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Coninutul acestei publicaii este responsabilitatea total a Observatorului Naional pentru Droguri i nu reflect n nici un caz viziunea Uniunii

Europene. Analiza prezentat n acest raport se bazeaz pe datele furnizate de ctre ONG-urile participante.

The contents of this publication is sole responsibility of National Drug Observatory and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. The analysis presented in this report is based on the data provided by the participant NGOs.

CPSPMS Observatorul Naional pentru Droguri Str. A.Cosmescu, 3 Chiinu, MD 2009 Republica Moldova Tel./Fax: + 373 22 73 51 25 + 373 22 72 90 11

SPCPHHM National Drug Observatory 3, A.Cosmescu str., Chisinau, MD 2009 Republic of Moldova Tel./Fax: + 373 22 73 51 25 + 373 22 72 90 11

Grupul de autori Ecaterina Damian CPSPMS, Monitorizarea Programelor Naionale de Sntate, Observatorul Naional pentru Droguri, ef sector, coordonator proiect Dorina Darii CPSPMS, Departamentul tiin, Laboratorul Politici i Programe de Sntate, colaborator tiinific, asistent proiect Otilia Scutelniciuc CPSPMS, Monitorizarea Programelor Naionale de Sntate, ef secie Valeriu Pleca CPSPMS, Monitorizarea Programelor Naionale de Sntate, specialist TI Igor Condrat CPSPMS, Monitorizarea Programelor Naionale de Sntate, specialist TI Prelucrare statistic i grafic Valeriu Pleca CPSPMS, Monitorizarea Programelor Naionale de Sntate, specialist TI Igor Condrat CPSPMS, Monitorizarea Programelor Naionale de Sntate, specialist TI Redactor Diana Simaco Machetare SA LABORATORUL 112 SRL

Group of authors Ecaterina Damian SPCPHHM, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Health Programs, National Drug Observatory, head of the sector, project coordinator Dorina Darii SPCPHHM, Department of Science, Laboratory of Health Policy and Programs, research assistant, project assistant Otilia Scutelnitchuc SPCPHHM, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Health Programs, head Valeriu Plesca SPCPHHM, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Health Programs, IT specialist Igor Condrat SPCPHHM, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Health Programs, IT specialist Assistance in statistical and graphic processing Valeriu Plesca SPCPHHM, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Health Programs, IT specialist Igor Condrat SPCPHHM, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Health Programs, IT specialist Translation Alexandru Voloc Layout SA LABORATORUL 112 SRL http://www.lab112

Elaborat: Ianuarie 2006 Publicat: Iulie 2006

Elaborated: January 2006 Printed: July 2006

Prezentul raport este unul din produsele finale ale studiului desfurat de ctre Observatorul Naional pentru Droguri cu scopul de a identifica pentru o viitoare colaborare ONG-urile care activeaz n domeniul de prevenire i combatere a consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri. Analiza prezentat n acest raport se bazeaz pe datele furnizate de ctre ONG-urile participante.

Acknowledgements The current report is one of the final products of the study carried out by the National Drug Observatory with the goal to identify for future collaboration the NGOs working in the field of prevention and fighting of drug abuse and drug trafficking. The analysis presented in this report is based on the data provided by the participant NGOs. We express our gratitude to all involved persons for their patience, understanding and responsibility shown along the study implementation. We hope that the participation in this study will increase the visibility of NGOs, which have a considerable contribution in the prevention and fighting of the drug phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova. We thank the Program of Assistance for the prevention of drug abuse and drug trafficking in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova (BUMAD Program) funded by the European Union and co-funded and implemented by UNDP Moldova for the assistance provided during this study as well as during the elaboration of this report. The NGOs working in the field of study interest, which did not find their name in the list of participants, or have not been involved in the study for different reasons, but are interested in establishing collaboration, are kindly asked to contact the National Drug Observatory team.

Exprimm mulumiri tuturor persoanelor implicate pentru rbdarea, nelegerea i responsabilitatea de care au dat dovad pe parcursul desfurrii studiului. Sperm, c participarea n acest studiu va spori vizibilitatea ONG-urilor care au un aport important n prevenirea i combaterea fenomenului drogurilor n Republica Moldova.
Mulumiri Programului de asisten pentru prevenirea abuzului i traficului de droguri n Belarus, Ucraina, Moldova (Programul BUMAD), finanat de Uniunea European i co-finanat i implementat de PNUD Moldova, pentru asistena acordat la desfurarea studiului i editarea prezentei lucrri.

ONG-urile ce activeaz n domeniul de interes al studiului, care nu se regsesc pe lista participanilor sau nu au fost implicate n studiu din diverse motive, dar sunt interesate n stabilirea unei colaborri, sunt rugate s contacteze echipa Observatorului Naional pentru Droguri.

Cuprins Acronime ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Lista figurilor ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Lista tabelelor ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Lista anexelor ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Introducere ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Dicionarul terminologic al studiului ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Scopul i obiectivele studiului ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Metoda studiului ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Rezultatele studiului ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Rezultatele screening-ului ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Rezultatele analizei datelor ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Informaie general ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Resurse umane ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Tipurile de activitate ................................................................................................................................................. 19 Proiecte/programe/activiti implementate n 2003-2005 ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Finanarea proiectelor/programelor/activitilor n 2003-2005 ................................................................................................................................................. 22 Grupurile int ale proiectelor/programelor/activitilor (2003-2005) ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Colaborarea cu alte ONG - uri ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Colaborarea cu instituiile publice/guvernamentale ................................................................................................................................................. 26 Accesul la informaie ................................................................................................................................................. 27 Necesitile informaionale ................................................................................................................................................. 27 Proiecte/programe/activiti planificate pentru anul 2006 ................................................................................................................................................ 28 Acordul de utilizare a datelor colectate ................................................................................................................................................. 28 Concluzii ................................................................................................................................................. 29 Anexe ................................................................................................................................................. 30

Table of Contents Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................. 42 List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................. 43 List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. 44 List of Annexes ................................................................................................................................................. 44 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 45 Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................................. 46 Study Goal and Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 47 Study Method ................................................................................................................................................. 48 The Study Results ................................................................................................................................................. 49 The Screening Results ................................................................................................................................................. 49 The Results of Data Processing ................................................................................................................................................. 50 General Information ................................................................................................................................................. 50 Human Resources ................................................................................................................................................. 52 Types of Activity ................................................................................................................................................. 53 Implemented Projects/Programs/Activities in 2003-2005 ................................................................................................................................................. 55 Funding for Projects/Programs/Activities in 2003-2005 ................................................................................................................................................. 56 The Target Groups of the Projects/Programs/Activities (2003-2005) ................................................................................................................................................. 58 Collaboration with other NGOs ................................................................................................................................................. 59 Collaboration with Public/Governmental Institutions ................................................................................................................................................. 60 Access to Information ................................................................................................................................................. 60 Informational Needs ................................................................................................................................................. 61 Projects/Programs/Activities planed for the year 2006 ................................................................................................................................................. 62 The consent to use collected data ................................................................................................................................................. 62 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 63 Annexes ................................................................................................................................................. 30

Ministerul Sntii i Proteciei Sociale al Republicii Moldova Centrul tiinifico-Practic Sntate Public i Management Sanitar Monitorizarea i Evaluarea Programelor Naionale de Sntate Observatorul Naional pentru Droguri

Studiul ONG-urilor ce activeaz n domeniul prevenirii i combaterii consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri n Republica Moldova


Acronime AFEW Fondul SIDA Est-Vest BUMAD - Programul de asisten pentru prevenirea abuzului i traficului de droguri n Belarus, Ucraina, Moldova (Programul BUMAD) BSB Brbaii ce practic sex cu brbai CE Comisia European CPSPMS Centrul tiinifico-Practic Sntate Public i Management Sanitar DDA Centrul European de Monitorizare a Drogurilor i Dependenei de Droguri GFATM Fondul Global pentru Combaterea SIDA, Tuberculozei i Malariei HIV Virusul Imunodeficienei Umane LSC Lucrtoarele sexului comercial MS - Microsoft OND Observatorul Naional pentru Droguri ONG Organizaie neguvernamental PHS Persoane ce triesc cu HIV/SIDA SIDA Sindromul Imunodeficienei Umane Achiziionate Sida Agenia Suedez pentru Dezvoltare Internaional TI Tehnologii Informaionale UD Utilizatori de droguri UDA Utilizatori de droguri activi UNAIDS Agenia Naiunilor Unite pentru HIV/SIDA PNUD Programul Naiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare UNICEF Fondul Naiunilor Unite pentru Copii WB Banca Mondial

Lista figurilor
Figura 1 ................................................................................................................................... 16 Rezultatele screening-ului listei finale a ONG-urilor selectate pentru studiu, %, Republica Moldova, 2005 Figura 2 ................................................................................................................................... 16 Distribuia dup regiunea geografic a ONG-urilor participante la studiu (numr absolut), Republica Moldova, 2005 Figura 3 ................................................................................................................................... 17 Distribuia dup teritoriul administrativ a ONG-urilor participante la studiu (numr absolut), Republica Moldova, 2005 Figura 4 ................................................................................................................................... 17 Distribuia dup anul de nregistrare a ONG-urilor participante la studiu (numr absolut), Republica Moldova, 2005 Figura 5 ................................................................................................................................... 18 Distribuia ONG-urilor participante la studiu dup numrul de persoane angajate, (numr absolut), Republica Moldova, 2005 Figura 6 ................................................................................................................................... 19 Distribuia dup numrul cazurilor de voluntariat implicate n activitile ONG-urilor participante la studiu, (numr absolut), Republica Moldova, 2005 Figura 7 ................................................................................................................................... 20 Distribuia dup tipurile de activiti desfurate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, %, Republica Moldova, 2005 Figura 8 ................................................................................................................................... 21 Distribuia teritorial a proiectelor/programelor/activitilor implementate n perioada 2003-2005 (numr absolut), Republica Moldova Figura 9 ................................................................................................................................... 22 Acoperirea teritorial cu proiecte/programe/activiti relatate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, (numr absolut), Republica Moldova, 2003-2005 Figura 10 ................................................................................................................................. 23 Numrul de proiecte/programe/activiti per fiecare surs de finanare relatate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, Republica Moldova, 2003-2005 Figura 11 ................................................................................................................................. 24 Distribuia proiectelor/programelor/activitilor dup suma integral a bugetului relatat de ONG-urile participante la studiu, %, Republica Moldova, 2003-2005 Figura 12 ................................................................................................................................. 25 Distribuia dup grupurile int a proiectelor/programelor/activitilor relatate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, (numr absolut), Republica Moldova, 2003-2005 Figura 13 ................................................................................................................................. 27 Rata surselor de informare relatate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, %, Republica Moldova, 2005 Figura 14 .................................................................................................................................28 Rata surselor preferabile de informare selectate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, %, Republica Moldova, 2005

Lista tabelelor
Tabelul 1 .................................................................................................................................. 18 Apartenena ONG-urilor participante la studiu la filialele organizaiilor naionale i internaionale, (numr absolut, %), Republica Moldova, 2005

Lista anexelor
Anexa 1 ................................................................................................................................... 30 Distribuia geografic conform adresei potale indicate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, Republica Modlova, 2005 Anexa 2 ................................................................................................................................... 31 Informaia de contact a ONG-urilor participante la studiu, Republica Moldova, 2005 Anexa 3 ................................................................................................................................... 34 ONG-urile participante la studiu filiale ale organizaiilor internaionale, Republica Moldova, 2005 Anexa 4 ................................................................................................................................... 34 ONG-urile participante la studiu filiale ale organizaiilor naionale, Republica Moldova, 2005 Anexa 5 ................................................................................................................................... 34 ONG-urile participante la studiu care au filiale naionale/internaionale, Republica Moldova, 2005 Anexa 6 ................................................................................................................................... 35 Tipurile de activiti relatate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, Republica Moldova, 2005 Anexa 7 ................................................................................................................................... 38 ONG-urile participante la studiu ce implementeaz activiti de Reducerea Noxelor i tipurile de servicii oferite, Republica Moldova, 2005 Anexa 8 ................................................................................................................................... 39 Distribuia surselor de finanare dup numrul proiectelor/programelor/activitilor finanate, Republica Moldova, 2003-2005 Anexa 9 ................................................................................................................................... 39 Grupurile int ale proiectelor/programelor/activitilor propuse ONG-urilor participante la studiu pentru selectare Anexa 10 ................................................................................................................................. 40 Alianele, asociaiile i reelele naionale la care ONG-urie participante la studiu au declarat apartenena, Republica Moldova, 2005 Anexa 11 ................................................................................................................................. 40 Alianele, asociaiile i reelele internaionale la care ONG-urie participante la studiu au declarat apartenena, Republica Moldova, 2005


ntru atingerea scopurilor, ce asigur dezvoltarea persoanei, societii i statului, un rol important l joac ONG-urile, care reprezint una din instituiile sociale de baz ale societii civile i ale statului de drept. Fiind numite i al treilea sector al societii, ONG-urile dispun de un important potenial socio-cultural. Aprecierea corect i exploatarea acestora deschide accesul la noi resurse i posibiliti. Actualmente ONG-urile sunt implicate pe larg n luarea unor decizii de ordin socio-economic i politic. Prin participarea activ a ONG urilor pot fi soluionate acele probleme, unde instituiile guvernamentale sunt limitate n credibilitate, accesibilitate i abiliti. Spectrul de activitate a acestora este foarte larg: educare/cercetare, sntate, cultur/art/creaie, sport, dezvoltare economic i comunitar, drepturile omului, servicii sociale, ecologie, mass-media, minoriti etnice, religie, interese profesionale/afaceri, filantropie/voluntariat, relaii internaionale etc. Deciziile cu impact mare au la baz analiza dovezilor disponibile. n acest context, prin Hotrrea nr.2 din 27 februarie 2004 a Comisiei Interdepartamentale a Guvernului pentru Combaterea Narcomaniei i Narcobusinessului a fost creat o unitate responsabil de concentrarea i analiza informaiei neconfideniale ce ine de fenomenul drogurilor n Republica Moldova. n baza Ordinului Ministerului Sntii nr. 164 din 18 mai 2004, Observatorul Naional pentru Droguri (OND) a fost instituit n cadrul Centrului tiinifico- Practic Sntate Public i Management Sanitar al Ministerului Sntii. OND are drept scop monitorizarea i evaluarea situaiei privind consumul ilicit i traficul de droguri. Obiectivul activitii OND const n colectarea i analiza informaiei neconfideniale prin prisma celor cinci indicatori epidemiologici conform cerinelor Centrului European de Monitorizare a Drogurilor i Dependenii de Droguri (EMCDDA) (prevalena consumului de droguri, utilizarea problematic a drogurilor, cererea de tratament, mortalitatea legat de droguri, bolile infecioase asociate consumului de droguri). Datele pentru generarea acestora trebuie colectate att de la instituiile guvernamentale ct i de la cele neguvernamentale. Dac activitile organizaiilor i instituiilor guvernamentale sunt, mai mult sau mai puin, cunoscute fiind i mult mai mediatizate, atunci n cazul ONG-urilor, activitile acestora uneori rmn n umbr. ntru promovarea unui spirit de solidaritate de natur s creeze relaii de parteneriat n facilitarea schimbului de informaii ntre organizaiile guvernamentale i neguvernamentale axate pe prevenirea i combaterea consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri, OND i-a propus desfurarea unui studiu ce ar promova aceast relaie i schimbul de informaii privind fenomenul drogurilor n Republica Moldova. Raportul dat prezint rezultatele studiului despre organizaiile neguvernamentale (ONG) ce activeaz n domeniul prevenirii consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri n Republica Moldova. n studiu au fost incluse ONG-urile, care activeaz n domeniul de interes att la nivel naional ct i la nivel local. Obiectivul principal al studiului a fost constituirea unei baze de date a ONG urilor ce activeaz n domeniul de interes al OND, care presupune informaia actualizat conform urmtorilor parametri: denumirea organizaiei, informaia de contact, domeniul de activitate, grupurile int, resurse umane, sursele de finanare, proiectele/programele/activitile realizate i rezultatele acestora, apartenena la aliane/asociaii/reele, necesitile informaionale, planurile de viitor .a. S-a ncercat analiza dup toi parametrii menionai. Colectarea datelor a avut loc n baza chestionarului completat de reprezentantul organizaiei participante. n acest sens, OND nu poart responsabilitate pentru veridicitatea lor. Studiul a fost desfurat n perioada septembrie 2005 ianuarie 2006 cu implicarea a 87 ONG uri din domeniul de interes. Creterea cunoaterii reciproce poate servi n interesul ambelor sectoare (guvernamental i neguvernamental). Acest parteneriat trebuie s fie dezvoltat i susinut pentru beneficiile mutuale ce le implic, i trebuie s serveasc intereselor comune ale ambelor sectoare (guvernamental i neguvernamental) printr-o cooperare constructiv.


Dicionarul terminologic al studiului 

Activiti directe Activiti care au drept obiectiv principal prevenirea i combaterea consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri, reducerea consecinelor consumului de droguri att pentru nsui consumatorii ct i pentru societate n general (tratamentul dependenei de droguri, oferirea diferitor servicii de consultan pentru consumatorii de droguri i persoanele apropiate acestora, reabilitarea i reintegrarea social, reducerea noxelor .a.). Activiti indirecte Activiti ce nu-i pun drept obiectiv principal prevenirea i combaterea consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri, dar ar putea influena indirect aceste fenomene (lucrul cu copiii strzii, copiii din grupurile de risc, organizarea de campanii informaionale de prevenire a HIV/SIDA, promovarea modului sntos de via n rndul copiilor, adolescenilor, tinerilor .a.) Baza de date Set de tabele i legturile (relaiile) dintre ele n care sunt stocate datele colectate n cadrul studiului, dezvoltat n MS Access. Co - dependeni Membrii familiilor, rudele, prietenii utilizatorilor de droguri asupra crora consumul de droguri de ctre o persoan apropiat influeneaz negativ. Consiliere pre i post testare la HIV Oferirea unei consultaii persoanelor ce urmeaz s mearg la instituia medical pentru un test la HIV i persoanelor care au trecut acest test. Criteriul teritorial Adresa potal indicat de ONG urile participante (vezi Anexa 1). Domeniul de interes al studiului Activiti de prevenire, profilaxie, tratament, reabilitare ale consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri sau alte aspecte ce in de fenomenul drogurilor. Grupul int n activitatea ONG-ului Grup de persoane selectate conform anumitor parametri, asupra creia i este orientat activitatea organizaiei Instrument de colectare a datelor Chestionar, constituit din 23 ntrebri (parametrii de interes ai studiului), disponibil n limba romn i rus ngrijire paliativ ngrijire complex a pacienilor n stadiul terminal al bolii. Lista iniial a ONG-urilor Lista constituit urmare a selectrii ONG- urilor din Catalogul ONG- urilor din Republica Moldova - 2002 i din lista Direciei Generale Partide i ONG uri a Ministerului Justiiei al Republicii Moldova. Lista final a ONG-urilor Lista ONG- urilor completat prin informaia rezultat n urma aplicrii metodei bulgre de zpad Metoda bulgre de zpad Metoda de identificare non aleatorie a participanilor la studiu prin intermediul participanilor deja selectai, astfel nct eantionul se constituie treptat. Este utilizat pentru cutarea participanilor greu accesibili. ONG uri active Organizaii participante la studiu ce au declarat implementarea minimum al unui proiect/program/activiti n domeniul de interes al studiului n perioada anilor 2003-2005 ONG- uri temporar inactive Organizaii participante la studiu ce nu a declarat implementarea vreo unui proiect/program/activiti n domeniul de interes al studiului n perioada anilor 2003-2005 Reabilitarea Complex de msuri psihologice, pedagogice i psihoterapeutice necesare unei persoane ce a ntrerupt administrarea ilicit a drogurilor, orientate spre restabilirea personalitii pacientului i a consecinelor comportamentului dependent de droguri. Reintegrarea social (re-socializare) Complex de msuri psihologice i pedagogice n asociere cu msurile de suport social al persoanelor ex-dependente de droguri, cu scopul restabilirii relaiilor acestora cu familia, rudele, prietenii i ntreaga societate, ajutor n angajarea n cmpul muncii. Foarte frecvent reabilitarea i reintegrarea social sunt desfurate n paralel, fr a se face o difereniere cert ntre ele. Reabilitarea/ reintegrarea social poate avea loc n centrele de reabilitare prin lucrul n grup sau individual. Reducerea noxelor Strategie orientat spre reducerea consecinelor consumului de droguri, i nu a nsui fenomenului. Obiectivele activitilor de reducere a noxelor: prevenirea rspndirii infeciilor asociate consumului de droguri (HIV/SIDA, hepatitele), reducerea riscului supradozrii i altor accidente soldate cu un final fatal, reducerea consecinelor sociale (srcia, criminalitatea) att pentru persoan ct i pentru societate.
gregare pentru tratarea corect a situaiei).

1Note definitorii ce au fost acceptate pentru studiul n cauz, nu ntotdeauna corespund cu cele acceptate n mediul tiinifico-practic (s-a reieit din necesitile de deza-


Scopul i obiectivele studiului Scopul studiului a fost mbuntirea colaborrii dintre OND i ONG-le care activeaz pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova n domeniul prevenirii, profilaxiei, tratamentului, reabilitrii sau abordeaz alte aspecte ale consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri. Obiectivul principal al studiului a fost constituirea unei baze de date a ONG urilor ce activeaz n domeniul de interes al OND, care presupune informaie actualizat conform urmtorilor parametri: denumirea organizaiei, informaia de contact, domeniul de activitate, grupurile int, resurse umane, sursele de finanare, proiectele realizate i rezultatele acestora, apartenena la aliane/asociaii/reele, necesitile informaionale, planurile de viitor .a. Obiectivele specifice: 1. identificarea i constituirea listei tuturor ONG-lor ce activeaz in Republica Moldova n domeniul de interes al studiului; 2. descrierea ONG-urile dup parametrii de interes ai studiului; 3. analiza activitii ONG-urilor i serviciilor oferite precum i ncercarea estimrii numrului beneficiarilor proiectelor realizate i descrise de ONG-uri; 4. stabilirea contactelor i facilitarea fluxul informaional bilateral. Metoda studiului Designul studiului ntru atingerea scopului i obiectivelor studiului a fost propus intervievarea ONG-urilor ce activeaz pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova n domeniul de prevenire i combatere a consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri sau abordeaz alte aspecte ale acestora. Grupul int ONG-urile ce activeaz n domeniul de prevenire a consumului ilicit i traficului de droguri, astfel influennd direct sau indirect fenomenul drogurilor n Republica Moldova. n studiu au fost incluse organizaiile nregistrate n perioada 1992 30 iunie 2005 pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, inclusiv malul stng al Nistrului. Mrimea eantionului 327 ONG - uri, dintre care 309 au fost incluse n lista iniial, iar 18 au fost identificate pe parcursul desfurrii studiului. Perioada de desfurare a studiului Septembrie 2005 Ianuarie 2006 Instrumentul de colectare a datelor Chestionar completat prin autoadministrare. Chestionarul a fost elaborat de ctre echipa implicat n desfurarea studiului n dou limbi, romn i rus. Pretestarea chestionarului a fost efectuat n cadrul Trainingului pentru ONG urile participante la campania informaional de prevenire HIV/SIDA din data de 6 octombrie 2005 la

Vadul lui Vod. La eveniment au participat 9 ONG uri din Republica Moldova. Urmare a rezultatelor pretestrii chestionarul a fost ajustat. Chestionarul final a fost compus din 23 ntrebri. Un tabel separat (12a), prevedea colectarea informaiei detaliate privind proiectele/programele/activitile realizate n perioada 2003-2005 i rezultatele acestora. La finele chestionarului a fost cerut acordul ONG-ului privind publicarea datelor n raportul final al studiului. Toate chestionarele sunt pstrate n arhiva OND. Limitrile studiului Dei planul cercetrii a permis identificarea i a ONG urilor nregistrate la nivel local, exist posibilitatea c au rmas ONG uri din aceast categorie care nu au intrat n listele ONG-urilor ce urmau a fi contactate i au fost scpate din vizorul echipei de implementare a studiului. 8 ONG uri au refuzat din start s participe la studiu din diverse motive, 18 ONG-uri nu au returnat chestionarul. Colectarea datelor I.Constituirea listei ONG- urilor ce urmau a fi intervievate i informaia lor de contact. Drept surs au servit: Catalogul ONG urilor din Republica Moldova - 2002, editat de Centrul Naional de Colaborare i Informare a ONG urilor din Republica Moldova CONTACT pentru ONG-urile nregistrate n perioada anilor 1992 2002 ; lista furnizat de Direcia Principal pentru Partide i ONG uri a Ministerului Justiiei al Republicii Moldova ca rspuns la cererea oficial a Ministerului Sntii i Proteciei Sociale al Republicii Moldova pentru ONG urile nregistrate la nivel naional n perioada anilor 2003 2005, prima jumtate 2; rezultatele aplicrii metodei bulgre de zpad (tuturor ONG urilor le-a fost formulat ntrebarea dac mai cunosc sau nu alte ONG uri ce activeaz n domeniul de interes, evitndu-se prin verificare dubla introducere a datelor). II. Colectarea propiu-zis a datelor: n colectarea datelor au fost implicai 5 operatori, fiecruia revenindu-i 60-64 ONG uri din lista iniial, distribuite dup criteriul teritorial. Colectarea propiu-zis a datelor a urmat etapele: A. Concretizarea/corectarea la necesitate a informaiei de contact a ONG urilor, a tipului de activitate i serviciile acordate. B. Identificarea tipurilor de activitate n domeniul de interes al studiului. C. Concretizarea acordului/dezacordului de participare la studiu i a modalitii de transmitere a chestionarului (pota electronic, fax, pot, direct persoanei de contact). Identificarea altor ONG uri din domeniul de interes i a informaiei de contact a acestora. Etapele , i au servit drept screening pentru identificarea ONG- urilor ale cror activiti corespund domeniului de interes al studiului i care au acceptat participarea la studiu. D. Consultarea ONG urilor participante la studiu n completarea chestionarului. E. Colectarea chestionarelor completate i verificarea datelor, la necesitate concretizarea situaiilor neclare. F. Completarea fielor de nsoire pentru fiecare ONG participant la studiu. III. Introducerea i analiza datelor
2. n textul raportul, prin perioada anilor 2003-2005 se nelege perioada 1 ianuarie 2003 30 iunie 2005.


Pentru introducerea, pstrarea i analiza datelor studiului a fost elaborat un program computerizat n baza MS Access i un ghid cu reguli i principii de utilizare a programului. Introducerea datelor a fost realizat de ctre operatori. Verificarea corectitudinii datelor introduse a inut de responsabilitatea coordonatorului i asistentului studiului. Analiza datelor a fost realizat prin utilizarea MS Access i MS Excel. Rezultatele studiului Rezultatele screening-ului Din toate sursele menionate n metoda studiului a fost constituit lista ONG urilor care ipotetic activau la momentul desfurrii studiului n domeniul de interes al OND n Republica Moldova. Lista iniial era constituit din 309 ONG uri, iar pe parcurs au mai fost identificate 18 ONG uri. Astfel, lista final a studiului a fost format din 327 ONG-uri. n Figura 1 sunt prezentate rezultatele etapelor A ,B i C ale studiului (screening-ul). Din numrul total de 327 de ONG uri din lista final:
1. 87 ONG uri (26.6%) au participat la studiu i au completat chestionarul; 2. 80 ONG uri (24.4%) nu s-a adeverit ipoteza c ar desfura activiti n domeniul de interes al studiului; 3. 89 ONG uri (27%) nu au putut fi gsite, multiplele tentative de a le localiza au euat. Cele mai frecvente rspunsuri au fost : Cineva din rude/cunoscui/prieteni a folosit adresa pentru nregistrarea organizaiei. Nu cunosc care este soarta organizaiei deoarece persoana respectiv este plecat, Da, cndva aici a fost o astfel de organizaie, dar acum nu tiu pe unde e, nu tiu care i-ar fi soarta .a.m.d.; 4. 17 ONG uri (5%) nu au participat, deoarece toate tentativele de a le contacta la telefon, prin scrisori, mesaje electronice nu au dat nici un rezultat. De asemenea au fost fcute ncercri de a contacta aceste ONG uri prin intermediul altor ONG uri active din aceiai localitate dar multiplele tentative de a le localiza au euat; 5. 18 ONG uri (5.5%) au acceptat s participe la studiu, le-a fost expediat chestionarul, dar din anumite motive ( lipsa de timp, probleme de ordin privat) acesta nu a fost returnat echipei de implementare a studiului; 6. 8 ONG uri (2.5%) au refuzat s participe la studiu din start din diferite motive (lipsa dorinei de a divulga tipul i rezultatele activitii, dezinteresarea n rezultatele studiului .a.); 7. 9 ONG uri (3.0%) au declarat c organizaia exist, dar nu desfoar activiti; 8. 14 ONG-uri (4.0%) s-au desfiinat; 9. 5 ONG-uri (2%) au intrat n categoria altele.

n final au fost identificate i chestionate 87 de ONG uri, care desfoar activiti directe sau indirecte n domeniul de interes. Datele colectate de la aceste ONG-uri au fost analizate n conformitate cu obiectivele studiului i au stat la baza rezultatelor prezentate n raportul dat.


Rezultatele procesrii datelor Informaie general


Distribuia ONG urilor dup criteriul teritorial (vezi Anexa 1) este artat n figura 2 i 3. Drept criteriu de clasificare a servit adresa potal indicat de ctre ONG urile participante, fiind considerat de ctre echipa de implementare a studiului drept adres de facto unde se localizeaz organizaia. Informaia de contact al ONG-urilor care au completat chestionarul este prezentat n Anexa 2.

Astfel, 44 ONG uri (50 %) au indicat adres potal din municipiul Chiinu, 17 ONG uri (20%) raioanele de nord ale Republicii Moldova, 15 ONG uri (17%) raioanele de sud ale Republicii Moldova, 7 ONG uri (8%) raioanele de centru ale Republicii Moldova,4 ONG uri (4%) au indicat o adres de pe malul stng al Nistrului. Aproximativ n 20% de cazuri adresa juridic (de nregistrare) a ONG - urilor participante la studiu era diferit de adresa potal indicat n chestionar.

La distibuia ONG-urilor participante la studiu dup anul nregistrrii, apogeul numrului de organizaii noi nregistrate n perioada anilor 1997 2004 (Figura 4) este remarcat n

anul 2003 ( 17 organizaii). Rezultatele rspunsurilor primite la ntrebarea dac Organizaia este o filial a unei organizaii internaionale/naionale sunt prezentate n Tabelul 1. Astfel, din numrul total de 87 ONG uri, doar 8 ONG-uri (9%) au relatat c sunt filiale ale organizaiilor naionale / internaionale, distribuindu-se egal ntre cele naionale i cele internaionale.

n Anexa 3 este prezentat informaia despre ONG-urile care sunt filiale ale organizaiilor naionale, iar n Anexa 4 este prezentat informaia despre ONG-urile care sunt filiale ale organizaiilor internaionale. Din numrul total de ONG-uri ce au completat chestionarul 7 ONG-uri (8%) au relatat despre faptul c au ramificri sub form de ONG-uri nregistrate (persoane juridice) i structuri subordonate cu statut de reprezentan (Anexa 5). Resurse umane Unul din parametrii de evaluare n cadrul studiului a fost analiza resurselor umane ale ONG urilor participante. Au fost analizate separat numrul de persoane angajate (prin cumul i full time) i numrul de cazuri de voluntariat implicate n desfurarea activitilor ONG-ului participant. Astfel, numrul total de persoane angajate n cadrul ONG urilor participante la studiu este de 757 persoane. n cazul a 48 ONG uri (55%) numrul persoanelor angajate se afl n limitele de 1-5 persoane, fiind clasificate drept ONG uri mici (dup criteriul resurselor umane disponibile) (Figura 5).

ONG uri medii dup resursele umane disponibile (6 10 persoane angajate) au fost nregistrate 27 ONG uri, constituind 31% din numrul total de participani la studiu.

ONG urilor mari (11 19 persoane angajate) i foarte mari (mai mult de 20 persoane) le-au revenit a cte 7% din numrul total de organizaii participante (a cte 6 ONG uri). Astfel, cea mai mare parte din ONG-urile participante - 86% (71 ONG uri) fac parte din categoria celor mici i medii, iar 14% (14 ONG uri) sunt clasificate dup resursele umane disponibile drept mari i foarte mari. Numrul cumulativ al cazurilor de voluntariat declarate de ONG urile participante la studiu a atins cifra de 3803 cazuri. 7 ONG uri (8%) au relatat lipsa cazurilor de voluntariat. n cazul a 41 ONG uri (47%) numrul cazurilor de voluntariat se ncadreaz n limitele 1 10 persoane, n cazul a 25 ONG - uri (28.7%) numrul lor s-a ncadrat n limitele 11 20 persoane, n cazul a 6 ONG - uri (7%) numrul lor s-a ncadrat n limitele 21 40 persoane i n cazul a 8 ONG - uri (9.3%) numrul lor a depit cifra de 40 persoane (Figura 6).

Tipurile de activitate Unul din cei mai importani parametri supui analizei n cadrul studiului a fost identificarea tipului de activitate a ONG-urilor participante (Anexa 6). ONG urilor participante le-au fost propuse pentru alegere mai multe variante de rspuns fiind prevzut i categoria altele. Urmare a analizei, ONG urile participante au fost divizate n 2 grupuri: Cu activiti directe (cel puin una din urmtoarele: reabilitarea i re-socializarea utilizatorilor de droguri, tratamentul dependenei de droguri, schimb de seringi, ngrijiri paliative) Cu activiti indirecte (cel puin una din urmtoarele: informare, educare, pre/post testare la HIV, suportul social/comunitar)

Astfel, 48% din ONG uri (42 ONG uri participante) realizeaz activiti directe3, mai des ntlnite fiind reabilitarea/re-socializarea persoanelor dependente sau ex-dependente de droguri - 27.6% de cazuri (24 ONG uri participante la studiu) (Figura 7). 12.4% din ONG urile participante la studiu (11 ONG uri) desfoar activiti de tratament al dependenei de droguri. n Republica Moldova ONG urile nu pot desfur activiti de dezintoxicare medicamentoas i tratament substitutiv. n aceste condiii unele ONG uri participante subneleg drept tratament readresarea persoanelor care potenial necesit un astfel de tratament ctre instituiile medicale publice i private cu dreptul de
3 Prezena a cel puin unei activiti directe, n prezena a mai multor activiti indirecte clasific ONG ul participant drept organizaie ce desfoar activiti directe.


a oferi astfel de servicii. 18 ONG uri participante (19%) desfoar activiti de schimb de seringi, 17 dintre ele fac parte din reeaua naional Reducerea Noxelor (Anexa 7). Activiti de ngrijiri paliative au fost relatate de 9 ONG uri participante la studiu (11%) n majoritate fiind acordate persoanelor bolnave de SIDA.

Ct privete activitile indirecte, valori mari au fost nregistrate (Figura 8) la poziiile informare i educare despre nocivitatea consumului de droguri, HIV/SIDA, promovarea modului sntos de via, elaborarea i editarea materialelor informaionale. Astfel, 99% din ONG - urile participante au relatat activiti de informare despre droguri i consecinele consumului acestora. 90% din ONG - urile participante au relatat activiti de educare n domeniul dat prin organizarea training-urilor, seminarelor, atelierelor la subiectul drogurilor. 65% din ONG - urile participante au relatat activiti de suport social/comunitar persoanelor dependente sau ex-dependente de droguri, familiilor i rudelor acestora. 37% din ONG - urile participante au relatat activiti de consultare, consiliere pre i post testare la HIV. n categoria altele ONG urile participante au relatat telefonul de ncredere, consultaii prin internet, organizarea evenimentelor n mas, susinere internaional i consultarea ONG urilor ce activeaz n domeniul social. Unul din parametrii de interes major ai studiului a fost evaluarea gradului de activitate a ONG urilor participante. Din diverse motive cum ar fi deficitul de finanare, lipsa localului, deficit de resurse umane . a. ONG urile pentru o perioad de timp i ntrerup activitatea i trec n categoria celor temporar inactive sau se desfiineaz. Gradul de activitate a ONG urilor participante la studiu a fost evaluat dup criteriul implementrii proi20

ectelor/programelor/activitilor (cel puin al unui proiect/program/activitate) n perioada anilor 2003 2005. Astfel, 56% din ONG urile participante (49 din 87 ONG uri participante) au intrat n categoria celor active, iar 44% (38 din 87 ONG uri participante) au fost clasificate drept temporar inactive. Din grupul ONG-urilor active (49 ONG - uri), 57% (28 ONG-uri) desfoar activiti directe. Grupul ONG-urilor temporar inactive include ONG uri care au desfurat activiti n trecut, pentru moment nu desfoar activiti, nu sunt desfiinate, eventual n viitor, pot trece n categoria celor active dac ncep din nou s implementeze proiecte/programe/activiti. Proiecte/programe/activiti implementate n 2003-2005 ONG urile care au relatat implementarea proiectelor/programelor/activitilor pentru perioada anilor 2003 2005 au completat tabelul 12a din chestionar cu descrierea detaliat a fiecrui proiect/program/activitate. Proiectele/programele/activitile cu durata unui an i mai mult au fost luate n calcul separat pentru fiecare an de implementare, din care cauz numrul cumulativ pentru toi anii este mai mare dect numrul celor implementate de facto. Astfel, de facto n perioada anilor 2003-2005 au fost n curs de implementare 124 proiecte/programe/activiti. Proiectele/programele/activitile debutate n anul 2005 i prevzute pentru anii ce urmeaz au fost de asemenea luate n calcul.

Astfel, n anul 2003 n proces de implementare au fost 50 proiecte/programe/activiti, n anul 2004 70 i n anul 2005 - 83 proiecte/programe/activiti (Figura 8). Pentru anul

2006 i anul/anii ce urmeaz erau prevzute 11 proiecte/programe/activiti n proces de derulare la momentul desfurrii studiului. La analiza distribuiei teritoriale (conform adresei potale a ONG urilor), numrul cel mai mare de ONG-uri ce au relatat implementarea proiectelor/programelor/activitilor n perioada 2003-2005 revine municipiului Chiinu. Acest fapt nu poate fi extrapolat i asupra acoperirii teritoriale de facto de ctre proiectele/programele/activitile implementate, deoarece unele ONG-uri care au indicat o adres potal dintr-un anumit teritoriu administrativ realizeaz proiecte/programe/activiti i n alte teritorii administrative ale Republicii Moldova. innd cont de densitatea localitilor din ar acest fenomen este explicabil.

Conform acoperirii teritoriale cu proiecte/programe/activiti n domeniul de interes al studiului relatate de ONG-urile participante (Figura 9) pentru perioada anilor 2003-2005 cel mai mare numr revine regiunii Nord a Republicii Moldova cu 67 proiecte/programe/ activiti, apoi urmeaz municipiul Chiinu cu 53, regiunea Centru a rii cu 40 proiecte/programe/activiti, malul stng al Nistrului i regiunea Sud a rii cu cte 34 proiecte/programe/activiti fiecare. Finanarea proiectelor/programelor/activitilor n 2003-2005 Circa 60% din proiectele/programele/activitile implementate n perioada 2003-2005 relatate de ONG-urile participante la studiu au avut mai multe surse de finanare. Frecvent o parte din cheltuielile de chirie a localului i cheltuielile de regie sunt suportate de ctre ONG. Sursele de finanare pentru proiectele/programele/activitile implementate n perioada 2003-2005 au fost divizate n 3 categorii: 1. surse ce au finanat mai puin de 5 proiecte/programe/activiti 2. surse ce au finanat 5 20 proiecte/programe/activiti 3. surse ce au finanat 20 30 i mai multe proiecte/programe/activiti Datele prezentate n Figura 10 i Anexa 8 au rezultat n urma lurii n calcul a tuturor surselor de finanare a proiectului/programului/activitii independent de ponderea acestora n bugetul integral.




n categoria altele i alte organizaii internaionale (8 proiecte/programe/activiti) drept surse de finanare ONG-urile participante au menionat Fondul de Investiii Sociale din Moldova, Centrul Prodidactica, Centrul regional de resurse umane, Donaiile persoanelor ex-dependente i familiile acestora, Centrul Dalila, Organizaia Crucii Roii a Marii Britanii, Suediei i Norvegiei, Departamentul pentru Crime i Droguri al Rusiei, Fondul TIDES, Agenia Elveian pentru Cooperare i Dezvoltare, Help Age International, ONG Terre des Hommes, Aliana copiilor New York.

La completarea chestionarului nu s-au cerut acte justificative despre bugetul proiectelor/programelor/activitilor relatate de ctre ONG-urile participante la studiu. Nu a fost posibil calcularea ponderii fiecrei surse n cadrul fiecrui proiect/program/activiti n baza bugetului integral al proiectelor/programelor/activitilor relatate de ONG-urile participante, proiectele/programele/activitile au fost divizate n 4 grupuri (figura 11): 1. buget mai mic de 5000$ - 33% din proiecte/programe/activiti (41 n cifre absolute)

2. buget de 5000$ - 10000$ - 13% din proiecte/programe/activiti (16 n cifre absolute) 3. mai mare de 10000$ - 35% din proiecte/programe/activiti (43 n cifre absolute) 4. suma bugetului neindicat - 19% din proiecte/programe/activiti(24 n cifre absolute)

Estimarea bugetului total al proiectelor/programelor/activitilor relatate de ONG urile participante la studiu pentru perioada 2003 2005 a atins cifra de 2 .210 540 $ USD (convertite la cursul mediu al Bncii Naionale a Republicii Moldova)4. Grupurile int ale proiectelor/programelor/activitilor (2003-2005) Unul din parametrii de interes special al studiului a fost grupul int al proiectelor/programelor/activitilor implementate n perioada 2003-2005 relatate de ONG-urile participante la studiu. ONG urile au avut posibilitatea s selecteze grupurile int din lista propus (Anexa 9). inndu-se cont de faptul c acelai serviciu/activitate este oferit mai multor grupuri int, datele de mai jos reflect cte proiecte/programe/activiti au avut un grup int n rndul beneficiarilor si. Distribuia dup grupurile int (Figura 12) ce reprezint populaiile vulnerabile arat astfel: 26 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru toate categoriile de utilizatori de droguri 24 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru persoanele ex-utilizatori de droguri, 17 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru familiile i rudele utilizatorilor de droguri 7 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru LSC, 1 proiect/program/activitate pentru BSB, 4 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru deinui, 34 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru PHS, 23 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru membrii familiilor PHS, 15 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru copiii strzii. Rezultatele analizei datelor dup grupurile int ce reprezint grupuri de vrst ale populaiei i pentru care mai des sunt desfurate activiti cum ar fi informarea i educarea, se prezint astfel: 28 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru copiii de pn la 12 ani 59 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru adolesceni de 12 16 ani


53 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru tinerii de 17 29 ani 23 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru adulii de 30 60 ani 11 proiecte/programe/activiti pentru adulii mai mari de 60 ani.

n perioada anilor 2003-2005 n cadrul proiectelor/programelor/activitilor implementate de ctre ONG-urile participante la studiu a fost oferit un numr cumulativ de 572.804 servicii/persoan. Unitatea de msur serviciu/persoan a fost utilizat deoarece estimarea numrului beneficiarilor n baza datelor colectate n cadrul acestui studiu nu a fost posibil din cauza riscului mare de dublare/triplare a informaiei (o persoan poate beneficia de unul sau mai multe servicii n cadrul a una sau mai multe proiecte/programe/activiti). Colaborarea cu alte ONG-uri Fiind ntrebate despre colaborarea cu alte ONG uri, 95,4% din ONG urile respondente (83 la numr) au relatat colaborarea cu alte ONG uri (nu toate ineau direct de domeniul de interes al studiului). Cele 4.6% restante (4 ONG uri) au relatat lipsa colaborrii cu alte ONG uri. La ntrebarea dac ar fi interesate n stabilirea/continuarea/ameliorarea colaborrii cu alte ONG uri, 98% din ONG urile respondente (85 ONG uri) au dat un rspuns afirmativ. Doar o singur organizaie a relatat lipsa colaborrii i totodat a dorinei de a colabora.

Fiind ntrebate care ar fi domeniile de colaborare cu alte ONG uri n care sunt interesate ONG-urile participante la studiu, acestea au menionat: prevenirea consumului de droguri i lucrul cu tinerii promovarea modului sntos de via oferirea serviciilor medicale persoanelor dependente de droguri suportul familiilor i rudelor persoanelor dependente de droguri suportul social persoanelor dependente i ex-dependente de droguri. aprarea drepturilor persoanelor dependente de droguri reabilitarea i re-socializarea persoanelor dependente de droguri prevenirea HIV/SIDA, consilierea i testarea voluntar la HIV experiena internaional n combaterea abuzului i traficului de droguri schimb de experien n realizarea metodei de de la egal la egal dorina de a realiza proiecte n comun.

A fost supus analizei apartenena ONG-urilor participante la studiu la alianele naionale i internaionale, asociaii sau reele. Astfel, 51 ONG-uri (58.6%) participante la studiu au indicat apartenena sa la una sau mai multe aliane/asociaii/reele (Anexa 10 i Anexa 11). Colaborarea cu instituiile publice/guvernamentale
n chestionarul studiului ONG urile participante au fost ntrebate dac au stabilit colaborarea cu instituiile publice/guvernamentale. La aceast ntrebare 83% din ONG urile participante (72 ONG uri) au rspuns afirmativ, iar 17% (15 ONG uri) au dat un rspuns negativ. La ntrebarea dac ar dori s stabileasc/continue/amelioreze colaborarea cu instituiile publice/guvernamentale 94% din ONG urile participante (82 ONG uri) au dat un rspuns afirmativ. Doar 3 ONG-uri au relatat despre lipsa colaborrii i reticen n stabilirea acesteia cu instituiile publice/guvernamentale. Fiind ntrebate care cred ele ar fi domeniile de colaborare cu instituiile publice/guvernamentale, ONG-urile participante la studiu au menionat: implicarea ONG urilor n elaborarea programelor i strategiilor pentru combaterea tabagismului, alcoolismului i dependenei de droguri; implicarea ONG urilor n elaborarea programelor i strategiilor pentru promovarea sntii i politicilor pentru tineret; colaborarea n implementarea proiectelor sociale, dezvoltarea unei colaborri durabile; -finanarea proiectelor/programelor/activitilor ONG urilor; oferirea spaiului pentru ONG uri; mbuntirea accesului ONG urilor la informaie; mbuntirea colaborrii cu structurile Ministerului Sntii i Proteciei Sociale i ale Ministerului Educaiei i Tineretului; colaborarea n domeniul reabilitrii/re-socializrii ( n special la angajarea n cmpul muncii) a persoanelor ex-dependente de droguri i a PHS; reducerea stigmei persoanelor dependente de droguri i a PHS n societate; schimbul de experien n managementul organizaiei i gestiunea resurselor umane.

Accesul la informaie Au fost supuse analizei sursele de informaie relatate de ONG urile participante la studiu. Din variantele de rspuns propuse (Figura 13) toate ONG urile participante au relatat cel puin 4 surse de informaie de care dispune organizaia. Rspunsurile s-au distribuit astfel:
88% din ONG urile participante au relatat c dispun de accesul la internet; 29% din ONG urile participante au relatat c favorizeaz de consultaii on-line; 85% din ONG urile participante au relatat c au favorizat de trening-uri/seminare; 81% din ONG urile participante au relatat c folosesc publicaiile; 75% din ONG urile participante au relatat drept surs de informaie schimbul de experien cu alte ONG uri; 45% din ONG urile participante au relatat c beneficiaz de serviciile bibliotecilor publice; 29% din ONG urile participante au relatat c beneficiaz de accesul la bibliotecile on-line; 3% din ONG urile participante au relatat alte surse de informaie cum ar fi audio/videoteci, consultarea specialitilor din domeniul de interes . a.

Necesitile informaionale La analiza necesitilor informaionale relatate de ONG urile participante la studiu, diversitatea rspunsurilor a necesitat gruparea: 1. Necesiti ce in nemijlocit de activitatea ONG urilor i serviciilor acordate Desfurarea campaniilor informaionale, seminarelor i training-urilor n domeniul prevenirii consumului de droguri, tabagismului i consumului de alcool Acordarea ajutorului persoanelor dependente de droguri n perioada de criz, n reabilitarea i re-socializarea acestora Problema drogurilor discutat n cadrul training-urilor i seminarelor naionale i internaionale Cunotine mai profunde n aplicarea metodei de educare de la egal la egal Cunoaterea legislaiei n domeniul prevenirii i combaterii abuzului i traficului de droguri 2. Necesiti ce in nemijlocit de logistica proiectelor i activitii ONG urilor Deficit informaional ct privete potenialii finanatori de proiecte n domeniul pre27

venirii i combaterii abuzului i traficului de droguri Deficit de cunotine n scrierea proiectelor, managementul organizaional

3. Necesiti ce in de unele faciliti tehnice Deficit de cunotine n utilizarea tehnicii de calcul i internetului Lipsa echipamentului informaional i accesului la internet. n Figura 14 sunt prezentate sursele de informare preferabile de ONG urile participante la studiu. Din variantele propuse cele mai solicitate au fost schimbul de experien (84%), participarea n training-uri/seminare (80%), publicaiile (76%).

Internetul ca surs de informare a fost indicat de circa 73% din ONG urile participante. Circa jumtate din ONG urile participante ar prefera accesul la bibliotecile on-line (51%) i on line consultaiile (50%). De serviciile bibliotecilor publice ar prefera s beneficieze 30% din ONG urile intervievate. n categoria altele (4%) au intrat colaborarea cu ONG uri internaionale, accesul gratis la informaie publicat la nivel internaional, televiziunea/radioul. Proiecte/programe/activiti planificate pentru anul 2006 52% din ONG urile respondente (45 ONG uri) au relatat existena planurilor de implementare a proiectelor/programelor/activitilor pentru anul 2006 n domeniul de interes al studiului. Acordul de utilizare a datelor colectate Acordul de utilizare a datelor colectate pentru raportul final al studiului a fost cerut n scris cu indicarea persoanei care a completat ancheta. Toate ONG-urile participante la studiu au acceptat utilizarea datelor furnizate pentru analiz i prezentare a rezultatelor n raportul dat.

Concluzii Studiul realizat i-a atins obiectivul principal - crearea unei baze de date a ONG-urilor ce activeaz n domeniul de interes al OND. Empiric se admite c metodele utilizate pentru selectarea participanilor la studiu au permis identificarea a marii majoriti a ONG-urilor active i temporar inactive din domeniul de interes al studiului, dei pentru moment nu exist metode fiabile de verificare a acestei afirmaii. Exist posibilitatea pierderii din vizor a unor ONG-uri, n special n cazul celor nregistrate la nivel local. Gradul de participare a ONG-urilor selectate este apreciat drept satisfctor i a depit ateptrile echipei de implementare. Toate ONG-urile participante, 87 la numr, au fost descrise dup parametrii de interes i datele colectate au fost supuse analizei. Eantionul obinut este relativ mic pentru perfectarea unei analize privind corelaia multifactorial care ar determina veridicitatea asocierii statistice. Coninutul chestionarului a fost ajustat la disponibilitatea datelor, reticena participanilor n furnizarea informaiei considerat de uz intern, perioada de timp relativ scurt pentru realizarea studiului. Creterea gradului de detaliere a informaiei colectate ar fi sporit posibilitile de analiz a asocierilor. Dincolo de eforturile i insistena echipei de implementare pe parcursul desfurrii studiului au fost nregistrate 26 refuzuri din diverse motive. Din lips de informaie despre tipurile de activitate ale ONG-urilor ce au refuzat participarea, este dificil de evaluat impactul acestor refuzuri asupra rezultatelor finale. Estimarea numrului beneficiarilor proiectelor realizate descrise de ONG-urile participante nu a fost posibil din cauza lipsei unei metode unice de identificare anonim/ confidenial a beneficiarilor. Dup o selectare a ONG-urilor din baza de date constituit, OND va ncerca implicarea acestora n colectarea informaiei neconfideniale din cadrul activitilor ordinare i extraordinare. Se recomand repetarea periodic a unui astfel de studiu pentru actualizarea bazei de date i stimularea colaborrii i schimbului de date neconfideniale dintre organizaiile guvernamentale i neguvernamentale ce activeaz n domeniul prevenirii i combaterii abuzului i traficului ilicit de droguri n Republica Moldova.


Anexa 1 Distribuia geografic conform adresei potale indicate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, Republica Moldova, 2005


Anexa2. Informaia de contact a ONG-urilor participante la studiu, active i temporar inactive, Republica Moldova, 2005

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Anexa 3. ONG-urile participante la studiu filiale ale organizaiilor internaionale, Republica Moldova, 2005

Anexa 4. ONG-urile participante la studiu filiale ale organizaiilor naionale, Republica Moldova, 2005

Anexa 5. ONG-urile participante la studiu care au filiale naionale/internaionale, Republica Moldova, 2005


Anexa 6. Tipurile de activiti relatate de ONG-urile participante la studiu, Republica Moldova, 2005



61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87


Anexa 7. ONG-urile participante la studiu ce implementeaz activiti de Reducerea Noxelor i tipurile de servicii oferite, Republica Moldova, 2005


Anexa 8. Distribuia surselor de finanare dup numrul proiectelor/programelor/activitilor finanate n perioada 2003-2005 n domeniul de interes al studiului, Republica Moldova, 20032005


Anexa 9. Grupurile int ale proiectelor/programelor/activitilor propuse ONG-urilor participante la studiu pentru selectare


Anexa 10. Alianele, asociaiile i reele naionale la care ONG-urile participante la studiu au declarat apartenena, Republica Moldova, 2005

Anexa 11. Alianele, asociaiile i reele internaionale la care ONG-urile participante la studiu au declarat apartenena, Republica Moldova, 2005


Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova Scientific and Practical Center of Public Health and Health Management Monitoring and Evaluation of National Health Programmes National Drug Observatory

The study of NGOs working in the field of prevention and fighting of drug abuse and drug trafficking in the Republic of Moldova


Acronyms ADU active drug user AFEW AIDS Foundation East-West AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome BUMAD Programme of assistance for the prevention of drug abuse and drug trafficking in Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova CSW Commercial Sex Worker CA Civil Association CO Civil Organization DU Drug User E European Commission DDA European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction GFATM Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus MS - Microsoft MSM Men having Sex with Men NDO National Drug Observatory NGO Nongovernmental Organization PLWHA People Living with HIV/AIDS Sida Swedish International Development Agency SPCPHM Scientific and Practical Center of Public Health and Health Management UNAIDS Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS UNDP United Nations Development Program UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund WB World Bank

List of Figures
Figure 1 ................................................................................................................................... 50 The results of the screening of the final list of NGOs selected for the study, %, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Figure 2 ................................................................................................................................... 50 Geographical distribution of NGOs participating in the study (absolute numbers), Republic of Moldova, 2005 Figure 3 ................................................................................................................................... 51 Distribution of the NGOs participating in the study according to the administrative territory (absolute numbers), Republic of Moldova, 2005 Figure 4 ................................................................................................................................... 51 Distribution by the year of registration of the the NGOs participating in the study (absolute numbers), Republic of Moldova, 2005 Figure 5 ................................................................................................................................... 52 Distribution of the NGOs participating in the study based on the number of employees (absolute numbers), Republic of Moldova, 2005 Figure 6 ................................................................................................................................... 53 Distribution by the number of volunteers involved in the activities of the NGOs participating in the study (absolute numbers), Republic of Moldova, 2005 Figure 7 ................................................................................................................................... 54 Distribution by types of activities implemented by the NGOs participating in the study, %, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Figure 8 ................................................................................................................................... 55 Territorial distribution of projects/programs/activities implemented within the period of 2003-2005 (absolute numbers), Republic of Moldova, 2003-2005 Figure 9 ................................................................................................................................... 56 Territorial coverage with projects/programs/activities implemented within the period of 2003-2005, Republic of Moldova, 2003-2005 Figure 10 ................................................................................................................................. 57 Number of projects/programs/activities per source of funding reported by the NGOs participating in the study, Republic of Moldova, 2003-2005 Figure 11 ................................................................................................................................. 57 Distribution of projects/programs/activities based on the total sum of the budget reported by the NGOs participating in the study, Republic of Moldova, 2003-2005 Figure 12 ................................................................................................................................. 59 Distribution of the projects/programs/activities reported by the participating NGOs based on the target group, Republic of Moldova, 2003-2005 Figure 13 ................................................................................................................................. 61 The rates of sources of information reported by the NGOs participating in the study, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Figure 14 ................................................................................................................................. 62 The rates of preferred sources of information reported by the NGOs participating in the study, Republic of Moldova, 2005


List of Tables
Table 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 52 The NGOs participating in the study representing branches of national and international organizations (absolute numbers, %), Republic of Moldova, 2005

List of Annexes
Annex 1 ................................................................................................................................... 64 Distribution of NGOs participating in the study according to geographic region (based on the indicated mailing address), Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 2 ................................................................................................................................... 65 Contact Information of the NGOs participating in the study, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 3................................................................................................................................... 68 The NGOs participating in the study that represent branches of international organizations, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 4 ................................................................................................................................... 68 The NGOs participating in the study that represent branches of national organizations, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 5 ................................................................................................................................... 68 The NGOs participating in the study that have national/international branches, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 6 ................................................................................................................................... 69 Types of implemented activities reported by the NGOs participating in the study, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 7 ................................................................................................................................... 72 The NGOs participating in the study implementing Harm Reduction projects and types of provided services, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 8 ................................................................................................................................... 73 Distribution of sources of funding by the number of projects/programs/activities funded, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 9 ................................................................................................................................... 73 The target groups of the projects/programs/activities proposed for selection to the NGOs participating in the study Annex 10 ................................................................................................................................. 74 Alliances, Associations and National Networks to which NGOs participating in the study related the affiliation, Republic of Moldova, 2005 Annex 11 ................................................................................................................................. 74 Alliances, Associations and International Networks to which NGOs participating in the study related the affiliation, Republic of Moldova, 2005


In the process of achieving the goals ensuring a harmonious development of a person, a society and a state an important role is played by NGOs representing one of the main social institutions of the civil society and the jural state. Being also called the third sector of the society, the NGOs possess an important socio-cultural potential. A correct appreciation and use of these organizations opens the way to new resources and possibilities. Currently the NGOs are widely involved in taking socio-economic and political decisions. Problems in which the credibility, accessibility and capacity of governmental institutions are limited could be solved through NGOs involvement. The field of their activity is very wide: education/research, health, culture/art/creation, sports, economic and community development, human rights, social services, ecology, mass-media, ethnic minorities, religion, professional interests/entrepreneurship, philanthropy/voluntarism, international relations, etc. The decisions with a considerable impact are based on the analysis of available evidence. In this context, the Interdepartmental Commission of the Government for Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking Control emitted the Decision nr.2 on February 27, 2004, providing for the creation of a unit responsible for centralized collection and analysis of non-confidential data concerning the drug phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova. According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova nr.164 of May 18, 2004, the National Drugs Observatory (NDO) was created within the Scientific and Practical Center of Public Health and Health Management (SPCPHHM) of the Ministry of Health. The goal of the NDO is to perform the monitoring and evaluation of the situation in the area of drug abuse and drug trafficking in the Republic of Moldova. The NDOs objective is to collect and analyze non-confidential information based on five epidemiological indicators established by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (prevalence of drug use, problem drug use, treatment demand, drug-related mortality, infectious diseases associated with drug use). In order to generate these indicators data should be collected from both governmental and nongovernmental organizations. While the activities of governmental institutions and organizations are more or less known and much more reflected in mass-media, then the NGOs activities often remain in the shadow. Aiming at promoting a spirit of solidarity able to create partnership relations and to facilitate the informational exchange between governmental and nongovernmental organizations focused on prevention and fighting of drug abuse and drug trafficking, the NDO has decided to perform a study that would promote this informational exchange concerning the drug phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova. The current report represents the results of a study conducted among non-governmental organizations working in the field of drug abuse and drug trafficking prevention and fighting in the Republic of Moldova. The study included the NGOs working both at the national and at the local level. The main objective of this study was to create a database on the abovementioned NGOs, including the updated information on the following categories: name of organization, contact information, scope of work, target groups, human resources, sources of funding, implemented projects/programs/ activities and results, alliances/associations affiliation, informational needs, future plans, etc. An attempt to analyze the data on all mentioned indicators was made. The information was collected through a questionnaire completed by the organizations representatives. In this sense the NDO is not responsible for the veracity of these data. The study was carried out between September, 2005, and January, 2006, with a total number of 87 organizations participating in the study. The increased reciprocal awareness would serve the interests of both sides (governmental and nongovernmental). This partnership should be developed and maintained for its mutual benefits to a constructive collaboration.


Glossary of terms used in the study

Direct Activities Activities with the main objective the prevention and fighting of the drug abuse and drug trafficking, reduction of the consequences of drug use both for the drug users and for the society in general (treatment for drug dependency, consulting services provided to drug users and their relatives, rehabilitation and social integration, harm reduction, etc.). Indirect Activities Activities which do not have drug abuse and drug trafficking prevention and fighting as main objective, but which could indirectly influence these phenomena (work with the street children, children from the risk groups, organization of informational campaigns on HIV/AIDS prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle in children, adolescents, youth, etc.). Database Developed in MS Access, a set of tables with links (relations between them) which contain the data collected from the NGOs participating in the study. Co-dependents Family members, relatives, friends of drug users whom had experienced a negative impact of drug use by the latter. Pre- and post-HIV-testing counseling Provision of counceling services to a person intending to visit a medical institution to undergo testing for HIV, and to persons who have already passed the test. Territorial Criterion The mailing address of participating NGOs (see Annex 1). Study Field of Interest Activities of prevention, prophylaxis, treatment, rehabilitation, and other aspects of the drug abuse and drug. trafficking. NGOs target group A group of people selected according to certain criteria, to whom the organizations activities are oriented. Data Collection Tool Questionnaire including 23 questions (study parameters of interest), available in Romanian and Russian. Palliative Care Complex care for patients in the terminal stage of illness. Initial List of NGOs The list compiled based on the selection of NGOs from the Catalogue of NGOs from the Republic of Moldova - 2002, and from the list of the General Direction of Parties and NGOs of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova. Final List of NGOs The list of NGOs completed by the information obtained following the use of the snowball method. The Snowball Method A non-aleatory identification of participants in the study through already selected participants, thus the sample is gradually formed. This is used to find the hard to reach participants. Active NGOs Organizations participating in the study, having stated the implementation of at least one project/program/activity in the study area of interest between the years of 2003-2005. Temporarily inactive NGOs Organizations participating in the study, which have not stated the implementation of any project/program/activity in the study field of interest between the years of 2003-2005. Rehabilitation A complex of psychological, pedagogic and psychotherapeutic measures required for a person which has stopped using drugs, and oriented towards the psychological rehabilitation of the patients personality and the consequences of drug-related behavior Social reintegration (re-socialization) A complex of psychological and pedagogical measures associated with social support measures used in former drug users with the aim to reestablish their relationships with their family, relatives, friends, and the entire society, as well as help in finding a job. Very often rehabilitation and social reintegration are performed simultaneously, without a strict differentiation among them. Rehabilitation/social reintegration can be carried out in rehabilitation centers in groups or individually. Harm Reduction A strategy oriented towards the reduction of the consequences of drug abuse, and not against the phenomenon itself. The objectives of harm reduction activities are: prevention of infections spreading associated to drug use (HIV/AIDS, hepatites); overdose risk reduction and prevention of other fatal accidents; reduction of social consequences (poverty, criminality) both for the person and for the society.
 The definitions of terms used in this study not always correspond to those accepted in the scientific and practical milieu (it appeared from the need of desegregation for a correct interpretation of the situation).


Study Goal and Objectives The study goal was to improve the colaboration between NDO and NGOs working on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the field of prevention, prophylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation, or in other aspects of drug abuse and drug trafficking. The main objective of the study was to create a database on NGOs working in the field of NDOs interest, which would include updated information on the following categories: name of organization, contact information, scope of work, target groups, human resources, sources of funding, implemented projects/programs/activities and their results, alliances/ associations affiliation, informational needs, future plans, etc. Specific Objectives: 1. Identification and creation of the list of NGOs working in the Republic of Moldova in the field of NDOs interest. 2. Description of NGOs according to the parameters of interest. 3. Analysis of the activity of NGOs and provided services, and to make an attempt to estimate the number of beneficiaries of the projects implemented and described by the NGOs. 4. Establishement of contacts and facilitation of the bilateral informational flow. Study Method The study design In order to reach the study goal and objectives the implementation team has decided to interview the NGOs working in the field of prevention and fighting of drug abuse and drug trafficking on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The target group NGOs working in the field of prevention and fighting of drug abuse and drug trafficking, and thus directly or indirectly influencing the drug phenomenon. The study included the organizations registered on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, including the left bank of Dniester River, within the period from 1992 till June 30, 2005. The sample size 327 NGOs, 309 of which were included in the initial list, and 18 were identified along the study process. The timeframe of the study September, 2005 January, 2006 Data collection tool Self-administrated questionnaire. The questionnaire was elaborated in two languages, Romanian and Russian, by the team involved in the study. The questionnaire was pretested during the Training for NGOs participating in the informational campaign for HIV/ AIDS prevention from October 6, 2005 at Vadul-lui-Voda. The event was attended by the representatives of 9 NGOs from the Republic of Moldova. The questionnaire was modified based on the pre-testing results. The final questionnaire included 23 questions.

A separate table (12a) was designated for the collection of detailed information regarding the projects/programs/activities performed in 2003-2005 period and their results. At the end of the questionnaire the NGOs were asked to give the consent to publish the data in the final report of the study. All questionnaires are stored in the NDOs archive. Study limitations Although the study plan has allowed us to identify the NGOs registered at the local level also, there still is the possibility that a certain number of NGOs from this category were not included in the list of NGOs to be contacted, and thus have been missed by the study implementation team. 8 NGOs have refused to participate in the study based on different reasons and 18 NGOs didnt return the questionnaire. The data collection I. Elaboration of the list of NGOs to be interviewed and their contact information. The following sources were used: The Catalogue of NGOs from the Republic of Moldova - 2002, published by the National Center of Assistance and Information for the NGOs from the Republic of Moldova CONTACT for the NGOs registered within the period of 1992 2002; The list provided by the General Direction of Parties and NGOs of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova following the official request from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova for the NGOs registered at the national level within the period of 2003 2005 (first half of 2005);2 The results of the snowball method application aiming at covering the NGOs registered at the local level; All NGOs have been asked the question whether they are aware of other NGOs working in the field of interest, the double data entry being avoided through verification. II. Data collection itself: 5 operators were selected for data collection and each of them was assigned to work with 60-64 NGOs from the initial list, distributed based on territorial criterion. The data collection included the following stages: A. Accuracy verification/correction upon necessity of the NGOs contact information, scope of work and provided services. B. Identification of the types of activity performed in the field of interest. C. Verification of the consent/denial to participate in the study and specification of the modality of sending the questionnaire (email, fax, mail, directly to the contact person). Identification of other NGOs from the area of interest and of their contact information. The stages , and have served as screening in identifying the NGOs corresponding to the study interest and who have accepted to participate in the study. D. Assistance to participating NGOs in questionnaire fulfilement. E. Collection of filled out questionnaires and data verification, with clarifications upon necessity. F. Fulfilment of accompanying forms for each NGO participating in the study. III. Data entry and processing A software based on MS Access with a userguide of program utilization was elaborated for data entry, storage and processing. The data entry was carried out by the operators. The coordinator and the research assistant were responsible for accuracy verification of entered data. The data analysis was performed using MS Aceess and MS Excel.
2 In the text of the report, the period of the years 2003-2005 includes the timeframe from January 1, 2003 till June 30, 2005.


The Study Results The Screening Results A list of NGOs, which were hypothetically working in the Republic of Moldova in the field of NDOs interest at the moment of study, was created using all the sources mentioned above in the Study Method. The initial list included 309 NGOs and 18 more have been identified during study implementation. Thus the final list included 327 NGOs. The Figure 1 shows the results of stages A, B and C (screening). Out of all 327 NGOs from the final list:
1. 87 NGOs (26.6%) have participated in the study and completed the questionnaire; 2. 80 NGOs (24.4%) do not implement activities related to the study field of interest; 3. 89 NGOs (27%) could not be reached; multiple attempts to localize them have been unsuccessful. The most frequent answers were: Some of our relatives/connections/friends have used this address to register an organization. I am not aware of the organizations status right now because the person is gone, Yes, there used to be an organization here, but I dont know where it is now and what is its status, etc; 4. 17 NGOs (5%) did not participate, because all the attempts to contact them by telephone, letters, emails have failed. We have also tried to contact these organizations through other NGOs working in the same locality, but multiple attempts to do so were unsuccessful; 5. 18 NGOs (5.5%) have accepted to participate in the study, and were sent the questionnaire, but from different reasons (lack of time, personal problems) have not returned the questionnaire to the study team; 6. 8 NGOs from the initial list (2.5%) refused to participate in the study from the start (lack of desire to reveal the type and results of their activity, lost interest in the study results, etc.); 7. 9 NGOs (3.0%) declared that the organization exists but does not implement any activities; 8. 14 NGOs (4.0%) were closed; 9. 5 NGOs (2%) were included in the category others.

87 NGOs were identified to implement direct or indirect activities in the field related to the study interest. The data collected from these NGOs were analyzed according to the study objectives and represent the base of the results presented in this report.


The Results of Data Processing General Information


The distribution of NGOs according to the territorial criterion (see Annex 1) is reflected in Figures 2 and 3. The mailing address indicated by the participating NGOs has served as a classification criterion and was considered by the study implementation team as being the de facto address of the organization. The contact information of the NGOs that have completed the questionnaire is presented in Annex 2.

Thus, 44 NGOs (50 %) indicated that they are located in Chisinau municipality, 17 NGOs (20%) in the Northern rayons (districts) of the Republic of Moldova, 15 NGOs (17%) in the Southern rayons of the Republic of Moldova, 7 NGOs (8%) in the central rayons of the Republic of Moldova, 4 NGOs (4%) have indicated an address from the left bank of Dniester River. In approximately 20% of cases the NGOs legal (registration) address was different from the one indicated in the questionnaire.

While analyzing the annual number of new registered NGOs working in the field of inter51

est, the peak of the number of new registered organizations within the period of 1997 2005 (Figure 4) was in 2003 (17 organizations). The results of the answers received to the question Does your organization represent a branch of an international/national organization? are shown in Table 1. Thus, only 8 NGOs (9%) of the total number of 87 NGOs have indicated that they are branches of international/national organizations with an equal distribution among the national and international ones.

Annex 3 includes the information on the NGOs, which are branches of national organizations, while Annex 4 includes the information on those NGOs, which are branches of international organizations. 7 NGOs (8%) of the total number of NGOs that have completed the questionnaire have indicated that they have ramifications in form of registered NGOs (legal persons) and subordinated structures with the status of a representative (Annex 5). Human Resources The human resources of the participating NGOs represented one of the evaluation parameters of the study. The number of employees (part-time or full-time) and the number of cases of volunteering involved in the work of the participating NGOs were separately analyzed. Thus, the total number of persons employed in the NGOs participating in the study was 757 people. In 48 NGOs (55%) the number of employees ranged from1 to 5 persons, being clasified as small NGOs based on the criterion of available human resources (Figure 5).


There were 27 medium-size NGOs (6 10 employees), representing 31% of the total number of participants. Large (11 19 employees) and very large NGOs (over 20 employees) accounted for 7% (6 NGOs) each. Thus, the largest part of participating NGOs 86% (71 NGOs) are small or medium-size organizations, and 14% (14 NGOs) are classified as large or very large according to available human resources. The cumulative number of cases of volunteering declared by the participating NGOs has reached the number of 3,803. 7 NGOs (8%) have denied cases of volunteering. In 41 NGOs (47%) the number of cases of volunteering ranged from 1 to 10 persons, in 25 NGOs (28.7%) their number was 11 20 persons, in 6 NGOs (7%) between 21 40 people, and in 8 NGOs (9.3%) the number of volunteers was above 40 persons (Figure 6).

Types of Activity One of the most important parameters of the study analysis was to identify the type of NGOs activity (Annex 6). The participant NGOs had to choose from several variants of answers, including the category others. Following the analysis the participant NGOs were divided into 2 groups: with direct activities (at least one of the following: rehabilitation and re-socialization of drug users, treatment for drug dependency, needle exchange, palliative care) with indirect activities (at least one of the following: information, education, pre/post HIV-testing counseling, social/community support)

As a result 48% of NGOs (42 participant NGOs) carry out direct activities3 , the most frequent being rehabilitation/re-socialization of actual or former drug users in 27.6% of cases (24 NGOs participating in the study) (Figure 7). 12.4% of NGOs participating in the study (11 NGOs) provide services related to treatment for drug dependency. In the Republic of Moldova the NGOs do not have the right to perform medical detoxification and substitution therapy. In these conditions, when talking about treatment related activities the NGOs mean referral services for people potentially needing treatment to public and private medical institutions licensed to provide it. 18 participating NGOs (19%) implement needle exchange activities, 17 of them being members of the national network Harm Reduction (Annex 7). Palliative care activities were listed by 9 NGOs participating in the study (11%), the majority of them being provided to people with AIDS.
3 The presence of at least one direct activity along with many indirect activities classifies the NGO as an organization performing direct activities.




Concerning the indirect activities, high values have been registered for information and education about the harm of drug use, HIV/AIDS, healthy lifestyle promotion, elaboration and publication of informational materials (Figure 8). Thus, 99% of participating NGOs reported informational activities about drugs and the consequences of drug abuse. 90% of NGOs reported educational activities with trainings, seminars, and workshops on drug-related issues. 65% of participating NGOs have reported activities of social/community support for active and former drug users, their families and relatives. 37% of participating NGOs have reported activities of counseling for pre- and post- HIV-testing. In the category others the participating NGOs have reported telephone hotline, Internet consultations, organization of mass events, international support and assistance to NGOs working in the social domain. Another parameter of major interest for the study was to evaluate the degree of NGOs activities. It is a well-known fact that due to different problems as the lack of funding, absence of office premises, lack of human resources, etc. many NGOs can stop their activity and move to the group of temporarily inactive organizations or close. The evaluation of the degree of activities implemented by the NGOs participating in the study was done based on the criterion of projects/programs/activities implementation (at least one project/program/activity) within the period of 2003 2005. Thus, 56% of the participating NGOs (49 of 87 NGOs) were included in the category of active organizations, and 44% (38 of 87 NGOs) were classified as temporarily inactive. 57% (28 NGOs) of active organizations (49 NGOs) implement direct activities. The group of temporarily inactive NGOs included the organizations that used to implement activities in the past, but currently do

not have any activities, however they are not closed, and eventually will move to the category of active NGOs if they begin to implement new projects/programs/activities. Implemented Projects/Programs/Activities
The NGOs, which have reported to be implementing projects/programs/activities within

the period of 2003 2005 have completed the Table 12a from the questionnaire, providing detailed description of each project/program/activity. The projects/programs/activities with duration of one or more years were separately counted for each year of implementation, as a result the cumulative number for all years is higher than the de facto number of implemented ones. Thus, de facto there were 124 projects/programs/activities in the implementation phase within the period of years 2003 2005. The projects/programs/ activities started in 2005 and planned for the following years have also been counted. Thus, in 2003 50 projects/programs/activities were in the process of implementation, in 2004 70 and in 2005 - 83 projects/programs/activities (Figure 8).
, 2003-2005

11 projects/programs/activities were planned for 2006 and the following year(s). The analysis of territorial distribution (according to the NGOs mailing address) has shown that the largest number of NGOs implementing projects/programs/activities in the 20032005 period are located in Chisinau municipality. However, this fact cannot be extrapo55

lated to the de facto territorial coverage of the projects/programs/activities being implemented, because some NGOs, which have indicated a Chisinau mailing address, implement projects/programs/activities in other administrative units of the Republic of Moldova as well. Taking into consideration the density of localities in the country this phenomenon is explainable.

According to the territorial coverage with projects/programs/activities in the field of study interest within the period of 2003 2005, the largest coverage pertains to the Northern region of the Republic of Moldova with 67 projects/programs/activities, followed by Chisinau municipality with 53, Central region of the country with 40 projects/programs/activities, the left bank of Dniester River and the Southern region of the country with 34 projects/programs/activities each (Fugure 9). Funding for Projects/Programs/Activities in 2003-2005 An average of 60% of projects/programs/activities implemented in 20032005 reported by the participating NGOs had several sources of funding. Often, a part of expenses for rent and utilities is covered by the NGO. The sources of funding for projects/programs/activities of the NGOs participating in the study for the period of 2003 2005 (Annex 8) were divided into 3 categories: 1. sources that have financed under 5 projects/programs/activities 2. sources financing 5 20 projects/programs/activities 3. sources financing 20 30 and more projects/programs/activities The data presented on the Fugure 10 and Annex 8 include all sources of funding independently of their part in the total budget of the project/program/activity. On the Figure 10 the category others (8 projects/programs/activities) included the following sources of funding indicated by the NGOs Moldova Social Investment Fund, Prodidactica Center, The Regional Center of Human Resources, donations from former drug users and their families, Dalila Center. The category other international organizations included The Red Cross Organization of Great Britain, Sweden and Norway, Department for Crimes and Drugs of the Russian Federation, TIDES Foundation,

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Help Age International, NGO Terre des Hommes, Childrens Alliance New York. No legal documents were requested in the questionnaire confirming the budget of the projects/programs/activities reported by the NGOs participating in the study. It is difficult to calculate the part of each source in each project/program/activity because the sum is indicated as a whole, without separate specifications on the sources of funding.


The projects/programs/activities implemented in 2003-2005 were divided into 4 groups (Figure 11) based on their integral budgets reported by the participating NGOs: 1. budget under US$5,000 - 33% of projects/programs/activities (41 in absolute numbers) 2. budget of US$5,000 $10,000 - 13% of projects/programs/activities (16 in absolute numbers) 3. over US$10,000 35% of projects/programs/activities (43 in absolute numbers) 4. the sum of budget not indicated 19% of projects/programs/activities (24 in absolute numbers) The estimation of the total budget of the projects/programs/activities reported by the participating NGOs for the period of 2003 2005 has reached the amount of US$2,210,540 (based on the average exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Moldova)4 The Target Groups of the Projects/Programs/Activities (2003-2005) One of the parameters of study interest was the target group of projects/programs/activities implemented in 2003-2005 reported by the participating NGOs. The NGOs had the possibility to select the target groups from the offered list (Annex 9). Taking into account the fact that the same service/activity is provided to several target groups, the data below reflect how many projects/programs/activities a target group has benefited from. The distribution among the target groups (Figure 12) representing vulnerable populations is as follows: 26 projects/programs/activities for all categories of drug users 24 projects/programs/activities for former drug users, 17 projects/programs/activities for families and relatives of drug users 7 projects/programs/activities for CSW, 1 projects/programs/activities for MSM, 4 projects/programs/activities for inmates, 34 projects/programs/activities for PLWHA, 23 projects/programs/activities for family members of PLWHA, 15 projects/programs/activities for street children.

The results of data analysis based on target groups (Figure 12), representing different age groups of population and more often benefiting from informational and educational activities, are represented as follows: 28 projects/programs/activities for children under 12 years of age 59 projects/programs/activities for adolescents between 12 16 years of age 53 projects/programs/activities for youth between 17 29 years of age



23 projects/programs/activities for adults between 30 60 years of age 11 projects/programs/activities for adults over 60 years of age.

Within the period of years 2003-2005 a cumulative number of 572,804 services/person have been offered in the framework of the projects/programs/activities implemented by the NGOs participating in the study. The measurement unit service/person was used because the estimation of the number of beneficiaries based on collected data was not possible given the high risk of doubling/tripling the information (one person can benefit from one or several services in the framework of one or several projects/programs/activities). Collaboration with other NGOs 95.4% of respondent organizations (83 NGOs) have reported collaboration with other NGOs (not all of them were related to the study field of interest). The remaining 4.6% (4 NGOs) have reported the absence of any collaborative relations with other NGOs. To the question whether they would be interested in establishing/continuing/improving their collaboration with other NGOs, 98% of respondent NGOs (85 NGOs) gave an affirmative answer. Only one organization has reported the absence of collaboration and, at the same time, the lack of desire to collaborate. To the question regarding the domains of collaboration with other NGOs the respondents would be interested in, the following have been stated:

prevention of drug consumption and the work with youth healthy lifestyle promotion providing medical services to people dependent on drugs support to families and relatives of people dependent on drugs social support in people currently or formerly dependent on drugs defending the rights of people dependent on drugs rehabilitation and re-socialization of people dependent on drugs HIV/AIDS prevention and voluntary counseling and testing for HIV International experience in drug abuse and drug trafficking prevention Exchange of experience in implementing the peer-to-peer method Desire to implement projects together

The affiliation of NGOs participating in the study with national and international alliances, associations and networks was also analyzed. Thus, 51 NGOs (58.6%) participating in the study indicated their affiliation with one or more alliances/associations/networks (Annex 10 and Annex 11). Collaboration with Public/Governmental Institutions The participating NGOs have answered in the study questionnaire about the collaborative relations they have with public/governmental institutions. 83% of respondent NGOs (72 NGOs) have given an affirmative and 17% (15 NGOs) a negative answer to the question whether they have collaborative relations with any public institution. 94% of respondents (82 NGOs) have given an affirmative answer to the question regarding the desire to establish/continue/improve the collaboration with public/governmental institutions. Only 3 NGOs have reported the absence of collaboration and reluctance to establish such relations with public/governmental institutions. The participating NGOs have indicated the following fields of possible and desired collaboration with public/governmental institutions:
NGOs involvement in the elaboration of programs and strategies to fight smoking, alcoholism, and drug dependency NGOs involvement in the elaboration of health promoting programs and strategies and youth-oriented policies Implementation of social projects, development of a durable collaboration NGOs projects/programs/activities co-funding Offering office space to NGOs Improvement of NGOs access to information Improvement of collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Ministry of Education and Youth Collaboration in the field of rehabilitation/re-socialization (especially employment support) of people formerly dependent on drugs and PLWHA Reduction of stigma in people dependent on drugs and PLWHA in the society Exchange of experience in organizational and human resource management

Access to Information The sources of information reported by the NGOs participating in the study have been also analyzed. All the participating NGOs have reported at least 4 sources of information available at the organization out of all choices suggested in the questionnaire (Figure 13). The following distribution of answers was registered:
88% of participating NGOs have reported the availability of internet access 29% of participating NGOs have reported benefiting from on-line consultations 85% of participating NGOs have reported having benefited from trainings/seminars 81% of participating NGOs have reported using publications 75% of participating NGOs have reported the exchange of experience with other NGOs as a source of information 45% of participating NGOs have reported benefiting from public libraries services 29% of participating NGOs have reported benefiting from access to on-line libraries 3% of participating NGOs have reported other sources of information, as audio/video libraries, consultations with specialists from the field of interest etc.

Informational Needs During the analysis of informational needs reported by the NGOs participating in the study the diversity of answers required some grouping: 1. Needs directly related to NGOs activity and provided services
Organization of informational campaigns, seminars and trainings in drug abuse, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption prevention Providing support to people dependent on drugs in the period of crisis, rehabilitation and re-socialization of these people The problem of drugs discussed during national and international trainings and seminars Deeper knowledge in applying the peer-to-peer education method Better knowledge of legislation in drug abuse and drug trafficking prevention

2. Needs related to NGO projects and activities logistics


Informational deficit regarding the potential funding sources for projects in drug abuse and drug trafficking prevention Lack of knowledge in projects writing and organizational management Lack of knowledge in using computers and internet No technical equipment or access to internet

3. Needs related to technical facilities

Figure 14 shows the rates of informational sources preferred by the NGOs participating in the study. The most popular choices from the suggested list were experience exchange (84%), participation in trainings/seminars (80%), publications (76%). The Internet as a source of information was indicated by 73% of participating NGOs. Half of the participating NGOs would prefer to have access to on-line libraries (51%) and to on-line consultations (50%).

30% of interviewed NGOs would prefer to have access to public libraries. The category others (4%) included collaboration with international NGOs, free access to the information published at the international level, television/radio. Projects/Programs/Activities planed for the year 2006 52% of respondent NGOs (45 NGOs) have reported the availability of plans regarding the implementation of new projects/programs/activities from the year 2006 in the study interest field. The consent to use collected data in the final study report The consent to use collected data in the final study report was requested in written form indicating the name of the person completing the questionnaire. All NGOs participating in the study have agreed on the use of mentioned data for the analysis and for presentation in the current report.

Conclusions The fulfilled study has reached its main objective by creating a database on the NGOs working in the field of the NDOs interest. Empirically the methods used in participants selection allowed identifying the vast majority of active and temporarily inactive NGOs working in the study interest field, although reliable methods to verify this hypothesis currently do not exist. There is a possibility that some NGOs have not been covered by the study, particularly of those registered at the local level. The level of selected NGOs participation is ranged as a satisfactory one and has exceeded the implementation teams expectations. All 87 participant NGOs, were described according to the parameters of interest and the collected data were analyzed. The obtained sample is relatively small to perform a multifactorial correlation analysis, which would allow statistical association verification. The content of the questionnaire was adjusted to data availability, participants reticence in providing information considered to be for internal use only, and a relatively short timeframe of the study. A more detailed data collection would have increased the possibilities for a correlation analysis. Despite the efforts and insistency of the implementation team 26 refusals with diverse reasoning have been registered during the study. The absence of information on the types of activities implemented by the NGOs, which have refused to participate in the study, makes it difficult to evaluate the impact of these refusals on the final results. The estimation of the number of beneficiaries of the projects realized and described by the participating NGOs was not possible because of the lack of a unique method of anonymous/confidential beneficiaries identification. The NDO will attempt to involve the participating NGOs in collecting the non confidential information on ordinary and extraordinary activities, after them will be selected from the created database. It is recommended to periodically repeat similar studies for database updating reason and for stimulation of collaboration and non confidential data exchange among governmental and nongovernmental structures working in drug abuse and drug trafficking prevention and fighting field in the Republic of Moldova.


Annex 1 Distribution of NGOs participating in the study according to geographic region (based on the indicated mailing address), Republic of Moldova, 2005
Administrative unit


Annex 2 Contact Information of NGOs participating in the study*, active and temporarly inactive, Republic of Moldova, 2005


* the organizations are listed in alphabetic order of the Romanian version of the list


Projects/programs/activities implemented in 2003-2005



Annex 3. NGOs participating in the study that represent branches of international organizations, Republic of Moldova, 2005

Annex 4. NGOs participating in the study that represent branches of national organizations, Republic of Moldova, 2005

Annex 5. NGOs participating in the study that have national/international branches, Republic of Moldova, 2005


Annex 6. Types of implemented activities reported by the NGOs participating in the study, Republic of Moldova, 2005



61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87


Annex 7. The NGOs participating in the study implementing Harm Reduction projects and types of provided services, Republic of Moldova, 2005

* not members of the Harm Reduction Network of the Soros Foundation - Moldova


Annex 8. Distribution of sources of funding by the number of projects/programs/activities funded, Republic of Moldova, 2003-2005

Annex 9. The target groups of the projects/programs/activities proposed for selection to the NGOs participating in the study


Annex 10. Alliances, Associations and National Networks to which NGOs participating in the study related the affiliation, Republic of Moldova, 2005

Annex 11. Alliances, Associations and International Networks to which NGOs participating in the study related the affiliation, Republic of Moldova, 2005


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