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Vremea in engleza | Invata sa vorbesti despre fenomenele

In aceasta lectie vei invata totul despre vreme, denumirea in engleza a principalelor fenomene ale naturii
cat si cuvinte, fraze utile despre prognoza meteo care te vor ajuta intr-o conversatie.

Vremea in engleza. Fenomenele naturii

vremea = the weather ( d uedr )
prognoza meteo = weather forecast ( uedr forcast )
temperatura = temperature ( tempecior )
termometru = thermometer ( timormetr)
grade = degree ( digri )

ploaie = rain ( rein )

ploios = rainy ( reini )
picaturi de ploaie = raindrops ( rein.drops )
balti de apa = puddles ( padls )
inundatie = flood ( flad )
vant = wind ( uind )
fulger = lightning ( laitning )
tunet = thunder ( tandr )
furtuna = storm ( storm )
ceata = fog ( fog )
nor = cloud ( claud )
curcubeu = rainbow ( reinbou )

zapada = snow ( snou )

fulgi de zapada = snowflakes ( snoufleics )
rece, frig = cold ( cold )
foarte rece = freezing ( frizing )
gheata = ice ( ais )
inghetat = icy ( aisi )
inghet = frost ( frost )
sub punctul de inghet = below freezing ( bilou frizing )
avalansa = avalanche ( avalan )
soare = sun ( san )
insorit = sunny ( sani )
raze de soare = sunshine ( sanain )
cald = warm ( uorm )

Conversatie despre vreme. Cuvinte si expresii despre vreme in engleza:

Cum este vremea astazi? = What's the weather like today? ( Ua d uedr laic tudei ? )
Cum este afara? = Whats it like outside? ( Ua it laic tudei? )

Este o vreme frumoasa = Its beautiful weather ( I biutifol uedr )

Este o vreme oribila astazi = Its horrible weather today ( I horibl uedr tudei )
Este o zi calduroasa / friguroasa = It's a warm / cold day ( I a uorm / cold dei )
Este o zi ploioasa / insorita / cu ninsoare / intunecata = It's a rainy / sunny / snowy / cloudy day ( I a
reini / sani / snoii / claudi dei )
Afara ploua = Outside it's raining ( Autsaid i reining )
Ploaia curge = The rain is pouring down ( D rein iz poring daun )
Afara ploua cu galeata = It's pouring outside. ( I poring autsaid )

Cum o sa fie vremea maine = What will the weather be like tomorrow? ( Uat uil d
uedr bi laic tumorou ? )
O sa ploua / ninga = It's going to rain / snow ( I goin tu rein / snou )
Maine o sa fie ploios / insorit / cu ninsoare / cu vant = Tomorrow it will be rainy / sunny / snowy /
cloudy ( Tumorou it uil bi reini / sani / snoii / claudi )

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