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Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.

Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la
nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe
propriul risc !
[17 - Instruments]
[Login - 11]
introduceti codul 11463 sau 01283 sau 13861 pentru a activa
adaptarile speciale
[Do It!]
[Adaptation - 10]
introduceti valoarea numarului canalului ales:
canalul 19 : modul de iluminare a bordului (indicatoare si scala)
notati-va valoarea existenta si nu modificati decat cifra cea mai
din stanga.
0xxxx totul se ilumineaza la pornirea luminilor
1xxxx indicatoarele aprinse tot timpul (odata cu contactul de
2xxxx scala aprinsa tot timpul (odata cu contactul de cheie)
3xxxx indicatoarele si scala aprinsa tot timpul (odata cu
contactul de cheie)

Observati cum se modifica iluminarea display-ului de bord si daca
sunteti multumiti.

Exact. Mai in detaliu, este vorba despre Instruments / Adaptation

/ Channel 19 unde ai un numar din 5 cifre, prima reprezentand
modul de iluminare:
- 0 (sau absenta) = nimic iluminat
- 1 = doar indicatoarele iluminate
- 2 = doar cifrele iluminate
- 3 = indicatoarele si cifrele iluminate

Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.

Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la
nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe
propriul risc !
Aceasta adaptare este valabila numai pentru modelele dotate cu
sistem de inchidere centralizata
Inchidere selectiva:
[46 - Cent. Conv.] (35 - Cent. Locking pentru masinile cu geamuri
[Recode - 07]
Notati-va codul software pentru referinte ulterioare
introduceti noul cod din 5 digiti.
[Do It!]
Uitati-va la codul software existent. Daca aveti descuiere
selectiva (o apasare pe butonul telecomenzii descuie usa
soferului si a doua descuie toate celelalte usi) ultimul digit al
codului trebuie sa fie un numar par. Pentru a activa descuierea
tuturor usilor simultana, adaugati 1 la valoarea codului.
Incuiat/Descuiat la viteza de 15 Kmph Claxon/Avarii:
[46 - Cent. Conv.] (35 - Cent. Locking pentru masinile cu geamuri
[Adaptation - 10]
Canalul (03..08)
Valorile adaptarilor (1 = on, 2 = off)



Auto Lock
Auto Unlock
Unlock, horn sounds
Lock, horn sounds
Unlock, turn signals flash
Unlock, turn signals flash

Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.

Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la
nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe
propriul risc !
[Display] - less common modules
[55 - H Light Range]
notati-va valoarea Soft. coding. ea reprezinta valoarea presetata
si in cazul in care nu obtineti rezultatele asteptate puteti
reveni la aceasta valoare.
[Recode - 07]
modificati valoarea din campul software coding dupa cum urmeaza:
scaderea acestei valori "ridica" farurile si invers.
modificati valoarea in incremente relativ mici 5 - 10
[Do it]
Acum este nevoie de recalibrarea senzorirol pentru autoajustarea
nivelului farurilor.
Din modulul deja selectat 55 - headlight range
[Basic Settings - 04]
[Group 001]
asteptati cateva secunde pana cand primul camp se modifica din
"wait" in "set"
acum mergeti un
[Group 002]
asteptati pana cand afiseaza "learned"
daca doriti sa mai modificati in continuare pozitia reluati
procedura pana cand obtineti rezultatul dorit

distanta senzori parcare:

Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.
Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la
nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe
propriul risc !
Adaptarea functioneaza numai la modelele care dispun de sistemul
de avertizare sonora a obstacolelor la parcare.

[Display] - less common modules
[76 - Parking Aid]
[Adaptation - 10]
introduceti valoarea numarului canalului ales:



volumul avertizarii marsarier (valori 2 - 7)

frecventa avertizarii marsarier (valori 0 - 4)
volumul avertizarii fata (valori 2 - 7)
frecventa avertizarii fata (valori 0 - 4)

Observati cum se modifica nivelul si frecventa avertizarii
sonore, si daca sunteti multumiti
Limba computer bord:
Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.
Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la
nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe
propriul risc !
Aceasta adaptare este valabila numai pentru modelele dotate cu
computer de bord cu sistem de informatii.
[17 - Instruments]
[Adaptation - 10]
introduceti valoarea numarului canalului ales:
canalul 4 : limba aleasa pentru afisaj cu urmatorile valori
00001 Germana
00002 Engleza
00003 Franceza
00004 Italiana
00005 Spaniola
00006 Portugheza
Observati cum se modifica limba afisata pe display.

Cantitate motorina relanti:

Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.
Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la
nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe
propriul risc !
inainte de adaptare se fac masuratorile cantitatii injectate cu
motorul la temperatura de regim (min 80 grade C) si toate
accesoriile deconectate (dezaburire, climatizare, faruri, etc)
[Group 001]
- campul 2 Injected quantity: 2.2 - 9.0 mg/H
notati valoarea masurata.
Pentru realizarea acestei adaptari trebuie sa folositi un cod
pentru a va loga.
Codul este 12233.
[01 - Engine]
[Login - 11]
introduceti codul 12233 pentru a activa adaptarile speciale
[Do It!]
[Adaptation - 10]
introduceti valoarea numarului canalului ales:
canalul 1 : cantitatea de motorina injectata la ralanti.
valoarea de baza este 2.5 - 9 mg/h
daca aveti probleme cu trepidatiile la redusul vitezei cresteti
aceasta valoare la 3 - 4 mg/h
daca doriti un raspuns mai bun al pedalei acceleratiei scadeti
putin valoarea
Observati cum se modifica mersul motorului si daca sunteti

Modificare ciclu lucru egr:

Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.
Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la
nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe
propriul risc !
Pentru realizarea acestei adaptari trebuie sa folositi un cod
pentru a va loga.
Codul este 12233.
[01 - Engine]
[Login - 11]
introduceti codul 12233 pentru a activa adaptarile speciale
[Do It!]
[Adaptation - 10]
introduceti valoarea numarului canalului ales:
canalul 3 : ciclul de lucru EGR
Pentru a scadea cantitatea de gaze recirculate trebuie sa
cresteti valoarea presetata (32768) pana spre valoarea maxima (de
obicei 33768 - valoare la care MAF raporteaza la ralanti 370mg/h,
ceea ce este inca in limitele prevazute de fabricant)
Aceasta modificare creste cantitatea de Nox din gazele de
Modificare turatie relanti:
Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.
Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la
nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe
propriul risc !
Pentru realizarea acestei adaptari trebuie sa folositi un cod
pentru a va loga.
Codul este 12233.
[01 - Engine]
[Login - 11]
introduceti codul 12233 pentru a activa adaptarile speciale
[Do It!]

[Adaptation - 10]
introduceti valoarea numarului canalului ales:
canalul 2 : turatia de ralanti
Valoarea din fabricatie este 32768 corespunde unei valori de 903
turatia se modifica prin cresterea sau scaderea valorii date.
Observati cum se modifica ralanti-ul si daca sunteti multumiti

Activare nivel lichid spalat parbriz( pt golf 5):

Select 17 (Instrument Cluster)
Coding -> Function 07
00??x0x: Extra-Options

Brake Pad Warning active

Seatbelt Warning active
Washer Fluid Warning active
Sedan (Jetta)

() Airbag
ECU adaptation
STG 15 (airbag control unit) choose
STG adjustment -> Function 10
Note: To enable / disable, depending on the version control, a
hardware interference in the airbag system. Depending on the
vehicle model or do not have all the channels available.
0 - enabled
1 - disabled
-> Channel 01 (passenger airbag)

Parking ()
ECU coding
STG 76 (parking) choose
Coding -> Function 07
Codierzahl (eg everything): 11103
? xxxx: Not used
x? xxx: Gear variant
0 - Gearbox
1 - Automatic transmission
xx? xx: Function Confirmation
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (default)
xxx? x: Body style
0 - sedan
1 - Avant
xxxx: vehicle



ECU adaptation
STG 76 (parking) choose
STG adjustment -> Function 10
-> Channel 01 (volume Warnsummer)
The volume can be from 2 to 7 adjust the value can be directly

input during the review by while the reverse is inserted.

Default: 04
-> Channel 02 (pitch-Warnsummer)
The pitch is 0 to 4 (0.5 - 2 kHz) set the value can be directly
input during the review by while the reverse is inserted.

Interior Monitoring ()
ECU coding
STG 45 (interior surveillance) choose
Coding -> Function 07
Codierzahl (Example): 00001
The basic coding is 00,001th
? xxx: 00 = filling without significance
xx? xx: Type (1 = Audi A4)
xxx? x: sharpness mode (0 = static)
xxxx?: Body (1 = sedan, Avant 2 =)

ECU adaptation
STG 45 (interior surveillance) choose
STG adjustment -> Function 10
-> Channel 01 (sensitivity)
The sensitivity setting of ultrasonic sensors for monitoring the
interior can be set so that the sensors are less empflindlich
The base is 100 (= 100%), the value can be in in 1% increments up
to minimal 50 (= 50%) would be lowered.

Klima-/Heizungselektronik ()
ECU coding
STG 08 (Klima-/Heizungselektronik) choose
Coding -> Function 07
? xxx: filling (up MJ 1996)
00 - Standard
? xxxx: filling (MJ 1997 - 1998/99)
0 - Standard
? xxx: vehicle / filling (from MY 1998/99, display)
00 - filling (from the index "M")
04 - Audi A4 (index only "K" / "L")
x? xxx: vehicle (MJ 1997 - 1998/99)
4 - Audi A4
xx? xx: Kompressortyp (until MJ 1996)
0 - Zexel Compressor
1 - Nippondenso Denso or compressor
xx? xx: Other (MJ 1997 - 1998/99)
1 - Compressor without donors for speed (G111)
xx? xx: Countries variant (from MY 1998/99, display)
0 - Rest of the World (ROW)
1 - United States
2 - Japan
xxx? x: Number of cylinders
4 a.m. to 4 p.m.-cylinder engine
6-6-cylinder engine
xxxx: Motor-/Karosserievariante
0 - left handed Benzinmtor


right hand drive petrol

U.S. gasoline engine (not in a display)
left handed TDI engine
right handed TDI engine
U.S. TDI engine (not in a display)

ECU basic attitude

STG 08 (Klima-/Heizungselektronik) choose
STG reading groups -> Function 08
Measuring Block 001
The following actuators angsteuert: Temperature-door V68, V70central flap, Furaum-/Defrostklappe-V85-pressure door-jam-V71.
Go to basic setting
The basic setting is ended once all the back coupling values are
at 0.

Combined instrument ()
ECU coding
STG 17 (Instrument) choose
Coding -> Function 07
? xxx: Extra options and more equipment (up MJ 2000)

No More Equipment
Brake lining wear indicator actively
Active safety warning
Washing water display active
Navigation actively

? xxx: Extra options and more equipment (from MY 2000)

+00 - No more and Navigation Equipment III
+02 - Active safety warning
+16 - Navigation I & II

xx? xx: Country selection


Germany (GER)
Europe (EU) (until MY 2000)
Rest of the World left handed (ROW) (from MY 2000)
United States (U.S.)
Canada (CDN)
Great Britain (GB)
Japan (JP) (until MY 2000)
left handed Japan (JP) (from MY 2000)
Saudi Arabia (SA)
Australia (AUS)
Rest of the World right handed (ROW) (from MY 2000)
Japan right handed (JP) (from MY 2000)

xxx? x: Number of cylinders

4 a.m. to 4 p.m.-cylinder
xxxx: engine variant
0 - TDI engine
2-4-cylinder and 6-cylinder petrol engine
3-8-cylinder petrol engine
4 - turbo engine (from MY 2000)

ECU adaptation
STG 17 (Instrument) choose
STG adjustment -> Function 10
-> Channel 01 (Tankgeberkennlinie) (until MY 1998)
Range: 0-254 (Repair Guide noted that a further intervention is
-> Channel 02 (service interval)
Resetting the Serviceinterrvalls.
Displaying values:
01 - due lservice
10 - Inspection service due
11 - Oil and inspection service due
Adjustment value:

00 - Oil and Inspection Service delete

01 - lservice delete
10 - Inspection Service delete
-> Channel 03 (consumption ad)
The base is 100 now, you can round in 5% steps of the respective
maximums, 85 and 125th
-> Channel 04 (language)
In connection with the navigation language displayed can be
summarized as follows:

Deutsch (German)
English (English)
French (French)
Italian (Italian)
Spanish (Spanish)
Portuguese (Portuguese)

-> Channel 05 ( "OEL" message) (until MY 1998)

The new adaptation value is "00015" for inspection every
15.000km, stating in 1000 (15x1000 = 15.000km).
-> Channel 06 ( "IN 01" message) (until MY 1998)
The new adaptation value is "00030" for inspection every
30.000km, stating in 1000 (30x1000 = 30.000km).
-> Channel 07 ( "IN 01" message) (until MY 1998)
The new adaptation value is "00036" for the annual inspection,
stating done in 10 days (36x10 = 360 days).
-> Channel 08 ( "IN 02" message) (until MY 1998)
The new adaptation value is "00036" for the annual inspection,
stating done in 10 days (36x10 = 360 days).
-> Channel 09 (odometer)
The values indicate the route to later in the KM-counter (eg
11356 for a state of KM 113.560km).
Before the combined instrument, the new KM-state must accept a
login with "13861" are made.
WARNING: The KM-state can not be set until the old KM state does
not exceed 100 km!
-> Channel 10 ( "OEL" message) (MJ 1998-2000)
The new adaptation value is "00015" for inspection every
15.000km, stating in 1000 (15x1000 = 15.000km).

-> Channel 11 ( "IN 01" message) (MJ 1998-2000)

The new adaptation value is "00030" for inspection every
30.000km, stating in 1000 (30x1000 = 30.000km).
-> Channel 12 ( "IN 02" message) (MJ 1998-2000)
The new adaptation value is "00036" for the annual inspection,
stating done in 10 days (36x10 = 360 days).
-> Channel 18 (Booth Heating)
00 - no parking heater installed
01 - Booth Heating installed, regardless of engine running
10 - Stand Heating installed, depending on the engine running
-> Channel 30 (Tankgeberkennlinie) (from MY 1998)
The base is 128 now you can in 1 ohm steps of the respective
maximum values are 120 or 136th
-> Channel 35 (speed threshold) (from MY 2000)
The adjustment value of 0 corresponds to a factory-set
ldruckwarnung when the oil pressure at a speed of 1500 1/min
falls below 1.2 bar. The adjustment may be in 250 steps (0 1000) made.



-> Channel 40 (since last distance service) (from MY 2000)

The input of each setpoint is only in increments of 100 km
possible, so is the display.
-> Channel 41 (time since last service) (from MY 2000)
The input of each setpoint is only in increments of days, so
shall also the display in days.
-> Channel 42 (minimal chassis km) (from MY 2000)
The indication is done in 1000 (15x1000 = 15.000km).
15000 km - Default
-> Channel 43 (maximum mileage km) (from MY 2000)
The indication is done in 1000 (15x1000 = 15.000km).

15000 km - without Long Life

30000 km - petrol engine with Long Life
-> Channel 44 (maximum time interval) (from MY 2000)
The claim is made in days.
365 days - without Long Life
730 days - petrol engine with Long Life
-> Channel 45 (oil quality) (from MY 2000)
1 - without Long Life
2 - Long Life (maximum mileage 30.000km)
-> Channel 46 (total consumption quantity) (petrol - from MY
The value specified in liters does not represent the actual
consumption, but a calculation value for the service display data
from various engine and mileage.
-> Channel 47 (Rueintrag) (diesel)
Rueintrag in 100km steps.
-> Channel 48 (thermal stress) (diesel - from MY 2000)
Thermal stress in 100km steps.
-> Channel 60 (CAN databus drive) (from MY 2000)

Engine electronics
Auto Gear
Brakes electronics

-> Channel 61 (CAN databus comfort) (from MY 2000)


Booth Heating

-> Channel 62 (CAN databus infotainment) (from MY 2000)

+00001 - Radio (Symphony only)
+00002 - Phone
+00004 - Navigation

+00008 - Telematics

() Headlamp regulation
ECU coding
STG 55 (headlamp regulation) choose
Coding -> Function 07

A3 front-wheel drive
A3/S3 four-wheel drive
A4 sedan / Avant front-wheel drive
A4/S4 Sedan / Avant all-wheel drive
A6 sedan / Avant front-wheel drive
A6 sedan / Avant all-wheel drive
A8 front-wheel drive
A8/S8 four-wheel drive

ECU basic attitude

STG 55 (headlamp regulation) choose
STG metric units -> Function 08
Measuring Block 001
Go to basic setting
Now manually adjust the headlamps.
Measuring Block 002
Go to basic setting
The rule position of the headlights from the ECU is now

() Engine electronics

ECU coding
STG 01 (Motor Electronics)
Coding -> Function 07
? xxx: Country / exhaust

non-member countries of the European Union (MVEG I)

Member countries of the European Union (MVEG II)
China and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Japan (from 08/1996)

xx? xx: Drive / Additional features

1 - front-wheel drive without traction control drive
2 - All-wheel drive without a drive-slip regulation
xxx? x: Gear
0 - 5-speed manual gearbox
6 - automatic gearbox (01N)
xxxx: vehicle
1 = A4

ADP / ADR / AEB (<06/1996)

? xxx: Country / exhaust

non-member countries of the European Union (MVEG I)

Member countries of the European Union (MVEG II)
China and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

xx? xx: Drive / Additional features

0 - front wheel drive
2 - All-wheel drive
xxx? x: Gear
0 - 5-speed manual gearbox

3 - automatic gearbox
xxxx: vehicle
1 = A4

AEB (07/1996>)
? xxx: Country / exhaust
02 - non-member countries of the European Union (MVEG I)
04 - Member countries of the European Union (MVEG II)
08 - China and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
xx? xx: Drive / Additional features
1 - front-wheel drive without ASR
2 - All-wheel drive without ASR
xxx? x: Gear
0 - 5-speed manual gearbox
5 - automatic gearbox (01V)
xxxx: vehicle
1 = A4

ECU basic attitude

STG 01 (Motor Electronics)
STG reading groups -> Function 08
electr. Gas manipulation: Data Group 060 (-> Dk. adaptation)
mech. Gas manipulation: Data Group 098 (-> Dk. adaptation)
Lambda scheme off: Data Group 099 (ADR)
Go to basic setting

ECU coding
STG 35 (central) choose
Coding -> Function 07

Open tailgate (rear locking cylinder) (from MY 2001)

Confirmation DWA-blink
SZV - selective central
Theft warning system (DWA) activate
ZV over 15 km / h lock
Comfort function via radio
Tailgate logic
Radio confirmed closed (1x blinking)
Tr-/Fensterheberlogik (USA) (from MY 2001)
Radio-open acknowledgment (2x blinking)
Wireless remote activate

ECU adaptation
STG 35 (central) choose
STG adjustment -> Function 10
-> Channel 62 (functions)
The base is 000, the default value for Germany is 095, the
default value for USA / Canada / Australia / Japan is 076th


Close comfort via radio remote control for windows

Comfort opening via radio remote control for windows
Comfort Close on locking cylinder for windows
Comfort opening of locking cylinder for windows
Close comfort via radio remote for sunroof
Comfort opening via radio remote for sunroof
Comfort Close on locking cylinder for sunroof
Comfort opening of locking cylinder for sunroof

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