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tiinific Nr.1/2

Chiinu - 2008

ISSN 1857-3711

Comitetul de redacie
Director publicaie: Ana GUU
Redactor-ef: Elena PRUS
Redactor-ef adjunct: Pierre MOREL
Redacie: Ion MANOLI, Drago VICOL, Petru ROCA, Zinaida CAMENEV,
Secretar de redacie: Sergiu BOBROVSCHI
Coperta: Cezar SEcrieru

Consiliul tiinific
Marius SALA (Academia Romn, Bucureti)
Mihai CIMPOI (Uniunea Scriitorilor din Moldova, Chiinu)
Franois RASTIER (Centrul de Cercetri tiinifice, Paris)
Jean-Claude GMAR (Universitatea Montral)
Philippe HAMON (Universitatea Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III)
Marc QUAGHEBEUR (Muzeul de Arhive Literare, Bruxelles)
Theo D`HAEN (Universitatea Catolic, Leuven, Belgia)
Silviu ANGELESCU (Academia Romn, Bucureti)
Dan MNUC (Academia Romn, Iai)
Mircea MARTIN (Universitatea din Bucureti)
Irina MAVRODIN (Universitatea din Craiova)
Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU (Universitatea tefan cel Mare, Suceava)
Emilia BONDREA (Universitatea Spiru Haret, Bucureti)
Dumitru IRIMIA (Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Iai)
Corin BRAGA (Universitatea Babe-Bolyai, Cluj)
Marina CAP-BUN (Universitatea Ovidius, Constana)
Nicolae IOANA (Universitatea Dunrea de Jos, Galai)
Volumul a fost recomandat spre publicare de Senatul ULIM
(Proces verbal nr. 2 din 24 septembrie 2008)
Articolele tiinifice sunt recenzate
ULIM, Intertext 1/2 2008
Tiparul executat de tipografia Foxtrot SRL
str. Florilor 1, tel.: (37322) 493936
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ULIM, 2008
ICFI, 2008

Salonul invitatilor
mihai CIMPOI. Bacovia, a Poet from the Edges of Existence . ............................................ 7
Timotei ROCA. Axiologia hermeneuticii filozofice i
comprehensiunea structurii lirice.............................................................................................. 17
Doinia MILEA. Demonstraie metaficional pe schema ficiunii memoriei
i a iluziei realiste sau roman popular? ................................................................................... 24
Svetlana BORDIAN. En lisant A. Rimbaud pendant le cours dexgse . ...................... 33
Diana BUCATC. Lingua letteraria e dialetti relazione e opposizioni . ......................... 43
Oana CENAC. Aspecte privind abaterea lingvistic ........................................................... 49
Liubovi HOMULO. Specifity of the Scientific Prose Style .................................................. 54
Valentin NECHIFOR. Le Discours: prsence emblmatique dans lespace
linguistique, un espace infranchissable ................................................................................. 59
Gerhard OHRBAND. Motivation and learning style toward a scientific
approach to music learning........................................................................................................ 66
Tatiana Podoliuc. The semantics of causative relations in complex
sentences with the subordinate clauses of cause.................................................................. 73
Maria PREANIKOVA. How to Make Analytical Reading More Communicative? ....... 81
Angela SAVIN. Motivaia apariiei locuiunilor verbale n limba romn ................. 86
Silvia SOFRONIE Olga DIMO. Motivational aspect of second
language learning by adult students...................................................................................... 91
Zinovia ZUBCU. Les rapports logico-smantiques et fonctionnels existant entre
lapodose et les protases introduites par qui, que, de ce que . ...................................... 95
Carmen ANDREI. Evocations de Bruxelles dans les lettres belges
francophones du XIXe sicle . ...................................................................................................103
Ina COLENCIUC. Social contrasts in the novel the Grapes of Wrath by
John Steinbeck ...........................................................................................................................111
Nina CORCINSCHI. Retorica discursului publicistic la Nicolae Dabija .......................117
Ana GHILA. Simbol i simbolizare n romanul psihologic al lui
Vladimir Beleag .....................................................................................................................125
Iulian GRGER. Metaphern in der Fuballberichterstattung eine Bildfeldanalyse
im deutsch-polnisch-(rumnischen) Vergleich ................................................................132
Nicoleta IFRIM. Valene ale imaginarului arhetipal n discursul poetic bacovian.
Reconfigurri ale modelului simbolist . .................................................................................141
Natalia URSUL. Nonsense in Poetry and Prose .................................................................146
Aliona VICOL. ntre evadarea din arhetip i redescoperirea contiinei umane
(Fnu Neagu: studiu de caz)....................................................................................................153

Natalia BEJENU. Spezifik der deutschen Sprache als Fachsprache.
Deutsch in der Wirtschaft ........................................................................................................161
Zinaida CAMENEV. Stages in translating English Phraseology ..................................165
Ana GOREA. Methods of Interlanguage Translation (Poetry)........................................168
Olga NICHITA. Difficulties in Translation of Penal Law Terms . .....................................171
Olga PASCARI. The Electronic Age of the Oxford English Dictionary...........................177
Inga STOIANOVA. Metafora n terminologie.....................................................................181
Valentina STOG. Translating Poetry . ..................................................................................188
Ana VULPE. Modificri la nivel de vocabular n contextul integrrii europene . .......202
Ludmila Hometkovski. Specificul traducerii textelor juridice comunitare...........206
Victoria BULICANU. Influena mass media asupra valorilor politice democratice
din societatea moldoveneasca i rile occidentale: analiz comparativ..................216
Andrei BARNA. Elena Prus. Pariziana romanesc: mit i modernitate.......................229
Ana GUU. Aliona Dosca. Construirea sistemului lexical-semantic terminologic al
domeniului de aplicare Drept. (Tez de doctorat) ............................................................231
Ion MANOLI. Ana Guu. Universaliile unui curs modern de traductologie.................233
Elena PRUS. Igor Alenin. Funciile motivelor biblice n sistemul constantelor artistice
din literatura universal a secolulul al XX-lea. (Tez de doctorat).................................236
Violeta TIPA. Anca Doina Ciobotaru. Teatrul de animaie - ntre magie i art.......239

Salonul invitailor

Salonul invitatilor


Uniunea Scriitorilor din Moldova

1. The Poet - the Person

When alive, Bacovia was considered a minor poet and for a time after his
death was quite forgotten. However today, he has again the scene, and is considered great. Within the Romanian cultural space on both sides of the River Prut, he
has become an emblematic figure of the existential sensibility that in our dynamic and convulsive present, is consuming modern man with his stressful spiritual
states. Bacovia is read and studied by high school and university students who
discover themselves in the monotonous, melancholy tonality of his verses. Many
books, studies, essays, and PhD theses are being written about his work, and the
postmodernists consider him their forerunner due to his fragmentary style and deconstructivism.
How can you define a poet who once said that he was neither a traditionalist, nor a modernist, and could not be caged in any one trend or artistic movement?
Nevertheless, in some interviews he did admit to being a poet of decadence.
Above all, Bacovia was an isolate, immersed in a zone of darkness and an
underworld of strange shadows, of phantoms in a melange of desperate shrieks,
groans and weeping that came from matter itself (. . .heard all matter weeping ...).
Such a solitary, timid figure, set apart by an endless neuroses, and living in a provincial environment so full of misery, he appears to have come straight out of the
slums of Dickens, or the gallery of those unstable, lyrical characters of Tennyson.
Within Emil Kierans vision of despair and decomposition, Bacovia seems a descendent of Shelley, for he penetrates into the innermost depth of our organism, into
the visceral zone of the soul: The poet is an agent of destruction, a virus, an illness
in disguise, much more dangerous, although miraculously uncertain for our red
blood cells. To be around him means to feel your blood getting thinner, to dream of
a paradise of anemia and to hear tears streaming through your veins ...
George Bacovia, christened Gheorghie Vasiliu, and the fifth child in the family, was born in Bacau on September 4th, 1881, at 2 p.m. His father was a grocer
and his mother a clerk, while his grandfather was the sub-prefect of the county of
Bacau. His pseudonym came from the Roman name for Bacau, which happened to
be Bacovia, and was a name given to the greater part of the Moldavian region. The
poet used to say that his pseudonym was composed from the abbreviation of Bacchus, the god of wine, and the word via that means way. So his pen name meant
The way of Bacchus; a pertinent interpretation, for his native town was certainly
surrounded by vineyards.
Bacovia always seemed to be governed by a demon of instability and dislocation, for he never concentrated enough to complete his university studies and
avoided a social career. He preferred the humble job of public servant, seeming in
this respect like a character from the prose of Chekov, Dickens, or Kafka. He would
often leave jobs that had been offered to him, and after repeated attempts to settle


in Bucharest or Iasi, he eventually returned to his hometown of Bacau, where he

stayed closeted away with his parents.
To return to his youth, with some interruptions he attended the Ferdinand
High School in his native town and graduated in 1903. He left the Military School in
Iasi to enter the Faculty of Law at the University of Bucharest and eventually made
great efforts to graduate. Finally he received his Law degree, but from the University of Iasi, not Bucharest. He never practiced this profession. Illness even prevented
him from continuing his job of transcriber and assistant bookkeeper in the Bacau
Prefects office. In 1914, he was admitted to a mental sanatorium in Bucharest. At
the beginning of the First World War he never took up his post as transcriber for the
Department of Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education, due to the fact
that he was evacuated to Iasi, along with the archives. Illness again prevented him
from remaining on the staff of the Ministry of Labor in Bucharest (1917-1920) and
he returned to Bacau. His final job was that of substitute teacher for drawing and
calligraphy at the Boys School of Commerce in Bacau (from 1924 to 1928). Starting
with the year 1928, he became director of the review, Ateneul cultural. His marriage
to Agatha Grigorescu brought him back to Bucharest in 1928 where he launched
the review, Orizonturi noi and for a while he was a Reader at the Department for
Peoples Education. After retirement he still undertook the duties of a librarian for
the Ministry for Mining and Oil (1945) and was also a consultant for the Ministry of
Arts (1946).
As you can see, this poet belonged to the category of unadaptables, and
those poets who seem forever cursed (potes maudits).
His retreat into social anonymity and his determination to stay at the margins of public life in the shadow of humble jobs did not however prevent him from
distinguishing himself in the literary world. He benefited from the encouragement
of the great poet Alexandru Macedonski, whom Bacovia valued as a classic poet,
with a vast knowledge of Western and other cultures, and also as a poet of beauty
and a golden times dreamer. (In fact, in 1961, Macedonski wrote an epigram for
Bacovia: You, dear poet, on your brow / Bear the laurel bough, / The only poet who, up
till now / Has converted Lead into Gold.)
The first volume Plumb Lead (1916) was published with the help of poets
Ion Pillat and N. Davidescu. The second publication, Scntei galbene Yellow Sparks
(1926), came about due to the insistence of the critic E. Lovinescu. In the year 1925,
he was awarded the Prize of the Writers Society, and in the year 1934, together with
Tudor Arghezi, received the National Prize for Poetry. This recognition of his value
developed over time, particularly after having published some new volumes from
a compilation of poems written in breaks between working and having as starting
points what he called concrete elements and biographical data: Cu Voi With You
(1930) Comedic in fond In Fact Comedies (1936), Stane burgheze Bourgeois Verses
(1946), Stane i versete Verses and Poems (in 1957, the year of his death).
Bacovia was permanently ill, a frail man who lived his life and wrote his poetry not as one with classic health, but with a romantic illness, which he expressed
by means of symbolism.
The sickly air, morbidezza, that dominates his poetry and prose with an air
of authority, is not an expression of frustration, or of an eternally humiliated orphaned child. Nor is it a Cinderella complex. It is merely the expression of indiffer8

Salonul invitatilor

ence. He had the grey, anonymous existence of a lonely provincial, far away from
the Centre of the world, who has arrived at an obscure periphery of it. Bacovia is
preeminently the poet of that existential periphery, which shuts out all other perspectives and in full view, gives birth to a conscience of a fatal, tragic recluse.
By an artistic miracle combining staginess and artificiality with authenticity and naturalness, Bacovia converts pathology into ontology. His state of permanent illness helps him to better understand the innermost depths of his being,
those hellish depths of his ego. It has been said that Bacovia is the only Romanian
poet who descended into Hell.
This statement should be corrected, for Eminescu, the poet whom Bacovia so much admired, had descended there some time before. Bacovias profound essence is very similar to that of Eminescu for he too possessed a true spirit.
Considering a parallel with English poetry, one can find obvious affinities with
the melancholy complexes of Tennyson based on contraries, and also with the
spirit of loneliness as expressed by Shelley. He can also be paralleled with the PreRaphaelites, and the aestheticism and universal pain of Keats in Ode on Melancholy.
2.Bacovia the Man Within
Bacovia, poet of the existential periphery, was a loner, solitary and taciturn,
tucked away in his parents home in Bacau, inherited from fathers forefathers. An
analogy that springs to mind is that of a snail, which emerges, shyly, from his house,
with his gelatinous horns extremely sensitive toward anything happening in the
outside world. Bacovias loneliness is not a social condition; it is states of soul, accepted and lived as if they were absolute reality. It is a state of many soul states,
and dominant in the Bacovian psychic universe. Everything - impression, sensation,
memories, sentiment, thought - is smelted into this overall state, which imposes its
sovereignty over his entire works. His unstable health that was forever with him
was only a conventional pretext; the confinement to a strictly limited circle of his
loneliness had a metaphysical nature. It was lived with all the fibers of his being, like
a fixed idea or an obsession. The condition itself demands of a poet such as Bacovia
that he be solitary and temperamental, confined to a space of home-like loneliness. And no one understands a thing - / I disappear to write in a tavern, / Or laugh
and set off for home, / To confine myself as in a coffin. (Towards Autumn). His home,
which acted as a shelter, totally suited the color of melancholy that immersed this
solitary man. He used to say: I usually stay at home most of the day, except for a few
hours when I teach at school. I dont get bored or restless in my solitude. Due to my
temperament, Ive always wanted such a life. I have never been too healthy. Society
always seeks out forceful men, who are successful in striving for it, pushing against
all odds. They could never understand the melancholy of my being.
One can also find a sensitive attitude towards the outside world, but the
world is gazed at through the front window of his home. The noisy world is outside,
full of spontaneous joy, over which the poet does not want to project the shadows
of his deeply rooted sadness. Here, in provincial towns, life flows monotonously,
and contains, as in an embryo, the whole of life in a single day. The monotony that
ends in total silence (I prefer the silence) is converted into poetry with a monoto9


nous style, tone, and atmosphere. His poems reveal landscapes of a soul: loneliness. Viewing Bacovias poetry as a whole, one discovers it to be a self-recital, a song
mumbled for himself alone, a musical mono-chord, without counterpoint. It is, to
use postmodernist terms, an authoris discourse. Writing, as defined by the poet is
communication with and within him. It is an expression of his ego addressed not
only to the reader, but also to the poets own ego: I have no poetical creed. I write
just as if I was talking to someone, because I like talking to them. Living so isolated,
and not being able to communicate very well with other people, I often talk to myself, play music and, when I find something interesting, I take notes, and then later,
recite them to myself. It is not my fault that these simple notes taken in the form of
verses, and sometimes they even seem to be yelling. They were meant only for me.
(Given at an interview by I. Valerian in 1927).
As one can see, his poetry is an organic secretion, the spinning of the silken
thread in the chrysalis. It is the song of the melancholy born from within him, and
the thought that springs from within thought itself.
The poet is tormented by a real obsession for color, by painting with words
or, as he would say, a colorful rendition. He loved the violin. For me, the melodies
influence the way I think of color. I play music and from the chords of the violin I
write verses. Whether from scores, or from the ear of my soul, this instrument has
been and still is my faithful friend. I even compose music, but it is only for myself. As
the painter uses color, the poet tried to express color in words: For each sentiment
there is a corresponding color. Now, lately I have been obsessed by yellow, the
color of despair. This is why I called my latest volume Yellow Sparks. In Lead Bacovia
sees the color in yellow, which is in fact specific to leads chemical compounds and
consonant to his temperament. Burnt lead is yellow, and so is the burnt soul. In my
test tube, says the poet, any chemical reaction ends up with a yellow precipitate.
The impression of color produced by lead is static and suggests the weight of a
downward pressure. The greatest pressure of lead is on humans. How would you
feel in a vault of lead? And the poet cites from his poem: Sleeping deep the coffins
of lead! And flowers of lead and the funeral shroud - I stood alone in the vault ... and a
wind stirred ... / And rasping were the wreaths of lead. // Turned in sleep my lover of lead
On flowers of lead ... and I began to call-/ I stood alone near the body ... and felt the chill
... / And drooping were its wings of lead. (Lead)
White and black are funereal colors: Trees in white, trees in black/ Stand in the
lonely park, bare:/ Mourning decor, a funeral bier ... /Trees in white, trees in black. // In
the park once more regrets fill the air ... //With feathers in white, feathers in black, / A
bird who bitterly chatters / Throughout the old park wanders / With feathers in white,
feathers in black. // In the park the ghosts appear// ... (Decor)
Violet colour is universally used by symbolists to suggest twilight. It places
everything in the realm of decomposition, of nothingness, of falling into a state
without will power, of somnolence and a substance- less uniformity: the autumn
twilight is violet, the whole crowd seems violet, the whole town is violet (Violet
Twilight), Daybreak of violet (One Morning), the Spring has vibrations of violet
(Springtime Nerves), Venus is a lively violet, horizons are violet, the mill wheel is
violet, the lancet is violet (One Morning), the cemetery is violet (Twilight) and so

Salonul invitatilor

Violet that is par excellence the color of neurosis and morbidity, has definitely conquered the poets soul since he has an acute conscience of the non-being
having installed itself authoritatively in the universe.
3. Modern Man Archaic Man
Studied attentively, the Bacovian man proves to be always full of surprises:
he lives only in the area of paradox: de-concerning, upsetting, and astonishing
others with his protean stature. He appears to repeat the same gestures, intimating a behavior that seems both common and monotonous, and a retroaction into
the shell of his ego. It is a permanent retirement into the pure biological depths,
accompanied by a specific existential vibration. The path that leads to this state
would appear to be simply Freudian from the moment of frustration to that of
repression. However, the Bacovian man certainly does not remain the small man
in a small century: In this worlds circle banal and greedy .../ A cry greatly convulse
me deep down; / And this way (of being) will be till doom/ And nothing in this world,
startles me. (Vobiscum) Thus, the way of being for the poet is eternal; the world
being looked upon as sub specie aeternitatis, for he himself is convulsed by a cry
... deep down.
Bacovian man is not simply the lone one of deserted squares, the common
solitary being. He is the eternal solitary figure, propelled by his own internal weeping into the weeping of matter, or vice versa (there is no essential difference). Is
there a purely romantic conflict with this worlds circle banal and greedy, analogous to Eminescus narrow circle? Or are we dealing here with a glacial, distant,
indifferent eternity? The frequent invocation from the infinite, the presence of cemeteries, of snow, of rain - that bring even the echoes of universal cosmic weeping,
the leaden sky and the flowing leaves all seem to suggest a grandiose eternity, cold
and aloof. Bacovias modern dimension consists of irritation, a state of excitement,
fear, trembling, and spasms; in a word - morbidezza, often augmented with satanic
overtones. Such a familiarity with eternity has a titanic-negativist feeling about it.
However, another kind of eternity exists for Bacovia. It is one of the archetypal aurora-like beginnings of the world. The movement towards eternal rest and
severe eternity, mentioned in the poem Perhaps Tomorrow, towards frozen starways where he wanders in the terrible night towards the infinite, is mentioned
again and again with a Come, or even with a Howl (- Come ... / - Come .. , / To the
infinite; Howl ... Howl ... far off under frozen stairways ... / In the terrible night whose
door shall I knock on? Winters Lead). This is correlated with a movement illo tempore toward the primordial elements of the world. The secret axis of Bacovianism
is the violent impact when modern man meets archaic man. Enduring the terror of
history, the first has nerves (of autumn, of winter, of spring, and even of summer,
the last coming from the heat of the day), while the second intercepts this terror
with serenity, suggesting an eternal rebirth. The acute feeling of sameness, lived
profoundly by the Bacovian being is disconcerting and frustrating while at the
same time, liberating and fulfilling. The meaningful principle of the antinomy, the
reciprocal challenge and the enforcement of contraries is fully developed, putting
in dialectic balance that which is empty and that which is full: There are moments
when I have it all ... / Silent, sweet psychoses - / Lovely tales like dreams of roses..../ There


are times when I have it all ... / / See, there are moments when I have it all ... / Life is spent
with words in a row - / A song from the past ... long ago ... /There are times when I have
it all ... (In Happiness)
These paradoxical moments when I have it all, fix only the moment of hybris
(here of happiness), when the fullness brings about the emptiness, realizing it,
making it more dreadful and more markedly affected by the non-being.
The retirement, the acts of confinement, of running away from reality, typical for the Bacovian man, reveal something of his link to archaic man, for he was
also a seeker of secure dwellings and archetypal domains.
The poetry of the Idea suggests how the Bacovian ego loses itself in a dialogue with Eternity, with Shadows, between normality and temptation. In Bacovias
poems, archaic man and modern man mimic and challenge each other, bringing
about a strange symbiosis, yet a natural one along the line of genuinely-satanic
Bacovianism. Why? Because modern man belongs to history, while archaic man
belongs to prehistory or protohistory; the first is anchored in actuality and caught
by it, while the second avoids it, boycotting it by re-living and re-starting the beginning of the world.
According to Mircea Eliade, the dialogue between the above two men,
would have had reason for reciprocal reproach. Modern man, who can be creative
only if he is part of history and finds his inspiration in his own freedom. This freedom to make history by realizing himself would rebuke archaic man for the fact
that he cannot create as long as he is a prisoner of habit, repeating ad infinitum
the first free gestures of mankind. Or, is it possible for modern man to make history
by himself while history is being made either by itself, or by a reduced number of
people, or even by just one man? Thus, for the traditional man, modern man offers
neither the type of free being, nor that of a creator of history. On the contrary, the
man of archaic civilizations can be proud of his mode of existence that enables him
to be more than he was, free to annihilate his own history by periodical abolition
of time and collective regeneration. This freedom with regard to his own history
- which for modern man is only irreversible, yet constitutes human existence - cannot be indulged by the man who wants to be historical (Mircea Eliade, Essays, Bucharest, 1991, p.115).
The Bacovian man is endowed with the freedom to realize history by realizing himself, suggesting the flowing, the collapse, the sliding into nowhere, confinement inside the proper circle, the aspirations flown away on the wind, the solar
apparition of some joys of Spring, the universal creation of lead, tempest, wasteland. All these contribute to a perpetual sense of termination, and an annihilating
end. It is a history that is being made under the sign of the misunderstood and in
the void of individual solitude.
Another obvious quality of Bacovian man is that of being able to regenerate
time, to make it cyclical, unhistorical or transhistorical, in other words, eternal. He is
at liberty to believe he is the same as before: Alas, its the hour of years gone by, wet
shadows are crossing, /And in the draft of a passageway full of rainwater, I doze. (Nocturne). The Bacovian night is pregenesis: within it all possibilities germinate. The
call from the depths of the earth from Melancholy is an invitation to familiarize oneself with the breeze of eternity. The Bacovian Spring is full of regenerating possibilities. It does not break the spell of the dream, but rather stimulates it. To rediscover

Salonul invitatilor

the proper powers during and due to spring is an act characteristic to traditional
man. Green and new, green and new ... / Bud thats white and pink and pure, / I still see
you, I still hear you, /Dream of sky and of azure / (Springtime Notes).
However, the main characteristic of the Bacovian man again in the spirit of
the archaic man - is that of effectively transcending time by a gesture of spontaneous abolition, either by a bizarre mixture of rain and snow: And autumn and winter
/ Descend together; /And shower and snow -/And snow and shower. (Sleet), or an elementary iteration of the same leading automatically to other times or illo tempore,
or by enforcing and universalizing feelings: ... Heard all matter weeping (Lake Dwellings). Time is transcended also by projecting the sadness: And there slowly, calmer,
/ They gather around sighing - / Yearning for tomorrow, their sister, / Yearning for my
being. (Days Pass), or the unabated thirst for the Absolute, an idea expressed by
Eminescu, meeting the infinite cold of the sky, as in Sometimes: ... And Ill take from
the sky / what I no longer / Find among the stars, / since I began to wander. / I prefer to
think like this / When I yearn eagerly - /Or the sky is cold / To infinity ... Modern man,
caught by neuroses, morbidity and the yearning for tomorrow, goes to the flowing
bed of history toward an uncertain end, but belonging also to eternity, while archaic man, serene and confident, comes from the archetypal past, reliving human
existence from the beginning when he met his first love, first fear and first nerves.
The eternal return is captured in the poem aptly entitled Memento:
And while the snowstorm wanders ... / The hours of the clock have rasped / The
sufferings of dead souls - / Though these are things of the past // And while the snowstorm wanders /Once again, loves that were lost / Awaken lonely poets - / Though ...
these are things from the past! // And while the snowstorm wanders .../ As on an unknown coast ... / Once more I think that you are lovely - / Though ... these are things of
the past /.
4. The Existential Emptiness
In the life of the psyche, as was shown by Stephane Lupasco, a French Philosopher of Romanian origin, there are two factors that activate and enforce each
other. On the one hand, there is the identical and homogenous, while, on the other,
there is the non-identical and heterogeneous. To realize life, forces the possibility of death while to realize death creates the possibility for life. Focusing on life,
our conscience is populated with death, focusing on death, it is populated with
life (Stephane Lupasco, Psychic Universe, Iasi, 2000, p. 126). Poets strongly manifest
a consciousness of death. The psychologist Pierre Janet considers that even for a
normal person the idea of death is a morbid phenomenon. Caught in this process
of focusing on life and death, the conscience oscillates between homogeneity and
heterogeneity and knows two kinds of morbid manifestation: schizophrenic (when
it fixes in homogenous and enforces the heterogeneous) and Maniac-depressive
(when it fixes on heterogeneous and enforces the homogenous).
The actual malady, the pathologic state is conditioned by the abolition of
the conflict that paralyzes the development of the dialectics: Any actual malady is
the absence of conflict among the cellular and cerebral levels. The sick man is the
man who abandons the fight, or else the fight abandons him (op. cit. p. 224).


Bacovia suspends any conflict between life and death; more than that: he
perceives life as if it is the death. Death appears itself without being referred to life.
Everywhere - in the manifestations of nature, on the faces of people, (his sweetheart included), and in their behavior, in the insignificant daily happenings, in the
various aspects of the sky - the poet perceives the signs of degeneration, of disjointment, of dissociation, in a single word, nothingness.
His poetry has the character of a funeral ritual with liturgical incantations.
There is a funeral march, a Biblical wailing (of Job), and a stifled mourning with
a cosmic resonance, which sometimes ends in a desperate shout, with an exclamation: Listen how it rains / How depressing! (Rarely); Oh, Dream ... Oh, freedom ... /
Howl! Howl! .far off under frozen star-ways (Winters Lead); Oh, keening of bells when
it rains! (Its raining); Oh, when will there be different spring-time arias? (Springtime
Nerves); How rapidly it snows, how rapidly! (About Winter); High School- cemetery /
Of all my youthful days! (High School); Flowers on horizons, in the grass - flowers ... /
Jesus! (Hymn); I said to myself: It is late / Oh, thoughts, / In the world! (When Alone);
Inside my heart theres autumn! (And All).
When such exclamations are absent, there appear meditative questions or
short conclusive formulae like: And again all are sad, / Today as yesterday (Piano);
Nothing now remains (Gaudeamus); Relative, / Pardon (Ideas); A famous / Aphorism / Helps you / To live ... / It is neither tomorrow, / Nor today, / Nor yesterday / The
time ... (Cogito).
Bacovia is like a tragic Narcissus, who sees in the mirror his own face which
he identifies with the face of death. He is a Narcissus who, marked by this implacable identification is immobilized only in his melancholy, obsessive thoughts. Under the terror of such dark thoughts, in which one can hear the fluttering of the
wings of Poes raven, he opens a one-man theatre where he plays out his destiny:
does mechanical gestures, laughs sarcastically, senselessly, (Autumn Nerves), invoking also the sarcastic laughs of those who seem kin to his ideas: Poe, Baudelaire
and Rollinat (Finis), cries with tremble as in a frenzy (Pulvis), stages movements of
a loner, gets irritated, invents dramas of the hospital and dramas of rape (In the
Park); he lies back as if dying /Spreading rose son myself, faded-jaded flowers/ (Poem
in the Mirror); weeps softly, full of alcohol and beaten by rain, like a skeleton, he
knocks at his sweethearts window with a coin (Autumn Nerves); passes nervously
from one room to the other / On the strike of the satanic hour. (Midnight); walks pallid and silent on a street among Thousands of women and caught by melancholy
(Springtime Notes); mimics the death of King Romulus (Tempest).
One should mention the decors for they are nocturnal, autumnal, crepuscular, with clavier wailing, with humid wind with military brass bands: What a sad
opera playing, with red, yellow and green ghosts, with phantom-like beings as in
the Hysteria of humans, / Beneath the wailing ravens (About Winter), with mourning waltzes and funeral marches, with sad darkness, with Leaden grass and strong
air (Autumn Nerves), with pain and with mystery (A Tale), with deaf silences, with
tremors and icy rains (Morning), with perfume of wet roses and homely sigh (Love
Song), with infernal rains.
It is a theatrum mundi, staged by a satanic Demiurge and dominated by the
terror of Nothing. The Bacovian ego, fully theatrical, initiates a senseless game, the
game of the Absurd itself.

Salonul invitatilor

There appears the tragic theatrical performance of Nothing invading the

stage coming from everywhere: from the lights of the day, from nocturnal silences,
from telluric depths or from the glory of the sky. The spirit of Nihilation haunts a
world in which the disease of degradation is at work. From the hollow sphere of
the Cosmos one hears the sounds of a universal insanity: Immensity, eternity, / You,
chaos, gathering all the same ... / In your emptiness insanity - / And you make us all
insane. (Dust). All that is material, all that has sense is swallowed up by this void of
nothing which is a true cosmic black hole.
The lovers are overtaken by the night, since All day nothing has happened
(Sic Transit II); and from the sounds of the past centuries there remains only
Nothing between them and the poet who appears an unsure horizon and metaphysical threshold so that: Let your mind linger in Non-being / Buzzing through the
centuries, / There is nothing more to retain / Of the many things once murmured. / /
There isnt and never was; / Day after day has rolled. / An unsure horizon, / And metaphysical threshold (Sine Die).
On this musical wave of Non-being sounds dematerialize, slide into other
sounds, more stifled, more obscure.
The critic Ion Negoitescu once stated: If with Mallarme the technical artifice
creates for itself the motivation for delight, being just the narcissism of a virtuoso,
with Bacovia, technique is the slave to his emotional states, overwhelming by their
pitiful misery, states of failure and the banal, so far from the Mallarmean orchestral ethers. The Bacovian rhythms are more complicated, getting more and more
obscure through lack of images, the inner music of the ideas shrink until disfigurement, from where another music starts, undecipherable and tragic. (Istoria literaturii romne, vol I, Bucharest, 1991, p. 268). The Bacovian sadness being total and the
fingerprint of disorder so profound, the ultra-fine musical technique is reabsorbed
in an exclamation, in a yell.
George Bacovia, who combines in an incredible way the spontaneous, novel, native sensation with the technical artifice, with the irrational (mystery, strangeness, sliding in nerves, funeral ritual, melancholy of the late and of the too late) and
with the rational (the clear metaphysical projections of the cosmos, of the nothingness, of the archaic, the conceptual revaluation of colors), the poetic with the
counter-poetic, performs a singular figure among the symbolists and avangardists,
surpassing them due to the existential core and the obscure inner music, undecipherable and outrunning postmodernism.
Bacovia is the Brancussi of Poetry. Like the author of The Column without
End, The Bird in Flight and The Table of Silence, the author of Lead, of Yellow Sparks
and In Fact Comedies is a bowl of essences, a searcher for Fibonaccis Gold Section.
Both of them are in some way Primitives, carvers of ideas of essential symbolic
forms. (Brancussi was interested not in the bird as such, but in the idea of flight).
I gave to my poems the luminaries of joy, wrote Bacovia in a Brancussian
spirit, in Useful Digressions. Joy and Bacovia? Yes! The joy of sincerity, the joy of expressing with theatrical tricks, the joy of re-discovering the pristine peace, the silence of thinking: Bacovia, / The country / Where any thought / Is silent ... (Stanza for
Deep meaning of life is found in the fatal passing From the loneliness / Of life
/ Into the loneliness / Of death ... (Loneliness, I didnt Want You). Nevertheless, at the


end of the poem there appears the eulogy of life: Poets, avoid / Loneliness. / Among
people / Theres life...
As a symbolist, an anti-symbolist, a decadent with the light from the beginning of the world and from resurrection (the flowers on horizons invoke Jesus in
Hymn), an expressionist who censors Pathos with humor, an existentialist by nature, Bacovia either concentrates his visions in stanzas and verses, in a very grudging vocabulary in the style of a doina, (a love song and elegy), or else he melts them
into an inner musical fluid. What we have left is an exemplary poet of essences.


Salonul invitatilor


Timotei ROCA
Universitatea Pedagogic de Stat Ion Creang

Poezia, ca i divinaia, ca i dragostea sau moartea ine de tain i mister.

De la Aristotel i pn astzi nc nu i s-a gsit o definiie satisfctoare. Printele
Poeticii antichitii, n su tratatul, ajuns doar parial pn la noi, se referea, n bun
cunotin de cauz, att la specificitatea genului, ct i la deficienele interpretrii
lui. n fragmentul 1447 b, versetul 10 gnditorul atenioneaz: Ct privete arta
care imit slujindu-se numai de cuvinte simple ori versificate - fie folosind mpreun
mai multe feluri de msuri, fie unul singur - pn astzi n-are un nume al ei. Cci navem termen (s.n) care s mbrieze deopotriv mimii unui, Sofron ori Xenarhos
i dialogii socratici, nici imitaia svrit n versuri de trei msuri, n versuri epice, n
versuri elegiace i altele la fel....11
n acelai tratat, fondatorul Poeticii sugereaz, ncepnd cu primul fragment 1447 a, versetul 10, i un principiu al interpretrii acela al primordialului,
al nceputului: ... din cte i ce fel de pri e alctuit, aijderi despre toate cte se
leag de o asemenea cercetare, ncepnd cum e firesc, cu cele de nceput.22 Criteriul
calitii imitaiei, pus ca nceput la baza interpretrii poeziei, a fost depit de
timp, conceptul primordialitii rmne ns i pn astzi un principiu fundamental
al hermeneuticii.
Comprehensiunea e de neconceput fr un reper inaugural. Cu att mai
mult cnd e vorba de hermeneutica structurii lirice, care presupune un cmp de interpretare extrem de larg i de complex. Accentum aceasta, dat fiind c poezia, n
sens larg, aristotelic, dar, mai ales, poezia liric, n special, cum precizeaz JeanMarie Schaeffer, citindu-l pe Stevenson, nu se poate baza pe enumerarea unei serii
finite de trsturi distinctive stabile i conjuncte, ci numai pe o medie ponderat de
trsturi... cele mai importante sunt... regularitatea ritmic, msura metric (care nu
trebuie confundat cu structura ritmic... rima, accentul pus pe structura sonor,
limbajul figurat, un cmp semantic ce conine numeroase semne emoionale).31
Acea medie ponderat de trsturi nu poate fi analizat i evaluat temeinic, dect bazndu-ne pe anumite principii metodologice ale hermeneuticii, pe
criteriile de interpretare. Din mai multe considerente. n primul rnd, poezia liric
reprezint un act intenional, graie cruia a luat natere opera. Interpretarea i
aprecierea ei presupune un raport, o confruntare foarte specific ntre intenia exegentului de a evalua, interpreta i intenionalitatea conceptual a autorului poeziei.
O atare colaborare confruntare are loc n cadrul percepiei, unde se pot produce
Aristotel. Poetica. Studiu introductiv, traducere, i comentarii de D.M. Pippidi. Seria scriitori greci i
latini. Bucureti: editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romne, 1965, p.54
Aristotel, Op. Cit., p.53
Jean-Marie Schaeffer. Poetica. n cartea: Oswald Ducrot, Jean-Marie Schaeffer. Noul dicionar enciclopedic al tiinelor limbajului. n colaborare cu Marielle Abroux, Dominique Bassano, Georges Boulaxia,
Michel de Fornel, Philippe Roussin, Tzvetan Todorov. Traducere de Anca Mgureanu, Viorel Vian, Marina
Punescu. Bucureti : Editura Babel, 1996, p.138.



surprize imprevizibile. n al doilea rnd, exist o diferen principial ntre intenia

din text i intenia prealabil a autorului. Identificarea de ctre exeget a elementelor din oper fr a ti, sau nainte de a ti n ce msur acestea corespund structurii intenionale un asemenea act ine de secretele zmislirii i ale interpretrii.
Rdcinile gnoseologice ale unui asemenea act duc n adnc, n tain i mister, n
ocultism i divinaie. Aici un rol reprobabil l are intuiia, genialitatea, adic valorile
genetice ale fiinei, fiinialitii, nu ns n afara istoricitii i facticitii, a eficienei
care mping viaa nainte, i dau sens i speran.
Asupra acestui grup de probleme a meditat, mai nti, fenomenologia
i hermeneutica fiziologic, prezentat n studiile lui G.W.F. Hegel, Husserel, F.
Schleiermacher, W. Dilthey, M. Heidegger, G. Gadamer .a.
Polemica dintre concepiile lor filozofice, relurile, confruntrile de opinii
sau continurile lor pun la dispoziie un preios material primordial pentru
aprofundarea hermeneuticii fenomenului poetic nsui, a actului de nelegere,
interpretare i evaluare a lui.
Astfel, F. Schleiermacher este unul dintre primii gnditori care insist asupra
noiunii i sensului de comprehensiune, asupra capacitii de nelegere propriuzis i care trebuie s porneasc, n opinia lui, de la forma individual, personal a
expresiei literare.
Dintre cele dou criterii de interpretare a operei gramatical i individual,
tehnic sau psihologic, autorul ,,Hermeneuticii pune accent, totui, pe cel deal doilea, dei fenomenul poetic este privit n spectrul organicitii acestor dou
perspective. Individualul este enigmatic i imprevizibil n expresia valorii poetice,
consider fondatorul hermeneuticii. El poate fi dedus, continuat i nnobilat doar
n virtutea unei concreri( termenul lui Lanson) cu interpretul textului. Acesta din
urm e chemat s intuiasc tainele zmislirii, ce in, n mare parte, de genialitate i
divinaie, i s le continue conform perspectivei individualitii creatoare. Totodat,
individualul la Schleiermacher este angrenat, cum aminteam, n general; viaa
poetului, universul su spiritual e de neconceput n afara epocii, ansamblului vieii.
Despre acest angrenaj vorbete de acum limba, care nc de la natere modific
spiritul, tot astfel cum opera, exprimat prin cuvnt, nu poate fi conceput dect ca
aciune i fapt al spiritului.41
Bineneles, asemenea teze axiomatice incit opinia critic. A incita, n
cazul dat, nseamn a participa, a nainta i a aprofunda comprehensiunea, mai
cu seam cnd e vorba de opere din diferite epoci, sau de gradul de nelegere a
produsului poetic; att de ctre autorul nsui, ct i de ctre interpret, exeget. Nu
odat asemenea declaraii din partea poeilor: chemarea mea e s scriu, aprecierea
e de datoria criticii, a exegezei. Schleiermacher vine cu teza, c de prestigiul
operei rspund ambii, implicai, chiar i atunci, cnd textul a fost scris n alt
epoc. Interpretul, n convingerea savantului, trebuie s se transpun n contiina
cititorului contemporan textului de alt dat s triasc, anume condiia timpului
de atunci. Teza a fost amendat i completat de ceilali hermeneui menionai mai
sus, ntruct o transcendere n trecutul concret istoric este inutil i imposibil. Ceea
ce se ncearc a fi reconstituit prin ponteialitile creaiei nu va fi identic niciodat
cu ceea ce a trit, a gndit i a produs poetul n timpul istoric, al epocii elaborrii
operei. Poate fi prins n intuiie i continuat doar ceea ce rmne i continu n
4 Schleiermacher, F.D.E. Hermeneutica.- Iai: Polirom, 2001, p.25-26.


Salonul invitatilor

fiinialitate, ca o adncire a spiritului n sine... ce se cunoate pe sine ca spirit, cum

va preciza G. Gadamer. Iar cunoaterea de sine a spiritului nu poate avea loc dect
prin mijlocirea istoriei, a contemporaneitii evoluate. Comprehensiunea, n cazul
dat, se va clarifica, limpezi prin aceast integrare, care, conform concepiei lui M.
Heidegger, se produce n timp, se decanteaz ntre trecut i prezent, o dat cu
decantarea valoric a Fiinei (W. Dilthey), aceasta din urm manifestndu-se ca o
chintesen, ce aduce cu sine istoria n mers sub semnul tuturor experienelor trite.
Cunoatem i apreciem valoarea operei din trecut doar prin faptul continuitii ei.
Ct privete cealalt tez a lui Schleiermacher referitoare la obligativitatea
interpretului de a-l nelege pe scriitor mai bine dect el nsui s-a neles pe sine,
aici accentul se pune nu pe istoricitate cu toate complexitile ei, ca o curgere n
timp, ci pe individualitatea creatoare, mai exact spus, pe identificarea interpretului
cu aceasta din urm. Nu este vorba de o simpl identificare cu nsi contiina
propriu-zis a poetului, ci cu ideea spontan, incotient a acestuia. Incontientul,
ca semn al genialitii, aa cum o demonstreaz i psihanalitii n frunte cu S.
Frend, este comun tuturor indivizilor. n acest sens, interpretul, care are acces la
aceast idee, iscat n subcontientul poetului, adic n universul comun, particip
la viaa ei i nu o dat poate i s o continue. Nu rare sunt cazurile, cnd un critic
talentat, nzestrat cu intuiie creatoare, primete ideea, care aa i nu i-a gsit o
,,materializare, o transcendere deplin n opera poetului, ca pe un dar, dezvoltndo ntr-o viziune neateptat, surprinztoare.
n cele mai desvrsite studii, eseuri recenzii exegeii pornesc, de regul,
nu de la ideea predilect, intenional, lansat de autorul poemului, ci de la
,,interiorul acelei idei, sau de la ,,forma intern, cum ar spune G. Gadamer. Ei devin
coposesorii acesteia. n continuare, fie c reconstruiesc semnificaia i o proiecteaz
n alt spectru de lumin, continund pe aceasta cale direcia ,,intenional a
hermeneuticii romantice, fie c recurg la cealalt direcie - ,,anti-intenional, bazat
pe reductibilitate, ilustrat spectaculos de Husserl prin concepia intuitivitii. E
locul s amintim formula acelei ,,verticaliti huserliene descrise de P. Ricoeur
autorul ,,Eseurilor de hermeneutic: ,,El vede atunci n reducia epoche aplicat
atitudinii naturale cucerirea unui imperiu al sensului, de unde este exclus prin
punere ntre paranteze orice chestiune privind lucrurile de sine. Tocmai acest
imperiu al sensului, eliberat astfel de orice chestiune factual, constituie cmpul
privilegiat al experienei fenomenologice, locul prin excelen al intuitivitii.51
Concepia husserlian asupra subiectivitii a incitat spiritele hermeneutice.
Extremist n esen, ea a fcut s ,,vorbeasc categoriile n detrimentul propriei
paradigme. Cci nainte de a declara subiectul ,,autonom, iar obiectul un opus al
acestuia, exist ,,relaia de ,,incluziune sau de ,,apartenen a celor doi factori. W.
Dilthey va fi acela care n lucrarea sa ,,Geneza hermeneuticii prin categoriile de
,,trire i ,,istoricitate va ntreprinde cu totul alt demers, aprofundat n psihologia
cunoaterii, foarte important pentru nelegerea i interpretarea poeziei lirice,
inclusiv. Trirea reprezint chintesena energiei umane. Ea nsoete i determin
fluviul continuu al istoricitii. Or nu e de mirare c un individ se recunoate n trirea
altui individ, respectiv, n bucuria suferina sau tristeea personajului liric al unui
poet. Mai mult dect att n trirea eului liric al unui poem eminescian, ,,Epigonii, de
Ricoeur, Paul. Despre interpretare. n volumul: Eseuri de hermeneutic. Traducere de Vasile Tonoiu.
Bucureti: Humanitas, 1995, p.23



exemplu, se poate recunoate o ntreag epoc, sau condiia existenial a omului

dintotdeauna, cum ar fi n celebra ,,Od (n metru antic).
Prin demersul husserlian i cel diltheyan asupra intuitivitii i a tririi ne
adncim i mai mult n universul labirintic al subiectivitii umane, n general, i al
subiectivitii poetice, n particular. O perspectiv axiologic ne ofer n acest sens
M. Heidegger n lucrarea sa ,,Fiin i timp, mai cu seam prin aa-numitul ,,proiect
de ,,hermeneutic a facticitii. Lum cunotin aici de o structura arhitectonic
a gndirii, de o gndire a gndirii nsi. n esen, este supus judecii gndirea
predecesorilor. Temporalitatea curgtoare, despre care vorbea Dilthey nu se poate
manifesta n sine, dect n ,,fapte i fiin. Sentimentul timpului, care macin totul,
lsnd n urm fiorul unui apocalips, n poezia ,,Nu am moarte cu tine nimic a
lui Gr. Vieru, de exemplu, nu poate fi intuit, nici trit, cu att mai mult interpretat,
dect dup faptele i aciunile, gesturile personajului liric: constatri triri, negri,
interogaii etc. totul se ntreprinde pentru promovarea concepiei privitoare la
umilirea sau anularea morii, expresie a trecerii, a desfiinrii. Tot odat, ea nu poate
avea loc dect n Fiin, care include cele trei dimensiuni temporale sau ,,acum-uri,
cum le remarc exegeza, n spe acelai G. Gadamer, sau ,,Dasein, cum definete
Heidegger permanena Fiinei (,,a fi acum). Prin urmare, timpul este ,,fiinial; orice
prezenteizare vine s reprezinte ,,fiina ca fiin61, spune M. Heidegger. De aici
savantul A. Gavrilov ajunse la concluzia logic n sensul c ,,acum urile din care
se cldete fiina reprezint ,,a patra dimensiune a timpului, chiar dac Heidegger
,,nu afirm nicieri acest fapt.71
n poezia contemporan deseori ntlnim poezii lirice cu situaii i stri
spirituale sau emotive neutre, ,,n sine, greu sau imposibil a le interpreta sau
evolua. Fr un reper metodologic, axial, hermeneutic e greu s te orientezi ntr-un
asemenea labirint. Este cazul s amintim de poezia lui N. Stnescu, care el nsui
se consider nu altceva dect ,,o pat de snge, pe cnd poezia se nfieaz ca
un ,,semantism ce precede cuvntul.82 De unde provine acel ,,Semantism, dac
nu din Fiin sau din fiinialitate, ca un ecou concetraional al acesteia, dac nu
din timpul ,,acum-utizat? iat o nou definiie a poeziei, apelnd la cele dou
cmpuri hermeneutice: heideggerian i stnescian.
Exemple similare vom ntlni i n creaiile altor poei: M. Sorescu, L. Dimov,
G. Naum, Gr. Vieru, L. Damian, V. Teleuc, P. Mihnea, A. Codru, acesta din urm
orientndu-se spre o viziune brncuian, adic spre un spaiu temporalizat, tot
astfel cum V. Teleuc triete condiia ,,metronomului.
,,Dasein-ul ne amintete ntructva de concepia hegelian a cunoaterii
de sine a spiritului absolut. n hermeneutica heideggerian Fiina nu pretinde a
ncheia ciclul dialectic. Scopul ei este cu totul altul: a-i divulga n permanen
prezenteizarea. Gndirea i rostirea uman i asigur unul dintre cele mai strlucite
ocazii, aa cum poezia, dup N. Stnescu apeleaz la cuvnt, la rostire ,,din
Heidegger, Martin, Fiin i timp. Bucureti: Jurnalul literar, 1994, p.21
Gavrilov, Anatol. Criterii de tiinificitate a terminologiei literare. Principiul obiectivitii. O
mutaie paradigmatic de la raportul subiect/obiect la raportul subiect/subiect. Eseu de epistemologie.
Chiinu: Academia de tiine a Moldovei. Institutul de Filologie, 2007, p.96
Stnescu, Nichita. Fiziologia poeziei. Proza i versuri. 1957 1983. Ediie ngrijit de Alexandru
Condeescu cu acordul autorului. Bucureti: Editura Eminescu, 1990,p.38


Salonul invitatilor

Aadar, Heidegger a desctuat fiinialitatea de ncorsetrile raiunii

logiciste i a promovat comprehensiunea, pornind de la ,,fapte. n cadrul poeziei,
prin fapt trebuie s nelegem, pe de o parte tot ce compune viaa eului, adic
structura intern, pe de alt parte tot ce ne ofer textul: imagine, idee, motiv,
laitmotiv, semnificaie etc. care alctuiesc structura extern.
Toate acestea ns nu pot fi interpretate doar i numai sub semnul
continuitii i al concretizrii de fapte i aciuni. La captul lor ne ateapt efectul
care i ncununeaz valoarea, deschide, totodat, ansele interpretrii, finitudinea
actului hermeneutic.
Aici ne vine n ajutor o alt teorie hermeneutic aceea a efectelor i a
orizonturilor, dezvoltat de G. Gadamer, elevul lui Heidegger. Faptul sau lucrul din
via i realitate atrage, mai mult sau mai puin, cu lumina lui. n poezie, imaginea
cu semnificaia ei este volframul ce se aprinde n momentul zmislirii operei, n
virtutea contactului cu sursa de energie, cu plusul i minusul, tririi i gndirii
poetice. E ca Focul Haric ce se aprinde din tain. Iar taina nu poate proveni dect din
fiinialitate nfindu-se n realitatea concret istoric. Fr ncrctura energiei
istorice acumulate nu exist eficientizarea ca atare. Tot aa cum fr o asemenea
contiin a condiiei hermeneutice aprecierea nu va fi complet, va iei deformat.
Mai mult: prin cunoaterea lucrului, n plan filologic a operei, ne cunoatem
pe noi nine, ca ,,Dasein, ,,fiin-n-lume. De la Adam i pn astzi trim sub
semnul sau sentimentul unor mpliniri, desvriri, eficientizri, stimulatoare de
alte predispoziii de desvrire. Orice comprehensiune se ncheie cu un efect
care completeaz sau desvrete eficiena Fiinei niciodat epuizat. Aa cum n
realitatea lucrurilor exist o continuitate o dialectic a desvririi, sau a tendinei
spre desvrire i afirmare tot astfel exist o dialectic a comprehensiunii. G.
Gadamer o explic prin aa-numit ,,fuzionare a orizonturilor, celor implicai n
relevarea sau revelarea adevrului. Pe ambii i caracterizeaz, n cazul dat, cmpurile
sau orizonturile de cunoatere. De fapt ele i comunic n surdin, pn la deciziile
concluzive, dup care apare acordul apreciativ., supus comentariului, interpretrii
propriu-zise ...,,Omul spune Hegel nu poate niciodat ti cte cunotine are,
de fapt, n sine... ele nu aparin realitii sale, subiectivitii sale ca atare, ci numai
fiinei sale fiinnd n sine.91
ntr-o variant mai estetizant, ideea hegeliana a fost reluat i continuat
de Jaques Derrida n tratatul su ,,Diseminarea. Literaritatea, n general, este privit
printr-o traiectorie ntins, ea avndu-i sorgintea n credinele antropomorfice
antice, n zeiti ocrotitoare de memorie venic, tot astfel, cum scrierea ar avea
pretenia de a permanentiza informaiile, tiina. Orice scriere, cum lmurea Platon
doar eman opinie. E un fel de leac, n sensul satisfacerii lectorului pacient
(setos =bolnav de cunoatere), fr s lecuiasc, e un fel de ,,pharmacom.
Dilthey sau Heidegger operau cu noiunile sau categoriile de ,,fiin aici i acum,
,,intenionalitate, ,,anti-intenionalitate; J. Derrida apeleaz la categoriile de
,,deconstrucie, ,,rsturnare, ,,phamakon. ,,Pharmakon-ul, exprimndu-ne
oximoronic, ar fi o mbinare antinomic de ,,leac i ,,otrav, dar fr substan.
Ea ar fi o form a hazardului care ine ntr-un oc durativ ,,pacientul, un fel de
,,narcotic ,,aneidetic ce st sub semnul ateptrii unui final imprevizibil i, de fapt,
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Enciclopedia tiinelor filozofice, Partea a treia, Filozofia
spiritului. Traducere de Constantin Floru. Bucureti: Editura Academiei R.S.R., 1966, p.124



Comentnd ,,Farmacia lui Platon, J. Derrida disociaz: ,,Pharmakon ar

fi o substan, cu tot ceea ce va putea conta acest cuvnt, ca materie cu virtui
oculte, de adncime ncriptat, care i refuz analizei ambivalena, pregtind,
deja, spaiul alchimiei, dac, mai trziu, nu ar trebui s recunoatem n ea nsi
anti-substana: ceea ce rezist oricrui filosofem, depindu-l, n mod nedefinit,
ca non-identitate, non-esen, non-substan i procurndu-i, chiar prin aceasta,
adversitatea inepuizabil a fondului (fonds) sau i absena sa de fond (fond).102 Cu
alte cuvinte ale aceluiai teoretician ,,pharmacon-ul reprezint ,,mediul n care se
opun opusele, micarea i jocul care le raporteaz pe fiecare la cellalt, le rstoarn
i le face s treac unul n cellalt (suflet-trup, bine-ru, interior-exterior, memorieuitare, cuvnt-scriere etc.) ...El este diferena (diffrance) diferenei (diffrence)...
Din acest fond i extrage dialectica filosofemele.112
Actul hermeneutic st sub semnul unei specifice diplomaii, comportament
ntre parteneri, ntre Eu-l, interpret i Tu-ul, autor de text. i poate nu att ntre ei,
atenioneaz G. Gadamer, ct ntre orizonturile lor. Fuziunea nu este un act simplu.
Aici au loc marile confruntri ntre experiena poetului, n cazul nostru, i cea a
exegetului, a lectorului, n general, att la nivelul axiologic, ct i la nivelul gndirii,
tririi, expresivitii etc. Orizonturile au unitile lor de verificare: prin analogie cu
alte experiene, stiluri, metode, coli etc.
Un rol decizional, n cazul dat, l are limbajul. n limbaj se conine Fiina
(Fiina naional, n cadrul unei culturi).
Adevrul relevat nu este, n exclusivitate, ,,proprietatea sau meritul
partenerilor implicai n conversaie, dar i al limbii. Ea vine cu fondul ancestral, cu
impulsurile latenelor cu acumulrile practicii istorice.
Fenomenul n cauz se evideniaz i mai mult n scris. n textul scris
expresia adevrului se prezint n varianta cea mai concentrat, disciplinat i
elegant, respectnd etalonul sau canonul tradiiei. Valoarea poetic expus
scriptic suport variantele interpretrilor, intervenirile repetate. Ea nu se supune
totalmente conceptului autorului sau interpretrii exegetului. Ea vine din Fiin
i lumineaz att pe autor, ct i pe interpret. E ca un focar, astru nestins, care
niciodat nu se epuizeaz, cum ar fi opera eminescian, de pild, fiindc se degaj,
acumulndu-se din existen i comunicndu-se prin limb care, acum, apare n rol
de subiect ,,supra-individual. Ct privete rolul poetului, ca subiect, sau interpretul,
ca lector ,,virtual (U.Eco), acetia au, mai degrab, rol auxiliar, drept transfer care
asigur comunicarea. Nu recunotea acelai N. Stnescu faptul c poetul nu este
mai mult dect o ,,moa care asist la naterea poeziei? Nemaivorbind de critici,
cercettori care se apropie de text n mod diferit i-l interpreteaz n funcie de
capacitile lor de a intui ,,forma intern.
Aa cum hermeneutul de mare talent caut s intuiasc n tezele i
antitezele sale chneizia doctrinei, tot astfel autorul de poezie liric autentic
arunc puni vizionare n viitor, pentru a-i securiza arta. n orice caz, exist o
diferen principial ntre talentul de nivel mediu i geniu, tot astfel cum exist o
diferenialitate, ,,diferena, diferenei, ,,fondul dialecticii (Derrida). La nivelul celui
dinti se poate vorbi mai mult de ,,deconstrucie, de rsturnare. Geniul ns ca cel
eminescian, de exemplu, se nate ,,la rspntii de secole. A pretinde la refacerea


Derrida, Jaques, Farmacia lui Platon. n Diseminarea. Bucureti: Univers enciclopedic, 1997,

Derrida, Jaques, op.cit., p.123

Salonul invitatilor

intenionalitii sale e, pur i simplu, riscant. Creaia lui pornete tot din Fiin, ca
i a oricrui talent mare, inclusiv a celui exegetic (sunt critici care cu/prin puterea
lor de creaie depec produsul poetic propriu-zis). Geniul se conduce ns de
principii mult mai angrenate i mai complexate. Avem a face cu ceea ce I. Derrida
numete ,,Pharmakon. Poetul se confrunt cu nsi fiinialitatea sau, mai exact
spus, prin geniu Firea Fiinei se confrunt, se verific pe Sine nsi (avndu-se
n vedere spectrul tuturor aspectelor: limbaj, psihologie, istoricitate, factologie,
gndire, trire, eficien etc.). Iat de ce, ori de cte ori se ncearc o refacere, o
restructurare, o depire (fie n plan ontologic, cum a intenionat s demonstreze
acelai N. Stnescu nu numai prin n ,,Elegii n universul filozofic eminescian, fie
n plan artistic propriu-zis: atia epigoni a cunoscut opera poetului ,,nepereche)
a perspectivei conceptuale sau o continuare a ei, cu att mai mult o negare a
intenionalitii, opera rezist, iar taina regenereaz n/cu propria ei surs de
lumin. n cazul dat poetul, mai bine zis opera sa, ca i cum s-ar autointerpreta. E
de competena interpretului s ,,prind aceast und hermeneutic emergent a
geniului, ca s-i asigure justeea aseriunii, interpretrii sale, iar aceasta presupune
de acum angajarea ntr-un alt cmp de creaie a celor doi exponeni, pe ct de
emergent, pe att de sigur n perspectiva perseverrii continue i infinite.




Doinia MILEA
Universitatea Dunrea de Jos din Galai

Le roman de Umberto Eco construit, comme ses prcdents romans, sur plusieurs tages narratifs et sur plusieurs niveaux de signification, recycle aussi une certaine quantit de clichs de la littrature de consommation, avec laquelle il porte explicitement un dialogue. Le lecteur peut choisir sa cl de lecture en fonction des gots et
de son niveau dinstruction. La narration de Umberto Eco est une dmonstration dans
laquelle la littrature est aussi sujet et objet de son livre, o se croisent et se neutralisent
un roman de la mmoire, un roman parabole de notre monde intrieur et les modles
de la littrature de consommation.
Romancier nscut dintr-un teoretician al literaturii, care, ntr-un anumit fel,
analiza cu anticipaie romanele pe care urma apoi s le scrie, Umberto Eco (Numele
trandafirului 1980, Pendulul lui Foucault 1988, Insula zilei de ieri 1994,
Baudolino 2002) construiete, dup propriile mrturisiri, un roman caleidoscop
de unde fiecare ia ceea ce-l intereseaz avnd cititorul, ca ipotez fundamental
a textului, ntr-o inginerie literar propus n 2004: Misterioasa flacr a reginei
Loana. Roman ilustrat.
Ca i n studiul din 1979 (Lector in fabula), n demonstraia ulterioar, din
1994 (ase plimbri prin pdurea narativ), Eco analizeaz conceptul cititor implicit ca proiecie pe care un text i-o construiete pentru a se putea manifesta:
cititorul implicit sau model, sau ideal, cum i place lui Eco s-l numeasc, nu este
o fiin n carne i oase, ci o strategie textual care trebuie identificat de cititorii
reali pentru ca lectura s-i ating scopul. Textele literare, dar nu numai cele literare,
sunt, dup Eco, nite mainrii lenee, care nu funcioneaz dect odat activate de
un cititor ideal, capabil s neleag multe nespuse, s suplineasc ne-naratul, s
umple spaiile goale, s se grbeasc atunci cnd lectura i-o cere sau, dimpotriv,
s se opreasc asupra unor amnunte aparent lipsite de importan cnd textul i-o
cere: O pdure este, ca s folosesc o metafor a lui Borges, o grdin cu crri ce se
bifurc. Chiar i atunci cnd ntr-o pdure nu exist poteci trasate, oricine i poate
trasa propriul parcurs, hotrnd s o ia la dreapta sau la stnga de la un anumit
copac, i tot aa, fcnd cte o alegere la fiecare copac ntlnit n cale. ntr-un text
narativ cititorul e constrns n fiece moment s efectueze o alegere Exist prin
urmare nite reguli ale jocului, iar cititorul model e acela care se pricepe s-l joace
Desigur c autorul, ca s-i dea instruciuni propriului su cititor-model, dispune
de nite semnale anume, de gen.
Propriile puncte de vedere ale autorului asupra modului de folosire a crii (a
se vedea i Marginaiile i glossele care au nsoit lectura la Numele trandafirului,
constituie i modelele de lectur oferite de comentariile la texte celebre (Nerval
Sylvie, din Fetele focului), grile de lectur apriorice ale oricrei cri de tip ficiune,
pe care teoreticianul Umberto Eco ar putea s o scrie. Practic literar a rescrierii
postmoderne sau literatur de grad secund, dup formula deja clasicizat a lui

Salonul invitatilor

Genette, falsele eseuri ale lui Umberto Eco, din antologia Jurnal sumar, presupun un text iniial care se deschide ntr-un text nou, depindu-se de conceptul
de lectur prin jocurile aluzive ale textului secund, sprijinite de intertextualitate,
palimpsest (suprapunere de texte) i metaficiune.
Reproducnd Diario minimo (Milano, 1992), versiunea romneasc se
deschide printr-o not la ediia din 1975, reproducnd articole publicate ntre
1965-1972, semnat de Umberto Eco nsui, care-i autocomenteaz strategiile de
scriitur avnd n vedere dou concepte-cheie, permind receptarea unor practici
culturale postmoderne: cititorul model i reader response, i definindu-i demersul prefaator ca o cheie de lectur pentru cititorul care ar avea nevoie.
Ca apartenen genetic, pentru uzul cititorului conformist, Umberto Eco,
recupereaz categoria parodiei i pastiei, crora le-am adugat nite fragmente
scrise ulterior n acelai stil. n acelai timp, parafraznd titlul celebru al unei scrieri
a lui Queneau Exerciii de stil, Eco apreciaz c Nonita, spre exemplu, este fr
ndoial un exerciiu asupra lui Nabokov.
Cuvintele cheie ale demersului scriitoricesc din culegerea lui Eco sunt
face aluzie, ia drept model, este un joc de cuvinte, imit stilul, modelul principal, ceea ce redimensioneaz spaiul literaturii la care se refer falsele eseuri la
proporiile unui nou univers, nscut n sensul ficiunilor borgesiene, prin rescriere,
i trimind la texte critice bine cunoscute ale autorului italian sau la mai recentul
Interpretare i suprainterpretare. U. Eco i construiete mozaicul demonstrativ
cu aceeai atenie cu care prezentase opera ca un antier deschis ntre intenia
autorului i intenia interpretului. Dac textul literar refuz interpretarea unic prin
ambiguitatea funciar care-i este proprie, atunci n perspectiva poststructuralist,
pluralitatea lecturilor i implicit a sensurilor ar permite o lectur ca double criture, dup Derrida, un comentariu redublant, n care sunt deconstruite i rescrise
sensurile i articulaiile textului prin reabilitarea tcerilor, elipselor textelor, ntrun text secund, n care operele devin un pretext pentru reamenajarea demersului
Centrul acestei rescrieri are dou puncte de sprijin evidente n
demonstraiile lui Eco: cititorul (implicit sau model), proiecie pe care un text i
o construiete ca strategie textual pentru a se putea face recunoscut de cititorul
real, pentru ca rspunsul la lectur s suplineasc ne-naratul, tcerile i elipsele
textului de suprafa (the disnarrated dup Gerald Prince). Modul n care Eco i
reorganizeaz lecturile, punnd fa n fa textul-baz (hipotextul) i cel rescris,
este evident dat de un stil aparte, care permite relaxarea conceptelor teoretice prin
mici anecdote, divagaii, mrturisiri, nlocuind, tot ntr-o demonstraie, schemele
complicate din Lector in Fabula, fr s uite intentio operis, intenia textului,
dup o formulare din interpretare i suprainterpretare, adic acea coeren intern
a textului care permite delimitarea impulsurilor interpretative ale textului.
Intenia textului, concept care permite identificarea Cititorului Model,
capabil s imagineze la rndu-i un Autor Model, altul dect cel empiric, real, este
dirijat cu abilitate mpotriva altui concept Reader oriented, care delimiteaz intentia auctores, de intentia operis, i de credina pragmaticilor c lectura este exclusiv relaionare i interaciune, n sensul deconstructivist, pe care Eco l refuz, o
permanent recontextualizare, o semnificaie delimitat de context.


Locuri uzate ale literaturii, locuri comune, sunt aezate de Umberto Eco n
avant-textul falselor eseuri, pentru a atrage atenia cititorului asupra ideii de dialog
cu tradiia literaturii, cu literatura ca practic intertextual: Prezentul manuscris
ne-a fost ncredinat de ctre gardianul ef al nchisorii comunale (), misteriosul prizonier care a abandonat manuscrisul ntr-o celul (), ceea ce rmne din
manuscris restul fiind ros de oareci (Nonita).
Dar practica postmodern a autobioficiunii i permite lui Eco s se introduc
pe sine n carte alturi de autor, personaj i cititor, prin strategii ale metalepsei narative (depiri de frontiere narative): () pe baza cruia credem c cititorul i poate
face o idee despre extraordinara aventur a acestui Umberto Umberto (oare misteriosul prizonier n-o fi fost cumva Vladimir Nabokov, refugiat n mod paradoxal n
regiunea Langhe, i nu nfieaz cumva acest manuscris cellalt chip al proteicului imoralist?).
Pastiarea atmosferei i stilului textului prim (Lolita de Nabokov) este
dublat de jocuri ale metaficiunii (comentarii ale ideii de scriitur n corpul scriiturii ficional-pastiante): Nonita. Floare a adolescenei mele, nelinitea nopilor
mele. Niciodat nu te voi mai putea revedea M numesc Umberto Umberto. Ce
putei spune voi, cei care m judecai (toi, hypocrite, lecteur, mon semblable, mon
Un fragment ca Esquisse dun nouveau chat, face aluzie n principal la
Alain Robbe-Grillet, dar ia drept model i ali maetri ai noului roman, dup propria
trimitere a autorului. Scriitura la persoana a doua plural, voi, prin care cititorul, autorul i personajele sunt suprapuse n acelai plan narativ, trimite la practica textual
a lui Michel Butor (Renunarea), construit n dialog cu trecerile din referentul
ficional al romanului lui Grillet, n labirint, n imaginea deconstruit a tabloului
din camera de hotel, aluzie explicit la cele dou texte n dialog: V ntrebai dac
acest lucru nu vi s-a mai ntmplat deja i dac n-ai vzut o scen asemntoare
n tabloul cel mare care mpodobete peretele n faa mesei. Dar tabloul arat o
crcium aglomerat cu un copil n col; n centru se afl o mas cu o bucat de
carne pe ea i lng mas se observ figura unui soldat care st n picioare . n
colul opus se observ o pisic gata s sar. Dac privii tabloul mai de aproape, vei
vedea limpede n pupila pisicii imaginea unei camere aproape goale.
Scrierea de romane dup reete, de tipul OULIPO, intr n atenia pastielor
lui Eco (Do your movie yourself, 1972), care selecteaz pattern-uri / plot patern: Subiect multiplu pentru Antonioni. O ntindere pustie. Ea se ndeprteaz.
Permutri. St acolo. Atinge ndelung un obiect. Se ndeprteaz, apoi se oprete
perplex, face doi pai napoi i se ndeprteaz din nou ().
Pastiele-pastil la cri celebre, create de Umberto Eco, trec insesizabil
prin ironie parodie, practicat cu un plaisir du texte, recuperator al modelelor
de scriitur: Kafka Franz. Procesul. Crulia nu e rea, este un roman poliist cu anumite momente la Hitchcock; de exemplu, crima din final, care va avea publicul
su. ns arat de parc autorul ar fi scris-o sub cenzur. Ce sunt aceste aluzii imprecise, aceast lips de nume de persoane i de locuri? i de ce protagonistul este pus
sub acuzare? (Rapoarte de lectur ctre editor, 1972).
Misterioasa flacr a reginei Loana are o deschidere (un incipit) care
invit la o lectur a literaturii prin literatur. Aa a nceput totul - este o deschidere mprumutat din romanul lui Cline Cltorie la captul nopii, care ar putea

Salonul invitatilor

crea o linie de organizare a sensurilor fie n direcia dat de titlul metaforic, captul
nopii (prezent ntr-un fel n soarele negru al finalului), fie n direcia romanului
n form autobiografic. Sfritul crii De ce soarele se face oare negru? poate
propune un joc intertextual cu trei trimiteri suprapuse: la soarele negru din imaginea lui Drer, la cel din poezia lui Nerval, El Desdichado, sau, de ce nu, din crile
de taroc. n lectura cea mai direct, construcia oximoronic trimite la sfritul personajului narator i al crii (un sens parabolic i unul n cheie metaficional).
Mergnd n acelai sens al indicaiilor de regie ale autorului teoretician, fragmentul de nceput cultiv pn la obsesie imperfectul: Sau parc nu eram treaz, ci
mai visam i acum. Era un vis ciudat, lipsit de imagini. Eco i anticipeaz strategia
(ase plimbri prin pdurea narativ) ntr-un comentariu la Sylvie a lui Nerval:
Imperfectul e un timp foarte interesant, pentru c e durativ i iterativ. Fiind durativ, ne spune c ceva tocmai se petrecea n trecut, dar nu ntr-un moment precis,
i nu se tie cnd anume s-a nceput aciunea i cnd sfrete. Ca timp iterativ, ne
autorizeaz s gndim c aciunea aceea s-a repetat de multe ori (). Din cauza
acestei ambiguiti temporale a lui, imperfectul este timpul la care se povestesc
visele sau comarurile (). Nu-i vorba de un amnunt de nimic, pentru c mare
parte din farmecul din Sylvie se bazeaz pe o alternan bine calculat de verbe
(), iar utilizarea intens a imperfectului i confer ntregii ntmplri un ton oniric,
ca i cum am privi ceva cu ochii ntredeschii.
Romanul lui Eco este construit pe o sum de strategii ale autenticitii, dominate de vocea unui narator la persoana I, strategie comentat de Eco, propos de
Gordon Pym a lui Poe (numele personajului lui Poe fiind asumat i de naratorul lui
Eco): Textul ncepea cu M numesc Arthur Gordon Pym i deci punea n scen
un narator la persoana nti, ns acel text aprea sub numele de Poe, ca autor empiric ()
Nu este de mirare c romanul ncepe cu asumarea povestirii prin persoana
I, care se va transforma ntr-un hi textual al descoperirilor i identificrilor, n
egal msur ale strategiilor narativitii, ale textelor literaturii care se regsesc n
biblioteca textului romanesc, dar i ale sistemului propriu romanului popular cu
care romanul lui Eco dialogheaz programatic.
Cartea lui Eco construiete, dup afirmaia autorului, lumi ale ficiunii narative complexe, contradictorii i provocatoare cu lumea real. Eroul su, anticarul Giambattista Bodoni, care-i pierde memoria n urma unui accident cerebral,
ncearc s-i recupereze memoria autobiografic, amestecnd ficiunea i realitatea, citind ficiunea ca i cum ar fi realitate. Din acest punct reconstituirea,
regsirea identitii pierdute, se face organizat, n trepte, dezorganiznd universul
trecutului pentru a-l reface: casa copilriei, cutia de rezonan pentru trecutul uitat este punctul de plecare, Solara, casa de la ar, un fel de spaiu al vrstei de aur,
o utopie regresiv.
Camerele casei de la ar, podul, capela zidit, grdina, satele de peste
munte, ofer toate probe din existena unor generaii: bunicul, anticar i el, prinii,
primele iubiri, strnse n cutii, n cri uitate, n colecii de reviste, de timbre.
Consecvent studiilor sale teoretice i incursiunilor practice (Opera deschis,
Structura absent, Tratat de semiotic general. Lector in Fabula etc.) Eco i
construiete sensul romanului pornind de la elementele de detalii care nconjoar
textul, (elementele paratextuale), de la titlu, care devine o cheie a sensului, prin


funcionarea n lait-motiv i prin registrul romanului de senzaie din care este mprumutat. La acest efect se adaug meniunea generic roman ilustrat care, ca semnal ficional, este dublat de copertele-ilustrate interioare. n principiu i n practic
funcioneaz un pact ficional: autorul sugereaz, simuleaz o lume real pornind
de la elemente concrete (titluri de cri i colecii reale), pe care posibilul cititor le
recunoate, i proiecteaz un spaiu ficional, tergndu-i frontierele.
Titlul crii este prezent n anticipri (prolepse) pariale de-a lungul ntregului roman, procedeu propriu literaturii de senzaie: amnarea efectului; curiozitatea cititorului n faa ntrebrii : Ce vrea s nsemne o misterioas flacr? este
satisfcut treptat: Pe un perete, btut n dou inte, o imagine care mi-a provocat
nc o flacr misterioas (); Rsfoind alte reviste ilustrate, ntr-un crescendo de
misterioase flcri, ce m fceau s iau foc de la un fascicul la altul, descopeream
eroi despre care crile mele de coal nu-mi vorbiser niciodat.
Suprapunerea imaginilor la care trimite sintagma misterioasa flacr
pregtete cititorul pentru un sens legat de cri: Revista ilustrat cu copert
multicolor, se intitula Misterioasa flacr a reginei Loana. Acolo era explicaia misterioaselor flcri care m agitaser dup trezirea din accident, iar cltoria la Solara cpta n sfrit un sens.
Este, pe de o parte, o povestire insipid, despre un regat misterios i o regin
tot att de misterioas, care pstreaz o flacr cum nu se poate mai misterioas,
care ngduie o via lung, sau de-a dreptul nemurirea (), iar pe de alt parte,
o regin nchipuit n moduri cu mult mai eterice, pstrtoarea flcrii resureciei,
model al nostalgicei perfeciuni care d int aspiraiei individului. Memoria de
hrtie, crile, reconstituie cu voluptate (misterioasa flacr), scond din ceaa
uitrii, oameni, locuri, personaje, salvnd timpul pierdut (de altfel Proust este una
dintre trimiterile recurente ale textului).
Linia central a crii este constituit de un pariu cu formele literaturii de
consum, ale crei cliee, semne culturale recognoscibile, se afl n dialog: lumea
devine spectacol, evocat, montat n imagini care satisfac un anume univers de
ateptare, cel al modelelor consumabile. Romanul i autocomenteaz strategiile de evocare (devine metaficiune surfiction n sensul conceptului elaborat
de Raymond Federman, n 1975), suprapunnd n universul cuvintelor, universul
imaginilor, ntr-un fel de receptor al obsesiilor, viselor, dorinelor, introducnd prefabricate credibile, care s aduc bucuria recunoaterii.
De altfel, strategiile romanelor populare, senzaionale i efectul lor au fcut
obiectul studiului lui Umberto Eco din 1978 (ediia francez 1993), Supraomul
de mas. Interpretare i reinterpretare. Vorbind despre satisfacerea ateptrilor
cititorului, Eco remarc nevoia de consolare fictiv, compensatorie, pentru c realitatea din romanul de senzaie nu va fi rsturnat niciodat, iar dorina de iluzie
creeaz mitologii. Eco l citeaz pe Antonio Gramsci n sensul c vede supraomul
teoretizat de Nietzsche, avndu-i originea nu n Zarathustra, ci n eroii populari
care i suprapun propria justiie peste justiia obinuit tipul este Contele de
Monte Cristo.
Romanul suprapune prin tehnica colajului titluri i coperte: pagini nglbenite
cu torturi, suplicii, cu condamnai i cli, operele lui Verne cu imaginile memorabile ale cpitanului Nemo i ale submarinului Nautilus, pagini i gravuri din Edgar Allan Poe, romanul gotic i subteranele sumbre, Fantomas etc. O alt treapt

Salonul invitatilor

copilria primelor cri - selecteaz Pinocchio, creat de Collodi, Comoara din

insul a lui Stevenson etc.
Impactul literaturii violente asupra universului copilriei i adolescenei este
mesajul subliminal al imaginilor i textelor inventariate: Dac citisem toate acele
povestiri, dac vzusem cu siguran toate acele coperte, cum de puteam s accept c primvara vine cntnd?.
Impactul imaginilor senzual-erotice, ale celor din lumea real ziare, fotografii, documente ale fascismului italian, asupra adolescentului n formare, este nregistrat n caietele de coal: i poate c prin ilustraiile acelea n culori vulgare
(dar att de hipnotice!) fusesem iniiat ntr-o viziune diferit a Binelui i a Rului.
Eroul, cu numele de copil Jambo, se caut n lumea memoriei de hrtie, a
crilor, care funcioneaz perfect, n femeile visate sau reale (Lila, Sibilla) care i-ar
fi putut colora existena, n ntmplrile biografice, care sub form de amintiri i
ies la suprafa, obscure, ceoase, imposibil de separat de visare. Dou accidente
cerebrale i dou mari reconstituiri de sine n tcere. Un fel de ntoarceri n sine
titlul unui capitol este chiar ntoarcerile (lsat ca n ntoarcerile lui Ulise, n greac,
pentru atmosfer).
Amintirile eroului puternic creatoare de atmosfer vin dinspre cri:
corespondenele lui Baudelaire, alturi de culcatul devreme al lui Proust, vocalele
colorate ale lui Rimbaud, metamorfozele lui Gregor Samsa al lui Kafka, iubirea ce
rotete sori i stele a lui Dante, iubii ai Mesei Rotunde, i iar Pisicile lui Baudelaire.
Amintiri fictive care, n finalul romanului, copleesc universul. Imaginile apocaliptice copleitoare se linitesc treptat, sugestia trecerii (soarele negru) este dublat
de idealizarea imaginii, purificarea lumii: fr s-o tulbur cu dorina mea a lsa-o
n distana ei de prines ndeprtat. Ca i n volumele de ficiune anterioare,
Eco pune n discuie elemente tematice recurente: raportul canonului literar cu
literatura de consum, n sensul demonstrativ al postmodernismului, dialogul ntre strategiile formei biografice, care presupun autenticitatea scriiturii i afirmarea
ficiunii ca lume concurent a realului, cu estomparea frontierelor prevzut n
pactul ficional. n egal msur strategiile intertextualitii (citatul, aluzia, pastisarea, parodierea etc.) genereaz o bibliotec a textului care acoper naraiunea
propriu-zis, tinznd s devin autonom. Este greu de spus ce este mai pregnant
ca efect de lectur: lucrul povestit (fabula) sau lumea crilor care solicit permanent cooperarea lectorului, provocat s-i asume responsabilitatea de a ordona
universul pe care textul romanului l pulverizeaz.
Bibliografie de referin

Barbu Marian, Romanul de mistere n literatura romn, Craiova, Scrisul Romnesc, 1981.
Barthes Roland, LEmpire des signes, Paris, Seuil, 2005.
Baudrillard Jean, Societatea de consum, Cominicare, Bucureti, 2004.
Boyer AlainMichel, Elments de littrature compare. III. Formes et genres, Hachette,
Boyer AlainMichel, La paralittrature, Paris, P.U.F., 1992.
Cohn Dorrit, Le Propre de la fiction, Paris, Seuil, 2001.
Collins Jim, Uncommon Culture. Popular Culture and Postmodernism, New York, London,
Routledge, 1989.
Compagnon Antoine, Le Demon de la thorie (Littrature et sens commun), Paris, Seuil,

9. Eco Umberto, Lector in fabula. Cooperarea interpretativ n textele narative. Bucureti,
Editura Univers, 1991.
10. Eco Umberto, Marginalii i glose la Numele rozei, Secolul 20, nr. 8-9-10, 1993.
11. Eco Umberto, ase plimbri prin pdurea narativ, Constana, Editura Pontica., 1997.
12. Eco Umberto, Limitele interpretrii, versiunea romneasc, Constana, Editura Pontica,
13. Eco Umberto, Supraomul de mas. Interpretare i reinterpretare, Constana, Editura Pontica,
14. Escarpit Robert, Literar i social. Elemente pentru o sociologie a literaturii, Bucureti, Univers,
15. Hepdige Dick, Subculture: The Meaning of Style, London, Methuen, 1979.
16. Jameson Frederic, Postmodernism and Consummer Society, in Postmodern Culture, Hal
London, Foster, 1985.
17. Olivier Yves Martin, Histoire du roman populaire en France de 1840 1990, Paris, Albin Michel, 1980.
18. Ooiu Adrian, Ochiul bifurcat, limba asie. Proza generaiei 80. Strategii transgresive, PitetiBucureti, Editura Paralela 45, 2004.
19. Ptz Manfred, Fabula identitii. Romanul american din anii 60, Iai, Institutul European,
20. Todorov Tzvetan, Potique de la prose, Paris, Seuil, 1971 (tr. rom. Univers, 1975).




En lisant Marine de A. Rimbaud

pendant le cours dexgse

Svetlana BORDIAN,
magistru, ULIM

Les chars dargent et de cuivreLes proues dacier et dargentBattent lcume,Soulvent les souches de ronces.
Les courants de la lande,
Et les ornires immenses du reflux,
Filent circulairement vers lest,
Vers les piliers de la fort,Vers les fts de la jete,
Dont langle est heurt par des tourbillons de lumire.
Arthur Rimbaud, Illuminations.
Prezentul studiu de caz are, mai nti de toate, o orientare didactic, fiind destinat s serveasc studenilor ca model de analiz care s le permit si compare
propriile lor rezultate, s intre n polemic, s-l completeze sau, din contra, s serveasc
ca reper celor care nu prea izbutesc n arta interpretrii textului.
Studiul s-a axat pe studierea unor momente cum ar fi caracteristicile versului
rimbaldian cu specificarea trsturilor clasice dar i inovatorii, relaia dintre structura formal i organizarea semantic, actul enunrii. Mai puin a fost analizat
punctuaia, care nu corespunde ntotdeauna regulilor codului i influeneaz organizarea semantic dar i confer o structura formal inedit. La fel poate fi dezvoltat
mai amplu dimensiunea intertextual. Studiul acestora este rezervat orelor individuale,
ntruct ele nu prejudiciaz scopului primordial de a studia un exemplu de vers liber de
creaie rimbaldian a crui esen a fost evideniat.
Lexgse du texte est une discipline conue afin de satisfaire aux impratifs
acadmiques de la formation des traducteurs et interprtes lULIM, qui sinscrit
dans une tradition didactique dune quinzaine dannes, laquelle, on lespre beaucoup, persistera.
Exercice fondamental de lapprentissage de la langue, prcieuse surtout parce quelle oblige puiser dans les donnes de plusieurs discours pistmologiquement distincts et permet dobserver la ralisation du systme de la langue dans le
texte, elle nest pas uniquement un exercice de mise jour et multiplication des
savoirs et des savoir-faire pluriels, mais cest aussi une pratique qui cultive lesprit
critique, renforce le jugement de valeur et la sensibilit tout ce qui est beau et
Le choix du pome Marine de A.Rimbaud comme texte interprter pendant le cours dexgse en III-ime anne licence relve de multiples raisons, mais


surtout cest parce quon atteste assez souvent ltape initiale du cours, et malheureusement parfois cela dure, un cueil; les tudiants restent bloqus devant
le sentiment dvidence que leur procure la lecture du texte: chaque nonc leur
parat dire bien ce quil veut dire! Lanalyse se rduit assez souvent la banale paraphrase du contenu, quils meublent par ci par l de lnumration de quelques
figures de style ou dautres remarques formelles, substituant ainsi la paraphrase
la faon dont le texte parle.
Marine de Rimbaud, dailleurs comme toute sa posie en gnral, offre le
tableau dun incroyable puzzle de sens devant lequel les tudiants restent quelque
peu dcontenancs, mais qui leur apprend avant tout une vidence: il faut chercher ce que lauteur dit dans la faon dont il le dit.
En tant quenfants de leur Alma Mater ils ont plus besoin de modles que
de critiques, cest pourquoi nous esprons que la prsente tude leur sera utile et
les guidera vers la russite de lexgse du texte.
Cela sera aussi un modeste apport une publication consacre au 15-ime
anniversaire de lULIM qui ne peut ignorer la possibiit dveiller chez ltudiant le
got pour la recherche en le visant directement.
Etude du texte
- tudier un exemple de vers libres (Marine de Rimbaud)
- connatre les caractristiques du vers rimbaldien
- savoir mettre en relation la structure formelle du pome avec son organisation
- faire apparatre la part de classicisme et la part dinnovation du pote
- faire ressortir la force motive du pome
- relever les traits de lnonciation
Centres dintrt de la lecture:
Marine est le 26-ime pome sur 54 des Illuminations composes par
A.Rimbaud entre 1873 et1875. Il est crit en vers libres, aboutissement heureux de
sa qute de langue nouvelle, auquel il parvient aussi dans Mouvement du mme
Cest avec ces deux pomes que lobjectif dcrit dans la fameuse Lettre
du Voyant (1871-72) est atteint. Lauteur russit se crer une nouvelle criture
totalement dgage des formes potiques classiques: la mtrique traditionnelle
nest plus respecte, les vers sont souples et variables, la rime est remplace avantageusement par des assonances et des allitrations.
Linnovation potique ralise lui vaut le statut de pionnier du vers libre
ainsi que le mrite partag avec Baudelaire dtre la source de la posie moderne.
Cette nouvelle rhtorique que Rimbaud sinvente instaure une criture chaotique, traverse par des vocations tranges qui occultent le sens au profit de
limage ou de limpression et laquelle nest pas sans une consquence prvisible
la difficult de dchiffrement du texte qui rsiste fortement linterprtation.


Notre ambition lors de son analyse sera trs modeste : explorer la partie
visible de la mthode de travail du pote afin de dcouvrir les rgles qui assurent
lunit de la forme et du fond, jeter de la lumire sur le statut nonciatif du pome et
proposer des hypothses de lecture. Il nous a paru judicieux de fonder ce modeste
aperu sur des centres dintrt comme il suit:
I. Fond et forme dans Marine. Hypothses de lecture.
Plus ou moins intelligible, le pome Marine est fort accrocheur, il retient
notre attention et le fait par lui-mme. Marqu par une fonction potique accrue,
le texte parat bien difficile: il ny a ni strophes, ni rimes, ni mtres rguliers immdiatement reprables, la syntaxe offre une progression de texte ralentie, voire freine par trop de tirets et de virgules. Au niveau de lnonciation il ny a pas trop de
lumire: pas de traces des sujets nonciateur et nonciataire ni des circonstances
dnonciation. Ct lexique, mme si la thmatique de la mer est aisment identifiable, on constate aussitt une surprenante fusion du marin et du terrestre qui
donne limpression dincohrence et de non-sens. Le titre nclaircit pas trop les
choses: une marine est un tableau qui a la mer pour sujet. On se demande si cela
suggre de lobserver comme on le ferait pour un tableau, ou encore sil est lgitime de voir des synecdoques dans les proues et lcume.
Mais si htrognes, dsordonns et incohrents que paraissent ces lments, ils font partie dun tout qui veut bien nous dire quelque chose, nous manipuler dune certaine manire, cest pourquoi un des premiers centres dintrt de
notre tude serait dobserver comment ce tout est organis.
Ct formel, outre les caractristiques numres plus haut on constatera la
prsence dalinas dune longueur infrieure la phrase, la prsence de majuscules
en dbut de ligne, une mise en page laissant respirer les blancs, des chos sonores
- traits typiques des vers libres.
Malgr les nombreux carts quon retrouve dans certaines occurrences
trangres la logique de nos reprsentations, malgr lobscurit du message,
Marine est un message potique qui est avant tout un texte, une unit qui ne
peut pas chapper toutes les contraintes du systme de la langue. Mme si Rimbaud est rebelle toute rgle impose, il respecte nanmoins la moins potique
des contraintes, la contrainte syntaxique.
On observe donc que le pome est dune brivete tonnante tant constitu de deux phrases qui se prsentent sous la forme du tableau suivant:
Premire phrase:
v.1 Sujet + Complment du nom + Complment du nom isols par tiret
v.2 Sujet + Complment du nom + Complment du nom isols par tiret
v.3 Verbe + Complment dobjet isols par virgule et tiret
v.4 Verbe + Complment dobjet isols par point.
Seconde phrase:
v.5 Sujet isol par virgule
v.6 Sujet isol par virgule
v.7 Verbe + Complment circonstanciel modal + Complment circonstanciel de lieu,
v.8 Complment circonstanciel + Complment du nom isols par virgule et tiret


v.9 Complment circonstanciel + Complment du nom isols par virgule

v.10 Proposition relative isole par point.
La premire remarque faire aprs une observation des lments constituants du pome serait la prdominance du nominatif au dtriment du prdicatif
ce qui pourrait tre envisag comme lintention de lauteur de peindre un tableau
et suggre une fixit dimages, un caractre statique du cadre. Nanmoins, les
verbes, qui sont peu nombreux, sont lindice dun mouvement qui ne se fait pas
sans violence: battent,soulvent, filent, est heurt. Ce mouvement est dirig
vers la lumire finale, laquelle semble avancer elle aussi sa rencontre, (langle
est heurt), mais reste en tourbillons quelque part lEst. La lumire est la limite
extrme du cadre qui claircit tous les aspects dun spectacle fantasmagorique et en
constitue laboutissement.Tout est construit pour suggrer son rle primordial dans le
tableau peint de mme que lide douverture, dextension suggre par la marque
du pluriel des verbes, la reprise anaphorique de la prpositionvers qui introduit
deux groupes circonstanciels, ainsi que ladjectif immenses et ladverbe circulairement. La longueur des phrases semble rpondre au mme enjeu: la premire
correspond quatre vers, la seconde six.
Au niveau des structures qui se placent lintrieur des phrases, il est facile
de reprer un paralllisme rigoureux, except les vers 7 et 10. On notera toutefois
que par endroits surgissent des segments en surplus et on observe aussi une progression qui a la mme tendance dlargissment final: le groupe objet du vers 4
dpasse comme longueur celui du vers 3 se prsentant sous le rapport de 2 mots
contre 4, le groupe sujet du vers 6 comporte ladjectif immenses en plus de la longueur du groupe sujet du vers 5; finalement les groupes circonstanciels se situent
par ordre croissant en passant successivement de 3 mots 6 et aboutissent finalement 16. Le redoublement des structures rend plus sensible sur le plan sonore
lapparition dun lment nouveau, fait qui pourrait tre vu comme lment redondant de la mme impression dlargissement, par laquelle le pote russit crer
un gros plan, pour mettre en vidence llment ultime dans la suite des images
quil peint - la lumire. Remarquons en outre que A.Rimbaud exploite au maximum
la capacit du verbal limage, la posie devient presque un art visuel.
Mais le pote est loin de cantonner les pouvoirs de son talent une simple
peinture, sa mise est plus grande, il veut chapper la banalit du verbal par le
changement du rapport de la langue aux choses, le mot devient linstrument qui
permet dchapper au mot. Il dtourne les mots de leur sens primaire en oprant
toutefois des choix qui sinscrivent sur quatre champs lexicaux et notamment ceux
de la mer, de la terre, de la lumire et du mtal.
A une observation plus attentive du lexique de la posie, on remarquera
la prdominance des lments des champs lexicaux de la terre et de la mer, et on
constatera que leur rpartition nest pas faite au hasard:



Selon la rfrence des vers la mer ou la terre ou toutes les deux la fois
on obtient un dcoupage qui rappelle celui du sonnet: abba, baab, cba, abc. On
peut supposer quen se basant sur le principe thmatique et sur des procds rythmiques, lauteur a mis artificiellement la prose en vers. Rimbaud obtient un sonnet
thmatique o la prose flirte avec la posie, prparant son itinraire potique vers
le pome en prose.
Une telle disposition des termes rpond galement un autre enjeu: cette
structure sert de fond gnral au tableau et a pour effet de mettre en valeur le motif du tourbillon de lumire sur un entrelacs du terrestre et du marin.
Les effets visuels sont complts galement par des effets sonores. Ainsi
le mouvement, le choc de la lumire, llargissement final sont souligns par un
jeu de sonorits: le mouvement circulaire de leau est renforc par lallitration en
f (filent, fort, fts), le choc de la lumire devient sonore par une allitration en t
(heurt, tourbillons).
Ladjectif immenses, lment dlargissement du vers 6 est mis en vidence
par une assonance en qui suit le rythme de louverture progressive du cadre,
surtout parce quelle vient aprs une assonance en u, voyelle ferme (soulvent,
souches, courants // courants, lande, immenses). Louverture finale du cadre se fait
par une alternance dassonances : e ferm danspilier et jete est remplac par e
ouvert dans est et lumire.
Le glissement de lcriture entre la prose et le vers entrane une confusion
entre la logique de la phrase et celle du vers qui est davantage sensible par la
prsence dune ponctuation marque par trop de tirets.
Nanmoins, le pome apparat comme une structure organise, calcule, o
la mer et la terre sont prsentes lesprit tantt comme deux mondes diffrents,
tantt synthtiquement runies. Le verbe nest pas lunique les runir, cest aussi
le fait des tirets, du jeu des sonorits, dun calcul rigoureux dans le choix des mots.
Ce dernier va nous intresser dune manire spciale.
Si les premiers quatre vers paraissent maintenir des rfrences univoques,
si lon combine le vers 1 avec le vers 4 et le vers 2 avec le vers 3, les structures en
chiasme seront le lieu de rupture des attentes projetes: courantsqui est en occurrence immdiate de la lande fait cho reflux, la lande se rpercute dans les
ornires. Cette rupture dune isotopie dclanche annonce un langage figur et
une circulation de sens qui nous autorisera de multiples lectures.
Par exemple, les mots la lande et les ornires sinscrivent dans lisotopie du
terrestre, mais tous les deux peuvent galement tre lus dans une isotopie marine.
Or, les ornires dans leur essence sont traage et ce traage pourrait voquer aussi
bien les vagues de la mer en reflux, que les vaguelettes de sable, les petites dunes,
les dbris que laisse leau de la mer retire. Cest parce que le mot courants que
notre encyclopdie situe dabord sur lisotopie du marin peut contaminer dans son
voisinage immdiat le mot la lande et le soumettre une lecture mtaphorique
de la mer, or, les deux mots ont au moins un sme commun - grande tendue et en
plus au niveau chromatique on atteste aussi une ressemblance manifeste dans le
vert. Pourquoi a-t-il t possible V. Hugo dcrire la mer des jardins et pourquoi


auraitil t impossible A. Rimbaud de suggrer la lande de la mer ? Et si lors

de notre lecture la lande ne rfre pas au terrestre, alors les ornires immenses
du reflux quon place dabord sur une isotopie terrestre peuvent tre lues comme
traage sur la surface de la mer en retrait, donc les vagues elles-mmes. Ladjectif
immenses pourrait venir lappui de cette lecture, or la partie visualise de la mer
lors du reflux est toujours plus grande que celle du littoral. Il sensuit quon peut
comprendre aussi que cest le mouvement des courants de la mer et des vagues
qui filent vers lest qui est saisi par le pote dans sa profondeur et son tendue.
Dans cette perspective pourquoi ne pourrait-on pas voir dans limage des souches
des ronces souleves une vocation des vagues dchiquetes par les bateaux? Il en
rsulte que la terre disparat compltement, elle devient la mtaphore de la mer.
Dautre part, les courants de la lande peuvent tre lus comme les sillons
que les charrues ont laisss sur la lande, lide du terrestre tant radie par endoits
dans le texte par les vocables souches des ronces, lande,ornires, fort,
fts. Sur ce plan les chars deviennent charrues places sur un terrain saccag
o il ny a que les souches des ronces, laides et qui inspirent lide de destruction. Une autre lecture devient possible: le tableau se prsente comme un mouvement synchrone: les charrues retournent la terre, les proues, qui voquent par
synecdoque les bateaux, fendent les vagues. Toutefois, comme dans le cas des
landes et des ornires on peut observer la mme possibilit de substitution des
images: les chars dargent et de cuivre peuvent tre lexpression mtaphorique des
bateaux baignant dans les rayons dun soleil levant (plan den face et arrire-plan),
dont la lumire est capable dentraner une vritable transformation alchimique:
lacier devient argent, la rouille cuivre, tandis que les proues dacier et dargent
figurent les proues elles-mmes sous leffet de la lumire. Ou encore, parce quil y
a une resemblance entre le soc dune charrue et la proue dun bateau, pourquoi
ne pourrait-on pas voir dans les proues les socs des charrues et trouver une lecture
cohrente en regroupant les vers dans une structure embrasse: v.1 v.3; v.2 - v.4?
Les signes de ponctuation paraissent autoriser une telle lecture, mais finalement
on reste confus devant la polysmie des images et on se pose des questions: Quelle
lecture prfrer? A quoi renvoie la posie? Comment arrter la lecture?
Cest ici quon dniche la part dinnovation de Rimbaud, car dans Marine
il ne sagit pas de rfrent extrieur, il est substitu par une ralit purement potique. La mer est la mtaphore de la terre et la terre est la mtaphore de la mer,
toutes les deux sont la mtaphore de la catastrophe, etc. Le sens est flottant, le
pote abandonne lusage conventionnel du mot en le plaant dans un systme
double entente. En crant des images polysmiques, Rimbaud rejette toute lecture
au sens dnotatif: une image en engendre une autre. La langue se dtache de sa
fonction reprsentative en smancipant des choses et elle cre son propre objet
dune ralit purement potique.
De ce point de vue, Marine peut tre vu soit comme un pome alogique,
ou tout au contraire on pourrait mettre en vidence une grande logique de
construction. Cest parce que le sens nest pas essentiel ou mme comprhensible
- cest la forme image et limpression qui sont mises en vedette. Et le moment le
plus surprenant cest lorsque le non-sens devient trop de sens.
En associant deux lieux trs htrognes, la terre et la mer, Rimbaud aboutit
saffranchir des limites de lespace et dboucher sur une vision absolue, sur un


ailleurs entrelacs de la terre et de la mer qui nest plus que vision potique. Aussi
sera-t-il impossible de trouver une logique dans lassociation des mots les piliers
de la fort ou les fts de la jete. Lauteur mise sur la virtualit lexicale du mot,
sur les chos smantiques qui manent des mots et des images cres qui peuvent sentrecroiser et produire des sens. Cest pourquoi le sens de ces combinaisons de mots tranges ne peut apparatre que dans le contexte du pome qui avait
dj induit lide de dsquilibre - par le mouvement dlments incontrls, de
destruction - par la part de violence suggre par le smantisme des verbes battent, soulvent, est heurt et de chaos - par limage dun monde boulevers o
les chars projettent des images successives potentielles - de bateaux, de charrues,
de courses de chars dans les combats, o la mer et la terre ne font quun tout qui
est travers de vertiges et devient dbris dans limage des piliers dans la fort et
des fts sur la jete. Dbris, cela veut dire dsastre mais aussi accalmie qui prpare
le lecteur une lecture symbolique de lillumination finale - la renaissance, le renouvellement. (lest reprsente le ct de lorigine, du soleil levant) aprs la destruction:
toute fin nest quun commencement.
Mais sil y a renaissance, alors cest la renaissance de quoi, de qui?
Le pote semble laisser toute latitude dinterprtation ses lecteurs qui
peuvent tre plus ou moins avertis, car il y a ici surtout une possibilit dvasion
dans le rve et de rencontre avec nous-mme, avec nos peurs et nos fantasmes.
Mais, dautre part, le pome se prte facilement une lecture autobiographique et
il y a immanquablement une rencontre avec le pote dans ses tourments.
Sans prtendre puiser toutes les possibilits de dchiffrement du sens nous
avancerons quelques hypothses dinterprtation. Donc, on pourrait admettre que
le pome est centr sur lide de lacte crateur, car pour Rimbaud la recherche
potique est semblable au processus alchimique, sauf que lobjet dtude nest pas
le mtal, mais lme du pote. Comme dans lalchimie laquelle fait penser le mlange des mtaux (argent, cuivre, acier, argent), il faut passer par un stade de fusion
et destruction avant de parvenir la rvlation.
Plus concrtement, Marine fait penser une hallucination du rel, ce qui est
en accord avec le processus de voyance potique. Le pome peut renvoyer une
ralit vcue par A. Rimbaud pendant lhiver de 1871-72, quand, arriv Paris sur
linvitation de Verlaine, il frquente les milieux littraires parisiens et se livre des
expriences qui comportaient vraisemblement lutilisation de drogues, le jene, le
travail nocturne et surtout un entranement volontaire et progressif lhallucination. Toute forme de souffrance ou de folie est conue comme tant une voie de la
connaissance de soi grce laquelle le pote accde linconnu et la voyance. Or,
dans sa fameuse lettre P.Demeny du 15 mai 1871, dite Lettre du voyant il avait
dj expos sa propre qute de la posie en dclarant quil voulait se faire voyant
par un long, immense et raisonn drglement de tous les sens. Selon Rimbaud
le pote ne doit pas reculer devant un inconnu qui peut remettre en question
sa raison mme, enfin il doit trouver une langue nouvelle qui traduise tout ce
que le pote devenu le suprme savant aura vu au cours de ses expriences de
l-bas : [] et quand affol, il finirait par perdre lintelligence de ses visions, il les
a vues []. Si ce quil rapporte de l-bas a forme, il donne du form, si cest informe,
il donne de linforme [].


Il est vident que le drglement des sens devient drglement de la

langue:Cette langue sera de lme pour lme, rsumant tout, parfums, sons, couleurs, de la pense accrochant la pense en tirant. Le pote dfinirait la quantit de
linconnu sveillant en son temps dans lme universelle: []! Enormit devenant
norme, absorbe par tous, il serait vraiment un multiplicateur du progrs!
Rimbaud se lance dans un projet qui annonce non seulement le but de trouver une nouvelle langue, mais aussi la redfinition de la posie. Lcriture potique
devient vraiment une alchimie du verbe. Cette alchime est lie un mcanisme
dialectique o le processus de la destruction et celui de la cration sont intimement lis: soit que la cration naisse dun chaos, soit que le processus de cration
se rvle tre une uvre de destruction.
Donc, faut-il voir derrire lillumination finale le pote optimiste au moment
de sa rvlation, conscient de se construire une nouvelle posie (la rfrence ne
concerne pas seulement Marine, mais toute sa cration partir du Bateau ivre)
sur les ruines des uvres antrieures? ( dans sa lettre du 10 juin 1871, Rimbaud
demande de faon loquente Paul Demeny de brler ses anciens pomes, il y en
a dautres quil a dtruits lui-mme).
Ou tout au contraire, si lon admet que la destruction nie la mort, on pourrait
voir le pote en naufrage de soi, las et dpressif se reprochant de stre nourri de
mensonges (Adieu), le blasphmateur qui profre Maintenant, je puis dire que
lart est une sottise (brouillons dUne saison en enfer), le rveur dabsolu du,
qui avait cltur Une saison en enfer par un adieu la posie auquel il na pas pu
rester fidle, ce pote n mort (Verlaine) lequel abandonne enfin la posie et part
vers la lumire, vers le sud-est - la direction commune de ses voyages, endroit du
soleil levant. Aurait-il vraiment espr en finir tout jamais avec sa vie ancienne
et devenir un autre - moins diffrent, moins exclu, moins coupable, en se lanant
dans le commerce en Afrique? Aurait-il vraiment espr trouver lquilibre, une
autre vie? On le sait, le pote disparat vers 1874, ou au dbut de 1875 et devient
marchand en Afrique. Le fait quil nest plus revenu la posie tmoigne dun rejet
total de sa vie antrieure. Il ne cherche pas publier Les Illuminations et ne ragit
en aucune manire leur succs.
Les faits que nous venons dvoquer nous autorisent supposer dans cette
vie nouvelle quil aurait pu esprer - sa renaissance.
Si lon refuse une lecture biographique, Marine pourrait tre une vision de
lApocalypse - destruction suivie de gnse, car, pour Rimbaud, leau tait mouvement, changement qui passe et ne se reproduit jamais. Ou, encore, le pome
Marine ne serait-il pas un tmoignage du dsir du pote de se dgager de la
ralit, de dconstruire et de reconstruire sa fantaisie le spectacle du monde sous
la forme dune peinture, dune miniature en vers? Surtout lorsquelle figure dans
le recueil Les Illuminations qui sont, selon la prcision de Verlaine dans la notice
accompagnant ldition originale du recueil, des gravures colories. Cest ce soustitre mme que Rimbaud avait donn son manuscrit. Pourquoi ne pas voir dans
linsistance sur le mot argent le dsir doffrir cette miniature une brillance noble,
mais surtout vocatrice dans un contexte biblique sur le fond du mlange de la
terre et de la mer?
On a tout le droit de laffirmer, car luvre de Rimbaud est irrmdiablement
connecte la peinture; des influences de Corot, Manet sont constates, mais dans


le cas de Marine on pourrait admettre une inspiration depuis la technique picturale de Turner, qui offre galement des confusions entre le terrestre et le marin.
Et avec cette pluralit dinterprtations, quelle serait lintelligence du texte,
quel niveau de lecture?
Il ny a pas de niveau privilgi, et il faut surtout se garder de proposer un
sens exclusif, car ce serait appauvrissant. Or la modernit de Rimbaud consiste
privilgier et maintenir intact le champ de lalatoire du sens.
II. Statut nonciatif du pome.
En ce qui concerne le statut nonciatif du pome, il faut envisager avant tout
quelques facteurs extratextuels qui ont influenc la gense de luvre du pote et
aussi le pome Marine.
La deuxime moiti du XIX-ime sicle a connu lessor dune modernit
potique, souvent dcrite comme une crise du lyrisme. Envisage sous langle de
lnonciation elle se traduit comme la disparition locutaire du pote, raction du
Parnasse contre les excs de lmotivit romantique, qui propage le refus du culte
du moi comme principe dcriture. En faisant abstraction du moi, les Parnassiens
prtendent atteindre luniversel. La posie doit permettre de sexprimer au nom de
tous et devenir linterprte du cosmos.
Les matres mots du Parnasse sont limpersonnalit (refus de la confidence),
limpassibilit (refus de la passion), lobjectivit (choix dun lyrisme tourn vers le
monde extrieur).
Bien quen marge du Parnasse, Rimbaud subit ses influences. Son clbre
aphorisme Je est un autre exprime sa volont de mettre le Moi hors-jeu dans le
mcanisme de la cration potique, au profit du symbolisme mtaphysique et de
A la diffrence des autres pomes o lon voit le narrateur endosser plusieurs masques, le narrateur de Marine est une prsence indirecte, dchiffrable
partir de lunique dictique de lnonc - le temps Prsent de lIndicatif. Ce Prsent
la troisime personne suggre un maintenant qui laisse entrevoir implicitement
le couple je-tu (le narrateur et le narrataire, car mme si le verbe est la III-ime
personne, il est la trace dun je qui sexprime en contemplant, en observant, ou
en crant mentalement un tableau) et un ici de lnonciation. Une telle disposition
des actants de lnonciation trouve son explication dans la recherche de la posie
objective - qute obsdante du pote.
La modalit dnonciation est assertive et vise prsenter le tableau comme rel. Nanmoins, la marque de subjectivisme est trs prononce, car, comme
on vient de le voir, dans son unit lnonc rejette le sens dnot jusqu crer
linvraisemblable. Ce qui est pos linguistiquement comme rel par le prsent
des verbes, est saisi comme le rsultat dune perception individuelle o ce mme
Prsent devient le lieu du transitoire et du relatif, de ce qui se dgrade et se recompose. Labsence dun narrateur immdiatement reprable, confre au texte une dimension mystique, mais en fait, derrire un masque invisible, le pote ne cesse pas
de travailler son image.
La situation dnonciation du pome Marine comprend une scne englobante qui est celle dun discours potique et une scne gnrique qui est celle de


la posie en vers libres de la seconde moiti du XIX-ime sicle. Compte tenu de

certains dtails de la vie du pote, du fait que linvraisemblable du tableau voqu dans le pome induit lide dhallucination, le narrateur peut tre inscrit sur
la scnographie du rite chamanique, o le prtre-sorcier, aprs avoir absorb des
substances hallucinognes, entre en transe et communique avec les esprits pour
ensuite faire part de son message la tribu. Sauf que dans le cas de Rimbaud il faut
y voir un voleur de feu avec toutes les consquences de cette connotation promthenne. Le rcepteur concern est plutt un rcepteur litaire - lhomme dart
avec lequel le pote partage ses ides de cration littraire et avec lequel il est en
comptition. Mais, dautre part, comme le pote croit que la posie doit changer le
monde on peut admettre comme instance rceptrice vise - tout mortel.
Remarquons que tout comme dans le cas du sens du pome on ne saurait
se limiter un narrateur unique. Tout dpend de notre imagination, car le narrateur
fait partie lui aussi de lnigme Rimbaud.
III. Conclusion.
Le pome Marine de Rimbaud est un dbut de posie moderne o le pote
russit saffranchir du mot pour crer une criture nouvelle, une parole potique
indite dont le rfrent est de nature potique. Cette parole relve dun remarquable talent et dun calcul rigoureux de la potentialit smantique du mot. Mais
elle est aussi la trace dune poque qui prfigure la modernit potique, laquelle
englobe beaucoup dinfluences subies par le pote et se rsume une exprience
douloureuse dun crateur qui, prtendant sabstraire de la ralit, nen a t que
la proie avec toutes les consquences qui simposent pour une crature hypersensible, trs doue, trs ambitieuse, trs diffrente de ses pairs. Voil pourquoi la lecture biographique du pome est trs vocatrice.
Nanmoins, on ne serait pas capable dy arrter la lecture, car ce serait appauvrissant. Or, le pome touche de trs prs notre for intrieur, fait de sentiments
et dimagination, cest pourquoi il est possible de se dlecter sa lecture en ignorant
tout de Rimbaud, bien plus, en le crant chaque fois. Compte tenu de cela, notre
but na pas t de proposer un sens exclusif valid par une mthode danalyse,
mais de valider mthodiquement une nbuleuse de sens qui traversent le pome.
Le tout est de savoir mettre en relation la structure formelle et lorganisation
smantique du pome, distinguer entre linnovation et le classique, saisir
lnonciation rimbaldienne afin de pouvoir la reconnatre ensuite.


Brunel Pierre, Letourneux Matthieu, Boudou Paule-Elise, Rimbaud, Paris, ADPF, 1999.
Gardes-Tamine Jelle, La stylistique, Paris, Armand Colin, 2004.
Maingueneau Dominique, Analyser les textes de communication, Paris, Nathan, 2000.
Noguez Dominique, Les trois Rimbaud, Paris, Les Edition de Minuit, 1986
Patillon Michel, Prcis danalyse littraire, Paris, Nathan, 1995.
Ray Lionel, Arthur Rimbaud, Paris, Seghers, 2001.


Lingua letteraria e dialetti relazioni e opposizioni

Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

La lingua lanima di un popolo, la lingua quella che da la libert ad un popolo, la lingua

la storia di un popolo attraverso i secoli. La lingua quello che distingue un popolo.

Prezenta lucrare tiinific e dedicat n special conceptului de limb regional.

Limbile regionale n Italia i nu doar aici, se afl ntr-o varietate lingvistic care leag
doi poli opui limba i dialectul. Fiecare limb e o lume alcatuit din sunete, cuvinte
, expresii, moduri de exprimare, fraze prin intermediul crora se ncearc de a face o
relaie cu un interlocutor, permit de a afirma sau nega ceva, de a interoga , de a ruga
sau ordina; pe cnd dialectul este perceput ca limba familiei, limba copilariei, limba
memoriei. Raportul dinte limb i dialect se poate schimba n timp i n diferite situaii
Prin urmare se ajunge la concluzia c o limb nu este altceva dect un dialect
care i-a fcut carier.
Il padre della linguistica contemporanea Noam Chomskj, definisce la lingua:
un dialetto con un passaporto ed un esercito. Il presente lavoro scientifico
dedicato in particolare al concetto di lingua regionale in diversi paesi. Nel panorama
italiano, le lingue regionali si collocano lungo un continuum di variet linguistiche
che collega i due poli opposti della lingua e del dialetto. Intuitivamente, lingua e
dialetto, forse proprio perch entit contrapposte, paiono facilmente riconoscibili;
in realt i loro confini non sempre sono chiari e netti. Ogni lingua un mondo:
fatto di suoni, parole, espressioni, modi di dire, frasi che ci mettono in relazione con
gli altri, ci permettono di affermare o negare qualcosa, di interrogare, di pregare
e di ordinare. Ogni dialetto un mondo, dove entriamo condotti da suoni e voci
che spesso appartengono alla nostra vita familiare, al nostro sentire e parlare pi
immediato. La relazione forte tra dialetto e sfera personale rivelata dalle parole
stesse che usa chi parla un dialetto quando chiamato a definirlo: la lingua che si
parla qui, quello che parlavano il pap e la mamma, quello che parliamo in famiglia sono le definizioni pi frequenti. Dunque, il dialetto percepito come lingua
della famiglia, lingua dellinfanzia, lingua della memoria: le definizioni del dialetto,
pi o meno naives, mettono in evidenza queste associazioni.
Il dialetto come i nostri sogni, qualcosa di remoto e di rivelatore;il dialetto
la testimonianza pi viva della nostra storia, lespressione della fantasia.Federico Fellini e Nicola Gigante Un dialetto (dal greco , dialektos, letteralmente lingua parlata) una varieta linguistica usata da abitanti originari di una
particolare area geografica. Il numero di locutori, e larea stessa, possono essere di
dimensione arbitraria. Ne consegue che un dialetto per unarea pi ampia pu contenere molte varianti, che a loro volta possono contenere sottovarianti di aree ancora minori, e cos via. In generale al termine si riconoscono due principali diverse
accezioni. La prima, di derivazione (nel senso del significato) pi anglosassone (cui


corrisponde linglese dialect) prevede che il dialetto sia una delle varianti di un
continuum linguistico geografico, e pertanto va sempre riferito ad una precisa famiglia linguistica ed eventualmente relazionato alla forma linguistica di riferimento o principale di tale famiglia, definita forma Standard (o koin), anche se talune
famiglie possono presentare pi di una forma standard . La seconda accezione
di derivazione greca (cui corrisponde il greco antico ) e vuole che il
dialetto altro non sia che un idioma con una sua caratterizzazione territoriale
a prescindere da qualsiasi legame con altri idiomi vicini (che possono esistere o
meno) o con la lingua ufficiale (o lingue ufficiali) che vige nel suo territorio di pertinenza, idioma per che a differenza di altri idiomi non ha riconosciuto il rango di
lingua perch non presenta (o non gli si riconosce) un uso ufficiale o comunque
In Italia sono diffuse, non senza confusione, entrambe le accezioni. In particolare dal punto di vista politico, legislativo e giurisprudenziale il termine dialetto
usato, fedelmente alla seconda accezione, per definire qualsiasi lingua romanza
(ma spesso anche slava, germanica, ellenica o albanese) parlata in unarea geografica del Paese e che non goda dello status di lingua (ufficiale o coufficiale),
nella quale categoria ricadono ad esempio diversi idiomi romanzi dotati di storia
propria e fra loro non intercomprensibili, nonch spesso dotati di una propria tradizione letteraria di rilievo, come accade per il milanese, il napoletano, il veneto e
il siciliano. Altre lingue - romanze e non - sono riconosciute come lingue ufficiali
assieme allitaliano in unarea amministrativa delimitata (per es. friulano in Friuli,
sardo in Sardegna, catalano ad Alghero, tedesco in Alto Adige e varie altre) dove
godono del pieno diritto allinsegnamento (finanziato dallo Stato) e alluso nella
comunicazione pubblica, potendo inoltre raggiungere con lemanazione di apposite norme lo stato di sostanziale coufficialit con litaliano. Queste lingue riconosciute in genere non vengono quasi mai chiamate dialetti anche nella pratica verbale comune delle varie regioni italiane, e la stessa legislazione (statale e regionale)
per identificare sottovarianti interne a queste lingue preferisce sempre il termine
variante (e suoi corrispettivi nelle lingue in questione) a scapito del termine dialetto.
Ovviamente tale distinzione fatta tra Lingue riconosciute e dialetti non si
basa (se non solo in parte) su criteri linguistici, quanto piuttosto su decisioni di
carattere storico-politico: sia le lingue che i dialetti dItalia sono idiomi tra loro
linguisticamente indipendenti (anche se spesso apparentati se si considerano gli
idiomi romanzi) e non varianti dellitaliano, cosa non valida solo per pochissimi
idiomi storici quali le parlate toscane e parte delle parlate laziali, oltre naturalmente
alle varie forme di Italiano praticate in tutta Italia (italiani regionali) che risentono,
luogo per luogo, dellinflusso della lingua locale (dialetto), specie nellaccento e in
parte nel lessico e nella sintassi.
Va chiarito subito che dal punto di vista strettamente linguistico non esistono distinzioni tra lingua e dialetto, in quanto siamo comunque di fronte a sistemi
linguistici con precise strutture, regole e principi. Ci sono, invece, alcuni criteri extralinguistici che permettono di tracciare la distinzione. Innanzitutto, i dialetti sono
sempre inclusi nella lingua comune: il dialetto un concetto relazionale che vale
solo in riferimento a una lingua storica, mentre una lingua storica pu essere definita anche come concetto autonomo. Un secondo criterio, di tipo sociologico, si basa


sulla dominanza che una lingua mostra rispetto ad unaltra con cui in contatto;
la dominanza si traduce in una serie di condizionamenti, quali il rinforzo visivo di
cui si avvantaggia una lingua che sia anche scritta (come litaliano) rispetto ad una
lingua usata solo o quasi nelloralit (come la maggior parte dei dialetti), lordine
dapprendimento, lavanzamento sociale che la conoscenza di una delle lingue in
contatto pu consentire ai parlanti, la valutazione letteraria e culturale relativa a
ciascuna di esse. Altri criteri, infine, riguardano i domini duso e le caratteristiche
stilistiche delle variet linguistiche in contatto; nessuno, ad esempio, adotterebbe
il dialetto per redigere una domanda diretta ad un ufficio pubblico, un manuale, un
modulo, un documento assicurativo: si tratta, infatti, di domini convenzionalmente
riservati alla lingua con una tradizione scritta.
I rapporti tra lingua e dialetto possono mutare nel tempo e nelle diverse situazioni sociali. In particolare, in questi ultimi decenni, in seguito ai
grandi cambiamenti sociali e culturali che hanno deteminato anche profonde
trasformazioni linguistiche si parlato di scomparsa e - metaforicamente - di
morte dei dialetti: in effetti, una parte considerevole delle parole e delle espressioni dialettali che venivano usate qualche decennio fa oggi dimenticata, insieme agli oggetti e alle attivit ai quali i termini facevano riferimento. Se luso
del dialetto sicuramente in declino, tuttavia, in Italia, e in particolare nellarea
nord-orientale, il suo spazio ancora esteso e la sua vitalit forte. Recenti indagini mostrano che i dialetti sono impiegati da un alto numero di parlanti, soprattutto in famiglia. Cambiano, vero, i rapporti tra lingua e dialetto, e sempre
pi questultimo si avvicina alla lingua comune, ne assume parole e caratteristiche, adattandosi per sopravvivere ad una situazione in continuo mutamento.
Ed aumentano anche, come mostra una recente ricerca svolta nel Canton Ticino, i
cosiddetti parlanti evanescenti, coloro che, pur possedendo una buona competenza - soprattutto passiva - del dialetto, non ne fanno uso.
Affrontare i temi del repertorio linguistico, del contatto e del mutamento
linguistico di grande interesse soprattutto in una realt linguisticamente molto
varia come quella trentina. Il crescere e il diffondersi della conoscenza relativa
alle lingue parlate nella terra che abitiamo favorito dalla presenza di voci scientificamente autorevoli e dal confronto con altre realt, grazie al quale esperienze e
conoscenze locali possono essere valorizzate.
Dialtto, parlata propria di un ambiente geografico e culturale ristretto
(come la regione, la provincia, la citt o anche il paese): contrapposta ad un sistema
linguistico affine per origine e sviluppo, ma anche, per diverse ragioni politiche, letterarie, geografiche, ecc.), si imposto come lingua letteraria e ufficiale.
Quando si parla di dialetto inevitabilmente bisogna parlare anche della
lingua ufficiale cui esso si affianca, le differenze sono soprattutto politiche e sociali, la prima rappresenta il paese nella sua unit politica e militare ed utilizzata normalmente per documenti, leggi, ecc., detta anche standard o formale, la
seconda rappresenta invece ununit geografica ma soprattutto culturale pi limitata nellestensione ma non meno ricca di storia e di valore.
Accanto alla forma ufficiale della lingua italiana bisogna ricordare altre forme come il linguaggio aulico o letterario, proprio degli scrittori e dei poeti, e quello
popolare o colloquiale proprio della gente comune e usato nel quotidiano in cui si
distinguono le parlate dei dialettofoni integrali o semintegrali, ossia le persone che


parlano esclusivamente dialetto o in parte dialetto e in parte italiano, quando un

dialettofono integrale tenta di parlare nella lingua ufficiale genera una serie di errori che danno luogo, specie nei bambini, ad una confusione linguistica difficilmente
Come si pu dedurre quindi il linguaggio non un blocco monolitico prederteminato, fatto solo di norme grammaticali e fonetiche, la lingua si trasforma,
articolandosi in un serie di forme adattabili ai diversi usi che di essa facciamo.
Stesso discorso vale per il dialetto, anchesso non monolitico ma si evolve e muta nel tempo presentando forme diverse come il dialetto letterario, proprio degli scritti poetici, altrimenti detto regionale perch cerca di limare le diverse
particolarit espressive dei singoli paesi per ricreare una lingua pura rispettosa di
precise norme linguistiche generali e comuni, o come le diverse parlate dei capoluoghi e dei paesini che, come abbiamo detto, presentano un ventaglio di variazioni fonetiche che le rendono talvolta anche drasticamente diverse tra loro. Ci
che caratterizza in maniera determinante la differenza tra dialetto e lingua ufficiale
il prestigio, la condizione di prestigio dipende in maniera determinante dalla
considerazione che del dialetto e della lingua ufficiale hanno i suoi parlanti, da
una recente indagine emerso che pi si sale verso il nord dItalia pi il prestigio
in relazione ai proprio dialetti aumenta. A Firenze ad esempio i professori parlano
correntemente dialetto nelle aule universitarie o anche tra di loro, senza presentare alcun imbarazzo o tentennamento, viceversa la Sicilia ancora immersa nei
pregiudizi che riguardano il dialetto, esso presenta il tasso pi basso di prestigio, la
gente considera ancora una discriminante negativa parlare correntemente dialetto
e nonostante negli ultimi tempi si stia cercando, attraverso unassidua opera di rivalutazione della lingua, della cultura e delle tradizioni di questa terra, di rinvigorire
di nuovo orgoglio questo dialetto troppo spesso mortificato, i risultati tardano a
vedersi e i pregiudizi continuano ad esistere.
Della lingua siciliana si hanno notizie fin dal 1230, quando una colta lite di
burocrati e funzionari della corte di Federico II - monarca del regno svevo proclamato imperatore nel 1220 - si diede a coltivare larte della poesia volgare. Lo splendore
del volgare siciliano fu tale che lo stesso Dante Alighieri nella sua opera De vulgari
eloquentia defin tutta la produzione poetica siciliana col nome di scuola siciliana
e afferm che i primi pionieri nel campo della produzione letteraria e poetica in
lingua volgare italiana furono proprio i poeti siciliani appartenenti a questa scuola.
Palermo divenne la culla della poesia siciliana.
Tra i pi famosi poeti di lingua siciliana troviamo Cielo DAlcamo, particolarmente colto di cui si hanno poche notizie, che scrisse il celebre componimento
Rosa fresca aulentissima e Giacomo da Lentini, da molti ritenuto linventore del
sonetto. Dante gli attribu il titolo di caposcuola della lirica siciliana dato che nei
suoi componimenti erano presenti tutti gli stili letterari siciliani fino ad allora usati:
sonetto, canzone e canzonetta.
Qualche tempo dopo linfluenza della lingua siciliana si espanse anche nel
nord Italia, specialmente in Toscana dove si venne a formare una corrente di poeti,
i poeti siculo-toscani, che in seguito avrebbe dato origine alla scuola del dolce stil
novo e alla lingua italiana che si afferm come lingua del popolo italiano al contrario del siciliano che fu degradato al ruolo di semplice dialetto regionale. In tempi
recenti il dialetto siciliano salito nuovamente alla ribalta grazie ad autori come


Pirandello, Verga, Capuana, il grande poeta dialettale Ignazio Buttitta fino al contemporaneo Andrea Camilleri.
La Sicilia fu anche Nazione, con il suo governo e con una sua lingua anchessa molto antica, anche se talune volte tra un territorio e laltro si notano delle piccole variazioni attribuibili pi al suono che al vocabolo stesso. Esempio:
Mia Sorella

Me Soru

Ma Sueru

Il fenomeno di uniformit della lingua, fu osservato da molti studiosi di

glottologia uno di questi fu il tedesco Gerald Rohlfs che scrisse esiste nellisola
un dialetto unitario. Le differenze che si possono notare nel lessico derivano quasi
elusivamente dalla presenza pi o meno di avanzi del greco e dellarabo. Il lessico
latino presenta in tutta lIsola una uniformit che raramente si trova nelle altre regioni dItalia. Il dialetto siciliano, la nostra memoria storica. Da un punto di vista
scientifico, per cos dire interno alla lingua, fra lingue e dialetti non esiste alcuna
differenza. Le differenze fra lingue e dialetti in verit ci sono, ma devono essere
cercate in fattori di carattere storico, sociale e culturale, piuttosto che in criteri strettamente linguistici.
Litaliano non altro alla sua origine che uno dei tanti
dialetti che affollavano la penisola del XIII secolo.Una lingua, spesso, non altro che
un dialetto che ha fatto carriera.LItalia dialettale puo essere divisa in tre grandi
aree (Nord, Centro, Sud), definendo dialetti gallo-italici il piemontese, il ligure, il
lombardo, lemiliano e il romagnolo.
Le lingue o i dialetti gallo-italici fanno parte delle lingue gallo-romanze
(tra cui il francese, il provenzale, etc), del gruppo delle lingue neolatine e quindi
Litaliano, ovviamente, non fa parte di questo gruppo (fa parte di quello italo-romanzo), come nemmeno il romanesco, il napoletano o il siciliano.
Dal punto di vista glottologico ed espressivo, non c alcuna differenza tra lingua
letteraria e dialetto: entrambe hanno una formazione storica dovuta a fattori assai complessi, anche se i dialetti esprimono una tradizione di cultura e letteratura meno complessa ed autorevole. Perci errato ritenere che i dialetti siano una
degradazione della lingua letteraria. La verit che tra il concetto di dialetto e
laltro di lingua letteraria esiste solo un rapporto logico, per cui luna cosa non
pu intendersi senza laltra, tanto che sarebbe assurdo parlare di dialetto senza
presupporre una lingua nazionale e viceversa. Alcuni temi sono prevalenti o prediletti nella letteratura dialettale, come per esempio la poesia del ridere nelle sue
pi varie forme, il carattere ridanciano, comico, burlesco, eroicomico; la produzione dialettale moderna piuttosto lirica e drammatica, e di una drammaticit non
soltanto comica o farsesca, ma anche seria e percorsa da acuti problemi psicologici
e morali, e persino tragica. Gli studi intorno alle letterature dialettali in Italia sono
gravemente deficienti, non abbiamo indagini critiche apprezzabili, mancano studi sistematicamente e organicamente condotti intorno alle vicende delle singole
letterature dialettali. Prima dellunit, in Italia, esistevano essenzialmente la lingua


letteraria, prevalentemente scritta e conosciuta da una ristretta cerchia di borghesi,

e una vasta moltitudine di dialetti urbani e rurali. In seguito allunit, il processo
di nazionalizzazione della lingua complica la realt linguistica italiana; non avverr infatti, come auspicato dal Manzoni, che una lingua gi strutturata si imponga
sulle altre. La diffusione della lingua letteraria subisce numerose contaminazioni e
influssi dovuti alle aree geografiche dialettali segnando una miriade di variet linguistiche, registri e livelli duso. Tanto che dopo lunit a lungo i maestri elementari
specie delle zone rurali, per scarsa preparazione culturale e per necessit di farsi
intendere dagli allievi, continuavano ad usare i dialetti locali. questo litaliano popolare, una variet dellitaliano utilizzata da persone per lo pi di basso ceto sociale, scarsamente acculturate, nel momento in cui per varie ragioni abbandonano il
dialetto. Rimane cos viva e vitale la realt dei dialetti regionali e locali, condannati
allora dalle istituzioni, considerati oggi invece una parte importante della tradizione linguistica nazionale. Il dialetto fece la sua prima comparsa con il neorealismo, in
seno allesigenza di una letteratura realisticamente documentaria e di una letteratura nazional-popolare, secondo la tendenza ad utilizzare un linguaggio semplice,
disadorno derivazione (nel senso del significato) pi anglosassone (cui corrisponde
linglese dialect) prevede che il dialetto sia una delle varianti di un continuum
linguistico geografico, e pertanto va sempre riferito ad una precisa famiglia linguistica ed eventualmente relazionato alla forma linguistica di riferimento o principale di tale famiglia, definita forma Standard (o koin), anche se talune famiglie
possono presentare pi di una forma standard . Un dialetto un sistema completo
di comunicazione verbale (orale o a segni ma non necessariamente scritto) con un
proprio vocabolario o grammatica.
1. Beruto, Gaetano, LItaliano impopolare, Liguori, Napoli,1978.
2. Brevini, Franco, La poesia in dialetto : storia e testi dalle origine al Novecento, Milano,
3. Coveri, Lorenzo, Dialetto e scuola nellItalia Unita, - Revista italianatra di dialettologia,
4. Lepschy, A.L., Lepschy G., La lingua italiana. Storia, variet delluso, grammatica, Bompiani,
Milano, 1981.
5. Serianni, L., Grammatica italiana. Italiano comune e lingua letteraria, UTET Libreria, Torino,
6. Sobrero ,A. (a cura di), Introduzione allitaliano contemporaneo. Le strutture, Laterza, Bari,
7. Sobrero, A. (a cura di), Introduzione allitaliano contemporaneo. La variazione e gli usi,
Laterza, Bari, 1993.
8. Viola , Gianni Eugenio, La lingua italiana tra tradizione letteraria e societa civile, Roma,




Oana Magdalena CENAC
Universitatea Dunrea de Jos, Galai

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the concept of linguistic error by providing several examples belonging to different levels of language such as: lexicology,
morphology, etc. We shall also discuss upon its causes: unsatisfactory knowledge of
language, speakers s idleness, analogy.
n cele mai multe cazuri, conceptul de abatere trimite cu gndul la ideea
de greeal implicnd o apreciere negativ n legtur cu o aciune, fapt care se
abate de la adevr, de la ceea ce e bine i corect. Pornind de la ideea c limba este
un sistem de reguli, folosirea ei poate avea ca rezultat nclcri ale acestor reguli,
adic apariia erorilor, abaterilor. n cadrul unui grup de vorbitori, constatarea unei
greeli sau a mai multora este prilej de glum, ironie sau desconsideraie, acestea
fiind mijloace de sancionare a celui care greete.
n schimb, la nivelul specialitilor, atitudinea acestora fa de abaterea
lingvistic a variat n timp. Astfel, pe cnd limba era considerat un fenomen
imuabil, cercetrile lingvistice au avut un caracter tradiionalist, condamnnd
tot ceea ce constituia o ndeprtare de la norm. Aceast atitudine strict a
dinuit pn la apariia metodei comparativ-istorice care pune n lumin evoluia
fenomenului lingvistic. Introducerea perspectivei istorice n lingvistic a avut ca urmare o modificare a atitudinii fa de abatere. ncepnd de acum, abaterea a fost
privit ca izvorul oricrei modificri lingvistice. I.Iordan, n Limba romn actual,
citeaz opinia lui H.Morf, potrivit creia ntregul edificiu lingvistic se compune din
foste greeli de limb(I.Iordan, p.19). Printre cauzele greelilor de limb am putea
enumera cunoaterea insuficient a acesteia de ctre vorbitorii ei, comoditatea i
Prima cauz, cunoaterea insuficient a unei limbi, intervine n cazurile n
care limba este vorbit de un strin. De pild, obinuina de a iodiza pe e la iniial
de cuvnt (ex. iel) sau la nceput de silab; acest fenomen caracterizeaz limba
romn n cadrul limbilor romanice i este explicat ca o adaptare a pronunrii
limbii romanice la sistemul de pronunare slav, ca urmare a unei lungi perioade de
bilingvism slavo-romn.
A doua cauz, comoditatea, legea minimului efort, este un factor intern de
abatere care se manifest foarte bine n fonetic i n vocabular. Astfel, n fonetic,
sub forma acomodrii, asimilrii grupul des- devine dez- prin asimilarea consoanei finale a prefixului la consoana iniial a temei: dezdoi fa de desface. La nivelul vocabularului, fenomenul se manifest sub forma elipsei. De pild, n romn,
ptlgelele roii i ptlgelele vinete au devenit roii i vinete. Tot elips avem i atunci cnd despre cineva se spune c nu are stare material, considerndu-se inutil
precizarea bun.
Cel mai important factor l constituie ns analogia ce prezint forma n care
se manifest legea general de organizare mai coerent a materialului lingvistic
n cadrul sistemului unei limbi. Astfel, dup modelul rac/raci, mac/maci, substan49


tivele copaci(u), bocanci, cu form unic pentru ambele numere, capt o form
nou, analogic, de singular: copac, bocanc. n acelai timp, analogia acioneaz
i n celelalte domenii ale limbii i este cu att mai eficace cu ct elementul supus
modificrii are o frecven mai mic. Analogia se realizeaz dac cuvntul este mai
izolat n sistemul limbii. De exemplu, cuvntul mnu (< lat. manus) devine mn
(la fel ca soru >sor, noru >nor), pentru c substantivele feminine terminate n -u /
consoan erau puin numeroase fa de cele terminate n .
Totodat, o limb evolueaz nu numai prin modificri de sistem produse
ntr-un singur plan, ci i prin difereniere spaial i social realizat prin diversificare n graiuri i dialecte i prin apariia argourilor, jargoanelor, limbajelor tehnice
i a limbii literare.
Totui, ceea ce caracterizeaz limba literar fa de celelalte aspecte ale limbii este existena normelor. Ca urmare a unui proces complex, norma limbii literare
se creeaz acceptnd anumite elemente ale limbii date, dar excluznd altele. De
pild, normele limbii literare de azi exclud formele iotacizate ale verbelor vz, crez,
vin etc. Astfel, folosirea acestora este catalogat drept incorect. n schimb, formele
n discuie erau acceptate de limba literar a XIX- lea, iar scrierile lui I. L. Caragiale sunt un exemplu n acest sens. Lucrrile cu un caracter normativ acioneaz n
sensul recomandrii, dac exist mai multe variante practice, morfologice, a uneia
i prin condamnarea celorlalte. Astfel, dintre formele coli/coale, chibrituri/chibrite,
boli/boale sunt recomandate cele aflate pe prima poziie.
Normele limbii literare sunt cele care transform n abatere utilizarea formelor, construciilor populare, regionale. Aceeai aciune restrictiv exercit normele
limbii literare i asupra faptelor lingvistice specifice variantelor sociale ale unei
limbi. Astfel, inserarea ntr-un text literar a unor elemente argotice sau de jargon,
a unor forme sau construcii regionale, constituie o abatere condamnat de limba
literar. O alt form de incorectitudine decurge din proprietatea limbii literare de
a fi difereniat n stiluri, fiecare dintre acestea avnd un fond lingvistic comun i
un numr de elemente specifice. Amestecul de stiluri, utilizarea n cadrul unui stil
a elementelor specifice altui stil reprezint o abatere. n enunul Avnd n vedere
i lund n consideraie..., abaterea este determinat de utilizarea ntr-o expunere
tiinific a unei construcii specifice stilului administrativ.
n morfologie i fonetic n special, n faza de formare i de dezvoltare, norma evolueaz n sensul ndeprtrii variantelor i formelor sinonimice. Astfel, n sec
al XIX- lea, se admitea crez i cred, astzi ns literar este doar ultima dintre forme.
n aceeai situaie se afl i perechile personaj/personagiu ( forma corect fiind personaj, ntruct lucrrile cu caracter normativ resping formele * agiu). De asemenea,
se recomand utilizarea formelor antc, caractr, dman n detrimentul lui ntic,
carcter, dman considerate a fi incorecte.
O alt tendin care se manifest n limba actual este extinderea unor elemente specifice stilului tiinific i tehnic, mai ales la nivelul vocabularului. Astfel,
termeni ca infinit, valen, reabilitare, deconectare, atom, consolidare, navigare apar
n critica literar i chiar n exprimarea familiar, n conversaia de zi cu zi. Limba
popular cu diferitele ei aspecte se modific prin influena exercitat asupra ei de
ctre limba literar. Astfel, termeni precum congres, declaraie, electricitate (folosii
pn nu demult de un numr restrns de oameni), pot fi reperai cu uurin n
limba popular.


n acelai timp, abaterea lingvistic trebuie privit ca factor de evoluie variind de la un sector al limbii la altul. Mai ales n morfologie, abaterea reprezint modalitatea principal de evoluie. De pild, la nceput, formele analogice fcui, fcu
au fost considerate greeli dar, ulterior s-au impus fr excepie. Tot greeala st i
la baza modificrilor fonetice. Astfel, pronunarea oclu pentru oculu, norod pentru
nrod au reprezentat, la vremea lor, abateri de la pronunarea curent a epocii.
La nivelul vocabularului, evoluia nu presupune o abatere. Astfel, acesta se
poate mbogi prin mprumut. Un cuvnt strin introdus n limb pentru a denumi
un obiect nou sau o noiune nou nu reprezint o greeal. Dar crearea unui cuvnt
nou prin derivare constituie o inovaie i nu este o abatere care se produce atunci
cnd noua creaie nu respect normele de derivare ale limbii.
Un alt tip de abatere l reprezint procesul pe care, drept urmare a dou
derivri succesive, se creeaz un cuvnt nou, sinonim cu cel de baz de la care s-a
pornit i care este mai lung i mai anevoios dect acesta. Atare fenomen, numit
derivare n cerc, apare frecvent n limba actual cu ocazia formrii unor abstracte
cu sufixul (i) tate. Acest sufix se ataeaz la adjectiv, pentru a alctui substantive
abstracte: serios/seriozitate, vscos/vscozitate, luminos/luminozitate. Prin analogie
cu acestea, apar n limb forme precum graiozitate, maliiozitate, rigurozitate, care
sunt foarte frecvente n terminologia tiinific i tehnic dar, n acelai timp, sunt i
inutile atunci cnd vin s dubleze un cuvnt existent n limb i care a servit ca baz
de formare pentru adjectivul de la care s-a creat derivatul.
Aadar, pentru abaterile care s-au impus, deci care au constituit un factor
de dezvoltare i de evoluie, se folosete termenul de inovaii, care este lipsit de
conotaia depreciativ pe care o poart noiunea de greeal sau abatere. Dinamica
limbii, realizat, mai ales, prin abateri, inovaii care contrazic organizarea lingvistic
existent la un moment dat, este determinat bilateral: din exterior, ca urmare a
participrii limbii la dezvoltarea vieii sociale sub toate aspectele ei, i din interior,
consecin a complexitii fenomenului lingvistic.
Caracteristica principal a limbii romne contemporane o constituie
preponderena clar a limbii literare, rolul predominant revenind n cadrul ei stilului tiinific. Aceste trsturi dominante confer limbii o anumit direcie de dezvoltare i explic un tip de greeli, pe care unii autori le numesc cultisme. Este vorba
de o greeal a crei origine o constituie dorina de a se exprima mai literar, mai
puin banal. Termenii tehnici, cu ntrebuinare restrns, sunt preferai termenilor
cu larg rspndire n limba literar, ceea ce favorizeaz un tip oarecum diferit de
Influena limbii literare asupra limbii populare conduce la dezvoltarea
contiinei deosebirii dintre exprimarea familiar, de conversaie uzual, i o exprimare ngrijit, oficial. Pentru un numr mare de vorbitori, aceast deosebire se reduce la existena unor serii de sinonime dintre care unul are o coloratur familiar,
iar altul se caracterizeaz printr-o nuan mai tiinific. n aceast ultim categorie intr neologismele, mai puin cunoscute n limba vorbit i, prin aceasta, specifice limbii literare.
Ex: ntre formulrile E interzis a staiona n acest loc i E interzis ( e oprit) a sta
n acest loc, prima variant are prioritate n majoritatea cazurilor; la fel se ntmpl
i cu folosirea termenului balon n locul vechiului minge.


Aadar, utilizarea termenilor i a construciilor care par mai puin obinuite

i familiare pentru a obine o exprimare mai ngrijit, reprezint o modalitate
important prin care limba literar influeneaz vorbirea popular familiar. n
dorina de a se exprima mai ngrijit, vorbitorii neglijeaz, uneori, deosebirile dintre
sinonimele stilistice. Astfel, a debuta este sinonim cu a ncepe numai cnd e vorba de
nceputul unei cariere. n schimb, este deseori ntrebuinat ca sinonim stilistic al lui
a ncepe, ceea ce conduce la formulri greite de tipul: Cntecul debuteaz astfel...,
Romanul debuteaz.... n acelai fel, a solicita este sinonim parial cu a cere, deosebindu-se de acesta nu numai prin caracterul mai pretenios, ci i printr-o semantic
specific, avnd sensul de a cere cu struin, ceea ce face s fie nepotrivit un context de tipul: Am solicitat doar cteva date.... n unele contexte, a traversa este folosit ca sinonim pentru a trece: eroul traverseaz experiena rzboiului..., greeala
care apare aici este utilizarea improprie a lui a traversa (care are sens spaial) n locul
lui a trece, care era adecvat contextului, dat fiind caracterul su mai abstract.
n exemplul prezentat, greeala, cultismul, rezult din nlocuirea unui cuvnt
vechi, considerat obinuit, printr-un neologism parial sinonim cu acesta. Asemenea tendin de a folosi termeni mai alei duce la nlocuirea unui termen vechi,
polisemantic, i la utilizarea unui neologism n locul altuia, pierzndu-se din vedere diferena specific dintre ele. De pild, simptom se deosebete de indiciu prin
aceea c primul este indiciul unei stri patologice, un indiciu negativ. Din acest motiv, este greit o formulare de genul : Precizia conceptelor cu care opereaz criticul
este un simptom al spiritului su metodic.
n alte situaii, utilizarea cultismului are ca rezultat restrngerea sensului unui
cuvnt. De exemplu, a aviza nseamn a-i da prerea n sens negativ sau pozitiv,
exprimarea aprecierii presupune ns prezena unui determinant.(ex.: a aviza favorabil/defavorabil). Deci a aviza are sens mai larg dect a aproba (a aviza favorabil),
astfel c utilizarea lui n locul lui a aproba, n formulri de genul (...) bugetul local
este avizat de comitetul executiv, presupune restrngerea nejustificat a sensului,
fapt care se poate fi evitat, folosind pe a aproba, care este adecvat contextului.
Goana dup termenul rar ntr-o perioad de ampl dezvoltare a tiinei i
tehnicii, poate conduce la nlocuirea cuvintelor obinuite i normale n anumite
contexte cu termeni specifici unor domenii tiinifice strict delimitate. Drept confirmare servesc exprimri artificiale de genul:
Ex: n analiza psihologic, peisajul apare ca element de cataliz care poteneaz
micrile sufleteti.
Exist cazuri de termeni tehnici foarte frecvent utilizai n limba actual i
care au devenit un fel de abloane. n aceast categorie se afl ancorare (Rmnei
ancorai n realitate), jalon critic. Chiar i n aceast situaie, se poate ntmpla ca
termenii tehnici s fie folosii greit, pentru c nu li se cunoate bine sensul.
Aa, de exemplu, n expresia a trasa jaloane, jalonul este un semn care
marcheaz un punct, pe cnd a trasa presupune o succesiune de puncte, deci o
linie. i exemplele ar putea continua.
n final, ca o concluzie la cele spuse pn acum, trebuie s precizm c multe
din faptele lingvistice care reprezint azi norm au fost la origini abateri, ceea ce
ne duce cu gndul la ideea c unele greeli de astzi, chiar poate unele dintre cele
semnalate de noi, vor impune i generaliza. Aceast perspectiv nu schimb ns


statutul lor actual. n prezent limba romn le calific drept greeli a cror cauz
este cunoaterea insuficient de profund a limbii, sau ntrebuinarea ei neglijent.

1. Coteanu, I. Stilistica funcional a limbii romne. Stil. Stilistic. Limbaj, Bucureti, Editura
Academiei, 1973.
2. Irimia, D. Structura stilistic a limbii romne contemporane, Bucureti, Editura tiinific i
Enciclopedic, 1986.
3. Iordan, I. Stilistica limbii romne, Bucureti, Editura tiinific, 1975.
4. Petrovici, E. Baza dialectal a limbii noastre literare, n LR, IX(1960), nr.5, p. 61.
5. Dicionar explicativ al limbii romne, Bucureti, Editura Univers Enciclopedic, 1996.
6. ndreptar ortografic, ortoepic i de punctuaie, Bucureti, Editura Univers Enciclopedic,




Liubovi HOMULO
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

n articolul dat autorul descrie caracteristicile stilului literaturii tiinifice,

diferenele fa de beletristic, analiznd particularitile textelor tehnico-tiinifice,
precum i dificultile de traducere a acestora. De asemenea, autorul efectueaz
clasificarea lexicului tehnico-tiinific marcat stilistic, descrie procesul de schimb al
termenilor ntre diverse domenii tiinifice, elucidnd noiunea de determenizare.
The language of science is governed by the aim of the functional style of
scientific prose, which is to prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose
the internal laws of existence, development, relations between different phenomena, etc. The language means used, therefore, tend to be objective, precise, and
unemotional, devoid of any individuality; there is a striving for the most generalized form of expression.
The proper medium of scientific expression, writes E. Sapir, is therefore
a generalized language that may be defined as a symbolic algebra of which all
known languages are translations. One can adequately translate scientific literature because the original scientific expression is itself a translation[Sapir, E. Language. N.Y., p.239].
In general, the science lexis consists of a great number of common used
words and, moreover, of a wide layer of words with written-bookish stylistic colouring, and a wide range of special terms. To common used words we can refer those
words used both in oral and written speech such as: to work , to know
, place , new , well , etc.
The words of written-bookish stylistic colouring are less familiar to the
majority learners of English and that is why demand greater attention. By some
estimates it consists of about 2000-2500 words and it can be divided into several
groups according to their importance and difficulties for comprehension. To these
groups belong:
1. Words used in scientific literature in meanings different from those in
which they are usually used. For example, the English word to happen in scientific literature means o, in belles-lettres - c, ; to
start in scientific literature means (), in belles-lettres ; to offer in scientific literature means o () in belleslettres . The English verb to attack in scientific literature means (), in belles-lettres it is translated as . Or the
nouns state and point. The former in scientific literature means , , , , whereas in belles-lettres its translation is ,
and the latter in scientific literature means , in belles-lettres
- .
This group of words usually misleads if they are not known in the required
meaning. It seems to the translator that he or she knows these words and he substi54


tutes them with the already known meanings, but, as a result, the sentences turned
out to be meaningless. As in:
The matter of interplanetary travel received a good deal of attention.
The words The matter of interplanetary travel are translated as
and the phrase is meaningless. It is clear that the English
word matter should be translated here not as , but as , .
Or another example:
Concrete dams have performed extremely well when subjected to
The word concrete in belles-lettres means ,
, , in technical texts it means . And the sentence
should be translated the following way:
Some particles should also be referred to this group. They are: for, since,
after, before, etc. Sometimes these words are used in specific meanings more peculiar to the written-bookish speech. E.g.: the word for besides its usual meaning
, has also another meaning . Different meanings of these
particle should be always borne in mind.
2. Another group consists of words mainly peculiar to written-bookish
speech. Such as:
to consider - , ; to specify - ;
to design ; to assume - , ;
to average - ; conclusion - , ; standpoint
- ; promising ; available - ; inherent , .
Here we should also include a group of words and word-combinations that
serves for connecting separate parts of utterance. Due to its use one can achieve
the logical sequence of utterances. They are: to begin with - ; furthermore - , ; alternatively - ; summing up
- .
Some of them coincide in form with adverbs, but differ from them in meaning. E.g., the English word still in the function of adverb is and in the function
of conjunction is ; again is translated as the adverb and
as the conjunction; the same is with the English word also (adverb) and
There are also polysemantic words in this group such as then that have two
meanings and . Dictionaries often do not give meanings of
these words characteristic for science literature and necessary for its translation.
Finally, to written-bookish speech we can refer words and word-combinations that serve for the expression of the authors attitude towards stated words
and for these facts precision. Such as: needless to say - ;
unfortunately - ; strictly speaking - ; in a sense -
; at most - .
These words and combinations of words can cause difficulties in translation
if their meanings are not thoroughly learnt.
One more important feature, and perhaps the most conspicuous, is the use
of terms specific to each given branch of science. Such as: guidance - ;


combustion camera - ; force of gravity - ,

; air-to-ground missile - -.
It will be wise to state that due to the rapid dissemination of scientific and
technical ideas, particularly in what are called the exact sciences, we may observe
the process of de-terminization, that is, some scientific and technical terms begin to circulate outside the narrow field they belong to and eventually begin to
develop new meanings. But the overwhelming majority of terms do not undergo
this process of de-terminization and remain the property of scientific prose. There
they are born, may develop new terminological meanings, and there they die. No
other field of human activity is so prolific in coining new words as science is. The
necessity to penetrate deeper into the essence of things and phenomena gives rise
to new concepts, which require new words to name them. As it has already been
pointed out, a term will make more direct reference to something than a descriptive explanation, a non-term. Hence the rapid creation of new terms in any developing science.
Further, the general vocabulary employed in scientific prose bears its direct
referential meaning, that is, words used in scientific prose will always tend to be
used in their primary logical meaning. Hardly a single word will be found- here
which, in contrast to the belles-lettres style, is used in more than one meaning. Nor
will there be any words with contextual meaning. Even the possibility of ambiguity
is avoided. Furthermore, terms are coined so as to be self-explanatory to the greatest possible degree. But in spite of this a new term in scientific prose is generally
followed (or preceded) by an explanation.
Likewise, neutral and common literary words used in scientific prose will be
explained, even if their meaning is only slightly modified, either in the context (by
a parenthesis or an attributive phrase) or in a footnote.
An interesting phenomenon can be observed in modern scientific prose the exchange of terms between various branches of science. This is evidently due
to the interpenetration of scientific ideas. Self-sufficiency in any branch of science
is now a thing of the past. Collaboration of specialists in related sciences has proved
successful in many fields. The exchange of terminology may therefore be regarded
as a natural outcome of this collaboration. Mathematics has priority in this respect.
Mathematical terms have left their own domain and travel freely in other sciences,
including linguistics.
According to their structure all terms are divided into:
1. simple terms circuit , feeder ;
2. compound terms flywheel , clock-work ;
3. word-combinations terms trip coil , earth
fault , circuit breaker , .
The most difficult for understanding and translation are the terms which
consist of more than one word or a group of words, that is compound or wordcombinations terms. When translating a scientific text it is important to know how
and in what order should they be translated. It is recommended to translate such
terms beginning with the last word. Then to translate the preceding components
one after another, taking into consideration the semantic relations of its components. E.g.: when translating the multi-compound term liquid-propellant power


plant the translator should first translate the power plant ,

then the word propellant , and then the word connected with it by a
hyphen liquid , . Now knowing the corresponding Russian terminology the translator easily receives the translation of the whole term
When translating terms it is necessary to take into consideration that many
terms are polysemantic, i.e. they have different meanings not only in different fields
of science and technology, but also in one and the same field. For example, the
term stage in radio engineering means: 1) ; 2) , and in rocket
technology the meaning is ().
Or, another English word armature has the following meanings:
. , . , . (), ., . . As in:
A dynamo consists of the following main parts: armature, commutator
and the board. : ,
The translation of such terms demands thorough knowledge of the subject
and the choice of the required context should be done taking into account the
context. The context should also be borne in mind when the term acquires new
meanings with broadening or, vice versa, narrowing its meaning. For example, the
two English terms container and arrangement. The former was previously used
in the meaning of , , , , , and nowadays it is used for denoting a more wide concept . And the latter is
used in aviation in a more narrow meaning () whereas its previous
use was .
New meanings of terms appear nowadays due to impetuous development
of science and technology and the process is so rapid that dictionaries and even
special terminological dictionaries dont manage to include them all. For example,
the term module , , has recently acquired the new meaning , , , and this meaning of the term
can be found not in every dictionary but it is possible to define its meaning through
the context. E.g.:
The production version of the conical command module consists of an
inner and outer capsule. .
In some cases, when the meaning of a term is not given in dictionaries, at
first it should be translated word for word, and then the corresponding Russian
equivalent should be found. But sometimes there are no Russian equivalents for
the foreign term. In this case the descriptive translation should be given or the
translator should use transliteration. In this way, the Russian terminology acquired such terms as (from the English mixer), (from the English
impedance), etc.
In English terminology, as well as in Russian, the terms formed from Latin or
Greek words are widely used. Such terms are called translators false friends. Having the similar sounding and spelling in the Russian and English languages these
terms sometimes differ in their meanings. So, for example, to the English term specific trust the term corresponds in the Russian language, but not


as it could have been derived from the English word specific

as .













= ,

= , ,

= ,
= ,
= ,
= ,
= ,

In order not to make similar mistakes when it is not clear to which Russian
term the given English one corresponds, it is recommended to look the terms up in
the corresponding terminological dictionary.

1. Breshko, N. Basic Translation. Kiev, Elga, 2006.
2. Glendinning Eric H., Glendinning Norman. Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical
Engineering. Oxford University Press, 1995.
3. Heaton, I.B., Turton, N.D. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors. . ,
4. , .. - .
, , 1990.
5. , .. . . , 2006.
6. , .., , .. . . ,
7. , .. . , , 2006.
8. , .., , .. .
, 1980.




Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Mais enfin les ides sont toujours assujetties la condition dilluminer lopacit des faits et la
thorie du langage doit se faire un chemin jusqu lexprience des sujets parlants.
(M. Merleau-Ponty)

n prezentul articol autorul ia n dezbatere tema discursului, o tematic foarte

la mod care a generat polemici controversate printre cei mai iniiai lingviti n domeniu.
Problema discursivitii a fost tratat din mai multe perspective. Discursul,
venit pe calea importului de la grecescul logos, i totodat fiind o noiune avansat
pentru prima dat n lingvistica de ctre G. Guillaume, a cunoscut o mbogire de sens
fr prea mari rupturi aa cum i-l atest prezentarea fcut n dicionarul Trsor de
la langue, publicat n 2002. Acesta din urm a cunoscut totodat i un avnt fulgertor
odat cu prbuirea structuralismului i cu nrdcinarea noilor curente pragmatice.
Prezenta publicaie vine s fac lumin asupra tuturor incertitudinilor existente la
capitolul discurs i tot ce-l privete, venind ntr-ajutor tnrului cercettor n materie
de discurs la nceput de cale care se ciocnete de problema definitorie, opoziional,
clasificatorie, tipologic etc...
i ntr-un final, autorul nu a uitat s acorde atenie abordrii problemei
discursive oglindit n Cursul de Lingvistica general a lui Ferdinand de Saussure. Dei
nu s-a pomenit de discurs n lucrarea acestuia, s-a constatat c separnd limba de
vorbire, se separ dintr-odat: 1) ceia ce este social de ceia ce este individual; 2) ceia ce
este esenial de ceia ce este accesoriu i mai mult sau mai puin ntmpltor [Saussure
(F. De), p. 30]. n concepia orientrilor tiinifice fondatoare, conceptul de discurs ar fi
tocmai cel de-al treilea termen absent, termenul ter exclus...
Considrations gnrales
Le discours a depuis toujours retenu lattention des linguistes. Le discours
a fait lobjet de maintes recherches en linguistique.
La discursivit est une problmatique actuelle et en vogue de la linguistique
contemporaine qui a soulev de gros dbats parmi les linguistes les plus initis
dans ce domaine. Les linguistes se sont heurts ce problme depuis toujours et ils
se sont engags dans une polmique controverse. La notion de discours est une
de celles qui donnent lieu des dfinitions fort divergentes dans le cadre duquel
on se rfre, fait qui rend confuse la recherche en matire de discours. Linstabilit
de la notion de discours rend drisoire toute tentative de donner une dfinition
prcise du discours. On peut dans ce cas expliquer pourquoi le terme de discours
recouvre plusieurs acceptions selon les chercheurs; certains en ont une conception trs restreinte, dautres en font un synonyme de texte ou dnonc.


Sources philosophiques de lapparition du terme discours

Attest en franais ds le dbut du XVI-e sicle, emprunt litalien avec le
sens de rcit, expos (crit ou oral), suite de mots qui constituent le langage, le mot
discours a connu un enrichissement de sens sans grandes ruptures, comme
latteste la prsentation faite dans le dictionnaire Trsor de la langue (2002). Les
contextes demploi qui renvoient la matrialit du discours sont dominants:
Discours dapparat, dinauguration, aux morts, douverture, du trne; discours du
chancelier, du dput, du ministre, du prsident, du prince; discours difiant, loquent, tudi, improvis, politique, prliminaire, vhment; discours crits, insenss,
officiels, passionns, publics; un discours persuad
Le concept de discours bien que relevant actuellement de la linguistique, a
ses origines dans le logos grec, en tant que mot commun mais aussi comme concept philosophique. Il est tonnant de constater combien des questions quon
pose aujourdhui ce sujet trouvent leur premire nonciation dans le discours philosophique de lantiquit. Ce nest pas une dcouverte de la linguistique moderne bien quelle circule depuis assez peu de temps dans lanalyse
de discours. Les tudes linguistiques parcellaires quon entreprend trouvent leur
fondement dans une vieille prmisse, celle de lexistence dune logique du discours, issue de la conception sur le logos.
Pour quiconque veut redcouvrir le sens du discours il lui faut passer
aussi bien par celui du nom grec, logos, que par celui du nom latin discursus qui surprennent chacun lun des cts essentiels des conditions dexistence du
discours: la cohrence et larticulation des parties.
La cohrence des parties qui forment un tout est impose par un principe
organisateur. Dans la conception dAristote le discours est un arrangement ou une
articulation (arithmos), une unit dialectique, continue et discrte en mme temps.
Cette interprtation dcoule de lanalogie entre le temps et le logos, dans le cadre
dune rflexion gnrale sur linstant et le temps en mouvement. Le point de dpart
du penseur antique est le rapport antrieur-postrieur, comme un phnomne
caractrisant aussi bien larrangement dans lespace que le mouvement du temps
et celui de la pense. Il sagit l dune reprsentation mentale fondamentale, lie
la perception de trois catgories philosophiques fondamentales lespace, le
temps et la pense - et sur la base de laquelle on peut expliquer non seulement de
nombreux faits de langue mais aussi des univers culturels. La mesure du temps
se fait en fonction dune unit minimale, linstant, qui est en mme temps point de
rfrence. Ainsi, dans La Physique, Aristote affirme que linstant mesure le temps
en tant quantcdent et postrieur. Il associe le logos au temps en vertu de
la structuration logique, selon avant et aprs, et arithmtique (arithmos), comme
un continuum. Larticulation comme principe dordre est donc le noyau de sa
conception sur le temps et le logos, dans une dialectique du continu et du discret.
En schmatisant on aura:



Dialectisation du discret et du continuum

Structurs arithmtiquement
Contact, passage bas sur larticulation, larrangement
Structurs logiquement
avant / aprs
Logos et arithmos selon Aristote
II est vident quon retrouve l les conditions dexistence du discours
- la cohrence (lenchanement) et larticulation - par lesquelles le discours
acquiert son sens et qui sont des notions de base de lanalyse moderne de discours.
Le discours: une valeur classique en linguistique
Depuis les annes 80, on voit prolifrer le terme discours dans les
sciences du langage, aussi bien au singulier (le domaine du discours, lanalyse
du discours...) quau pluriel (tous les discours sont particuliers, les discours
sinscrivent dans des contextes...), selon que lon rfre lactivit verbale en
gnral ou chaque vnement de parole. La prolifration de ce terme est le symptme dune modification dans la faon de concevoir le langage.
En linguistique, cette notion, mise en avant par G. Guillaume, a connu un
essor fulgurant avec le dclin du structuralisme et la monte des courants pragmatiques. Le discours entre dans une srie doppositions classiques. En particulier :
Discours vs phrase. Le discours constitue une unit linguistique constitue dune succession de phrases. Cest dans cette acception que Z.S. Harris
[Harris Z.S., p.1-30] parle danalyse du discours et que certains parlent de
grammaire du discours; on prfre aujourdhui parler de linguistique textuelle.
Discours vs langue :
(1) La langue dfinie comme systme de valeurs virtuelles soppose au discours, lusage de la langue dans un contexte particulier, qui filtre ces valeurs et
peut en susciter de nouvelles. On est au plus prs de lopposition saussurienne langue/parole: La distinction entre parole ou discours et langue, propose
pour la premire fois par F. de Saussure et prcise par moi-mme, dit A.H. Gardiner
[Gardiner A. H., p. 285]. Mais on peut orienter discours plutt vers la dimension
sociale ou plutt vers la dimension mentale. A.H. Gardiner opte pour la premire:
le discours est lutilisation, entre les hommes, de signes sonores articuls, pour
communiquer leurs dsirs et leurs opinions sur les choses[Gardiner A. H., p. 24].
G. Guillaume opte pour la seconde: Dans le discours le physique quest la parole en soi se prsente effectif, matrialis, et donc, en ce qui le concerne, sorti de la
condition psychique de dpart. Au niveau du discours, la parole a pris corps, ralit: elle
existe physiquement. [Guillaume G., p. 71] Chez . Benveniste, discours est proche
d nonciation: cest la langue en tant quassume par lhomme qui parle, et
dans la condition dintersubjectivit qui seule rend possible la communication
linguistique [Benveniste E., p.266].


(2) La langue dfinie comme systme partag par les membres dune
communaut linguistique soppose au discours, considr comme un usage
restreint de ce systme.
Il peut sagir: (a) dun positionnement dans un champ discursif (le discours
communiste, le discours surraliste ...). Dans cet emploi, discours est constamment ambigu car il peut dsigner aussi bien le systme qui permet de produire
un ensemble de textes que cet ensemble lui-mme: le discours communiste,
cest aussi bien lensemble des textes produits par les communistes que le systme
qui permet de les produire, eux et dautres textes qualifis de communistes. Il
se produit donc un glissement constant du systme de rgles aux noncs effectivement produits. Ainsi chez M. Foucault: On appellera discours un ensemble
dnoncs en tant quils relvent de la mme formation discursive [Foucault
M., p. 153]; (b) dun type de discours (discours journalistique, discours administratif , discours tlvisuel, discours de lenseignant en classe...); (c) des
productions verbales spcifiques dune catgorie de locuteurs (le discours des
infirmires, le discours des mres de famille...); (d) dune fonction du langage (le
discours polmique, le discours prescriptif ...);...
Discours vs texte. Le discours est conu comme linclusion dun texte
dans son contexte (= conditions de production et de rception) [Adam J.-M.,
Discours vs nonc. Trs proche de la prcdente, cette distinction permet dopposer deux modes dapprhension des units trans-phrastiques:
comme unit linguistique (nonc) et comme trace dun acte de communication socio historiquement dtermin. Cest dailleurs cette opposition qui en
France a servi attribuer un point de vue spcifique lanalyse du discours:Un
regard jet sur un texte du point de vue de sa structuration en langue en fait un
nonc; une tude linguistique des conditions de production de ce texte
en fera un discours[Guespin L., p. 10].
Considr de cette faon, le discours ne dlimite pas un domaine qui
puisse tre tudi par une discipline consistante. Cest davantage une manire
dapprhender le langage. Certains linguistes parlent nanmoins dune linguistique du discours, quils opposent une linguistique de la langue. Cette linguistique du discours ne peut pas correspondre exactement la linguistique
de la parole dont F. de Saussure avait dfini lespace en pointills; en effet, le
dveloppement dune linguistique textuelle, des thories de lnonciation linguistique et dune smantique marque par les courants pragmatiques et cognitivistes
a reconfigur lopposition langue/parole et les oppositions du mme ordre
comme comptence/performance.
Lopposition discours vs texte: une interdpendance inextricable
Si la notion de discours a longtemps circul sous quelques acceptions
couramment acceptes, lavnement de lintrt de la linguistique pour le procs
communicationnel et pour sa matrialisation a fait surgir bon nombre de dfinitions du texte et du discours, en fonction des orientations thorique et des buts
de lanalyse. Selon les acceptions diffrentes du terme dans les tudes thoriques,


le discours se dfinit soit dune manire autonome (E.Coeriu) soit en relation avec
dautres notions telles que texte ou rcit.
On saccorde lheure actuelle dire que le rapport entre le discours
et le texte recouvre celui qui existe entre lacte et le produit. E.Coeriu dfinit le discours comme un niveau autonome du langage, en-de de toutes
les diffrenciations en langue, le texte ntant quun simple vecteur matriel,
tout comme le tableau ou la statue ne sont que le vecteur dun acte artistique
crateur. Le meilleur exemple que le discours, dans cette acception, dpasse les
cadres dune langue, ce sont les textes truffs de phrases ou dexpressions en
langue trangre, ou la possibilit de paraphrase interlinguale.
Pour G. Vignaux le discours est lopration globale dun sujet construisant une reprsentation ou un ensemble de stratgies dun sujet dont le produit sera
une construction caractrise par des acteurs, des objets, des proprits, des vnements
[Vignaux G, p.200]. Lakoff, son tour, propose de dfinir le discours comme un
systme logique de relations successives. Le discours est donc plus et autre
chose que la juxtaposition dnoncs successifs ou un ensemble de jugements ports
par un sujet dans le but de condenser localement la logique densemble des reprsentations dune situation, dun tat de choses donn, qui assure le passage de la situation
concerne dautres situations du domaine hypothtique [Vignaux G., p. 204].
En ce qui concerne le texte, derrire les multiples dfinitions que la grammaire de texte, la smiotique et lanalyse de discours ont fait surgir, on saccorde
lui reconnatre son caractre de produit, au-del des discussions sur les dimensions.
Il se dfinit comme un objet de la communication interhumaine, matriellement fix
dans sa lettre, dou de sens et dune cohrence globale et dune certaine unit, mais
qui se laisse pour autant segmenter. [Vignaux G., p. 53]
On a d faire ces prcisions car lambigut des dfinitions, ainsi que les
acceptions diffrentes sous lesquelles circule le terme discours ne sont pas sans
consquences dans la dfinition du discours.
Linterdpendance inextricable du point de vue fonctionnel entre les
deux notions nous a amens la notion complexe de texte-discours qui renvoie au
caractre de signe global du texte, thse largement adopte aussi bien en smiotique, quen analyse de discours et en traductologie.
En guise de conclusion je vous propose une synthse des distinctions dj
tablies entre le discours et le texte.

Dfinition quantitative

Niveau autonome du langage
Lopration globale dun sujet
construisant une reprsentation

Niveau danalyse

Analyse du discours

Genre de lentit


Diffrenciations en
Objet de la communication interhumaine
Dimension variable
Interprtation des
indices du texte



Rapport au langage


Praxologie: analyse motivationnelle, intentionnelle et

Systme logique de relations
Ensemble structur hirarchiquement
Stratgies dun sujet

Construction du SENS

Constitution du sens au
long du parcours gnratif
selon le projet dun modle
Fonctions: organisatrice, justificatrice, schmatisante
Articulations logiques du

Analyse linguistique,

Rapport syntaxiques
Objet (oral ou crit)
matriellement fix
Elments linguistiques et paralinguistiques: intonation,
ponctuation, mise
en page
Qute de la signification et du (des)
sens en fonction du
texte et du contexte
Fonction indicielle
de la schmatisation
Relations explicites
(connecteurs logicoargumentatifs)

La tradition du Cours de linguistique gnrale et la question du

La question du discours nest pas nonce dans le Cours de linguistique
gnrale (CLG) de Ferdinand de Saussure qui circonscrit le domaine de la linguistique comme une tude de la langue, elle-mme dfinie comme un systme
de signes.
Deux dcisions mthodologiques sont au principe de ce trait fondateur.
Pour caractriser lobjet et les tches de la linguistique, Saussure procde de
manire ngative. Il commence en effet par noncer ce que nest pas la
linguistique. Cette dmarche, par approches successives, consiste dabord poser
une dmarcation trs nette entre la linguistique et les autres sciences qui auraient directement (psychologie, sociologie) ou indirectement (la gographie, lhistoire) se confronter la question du langage.
Ayant circonscrit le domaine de la linguistique comme tude de la langue
(elle-mme dfinie comme un systmes de signes), Saussure avance une
seconde proposition dcisive.
En cho aux conceptions de la science en cours entre les deux sicles
(conformment au postulat selon lequel il ny a de science que du gnral),


Saussure fait reposer son entreprise sur lopposition liminaire entre langue et
parole dont il rend compte dans les termes dune seconde opposition socit/
individu qui recoupe en tous points la premire.
A ce parallle correspond dans le dispositif conceptuel du CLG un programme de recherche qui oriente demble la linguistique naissante vers ltude
des faits de systme (constitutifs de la langue). Corrlativement, lespace de
manifestation effectif du langage (la parole), dfini comme lieu des variations individuelles, est alors exclu en tant quobjet dtude: En sparant la langue de la
parole, on spare du mme coup: 1) ce qui est social de ce qui est individuel; 2) ce
qui est essentiel de ce qui est accessoire et plus ou moins accidentel (Saussure,
1968, p. 30).
Au regard de ces orientations fondatrices, le concept de discours fait
figure de troisime terme absent, de tiers exclu.
La question du discours reste difficile poser: la tradition scientifique occidentale fait de la science une affaire de concepts et de termes non de discours,
car elle tient que lobjectivit est indpendante de la diffrence des langues et des
normes discursives.
Le discours, fruit de maintes recherches et investigations scientifiques, a
constitu le champ de bataille des plus grands linguistes qui dans leurs ouvrages
ont expos leurs propres rflexions thoriques en matire de discours: un objet
dtude trs vaste du point de vue thortique. Dans la foule des travaux parus
ce sujet, il y aura toujours quelque linguiste qui va venir avec quelque chose de
nouveau sur le discours puisque lespace discursif est infranchissable
Adam J.M., Linguistique textuelle. Des genres de discours aux textes, Paris, Nathan, 1999.
Benveniste E., Problmes de linguistique gnrale, Paris, Gallimard, 1966.
Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique gnrale, Paris, Payot, 1968
Foucault M., Larchologie du savoir, Paris, Gallimard, 1969.
Gardiner A. H., The Theory of Speech and Language, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1932.
Gardiner A. H., Langage et acte de langage. Aux sources de la pragmatique, Lille, Presse
universitaire de Lille, 1989.
7. Guespin L., Problmatique des travaux sur le discours politique, Paris, Langages, 1971.
8. Guillaume G., Principes de linguistique thorique de Gustave Guillaume, Valin R., Paris,
Qubec, 1973.
9. Harris Z. S., Discourse analysis, Oxford, Language, 1952.
10. Vignaux G., Largumentation. Du discours la pense, Paris, Hatier, 1999.




Free International University of Moldova

Whrend die meisten Erwachsenen regelmig Musik hren, ist die Zahl aktiv
Musizierender sehr niedrig. In westeuropischen Lndern kommen fast alle Kinder
whrend ihrer Schulzeit mit Musik in Berhrung, wobei aber die Mehrheit bis zum Erwachsenenalter eigene Musizierversuche abbricht. Eine verbreitete Erklrung hierfr
ist, dass Menschen richtigerweise einsehen, dass ihnen die notwendige Begabung um
befriedigend Musik zu machen fehle und daher aufhren Instrumente zu spielen oder
zu singen. Dieser Artikel vertritt eine radikal andere Herangehensweise und argumentiert ausgehend von den Arbeiten des Schweizer Musikpdagogen Heinrich Jacoby,
dass Scheitern in der Musik besser durch externe und motivationale Faktoren als durch
Begabung erklrt werden kann. Ein berblick ber relevante Forschung sowie Ergebnisse einer in Deutschland 2006 durchgefhrten Studie werden vorgestellt.

The majority of the population assumes that talents are in-born. Or one is musical or
one is not; habitually say especially those individuals, who think of themselves as less
musical. And those, who receive the quality certificate of being musical, take joyously
notice of that. Helmut Rsing, professor of Systematic Musicology at Hamburg University (1992)

Music is a constant companion in our daily life whether we welcome it
while going to concerts or switching on our preferred music or whether we endure
its more disliked manifestations in public spaces like restaurant or shopping malls.
Nonetheless, most of us would certainly affirm the question whether they
like music in general, spending often hours consuming it in its various available
forms. If we, however, compare passive reception and active music making, we see
a deep contrast in disfavor of the latter. This phenomenon in the relation between
production and consumption talking in economic terms appears more or less
pronounced in other art forms, too. However, there are other areas where this ratio
is exactly the opposite: people engage more in things they like than they observe
others doing them (e.g., sex and eating). One could argue now that the ratio depends on the availability to perform and most important on the inherent difficulty of an activity (e.g. tightrope acrobatics may be nice to watch but in terms
of balance we prefer to stick to our bike, at the most). Thus, in our culture making
music would be considered more difficult than eating or having sex (individuals
with sexual function disorders would protest). To be successful in the more difficult areas like music, mathematics or foreign languages either exceptional effort
or inborn talent would be needed.


This article offers a different perspective on the problem, presenting the

views of Swiss music pedagogue Heinrich Jacoby, who was one of the most fundamental critics of the talent hypothesis. Later on we discuss the question in light of
empirical psychological research.
Our argument will concentrate on music education only, its implications being however transferable to other areas of human creativity, too.
Heinrich Jacobys pedagogy of music
If a child has difficulties learning to walk or to speak, it appears to everyone as
the nearest thing, to ask about the causes of the disorder. That we have to deal with
disturbances of elementary functions is for us in the same way evident, as it is evident
that every human being walks and speaks. In exactly the same way it is evident, that
we undertake everything to remedy these disorders. But, if an individual cannot draw,
sing, dance, model, if he cannot learn foreign languages or mathematics, we declare shortly, that he is not talented for it. We satisfy ourselves with the remark that he
cannot do these things. (Jacoby, 1995, p. 88)
Heinrich Jacoby (1889-1964) claimed that there is nothing like talent or giftedness, remark that led to a dissent with his former teacher and renowned German
composer Hans Pfitzner. All that we commonly understand by genial would be according to Jacoby only the normal level of human functioning, in an education system which does not systematically destroy the inborn capacities in every human
being. Thus, the question is: why do not all individuals reach this normal level?
His point is that childrens inherent capacity to express themselves through
music is spoiled in Western music education, system which focuses right from the
beginning on imitation and on the differentiation between right and wrong
sounds (Jacoby, 1995; 2003). Jacoby, in turn, claims that music should be learned like
one learns ones mother tongue; passing through different phases of explorative
improvisation (cooing, babbling) until one discovers step by step the languages
inherent grammatical laws. This way, a child would discover the piano playfully and
attentively, exploring all the possibilities of producing sounds and their combinations, developing a feeling for tension and resolution.
One problem is that music is most often considered an art form, rather
than one channel of human expression. Especially in the so called classical music
the focus is on an accurate reproduction of already written works; the ideal representing to be as soon as possible able to reproduce the works of the great masters.
Thus, less necessity is seen in wasting time in the beginning just learning to talk
music freely. This may explain the fact that while children are accustomed to draw
their own paintings from kindergarten onwards, few pose themselves the question
why they learn singing others songs only.
What is actually wrong with music education?
Heinrich Jacoby would state that most of our educational systems in music
however different their label and how modern their approach have the following laws in common:
Early focus on visual orientation (reading notes) before the child has developed an accuracy in hearing; he or she will later on just mechanically finger or


tap the music following the written notes without hearing any clear representation
of how it will sound BEFORE playing.
Imitation of others music and thus, the differentiation between right and
wrong sounds, leading to an increased tension while playing, especially when
wrong sounds are punished.
The whole process being an unnatural one, learning difficulties should come
as no surprise. As there are no radical alternatives visible in ways of learning music,
people start attributing their failure to lack of effort or often lack of talent, a
view which is reinforced by the general view of music being a reserved realm for
gifted people and by feedback from music teachers, who comment on their pupils
lack of giftedness (e.g., You have no voice! in the school-choir). The latter remarks
can act as traumatic events leading people to avoid situations where they have
already been shamed.
A study on lay musicians from three different cultures African, South
American and European shows evidence for the blocking effects of such events
throughout later life (Ohrband, 2005). Examples of such situations are:
Being asked to sing before the whole class, failing and being laughed at.
Derogative remarks by peers, parents and music teacher, especially comparison to more successful siblings or pupils (Your younger sister is just more
gifted than you).
Heinrich Jacoby makes a comparison to language learning. Imagine a world
in which all babies would be shown textbooks on phonetics with pictures how
to produce different sounds and would be dressed to recite sonnets by William
Shakespeare by means of imitation. If we then came across a person who could
freely talk and express his thoughts through words we would possibly state that he
is especially gifted.
However, Jacoby views these flaws not only in the realm of music but in the
entire educational system.
We meet here with the negative consequences of a general position of a society, who in its educational ideal almost breeds the inhibited man as a type: What
do we call well educated? Smooth, calm manners, conversation without passion,
measured movements, the hiding of all spontaneous feeling, in short: repression or
at least as much as possible complete hiding or blurring of all signs of free, personal
expression . (Jacoby, 1995, p. 96)
These words were originally uttered in the 1950s; how much has changed?
Psychological research on the heredity of talent
The nature / nurture discussion which a long time had been fought very fundamentally has apparently turned into a more or less generally accepted compromise: genetic/biological and environmental/social factors interact in the manifestation of certain behavior. However, speaking of inborn talent in the arts endures in
the scientific discourse.
Taking the question whether extraordinary manifest capacities in music
stem from inborn talent or a favorable environment; how could we decide that
problem empirically?


A traditional approach in the domain of heredity research has been to focus

on twins who were separated after birth. High correlations between their subsequent levels of musicality would thus be taken as an indicator for a greater influence of heredity; arguing that since their environments differed completely, observed similarities could only be explained by genetic factors. Beside the problems
that such studies have been conducted mostly on personality and intelligence
and not on music performance and that nonetheless the separated twins environments seems to be more similar than different, such conclusion rest on an apparent flaw: both twins have already shared the very same (prenatal) environment
for nine months! Are we to assume that it has absolutely no impact whether the
mother sings or listens to music regularly or not? To really decide the question we
would need an indicator in the embryo to assess whether it has high inborn talent
or not for music; which even today seems very far-fetched. Another fundamental
problem in studying musical talent is that the population of stellar performers is
comparatively small. To conduct longitudinal studies and to apply correlation and
regression techniques with such a small sample size makes it extremely difficult
to get statistically significant results. Just imagine: If one in ten thousand (I do not
know the actual statistics) babies becomes a really exceptional musician in its adult
life we would need to accompany a hundred thousand babies in their transition
into adults, with regular measures of the widest possible array of environmental
factors, just to make calculations on a target sample of 10 (which is still a quiet
small sample size). It is evident that such a study design is not feasible, especially
since we do not expect our research question to be on top of our societys priority
list to justify such an investment.
Thus, most studies advocating the position that musicality is inborn rely on
case studies of famous musicians or on analyses of famous musicians family trees.
In the latter tradition, the example of the Bach family is one of the most (ab) used
ones. However, as Helmut Rsing states it:
But what is () presented as evidence for the heredity theory of musical talent,
can also be interpreted completely differently. The fact that the male members of a family in their majority pursued the profession of a musician (the many female members
who did not become musicians are never mentioned), can also be viewed completely
differently. That is, that all from their earliest childhood grew up in an environment,
in which playing music as a profession for men primed family life and educational focuses. (Rsing, 1992)
Motivational factors in music-making
There are however many empirical studies who focus on motivational factors which influence results in the educational process. Only little of this research
is focused on music education. However, making a transfer from general academic
activities to music education presents us new hypotheses for explaining the initially presented phenomenon that so many people drop out of active music-making.
We will limit ourselves to present three approaches: Carol S. Dwecks Goal theory,
intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation and self-handicapping.



Goal theory
Carol Dweck has discovered that implicit intelligence theories people hold
(how we think about the nature of intelligence) and learning goals have a serious impact on the learning process. Learned helplessness (Dweck, 2000) refers to
the experimental observation that some children upon negative feedback (following in reality too difficult tasks) become unable to solve easy tasks which they
already had completed satisfactorily in the beginning of the experiment (Dweck,
2000; Dweck and Reppucci, 1973; Abramson et. al., 1978). Children who believe intelligence to be something fixed and inborn (in contrast to children who believe it
to be malleable) hold more likely performance goals, that is, to get successful results (in opposition to being focused on learning and the process; mastery goals).
Whereas negative feedback/failure is taken as a useful information and challenge
for learning more by children who hold an incremental view of intelligence (intelligence can be learned), children with an entity view (intelligence is fixed) show
learned helplessness and shun when they are free to choose new types of tasks
which would include the risk of failure and stick to tasks which they already have
completed successfully.
Thus, we could argument this way: due to shared social cognitions many
people hold an entity view of musicality and formulate performance goals; people
are often confronted which failure and negative feedback in the music education
process; since failure would be for them an indicator of a low general intelligence
they stay away from music making and choose easy tasks in other domains where
they can show off.
Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation refers to a state when one is motivated to perform a
task simply by the enjoyment of it, whereas in extrinsic motivation the behavior is
contingent upon the presence of a reward (material or psychological, e.g. positive
feedback). There is empirical support for the hypothesis that a high intrinsic motivation is a requisite for becoming successful in the arts. A strong intrinsic motivator in music making can be the experience of flow (ONeill, 1999; Csikszentmihalyi,
2004; Custodero, 2005). This, however, does not exclude, that people are in the same
way also extrinsically motivated:
It is not that these individuals (artists) do not care about extrinsic rewards, such
as money and fame. Rather, they are task focused they work because they enjoy it,
and the money, fame, and other extrinsic rewards are pleasant by-products. (Sternberg and Williams, 2002, p. 350)
An ingenious study by Wild, Enzle and Hawkins (1992) showed that piano
students believing their teacher to be an intrinsically motivated volunteer performed later on more enthusiastically, joyously and innovatively than students who
believed their teacher to be extrinsically motivated by pay. In fact, the teacher was
in both conditions the same and himself not aware about how he was presented
to each class.
Thus, being more intrinsically motivated and having teachers who are likewise can favor perseverance in music making, whereas being highly extrinsically
motivated (e.g., to please ones parents) and having teachers who themselves do


not intrinsically enjoy their playing and teaching can have a detrimental effect, especially when the individual does not get the needed degree of reward anymore.
The term coined by Berglas and Jones (Jones and Berglas, 1978; Berglas, 1990;
Berglas and Baumeister, 1994) refers to the situation that people voluntarily invest
less effort in an activity under conditions of uncertain outcomes to be later on able
to attribute eventual failure to lack of effort and not to lack of ability. A typical example is declaring publicly before an exam: I partied the whole night or I did not
even read a single page, preferred playing computer games instead. Thus, individuals try to protect their self-image (in case of success being able to attribute it,
in turn, to extremely high ability: I get an A even without effort.)
In terms of learning music, we could argue that since being an exceptional
or at least good musician is a very insecure outcome, many people do not engage
seriously in practicing because an unfavorable outcome would highlight their low
abilities. Not trying, one can still daydream saying If I would invest time, I would
easily become a great musician.
We live in a complex world, thus finding one absolute answer to our initial
question why so many people disengage from active music making seems of high
improbability. Since determining whether someone is born talented or not is almost impossible, we cannot state that inborn talent is needed in music, that this
talent rarely appears and thus the majority correctly realizes that it lacks the necessary musicality and drops out.
Following the theory of Heinrich Jacoby and empirical studies (see Ohrband,
2005) we find evidence that many individuals drop out because they believe they
lack talent, or because of traumatic experiences in music education.
Research on learning motivation indicates that perseverance or disengagement is moderated by factors like implicit intelligence theories, learning goals, intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation or the degree of self-handicapping. Often frustrated
musicians become shadow artists (Cameron, 1996), seeking the proximity of musicians without themselves playing physically or imaginary; this could be an alternative explanation for the high degree of teenagers (and adults) identification
with pop groups apart from an explanation based on Social Identity Theory.
What to do if you yourself are a shadow artist or a blocked musician?
Heinrich Jacoby proposes influenced by psychodynamic theory to become aware of and relive traumatic experiences in music education and start anew
as an adult by aware self-discovery of the instrument or ones own voice. In his
workshops he successfully demonstrated how convinced unmusical adults could
become very musical through a supporting environment, a receptive attitude and
the right tasks.
Julia Cameron offers in her book The way of the artist a highly recommendable self-help course in twelve weeks for blocked artists which works with techniques like expressive writing (compare to Pennebaker, 1997), visualizations and

1. Abramson, L. Y., Seligman, M. E. P., und Teasdale, J. (1978). Learned helplessness in humans:
Critique and reformulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87, 49-74.
2. Berglas, S. und Jones, E. E. (1978). Drug choice as a self-handicapping strategy in response
to noncontingent success. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 405-417.
3. Berglas, S. (1990). Self-handicapping: Etiological and diagnostic considerations. In: R. L.
4. Higgins (Hrsg.). Self-handicapping: The paradox that isnt (S. 151-186). New York:Plenum.
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10. Dweck, C.S. (2000). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality, and development.
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11. Dweck, C. S. und Reppucci, N. D. (1973). Learned helplessness and reinforcement
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14. Jacoby, H. (1995). Jenseits von Musikalisch und Unmusikalisch: Die Befreiung der
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15. Jacoby, H. (2003). Musik: Gesprche - Versuche 1954. Dokumente eines Musikkurses.
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16. Jones, E. E. und Berglas, S. (1978). Control of attributions about the self through
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17. Ohrband, G. (2005). Psychosoziale Faktoren in der Entwicklung von Laienmusikern.
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18. ONeill, S. (1999). Flow theory and the development of musical performance skills. Bulletin
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19. Pennebaker, J.W. (1997). Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotion. New
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20. Rsing, H. (1992). Musikalitt was heit das? Clarino, 5, 9-12.
21. Wild, T.C., Enzle, M.E., und Hawkins, W.L. (1992). Effects of perceived extrinsic versus
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The semantics of causative relations

in complex sentences with the subordinate
clauses of cause
Tatiana Podoliuc
Free International University of Moldova

Articolul de faa este dedicat proposiiilor de causa+effect relaii n limba

Englez. Autorul investigheaz materialele din cri n limba Englez. Ca rezultat, prin
analiza efectuat autorul demonstreaz semantica acestor propoziii.
Causality refers to causal relations, i.e. the relations between causes and effects. This generic term has various, more specific meanings. It may refer to Causation, which is deterministic causality; or to Volition, which is (roughly put) indeterministic causality; or to Influence, which concerns the interactions between
causation and volition or between different volitions (Long Lae Jung, 1996).
Causality or causation is defined as the relationship between one event
(called cause) and another event (called effect) which is the consequence (result)
of the first.
This informal understanding suffices in everyday usage and everywhere
where logic is used. However the philosophical analysis of causality or causation
has proved exceedingly difficult. The work of philosophers to understand causality
and how best to characterize it extends over millennia. In the western philosophical
tradition explicit discussion stretches back at least as far as Aristotle, and the topic
remains a staple in contemporary philosophy journals. Though cause and effect are
most often held to relate events, other candidates include processes, properties,
variables, facts, and states of affairs; which of these comprise the correct causal relata, and how best to characterize the nature of the relationship between them, has
as yet no universally accepted answer, and remains under discussion (Wikipedia).
According to Sowa (Sowa, John, 2000), up until the twentieth century, three
assumptions described by Max Born in 1949 were dominant in the definition of
1. Causality postulates that there are laws by which the occurrence of an
entity B of a certain class depends on the occurrence of an entity A of another
class, where the word entity means any physical object, phenomenon, situation, or
event. A is called the cause, B the effect.
2. Antecedence postulates that the cause must be prior to, or at least simultaneous with, the effect.
3. Contiguity postulates that cause and effect must be in spatial contact or
connected by a chain of intermediate things in contact(Sova, 2000).
The ancient scriptures and commentaries on these scriptures have the following common themes with regard to causation:
"Cause is the effect concealed, effect is the cause revealed" which is also
expressed as "Cause is the effect unmanifested, effect is the cause manifested"
Effect is same as cause only.


In Metaphysics and Posterior Analytics, Aristotle said: All causes of things

are beginnings; that we have scientific knowledge when we know the cause; that
to know a things existence is to know the reason why it is. This formulation set
the guidelines for subsequent causal theories by specifying the number, nature,
principles, elements, varieties, order of causes as well as the modes of causation.
Aristotles account of the causes of things is a comprehensive model. Aristotles theory enumerates the possible causes which fall into several wide groups, amounting to the ways the question why may be answered; namely, by reference to the
material worked upon (as by an artisan) or what might be called the substratum;
to the essence, i.e., the pattern, the form, or the structure by reference to which the
matter or substratum is to be worked; to the primary moving agent of change
or the agent and its action; and to the goal, the plan, the end, or the good that the
figurative artisan intended to obtain. As a result, the major kinds of causes come
under the following divisions:
The material cause is that raw material from which a thing is produced as
from its parts, constituents, substratum, or materials.
The formal cause tells us what, by analogy to the plans of an artisan, a
thing is intended and planned to be. Any thing is thought to be determined by its
definition, form (mold), pattern, essence, whole, synthesis, or archetype. This analysis embraces the account of causes in terms of fundamental principles or general
laws, as the intended whole (macrostructure) is the cause that explains the production of its parts (the whole-part causation).
The efficient cause is that external entity from which the change or the
ending of the change first starts. It identifies what makes of what is made and what
causes change of what is changed and so suggests all sorts of agents, nonliving or
living, acting as the sources of change or movement or rest. Representing the current understanding of causality as the relation of cause and effect, this analysis covers the modern definitions of cause as either the agent, agency, particular causal
events, or the relevant causal states of affairs.
The final cause is that for the sake of which a thing exists, or is done - including both purposeful and instrumental actions. The final cause, or telos, is the
purpose, or end, that something is supposed to serve; or it is that from which, and
that to which, the change is. This analysis also covers modern ideas of mental causation involving such psychological causes as volition, need, motivation, or motives; rational, irrational, ethical - all that gives purpose to behavior.
Aristotle marked two modes of causation: proper (prior) causation and accidental (chance) causation. All causes, proper and incidental, can be spoken as
potential or as actual, particular or generic. The same language refers to the effects
of causes; so that generic effects assigned to generic causes, particular effects to
particular causes, and operating causes to actual effects. It is also essential that
ontological causality does not suggest the temporal relation of before and after
- between the cause and the effect; that spontaneity (in nature) and chance (in the
sphere of moral actions) are among the causes of effects belonging to the efficient
causation, and that no incidental, spontaneous, or chance cause can be prior to a
proper, real, or underlying cause per se.
All investigations of causality coming later in history will consist in imposing
a favorite hierarchy on the order (priority) of causes; such as final > efficient > ma74


terial > formal (Aquinas), or in restricting all causality to the material and efficient
causes or, to the efficient causality (deterministic or chance), or just to regular sequences and correlations of natural phenomena (the natural sciences are describing how things happen rather than asking why they happen).
Necessary causes:
If x is a necessary cause of y, then the presence of y necessarily implies the
presence of x. The presence of x, however, does not imply that y will occur.
Sufficient causes:
If x is a sufficient cause of y, then the presence of x necessarily implies
the presence of y. However, another cause z may alternatively cause y. Thus the
presence of y does not imply the presence of x.
In the present work we shall concentrate on the semantics of causative relations between different parts of complex sentences with the subordinate clauses
of cause connected by simple conjunctions. The aims of the present article are:
(a) To define the meanings of the simple conjunctions used in the complex
sentences with the subordinate clause of cause;
(b)To work out the deductive properties of causative propositions, i.e. how
they are opposed to each other (whether or not they contradict each other, and so
forth), what else can be immediately inferred from them individually and what can
be inferred from them collectively in pairs or larger numbers;
(c) To explain how causative propositions influence the text.
The most commonly used simple conjunctions which connect the principle
clauses with the subordinate clauses of cause are because, since, for, as.
According to Oxford Dictionary of English these conjunctions have the following meanings:
As - 3 (conjunction)- because, since. Origin: Middle English; reduced from
Old English alswa similarly.
BECAUSE - for the reason that; since. Origin: Middle English; from the phrase
by cause , influenced by Old French par cause de by reason of.
FOR - 3 (conjunction) literary because; since. Origin: Old English; probably a
reduction of a German preposition meaning before ; related to German fur , also
to fore.
SINCE 2 (conjunction) for the reason that; because. Origin: late Middle
English: contraction of obsolete sithence , or from dialect sin ( both from dialect
sithen thereupon, afterwards, ever since).
While doing our previous research we have investigated that in fiction the
conjunction because is more often used.
We think that this can be explained by the fact that the conjunction because
is not an ambiguous one. It has only one meaning, that is the denotative (dictionary) meaning. This conjunction is often used because in the subordinate
clause of cause introduced by this conjunction very often the real (proper, necessary, pure) cause is given. As we have mentioned above this conjunction is monosemantic and it has some peculiarities in its usage:
- conjunction because can be used in a dialogical speech as an answer to
the question Why? Sometimes the question begins with the words How?, What?,
What for?, What about? In answers the principal clause, as a rule, is absent but the


clause remains the same subordinate one and the meaning of the principal clause
can be established in the mind of the speaker.
I dont think there is one of them anxious to make that arrest. I dont think
they could get one of them to apply for a warrant. I mean one of the best. Not one
Why? Ossipon sked. Because they know very well I can take care never of part
with the last handful of my wares. Ive it always by me (J.Conrad,p.108).
If the principal clause is used or repeated in the answer then the subordinate clause is very emphatic. Why do you ask me that? I asked because I thought
you might be able to give me an answer. - Very often the conjunction because is
used with the modal words and particles which give the cause some additional
1) contradiction of the negative and positive causes: And thats why I am
here not just because Im your minister, but because I feel like you are a
member of my family.
2) Connection of some causes: However, because general relativity is the
foundation of modern cosmology and astrophysics, and because these
magnetic effects are directly relevant to the physics of quasars and rotating
black holes, the National Academys Space Science Board in 1981 named the
experiment as its highest priority in gravitational physics research.
(Science, p.36)
3) The shade of suppositional, doubtful, possible, limited, partial or explaining cause (by means of modal words such as probably, partly, mostly and
some adverbs such as just, only, etc.) These words are used before the
subordinate clause and intensify its meaning but nevertheless they are
not a part of the subordinate clause, they only clarify its meaning. The
modernist movement had largely faded, partly because the war saw many
deaths of some of its leading figures, but also because some parts of it had
been tainted. (J.Orwell,p.ix).
The subordinate clauses of cause very often are used in postposition to the
principal clause, which is the effect of this cause. Interposition is very rare.
But interposition is a very emphatic one thats why it is important to pay
attention to the position of the subordinate clause while doing its translation into
other languages.
If we follow Aristotles point of view we can say that all sentences connected
by the conjunction because are sentences with the necessary cause. It can be also
called pure or proper cause. All actions in such kind of sentences are closely connected .The position of the subordinate clause is not important in such kind of
complex sentences. According to the logics the cause always precedes the effect
but in the English language we see that in the complex sentences with the subordinate clauses of cause, the subordinate clause can take any position in a sentence.
Its important to note that in fiction the postposition of the subordinate clause of
cause is preferred. In the following example we see that the subordinate clause
comes after the principal clause that is effect precedes cause. It was all her own,
because the bargain was at an end (J.Conrad, p.211) in order to test the cause we
can put the question with Why? to the principal clause. Why was it all her own? In
order to change the positions of the cause and effect we can make transformations


and put the subordinate clause before the main one. After this transformation the
cause remains the same the bargain was at an end and the principal clause, which
expresses the effect, follows this cause. Because the bargain was at an end, it was
all her own. But if we make his transformation and put the subordinate clause in
preposition to the principal clause we should make some transformations in the
principal clause as well. Its a well-known fact that all sentences in the text are interconnected and it is very difficult to understand the meaning of the sentence
taken in isolation. In our example the meaning of the principal clause is not clear
because of the pronoun it which is closely connected with the preceding text. In
this case the pronoun it should be changed by a phrase from the preceding text.
In our example we get the following sentence because the bargain was at an end,
she felt herself to be in an almost preternaturally perfect control of every fiber of her
body. The same transformations, i.e. the change of order of cause and effect can be
done in all sentences with the subordinate clause of cause. His generosity was not
infinite, because he was a human being and not a monster, as Mrs Verloc believed
him to be (J.Conrad, p.208). While analyzing this sentence we can put a question
why? to the principal clause, i.e. to the effect of the situation , and as a cause we get
the subordinate clause. Why was his generosity infinite?
Sometimes one cause can lead to two or more effects as in the following sentences. His troubles are over. Ours are just going to begin, I tell you, precisely because
he did blow himself up (J.Conrad,p.209). In this example the preceding sentence and
the principal clause are effects of a cause expressed in the subordinate clause of
cause. The subordinate clause of cause can be an answer to two questions: Why
are his troubles over? Why are ours going to begin? This complex sentence is closely
connected with the preceding one. The predicate in the principal clause of this
complex sentence is expressed by the construction to be going to which shows the
prediction. The subordinate clause is highly expressive that can be seen in the syntactic structure of it (the use of the auxiliary did in the declarative sentence he
did blow himself up. and the use of highly expressive adverb precisely).
The connection between the preceding sentence and the principal clause is
shown by the absolute form of the possessive pronoun ours in the principal clause,
which is the pro-form of the phrase his troubles in the preceding sentence. In the
following sentence we again can see that the transformation doesnt influence the
meaning of the cause expressed in the subordinate clause. Building had to stop because it was now too wet to mix the cement (J.Orwell, p.47). After transformation we
have the same sentence with the exception that the cause precedes the effect.
Because it was too wet to mix the cement, building had to stop. In the principal clause
the predicate is expressed by the modal verb to have to and notional verb stop.
The modal verb to have to is the equivalent of the modal verb must, but it is
more emphatic. The modal verb must is used when we oblige ourselves to do
something. To have to is used when other people or external circumstances impose an obligation. In our example the building stopped because of the external
circumstances, which are the pure cause for this situation.
The conjunction since is used in the scientific literature more often than in
The main meaning of the conjunction since is the logical comparison of some
actions, which have inner relations. The principal and the subordinate clauses are


tightly connected and the punctuation marks are rare in such kind of sentences.
And in this he was excusable since it was impossible for him to understand it without
ceasing to be himself (J.Conrad, p.190). It is hoped that many firms will be willing to
give this information especially since they will already have it in the required format for
the purpose of the official statistics (Computer Journal, p.202).
The modal words and emphatic adverbs can be used in such kind of complex sentences as well. But it is interesting to note that they are mostly used not
with the conjunction since but in the body of the subordinate clause and belong to
the subordinate clause of cause as a whole. To be fearlessly outspoken in her opinions
came easily to her since she judged solely from the standpoint of her social position.
(J.Conrad, p.91). The subordinate clauses of cause can be used in preposition and
postposition to the principal clause. Interposition is not observed.
The logical ties between the clauses connected by the conjunction since
are almost the same as for conjunction because. In this kind of sentences we can
speak about necessary or pure or proper cause. The principal clause is the effect of
the cause presented in the subordinate clause. We again can put he question Why?
to the principal clause and the answer is the principal clause. There was no need
for he to stay here since the boy was gone forever (J.Conrd, p.202). Why was there no
need for her to stay there? Since (because) the boy was gone forever. To this kind of
sentence the same transformations as with the conjunction because can be applied. The places of he clauses can be changed and the cause can precede the effect. Since (because) the boy was gone forever here was no need for her to stay there.
This sentence is closely connected with the preceding one, which is shown by the
use of the adverb there.
Investigating the complex sentences with the conjunction as we can see
that almost all of them begin with the subordinate clause, that is with the cause.
These subordinate clauses also show the necessary or pure (perfect) cause and answer the question Why?. But as his mind was already made up, this didnt take long
(J.Conrad, p.209). Sometimes they can show a generalized or sufficient (explanatory) cause. And as thought is no respecter of a person, the thought of Chief Inspector
took a threatening and prophetic shape (J.Conrad, p.107). Analyzing this sentence we
can see that the cause in the subordinate clause is of a generalized or explanatory
meaning. It gives the generalized idea of a phenomenon. It is not the pure cause of
the principal clause because thought is no respecter of a person in general. Thus,
we see that the complex sentences with the conditional clause of cause connected
to the principal clause by means of conjunction as can express necessary or proper
cause as well as a sufficient or explanatory one. The position of the subordinate
clause with this conjunction in the complex sentence changes its semantics. For
instance, the preposition of the subordinate clause shows the logical explanation
of the effect of the principal clause or refers to some known cause. Moreover, the
preposition of this subordinate clause very often shows that this conjunction as
has not only causal but the temporal meaning as well. In the post position we
can also speak about two meanings of the conjunction as. The observation that the
brightness of the bulb decreases as additional material is inserted in series is used to
ensure the intensity of the current and that such material offers an obstacle to the flow
(Science, P.1053).


We can put two questions to the principal clause in this case. One of them is
with the word Why? And the other with the word When? Why does the brightness of
the bulb decrease? As (because) additional material is inserted in series. When does
the brightness of the bulb decrease? As (when) the additional material is inserted.
But sometimes there are cases when the subordinate clause expresses the
pure or necessary cause. In such cases very often the punctuation marks divide the
principal and the subordinate clause. The whole affair is reversible by construction,
as there is no friction and the collisions are perfectly elastic (Science, p.1227). In the
sentences where the conjunction as has the causal and the temporal meanings the
punctuation marks are rarely used.
The conjunction for is used more freely in this type of sentences. Very often it connects two simple sentences and in this case the conjunction is used at
the beginning of the second sentence. In this case we do not speak about a complex sentence with cause effect relation but about two or more simple sentences
logically connected by cause and effect relations. This difficulty had its bearing
upon his reputation, upon his comfort, and even upon the efficient performance of his
duties. For, if Michaelis no doubt knew something about this outrage, the Chief Inspector was fairly certain that he didnt know too much (J.Conrad,p.105). The character of
the cause in this case is an explanatory one because it is not the real cause of the
Inspectors difficulty.
Poor! Poor! stammered out Stevie, pushing his hands deeper into his pockets.
He could say nothing; for the tenderness to all pain and misery, the desire to make
the horse happy and the cabman happy, had reached the point of a bizarre longing to
take them to bed with him. And that he knew was impossible. For Stevie was not mad.
It was a symbolic longing; and at the same time it was very distinct, because springing
from experience, was the mother of wisdom (J.Conrad, p.139).
This paragraph is a very interesting one from the cause-effect relations. All
sentences are closely connected by these relations. And cause effect relation unites
the whole paragraph. The causes expressed in the clauses with the conjunctions
for do not show necessary or perfect cause but the sufficient or explanatory one.
Why could he say nothing?- for the tenderness to all pain and misery, the desire to make the horse happy and the cabman happy, had reached the point of a bizarre longing to take them to bed with him;
- for that he knew was impossible.
- for Stevie was not mad;
- for it was a symbolic longing;
- for at the same time it was very distinct, because springing from experience
, was the mother of wisdom.
As we have mentioned above the cause-effect relations are not so tight
in for sentences as in the complex sentences with the conjunctions since and
because, thats why these relations are very often expressed by independent
sentences which are connected by the conjunction for. In a complex sentence
the principal and the subordinate clauses are often divided by punctuation marks
(comma, semicolon). But their efforts were rewarded; for the harvest was even bigger success than they hoped ( J.Orwell, p.43). Sometimes such clauses are used in
brackets. With some difficulty ( for it is not easy for a pig to balance himself on a lad79


der) Snowball climbed up a set to work , with Squeler a few rungs below him, holding
the point-pot. (J.Orwell, p.15).
Thus, having analyzed the semantics of the cause-effect relations in the
complex sentences with simple conjunctions (because, since, as, for) weve come
to the conclusion that the conjunction because has the widest use in such sentences. It comes from the fact that this conjunction is monosemantic and the cause
expressed in the subordinate clause is of necessary or pure (perfect) character. The
complex sentences with the conjunction since have the same semantic relations.
Concerning the sentences with the conjunctions as and for we can say that they do
not always show the necessary or perfect cause very often they express efficient or
explaining cause. This phenomenon is very important for the translators who work
with the English texts and translate them into the other languages.
1. Song Lae Jung. Causatives and Causation: A Universal-Typological Perspective. London &
New York: Longman, 1996.
2. Podoliuc T. The Usage of the conjunction since in the complex sentences. Chisinau. USM.
3. Sowa John F. Process and Causality . New York, 2000
4. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
5. Conrad J. The Secret Agent. London: Penguin books.1994.
6. Orwell J. Animal farm. London: Penguin books.1989.




Universitatea din Tiraspol

Articolul este dedicat procedeielor de lucru la disciplina Lectura Analitic. Sunt

trasate metodele de dezvoltare a deprinderilor de lectur analitic a textului englez la
nivel lingvistic, mai apoi la nivel stlistic prin evidentierea figurilor de stil la nivel fonetic,
lexical, grammatical i syntactic. Referitor la semantic analiza se face n baza prilor
de vorbire, analizei semantice detaliate a lor.
Este luat n consideraie implicaia, titlul, mesajul, activiti communicative :
jocul pe roluri; crearea /transformarea unui dialog; activiti de gsire a informaiei,
de luare a decizilor; scrierea unui cntec, unei poezii; utilizarea jesturilor, tablourilor; desenarea unui tablou; un interviu;scrierea unei scrisori,etc.
Modul de lectur analitic i motiveaz i stimuleaz pe studeni s citeasc
capitolul crii, cartea pn la sfrit.
There is no definite scheme of planning Analytical Reading classes. But at
first the teacher and students speak about the author, his epoch, life, works, etc.
The title of the story may be discussed here as well. Then students may write a vocabulary dictation, render the events.
The next step can be dedicated to linguo-stylistic analysis. It usually includes discussion of the following well-known points:
1. Plot and plot structure.
2. System of images and means of characterization which may be
-direct: positive/negative characters;
a) presentation via action-deeds, gestures, physical portrayal;
b) speech characteristics-style, emotions, education, occupation, attitude to
c) psychological portrayal, motives analysis;
d) description of the world of things that surround the character;
e) the naming of characters.
3. Narrative method (the main character, a minor character, the omniscient
author, the observer-author).
4. Tonal system (reproach bitterness, irony, drama, humour).
Then the story can be analyzed from stylistic point of view, i.e. students find
stylistic devices at phonetic, grammatical, lexical and syntactic levels.
As alternative, the teacher may give attention to semantics. Students can
be offered to take 100 words from the given abstract and count how many times
notional parts of speech (mainly nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs)
were used by the author. After making a comparative chart students discuss authors purpose of using the most frequent part of speech, it should be connected
with psychological implicitly of the abstracts message.
Students are offered to classify nouns due to the following semantic


1. living being/thing.
2. substances.
3. natural phenomena/process.
4. abstract notions.
Verbs can be divided into the following classes:
1. Actional verbs which denote actions proper.
2. Statal verbs which denote state/relations.
3. Modal verbs which show only the attitude of the speaker towards the action/state/process/quality.
The division of verbs into terminative and non-terminative depends on the
aspectual characteristics in the lexical meaning of the verb which influences the
use of aspect forms.
Terminative verbs besides their specific meaning contain the idea that the
action must be fulfilled and come to an end, reaching some point where it has logically to stop(sit down, come, fall, stop, begin, open, close, shut, die, find).
Non-terminative, or durative verbs imply that actions or states expressed by
these verbs may go on indefinitely without reaching any logically necessary final
point (run, carry, walk, sleep, sit, live, know, talk).
The end, which is simply an interruption of these actions, may be shown
only by means of some adverbial modifier:
e.g. He slept till nine in the morning.
Adverbs can be characterized according to their syntactic functions in the
Adjectives play a very important role in narration for they describe context
event carrying emotional colouring. Adjectives can denote:
I. Quality.
II. Dynamic quality.
III. Relationships.
IV. Pertaining to sb/sth.
Subclasses of quality (I) can describe:
-existence (alive, dead, born, twin, silver, gold, new, grown-up, old);
-condition (solid, liquid, hard, plastic, heavy, blue, sweet, loud, squary, small,
huge, wide, deep);
-number and quantity (many, much, slight, extra, enough);
-having life (bad, healthy, tired, sane);
-physiological condition (hungry, sleepy, drunk);
-psychological state (learned, amateur, doubtful, optimistic, trustful);
-emotional state (jealous, proud, resolute);
-able to do sth (creative, capable, effective), etc.
Adjectives denoting dynamic quality (II) characterize social behaviour (moral, obedient, willful, generous).
Adjectives denoting relationships (III) characterize:
-agreeing (equal, similar, childish);
-conforming/contrary to fact/reality (false, true, usual, normal, logical, ideal,
worthless, honourable);
-being the cause of sth(harmful, painful, thrilling, horrid, offensive, astonishing);


-possessiveness (wealthy, own, future, current, immediate, timely, outside,

frontal, compact, lone).
Adjectives denoting pertaining to sb/sth (IV) characterize:
-belonging to natural phenomena (solar, southern, atmospheric, local, muscular);
-belonging to public events (national, feudal, federal, white-collar, military,
criminal, cultural, philological).
The next step is to analyze pronouns, what subclass they belong to (personal, possessive, indefinite, etc). Such info contains implication as well as, for example, when the author begins his narration with he or she he makes us think:
Who is this person? What is his occupation, appearance? The reader is strained.
Special attention should be given to This, its either disdain or the way to show
already known person/object.
Having analyzed semantic value of emotional parts of speech students are
offered to work at implication (or vertical context).
While analyzing a story students should feel its emotional, expressive and
evaluating influence. The message of the story will be understood and remembered if the book has touched emotions. To understand implication of the story
students must have background knowledge.
e.g. Two of the boys are wearing your Melton overcoat; I hope you dont
mind. (Saki)
Melton overcoat means that the cloth is of high quality, usually dark grey.
It may be the best thing that character possessed. So hes angry that somebody is
wearing his coat.
Such info is usually included into dictionaries, references to books (on the
back cover), and teachers should pay attention to it, discuss it with students, even
if it seems to be a detail. Sometimes a simple name can bear a reference:
e.g. - But I think really I want to be a hospital nurse. I like nursing and sick
-What about massage? suggested Nurse Hopkins.
-Oh, Norland? Youre fond of children. Theres good money to be made in
(Agatha Cristie)
Norland was a medical institution for children nurses. The speakers know
it, but the readers need a commentary.
Reading literature of the XXc. students must be ready to meet quotations.
e.g. Im afraid its the beginning of the rift in the lute.
What lute? said her mother.
Its a quotation, said Eleanor.
To say that anything was a quotation, was an excellent method in Eleanors
eyes, for withdrawing it from discussion, just as you could always defend indifferent lamb late in the season by saying: Its mutton!(Saki)
Reacting to the quotation a person becomes a part of the company. The
quotation may show the age and social position of the character:
e.g .But I think really she only seems half-witted because shes being so
frightfully careful.
Careful? Careful about what?


Oh, just careful. Mainly, I imagine about her accent, shes got quite a brogue,
you know, or else about the right fork, and any literary allusions that might be flying around(Agatha Cristie).
The title of the story may have implication as well, it may frame the message.
Lets analyze Katherine Mansfields title The Daughters of the Late Colonel. The
Late may mean dead, ex-, colonel is aged, and his daughters (not children) cant
be young. Colonel belongs to the well-born and rich family (otherwise we would
have his title).In Mansfield time colonels pension was not a big one. Colonel has
brought his habits to the family; his daughters life is not a pleasant one. The girls
grew up without mother; she probably died when they were children (otherwise
they would not be mentioned as daughters of their father only). So, the life of the
daughters was sad, scanty.
Quite often we may find quotes from the Bible and Shakespeare.
e.g. Why, being so hard-working, have I so little free time? Well, well, it sinks,
and I am ready to depart. (M.Innes)
Implication may illustrate moral, ethic values of time, social way of life.
E.g. Susan Melberly was a charming woman, but she was also an aunt.
Children, whose parents served in a distant British empire, were brought up
in England by their relatives, usually aunts. Aunts were occupied with their private
or social life, so they didnt care of the nephews/nieces. Saki underlines his antipathy against aunties or female relatives in general.
Having analyzed implications students may be offered to discuss the message of the abstract or the whole book.
The final, but a very important step is teachers using communicative activities based on semantics, implication, data about the author, his techniques.
Though one may consider it to be inappropriate, practice shows that students become more motivated at Analytical Reading classes.
Teacher may operate with any well-known communicative technique: roleplay; composing/transforming a dialogue; information gap activities; brainstorming; fact-finding; problem solving; sharing personal experience; writing a poem/
song; using gestures/objects/pictures; drawing a picture; writing a drama script,
acting; composing a true/false chart; listing; interview; writing letters; matching;
making a plan with schemes/GOs, etc.
By the end of the class teacher should sum up the events and motivate his
students to further reading the book.
Practical results show that students like communicative activities, even if the
process takes 2-3 classes. And if the teacher varies his/her traditional teaching at
Analytical Reading studies, inspires learners, there is a chance the story will be read
till the very end. Thus, the message of the book will be received, students will use
problem solutions in their lives and teachers objectives will be achieved.


1. Borisova L.V, Text Interpretation (Prose), Minsk, 1999.
2. Gyubbenet I.V., Principles of Philological Interpretation of Literary-artistic Text, ,
, 1991.
3. Kempson R.M., Semantic Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
4. Kukharenko V.A., Text Interpretation, , , 1979.
5. Nunan David, Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, Cambridge University
Press, 1996.
6. Palmer F.R., Semantics. A New Outline, Cambridge University Press, 1976.
7. Verdieva Z.N., Semantic Fields in Modern English, Moskva, ,1986.
8. Wiezbicka A., Lingua Mentalis: The Semantics of Natural Language, Sydney, Academic
Press, 1980.




Angela SAVIN
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Selon notre opinion, la disparition de la catgorie de laspect et de lAktionsart

du latin, conditionne par la destruction du synthtisme, a fait que le roumain sest
retrouv dans la situation o il a d crer dautres modalits pour exprimer les valeurs
La destruction du systme du synthtisme a motiv, du point de vue linguistique, lapparition des locutions verbales, capables dexprimer le concept smantique
de laspectualit.
Lapparition et lvolution des locutions verbales en tant que modalit
dexpression des vides apparus dans la langue (les locutions verbales pouvant exprimer laspectualit) se manifeste dans ce cas en qualit dexpression de la force motrice
du dveloppement de la langue.
Les locutions verbales bi-smantique confirment lide dune possibilit de
dsigner par la mme locution verbale deux types du dveloppement de laction.
Prezenta lucrare, prima de acest fel, demonstreaz n ce msur locuiunile
verbale exprim aspectualitatea n limba romn prin redarea categoriei lexicogramaticale a modului desfurrii aciunii (sau aa-numitul Aktionsart, termen de
origine german), categorie ce desemneaz tipul desfurrii unei aciuni, precum
i a categoriei lexico-gramaticale Terminativitate: Aterminativitate, categorie ce
exprim limita interioar a unei aciuni.
S-a artat nu o dat c formele analitice iau natere din necesitatea de redare
explicit a sensurilor gramaticale, c deseori formele sintetice dispar n situaiile,
cnd o limb, datorit bilingvismului ubrezindu-i sistemul, este nevoit s-i formeze modele de exprimare mai clare, explicite. Acest fenomen este realizat att
prin constituirea unui singur cuvnt, lipsit de marcantul morfematic, ct i prin
apariia mbinrilor analitice, n spe a LV. Drmarea sintetismului este produs
i de erodarea prii finale a formelor cuvintelor. Astfel, n limba latin distrugerea
flexiunilor ncepe mai degrab n graiurile rustice rusticitas - dect n cele de la
ora urbanitas din cauza c primele mai greu erau supuse influenei normative a sistemului flectiv (Karaseva, 1989, 47).
Dup prerea noastr, dispariia categoriei aspectului i a Aktionsart latine
pe parcursul dezvoltrii limbii a pus limbile romanice, n special limba romn,
n situaia de a crea alte modaliti de redare a valorilor pierdute. Astfel n limba
romn vor cpta o mare amploare LV. Aceasta ar fi una dintre cauzele care va
determina apariia lor.
Latina a fost limba care, pe lng categoria aspectului, redat prin tema
prezentului i perfectului, poseda i exprimarea diferitelor tipuri de Aktionsart. Se
tie c n latin ele erau numeroase i erau exprimate cu ajutorul unor morfeme
speciale. Deseori analitismul ia natere din cauza c forma intern, adic morfemul
care red o anumit valoare gramatical, se destram.


n romanica rsritean categoria Aktionsart latin ca sistem organizat morfologic se destram. Pn la urm valorile intensive, diminutivale etc. ale verbelor
, cndva derivate, se pierd, chiar atunci cnd se menine n roman ntreg cuplul
ntre verbele primitive i cele derivate (de ex.: circitare (cerceta) - circare (cerca); liginare (legna) ligare (lega); traginare (trgna) trahere (trage). Constatm, deci,
o anumit pierdere. Dar limba nu tolereaz o astfel de lacun, ea ncearc alte ci
pentru a-i restabili echilibrul.
Romna va completa ntr-o anumit msur aceast deficien. Dar, de
aceast dat, cu elemente de alt natur. Cercettoarea L. M. Skrelina observa
just c drept imbold pentru schimbri n limb servete soluionarea contradiciei
dintre necesitile comunicrii care apar n societatea n dezvoltare i mijloacele
de limb existente care servesc pentru exprimarea noului coninut (Skrelina, 1970,
12). ntr-adevr, ceea ce n latin era redat prin afixe, n limba romn va fi redat
prin mbinri de cuvinte. n felul artat ia natere una din cile de formare a sintagmei. Pentru limba latin este mai caracteristic combinarea cuvintelor n propoziie
dect mbinarea de cuvinte propriu-zis. O tendin opus se va cristaliza n continuare n limbile romanice n care mbinrile de cuvinte vor nltura pe alt plan
combinarea cuvintelor n propoziie (Budagov, 1971, 274).
De menionat ca LV s-au format de la mbinri de cuvinte iniial libere. Se
procedeaz la trecerea de la elementele de pe axa paradigmatic la cele de pe axa
sintagmatic (Repina, 1973, 10). Componentele locuiunii pe parcursul dezvoltrii
limbii se desemantizeaz, dar nu definitiv ca la axa morfematic (ca n ex. am fcut).
n cazul formrii LV lexicalizarea se manifest n transformarea unitii nivelului sintactic n unitatea nominaiei, adic n schimbarea statutului lingvistic al construciei
sintactice motivate (Tronenko, 1991, 6). Locuiunea nou aprut gsete o motivare glotic: s-a destrmat un sistem i s-a consolidat altul. n aceasta const trecerea de la sintetism la analitism. Elementele din axa sintagmatic nu sunt att de
siste-matizate ca n cea morfematica, dar i ndeplinesc funciile n condiiile de
limb nou aprute. De exemplu, Aktionsart incoativ este exprimat prin afixe n limba latin i rus ca fiind limbi sintetice: lat. florescere, rus. zatsvesti. Pentru a desemna acelai tip de Aktionsart limbile romanice recurg la o sintagm, componentul
auxiliar al creia ndeplinete funcia afixelor din limbile sintetice. De ex.: rom. a da
n floare. S-a recurs la utilizarea construciilor analitice, unele fiind utilizate pentru
denumirea unor realii (aciunea ingresiv - a ncepe, a nflori), altele - pentru a denumi anumite subtiliti (aciunea incoativ - a da n floare ce marcheaz nceputul
unei aciuni cu o trecere n alt stare de a fi n floare) (Savin-Zgardan, 1990, 34-44).
Bineneles, nlocuirea verbelor latine ce denumeau categoria Aktionsart n
limbile romanice nu a fost un proces uniform, nu a constituit o nlocuire mecanic
a mijloacelor gramaticale. Un timp anumit, pe semne, aceste mijloace de realizare
a categoriei Aktionsart coexistau n limb, pn cnd noul mijloc de exprimare a
sensurilor nu a nlocuit pe cel vechi. E. A. Referovskaia, analiznd caracteristicile
sintaxei limbii latine scrise n perioada preromanic (sec.VI-VII) de pe teritoriu fostei Galii, meniona c de acum n limba latin scris n care ptrundeau elemente
ale limbii vorbite erau atestate construcii verbale pentru desemnarea categoriei
aspectului (aici: Aktionsart ingresiv - n.n.). De ex., verbele ce desemnau nceputul
aciunii: coepi, incipio, ordior erau urmate de un complement infinitival (Referovskaja, 1966, 43). n latina clasic verbele incipiente erau urmate de gerunziu.


n acest mod se manifest problema motivaiei apariiei locuiunilor verbale

care urmau s desemneze categoria aspectualitii n limba romn, categorie ce
i capt exprimarea prin categoriile lexico-gramaticale Aktionsart i Terminativitate: Aterminativitate. Categoria gramatical - cheie a cmpului conceptual al
aspectualitii aspectul nu i gsete exprimarea n limba romn.
O problem, legat indisolubil de motivarea apariiei locuiunilor verbale n
limba romn, este posibilitatea uneia i aceleiai locuiuni verbale monosemantice de a denomina concomitent un singur sau mai multe tipuri de desfurare
a aciunii. La fel, apare o problem extrem de important i totodat, dificil, i
anume: posibilitatea limbii de a denomina, cu ajutorul uneia i aceleai locuiuni
verbale polisemantice, diverse moduri de desfurare a aciunii. Mai jos vom
prezenta cteva exemple de locuiuni verbale bisemantice ce vin s exemplifice
ideea posibilitii de desemnare de una i aceeai locuiune verbal a mai multor
tipuri de desfurare a aciunii, dat fiind faptul c fiecare sens nglobat n structura
semic a ei schimb regimul verbal, astfel desemnnd o alt desfurare a aciunii
i o alt Terminativitate : Aterminativitate.
Locuiunea verbal A da napoi nglobeaz dou sensuri ce condiioneaz
diferite tipuri acionale: o aciune orientat motoric, iar alta rezultativ: 1. a se
retrage, a renuna a. rezultativ T. i n loc mpengndu pre lui Cantemir i turcii ncepus a s da napoi (M. Costin, 105). Pintilie intr anevoie pe u, cu prul
zbrlit i ochii nfricoai. Observnd c mai este cineva, ddu napoi (M. Sadoveanu,
DT, 167). Constatarea acestui adevr, n loc s ndemne pe Anicua a deveni din nou
agresiv, o fcu, printr-o instinctiv pornire a sufletului femeiesc mpotriva a tot ce e
aciune violent, s dea napoi (D. Zamfirescu, 345); Pe dumneata te-a iubit mult i
mi-a spus chiar c, dac ar ti c suferi, nu s-ar da napoi de a m nela cu dumneata
(G. Clinescu, EO, 157). 2. a napoia, a restitui, a. rezultativ, T. alii l luau peste
picior de-a binelea, ieind de la el cu tabachera plin de tutun sau cerndu-i mprumut
tot felul de lucruri, fr s se mai gndeasc a i le da napoi; dar la toi le era simpatic (D. Zamfirescu, 380). Foarte bine, am zis, dac a dori s i-l dau napoi, i-l dau i
gata (apartamentul) (M. Preda, CIP, 163).
La fel i locuiunea verbal A se da ndrt se afl n raport de sinonimie cu
precedenta locuiune. 1. a ntoarce, a restitui, a. rezultativ, T. brbatul-meu, dup
ce rmsese vduv, i-o dduse pe Leana de suflet. Nu vrusese s-i dea lui brbatu-meu
fata ndrt (Z. Stancu, 26); 2. a da napoi, a se retrage a. orientat, T. Ostrogotul
nfipse repede degetul n obrazul lui Bobby, din care ni afar un cocolo de hrtie.
Bobby se ddu iute ndrt (G. Clinescu, CN, 77). Oamenii se ddur civa pai
ndrt i iar se plcuir, spre poart, n mijlocul drumului, nendurndu-se s intre
pe la case (C. Petrescu, 129).
Locuiunea verbal A da o lovitur desemneaz la fel dou sensuri ce necesit
un diferit regim verbal: 1. aciune singular de a lovi (pe cineva), a. monosecvenial,
T. Ua bordeiului nu se deschidea. Un sergent i dete o formidabil lovitur cu
patul putii, iar ua sri din ni (D. Zamfirescu, 337); 2. fig., a rni (pe cineva), a.
rezultativ, T. Curnd ns i ddui o lovitur care o rni adnc. Nici nu tiu dac
aceast ran s-a mai nchis vreodat n sufletul ei (M. Preda, CIP, 54).
Locuiunile de mai jos exprim, la fel, dou sensuri, fiind corelate fiecare
din ele cu dou tipuri diferite de desfurare a aciunii: A da natere 1. a nate, a.
monosecvenial, T; 2. a crea, a produce, a cauza, a. ingresiv, T. El nu mai putea


vorbi mtue-sei despre relaiunile Aglaei cu Scatiu, fr s dea natere la tot felul de
explicaii (D. Zamfirescu, 132). n curnd Silivestru se convinse c metoda lui de a
consulta destinul era greit i putea da natere la gesturi nechibzuite (G. Clinescu,
CN, 227);
Menionm c schimbarea numrului la substantiv duce la schimbarea tipului de desfurare a aciunii: A da semne aici. 1. aciune repetat de a semnala
(ceva), a face gesturi, micri repetate, a. iterativ, AT. Pe cnd el vorbea, nclzinduse din ce n ce mai mult, Ana da semne de nerbdare (D. Zamfirescu, 283); 2. a da
dovad, a manifesta a. rezultativ, T. Sptmna parlamentar care a trecut - ne-a
dat unele semne certe c parlamentul e pe cale s divoreze definitiv de diletantism
(LA, 1990, N 22, 2);
A da voie aici: 1. a permite (cuiva). va da voie cuiva (CR, 76). Numai s le
de voie mpria s scrie moldovenii la lei cu rugminte i cu mbunturi (I. Neculce,
91). nconjurat de apte copii ce plng de foame, mbrncit de la ua bogatului, unde
nu i se dete voie a mpri nici frmiturile cu cinii lui, ticloia o aps sub greul
ei genunchi (C. Negruzzi, 275). N-ai dect s te nsori i tu, rupse tcerea Agespina,
noi nu te inem! Nu m inei? M ateptam s v bucurai, nu s-mi dai voie! (G.
Clinescu, CN, 175); 2. a lsa s intre, a. rezultativ, T. Jim, ridicndu-se, apuc cu o
mn inelul de sus i cu alta cordonul de pnz i ddu voie deplin nuntru mirosului de pulbere ud i rcorilor de prund (G. Clinescu, CN, 11).
Locuiunea verbal A face haz posed dou seme care desemneaz dou
tipuri de Aktionsart, ambele Aterminative. A face haz aici: 1. a se veseli, a.
evolutiv, AT. Taic-su fcea haz. Dac venea spre sear la prvlie, l luam n crc
i strbteam cu el ulia mare, jumtate din ora, l duceam acas (Z. Stancu, 325).
Acum a crescut, e domnioar n toat puterea cuvntului Dar face un haz cnd
i aducem aminte! (C. Petrescu, 125); 2. a face glume pe seama cuiva, a-i bate joc, a
rde (de cineva sau de ceva), a. relaional, AT. Femeia iei cu mna la gur, ruinat
de tot. n urm, cei doi boieri fceau un haz nespus, uitndu-se unul la altul, uri i
bibidinoi ca doi satiri (D. Zamfirescu, 198). i dac nu i-ai mritat fata, auzi cum i-o
strig de sus, din vrful dealului, flcii, cu strigte de ruine Ateptm strigturile,
s facem haz (Z. Stancu, p. 148).
Locuiunea verbal A face impresie conine dou sensuri ce condiioneaz
diferite tipuri acionale: o aciune relaional i alta rezultativ: 1. a impresiona, a
face efect, a. relaional, T. Povestirea Agespinei fcu asupra asistenei o impresie
profund, manifestat printr-o lung tcere meditativ (G. Clinescu, CN, 269); 2. a
prea c, a. rezultativ, AT. Petric Nicolau nu-mi fcea impresia c ar fi stpnit
de o viziune apocaliptic (M. Preda, CIP, 110).
Locuiunea A(-i) face loc este la fel polisemantic, semele responsabile de
desfurarea aciunii desemnnd o aciune neorientat motoric i una rezultativ,
ambele Terminative. 1. a se feri, a se da la o parte (pentru a permite trecerea cuiva sau
amplasarea a ceva), a. neorientat, T. Poporul loc i face tcut i umilit (M. Eminescu,
I, 63). i trase un scaun i toi fcur loc unei fete care apruse la masa noastr ca
din pmnt (M. Preda, CIP, 59). Ziarul cu pricina a tiprit prima parte n foileton,
pentru a face loc la exerciiile de traductor la care se deda un ginere al directorului
(C. Petrescu, 555); 2. a se rspndi, a. rezultativ, T. i mai fcea loc n el o simire de
curiozitate pentru figura aceea mohort i ascetic din preajma lui, care avea totui
faa zmbitoare (M. Sadoveanu, DT, 133).


Locuiunea verbal A face cu ochiul conine dou sensuri ce condiioneaz

diferite tipuri acionale: monosecvenial i orientat. 1. a clipi din ochi cu o intenie
anumit, a. monosecvenial, T. Ct despre Scatiu, el venea n urma trsurii Era radios i din cnd n cnd fcea cu ochiul avocatului (D. Zamfirescu, 152). - Da, f, da.
Seamn leit cu frate-meu, cu Dumitrache Ne face cu ochiul. Lui nenea Dumitrache
i crete inima de bucurie (Z. Stancu, 151); 2. a arta (pe cineva sau ceva) din ochi, a
semnala cu privirea n anumit direcie, a. orientat, T. Care-i la, m, care a dat n
tata? Oamenii rdeau i fcur cu ochii la baci. Stoica veni la el (D. Zamfirescu, 134).
Locuiunea verbal A face (un) semn posed dou sensuri, dou seme diferite ce dicteaz diferite tipuri de desfurare a aciunii: 1. a arta, a mica (capul,
mna) n scopul indicrii a ceva, a. monosecvenial / neorientat, T.. ... au i fcut
smnu de luar pe Duca-vod (I. Neculce, 89). Din tronu-i se coboar, cu mna semn
i face / Ca-n sus s l urmeze pe-a codrilor potec (M. Eminescu, I, 85). Bitnaul fcu
semn repede cu capul, de sus n jos (M. Sadoveanu, DT, 137); 2. a da indicii n legtur
cu o ntmplare viitoare, a prevesti, a. monosecvenial, T. ns vine un ceas cnd
Domnul Dumnezeu face un semn (M. Sadoveanu, 13).
1. Rezolvarea contradiciei de ordin extern dintre necesitile comunicrii
care apar n societatea n dezvoltare i mijloacele de limb care servesc pentru
exprimarea noului coninut apare n calitate de lege general i universal a progresului n limb. Dup prerea noastr, dispariia categoriei aspectului i a Aktionsart din latin, condiionat de destrmarea sintetismului, a pus limba romn n
situaia de a crea alte modaliti de a reda valorile pierdute. Destrmarea sistemului
sintetismului a motivat lingvistic apariia LV care sunt apte de a reda conceptul
semantic al aspectualitii.
2. Apariia i evoluia LV ca modalitate de exprimare a golurilor aprute n
limb (LV fiind n stare s redea aspectualitatea) se manifest n acest caz n calitate
de expresie a forei motrice a dezvoltrii limbii.
3.Locuiunile verbale bisemantice vin s exemplifice ideea posibilitii de
desemnare de ctre una i aceeai locuiune verbal a dou tipuri de desfurare
a aciunii, dat fiind faptul c fiecare sens nglobat n structura semic a locuiunii
schimb regimul verbal al ei, astfel desemnnd o alt desfurare a aciunii i o alt
Terminativitate : Aterminativitate.

1. Budagov, 1971: .., , , ., -
, 1971, 299 p.
2. Karaseva, 1989: .., VI-I .
.. .
: . . , ., 1989, .347, pp. 41-48.
3. Repina, 1973: .., .
. . . ... . . , ., I973, 20 p.
4. Referovskaja, 1966: .., , .-.,
. , 1966, 152 p.
5. Savin-Zgardan, 2001: Valori lexico-gramaticale ale locuiunuilor verbale romneti n plan
sincronic i diacronic, Chiinu, Bons Offices, 135 p.
6. Tronenko, 1991: ..,
. . . ... . . , , 1991, 19 p.



Olga DIMO,
Free International University of Moldova
Les processus conomiques drouls en priode de la globalisation de lconomie mondiale et la cration de la socit de linformaion confrent les possibilits de
diversification des contacts internationaux, de louverture sur le monde et de la croissance de la migration de la population active inocupe dans les pays dvelopps. Ces
profonds changements socio-conomiques conditionnent une nouvelle approche
dans lenseignement/ apprentissage des langues modernes o le pluralisme linguistique et culturel devient un enjeu politique de lEurope. Dans larticle on traite les aspects
socioculterels, conomiques, linguistiques et thiques de la motivation de lapprentissage et usage des langues modernes en vue de tracer les perspectives de maintien et de
promotion dune didactique qui cre des comptences de communication.
The process of economic globalization creates premises for a rise in population mobility. In search of earning their living, or career opportunities, or finding
permanent residence abroad our compatriots join the thousands of migrants the
Western hemisphere has long been accustomed to. Internal and transborder migration has never been an extraordinary phenomenon in the West, but the situation and its socio-cultural and economic consequences are quite new to the vast
post-soviet area.
In order to succeed and adapt themselves to the realities of their target
countries, prospective adult migrants are faced with an acute necessity of making
preliminary acquaintance with their languages and realities.
By virtue of its geopolitical situation Moldova has always stayed at the crossroads of cultures and languages. As a result, for our country, multilingualism has
never been characteristic of select individuals, as from their youth our community
members tend to be in direct or indirect (through the media) contact with different
cultures and languages and are thus open to becoming familiar with this range of
phenomena [Sofronie et al., p. 54].
In this regard, second language mastering mentioned in the title of this contribution, if looked at through the prism of the linguistic situation in Moldova, appears to become the learning of the third, fourth or even fifth language. It is just
for the sake of convenience that we refer to the mastering of second language by
adults in order to clearly distinguish between the learners mother tongue (first
language) and his target language (second, third, fourth, etc.).
The choice of the second language which a social group may make is usually determined by a variety of social criteria which would vary with the particular
group concerned. The table below serves to illustrate the hierarchy of motivational
factors in language learning.
Some of the social criteria affect the individual motivations involved in second language learning. For example, in the past voluntary social motivations could
determine the choice of the second language learning (French in 19th-century


Russia, Poland, Romania, etc.). In this case the adopted second language fulfilled
a function other than that of communication: it served as a symbol of civilization,
culture, social class, and perhaps of privilege.






cooperation competition

Figure 1. Hierarchy of motivational factors

Thus motivational factors can be divided into social and individual ones.
Their further subdivision can be traced along the lines of necessity and consciousness, etc. However, in general, one must say that the choice of a second language
is nowadays much less a matter of cultural prestige than of economic necessity
[Lambert et al., Gardner: p.52].
Another aspect of the problem is the need in a language for technological
reasons. The necessity of a second language for purposes of higher education and
the spread of new technologies has been recognized in some countries for a comparatively long time.
The importance of motivation of the learner and the complex sociological
and psychological factors relating to it are still understudied and to some extent
underestimated in foreign language teaching programs. It seems evident that the
learners attitude towards the group whose language he/she is learning has a considerable effect on his success in mastering the second language.
Besides, it should be noted that an acquaintance with a foreign language
and culture is not always conductive to overcoming what could be termed as ethnocentrism as applied to ones mother tongue and culture and may even have a
reverse effect [Sofronie et al., p.54]. Still, the very process of cognition is sure to help
overcome this state of affairs and thus raise the acquisition potential and to some
extent accelerate the process of foreign language learning.
However, on the whole, the size, cohesion, and status of the cultural group
to which a learner belongs, and the relationship between members of that group
and those who speak the target language is of enormous importance [Lambert:
Among the increasing number of attempts to explore the conditions for
successful foreign language learning, factors as age, intelligence, foreign language
learning aptitude, and socio-economic factors have been paid much attention by
The age of the second language learner may be a relevant variable. There exist different opinions [Lennenberg: p.127] as to the critical period for first language
acquisition related to neurological and cognitive maturation in children. A child
learning his first or even second language in a corresponding medium becomes
a creative contributor to the process of communication and not only the passive


recipient of a cultural tradition. He is subject to a semantic and communicative

However, within a formal educational context second language teaching
to children, adolescents and adults appears less successful and natural. The first
language clearly influences the perception and production of the second. The phenomenon of interference in phonology and syntax is well known to all teachers.
As the second language learner already possesses a human language, he/
she may have a much less urgent motivation to communicate, although successful
communication lies at the basis of language study and motivates the learner first
of all [Gumpez et al.: p.37]. That is, while he/she may need a second language for
a particular educational or vocational purpose he/she can be engaged in codeswitching and still use his/her first language to communicate with family and
friends if necessary. This widely known phenomenon has been termed as homeschool language switch [Lambert: p.32].
Still, the older second language learner may have certain factors in his/her
favour which in part counteract the disadvantage resulting from missing an early
start. Such a learner has a few typical features: he/she
is more cognitively mature;
has a longer attention span, and
a longer short-term memory span.
The overwhelming majority of such learners have been taught in school to
reason and use reading skills in approaching new learning situations and tasks.
University students in their first year of studies, for example, who have passed their
Bachelors examinations, possess a higher cultural and cognitive level than ordinary
school-leavers. As a result, an adult learner, especially, tends to equate language
with vocabulary. It may be that he tries to identify lexical meanings of individual
words rather than to make predications and thus is slower to learn syntactic rules.
Of course, it should be noted that there is a great difference between the
amount of time for exposure to the first language learnt by a child and that intended for a second language learner. The latter is typically a part-time learner, and
the conditions of learning are quite different. Still, the motivation to participate, to
make statements about things, to understand and be understood, and, last but not
least, to use language creatively, is a marked characteristic of the language acquisition process with adult learners.
If the learner feels there is little chance that he/she will ever be accepted by
the foreign language speaking community, if he/she feels that he/she will never
get a chance to use the language to communicate, or if he/she feels negatively
towards the other community, then he/she is not likely to learn the language however much practice he/she does.
The most important motivational factor for any second language learner is
the feeling that what he/she is doing will enable him/her to communicate with
and probably ultimately join a target group of speakers of the language and be
accepted by the latter.


1. Gumpez, J., Hymes, D., Directions in sociolinguistics, 3rd ed., New York: McGraw Hill, 1982
2. Lambert, W.E., Gardner, R.C., Attitudes and motivation in second language learning, 2nd ed.,
Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, 1990
3. Lambert, W.E. et al. A study of the roles of attitude and motivation in second language
learning. In: Readings in the sociology of language. J.Fishman (ed.). The Hague: Mouton,
4. Lennenberg, E.H., Biological foundations of language, New York: Wiley, 1985
5. Mackey, W.F., Language teaching analysis, 3rd ed., London: Longmans, 1996
6. Rannut, M., Some comparative remarks on the Moldovan, Irish and Estonian sociolinguistic
situation. In: From misunderstanding towards openness and collaboration in multicultural
societies, Chiinu, Ed.Pontos, 2005
7. Sofronie, S., Dimo, O., Multilingual and multicultural approach to colour symbolics and
colour idioms in teaching modern languages to students of economics // Lecturi filologice,
ULIM, Nr.3, 2006




Zinovia ZUBCU

Universit Libre Internationale de Moldova

Raporturile logico-semantice i funcionale ce exist ntre apodoz i protaz
sunt analizate n dependen de natura morfologic a suportului din apodoz conform
teoriei gramaticienilor francezi R.L.Wagner i J.Pinchon ct i a verbului din protaz i
a distribuiei lui deoarece anume de aceste elemente depinde natura raportului logicosemantic i tipul de protaz, fapt ce ne-a permis s stabilim noi raporturi ntre apodoz
i protaz. Propunem noi principii de clasificare a propoziiilor subordonate i s facem
o distincie net a protazelor introduse cu acelai conector.
Lanalyse des rapports logico-smantiques et fonctionnels entre lapodose
et les protases introduites par les mmes connecteurs na gure retenu jusqu
prsent lattention des grammairiens franais. La prsentation de ces rapports
quon a dans les grammaires traditionnelles est trs vague, soit purement smantique, soit purement formelle. En ralit les phrases donnent lieu diffrents types
de protases nettement diffrencies, tant par leurs proprits structurales que par
leurs fonctions.
Les grammairiens franais exposent diffrentes classifications des protases.
La majorit des auteurs de grammaires donnent aux propositions subordonnes
introduites par le connecteur que le nom de compltives comme le signalent
R.L.Wagner et J.Pinchon [7, p. 559], terme quon ne peut pas accepter, selon nous,
car cest un nom trop gnral que ... certains grammairiens appliquent toutes
les propositions quelles soient sujet, attribut, objet, complment circonstanciel ou
quil sagisse de propositions relatives... (Ibidem).
M.Grevisse distingue trois catgories de subordonnes en se fondant la
fois sur la nature du mot auquel elles sont assimilables et sur la fonction quelles
remplissent dans la phrase par rapport la principale:
1. Les subordonnes substantives;
2. Les subordonnes adjectives ou relatives;
3. Les subordonnes adverbiales [2, p. 1111].
La classification des subordonnes propose par M.Grevisse est aussi trop
gnrale et risque dentraner de fausses analyses. Le terme de subordonnes relatives tient seulement de la nature morphologique du connecteur. Cette dnomination est employe par les grammairiens pour les subordonnes qui sont introduites par les pronoms relatifs qui, que, dont, o, lequel, laquelle etc. ayant comme
antcdent un nom ou un pronom [5, p. 191; 4, p. 332].
Nous considrons quon pourrait nommer ces subordonnes relatives selon
la nature morphologique du connecteur, mais en prcisant chaque fois les rapports
logico-smantiques existant entre lapodose et la protase et le type de subordonne, classification que nous proposons pour toutes les phrases introduites par le
mme connecteur.


Les protases introduites par que peuvent avoir pour support dans lapodose
diffrentes parties du discours do les divers rapports logico-smantiques entre
lapodose et la protase et la nature de la subordonne daprs la fonction et daprs
la forme pronominale ou conjonctive qui dcoule de la nature morphologique
du connecteur que et des modalisateurs qui, selon P.Gherasim, reprsentent
lensemble des supports linguistiques des modalits; les principaux types de modalisateurs sont: les semi-auxiliaires de modalit, les verbes au smantisme interne
modal, les adjectifs et les adverbes modalisateurs, la ngation... [1, p. 195]. Les
grammaires traditionnelles ne prennent pas en considration les valeurs des modalisateurs, cest pourquoi certaines protases introduites par la conjonction que
rapport appositif sont considres comme subordonnes rapport attributif.
Lexemple donn par N.Steinberg Lide quil pouvait chouer ne lui venait pas ne
comprend pas une subordonne complment de nom, mais une protase en apposition, car elle exprime la mme notion que le nom auquel elle se rapporte, fait
typique pour le rapport appositif.
La subordonne au rapport attributif et la protase apposition comme terme
de la phrase complexe ont des traits communs et des traits distinctifs. Ces deux
protases se rapportent un nom ou un pronom de lapodose et rpondent la
mme question quel.
Cf. Lide que la mre lui avait donne lui semblait importante (Mauriac).
Lide quil avait t le complice de la fatalit ntait pas sans leffleurer (Aym).
Les deux protases de ces phrases ont pour support dans lapodose le nom
ide et sont introduites par le connecteur que. Ce sont les traits communs de
ces protases. La diffrence entre elles porte sur la nature morphologique du connecteur, la protase de la premire phrase est pronominale daprs la forme, fait qui
dcoule de la transitivit du verbe donner de la protase pour lequel le pronom que
exerce la fonction syntaxique de complment dobjet direct. Le rapport logico-smantique existant entre lapodose et la protase du premier exemple est attributif
parce que la protase dtermine le nom ide exerant la fonction de subordonne
complment de nom; mais celle de la deuxime phrase est introduite par la conjonction que do conjonctive daprs la forme et fait fonction dapposition, car elle
exprime la mme notion que le nom ide de lapodose.
La prsentation schmatique de ces phrases est aussi diffrente.
I-ire phrase
II-ime phrase

Donc le rapport attributif seffectue de haut en bas, mais celui appositif se
prsente sur la ligne horizontale.
Si lon examine les noms auxquels se rapportent les protases apposition,
on constate que ces noms sont toujours abstraits et sont dorigine verbale dans
la majorit des cas: la pense, lide, le dsir, le sentiment, la crainte, la certitude, la
conviction et dautres.
Ex. La pense que son fils y reviendrait la poursuivait sans cesse (Maupassant).
Javais le sentiment quil souhaitait tre seul... (Mauriac).
Les protases de ces deux phrases peuvent faire fonction de subordonnes
compltives (complment dobjet) si lon transpose les noms la pense et le sentiment en verbes:


Elle pensait que son fils reviendrait.

Je sentais quil souhaitait tre seul.
Probablement pour cela certains grammairiens considrent cette subordonne comme proposition compltive apposition et lintroduisent dans le thme
titre gnral Phrase comprenant une subordonne complment dobjet [5, p.
L.Ilia signale quil est raisonnable de considrer ces protases comme des
subordonnes en apposition parce quelles ont plus de traits communs avec les
subordonnes complment de nom [8, p. 338].
Certains grammairiens ne distinguent pas les protases rapport prdicatif
des subordonnes rapport objectif dans le cas o le connecteur est de ce que, de
ce qui. Dans les chapitres de la subordonne complment dobjet indirect on rencontre des protases se rapportant aux verbes de lapodose qui expriment quelque
sentiment, quelque mouvement de lme du type: tre surpris, tre tonn, stonner,
tre indign, sindigner, smerveiller etc.
N.Steinberg donne lexemple suivant: Au vrai, Yves, sa mre, Burthe eussent
t surpris, sils avaient assist ces visites, de ce quil ne sy passait rien (Mauriac)
[6, p. 100].
Chez M.Grevisse: Il sest indign quon lui ait fait ce passe-droit (Littr)
[2, p. 1116].
Nous considrons quil est raisonnable de traiter ces protases dans un
chapitre part parce que le rapport smantique existant entre ces subordonnes
et la principale diffre de celui des protases rgies par les verbes du type: parler
de qch., se plaindre de qch., se souvenir de qch., etc. Les phrases qui contiennent de
telles protases ne se ressemblent que daprs leur structure.
Cf. Elle se plaignait de ce quon la servait horriblement (Flaubert).
Darwin smerveillait de ce que les petits enfants pussent rire et pleurer
Les traits communs de ces protases sont: toutes les deux ont comme support dans lapodose un verbe transitif indirect et le moyen de liaison est le mme
connecteur de ce que; la question de quoi? Les traits distinctifs: Dans la premire
phrase entre lapodose et la protase il y a un rapport objectif, donc la subordonne
remplit la fonction de complment dobjet indirect. Place en tte de la phrase,
cette subordonne garde la mme fonction, car le rapport reste toujours objectif et
dans lapodose, elle est reprise par le pronom en qui prouve cette fonction.
Tr. Quon la servt horriblement, elle sen (COI) plaignait.
Entre la protase et lapodose de la deuxime phrase le rapport est prdicatif,
car, place avant la principale, cette subordonne remplit la fonction de sujet, donc
les protases de ce type exercent la fonction de complment dagent, parce quil
est connu que tout complment dagent au niveau de la proposition devient sujet
si lon transforme le verbe de la voix passive en voix active. Donc le mme changement a lieu galement au niveau de la phrase.
Tr. Que les petits enfants pussent rire et pleurer,
cela merveillait Darwin, o cela est la reprise de la protase sujet.
On peut ne pas reprendre la protase, fait qui prouve mieux la fonction de
Cf. ...jtais ennuy de ce qui tait arriv son chien (Camus).


Tr. Ce qui tait arriv son chien mennuyait.

Quels sont les verbes qui rgissent la protase complment dagent? Lanalyse
des exemples duvres littraires permet de citer les verbes suivants: tre surpris,
tre attir, tre indign, smerveiller, se rjouir, sirriter, sexciter, sindigner, etc. qui au
niveau de la proposition sont suivis dun complment dagent devenant sujet de
ces verbes employs la voix active ou la forme non-pronominale:
Charles fut surpris de la blancheur de ses ongles (Flaubert).
Tr. La blancheur de ses ongles surprit Charles.
Nous considrons que les auteurs de grammaires devraient prter une attention plus grande la protase complment dagent car les constructions contenant ce type de protase sont assez nombreuses et prsentent de lintrt tre
tudies car, en gnral, elles ne sont pas analyses par les grammairiens franais. A.Jeanrenaud donne une petite description des subordonnes complment
dagent, mais seulement de celles qui se rapportent la voix passive du type: tre
aim, tre habit, tre mpris, tre dtest etc. [3, p. 323].
1. Gherasim, Paula. Grammaire conceptuelle du franais. Les catgories grammaticales. Casa
editorial Demiurg, Iasi, 1997.
2. Grevisse, Maurice. Le bon usage. Deuxime dition revue. Editions J. Duculot;
S.A.Gembloux (Belgique), 1975.
3. Jeanrenaud, Alfred. Langue franaise contemporaine. Morphologie et syntaxe. Polirom,Iasi,
4. Nikolskaia, Elizaveta. Goldenberg, Tamara. Grammaire franaise. Deuxime dition. Editions Ecole suprieure, Moscou, 1967.
5. Rfrovskaia, Elizaveta. Vassiliva, Alla. Essai de grammaire franaise. Cours thorique. Lningrad, 1973.
6. Steinberg, Nadejda. Grammaire franaise. Lningrad, 1963.
7. Wagner R.L. et Pinchon J. Grammaire du franais classique et moderne. Librairie Hachette,
Paris, 1962.
8. , . .
, , 1962.


Traits distinctifs

Traits communs

Verbe la voix

Verbe transitif

Verbe de lapodose

de ce
que, de
ce qui

de ce
que, de
ce qui




de ce que, que,
de ce qui

Verbe transitif direct de ce que, que,

ou indirect
de ce qui

Verbe de lapodose

Protase au rapport dagent

Protase complment dobjet

Verbe la voix
passive ou la
forme pronominale
dans lapo- passive


En tte de
la phrase

connec- Place de la

Protase au rapport objectif indirect

Protase complment dagent


Aprs lapodose

Place de la protase

Pronoms ce,

Reprise dans

Protase sujet

En tte de la

Traits communs et traits distinctifs des phrases protase au rapport objectif indirect et au rapport dagent






Universitat Dunrea de Jos, Galai

Brussels, the European capital in the XXIst has its own soul and specific atmosphere. A citadel anchored in the past without the aura of other great capitals of Europe
since it lacks a central river, Brussel has been the place of intercultural convergence and
the host of numerous foreign writers, such as Huysmans, Al. Dumas, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, V. Hugo, Nerval, who mentioned it with nostalgia and admiration. The
most touching descriptions of the city are to be found with Belgian writers, enamored
by its patrimony values and proud to be part of its spirituality. The naturalist writer
Georges Eekhoud describes the word of hooligans in ill-famed neighborhoods. Another
writer of the same generation, Camille Lemonnier retraces the atmosphere specific to
the city in Bruxelles dautrefois, with its provincial kind ancient Flemish architecture,
with its impressive attractions, which are touristic sites today, with its bourgeois and
aristocratic traditions and customs. The city changes face at the end of the XIXth century, it becomes modern, geometric, an official city of castles and ministeries, an enormous administrative and government apparatus, which irreversibly leads to uprooting
or loss of identity. His touching estheticians perspective turns into that of o sociologist
and a psychologist.
Lide que chaque ville a son me, son cur, son atmosphre, son air est,
certes, un truisme. Pour Bruxelles, le truisme est valid, mais il convient de partir
dun constat amer en quelque sorte: cest une ville bien ancre dans son pass,
mais il lui manque la mythologie ou laura des autres grandes capitales de lEurope,
telles que Paris, Rome, Vienne ou Prague, etc, notamment parce quelle manque
de fleuve central1. Cependant, les propos de Michel de Ghelderode peuvent
constituer un point de dpart dans notre dmarche analytique: elle reste vive
cette petite flamme folle jaillie du phosphorique terreau bruxellois.
Capitale dun pays, la Belgique, qui se trouve au centre de lEurope,
Bruxelles se trouve elle aussi au cur de la Flandre et abrite un million dhabitants,
francophones dans leur majorit vivant sur un territoire flamand. Cest la ville sans
fleuve: la Senne, la rivire qui traversait jadis la ville a t vote et, prsent, son
cur bat dans les souterrains, le flux tari de la puante petite Senne comme la
dcrivait Camille Lemonnier2.

1 Lcrivain contemporain Jacques De Decker avoue qu lorigine de son roman La Grande Roue se
trouve le rve dcrire un roman sur Bruxelles, mais il y renonce quand il se rend compte quil na pas de
point de dpart, la ville nayant pas de mythologie personnelle, de pass historique clbre. Il publie
aux ditions Autrement Bruxelles, un guide intime o il rapporte des anecdotes lies aux crivains et aux
artistes belges.
2 C. Lemonnier, La vie belge, chap. Le Bruxelles dautrefois, dans P. Gorceix (d.) La Belgique fin de
sicle. Romans. Nouvelles. Thtre, Bruxelles, Ed. Complexe, 1997, p. 89. Toutes les rfrences seront tires
de cette dition.



Bruxelles des crivains trangers

Bruxelles a t la terre dasile de nombreux crivains trangers et de confluences interculturelles. Leurs regards aimants ou mprisants sur la ville la rduisent parfois quelques clichs ou strotypes. Tous les crivains de passage
Bruxelles (touristes ou exils, proscrits ou vagabonds) ont arpent la Grand-Place3, les
Galeries Saint-Hubert4, les abords de la Monnaie, ont robinsonn travers la
funeste jonction Nord-Midi, ce canal lenvers selon Jacques Brel, jonction qui
a spar le Quartier Royal et le Sablon du centre historique de la ville. Mme le
marquis de Sade notait dans son carnet de voyage que Bruxelles tait dj au XVIIIe
sicle une ville basse et haute la fois: cette ville est peu agrable par sa situation; il faut toujours monter et descendre dans ses rues.
Dans les annes 1870, Joris-Karl Huysmans recevait au 94 bis rue du Midi
ses admirateurs belges Verhaeren, Lemonnier, Flicien Rops, Tho Hannon. Cest
Bruxelles quil publiera Marthe, roman dune fille, qui peint les milieux de la prostitution. Il pense que Bruxelles est la terre promise des filles et des bires brunes, le
Chanaan des priapes et des soleries5.
Alexandre Dumas est stimul par le symbole de lesprit frondeur des Bruxellois, le Manneken-Pis6. Pour Baudelaire, nostalgique de Paris, le Manneken-Pis est
le pisseur et la fontaine baroque au bout de la rue des Pierres est le cracheur,
deux monuments emblmatiques des murs grossires bruxelloises. Il rdige sa
Belgique dshabille, un pamphlet littraire dune virulence inoue que les exgtes
ont justifie par seules la rancur et la maladie.
Le 10 juillet 1873, aprs une beuverie la Maison des brasseurs, Verlaine tire
deux fois sur son homme aux semelles de vent, Rimbaud, et le blesse au poignet. Incarcr lAmigo, la Vierge folle mdite ses futures Sagesses. Rimbaud
raconte sa dcevante aventure avec Verlaine dans Une Saison en enfer, confie
limprimeur bruxellois Jacques Poot deux mois aprs lincident. Rimbaud compose
Bruxelles Boulevard du Rgent et Alme (1872) do on cite les vers clbres:
Devant la splendide tendue o lon sente
Souffler la ville normment florissante
Cest trop beau! cest trop beau!

3 La Grand-Place, lobjectif touristique le plus connu de Bruxelles, rassemble les maisons des corporations. Depuis toujours, elle a t le forum de la vie politique et culturelle et le lieu de grande justice. On
y voit souvent des passants caressant le bras du gisant de la rue Charles Buls et prononant des vux.
4 Surnommes le Parapluie de Bruxelles, les Galeries, cres en 1847, taient dans la deuxime moiti du XIXe sicle le point de rencontre des proscrits franais. Victor Hugo mme fait salle comble dans le
cercle littraire 10, Galerie de la Reine. Dans la Galerie du Roi, le Thtre royal est un monument de vie
culturelle bruxelloise. En 1910, cest le lieu de la reprsentation du Mariage de Mademoiselle Beulemans
de Jean-Franois Fonson et Fernand Wicheler. Baudelaire avoue les avoir parcourues tous les jours huit
fois 250 pas par tour. De nos jours, les Galeries abritent aussi des commerces et des bistrots hupps.
5 Cit par Jol Goffrin, Sur les pas des crivains Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Les Editions de lOctogone, coll.
Promenades. Dcouvertes, 1997, p. 14.
6 Dans A travers la Belgique, il rapporte que la premire version en bronze de la statuette est sortie en
1648 de latelier de Duquesnoy, dit le Vieux et que, six ans plus tard, ce statuaire de la cathdrale SaintMichel sera brl sur la place du March Gand pour avoir viol un enfant de chur qui lui servait de



Lors dun premier sjour en Belgique, en aot 1837, Victor Hugo crit
sa femme pour lui faire part de ses premires impressions. Il lui dcrit la SainteGudule, avec ses vitraux et sa chaire exquis. Il arrive incognito Bruxelles en
1851 en fuyant le coup dEtat du futur Napolon III. Sa matresse lui adoucit
lexil. Il loue le beau panorama quil a sur lHtel de Ville, ce bijou comparable
la flche de Chartres, une blouissante fantaisie de pote tombe de la tte
dun architecte7. Curieusement, il sintresse au patrimoine de la capitale belge
et conseille mme ses diles au sujet de certaines restaurations architecturales,
comme par exemple la vieille tour de la porte de Laeken. Quant aux emblmes de
Bruxelles, il crit: Le plus populaire des monuments de Bruxelles, cest un enfant qui pleut; une autre fontaine clbre reprsente un bonhomme qui vomit.
Quelque chose de jovial, dobscne et de patriarcal.8 Le pome A Jules J., compos
en aot 1855 et plac dans le livre cinquime des Contemplations, est le seul qui
dcrive la Grand-Place dans toute son uvre. Il conserve cependant un souvenir
agrable de lhospitalit belge, comme il lcrit Van Hasselt: Certes, ce serait un
bonheur pour moi de revoir votre Belgique, que jappelle presque ma France; je
laime; jy ai pass des moments bien regretts, trop courts, hlas!9.
Bruxelles et le Thtre de la Monnaie jouent un rle important dans la vie de
Nerval. Cest l quil ressent les premiers signes de la folie. Le Thtre offre le dcor
de ses amours idales. Les trois chimresde la Monnaie sont trois femmes qui
hantent son imaginaire. Le pote sprend de la ville: Bruxelles est la lune de Parsi,
aimable satellite dailleurs, auquel on ne peut reprocher que davoir perdu, en nous
imitant, beaucoup de son originalit brabanonne10.
Bruxelles des crivains belges
On retrouve dparses vocations de Bruxelles la fin du XIXe sicle, en pleine
priode naturaliste. Dans Voyous de velours (1888), Georges Eekhoud (1867-1924)
dcrit le Bruxelles des bas-fonds, des voyous du quartier des Marolles11. Habitu
de la Taverne Greenwich, temple des joueurs dchecs lpoque, Eekhoud excelle
galement dans la peinture des parias de ce quartier populeux de Bruxelles quil
connat profondment12. Plus tard, Michel de Ghelderode livre un tmoignage du
mme quartier: Le long de cette via populi o les foules abolies ont moutonn,
cahot avec les armes, les troupeaux, les juifs, les plerins, les mendiants, les bagasses, les gyptiatiques toutes ces humanits magnifiques, rotiques, puantes,
violentes de gestes, cris et couleurs que Breughel voyait passer de sa fentre en
notre vnrable rue Haute. Oui, le gnie y pousse dru, il abonde en ce fief singulier
qui va de la chapelle la Lproserie de Saint-Pierre-les-Marolles13. Lglise Notre7 Bruxelles. Victor Hugo. Ecrits et correspondances, dition tablie par JeanMarc Hovasse, Bruxelles, Le
Cri, 1994, p. 7.
8 Ibidem, p. 12.
9 Cit par Jol Goffrin, op. cit., p. 19.
10 Cit par Jol Goffrin, op. cit., p. 25.
11 Les Marolles taient le quartier des ouvriers tailleurs au Moyen ge. Il a toujours incarn le bon
peuple bruxellois au coup de poing facile, mais la gnrosit sans limites.
12 G. Eekhoud a pass la majeure partie de sa vie dans la commune de Schaerbeek, au 407, rue du
Progrs. Un autre habitu de la Taverne de Greenwich fut le peintre surraliste Ren Magritte.
13 Michel de Ghelderode, Toone et les Marionnettes bruxelloises, cit par Jol Goffrin, op. cit., p. 28.



Dame de la Chapelle est lie au nom de Breughel lAncien qui y est enterr et fait
ladmiration de Baudelaire et de Rodin.
Lhistoire des quartiers bruxellois est trs mouvemente: si Saint-Gry reste
le cur historique de la ville, Saint-Jacques, point de ralliement des Bruxellois
moyengeux qui voulaient entamer le plerinage Compostelle, est devenu de
nos jours un quartier gay, vivant et anim la nuit. Le nom de Suzanne Lilar, lauteur
dune autobiographie qui fait date dans lhistoire des lettres belges, Une enfance
gantoise, est li au quartier du petit Sablon.
Le tmoignage le plus fidle provient de Camille Lemonnier qui rassemble
dans le chapitre Le Bruxelles dautrefois du recueil La vie belge les souvenirs
denfance dun Bruxellois de la premire moiti du XIXe sicle. Lemonnier retrace
latmosphre spciale et larchitecture dune ville de vieux quartiers aux torves
ruelles sangulant darchitectures en saillies, se cassant en profils de guingois, se
pnombrant dhumides bues ressues de lgout, dune ville qui, parmi les
autres capitales europennes, gardait avec enttement une physionomie part,
bourgeoise et populaire, sans morgue, et prfrait sassoupir en des coins de bguinages autour des chevets dglises pour se rveiller ailleurs en des tapages de
voiries, des rumeurs de marchs, un ronflement de petites industries; []14. A
lpoque, Bruxelles tait une ville qui dgringolait des raidillons, se rticulait en
des lacis de venelles et dimpasses, affluait au goulot des carrefours, passait des
ponts, bouillonnait dans des entonnoirs de maonneries lzardes aux pignons
titubants, aux gables en gueules de brochet, en dents de scie, en proue de navire,
aux frontons bistourns se cimant durnes, de lampions, dastrolables, se festonnant de torsades sculptes, se bosselant en bas-reliefs15.
Lvocation de latmosphre particulire de Bruxelles se fait en insistant sur
la description dtaille des lments architecturaux spcifiques: des ruelles en
pente dentele, des maisons avec des toits en pignon, des frontons en gueule de
brochet ou en dents de scie, des torsades festonnes et sculptes, tous ces lments constituent les traits dfinitoires dune grande ville. La mtaphore image
de la ville se bosselant de bas-reliefs souligne le talent incontestable de Lemonnier dont le style descriptif est minemment pictural.
Bruxelles est la ville qui se concentre dans un primtre lgendaire
dont le foyer central est lHtel de Ville et la Grand-Place, repres vitaux dans ce
cur tumultueux de la cit. Lvocation continue par le rapport entre le centre
(lHtel de Ville et la Grand-Place) et la priphrie, la banlieue dont le trait spcifique est depuis toujours lagglomration. Les bas quartiers ont des murailles
dcortiques, des btisses blettes, verruques dexcroissances parasites,
des barrages dcluses, des roues de moulins, des arches moussues, des
cloaques16 stagnants aux dcrues en glus duvetes, en cumes ocreuses, en flaques
Lvocation de la ville ne serait pas accomplie sans parler de la Senne, la
rivire bourbeuse qui la traversait. Le court passage en question est dans le style
naturaliste qui consacrera plus tard Lemonnier comme chef de file du courant. La
Senne est putride, un dpotoir public: cuve de fermentation sous un pullule14

C. Lemonnier, La vie belge, p. 82.

Ibidem, pp. 82-83.
Cest nous qui soulignons en italiques.
Ibidem, p. 83.



ment de moustiques et de mouches charbonneuses, un vaste alambic dont

lbullition fumait en bues chaudes et do effluait des gaz morbifres, dans
dautres termes, un cours deau malpropre cause de tous les dchets et rsidus
domestiques et industriels qui sy dversaient. Cependant, la rivire tait anime
par le barbotement des canards sous la chevelure longue des saules et par les
rverbrations de lanternes et de lumignons18.
Bruxelles lpoque de lenfance de Lemonnier a la physionomie dune capitale dbonnaire, douce, provinciale, vtuste, qui vit dans le respect de ses traditions et coutumes, tiquetes comme murs casanires et grassement matrielles19.
Comme dans la narration filmique, la description va du panoramique au
travelling: Lemonnier revoit les couples (des mnages) placides et obsoltes,
envelopps dans des silences de chapelle pleurant leurs cires chaudessur les genoux de bonnes femmes en capuces et manteaux de cotonnette20.
Les rues, miroir de la vie citadine, feuillages comme des futaies, prsentent des dfils de cortges religieux qui passent en psalmodiant des litanies. Elles
taient plus animes lors des kermesses, ftes populaires traditionnelles flamandes
dont les gants Janneke et Mieke sont les symboles les plus puissants.
Un souvenir qui est cher Lemonnier sont les balades familiales du dimanche qui acquirent la valeur dun rituel: le pre emmne ses enfants entendre la
fanfare militaire au Parc (situ vis--vis du Palais Royal) et leur offre des gaufres au
Moon Jan. Lcrivain brosse la douce atmosphre familiale conviviale de manire
presque proustienne: les saveurs des desserts de lenfance, mangs dimanche,
dans laprs-midi, sont rveusement remmores.
Bruxelles tait lpoque une ville boise: le pique-nique dans les
clairires qui se trouvaient dans la priphrie de la ville, non pas comme plus tard
dans le Bois de la Cambre, mais Tervuren, tait une vraie expdition pour lenfant
Lemonnier, assoiff de mystres et de lgendes. Pour les bourgeois belges, connus
comme bons viveurs, il y avait une rgion de grosses auberges qui proposaient
des menus populaires21 qui constituaient une attraction snobe. Lorsque ces zones
priphriques taient bondes de villgiaturistes, ctait le signal du dbut de la
saison estivale.
Un autre fait qui relve de la culture populaire, de la saine et sainte tradition
bruxelloise, est la promenade en bande (un groupe dune dizaine de personnes
prcd dun tambour et dun drapeau, reprsentant de quelque socit royale:
du tir larc, du jeu de quille ou danciens militaires). Cette tradition est hrite du
bon roi Lopold (Ier), grand amateur de cette Grande Harmonie, qui, lcrivain
de souche bourgeoise ne peut pas ne pas le faire remarquer de manire ironique,
avait anobli mme de simples marchands de poissons22.
Lhomme de lettres qui brosse le portrait de la vie bruxelloise de jadis noublie
pas dvoquer les libraires et les bouquinistes installs rue de la Madeleine, qui vendaient des manuels classiques, du papier, des plumes et des crayons. Figures insolites, ces braves marchands desprits comme les appellera plus tard Anatole

Ibidem, p. 83.
Ibidem, p. 83.
Ibidem, p. 83.
Comme la fricadelle aux chalotes, le beefteack sur le grill et le goujon la pole.
La vie belge, p. 85.



France, constituaient sans conteste lattraction du quartier, de la journe. Cest bien

eux que Lemonnier doit son initiation aux Fleurs du Mal baudelairiennes.
Lorsque le ressouvenir arrive dans les annes 1830, le lecteur se met au
courant dautres pratiques sociales de la gent bourgeoise bruxelloise de lpoque:
la sortie du Thtre de la Monnaie, les hommes frquentaient des endroits hightlife, des estaminets et des cabarets-clubs authentiques o ils prenaient de la bire
(de Louvain) un autre brand belge notoire et lisaient les trois seuls journaux
de lpoque (LOracle, Le Petit Courrier des Pays Bas et Le Lynx). Le fameux caf des
Mille-Colonnes, en tant que phare de la vie mondaine, offrait ses clients le privilge de voir son patron, chose indite, allumer lui-mme le gaz de ltablissement,
dans un geste de socialisation ostentatoire. Le Bruxelles des annes 1830 ntait
pas encore envahi par les vigilantes (le fiacre bruxellois). Le premier omnibus, le
vlocifre, apparat vers 1836.
Une atmosphre idyllique rgne dans Bruxelles: le roi navait pas encore
impos dtiquette svre. Limage de la ville se complte par limage de la cour
royale: une cour dorures et panaches, ferblanteries et chamarrures,
une cour vtue superbement en or, des pieds jusqu la tte23. Limage finit par
lvocation de la figure du roi Lopold Ier, le roi philosophe, mtin dAnglais et
dAllemand, lair cordial et lucide, matre dans lart de la diplomatie (art correct
de diplomate narquois). Lobjet-totem du Parc, larbre de la Libert, visible de la
fentre royale, est une figure pittoresque, mtaphoriquement dsigne comme la
sentinelle du Parc, ou encore le gendarme populaire, le gardien des droits de
la nation, prsent mme dans lhymne national de la Brabanonne (Sous larbre de
la Libert). Larbre et le Parc forment tous deux un dcor historique unique24.
La tradition des quatre Glorieuses et le dfil des guildes du mois de
septembre sont une occasion de mtamorphose en kermesse hroco-populaire
o rgne le concours de tir larc. Pendant quatre journes toutes sortes de concours bourgeois entranent les participants. Il sagit dune fte qui a dur un demisicle, runissant aristocrates, menu peuple et bourgeois, annonce par des salves
de canon. Les guildes et les confrries arboraient leurs tendards et traversaient
la ville en chantant. Lindustrie cessait lactivit pendant cette grande kermesse
nationale. Bruxelles est extrmement anime, vit dans le tumulte et les remuemnage populaires. Il retrouve aprs son calme et le ronron de la vie
quotidienne 25. Seul le bruit de ses cloches se fait entendre, le Bruxellois revient
ses promenades bourgeoises dominicales, le long des champs de pommes
de terre en fleur (loc. cit.). Une fois disparue cette kermesse nationale, il reste
Bruxelles la fte de juillet (la ducasse de juillet). Le passage clt sur une conclusion nostalgique: les beaux souvenirs se sont noys ou se refltent de manire
dforme dans la Senne tarie et puante, qui mandrait, sillait travers lchiquier
des maisons emplissant tout de sa puanteur et de ses activits de petit flot
(loc. cit.).
23 Ibidem, p. 87.
24 La Place Royale, situe entre le Palais et le Parc na pratiquement pas chang depuis le XVIIIe. A partir
de la seconde moiti du sicle, le Quartier Royal attire les gens fortuns et les artistes la mode. Balzac
y descend en aot 1846, accompagn de la comtesse Hanska. Eugne Fromentin, lauteur de Dominique
dcrit lHtel Belle-Vue qui sy trouve. Le thtre Royal du parc est connu pour le cration de nombreuses pices dauteurs belges: Maeterlinck, Van Lerberghe, Verhaeren, Crommelynck, Ghelderode.
25 La vie belge, p. 89.



Mais, vers la moiti du XIX sicle, il se passe cependant une chose importante: tout Bruxelles scroule pour renatre de ses cendres. Le fonctionnaire et
le petit rentier se retirent dans les quartiers priphriques boiss, des gens de finances, les grands industriels et les aristocrates se regroupent prs du Palais Royal,
de la lgislature, des ministres, des ambassades, dans un mouvement centripte
qui dveloppe lesprit de caste. On y fait btir des htels patriciens, dcors de
chicores et festonns de guirlandes26. Bruxelles acquiert une modernit prtentieuse qui fait natre des orgies btissires de la priode dhaussmanisation,
savoir des recettes architecturales mixtes, aux nougats et aux pices montes
de tout calibre. Le rsultat en est le triomphe du moule ptissier (loc. cit.).
Ensuite, le Bruxelles bourgeois chante gorge dploye aprs avoir bien mang
et bu. La ville fte nimporte quoi: les rois, les saints patrons, les anniversaires, les
enterrements: On se rendait au cabaret comme la Sainte messe, dans de
petits estaminets tranquilles, intimes, frais, odorant la pipe et les futailles27,
raconte lcrivain avec un regard amus. En fait, le texte le dit, Bruxelles ne cessait
de manger que pour boire. Lme du vieux Bruxelles chantait l, une me honnte, placide, matrielle, mais la fois embue de bire et gave de nourriture
(loc. cit.).
Bruxelles reste cependant surann et goguelu, encore une ville provinciale. Le vieux Bruxelles pantelle, croule, smiette et reste pour longtemps une
prodigieuse friche de dcombres. La mtamorphose architecturale est dcrite
dans un vocabulaire chirurgical: la brique est ventre, la ville saigne par larges
plaies ou encore, dans un passage plus long: Une chirurgie brutale, furieuse,
une rage dassainissement incisait la ville aux quatre veines, scarifiait les chairs gangreneuses, taillant comme dans un abattoir, faisant de tous ces halliers de maisons,
de ces futaies humaines des boucheries de moellons28. Les vieux estaminets, les
savoureuses auberges, les antiques chandelleries, les boutiques auvent, tout
svanouit, disparat, les quartiers pauvres, le ventre et les entrailles (lestomac et
les viscres dans le texte) de ce Bruxelles gras, intemprant, glouton. La capitale
en souffre, puisquil ne reste que les petites rues des alentours de la Grand-Place et
les deux emblmes de la ville: le Cracheur (le vomisseur) et le Manneken-Pis.
Une nouvelle ville vit le jour. Aprs luvre de reconstruction de la ville,
il nat dans la seconde moiti du sicle un Bruxelles nouveau (cest le titre mme
du sous-chapitre suivant). Une ville gomtrique avec des avenues interminables,
des perspectives cubiques, de correctes vicinalits, bref une ville modernise,
avec des kilomtres de pavs la place des zones vertes. Cette nouvelle ville est
[] tire au cordeau, regratte, passe la ripe et la pierre ponce, dblaye du
bric--brac de ses antiquits, btie neuf [mais] sans plus doriginalit foncire.
La nouvelle ville respecte les principes de la symtrie, a des rues filant
droit, prfre une architecture en toc et en stuc, en staf, ce qui est une empreinte
de leuropanisme. Ce nest que le dbut de ce qui reprsente Bruxelles aujourdhui,
au dbut du XXIe sicle, sur la carte de lEurope: une ville officielle de palais, de
casernes et de ministres, un norme outillage administratif et gouvernemental,
une ville qui, du temps de Lemonnier, abritait une foule modre et tempre,
insuffisante pour surpeupler les grandes artres, une ville sommeillante, un peu

26 Ibidem, p. 90.
27 Ibidem, p. 91.
28 Ibidem, p. 92.



engourdie dans un bien-tre uniforme, qui continue vivre dans lostentation du

luxe et de la dpense.
La description de cette volution est suivie dun commentaire relatif au
dracinement identitaire: Tandis que la nerveuse me wallonne sagrafait plus
loin aux rches ossatures dun sol rocheux, la rgion circumurbaine, dans ses terreaux mous restait flamande, drue, paisse, charnoyeuse, garrulant un immuable
et lourd patois29.
Il convient de rappeler une particularit de la vie bruxelloise de lpoque.
Il nat dans la banlieue bruxelloise, pour des loyers mdiocres, un confort relatif:
une famille peut habiter laise une maison 6-8 pices, avec une petite pelouse
devant et une vranda. Mme les familles un peu dmunies, avec un petit budget,
pouvaient se le permettre. Un acquis essentiel en ce qui concerne lanthropologie
sociale: les gens renoncent la promiscuit de lhabitation en commun. Il apparat une nouvelle figure, insolite, importante dans la vie bruxelloise: le concierge
dimmeuble, animal dimportation, bipde exotique30, qui drague sans vergogne
les passants. Vivre en quartier devient le desideratum majeur du petit bourgeois
(un dchet moral selon Lemonnier), petit bourgeois qui aime la distribution
moderne de la maison, en paliers et en tages: le casematage des chambres qui
le font ressembler un caravansrail de voyageurs de commerce31, note lcrivain
avec acidit.
Lemonnier porte un regard desthte sur le Bruxelles du XIXe sicle, un tre
bicphale: lancienne et la nouvelle ville de la premire et, respectivement, de la
seconde moiti du sicle. Les vocations se font dans un registre lyrique spcifique la remmoration des souvenirs denfance, embellis rtrospectivement. Rien
nchappe linventaire affectif: larchitecture des maisons et des rues, les commentaires sur la Senne, les coutumes bourgeoises pour le bien-tre (les balades
familiales, les kermesses populaires et la frquentation des estaminets). Mme
si cest une ville obsolte et dbonnaire, son atmosphre vtuste et idyllique est
unique. Le regard attendri change lorsque lcrivain parle par la suite du renouveau de la ville d un pouvoir politique permissif. Le nouveau Bruxelles, dune
modernit prtentieuse, nat aprs 1850, dans lesprit de gomtrie, de symtrie
calcule, dordre. Tandis que le centre spanouit dans le luxe, la priphrie choisit
le confort modr. Le regard desthte glisse en regard de sociologue et de psychologue lorsque lcrivain juge les ralits contemporaines et les changements
architecturaux les plus importants qui ont men aux changements de mentalit
de la gent bruxelloise.
1. Bruxelles. Victor Hugo. Ecrits et correspondances, dition tablie par JeanMarc Hovasse,
Bruxelles, Le Cri, 1994.
2. P. Gorceix (d.) La Belgique fin de sicle. Romans. Nouvelles. Thtre, Bruxelles, Ed. Complexe,
3. Jol Goffrin, Sur les pas des crivains Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Les Editions de lOctogone, coll.
Promenades. Dcouvertes, 1997.

29 Le vie belge, p. 94.

30 Ibidem, p. 96.
31 Ibidem, p. 95.




Free International University of Moldova

Fructele mniei de John Steinbeck, despre soarta tragic a fermierilor oropsii

in timpul Marii Depresiuni, constituie o epopee a vieii poporului american. Romanul
este de puternic dramatism, cu trsturi naturaliste, strbtut de ideea unui determinism biologic i social cruia eroii nu i se pot sustrage. Specifica romanului este intersectarea unui filon de realism aspru, manifestat pe plan social in lupta nverunat
dintre sraci i bogai, iar in cel al tehnicii literare in relatarea polemic a faptelor, cu
filonul liric si descriptive, uneori romantic, nu lipsit de ncrctur alegoric, prin care
ambiana Californiei locul predilect al ntmplrilor se particularizeaz.
Throughout historical evolution of the world and societies, social and economic circumstances have been separating people into rich and poor. The period
of the Great Depression in the USA (1930s) resulted in the poverty of many people.
It was a devastating time as it was characterized by declines in the production
and sale of goods and by a sudden, severe rise in unemployment. Businesses and
banks closed their doors, people lost their jobs, homes and savings, many of them
depended on charity to survive.
The Great Depression brought pain and suffering, especially for the owners of small farms and farm workers. Already low prices for their goods fell by 50
percent between 1929 and 1932. While many people went hungry, surplus crops
couldnt be sold for a profit.
Natural forces inflicted another blow on farmers. Beginning in Arkansas in
1930, a severe drought spread across the Great Plains through the middle of the
decade. Once-productive topsoil turned to dust that was carried away by strong
winds, piling up in drifts against houses and barns. Parts of Kansas, Oklahoma,
Texas, New Mexico and Colorado became known as Dust Bowl, as the drought destroyed the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of small farmers. Packing up their
families and meager possessions, many of these farmers migrated to California in
search of work. The famous American author John Steinbeck created an unforgettable fictional portrait of their fate in the novel The Grapes of Wrath.
As a major literary figure since 1930s, Steinbeck displays in his writing a characteristic respect of the poor and oppressed. Many critics have noted the sense of
gritty, unflinching realism pervading The Grapes of Wrath. Martha Heasley Cox
considers The Grapes of Wrath to be Steinbecks masterpiece. Its power lies not
only in its searching historical track about homelessness; it is also the story of migration of people [2, 7]. American scholar, Robert DeMott called The Grapes of
Wrath a chronicle of the Depression. Steinbeck doesnt only describe the plight of
migrant workers, but also offers a pointed criticism of the politics that had caused
that plight [3, 28].
In stark and moving detail, John Steinbeck depicts the lives of ordinary people striving to preserve their humanity in the face of social and economic despera111


tion. The Grapes of Wrath represents a bitter conflict between the powerful and
powerless and peoples fierce reaction to injustice. The image invoked by the title
serves a crucial symbol in the development of both the plot and the novel great
thematic concepts.
Steinbeck begins the novel with a description of the dust bowl climate of
Oklahoma. The dust is so thick that men and women have to remain in their houses, and when they have to leave they tie handkerchiefs over their faces and wear
goggles to protect their eyes. After the wind had stopped, an even blanket of dust
covered the earth. The corn crop is ruined. A sense of hopelessness sets in almost
immediately: everybody wonders what they will do: The men were silent and they
did not move often. And the women came out of the houses to stand beside their
men to feel whether this time the men would break [7, 5].
The author starts the novel with ominous portents of the hardship to
come. He describes the coming of the dust in terms befitting a biblical plague. The
first chapter serves to give the novel an epic sweep and to remind the reader that
the book has a strong historical basis.
The first character to appear in the novel is Tom Joad who is paroled from
prison after serving four years for manslaughter. Tom approaches a small diner
where a large red truck is parked. When the truck driver leaves the diner, Tom asks
him for a ride, despite the No Riders sticker on the truck: But sometimes a guyll
be a good guy even if some rich bastard makes him carry a [No Riders] sticker [7,9].
The driver feeling trapped by the statement, lets the man have a ride.
The Oklahoma City Transport Company is both imposing and intrusive,
a symbol of corporate domination as shown by the No Riders sticker so prominently displayed. Tom Joad immediately picks up on the idea of business as cold
and heartless when he asks the driver for a ride. The novel is unsparingly critical of
business and the rich: they serve only to keep truck drivers isolated. A persistent
strain of anti-elitism runs through the novel as well as contempt that Tom and the
truck driver show towards big business and the rich [3,34].
To convey the main idea, Steinbeck uses various stylistic devices. At the
side of the road Tom sees a turtle crawling and dragging its shell over the grass.
The turtle is a metaphor for the working class farmers whose stories and
struggles are recounted in the The Grapes of Wrath. The turtle plods along dutifully but is consistently confronted with danger and setbacks. Significantly, the
dangers posed to the turtle are those of modernity and business. It is the intrusion
of cars and building of highways that endanger the turtle. The Joad family experience similar travails as the turtle, wishing only to survive, yet are brutally pushed
aside by corporate interests.
After getting out of truck, Tom Joad begins walking home. On his journey,
he meets a preacher, Jim Casy, whom he remembered from his childhood and they
start to travel together.
Jim Casy is the moral voice of the novel and its religious center. He is a
religious icon, a philosopher and a prophet. American critic David Wyatt believes
that Jim Casys initials (J.C) reveal that Steinbeck intends him to be a Christ figure
espousing Steinbecks interpretation of religious doctrine [9, 81].
When Tom and Jim arrive at Toms childhood farm, they find it deserted.
Disconcerted, they go to Uncles Johns residence a few miles away, where they see


the family loading a truck with everything they owned for a move to California, the
land of hope and opportunity.
The Grapes of Wrath makes a potent appeal to emotions. Highly charged
emotional scenes, dramatic or pathetic, follow one another in rapid succession.
Before leaving for California, poor farmers meet bank representatives, who
come to evict them. Some of them are kind because they know how cruel their
job is.
After bank representatives, Steinbeck describes the arrival of the tractors:
The tractors came over the road and into fields, great crawlers moving like insects,
having the incredible strength of insects [7, 37]. The tractor driver has to do his job
simply out of necessity: he has to feed his children, even if it comes at the expense
of dozen of families.
Steinbeck dramatizes a conversation between a truck driver and an evicted tenant farmer. The farmer threatens to kill the driver, but even if he did so, he
wouldnt stop the bank.
For Steinbeck, the banks have no redeeming value. They are completely
devoid of human characteristics, they are monstrosities that breathe profits and
can never be satiated. The author explicitly states that the bank is inhuman, and
the bank owner with fifty thousand acres is a monster: A bank isnt like a man. Or
an owner with fifty thousand acres, he isnt like a man either. Thats the monster
[7, 35].
Steinbeck describes the movement of the tractors over the ground as indiscriminate and hostile. The tractors move arbitrarily over all land, violently slicing
the ground with their blades. The author first equates the plowing with surgery,
but goes further to compare it with rape, a cold and passionless intrusion into the
land unconnected with human emotion.
The sale of the items is a demeaning process, for the farmers must accept
ridiculously low prices for their now outdated possessions. Steinbeck is explicit
about the meaning of the sales; he states that youre not buying only junk, youre
buying junked lives [7, 66]. This is another example of the dehumanizing effects of
the Depression. The situation is hopeless: there is no opportunity to starting over,
for the people who are leaving are now imbued with bitterness and loss.
The author also criticizes car dealership owners, who want only to exploit
impoverished buyers. They do not profit from selling cars that will last, but rather
from finding the most ill-used vehicle, giving it the appearance of reliability, and
pawning it off on desperate farmers wishing to get to California. There is no compassion in the car sales, but rather a perpetual cycle of exploitation.
On their way to California, the Joads discover that the roads and highways
are saturated with thousands of other families making the same trek, ensured by
the same promise.
When the Joads stop for gas not long after they begin their trip west, they
are met by a hostile station attendant, who accuses of being beggars and vagrants.
While there, a fancy roadster runs down their dog and leaves it dead in the middle
of the road. The gruesome death continues the first of many symbols foreshadowing the tragedies that await the family. The death of the dog is followed by the
death of actual family members.


The journey to California in a rickety used truck is long and arduous. Dilapidated cars and trucks, loaded down with scrappy possessions, clogged Highway
66: it seems the entire country is on their way to the Promised Land of California:
on the highways the people moved like ants and searched for work, for food..
[7,295]. The Joads hear ominous rumor of a depleted job market. One migrant tells
them that 20.000 people showed up for every 800 jobs and that his own children
starved to death. The Joads understand that their prospects may not be what they
had hoped, but they have to go on as they had no other choice.
The agreement between the Joads and the Wilsons to help each other on
their way to California is a significant plot development, for it is in collective interests that these families find their strength. This is the first building block in a collectivist scheme that Steinbeck seems to support in which working people come
together for their collective interests.
The first days in California prove to be tragic for the Joads: Grandma Joad
dies. The remained members of the family move from one squalid camp to another, looking in vain for work, struggling to find food, and trying desperately to hold
their family together. The Joads are met with much hostility in California. For them
the Promised Land becomes the land of despair. The camps are overcrowded and
full of starving migrants, who are often nasty to each other. The local people are
fearful and angry at the flood of newcomers, whom they derisively labeled Okies.
Work is almost impossible to find for it pays such a meager wage that familys full
days work cannot buy a decent meal.
Keith Windschuttle in her article Steinbecks Myth of the Okies speaks
about poverty and despair of migrant workers: Formerly tenant farmers with relative security and independence, they soon became migrant laborers, at the mercy
of the rich, struggling to maintain their pride [8, 7].
To show how desperately poor the migrant workers are Steinbeck describes
a very touching scene. A migrant worker with his two sons stops at a roadside
lunch wagon to buy a loaf of bread. The waitress does not want to be bothered:
she is waiting for track drivers whom she considers to be better customers. But she
gives in, and ends by letting each of them have a nickel candy for a penny.
The scene is understated. Each person in it is realized as an individual human
being proud of humble, mean or generous, outgoing or introverted though the
scene is so brief.
Life is a ramshackle camp known as a Hooverville proves to be hard for
the Joads. Tom and several men get into a heated argument with a deputy sheriff
over whether workers should organize a union. When the argument turns violent,
Jim Casy knocks the sheriff unconscious and is arrested. Police officers come and
announce their intention to burn the Hooverville to the ground.
A government run camp is more hospitable to people, and the Joads soon
find many friends and a bit of work. Although the life in the government camp is
good, the family cannot survive without steady work and they have to move on.
They find a job picking up fruit. The beauty of the orange orchards in California is
contrasted with the desperate situation of the migrated workers. Oranges cannot
be sold, because rich farmers keep up the price.
The rich owners in the novel are characterized as paranoid, vindictive and
cowardly. Steinbeck even makes explicit contrast between the cowardly owners


and Grandpa, a fearless old man even in his final days. The rich owners have wealth,
but they suffer from loneliness and fear.
Jim Casy after being released from jail begins organizing workers, in the process Casy made many enemies among the landowners. When the police hunt him
and kill in Toms presence, Tom retaliates and kills a police officer. He goes into
hiding, while the family moves into a boxcar on a cotton farm. One day Ruthie, the
youngest Joad daughter reveals to a girl in the camp that her brother has killed two
men and is hiding nearby. Fearing for his safety, Ma Joads finds Tom and sends him
away. Tom heads off to fulfill Jims task of organizing the migrant workers. The end
of cotton season means the end of work, and a word sweeps across the land that
there will be no jobs for three months: Rain. Winter. Floods. No work. No relief. Illness. Mud. Begging. Hunger. StealingNo work, no money, no food [7, 454].
Rose of Sharon gives birth to a stillborn child, and Ma, desperate to get her
family to safety from the floods, leads them to a dry barn not far away. Here they
find a young boy kneeling over his father, who is slowly starving to death. He has
not eaten for days, giving whatever food he had to his son. Realizing that Rose of
Sharon is now producing milk, Ma sends the others outside, so that her daughter
could nurse the dying man. This final act is said to illustrate the depravity to which
Okies are forced to submit, but also the endurance of humanity. So the novel ends
in a surprising note of hope.
In the last few pages of the novel, Steinbeck employs many symbols, a number of which refer directly to the episodes in the Bible. Rose of Sharons capacities
and grief for her dead child make her resemble Virgin Mother and suggest that
there is hope to be found even in these circumstances.
The way in which Uncle John disposes of the childs corpse recalls Moses
being sent down the Nile. The image suggests that the family like the Hebrews in
Egypt will be delivered from the slavery.
According to Steinbecks scholar, Peter Lisca, the author uses three specific
literary devices to minimize destruction and bring together parts of the novel: juxtaposition, dramatization and the variety of prose style.
One technique used to unify the separate parts of the novel is juxtaposition. Details are consistently and repeatedly inter-related between narrative and
intercalary chapters.
The second technique is dramatization. The use of collage vignettes, monologues and dialogues are designed to show the social and historical processes behind the events described in the story of the Joads.
Many tragedies in the book serve to foreshadow future sorrows. Thus, the
death of the grandparents and the reports of people returning in despair from
California are sources of sadness in themselves but they also predict further problems.
The Grapes of Wrath invites interpretation on more than one level. On one
level, it is a story of the familys struggle for survival. On another level, it is a story
of migration of people. On the third level, it is the story of American nation. On the
fourth level, through the allusions to Christ and the Israelites, it becomes the story
of mankinds quest for profound comprehension of the commitment to his fellowman and to the earth he inhabits.


In many ways dust-bowl migration is similar to the migration of workforce from Moldova. The same as Joads, Moldovan people are forced to leave the
land they love. They both go to the Promised Land in search of job, prosperity and
1. Bruckner, Pascal. Mizeria prosperitii, Bucuresti, Editura Trei, 2002
2. Cox, Martha Heasley. The Grapes of Wrath, San Jose State University, 1981
3. DeMott, Robert. The Journals of the Grapes of Wrath, New York, Oxford University Press,
4. Lisca, Peter. The Grapes of Wrath: Text and Critisism, New York, Viking Critical Library, 1992
5. Shillinglaw, Susan. The Grapes of Wrath: A Special Issue, San Jose State University, 1997
6. Stein, Walter. California and the Dust Bowl Migration, Westport, Ct, Greenwood Press,
7. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath, London, Penguin Classics, 2000
8. Windschuttle, Keith. Steinbecks Myth of the Okies, New York, Viking Critical Library, 2006
9. Wyatt, David. New Essays on the Grapes of Wrath, New York, Macmillan, 1990



Retorica discursului publicistic

la Nicolae Dabija
Academia de tiine a Moldovei

What prevails in Nicolae Dabijas journalistic production is both the wish to support interest and that to persuade the reader of the reliability of the content. The author
chooses the most ilustrative formulations to express the reason and the feelings of the
reader. The syntactic analysis of Dabijas press material gives us an additional reason
to point out its high level of acquaintance with poetry. Indeed, ellipses, fragmentary
expression, preference for parataxis, obliteration of the conventional syntactic connections are attributes of modern lyric, which journalistic discourse successfully adopts.
By its unique building, the journalistic discourse of Dabija denotes a high sense
of the Romanian language, a great sensibility to phonetic issues, the talent of an orator
who knows how to use his discursive means at best to fit the requirements of reading.

n pofida tendinei mass media contemporane spre aspectul fatic al

comunicrii, acesta, n presa din Republica Moldova, nc nu eclipseaz conativul,
fapt explicabil prin ceea ce percep jurnalitii drept restane ale contiinei colective. n discursul su publicistic N. Dabija nsumeaz diverse tactici de argumentare,
intenionnd ca la nivel teoretic s produc n contiina cititorului schimbarea,
care, la nivel practic, s-l pun n aciune. Publicistul selecteaz cele mai expresive
construcii retorice pentru a impresiona raiunea i a convinge sensibilitatea cititorului. Discursul este astfel unul ilocuionar, intenia autorului e recunoscut de
receptor drept aseriune, rugminte, ordin, promisiune, scuz [Ionescu Ruxndoiu
Liliana, p. 13]. n acelai timp, ornamentele retoricii sunt mrcile nu doar ale
concreteii argumentative, dar i ale expresivitii specifice stilului publicistic.
Din punct de vedere retoric, ordinea cuvintelor constituie aspectul cel
mai important al sintaxei, menioneaz Emilia Parpal-Afana [p. 189]. Principiul
simetriei sintactice, ca garanie a armoniei frazei, este o preocupare esenial a lui
N. Dabija, att n publicistic, ct i n poezie. Organizarea prozodic (secionarea
versurilor, situarea lor n paralelism) are la el raiuni eufonice, ritmice, denotnd
grija poetului fa de construcie.
Metataxele, ca figuri ale insistenei, sunt foarte solicitate de finalitatea
argumentativ i persuasiv a creaiei lui Nicolae Dabija. ntr-o publicistic preponderent retoric, enumerrile, repetiiile i amplificrile sunt piloni importani de
susinere a oratoricului. n cadrul unei singure fraze coabiteaz mai multe figuri
metatactice: Acei eroi anonimi, sutele i miile care s-au culcat sub tancuri, riscndu-i viaa i din motiv c tanchitii (de emoie? de fric? din nesiguran?) puteau
grei lesne direcia i nainta cu enilele peste ei i copiii lor, i astzi ca i atunci,
la 1989, sunt n majoritatea lor nite oameni desperai, flmnzi, furai, minii,
n cutare de dreptate i adevr, pe cnd tanchitii, care se nchiseser atunci de
frica mulimilor n sediul Consiliului de Minitri, de multe ori am impresia c acolo
au i rmas (nsemnri de pe front, p. 254). Sinecdoca se muleaz pe repetiia cvasi117


sinonimic, exprimnd o turbulen lingvistic izvort din interioritatea activ a

autorului. Lanul ternar de epitete (furai, minii etc.) este o form de insisten i
de amplificare descriptiv.
Enumerarea este o schem sintactic n care N. Dabija a excelat i pe care a
dezvoltat-o n variante deseori surprinztoare prin elementul final, care e de fapt
raportorul reflexivitii auctoriale: Dumnezeu ne bate cu ger, furtuni, inundaii
i cu discordie; Dumnezeu ne bate cu secet, cu srcie i cu idioi (Libertatea
are chipul lui Dumnezeu, p. 79). Se contureaz, n cadrul acestui fel de enumeraii,
zeugma figur de stil care pune pe acelai plan sintactic elemente contrastante
semantic. Sunt asociate elemente abstracte cu elemente concrete pentru efect de
surpriz, dei efectul poetic e artificial: discordia, idioii sunt emanaie uman, i
nicidecum divin. De fapt, intenia autorului este ca lectorul s descopere, dincolo
de uniformitatea sintactic, surpriza semantic: Slav Domnului! Republica Moldova e independent, e suveran! i-i are Preedintele ei, Guvernul ei, Parlamentul
ei, pucriile ei (Libertatea are chipul lui Dumnezeu, p. 27). Aici intenia elementului
de la urm este de a anula valoarea pozitiv a celorlali termeni cu care e coordonat [Zafiu Rodica, p. 43]. Discontinuitatea semantic provine din dorina autorului
de a persifla (eufemistic) atributele pe care le afieaz libertatea din spaiul est-prutean. Rsturnarea semantic n cadrul unei uniformiti sintactice este binevenit
pentru o receptare mai savuroas de ctre lector.
Accentuarea enumerrilor sporete printr-o construcie paratactic, n care
conjuncia i, relundu-se abundent, deine un rol focalizator: Dac urmm
aceast logic, i limba pe care o vorbim noi acum aparine unui stat strin... i
drapelul. i stema. i tefan cel Mare. i Mihai Eminescu. i balada Mioria (Icoan
spart, Basarabia, p. 74). Enumerarea n gradaie ascendent sau descendent (climax sau anticlimax) are funcie de acumulare semantic: Suntem rspunztori de
destinul poporului nostru: n faa lui Dumnezeu, n faa strmoilor, n faa copiilor i a copiilor copiilor notri (Icoan spart Basarabia, p. 34). Deseori, n publicistica lui Dabija, enumerarea are valoare antonimic, fcnd o raportare direct la
predilecia autorului pentru poezia animat de contraste dispuse simetric: Nescris
rmne: doar n semne, / Un vers mai sfnt, dar cum s-l scriu, / Cnd ieri a fost aa
devreme, / iar azi de-acum e aa trziu? (Sear), sau M dor tcerea ta i vorba
ta / att de dragi i de neltoare (Rnit din iubire). La fel ca i n unele versuri,
n scrisul de pres dabijian enumerarea antonimic genereaz contraste lexicale
situate n paralelism i constituie o surs de ritm: Autorul a pus alturi munii literaturii romne i cimitirele literaturii romne. Cer i abis. Pdure i albie secat. Zi i
bezn (Rul n cutarea mrii, p. 112). Enumerrile nominale n care predicatul este
eliptic sunt mrci distinctive ale publicisticii lui Dabija i au n cazul dat pondere
sugestiv derivat din seria de metafore implicite. Funcia de intensificare/accentuare a mesajului sporete n cazul enumerrii cu valoare sinonimic (la nivel contextual): Iar nemplinirile noastre vin i din lipsa unei contiine naionale, din lipsa
de demnitate, din lipsa nelegerii la majoritatea concetenilor notri c suntem
o Entitate, care, ca s se manifeste, urmeaz s aib mai nti de toate o contiin
colectiv (Idem). Simetria construciei este asigurat prin dirijarea componentelor
enumerrii sinonimice de ctre alt procedeu sintactic repetiia.
n poezie repetiia are rolul de a intensifica imaginea poetic (Ameitor,
ameitor se-nvrt n jurul meu / lucrurile vzute cu al treilea ochi (Ochiul al treilea)),


de a potena armoniile acustice, ritmice (n sear nici un semn de vnt: / Ca

niciodat, spre-mplinire, / Este nevoie azi de cnt / i de iubire, de iubire (Sear)); n
publicistic raiunile de apariie ale figurii la fel sunt intensificatoare, dar ea primete,
n acelai timp, i o ncrctur persuasiv. Repetiia poate suplini un rol de suport
al enumerrii, amplificnd valoarea acesteia: La alimentare cozi lungi la o pine
care se face pe zi ce trece tot mai mic, tot mai acr i tot mai scump (Libertatea
are chipul lui Dumnezeu, p. 53); n alte cazuri, printr-o deplasare ascendent de accent, asigur prin ea nsi densitate semantic mesajului [Corni Georgeta, p.
163]: Ei ne sunt eliberatorii. Ei ne aduc libertatea. Libertatea lor. Libertatea de a ne
umili n continuare (Icoan spart, Basarabia, p. 42).
n publicistica lui N. Dabija anafora (foarte frecvent n creaia scriitorului)
e mai degrab o figur auditiv dect vizual/ornamental. Din niruirea de
cuvinte rzbat cadene declamative, de o sonoritate teatral: Nimic mai trist dect
un copil care nu are o coal, care l-ar ajuta s se gseasc pe sine. Nimic mai trist
dect un copil care nu are ncredere n oameni. Nimic mai trist dect un copil cruia
i s-a furat copilria. Nimic mai trist dect nite copii care sufer din cauza jocurilor
politice ale celor maturi (nsemnri de pe front, p. 235). Sau ntr-o alt ordine de idei:
Un agrarian mi-a spus c trebuie s avem mndrie naional i s ne mndrim cu
faptul c suntem moldoveni. Da, ne mndrim cu faptul c suntem moldoveni i
vorbim moldovenete. Ne mndrim cu faptul c suntem sraci lipii pmntului.
Ne mndrim cu faptul c umblm flmnzi (Libertatea are chipul lui Dumnezeu, p.
76). n exemplul de la urm, prin reluarea verbului, autorul scruteaz cu aciditate
dramatismul unei situaii i realizeaz eufemistic o strategie a contraargumentrii,
anafora n acest caz fiind o persiflare a tezei exprimate iniial. Monotonia
repetrii termenilor anaforici este compensat prin deplasarea de accent spre restul enunului, de o importan major n plan semantic.
Atestm multiple cazuri n care interioritatea ebolitiv a autorului se supune
perfect echilibrului frastic: Muncitorul se preface (A1) c muncete (B1), n loc (C1)
s munceasc (D1), ministrul se preface (A1) c, iat, conduce (B1), n loc (C1) s
conduc (D1), iar noi noi ne prefacem (A1) c trim (B1), n loc (C1) s trim (D1)...
(nsemnri de pe front, p. 146) Aici anaforizarea creeaz simetrii formale (A1, B1,
C1, D1, / A1, B1, C1, D1) i antiteze conceptuale. Anafora potenial se preface este
amplificat prin inducerea anaforei n loc s, iar segmentele paralelistice au o ordonare uor progresiv. Segmentele lexicale sunt bine dozate, iar efectele ritmice
dau frazei sonoritate. Textul este, ca i n publicistica lui Eminescu, declamativ, perceptibil, materializat, fcut palpabil prin cadenele sale verbale.
O strategie a contrapunctului dabijian formeaz i epifora cu acelai efect de
accentuare, constituind epitete n construcii paralele: i totui ni-e dor de femeia
cu chip feminin, cu nsuiri feminine, cu virtui feminine, cu defecte feminine (Libertatea are chipul lui Dumnezeu, p. 183). Frecventarea anadiplozei ine de o dozare
programatic a euritmiilor discursive: n preajma pieii i-n piaa chiinuian majoritatea celora care ceresc sunt femei. Femei de la ar (Idem). O anadiploz poate
antrena o serie de anafore de o simetrie att la nivel sintactic, ct i la cel conceptual: Pictorul pipie rdcina lucrurilor i vorbete de esene, tablourile lui nsemnnd nti de toate Cunoatere. Cunoatere de sine. Cunoatere de noi. Cunoatere
de spirit. Cunoatere de timp (La Est de Vest, p. 323). Figurile amplificrii sunt accesoriile persuasiunii, prefigurate nc de retorica antic. Publicistica le reediteaz


programatic, doar c n formule mai mult sau mai puin derogate de la rigorile
sintactice convenionale. La Nicolae Dabija, distribuirea anaforelor i epiforelor n
propoziii aparte constituie dominante ale scrisului publicistic.
Paralelismul anaforic are de multe ori valoare interogativ, iar plasarea
conjunciilor la nceput de propoziie d enunrii o not de poeticitate i de atitudine: Cum s respeci minciuna? Cum s crezi c nedreptatea poate substitui dreptatea? (Libertatea are chipul lui Dumnezeu, p. 192). Lectorul se pomenete captat de
tensiunea ce transpare din aceste propoziii, animate de repetarea conjunciei cum.
De multe ori, n publicistica lui N. Dabija, repetiia are raiuni de apariie preponderent eufonice, intonaionale. Aceeai figur sintactic are n publicistica lui Matcovschi rezonane denotative i intensive; insistena lexical marcheaz o intenie
de persuadare a mesajului,: Nu se uit, nu se uit, nu se uit foametea... [p. 4].
Incisiv i tioas la maximum, publicistica lui Matcovschi este expresia unui spirit
vulcanic, adnc cutremurat de nedreptile care-l nconjoar. Ca valoare stilistic,
scrisul lui publicistic apare mai bolovnos dect cel dabijian, ntruct rolul catalizator de movere i docere al mesajului eclipseaz n mod deliberat funcia de delectare. Scriitorul mizeaz n primul rnd pe fora energizant, combativ a cuvntului, scrisul su prefigurnd analiza i interpretarea necrutoare a fenomenologiei
sociale. Atestm rareori i momente n care Matcovschi metafrazeaz, diriguind
discursul ntr-o ritmic incantatorie: Eu nu pot nelege: au ce s-a ntmplat, n faa
unui monstru c am ngenuncheat? A spus nu tiu cine c Monstru-i Dumnezeu.
Un ochi avea. n frunte. Un singur ochi avea. i ciclopea. Slbatic ciclopul ciclopea.
Aclimatizarea poeticului ntr-un text care pn la acel moment ncremenise ntrun registru al concreteei frustre imprim acestuia, la nivel sintactic i fonetic, o
eterogenitate binevenit. Poliptotonul este o obsesie metaforic, care solicit din
partea lectorului dezambiguizarea mesajului. n continuare, la crearea simetriei
construciei particip reluarea aceluiai enun cu valoare de refren: Eu nu pot
nelege: au ce s-a ntmplat, n faa unui monstru c am ngenuncheat? Pndea pe
frate frate, pndea pe tat fiu. M nspimnt i astzi. Mai are rost s scriu? Avem
sau n-avem suflet? Avem sau n-avem dor? Avem ca toat lumea trecut i viitor?
Uor s fii o umbr, uor s fii un pai, uor s fii brbatul cel care nu erai. Mai greu s
creti statuie de piatr-n faa Lui, s-i spui c e un Monstru, s nu te temi, s-i spui!
Brbai au fost. Cu nume i fr nume, mii. i au pierit brbaii prin cele
pucrii... de foame i de sete, asfixiai, damnai. i sfiau dulii i lupii, nemncai.
Aprindem lumnare, aprindem rug, plngnd... Istoria ce este? Popoarele ce
sunt? i viaa! Ast via... Acest nebun complot! Ci dac nu-i cu Omul, cu cine-i
Dincolo de greutatea semantic, comprimat n metafore, fragmentul
ctig n expresivitate prin valorile figurilor sintactice. Repetiiile, enumerrile,
anaforele, rimele sunt surse de ritm i eufonie. Publicistica lui Dabija nu atest
regularitatea fonic impus de rim, dect n cazuri rare, deliberat incantatorii:
Nistrule, sinistrule, ce-i ai albia plin de sngele moldovenilor! Coglniculemlnicule! Bcule-ontcule! Dunreo-preatulbureo (Icoan spart, Basarabia, p.
9). Alte modaliti expresive i apropie pe aceti doi scriitori-publiciti: varietatea
interogaiilor retorice, abundena enumerrilor, repetiiilor etc. tehnici ale persuasiunii pe care le solicit enunarea grav, imediat, voit sensibilizatoare. Formulri
de tipul: Robete, sclavagete omul cel bun; robete, sclavagete omul pmntului;


robete, sclavagete toat naia moldoveneasc [Matcovschi Dumitru, p. 3] ntlnim cu prisosin att n publicistica lui Matcovschi, ct i n cea semnat de Dabija,
doar c la ultimul enumerarea e fluctuant (n climax sau anticlimax), discontinu
la nivel semantic, derulndu-se cu elemente de surpriz lexical.
Cea mai mare for persuasiv comport figurile intonaionale invocaia
retoric, apostrofa, interogaia retoric. Prin interogaia retoric autorii nu att
solicit un rspuns (pe care l i sugereaz, de altfel), ct pentru a eficientiza receptarea propulseaz o ncrctur semantic i afectiv mesajului transmis. n
acelai timp ei solicit o reciprocitate din partea cititorului la nivel epistemologic
i afectiv. Interogaiile retorice din publicistica lui N. Dabija se ncadreaz n cteva
categorii. Este vorba de cea meditativ cu rspuns amnat: Ct ne vom mai mndri cu faptul c suntem sraci lipii pmntului? (Libertatea are chipul lui Dumnezeu,
p. 145); de interogaia reflexiv cu ntrebare-rspuns: De ce se urmrete a fi discreditate pe toate cile personalitile, intelectualitatea, bun-rea pe care o avem?!
Fiindc: Lumea, dac nu crede n nimeni i-n nimic, ca dintr-o bucat de plastilin,
poi face din ea orice (Icoan spart, Basarabia, p. 32); i de interogaia cu rspuns
implicit: S nu tim noi c, imediat ce va disprea o poriune din acest lan de
redute, dumanul va putea s ne striveasc mai lesne?! i cu ct suntem mai muli,
cu att suntem mai puternici?! (La Est de Vest, p. 105). Aceste tipuri de interogaii
[Corniciuc Sabina, p. 10] au scopul de a informa, a argumenta, a influena, dar i
de a impresiona, a emoiona receptorul sau a-l ine n stare de suspans [Corniciuc
Sabina, p. 11]. Exlamaia se ntlnete frecvent n publicistica lui Dabija, paroxismul
afectivitii auctoriale dndu-i valoare: eroic (Cteodat mi vine s strig: Treziiv, oameni buni! Deschidei ochii!), patetic (Srmanele noastre mame!) sau
ironic (Ce mai! Avem motive s ne mndrim i iar s ne mndrim!).
Dintre figurile relaionare, n planul sintactic al publicisticii dabijiene se impune inversiunea cu rezonan incantatorie: ara suntem toi tritorii ei de azi, la
care se adaug cei de pn la noi, la care se mai adaug cei de dup noi. Cei muli i
cei nenscui se ntlnesc n fiina ta. Noi, cei de azi, nu suntem toi. Mai vin i alii.
Pe umerii lor s-a inut ara. Care i-au trecut-o ncet pe umerii notri. Rezista-vom?!
Ca s-o putem transmite, ca pe o tafet, generaiilor care vin?! Sau risipi-o-vom,
spulbera-o-vom, cheltui-o-vom?! (nsemnri de pe front, p. 126). Verbul e antepus
pronumelui pentru a fi intensificat. Inversarea topicii este nsoit de enumerarea
verbelor cu sugestivitate sporit. Efectul e acelai: de focalizare a ateniei lectorului
asupra informaiei enunate i de intensificare a ei. Dac n prima parte a frazei
pluralul era cel care solicita implicarea lectorului, complicitatea lui, n a doua parte
implicarea cere rezisten, putere.
Pentru meninerea ateniei cititorului, autorul relaxeaz discursul, realiznd
un joc facil de cuvinte: Cineva ncerca s m conving (...) c dumanul dumanului
meu mi este prieten. Iar prietenul dumanului meu mi este duman. C dumanul
dumanului dumanilor mei mi este i el prieten. Ca i prietenul prietenului prietenilor mei... (Rul n cutarea mrii, p. 125). Poliptotonul ndeplinete aici o funcie
ludic, instituind i un paradox semantic. Paradoxul este schema n care Dabija i
mbrac frecvent i formula liric: Cine-i spune numele / cade-n anonimat; Florile ne miroase pe noi etc. La nivelul construciei, paradoxul poate forma paralelismul chiasmic: Icar: om nscut de o pasre (...) / Icar: pasre de o femeie nscut
(Omul pasre).


Ambiia, dar mai cu seam nsufleirea oratorului N. Dabija de a spune totul,

de a convinge se transfer n registrul oralitii gesticulare, scenice: Rar aa popor
bisericos ca al nostru! El cere ajutor de la Dumnezeu cu jumtate de gur, iar cu
cealalt jumtate l njur. El suduie, de regul, de cele sfinte, i de mam, i de tat,
i de Dumnezeu, i de Precist, i de biseric, i de molitv, i de cristelni, i de pogrebanie (nsemnri de pe front, p. 147). Rotaiile contrapunctice, simetriile bine
gndite i programate audiiei, gesticulaia pasional, flexibilitatea tonului etc. se
nscriu ntr-o micare dramatic, specific nc latinilor i care, de fapt, este una din
calitile de baz ale publicisticii eminesciene [Spiridon Monica, p. 33].
Din mostrele enumerate se desprinde o caracteristic specific sintaxei publicisticii dabijiene segmentarea textului. Detandu-se de normele sintaxei, autorul parc jongleaz cu propoziiile i, n funcie de preferine i de impulsuri afective, decide s confere, pe alocuri, fragmentelor de fraz statut de propoziii aparte.
S-ar prea c e vorba de un moft al autorului-poet care las s curg nestingherit
fluxul vorbirii i, pentru imaginea de autenticitate, l las neretuat. Ni se sugereaz
c scriitorul gndete i scrie n acelai timp. Unele segmente de fraz vin ca o completare i ca un adaos ce nu s-a lsat prins de momentul precedent al gndirii: M
mndresc c sunt contemporanul lui Grigore Vieru. C am avut norocul s-l cunosc.
i s m cunoasc (Libertatea are chipul lui Dumnezeu, p. 173). Rbdarea sau graba
de a spune totul i de a trece la o alt idee nainte de a o contura complet pe prima
l fac (se creeaz impresia) pe autor s revin cu noi completri.
Unduirea fireasc, spontan i natural a spunerii nu este doar o tendin
organic a autorului spre oralitate, dar i un proces deliberat, n scopul nviorrii i
dinamizrii discursului, al exprimrii nu doar a gndului i a faptului, dar i a simirii,
a notelor afective escamotate dup cuvinte i care ncearc s ajung n form
natural la receptor pentru a-i capta atenia i sensibilitatea. Utilizarea acestui
criteriu sintactic n conformitate cu normele gramaticale ar fi limitat posibilitatea
autorului de a exprima ntr-un mod subtil ncordri ale sufletului, iar mobilitatea
i dinamismul unui monolog sau dialog interior ar fi avut de suferit fr izolarea i,
astfel, accentuarea construciilor: tii cum li se mai spune mai ncoace basarabenilor notri? Rndunele. De ce?! Fiindc zboar din srm-n srm (Libertatea are
chipul lui Dumnezeu, p. 28). Aceste subordonate, lipsite de relevan semantic n
afara contextului, servesc funciei expresive a mesajului de care sunt ataate. Ele
poteneaz semnificaia regentei, o completeaz i o reliefeaz.
Nu putem vorbi, n acest caz, de o exprimare gazetreasc rectiliniar,
nctuat n cliee, dar nici de o formulare academic a frazei. E o nclinare spre stilul familiar, n care libertatea, ndrzneala i spontaneitatea se complinesc, trdnd
o publicistic ancorat puternic n beletristic. Vorbirea voit popular satisface
dorina autorului de exprimare afectiv, convingtoare. Astfel, aparenta dezordine
gramatical este justificat stilistic prin tendina de a intensifica coninutul semantic, de a materializa naraiunea i de a o face memorabil i persuasiv. n fragmentul: Leonida Lari, de rnd cu alte cteva individualiti culturale, a fost sufletul
acelui an. Era prezent la toate manifestrile lui. Cuvntul ei nflcra i mbrbta,
convingea i turna sperane. n acea perioad cuvntul nsui devenise baricad.
Tot el era drapel. Explozibil. Zid. Smn bun pentru nsmnat ogoarele. Materie durabil pentru construcii viitoare. Timp palpabil. Destin (nsemnri de pe front,
p. 237) elipsa subiectului las s se contureze alte pri ale propoziiei care ar fi fost


crepusculare printr-o organizare obiectiv a materialului lingvistic. Aceast abordare sintactic T. Vianu o numete tehnic a clarobscurului, menit s rein numai
ceea ce poate vorbi imaginaiei i sentimentului lectorului [ p. 271].
Remarcabil n concentrarea ateniei asupra unui coninut important este
funcia nominativului n text. n fragmentul citat, oferind la nominativ doar formele
nominale ale construciilor, autorul concentreaz n ele puterea unui enun integral i totodat accentueaz elementul semnificativ i rolul important pe care
coninutul lui l joac n procesul comunicrii [Marin Vitalie, p. 334]. Or, desprirea
segmentelor prin virgule sau conjuncii ar fi atenuat importana numelor predicative i ar fi dat frazei respective o not de monoton i interminabil. Aceast
modalitate de construire a frazei este, pentru mesajul expus, o proiecie reuit,
care se impune utilizrii, deoarece segmentele eliptice referitoare la regenta n
acea perioad cuvntul nsui devenise baricad sunt oarecum independente i
marcheaz o legtur de coordonare prin juxtapunere.
Dac n exemplul dat nominativul avea funcia de nume predicativ, marea
sa autonomie i permite s fie i subiect. Fragmentarea frazei n construcii nominativale permite autorului s focalizeze comunicarea ntr-o dominant lexical bine
reliefat i, neaprat, activizat, fcut regent de nominativ. Dei dislocat, fraza
mnuit de Nicolae Dabija nu este discontinu, legtura semantic e conturat pregnant n construcia textului. Dar una e ara creia aparii prin natere. Pmntul ei
e, cum ar zice cronicarul Miron Costin, frmntat cu sngele moilor i strmoilor
ti. Aerul acesteia l-ai respirat cel dinti. Lumina ei i-a nfiorat prima fiina. Peisajele
ei i-au mngiat, ntile, retina (nsemnri de pe front, p. 124). Subiectele sunt reperele fundamentale ale acestui mesaj. Topica nominativului e de a fi primul element al propoziiei, iar consecinele i motivarea acestei topici sunt n primul rnd
de ordin logic i gramatical, derivnd din necesitatea gndirii i a expresiei lingvistice de a se constitui ca fenomene, remarc Eugen Cmpeanu, adugnd c faptul
ce se impune ateniei noastre prin coninutul su logic, gramatical, nu poate s nu
genereze i reacii emoionale de o factur similar [Cmpeanu Eugen, p. 152-153].
Nominativul e instrumentul de lucru al personificrii, dar i al antitezei.
Analiza sintactic a publicisticii lui Dabija ne ofer un argument suplimentar
ntru relevarea gradului nalt de nrudire a acesteia cu poezia. Or, propoziiile eliptice, fragmentarismul, preferina pentru paratax, anularea raporturilor sintactice
convenionale constituie atributele liricii moderne, pe care i le asum cu succes i
Prin arhitectura inconfundabil, publicistica lui Dabija denot un sim ascuit
al limbii romne, o ureche cu mari capaciti fonice, un orator care tie s-i dozeze
resursele discursive pentru a se face ct mai pretat lecturii.
Referine bibliografice
1. Cmpeanu Eugen, Substantivul. Studiu stilistic, Bucureti, Editura tiinific i enciclopedic,
2. Corni Georgeta, Manual de stilistic, Baia Mare, Editura Umbria, 1995.
3. Corniciuc Sabina, Interogaia retoric n publicistica scriitoriceasc. Autoreferatul tezei de
doctorat, Chiinu, 1999.
4. Ionescu Ruxndoiu Liliana, Naraiune i dialog n proza romneasc, Bucureti, Editura
Academiei Romne, 1991.
5. Marin Vitalie, Stilistic i cultivare a vorbirii, Chiinu, Lumina, 1991.
6. Matcovschi Dumitru, Noi i monstrul // Basarabia, nr. 5-6, 1996.

7. Parpal Afana Emilia, Introducere n stilistic, Piteti, Editura Paralela, 1998.
8. Spiridon Monica, Mihai Eminescu. O anatomie a elocvenei, Bucureti, Minerva, 1994.
9. Vianu Tudor, Studii de stilistic, Bucureti, Editura didactic i pedagogic, 1968.
10. Zafiu Rodica, Diversitate stilistic n romna actual



Universitatea de Stat a Moldovei
Dans larticle on relve la spcificit de la simbolisation dans limaginaire artistique de Vladimir Beleaga. Par lintermdiaire des romans signs par cet auteur,
dans la prose de Moldova saffirme la transition vers le roman moderne tant donn
le fait que lauteur a ralis la diversification des significations du symbole: thique,
philosophique, psychanalytique.
Aspectul ficional al discursului i limbajul figurat sunt dimensiuni ale
spaiului epic, care se fac prezente n text prin imagine, metafor, simbol i mit.
Fiind, de fapt, principii constitutive ale poeziei, ele rezult din convergena a dou
aspecte definitorii pentru liric: 1)senzorial i estetic i 2)tropologic, non-referenial,
care valorific funcia emotiv, poetic a limbajului.[1, p.247]. Cu toate acestea, n
proza modern, simbolul, ca i metafora sau mitul, devin elemente indispensabile
ale structurii textului, conferindu-i acestuia variate valene artistice, ontologice,
arhetipale etc. La abordarea temei propuse n titlu, vom insista asupra simbolului
i a rolului lui n discursul narativ de factur psihologic, exemplificnd cu proza lui
Vladimir Beleag.
Ca semn de recunoatere (gr. symbolon), simbolul trimite la un obiect prin
care nelegem un concept sau o stare. Apariia oricrui simbol se face n baza unei
legturi, fie ontologic (sau de natur), analogic (sau de form) ori convenional
(sau de nelegere). Cercettorul Jean Chevalier relev accepiunile antropologice
(G.Durand), mitologice (M.Eliade), psihanalitice (S.Freud, C.G.Jung) ale simbolului, evideniind c simbolul acioneaz asupra structurilor mentale, iar imaginea
simbolic este capabil de a declana o activitate intelectual, cci ea rmne
un centru n jurul cruia graviteaz ntreg psihismul n micare. n acelai timp, se
subliniaz ideea c simbolul are capacitatea de a nsuflei marile ansambluri ale
imaginarului: arhetipuri, mituri, structuri[2,p. 26-27].
n accepie modern, simbolul este polivalent. Astfel, el creeaz posibilitatea
de a opera simultan n mai multe planuri semantice, avnd sensuri infinite. Dup
C.G.Jung, simbolul trimite mereu la un coninut mai vast dect sensul su imediat
i evident[3], el posed, dincolo de expresia formal, o expresivitate luminoas,
altfel spus o eficacitate de ordin practic pe planul valorilor i al sentimentelor, fiind
cel care nlesnete trecerile alternative i inversate ntre nivelurile contiinei, ntre
cunoscut i necunoscut, manifest i latent, eu i supra-eu[4, p.42].
Ca trop, prin simbol se nelege un nume al unui obiect concret, ales n mod
convenional pentru a desemna o ntreag clas de obiecte, o noiune abstract sau
o nsuire predominant cu care poate fi pus n legtur [5, p.147]. Simbolul literar
devine, de fapt, un semn particular de natur intuitiv, iar activitatea simbolic,
dup Goethe, transform aparena n idee i ideea n imagine.
Vom aminti c simbolurile se clasific n dou categorii: 1) consacrate (sau
convenionale, prin utilizarea de mult vreme n diferite culturi) i 2) poetice sau
contingente, care exist , n principiu, ntr-un text unic i, din aceast cauz, posed


o ambiguitate sporit fa de simbolurile convenionale. Simbolul poetic este astfel

dependent de contextul n care apare, adic locul conveniei acceptate este luat de
Ca i n cazul simbolului convenional, observ M.Manca, simbolul
poetic este motivat semantic, dar raportul dintre contiguitate logic prin
care apare simbolul convenional nu mai este exclusiv, nici att de clar pentru
simbolul poetic.. De aceea de multe ori contiguitatea poate fi interpretat ca
similaritate (al crui caz particular este, de fapt), iar substituirea care d natere
simbolului literar se justific, astfel, prin analogie[6, p.150].
n acest context, se pot identifica anumite grade de simbolizare ntre
formele de manifestare a simbolului poetic, determinate de msura motivrii
semantice a acestuia i de gradul de generalitate al trsturii semantice
relevante n substituirea simbolizatului prin simbol. Altfel spus, un grad inferior
de simbolizare i o slab distanare semantic ar caracteriza simbolurile
curente, n timp ce simbolului poetic i-ar fi specifici o motivare mai slab, o
distan semantic mai mare ntre constituenii tropului i o situare a trsturii
semantice agugate ori nlturate la un nivel mai ridicat n ierarhia semelor
constitutive.[7, p.151].
Astfel c n art, simbolizarea, ca reprezentare a unei noiuni, a unei idei
sau ca sugerare a strii sau a sentimentului printr-un simbol, va fi detectat prin
modul cum este exprimat artistic simbolul. ntr-un text literar vom urmri deci
expresia simbolulul i exprimarea lui, modul n care el apare i funcioneaz
n discurs, interaciunea lui cu contextul (la nivel exterior cu contextul
supraeului, i la nivel interior cu cel al textului propriu-zis). Considerm c
n romanul obiectiv, cu un narator omniscient i omniprezent, heterodiegetic,
simbolurile sunt, n principiu, convenionale, sensul lor contingent referinduse la idei filozofice, valori morale, i mai puin la stri, senzaii, percepii sau la
lumile abisului uman, ale incontientului. Iar la nivel de structur a vorbirii, stilul
indirect liber devine, n acest tip de roman, o modalitate de trecere treptat de
la descrierea lumii exterioare, de la evenimenial la descrierea (i/sau sugerarea)
celei interioare. O demonstreaz n literatura romn Ioan Slavici, ncepnd cu
nuvela Pdureanca i terminnd cu romanul Mara, Liviu Rebreanu de la Ion la
Pdurea spnzurailor, lucrri n care se manifest stilul psihologic indirect i cel
mixt i care prezint o punte de trecere la un psihologism direct, prin monolog
interior, n textele lui Camil Petrescu, Gib.Mihescu, Anton Holban .a.
De fapt, la investigarea romanului modern, n special a celui psihologic,
cercettorii atenioneaz asupra surselor de origine simbolist [8, p.238]. Or,
autorul de roman subiectiv, psihologic are n vizor lumea interioar, cea a
adncurilor umane, iar abisurile incontientului, relaiile lui cu contientul i
cu supraeul pot fi mai veridic transfigurate artistic prin mijlocirea visului, a
simbolului, a monologului interior sau a fluxului memoriei.
Romanul psihologic basarabean i-a nceput calea spre afirmare ca
entitate literar-artistic n perioada interbelic, cnd scriitorii au ntreprins
tentativa de asimilare a romanului romnesc n general. Menionm aici
ncercrile de roman psihologic ale lui Ioan Sulacov prin nsemnrile unui
flmnd(1936) i ale Elizabetei Eliade-Dolenga - n ghiarele vulturului. Jurnalul
unui arhiduce(1937). n perioada imediat postbelic, continuitatea fireasc a


evoluieii literaturii romne fiind ntrerupt abuziv, se revine la romanul-cronic,

la evenimenial, accentul fiind pus pe elementul social, pe caracterul tipic etc.
Totui, la mijlocul anilor 50-anii 60, n perioada dezgheului hruciovist i a
descturii spirituale, iar n plan european, a crizei valorilor i a existenei
antiromanului, se diversific romanul psihlogic romnesc prin texte semnate
de D.R.Popescu, A.Ivasiuc, N.Breban, A.Buzura, iar n proza din Basarabia
(Republica Moldova) se face observat tranziia de la un narator omniscient
i omniprezent la o contopire, o suprapunere narartor-personaj, auctor-actor
(A.Busuioc, G.Meniuc) sau chiar la o libertate absolut a personajului-narator,
cum se manifest n discursul narativ al lui V.Beleag.
Stilul psihologic al acestui autor se caracterizeaz prin solilocviu ca
mod de narare, dublat de monolog-confesiune, fluxul memoriei, simbol, vis,
dedublare, alter-ego .a. n ceea ce privete simbolul, el ndeplinete n opera
lui V.Beleag diverse funcii: de structurare a textului, ontologic, psihologic,
etic, fapt ce demonstreaz, ntr-un fel, capacitatea simbolului de a nsuflei
marile ansambluri ale imaginarului: arhetipuri, mituri, structuri[9,p.27].
Totodat, suntem contieni de faptul c imaginea nu capt valoare de
simbol dect n cazul cnd cel care o contempl este dispus s fac un transfer
imaginar, simplu n realitate, complex cnd este supus analizei i acest transfer
plaseaz subiectul nuntrul simbolului, dup cum simbolul va fi strmutat
nuntrul omului[10, p.44-45].
Dintre toate funciile simbolului (exploratoare, de mediere ntre materie
i spirit, ntre contient i incontient, de substitut, unificatoare, pedagogic
i terapeutic, socializant, de rezonan), cele de mediere ntre contient i
incontient, de substitut, de rezonan i de transformare a energiei psihice au
un rol decisiv n comprehenderea imaginarului artistic al lui Vladimir Beleag.
n romanele acestui autor casa i familia constituie un spaiu n care se desfor
dramele sufleteti ale individului. n primul rnd, ca topoi, casa, n romanele
Zbor frnt, Acas, Viaa i moartea nefericitului Filimon sau anevoioasa cale
a cunoaterii de sine apare ca simbol al neamului, al vetrei strmoeti i al
legturii omului cu locul. Adic ea are aici semnificaia specific modelului
etno-etic bonus pastor, manifestndu-se ca simbol convenional [11]. Totodat
simbolistica ei mai semnific i ideea de cuib, intimitate ( n romanul Ignat i
Ana), ntoarcere la origini n sensul etnic-spiritual (romanul Acas), dar i n sens
psihanalitic jungian, trecnd n categoria simbolurilor contongente(n Viaa i
moartea nefericitului Filimon sau anevioasa cale a cunoaterii de sine).
nstrinarea de cas presupune nstrinare de un trecut, adic uitarea
trecutului (Acas), dar, n acelai timp, i o nstrinare a individului de ai si, de
cei apropiai (cum se manifest n Zbor frnt) i, de aici, necesitatea ntoarcerii
ctre sine, n sens psihologic: a sta de vorb cu sinele tu, cu incontientul,
a-i face un examen de contiin, o autoanaliz, sau n planul psihanalizei
jungiene: a-i cuceri Sinele, a realiza individuaia, a pune de acord (n urma
examenului de contiin) contientul cu incontientul (n Viaa i moartea
nefericitului Filimon...). Astfel c prin simbolizarea casei n romanele acestui
autor se poate urmri tranziia de la convenionalitatea (tradiionalitatea)
simbolului la ambiguitatea, contingena acestuia, ceea ce imprim valene


noi textului, caracteriznd, n acelai timp, originalitatea viziunii artistice a

individualitii creatoare.
Vladimir Beleag nu struie asupra descrierii exteriorului sau interiorului
casei, cum observm la I.Dru, bunoar [12, p.143-163], ci mai mult asupra
lumii interioare a individului, a suflului, spiritului casei ca axis mundi. O denot
atitudinea mai multor generaii fa de acest lca al omului. De exemplu,
bunelul ( i el simbol al neamului i al statorniciei), nfruntnd greuti n calea
sa, se ntoarce din primul rzboi mondial, ajungnd, n cele din urm, la locul
de unde a pornit n lume i unde vrea s rmn pe veci:
i ct a tras i a ptimit pe drum, i cum trebuia s se opreasc din cnd
n cnd i s lucreze cte dou-trei sptmni la vreun gospodar, ca s ctige
mncare(...), ca s poat merge mai departe i cum era s-l omoare nite tlhari...,
i cum era s se nece ntr-o ap, dar a scpat de toate i a venit acas.... Numai
acas vroia s moar. C, zicea el, n casa asta am crescut, cu apa asta m-am
adpat i tot n pmntul ista vreau s m duc i s m fac nimic. Iar cnd
beii ziceau, vorba ceea, n natur nimic nu se pierde... c-s nvai i se cred mai
detept dect dnsul, bunelul mijea ochii i gria i el, n ag: Dac-i aa, apoi
poate cineva, vreun strnepot dintr-al zecelea rnd, are s beie ori are s mnnce
din rna mea i are s m viseze, i dac are s se duc i el undeva, departe prin
lume, prin strini, are s simt c-l trage acas i are s vie i el ca mine, mcar
chiop, pe jos are s vie acas, s nu se sting neamul niciodat.... (Zbor frnt).
Nepotul Isai, care n timpul rzboiului, cutndu-i fratele, a nimerit la
nemi, pe cellalt mal al Nistrului, ndeplinea, n fapt, funcia de cerceta al
armatei sovietice. Dup rzboi e nvinuit de steni i de rude c a vrut s fug
cu armata german, din care cauz se nchide n sine, devine irascibil. Pentru
el ns casa rmne a fi un loc sfnt, curenia sufletului, amintirea celor trite:
Mi, am vrut s m duc cu nemii, s nu ajung s te vd pe tine...(...), aa
rspundea [Isai] mai ncoace, dup ce i nlase i el casa lui, ceva mai sus de
casa btrneasc a mne-sa...; dac a venit vremea s-i fac Isai cas, nu
tiu cum c nu s-a prea neles cu Ile(...); c Isai vroia s se aeze anume lng casa
btrnesc, n vale, mai aproape de ap.
Astfel, convenionalitatea acestui simbol este convertit treptat ntr-un
simbol poetic, contingent, iradiind asupra ntregului text al romanului Zbor
frnt prin constituirea unor serii simbolice, cum este casa i apa, casa i poarta,
casa i mama. Aceste simboluri capt noi i originale semnificaii n celelalte
romane ale autorului.
Personajul Alexandru Marian din romanul Acas se ntoarce n sat ntrun moment greu al vieii sale, cutnd linite sufleteasc n casa printeasc. El
ncearc s cunoasc unele adevruri despre prini i despre sine. Simbolismul
casei devine, n acest context, modalitatea de realizare artistic a dorinelor i
inteniilor personajului, iar seriilor simbolice din primul roman (Zbor frnt) i se
altur altele: casa i rdcinile, casa i umbra, casa i vocea (vocile cunoscute i
necunoscute). Simbolul rdcinilor tiate i ale casei converg spre nelegerea
Dac ar putea omul s se schimbe aa de uor! Iat-m eu, am aproape douzeci
de ani de trai la ora i pare c m-am deprins cu viaa de acolo. Dar ce m trage
oare la satul ista, la casa asta, la pmntul ista? Trupul? Sufletul? Sau ceva din
amndou, ceva care nu are nume, ceva care plutete n aerul acesta, n apa aceasta,


ceva care-i n ierburile acestea, n liniile orizontului acesta.... Valenele spiritualetice ale casei se amplific prin cele de natur filozofic i psihologic.
Ambele personaje Isai i Alexandru doresc s lase copiilor o cas, mai
bine zis amintirea i sufletul unei case spirituale - cea a neamului, a prinilor,
i, n acelai timp, s-i nvee a nelege omul, n relaie cu adevrul timpului
n care acesta a trit. Isai l-a sltat pe biat n brae i i-a artat un nuc mare,
btrn i l-a ntrebat: vede el acolo n deal nucul cela, i biatul a zis c-l vede (...),
i dac mai vede el printre frunzele lui o cas, i biatul a zis c vede, dar nu se tie
dac vedea, pentru c nici Isai n-o prea vedea, dar credea c, poate, biatul o vede,
c are ochi mai buni. Apoi, uite, a urmat Isai, s ii minte casa ceea, c am s-i
povestec eu ceva.
Astfel se declaneaz aciunea n romanul Zbor frnt: Isai pierzndu-i
casa printeasc, chiar dac i-a construit alta nou, copilul nu vede casa dintre
ramuri, iar tatl cu sperana c poate el, feciorul, va mai putea s pstreze
dac nu spiritul casei, poate amintirea despe trecutul ei, adic al familiei i al
neamului, ndemnndu-l s neleag timpul cu sufletul. Casa devine deci un
axis mundi al personajelor, iar, n plan structural, este i toposul de la care duc
i spre care vin crrile, drumurile naraiunii. n celelalte dou romane care
au urmat - Ignat i Ana i Acas- toposul de la care pornete aciunea este
marginea satului, actorii cobornd din main i pornind spre sat, adic spre
cas. Din punct de vedere al simbolisticii tradiionale, consacrate, aceasta ar
semnifica ncercarea unei ntoarceri la originile neamului, iar din perspectiv
psihanalitic ntoarcerea la sine. n acest context, preziint un deosebit interes
romanul Viaa i moartea nefereicitului Filimon sau anevoioasa cale a cunoaterii
de sine, scris n anul 1970, dar interzis de cenzur i publicat abia n 1988.
Simbolul devine aici principalul element de structur al discursului,
conotnd idei, stri, senzaii. Referindu-ne la simbolul casei, observm c
pentru Nichifor Ftu, tatl care i-a lsat soia i a luat cu fora biatul de la
mam, casa, chiar dac o are, practic lipsete din viaa lui sufleteasc ca
spaiu sacru, ca vatr, ca familie. Pentru el casa e un mod de a-i demonstra
puterea, bogia, avnd funcia de autocaracterizare. Pentru fiica Cristina,
casa nseamn legtura dintre generaii, permanena spiritului mamei, idei
transfigurate artistic prin imaginea casei noi care a cuprins-o pe cea veche a
mamei. Pentru Filimon, fratele ei, casa nu nseamn practic nimic, el e rupt de
casa printeasc, de la mam, e dus cu fora la tat-su i lsat s locuiasc n
alt cas, n grija unei btrne. Astfel, fiecare cu casa lui, cu lumea i cu soarta
lui. ntr-o lectur psihanalitic aceasta ar nsemna fiecare cu psihismul su,
cu refulrile i defulrile sale, cu imagourile arhetipale dominante. De fapt, n
acest roman al lui V.Beleag, personajele se caracterizeaz n mare msur din
perspectiv psihanalitic freudist i jungian(Cf. 13,p.93-115].
Semnificaia convenional a unui simbol consacrat (casa, bunelul sau
bunica (btrna), piatra, umbra, apa, focul .a.) este amplificat de nuane, valene
etico-sociale, ontologice, arhetipale, psihologice.De exemplu, mpletirea
planurilor real, imaginar i psihologic, mbinarea simbolurilor de factur
tradiional (btrna, bordeiul, rna) cu cel de natur modern treptele
transmit idei filozofice i psihologice. Filimon, personajul principal, ieind din
labirintul de patr de sub sat (ceea ce, n plan psihologic, simbolizeaz cutarea


de sine), ajunge la casa btrnesac, la bordeiul de cndva al buneilor,

deschide cu greu ua i coboar trei trepte pentru a ajunge la bunica i a afla
cine este el cu adevrat. La nivel psihologic, este, de fapt, o coborre n sine,
n adncurile incontientului personal i realizat aceast coborre/cunoatere
de sine prin mijlocirea incontientului colectiv, al spiritualitii generaiilor
trecute. Imaginea btrnei care se duce ncet n pmnt denot nu doar
trecerea timpului, ci i ideea pierderii unor valori i a unor adevruri: trziu
ai venit, vezi?, zice ea, dac veneai mai nainte, poate c aflai ceva, acum ns...
Este semnificativ, n acest context, imaginea senzitiv i vizual a memoriei, a
contiinei de sine a individului, dar i a neamului: glasul vine dinspre btrn,
dar nu vine drept, prin aer, ci prin podeaua n care se duce ea, vine din pereii de
sub care trage cu palma rna i o mprtie, apoi ntinde cealalt mn i ia
de sub alt perete alt pumn de rn, i simte, glasul, cu coatele, cu genunchii, cu
tlpile nsngerate...
Observm c simbolurile se completeaz reciproc, prin semnificaii
de natur variat, acelai simbol conotnd totodat idei i stri. De exemplu,
btrna semnific trecutul neamului i necesitatea legturii dintre generaii,
dar i pierderea unei generaii, n sensul lipsei contiinei de sine a acesteia.
n acelai timp, din perspectiv psihanalitic jungian, ea este i arhetipul
btrnei nelepte, fapt ce impune alte interpretri ale textului.
Aa cum demonstreaz mai muli cercettori, criteriul reiterrii
simbolului la diferii autori i n diferite curente vorbete de o sedimentare
poetic a limbajului, n special n poezia interbelic. Un limbaj poetic ajunge
la maturitate, observ, de exemplu, M.Manca, atunci cnd i-a constituit
un fond figurativ notabil, metaforele i simbolul formndu-i nucleul.(...) Prin
contribuia marilor poei ai perioadei interbelice, poezia romn modern
ncepe s funcioneze ca text unitar, ce-i degaj spontan i aproape uniform
simbolurile eseniale. n acest sens, perioada interbelic este tocmai aceea
care ajunge la fixarea unor simboluri constante, specifice ei, dar izvornd dintro experien poetic asumat de aproximativ un secol[14,p.157].
Literatura din Republica Moldova, n special ncepnd cu anii 60 ai
secolului al XX-lea denot, de asemenea, o ncercare de sedimentare a
limbajului poetic prin utilizarea metaforei, simbolului i a elementului mitic.
Aceast dimensiune a limbajului figurat caracterizeaz i proza timpului,
n special cea semnat de I.Dru, V.Vasilache, A.Busuioc, G.Meniuc i ntr-o
mai mare msur, romanele lui V. Beleag, la care simbolul consacrat capt
multiple valene etice, ontologice, psihologice i psihoanalitice.
Referine bibliografice
1. Wallek R., Warren A. Teoria literaturii. Bucureti, Editura pentru literatur, 1967.
2. Chevalier Jean. Cuvnt nainte la: Dicionar de simboluri. Mituri, vise, obiceiuri, gesturi,
forme, culori, numere. n trei volume. Volumul 1 (A-D). Bucureti, Editura Artemis, 1995.
3. Jung C.G. Analiza viselor. Selecie de texte, introducere i note de Jean Chiriac. Bucureti,
Editura Aropa, 1998.
4. Chevalier Jean. Cuvnt nainte la: Dicionar de simboluri. Mituri, vise, obiceiuri, gesturi,
forme, culori, numere. n trei volume. Volumul 1 (A-D). Bucureti, Editura Artemis, 1995.
5. Manca Mihaela. Limbajul artistic romnesc n secolul XX (1900-1950). Bucureti, Editura
tiinific, 1991.
6. Idem.

7. Idem.
8. Cf. Lzrescu Gheorghe. Romanul de analiz psihologic n literatura romn interbelic.
Bucureti, Editura Minerva, 1983.
9. Chevalier Jean. Cuvnt nainte la: Dicionar de simboluri. Mituri, vise, obiceiuri, gesturi,
forme, culori, numere. n trei volume. Volumul 1 (A-D). Bucureti, Editura Artemis, 1995.
10. Idem.
11. A se vedea: Mnuc Dan. Lectur i interpretare.Un model epic.Bucureti, Editura Minerva,
1988; Idem. Analogii. Constante ale istoriei literare romneti. Iai, Editura Junimea, 1995.
12. Cf.Botezatu Eliza.Valene simbolice ale spaialitii la Ion Dru: Casa // Opera lui Ion Dru:
univers artistic, spiritual, filozofic. n 2 volume. Vol.1. Coordonator: M.Dolgan. Chiinu,
CEP USM, 2004, p.143-163..
13. Cf. Ghila Ana, Romanul anilor 60.Modelul bonus pastor, Chiinu, CEP USM, 2006.
14. Manca Mihaela, Op.cit.




Julian GRGER,
Freie Internationale Universitt in Moldova

Lucrarea respectiv studiaz folosirea metaforelor n german, polonez i

romn pentru a explica sau comenta un meci de fotbal i reprezint o investigaie
contrastiv a limbilor abordate. Diferite teorii despre metafor sunt prezentate cu
paradigmele lor lingvistice. De la Aristoteles pn la Lakoff/Johnson metafora a fost
interpretat diferit: de la o figur de stil retoric care se poate i parafraza pn la un
element de un limbaj cotidian, care determin gndirea i aciunea noastr n esen.
Weinrich (1976) a constatat c se pot sintetiza metaforele folosite n cmpuri de imagine (Bildfelder). Anumite cmpuri de imagine servesc anumitor obiecte ca donatori de
imagine (Bildspender). La fotbal, cmpurile menionate sunt n special rzboiul/lupta,
munca i teatrul. Lingvistica cognitiv, odat cu George Lakoff ca reprezentantul cel
mai important, spune c aceste cmpuri au o mare for de sugestie despre faptul
cum i ce gndim despre fotbal. Din aceast cauz se merit comparaia metaforelor
folosite n german, polonez i romn.
Die Fragestellung dieser Arbeit lautet, ob es Unterschiede bei der Beschreibung eines Fuballspiels zwischen Deutschen, Polen und Moldawiern gibt. Zur
Beschreibung eines jeden Sports zieht man automatisch Umschreibungen, die
ihre Wurzeln ursprnglich in anderen Bereichen haben, zur Hilfe. Wir haben zum
Beispiel per se kein Wort, welches ausschlielich das Objekt beschreibt, welches zwei senkrechte und eine darauf liegende waagerechte Leisten begrenzen.
Stattdessen nehmen wir andere Bilder zur Hilfe - hier ein Wort aus dem huslichen
Bereich - und nennen es Tor (groe Tr), vgl. polnisch bramka bzw. rumnisch bar
oder Gehuse, Geblk etc.
Wenn wir also keine ureigene Fuballsprache haben, um ein Spiel zu erklren, zu kommentieren (denn auch die so genannte Fachsprache bedient sich anderen Bildern), welches sind dann unsere Hilfen? Aus welchen Bereichen stammen
sie? Welche Bilder werden verwendet? Eine Hypothese knnte lauten, dass im Polnischen aufgrund eines strkeren Traditionsbewusstseins eher ltere, traditionelle
Metaphern wie aus dem Bereich Krieg/Kampf benutzt werden und im Deutschen
dagegen moderne Bilder, wie aus dem Bereich der Psyche (Man muss mental auf
dem Platz sein und ein Spiel wird im Kopf entschieden.), den Vorrang in der Beschreibung eines Fuballspiels haben.
Zur Frage, ob es hier bei der Verwendung der Bilder evtl. grere Unterschiede gibt, dazu hat sich Harald Weinrich mit seiner Konvergenz-Hypothese


einer Bildgemeinschaft innerhalb des Abendlandes geuert (Weinrich 1976: 287).

Die Weinrichsche Konvergenz-Hypothese fut auf Beobachtungen des Metapherngebrauchs in Texten verschiedener europischer Sprachen. Sie beschreibt, dass in
einzelnen als kreativ aufgefassten metaphorischen Verwendungen identische oder
zumindest sehr hnliche metaphorische Projektionsrichtungen aktiviert werden.
Der Metaphernaustausch und die Verbreitung einzelner Metaphern berschreiten
in sehr vielen Fllen die Grenzen europischer Einzelsprachen (Weinrich 1976:
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt einen Beitrag zur kontrastiven Metaphorik.
Lange Zeit wurde aufgrund des starken Einflusses von Weinrichs Hypothese die
Metaphorik von vornherein zumindest fr die europischen Sprachen schlicht
als ein kontrastives Nicht-Problem (Osthus 2000: 13) erachtet. Und tatschlich
kommt es innerhalb der europischen Sprachen selten zu interkulturellen Missverstndnissen, die ihre Wurzeln in Metaphern haben. Auch meine Untersuchung
belegt die Weinrichsche Hypothese. Der Groteil der benutzten Bilder, die in der
deutschen, polnischen und in der moldawischen Fuballberichterstattung benutzt
werden, ist identisch. Innerhalb der Bilder gibt es allerdings Divergenzen, was die
Ausprgung oder die Hufigkeit einzelner Ausdrcke betrifft.
Die vorliegende Untersuchung kann keine vollstndige Erfassung weder
smtlicher Aspekte der kontrastiven Metaphorik, noch smtlicher mglicher Ausprgungen von im Fuball verwendeten Metaphern sein. Der korpuslinguistische
Ansatz bedingt von vornherein eine aus heuristischen Grnden notwendige Beschrnkung der Betrachtung. So wird das Korpus zum einen durch die Auswahl
eines Spiels (Deutschland-Polen, 14. Juni 2006) und zum anderen durch die im
jeweiligen Fernsehen bertragenen Live-Reportagen (ARD, TVP2) und einigen
Pressetexten beschrnkt. Die Herangehensweise versteht sich als textgesttzt und
kontrastiv. Methodisch habe ich mich bei der Auswahl und Auswertung vor allem
an Erkenntnisse der kognitiven Linguistik gehalten.
Ich werde nun zunchst den inhaltlichen und methodischen Rahmen der
Untersuchung abstecken, indem ich Beispiele fr Definitionen fr eine Metapher
gebe. Anschlieend nenne ich einige Metapherntheorien, die im Laufe der Zeit von
Aristoteles bis heute verfasst wurden, zumeist unter Vorzeichen eines sprachwissenschaftlichen Paradigmas. Speziell werde ich mich bei meiner Untersuchung auf
Weinrichs Bildfeldmodell sttzen und skizziere daher die wichtigsten Aussagen
dieses Modells. Bei der Auswertung werde ich mich auf Grund der Krze dieses
Beitrags auf das bedeutendste Bildfeld beschrnken Krieg und Kampf als Bildspender fr die Fuballsprache.
1. Die Metapher Eingangsfragen zur Definition
Man wird nichts verstehen und doch einiges, denn wo Verkleidungen als
nackte Wahrheiten auftreten, kann die Enthllung nur Metapher sein (Buchholz
1993: 7). Wie erkenne ich aber Metaphern? Bevor ich zu den Metapherntheorien
komme, mchte ich kurz darstellen, wie schwierig es ist, eine Definition fr die
Metapher zu finden und dafr ein paar Beispiele geben. So fragt sich auch Max

Die Fragen, die ich gerne beantwortet sehen wrde, betreffen die logische Grammatik
von Metaphern und Wrtern mit verwandten Bedeutungen. Es wrde gengen, wenn
man berzeugende Antworten auf folgende Fragen htte: Wie erkennen wir einen Fall
von Metaphorik? Gibt es Kriterien fr den Nachweis von Metaphern? Sind Metaphern in
wrtliche Ausdrcke bersetzbar? [] Welche Beziehungen bestehen zwischen Metapher
und Vergleich? [] Und was soll schlielich die Verwendung einer Metapher berhaupt?
(Oder, krzer ausgedrckt, Was meinen wir mit Metapher?) (Black 1996: 55).

Bis heute gibt es keine eindeutigen Antworten auf die von Black gestellten
Fragen. Viele Versuche hat es allerdings gegeben, sich diesem Gegenstand zu
nhern. Arlow (1979) stellt in seiner Arbeit Metaphor and the psychoanalytic situation fest: Das Wort Metapher kommt aus den altgriechischen Wortbedeutungen
hinbertragen und bezieht sich auf linguistische Prozesse, die Aspekte des einen
Objekts zu einem anderen Objektbereich hinbertragen oder bertragen werden,
so dass vom zweiten Gegenstand gesprochen wird, als sei es der erste (Arlow
1979: 365, zitiert in Carveth 1993: 17).
Was in allen Definitionsversuchen auftaucht, ist der Bedeutungswandel
oder die Bedeutungsbertragung, die mit der Metapher und durch den bestimmten Kontext vollzogen wird. Es wird etwas anderes gemeint, als es die eigentliche
Bedeutung des Wortes vermuten lsst. Die semantische Komponente spielt die bedeutendste Rolle bei der Untersuchung von Metaphern.
2. Theorien der Metapher
Es erscheint durchaus sinnvoll, als Teil eines Beitrags zur kontrastiven Metaphorik Grundlinien unterschiedlicher Metaphernverstndnisse dahingehend zu
betrachten, welches deskriptive Modell am besten geeignet ist, in allen miteinander kontrastierten Sprachen und Texten die kommunikativen Leistungen wie die
semantischen Paradigmen der Metapher so zu beschreiben, dass sie als Vergleichsparameter im Sprachenvergleich tauglich sind.Gerade innerhalb der anwendungs
orientierten Linguistik entfllt das Kriterium der Wahrheit eines wissenschaftlichen
Modells zugunsten dessen seiner methodologischen Adquatheit (Osthus 2000:
75). Es geht also in dem folgenden Kapitel nicht darum, die Denkmodelle zu Metaphern auf ihren Wahrheitsgehalt zu berprfen. Die anschlieende Darstellung
soll vielmehr Aufschluss darber geben, welches Modell fr die Untersuchung meines Gegenstands geeignet ist.
Es geht bei den Theorien sowohl um eine Eingrenzung des Begriffs der
Metapher, als auch um den jeweiligen seitens der unterschiedlichen Anstze postulierten Status des metaphorischen Sprechens innerhalb der Kommunikation.
Aristoteles liefert einen doppelten Ansatz der Metaphernkunde. Neben
einer Beschreibung des sprachlichen Mechanismus der Metapher, vor allem in
der Poetik, stehen literarische und rhetorische Empfehlungen zum stilistisch gelungenen Gebrauch der Metapher innerhalb seiner Rhetorik. Die Metapher wird
von Aristoteles als ein analogischer bertragungsprozess der Beziehungen eines
Gegenstandes auf einen anderen Gegenstand verstanden.
Jede Metapher kann dieser Konzeption zufolge beschrieben werden als
Substitution eines nicht-metaphorischen Ausdrucks durch einen bertragenen


Terminus, wobei Aristoteles die Metapher als Wortmetapher versteht, die allerdings potentiell Substantive, Adjektive und Verben in sich einschlieen kann. Grundlage einer jeden Wortbertragung ist der bereits vorhandene analogische Bezug
zwischen Substitut und Substituenten. Ein Paradebeispiel einer solchen, metaphorisch nutzbaren Analogie ist das Verhltnis zwischen Lebensalter und Tageszeit.
In Abgrenzung zur aristotelischen Substitutions- und Vergleichstheorie
der Metapher wird sie in der modernen Semantik hufiger als ein sprachliches
Phnomen betrachtet, dessen Leistung gerade darin besteht, Bedeutungen hervorzurufen, welche nicht durch eigentliche Rede substituierbar sind, bzw. mittels
eines Vergleichs aufgelst werden knnten. So akzentuiert Richards im Gegensatz
zu Vorstellungen, die die Metapher lediglich als Redeschmuck, als interessantere
Ausdrucksmglichkeit eines prinzipiell auch nicht-metaphorisch formulierbaren
Inhalts begreifen, den jeweiligen kontextuellen Charakter der metaphorischen Bedeutung:
Auf die einfachste Formulierung gebracht, bringen wir dem Gebrauch einer Metapher zwei
unterschiedliche Vorstellungen in einen gegenseitigen aktiven Zusammenhang, untersttzt von einem einzelnen Wort oder einer einzelnen Wendung, deren Bedeutung das Resultat
der Interaktion beider ist (Richards 1996: 34).

Die Metapher ist folglich kein Phnomen semantischer Normabweichung, sondern sie gehorcht dem Prinzip der grundstzlichen Kontextbedingtheit
sprachlicher Bedeutungen.
Auch die Analogie besitzt in der Interaktionstheorie einen anderen Stellenwert als noch bei Aristoteles. Whrend in der Antike die Analogie Voraussetzung
fr eine erfolgreiche Metapher war, rumt Black der Metapher die Fhigkeit ein,
Analogien erst herzustellen1
Durch den interaktionren Ansatz ist der Erkenntniswert ber die Metapher
wesentlich hher als durch die Vergleichs- oder Substitutionstheorie. Auch Keller
unterstreicht den hohen Nutzen der Metapher als Erkenntnismodell, das er als
Brille, durch die man Dinge erkennen kann, die man ohne diese Brille nicht sehen
wrde (knnte man metaphorisch sagen) kennzeichnet (Keller 1995: 224).
Metaphernverstndnis der kognitiven Linguistik
Die kognitive Linguistik fut auf der paradigmatischen Grundberzeugung,
dass Sprache nicht als autonome arbitrre Struktur angemessen beschrieben
werden kann, sondern vielmehr in enger Abhngigkeit mit der menschlichen
Kognition zu betrachten ist. Konkret verfolgen Anstze der kognitiven Linguistik
zwei Hauptziele: Einerseits suchen sie aus sprachlichen Strukturen Rckschlsse
fr den Aufbau der Denkstrukturen zu ziehen, andererseits dienen der kognitiven
Linguistik umgekehrt Erkenntnisse ber den Aufbau der menschlichen Kognition zur Erklrung sprachlicher Tatsachen (vgl. Linke u.a. 2004: 98ff.). Die im Zuge
der kognitiven Wende (Schwarz 2 1996:13-15) vollzogene enge Verknpfung von
1 Zill (1992: 75) unterstreicht dieses mit der Interaktionstheorie gewandelte Verstndnis metaphorisch genutzter Analogie: Die partielle Gleichheit der beiden in der Metapher zusammentreffenden
Gegenstnde ist keine vorausgesetzte, sondern eine in der als uneigentlich verstandenen Aussage erst



Sprache und Denken ist dabei als Gegenreaktion zu einer rein strukturalistischen
Linguistik zu verstehen, welche die Autonomie des Sprachlichen betonte. Ludwig
Wittgenstein hat hierfr philosophisch einige Vordenkleistungen vollbracht, wenn
bei ihm etwa von der Verhexung unseres Verstandes durch die Sprache (Wittgenstein 1971) die Rede ist.
Der metaphorische Prozess, in dem auf der Ebene der Sprache beispielsweise
Abstraktes durch konkret Fassbares ausgedrckt wird, ist folglich fr die kognitive
Linguistik keine ausschlieliche Angelegenheit sprachlich konventionalisierter Gebrauchsregeln, sondern er gehorcht in idealer Weise dem Postulat kognitiver Motiviertheit der Sprache. Denn wenn unser Denken, wie es die Kognitionsforschung
nahe legt, durch Bildhaftigkeit geprgt ist, dann ist die Allgegenwart der Metapher
dafr das beste Indiz. Und dann ist umgekehrt die Analyse der sprachlichen Metaphern der ideale Weg zur Erschlieung mentaler bildhafter Konzeptualisierungen
(Osthus 2000: 102). Die Metapher wird in der kognitiven Linguistik als sprachlicher
Reflex menschlicher Denkprozesse begriffen.
If we are right in suggesting that our conceptual system is largely metaphorical, then the
way we think, what we think, what we experience, and what we do every day is very much
a matter of metaphor. [] We shall argue that human thought processes are largely metaphorical (Lakoff/Johnson 1980: 3 ff.).

Eine solche kognitive Metaphorologie findet in George Lakoff ihren einflussreichsten Vertreter. Zusammen mit Mark Johnson legte er (1980) den Ausgangspunkt einer lebhaften, vor allem in den USA betriebenen Metaphernforschung,
welche sich um den Stellenwert der Metapher im menschlichen Denken dreht.
[Metaphor] is omnipresent: metaphor suffises our thought, no matter what
we are thinking about (Lakoff/Turner 1989: XI). Damit knnte meine Untersuchung
mit Hilfe der kognitiven Linguistik Aufschlsse ber Konvergenzen und Divergenzen im Reden und damit auch im Denken ber Fuball zwischen Polen, Deutschen
und Moldawiern geben.
Die Metapher ist dementsprechend in erster Linie kein sprachliches, sondern
ein konzeptuelles Phnomen, welches sich in der Sprache spiegele. hnliches
knnte man fr das Fuballspiel behaupten. Dass ein Groteil der Metaphorik zur
Beschreibung eines Fuballspiels aus dem Bereich Krieg/Kampf kommt, hat laut
der kognitiven Linguistik eine bedeutende Aussage darber, was wir ber Fuball
denken, vielleicht auch wie wir uns beim Fuball verhalten.
In einer toten oder literalisierten Metapher befangen zu sein, heit laut
Wittgenstein, in einem elementaren Sinne unfrei im eigenen Denken und Handeln
zu sein: Ein Bild hielt uns gefangen. Und heraus konnten wir nicht, denn es lag
in unserer Sprache, und sie schien es uns unerbittlich zu wiederholen. (Wittgenstein 1971: 67). Glcklicherweise besitzen wie als menschliche Subjekte allerdings
die Fhigkeit, ber unsere Metaphern und Gegenstze zu reflektieren und damit
auch die, uns von solcher Besessenheit teilweise zu befreien. Meine Arbeit soll dazu
einen kleinen Beitrag leisten.
Wer denkt denn noch bei einem Strmer an jemanden, der Sturm, also
starken Wind verursacht oder wer denkt bei dem Wort Kapitn im Fuballkontext


an eine Schiffsbesatzung? Diese Wrter sind also stark literalisiert und haben ihre
Bildlichkeit mehr oder weniger verloren. Laut Lakoff sind diese Metaphern allerdings nicht tot, sondern im haben Gegenteil eine besonders starke Aussagekraft im
kognitiven Sinne.
Die Voraussetzung metaphorisch geprgter Konzepte kann zudem plausible Erklrungen fr das Funktionieren oder Nicht-Funktionieren interkultureller
(bzw. interkonzeptueller) Kommunikation geben, da als Prmisse einer funktionierenden zwischenmenschlichen Verstndigung die Bindung der an der Kommunikation Beteiligten an identische, in sprachlichen Metaphern gespiegelte Konzepte
erachtet wird. Insofern kann die kognitive Metaphernforschung wichtige Beitrge
zur Erforschung konzeptueller Systeme leisten und so Hinweise zur kognitiven
Grundlage (einzel- und bereinzel-)sprachlicher Missverstndnisse liefern (Osthus
2000: 110).
3. Das Bildfeld und Weinrichs Kulturkreisbehauptung
Weinrich stellt die berzeugung auf, dass die Metapher nur adquat beschrieben werden kann, wenn sie als Kopplung zweier sprachlicher Sinnbezirke
(Weinrich 1976: 283) verstanden werde. Eine semantische Analyse der Metapher
msse daher die Zweigliedrigkeit der Metapher angemessen bercksichtigen, wobei sich daraus die Mglichkeit ergibt, in Texten scheinbar isolierte Einzelmetaphern
als in einen greren semantischen Zusammenhang eingeordnet zu erkennen.
Basis der Klassifizierung einzelner metaphorischer Ausdrcke ist die mit dem
Saussureschen Strukturgedanken verbundene Idee, dass sprachliche Phnomene
nicht isoliert vorhanden sind, sondern immer in einem sie einbettenden Strukturzusammenhang stehen. Whrend fr nicht-metaphorisch verwendete sprachliche
Zeichen das Wortfeld diese Struktur darstellt, stehen Metaphern in ihnen bergeordneten Bildfeldern: Im Mae, wie das Einzelwort in der Sprache keine isolierte
Existenz hat, gehrt auch die Einzelmetapher in den Zusammenhang des Bildfeldes. Sie ist eine Stelle im Bildfeld (Weinrich 1976: 283) Ein Bildfeld besteht aus
einer Koppelung eines bildspendenden mit einem bildempfangenden Feld.
Das Bildfeld ist weitgehend eine kulturelle Konstante, welche das Weltbild
der es teilenden Kulturgemeinschaft mageblich prgt (Weinrich 1976: 288). Das
Verstndnis einer Metapher wird daher auch durch das Vorhandensein eines sie verankernden Bildfeldes abgesichert, weil das Bildfeld als Denk- und Erklrungsmodell die im metaphorischen Ausdruck explizierte Aussage dem Sprachbenutzer als
evident erscheinen lsst (Weinrich 1976: 327).
Die gemeinsame Teilhabe an den durch die erlernte Sprache oder gelesene Literatur vermittelten Bildfeldern unseres Kulturkreises ist eine Bedingung zivilisierter Verstndigung [].
So wird nun verstndlich, dass unser Weltbild entscheidend von unseren Bildfeldern (mehr
als von den Wortfeldern!) bestimmt ist (Weinrich 1976: 288).

Wie eingangs zitiert postulierte Weinrich gleichzeitig mit der Aufstellung

seiner Bildfeldtheorie eine abendlndische Bildfeldgemeinschaft. Weinrich ordnet
die Bildfelder nicht Einzelsprachen zu, sondern mehrere Sprachgemeinschaften
umfassenden Kulturkreisen. Sie gehren zum sprachlichen Weltbild eines Kul137


turkreises (Weinrich 1976: 287). Weinrichs Beweisfhrung sttzt sich auf ausgewhlte, zu einem gemeinsamen Bildfeld Wortmnze gehrende metaphorische
Ausdrcke unterschiedlicher europischer Sprachen, die untereinander sowohl
kompatibel, als auch gut bersetzbar sind.
Coseriu geht sogar noch weiter und bemerkt im Zusammenhang mit der Diagnose frappierender zwischensprachlicher metaphorischer Konvergenz, dass die
Bilder einander oft so hnlich sind, dass man ernsthaft an eine universelle Einheit
der menschlichen Phantasie, die die sprachlichen, ethnischen und kulturellen Verschiedenheiten berwindet, denken knnte (Coseriu 1979: 26).
Meine Untersuchung will hier ansetzen und wird in den Grundzgen Weinrich und Coseriu mit ihren Konvergenz-Hypothesen Recht geben. Die wesentliche
Herausforderung stellt jedoch die Tatsache dar, dass die Bildfeldgemeinschaft
lediglich auf Konvergenz bergeordneter Strukturen der Bildlichkeit deutet, die
interne Strukturiertheit der als bereinzelsprachlich angenommenen Felder in den
Einzelsprachen jedoch keine Bercksichtigung findet.
Anmerkungen zu meiner Methodik und zur Fuballsprache in verschiedenen Medien finden in diesem Beitrag keinen Platz. Ich werde in diesem Beitrag
auch nicht alle Bildfelder darstellen, sondern lediglich das grte, das des Krieges
und Kampfes. In meiner Bachelor-Arbeit finden Sie alles sehr ausfhrlicher.
4. Die Untersuchung am Beispiel des Bildfeldes Krieg/Kampf
Ich werde nun in dem folgenden Kapitel ein exemplarisches Bildfeld (Krieg/
Kampf ), das durch hufigen Gebrauch in beiden Sprachen aufgefallen sind, nher
beleuchten. Einleitend stellt sich die Frage, was denn eigentlich der Bildspender
mit dem Bildempfnger gemein hat und umgekehrt. Dabei geht es nicht darum,
zu klren, wie geeignet der Bildspender fr den Empfnger Fuball ist, sondern
um die Verdeutlichung der Isotopieebene, auf der sich die Metaphern befinden.
Wie oben angegeben, werde ich statistische Angaben meiner Untersuchung mit
kontextorientierten Angaben ergnzen, um eine mglichst klare Vorstellung von
der Struktur des Bildfeldes zu bieten.
Fuball ist Krieg, eine Metapher, die ursprnglich dem hollndischen
Trainer Rinus zugeschrieben wird, wird immer wieder benutzt, um auf verschiedene Aspekte des Spiels hinzuweisen. Direkte Kriegsmetaphern sind fr jeden
Leser deutlich als solche zu erkennen, weniger offensichtlich bleibt allerdings, dass
unser Vokabular, das wir im Bereich Fuball benutzen, schon auf Konfrontation
ausgerichtet ist (Kster 1998: 70).
Der Strmer schiet Tore und strmt das gegnerische Tor, er lsst sich in die
Defensive drngen und verfolgt eine Strategie. Dabei wird der Gegner angegriffen
und es werden Treffer erzielt, um ihn zu besiegen und ihm eine Niederlage beizubringen.
Was hat denn nun Fuball so Kriegerisches an sich bzw. was hat Krieg
Fuballerisches an sich? Durch welche Elemente kann man beide Felder auf eine
Isotopieebenen bringen? Hier nun einige Versuche:


1. Beim Fuball stehen sich zwei Gruppen von (meistens) gut trainierten
Mnnern auf einem Feld gegenber.
2. Die beiden Gruppen haben jeweils einheitliche Kleidung.
3. Das Ziel ist, auf die Seite der anderen Gruppe zu gelangen, um dort eine
bestimmte Aktion auszufhren.
4. Um sein Ziel zu erreichen, braucht man die Kontrolle um ein Stck Erdflche.
5. Man selbst hat gewonnen, wenn der andere verloren hat.2
6. Innerhalb der Gruppe gibt es verschiedene Linien. Die Einen sind primr
dazu da, die andere Gruppe am Erfolg zu hindern und die anderen konzentrieren
sich auf den eigenen Erfolg. usw.
Demnach gibt es viele Anhaltspunkte, wie man auf die Benutzung dieses
Bildes kommt, jedoch mindestens so viele Grnde dagegen. Etwa gibt es fr beide
Parteien ein und dasselbe Spielgert, welches nicht zerstrt werden darf, es gibt
klare Regeln, die die Gesundheit des anderen schtzen usw. Nach Kster (1998)
ist das 20. Jahrhundert das Jahrhundert der Kriege, als auch das Jahrhundert des
Fuballs. Viele alte Rivalitten, gerade innerhalb Europas, werden daher auf den
Fuball bertragen und in der Berichterstattung ausgelebt. Gerade die englische
Presse benutzt dieses Element, um beim Publikum anzukommen. Fr die deutschen
Medien knnte man die Hypothese aufstellen, dass eine Entmilitarisierung des
Sprachgebrauchs in den letzten Jahrzehnten stattgefunden hat. In den 70er Jahren
gab es noch den Bomber der Nation, viele schnelle Schsse waren Granaten usw.
Auch in meiner Untersuchung sind in allen drei Sprachen die Metaphern,
die man mit Krieg oder Kampf in Verbindung bringen kann, die am meisten verwendeten. Kster kommt in seiner Untersuchung auf annhernd einhundert Begriffe, die im Fuballsport benutzt werden, ursprnglich aber dem Kriegsvokabular
zuzuordnen sind (Kster 1998: 56). Ich habe mit meinem sehr viel kleineren Korpus etwa 60 verschiedene fr die deutsche und die gleiche Anzahl auch fr die
polnische Berichterstattung herausgearbeitet. Beim Rumnischen war der Korpus
sehr viel kleiner daher nur 21 verschiedene Ausprgungen dieses Bildfeldes. Hier
nun einige Beispiele aus dem Korpus:
Mit hohem Tempo und riesigem Willen hielt die Klinsi-Truppe gegen erbittert und hart kmpfende Polen (Platzverweis fr Sobolewski) dagegen. Und: Die
Abwehr hielt endlich dicht! (Bild-Zeitung).3
Ein heier Kampf auf Biegen und Brechen vor 65.000 Zuschauern! (Berliner
Der 21jhriger war der Turm in der Schlacht (Berliner Kurier, zur Leistung
von Per Mertesacker).
Heroiczna walka z Niemcami faktw nie zmieni. (Der heldenhafte Kampf
gegen die Deutschen ndert die Fakten nicht.) (Gazeta Wyborcza, 16.6.2006)
Bohatersko i honorowo bronilimy bramki przed Niemcami. (Heldenhaft
und ehrenvoll haben wir das Tor vor den Deutschen verteidigt.) (Fakt)
2 Ob beim Krieg wirklich jemand gewinnt, sei dahingestellt.
3 Unterstrichen sind in diesen Beispielen nur jeweils die Metaphern, die zu dem gerade betrachteten
Bildfeld gehren.



Dzi jest walka, dzi jest ambicja, dzi jest powicenie. (Heute ist es ein
Kampf, heute gibt es Ehrgeiz, heute gibt es Aufopferung.) (Wodzimierz Lubaski,
Bordeanu executa o lovitura libera catre coltul lung, Semedo obine din
duelul cu Hamza o lovitur de la col. (, 10.09.07)
In den deutschen Kommentaren war mehr als jede dritte Metapher eine
Kriegs- bzw. Kampfmetapher (37%). In den polnischen waren es sogar mehr als
die Hlfte (52%). hnliches gilt frs Rumnische (54%). Besonders sticht hier die
Nennung des Wortes walka bzw. das Verb walczy (Kampf, kmpfen) mit allein 62
Nennungen (7%), statistisch vergleichbar mit dem rumnischen lovitura, a lovi. In
beiden Sprachen ist dieser Bildspender der mit Abstand am meisten gebrauchte.
Wir verstehen Fuball also vor allem als Kampf oder gar Krieg. Woher kommt allerdings diese Differenz in der Mikrostruktur des Bildfeldes? Dies kann viele Grnde haben. Zum einen kann es an der im jeweiligen Land im Fuball gebrauchten Sprache
generell liegen. Vielleicht hat in Deutschland tatschlich eine schleichende Entmilitarisierung des Fuballwortschatzes eingesetzt. Dies msste eine diachronische
Studie untersuchen.
Es bleibt in diesem Beitrag wiederum kein Platz fr eine Auflistung der eigentlichen Metaphern. Neben dem Bildfeld des Kampfes gab es noch etwa zehn
weitere Bildfelder, die sich in allen drei Sprachen berschnitten haben, wie Theater,
Maschine, Kunst, Arbeit oder Kommunikation. Ich hoffe, ich habe mit diesem Beitrag einen Einblick in meine Arbeit geben knnen.
1. Aristoteles (1944): Art rhtorique et Art potique. Paris.
2. Arlow, Jacob A. (1979): Metaphor and the psychoanalytic situation. In: Psychoanal. Quart.
48, 363-385.
3. Black, Max (1996): Die Metapher. In: Haverkamp, Anselm (Hrsg.): Theorie der Metapher.
Darmstadt: 55-79.
4. Buchholz, Michael B. (1993): Metaphernanalyse. Gttingen.
5. Carveth, Donald L. (1993): Die Metaphern des Analytiker. Eine dekonstruktionistische
Perspektive. In: Buchholz, Michael B. (Hrsg.): Metaphernanalyse. Gttingen: 15-71.
6. Coseriu, Eugen (1979): Sprache - Strukturen und Funktionen. Tbingen.
7. Keller, Rudi (1995): Zeichentheorie: zu einer Theorie semiotischen Wissens. Tbingen.
8. Lakoff, George/Johnson, Mark (1980): Metaphors We Live By, Chicago.
9. Linke, Angelika/Nussbaumer, Markus/Portmann, Paul R. (2004): Studienbuch Linguistik.
10. Osthus, Dietmar (2000): Metaphern im Sprachvergleich: eine kontrastive Studie zur
Nahrungsmetaphorik im Franzsischen und Deutsch. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin u.a.
11. Richards, Ivor Armstrong (1996): Die Metapher. In: Haverkamp, Anselm (Hrsg.): Theorie
der Metapher. Darmstadt: 31-52.
12. Schwarz, Monika (1996): Einfhrung in die kognitive Linguistik. Tbingen.
13. Weinrich, Harald (1976): Sprache in Texten. Stuttgart.
14. Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1971): Philosophische Untersuchungen. Frankfurt am Main.
15. Zill, Rdiger (1992): Vom Bildnis zum Modell Formen ikonischen Denkens. In: Zeitschrift
fr Didaktik der Philosophie 2/92: 71-80.




Nicoleta IFRIM
Universitatea Dunrea de Jos Galai

Abstract: Bacovias poetry displays the image of regression due to the covertlyembeded facet of the poetic ego, whose actions determine the death of universe by
means of the androgynous persona. From this point of view, the major hypostasis of
the poetic ego undertakes a symbolic quest of his own lyrical identity which goes deeper and deeper up to the lead love, the ultimate point of this journey. Thus, the ego becomes the poetic Otherness which poetically projects existential tourments and death.
Imaginarul poetic bacovian se circumscrie arhetipalitii dialectice a cderii,
n care componentele imagiste bacoviene se integreaz organic micrii de disoluie,
degradare i descompunere exercitate constant asupra macro i microcosmosului
bacovian. Premisa de baz a demersului nostru critic este ideea c poeziile se convertesc n tablouri ale cderii din afar i ale cderii luntrice, imagini ale unui univers terorizat de spectrul morii. n acest sens, criticul V.Fanache constat prezena
unei feminiti individualizate, a crei discursivitate se structureaz n trei etape
lirice. Prima aparine unui eu, a crui dominant const n voina de a tri, sau mai
bine, de a nu muri [V.Fanache, 118], care poteneaz accente alienante, salvarea
cuplului nscriindu-se ca fapt fundamental al existenei. n aceast ipostaz prim,
singur, ndrgostitul, ca simbol al ieirii din sine n cutarea identitii cu cellalt,
este un damnat nghiit de pustiu [V.Fanache, 120]. A doua treapt spre disoluie
a discursului bacovian atest anularea voinei existeniale sub agresivitatea universului n deconstrucie. Contiina nonapartenenei dezvolt o psihologie a cuplului
orientat spre resemnare i neutralitate volitiv, exemplul cel mai elocvent al celei de-a doua trepte a discursivitii feminine fiind ilustrat de poema Nevroz, care
ofer imaginea unei astfel de iubiri paralizate de spectrul unui doliu irevocabil:
Nelinitea erotic vine din frica de iminena unui doliu care deja a avut loc, de la
originea amorului. Ar trebui ca cineva s-mi poat spune: Nu mai fi nelinitit, iubirea voastr e deja pierdut [V.Fanache, 125]. Ultima etap ilustreaz destrmarea
perechii, semnele cderii spre neant egalizndu-se n amorfismul plumbului. Centrul imaginar al orientrii imaginarului din aceast categorie este amorul meu de
plumb (un veritabil termen sinonim cu amorul meu defunct), iar existena erotic
se neuralizeaz n amorfismul mineral. Urmrind etapizarea discursului erotic propus de ctre V.Fanache, putem contura o tipologizare a eului bacovian n trei niveluri
de existen, regsibile recurent la toate nivelurile imaginarului poetic. ntr-un prim
nivel ontologic, eul rtcitor prin exteriorul sinistru vede n imaginea femeii i a casei
locuite de ea salvarea spiritului su agitat, astfel nct viziunea urmeaz o grupare
n vrsta chtonian a eului su. Spaiul iubitei semnific unicul refugiu i depirea
circumstanelor macabre: n casa iubitei de-ajung, / Eu zgudui fereastra nervos / S-o
chem ca s vad cum plou / Frunziul n trgul ploios. (Spre toamn) Deschide, d
drumu adorat / Cu crengi i foi uscate am venit; / n trg o fat trist a murit, / i-au


dus-o pe ploaie, i-au ngropat-o / D drumu, e toamn-n cetate (Note de toamn).

Opresiv i n acelai timp contaminant, lumea exterioar impune retragerea ntrun interior protejat, n casa iubitei, dar un spaiu care se profileaz ca ateptare i
potenialitate a gestului protector, nicidecum o spaialitate realizat. Al doilea nivel
de fiinare a femininului transfigureaz metamorfozele cuplului ntr-o succesiune
a scenelor interioritii, unde, aflai mpreun, ndrgostiii bacovieni resimt tragic
nonapartenena i intruzia neantului. Un al treilea nivel ontologic este particularizat de absena femininului, nfindu-l pe ndrgostitul bacovian rmas singur,
actualiznd nivelul poetic al autoironiei i al proiectrii ntr-un Cellalt ironic :Dar
fr ea, ce suvenir / Spre gnduri triste m ndeamn (i toate). Cele trei niveluri de
existen ale femininului se nscriu n dialectica unei cderi, ce ilustreaz regresiunea cuplului bacovian n thanatic. Perechea se regsete n suferin, n uniunea lui
prin moarte, iar comuniunea erotic semnific descoperirea celuilalt, dar totdeauna
revelarea n destrmarea fiinei iubite a propriei destrmri. Pornind de la schema
critic bachelardian, o astfel de inventariere triunitar descoper n universul bacovian o reverie a materiei, a elementarului n particular, analiznd funcionalitatea
lui n cadrul discursivitii bacoviene. Astfel, imaginarul bacovian utilizeaz n structura liric procedeul nsuirii n sensul transformrii creative, operaie ce determin
deconstrucia ntregului spaiu bacovian: eul utilizeaz instrumentarul arhetipal
al viziunii poetice pentru a provoca disoluia perspectivei existeniale, acionnd
deci complementar la expansiunea thanatic. Fiina nu mai este un sprijin sau un
univers compensatoriu ce ar putea atenua nihilomelancolia poetic, ci devine factor intrinsec al disoluiei universale: viaa elementelor domin incontientul poetic,
prin sinonimiile sale existeniale, dictnd astfel proteismul universal. Dar este vorba
de o reflectare negativ a acestor categorii, contiina poetic rezonnd mai ales la
negativitatea existenial, circumstanial la toate nivelele imaginarului. Simbol al
nonexistenei, acumulnd toate sensurile negativitii ontologice, neantul-plumb,
un spaiu n expansiune, se insinueaz treptat n interiorul universului bacovian, mai
ales prefigurat de diferitele ipostazieri ale viziunii dominante thanatice, de altfel circumscrise dialecticii cderii n moarte. Simbol izomorf vrstelor cderii eului (materiei intrate n vrtejul degradrii ce coasociaz imaginile pmntului mineralizat,
apei stihinice, aerului mortifer i calorismului apocaliptic), plumbul simbolizeaz n
poetica bacovian un cumul de forme involutive, circumscrise abisalitii regresive,
indiferent de actualizarea sintagmatic: amor de plumb, plumb de iarn, plumb
de toamn etc.
Exilul interior bacovian, respingnd orice transcenden conceptualizat,
ncorpornd dramatismul elementelor pe care le adopt drept model metaforic,
eman dintr-o demonie a individualizrii elementaritii n sensul regresivitii
acestuia. La Bacovia, individualizarea acioneaz asupra aerului, negndu-i calitatea de verticalitate, transformndu-l, de fapt, n ipostaziere a psihismului descensional. Aerul bacovian nu mai poteneaz veleiti cathartice elementare (claritate,
luminozitate), ci este utilizat apocaliptic de imaginarul thanatic n tentativa sa de
deconstrucie poetic. n acest sens, Adriana Mitescu descoper n spaiul poetic
motivul predominant al prbuirii, afirmnd c Poezia bacovian este o singur
poezie care ncheag n fragmente o singur metafor psihologic i anume metafora fundamental a cderii [Mitescu, p. 13]. n mod similar, Ion Simu noteaz: Surparea lumii nsoit de pierderea propriei identiti situeaz viziunea filozofic a lui


Cioran i pe cea poetic a lui Bacovia la locul de intersecie a dou suferine: una a
poetului care aude <<materia plngnd>>, alta a filozofului care aude <<iroindu-i
lacrimi prin vene>> [Apud Opri, p.11]
Se poate constata c metaforele cderii posed la Bacovia un realism psihologic indiscutabil. Ele dezvolt o impresie psihic ce marcheaz incontientul
poetic: teama de a cdea este o team primitiv, care exileaz individul n propria
interioritate, tocmai din dorina de a-i asigura securitatea. Dar, tocmai acest gest al
recluziunii metamorfozeaz imaginarul bacovian ntr-un plurimorfism al instanelor
cderii. n legtur cu aceast idee, Gaston Bachelard dezvolt o teorie a dublei
personaliti umane: personalitatea oniric i cea raional care difereniaz profund existena diurn de cea nocturn: Probabil c o alt personalitate, distinct,
cade cnd noi dormim, o personalitate care are deja experiena acelei cderi, care
are de fapt o amintire despre ntmplri trite de o ras din trecut. Amintirea rasial
cea mai comun pe care o avem este visul cderii n spaiu [Bachelard, p.94]. Eul
bacovian, coexistnd regimului nocturn al existenei, poart imanena acestei
cderi, genernd simultan i percepia abisalitii, dar ntr-o manier neutral ca
dat ontologic implacabil.
n imaginarul poetic, ipostaza fiinei se subsumeaz unui adevr paradigmatic: lumea este cdere. Alunecarea, curgerea, pierderea de sine n exilare mut,
ori n nebunia asumat, toate sunt feele metaforice ale aceleiai cderi, active pretutindeni, ca i cum ar fi vorba de un numitor simbolizant comun al limbajului: tot
ceea ce se verbalizeaz poetic este exil n i prin discurs. Este o cdere vie, spune
Bachelard: este necesar ca poetul s tie s comunice difereniala cderii vii , adic
schimbarea nsi a substanei care cade i care, cznd, n clipa nsi a cderii sale,
devine mai apstoare, mai grea, mai eronat [Bachelard, p.96].
La rndul su, elementarul hidric transcrie un acelai pelerinaj al exilului
interior bacovian. Prima observaie care se impune, nainte de a intra n materia
propriu-zis a analizei acvatice, este c Bacovia creeaz un spaiu poetic dominat
de apele mortifere nct Congenital, Bacovia este un nordic, fascinat de fecioare
pale i de copleitoare ninsori, de celeste melodii i de idile hieratice, denunnd
trgul intrat n putrefacie autumnal i necat n demeniale ape drept numai faa
imperfect, grotesc a marelui trm septentrional. [Grigurcu, p.198]. Poezia lui
Bacovia ofer imaginea exilrii diluviene, a potopului care finalizez mortifer recluziunea eului, i nu cea a vitalizrii materiei sub influena acvatic, aa cum apreciase Lovinescu: Expresia celei mai elementare stri sufleteti, e poezia cinesteziei
mobile, ce nu se intelectualizeaz, nu se spiritualizeaz, nu se raionalizeaz,
cinestezie profund animalic, secreiune a unui organism bolnav, dup cum igrasia
e lacrima zidurilor umede: cinestezie difereniat de natura putred de toamn,
de ploi i de zpad, cu care se contopete (...) n ea salutm, poate, ntia licrire
de contiin a materiei ce se nsufleete [Lovinescu, p.226]. Astfel, la Bacovia
Celula vie nu-i altceva dect o aventur, o erezie a mineralului lichid, o negaie
pasager, intermediar a acestuia. Viaa apare ca o penibil evaziune din neant,
ca o excrescen de celule dureroase ce au luat forma fiinelor. O contiin tragic
lumineaz acest eec [Dimitriu, p.130].
Dar aa-numitul primitivism, regresiunea poeziei bacoviene spre vrstele
dinti, reconstituirea acelui ocean primordial din care se nate materia sunt
ipostaze, reprezentri iluzorii, poezia lui Bacovia concentrndu-se asupra celuilalt


pol temporal, asupra ncheierii ciclului cosmic, cnd materia se pulverizeaz, revenind la stihiile oceanului mortifer: apa nu este deci spaiul genezei, ci acel neant
substanial de care vorbea Bachelard. E vorba deci de acea regresiune ce preced
un nou ciclu, implicit realitatea primar. Ovidiu Papadima afirma n acest sens: ntreaga atmosfer (...) n care se manifest chipul lent al poeziei bacoviene, urmrirea
lucid a unui inevitabil scobor sfrit, i sugereaz o idee de a curma suferina prin
anticiparea vast a unui final care nu va ntrzia: moartea, dispariia n anonimatul
inert al materiei, fantoma unui gnd ce rtcete obsedant n poezia lui Bacovia
[Papadima, p.52]. Metaforele universului acvatic se situeaz dup semnificaia lor
intrinsec ntr-o ordine descendent, undeva spre captul duratei i ntr-un spaiu
rece, cadru spaio-temporal propriu exilului disolutiv. Ele se constituie, mai nti,
ntr-o imagine general a diluviului, din simbol al fecunditii convertindu-se ntrunul al potopului distructiv, printr-un proces de involuie. Devenite oglinzi ale
nchiderii eului, ntinderile spaiale sunt nite reflectri ale morii fiinei, ntruct
ele provin din lacrimile cosmice, mereu n cdere, care sunt, de fapt, izomorfe apei
disolutive. Examinnd proza Pmnt de snge a lui Edgar Poe, Gaston Bachelard
constat calitatea negativ pe care o are motivul hidric. Apa primete aici coloratura de pedeaps universal, coloratura lacrimilor... Apa din orice loc i din orice
mlatin apare ca ap mam a tristeii umane, ca materie a melancoliei. Nu e vorba
de o impresie vag i general; este vorba de o participare concret. Poetul nu mai
viseaz imagini, el intete substana. Grelele lacrimi aduc n lume un sens uman,
o via uman, o materie uman [Bachelard, p.89-90]. Din acest punct de vedere,
eul bacovian exilat n propria interioritate are destinul apei care curge. Apa este, n
adevr, un element tranzitoriu. Ea este metamorfoza ontologic esenial ntre foc
i pmnt. Fiina sortit apei este o fiin n vertij. Ea moare n fiecare minut, fr
ncetare ceva din substana sa se prbuete. Moartea cotidian nu este moartea
exuberant a focului care strpunge cerul cu sgeile sale; moartea cotidian este
moartea apei, ea sfrete mereu prin moartea sa orizontal [Bachelard, p.91].
n cadrul ultimului nivel de semnificaie al reveriei elementaritii exilului,
eul bacovian conoteaz obsesiv extincia sinelui, ncadrndu-l generic n vrsta
chtonian a exilului su: acum dialectica recurent a cderii n nonexisten ia forma actualizatoare a unor simboluri claustromorfe care vizeaz n mod simultan att
exteriorul, ct i interiorul spaialitii. Elementul chtonic genereaz principial simbolismul intimitii, al rentoarcerii la snul su matern, opernd i o transmutare
a sexelor principiul masculin al voinei devine feminin, un adpost al repaosului.
Dac descinderea, cum precizeaz Bachelard, presupune un exil ca spaiu protector, sugernd arhetipal o actualizare a fiinei materne, eul bacovian tinde a substitui
senzaia de protecie cu cea de nesiguran n poemele n care elementul chtonian
poteneaz ambivalent sigurana matern cu teroarea extinciei prin claustrare.
Ptrundem astfel n regimul nocturn al imaginii, termenul lui Durand semnificnd
acceptarea legilor caducitii: Antidotul timpului nu va mai fi cutat la nivelul suprauman al transcendenei i al puritii esenelor, ci n linititoarea i calma intimitate a substanelor [Durand, p.207]. Aceast visare regresiv a teluricului ca element se asociaz n poetica bacovian cu necrofilia, cci mormntul dominat de
viziunea macabr a disoluiei eului devine pentru Bacovia o anihilare simbolic sub
paradigma exilului. Iminenta moarte a fiinei, obsesie necrofil dominant la Ba144


covia, transform imaginarul bacovian ntr-un catharsis al mineralului, astfel nct

metafora exilului este autochtoniat n simboluri ale spaiilor nchise.
Exteriorul, ca spaiu claustrant al eului, ia aspectul de labirint, iar perspectiva citadin acumuleaz cteva repere spaiale: piaa, trgul, strada, parcul,
periferia i cimitirul. Spaiul exterior, indiferent de configuraia lui, provoac
nelinitea erotic, dezolarea i apare scindat, dilematic, amestecat, n care formele
tipice i-au pierdut individualitatea, iubirea nsi stnd sub semnul marginalului i
al tranzitoriului. Pustiul i golul sunt cele dou metafore folosite de Bacovia pentru a
desemna vidul exilului din spaiul citadin. Sub toate ipostazele, specifice existenei
sunt cderea n gol i pierderea n pustiul exilant sau chiar readucerea eului ntr-o
cas-cavou, lipsit de via i iubire. Relaia contiin-lume cu sugerarea similitudinii de destin i afl la Bacovia un mod de tratare asemntor cu al lui Mallarm. La
poetul francez, dup cum remarc Hugo Friedrich, contiina de sine sau dialogul
interior sfrete printr-o identificare cu lumea exterioar. Peisaj i contiin nu
difer dect prin aceea c unul l exprim pe cellalt. Graie peisajului, contiina se
recunoate [Friedrich, p.109]. Dar, exilul spaial bacovian transform radical oraul
i metamorfozele citadinului ntr-un topos al claustrrii absolute, o virtual incint
mortifer, expresie a iremediabilei cderi n amorfismul interioritii, asumndu-i,
n acelai timp, i calitate de axis mundi a citadinismului mortifer. n acest context de idei, exilul interior bacovian acutizez senzaia izolrii simboliste, pn la
extreme, congurnd, conform pelerinajului mortifer al elementaritii, un traseu
regresiv al cderii, o simbolic recluziune progresiv spre cavernele interioritii i
depind astfel autoritatea modelului simbolist.
Referine bibliografice
Bachelard, Gaston, Apa i visele, Bucureti, Ed. Univers, 1999.
Bachelard, Gaston, Pmntul i reveriile odihnei, Bucureti, Ed. Univers, 1999.
Dimitriu, Daniel, Bacovia, Iai, Ed. Junimea, 1981.
Durand, Gilbert, Structurile antropologice ale imaginarului, Bucureti, Ed. Univers
Enciclopedic, 2000.
5. Fanache, V., Bacovia. Ruptura de utopia romantic, Cluj, Ed. Dacia, 1994.
6. Friedrich, Hugo, Structurile liricii moderne, Bucureti, Editura pentru literatur universal,
7. Grigurcu, Gheorghe, Bacovia, un antisentimental, Bucureti, Ed. Albatros, 1974.
8. Lovinescu, Eugen, Istoria literaturii romne contemporane, vol. I, Bucureti, Ed. Minerva,
9. Mitescu, Adriana, Imagini i materie poetic bacovian, n Revista de istorie i teorie literar,
nr. 2/1972.
10. Opri, Tudor, Actualitatea lui Bacovia, Prefa la George Bacovia. Poezii, ed. a II-a, Bucureti,
Ed. Rai, 1999.
11. Papadima, Ovidiu, G. Bacovia (simple note), n Convorbiri literare, nr. 6/1934.
12. Paz, Octavio, Dubla flacr. Dragoste i erotism, Bucureti, Ed. Humanitas, 1998.




Natalia URSUL
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Vocabularul unei limbi este cel mai deschis i flexibil nivel al unui sistem
lingvistic; el este n dezvoltare permanent i se mbogete cu cuvinte noi. Desigur,
pentru aceasta se folosete, n primul rnd, material de construcie existent deja n
limb. Limbajul literaturii artistice reflect dezvoltatea general a limbii, dar dorina
de a gsi metode de vorbire a unei imagini individuale duce la apariia stilurilor de
autor noi, individuale: ocazionale, cuvinte nonsens, contaminri (sau cuvinte hibrizi),
care prezint cuvinte formate din materialul de baz al limbii care nc nu au intrat n
limb. Cu toate c astfel de cuvinte sunt folosite numai ntr-un anumit context, pot fi
numite cuvinte cu sens deplin, pentru c ele ntruchipeaz o povar grea emoional i
sunt dup sens mai bogate dect cuvintele de uz comun.
Language is very sensible to every change in the social and everyday life of
people. The appearance of different innovative elements and lexical units is the
result of these changes.
Innovative elements appear because of the authors intention. The main objective of appearance of the innovative lexical units is to represent the authors attitude towards certain objects, actions or situations. These lexical units attract the
maximum readers attention.
Thus, we can speak about nonsense.
Nonsense words or language with little or no meaning and perhaps an
absurd or trivial quality [Tom McArthur, p.703].
As Samuel Butler wrote:
For learned Nonsense has a deeper sound,
Than easy Sense, and goes for more profound.
He may have been poking fun at the circumlocutions of academic writing,
but there is another point to take Samuel Butler as he wrote, For learned Nonsense
has a deeper sound, than easy these words [Fromkin, p. 76].
The form non-sense is occasionally used as a neutral antonym of sense: it is
a parody of sense, non-sense is not vacuity of sense, it is a parody of sense and that
is the sense of it [Tom McArthur, p. 703].
What is nonsense, and why do we even have it?
Essentially nonsense in English has the same sentence structure, punctuation and sound combinations as real English, even if every single word is meaningless. It is interesting that, when we read nonsense we often try to assign meaningful categories to the words this one is a noun, that ones a verb, and another is an
adjective - even if we cant know what they mean. Maybe this urge has to do with
the way we learn new vocabulary by identifying its function within the sentence
and using its context to determine what it means. And notice how most nonsense
can be read aloud because we know how to pronounce the words, even though
we dont know what they mean. All the sounds are English sounds (or whatever
language the verse is written in).


While speaking about nonsense, we can distinguish nonsense words or occasionalisms, blend words and literary (verse) nonsense.
a) Blends
A blend is a word or morpheme which fuses two or more words or parts of
words, or splinters as Valerie Adams calls them, to give a combined meaning [Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, p. 91].
For instance, the word smog is a blend because it is formed by the combination of the splinters sm- and -og , which are parts of the morphemes smoke and
fog. In particular, the first word represented in blends to be higher in frequency,
contains fewer syllables, and denotes more prototypical category members than
the second word. Blends are also known as fusions or portmanteaux words [Adams, p.142].
The last term is due to Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland. He
made a special technique of using blends coined by himself, such as mymsy (i.e.
miserable+flimsy), galumph (gallop+triumph), chotly (chuckle+snort). Humpty
Dumpty (the hero from Alice through the Looking Glass) explains these words to
Alice: You see its like a portmanteau there are two meanings packed up into one
word [Lewis Carroll, p. 86].
The process of formation is also called telescoping because the words seem
to slide into one another like sections of a telescope [Arnold, p. 141].
Valerie Adams lists three types of blends:
1. Type 1. The first type of blends consists of words that cannot be analysed
into constituents, but that contain elements which may remind us of other words
similar to them.
The word squirl, for instance, reminds us of the words squiggle and squirm,
or swirl, twirl, and whirl. In this case, it is very interesting to notice how these words
have a similar meaning and a similar form, as if the idea of turning were condensed in the splinters -irl or squi-. Of course, these splinters are not morphemes
because they have no meaning in the language when found in isolation. However,
it cannot be denied that these splinters appear in a group of words, all of which
carry a similar meaning.
Another example is found in the following joke taken from Readers Digest:
Happy New Year!
We jingle the bells in December and juggle the bills in January.
In this case, an idea of movement is expressed by -gle , and the author makes
use of the similarity of form and meaning in jingle and juggle for a comic purpose.
Movement may also be expressed by j- (or phoneme [dz] as suggested in the words
jerk, jet, jiggle, jitney, jitterbug, jitters, jive, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle,journey, jump , and
The same thing happens, for instance, in the words smoke, smog, smother,
smolder (or smoulder), and smudge . Isnt it rather evident that the form sm(o) carries
the same meaning in all these words?
In fact, with the use of a good dictionary, it is possible to trace a vast number
of groups of words which contain such discernible parts of morphemes, which are
called phonoasthemes by Valerie Adams. These elements most certainly deserve
additional research and study since very little is known about the origins and the
reasons for the use of the phonoasthemes. Some cases may involve a diachronic


analysis of the language. Nevertheless, explanations for the use of phonoasthemes

must still be developed on the grounds of the present form of the language. As a
matter of fact, blends formed by phonoasthemes constitute a modern process of
word formation. New words are usually formed following the similarities of form
and meaning they have with other words already existent in the language.
2. Type 2. The second type of blends according to Valerie Adams classification consists of words seen as contracted forms of compounds; that is, words in
which one element is fragmentary when compared with its corresponding uncompound word form.
This second type of blends is very common in the 20th century. (Very few
cases are found in earlier periods.) The words thus formed constitute neologisms
consciously formed, and the reader is often aware of the elements that are combined in their formation. Besides, these blends are coined for different purposes to
suppress the necessities of the language to name new elements or products that
are created.
3. Type 3. The third case consists of the addition of specific suffixes to a word,
thus forming groups of word resemblance. In the word folknik, for example, the suffix nik is added to the word folk in a way that it reminds us of the word beatnik (its
an Americanism, formed from the verb beat and the Russian suffix -nik, coined by
the representative of bitniks author Jack Cheruack).
So, once in a while we hear or read a word that just isnt right. Often they are
concocted from normal words by means of prefixes and/or suffixes not normally
used with that particular root word. Or, they are parts of two or more words glued
together to represent the mixture of ideas from the original words. However, it is
important to mention that some of these words and structures have highly idiomatic meanings and they are not registered in dictionaries, some of them are less
idiomatic and we can easily figure out the meaning.
b) Occasionalisms
The notion of occasionalisms is connected with the frequency of its usage.
Such words are usually referred to as occasional or nonce-words. Most of them do
not live long. They are not meant to live long. They are coined for use at the moment
of speech, and therefore processes a peculiar property that of temporarity. The
given word or meaning holds only in the given context and is meant only to serve
the occasion. The terms occasional words and nonce words are interchangeable,
however the full meaning of this notion can be understood while regarding upon
them simultaneously. Occasionalism points out the short existence, and nonsense
shows the property of absurdity.
Consequently, nonsense (or occasional) words are words that dont mean
anything, or have a meaning that is absurd. But it is the meaninglessness and absurdity that actually do give these words a kind of meaning, as well see. Nonsense
words are often formed in the same way as real words in the language that is being used. So in an English folk song, youll find nonsense words that sound like
English, but arent. A good example is the word (or words) fee-fi-fo-fum in Jack
and the Beanstalk; although these sounds are meaningless in English, they are
formed from combinations of sounds that do exist in English. Nonsense in English
has the same sentence structure and punctuation and sound combinations as real
English, even if every single word is meaningless. Maybe in this way we learn new


vocabulary by identifying its function within the sentence and using its context to
determine what it means. All the sounds are English sounds.
c) Limericks or Nonsense Verse
Nonsense verse represent light verse on improbable or fantastic subjects.
The humour is usually emphasized by rare words, occasional/nonsense words, and
unexpected juxtapositions. Often intended for children, such verse also appeals to
an adult sense of the ridiculous or whimsical. In English, the XIX c. writers Edward
Lear and Lewis Carroll are its best known exponents.
However, nonsensical refrains are common in the traditional ballad and folksong. Folk songs and poetry often have entire nonsense lines, repeated in each
stanza. Frequently this is a kind of chorus, and provides a line that a listening audience can join in with. Theres no reason why such a line needs to be nonsense, of
course, and many folk songs do have actual words and sentences instead. Perhaps
lines like this were originally lines that made sense, but over the years they became
nonsense, in the same way that happens when you play Telephone with a large
number of people. Or maybe they are simple filler lines, chosen for their sound
where a meaningful line might distract from the plot (as folk songs are often narrative poems). Let us take this stanza from The Three Ravens, for example:
There were three raens sat on a tree,
Down a down, hey down, hey down,
They were as black as black might be,
With a down.
The one of them said to his mate,
Where shall we our breakfast take?
With a down, derry, derry, derry down, down
Although down is a real word, it is nonsense in this context.
Another example of this kind of space-filler nonsense can be found in nursery rhymes. Heres Hey Diddle Diddle (even the title is nonsense):
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
This rhyme also fits in with other kinds of nonsense verse, where the meaning of the sentences is absurd even though we can understand them.
Successful nonsense verse must respect the structure and syntax of a language; comic occasionalisms need to be rooted in the familiar. And this way nonsense verse has more apparent meaning than nonsense words. Thus, in the opening lines of Carrollss Jabberwocky:
Twas brilling, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
The reader can deduce that toves and wabe must be nouns, slithy an adjective and gyre and gimble verbs.
Nonsense verse uses plenty of real words, and may not have any made-up
words at all. The nonsense in nonsense verse comes from the absurdity of the characters and situations it presents. Carrolls poem The Hunting of the Snark developed
from a single line (For the Snark was a Boojum, you see) that occurred to him
while out walking one day in 1874. Whenever asked if the poem had allegorical,


satirical, or other significance, he would answer, I dont know. In the poem, Carroll
is imprecise about the nature of Snark, and a dangerous kind at that:
Its a Snark! was the sound that first came to their ears,
And seemed almost too good to be true.
Then followed a torrent of laughter and cheers:
Then the ominous words Its a Boo--
Then silence. Some fancied they heard in the air
A weary and wandering sigh
That sounded like --jum! but the others declare
It was only a breeze that went by.
They hunted till darkness came on, but they found
Not a button, or feather, or mark,
By which they could tell that they stood on the ground
Where the Baker had met with the Snark.
What does it really mean? Parts of it are quite intelligible - we can understand that people are out hunting for something called a Snark, and we can figure
out that one of them vanishes.
But what is a Snark? That is the real fun of this kind of verse - it almost makes
sense, but in the end there are things we cant know because they are nonsense.
d) Entirely Nonsense Prose
Sometimes nonsense can take on more meaning than just some nice sounds
to take up space between lines. Often, however, nonsense appears to be spontaneous and a matter of whimsy: for example, in 1862 the painter and poet Edward Lear
wrote the following to his friend Evelyn Baring:
Thrippsy pillivinx,
Inky tinky pobblebockle abblesquabs? - Flosky! Beebul trimble flosky! - Okul
scratchabibblebongibo, viddle squibble tog-a-tog, ferrymoyassity amsky flamsky
ramsky damsky crocklefether squiggs,
Flinkywisty pomm,
Why would a sensible man in his 50s write such a ridiculous letter? (Assuming a man best known for his nonsense verse can be called sensible). Jean-Jacques
Lecercle, a French linguist, spent considerable time pondering this question, drawing attention to this letter in The Violence of Language (1990). First, he considered
the letter to be an incomprehensible hoax. He concluded that the letter - which is
carefully written in English nonsense (meaning it seems to have English sentence
structure and punctuation, though without meaning) - is a satire, and it is not entirely chaotic. The words are clear-cut, some look credible, and here and there a bit
of sense creeps in (except that it may not be safe to assume that ink, scratch, and
tog, or le and y are doing their usual jobs). Questions, exclamations, and statements also present themselves clearly, and so it is only at the level of meaning that
the system breaks down [Tom McArthur, p. 706].
Lecercle speculates that Lear was commenting on the artificiality of polite
social letters, which are meaningful in the sense that one can understand them, but
really dont mean much to either the writer or the recipient; they are merely a social
formality. A nonsense letter, Lear seems to say, carries exactly the same meaning.


There are cases when an abstract contains real words but there is no meaning in it. For example, Colorless green ideas sleep furiously is a sentence composed
by Noam Chomsky in 1957 as an example of a sentence whose grammar is correct
but whose meaning is nonsensical. It was used to show inadequacy of then-popular probabilistic models of grammar, and the need for more structure models. The
full passage says:
1.Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2. Furiously sleep ideas green colorless.
It is fair to assume that neither sentence (1) nor (2) (nor indeed any part of
these sentences) had ever occurred in an English discourse. Hence, in any statistical
model for grammaticalness, these sentences will be ruled out on identical grounds
as equally remote from English. Yet (1), though nonsensical, is grammatical, while
(2) is not [Chomsky, p.15].
Nonsense is difficult for understanding and twice difficult for translation.
Glynn Foster wrote about nonsense words: Now that is where problems appear,
all those are weird names, and if you ask me, I do not know how to translate most
of them, which for me seems to be a clue: really bad names. For me applets are
always running things that provide some info or make some tasks easier. That
or applet (without translation when I am speaking non English) if I do not want to
waste time.
Okay...some of those names were a little silly....but I dont see much of a reason if they dont translate...I mean, there are plenty of made up terms everywhere
and they arent translated.
The terminology should be picked so that it translates well - because there
is already too much invented nonsense techno-babble.
There are plenty of other reasons why terminology should be picked so
that it translates easily. Invented nonsense words like Gizmo, Yokeys, Thingameybobs, Whizlets and Evilets are particulary bad examples. The reason is that
they simply are nonsense words that give no information about what they are in
themselves. They are thus hard to understand as terminology even by English users, and the situation just gets worse when exporting the terminology to another
You simply cant translate nonsense to another language (what is the correct
translation?), and replacing it with a native nonsense word is out of the question
- people will have a really hard time trying to realize that native nonsense word A
and nonsense word Z in English are related at all, and that they are really the same
thing. Especially as documentation usually is non-existent.
Importing as it is is usually broken. The words use English spelling and
break other languages spelling and pronunciation rules. Also, some languages use
concatenation of the word and other endings in the definite form, in plural form,
and lots of other grammatical forms. It will often be really weird trying to use the
word and apply the languages grammar.
Trying to translate the spelling is often also hard. Most of the words above
would simply not be recognizable to transliterate them into Russian or any other
language. Then youre back to the previous problem - not recognizable.
Miniapp is a totally different thing - its easily recognizable as composed of
mini and application, and both of those are common words that are a no-brainer


to translate. Also, the reverse recognition is true, which is equally important - it allows native language users that may have been exposed to the English word previously to easily understand whats talked about.
However, the examination of nonsense words is very interesting. It is important to stress out that the effect of nonsense is often caused by an excess of meaning, rather than a lack of it. Though nonsense words can cause problems even to
experienced translators or interpreters.
1. Adams, V. Introduction into English Worformation. Lonon: London School of Publishing,
2. Arnold, I. The English Word. Moskva, Nauka, 1986.
3. Chomsky, N. Syntactic Structures. The Hague/Paris: Mouton, 1957.
4. Davidson, D. and Harman, G. Semantics of Natural Languages, Dordrecht, the Netherlands:
Reidel, 1972.
5. Fromkin, V. English Grammar. London: Blackwell, 1999.
6. Hansen, E., Neilsen, H. Irregularities in Modern English. Odense: Odense University Press,
7. Zrajevskaya, L.M. Difficulties of Translation from English into Russian. Moscow: Moscow
Publishing House, 1972.
8. The Oxford Companion to the English Language, Editor Tom McArthur. Oxford New York:
Oxford University Press, 1992.
9. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Harlow, Essex: Longman Group Ltd, 1995.
10. , .., .. English Lexicology. : ,




Aliona VICOL
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

O evadare din arhetip n infern iat traseul care este decodificat critic, pe
vertical i orizontal, n creaia prozatorului Fnu Neagu. Acest veritabil salt de calitate n expresie (dup Marin Preda, va marca indubitabil o net evoluie a tehnicilor
narative de construcie, a maturizrii subiectelor i frazrii metaforice i, cel mai important, a sondrii, dincolo de abisul psihologic, a contiinei umane redescoperite.
Simptomatic i aderent la fluxul epic al primelor naraiuni fnuiene
este povestirea Olelie, care surprinde o civilizaie retardat, profund balcanic,
combtut cu vehemen de ideologii literari ai timpului. n loc s urbanizeze mediul rural al Brilei, s-l industrializeze i s-l aduc n stare de graie, dup cum
solicitau cu insisten noile canoane literare (practicate cu zel de proza timpului),
Fnu Neagu prezint un spaiu ncremenit, ferit de transformrile care puteau
lesne corupe sufletul, fapt ce nu presupune aducerea n prim-plan a unor peisaje edenice, mioritice i trirea molcom a unei viei la ar n spiritul lui Duiliu
Zamfirescu. Autorul riposteaz mpotriva vremelniciei altfel: confer scrierii sale
un ruralism efervescent, clocotitor, marcat de ritualuri i ceremoniale aulice reactualizate, recldite astfel, nct s se poat observa neta superioritate fa de
normele de conduit prescrise totalitarist. Eroii fnuieni nici mcar nu lupt contra
interdiciilor, pentru ei nu exist tabu-uri existeniale, stavilele artificiale cad de la
sine, fiind ridicate strmb i neavnd vigoare nuntru.
n povestirea Olelie, tot satul prinde contur, se adun n jurul unei mari
srbtori ortodoxe Lsata secului, considerat, n acele timpuri de ctre ideologia
vremii, o erezie. Autoritile nu pot ns, nicidecum, contracara tradiiile desfurate
cu acest prilej, participnd i ele, ce-i drept n ascuns, la ntregul protocol religios.
Hotrrea consiliului comunal (de fapt, un comitet provizoriu stesc, cci instaurarea puterii noi de ctre autoritile judeene euase lamentabil), de a condamna obiceiurile barbare de Lsata secului, cnd se dau cinii n juju i se strig
oleliile, amendnd pe cel ce ine asemenea tradiii cu lei 25 (douzeci i cinci),
iar banii adunai s fie vrsai pentru construirea cminului cultural cel nou , nici
mcar nu suscit indignare, cci, oricum, suma, i aa modic, va fi achitat anticipat ca s nu le pun nimeni bee n roate mai trziu. Eroii discut pe ndelete exclusiv scenariul srbtorii, fiind preocupai doar de el i de la canonul cruia nu se
admite nici o abatere. De remarcat tipologia accentuat a personajelor fnuiene
care execut / respect datina din veac cu convingerea unor slujitori din locaurile
de cult. Criticul literar Cornel Ungureanu reflect aceast stare de spirit, care nu
prevestea nicidecum dispariia grabnic, forat, a unei lumi i a rnduielilor vechi,
poate, barbare i crude uneori, dar pitoreti i instituionalizate n codul existenei
rustice. Tot ceea ce face /ntreprinde umanitatea fnuian are la baz o solid ntemeiere etnologic. Teritoriul desfurrii epice e individualizat de lumea neao


din Suligatu (comuna unde are loc aciunea din Olelie), care ilustreaz viaa rustic
a Brganului, iar prin extindere, satul romnesc (datorit puterii de convingere,
ca i Silitea-Gumeti a lui Marin Preda sau Horodite a lui Ion Dru). Fnu Neagu
nu transfigureaz o realitate dat, ci creeaz una proprie. Lumea din Suligatu pare
a fi desprins de pe alte trmuri, dar nu aureolate, ci implantat adnc ntr-un climat arid, aspru, ce se zbate zadarnic pentru readucerea condiiei de alt dat. Exegetul Dumitru Micu remarc, n Scurt istorie a literaturii romne, c eroii lui Fnu
Neagu au aceast particularitate comun c ard permanent sau mocnit, nu sunt
niciodat sceptici, blazai. Orice gest al lor este o zvcnire de pasiune, tot ce ntreprind exprim un neastmpr, o foame de via insaiabil. Iar cercettorul Ion Tiba
gsete, n studiul Univers rural n romanul romnesc, c oamenii respect datinele,
unele de provenien cretin, altele motenite din timpuri pgne. Ard crucea n
prag s nu intre bolenia n cas. Ud paparude (copile tinere) care joac, pentru
a aduce ploaie. Mnnc iarna carne de porc i, de Boboteaz, plcinte cu varz,
cnd ntreg inutul Dunrii dinspre vrsare miroase a plcint cu varz.
Cele dou ritualuri de Lsata secului, darea cinilor n juju i olelia se
intersecteaz, se suprapun la nivelul receptrii morale, n pofida faptului c vizeaz
dou lumi distincte: cea animal i cea uman. Prioritate i se acord deconspirrii
metehnelor regnului animal, cci darea cinilor n juju presupune nu att
pedepsirea, ct reeducarea patrupedelor domestice, care au fost, pe parcursul
anului, lenee, neasculttoate sau, mai grav, i-au atacat stpnii. Pn de Lsata
secului nimeni nu avea dreptul s-i judece cinii, ceremonialul trebuind s se
desfoare public, ntr-un loc anume (maidanul din dosul morii), i ntrunite o serie de condiii obligatorii: trecerea mniei, iertarea animalului, aplicarea msurilor
de corecie propriu-zise (darea n juju) i rempcarea cu animalul considerat
absolvit de orice vin. Procedeul n sine nu este lipsit de un real pericol (nu att
pentru cine, ct pentru om, care putea fi mucat, rnit), de aceea erau antrenai
cei mai curajoi executani Onic i Dnil Bi, ntruchipri desvrite ale
ranului nenfricat, ager, abil i nenfrnt. La spectacolul de dare n juju (adic
la brazd), consumat pe un ger i un viscol nprasnic, nu avea dreptul s lipseasc
nimeni, inclusiv nvtorii, preotul i funcionarii comunei (notarul, executorul funciar, recepionerul, preceptorul etc.), cci mpcarea, reaezarea lucrurilor n albia
fireasc, originar, trebuia atins n prezena tuturor, fraterniznd toat lumea.
Obiceiul Oleliei presupunea o i mai meticuloas desfurare, cu consecine
grave pentru inculpai, mai bine zis inculpate. Flcii satului, n frunte cu un
cmra, urcau cel mai nalt deal din sat, de unde localitatea se vedea ca n palm.
La ora stabilit, cnd se ngemn ziua cu noaptea, toat suflarea satului ieea pe la
pori, lsnd deoparte mncarea i butura de pe mese, pentru a asculta recitalul
cetei flcilor. Acest recital, obligatoriu versificat, denot, prin asprimea faptelor
enunate, fora unor filipice, dar filipice autohtonizate, presrate cu poante, humor bonom i satiricale mblnzite. Obiectul oleliilor erau femeile satului, nu toate,
ci doar cele care, n opinia flcilor, au clcat strmb. Categoria respectivelor femei
era, la rndu-i, mprit n dou: din prima tagm fceau parte fetele btrne, dar
ngmfate care, din cauza unor defecte fizice sau morale, nu se puteau nicidecum
mrita; cealalt clas o constituiau femeile cstorite, suspectate de infidelitate.
Flcii, ntr-o manier sarcastic, ironic, indicau aluziv pcatele unei sau altei pri


femeieti , pigmentnd discursul poetic cu acide, fichiuiri sau chiar mscri ordinare:

Olelie lie,
Lumea vrea s tie
Ce- are fata lui Ghisas?
Are muci, da n-are nas
Deseori, grotescul foreaz limita bunului sim i a intimitii (cci n satul lui
Fnu Neagu viaa intim nu reprezint o tain atunci cnd depete perimetrul
csniciei), abjectul se strecoar grosier n recitativul flcilor nclzii de butura
consumat, nainte de olelii, la crciuma satului. Dincolo ns de aceste mici i nensemnate frustrri (proprii orizontului rustic), misiunea oleliilor se rezum, i de
aceast dat, la recuperarea moralului pierdut i rentoarcerea lui n comunitate.
Fetele btrne sunt chemate la ndreptare, iar femeile infidele sunt sancionate,
pentru a fi tiute de toat lumea i, n primul rnd, de brbat, care era obligat s
reacioneze ct mai dur:
Olelie lie,
Cine pe Vica n-o tie?
i iarba de pe cmpie
i floarea de ppdie
i crarea din lstar,
C-aa muiere mai rar...
C se ine cu cumnatu
tie subsemnatu
Da n-o tie i brbatu,
Olelie lie
Dumnezeu s-l ie.
Alegerea timpului pentru derularea ceremonialului oleliilor nu este ales
ntmpltor,cnd se ngemna ziua cu noaptea, tocmai pentru caemitenii(flcii
satului) s nu fie deconspirai de receptori(prile vtmate amintite n recitativ),
dar i pentru a conferi tradiiei un caracter anonim totalizator. Prin gura flcilor
vorbea satul ntreg, de aceea judecata avea loc n prezena tuturor. Ateptnd nceperea spectacolului, brbaii cer ori dau igri, prevestesc nscocirile flcilor,
dei sunt i din cei care dau crezare celor auzite i aplic cu duritate corectivele care
se impun. Femeile, de toate vrstele, se nghesuie i ele, sunt i mai nerbdtoare,
dar, dup cum precizeaz Fnu Neagu, doar cele cu sufletul curat, cci celelalte,
simind apropierea demascrii, ndueau i sub limb.
Criticul literar Cornel Ungureanu, ncercnd a sintetiza structura, componentele din care sunt constituite primele nuvele fnuiene, avea s constate: Lucrate n detaliu, textele ar vrea s arate cum nvinge lumea nou. Dar cu subtilitate,
cci avem nainte opera unui artist. Sesizabil este intenia scriitorului de a nu-i
propune s nruie aceast lume, ci s ntrzie, ct mai mult cu putin, dispariia
ei iminent. De aceea, Fnu Neagu vars peste destinele eroilor si un colorit pitoresc i o expresivitate intact, proprie oamenilor care nu vor s se despart de
via. Cci umanitatea fnuian, trmul pe care i duce zilele, cunoate stri


furtunoase, dezlnuite, spasmodice, disperate n fond, prevestitoare de un final

deloc fericit. Eroii din primele creaii nuvelistice fnuiene savureaz carpe diem,
se mobilizeaz pn la paroxism, pentru a-i mplini destinul tumultos. E i acesta
un ritual stenic, o resemnare fiinial, o supunere condiionat n faa voinei de
Sus, a contientizrii condiiei umane i a trecerii ireversibile a timpului pe pmnt
(toate-s trectoare, suspin, mpcat cu sine i cu Dumnezeu, personajul Chivu
Cplu din Ningea n Brgan).
i tema iubirii interzise este abordat neordinar n prozele de debut ale
autorului. Se ncearc stabilirea unei delimitri clare ntre pcatul carnal al dragostei fizice i apropierea platonic, spiritual a dou suflete ngemnate de tainicul
fior. Adevrat este i faptul c, deseori, planurile (i)morale se ntreptrund, fiind
condiionate reciproc, moment n care Fnu Neagu intervine artistic i, prin intermediul unor (de)tensionri naturale, fireti parc ale subiectului, rezolv exploziv conflictul naraiunii. Deznodmntul nu este, ntotdeauna, cel ateptat sau
anticipat de cititor, rsturnrile de decor, ncordarea, in extremis, la maximum a
destinelor umane, determin o finalitate dramatic a firului epic. n planul secund
al Oleliilor troneaz o aprins poveste de dragoste, ntreinut de Onic i Vica, eroi
predestinai tragismului emotiv (sentiment puternic, fr de care plasticitatea
nuvelisticii fnuiene ar fi avut de pierdut mult) i vieuirii sub zodia incertitudinii
eterne, marcai / tulburai de viermele ascuns al iubirii, nu att interzise, ct neacceptate unilateral de comunitate, n general, de normele de conduit moral. Universul rural, durat de secole n Suligatu, aplic aspre legi matrimoniale, pstrate
intact din vechime, pe care le perpetueaz n virtutea unui automatism patriarhal,
i nu accept (de fapt, nici nu se ncearc o abolire sau amendare a codului etic
nescris) o alt subordonare dect cea existent, venit pe filiera anilor, tradiiilor
strmoeti i cutumei.
Istoria e pe ct de simpl, pe att de interesant tratat. Vica, frumoas foc,
avnd ochi albatri, nvpiai de clocotul sngelui, are un copil din flori, dup
ce a fost necinstit, ntr-o primvar, pe cnd se afla la cmp, de Ciungu lui Pavelete, brbat nsurat, dar afemeiat peste msur. Violatorul este ntemniat, iar Vica
dat, fr acceptul ei, n cstorie dup Babalete (a se observa pitorescul numelor
personajelor lui Fnu Neagu), flcu tomnatic greoi la minte i slut, cu urechile
mari ct foaia de lipan. Femeii, n scurt timp, i moare copilul, iar aceast tragedie se transform brusc ntr-o eliberare pentru destinul pngrit al protagonistei. Urmeaz o nesupunere rebel total, deschis, fa de so (care, aflm, i pn
atunci era impus de Vica s doarm jos, lng sob, alturi de patul ei) i familia
lui, o mpotrivire crncen de a mai suporta calvarul unei viei nedrepte i, n acelai
timp, o dorin de a evada din infern.
Unul din personajele de mai trziu ale prozatorului (firete, femeie) consider
c nu este pcat s-i neli soul, dac ai fost impus, forat, din varii motive, s
te cstoreti cu el. Fr a intui urma vreunei vendete premeditate, aciunile din
acest moment (de desctuare) ale Vici, pornit s caute acum crrile fericirii, pot fi suspectate, totui, de dorina acerb a rzbunrii. Ea nu intenioneaz s
abandoneze casa soului (locuiau mpreun cu prinii acestuia), se ndrtnicete
chiar s rmn aici, avnd, de aceast dat, un motiv grav, ce descumpnete
ntreaga comunitate din Suligatu. Femeia deconspir deschis sentimentul marii
iubirii pe care l nutrete fa de fratele mai mic al lui Babalete, Onic, mezinul


familiei-gazd Cplu. O asemenea situaie-limit (efectele spontane pe care le

provoac, reaciile contradictorii ale stenilor, atmosfera conjugal ncins, apariia
ctorva tabere de susintori i acuzatori etc.) este ntreinut ndelung, cu mijloace i procedee artistice specifice (precizrile se constituie n veritabile mrturii
asupra veridicitii, lumea, aadar, se transfigureaz, se schimb rosturile existenei
ei din moment ce acum nici anotimpurile nu mai sunt ca atunci), de ctre Fnu
Neagu, care exploreaz n adncime, lsnd fineea psihologic la o parte, profunzimile sufletului uman, surprins ntre agonie i extaz. Planurile socrului Chivu
Cplu sunt, ntr-o clipit, spulberate, cci, n privina mezinului Onic, masculinitatea i virilitatea ntruchipat, el aranjase deja partida de ntorlocare cu fiica
lui Lache Trufau. Contientiznd, din punctul su de vedere, c apariia Vici n
gospodria sa, pe care o adunase de pe drumuri i acum ne face de rs, nsemnase
deteriorarea, chiar nruirea definitiv a aspiraiilor sale de parvenire, Cplu-tatl
ntreprinde o serie de aciuni energice, categorice, menite, n opinia sa, de a le rentoarce pe toate n fga: i bate nevasta (brbaii din Suligatu, prizonierii unui patriarhat tribal crunt, i bat soiile cu regularitate fr nici un motiv, ele fcndu-se
vinovate de tot rul ce li se ntmpl), l ia cu duritate la rost pe feciorul nelat:
- M, l ntreb Cplu, tii unde i-e muierea? tii sau nu tii?
Babalete nu-i rspunse. Se aez pe un scaun i apuc n palme talpa unei cizme
pe care o crestase cu toporul.
- S-a rupt, scnci el cu o voce groas, smucindu-i ntruna laba. Am scpat
toporul n ea i s-a rupt.
Of, c prost te-a mai fcut m-ta! i zise Cplu. Nu eti bun de nimic.
Crp, asta eti! Du-te, m, la grl, acolo-i muierea ta, nfige-i bine mna n ceaf
i bag-o cu capul n copc. S-i dai drumul cnd se face ifloaie de ap .
Vica reprezint, tipologic, modelul feminitii renscute, prin aciunile ei
non-conformiste de opunere suscitnd admiraia ascuns a gospodinelor din sat.
Interesant i uluitoare, totodat, apare atitudinea Nadolencei, mama soacr, fa
de ea. Soia lui Cplu-btrnul i ine aprarea, o sprijin, dar fr tirea brbatului,
care i aa o btea, fr s aib vreo vin, din cauz c Vica mergea s cnte la
cminul cultural, csca gura la conferinele pe care le ineau nvtorii sau vreun
inginer venit de la ora. Nadoleanca i ndrgise mult nora, vznd n ea destinul
propriu ruinat, lipsa oricror bucurii i obedien continu, care i mcinaser viaa
alturi de un brbat ursuz i bdran. Iat de ce nesupunerea tinerei neveste, felul
ei demn de a se purta, o sensibilizau, i nclzeau inima pn la nduioare. Mai
exista un temei, nedeclarat, pentru care Nadoleanca se transformase ntr-un veritabil aliat: Vica nu se temea de socru, l mpingea, la nevoie, cu cotul -o tergea
afar. Atta ndrzneal i snge rece, scrie Fnu Neagu, l uluiau de fiecare dat
pe Cplu nct o vreme nepenea cu braele pe jumtate ridicate n aer, cu
ochii holbai i gura cscat. Aa ceva nu se mai pomenise n casa lui. Era un fel
de rzbunare, perceput ca atare doar de ea, n spiritul solidaritii feminine, fapt
pentru care Nadoleanca era recunosctoare i mplinit/satisfcut, cci degeaba
avea doar feciori, n sfrit, abia acum se gsise cineva (o femeie) s-i vin de hac
lui Cplu.
Tumultoasa poveste de dragoste dintre Onic i Vica nu este rezolvat de
vrerea oamenilor, ci de vrerea datinii. Curmarea incertitudinii, nclinarea balanei
n favoarea iubirii curate, revine oleliilor, cnd sunt fcute publice, oficializate,


aduse la cunotin ceea ce tia tot satul, relaiile celor doi i inteniile lor de a se
cstori. n faa puterii oleliilor cedeaz pn i meschinul Chivu Cplu (care
cununase i botezase n fiecare an, deoarece pentru un na o cununie sau un botez
e o nimica toat, ce cheltuiete n zilele nunii scoate mai trziu cu vrf i ndesat,
fiindc n Suligatu e obiceiul din btrni ca de srbtorile mai nsemnate de peste
an finii s vin cu plocoane la na zece perechi de gini i trei de curci n tot
anul, plus carpetele i tilaiferele ce se dau pe colac de Lsata-Secului, de Pati i
de Crciun), constrns s accepte plecarea mpreun a Vici i feciorului Onic la
Lumea satului trebuia abandonat, cci se acumulaser prea multe tensiuni, pentru a le face fa. O evadare din arhetip n infern iat traseul pe care
l va decodifica, pe vertical i orizontal, prozatorul Fnu Neagu n urmtoarele
volume de povestiri (Somnul de la amiaz (1960); Dincolo de nisipuri (1962); Var
buimac (1962), ultimul titlu fiind considerat de Marin Preda un salt de calitate
n expresie), ce vor marca, indubitabil, o net evoluie a tehnicilor narative de
construcie, a maturizrii subiectelor i frazrii metaforice i, cel mai important, a
sondrii, dincolo de abisul psihologic, a contiinei umane redescoperite.
1. Manolescu, N. Metamorfozele poeziei. Metamorfozele romanului. Iai: Editura Polirom,
2. Micu, D. Romanul romnesc contemporan. Bucureti: ESPLA, 1959.
3. Micu, D. Scurt istorie a literaturii romne. Vol. III. Bucureti: Editura Iriana, 1996.
4. Mihescu, V. Alice n Balta Brilei // Literatorul, 1995, nr.21. P. 17.
5. Popa, M. Viscolul i carnavalul. Bucureti: Editura Eminescu, 1980.
6. Rotaru, I. O istorie a literaturii romne. Vol. II. Bucureti: Editura Minerva, 1972.
7. Simion, E. Scriitori romni de azi. Vol. III. Chiinu: Editura Litera, 1998.
8. Simion, E. Stilul fnuian // Curentul, 1999, nr. 116. P. 7.
9. Slave, E. Metafora n limba romn. Bucureti: Editura tiinific, 1991.
10. Tiba, I. Univers rural n romanul romnesc. Chiinu: Editura tiina, 2002.
11. Ungureanu, C. Proza romneasc azi. Bucureti: Editura Cartea Romneasc, 1985.
12. Vicol, D. ngerul pzitor al literelor romneti (Fnu Neagu la 65 de ani) // Literatura i Arta,
14 aprilie 1997, nr.14 (2694).
13. Zamfir, M. Poemul romnesc n proz. Bucureti: Editura Minerva, 1981.





Natalia BEJENU
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Deutsch lernen
Deutschland erleben
Mit Deutschen erfolgreich zusammenarbeiten
n ultimii ani cererea studierii limbii germane a crescut considerabil. Care este
cantitatea lexicului ntrebuinat pentru conversaie este greu de definit. Dar de limba
german au nevoie nu doar studenii de specialitate. Limba german nu doar pentru
studenii de specialitate este un curs de studiere a limbii germane care conine lexic
cu profil economic. Limba de specialitate aparine varietilor de limbi standardizate.
Fiecare specialitate i deriv lexicul su cu profilul respectiv, cum ar fi: limba german
n medicin, n juridic, n aviaie, n marin, . a. m. d.
Deutsch, Schlsselsprache in der Europischen Union und den auch
wirtschaftlich immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnenden Lndern Zentral- und Osteuropas, wird in vielen Branchen und Bereichen des Berufslebens immer wichtiger.
Falls Sie aufgrund der tglichen Anforderungen Ihres Berufes oder fr den nchsten Schritt auf der Karriereleiter Deutschkenntnisse erwerben oder verbessern
mchten, bietet Ihnen Acti Lingua die fr Ihre Bedrfnisse massgeschneiderte
Mglichkeiten an.
Deutschland ist konomisch ein starkes Land und ein internationaler
Wirtschafts- und Handelspartner. Nicht nur mit Europa, sondern auch mit den
Mrkten Asiens und Amerikas hat Deutschland lange und gute Handelskontakte.
Deutschland ist global eine wichtige Exportnation. Made in Germany
Deutsche Produkte werden weltweit ihrer hohen Qualitt wegen gekauft
und sind als Marke etabliert: nicht nur deutsche Automarken wie BMW, MercedesBenz, Volkswagen sind Beispiele deutscher Wertarbeit. Die wirtschaftliche Strke
Deutschlands zeigt sich auch in international operierenden Firmen wie BASF, Bayer, Siemens, SAP, Deutsche Bank und vielen anderen. Deutschland ist weltweit in
neuen Umwelttechnologien und bei der Nutzung alternativer Energien fhrend.
Drehscheibe Deutschland
In Deutschland finden international groe Messen wie die IFA, CeBIT oder
IAA statt. Mit der Erweiterung der Europischen Union nimmt Deutschland eine
zentrale Position mitten im Herzen Europas ein. Deutschland ist Drehscheibe fr
wirtschaftliche Beziehungen innerhalb Europas, mit Osteuropa und der ganzen
Sprachliche Kompetenz - eine gute Investition



Internationalitt und interkulturelle Kompetenz sind heute wichtige Schlsselqualifikationen fr den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Sprachliche Kompetenz hilft, auf
dem Globus neue Mrkte zu ffnen, und ist ein Plus fr den Wettbewerb. Jedes
Unternehmen mit Zukunft wird in die Mehrsprachigkeit seiner Mitarbeiter investieren und sprachliche Kompetenzen trainieren. Die deutsche Sprache spielt fr die
internationalen Wirtschaftskontakte eine wichtige Rolle:
Deutsch ist eine der groen Wirtschaftssprachen in der Europischen
Union und eine Brcke zu den aufstrebenden Nationen Mittel- und Osteuropas.
In den letzten 10 Jahren ist Deutsch in den mittel- und osteuropischen
Lndern zu einer regionalen "lingua franca" geworden. Mit der Erweiterung der EU werden besonders in Mittel- und Osteuropa Arbeitskrfte mit
Deutschkenntnissen gebraucht.
Deutsch ist die Sprache des europischen Absatzmarktes und Deutsch ist
die Sprache, die groe Absatzmrkte ffnet.
Hohe Auslandsinvestitionen und eine grosse Zahl von Joint Ventures
zwischen deutschen und auslndischen Unternehmen sprechen fr
Deutsch als Wirtschaftssprache.
Deutsch ist gefragt bei deutschsprachigen Firmen im Ausland, bei auslndischen Firmen in Deutschland und bei Firmen mit engen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu den deutschsprachigen Lndern. Ein Beispiel: Daimler
Chrysler beschftigt zurzeit 383.000 Mitarbeiter, davon die Hlfte in
Deutschland, 110.000 in den USA und 78.000 weltweit.
Bei ber 100 Millionen Deutschsprechern in der Europischen Union finden sich fr Spezialisten mit Deutschkenntnissen interessante Chancen
fr die Ausbildung, fr das Studium und fr den Beruf. Deutschkenntnisse frdern die berufliche Karriere.
Es lohnt sich also, Deutsch zu lernen!
Eine Fachsprache (auch Fachjargon, distanziert - aber noch respektvoll:
Fachlatein, abwertend: Fachchinesisch) ist ein Jargon, den ein Fachgebiet oder
eine Branche benutzt. Zur Fachsprache gehren vor allem Fachbegriffe und Fremdwrter (Fachvokabular), die entweder auerhalb des Fachgebietes sehr ungebruchlich sind oder in ihm eine andere Bedeutung haben. Auch Grammatik und
Intonation knnen sich unterscheiden. In der Soziolinguistik wird die durch eine
bestimmte Gruppe (z.B. Altersgruppe) hervorgebrachte linguistische Variett als
Gruppensprache bezeichnet.
Fachsprachen gehren zu den standardisierten Sprachvarietten. Sie haben auch die Funktion von Gruppensprachen und Umgangssprachen der jeweiligen Fachleute, unterscheiden sich jedoch durch die erwhnte Standardisierung
bzw. Normierung von den brigen nicht standardisierten Gruppen- und Umgangssprachen.
Nirgends ist die Standardisierung so eindeutig festgelegt wie bei den Fachsprachen, insbesondere im technischen Bereich, so dass man sie bereits als Normierung bezeichnen kann. Die soll heute vor allem auch zu bersetzungsgerechtem
Schreiben fhren. Solche Fachsprachen werden auch als kontrollierte Sprachen


Experten eines bestimmten Fachgebietes werden manchmal von Laien nicht

richtig verstanden, weshalb ihre Fachsprache als Fachjargon oder auch als Fachchinesisch bezeichnet wird. Chinesisch steht hier fr unverstndlich. Eine abgeschwchte Variante davon ist Fachlatein - in der Regel nicht abwertend gemeint,
sondern gemischt aus distanzierten und respektvollen Konnotationen. Ursprung
des Begriffs ist, dass im europischen Mittelalter die Gelehrten aller europischen
Universitten grundstzlich in Latein schrieben und diskutierten. Latein als eine
Sprache der Wissenschaft hat sich in der Terminologie bis heute in Botanik und
Medizin erhalten.
Ein Fachjargon hat aus soziolinguistischer Sicht zwei Funktionen. Zum einen
bezeichnet er innertheoretisch Sachverhalte przise, um darber kommunizieren
zu knnen. Zum zweiten ist er auertheoretisch ein Mittel im Konkurrenzkampf von
Personen und Gruppen. Dann soll er nicht Gegenstnde klar bezeichnen, sondern
zum einen einer Gruppe das Gefhl des Zusammengehrens vermitteln und nach
auen abgrenzen. Zum zweiten soll er unzugnglich und schwer verstndlich, in
manchen Fllen zustzlich auch unklar und verschwommen sein. Damit soll er
eigene Kompetenzen signalisieren, eigene Schwchen verdecken, sowie die Adressaten beeindrucken und einschchtern. Adressaten knnen beispielsweise sein:
Mitglieder der eigenen Gruppe, Mitglieder eines Berufungsausschusses, der ber
die Besetzung einer Professur entscheidet; Mitglieder eines Genehmigungsausschusses einer geldgebenden Einrichtung sowie Feuilleton-Journalistinnen.
Einzelne Fachbegriffe einer Fachsprache werden auch Terminus technicus
genannt. Die Gesamtheit aller Termini eines Gebietes bildet eine Terminologie.
Terminologien knnen beispielsweise in einem Wrterbuch, einem Glossar oder
einem Thesaurus formuliert sein.
Viele Termini und Fachsprachen sind durch Fortschritte der Wissenschaft in
rascher Entwicklung begriffen. Der Sprachgebrauch in verschiedenen Disziplinen
ndert sich auch dadurch, dass immer mehr Fachwrter vor allem englische in
Gebrauch kommen.
bersetzung von Fachbegriffen
So wnschenswert die bersetzung von Fachbegriffen in eine verstndliche
Sprache ist, birgt sie doch auch Gefahren. Sehr anschaulich hat das Werner Schfke
in seinem Buch ber die englischen Kathedralen geschrieben:
Glossar: Der lustige Versuch, das dem Autor zu gelufige Fachchinesisch
umstndlich in (un)-verstndliches Hochdeutsch zu bersetzen, wobei das bersetzen, wie bei der Fhre ber den Kanal, die Gefahr von Seekrankheit und Gepckverlusten mit sich bringt.
Einige Fachsprachen heben sich besonders deutlich von der Umgangssprache ab. Beispiele hierfr sind:
medizinische Fachsprache
Juristische Fachsprache
Computer-"Slang" und EDV-Beriffe (Netzjargon, Hackerjargon,


Verwandte Begriffe
Eine Nomenklatur ist ein Spezialfall einer Terminologie, in der die Benennung von Objekten in einem bestimmten Themengebiet durch Richtlinien festgelegt ist (beispielsweise die Nomenklatur der Lebewesen in der Biologie oder die
Nomenklatur chemischer Verbindungen).
Als Wortschatz, Vokabular oder Lexikon bezeichnet man die Gesamtheit
aller Wrter, deren eine Person mchtig ist oder die zu einer bestimmten Sprache
Als Terminologie bezeichnet man die Gesamtheit aller Begriffe und Benennungen (Termini) einer Fachsprache, beziehungsweise die Fachsprache selbst.

1. Deutsch Artikel; Aus der Praxis des Deutschunterrichts in Rumnien, Bucuresti, 1998.
2. Metzerslexikon der deutschen Sprache, Ort., 2002.
3. Voronina G. Wirtschaftskommunikation, Moskwa, 2001.
Surse Internet




Free International University of Moldova

Articolul present este dedicat traducerii unitatilor frazeologice din limba engleza, greutatilor care sunt intilnite de traducator la transferul lor din limba engleza in
limbile romna i rusa.Unele din cele mai mari greutati sunt recunoaterea unitatilor
frazeologice, decodarea lor i traducerea propriu zis,cutarea echivalentelor, dac ele
sunt sau interpretarea lor. Procedeele de lucru la traducerea frazeologismelor sunt demonstrate n baza exemplelor din povestirea lui OHenry Two Presents i dicionarele
bilingve: englez-romn de frazeologisme; englez-rus de frazeologisme i invers: romnenglez frazeologic i rus-englez frazeologic.
The last few years have seen an explosion of interest in Phraseology, which
has gone from being a relative fringe discipline to playing a central role in a wide
range of linguistic disciplines such as Lexicography ,Contrastive Linguistics, Psycholingvistics, Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, Translation and Natural
Language Processing. Being an expanding field of research it has attracted the
interest of many scholars from many countries.
Scholarly attention has been focused on the semantic, grammatical, structural and syntactic properties of the phraseological units, on various approaches
to their synchronic and diachronic description, on their pragmatic function in discourse. But the central difficulty that Phraseology represents is translation.
The best approach to an opaquely literary text is to understand the original
key phraseological units when you first read the text and then look them up (even
if you think you know them), it is necessary to check your memory because of the
fact that some words are pretty known but you may not know their bound meaning and may be influenced by false friends of the translator.
Both text and translation are thing-bound.According to Barbara Folkart
(1984) the latitude which the translator enjoys is subject only to the constraints of
register and, possibly, textual cohesion. This statement is questionable since the SL
text is the basis of the translation, however much the translation departs from it: a)
owing to its different natural usage ; b) if it has to be referentially more explicit than
the original in particular in case of phraseological units, where case-partners may
have to be supplied in the TL text.
Being aware that there are different methods of translating different situations, the idea that there should be a special method of translating phraseological
units came into our mind. So, the initial hypothesis was that the process of translating of the phraseological units requires a certain approach and demands a special
method in order to find the way of rendering them into the target language. So to
say, we are interested in the analysis of the process of translating the phraseological units.We focused upon the stages of translation .
The last few years translating different situations, the idea that there should
be a special method of translating phraseological units came into our mind. So, the
initial hypothesis was that the process of translating of the phraseological units
requires a certain approach and demands a special method in order to find the
way of rendering them into the target language. So to say, we are interested in the
analysis of the process of translating the phraseological units. We focused upon the
stages of translation.



There are some stages in the translation of the phraseological units. They

How can one recognize the phraseological unit?

How can a translator decode the phraseological unit?
What equivalent will be adequate in the given context?
In which specific meaning is the phraseological unit used?
Should a translator preserve the source language structure when translating a phraseological unit?
Should the translator render the cultural elements of the source language?
In each cultural context there are typical modes of expression that assemble
words in order to signify something that is not limited to the sum of the meanings
of the single words that compose them; an extra meaning, usually metaphorical,
becomes part and parcel of this particular assembly. To find oneself between hammer and anvil does not literally mean to be in that physical condition; it means
rather to be in a stressing or very difficult situation. In our everyday life we seldom
find the hammer or anvil in our immediate vicinity.
As we have already mentioned the first obstacle for the translator consists in
recognizing the phraseological units. If unrecognized, they are translated interpreting the meaning of the single words to the latter, with doubtful outcome, to say the
least. The translator is always alert in order to catch a passage that is marked, s/he
forms a particular sensitivity allowing him/her to stop and think about an unusual
formulation even when in his/her experience s/he never ran across that particular
phraseological unit.
Let us take an example from O. Henrys short story Two Presents and witness how a phraseological unit is recognized in a coherent text:
Dont make any mistake, Dell, he said, about me.
Nu ma nelege greit, Dell a spus el
, ,-
In order to avoid mistakes in translation the translator should be aware of
the phenomenon called phraseological unit and know the methods of its translation. Once the expression is identified the next problem consists in decoding it. All
authors agree that dictionaries are not always reliable tools in this sense. First they
do not contain all phraseological units, then because everyday new other phraseological units are formed, and, lastly, because dictionaries have a limited length and
cannot contain everything. The second problem consists in the identification of the
phraseological units under a given entry:find oneself between hammer and anvil
can be found under the words hammer or anvil but certainly if it is present under
one entry it is absent in all the other entries, otherwise the dictionary would be too
redundant (some redundancy is physiological and functional to effective communication, in order to cover the voids produced by physical and/or semiotic noise).
The third problem is the use of bilingual dictionaries. In this case the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseological units expression that in the compilers intentions should serve to translate them into the
other language. Since there has never been a good coincidence of the meanings
between phraseological units of different languages, there is a very high risk of
finding others that have different metaphors, a different meaning, and are not at
all fit for specific cases.
Once the phraseological unit has been recognized and understood, the task
is not yet finished: on the contrary, one could say that the next problem is to find a
translating expression.
In the most fortunate cases, in two cultures the same phraseological unit has
been formed being based on the same metaphor. It is the case of the mentioned


example, being between hammer and anvil, existing also in Romanian: ntre ciocan i
nicoval and as in Russian: .
This kind of translation can be seldom done, when the opportunity occurs
and when the phraseological unit does not have a culture-specific connotation
(otherwise it would be lost, forming a translation loss).
In other cases, the translator opts for a different phraseological unit, based
on a different metaphor,that is, in the translators opinion, it conveys the same kind
of contextual meaning in different languages. Thus, for example, the phraseological
unit meaning to be fortunate may be as follows:
e.g. to be born with a silver spoon in ones mouth (English) = a se nate n cma
(Romanian), (Russian).
In a connotative text the choice of a translating phraseological unit can be a
big problem, because the authors intention can be to use a given metaphor (for example the shirts mentioned above, as we saw the translation from Romanian and
Russian are similar), that is functional to the network of intertextual referencies, and
the replacing phraseological unit can radically shift the metaphors content misleading the user of the target text.
If on the other hand, what counts most is only transferring the denotative
meaning, for example, when the notion of never is expressed through a phraseological unit, we can use different metaphors without great difficulties:
English: when the moon turns to green cheese;
Romanian: a crede n orice absurditate; nu tot ce zboar se mnnc;
Russian: .
There is, moreover, the possibility of a non-phraseological translation of a
phraseological unit. This choice is preferred when the denotative meaning of the
translation act is chosen as a dominant, and we are ready to compromise as to the
presentation of the expressive colour, of the meaning nuances, of connotation and
aphoristic form.
In the case of non-phraseological rendering, there are two possibilities: one
can opt for a lexical translation or for a calque. The lexical translation consists in
explaining through other words the denotative meaning of the phraseological unit,
giving up all the other style and connotative aspects. In the case of the hammer
and anvil phraseological unit, the lexical rendering could be to be in an uneasy,
stressing situation.
The calque would consist in translating the phraseological unit into a culture
where such a form is not recognized as a phraseological unit: in this case the reader
of the receiving culture perceives the phraseological unit as unusual and feels the
problem to interpret it in a non-literal, metaphorical way.
The calque has the advantage of perceiving intact all second-degree, non denotative references that in some authors strategy can have an essential importance.
It is true that the reconstruction of the denotative meaning is left to the receiving
cultures ability, but it is true as well as the metaphor is an essential, primal semiotic
mechanism that therefore belongs to all cultures.
1. Folkart B.A. Thing-Bound Approach to the Practice and Teaching of Technical Translation.
Meta XXIX N3, Montreal, 1984.
2. Dimitriu R. Theories and Practice of Translation. Institutul European. Iai, Timpul, 2002.
3. Levichi L. Indrumar pentru traductori din limba englez n limba romn. Bucureti, Editura tiintific i enciclopedic, 1975.
4. Newmark P.A. Textbook of Translation. London, Prentice Hall, 1988.




Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Problemele ce in de traducerea poeziilor ntotdeauna au cauzat discuii aprinse

printre traductori , dat fiind faptul, c traducerea unei poezii presupune mbinarea mai
multor metode de traducere. Conform teoriei criticilor dintre toate aceste modalitai de
traducere au fost evideniate apte metode. nsa aceste metode chiar dac difer ntre
ele, au totui o legtur strns i anume acea a scopului produsului final: o trducere
care s releveze idea, stilul, semantica versului iniial.
S-a ajuns la concluzia c fiecare dintre aceste metode i pot pierde valoarea
dac este folosit de una singur, deci gruparea lor a cte dou sau trei n timpul traducerii cu siguran vor duce la reuita traductorului i atingerea scopului acestuia.

The traditional discussion of the problems and methods of interlanguage

translation considers finding equivalents not just for lexis, syntax or concepts, but
also for features like style, genre, figurative language, historical stylistic dimensions, polyvalence, connotations as well as denotations, cultural items and culturespecific concepts and values. The choices made by the translators like the decision
whether to retain stylistic features of the source language text or whether to retain
the historical stylistic dimension of the original become all the more important in
the case of literary translation. In the case of translating poetry, it is vital for a translator to decide whether the verse should be translated into verse, or into free verse
or into prose. Most of the scholars and translators like believe that in the case of
poetry though it is by definition impossible ...only creative transposition is possible... It is the creative dimension of translation that comes to fore in the translation of poetry though nobody seems to be sure of what is meant by creativity in
the first place.
Translating literary works is, perhaps, always more difficult than translating
other types of text because literary works have specific values called the aesthetic and expressive values. The aesthetic function of the work shall emphasize the
beauty of the words (diction), figurative language, metaphors, etc. While the expressive functions shall put forwards the writers thought (or process of thought),
emotion, etc. the translator should try, at his best, to transfer these specific values
into the target language (TL). As one genre of literature, poetry has something special compared to the others. In a poem, the beauty is not only achieved with the
choice of words and figurative language like in novels and short stories, but also
with the creation of rhythm, rhyme, meter, and specific expressions and structures
that may not conform to the ones of the daily language. In short, the translation
of poetry needs something more than translating other genres of literature. This
simple writing will present in brief some considerations in translating poetry and
the eight-stage procedure to translate a poem.


In general, there are a lot of methods in translating a text from one language
into another, but not all of them are appropriate to use in translating a poem. Here
are seven methods adopted by English translators in translating English poems:
phonemic translation, literal translation, metrical translation, verse-to-prose
translation, rhymed translation, free verse translation, and interpretation.
Phonemic interlanguage translation attempts to recreate the sounds of
the source language (SL) in the target language (TL). And at the same time the
translator tries to transfer the meaning. In general the result sounds awkward and
sometimes leaves some parts of the original meaning behind.
Literal interlanguage translation means word-for-word translation. This
method will not be able to transfer the original meaning; while the phrase and
sentence structures tend to fall by the wayside in the TL.
The metrical interlanguage translation emphasizes the reproduction of
the original meter into the TL. And because each language has its own specific
stressing and pronunciation system, this method will result in the inappropriate
translation in terms of meaning and structure.
Verse-to-prose interlanguage translation has also some weaknesses. The
outstanding weakness is the loss of the beauty of the original poem.
The next method is rhymed interlanguage translation which emphasizes
the transferring of the rhyme of the original poem into the translation in TL. The
result will be appropriate physically but tend to be semantically inappropriate.
The sixth method is free verse interlanguage translation. With this method
the translator may be able to get the accurate equivalents in the TL with a sound
literary value of the result. On the other hand, the rhyme and meter tend to be
ignored. So, physically the result is different from the original, but semantically it
seems the same.
The last method noted is interpretation. There are two types: version and
imitation. A version of a poem in the TL will semantically be exactly the same with
the original, but physically totally different. Further, an imitation is exactly a different poem, but the title, topic, and starting point are the same with the original
The weaknesses of the poetry translation methods are due to the emphasis
given to one or some of the poetic components in the process of translating. The
literal, metrical, and rhymed translation seem to emphasize the form or poetic
structure of the poem; while the rest emphasize on the transferring of the precise
meaning into the TL. It seems no methods described above will cater the poetry
translators needs appropriately.
Among several translation methods proposed by experts the communicative and semantic translation are worth noting. The two are even said to be the
only methods that fulfill the two main aims of translation: accuracy and economy
Communicative translation attempts to render the exact meaning of the
original in such a way that the readers may not find difficulties in understanding
the message of the translated text. In communicative translation, therefore, the
translator can generously transfer the foreign element in the SL into the culture of
the TL where necessary. This type of translation is best used for general argumentative and scientific texts, which are also called informative and vocative texts.


The semantic translation, on the other hand, attempts to reproduce the

precise contextual meaning of the original by taking more account of the aesthetic
values and expressive component of the original poem, such as peculiar choice of
words, figurative language, metaphors, sounds, etc. This type of translation is best
used for imaginative literatures, which are also called expressive texts. The writer, however, is stating that a poetry translator, in fact, frequently functions as the
mediator of the communication between the poet and the reader. Therefore, the
translator should take the readership into account. In short, he should try to make
the content and the beauty of the original poem ready for readership.
The questions around which the deliberations about interlanguage translation within such a conceptual framework are made rather stereotyped and limited:
as the literary text, especially a poem is unique, organic whole and original is the
translation possible at all? Should translation be literal or free? Should it emphasize
the content or the form? Can a faithful translation be beautiful? The answers to
the question range from one extreme to the other and usually end in some sort
of a compromise. The great writers and translators gave their well-known dictums
about translations, which reflected these traditional beliefs about it. For Dante all
poetry is untranslatable and for Frost poetry is that which is lost out of both prose
and verse in translation, while Yves Bonnefoy says You can translate by simply
declaring one poem the translation of another [Y.Bonnefoy, 2001,p.43] .
However we cannot neglect the fact that our times know a lot of famous
translators who do their best to find the unique path between the original and
their own translated variant, and as long as they continue to do their work we will
be able to dive into the literal fortunes of all the poets and peoples.




Free International University of Moldova

Articolul present este dedicat traducerii comparate a textelor juridice. Necesitatea de a cunoate terminologia juridic englez i de a gsi realiliile potrivite din
limba roman pentru traducerea textelor n cauz a condiionat selectarea temei de
investigaie. Autoarea difereniaz termenii tehnici, puri juridici, formulele de polite
engleze i corespondeele lor din limba roman, care-l introduce pe cititor i utilizator
n problema dat.
The very close relationship between language and law has consequences
for the discipline of comparative law. In the first place, we must be aware that comparative lawyers need to translate all the time. They must report in their own language on the contents of a foreign legal system; they inform others about their
own system in legal languages other than their own and in many cases must speak
and write about the contents of foreign legal systems in legal terms, which are not
the language that the system uses as its own legal language. For this reason, it is
not surprising that various introductions to comparative law deal with the problems of legal translation (M. Ancel, 1971, p. 91, 92). The translation of legal information is one of the core issues of comparative law.
In the second place, we can observe that translating legal information
causes more difficulties than translating other technical matter. These difficulties
are caused by the system-bound nature of legal terminology, or to put it differently are the result of precisely this very close relationship between language
and law.
Every state has its own, in principle fully autonomous, legal terminology,
even if this state uses as its legal language a language also employed as a legal
language in another state. There are even states where several legal systems are
operative which, in principle, all have autonomous terminologies.
The system-specific nature of legal language is responsible for the fact that
frequently within a single language there is not just one single legal language, as
there is a single medical, chemical and economic language. A language has great
legal languages as there are systems using that language as a legal language (P.
Sandrini, 1994, p.12), for the Dutch language, this means five legal languages, perhaps six, if we count the official Dutch legal language of the European Union as a
separate legal language.
The differences between the legal languages within one natural language
may entail that the meaning of terms from the one system need to be explained
to lawyers trained in the other. In other words, there is a need for intralinguistic
translation in some cases (G. E. Buzelli, 1970, p. 14).
We need to realize, however, that there are no impenetrable partitions between the legal terminologies of legal systems which share the same language as
their legal language. It is conceivable, of course, that legislators unconsciously refer
to the meaning of a word in ordinary usage when using the same term. Since the


ordinary language in the countries involved is in principle the same, consequently,

the same content is referred to, leaving aside the fact that, in exceptional cases,
the content of a specific term may be different at the colloquial level. Furthermore,
because the same language is used, the lawyers of the legal systems involved gain
easy access to the literature on the other legal systems. This brings about a certain
osmosis of legal terminology. In some cases, legal draftsmen and draftswomen will
therefore opt for the term in order to express rather parallel notions.
Nevertheless, the content of such terms may still differ in detail, because the
two legal systems are disparate after all. This implies a different legal embedding of
the term in the respective systems.
The system-bound character of legal terminology has direct consequences
for the translation of legal information. It is of primary importance to establish that
one legal language must be translated into another legal language. This proposition may sound self-evident. It must therefore be stressed that, in practice, often
even legal documents are simply translated from language into language, rather
than from one legal language into another. In P. Sandrinis view, this is not correct.
One should not translate from a legal language into the ordinary words of the target language, but into the legal terminology of the target language. If the target
language is used in several legal systems as the language of the law, a conscious
choice must be made of the terminology of one of the possible target legal languages (S. Sandrini, 1994, p. 12). One target-language legal system must be chosen, that is to say, a single legal system which uses the target language as its legal
language. The choice for a particular target language legal system is contingent on
the potential users of the translation.
Subsequently, the information contained in the terminology of the sourcelanguage legal system must be represented by the terminology of the targetlanguage legal system. Jean Kerby is therefore right in claiming: La traduction
(juridique) comporte non seulement le passage dune langue une autre, mais
encore la transposition dun systme de droit un autre (J. Kerby, 1982, p. 12).
As regards world languages, such as English, French or Spanish, the choice for a
particular target-language legal system is often a difficult one. In many cases, the
translator does not know who the receiver of the translation is, or even worse, he
or she knows that the receiver could be any lawyer capable of reading the target
language. However, even in the latter case, one cannot avoid having to choose a
particular target-language legal system. If the English language is the target language, this will often mean the legal language of England and Wales or that of one
of the federal states of the US.
Once the translator has opted, where necessary, for a particular target-language legal system, he or she can get to work. The meaning of source language
legal terms to be translated must be studied, after which a term with the same
content must be sought in the target-language legal system equivalents must be
found in the target-language legal system.
If no acceptable equivalents can be uncovered in the target-language legal
system, subsidiary solutions must be sought. Basically, three subsidiary solutions
may be distinguished:
a) no translation takes place and the source term or its transcribed version is
used (S. Sarcevic, 1988, p. 970);


b) a paraphrase is used to describe the source-language term;

c) a neologism is created, i.e. a term is used in the target language that does
not form part of the terminology of the target language legal system, if necessary,
in combination with an explanatory footnote.
In the context of these reflections on the relationship between language
and law, some short remark should be made on the last-mentioned subsidiary solution: the creation of a neologism, i.e. a term is used in the target language which
does not form or no longer forms part of the legal system related to the target
language chosen by the translator. It must be emphasized, however, that we use
the term neologism in a very broad sense. We consider a neologism each term not
belonging to the target-language legal system.
Often, the expression neologism is used in a more narrow sense, meaning
any term that does not exist in the target language. The broader definition of neologism, however, is a logical result of the premise discussed earlier that legal information must not be translated from source language into target language, but
from the terminology of the source-language legal system into the terminology of
the target-language legal system selected by the translator.
From this it follows that terms which do not belong to the selected target
language legal system must be qualified as neologisms.
A difficult, but essential question is that of the norms according to which a
neologism is chosen. Selection must not be at random. No one will find it acceptable, if we, after having failed to find a French equivalent as translation for a term in
a Dutch statute, subsequently render this term in French by the neologism blubs.
Such a decision would be absurd. The neologism must be chosen in such a way
that the content of the source term comes through to some extent, without using
a term which is already used in the target language legal system. Thus, a lawyer
from the target-language legal system can get an idea of its meaning (S.Sarcevic,
p.974-975). Very useful for this purpose are terms which are used to have an equivalent meaning in the past. Another possibility is the use of terms which, although
they do not function in the target-language legal system as legal terms, do function in another legal system which uses the same language as its legal language.
This proposition deserves further explanation.
It has been argued earlier that legal translation proceeds from the legal language of a specific legal system to the legal language of a particular other legal
system. If the target language serves as a legal language in several legal systems, a
choice must be made for one particular national legal terminology.
Translators should not use the terminology of system A at one point and the
terminology of system B at another. When a fundamental choice has been made
for the terminology of system A, but some acceptable equivalents are lacking, neologisms, as acceptable equivalents from another legal system, may be employed.
In that case, it is necessary to mark such terms as neologisms, for instance, by expressly referring to the legal system from which the neologisms in question were
The translation of legal information is a difficult issue. The methodology of
and approach to legal translation should be the subject of further research by both
comparative lawyers and linguists. Special attention should be paid to the effect of
the system-specific nature of legal terminology on legal translation technique.


Related to the problems of legal translation is the need to develop a real

comparative legal research.
When having to describe the solutions to a certain legal problem in a number of legal systems, one must avoid the typical technical vocabulary of the legal
systems involved in order to enhance the compartability of the information.
In this respect, some authors on comparative law call for the development
of a particular vocabulary for comparative law, more precisely the development of
comparative concepts. Recently, Coen van Laer paid attention to the problems related to the development of such comparative concepts in a dissertation defended
at Maastricht University (C. J. P. van Laer, 1997). The author discusses the relation
between the problems of compatibility, the tertium comparationis and the presentation of the research results and comparative concepts.
Active interaction between countries of the world community raised a wide
range of issues concerning international business activities. Foreign and multinational corporations as well as domestic companies are involved in international
deals all over the world. With rapid growth of international business transactions
and, consequently, international commercial disputes, the problems of legal translating acquired vital importance.
Nowadays the English language has become the language of choice for
conducting international business. In addition, the English language has become
prominent as the operational language of many law firms and multinational corporations. Thus, interest in studying English legal terminology and legal translating
has recently grown up. In this context, the article reviews general peculiarities of
legal terms and focuses on linguistic and legal aspects of translating English legal
While exploring legal terminology we have to determine the unit of this terminological system. In this article we define a term as a word or a word combination belonging to the specific field of usage, either specially created or borrowed
for determining a specific concept and based on a definition. In this way, a legal
term is a word or a word combination which stands for a general name of a legal
concept, has a specific and definite meaning, and is often used in legislation and
legal documents [ . ., 1986, p. 64].
Contemporary language of law makes several requirements relating to legal
terms that should be taken into consideration in the process of translating. The
legal term should meet the following important requirements:
a) satisfy the rules and norms of a corresponding language,
b) be systematic,
c) correspond to a certain definition oriented to a certain concept,
d) be relatively independent of the context,
e) be precise,
f ) be as concise as possible,
g) aim at one-to-one correspondence (within the certain terminological
h) be expressively neutral.
The language of law as a special sublanguage has its own content and a set
of specific characteristics which vary depending on a language system. However,
irrespective of a language, the major part of its distinctive features and peculiarities


are explained by the influence of historical, cultural, social and political factors on
the language community.
The English legal language is characterized by a specific set of terms. First
of all, it comprises numerous Latin words and phrases (ex. lex loci actus, res gestae, corpus delicti, lex domicilii, etc.). It also has words of the Old and Midlle English
origin, including compounds which are no longer in common usage (aforesaid,
hereinabove, hereafter, whereby, etc.). Besides, the English legal language includes
a large amount of words derived from French (appeal, plaintiff, tort, lien, estoppel,
verdict etc.). The language of law also uses formal and ceremonial words (I do solemnly swear, Your Honour, May it please the court) and technical terms with precise meanings (defendant, negligence, bail etc.). Thus, the present content of the
English language of law is due to the influence of different languages and that has
a historical explanation.
Considering Russian legal terminology, we should keep in mind that it comprises fewer borrowings and compounds than the English one. A considerable part
of legal terms is of a national origin including Old Russian (for example, ,
, ). This may be explained by the history of Russia and its legal system development as well. Thus, English, Romanian and Russian legal languages are
characterized by their own specific features which are explained by the historical,
political, social and cultural influences.
Dealing with the language of law implies two forms of transferring from one
language to another legal interpreting and legal translating.
Legal interpreting is meant for people who come before the courts (litigants, defendants, witnesses etc.) and who cannot communicate effectively in the
language of legal procedures. According to the law, individuals who do not communicate in the language of legal proceedings have a right to speak their native
language in court and use the interpreting services. Similar regulations are provided by the new Russian legislation Arbitration Procedure Code (2002), the Civil
Procedure Code (2002) and the Criminal Procedure Code (2001). The interpreters
goal is to interpret from one language to another everything what is said in court,
preserving the tone and level of the original language, adding and deleting nothing. The legal interpretation should be adequate, complete and correct. Legal
translating first of all implies translating legal documentation (laws, acts, juridical
decisions, legal rules, contracts, agreements, administrative papers and other law
related documentation). This kind of translating has been recently prevailing in
the process of international relations development.
Faced with a legal text to translate, a legal translator must deal with the dual
challenge of language and law, which he or she must reproduce as correctly as possible in the target language. This complex procedure of transferring from one language to another involves a number of risks inherent in language. That is why it is
rather difficult to transfer the entire message of the source text from one language
into another. Legal translation requires reproducing both form and content of the
legal text. The latter also implies transferring text from one legal system to another.
Therefore, legal translating is subject to various difficulties of transferring a meaning of a legal term and a translator must strive for a functional equivalence.
As it was mentioned above, any kind of translation has to meet the principal requirements of adequacy, accuracy and completeness. While accuracy and


completeness are mainly aimed at the form of the legal text, adequacy is referred
to its content. Adequacy of the legal translation is mostly achieved by following
the principal rules of legal terminology in the target language. Translating implies
transferring the meaning of the original, but not only the words. While translating
it is important to know the legal terminology in both languages. The substitution
of a legal term of the source text by its synonym (a word of common usage) in the
target language may result in misinterpretation in terms of law. The distortion of a
meaning of a law term may influence upon legal consequences.
1. Adams V., An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation, London: Longman, 1973.
2. Akhmanova O., Linguistic Terminology, Moscow University Press, 1977.
3. Akhmanova O., Agapova G., Terminology: Theory and Method, , , 1974.
4. Ancel M., Utilit et mthodes de droit compar, Paris, 1971.
5. Buzzeli G. E., General Problems in Scientific and Technical Translation, Babel, 1970.
6. Hough J. N., Scientific Terminology, Printed in the USA, New York, 1953.
7. Kerby J., La traduction juridique, un cas despce, in: Jean Claude Gmar (Ed.), Langage du
droit et traduction (The language of the law and translation), Essais de jurilinguistique
(Essays on Jurilinguistics), Montral 1982.
8. Lyons J., Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics, Cambridge, At the University Press, 1981.
9. Sarcsevic S., Bilingual and Multilingual Legal Dictionaries: New Standards for the Future,
Revue Gnrale de Droit 1988, p. 970 (also published in: Meta 1991, 615-625).
10. Vernaar John W.M., Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, The Hague,




Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Majoritatea oamenilor din ntreaga lume folosesc dicionarele electronice n

zilele noastre, deoarece sunt foarte practice att pentru oameni de afacere, turiti,
interprei i studeni ct i pentru migrani. Ele permit s verificai scrierea corect, s
gseti sensul i sinonimele unui cuvnt i ilustreaz sensul unui cuvnt n propoziii.
Dicionarele electronice sunt capabile s efectueze chiar i operaii inverse: se formeaz
sensul unui cuvnt i dicionarul electronic selecteaz cuvntul potrivit. Ele asigur acces
imediat la mai mult de 1,000,000 de cuvinte n peste 25 de limbi. Unul din cele mai bune
modele de dicionare electronice este desigur Oxford English Dictionary publicat de
Oxford University Press. Este actualmente considerat dicionarul limbei engleze moderne ce definete mai mult de 500,000 cuvinte i include 2.5 milioane de citate ilustrative. n concluzie a dori s remarc c Oxford English Dictionary este fr ndoial
dicionarul viitorului
Millions of people all over the world use electronic dictionaries. The electronic dictionaries are easy to use for business people and tourists, professional interpreters and students, and are essential for migrants. Electronic dictionaries allow
you to check spellings, find meanings and synonyms of words, and give examples
of word use in sentences. They can even work in reverse: you input a meaning or
phrase and the dictionary finds the word you need. They provide you with instant
access to more than 1,000,000 words and synonyms, including common expressions, idioms, medical, technical, legal, business terms and slang for more than 25
languages! Some of them are voice-enabled translation devices and even can talk.
Engineers, programmers and linguists joined their efforts in order to develop the
various wonderful models. One of the best electronic prototypes is undoubtedly
the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) which is a comprehensive multi-volume dictionary published by the Oxford University Press (OUP). Generally regarded as the
definitive dictionary of Modern English, it defines around 500,000 headwords and
includes some 2.5 million illustrative quotations.
Although the OED is a British institution, and perhaps most comprehensive
with regard to British English, its policy is to attempt to record all known uses and
variants of a word in all varieties of English, worldwide, past and present. We can
quote the 1933 preface: The aim of this dictionary is to present in alphabetical
series the words that have formed the English vocabulary from the time of the earliest records down to the present day, with all the relevant facts concerning their
form, sense-history, pronunciation, and etymology. It embraces not only the standard language of literature and conversation, whether current at the moment, or
obsolete, or archaic, but also the main technical vocabulary, and a large measure of
dialectal usage and slang.
But how can this, the most traditional of traditional works of literature,
benefit from modern technology? An initial answer, in a word, is revision.


The Oxford English Dictionary, the record of the English language, took over
forty years to complete the first time around; the first fascicle was published in
1884 and the last in 1928. Since then several supplements have expanded its coverage. In 1989, a second edition was published, consolidating all that had gone
before but doing nothing so brave as to revise the text.
However, the English language, like the people who use it, is diverse and
alive. It changes, evolves, borrows from other languages (perhaps even more so
now in this global culture). Definitions change, and as historians reveal more about
our past and scholarly thought matures, etymologies need to be revised. In the last
one hundred years much of the content of the OED has become ready for revision
or updating. In a time when national newspapers can cite new words and encourage their use each week, the Oxford University Press undertook to ensure the OEDs
authoritative status and set about the much needed revision.
In the past an update of the text would have been a lengthy, if not impossible, the task , and the result would be out of date by the time it was completed.
However, as more and more of the text was moved into an electronic format (as
part of the 1989 edition), and computer technology developed, it became clear
that modern technology could facilitate the revision process in a much shorter time
scale. Now, as the OED is launched into cyberspace, this revision is fully underway.
The revision process promises great things: new etymologies, taking into account modern thought and wider knowledge of diverse texts; revised or even new
pronunciations; more and different examples of word usage, drawn from various
sources, many of which were unavailable to the original editors. Revisions include
the modernisation of definitions, taking into account usage from around the English speaking world, and will be at the rate of 1000 per quarter. As sections of the
text are completed, they will be incorporated into the online text and be accessible
immediately, ensuring the most up-to-date dictionary of the English language
available at all times. This is a fundamental benefit, utilizing modern technology to
provide functionality, rather than gimmicks.
Further however, modern technology adds greater value to the traditional
text, in a number of other ways. The display of the text has been updated and for
the first time hyperlinks between related words are made available. This significantly reduces page flicking, but perhaps inhibits browsing and the discovery of
words by accident. This is no minor complaint, because one of the joys of a dictionary is to browse through it and encounter some curiosity of the language. With
an online edition that only displays a single word with its definition, or a list of
undefined words, this enjoyment is limited. However, with a few very simple search
methods (part of the electronic OEDs remit was to ensure a simple interface), including a full-text search, definitions, usage and all, the electronic OED can be put
to good use.
There is the ability to display words in the chronological order of their introduction to the language. A word can be shown alongside its contemporaries,
perhaps allowing the identification of periods of influence in the language. Words
can be explored conceptually, making links across definitions (often revealing a
few surprises that do allow for accidental discovery) with a simple search. Interesting searches arise when famous names are entered in the search box, revealing all
the words that a particular person may have contributed to the language, or are


associated with. Dates again make for interesting searches, allowing associations
between words and events to be made.
A search on a similar word, or synonym, will often reveal the word you are
looking for, and perhaps some alternatives that are better. This is an invaluable aid
for writers everywhere, be it for a novel or a formal report.
The electronic OED offers a search engine that can deal with wild cards, allowing searches such as geo* that would return a number of results that pertain
to the earth and earth sciences. In the documentation that accompanied my test
access to the OED online there was list of other ways in which the dictionary can
be used. I hope this list is included somewhere in the final version of the dictionary
and one suggestion was in solving crosswords. A search like a? c? r? may seem odd,
but could provide that vital clue to the one word between you and the peace of
mind a completed crossword can bring to. This is perhaps even more useful if you
create crosswords.
Further, for real word buffs, the OEDs wildcard searches can provide endless
ways of spicing up scrabble games - try searching for x? or z? for some interesting
ways to dispose of awkward letters.
This electronic edition of the OED offers a number of advantages over the
traditional text, but it is not without its faults. I have already mentioned the lessening of interesting discoveries by accident. Also, interestingly, the search engine
is unable to deal with phonetically or incorrectly spelt words. Whereas my word
processors spell checker can suggest physics from fisics, the electronic OED cannot. This is perhaps an unfair comparison, but it seems to me that an excellent enhancement of this dictionary would be some form of word suggestion.
The electronic OED could perhaps also benefit from the introduction of
sound. While I am in no way suggesting the OED be developed into a multimedia
dictionary, which might perhaps undermine its authority, one of the most awkward things about the new words (especially for learners of a language) is their
pronunciation. In the past paper based dictionaries we learners have had to be
content with a Key to Pronunciation populated with a number of confusing symbols. Here it is a real opportunity to provide spoken guides to pronunciation. This
seems a missed opportunity for an online dictionary that fully utilises technology
to provide for its functional needs.
Finally there is the problem of access. The OED is not a commercial venture,
it has never made a profit for the OUP, yet it is being released as a subscription only
service. This is clearly to offset the costs of the monumental task of maintaining
the dictionary, but it is a shame. Here is an opportunity to bring the OED into the
offices and homes of many people, making it the everyday tool that in its present
paper form it cannot be. Indeed many of the proposed uses of the OED online are
suited more to these environments, than the academic uses of the past. (I would
gladly bookmark it and keep it on hand as another online reference guide). Yet it is
unlikely that the average home user will subscribe. This is not a fault in the dictionary, nor with the OUP, but simply a lamentable fact.
To conclude then, the OED online is considered one of the greatest works of
the English language, a collected record of our past, into the modern world. It offers
a number of tools that make it easy to use, yet it is exceptionally powerful at finding
that elusive word, its history and some of those who used it. Its only real fault is that


some of the charm of several large volumes is lost. However it is a dictionary for the
future that will remain a consistent record of the language for years to come.

1. Oxford English Dictionary, second edition, edited by John Simpson and Edmund Weiner,
Clarendon Press, 1989.
2. Caught in the Web of Words: James Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary, K. M. Elisabeth
Murray, Yale University Press, 2001.
3. Empire of Words, The Reign of the Oxford English Dictionary, John Willinsky, Princeton
University Press, 1995.
4. The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary, Simon Winchester,
Oxford University Press, 2003.
5. (UK title) The Surgeon of Crowthorne / (US title) The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of
Murder, Insanity, and the Making of The Oxford English Dictionary, Simon Winchester,
Harper Collins, 1998.



Metafora n terminologie
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

The present article discusses main peculiarities of metaphor usage as a means

of medical terms formation. It also includes the determination of the most distinctive
features of scientific and poetic metaphorization. The process of common words metaphorization and terminologization is described on the basis of metaphor modeling,
which takes into consideration sourcefield and recipient-field of the words, as well
as description of the frames and slots formed by the metaphorized terms. The author
establishes that the animal and vegetable worlds as well as the human organisms
concepts, forming a set of organistic metaphor models, represent the most productive field-sources for English medical terms (subfield of traumatology). Non-organistic
field-sources as war, house and movement/action are found to be less productive in the
described process. Form affinity is considered to be the basic principle for the greatest
number of the medical metaphorized terms.
Am abordat problema metaforizrii semnificaiilor drept mijloc de dezvoltare a structurii semantice a cuvntului, graie faptului c ea prezint un interes
deosebit i este de o importan major n limb. Limba nu poate s se lipseasc
de metafor, deoarece ea, metafora, stimuleaz dezvoltarea sistemului lexical al
limbii i a mijloacelor sale nominative. Dup L.ineanu, metafora constituie instrumentul puternic care a fecundat domeniul limbii i a creat lumea abstraciilor
[1, 73]. Metafora vine s dea corp unei impresii greu de exprimat, afirma Gastion
Bachelard, iar Warren K.Wake menioneaz, c metafora este puntea dintre ceea ce
tim i ceea ce vrem s tim [16].
Problema metaforei este n atenia savanilor nc din timpurile antice.
Dup prerea marelui filosof antic Aristotel, metafora este asemenea unei enigme,
existena creia const n faptul c vorbind despre ceva real, l unificm cu ceva
imposibil. Originalitatea i irepetabilitatea metaforei i-au permis lui Aristotel s
conchid c a crea o metafor bun nseamn s observi identitatea.
Actualmente, lista de referin a surselor lingvistice, literare, filosofice i logice
privind teoria metaforei este extrem de bogat [M.Johnson, D.Lacoff, D.Davidson,
J.Serle, A.Langhe, O.Glazunov, A.Ciudinov, etc]. n lucrrile de specialitate a fost
cercetat problema determinrii existenei metaforei ca fenomen lingvistic, a fost
studiat metafora n sistemul tropilor, evideniind trsturile lexicale, semantice i
funcionale proprii acestui fenomen. Pe noi ne intereseaz, ns, rolul metaforei n
terminologie i anume n formarea termenilor medicali, subdomeniul traumatologie.
Se tie c metafora este definit drept figur de stil rezultat dintr-o
comparaie subneleas prin substituirea cuvntului-obiect de comparaie cu lexemul-imagine. Ct privete clasificarea acestui fenomen lingvistic, vom meniona,
pe scurt, existena a trei tipuri de diviziuni (ce in mai mult de literatura artistic):



- Clasificarea dup Ortega y Gasset n metafora contiinei-tabl (metafor

simpl cu o singur semnificaie; sens denotativ propriu) i metafora contiineivas (metafor complex cu mai multe semnificaii; sens conotativ);
- Clasificarea dup Tudor Vianu n metafora explicit i metafora implicit
(alctuit dintr-un singur cuvnt cu valoare de sugestie, de regul, pe lng o
construcie verbal; se aseamn cu simbolul);
- Clasificarea dup Lucian Blaga n metafora plasticizant i metafora revelatorie.
Studierea fenomenului lingvistic n discuie a devenit una dintre tendinele
cognitivisticii moderne n cadrul creia metafora este privit drept operaie mintal,
drept mijloc de cunoatere, structurare, evaluare i explicare a lumii nconjurtoare.
Metafora, precum afirm N.Ciudakov, nu este un fenomen lingvistic simplu, ci
este i o exprimare conceptual a realitii cotidiene, cnd noi reflectm asupra
unor termeni prin intermediul altora [10, 168]. Aceast teorie este susinut i de
A.Ciudinov, care subliniaz c omul nu-i reflect att gndurile prin intermediul
metaforei, ct gndete metaforic i creeaz prin intermediul metaforei lumea n
care triete [11, 26]. Iar Kyong Liong Kim, tot n aceast ordine de idei, specific c
o metafor este un sistem simbolic care ne permite s nelegem parial o existen
neobinuit n termenii altor experiene obinuite [16].
Metaforizarea n limbajul tiinific este un proces semantic de alegere a unei
denumiri conform asemnrii de obiect, de trstur sau de funcie ntre dou obiecte eterogene. De menionat c noiunile de metaforizare tiinific i caracterul
metaforic al termenului tiinific nu sunt totalmente identice. Noiunea de metaforizare tiinific este mai ampl, mai generalizat dect cea terminologic, deoarece
ea cuprinde n sine att metaforizarea terminologic, ct i alt tip de metaforizare,
legat de metaforizarea conceptual i cea teoretic, dar care, la rndul su, nu ntotdeauna se limiteaz la metaforizarea terminologic (schema 1). Metaforizarea
conceptual i cea teoretic reprezint nite noiuni mai complexe, deoarece se
afl n corelaie cu substraturile creative, psihologice i teoretice ale procesului n
cauz [11, 117-118].

Schema 1

Schema relaiilor dintre tipurile de metaforizare



n limbajul tiinific metafora are funcie nominativ, deoarece pentru denumirea obiectelor tiinifice sunt necesare mijloace lingvistice, iar pentru exprimarea
acestor noiuni se pot utiliza i cuvinte uzuale. n limbajul tiinific aceste cuvinte
uzuale devin alt tip de uniti, sunt elemente ale unui alt gen de vocabular. Relaia
semantic cu lexemul-surs se menine ns, dei ea poate nici s nu fie prezent n
definiia termenului.
Termenii formai prin transfer metaforic se caracterizeaz prin structur
semantic complex, deoarece trstura ce a determinat alegerea nominrii este
inclus n semantica unitii terminologice. Dup prerea lui J.Serle, semnificaia
metaforic reflect, realmente, ceva diferit de semnificaia direct a cuvntului,
aceasta fiind nu din cauza modificrii semanticii elementelor sale constitutive, ci
din cauz c vorbitorul (n cazul nostru, specialistul n medicin) prin utilizarea lor,
a subneles ceva deosebit [15, 524].
Procesul de metaforizare a unei uniti terminologice parcurge trei etape.
Prima etap presupune determinarea trsturilor distinctive ale obiectului/
fenomenului/aciunii tiinifice. Aceste trsturi determin alegerea fie a cuvntului uzual adecvat din lexicul general, fie a unui termen din alt domeniu de
aplicaie. A doua este etapa conceptualizrii. Aceasta presupune formarea
ulterioar a noiunii obiectului/fenomenului/aciunii tiinifice studiate ce se afl
sub influena semnificaiei cuvntului uzual, care, la rndul su, reprezint un fel de
model de cunoatere a noiunii. A treia etap este cea a fixrii unitii nominative alese la o noiune nou i separarea a dou planuri semantice (distanierea
noii semnificaii de semnificaia cuvntului uzual). n acest moment, noua unitate
nominativ obine o valoare nominativ independent, devine termen i se supune tuturor regulilor de funcionare a termenilor [8, 135].
n cadrul cmpului terminologic, cuvntul metaforizat i pierde semnificaia
primar i, astfel, denumind o anumit noiune tiinific, necesit nu o explicie,
ci o definiie exact. De exemplu, cuvntul advancement, semnificnd n limbajul
uzual succes, progress, ca rezultat al transferului metaforic dup asemnare de
direcie a aciunii n cadrul terminologiei traumatologice engleze semnific deplasare i se definete a surgical detachment, as of a muscle or tendon, followed by a
reattachment at an advanced level [14,19]. Astfel, termenul reinterpretat metaforic
permite specialistului s-i concentreze atenia asupra unui detaliu, a unei trsturi
a noiunii exprimate prin termen, care (detaliu/trstur) are o importan vital.
n limbajul tiinific exist anumite legiti ale procesului de metaforizare.
Dup prerea lui V.Todorov, n cazul selectrii particularitii denumirii metaforice
(adic a selectrii bazei pentru transfer) pe primul plan se evideniaz factorii
obiectivi: analogiile, stabilitatea relaiilor dintre realitile tiinifice, dependena
subiectului de stereotipurile gndirii, tendina vorbitorului de a reflecta adecvat
trsturile fenomenului dat [9,10]. Din atare cauz, n terminologie, drept particularitate de atribuirea unei noi noiuni unui nume, predomin acele operaii, care se
bazeaz pe modelele deja existente, pe asemnrile deja fixate n limb, pe stereotipurile cizelate.
Unul dintre cele mai importante mijloace ale acestei reconceptualizri este
modelul metaforic care permite s prezentm o problem lingvistic complex drept
una simpl i cunoscut [11, 26]. Teoria modelrii metaforice ca direcie a lingvisti183


cii cognitive se discut n lucrrile lui N.Arutiunov, S.Kuzleakin, G.Sklearevski. Astfel,

A.Ciudinov consider c pentru descrierea modelului metaforic este necesar:
1. S caracterizm urmtoarele trsturi ale modelului:
- domeniul noional iniial (domeniul-surs), cruia se atribuie cuvintele
cuprinse de model n semnificaia lor primar;
- noul domeniu conceptual (domeniu-recipient), cruia se se atribuie
cuvintele cuprinse de model n semnificaia lor secundar;
2. S evideniem frame-urile ce se refer la acest model. Prin frame se
nelege un fragment al lumii lingvistice care structureaz domeniul
noional dat (sfera semantic);
3. S caracterizm slot-urile tipice ce fac parte din fiecare fram, adic acele
elemente situative ce includ o anumit parte a frame-ului, un anumit aspect al concretizrii sale;
4. S denumim conceptele tipice ce stau la baza formrii slot-ului
[12, 44-46].
Sistematizarea modelelor metaforice ale terminologiei medicale engleze se
ntemeiaz pe domeniul-surs al expansiunii metaforice, iar domeniul-recipient
este reprezentat de domeniul de aplicaie- medicin (mai exact, traumatologie).
Astfel, n cadrul analizei terminologei traumatologice engleze au fost depistate dou grupuri de modele metaforice: organistice i non-organistice. Primul
grup este reprezentat prin metafore la baza crora stau domeniile noionale Animal world (regnul animal), Vegetable world (regnul vegetal), i Human organism (organismul uman), iar al doilea grup cuprinde metafore din domeniile-surs
House (cas), War (rzboi), Movement/action (micare/aciune). S analizm
detaliat coninutul fiecrui model.
Modelul metaforic Traumatological realities are (like) human creative
activity (realitile traumatologice sunt asemenea activitii creatoare a
omului) este cel mai voluminos dup numrul metaforelor incluse. Prin realitate
traumatologic se nelege orice obiect/fenomen/aciune tiinific, avnd o
anumit valoare noional i conceptual. Modelul dat mbrieaz cteva frameuri:
1. Frame-ul House (cas). De menionat c acest domeniu posed toate
condiiile necesare unei expansiuni metaforice, deoarece:
- este foarte bine cunoscut fiecrei persoane;
- posed un potenial emoional nalt;
- conceptul cas are o reea desfurat de elemente ale structurii interne;
- casa este domeniul de baz al existenei omului i al familiei sale.
Slot-ul 1.1. Objects and utensils used in household (obiectele i uneltele
utilizate n gospodrie) (22 de termeni): barrel (butoia) i barrel chest (torace n
butoi); fork (furculi) i silver-fork deformity (deformaia furculiei de argint);
Slot-ul 1.2. Accessories (accesorii) (7 termeni): cravat (cravat) i cravat
bandage (bandaj triunghiular); ring (inel) i ring knife (bisturiu inelar);
Slot-ul 1.3. House building (construcia casei) (5 termeni): bow (arc) i
bow leg (deformaia picioarelor n forma literei O); scale (treapt) i scalene muscle
(muchiul scalen);



Slot-ul 1.4. Nourishment (nutriia) (2 termeni): milk (lapte) i milk leg

(flebit alb dureroas); sandwich (tartin) i sandwich osteotomy ( osteotomie
2. Frame-ul Science (stiin). n calitate de domeniul-surs al acestei
frame au servit conceptele din matematic (geometrie i trigonometrie total
15 uniti) i tiine juridice (2 termeni): cub (cub) i cuboid bone (osul cuboid);
trapezium (trapez) i trapezoid bone (osul trapezoid), guillotine (ghilotin) i
guillotine amputation (amputaie n ghilotin).
3. Frame-ul Sport and game (sportul i jocul) include 14 termenimetafore ce sunt bazate pe conceptele sportive: racket (rachet de tenis) i racket
amputation (amputare oval); ping-pong (tenis de mas) i ping-pong fracture
(fractur ping-pong).
4. Frame-ul Professional activity of a man (activitatea profesional a
omului) cuprinde numai 5 metafore: glover (mnuar) i glover`s suture (sutura
mnuarului); housemaid (menajer) i housemaid knee (genunchiul menajerei).
Acest model metaforic cuprinde 42% de termeni-metafore n terminologia
medical englez.
Viaa organic i anorganic au servit mereu drept model conform cruia
omul interpreteaz realitatea social i profesional, crend, astfel, lumea lingvistic
profesional. Studierea metaforei zoomorfe a devenit deja o tradiie n lingvistica
contemporan (T.Verinin [3], Iu.Fedenev [13]). Drept surs a expansiunii metaforice n cadrul modelului metaforic Traumatological realities are (like) nature
(realitile traumatologice sunt asemenea naturii) servesc regnul animal, vegetal
i aviar, precum astrele i lumea anorganic, adic realitile traumatologice sunt
percepute n termenii conceptelor mediului nconjurator.
1. Frame-ul Animal and vegetable world (regnul animal i vegetal). Este
tiut c metafora zoomorf se bazeaz pe transferul chipurilor lumii animale asupra
caracterizrii omului, n cazul nostru este vorba de realitile medicale:
Slot-ul 2.1. Animal world (regnul animal): sole (calcan) i soleus muscle
(muchiul solear); bull (taur) i bull neck (gt de taur);
Slot-ul 2.2. Aviar world (regnul aviar): pigeon (porumbel) i pigeon chest (
torace n caren); alar ( de la lat.alares arip) i alar spine (apofiz pterigoid);
Slot-ul 2.3. Vegetable world (regnul vegetal): spike (de la lat.spica - spic)
i spica bandage (bandaj spic); green-stick (rmur verde) i green-stick fracture
(fractur n lemn verde/ fractur subperiostal).
2. Frame-ul Stars (astre) include numai 3 termeni-metafore: lunate bone
(osul lunar) de la lat. luna (lun); stellate fracture (fractur stelar) de la lat. stella
3. Frame-ul Inorganic world (lumea inorganic): marble (marmur) i marble bone (os de marmur); pearl (perl) i pearly tubercle ( tubercul de perl).
4. Frame-ul Climate (clima): frozen pelvis (bazinul ngheat) i algid stage
(stadiu rece).
n terminologia traumatologic englez acest model cuprinde 29% de termeni-metafore i se caracterizeaz prin productivitate medie.
Modelul metaforic Traumatological realities are (like) war (realitile
traumatologice sunt asemenea rzboiului) este al treilea, dup frecven, n terminologia studiat. Istoria civilizaiei, din pcate, cunoate un numr mare de


aciuni militare cu caracter local sau mondial. Probabil, nu exist nici o cultur
care ar duce lips de concepte militare. Asupra acestui fapt i-au canalizat atenia
G.Lacoff i M.Johnson n studiul lor clasic Metaphor we live (Metafora prin care
noi trim), menionnd c multe obiecte la care noi apelm ... sunt parial determinate de imaginea aciunilor militare [5, 4]. Iar demararea unei activiti militare
necesit utilizarea armelor. Acest model metaforic n domeniul terminologiei studiate cuprinde 18 termeni-metafore. De menionat c n cadrul lor se evideniaz un
grup de termeni a cror expresivitate este ascuns n originea lor (elen, latin,
francez): thyroid cartilage (cartilajul tiroidal) de la gr. thyrsus (scut), sagittal pelvis
(bazin sagital) de la lat. sagitta (sgeat).
Comparativ cu alte domenii sociale (politic, economie) unde metaforele
militare devin un mijloc universal de interpretare a anumitor realiti, acest model
metaforic nu se atest ca fiind productiv n procesul de metaforizare a termenilor
traumatologici (11%).
Modelul metaforic Traumatological realities are (like) human organism
(realitile traumatologice sunt asemenea organismului uman) exist demult n
limba englez. Conform modelului dat specialistul atribuie realitilor domeniului
medical studiat trsturile i caracteristicile cele mai bine percepute de el. Drept rezultat, realitile medicale se prezint ca un corp uman cu aspectele sale fiziologice
i anatomice. Acest model include 2 frame-uri:
1. Frame-ul Certain human organisms feature, action (o anumit particularitate, aciune a organismului uman) cuprinde 12 termeni: to weep (a plnge)
i weeping sign (simptom umed), phantom (iluzie) i phantom limb (limbul
2. Frame-ul Organisms parts (prile organismului) (6 termeni): odontoid
bone (osul odontiod) de la lat. dens, dentis (dinte), digit (deget) i digital epiphysis
(epifiz digitiform).
Spre deosebire de alte domenii sociale (economie, sociologie) unde, conform datelor lui A.Ciudinov [11], se evideniaz o activitate intens a acestui model,
n terminologia medical englez el este neproductiv (11%).
Ultimul model metaforic evideniat Traumatological realities are (like)
movement (realitile traumatologice sunt asemenea micrii) deasemenea
conine 2 frame-uri:
1. Frame-ul Types of movement (tipurile micrii) cuprinde 10 termeni,
procesul de metaforizare fiind bazat pe asemnarea aciunii ntreprinse: to creep
(a se tr) i creeping bandage (pansament arpe), to slip (a aluneca) i slipping rib
(subluxaia coastei/ inel alunecos).
2. Frame-ul Means of movement (mijloace de deplasare) conine 4 termeni: airplane (avion) i airplane splint (atel de abducie), scaphoid bone (osul scafoid)
de la lat.scapha (barc).
Din cele expuse este evident c nici acest model metaforic nu este productiv
n terminologia studiat (8%).
Astfel, analiznd mecanismul metaforizrii termenilor traumatologici englezi conform modelelor conceptuale sus-menionate, conchidem c majoritatea
termenilor-metafore (85%) se bazeaz pe asemnare de form. Celelalte 15% de
termeni vizeaz asemnarea funcional. Procedeul modelrii metaforice permite
a evidenia trsturile ce stau la baza transferului semnificaiei de la cuvnt uzual


la termen. Formarea semnificaiei terminologice metaforizate reprezint un proces

complex ce include nu numai semantica unui cuvnt uzual, ci i relaiile sistemice
ale unitii lexicale date, trsturile sale paradigmatice i sintagmatice.

Surse bibliografice
1. ineanu L., Raporturile dintre gramatic i logic. Bucureti, 1991.
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16. (16 septembrie 2007)



Valentina STOG
Free Inetnational University of Moldova

Tout en tenant compte que tout est traduction, cest--dire la traduction dun
code vers un autre, dun domaine vers un autre, de la pense vers les sentiments et les
mots, Leon Levitchi dit que lauteur se traduit lui-mme, en transformant son imagination en mots, restant toutefois fidle lui-mme, tandis que le traducteur doit ltre
lauteur, aux traditions quil traduit, au langage vers lequel il traduit et beaucoup
dautres canons.
Dans ce sens la traduction de la littrature et spcialement de celle de la posie
devient un processus particulirement dlicat qui demande un niveau lev de prcision lorsque le traducteur potique est contraint de rendre le mieux possible les principales dimensions de loriginal: la magie du vers, sa musicalit et son pouvoir de suggestion. Le traducteur potique est dot dune passion spciale pour les mots, dun flair
spcial en les utilisant, pour faire lunique exprience du pote connue dans une autre
langue et un autre contexte culturel. En traduisant, il peut se confronter aux problmes
dordre linguistique, littraire, esthtique et socio-culturel. Le prsent article a pour but
de dcrire quelques fondements de base concernant la traduction potique. Lauteur
y analyse les problmes et les possibilits de la traduction littraire et surtout de celle
Translating literary works is, perhaps, always more difficult than translating
other types of texts because literary works have specific values known as the aesthetic and expressive ones. The aesthetic function of the work has to emphasize
the beauty of the words (diction), figurative language, metaphors, etc. While the
expressive functions should put forward the writers thought [or process of thinking], emotion, etc. And the translator should try, at his best, to render these specific
values into the target language (TL). As a genre of literature, poetry has something
special compared to its other genres. In a poem, the beauty is not only achieved
with the choice of words and figurative language like as in novels and short stories, but also with the creation of rhythm, rhyme, meter, and specific expressions
and structures that may not conform to those met in everyday language. In short,
the translation of poetry needs something more than translating literary works belonging to other genres. This article will present in brief some considerations in
translating poetry.
The Methods
In general, there are a lot of methods in translating a text, but not all of them
are appropriate to be used in translating a poem. According to Andre Lafevere,
there are seven methods adopted by English translators in translating Catulluss
poems: phonemic translation, literal translation, metrical translation, verse-toprose translation, rhymed translation, free verse translation, and interpretation
[Bassnett-McGuire, 1980: 81-82].
Phonemic translation attempts to recreate the sounds of the source language (SL) in the target language. And at the same time the translator tries to


transfer the meaning. To Lafeveres opinion, in general the result sounds awkward
and sometimes leaves some parts of the original meaning behind. Literal translation means word-for-word translation. This method does not allow the translator
to render the original meaning; while the phrase and sentence structures tend to
fall by the wayside in the TL. The metrical translation emphasizes the reproduction
of the original meter into the TL. And because each language has its own specific
stressing and pronunciation system, this method will result in an inappropriate
translation in terms of meaning and structure. Verse-to-prose translation also has
some weaknesses. The outstanding weakness is the loss of the beauty of the original poem.
The next method is rhymed translation which emphasizes the transferring
of the rhyme of the original poem into the TL translation. The result will be appropriate physically but tend to be semantically inappropriate.
The sixth method is free verse translation. With this method the translator
may be able to get the accurate equivalents in the TL with a sound literary value of
the result. On the other hand, the rhyme and meter tend to be ignored. So, physically the result is different from the original, but semantically it seems the same.
The last method noted by Lafevere is interpretation. According to him there
are two types of interpretation: version and imitation. A version of a poem in the
TL will semantically be exactly the same with the original, but physically totally different, while an imitation is quite a different poem, but the title, topic, and starting
point are the same as in the original poem.
Lafeveres explanation of the above methods seems to reemphasize Cluysenars opinion that the weaknesses of the poetry translation methods are due to
the emphasis given to one or more poetic components in the process of translating. The literal, metrical, and rhymed translation methods seem to emphasize the
form or poetic structure of the poem, while the rest emphasize the rendering of
the precise meaning into the TL. It seems no methods described above will cater
the poetry translators needs appropriately.
According to Suryawinata, among the several translation methods proposed by experts communicative and semantic translation methods are worth
noting. The two are even said to be the only methods that fulfill the two main aims
of translation: accuracy and economy [Newmark, 1981: 22, 1988: 47].
The terms communicative and semantic translation themselves are proposed by Newmark [1981: 38-56, 62-69]. Communicative translation attempts to
render the exact meaning of the original in such a way that the readers may not
find difficulties in understanding the message of the translated text. In communicative translation, therefore, the translator can generously transfer the foreign element in the SL into the culture of the TL where necessary. This type of translation
is best used for general argumentative and scientific texts, which are also called
informative and vocative texts by Newmark.
Semantic translation, on the other hand, attempts to reproduce the precise
contextual meaning of the original by taking more account of the aesthetic values and expressive component of the original poem, such as peculiar choice of
words, figurative language, metaphors, sounds, etc. This type of translation is best
used for imaginative literatures, which are also called expressive texts by Newmark.
The writer, however, agrees with Suryawinata stating that a poetry translator, in


fact, frequently functions as the mediator of the communication between the poet
and the reader. Therefore, the translator should take the readership into account.
In short, he should try to make the content and the beauty of the original poem
ready for readership.
Some possible problems in translating poetry
Analyzing the problems arising in the course of translation, Suryawinata
finds that a literary translator tends to face linguistic, literary and aesthetic, and
socio-cultural problems. Thus, translating a poem, one of the literary genres, the
translator is also likely to face the above problems.
Linguistic Problems
In terms of linguistic factors, there are at least two points to consider: collocation and obscured (non-standard) syntactical structures. The word collocation
used here refers to words or word groups with which a word or words may typically
combine. The combination may by syntagmatic or horizontal, as make a speech
(not say a speech), run a meeting (not do a meeting), etc.
The other class of collocation is pragmatic or vertical. This consists of words
belonging to the same semantic field or being semantically opposite. Different from
the first class, the collocates in this class may be the same for several languages.
Whatever the reason is, where there is an accepted collocation in the SL, the
translator must find and use its equivalent in the TL if it exists. But a closer attention
should also be paid to the collocation with a similar form in the SL and TL, but having a different meaning.
Another point to consider in terms of linguistic matters is obscured (nonstandard) syntactic structures. Such kinds of structures may be intentionally used
in a poem as a part of the expressive function of the text. Hence, such structures
should be rendered as closely as possible.
The first step to deal with this problem is to find the deep (underlying)
structure. According to Newmark [1981: 116], the useful procedure is to find the
logical subject first, and then the specific verb. If the two important elements are
discovered, the rest will fall into place. After that the translator can reconstruct the
structure in the TL as closely as possible to the original one. Besides, the structure
of each phrase or clause should also be closely examined.

Literary or Aesthetic Problems

Aesthetic values or poetic truth in a poem are conveyed in word order and
sounds, as well as in cognitive sense (logic). And these aesthetic values have no
independent meaning, but they are correlative with the various types of meaning in the text. Hence, if the translator destroys the word choice, word order, and
the sounds, he impairs and distorts the beauty of the original poem. Delicacy and
gentleness, for instance, will be ruined if the translator provides crude alliterations
for the original carefully composed alliterations. So, the problem in translating a
poem is how to retain the aesthetic values in the TL text.
Aesthetic values, according to Newmark [1981: 65], are dependent on the
structure [or poetic structure], metaphor, and sound. Poetic structure includes the
plan of the original poem as a whole, the shape and the balance of individual sentences in each line. Metaphor is related to visual images created with the combi190


nations of words, which may also evoke sound, touch, smell, and taste. Sound is
anything connected with sound cultivation including rhyme, rhythm, assonance,
onomatopoeia, etc. A translator cannot ignore any of them although he may order
them depending on the nature of the poem translated.

Poetic Structure
Poetic structure is the first of the three basic factors. It should be noted that
structure meant here is the plan of the poem as a whole, the shape and the balance of individual sentence or of each line. So, it does not have to relate directly to
the sentential structures or grammar of a language, though in fact it is very much
affected by the sentential structure. Thus, maintaining the original structure of the
poem would mean maintaining the original structure of each sentence.

Metaphorical Expressions
Metaphorical expressions, as the second factor influencing aesthetic values,
mean any constructions evoking visual, sound, touch, and taste images, the traditional metaphors, direct comparisons without the words like and as if, and all
figurative languages. Intentionally, the writer does not use the term metaphor in
the sub-heading since it has a different meaning for various people. What is generally known as (traditional) metaphor, for example, is not the same as the metaphor
meant by Newmark.
To understand the meaning of metaphor as proposed by Newmark, it is advisable to understand the following terms: object, image, sense, metaphor, and metonymy. Object, called also topic, is the item which is described by the metaphor.
Image refers to the item in terms of which the object is described. It is also called
vehicle. The next term, sense, refers to the point of similarity between aspects of
the objects and the image. Metaphor here means the word[s] taken from the image. And, finally, metonymy refers to one-word image that replaces the object,
which is in many cases figurative but not metaphorical. Metaphor example: The
ship plowed through the sea. (plowed instead of navigated). Metonymy example:
The sails crossed the ocean. (sails instead of ship with sails).
In the expression rooting out the faults, for example, the object is faults,
the image is rooting out weeds, the sense is (a) eliminate, (b) with tremendous effort, and the metaphor is rooting out. The expression the seven seas referring the
whole world is not metaphorical. It is figurative and metonymic.
Newmark (1981: 88-91) proposes seven procedures to translate metaphors
in general. The first procedure is reproducing the same image in the TL if the image
has comparable frequency and currency in the appropriate register. This procedure
is usually used for one-word metaphor, e.g. ray of hope.
The second procedure is replacing images in the SL with standard TL images
within the constraints of TL cultures.
The next method is translating a metaphor by a simile, retaining the image
in the SL. This procedure can be used to modify any type of metaphor.
And the rest of the procedures such as, translating metaphor (or simile) into
simile plus sense, conversing metaphor into sense, deleting unimportant meta191


phor, and translating metaphor with some metaphors combined with sense, are
not considered appropriate for poetry translation.
The possible question arising now is how far can a translator modify the
authors metaphorical expressions? It depends on the importance and expressiveness. If they are very expressive in term of originality, they should be kept as close
as possible to the original, in terms of object, image, sense, and the metaphor.
And then what about the culturally-bound metaphors or expressions?
As is known, there are two kinds of expressions: universal and culturallybound ones. Universal expressions are the ones which consist of words having the
same semantic field with that of most cultures in the world. Culturally-bound expressions are culture specific due to the fact that different cultures conceptualize
experience in varying ways. According to Dagut there no simplistic general rule for
translation of metaphor, but the translatability of any given SL metaphor depends
on [1] the particular cultural experiences and semantic associations exploited by it,
and [2] the extend to which these can, or not, be reproduced non-anomalously in
TL, depending on the degree of overlap in each particular case. [1976:32]
Moreover, he says that what determines the translatability of a SL metaphor
is not its boldness or originality, but rather the extend to which the cultural experience and semantic associations on which it draws are shared by speakers of the
particular TL.
The last of literary or aesthetic factors is sound. As stated before, sound is
anything connected with sound cultivation including rhyme, rhythm, assonance,
onomatopoeia, etc. A translator must try to maintain them in the translation. As
Newmark further states, In a significant text, semantic truth is cardinal [meaning
is not more or less important, it is important!], whilst of the three aesthetic factors, sound [e.g. alliteration or rhyme] is likely to recede in importance - rhyme is
perhaps the most likely factor to give - rhyming is difficult and artificial enough in
one language, reproducing line is sometimes doubly so. [1981: 67] In short, if the
translation is faced with the condition where he should sacrifice one of the three
factors, structure, metaphor, and sound, he should sacrifice the sound.
On the other hand, the translator should balance where the beauty of a
poem really lies. If the beauty lies more on the sounds rather than on the meaning
(semantic), the translator cannot ignore the sound factor. See the following part
of a poem written by Effendi Kadarisman. Can a translator ignore rhyme and assonance? In this case, he has to maintain both.

e.g. Are you the bubble-bubble gum?

Are you the jumble-jumble hum?
Are you the rumble-rumble drum?
Well, folks
Poems are serious jokes
Just say those nonsense words
And sing with the mocking birds



In other cases where sound is not such important, the translator should try
to maintain them first in the TL before he decides not to transfer the sound into the
TL. This means he should try to keep the beauty of the sound where possible.
The Importance of Culture in Translation
The definition of culture as given in the Concise Oxford Dictionary varies from descriptions of the Arts to plant and bacteria cultivation and includes
a wide range of intermediary aspects. More specifically concerned with language
and translation, Newmark defines culture as the way of life and its manifestations
that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of
expression [1988:94], thus acknowledging that each language group has its own
culturally specific features. He further clearly states that operationally he does not
regard language as a component or feature of culture [Newmark 1988:95] in direct
opposition to the view taken by Vermeer who states that language is part of a culture [1989:222]. According to Newmark, Vermeers stance would imply the impossibility to translate whereas for the latter, translating the SL into a suitable form of
TL is part of the translators role in transcultural communication.
The notion of culture is essential to considering the implications for translation and, despite the differences in opinion as to whether language is part of
culture or not, the two notions appear to be inseparable. Discussing the problems
of correspondence in translation, Nida confers equal importance to both linguistic
and cultural differences between the SL and the TL and concludes that differences
between cultures may cause more severe complications for the translator than do
differences in language structure [Nida, 1964:130]. It is further explained that parallels in culture often provide a common understanding despite significant formal
shifts in the translation. The cultural implications for translation are thus of significant importance as well as lexical concerns.
Lotmans theory states that no language can exist unless it is steeped in
the context of culture; and no culture can exist which does not have at its centre,
the structure of natural language [Lotman, 1978:211-32]. Bassnett [1980: 13-14]
underlines the importance of this double consideration when translating by stating that language is the heart within the body of culture, the survival of both aspects being interdependent. Linguistic notions of transferring meaning are seen as
being only part of the translation process; a whole set of extra-linguistic criteria
must also be considered. As Bassnett further points out, the translator must tackle
the SL text in such a way that the TL version will correspond to the SL version... To
attempt to impose the value system of the SL culture onto the TL culture is dangerous ground [Bassnett, 1980:23]. Thus, when translating, it is important to consider
not only the lexical impact on the TL reader, but also the manner in which cultural
aspects may be perceived and make translating decisions accordingly.
Socio-cultural Problems
Words or expressions that contain culturally-bound word[s] create certain
problems. The socio-cultural problems exist in the phrases, clauses, or sentences
containing word[s] related to the four major cultural categories, namely: ideas, behavior, product, and ecology [Said, 1994: 39]. The notion of ideas includes belief,
values, and institution that of; behavior includes customs or habits, products in193


cludes art, music, and artifacts, and ecology includes flora, fauna, plains, winds,
and weather.
In translating culturally-bound expressions, as with any other ones, the
translator may apply one or more of the procedures: Literal translation, transference, naturalization, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, description equivalent, classifier, componential analysis, deletion, couplets, note, addition, glosses,
reduction, and synonymy. In literal translation, the translator performs unit-to-unit
translation. The translation unit may range from word to larger units such as phrase
or clause.
He applies transference procedure if he converts the SL word directly into
TL word by adjusting the alphabets [writing system] only. The result is loan word.
When he does not only adjust the alphabets, but also adjust it into the normal pronunciation of TL word, he applies naturalization.
In addition, the translator may find the cultural equivalent word of the SL
or, if he cannot find one, neutralize or generalize the SL word to result functional
equivalents. When he modifies the SL word with description of form in the TL, the
result is description equivalent. Sometimes a translator provides a generic or general or super ordinate term for a TL word and the result in the TL is called classifier.
And when he just supplies the near TL equivalent for the SL word, he uses synonymy.
In componential analysis procedure, the translator splits up a lexical unit
into its sense components, often one-to-two, one-to-three, or -more translation.
Moreover, a translator sometimes adds some information, whether he puts it in a
bracket or in other clause or even footnote, or even deletes unimportant SL words
in the translation to smooth the result for the reader.
These different procedures may be used at the same time. Such a procedure
is called couplets [Said,1994: 25 - 28].
The author does not assert that one procedure is superior to the others. It
depends on the situation. Considering the aesthetic and expressive functions a
poem is carrying, the translator should try to find the cultural equivalent or the
nearest equivalent [synonym] first before trying the other procedures. An example
The first stanza of Shakespeares Sonnet XVIII below.
Shall I compare thee with a summers day?
Thou are more lovely and more temperate
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summers lease hath all too short a date

It is understood that summer is very beautiful for temperate countries, and

it implies distinguished beauty. But the cultural equivalents or near equivalent of
summer does not mean exactly, possible, the same in TL, for example. And to
translate any expression containing such words, the translator should, once again,
consider each expression carefully in terms of the importance and expressiveness.
If the expression is very important seen from the whole meaning of the poem and
very expressive seen from the originality of the expression, there is no reason not
to supply the cultural or near equivalent in the TL [Newmark, 1981: 50].


Challenges of verse translation

Literary translation is the translation of varying literary genres. Serious
imaginative literature has four principal types, namely, poetry, drama, short story,
and novel [Newmark, 1981:39]. Translating literary works is not a simple task. Every
literary genre has its specific translation problems. Central to translating drama is
the issue of performability since the play is meant to be performed and not merely
read. Moreover, translator rendering the dialogue of a play has to be able to choose
the language suitable to the occasion and the relationships between characters
[Massoud, 1988: 49-50]. Short stories are the second most difficult literary form
after verse. The difficulty arises from the fact that formal and thematic concentration and unity should be carefully preserved through certain cohesive effects. The
most important of the problems faced while translating novels is the relative significance of both the SL culture and the writers moral purpose to the reader [Newmark, 1981: 170-171]. Of the four literary genres of literature, poetry is the most difficult in translation. The challenges a literary translator faces when trying to imitate
the form, rhythm, meaning, and imagery of a poem in another language, and the
procedures suggested for dealing with such challenges, are worth exploring.
Dissimilarities between the SL and TLs poetical forms present a challenge to
verse translators. Naturally, every language has its distinguishing poetic forms.
On the other hand, English poetry is divided into varying genres in terms of
form. The familiar formal types of verse are lyrical, narrative, epic, and dramatic. By
turn, lyrical poetry is divided into numerous types, namely, sonnet, ballad, elegy,
and ode. Each has its fixed form. For instance, Shakespearian sonnet consists of 14
lines divided into three quatrains and a couplet, and the rhyme scheme is always
abab-cdcd-efef-gg. As for the structure of stanza, there are many forms of it. A quatrain is a four-line stanza; a terza rima consists of three lines, and ottava rima, of
eight. In narrative and lyrical poems, the stanza may have up to six or seven lines.
Spenserian stanza consists of 9:11 lines. The ballad stanza consists of a number of
lines having four feet and three feet respectively, and such lines could be followed
by a refrain . In English two words rhyme when the last stressed vowel, and all the
sounds that follow it, are identical and occur in the same order, as in bream/seam
[Dickens, Hervey, and Higgins: 81].
Issues of appropriateness and practicability are of great importance when
choosing the form of the TL poem [Dickens, Hervey, and Higgins: 92]. To translate
poetry effectively, translators have to be poets acquainted with the poetic forms
of the SL and the TL.Equally important, translator-poets must have sensitivity to
know when to translate a poem into verse, and when to translate it into prose [Massoud, 50]. After that, the translator has to decide when to translate into free verse,
and when to translate into measured and rhymed columned poetry. The decision
is important due to the fact that cultures differ in the way they use or relate to different types of languages [Massoud: 50].
In some cases, the translator may choose to translate poetry into prose or
free verse. Historical poetical plays, some scholars suggest, are better translated
into prose, rather than verse. The reason is that prose can convey the literal and accurate meaning of the SL and preserve the spirit of the facts and historical incidents
narrated. Sometimes it may be preferable to translate a poem into free verse. When
trying to imitate an Arabic poem, for example, it may be impossible to transfer into


English the Arabic features on the phonic level [e.g. alliteration and assonance]
which may be no less significant than features of metre and rhythm. Moreover,
imitation may require that the translator dramatically changes denotative meaning
in order to make the TT suit the desired verse form. The careful use of vocabulary
that obviously belongs to poetic register, or that which has particularly appropriate connotations in the context in which it is used, may compensate for the loss of
metrical and rhyming features [Dickens, Hervey, and Higgins: 92].
Clearly, there is a link between intentionality and the form of the poem.
When translating English lyrical verse into TL, undoubtedly, music of lyrical poetry
is crucial for conveying meaning i.e. it has a meaning that is by no means less important than the meaning of words. Sometimes, music becomes more important
than the meaning of lexical units. Another example is the translation of chants. A
chant has no fixed form, thus its lines vary in length. The translator should, as far
as possible, find creatively its adequate equivalent. Thus, translating the meaning
of songs and chants, whatever accurate the translation is, to a form rather than
rhymed and measured verse is likely to waste the intentionality of the poems. On
the other hand, when translating lyrical poetry that has no fixed form, the translator is free to choose the poetic form most suitable to the TL readership. Thus, s/he
produces a poem that has the characteristics of TL rhyme and rhythm.
Rhyme presents a challenge due to the fact that every language has its
unique rhyming patterns. For instance, the traditional monorhyme of some languages is extremely different from the traditional rhyme patterns of English. Thus,
the translator who decides to use a monorhyme style, which is exotic-sounding to
the English readership, or uses a rhyming pattern more natural-sounding in English, regardless of the significant loss on phonic level [Dickens, Hervey, and Higgins:
In verse translation, a challenge arises from the fact that all poems have plurality of meaning. As Baker suggests, it is not easy to define even the basic prepositional meaning of a word or utterance with absolute certainty. Naturally, in most
cases, words have blurred edges and their meanings are negotiable to a great extent [Baker: 17]. In other words, every act of reading a poem, as suggested by G.
Steiner, is in itself an act oftranslation i.e. interpretation. The notion of comprehension of the ST is misleading; the translators reading of the SL poem is only one of
the whole range of possible meanings. Bassnet agrees that there is no distinction
between translation and interpretation: the translator first reads/translates in the
SL, and then translates into the TL [Bassnet: 82]. Therefore, the translator is forced
to exert much more effort than the average reader has to do in order to adequately
understand the poem.
The interlingual translation is likely to reflect the creative interpretation of
the SL made by the translator [Bassnet: 82].The translator should try to perceive
very precisely as s/he can the meanings of the ST words in order to convey them in
the TL. Beaugrande warns that imposing the translators reading of the ST on the
readership is a common mistake in translating poetry since polyvalence is a crucial
feature of poetic discourse. Since the ST allows multiplicity of responses among the
ST readership, it is the duty of the verse translator to preserve as far as possible, the
range of possible responses among the TT readership by preserving all the possible meanings inherent in the ST [Hatim and Mason: 11]. Newmark suggests that


the translator may translate the most probable sense, and put the less probable
sense in a footnote if s/he judges this sense to be important. [Newmark: 220].
Verse translators have to be aware of the difference between referential
meaning and poetic meaning. The task of a translator of poetry is not restricted
to conveying the meanings of words i.e. refering the reader to the same thing the
SL poet refers to, it also includes conveying the significance and producing the
same effect as the SL. Unlike inscientific translation, success in translating poetry
does not depend on the extent to which the translation is referentially close to
the original poem, rather it depends on other criteria based on literary criticism
and its applications on language and writing. This is important because the text
is likely to produce meanings not physicaly present in it [Hatim: 76]. Again, the
difficulty in translating poems arises not only from the varying levels of meanings,
but also from the need that the translator should be aware of the cultural context
of both languages concerned, to choose the closest word to the authors meaning.
Translating the tone of the SL poet is a most challenging task. Tone is defined as
the poets position towards his/her poem; whether s/he is serious or humorous,
whether s/he intends overstatement, or understatement. Translating the tone into
another language different in its literary conventions is certainly difficult. Since the
notion of understanding the original poem is misleading, and it is more accurate
to describe the translators meaning as an interpretation of the poets meaning, no
one can argue that a poem has only one tone or that there is a real or intended
tone. Thus, when translating a poem having both clear and underlying tones, the
translator should preserve these tones as far as possible. This means that the translator should be faithful as much as s/he can by not refraining from using a colloquial word or expression, for example, if it can help in conveying the tone, and by
being aware that language has various levels that can help him/her ascending or
descending in tones. In fact, familiarity with the ideas and underlying meaning
of the SL poet, is crucial to translating the intention of the the original author of
the poem. Therefore, it is said that the best translators of literature, and poetry, are
those who are most in tune with the original writer. That enables the translator
from possessing the spirit of the original and making the intent of the poet his/her
Metaphor is one of the figures of speech depending on meaning rather than
sound. It is defined as a figure of speech based on comparison that is implied rather than directly expressed. To say: he was a lion in the fight [Glossary of Literary
Terms]. According to Newmark, metaphor has two purposes. The first is cognitive
i.e. referential purpose: to describe a mental process or state, a concept, a person,
an object, a quality or an action more comprehensively and concisely than is possible in literal or physical language. The second is aesthetic i.e. pragmatic purpose:
to appeal to the senses, to interest, to clarify, to please, to delight, to surprise. Generally, when translating imagery, the most important principle is that the translation should give the same meaning as the original and should produce the same
emotional effect. A metaphor can be universal [a glassy stare], cultural [a beery
face], or individual [a papery check]. Newmark argues that there are six types of
metaphor: dead, clich, stock, adapted, recent, and original. [Newmark: 104 -106].
A verse translator may have to choose a convenient metaphor translation
procedure. Translators should have an aesthetic sensitivity to imagery and symbols


and possess the agility and insight to choose the effective way of conveying meaning of the metaphor from among many possibilities. Usually, cultural metaphors
are harder to translate than universal or personal metaphors [Newmark, 106]. The
difficulty arises when local flowers and grasses are used as metaphors. To produce
the same effect, the translator may have to create a culturally equivalent TL metaphor or converting SL metaphor to sense, or if possible, adding sense to the metaphor. The translator of poetry, has to reproduce original metaphors scrupulously,
even though it may cause cultural shock to the TL readership that are unfamiliar
with the SL culture. When the metaphor is known in the TL culture, the translator
can transfer the image of the metaphor. However, if the translator regards metaphors as important, it is his duty to carry it across, to launch it on the target language and its culture.
When translating poetry, puns [or paronomasias] are most difficult to translate, since they are limited by meter. Pun is a phrase that deliberately exploits confusion between similar-sounding words for humorous or rhetorical effect.
A pun may also exploit confusion between two senses of the same written or spoken word, due to homophony, homography, homonymy, polysemy,
or metaphorical usage. Walter Redfern has said: To pun is to treat homonyms as
synonyms [Walter Redfern, 1984: 12]. For example, in the phrase, There is nothing punny about bad puns, the pun takes place in the deliberate confusion of the
implied word funny by the substitution of the word punny, a heterophone of
funny. By definition, puns must be deliberate; an involuntary substitution of similar words is called a malapropism.
Puns are a form of word play, and seem to occur in all languages [although
some people claim that they are easier to construct in some languages than others].
Examples of puns are found in the Bible [in both the Old and the New Testaments]. Puns on the names of pharaohs of Egypt such as during the reign of Solomon, have been shown to provide dates of pharaoh reign or a time line to the
Many famous writers, such as Alexander Pope, James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, Robert Bloch, and others, have used puns, along with other forms of word play.
In the past, the serious pun was an important and standard rhetorical or poetic
device, as in Shakespeares Richard III:
Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of York
[pun on homophony of son and sun]
The translator of poetry has to sacrifice puns simply because they are restricted by meter. For example, when the purpose of the pun is only to raise laughter, the poet can compensate for it by another pun on a word with a different but
associated meaning. If the two senses of the pun are more important than the medium, the poet can translate them by reproducing the two senses in an incongruous way. When a pun is used in the SL poem to illustrate a language, or a slip of
the tongue, or the sense is more important than witticism, the poet has to transfer,
translate, in both senses, and usually explain it.
Alliteration and assonance are among the phonic patterns recurrent in poems and having thematic and expressive purposes.


Alliteration is the repetition of a leading vowel or consonant sound in a

phrase. A common example in English is Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers. Alliteration can take the form of assonance, the repetition of a vowel, or
consonance, the repetition of a consonant; however, unlike a strict definition of
alliteration, both assonance and consonance can regularly occur within words as
opposed to being limited to the words initial sound. Some critics hold the opinion
that the term alliteration applies just as accurately to phonetic repetitions that
occur elsewhere than the initial position [first letter], sometimes falling on later syllables, yet retaining alliterative properties due to the form of the examples meter,
which, through affecting the syllables stress may mimic the intensity of the initial.
Further, the use of differing consonants of similar properties [labials, dentals, etc.]
is sometimes considered to be alliteration.
The relative formal accessibility of alliteration makes it one of the most
commonly used literary tools in English, tracing its origins back to Old English and
other Germanic languages such as Old High German, Old Norse, and Old Saxon.
Particularly notable examples of early literary alliteration can be found in these
languages poetry, namely Alliterative verse. Alliterative verse is a form of poetry
that relies heavily on consonance and assonance rather than rhyme. Perhaps the
most famous example of alliterative poetry is the Old English epic, Beowulf. A line
extracted from Beowulf which bears an example of the most common hypermetric form contained in the poem follows. Note the alliterative g initials: gan under
gyldnum beage, r a godan twegen.
Translating alliteration and assonance is a specific translation challenge
since they depend on the repetition of sounds and are restricted by the use of metre. Clearly, no TT can reproduce the same sequence of sounds as the ST [Dickens,
Hervey, and Higgins: 80], simply because no two languages are exactly the same
in terms of phonic features [Massoud: 21]. Translators faced with sound-symbolism
have to decide what its function is before starting translating a poem. When it is
deemed essential, since the aim of translation is to convey as much as possible of
the ST message, the translator will have to convey the message into TT through TT
sound-symbolism. Of course, the TL sound-symbolism will be different from that of
the SL. The translator-poet can possibly compensate for the loss of the SL phonic
features by replacing them with the TL ones that have a comparable effect. Usually,
this costs significant loss in respect of denotative and connotative meaning [Dickens, Hervey, and Higgins: 83].
In its complexity, the theory and practice of translation deals with elements
related to the whole cultural context, with the language in relationship with extralinguistic factors.
According to Ortega Y Gasset, languages separate us and hinder communication not only because they are different, but also because they come from different minds, form different intellectual systems, finally from different philosophies
[Ortega Y Gasset: 1942]. Thus he considers translation a utopia. Nevertheless, this
utopia does not mean to abandon translating, on the contrary it involves searching for possibilities of communication. The splendor of translation rises from its


misery, that is from the difficulties it must face which many times seem unlikely
to overcome.
In translating poetry, the ideal is always the same and is still not to touch:
translating a poem into another language feeling that this is the way the poet
himself would have written it. The poetry translator is bound to render a fundamental dimension of the original: the magic of the verse, its musicality and power
of suggestion. He is endowed with a special passion for word, with a special feeling
of using in order to make the poets unique experience known in another language
and cultural context.
Some translation theorists consider it impossible to render the harmony of
Eminescus verse, for example, in another language and cultural space. They think
it is impossible to preserve the unboundariness of the language, to express in
another language the soul movement which is felt in Eminescus words and verse,
to equal that special tonality, flexibility, nuance, rhythm, accent, rhyme, and metaphor. However, this is far from meaning that Eminescu cannot be translated. There
is always some accepted loss in translating poetry, on condition that the translator
makes up for it by using something adequate offered by the rhetoric of the poetic
space into which he enters when translating.
In conveying a message through language, a writer tries to make the communication as effective as possible. In this process there are many choices to make
both syntactically and semantically. The choice will depend on the writers purpose.
It is possible to identify a conventional way of putting text together as a means of
passing on factual information. From such transactional language, meaning can be
extracted and passed on without any damage to content and coherence.
For a translator transferring a literary text, it is not enough to grasp the internal structure of the text. Bassnet [1980:37] believes that a translator needs to
understand the internal and external structures operating within and around a work of
art. In identifying the difficulty of passing on meaning of the unique ensemble of the
original phonetic-syntactic context [Stiener, 1975:352] believes we need a translation which gives language life beyond the moment and place of immediate utterance
or transcription.
In the early stages of learning a language and in the early stages of learning
to translate it, the aim is to minimize the amount of negotiation involved in order
to ensure maximum accuracy.
Learners need to go on to develop skill with more and more complex transactional language and, at an appropriate time, begin to develop their interactive
skills beyond those involved in the basic information cycle. Further, each individual
has a set of complex intentions with regard to communication and needs to be
able to express these in a manner acceptable to whatever situation is involved. This
quite involves a more beyond the norm represented by transactional language.
Individuals need to become dexterous recipients and producers of language beyond the norm if they are to survive in the real world and communicate in an
acceptable way in whatever situation they find themselves. The final achievement
is an interpreter who can work effectively in very controversial situations or a translator who can produce a poem that is as great a piece of art in a target language as
it is in the source language.

1. Baker, Mona, In Other Words: A Coursebook in Translation. London and New York:
Roultedge, 1992.
2. Basil, Hatim, and Mason Ian, Discourse and the Translator. London and New York: Longman,
3. Bassnet-Mcguire, Susan, Translation Studies. London: Methuen, 1980
4. Beaugrande, R, Factors in a Theory of Poetic Translating. Van Gorcum, Assen, The Netherlands,
5. Dagut, M.B, Can Metaphor be Translated? in Babel, International Journal of Translation, No.
1/1976 vol XXII
6. Dickens, James, Hervey, Sander, and Higgins, Ian, Thinking Arabic Translation. London and
New York: Routledge, 2002
7. Donne, John. Poems of John Donne. Vol I. E. K. Chambers, ed. London: Lawrence & Bullen,
8. Lotman, J., Uspensky, B. On the Semiotic Mechanism of Culture, New Literary History,
London, 1978
9. Massoud, Mary, Translate to Communicate; A Guide for Translation. Illinois: David C. Cook
Foundation Monographs, 1988
10. Newmark, Peter, Approaches to Translation. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1981
11. Newmark, Peter, Textbook of Translation. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1988
12. Ortega Y Gasset, The theory of Andalucia and Other Essays: Wilhelm Dilthey and the idea of
life. Lisbon, 1942
13. Redfern Walter Puns. London: Blackwell, 1984
14. Steiner, G., After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation. Oxford: OUP, 1975



Modificri la nivel de vocabular

n contextul integrrii europene
Ana Vulpe
Universitatea Liber Internaionala din Moldova

On sait que la langue est inimaginable hors de la socit, par consquent ses
changements sont explicables seulement par rapport la socit. Les homues qui parlent une certaine langue ont besoin des mots pour exprimer les relatios spcifiques
la priode historique dans laquelle ils vivent. Dans ce but ils inventent de nouveaux
mots ou ils les prennent des autres langues. Les dernires annes grae aux processus
deuropnisation et mme de globalisation on prfre la variante la plus commode
dimportation des mots de la langue, la plus proche du statut de langue universelle, de
la langue de circulation internationale qui est, premirement, langlais. Avant tout on
a en vue le nouveau flot de langages terminologiques apports par la modernisation
continue de la civilisations qui conquiert la langue dans lensemble comme facteur de
communication. En mme temps, la modification du lexique les dernires annes a lieu
pas seulement par la voie des emprunts, mais aussi par lattribution de nouveaux sens
aux lments lexicaux existant dans la langue.
Limba este, dup cum se tie, un fenomen prin excelen social. A aprut
n societate, pentru a satisface nevoia de comunicare a oamenilor, i se schimb,
evolueaz odat cu societatea, adic n raport cu subiectele de comunicare, bazate
pe situaii reale i cu nivelul vorbitorilor. Prin urmare, dac apariia limbii este de
nenchipuit n afara societii, schimbrile ei nu sunt explicabile altfel dect n raport cu societatea [1].
Limba unui popor trebuie s se adapteze permanent la condiiile mediului sociopolitic, economic i cultural n care acesta triete. O limb vie nu se afl
niciodat ntr-o stare de repaus. Influenele asupra ei vin ncontinuu att din interior, ct i din exterior. Oamenii, care vorbesc o anumit limb, au nevoie de cuvinte
care s exprime realitile specifice perioadei istorice n care triesc. ntru acest scop
ei fie c inventeaz cuvinte noi, fie c le preiau din alte limbi. Situaia optim din
punctul de vedere al dezvoltrii limbii ar fi acea care se caracterizeaz printr-o stare
de echilibru ntre influenele interne i cele externe, adic ntre crearea de cuvinte
noi i adoptarea de neologisme. Acest moment este important pentru pstrarea
nealterat a structurii interne a limbii, fapt ce prezint cheia care i va permite s
supravieuiasc i s prospere, chiar i n situaia n care ea este supus la influene
externe considerabile.
Dac mult vreme modificrile n cadrul vocabularului s-au fcut, n fond,
prin crearea de cuvinte noi i ceva mai puin prin importul de cuvinte din limbile
vorbite de populaiile vecine, astzi, datorit unor procese de europenizare, de globalizare chiar, aproape c se prefer varianta (probabil mai comod) de importare
a cuvintelor din limba care este cea mai aproape de statutul de limb universal,
din limba de circulaie internaional care este, n primul rnd, engleza.
Adoptarea de neologisme trebuie s se fac dup modele bine puse la
punct, n aa fel nct acestea s fie asimilate perfect, nu s fie introduse forat i s


apar ca nite corpi strini. Orict de frumos ar suna un anumit neologism, includerea lui n vocabularul romn trebuie s depind, n principal, de modul n care
el se integreaz n limb. Or, modificrile n limb se impun numai dup ce au fost
vreme ndelungat puse la ncercare n practica de zi cu zi a comunicrii. Indiferent
de faptul cine a lansat o inovaie sau alta, ceea ce conteaz este dac ea a devenit un bun al maselor, dac masa vorbitorilor o accept sau nu. Acceptarea unui
potenial neologism trebuie decis, inndu-se cont, n primul rnd, de criteriile
funcionale. Dup cum se tie, una dintre trsturile de baz ale limbii romne este
susinut de caracterul ei fonetic, care se definete printr-o coresponden exact
ntre pronunarea cuvintelor i scrierea lor. Or, specialitii n materie susin c atta
timp ct caracterul fonetic al limbii este pstrat intact, romna va supravieui i va
Preocuprile din ultimii ani, privitoare la completarea, sistematizarea i descrierea vocabularului limbii romne, ne-au impus o examinare atent a faptelor de
limb din paginile unor publicaii periodice, dintr-o serie de emisiuni radiofonice
i televizate, dat fiind faptul c anume acestea recepioneaz cu promptitudine
schimbrile n limb. Munca noastr s-a soldat mai nainte (prin 1992-1993, cnd
abia ncepea procesul de extindere a relaiilor culturale, sociale, economice cu alte
ri) cu alctuirea unui microfiier ce cuprindea elementele lexicale noi sau sensuri noi ale unor elemente lexicale existente n limb (aveam n vedere elementele
lexicale sau sensurile nenregistrate nici de cele mai recente dicionare de neologisme). Printre acestea erau i cuvintele noi: briefing, marketing, reiting, respondent,
sponsor, precum i sensurile noi ale unor cuvinte existente: catalizator, epicentru,
maraton, moratoriu, a picheta .a. Ne-am ncumetat i le-am prezentat, n premier,
cu definiii, mai nti ntr-un articol de revist, aa cum le-am neles din utilizrile
lor n presa periodic, n diferite emisiuni, ntruct, dup cum am menionat mai
sus, aceste formaiuni noi nu erau nserate nc n coloanele nici chiar ale celor
mai recente lucrri lexicografice romneti [2]. Peste civa ani, lucrnd la elaborarea unui dicionar explicativ, le-am introdus i n dicionar, ntruct aceste
elemente lexicale au avut rezisten n timp, s-au ncetenit. Ele nu au fost doar
nite cuvinte la mod. Aceste nnoiri din limb au fost determinate, nti i nti,
de necesitile obiective de fixare prin limb a noilor valori materiale i spirituale.
Ideile nou au trebuin de cuvinte nou, meniona Alecu Russo n Cugetri. i
aceste cuvinte nou limba sau le mprumut dintr-o alt limb, sau le creeaz pe
baza mijloacelor proprii, avnd menirea s fac fa anumitelor necesiti comunicative. Se are n vedere, n primul rnd, noul val de limbaje terminologice adus de
modernizarea continu a civilizaiei, care cucerete limba n ansamblul ei ca factor
de comunicare.
Or, aceste necesiti au devenit deosebit de pronunate ncepnd cu anii 90
ai secolului trecut, la hotarul dintre etapele istorice caracterizate prin procese politice i economice tranante, cnd n limb odat cu progresul general al societii,
cu lrgirea schimburilor economice i culturale s-a produs o adevrat explozie
informaional. A aprut n societate necesitatea unei scurte ntruniri n care se
dau anumite informaii i instruciuni n vederea unor aciuni, a fost mprumutat i cuvntul din englez briefing, care s denumeasc acest fenomen; a aprut
sistemul de activiti comerciale prin care se realizeaz cunoaterea curent i n
perspectiv a pieei consumatorului, s-a mprumutat cuvntul din englez mar203


keting, care s denumeasc acest fenomen; a aprut fenomenul de finanare a

unei ntreprinderi, a unei manifestri sportive, culturale, etc. de ctre o persoan, o
organizaie, o asociaie, a aprut i verbul a sponsoriza, creat pe baza substantivului sponsor, mprumutat iari din englez.
Seria aceasta de cuvinte noi o putem continua cu unele dintre cele mai recente mprumuturi ca: site (plural site-uri) cu sensul spaiu de memorie a unui document, avnd o adres prin care poate fi gsit n Internet, din limba englez; scheci
(plural scheciuri) din englezescul sketch cu sensul scenet scurt cu caracter umoristic, satiric; scanner (pronunat ca n englez schenr) cu sensul aparat cu ajutorul
cruia se preiau unele imagini n calculator; laptor (pronunat leptor), cuvnt englezesc, avnd sensul computer portabil; body-guard (pronunat bdigard, scris
i bodygard, plural body-guarzi) cu sensul gard de corp; tsunami (din japonezul
tsunami),pronunat unami cu sensul val gigantic care apare pe suprafaa oceanelor n urma cutremurelor de pmnt (menionm c dei fenomenul nu exist n
realitatea noastr, e cunoscut de vorbitori datorit informaiilor difuzate n pres, la
radio sau la televizor, cnd acest fenomen se produce n anumite regiuni ale globului pmntesc); curriculum, cuvnt latinesc, avnd sensurile 1) sistem de documente cuprinznd datele eseniale privind procesul de predare, nvare i evaluare; 2) program ce fixeaz coninutul, metodele i organizarea nvmntului
la un anumit obiect de studii; item, cuvnt englezsc, avnd sensul component
de baz a unui test, incluznd o formulare de ntrebare, o nsrcinare. Remarcm
c elementele lexicale curriculum i item sunt nregistrate cu definiii doar ntr-un
dicionar explicativ al nostru aprut recent la editura Biblion. Ele sunt suficient de
frecvent utilizate n ultimii ani n domeniul nvmntului. Sensurile acestora leam dedus anume din contextele ce in de aceast sfer de activitate.
Constatnd faptul c n ultimii zece ani modernizarea lexicului s-a produs
prin neologisme att de surs romanic, ct i, mai ales, anglo-american, dup
cum ne arat i exemplele de mai sus, inem s menionm c unele dintre acestea
au invadat cu adevrat lexicul, au ptruns abuziv n limb. Ne referim la circulaia
unor aa elemente lexicale ca: market, live, on-line, hot-line, exchange, parking etc.
n limba romn, de fapt, exist denumiri pentru obiectele, fenomenele indicate de
aceste mprumuturi i nu s-ar cuveni s facem exces de acestea din urm. Or, muli
dintre vorbitorii de limba romn, venind n contact cu avalana mesajelor vorbite
i scrise, difuzate prin mass-media i nu numai, n care acestea se folosesc, necunoscndu-le, discern cu greu semnificaiile unor astfel de cuvinte mprumutate,
fapt care poate avea drept consecin receptarea inexact a mesajelor -- situaie cu
totul indezirabil n cadrul comunicrii [3, 4].
Modificarea lexicului n ultimii ani are loc nu numai pe calea mprumuturilor,
ci i prin atribuirea de sensuri noi elementelor lexicale existente n limb. Despre
acest fenomen am vorbit, am scris i cu alt ocazie. n materialul de fa amintim
doar despre o parte dintre acestea, i anume: maraton cunoscut ca un termen
din domeniul sportului cu sensul de prob atletic de alergri pe o distan de
42,195 km este utilizat tot mai insistent n ultimii ani cu sensul de manifestare de
binefacere, de obicei televizat, radiofonic, care se desfoar n mai multe ore,
chiar zile; epicentru cu sensul de punct pe suprafaa pmntului situat deasupra focarului unui cutremur de pmnt, unde intensitatea zguduirii este maxim,
ine de domeniul seismologiei. ns acesta apare frecvent i n mbinri de tipul:


epicentrul manifestrilor, epicentrul luptei etc., din care se cristalizeaz sensul de

parte esenial n procesul desfurrii unor aciuni, a unui eveniment etc.; verbul a demara, mprumutat din limba francez ca termen sportiv, este nregistrat n
dicionarele explicative ale limbii romne cu urmtoarele sensuri: I. intranz. 1) (despre autovehicule, motoare etc.) A se pune n micare; a porni. 2) fig. sport. A-i lua
avnt, a porni n vitez. II. tranz. A elibera (o corabie) de parme (n vederea plecrii).
n ultimul timp ns atestm o lrgire de sens a verbului n cauz: demareaz
festivitile, competiiile, tratativele, anul de studii etc., etc. Verbul a obstruciona nregistrat n dicionarele explicative cu sensurile: 1) med. (despre canale tubulare)
A se astupa parial sau total; 2) sport. A mpiedica (atacantul advers) s ajung la
minge apare i n mbinri neateptate de tipul: a obstruciona discuiile, dezideratele etc. La fel prin deplasare semantic o serie de ali termeni depesc cadrul
domeniului respectiv, fiind utilizai n cele mai imprevizibile mbinri lexicale. E cazul mbinrilor de tipul: metastazele corupiei, colaps economic, curs prezidenial,
stoparea procesului de nvmnt, topul clinicelor stomatologice etc. Menionm c
aceste sensuri, deocamdat, nu sunt incluse nici ntr-un dicionar explicativ. Dac
n publicaiile anterioare astfel de utilizri le etichetam drept anumite excese ale
ziaritilor, acum constatm c ele se impun tot mai mult n limb, sunt utilizate tot
mai frecvent, tinznd s capete statut de uniti ale limbii, contribuind, prin aceasta, la mbogirea vocabularului. Uzul determin norma. Faptele sunt susinute i
de limba francez, din care au provenit cuvintele cu sensurile lor de baz i n care
aceste sensuri conotative, ntr-o form mai extins sau mai restrns, exist. Prin
urmare, e posibil ca acestea, dac vor avea rezisten n timp, s nimereasc i ele
n dicionarul explicativ al limbii. Am spus posibil, pentru c un dicionar, pe de o
parte, are sarcina de a reflecta aspectul deja normat al vocabularului, n baza unei
analize meticuloase a situaiei actuale n limb, pe de alt parte, dicionarul este
o carte care nu numai c niciodat nu a fost, ci nici nu poate fi terminat, ntruct
este imposibil s se nregistreze toat bogia de cuvinte i sensuri noi, generate de
continua micare, transformare, evoluie a vieii i implicit a minii omeneti, mai
ales, n timpurile n care trim.

Referine bibliografice
1. Tratat de lingvistic general, Bucureti, Editura Academiei, 1972.
2. Vulpe A., Onofra M. Note lexicale // Revist de lingvistic i tiin literar, 1991, nr. 3
3. Rezeanu A., Realiti i implicaii economico-sociale n lexicul romnesc contemporan //
Limba i literatura romn, 1992, nr.2.
4. Ichim A., Polisemia n limbajul publicistic actual // Limba i literatura romn, 1994, nr.1.



Specificul traducerii textelor

juridice comunitare
Ludmila Hometkovski
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

In the present article the author highlights the conditions which are considered
necessary to perform a good translation of legal texts, especially of those applied in the
field of community law. The starting point of the research is the analysis of the nature
of law that considerably influences the process of editing and translating legal texts.
Legal translation encounters two major obstacles: the first one refers to the differences
in the legal system, and the second one to the differences in the linguistic system.
The article points out possible ways of solving problems the specialists meet in their
translation activity.
Graie colaborrilor internaionale, schimbului de experien i pur i simplu
dorinei de a cunoate altceva strin, activitatea traducional dintr-o limb spre
alta, sau dint-un limbaj specializat spre altul, a devenit o practic rspndit pe glob
i este n cretere continu.
Att cercetrile efectuate n lume la acest capitol, ct i experiena profesional,
ne permite s spunem c o traducere de calitate trebuie s exprime coninutul textului-surs, s pstreze stilul su i s conin formele pe care le utilizeaz un vorbitor nativ al limbii spre care realizm traducerea. Grosso modo, dac traductorul a
reuit s transmit aceste nuane n textul-int ntr-o limb corect din punct de
vedere gramatical i sintactic, atunci putem spune c a fost realizat o traducere
Ct privete traducerea textului specializat, aici se contureaz cteva cerine
suplimentare. Standardizarea limbajelor specializate (LSP) pe plan internaional impune folosirea unor reguli att n limba-surs, ct i n limba receptoare. Fenomenul
standardizrii faciliteaz lucrul traductorului, ns standardizarea nsi are neajunsurile ei. Textul specializat este pe jumtate sau uneori i mai mult constituit
din vocabular specific, cealalt parte revenindu-i elementelor din lexicul comun.
Traductorul trebuie s in seama de regulile morfologice, sintactice etc. din limbajul general, dar s acorde importan i regulilor specifice LSP concret. Este vorba
de coduri, semne, moduri de aranjare a termenilor etc. specifice unor limbaje specializate, mai bine zis specifice tuturor LSP, dar n msur diferit. De exemplu, limbajele tehnice snt mbibate de astfel de particulariti. De obicei, aceste elemente
nu reprezint dificultate pentru traductor. Un alt moment important al limbajului
specializat const n faptul c el folosete multe uniti sintagmatice, uniti terminologice complexe, care provoac greuti suplimentare de traducere n funcie de
caracterul specific al fiecrei limbi. Diferite cercetri au demonstrat c majoritatea
termenilor snt formai din mai multe entiti lexicale. Dificultatea const nu doar
n declinarea substantivelor, formarea pluralului, conjugarea verbului (operaii
obinuite pentru traductor), dar i n ordinea corect a tuturor elementelor unitii


Din cele menionate mai sus, precum i din alte aspecte pe care le vom evoca
ulterior reiese c sarcina traductorului nu este uoar, n deosebi a traductorului
de texte specializate. Traductorului i revine rolul de a rezolva probleme de coninut,
stil, form. El trebuie s cunoasc bine limbile implicate n procesul traducional, s
poat stabili legtura ntre ele, s cunoasc domeniul n care traduce, metodele
de traducere, metodele de lucru n terminologie i, nu n ultimul rnd, metodele
informatice. Cunoaterea doar a terminologiei nu este suficient pentru a traduce,
dar este un ajutor important pentru obinerea unei traduceri specializate, deoarece
terminologia definete i sitematizeaz conceptele. Traductorul nu este autorul
acestor concepte specializate, chiar dac de multe ori i revine rolul terminologului,
dar utilizeaz munca sistematic efectuat de terminolog sau terminograf. De aici,
legtura strns ntre ambele activiti cea de traductor i cea de terminolog.
n opinia noastr, abordarea problemelor legate de traducerea textelor
juridice presupune, n primul rnd, o analiz asupra dreptului ca atare, natura sa,
coninutul, formele, etc., deoarece traducerea juridic este o cofrontare a diferitor
drepturi, chiar dac ele fac parte din acelai sistem juridic.
Juritii i traductologii remarc c ntre diferite drepturi exist mari diferene
structurale, o decupare diferit a realitii juridice, noiuni i concepte fr
echivalene (de ex. Common law). De aici exist tendina proprie juritilor, n primul
rnd, de a considera c unii termeni snt intraductibili justificnd astfel aa fenomene
ca mprumutul i calchierea. Adic cmpurile noionale ale diferitor drepturi nu se
suprapun complet.
Aceste greuti ntmpinate de juriti snt, din pcate, n plin msur valabile pentru traductor. Diferena ntre sistemele juridice proprii diferitor ri constituie problema major din punct de vedere a traducerii, care presupune transferul
realitii juridice-surs n realitatea juridic-int.
Cercettorii insist c les principaux problmes en traduction juridique dcoulent du fait quil faut transposer un message dun ordre juridique un autre.
Les dfinitions du droit y sont diffrentes, les origines historiques, les coutumes, les
institutions, les procdures aussi (Vassilios G. Koutsivitis, 1988: 44).
n acest sens, la nivelul traducerii, constatm c traductorul trebuie s
transmit n limba-int concepte i noiuni care deseori exist doar n limba-surs
(common law, equity, consideration). Astfel de noiuni snt absolut necunoscute
pentru sistemul romano-germanic. Din aceast perspectiv, n traducerea juridic
conteaz mai mult cunoaterea sistemului, dect cunoaterea normelor din care el
se compune.
Dreptul se constituie grosso modo din trei surse: legea, practica judiciar
(jurisprudena) i obiceiul (cutuma). Importana lor variaz n funcie de cultur, ele
snt exprimate prin diferite discursuri n cadrul unei i aceleiai culturi sau de la o
cultur la alta. Toate aceste aspecte trebuie s fie luate n considerare de traductor
pe parcursul efecturii traducerii.
Diversitatea sistemelor de drept n lume este considerat de unii cercettori
ca unica dificultate serioas care se impune cu adevrat (Jean-Claude Gmar, 1979:
Dreptul internaional public ramur a sistemului romano-german,
reglementeaz relaiile ntre state, organizaiile internaionale fondate de ele i alte


subiecte ale dreptului internaional. ONU este cea mai important organizaie n
domeniul codificrii i dezvoltrii dreptului internaional.
Dreptul Uniunii Europene este o form a dreptului internaional, care se
caracterizeaz prin faptul c rile membre ale UE i limiteaz n mod contient unele drepturi delegnd unele plenipotene organelor supranaionale. Dreptul comunitar este un drept supranaional n care actele normative edictate de UE deseori
au o for juridic mai mare dect actele legislative naionale.
Fiecare societate i organizeaz sistemul juridic n funcie de concepia pe
care o are asupra dreptii i de structura socio-politic pe care o adopt. Pe de alt
parte, evoluia considerabil a colaborrii internaionale face posibil i necesar
apropierea i influena reciproc a sistemelor de drept. Pe lng aceasta, are loc o
apropiere ce merge pn la unificare ntre sistemele de drept ale rilor din cadrul
diferitor organizaii internaionale cum ar fi: Comunitatea european, care a dus
prin consecin la apariia unui sistem propriu de drept, numit Drept comunitar sau
Dreptul Uniunii Europene.
Juristul francez Ren David (1999: online) sublinia c unificarea internaional
a dreptului nu const n nlocuirea diverselor sisteme juridice naionale printr-un
un sistem supranaional unic, ci n armonizarea dreptului internaional.
n opinia noastr, armonizarea diferitor sisteme juridice (romano-germanic, anglo-saxon, religios, mixt) contribuie la unificarea vocabularului juridic. ns
aceast unificare rmne n proces, armonizarea drepturilor naionale nefiind nc
terminat i va continua atta timp ct rile vor candida la aderare. Reieind din
lista de pe portalul oficial al UE a altor state europene (douzeci la numr), procesul de aderare nceput n 1951 (dup propunerea din 9 mai 1950 privind crearea
unei Europe organizate, indispensabil pentru meninerea relaiilor de pace a lui
Robert Schuman, ministrul francez al afacerilor externe, cunoscut sub numele
de Declaraia Schuman) va fi unul de lung durat, care va necesita armonizarea nentrerupt a vocabularului juridic comunitar i va provoca dureri de cap
traductorului pentru cel puin urmtorii cincizeci de ani. Orict de mare ar fi tendina
spre unificare, n fiecare pereche de limbi implicate n traducere vor rmne propriile nelesuri ale unuia i aceluiai concept de tipul lui jurispruden unul din
termenii de baz ai vocabularului juridic: n francez jurisprudence i jurispruden
n romn nseamn practica judiciar (=totalitatea deciziilor judectoreti), iar
n englez sub jurisprudence i n rus sub se subnelege teoria
general a statului i a dreptului, filosofia dreptului. Prin urmare, termenul francez
jurisprudence se va traduce n romn prin jurispruden, iar n englez prin the decisions of the Courts i n rus prin .
n baza celor evocate mai sus concluzionm c n traducerea juridic
exist dou obstacole majore. Primul ine de diferena de sistem juridic, al doilea
de diferena de sistem lingvistic. Urmeaz s analizm care ar fi posibilitile de
soluionare a acestor probleme ntlnite n activitatea traductorului.
Chiar dac admitem c reieind din faptul c dreptul comunitar este un drept
unificat i armonizat i n procesul traducerii a astfel de texte nu se pune problema
diferenei de sisteme juridice, oricum n sarcina traductorului rmn alte probleme
de rezolvat cum ar fi: transferul corect i complet al coninutului, pstrarea formei
i stilului propriu pentru textul-surs i, nu n ultimul rnd, calitatea traducerii n


Din acest punct de vedere, considerm triada coninut-form-calitate fiind o

condiie obligatorie i nedevizat n realizarea traducerilor juridice.
Pentru transferul corect al sensului juridic, traducatorul de texte juridice trebuie, n primul rnd, s posede anumite cunotine din coninutul disciplinei juridice. Ignorana traductorului n domeniul n care traduce poate duce la efecte
De obicei, la traducerea termenilor juridici, traductorul folosete sursele
terminografice specializate bilingve i plurilingve pentru alegerea echivalentului
adecvat, precum i contextele de utilizare n vederea confirmrii corectitudinii termenului ales. Dac echivalentul respectiv lipsete n dicionare, se recurge la traducerea descriptiv (explicativ) sau se pstreaz termenul original (Frdric Houbert, 1999: online) ns traducerea descriptiv ar fi o soluie pentru textele juridice
aparinnd doar unui stat, or dreptul transnaional necesit un transfer al coninutui
prin aceleai concepte, noiuni i categorii echivalente n tot spaiul unional, deoarece dreptul comunitar se fondeaz pe valori i principii comune pentru ntreaga
arie geopolitic.
Reieind din natura dreptului i specificul traducerii juridice acceptm dup
Bell (2000: 59-60) urmtoarele competene de care trebuie s dea dovad un
traductor profesionist: competenele gramatical, sociolingvistic, de discurs i
1. Competena gramatical presupune cunoaterea regulilor de cod, de vocabular, de formare a cuvintelor, de pronunie/scriere pe litere i de structurare a
2. Competena sociolingvistic presupune cunotine necesare i capacitatea de a produce i de a nelege enunurile n context, de a percepe sensul real
conferit de subiect, de statutul participanilor, de scopul interaciunii, etc.;
3. Competena de discurs presupune capacitatea de a combina forma i sensul pentru a obine texte scrise sau orale de diferite genuri, cu un caracter unitar.
Traductorii (inclusiv juridici) trebuie s evite comiterea greelilor de sens,
de contrasens, de nonsens.
4. Competena strategic presupune stpnirea strategiilor de comunicare,
cu scopul eficientizrii comunicrii.
Traductorului acquis-ului comunitar i revine sarcina de a traduce texte
legislative publice (tratate, convenii, directive, protocoale etc.) i nu texte
juridice private (acte notariale, contracte matrimoniale, de vnzare-cumprare
a proprietilor etc.) n instituiile europene se traduc documente de natur
legislativ, politic i administrativ, care sunt complexe i extrem de riguroase
n ceea ce privete forma i coninutul. n acest tip de traduceri, repetiia i respectarea strict a structurii i a regulilor stilistice sunt semne de bun practic n toate
cele 23 limbi oficiale ale UE. Instrumentele electronice de traducere asistat sunt
foarte utile n acest scop. Traductorul trebuie s rmn fidel textului-surs, rolul
lui nu este de a interpreta.
Documentul tradus trebuie s corespund formal (avem n vedere structura,
ablonul) cu textul-surs. Aceasta permite identificarea exact a oricrei poziii
din original. Actele dreptului comunitar urmeaz cu strictee aceast regul. De
exemplu, n culegerea de acte normative comunitare n limbile romn, englez
i francez (Directiva Parlamentului European i a Consiliului 2001/84/CE din 27


septembrie 2001 privind dreptul de suit n beneficiul autorului unei opere de art
originale: 176) observm paralelismul strict al alineatelor n toate trei limbi:
Directiva Parlamentului
European i a
Consiliului 2001/84/CE
din 27 septembrie 2001
privind dreptul de suit
n beneficiul autorului
unei opere de art

Directive 2001/84/
EC of the European
Parliament and of
the Council of 27
September 2001 on
the resale right for the
benefit of the author
of an original work of

Directive 2001/84/
CE du Parlement
europen et du
Conseil du 27
septembre 2001
relative au droit de
suite au profit de
lauteur dune oeuvre
dart originale


Having regard to the
Treaty establishing the
European Community,
and in particular Article
95 thereof,

vu le trait instituant
la Communaut
europenne, et
notamment son article



considrant ce qui suit:

(1) n domeniul dreptului

de autor, dreptul de suit

(1) In the field of

copyright, the resale
right (...)

(1) Dans le domaine de

droit dauteur, le droit
de suite (...)

avnd n vedere
Tratatul de instituire a
Comunitii Europene, n
special art. 95,

Totodat, vom preciza c versiunea englez i cea francez a actului dat

(directivele fcnd parte din legislaia european care se aplic direct tuturor
cetenilor UE) nu snt traduceri n sensul direct al cuvntului dintr-o limb n alta,
dar snt rezultatul unei co-redactri paralele a actelor comunitare n toate limbile
oficiale UE la momentul edictrii actului. n 2001 limba romn, spre deosebire de
englez i francez nu era una din limbile oficiale ale UE i, prin urmare, doar versiunea romn a directivei susmenionate este o traducere.
Alte documente comunitare (de exemplu, comunicrile cu autoritile
naionale, deciziile adresate persoanelor fizice sau juridice i corespondena) nu
snt traduse dect n limbile necesare.
Folosirea tuturor limbilor oficiale mbuntete transparena, legitimitatea
i eficacitatea Uniunii i a instituiilor sale. Textul juridic care definete politica
lingvistic a UE este Regulamentul nr. 1/1958 al Consiliului care, modificat, fixeaz
regimul lingvistic al Comunitii Economice Europene, enumernd limbile oficiale
i stabilind cnd i n ce condiii trebuie folosite. n plus, Tratatul de instituire a
Comunitii Europene consacr n legislaia primar principiul, potrivit cruia


instituiile UE trebuie s comunice cu interlocutorii lor din statele membre n limba

oficial aleas de acetia.
Comisia European lucreaz zilnic n trei limbi engleza, franceza i germana
i nu folosete toate limbile oficiale dect n scopul informrii i al comunicrii cu
publicul, prin urmare actele comisiei se traduc. Parlamentul European, n schimb,
are membri care au nevoie de documente de lucru n propria lor limb: n acest
context, multilingvismul total se impune deci nc de la nceput. Dezbaterile n
parlament au loc simultan n toate limbile oficiale ale UE, parlamentarii, fiecare n
limba lui, articulnd noiuni, principii i reguli, redactate mai apoi n fiecare limb.
Reieind din dificultile i riscurile traducerii, au fost elaborate modaliti de
redactare legislativ: redactarea bilingv, redactarea paralel, coredactarea (Robert
Bergeron, 1995: 48-49).
Faptul co-redactrii paralele decurge chiar din textele tratatelor: Prezentul
tratat, denumit Tratatul de la Lisabona, redactat ntr-un singur exemplar (sublinierea
noastr, drawn up in a single original/redig en un exemplaire unique), n limbile
bulgar (... se enumer n ordine alfabetic toate limbile oficiale ale UE la momentul
edictrii actului), textele redactate n aceste limbi (sublinierea noastr, the texts in
each of these languages/les textes tablis) fiind egal autentice, va fi depus n arhivele
(...) (Tratatul de la Lisabona de modificare a Tratatului privind Uniunea European i
Tratatul de Instituire a Comunitii Europene (2007/C 306/01): 176).
De la 1 ianuarie 2007 Ziua aderrii Romniei la UE, toate actele comunitare
se redacteaz paralel i n limba romn, ct despre actele editate pn la 1 ianuarie
2007, acestea reprezint o traducere ulterioar emiterii actului.
n baza aceleiai directive europeane vom semnala nc cteva caracteristici
proprii textelor comunitare:
a) Denumirile organelor emitente se traduc n limba romn n forma lor
original, trunchierea i folosirea abrevierilor (sau invers desfurarea) fiind posibile
doar n textul original al legiuitorului. Ex: LE PARLEMENT EUROPEN ET LE CONSEIL
2001/84/CE du Parlement europen et du Conseil Directiva Parlamentului
European i a Consiliului 2001/84/CE (i nicidecum Directiva Parlamentului
European i a Consiliului Uniunii Europene (sau UE) 2001/84/CE). Traductorul
nu are aceast libertate, rolul lui fiind s transmit voina legiuitorului prin
intermeniul triadei coninut-form-stil;
b) Totodat observm paralelismul grafic ce ine nu doar de alinierea
textului, dar i modelele de formatare a acestuia: evidenierea cu bold a titlurilor
actelor, scrierea complet a cuvintelor prin majuscule. Traductorul trebuie s in
cont i de aceste aspecte n formatarea traducerii sale.
Semnalm totodat necoincidena scrierii denumirelor organelor
internaionale din punct de vedre al literilor iniiale din cuvnt: the Treaty establishing the European Community (Treaty, European i Community cu majuscul)
le trait instituant la Communaut europenne (Communaut cu majuscul, dar
trait i europenne cu minuscul) Tratatul de instituire a Comunitii Europene
(Tratatul, Comunitii i Europene cu majuscul). Acest fenomen nu violeaz paralelismul pus n discuie i reiese din specificul limbii concrete, sau mai bine zis din


standardul aplicat pentru fiecare limb pentru scrierea denumirelor a organismelor

internaionale. Traductorul nu trebuie s evite normele respective.
d) Denumirile geografice ale regiunilor, localitilor etc., precum datele
calendaristice, care figureaz n actele europene se traduc n conformitate cu
normele n vigoare: Fait Bruxelles, le 27 septembre 2001 Adoptat la Bruxelles,
27 septembrie 2001 Done at Brussels, 27 September 2001; La convention de Berne
Convenia de la Berna The Berne Convention, etc. Traductorul poate consulta
Denumirile de orae i ri pe pagina web a Centrului Naional de Terminologie din
RM (htpp://
e) Numele proprii ale persoanelor i pstreaz forma original, iar funciile
lor se traduc: La prsidente N. Fontaine The President N. Fontaine Preedintele N.
Fontaine. Semnalm c forma femenin La prsidente se traduce n romn prin
masculinul Preedintele, dei DEX-ul atest forma Preedint. Traductorul care
traduce spre romn trebuie s in cont de acest specific al textelor europene.
Punctele menionate mai sus au o importan major n traducerea textelor
comunitii europene, deoarece n unele surse gsim cdenumirile autoritilor din
actul original trebuie s fie pstrate i n actul tradus, iar ntre paranteze explicative
s fie indicat traducerea. Ministerul Federal al Justiiei din Germania (stat-fodator
al UE) a publicat, n 1974, o list cu propuneri de traduceri n limba francez,
englez i spaniol, care a fost prelucrat de Ministerul de Externe din Bonn. n
nota introductiv a acestor indicaii se menioneaz: ,,n privina ntrebuinrii
denumirilor strine se cere, de facto, n mod obligatoriu, anexarea, ntre paranteze, a
denumirii judectoreti germane, conform traducerii n limba strin (Auswrtiges
Amt, 1974: 8). Adresele, n special toponimele (denumirile geografice), precum i
numele de persoane cu titlurile de onoare i academice, nu se vor traduce. Acolo
unde este necesar transliterarea, se vor lua n calcul, n mod strict, normele ISO
de transliteraie i transcripie, valabile la nivel internaional (Aliona Dosca, 2007:
Traductorul trebuie s in cont c dreptul comunitar este unul supranaional
i fora juridic a actelor emise de UE este superioar celei a forei juridice a actelor
naionale. Prin urmare, aceste cerine nu snt valabile pentru traducerile, iar n cazul
limbii germane, pentru co-redactrile europene. Pentru a se convinge de acest fapt,
este suficient de a compara un act juridic european (de ex: Decizia reprezentanilor
Guvernelor statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene din 1 ianuarie 2007 de numire a
unor judectori la Curtea de Justiie a Comunitilor Europene (2007/7/CE, Euratom) n
versiunea romn, englez i german).
f ) Actele europene, avnd drept autor mai multe organe, se semneaz de
reprezentanii tuturor acestor organisme, de obicei de eful superior. Traductorul
nu poate omite numele sau funciile din act, ele fcnd parte din document:



Pentru Parlamentul

For the European


Par le Parlement

N. Fontaine

The President
N. Fontaine

La prsidente
N. Fontaine

Pentru Consiliu

For the Council

Par le Conseil

C. Picqu

The President
C. Picqu

Le prsident
C. Picqu

Pentru realizarea corect a tuturor momentelor tehnice n traducere, n ajutorul traductorului vin diferite liste, ghiduri etc., care conin toate particularitile
de scriere pe care le-am menionat mai sus. Pentru textele n limba romn, Institutul European din Romnia (IER) a publicat n 2008 un Ghid stilistic de traducere n
limba romn pentru uzul traductorilor acquis-ului comunitar, disponibil i n format electronic pe pagina web a IER (
Atunci cnd se traduce un act juridic comunitar aparinnd tuturor 27 state
membre ale UE ntr-o limb neoficial pentru comunitate, se impune principiul
suprapunerii absolute a aceluiai coninut, dar exprimat n o alt limb dect cele
23, textele redactate n aceste limbi fiind egal autentice. Prin urmare, textele UE
reprezint un ntreg, ele toate reprezint textul original (a single original/un exemplaire unique) i nu pot conine nterpretri echivoce i, prin consecin, efecte
diferite n state diferite. Pentru aceasta i este nevoie de armonizarea legislaiei
naionale cu cea european nainte de aderare la UE.
Evident, redarea complet a coninutului este o regul general pentru
toate tipurile de traduceri, ns dac n unele beneficiem de o libertate oarecare (de
ex. n lipsa unei echivalene, explicaii date sub form de note n josul paginei sau
descrieri i perifraze chiar n text), textul comunitar este drastic n aceast privin.
Grosso modo, n el nu pot aprea probleme de redare a sensului dac traductorul
cunoate sistemul juridic. Adic una din dificultile traductorului care lucreaz
cu textele comunitare rezid nu n probleme de ordin lingvistic, dar de ordin extralingvistic: insuficiena de cunotine necesare pentru a nelege (!) textul.
Mai sus am semnalat deja despre faptul c traductorul nu are dreptul s-i
permit omiteri din text. Omiterile pe care le vom numi materiale (de ex. omiterea
unui fragment de text din diferite cauze cum ar fi neputina de a traduce ca rezultat
al netiinei, omiterea unor date speciale cum snt referirile la alte acte etc.) cauzeaz
omiteri conceptuale (de sens) care provoac conflicte juridice consecinele cruia
pot avea repercusiuni grave pentru toat zona de aplicare a acestui act oficial. De
aici responsabilitatea traductorului i statutul lui de co-redactor (nu vom confunda noiunea cu cea de co-autor, cci traductorul nu creaz norma, el doar co-participnd n calitate de mesager al realitii juridice n procesul de internaionalizare).
Munca traductorilor este cea care permite n mod special Uniunii Europene s-i
respecte obligaiile juridice n ceea ce privete comunicarea cu publicul.
Prin urmare legea de aur dac nu tiu, nu traduc nu este absolut aplicabil
traducerii europene, rmnnd valabil doar pentru textele bulevardiere. Fr
acoperirea intelectual a domeniului este imposibil de a deveni traductor, mai
cu seam n domenii unde fiecare jumtate de cuvnt nseamn ceva de mare


importan i valoare pentru o lume ntreag (un astfel de domeniu n opinia

noastr este i medicina).
Din cele menionate mai sus, n mare parte fiind observaii personale ale
realitii juridice i celei lingvistice, ajungem la urmtoarea concluzie: exprimarea
ntr-o alt limb nu va fi posibil atta timp ct omul (traductorul) nu va ti ce trebuie s spun, chiar dac tie bine cum trebuie s o fac. Impotena traducional
provine din ntuneric, din netiin. n cercurile traductorilor se obinuete de
a crede c practica cotidian le pune la punct pe toate. Aceast opinie nu este
valabil pentru tarducerea textelor UE. Trebuie de nceput de la cunoaterea domeniului i nu traducerea acestuia prin echivalene aproximative, promovnd astfel
pseudo-traducerea, care ne va ntoarce inevitabil la primul sens al maximei Traduttore, traditore. De aceea, traductorii din cadrul structurilor lingvistice ale UE snt
liceniai n drept.
Din punct de vedere a calitii, traducerea final a textului comunitar trebuie
s fac parte din traducerile absolute care presupune reexprimarea n limba-int
a coninutului din textul original cu respectul obligatoriu al tuturor parametrelor
traducionali semantic, gramatical, stilistic, ortografic etc.
Traducerea juridic se va considera calitativ dac traductorul:
a) va izbuti ca: coninutul textului-surs i al textului-int s fie acelai;
structura textului s conin elementele inevitabile pentru tipul dat de text juridic;
traducerea efectuat s posede acelai rezultat juridic i acelai efect ca i textulsurs;
b) va cunoate: noiuni juridice fundamentale i comunitare pentru
orientare n textul juridic; terminologia juridic n limbile implicate n traducere
(considerm terminologia comunitar ca absolut traductibil prin stabilirea
echivalenelor terminologice); reguli privind aspectul funcional-stilistic i lexicalsemantic al limbajului-int; posibilitile de transformri gramaticale i sintactice
n traducere.
Internaionalizarea relaiilor politice, economice, sociale i, prin urmare, juridice influeneaz inevitabil vocabularul juridic, care nici pn n prezent nu a fost
stabil i a cunoscut o evoluie constant. Traductorul are sarcina de a transmite
aceste evoluii, iar unificarea dreptului i armonizarea sistemelor juridice l vor ajuta
esenial n misiunea sa.

1. Auswrtiges Amt. (1974). Einheitliche bersetzung deutscher Gerichtsbezeichnungen in die
englische, franzsische und spanische Sprache. In Mitteilungsblatt fr Dolmetscher und
bersetzer, 2/20. S. 8, citat dup: Dosca, Aliona. (2007). Construirea sistemului lexicalsemantic terminologic al domeniului de aplicaie Drept (pe baza materialului german), Tez
de doctorat, Chiinu, 226 p.
2. Bell, Roger T. (2000). Teoria i practica traducerii. Traducere de GAZI, Bucureti, Polirom.
3. Bergeron, Robert. (1995). La formulation du droit. In Snow, Grard et Jacques Vanderlinden
(eds.). Franais juridique et science du droit, Bruxelles, Bruylant, pp. 45-50.
4. David, Ren et Camille Jauffret-Spinosi. (1999) Les grands systmes de droit contemporains
[en ligne]. Disponible sur : (consult le 12.02.2009).
5. Directiva Parlamentului european i a Consiliului 2001/84/CE din 27 septembrie 2001 privind
dreptul de suit n beneficiul autorului unei opere de art originale. In Legislaie european,
Drept comunitar al proprietii intelectuale, Dreptul de autor i drepturile conexe, Culegere

de acte normative (n limbile romn, englez, francez), editura C.H.Beck, Bucureti,
2008, 237 p.
6. Dosca, Aliona. (2007). Construirea sistemului lexical-semantic terminologic al domeniului de
aplicaie Drept (pe baza materialului german), Tez de doctorat, Chiinu, 2007, 226 p.
7. Gmar, Jean-Claude. (1979). La traduction juridique et son enseignement: aspects thoriques
et pratiques. In Meta, vol. 24, nr. 1, Montral, 220 p.
8. Houbert, Frdric. (1999). Spcificits de la traduction juridique. In Point Com, Bulletin en
ligne de lAssociation des Anciens lves de lcole Suprieure dInterprtes et de Traducteurs
de lUniversit de Paris [en ligne]. Disponible sur : htpp://
juri5.html (consult le 12.02.2009).
9. Koutsivitis, Vassilios G. (1988). La traduction juridique. tude dun cas: la traduction des textes
lgislatifs des Communauts europennes et en particulier partir du franais vers le grec.
Thse de doctorat, ESIT, Paris, 1988, 447 p.
10. Tratatul de la Lisabona de modificare a Tratatului privind Uniunea European i Tratatul de
Instituire a Comunitii Europene (2007/C 306/01). In Revista romn de Drept Comunitar,
nr. 1, ianuarie-februarie 2008, Wolters Kluwer Romania, Bucureti, 267 p.




Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Renumitul politician englez, Winston Churchill, spunea la mijlocul secolului

XX: A fi politician nseamn a fi capabil s spui dinainte ce se va ntmpla mine,
sptmna viitoare, luna viitoare, anul viitor, iar apoi s poi explica de ce nimic din
toate astea nu s-a ntmplat. ntr-adevr, politica i politicienii ar fi de neconceput
n statele moderne de astzi fr mass media. Acesteia i revin funcii obinuite,
precum cea de selectare, redactare i transmitere a informaiei publicului larg, dar
i funcii care i-au revenit mai trziu, precum cea de interpretare, educare i chiar
instructiv - culturalizatoare a consumatorilor de informaie.
Dac e s reprezentm grafic relaia stat popor i toate acele liante intermediare, menite s faciliteze accesul celui de-al doilea element la activitatea primului, atunci relaia ar arta n felul urmtor:
Se poate lesne observa c eficiena acestei relaii se poate dobndi numai
prin reciprocitate, care, deseori, poate constitui mrul discordiei ntre sistemul intermediar i unul dintre cele dou elemente participante la relaie. Rolul mass media n aceast relaie este mai mult dect semnificativ, n condiiile n care aceasta
a fost dintotdeauna important pentru opinia public. S nu uitm c publicul
este cel care determin agenda politic, iar mass media este instrumentul care
amplific vocea publicului, pentru ca aceasta s ajung la urechile politicienilor din
cadrul partidelor i al guvernului. Asociaiile politice i partidele politice, n dorina
lor de a se vedea mai aproape de realii i potenialii electori, deseori ncearc s
evite canalele mass media pentru facilitarea dialogului ntre cele dou elemente
i perceperea relaiei ca fiind una real i poate mai de durat.
Deseori jurnalitii apeleaz, n textele lor, la expresii precum, cultura politic
a cetenilor notri rmne a fi sub nivelul dorit, expresii utilizate mai ales n urma
analizei rezultatelor alegerilor locale sau parlamentare, fcndu-se referin, n
spe, la rezultatele alegerilor parlamentare din 2001, 2005, dar i la nivelul redus de
participare a cetenilor la alegerile locale recente. ntr-o ar lipsit de tradiia
statalitii, de experiena guvernrii, dar i de tradiii democratice elementare i
cultur politic, ntr-o ar care cunoate o singur tradiie cea a unui partid unic
revenirea la putere a Partidului Comunist, cu o majoritate absolut n parlament,
a nsemnat o tragedie (Constantin Tnase, Timpul, Un grav accident istoric, 23
aprilie, 2004). n Occident culturii politice i se acord o importan deosebit, editndu-se reviste periodice specializate, de exemplu Political culture.
E necesar de menionat ns c termenul de cultur politic este polisemantic i n literatura de specialitate pot fi gsite numeroase definiii: din perspectiv
istoric, psihologic, funcional, structural etc. Abraham A. Moles, n lucrarea sa
Sociodynamique de la culture, declara c exist peste 250 de definiii ale acestei sintagme. Edward B. Taylor a utilizat pentru prima dat conceptul de cultur
politic, n sensul lui modern, n anul 1871 n lucrarea Primitive Culture. n viziunea


autorului, cuvntul cultur sau civilizaie, n sensul su etnografic cel mai rspndit,
desemneaz acel tot complex ce cuprinde tiinele, credinele, artele, morala, legile, obiceiurile i celelalte aptitudini i deprinderi, dobndite de om, ca membru al
societii. Auguste Comte considera c civilizaia const n dezvoltarea spiritului
uman, n dezvoltarea aciunii omului asupra naturii, care este, de fapt, o consecin
direct a dezvoltrii spiritului (Angele Kremer Marietti Auguste Comte et la science politique, 2001). Cultura politic a unei societi const dintr-un sistem de
credine empirice, simboluri expresive i valori care definesc situaia n care are
loc aciunea politic. n definiia clasic a culturii politice, utilizat de Gabriel Almond n 1966, cultura politic este artat drept un model de atitudini individuale
i de orientri fa de politic, manifestate n rndul membrilor unui sistem politic. Este un domeniu subiectiv, care st la baza aciunilor politice i care le confer
importan. Astfel de orientri individuale cuprind cteva elemente:
- orientri cognitive, exacte sau mai puin exacte, pe tema subiectelor i
convingerilor politice;
- orientri emoionale, sentimentul atarii, angajrii, respingerii n raport
cu subiectele politice;
- orientri estimative, aprecieri i opinii pe tema unor subiecte politice, ceea
ce, de obicei, presupune aplicarea unor standarde apreciative privind subiectele i
evenimentele politice.
Cultura politic a unei naiuni deriv din experienele pe care indivizii le au
n ceea ce privete sistemul politic. n funcie de modelul n care se combin elementele cognitive ale culturii politice cu cele afective, Gabriel Almond i Sidney
Verba deosebesc urmtoarele tipuri de cultur politic:
a) Cultura politic parohial (local sau provincial) specific societilor
tradiionale, comunitilor care nu contientizeaz importana problemelor de interes naional i mondial i nu au interese pentru valorile i mecanismul sistemului
politic naional. Adic este vorba despre cultura politic a satului, a etniei, a regiunii
unde biserica, coala i primria sunt instituii de referin. Cunotinele, sentimentele i judecile sunt orientate spre aceste structuri locale.
b) Cultura politic participativ, care corespunde sistemelor democratice,
este rezultatul proceselor educaionale dezvoltate i a unui grad nalt de organizare, reflectnd i experienele politico sociale specifice rilor democratice.
Cetenii posed un ansamblu de mijloace subiective i de abiliti, de priceperi
i deprinderi de utlilizare raional a capacitilor proprii n scopul de a influena
luarea deciziilor, desfurarea evenimentelor politice, reprezentarea sau de a opri
acele decizii administrative care le-ar afecta negativ interesele.
c) Cultura politic de supunere, care presupune existena n prezent sau n
trecutul apropiat a unei structuri de autoritate la nivel naional. n cadrul acestei
culturi, subiecii sunt contieni de existena sistemului politic naional, dar se
mulumesc cu o atitudine de pasivitate. n ceea ce privete participarea la conducerea politic, problemele libertii i ale iniiativei sunt delegate unui lider n
schimbul proteciei oferite de acesta.
Aceste tipuri de culturi politice se combin i se influeneaz reciproc la
diferite niveluri i pe segmente de populaie diferite. Din aceast perspectiv,
att atitudinea cetenilor Republicii Moldova, ct i a celor din rile Europei Occidentale, poate fi regsit n toate aceste tipuri de cultur politic. Totui unii


politologi mai disting culturile politice n dependen de spaiul geografic n care

se manifest. Astfel, putem identifica din acest punct de vedere cultura politic
a rilor occidentale i cultura politic a rilor orientale. Specialitii mai noteaz
c aceast cultur politic n ri, precum SUA, Marea Britanie sau Germania este
orientat preponderent spre valorile i normele democraiei liberale. Statutul individului n calitate de subiect al vieii politice este foarte nalt, iar viaa politic este
variat, fiind reglementat detaliat sub aspect juridic. Cultura politic occidental
trebuie s constituie temelia modelului liberal democratic al culturii politice i din
statul nostru.
Cultura politic a rilor orientale este tradiionalist, ntruct este orientat
spre tradiiile istorice i religioase i funcioneaz ntr-un cadru restrns al opiunilor
politice. Deseori, n cadrul acestui tip cultur politic, accesul femeilor i al tineretului la viaa politic este restrns sau chiar lipsete.
Mass media moldoveneasc tinde s combine ct mai reuit n ultima
perioad funcia informaional cu cea de divertisment, cea din urm asigurndu-i
popularitate, raiting nalt pe piaa media i, n final, venituri impresionante, acumulate din publicitate. i, dac e s facem o paralel ntre cele dou tipuri de mass
media (occidental i moldoveneasc), putem spune cu certitudine c nicieri
mass media nu a scpat de reglementare, de control i de o anumit cenzur.
Guvernele, fie liberale, fie totalitare, au ncercat dintotdeauna s menin un control strns asupra mass media, mai ales odat cu apariia reelelor media globale
i a transmisiilor prin satelit. Studiile referitoare la mass media demonstreaz c
n afar de alegeri i alte evenimente importante din viaa politic nu exist dect
o slab audien pentru dezbaterea i comentariul public serios i nici mcar acest
puin public nu este prea receptiv i nici destul de tenace. Sondajele demonstreaz
c majoritatea tinerilor din Uniunea European nu sunt interesai de politic i nu
urmresc mass media pentru acest tip de informaii. Cu toate acestea, accesul la
mass media ar trebui s fie nengrdit pentru partidele politice, permindu-le
membrilor acestora s se fac auzii. Un studiu recent, rezultatele cruia au fost
publicate pe un site web ( demonstreaz c Internetul ctig tot
mai mult teren n faa televizorului. n acelai studiu se menioneaz, de asemenea,
c tinerii nu sunt interesai de politic, dar, n acelai timp, au mai mult ncredere
n instituiile europene dect n cele din rile lor. Tinerii germani se intereseaz cel
mai mult de politic (51%), ca i cei din Austria (42%) sau Finlanda (35%), iar rile
cu cel mai slab interes sunt Marea Britanie (30%) i cele care au aderat recent la
Uniunea European. Valoarea acestui sondaj e cu att mai mare, cu ct rezultatele
acestuia demonstreaz c nici influena mass media nu este considerabil n rndul tinerilor. Tinerii urmresc puin informaiile politice n mass media: numai
11,3% n Marea Britanie, spre exemplu. Dintre toate sursele informaionale, este
preferat totui televiziunea. Totui exist diferene de la o ar la alta. n Germania
i, mai ales, n Austria, radioul este mai influent dect televiziunea, n timp ce n
Finlanda i Estonia principala surs este Internetul. n Frana, Italia i Slovacia, tinerii
utilizeaz rar alt mijloc dect televiziunea pentru a se informa asupra evenimentelor
politice. De asemenea, n Marea Britanie un numr semnificativ nu folosete deloc
mass media pentru informaia politic. Realizatorii studiului au analizat i relaia
dintre influena mass media i gradul de interes. Astfel s-a ajuns la concluzia c
acei care preiau informaia din mass media cu receptare activ (ziare, Internet)


tind s fie mult mai activi din punct de vedere politic, n timp ce acei care prefer
o receptare pasiv (televiziunea, radioul) demonstreaz un interes mult mai slab
pentru participarea la viaa politic a societii. Indiferent de faptul dac urmresc
sau nu informaiile politice, majoritatea celor intervievai cred c scrutinul este cel
mai eficient mijloc de participare politic i un procent mare dintre respondeni
declar c i folosesc activ dreptul de vot. Aceleai cercetri arat c, n ciuda lipsei
de ncredere n partidele politice, muli se simt apropiai de un singur partid, dar
cred, totodat, c a lucra ntr-o organizaie nonguvernamental este mai eficient
dect s lucrezi pentru partid. A fost analizat situaia din opt ri europene i s-a
ajuns c populaia mai tnr de 35 ani are cea mai mare ncredere n organizaii
nonguvernamentale, precum Greenpeace i Amnesty International. Studiul se
ntituleaz Political Participation of Young People in Europe i a fost finanat de
Uniunea European.
Americanii sunt de prere mass media nu oglindete adevratele tiri, iar
vigilena poporului este adormit intenionat, atenia fiindu-i ndreptat, n realitate, ctre ceea ce dicteaz interesele politice i economice. Politica este dirijat
de interese financiare mari, situaia deteriorndu-se odat cu venirea lui Ronald
Reagan la putere i a continuat cu instalarea la putere a administraiei actualului
preedinte american G. W. Bush jr. Populaia SUA a nceput s cread c mass media este departe de a fi a patra putere n stat, capabil s cenzureze abuzurile celor de la putere. Aceasta s-a preschimbat ntr-o for docil, manipulat i, ulterior,
Oarecum Internetul e n topul preferinelor americanilor. Sondajele
demonstreaz c circa 75% din utilizatorii Internetului prefer s acceseze paginile
web ale posturilor de radio i TV pentru a se informa asupra evenimentelor zilei.
W. J. Cromie, profesor la Harvard Univeristy din SUA, a publicat un material
n The Harvard University Gazette cu titlul American public is misinformed and
distrustful (trad. Publicul american este dezinformat i nencreztor), n care autorul analizeaz relaia dintre puterea federal i poporul simplu. n ciuda numeroaselor posturi de televiziune i altor canale media de informare, sondajele analizate
de ctre autor au scos la iveal faptul c majoritatea respondenilor se arat a fi
prost informai de ctre mass - media n ajunul campaniilor electorale americane.
Numrul de americani care au ncredere n puterea politic a variat de la 76% n
1964 pn la 25% n 1996. Astzi acest procent are anse mari s fie mai mic, din
cauza popularitii sczute a actualului preedinte american, G. W. Bush jr. Aceleai
sondaje mai demonstreaz c ncrederea americanilor n senatori, congressmani,
guvernatori e mai sczut chiar dect cea care le-ar acorda-o avocailor, o bran
dintotdeauna cu foarte puin ncredere din partea populaiei americane. Acest
fapt a culminat odat cu momentul n care preedintele W. Clinton a fost n stare s
mint n faa judectorilor sub jurmnt n procesul n care a fost implicat Monica Lewinski, nsui preedintele american fiind capabil de sperjur. ncrederea n
sursele informaionale a sczut dramatic, ncepnd cu anul 1966, nregistrndu-se
astzi un procent de 35% din numrul cetenilor, care au ncredere n informaiile
difuzate de sursele media. Autorul, William J. Cromie motiveaz aceast reducere
constant a nivelului de ncredere n instituiile statului i prin pierderea ncrederii
oamenilor n ei nii i n cei din jur.


Termenul mediatizare (fr. mediatiser) semnific implicarea mass media n

prezentarea unui fapt; a face cunoscut; a comunica. V. Moraru n lucrarea sa Mass
media vs Politica face referin la mediatizarea politic, care este un ansamblu
de aciuni ntreprinse de mass media n vederea reflectrii pe paginile sale a aspectelor politice ale realitii. Constatm, totodat, c o astfel de caracteristic
poate s cuprind doar parial esena fenomenului n cauz, cruia, n ultimul timp,
datorit evoluiilor produse n sfera politic, precum i n cea mediatic, marcate
de noi relaii stabilite ntre ele, i se descoper noi semnificaii. Lucru cert, mediatizarea presupune nu doar aciunea de nregistrare a actualitii i de informare
elementar a publicului, dar i, propriu-zis, evaluarea, comentarea, interpretarea
faptelor, evenimentelor, poziiilor, fenomenelor (pag. 156)
Extinderea sensului acestui termen cere totui i o circumscriere a limitelor
procesului de mediatizare. Care ar putea fi acestea?
a) Informaiile obscene i triviale, care pot fi uor asimilate i repetate de
ctre cele mai uor manipulate categorii de vrst adolescenii;
b) Evenimentele care pot conduce la crearea unei situaii destabilizante i
chiar la violen n societate;
c) Materialele care promoveaz imoralitatea i vulgaritatea n comunitatea
d) Informaiile care ar propaga terorismul, fanatismul etc;
e) Materiale cu coninut explicit pornografic, care, n viziunea lui R. Amy Elman, ar fi un afront adus femeii i care e bine s fie interzise prin lege.
Influena mass media asupra contiinei politice a cetenilor din Republica
Moldova poate fi asemnat cu o parabol, ale crei ramuri alterneaz periodic susjos, n dependen de tipul implicaiilor politice ale cetenilor, tipul campaniilor
electorale i, desigur, sursa informaional care descrie un eveniment politic sau
altul. S nu uitm c nc ne considerm a fi ntr-o etap de tranziie, o perioad
de cutare i de gsire a rspunsurilor la multiplele interpelri nainte de procesele
cotidiene ale vieii sociale (V. Moraru). La ntrebarea Cum influeneaz mass media contiina politic a cetenilor din Republica Moldova?, inclus ntr-un sondaj,
realizat pe Internet, majoritatea rspunsurilor au fost mai mult dect pesimiste.
Astfel, unii au considerat c adevrul e mult prea adnc ngropat de politicieni i
de conducerea rii i nici mcar mass media nu poate contribui la dezvluirea
lui. O opinie interesant poate fi considerat i aceea c n ara noastr numai sistemul politic influeneaz mass media i nicidecum contrariul. n condiiile cnd
populaia are acces la diferite sisteme de recepionare sofisticat a numeroase posturi TV i radio, att din ar, ct i de peste hotare, publicul tot mai puin urmrete
posturi de informaie general i se orienteaz spre cele de divertisment, care nu
fac referine la informaiile de ordin politic. i dac pn nu demult aceasta era
situaia populaiei de la orae numai, atunci n prezent i populaia de la sate are acces la variate posturi de televiziune, contiina politic activ a acestora, de asemenea, aflndu-se n stare latent de diminuare a interesului fa de evenimentele
Un alt sondaj on-line, realizat de ctre Serviciul Independent de Sociologie
i Informaii OPINIA, cu titlul Moldova 2006. Bilanul anului demonstreaz c majoritatea respondenilor au plasat totui evenimentele politice cu larg reflectare
n mass media pe primele locuri n top-ul evenimentelor anului. Astfel, pe primul


loc s-a plasat embargo-ul Rusiei asupra produciei vinicole i agro-alimentare din
Moldova, survenit, n realitate, n urma dezechilibrului de interese politice dintre
Rusia i Republica Moldova. Un alt eveniment de top a fost considerat cel care face
referin la vecintatea direct a Moldovei cu Uniunea European, ca urmare a
aderrii Romniei la Uniunea European. Pe locul trei s-a clasat un alt eveniment,
care la timpul su a fost mediatizat pe larg n mass media. Este vorba despre
rzboiul gazelor naturale i depirea crizei energetice. Printre alte evenimente
politice, aflate n topul intereselor respondenilor au mai fost i cele legate de
rcirea relaiilor Moldovei cu Romnia, nrutirea relaiilor cu Rusia i impactul
lor asupra situaiei social politice i economice din ara noastr. Aproape 17%
din respondeni au declarat Timpul de diminea ca fiind cel mai bun ziar din
Moldova, dup care a urmat o publicaie cu tematic economic Economiceskoie
obozrenie (10.4%) i Flux (5,6%). Un alt ziar popular n capital, Jurnal de Chiinu
s-a plasat n topul preferinelor abia pe locul patru. Revistele contribuie mai puin la
culturalizarea i educarea publicului, n condiiile cnd popularitatea acestora este
sub nivelul de 2%. Postul radio cu cea mai mare popularitate n 2006 a fost Antena
C, fiind de asemenea lider pe piaa radio al patrulea an la rnd. Radio Noroc a venit
pe locul doi n acest an, surclasnd Radio Moldova, care se afla de obicei anii trecui
pe aceast poziie. n anul 2006 Radio Moldova s-a clasat pe locul patru n topul
preferinelor asculttorilor, nregistrnd 5,3% la capitolul popularitate.
Cel mai bun post de televiziune a fost numit de ctre intervievai PRO TV
Chiinu cu 24,7%, iar pe locul doi anul acesta pentru prima dat s-a clasat postul
de televiziune NIT, devansndu-l pe obinuitul ocupant al locului doi din ceilali ani
Pervi Canal v Moldove. Postul public de televiziune Moldova 1 s-a situat n anul
trecut pe locul patru la capitolul cel mai urmrit post de televiziune. Rezultatele
acestui sondaj sunt interesante i din perspectiva lipsei de documentare suficient
a intervievailor la capitolul mass media din ar, n condiiile cnd opiunea mi
vine greu s rspund a fost aleas de un numr extrem de mare de respondeni.
Anul acesta cifra a constituit 15,3%. n anul 2002 aceast opiune a fost aleas chiar
de o treime din respondeni 28.1%.
Agenia de pres Nouti Moldova (16,1%) s-a situat, al doilea an consecutiv, n fruntea preferinelor populaiei n vederea informrii prin intermediul acestui
canal media.
Pagina web rmne a fi preferat de majoritatea celor
care au participat la realizarea sondajului, nregistrnd o cifr de aproape 21% de
vizitatori. Celelalte pagini web urmeaz la o detaare procentual considerabil
fa de cea menionat mai sus. Este vorba de pagini web, precum httt://www. (14,4%), (13.8%),
(9,8%) etc.
Astfel, putem declara cu certitudine c sensibilitatea publicului a devenit mai
mare, sondajele demonstrnd creteri sau cderi relative ale cotei de ncredere sau
popularitate ntr-o personalitate politic sau ntr-o surs media, care mediatizeaz
activitatea acestor politicieni. Oricum, rezultatele mai multor sondaje sunt identice, atunci cnd este vorba despre confortul psihologic al ceteanului. Ceteanul
se simte confortabil cnd este sntos, are o familie trainic, o situaie material
decent i cnd are ncredere n Parlament, Guvern i Justiie. n acelai timp, un guvern poate fi considerat de ncredere cnd justiia merge bine, cnd sunt locuine


destule i condiii de via bune i cnd sunt locuri de munc bine pltite. Problema
e c dac cei mai muli oameni i doresc lucruri simple, fireti de ce exist att de
mult nemulumire n rndul populaiei. Tocmai pentru faptul c mna de oameni
din Parlament, Guvern i Justiie nu se mulumete deloc cu lucruri simple i fireti
pentru satisfacia personal, ci ncearc permanent de a-i mbunti att situaia
material, ct i imaginea n ochii publicului larg. Renumitul showman american,
Mike Gill, obinuiete s spun: Banii sunt sursa tuturor relelor, dar i medicamentul pentru toat tristeea. Un rspuns pe potriv l putem gsi i la Ayn Rand,
romancier i filosof american: Deci credei c banii sunt sursa tuturor relelor? V-ai
ntrebat vreodat care este sursa tuturor banilor?
ntrebarea e n ce manier are loc aceast influen politic a mass media asupra fiecrui consumator de informaii. Toate eforturile mass media se
concentreaz asupra efectelor pe care aceasta ncearc s le produc n procesul
de comunicare a informaiilor. Un singur efect desigur c nu exist. Acestea apar
ntr-un ansamblu de procese i de consecine pe care le presupune receptarea
mesajelor. Cercettorul n domeniul comunicrii, Gerhard Maletzke, propune o
definiie cu referin la efectele mass media: efectul mass media reprezint
toate modificrile la nivel individual sau social pe care le produc mass media prin
tipul lor de mesaje. Caracteristicile efectului (uor poate fi identificat cu termenul
influen) n acest caz, spune autorul, sunt urmtoarele:
a) persoana asupra creia se exercit efectul (target);
b) natura efectului;
c) durata efectului;
d) intenionalitatea efectului.
Cercetrile privind mass media pot urmri foarte uor persoanele care
suport efectele mass media prin intermediul sondajelor, despre care am pomenit mai sus. Efectele pot fi urmrite la nivel individual, la nivel de grup sau la nivelul ntregii societi. Alte studii despre influena mass media au relevat natura
acesteia: dac mesajul a fost recepionat sau nu, dac influena mesajului a fost de
natur cognitiv sau de ordin comportamental, care a fost intervalul de timp ce
a trecut ntre emisia mesajului i momentul n care se poate nregistra o anumit
influen. Studiind datele acestor cercetri, sociologii au ajuns la concluzia c exist
trei tipuri de influene pe care le poate exercita mass media asupra aceluiai consumator de informaie:
a) influen pe termen scurt (pn la 6 zile);
b) influen pe termen mediu (7 30 zile);
c) influen pe termen lung (peste o lun).
Mesajele media ar mai putea avea unele influene pe care emitentul nu le-a
prevzut sau nu le-a dorit. Astfel avem influen intenional i nonintenional
(voit i nonvoit).
n studiile fcute n 1948 privind alegerile din SUA i incluse peste un an
n Analele Academiei Americane de tiine Sociale i Politice, cercettorii Lazarsfeld, Berelson i Gaudet au evideniat c receptarea emisiunilor politice depinde
de orientarea sau predispoziia alegtorilor. Oamenii selecteaz de cele mai dese
ori informaia ntr-o manier subcontient, adic prefer acele mesaje care le
confirm orientarea politic, - au ajuns la concluzie cercettorii. Studiile ulterioare
celor realizate de Lazarsfeld, Berelson i Gaudet au demonstrat c exist dou tipuri


de selectivitate: selectivitatea de facto i selectivitatea motivat. Selectivitatea de

facto ilustreaz tendina publicului de a selecta informaii conform predispoziiilor,
pe cnd selectivitatea motivat este o selecie contient bazat pe nite criterii
proprii, suficient de bine orientate.
n anul 1940, acelai Lazarsfeld studiase alegerile prezideniale din acel an.
Acesta a vrut s afle n ce msur campania electoral la radio i n pres a influenat
comportamentul alegtorilor. Sociologul a ajuns la concluzia c mass media nu
a avut un rol major, ci, dimpotriv, anume relaiile interpersonale s-au dovedit a
fi hotrtoare pentru decizia de a vota pe unul sau pe altul dintre candidai. Din
peisajul mass media de atunci ns a lipsit televiziunea. Apariia televiziunii a dat
peste cap rezultatele anterioare ale lui Lazarsfeld.
Mihai Coman n Introducere n sistemul mass - media amintete despre
exemplul campaniei electorale din 1960, unde n calitatea de candidai pentru
alegerile prezideniale ale SUA au participat John F. Kennedy i Richard Nixon. Pentru prima dat n istoria Statelor Unite ale Americii dezbaterea final s-a desfurat
la televiziune, pentru c pn atunci toate dezbaterile erau transmise doar prin intermediul radioului. Dup consumarea dezbaterii, att cei care au ascultat-o numai la radio, ct i cei care au vzut-o numai la televizor au fost ntrebai pentru
care dintre cei doi candidai ar vota. Spre surpriza cercettorilor, primul grup l-a
declarat ctigtor pe Nixon, n timp ce al doilea grup l-a preferat n majoritate pe
Kennedy Telespectatorii vzuser un tnr impetuos, sigur pe el, emannd for
i dinamism pe de o parte, i un om mai n vrst, tras la fa (Nixon refuzase s fie
machiat nainte de a intra n studio; luminile studioului i-au exagerat cearcnele i
ridurile), cu micri mai lente care sugerau o anumit lips de vigoare pe de alt
parte. Astfel se observ c cei care au urmrit dezbaterea ntre cei doi politicieni
la televizor, au fost influenai mai mult de imagine dect de coninutul mesajului,
care au aruncat ntr-un plan secund elementele raionale i a scos n prim plan elementele cu ncrctur afectiv. Cu att mai mult aceast alegere este de neles,
cu ct John F. Kennedy se consider i pn astzi unul dintre preedinii americani
cu cel mai nalt sex-appeal. Aceast caracteristic mai este motivat i de faptul ca
a fost preedintele cel mai tnr n istoria Statelor Unite ale Americii, la momentul
declarrii acestuia preedinte al rii.
n societile democratice, mass media i opinia public se afl ntr-o
permanent schimbare i aceast relaie nicidecum nu funcioneaz dup reguli
prestabilite, fixe i rigide. Ele devin pentru analiti indicatori i factori relevani de
descriere i interpretare a schimbrilor ce au loc n societate. Politica democratic
are mereu nevoie de aprobare, aciunile desfurate de ctre cei care dein puterea
de decizie politic trebuie s fie mereu justificate n faa opiniei publice. Politicienii
mai au datoria s informeze populaia cu privire la planurile i deciziile politice, de
aceea sistemul mass media a devenit infrastructura central a societii moderne,
pentru c acest sistem se extinde din ce n ce mai mult, att la nivel cantitativ, ct
i la nivel calitativ. Cercettorul german, Otfried Jarren, propune cteva concluzii
asupra valorii sistemului mass media din societatea actual n studiile sale despre
comunicarea politic, printre care autorul noteaz c funcia de intermediere a
informaiilor deinut de medii s-a amplificat enorm. Tot el afirm c mass media
are un rol dominant n societate, ctignd atenia i aprobarea populaiei datorit
gradului de utilizare crescut. n cazul nostru, cu referin la percepia informaiilor


politice de ctre publicul larg, putem spune c fr mas media nu poate exista
o comunicare real ntre elementele politicii i publicul larg. Prin urmare, opinia
public este influenat de mass media din democraiile moderne la nivel structural, procedural i de coninut.
Putem vorbi despre existena sigur a influenei mass media dintr-o
perspectiv politic asupra comportamentului ceteanului simplu att n Republica Moldova, ct i n Occident, reieind din:
- interesul fa de politic i identificarea principalelor surse de informare
politic a populaiei;
- evaluarea preferinelor populaiei fa de principalele canale televizate
din punct de vedere al tirilor, dezbaterilor politice etc.;
- urmrirea campaniilor electorale i influena acestora asupra deciziei de
- ateptrile populaiei n ceea ce privete alegerile locale sau parlamentare
i estimarea inteniilor de vot;
- efectele publicrii sondajelor de opinie asupra votului n favoarea
nvingtorului sau nvinsului din sondaje;
- percepia pe care o deine populaia asupra situaiei politice din ar,
economie, nivelul acesteia de implicare n diverse activiti colaterale celor de
baz, printre care existena sau nu a calitii de membru al vreunui partid politic
sau O.N.G.;
- nivelul de cunoatere al campaniilor politice i sociale desfurate de ctre
mass media i influena acestora asupra atitudinii civice a populaiei;
- ncrederea n persoane i n instituiile politice ale statului;
- atitudinea populaiei fa de drepturile omului;
- existena contiinei civice pentru msurarea gradului n care populaia
are responsabilitate civic i onestitate vis-a-vis de anumite valori general acceptate.
Mass media imprim o amprent serioas pe mesajele transmise ctre
consumatorul de informaii i influeneaz mai mult ca oricnd contiina publicului. Tot mai muli specialiti internaionali vehiculeaz ideea c mass media a
ngenuncheat politica, iar democraia, n percepia sa clasic, s-a transformat n
democraia televizorului.

1. Moraru, V. Mass media VS Politica. Chiinu: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2001.
206 p.
2. Coman, Mihai. Introducere n sistemul mass-media. - Iai: Polirom, 1999. - 240 p.
3. Coman, Mihai. Mass media, mit i ritual. - Iai, Polirom, 2003. - 208 p.
4. Moraru, Victor. Politica i Comunicarea n tranziie. Chiinu: ULIM, 2006. 261 p.
5. Bauer, Robert. The Communicator and the Audience. New York: The Free Press, 1994 343
6. Negrine, Ralph. Politics and the mass media in Britain. London and New- York:
Routledge, 1994. 235 p.
7. Enciu, Nicolae. Politologie. Chiinu: Civitas, 2005. 384 p.
8. Almond, Gabriel i Verba, Sydney. Cultura civic. Atitudini politice i democraie n cinci
naiuni. Trad. de Dan Pavel. Bucureti: Style. 1996.-391 p.
9. Ball, Terence & Dagger, Richard. Ideologii politice i idealul democratic. Iai: Polirom,
2000. 256 p.

10. Bull, Hedley. Societatea anarhic. Un studiu asupra ordinii n politica mondial. Trad. de
Margareta Petru i Emilia Plcintar. Chiinu: tiina, 1998. 317 p.
11. Angele Kremer Marietti. Auguste Comte et la science politique. - LHarmattan, 2001, - 317







Andrei BARNA
Universitatea Transilvania din Braov

Prin faptul c monografia Elenei Prus este prima realizare n spaiul european axat integral pe analiza personajului literar feminin, locuitor al capitalei Franei,
Paris, desemnat prin numele generic de Parizian, se confer studiului de fa un
valoros caracter de unicitate.
Plecnd de la referine de ordin general, care privesc identitatea feminin,
femeia ca mit, femeia n civilizaia francez, personajul feminin n literatura francez
si, n mod special, n literatura francez a secolului al XIX-lea, doamna profesor dr.
hab. Elena Prus parcurge cu siguran un itinerar critic stabilit judicios, fixndu-i
n prealabil obiectivele, din realizarea crora a rezultat un studiu amplu, de larg
referin. Pentru nelegerea plenar a lucrrii este foarte important precizarea
autoarei: reprezentarea nu este o cunoatere a lucrurilor n sine, ci o construcie
a lumii n contiina noast. Am dori s precizm c sintagma propus n titlu
Reprezentarea romanesc a Parizienei nu ine doar de reprezentarea n sensul clasic
de mimesis, ci i de construirea unui univers teatral al reprezentrii, ce corespunde
inerenei imanente a femeii pariziene. Reprezentarea mental i romanesc a Parizienei din capitolul I se completeaz cu Pariziana n reprezentare n capitolul II.
Aceast polisemie a conceptului reprezentare reflect complexitatea personajului
i dimensionarea inedit a interpretrii ei.
Aa cum i-a propus, recurgnd la un model de lectur extins prin aplicarea
interdisciplinaritii ca mecanism adecvat de nelegere i interpretare a personajului n cauz, i urmnd tradiia francez, monografia practic treceri frecvente de
la literatur la sociologie, de la istoria mentalitilor la etnopsihologie i teatrologie, pentru a urmri subiectul n profunzime, din diverse unghiuri. Lucrarea este
literar, dar de o literatur deschis altor demersuri de cunoatere prin caracterul
su interdisciplinar.
Rezultatele cercetrii se desprind din noile perspective pe care interpretarea personajului literar feminin al Parisului le personific la nivel fenomenologic,
gnoseologic, poetic i poietic.
Din perspectiv fenomenologic, Pariziana ca subiect modern, ca Femeie
Nou, accede, prin transcenderea stereotipului femeii tradiionale ca model novator
de simire, de gndire i de aciune, la eveniment. Mai liber fa de constrngerile
timpului dect contemporanele i concetenele ei, dar mprtind contradiciile
vremii, femeia parizian polemizeaz cu rolul su tradiional inventndu-i, i mai
ales asumndu-i, roluri noi fiind capabil uneori s proiecteze o nou perspectiv
asupra evenimentelor. Ea este simbolul sensibilitii rafinate i noitoare care apare n momentul uzurii sociale. Importana subiectului femeii pariziene este c ea
scoate n eviden multe puncte nevralgice legate de condiia i reprezentarea
femeii n societatea francez a secolului al XIX-lea. Agent transformator, catalizatore de idei i energii latente, acest personaj feminin repune n discuie statutul
identitii feminine, identitate pe care o problematizeaz sub un unghi specific.


Imaginea Europei secolului al XIX-lea este una viril, de la marea Revoluie, la

rzboaiele lui Napoleon i pn la revoluiile i restaurrile alternative care au fragmentat istoria modern a Franei. n acest context istoric, d-na Elena Prus scoate
n eviden faptul c specific pentru femeia parizian este faptul de a fi neles, n
urma deziluziilor n revolte i revoluii care nu i-au schimbat cu nimic statutul n Cetate, c trebuie s-i reorganizeze singur rolul n cadrul tradiiei, ajungnd la una
din concluzii, i anume c Pariziana este i prototipul Femeii Noi n sensul c posed
caliti noi, concomitent cu cele vechi, pur feminine, manevrnd cu mare iscusin
ntre aspiraiile feminine i cele masculine. Pe fundalul unei rebeliuni feminine a
secolului, femeia parizian nfptuiete o rebeliune elegant. Pariziana ofer posibilitatea revizuirii raporturilor dintre genuri ce au cunoscut diferite deplasri ale
centrului de gravitaie.
O alt direcie de cercetare a autoarei i d acesteia posibilitatea de a afirma
c din perspectiva gnoseologic, Pariziana personific ideea cutrii i afirmrii
propriei identiti. Definiia hegelian a modernitii ca autonomie a individului
i construcie de sine n deplin libertate este perfect aplicabil femeii pariziene.
Rolul Parizienei este reprezentativ n cultur n msura n care capteaz imaginea
culturii franceze, fiind o personificare a unei sensibiliti i triri specifice. Lucrarea
scoate n eviden faptul c ciocnindu-se de barierele unei societi mic-burgheze,
ermetice afirmrii feminine, Pariziana i construiete o autonomie relativ. Dac
emanciparea se asociaz, n mod tradiional, cu forme instituionalizate societi
sau comitete cu o structur i un program emanciparea femeii pariziene ine de
modul su de a fi. Autoarea concluzioneaz c, n felul acesta, femininul francez
schieaz unele scenografii noi i originale ale modernitii, adugnd c Pariziana
este femeia care a tiut s-i automodeleze personalitatea, femeia pentru care afirmarea sinelui atinge superlativul. Aceast cutare de tip modern se exprim prin
afirmarea i autopromovarea sinelui n marele ora.
Avansnd cu pertinen idei ndrznee, Elena Prus afirm c femeia
parizian face posibil, n plan de ficiune, ceea ce secolul pune n spectacol, i
anume contradicia. Ea ne apare succesiv ca idolatrizare i umilin, viciu i virtute, utilitate i gratuitate, erotism i pragmatism, dominat i dominant, activ i
pasiv, purttoare de valori de civilizaie i de natur primitiv, rezervor de angelic
i demonic. Aceast unitate a contrariilor constituie oximoronul, figura cea mai
marcant pentru caracteristica Parizienei. Concluzia este c ideea de originalitate,
excentricitate, curiozitate i fantezie, absente n cultura european de dup baroc,
revin n for i se manifest la acest personaj.
ndeplinind obiectivele pe care i le-a propus n Introducere, valoroasa lucrare a d-nei prof. univ dr. hab. Elena Prus, respectnd inerena creativ a personajului, realizeaz un model de lectur po(i)etic a femeii pariziene ca eveniment
expresiv socio-cultural i fenomen artistic, oferind totodat un model de cercetare
tiinific, printr-o abordare interdisciplinar.
Monografia d-nei Elena Prus este un studiu care face cinstea tiinei literare din sec. XXI. Ea ndeamn i ncurajeaz tinerii cercettori s amplifice definiia
modernitii ca autonomie a individului, cci eu-l a fost i va rmne aspiraia
fiecruia din cei care se vor moderni ai Planetei




(Tez de doctor)
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Teza prezentat spre susinere reprezint un rezultat al demersului

investigaional al tinerei cercettoare, care are un suport geotiinific real, lucrarea
fiind elaborat n mediul tiinific i lingvistic al Germaniei i Austriei. Caracterul
complex al cercetrii efectuate transpare de la bun nceput n titlul lucrrii, dar mai
ales n structura tezei materializat n patru capitole, fiecare fiind urmat de concluzii suficient de pertinente pentru a convinge un lector vizat n problem. Caracterul novator al cercetrii rezid n nsi esena problemei - i anume investigarea
tridimensional a metlimbajului juridic n limba german i romn, pe alocuri aria
datelor empirice fiind extins i n limba englez i francez.
Abordarea gnoseologic pe care o propune autoarea n examinarea
minuioas a terminologiilor ramurale n domeniul dreptului ni se pare cea mai
apropriat i mai modern la etapa actual de dezvoltare a cunoaterii umane. Rezultatele cercetrii, raionamentele suficient de argumentate i probante, sunt valoroase prin necesitate imperioas a acestui gen de investigaii tiinifice n spaiul
romnesc al Republicii Moldova, care a fost nevoit pe parcursul mai multor ani s
utilizeze terminologii ramurale incorecte, parvenit n uzul profesional prin intermediul limbii ruse.
Scopurile cercetrii par a fi destul de pretenioase: abordarea de fond a termenului juridic, a conceptului i a noiunii, analiza particularitilor de organizare
sistemic a terminologicei juridice, relevarea complexitii i caracterului organizat
al terminologiei juridice, studierea fenomenelor glotice limitrofe, prezentarea principiilor i metodelor fundamentale de constituire a SLST .a.
Instrumentul fundamental al investigaiei l constituie filosofia logicomatematic lansat de coala terminologic vienez n frunte cu Wuster, ns, abordarea pe care o propune autoarea, iradiaz n multiple faete, simitor mbogite
de doctrinele terminologice contemporane germanice i romneti de autori ca
Arntz R., Stolze R., Wendt S, Ciobanu G., Bidu-Vrceanu A., Dumbrveanu I. .a.
Astfel, Aliona Dosca s-a strduit s cuprind n lucrare sa trei dimensiuni importante pentru studierea i sistematizarea terminologiei juridice a limbii germane
- elaborarea, ierarhizarea computerizat i traducerea. Axa conceptual, aa
precum e i tradiia tiinific n domeniu, devine punctul de plecare n parcursul
epistemologic. Dovedind prin exemple concrete necesitatea adoptrii vectorului
onomasiologic, cercettoarea construiete ierarhii terminologice, aa numitele sistemele lexico-semantice terminologice, propunnd i o analiz componenial a
formanilor din punct de vedere a teoriei derivrii. n acest sens est salutabil faptul
punerii n valoare a lucrrilor inestimabile ale savanilor din republica Moldova I.Dumbrveanu, Gr.Cincilei, S.Berejan .a.


Structura tezei de doctorat a fost determinat de problematica abordat, de

scopurile formulate i tridimensionalitatea proieciei epistemologice - elaborarea
termenilor, ierarhizarea computerizat i traducerea.
Corpusul de exemple a fost selectat de autoare prin metoda trierii lexicografice i textuale, fiind supuse investigaiei matematico-statistice articole de
pres, articole tiinifice, realizndu-se astfel principiul eminamente important al
funcionalitii lingvistice. Ea a cercetat circa 1675 termeni i uniti terminologice
din domeniul dreptului - n limba german cu traducerea lor n romn.
Utilitatea aplicativ a studiului, fr ndoial, rezid n legtura dintre
ierarhiile terminologice controlate i bazele de date informatizate. Autoarea a reuit
s demonstreze i s conving traductorii-terminologi avizai de faptul c astzi
este imposibil activitatea lor profesional fr asistena noilor tehnologii. Ultimul
capitol al tezei conine precepte praxiologice pentru traductorii textelor juridice.
Dimensiunea didactic este i ea prezent n cercetarea propus spre susinere.
Autoarea ajunge la concluzia c cercetarea domeniului referenial juridic are
importante consecine practice pentru terminologii i traductorii profesioniti.
Aliona Dosca consider c este necesar implementarea unor cursuri practice mai
bine dirijate n direci nsuirii i manipulrii plurilingve a terminologiei juridice.
Pentru aceasta autoarea vine cu soluii concrete n scopul descrierii (definiia),
ierarhizrii i gestionrii plurilingve a vocabularelor juridice controlate. sunt necesare.
Bibliografia consultat pentru efectuarea cercetrii este impresionant din
punct de vedere a geospaiului tiinific - vom remarca autori germani, englezi,
francezi, romni.
Anexele sunt suficient de elaborate i convingtoare i vin n sprijinul postulatelor teoretice aprate i enunate n paginile tezei de doctorat.
Desigur, pentru publicarea ulterioar a tezei n form de monografie
putem formula i unele sugestii, desigur, opionale, de mbuntire a structurrii
coninutului, i anume:
Structurarea capitolelor cercetrii conform a triadei elaborare terminologie, ierarhizare, traducere-predare;
Delimitarea clar a fenomenelor lexicale ce in de semantica i structur
termenilor juridici prin inseria informaiei respective n capitole i subpuncte explicit formulate;
Excluderea fenomenului sinonimiei n metalimbajul descriptiv al terminologiei juridice (ex.: domeniu de aplicare - domeniu referenial; limbaj
specializat - metalimbaj; tezaur - thesaurus .a.
n ncheiere vom meniona premiera studiului analizat - implicarea limbii
germane ca instrument de comunicare juridic n plan contrastiv cu limba romn
- acest fapt i asigur deja succes tezei din punct de vedere sociolingvistic n spaiul
romnesc al republicii Moldova.
Recomandm fr rezerve teza spre susinere public i considerm c autoarea Aliona Dosca merit plenipoteniar s i se atribuie titlul tiinific de doctor
n filologie.




Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

Aceast carte a crescut n ritm constant pe parcursul a mai multor ani de

munc creativ i de druire activitii universitare a doamnei dr. prof. Ana Guu la
ULIM, catedra filologia francez.
Versiuni pilot ale unor pri din carte au aprut n anii 2000-2008 ca materiale didactice, ca articole tiinifice, ca i comunicri la conferine i simpozioane.
ntregul material a luat forma unei prime versiuni complete a Traductologiei. Doamna i-a dat un titlu destul de modest i simplu Introduction la Traductologie (
- Chiinu: ULIM, 2008 335 p).
Doresc s-o zicem din capul locului: cartea are titlul ei nepretenios, laconic,
dar ea nseamn i valoreaz cu mult mai mult, avnd o importan fundamental
att pentru student, ct i pentru specialistul care se intereseaz din plen de practica i teoria traducerii.
Autoarea pe parcursul crii (manualului) a fost contient de avantajul
oferit de noile cercetri de anvergur (Roger T. Bell, J. Derrida, Magda Jeanrenaud, J.R. Ladmiral, Georges Mounin, Paul Ricoeur i ci alii), pe care le-a folosit
plenar, de realizrile procesului de la Bologna, de cerinele absolut inovatorii fa
de pregtirea specialitilor traductori-interprei.
Ca rezultat avem n faa o ampl cercetare a universaliilor traducerii, a
evalurii calitii traducerii, a echivalenei i proliferrii traducerii, traductorul n
triade i dicotomii lingvistice, filosofice i pedagogice.
Una dintre leciile pe care trebuie i poate s le extrag orice specialist n
traductologie din cursul dnei prof. Ana Guu despre tainele, barierele i succesele traducerii rmne lecia (conference) ca valoare att tiinific stricto modo,
ct i practic. D-na profesor a izbutit s de- dramatizeze postulatul teoretic al
intraductibilitii; a evitat echilibristica termiinologic i ne-a prezentat un curs
modern, n care traducerea este i un proces, i un produs. n cursul recenzat vom
ntlni mai multe definiii de alternativ, dar toate se vor axa pe corelaiile dintre
proces i rezultat.
Cursul are o structur concret i concis: el este compus din 3 module:
I-l modul Synthse didactise du cursus, care conine textele prelegerilor
Modulul II Prcis de traductologie, care conine antinomiile traducerii ( de
la transcendena imaginarului la pierderile i lacunele traducerii);
Modulul III Prcis de terminologie un ciclul de micro-cercetri n plan semiotic ale nominaiei terminologice (ierarhizarea terminilor, tipologia raporturilor
structurale, procesele dinamice n terminologie).
n modesta recenzie pe care o semnm nu vom purcede la analiza detailiat
a fiecrui modul n parte, aa cum se face tradiional. Noi vedem aceast carte ca
o fuziune modern a tuturor realizrilor din domeniul traducerii. Pentru autor procesul sau rezultatul transformrii informaiei dintr-o limb (sau varietate a limbii)


n alta este un crez al cntrilor, un scop. Scopul este de a reproduce ct mai exact posibil toate caracteristicele gramaticale, lexicale i stilistice ale originalului din
limba surs prin cutarea de termeni echivaleni n limba int. Acest scop va
fi urmat i la nivelul psihologic, i cel filosofic. n acelai timp, ne ndeamn autorul,
orice informaie coninut n textul original necesit (exige) pstrarea acesteia i n
Cartea de fa a mai aprut datorit unui puternic sentiment de nedumerire,
provocat de felul n care a fost tratat traducerea n sec. al XX-lea, att de teoreticienii
domeniului, ct i de o parte din lingviti, filosofi, psihologi.
D-na Ana Guu este mai nti de toate un lingvist modern. Ea a folosit n
mod sistematic (nu arbitrar) tehnicile i informaiile eseniale oferite de lingvistica
actual. Ea a folosit n modl cel mai fericit totul din teoriile lingvistice actuale, care
au fost i au rmas fidele noiunii de teorie a traducerii ca tiin.
D-na Ana Guu este contient c nu poi depi o evaluare normativ i
subiectiv a textelor fr a face un apel continuu la lingvistic. Natura i funciile
limbajului, metodologia studiului lingvistic i-au fost mereu de bun augur. Fiecare
text al leciei poate constitui un text-model de cercetare n care se evideniaz:
tema, problemele puse n discuie, textul propriu-zis i, bineneles, sursele bibliografice.
S lum, spre exemplu, lecia N10 Mtier du traducteur: didactique et marketing (Meseria de traductor: didactic i marketing), care pune n discuie mai
multe micro-probleme ale subiectului:
1. Traducerea pedagogic i pedagogia traducerii.
2. Versiunea traducerii i tema. Perfecionarea traductorului.
3. Date statistice i obiectivismul lor.
4. Meseria de a fi interpret i specificul ei: viaa asociativ, gestiunea afacerilor, etc.
Numai o singur lecie include n structura sa o mulime de parametri spre
care trebuie s tind traductorul modern, care este un angajat i un angajator.
Angajamentul traductorului contemporan nseamn experiena doliului
dup dorina de perfeciune, pentru a putea apoi asuma n deplin austeritate, fr
nici o exaltare sarcina traductorului. (Magda Jeanrenaud. Traducerea filosofiei,
filosofia traducerii In: Paul Ricoeur. Despre traducere. Buc.: Polirom, 2005 p. 31).
D-na Ana Guu i face pe studeni s reflecteze n profunzime i fr grab
la traducerea formulelor traducerea pedagogic, pedagogia traducerii, sarcina
traductorului, etc. Ar prea, conform uzanelor, c problema traducerii chiasmelor
este simpl. Din textul leciei, din sursele bibliografice recomandate vedem complexitatea i controversa lucrurilor.
Datele statistice din textul leciei au menirera s-l conving pe student ct
este de necesar i valuroas meseria interpertului traducatorului. Azi numai n
Parlamentul European trudesc circa 240 de interprei i peste 360 de traductori.
Dac studentul va munci cu zel i creativitate asupra asimilrii cursului
propus de d-na prof. Ana Guu, apoi avem toat certitudinea c vestita definiie cu
caracter cristomatic Traduire, cest noncer dans une autre langue (ou langue cible)
ce qui a t enonc dans une autre langue source, en conservant les quivalences


smantiques et stylistiques. (J. Dubois et al. Dictionnaire de linguistique. - Paris:

Larousse, 1973 . p. 490) va deveni pentru el parial, incomplet i depit.
La urma urmei, a spune c un text este, potential, fr sfrit i c traducerea
lui nu poate avea un carcater finit, nseamn c orice act de traducere e sortit de
a avea cusururi, uneori mai mari, alteori mai mici, dar venic prezente. D-na Ana
Guu ne pzete de acest deconstructivism, care vine din aria interpretrii textuale
i limitele ei.3 (Umberto Eco. Limitele interpretrii. Bucureti: Polirom, 2007. -391
p.). Pn i deconstructivismul cel mai radical consimte ideea c exist traduceri
acceptabile, fcute bine, ludabile. Aceasta nseamn c textul tradus (cel oral ori
cel scris) impune traductorilor nite restricii pe care studentul, viiitorul specialist,
trebuie s le tie i s le foloseasc (dac e cazul). Limitele traducerii ca i limitele
interpretrii coincid cu drepturile textului (ceea ce nu nseamn c ar coincide
cu drepturile interpretului de a face ce quon veut). n egal msur, dat fiind
faptul c traducerea ca proces implic n mod fundamental (crucial) limbajul, dna Guu consider c este nevoie s facem apel la resursele lingvisticii care se
ocup de aspectele sociale i psihologice ale realizrii limbajului: psiholingvistica i
sociolingvistica. Prima examineaz procesul care are loc n mintea traductorului,
iar a doua plaseaz textul din limba surs i pe cel din limba-int n contextele
lor culturale (literare). (Roger T. Bell. Teoria i practica traducerii Bucureti: Polirom,
2000, p.31).
D-na prof. . Guu este un specialist realist i pragmatic: pentru ea, ct i pentru
student nu exist nimic mai semnificativ dect un text tradus care i afirm armonia
n sens, stilistic i corectitudine de transfer pragmatic. Spre deosebire de partizanii
traducerii orientate spre limba i cultura textului, d-na Ana Guu i ndreapt scopul
spre complexitate; dorina ei ca traductorul s ptrund n toate tainele de ordin
lingvistic, literar, psihologic rmne primordial; traductorul conform platformei
tiinifice este nu rugat, ci obligat s ptrund pe ua strinului.
Manualul este bine documentat, flexibil, folosind fr reticene i inhibiii
toate achiziiile recente din domeniul traductologiei. Grila de lectur constituit
din grija excesiv pentru student permite surprinderea i interpretarea tiinific
a traductologiei, care mai are nevoie de a fi obiectivizat. O meniune special
n acest sens att pentru limba francez, ct i pentru cea romn, ambele clare,
precise n care este expus i redactat lucrarea, fapt care i confer acesteia inut
tiinific autentic i deplin lizibilitate i comprehensiune.
D-na Ana Guu i-a propus i a reuit s desfoare o analiz multiaspectual
a traductologiei (de la cele 3 curente ale traductologiei pn la meandrele tainice
ale fenomenului), lucrarea reuete deopotriv performana de a pune n lumin
i de a argumenta tiinific un fenomen pluridisciplinar n plan de evoluie, care se
cere urmrit i studiat plenar n sec al XX-lea.
Autoarea este cunoscut n teoria i practica traductologiei moderne i azi
n arealul romnesc este citat din abuden la acest capitol. Are un stil tiinific personal: textul scris de ea este clar, logic i coerent. Dnsa utilizeaz cu descernmnt
informaiile din bibliografia consultat, fapt care favorizeaz o abordare complex
a traductologiei. Judecile fcute sunt de valoare i ele sunt convingtoare. Nu
ncape ndoial ca rezultatele acestei trude de pionerat vor putea constitui o surs
cu adevrat tiinifico-pedagogic util pentru studenii de la facultatea Limbi
Strine, dar i pentru publicul mai larg, care investigheaz traductologia modern
ca vitalitate.





(Tez de doctor)

Elena PRUS
Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova
Institutul de Cercetri Filologice i Interculturale

Lucrarea se construiete pe definirea rolului, funciilor i decodarea motivelor biblice n literatura i cultura universal a secolului XX. Matrice a tiparelor
i imagine simbolic a umanitii, Biblia devine n lucrare formul i cheie pentru
esenializarea conceptual i decriptarea arhitecturii operelor literare, scoaterea n
eviden a liniilor pricipale de subiect, analiza personajelor-cheie i a sistemelor
de personaje, perceperea destinelor i caracterelor umane individuale i colective.
Premisa de baz de la care pornete autorul este faptul c Vechiul i Noul Testament
se erijeaz n metatext al culturii. Tabloul realizrii artistice a motivelor, simbolurilor
i imaginilor biblice se conformeaz unei logici interne a Crii crilor. Teza este un
demers hermeneutic complex de cutare a sensurilor sacrale profunde, incluznd
elementele sale fundamentale cum ar fi comprehensiunea, interpretarea, decodarea i exemplificarea. Autorul demonstreaz ct de important este s ajungem n
receptarea textelor la nivelul sacramental de profunzime, care constituie fundalul
mitologico-arhetipal n lucrrile care se preteaz tipului de analiz propus.
Creditate sub raport valoric, constantele biblice se regsesc n marile
literaturi moderne i postmoderne. Analiza mecanismului prin care prozatorii
i poeii au citit i interpretat Vechiul i Noul Testament ca intertext al procesului
cultural-artistic este efectuat prin grila teoretic a investigaiilor fundamentale ale
cercetrilor mitologice, ct i pe cea comparativ-etnografic datorat lui J.Frazer,
L.Levi-Brulle, M.Eliade, M.Buber, A.Losev, M.Bahtin .a.
Demersul analitic a conturat, argumentat i exploatat un ansamblu de
termeni adecvai tematicii: motive, imagini, simboluri, mitologeme, ritualeme,
cronotopi, arhetipuri etc., care formeaz n totalitate un sistem de constante n
textele literare, concept fundamentat n lucrrile distinsului savant i conductor
al cercetrii de fa R. Ia. Kleiman. Doctorandul Igor Alenin, molipsit de demersul
profund al conductorului, a tiut s dezvolte pe un material extrem de extins o
lucrare polivalent pe materialul literaturii germane, ruse, engleze, americane i
Textele care constituie corpusul aplicativ se constituie din etnoculturi a
diferitor continente, in de diverse curente i genuri literare. Gradul i mai ales modul
diferit de asimilare a motivelor biblice n diferite arealuri civilizaionale constituie
un merit incontestabil al lucrrii. Parcursul analizei se desfoar, prin specificul
su, ca o cutare involutiv-retrospectiv aprofundat a motivelor eterne, dar are ca
subiect o deschidere evolutiv-prospectiv spre literatura contemporan.
Lucrarea se construiete pr raportul dintre scriitor, religie, cultur i
ideologie ntr-o epoc complex, n care lumea se ntreab tot mai mult n ce


msur centrul de gravitaie al lumii mai este divinitatea. Jocul gratuitii i al

efemerului se vdete foarte pregnant, cum o demostreaz scriitorii, n literatura
contemporan, mpletindu-se de la caz la caz cu morala, politica, tradiiile sau
provocrile timpului.
Este argumentat impactul mitului puritan asupra crerii mitului despre
America ca pmnt al fgduinei, analog contemporan al israeliilor din Vechiul
Testament i impactul dragostei fa de natur i al filozofiei vitaliste asupra
caracterului naional american. Dezvoltate mai ales sub aspectul caracterului
hermeneutic al operelor lui D. Knut, Shmuel Agnon, Bruno Schulz, a vocaiei i
speranelor mesianice a evreimii, a onomasticii (i nu semantica numelui, cum se
spune n lucrare), toposului i cronotopului biblic preferenial, motivele biblice n
literatura evreiasc fie din diaspor, fie din Israel se integreaz n modul cel mai
direct i organic, fiind parte integrant a contiinei milenare a poporului evreu.
Specific pentru perioada sovietic este contrapunerea mitului biblic i celui
social ca via ideal (impus de literatura oficial), meninerea de ctre marii scriitori
rui din opoziie a cuvntului sacru (L.Andreev, I.Bunin, N.Gumiliov, A.Ahmatova
.a.), demitificarea limbii abreviaturilor comuniste la M.Bulgacov. Intr-o epoc care
era complect ostil principiilor n discuie, marii scriitorii rui, cum ar fi M.Bulgacov,
constat Igor Alenin, au creat o lume mitologic proprie, cu paradisul, infernul
i purgatoriul su (i nu ispititorul, cum se spune n lucrare), n care protagonitii
fugureaz simultan i n rolul lui Cristos, i n rolul apostatului. Acest ultim motiv
se poate compara cu cel al dublei naturi dezvoltat n romanele lui W.Faulkner.
Motivul absenei tatlui la M.Bulgacov se cere comparat cu cel similar n creaia
poeilor evrei contemporani. Sub acest aspect al aprofundrii comparaiei n cazul
folosirii acelorai motive, simboluri, ritualuri, mitologeme, imagini de ctre arealuri,
civilizaii sau autori diferii - lucrarea ar fi putut s ctige mai mult n profunzime.
Lumea biblic atemporal primete de la scriitor la scriitor variate
contururi spaio-temporale, dar mai ales ideatico-poetice. Autorul lucrrii gsete
principale motive biblice, cum ar fi aliana de creaie dintre Dumnezeu i om,
motivul sacrificiului i al ascezei la Th.Mann, motivul s-a rupt a timpurilor legmnt
i cel al haosului lingvistic la Th.Eliot; motivul trdrii specific pentru literatura rus
(D.Merejkovski, M.Voloin, N.Golovanov); motivul absenei tatlui/singurtii fiului
i cel al morii/nvierii la Bulgacov i Bruno Schulz. Cum va constata n concluzii
nsui autorul, motivele biblice ndeplinesc funcii distincte determinate de poziia
specific autoctorial i de sarcina inedit de creaie pe care i-a propus-o.
Sunt comentate n cunotin de subiect simbolul al drumului de la
superstiie pn la etica umanist la T.Mann; simbolurile apei, stncii i pietrii la la
Th.Eliot; simbolul stelei, templului i fcliei n poezia rus (B.Pasternac, I.Brodski).
Dac Iosif la Th.Mann simbolizeaz calea parcurs de ntreaga civilizaie european,
Th.Eliot i OConnor fac referin mai ales la lumea dispersat a Babilonului urban.
Caracterul rtcitor al omului n lumea contemporan se completeaz cu
cel demiurgic al creaiei. Analiza de tip descriptiv se completeaz cu una de tip
metafizic axat pe atitudine de tip interiorizat-reflexiv prin aducerea n discuie
a ritualurilor botezului i cel al morii ntru nviere la OConnor, cel al rugciunii,
pescuitului sau corridei care reia stravechile coduri cretine la Hemingway, alegoria
despre patimile lui Cristos la W.Faulkner.


Problematica biblic se descoper organic i progresiv n poetica auctorial a

scriitorilor ce au dominat harta literar a secolului al XX-lea din diferite perspective.
Sunt relevate, de la caz la caz i absolut ndreptite modalitile narative pe care
diferii autori le priveligeaz (reformularea concluziilor prin prisma funcionalitii
motivelor biblice, caracterul rasist al miturilor, exploatarea mai intens a onomasticii biblice, ancorarea lucrrii ntr-o polemic la zi prin aducere comparaiilor cu
lucrrile de ultim or, cum ar fi Codului lui Da Vinci de D.Braun .a.).
n baza moralei i categoriilor evanghelice fundamentale, lucrarea
contureaz o reflexie de ordin antinomic: credin/indiferen, via/moarte,
virtute/pcat, transcendent/pmntesc, suflet/corp, lumin/ntuneric, ncredere/
trdare, rzboi/pace, deertciune/plenitudine, nelepciune/prostie, singurtate/
colectivitate, esen/aparen, efemer/etern, iudaism ortodox/evreism luminat,
activ/pasiv, etc. Aceste dihotomii, bazndu-se pe un topos general-uman, loc
geometric al forelor de orientri diferite, relev probleme controversate legate de
problema credinei n societile modern i post-modern. Dubletele sus-amintite,
unesc prin permanena lor lumea arhaic cu cea modern, formnd o constant a
spiritualitii ce reunete cvasitotalitatea scriitorilor examinai. Preocuprile artitilor
pentru aceste elemente, care formeaz o paradigm a contrastelor, se traduce n
opere concrete prin direcii, personaje, obiecte care se interptrund, se ntretaie
sau se exlud. Putem conchide c n aceast lume polisemantic a valorilor biblice,
antiteticul, de la crearea umanitii pn azi, la fel ca n lumea arhaic, medieval
sau baroc, continu s fie o constant, de rnd cu tendina de a le nvinge sau
Mi-a menine totui unele sugestii, n afar de cele menionate pe
parcursul analizei, cum ar fi cea ce ine de completarea corpusului de texte analizate
prin reprezentanii tradiiei latine n domeniu (Unamuno, Sartre, Mauriac, Julien
Green sau alii), pentru ca lucrarea s aib cu adevrat un caracter european, cum
se sugereaz n titlul capitolului I.
Deosebit de reuite apar Concluziile formulate la un alt nivel de interpretare
dect cel pe capitole i grupate n compartimente cu caracter hermeneutic, istoricoliterar i teoretico-metodologic, ceea ce permite de a scoate n eviden conceptul,
demersul i valoarea lucrrii. Vom concluziona i noi c, trecnd din epoc n epoc,
motivele biblice i cristalizeaz semnificaia. T.Mann n Iosif i fraii si meniona [IV]:
noi mergem pe o urm i ntreaga via este o completare a formelor mitologice
cu prezent, ceea ce subliniaz amprenta mitologic a romanului contemporan i i
permite autorului s constituie cu succes o poetic a motivelor biblice n literatura




Violeta TIPA
Academia de tiine a Moldovei
Pentru a reprezenta viaa uman
i a demonstra tot ce este n ea cel mai ridicol,
raiunea a inventat teatrul de marionete...
Jonathan Swift
Monografia Teatrul de animaie ntre magie i art (Prinnceps Edit,
Iai, 2006), autor Anca Doina Ciobotaru, aprut n colecia Masca, are n vizorul
cercetrilor sale un subiect pe ct de captivant pe att de neglijat i dat uitrii. Considerat o cenureas a genului Teatrul de animaie sau n formul tradiional
consacrat de Teatrul de ppui rmne de cel mai multe ori n umbr, eclipsat
de problemele teatrului cu actori, fiind mereu detestat i de faptul c ar fi o art
minor i nepterenioas destinat spectatorului-copil.
Autoarea prezint teatrul de animaie ca pe o lume fantastic i miraculoas
anume prin semnificaiile ppuii-marionete. Ppuile aceste figuri pe ct de
caraghioase pe att i de simpatice, confecionate din diverse materiale animate
devin o putere inexplicabil, capabil s cucereasc atenia oricrui public. Ppua
prin sine rmne mereu un izvor inepuizabil de semnificaii i simboluri, n care
sunt codificate sensurile vieii i a relaiilor umane din diverse epoci i spaii. n
opinia autoarei spectacolul devine astfel un joc de codificare atunci cnd este creat,
i de decodificare, atunci cnd este recepionat (p. 40). Posibil anume n aceasta i
rezid acea tain - taina ppuii care i-a captivat pe muli artiti, maetri ai teatrului
i literaturii, ncepnd din antichitate pn n prezent. nc la Plutarh gsim mrturii
c marionetele se bucurau de popularitate deja n teatrul antic grecesc. Filosoful
francez Jean-Jacques Rousseau recunotea c singur meterea marionete i scria
pentru ele comedii. Notoriul scriitor german E.T.A. Hoffmann meniona c acord
prioritate marionetei actorului viu pentru c ea nu minte. La fel inem s aducem
aci i caracteristica ppuii dat de Jiri Trnka, cel mai de vaz ppuar ceh, care i-a
consacrat viaa ppuii, att n teatrul de animaie ct i n, filmul de animaie cu
ppui. Regizorul ceh consemna c ppua nu nlocuiete i nu poate s nlocuiasc
actorul, altfel existena ei n-ar avea sens. Ea apare acolo unde jocul ei este mai semnificativ dect cel al actorului viu i exprim ceea ce omul nu-i n stare. Esena
ppuii de teatru const n impersonalitatea sa, fora cu care reprezint nu persoane,
ci tipologii. Ea nu imit omul, ci simbolizeaz anumite trsturi psiho-socio-culturale
eseniale ale acestuia... (p. 63). Amprentele teatrului de animaie le gsim i n estetica vestitelor teatre Kabuki i No din Japonia, n opera clasic chinez etc.
nfiripat la intersecia dintre lumea magicului cu cea a diverselor arte: de
la cea teatral la arta interpretrii, a muzicii, coregrafiei i scenografiei teatrul de
animaie devine o unitate stilistic complex. Or, apariia artei teatrului animat nu
este accidental, ci coboar la formula sacr cea a relaiei omului cu Divinitatea i a
mpletirii elementelor sacre cu cele profane i pn a ajunge s se nscrie ca o art,
ppuii i revenea sarcina de ntregire a riturilor mitice.


E simbolic nsui titlul lucrrii n care Anca Doina Ciobotaru nsereaz teatrul
de animaie ntre magie i art. Aceast liber pendulare la care insist cercettoarea
se ncarneaz n teorii i analize, demonstrnd indubitabil aderarea teatrului de
animaie att la universul magic ct i la cel al artei, chiar i mai mult. Marcnd
aceste dimensiuni extreme, autoarea le va raporta spaiului teatrului de animaie
n care substratul magic transpare n jocul ritualic i simbolic al ppuilor. De astfel,
i locul teatrului de ppui n arta i cultura tradiional penduleaz spre sorgintele
magice ale ritualurilor care aveau o anume legtur cu spaiul ancestral, devenind
mai mult sau mai puin o comunicare cu zeii. Anume ppua n multe ritualuri mitofolclorice era trimisul, solul transcedental, menit s comunice cu forele supreme.
Exemple elocvente ne vor servi ritualurile, ajunse pn la noi cum ar fi Caloianul sau
alaiul de mti al dramei populare Malanca etc. De astfel n majoritatea situaiilor
avem prezent ppua sau masca (masca, e la fel o ppu interiorizat lipsit de
corp, care constituie dovada cea mai puternic a nevoii omului de metafor) i costumul. Or, calea de la masc la teatrul de ppui s-ar putea s fie mai puin ezoteric
dect ne-o nchipuim. Autoarea ncearc s demonstreze c Relaia masc-ppu
depete sfera aspectelor tehnice, subtilitatea ei deriv din substratul mitico-religuios
al contextului specific reprezentaiilor medievale cu ppui, structurate la noi mai
trziu dect n restul Europei, n teatrul religios.(p. 38)
Teatrul de animaie deine posibilitile variate de afirmare i de redare a
unei lumi pline de metafore i simboluri artistice. Teatrul, care fascineaz cel mai
mult spectatorul, cu timpul a fost transformat ntr-o art adresat, prin exelen,
copiilor i neglijat din toate punctele de vedere, i chiar de criticii teatrali. De aceia
apariia lucrrii dedicate acestui gen devine un adevrat eveniment n viaa teatral
din ntreg spaiul romnesc.
Lucrarea de fa prezint o importan dubl din considerentul, c subiectul
este abordat de un specialist cu tangene directe la arta teatrului de animaie i
vine din interiorul domeniului dat.
Autoarea parcurge istoria artei genului respectiv, privindu-l prin diverse
perspective i prisme pe care le pune n eviden, ncepnd cu evoluia tehnicilor
de realizare, a tematicii, a relaiei dintre actorul-ppuar, ppu i spectator. Toate
acestea, considerndu-le distinctive att pentru arta teatrului de animaie, ct i
pentru ncadrarea lui ntr-un context cu mult mai larg cel socio-cultural. Concomitent sunt naintate i argumente n susinerea relaiei cultur teatru - semn ca pe
una necesar obinerii sensului (p. 47).
Teatrul de animaie e o rentoarcere n arealul spiritualitii naionale, dar i
o verig de legtur cu alte lumi astrale pentru multe generaii. i azi, noi tot mai
mult tindem spre acea lume de basm, spre sorgintele mitologice, spre universuri
poetico-artistice, spre a ne rupe din rutina nu numai a problemelor cotidiene, dar
i din subcultura intens promovat de mass-media contemporane. Omul modern
descoper n mti ritualice, n ppuile animate un univers pur, neprihnit de impedimentele culturii actuale.
Ppua, un simbol, o personificare prin care nu numai c se exprim un mesaj dar se i produce o apropiere vizual de orizonturi sacre, de acele rituri i ritualuri prin care se identific poporul nostru, nelepciunea lui milenar.
Un deosebit interes prezint i investigaiile referitoare la elementele de
limbaj specifice artei animaiei. Cci din start rolul ppuii, alturi de cel magicosimbolic n diverse ritualuri mitico-folclorice, i nu numai, mai avea rolul unui


mesager, care i pstra pe deplin dreptul de a propaga idei, opinii interzise, chiar
i mesaje social-politice.
Demersul tiinific al monografiei este structurat att pe verticala teoriilor
structurale, semiotice, inclusiv, cea a jocului, ct i pe orizontala temporal, analiznd evoluia artei teatrului de animaie de la o epoc la alta, inclusiv diverse
spaii culturale, care utilizeaz nu numai ppui net diferite, dar i tehnici de mnuire a lor.
Autoarea, apelnd la lucrrile teoretice ale lui Roland Barthes, Umberto Eco,
Gilbert Durand, James Frazer, Thomas A. Sebeok i alii a ncercat apropierea de jocul
teatrului de animaie din trei perspective: antropologic, istoric i semiotic.
n contextul respectiv se impune compartimentul Galeria eroilor populari
europeni din care fac parte i Pulcinella (Italia), Polichinelle i Guignol (Frana),
Kasparek (Cehia), Petruka (Rusia), Vasilache (Romnia) i alii, eroi tradiionali
consacrai n secolul al XVIII-lea, crora autoarea le analizeaz geneza i chiar propune genealogia eroilor populari n teatrul de ppui. Nu mai puin curioas este i
Galeria eroilor populari autohtoni.
Impresioneaz varietatea exemplelor aduse la subiect din diverse spaii i
epoci pentru exemplificarea att a formelor de teatru de animaie ct i a formulelor tehnice utilizate din antichitate pn n prezent.
Anca Doina Ciobotaru nu las fr atenie nici tendinele teatrului de animaie
romn. Iar spectacolele din ultimele decenii sunt supuse unor analize prin prisma
axei valorice la care trebuie raportat spectacolul teatrului de animaie i nainteaz
criteriile actuale de apreciere a operei. Cci i teatrul de ppui ca i alte genuri
de art se afl ntr-un dialog intercultural, tinznd spre o modernizare nu numai a
mijloacelor tehnice, dar i al limbajului teatral, care se adreseaz din ce n ce mai
des att la mijloacele audiovizuale pentru lrgirea cadrului, a posibilitilor artistice, ct i la elementele lui de limbaj pentru mbogirea spectacolului teatral.
Teatrul de ppui rmne a fi un component importantnu numai n cultura
naional, ci i n cea universal. Prin el s-au transmis mesaje spre lumea astral, a
zeilor, spre diviniti, i invers, ideile progresiste, revoluionare, erau lsate de seama ppuii, care-i putea permite mai mult dect actorii vii. Astzi, dup o perioad
ndelungat de aflare n anonimat, el, teatrul de animaie, revine mai ferm pe podiumul artei teatrale pentru a se re-afirma n postura sa de egal a genului, prin
operele sale poetice i cu un adnc mesaj social-filosofic i pentru spectatorul matur pentru care teatrul de ppui nu e numai o re-descoperire a unui univers specific, cel al paradisului pierdut, dar i a unui miraculos univers, tainelor ascunse
n adncul sufletului. Or, asemenea tendine ale teatrului de animaie le-am putut
urmri cu o deosebit satisfacie i la noi, n cadrul festivalurilor internaionale organizate de Teatrul de ppui Licurici (a. 2005), unde au fost prezentate i spectacole destinate maturilor ca Faust al teatrului ndric din Bucureti, sau Figaro al
Teatrului Ognivo din Moscova etc.
E surprinztor faptul, cum autoarea iscusit dirijeaz materialul spre albiile
dialogului intercultural i al abordrilor semiotice i culturologice, dar i spre procesul practic, pentru care, n primul rnd, scrie aceast carte. Scris ntr-un limbaj
accesibil, elevat, ngrijit, studiul Teatrul de animaie ntre magie i art ce conine
multe teze i idei de pionierat va deveni un suport teoretico-practic impuntor
pentru viitorii ppuari precum i un material interesant pentru toi cei ndrgostii
de miracolul teatrului de animaie.

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