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Zonele casei n Englez

Cu ajutorul cuvintelor din tabelul urmtor vei putea s descriei apartamentul / casa n care
locuii, de asemenea, vei putea s deosebii ntr-o conversaie, cuvintele care fac referire la
subiectele legate de: numrul de camere, zonele casei etc...

Romn Englez Pronunie

acoperiul the roof d ruf
baia the bathroom d batrum
balconul the balcony d balconi
buctria the kitchen d chicin
camera the room d rum
dormitorul the bedroom d bedrum
grdina the garden d gardn
garajul the garage d ghea-raj
gazonul the grass d gras
holul the hallway d hol--uei
parter ground floor graund flor
peretele the wall d ual
podeaua the floor d flor
primul etaj first floor frst flor
scrile the stairs d sters
subsol the basement d beisment
sufrageria the living room d living rum
tavanul the ceiling d siling
toaleta the toilet d toilet

Mobilier i decoraiuni n Englez

tii cum se spune "scaun" n limba Englez? Tabelul de mai jos te va ajuta s nvei denumirile
mobilierului i decoraiunilor ntlnite n majoritatea locuinelor.

Romn Englez Pronunie

biblioteca the bookcase d buk-cheis
biroul writing desk / writing table ruaiting desc / ruaiting teibl
cada the bathtub d bat-tab
canapeaua the couch / the sofa d kauci / d sofa
chiuveta the sink d sinc
chiuveta din baie the bathroom sink d batrum sinc
chiuveta din buctrie the kitchen sink d chicin sinc
co de gunoi trash can trea chean
covorul the carpet / the rug d carpet / d r-ag
dulapul the closet d cla-zet
duul the shower d aua
fereastra the window d uind-ou
fotoliul the armchair d arm-cer
mnerul de la ua the door handle d dor heandl
masa the table d teibl
mobila the furniture d frni-cir
oglinda the mirror d mirr
patul the bed d bed
ptura the blanket d blanchet
perdeaua the curtain d crtin
perna the pillow d pilou
poza the photo / the picture d foto / d pic-cir
prosopul the towel d taul
robinetul the faucet d foset
scaunul the seat / the chair d sit / d cer
sertarul the drawer d dror
ua the door d dor
vesela the dishes d diez
vaza the vase d vaz

Aparate electrice n Englez

tii cum se spune "frigider" n limba Englez? Tabelul de mai jos te va ajuta s nvei denumirile
celor mai utilizate aparate electrice de uz casnic.

Romn Englez Pronunie

aerul condiionat the air conditioning d er condining
aparatele the appliances d plainsiz
aspiratorul the vacuum cleaner d veacum clinr
ceasul the watch / the clock d uaci / d clac
ceasul detepttor the alarm clock d larm clac
congelatorul the freezer d frizr
cratia the pan d pean
cuptorul the oven d avn
cuptorul cu microunde the microwave d maicro-ueiv
deschiztorul de conserve the can opener d chean opnr
fierul de clcat the iron d aion
fierul de clcat cu aburi the steam iron d stim aion
frigiderul the fridge / the refrigerator d frigi / d refrigereitor
lampa the lamp d leamp
maina de splat rufe the washing machine d uaing main
maina de splat vase the dishwasher d di-uar
mixerul the mixer d mixr
radioul the radio d redio
telecomanda the remote control d rimot control
telefonul the phone d fon
televizorul the TV d ti-vi
usctorul de pr the hair dryer d her drair

armchair scaun

bed pat

bedside table noptier

bookcase bibliotec

bookshelf raft de cri

chair scaun

chest of drawers dulap

clock ceas

coat stand cuier

coffee table mas de cafea

cupboard dulpior

desk birou

double bed pat dublu

dressing table mas de toalet

drinks cabinet bar

filing cabinet dulap de acte

mirror oglind

piano pian

sideboard dulap

single bed pat

sofa canapea

sofa-bed canapea
stool scaun

table mas

wardrobe dulap

Aparatur de uz casnic
alarm clock ceas detepttor

bathroom scales cntar

Blu-ray player blu-ray

CD player CD player

DVD player DVD player

electric fire sob electric

games console consol de jocuri

gas fire gaz

hoover sau vacuum cleaner aspirator

iron fier de clcat

lamp lamp

radiator radiator

radio radio

record player combin muzical

spin dryer main de uscat haine

stereo combin

telephone telefon

TV (abreviere pentru television) TV (televizor)

washing machine main de splat

Mobilierul din cas

blanket ptur

blinds jaluzele

carpet mochet

curtains perdele

cushion ptur

duvet pilot
mattress saltea

pillow pern

pillowcase fa de pern

rug covor

sheet cearceaf

tablecloth fa de mas

towel prosop

wallpaper tapet

Alte cuvinte folositoare

bath baie

bin co de gunoi

broom mtur

bucket gleat

coat hanger umera

cold tap robinet de ap rece

door handle mner de u

door knob clan

doormat covora de u

dustbin co de gunoi

dustpan and brush mtur i fra

flannel crp de vase

fuse box tablou de sigurane

hot tap robinet de ap cald

houseplant plant de cas

ironing board mas de clcat

lampshade lamp

light switch ntreruptor

mop mop

ornament decoraiune
painting pictur

picture poz

plug dop

plug dop

plug socket sau power socket priz sau mufa soclu

plughole ntreruptor

poster poster

sponge burete

tap robinet

torch fclie

vase vaz

waste paper basket co pentru hrtii

Bunuri de uz casnic
Iat o list a diferitelor produse i consumabile mici gsite in majoritatea caselor.

battery baterie

candle lumnare

cotton bumbac

envelopes plicuri

firelighters chibrite

fuse fitil

glue lipici

light bulb bec

lighter brichet

matches chibrite

needle ac

safety pin ac de siguran

scissors foarfec

sellotape band adeziv

stamps timbre

pen stilou

pencil creion

tissues erveele

toilet paper sau toilet roll hrtie igienic

toothpaste past de dini

tube of toothpaste tub de past de dini

writing paper hrtie de scris

Produse de curenie
bin bag sau bin liner sac de gunoi

bleach nlbitor

detergent detergent

disinfectant dezinfectant

dustbin bag sac de gunoi

duster crp de ters praful

fabric softener balsam de rufe

floorcloth mochet

furniture polish crem pentru mobil

hoover bag sacul aspiratorului

shoe polish crem de pantofi

soap spun

washing powder detergent

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