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Pronumele relativ "that" se poate omite in urmatoarele situatii:

1. Propozitia conditionala de tipul I se refera la viitor indeplinirea conditiei este posibila:
nothing something
- In locul tau nu cumpara.
- Poti sa-mi dai vreo
- Daca voi avea bani, voi cumpara"
o noua.
- Ea trebuie sa scrie scrisoarea.
- Este eel mai bun film pe care I-am vazut.
Is there any information (that)
you can give me?
It is the best film (that) I have seen.
b) Dupa urmatoarele cuvinte:
If I have money I will buy
a new shirt.
If I were you I would not buy it.
Verbul auxiliar modal "modal" are doar 0 forma de prezent. La trecut viitor se in
locullui verbul "to have to".
c) Dupa adjectivele "any" "only":
She has to write the leter.
a) Dupa un superlativ:
2. Propozitia conditionala de tipul II se refera la prezent, iar indeplinirea conditiei este putin
probabila sau imposibila:
3. Verbul auxiliar modal "must" - exprima necesitatea, obligatia. Must poate fi inlocuit cu "to
have to" - care nu este un verb auxiliar modal.
Exersati cuvintele noi fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Aceasta lectie este consacrata problemelor legislative. Cititi cu voce tare
subsantivele noi retineti traducerea lor in limba romana:
,.. ,..
shoplifter > - hot de magazine
thief, thieves > [T'i:fI[Tsi:vzJ - hot, hoti

law > [lo:J - lege
fine > - amenda, penalizare
pickpocket > [pikpokit] - hot de buzunare
robbery > [robari] - jaf, furt
prisoner > [prizana
] - prizonier, detinut
police > [pali:s] - politie
crime > [kraim] - infractiune, crima
theft > [Tseft] -furt
burglary > [bit:fgJari] - spargere (furt)
criminal > [kriminl] - criminal
burglar > [bit:fglafJ - spargator
law > [10:] - lege
crime > [krahn] - infractiune, crima
criminal > [kriminl] - criminal
fine > [fain] - amenda, penalizare
pickpocket > [pikpokitJ - hot de buzunare
burglar > [bit: 'glafJ - spargator
burglary > [bit:
glariJ - spargere (furt)
thief, thieves > [Pi:fl [Pi:vzJ - hot, hoti
theft > [T
ei1J -furt
robbery > [robariJ - jaf, furt
shoplifter > - hot de magazine
prisoner > [prizanafJ - prizonier, detinut
police > [pali:sJ - politie
- Hotii de buzunare vor sa-ti fure
- Criminalul face lucruri care
sunt interzise.
- Sunt multe spargeri
- A omori' 0 persoana este 0 crima.
- Spargatorul intra i'n casa ta
sa fure lucruri.
- Trebuie sa p H i t e ~ t i amenda.
- Furtul inseamna sustragerea
lucrurilor altor persoane.
- Sunt din ce i'n ce
mai multe jafuri.
- Hotul fura.
> [a krimml daz T'm(glz rYEt
a." forbidn]
> [kiJ m(gl a pa:'sl1 IZ a kralln]
> [Ill. mast pel DZa fam
> [pik]1oklts "ont III stl:l
in.' ]1a.'s]
> [a l'dstl'lz]
> [D'ea' a r melll bit:' glanz
e\'rI del]
> [T'eti IZ sti:lm(gJ aD'ij'
pi plz T'm(glz]
> [IYea' a
mo.' End
InO ' robm IZ)
> l a ba" gla' cnta'z lOr haus
tll SIll T'l1l
Cuvantul police este un substantiv colectiv, precedat intotdeauna de
articolul hotarat the, iar verbul este la plural.
Pickpockets want to steal
your purse.
You must pay the fine.
A burglar enters your house
to steal things.
A thief steals.
A criminal does things that
are forbidden.
Killing a person is a crime.
lata cuvintele noi i'n propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare ~ i urmariti traducerea lor i'n limba romana:
The law forbids some things. > [DZa 10: forbidz sam T'm(glz] - Legea interzice unele lucruri.
"Shoplifters take things out of shops without paying for them."
There are more and
more robberies.
Theft is stealing other
people's things.
There are many burglaries
every day.
Probabil ati retinut deja cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
- Hotii de magazine scot
(sustrag) lucruri din magazine
rara sa plateasca pentru ele.
- Un prizonier a scapat.
- There was a >robbery near
the post-office yesterday.
- When was that>burglary?
- The>burglar broke a leg in our house.
- We had to pay a >fine.
- The >shopllfterwas caught
when he was leaving the shop.
- > PIckpockets have to be very fast.
- Is this against the >law?
- >The polIce are looking for two people.
- Many>cnmmals are not in prison.
- >ThIeves can be dangerous.
- Is car >thefta serious >cnme?
- The >pnsoners spent a long time in prison.
> fine
> pnsoner
> shoplifter
> cnmmal
> burglary
> pollee
> robbery
> burglar
> law
> thIef
> pickpocket
> telk T'm(glz
aut av sops UIDZaut pelln(gl
fa r D'em]
> [a prizana' hEz Iskel pI]
Ati remarcat desigur prepozitia against, care inseamna "impotriva, (in)
amenda, penalizare
prizonier, detinut
Aceasta este impotriva legii?
hot de magazine
hot de buzunare
infractiune, erima
Politia cauta doi oameni.
Hotii de buzunare trebuie sa fie foarte rapizi.
Multi criminali nu sunt in inchisoare.
A prisoner has escaped.
Hotii pot fi
Furtul de este 0 infractiune serioasa?
Cand a avut loc spargerea aceea?
Detinutii au stat mult timp in inchisoare.
Spargatorul rupt piciorul in casa noastra.
Shoplifters take things
out of shops without paying
for them.
leri a avut loc un jaf in apropierea
Completati unnatoarele propozitii cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
A trebuit sa platim 0 amenda.
Hotul de magazine a fost prins
in timp ce parasea magazinul.
Pe baza exemplelor de mai sus, traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Verbele would ~ i could sunt verbe modale. Structura propozitiei interogative in care apar ~ i aceste
verbe este: could/would +subiect +verbul de conjugat, de exemplu:
Vii prezentiim acum cel de-al trei/ea tip de propozitie conditionalii. in acest tip de propozitie
condltia nu este realizabi/ii. Verbul din subordonata conditionalii este la timpul Past Perfect, iar in
propozitia principalii verbul este la conditionalul trecut, care are urmatoarea structura:would +
have +forma a III-a a verbului de conjugat.
- Ifwe >had made hay earlier
we >would have sold it.
- A ~ fi avut timp sa 0 citesc,
daca imi spuneai ieri.
- If he >hadn't stolen this book
then he >would not have gone to prison.
- Daca spargatorul nu ar fi fost prins,
pierdeam bani multi.
- I >would have gone to the cinema with you
yesterday if I >had had time.
- He >would have told me about it earlier
ifhe >had known
- Ai putut pleca ieri?
- What >would you have done if
they >had fired you then?
- Nu puteau sa ne vada acolo.
- Mama mea nu ar nu ar cheltui atiit,
daca nu ar avea bani.
- Ce ai face daca ai fi bogat?
My mother wouldn't spend this much
if she hadn't money.
Ce ai fi facut daca
te concediau atunci?
I would have had time to read it
if you had told me yesterday.
Daca noi coseam f'anul mai devreme,
I-am fi viindut.
lata diteva exemple:
What would you do if you were rich?
Mi-ar fi vorbit despre acellucru,
daca ar fi ~ t i u t mai devreme.
They couldn't see us there.
could not -forma prescurtatii couldn't [kudnt]
Could you leave yesterday?
El nu ar fi ajuns la inchisoare,
daca nu ar fi furat aceasta carte.
would not -formaprescurtatii wouldn't [Uudnt]
A ~ fi mers cu tine ieri la cinematograf,
daca a ~ fi avut timp.
If the burglar hadn't been caught, we would
have lost a lot of money.
Forma negativii a acestor verbe sunt:
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
lata cuvintele noi intr-un scurt dialog. Cititi cu atentie dialogul:
- Is it possible that she is > guilt)?
- Have you ever heard of this
> outrageous crime?
- They have> obVIOusly heard the news.
- Don't be so > brutll
- The man seemed to be > mnoccnt
Evident, ei au auzit
Nu fii atat de brutal!
Este posibil ca ea este vinovata?
lata cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la traducerea lor in limba romana:
Barbatul parea sa fie nevinovat.
Ai auzit vreodata despre aceasta
crima revoltatoare?
Do you think this man > [L1u /u: f'inlg1k LYis mEn
- Crezi ca acest om
is guilty? lZ giltl] este vinovat?
He can't be innocent. > [hI. ka:nt bi: inasant] - Nu poate fi nevinovat.
He obviously stole the cash > [hI. ob\ las II stau! IYa - Evident, el a furat banii
from the bank.
from D/a bEn(g)k]
din banca.
Yes, that was outrageous. > [ICS DIEt "az autreidjas] - A fost intr-adevar, revoltator.
I heard that he had been > [ai ha:'d D7Et hi hEd bl.n - Am auzit ca a fost

very brutal. veri bru:tl] foarte brutal.
I hope he will go to prison > [ai haup hI: lid gau tu prizn - Sper ca va ajunge la inchisoare
for a long time. fo:' a ]on(gl tann]
pentru multa vreme.
innocent > [inasant] inocent, nevinovat
guilty > [giltl] vinovat
obviously > [obviaslI] (in mod) evident
outrageous > [autre/dps] imoral, revoltator
brutal > [bru:tl] brutal, crud
Traduceti propozitiile din text in limba romana:
A: Do you think this man is guilty?
B: He can't be innocent. He obviously stole the cash from the bank.
A: Yes, that was outrageous. I heard that he had been very brutal.
B: I hope he will go to prison for a long time.
Sa exersam inca 0 data cuvintele noi. Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
Acum, treceti propozitiile interogative de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta:
in exercitiul urmator, traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
> brutal
> Peter asked if the law forbade It.
> obvIOusly
> Mary asked where he \\ as g01I1g.
- Peter asked when I had been in England.
> .lane asked where we wanted to go.
> JOnocent
- John asked if I were at home.
> outrageous
> John clsked Ifhe liked musIc.
> Peter asked Irthey had met her.
> Mary asked when the police had caught
the thIef
> Jane asked who had taught her how to sWIm.
> John asked if pickpockets
were cnllllnals.
> Pete! asked hO\\ mallY btl!gIaries there
had been in thiS cIty
Jane a intrebat unde vrem sa mergem.
Peter asked "Did they meet her?".
John a intrebat daca hotii de buzunare
sunt infractori.
Mary a intrebat ciind I-a prins politia
pe hot.
Jane asked "Who has taught her how to swim?".
Peter a intrebat ciite spargeri au avut loc
in acest o r a ~ .
Peter asked "When were you in England?".
Peter a intrebat daca legea interzice acellucru.
lata mai intiii, ciiteva exemple:
Mary asked "Where is he going?".
(in mod) evident
John asked "Does he like music?".
John asked "Are you at home?".
Sd urmiirim in contilluare cum se face trecerea din vorbirea directii in vorbire indirectii, in cazul
propozifiilor interogative.
Afi observat desigur, cd ordinea in propozifia indirectd interogatiVii este identicd cu cea din
propozifia ajirmativd. De fapt, este vorba despre 0 propozifie ajirmativd $i nu de una interogativii.
111 cazul intrebiirii decizionale (da/nu), propozifia secundarii care urmeazii dupii propozifia
principalii este introdusii prin prepozifia if. In cazul propozifiei interogative complementare
pronumele interogativ riimane neschimbat. Nu uitafi timpul verbelor se schimbii!
In aceasta Iectie nu ati invatat inca verbe noi. lata-Ie:
- de omul acesta!
- Da.
- Po1itia I-a arestat
dupa ce I-a cautat timp de
doua 1uni.
- EI a jefuit zece oameni bogati.
- I s-a intentat proces?
- Este un criminal.
- Ce infractiune a comis?
- Apoi a fost condarnnat
1a zece ani.
- E1 a recunoscut jafuri1e?
>[dld hI: kanfcs
tll [Ya robanz]
> [hi: rabd (en nt;; pi:pl]
> [D/a pali:s arcstld hI:m
]ukin(g) fa:' hun
tu: man f'J
> [les hI: dId]
> [hI:Z a krimml]
> ["az hI: proSlklll:tId]
> [End [Yen hI: "az sen(anst
(ll tcn la'z]
> ["ot kralln dId hi kamit]
> [les hI: Uaz] Yes, he was.
He robbed ten rich people.
What crime did he commit?
Beware of this man!
Did he confess
to the robberies?
Yes, he did.
He's a criminal.
The police arrested him
after looking for him
for two months.
And then he was sentenced
to ten years.
Cititi propozitile separat fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Was he prosecuted?
Acum yom folosi verbele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi cu atentie:
A: Beware of this man! He's a criminal.
B: What crime did he commit?
A: He robbed ten rich people.
B: Was he prosecuted?
A: Yes, he was. The police arrested him after looking for him for two months.
B: Did he confess to the robberies?
A: Yes, he did. And then he was sentenced to ten years.
to commit > [tll kamit] - a comite
to arrest > [tll arest] - a aresta, a pune sub interdictie
to rob > [tll rob] - ajefui, a fura
to prosecute > [tll proslkru:t] - a institui/a intenta (un) proces
to confess > [tll kanfes] - a martllrisi, a
to sentence (to) > [tll sentans] - a condamna
to beware of > [tll blUea
av] - a se feri, a se pazi
lata ultimul exercitiu al lectiei. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Completati urmatoarele propozitii cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
in urmatorul exercitiu, traduceti verbele noi in limba engleza:
- His neighbour >commited a theft.
- Who has been >arrested?
- Five men >robbed the grocer's yesterday.
- Why haven't they been >prosecuted?
- >Beware of dark streets!
> to prosecute
> to sentence
> to arrest
- He >confessed to all his crimes.
- Who has >sentenced them?
> to commit
> to beware of
> to confess
> to rob
> He asked me when they would sentence him.
> If l had known earlier
I would not have returned home.
> He \\ as arrested because he commited a clime.
> Do you know our brother was prosecuted?
> There have been a lot of burglaries
in OUI surroundings recently.
> Mary asked if this story
was outrageous.
> Do you know our law forbids theft?
> Beware of thIs brutal man!
> She confessed the cnme.
> They sentenced them to five years.
Vecinul lui a comis un furt.
Ieri cinci oameni I-au jefuit pe bacan.
El recunoscut toate infractiunile.
de strazile intunecoase!
Cine a fost arestat?
De ce nu li s-a intentat un proces?
a intenta (un) proces
a condamna
Cine i-a condamnat?
a aresta
a jefui
a se feri
a comite
a marturisi, a
ca legea noastra interzice furtul?
Ea recunoscut crima.
ca fratelui nostru i s-a intentat un proces?
EI a fost arestat pentru ca a comis 0 infractiune.
El m-a intrebat cfmd il vor condamna.
de acest om brutal!
Daca fi mai devreme,
nu fi intors acasa.
Mary a intrebat daca aceasta intiimplare
a fost revoltatoare.
I-au condamnat la cinci ani.
Au avut loc recent multe spargeri
in imprejurimile noastre.
Sa continuam tot cu problemele legislative. Unneaza un grup de substantive
noi. Citili-le cu voce tare:
sentence > [] - sentinta
remorse > [rimo:"s] -
police-station > [pali:s - post de politie
ticket > [tiklltj - bilet, proces verbal
(de contravenlie)
> [spi:din(gl]
- exces de viteza
murder > [ma:rda
] - crima, omucidere
murderer > [mll:'dararj - asasin
evidence > [evidans] - dovada, marturie
behaviour > [bihcivd] - purtare, comportament
blackmail > [bIEkmeil] -
capital > [kEpitl - pedeapsa capitala!
punishment cu moartea
death sentence > [deT' scnlans] - condamnare la moarte
Exersati cuvintele noi, dar in alta ordine:
murderer > [ma:rdara
] - asasin
speeding > [spi:din
] - exces de viteza
sentence > [sentans] - sentinta
capital > [kEpitl - pedeapsa capitaHi/
punishment panismant] cu moartea
remorse > [rimo:rs] - cainta
ticket > [tikat] - bilet, proces verbal
(de contraventie)
blackmail > [blEkmeil] -
murder > [ma:fda'] - crima, omucidere
evidence > [cvicbns] - dovada, marturie
death sentence > [dcT' scntans] - condamnare la moarte
police-station > [pali: s - post de politie
behaviour > [biheivia
] - purtare, comportament
in urmatorul exerc1tiu completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
Citili cu voce tare urmatoarele propozilii in limba engleza in care am introdus cuvinte1e noi fili
atenli la traducerea lor in limba romana:
- There is a little >cvldencc.
- Saptamana trecuta am primit
una pentru exces de viteza.
- Ce parere ai despre
comportamentul el?
- Se cine a fost

- des procese verbale
de contraventie?
- Au fost la
postul de polilie.
- Omuciderea este cea mai
serioasa infractiune?
- Condamnarea la moarte
nu I-a speriat.
- EI a primit 0 pedeapsa lunga.
- Sunt dovezi suficiente.
- Sunt vinovali de
- Vor primi pedeapsa
- EI are vreo
- The >police-statj'll1 is next to the hotel.
- Their >beha\ lOur is very strange.
- The >munlcll'rs have been arrested.
- >Blackmcul is often profitable.
- There have been three >murders this week.
- The policeman gave him a >tieket.
- What >sentence did they get?
- Some people think >capital punishment
is useless.
>[lYeiua.l tClkn
tll IYa pali:s stcisn]
> [IZ ma"da' fYa mallst
si'! las krcl/ITI]
> [D/a deT' sentans
did nol skea' him]
> [[Yea' IZ lIlafc\'ldansj
> [hI' got a lan(g' sentans]
>1 daz hi: ft:l enlllmo:'sj
> "L k <11 got "an
fa, spi dmlg1j
> ["a t dll ill, T'lI1
a\ hal blhe/\ la']
> L-Ill [Yel get kEpit!
> [IYel 3:' giltl a\' blEkmell]
> [ iz It 11cllln hu'
> [till Ill, ofi! get a tibt]
UCtga::;11 au tost arestali.
Dovezlle sunt putine.
Pollllstul i-a intocmit un proces verbal.
I)nll oalOeni ered ca pedeapsa capitala
este t':lra rost.
There is enough evidence.
Is murder the most
serious crime?
Do they get capital
Last week I got one
for speeding.
Postul de polItIC este langa hotel.
Is it known who
the murderer was?
Do you often get a ticket?
Santalul adesea profitabil.
Ce pedt"apsa au primit?
Comportamenrullor este foarte ciudat.
He got a long sentence.
Does he feel any remorse?
What do you think
of her behaviour?
They are guilty of blackmail.
Siiptamiina aceasta au avut loc trei crime.
The death sentence
did not scare him.
They were taken
to the police-station.
Desigur, deja sa cuvintele noi in limba engleza:
Pe baza exemplelor, traduceti propozitiile care urmeaza in limba engleza:
> We aren't going to arrest this man.
> Are the police going to take them
to the police-station?
> blackmaIl
> My father is going to sell our old car.
> eVIdence
> capital punishment
> death sentence
> ticket
> sentence
> behaviour
> murderer
> Where are you going to take your children?
> I'm not going to tell you this story.
- Deseara rna uit la un film.
> remorse
> murder
> speedmg
- Is there a >death sentence for theft?
> polIce-statIOn
- >Speeding is dangerous.
Unde iti vei duce copiii?
Politia ii va duce la postul de politie?
Tata! meu va vinde noastra veche.

Nu avem de gand sa-l arestam pe acest om.

I am going to watch a film tonight.
Nu-ti voi povesti aceasta intimplare.
proces verbal de contraventie
latti 0 modalitate de exprzmare a viitorului. cu ajutorul constructiei to be going to - a avea de gand
sa. in aceastti constructie se conjugti doar verbul to be infunctie de persoanti timp (I am going to,
she is going to, they are going to, etc.). De exemplu:
post de politie
exces de viteza
pedeapsa capitalalcu moartea
crima, omucidere
Excesul de viteza este penculos.
Se condamna la moarte pentru furt?
They were going to fly to England. - Ei au avut de gand sa zboare in Anglia.
lnterogativul se formeazti prin inversiunea ordinii subiectului cu forma corespunztitoare a verbului - ..
to be. Nega!ia se formeazti prin adtiugarea la forma corespunztitoare a verbului to be a adverbului 1:::::::::1\:::-.
de nega!ie not. De exemplu: i:" .:'
Where are you going to spend your holiday? - Unde iti vei petrece concediul? it;::!::' ::
I" .
She was not going to visit us yesterday. - Ea nu a avut de gand sa ne viziteze ieri. ! .
condamnare la moarte
lata aIte cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare retineti sensullor:
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
relieved >lnli.vd] -
sufficient > - suficient
violent >l valalant] - violent
decent >l di:sant) - decent, cumsecade
envious (ot) >l en\'las) - invidios (pe)
gentle >[ dJentl] - bland, amabil
- Majoritatea oamenilor
sunt curnsecade.
- Hotul a spus ca era invidios
pe oamenii bogati.
- Ce persoana amabila este ea!
- El a fost cand
nu i s-a intentat proces.
- Este suficient pentru azi?
- El a fost intotdeauna
un om violent.
> decent
> gentle
> suffiCIent
> leheved
> envious (of)
> \ !Olent
- These are >decent people.
- Is there >sufficient oil?
- Be >gentle to them!
- Were you >reheved, too?
- Are they always so >vlolent?
- It's no use being >envious.
>[DZa TSJ:fsed hi: Uoz envias
3\ pi:pl]
>[hl: "oz nli:vd lien
hi: "az not proslkiu.tid)
>llz D
1s fo:' tadci]
>[ Uot a dJcntl pa:'sn IZ]
>[hi: hEz o:]Ue/z bi:n
a va/alant mEn]
>[maust a:' di:sant)
invidios (pe)

Most people are decent.
What a gentle person she is!
Este suficient ulei?
He was relieved when
he was not prosecuted.
Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
Fii amabil cu ei!
The thief said he was envious
of rich people.
Sunt intotdeauna atat de violenti?
Nu are rost sa fi invidios.
Is this sufficient for today?
He has always been
a violent man.
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii:
sunt oameni decenti.
Te-ai simtit tu?
lata acum cateva verbe noi. Citili-le cu atenlie invatati semnificatia lor:
- Oricine vede holul,
trebuie sa anunle polilia.
- Orice
ai alege, te va costa
- Orice s-ar intimpla,
te voi ajuta.
- oricare, orice
- oricine, oricare
- mice
> Whichever house you buy It wJll be too small
for your fatTIlly.
> Whatever you WrIte it will be all right.
> Whoever asks me for money, 1will refuse him.
> l hu eva']
> [hu."va' SI:Z DZa Pl.f
mast tel Dca pzlli:s]
> [tlnteva' hEpnz
al "ll help IU:]
> [lJoteva']
> l a' av IYJ:z ka:'z
Ill. Z It "il kost Ill:
a lot]
Dupa pronumele relative compuse, pentru exprimarea viitorului se
timpul Simple Present.
Whoever sees the thief
must tell the police.
to accuse (of) > l tu aklU:z] - a acuza, a invinui (de)
to release > [tllJllis] - a elibera, a pune in libertate
to murder > (tu ma:'da'j - a ucide, a omori
to report > [tu JIjlO:'\] - a raporta, a anunla
to convict (of) > [\ll kanvikt] - a condamna, a declara vinovat
(pe cineva)
to punish > l tu ] - a pedepsi
to find out > [tu aut] - a constata, a descoperi
Orice scrii va fi bine.
Jar acum vom invata un alt tip de pronume - pronumele relativ compus. lata trei dintre acestea:
Traduceli propoziliile urmatoare in limba engleza:
Whichever of these cars
you choose, it will cost you
a lot.
Orice casa cumperi, va fi prea mica
pentru familia tao
Sa Ie folosim in propozilii:
Oricine imi cere bani, il voi refuza.
Whatever happens
I will help you.
Cititi eLI atentie urmatorul dialog In care apar cuvintele noi:
Did they catch the murderer? > [did IYL'l D a mil:' dara'] - L-au prins pe criminal?
- Ce pedeapsa a primit?
- Da.
- Dar dupa doua saptamani,
el a fost pus In libertate.
- Cu luni In urma,
cineva a anuntat 0 crima
la politie.
- Politia a constatat
ca altcineva a comis crima.
- Nu.
- Nu a fost vinovat?
- Dece?
- EI a fost acuzat
- EI a primit pedeapsa
cu moartea.
- He >accused me of stealing his boots.
- We >reported the theft at the police-station.
- Why have they him?
> l hat ana' Iu "I:ks
hi: "oz nli sl]
> [hal: uoz hI: pamst]
> [hI: "oz scnl,lllS; III
> ll'o,rnt hI'
> ["al]
> [hi "oz aklU:zd Fnd
> l "lks man Ps ag;iu samhodi
lIpo:'(Jd a ma:'da'
tll fYa pali:s]
> l D/a pali.s falJlld aul DiEt
sambodJ els bEd kamilld
D/a ham!]
El m-a acuzat ca i-am furat cizmele.
De ce I-au eliberat?
Noi am anuntat furtulla postul de politie.
The police found out that
somebody else had committed
the crime.
But after two weeks
he was released.
Wasn't he guilty?
How was he punished?
He was accused and
No, he wasn't.
He was sentenced to
capital punishment.
Yes, they did.
Sa exersam folosirea verbelor noi. Completati propozitiile In limba engleza cu forma verbala
Six months ago somebody
reported a murder
to the police.
Traduceti In limba romana propozitiile din text:
A: Six months ago somebody reported a murder to the police.
B: Did they catch the murderer?
A: Yes, they did. He was accused and convicted.
B: Howwas he punished?
A: He was sentenced to capital punishment. But after two weeks he was released.
B: Why? Wasn't he guilty?
A: No, he wasn't. The police found out that somebody else had committed the crime.
"I have already found out who ate my dinner."
> to report
> to convict
> to pUnish
> to find out
> to release
> The burglar would have been caught earher
If we had had a telephone then.
> The polIce don't know where thIs criminal is.
> Two pIckpockets have been arrested today.
> to accuse (of)
- He >has murdered his secretary.
- I have already >found out who ate my dinner.
- What did they >convlct him of?
> They ob\ lOusly cOlTI1mtted thIs cnme.
> to murder
- Why haven't they >punlshed them?
In final, sa verificam in ce masura ati r e u ~ i t sa retineti materialul acestei lectii:
a constata, a descoperi
Doi hoti de buzunare au fost arestati azi.
a elibera, a pune in libertate
Politia nu ~ t i e unde se afla acest criminal.
Evident, ei au comis aceasta infractiune.
De ce nu i-au pedepsit?
EI ~ i - a omorat secretera.
Am descoperit deja cine mi-a mancat cina.
a condamna, a declara vinovat
a raporta, a anunta
a omori, a ucide
Spargatorul ar fi fost prins mai devreme,
daca am fi avut telefon atunci.
a acuza, a invinui (de)
Pentru ce I-au condamnat?
a pedepsi
Traduceti in limba engleza verbele:
Acum urmeaza exerciliu de pronuntie. Literele din coloana, scrise accentuat,
desemneaza un sunet identic:
[e] [I: ] ['II] [i]
theft relieved fine convict
death decent crime criminal
envious thief time fish
gentle release rise thick
> Peter asked if his fnend
had been sentenced.
> His behavIour is outrageous.
> We don't have enough evidence to accuse
them of thiS robbery.
> Does thiS thief have any remorse'?
> They asked when we would prosecute her.
> How are you going to punish him?
> If you had dnven slowlier you wouldn't
have got a ticket.
> Beware of bad people!
> He got a death sentence.
> The pollce are going to take the murderer
to the pol ice-statlOll,
> Whoe\er comes hetc I wdl throw him out.
Purtarea lui este revolUitoare.
Feriti-va de oamenii rai!
EI a primit pedeapsa eu moartea.
Peter a i'ntrebat daca prietenullui
a fost condamnat.
Ei au intrehat cand yom intenta proces
impotriva ei.
Daea ai fi condus mai incet, nu ti s-ar fi intocmit
un proces verbal de contravenlie.
Acest hot are vreo
Polilia are de gand sa-l duca pe
la postul de politie.
Cum ai de gand sa-l
Oricine va veni aici, 11 voi da afara.
Nu avem suficiente dovezi sa-i acuzam
de acest jaf.
Timpul verbului se schimba conform regulii concordantei timpurilor.
Mary asked "Where is he going?". - Mary asked where he was going.
- A ~ fi avut timp sa fac asta
daca imi spuneai ieri.
- Daca spargatorul nu ar fi fost prins,
noi am fi pierdut 0 multime de bani.
- Ii voi vizita azi.
- Ea nu a avut de gand sa ne viziteze
- Unde ai de gand sa-ti petreci
She was not going to visit us
I am going to visit them today.
De exemplu:
If the burglar hadn't been caught
we would have lost a lot of money.
Where are you going to spend
your holiday?
I would have had time to do it
if you had told me yesterday.
in propozitia interogativa complementara, pronumele interogativ ramane neschimbat.
De exemplu:
27.2.1. Ordinea in propozitia indirecta interogativa este identica cu aceea dintr-o propozitie
afirmati va.
27.3.1. in aceasta constructie, se schimba doar forma verbului "to be" in functie de persoana
~ i timp (I am going to, she is going to, they are going to etc.). De exemplu:
27.3.2. Interogativul se formeaza prin inversiunea subiectului cu forma corespunzatoare a
verbului to be, iar negatia prin adaugarea adverbului de negatie "not" la forma
corespunzatoare a verbului "to be".
Peter asked "Did they meet her?" - Peter asked if they had met her.
27.1.1. in propozitia conditionala de tipul III conditia este ireala, nu este realizabila.
27.1.2. in propozitia conditionala introdusa de prepozitia "if" verbul este la timpul Past
Perfect, iar in propozitia subordonata apare constructia: "would +have +forma a III-a
a verbului de conjugat".
27.2.2. in cazul intrebarii decizionale (da/nu) propozitia secundara care urmeaza dupa
propozitia principala este introdusa prin prepozitia if. De exemplu:
27.1. Propozitia conditionala de tipul III (III Conditional)
27.2. Vorbirea indirecta, propozitia indirecta interogativa
27.3. Constructia "to be going to" - "a avea de gand sa":
"would not" - forma prescurtata "wouldn't"
"could not" - forma prescurtata "couldn't"
27.5. "Would, could"
- once
- Grice alegi,
te va costa mult.
- oricare, orice
- Mama mea nu ar plati pentru asta
daca nu ar avea bani.
- Nu puteau sa ne vada acolo.
- Ce ai face daca ai fi bogat?
- Ai putut pleca ieri?
- Grice s-ar intampla te voi ajuta.
- oricine, oricare
My mother wouldn't pay for this
if she hadn't money.
What would you do if you
were rich?
Could you leave yesterday?
They couldn't see us there.
Whichever of these cars you choose,
it will cost you a lot.
Whoever sees the thief must tell the police. - Gricine vede hotul, trebuie sa anunte politia.
Whatever happens I will help you.
27.5.1. Verbele "would" "could" sunt verbe auxiliare modale, de aceea propozitiile
interogative formate cu ajutorullor, implica inversiunea, de exemplu:
27.5.2. Formele lor negative sunt:
dupa pronumele relative compuse se timpul Simple Present, de obicei, ele se
refera la viitor.
27.4. Pronumele relative compuse:
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. John isn't going to invite her to his house.
2. Whoever comes tell him I am not at home.
3. Peter asked who had caught the pickpocket.
4. If the police had had this information earlier, they would have found the criminal easily.
5. The prisoner asked if he had to pay a fine.
6. This outrageous brutal crime was committed by a very young man.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Spargatorul a fost arestat dupa ce a jefuit doua case.
2. De ce ai de gand sa-I declari vinovat de acest omor?
3. Daca locatarii ar fi anuntat mai devreme spargerea, ei nu ar fi pierdut totul.
4. Grice vrei sa faci, ar fi mai bine daca ai renunta.
5. Maria a intrebat cand ii vor elibera sotul.
6. Peter a intrebat daca hotului de buzunare i s-a intentat proces.
C. Alegeti cuvantul care se p o t r i v e ~ t e in propozitie:
I. John asked who arrested.
a. is
b. was
2. The children going to play in the garden.
a. were
b. wasn't
3. . tells you this, don't think it's true.
a. whatever
b. whoever
4. If they him to capital punishment it would have been horrible.
a. had sentenced
b. sentence
lata noile cuvinte intr-o alta ordine. Fiti atenti la pronuntie retineti
corespondentul lor in limba romana:
Sa revenim la problemele legislative, dar yom studia alte teme. Daca pana
acum ne-am ocupat de expresiile legislatiei penale, in continuare yom
face cu expresii ale legislatiei civile:.
wedding > [\ledin();)] nunta
wedding-day > [\ledin();) dei] ziua nuntii
wedding-ring > ["edin();) rin(g)] verigheta
God, god > [god] Dumnezeu, divinitate
bride > [braid] mireasa
guest > [gest] musafir, invitat
> celibatar
bridegroom > [braidgru:m] mire
mamage > [mEridj] casatorie
divorce > [divo:'s] divort
relatives > [relati:vz] rude
> [sa:'vis] serviciu, ceremonie
" "
bachelor > celibatar
bride > [braid] mireasa
God, god > [god] Dumnezeu, divinitate
guest > [gest] musafir, invitat
servIce > [sa:rvis] serviciu, ceremonie
wedding-ring > ["edin(g) rin(gl] verigheta
divorce > [divo:rs] divort
wedding > ["edin(gl] nunta
mamage > [mEridj] casatorie
wedding-day > [cledin();) dei] ziua nuntii
relatives > [relati:vz] rude
bridegroom > [braidgru:m] mIre
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare ~ i fiti atenti la pronuntie:
- Ceremonia a fost impresionanta.
- Au fost acolo toate rudele tale?
- Mireasa a intfirziat.
- Cand va avea loc nunta lor?
- El a cumparat verighete
- Doamne, ajuta-ma!
- Ei spun ca mariajul va dura
o v e ~ n i c i e .
- Mirele este foarte inalt.
- Cfiti invitati au fost acolo?
- Sunt multe divorturi
in fiecare an.
- Ce nunta minunata
a fost!
- Acest barbat este celibatar.
"The bridegroom is very tall."
>["a .' 0.1 io:' rclati.vz IYea']
>[hau meni gests "a.' D/ea']
>[DZIS mEn iz a bEt::;ala']
>[god help mi:]
>[D1a braidgru:m lZ ven to:l]
>["ot a hlU:td1tl"edin(g)
DIEt "oz]
>[hl: bo:t lkspensiv
din(g) rin(glz]
> ["en iz Dlel' UeulIllgl dei]
>[ D/ci sci mEnu] iz
>[D/3 sa:'vis "oz lmpreslv]
>[DZa braid U oz leit]
>[ Olea' a
mcni divo:'SIZ
evn la']
Were all your relatives there?
He bought expensive
When is their wedding-day?
How many guests were there?
God, help me!
The service was impressive.
What a beautiful wedding
that was!
There are many divorces
every year.
The bride was late.
The bridegroom is very tall.
They say marriage
is forever.
This man is a bachelor.
Sa revenim la pronumele relative.
Traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza, pentru a Ie retine cat mai bine:
> bndegroom
> di\ orce
> guest
> weddl11g-ring
> bnde
> sen Ice
> God
> relatIves
> wedding-day
> wedding
> bachelor
> marnage
- I'm glad I'm a> bachelor
- He said he would never forget his
- They were late for the>service.
- Were you one of the >
- How long has the> bndeknown him?
- The> bndegroomis my brother.
- Everybody talked about their >divorce.
- I know there is > God
- > Marriage is not for me.
- I will not be at their >wedding.
- Have you bought the> wedding-rings yet?
- The> bride and the> bndegroomhave
serviciu, ceremonie
ruda, rude
Pronumele relative aflate la inceputul propozitiilor relative restrictive, pot fi omise in anumite
ziua nuntii
Au intarziat la ceremonie.
El a spus ca nu va uita niciodata
ziua nuntii sale.
De cat timp 11 cuno$tea mireasa?
Ai cumparat deja verighetele?
Mirele este fratele meu.
lata un alt exercitiu: completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
Casatoria nu este pentru mine.
Nu voi fi acolo la nunta lor.
ca exista Dumnezeu.
Mireasa $i mirele au putine rude.
Ma bucur ca sunt celibatar.
Toata lumea a vorbit despre divortullor.
Ai fost unul dintre musafiri?
Is the car (which) you drove yesterday expensive? - Este scumpa pe care ai condus-o ieri?
Traduceti in limba engleza frazele care contm propozitii secundare relative. Daca este cazul, omiteti
pronumele relative, conform regulii anterioare:
- religios
- fericit
>The car J bought last week
IS \ ery fast.
- incredibil
- necasatorit, celibatar
- enorm,
>These people. whom I have known for a long
time, were fired yesterday.
>The woman who IS walkmg there is
my father's sIster
>The potatoes we have dug are small.
> The house wc have built is not very high.
>This chair, which IS VClY old,
IS not for sale.
> The policeman that arrested the criminal
said that It hadn't been easy.
> Where have you bought the suit
you are weanng')
- Nu pierde biletul pe care ti I-a dat.
- pe care a auzit-o, a fost foarte proasta.
- Oamenii pe care i-am vizitat, au fost
foarte draguti cu mine.
- Iti place cartea pe care ai citit-o?
> [singl]
> [mkrBdl bal]
> [nlidJas]
Don't lose the ticket (which) he has given to you.
lata acum cateva cuvinte noi:
De exemplu:
Unde ai cumparat costumul
pe care tocmai il porti?
pe care am cumparat-o saptamana trecuta,
este foarte rapida.
Cartofii pe care i-am scos, sunt mici.
oameni pe care ii cunosc demult,
au fost concediati ieri.
Casa pe care am construit-o nu este foarte inalta.
Do you like the book (that) you have read?
Acest scaun, care este foarte vechi,
nu este de vanzare.
The people (whom) I visited were
very nice to me.
The news (which) we heard was very bad.
care se plimba acolo,
este sora tatalui meu.
Politistul care I-a arestat pe infractor,
a spus ca nu a fost
Cititi unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza in care am folosit cuvintele noi:
Ati desigur, sa retineti cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
- oameni sunt
- inca necasatorit?
- Ei vor locui intr-o
casa enonna.
- Divortul lor este incredibil.
- De cfmd sunt logoditi?
- A fost cea mai fericita zi
din viata lor.
> religious
> single
> mcredible
> happy
> engaged
> enormous
- They have been >engaged for only
a short time.
- Were you >happy?
- This is an >enormous garden.
- It is >incredible that he is already here.
- She said that she wanted to stay >single
- Are these people >rehgious?
>[sms lien hEy DZei
bi:n mgeldjd]
> [D'ei a:' gaum(g) tu Iiv
in an ino"mas haus]
>[It "oz DZa hEpiast del
a\' D/ei' lalvz]
>[a:' Ill: stll singl]
> [D/t:z pi:pl a:'
\en rilidjas]
>[D'd divo:'s iz inkredlbal]
Sa revenim la vorbirea indirecta:
1. Propozi{ii condi!ionale
necasatorit, celibatar
Ea a spus ca vrea sa ramana necasatorita.
Aceasta este 0 gradina imensa.
Este incredibil ca el este deja aici.
Smce when have they
been engaged?
Ai fost fericit?
Are you still single?
Ei au fost logoditi doar pentru
scurt timp.
in cazul vorbirii indirecte In propozi!ia condi!ionald de tipull, timpul verbului se schimbii
conform regulii de concordan{ii a timpurilor (timpul prezent se schimba In timp trecut):
Sunt oameni?
Their divorce is incredible.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele noi:
These people are
very religious.
They are going to live
in an enonnous house.
It was the happiest day
of their lives.
Pe baza regulilor enuntate anterior, traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Mama mea a spus ca daca ar vrea sa mearga acolo, - My mother Said that if she wanted to go there
s-ar duce. she would go
sworn >[s"o:'n]
- a se casatori (cu), a se insura
forma a III-a
- a fi prezent, a frecventa
- a crede
- ajura
- a divorta
- Peter said he wished he had a house.
- Peter said that if he had time he would
go to the cinema.
- Mary said it was time she went home.
- John said that if he were me he would not
do it.
- it was time
- I wished
- Peter said that If he had enough money
he \\ould lend me some.
- John said that If he had marned Mary
then he \\ollid have been happy.
- Mary told me that It W<lS time I len hIm.
- Joan said she Wished she were richer.
- Mary said that if she had had the money
earlier she would have paid for the car.
>[tu bIli.v]
> [tu mEriJ
forma a II-a
>[tLl divo:'s]
swore> f SuO"]
> l tu atcnd]
> [tu sUea']
it is time
I wish
Peter said "If I have time I will
go to the cinema".
Mary said "If I had had the money earlier
I would have paid for the car."
Mary said "It's time I went home."
Peter said "I wish I had a house."
John said "If I were you I would not
do it."
Verbul "to swear" este neregulat. Formele sale sunt:
2. Expresii dupd care Propozifia secundard trece la timpul Simple Past. in urmdtoarele expresii
se schimbd timpul verbului:
in cazul propozifiilor condifionale de tipulII ~ i III, timpul verbului rdmiine neschimbat, de
to swear
to believe
Timpul verbului din propozifiile secundare care urmeazddupd aceste expresii, nu se schimbd.
latd doud exemple:
John a spus ca daca s-ar fi insurat cu Mary,
atunci ar fi fost fericit.
to marry
Peter a spus ca daca ar avea bani destui,
m-ar imprumuta ~ i pe mine.
Joan a spus ca ar vrea sa fie mai bogata.
Mary mi-a spus ca este timpul sa il parasesc.
Sa invatam inca eateva verbe:
to attend
to divorce
Pentru a retine verbele noi, traduceti in limba engleza:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza eu forma verbala corespunzatoare:
Cititi eu atentie dialogul urmator in care apar ~ i verbele noi:
- Jur ca este adevarat.
- Dar s-a easatorit eu el acum
un an.
- ~ t i i ca Joan
divorteaza de sotul ei?
- ~ t i u . Am participat
la nunta.
- Oh, nul Nu pot sa cred!
- E ~ t i sigur?
- Aceasta veste este groaznica.
- Am crezut ca erau
fericiti impreuna.
> 10 many
> to dlvorce
> to believe
> to attend
> to swear
- How many people> attended the wedding?
- They have always> believed in God.
- Whom have you> marned?
- Can you> swear that it is true?
- They have been > divorced for many years.
> [du ill: nOll O'Et djoun
1Z giiuin
tu divo:' s
ha:' halbimd]
> [ill TSo:t D/ei Ua:'
hEp! tageDZa']
> [al nou al iitendld
IYa uedm
> [D'lS nru:z IZ 0.f1]
> [ou nOll ai ka:nt hili:v it]
> [a' Ill: )ua']
> [bat Zil. mErid him
a iia' agou]
> [ai SUear lts trll:]
a fi prezent/de fata la, a participa la
a divorta
a crede
a se casatori, a se insura sau a se marita
Cu cine te-ai casatorit?
Ei au erezut intotdeauna in Dumnezeu.
Au divortat cu multi ani in urma.
Poti sa juri ca este adevarat?
Ciiti oameni au fost prezenti la nunta?
I thought they were
happy together.
I swear it's true.
Are you sure?
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
I know. I attended
the wedding.
This news is awful.
But she married him
a year ago!
Do you know that Joan
is going to divorce
her husband?
Oh, no! I can't believe it!
A: Do you know that Joan is going to divorce her husband?
B: Oh, no! I can't believe it! Are you sure?
A: I swear it's true.
B: But she married him a year ago!
A: I know. I attended the wedding.
B: This news is awful. I thought they were happy together.
> The man they have arrested
has not confessed yet.
- Ai putea deschide geamul?
- ( E ~ t i atat de amabil) Poli sa-mi dai pUlin ceai?
> The bachelor she talked about
was one of my relatIves.
> Would you buy me the tickets?
> Would you clean your room?
> Could you look at my letter?
> The weddIng-day was Incredibly hot.
> They would have convicted the pnsoner
If there had been more eVidence.
> Could you forget these words?
> Would you lend me your books?
E ~ t i atat de amabil sa-mi cumperi biletele?
lata ciiteva exemple:
Would you give me some tea?
E ~ t i atat de amabil sa-mi imprumuli carlile tale?
"The wedding-day was incredibly hot."
Ai putea sa te uili la scrisoarea mea?
In exerciliul urmator, vom recapitula materia acestei leclii. Daca nu intampinali dificultali, inseamna
ca puteli trece la partea a doua a lecliei 28. Traduceli in limba engleza:
Ai putea sa uili aceste cuvinte?
In ziua nunlii a fost incredibil de cald.
Traduceli propoziliile urmatoare in limba engleza folosind aceste doua verbe auxiliare:
Vrei sa faci curat in camera?
L-ar fi condarnnat pe prizonier,
daca ar fi fost mai multe dovezi.
Could you open the window?
Celibatarul despre care a vorbit ea,
a fost una dintre rudele mele.
Omul care a fost arestat,
nu a marturisit inca.
lata doua cazuri in care se utilizeaza verbele auxihare could ~ i would.
In incheiere, urmeaza exercitiu de pronuntie. Cititi cu atentie urmatoarele cuvinte:
[E] [e] [0:] [ei]
happy wedding divorce engaged
marriage guest com outrageous
bachelor relatives enormous rate
man men dawn late
hat when sworn gave
> There have been many services this week.
> I am not going to marry him.
> The bridegroom has known the bride
for a very long tunc.
> Why has he sworn to stay smgle?
> The wedding-rings we were shown
were outrageously expensive.
> She is not the happy woman
she was on her wedding-day.
> She is the most beautiful bride
I have ever seen.
> The books which are on the table are yours.
EI de ce a jurat sa ramana celibatar?
Au fost multe ceremonii saptamana aceasta.
Nu rna voi marita cu eL
Car\ile care se afla pe masa sunt ale tale.
Ea este cea mai frumoasa mireasa
pe care am vazut-o vreodata.
Ea nu este acea femeie fericita
din ziua nuntii sale.
Verighetele pe care ni Ie-au aratat,
erau revoltator de scumpe.
Mirele 0 pe mireasa
de mult timp.
Urmeaza ultimul exercitiu de traducere al acestei lectii:
Aceasta parte a lectiei incepe cu un dialog. Fiti atenti la pronuntia cuvintelor ~ i silabelor accentuate:
> He said that he would not feel safe
tIll the murderer was arrested.
> Many brutal murders were committed
that month.
> It was rainmg when we were going to tbe
police-statIOn to report the burglary.
> If I had had tune I would have attended
the service.
> 1 he man who was released was
obviously mnocent.
> The crime he was accused of was
a violent one.
> lie is not the man he was when
we first met.
Of course there are happier things to talk about than crime, such as weddings.
Yes, just tell me please who isn't happy himself when he sees other people happy on their
Even if you prefer to stay single you can imagine that this is a day they will never forget.
We must hope that life will always bring us more to be happy about than to be sad about.
Speaking about crime you know that people have always said that crime doesn't pay.
But in some countries crime seems to be profitable because the criminals are not sufficiently
I agree, and if a prisoner is convicted of a crime, he often doesn't have to go to prison for
a long time.
How true it is. They say this is because the criminal didn't know what he was doing when
he commited the crime. Don't ask me how they know.
And if a prisoner's behaviour is good he is released.
I think the only thing we can do to change this situation is to punish the people who don't
want to punish the criminals.
Anul in care recolta s-a distrus, a fost prea secetos. > The year our crop failed, was too dry.
EI a spus ca nu se va simti in siguranta,
pana cand criminalul nu va fi arestat.
Daca a ~ fi avut timp, a ~ fi fost prezent
la ceremonie.
EI nu este omul care era cand ne-am intalnit
prima data.
Omul care a fost eliberat a fost
evident nevinovat.
Ploua cand ne-am dus la postul de poIitie
ca sa anuntam spargerea.
In luna aceea au fost comise multe
crime brutale.
Crima de care el a fost acuzat, a fost
una violenta.
Crezi ca e vinovat?
Nu vreau platesc amenda pentm ca
sunt nevinovat.
$antajul este infraqiune profitabila.
Acest avion este
L-am intrebat daca oamenii sunt
intotdeauna amabili.
Ea a spus ca nu I-a vawt
de la divort.
A fura este 'impotriva legii.
Saptamana viitoare participam la 0 nunta.
vreau sa fiu din nou celibatar.
Grice faCl, nu-i da drumul.
Aceasta poate fi folosita ca dovada.
Cat de nevinovat parea
sigur ca hotul se ascunde
prin imprejurimi?
> Do you lhll1k he IS gUIlty?
> I don't \\ ant to pay tht' fine because
I am Il1l10cent.
> BlackmaIl is a \ ery prolitable crnne.
> rhls plane IS enOIIIlOllS.
> I asked him If I ellglou" people were
always gentle.
> She saId she had not seen h1111
since the dIvorce.
> Stealing IS agamsl the law.
> We ,Ire attendmg a \\ eddlng next week.
> I WIsh I were a bachelor agam.
> Whatever you do, dOll't release hun.
> ThIS can be used as e\ Idence.
> 'low innocent the murderer looked!
> Are you sure the thief IS hichng
JIl the sUllOlIlldings')
Peter said "I wish I had a house". - Peter said he wished he had a house.
Mary said "It's time I went home". - Mary said it was time she went home.
- Iti place cartea
pe care ai citit-o?
- Oamenii pe care i-am vizitat au fost
foarte draguti cu mine.
- Nu pierde biletul
pe care ti I-a dat.
- John said that if he were me
he would not do it.
- Peter said that if he had time he would go
to the cinema.
- it was time
- Mary said that if she had had the money
earlier she would have paid for the car.
- Ai putea deschide geamul?
- Poti sa-mi dai putin ceai?
- I wished
Peter said "lfI have time I will go
to the cinema".
it is time
I wish
John said "IfI were you
I would not do it".
Mary said "If I had had the money
earlier I would have paid for the car".
Don't lose the ticket (which)
he has given to you.
Would you give me some tea?
28.2.2. Timpul urmatoarelor expresii se schimba conform regulii de concordanta a timpurilor:
In cazul propozitiei conditionale de tipul II ~ i III timpul verbului ramane neschimbat:
In schimb in vorbirea indirecta timpul verbului din propozitia secundara, care urmeaza
dupa aceste expresii nu se schimba. De exemplu:
In cazul folosirii vorbirii indirecte In propozitia conditionala de tipul I, timpul
verbulului se schimba conform regulii de concordanta a timpurilor (din timpul prezent
trece la timpul trecut):
The people (whom) I visited were
very nice to me.
Could you open the window?
28.2.1. Propozitia conditionala
Do you like the book (that)
you have read?
28.2. Vorbirea indirecta
28.1. Pronumele relative compuse aflate la Inceputul propozitiilor relative restrictive pot fi omise
In anumite cazuri. Exemple:
28.3. Folosirea verbelor auxiliare modale "could" ~ i "would":
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozi1ii in limba romana:
I. The man I met then was divorced.
2. I said that if I were a teacher, I would teach English.
3. The bride wished the service were shorter.
4. Could you tell me )fthey are happy?
5. He told me that ifhe had not bought the wedding-rings earlier, he would not have had
money then.
6. I wanted to attend the wedding but I was late for the train.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozi1ii in limba engleza:
1. EI presupune ca este timpul sa incepi lucrul.
2. Ai cina cu mine? atat de amabil sa cinezi cu mine?)
3. Cine a spus ca daca fi mai tanara, m-ar lua de nevasta?
4. Casa pe care am vazut-o atunci era prea scumpa pentru mine.
5. L-ai putea ruga pe mire sa aduca florile?
6. Ea a spus ca vrea sa fie necasatorita.
C. Corecta1i din urmatoarele propozi1ii:
1. The house has just been bought is large.
2. Could they to swear it's true?
3. He said it is time he leaves.
4. She told me that if she divorces her husband she will be happy.
5. Would you opened the window?
, ,
to a. 'euse (ot)
> [tLi aklU:Z] - a acuza, a invinui (de)
> [agenst] - impotriva, (in) contra
to al resl
> [tLi arest] - a aresta
to attend
> [tLi atend]
- a fi prezent/de faFi la, a participa
- celibatar
> [blhelvla
- purtare, comportament
to belil'\ e
> [tLi bi!i:v] - a crede (in)
to bewan: (of)
> [tublllea']
- a se feri, a se pazi (de)
> [blEkmeiJ]
> [braid] - mireasa
> [braldgru:m] - mire
> [bru:tl] - brutal, violent
> [ba:
gla'] - spargator
> [ba:'glan] - furt cu spargere
> [kEpitl - pedeapsa capitaHi/cu moartea
to commit
> [Iu kamit] - a comite
to conft'ss
> [Iu kanfes] - a marturisi, a
to convict (of)
> [tLi kanvikt] - a condamna, a declara vinovat
(pe cineva)
> [kraim] - infractiune
> [krimml] - criminal
> [del"] - moarte
death sentence > [del" sentiins] - condamnare la moarte
> [di:sant] - decent
> [divo:rs]
- divort
to divorce
> [tu dlVO:rS]
- a divorta
> [mgeidjd]
- logodit
> [mo:'mas]
- enorm, colosal
envious (of)
> [envlas] - invidios (pe)
> [evldans]
- dovada, marturie
> [fam]
- amenda, penalizare
to find out
> [tu fallld aut]
- a constata, a descoperi, a afla
gentle > [dJentl] bland, amabil
God, god > [god] DUlllnezeu, divinitate
guest > [gest] musafir, invitat
guilty > [gilti] - Vlllovat
happy > [hEpi] - fericit
incredible > [inkredibal] - incredibil
innocent > [inasant] - inocent, nevinovat
law > [lo:J - lege
to look > [tu lukJ - a privi, a arata cumva (bIDe l'll
marriage > [mEnd)] - casatorie
to marry > [tu mEnJ - a se casatori, a se insura
murder > [ma:'da'] - crima, omucidere
to murder > [tu mao' da'] - a ucide, a omori
murderer > [ma:'dara'j - criminal, asasin,
obviously > [obvlaslJ ] - (in mod) evident
outrageous > [autretdJas] - imoral
pickpocket > [pikpokit] - hot de buzunare
police > [pali:s] - politie
police-station > [pali:s - post sau comisariat de politie
prisoner > [prizana'] - prizonier, detinut
to prosecute > [tu proslklll:t] - a institui/a intenta (un) proces
to punish > [tu - a pedepsi
relatives > [relati: vz] - ruda, rude
to release > [turili:s] - a elibera, a pune in libertate,
a-i da drumul
relieved > [rili:vd] -
religious > [rilidjas] - religios
remorse > [rimo:fs] - mustrare de
to report > [tu npo:ft] - a raporta, a anunta
to rob > [tu rob] - ajefui, a prada (de), a fura
robbery > [robari] - jaf, furt
sentence > [sentans] - sentinta
to sentence (to) > [tu sentans] - a condamna
service > [sa:'vis] - serviciu, ceremonie
> - hot de magazine
single > [sing!]
- necasatorit, celibatar
speeding > [
- exces de viteza
> - suficient, indestuHHor
to swear > [tll sUeaf]
- ajura
> [T'efl] - furt
thief, thieves > [T'i:fJ[T'i:vz]
- hot, hoti
ticket > [tikI!]
- bilet, proces verbal
(de contraventie)
violent > [vaialant] - violent
wedding > [Ucdm(g)]
- nunta, cununie

wedding-day > [Uedm
) dei]
- ziua nuntii
wedding-ring > [Uedm
) rin
- verigheHi
whatever > [Uoteva
- oricare, orice, indiferent de
whichever > a
] - oricare
whoever > [hu:e\ a
] - oncme

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