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Lecia a douzecea Lesson Twenty

Exercise 1

Exerciiul 1

Translate into English the following sentences:

Tradu n englez urmtoarele propoziii:
De ce avem doi ochi, dou urechi, dou mini, dou picioare i doar o gur
i un nas ?
Why do we have two eyes, two ears, two hands, two legs and only one
mouth and one nose?
Ei bine, trebuie s vedem bine, de aceea avem doi ochi.
Well, we must see well that is why we have two eyes.
Trebuie s auzim bine, de aceea avem dou urechi.
We must hear well, that is why we have two ears.
Trebuie s muncim bine, de aceea avem dou mini.
We must work well that is why we have two hands.
Trebuie s mergem bine, de aceea avem dou picioare.
We must walk a good deal that is why we have two legs.
Dar trebuie s nu vorbim prea mult, de aceea avem doar o gur.
But we must not talk too much that is why we have only one mouth.
i nu trebuie s ne bgm nasul peste tot.
And we must not poke our nose into everything.
Exercise 2

Exerciiul 2

Read an translate into Romanian the following quotes or sayings:

Citete i tradu n romn urmtoarele citate sau zicale:
Everyday is a gift, thats why they call it the present.
Fiecare zi este un dar, de aceea este numit prezent.
n limba englez cuvntul present nseamn att prezent ct i cadou.
The future depends on what we do in the present.
Viitorul depinde de ceea ce facem n prezent.

There is a light at the end of every tunnel. Just pray it isnt a train!
Exist o lumin la captul ficrui tunnel. Roag-te doar s nu fie un tren!
It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Este mai bines aprinzi o lumnare dect s injuri ntunericul.
I have enjoyed life a lot more by saying YES than by saying NO. M-am
bucurat mai mult de via spunnd DA dect spunnd NU.
Dont waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the
next window or break down a door. Nu irosi niciun minut fr s fii
fericit. Dac o fereastr se nchide, alearg spre urmtoarea sau sparge o
to waste are sensul de a risipi, a pierde, a irosi
Happiness is the best face lift. Fericirea este cel mai bun lifting.
Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make
them come true. Fericii sunt cei care sunt pregtii s plteasc preul
pentru a le mplini.
Nothing is predestined: the obstacles of your past can become the
gateways that lead to new beginnings. Nimic nu este predestinat:
obstacolele trecutului tu pot deveni porile care dau spre noi nceputuri.
Find something you love to do and youll never have to work a day in your
life. Gsete ceva ce poi face cu plcere i n-o s mai trebuiasc s
munceti nicio zi din viaa ta.
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Cel
slab nu poate ierta. Iertarea este atributul celui puternic.
Think of the beauty still left around you and be happy. Gndete-te la
frumuseea nc rmas i fii fericit.
If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, youll never enjoy the
sunshine. Dac i pierzi toat viaa ateptnd furtuna, nu te vei bucura
niciodat de soare.
People can live one hundred years without really living a minute. Oamenii
au capacitatea de a tri o sut de ani fr s triasc un singur minut.
No matter what you do there will be critics. Orice ai face vor exista critici.

Exercise 3

Exerciiul 3

Read and translate:

Citete i tradu:
The day after tomorrow we will have an exam. Poimine vom avea un
There will be a fair in two weeks. Va fi un trg peste dou sptmni.
She will do this next time. Ea va face asta data viitoare.
He will finish his work at half past ten. Va termina lucrul la zece i jumtate.
They will find a way to do this. Vor gsi o cale s fac acest lucru.
I shall come back. M voi ntoarce.
We shall send you a letter. V vom trimite o scrisoare.
It is not a problem, we can do it. Nu este o problem, noi putem s-o facem.
It was not a problem, we could do it. Nu era o problem, noi puteam s-o
He is weak but he can walk. El este slbit, dar poate s mearg pe jos.
He was weak but he could walk. El era slbit, dar putea s mearg pe jos.
I can work very hard. Sunt n stare s muncesc din greu.
I could work very hard. Eram n stare s muncesc din greu.
May I open the window? Yes, you may! mi permitei s deschid fereastra?
Da, o putei deschide.
May I shut the door? Yes, you may! mi permitei s nchid ua? Da, o putei
May I smoke in here? No, you may not. mi permitei s fumez aici
nauntru? Nu, nu putei.
I must go right now. I must be there at seven sharp. Trebuie s plec chiar
acum. Trebuie s fiu acolo la 7 fix.

I had to go at once. I had to be there at seven sharp. Trebuia s plec chiar

atunci. Trebuia s fiu acolo la 7 fix.
You must tell him what they said about him. Trebuie s-i spui ce au spus ei
despre el.
You had to tell him what they said about him. Trebuia s-i spui ce au spus
ei despre el.
I ought to tell her the truth. She must be very unhappy now. Trebuie s-i
spun adevrul. Ea trebuie s fie foarte nefericit acum.
He ought to fix the problem. Now they find themselves in a very difficult
position. El trebuie s rezolve problema. Ei se afla ntr-o situaie foarte
foarte dificil acum.
I shall go there at once. I cannot wait any longer. Sunt decis s merg acolo
imediat. Nu mai pot atepta deloc.
We shall act on the spot. There is no time left to postpone it. Trebuie s
acionm pe loc. Nu mai este timp s amnm momentul.
Will you tell her today? No, I wont. Vrei s-i spui astzi? Nu, nu vreau.
Will you help him to cope with his problem? Yes, I will. Vrei s-l ajui s se
mpace cu situaia? Da, vreau.
You might take for granted what he said. Ai putea s iei de bun ce zice el.
I should come back. Ar trebui s m ntorc.
They would have to tell you what you can do to change the circumstances.
Ei ar trebui s-i spun ce s faci ca s schimbi datele problemei.
Exercise 4

Exerciiul 4

Lets remember the Collective Numeral. Read aloud and translate:

S ne amintim numeralul colectiv. Citete cu voce tare i tradu:
We ordered a couple of drinks. Am comandat dou buturi.
I bought a new pair of gloves. Am cumprat o pereche de mnui.
We are a team of doctors, we two. Suntem o echip de doctori, noi doi.
We have two dozen of eggs. Avem dou duzini de ou.

Exercise 5

Exerciiul 5

Lets remember how we put different questions and give the right answers!
S ne amintim cum punem diferite ntrebri i cum rspundem corect!
Where is the nearest beach?
Are there any currents?
Is it safe to bathe here?
Can I hire a motorboat?

Unde este cea mai apropiat plaj?

Sunt cureni?
Scldatul este sigur aici?
Pot s nchiriez o barc cu motor?

Id like to hire a kit for submarine fishing. A vrea s nchiriez o o trus

pentru pescuit subacvatic
I want to book a room in a hotel close to the centre of the town. Vreau s
rezerv o camer la un hotel n apropiere de centrul oraului.
Id like a room in a cheap hotel

A vrea o camer ntr-un hotel ieftin

Id like a room in a luxury hotel

A vrea o camer ntr-un hotel de lux

For how many nights?

Pentru cte nopi?

Do you have any vacancies?

Avei camere libere?

No, Im afraid we are full

Nu, mi pare ru, sunt toate ocupate

We dont accept telephone bookings Nu acceptm rezervri la telefon

You must come in person

Trebuie s venii personal

The price only includes breakfast Preul include doar micul dejun
We accept payments both by credit card and by cheque. Acceptm pli
att cu carte de credit ct i prin cec.

Final conclusions

Concluzii finale

Well, Jim, we have really come to the end of our English Course for
Beginners. And if you our student and listener - are here, if you already
listened to the CDs and if you have already learnt all the lessons you are no
longer a beginner.

Ei bine, Jim, acum chiar c am ajuns la finalul cursului de englez pentru

nceptori. i dac tu elevul i asculttorul nostru ai ajuns aici, dac ai
ascultat deja CD-urile i ai nvat toate leciile, nu mai eti un nceptor.
Well, Jim, do you have any tip or any piece of advice to give to our
Jim, ai vreun sfat sau vreun pont pentru elevul nostru?
Dont stop here! Dont be afraid to try more. Try to read texts in English,
listen to pop music and try to translate the lyrics of the songs, watch both
British and American films without subtitles. You will be surprised to
realize that you really understand English!
Nu te opri aici ! Nu te teme s ncerci mai mult. ncearc s citeti texte n
englez, ascult muzic pop i ncearc s traduci versurile cntecelor,
urmrete filme englezeti i americane fr subtitrare. Vei fi surprins s
constai c nelegi ntr-adevr engleza.
Well be back soon with other new lessons and interesting topics. Keep it
that way until next time. Minnie and Jim want to thank you for all your
attention and wish you GOOD BYE and GOOD LUCK!
Minnie Jones and Jim Patrick
Ne vom ntoarce curnd cu lecii noi i subiecte interesante. ine-o tot aa
pn data viitoare ! Minnie i Jim i mulumesc pentru atenia cu care i-ai
ascultat i i ureaz SUCCES ! PE CURND !
Ai ti,
Minnie Jones i Jim Patrick

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