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Cum puteti realiza stampile

cu ajutorul calculatorului

Realizarea stampilelor nu este atat de complicata sau de scumpa precum pare. O instalatie simpla pentru
stampile poate fi realizata cu mai putin de 100 de dolari.

In ziua de azi, stampilele sunt realizate foarte usor cu ajutorul calculatorului si a unor programe specializate (ex. CorelDraw!) si apoi sunt listate pe film transparent sau chiar pe calc obisnuit la imprimanta laser.

Procesul de realizare a unei stampile incepe deci cu crearea desenului pentru amprenta, pe calculator. Se va avea
grija ca desenul sa fie "in negativ", adica ceea ce urmeaza sa devina amprenta stampilei sa fie transparenta pe

film. Pasul 2 este listarea acestui desen pe film transparent pentru imprimanta laser.

Polimerul pentru stampile este lichid, avand consistenta mierii de albine. Cand este expus la lumina ultravioleta
el isi schimba consistenta, devenind solid. 

Tonerul de pe filmul scos la imprimanta laser (negativul) se comporta ca o masca, blocand accesul luminii

ultraviolete, in timp ce suprafetele transparente lasa lumina sa treaca si sa intareasca fotopolimerul.

Suprafetele neexpuse ale fotopolimerului raman lichide. Fotopolimerul este solubil in apa, deci suprafetele
neexpuse pot fi indepartate prin spalarea cu apa.

Negativul se aseaza pe o bucata de sticla. In jurul imaginilor se aseaza banda adeziva din burete, pentru a retine
fotopolimerul care se toarna direct peste negativ.
Deasupra se aseaza o folie din plastic, dupa care a doua bucata de sticla. Intre cele 2 piese din sticla se pun
distantiere si se preseaza, pentru a fi siguri ca amprenta stampilelor va avea grosimea uniforma.

Acest "sandwich" urmeaza sa fie expus la lumina ultravioleta de 2 ori. Prima data se expune spatele. Cu

aceasta ocazie se va forma un strat subtire de polimer intarit pe toata suprafata expusa (baza stampilei). A doua
expunere se va face pe partea cu negativul. Suprafetele negre ale negativului vor retine lumina, prevenind
intarirea fotopolimerului in aceste zone.

Dupa expunere, se  indeparteaza negativul.

Fotopolimerul neexpus se indeparteaza prin spalarea cu apa si detergent. Dupa spalare, amprenta se mai expune o data, dupa care se usuca, se taie in forma finala si se lipeste pe suport.

How to Make
Rubber Stamps
With Your Computer

Stamp making
doesn't have to
be complicated
or expensive. A
stamp making
device can be
put together for
less than
Now text and artwork created with your computer and printed on
Transparency Film for Laser Printers has really simplified how stamps
are made.

Granthams VHS video "How to Make Rubber Stamps" takes the

mystery out of the process.  The one-hour video shows how we make
stamps in our shop. After 40 years in the industry, you learn a few
Create your design for the stamp die so the image you
want to stamp is white on a black background. Make your
print on Transparency Film for Laser Printers instead of
paper to make the negative.

The stamp resin is liquid, about as fluid as honey. When

exposed to ultraviolet light, it changes to a rubber-like

The toner on the transparency (negative) film acts like a

mask, to hold back the ultraviolet light, while the clear
areas let the light  through, hardening the resin.

The unexposed areas of the resin remain liquid. Stamp

resin is water soluble, so unexposed resin can be washed
away with tap water.

The negative is placed on a piece of glass. Foam weather

stripping is placed around the image to contain the stamp
resin. Stamp resin is poured directly on the negative.

A base sheet is
placed on the
stamp resin
puddle. A
second glass
goes on top.
Both glass
pieces have
magnetic strips
on their edges
to hold them
together and
also act as
bearers to
make sure
stamp dies are
a uniform

Two exposures are made with ultraviolet light. The first

through the back side to make base for the detail. The
second thru the negative side.

Black areas of the negative hold back the light, preventing

the stamp resin from being hardened by the ultraviolet
light. Ultraviolet light is also known as black light.
The negative is "peeled" away from the partially finished
die, revealing the detail and uncured resin.

Uncured resin is washed away in tap water. After washout, the die is given a final exposure in tap water, blotted dry
and mounted to make the finished stamp.

Dies made from liquid photopolymer are quickest and least expensive for one of a kind dies. Hard sheet
photopolymer is used as a master when the same design will be mass produced.

In locul fotopolimerului lichid se mai pot folosi placi de fotopolimer solid. Diferenta consta in faptul ca spalarea suprafetelor neexpuse se face de cele mai multe ori cu solventi organici.

Va stam la dispozitie cu orice fel de informatii despre stampile. Nu ezitati sa ne contactati.

(textul si imaginile din acest tutorial sunt preluate si adaptate, cu acordul autorului, de pe
Vulcanized dies are made with hard sheet photopolymer, pressed under heat and pressure into a matrix.
This matrix is the mold for gum rubber and vulcanized to make the rubber stamp die.

The gold
plate is
the hard
mer. The
piece is
The red
piece is
the cured

how this
A stamp die mounted on a block of wood is shown with a
homemade alignment base for a very low cost and simple
way to produce your own wooden nickel and dollar tokens.

Another demonstration is imprinting paper bags with a

letterpress printing plate made with liquid photopolymer.

These are the projects featured on the video and the steps
to complete them. Shown are a self-inking stamp,
vulcanized rubber stamp, wooden token imprinter and
letterpress printing plate. The materials to make a light
source can be found at building centers, hardware and
craft stores. The video lists materials and where to get
them, how to assemble the light and timer plus a list of
suppliers for the stamp trade.

A simple exposure unit can be made for less than hundred dollars with a 2 bulb strip light, black light bulbs and glass
plates with magnetic strips. The easiest way to make a negative is directly with a laser printer. Ink-jets do not have
enough density, however, a transparency made in a copier of an ink-jet print is an option. The supplies needed for
stamp die besides the stamp resin, base sheets and dam, are transparency film, nail brush (to scrub out the liquid
uncured resin) and liquid soap. There are no hazardous materials. The resin is water soluble and all materials can be
handled in room light. The photopolymer is sensitive to ultraviolet light so it needs to be kept from sunlight.
How to Make Rubber Stamps DVD
Postpaid Priority Mail   . . . . . . . . . . .  $39.00                     

The DVD video shows how to assemble the exposure unit

and glass and details the procedures for making the
negative on your computer, exposing the stamp resin,
washout and post exposure, vulcanizing, mounting and

Also on the DVD is a list of materials and where to get them

plus a list of suppliers for the stamp trade. Postpaid.

VHS video is also available. Just ask  and we'll send a video
instead of DVD.

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