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Academia de tiine a Moldovei

Biblioteca tiinific Central Andrei Lupan

Biblioteca tiinific Central Andrei Lupan

Academia de tiine a Moldovei

Fasc. 11
Alctuitor: Lidia Zasavichi

Chiinu, 2011

Problemele generale ale ecologiei..............................................6

Poluarea i protecia mediului ambiant ................. 23

Ecologia microorganismelor .......................................52

Ecologia plantelor ...........................57

Ecologia animalelor ..........................................................................73

Ecologia, stresul i adaptarea omului............................................86

Consecvena i operativitatea informaiei, reflectarea noilor direcii ale cercetrilor tiinifice fac din bibliografia tematic curent o form preferabil de informare. Practic toate instituiile tiinifice ale Academiei de tiine efectueaz cercetri n diverse aspecte ale ecologiei. n anul 1987 n BC a AM a fost ntocmit primul numr al buletinului tematic informativ Ecologia, stresul, adaptarea. Pe parcursul urmtorilor 20 de ani acumularea informaiei a continuat, lundu-se n consideraie noile aspecte ale cercetrilor n domeniu. n procesul selectrii documentelor se ine cont de urmtoarele criterii: noutatea, actualitatea, importana tiinific. Prioritate se acord materialelor care se refer la problemele ecologice ale Moldovei; lucrrile teoretice, metodologice i de sintez despre biocenoze, agroecosisteme, agrolandafturi, conservarea biodiversitii, crearea reelei ecologice, contiina ecologic ca form a contiinei sociale etc. Compartimentul Poluarea i protecia mediului ambiant include publicaii referitoare la problemele polurii cu substanele toxice ale solurilor, apelor naturale i reziduale, atmosferei; modificarea agrolandaftelor i influena acestora asupra condiiilor de via i activitate uman; cercetarea proceselor chimice i fizico-chimice n protecia mediului nconjurtor. n compartimentul Ecologia plantelor accentul se pune pe stres, pe rezistena plantelor la cldur i la frig, protecia plantelor, conservarea resurselor genetice ale plantelor de cultur. n compartimentul Ecologia microorganismelor, n special, se acumuleaz materiale despre microorganismele, care influeneaz asupra fertilitii solului i care purific solul de polurile antropogene, despre interlegtura microorganismelor cu plante. Compartimentul Ecologia animalelor include documentele despre biodiversitatea i

ocrotirea faunei, problemele ecologice ale hidrobiologiei, entomologiei, ornitologiei, teriologiei, parazitologiei etc. Temele Ecologia omului i Stresul i adaptarea omului sunt unite ntr-un singur compartiment care include publicaii despre dereglrile biologice ale organismului uman sub influena polurii mediului ambiant, funcionarea i adaptarea sistemelor fiziologice n condiiile de stres, elaborarea bazelor tiinifice ale direciei noi n biomedicin sanocreatologia. n scopul extinderii listei literaturii de peste hotare, alctuitor realizeaz cutarea n bazele de date ale revistelor tiinifice electronice i n descrierea bibliografic indic adresa electronic a sursei.

Information consistency and efficiency, reflection of new directions of scientific research make the current thematic bibliography a preferable form of report. Actually, all the scientific institutions of the Academy of Science research different aspects of ecology. In 1987, in the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Science of Moldova was worked out the first issue of the thematic informative bulletin Ecology, stress, adaptation. During the following 20 years, information accumulation has continued, considering the new aspects of the domain research. The following criteria are considered in the process of selecting the documents: innovation, up-to-dateness, scientific importance. The priority is given to materials regarding ecological problems of Moldova; theoretical, methodological and synthesis works about boicenosis, agroecosystem, agrolandscape, conservation of biodiversity, creation of ecological network, ecological consciousness as a form of social consciousness etc. The compartment The environmental pollution and protection includes publications regarding pollution with toxic substances of soils, natural and residual water, atmosphere; modification of agrolandscapes and their influence on human life and activity conditions; research of chemical and physicochemical processes in the environmental protection. In the compartment The ecology of plants the accent is put on: stress, plants resistance to heat and cold, protection of plants, genetical resources conservation of crops. In the compartment The ecology of microorganisms, there are acumulated materials about the microorganisms, which influence the soil fertility and which purify the soil from anthropogenic pollution, about interrelation of microorganisms with plants. The compartment The ecology of animals includes documents about fauna biodiversity and protection, ecological problems of: hydrobiology, entomology, ornithology, theriology, parasitology etc. The themes Human ecology and Stress and adaptation of people are united in a single compartment that includes publications about biological defects of the human organism influenced by environmental pollution, functioning and adaptation of physiological systems in stress conditions, elaboration of scientific basis of a new direction in biomedicine sanocreatology. For extending the list of foreign literature, compiler search in the data bases of the electronic scientific reviews and indicate the electronic address of the source in the bibliographical description.

Problemele generale ale ecologiei

Argumentele ecologice a descoperirilor acad. L. Berg / V. Plngu, P. Urman, A. Organ [et al.] // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 246-248. Bibliogr.: 12 tit.

Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap / Gheorghe Duca, Ion Guceac, Maria Sandu [et al.] ; coord. i red. t. : Ion Guceac ; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei, Univ. de Stat din Moldova. Ch. : CEP USM, 2010. 368 p. ISBN 978-9975-71-054-1.

Aevschi, V. European Community environmental law and environmental rights / V. Aevschi, N. Spataru // Noosfera : rev. t. de educaie, spiritualitate i cultur ecologic. 2010. Nr 4. P. 107-111.

Aevschi, Valentin. Securitatea ecologic : manual / Valentin Aevschi ; ref. t. : Grigore Stasiev, Valentin Sofroni, Ion Melian ; red. t. : Aurelia Crivoi ; Univ. de Studii Politice i Economice Europene. Ch. : S. n., 2011. 208 p. Bibliogr.: p. 193 (48 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-4180-1-0.

Bio economic modeling for a sustainable management of biodiversity in agricultural lands / L. Mouysset, L. Doyen, F. Jiguet [et al.] // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 4. P. 617-626. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Boyd, D. S. An overview of recent remote sensing and GIS based research in ecological informatics / D. S. Boyd, G. M. Foody // Ecological Informatics. 2011. Vol. 6, Nr 1. P. 25-36. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.351 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Buzdugan, A. Repercusiunea Conveniei Aarhus asupra reglementrii activitilor nucleare i radiologice n Republica Moldova / A. Buzdugan // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 1 (55). P. 45-47.

Castro e Silva, Manuela. A bibliometric account of the evolution of EE [Ecological Economics] in the last two decades: Is ecological economics (becoming) a post-normal science? / Manuela Castro e Silva, Aurora A. C. Teixeira // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 5. P. 849-862. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Cawthorn, Michelle. Improving learning outcomes in large environmental science classrooms through short-term service-learning projects / Michelle Cawthorn, Lissa Leege, Elizabeth Congdon // Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 2011. Vol. 1, Nr 1. P. 75-87.

Ceban, Cristina. Implementarea normelor privind dreptul internaional al mediului n dreptul naional / Cristina Ceban // Implementarea normelor dreptului internaional n legislaia naional a Republicii Moldova. Ch., 2011. P. 46-89. Bibliogr.: 11 tit.

Chiric, Lazr. Convenia Aarhus i oportunitile pentru Republica Moldova / Lazr Chiric, Maria Nagorni // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 5-6.

Cities and biodiversity: Perspectives and governance challenges for implementing the convention on biological diversity (CBD) at the city level : a review / J. A. Puppim de Oliveira, O. Balaban, C. N. H. Doll [et al.] // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 5. P. 1302-1313. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Climov, Ala. Despre dreptul de proprietate al investitorilor strini asupra terenurilor n Republica Moldova / Ala Climov, Ilie Teac // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 168-178. Bibliogr.: 11 tit.

Climov, Ala. Unele aspecte de ordin juridic i practice privind obiectele acvatice separate / Ala Climov // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 109-122. Bibliogr.: 15 tit.

Cocr, Petru. Perspectiva actualizrii actelor legislativ-normative ale Republicii Moldova n domeniul apelor / Petru Cocr // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 133-150. Bibliogr.: 23 tit.

Conrad, Elisabeth. Is research keeping up with changes in landscape policy? A review of the literature / Elisabeth Conrad, Mike Christie, Ioan Fazey // Journal of Environmental Management. 2011. Vol. 92, Nr 9. P. 2097-2108. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.596 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Contribuia institutelor tiinifice ale Seciei de tiine ale Naturii i Vieii a AM pe parcursul anilor 2006-2010 n asigurarea securitii sntii, alimentare i ecologice i obiectivele de cercetare tiinific pentru urmtorii 4 ani / Teodor Furdui, Boris Gaina, S. Gropa [et al.] // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2011. Nr 1 (313). P. 1423.

Decision-making under great uncertainty: environmental management in an era of global change / Stephen Polasky, Stephen R. Carpenter, Carl Folke, Bonnie Keeler // Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2011. Vol. 26, Nr 8. P. 398-404. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 14.448 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Dediu, Ion. I. Axiomatica, principiile i legile ecologiei: Bazele ecologiei analitice / Ion I. Dediu. Ch. : tiina, 2010. 216 p. Bibliogr.: p. 200-214. ISBN 978-9975-67-7479.

Dediu, Ion I. Enciclopedie de ecologie / Ion I. Dediu ; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei, Inst. de Ecologie i Geografie, Acad. Oamenilor de tiin din Romnia, Acad. Na. de tiine Ecologice din Rep. Moldova. Ch. : tiina, 2010. 836 p. Bibliogr.: p. 824-834. ISBN 978-9975-67-728-8.

Dediu, Ion I. Tezaurul terminologic al ecologiei : Glosar etimologic romn-rusenglez / Ion I. Dediu ; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei, Inst. de Ecologie i Geografie, Acad. Oamenilor de tiin din Romnia, Acad. Na. de tiine Ecologice din Rep. Moldova. Ch. : tiina, 2010. 284 p. Bibliogr.: p. 267-282. ISBN 978-9975-67-746-2.

Dediu, Ion. Unele probleme ale ecologiei exploatrii raionale a resurselor naturale n Republica Moldova: 100 de ani de la naterea academicianului E. C. Fiodorov / Ion Dediu // Noosfera : rev. t. de educaie, spiritualitate i cultur ecologic. 2010. Nr 4. P. 5-17.

Derissen, Sandra. The relationship between resilience and sustainability of ecological-economic systems / Sandra Derissen, Martin F. Quaas, Stefan Baumgrtner // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 6. P. 1121-1128. (Impact factor of this journal 2010: 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Dezvoltarea turismului la nceputul sec. XXI. Turismul i biodiversitatea : conf. t.practic intern., 27 sept. 2010 / col. red. : Al. Gribincea (red. resp.) ; Univ. Liber Intern. din Moldova. Ch. : S. n., 2010. 381 p. ISBN 978-9975-101-61-5.

Dragalschi, Elena. Rolul evalurii performanelor profesionale ale funcionarilor publici din cadrul Inspectoratului Ecologic de Stat din Moldova / Elena Dragalschi //Teoria i practica administrrii publice : materiale ale conf. intern. t.-practice, 24 mai 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 229-231. Bibliogr.: 6 tit.

Duca, Gheorghe. Chimia Ecologic : ndrumar la cursul de lecii teoretice i de laborator / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gona, Diana Porubin ; Univ. de Stat din Moldova. Ch. : CEP USM, 2011. 135 p. ISBN 978-9975-71-077-0.

Earles, J. Mason. Consequential life cycle assessment : a review / J. Mason Earles, Anthony Halog // The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2011. Vol. 16, Nr 5. P. 445-453. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.148 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Earth stewardship: a strategy for socialecological transformation to reverse planetary degradation / F. Stuart Chapin, Steward T. A. Pickett, Mary E. Power [et al.] // Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 2011. Vol. 1, Nr 1. P. 44-53.

Empirical approaches to metacommunities: a review and comparison with theory / Jrg B. Logue, Nicolas Mouquet, Hannes Peter [et al.] // Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2011. Vol. 26, Nr 9. P. 482-491. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 14.448 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Ethnisches Bewusstsein in der Republik Moldau im Jahr 2004 : Atlas Ost- und SdOstEuropa: Aktuelle Karten zu kologie, Bevlkezung und Wirtschaft = Ethnic Consciousness in the Republic of Moldova in 2004 : Atlas of Eastern and SouthEastern Europe: Up-to-date Ecological, Demografic and Economic Maps / Valeria Heuberger, Peter Jordan, Thede Kahl, Dorin Lozovanu. 1:600 000. Wien : sterreichische Akad. der Wissenschaften, 2010. 80 p. Bibliogr.: p. 69-78. ISBN 3-443-28529-5.

Etienne, Rampal S. The neutral theory of biodiversity with random fission speciation / Rampal S. Etienne, Bart Haegeman // Theoretical Ecology. 2011. Vol. 4, Nr 1. P. 87-109. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.364 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Galin-Corini, Vlad. Securitatea ecologic a statelor n condiiile globalizrii / Vlad Galin-Corini // Revista de Filozofie, Sociologie i tiine Politice. 2010. Nr 3. P. 108111. Bibliogr.: 7 tit.

Gheea, Ligia Gabriela. Evoluionism: Teorii actuale privind originea i evoluia lumii vii. Mecanismele de generare a biodiversitii i importana conservrii ei / Ligia Gabriela Gheea. Bucureti : Ars Docendi, 2008. 323 p. Bibliogr.: p. 321-323 (60 tit.). ISBN 978-973-558-390-3.

Glc, Gavril. Aspecte metodologice i legislative privind funcionalitatea sistemului de monitoring al calitii componentelor de mediu n R. Moldova / Gavril Glc // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 1 (55). P. 36-44.

Gnju, Stela. Corelaia dintre cunotinele i comportamentul ecologic al elevilor. Modaliti de echilibrare / Stela Gnju, Elena Gandrabur // Probleme ale tiinelor socioumane

i modernizrii nvmntului : conf. de totalizare a muncii t. i t.-didactice a corpului profesoral-didactic pentru anul 2010. Ch., 2011. Vol. 1. P. 119-123. Gnju, Stela. Instruirea i Educaia ecologic n Rep. Moldova / Stela Gnju // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 16-24.

Gnju, Stela. Retrospectiv EcoEducaional / Stela Gnju, Ludmila Ursu, Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 5-15. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.

Globalization and Agricultural Landscapes. Change Patterns and Policy Trends in Developed Countries / ed. by Jorgen Primdahl, Simon Swaffield. Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010. 275 p. ISBN 978-0-521-73666-4.

Golic, Aurelia. Relaiile economice i ecologice n contextul unui nou nivel de dezvoltare // Mediul Ambiant. 2010. Nr 6 (54). P. 18-25. Bibliogr.: 9 tit.

Guceac, Ion. Constituionalizarea dreptului la ap, o condiie indispensabil pentru accesul la ap ca surs a vieii i demnitii / Ion Guceac // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 65-79. Bibliogr.: 22 tit.

Harrop, Stuart R. A hard instrument goes soft: The implications of the Convention on Biological Diversity's current trajectory / Stuart R. Harrop, Diana J. Pritchard // Global Environmental Change. 2011. Vol. 21, Nr 2. P. 474-480. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.918 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Hncu, Daniela. Msuri care promoveaz dezvoltarea eco-industriilor / Daniela Hncu, Cristina Popa // Competitivitatea i inovarea n economia cunoaterii : materialele conf. t. intern., 24-25 sept. 2010. Ch., 2011. Vol. 1. P. 212-214. Bibliogr.: 6 tit.

Howard, Breda. Legislaia i politicile n domeniul proteciei mediului. Armonizarea legislaiei Republicii Moldova cu standardele UE / Breda Howard, Ludmila Gofman. Ch. : Policolor, 2010. 378 p. ISBN 978-9975-9956-6-5.

Huang, Ivy B. Multi-criteria decision analysis in environmental sciences: Ten years of applications and trends : a review / Ivy B. Huang, Jeffrey Keisler, Igor Linkov // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 19. P. 3578-3594. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Inter-disciplinary perspectives on processes in the hyporheic zone : a review / S. Krause, D. M. Hannah, J. H. Fleckenstein [et al.] // Ecohydrology. 2011. Vol. 4, Nr 4. P. 481-499. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.835 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Investigarea transparenei i eficienei economice a utilizrii Fondurilor Ecologice n Republica Moldova : Raport de activitate / Dumitru Budianschi, Elena Culiuc, Adrian Lupuor ; Expert Grup: Centru Analitic Independent. Ch. : Bons Offices SRL, 2011. 80 p. ISBN 978-9975-80-491-2.

Iordanov, Iordanca-Rodica. Cadrul politic n domeniul managementului apelor n Republica Moldova / Iordanca-Rodica Iordanov // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 179-188. Bibliogr.: 7 tit.

Iordanov, Iordanca-Rodica. Esena dreptului la ap ca un drept al omului / Iordanca-Rodica Iordanov // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 123-132. Bibliogr.: 18 tit.

Jinnah, Sikina. Marketing Linkages: Secretariat Governance of the ClimateBiodiversity Interface / Sikina Jinnah // Global Environmental Politics. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 3. P. 23-43. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.231 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Keene, Matt. Realizing an effectiveness revolution in environmental management / Matt Keene, Andrew S. Pullin // Journal of Environmental Management. 2011. Vol. 92, Nr 9. P. 2130-2135. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.596 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Key Topics in Landscape Ecology / ed. by Jianguo Wu, Richard J. Hobbs. Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. 297 p. ISBN 13-978-0-521-61644-7.

Kowarik, Ingo. Novel urban ecosystems, biodiversity, and conservation : a review / Ingo Kowarik // Environmental Pollution. 2011. Vol. 159, Nr 8/9. P. 1974-1983. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.395 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Kumaraswamy, S. Biodiversity banking: a strategic conservation mechanism : a review / S. Kumaraswamy, M. Udayakumar // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol.

20, Nr 6. P. 1155-1165. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters). Legislaia silvic a Republicii Moldova: Extrase din legi, Hotrri de Guvern, Decizii ale Parlamentului ce au atribuie la problemele FLEG, la drepturile i obligaiunile cetenilor privind protecia mediului ambiant i folosirea resurselor forestiere / REC-Moldova, Forest Law Enforcement & Governance (FLEG). Ch. : S. n., 2011. 212 p. ISBN 978-9975-10566-8.

Liu, Xingjian. Global biodiversity research during 19002009: a bibliometric analysis / Xingjian Liu, Liang Zhang, Song Hong // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 4. P. 807-826. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Lupacu, Tudor. Chimia ecologic: soluii pentru mediul ambiant / Tudor Lupacu // Akademos : revist de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2011. Nr 1 (20). P. 16-18.

Macauley, Molly K. Forests in climate policy: technical, institutional and economic issues in measurement and monitoring / Molly K. Macauley, Roger A. Sedjo // Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 2011. Vol. 16, Nr 5. P. 499-513.

Msuri agro-ecologice n Moldova: realizri i probleme, reguli i sfaturi : , a / Andreev, Gh. Barbaroie, V. Ciubotaru [et al.] ; red. : A. Andreev, L. Josan. Ch. : S. 2011. 186 p. Bibliogr.: p. 184-186 (58 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-106-77-1. Text paral.: rom., rus.
58. 59.

= A. n., lb.

McLachlan, Athol J. Barriers to adaptive reasoning in community ecology / Athol J. McLachlan, Richard J. Ladle // Biological Reviews. 2011. Vol. 86, Nr 3. P. 543-548. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 6.574 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters). Meinard, Yves. The economic valuation of biodiversity as an abstract good / Yves Meinard, Philippe Grill // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 10. P. 1707-1714. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Metera, Dorota. Programele agro-ecologice n cadrul Politicii Agricole Comune a Uniunii Europene = / Dorota Metera // Msuri agro-ecologice n Moldova: realizri i probleme, reguli

i sfaturi = : , a . Ch., 2011. P. 74-79; 165-171. Mettepenningen, E. Public transaction costs of agri-environmental schemes and their determinants Analysing stakeholders' involvement and perceptions / E. Mettepenningen, V. Beckmann, J. Eggers // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 4. P. 641-650. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Metzger, Kelsey J. Implications of informatics approaches in ecological research / Kelsey J. Metzger, Rebecca Klaper, Michael A. Thomas // Ecological Informatics. 2011. Vol. 6, Nr 1. P. 4-12. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.351 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Mironov, Ion. Dinamica interaciunii dintre societate i natur n valorificarea peisajelor n Republica Moldova / Ion Mironov, Larisa Mironov // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 280-283. Bibliogr.: 13 tit.

Mitchell, Ronald B. Developing next-generation climate change scholars: the DISCCRS [Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research] experience / Ronald B. Mitchell, C. Susan Weiler // Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 2011. Vol. 1, Nr 1. P. 54-62.

Modelling natural disturbances in forest ecosystems : a review / Rupert Seidl, Paulo M. Fernandes, Teresa F. Fonseca [et al.] // Ecological Modelling. 2011. Vol. 222, Nr 4. P. 903-924. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.769 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Munier, N. Methodology to select a set of urban sustainability indicators to measure the state of the city, and performance assessment / N. Munier // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1020-1026. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Odainic, Ioan Gh. Ecologie / Ioan Gh. Odainic // Almanah enciclopedic: Perioada de tranziie anii 1989-2008 / Ioan Gh. Odainic. Ch., 2009. Vol. 1, cap. 15. P. 569-604.

Optimization of hydrolytic and oxidative enzyme methods for ecosystem studies / Donovan P. German, Michael N. Weintraub, A. Stuart Grandy [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 7. P. 1387-1397. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Osipov, D. Abordarea statistic a informaiei de mediu / D. Osipov, M. eremet, S. Nicolaescu // Protecia mediului n Republica Moldova : Anuarul IES 2010. Ch., 2011. P. 128-224.

Parrott, Lael. Hybrid modelling of complex ecological systems for decision support: Recent successes and future perspectives / Lael Parrott // Ecological Informatics. 2011. Vol. 6, Nr 1. P. 44-49. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.351 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Patrimoniul natural al Moldovei =The natural heritage of Moldova : [album] / alct. : Alecu Reni, Lucian Reni. Ch. : Continental Grup SRL, 2011. 196 p. ISBN 9789975-9810-6-4. Text paral.: lb. rom., engl.

Peterson, A. Townsend. Ecological niche conservatism: a time-structured review of evidence / A. Townsend Peterson // Journal of Biogeography. 2011. Vol. 38, Nr 5. P. 817-827. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.273 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Petre, Marian. Dicionar explicativ de ecologie / Marian Petre, Violeta Petre. Bucureti : Ed. CD Press, 2009. 351 p. ISBN 978-606-528-046-5.

Pickett, Steward T. A. Ecological Understanding: The Nature of Theory and the Theory of Nature / Steward T. A. Pickett, Jurek Kolasa, Clive G. Jones. 2 ed. Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2007. 248 p. ISBN 978-0-12-554522-8.

Planul de management pentru zona Ramsar Nistrul de Jos = : (proiect) / . . . Ch. : S. n., 2011. 574 p. Bibliogr.: p. 466-475. Text paral.: lb. rom., rus. ISBN 978-9975106-65-8.

Plngu, Victor. Legislaia forestier a Republicii Moldova. Realizri i probleme / Victor Plngu // Mediul Ambiant. 2010. Nr 6 (54). P. 43-46. Bibliogr.: 16 tit.

Problemele resurselor acvatice n Moldova : Indice bibliogr. retrospectiv, 2006-2009 / alct. : Valentina Gurieva ; ed. ngrijit de Aurelia Hanganu ; consultant t. : Tudor Lupacu ; coord. resp. : Angela Timu ; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei, Bibl. t. Central Andrei Lupan. Ch. : S. n., 2011. 122 p.

Professional development of interdisciplinary environmental scholars / Susan G. Clark, Michelle M. Steen-Adams, Stephanie Pfirman, Richard L. Wallace // Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 2011. Vol. 1, Nr 2. P. 99-113.

Resursele naturale i mediul n Republica Moldova = : culeg. statistic / Biroul Naional de Statistic al Republicii Moldova. Ch., 2010. 96 p.

Rosindell, James. The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography at Age Ten : a review / James Rosindell, Stephen P. Hubbell, Rampal S. Etienne // Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2011. Vol. 26, Nr 7. P. 340-348. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 14.448 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Roca, Ludmila. Virtuile liderului politic din perspective bioeticii / Ludmila Roca // Strategia supravieuirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei i medicinei : culeg. de art. t. Ch., 2011. P. 25-30. Bibliogr.: 9 tit.

Sandu, Maria. Starea resurselor de ap n Republica Moldova / Maria Sandu // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 80-85. Bibliogr.: 14 tit.

Saranciuc-Gordea, Liliana. Activiti EcoEducaionale n cadrul parteneriatului Familie coal primar / Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 187-198. Bibliogr.: 8 tit.

Saranciuc-Gordea, Liliana. Aspecte de corelare a Educaiei ecologice i Educaia pentru schimbare i dezvoltare / Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice : Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 46-50. Bibliogr.: 7 tit.

Saranciuc-Gordea, Liliana. Conexiuni ale Educaiei ecologice i Educaiei axiologice / Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 37-46.

Saranciuc-Gordea, Liliana. Formarea competenelor de educaie ecologic la studeni viitori nvtori n vizorul educaiei de calitate / Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea // Prioriti actuale n procesul educaional : conf. t. intern., 3 dec. 2010. Ch., 2011. P. 333-342. Bibliogr.: 19 tit.

Saranciuc-Gordea, Liliana. Formarea iniial a cadrelor didactice ca transmitori ai valorilor ecologice ctre societatea / Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea // Sinteze EcoEducaionale.

Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 83-92. Bibliogr.: 15 tit. Saranciuc-Gordea, Liliana. Oportuniti de Educaie ecologic n documentele colare pentru clasele I-IV / Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea, Stela Gnju // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 67-74.

Saranciuc-Gordea, Liliana. Rolul i locul competenei de educaie ecologic a elevilor n procesul iniial de profesionalizare a cadrelor didactice din nvmntul primar / Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale educaiei / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2010. Nr 9 (39). P. 30-35. Bibliogr.: 20 tit.

Saranciuc-Gordea, Liliana. Trainingul modalitate optimal de formare la dirigini a competenelor de Educaie ecologic a elevilor / Liliana Saranciuc-Gordea, Ludmila Ursu // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 198-207. Bibliogr.: 17 tit.

Setting Targets and Target Dates under the Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Moldova / Francesca Bernardini, Rainer Enderlein, Valeriu Goncear [et al.] ; Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Ch. : S. n., 2011. 84 p. ISBN 9789975-66-232-1.

Sleeswijk, Anneke Wegener. Regional LCA in a global perspective. A basis for spatially differentiated environmental life cycle assessment / Anneke Wegener Sleeswijk // The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2011. Vol. 16, Nr 2. P. 106-112. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.148 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Sprincean, Serghei. Aspecte politice i bioetice ale problematicii biosecuritii / Serghei Sprincean // Revista de Filozofie, Sociologie i tiine Politice. 2010. Nr 3. P. 112-121. Bibliogr.: 9 tit.

Springer, Stevan A. Beyond the phenotypic gambit: molecular behavioural ecology and the evolution of genetic architecture : a review / Stevan A. Springer, Bernard J. Crespi, Willie J. Swanson // Molecular Ecology. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 11. P. 2240-2257. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 6.457 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Starea mediului n Republica Moldova n anii 2007-2010 : (Raport. Na.) : (pentru uzul specialitilor n domeniu) / Min. Mediului, Acad. de tiine a Moldovei, Inst. de Ecologie


i Geografie. Ch., 2011. 186 p. Strategia supravieuirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei i medicinei : culeg. de art. t. / Univ. de Stat de Medicin i Farmacie Nicolae Testemianu din Rep. Moldova ; col. red. : Teodor N. rdea (red. resp.), Niadi-Corina Cernica, Valentin F. Ceco [et al.]. Ch. : S. n., 2011. 222 p. Bibliogr. la sfritul art. ISBN 978-9975-4214-1-6.

Stroe, Cosmin. Problemele globale de mediu: aportul eforturilor Uniunii Europene / Cosmin Stroe // Sectorul serviciilor n secolul XXI: realizri, probleme, perspective : simpoz. t. intern., 28 mar. 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 9-11.

Surface modelling of global terrestrial ecosystems under three climate change scenarios / Tian-Xiang Yue, Ze-Meng Fan, Chuan-Fa Chen [et al.] // Ecological Modelling. 2011. Vol. 222, Nr 14. P. 2342-2361. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.769 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
99. 100. Sustainability indicator development Science or political negotiation? / Ewald

Rametsteiner, Helga Plzl, Johanna Alkan-Olsson, Pia Frederiksen // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 1. P. 61-70. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
101. Szab, Pter. Advancing the Integration of History and Ecology for Conservation /

Pter Szab, Radim Hdl // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 4. P. 680-687. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
102. alaru, Gheorghe. 23 martie Ziua Mondial a Meteorologiei Clima pentru

Dumneavoastr / Gheorghe alaru, Ilie Boian // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 14.
103. Teac, Ilie. Despre legislaia apelor n contextul dreptului european / Ilie Teac //

Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 94-108. Bibliogr.: 6 tit.
104. Tehnologii ecologice : suport didactic / Lazr Chiric, Tatiana Dudnicenco, Anna

Titenko, Ion Dudnicenco ; red. t. : Grigore Stasiev ; Univ. de Stat din Moldova, Univ. Na. din Harkov V. N. Karasin. Ch. : CEP USM, 2011. 265 p. Bibliogr.: p. 256-263 (101 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-71-071-8.


105. Teleman, A. Educaia ecologic: retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv / Angela

Teleman // Univers Pedagogic. 2010. Nr 1. P. 70-76.

106. Teleman, Angela. Educaie ecologic prin activiti de explorare/investigare a

mediului n cadrul disciplinei tiine n clasele primare / Angela Teleman // Didactica Pro 2010. Nr 2 (60). P. 46-52.
107. Teleman, Angela. Explorarea/investigarea proceselor ecologice la elevii de vrst

colar mic / Angela Teleman // Prioriti actuale n procesul educaional : conf. t. intern., 3 dec. 2010. Ch., 2011. P. 652-658.
108. Todoroi, Dumitru. Unele repere ale businessului ecologic n societatea contiinei /

Dumitru Tudoroi, Tatiana Parlicova, Valentina Stadnic // Competitivitatea i inovarea n economia cunoaterii : materialele conf. t. intern., 24-25 sept. 2010. Ch., 2011. Vol. 1. P. 326-331.
109. Toward an integration of evolutionary biology and ecosystem science : a review /

Blake Matthews, Anita Narwani, Stephen Hausch [et al.] // Ecology Letters. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 7. P. 690-701. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 15.253 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
110. Trombitsky, Ilya. The new water law draft and challenges of Moldova's cooperation

with countries-neighbours on transboundary waters / Ilya Trombitsky // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 151-167. Bibliogr.: 7 tit.
111. rdea, Teodor N. Abordarea traiectorial-noional a dezvoltrii bioeticii: analiz

teoretico-metodologic i comparativ / Teodor N. rdea // Strategia supravieuirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei i medicinei : culeg. de art. t. Ch., 2011. P. 9-20. Bibliogr.: 21 tit.
112. Urban ecological systems: Scientific foundations and a decade of progress : a review

/ S. T. A. Pickett, M. L. Cadenasso, J. M. Grove [et al.] // Journal of Environmental Management. 2011. Vol. 92, Nr 3. P. 331-362. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.596 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
113. Ursu, Andrei. Solurile cenuii albice. Geneza i rspndirea geografic / Andrei Ursu

// Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 41-44. Bibliogr.: 11 tit.

114. Ursu, Andrei. Solurile Moldovei / Andrei Ursu ; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. Ch. :

tiina, 2011. 324 p. Bibliogr.: p. 303-319 (447 tit.). (Col. Academica ; 7 / consiliul

coord. : Gheorghe Duca (pre.), Ion Bostan, Valeriu Caner [et al.]). ISBN 978-9975-67-6472.
115. Ursu, Andrei. Solurile pdurilor Platoului silvostepei de Nord rezervaii de resurse

/ Andrei Ursu, Ala Overcenco // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2011. Nr 1 (313). P. 149-154. Bibliogr.: 6 tit.
116. Ursu, Andrei. Solurile rezervaiei Codrii / Andrei Ursu, Ecaterina Barcari. Ch. :

S. n., 2011. 84 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-283-7.

117. Ursu, Andrei. Zonalitatea natural i realitatea pedogeografic / Andrei Ursu //

Akademos : revist de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2011. Nr 1 (20). P. 106-109. Bibliogr.: 15 tit.
118. Ursu, Ludmila. Analiza accepiunilor tiinifice asupra Educaiei ecologice la treapta

primar de nvmnt / Ludmila Ursu, Angela Teleman // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 51-66. Bibliogr.: 29 tit.
119. Ursu, Ludmila. Educaia ecologic prin activiti matematice / Ludmila Ursu, Tatiana

Rusuleac // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 24-37. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.
120. Ursu, Ludmila. Educaia pentru mediu imperativ al dezvoltrii durabile / Ludmila

Ursu // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 24-37. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.
121. Ursu, Ludmila. Excursia form de Educaie ecologic n clasele primare / Ludmila

Ursu // Sinteze EcoEducaionale. Retrospectiv, actualitate i perspectiv a Educaiei Ecologice: Aplicaii metodologice inter/transdisciplinare. Ch., 2010. P. 177-186. Bibliogr.: 5 tit.
122. Ustian, Ivan. Economia i ecologia / Ivan Ustian // M. Eminescu: Omul produce

scopuri (Eminescu i teoria economic) / Ivan Ustian. Ch., 2010. P. 294-312.

123. Vincent, Shirley. Interdisciplinary environmental education: elements of field identity

and curriculum design / Shirley Vincent, Will Focht // Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 2011. Vol. 1, Nr 1. P. 14-35.


124. Wegner, Giulia. Cost-benefit analysis in the context of ecosystem services for human

well-being: A multidisciplinary critique / Giulia Wegner, Unai Pascual // Global Environmental Change. 2011. Vol. 21, Nr 2. P. 492-504. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.918 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
125. Whittingham, Mark J. The future of agri-environment schemes: biodiversity gains and

ecosystem service delivery? / Mark J. Whittingham // Journal of Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 48, Nr 3. P. 509-513. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.97 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
126. The Why, What, and How of Global Biodiversity Indicators Beyond the 2010 Target /

Julia P. G. Jones, Ben Collen, Giles Atkinson [et al.] // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 3. P. 450-457. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
127. Woodworth, Bethany L. Role of an environmental studies course on the formation of

environmental worldviews: a case study of a core curriculum requirement using the NEP Scale / Bethany L. Woodworth, Michelle M. Steen-Adams, Prashant Mittal // Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 2011. Vol. 1, Nr 2. P. 126-137.
128. Yue, Tian-Xiang. Progress in global ecological modelling / Tian-Xiang Yue, Sven E.

Jorgensen, Guy R. Larocque // Ecological Modelling. 2011. Vol. 222, Nr 14. P. 21722177. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.769 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
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/ . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 252-254. Bibliogr.: 8 tit. . ( ) / // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 252-254.
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// Strategia supravieuirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei i medicinei : culeg. de art. t. Ch., 2011. P. 109-115.
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/ , , [et al.] ; (SDC). . : . ., 2011. 84 . ISBN 978-9975-66-240-6.

152. - : . .-. .,

, 7-8 . 2010 : / . . , . ; . . : . . . : - , 2010. 52 p. ISBN 978-966-8885-47-1.


Poluarea i protecia mediului ambiant

153. Abson, David J. Valuing Ecosystem Services in Terms of Ecological Risks and

Returns / David J. Abson, Mette Termansen // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 2. P. 250-258. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
154. Adapting global conservation strategies to climate change at the European scale: The

otter as a flagship species / Carmen Cianfrani, Gwenalle Le Lay, Luigi Maiorano [et al.] // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 8. P. 2068-2080. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
155. Air temperature trends and extremes in Chisinau (Moldova) as evidence of climate

change / Roman Corobov, Scott Sheridan, Ala Overcenco, Natalia Terinte // Climate Research. 2010. Vol. 42, Nr 3. P. 247-256. doi: 10.3354/cr00922.
156. Al-Akeel, K. Phytoremediation of Waterways Using Reed Plants / K. Al-Akeel, A. J.

Reynolds, A. J. Choudhary // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 430-433.
157. An alternative approach for quantifying climate regulation by ecosystems / Paul C.

West, Gemma T. Narisma, Carol C. Barford [et al.] // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2011. Vol. 9, Nr 2. P. 126-133. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 8.820 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
158. Analysis and environmental concentrations of the herbicide dichlobenil and its main

metabolite 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM) : a review / Erland Bjrklund, Gitte Gotholdt Anskjr, Martin Hansen [et al.] // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 12. P. 2343-2356. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters). Alexei. Teritoriile agricole de o valoare natural nalt = / Alexei Andreev // Msuri agro-ecologice n Moldova: realizri i probleme, reguli i sfaturi = : , a . Ch., 2011. P. 80-83; 171-175.
159. Andreev, 160. Andrie, Serafim. Agrochimia elementelor nutritive. Fertilitatea i ecologia solurilor

/ Serafim Andrie ; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei, Min. Agriculturii i Industriei Alimentare a


Rep. Moldova, Inst. de Pedologie, Agrochimie i Protecie a Solului Nicolae Dimo. Ch. : Pontos, 2011. 232 p. Bibliogr.: p. 198-200. ISBN 978-9975-51-203-9.
161. Andronic, V. Managementul deeurilor i substanelor chimice / V. Andronic //

Protecia mediului n Republica Moldova : Anuarul IES 2010. Ch., 2011. P. 66-82.
162. Aparatu, D. Starea i protecia resurselor funciare / D. Aparatu // Protecia mediului

n Republica Moldova : Anuarul IES 2010. Ch., 2011. P. 56-60.

163. Apele de suprafa: probleme i soluii / Lazr Chiric, Mihail Pencov, Ion Cuceiniuc,

Ion Fliurta // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 7-10.

164. Argumentarea tiinific privind modificarea i completarea legislaiei n domeniul

proteciei resurselor piscicole / Dumitru Bulat, Denis Bulat, Marin Usati, Nicolae aptefrai // Mediul Ambiant. 2010. Nr 6 (54). P. 5-11. Bibliogr.: 8 tit.
165. Arnaut, N. A. Regimul hidrologic i de albie al rurilor mici din Republica Moldova /

N. A. Arnaut // Bul. Inst. de Geologie i Seismologie al AM. 2011. Nr 1. P. 85-93. Bibliogr.: 15 tit.
166. Arnell, Nigel W. The implications of climate policy for the impacts of climate change

on global water resources / Nigel W. Arnell, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Morna Isaac // Global Environmental Change. 2011. Vol. 21, Nr 2. P. 592-603. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.918 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
167. Assessing remotely sensed chlorophyll-a for the implementation of the Water

Framework Directive in European perialpine lakes / Mariano Bresciani, Daniela Stroppiana, Daniel Odermatt [et al.] // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 17. P. 3083-3091. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
168. Assessing sediment hazard through a weight of evidence approach with bioindicator

organisms: A practical model to elaborate data from sediment chemistry, bioavailability, biomarkers and ecotoxicological bioassays / Francesco Piva, Francesco Ciaprini, Fulvio Onorati [et al.] // Chemosphere. 2011. Vol. 83, Nr 4. P. 475-485. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.155 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
169. Assessment of Chemical Compositions of Water and Ecological Situation in Dniester

River / Elena Zubcov, Laurentia Ungureanu, Antoaneta Ene [et al.] // Journal of Science and Arts. 2010. Nr 1 (12). P. 47-52. Bibliogr.: 5 tit.

170. Aevschi, V. Perspectivele de dezvoltare a relaiilor dintre Republica Moldova i

Uniunea european n domeniul proteciei mediului / V. Aevschi, N. Spataru // Noosfera : rev. t. de educaie, spiritualitate i cultur ecologic. 2010. Nr 4. P. 23-29.
171. Aevschi, V. Reconstrucia i securitatea ecologic / V. Aevschi, A. Croitor //

Noosfera : rev. t. de educaie, spiritualitate i cultur ecologic. 2010. Nr 4. P. 103-106.

172. Axelrod, Mark. Climate Change and Global Fisheries Management: Linking Issues to

Protect Ecosystems or to Save Political Interests? / Mark Axelrod // Global Environmental Politics. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 3. P. 64-84. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.231 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
173. Bacterial pollution induced community tolerance (PICT) to Cu and interactions with

pH in long-term polluted vineyard soils / David Fernndez-Calvio, Manuel Arias-Estvez, Montserrat Daz-Ravia, Erland Bth // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 11. P. 2324-2331. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
174. Bahnarel, Ion. Contribuii la monitorizarea radioactivitii mediului / Ion Bahnarel,

Liubov Corechi // Akademos : revist de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2011. Nr 1 (20). P. 77-81.
175. Balana, Bedru Babulo. A review on cost-effectiveness analysis of agri-environmental

measures related to the EU WFD [Water Framework Directive]: Key issues, methods, and applications / Bedru Babulo Balana, Andy Vinten, Bill Slee // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 6. P. 1021-1031. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
176. Baza legislativ de protecie a calitii aerului n RM / D. Buburuz, V. Plngu, V.

Bobeic, V. Brega // Aerul i apa componente ale mediului : conf. dedicat Zilei Mondiale a Meteorologiei i Zilei Mondiale a Apei, Cluj-Napoca, 19-20 mar. 2010. Cluj-Napoca, 2010. P. 26-34. Bibliogr.: 9 tit.
177. Blan, Violeta. Starea actual a radioactivitii mediului n Republica Moldova, ca

urmare a recentului accident nuclear produs la centrala atomoelectric de al Fukushima Daiichi, Japonia / Violeta Blan, Gavril Glc, Olga tain, Vlad Jplu // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 45-46.
178. Biodiversity conservation in the era of biofuels: risks and opportunities : a review /

Robert J. Fletcher, Bruce A. Robertson, Jason Evans [et al.] // Frontiers in Ecology and the

Environment. 2011. Vol. 9, Nr 3. P. 161-168. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 8.820 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
179. Blankinship, Joseph C. A meta-analysis of responses of soil biota to global change /

Joseph C. Blankinship, Pascal A. Niklaus, Bruce A. Hungate // Oecologia. 2011. Vol. 165, Nr 3. P. 553-565. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.517 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
180. Boboc, N. Evaluarea modului de influen a activitilor antropice asupra scurgerii

anuale / N. Boboc, T. Castrave, O. Melniciuc // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2011. Nr 1 (313). P. 160-166. Bibliogr.: 19 tit.
181. Bogdevich, O. Elimination of acute risks from obsolete pesticides in Moldova:

phytoremediation experiment at a former pesticide storehouse / O. Bogdevich, O. Cadocinicov // Application of Phytotechnologies for Cleanup of Industrial, Agricultural, and Wastewater Contamination. Dordrecht : Springer, 2010. P. 61-85. Bibliogr.: p. 85 (13 tit.). (NATO Science for Peace and Security. Ser. C: Environmental Security).
182. Boian, Ilie. Condiiile meteorologice i agrometeorologice din toamna anului 2010 /

Ilie Boian, Tatiana Mironova // Mediul Ambiant. 2010. Nr 6 (54). P. 34-35.

183. Boincean, Boris. Fertilizarea i fertilitatea cernoziomului tipic din stepa Blului /

Boris Boincean, Leonid Nica, Stanislav Stadnic, Lidia Bulat // Akademos : revist de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2011. Nr 1 (20). P. 110-121. Bibliogr.: 12 tit.
184. Bringing Bioavailability into Contaminated Land Decision Making: The Way

Forward? / A. E. Latawiec, A. L. Swindell, P. Simmons [et al.] // Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2011. Vol. 41, Nr 1. P. 52-57. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.000 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
185. Bulimaga, C. Potenialul de risc chimic i contribuia la nclzirea global a

nmolurilor staiilor de epurare a apelor uzate / C. Bulimaga, Lilia Columbina, V. Bobeic // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2011. Nr 1 (313). P. 179-184.
186. Bunghez, Aurel. Lutte contre le deboisement. Domaines d'activite / Aurel Bunghez //

Aspecte economicofinanciare i sociale ale economiei Republicii Moldova n contextul transformrilor sistemice i integrrii n spaiul european : materialele conf. t. intern., 26-27 noiem. 2010. Ch., 2010. P. 91-95.
187. Cadrul juridic naional n domeniul managementului apelor // Armonizarea cadrului

normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 199-218.

188. Can commonly-used fan-driven air cleaning technologies improve indoor air quality?

A literature review / Yinping Zhang, Jinhan Mo, Yuguo Li [et al.] // Atmospheric Environment. 2011. Vol. 45, Nr 26. P. 4329-4343. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.226 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
189. Caaveica, Olga. Caractere specifice ale ecosistemelor urbane / Olga Caaveica,

Ludmila Cuharscaia // Politici europene de cercetare i inovare: cooperare, idei, oameni i capaciti : rez. comunic. conf. t., 18 mai 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 35-36.
190. Ceban, C. Protecia mediului o provocare internaional / . Ceban // Republica

Moldova n contextul geopolitic contemporan i perspectivele integrrii europene : materialele conf. tinerilor cercettori, 16 apr. 2010, ed. a 4-a. Ch., 2010. P. 14-29.
191. Cercetri cu privire la utilizarea ozonului n motoarele cu ardere intern n scopul

reducerii emisiilor nocive / Alexandru Crciun, Vladimir Ene, Vasile Plmdeal, Ilie Beiu // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2010. Nr 6 (36). P. 143-146.
192. Classification of Climate-Change-Induced Stresses on Biological Diversity / Juliane

Geyer, Iris Kiefer, Stefan Kreft [et al.] // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 4. P. 708-715. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
193. Climate Change in Moldova: Socio-Economic Impact and Policy Options for

Adaptation : National Human Development Report 2009-2010 / aut.-coord. : Alex Oprunenco, Valeriu Prohnichi ; Programul Na. Unite pentru Dezvoltare (PNUD) n Moldova. Ch. : Nova Imprim, 2010. 224 p.
194. Conliffe, Alexandra. Combating Ineffectiveness: Climate Change Bandwagoning and

the UN Convention to Combat Desertification / Alexandra Conliffe // Global Environmental Politics. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 3. P. 44-63. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.231 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
195. Constantinov, Tatiana. Manifestarea fenomenelor de uscciune i secet n Republica

Moldova : [monogr.] / Tatiana Constantinov, Vera Potop. Ch. : S. n., 2010. 64 p. Bibliogr.: p. 60-64 (118 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-9774-9-4.
196. Contributions of individual countries emissions to climate change and their

uncertainty / Niklas Hhne, Helcio Blum, Jan Fuglestvedt [et al.] // Climatic Change. 2011. Vol. 106, Nr 3. P. 359-391. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.016 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

197. Corobov, Roman. Climate Change Adaptation Policies in the Framework of

Sustainable Environmental Management: An Emphasis on Countries in Transition / Roman Corobov. Ch. : Eco-TIRAS, 2011. 664 p. Bibliogr.: p. 617-648 (706 tit.). ISBN 9789975-66-233-8.
198. Correlation between physicochemical and ecotoxicological approaches to estimate

landfill leachates toxicity / M. V. Pablos, F. Martini, C. Fernndez [et al.] // Waste Management. 2011. Vol. 31, Nr 8. P. 1841-1847. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.358 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
199. Craciun, Alexandru. Metode de reducere a emisiilor poluante ale motoarelor cu

ardere intern / Alexandru Craciun, Gheorghe Duca, Vladimir Ene ; Univ. de Stat din Moldova, Fac. de Chimie i Tehnologie Chimic. Ch. : CEP USM, 2011. 136 p. Bibliogr.: p. 129-132 (64 tit.).
200. Cumulative risk assessment of chemical exposures in urban environments / Ad M. J.

Ragas, R. Oldenkamp, N. L. Preeker [et al.] // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 5. P. 872-881. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
201. Current models broadly neglect specific needs of biodiversity conservation in

protected areas under climate change : a review / Mungla Sieck, Pierre L. Ibisch, Kirk A. Moloney [et al.] // BMC Ecology. 2011. Vol. 11:12.
202. De Cara, Stphane. Marginal abatement costs of greenhouse gas emissions from

European agriculture, cost effectiveness, and the EU non-ETS burden sharing agreement / Stphane De Cara, Pierre-Alain Jayet // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 9. P. 1680-1690. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
203. A decade of monitoring at Swiss Long-Term Forest Ecosystem Research (LWF) sites:

can we observe trends in atmospheric acid deposition and in soil solution acidity? / Elisabeth Graf Pannatier, Anne Thimonier, Maria Schmitt [et al.] // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011. Vol. 174, Nr 1/4. P. 3-30. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.436 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
204. Dmographie, climat et alimentation mondiale : Rapport sur la Science et la

Technologie / animat. : Henri Leridon, Ghislain de Marsily Acadmie des Sciences. Paris : EDP Sciences, 2011. Nr 32. 313 p. ISBN 978-2-7598-0581-5.
205. Developing an indicator-modelling approach to forecast changes in nitrogen critical

load exceedance across Europe arising from agricultural reform / M. L. M. Jones, D. Norris,

J. Hall, S. Petit // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 1. P. 16-26. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
206. Development of a New Certified Reference Material (CRM) for the Analysis of Heavy

Metals in Human Hair / A. Santoro, H. Emteborg, J. Charoud-Got, A. Held // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 148-151.
207. Dichlobenil and 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM) in the environment: What are the risks

to humans and biota? / Erland Bjrklund, Bjarne Styrishave, Gitte Gotholdt Anskjr [et al.] // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 19. P. 3732-3739. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
208. Dinamica indicilor hidrochimici i calitatea apei rului Prut / Elena Zubcov, Nina

Bagrin, Laurenia Ungureanu [et al.] // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2011. Nr 1 (313). P. 103-110.
209. Directivele Uniunii Europene n domeniul managementului apelor // Armonizarea

cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 228-246.
210. Dissolved carbon leaching from soil is a crucial component of the net ecosystem

carbon balance / Reimo Kindler, Jan Siemens, Klaus Kaiser [et al.] // Global Change Biology. 2011. Vol. 17, Nr 2. P. 1167-1185. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 6.346 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
211. Does conservation on farmland contribute to halting the biodiversity decline? : a

review / David Kleijn, Maj Rundlf, Jeroen Scheper [et al.] // Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2011. Vol. 26, Nr 9. P. 474-481. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 14.448 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
212. Drechsler, Martin. Conserving biodiversity with tradable permits under changing

conservation costs and habitat restoration time lags / Martin Drechsler, Florian Hartig // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 3. P. 533-541. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
213. Drumea, Dumitru. Involvement of local authorities in establishment of the biosphere

area in the lower Prut region in the Republic of Moldova / Dumitru Drumea // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 271-273.

214. Drumea, Dumitru. Wetland restoration activities in Yalpugh and Cahul river

catchment, in Moldova, to improve river water quality / Dumitru Drumea // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 132-136. Bibliogr.: 8 tit.
215. Drury, R. Less is more: the potential of qualitative approaches in conservation

research : a review / R. Drury, K. Homewood, S. Randall // Animal Conservation. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 1. P. 18-24. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.906 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
216. The Dynamics of Trace Elements in Dniester River Ecosystems / Elena Zubcov,

Natalia Zubcov, Antoaneta Ene [et al.] // Journal of Science and Arts. 2010. Nr 2 (13). P. 281-286.
217. Ecological risk assessment of urban stormwater ponds: Literature review and

proposal of a new conceptual approach providing ecological quality goals and the associated bioassessment tools / Guillaume Tixier, Michel Lafont, Lee Grapentine [et al.] // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 6. P. 1497-1506. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
218. Ecology and Industrial Pollution / ed. by Lesley C. Batty, Kevin B. Hallberg.

Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010. 350 p. ISBN 978-0-521-73038-9.

219. Ekstrm, George. Pest Control in Agro-ecosystems: An Ecological Approach /

George Ekstrm, Barbara Ekbom // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2011. Vol. 30, Nr 1/2. P. 74-94. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.821 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
220. Emission scenarios for a global hydrogen economy and the consequences for global

air pollution / Bas van Ruijven, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Detlef P. van Vuuren [et al.] // Global Environmental Change. 2011. Vol. 21, Nr 3. P. 983-994. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.918 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
221. Energy use, climate change and folk psychology: Does sustainability have a chance?

Results from a qualitative study in five European countries / Anke Fischer, Vera Peters, Jan Vvra [et al.] // Global Environmental Change. 2011. Vol. 21, Nr 3. P. 1025-1034. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.918 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).


222. Environmental impacts of changes to healthier diets in Europe / Arnold Tukker, R.

Alexandra Goldbohm, Arjan de Koning [et al.] // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 10. P. 1776-1788. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
223. Environmental Risk Assessment of Emerging Pollutants in Water: Approaches Under

Horizontal and Vertical EU Legislation / M. D. Hernando, A. Rodrguez, J. J. Vaquero [et al.] // Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2011. Vol. 41, Nr 7. P. 699-731. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.000 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
224. Establishing IUCN Red List Criteria for Threatened Ecosystems / Jon Paul

Rodrguez, Kathryn M. Rodrguez-Clark, Jonathan E. M. Baillie [et al.] // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 1. P. 21-29. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
225. Estimarea spectrului de poluare a resurselor de ap ale fluviului Nistru cu compui

organici toxici / Gheorghe Duca, Oleg Bogdevici, Oleg Cadocinicov, Diana Porubin // Armonizarea cadrului normativ al Republicii Moldova la dreptul European n domeniul valorificrii durabile i managementului resurselor de ap. Ch., 2010. P. 86-93. Bibliogr.: 11 tit.
226. Evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of biodiversity conservation spending /

Helen F. Laycock, Dominic Moran, James C.R. Smart [et al.] // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 10. P. 1789-1796. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
227. Exposure to major volatile organic compounds and carbonyls in European indoor

environments and associated health risk : a review / Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis, Spyros P. Karakitsios, Alberto Gotti [et al.] // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 4. P. 743-765. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
228. 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland,

19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings / Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, Gdask Univ. of Technology. Gdask : S. n., 2010. 1063 p.
229. Filipciuc, V. Evoliia unor proprieti chimice a cernoziomului tipic la irigare cu ap

din surse locale / V. Filipciuc, Iu. Rozloga // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 75-80. Bibliogr.: 17 tit.


230. Florido, Mara C. Variations of Metal Availability and Bio-accessibility in Water-

Logged Soils with Various Metal Contents: In Vitro Experiments / Mara C. Florido, Fernando Madrid, Franco Ajmone-Marsan // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2011. Vol. 217, Nr 1/4. P. 149-156. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.765 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
231. Forest ecohydrological research in the 21st century: what are the critical needs? : a

review / James M. Vose, Ge Sun, Chelcy R. Ford [et al.] // Ecohydrology. 2011. Vol. 4, Nr 2. P. 146-158. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.835 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
232. Francis, Robert A. Urban reconciliation ecology: The potential of living roofs and

walls : a review / Robert A. Francis, Jamie Lorimer // Journal of Environmental Management. 2011. Vol. 92, Nr 6. P. 1429-1437. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.596 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
233. Gluc, V. Asistena juridic i combaterea contraveniilor de mediu / V. Gluc //

Protecia mediului n Republica Moldova : Anuarul IES 2010. Ch., 2011. P. 110-114.
234. Geist, Juergen. Integrative freshwater ecology and biodiversity conservation : a

review / Juergen Geist // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 6. P. 1507-1516. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
235. Geospatial patterns of hospitalization rates for stroke with comorbid hypertension in

relation to environmental sources of persistent organic pollutants: results from a 12-year population-based study / Alexander V. Sergeev, David O. Carpenter // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2011. Vol. 18, Nr 4. P. 576-585. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.87 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
236. Glc, Gavril. Monitoringul calitii apelor de suprafa n Republica Moldova i

ralierea treptat la cerinele Directivei-cadru a apei a UE / Gavril Glc // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 11-14.
237. Global Perspectives on Managing Mercury Emissions / J. Munthe, K. Kindbom, J.

Pacyna [et al.] // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 57-60.
238. Global Urban Growth and the Geography of Water Availability, Quality, and

Delivery / Robert I. McDonald, Ian Douglas, Carmen Revenga [et al.] // AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. 2011. Vol. 40, Nr 5. P. 437-446. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.705 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

239. Hiraide, M. Use of Hydrophobic Aggregates for Preconcentration of Trace Heavy

Metals in Water / M. Hiraide, T. Saitoh, H. Matsumiya // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 138-141.
240. Hof, Andries F. Predictability, equitability and adequacy of post-2012 international

climate financing proposals / Andries F. Hof, Michel G. J. den Elzen, Angelica Mendoza Beltran // Environmental Science and Policy. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 4. P. 615-627. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.213 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
241. Hofmann, Mareen E. Classifying knowledge on climate change impacts, adaptation,

and vulnerability in Europe for informing adaptation research and decision-making: A conceptual meta-analysis / Mareen E. Hofmann, Jochen Hinkel, Markus Wrobel // Global Environmental Change. 2011. Vol. 21, Nr 3. P. 1106-1116. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.918 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
242. Holban, V. Expertiza ecologic de stat i autorizaii de mediu / V. Holban // Protecia

mediului n Republica Moldova : Anuarul IES 2010. Ch., 2011. P. 10-15.

243. IBQS: A synthetic index of soil quality based on soil macro-invertebrate communities

/ Ruiz Nuria, Mathieu Jrme, Clini Lonide [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 10. P. 2032-2045. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
244. Improving assessment and modelling of climate change impacts on global terrestrial

biodiversity : a review / Sean M. McMahon, Sandy P. Harrison, W. Scott Armbruster [et al.] // Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2011. Vol. 26, Nr 5. P. 249-259. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 14.448 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
245. Improving urban wastewater management through an auction-based management of

discharges / Javier Murillo, Ddac Busquets, Jordi Dalmau [et al.] // Environmental Modelling & Software. 2011. Vol. 26, Nr 6. P. 689-696. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.871 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
246. Indicators for strategic environmental assessment in regional land use planning to

assess conflicts with adaptation to global climate change / Hendrike Helbron, Michael Schmidt, John Glasson, Nigel Downes // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 1. P.

90-95. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
247. Indirect land use change emissions related to EU biofuel consumption: an analysis

based on historical data / Koen P. Overmars, Elke Stehfest, Jan P.M. Ros, Anne Gerdien Prins // Environmental Science and Policy. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 3. P. 248-257. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.213 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters). of anthropogenic transformations of river bed on plant and macrozoobenthos communities / Krystian Obolewski, Wojciech Gotkiewicz, Agnieszka Strzelczak [et al.] // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011. Vol. 173, Nr 1/4. P. 747-763. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.436 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
249. Influena culturii ierburilor perene asupra fertilitii cernoziomului erodat i 248. Influence

minimizrii scurgerilor de suprafa / Leonid Popov, Petru Corduneanu, Alexandru Rusu, Grigorii Dobrovolschi // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 58-63. Bibliogr.: 9 tit.
250. Integrated regional modelling and scenario development to evaluate future water

demand under global change conditions / Anja Soboll, Michael Elbers, Roland Barthel [et al.] // Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 2011. Vol. 16, Nr 4. P. 477498.
251. Interlaboratory comparison exercise for the determination of As, Cd, Ni and Pb in

PM10 in Europe / M. Gerboles, D. Buzica, R. J. C. Brown [et al.] // Atmospheric Environment. 2011. Vol. 45, Nr 20. P. 3488-3499. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.226 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
252. Interwies, Eduard. Environmental and social concerns regarding the effectiveness of

water trading for increasing welfare / Eduard Interwies, Stefan Grlitz, Carlos Mario Gomez // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 274-275.
253. Inventarierea terenurilor potenial contaminate cu poluanii organici persisteni :

Ghid practic : [proiect Managementul i distrugerea stocurilor de poluani organici persisteni] / Min. Mediului, Fondul Global de Mediu, Banca Mondial ; aut.-alct. : Valeriu Moanu [et al.] ; red. : Alecu Reni. Ch., 2010. 116 p.
254. Inventory of heavy metal content in organic waste applied as fertilizer in agriculture:

evaluating the risk of transfer into the food chain / Carla Lopes, Marta Herva, Amaya Franco34

Ura, Enrique Roca // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2011. Vol. 18, Nr 6. P. 918-939. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.87 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
255. Isotopes for improved management of nitrate pollution in aqueous resources: review

of surface water field studies / Angelika Nestler, Michael Berglund, Frederik Accoe [et al.] // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2011. Vol. 18, Nr 4. P. 519-533. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.87 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
256. Izvorul indicator al strii ecologice a teritoriului (raioanele Orhei, Teleneti i

oldneti) / Raisa Lozan, A. Tr, Maria Sandu [et al.] // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 15-20. Bibliogr.: 9 tit.
257. Jantke, Kerstin. Gap analysis of European wetland species: priority regions for

expanding the Natura 2000 network / Kerstin Jantke, Christine Schleupner, Uwe Andreas Schneider // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 3. P. 581-605. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
258. Juhola, Sirkku. Challenges of adaptation to climate change across multiple scales: a

case study of network governance in two European countries / Sirkku Juhola, Lisa Westerhoff // Environmental Science and Policy. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 3. P. 239-247. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.213 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
259. Kestemont, B. Indicators of the impacts of development on environment: A

comparison of Africa and Europe / B. Kestemont, L. Frendo, E. Zacca // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 3. P. 902-910. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
260. Knowledge gaps in soil carbon and nitrogen interactions From molecular to global

scale : a review / Annemieke I. Grdens, Gran I. gren, Jeffrey A. Bird [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 4. P. 702-717. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
261. Komrek, M. Is There a Future for Chelant-Enhanced Phytoextraction of Metals from

Contaminated Soils? / M. Komrek // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 467-470.


262. Kordialik-Bogacka, E. Studies on Surface Properties of Yeast Cells During Heavy

Metal Biosorption / E. Kordialik-Bogacka // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 103106.
263. Kozlov, Mikhail V. A second life for old data: Global patterns in pollution ecology

revealed from published observational studies : a review / Mikhail V. Kozlov, Elena L. Zvereva // Environmental Pollution. 2011. Vol. 159, Nr 5. P. 1067-1075. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.395 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
264. Kumar, J. L. G. A review on numerous modeling approaches for effective, economical

and ecological treatment wetlands / J. L. G. Kumar, Y. Q. Zhao // Journal of Environmental Management. 2011. Vol. 92, Nr 3. P. 400-406. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.596 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
265. Lavric, Mihail. Problemele ecologice ale rului Bc / Mihail Lavric, Elena Ceban //

Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 21-23. Bibliogr.: 4 tit.

266. Leah, Tamara. Proprietile chimice ale cernoziomurilor stagnice / Tamara Leah //

Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 46-49.
267. Leahu, A. Centre de investigaii ecologice / A. Leahu // Protecia mediului n

Republica Moldova : Anuarul IES 2010. Ch., 2011. P. 83-109.

268. Legun, Nicolae Ioachim. Utilizarea i valorificarea eficient a resurselor forestiere /

Nicolae Ioachim Legun. Bucureti : SemnE, 2010. 299 p. Bibliogr.: p. 277-288. ISBN 978-973-624-919-8.
269. Lithner, Delilah. Environmental and health hazard ranking and assessment of plastic

polymers based on chemical composition / Delilah Lithner, ke Larsson, Gran Dave // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 18. P. 3309-3324. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
270. Love, Bradley J. Effects on aquatic and human health due to large scale bioenergy

crop expansion / Bradley J. Love, Matthew D. Einheuser, A. Pouyan Nejadhashemi // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 17. P. 3215-3229. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

271. Markert, B. Bioindication and Biomonitorings as Innovative Biotechniques for

Controlling Heavy Metal Data of the Environment / B. Markert // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 44-48.
272. Marques, Ana P. G. C. Remediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils: An

Overview of Site Remediation Techniques / Ana P. G. C. Marques, Antnio O. S. S. Rangel, Paula M. L. Castro // Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2011. Vol. 41, Nr 10. P. 879-914. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.000 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
273. Martin-Ortega, Julia. Application of a value-based equivalency method to assess

environmental damage compensation under the European Environmental Liability Directive / Julia Martin-Ortega, Roy Brouwer, Harry Aiking // Journal of Environmental Management. 2011. Vol. 92, Nr 6. P. 1461-1470. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.596 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
274. Millner, Antony. What determines perceived value of seasonal climate forecasts? A

theoretical analysis / Antony Millner, Richard Washington // Global Environmental Change. 2011. Vol. 21, Nr 1. P. 209-218. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.918 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
275. Mirauda, Domenica. Surface water vulnerability assessment applying the integrity

model as a decision support system for quality improvement / Domenica Mirauda, Marco Ostoich // Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2011. Vol. 31, Nr 3. P. 161-171. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.944 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
276. Mixed effects of organic farming and landscape complexity on farmland biodiversity

and biological control potential across Europe / Camilla Winqvist, Jan Bengtsson, Tsipe Aavik [et al.] // Journal of Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 48, Nr 3. P. 570-579. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.97 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
277. Mtcu, Silvia. Rolul NATO n managementul resurselor acvatice / Silvia Mtcu,

Natalia Albu // Revista militar. 2010. Nr 2. P. 51-57. Bibliogr.: 16 tit. Modelling of environmental impacts from biological treatment of organic municipal waste in EASEWASTE / Alessio Boldrin, Trine Lund Neidel, Anders Damgaard [et al.] // Waste Management. 2011. Vol. 31, Nr 4. P. 619-630. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.358 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

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Mokany, Karel. Predicting impacts of climate change on biodiversity: a role for semi-mechanistic community-level modelling / Karel Mokany, Simon Ferrier // Diversity and Distributions. 2011. Vol. 17, Nr 2. P. 374-380. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.248 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

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A new risk assessment approach for the prioritization of 500 classical and emerging organic microcontaminants as potential river basin specific pollutants under the European Water Framework Directive / Peter Carsten von der Ohe, Valeria Dulio, Jaroslav Slobodnik [et al.] // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 11. P. 20642077. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

A novel environmental indicator for monitoring of pesticides / Federico Luchi, Valeria Vigni, Riccardo Basosi, Elena Busi // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011. Vol. 177, Nr 1/4. P. 151-163. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.436 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Overcenco, Ala. Summer heat episodes in Czech Republic and Republic of Moldova: a comparative analysis / Ala Overcenco, Vera Potop // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2011. Nr 1 (313). P. 167-178. Bibliogr.: 34 tit.

Overfishing of top predators eroded the resilience of the Black Sea system regardless of the climate and anthropogenic conditions / Marcos Llope, Georgi M. Daskalov, Tristan A. Rouyer [et al.] // Global Change Biology. 2011. Vol. 17, Nr 3. P. 1251-1265. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 6.346 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Pal, S. K. Assessment of Heavy Metals Emission on Road Surfaces / S. K. Pal, S. G. Wallis, S. Arthur // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 954-959.

Peled, Ronit. Air pollution exposure: Who is at high risk? : a review / Ronit Peled // Atmospheric Environment. 2011. Vol. 45, Nr 10. P. 1781-1785. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.226 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Phytoremediation of Contaminated Aquatic Environments by the Species of Salviniaceae / A. Holtra, T. M. Traczewska, M. Sitarska [et al.] // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 541-543.

Pires, Ana. Solid waste management in European countries: A review of systems analysis techniques / Ana Pires, Graa Martinho, Ni-Bin Chang // Journal of Environmental Management. 2011. Vol. 92, Nr 4. P. 1033-1050. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.596 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Plaia, Antonella. Air quality indices / Antonella Plaia, Mariantonietta Ruggieri // Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. 2011. Vol. 10, Nr 2. P. 165-179.

Pohlert, Thorsten. Effects of sampling techniques on physical parameters and concentrations of selected persistent organic pollutants in suspended matter / Thorsten Pohlert, Gudrun Hillebrand, Vera Breitung // Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2011. Vol. 13, Nr 6. P. 1579-1588. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.810 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

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300. Pyrzynska, Krystyna. Carbon nanotubes as sorbents in the analysis of pesticides : a

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301. A quantitative review of ecosystem service studies: approaches, shortcomings and the

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302. Reed, Thomas E. Interacting Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity and Evolution on

Population Persistence in a Changing Climate / Thomas E. Reed, Daniel E. Schindler, Robin S. Waples // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 1. P. 59-63. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
303. Regional risk assessment for contaminated sites Part 1: Vulnerability assessment by

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304. Regional risk assessment for contaminated sites Part 2: Ranking of potentially

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305. Reisinger, Andy. Future changes in global warming potentials under representative

concentration pathways / Andy Reisinger, Malte Meinshausen, Martin Manning // Environmental Research Letters. 2011. Vol. 6, Nr 2. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.049 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
306. A review of the impact of climate change on future nitrate concentrations in

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307. The risks associated with wastewater reuse and xenobiotics in the agroecological

environment : a review / D. Fatta-Kassinos, I. K. Kalavrouziotis, P. H. Koukoulakis, M. I. Vasquez // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 19. P. 3555-3563. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
308. Rodin, Johnny. Fertility Intentions and Risk Management: Exploring the Fertility

Decline in Eastern Europe During Transition / Johnny Rodin // AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. 2011. Vol. 40, Nr 2. P. 221-230. (Impact factor of this journal 2009 : 2.486 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
309. Rostami, Ilia. Assessment of Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) Bioavailability and

Bioaccessibility for Human Health Exposure Assessment: A Critical Review / Ilia Rostami, Albert L. Juhasz // Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2011. Vol. 41, Nr 7. P. 623-656. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.000 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
310. Rotaru, Igor. Turismul rural ca metod de conservare a biodiversitii, legturile

economice dintre turismul rural i conservarea biodiversitii = , / Igor Rotaru, Gabriel Mrgineanu // Msuri agroecologice n Moldova: realizri i probleme, reguli i sfaturi = : , a . Ch., 2011. P. 26-32; 113-119.
311. Rozloga, Iu. Rspndirea geografic i caracterizarea ameliorativ a solurilor

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312. Rozloga, Iu. Structura nveliului de sol al terenurilor n pant din Republica

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313. Rbbelke, Dirk T. G. International support of climate change policies in developing

countries: Strategic, moral and fairness aspects / Dirk T. G. Rbbelke // Ecological Economics. 2011. Vol. 70, Nr 8. P. 1470-1480. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.754 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
314. Schimbrile Climatice n Republica Moldova: Impactul socio-economic i opiunile

de politici pentru adaptare : Raportul Naional de Dezvoltare Uman n Moldova 2009-2010 / aut.-coord. : Alex Oprunenco, Valeriu Prohnichi ; Programul Naiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare (PNUD) n Moldova. Ch. : Nova Imprim, 2010. 228 p.
315. Silver nanoparticles: Behaviour and effects in the aquatic environment : a review /

Julia Fabrega, Samuel N. Luoma, Charles R. Tyler [et al.] // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 2. P. 517-531. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
316. Simulating the effect of technical and environmental constraints on the spatio-

temporal distribution of herbicide applications and stream losses / Jordy Salmon-Monviola, Chantal Gascuel-Odoux, Frederick Garcia [et al.] // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2011. Vol. 140, Nr 3/4. P. 382-394. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.790 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
317. Socolova, L. Calitatea apei i sistemul de tratare a apei potabile n municipiul

Chiinu / L. Socolova, V. Socolov // Noosfera : rev. t. de educaie, spiritualitate i cultur ecologic. 2010. Nr 4. P. 94-97.
318. Socolova, L. Problema deeurilor n orelul Ialoveni / L. Socolova, V. Socolov //

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319. Solurile halomorfe din Stepa Blilor / A. Ursu, A. Overcenco, P. Vladimir, I. Marcov

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320. Sorption of biocides, triazine and phenylurea herbicides, and UV-filters onto

secondary sludge / Arne Wick, Olivian Marincas, Zaharie Moldovan, Thomas A. Ternes // Water Research. 2011. Vol. 45, Nr 12. P. 3638-3652. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.546 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
321. Srebotnjak, Tanja. Prospects for sustainable bioenergy production in selected former

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2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1009-1019. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
322. Starea ecologic a apelor de suprafa ecosistemului urban Chiinu / Constantin

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323. Stngaci, Aurelia. Virin ABB-3 o prghie eficient a agriculturii ecologice /

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324. Stucki, Virpi. Integrated Approaches to Natural Resources Management in Practice:

The Catalyzing Role of National Adaptation Programmes for Action : a review / Virpi Stucki, Mark Smith // AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. 2011. Vol. 40, Nr 4. P. 351-360. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.705 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
325. Su, Yanyan. Municipal wastewater treatment and biomass accumulation with a

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326. alaru, Gheorghe. Protecia mediului i procesul de integrare european a Republicii

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329. Thompson, Matthew P. Uncertainty and risk in wildland fire management : a review /

Matthew P. Thompson, Dave E. Calkin // Journal of Environmental Management. 2011. Vol. 92, Nr 8. P. 1835-1909. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.596 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
330. The trade-off between agriculture and biodiversity in marginal areas: Can crofting

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331. Tsao, Tsung M. Origin, separation and identification of environmental nanoparticles

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332. ugulea, Andrian. Studiul dinamicii polurii rului Bc pe sectorul ecosistemului

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334. Ursu, A. Ameliorarea luncilor i pedogeneza solurilor aluviale / A. Ursu, A.

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338. Van Geluwe, Steven. Ozone oxidation for the alleviation of membrane fouling by

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339. Variations of periphytic diatom sensitivity to the herbicide diuron and relation to

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341. von Stechow, Christoph. Policy incentives for carbon capture and storage

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344. Whitmarsh, Lorraine. Scepticism and uncertainty about climate change: Dimensions,

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345. Wilson, Howard B. Variability in Population Abundance and the Classification of

Extinction Risk / Howard B. Wilson, Bruce E. Kendall, Hugh P. Possingham // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 4. P. 747-757. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
346. Wong, Fiona. Visualising the equilibrium distribution and mobility of organic

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348. Zaharia, Marius Sorin. Structurarea fermelor ecologice / Marius Sorin Zaharia. Iai

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349. Zaks, David P. M. Data and monitoring needs for a more ecological agriculture /

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350. Zinkute, R. Major Elements as Possible Factors of Trace Element Urban

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, . . - / . . , . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 217-221. Bibliogr.: 9 tit.

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Ecologia microorganismelor
Abundance and activity of nitrate reducers in an arable soil are more affected by temporal variation and soil depth than by elevated atmospheric [CO2] / Sven Marhan, Laurent Philippot, David Bru [et al.] // FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2011. Vol. 76, Nr 2. P. 209-219. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.456 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Bacterial pollution induced community tolerance (PICT) to Cu and interactions with pH in long-term polluted vineyard soils / David Fernndez-Calvio, Manuel AriasEstvez, Montserrat Daz-Ravia, Erland Bth // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 11. P. 2324-2331. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Butenschoen, Olaf. Interactive effects of warming, soil humidity and plant diversity on litter decomposition and microbial activity / Olaf Butenschoen, Stefan Scheu, Nico Eisenhauer // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 9. P. 1902-1907. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Global patterns in the biogeography of bacterial taxa / Diana R. Nemergut, Elizabeth K. Costello, Micah Hamady [et al.] // Environmental Microbiology. 2011. Vol. 13, Nr 1. P. 135-144. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 5.537 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Greenhouse gas fluxes respond to different N fertilizer types due to altered plant soilmicrobe interactions / Erich Inselsbacher, Wolfgang Wanek, Katrin Ripka [et al.] // Plant and Soil. 2011. Vol. 343, Nr 1/2. P. 17-35. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.773 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Imobilizarea microorganismelor ca metod de sporire a eficienei biotransformrii compuilor organici / A. Cincilei, I. Rastimeina, S. Tolocichina [et al.] // Biotehnologia microbiologic domeniu scientointensiv al tiinei contemporane : conf. t. intern., 6-8 iul. 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 31-32.

Individual-based modelling of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soils: Parameterization and sensitivity analysis of microbial components / Anna Gras, Marta Ginovart, Joaquim Valls, Philippe C. Baveye // Ecological Modelling. 2011. Vol. 222, Nr 12. P. 1998-2010. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.769 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Kivlin, Stephanie N. Global diversity and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi / Stephanie N. Kivlin, Christine V. Hawkes, Kathleen K. Treseder // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 11. P. 2294-2303. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Leigh, Joanne. Growth and symbiotic effectiveness of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in organic matter in competition with soil bacteria / Joanne Leigh, Alastair H. Fitter, Angela Hodge // FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2011. Vol. 76, Nr 3. P. 428-438. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.456 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Mechanisms and recent advances in biological control mediated through the potato rhizosphere / Stphanie Diallo, Alexandre Crpin, Corinne Barbey [et al.] // FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2011. Vol. 75, Nr 3. P. 351-364. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.456 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Metal Pollution, Soil Properties and Plant Diversity as Determinants of Bacterial and Fungal Performance in Soils / A. M. Srefanowicz, M. Nikliska, P. Kapusta [et al.] // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 708-711.

Microbial processes and community composition in the rhizosphere of European beech The influence of plant C exudates / Marianne Koranda, Jrg Schnecker, Christina Kaiser [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 3. P. 551-558. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Morales, Sergio E. Linking bacterial identities and ecosystem processes: can omic analyses be more than the sum of their parts? : a minireview / Sergio E. Morales, William E. Holben // FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2011. Vol. 75, Nr 1. P. 2-16. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.456 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Pstrarea i valorificarea biodiversitii microbiene n cadrul Coleciei Naionale de Microorganisme Nepatogene / V. Stepanov, S. Codreanu, S. Bureva [et al.] // Biotehnologia microbiologic domeniu scientointensiv al tiinei contemporane : conf. t. intern., 6-8 iul. 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 108.
414. 415. Plant soil feedbacks contribute to an intransitive competitive network that promotes

both genetic and species diversity / Richard A. Lankau, Emily Wheeler, Alison E. Bennett, Sharon Y. Strauss // Journal of Ecology. 2011. Vol. 99, Nr 1. P. 176-185. (Impact

factor of this journal 2010 : 5.26 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
416. Singh, Jay Shankar. Efficient soil microorganisms: A new dimension for sustainable

agriculture and environmental development / Jay Shankar Singh, Vimal Chandra Pandey, D. P. Singh // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2011. Vol. 140, Nr 3/4. P. 339-353. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.790 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
417. Soil water repellency and its implications for organic matter decomposition is there

a link to extreme climatic events? / Marc-O. Goebel, Jrg Bachmann, Markus Reichstein [et al.] // Global Change Biology. 2011. Vol. 17, Nr 8. P. 2640-2656. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 6.346 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
418. Tulpini de microorganisme destructoare ale poluanilor organici / S. Tolocichina, A.

Cincilei, I. Rastimeina [et al.] // Biotehnologia microbiologic domeniu scientointensiv al tiinei contemporane : conf. t. intern., 6-8 iul. 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 112-113.
419. Using chlorophyll a and cyanobacteria in the ecological classification of lakes /

Martin Sndergaard, Sren E. Larsen, Torben B. Jrgensen, Erik Jeppesen // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1403-1412. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
420. van Elsas, J. D. A review of molecular methods to study the microbiota of soil and the

mycosphere / J. D. van Elsas, F. G. H. Boersma // European Journal of Soil Biology. 2011. Vol. 47, Nr 2. P. 77-87. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.741 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
421. Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Sophie. Soil microbial community structure in European

forests in relation to forest type and atmospheric nitrogen deposition / Sophie ZechmeisterBoltenstern, Kerstin Michel, Michael Pfeffer // Plant and Soil. 2011. Vol. 343, Nr 1/2. P. 37-50. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.773 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
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Ecologia plantelor
437. Activitatea reglatorilor de cretere n funcie de genotip, aciunea secetei,

coninutului de humus i calcar activ de sol / P. Negru, I. Gucan, A. Popovici, Gh. icanu // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 47.
438. Agroclimatic conditions in Europe under climate change / M. Trnka, Jrgen Eivind

Lesen, K. C. Kersebaum [et al.] // Global Change Biology. 2011. Vol. 17, Nr 7. P. 22982318. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 6.346 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
439. Badician, D. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi detection through PCR specific primers

and its effect on drought stress tolerance in maize / D. Badician // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 17.
440. Bainard, Luke D. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in tree-based intercropping systems:

A review of their abundance and diversity / Luke D. Bainard, John N. Klironomos, Andrew M. Gordon // Pedobiologia. 2011. Vol. 54, Nr 2. P. 57-61. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.474 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
441. Bell, J. N. B. Effects of vehicle exhaust emissions on urban wild plant species / J. N.

B. Bell, S. L. Honour, S. A. Power // Environmental Pollution. 2011. Vol. 159, Nr 8/9. P. 1984-1990. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.395 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
442. Blthgen, Nico. Functional complementarity and specialisation: The role of

biodiversity in plantpollinator interactions / Nico Blthgen, Alexandra-Maria Klein // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 4. P. 282-291. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
443. Brittain, Claire. The potential impacts of insecticides on the life-history traits of bees

and the consequences for pollination / Claire Brittain, Simon G. Potts // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 4. P. 321-331. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
444. Contribuii la cercetarea algoflorei r. Bc n limitele mun. Chiinu / Constantin

Bulimaga, Nadejda Grabco, Vladimir Mogldea, Corina Negara // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2010. Nr 6 (36). P. 38-43. Bibliogr.: 8 tit.

445. Co-occurrence patterns of trees along macro-climatic gradients and their potential

influence on the present and future distribution of Fagus sylvatica L. / Eliane S. Meier, Thomas C. Edwards Jr, Felix Kienast [et al.] // Journal of Biogeography. 2011. Vol. 38, Nr 2. P. 371-382. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.273 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
446. Covali, V. Floristic and phytocoenotic biodiversity of Progneti forestry reservation

/ V. Covali // Noosfera : rev. t. de educaie, spiritualitate i cultur ecologic. 2010. Nr 4. P. 70-72.

447. Cuza, Petru. Particularitile de cretere a puieilor stejarului pufos (Quercus

pubescens Wild.) de diferit provenien ecologic / Petru Cuza, Gheorghe Floren // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2010. Nr 6 (36). P. 4952. Bibliogr.: 7 tit.
448. Dascaliuc, Al. Capacitatea de adaptare a aparatului fotosintetic al speciilor de stejar

(Quercus rubur, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens) la aciunea temperaturilor nalte / Al. Dascaliuc, Petru Cuza // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 33-36. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.
449. Deadwood as a surrogate for forest biodiversity: Meta-analysis of correlations

between deadwood volume and species richness of saproxylic organisms : a review / Aurore Lassauce, Yoan Paillet, Herv Jactel, Christophe Bouget // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1027-1039. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
450. Delmas, Mat. Rethinking the links between systematic studies and ex situ living

collections as a contribution to the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation / Mat Delmas, Denis Larpin, Thomas Haevermans // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 2. P. 287-294. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
451. Diversitatea speciilor lemnoase din cadrul experimental al rezervaiei Codrii /

Tamara Cojuhari, Nicolae Sturza, Petru Stratulat [et al.] // Bul. t. Revist de Etnografie, tiinele Naturii i Muzeologie. Ser. nou / Muzeul Naional de Etnografie i Istorie Natural a Moldovei. 2010. Nr 12 (25) : tiinele naturii. P. 19-25. Bibliogr.: 8 tit.
452. Diversity of Central European urban biota: effects of human-made habitat types on

plants and land snails / Zdeka Lososov, Michal Horsk, Milan Chytr [et al.] // Journal of Biogeography. 2011. Vol. 38, Nr 6. P. 1152-1163. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.273 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

453. Diversity of plant animal interactions: Possibilities for a new plant defense

indicator value? / Fabian Borchard, Hans-Joachim Berger, Margret Bunzel-Drke, Thomas Fartmann // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1311-1318. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
454. Domingo, Jos L. A literature review on the safety assessment of genetically modified

plants / Jos L. Domingo, Jordi Gin Bordonaba // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 4. P. 734-742. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
455. Dru, Ala. Explorarea capacitilor adaptive ale plantelor de Prunus avium L. la

aciunea factorilor abiotici / Ala Dru // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 37.
456. Ecological impacts of invasive alien plants: a meta-analysis of their effects on

species, communities and ecosystems : a review / Montserrat Vil, Jos L. Espinar, Martin Hejda [et al.] // Ecology Letters. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 7. P. 702-708. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 15.253 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
457. Ecological restoration on farmland can drive beneficial functional responses in plant

and invertebrate communities / Richard F. Pywell, William R. Meek, R. G. Loxton [et al.] // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2011. Vol. 140, Nr 1/2. P. 62-67. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.790 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
458. Edible and Tended Wild Plants, Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Agroecology /

Nancy J. Turner, ukasz Jakub uczaj, Paola Migliorini [et al.] // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2011. Vol. 30, Nr 1/2. P. 198-225. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.821 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
459. The Effect of Various Ameliorants Applications on the Amounts and Forms of Heavy

Metals in Soil-Plant System / T. M. Minkina, S. S. Mandzhieva, O. G. Motuzova [et al.] // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 505-508.
460. Elevated CO2 and plant species diversity interact to slow root decomposition / Marie-

Anne de Graaff, Christopher W. Schadt, Kelly Rula [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 11. P. 2347-2354. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

461. Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants concepts and

controversies : a review / Angelika Hilbeck, Matthias Meier, Jrg Rmbke [et al.] // Environmental Sciences Europe. 2011. Vol. 23, Nr 1.
462. Evaluation of European diatom trophic indices / Anna Besse-Lototskaya, Piet F. M.

Verdonschot, Michel Coste, Bart Van de Vijver // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 456-467. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
463. Exploring Ground Vegetation Change for Different Deposition Scenarios and

Methods for Estimating Critical Loads for Biodiversity Using the ForSAFE-VEG Model in Switzerland and Sweden / Salim Belyazid, Harald Sverdrup, Daniel Kurz, Sabine Braun // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2011. Vol. 216, Nr 1/4. P. 289-317. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.765 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters). Basarabiei (plantele superioare spontane). Vol. 1 : Bryophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Pteridophyta, Pinophyta / G. Simonov, A. Negru, Galina abanov [et al.] ; sub red. A. Negru. Ch. : Universul, 2011. 320 p. Bibliogr. la sfritul art. ISBN 978-9975-47-058-2.
465. Ganea, A. Inventarierea biodiversitii cornului (Cornus mas L.) n ecosistemele 464. Flora

forestiere / A. Ganea, Svetlana Tretiacova, Svetlana Bezuglova // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 76.
466. Global crop yield reductions due to surface ozone exposure: 2. Year 2030 potential

crop production losses and economic damage under two scenarios of O3 pollution / Shiri Avnery, Denise L. Mauzerall, Junfeng Liu, Larry W. Horowitz // Atmospheric Environment. 2011. Vol. 45, Nr 13. P. 2297-2309. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.226 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
467. Gociu, Dumitru. Evoluia suprafeelor mpdurite din Republica Moldova / Dumitru

Gociu // Mediul Ambiant. 2010. Nr 6 (54). P. 47-48.

468. Greenhouse gas fluxes respond to different N fertilizer types due to altered plant

soilmicrobe interactions / Erich Inselsbacher, Wolfgang Wanek, Katrin Ripka [et al.] // Plant and Soil. 2011. Vol. 343, Nr 1/2. P. 17-35. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.773 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).


469. Ground vegetation monitoring in Swiss forests: comparison of survey methods and

implications for trend assessments / Anne Thimonier, Peter Kull, Walter Keller [et al.] // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011. Vol. 174, Nr 1/4. P. 47-63. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.436 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
470. Hennig, Ernest Ireneusz. Plantpollinator interactions within the urban environment /

Ernest Ireneusz Hennig, Jaboury Ghazoul // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2011. Vol. 13, Nr 2. P. 137-150. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.488 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
471. Hertel, Dietrich. Tree roots in canopy soils of old European beech trees An

ecological reassessment of a forgotten phenomenon / Dietrich Hertel // Pedobiologia. 2011. Vol. 54, Nr 2. P. 119-125. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.474 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
472. Heywood, Vernon H. The role of botanic gardens as resource and introduction

centres in the face of global change / Vernon H. Heywood // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 2. P. 221-239. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
473. Hoffmann, Daniela. Mycorrhiza-induced trophic cascade enhances fitness and

population growth of an acarine predator / Daniela Hoffmann, Horst Vierheilig, Peter Schausberger // Oecologia. 2011. Vol. 166, Nr 1. P. 141-149. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.517 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
474. Interactions among plants and evolution : a review / Andrea S. Thorpe, Erik T.

Aschehoug, Daniel Z. Atwater, Ragan M. Callaway // Journal of Ecology. 2011. Vol. 99, Nr 3. P. 729-740. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 5.26 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
475. Introduction bias: Cultivated alien plant species germinate faster and more

abundantly than native species in Switzerland / Thomas Chrobock, Anne Kempel, Markus Fischer, Mark van Kleunen // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 3. P. 244250. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
476. Iordosopol, Elena. Acarienii prdtori la plantele din flora spontan / Elena

Iordosopol // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 139.

477. Kettenring, Karin M. Lessons learned from invasive plant control experiments: a

systematic review and meta-analysis / Karin M. Kettenring, Carrie Reinhardt Adams // Journal of Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 48, Nr 4. P. 970-979. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.97 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
478. Kim, Sangdan. Stochastic modelling of soil water and plant water stress using

cumulant expansion theory / Sangdan Kim, Suhee Han, Eungseock Kim // Ecohydrology. 2011. Vol. 4, Nr 1. P. 94-105. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.835 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
479. Kivlin, Stephanie N. Global diversity and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal

fungi / Stephanie N. Kivlin, Christine V. Hawkes, Kathleen K. Treseder // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 11. P. 2294-2303. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
480. Limited potential of crop management for mitigating surface ozone impacts on global

food supply / Edmar Teixeira, Guenther Fischer, Harrij van Velthuizen [et al.] // Atmospheric Environment. 2011. Vol. 45, Nr 15. P. 2569-2576. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.226 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
481. Lipowsky, Annett. Selection for monoculture and mixture genotypes in a biodiversity

experiment / Annett Lipowsky, Bernhard Schmid, Christiane Roscher // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 4. P. 360-371. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
482. Lisnic, S. Aciunea nichelului (Ni) ca microelement i poluant asupra unor procese

fiziologice la sfecla pentru zahr / S. Lisnic, Iulia Corechi // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 40.
483. Maruh, Alexandr. Analiza elementului adventiv din flora sinantrop necultivat a

parcului tefan cel Mare / Alexandr Maruh, Ludmila Cuharscaia // Politici europene de cercetare i inovare: cooperare, idei, oameni i capaciti : rez. comunic. conf. t., 18 mai 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 37-38.
484. Mechanisms and recent advances in biological control mediated through the potato

rhizosphere / Stphanie Diallo, Alexandre Crpin, Corinne Barbey [et al.] // FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2011. Vol. 75, Nr 3. P. 351-364. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.456 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
485. Metal Pollution, Soil Properties and Plant Diversity as Determinants of Bacterial and

Fungal Performance in Soils / A. M. Srefanowicz, M. Nikliska, P. Kapusta [et al.] // 15th


International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 708-711.
486. Meyer, Hartmut. Systemic risks of genetically modified crops: the need for new

approaches to risk assessment : a review / Hartmut Meyer // Environmental Sciences Europe. 2011. Vol. 23, Nr 1.
487. Microbial processes and community composition in the rhizosphere of European

beech The influence of plant C exudates / Marianne Koranda, Jrg Schnecker, Christina Kaiser [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 3. P. 551-558. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
488. Mrza, Mihai. Evaluarea i tendinele dezvoltrii arboretelor sectorului silvic

Clineti din cadrul rezervaiei tiinifice Pdurea Domneasc / Mihai Mrza, Iulian Mamai // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2010. Nr 6 (36). P. 65-68. Bibliogr.: 5 tit.
489. Particularitile respiraiei la plantele viticole n funcie de vigoarea de cretere,

condiiile de vegetaie, rezistena la secet i ger / P. Negru, Gh. icanu, V. Voronov, A. Popovici // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 46.
490. Pascari, Alexandru. Ameliorarea ecologic a cernoziomului slab erodat din sudul

Moldovei, prin utilizarea ngrmintelor organice / Alexandru Pascari, Tatiana Nagacevschi, Vasile Plmdeal // Politici europene de cercetare i inovare: cooperare, idei, oameni i capaciti : rez. comunic. conf. t., 18 mai 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 47-48.
491. Peleg, Zvi. Hormone balance and abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants / Zvi Peleg,

Eduardo Blumwald // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 3. P. 290-295. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 9.431 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
492. Petcu, Elena. Relaiile dintre indicile suprafeei foliare, biomas i producia de gru

cultivat n sistemele convenional i ecologic / Elena Petcu, I. Toncea, V. Petcu // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 48.
493. Phytoremediation of Contaminated Aquatic Environments by the Species of

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494. Plant herbivore interactions affect the initial direction of community changes in an

ecosystem manipulation experiment / Bertrand Dumont, Pascal Carrre, Ccile Ginane [et al.] // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 3. P. 187-194. (Impact factor of this journal 2010: 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
495. Plant soil feedbacks contribute to an intransitive competitive network that promotes

both genetic and species diversity / Richard A. Lankau, Emily Wheeler, Alison E. Bennett, Sharon Y. Strauss // Journal of Ecology. 2011. Vol. 99, Nr 1. P. 176-185. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 5.26 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
496. Popov, Leonid. Aspectul ecologic al ierburilor perene pentru meninerea fertilitii

cernoziomului puternic erodat i minimizarea scurgerilor de suprafa // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2010. Nr 6 (36). P. 76-81. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.
497. Postolache, Gheorghe. Aria protejat Clinetii Mici / Gheorghe Postolache //

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498. Postolache, Gheorghe. Aria protejat Vcui / Gheorghe Postolache // Mediul

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499. Postovan, Olesea. Flora ruderal a mprejurimii staiei feroviare din cadrul oraului

Drochia / Olesea Postovan, Ludmila Cuharscaia // Politici europene de cercetare i inovare: cooperare, idei, oameni i capaciti : rez. comunic. conf. t., 18 mai 2011. Ch., 2011. P. 39-40.
500. Potenialul ecologo-ameliorativ al asolamentelor furajero-cerealiere de rotaie scurt

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501. Potenialul floristic medicinal al ariilor forestiere protejate din valea Prutului / V.

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502. The Prime Entry Points in Heavy Metal Uptake by Crop Plants / A. Sas-Nowosielska,

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503. Principii i procedee de determinare a rezistenei ecologice a plantelor / An. Jacot,

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504. Prosii, Eric. Dinamica dezvoltrii fondului forestier al ocolului silvic Olicani / Eric

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505. Prosii, Eric. Evoluia strii de sntate a arboretelor din cadrul ocolului silvic

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506. Rae, David. Fit for purpose: the importance of quality standards in the cultivation

and use of live plant collections for conservation / David Rae // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 2. P. 241-258. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
507. The Role of Botanic Gardens in the Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration /

Ate A. Hardwick, Peggy Fiedler, Lyndon C. Lee [et al.] // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 2. P. 265-275. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
508. The role of climate and plant functional trade-offs in shaping global biome and

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509. Romanciuc, Gabriela. Documentarea resurselor genetice vegetale n sistemul

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510. Rotaru, Ludmila. Aciuni i interaciuni genice implicate n reacia tomatelor la

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511. Seed traits, landscape and environmental parameters as predictors of species

occurrence in fragmented urban railway habitats / Janneke R. Westermann, Moritz von der Lippe, Ingo Kowarik // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 1. P.29-37. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

512. Set-aside promotes insect and plant diversity in a Central European country / Anik

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513. Sharrock, Suzanne. Saving Europes threatened flora: progress towards GSPC Target

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514. Stevens, Carly J. Ecosystem responses to reduced and oxidised nitrogen inputs in

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515. Temporal trends and spatial patterns of heavy metal concentrations in mosses in

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516. To what extent are threatened European plant species conserved in seed banks? /

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518. cu, Lilia. Schimbarea termotoleranei genotipurilor stejarului pedunculat (Quercus 517. Turner,

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519. Ungureanu, L. Diversitatea i structura cantitativ a algelor xantofite (Xanthophyta)

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521. Van Looy, Kris. Restoring river grasslands: Influence of soil, isolation and

restoration technique / Kris Van Looy // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 4. P. 342-349. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
522. Variations of periphytic diatom sensitivity to the herbicide diuron and relation to

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523. Vegetaia din lunca r. Bc, sectorul urban Chiinu / Constantin Bulimaga, Nadejda

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524. Volociuc, L. Mijloace biotehnologice de protecie a plantelor n agricultur

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525. Wang, Yunxia. Stressed food The impact of abiotic environmental stresses on crop

quality : a review / Yunxia Wang, Michael Frei // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2011. Vol. 141, Nr 3/4. P. 271-286. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.790 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
526. Weihuhn, Karoline. Geographic variation in the response to drought in nine

grassland species / Karoline Weihuhn, Harald Auge, Daniel Prati // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 1. P. 21-28. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
527. Wolf, Annett. Estimating the potential impact of vegetation on the water cycle

requires accurate soil water parameter estimation / Annett Wolf // Ecological Modelling. 2011. Vol. 222, Nr 15. P. 2595-2605. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.769 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
528. Wolkovich, Elizabeth M. The phenology of plant invasions: a community ecology

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529. Zavtoni, P. Elemente tehnologice de obinere a legumelor ecologice / P. Zavtoni //

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530. Zvereva, Elena L. Impacts of Industrial Polluters on Bryophytes: a Meta-analysis of

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Ecologia animalelor
566. Adapting global conservation strategies to climate change at the European scale: The

otter as a flagship species / Carmen Cianfrani, Gwenalle Le Lay, Luigi Maiorano [et al.] // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 8. P. 2068-2080. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
567. Are grasslands important habitats for soil microarthropod conservation? / Cristina

Menta, Alan Leoni, Ciro Gardi, Federica Delia Conti // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 5. P. 1073-1087. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
568. Atlasul psrilor clocitoare din Republica Moldova / Andrei Munteanu, Nicolai

Zubcov, Grigorii Gusan [et al.] ; coord. : Andrei Munteanu ; Inst. de Zoologie al Acad. de tiine a Moldovei, Soc. Ornitologic din Republica Moldova. Ch. : S. n., 2010. 100 p. Bibliogr.: p. 96-100 (88 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-106-10-8.
569. Bacal, Svetlana. Contribuii la cunoaterea faunei de nevertebrate (Collembola,

Coleoptera) din cultura de lucern / Svetlana Bacal, Galina Bumachiu, Livia Calestru // Mediul Ambiant. 2010. Nr 6 (54). P. 26-29.
570. Bacal, Svetlana Diversitatea specific a nevertebratelor (Collembola, Homoptera,

Coleoptera) din unele canioane ale podiului Nistrului / Svetlana Bacal, Galina Bumachiu, Boris Vereceaghin // Bul. t. Revist de Etnografie, tiinele Naturii i Muzeologie. Ser. nou / Muzeul Naional de Etnografie i Istorie Natural a Moldovei. 2010. Nr 12 (25) : tiinele naturii. P. 44-48.
571. Bogdea, Larisa. Ponta i succesul reproductiv la speciile genurilor Sylvia i

Phylloscopus (Sylviidae) pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova / Larisa Bogdea, Andrei Munteanu, Nicolae Zubcov [et al.] // Bul. t. Revist de Etnografie, tiinele Naturii i Muzeologie. Ser. nou / Muzeul Naional de Etnografie i Istorie Natural a Moldovei. 2010. Nr 12 (25) : tiinele naturii. P. 49-54. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.
572. Branton, Margaret. Assessing the Value of the Umbrella-Species Concept for

Conservation Planning with Meta-Analysis : a review / Margaret Branton, John S. Richardson // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 1. P. 9-20. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
573. Brittain, Claire. The potential impacts of insecticides on the life-history traits of bees

and the consequences for pollination / Claire Brittain, Simon G. Potts // Basic and Applied

Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 4. P. 321-331. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
574. Burev, Ecaterina. Aspectul ecologic i biodiversitatea comunitilor de fitonematode

la cultura rapiei de toamn n Republica Moldova / Ecaterina Burev, Elena Iurcu-Stristaru, Alexei Bivol // nvmntul universitar din Republica Moldova la 80 de ani : materialele conf. t. studeneti, 21 apr. 2010. Ch., 2010. P. 36-40. Bibliogr.: 11 tit. Galina. Diversitatea specific a nevertebratelor (Collembola, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) din ecosistemele riverane ale Republicii Moldova / Galina Bumachiu, Svetlana Bacal, Livia Calestru // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 118-123. Bibliogr.: 9 tit.
576. Campbell-Palmer, Risn. The importance of chemical communication studies to 575. Bumachiu,

mammalian conservation biology : a review / Risn Campbell-Palmer, Frank Rosell // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 7. P. 1919-1930. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
577. Catry, Ins. Adapting conservation efforts to face climate change: Modifying nest-site

provisioning for lesser kestrels / Ins Catry, Aldina M. A. Franco, William J. Sutherland Tscharntke // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 3. P. 1111-1119. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
578. Chiric, Lazr. Realizri n domeniul implementrii Conveniei asupra zonelor umede

de importan internaional n special ca habitat al psrilor acvatice / Lazr Chiric, Veronica Josu // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 1 (55). P. 4-8.
579. Conservation in the face of climate change: The roles of alternative models,

monitoring, and adaptation in confronting and reducing uncertainty / Michael J. Conroy, Michael C. Runge, James D. Nichols [et al.] // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 4. P. 1204-1213. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
580. Cost-effectiveness of strategies to establish a European bison metapopulation in the

Carpathians / Tobias Kuemmerle, Kajetan Perzanowski, H. Resit Akakaya [et al.] // Journal of Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 48, Nr 2. P. 317-329. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.97 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).


581. Deadwood as a surrogate for forest biodiversity: Meta-analysis of correlations

between deadwood volume and species richness of saproxylic organisms : a review / Aurore Lassauce, Yoan Paillet, Herv Jactel, Christophe Bouget // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1027-1039. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
582. Disentangling the effects of fertilisers and pesticides on winter stubble use by

farmland birds / Ailsa J. McKenzie, Juliet A. Vickery, Carlo Leifert [et al.] // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 1. P.80-88. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
583. Distribution of shrews from genus Crocidura on the territory of Republic of Moldova

/ Victoria Nistreanu, Anatol Savin, Victoria Burlacu [et al.] // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 350-353. Bibliogr.: 12 tit.
584. Diversitatea avifaunei n fiile forestiere de la Chetrosu, Ghidighici i Aeroport /

Natalia Vasilacu, Larisa Bogdea, Ludmila Buciuceanu [et al.] // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 318-320. Bibliogr.: 6 tit.
585. Diversity of Central European urban biota: effects of human-made habitat types on

plants and land snails / Zdeka Lososov, Michal Horsk, Milan Chytr [et al.] // Journal of Biogeography. 2011. Vol. 38, Nr 6. P. 1152-1163. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.273 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
586. Diversity of plant animal interactions: Possibilities for a new plant defense

indicator value? / Fabian Borchard, Hans-Joachim Berger, Margret Bunzel-Drke, Thomas Fartmann // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1311-1318. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
587. Ecological restoration on farmland can drive beneficial functional responses in plant

and invertebrate communities / Richard F. Pywell, William R. Meek, R. G. Loxton [et al.] // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2011. Vol. 140, Nr 1/2. P. 62-67. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.790 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
588. Effect of artificial warren size on a restocked European wild rabbit population / C.

Rouco, R. Villafuerte, F. Castro, P. Ferreras // Animal Conservation. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 2. P. 117-123. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.906 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

589. Effects of Road Networks on Bird Populations : a review / A. V. Kociolek, A. P.

Clevenger, C. C. St. Clair, D. S. Proppe // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 2. P. 241-249. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
590. Eisenhauer, Nico. Collembola species composition and diversity effects on ecosystem

functioning vary with plant functional group identity / Nico Eisenhauer, Alexander C. W. Sabais, Stefan Scheu // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 8. P. 16971704. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
591. A first evaluation of the usefulness of feathers of nestling predatory birds for non-

destructive biomonitoring of persistent organic pollutants / Igor Eulaers, Adrian Covaci, Dorte Herzke [et al.] // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 3. P. 622-630. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
592. Fischer, Christina. Small mammals in agricultural landscapes: Opposing responses to

farming practices and landscape complexity / Christina Fischer, Carsten Thies, Teja Tscharntke // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 3. P. 1130-1136. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
593. Gava, Radu. Ecologia miriapodelor din pdurile Fget, Zvoi i TrivalePiteti /

Radu Gava. Bucureti : Ed. Acad. Romne, 2009. 211 p. Bibliogr.: p. 203-211 (164 tit.). ISBN 978-973-27-1807-0.
594. Global diversity in light of climate change: the case of ants / Clinton N. Jenkins,

Nathan J. Sanders, Alan N. Andersen [et al.] // Diversity and Distributions. 2011. Vol. 17, Nr 4. P. 652-662. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.248 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
595. Global macroecology of bird assemblages in urbanized and semi-natural ecosystems /

Marco Pautasso, Katrin Bhning-Gaese, Philippe Clergeau [et al.] // Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 3. P. 426-436. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 5.273 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
596. Gowacki, ukasz. Accuracy of species richness estimators applied to fish in small

and large temperate lowland rivers / ukasz Gowacki // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 6. P. 1365-1384. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

597. Hennig, Ernest Ireneusz. Plantpollinator interactions within the urban environment /

Ernest Ireneusz Hennig, Jaboury Ghazoul // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2011. Vol. 13, Nr 2. P. 137-150. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.488 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
598. Hoffmann, Daniela. Mycorrhiza-induced trophic cascade enhances fitness and

population growth of an acarine predator / Daniela Hoffmann, Horst Vierheilig, Peter Schausberger // Oecologia. 2011. Vol. 166, Nr 1. P. 141-149. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.517 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
599. How to choose a biodiversity indicator Redundancy and complementarity of

biodiversity metrics in a freshwater ecosystem / Belinda Gallardo, Stphanie Gascn, Xavier Quintana, Franciso A. Comn // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1177-1184. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
600. IBQS: A synthetic index of soil quality based on soil macro-invertebrate communities

/ Ruiz Nuria, Mathieu Jrme, Clini Lonide [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 10. P. 2032-2045. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
601. Ihtiofauna rurilor mici din zona de nord a Republicii Moldova / Denis Bulat,

Dumitru Bulat, Marin Usati, Dorin Dumbrveanu // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2011. Nr 1 (313). P. 95-103. Bibliogr.: 12 tit.
602. Iordosopol, Elena. Acarienii prdtori la plantele din flora spontan / Elena

Iordosopol // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 139. Randa. Soil microarthropod response to the application of entomopathogenic nematode-killed insects in maize and flower strip habitats / Randa Jabbour, Mary E. Barbercheck // Pedobiologia. 2011. Vol. 54, Nr 4. P. 243-251. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.474 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
604. Kishlyaryuk, V. Impact of climatic changes on fresh-water fauna from the lower 603. Jabbour,

Dniester basin in late holocene (based on archaelogical materials) / V. Kishlyaryuk, A. Tchepalyga // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 221-224. Bibliogr.: 21 tit.

605. Larsen, Jrn Lennart. Improving national habitat specific biodiversity indicators

using relative habitat use for common birds / Jrn Lennart Larsen, Henning Heldbjerg, Anne Eskildsen // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1459-1466. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
606. Local and landscape-scale forest attributes differ in their impact on bird assemblages

across years in forest production landscapes / Konstans Wells, Stefan M. Bhm, Steffen Boch [et al.] // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2011. Vol. 12, Nr 2. P. 97-106. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.199 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
607. Manic, Gheorghe. Hemitrichus carenatus sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea:

Pteromalidae), collected in the southern zone of the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Manic // Bul. t. Revist de Etnografie, tiinele Naturii i Muzeologie. Ser. nou / Muzeul Naional de Etnografie i Istorie Natural a Moldovei. 2010. Nr 12 (25) : tiinele naturii. P. 73-77.
608. Melnic, Maria. Fitonematode asociate cu plantele lemnoase forestiere n Grdina

Botanic a Muzeului Naional de Etnografie i Istorie Natural din Chiinu / Maria Melnic // Bul. t. Revist de Etnografie, tiinele Naturii i Muzeologie. Ser. nou / Muzeul Naional de Etnografie i Istorie Natural a Moldovei. 2010. Nr 12 (25) : tiinele naturii. P. 78-82. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.
609. Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Marked Wire in Reducing Avian Collisions with

Power Lines / Rafael Barrientos, Juan Carlos Alonso, Carlos Ponce, Carlos Palacn // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 5. P. 893-903. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
610. Mihailov, Irina. Studiul faunei stafilinidelor (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) din

rezervaiile peisagistice pova i Saharna / Irina Mihailov, Valeriu Derjanschi // Bul. t. Revist de Etnografie, tiinele Naturii i Muzeologie. Ser. nou / Muzeul Naional de Etnografie i Istorie Natural a Moldovei. 2010. Nr 12 (25) : tiinele naturii. P. 83-89. Bibliogr.: 12 tit.
611. Modelling the European Farmland Bird Indicator in response to forecast land-use

change in Europe / Paul Scholefield, Les Firbank, Simon Butler [et al.] // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 1. P. 46-51. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
612. Monroy, Fernando. Epigeic earthworms increase soil arthropod populations during

first steps of decomposition of organic matter / Fernando Monroy, Manuel Aira, Jorge Domnguez // Pedobiologia. 2011. Vol. 54, Nr 2. P. 93-99. (Impact factor of this

journal 2010 : 1.474






613. Mortalitatea la oarecii de miun Mus spicilegus Petenyi in sezonul rece n zona

central a Moldovei / Alina Larion, Victoria Nistreanu, Larisa Mironov, Nicolae Corcimaru // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 346-350. Bibliogr.: 4 tit.
614. Nagy, Z. L. Seasonal and geographical distribution of cave-dwelling bats in

Romania: implications for conservation / Z. L. Nagy, T. Postawa // Animal Conservation. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 1. P. 74-86. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.906 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
615. Particularitile aciunilor complexe a factorilor antropogeni asupra schimbrilor

structurii ihtiofaunei i populaiilor de peti n lacurile bazinului fl. Nistru / Adrian Usati, Oleg Crepis, Nicolae aptefrai [et al.] // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 176-181. Bibliogr.: 16 tit.
616. Penteriani, V. Floater strategies and dynamics in birds, and their importance in

conservation biology: towards an understanding of nonbreeders in avian populations : a review / V. Penteriani, M. Ferrer, M. M. Delgado // Animal Conservation. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 3. P. 233-241. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.906 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
617. Postolachi, Vlad. Contribuii la studierea comportamentului de nutriie a viperei

obinuite (Vipera berus L.) / Vlad Postolachi // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 353-355. Bibliogr.: 8 tit.
618. The potential of large carnivores as conservation surrogates in the Romanian

Carpathians / Laureniu Rozylowicz, Viorel D. Popescu, Maria Ptroescu, Gabriel Chiamera // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 3. P. 561-579. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
619. Predictors of forest fragmentation sensitivity in Neotropical vertebrates: a

quantitative review / Daniela Vetter, Miriam M. Hansbauer, Zsolt Vgvri, Ilse Storch // Ecography. 2010. Vol. 34, Nr 1. P. 1-8. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.417 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
620. Sabais, Alexander C. W. Plant species richness drives the density and diversity of

Collembola in temperate grassland / Alexander C. W. Sabais, Stefan Scheu, Nico Eisenhauer


// Acta Oecologica. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 3. P. 195-202. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.460 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
621. Sanchez, Brian C. Review of recent proteomic applications in aquatic toxicology /

Brian C. Sanchez, Kimberly Ralston-Hooper, Mara S. Seplveda // Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2011. Vol. 30, Nr 2. P. 274-282. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.026 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
622. Set-aside promotes insect and plant diversity in a Central European country / Anik

Kovcs-Hostynszki, dm Krsi, Kirill Mrk Orci [et al.] // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2011. Vol. 141, Nr 3/4. P. 296-301. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.790 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
623. Stnic, V. The peculiarities of age and sex structure of the vole species in Republic of

Moldova / V. Stnic // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 365-368. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.
624. Skagen, Susan K. Potential Misuse of Avian Density as a Conservation Metric / Susan

K. Skagen, Amy A. Yackel Adams // Conservation Biology. 2011. Vol. 25, Nr 1. P. 4855. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.894 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
625. Soil fauna feeding activity in temperate grassland soils increases with legume and

grass species richness / Klaus Birkhofer, Tim Diektter, Steffen Boch [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 10. P. 2200-2207. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
626. Spatio-temporal covariation in abundance between the cyclic common vole Microtus

arvalis and other small mammal prey species / David Carslake, Thomas Cornulier, Pablo Inchausti, Vincent Bretagnolle // Ecography. 2011. Vol. 34, Nr 2. P. 327335. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.417 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
627. Speciile alogene de peti din ecosistemele acvatice ale Republicii Moldova / Dumitru

Bulat, Denis Bulat, Marin Usati, Laurenia Ungureanu // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 2 (56). P. 24-32. Bibliogr.: 42 tit.
628. Strubbe, Diederik. Concerns regarding the scientific evidence informing impact risk

assessment and management recommendations for invasive birds / Diederik Strubbe, Assaf Shwartz, Franois Chiron // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 8. P. 21122118. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

629. Svenning, Jens-Christian. Climate, history and neutrality as drivers of mammal beta

diversity in Europe: insights from multiscale deconstruction / Jens-Christian Svenning, Camilla Fljgaard, Andrs Baselga // Journal of Animal Ecology. 2011. Vol. 80, Nr 2. P. 393-402. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.457 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
630. Temporal dynamics of soil nematode communities in a grassland plant diversity

experiment / Maria Viketoft, Bjrn Sohlenius, Sven Bostrm [et al.] // Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011. Vol. 43, Nr 5. P. 1063-1070. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.242 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
631. Universal criteria for species conservation priorities? Findings from a survey of

public views across Europe / Anke Fischer, Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Fransje Langers [et al.] // Biological Conservation. 2011. Vol. 144, Nr 3. P. 998-1007. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.498 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
632. Ursu, Andrei. Activitatea pedogenetic a cicadelor / Andrei Ursu, Aureliu Overcenco,

Ion Marcov // Mediul Ambiant. 2010. Nr 6 (54). P. 26-29. Bibliogr.: 5 tit.

633. Use of sex ratio of bream (Abramis brama L.) as an indicator of endocrine effects:

Results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank / Diana Teubner, Kathrin Tarricone, Michael Veith [et al.] // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 5. P. 1487-1489. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
634. Vereceaghin, Boris. Diversitatea entomofaunei silvice, cile de conservare i

diminuare a duntorilor / Boris Vereceaghin, Galina Bumachiu, Svetlana Bacal // Agricultura Moldovei. 2010. Nr 11/12. P. 30-31.
635. Vition, P. Aspecte agroecologice ale organismelor edafice n ecosistemele agricole /

P. Vition // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 167.
636. Weak or strong invaders? A comparison of impact between the native and invaded

ranges of mammals and birds alien to Europe / Sabrina Kumschick, Christina Alba, Ruth A. Hufbauer, Wolfgang Nentwig // Diversity and Distributions. 2011. Vol. 17, Nr 4. P. 663672. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.248 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).


637. Witzenberger, Kathrin A. Ex situ conservation genetics: a review of molecular studies

on the genetic consequences of captive breeding programmes for endangered animal species / Kathrin A. Witzenberger, Axel Hochkirch // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011. Vol. 20, Nr 9. P. 1843-1861. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.146 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

/ , , , // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 147-153. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.
639. , .

/ , , // Mediul Ambiant. 2011. Nr 1 (55). P. 26-30. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.

640. , . . ,

/ . . // . 2011. . 90, Nr 7. P. 773-783.

641. , . .

/ . . // . 2011. Nr 1. P. 75-80. Bibliogr.: 25 tit.

642. . .

/ . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 321-326.
643. , .

/ ; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei, Inst. de Zoologie. Ch. : tiina, 2011. 88 p. Bibliogr.: p. 81-87 (94 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-67-753-0.
644. , . . (Insecta, Orthoptera)

/ . . , . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 330-334. Bibliogr.: 6 tit.
645. , . . - Brassica oleracea L./ . . //

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, . . Aegyptobia sayed, 1950 (Acariformes: Tenuipalpidae) / . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 338-340. Bibliogr.: 15 tit.

, . (Acariformes et Parasitiformes) / // Bul. t. Revist de Etnografie, tiinele Naturii i Muzeologie. Ser. nou / Muzeul Naional de Etnografie i Istorie Natural a Moldovei. 2010. Nr 12 (25) : tiinele naturii. P. 9093. Bibliogr.: 5 tit.

, . . / . . , . . , . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 156-160. Bibliogr.: 5 tit.

, . . : / . . , . . // . 2011. . 131, Nr 3. P. 300-310. Bibliogr.: 34 tit.


, . . ,, / . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 160-163. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.

, . . / . . // . 2011. . 72, Nr 3. P. 183-197.


, . - Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Perciformes: Odontobutidae) - / , // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 415-420. Bibliogr.: 41 tit.

, . . , / . . , . . , . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 169-172. Bibliogr.: 13 tit.


, . . - / . . , . . // Genetica i fiziologia rezistenei plantelor : In memoriam academicianului Anatolie Jacota : conf. t., 21 iun. 2011 : teze. Ch., 2011. P. 144.

Apodemus uralensis Apodemus sylvaticus / , , , // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 389-392. Bibliogr.: 6 tit.

, . . , / . . , . . // . 2011. . 38, Nr 3. P. 373-381. Bibliogr.: 16 tit.


, . ( . ) / , // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 355-359. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.

/ . . , . . , . . [et al.] // . 2011. . 90, Nr 2. P. 223231. Bibliogr.: 24 tit.


, . . - Microtus arvalis Pall. / . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 369-371. Bibliogr.: 6 tit.

, A. A. / . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 371-373. Bibliogr.: 8 tit.
660. 661. , . .

/ . . , . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 181-187. Bibliogr.: 4 tit. . . - / . . // . 2011. . 90, Nr 7. P. 841-860.

662. ,

663. , . . -

/ . . // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 383-389. Bibliogr.: 7 tit.
664. , . . -

/ . . // . 2011. Nr 2. P. 148-152.
665. , . .

/ . . // . 2011. . 72, Nr 1. P. 27-39.


Ecologia, stresul i adaptarea omului

666. Aevschi, I. Poluarea sonor i influena ei asupra sntii umane / I. Aevschi, V.

Aevschi // Noosfera : rev. t. de educaie, spiritualitate i cultur ecologic. 2010. Nr 4. P. 17-22.

667. Bell, Michelle L. Quantifying the human health benefits of air pollution policies:

Review of recent studies and new directions in accountability research : a review / Michelle L. Bell, Richard D. Morgenstern, Winston Harrington // Environmental Science and Policy. 2011. Vol. 14, Nr 4. P. 357-368. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.213 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
668. Bernic, V. Evaluarea strii de sntate a copiilor din sectorul rural n dependen de

compoziia chimic a apei potabile / V. Bernic // Factorii de risc din mediu i sntatea : materialele conf. t.-practice, 23 apr. 2010. Ch., 2010. P. 40-48.
669. Brink, Mark. Parameters of well-being and subjective health and their relationship

with residential traffic noise exposure A representative evaluation in Switzerland / Mark Brink // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 4. P. 723-733. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
670. Calitatea apei potabile i sntatea omului / Ion Gherman, Doina Casco, Iurie

Bacalov [et al.] // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 123-126. Bibliogr.: 20 tit.
671. Cucereanu, A. Unele aspecte privind radiaiile ionizante ca factor de risc din mediu i

impactul lor asupra sntii n contextul implementrii Noului Sistem de Sntate Public / A. Cucereanu // Factorii de risc din mediu i sntatea : materialele conf. t.-practice, 23 apr. 2010. Ch., 2010. P. 143-146.
672. Development of a New Certified Reference Material (CRM) for the Analysis of Heavy

Metals in Human Hair / A. Santoro, H. Emteborg, J. Charoud-Got, A. Held // 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Gdask, Poland, 19-23 sept. 2010 : Proceedings. Gdask, 2010. P. 148-151.
673. Economic valuation of air pollution mortality: A 9-country contingent valuation

survey of value of a life year (VOLY) / B. Desaigues, D. Ami, A. Bartczak [et al.] // Ecological Indicators. 2011. Vol. 11, Nr 3. P. 902-910. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.967 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).


674. Engle, Nathan L. Adaptive capacity and its assessment : a review / Nathan L. Engle //

Global Environmental Change. 2011. Vol. 21, Nr 2. P. 647-656. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.918 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
675. Evaluarea impactului ecologic al apelor i starea sntii populaiei raionului

Glodeni / Ion Gherman, Doina Casco, Iurie Bacalov [et al.] // Academician Leo Berg 135 years = . . 135 : col. sci. art. Bendery, 2011. P. 126-132. Bibliogr.: 16 tit.
676. Exposure to major volatile organic compounds and carbonyls in European indoor

environments and associated health risk : a review / Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis, Spyros P. Karakitsios, Alberto Gotti [et al.] // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 4. P. 743-765. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
677. Factorii de risc din mediu i sntatea : materialele conf. t.-practice, 23 apr. 2010 /

col. red. : Grigore Friptuleac, Nicolae Opopol, Ion Bahnarel [et al.]. Ch. : S. n., 2010. 188 p. ISBN 978-9975-9956-1-0.
678. Flynn, Katherine. Dietary exposure to endocrine-active pesticides: Conflicting

opinions in a European workshop / Katherine Flynn // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 5. P. 980-990. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
679. Friptuleac, Grigore. Factorii de risc din mediu i sntatea populaiei / Grigore

Friptuleac // Factorii de risc din mediu i sntatea : materialele conf. t.-practice, 23 apr. 2010. Ch., 2010. P. 5-11.
680. Friptuleac, Grigore. Particularitile igienice ale mediului ambiant i ale sntii

copiilor / Grigore Friptuleac // Strategia supravieuirii din perspectiva bioeticii, filosofiei i medicinei : culeg. de art. t. Ch., 2011. P. 200-204.
681. Geospatial patterns of hospitalization rates for stroke with comorbid hypertension in

relation to environmental sources of persistent organic pollutants: results from a 12-year population-based study / Alexander V. Sergeev, David O. Carpenter // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2011. Vol. 18, Nr 4. P. 576-585. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 2.87 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters). Improving health through policies that promote active travel: A review of evidence to support integrated health impact assessment : a review / Audrey de Nazelle, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Josep M. Ant [et al.] // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 4.

P. 766-777. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters). Love, Bradley J. Effects on aquatic and human health due to large scale bioenergy crop expansion / Bradley J. Love, Matthew D. Einheuser, A. Pouyan Nejadhashemi // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 17. P. 3215-3229. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).

Mereu, Ion. Dinamica spectrului fraciilor proteice ale materialului seminal uman sub influena stresrii hipo-hipertermice / Ion Mereu // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2010. Nr 6 (36). P. 114-116. Bibliogr.: 10 tit.

Modelling inhalation exposure to combustion-related air pollutants in residential buildings: Application to health impact assessment : a review / James Milner, Sotiris Vardoulakis, Zaid Chalabi, Paul Wilkinson // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 1. P. 268-279. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
685. 686. Opopol, Nicolae. Probleme de sntate public n condiiile sporirii frecvenei i

intensitii fenomenelor climaterice extreme / Nicolae Opopol, Roman Corobov, V. Pantea // Factorii de risc din mediu i sntatea : materialele conf. t.-practice, 23 apr. 2010. Ch., 2010. P. 15-19.
687. Opopol, Nicolae. Schimbarea climatului i sntatea: de la cercetri tiinifice la

msuri practice / Nicolae Opopol, Roman Corobov // Bioetica, Filosofia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XV-a t. intern., 14 apr. 2010. Ch., 2010. P. 154-157.
688. Pantea, V. Monitorizarea la nivel naional a strii de sntate n raport cu factorii de

mediu n contextul Declaraiei de la Parma / V. Pantea, A. Overcenco // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiine medicale. 2010. Nr 5 (28). P. 58-65.
689. Peled, Ronit. Air pollution exposure: Who is at high risk? : a review / Ronit Peled //

Atmospheric Environment. 2011. Vol. 45, Nr 10. P. 1781-1785. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.226 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
690. The perception of work stressors is related to reduced parasympathetic activity / Els

Clays, Dirk De Bacquer, Vincent Crasset [et al.] // International Archives of Occupational and

Environmental Health. 2011. Vol. 84, Nr 2. P. 185-191. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 1.91 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
691. Persistent organochlorine compounds in fetal and maternal tissues: Evaluation of

their potential influence on several indicators of fetal growth and health / Roberto Bergonzi, Giuseppe De Palma, Cristina Specchia [et al.] // Science of The Total Environment. 2011. Vol. 409, Nr 15. P. 2888-2893. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 3.190 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
692. Residential exposure to pesticides and childhood leukaemia: A systematic review and

meta-analysis / Genevive Van Maele-Fabry, Anne-Catherine Lantin, Perrine Hoet, Dominique Lison // Environment International. 2011. Vol. 37, Nr 1. P. 280-291. (Impact factor of this journal 2010 : 4.691 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
693. Rudic, Valeriu. Influena remediului BioR asupra modificrilor ontogenetice ale

coninutului de carnozin i oxid nitric n muchii scheletici n stresul oxidativ // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2011. Nr 1 (313). P. 110-115. Bibliogr.: 14 tit.
694. Shah, Prakesh S. Air pollution and birth outcomes: A systematic review / Prakesh S.

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695. Sistemele universale ale organismului copilului, ecologia i atopia interconexiuni

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