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Bibliografie recomandata studentilor din anii IV si VI


Castellucci A: Endodontics. IL Tridente, 2004,vol.I-III

Cherlea V.: Tratamentul endodontic. Ed.Naional Buc.2000
Cohen S., Burns R.C.: Pathways of the pulp. Ed.Mosby St.Louis, 2006
Gafar M., Iliescu A.: Endodonie clinic i practic. Ed.Med.,Bucureti, 2007
Ingle J.B., Bakland L.K.: Endodontics. Ed.Wiliams & Wilkins 2005
Mocanu C, Vataman M.: Endodonie practic. Ed.Apollonia, Iai, 2000
Salceanu M, Vataman M, Topoliceanu Cl, Aminov L, Vataman
R.:The role of root canal filling quality and coronal marginal
sealing in prevention and therapy
of periapical lesions. J.of Romanian Medical Iasi,2008,2,(12): 8186, ISSN 1453-1224
8. Vataman M. : Raspunsul pulpei dentare la actiunea unor factori agresivi. Ed.
Panfilius, Iasi 2003
9. Vataman M., Mocanu C., Vataman R.: Elements of endodontic therapy.
Ed.Junimea Iai, 1999
10. Vataman M, Andrian S, Dragomir R, Slceanu M, Hamburda T.
Points of view on pulp mineralization Public. n Oral Health and Dental
Management in the Black Sea Countries, Constana, 2004, sept. nr 3, 30-33
11. Vataman M, Andrian S, Aminov L Evaluarea post-tratament a unor
leziuni apicale cronice. Publicat n Rev.Medicina Stomatologic, ediie
onsacrat celui de al XIII-lea Congres Naional din Republica Moldova,
Chiinu, sept., 2006, 61-65 ISSN 1857-1328
12. Vrlan V., Vrlan C.: Reluarea tratamentului endodontic 1997
13. Weine F.S.: Endodontic therapy. Ed.Mosby St.Louis, 2006

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