un bait ibstantivului pe care il determing «a book ~0 carte 16 a girl-o fata r | | woman’, “child” ete. _| Reguli a » cénd substantval pe care fl determin trece la plural, articolul nehotirat spare; | » se intrebuinteazd inaintea substantivelor ce ddenumese o profesic, meserie sats nationalitate, precum si inaintea substantivelor "man", Who and what is Mrs White? Exemple _| «@ book - books carte» cart am an economist, - Sunt economist, 1 aun a Romanian, - Sunt roman, Tam a man. - Sunt birbat. Il. THE PLURAL OF NOUNS Pluralul substantivelor Reguli Exemple »Pluralul substantivelor se formeaza adiugand) a girl - girls terminatia "s" la forma de singular | 0 fata - fete un economist - economist | an economist - economists IIL THE ADJECTIVE Adjectivul Regul » Adjectivul calificativ se asazd intotdeauna| dupa articol, inaintea substativului pe care il determina, » Are aceeasi forma, indiferent de genul, eazul gi ‘numarul substantivului pe care fl determin’. »Adjectivele care exprimi nafionalitatea se| an English citizen - un cetatean| senu cu majuscula, englez | «a good schoolboy - un scolar bun a good schoolgit - 0 scoliritai bund 2 good book - 0 carte bund wood books -earti bune | | Engleza inensiva de afacer IV. PERSONAL PRONOUNS Pronumele personale Singular | Plural ___| h : We fe aa fine | a They She : = Pronumele personal "I" se scrieintotdeauna cu majusculd, ~ Pronumele personal persoana a IIl-a sg. neutru "it" inlocuieste substantive ce denumese “obiecte, animale si notiuni abstracte, V. THE PRESENT INDICATIVE OF THE VERB "TO BE" Indicativul prezent al verbului "to be" | interogasiv Afirmativ Negativ ea ae | am tino? | | Are you (not)? | He is not Ashe (not)? | She isnot Is she (not)? Itis not Is it (not)? We are not ‘Are we (not)? You are not | Are vou (not)? They are not ~ Are they (not)? I'm, you're,| P'm not, you're not (you) Aren't you? isn’t he?| he's, she’s, it’s,) aren't), he’s not (he isn’t) isn’t she? isn’t it? aren't! contrase we're, You're, she'smot(sheisn')t'snot(it} we? aren't you? aren they're isn’), we're not (we aren't) they? | you're not (you aren't), | they're not (they aren" | In vorbire se folosese de prferins formele contrase. | 18 fete Who anu what is Mrs. White? EXERCISES Dpeeeeaiecaais 1, Raspundeti la intrebairis t Wine are you? 2. What ate you? 3. Are you a man ora woman? 4, What is Mrs. White? SF dun't she a typist? 6. Who i a typist? 7. What is Mr, Black? 8, Isn't he an economist? 9. Who isa schoolboy? 10. What is Bob like? 11. Is Mary fat and short? 12. What is she like? 13 Whatare you all? 14, Whatam ? 15, Are they students? 16. Are you a Romana’? How are you? IL Dati forma corectii a articolului nehotardt cu urmétoarele substantive: economist, student, typist, tourist, engineer, house, room, desk, Englishman, schoolgirl, office, citizen, classroom, teacher, doctor. II. inlocuiti substantivele subliniate cu pronumele personale corespunzitoare: |. Mrs, White isan economist. 2. Bob is a schoolboy. 3. Mr, Black is a good engineer. 4. Miss Brown isa typist. 5. Ann isa schoolgitl. 6. Tom and John are students. 7. Bob and 1 are economists 1V, Completati spatile libere cu forma corespunzitoare a verbului "to be": 1 it. book. 2. Tom and Jack .. students. 3,1...a woman. 4. She .. a housewife 5:They .. engineers. 6, Mr. Black... an economist, 7, We ... economists. 8. You .. an engineer. 9. Mrs, White ...a teacher. 10. You .. office-workers. V, Treceti urmitoarele propozitii la interogativ, negativ si interogativ-negativ: iran a student. 2. Mrs, Black is a housewife. 3, He is thin, 4. You are a typist. 5. They are doctors. 6. We are students, 7. She is a Romanian, VI. Raspundeti la intrebiri, conform modelului: Model: Is he an economist, or a teacher? He is an economist, he isn’t a teacher. 1 Is she a typist or a student? 2. Am I an engineer or a teacher? 3. Is he a schoolboy or a student? 4. Are we economists or doctors? 5. Are you an office-worker or a schoolgit!? 6, she tall or short?7. Is she fat or thin? 8. Are you a Romanian or an Englishman? 9. Are you students or engineers? VIL. Punefiintrebiirila urmétoarele propozi i, conform modelului: Model: He isa teacher. Who is a teacher? He is i raspund 1. She is a doctor. 2. We are economists. 3. They are students.4. He is an engineer. 5, Bob is a schoolboy, 6, Miss Brown is a typist. 7. Lam a schoolgirl. 8. You are a teacher. Engleca intensivd de afacer VILL Treceti urmitoarele propozitii la plural: 1. a student. 2. You aren t an economist. 3. Is he an engineer? 4. She is a good schoolgirl. 5. You are a good typist. 6. 1 am not an office-worker. 7. Ate you a doctor? 8. Isn't she fat? 9, He isn'ta thin boy. 10. 1s she a short git!? IX. Treceti urmédtoarele propoziti la singula 1. We are not English, 2, We are Romanian citizens. 3. They are teachers. 4. You are Romanian students. 5.The boys are not tal, they are shon. 6. They are also students, 7. You are not good economists, 8. What are threy like? X Traduceti: 1, Na suntem noi cu tofi student? Da, suntem, 2. El este inginer sau economist? 3. Cine esti tu? . 4, Ceesti tu? 5. Esti student sau medic? 6. Nuesti profesor? 7. Bi sunt functionari sau studenti? 8. Ei sunt, de asemenea, economist’? Nu, nu sunt, ei sunt profesori 9. Ce este el, inginer sau doctor? 10, Ann este o student foarte bund, 11, Ba este dactilograta sau profesoart? 12, Bob nu este economist? Nu, nu est ; este elev. 20 UNIT 4 THE ENGLISH CLASS Good afternoon, everybody! Good afternoon, teacher! ‘What is this? This is a classroom. We are in the classroom. This classroom is large and bright. There area lot of things in this classroom: a table, a chair, many desks, a blackboard, ‘a map, a picture and a bookcase ‘Tis is the door and those are the windows. The door is closed and that window is open. This is the table and that isthe chair. Ths table is brown and the chairs are also brown, This is the floor and that is the ceiling. ‘These are the books and those are the exercise-books. These books are open and those exercise-books are shut. There are many exercise-books, pencils and fountain-pens on the desks. Is there a picture on the wall? Yes, there is. ‘There are many desks in the classroom, Aren't there many English books on these desks? Yes, there are. ‘Are there many tables in the classroom? No, there aren't. There is only one. Istherea dictionary on the table? No, there isn VOCABULARY afternoon [‘a:fta'nu:n] s.- dupd amiazi | bookcase ["bukkeis]s. - bibliotect large (lasdg) adj, ~spatios, mare ‘on [an] prep. - pe in in) prep. -in wal [wal] s.- perete picture ['piktja}s.-tablow one {wan} num. - uni window (windou] s. - fereastr dictionary [kant] s. - dictionar exercise-book ['eksasaiz"buk] s.-caiet | there are [ear] - sunt, exist, se afl shut [Jat] adj. - inchis ther is ear'iz|- este, exist, se aft fountain-pen ["fauntin’ pens. - stilow a lot of a"lotay] -0 multime de black: (biek] adj. -negru Engieza intensivd de afaceri GRAMMAR 1. THE DEFINI Articolu Regul Articolul hotarat | » se agazi inaintea substantivului pe care fl »se citeste [6a] cand cuvantul care| ‘urmeazi incepe cu un sunet consonantic| se citeste [i] cind cuvantul care urmeaza| incepe cu un sunet voealic; are aceeasi forma, indiferent de genul, cazul si numarul substantivului pe care i determin’, determin’, | the gis fata sau semivocalic; | i | in the classroom - in clas’ Il, DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES Pronumele gi adjectivele demonstrative ITE ARTICLE | hotirat Exemple the boy - baiatul the union (09"j:njon] - uniunea the window [9 'windou] - fereastra the ink [9 ink] ~cerneala the English class (60 'inglifkla:s}- ora de engleza the open window [6i7oupan'windou} -| reustra (cea) dese the man - bacbatul the woman - femeia the desk - pupiteul the desks - pupitrele ‘on the wall - pe perete Pronumele demonstrative _ Adjectivele demonstrative This is a classroom. - Aceasta este o sala de class, That is a door. - Aceea este 0 ust These are walls. - Acestia sunt pereti ‘Those are desks. - Acelea sunt pupitre, 2 This classroom is large. - Aceast salt de clas este mare. That door is closed. - Usa accea este Inchiss | | These walls are white. - Peet acesta sunt} ali. | Those desks are brown. - Acele pupitre| | sunt mar. | siempre tootsie Il. "THERE IS", "THERE ARE" Constructiile There is, There are ____Reguli_ ‘Aceste construct aCe agaz’ inaintea subiectului logic al propoaitei, pe care il anticipeaza $i eu) fare many exerci desks. - Exist multe caiete pe pupitre. | se acorda in numér eee “Afirmati. here is | Negativ: there isnot] Interogativ | there are there are not} -Negatv) is there | (no)? are there (not)? there's not (there) isn’t there? isn't) there're not (there aren't) Forme contrase there's there're aren't there?” EXERCISES I. Raspundeti ta intrebitri 1 Is this a classroom or ano fice? 2. What is there in the classroom? 3. Is the door open’ 4 Ip tne window closed? 5, Is the table white or hrnwn? 6, Are there many desks in the ‘iessroom? 7. What are there on the desks? 8, Is there a map on the wall? 9. Are there many tables in the classroom? Il, Dati raspunsuri scurte, afirmative sau negative, conform modelului: Model: Is this a desk? Yes, itis. No, it isn't, it’s a table, Is this a book? Is this a chair? Is this a door? 23 ensva de afacer Is this a map? Is this a blackboard? II. Completati spatiile libere cu forma corespunzitoare a verbului "to be": 1. There ...a lot of books on the desks. 2. There. a blackboard in the classroom. 3. There a picture on the wall 4, There a table inthe classroom. 5, There... a lot of things in this classroom. 6. There... pencils on the desks. 7, There ...a map on the wall. 8. There alot of desks in the classroom. 9. There .. many chais in the classroom, 10, There .. many students inthe classroom, IV. Réspundeti la intrebari conform modelului: ‘Model: 1s there a map on the wall? Yes, There is, No, there isn't Are there many chairs inthe classroom? Yes, there are. No, there aren't 1. Is therea bookcase in the classroom? 2. Is there a fountain- pen on the desk? 3. Are there ‘many students in the classroom? 4, Is there a picture on the wall? 5. Is there a brown table in the classroom? 6, Are there many chairs in the classroom? 7, Are there pencils and fountain-pens on the desks? 8. Is there an English book on the table? V. Treceti urmétoarele propozitii la interogativ, negativ $i interogativ-negativ: 1 This is a book 2. Those ate chairs. 3, That isa fountain-pen, 4. These are desks. $. The door is closed. 6. That is an English book. 7, Those arc exercise-books. Oe aia The English class VI. Raspundefi la intrebari, conform modelului Model: Is this a pencil or @ fountain pen? Ita pencil it isn't a fountain pen 1.[s this a pen or a pencil? 2, Is that a chair ora table? 3.1s this the floor or the ceiling? 4. Is thisa classroom or an office? 5. Is that a black or a brown pencil? 6. Is this a book or aan exercise-book? 7. Is that a picture or a map? 8. Is this a desk or a table? VIL. Trecefi urmdtoarele propocitii la plural: 1. This isan office. 2. Is that a desk? 3. There isa bookcase inthe classroom. 4. The door isn't open. 5. That is the ceiling. 6. Is this @ pen? 7. Is the window closed? 8. Isn't that classroom large? 9. Is there apicture on the wall? 10. There is a bookease in the classroom, VIII. Raspundefi la intrebitri conform modelului: ‘Model, Is this an office (a classroom)? Yes, i's No, itisn’t. It’s a classroom, 1. Is this a pen (a pencil)? 2. Is this the floor (ceiling)? 3. Is this a table (a desk)? 4. Is this an open window (a closed window)? IX, Traduceti: 1. Aceasta este clasi mare gi luminoasi. 2. Existi o multime de Tucrari aici: 0 masi, 0 tabla, multe puptee si scaune. 3. Pe inci se afta cit, caiete, creioane gi stilouri. 4. Cartile sunt deschise, caietele sunt inchise. 5. Pe pereti sunt dowd tablouri so hart, 6. Sunt mult clevi in casa. 7. Acela este plafonul, aceea este podeaua. 8. Masa este maro sau neagra? UNITS MY NEW ENGLISH BOOK Good day, sir! This is my book. I have a new English book Have you an exercise-book, too? Yes, I have. heer You have a fountain-pen. Your fountain-pen is on your desk Have you a Romanian-English dictionary” No, I haven He has a new winter coat, His winter coat is black. He has new shoes, too? No, he hasn't Hasn't Mrs. Smith a new smart dress on? Yes, she has, Her dress is brown. Its colour is brown. All the ladies in this room have new dresses on. This room has four walls, Its walls are white We have friends. They are our friends. Haven't you a library in your district? Yes, we have, Is Mrs, White their new English teacher? Yes, she is, She is inthe classroom now. ‘They haven't their English classes in the morning. They have their English classes in the evening, 26 One My new English book VOCABULARY library [laibrari] s. - bibliotect to have [to "haev] v.-aavea your [jo:] ad.pos.- tu, ta, t str, voastre vvoastr, his (hiz] lui, sale shoe [ur] s.- pantof smart [sma:t] adj, - elegant dress (dres] s.- rochie har [hos] adj pos. - ei its fits} ad pos. - ui, ei (neutra) colour ["kala} s,-euloare tale, vostra, district [distikt]s.- cartier friend (frend s.-prieten their [dea] adj.pos. -lor class [kle:s]s.- ord de clasts where [wea] adv. - unde? schoolbag {’sku:Ibaeg] s. - ghiozdan to have .. on =a fi imbricat cu in the moming - dimineata inthe evening -seara GRAMMAR I. THE PLURAL OF NOUNS Pluralul substantivelor Unmitoarele substative formeaza pluralul adugdnd terminatia -es la forma de singular: »1. substantivele| »2, substantivele) crite in: -ch,| sh, “8, 88, -2 bench ~ benches (banc ~ baci, brush - brushes (perie-perii), bus buses (autobuz - autobuze), class -| classes (ord de clasd - ore de clas), box ~ boxes (cutie, ceutii) terminate in: precedat de con-| soan ( se trans-| forma in i) lady - ladies (doamna -| doamne), dictio- nary ~ dictionaries (ictionar ~ dictio-| are) N.B. Substantivele terminate in y precedat de vocala formeaza pluralul adiugind la formal de singular termi-) natia-s, iar raméne neschimbat: boy ~ boys (baiat - baieti),| day ~ days (zi -zile)| »3. substantivele! temninaein: fe setransformé in shelf-shelves (raft-rafturi), wife-wives (sotie-sotii) »4. Substativele| terminate in -o precedat deo con- soani: hero heroes (erou- eroi), potato- potatoes (cartof- cartofi) Engleza intensivi de afaceri ‘Terminatia pluralului se citeste: a »fz] cand substantival la singular se termina’ fntr-un sunet vocalic sau intr-un sunet consonantic sonor: (dl, [b) [g} [v), [m], Co, Go), (1, 8), fo Is} end sha Sing ein fntr-un sunet consonantic sur: [t, fp, (i) (8, (8) ts ea fig} cnd substantival la singular se tering in sunetele 3), (2), [f) [3h tf) [ds] reer Reguli Exemple: { window ['windou] - windows [;windouz] | (ereastr -ferestre) glove [glv] - gloves [glave] (minus - minusi) room [rum] - rooms [ru:mz] (camer - camere) pencil [‘pensl] - pencils (‘penslz} (creion + creioane) table [teibl]- tables ['teiblz] (masi-mese) ‘ap [maep] - maps [maeps} (hart - hii) desk [desk] - desks [desks) (pupitra - upitre) student [stju;dant] - students ['stjudants} (student-student office [ofis] - offices ['ofisiz} (birou - birouri) brush [bra] - brushes ["brafiz] (perie perii) bench [bent] - benches [’bent fiz} (banca = banci) box [boks) - Il. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Adjectivele posesive —_—_——__. Singular Plural oT my our 1 _your four Mm his their | her its 28 One My new English book Reguli Adjectivul posesiv | vse asaza intotdeauna inaintea Substantivului pe care il determing; sare aceeasi forma, indiferent de genn!, cazul si numérul substantivului pe care il determina N.B, Substantivele determinate de un adjectiv) josesiv nu se articuleaza. ‘my room - camera mea iy som - ful mew my wit - sotia mea ‘my ring - inelul mew | my ftiends - prietenii mei ur house - casa noastrat Ill. THE PRESENT INDICATIVE OF THE VERB "TO HAVE" Indicativul prezent al verbului "to have" ae | contrase Afirmativ Negativ (Newt) | Thave Thave not Fiave I (no)? You have You have not Have you (not)? | He has He has not Has he (not)? | She has She has not His she (not)? has | Tehas not Has it (not)? We have We have not | Have we (not)? You have You have not | Have you (not)? | They have They have not___| Have they (not)? | Ive, you've, he's, she's, it's, we've, you've, they've T've not (1 haven't), you've not (you haven't), he’s not (he hasn't), she’s not (she hasn't), it’s not (it hasn't), we've not (we) haven't), you've not (you haven), they ‘ve not (they haven't) Haven't 1? haven't you? hasn the? hasn't ‘she? hasn tit? haven't we? haven't you? haven't they? 29 Englezaintensivd de afaceri EXERCISES I. Raspundefi ta intrebari: 1. Have you a new English book? Where is it? And where is your fountain-pen? 2. Has she Romanian-Fnglish clitionary? 3. What colour is his winter coat? 4. Has Mev, Smith 4 smart dress? 5. Have you new shoes? 6. Have you an English-Romanian dictionary? 7. Have we our English classes inthe evening? 8. What colour ae the walls? I, Completati spatiile libere cu forma corespunzéitoare a verbului "to have" 1. This room ... four walls. 2. Those students... new dictionaries. 3. That schoolboy .. new fountain-pen, 4. Mss, Smith .. anew smart dress. 5... your house many rooms? 6 All the student... their exercise-books on their desks. IIL. Treceti urmatoarele propoziti la interogativ, negativ si interogativ-negativ: 1. We have a new English teacher. 2, My son has a red pencil. 3. You all have good dictionaries. 4. Mary has a new smart dress. 5. The student has amap, 6. They have a library in their district, IV, Réispundeti la urmatoarele intrebiiri, conform modelului: Model: Have you s new English book? Yes, Ihave. No, I haven't 1. Have all the students Romanian-English dictionaries? 2. Have those schoolboys new books? 3, Has Ann a new dress? 4. Have you many friends? 5. Has Tom a new schoolbag" V. Completati spatile libere cu adjectivul posesiv corespunzaitor: 1, Wehave exereise-books on... desks, They ae... exercise-books. 2. Tomhasanew winter cout... winter coat is black. 3. Those students have good English-Romanian dictionaries. +» dictionaries are on the shelves. 4. Tom has a blue fountain-pen... fountain-pen ison the desk. 5, Those ladies have new dresses on... dresses are very smart. 6. The room has two doors... doors are shut i la plural: VI. Treceti urmatoarele propo: a. 1. Her dictionary ison her desk: 2. Your exercise is very good. 3. Isn't her friend in the classroom? 41s that her exercise-book? 5. ts colour is white, 6 1. Thave a table and a chair in my room, 2. Her room has a picture on the wall 3. Has the student a new dictionary? 4, That lady hasnt a new dress. 30 me Mr Bai ot 5. You have your English class in the evening, 6, Has my classroom a good blackboard? VII. Traduceri: (Nor nu avem dictiouar englez-romén, 2. Carile gi eaietele for sunt pe pupitre 3 Noi nn dom ore de englezi dimineata. 4. Pantofi tdi cei noi sunt nepri sau maro? 5. Student arein nu au tof stilour, 6, Clasa noastr are pereti albi. 7. Aveti cu tot dictionare? 8, Tot: ‘Student din aceasta clasi au cari, caiete, ereioane si stilouri 9. Ce culoare au pantofi tii? Jo Catetele lor sunt rosi sau albastre? 1. Caictu i este pemasi. Culoarea lui este albastra 12, Brerciile lor de engleza sunt bune. 13. In cartirul nostru exist o biblioteca bund. 31 UNIT 6 WHAT IS MINE ? This is my fountain-pen, Itis mine ‘That typewriter is yours, Mrs. White, ism’ it? Yes, itis. Itis ot yours, ‘The boy and the gil are their children. They have a son and daughter, havent they? Yes, they have, Those are their balls. His is blue, hers is red Whose is this white cat? It is ours, it is not theirs, but where is yours? ‘The Browns havea new camera, Its their camera, It is theirs not yours, Tam a teacher, am Inot? Yes, you are You are not at the office now, are you? No, I am not This student has a lot a books, hasn’t he? Yes, he has ‘The man over there is not our friend, is he? No, he isn’t ‘Tom hasn’t an English conversation guide-book, has he? No, ae hasnt, This woman is your colleague, isn’t she? Yes, she is, ‘These men are English citizens, aren't they? Yes, they are ‘They are not very busy today, are they? No, they aren’t, to be sure VOCABULARY ‘mine [main] pron.pos. al meu, a mea, ai | busy [’biz) adj. ocupat mei, ale mele children ['tfldron] s. «copii ours ['ause] pronpos.- al nostru,a.n0%8- | now fnau) adv. - scum ‘i, ai nostri ale noastre ares yours [jo:2] pron.pos. - al tu, ata, a ti ale tale, al vostru (dv.), a voastrl (dv.), 25 vost (ale votre) fa ee ter pronpos. ale, aeialy ate | MAME ie promi eu? ua | his Chi} pron. posal ui, a ui i Iu | ale ui ment One. What is mune? theirs (9€a2] pron.pos. -al lor, lor, ailor, | the man over there [‘ouva’dea) - barbatul ale lor deacolo a fet) prep. ~ la (olosith dupa verbe ce "| at the offi -labirou indica stare pe loc) to be sure [Ju - fit sigur de ata (aici to" dei] adv, = astri fellow worker ['felou'we:ke) -coleg de sen [men] s,-barbati biro car [ka] s,~ automobil, masing the Browns [80’braung]- familia Brown camera ['ksemara] s.- aparat de fotografiat conversation guide-book ["kanva’sei fan *gaidbukj] - ghid de conversatie GRAMMAR 1. THE IRREGULAR PLURAL OF NOUNS, Substantive cu plural neregulat | Singular - Plural ‘man [maen] - barbat ‘men [men] -birbati || woman [wuman]-femeie | women ['wimin] - femei child [¢Jaild)-copil children ['tfildran] - copii foot [fut] -picior feet [fst] picioare tooth [tu:6]- dinte tech (1) = dint roose [gus] wise seeese [piss] - paste ‘mouse [maus]-soarece | mice [mais] - goareci dlc [ai] ~zar dice [dais] -zarusi POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Pronumele posesive Singular Plural 1 ‘mine | u__| yours yours cir his | theies hers. rglezaintensivd de afacer’ | IIL. DISJUNCTIVE QUESTIONS intrebari disjunctive | _ ee Regul ea) Exemple este invariabil ca in limba romani ci se| schimbi in funetie de verbul din prima) proporite. | | a) Daci in prima propozitie verbul este| You have a son, haven't you? | | propozitie este redatd prin interogatv= ‘negativul verbului din prima propozitie la acelasi timp si pessoana (Forma contras), Dac& subiectul primei propoziit este] Tom is an engineer, isnt he? cexprimat print-un substantv, acesta va fi] Toma este inginer, mu-i asa? {nlocuit cu pronumele corespunzator. 'b) Dac& in prima propozitie verbul este) He hasn't many colleagues, has he? regativ, expresia "nui aga?” este redati| El nu are multi priteni, musi aga? prin interogativul verbului din prima] We aren‘ friends, are we? No nu suntem prieteni, mi asa? EXERCISES I. Raspundeti la intrebari: 1, Whose is the fountain-pen on your desk, is it mine or yours? 2. But where is mine? 3. Is, that white car yours? What colour is theirs? 4, Have the Browns a new camera? 5. Is the ‘man over there our friend? 6, Are all the women in this room your colleagues? 7. Are you | at the office now? AH. Dati pluralul urmitoarelor substantive: ‘man, watch, toy, zero, child, day, housewife, office, woman, lady, foot, dictionary, dress, tooth, brush, shelf, box, mouse. II. Completati spatiile bere cu pronume posesive: | 1. This is my bag. Itis.... 2. That is your pencil. Itis.... 3. This is his fountain-pen. tt | is....4, That is her typewsiter. Iti... 5. This is our camera. Itis..6. That is your office. | Iti... 7. Those are their conversation guide-books. They are... 8. We have a red car, It is... 9. She has a nice dress. It is..., 10, All the students in this room have English dictionaries. They are... 11. Ihave anew watch. Itis.... 12. You have a new car, is 34 One IV. Raspundeti la intrebiiri, conform modelului: Model: 1s that bag yours? (she) Yes, itis No, itisn t mine. It’s hers 1. Is this book hers ictionaries theirs? (We). 5 Is that camera ours? (you). V, Adéugagi intrebari disjunctive: 1 she has anew camera, 2. They aren’t at school now. 3 Whar is mine? se) 2 Is that watch his (I) 3. ls this pencil yours? (she) 4. Are these Your English-Romanian dictionary is on your desk. 4. We haven't our English classes inthe evening. 5.1. am your cether 6. You have a new dress. 7. Se is an engineer. 8, He isn’t a doctor. 9. You are at the office now. 10. All the ladies in this room have nice dresses on. VI. Treceti urmétoarele propozitii la singular: 1LTheve young men are our fellow workers, . Those ladies are our new colleagues. 3. Our books are on the shelves. 4, Those children have many toys. 5. Their shoes are very smart 6 They are friends. 7. Those women are secretaries. 8. We have watches. Vil. Traducefi: 1 Aveti_ multi colegi, mv-i asa? 2, Unde sunt ei acum? 3. Sunt la birou, 4. Masina aceea cote a lor, nu este a dumnneavoastel, nn-i asa? 5. Copii au multe juctrii, nu-i aga? 6. Ale cul Sunt aceste caiete? 7. In biroul nostru sunt dowd femei si trei barbati. 8. Al cui este creionul dacela rosu, al tiu sau al ei? 9, Unde sunt itil gi dictionazele voastre? Ale mele sunt ‘sci, 10. Coasnl acesta este al t ‘muri asa? 11,_Ei sunt studenti la limba englez, nu-i aS) 12, Profesorul lor este englez, nui aga? 13.’Tu nu esti englez, estt roman, nu-l asa? Ti Birourile lor nu Sunt incdpdtoare, nu-i aga? 15. El este un bun coleg, nui aga? 16. Bi suv au multi prieteni, nu-i aga? 17. Clasa noastrl este mare gi luminoasd, mui aga? 35 UNIT 7 IT IS MY FRIEND’S CAR What car is this? This is my friend's ca. Isn't it Mr. Brown’s car? No, it isn’t. Itis my friend’s. ‘What colour is your friend's car? His car is blue. The colour ofthe car is blue. ‘That is Mary's handbag, isn't it? It is not that git’s, Its not the handbag of that git All the students’ exercise-books are on their desks. ‘The children’s ball-point pens are in their handbags. Have you got your own flat? Yes, we have, Our flat is modem and comfortable, Ithas four rooms. The rooms of our flat are large and bright. Is that your fat? No, it sn’, it is Mary's. Ours is next to it. ’ve got a son, My son's room is very pretty. The door of my childs room is closed. ‘This man’s name is Tom. That woman's name is Ann. ‘These man’s colleagues are at the office. Those women’s dresses are smart, too, VOCABULARY handbag [’baendbaeg] s. ~ poset | ballpoint pen ["bo:Ipaint’pen] - creion cu own [oun] adj. - propriu | Past, pix fat [fie] s.- apartament hhave you got [got] - a (tu), aveti (dum. neavoast)? moder ['moden] adj. - modem comfortable ["kamftobl] adj. - confortabil ‘name [nein] s. - nume next to it [‘nekst tat} -alituri de el (ea) ‘Ann [zen] - Ana 36 ne. 144s my frtend’s car GRAMMAR ‘THE GENITIVE CASE Cazul genitiv 1. Genitivul prepocitional (analitic) Ee Reguli 1, Se red cu ajutorul prepozitici "of cotdinea cuvintelor find: jposedat (precedat de artical hotarat) ~ prepozitia "ot" (precedat de artical hotirit). este exprimat prin: fiimes obiecte. IL, Genitivul saxon (sintetic) aI) = substantivul ce denumeste obicctul ~ substantival ce denumeste posesorul 2, Se folaseste cfnd numele posesorului a) substantive comune cate denumese) 'b) substantive comune care denumese| | | the car of my friend -magina prietenului meu the pencil of the student - creionul stu-| dentului the walls ofthe office - pereti biroului boys? students’ Thisis the children’s oom. | Reguli Exemple trof), ordinea cuvintelor fiind: - substantival ce denumeste posesorul, yosedat 1. Se redii prin 's (apostrof's) sau * (apos- Substantivul ce denumeste obiectul| the students’ books - cartile studentilor ‘Tom's dictionary - dictionaral lui Tom 37 | | } lesa intensiv de afaceri Se adaugis: ~ dupa substantive la singular ‘Tom’s pencil -creionul lui Toma | the boy's toy - juciria baiatului ~ dupa substantivele cu plural neregulat la| the women’s club - clubul fereilor plural Se adauga ~ dupsi substantive Ia plural on my friends’ books - cari prietenitor mei 2. Se foloseste cand numele posesorului este cexprimat prin a) substantive proprii nume de finte; ‘Tom's fountain-pen -stiloul lui Toma, ‘the Browns” new flat-noul apartament al ‘familiei Brown the giel’s pencil - ereionul fetei the boy's bag - ghiozdamul baiatului ‘the cat's name -numele pisieii Romania's territory -teritoriul Romaniei b) substantive comune care denumese| fine: oameni si animale; 6) substantive nume de fir. | NB. Substantivul care denumeste pose- sorul ~ se articuleaza cu articol hotarit dact este un substantiv comun la singular sau plural sau un substantiv propriu la plural; the teacher's dictionary - dictionarul profesorul the students friends - prietenit staden- tului the Browns’ new house - noua casi a famitiei Brown ‘Amn’ room - camera Anei nu primeste articol dacd este un substantiv| propriu la singular. Substantivul care denv- reste obiectul posedat mu se articuleaza in| nici o situate. EXERCISES I. Réispundeti ta intrebiiris 1. Whose car is that, i it yours or your friend's? 2. Have you gota car? 3. What colour is it? 4, Whose is the fountain-pen on your desk? 5. Is this typewriter yours or that typist’s? 6. Whose is that handbag, is it Mary's or that git!'s? 7. Where are the students’ cexercise-books? 8, Where are those children’s ball- point pens? 9, How many rooms has ‘your flat? 10. 1s their flat next to ours? 11. Where are those men’s colleagues? 12. How are ‘those women’s dresses? 38. | sis my friend's car one___ 11, Adaugati intrebéri disjunctive la urmitoarele propociti: Fe aae s modem and comfortable 2, Our ats four eon 3, The rooms are large argh 4 Thee pencils are nt in their pencil boxes © We haven't our own library and brig, doctors. 7. She has gota brown winter coat 8. Mrs ‘White is not a teacher. ope childeen are in ther class-room. 111. Completati spatiile libere eu forma corespuncitoare a verbelor "to have" sau "to be”: 1, )natman’s name Bob? 2. We... anew cat. 3 “The windows of the class-room ... open. a are p brown dress. 5, an engineer ora teacher! 6, You in the office now? 7. yyour son many books? 8... they allzpoint pens? 9. Whose room... it? 10, Ann a lot of things in her handbag. IV, Treceti urmatoarele propozitit a interogatiy, meget § interogativ-negativ: TV. yorather’s name is Tor. 2. We've got a modem and ‘comfortable flat. 3. John's 1 a pen ison his desk. 4. The children's toys are wry i. am in my room now. bate pnersationguide-book:s Mrs. Smith's. 7. Those cilren ave gota lot of things in their schoolbass. V, Treceti urmétoarele propotiti la plural: V, Treeeh wim now handbag 2. That woman isa good doctor. 3. This lt's oy 1 Has tn nu aot of things. 5. The typists ntatthe fie tay. € her Se bisroo This mn is my fend, 8 Tat cil is schoolboy. 9. 1 haven't my own AE TO. Fas that woman a new smart dress? Vt. inlocuiti genitivul prepozitional cu genitivul saxon, unde este posibil oe oeeee fon of my friend. 2. The colour of his pencil i red 3. The ‘books of those 1, He i voter dasks. 4, Te windows ofthe classroom ar shut SPE nate of that ci Am. 6, There ae many pictres on the walls of his r90m.7 She is the daughter of Be a een a Te name of my friend is Tom, 9. The colour of my Fowntster the one wys of those children are very nce. 1. The typewitens of boss pt aac jedi, 13, The rooms of ou lat are large and bright 13, The door cof that room is ‘pen. 14, The dresses of those ladies are very smart VIL. Réspundefi la intrebari conform modelului: ‘Model: Is it Nick’s room? (Bill) Yes, itis, No, it isn't. I's Bill's room. | eta Jane's daughter? (Mary) 21s tis Ms. Brown’ car? (Mr, Smith) that Mary's onan? (Ann) 4 Ts tat the typist’ typevariter (the secretary) 5 Ae ese the children’s an a adents) 6 Are those these lads” papers? (those engineers) 7 Is this these economists’ office? (those secretaries). 0 1 pore UNIT 3 WE CAN SPEAK ENGLISH can you speak English, Tom? Yes, Lean, but oly & litte Can't you read lesson number two? Yes, ean ‘pen the Book on page 6 and read peas! Now, close your book and come to the rettpoard. Take the chalk and wsite, please! ‘Can you write these words? Yes, ean (Open the hooks andtransat the exercise, pease! ‘Can you count from one 1o ten? No, T cannot May? Ofcourse you may, Ann. Count, please! ne, two, thre, four five, six, seven, eight nine, tn ‘Thank you! Ann, repeat, please, Now, go back to Your Seat Sit down! | Go from the desk to the window, Tom! May I open the window? Yes, you may. May Take your pencil? Ne, please don't. 1 still need it May Luse your dictionary? Yes, you may. ‘Thank you very much May I leave now’ No, you may not ‘ay [take your exercise-book? No, you may not ‘Must we waite al the new words? Yes, you must Must we lear two lessons? No, you needn"t Don't translate now, write the exercise. “We must not speak Romanian during the English class VOCABULARY to speak {ta "spisk] v. -a vorbi | to {tu:] prep. ~ Ja tre, spre (folosité dup alittle 2} pron.nehot. - putin verbe de migere) to vead [tart] v.- ait | after (aft) prep. - dupa | 10 go on [to'gou’an] v. - continua number [‘nambo] s. - mami | to close {t"klowz]v.-ainchide to open {te’oup(a)n] v. ~a deschide 4 Englezaintensivd de afaceri VIM. Traduceti: 1. Pe raftuile bibiiovcti din clasa noastri sunt 0 multime de car. 2. Peretiiclasci noastre suntalbi.3. Masina accea de scis nu este a ta, este a dactilografe, nui asa? 4. Toate cartile sicaietele copiilor sunt pe pupitrele lor. 5. Usa camerei copiilor este inchist, 6. A cui este poseta aceea, a Anei sau a Marie? 7. Apartamentul familiei White are cinei camere, iar apartamentul familiei Brown are gaze camere. 8. Fetta aceea este fica prietenei tale? 9. Acesta este noul aparat de fotografiat al lui Bill? 10. Prietenii Anei au o nous profesoard de engleza. ; Engleza intensivd de afaceri to come {to"kam] v. «Veni to take [tate] v. «lua chal tf) s.= ere to write [0a] v.- serie word [war] s.-cuvant to leave [ta'h:¥]v,-apleea, a parasi to count [ta*kaunt]v. -a numara to repeat [tain] v.~ repeta sil [tl] adv, - ine toneed [t'nisd] v. - 2 avea nevoie rouse [tou] v. 2 folost | toeam ten -ainaa during [urge timp don't open [dunt] - mu deschiet text lest] - text from. fom) dea. pln a | ofcourse fav"ko] = dexigut 0 back to your et sit] ~intoureeiv Inout dv sit down [’sit’daun] - stati jos you must not-mu ete voi, est interzis ‘cote nocesar, neste cal GRAMMAR MODAL VERBS Verbele modale Regul Exemple Verbele modale defective: can (keen, kon] ~ pot, sunt in stare, sunt capabil; ‘may [mei] - pot, am voie, am permisiunea; must [mast, most] - trebuie au urmitoarele caracteristici nu au particula "to" la infintiv, = verbul care Je urmeazi se foloseste 1a) infinitiv seurt; = la toate persoanele forma verbului este identica ‘can, may, must cam count from one to ten - Pot si numa de la unu la zece. We may leave now - Putem si plecim acum. ‘They must write all the new words - Ei twebuie si scrie toate cuvintele noi He can translate the text - El poate si traducd textul ‘She may open the window - Ea are voie si deschida fereastra. He must learn this text -El trebuie siinvete acest text, 42 ) i | cienaneas Remy ~ jmterogatival, negativul si interogativ | eqativl se formeazi ca la verbele "to Be") | Sone | | | | _ Forma negativi a verbului “can” se serie Jjate-un cuvant: cannot ["keenet] Forme contnse | cane ha] Stay mein ‘mustn't ['masnt] = Verbul "may" Ia negativ exprima lipsa) ppermisiunii: nu este permis. ~ Verbul "nmust” la negativ exprimd Jmerdictia: est interzis, nu este voi. ign seen se expins sn need sot” eda) nu este necesat, 1 est carl Fr rake her oun. - Noa ‘permisiunea si iau stiloul ci. | we scot cove? Poti sa He cannot read this text ~ El nu poate st citeasca acest text, ‘May 1 take your book? - Pot lua cartea ta?” ‘Yes, you may - Da, poti No, you may not - Nu, nu ii permit (nu-t dau voie) May we go now? - Avem voie si plecim No, you musin't-Nu, este interzis. | ‘Trebuie si scriem toate aceste exercitn? ‘Yes, you must - Da, trebuie. No, you needn't - Nu, nu este necesar Must we write all these exercises? | Il. THE IMPERATIVE MOOD ‘Modul imperativ Res ~ La persoana a I-a sg. si pl. imperativul afirmativ este identic cu infinitivul seurt al verbulu = Pentru @ form: auxiliarul “don't regaival se folosest| Toa pewe! «Trad cor (va) rog! ) | | ‘Don’t open the window, please! - Nu) deschideti fereastra, va roz! Engleza intensi Ill. THE NUMERAL Numeralul 1 one [wan] 6 six — [siks] 2 two fu] 7 seven [’sevn] 3. three [Ori:] 8 eight [eit] 4 four [f:] 9 nine [rain] 5 five [faiv] 10 ten [ten] EXERCISES I. Raspundefi ta intrebiii: 1. Can you speak English? 2. Can you read the text? 3. Can all the students translate? 4, Can Ann count from one to ten? 5, May Itake your pencil? 6, May heuse your dictionary? 7, Must we repeat afer the teacher? 8, Must we translate ths exerese? 9, Must I close the window? 10. Must we speak English during our English classes? II. Treceti urmétoarele propoziti la interogativ, negatiy si interogativ-negativ: 1. We must repeat the text 2. Yon may take the dictionary. 3. Trust learn all the words 4, can translate the exercise, 5. We must leave now. 6. They may come. 7. We can count from one to ten IIL. Completati spatile libere cu prepozitii sau adverbe: 1, Come ... the blackboard, please! 2. Can you count .. one. ten? 3. Go. your desk . the window! 4. Must we write all the words... our exercise-books? 5. There is a map .. the wall. 6. Go back... your seat! 7. Open your book ... page 10. 8. You must not speak Romanian .. the English classes. 9, Repeat .. the teacher. IV. Treceti urmétoarele propoziti la negativ 1 Read the new text, please! 2. Shut your books, please! 3. Come tothe blackboard, please! 4, Count from one to ten, please! S. Repeat the new words, please! 6, Close the window, pease! 7. Read lesson number 9, please! 8. Go to your seat, please! 9. Translate the texts, please! 10. Take my fountain-pen, please! 1. Leave the room, please! 12, Speak Romanian a8 We can speak English One = ompletai spate libere cu substantivele corespunsitoare, Dai mat multe variante unde este posibil: 1 refer all» 2. We are inthe ..2, ometo the. pleasel 4. Take te and 1 Yoo ier 5, Can you ead the new 6, Don’t apen your 7, Go back yon re od shut 9. Take you and wnt, please 10 Translate the» please! 11 Fee use your... ? 12. We must lear all the Vi. Dati réspunsuri seurte, afirmasive si negative I urmétoarele propocii conform modelului: Model: Can you speak English? Yes, can No, Leannot 1. can you translate this ext? 2, Can you write al the new words? 3. May Take Your 1 ah we repeal he words 5. May we lave the fo0m? 6, Can you coun For rene 7, Mgt read the new text? 8, May I use your ballpoint pen? 9. Must we write Grercise number 9? 10, Can you tead the lesson’ V11, Completa spaile libere cu verbul modal corespuncitor. Dati mai multe vyariante acolo unde este posibil 1 Yonnmlake my pencil 2, .. you translate this exercise? 3. They’. leam all the new Wonde & You... repeat all the words. 5....] open the window’ 6, count from one Wors F Igo back tomy seat?.... youread the new lesson? 9... wespeak only English dduring the English classes? 10. You... sit down, VII Traduceti: I peiem sere si traduce toate acest texte. 2, Acum vino tabla, terog! 3. Potsi au stiou} tia? "Nu, am ined nevoie de el. 4. Trebuie si invatim toate cuvintele acestex? 5. Pot si ud fereastra? 6. Nu pot si deschid fereastra, 7. Deschidet caietele si seriet, vl toe f Nuvsta (nu pot) s& scriu acest cuvint. 9. Pot si mi duc la loc? 10. Pot sd stau jos? Ti en Getic) poate 8 citeasd textul; eu nu pot. 12. Siti (pute) 8 mumarat de la nu te gece? 13, Aver voie sé plecdm? 14, Nu, nueste voi. 15, Nurepetattoatetextele din carte! 4s UNIT 9 WHAT IS HE LIKE ? ‘Who is this man? This man is my friend. He is an economist ‘What is he like? He is tall, young and handsome. Who is that young woman’ That young woman is Ann. She is my friend, too, ‘What is she like? She is thin and very beautiful indeed. Whom can you see in this picture? In this picture we can see a young woman stugying in the library, and in picture number ‘two We can see them in the park. Whose is that handbag? Whose handbag is it? That is Mrs. White's handbag, Give me your exercise-book, please! Give it to me! uteaneman, iso ‘To whom must you give your exercise-book” Who must you give your exercise-book to” | must give this exercise-book to him, not to her, to them, not to you, ‘Which of these students is your friend? Which student is your friend? ‘Which of these books is yours? Which book is yours? ‘What actor is your favourite? Don’t ask us so many questions, please! 46 kt amie mi eaten What is he oor one Give ner my address, please! Send me your ditionary, please ask him to peat the question, please? Give us an example, please! VOCABULARY wom usm) proninterg. pe cine pe | me [mk] pron pes.- pesmi, mie ar it fit] pronpers:neutru - peel (8), Ii (ci) ‘aim [him] pron.pers. - pe el, lui to whom [t2’hu:m] pron.interog. - cui’? ‘young [jan] adj. - andr | which [wit{] pron interog,- care dintre? ipandsome ["beensom] ad}, -frumos care? pe care? yer {ho:] pron.pers.~ pee, ci actor ['sekta] s. actor indeed [in'di:d] adv. - intr-adevar, cu ado~ | favourite [*feiv(ayrt] s.- favorit, preferat vrat to ask [to'ask] v. ~aintreba you fj] pron pers. -pe tne, pe voi (@.), | us [as] pronpers.- pe noi, now tie, vous (dv) | question {"kwestjan] s.-Intrebare to study {ta sta] v.-astudia | to lend [to'lend] v. - a da cu imprumut studying ['stadiig] v. - studiind | address [o'des] s.- adres library ("nibror]s.- biblioteca Jiescaetis essen cools them [be] prompce.-peei (le) lor | xt pep, «penta park {park s.~ pare | to show [to fou] v.- a arita tagive [ts'giv] v.- da | so many - att de multi, atat de multe GRAMMAR 1. THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS IN THE DATIVE AND ACCUSATIVE CASE Pronumele personale la cazurile dativ $i acuzativ __Nominativ | Dativ Acuzativ ear (o)me | me boon | you ra iat | | He | (to) him | him | us She (to) her her iu (oy it it 47 i Engleza imensivd de afaceri _ | Nominativ Acwativ | you them | [ee eee eee see ee | fn propozitiile afirmative, ordinea | cuvintelor este: Exemple | I. subiect SB CL cD. | | 2. predicat You must give him an answer 3. complement indirect ‘Trebuie si-i dai un rispuns, 4 complement dee | Daciiagezim complementuldirectinaintea S. PCD. CL I celui indirect, complementul indirect va fi] I must give ananswer to him. - precedat de prepozitia "to" si va fi) Trebuie si-i dau un rispuns Iu (si accentuat. | alteuiva) N.B. Cand complementul direct este | exprimat printr-un promume persoral, ‘complementul direct precede intotdeauna complementul indirect. I. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES Pronumele $i adjectivele interogative Reguli_ ___Exemple | 1. Pentru persoane se folosesc unmatoaree| | | pronume si adjective interogative: | 8) N. who? Who is she? -Cine este ea? G. whose? Whose is teat pencil? (pron. - Al cui este D. (to) whom? cxeionul acela? | ‘Ac. whom? | Whose pencil is i (adj.) - Al eui ereion| este? | Tornhom must you give bk? (xn “eats dts 1) which? Cimplicd selecia) Which of those students is your frend? | | | (pron.) ~ Care dintre student aceia este} prietenul thu? | Which girl is your daughter? (adj) - Care inte fete este fica ta? 48 | What is he like? Exemple || What is he? (pron.) ~ Ce este el? | What actor is your favourite? (ad) - Ce actor este favortul tau? Uurmitoarele pronume si adjective intero- ative: | a) what? What is this? (pron.) - Ce este aceasta’? What can you say? (pron,) = Ce poti spune? What book is that? (adi) - Ce carte este |} 2. Pentru animale si lueruri se folosese’ | ceca? 'b) which? (implica selectia) | Which ofthese exercise-books is yours? | (pron) - Care dinire aceste caiete este al tiu? | Which exercise must we translate? (adj) ~ Pe care dintre exercitii trebuie si-l traducem? EXERCISES I. Raspundet la intrebari 1. Who is that man? 2. What is he? 3. What is he lke? 4. Who is that woman? 5. What is she like? 6, Whom can you seein the picture? 7. Wham ean yo seein the Khrary? 8 What actor is your favourite? 9. To whom must you give my address? 10, Which exercises must wwe translate? H.Antocuiti cuvintele subliniate cu pronume. Schimbatiordinea cuvintelor acolo unde este posibil: 1. Ask the students another question. 2. Thank the teacher for the dictionary, 3. The boys ccan see their friends inthe park. 4. Ann must give an answer to Mrs, White. 5,1 must thank ‘my friend for the book. 6. We must show the children their toom. 7. Ask John and Nick where the library is. 8. Give Nick and Ann an answer. 9. Ann and Tom must show the ppictures to John, 10. Ask Mary and me another question. 11. Don’t end Nick and Ann your books: HL. Completati spatiile ibere cu prepozit 1. Which .. these young ladies is your friend? 2,... whom must you give my address? 3. Whom can you see... this picture? 4. Give it... me, please! 5, .. picture number two 1 ‘can see Ann and Tom, 6. They are... the park. 7.1 can see her studying .. the library 8. Don't give the dictionary .. Ann, give it... Mary. 9. Which... these students can answer the question? 10. .. whom must you show our class-room? 49 Engleca intensiva de afacer IV. inlocuiti pronumele personale in cazul nominativ din parantezd cu pronume in cazurile datiy si acuzativ: 1. Give the books to (She). 2. Lend (1 your dictionary! 3. Ask (he) another question. 4.1 can see (they) in the park. 5. Don’t ask (they) so many questions. 6. Give (we) another example, please! 7. Give (1) an answer to my question. 8. Thank (she) for the pictures 9. Vcan see (you) reading in the library, 10. Show (1) your translation. V. Completati spatiile libere cu pronume interogative. Dati mai multe variante acolo unde este posibil: 1. .. of these pencils is yours? 2 .. can you see inthis picture? 3... is that handbag? 4, To “must you give the address? 5... is your friend, an economist or a doctor? 6... is this, ‘man? 7... is he like? 8... of these ladies is your teacher? 9. To .. must you thank for it? 10... ean you seein the park? VI. Traducep 1. Cine este prietenultiu? 2. Cum arti el? 3, E1 este nat gi frumos sau scund si gras? 4. Trebuie sii arat ce si serie, 5. Pe cine vedeti in tabloul numarul doi? 6. Cui trebuie si-i dati un raspuns? 7. [i vedem citind in biblioteca. 8. Aratati-miclasa dumneavoast, va rog, 9, Ale cui sunt cirile acelea de pe raft? 10. Care dintre studenti este prietenul tu? 11, Imprumuté- (lui) ditioneraltiu, te rog. 12. Muljumeste pentru dictionar. 13. Trebuie s& va art ce si traduceti. 14. Datiene un rispuns la intrebare. 15, Nu-i da adresa noastri, te rog. 16. Puteti sine dati un alt exemplu? 17, Ei sunt cu adevarat prieteni bun. 50 UNIT 10 WHAT COLOUR IS IT ? J. What colour is the wall? The wall is white, i is not blue, ‘The ceiling is also white and the floor is yellow. What cotout isthe door ofthis room? The door of this room is ight brown, The windows are light brown, too, 1s that pencil red or dark blue? That pencil is red, it isn’t dark blue. ‘This table is yellow, itis not green. “The grass is preen, the sky is blue, the blackboard is black. ‘What is your favourite colour? i ‘What is this table made of? This table is made of wood. ‘What may watches be made of? Watches may be made of gold, silver, nickel, steel or aluminium, ‘What is your watch made of? My watch is made of gold, it isn’t made of nickel What is her handbag made of Her handbag is made of leather, it is not made of plastic ‘material “What are books anade of? Books are made of paper. Is your dress made of silk, cotton or woo!? My dress is made of wool, It isn’t made of silk ‘Those houses are made of brick and stone. They are not made of concrete Plates and cups ere made of china, glass or metals. ‘What are the soles of your shoes made of? The soles of my shoes are made of leather, they aren't made of rubber. 11. Rooms may be bright or dark, large or small, prety or ugly: Houses may be big or small, high or low, new or old Persons may be young of old, strong or weak, fat or thin, tall or short, pleasant or ‘unpleasant. Mountains may be high or low, young or old Streets may be Jong or short, wide or narrow, dirty or clean. ‘Windows may be wide or narrow, open or shut. ‘Books may be good or bad, thick or thin. ‘Tables may be round, oval, square or rectangular Engleza intensivdde afacert ‘An exercise may be easy or difficult. ‘They may be merry or sad, happy ot unhappy. We are always present, we are never absent, We are always early, we are never late VOCABULARY shape [Jeip]s.- forma dark [da:K] adj. -intunecos,inchis (despre culori) small {smo:l] adj - mie low [lou] ad, - scund, jos old [ould] adj -vechi, batrin person [’po:sn] 5. ~petsoan strong [stron] adj. -puternic weak [wick] adj. slab street [srs] s,-strada long [Ton] ad - lung wide [waid] ad). tat, larg narrow [nzerou] adj. ingust ‘bad [beed] ad. iu round [raund] adj. - rotund square [skweo] adj -pltrat rectangular [rek’tengjuls] ad -drept- ‘unghiular ceasy ("iil adj. -ugor difficult 'difikolt] ad), - grew, dificil always ['alwaz] adv. -fntotdeauna never ["neva] adv, -niciodaté merry (‘meri adj - vese, bine dispus sad [sed] ad, trist pretty ["priti] adj -dragut, plicut ugly (agli) ad). - ust diy ['dosti] adj, - murdar clean [alin] adj. - curat happy ["heepi] adj. fericit ‘unhappy [an’hwpil adj. ~nefericit grass [grass] 8. iarba sky [skai] s.-cer ‘wood {wud] s. lemn | gold [gould] s. - aur silver [silva] s. -argint leather ["leda] s.-piele paper [‘peipa] s.-hirtie silk [silk] s. - mitase cotton ["kotn] s.- bumbae wool [wal] 6. - Ian brick [brik] s, - cirimid stone [stoun]s. - piatri | concrete [’kankrit] , - beton plate [peit]s, -farfurie ccup [Kap] s. - ceases china [’tJaina] s.- portelan sole [soul] s.-talpa rubber [’raba] s.- cauciue to be early [ali] - sosi devreme light green [lait] - verde deschis ‘what is this table made of? - din ee este cut aceast mas What colour isi? GRAMMAR ‘THE PREPOSITION Prepozitia ae Regul | Exemple Deck, in mod normal, o propozitie| Of what is this table made? Foropativd incepe cu un pronume| What is this table made af? - Din ce este interogativ precedat de 0 prepozitie, in] fcuth accasté masi? time vorbta, prepozitia trece la sfrsitul| To whom must you give the book? propozitiei gi se accentueaz. Whom must you give the book #0? = Cui. sebuie si-i dai cartea? EXERCISES I, Raspundefi la intrebiii: {. Whet colour is the wall? 2, What colour are the windows in your classroom? 3, What is your favourite colour? 4, What may watches be made of? 5, What is your coat mad of? U°AT your house made of brick? I big or small? 7, Are the plates on the tnble mate of Chins or of glass? 8. What shape is the table in your classroom? 9. Are these exercises easy Gr difficult? 10. Is she a weak or a strong person’ 11. Are they always present? IL, Dafi antonimul urmétoarelor adjective: big al, large, dark, narrow, old, shut, good, thin, present, early, happy. sad, low, strong, fat, easy, early. II. Completati spatiile libere 4) cu adjectivele corespunzétoare: 1, Persons may be ...2. Colours may be...» 3. Houses may be... 4. Mountains may be 5. Dictionaries may be ... 6. Rooms may be... 7, Doors may be... 8. Texts may be... 9. Exercises may be... 10, Questions may be ) cu substantivele corespunzitoare: 1. My dress may be made of ...2. Watches may be made of ...3. Shoes may be made of 4. Tables may be made of ... 5. Plates and cups are made of... 6. Handbags may be made of ...7. Fountain-pens may be made of. inplezaintensva de afaceri 1V, Datinegativul,interogativul siinterogativ-negativulurmitoarelorpropeciti: rhe toler of this dress is light green. 2. The table in our classroom is rectangul 5 That door is shut. 4 They ae always present. 5. Tom is tall and thin. 6, Our classroom js large and bright. V,. Adauga intrebitri disjunctive la propocitile date in exercinul IV. VI. Transformagi urmitoarele propoziti conform modelului: Model: To whom must you write? ‘Whom must you write to? 1. 'To whom must you lend the dictionary? 2. Of what are plates made? 3. To whom must Jou give this fountan-pen? 4. To whom most you show our Hbrary? 5. Of what is this {watch made? 6, To whom must he write a leter? VIL. Dati pluralul urmétoarelor propositit: yee hae ite square or rectangular? 2. 1 am always present. 3, My house is made of Gonarete 4. That classroom is bight, 5. My watch is made of gold, 6, Isher dress made of cnt cotton? 7. She is never absent. 8, 1 that cup made of china? 9. This exercise is not easy. 10. He is young and handsome. VIL. Traduceti: {Masa ese dreptunghiulard sau patrati? 2. Traducerea aceasta este usoard, nu este Bree vantage? 3. Carle noastre sunt groase, nu sunt subj. 4. Casa Tor este din piatr sau din peraas, Dine po fi facutetarturile si cestile? 6, Rochia ei con now de matase este foarte Feimogsd si elegant, 7. Noi suntem intotdeauna prezent, nu lipsim niciodat. § A) Cv EMweaietal acelaalbastra de pe pupitru? 9. Pritenit nostri auo castimare si luminoas 10. Ei pot sa rispund& la aceste intrebai. 11. Traducerea este imtotdeauna Brea, mu este ‘usoard, 12. Din ce este ficuti poseta ta? i i : i ; : i ‘ i ‘yoo UNIT TI LET US LEARN ENGLISH tier is our classroom. Behind the teacher's desk there isa blackboard and in front of i there arc ten desks and a Jot of chairs (On the teacher's desk there isan English book and apiece of chalk. Under the teacher's desk there is a paper basket (om the walls opposite the windows there is a map. ‘There are three lamps over the desks, In the lef-hand comer of the room there is a book-case, On the book-shelf near the door Tone are books and on the book-sbelf on its right, a litle below it, you ean see some Glatonaries, Above these book-shelves, on the wall, there is a picture. Next to the door Greve isa pee, Through the window we can see the street, The street is long and wide, Next tioor to our classroom is the school library. — Mr. Brown, stand up, please! Come to the blackboard! Now you are at the blackboard. “Take the chall- and waite the word "pencil" on the blackboard, please! Thank you! Go back to your seat! — Come in, please! Come into the classroom! Now you are in the classroom. Sit down, please! Look atthe blackboard! Read the word on te blackboard, please! Thank you! «Mr Smith, take that book and give it to me! Take it from me and put it into the bag! ‘Take it out of your bag and put it on the desk! Thank you! Mr. Black, take this map from the table and put it in front of us! Show us the map, please! — Mr Gree, puton your overcoat and goto the door, please! Open the door! Go out inte the passage! — Miss Reid, come in, please! Take off your coat, sit down and let us do the exercises 55 ae ngleza intensivd de afacer VOCABULARY behind [bi*haind] prep. - in spatele between [bi*¢wisn] prep. - inure piece (pis) s.~ bucata shelf [felf] s.- raft book-shelf [’bukfelf] s.- raft cu citi under ['ands] prep. - sub, dedesubtul basket ['ba:sit]s. - €0§ opposite ['2pazit} prep. - in fata, vizavi over [‘ouva] prep - deasupra, peste comer [*ka:n9] s.- colt ‘with wi6] prep. eu below [bi"lou] prep - sub, dedesubt above {2"bav] prep. - deasupra, peste pee [peg] s.- euler through [@ru:] prep. - prin people ["pitpl] s.- oameni, popor library [Tabrori] s,- biblioteca to stand up fto'stend’ap] -a se ridica in picioare ‘out faut] adv, afar int {"intu] prep. - patrundere) (exprima ideea de 10 look at {to"luk’aet} v.- ase uita la to pul [Lo"pul] v= a pase up [ap] adv. - sus, in sus down [daun] adv. - jos overcoat [‘ouvakout] s. -mantou in front of [feant] ~ in fata im the left-hand comer - in colt din stinga next to the door [nekst] - ing usd om its right [rit] - la dreapta sa next door to our classroom - prima camer’ de liga clasa noastra go out into the passage ["peesidg] - iesiti pe coridor to come in - a intra in the midale of ['midl] in mijlocul to put something on [sami -a se ‘imbrica cu ceva to take out of ..~a scoate din to take something off fof] - se dezbrica ‘de cova, a scoate 0 hain let's do! ["ets'du] - 88 face! Let us learn English one GRAMMAR | I. SPACE PREPOSITIONS Prepozitiile spatiale work II. THE IMPERATIVE MOOD ‘Modul imperativ | Afirmativ _._Negativ _ Let me go! Don't let me go! Got! Don't go! Let him go! Don't let him go! Let her go! Don't let her go! i Let it go! Don't let it go! I Lotus go! Don't et us go! 4 | Got Don’t go! ! | Let them go! Don't go! t Don't let them go! ; Forme contrase Let's go! Don't let's go! i Let'em go! Don't let'em go! : inglesa intensivd de afaceri EXERCISES 1. Réispundeti ta intrebiiris 1. Whose classroom is this? 2, What is there behind the teacher's desk? 3. What is there in front of the teacher's desk” 4” What is there on the teacher's desk? 5. What is there under theteacher’s desk? 6. What can you see on the wall opposite the windows? 7. What i there ihn left hand corner ofthe classroom? 8. What can you see on the bouk-sbclves?9. What ‘can you see above the book: shelves? 10. What can you see through the window? 11. What fs there next door to our classroom? 12. Can the students read the words onthe blackboard? II. Completati spafile libere cu articole: 1. Come ito. classroom, please! 2. Look at... Blackboard! 3. Miss Brown, take ... book and give it to me. 4, Mr. Black, ake .. map from .. able and put iin front of us. 3. Behind imteacher’s desk there is a blackboard. 6. There ate three lamps over .. desks. 7. In iefchand comer of. room there is a bookcase. 8: Above .. book-shelves, on .. wal there isa picture. 9. Through ... window we can see. street, 10, Take .. book out of your bag, and put iton .. table, IIL. Urmétoarele prepozitii au fost omise. Completati spatiile libere: to, from, of, on, at, over| 1. ws the teacher's desk there is an English book and a piece of chalk. 2. Look at the blackboard. 3... the teacher's desk there is a paper basket. 4, There are three lamps .. the ‘desks. 5... the book-shelves, . the wall there is a picture. 6. .. the window we can see the ‘Steet, 7. Come ... the blackboard! 8 Take the book ... the shelfand put it. your bag. 9. There are many people... the stret. 10, Show the map .., them not. Us. IV. Urmétoarele verbe au fost omise din textul de mai jos, Completati spatiile libere. count, write, £0, | open, come, put, translate, lend, look. from one to ten! in, please! your book and... exercise number ten! 1 2. 3 4, «to the door, please! 5, .. on your overcoat. 6 them the dictionary! one. as Let us learn Englis +7. the new words in your exercise-books. fat the blackboard, please! 1, Treceti urmétoarele propociti la negativ: Ye Tretet date the new text! 2. Let him count from one to tent 3, Let him g9 tthe 1, Lets tai a Let her read the lesson! 5. Le’ repeat all the words! 6. Open the doer. vital Levine ask you a guestion! 8. Let hem go ou nto the pak! bt her write the eae Jason the blackboard! 10, Let him put the map onthe wal! 11- Let him answer ow. 12. Let them ask those questions. VI. Descriefi clasa. VIL. Traducefi: Fn rattle, it mai depart, Aro! 2. in fata pupitelor stdenior este bir! 1 Mann 3 Deasupea ferestelor sunt we use. 4. Copal de hi ete yh bro re feorly 5 Unde este biblioteca gai 6. a terogobucal de cet soe exerci 7 Tachi che rept dup profesor. 8: Nupune seal asa sn mijlocul Pea, \igavi de seoala noast este un parc frumos, 10, Prieteni nostri nu sunt in pare, sunt la ora de englezi. UNIT 12 TELLING THE TIME There are one thousand years in a millennium, one hundred years in acentury and ten years ina decade, ‘A year has 12 months or 52 weeks. The names of the months of the year are of Latin origin: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. A month has 30 or 31 days. February has 28 days in an ordinary year and 29 days in a leap year. : ‘There are four weeks in a month, fourteen days and nights ina fortnight and seven days in a week: six week (working) days and a holiday. The names of the days of the week are of English (Saxon) origin: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ‘The day before today is yesterday and the day before yesterday is called the day before yesterday; the day after today is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow is called the day after tomorrow. ‘A day has 24 hours, The moments of the day are: morning, noon (midday), afternoon, ‘evening, midnight and night. ‘There are two twelve-hour periods in a day. They are: a.m. (Latin ante meridiem, or inthe ‘moming), and p.m. (Latin post meridiem, or in the afternoon). We can tell the time by a clock ora watch. ‘An hour has 60 minutes and a minute has 60 seconds. There are 30 minutes in a half an hour and 15 minutes in a quarter of an hour. Ann Please look at the clocks in the picture! Can you tell me the time? Bob Of course, I can: itis five(minutes) past three. It is ten (minutes) past four, It is twenty-five (minutes) past six, Its twenty-five (minutes) to seven, It is a quarter to nine. It is ten o'clock sharp. ‘Ann Have you got a watch? Bob Yes, Uave. Ann What time is it by your watch? Bob By my watch itis twenty-five to two, but my watch is fas, It is five minutes fast. The clock on the wal ofthe classroom is right. ‘Ann So, the right time is half past one. What day is it today’ (What's the date today?) Bob Today isthe fifteenth of November, 199... It's November the 15th, 199. 60 Telling the time ‘Ann Wen is your birthday? Bob It's on the 26th of May. ‘Ann What's today? (What day is it?) Bob It's Friday. Today is Friday. “Ann When have you got your English classes? ‘Bob We've got our English classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at o'clock in the moming, VOCABULARY time (taim] 0. timp year [ja] s.~an rillennium [mi"Teniom] s.-mileniv century ['sent Jari] s. - seco] month {man6] s.~ lund week [witk] s.- siptimand ight {ait s.- noapte fortnight ["focnait] s - 0 perioadl de dout siptimsni weekday (working day) 'wiskde] s.-21 lucratoare holiday ("holies - sarbatoare before [bf] prep. -iainte de, dinintea (emporal) yesterday ["jestodi] adv ier | after afta prep. dupd, im uma | tomorrow [ta’morou] adv, - mine leap year [lisp] ~anbisex hhour ['aua] s.- ord ‘noon [nun] s.~amiazi midday ("middei] - amis ridnight ['midnait] s. -miezul nop lock [klak] s. - ceas (de perete, de masa) half Tha] s. jumaate quarter ["kwort] s.-sfer past [past] prep. - recut de (temporal) to [tu] prep - pan (la) (temporal) | so {soul conj. - asadar, prin urmare date [deit]s.- dat 6 Engleca intensvdde afaceri binaday [bode] s.-zide nastere | March (mat is called kad) -este nmi, semumese | April (eipta) tovell ihe time a spine teste casul | May {meil from ... tll. [from .. il]-de la... pina la | June [4gucn] (temporal) Juiy [dgu:lai) itisten o'clock sharp [japl-estcor | august oat cece fix September [sep'tembo} ctober [ok’touba} ‘November {now verbo} December [di'semba} ‘what time is it by your watch? - cat este ‘ora dupa ceasul tau? | my watch is wrong (is not correct) = ceasu] meu nu merge bine is your watch fast? - ceasul tiu merge | inainte? | Saxon (sweksn] js your watch slow? - ceasul tix rimane in | uma? ‘Sunday [‘sandi} ‘the right time - ora exacti ‘Monday [mandi] Tuesday ['tiuzdi] Wednesday [‘wenzdi] Latin ("letin] | Thursday ("@2:zdi) | dy (aii January [-dgeenjuari} Saturday [sedi Febuary Peat | VOCABULARY PRACTICE 1. Raspundeti la intrebari exersdind vocabularul aditional: When asking the time we can say: ‘What time is it, please? ‘What's the time by your watch? Can you'tell me the right time, please? Can you tell me what time itis? What time is it now? What's the time now? Please, tll me the time. Would you please tell me the time? 2 ees 2, What are the possible answers to these questions? The possible answers are: reset o'elek sharp i's abou eight i’smearly eight i's almost eights not yet ci Teta ter eight 8 few minutes afer eight. Can we say the fieen tye (hy i ive instead quae pas tree haf pat ive ora quarter 6 mine es, yoy fori ng. the times of tains of aeroplanes, How ean you tll the difference ele elock inthe day and twelve ‘clock a night? Twelve o'clock at night is her snidnight, when telling the time, we can add the Jeter a.m.; twelve | “ee daytime is "midday" of "noon". After midday, when lig the time, we can “midmght”s fad the letters p.m Go round the clock! 3, What are the four rules? “The four rules are: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. ‘How much is six plus thee? Six plus three or six added to three is nine. How much is six minus three? ‘Six minus three or three (subtracted) from six is three, How much is six multiplied by three? ‘Six multiplied by three or six times three is eighteen. How much is six devided by three? Six devided by three is wo. elle the nme Engleza intensivd de afacers ___ GRAMMAR THE NUMERAL ‘Numeralul aun ‘Numerale cardinale 1 Numerale ovdinale 1 one the first 2 two | the second 3 three the thind 4 four | the fourth 5 five the fifth 6 six the sixth 7 seven | the seventh 8 eight the eighth 9 nine the ninth 10 ten the tenth 11 eleven the eleventh 12 twelve the twelfth 13 thirteen the thirteenth 14 fourteen ‘the fourteenth 15 fifteen | the fifteenth 16 sixteen the sixteenth 17 seventeen the seventeenth 1Beighteen the eighteenth 19 nineteen the nineteenth 20 twenty the twentieth 21 ewenty-one the twenty-first 2 twentyswo the ewenty-second 30 thirty the thirtieth 35 thiny-five the thirty-fifth 40 forty the fortieth 50 fifty the fiftieth 60 sixty the sixtieth 70 seventy tite seventieth 80 eighty the eightieth 90 ninety the ninetieth 100 a (one) hundred the hundredth 101 a (one) hundred and one the hundred and first | 1251 (one) hundred and twenty five | the hundred and wenty-FA | 200 oe ante | the two hundredth 300 three hundred the three hundredth 500 five hundred the five hundredth aoceensseeeaaeeee eee ea 64 Telling the sine . ea | ‘Numerale ordinale | Rta ities) eee mtd aiid | {Toot fone thousand | the thousands | | 1[o0$ a (one) thousand and five | the one thousand and fifth | | 3.005 os} usand wo hundred and | the hes thoustd we inundred and |e ere pe eyes | | 10,000 ten thousand ) the tem thousuandth | | oc0oun wre eusndtine | hesn-sven thse tne ns | |e pad and iy our nd eighy-fourth | ) 594.267 five hundred and Tighty-four | the five hundred and eighty-four thousand) | thousand two hundred and two hundred and sixty-seventh | sixty-seven | | (000,000. (one) illic | the millionth cal =) + = Ges 1 ere] e d=) += Ge 65 Englec intonsiva de afaceri = numeralele "hundred", "thousand" si ‘million” mu se folosesc la plural dupa un ‘numeral cardinal; = punctul care se folosestein limba roménd| pentra a separa ciftele este inlocuit cu) virgul’, b. intrebuintare + pentru a exprima ora; = pentru a exprima ani 2, Numeralele ordinale a. Formare = se formeazi adiugand sufixul -th 1a] umeralul cardinal corespunzaitor (cu| exceptia numeralelor 1,2, 3); = prezinta particularititi ortografice urmatoarele numerale: = la numeralele terminate in transforma in ie si adauga -th; = numeralul ordinal este precedat de articolul hotarat "the"; = jn cazul numeralelor compuse, numai ultima cif este un numeral ordinal 2 se| b. intrebuintare yentru a exprima data 66 Reguli Exemple_ 1. Numerale cardinale 2. Formare ~ numeralele intre 13 119 se formeazi cu) six sixteen ajutorul sufixului teen; nine - nineteen = mumeralele 20, 30, 40 ...90 se formeazi}_ six - sixty cu ajutoral sufixului ty; nine - ninety ~ prezinta particularitati ortografice| thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty, thirty, urmitoarele numeral: forty, fifty, eighty + intre zeci si unitat se pune liniuts twenty-one thiny-five - inte sute gi zeci sau intre sute si umitati) four hundred and twenty-five (425) se pune conjunctia "and; two hundred and two (202) three hundred and one (301) four thousand five hundred and thirty-one (4,531) 1,324,526 3:20. - It's twenty (minutes) past three ~ ‘este ora trei si dowtzeci (de minute) 1984 - nineteen hundred and eighty-four sau, in limba vorbiti, se prefera formal nineteen eighty-four four - the fourth six the sixth the fifth, the eighth, the nineth, the twelfth twenty - the twentieth ‘the first, the second 235 - the two hundred and thirty-fifth ‘Today it isthe first of January 198 este 1 januarie 1984. ae Telling the tome EXERCISES 1. Raspundeti la intrebéri: 1 Rast thre na cet? 2- ow many dye ate then SH" > 3 How ma Yep in ager? How many week at thersn month How ney may mere sna ontn? 6. How many days arc there na week’ 7- Whi ae the months dave year? 8, What are ihc days of the week? “Which is the first day of the week? of Ye tei nth ofthe year 1, Which mth November? 12 Whats io, Whe ch it wong? 14, What yf ttiy? 18. What te 1° 16 When is your birthday? ‘au fost omise. Completati spafile bere. [escent of, before, by, at, on, in II, Urmatoarele prepo: 1. The names af the months . the year are... Latin origin. 2, There are ten years .. decade, 3. The day .. today is yesterday. “4. We can tell the time .. a clock or a wateb. 45, Theve are 30 minutes .. halfan hour. 6... wy watch itis five minutes .. Wo. 37, We have got our English classes .. Friday. 8, How much is six multiplied .. three? 49, Twelve o'clock ... the daytime is midday 10, Twelve o°elock .. night is midnight. 11. My birthday is. the 20th .. June, IIL, Daji interogativul, negativul si interogativ-negativul urmdioarelor proporitié: a eesca new seatch, 2. Is eight o'clock sharp. 3. My watch is ten minvics slow. 4, Today itis my birthday. 5. The clock on the wall is wrong, IV, Adéugati ntrebdiri la propozitile date in exercfiul III V. Completati urmatoarele propoziti {pebeindy har 29 days in.» 2. There are fourteen days and fourteen nights eee eee eof the day are... 4, Jina millennium there ae .. 5. na month there ee a (rina cebtury there are ... 7, There are 52 weeks in... 8. In an hour there are OC tae minute there ate... 10. There are twelve months it a Engieza imensivi de afaceri VI. Cititi si traduceti: ‘Thirty days have September, April, June and November; Al the rest have thisty-one Excepting February alone ‘Which has but twenty-eight days clear [And twenty-nine in each leap year VIL. Traduceti: 1, Sunt 7 zile ito siptimnd, 4 siptimant int-o tung, 12 luni intr-un an, 10 ani intrun deceni, 100 de ani intrun seco! si 1000 de ani intr-un mileniu. 2. Ce dati este astizi? 5. Numele zilelor siptimanit sunt de origine saxon, iar numele Tunilor anulut sunt de drigine lating, 4 Care este a zecea lund anului, dar atria? 5, Care este a suptea zi a ‘iptaménii, dar a patra? 6 in aii biseoifebruarie are 29 de zie. 7. O or are 60 de minute fi un minut are 60 de secunde. 8, fnt-o jumatate de ori sunt 30 de minute, ar int-un sfert Seo vant numai 15 minute. 9, Suntem in secolul al XX-lea. 10. Int-o saptamand sunt fase zle lcratoare so sirbatoare 11, Cand este ua ta de nastere? 68 UNIT 18 WE ARE HAVING OUR ENGLISH CLASS 1. Ibis Friday moming. We are having our English class. The teacher is explaining « new grammar rate He is teaching us the Present Tense Continuous Aspect. He s writing Some exemples on the blackboard. What are we doing? We are looking at the Sentences on the blackboard and listening to the teacher's explanations. What are ‘We going to do next? Next, we are going to write down the sentences in our exercise-books, 2. A fellow student who is late is opening the door. May I come in, please? Of course, you ‘may, Now he is going to his seat, is sitting down, is taking his English book and texercise-books out of his portfolio and is putting them on his desk, Next, we are ‘going to practise inthe language laboratory Engiecaintensivd de afaceri 5, Look at this picture! Are we sitting or standing? We ae sitting, The young woman whom you can see standing is Miss Ann, What i she doing? She is reading. Is Miss Ann ng the newspaper? No, she isn’t. Miss Annis reading a new lesson. Next, she is going to retell it, We are going to talk about the text. The text about which we are going to talk is very easy. Next, we are going to write a report on it. 4, What are we doing now? We are having a test in English. We are writing a dictation ‘The teacher is dictating the text slowly, sentence by sentence, Next, we are going to-put dawn the pens and close our exercise-books. The man to whom we are going, to hand our exercise-books is our teacher, who is going to correct our text. ‘Mary Wat is the teacher doing? “Jolin He is calling the rol. Nobody is missing, We are all present. Next, he is going to the questions and we are going to answer them. ‘Mary What is your friend doing? I John She is reading a text, Next, she is going to write down the new words, one ein bt VOCABULARY todo toda] v= fe \ that {Oet] pronzel.~ care | veya uiksplea]v.-nexplicn | teteach ott] ¥. a pred, ava pe cine, semen sass Superlatival absolut se formeazt din] fadjectivul la gradul pozitv, precedat de} | adverbele very (foarte), terribly (teribil Ge), extremely (extrem de) ee. | Formeazi gradele de comparatie dupa] aceste reg: \ | 9) adjecvele monosibices b) adjectivele bisilabice terminate in: -ple \y “ow oot Cid se adaugt sufixele -er,-est, - adjectivele terminate in "e" pierd acest et final; -agjectivele monosilabice terminate intt-o| consoanii precedati de 0 singurd vocal |) scurta dubleaza consoana final «la adjectivele terminate in -y, precedat de ‘6 consoang, y se transforma in f; la adjectivele terminate in -y precedat de 6 vocala, y rimane neschimbat. 2, Comparatia analitica |“ Comparativul de superioritate si super lativul relativ se formeazi din adjectivul lagradul pozitiv precedat de adverbele ‘more si the most; ~ Comparativul de egatitate si superlativul absolut se formeazi urmand regulile aplicabile la comparatia sintetic&; | simple, simpler, the simplest The seasons Exemple very shoxt | ‘mild, milder, the mildest easy, easier, the easiest narrow, narrower, the narrowest clever, cleverer, the cleverest noble, nobler, the noblest large, larger, the largest big, bigger, the biggest ‘easy, easier, the easiest | gay, gayer, the gayest beautiful, more beautiful, the most beauti- ful ‘as beautiful as Comparsivu de inferioritte se formes | din adjectival a gradal pozitiv precedat Ge aver les. Ancest tip de comparatie se aplicd ta jeciveleplurisilabice | tes beutiflthan | | { t Engleza imtensivi de afaceri EXERCISES I. Raspundeti ta intrebiri: 1, How many seasons are there in a year? In wht season do you see flowers and birds? 3. What is the weather like in summer? 4, How js the weather in autumn? 5, What sort of weather is tin winter? (6. What does a spring day look like? I Format adjective cu ajutorul suficului -y-: Model: sun - sunny i snow, rain, wind, fog, storm, cloud, drought, breeze, frost, dust ILL fnlocuiti cuvintele subliniate cu antonimele lor: 1. The days are getting shorterand the nights longer. 2. Itis hot today. 3. The sun rises inthe east. 4 is very late. 5. That exercise is difficult. 6. He is young, tall and strong. 7. She is always present. 8. I've got a new, thick dictionary. 9. Iis sunny today. 10. My watch is slow. IV, Urmatoarele cuvinte au fost omise din text. Completafi textul. just and, in, at, during, but, from, into, in, my, temperate, at noon 1... my country itis hot and the day just little eooler at night. 2,1 think .. country has fc elimnate. 3... dawn the sun is .. rising. 4, A cool breeze is blowing .. the east, .. there dare no clouds .. the sky. 5. Gradually the breeze turns .. a wind, 6. Clouds appear, and the sky is overcast. V. Gasiti verbul corespunzitor fiecdrui substantiv: winter falls the wind thunders the rain lightns the snow blows the sun get red the thunder sbines the lightning comes the leaves sets in ne One The seasons Soe seserensese ys oreeeee eee VE. Dati gradele de comparatie ale urmiétoarelor adjective: Uy cook bot shor, cold, small, wide, young, heavy, mild, bright, large, clever, ark Sao Sov, ffcalt, fit, stong, merry, low, high, new, interesting, weak, tl, narrow, thin Tong, sad, yellow, beautiful VIN, Inlocuiti adjectivul dat in parantezit la gradul pozitiv cw gradul de comparatie corespunzitor. Dati mai multe variante acolo unde este posibit: 1. Which is (cold) season of the year? 2. Our house is (big) yours. 3. This is (bright) room Jour house. 4. Who is (ft), Mary or Ann? 5. John is (handsome) Nick, 6. Nick is (tall) ‘ran in our family. 7. Which is (rainy) season of the year? 8. Jane is (beautiful) Mary. OD This exercise is (easy) than that one. 10. Today the weather is (fie) yesterday, 11. In ‘Great Britain winters are (mild) and summers are (cool) in our country. 12, Tom is (young) {nour family. 13. This is (interesting) book I have ever read. 14. Which is (droughty) reaion Fe our country? 15. Who is (short) the three girls? 16. Which is the region with (Low) temperatures in our country? VIM. Compuneti un dialog cu titlul "Which season do you like best”, folosind ‘cuvinte si expresii din text si vocabularul aditional. IX, Traduceti 1 in tanle unde clima este secetoasi, ploué foarte rar, dar atunci cénd plows, sunt furtuni pulemice si uragane. 2, Primivar, vemea est schimbatoare; soarelestlluceste dar plow vatal de des. 3. Noiembrie este luna de toamna cu ploi si burnite. 4. Astizi este 0 2i mai putin insort coral ete acoperit cu nori mari si neg, vntl suf tare iar plaia na se ma Epreste. 5 Anul acesta iama a inceput mai devreme decit anu teat. 6, Imi place vara. Secs cant nai lungs si noptile sunt mai scurte det vara. 7. in Marea Britanie jenile sunt nai blande si verile sunt mai reci decit in Rominia, 9. Buletin meteorologic: Vreme rece. ant moderat din est. Vantul va sufla cu o vitezA de 5 met pe secunda, Ploui pe alocuri; Searasi dimineat, eatin nordul tri. 10, Desi vemea este foarte schimbatoare,primavara ramdne cel mai frumos anotimp al anulu 7 | | UNIT 19 THE FAMILY THE WILSON FAMILY ‘The Wilsons live in a semi-detached house quite far from our. Iti a four-member family lnusband, wife, daughter and son i Mr. Richard Wilson is 41 years old. He is a sales manager and works for 40 hours a week and eams a quite good salary. He starts work t 9:00 in the moming and finishes at 5:30 in the evening. It takes him 20 minutes to drive to the office every morning Mrs. Helen Wilson his wie, isa typist. She is 35 years old, 6 years younger than he. She isa prety wornan, indeed. She is thin and tall, black-haired and blue-eyed. She works locally and goes to her office by bus. ‘Their elder son Mike is 15, he is schoolboy. He is a handsome young man, brown-haired and has large dark brown-eyes. Lucy, their daughter, is about 12. She is plump and quite shor for her age, but she hopes she will get thinner. Her brother, Mike is better at sports. He is the best at math in his form, But Lucy doesn’t care for math much, she prefers music. Richard Wilson's parents have already retired on a pension. They are very fond of Helen, their daughter-in-law and granddaughter ~ who often goto see them. Richard Wilson's brother, Robert Wilson is married to Margie Wilson. He i also an uncle and he has a nephew and two nieces. Helen, his wife is their aunt and Lucy and Mike are their cousins. 118 One John Where do you live? The family The Hison family George | live with my parents and grandparents in Bucharest John Fave you got any sisters and brothers? George Yes, lave. Lave one brother and two sisters. John — Axe they older than you? George My brotes is ulder than I but my sisters are all younger John Does your brother live in Bucharest? George No. Hes the only one who lives in Brasov. He is married there, and has his fily ‘can tell you I'm very happy to see him from time to time. VOCABULARY Iusband [?hazband] s.- sot daughter ["do:t} s. fied wife [waif] - sotie son [san] s. ~ fiu to cam, ed [sin] v. - a cistiga to start, ed [stat] v.-a incepe to finish, ed ['finij] v. -2 termina, a sfiryi to take, took, taken [tei tuk, tik] v.~a ua to drive, drove, driven [draiv, drouy, *drivan] v. -a conduce, a merge cu masina eye [ai] s.- ochi pretty ‘priti) adj.- drigut to hope [houp] v. - aspera parents [‘pearants)s. - print parents-in-law ["peorantsinlo:] s. ~ socri father-in-law {'fa:6(@)inls:] s. - socra ‘mother-in-law ['ma0(a}inls:] s. - soacrit ‘grandchildren ["graent[ilds(o)a]s. -nepot de bunici | brother ["brado] s. - frate | sister [sista]. - sort handsome [haendsom] adj. -frumos, | ehines to prefer, preferred, ed [pr'fal] v.~a | prefers rath mse] - materatici | she wil get thinner- va sabi sales manager [seilz "maenido] - director | comercial daughter-int | grand-daughter ['grentdo:ta] - nepoat (dupa bunici) nephew {'nevju:] s.~nepot (de matuss gi unchi) niece [niss]s.~nepoat (de matust si [et | seek snc aunt [ant]. - matugt | cousin [kxzn] 5.- Vir, verisoard 9 intensive afecers VOCABULARY PRACTICE Raspundeti la intrebari exersand vocabularul adifional 1, Who are the parents in a family? the father au the mother only How do you call the other members of the family? the relatives or the relations When two persons are married: How is the man called? How is the woman called? the husbandiwife What do father and mother of the husband become? ‘the father-in-law/mother-in-law 5. What do the husband and wife become? the son-in-law/daughter-in-law 6. How do you call the parents in the case of second marriage? fa step-father/a step-mother their children are: step-son/step-daughter 7. What relatives/relations do you know? brotherisister nephew/niece father-in-lawimother-in-law son-in-law/daughter-in-law uncle/aunt cousin Others: fiance/fiancée bride/bridegroom god-father/god-mother g0d-son/god-daughter ‘widowhood! - widower/widow wedding'wedding-feast'wedding guest best-man divorced - divorce - divoroée separated bbachelor/spinster “At this precise moment, how many marriages do you think are breaking up right in front of us?” 120 One The family, The Wilson family I GRAMMAR ‘THE IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES Comparatia neregulata a adjectivelor Pozitiv | (Comparativ |_good (bun) better ["beta] (mai bun) the best [best] (cel mai bun | bad (bed (ru) worse {wes} (mai riu, mail the worst [wa:st] (cel mai | ill fil] oinavy boinav) ru, cel mai boinav) i | rmuch{mstf] (mult) | more {mar] (mai mult, mai) the most {moust) (cel mai i | many [‘meni] (multi, | mult, mai multe) ‘mult, cei mai multi, cele i} | |_nutte mai multe) | | litle ie] (putin) Jess [les] (ami putin) the least [list] (cel mai | | putin k old [ould] (vecki, batrin) | older ['oulds] (mai vechi,| the oldest ["ouldist] (cel}) i | | ‘mai bitin) ‘mai vechi, cel mai bitrin) | | elder [elds] (folosit numail the eldest ['eldist] (folosit atributiv) (mai in varstl, mail numaiatributiv) (cel mai in| batrin, referitor la persoane| varsti, cel mai batran, din acceasi familie) referitor la persoane din i aceeasi familie) i | ‘ar [f:} (depart) farther [fu:b0) (nai depastat,| the farthest [fads] (eel b | cellalt) smai departat ~ ca distanta) further{"fe:6a) (mai departat;| the furthest ['fardist] (cel I suplimentar, aditional) ‘mai departat - ca timp) / late [leit] (tirziu) ater ["leita] (mai tirziu) the latest ["leitist] (cel mai| ‘ the latter ["neta] (cel de-al) trziu, cel mai recent, cel doilea, ultiml din doi) | mai nou) i the last [last] (ultimul) | near {nia} (apropiat nearer["niara] (mai apropiat)| the nearest ["norist} (cel ‘mai apropiat) the next [nekst] (urm torul | | 121 intensid de afacer EXERCISES 1. Raspundeti la intrebairi: 1, Where do the Wilsons live? 2. How large is their family? 3. How old is Mr, Wilson? 4, Whats Richard Wilson? 5, What time does Richard Wilson stat his work and what time does he finish i? 6, How does Richard Wilson get to his office? 7. What is Mr, Wilson's Wife? 8, What does she look like? 9. How does she wet to lit office? 10. Who is Miko? How does be look like 11. Who is Lucy? Does she care for math? 12. What does she prefer? 13. Are Richard Wilson's parents sill working? 14. Who are the other relatives of Richard Wilson? Il, Completati spatile libere cu substantivul corespuncitor: 1, My wife's parents are my .... 2. My brother's son is my .... 3. My sister's husband is my....4. My wife's sister is my .. 5, My sister's daughter is my... 6. My mother's sister smy ...7, My father's brother is my... 8. My uncle's children are my ....9. My son's children are my... . 10. My daughter's daughter is my . IM. Dati gradele de comparatie ale urmitoarelor adjective. Aledtuiti propozi old, far, good, near, bad, much, lat, il little, many. IV, Inlocuiti cuvintele subliniate cu antonimele lor: 1. This exereise is easy for us. 2, I have litle time today. 3. We've gota ig .. house. 4. It is meat the faculty. 5. ive in a parraw street. 6. These mountains are very high. 7. We've ota large classroom, 8. Its a bight room. 9. All the windows of our classroom are shut 10, Itis too garly now. 11, She is very thin, V. Completati spatiile libere cu prepoziti 1 He works ... 40 hours a week. 2. He stars work ... 9:00 .. the morning and finishes 5:30... the evening, 3. Ittakes him 20 minutes to drive . the office every morning. 4, She is plump and quite short... hr age. 5. He is the best. math .. his form. V1. Studiati arborele genealogic al familiei John White (married = m,) Mary Smith Henry White Jane White m,Susan Blake mie Brown John White ‘Ann White George Brown mMargaret Marsh_m.Tom Carey ‘m.Diang Thmpson Helen White Frank Carey MaryBrown Alice Brown 122 One The family. The Wison family VI. Formulatiintrebari pentru rispunsurile de mai jos. Urmarititabelul de mai sus. Model: What is Susan Blake to Henry White? She is Henry White's wife a) b) o.. 4) °) oy 1) He’s Henry White's son. b) He's Margaret Marsh's husband, ) She's Henry's and Margaret's daughter. 4) She's Henry’s and Susan's daughter. ) She's John White's sister. VIII. Urméitoarele cuvinte au fost omise din text. Completati textul. nephew, quite, nieces, better, already, thinner, pension, the best, age 1. She is plump and .. short for her age, but she hopes she will get... 2. Her brother Mike is... at sports. He is. at math in his form. 3. Richard Wilson’s parents have .. retired on a. 4, He is also an uncle and he has a... and two IX. Folosifi cuvintele date in parantezi la gradul de comparatie corespunzitor; dati mai multe variante unde este posibil: 1. Mary hopes to get (thin), 2. Roberti five years (old) than I am. 3. He is (old) of us. 4. Richard is (good) at sport than Mary is. 5. My wife is 4 years (young) than 1am. 6. My son is (good) sportsman in the family. 7. Elisabeth is (young) of us. 8. My house is (far) from the center of the city than yours. 9. Today I have (much) spare time than yesterday 10. My (old) brother is an engineer. 11. What is (late) book written by hitm? 12. Nick is always (late) one to come. 13. You have (many) English books as I have. 14. Who is your (good) friend? 15, Have you got any (far) questions to ask me? 16, What must we write for (hear) time? 17, We can talk about it (late). 18. (Many) of us have already repeated all the texts, 19. There is (much) tea in that cup as inthis one, 20. There are (many) new words in this text than in that one 123 X. Traduceti 1 Familia ei locuieste in Bucuresti 2. Casa lor este situata pe 0 stradii destul de Tinistitt 3. Fratele meu cel mai mare este economist si lucreazi de doi ani lao firma de caleulatoare computers), 4. Aceasti tint este fiica fratelui meu, este nepoata mea cea mai mare S Nepotul tueste elev sau student? 6, Neducem adesea sane viitam buuivi are locuiese io altoras, 7, Unnitorul oras are dou muzee rentumite. 8, Intotdeauna vine prim! si pleacd diltimul, 9, Cine urmeaza? 10. Cei mai multi dintre noi isi au familia la tar. 11. Este rca put ne cunoastem toate rudele. 12. Biroul directoralui se afl la celalt capat al orasulu. 124 UNIT 20 YOUR WAY THROUGH LIFE Your way through life is work. Therefore, many names come from occupations. This means that one of our ancestors was a carpenter, a shepherd, a smith or a cooper. A smith was a ‘man whose job was to work in metal, while a cooper’s job was to make barrels. OF course, these names were chosen almost nine hundred years ago. ‘Modem occupations are not used for names. You never hear a name like Plumber or Electrician, because there weren't any electricians when family names were chosen. Nowadays professions require much training and learning. The people of learned professions are all brainworkers. TEACHERS. School masters, teachers, lecturers and professors get tired, or so they say It is a job that uses up energy, imagination and creativity ACCOUNTANTS. An accountant does not only record, sort or summarize events in terms ‘ofmoney, he is also concerned with the analysis and interpretation of financial data DOCTORS. The medical profession includes: physicians, surgeons, oculists, dentists, chemists, nurses, et. They undergo 6-12 years of training. Here experience counts highly This profession requires patience, knowledge and responsibility ENGINEERS. The engineering profession has many branches: civil, mechanical clectrical, etc. It can be a rough life, asa civil engineer especially when you are involved in construction. Once a project is finished, you have to move to where the next job is, 125 | COMPUTER OPERATORS. A degree course in computer science or computing should tbe chosen carefully. They are people who translate information into a form computers can tinderstand, feed them with programs and data. But computing, like a foreign langue, is probably best combined with other skills or knowledge ‘TRADES. Those occupations which require skilled work with hands are called trades, To build a house we employ: bricklayers, carpenters, joiners, plumbers, electricians ‘welders, painters, glaziers and locksmiths In factories there are also sors of people engaged in making and repairing things. Farming needs farmers. Offices need office- workers, typists and secretaries. Doris. What? You are going to Australia? ‘Teddie No joking, Doris, father says that ifT can’t make up my mind to do something, 1 ‘must go t0 Austalia and work on a farm. Doris ‘Then choose something. Haven't you a mind to be a lawyer? Teddie 1 can't talk a bit. Doris Bea chemist. Teddie can't bear the smell of medicine, Doris You might go in business, or be a banker. Teddie No, thanks, | don't like staying in-doors the whole day Doris. Then you'd better be a millionaire, Teddie! Teddie That's sight, Doris; what a good idea! First give me the money, 126 One. Your way through lie VOCABULARY through [67] prep. - prin, printre, peste therefore ("deaf adv. - de aceea, pentru aceasta; deci, agadar, prin urmare,astfel cexcupation [2k pei (ohn). - cup profesie ancestor ['ensista] 5. -strimog to mean, meant, meant [mi:n, ment, ment] va insemna conpenter["karpinto] s. + dulgher shepherd ("epad]s.-cioban, pistor soit {smi6] s.-flerar, potcovar cooper ["kupa] s.- dogar barrel ["baeral] s.- butoi to choose, chose, chosen ["/uz,tfouz, “Vourn] v- aalege asimost['a:Imost] adv. - aproape, mai-mai si plumber ['plamba] s instalator electrician felektr fan] s - electrician profession [pre'fe{(a)n] s. - profesie training trinin] s.- pregatite instuire to require [kowaia] v,- a cere, a necesita Jeamed ['lesnid] aj -invanat imagination (imaeds sinatie creativity lie 'tivit] s. ~ ereativitate accountant [a"kauntont]s.- contabil nei f(a)n] s.~ ima to record [ri’ko:d] v. -a inregistra to summarize [samaraiz] v.~ a rezuma analysis {o'neelisis] s. analiza data (deita] spl. - date interpretation fin,o:px'tei(o)n] sinter pretare,limurire financial [fai'naen’ fal] adj - financier physician [fi'zi{(e)n] s, - medic surgeon ['so:dgon] s.- chirurg, surse ['na‘s] s, -infirmiers, sort chemist Pkeemiat] 6, farmacist, chimist to undergo, underwent, undergone ['andogou, ‘andawent, “undagan] v. ~a ‘rece prin, a suporta highly ["haili] adv. - deosebit de, mult patience ['peifans] s.- ribdare branch ["bra:ntf] s. - amu rough [raf] adj, - aspra, dur involved [in’ valvd] adj. implicat project [’prodgekt] s.~ proiect to feed, fed, fed [ficd, fed, fed] v. - a brani, ‘a alimenta skill [Skil] s.- indeminare, aptitudine trade [treid] s, -meserie to employ fem’plai] v.- aangaja bricklayer {"brikieia] . -zidar joiner ['dgpina] s. -tamplar welder ['welda] s.- sudor painter ['peinta] s.- zugrav, pictor glazier ['glezio}s. - eamgiu locksmith ['Toksmif] s.- Meats to repair [ripea] v.-a repara farming [°fa:mig] s. agricultura farmer ['fe:ma] s.- (iran, agricultor brain worker ["breinwa:ka] s intelectual skilled work - munca calificata | to use up -aconsuma to be concemed with ["kansa:nd] -a se preocupa de ‘combined with kom’baind] - combinat cu 127 as VOCABULARY PRACTICE Raspundeti la intrebiiri exersand vocabularul aditional: 1. Whom does the profession of lav include? ‘The profession of law includes solicitors, barristers and judges: 2. Whom does the profession of arms include? ‘The profession of arms includes officers in the Navy, the Army, the Air Force andthe Police Force. . 3, Whom does the theatrical profession include? ‘The theatrical profession includes stage managers, producers, actors and actresses, 4, What do you mean by artisans? “Artisans are skilled workers who follow @ trade which requires technical training and knowledge; if they deal with machinery, they are mechanics. 5. What transport workers can you mention? There are railway workers (porters, ticket collectors, guards, engine drivers, station-masters, railway mechanics, traffic superintendents). bus, lorry and taxi drivers, Stevedores and dockers who work in the docks loading and unloading goods. 6, Who are those making and repairing things? ‘They are: tailors, dressmakers, cobblers, shoemakers, hatters, milliners, watchmakers, furness. 7. Who are those engaged in the book trade? “Those engaged in the book trade are: the writer who writes the book, the printer who prints it at the printing works, the bookbinder who binds it, the publisher who publishes 1, che bookseller who sells it and the librarian who lends it. & Who are those working in shops offering their clients various services? ‘They are photographers, dyers, dry cleaners, barbers, hairdressers etc. 9. Who are those who serve in the Navy, Army, Air and Police Force? ‘They are sailors, soldiers, firemen, airmen, policemen and customs officers one Your way throweh life GRAMMAR THE PAST TENSE OF THE VERB "TO Bi pul trecut al verbului "TO BE" | ‘Afirmativ | iegaeny aa eset | | cNegativ) | twas | Twas not Was 1 (Not)? You were You were not Were you (not)? | | He was He was not Washe (no? | She was She was not Was she (nat)? ewas Iewas n0t Was it (901)? We were We were not Were we (not)? You were You were not Were you (not)? ‘They were | They were not __| Were they (not)? Forme wasn’t, you weren't Wasn't 12, weren't contrase ete ou ete J THE ADVERB ‘Adverbul ‘Adverbul este partea d vorbire care intregeste sensul unui verb sau adjectiv. Reguli Exemple, 1, Fommarea adverbelor | fo ener adverbele de mod se formeaz’|_professional-professinaly (profesional ganduese sufnuly-unviadjectivsau| day-daily lnc) | substan | aeful-carefuly (cu gif. ev tem) ‘man-manly (barbitesc) 1. Unele adverbe au acceasi form cu, He works hard - Lucreazi din grew. i adjectivele respective. He had a hard life - Ira fost greu. A avut o ving grea. He nuns fast - Aleargit repede. 1 He has got a fast car ~ Are o masini rapid. | 2. Adverbe cu dout forme diferite near - nearly He lives near us-Locuieste aproape de noi, | Hee nearly built his house - Aproape sia} l construit casa 129 Engleza intensive de afaceri Reguli i ___Exemple Not ortogeafies | 1, Adjectivele care se termin in e-il pierd pe -e- inaintea sufixului ly. 2, Adjectivele care se termini in -y schimbi pe y in inaintea sufixului -p. 3. Adjectivele care se termini in-lfprimesc Tae ately ai) = recent) | Tat -lasy Carma) Ga stogiy prety prety (eam, desi de) -draguy_ | true - truly (cu adevarat) noble - nobly (nobil) i simple - simply (simplu) | | whole - wholy (total, in intregime) happy - happily (eric) ‘numai y. ready - readily (ou usurint, gor) 4. Adjectivele care se termina in ~ie} pretty - prettily (drdgut) primesc -ally. full sully ‘economic - economical EXERCISES 1. Raspundeti la intrebari: 1 Where do many names come from? 2. What was a smith? 3, What do modem occupations require? 4, What are learned people? $. Whom does the teaching profession include? 6. ‘Why do teachers feel exhausted” 7. What are the vantages ofthe teaching eatecr? 8. What do accountants do? 9. Who does medical profession include? 10. What does medical profession require? 11. What are the branches of the engineering profession? 12. What do tomputer operators do? 13, What do you mean by trades? 14, Whom do offices emply? I, Formati adverbe: mechanical, electrical, professional, actual, medical, high, responsible, probable, independent, nervous, exhausted, ceative IIL. Gasiti definitia (1-5) pentru cuvintele (a-c) de mai a) accountant 1. an occupation that requires learning and training ) economist 2, an engineer involved in construction 4) trade 4, an expert in economics ©) profession 5. a skilled work 130 one Your way through life | 1V, Completati spatiile cu prepocitile sau adverbele de mai jos: [on, with, up, in, too, through, | ofs in, responsibility, wit, up | 1. Your way «life is work His job was to work... meta | ‘The people .. leamed professions are brain workers. i A job that uses .. nervous energy. | ‘This profession requires patience and Civil engineers are involved ... constructions. He is also concerned... the analysis of financial data, ‘Computing is best combined ... other skills 0, If can’t make .. my mind to do something, I have to work .. a farm, V. Raspundeti pe scurt la aceste intrebiiri: Model: Was one of your ancestors a smith? Yes, he was. 1. Were your ancestors carpenters? No, 2, Are modern occupations used for names? No, 3, Are people of leamed professions traders? No, 4, Has the teaching career any vantage? Yes, 5, Are the teachers promoted easily? | No, VL. Gasiti expresii din text sau dialog care au acelasi sens: 1. Haven't you thought 2.1 dislike working in-doors 3. You are right 4. No kidding 5. 6 This occupation A vhard life 131 Englezaintensivd de afaceri VIL. Spuneti ce v-ar place si ce nu. Folositi: I enjoy most - Cel mai mult mi-ar place Jenjoy least - Cel mai putin mi-ar place manual work ‘working outside (out of doors) office work working in-doors creative work working individually/alone selling ‘working at home VIILFormati substantive cu ajutorul sufixului -er, conform modelului: Model: to work- worker ‘to teach, to build, to weave, to paint, to writ, to do, to join, to Team, to listen, to earn, to ook, to employ, to train, to trade, to keep IX. Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la timpul trecut: 1. Tam a student, 2. We are inthe classroom. 3. Isnt he an economist? 4. She isa typist 5-They aren't students. 6. Is he a teacher? 7. Are they at home? 8. Am I not a the office? 9, It is not spring, 10. There aren’t any books on my desk. 111s there any tea in your cup? 12. The sky is overcast. X. Completati spatiile libere cu timpul trecut al verbului "to be", la forma corespunciitoare: 1. There. no studentsin the classroom two hoursago. 2, One of our ancestors. carpenter 3. His ancestors .. shepherds, . they? 4, Where .. you yesterday? S. There ... any electricians when family names... chosen. 6, He ...ot student last year. 7. .. Youat home the day before yesterday, a ten o'clock? 8, Our name shows what our ancestors... 9.1 ‘very busy two weeks ago. 10, These names .. chosen about the year 1100. 11...they very happy to hear that? 12. It. on the 26th of May, three years ago. XL. Traducet 1. Profesile necesiti o pregatire specials, 2. Meseriile necesita munci manualé calificat. 3. Zidanii, zugravii, geamgii, dulgheri, electricieni, instalatori,tamplari, tot; lucrewza Jmpreund pentru a constr o casa. 4, Economist sunt specialist in probleme economice 5 Birourile angajeazd functionar, dacilografe si secretare. 6. Muncitoi agrioliluereazi jn agrieutura 7, Cind aveai 18 ani era students, mui aga? 8. Anultrecut ei mu eray incl economist, evau student. 9, Letia numrul 19 @ fost mai usoari deett aceasta. 10. De ee 132 Your way through life on ay lipsit acum doua le? 11, Eram intotdeauna foarte bucurosi ind wremea era frumoasi appa foarte frig ima tecutd.13.Ca economist lurezi mult si din grew, 14, Locuteste tioga noi si este contabil de profesie. 15, Pur si simply nu-mi place profes de doctor, ‘aeted prea mul ste, 16, Scrie-tema cu atente altel (otherwise) fact gress multe "Pve invented something that's going "Dad, about the time when to change the course of mankind. It's women were women. called a lawyer". UNIT 21 THE JOB I LIKE 1 like my secretarial work. I had the chance to find this jab at the STARLINE Co. - a company trading in shirtseoordinates. To get this job I had to attend a two-year Secretarial Course and so I got the diploma, my suitable qualification forthe job, ‘The company is a small one it has about $0 employes. Mr John Spencer is our managing director. Simona Young is the personnel manager and Fred Lamon is the sales manager. Margie Brown is our merchandiser. 1am Mary Lean and I was hired as a personnel secretary to Mr. John Spencer. ‘The brief of my job is tobe at the office 15 minutes before 9:00 am. I open the mail about 9-30, then I have to take shorthand in the managing director's office for an hour or $0, ‘make the coffee and do most ofthe typing, and of course, T answer the telephone. I usually 4g0 to the telex room after lunch break. I make tea at fous, and from four to five | fax the Fetters or do the filing. Iam not a watchclocker, and therefore, I never leave the office on the dot. Mr. Spencer says I am an efficient and helpful secretary. Of course, I have to be polite, 1 can organize my job quite well. I speak two foreign languages fluently. 1 do the petty cash reporting each week. The money T ack up comes in my report to my boss under four headings: travels, postage, stationary and suncries (all others). Mr. Spencer always wants to know what the petty cash is spent on. You see I don't find my secretarial ‘work boring. I really enjoy it One __ See Dick Are you very busy at the office? Jack Ofcourse, 1am. Yesterday, for example, I had a lot of things to do. In the moming, 1 had to look through the mail and answer some business letters and telegrams, then \ Dick Does it take you long to do it? “Jack No, it doesn’t. Generally that takes me about an hour. Dick Do you type your letters yourself? Jack No, | don’t. | dictate the answers to a shorthand typist who then types them. Then, T tale the letters together with some other papers to the manager's office, for the manager to sign them, If the manager is angaged or is out, attending a conference It ‘ora meeting, I leave the papers with his secretary. Or, sometimes, Ihave to see the I ‘manager to ask him for further instructions. | VOCABULARY | hi course [kos] s.- curs | toleave, left, Jett [cy left, Jef} v. =a | secretarial [sek terial] adj - de | pleca, a paris | secretariat | efficient [i'fi: fant] adj -efcient | chance ["tfaens] 5. - sans | polite [pe"lat] adj. - politicos | tin, Found, found fin, fund fund) | elpfl [helpful] a stor nye -a gash to repo [i pod] v= apart to hire hai v.-aangaia reporting [pst]. reportare brief [bv]. - aici) figa postal to dd up [wd] v.-a aduna, a insuma } sales [siz] - vin | heading ["haeding] s.- coloand, pozitie, merchandiser ['mat jandaiza] s. - functie, antet if persoani care se ocupa de procurarea $i | postage [’poustids] s. - francare, port } pemest ose capt epee | poner [rutile Sor. | to fax feck v.-a transmit seisor prin | gtaonary [tei [onai s.- anole de | fle fal vnc ore syns [andi peel dene a Pon ie eases ee | tospend pee 135 boring ["bosrig] adj. -plictisitor to enjoy [in’dgoil v. = bucura personal to take shorthand [fond] a steno- sales manager- director comercial enfia | toattenda conference (atend -a par petty-cashPpotike [] -chetuctimarunte | tip la confit er cordinetes Kocdinets]-aceesari | further instructions [80 ms texc nz] pon cipiscrvatecubaie | nostril trading company - intreprindere de comert | VOCABULARY PRACTICE Raspundeti la intrebiiri exersand vocabularul adifional. 1. What office furniture do you know? notice board typewriter desk wastepaper bin telephone raph chair filing cabinet 2, What office equipment do you need? calculator computer facsimile photocopier 3, What stationary do you need? carbon paper reams of typing paper (A4 or quarto) pencils paperclip pens ink flimsy rol of sellotape thick felttip pens files (quarto) ball points rubbersnulers 136 | managing director - director general 5 placea, a se | personnel [paso’nel] director - director de The job Fike One oe GRAMMAR ‘THE PAST TENSE OF THE VERB "TO HAVE" ‘Timpul trecut al verbului "to have" cot aaa Interogativ al eee ap Na | Thad | Ea not | Had 1 (non)? | | You had You had not | Had you (900? | He had | He had not Hodhetooy? | She had | site had not Had she (not)? | Ithad | Ithad not Had it (not)? We had We had not Had we (not)? | Yoo ad | You had not Hadyouoon? | |__| teva how had not Hadihev (not?) Forme vou'ésbe' ete. | Thada't youbad' hel Hada’t hadn't you? conarse hada, Ena bet te HAVE TO Reguli Exemple. i Taprind © obliga; i inlouiegte pe] 1 have to write the leter because the emer eee olen ey ere ee Trebuie st eviu srisoarea pentri cal direetorl general ateapt La preznt have to" expo ecestate| I_must write to my grandmother for carey dail ur crewman, | Christmas. -Trebuie st seriu nici mele vctubieds | de Crchun penn ch aga st eu EXERCISES 1. Raspundeti ta intrebiiri: 1. What is STARLINE Co. trading? 2. Where does Mary Lean work? 3, What is Mary's job? 4. Who is the managing director of the Company? 5. What isthe brie of a seeretarial jjobiposition? 6. What are the qualities of a good secretary? 7. What is petty cash? What are the four headings under which you can repor it? 8. Is Jack very busy at his office? 9. Who types the letters that Jack writes? 10, Does Jack often attend business talks? 11. What foreign languages can he speak? 137 Englezaintensiva de afaceri IL, Completati spatiile din text cu cuvintele de mai jos: na 1, The brief af my job isto be in the office 9.00, 2. Lopen the mail. 9:30, 3. Then I... take shorthand ... the .. director's office 4, 1 make . and do .. the typing. 5. [make tea at four and four... five I fax ... or do 6, Inever leave the office . I. Studiati o parte a organigramei firmei STARLINE. Folositi organigrama ppentru a vorbi despre personalul firmei. STAR LINE CO. ORGANISATION CHART (Organigrama) STAR LINE Co. John Spencer. —————~ Mary Lean Managing Director Personal secretary Jenny Bennet Fred Lamont ‘Simona Young Secretary Sales Manager Personnel Manager —1—, Margie Brown Henry Howart Merchandiser Sales representative ee cee, Model: Mary-boss N.B. Your boss is the person you work for. 138 One The fob Fike ‘A. Who is Mary’s Boss B. Fredis, Fredl-boss 6. John Spencer - personal secretary 2 boss 7. Fred - secretary 3. Mangie-boss 8, Fred - merchandiser 4, Simona-boss 9, John - personnel manager 5, Heury-boss 10, Fred - sales representative IV. Traduceti in limba engleza, conform modelului, folosind verbul "to enjoy" ‘urmat de forma -ing a verbului de conjugat: Model: Ii place si picteze, He enjoys painting 1 fi place st dactilogratieze, 2. Imi places fac cafea, 3 places telefoneze. 4. Le place sie plimbe. 5 ni place si ma seo devreme dimineai. 6. Va place si dansati? 7. i place joace tenis. 8. Ii place sa bei ceai? 9. Imi place s& citesc. 10. Ne place sa jucdim tenis. V. Dati interogativul, negativul si interogativ-negativul urmdtoarelor propozitii: Tread a lot in English. 2. He does his work properly. 3. The typist has typed all the leters 4. The manager is attending a conference. 5. I was very busy yesterday. 6, Ihave drawn up the report myself. 7. He can translate this article into English. VI. Treceti urmiitoarele propoziti la timpul trecut: 1. They have their breakfast at eight o'clock every moming, 2. She has a rest every aitemoon, 3. You havea nice dress on. 4. She has a shower every morning. 5. Usually, they have lumeh at the eanteen. 6, We have a walle every evening, VIL. Traduceti in limba engleci, conform modelului: Model: Vi trebuie mult timp ca si rispundet la scrisor? Does it take you long to answer the letters? 1. Vi tebuie mle timp casi va serie temele? 2. Va tebuie mul timp ca sa studi’ text cel nou? 3.1 rebuie mult timp casi bat la masind toate serisorile? 4. Ne trebuie mult timp ‘2 si vizitim fabrce? 5. Fi trebuie mul imp ea s8 redacteze referatal 6. I tebuie mult timp ca 8 traduciarcolul din roménd in englez? 7. [i rebuie mult timp ca sh pareurea corespondenta? VILL Transformati urmétoarele propoziti, conform modelului. Model: I must write all the exercises Thad to write all the exercises. |. Imust see the manager to ask him for further instructions. 2. First, he must look through the mail. 3. She must type some letters, 4, We must write all the exercises. 5, He must work 139 Engleza intensive de afaceri alot. 6, They must answer all the leters. 7. He must take the clients about the country 8, I must draw up a report. 9. We must study a lot. IX. Vorbiti despre activitatea dumneavoastri X. Traduceti in limba englezi 1. Anal trecut nu aveam ore de engle=d. 2. Nu am avut timp s8-mi fac tadueerea, 3. El nu participa niciodata la tratativele comerciale. 4, Directoruli-a dictat dea stenodactilografei rispunsul la seriscare. 5. A trebuit en stenodactlografi si batdraspunsu! la masind. 6. A ‘rebuit si las toate serisorile la secretara pentru ca directorul s& le semneze. 7. A trebuit. ‘conduc client striini prin tard ca si viziteze fabricile noastre, 8, Numele meu este Mary iarnumele de familie este Smith. 9. M-am niscut la 19 aprile 1964, 10. Locuiese la Londra, sunt cdsitoriti si am doi copii sub 16 ani. 11. Am absolvit liceul (Grammar School), apoi fam urmat un curs de secretariat de un an de zile, unde am obtinut diploma de secretar-dactilo, 12, Trebuie s8 invit engleza maitbine ca s8 gisesc o stujba bine plait 13. Trebuie si plec acum, nu vreau si fu asteptat. 140 UNIT 22 REVISION My mother is being very difficult atthe moment, she isa very detemnined woman, and perhaps rather, too fond oF me. Tam geting married on Sarurday; and, When two people fet married, the parents ofthe bride arrange everything ‘My mother does not like this at all. “Now, Mrs. Porter, my bride's mother says to her. This is where you're sitting in the church 1m not going to sit there", says my mother. "I'm going to sit next to my son". Bot you can't. The best man has to sit next to him... Now, tis is where you're sitting at the mica! afterwards” "Y'm not going to sit there", says my mother. "I'm going to sit next to my son" “"But you can’t, Mrs. Porter. The bride has to .. Now, after the wedding, we're inviting all the guests to our house fora drink". "'m not going to go" says my mother. "But way not, Mrs. Porter?” "Pm not going to leave my son alone with your daughter!” 141 Englesa intensivit de alacer) VOCABULARY difficult ["difikalt] adj - dificil \ determined (d?temind]adj.-hoekit | perhaps [pa"haeps] adv, - poate to marry [mui] v-3e csttor to arrange o'eindg]v.- ara | bride [ras = mireast everything [ewig] pron, total | tony sai, sid [i se, sed]. -a.spune | tsi at at [st et, set} v.-agedea | neat to nekst adv. -aliuride | afterwards ['a:ftous:d] adv. - dup accea ‘wedding ['wedin] s.- nuntd, ceremonia de cisitorie to invite [inva] v.~a invita guest ["gest]s. - oaspete | rink [drink 5. bauturd to leave, left, left [i:v, left, left] v. = a parisi | alone (o"loun] adv. - singur to be fond of - a-fi place ceva foarte mult to get married -a se insura EXERCISES I. Formulati 6 intrebari la text cu urmdtoarele cuvinte: no _ when, who, does, where, why. I, Dati formele de baci ale urmitoarelor verbe: re amt Eto ran tobe, t arange, tO marry to Tike, wo go, to have, to vite to drink to leave II. Alegeti varianta corecta: My mother is being « very difficult» ina dificult way atthe moment. She is 9 Vers aera] woman, and perhaps e quite «rather fond of with me.1 «am getting married crm going to get married on Saturday; and, when two people « get « are married e parents of the bride » arrange # are arranging everything. My mother * is ¢ does not like this at all. "Now, Mis. Porter my «bride's « brides’ mother says «to her her, This is where you're ‘* going to site sitting in the church. + I'm not going my son. 1 don’t goto sit there, says my mother, + I'm going ¢ J goto sit next to but you « can't don't. The best man * must «has to sit next him. Now, this is where ‘you're « sitting * going to stat the meal « I'm not going ¢ 1 don’t goto sit there, says my mother, + J goe I'm going to sit nex‘ my son. But you ® don't can’t, The bride © has to # has . 142 or Revision IV. Rescrieti propotitiile de mai jos conform modelulu 1, ‘There are five birds. Four are om the tree, Most of the birds are sitting on the tee. Eour.of the birds are sitting on the tee. 2. There are nine people. Two are children, ‘Most of the people are wdults, the people are children. 3, There are seven windows. Five are broken. Most of the windows are broken. the windows are broken, 4, There are seven buildings. Five are modern, Most of the buildings are modem. these buildings are modem. V, Serieti gradele de comparatie ale urmétoarelor adjective: thuch, long, interesting, strong, il, big, beautiful, good, prety , cosy, cold, hot, old, merry, shear, modern, bad, necessary, late, wealthy, lite, rich, small, sad, thin, busy. V1. inlocuiti adjectivele la gradul pozitiv din parantezd, cu gradul de comparatic corespunciitor: 1. Sometimes | have to see the manager for (far) instructions. 2. In summer, the days are (Gong) than the nights. 3. My (old) brother is an architect. 4. My son is (old) than my Gaughter §. Haven't you got anything (far) to say? 6, Mary is (old) ofthe four sisters. 7.The Shop assistant at (near) shop is Ann's sister. 8. Now, I've got (many) friends in Bucharest than I had two years ago.9. When she was 30, her (old) daughter was already 10. 10, What tire our manager's (late) instructions? 11, Who is your (good) friend? 12. My friend, Tom, hhas three brothers all (old) than he. The (old), John, isan economist. 13. Heis always (late), the (late) student to come to clases. 14. Which is (droughty) season of the year? 15. Who js (shor), Ann or Mary? 16, Which is (ong) night of the year? 17. Which is (late) book you have read? ViL.Completati spafiile libere cu pronumele punzitoare: 1. is there... in the next room? 2, There isn’t... ea inthe cup. 3. .. must be in time. 4 ‘was absent last Monday? 5. He has .. very good dictionaries. 6, You must travel inthe Country. 7, want to tell you... 8. Your book must be. here. 9. Is there sugar in your milk? 10, Last year we had ... English classes. 11, Please give me .. more coffe. 12... has Just open the door.13. Help yourself to .. more pudding, please. 14.1 car’ttell you... about 1.15. There must be. in the classroom. 16. There are beautiful regions. in our county 17.1 can tell you .. about it. 18... can help you, if you need... ’s help. 19. There is ..on that shelf. 20... day I get up at 7 o°clock. i adjectivele nehotirdte cores- M3 Englees intensive afacert VIL Puneti intrebiiri ta urmétoarele propocitt, conform modelului: ‘Model. [ave been teaching English for tee years How long have you been teaching English? have been teaching English since 1982. ‘Since when have you been teaching English? 1. Our manager has been attending e conference sice ten o'clock. The wind has been Ti aR orto hours. 3 1vhus been snowing pines Mandy. 4. THe teacher has been ai ur teats forhaifan hour, 5, We have been cleaning the Pt since 3 o'clock. 6 sor ee going her moming exercises fr ten minutes. 7. have ech drawing up a port fo three quarters ofan hou. 8, The children have bes playing in the garden since eae ere We have been walking fran hour, 10. Mary as been having 376 since 3 o'clock. IX. inlocuiti infinitivul din parantezi cu Present Perfect Tense, Aspectul comun sau Continuu: 1 they to ave) already breakfast, 2 1t(not to ran) in this region SO May. 3. t(to rain) Fey ours. 4 Mary (o open) just the window. 5. The window (to be open) since 5 fer ek in the morning 6. We (Lobe) here for half an hour. (M0 see) her since last Sanday. 8. The typist (to type) just the eters 9. He Lo read) the MOET for a quarter arn our, 10, They (to g70Ww) vegetables in their garden for several months. 11. They (10 Ce married) since 1982. 12. He (to work) inthis factory or one Yo 13, Ann (not to get tpyvet 14. He (tive) in this Hat since 1980. 15. They Co ‘move) alrendy into a new house. WP to watch) an intresting film on the T.V. for one hou. 17. "You tobe) tothe pictures this week? 1X. Completa spatite bere cu timp treeut al verbull "0 be" sau "to have" x ee rot at home two hours ago. 2, Last year they «their Eni sh clasaee on Monday Tae and Fiday. 3. You very busy yesterday? 4 Two Gaye SEL Ta. a business, ereetraw with some foreign clients. 5. The shorthand fypist attend the talks: Everybody .. present a the meeting. 7. You ota the office at five o'clock yesterday. Sea student last year. 9. This morning at 9 o'clock the manaBer engaged. 10.1 to draw up a report. XL Completa spaite libere cu verbul cerut de sens, lt timpul corespunzitor: eon reaches explanations fr tex minutes. 2 They «the programme since cok 3. We, English classes three imesa week. 4. We jus io nS flat. 5.001 sanaget a conference since 2 o'clock, 6. We in Busha for ten years. 7, Our manage sit aleady all the letters. 8, He breakfast now: © She a student two rts ago 10, They »- always dinner at seven o'clock in he Amar 11. They tennis or ye ya We this im yet, 13. Mother inthe kitchen fr = hour. 14. Father oes mvarden since two ovelock. 15. The children. inthe sindy 2907) for half an hour. inte ee cbarest, 17-1 ia Bucharest since 1970. 18, The tact ‘us many questions (now), 19. One of the students. aepap sentences on the blackboard (now)-20. We.» inthe Tanguaige laboratory (at present) 144 XH, Traduce rex in aceastl intreprindet ‘De eind locuiti in aces rou. 5. Nu era nimeni in suftagerie, nisi as tinea dojun’? 7 Vremen & ne Stipe va petrecet) de obicei concedkul’ 10. Soetit Mas wre Ti, Teemat ne-am intors din cel mai framos conee de ca ump f cunogt? 13, Lana (recut am avt ma mole ze sta, 14. De cfind sunteti aii? "Neat! ATV. right in the kitchen" re de coment exterior, a economist, de 3 ani, adicd din anu 1¢ mese luati pe 2i? 4. Mai servit 6. La ce ora luati de obicei ia de citeva saptimani, 8. Pol vent la orice ord ‘an pensionat deja, nti sdiu pe care I-am petrecut vreodat orite decat luna UNIT 23 A VISIT TO A FARM ie was a beatifil village situted on the bank ofa river and there was a fores:1 far vroty The farmers's bouse had large garden enclose by 2 fine hes In fact, there were dives gardens in one: an orchard with all sors of fruittees: a lstchen ‘garden where they frew vegetables, and infront of the porch of the house there Was & flower garden with echives in there, and where the bees stored their honey. “The yard was square in shape and there were various buildings arranged around it, Large re are the ruin was stored th calle shed where the cows and oxen Were =P stables amine horses, the cart-sheds forthe carts and for the tools and Sm implements. Gpposite these there were ties forthe pgs, poultry houses forthe poultry and iay-lofts for the hay. -usy man he as so many things todo, so many plans to lok 3 Farmer spread endless potato Fels, fields of com, rye and ox st the Round te fajowgh the ground. Then he sows and the eran sleep inthe earth through the long winter months 146 one ute farmer doesn't sleep eis very busy mending his tools, feeding his cattle Taping the Hels are quite green now. The farmer looks athe cor every day, What will Perret be? The crops 100k fine, and the harvest must be good Ann Did you enjoy your vist to the farm? Fred Well, of course, I did, but it was only a two-day visit “Ann Tellme, who drove the tractor back tothe farm? pred Unele Jack did, You know how he i, He took us everywhere, and even wold the children not to chase the hens and the geese. “Ann Did you walk as far as to the com field? Frad Yes, we did, We wanted to see how they ctthe grass forthe animals, What an exciting day the children had. VOCABULARY village ['vilidg] s. ~ sat | to grow, grew, grown [grou, gru:, groun] bank (*baenk] s. - mal | wr aereste, a cultiva river [iva] s.- rau | veettbles'veiabiz sl. eeume to dane [egjuei(]|v.-a sia, aplam | beehive [‘bchaiv] s -stp | bee [bic] s.- albind farmer [*fa:ma] s.- fermier | te enclose fin’Klouz) v.- a ingrid, | to store ['stor] v.-a sta, @ face provizit ‘nconjura | oney ["hani]s.-miere hedge (hed) s.- gard vi | yard [jad] s, -eurte garden ['ga:d(a)n] s. - grading ) to-arrange [o'reindg] v. «2 aranja, 2 orchard [oitfad]s.-livads, grin de) and ‘pomi frctiferi | bam [bat s.~ mbar, sur, pl 147 EEngleca intensivi de afacert ae rain grein). rune, bo, cereale | to chase [fir] v.- alerts 2 fir cate els - ite | hen hes - ina shed [Jed] s. - saul, sopron, bara | goose {gu:z] 5. ese cart kas] s. = crutt | exciting i"ksatin) ad. - pal too tu] s. = une | com fis] s.- cereale, erfunte, bucate eae eee cml productie | to graze [rei] v.~apaste stable ['seibl] .- raid | to pass [pass] v.-atrece ‘cow [kau] s. = vac | reaping machine ["rispin ma’ fizn] - ‘oxen [sks spl - Boi | masini de reeoltat | endless [‘endles] adv. ~ ir first horse [hos] s.~ cal sty [sta - cote to look after [haf] v.~ 8 ng pig [pig] s. - pore | to plodigh [plau] v. =a ara | pound od) =e |e break, broke, broken [breil brouk, | ronan v= pare pice pis] . bua Peale, slept sep ftp, slept, pt. poultry 'poult s.- psa hay Qheils.- fan loft [loft] s. - pod herd [had] s. - cineada calf fka:f]s.-vitel eee eee flock {flak] s.- tum | so be busy mending -a fi ocupat cu sheep {{ip] 8. oe | reparal VOCABULARY PRACTICE Raspundefi ta intrebéri exersiind vocabularul adigional: 1, What ean you grow in a hitehen garden? carols parsley cauliflower cabbage parsnip celery tomatoes beans spinach potatoes peas: cag plants peppers onion radishes ‘cucumbers leeks lettuce garlic ill 148 Avis a farm What fruits can you pick-up in an orchard? anples peaches strawberries pears plums rasplerties sweet chemties rapes blackberries sour cherties nuts water melons appricots aquinces +5 What fowls and animals can you see on a farm? Mind their evies. cock (0¥) cows (10) hens (ackle) pigs (eran) geese (cackle) goats (beat) ducks and drakes (quack) donkeys (bray) turkeys (gobble) dogs (bark) horses (neigh) cats (mew) 4, What are the main crops you know? “The main crops I now are: wheat, maize, barley, oats, rye, buckweat, clover, ee 5, What are the technical plants you can mention? “The technical plans I can mention are: fax, hemp, cotton, sunflower, castor ol plant te, 6, What ean you see ona large farm? Cia turm we can se; lage bans for crea, oat sheds, tes fr pigs, sable for horses utr houses, hay lofts, day, as well as sheds for their agricultural machines and peutnens: hoes, sche, seythes, actors, sowing and harvesting machines 7. What sorts of work does the farmer do on his farm? to hoe the land to weed the weeds to diga dite tosow the seed to plough the field to reap/harvest the erop to stack te sheaves to cut the grasvthe com to feed the animals to milk the cows to wheel the wheelbarrow 149 Englezaintensiva de afacert rs GRAMMAR ‘THE PAST TENSE SIMPLE ‘Timpul trecut, aspectul comun a ry 1 | Interogativ T ee I /Afirmativ salle Negativ IE SE chat [eee Taideatwaie | Dion) wit? | ou wre eee note | Did you (ot) wt? | He wrote He did not write | Did he (not) write? ee eer wrote radu | Dabo te? | ‘We wrote We did net write Didwe not write? — | Youre | Yssulmeonte | Daye re | they wrote They did not write | Did they (not) write? Fore Peat bantaeeiaan) we wie ee i =| T Fomare Dr avec np | oka | Fdentie cu participiul trent. Prin urmare,| (a intreba - eu ax regulile ortografice gi de punctuate sunt] aceleasi | tsebat) | a Nap trecutal verbsorerepulate ste) to wste~1 wrote dat in tabelul de verbe neregulate (forma) (a scrie - eu am scris) 2), TL. intrebuintare | 1 Inch expr o ativne|, Yesterday saw a ery itr fm. - aoa ec eet ae il un fe Team vat foe ites. | Ue epson prezental, Acrsa acto | foots fatcithco up anumit momen | Exprimat printr-un adverb de imp defini | seiTTooufune aver de mp dein | Steam te neous pester Gens 0 Tiss ago (acum dou ie), ast week] {siptimia recut) as year anul eet) i in 1970 (in anul 1970), etc. l 150 A visit to a farm One __ 8 te N.B. in cazul adverbelor $i locutiunilor’ This month I Aave seen two films. - Luna) gti) ths rvming| aaa am vu dud me (ia a eee sang (in priv) ie heh aime se poate eet (a mint nul aces), et | oad acest tera) | secs) Perper” dacftenal| Thismenh saw wo ns. -Lanaaseat | ese rmarpivaverbsaocune| am vat dul Se (te frit uni s ‘mu s-a incheiat inca, gi "Past Tense", daci| actiunea nu mai poate avea Joe in cadrul}) aa gluse indo pia acest neva timp) ain eeouh fal de moment vorbiri. 2, Timpoltreeut se foloseste fn naraiun,| Fist I wrote my homework, I watched a Zend movestim ceva ce fa petesut fn) film on the T-V. and then I had a walk recut {tdi mi-am seristemele, am urmicit un) film fa televizor si apo m-am plimbat IRREGULAR PLURALS Plurale neregulate ‘Singular Plural goose geese | ox oxen mouse mice child children \ Substantive care se termini in -fsau -fe schimbaif in v si adaugi -es: leaf eaves lives wife wives \ sheaf sheaves | calf calves loaf loaves wolf wolves Plurale identice cu singularul sheep sheep (oi) aswine swine (porci) adeer deer (cerbi) fish fish (pesti) ‘rout (pastrivi) 151 Sin N.B. Fish si fruit primes | Fish precedat de un numeral are totus plural oe ee -s la plural edn vorbu de diferite feiuri de peste wo fish EXERCISES 1. Raspundeti ta intrebiri: 1, What did you visit? 2. Where was the village situated? 3. What did you see around the farmers’ house? 4. What do they have bams, sheds and stables for? 5. What isa beehive? 6. What did you see on the pasture land belonging to the farm? 7. Why did you walk to the com field? &. Why is farmer Curt so busy? 9. What spread round the farm? 10, What has the farmer to do in autumn? 11. How are the fields in spring? IL. Serieti si cititi formele de bazé ale urmétoarelor verbe: to be, to situate, o have, to grow, 0 store, to arrange, to keep, to stack, to go, t0 graze, to enjoy, to vist, to drive, to do, to tel, to chase, to walk, to want, to cut, to leave, t0 pass, to reap, to feed. II. Urmétoarele cuvinte lipsese din text. Completati textul stored, inone, of, with, in front of, where, kitchen, | not too far, om, of, enclosed by. a 1, The village was situated an the bank... river and there was a forest not .. away. 2. The farmers’ house had a large garden... afine hedge. 3. There were three gardens... an orchard all sorts .. fruit-trees, and... the proch .. the house there was a... garden .. beehives in there, and .. the bees .. their honey IV. Adaugati -ly la urmitoarele cuvinte, Serieti noul cuvant. Atentie la ortografie! quick -... beautiful careful usual happy actual easy awful 199 gece Fane One caer eens 1, Adiugati terminatiile a cuvintele de mai jos si serieti noul euvant, Rerineti sensu euvinielor. Lcut+ ing = —_eulting 7 farm + er 2. plough + ing 8. doer 3, spread * ing 9. look + er 4 mend 10, role + er pass i LL, sleep + er 6.sleep+ing 12, mend + er Vi. Completati spatiile libere cu verbul cerut de sens: 1 fo the kxtchen garden my parents... all kinds of vegetables. 2, Last year we... part of our ser holidays in the country. 3. One day we ... the farm. 4. The farmers... high yields fectare, 5. They grow all the vegetables they .... 6. My parents... ina new house. ae ous, oxen, calves, sheep and lambs ...on the pasture land. 8, The fields. tothe farm. Vil. inlocuitiinfinitivul din parantezi cu timpul trecut, aspectul comun. 1. One day we (to visit) a farm. 2, Then we (to go) to the pasture land, 3. This morning he (io ieave) for his office at half past seven. 4, Last year they (not to grow) any vegetables in theirparden, 5. Two years azo we (to spend) our summer holidays inthe mountains. 6.They {to build) their new house two years ago. 7. This morning I (not to take) breakfast at 7 o'elock as usual. 8. Several years ago we (to breed) poultry, 100, VIILTreceti urméitoarele propoziii la interogativ, negativ siinterogativ-negativ: J Last year we spent our summer holidays in the country. 2. knew bim very well. 3.Several Gays ago I banght a new dress. 4, I met im inthe street, 5. He showed me ound their new flat, 6. They moved into their new house two months ago, IX. Inlocuiti infinitivul din paranteza cu timpurile Present Perfect sat Past Tense: 1, We (not to attend) any English classes last year. 2. She (to write) already all her homework. 3. He (to receive) just two letters. 4. I (not to speak) to the manager this morning, 55, We (to Jearn) English for several months. 6. They (to move) recently into a new fat J Last month the Smiths (to buy) a new car. 8. She (to type) « report since & o°clock in the morning. 9. We (to have a walk) last night. 10. Today he (to come back) from the office at 6o°eloek. 11.1 (not to like) her new dress. 12, He (to have breakfast) alread X. Dati raspunsuri scurte, afirmative si negative, a urmatoarele intrebiiri, conform modeiuui: Model: Did you like the film? Yes, Idi. No, I didn 153 Egleza intensiva de afaceri, 1. Did you meet him yesterday? 2.Did they receive any letter from ther friends this week? 3, Did you understand the teaches's explanations? 4, Did she come to the office Py car today’? §. Did they get up at six o'clock this morning? 6, Did you leave forthe office earlier today? 7, Did she have a est this aftemoon? 8, Did you practise inthe language laboratory this morning? 9, Did you type any leters today? 10, Did you watch the T.V. programme last night? XI. Punefi intrebéri la urmitoarele propozitii conform modelului: Model: Last summer we visited the farm. ‘When did you visit the farm? 1. The house had a large garden. 2, The garden was enclosed by a fine hedge. 3. They stored the grains in the bam. 4, The farmers built hay stacks in the back yard XML. Citigi textul cu atentie. Serieti 7 intrebiiri, folosind urmétoarele cuvinte interogative: what, how, for what, by whom, as what, with what, where: CEREALS “Wheat (or com) is a sor of grass but grows higher than common grass. Rain and sunshine help the grains to grow. They grow into tall jointed stems and soon the ears of wheat appear are green at first, but the sun ripens them and tums them yellow. Then the wheat is cut, and the new grains are threshed out, The tall stems make straw for the horses. The grain are ground into flour by the miller. Other cereals are: oats, rye barley, maize and rice. The ‘grains of oats are given as food to horses. With oatmeals, Scotch and English make oatcakes and porridge. Brown bread is made with rye, Beer is made with barley, malt and hops. Maize and rice grow in the warm countries. XII. Translate into English: 1. AGivizitat vreodatao ferma? 2. Cine era proprietaral (owner) ferme!? 3. Cur arta ferma pe onre ati vizitat-o? 4, Ferma nu era prea mare, avea ici grin io plsune. 5, Griding be zarzavat se afla in spatele casei si era cultivata cu tot felul de legume. 6. Livada era in Spatele casei sera plind de pomi frctfer. 7. Siptimina trecutl am Ricut smopt de gnu ps camp. &. Act doud zile fatele meu cel mai mare a tuns iarba din fata casei sia brit Gnimaleie din grajd. 9. Anul trecut forma noastré nu avea asa multe pisari de curte si nici Cele dou turme de oi. 10. Cand suntem vara la tar’, copii se scoala de dimineatt st alearga In rau sa facd baie, 11, La inceputul primiverit finetcle (meadows) trebuie curatate $i fiunoiate (manured). 12, Print mei ard si seammnd in marte sau aprile, 13. Tn iunie ei Sosese fant. 14, Dimineata devreme iarba se coseste (to mow, mowed, mown) cu coasa (mower, seythe) apoi este impristiat’ pe plimant, ca si se usuce Ta soare 154 waa UNIT 24 WASHINGTON D.C. If you ask anybody coming to America, what is the most beautiful city he has seen in the tester part of the United States, the answer will undoubtedly be: WASHINGTON. This time, last year Mr. J Heart was flying to Washington on business for his company Mr. Heart, a trade representative, came to Wishington on business for his company. It was his fist visit to Washington, so, whenever he had some spare time, he tried to see as much as possible. ‘The first moming, after breakfast, he took a walk along Massachusetts Avenue, a broad street with fine buildings and trees on both sides, where most ofthe embassies ae situated, He had no time to see any places of interest that morning, as he had an appointment with ‘Mr. Hilson the manager of te trade firm his company was doing business with. When their ‘business talk was over, Mr, Hilson invited Mr. Heart to have lunch with him, and then he took him in his car, ound the city, fora sightseeing tour. its, they drove past thre of the five universities in Washington, then, they went to see some famous monuments named for great American presidents: the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial ‘They also visited famous buildings such as The National Gallery of Ar, the Supreme Court and the Capitol and drove through the business section of the ety. (One day, Mr. Heart visited the White House, where he saw paintings and statues of former presidents and many pieces of furniture from the time when the White House was built. “Another place worth seeing in Washington is the Library of Congress, the largest library in the United States.On his last day in Washington, Mr. Heart visited Mount Veron, the hhome of George Washington, « beautiful old house situated on a bill looking over the Potomac River It is a museum now, exhibiting furniture, clothes and tools used during the time Washington lived in Jane Why is the name of the capital of the United States followed by the letters D.C.? Fred Because Washington is situated in the District of Columbia, so named in honour of ‘Columbus, the man who discovered America. Jane People say itis difficult to loose your way in Washington. 139 Enmglezinensiva deface Fred That's right. The city is very well designed. The streets that go east and west are named for letters ofthe alphabet, while ‘those that go north and south are numbered. Jane {mn particularly interested in the monuments tothe great American presidents, What do they look like? ‘Fred The monuments to Jefferson and Lincoln are beautiil statues, while the Washington Monument looks like a pyramid. VOCABULARY sightseeing ['saitsi:in|s.- viztarea uni ras representative [‘repri’sentativ]s.-repre- zentant to come, came, come (kam, keim, kant]. =a veni ‘whenever [wen'evs] con). - ori de cate ori broad [bro:d] adj. - larg, lat embassy ["embasi] s.-ambasada appointment [o'pointmant] s. - inte to drive, drove, driven [draiv, drowv, *drivn] v.-@ conduce un vehicu! famous ['feimas] ad. -vestit, cunoscut president [‘prezidant]s.- pregedinte government ['gavnmant] . - gover painting [‘peintin] 8. pier statue ['stntu] s.- statue former ["fo:mo] adj. - de odinioar’, de alia to see, saw seen [si 5: sin] v. a vedea to exhibit fig"2bit] v.- a expune tool fu] s.- meal Supreme Court [sju:prism’ko:] ‘The Capitol [de"kaepitl) Mount Vernon ['maunt'vo:n20) to discover [dis'kavo] v.~@ deseoperi to design [ai'zain] v.- 4 proiecta to fy flew, lown {fai fu:, flour] v. ~ a ura accross {a"kras] adv. - peste dint-o parte fe cealaltt engine ['endin] s,- motor to wear, wore, wom [W3, WO, Worn] ¥.~ a purta flight [fait] s.~2bor ‘as much as possible ["posabl]~ cit se poate de mult to take smb. round the city fora sightseeing tour - a conduce pe cineva prin oras pentru a face un tural orasulu a wide range of exhibits ~o gama Largs de exponate in the world [wold] - din ume places worth sing [wo] - Jocuri care merit si fie vizute to lose (lst, Jost) one’s way ~a se rite to be particulary interested in smth petikjuloi]- a manifesta un interes deosebit fall de ceva; a fi in mod deo- sebitinteresat de ceva ‘Washington ("¥o[inton] Massachusetts [mies'tfu:ses] Jefferson ['ésefsn] Lincobn ["inkor]} “The Potomac River (Sape"toursek] 156 Columbus fk" lambas] On 1 Raspundeti la intrebdr, folosind vocabularul aditional, VOCABULARY PRACTICE 1. Whae de you say about the tqvout of a town? Well, | like it/ Well, The streets are: ‘There are The parks squares seardens, The places are | The buildings are 1 don’t like it very much, stright broad quiet large dined with trees large squares ‘numerous boulevards vast parks are | small | large | vast ‘numerous immense interesting, beautiful lovely wonderful exquisite attractive impressive magnificent majestic rand ugly | dilapidated short crowded rocked empty Washington B.C 157 Englesa intensivi de afacert clean well-kept ‘wonderful The cities are reconstructed 2.Why do you go/do sightseeing? to see |. the siahs the cy te places of intrest to atcha glimpse ofthe city GRAMMAR ‘THE PAST TENSE, CONTINUOUS ASPECT ‘Timpul treeut, aspectul continua ‘Afimatv | Negativ Tuterogativ CNegativ) | \ was writing | Twasnot wring) Was (no) waiting? Youwere wating | You were not writing | Were you (not) wniting? Thewas wating | He wasmnot writing | Was he (nt) writing? Shewes writing | Shewas not witing | Was she (not writing? ucas writing, | Tewasnot wating | Was it (not) writing? Wewerwwrting | Wewerenotvrting | Were we (pot) wing? i You were wring | You were not writing | Were you (not) writing? They mee wring | They werent wring) ete eo wig? _| Forme | We're T wasn't waiting, you! Wasnt 1 writing?, wert) corte | You're wring | weren't writing, he| you writing?, wasn't be Wasn't writing, tc. | witing? ete They're 158 One. aS 1. Formare Se formeaz8 din timpul treeut al verbului auxiliar "to be" si participiul nedefinit al ‘erbului de conjugat 1, fnerebuintare Este folosit pentm a exprima 0 actiune de durats, in curs de desfigurare fn treeut, Caracterul progresiv al actiunii reiese dact o| raportim la fa) un moment trecut exprimat printr-un| adverb de timp definit san locutiune| adverbiald de timp defini referitoare la trecut this time yesterday (ieri pe vremea aceasta), this time last year (anul trecut pe vremea aceasta), at 3 0'clock yesterday (eri la ora tei, ete: ) 0 actiune momentand care a avut Joe in ‘recut, exprimatl print-un verb la timpul ‘recut, aspectul comun;, ©) 0 alt actiune de durat, in curs de) ddsfigurare in recut, exprimatd printr-un verb) Ja umpul trecut, aspectul continuu. i Washington DiC : Exemple as wing. | This time yesterday I was ping a} report. - ieri pe vremea aceasta] dactilografiam un referat. | ‘When I met him, he was going to the ‘museum, - Cind am intilnit, mergea spre muzew While we were reading, they were writing. - In timp ce noi citeam, ei scriau, EXERCISES I. Raspundeti la urmétoarele intrebitri: 1. What did Mr. Heart go to Washington for? 2. Was that his first visit to the capital of the United States? 3, What did he do whenever he had some spare time? 4. What does Massachusetts Avenue look like? 5, Why didn’t Mr. Heart visit any places of interest the first morning? 6. What did Mr, Heart do when the business talk was over? 7, What are the places of interest in Washington he visited? 8. What is Mount Vernon? 9. What do the ‘monuments to the presidents of the United States look like? IL. Cititi urmétoarele propoziti. Scrieti cuvantul care se potriveste spatiului liber. Model: Theman who sees sights isa sightseer 1. The man who brings milk is a 2. The man who brings post is a 159 A house m whic! 3 poultry lives 4. A man who paints a wal is 2 5, Someone who Keeps a horse is a 6.A place for walking atthe side ofa street is & 7. Writing done by hind is 8 A man who drives a car is a 9, A shed where a car is kept is a 10, A shed where wood is kept is a 11, Paper used to cover a wall is ITIL Cate cuvinte putes forma cu terminagia -ward? Addugati aceasta terminatie ia urmétoarele cuvinte: in east © + down. back fu, cout up re north... south... West IV, Gasiti definitia (a-f) pentru fiecare expresie (1-6) ‘administration of public affairs; executive powers 5. former \ 2) sting is 6, sightseeing a maciine to deive machinery or railway trains V. Completati spatile libere eu prepocitit sau adverbe: They drove ine. the five universities. Washington, 2, He had an appoiniment Nie tiasom the manager . the trade Firm his company was doing business... 3. The firs aeesnine breakfast, he took a walk ... Massachusetts Avenue, 2 broad street fine Fraldingsand tees both sides, where mos... the embassies ae situated. When thor aaeeeee alk was, Mt. Hilson invited Mr. Heart have lunch. him and then he tool aaa wear the city .-asightsceing tour. 5. Mr. Hear saw famous monuments named Tat American presidents, 6. Another place wort sing. Washington tthe bbe Beneres, the largest library. the United States, 7. his lst day Washington, Mr Hess ited Mount Vernon, the home ... George Washington, an old house situated 2 hill looking .. the Potomac River. Vi Dati interogativul, negativul si interogativ-negativul urmdtoarelor propozitii: 1. Paine last year we were travelling about the country. 2. This time yesterday he ws goingon a sightseeing tour.3, They werchaving lunch together yesterday a twelve o’clock 160 One 4 Two days ago, at three o'clock, we were visiting the museum. § They were having # 4. ths time lastnight. 6. He was driving to Brasov this time last Monday. VI. intocuiti infinitivul din paranteza cu timpul trecut, aspectul continun: Pe ech) ert. V. programme when Joa came in, 2. While we stayin the ibrar, see itgy) tennis,» While he (Co have a rest) she (0 cook) in he kitchen, 4. While be tes (Pin te garden, she (0 do) her morning exercises. 5. While he (to wateh) the match tro ort ae (to read) & OK. 6. While the manager (to attend) & meeting, the typist Co or ins fete. 7 John (o read) the newspaper, when somebody knocked athe door 2 TYesterday morning, at 8 o'clock, he (to have) breakfast. ViLFolositi timpul trecut, aspectul continuu in urmatoarele propozifis ‘YESTERDAY/LAST WEEK, SAID TODAY, ISAY 1am goin 1 ee the monument LAST WEEK? We.-tose the museum, but we dia’ have enough money. Ym meeting Tom at twelve o'clock. YESTERDAY: I... Tomat twelve o'clock, but I couldn't go. They arecoming to dinner LAST WEEK: They ... to dinner, ‘but her husband was taken ill. Mr Wilson going odo busines with 0 company. YESTERDAY: Mr Wilbon . business wit or company, but Mr Hea hat By ack Tins wanedropingar woo' soak yesterday Se Finished pngat veo loc. | [Atthree o’elock, Miss Kirk... _Betnre oor MiSs Til tumed on the radio at eight ovclock yesterday evening, He tumed it off at =| | o'clock ‘At nine o'clock, Bill. tothe radio. [ Tsaried shaving at w quarter past seven yesterday. I finished shaving at el [soem ‘Actwenty past sever, 1 ee Sie meee [Toman arcing chs tne cloaks Te abode | ches at eleven olor, | ced Atten o'clock, they 161 Englesa intensivd de afacer Bill leh home at eight yesterday moming. At nine o'clock, he arrived in Washington. What was Bill doing at half past eight? | He Washington, ogous tbo eno lock yily cen T ot ont fhe oh | ee itr werejou dom te bo seen om? [stan lek. Wat were you ding ooh fom evensois? | 1... in the booth, IX. Alegeti timpul corect: : | ‘going to football match today, but it's raining. + 1vas + Las) meeting Paul at sx, but he can’t come “Tam * They't | were going to send me some money, but they forgot 10, + They + We.were | paving hunch at Paul's, but his wife isi + Were vir. Wito| * Y°° "=| coming tou of tomorow, bt mafia be thee. You ae + Hewas | goinrn give mein ars, bathe never id + Heis oe tolisten tothe radio this evening, but it’s broken. + I'm going © They're |_ spending his weecend in ‘Washington, but they had to fly back. + They were X. Inlocuiti infinitival din parantecit cu timpul trecut, aspectul comun sau continuu: 41. What you (to-do) this time yesterday? You (to study) or (to have a est)? 2. When (co come) home, my son (to play) chess with his friend, Tom. 3, When we (10 get) to the Sreimming pool, the sun (0 shine) 4, When we (to leave) the office, the typist stil (to type) a report 3. Yesterday, when I ((o go shopping), ! met my best friend, Nick. 6. When she {to enter) the room, he just (to shut) the window. 7. When I (Go come back) from the office tny daughter (co play) wit her dolls. 8, They (to buy) a nev car ast year. 9. They (to build) arnew house this time last year. 10. Where you (to go) at 5 o°clock yesterday, wher (to meet) you? 16 Washington D.C. es ‘Excuse me, si. which way isthe patent office?” XI Traducet aru ethea aceasta mi daceam spe birou. 2 In timp ce no vam, eis seiay tye PS Ce facen Ana in timp ce Maria lua micul dejan? 4. Unde vi duceat ies cind mee it? 5 Ce feat ier pe lx ora patru? 6, Cu cine vorbea a telefon end am intrat dana Cand am ajuns aca, Tom toca arta prietenl vi apartament nostra aaa eate or am pin timp liber, vizitez un muzeu. 9, In muzeul de Ia Moun! Vernon + em csea un quit are de exponate: mobil, ine, net ooste n yremea cing rat easton. 10. Distrctl Columbia gia primit numele de Ia Columb, cel cae {ccopert Americ. 11, Imiamintese deo sear de octombrie de acum 2eee ani Eran foarte Secor pont cf nv aea sear trzu, unm sh ntnesco fal. ntentionam so dues aera ga cena oa, apo! rma s8 mergem la restaurant Desig, sperm aaa rravce eu ea, fn scara aceea trebuia s& cheltiese multi bani, dar banii mu era | re gran Mat rau me-am eAehtorit cu ea side tune! n-am mai avut ban 163 UNIT 25 CITY TRAFFIC Ina city like Bucharest with so many privately owned automobiles, one might think that ‘getting from home to work or getting to town for shopping would be very easy, but itis, not Ibis very simple to drive a car in town but itis very difficult to find a place to park it ‘once the car isin town. ‘Therefore, when Dan had finished his business, he wanted to show his daughter Mary the Underground Station and how to get about, At every underground Station there were maps ofall the undergound lines in Bucharest, and booths for tickets so it was easy to get to the place you wanted to go to, At some stations they could change to a different underground line, To change trains they had to go to another level by excalators. They could get from ‘one place to another faster than if they ran above the ground because there were no traffic lights, no crossroads, no pedestrian crossings ‘But Bucharest still maintains a system of public transportation or a transitsystem covering the entire city offering a wide choise of buses, tolley-buses, trams all running on regular schedules. Besides this public transit system, taxi-cabs also provide transportation in the city, They have the advantage of getting the passenger more quickly to his destination than public buses or trams because they can take the shortest route to destination and they do not have to stop for new passengers. Dees “a, i 164 One a City traffic s simply pouring: I was afraid we were in for a change. I wasn’t wrong, was 1? Mz Good Heav F. looked like rain when we started M.: There's a rush for the buses, and all the taxis seem to have vanished. Fz Yes, there's no telling when we can find one. Let’s take the tube; we shall be under over all the way M.+ The trains are frightfully overcrowded, Fiz We have to squeeze in somewhere M.: You are a season-ticket holder, aren’t you? Fz Yes, P've had a season ever since | started my new job. ‘Mz: That just reminds me, mine’s only got another week to run, "Not only that, now it’s stopped talking to me.” 165 Engleza intensiva de afaceri_ VOCABULARY traffic "ek 8. cireulaie city stl] 5. = oras privately [‘praivitil adv. privat, part- cular, personal town four] v.—aposeds, api to park [pack] v.- a parca | shopping {'Jopin] s.~ cumpy | to find, found, found ffaind found, found} v,-a gisi | ‘underground [‘andagraund] s.-metrou | booth [bu:8] 5. ~eabin pedestrian [pi'destron) s. pieton | crossroad {"krosroud 5 -intersectie tur excalator[eska'leita]s.-seardrulanti | to maintain {man'tein] v. - mengine to offer [of] v.-@ oferi to cover [kava] ¥.- a acoperi | entre [en’tais} adj - inte | choice [fis] s.~alegere | bus [bas] s.- aurobuz tram rey, tava | to mn, ran, ru fan, en, ran ¥.~@ alee (aici functions, a merge) | | schedule [fediul] s.-orar cab kab] s. = axi advantage [ad'varntidg] s,- avantaj to provide (pra'vaid] v.- a asigura to stop [stop] v. 8 opri to pur [po] v. -a tua to think, thought, thought [Oin, Oat, Gost} v. = gindi, acrede rush [raj] .~ goand, grabir to Vanish ['vaenif] v.- a dispare tube fijub] s. - metro in Anglia frightfuly [fraitfuli] adv. - Inspaimantator overcrowded (o’wvacraudid] adj. - supra- aglomerat to sqeeze ['skwi:z] v. - aa stoarce (aici) & se inghesui holder ("houlda] s.- detindtor to remind {ri'maing] v.-a-si aminti tobe in for ase astepta la to look like - pare st there's no telling ~ nimeni mu ste season-ticket - abonament VOCABULARY PRACTICE Réspundeti la intrebari exersdnd vocabu Jarul aditional: 1, How can you get to the nearest underground station? It is not far, it’s just round the comer. You have to get off at the next. This bus takes you right there, ‘You can find it on the other side of the square. ‘You've just missed it, Take the first tuning to the Teft. 166 City trafic One i 2. How can you get about the town Tea go by | bus come trolley-bus tram | underground ean | take bus. catch a troliey-bus miss atram board | fan underground enter change drive a car | drive up in a car Team | iltke you sah bere tet | stares thes | Seigho 3. Mow was the aie? tea te och men tli Blocked up congested wes beldep 4.When driving a car about the town, what must you observe? rules signs traffic lights regulators, 5. What can you experience in a traffic? a block ‘break abottle-neck ‘gap ahold-up lull a jam, Engleza intensive de afacert 6, Tram, Bus, Trolley-bus in Everyday Speech — Shall we take a tram? — The tram will take us right there. — It takes the tram so long to come. — How long does it take you to get there by... — Can you tell me if there is a tram from here to the hotel? — Where is the bus stop? — This bus stops only at request. — Does the tram run to ..? — The tram is full —Do we have to change trams? — Shall we get on the bus? — Do they run any new bus lines in the city? — Where must get on? get off? change? — Tell me where to change, please \ — Are there no trams running here? — Cross the street under the green light, only! i — Ask that man who is blocking the aisle to step aside! —No left turn! — Road - work ahead! — Road narrows! — Give way! i — Halt a crossroads! Look out when crossing! — Homs forbidden! — No parking! —No admittance! — if you take the underground, you don't have to change anywhere. — Which isthe nearest way 10? ~ Can you tell me the way to. Ths is my frst time in Washington and I'm aftaid P've tost my bearings = Isitmuch of walk? — Could you put me right? 168 City wate One eto — Do I take this street or that? — Which is the quickest way to ..? —Ami — How long does it take to walk from — Go as far asthe railway station. for ..? This is the first time I've been here. here to ..? — [rm astranger here myself, You'd better ask a policeman, — You are stil some way off. — It's just round the comer. — I's quite a distance. At the next crossroads turn to the lel GR AMMAR THE PAST PERFECT TENSE, SIMPLE Mai-mult-ca-perfectul simplu [ : Interogativ | atirmat Neativ omen | Thad written Thad not written, Had I (not) written? Youkad writen | Youhadnot writen | Had you (not) wtten? Fe had witen Rehas not writen | Hade (not writen? / Shehad writen | Shehad not writen | Had she (not) writen? Iehad writen Tehad not writen | Hadi (not) writen? Wehad writen | Wehadmot writen | Had we (not) writen? | You had writen __| They had written Fome | contrase You hnad not written | hadn't written, You hadn't written, etc | ‘They had not written Had you (not) written? | Hid they (not writen?| Hadn't I writen? | Fiadn’t you written? ele. 169 intensid de acer [ Reguli Exemple J See gg Se CD 1. Formare | Se formeaza din timpul treeut al verbului) I had written - Sersesem. | auniliar al verbului "to have" si patcipiul| tel al verbal de cons | | Th lntrebuinare | Este folosit pentru a exprima 0 actiune: | trecuti, anterioard fat de un moment \ ‘recut, care poate fi mareat pri: 2) 0 locutiune adverbiala de timp: by the) By the end of the last week, I had already end of the week (pin a sfigitul Sipe] drawn up the report. « Pind la sHritul mini), by 2o clock (pind la ora dous), by] sptmanii treeute, redactasem deja| sunday (pa duminicd) by thattime (pana referatul. | Ia ora aceea) etc b) o alta actiune trecuti, exprimati| When I got home, they had already left.- printaun verb la timpultrecut -aspectul] Cand am ajuns acas, ei pleaser deja com THE PAST PERFECT TENSE, CONTINUOUS ASPECT Mai-mult-ca-perfectul, aspectul continuu T Interogativ Afirmativ Negativ | Peeey Thad boen writing | Thad not been wets | Had I (no) been wri | ing? | ‘You had been writing | You had not been writ-| Had you (not) been ing writing? Hetacbers wing | Heat tse wr) Hab abe wi ing ing? } She had been writing | She had not been wre] Had she (not) been] | ing witing? Ithad been writing Ithad not been writing | Had it (not) been writ- ing? ‘Werhad been writing | We had not been wait-| Had we(not)been wrt ing | ine? You had been wating | Youhad not been wi) Had you (not) been ing writing? | They had been wring | Tryhadnotbeen wit) Had they (20) been in writing? 170 Cv trafic | Interogativ See et CNegatey | Forme | I'd been writing, ‘hadn't been writing, | Hadn't been writing?,| contrase | you'd been writing, ete, you hadn't been writ hadn’t you been writs buen [iste ny a Reguli____ | Exemple 1. Formare Se formeazi din mai-mult-ca-perfectul I had been writing -Serisesem verbului auxiliar "to be" si participiul nedefinit al verbului de conjugat. Afirmativ Este folosit pentru a exprima: 4) oactitne de dur esfaigurare in trecut gi s-aincheiat cu putin inainte fata de un moment trecut; | b) 0 actiune de durati in curs de desfasu- rate, care a inceput inaintea unui moment| dl frecut gi continua si in ace! moment. ‘Momentul trecut poate fi mareat prin: =o locutiune adverbial de timp: this time| | yesterday (jeri pe vremea aceasta), this} time last month (luna trecuti pe vremea| aceasta). ete. | © 0 acfiune trecutd, exprimata printr-un verb la timpul trecut, aspectul comun. 2 anv care fostin curs de| I had just been reading the new text, when T heard the bell. - Tocmai citisem textul nou, cénd am auzit soneria. | | This time yesterday I had been writing my | homework for half an hour. - Teri pe! vremea aceasta imi scriam temele de 0} jumatate de ora. | ‘When he got home, she had been watching. the T.V. programme for one hour, ~ Cénd 4 ajuns acasi, ea umnirea programul de televiziune de o ori. EXERCISES 1. Raispundeti la intrebiii 1. Is it easy to get from home to work by car in Bucharest? Why? 2. What did father want to show his daughter? 3.What can you see at every underground station? 4. What could they change at some underground stations? 5. How did they change trains? 6Why could they get faster by the underground than by the bus? 7. What does a public transit system consist of? 8. What else provides transportation in Bucharest? 9. Why was it such a rush for the buses? 171 Engleza intensiv de afacert ee Il, Dati formele de bazé ale urmétoarelor verbe: Joown. te get 0 drive, to find, to park, to run, to do, to provide, to change, to vanish 10 squceze, to hold, to remind, to have, to pour. I. Dagi antonime: ‘new, overcrowded, far, wrong, quickly, short, regular, easy. underground. TV. Completati spagiile libere cu prepozitile sau adverbele de mai jos: about, 10, at, from, 0, | in somewhere, in for, for, ever since. 1. One might think that getting from home fo work would be very easy, but itis not +. Father wanted to show his daughter the underground station and how to get 3. .. some stations they could change .. a different underground line. 4, Twas afraid we were .. .. a change. 5, There’s a rush .. the buses. 6, Weave to sqeeze oa. 7. T've had a season ticket... I started my new job, V. Completati dialogul: — The traffic light has changed to green, — That means ‘The lady is afraid to cross the road. — Let's — I wonder why accidents happen at crossroads. — Can't you see . Vi. Traduceti in limba englezi, conform modelului: ‘Model: Ati face mai bine si luati un antobwz. “You'd had better take a bus. 1. Ai face mai bine sit intrebati pe cineva care este drumul cite post. 2. Aj face mai bine vscrieti o scrisoare, 3. Ati face mai bine si intrebati un trecitor care este cel mai scurt ‘Gram catre muzeu. 4, At) face mai bine si invatati mai mult. 5, Ati face mai bine sii va sculati mai devreme dimineata. 6. Ati face mai bine si vizitai si alte muzee. 7. At face mai bine sa vi duceti la cinema, conform modelului: VIL. Schimbati urmitoarele propazit Model: Nick says he has just visited the Art Museum, [Nick said he had just visited the Art Museum. |The typist says she has just typed a leter2. Mary says she has just translated an article ‘hom Romanian into English. 3, John says he igs waitten his homework. 4. He says he has jst come back, 5. She says she has never been il, 6. Tom says he had told her & lot of teresting things. 7. Ann Says she has just had her breakfast. 8. Nick says he has just had aval 9, He says he has seen many places of interest in Washington. 10. Jane says she has just met Tom, VII Puneti intrebari la urmatoarele propozitii: 1. Undergrounds run under the ground, 2, During rush hours, alot of people goto and come from their work. 3. Steam trains were very drty.4. Today, the system of London passenger transpor covers an area of about 2,000 89. miles. 5.There are vacant seats on top. 6. The people standing at the door are getting off next stop. 7. We got to Oxford street by Taderground, 8. Every moming, we must take a bus to the centre ofthe city. 9. At some ‘ations, passengers can change to a different underground line, 10. Passengers may cross the street when the green light is on. IN. Schimbati urmatoarele propozitii, conform modelului: Model: This time yesterday he was translating an article ‘This time yesterday he had been translating an article for half an hour. 1. This time yesterday we were getting about the city. 2. This time yesterday they were travelling by motor coach, 3, This time yesterday she was practising in the language laboratory. 4. This time yesterday he was playing chess. 5, This time yesterday Mary was doing her moming exercises. 6, This time yesterday mother was cooking, 7. This time yesteniay you were doing your shopping. 8. This time yesterday they were visiting a museum. 9. This time yesterday John was working in the garden. 10, This time yesterday ‘our manager was attending a conference. X. Citi, raduceti ‘A woman is in a hurry and takes a taxi. The taxi goes at great speed and narrowly misses som lamp posts, trams and policemen. The woman is frightened and says to the taxi driver: "Please, be careful! This is the first time I’ve been in a taxi". "That's all right, ma'am" answers the taxi driver. "This is the first time I have driven one." XI. Séitermindm cu un zambet. Citii si redati urmatoarele glume: Teacher: Johny, why are you late for school every moming? Johny: Every time | come to the corner a sign says: "School - keep slow". intensivi de afacert IN A CROWDED BUS Ce Wake up! ‘Maz Lwasn't asleep. Cz: Not asleep? But you had your eyes closed. ‘Mz Tinow. [just hate to look a ladies standing up in a erowded bus. XM, Traduceti: se Trantasem in fata cnematogafu timp de un sfert de od ends in ie & Ven eeaaeenat iz Cla imp de dt an inainte de a ne muta la Bucurest 3. Jen pe were ae pica lemagnd deo or, 4 Clatorisem prin ari timp de dowd siptamini And as Cand am afuns seas ura arta taduoerea pe creo fleen de or) 5 (ee Mam deo jumate de o8 prin par, ind i-m itn pe pity nest, a tancezn tip deunan nant de a incepe spredenenglezs. §. Pcl m0 state Pr srl eel mai stu pad la hotelul Bucuresti? 9. Mergeti dre insinte si Spe! Tautzo pe prima stra Ia dfeapa, Hotel este cldvea mare dis fs dumneavoastea lato pe pra de abu cen ma propa pene Pita Universi? 11h are aoecaage ae ira un lt redtor. 12. Nick ra spus tristull ca scope wp Srv rae ETS Loam inet daca vital deja acest maze. 14M spus of oe Fe Ts, Credeam eb a plecat deja. 16, Dupe a luat masa de prinz, a odin sean I? am sps env ammaiviuto pe Maria dé dows sipimin. 1 Che dedovi Pi seine intrest, cana vent Mara, 19 Sriam oserisoare de ctv imp ne or ar at sonia. 20 ler pe vremea aceasta ficeam cudteic in cast de dous Or dee astot travers nui chndsemaforl ara verde, 22. Calatorese ov evo acre tn tmpul reir de vt, cind autobuzse tamale unt swpragionner ‘aed pierlem auiobozul sa dac nu pte sine urea, trebuie st sere, 3) 25. Dad Perot pentra merrou de 1a casa de ilete sau de a masini automate, 2S, [+ 2a a, wehiculele webu ef educl viteza, 26, Cobora a tia urmatoare, i 292 174 UNIT 26 [LL PROBABLY STAY AT HOME ON WEEK-EN Mother: What are you going to do this week-end, Chris? Chriss PL probabl Mother: | hope you'll have a pleasant week-end if you join us tothe woods and have our ‘ay at home and Tearn some English picnic by the river Chris: Vm afraid that won't be likely Mother: Why not? Chris: Because P'll have to listen to Paul’s complaints ‘Mother: What complaints? ‘Chris: Too early to get up, too long to prepare a picnic lunch, t00 boring to get the car ready, oy 6 However next day it was Saturday, and we all got up very early, prepared a picnic lunch got the boat andthe car ready, took the fishing rods and drove oft \We pot to the woods and choose for our picnic a really beautifil picnic shady place under tree, It was quite a pleasure to breathe the fresh air of the country. We spread a ‘et on the grass and sat down to have our lunch as dy felt hungry. The fresh nace everything taste very good. Then, the children were happy to change into their bathing suits and have a swim in the cool water of the river. The ladies picked flowers, berries and mushrooms, lay in the sun-rays and had a nice chat while walking about the 175 engleza intensive afacert oo \wood. When the ladies were back, we walked quickly down the steep road to the river. We pushed the rowing host on tothe rive, pulled the oars and rowed up the river. It was a smal Jeinding river, flowing gently tothe valley. The valley was narrow, but woody and silent fall of flowers and birds Paul suddenly shricked "What's that? - "Only a frog jumping int the water. Keep quiet, ‘you nearly upset the boat, and see over there what you've done" Paul’s cry had so disturbed an angler peacefully siting on the bank ofthe river, that he had dropped his fishing rod, and was looking "daggers" at Paul, ‘Then the children moored the boat to a weeping-willow, they walked up to the village When we were about to leave, it stared raining and we took shelter until the rain stopped. ‘When it got dark, we drove back home, VOCABULARY week-end ['wi:kend] s.-sfiryit de sip- ‘tamand to relax [rileks] v,-a se relaxa, ase destinde to enjoy oneself fin'dgoi] v. - se dist to depend on (di’pend’ an] v.- a depinde de picnic [/piknik] s.- pienie to choose, chose, chosen [t{uzz, tfouz, *tYouzn] v.-aalege shady [°Jeidi] adj - umbros, oak-tree ['ouk’tri:] s. stejar to breathe [br:6] v. «respira fresh [fre] adj. - proaspat 116 | air eo} s.~aer to spred, spread, spread [spred. spred. spred] v.- aintinde, a desface chat [jet] s.- conversa, tifas to fish [fi] v. a pescui to bum, bumt, bumt (bon, bo:nt,ba:nt]v swarde to stay (ste v.-a sta maybe ['meibi] adv, - poate (ct) to agree to smth, fog] v. - fi de acord cuceva 1 bathe [bei] v. -2 se scald can, could (keen, kud] v. - putea trout [taut] 5. = pastriv | tojump fam] blanket [*bicenkit]s.- patur’ to upset [‘ap’set] to taste test) v.-a gusta a avea un boat [bout] sb (anumit) 20s water [0:3] 8. ~ ape angler ['eelal s. topick [pik] v.~ aculege tosst, sat, sat sit, eee it ‘mushroom ["ma rum] s.- eiuperc’ peacefully (pissfuli] adv. - ‘bank [bsenk s,~mal Til probably stay at home on week-end =a stri v.-aderanja to disturb [di'sta:b] v.- deranja += pescar cu undita set, see) v, a yedew ‘mod pagnic to feel (felt, felt) hungry ffiLfelt, felt] - a | xy [kr] s,-strigt ~alega de mal eee : patient {pei nt) adj. ibdator ing suit {eins -costum de ating u's ona: to tie lay, ain) inthe sun-rays [lai ei, tein] - a face plaja unprised [so'praizd] -a fi mirat, ‘masina tobe | we got the car ready ['redi] - am pregatit fishing rod ['fin’rod]- undits sumprins ccamp fire ["kaemp’faio] - foc de tabara spn a abr | oeaioato-e to push [pus] v. -a impinge | elt pe ce sa. torial coca | ce} as come on -avi See eee ety et tng ‘tho Cv al | cor to look daggers - privirea to shrick [rick] v,~a ipa plangatoare frog [ftog] 5. ~ broased | filpe punctul de... afi to take shelter {*jeita] -a se adaposti to get dark - a se Intuneca to catch cold -a rici | topiteh a tent (pt) oten)-a insta un to have a lot of fun [fan] -2 se distra bine afulgera pe cineva cu weeping-willow [wi:pin ‘wiclou] -salcie VOCABULARY PRACTICE Réspundeti la intrebari exersand vocabularul aditional: 1. What else do you generally do during your week-ends? Daring our weekends we may also go out and see our fiends, ¢g0 to the cinema orto the theatre, toa restaurant or to a museum, we go for a walk to the park or practise sports. We a 17 Engle de afaceri say also stay at home and read something or watch television, Our hobbies take us a lot of time, t00. 2, Why do we aways took forward to having a rest in the countryside? ‘We always look forward to having a retin the countryside, as we ate eager 10'be ov Of Tre anes away from the noisy and dusty tow, afiera whole week when we have bes: inside. 3, Where do you spend your week-ends in winter? Te winter, we spend our week-ends in the mountains, We enjay skiing onthe slopes oF ata the frozen lake, Sometimes we take Tong walks in the woods where vcore in ye wonderful on sunny days, with all the trees and bushes covered with Hoar Fog tring the sun. Aer we have spent many hours inthe open ait very POTTY. Fos ae arth of the house, where tasty ch waits fr us. In the evening, we sit bythe fire tally tll jokes, sing, dance and have avery ood time. GRAMMAR ‘THE FUTURE TENSE SIMPLE ‘Timpul vitor simplu | Interogativ Afirmativ Nest | (Nery | 1 shall write 1 shall not write ‘Shall I (not) write? | You wil write You will not write | Will you not) write? | He will write He will not write | Will he (not) write? | She wil write | she will not write | Will she not) waite? | | Hs wnte | teal not write | Will it (not) write? | [Hee | Wesiaramte | Shwe ore j eves | Youle | Wii wre? | They will wit | They will not write _|_ Will they (non write? | Til write, you'll write) 1 shan’t write, you} Shan't I wrte?, wo he'll write, veont write, he won't} you waite, won't he comtrase write, etc ‘write?, te _| 178 ee probably stay at home on week-end LF | Se formeazi din verbele auxiliare "shall" {pentrs persoama I singular st plural) 3 will” (pentru persoanele a U-a si a I= a) singular gi plural), plus infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat. 1 owrebuingare Este folosit pentru @ exprima o actiune vitoare fat de moment vorbirli, Aceasti otiune poate fi asociati cu un anumit ‘moment sau cu o anumita perioada de timp exprimath print-un adverb sau o locuyune fdverbiala de timp referitoare la viitor: tomorrow (enaine), the day after comorrow (poimaine), next week (Saptamana viitoare), next monday (Iunea viitoare), next month (Iona viitoare), next spring! (primavara vitoare) next year (aml vitor) | etc Verbul "wil folosit a persoana I singular si plural este verb modal si exprima intentia sau botirarea subiectului de a) sivars o anumité actiune. Verbul "shall folost la persoanele a Ua! sit Tl-a singular gi plural este verb modal si exprima un ordin, 0 amenintare, promisiune \Viitoral simplu se foloseste numai pentru actiuni viitoare neplanificate. Exemple, | {shall write - (eu) voi serie you will write ~ () vei serie ‘Next year, I shall spend my holidays inthe! ‘mountains, - Anul viitor imi voi petrece cconcediul la mune. | will go there. ~ Sunt hotirdt sa ma due) acolo. You shall go thre.» Trebue ste dui acolo (comands faci acest lucr, ‘You shall ave te book back the day after tomorow. Ii promit it ingpoiez crea poimiine, She'll be pleased to see you. - fi va face placere si te vada. Tl know the answer after his phone call. ~ | Voit rispaneil do convorbrea ii telefon ‘Weil all be dead in 3001, - Cu tot vom fi ‘morti in anul 3001. 179 | Engleza imensivit de afacert Regul 1. propozitii circumstantiale de timp, viitorulfiind inlocuit ew a) prezentul, daci cele dou actiuni sunt simultane, [Nu se foloseste timpal viitor in: | ) "Present Perfect”, dact actiunea din propozitia secundari este anterioar fat de actiunea din propozitia prineipala, 2, propozitii conditionale, viitorul find! {nlocuit cu timpul prezent Wel decide on it (when father comes - Yom hota supra asst Tuer nd val ven’ tata | We shall leave / only after we have prepared everything. - Vom pleea numa dupa ce vor fi pregatittotul You'll catch cold | if you bathe on this) ‘weather, - Vei rici daca vei face baie pe o| asemenea vreme. THE PLACE OF ADVERBS OF MANNER Locul adverbelor de mod »dnaintea verbuluis 1. Paul suddenly eried. - Paul a strigat bruse. 2, The river gently flows to the valley. -) Raul curge linistit spre vale. 3. He nearly upset the boat. - Mai si istoame bar wvlntre cele dows parti ale verbului 1. He was peacefully siting, - El seda| pagnic 2.7 probably stay at home. - Probabil voi sta acasi ‘fnaintea adjectival | The riveris dangerously dep. -Ravl este ericulos de ada. 180 >» Dupdi verb (verbul nu are complement) 1. Chris rows beautifully, - Chris vislest| frumos. 2, The Danube flows swifily. - Duniirea ccurge repede. 3. The walked quickly. ~ Ei mergeaw repede. Scan » Dupé complement 1. She ean speak English very well. Ea vorbeste cngleza foarte bine 2. T hope I'l enjoy it very much. - Sper} | simi plac foarte mult, NB. | ‘Adverbul mu se asazd niciadatéimtre verb si complement Ii probably siay at tome on week-end EXERCISES L. Raspundeti la intrebéri: 1, What is Chris going to do this week-end” 2. Why doesn't Charis want to join his family to the woods’ 3. What did we do when we got to the river? 4. How was the river? 5. How ‘was the valley” 6. Why did Paul shriek? 7. Who did he disturb? 8. What did the angler do ‘en he heard tie sluiek? 9. Where did the children moor the boat? 10. What did the ladies pick? 11. What happened when the children were about to leave? Ii, Urmétoarele cuvinte au fost omise din text. Completa textul. eee cones eee ‘to, af, pleasant, some, €0, rowing, up, affaid, pulled, winding, likely 1. PU probably stay at home and leam ... English. 2. Thope you will have a .. week-end if you join us .. the woods. 3. I'm... that I won’t be ... .4, Because I'l have to listen... aul’s complaints. 5. We pushed the .. boat on to the river, .. the oars and rowed ... the river. 6, It was a small. river, flowing gently... the valley. III, Adéugati terminatile la cuvintele de mai jos. Scrieti cuvéintul now. Retineti noile cuvinte. sudden + ly suddenly full +y quick * ly jumping + ly quiet + ly - weeping + ly pleasant + ly happy * ly peaceful + ly IV. Rescrieti corect propoziiile de mai jos. Fiti atengilalocul adverbelor de mod. 1, The childsen waited for their impatiently father. 2. They pushed the boat and rowed quickly up the river. 3, She can speak very well English. 4, Keep quiet, you upset nearly the boat, 5. He patiently picked up his rod again and changed quiedly tne place. 6. They moored the boat to a peacefully weeping-willow. wens de afacert V. Gasiti adjectivele posibile pentru urmatoarele substantive: angler a. pleasant 2. road b. weeping 3.river c.steep 4, flower 6. deep 5. water «beautiful 6..illow £ patient 7.week-end sg. winding VI. Dati interogativul, negativul si interogativ-negativul urmdtoarelor propozitit: 1. Pll go to see a football match. 2. Father wants to spend the next week-end at home. 3. We enjoy going to the country for a picnic lunch. 4. On week-ends, we relax and enjoy ourselves. 5. We shall be fishing in the river full of rout. 6. We usually spend our week-ends out of town. 7. They will take a long walk in the wood, VIL. Completati urmitoarele propozit 1. When we were about to leave... 2. When he was about to pull the rows, . 3. When se were about to make a fire, 4. When they were about to sit down and have lunch, 33 When the children were about to change into their bathing suits, .. .6, When he was about to have a swim in the cool water of the river, .. . 7. When we were about to drive off. VILL, Puneti intrebiri la urmétoarle propoziti 1L.This morning we got up very early. 2, We usually spend our week-ends out of town, 3. The ladies picked flowers 4 Inthe evening, we drove hack home. 5, They enjoy going to the country for a picnic Tunch. 6, For our picnic we chose a beautiful place under an bak-tree. 7, We spread blanket on the grass. 8, We shall take a long walk in the park. ©. Last week-end, together with some friends of ours, we went to the woods, 10. Father always wants to stay at home, IX. Treceti urmétoarele propoziti la viitorul simplu: 1, We spend our weekends in the country. 2. They don’t enjoy themselves when they 40 to the cinema, 3. We are busy working or studying. 4. There are many things we can do there, 5. We must take the fishing rods. 6, We can speak English. 7. They may smoke in this room, 8. They don’t feel hungry. 9. They cannot translate this text. 10. He may not £0 bathing, IL. We stay in own all the summer long, 12, We may bathe if the weather i fine X. fnlocuifi infinitivul din parantezé cu timpul corespunzitor: ‘We shall have lunch if we (to feel) hungry. 2. He will go swimming if the weather (to be) ine. 3. He will be able to play football when his foot (to be) better. 4. She will buy the hook when the shop (to be) open, 5. You will beable to see the village if you (to get) to the top of the mountain. 6. You will be able to speak English better after you (to study) more 182 one Tl probably say at home on weekvend 7. You will not be able to buy the dictionary until you (to have) enough money, 8. If she {to be) in Bucharest, we shall spend our week- end together. 9. When she (to come) home, ‘ye shall prepare everything for the picnic lunch. 10. If you (not to get up) early, yoiu will miss the first class. 1]. If it (C0 rain), we shall not spend this week-end out of town, 12.1 be able to translate this article, if you (to give) me your dictionary XI. Legati urmatoarele propozitit, conform modelului: ‘Model: He'll get the car ready. He'll drive ott Afier ne has got the car ready, he'll drive off 1. We'll spread a blanket on the grass, We'll sit down to have lunch. 2. The rain will stop. ‘We shall drive back home. 3. We shall pitch a tent. We shall make a fie, 4, They will take a walle in the wood. They will go boating. 5. We'll talk to father about it. We'll decide on it. 6, He will bathe. He will go fishing. 7. You will get to the woods. You will choose @ shady place. 8. It will get dark, We shall drive back home, XI Citi si refineti aceastépoezie AGE AND YOUTH by William Shakespeare Crabbed age and youth Cannot live together; ‘Youth is full of pleasure Age is full of care; Youth like summer mom; Age like winter weather: Youth like summer brave; ‘Age like winter bare. Youth is full of sport; ‘Age's breath is short; ‘Youth is hot and bold ‘Age is weak and cold; ‘Youth if wild and age is tame Youth, I do adore thee! XIII. Traducefi 1. Unde va vei petrece week-end-ul umitor? 2, Cand vei putea si-mirispunzilaintrebare? 3. Dact vremea va fi frumoasi, duminicd ne vom duce la munte. 4, Dupi ce ploaia se va ops, vom face o plimbare eu barca. 5. Cand se va intunece, vom face un foc de tabiri ‘6, Vom pleca dupa ce vom lua micul dejun, 7. Cand se vaintoarce Nick, vom discuts despre ‘aceasta. $, Cd va trebui sX predim toate lueririie? 9, Ne vom plimba prin pure, dact nu va ploua. 10. Dacé nu va fi ocupat, cred ci va fide acord si petrecem acest sfargit de sipkaménd impreund, la tard. 11. Vom face pla, dac va fi destul de cald. 12. Cand vom ‘ajunge in padure, ne vom odihti. 183 UNIT 27 MAIL SERVICES ‘Nowadays no one can do without postal services. The POST OFFICE does a tremendous job in getting our mail and moming newspaper tows. If you pay a visit to your local POST-OFFICE you will see quite a number of windows (counters) with a notice in big letters showing the operations handled. The first window is marked "LC" (Letters and Cards), where letters, letter packages, aerogrammes, postcard and postal cards are dispatched. The next one is "AO} (Other Articles) where printed matter and smal] packets are sent. Then there is one marked POST RESTANTE (Amer. General Delivery) which keeps the mail til called for. Going down the line you will see "CL" (Certified Letters) and REGISTERED LETTERS windows. Certified mail service provides the safest way to send letters and valuable articles. Registry fees include proof of maili and proof of delivery and are based on the value of the article POST_OFFIG = -_. te aa a TUgos "He's our mascot” ‘Any letter can reach the addresses sooner if you send it by airmail You can send money at the MONEY ORDER or POSTAL ORDER window, and parcels atthe PARCEL POST window. But parcels are packed in canvas or strong cardboxes. The larger post-offices even maintain a wrapping and packing service. [At the post-office you can also send telegrams, renew your radio or TV licence, subscribe to newspapers or even pay some bills: rent, telephone, gas and electricity 184 rr Customer {want to send a telegram. Where can 1 get a message form? CGerk You find telegram forms over there: ill one up i ink writing the adressee’s name and address in block capitals, the message, your signature and then hand i in at the next counter. Customer Wil the telegram reach the addressee tonight? Clerk Wil you send it ordinary, urgent or express? Customer Vl send iturgens. Clerk ‘Then, your telegram will each the addressee in four hours. Customer That's allright. (Handling the telegram form over to the clerk): Here is my telegram, Clerk Pmafiaid you'll have to rewrite it, cannot decipher your hand writin. Customer I’m sorry, Ul try to write more legibly. Clerk While you are rewriting the telegram, P'l be attending to another customer Customer (handing the telegram form over) Is it better now? Clerk Yes, it’s much better. Here is your receipt. VOCABULARY sail [meil] s - post AE post [‘poust] s. - post BE tremendous [ti"mendas] adj -enorm, uriag postman ("poustman] s. - postas to deliver [diliva] v, ~ livra address [adres] s.~ adress to dispatch [dis'paet{} v. - expedia window [w'indou] s. - fereastr’, (aici) | value ['vaeljul s. ghisew | fee [fi]. - taxa | rowistry ['redsisti s.~inregistrare; registraturd, recomandat (la post) ‘proof [pruf] s.- dovadi | addeessee (redress. - destinata, interlocutor | airmail ("ca'meil s. - post aeriand postand [pout] scare pot are pont dina impr postal card {oust cal = cate postal una mpinst rite mater rind e's] - primate packet [pci .- past | eel for fe iv. -a merge un avaiable "vei a soni valoae notice [’noutis] s. - anunt seris operation fapa'rei(a)n] s. - (aici) activitate to handle (‘haendl] v. - a executa to mark (mack] v. - a marca aacrogramme ['eagra:m] s.~ aerogram’ (foaie, coal de hart pe care se serie 0 serisoare, se pliazai sub form de plic si | to pack [peek] v. - impacheta, a ambals se sigileaza) | canvas [kaenvas] s. pinzii tare 1 185 inensiva de afacer’ je de carton ccardbox [ka:dbaks] s to wrap [rep] v.- 2 inveli to renew (ri'nju:] v.- a reinno! licence [laisans]s. lief, autorizatic, (aici) abonament to subscribe [sab'skrafb] v. se abona bill [bil] s. (aici) nots de plat topay, paid, paid [pei pei, pei]. plat rent [rent] s.-chirie customer ["kastama] s.- cient to decipher [disso] v.~ a desciffa handwriting [‘haend titi]. sens de ‘mind legibly ["ledgabl] ad. - cite, to attend to smb. [2"tend] v. ase ocupa de cineva to deposit money (di'pozt' mani] -@ epune bani tocash a money order [ake fo! mani “a:da]- a ineasa bani de pe un mandat postal to renew a Ticence [tarinjuoaisans}~ a ‘einnoi o autoizatie, (aici) abonament OC | postage stamp ["poustid ‘staemp] - tim- ‘bru postal a wide range of de | pitar box [*pita"boks] - cutie postal to send a letter by registered post [Predgistad] - a trimite 0 serisoare recomandati [reindg] -0 gama larga to fill ina form [to'filine'fo:m} - pleta un formular pas [exes] 8. - gaze | postpffice -ofieiu postal | out-of-the-way places -locuri indepartate | | pepistry fe - mer. taxi pent sersori (TS eoomandate | registered eter - seria resonant | conified eter -sersoare ex valare | sesh eter package [perks - mci colete eu Tepim de srisoare pentru cae se llr | eset yamals | money order [ds] - mandat postal | parce post -mesagere VOCABULARY PRACTICE ‘Raspundefi la intrebairi exersind vocabularul aditionals 1. What do you do when you want to mail a letter? write a letter fold the letter put it into the envelope address the envelope with the addressees and sender"s names and addresses stick a stamp in the right-hand top comer drop the letter into the mail box/pllar box. 186 Mail servic +2 What do you do when you want withdraw some money? ‘When T want to withdraw some money, I go to the Savings Bank coun! A Mtndeawal form mentioning the number of my bank-book, my name and per Ness the number of my identity card, the date when it was issued and the author sear it the amount | want 1 withécaw expressed in figures as well a in words, the date, ae aly | sign. 1 hand the clerk this withdrawal form duly filled in, together with my isotty card and my bank-book in which a record is Kept of all the sums deposited or vtndrawn. When my turn comes, 1 cash the money. 3. What do you mean by postal rate? Postal rate is the postage to be paid on inland or foreign letters. 4, What is the advantage of sending a letter by Registered Post? “The advantage is thatthe registered letter is not left with the ordinary mail in the lttet-box, but it is delivered personally to the addressee who has to sign for it. 5, What happens to leters whose addressee cannot be found? ‘The so-called “dead letters", whose addressee cannot be found, are sent to the Returned (Dead) Letter Office and, if possible, they are returned to the sender. 6, What happens if I don’t stick the necessary stamps on the envelope? If, for one reason or another, you don’t stick the necessary stamps on the envelope, mark it "Collect", and the adkiressee pays the postage due or the balance, if there isn't enough postage paid, 7. How can we send printed matter? ‘To send printed matter, we go to the counter marked Book Post. ‘Engleza insonsiva de afacer GRAMMAR ‘THE FUTURE TENSE, CONTINUOUS ASPECT ‘Timpul viitor, aspectul continuu nativ | __ Negativ | _internpativ (Newativ) | Pit ae meee | called ant —_ | You will be waiting | You will not be writing, | Will you (nt) be writing? Hewillbewing | Hevillotbe writing | Wille 20 te wring? | she wil noc be writing |, Wil she (not) be writing? twill not be writing | Will it (not) be writing? | We shal be writing | We shall not be writing.) Stall we (not) be writing? You willbe writing | You wil not be writing | Will you (not) be writing? | -They will be writing | They will not bé writing | Will they (not) be writing? | She willbe writing I will be writing Fome | ['llbe writing, you'll| I shan’t be writing, you} Shan’tT be writing?, won't ‘contase| be writing, he'll be| won't be writing, he| you be writing?, won't he| writing, ete. won'tbe writing. etc. _|_be writing? etc Reguli Exempleaeanail) 1. Formare | Se formeaza din timpul viitor al verbului) 1 shall be writing ~ Eu voi serie. auniliar "to be" gi participiul nedefinit al verbului de conjugat. 1 nebuiorare Ese folosit pent expima oaeiune de durati, in cus de desfgurare in vitor Caracteru progresi lactuni reese dct | o raportim I tanmoment vitorsauo prioud de timp| This time tmorow 1 shal be writing a Cintoare, exprimate prinieun adverb de| letter. - Mine pe vem acest voi sre| limp deft, referitoare la vitor. at 5| o stisoae ovelock (la ora 5), at noon (la prinz), tomorrow (ane), ths time next Monday | (lunea viitoare pe vremea aceasta), all day| tomorrow (mine, tats us), all he week through (pe pares treet siptimn), From ov otro (Ge na ps | et ae 188 bo actiune vito Wien you come beck home, shall he} Fiat print-un vero fa timpul prezent,, reading a book. ~ Cind te vel imtoarce eu voi citi o care | | | aspera comuns ‘casi, co alti acuuune de-durat, In curs de} While Tam fling in a telegram form, hel vill be withdraving some mone fern the Bank counter. -ntmp oe ea voi complet ‘un formular de telegram’, el va ret | Gestisurare in vitor. n propo psn | yu se Times snp ios asec Conkinwo, ir in propor circumstantial de timp se foloseste timpul prezent,) niste bani de la ghiseul banc corlconting. EXERCISES I. Raspundeti la intrebiiri: 1, What does the post-office do’ 2, Where do we drop a letter for dispatch? 3. What are the services offered by the post-office? 4, What do you dispatch at the LC counter? 5. What is fan acragramme? 6, What services does the AO window offer? 7. When do we send letters to the Post Restante? 8, What is certified letter or a registered letter? 9. How do we send ‘money? 10. What must we do if we want to send parcels. 11. How ean we send telegrams’ 12, Name some other postal services available. in fiecare rand de mai jos, toate cuvintele cu exceptia unuia provin din acecasi familie de cuvinte. Gisiti acel cuviint. Seriefi-l 1, get, goulgetter, getting, getter, regretting... 2, post, poster, posting, postage, poster, post-date... 3. word, wordy, reward, reword, unworded ... 4. place, misplace, replace, pleasure, displace 5. deliver, leaver, delivery, delivering, delivered 6, window, widowed, widow, widower revister, registry, registration, region, registrar... 8, proof, prop, proofed, proofing, proofless.. 189 IIL, Urmatoarele cuvinte au fost omise din textul de mai jos. Completati spapile libere. [ato ‘address, to, out-of, for, there, for, hy, down, fee, delivery, proof, | addressee, address, in, rece 1. No one ean do .. postal services. 2, The pos office does a tremendous job in geting our aoe one oe We take it. ranted thatthe postman wil deliver the Jeter the right ar os Son dispatch a leirto the most..the-way places and it will get. 5. Going = the Tine youwill see "CL" window. 6, return.}savalable allmalablemaxer 7 ROE) eeade of mailing and proof of... 8, A letter can Teach .. sooner if you send i aismal 1V, Alege timput vitor simpla sau continu corespunator sensuli Thistme nest week} ) shall be fishing. shall fish, When you arrive I probably| shall pick fruit Je shall be picking fruit. ‘When we reach home it probably will rain, « willbe raining ileal for her at eight. No, don’t; she still) © will have breakfast then ‘© will be having breakfast then, 1 | « shall use the car this afternoon. 4 shal be using he cr this afternoon 1 «shall be sexing you | shat se you again ricameattiee ek Go wil meu val be expeting you. ‘What do you think the children ie ‘will do when we get home? « will be doing when we get home? shan't be teaching you next week, as Ihave to go to London. shall not teach you next week, as I have to go to London ‘won't speak to his sister as he is angry with her. |» won't be speaking to his sister as he is angry with her. 190 Mail services One 1; Raspunderi ta urmitoarele intebir prin rispunsuri scurte, afirmative sau negative, conform modelilui. aoe Hr you get receipt when you send a registered letter? Yes, do ‘Do you drop a parce into a pillar box? No, I don't. | oyousend money byan inary leet? 2. Doyougothe Post fie osend reed 1 eye apo you sick astaup on a parel? 4. Do you pt letter nto an envelope”, De sou senda piture posteard by Registered Pst? 6, Doyou senda letter of particular value Yor emtsered Post? 7. Do you puts postcard nto an envelope? 8. Do you drop a riers Pstard int a pillar box? 9. Do you fill nat form to send a registered letter? 10, Do you pera receipt when you send an ordinary letter? 11. Do you pay Your bill for electricity at Te post Office? 12, Do you withdraw money atthe Bank counter? V1. Completati urmédtoarele propocit Peal in a form when ...2. We goto the Bank counter when ... 3, We send eter i Regatered Post when. -4, Sender are given receipts when 5. We senda by by Retietyon «6. Before dropping a letter into the pillar box we rust + 7 fn the airmhand top comer of the envelope we must .. . 8 Sine I cannot decipher your handwriting you must VIL. Dati interogativul, negativul si interogativ-negativul urmdtoarelor propozitit: reece norrow I sal be going to the Post Ofie. 2 He will be suudying in the 1 toy one to three. This ue next year we abl be Raving ou olay’ 41 shall de re Constanta this time next Tuesday. 5 He will be drawing wp a report ali day be ding Coy ail be uavelling about the country all the week through. 7.1 shall be ranting the museum ut 3o°coek tomorrow: VIL Schimbagi urmatoarele propociti, astfel inedt sit exprimati o actiune viitoare, Model: My friend was watching the TV program when I came in ‘When I come in my friend will be watching the TV program. 1. She was teading a book, when I knocked at the door. 2. It was raining, when we left for thecmnema, 3. They were working on the field, when we reached the village, 4. Fohn was Thaonina to asi, when Tcame back home. 5. Mary was going tothe Post Office, when | pathos 6. He was watching the match on the T.V., when I entered the room, 7, They were vvaiting for us at the bus stop, at 9 o'clock inthe morning, 8. He was sill working at this Tandlation at o'clock. 9, She was studying inthe library forher exams, all diy long, 1G. He was playing football fom three to five IX. Inlocuiti infinitivul din paranteci cu timpul corespunziitor, astfel incdt sa exprimari o actiune viitoare: 1.1 Go wititiraw) some money at the Bank counter, when he (to enter the Post Office 2. Tomorrow moming, at 7o,clock, he (to have) breakfast. 3. 1t (to rain) when we (to get) 191 tothe cinema, 4. While we (to study), they (to walk) in the park, He (to travel) to Timisoara wes o'clock tomorrow. 6. While he (to fish). she (to pick) flower. 7. While they (to go) on w siahtseeing tour, we to visit) the Art Museum, We stil to work) when she (to leave) the Fee ©, The children (to bathe), while mother (to prepare) the picnic lanch, 10. On Sunday, the children (to play) all day long, 11. This time next year, we (to travel) about the country. 12.1 (to read) an English book when she (to enter} the room. X, Compietati spatiile libere cu articole, traducet si povestipi: Enelichmen had. very good housekeeper. When he left for his summer holidays, he Saked het to post him all. letters he was to receive during his absence. During July he Reeived no letters So, be telephoned his home and told .. housekeeper to send him all Tetiers... housekeeper explained to... Englishman that he had forgotten to leave her jetter-box key, He apologized and promised to post her... key. During August, he stil received no letters, though .. housekeeper had told him, that there were many letters in Tetter-box. So, when he returned home he spoke angrily to his housekeeper. Was he right? ‘Of course, not, He had posted .. etter-box key, bit .. envelope containing it was in Tetter-box that was locked, XL. Traduceti 1. George spune ci mu va veni la petrecere,nt-i plac petreceril. 2. Ba spune c& nu imi va imprumuta (lend) crtle petru cl niciodata nu le dau inapoi (give back). 3. Dac cineva rea sf trimita sume mici prin post trebuie s4 cumpere un formular de mandat, sil Completeze cu numele si adresa primitoruiui, suma in cife si tere eu numele si adresa éexpeditoruli. 4. in timp ce eu voi incasa bani de pe mandatul postal, Maria va completa carfomutar de tclegrama. 5, In timp ce functionarul va serie chitanta pentru serisoarea Favomandata, eu im voi plat chiria 6, n timp ce Ton va serie adresele pe plicuri, eu voi iips tinbrele, 7. Ce vei face miine pe vreme aceasta? 8, Nick mu va veni ou noi la TPlematogral, deoarece maine inre 3 15 va ursnisi meciul de fotbal. 9 Nut mai astepat SI'nu poate veni cu noi, deoarece tout dupa amiaza va juca sah, 10. Dac vor iua acest fren, vom edlitor toa noaptea. 11. Cand vom ajunge aeasi, longi Ana vor luerain grin Wo. Vom face plajé toata dimineata, cach vremea va fi fumoasd. 13, Dacd voi wisi cartes Ja biblioteca, mine voi studia toatl ziua, "Of course I recognize you! You 're our mailman." 192. UNIT 28 PHONE CALLS People in far-away places are brought closer by television, radio and telephone, But ahome telephone is sometimes the quickest means of settling different questions without leaving ur home and itis @ great convenience for us. Still, sometimes we have to use public telephones (telephone booths). When I ring somebody up from a telephone booth, I pick up the receiver and drop a coin into the slot When | hear the signal. I dial the number. |A fiequent high tone buzzing means the line is engaged. If you hear a prolonged buzzing, hold the wire - your call has been put through and your number will answer in a moment. ‘While speaking don’t press the hook down or else you will be disconnected (cut off), For long-distance calls, 1 usually go to the Telephone Office. I pick up the receiver, and when the white light is on, I drop a coin into the stot. I hear the signal and I dial the prefix of the town, followed by the number. IFT exceed the time-limit, the red light is on, and if I «don’t drop another coin, I am disconnected, If 1 am at home, I give the operator the number 1 need, calling out each figure of the telephone number separately. For zero I read /out, Ifthe fitst or the last two figures ure the same, I use the word "double’ Sometimes, if don't pay fora long-distance call, I ask the operator to make the call collect. When I don't know somebody's telephone number, I either look it up in the telephone directory or ring up inguiries. IF my phone is out of order, I ing up the telephone repair service, to have it fixed. wensvi de afacer Englesa i Romanian operator Good morning, Electra Trading. Can I help You? ULK. operator ‘Hello, [have a call for Mr, Pop 222 extension Romanian operator Hold the line, please. I'm putting you through, Secretary Hello, I’m afraid Mr, Pop is in a meeting. Who's calling please? U.K. operator Mr. J, Heart of TT, Trading, Secretary Hold the line, please. Mr, Heart I'm putting you through, Mr. Pop Hello? Mr, Heart Hello? Is that Mr. Pop? Mr. Pop Hello, Mr, Heart, what can I do for you? ‘Mr. Heart 1 got your letter. What’s all about cancelling your visit to the U.K.? Mr. Pop You know, we are staging the fair here jn Bucharest and we can't move now. ‘Mr. Heart O.K. Mr. Pop, but I feel you should know that you promised your visit here ‘Mr. Pop Yes, we did, We said we should fly late this month to London, Obviously we have to meet Mr, Heart We certainly do! [expect to heat from you soon! "She can't come to the phone right now. she's teaching my brother how to throw up.” 194 Phone cal VOCABULARY to ving (rang, rung) somebody up [rin, ‘nen, tap] V.~a telefon cuiva stot {slot s.- orificiu pentru introducerea monedei signal ['signl] s. = ton to exceed [ik'si:d] v. - a depag to be diconnected / cut off ["diska’nektid) v, +a se intrerupe legitura operator [‘opareita]s,~ centraist to call out v, ‘2 spune (a striga) numere, igure [tiga] -cifra to promise {"promis] v.- a promite reliable [r"laiabl] adj. - demn de incredere, pe care te poti baza fi ‘unfortunately [an"fo:tfaneitlij adv, - din nefericire, din pacate extension [iks'ten an] s. - numa de interior (a telefoane) Trunks ftranks] s.- serviciu interurban Exchange iks'tfeindg]s.- central telefonick ‘again fa'gen) adv. - din now, incd o dat to break (broke, broken) in foreik, brouk, *broukn] v. - a intrerupe bruse to settle a question ['setl]~ rezolva, a solutiona 0 problema telephone booth [telifoun’bu:8] - cabin telefonica to pick up the receiver [ri'siva] - a tidica receptorul to dial a number [dail] -a forma un ‘numar de telefon ifthe line is engaged - daca sun ocupat, daca firul (telefonul) este vcupat frequent ['érikwent] adj -freevent prolonged [pro'lanngd} ad). - prelungit hook {hu:k] s.- fared to disconnect [disko’nect] v,-a intrerupe to cut off [kat of] v. a intrerupe to stage ['steidg] v. -a organiza fair [feo] s. - tire ‘obviously [abviasli] adv. - evident certainly ('so:tali] adv. - cert, hott ueru to expect [iks"pekt] v.- a se astepta to hang (hung, hung) up (the receiver) {haen, han, hay) ~ a pune reeeptorul in ure the coin is returned [r'ta:nd] - moneda este restituit Jong-distance call - convorbire interurban shen the white light is on efnd se ‘aprinde lumina alba to make the call collect [ka'lekt] -a face 0 Cconvorbire cu taxa inverst to look up a number ina telephone directory [di'rektori] -a eduta un mum in cartea de telefon to ring up inquiries [in’kwaieriz] - a telefona la serviciul informati to be out of order ['o:da] - a nu functiona I ring up the telephone repair service to thave my telephone fixed -telefonez la serviciul Deranjamente ca si-mi repare telefomul 195 VOCABULARY PRACTICE Raspundeti la intrebari exersdnd vocabularul adifional. 1. What isa telephone set made up of? ‘ustuud with a dial ora key board a receiver with a micro/mouth-piece and an earphone ahook/lever. 2. What sorts of calls can you make? a house call local call a trunk call (BE) ‘a person-to-person call a long-distance call (AE) 3. What and where can an operator say to you? Go ahead, please Hold the line, please Keep the line cleave Il call you back Someone else cut in ‘The telephone is dead Who shall I say is calling? Don’t hang down on the hook, please, Don't shout into the mouth-piece, please. The time is up 1 can make it urgent ‘Would you mind calling up again? | must keep the line clear. 196 . ne. Phone calls GRAMMAR I. THE FUTURE-IN-THE-PAST TENSE ‘Timpul "viitorul in trent" sr j Tnicrogatv | | Afirmativ | Negativ ee Tsbould write | Tshouldnot write | Should I(not) write? | You would write | You would not write | Would you (not) write? | He would write | Hewoulldnot write | Would he (not) write? She would write | She would not write | Would she (not) write? Iewould write | Tewouldnot write | Would it not) write? Weshould write | Weshouldnot write | Should we (not) write? You would write | You would not write | Would you (not) write? | i They would write | They would not write_| Would they (not write?) Forme | Vd write, you'd| I shouldn't write, you! Shouldi't 1 write’, contrase | write,he'd write ete.| wouldn't write, he) wouldn't you write?, wouldn't write, et. _| wouldn't he writ, et. Reguli exemple _ 1. Formare Se formeazi din verbele auxiliare "should" I should ask. (pentma persoana I singular si plural) si] You would ask. would” (pentru persoana a Tea sia Hla singular §) plural) si infiitival scurt al | ‘verbului de conjugat. U. Intrebuintare Este folosit numai in propoziti secundare,| promised I should ring up Mr. Brown at in a cdror regent este un verb la timpul| twoo'clock.- Am promis i ii voi telefona) trecut, pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare| domnului Brown la ora doua, fati de actiunea trecuti din propozitia rincipa’, 107 Engleza intensiv de afacer IL. THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES Corespondenta timpurilor Reguli | Exemple aed in propozitia principala verbul este La) | Timpul ‘recut, in propozitia seoundar’ se tl ~ dacd acfiunea din propozitia) He told me / bis phone was out of order. - secundar este simultand cu actiunea din| Mi-a spus ci telefonul lui este deranjat propozitia principal; 2, Mai-mult-ca-perfectul - daci actiunea| ddin propozitia secundard este anterioar | fatii de actiunea din proporitia principala; 3. Viitorul-in-trecut ~ daci actiunea din| propozitia secundari este posterioari fat dc actiunea din propozitia principal. _imi va da legatura intr-o clipa. 1 didn’t know / you had already rung bir up. - Nu stiam ci j-ai telefonat deja, | 1 she would put me} through ina minute. Centalistaaspusci| ‘The operator sai EXERCISES 1. Raspundeti la intrebiir 1. What can bring people closer? 2. Why do you need a home telephone? 3. How do you know that the line is engaged? 4,What does a prolonged buzzing say to you? 5. What do ive do when we ring somebody up from a telephone booth? 6. What do we do if the line is ‘engaged? 7, Is there a time-limit for a telephone talk from a telephone booth? 8. What Tappens when the time-limit iz over? © Must we go to the Telephone Office for Jong-distance calls? 10. How do we call out the figures ofthe telephone number? 11, When do we ask the operator to make the call collect? 12. What do we do when we don’t know ‘somebody"s telephone number? 13. What do we do when our phone is aut of order? I Dati formele de bazi ale urmitoarelor verbe: to read. io do, ean, to speak, to be, to use to call, to ring up, to promise, to get, to want, to pay, to give, to make. IIL, Completafi spatile libere cu prepozitii sau adverbe: 1. . long-distance calls 1 usually go .. the Telephone Office. 2. I pick .. the reeciver and when the white light is... I drop a coin... the slot. 3.1 promised I should ring ... Mr. Brown, itwoo'clock. 4. Me- Brown vias a very reliable partner... whom Messrs, Black & Co, had ‘een doing business... many years.5. Can I speak... Mr, Brown, please? 6, You are wanted the phone, Sit,7, You are... & Last time I rang him .., we were cut... several times. 5. They are talking... business matters, when suddenly the operator breaks .. 10, The three minutes are ... 1-1 rang you... several times, but couldn't get... ou. 12. How long will ‘take to pat me... 198 One. Phone calls IV. Gisiti in fiecare propocitie cuvantul format din "great". Decideti sensul ccuvantului. a. very big ». very much c. very importantremarkable 1, The telephone is a great convenience for us. 2. We were helped greatly by your good talk, 3. Washington’s greatness lay in his courage and honesty. 4. The greatness ofthe Alps is hard to put into words, 5. His preatness impressed us al. V, Dati antonimele urmatoarelor cuvinte si expresii: to piek up the receiver; fo connect; the line is engaged; the right number; the number is free: local call; the red light is off, to put somebody through, VI. Cititi expresiile din schema conversatiei telefonice de mai jos. Care dintre ‘ele au fost folosite in dialogul lectiei? 1.177. Trading ean I help you? \ 2. Can I speak to Mr. Pop, please? 3, Hold the line, please. 4, I'm afraid the line is engaged, 1m putting you through, Will you hold on”? 5. Yes No, I'l call later 6, Mr. Pop's line is free now. 7. O.K. Goodbye, ’m putting you through, 8, Thank you. 9. Mr. Pop’s Office, 10, Can I speak to Mr. Pop, please? 11, Who's calling, please? 12, This is J. Heart speaking, 13, P'm afraid Mr, Pop is ina meeting, Will you hold on, Mr. Heart? 14. Yes. 15. No. 16, Could you ask him to call me? 17. Yes. What’s your number, please? 18, 611-2991 199 Engleza iniensivd de afaceri VIL. Traducefi in limba englecé, conform modelului. Model: Vreti va rog sd-mi dati legitura cu Londra’? ‘Will you please put me through to London’ 1. Vreti vi rog sa telefonai din nou peste un sfert de or? Domnul Brown nu este in birou. 2. Vieti vi rog si-mi spuneti eare este numirul dumneavoastrd de telefon? 3. Vreti vi tog ‘hasteptatio clips? 4. Vref vi og si repetai ce ai spus? S. Vreti vi rog si-mi dat imerior 350? 6, Vreti vi rog sti telefonati la Deranjamente ca sa vi se repare telefonul? 7. Vreji vi og si cdutati acest numir in eartea de telefon? 8. Vreti varog si-mi dati aceasti convorbire cu taxa inversi? VIIL.Completati urmétoarele propoziti: 1. When my telephone is out of order, I... 2. When I don’t want to pay fora long-distance call, I... .3. When I don’t know somebody's telephone number, I... 4. When the line is, engaged, 1... 5, When I hear the signal, I... 6. When ring somebody up fom a telephone ‘booth, [..7. When I want to make a long-distance call IX. Folosifi expresiile din tabel pentru conversatii telefonice. » Making a call » Answering the phone Hello, dike to speak to ‘Who's calling please? Js John Heart inthis morning? | I'm sorry, he’s not here at the moment. ‘Can you put me through to. Can I take a message? This is John Heart, can I speak to? Hello, John Heart's here Tl hold on, Pilask her to ring vou. - » Leaving a message » Finishing a call ‘When will he be in the office? T'm sorry, 1’ have to ring off now, Tell him 1 callback later. Thank you for calling Could you take a message please? __|_ There's another all onthe oer fine Scrieti céte 0 convorbire telefonicd pentru situatile de mai jos: 1. A.You are talking to a colleague om the phone. BB. Tell him somebody is ringing at the door. C. Accept apology and offer to ring off, 2. A. You call Continental Hotel, give your name and ask for ext. 220. BB. The caller received your extension by mistake. Tell him who you are. C. Ask for ext. 220 again and offer to hold on. 200 Phone calls One. = X. Traduceti: 1. Mist spus €& mic stie aumarul de telefon si cl va trebui sil eaute in eartea de telefon 2 Centralsta mea intrebat cue interior si-mi facdJegatra 3. Mi-a promis ci-m) va elefona dat de curind. 4, Functionata de la Telefoane mi-a spus ci am depasit cele 3 minute pentru Cire am platt, 6. Ne-au spus ci domnul Heart este un partener pe care te poti baza. 6. Nu Sa Gut cind 6 aaprins becul ron 7 Nu stiam cl faceti comert eu aceastS fi tne 8 De ce mu ne-ati spus cd afi dat telefon cu taxi inversi? 9. Maria nu i-a spus cd ai un ait aumat de telefon. 10. Nu stiam cd se va intrerupe convorbirea, daci nu voi introduce 0 alts moneda on UNIT 29 MONEY HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO YOU Money has been used for thousands of years, and it has taken a wide variety of forms, ‘Commodities were used as money in ancient societies. A commodity was «unit of account, the medium of exchange, and a store of value. Money bewitches people. They fret for it, and they sweat for it. People devise most ingenious ways to get it, and most ingenious ways to get rid of it. Money is the only commodity that is good for nothing but to be got rid of. It will not feed you, clothe you, shelter you, oF amuse you unless you spend itor invest it. It imparts value only parting People will do almost anything for money, and money will do almost anything for people Money is a captivating, circulating and stressing puzzle ‘Ask an economist about money and you may be somy. He will tell you that money is a medium of exchange, a standard of value, a store of value and & standard of deferred payments, Benjamin Franklin said "Time is Money" - bute also said that money had never made a man happy, nor would it, as there was nothing in its nature to produce happiness ‘The unit of English coinage is the pound sterling, which is worth 100 new pennies (100 p) The symbol £isalways placed before the figures. But the abbreviation of "p" is ‘written after the corresponding figures ‘The Bank of England issues banknotes for £1 £5,£10,£50 and £100. Thereare three bronze coins 1/2 (half penny), the one and two new penny and two cupro-nickel coins, the five and ten new penny. Then, there is the 5p coin, Money. How important sito you VOCABULARY wide [waid] adj, - larg variety [vor"aiai] s. - varietate commodity [ea’maditi] 5. - marf account [a°kaunt] s. - cont exchange [iks"tfeindg] s. -schimb to bewitch [bi'witf] v. ~a fermeca to fret [fet], to sweat [swet] v. - a transpira, a asuda ase chinui, a se neciji ingenious fin’ dsinjos] adj. - ingenios to clothe [k"loud] v. - a imbrica to amuse [a'mjucz] v. - a amuza, a distra to shelter [)elta] v. - a adposti to spend, spent, spent [spend, spent, spent] v,-acheltui to impart {im’past parting [p’a:tin]s.- impirtite, separare, ddespartire standard ['staendad] s.- etalon, standard to ise [i":sju] v. - 2 emite vy. -a impart, a conferi coinage ["koinids] s.- sistem monetar figure 'figa s. cifta banknote [b'zenkoout]s.- hanno coin kan] s. - monedi nickel {‘nikl]s. - moneda de 5 cent bill [bil] s.- banenota Exchange Office [iks'tf ends “afis)- birou de schimb ve got a cheque £50 worth - am un cee in valoare de 50 lire Here you are! - poftit! traveller's cheque [t'revalaz tek] - cee de celatorie ‘kindly sign them one by one - va rog si Je semnati unul céte unul Pd like [aid laik] ~ a5 vrea to get rid of a scipa de deffered [4 ford] payments - pl intarziate VOCABULARY PRACTICE Raspundeti la Jntrebari exsersind vocabularul adit nal 1. What is the unit of currency in the United States? (dollar) - may be either a paper bill or silver coin banknotes of $ 1; 2; 5; 10; 20; 50; 100; 500; 10,000. coins 1¢, 5¢ (nickel); 10¢ (dime); 25¢ (quarter); 5O¢ (half a dollar) are made of silver 2. How can you read amounts of American money? Examples: 1.80¢ (one eighty; a dollar eighty; a dollar and eighty cents) 5¢ (two dollars and a quarter) 10¢ (one doliar and a half) tensive de afaceri 3. How can you buy goods? in cash con eredititick (AE) to pay in ready money 4, How can you ask for a price? How much is i? How much does it come to? How much do'l owe you? How much do you charge? e's very expensive... It’s rather cheap, I'm short of money, ean I buy cheaper? . GRAMMAR DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH - 1 Vorbirea directa gi indirect ‘Trecdnd din vorbirea direct in vorbirea indirect, adicd de la reproducerea exact aspuselor ccuiva la reproducerea continutului spuselor cuiva, apar unele modifica 1. Propozitii enuniative: a) Verbul "to say" din propozitia principal’, urmat de un complement indirect, se Inlocuieste cu verbul "to tel”; ) Verbul "Zo say” din propozitia prineipald rimane neschimbat dacd nu este urmat de un complement indirect; ¢)Propozitia secundara se introduce prin conjunctia "that", care poate fi omit 4) Timpul verbului din propozitia secundari depinde de timpul verbului din propozitia principal, in conformitate cu regulile corespondentei timpurilor; c) Daca verbul din propozitia principals este la un timp trecut, pronumele, adjectivele si adverbele se inlocuiese dupa cum urmeaz: this that; these —> thase; today — that day vesterday + the day before; tomorrow ~+ the next day’: ago —> before: next week + the next week; here —> there; now — then a) He said to the clerk, "I need six| He sold the clerk (that) he needed six} fiftenscent stamps.” fifteen-cent stamps funcrionarului charenev | de 15 cent |») He said, "I want to change some) He said (that) he wanted to change some| money" | money. - A spus ot wrt wi sehimbe nis | bani. | ) He says, "We are all economists”. | He says (hat) they are all economist. - | spune ch sunt cu toi economist | gy she said, "I want vo buy some stamps") She said (that) she wanted to buy som stamps. - A spus cl vrea si cumpere niste timbre “The tourist said tous, "Ihave changed my) ‘The tourist rold us that he had changed his | money into (eee sterling” ‘money into pounds sterling, -Turistul pus ef sca schimbat bani! in ire sterline DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH - I Vorbirea directa si indirect 11, Propozitil interogative 4) Verbul "to say" din propociia principal se inlocuieste cu verbee: to ask (a intreba), to inguire (a se interesa), to wonder (ase intreba), to want to knove (a vrea sh ti) ete )Peopozita seoundara se introduce prin conjunctile: faci), whether (dact da sau nu) ‘te, in cazul intrebirilor generale, s: prin conjunctile when (cind), where (unde), how (cum) ete. in cazulintrebarlor speciale; ©) Daca verbul propozitei principale este la. un timp trecut, verbul propozitiei seeundare se foloseste i imp impus de reguile corespondentei timputilor iar pronumele, ajectivele siadverbele se inlocuiese ca sin cazul propozitilor enuntitive ___Vorbirea Direct Vorbirea Indirect a) He said, "How much does this parcel| He asked me how much that parcel weigh?” weighed. - M-a intrebat cit cintareste coletul acela. >) He said, "How tall are you?” He wanted to know how tall Twas, « Voia! \ si ste ce indltime am, 15

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