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Editura Fundaiei Romnia de Mine

English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
Specificul studierii limbilor strine n cadru
universitar este reprezentat de trecerea de la studierea
limbii strine la modul general la aprofundarea ei pe
diverse domenii de specialitate. n funcie de
specializarea pentru care studenii opteaz, ei vor
studia, n cazul nostru, engleza economic, uridic,
te!nic( medical ,t-. Studiul limbilor strine aplicat, .,
u/ a/u0it d10,/iu d, 2.,-ia3itat, % 4/ -a5u3 /12tru 6ii/d 71r8a d,
engleza n kinetoterapie, o ramur a englezei medicale %
presupune din partea studenilor un nivel mediu de
cuno"tiine de limba englez, stpnirea unor te!nici de
munc individual "i, de asemenea, a unui nivel mediu
de cuno"tiine generale pe domeniul respectiv de
Manualul de fa se adreseaz studenilor seciei
de #inetoterapie, din cadrul Facultii de $ducaie Fizic
"i Sport a %niversitii Spiru &aret 'ucure"ti, att anului
( ct "i anului (( de studiu. $l rspunde unei nevoi reale )
aceea de a avea un instrument practic de lucru pentru
desf"urarea activitii de seminar.
*on"tientizarea avantaelor pe care le presupune
stpnirea unui limba de specialitate ntr+o limb
strin, dintre care amintim, posibilitatea consultrii
unei bibliografii de specialitate n limba respectiv,
participarea studenilor la conferine internaionale,
publicarea unor materiale n revistele de specialitate "i,
poate cel mai important, posibilitatea de a lucra ntr+o
clinic sau cabinet de profil cu personal "i clieni strini
6i, 4/ R109/ia 6i, .,2t, :1tar, ) a constituit motivaia
principal .,/tru meninerea interesului studenilor fa
de aceast disciplin de studiu "i .,/tru obinerea unui
certificat de competen lingvistic pe specialitatea
englez medical, eliberat n cadrul *entrului de -imbi
Strine a3 %niversitii Spiru &aret.
Ma/ua3u3 ,2t, 2tru-turat ., <0 -a.it13, =!/it2>( a?9/du'2, .,
tr,i -10.1/,/t, .ri/-i.a3,@ <> u/ -1r.u2 d, texte de specialitate,
care+"i asociaz diverse e.erciii de vocabular, traduceri
de te.t "i e.erciii de redare selectiv a informaiei
prezentate/ 01 o selecie a u/1r probleme de gramatic a
limbii engleze, efectuat n funcie de criteriul
frecvenei anumitor structuri gramaticale n limbaul
medical "i 21 un set de discursuri kinetoterapeut-pacient,
a.ate pe tematica fiecrui capitol, avnd ca scop
familiarizarea studenilor cu utilizarea unui limba oral,
informal, care completeaz lim8aAu3 61r0a3 4/ -ar, 2u/t r,dat,
t,?t,3, d, 2.,-ia3itat,. S,3,-tar,a a-,2t1r t,?t, di/ di7,r2, 0at,ria3, %
at3a2, d, a/at10i,( -ur2uri d, Bi/,t1t,ra.i,( etc a avut ca
intenie creearea unui cadru Cprofesionist3 de lucru,
precum "i stimularea interesului studenilor pentru
consultarea unor materiale de specialitate n limba
englez. 4i, nu n ultimul rnd, e.erciiile de la fiecare
sfr"it de %nit ) D-r,at, E1ur 1F/ dia31Gu,2H( Dconsider
5ourself as a 6inetot!erapist3 etc. testeaz capacitatea
studenilor de a se e.prima liber "i firesc n limbaul de
specialitate asimilat, ntr+un conte.t socio+
profesional artificial creat n sala de seminar, prin ceea
ce n metodica limbii engleze se nume"te DR13, .3aEi/GH.
*u sperana "i dorina c a-,2t 0a/ua3 7a rspunde
/,71ii practice a studenilor de a aprofunda limba
englez pentru o viitoare practic 6inetoterapeutic(
-1/2titui/d n acela"i timp un stimulent pentru o
perfecionare permanent( prin consultarea unei
bibliografii actualizate n limba englez( 4/-:,i .ri/ a 3,
mulumi studenilor din primele generaii cu care am
lucrat pentru autorul ., -ar, 0i 3'au a-1rdat( prin simpla lor
participare activ la seminariile de limba englez, n
conturarea suportului teoretic "i practic al acestui
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
1. Read the following texts containing relaxation techniques and
write down the new words:
DTrainers introduction@ IT:i2 r,3a?ati1/ .r1-,dur, i2 1/, t:at :a2
8,,/ .ra-ti2,d 61r 0a/E E,ar2 /1F. It :a2 8,,/ 2tudi,d 8E r,2,ar-:,r2
a/d 61u/d t1 8, ,66,-ti7,. Y1u Fi33 6,,3 7,rE r,3a?,d a/d -a30 a2 a
r,2u3t. It i2 /1t t:, 2a0, a2 :E./12i2 a/d E1u Fi33 /1t 312,
-1/2-i1u2/,22 at a/E .1i/t.J
T:, .r1-,dur,2@ IMaB, E1ur2,36 a2 -1061rta83, a2 E1u -a/K 8,-10,
aFar, 16 t:, 2ur6a-, u/d,r/,at: E1uK 3,t E1ur 81dE 2,tt3, i/t1 itK
/1ti-, :1F it 2u..1rt2 E1uK /1ti-, t:, .1i/t2 16 -1/ta-t 8,tF,,/ E1u
a/d t:, 6311r@ E1ur :,adK 2:1u3d,r2K 2.i/,K ri82K :i.2K :,,32K
,381F2K 61r,ar02 a/d :a/d2K 6,,3 E1ur 81dE 2i/Bi/G i/t1 t:,
2ur6a-, E1u ar, 3Ei/G 1/K 6,,3 E1ur 81dE G,tti/G :,a7i,r a2 t:,
t,/2i1/ ,882 aFaEK 6,,3 at .,a-,K. TaB, 1/, G11d 8r,at: a/d a2 E1u
3,t it 1ut( 6,,3 it -arrEi/G a33 E1ur t,/2i1/2 aFaEK t:,/ 3,t E1ur
8r,at:i/G 2,tt3, i/t1 a G,/t3, r:Et:0KJ
IA2 E1u 3i, 1r 2it( r,63,-t 1/ t:, id,a t:at E1u ar, G1i/G t1 Gi7, t:,
/,?t :a36':1ur t1 E1ur2,36. N1 t,3,.:1/, -a/ ri/G 61r E1uL /1 d11r8,33
di2tur8 E1uL /1 1/, Fi33 -a33 E1ur /a0,. Y1u 0aE :,ar 21u/d2 ar1u/d
E1u@ 71i-,2( :1r/2( 2ir,/2( 8a/G2 a/d r,72K t:i/B 16 t:,0 a2 8,i/G
1ut2id, E1ur F1r3d. &it: t:,2, t:1uG:t2 i/ 0i/d( draF a/ i0aGi/arE
-ir-3, ar1u/d E1ur2,36( a81ut t:r,, 6,,t 6r10 t:, -,/tr,. Cr,at, a/
i0aGi/arE 8u883,K t:i/B 16 t:, i/t,ri1r a2 your 2.a-,K E1ur 1F/
.ri7at, 2.a-,. F,,3 :1F 2a6, it i2K 2a6, t1 G,t i/ t1u-: Fit: E1ur2,36.
Tur/ E1ur t:1uG:t2 i/Fard.J
Trainers terination o! the procedure@ II a0 G1i/G t1 8ri/G t:i2
r,3a?ati1/ 2,222i1/ t1 a/ ,/dK IJd 3iB, E1u Gradua33E t1 8,-10,
aFar, 16 t:, r110K 6,,3 t:, 6311rM-:air u/d,r/,at: E1u K 1.,/ E1ur
,E,2K Gi7, E1ur 3i082 a 6,F G,/t3, 2tr,t-:,2K :a7, t:, 6,,3i/G t:at
E1u ar, a3,rt a/d r,adE t1 -arrE 1/ Fit: E1ur 3i6,KJ
I&it: E1ur ,E,2 1.,/( rai2, E1ur ,E,8r1F2K 6,,3 t:, t,/2i1/K a/d
r,3,a2, t:, t,/2i1/K 6r1F/K 6,,3 t:, t,/2i1/K a/d r,3,a2, itK 2:ut
E1ur ,E,2 tiG:t3EK 6,,3 t:, t,/2i1/K a/d 3,t it G1K Fit: E1ur ,E,2
2ti33 -312,d( 2.,/d a 6,F 0i/ut,2 r,3,a2i/G t,/2i1/ i/ t:i2 .art 16 E1ur
C312, t:, AaF2 6ir03E( /1ti-i/G t:, 2,/2ati1/2 E1u G,t 6r10 t:,
a-ti1/K :13d itK a/dK di2-1/ti/u,K 3,t E1ur AaF dr1.K 6,,3 t:,
t,/2i1/ 3,a7i/G E1uK a/d -1/ti/ui/G t1 3,a7, E1uK t:,/ r,.,at t:,
a-ti1/K. N,?t( 8ar, E1ur t,,t:K 6,,3 t:, t,/2i1/ i/ t:, -:,,B2K :13d
it 61r a 6,F 2,-1/d2K a/d r,3,a2, t:, t,/2i1/K. MaB, a tiG:t IOJ
Fit: E1ur 3i.2K :13d it( F:i3, E1u r,Gi2t,r t,/2i1/ i/ t:, 3i.2K a/d
-a/-,3 t:, a-ti1/K.
Pr,22 E1ur t1/Gu, aGai/2t E1ur t,,t:K 6,,3 t:, .r,22ur, a/d r,3,a2,
itK N1F .u33 t:, t1/Gu, 8a-B t1Fard2 t:, t:r1at. F,,3 t:, 0u2-3,2
draFi/G it 8a-B a/d /1t, t:, 2,/2ati1/2 E1u G,t 6r10 t:i2 a-ti1/K
a/dK r,3,a2, itK H
=R. A. PaE/, % "elaxation Techni#ues>
2. Read the text again, select the words that designate: a) parts of
the body, b)verbal constructions expressing commands and c)
prepositions or other words indicating direction and place them in
three different columns.
3. Using the vocabulary practice below write the Romanian
equivalents for the terms indicating parts of the body.
4. Pronounce and learn the names of the main parts of the human
body. For some notions two alternative terms have been provided:
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
The head:
- ,E,2( ,E,3id2 =.3,1a.,>( ,E,3a2:,2 =G,/,>( ,E,8r1F2 =2.r9/-,/,>L
' nose, nostrils 7nri1/
' ,ar2( ,ar 318,L
' 01ut:( 3i.2 =8u5,>( Gu0 =Gi/Gi,>( t1ot! + teet!,
tongue 7limb1, a8 7falc1, upper a8
9ma.illa 7ma.ilar1, under a8 7mandibul1/
' fore!ead 7frunte1, c!ee6 7obraz1, c!ee6
bone 7os ma.ilar1, c!in 7brbie1, dimple
7gropi n obraz1, dimple in t!e c!in
9fossette 7gropi n brbie1.
The neck:
' t:r1atL
' Ada0J2 a..3,Mt:Er1id -arti3aG,L
' :1331F 16 t:, t:r1at =2-18itura G9tu3ui>L
' /a., 16 t:, /,-B =-,a6a>.
The body:
' 2:1u3d,r( 2:1u3d,r 83ad,M2-a.u3a =101.3at>L
+ limb 7membru1, arm9upper limb 7bra1, armpit9a.illa
7subsuoar1, forearm 7antebra1, !and, elbo8 7cot1,
croo6 of t!e arm 7ndoitura braului1, palm, 8rist9carpus
7nc!eietura minii1, fist 7pumn1, fingers ) t!umb
7degetul mare1, forefinger 7deget arttor1, middle
finger, ring finger 7deget inelar1, little finger, finger tip
7vrful degetului1, finger pad 7pernia degetului1,
fingernail 7ung!ie1, 6nuc6le 7articulaia degetului1/
' biceps, t!ora.9c!est 7torace1, breast
7piept1, nipple 7mamelon1, abdomen,
stomac!, 8aist 7talie1, navel9umbilicus
7buric1, bottom 7"ezut1, buttoc6s 7fes,>L
' !ip 7"old1, leg, t!ig! 7coaps1, calf
7gamb1, s!in9cannon bone 7fluierul
piciorului, tibia1, 6nee 7genunc!i1, 6nee cap
7rotul1, an6le 7glezn1, instep 7scobitura
gleznei1, sole 7talp1, !eel9calcaneus
7clci1, toes 7degete de la picioare1.
5. Choose the right word that best completes the sentence:
<. I -a/Jt 017, 0E 3,6t :a/dL I :a7, .r183,02 Fit: 0E KKK...
a> 6i/G,r2 8> -> Fri2t d> 6i2t2
2. It i2 /1t .13it, t1 ta3B t1 210,81dE F:,/ E1u :a7, E1ur
KKK. i/ E1ur .1-B,t2.
a> 6i/G,r2 8> :a/d2 -> .a302 d> ar02
N. H, :a2 :ad t:i2 /a2tE :a8it 16 8iti/G :i2 KKK. ,7,r 2i/-, :,
Fa2 a Bid.
a> t1/Gu, 8> t1,2 -> 6i/G,r2 d> /ai32
4. T:i2 13d 3adE -a/Jt :,ar E1u 7,rE F,33L 2:, :a2 G1t a/ KKK
a> ,ar 8> t:r1at -> t11t: d> ,E,
O. H, 6,33 a/d :urt :i2 KKK r,a33E 8ad( a2 :, Fa2 /1t F,ari/G
:i2 B/,,'.ad2 F:,/ r133,r 2Bati/G.
a> a/B3,2 8> 3,G2 -> B/,,2 d> t1,2
6. T:, u/d,r2id, 81t: 16 a 611t a/d a 2:1, i2 -a33,d a KKKK..
a> :,,3 8> 213, -> 2:i/ d> t1,
*. I at, a/ i-,-r,a0 E,2t,rdaE a/d /1F I :a7, a 21r,
a> /,-B 8> ,E, -> AaF d> t:r1at
+. Y1u 2:1u3d /1t dri/B 21 0u-: -166,, 1/ a/ ,0.tE
a> 2t10a-: 8> Fai2t -> a8d10,/ d> t:r1at
;. N181dE i2 .,r6,-t a/d -ar,3,22/,22 i2 :i2 A-:i33,2JKKK...
a> t1, 8> ar0 -> :,,3 d> :,ad
<0. H, i2 Fa3Bi/G 1/ t:, ti.2 16 :i2 KKKK 21 a2 /1t t1 aFaB,
t:, 8a8E.
a> 6,,t 8> t1,2 -> 6i/G,r2 d> 213,
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
6. Match up the following words with their definitions:
<. Fri2t a. t:, t:i-B( 63,2:E .art 16 t:, 8a-B 16 t:,
3,G( 8,tF,,/ t:, a/B3, a/d t:, B/,,
2. 61r,:,ad 8. 3arG, 0u2-3, at t:, 6r1/t 16 t:, u..,r
ar0( F:i-: 8,/d2 t:, ,381F
N. :i. -. t:, 20a33 d,.r,22i1/ 8,/,at: t:, ar0
F:,r, it A1i/2 t:, 2:1u3d,r
4. t1/Gu, d. a t:i/( :1r/E( tra/23u-,/t .3at, -17,ri/G
.art 16 t:, d1r2a3 2ur6a-, 16 t:, ,/d A1i/t
16 ,a-: 6i/G,r
O. -a36 ,. t:, .art 16 t:, 6a-, 8,tF,,/ t:, /atura3
:air3i/, a/d t:, ,E,2L 61r0,d 2B,3,ta33E 8E
t:, 6r1/ta3 81/, 16 t:, 2Bu33
6. 6. .art 1/ ,it:,r 2id, 16 t:, 81dE 8,31F t:,
Fai2t F:,r, t:, 81/, 16 a .,r21/J2 3,G i2
A1i/,d t1 t:, tru/B
*. /12tri3 G. t:, A1i/t 8,tF,,/ t:, 61r,ar0 a/d t:,
+. t:iG: :. t:, 8a-B .art 16 t:, :u0a/ 611t 6r10
t:, i/2t,. t1 t:, 31F,r .art 16 t:, a/B3,
;. 6i/G,r/ai3 i. .art 16 t:, 81dE 8,31F d, -:,2t a/d
dia.:raG0( -1/tai/i/G t:, 2t10a-:(
81F,32 a/d diG,2ti7, 1rGa/2
<0. :,,3 A. 1rGa/ 16 ta2t, t:at aid2 t:, 0a2ti-ati1/
a/d 2Fa331Fi/G 16 611d.
<<. a8d10,/ B. ,it:,r 16 t:, tF1 ,?t,r/a3 1.,/i/G2 16
t:, /12,
<2. 8i-,.2 3. .art 16 t:, :u0a/ 3,G 8,tF,,/ t:, B/,,
a/d t:, :i.
H,r, i2 a 3i2t 16 t:, 012t -1001/3E u2,d .r,.12iti1/2 16 .3a-, a/d
above P d,a2u.ra( d, d,a2u.ra( 0ai 2u2 d,
acrossMalong P d,'a 3u/Gu3( tra/27,r2a3
around/round P d, Aur 40.r,Auru3
below : dedesubt, sub 7fr a indica contact cu
suprafaa superioar1
beneath/underneath P d,d,2u8t( 2u8 =i/dicnd e.istena unei
suprafee superioare de protecie, separare1
between : ntre 7dou obiecte1
behind 4/,3,( 4/a.1ia
in front of n faa
in 4/( 4/ i/t,ri1ru3
into 4/( nspre interior 7indicnd ptrunderea,
strbaterea spaiului1
on .,( d,a2u.ra
onto pe, deasupra 7indicnd mi"care pentru atingerea
over .,2t,( d,a2u.ra
through .ri/( .ri/tr,
under dedesubt, sub 7indicnd contact cu suprafaa
Ot:,r F1rd2 i/di-ati/G 017,0,/t a/d dir,-ti1/@
-WARDS class (wards spre, ctre, indicnd direcia)
Backward (s) P 4/a.1i( i/7,r2( .,,
Downward (s) : descendent, spre partea inferioar
Forward (s) : nainte, n fa
Inward (s) : nuntru, ctre interior
Leftward (s) : ctre stnga, dinspre stnga
Outward (s) : ctre9spre e.terior, n afar
Towards : spre, ctre, n direcia
Upright P dr,.t( 7,rti-a3
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
Upward (s) : ascendent, spre partea superioar
Sideways P 3at,ra3( 183i-( 4/tr'1 .art,
>Pair work
7. Read the following commands to your deskmate and ask
him/her to follow your indications and practise the exercises.
Then, change activities:
$ %lace your hands around your ankles.
$ "est your elbo&s on your thighs.
$ %lace your !ingertips on your shoulder.
$ 'end your body sideways and gi(e it a good stretch.
$ )i!t your ars above your head.
$ *pread your ars sideways and lo&er the to your sides.
$ +lasp both hands behind your head.
$ Arch your body backwards.
$ *tretch your ars upwards.
$ 'end your knees forwards.
$ ,old your head forward and up.
$ "aise your ars above your head and turn the pals towards the
$ )ean your !orears (ertically on the &all. -ith your heels on the
ground and your knees straight. let your hips sink forwards.
8. Read the following sentences and translate them into
Q &it:1ut 017i/G E1ur :,ad( tur/ E1ur ,E,2 u.Fard2 8,:i/d E1ur
-312,d 3id2.
Q R133 E1ur ,E,2 i/ a -31-BFi2, -ir-3,K N1F /1ti-, t:, 2,/2ati1/2 16
t,/2i1/K. Pau2,K R133 t:,0 /1F i/ a/ a/ti-31-BFi2, dir,-ti1/.
Q P3a-, E1ur .a30 d1F/Fard2 1/ a 2ur6a-, =ta83,( -:air ar0 1r t:iG:>L
.r,22 E1ur 6i/G,rti.2 i/t1 t:, 2ur6a-,( draFi/G t:,0 t1Fard2 E1ur
.a30 21 t:at E1ur :a/d Gradua33E taB,2 1/ t:, 2:a., 16 a,rK
H13d t:, .12iti1/( 6,,3 t:, t,/2i1/ i/ t:, :a/d a/d t:,/ 3,t t:, t,/2i1/
G1 a/d r,3a? t:, 0u2-3,2.
Q K,,.i/G E1ur t1,2 6ir03E i/ -1/ta-t Fit: t:, 6311r( rai2, E1ur :,,32
u. i/ t:, airK N1F 6,,3 t:, t,/2i1/ i/ E1ur -a36 0u2-3,2K R,3a?K
dr1. E1ur :,,32 t1 t:, Gr1u/d a/d /1ti-, t:, r,3i,6( t:, -1061rt( t:,
Far0 ti/G3i/G 2,/2ati1/ i/ E1ur -a37,2.
9. Create your own relaxation techniques; write down five
examples of such exercises and then read them to your deskmates.
10. Translate into English, using the new words:
;. <lasai+v ambele mini pe umeri. Rotii+v trunc!iul
alternativ la stnga apoi la dreapta.
0. Stai n poziie deprtat, cu minile pe lng corp.
Ridicai mna dreapt "i ndoii corpul spre stnga.
Revenii n poziia iniial. =poi ridicai mna stng "i
ndoii corpul spre dreapta. Repetai mi"carea de cinci
2. ndoii+v u"or trunc!iul n fa. =tingei+v
genunc!ii, apoi gambele, apoi gleznele "i dac putei
c!iar "i degetele de la picioare.
>.Stnd pe un scaun, plasai+v ambele coate pe
coapse, ntindei+v antebraele "i mi"cai+v degetele.
?. nc!idei oc!ii, ridicai minile deasupra capului "i
arcuii+v u"or trunc!iul pe spate. Stai n poziie ;@
secunde "i apoi revenii n poziia iniial.
A. <lasai+v ambele mini pe "olduri. ndoii+v u"or
genunc!ii "i apoi rotii+v corpul la stnga "i la dreapta.
Bbservai ce simii la articulaiile "oldului.
C. ntindei+v braele lateral. =poi ndoii+le din coate
spre n fa, la nivelul umrului. Repetai mi"carea de
cte ori dorii.
D. Stai g!emuii pe vrfurile picioarelor, cu capul
aplecat "i cu minile atrnnd pe genunc!i. Simii cum
vi se rela.eaz mu"c!ii gtului. Meninei poziia ct
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
E. Stai cu picioarele deprtate "i cu minile pe "old.
nclinai+v spre dreapta, ridicnd piciorul stng.
Meninei poziia pentru ? secunde. =poi repetai n
direcia opus.
;@. Stai cu picioarele deprtate "i cu minile ntinse
lateral "i cu pumnii strn"i. Rotii+v simultan braele,
trasnd un cerc mic n aer. ncercai rotirea braelor n
ambele direcii. Bbservai ce se ntmpl cu mu"c!ii
braelor "i pieptului.
1. Read the following texts and write down the new words:
DT:, 6u/-ti1/ 16 t:, 81/,2 i2 t1 61r0 a :ard 2B,3,t1/ 61r t:, 216t,r
0at,ria32 16 t:, 81dE( t1 ,/-312, a/d .r1t,-t 210, 16 t:, 012t
i0.1rta/t 7ita3 1rGa/2. B1/, d,7,31.0,/t taB,2 .3a-, at a 7,rE ,ar3E
.,ri1d. I/ ,08rE1/i- 3i6,( t:, .art2 d,2ti/,d t1 8,-10, 81/,2 -1/2i2t
16 a -1/G,ri,2 16 -,332 F:i-: -1/2titut,2 t:, 2i0.3,2t 61r0 16 -arti3aG,.
T:i2 t,0.1rarE -arti3aG, i2 a/ ,?a-t 0i/iatur, 16 t:, 81/, F:i-: i/
du, -1ur2, i2 t1 taB, it2 .3a-,. T:, .r1-,22 16 122i6i-ati1/ i2 231F a/d
/1t -10.3,t,d u/ti3 adu3t 3i6,. T:, /,?t 2t,. i2 t:, 122i6i-ati1/ 16 t:,
i/t,r-,33u3ar 2u82ta/-, a/d 16 t:, -,332 -10.12i/G t:, -arti3aG,. T:,
.,ri1d 16 122i6i-ati1/ 7ari,2 0u-: i/ di66,r,/t 81/,2. It -100,/-,2
6ir2t i/ t:, -3a7i-3,( i/ F:i-: t:, .ri0iti7, .1i/t a..,ar2 duri/G t:,
6i6t: F,,BL /,?t i/ t:, 31F,r AaF. T:, ri82 a321( a/d t:, 31/G 81/,2 16
t:, 3i082( a..,ar 211/ a6t,r. F1r a 31/G .,ri1d a6t,r 8irt:( a t:i/ 3aE,r
16 u/122i6i,d -arti3aG, r,0ai/2 8,tF,,/ t:, dia.:E2i2 a/d ,.i.:E2,2(
u/ti3 t:,ir Gr1Ft: i2 6i/a33E -10.3,t,d.H
=H,/rE GraE % /ray0s Anatoy. 1escripti(e and *urgical>
DA3012t a33 t:, ,3,0,/t2 16 t:, A1i/t2 16 adu3t2 ar, a321 .r,2,/t i/ t:,
A1i/t2 16 t:, /,F81r/. T:, 012t a-ti7, 6a-t1r d,t,r0i/i/G t:,
61r0ati1/ 16 a A1i/t a6t,r 8irt: ar, t:, 0u2-3,2 F:i-: ,?,rt a/ a-ti1/
1/ t:, Gi7,/ A1i/t( i.,. t:, F1rB 16 a A1i/t.
T:, d,7,31.0,/t 16 81/, arti-u3ati1/2 i2 dir,-t3E d,.,/d,/t 1/ t:,
61r0ati1/ 16 t:, 81/E a/d -1//,-ti7,'ti22u, 2tru-tur,2 a/d 0u2-u3ar
ti22u,. A33 t:, ,3,0,/t2 ,/-1u/t,r,d i/ t:, A1i/t2 16 t:, /,F81r/
-1/ti/u, t:,ir 61r0ati1/ a/d a-Ruir, t:, G,10,tri-a3 2:a.,2 16 t:,
arti-u3ar 2ur6a-,2 -:ara-t,ri2ti- 16 ,a-: A1i/t 16 a/ adu3t. H
=R.D. Si/,3/iB17 % Atlas o! ,uan Anatoy>
2. Pronounce and learn the names of the main parts of the skeletal
system. Add more terms to the list:

English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
The skeletal system:
' 2Bu33 P -ra/iu
' spine9spinal column9bac6bone : coloana
' vertebra, +ae 9bon5 ring : vertebr
' 2.i/a3 cord 9marro8 : mduva spinrii
' t!e cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral and
cocc5geal sections of t!e spine :
seciunile cervicale, dorsale, lombare "i
coccigiene ale coloanei vertebrale
' rib : coast
' -arti3aG, P -arti3aA
' 2t,r/u0 M8r,a2t81/, P 2t,r/
' -3a7i-3, 9collarbone : clavicul
' t!oracic cage : cu"c toracic
' s!oulder girdle : centur scapular
' scapula9 s!oulder blade : omoplat,
' .,37i2 P .,37i2
' .u8i2 P .u8i2
' 2a-ru0 P 12 2a-ra3
' -1--E? P -1--i2
' articulation 9oint : articulaie
' 6i8r1u2 A1i/t P arti-u3aie fibroas
' 2E/17ia3 A1i/t : articulaie sinovial
' 122i6i-ati1/ P 12i6i-ar,
' 3iGa0,/t P 3iGa0,/t
' !ip oint : articulaia "oldului
' 6nee oint : articulaia genunc!iului
' an6le oint : articulaia gleznei
3. Complete the following sentences using the nouns in the box.
The first one has been done for you as an example:
sternum coccyx carpus calcaneus
scapula phalanges cranium joint
tibia metacarpus femur vertebrae
<. T:, 2.i/, i2 a 63,?u1u2 -13u0/( 61r0,d 16 a 2,ri,2 16 81/,2 -a33,d
2. T:, ____________ i2 -10.12,d 16 ,iG:t 81/,2@ t:, 1--i.ita3( tF1
.ari,ta3( 6r1/ta3( tF1 t,0.1ra3( 2.:,/1id( a/d ,t:01id.
N. T:, ____________ i2 a 31/G( 63at 7,rti-a3 81/,( 2ituat,d i/ 6r1/t 16
t:, t:1ra? t1 F:i-: ar, atta-:,d t:, -133ar81/, a/d t:, 6ir2t 2,7,/
.art2 16 ri82.
4. T:, ____________ i2 t:, 31/G,2t( t:i-B,2t a/d :,a7i,2t 81/, i/ t:,
2B,3,t1/( arti-u3ati/G Fit: t:, .,37i2 a817, a/d t:, B/,, 8,31F.
O. T:, ____________ i2 t:, i//,r a/d t:i-B,r 16 t:, tF1 81/,2 16 t:,
:u0a/ 3,G( 8,tF,,/ t:, B/,, a/d a/B3,.
6. T:, ____________ i2 a 20a33 tria/Gu3ar 81/, at t:, ,/d 16 t:,
2.i/a3 -13u0/( arti-u3ati/G 8E it2 8a2, Fit: t:, a.,? 16 t:, 2a-ru0.
*. T:, ____________ i2 a 3arG,( 63at 81/,( tria/Gu3ar i/ 2:a., F:i-:
61r02 t:, 8a-B .art 16 ,a-: 2:1u3d,r.
+. T:, :a/d i2 2u8di7id,d i/t1 t:r,, 2,G0,/t2@ t:, __________ 1r
Fri2t( t:, ____________ 1r .a30 a/d t:, ____________ 1r 6i/G,r2.
;. T:, ______________ 1r :,,3 81/, i2 t:, 3arG,2t tar2a3 81/,(
irr,Gu3ar3E -u81ida3 i/ 61r0 a/d 2ituat,d at t:, 31F,r 8a-B .art 16 t:,
<0. T:, 2tru-tur,2 F:i-: ,/t,r t:, 61r0ati1/ 16 a ___________ ar,@
81/,( -arti3aG,( 6i8r1'-arti3aG,( 3iGa0,/t a/d 2E/17ia3 0,08ra/,.
4. Match up the following words with their definitions:
<. 8r,a2t81/, a. Ri/G2 .3a-,d 1/, a817, t:, 1t:,r F:i-:
61r0 a 2i/G3, -13u0/( t:, 2.i/a3 -13u0/
2. 3iGa0,/t 8. Tria/Gu3ar 81/, t:at 61r02 t:, 8a-B 16
t:, .,37i2
N. 2Bu33 -. TF,37, .air2 16 -ur7,d 81/,2 ,?t,/di/G
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
6r10 t:, 8a-B81/, r1u/d t:, -:,2t
4. 7,rt,8ra, d. Narr1F( 81/E a/d -ur7,d -13u0/ % a2 a
-a83, 61r t:, 2.i/a3 -1rd
O. -3a7i-3, ,. Ba2i/'2:a.,d 6ra0,F1rB 16 81/,2 at t:,
31F,r ,/d 16 t:, 81dE
6. 2.i/, 6. T1uG: F:it, 63,?i83, ti22u, atta-:,d t1
81/,2 a/d A1i/t2
*. .,37i2 G. T:1uG:( 63,?i83, ti22u, t:at -1//,-t2
81/,2 a/d :13d2 1rGa/2 i/ .12iti1/
+. 2a-ru0 :. T:i/( 63at( 7,rti-a3 81/, i/ t:, -:,2t(
8,tF,,/ t:, ri82
;. -arti3aG, i. B1/, A1i/i/G t:, 8r,a2t81/, a/d t:,
2:1u3d,r 83ad,
<0. ri82 A. B1/E 6ra0,F1rB 16 t:, :,ad u/d,r t:,
&:,/ 61r0i/G i/t,rr1Gati7, 2,/t,/-,2 Fit: t:, 7,r8 TO BE t:, ru3, t1
8, r,0,08,r i2 t1 .3a-, t:, F1rd2 i/ t:, 61331Fi/G 1rd,r@
WHERE + is (sg.) / are (pl.) - present + object
WHY + was (sg.) / were (pl.) - past + object
WHAT - i2 u2,d t1 a2B 210,81dE t1 2.,-i6E 1/, 1r 01r, t:i/G2(
.3a-,2( .,1.3,( ,t- 6r10 a/ i/d,6i/it, /u08,r@
-hat are the ain causes o! uscular &eakness2
-hat is the shape o! the spinal colun2
WHICH - i2 u2,d t1 a2B 210,81dE t1 2.,-i6E 1/, 1r 01r, t:i/G2(
.,1.3,( ,t- 6r10 a 3i0it,d /u08,r@
-hich is the best treatent in this situation2
-hich is the shortest and the ost cur(ed o! all the ribs2
WHY ' 0,a/2 61r F:at r,a21/ 1r .ur.12,@
-hy is physical therapy better than surgery in y case2
WHERE % 0,a/2 i/ 1r t1 F:at .3a-, 1r .12iti1/@
-here is the sternu situated2
HOW - 0,a/2 i/ F:at FaE 1r 0a//,r@
,o& is the sternu described in ters o! shape. position.
structure and de(elopent2
HOW MANY % i2 u2,d t1 i/Ruir, a81ut t:, /u08,r 16 t:i/G2@
,o& any phalanges are !or each !inger. except the thub2
5. Ask questions for the underlined phrases using the
interrogative words what, which, where, why, how, how many and
the verb to be. The first two have been done for you as examples:
<. T:,r, ar, twelve ri82 1/ ,a-: 2id, 16 t:, t:1ra-i- .art 16 t:, 2.i/a3
How many ribs are on each side o! the thoracic part o! the spinal
2. T:, 611t -1/2i2t2 16 t:r,, di7i2i1/2@ the tarsus, metatarsus and
Which are the three di(isions o! the !oot2
N. T:, 3,G -1/2i2t2 16 t:r,, 81/,2@ the patella =B/,, -a.>( .3a-,d i/
6r1/t 16 t:, B/,,( the tibia a/d fibula.
4. T:, .at,33a i2 a 20a33( 63at( tria/Gu3ar 81/, 2ituat,d at the anterior
part of the knee joint.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
O. T:, 2-a.u3a i2 2ituat,d 8,tF,,/ t:, 6ir2t a/d 2,7,/t: ri82.
6. T:, 2t,r/u0 :a2 t:, 2:a., 16 an ancient sword( -1/2i2ti/G 16 t:r,,
*. T:at 61r0 16 -arti3aG, F:i-: ,/t,r2 i/t1 t:, 61r0ati1/ 16 t:, A1i/t2
i2 -a33,d articular cartilage.
+. T:, 3iGa0,/t i2 pliant and flexible( so as to allow perfect
freedom of movement 8ut strong, tough and inextensible( so as not
to yield under a severely applied force. =a2B t:r,, Ru,2ti1/2>
;. T:,r, ar, 206 di2ti/-t 81/,2 i/ t:, ,/tir, 2B,3,t1/ 16 a/ adu3t.
<0. The superior extremity i2 t:, 3arG,2t .art 16 t:, :u0,ru2.
6. Read the following extracts and translate them into Romanian:
DM12t 81/,2 16 a :u0a/ adu3t -1/2i2t 16 a 81/E a/d -arti3aGi/1u2
6ra0,F1rB( a2 a r,2u3t 16 F:i-: a 81/E .art a/d a -arti3aGi/1u2 .art
ar, di2ti/Gui2:,d i/ t:, 2B,3,ta3 2E2t,0. T:, 81/E .art 0aB,2 u. 012t
16 t:, 81/,. T:, arti-u3ar -arti3aG,2( t:, ,.i.:E2,a3 -arti3aG,2 a/d t:,
-12ta3 -arti3aG,2 61r0 t:, -arti3aGi/1u2 .art 16 t:, 2B,3,ta3 2E2t,0.
T:, 31/G 81/,2 =:u0,ru2( -3a7i-3,( 6,0ur( .:a3a/G,2( ,t-.> :a7, a
0idd3, .art( t:, dia.:E2i2( a/d tF1 ,/d .art2( t:, ,.i.:E2,2. T:,
,.i.:E2i2 31-at,d -312,r t1 t:, a?ia3 2B,3,t1/ i2 -a33,d t:, .r1?i0a3
,.i.:E2i2( F:i3, t:, ,.i.:E2i2 16 t:, 2a0, 81/, 8ut 2ituat,d 6urt:,r
6r10 t:, a?ia3 2B,3,t1/ i2 -a33,d t:, di2ta3 ,.i.:E2i2. T:, Fid,r .art2
16 31/G 81/,2 8,tF,,/ t:, dia.:E2i2 a/d t:, ,.i.:E2i2 ar, B/1F/ a2
0,ta.:E2i2. T:,ir 81u/dari,2 ar, 7i2i83, 1/3E i/ t:, 81/,2 16 -:i3dr,/
a/d ad13,2-,/t2 F:,/ a -arti3aGi/1u2 3aE,r( t:, ,.i.:E2,a3 -arti3aG,
2ti33 r,0ai/2 8,tF,,/ t:, dia.:E2i2 a/d ,.i.:E2,2.
T:, r,d 0arr1F .122,22,2 :iG: 6u/-ti1/a3 a-ti7itE a/d i2 -a.a83, 16
61r0i/G 8311d -,332 16 t:, 0E,31id 2,ri,2. &it: t:, d,7,31.0,/t a/d
Gr1Ft: 16 t:, 1rGa/i20( t:, r,d 0arr1F i2 Gradua33E r,.3a-,d 8E t:,
E,331F 0arr1F. T:, E,331F 0arr1F i2 3,22 a-ti7, a/d .3aE2 a r,2,r7,
r13,( 8ut u/d,r -,rtai/ -1/diti1/2 it 0aE 8, a-ti7at,d.H
=R.D. Si/,3/iB17 % Atlas o! ,uan Anatoy>
7. Translate the following questions into English, using the new
vocabulary. Providing an answer to these questions will also test
your anatomy knowledge:
<. Car, ,2t, "tiina care se ocup cu studiul oaselorF
2. Car, 2u/t .ri/-i.a3,3, ti.uri d, 1a2,T
2. *are sunt prile constituente ale unei articulaiiF
4. *are sunt cauzele care determin traumatismele "i
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
fracturile coloanei vertebraleF
O. Di/ -9t, 1a2, ,2t, 61r0at -raniul "i care sunt acesteaF
A. *are articulaie este cel mai frecvent afectat n
C. *te vertebre are coloana lombarF Gar coloana
+. !/d, ,2t, .3a2at a-r10i1/u3T
;. Cu0 ,2t, d,2-ri2 2t,r/u3 4/ at3a2u3 d, a/at10i,T
<0. D, -, ,2t, i/t,rvenia c!irurgical mai potrivit n acest
caz dect fizio6inetoterapia sau balnoeterapiaF
> Pair work
8. uestion!answer exercise: Using your anatomy courses notes,
ask your deskmate questions about the skeletal system.
1. Read the following texts about the muscular system and write
down the new words:
DT:,r, ar, 01r, t:a/ 600 2B,3,ta3 0u2-3,2 i/ t:, :u0a/ 81dE a/d
t:,ir t1ta3 0a22 a--1u/t2 61r u. t1 2+'NO .,r -,/t 16 t:, 81dE 0a22 i/
6,0a3,2( u. t1 40'4O .,r -,/t i/ 0a3,2( a/d u. t1 4O'OO .,r -,/t i/
at:3,t2. !. t1 O0 .,r -,/t 16 t:, t1ta3 F,iG:t 16 t:, 2B,3,ta3 0u2-3,2
6a33 t1 t:, 2:ar, 16 t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 31F,r 3i082( u. t1 N0 .,r -,/t t1
t:12, 16 t:, u..,r 3i082( a/d u. t1 20 .,r -,/t t1 t:, 2:ar, 16 t:,
0u2-3,2 16 t:, :,ad a/d tru/B.
Ea-: 0u2-3, :a2 a d,7,31.,d /,tF1rB 16 8311d 7,22,32. T:,
-1/tra-ti1/ 16 a 0u2-3, .r101t,2 631F 16 8311d( i.,. t:, 0u2-3,
i2 a .,-u3iar I.u0.J F:i-: 61r-,2 t:, 8311d 61rFard. !/d,r -1/diti1/2
16 r,du-,d 01t1r a-ti7itE =:E.1Bi/,2ia> i/ a/ a-ti7, 01d, 16 3i6, 1r
F:,/ .r131/Gu,d 8,d'r,2t i2 /,-,22arE( t:i2 6u/-ti1/ 16 t:, 2B,3,ta3
0u2-3,2 i2 ,?-3ud,d a2 a r,2u3t 16 F:i-: t:, 8311d 631F2 231F,r(
0,ta813i- .r1-,22,2 ar, r,du-,d a/d 2ta2i2 1--ur2. I/ -1/tra2t( u/d,r
-1/diti1/2 16 01t1r a-ti7itE t:, r,2,r7, -a.i33ari,2 1.,/( /,F
-a.i33ari,2 61r0( a/d /utriti1/ 16 t:, 2B,3,ta3 0u2-3,2 i0.r17,2.H
=R. D. Si/,3/iB17 % Atlas o! ,uan Anatoy>
DA33 ,3,0,/t2 16 t:, 0u2-u312B,3,ta3 2E2t,0 ar, i/ dE/a0i-
,Rui3i8ru0( -1/ti/ua33E -:a/Gi/G 2:a.,( 2tru-tur, a/d 6u/-ti1/( i/
r,2.1/2, t1 31adi/G a/d 0,-:a/i-a3 d,0a/d2. T:, 2E2t,0 i2
7u3/,ra83, t1 trau0a( .,-u3iar3E 2u2-,.ti83, t1 31-a3 a/d 2E2t,0i-
i/63a0at1rE di21rd,r2.
A-ut, i/63a00ati1/ 1r ti22u, da0aG, 16t,/ 8,-10,2 -:r1/i-( .,r:a.2
8,-au2, 16 -1/ti/u1u2 017,0,/t a/d 0,-:a/i-a3 2tr,22,2.
Mu2-u312B,3,ta3 di21rd,r2 ar, 0aA1r F1r3dFid, -au2,2 16 -:r1/i- .ai/
a/d 2,7,r, .:E2i-a3 :a/di-a.( .arti-u3ar3E a2 .1.u3ati1/ 8,-10,2
13d,r( G,/,ra33E 6itt,r( a/d 01r, :,a3t: -1/2-i1u2.H
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
=The 3erk 3anual o! 1iagnosis and Therapy>
DMu2-3,2 7arE -1/2id,ra83E i/ t:,ir 61r0. I/ t:, 3i082( t:,E ar, 16
-1/2id,ra83, 3,/Gt:( ,2.,-ia33E t:, 01r, 2u.,r6i-ia3 1/,2( t:, d,,.
1/,2 8,i/G G,/,ra33E 8r1adL t:,E 2urr1u/d t:, 81/,2 a/d 61r0 a/
i0.1rta/t .r1t,-ti1/ t1 t:, 7ari1u2 A1i/t2. I/ t:, tru/B( t:,E ar, 8r1ad(
63att,/,d a/d ,?.a/d,d( 61r0i/G t:, .ari,t,2 16 t:, -a7iti,2 F:i-:
t:,E ,/-312,.H
=H,/rE GraE % /rays Anatoy. 1escripti(e and *urgical>
2. Pronounce and learn the main terms and collocations related to
the muscular system. Add more terms to the list:
' muscle : mu"c!i
' 2B,3,ta3 0u2-3, P 0u2-:i 2-:,3,ti-
' t,/d1/ P t,/d1/
' muscular tissue : esut muscular
' 8311d 7,22,32 P 7a2, 2a/Gui/,
' /,r7,2 P /,r7i
' 6i8,r2 P 6i8r,
' 6a2-ia P 6a2-i,
' diap!ragm : diafragm
' musculature : musculatur
' muscle bul6 : mas muscular
' muscular contraction 9cramp : contracie
' muscular endurance : rezisten
' muscle fatigue : oboseal9 e.tenuare
' 0u2-u3ar :E.,rtr1.:E P :i.,rtr16i, 0u2-u3ar
' 0u2-3, t1/, P t1/u2 0u2-u3ar
' !5potonic muscles : mu"c!i !ipotonici
' !5pertonic muscles : mu"c!i !ipertonici
' muscle rigidit5 : rigiditate muscular
' 0u2-3, 2.a20 P 2.a20 0u2-u3ar
' 2.a2ti-itE P 2.a2ti-itat,
' 0u2-3, 2.rai/ : lu.aie
' 0u2-3, 2trai/ P ntindere muscular
' muscle strengt! : for muscular
' muscular tension : tensiune muscular
' muscular 8ea6ness : slbire muscular
3. Match the half-sentences in column A with their corresponding
half-sentences in column B to form correct and complete
<. Mu2-3, 8u3BK. a. K a .r1Gr,22i7, 3122 16
0u2-3, 2tr,/Gt: i/ a
7ari,tE 16 0u2-3, Gr1u.2.
2.Mu2-3,'2,tti/G ,?,r-i2,K. 8. K7,rE 6ir0( 0aE 8,
2.a2ti- 1r riGid a/d r,2i2t2
2id,FaE2 017,0,/t2.
N. Mu2-u3ar dE2tr1.:E i2 a
d,G,/,rati7, 0u2-3,
di21rd,r -:ara-t,ri5,d 8E K.
-. K a 0u2-3, 2.rai/ 1r
2trai/( art:riti2( a tu01r 1r
a ru.tur,d -arti3aG, di2B
8,tF,,/ 7,rt,8ra,.
4. E3,-tr10E1Gra.:E =EMG>
i2 a t,-:iRu,K
d. K 7,rE 216t( F,aB a/d
63a88E a/d i2 ,a2i3E 017,d
O. A :E.,rt1/i- 0u2-3, 6,,32
,. K Gi7,2 a/ i/di-ati1/ 16
t:, 2tat, 16 t:,
6. I6 E1u :a7, 182,r7,d
0u2-3, F,aB/,22( K
6K. a/ ,7a3uati1/ 16 t:,
-1/diti1/ a/d 6u/-ti1/i/G
16 t:, 0u2-3,2( A1i/t2 a/d
81/,2 16 t:, 81dE.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
*. I/713u/tarE 017,0,/t2
a/d tr,01r2 K
G. K i2 a 0,t:1d 16
-1/tra-ti/G a/d r,3a?i/G a
2B,3,ta3 0u2-3, Fit:1ut
017i/G t:at .art 16 t:,
+. L1F 8a-B .ai/ at t:, 8a2,
16 t:, 2.i/, -a/ 8, -au2,d
8E K
:. K t:at r,-1rd2 -:a/G,2
i/ t:, ,3,-tri-a3 .1t,/tia3
duri/G 0u2-3,
;. Mu2-u312B,3,ta3 2E2Et,0
a22,220,/t i2 K
i. K ar, 2iG/2 16 210,
/,ur131Gi-a3 di21rd,r2.
<0. A :E.1t1/i- 0u2-3, 6,,32
A. Kt:,/ a d,tai3,d t,2t
Fi33 8, /,-,22arE 61r ,a-:

4. Match up the following words with their definitions:
<. t,/d1/ a. Fi8r, 1r 8u/d3, 16 6i8r,2
-arrEi/G i0.u32,2 16 2,/2ati1/ 1r
16 017,0,/t 8,tF,,/ t:, 8rai/
a/d a33 .art2 16 t:, 81dE
2. 6a2-ia, 8. LarG, 0u2-3, at t:, 6r1/t 16 t:,
u..,r ar0( F:i-: 8,/d2 t:, ,381F
N. 8311d 7,22,32 -.&a33 16 0u2-3,( 8,tF,,/ t:,
-:,2t a/d t:, a8d10,/( t:at :,3.2
t1 -1/tr13 8r,at:i/G
4. 6i8r,2 d. ,rE /arr1F 8311d 7,22,32
-1//,-ti/G art,ri,2 a/d 7,i/2 i/
t:, 81dE
O. /,r7, ,. Fi8r1u2 0,08ra/,2 F:i-: 61r0
3i/i/G2 61r 81dE -a7iti,2 a/d -17,r
0u2-3,2 a/d 1rGa/2
6. -a.i33ari,2 6. Str1/G 8a/d 1r -1rd 16 ti22u,
t:at A1i/2 0u2-3, t1 81/,
*. 0u2-u3ar dE2tr1.:E G. S3,/d,r t:r,ad2 16 F:i-: 0a/E
:u0a/( a/i0a3 1r .3a/t ti22u,2 ar,
+. dia.:raG0 :. Tu8,2 =art,ri,2( 7,i/2 1r
-a.i33ari,2> t:r1uG: F:i-: 8311d
631F2 i/ t:, 81dE
;. 8i-,.2 i. Br1ad( t:i-B( tria/Gu3ar 0u2-3,(
2ituat,d at t:, u..,r a/d a/t,ri1r
.art 16 t:, -:,2t t:at draF2 t:,
ar0 t1Fard2 t:, 81dE
<0. .,-t1ra3 0u2-3, A. L1/G'3a2ti/G i33/,22 i/ F:i-: t:,
0u2-3,2 8,-10, Gradua33E F,aB,r
Participial and qualificative adjectives
C1/2id,ri/G t:, 6r,Ru,/-E 16 -,rtai/ tE.,2 16 adA,-ti7,2 i/ 0,di-a3
3a/GuaG, F, 2:a33 d,a3 1/3E Fit: .arti-i.ia3 a/d Rua3i6i-ati7,
Participial adjectives ar, .arti-i.ia3 61r02 u2,d a2 adA,-ti7,2@
' Pr,2,/t Parti-i.3, 61r02@ 2:1rt i/6i/iti7, U 'ING@ increasing.
relaxing. gro&ing
' Pa2t Parti-i.3, 61r02@ 2:1rt i/6i/iti7, U 'ED =61r r,Gu3ar 7,r82>@
reduced. !lattened. expanded 1r t:, t:ird 61r0 16 irr,Gu3ar 7,r82@ cut.
hidden. !rozen.
This relaxing atosphere and these stimulating exercises &ill ha(e a
pronounced e!!ect on your back uscles.
Qualificative adjectives i/-3ud, a33 tE.,2 16 adA,-ti7,2 d,/1ti/G
Rua3itE( 2i5,( 2:a.,( -131ur( 1riGi/( aG, a/d G,/,ra3 d,2-ri.ti1/2 16
18A,-t2 =.art2 16 t:, 81dE( di2,a2,2( 2E0.t102 ,t-> a/d .,1.3,@
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
The !irst piece o! the sternu has a triangular !or. broad and thick
abo(e and narrowed belo&.
B1t: .arti-i.ia3 a/d Rua3i6i-ati7, adA,-ti7,2 -a/ ,it:,r .r,-,d, t:,
/1u/( :a7i/G t:, 2a0, 61r0 61r a33 G,/d,r2( 81t: 2i/Gu3ar a/d .3ura3
=attri8uti7, .12iti1/> 1r 61331F t:, /1u/( :a7i/G t:, 6u/-ti1/ 16
.r,di-ati7,2 61r -1.u3ati7, 7,r82 2u-: a2@ be. becoe. look. see. turn
$oderate exercises ha(e a therapeutic e!!ect on uscles.=attri8uti7,
The uscles becoe resistant to !atigue and the patients no longer
look exhausted at the end o! the session.=.r,di-ati7, .12iti1/>
Degrees of comparison
A--1rdi/G t1 t:, FaE t:,E 61r0 t:,ir d,Gr,,2 16 -10.ari21/
adA,-ti7,2 6a33 i/t1 t:r,, -at,G1ri,2@
<> monosyllabic (or short) adjectives a/d bisyllabic adjectives
,/di/G i/ 'er( 'y a/d %ly F:i-: 61r0 t:,ir -1rr,2.1/di/G
d,Gr,,2 16 -10.ari21/ 8E addi/G -er a/d -est =2E/t:,ti-
thick 4 thicker 4 the thickest
thin 4thinner % the thinnest
2> long adjectives % bisyllabic =,/di/G i/ 'ful a/d 're>(
trisyllabic 1r plurisyllabic F:i-: 61r0 t:,ir d,Gr,,2 16
-10.ari21/ 8E .,ri.:ra2ti- 0,a/2@ more a/d (the) most
=a/a3Eti- -10.ari21/>@
extensi(e 4 more extensi(e 4 the most extensi(e
3) adjectives with irregular degrees of comparison:
good 4 better 4 the best
bad 4 &orse 4 the &orst
little 4 less 4 the least
any5uch 4 ore 4 the ost
old 4 older 4 the oldest 6o! people and ob7ects8
old 4 elder 4 the eldest 6o! people8
!ar 4 !arther 4 the !arthest 6o! space8
!ar 4 !urther 4 the !urtest 6o! tie8
Constructions with comparisons:
T:, u2, 16 adA,-ti7,2 at di66,r,/t d,Gr,,2 16 -10.ari21/ r,Ruir,2 t:,
u2, 16 -,rtai/ .att,r/2. F1r i/2ta/-,( adA,-ti7,2 at 2u.,r3ati7, Fi33 8,
a221-iat,d Fit: .,r6,-t t,/2,2@
This is the most distressing pain 9 have e(er had.
T:, -10.arati7, r,Ruir,2 t:, 2.,-i6i-ati1/ 16 t:, 2,-1/d t,r0 16
-10.ari21/( F:i-: -a/ 8, ,it:,r a F1rd 1r a 2,/t,/-,@
9 a not as useless as y blind brother 5as you think 9 a.
The in7ury &as more severe than &e thought.
Gradua3 i/-r,a2, 1r d,-r,a2, i2 ,?.r,22,d 8E tF1 -10.arati7,2 A1i/,d
8E and@
As your breathing becoes slower and slower you are !eeling
more and more relaxed.
S10,ti0,2 t:, -10.arati7,2 ar, .3a-,d at t:, 8,Gi//i/G 16 t:,
&he sooner you practise the exercise. the better you &ill !eel.
&he larger the uscle. the greater its strength.
5. Reread the texts about the muscular system and extract all the
adjectives. Group them according to their attributive or
predicative position. For derivational adjectives indicate the noun
that they derive from and their suffix or prefix as in the following
systeic : syste 6noun8 ; -ic 6su!!ix8
skeletal : skelet 6noun8 ; -al 6su!!ix8
6. Form derivational adjectives from the following nouns and
verbs, choosing the appropriate suffixes in the box. Sometimes
more than one suffix can be attached to part of the words:
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
-al -ic -ous -less
-ish -ive -ful -able
-ible -ed -ing
*tern ; !al : sternal
t:1ra? -1061rt
2.:,r, t1 id,/ti6E
0u2-3, t1 -1/tra-t
a8d10,/ a--,22
2t10a-: 0,01rE
a/10a3E t1 -1//,-t
6i8r, t1 diG,2t
6,7,r :,a3t:
-ur, i/6,-ti1/
:,3. .ai/
7. Translate the following sentenses into English, using the new
vocabulary and grammar notes of this unit:
;. *e cauzeaz !ipertrofia muscularF
2. *u ct rezistena muscular este mai mare cu
att va fi mai mare numrul de contracii
2. Hensiunea muscular prelungit poate produce
durere, care poate duce la spasm muscular "i
prin urmare la mai mult durere.
>. Hensiunea muscular are strns legtur cu
modul nostru de a gndi/ astfel, cu ct suntem
mai stresai, cu att mai mare va fi "i tensiunea
noastr muscular.
O. A-ti7itatea fizic prelungit cum ar fi mersul sau
pasul alergtor poate duce la oboseal
A. *are sunt cauzele principale ale e.tenurii
*. Mu"c!iul gastrocnemian este cel mai superficial
mu"c!i situat n partea din spate a piciorului(
care formeaz -,a 0ai 0ar, .art, a Ga08,i.
D. Hendonul lui =!ile este cel mai gros "i mai
puternic tendon din corpul uman.
E. Mu"c!iul deltoid este un mu"c!i lat, gros,
triung!iular, situat pe partea lateral "i
posterioar a umrului.
;@.Mu"c!iul abductor al policelui este un mu"c!i
subire, plat, ngust, plasat imediat dedesubtul
tegumentului 7integument1.
> Pair work:
8. Using your anatomy courses notes, choose a certain muscle and
ask your deskmate to describe it.
9. 'uessing game# Think of a certain muscle. Your deskmate will
ask you as many questions as necessary to guess the muscle. Here
are some examples of possible questions:
$ 9s it a uscle o! the trunk5head5upper lib5lo&er lib2( for
general location
69t is a uscle o! the upper lib8
$ 9s it a uscle o! the shoulder girdle or o! the !ree upper lib2( for
specific location
69t is a uscle o! the shoulder girdle8
$ -here is it situated2
69t arises !ro the cla(icle and scapula.8
$ -hat is its !unction2
69t helps the upper ar o(e !or&ard. back&ard and horizontally.8
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
$ +an you describe it2
69t is a thick. triangular uscle &ith the base !acing up&ards and the
apex do&n&ards8
$ 9s it the deltoid muscle2
6<es. it is indeed.8
The following classification of muscles may prove useful for this
A. The muscles of the trunk:
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 8a-B
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, /,-B
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, -:,2t
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, a8d10,/
B. The muscles of the head:
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 6a-ia3 ,?.r,22i1/@
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 2-a3.
t:, 0u2-3,2 2urr1u/di/G t:, ,E,2
t:, 0u2-3,2 2urr1u/di/G t:, 01ut:
t:, 0u2-3,2 2urr1u/di/G t:, /12,
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 0a2ti-ati1/
C. The muscles of the upper limb:
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 2:1u3d,r Gird3,
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 6r,, u..,r 3i08@
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, u..,r ar0
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 61r,ar0
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, :a/d
D. The muscles of the lower limb:
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, :i. A1i/t
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 6r,, 31F,r 3i08@
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, t:iG:
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 3,G
t:, 0u2-3,2 16 t:, 611t
10. Complete the classifications above with all categories of
muscles you have studied so far.
1. Read the following text and check the glossary below to
translate the unknown words. Write down other unknown words
and try to approximate their meaning:
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
DE?a0i/ati1/ 16 a .a-i,/t i2 a -1/ti/u1u2 .r1-,22 t:at 2tart2 Fit:
E1ur 6ir2t 0,,ti/G a/d -1/ti/u,2 u/ti3 tr,at0,/t -,a2,2 .ri1r t1
di2-:arG,. T:, i/itia3 ,?a0i/ati1/ 3,ad2 t1 a/ a22,220,/t 16 t:,
.a-i,/t2) /,,d2 a/d a d,-i2i1/ 1/ t:, ,ar3E tr,at0,/t.
I6 t:, .a-i,/t :a2 8,,/ .r,7i1u23E ,?a0i/,d 8E a diaG/12ti-ia/ F:1
.r17id,2 6u33 /1t,2( 210, u2,6u3 a/d ti0,'2a7i/G i/61r0ati1/ 0aE 8,
18tai/,d 8E t:,ir -ar,6u3 .,ru2a3. T1 u2, 2u-: /1t,2 t1 t:, 0a?i0u0(
di7id, E1ur .,ru2a3 i/t1@
V =btaining basic in!oration about the pacient as a social entity@
/a0,2( 2,?( 0arita3 2tatu2( aG,( -urr,/t F1rB( 61r0,r A18 a/dM1r
r,tir,0,/t 2tatu2( -u3tura3 8a-BGr1u/d a/d 6a0i3E -ir-u02ta/-,2.
V "eading. in date order. the edical e(ents t:at ar, 61r0,r 0,di-a3
:i2t1rE a/d t:, ,7,/t2 t:at :a7, 0arB,d t:, d,7,31.0,/t 16 t:,
-urr,/t i33/,22Mdi2a8i3itE a/d it2 .r1Gr,22.
V >oting. i! a(ailable. the clinical exaination !indings and the results
o! tests. including ?-rays. A/E a8/1r0a3iti,2 i/di-at,d 8E t:, 0,di-a3
,?a0i/ati1/ 2:,,t /,,d t1 8, -:,-B,d 8E t:, .r,2,/t ,?a0i/,r( a2
di66,r,/t 7aria83,2 2u-: a2 t:, 2u8A,-ti7, a22,220,/t 16 t:, .r,7i1u2
,?a0i/,r 1r t:, -:a/G, i/ .ati,/t)2 -1/diti1/ 6r10 t:, 3a2t
,?a0i/ati1/ 0aE i/63u,/-, t:, -1ur2, 16 t:, tr,at0,/t.K/1F3,dG, 16
/1r0a3 .ara0,t,r2 2:1u3d 8, u2,d t1 d,-id, F:,t:,r a/E 16 t:, t,2t
r,-1rd2 2:1F a /,,d 61r -ar, i/ ,?a0i/ati1/ a/d tr,at0,/t.
V =btaining a record o! iediate past and current treatent and
edication. It i2 i0.1rta/t t:at -urr,/t 0,di-ati1/2 ar, /1t,d 61r t:,2,
0aE :a7, 210, ,66,-t 1/ 2,3,-ti1/ 16 1r .r,-auti1/2 i/ ad0i/i2trati/G
E1ur tr,at0,/t2.
&:,/ ,?a0i/i/G t:, .a-i,/t 210, t:i/G2 /,,d t1 8, .r17id,d@ a -3,a/(
F,33 7,/ti3at,d( ad,Ruat,3E Far0,d ar,a( 2uita83, -17,ri/G2 61r t:,
.a-i,/t( t:, .12iti1/ 16 t:, ,?a0i/ati1/ -1u-: 1r ta83, i/ r,3ati1/ t1
t:, 3iG:ti/G a/d( Ruit, i0.1rta/t( 7,r8a3 -1/6id,/tia3itE.T:,r, ar,
210, 20a33 t,2ti/G d,7i-,2 t:at t:, ,?a0i/,r /,,d2@ a ta., 0,a2ur,( a
.i/( a G1/i10,t,r( a r,63,? :a00,r( 210, -1tt1/ F113( t,2t tu8,2
-1/tai/i/G :1t a/d -13d Fat,r.
E2-1rti/G t:, .ati,/t t1 t:, ,?a0i/ati1/ ar,a -a/ 8, a/ 1..1rtu/itE t1
182,r7, :i2M:,r a8i3itE t1 Fa3B u/aid,d( t:, tE., 16 Gait a8/1r0a3iti,2
i6 a/E( t:, G,/,ra3 0i,/ a/d .12tur,.
Su--,226u3 Ru,2ti1/i/G .r1du-,2 0a?i0u0 i/61r0ati1/ Fit: t:,
0i/i0u0 16 Ru,2ti1/2 a/d i2 a 2Bi33 t:at i0.r17,2 Fit: .ra-ti-,.
Li2t,/i/G t1 t:, .ati,/t)2 a/2F,r2 r,Ruir,2 .ati,/-,( i/2ta/t aFar,/,22
a/d i/t,r.r,tati1/( a/d 3i2t,/i/G t1 t:, 2i3,/-,2 i2 ,Rua33E
i0.1rta/t.&:at t:, .ati,/t 6ai32 t1 2aE 0aE :a7, Gr,at r,3,7a/-,.
Pa3.ati1/ i2 a 2Bi33 t:at i2 a-Ruir,d 8E .ra-ti-,. It r,Ruir,2 t:at E1ur
:a/d2 2:1u3d 8, r,3a?,d( i/ 6ir0 -1061rta83, -1/ta-t( a/d aFar, 16
F:at i2 u/d,r t:,0.T:, 61331Fi/G .r1-,dur,2 ar, t1 8, u2,d F:,/
.a3.ati/G 61r 2.,-i6i- a/at10i-a3 6,atur,2@ .3a-, 01r, 16 E1ur :a/d
t:a/ E1u /,,d i/ -1/ta-t Fit: t:, ar,a t1 8, ,?a0i/,d( 3i6t E1ur .a30 a
3itt3, t1 r,du-, t:, -1/ta-t( 21 t:at 1/3E t:, 6i/G,r .ad2 ar, t1u-:i/G
6ir03E ,/1uG:.Y1ur 6i/G,r2 2:1u3d 8, 2traiG:t 21 t:at E1ur /ai32 ar,
u/3iB,3E t1 8, i/ -1/ta-t. R,0,08,r t:at t11 :ard a .r,22ur, Fi33 6,,3
3iB, a dri33 diGGi/G i/ a/d t11 3iG:t a .r,22ur, Fi33 6,,3 3iB, a 8utt,r63E
-10i/G t1 r,2t. I/ /,it:,r -a2, Fi33 E1u 6,,3 1r 6i/d a/Et:i/G.
A3FaE2 a331-at, 2u66i-i,/t ti0, 61r a/ i/itia3 ,?a0i/ati1/ 16 t:,
.ati,/t( a/d i6 t:, ,?a0i/ati1/ tur/2 1ut t1 8, 01r, ti0,'-1/2u0i/G
t:a/ E1ur 1riGi/a3 ,2ti0at,( -10.3,t, 1/3E .art 16 t:, ta2B2 a/d
-1/-3ud, t:, ,?a0i/ati1/ at a 6urt:,r 2,22i1/.H
=Ada.t,d 6r10 M.H133i2( P.Yu/G % %atient exaination and
assessent !or therapists>
to cease a nceta, a se opri
prior to nainte de
discharge externare
assessment evaluare, estimare
previously mai nainte, n prealabil
perusal = citire, lectur atent
former job slujb anterioar
retirement pensionare
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
cultural ac!"round = #or$aie cultural
$edical %istor& = ana$ne'
disability incapacitate, invaliditate
clinical e(a$ination #indin"s = constatrile
e(a$inrii clinice
$edical e(a$ination s%eet = #oaie de oser)aie
testing devices instrumente de testare
tape $easure = rulet, pan"lic de $surat
pin = ac cu "$lie
goniometer goniometru
reflex hammer = ciocnel pentru testarea re#le(elor
cotton *ool = )at
test tue = epruet
gait umblet, mers
$ien = inut, co$porta$ent
posture = postur corporal
instant a*areness = +nele"ere rapid
palpation palpare
finger pad buricul degetului
drill burghiu
to dig in a nfige
2. Scan the text above so as to answer the following questions:
<. &:E i2 t:, .ati,/t)2 i/itia3 ,?a0i/ati1/ i0.1rta/tT
2. &:at 2:1u3d 8a2i- i/61r0ati1/ a81ut t:, .ati,/t i/-3ud,T
N. &:E d1,2 t:, .r,2,/t ,?a0i/,r /,,d t1 -:,-B t:, .ati,/t)2 .ri1r
0,di-a3 ,?a0i/ati1/ 2:,,tT
4. &:E d1,2 t:, ,?a0i/,r /,,d t1 /1t, t:, .ati,/t)2 -urr,/t
O. &:at t:i/G2 /,,d t1 8, .r17id,d F:,/ ,?a0i/i/G t:, .ati,/tT
6. &:at t,2ti/G d,7i-,2 d1,2 t:, ,?a0i/,r u2,T
*. &:at 2:1u3d t:, ,?a0i/,r 182,r7, F:i3, ,2-1rti/G t:, .ati,/t t1 t:,
,?a0i/ati1/ ar,aT
+. &:,/ -a/ F, 2aE t:at Ru,2ti1/i/G t:, .ati,/t :a2 8,,/ 2u--,226u3T
;. &:at .r1-,dur,2 ar, t1 8, u2,d F:,/ .a3.ati/G t:, .ati,/tT
<0. &:at 2:1u3d 8, d1/, i6 t:, 6ir2t ,?a0i/ati1/ taB,2 31/G,r t:a/
3. Create your own examiner - patient dialogues, including
questions and answers regarding the patient`s basic information,
former medical history, clinical examination findings, past and
current medication, etc.
Ma/E F1rd2 t:at ar, .r1/1u/-,d a/d 2.,3t i/ t:, 2a0, FaE -a/ 8,
u2,d i/ di66,r,/t -1/t,?t2 Fit: di66,r,/t 0,a/i/G2. T:,E ar,
.13E2,0a/ti- F1rd2. P13E2,0E i2 -312,3E r,3at,d t1 :101/E0E a/d it
i2 210,ti0,2 di66i-u3t t1 di2ti/Gui2: 8,tF,,/ F1rd2 t:at ar,
:101/E02 a/d F1rd2 t:at ar, .13E2,0a/ti-. T:,r, i2 2ti33 a -rit,ri1/
t:at -a/ :,3. u2 di2ti/Gui2: 1/, /1ti1/ 6r10 t:, 1t:,r@ F:i3, Fit:
:101/E0E t:, F1rd2 t:at :a7, t:, 2a0, 61r0 d1 /1t 2:ar, a/E
2,0a/ti- r,2,083a/-, i/ t:,ir 0,a/i/G2( Fit: .13E2,0a/ti- F1rd2 F,
-a/ ,a2i3E /1ti-, a 2,0a/ti- 6,atur, -1001/ t1 a33 t:, ,3,0,/t2 16 a
-3a22. H,r, ar, tF1 ,?a0.3,2 61r ,a-: /1ti1/@
Heart, a2 a .13E2,0a/ti- F1rd( :a2 a 2,0a/ti- 6,atur, a221-iat,d '
that o! being the central part o! a body. o! one0s li!e or o! soething
else ' t:at i2 -arri,d 17,r 6r10 1/, ,?a0.3, t1 t:, /,?t@
E(en i! his heart stopped beating !or se(eral seconds. he did not die.
9 think you should get to the heart o! the atter.
,e is y heart. y reason o! li(ing.
)alf a2 a young o! cattle 7viel1 or of certain ot!er mammals
suc! as t!e buffalo, elep!ant, giraffe and 8!ale and calf
a2 the thick !leshy part o! the back o! the leg bet&een the ankle and the
knee ar, tF1 :101/E02 t:at :a7, /1t:i/G i/ -1001/( 2,0a/ti-a33E
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
M1r,17,r( 8E 311Bi/G F1rd2 u. i/ a di-ti1/arE( 1/, -a/ a321
di2ti/Gui2: 8,tF,,/ .13E2,0a/ti- F1rd2 a/d :101/E02 a2 t:, 61r0,r
ar, 3i2t,d Fit: di66,r,/t /u08,r2 u/d,r t:, 2a0, 3,?i-a3 ,/trE( F:i3,
t:, 3att,r ar, 3i2t,d a/d tr,at,d a2 2,.arat, F1rd2@ -a36< a/d -a36 2.
4. Choose from among the meanings of the following polysemantic
words the one that has been used in the text "xamining the
<. examination 0,a/2@
a> Fritt,/ ,?,r-i2,2( 1ra3 Ru,2ti1/2 1r .ra-ti-a3 ta2B2( 2,t
t1 t,2t a -a/didat,J2 B/1F3,dG, a/d 2Bi33L
8> .:E2i-a3 i/2.,-ti1/ 16 a .ati,/t 1r .art2 16 :i2 81dE( i/
1rd,r t1 7,ri6E :,a3t: 1r diaG/12, di2,a2,L
-> t:, 61r0a3 i/t,rr1Gati1/ 16 a .,r21/ 1/ 1at: =a/
a--u2,d 1r a Fit/,22> 8E a 3aFE,r i/ a 3aF-1urt.
2. discharge 0,a/2@
a> a/ 166i-ia3 .,r0i22i1/ 61r =28> t1 3,a7,( a6t,r :, :a2
-arri,d 1ut a dutE =di2-:arG, a 213di,r( a .ati,/t(
r,3,a2, a .ri21/,r 6r10 -u2t1dE>L
8> u/31adi/G =-arG1> 6r10 a 2:i.
-> 6iri/G =a Gu/>( 3au/-:i/G 63Ei/G F,a.1/2 =arr1F2>
N. background 0,a/2@
a> .art 16 a 7i,F( 2-,/, 1r d,2-ri.ti1/ t:at 61r02 a
2,tti/G 61r t:, -:i,6 18A,-t2( .,1.3,L
8> i/61r0ati1/ t:at i2 /,,d,d t1 u/d,r2ta/d a .r183,0L
-> a .,r21/J2 21-ia3 -3a22( ,du-ati1/( trai/i/G 1r
d> a 31F 3,7,3 16 21u/d( 3iG:ti/G F:12, .ur.12, i2 t1 8,
a/ u/18tru2i7, 1r a..r1.riat, a--10.a/i0,/t t1
210,t:i/G ,32,( 2u-: a2 a 21-ia3 a-ti7itE( -1/7,r2ati1/
1r t:, a-ti1/ 16 a 6i30.
4. device 0,a/2@
a> a 0a-:i/, 1r t113 ada.t,d 61r a 2.,-ia3 .ur.12, =ti0,'
2a7i/G d,7i-,( 2a6,tE d,7i-,( a/ ,?.312i7, d,7i-, ,t->L
8> a .arti-u3ar .att,r/ 16 F1rd2( 6iGur,2 16 2.,,-: u2,d i/
3it,ratur, t1 .r1du-, a -,rtai/ ,66,-t 1/ t:, r,ad,rL
-> a Fritt,/( .ri/t,d 1r .ai/t,d d,2iG/ 1r 6iGur,( u2,d a2
a :,ra3di- 2iG/( ,083,0( trad,0arB 8E a /183, 6a0i3EL
d> a .3a/ 1r .31t( ,2.. a -3,7,r 1r ,7i3 1/,L a 2-:,0,(

5. Write your own contexts in which the polysemantic words
above, except for the version of your choice, are used with other
meanings. You can use the following expressions:

English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
,?a0i/ati1/ .a.,r
8a-BGr1u/d 0u2i-
,/tra/-, ,?a0i/ati1/
F1rBi/G'-3a22 8a-BGr1u/d
t1 taB, a/ ,?a0i/ati1/
8a-BGr1u/d 1/ t:, -10.a/EJ2 6i/a/-ia3 .12iti1/
.a22M6ai3 a/ ,?a0i/ati1/
ti0,'2a7i/G d,7i-, P a.arat d, u5 -a5/i-
0,di-a3 ,?a0i/ati1/
3a81ur'2a7i/G d,7i-, P di2.15iti7 0,-a/i-
t1 8, u/d,r ,?a0i/ati1/
a/ ,?.312i7, d,7i-, P di2.15iti7 ,?.315i8i3
t1 2taEMB,,. i/ t:, 8a-BGr1u/d
st5listic device : figur de stil
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
6. Match each of the meanings below to one of the seven
polysemantic words in the box:
a. patient b. tongue c. head
d. foot e. bottom f. spine g. nerve
<. a 017a83, 1rGa/ i/ t:, 01ut:( u2,d i/ ta2ti/G( 3i-Bi/G(
2Fa331Fi/G a/d 2.,aBi/GL
2. 61a0 1/ t:, t1. 16 a .1ur,d 8,,rL
N. a .,r21/ F:1 i2 r,-,i7i/G 0,di-a3 -ar, i/ :12.ita3L
4. .art 16 t:, 81dE 1/ F:i-: 1/, 2it2( 8utt1-B2L
O. a 0,a2ur, 16 3,/Gt: ,Rua3 t1 <2 i/-:,2L
6. r1F 16 81/,2 a31/G t:, 8a-B 16 :u0a/2 a/d 210, a/i0a32(
*. 813d/,22( -1uraG,L
+. a .,r21/ -a.a83, 16 a--,.ti/G d,3aE t:at -a/ 2ti33 r,0ai/ -a30L
;. .art 16 t:, 81dE( -1/tai/i/G t:, ,E,2( /12,( 01ut: a/d 8rai/L
<0. a 3a/GuaG,( dia3,-t 1r idi10L
<<. t:, 31F,2t .art 16 t:, 3,G( 8,31F t:, a/B3,( 1/ F:i-: a .,r21/
1r a/i0a3 2it2L
<2. Gr1u/d u/d,r t:, 2,a( 3aB, 1r ri7,rL
<N. a/E 16 t:, 8u/d3, 16 6i8r,2 -arrEi/G 2,/21rE 1r 01t1r
i0.u32,2 8,tF,,/ t:, 8rai/ a/d a33 .art2 16 t:, 81dEL
<4. a/E 16 t:, 2:ar. /,,d3,'3iB, .art2 1/ 210, .3a/t2 =-a-tu2,2>
a/d a/i0a32 =:,dG,:1G2>L
<O. -:i,6 .,r21/ 16 a Gr1u. 1r 1rGa/i5ati1/L
<6. a 63a. 16 3,at:,r 1/ a 2:1,( u/d,r t:, 3a-,2 1r 8u-B3,2 t1
.r1t,-t t:, i/2t,.L
<*. t:, 31F,2t( d,,.,2t 1r 6art:,2t r,017,d .art 16 a t:i/GL
<+. t:, 8a-B .art 16 a 811B t:at i2 7i2i83, F:,/ it i2 i/ a r1F 1/ a
<;. ri8 1r 7,i/ i/ a 3,a6 1r a/E 16 t:, 7,i/2 16 a/ i/2,-t)2 Fi/GL
20. 0,/ta3 a8i3itE 1r /atura3 ta3,/t 61r 210,t:i/G.
7. Write your own contexts for the different meanings of the
polysemantic words above. You can make use of the following
syntagms and expressions:
to be patient with sb. = a aea rbdare c! ci"ea
mother to"g!e = limb mater"
to hae lost#$i"d o"e%s to"g!e = a&'i
pierde#redob("di grai!l
the head o! the !aily : capul !ailiei
head o!!ice : sediu central
to ha(e a good head !or business. !igures : a a(ea cap de
a!aceri. ci!re
at the !oot5botto o! the stairs5hill5 ountain5list5page : n
partea de 7os a @
a A-!oot high &all : un zid nalt de A picioare
to $all o" o"e%s bottom = a cdea )" $!"d
the bottom o$ the sea#la*e#rier = $!"d!l
to go to the botto : a se scu!unda
to lose#regai" o"e%s "ere = a&'i
pierde#redob("di c!ra+!l
to ha(e the ner(e to do sth.: a a(ea cura7ul5tupeul de a !ace
to strai" eer, "ere = a&'i )"corda toate p!terile
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
Greetings, identification and introductory dialogues
H,r, ar, 210, ,?a0.3,2 16 i/itia3 Gr,,ti/G2 a/d i/tr1du-t1rE
dia31Gu,2 u2,d 8,61r, t:, ,?a0i/ati1/ taB,2 .3a-,@
The therapist:
/ood orning. 3rs. Bohnson. )et e introduce ysel!. 9 a
your therapist. 1r. /reen.
%lease coe in and take a seat.
3ake yoursel! co!ortable. 9 &ill be &ith you in a second.
3y nae is 1r./reen. 9 think &e talked on the phone. didn0t
9 reeber you. <ou &ere y patient last year. ,o& is your
<ou are 1r. Thoson0s sister. aren0t you2 ,e told e all
about you.
Inquiring about the patient`s problem:
-ell. 3rs. Bohnson. &hat can 9 do !or you2
Tell e. 3r. 'au. &hat0s troubling you2
-ell. 3rs. "edcli!!. &hat0s brought you here2
-ell. let0s see@ &hat sees to be the proble2
<our brother. 1r. Thoson tells e that you ha(e been
ha(ing lo& back pains@
9 couldn0t help noticing your slight lip. +an you tell e
ore about it2
9 can0t tell you ho& sorry 9 a about your terrible accident.
,o& is your reco(ery going on2
9 understand that you ha(e seen se(eral therapists be!ore.
,o& can 9 help you2
Programming further sessions:
+onsidering your diagnosis. 9 &ill ha(e to see you t&ice a
&eek. !or six &eeks.
Cor the !irst t&o &eeks &e shall eet e(ery day till your pain
goes a&ay.
'ring e the ?-rays and then 9 &ill schedule a eeting !or
you !or next &eek.
9 a sorry. but you should ha(e seen an orthopaedist be!ore
coing here.
9 &ill eet you !or our sessions three ties a &eek. !or at
least three &eeks.
-e shall start on 3onday and see ho& it is going.
9 think &e can ha(e good results i! you coe to all your
> Pair work
8. Practise therapist-patient dialogues using the examples above.
You can as well come up with your own examples.
9. Translate into English, using the new vocabulary:
<. R,-10a/dar,a u/ui .r1Gra0 de e.erciii terapeutice
nu se poate face fr o e.aminare amnunit a
2. Brice informaii cu privire la datele personale ale
pacientului, la un diagnostic anterior "i
medicamentaie se pot dovedi e.trem de
importante 4/ r,-10a/dar,a t,ra.i,i u3t,ri1ar,.
2. <e toat durata e.aminrii pacientul trebuie s
se simt, proteat, fiind asigurat de
confidenialitatea discuiilor sale cu terapeutul.
4. T,ra.,utu3 .1at, 2,2i5a 4/ 01d i/dir,-t a/u0it, -ara-t,ri2ti-i
01tri-, a3, .a-i,/tu3ui( prin simpla observare a
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
posturii sale corporale, a inutei generale "i a
mersului acestuia.
?. <alparea pacientului "i testarea gradului su de
mobilitate sunt indicii clare n stabilirea afeciunii
prezente "i indicarea tipurilor de e.erciii

1. Read the following extracts and check the glossary below for
new words. Then translate these texts into Romanian:
Patient rehabilitation after fractures
DPati,/t r,:a8i3itati1/ 2:1u3d 8,Gi/ i00,diat,3E( d,.,/di/G 1/ t:,
tE., 16 6ra-tur, a/d 216t ti22u, 2ta8i3itE. AdAa-,/t A1i/t2 2:1u3d 8,
018i3i5,d a2 211/ a2 .122i83,L :1F,7,r( i/ 1.,/ 6ra-tur,2 01ti1/ 16
0u2-u31t,/di/1u2 u/it2 17,r 6ra-tur, 2ur6a-,2 Fi33 irritat, t:, 216t
ti22u,2 a/d 0aE d,-r,a2, r,2i2ta/-, t1 i/6,-ti1/. I0018i3i5ati1/ 16
adAa-,/t A1i/t2 -a/ 8, d1/, 8E u2i/G 2.3i/t2( 8ra-,2 1r 611t
atta-:0,/t2 t1 ,?t,r/a3 6i?ati1/ 2E2t,02. P:E2i-a3 t:,ra.E 2:1u3d
i/-3ud, a-ti7, ,?,r-i2,2 61r A1i/t 018i3i5ati1/( F,iG:t'8,ari/G
,?,r-i2,2( a2 F,33 a2 ra/G, 16 01ti1/ a/d 2tr,/Gt:,/i/G ,?,r-i2,2( a33
.ra-ti2,d u/d,r t:, -312, 2u.,r7i2i1/ 16 81t: t:, .:E2i-ia/ a/d t:,
=Ada.t,d 6r10 T:10a2 A. Ru22,33 % /eneral %rinciples o! Cracture
Hip dislocation
DHi. di231-ati1/ i2 a/ 1rt:1.a,di- ,0,rG,/-E a/d 0u2t 8, r,du-,d
i00,diat,3E. It 1--ur2 .ri0ari3E i/ -1/Au/-ti1/ Fit: 2,7,r, 0u3ti.3,
trau0a 6r10 :iG:'2.,,d 01t1r 7,:i-3, a--id,/t2. T:, 31/G,r t:, :i.
r,0ai/2 di231-at,d( t:, 01r, 3iB,3E i2 t:, .122i8i3itE 16 -10.3i-ati1/2(
i/-3udi/G a7a2-u3ar /,-r12i2 16 t:, 6,01ra3 :,ad a/d .12ttrau0ati-
art:riti2. M12t di231-ati1/2 16 t:, :i. -a/ 8, r,du-,d 8E -312,
0a/i.u3ati1/ a/d t:i2 tr,at0,/t 2:1u3d taB, .r,-,d,/-, 17,r tr,at0,/t
16 a33 1t:,r 2B,3,ta3 i/Auri,2.H
=Ada.t,d 6r10 Da7id G. La,33, % Acute 1islocations>
Sprains or ligamentous injuries
DM12t 2.rai/2 1r 3iGa0,/t1u2 i/Auri,2 -a/ 8, tr,at,d 8E
i0018i3i5ati1/. E7,/ t:1uG: i0018i3i5ati1/ a331F2 t:, 2tr,t-:i/G 16
3iGa0,/t2( Rui-B3E r,3i,7,2 .ai/ a/d 0aE 8, 8,/,6i-ia3 i/ r,du-i/G t:,
2F,33i/G( 0a/E 2.,-ia3i2t2 r,.1rt t:at ,ar3E 018i3i5ati1/ 61r t:,2,
i/Auri,2 .r1du-,2 2u.,ri1r r,2u3t2 t1 i0018i3i5ati1/.H
=Ada.t,d 6r10 S. T,rrE Ca/a3, % Ankle 9n7uries>
Rupture of muscles and tendons
DT:, 012t 6r,Ru,/t -au2, 16 .artia3 1r -10.3,t, ru.tur, 16 a 0u2-3,
1r t,/d1/ i2 ,--,/tri- 17,r31ad 16 t:, 0u2-3,'t,/d1/ u/it. Mu2-3,
2trai/2 ar, i/itia33E tr,at,d Fit: i-,( r,2t a/d a/tii/63a00at1rE
0,di-ati1/( 61331F,d 8E a G,/t3, 2tr,t-:i/G a/d .r1Gr,22i7,
2tr,/Gt:,/i/G .r1Gra0 a2 2E0.t102 r,2137,. Fai3ur, t1 r,Gai/ 6u33
63,?i8i3itE a/d /1r0a3 2tr,/Gt: 16 t:, 0u2-3,'t,/d1/ u/it r,2u3t2 i/
i/-r,a2,d ri2B 16 6urt:,r r,-urr,/t i/AurE.H
=Ada.t,d 6r10 BarrE B. P:i33i.2 ' "upture o! uscles and tendons>
rehabilitation reabilitare
fracture = #ractur
ad,acent ,oint = articulaie adiacent
to decrease a reduce, diminua
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
to increase = a $ri, intensi#ica
splint = atel
brace orte'
foot attachment dispozitiv de fixare a piciorului
*ei"%t-earin" e(ercise = e(erciiu de susinere
a "reutii corporale
range of motion grad de mobilitate
stren"t%enin" e(ercises = e(erciii de +ntrire
to occur a se petrece, a avea loc
in con,unction *it% = +n le"tur cu
a)ascular necrosis = necro' a)ascular
femoral head cap femural
art%ritis = artrit
to take precedence over smth a avea loc nainte, a avea
prioritate #a de
skeletal injury leziune a sistemului scheletic
sprain = lu(aie, scrntire
to relieve pain a alina durerea
s*ellin" = u$#ltur
rupture = ruptur, %ernie
overload = +ncrcare e(cesi)
$uscle strain = +ntindere $uscular
#ailure =, insu#icien
#urt%er = ulterior, adiional
2. Scan the texts above for modal constructions (can, may, should,
must etc) and write them down. Then, underline the passive ones
as in the examples below:
*hould begin
*hould be obilized
A33 2-i,/ti6i- 3a/GuaG,2 0aB, u2, 16 .a22i7, -1/2tru-ti1/2 t1 ,?.r,22
i0.,r21/a3 182,r7ati1/2( a71id 0,/ti1/i/G u/B/1F/ 1r i/d,6i/it,
2u8A,-t2 a/d 61-u2 1/ a-ti1/ a/d ,66,-t rat:,r t:a/ 1/ t:, aG,/t t:at
-au2,d t:,0.
E7,/ t:1uG: t:, .r1-,22 16 -1/7,rti/G a-ti7, -1/2tru-ti1/2 i/t1
.a22i7, 1/,2 2,,02 t1 8, arti6i-ia3( it 0aE .r17, t1 8, u2,6u3 a/d
.ra-ti-a3 i/ 2ituati1/2 F:,/ .a22i7,2 ar, .r,6,rr,d t1 a-ti7,
-1/2tru-ti1/2. H,r, ar, 210, ,?a0.3,2 16 .a22i7,2 -1/2tru-ti1/2
i33u2trat,d 61r 01da3 7,r82@
Excessi(e !lexion and extension o! the neck should be avoided in
spinal in7uries.
+linical instability may be caused by traua. neoplastic or
in!ections disorders.
*pinal alignent can be obtained by skeletal traction.
The pathologic anatoy must be care!ully defined be!ore
treatent is deterined.
These pills must be taken t&ice a day. on an epty stoach.
&it: 01da3 7,r82 t:, tra/261r0ati1/ 6r10 a-ti7, 71i-, t1 .a22i7,
71i-, i2 0ad, 8E B,,.i/G t:, 01da3 u/-:a/G,d a/d u2i/G a .a22i7,
Active Voice Passive Voice
*hould a(oid W should be a(oided =01da3 U BE U .a2t .arti-i.3, %
2:1rt i/6.U ED >
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
3ust take ust be taken =01da3 U BE U .a2t .arti-i.3, % t:, N
61r0 16 irr,Gu3ar 7,r82>
3. Insert the following modal constructions in their corresponding
context, choosing the active or passive form that best completes
the sentence:
0u2t 8, a..3i,d 2:1u3d F,ar 0u2t 8, u2,d 2:1u3d
6ir2t dir,-t 2:1u3d 8, -1/6ir0,d 0aE 8, 2,3,-t,d
0u2t 8, -17,r,d
2:1u3d /1t 8, d1/, 2:1u3d /1t 8, ru88,d 0aE 8,
<. O.,/ :a/d F1u/d2 KKKKKK. i00,diat,3E Fit: a 2t,ri3,
dr,22i/G t1 .r,7,/t 6urt:,r -1/ta0i/ati1/.
2. I6 83,,di/G -1/ti/u,2( 0a/ua3 1r diGita3 .r,22ur, KKKKK
t1 t:, F1u/d t:r1uG: t:, dr,22i/G.
N. At ti0,2 it KKKK :,3.6u3 t1 ,3,7at, t:, ar0 Fit: t:,
.ati,/t 3Ei/G 2u.i/,.
4. C3,a/i/G t:, F1u/d KKKKKKKK.. i/ a :urrE.
O. B1t: t:, ,?a0i/,r a/d t:, .ati,/t KKKK.. 0a2B2 F:,/ t:,
F1u/d i2 ,?a0i/,d.
6. St,ri3, i/2tru0,/t2 a/d G317,2 KKKKKKKK..
*. T:, ,?a0i/,r KKKKK :i2 att,/ti1/ t1 t:, -ir-u3ati1/ a/d
2Bi/ a/d t:,/ t1 81/,2( t,/d1/2 a/d /,r7,2.
+. T:, d,.t: 16 t:, F1u/d KKKKKKKKK Fit: a 2.1/G,
1r a 8ru2:.
;. Su2.,-t,d da0aG, t1 t,/d1/2 a/d /,r7,2 KKKKKKK.
8E dir,-t 7i2i1/.
<0. A r,Gi1/a3 831-B 1r G,/,ra3 a/,2t:,ti- KKKKK
d,.,/di/G 1/ t:, .ati,/t)2 aG, a/d t:, 2,7,ritE 16 t:, i/AurE.
4. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice, making the
words in italics the subject of the sentence and placing, when
necessary, the agent at the end of the sentence:
T:, 2urG,1/ 2:1u3d -312,3E 61331F the progress o! patient0s
The progress o! patient0s regeneration 2:1u3d be -312,3E 61331Fed by
the surgeon 6agent8.

<. T:, ,?a0i/,r 2:1u3d ad7i2, the patient a2 t1 t:, ,?t,/t 16 :i2
2. T:, 2urG,1/ 0u2t ,7a3uat, the extent o! the skin loss 6r10 t:,
N. T:, 2urG,1/2 0aE d,3aE the repairs o! ner(e and tendons.
4. Duri/G 2urGi-a3 .r1-,dur,2 t:, a22i2ta/t2 2:1u3d u2, a double
binocular icroscope.
O. SurG,1/2 -a/ 0a2t,r icrosurgical techni#ues 1/3E a6t,r
-1u/t3,22 :1ur2 16 .ra-ti-,.
6. T:, 2urG,1/ 0u2t a71id co!!ee Au2t 8,61r, 2urG,rE.
*. I6 2uita83, i/2tru0,/t2 ar, a7ai3a83, a/d i6 t:, 2urG,1/ i2
r,2t,d :, 0aE u/d,rtaB, repair o! se(ered ner(es 1/ t:, daE
16 i/AurE.
+. Duri/G F,,B2 a6t,r /,r7,2 r,.air 1.,rati1/ t:, .ati,/t 2:1u3d
.aE care!ul attention t1 a71id 6i?,d -1/tra-tur,2.
;. A6t,r t:, 1.,rati1/ t:, .ati,/t 2:1u3d 8,Gi/ progressi(e
strengthening exercises.
<0. T:, .ati,/t2 2:1u3d a321 0aB, onthly clinical e(aluations.
5. Translate into English using passive modal constructions:
<. Pa-i,/tu3 2u2.,-tat d, 6ra-tur a coloanei vertebrale nu
trebuie mutat pn la sosirea autorului calificat.
0. Gac este imperativ ca pacientul s fie mutat,
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
capul, gtul "i toracele lui trebuie susinute n
poziia lor iniial de ctre mai multe persoane.
2. =ceast plag ar trebui curat imediat iar
fractura desc!is ar trebui imobilizat.
4. <rimul autor n caz de rnire trebuie s fie
ntotdeauna rapid, eficient "i de preferin
efectuat de ctre .,r21/a3 -a3i6i-at.
O. Pr1Gra0u3 d, r,-u.,rar, 01t1ri, a .a-i,/tu3ui ar tr,8ui
4/-,.ut 3a -9teva sptmni dup operaie.
Patient`s symptoms and complaints
Formal and informal medical terms
Pati,/t2 a/d t:,ra.i2t2Md1-t1r2 d1 /1t a3FaE2 u2, t:, 2a0, 3a/GuaG,(
,7,/ i6 t:,E ar, 2.,aBi/G a81ut t:, 2a0, t:i/G2. T:,r, i2 a -,rtai/
di66,r,/-, 8,tF,,/ a formal medical language u2,d 8,tF,,/ d1-t1r2
a/d 0,di-a3 -ar, taB,r2( t:, 2-i,/ti6i- 3a/GuaG, 16 a33 0,di-a3 t,?t2
a/d an informal medical language t:at /1/'2.,-ia3i2t2 =.ati,/t2> u2,
t1 d,2-ri8, t:,ir 2E0.t102 1r di2a8i3iti,2. I/ t:,ra.i2t'.ati,/t
-100u/i-ati1/2 a -1001/ i/61r0a3 3a/GuaG, 2:1u3d 8, u2,d t1
,/2ur, .r1.,r -100u/i-ati1/. H,r, ar, 210, ,?a0.3,2 16 t:, 2a0,
/1ti1/2 Fit: di66,r,/t 61r0a3 72. i/61r0a3 0,di-a3 t,r02@
Formal term Informal term Translation
-1/tu2i1/ 8rui2, -1/tu5i,(
t,/12E/17iti2 i/63a0,d t,/d1/2 tenosinovit
art,ri12-3,r12i2 :ard,/i/G 16 t:,
2,dati7, 23,,.i/G .i33( d1., 2,dati7
a/a3G,2i- .ai/ Bi33,r a/a3G,5i-( -a30a/t
6. Match the formal term in column A with its corresponding
informal term in column B:
<. t:Er1id -arti3aG, a. di55i/,22
2. :a3it12i2 8. 8a0811 2.i/,
N. 0a?i33a -. 31F,r AaF
4. a31.,-ia d. .a3.itati1/2
O. 2.i/, ,. :,art atta-B
6. ta-:E-ardia 6. Ada0)2 a..3,
*. 0a/di83, G. 31F 8311d 2uGar
+. 0E1-ardia3 i/6ar-ti1/ :. 8ad 8r,at:
;.a/BE312i/G 2.1/dE3iti2 i. F108
<0. 2u83u?ati1/ A. 8a-B81/,
<<. t:1ra? B. 63u
<2. i/63u,/5a 3. -:,2t
<N. :E.1G3E-a,0ia 0. di231-ati1/
<4. ut,ru2 /. u..,r AaF
<O. 7,rtiG1 1. 8a3d/,22
&it:1ut a22u0i/G t1 -17,r at 3,a2t .art 16 t:, 2E0.t102 a/d .r183,02
t:at .ati,/t2 0aE :a7, F:,/ -10i/G t1 2,, a Bi/,t1t:,ra.i2t( 210,
,?a0.3,2 16 -1001/ -10.3ai/t2 ar, .r,2,/t,d 8,31F@
Patient`s symptoms and complaints:
9 ha(e sprained y le!t ankle. -.i&am rs!cit# l!/at
gle0"a st("g1
I hae strai"ed m, deltoid m!scle. -Am o
)"ti"dere m!sc!lar la deltoid.1
9 ha(e pulled a hastring uscle. 63i-a ntins un tendon
I hae tor" a ligame"t i" m, right *"ee. -Am o
r!pt!r ligame"tar la ge"!"chiul drept.8
9 ha(e snapped a tendon in y le!t thigh. -Am o r!pt!r
de te"do" la coapsa dreapt.1
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
I hae got a cartilage problem i" m, le$t *"ee
+oi"t. -Am o problem la "iel!l cartila+!l!i
artic!la2iei ge"!"chi!l!i st("g.1
9 ha(e got chilblains in y toes. -Am s!$erit degert!ri
la degetele de la picioare.1
I hae pi"s a"d "eedles i" m, $eet all the time.
-Simt $!r"ict!ri )" picioare tot timp!l.1
9 !eel a tingling sensation in y !ingers. -Simt o se"0a2ie
de $!r"ict!ri )" degete.1
9 ha(e got a se(ere pai" i" m, le$t heel. -Am o d!rere
p!ter"ic )" clc(i!l st("g.1
9 get crap in y cal(es. 6A crape la gabe.8
9 ha(e got s&elling o! y ankles. 6A gleznele u!late.8
I hae got "!mb $i"gers#legs whe" I wa*e !p.
-Am degetele#picioarele amor2ite c("d m
., $i"gers tremble a lot a"d ee" m, ha"ds hae
started sha*i"g.-3mi trem!r degetele 'i chiar 'i
*resent *erfect a/d *resent &ense +imple ar, t:, t,/2,2 /1r0a33E
u2,d t1 ,?.r,22 -10.3ai/t2 i/ t:, a817, 2,/t,/-,2.
7. Identify each tense in the sentences above and say how they are
,a(e sprained P Pr,2,/t P,r6,-t Si0.3,L 61r0ati1/@ t:, au?i3iarE 7,r8
have U .a2t .arti-i.3, 16 t:, r,Gu3ar 7,r8 sprain =2:1rt i/6i/iti7, U
,a(e torn P Pr,2,/t P,r6,-t Si0.3,L 61r0ati1/@ t:, au?i3iarE 7,r8
have U .a2t .arti-i.3, 16 t:, irr,Gu3ar 7,r8 tear =t,ar( t1r,( t1r/>
*resent *erfect +imple is used in the above!mentioned complaints to
express previous causes,in-uries that still have a certain effect in the
present, while *resent &ense +imple makes these complaints a
general fact, the symptoms presented are something felt as usual.
8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Tense Simple or
Present Perfect:
<. SSSSSSS E1u ,7,r SSSSSSSS =2.rai/> E1ur a/B3,T It)2 /1t 21
8ad 8ut E1u :a7, t1 2taE i/ 8,d 61r a F:i3,.
2. SSSSSSS it SSSSSSSSS =:urt> i6 I t1u-: E1ur 2F133,/ a/B3,T
SSSSSS E1u SSSSSSS =6,,3> a 8ur/i/G 2,/2ati1/T
N. ME au/t)2 6i/G,r2 a3FaE2 SSSSSSSSSS =tr,083,> F:,/ 2:,
SSSSSSSS =Gi7,> 0, 0E 01/t:3E a331Fa/-,.
4. I a0 2ti33 i/ :12.ita3. I SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =/1t r,-17,r> E,t. I
a3FaE2 SSSSSS =G,t> -ra0.2 i/ 0E -a37,2 i/ t:, 01r/i/G.
O. I SSSSSSSS a3r,adE SSSSSSSSS =.ra-ti2,> t:i2 2tr,t-:i/G
,?,r-i2, t:r,, ti0,2. Y,2( 8ut E1u 2ti33 SSSSSSSSSSS =/1t d1>
it riG:t.
9. Translate into English using Present Perfect Simple and Present
Tense Simple as in the above-presented examples of patient`s
complaints; sometimes modal verbs are to be used as well:
<. Nu pot s+mi ndoi cotul drept. *red c mi l+am
0. Mi+am fracturat "oldul "i am nevoie de e.erciii
de reabilitare.
2. Mi+am dislocat umrul stng. =" dori s am un
grad mai mare de mobilitate.
4. Mi'a0 ru.t tr,i -1a2t, 4/tr'u/ a--id,/t d, 2-:i. A0 612t 4/
2.ital "ase sptmni.
O. =m adesea crampe durerose n ambele gambe
dup t,r0i/ar,a 0,-iu3ui d, 61t8a3.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
A. *nd m scol dimineaa nu+mi simt picioarele de
la genunc!i n os.
C. =m dureri de spate acute. =m fost la muli
doctori "i m+am !ortt s ncerc "i ni"te e.erciii
D. =m o ntindere muscular suprtoare la nivelul
gtului. =m nevoie de cteva e.erciii de
ntindere pentru a+mi redobndi fle.ibilitatea.
E. =m o ruptur de tendon n deltoid "i nu+mi pot
continua programul de antrenament pentru
;@.=m contracii musculare n gamba stng iar
fora mea muscular nu mai este aceea"i.
10. Place yourself in a patient`s situation and complain about
your symptoms, asking your colleagues - future kinetotherapists
for help and advice.
1. Read the following text and write down the new words; then
translate it into Romanian, using the glossary below.
DT:, G1a32 16 t:,ra.,uti- ,?,r-i2,2 i/-3ud, t:, .r,7,/ti1/ 16
dE26u/-ti1/ a2 F,33 a2 t:, d,7,31.0,/t( i0.r17,0,/t( r,2t1rati1/ 1r
0ai/t,/a/-, 16 2tr,/Gt:( ,/dura/-, a/d -ardi17a2-u3ar 6it/,22(
018i3itE a/d 63,?i8i3itE( 2ta8i3itE( r,3a?ati1/( -11rdi/ati1/( 8a3a/-, a/d
6u/-ti1/a3 2Bi332.
Strength i2 t:, a8i3itE 16 a 0u2-3, 1r 0u2-3, Gr1u. t1 .r1du-, t,/2i1/
a/d a r,2u3ti/G 61r-, duri/G a 0a?i0a3 ,661rt( ,it:,r dE/a0i-a33E 1r
2tati-a33E( i/ t:, r,3ati1/ t1 t:, d,0a/d2 .3a-,d u.1/ it. T1 i/-r,a2,
2tr,/Gt:( a 31ad t:at ,?-,,d2 t:, 0,ta813i- -a.a-itE 16 t:, 0u2-3,
0u2t 8, u2,d duri/G ,?,r-i2,. T1 .r1du-, Gr,at,r 0u2-u3ar t,/2i1/( a
:iG:'i/t,/2itE ,?,r-i2, =,?,r-i2, .,r61r0,d aGai/2t :,a7E 31ad2> 0u2t
a321 8, u2,d( 8ut 61r a r,3ati7,3E 31F /u08,r 16 r,.,titi1/2.
Muscular endurance i2 t:, a8i3itE 16 a 0u2-3, t1 -1/tra-t r,.,at,d3E
1r G,/,rat, t,/2i1/( 2u2tai/ t:at t,/2i1/ a/d r,2i2t 6atiGu, 17,r a
.r131/G,d .,ri1d 16 ti0,. It i2 /,-,22arE 61r .,r61r0i/G r,.,at,d
01t1r ta2B2 i/ dai3E 3i7i/G( 2u-: a2 Fa3Bi/G 1r -3i08i/G 2tair2. A-ti7,
,?,r-i2,2 t:at -:a33,/G, t:, 1?EG,/ tra/2.1rt 2E2t,0 Fi33 i/-r,a2,
,/dura/-, ' t:, 0aA1r G1a3 16 -ardia- r,:a8i3itati1/ .r1Gra02.
E?,r-i2,2 ar, u2ua33E dir,-t,d t1 3arG, 0u2-3, Gr1u.2( a2 i/ Fa3Bi/G(
ru//i/G( 2Fi00i/G a/d -E-3i/G a/d ar, t1 8, .r131/G,d a/d
.,r61r0,d 61r <O t1 4O 0i/ut,2 1r 01r,.
Mobility 16 216t ti22u,2 a/d A1i/t2 i2 /,-,22arE 61r t:, .,r61r0a/-, 16
/1r0a3 6u/-ti1/a3 017,0,/t2.
Flexibility i2 t:, a8i3itE t1 017, a 2i/G3, A1i/t 1r 2,ri,2 16 A1i/t2
t:r1uG: a/ u/r,2tri-t,d( .ai/'6r,, ra/G, 16 01ti1/. It i2 d,.,/d,/t
u.1/ t:, ,?t,/2i8i3itE 16 0u2-3,2( F:i-: a331F2 0u2-3,2 t:at -r122 a
A1i/t t1 r,3a?( 3,/Gt:,/ a/d Ei,3d t1 a 2tr,t-: 61r-,.
Stability i2 u2ua33E r,Ruir,d i/ 01r, .r1?i0a3 2tru-tur,2( 2u-: a2 t:,
tru/B( :i.2 a/d 2:1u3d,r Gird3,( 61r ,66,-ti7, .12iti1/i/G a/d 01ti1/ 16
t:, ar02 a/d :a/d2 1r 3,G2 a/d 6,,t.Sta8i3i5ati1/ ,?,r-i2,2 ar, t:,
0,a/2 8E F:i-: a .ati,/t -a/ 3,ar/ t1 -1/tr13 .r1?i0a3 ar,a2 16 t:,
81dE a/d( at t:, 2a0, ti0,( 0ai/tai/ a 2ta83,( F,33'a3iG/,d .12iti1/
F:i3, -arrEi/G 1ut 6u/-ti1/a3 a-ti7iti,2.
Relaxation r,6,r2 t1 a -1/2-i1u2 ,661rt t1 r,3i,7, t,/2i1/ i/
0u2-3,2.E?,r-i2,2 .r101ti/G r,3a?ati1/ ar, 8a2,d 1/ t:, t:,ra.,uti-
u2, 16 r,63,?i7, a/d -1/2-i1u2 .r1-,22,2. T:u2( t:, .ati,/t 2:1u3d 8,
.3a-,d i/ a -1061rta83, .12iti1/( Fit: a33 81dE .art2 F,33 2u..1rt,d
a/d 8, tauG:t t1 .r1Gr,22i7,3E -1/tra-t a/d r,3a? t:, 0u2-u3atur,.T:i2
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
.r1-,22 i2 16t,/ -1u.3,d Fit: d,,.'8r,at:i/G ,?,r-i2, t1 6urt:,r
.r101t, r,3a?ati1/.
Coordination, balance a/d t:, a-Rui2iti1/ 16 functional skills ar, a33
i/t,rr,3at,d a/d ar, -10.3,? a2.,-t2 16 01t1r -1/tr13. Coordination
r,6,r2 t1 t:, a8i3itE t1 u2, t:, riG:t 0u2-3,2 at t:, riG:t ti0, Fit:
a..r1.riat, i/t,/2itE. It i2 t:, 8a2i2 16 2011t: a/d ,66i-i,/t 017,0,/t
t:at -a/ 1--ur 1/ a 713u/tarE 1r i/713u/tarE 3,7,3. Balance r,6,r2 t1
t:, a8i3itE t1 0ai/tai/ t:, -,/t,r 16 Gra7itE 17,r t:, 8a2, 16 2u..1rt(
u2ua33E F:i3, i/ a/ u.riG:t .12iti1/. It i2 a dE/a0i- .:,/10,/1/ t:at
i/7137,2 a -108i/ati1/ 16 2ta8i3itE a/d 018i3itE. Fi/a33E( functional
skills r,6,r t1 t:, 7ari,d 01t1r 2Bi332 /,-,22arE t1 6u/-ti1/
i/d,.,/d,/t3E i/ a33 a2.,-t2 16 dai3E 3i7i/G. L,ar/i/G 6u/-ti1/a3 01t1r
ta2B2 i/7137,2 -1/2ta/t r,.,titi1/ 16 2i0.3, t1 01r, -10.3,? 01t1r
a-ti7iti,2( u2, 16 2,/21rE -u,2 =ta-ti3,( 7i2ua3> t1 ,/:a/-, 01t1r
.,r61r0a/-, a/d a2 t:, Rua3itE 16 017,0,/t i0.r17,2( 21 2:1u3d t:,
2.,,d a/d ti0i/G 16 017,0,/t2.H
=Ada.t,d 6r10 Car13E/ Ki2/,rXLE// A33,/ C138E % Therapeutic
Exercise. Coundations and Techni#ues>
d&s#unction = dis#uncie
restoration refacere, restabilire
$aintenance = $eninere
stren"t% = #or, )i"oare
endurance = re'isten #i'ic
cardiovascular fitness tonus cardiovascular
balance echilibru
#unctional s!ills = ailiti #uncionale
load greutate
a high-intensit& e(ercise = e(erciiu cu intensitate
#ati"ue = ooseal
motor tasks sarcini motorii
to challenge a solicita
range of motion grad de mobilitate
to lengthen a se lungi, ntinde
to yield to a ceda, a nu rezista la
stretc% #orce = #or de ntindere
stable stabil
*ell-ali"ned position = po'iie corect adoptat
carry out a ndeplini, a realiza
to relieve a destinde, relaxa
deep-reat%in" e(ercise = e(erciiu de respiraie
ac/uisition = dondire, oinere
smooth movement lin, #r +ntreruperi
upri"%t position = po'iie )ertical
sensory cues indici senzoriali
to en%ance = a $ri, intensi#ica
motor performance randament motoriu
timing sincronizare
YZ Pair-work
2. Question!answer exercise# Reread the text above on paragraphs.
One student will ask his/her colleague one or two questions for
each paragraph and he/she should answer it either by
reproducing fragments from the text or by freely expressing a
summary of that fragment. Here is an example for the first
-hat are the ain goals o! therapeutic exercises2
-ell. i! 9 reeber corectly. the goals o! therapeutic exercises
,o& is strength de!ined in the text2
-ell. let y see. strength is de!ined as @@@..
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
-hat should be done to produce greater uscular tension2
-ell. it says here that a high-intensity exercise@.
3. Question!answer exercise# Try to find out how much you really
know about your physical abilities. Ask your deskmate to make a
self-evaluation of his/her physical abilities (strength, muscular
endurance etc.); in your answers you can make use of the
following assessment patterns or come up with new ones:
-ell. y strength is #uite bad5 is not so bad5 is actually #uite
good5 is excellent@.
3uscular endurance is not y stong point. i! you get y
As !or y obility and !lexibility. it goes &ithout saying that
all 9 need is a little practice. to get back into shape.
-ell. y stability depends a lot on y ental stabilityD a state
o! ner(ousness &ill certainly be detriental to y stability.
9 ha(e al&ays had probles &ith balanceD to e. it is
soeties that does not ipro(e &ith practiceD you either
ha(e it or not.
D,ri7ati1/ Fit: 2u66i?,2 a/d .r,6i?,2 i2 1/, 16 t:, 0,a/2 16 F1rd
61r0ati1/. G,/,ra33E( t:,r, ar, 210, tE.i-a3 /1u/M adA,-ti7,M ad7,r8M
7,r8 % 61r0i/G 2u66i?,2 a/d .r,6i?,2( 8ut t:,r, ar, -a2,2 F:,/ t:,
2a0, .r,6i? 1r 2u66i? i2 u2,d t1 61r0 di66,r,/t -at,G1ri,2. F1r i/2ta/-,
t:, 2u66i? -al i2 u2,d t1 61r0 81t: nouns 3iB, i/ arri(al. re!usal.
proposal a/d adjectives 3iB, i/ !unctional. educational. T:, 2u66i? -
ing i2 u2,d t1 61r0 t:, .r,2,/t .arti-i.3, t:at -a/ 8, u2,d a2 a 7,r8a3
-at,G1rE =S:, -a0, &alking a-r122 t:, 6i,3d.>( a2 a /1u/ =-alking -a/
210,ti0,2 8, 7,rE r,3a?i/G.> 1r a2 a/ adA,-ti7, =H, Fa2 r,adi/G a
7,rE ausing /17,3.>. T:, 2u66i? -ly i2 t:, 012t -1001/ ad7,r8'
61r0i/G 2u66i? =rapidly. daily. usually>. Sti33( t:,r, ar, 210, adA,-ti7,2
t:at -1/tai/ t:, -ly 2u66i?@ daily 2-:,du3,( onthly .aE0,/t. T:,
61331Fi/G ,?,r-i2,2 ar, 0,a/t a2 61r02 16 .ra-ti2i/G t:, F1rd
61r0ati1/ .r1-,22.
4. Extract from the text above (Therapeutic exercises) all the
derivational nouns and include them into their corresponding
suffix category as shown in the example:
-ion: pre(ention
-ment: de(elopent
-ance: aintenance
-ness: !itness
-ity: obility
5. Find the corresponding base forms (verbs, adjectives) and the
corresponding suffixes for every derivational noun in the same
pre(ention E pre(ent 6(erb8 ; -ion 6su!!ix8
obility E obil 6ad7ecti(e8 ; -ity 6su!!ix8
6. Extract from the text above (Therapeutic exercises) all the
derivational adjectives and include them into their corresponding
suffix category:
-ic: therapeutic
-al: !unctional
-ing: resulting
-ed: prolongued
-ive: e!!ecti(e
-ly: daily
-(i)ous: conscious
-able: co!ortable
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
-y: sensory
7. Find the corresponding base forms (nouns, verbs) and the
corresponding suffixes for every adjective in the text:
therapeutic E therapeut 6noun8 ; -ic 6su!!ix8
8. Extract from the text above (Therapeutic exercises) all the
derivational adverbs and include them into their corresponding
suffix category:
-ly: relati(ely
-ally: dynaically
9. Find the corresponding base forms (adjectives) and the
corresponding suffixes for every adverb:
relati(ely E relati(e 6ad7ecti(e8 ; -ly 6su!!ix8
T:,r, ar, 0a/E /1u/2 i/ E/G3i2: t:at :a7, a/ id,/ti-a3 61r0 Fit: t:,ir
-1rr,2.1/di/G 7,r82@
Verbs Nouns
t1 .r,22ur, .r,22ur,
t1 Ru,2ti1/ Ru,2ti1/
t1 ,2ti0at, ,2ti0at,
t1 ,?,r-i2, ,?,r-i2,
Y,t( 210,ti0,2 t:,r, ar, 210, 23iG:t 2.,33i/G di66,r,/-,2 8,tF,,/ t:,
/1u/ a/d it2 -1rr,2.1/di/G 7,r8 t:at -a/ ,a2i3E .a22 u//1ti-,d@
Verbs Nouns
T1 .ra-tis, .ra-tic,
T1 r,2.1/d r,2.1/se
10. Give other examples of nouns that have the same form as their
corresponding verbs and write contexts in which the same word
functions both as a noun and as a verb.
11. Write in the second column the corresponding nouns for the
verbs listed in the first column. The first one has been done for
you as an example:
include inclusionF
<. ,?a0i/, SSSSSSSS
2. .r,2-ri8, SSSSSSSS
N. 1.,rat, SSSSSSSS
4. a22,22 SSSSSSSS
O. d,-id, SSSSSSSS
6. r,tir, SSSSSSSS
*. i/t,r.r,t SSSSSSSS
+. -1/6ir0 SSSSSSSS
;. i0018i3i5, SSSSSSSS
<0. r,:a8i3itat, SSSSSSSS
<<. 2F,33 SSSSSSSS
<2. tr,at SSSSSSSS
<N. di231-at, SSSSSSSS
12. Rewrite the sentences below using the nouns in the second
column (exercise 11) instead of their corresponding verbs. Do not
change the meaning of the sentences:
9t &as ore than (ital to include 3r. 1ean in our clinical study.
3r. 1ean0s inclusion in our clinical study &as ore than (ital.
<. I Fi33 8, a83, t1 t,33 E1u 01r, a6t,r I exaine t:, .ati,/t.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
2. Y1u 2:1u3d /1t taB, t:,2, .i332 i6 t:, d1-t1r, did /1t
prescribe t:,0.
N. T:, 2urG,1/2 operated 1/ t:, i/Aur,d 0a/ i00,diat,3E.
4. A6t,r t:, t:,ra.i2t assesses t:, .ati,/t)2 /,,d2( :, Fi33 a321
decide a 6urt:,r tr,at0,/t.
O. A2 Mr2. Strau22 retires /,?t 01/t:( 2:, Fi33 :a7, 01r, ti0,
61r :,r t:,ra.E.
6. A6t,r t:, d1-t1r interprets t:, r,2u3t2 16 E1ur "'raE2( :,
Fi33 .r18a83E con!ir E1ur /,,d 61r 2urG,rE.
*. To iobilize t:, .ati,/t)2 6ra-tur,d 3,G i2 1/, 16 t:, 6ir2t aid
0,a2ur,2 t1 8, taB,/.
+. Our -3i/i- i2 2.,-ia3i5,d i/ rehabilitating .ati,/t2 F:1
2u66,r,d 2,7,r, i/Auri,2.
;. &:at -a/ I d1 i6 0E a/B3, s&ells 17,r /iG:tT
<0. I -a//1t treat .ati,/t2 Fit:1ut t:,ir 6u33 -1/2,/t a/d
<<. I6 t:, .ati,/t)2 2:1u3d,r is dislocated( a/ ,0,rG,/-E
i/t,r7,/ti1/ i2 /,,d,d.
Recommending different therapeutic exercises
Li2t,/i/G t1 t:, .ati,/t2)-10.3ai/2 a/d 2E0.t102 Fi33 /1r0a33E 8,
61331F,d 8E t:, t:,ra.i2t)2 r,-100a/dati1/2 r,Gardi/G di66,r,/t
t:,ra.,uti- t,-:/iRu,2 a/d ,?,r-i2,2. H,r, ar, 210, ,?a0.3,2 16 2u-:
Bi/,t1t:,ra.E ,?,r-i2,2 t:at t:,ra.i2t2 0aE r,-100,/d t1 t:,ir
Kinetotherapist`s recommandations:
<ou should start &ith a (ery siple relaxation techni.ue.
A deep!breathing exercise &ill help you relax.
*oe massage sessions &ill be good !or your local
*assive stretching exercises &ill lengthen your shortened
<ou can practise these self!stretching exercises as part o!
your hoe exercise progra.
As a gynast. do not !orget to practise your overstretching
+onsidering your long-ter iobilization. you need to
practise strengthening exercises e(ery day.
The best solution !or you to regain your balance is to practise
weight!bearing exercises.
9 recoend you to continue &ith -oint mobili/ation
techni.ues to treat your uscular sti!!ness.
9n treating your spine in7ury. traction techni.ues are a good
13. Translate the above sentences into Romanian and say whether
you are familiar with these exercises; give examples of such types
of exercises.
14. Consider yourself as a kinetotherapist; choose one type of the
exercises above and explain the basic procedure to a colleague-
patient of yours.
15. Consider yourself as a patient with a certain dysfunction (you
can choose one of the symtoms presented in Unit 5) and ask your
colleague-therapist what exercises he would recommend you.
16. Translate into English using the new vocabulary:
<. E2t, 61art, i0.1rta/t 2+i alegi un program de
e.erciii care s+i fie cu adevrat de autor.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
0. $.erciiile de meninere a greutii corporale ar
trebui s nceap cu renvarea sc!imbrii
greutii corporale.
2. Gac vrei s+i corectezi postura corporal
defectuoas ar trebui s ncepi cu e.erciii de
ntrire a musculaturii slbite.
>. $.erciiile de ntindere sunt recomandate
persoanelor n vrst, indivizilor sedentari "i
persoanelor care se refac dup operaii sau o
imobilizare prelungit.
?. *re"terea rezistenei musculare va duce implicit
la mbuntirea tonusului cardiovascular.
A. He!nicile de mobilizare a articulaiilor sunt
folosite n tratarea atrofiei cartilaului articular, a
slbirii ligamentoase, a !ipomobilitii articulare
C. He!nicile de traciune sunt practicate pentru a
se redobndi fle.ibilitatea, fora, rezistena "i
stabilitatea coloanei vertebrale.
D. <oi s+i menii ec!ilibrul timp ndelungat pe o
suprafa ngust "i fiind legat la oc!iF
E. Rezistena muscular nu este intotdeauna
rezultatul antrenamentelor susinute. %rcatul "i
cobortul scrilor ntr+un bloc fr lift, alergatul
dup autobuz sau mersul pe os ne in n form n
fiecare zi.
;@.Hoate capacitile noastre fizice pot fi perturbate
atunci cnd sunt nevoii s fim imobilizai la pat
pentru o perioad prelungit de timp.
THERAPIST-PATIENT DISCOURSE - positioning and handling
the patient
1. Read the following extracts and then solve the tasks that follow
DM17,0,/t2 at a A1i/t are deterined 8E t:, 2:a., 16 t:, arti-u3ar
2ur6a-,2. F1r i/2ta/-,2( t:, 61331Fi/G 017,0,/t2 ar, .122i83, at t:,
2:1u3d,r A1i/t@ flexion a/d extention a81ut t:, tra/27,r2, a?i2 Fit:
t:, 017,0,/t2 1--urri/G i/ t:, 2aGGita3 .3a/,L abduction a/d
adduction a81ut t:, a/t,r1.12t,ri1r a?i2( i/ F:i-: -a2, t:, 017,0,/t
is ade i/ t:, 6r1/ta3 .3a/,L a/d 6i/a33E( rotation a81ut t:, 7,rti-a3
a?i2 i/-3udi/G pronation =0,dia3 r1tati1/> a/d supination =3at,ra3
r1tati1/>( Fit: t:, 017,0,/t 1--urri/G i/ t:, :1ri51/ta3 .3a/,.H
=R. D. Si/,3/iB17 % Atlas o! ,uan Anatoy>
Weight-bearing control and stability
DD,7,31. a8i3itE t1 2:i6t t:, 81dE F,iG:t. I6 t:, .ati,/t -a//1t 8,ar
6u33 F,iG:t( 8,Gi/ i/ t:, .ara33,3 8ar2 Fit: .art 16 t:, F,iG:t 81r/, 1/
t:, :a/d2. T:, .ati,/t 2:i6t2 a/t,ri1r3E( 2id, t1 2id,( a/d 183iRu,3E.
Ma/ua3 r,2i2ta/-, t1 t:, 01ti1/ is added Fit: .r,22ur, aGai/2t t:,
.ati,/t)2 .,37i2.H
To increase flexion of the hip with the knee extended
,and placeentG
D&it: t:, .ati,/t)2 B/,, 6u33E ,?t,/d,d( 2u..1rt t:, .ati,/t)2 31F,r
3,G Fit: E1ur ar0 1r 2:1u3d,r.
Sta8i3i5, t:, 1..12it, ,?tr,0itE a31/G t:, a/t,ri1r a2.,-t 16 t:, t:iG:
Fit: E1ur 1t:,r :a/d 1r a 8,3t 1r Fit: t:, a22i2ta/-, 16 a/1t:,r .,r21/.
&it: t:, B/,, i/ 0a?i0u0 ,?t,/2i1/( 63,? t:, :i. a2 6ar a2 .122i83,.
Alternate position.
K/,,3 1/ t:, 0at a/d .3a-, t:, .ati,/t)2 :,,3 aGai/2t E1ur 2:1u3d,r.
P3a-, 81t: 16 E1ur :a/d2 a31/G t:, a/t,ri1r a2.,-t 16 t:, di2ta3 6,0ur
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
t1 B,,. t:, B/,, ,?t,/d,d.
T:, 1..12it, ,?tr,0itE is stabilized i/ ,?t,/2i1/ 8E a 8,3t 1r t1F,3 a/d
:,3d i/ .3a-, 8E t:, t:,ra.i2t)2 B/,,.H

To increase dorsiflexion of the ankle with the knee extended
,and placeent
DGra2. t:, .ati,/t)2 :,,3 =-a3-a/,u2> Fit: 1/, :a/d.
Sta8i3i5, t:, a/t,ri1r a2.,-t 16 t:, ti8ia Fit: E1ur 1t:,r :a/d.
Pu33 t:, -a3-a/,u2 d1F/Fard Fit: E1ur t:u08 a/d 6i/G,r2 a/d G,/t3E
.u2: u.Fard 1/ t:, :,ad2 16 t:, 0,tatar2a32.H
To increase wrist extension
,and placeent
DPr1/at, t:, 61r,ar0 a/d Gra2. t:, .ati,/t at t:, .a30ar a2.,-t 16 t:,
:a/d. Sta8i3i5, t:, 61r,ar0. T1 3,/Gt:,/ t:, Fri2t 63,?1r2( ,?t,/d t:,
.ati,/t)2 Fri2t( a331Fi/G t:, 6i/G,r2 t1 .a22i7,3E 63,?.
Alternate positionG
Su..1rt t:, .ati,/t)2 61r,ar0 1/ t:, ta83, 8ut a331F t:, :a/d t1 dr1.
17,r t:, ,dG, 16 t:, ta83,. T:,/ .a22i7,3E ,?t,/d t:, Fri2t. T:i2 0aE
8, 01r, -1061rta83, 61r t:, t:,ra.i2t 1r /,-,22arE i6 t:, .ati,/t :a2 a
2,7,r, Fri2t 63,?i1/ -1/tra-tur,.H
=Car13E/ Ki2/,rXLE// A33,/ C138E % Therapeutic Exercise.
Coundations and Techni#ues>
<. E/u0,rat, t:, 017,0,/t2 t:at ar, .122i83, at t:, 2:1u3d,r
2. Na0, t:, tE., 16 t:,ra.,uti- ,?,r-i2, t:at d,a32 Fit:
-1/tr133i/G 81dE F,iG:t.
N. &:at i2 hand placeentT
4. &:i-: .art2 /,,d2 t1 8, 2ta8i3i5,d i/@ :i. 63,?i1/( a/B3,
d1r2i63,?i1/ a/d Fri2t ,?t,/2i1/T
O. &:at 2:1u3d t:, t:,ra.i2t d1 t1 t1 3,/Gt:,/ t:, Fri2t 63,?1r2T
6. &:at i2 r,-100,/d,d i6 t:, .ati,/t :a2 a 2,7,r, Fri2t 63,?i1/
*. &:at 18A,-t2 d1,2 t:, t:,ra.i2t u2, i/ :a/d3i/G t:, .ati,/tT
+. Pair F1rB@ C:112, 1/, 16 t:, 3a2t t:r,, t:,ra.,uti- .r1-,dur,2
a/d i33u2trat, t:,0( r,2.,-ti/G t:, i/di-ati1/2 166,r,d i/ t:,
;. Pair F1rB@ R,.,at t:, ta2B at .1i/t +( t:i2 ti0, Fit: t:,
t:,ra.i2t d,2-ri8i/G t:, .r1-,dur, =i/ :i2 M:,r 1F/ F1rd2>
F:i3, i33u2trati/G it i/ 6r1/t 16 t:, -3a22.
<0. I/7,/t 1/, tE., 16 ,?,r-i2, 61r a -,rtai/ .ur.12,( 6ir2t .ra-ti2,
it Fit: E1ur d,2B0at, a/d t:,/( d,2-ri8, it t1 E1ur audi,/-,.
2. Complete the missing correspondent in the following verb-noun
t1 .r1/at,
t1 2u.i/at,
t1 2ta8i3i5,
t1 3,/Gt:,/
t1 2u..1rt
3. Complete the missing correspondent in the following adjective-
adverb pairs:
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
I/ !/it O F, :a7, a3r,adE i/tr1du-,d t:, i22u, 16 Pa22i7, 1i-, a/d
,?,0.3i6i,d it2 u2, i/ d,a3i/G Fit: .a22i7, 01da3 -1/2tru-ti1/2.
L,ar/i/G :1F t1 u2, t:, .a22i7, 61r02 16 t:, 012t 6r,Ru,/t3E u2,d
7,r8a3 t,/2,2 i2 t:, 18A,-ti7, 16 t:i2 u/it.
A2 a G,/,ra3 ru3,( t:, .a22i7, 71i-, i2 61r0,d 8E .utti/G t:, 7,r8 to
be i/t1 t:, 2a0, t,/2, a2 t:, 7,r8 i/ t:, a-ti7, 71i-, a/d addi/G the
past participle 16 t:, a-ti7, 7,r8. T:, dir,-t 18A,-t 16 t:, a-ti7, 7,r8
8,-10,2 t:, 2u8A,-t 16 t:, .a22i7, 7,r8( F:i3, t:, 2u8A,-t 16 t:, a-ti7,
7,r8 8,-10,2 t:, aG,/t 16 t:, .a22i7, 7,r8.
Therapists 210,ti0,2 hypnotize their patients.
[ [
2u8A,-t dir,-t 18A,-t
The patients are 210,ti0,2 hypnotized by their therapists.
[ [
2u8A,-t aG,/t
Read the chart below to see how the active to passive
transformation works for the main verbal tenses:
Pr,2,/t T,/2,
tr,at a0Mi2Mar, tr,ated
Pr,2,/t T,/2,
i2Mar, being ,?a0i/ed
Pa2t T,/2,
i/Aur,d Fa2MF,r, i/Aured
Pa2t T,/2,
Fa2MF,r, being tra/2.1rted
:a2M:a7, been 61u/d
Pa2t P,r6,-t :ad
:ad been di2-:arGed
Futur, T,/2,
Fi33M2:a33 be i/-3uded
Futur, P,r6,-t Fi33M2:a33 :a7,
Fi33M2:a33 :a7, been :,a3ed
C1/diti1/a3 F1u3d r,-17,r F1u3d be r,-17,red
F1u3d :a7,
F1u3d :a7, been 2a7ed
G,ru/d .ra-ti2i/G being .ra-ti2ed
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive voice of the tense
The range o! otion o! the ankle is restored 6restore 4 %resent Tense
*iple8 by per!oring stretching exercises.
<. T:, a/B3, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =i0018i3i5, % %resent
Tense *iple> i/ a 2:1rt -a2t 61r N t1 4 F,,B2.
2. T:, .ati,/t)2 31F,r 3,G SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =,3,7at, %
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
%resent Tense +ontinuous> /1F.
N. Su--,22i7, F,iG:t'8,ari/G 2tr,22,2 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
=i0.12, % %ast Tense *iple> 1/ t:, 6,,t.
4. T:,2, 6au3tE 611t .12tur,2 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =-au2, %
%resent %er!ect> 8E t:, ,?-,22i7, addu-ti1/ 16 t:, 61r,611t.
O. T:, r,:a8i3itati1/ .r1Gra0 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =2tart %
Cuture Tense *iple> a2 211/ a2 .122i83,.
6. Litt3, ,661rt SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =r,Ruir, % %resent Tense
*iple> t1 0ai/tai/ t:i2 .12iti1/ 61r ,?t,/d,d .,ri1d2.
*. A/B3, a/d 611t 01ti1/2 SSSSSSSS .r,7i1u23E SSSSSSSSSSSS
=.,r61r0 % %ast %er!ect> 8E t:, .ati,/t.
+. T:, 2a0, 01ti1/ SSSS /1F SSSSSSSSSSSS =r,.,at % %resent
Tense +ontinuous> Fit: t:, .ati,/t i/ a3t,r/at, .12iti1/.
;. Ma/E 8a3a/-, a-ti7iti,2 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =.ra-ti2, % %ast
Tense *iple> 8ut Fit:1ut a/E r,2u3t.
<0. Mu2-u3ar ,/dura/-, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =i/-r,a2, % %resent
%er!ect> 8E .,r61r0i/G t:, 2a0, ,?,r-i2,2 61r a r,.,at,d
/u08,r 16 ti0,2.
5. Change the following sentences from Active Voice into Passive
Voice; the underlined direct objects will become the subjects of
the passive sentences:
The patient soeties describes pain !ro uscle spas as a
%ain !ro uscle spas is soeties described as a headache.
<. I6 t:, .ati,/t is experiencing a-ut, i/63a00ati1/( :, 2:1u3d
8, .3a-,d i/ a 3,22 irritati/G .12iti1/.
2. I6 a di2B 3,2i1/ i2 t:, -au2, 16 t:, a-ut, 8a-B .ai/( t:,
t:,ra.i2t will first take 0,a2ur,2 t1 a33,7iat, t:, .ai/.
N. I/AurE 1r d,G,/,rati1/ 16 t:, di2B affects 2.i/a3 0,-:a/i-2 i/
4. T:, .ati,/t Fit: a-ut, di2B 3,2i1/2 has avoided 2itti/G Fit:
t:, :i.2 a/d B/,,2 63,?,d 1r 3,a/i/G 61rFard.
O. T:, .ati,/t needs 8,d r,2t duri/G t:, 6ir2t 2daE2 F:,/
2E0.t102 ar, :iG:3E irrita83,.
6. T:, t:,ra.i2t will instruct t:, .ati,/t t1 a71id 63,?i1/
a-ti7iti,2 t:at i/-r,a2, i/tradi2Ba3 .r,22ur,.
*. I/ 1/, 16 0E .ati,/t2 Fit: 2.1/dE312i2( tra-ti1/ ,?,r-i2,2
t,0.1rari3E relieved t:, .r,22ur,.
+. Ma/E .ati,/t2 have 16t,/ expressed ,01ti1/a3 2tr,22,2 a2
i/-r,a2,d t,/2i1/ i/ t:,ir 3u08ar r,Gi1/.
;. T:, .ati,/t performs ,31/Gati1/ ,?,r-i2,2 1/3E Fit:i/
t13,ra/-, duri/G t:, ,ar3E :,a3i/G .:a2,.
<0. I08a3a/-,2 i/ t:, 2:1u3d,r Gird3, will perpetuate 6au3tE
Positioning and handling the patient
> Pair work
6. Read the following positioning indications to your colleague-
patient who will then illustrate them in front of the classs:
The patient is supine. &ith ars in resting position.
The patient is side-lying. &ith the a!!ected hip up.
The patient is hook-lying.
The patient is cross-sitting.
The patient is heel-sitting.
The patient is on hands and knees.
The patient is prone. &ith hands placed under the shoulders.
The patient is supine. &ith the !oot pointing upright to keep
the hip neutral to rotation.
The patient is sitting. &ith the !orear supported on the
treatent table. &rist o(er the edge o! the table.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
The patient is standing. &ith the hands placed in the lo&-back
Team work
7. Read the following hand placement and stabili/ation procedure
indications to a therapist-patient pair who will then illustrate
them in front of the classs.
/rasp the patient0s &rist &ith your lo&er hand.
%lace your thub on the anterior sur!ace o! the proxial end
o! the cla(icle.
%lace a belt around your shoulder and under the patient0s
thigh to help hold the &eight o! the lo&er extreity.
*upport the patient0s leg &ith the !ingers o! the top hand
under the patient0s knee and the lo&er hand under the heel.
*tabilize the patient0s pel(is &ith the top hand or ar.
*tabilize the patient0s pel(is by !lexing the opposite hip and
holding the thigh &ith the hands. The hip to be obilized is in
resting position.
*itting on a lo& stool. stabilize the leg bet&een your knees
and place one hand on the anterior aspect o! the tibia.
Team work
8. Read the following therapeutic techni.ues to a therapist-patient
pair who will then illustrate them in front of the classs:
%er!or elbo& !lexion and extension &ith the !orear
pronated as &ell as supinated.
Clex the patient0s hip and knee to HI degreesD support the
knee &ith the top hand.
%ull the !oot a&ay !ro the long axis o! the leg in a distal
direction by leaning back&ard.
Clex the elbo& to HI degrees and abduct the shoulder to HI
"otate the huerus by o(ing the !orear like a spoke on a
Clex the patient0s knee until disco!ort is experienced in the
anterior thigh.
9nstruct the patient to arch the back by pressing against the
!loor &ith the back o! the neck and the sacru.
9. Translate into Romanian all the sentences from the exercises 6,
7 and 8 above.
>Pair work
10. One student will be given a hand out containing indications for
a therapeutic exercise. He or she will read the text and then start
illustrating the stages of the exercise. The task for the other
student is to write down the content of the exercise while watching
it. The exercise will be repeated several times. At the end the
teacher or a third student will compare the two texts and
comment on their degree of similarity. Here is an example of a
hand out:
The patient is standing. &ith the hands placed on the shoulders. The
patient bends his body side&ays &ith one hand o(er his head. The
o(eent is repeated three ties !or each side. Then the patient
returns to the initial position.
11. Create your own therapeutic exercises, using the examples
provided in this unit and read them to your colleagues.
12. Translate into English, using the new vocabulary of this unit:
;. <lasai pacientul n poziie de supinaie, cu
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
minile ntinse lateral.
0. <rindei nc!eietura minii pacientului "i rotii+i
2. (ndicai+i apoi pacientului s ncerce s fac
aceea"i mi"care singur.
>. <oziie iniial, pacientul aflat n spriin pe mini
"i genunc!i.
?. (ndicai+i pacientului s+"i menin greutatea
corporal pe mini "i genunc!iul stng "i s+"i
ntind u"or genunc!iul drept n spate.
6. Ireutatea corporal va fi apoi mutat pe mini "i
., G,/u/-:iu3 dr,.t iar .i-i1ru3 2t9/G 7a 6i 4/ti/2.
C. <oziie iniial, pacientul este n poziia stnd pe
clcie. (ndicai+i pacientului s se aplece n fa,
cu capul ntre braele ntinse, pn ce abdomenul
se va odi!ni pe coapsele anterioare.
+. <oziie iniial, pacientul este a"ezat pe+o parte,
pe masa terapeutu3ui( -u -a.u3 .3a2at 3a 0arGi/,a 0,2,i.
E. (ndicai+i pacientului s+"i ntind mna de
deasupra peste cap, lsnd+o s atrne pe lng
mas. <oziia trebuie meninut pentru cteva
;@.=ceea"i mi"care se va repeta pentru braul opus,
cu pacientul a"ezat n poziie simetric.
1. Read the following definitions and match the names of the
disorders listed below with their corresponding definitions:
1. Osteoarthritis
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
3. Ankylosing Spondylitis
4. Osteoporosis
5. Low Back Pain
6. Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis
7. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
A. A 2E2t,0i- i/63a00at1rE di21rd,r a66,-ti/G .ri0ari3E t:, 2.i/a3
-13u0/ a/d t:, 3arG, .,ri.:,ra3 A1i/t2 a/d ,7,/tua33E r,2u3ti/G i/
:ard,/i/G a/d d,61r0itE 16 t:, a66,-t,d 2B,3,t1/.
B. A G,/,ra3i5,d( .r1Gr,22i7, r,du-ti1/ 16 81/, 0a22 a2 81/,
r,21r.ti1/ 1ut2tri.2 81/, 61r0ati1/( -au2i/G 2B,3,ta3 F,aB/,22 a/d
C. A -:r1/i- d,G,/,rati7, di2,a2, .r1-,22 1--urri/G .ri0ari3E i/ t:,
:i.2 a/d B/,,2 a/d -:ara-t,ri5,d 8E d,t,ri1rati1/ 16 t:, A1i/t
-arti3aG,( 61r0ati1/ 16 /,F 81/, i/ 2u8-:1/dra3 ar,a2 a/d A1i/t
0arGi/2( a/d A1i/t :E.,rtr1.:E.
D. MaE 8, -au2,d 8E a 0u2-3, 2.rai/ 1r 2trai/( art:riti2( a tu01r( 1r a
ru.tur,d -arti3aG, di2B 8,tF,,/ 7,rt,8ra,. Ot:,r -au2,2 ar, .11r
.12tur,( 18,2itE( ,/3arG,d .r12tat, G3a/d( 2aGGi/G a8d10i/a3 0u2-3,2(
2itti/G 61r .r131/G,d .,ri1d2 16 ti0,( 1r ,?-,22i7, .:E2i-a3 ,661rt
i/7137i/G t:, 8a-B 0u2-3,2.
E. A ra.id3E .r1Gr,22i7,( d,G,/,rati7, di2,a2, 16 t:, u..,r a/d 31F,r
01t1r /,ur1/2 -:ara-t,ri5,d 8E atr1.:E 16 t:, :a/d2( ar02( 3,G2( a/d(
,7,/tua33E( t:, ,/tir, 81dE. S,7,/tE .,r-,/t 16 i/di7idua32 di, Fit:i/
O E,ar2 16 diaG/12i2.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
F. A -:r1/i- 2E2t,0i- d,G,/,rati7, di2,a2, -:ara-t,ri5,d 8E
i/63a00ati1/ 16 t:, -1//,-ti7, ti22u,2 a/d 0a/i6,2t,d .ri0ari3E i/
a/d ar1u/d .,ri.:,ra3 A1i/t2.
G. A/ i/63a00ati1/ 16 t:, t,/d1/ a/d 3i/i/G 16 t:, t,/d1/ 2:,at:
-:ara-t,ri5,d 8E .ai/ 1/ 017,0,/t 16 t:, a221-iat,d A1i/t.
2. Translate the definitions above into Romanian, using the words
in the glossary:
disorder = dis#uncie, a#eciune, oal
primarily n primul rnd
to %arden = a +ntri
one resorption = resorie osoas
to outstrip = a dep.i, +ntrece
subcondral areas zone subcondrale
ruptured cartilage disk disc cartilaginos rupt
poor posture = postur de#ectuoas
sa""in" $uscles = $u.c%i c'ui, lsai
linin" = +n"ro.are
tendon s%eat% = teac0+n)eli. al tendonului
Ma2t,ri/G 2tr,22',0.:a2i2 i2 1/, 16 t:, B,E2 t1 .r1/1u/-i/G 0u3ti'
2E33a83, 0,di-a3 t,r02. E/G3i2: 0aB,2 u2, 16 a primarily/strong
stress = t:at :a2 t:i2 Gra.:i- 2E0813@ '> .3a-,d 8,61r, t:, 2tr,22,d
2E33a83, a/d 16 a secondary/weaker stress =t:at :a2 t:i2 Gra.:i-
2E0813 > t:at u2ua33E .r,-,d,2 t:, .ri0ari3E 2tr,22( ,2.,-ia33E i/
0u3ti'2E33a83, F1rd2.
circulation ]2^@ BAu'3,i_/ ` a a b a
inflammation ]i/63^'0,i_^/ ` a a b a

0ote % for the following pronounciation exercises each student
should make use of an "nglish dictionary that contains phonetic
3. Place the following two-syllable words in their corresponding
stress-emphasis pattern:2.i/a3( di2,a2,( -13u0/( F,aB/,22( 6ra-tur,(
.r12tat,( 0u2-3,( tu01r( .12tur,( r1tat,( tr,at0,/t( a/B3,( di2-:arG,(
8a/daG,( a-ut,.
first syllable stress second syllable stress
b a a b
spi ' /a3 r1 ' tate
4. Place the following three-syllable words in their corresponding
stress-emphasis pattern: atr1.:E( .r1Gr,22i7,( r,du-ti1/( 2B,3,t1/(
,?-,22i7,( -arti3aG,( 61r0ati1/( di21rd,r( art:riti2( .:E2i-a3( 2E2t,0i-(
3at,ra3( 2-3,r12i2( 2urG,rE( 0a?i0u0( r,2i2ta/-,( ,/dura/-,( ,66,-ti7,.
first syllable stress second syllable stress
b a a a b a
a ' tr1 % .:E 2E2 ' te ' 0i-
5. Place the following four-syllable words in their corresponding
stress-emphasis pattern: 7a--i/at,d( .,ri.:,ra3( 2aturat,d(
.u301/arE( ./,u01/ia( diaG/12i2( ,0,rG,/-E( -10.ati83,( .,/i-i33i/(
d,61r0itE( -ir-u3ati1/( i/d,.,/d,/t( :E.,rtr1.:E( 2.1/dE3iti2(
t,/di/iti2( a8i3itE( r,3a?ati1/( a3t,r/ati7,( -108i/ati1/( 713u/tarE(
.:,/10,/1/( r,2t1rati1/.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
first syllable stress second syllable stress
b a a a a b a a
vac'-i'/a't,d ./,u'mo'/i'a
third syllable stress
a a b a
6. Find the corresponding stress-emphasis pattern for the
following multi-syllable words and draw their graphic
reprezentation: d,G,/,rati7,( d,t,ri1rati1/( i/di7idua3( 12t,1art:riti2(
12t,1.1r12i2( t,/12E/17iti2( a0E1tr1.:i-( -ardi17a2-u3ar(
r,:a8i3itati1/( 0u2-u312B,3,ta3( ,?t,/2i8i3itE( .at:1.:E2i131Gi-.
D,'ge'/,'ra'ti7, a b a a a
Read about the main causes and symptoms of the musculoskeletal
and connective tissue disorders in the following chart:
The disorder Causes Symptoms
1. Osteoarthritis
T:, ,ti131GE i2
u/B/1F/ 8ut i2
8,3i,7,d t1 8,
r,3at,d i/ 210,
FaE t1 aGi/G a/d
G,/,ti-2. M,/ a/d
F10,/ ar, ,Rua33E
a66,-t,d( 8ut t:,
early symptoms@
d,,.( a-:i/G A1i/t .ai/
t:at i2 aGGra7at,d 8E
,?,r-i2, a/d t:at
F1r2,/2 a2 t:, daE
.r1Gr,22,2L 2ti66/,22
61331Fi/G i/a-ti7itE.
midcourse symptoms:
1/2,t i/ 0,/
1--ur2 ,ar3i,r. I/
F10,/( t:,
i/-id,/-, i/-r,a2,2
a6t,r 0,/1.au2,.
r,du-,d A1i/t 01ti1/(
t,/d,r/,22( -r,.itu2(
Grati/G 2,/2ati1/(
63,?i1/ -1/tra-tur,2(
A1i/t ,/3arG,0,/t
late symptoms:
t,/d,r/,22 1/ .a3.ati1/(
.ai/ Fit: .a22i7, ra/G,
16 01ti1/( i/-r,a2, i/
d,Gr,, a/d durati1/ 16
.ai/( A1i/t d,61r0itE
a/d 2u83u?ati1/.
T:, ,ti131GE i2
u/B/1F/ 8ut t:,
di2,a2, i2
16t,/ -:ara-t,ri5,d
a2 a/ aut1i00u/,
di21rd,r( a/d a
6a0i3ia3 3i/B i2
2u2.,-t,dL F10,/
ar, t:r,, ti0,2
01r, 3iB,3E t:a/
0,/ t1 8, a66,-t,d.
early symptoms@
/1/2.,-i6i- 2E0.t102
16 6atiGu,( 0a3ai2,(
31F'Grad, 6,7,r(
a/1r,?ia( F,iG:t 3122.
midcourse symptoms:
t,/d,r/,22( .ai/( a/d
2ti66/,22 i/ a66,-t,d
A1i/t2 =012t 16t,/ t:,
6i/G,r2> t:at 1--ur2 i/ a
8i3at,ra3( 2E00,tri-
.att,r/ a/d 2.r,ad2 t1
t:, Fri2t2( ,381F2(
B/,,2( a/d a/B3,2L
di0i/i2:,d A1i/t
6u/-ti1/L .ar,2t:,2iaL
A1i/t -1/tra-tur,2 a/d
t:, ,?a-t -au2, i2
u/B/1F/. A :iG:,r
t:a/ ,?.,-t,d 3,7,3
16 HLA'B2* ti22u,
a/tiG,/ i2 2,,/ i/
;0c 16 i/di7idua32
Fit: t:, di2,a2,. It
i2 t:r,, t1 61ur
early symptoms@
r,-urr,/t .ai/ i/ t:,
31F,r 8a-B 1r 3arG,
.,ri.:,ra3 A1i/t2L
01r/i/G 2ti66/,22 t:at i2
r,3i,7,d 8E a-ti7itEL
2t11.,d .12tur,L 3i0it,d
01ti1/ 16 3u08ar 2.i/,
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
ti0,2 01r,
-1001/ i/ 0,/
t:a/ i/ F10,/( a/d
1/2,t tE.i-a33E
1--ur2 8,tF,,/ 20
a/d 40 E,ar2 16
1r 3i0it,d ra/G, 16
01ti1/ i/ a66,-t,d
A1i/t2L 6atiGu,L 6,7,rL
a/1r,?iaL F,iG:t 3122L
di0i/i2:,d -:,2t
,?.a/2i1/L r,d( .ai/6u3
late symptoms:
BE.:12i2( 6i?,d 63,?i1/
16 :i.2( 7,rt,8ra3
6ra-tur,2( i0.1t,/-,(
di0i/i2:,d 83add,r a/d
r,-ta3 2,/2ati1/( a/Gi/a(
.,ri-arditi2( .u301/arE
6i8r12i2 =rar,>.
4. Osteoporosis I/ad,Ruat, -a3-iu0
i/taB,( ,ar3E
2,d,/tarE 3i6,'2tE3,(
a 6a0i3ia3 :E2t1rE
16 t:, di2,a2,(
A du33( a-:i/G( -1/2ta/t
.ai/ i/ t:, 81/,2(
.arti-u3ar3E t:, 8a-B
a/d -:,2tL 0u2-3,
2.a20L t:, 2.i/a3
-13u0/ 0a22
di0i/i2:,2( d1r2a3
BE.:12i2 a/d -,r7i-a3
31rd12i2 i/-r,a2,(
3,adi/G t1 0u3ti.3,
-10.r,22i1/ 6ra-tur,2
16 t:, 2.i/, a/d a
r,du-ti1/ i/ :,iG:t.
5. Low Back Pain Mu2-3, 2.rai/ 1r
2trai/( art:riti2( a
tu01r( 1r a
ru.tur,d -arti3aG,
T:, .ai/ 0aE 8,
a--10.a/i,d 8E 0u2-3,
F,aB/,22 1r 2.a202. It
0aE radiat, d1F/ t:,
di2B 8,tF,,/
7,rt,8ra,L .11r
.12tur,( 18,2itE(
,/3arG,d .r12tat,
G3a/d( 2aGGi/G
0u2-3,2( 2itti/G 61r
.r131/G,d .,ri1d2
16 ti0,( 1r
,?-,22i7, .:E2i-a3
,661rt i/7137i/G t:,
8a-B 0u2-3,2.
8a-B 16 1/, 1r 81t:
3,G2( a2 i/ 2-iati-a. It
0aE 8, 2tart,d 1r
i/-r,a2,d 8E -1uG:i/G(
2/,,5i/G( ri2i/G 6r10 a
2,at,d .12iti1/( 3i6ti/G(
2tr,t-:i/G( 8,/di/G( 1r
6. Tendinitis and
017,0,/t2( 2trai/(
1r ,?-,22i7,(
2E2t,0i- di2,a2,
art:riti2( G1ut(
2-3,r12i2>L 0idd3,'
aG,d a/d 13d,r
adu3t2 a/d at:3,t,2
1r i/di7idua32 Fit:
r,Ruiri/G r,.,titi7,
01ti1/ ar, at
Gr,at,2t ri2B.
T:, i/7137,d t,/d1/2
u2ua33E 2:1F 7i2i83,
2F,33i/GL t:, A1i/t 0aE
8, t,/d,r a/d :1t t1 t:,
t1u-:L 01ti1/ 16 t:,
A1i/t -au2,2 .ai/.
Lateral Sclerosis
T:, ,ti131GE 16
a0E1tr1.:i- 3at,ra3
2-3,r12i2 =ALS> i2
u/B/1F/( 8ut
i/-3ud, G,/,ti-2(
di2tur8a/-,2( a/d
early symptoms:
F,aB/,22( -ra0.2 i/
t:, :a/d2 a/d 61r,ar02.
midcourse symptoms:
6atiGu,L dE2./,aL
23urr,d 2.,,-:L
dE2.:aGiaL a2E00,tri-
2.r,ad 16 0u2-3,
F,aB/,22 t1 t:, r,2t 16
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
,?t,r/a3 aG,/t2. t:, 81dEL 2.a2ti-itEL
:E.,ra-ti7, d,,.
t,/d1/ a/d ,?t,/21r
.3a/tar r,63,?,2.
late symptoms:
.ara3E2i2 16 71-a3
-1rd2L .ara3E2i2 16 -:,2t
0u2-3,2( /,-,22itati/G
7,/ti3at1rE 2u..1rt.
>Pair work
7. Check if your deskmate has attentively read the chart by asking
him/her questions like these:
-hat are the ain causes o! lo& back pain2
-hat are the early syptos in Ayotrophic )ateral
-hat are the late syptos in Ankylosing *pondylitis2
The sypto o! &hich disease is the (isible s&elling o!
-hich parts o! the body are a!!ected by pain in Ankylosing
9n &hich diseases does sti!!ness a!!ect (arious parts o! the
Take turns in asking and answering various questions.
8. Extract or create sentences using the chart above and ask your
deskmate to say if they are true or false.
Athlets or indi(iduals &ith occupations re#uiring repetiti(e
o(eents are (ery likely to su!!er !ro Tendinitis and Tenosyno(itis.
J &rue
3en are three ties ore likely than &oen to be a!!ected by
"heuatoid Arthritis. J 1alse
9. Translate the content of the chart above using a medical
10. Match the disorders in the first column with their
corresponding therapeutic exercises in the second column. Check
the symptoms in the chart above so as to make the appropriate
choice of the therapeutic exercises:
The disorder Therapeutic exercises
1. Osteoarthritis
a. T:,ra.E a/d ,?,r-i2, t1 i/-r,a2,
ra/G, 16 01ti1/( 2tr,/Gt:( a/d
,/dura/-,L 8a3a/-, 16 a-ti7itE a/d r,2tL
2.3i/t2( -a/,2( Fa3B,r2 t1 aid 018i3itEL
01i2t -10.r,22,2( .ara66i/ G317,2 t1
r,du-, .ai/ a/d ,d,0a.
2. Rheumatoid
8. T:, .ati,/t 2:1u3d 23,,. 1/ a 6ir0
0attr,22 Fit: t:, B/,,2 63,?,d a/d
2u..1rt,d. Pai/ Bi33,r2( 0u2-3,
r,3a?a/t2( a/d tra/Rui3i5,r2 0aE :,3.(
a2 0aE a..3Ei/G drE 1r 01i2t :,at.
&:,/ t:, .ai/ 2u82id,2( t:, .ati,/t
0aE i/-r,a2, a-ti7itE i6 6atiGu, i2
a71id,d. A -1r2,t 1r 8a-B 8ra-, 0aE 8,
r,Ruir,d. T:, .ati,/t 2:1u3d u2, a
2traiG:t'8a-B,d -:air a/d /1t -r122 1r
,?t,/d t:, 3,G2.
-. M1i2t :,at -10.r,22,2 t1 A1i/tL r,2t
16 A1i/t Fit: -1/tr133,d .r1Gr,22i7,
,?,r-i2, .r1Gra0.
4. Osteoporosis
d. P:E2i-a3 t:,ra.E( ,?,r-i2,( .12tura3
trai/i/GL tra-ti1/M8a-B 8ra-, i/ 2.,-ia3
5. Low Back Pain
,. P:E2i-a3 t:,ra.E t1 0ai/tai/ 0u2-3,
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
2tr,/Gt:L 1--u.ati1/a3 t:,ra.E 61r
a-ti7itE 16 dai3E 3i7i/G 2u..1rtL 2.,,-:
t:,ra.E t1 aid -100u/i-ati1/L 2.3i/t2
61r /,utra3 A1i/t a3iG/0,/tL 3,G 8ra-,2(
-a/,2( Fa3B,r2 t1 aid a08u3ati1/.
6. Tendinitis and
6. ExerciseG i210,tri-( i21t1/i-(
i21Bi/,ti-( 2tr,/Gt:,/i/G( 2tr,t-:i/G(
ra/G, 16 01ti1/( 8a3a/-, ,?,r-i2,L r,2tL
0a22aG,( 01i2t :,at 61r .ai/L ,3a2ti-
8a/daG,2 61r 2u..1rtL -a/,2( Fa3B,r2 t1
aid 018i3itE. A71id@ 216t -:air2(
r,-3i/,r2( .i331F2 u/d,r B/,,2L u2, 6ir0
8,d a/d :ard -:air2L F,ar 2turdE(
31F:,,3,d 2:1,2.
7. Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis
G. C1/2i2t,/t ,?,r-i2, r,Gi0,/(
i/-3udi/G F,iG:t'8,ari/G
:E.,r,?t,/2i1/ a/d r,2i2ta/-, ,?,r-i2,2
t1 231F -a3-iu0 3122 a/d 2tr,/Gt:,/
0u2-u3atur,L :,at a/d 0a22aG, 61r
0u2-3, 2.a20L 1rt:1.,di- 2u..1rt2 61r
8a-B a/d /,-B t1 .r,7,/t 2tr,22
> Pair work
11. Consider yourself as a kinetotherapist and choose the best way
to recommand the corresponding therapeutic exercises to your
colleague - patient who may ask you many questions regarding the
duration, the difficulty and the expected results of such an
exercise programme. Use the charts with medical information,
symptoms and treatments above. Here are some examples to help
&herapist2s recommandations#
+onsidering your aggra(ated 7oint pain and your sti!!ness
!ollo&ing inacti(ity. it is to your best interest that you should
start these therapeutic exercises.
9 do not &ant to put any pressure on you. but 9 do belie(e that
you should consider starting your physical therapy as soon as
<our lo& back pain no& radiates do&n the back o! both your
legs. And as things are not getting better. you should really
take soe urgent easures and start your therapy.
*atient2s .uestions#
9n &hat &ay &ill y general condition be ipro(ed a!ter
starting these therapeutic exercises2
,o& long &ill this therapy be and ho& any sessions a &eek
are necessary2
-ill this therapy be pain!ul2 ,o& di!!icult are the exercises2
1o 9 ha(e to ake any changes in y diet or in y daily
-ill this short-ter therapy pre(ent the disease !ro getting
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
1. Read the following text, consult the glossary below and
translate the text into Romanian:
DPosture i2 a .12iti1/ 1r attitud, 16 t:, 81dE( t:, r,3ati7, arra/G,0,/t
16 81dE .art2 61r a 2.,-i6i- a-ti7itE( 1r a -:ara-t,ri2ti- 0a//,r 16
8,ari/G 1/,)2 81dE.
A postural fault i2 a .12tur, t:at d,7iat,2 6r10 /1r0a3 a3iG/0,/t 8ut
:a2 /1 2tru-tura3 3i0itati1/2. T:, postural pain symdrome r,6,r2 t1
t:, .ai/ t:at 1--ur2 6r10 0,-:a/i-a3 2tr,22 F:,/ a .,r21/ 0ai/tai/2 a
6au3tE .12tur, 61r a .r131/Gu,d .,ri1dL t:, .ai/ i2 u2ua33E r,3i,7,d
Fit: a-ti7itE. T:,r, ar, /1 a8/1r0a3iti,2 i/ 0u2-3, 2tr,/Gt: 1r
63,?i8i3itE( 8ut i6 t:, 6au3tE .12tur, -1/ti/u,2( 2tr,/Gt: a/d 63,?i8i3itE
i08a3a/-,2 Fi33 ,7,/tua33E d,7,31..
Lordotic posture
T:i2 .12tur, i2 -:ara-t,ri5,d 8E a/ i/-r,a2, i/ t:, 3u0812a-ra3 a/G3,(
a/ i/-r,a2, i/ t:, 3u08ar 31rd12i2( a/d a/ i/-r,a2, i/ t:, a/t,ri1r
.,37i- ti3t a/d :i. 63,?i1/. T:i2 i2 16t,/ 2,,/ Fit: a/ i/-r,a2,d
t:1ra-i- BE.:12i2 a/d 61rFard :,ad a/d i2 -a33,d a kypholordotic
Relaxed or slouched posture
T:i2 .12tur, i2 a321 -a33,d swayback. T:, ,/tir, .,37i- 2,G0,/t i2
2:i6t,d a/t,ri1r3E( r,2u3ti/G i/ :i. ,?t,/2i1/ a/d t:, t:1ra-i- 2,G0,/t
i2 2:i6t,d .12t,ri1r3E( r,2u3ti/G i/ 63,?i1/ 16 t:, t:1ra? 1/ t:, u..,r
3u08ar 2.i/,. T:i2 r,2u3t2 i/ a/ i/-r,a2,d 31rd12i2 i/ t:, 31F,r 3u08ar
r,Gi1/( a/ i/-r,a2,d BE.:12i2 i/ t:, 31F,r t:1ra-i- r,Gi1/( a/d u2ua33E
a 61rFard :,ad. &:,/ 2ta/di/G 61r .r131/Gu,d .,ri1d2( t:, .,r21/
u2ua33E a22u0,2 a/ a2E00,tri- 2ta/-, i/ F:i-: 012t 16 t:, F,iG:t i2
81r/, 1/ 1/, 31F,r ,?tr,0itE( Fit: .,ri1di- 2:i6ti/G 16 F,iG:t t1 t:,
1..12it, ,?tr,0itE.
Flat low-back posture
T:i2 .12tur, i2 -:ara-t,ri5,d 8E a d,-r,a2,d 3u0812a-ra3 a/G3,( a
d,-r,a2,d 3u08ar 31rd12i2( :i. ,?t,/2i1/( a/d a .12t,ri1r ti3ti/G 16 t:,
Flat upper back posture
T:i2 .12tur, i2 -:ara-t,ri5,d 8E a d,-r,a2, i/ t:, t:1ra-i- -ur7,(
d,.r,22,d 2-a.u3a,( d,.r,22,d -3a7i-3,( a/d a 63at'/,-B .12tur,. It i2
a221-iat,d Fit: a/ ,?aGG,rat,d 0i3itarE .12tur, 8ut i2 /1t a -1001/
.12tura3 d,7iati1/.
It i2 /1t /1r0a3 61r a .,r21/ t1 a3FaE2 0ai/tai/ G11d .12tur,.
T:,r,61r,( t:, .ati,/t 2:1u3d 8, i/2tru-t,d t1 u2, -u,2 t:r1uG:1ut t:,
daE t1 -:,-B .12tur,. F1r ,?a0.3,( t:, .ati,/t -a/ 8, i/2tru-t,d t1
-:,-B t:, .12tur, ,7,rE ti0, :, 1r 2:, Fa3B2 .a2t a 0irr1r( Fait2 at a
r,d 3iG:t F:i3, dri7i/G a -ar( 2it2 d1F/ 61r a 0,a3( ,/t,r2 a r110( 1r
8,Gi/2 ta3Bi/G Fit: 210,1/,. I6 t:, .ati,/t 8,-10,2 aFar, 16 :i2M:,r
dai3E r1uti/,2( t:,E -a/ 8, u2,d a2 r,0i/d,r2 t1 .ra-ti2, 0ai/tai/i/G a
G11d .12tur,.H
=Car13E/ Ki2/,rXLE// A33,/ C138E % Therapeutic Exercise.
Coundations and Techni#ues>
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
to ear one1s od& = a-.i susine corpul
postural fault defect postural
$ec%anical stress = solicitare $ecanic
imbalance dezechilibru
e)entuall& = +n cele din ur$
pel)ic tilt = +nclinare0aplecare pel)ian
#or*ard %ead = cap +$pins ctre anterior
to slouch a se grbovi. cocrja
swayback nclinare spre spate
to shift a deplasa, schimba
stance = po'iie, postur
bear, bore, borne a purta, a duce
#lat lo*-ac! posture = postur aplati'at a 'onei
in#erioare a spatelui
#lat upper-ac! posture = postur aplati'at a
'onei superioare a spatelui
t%oracic cur)e = curur toracic
depressed scapulae = o$oplai c'ui, lsai
flat-neck gt ntins
cues indicii
t%rou"%out t%e da& = pe toat durata 'ilei
2. Check your reading comprehension by solving the following
<. A6t,r r,adi/G a81ut t:, 61ur 6au3tE .12tur,2( trE d,01/2trati/G
,a-: 16 t:,0 i/ 6r1/t 16 t:, -3a22r110.
2. D,6i/, i/ E1ur 1F/ F1rd2 F:at a postural !ault i2.
N. &:,/ d1,2 postural pain syndroe 1--urT
4. &:at :a..,/2 i6 a .ati,/t -1/ti/u,2 t1 0ai/tai/ a 6au3tE
O. &:at ar, t:, 7i2i83, 2iG/2 16 kypholordotic postureT
6. &:at .12tura3 :a8it d1,2 t:, 231u-:,d .ati,/t 0a/i6,2t F:i3,
*. &:at ar, t:, -:ara-t,ri2ti-2 16 63at u..,r'8a-B .12tur,T
+. &:at 0,t:1d2 -a/ a .ati,/t u2, t1 -1rr,-t a 6au3tE .12tur,T
;. &:at ar, t:, -au2,2 16 6au3tE .12tur,2( i/ E1ur 1.i/i1/T
<0. H1F d1 E1u -1rr,-t E1ur 6au3tE .12tur,2 F:,/ E1u 8,-10,
aFar, 16 t:,0T
C1/diti1/a3 -3au2,2 -1/2i2t 16 tF1 .art2@ t:, 2u81rdi/at, -3au2, 1r t:,
if'-3au2, a/d t:, 0ai/ -3au2,. T:,r, ar, t:r,, 0ai/ tE.,2 16
-1/diti1/a3 -3au2,2 a/d 7ari1u2 0i?,d tE.,2. Ea-: tE., i2 u2,d t1
,?.r,22 di66,r,/t r,a3Mu/r,a3( .r,2,/tM.a2t -1/diti1/2( u2i/G -,rtai/
.air2 16 t,/2,2. T:,r, ar, a321 0a/E ,?-,.ti1/2 6r10 ,a-: tE., 8ut
2tud,/t2 d,a3i/G Fit: -1/diti1/a32 61r t:, 6ir2t ti0, 2:1u3d 2i0.3E
-1/-,/trat, 1/ t:, 8a2i- ru3,2 t:at Fi33 8, .r,2,/t,d i/ t:, 61331Fi/G
Types If-clause Main clause Meaning
Type I Present tense
9! the !aulty posture
Present tense
9! the pain
Present tense
9! you get tired,
Future tense
ibalances will
Modal verbs
the patient
must,should see
a doctor.
take a break and
then start again.
present or
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
Type II Past tense
9! 9 were you.
9! he had ore tie.
9! she did &hat the
doctor says.
could + short
should infinitive
9 would try the
ne& procedure.
he could come to
his sessions.
she might have a
chance to a(oid
present or
unlikely to
TypeIII Past perfect
9! 9 had known
anything about !irst
9! you had practised
your therapeutic
could + have +
should past
might participle
9 could have
helped the
in7ured cyclist.
you would have
felt better.
wishes to
change the
3. Fill in the gaps with the verbal constructions in the box to
complete the following conditional clauses:
0aE 2i0.3E di2a..,ar 8,Gi/2 2:1u3d G,t u.
F1u3d /1t :a7, 6,3t B/,F -a//1t r,3a?
:ad .,r61r0,d i2 -:,-B -1u3d -1/tr13
<. I6 t:, .ati,/t KKKKK. t1 6,,3 di2-1061rt( a2B :i0 t1
-1rr,t t:, 6au3tE .12tur,.
2. I6 E1u F,r, a83, t1 /1ti-, F:at .12tur, -au2,2 E1ur 31F 8a-B
.ai/( E1u KKKKKKKK it.
N. I6 E1u 01di6E E1ur 23,,.i/G .12tur,( E1ur 01r/i/G .ai/2
4. I6 :, KKKKKK. :i2 r,3a?ati1/ ,?,r-i2,2( :, F1u3d /1t
:a7, G1t 2ti66'/,-B,d.
O. I6 E1u ar, ,?.,ri,/-i/G a/E .ai/( KKKK. .12tur,.
6. I6 E1u :a7, a 2,d,/tarE A18( E1u KKKKK.. a/d Fa3B ,7,rE
*. I6 t:, 0attr,22 KK.. t11 216t( t:, .ati,/t 2aG2 a/d 2tr,22,2
+. I6 t:, 0attr,22 i2 t11 6ir0( 210, .ati,/t2 KKKKKK.
;. I6 2:, :ad 23,.t i/ a -1061rta83, 8,d( 2:,
KKKKKKKK.. 21 tir,d i/ t:, 01r/i/G.
<0. I6 I KKKK F:at 0E id,a3 23,,.i/G .12tur, i2( I F1u3d /1t
:,2itat, t1 i00,diat,3E ad1.t it.
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
a> I 0,t 0E Fi6, i/ :12.ita3 t,/ E,ar2 aG1. I :ad 6a33,/
1/ i-, a/d 8r1B,/ 0E 3,G. S:, Fa2 a /ur2, i/ 0E
1rt:1.a,di-2 Fard. $u2t i0aGi/,d I6 I =<>KKKK..
=/1t 6a33> 1/ i-, a/d =2> KKKKK. =/1t 8raB,> 0E
3,G( I =N> KKKKKKK. =/,7,r 0,,t> :,r. S1 I
-1u3d 2aE t:at t:,r, i2 /1t:i/G 21 8ad a2 /1t t1 8,
G11d 61r 210,t:i/G.
8> I6 t:i2 d,2B :,iG:t =4> KKKK =8,> ad,Ruat,( I =O>
KKKKKKK. =/1t :a7, t1> 3,a/ 17,r 0E F1rB.
ME 8a-B i2 Bi33i/G 0,d N1t t1 0,/ti1/ t:, -:aird I6 it
=6> KK.. =/1t 8,> 21 :iG:( 0E 6,,t =*> KKKKK.
=r,2t> -1061rta83E 1/ t:, 6311r. I 2:1u3d -10.3ai/
a81ut a33 t:,2, t1 1ur .,r21//,3 0a/aG,r. I6 01r,
,0.31E,,2 =+> KKKK.. =,?.r,22> t:,ir -10.3ai/t2(
210, 0,a2ur,2 =;> KKKKKKKK. =.a22i7, %
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
-> Y1u B/1F F:at t:,E 2aE( t:at it a33 :a..,/2 61r a
r,a21/K TaB, 0E ,?a0.3,. I6 =<0> KKKKK..
=.a22i7, % /1t 8,> i/Aur,d i/ t:at -ar a--id,/t 3a2t
E,ar( I =<<> KKKKK =a--,.t> t:at A18 166,r i/
Pari2. But :,r, I a0 /1FK F1rBi/G i/ t:i2
r,:a8i3itati1/ -3i/i-K I6 .,1.3, =<2> KKK =B/1F>
:1F t1 d,a3 Fit: t:,ir di2a8i3iti,2( t:,E =<N>
KKKKK. =8, a83,> t1 a--,.t t:,0 01r, ,a2i3E.
5. Rewrite the following sentences, using an if construction:
a8 The patient su!!ers !ro osteoporosis. Then. he &ill need
physical therapy. exercise and postural training.
5f the patient suffers from osteoporosis, then he will need
physical therapy, exercise and postural training.
b8 The patient did not sleep on a !ir attress. ,e had to take pain
killers and uscle relaxants !or his poor back.
5f the patient had slept on a firm mattres, he would not have had to
take pain killers and muscle relaxants for his poor back.
<. T:i2 i/AurE i2 2,7,r,. T:at i2 F:E t:, .ati,/t 0aE ru/ t:, ri2B
16 .ara3E2i2.
2. H, G1t i/Aur,d i/ a 611t8a33 0at-:. H, :ad :i2 3,6t 3,G 8r1B,/.
N. I F1rB,d :ard t1 6i/i2: 0E 2-i,/-, .r1A,-t. I :ad 0i3d 31F
8a-B .ai/ 61r a F,,B a6t,r.
4. ME 01t:,r :a2 a 31F r,2i2ta/-,. S:, -at-:,2 di2,a2,2 7,rE
O. T:, 13d 0a/ G1t .a/i-'2triB,/. Hi2 :,art 2tart,d 8,ati/G 01r,
6. H, :a2 t:, 2urG,rE riG:t /1F. T:, -:a/-,2 16 2u--,22 0aE
i/-r,a2, t1 a81ut 20c.
*. T:, i/6,-ti1/ 2.r,ad. T:at i2 F:E :, /,,d,d t:at urG,/t
+. T:, diaG/12i2 i2 -1rr,-t. T:, 6a0i3E Fi33 :a7, t1 ,7a3uat, t:,ir
;. Y1u d1 /1t 2.,/d ,/1uG: ti0, r,3a?i/G. T:at i2 F:E E1u ar,
a3FaE2 -10.3ai/G a81ut 8,i/G tir,d.
<0. T:,2, t:,ra.,uti- ,?,r-i2,2 ar, t1 8, .ra-ti2,d ,7,rE daE.
T:,E .r,7,/t t:, .ati,/t)2 -1/diti1/ 6r10 G,tti/G F1r2,.
6. Translate the following conditional sentences into English:
;. Gac practici aceste e.erciii regulat, vei dobndi
fle.ibilitatea "i rezistena necesare pentru
meninerea stabilitii spinale.
0. Gac vrei s+i u"urezi acest durere acut,
trebuie n primul rnd s+i modifici obiceiurile
2. Ju poi obine stabilitate postural dac nu nvei
s+i controlezi greutatea corporal.
>. Gac a" fi "tiut c oboseala muscular mre"te
riscul de accidentare, nu m+a" mai fi antrenat
att de mult.
?. Gac e"ti obosit "i te simi mult mai ntr+o
poziie grbovit, corecteaz+i imediat aceast
tendin nesntoas.
A. Gac persistai n a v menine defectele
posturale pentru mult timp, aceasta va duce la
slbire muscular "i la rezisten muscular
C. Gac meseria v solicit s stai aplecai pentru
perioade ndelungate de timp, nu uitai s facei
o pauz scurt din or+n or "i s v facei
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
e.erciiile de ntindere.
D. Gac pacienii ar fi mai con"tieni de programul
lor de mi"cri sigure, nu le+ar mai fi team de o
nou accidentare.
E. Gac un pacient cu !andicap fizic vrea s fie
independent, el va trebui s nvee cum s+"i
modifice mediul nconurtor, patul, scaunele,
scaunul din ma"in, locul de munc etc.
;@.Gac pacienii doresc ca programul lor de
e.erciii s fie eficient, ar trebui s cunoas mai
nti foarte bine te!nicile posturale "i numai apoi
s le "i e.ecute.
Improving communication
7. Insert the sentences below in their corresponding semantic

1o you see y point2J'.6+,E+K9>/ 9C T,E %AT9E>T /=T T,E
K. )ean back&ard and hold the stretchL
M. 1id you get it right2
N. 9s this too di!!icult !or you2
O. 90 right here i! you need eL
P. 1on0t &orryL 90ll keep an eye on youL
Q. <ou can do itL /i(e it another tryL
A. >eed 9 say this again2
R. <ou ha(e to trust e on thisL
H. ,a(e the craps gone a&ay no&2
KI. )ean !or&ard. resting your abdoen on the anterior thighs.
KK. 1oes this ake any sense to you2
KM. 1on0t hesitate to ask !or y helpL
KN. <ou had to deal &ith &orse than this be!oreL
KO. +an you anage practising this exercise by yoursel! no&2
KP. <ou ha(e to take y &ord !or itL
KQ. Are you &ith e on this2
KA. 1on0t gi(e upL =ne ore tryL
KR. ,a(e you experienced any uscle spass during this
KH. 'end your trunk laterally and hold the position.
MI. 1id you take y hint2
MK. 9! you need a helping hand@ 90 not going any&hereL
MM. 1o your bestL 9t0s &orth tryingL
MN. 1oes it still hurt &hen you !lex your knee2
MO. <ou &ill ha(e to learn to trust e.
MP. Tuck in your chin and li!t your head.
MQ. 1id you get y essage2
MA. 1o you still !eel pins and needles in your !eet2
MR. 9 gi(e you y &ord on thisL 1on0t you doubt itL
MH. )i!t both ars siultaneously.
NI. Are your !ingers still nub no&2
8. Create your own therapist-patient dialogues using the semantic
classes above and the examples provided for each class. Follow the
logical order of asking questions (first the instructions, then the
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
checking part and so on so forth).
9. Read the following types of dialogues and match them with
their corresponding titles:
1. Fixing an appointment
2. Changing an apointment
3. Returning a call
4. Taking a family history
5. Taking a social history
6. Examining a patient
1r. ThosonG -ell. are you arried2
3r. *ti!!G <es. o! course. &ho isn0t 2
1r. ThosonG 1o you ha(e any children2
3r.*ti!!G <es. but they are no longer li(ing &ith us.
1r. ThosonG -hat about your parents2 Are they in good health2
3r. *ti!!G 3y other died last year. 'one cancer. And y !ather
su!!ers !ro osteoarthritis.
1r. ThosonG 90 sorry to hear that.
*ecretaryG -ilkinson "ehabilitation +entre. ,ello. ay 9 help you2
3r. BonesG <es. hello. 9 a calling to !ix an appointent. to see 1r.
*ecretaryG "ight. )et e check his schedule. Er@ ho& about MPth o!
3r. BonesG =h. 9 0 a!raid it is a bit late. 9 ha(e an urgent atter. you
*ecretaryG -ell. &hat about MKst o! *epteber. at KK a..2
3r. BonesG =h. that0s better. thank you.
*ecretaryG +all us. please. in case you can0t ake it.
3r. BonesG Thank you. it &ould not be the case.
1r. "ichardsG +ould you 7ust take o!! your clothes so that 9 can
exaine you2
3r. *pikeG =kay. 9 ha(e done this any ties@
1r. "ichardsG -ould you. please. lie !lat on the couch !or a !e&
inutes2 +an you no& sho& e &here it hurts2
3r. *pikeG "ight here. in y le!t thigh.
1r. "ichardsG +an you raise your le!t leg !or e2 And hold it !or a
second2 1oes it hurt &hen you rotate it2
3r. *pikeG A little bit. &hen 9 return to the initial position.
3rs. *lenderG ,ello. 1r. -alsh2
1r. -alshG *peaking.
3rs. *lenderG Ah. 3rs. *lender here.
1r. -alshG <es. hello. 3rs. *lender. 9t is good that you returned y
3rs. *lenderG 9s there anything &rong. doctor2
1r. -alshG >o. nothing to &orry about. 9 ha(e 7ust recei(ed your ?-
rays and it looks that your ankle is not broken. but 7ust sprained.
3rs. *lenderG =h. &hat a relie!L
1r. -alshG %lease. coe to see e toorro& and &e0ll discuss ore
about it.
*ecretaryG -ilkinson "ehabilitation +entre. ,ello. ay 9 help you2
3r. BonesG <es. hello. 90 Bones. 9 called you a couple o! days ago@
*ecretaryG <es. 3r. Bones. -hat can 9 do !or you2
3r. BonesG 9t is about y appointent. 9 &on0t be able to ake it. 9
&onder i! &e could possibly o(e it to the MPth o! *epteber2
*ecretaryG Cirst o! all. 3r. Bones. you change your appointent at
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
short notice and then you &ant to !ix the day !or your !uture
3r. BonesG 90 (ery sorry i! 9 ha(e cause you any incon(enience.
*hall 9 call back another tie2
*ecretaryG -e ha(e your phone nuber and i! soeone cancels an
appointent &e0ll let you kno&.
3r. BonesG Thank you !or your trouble.
1r. ThosonG <es. you are still &orking. isn0t it2
3r. *ti!!G <es. t&o ore years till y retireent.
1r. ThosonG ,a(e you pushed yoursel! too hard lately2
3r. *ti!!G <ou kno& ho& things are. 9 a no longer young and keeping
up &ith the ne&ly hired @@
1r. ThosonG -hat about your &orking hours2 ,a(e you considered
&orking part-tie2
3r. *ti!!G 90 a!raid this is not an option in y !ield.
1r. ThosonG Then. 9 hate to bring you the bad ne&s. but you should
consider retiring@. =ther&ise@..
YZ Pair work
10. Create your own dialogues, starting from the following titles:
5ntroductory dialogues, &he first examination, *rogramming the
first session, 3ecommending a better treatment, *roposing a new
experimental programme, "xplaining how the devices work, How to
focus your effort, 8ealing with home exercises programme, etc.
1. Complete the following sentences using the nouns in the box:
dislocation muscular dystrophy fracture
cartilage spinal column joints
balance cardiovascular disease
postural fault range of motion exercise
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
<. T:, KKKKKK.. i2 0ad, u. 16 NN 7,rt,8ra, t:at ar,
2,.arat,d 8E 2.1/GE di2B2 a/d .r1t,-t2 t:, 2.i/a3 -1rd t:at
ru/2 i/2id, 16 it a01/G 1t:,r t:i/G2.
2. T:, -1//,-ti1/2 8,tF,,/ 81/,2 ar, -a33,d KKKK ,a-:
8,i/G -3a22i6i,d a--1rdi/G t1 2tru-tur, a/d 017a8i3itE a2
6i8r1u2( -arti3aGi/1u2( 1r 2E/17ia3.
N. T:, KKKKKK.. i2 a ti22u, 0ad, 16 -,332 a/d 6i8,r2( t:at
-1//,-t2 a/d 2u..1rt2. It i2 61u/d 012t3E i/ t:, A1i/t2( t:,
-:,2t( a/d 2ti66 tu8,2 16 a33 21rt2( a2 t:, 71i-,81? =3arE/?>(
Fi/d.i., =tra-:,a>( /12,( a/d ,ar.
4. I/ a33 61r02 16 KKKKKKKK t:,r, i2 a 231F 3122 16
2tr,/Gt: Fit: i/-r,a2i/G di2a8i3itE a/d d,61r0itE.
O. KKKKKK i2 t:, di2.3a-,0,/t 16 a/E .art 16 t:, 81dE
6r10 it2 /1r0a3 .12iti1/L t:i2 a..3i,2 012t 16t,/ t1 a 81/,
017,d 6r10 it2 /1r0a3 .12iti1/ Fit: a A1i/t.
6. A KKKKKK i2 a/ i/AurE t1 a 81/, i/ F:i-: t:, ti22u, 16
t:, 81/, i2 8r1B,/.
*. A KKKKKKKKKK.. 0aE -au2, .r183,02 Fit: t:,
:,art a/d 8311d 7,22,32.
+. KKKKKK.. r,6,r2 t1 t:, a8i3itE t1 0ai/tai/ t:, -,/t,r 16
Gra7itE 17,r t:, 8a2, 16 2u..1rt( u2ua33E F:i3, i/ a/ u.riG:t
;. KKKKKKKKK.. a/E 81dE a-ti1/ i/7137i/G t:,
0u2-3,2( A1i/t2( a/d 017,0,/t2 i/ /atura3 dir,-ti1/2 16 ar02
a/d 3,G2.
<0. A KKKKKKKK i2 a .12tur, t:at d,7iat,2 6r10 /1r0a3
a3iG/0,/t 8ut :a2 /1 2tru-tura3 3i0itati1/2.

2. Choose the right version that best completes the sentence:
<. B,i/G .3a-,d i/ a 2u.i/, .12iti1/ 0,a/2@
a> 3Ei/G 63at 1r 6a-, d1F/Fard2L
8> 3Ei/G 1r r,2ti/G 1/ t:, 8a-B( Fit: t:, 6a-,( .a30( ,t-
-> 2itti/G -r122'3,GG,dL
d> 2id,'3Ei/G( Fit: 1/, ar0 u..
2. T1 addu-t t:, ar0 0,a/2@
a> t1 draF 1r .u33 t:, ar0 t1Fard2 t:, 0,dia/ a?i2 16 t:,
8> t1 63,? a/d ,31/Gat, t:, ar0 2u--,22i7,3EL
-> t1 .u33 aFaE t:, ar0 6r10 t:, 0,dia/ a?i2 16 t:,
d> t1 tur/ t:, ar0 ar1u/d it2 1F/ a?i2.
N. KKKKKKK.. i2 a G,/,ra3i5,d( .r1Gr,22i7, r,du-ti1/ 16
81/, 0a22 a2 81/, r,21r.ti1/ 1ut2tri.2 81/, 61r0ati1/(
-au2i/G 2B,3,ta3 F,aB/,22 a/d 6ra-tur,2.
a> O2t,10E,3iti2L
8> O2t,1art:riti2L
-> R:,u0at1id Art:riti2L
d> O2t,1.1r12i2.
4. I/ad,Ruat, -a3-iu0 i/taB,( ,ar3E 0,/1.au2,( 2,d,/tarE 3i6,'
2tE3,( ,/d1-ri/, di21rd,r2( .r131/Gu,d i0018i3itE ar, 210, 16
t:, -au2,2 16 KKKKK..
a> O2t,1art:riti2L
8> A/BE312i/G S.1/dE3iti2L
-> O2t,1.1r12i2L
d> A0E1tr1.:i- Lat,ra3 S-3,r12i2.
O. A/ a8/1r0a3( i/-r,a2,d d,Gr,, 16 61rFard -ur7atur, 16 a/E
.art 16 t:, 2.i/, i2 t:, -:ara-t,ri2ti- 16 KKKKK.
a> BE.:131rd1ti- .12tur,L
8> 31rd1ti- .12tur,L
-> 231u-:,d .12tur,L
d> 63at 31F'8a-B .12tur,.
6. KKKKKKKKKK. ar, /,-,22arE t1 tr,at A1i/t
dE26u/-ti1/2 2u-: a2 2ti66/,22( r,7,r2i83, A1i/t :E.1018i3itE(
1r .ai/.
a> 2tr,/G:t,/i/G ,?,r-i2,2L
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
8> 2tr,t-:i/G ,?,r-i2,2L
-> F,iG:t'8,ari/G ,?,r-i2,2L
d> A1i/t 018i3i5ati1/ ,?,r-i2,2.
*. KKKKKKKKKKKK i2 t:, a8i3itE 16 a 0u2-3, t1
-1/tra-t r,.,at,d3E 1r G,/,rat, t,/2i1/( 2u2tai/ t:at t,/2i1/
a/d r,2i2t 6atiGu, 17,r a .r131/G,d .,ri1d 16 ti0,.
a> 0u2-3, 2tr,/Gt: L
8> 0u2-u3ar ,/dura/-, L
-> 0u2-u3ar -1/tra-ti1/ L
d> 0u3-u3ar ,?t,/2i8i3itE.
3. Find the root-verbs that the following nouns are derived from:
,?a0i/ati1/( tr,at0,/t( a22,220,/t( d,-i2i1/( diaG/12ti-ia/(
i/61r0ati1/( r,tir,0,/t( d,7,31.0,/t( 2,3,-ti1/( Ru,2ti1/i/G(
i/t,r.r,tati1/( .a3.ati1/
exaination E exaine 6the root-(erb8
4. Derive the corresponding nouns, ad-ectives and adverbs from
the following verbs:
a66,-t( aGGra7at,( -10.r,22( -1/tra-t( di0i/i2:( di2tur8( ,?.3ai/(
,?.,-t( 6u/-ti1/( i0018i3i5,( i/-3ud,( i/-r,a2,( 3i0it( .ara3E2,(
.r1.12,( radiat,( r,du-,( r,.,at( 2u2.,-t( 2F,33.
verb noun adjective adverb
repeat r,.,titi1/(
5. Find the corresponding stress-emphasis pattern for the
following two/three/four/multi-syllable words and pronounce
them accordingly: a66,-t,d( aGGra7at,d( a3iG/0,/t( -10.r,22i1/(
-1/tra-tur,( d,61r0itE( di2,a2,( durati1/( 6a2-i-u3ati1/(
:E.,r,?t,/2i1/( i/a-ti7itE( BE.131rd1ti-( 3u0812a-ra3( .,ri-arditi2(
r,-3i/,r( 2tr,/Gt:,/i/G( 2ti66/,22( 2u83u?ati1/( tra/Rui3i5,r.
6. Complete each space with a word formed from the words in
A. &ar0i/G u. 216t ti22u,2 .ri1r t1
2tr,t-:i/G Fi33 i/-r,a2, t:, =<>
KKKKK 16 t:, 2:1rt,/,d ti22u,.
&ar0 0u2-3,2 r,3a? a/d =2>KKKKK.
01r, ,a2i3E( 0aBi/G 2tr,t-:i/G 01r,
=N> KKKKKKK.. 61r t:, .ati,/t. A2
t:, t,0.,ratur, 16 0u2-3, i/-r,a2,2( t:,
a01u/t 16 61r-, r,Ruir,d t1 ,31/Gat,
/1/-1/tra-ti3, a/d -1/tra-ti3, ti22u,2 a/d
t:, ti0, t:, 2tr,t-: 61r-, 0u2t 8,
=4> KKKKKK. d,-r,a2,. A3t:1uG:
2tr,t-:i/G i2 16t,/ t:1uG:t 16 a2 a Far0'
u. a-ti7itE a/d .,r61r0,d .ri1r t1
=O> KKKKK ,?,r-i2,( t:, -3i/i-ia/
a/d .ati,/t 0u2t a3FaE2 r,0,08,r t:at
a/ a..r1.riat, Far0'u. 0u2t a321 1--ur
i/ t:, =6> KKKKKKK.. 61r
2tr,t-:i/G. It i2 =*> KKKKKKK
F:,t:,r :,ati/G 2:1u3d 1--ur .ri1r t1 1r
duri/G t:, 2tr,t-:i/G .r1-,dur,.
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
B. S10, a/G,r 0aE 2,r7, a
=<> KKKK .ur.12,L 0u-: a/G,r
:1F,7,r( i2 .ur,3E =2>KKKKKK..
T:, ,/,rGE t:at G1,2 i/t1 it2 ar1u2a3
-1u3d 16t,/ 8, 01r, =N> KKKKKK..
2.,/t i/ 2137i/G t:, .r183,0. H,r, ar,
210, FaE2 i/ F:i-: a/G,r -a/ 8,
Q r,i/t,r.r,ti/G t:, 2ti0u3u2 i/ a 01r,
.12iti7, 3iG:tL 0a/E 2ituati1/2 -1/tai/
a08iGuiti,2 F:i-: a331F
=4> KKKKKK.. t1 8, 0ad,L
Q 8,i/G r,a3i2ti- i/ 1ur =O>KKKKKK.
16 1t:,r .,1.3,L
Q Gi7i/G 1/,2,36 =6>KKKKKK t1
0aB, a 0i2taB,( a2 it i2 .art 16 8,i/G
:u0a/ t1 0aB, 0i2taB,2 =*>KKKKK..
Q di2ta/-i/G 1/,2,36L i6 -ir-u02ta/-,2
2,,0 t1 8, 17,rF:,30i/G( 1/, -a/ trE
2t,..i/G 8a-B 0,/ta33E t1 G,t a 01r,
=+> KKKKKKK. 7i,FL
Q i/tr1du-i/G :u01ur at =;>KKKK..
010,/t2L F:,/ a .,r21/ 20i3,2 a/d
3auG:2 t:, =<0> KKKKK. r,2.1/2,
taB,2 17,r.
7. Read the text below and choose the version that best completes
the empty spaces:
Pai/ i2 16t,/ t:, r,a21/ F:E t:, .ati,/t :a2 -10, 61r att,/ti1/ i/ t:,
6ir2t .3a-,. A3FaE2 r,0,08,r t:at .ai/ i2 aMa/ =<> KKKKK.. t1 t:,
.ati,/t F:1 0aE 6i/d t:at it i2 0aBi/G :i2 1r :,r 3i6, =2>KKKKK .
Pai/ i2 aMa/ =N>KKKK.. ,?.,ri,/-, a/d a/E 0,a2ur,0,/t 0u2t
i/-1r.1rat, a d,Gr,, 16 =4> KKKKKK. .
R,a-ti1/2 t1 .ai/ 7arE Fid,3E =O> KKKK. di66,r,/t .,1.3, a/d
d,.,/d =6> KK. 0a/E di66,r,/t .:E2i-a3 a/d 0,/ta3 6a-t1r2. S.,-i6i-
di2,a2,2 a/d i/Auri,2 a/d t:, :,a3t:( .ai/ =*> KKKK.( 6,ar a/d
a/?i,tE( a/d ,t:/i- 8a-BGr1u/d a33 a66,-t r,a-ti1/2 t1 .ai/.
Pati,/t2 Fi33 d,2-ri8, .ai/ =+> KKK.. i/ t,r02 16 it2 2,/21rE
Rua3iti,2( 61r ,?a0.3, 2:11ti/G( 2:ar.( 8ur/i/G 1r i/ t,r02 16 it2
a66,-ti7, Rua3iti,2( 61r ,?a0.3, 7i-i1u2( -ru,3( 2i-B,/i/G( 1r i/ t,r02 16
it2 ,7a3uati7, Rua3iti,2( 61r ,?a0.3, i/t,/2,( u/8,ara83,( a//1Ei/G.
S,7,r, .ai/ -au2,2 .a3, 2Bi/( -13d 2F,at( e=;>KK.. 8u0.2(e Fid,
.u.i32( a/d :iG:,r 3,7,32 16 .u32,( 8r,at:i/G rat,( 8311d =<0> KKK..(
a/d 0u2-3, =<<>KKKK . &:,/ 8ri,6( 2tr1/G .ai/ 2tart2 t1 G1 aFaE(
t:, .u32, 0aE 8, 231F,r a/d t:, 8311d .r,22ur, 31F,r t:a/ 8,61r, t:,
.ai/ 8,Ga/. I6 .ai/ 1--ur2 16t,/ 1r i2 31/G t,r0( t:, .u32, =<2> KK.
a/d 8311d .r,22ur, 0aE /1t G1 u. 0u-:. I6 .ai/ 3a2t2 61r 0a/E daE2(
t:, =<N> KKKK t1 6iG:t i/6,-ti1/2 0aE 8, 312t. T:, .ati,/tf2 t1/, 16
71i-,( 2.,,d 16 2.,,-:( -ri,2( Gr1a/2( 1r 1t:,r 21u/d2( 6a-, a/d 81dE
017,0,/t2( 1r att,0.t2 t1 Fit:draF ar, /1t,d 8E t:, .:E2i-ia/.
It i2 :ard t1 =<4> KKKK 2tr1/G 1r 31/G't,r0 .ai/( 8ut a .ati,/t -a/
3,ar/ t1 3i7, a3012t =<O> KKKK.. ,7,/ Fit: 210, .ai/.
<. a> i33u2i1/ 8> r,a3itE -> dr,a0 d> .,r-,.ti1/
2. a> i/t13,ra83, 8> i0.122i83, -> ,a2i,r d> irritati/G
N. a> i/di7idua3 8> 18A,-ti7, -> .,r21/a3 d> 2u8A,-ti7,
4. a> 18A,-ti7itE 8> d1u8t -> 2u8A,-ti7itE d> ,rr1r
O. a> t1 8> a01/G -> Fit: d> 6r10
6. a> 1/ 8> 16 -> i/ d> Fit:
*. a> .1i/t 8> 3i0it -> d,Gr,, d> 3,7,3
+. a> 1r 8> ,it:,r -> /,it:,r d> /1r
;. a> :,/ 8> r1ad -> G112, d> :,at
<0. a> Gr1u. 8> r,3ati1/ -> t,2t d> .r,22ur,
<<.a> 8u3B 8> t,/2i1/ -> 2.a20 d> 2trai/
<2. a> rat, 8> r:Et:0 -> 8,at d> t,0.1
<N. a> ta3,/t 8> 713iti1/ -> a8i3itE d> -a.a-itE
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
<4. a> r,3i,7, 8> -ur, -> r,3,a2, d> 213a-,
<O. a> u2ua33E 8> .ati,/t3E -> r,Gu3ar3E d> /1r0a33E
8. Turn the following sentences from active voice into passive
voice. Begin the passive sentences with the underlined words:
<. T1ta3 81dE 2tr,-:i/G( 2u-: a2 t1, t1u-:,2( 0aE 0ai/tai/ 1r
17,r2tr,t-: a 018i3, ar,a.
2. Str,/Gt:,/i/G .r1Gra02 t,/d t1 17,r,0.:a2i5, 63,?i1/
N. &:,/ .,r61r0i/G t:i2 Bi/d 16 2tr,t-:( E1u 0u2t B,,. E1ur
2:1,2 1/.
4. Pati,/t2 2:1u3d .,r61r0 63,?i8i3itE ,?,r-i2,2 .ri1r t1 a/d a6t,r
a 2tr,/Gt:,/i/G .r1Gra0.
O. A/ ,66,-ti7, 2tr,t-:i/G 1r 63,?i8i3itE r1uti/, 2:1u3d /1t -au2,
.ai/ 1r ,?-,22i7, 2tr,22 t1 ti22u,2.
6. Pati,/t2 2:1u3d 23iG:t3E 8,/d t:,ir B/,,2 F:,/ .,r61r0i/G
61rFard'8,/di/G ,?,r-i2,2.
*. Y1u Fi33 Far0 u. t:, ti22u,2 Fit: G,/t3, r:Et:0i- a-ti7iti,2.
+. I/-r,a2, t:, .a-, 16 a-ti7itE 21 t:at E1u -a/ 0ai/tai/ t:,
tarG,t :,art rat, 61r <0 t1 20 0i/ut,2.
;. T1 a71id i/Auri,2 6r10 2tr,22( E1u 2:1u3d u2, a..r1.riat,
,Rui.0,/t( 2u-: a2 -1rr,-t 611tFar,.
<0. P,1.3, 16t,/ u2, i/a..r1.riat,3E t:, .:ra2, DN1 .ai/( /1
Gai/H a2 t:, Guid,3i/, 61r i/t,/2itE 16 2tr,t-:.
9. Identify the type of the following conditional sentences and fill
in the missing tenses or modal constructions to complete them:
<. I6 .ai/ 8,Gi/2 F:i3, ,?,r-i2i/G( E1u KKKKKKK
=d,-r,a2,> ,661rt a/d r,2t 8,tF,,/ 2,22i1/2.
2. Y1u F1u3d :a7, a71id,d 17,ru2, 2E0dr10,2 i6 E1u
KKKKKKK =.,r61r0> .r1.,r Far0'u..
N. I6 2:, r,a33E Fa/t,d t1 .r1t,-t 7u3/,ra83, A1i/t2( 2:,
KKKKKKK... =/1t 2tr,22> A1i/t2 a/d 3iGa0,/t2 at t:, ,/d
16 t:, ra/G,.
4. I6 :, Fa/t,d t1 i/-r,a2, :i2 0u2-u3ar ,/dura/-,( :,
KKKKKKKK. =.,r61r0> t:, ,?,r-i2,2 Fit: 0a/E
r,.,titi1/2 a/d 0i/i0a3 r,2i2ta/-, t1 t:, .1i/t 16 0u2-3,
O. I6 E1u KKKK.. =B,,.> E1ur B/,, 2traiG:t( t:,
Ga2tr1-/,0iu2 i2 2tr,t-:,d.
6. I6 E1u d1 /1t Fa/t t1 8, i/Aur,d duri/G E1ur a,r18i- .r1Gra0(
E1u KKKKK =a71id> ru//i/G( A1GGi/G 1r a,r18i- da/-i/G
1/ :ard 2ur6a-,2 2u-: a2 a2.:a3t a/d -1/-r,t,.
*. I6 E1ur 2i2t,r :ad .ra-ti2,d a,r18i- a-ti7itE N t1 O ti0,2 .,r
F,,B( 2:, KKKKKKK. =6,,3> 0u-: 8,tt,r.
+. I6 E1u 8,/d E1ur B/,,( t:, 213,u2 KKK. =8,> 2tr,t-:,d.
;. C1/-,/trat, 1/ 2tr,t-:i/G t:, tiG:t 0u2-3,2( i6 t:,r, KK =8,>
d,-r,a2,d 63,?i8i3itE 8,tF,,/ a/taG1/i2ti- 0u2-3, Gr1u.2.
<0. I6 E1ur .ati,/t F,r, ,?-,22i7,3E 018i3, i/ a 2,G0,/t 16 :i2
81dE( it KKKKKKK =8,> 2a6,r t1 2,3,-ti7,3E 2tr,t-: tiG:t
2tru-tur,2 t:a/ t:, t1ta3 81dE.
10. Translate intoRomanian, without using a dictionary:
a> I/a8i3itE t1 r,7,r2, t:, /1r0a3 3u08ar 31rd12i2 1/ 63,?i1/ 1--ur2 i/
d,G,/,rati7, art:riti2. Li0it,d 3u08ar 63,?i1/ i2 -:ara-t,ri2ti- 16
a/BE312i/G 2.1/dE3iti2. L1-a3i5,d 81/, .ai/ 2uGG,2t2 2u-: di21rd,r2
2u-: a2 12t,10E,3iti2( 3,uB,0ia( .ri0arE 1r 0,ta2tati- -a/-,r(
-10.r,22i1/ 6ra-tur, 1r :,r/iat,d di2B.
8> N1r0a33E( F:,/ a .ati,/t :ad 3i0it,d ra/G, 16 01ti1/( t:,
t:,ra.,uti- a..r1a-: Fa2 t1 2tr,t-: t:, r,Gi1/ Fit: .a22i7, 2tr,t-:i/G
t,-:/iRu,2. O7,r t:, .a2t N0 E,ar2( t:,ra.i2t2 :a7, id,/ti6i,d a/d
3,ar/,d t,-:/iRu,2 t:at d,a3 01r, dir,-t3E Fit: 2tr,t-:i/G t:, 21ur-,
16 3i0itati1/( a/d t:u2 t:,E ar, 0a/aGi/G dE26u/-ti1/2 8,tt,r a/d Fit:
3,22 trau0a. Mu2-3, ,31/Gati1/ 1r a-ti7, i/:i8iti1/ t,-:/iRu,2 ar,
u2,d t1 -1u/t,ra-t t:, 3122 16 63,?i8i3itE i/ t:, -1/tra-ti3, ,3,0,/t2 16
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
0u2-3,2L -r122'6i8,r 0a22aG, t,-:/iRu,2 ar, u2,d t1 i/-r,a2, 018i3itE
i/ 2,3,-t,d 3iGa0,/t2 a/d t,/d1/2L a/d A1i/t 018i3i5ati1/ a/d
0a/i.u3ati1/ t,-:/iRu,2 ar, u2,d t1 2a6,3E 2tr,t-: 1r 2/a. 2tru-tur,2 t1
r,2t1r, /1r0a3 A1i/t 0,-:a/i-2 Fit: 3,22 trau0a t:a/ .a22i7,
-> It -1u3d 8, arGu,d t:at 201Bi/G :a2 01r, t1 d1 Fit: r,3a?ati1/ t:a/
201Bi/G a82ti/,/-, :a2( a/d 0a/E .,1.3, 8,-10, 201B,r2 8,-au2,
t:,E .,r-,i7, -iGar,tt,2 a2 8,i/G a 21ur-, 16 0,/ta3 -a30. H1F,7,r(
0a/E 2u-: .,1.3, t:,/ Fi2: t1 Ruit 201Bi/G. #uitti/G i2 a221-iat,d
Fit: 2tr,22( F:i-: 0,a/2 t:at t:, 2a0, .,1.3, 0aE 8, 2,,Bi/G
r,3a?ati1/ trai/i/G. H,a3t: -ar, .r16,22i1/a3 i/-r,a2i/G3E 6i/d
t:,02,37,2 6a-,d Fit: Gr1u.2 16 .,1.3, F:1 ar, 2truGG3i/G t1 Gi7, u.
-iGar,tt,2 a/d 61r F:10 r,3a?ati1/ trai/i/G :,2 8,,/ .r,2-ri8,d.
11. Translate into English:
a> Stai ntin"i sau a"ezai ntr+o poziie pe care o simii
comod. nc!idei oc!ii. Simii cum ncepei s v <e msur ce trupul "i mintea se calmeaz,
permitei+i locului dumneavoastr special s ia contur n
imaginaia dumneavoastr. Bbservai priveli"tea,
sunetele "i mirosurile acestui loc. =poi, ncercai s
simii cum mu"c!ii se rela.eaz, eliminnd tensiunea
de peste zi.
8> Stai a"ezai, cu tlpile unite ctre interior "i cu
genunc!ii ndreptai lateral ctre e.terior. <lasai+v
minile n urul gleznelor "i odi!nii+v coatele pe
coapse. =psai u"or cu coatele asupra coapselor. =poi
odi!nii+v. =psai apoi din nou. =r trebui s simii o
ntindere plcut n zona "oldului.
-> <entru a nva s conducei, n primul rnd
identificai grupele musculare de care avei nevoie
pentru condus. Gac observai c aceste grupe sunt
tensionate, Kerificai dac "i mu"c!ii pe care
nu+i solicitai cnd conducei, cum ar fi mu"c!ii feei,
sunt Ju uitai zona umerilor. Meninei+v "i atunci cnd virai sau sc!imbai viteza.
d> $.erciiile de ntindere sunt att de utile pentru c
aut la meninerea elasticitii. $lasticitatea este una
dintre proprietile esutului muscular care nu numai c
permite mu"c!ilor s funcioneze mai bine, dar i "i
proteeaz fa de o posibli accidentare. Ge multe ori,
obi"nuim la modul incon"tient s ne ntindem, dup ce
am stat mult timp n aceea"i poziie. Se pare c trupul
nostru ne+o cere. Je ntindem dup ce dormim, dup ce
stm cu orele la birou, dup ce lucrm aplecai n

2.i/,M2.i/a3 -13u0/M8a-B81/, P coloana vertebral
7,rt,8ra( 'a,M81/E ri/G P vertebr
2.i/a3 -1rdM0arr1F P mduva spinrii
ri8 P coast
arti-u3ar -arti3aG, P -arti3aA arti-u3ar
2t,r/u0M8r,a2t81/, P 2t,r/
t:1ra-i- -aG, P cu"c toracic
2:1u3d,r Gird3, P centur scapular
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
2-a.u3aM2:1u3d,r 83ad, P omoplat, scapul
-3a7i-3,M-133ar81/, P clavicul
2a-ru0 P 12 2a-ra3
-1--E? P -1--i2
arti-u3ati1/MA1i/t P articulaie
6i8r1u2 A1i/t P articulaie fibroas
2E/17ia3 A1i/t P articulaie sinovial
:i. A1i/t P articulaia "oldului
B/,, A1i/t P articulaia genunc!iului
a/B3, A1i/t P articulaia gleznei
-ra/iu0M2Bu33 P -ra/iu
ti22u, P esut
-1//,-ti7, ti22u, P ,2ut -1/Au/-ti7
-a3-a/,u2M:,,3 P clci
3i08 P 0,08ru
/12tri3 P nar
t:Er1id -arti3aG,MAda0)2 a..3, P -arti3aA tir1idia/
/a., =16 t:, /,-B> ceaf
a?, subsuoar
-ar.u2MFri2t P 4/-:,i,tura 09i/ii
B/u-B3, P articulaia degetului
:i. P "old
t:iG: P coaps
-a36( -a37,2 P gamb, +e
2:i/M-a//1/ 81/, P ti8ia( 63ui,ru3 .i-i1ru3ui
.at,33a( 'a,MB/,, -a. P rotul
i/2t,. P 2-18itura G3,5/,i
213, P talp
81F,32 P i/t,2ti/,
dia.:E2i2 P diafiz
,.i.:E2i2 P epifiz
,.i.:E2,a3 -arti3aG, -arti3aA ,.i6i5ar
8311d 7,22,32 P 7a2, 2a/Gui/,
0u2-3, 8u3B P mas muscular
0u2-u3ar -1/tra-ti1/ M-ra0. P contracie muscular
0u2-u3ar ,/dura/-, P rezisten muscular
0u2-3, 6atiGu, P oboseal9e.tenuare
0u2-u3ar :E.,rtr1.:E P !ipertrofie muscular
0u2-3, t1/, P t1/u2 0u2-u3ar
:E.1t1/i- 0u2-3,2 P mu"c!i !ipot1/i-i
:E.,rt1/i- 0u2-3,2 P mu"c!i !ipertonici
0u2-3, riGiditE P rigiditate muscular
0u2-3, 2.a20 2.a20 0u2-u3ar
2.a2ti-itE P 2.a2ti-itat,
0u2-3, 2.rai/ P lu.aie
0u2-3, 2trai/ P ntindere muscular
0u2-3, 2tr,/Gt: P for muscular
0u2-u3ar t,/2i1/ P tensiune muscular
0u2-u3ar F,aB/,22 P slbire muscular
:E.1Bi/,2ia P :i.1Bi/,5i,
:E.,rBi/,2ia P :i.,rBi/,5i,
2ta2i2 P staz
0u2-u3ar dE2tr1.:E P distrofie muscular
,3,-tr10E1Gra.:E P ,3,-tr10i1Gra6i,
-arti3aG, di2B P di2- -arti3aGi/12
art:riti2 P artrit
0,di-a3 :i2t1rE P anamnez
0,di-a3 ,?a0i/ati1/ 2:,,t P foaie de observaie
t,2ti/G d,7i-,2 P i/2tru0,/t, d, t,2tar,
ta., 0,a2ur, P rulet, panglic de
G1/i10,t,r P G1/i10,tru
r,63,? :a00,r P ciocnel pe/tru t,2tar,a
-1tt1/ F113 P vat
t,2t tu8, P eprubet
Gait P u083,t( 0,r2
0i,/ P inut, comportament
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
2.3i/t P atel
8ra-, P 1rt,z
F,iG:t'8,ari/G ,?,r-i2, P e.erciiu de susinere a
greutii corporale
ra/G, 16 01ti1/ P Grad d, 018i3itat,
2tr,/Gt:,/i/G ,?,r-i2,2 P e.erciii de ntrire
a7a2-u3ar /,-r12i2 P necroz avascular
2B,3,ta3 i/AurE P 3,5iu/, a 2i2t,0u3ui 2-:,3,ti-
2F,33i/G P umfltur
ru.tur, P ruptur, !ernie
2t,ri3, dr,22i/G P .a/2a0,/t 2t,ri3
a/,2t:,ti- P a/,2t,5i-
-1/tu2i1/M8rui2, P contuzie, vntaie
t,/12E/17iti2Mi/63a0,d t,/d1/2 P tenosinovit
art,ri12-3,r12i2M:ard,/i/G 16 t:,
art,ri,2 P
2,dati7,M23,,.i/G .i33Md1., P 2,dati7
a/a3G, Bi33,r P a/a3G,5i-. -a30a/t
0E1-ardia3 i/6ar-ti1/M:,art
atta-B P
i/6ar-t 0i1-ardi-
:a3it12i2M8ad 8r,at: P :alitoz
a31.,-iaM8a3d/,22 P a31.,-i,
ta-:E-ardiaM.a3.itati1/2 P ta:i-ardi,
:E.1G3E-a,0iaM31F 8311d 2uGar
:E.,rG3E-a,0iaM :iG: 8311d
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2.i/, P
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2.rai/ 1/,)2 a/B3,MFri2tP a+"i lu.a
gleznaM4/-:,i,tura 09i/ii
2trai/ 1/,)2 0u2-3, P a suferi o ntindere
.u33 1/,)2 :a02tri/G 0u2-3, P a+"i ntinde un tendon
t,arM.u33 a 3iGa0,/t P a suferi o ruptur
2/a. a t,/d1/ P a suferi o ruptur de
-:i383ai/M6r12t8it, P degertur
-ardi17a2-u3ar 6it/,22 P t1/u2 -ardi17a2-u3ar
.3a2t,r 8a/daG, P .a/2a0,/t Gi.2at
.3a2t,r -a2t P form9matri de gips
2ti-Bi/G .3a2t,r P 3,u-1.3a2t
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook *;
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook +<
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook +N
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
Bu2-:8a-:,r( R. M.( Ra/da33( L. B. ' %ractical /uide to
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C18ui3d( C. ' English /uides. -ord Coration( Ha,.,r C133i/2
Pu83i2:,r2( <;;<.
D1/at,33i( R. a/d OF,/2'BurB:art( H. ' E!!ects o! iobilization on
the extensibility o! periarticular connecti(e tissue. Bournal o!
=rthopaedic and *ports %hysical Therapy( <;+<.
Garri21/( S. $. ' ,andbook o! %hysical 3edicine and "ehabilitation
'asics( $. B. Li..i/-1tt C10.a/E( <;;O.
GraE( H. ' Anatoy. 1escripti(e and *urgical( L1/d1/( t:,
Pr101ti1/a3 R,.ri/t C10.a/E Ltd.(<;;<.
H133i2( M. a/d Yu/G( P. ' %atient Exaination and Assessent !or
Therapists( B3a-BF,33 S-i,/ti6i- Pu83i-ati1/2( 6ir2t .u83i2:,d <;+O.
H130,( R. ' E*% ideas. "ecipes !or teaching pro!essional and
acadeic English( L1/G0a/( 6ir2t .u83i2:,d <;;6.
H1F3,E( E. T. a/d Fra/B2( B. D. ' ,ealth5Citness 9nstructors
,andbook. ,uan Kinetics( C:a0.aiG/( I. L.( <;+6.
Hut-:i/21/( T. a/d &at,r2( A. ' English !or *peci!ic %urposes(
Ca08ridG, !/i7,r2itE Pr,22( 6ir2t .u83i2:,d <;+*.
Ki2/,r( C. a/d C138E( L. A. ' Therapeutic Exercise. Coundations and
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Ma:,r( $. C. ' 9nternational 3edical +ounication in English(
Edi/8urG: !/i7,r2itE Pr,22( Edi/8urG:( <;;0.
M-Cart:E( M. ' Socabulary( O?61rd !/i7,r2itE Pr,22( 6ir2t .u83i2:,d
=x!ord Ad(anced )earner0s Encyclopedic 1ictionary. =x!ordG=x!ord
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P9r31G( H. ' English %honetics and %honology, $d. =--,
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PaE/,( R. A. ' "elaxation Techni#ues. A %ractical ,andbook !or the
,ealth +are %ro!esional( C:ur-:i33 Li7i/G2t1/,( N,F Y1rB( <;;O
#uirB( R.( Gr,,/8au0( S.( L,,-:( G.( S7art7iB( $. ' A +oprehensi(e
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Ri3,E( D. ' +heck <our Socabulary !or 3edicine. A -orkbook !or
English in Kinetotherapy. A practical English handbook
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Si/,3/iB17( R. D. ' Atlas o! ,uan Anatoy( 713.< % The *cience o!
'ones. Boints. )igaents and 3uscles( MIR Pu83i2:,r2( M12-1F( 6ir2t
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The 3erk 3anual o! 1iagnosis and Therapy( Si?t,,/t: Editi1/( M,rB
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The =x!ord-1uden %ictorial English 1ictionary. *cience and
3edicine( O?61rd !/i7,r2itE Pr,22.(
T:1021/( A.$. a/d Marti/,t( A.. ' A %ractical English /raar.
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ga:aria( C. ' Eleente de patologie a aparatului locootor, $d.
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