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Republicii I\4oldova
Frac[iunea Blocului comuniqtilor qi socialigtilor

E.S. dlui Kent D. LOGSDON.

Ambasadorul Statelor [Jnite ale Americii in Republica Moldova

E.S. dlui Jinis MAZEIKS.

$eful Delega{iei Uniunii Europene in Republica Moldova

E.S. dlui Oleg VASNIITOV,

Ambasadorul Federa{iei Ruse in Republica Moldova

E.S. dlui. Hatit

Giirol SOxtuExliUER,
Ambasadorul Republicii Turcia in Republica Moldova

E.S. dlui (]raham I,AIJL,

Ambasadorul Republicii Franceze in Republica Moldova

E.S. dnei Katarina FIRIED,

Ambasadorul Regatului Suediei in Republica Moldova

E.S. dnei Stella AVALL,ONE,

Ambasadorul Republicii Austria in Republica Moldova


in lumina ultimelor evenimente tragice din regiune, ne exprim[m

ingrijorarea fa[d de incercdrile vddite de a atrage Republica Moldova irrtr-un
conflict militar de amploare.

Observdm zilnic numeroasele incercdri de a priva Republica Moldova, in

mod public ai neformal, de statutul de neutralitate permanent5, consfin{it in
Constitu[ia t[rii, de a ne limita capacitatea de a menline o pozilie echidisterntd si
suverand in favoarea pdcii Ei a unei politici pragmatice gi constructive in
interesele cetS{enilor nogtri.

in calitate
de cea mai numeroasd gi puternicd forld politicd de opoziqie din
Republica Moldova, Vd informdm cd suntem profund ingrijorafi de declara[iile
E.S. dl ltuslan Stefanciuk, Pregedintele Radei Supreme a Ucrainei, in urma unei

Republica Moldova, MD-zoo4, Chiqindu info@parlarnent.nrd

Bd. $tefan cel Mare gi Sfint los www,
intrevederi de lucru cu E.S. dl Igor Grosu, PreEedintele Parlamentului l{epublicii
Moldova, precum c[ partea moldavd Ei partea ucrainean[ au discutat despre
eventuald furnizare de arme Ucrainei gi o cooperare cu militarii nogtri in zona
conflict armat.

Mai mull de atAt, suntem profund uimili cI aces[e declarafii nu au fost

infirmate sau, cel pu$n, comentate de nimeni din oficialii Republicii Moldova. in
acest sens, nu putem interpreta aceste declaralii altfel decAt ca un refuz
treptat al
actualei guverniri de la statutul de neutralitate permanentd al Republicii
Moldova gi o incdlcare directd a Art.rr din Constitulia Republicii Moldova.

Pozifia expusd in prezentul mesaj reprezintd atitudin ea a Bo%o din cetd{enii

Republicii Moldova care suslin ferm politica de neutralirate permanentd a
De aceea, vom apdra respectarea normelor Legii fundamentale a in interesul
viitorului Republicii Moldova.

In contextul riscurilor enunlate, facem apel cdtre Domniile voastre SA

exprimati public pozifia ldrilor pe care le reprezenta{i - parteneri strategici ai
Republicii Moldova, cu privire la evenimentele descrise mai sus.

Asthzi este momentul sd reafirmim in mod direct gi fdrd echivoc respectul

necondilionat pentru statutul de neutralitate permanentd al Republicii Moldova
gi sd descurajdm actuala guvernare de la intreprinderea unor pagi aventurogi
necugetafi, care ar conduce la o incdlcare severl a legii supreme.

Cu respect,

Preqedinta Frac{iunii parlamentare
a Blocului Comuniqtilor qi Socialiqtilor

(t Ex-Preqedintele Republicii Moldova
CourtesA translation


Ambassador of the united states to the Republic of Moldova

H.E,. Janis MAZEIKS,

Head of EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova


Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Moldova

H.E. Halil Giirol SofnanxSUER,

Ambassador of Turkey to the Republic of Moldova

H.E. Graham PAUL,

Ambassador of the French Republic to the Republic of Moldova

H.E. Katarina FRIED,

Ambassador of the Kingdom of sweden to the Republic of Moldova


Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the Republic of Moldova

Your Excellencies!
In the light of the tragic events in the region, we express our concern about the
obvious attempts to involve the Republic of Moldova in a large-scale military conflict.

W9 daily notice numerous attempts to deprive the Republic of Moldova, publicly

and behind the scenes, of the status of permanent neutrality stipulated in our
Constitution, as well as to limit our ability tb maintain an equidistant and sovereign
position in favor of peace and of a pragmatic and constructive policy in the interests of
our citizens.

As the largest and strongest opposition political force in the Republic of Moldova,
we inform you that we are deeply concerned about the statements of I{.E. Mr. Ruslan
Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, following a working meeting
with H.E. Mr. Igor Grosu, Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, where
Ukrainian side and the Moldovan side discussed a possible delivery of weapons to
Ukraine and a cooperation with our militaries in the conflict zone.

Moreover, we are deeply perplexed that these statements were not refuted or, at
least, commented by any of the officials of the Republic of Moldova. In this regard, we
only can interpret these statements as a gradual refusal of the Moldovan leadership from
the status of permanent neutrality of the Republic of Moldova and as a direct violation
of Article rr of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.
The position expressed in this message represents the attitude of Bo% of
citizens of the Repubiic of Moldova who r.-t.o.rgiy support ln.-.ou.rtry's permanent
neutrality. Therefore, we will advocate the observin.. of our Constitution for
the sake of
the future of Moldova.

In the context of the mentioned risks, we call you to publicly express the position
the countries you represent, i.e. stra[egic partn... of th. ri.pubii. of uoldo,
these events.

Now it's time to reaffirm directly and_unequivocally the unconditional respect

the permanent neutrality status of the Republic of uoldorra and to discourage
the current
leadership from taking hazardous and tiroughtless steps, which could lead
to a severe
violation of the Supreme I-aw.


President of the Parliamentary Faction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists
Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

Vladimir VORONIN,
Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Former President of the ltepublic of Moldova

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