Anuarul Statistic Al Romaniei 1 PDF

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Coordonator al ediiei:
Coordinator of edition:
Tudorel ANDREI - Preedinte INS / President NIS

Colectivul de coordonare a lucrrii:

Coordinating team:
Dan Ion GHERGU, Mihaela Elena IAGR, Betrix GERD,

Colectivul de elaborare a capitolelor Anuarului:

Authors of the Yearbook chapters:
Andoria Cristina IONI, Lavinia BLTEANU, Andreea CAMBIR, Mihai GHEORGHE,
Lucia Cecilia SINIGAGLIA, Liviu GHILENCEA, Florentina GHEORGHE.

Responsabil de publicaie:
Editor in chief:
Daniel Celu VRDOL

Colectivul de proiectarea formei de prezentare, tehnoredactare i editare:

Designing, typing and editing team:
Ilie DUMITRESCU, Doina BADEA, Lavinia POPESCU, Vitty-Cristian CHIRAN, Rodica-Elena SOLOVSTRU,
Gabriela Melania PODBERECHI, Elena TUDOR, Andreia MESTEACN, Genia MIHOC, Cristina BABOI, Mdlina NVAL,
Mihaela Elena TEFAN, Gabriela ZAGALCA, Valentina MUNTEANU, Laura ENACHE, Daniela POPESCU, Daniela BUCUR.

Vitty-Cristian CHIRAN

Alexandru POPESCU

Editare CD:
CD editing:
Daniela POPESCU, Daniela BUCUR, Laura ENACHE

Institutul Naional de Statistic National Institute of Statistics

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INS 2016 NIS 2016

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I.S.S.N. : 1220 - 3246

I.S.S.N.-L : 1220 - 3246

Anuarul Statistic al Romniei reprezint i n acest an The Romanian Statistical Yearbook continues to be the
o sintez a activitii Institutului Naional de Statistic i a synthesis of the activity of the National Institute of Statistics
tuturor celorlali productori de statistici oficiale, oferind and of all other producers of official statistics, providing users
utilizatorilor un solid i bine structurat patrimoniu de with a sound and well structured set of statistical data on the
date statistice pe cele mai diverse teme care privesc ara most diverse subject-matters relating to our country:
noastr: economice, sociale i de mediu. n paginile sale economic, social and environmental. Within its pages, topics
subiectele sunt analizate din diferite puncte de vedere, are analysed from various points of view, in their time frame
n dinamica lor temporal i structur teritorial i, unde dynamics and territorial structure and, where appropriate, in
este cazul, n relaie cu alte ri. relation with other countries.
Unele aspecte au fost aprofundate i actualizate, Some aspects were more in-depth analysed and updated,
n special cele privind populaia i teritoriul. Dnd curs particularly those concerning the population and territory. As
sugestiilor care vin permanent ctre institut pe cele mai a follow-up to suggestions permanently coming to the
diferite canale din partea cercettorilor, analitilor, institute on various channels from researchers, analysts,
agenilor economici i, nu n ultimul rnd, a ziaritilor i economic operators and, not least, journalists and public at
simplilor ceteni, s-a dorit o formul care s faciliteze large, we intended to put forth a format meant to facilitate the
consultarea n scopul oferirii unei imagini de ansamblu consultation, in order to provide an overview of the complex
a fenomenelor complexe care caracterizeaz evoluia phenomena that characterise the social and economic life of
vieii sociale i economice a rii. the country.
Noua ediie asigur astfel atingerea obiectivului Therefore, this new edition reflects the efforts made in
nostru de a pune la dispozitia publicului, ntr-o formul reaching our target of supplying to the public, in a synthetic
sintetic, informaiile cele mai relevante, asumndu-i formula, the most relevant information. Due to the
condiia de a se constitui, prin descrierile de la nceputul descriptions from the beginning of each chapter and the
fiecrui capitol i graficele aferente, ntr-un adevrat related graphs, the Yearbook is a veritable reading guide.
ghid de lectur.
Ca i n trecut, datele sunt nsoite de un amplu As in the past, data are accompanied by a comprehensive
suport de metadate i glosare, n general de tot acel support of metadata and glossaries, generally by the whole
aparat critic care caracterizeaz o lucrare tiinific de critical issues characterising a genuine high-class scientific
nalt inut. work.
n acest fel, utilizatorul i poate face el nsui In this way, the users can get themselves a picture on the
o imagine asupra acurateei informaiilor prezentate, accuracy of the presented information, on the content and
a coninutului i semnificaiilor indicatorilor prezentai, meaning of indicators, ensuring the advisedly interpretation of
asigurndu-se interpretarea corect a seriilor de date n data series according to the methodological changes
cunotin de cauz fa de mutaiile metodologice occurring at a given time.
intervenite la un moment dat.
Volumul este disponibil, pe lng tradiionala hain The volume is also available, besides the traditional
tipografic, i sub o form modern, pe CD-ROM de pe hardcopy, in a modern form, on CD-ROM, enabling the user to
care utilizatorul poate descrca i utiliza nemijlocit download and directly use the tables of interest, which gives
tabelele care l intereseaz, ceea ce d Anuarului, the Yearbook, beyond its intrinsic quality of a volume designed
dincolo de calitatea sa intrinsec de lucrare menit a fi to be consulted, the feature of a genuine working tool.
consultat, i pe aceea de veritabil instrument de lucru.
ntr-un cuvnt, prin felul n care se prezint la In brief, due to the format of this edition, the Romanian
aceast ediie, Anuarul Statistic al Romniei Statistical Yearbook reflects the steady efforts and the
demonstreaz efortul constant i atenia cu care attention paid by the National Institute of Statistics in
Institutul Naional de Statistic i urmrete improving the data production process, so that the output is a
perfecionarea produciei de date, semnul c, prin ceea sign of fully understanding its role, tasks and responsibility
ce face, i nelege pe deplin rolul, menirea i towards the Romanian society.
rspunderea fa de societatea romneasc.

Tudorel Andrei

Not metodologic general ......................................................... VII General methodological note

Prescurtri folosite pentru unitile de msur .................. XVIII Abbreviations used for units of measurement

Simboluri folosite ........................................................................... XVIII Symbols used

1. Geografie, meteorologie i mediu nconjurtor .............. 1 Geography, meteorology and environment

2. Populaie ...................................................................................... 35 Population

3. Piaa forei de munc ............................................................... 91 Labour market

4. Veniturile, cheltuielile i consumul populaiei .............. 153 Population income, expenditure and consumption

5. Locuine i utiliti publice ................................................... 217 Dwellings and public utilities

6. Securitate i asisten social .............................................. 233 Social protection and assistance

7. Sntate ...................................................................................... 271 Health

8. Educaie ...................................................................................... 289 Education

9. Cultur i sport ......................................................................... 323 Culture and sport

10. Preuri .......................................................................................... 347 Prices

11. Conturi naionale .................................................................... 369 National accounts

12. Investiii i imobilizri corporale ........................................ 409 Investments and tangible fixed assets

13. tiin i tehnologie ............................................................... 421 Science and technology

14. Agricultur i silvicultur ...................................................... 473 Agriculture and forestry

15. Activitatea ntreprinderii ...................................................... 511 Enterprise activity

16. Industrie i construcii ........................................................... 543 Industry and construction

17. Transporturi, pot i telecomunicaii ............................. 559 Transport, post and telecommunications

18. Comer internaional cu bunuri ......................................... 583 International trade with goods

19. Comer interior i servicii de pia .................................... 619 Domestic trade and market services

20. Turism .......................................................................................... 629 Tourism

21. Finane ......................................................................................... 653 Finances

22. Justiie ......................................................................................... 675 Justice

23. Statistic internaional ........................................................ 687 International statistics


1. Cadrul legal privind activitatea statistic este 1. The legal framework concerning the statistical activity
statuat prin Legea nr. 226 / 2009 a organizrii i is represented by Law No 226 / 2009 on the organisation
funcionrii statisticii oficiale n Romnia, cu and functioning of official statistics in Romania,
modificrile i completrile ulterioare. n lege se with subsequent amendaments. The Law includes the
regsesc contextul i prevederile care definesc context and the provisions defining the constitutive
elementele constitutive ale procesului statistic, elements of the statistical process, namely: statistical data
respectiv, colectarea, procesarea, analiza, diseminarea collection, processing, analysis and dissemination, the
datelor statistice, dezvoltarea culturii statistice, statistical culture development, the official statistical data
constituirea i administrarea seriilor de date statistice series building up and management, of demographic,
oficiale, cu caracter demografic, social, economic, social, economic, financial and juridical nature, as well as
financiar i juridic, precum i principiile fundamentale the fundamental principles on which the functioning of
care stau la baza funcionrii statisticii oficiale n official statistics in Romania is defined.

Statistica oficial n Romnia este organizat i In Romania, the official statistics is organised and
coordonat de Institutul Naional de Statistic, organ de coordinated by the National Institute of Statistics,
specialitate al Administraiei Publice Centrale, n specialised body of Central Public Administration,
subordinea Guvernului, finanat de la bugetul de stat. subordinated to Government and financed from the state
Institutul Naional de Statistic este autorizat s The National Institute of Statistics is entrusted to ask for
solicite i s obin, cu titlu gratuit, date statistice de la and to obtain, free of charge, statistical data from all
toate persoanele fizice i juridice, rezidente sau natural and legal persons, either Romanian residents or
nerezidente n Romnia, care i desfoar activitatea non-residents, developing their activity on Romanias
pe teritoriul Romniei. territory.
Principiile pe care se ntemeiaz activitatea The principles on which statistical activity are based,
statistic, n deplin concordan cu principiile fully compliant with the fundamental principles related to
fundamentale privind funcionarea statisticii statistics functioning in a democratic society, adopted al
ntr-o societate democratic, adoptate pe plan international level, consists in:
internaional, constau n:
independen profesional; imparialitate; professional independence; impartiality;
obiectivitate; fiabilitate, confidenialitatea objectivity; reliability; confidentiality of statistical
informaiilor statistice i eficiena costurilor. information and cost-effectiveness.
Att contextul general, ct i principiile de Both the general context and the principles of statistics
funcionare a statisticii, precum i producerea de date functioning, as well as the production of statistical data of
statistice de calitate, armonizate cu normele i high quality, compliant with the European Unions norms
standardele Uniunii Europene, confer rezultatelor and standards confer the statistical activity results the
activitii statistice garania satisfacerii cerinelor guarantee of meeting the statistical data users
utilizatorilor de date statistice. requirements.

2. Sursele de date statistice. Datele prezentate n 2. Statistical data sources. The data presented within
Anuarul Statistic sunt rezultatul a dou categorii de the Statistical Yearbook result from two data sources
surse: categories:
cercetrile statistice exhaustive sau prin sondaj exhaustive or sample statistical surveys, included in
cuprinse n Programul Statistic Naional Anual (PSNA); the Yearly National Statistical Programme (YNSP);
surse administrative. administrative sources.

3. Programul Statistic Naional Anual (PSNA) 3. The Yearly National Statistical Programme (YNSP)
reprezint instrumentul de baz prin care Institutul represents the basic tool by means of which the
Naional de Statistic i ceilali productori de statistici National Institute of Statistics and the other producers
oficiale sunt autorizai s realizeze colectarea, stocarea, of official statistics are authorized to carry out the
procesarea, analiza i diseminarea datelor statistice collection, storage, processing, analysis and
oficiale, n vederea asigurrii informaiilor necesare dissemination of official statistical data, in order to
utilizatorilor interni, precum i a celor ce decurg din provide the information necessary to domestic users, as
legislaia Uniunii Europene i din recomandrile altor well as those resulting from the legislation of European
organizaii internaionale. Union and from the recommendations of other
international organisations.
Programul Statistic Naional Anual cuprinde The Yearly National Statistical Programme includes
informaii, responsabiliti, resurse i termene de information, responsibilities, resources and deadlines,
realizare, cu privire la: cercetri statistice; lucrri de regarding: statistical surveys, synthesis papers, statistical
sintez, studii i analize statistice; publicaii statistice. studies and analyses, statistical publications.
Programul Statistic Naional Anual se avizeaz de The Yearly National Statistical Programme is endorsed
Consiliul Statistic Naional i se aprob prin hotrre a by the National Statistical Council and it is approved by
Guvernului. Government decision.
Cercetrile statistice prevzute n directive, The statistical surveys stipulated in the European Union
regulamente i decizii ale Uniunii Europene sunt incluse directives, regulations and decisions are included in the
n Programul Statistic Naional Anual. Yearly National Statistical Programme.

4. Cercetarea statistic reprezint o lucrare complex 4. The statistical survey is a complex activity of
de culegere, prelucrare, analiz i diseminare a datelor cu collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data
privire la starea i evoluia fenomenelor i proceselor related to the economic and social phenomena situation
economice i sociale. Cercetarea statistic se realizeaz and dynamics. The statistical survey is carried out based on
pe baz de proiecte n care sunt definite concepte projects, where the general concepts, the survey purpose
generale, scopul cercetrii i instrumentarul statistic ce and the statistical tools on which it is based are defined
st la baza acesteia (modul de organizare a cercetrii; (survey organisation: questionnaire, classifications,
chestionarul, clasificrile, nomenclatoarele, normele, nomenclatures, norms, guidelines a.s.o.). According to the
instruciunile etc.). Potrivit criteriului sferei de coverage criterion, the data included in the Statistical
cuprindere, datele din Anuarul Statistic au fost Yearbook were determined based on two statistical surveys
determinate pe baza a dou tipuri de cercetri statistice: types:
Cercetare statistic exhaustiv (total). n cadrul Exhaustive (total) statistical survey. Under this type
acestui tip de cercetare datele sunt nregistrate de la of survey, data are recorded from all statistical
toate unitile populaiei statistice, denumit i population units, called statistical collectivity, which is
colectivitate statistic, bine delimitat. Populaia well defined. The statistical population represents all
statistic desemneaz totalitatea elementelor supuse the elements subject to statistical observation, of the
observrii statistice, de aceeai natur, asemntoare same nature, similar or homogenous from certain
sau omogene din punctul de vedere al anumitor criteria standpoint. Based on such exhaustive statistical
criterii. Prin astfel de cercetri statistice exhaustive se surveys, detailed results are obtained in various
obin rezultate detaliate n diferite structuri administrative and geographical structures, by group of
administrative, geografice, grupri pe activiti activities according to the Classification of Activities of
potrivit Clasificrii Activitilor din Economia National Economy (CANE) a.s.o.
Naional (CAEN) etc.
Cele mai cunoscute cercetri exhaustive sunt The most well-known exhaustive surveys are
recensmintele populaiei i ale locuinelor, population and housing censuses, industrial products
recensmntul produselor i serviciilor industriale, and services census, general agricultural census.
recensmntul general agricol.
Cercetare statistic prin sondaj. n cadrul acestui Sample statistical survey. Under this type of survey,
tip de cercetare, datele sunt nregistrate doar de la o data are recorded only from part of the statistical
parte a populaiei statistice, numit eantion. population, called sample. The sample is determined
Eantionul este determinat pe baza criteriilor de based on representativeness criteria, by using
reprezentativitate, prin utilizarea unor metode probabilistic methods, whose results are further
probabiliste, ale cror rezultate sunt extinse la extended to the whole statistical population.
ntreaga populaie statistic.

5. Sursele administrative reprezint sursele de 5. Administrative sources means the evidence sources
eviden organizate i deinute de organisme ale organised and managed by public administration or non-
administraiei publice sau non-guvernamentale pentru governmental bodies, for other purposes than the
alte scopuri dect cele statistice. Sunt utilizate numai statistical ones. Only the sources with an appropriate
acele surse care au un potenial adecvat cerinelor potential for statistical requirements and scientific rigour
statistice i corespund rigorilor tiinifice de sfer de concerning coverage, quality and completeness making
cuprindere, calitate i completitudine care le fac them also usable for statistical purposes are used. The use
utilizabile i n scopuri statistice. Folosirea acestor surse of these data and information sources for statistical
de date i informaii n scopuri statistice se realizeaz fie purposes is achieved either directly, as basic data
direct, ca date de baz (asimilate datelor statistice), fie (assimilated to statistical data), or after appropriate
prin prelucrri i adaptri corespunztoare pentru a processing and adaptation, in view to meet quality,
satisface cerinele de calitate, comparabilitate i comparability and coherence requirements, or for
coeren, fie pentru reconciliere i validarea datelor reconciliation and validation of statistical data obtained
statistice obinute n urma cercetrilor statistice. from statistical surveys.

6. Sfera de cuprindere a datelor. Datele prezentate n 6. Coverage. The data presented within the Statistical
Anuarul Statistic caracterizeaz ansamblul economiei Yearbook characterise the whole national economy, except
naionale, cu excepia cazurilor cnd, prin notele cases where specific notes that preface each chapter of the
specifice care prefaeaz fiecare capitol al Anuarului, se Yearbook stipulates otherwise.
precizeaz altfel.

7. Mrimile statistice folosite: 7. Statistical measures used:

n Anuar sunt prezentate, cu precdere, date absolute i The Yearbook mainly presents absolute and relative data
date relative (indici, ponderi, indicatori de intensitate (indices, weights, propensity indicators a.s.o.).
Indicatorul statistic este expresia numeric a unor The statistical indicator is the numerical expression of
fenomene, procese, activiti sau categorii certain phenomena, processes, activities or economic
economice sau sociale, manifestate n timp, spaiu i and social categories, manifested over time, area and
structuri. structures.
Indicele este un raport ntre valori ale aceleiai The index is a ratio between values of the same
variabile nregistrate n uniti de timp sau teritoriale variables recorded in various time or territorial units.
Indicii statistici utilizai n Anuar sunt: The statistical indices used within the Yearbook are:
l Indicele Laspeyres este o medie aritmetic l Laspeyres index - weighted arithmetic mean of
ponderat a indicilor individuali ai aceleiai variabile; individual indices of the same variable; the used
ponderile utilizate sunt cele din perioada de baz; weights refer to the base period;
l Indicele Paasche este o medie aritmetic l Paasche index - weighted arithmetic mean of
ponderat a indicilor individuali ai aceleiai variabile, individual indices of the same variable; the used
ponderile utilizate fiind din perioada curent. weights refer to current period.
Unitatea statistic este un obiect al cercetrii i The statistical unit is subject to the survey and bearer
purttor al caracteristicilor statistice urmrite prin of the statistical characteristics observed through the
program. programme.
Unitatea de observare este acea entitate de la The observation unit is the entity from/for which
care/pentru care sunt colectate date i informaii primary data and information are collected, based on
primare, pe baza creia se construiesc statistici. which statistics are compiled.
Unitatea de raportare este entitatea care furnizeaz The reporting unit is the entity supplying primary data
datele i informaiile primare n cadrul unei cercetri and information under a statistical survey.
Unitatea cu personalitate juridic reprezint The unit with legal status in the entity (enterprise,
entitatea (ntreprinderea, societatea comercial, commercial company, association, budgetary
asociaia, instituia bugetar, organizaia fr scop institution, non-profit organisation a.s.o.) carrying out
patrimonial etc.) care desfoar o activitate an economic activity, with own bookkeeping and
economic, are contabilitate proprie i ia decizii n taking decisions when exercising its main function.
exercitarea funciei principale.

Unitatea fr personalitate juridic reprezint o The unit without legal status is a natural person, a
persoan, o gospodrie, o familie, o asociaie sau household, a family, an association or any other entity
orice alt entitate ce nu dispune de autonomie de without decisional autonomy when exercising its main
decizie n exercitarea funciei principale. function.

8. Datele n preuri curente se refer la volumul 8. Data expressed in current prices refer to the volume
produciei, veniturilor, cheltuielilor sau valoarea of production, income or expenses or to the value of
produselor, serviciilor etc. exprimate n preurile products, services a.s.o., expressed in the current year prices.
anului curent. Valorile din diferite perioade n preuri The values expressed in current prices corresponding to
curente nu sunt direct comparabile i, n consecin, various periods are not directly comparable and, as
nu pot fi utilizate la calculul indicilor fr a fi, n consequence, cannot be used for indices compilation
prealabil, deflatate cu indicii de preuri without being previously deflated with the corresponding
corespunztori. price indices.

9. Formele de proprietate sunt: 9. Ownership types:

proprietate majoritar de stat - cuprinde capitalul state majority ownership - comprises integral state,
integral de stat, public, de interes naional i local i public, national and local interest and mixed capital,
mixt, unde statul deine 50% i peste din capitalul where the states own 50% or more of the social capital;
proprietate majoritar privat - cuprinde capitalul private majority ownership - comprises integral
integral privat, mixt, n care peste 50% din capitalul private or mixed capital, where over 50% of the social
social este privat, capital integral strin, cooperatist capital is private, integral foreign or co-operative and
i obtesc. Tot aici sunt cuprinse i activitile community capital. The activities carried out by natural
desfurate de ctre persoanele fizice i/sau persons and/or population households are also
gospodriile populaiei. included here.

10. Clasificri i nomenclatoare. Sunt principalele 10. Classifications and nomenclatures. These are the
instrumente care fac posibil structurarea dup main tools allowing for the structuring of observed
criterii obiective i corecte a unitilor statistice, a processes and phenomena according to objective and
proceselor i fenomenelor observate. Clasificrile accurate criteria related to statistical units. The
utilizate n Anuar, potrivit diferitelor scopuri sau classifications used within the Yearbook, according to
diferitelor domenii de activitate, sunt: various purposes or fields of activity are:
l Clasificarea Activitilor din Economia Naional l The Classification of Activities of National
(CAEN) reprezint un sistem coordonat i coerent de Economy (CANE) is a coordinated and coherent
grupare, dup criterii tiinifice de omogenitate, a system for grouping, according to scientific criteria
datelor referitoare la unitile statistice. related to homogeneity, the data referring to statistical
l n Anuar este utilizat versiunea actualizat a CAEN, l The updated version of CANE is used in the Yearbook,
respectiv CAEN Rev. 2, implementat prin Ordinul nr. respectively CANE Rev. 2, implemented through the
337/2007 al Preedintelui Institutului Naional de Order No 337/2007 of the National Institute of
Statistic, publicat n Monitorul Oficial nr. 293/2007 Statistics President, published in the Official Journal
i revizuit n Monitorul Oficial nr. 403/2008. CAEN No 293/2007 and revised in the Official Journal
Rev. 2 respect standardele europene, fiind total No 403/2008. CANE Rev. 2 observes the European
armonizat cu Nomenclatorul Activitilor din standards, being fully compliant with the
Comunitatea European NACE Rev.2. Nomenclature of Activities from the European
Community NACE Rev.2.
Structura CAEN Rev. 2 este urmtoarea: The CANE Rev. 2 structure is the following:
Seciuni - codificate printr-o liter; Sections - coded at one letter level;
Diviziuni - codificate prin dou cifre; Divisions - coded at two digits level;
Grupe - codificare prin trei cifre; Groups - coded at three digits level;
Clase - codificate prin patru cifre. Classes - coded at four digits level.

Pentru interpretarea corect a structurii datelor In view to reach an accurate interpretation of data
potrivit CAEN Rev. 2, n Anexa nr. 1 a Notei structure according to CANE Rev.2, the Annex No 1 to the
metodologice generale se prezint clasificarea la General methodological note includes the classification at
nivelul seciunilor i diviziunilor. section and division level.
l Gruparea dup mrime a ntreprinderilor; l Enterprises grouping by size;
l Clasificarea produselor asociate activitilor l Classification of products associated to activities
utilizat de Uniunea European - CPA; used by the European Union - CPA;
l Clasificarea produselor i serviciilor asociate l Classification of products associated to activities -
activitilor - CPSA 2002; CPA 2002;
l Clasificarea produselor i serviciilor asociate l Classification of products associated to activities -
activitilor - CPSA 2008, aprobat prin Hotrrea CPA 2008, adopted by the Government Decision
de Guvern nr. 53/1999 i revizuit prin Ordinul No 53/1999 and revised by the National Institute of
Preedintelui Institutului Naional de Statistic Statistics President Order No 605 / 15.X.2008.
nr. 605 / 15.X.2008.
CPSA 2008 reprezint o detaliere a CAEN Rev. 2, prin CPA 2008 represents a detailed version of CANE Rev.2,
ordonarea dup principiul omogenitii a tuturor whose organisation relies on the principle of homogeneity
familiilor de produse i servicii pe niveluri ierarhice of all families of products and services by successive
succesive. hierarchical levels.
CPSA 2008 asigur informaii pentru: CPA 2008 classification provides information in order to:
satisfacerea cerinelor de agregare i detaliere a respond to the requirements of aggregation and detailed
datelor referitoare la producia de bunuri i servicii; data regarding the production of goods and services;
identificarea sistematizat a produselor i identify the products and services from our national
serviciilor din economia naional; economy;
compararea i interpretarea unitar a datelor ensure the comparability of statistical data.
CPSA 2008 este total armonizat cu Clasificarea CPA 2008 classification is fully harmonised
Produselor Asociate Activitilor (CPA 2008) utilizat n with Classification of Products Associated to Activities (CPA
cadrul UE. Clasificarea conine explicaii la nivelul 2008) used in EU. The classification contains explanatory
diverselor entiti de clasificare n funcie de necesiti. notes for various classification entities according to the
l PRODROM - Nomenclatorul de produse i servicii l PRODROM - the Nomenclature of industrial
industriale elaborat de Institutul Naional de products and services drawn up by the National
Statistic (INS) i utilizat pentru cercetri statistice Institute of Statistics (NIS) and used for statistical
privind producia industrial. Nomenclatorul surveys on industrial production. The PRODROM
PRODROM este total armonizat cu lista PRODCOM nomenclature is fully harmonised with the PRODCOM
utilizat n cadrul Uniunii Europene. Legtura CAEN list used within the European Union.
Rev. 2 cu PRODROM este asigurat la nivel de patru The link of CANE Rev.2 with PRODROM is ensured at
cifre (clas), ntruct poziiile din cadrul four digits level (class), since the positions from
nomenclatorului PRODROM sunt rezultatul PRODROM nomenclature are the result of CPA 2008
detalierii subclaselor elementare CPA 2008. detailing elementary sub-classes.

11. Definirea activitilor. n practic, majoritatea 11. Activities definition. In practice, most of the
unitilor de producie efectueaz activiti cu caracter production units carry out activities of mixed nature,
mixt, respectiv activitate principal, activiti namely main activity, secondary and ancillary activities.
secundare i activiti auxiliare. Identificarea activitii The identification of secondary activity is needed in view to
secundare este necesar pentru a ncadra o unitate frame a unit under a certain heading of CANE Rev.2.
ntr-o anumit poziie din CAEN Rev. 2.
l Activitatea principal, n sensul clasificrii, este l The main activity, in the sense of classification, is
identificat prin metoda ordinii descresctoare identified by top-down method. This is the activity
(de sus n jos). Ea reprezint acea activitate care contributing to the largest extent to the total value
contribuie n cea mai mare msur la valoarea added of the concerned unit.
adugat total a unitii luate n considerare.

l Activitatea secundar este orice alt activitate l The secondary activity is any other kind of activity
din cadrul unitii productoare de bunuri sau carried out within the unit producing goods or services.
l Activitatea auxiliar este o activitate conex, l The ancillary activity is an auxiliary activity,
indispensabil funcionrii unei entiti, precum: indispensable for the functioning of an entity, such as:
contabilitate, transport, depozitare, achiziionare bookkeeping, transport, storage, purchase,
promovare, ntreinere i reparaie etc. promotion, maintenance and repair a.s.o.

12. mprirea teritorial. Din punct de vedere al 12. Territorial breakdown. From territorial structure
structurii teritoriale, datele din Anuar sunt prezentate standpoint, the data included in the Yearbook are
la nivel naional (pe ntreaga ar), precum i pe presented at national level (for the whole country), as well
diferite uniti teritoriale, n funcie de specificul as by various territorial unit, depending on indicators
indicatorilor. Unitile teritoriale, dup statutul lor, specific. According to their status, territorial units are either
sunt administrative (comun, ora, ora-municipiu, administrative (commune, town, town-municipality,
jude) i non-administrative (macroregiune i regiune county) or non-administrative (macroregion and
de dezvoltare). development region).
Pn n anul 1998, prin lucrrile i publicaiile Till 1998, within the statistical works and publications,
statistice, s-au prelucrat i diseminat, de regul, doar only data at county, municipality, town and commune level
date la nivel de jude, municipii, orae i comune. were, as a rule, processed and disseminated. Beginning
ncepnd din anul 1998, n structura teritorial i, ca with 1998, according to the territorial structure, the
urmare, n publicaiile statistice, au fost prezentate date statistical publications also included data at development
i la nivelul regiunilor de dezvoltare. regions level.
ncepnd cu ediia 2008, potrivit Legii nr. 315/2004 Starting with 2008 edition, according to
privind dezvoltarea regional n Romnia, n structura the Law No 315/2004 on regional development in
teritorial sunt prezentate date i la nivelul Romania, territorial structure also presents data at
macroregiunilor, constituite conform Legii privind macroregional level, constituted according to the Law on
stabilirea nomenclatorului unitilor teritoriale statistice setting up the nomenclature of statistical territorial units in
din Romnia i cerinelor Regulamentului Romania and to requirements of the EC Regulation
CE nr. 1059/2003 al Parlamentului i al Consiliului No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the
European privind stabilirea unui nomenclator comun al Council regarding the setting up of a common
unitilor teritoriale de statistic NUTS, publicat n nomenclature of statistical territorial units NUTS,
Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene nr. L 154/2003. published in Official Journal of European Union
No L 154/2003.

N.B. ncepnd cu ediia 2014 a Anuarului Statistic al N.B. Starting with the 2014 edition of the Romanian
Romniei, sunt prezentate serii noi de statistici ale Statistical Yearbook, new statistical series on population
populaiei. Ele au fost completate cu informaii extinse are presented. These were completed with wider
sub aspect metodologic i al sferei de cuprindere, la cele information in terms of methodology and scope for the
dou categorii de populaii: two population categories:
rezident, care ine seama de soldul migraiei usual resident, taking into account external migration
externe (dup criteriul reedinei obinuite) balance (according to usual residence criterion)
i and
populaia dup domiciliu, care acoper ntreaga permanent resident, covering the whole Romanian
populaie a Romniei, dup criteriul domiciliului population, according to permanent residence in
permanent pe care l ocup n Romnia, indiferent de Romania criterion, irrespective of the usual residence.
reedina obinuit.

Anexa nr. 1
Annex No 1


(aprobat prin Ordinul nr. 337/20. IV. 2007 privind actualizarea Clasificrii activitilor din economia naional - CAEN,
publicat n M.O. nr. 293/03. V.2007 i revizuit n M.O. nr. 403/29. V.2008)
(approved through Order No 337/20. IV. 2007 on the classification of activities in the national economy - CANE updating,
published in the Official Journal No 293/03.V. 2007 and revised in the Official Journal No 403/29.V. 2008)

Seciune Diviziune Denumire Description

Section Division


01 Agricultur, vntoare i servicii anexe Crop and animal production, hunting and related
service activities
02 Silvicultur i exploatare forestier Forestry and logging
03 Pescuitul i acvacultura Fishing and aquaculture


05 Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior Mining of coal and lignite
06 Extracia petrolului brut i a gazelor naturale Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
07 Extracia minereurilor metalifere Mining of metal ores
08 Alte activiti extractive Other mining and quarrying
09 Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei Mining support service activities


10 Industria alimentar Manufacture of food products
11 Fabricarea buturilor Manufacture of beverages
12 Fabricarea produselor din tutun Manufacture of tobacco products
13 Fabricarea produselor textile Manufacture of textiles
14 Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte Manufacture of wearing apparel
15 Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea articolelor Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture
de voiaj i marochinrie, harnaamentelor i of travel and leather goods, harness and footwear;
nclmintei; prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor preparation and dyeing of furs
16 Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor din lemn Manufacture of wood and of products of wood
i plut, cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles
paie i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite of straw and plaiting materials
17 Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie Manufacture of paper and paper products
18 Tiprire i reproducerea pe supori Printing and reproduction of recorded media
a nregistrrilor
19 Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a produselor Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului products
20 Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor chimice Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
21 Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz i a Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and
preparatelor farmaceutice pharmaceutical preparations
22 Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
23 Fabricarea altor produse din minerale nemetalice Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral
24 Industria metalurgic Manufacture of basic metals
25 Industria construciilor metalice i a produselor Manufacture of fabricated metal products,
din metal, exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii except machinery and equipment
26 Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor Manufacture of computer, electronic and
electronice i optice optical products
27 Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice Manufacture of electrical equipment
28 Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
29 Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier, Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and
a remorcilor i semiremorcilor semi-trailers
30 Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport Manufacture of other transport equipment
31 Fabricarea de mobil Manufacture of furniture
32 Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
33 Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea mainilor Repair, maintenance and installation of machinery
i echipamentelor and equipment
35 Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat production and supply

Anexa nr. 1 - continuare
Annex No 1 - continued

Seciune Diviziune Denumire Description

Section Division


36 Captarea, tratarea i distribuia apei Water catchment, treatment and distribution
37 Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate Used water collection and purification
38 Colectarea, tratarea i eliminarea deeurilor; Waste collection, purification and disposal;
activiti de recuperare a materialelor reciclabile activities of recycling materials recovery
39 Activiti i servicii de decontaminare Activities and services of decontamination

41 Construcii de cldiri Construction of buildings
42 Lucrri de geniu civil Civil engineering
43 Lucrri speciale de construcii Specialised construction activities


45 Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul, ntreinerea i Wholesale and retail, maintenance and repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i a motocicletelor motor vehicles and motorcycles
46 Comer cu ridicata cu excepia comerului cu Wholesale, except of motor vehicles and
autovehicule i motociclete motorcycles
47 Comer cu amnuntul, cu excepia Retail, except of motor vehicles and
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor motorcycles


49 Transporturi terestre i transporturi prin conducte Land transport and transport via pipelines
50 Transporturi pe ap Water transport
51 Transporturi aeriene Air transport
52 Depozitare i activiti auxiliare pentru transporturi Warehousing and support activities for transportation
53 Activiti de pot i de curier Postal and courier activities


55 Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare Hotels and other accommodation facilities
56 Restaurante i alte activiti de servicii de alimentaie Restaurants and other catering services


58 Activiti de editare Publishing activities
59 Activiti de producie cinematografic, video i de Motion picture, video and television programme
programe de televiziune; nregistrri audio i production, sound recording and music publishing
activiti de editare muzical activities
60 Activiti de difuzare i transmitere de programe Programming and broadcasting activities
61 Telecomunicaii Telecommunications
62 Activiti de servicii n tehnologia informaiei Computer programming, consultancy and
related activities
63 Activiti de servicii informatice Information service activities


64 Intermedieri financiare, cu excepia activitilor Financial intermediation, except insurance and
de asigurri i ale fondurilor de pensii pension funding
65 Activiti de asigurri, reasigurri i ale fondurilor Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding
de pensii (cu excepia celor din sistemul public (except compulsory social security)
de asigurri sociale)
66 Activiti auxiliare intermedierilor financiare, Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation,
activiti de asigurare i fonduri de pensii insurance activities and pension funds


68 Tranzacii imobiliare Real estate activities


69 Activiti juridice i de contabilitate Legal and accounting activities

Anexa nr. 1 - continuare
Annex No 1 - continued

Seciune Diviziune Denumire Description

Section Division

70 Activiti ale direciilor (centralelor), birourilor Activities of head offices; management consultancy
administrative centralizate; activiti de management activities
i de consultan n management
71 Activiti de arhitectur i inginerie; activiti de Architectural and engineering activities; technical
testri i analiz tehnic testing and analysis
72 Cercetare-dezvoltare Scientific research and development
73 Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei Advertising and market research
74 Alte activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice Other professional, scientific and technical activities
75 Activiti veterinare Veterinary activities


77 Activiti de nchiriere i leasing Rental and leasing activities
78 Activiti de servicii privind fora de munc Employment activities
79 Activiti ale ageniilor turistice i a tur-operatorilor; Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and
alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic related activities
80 Activiti de investigaii i protecie Security and investigation activities
81 Activiti de peisagistic i servicii pentru cldiri Services to buildings and landscape activities
82 Activiti de secretariat, servicii suport i alte activiti Office administrative, office support and other
de servicii prestate n principal ntreprinderilor business support activities


84 Administraie public i aprare; asigurri sociale din Public administration and defence; compulsory
sistemul public social security

85 nvmnt Education


86 Activiti referitoare la sntatea uman Human health activities
87 Servicii combinate de ngrijire medical i asisten Residential care activities
social, cu cazare
88 Activiti de asisten social, fr cazare Social work activities without accommodation


90 Activiti de creaie i interpretare artistic Creative, arts and entertainment activities
91 Activiti ale bibliotecilor, arhivelor, muzeelor Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural
i alte activiti culturale activities
92 Activiti de jocuri de noroc i pariuri Gambling and betting activities
93 Activiti sportive, recreative i distractive Sports activities and amusement and recreation


94 Activiti asociative diverse Activities of membership organisations
95 Reparaii de calculatoare, de articole personale Repair of computers and personal and household
i de uz gospodresc goods
96 Alte activiti de servicii Other personal service activities


97 Activiti ale gospodriilor private n calitate de Activities of households as employers of domestic
angajator de personal casnic personnel
98 Activiti ale gospodriilor private de producere Undifferentiated goods and services producing
de bunuri i servicii destinate consumului propriu activities of private households for own use


99 Activiti ale organizaiilor i organismelor Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
extrateritoriale XV

Macroregiunea Regiunea de dezvoltare Judeul

Macroregion Development region County


MACROREGION ONE North - West Bistria-Nsud
Satu Mare
Centru Alba
Center Braov
MACROREGION TWO North - East Botoani
Sud - Est Brila
South - East Buzu
MACROREGION THREE South - Muntenia Clrai
Bucureti - Ilfov Ilfov
Bucharest - Ilfov Municipiul Bucureti
Bucharest Municipality
MACROREGION FOUR South - West Oltenia Gorj
Vest Arad
West Cara-Severin

Not: Datele statistice n profil teritorial sunt prezentate pe judee, conform Decretului - Lege nr. 2/1968 cu modificrile ulterioare, iar judeele
au fost grupate pe regiuni de dezvoltare.
Prin rectificarea aprut n Legea nr. 315/28.VI.2004 privind dezvoltarea regional n Romnia, au fost redenumite trei regiuni,
dup cum urmeaz:
- Regiunea de dezvoltare Sud este redenumit Sud - Muntenia,
- Regiunea de dezvoltare Sud - Vest este redenumit Sud - Vest Oltenia,
- Regiunea de dezvoltare Bucureti este redenumit Bucureti - Ilfov.
S-au constituit patru macroregiuni, conform Legii privind stabilirea nomenclatorului unitilor teritoriale statistice din Romnia i
cerinelor Regulamentului CE nr. 1059/2003 al Parlamentului i al Consiliului European privind stabilirea unui nomenclator comun al
unitilor teritoriale de statistic NUTS, publicat n Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene nr. L 154/2003.
Note: Statistical data at territorial level are presented by county, according to the Decree - Law No 2/1968 further amended, while
the counties were grouped by development region.
Through the rectification introduced in Law No 315/28.VI.2004 on regional development in Romania, three regions were renamed,
as follows:
- The development region South is renamed South - Muntenia,
- The development region South - West is renamed South - West Oltenia,
- The development region Bucharest is renamed Bucharest - Ilfov.
Four macroregions were constituted, according to the Law on setting up the nomenclature of statistical territorial units in Romania
and to the requirements of the EC Regulation No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the setting up
of a common nomenclature of statistical territorial units NSTU, published in Official Journal of European Union No L 154/2003.





Nord - Vest SATU MARE Baia Mare
North - West
Zalu North - East
Oradea SLAJ Bistria Piatra-Neam
Centru CLUJ
Cluj-Napoca MURE
Trgu Mure Bacu
Miercurea Ciuc BACU VASLUI
Alba Iulia

Timioara Sfntu VRANCEA
Gheorghe GALAI
Vest TIMI Braov Focani


Reia ARGE Tulcea
Trgu Jiu Vlcea BRILA
Trgovite Buzu TULCEA
Legend / Legend: VLCEA DMBOVIA
Drobeta GORJ Piteti
Turnu Severin
Orae / Towns IALOMIA
ILFOV Slobozia
Municipii / Municipalities Sud - Est
BUCURETI South - East
Slatina CLRAI Clrai
Reedine de jude / County residence Craiova
Judee / Counties DOLJ GIURGIU
Regiuni de dezvoltare / Development regions OLT TELEORMAN

Sud - Vest Oltenia Sud - Muntenia Bucureti - Ilfov

South - West Oltenia South - Muntenia Bucharest - Ilfov

U.M. = unitate de msur CP = cal putere

M.U. = measurement unit HP = horse power
mm = milimetru kcal = kilocalorie
= millimetre = kilocalorie
m = metru '' = secund
= metre = second

m2 = metru ptrat ' = minut

= square metre = minute

m3 = metru cub h = or
= cubic metre = hour

ha (10000 m 2 ) = hectar 0 = grad

= hectare = degree
km = kilometru C = grade Celsius
= kilometre = Celsius degrees
km2 = kilometru ptrat nr. = numr
= square kilometre No = number
g = gram % = procent
= gram = percentage
kg = kilogram = promil
= kilogram per mille
t = ton mii = mii
= tonne thou = thousands (thou)
tdw = ton deadweight mil. = milion
= tonne deadweight mill. = million
l = litru mild. = miliard
= litre bn = billion
hl = hectolitru echiv. = echivalent
= hectolitre equiv. = equivalent
W = watt buc. = bucat
= watt pcs. = pieces
kW = kilowatt n.c.a. = neclasificate altundeva
= kilowatt n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified
kWh = kilowatt - or
= kilowatt - hour


- = nu este cazul G = grafic

= data not applicable = graph
... = lips date *) = date mai mici dect 0,5
= data not available = magnitude less than 0.5

~ = date nensumabile **) = date mai mici dect 0,05

= nontotalized data = magnitude less than 0.05

c = date confideniale ***) = date mai mici dect 0,005

= confidential data = magnitude less than 0.005

= tabele ce apar numai pe CD-ROM.

= tables included only on the CD-ROM.





1.1 Poziia geografic a Romniei ..................................... 10 Geographical position of Romania

1.2 Lungimea frontierelor Romniei .................................. 11 Length of Romanias borders
1.3 Principalele altitudini muntoase ................................... 11 Major mountain peaks
1.4 Lungimea principalelor cursuri de ap de pe Length of major rivers
teritoriul Romniei ....................................................... 13 on Romanian territory
1.5 Principalele lacuri naturale .......................................... 14 Major natural lakes
1.6 Principalele lacuri antropice ........................................ 15 Major anthropic lakes
1.7 Altitudinea medie a principalelor orae din Romnia ... 16 Average height of major towns in Romania
1.8 Organizarea administrativ a teritoriului Romniei, Administrative organisation of Romanian territory,
la 31 decembrie 2014 ................................................. 17 on December 31, 2014


1.9 Temperatura aerului (media lunar i anual) ............ 18 Air temperature (monthly and yearly average)
1.10 Temperatura aerului (maxima absolut i Air temperature (monthly and yearly absolute
minima absolut lunar i anual) .............................. 20 maximum and absolute minimum)
1.11 Precipitaii atmosferice (cantitatea lunar i anual) ... 28 Precipitations (monthly and yearly quantity)


Resurse naturale Natural resources

1.12 Ariile protejate, n anul 2014 ....................................... 30 Protected areas, in 2014
1.13 Rezervaii ale biosferei i zone umede de importan Biosphere reserves and wetlands of international
internaional, n anul 2014 ......................................... 30 importance, in 2014
1.14 Parcurile naionale i parcurile naturale, National and natural parks,
n anul 2014 ................................................................ 31 in 2014
1.15 Resursele de ap asigurate, potrivit Water resources assured, according to the
gradului de amenajare, n anul 2014 .......................... 32 arrangement level, in 2014

Calitatea factorilor de mediu Environment factors quality

1.16 Calitatea apelor de suprafa, n anul 2014 ................ 32 Surface waters quality, in 2014

Msuri de protecie a mediului Environment protection measures

1.17 Investiii pentru protecia mediului, n anul 2014 ......... 33 Investments for environment protection, in 2014
1.18 Cheltuieli curente interne pentru protecia mediului, Internal current expenditure for environment
n anul 2014 ................................................................ 34 protection, in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Cercetarea statistic privind cheltuielile pentru Statistical survey on environment protection
protecia mediului, completat de operatorii expenditure, filled in by economic operators and
economici i unitile administraiei publice. public administration units.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:
Institutul de Geografie Bucureti; Institute of Geography Bucharest;
Inspectoratul General al Poliiei de Frontier din General Inspectorate of Border Police within the
cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne; Ministry of Internal Affairs;
Administraia Naional de Meteorologie; National Administration of Meteorology;
Ministerul Mediului, Apelor i Pdurilor; Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forest;
Ministerul Finanelor Publice; Ministry of Public Finances;
Agenia Naional pentru Protecia Mediului; National Agency for Environment Protection;
Regia Naional a Pdurilor; National Company of Forests;
Administraia Naional Apele Romne. National Administration Romanian Waters.



Prezentare Description

Romnia este situat n centrul geografic al Europei Romania is situated in the geographical centre of
(sud-estul Europei Centrale), la nord de Peninsula Europe (south-east of Central Europe), in the north of
Balcanic, la jumtatea distanei dintre Coasta the Balkan Peninsula, at half the distance between
Atlanticului i Munii Ural, n interiorul i exteriorul arcului Atlantic Coast and the Urals, inside and outside the
Munilor Carpai, pe cursul inferior al Dunrii (1075 km) Carpathians Arch, on the lower course of the Danube
i cu ieire la Marea Neagr. (1075 km) and has exit to the Black Sea.
De altfel, paralela 45N cu meridianul 25E se Otherwise, the 45N parallel with the 25E meridian
intersecteaz n apropiere de centrul geometric al rii, la intersects near the geometrical centre of the country,
100 km N-V de capitala rii, Bucureti. 100 km N-V of the country capital, Bucharest.
Cu o suprafa de 238391 km2, Romnia este Romania is the twelfth country of Europe, having an
a 12-a ar ca mrime a Europei. area of 238391 km2.
Ieirea la mare nlesnete legturile cu rile din The exit to the sea enables the connections with the
bazinul Mrii Negre, bazinul Mrii Mediterane i, prin countries in the Black Sea basin, in the Mediterranean
intermediul acesteia, cu restul lumii. Sea basin and, by means of this, rest of the world.
Litoralul romnesc al Mrii Negre se desfoar pe Romanian seaside of the Black Sea is lying on
245 km, ntre grla Musura (grania cu Ucraina) i 245 km, between Musura stream (at the border with Ukraine)
localitatea Vama Veche (grania cu Bulgaria). and Vama Veche locality (at the border with Bulgaria).
Relieful Romniei se compune din trei trepte Romania's relief consists of three major levels: the
majore: cea nalt a Munilor Carpai (cel mai nalt vrf highest one in the Carpathians (the highest peak
Moldoveanu 2544 m), cea medie care corespunde Moldoveanu 2544 m), the middle one which corresponds
Subcarpailor, dealurilor i podiurilor i cea joas, a to the Sub-Carpathians, to the hills and to the plateaus
cmpiilor, luncilor i Deltei Dunrii. Delta Dunrii, cea and the lowest one in plains, meadows and Danube
mai tnr unitate de relief, n continu formare, are Delta. The Danube Delta, the youngest relief unit under
altitudinea medie de 0,52 m. permanent formation, has the average height of 0.52 m.
Caracteristicile principale ale unitilor de relief sunt Main features of relief units are proportionality
proporionalitatea (31% muni, 36% dealuri i podiuri, (31% mountains, 36% hills and plateaus, 33% plains and
33% cmpii i lunci) i dispunerea concentric a treptelor meadows) and concentric display of the relief major
majore ale reliefului. levels.
Clima Romniei este temperat-continental de Romanias climate is temperate-continental of
tranziie, cu influene oceanice dinspre vest, transition, with oceanic influences from the West,
mediteraneene dinspre sud-vest i continental-excesive Mediterranean ones from South-West and continental-
din est. Temperatura medie multianual este difereniat excessive ones from the East. Multiannual average
latitudinal, respectiv 8C n nord i peste 11C n sud, i temperature is latitudinally different, 8C in the North and
altitudinal, cu valori de -2,5C n etajul montan over 11C in the South, and altitudinally, with values of
(Vrfu Omu - masivul Bucegi) i 11,6C n cmpie -2.5C in the mountain floor (Omu peak - Bucegi massif)
(oraul Zimnicea - judeul Teleorman). and 11.6C in the plain (Zimnicea town - Teleorman county).
Precipitaiile anuale scad n intensitate de la vest la Yearly precipitations decrease in intensity from west
est, respectiv de la peste 600 mm la mai puin de 500 mm to east, from over 600 mm to less 500 mm in the East

n Cmpia Romn de Est, sub 450 mm n Dobrogea i Romanian Plain, under 450 mm in Dobrogea and about
circa 350 mm pe litoral, pentru ca n regiunile muntoase 350 mm by seaside, in the mountainous areas they
s ajung la 1000-1500 mm. reach 1000-1500 mm.
Apele curgtoare ale Romniei sunt dispuse radial, Romanian running waters are radially displayed,
marea majoritate avnd izvoarele n Carpai. Principalul most of them having the springs in the Carpathians. Their
colector al acestora este fluviul Dunrea, care strbate main collector is the Danube river, which crosses the
ara n partea sudic pe o lungime de 1075 km i se country in the south on 1075 km length and flows into the
vars n Marea Neagr. Black Sea.
Lacurile sunt reprezentate prin lacuri naturale The lakes are represented by natural lakes
(numeroase tipuri genetice) rspndite n toate unitile (numerous genetic types) spread in all major units of
majore de relief, de la cele glaciare n etajul alpin (Lacul relief, from glacial ones in the alpine floor (Mioarelor
Mioarelor - Fgra la 2282 m) la limanele Lake - Fgra 2282 m) to river-maritime banks
fluvio-maritime (Lacul Techirghiol la 1,5 m) i prin lacuri (Techirghiol Lake at 1.5 m) and anthropic lakes, as well
antropice, de asemenea n toate unitile de relief. in all relief units.
Vegetaia este condiionat de relief i de The vegetation is determined by the relief and by
elementele pedo-climatice, ntlnindu-se o dispunere pedo-climatic elements, being displayed in floors.
etajat a acesteia. Regiunile montane sunt acoperite de Mountainous regions are covered by coniferous forests
pduri de conifere (ndeosebi molid), pduri de amestec (especially spruce fir), mixture forests (beech, fir-tree,
(fag, brad i molid) i pduri de fag. Pe culmile mai nalte spruce fir) and beech forests. Higher peaks are covered
se afl pajiti alpine i tufriuri de jneapn, ienupr, by alpine lawns and bushes of dwarf pine, juniper,
afin, merior i altele. bilberry, red bilberry a.s.o.
n regiunile de deal i de podi se ntlnesc pduri In the hills and plateaus regions there are broad-
de foioase n care predomin fagul, gorunul sau stejarul; leaved forests, prevailing beech, common oak or durmast
pe dealurile joase i cmpiile nalte, adesea, principalele oak; the main forest species often met on low hills and
specii care alctuiesc pdurile sunt cerul i grnia. high plains are Quercus cerris and Quercus frainetto.
Vegetaia de step i de silvostep, care ocupa ariile The steppe and silvosteppe vegetation, which
cu deficit de umiditate din Podiul Dobrogei, Cmpia covered the areas of low humidity in Dobrogea Plateau,
Romn, Podiul Moldovei, Cmpia Banatului i Romanian Plain, Moldova Plateau, Banat and Criana
Crianei, a fost, n cea mai mare parte, nlocuit prin Plain has been mostly replaced by agricultural crops.
culturi agricole.
Fauna Romniei este grupat pe areale difereniate Romania's fauna is grouped by different areals
n funcie de biotopul fiecrei specii. n etajul alpin apar according to each species biotype. Relict elements as
elemente relicte precum capra neagr i vulturul de black goat (chamois) and mountain vulture live in the
munte. n pdurile carpatine triesc diferite mamifere: alpine area. In the Carpathian forests live various
urs, cerb, rs, lup, mistre, cprior, veveri i un numr animals: bear, buck, lynx, wolf, wild boar, roebuck,
mare de specii de psri. n cteva regiuni muntoase se squirrel and several species of birds. In a few
mai pstreaz cocoul de munte i cocoul de mountainous areas both mountain cock and birch cock
mesteacn; n regiunile de deal i cmpie sunt are still met. In the hill and field areas there are hares,
rspndite: iepurele, crtia, ariciul, diferite psri, moles, hedgehogs, various birds, lizards, batrachia
oprle, batracieni .a.; pentru zonele de step sunt a.s.o.; rodent animals as gopher and hamster are
caracteristice roztoarele (popndul i hrciogul). characteristic for the steppe areas. Water fauna is
Fauna acvatic este reprezentat ndeosebi prin pstrv represented especially by trout in the mountainous
n apele de munte (lostria, mai rspndit n trecut, a waters (huck which was mostly spread in the past has
devenit destul de rar); clean i mrean n regiunile de become quite rare); dace and barbel in the hill region;
deal; crap, biban, tiuc, somn, caras n cele de cmpie carp, perch, pike, sheat fish, crucian in the field region
i Delta Dunrii; n apele marine teritoriale i pe Dunrea and Danube Delta; sturgeon species are also met in the
inferioar se ntlnesc i specii de sturioni. marine territorial waters and on the downstream Danube.
Resursele minerale utile ale Romniei sunt variate. Romania's useful minerals resources are various.
Printre principalele resurse minerale utile pot fi Among the main useful minerals resources we can
menionate: petrolul, cu vechi tradiii de exploatare; mention: crude oil, with old exploitation traditions; natural
gazele naturale; crbunii, n special huila cocsificabil, gas; coal, especially coking pitcoal, brown coal and
crbunele brun i lignitul; minereuri feroase i neferoase, lignite; ferrous and non-ferrous ores, gold, silver and
zcminte de aur, argint i de bauxit; rezerve mari de bauxite ore deposits; vast reserves of salt as well as

sare, precum i o serie de resurse nemetalifere. numerous non-metalliferrous resources. A special category
O categorie aparte a bogiilor de subsol o constituie of subsoil riches is constituted by over 2000 mineral
cele peste 2000 de izvoare de ape minerale, cu valene water springs, with consumption and medical treatments
pentru consum i tratamente medicale. valences.
Teritoriul Romniei este mprit din punct de Romanian territory is divided from administrative
vedere administrativ n: sate, comune, orae, municipii viewpoint into: villages, communes, towns, municipalities
i judee. and counties.
Satul este cea mai mic unitate teritorial, avnd Village is the smallest territorial unit, having
caracteristicile aezrilor de tip rural. characteristics of rural settlements.
Comuna este unitatea administrativ-teritorial care Commune is a territorial-administrative unit which
cuprinde populaia rural unit prin comunitate de comprises rural population united by interest and
interese i tradiii, fiind alctuit din unul sau mai multe traditional community, including one or several villages
sate (din care unul este reedin de comun). (from which one is commune residence).
Oraul reprezint o concentrare uman cu o funcie Town represents a human concentration with
administrativ i un mod de via specific ariilor urbane administrative function and a life specific to urban areas
i o structur profesional a populaiei n care predomin and with a population professional structure where the
cea ocupat n ramurile neagricole. population employed in non-agricultural branches prevails.
Municipiul este un ora cu un rol economic, social, Municipality is a town, with an important economic,
politic i cultural nsemnat avnd, de regul, funcie social, political and cultural role, usually having
administrativ. administrative function.
Judeul reprezint unitatea administrativ-teritorial County represents traditional administrative-
tradiional n Romnia, alctuit din orae i comune, n territorial unit in Romania, including towns and
funcie de condiiile geografice, economice, social- communes, depending on geographical, economical and
politice i de legturile culturale i tradiionale ale social-political conditions and population cultural and
populaiei. Teritoriul Romniei este organizat n 42 de traditional relations. Romanian territory is organized into
judee (inclusiv Municipiul Bucureti). 42 counties (including Bucharest Municipality).
Ca uniti teritoriale (non-administrative) au fost As territorial (non-administrative) units, eight
create opt regiuni de dezvoltare, constituite prin regions of development were created, gathering
reuniunea mai multor judee. several counties.
Au fost create patru macroregiuni, care nu sunt Four macroregions were created, which are not
uniti administrativ-teritoriale i nu au personalitate administrative territorial units and have no legal entity,
juridic; sunt constituite pentru a asigura colectarea, they are constituted to assure the collection, compilation
elaborarea i difuzarea statisticilor regionale armonizate la and transmission of harmonised regional statistics at
nivelul Uniunii Europene. European Union level.

Oraele principale: Bucureti, Timioara, Iai, Main cities: Bucharest, Timioara, Iai, Cluj-Napoca,
Cluj-Napoca, Constana, Craiova, Galai, Braov, Constana, Craiova, Galai, Braov, Ploieti, Brila,
Ploieti, Brila, Oradea, Bacu, Piteti, Arad, Sibiu. Oradea, Bacu, Piteti, Arad, Sibiu.
Porturile principale: Main harbours:
la Marea Neagr: Constana, Mangalia; at the Black Sea: Constana, Mangalia;
la Dunre: Moldova Nou, Orova, Drobeta-Turnu at the Danube: Moldova Nou, Orova, Drobeta-Turnu
Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Mgurele, Zimnicea, Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Mgurele,
Giurgiu, Oltenia, Clrai, Cernavod, Hrova, Zimnicea, Giurgiu, Oltenia, Clrai, Cernavod,
Mcin, Brila, Galai, Tulcea, Sulina. Hrova, Mcin, Brila, Galai, Tulcea, Sulina.
Aeroporturile principale: Bucureti (Henri Coand - Main airports: Bucharest (Henri Coand -
Otopeni i Aurel Vlaicu - Bneasa), Constana (Mihail Otopeni and Aurel Vlaicu - Bneasa), Constana
Koglniceanu), Timioara (Traian Vuia), Cluj-Napoca, (Mihail Koglniceanu), Timioara (Traian Vuia),
Iai, Craiova, Arad, Bacu, Baia Mare, Oradea, Satu Mare, Cluj-Napoca, Iai, Craiova, Arad, Bacu, Baia Mare,
Sibiu, Suceava, Trgu Mure, Tulcea. Oradea, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Suceava, Trgu Mure, Tulcea.
Capitala: Municipiul Bucureti (1860380 locuitori The capital: Bucharest Municipality (1860380
- date provizorii - populaie rezident la 1 iulie 2014, inhabitants - provisional data - the usual resident population
estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele on July 1, 2014 was used, estimated under the conditions of
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al comparability with the final results of the Population and

Locuinelor - 2011), mprit n ase sectoare Housing Census - 2011), organised into six administrative
administrative. Prima menionare documentar dateaz sectors. The first documentary mention was on 20.IX.1459,
din 20.IX.1459, ca reedin a lui Vlad epe. Capital a as residence of Vlad epe. Capital of ara Romneasc
rii Romneti ncepnd din a doua jumtate a secolului since the second half of the XVII th century and Capital of
al XVII-lea i Capitala Romniei, din anul 1862, municipiul Romania since 1862, Bucharest Municipality is the most
Bucureti este cel mai important centru politic, economic i important political, economic and cultural-scientific center of
cultural-tiinific al rii. the country.
Limba oficial: limba romn. Official language: Romanian.
Drapelul Romniei este tricolor; culorile sunt Flag of Romania: is three - coloured; the colours
aezate vertical n ordinea urmtoare, ncepnd de la are placed vertically in the following order from the
lance: albastru, galben, rou. lance: blue, yellow, red.
Ziua naional a Romniei: 1 Decembrie. National day of Romania: December, 1st.
Imnul naional al Romniei este Deteapt-te National anthem of Romania is Wake up,
romne. Romanian.
Forma de guvernmnt a Romniei este republica: Government form in Romania is the republic:
Republic, conform Constituiei adoptate n 1991 i Republic, according to the Constitution adopted in
modificat n 2003; 1991 and modified in 2003;
Puterea legislativ este reprezentat de un Legislative power is represented by two chamber
parlament bicameral (Camera Deputailor i Parliament (Chamber of Deputies and Senate), and
Senatul), iar puterea executiv este exercitat de executive power is carried out by Government led
Guvern, condus de un prim-ministru desemnat de by Prime Minister appointed by the countrys
preedintele rii; President;
Preedintele rii este ales n baza rezultatelor President of the country is elected based on
alegerilor generale prin scrutin universal pentru un general elections results by universal vote for a
mandat de 5 ani. 5 years mandate.
Moneda naional: Leu, cu subdiviziunea ban. National currency: Leu, with ban as subdivision.
Cursul monedei naionale este stabilit zilnic pe piaa The exchange rate is set on the interbank currency
valutar interbancar, moneda de referin fiind euro. market on a daily basis, reference currency being euro.



Cercetarea proceselor i fenomenelor fizice din The research on physical processes and phenomena
atmosfera terestr, care determin starea timpului i in the terrestrial atmosphere, which determine the weather
clima, are la baz msurtorile i observaiile and the climate, relies on the meteorological measurements
meteorologice ce se efectueaz permanent sau periodic and observations, permanently or periodically carried out in
n diferite puncte de pe suprafaa globului terestru i la different points on the terrestrial globe surface and at
diferite nlimi n atmosfera liber. Programul unitar al various altitudes in the free atmosphere. The unitary
msurtorilor i observaiilor, precum i alte activiti programme of measurements and observations, as well as
meteorologice se asigur prin colaborare other meteorological activities are assured by international
internaional, n cadrul Administraiei Naionale de co-operation within National Administration of Meteorology,
Meteorologie, cu Organizaia Meteorologic Mondial. with the World Meteorology Organisation.
Staia meteorologic reprezint punctul de pe The meteorological station represents the point
suprafaa terestr unde se efectueaz observaii i from the terrestrial surface, where measurements and
msurtori asupra tuturor elementelor i fenomenelor observations on all meteorological elements and
meteorologice, conform programului stabilit. Majoritatea phenomena are carried out in keeping with the
observaiilor, msurtorilor i determinrilor programme. Most of meteorological observations,
meteorologice de la staii se efectueaz pe platforma measurements and determinations from the stations are
meteorologic situat pe un teren deschis, tipic pentru performed on the meteorological area situated on an
regiunea respectiv, cu dimensionarea standard de open land, typical for the respective region, with the
26 m x 26 m. standard dimension of 26 m x 26 m.

Pentru cercetarea proceselor i fenomenelor In order to observe the atmospheric processes and
atmosferice i pentru calculul diferiilor parametri phenomena and to compute various meteorological and
meteorologici i climatici, este necesar raportarea climatic parameters, it is necessary to report
observaiilor i msurtorilor, care se realizeaz att n observations and measurements, carried out both in
spaiu, ct i n timp. space and over time.
Programul climatologic reprezint complexul The climatic programme represents the complex of
observaiilor i msurtorilor meteorologice ce se meteorological observations and measurements
execut la staii, dup timpul solar mediu local, att la performed at stations, according to the local average solar
termenele fixe, ct i continuu n 24 de ore. Permanent, time, both at fixed deadlines and continuously during
la termenele climatologice (1, 7, 13, 19 timp solar mediu 24 hours. Permanently, at the climatic deadlines (1, 7, 13,
local) se efectueaz observaii i msurtori asupra: 19 local average solar time), the observations and
presiunii atmosferice, vntului, temperaturii i umezelii measurements are done for: atmospheric pressure, wind,
aerului, temperaturii suprafeei solului, nebulozitii, air temperature and humidity, ground surface temperature,
precipitaiilor, vizibilitii orizontale. Continuu, n tot cursul cloudiness, precipitations, horizontal visibility.
zilei i nopii se determin caracteristicile tuturor Continuously, during all day and night, the characteristics
fenomenelor meteorologice (hidrometeori, litometeori, of all meteorological phenomena (hydrometeors,
electrometeori etc.). litometeors, electrometeors a.s.o.) are determined.
Observaiile asupra temperaturii aerului constau Air temperature observations consist of air
n msurarea temperaturii aerului la termenele stabilite i temperature measurement at the observation deadlines
n determinarea valorilor maxime i minime ale acesteia and of determining its maximum and minimum values,
n intervalele de timp dintre aceste termene. during the intervals between the climatic observation
Temperatura aerului se msoar cu instrumente cu Air temperature is measured with direct reading
citire direct, psihrometrul cu ventilaie artificial, instruments, the psychrometer with artificial ventilation,
termometrul de maxim cu mercur i termometrul de the thermometer of maximum with mercury and the
minim cu alcool i cu aparate nregistratoare thermometer of minimum with alcohol and with recording
(termografe). Pentru ca instrumentele cu care se apparatus (thermographs). In view to ensure that the
msoar temperatura i umezeala aerului s nu fie instruments for measuring air temperature and humidity
influenate direct de radiaia solar, de radiaia terestr, are not directly influenced by the solar, terrestrial
de precipitaii i de rafalele vntului, ele se instaleaz n radiation, by precipitations and by wind gusts, they
adpostul meteorologic situat la 2 m nlime deasupra should be placed in the meteorological shelter situated at
solului. 2 meters high above the ground.
Msurarea cantitilor de ap ce provin din The measurement of water quantities coming
precipitaii atmosferice sau care se depun din ali from atmospheric precipitations or deposited by other
hidrometeori se efectueaz cu ajutorul pluviometrului, iar hydrometeors is carried out by means of pluviometer and
nregistrarea continu a precipitaiilor (lichide) se face cu the continuous recording of precipitations (liquids) is
pluviograful. Cantitile de ap se msoar zilnic la performed with the pluviograph. Water quantities are
termenele climatologice (1, 7, 13, 19) i se exprim prin daily measured at climatic deadlines (1, 7, 13, 19) and
grosimea stratului de ap czut, n mm (1mm=1l / m2). they are expressed by the thickness of the fallen water
layer, in mm (1mm=1l / m 2).


Resursele de ap reprezint potenialul hidrologic Water resources represent the hydrological

format din apele de suprafa i subterane n regim potential consisting of the superficial and underground
natural i amenajat, inventariate la nceputul anului, din waters, under natural and arranged conditions, registered
care se asigur alimentarea diverselor folosine. at the beginning of the year, of which the utilities are fed.
Ariile naturale protejate, conform O.U.G. Natural protected areas, according to G.P.O.
nr. 57/2007, reprezint zone terestre, acvatice i/sau No 57/2007, represents terrestrial, aquatic and/or
subterane, cu perimetrul legal stabilit i avnd un regim underground areas, with legally settled perimeter and
special de ocrotire i conservare, n care exist specii de with a special protection and preservation regime, where
plante i animale slbatice, elemente i formaiuni wild plants and animal species, bio-geographic elements
biogeografice sau de alt natur, cu valoare ecologic, and formations or of other nature, with special ecological,
tiinific sau cultural deosebit i cuprind: scientific or cultural value exist and include:

rezervaii ale biosferei - arii naturale protejate al biosphere reserves - protected natural areas whose
cror scop este protecia i conservarea unor zone purpose is the protection and preservation of a natural
de habitat natural i a diversitii biologice specifice; habitat areas and of specific biologic diversity;
parcuri naionale - arii naturale protejate al cror national parks - natural protected areas whose
scop este protecia i conservarea unor eantioane purpose is the protection and preservation
reprezentative pentru spaiul biogeografic naional; of representative samples for the national
bio-geographic space;
parcuri naturale - arii naturale protejate al cror natural parks - natural protected areas whose
scop este protecia i conservarea unor ansambluri purpose is the protection and preservation of
peisagistice n care interaciunea activitilor umane landscape piles in which human activities
cu natura de-a lungul timpului a creat o zon interactions in time created a distinct area, with
distinct, cu valoare semnificativ peisagistic i/sau landscape and/or cultural significant value, often
cultural, deseori cu o mare diversitate biologic; with a great biological diversity;
rezervaii tiinifice - arii naturale protejate al cror scientific reserves - natural protected areas whose
scop este protecia i conservarea unor habitate purpose is the protection and preservation of
naturale terestre i/sau acvatice, cuprinznd terrestrial and/or aquatic natural habitats, including
elemente reprezentative de interes tiinific; representative elements of scientific interest;
rezervaii naturale - arii naturale protejate al cror natural reserves - natural protected areas whose
scop este protecia i conservarea unor habitate i purpose is the protection and preservation of
specii naturale importante sub aspect floristic, important natural habitats and species from flora,
faunistic, forestier, hidrologic, geologic, speologic, fauna, forestry, hydrological, geological, speological,
paleontologic, pedologic; paleontological, pedological point of view;
monumente ale naturii - arii naturale protejate al natural monuments - natural protected areas
cror scop este protecia i conservarea unor whose purpose is the protection and preservation of
elemente naturale cu valoare i semnificaie natural elements and of ecological, scientific,
ecologic, tiinific, peisagistic deosebite; landscape special significance;
zone umede de importan internaional sunt humid areas of international importance are
acele arii naturale protejate al cror scop este those protected natural areas whose purpose is to
asigurarea proteciei i conservrii siturilor naturale ensure the protection and preservation of the natural
cu diversitate biologic specific zonelor umede; sites with a wetland-specific biological diversity;
arii de protecie special avifaunistic sunt acele arii avifauna special protection areas are those
naturale protejate ale cror scopuri sunt conservarea, protected natural areas whose purpose is the
meninerea, i acolo unde este cazul, readucerea preservation, maintenance and where necessary
ntr-o stare de conservare favorabil a speciilor de the conservative rehabilitation of the bird species
psri i a habitatelor specifice, desemnate pentru and specific habitats designated for wild migratory
protecia speciilor de psri migratoare slbatice; bird species protection;
situri de importan comunitar reprezint acele arii sites of Community interest reprezent areas
care, n regiunile biogeografice n care exist, located in biogeographical regions, contributing
contribuie semnificativ la meninerea sau restaurarea la significantly to the maintenance or restoration to a
o stare de conservare favorabil a habitatelor naturale. favourable preservation state of the natural habitats.
Evaluarea calitii apelor de suprafa const n The evaluation of the superficial waters
monitorizarea parametrilor biologici hidromorfologici, quality is carried out by monitoring the biological
fizico-chimici, a poluanilor prioritari sau a altor poluani hidro - morfological parameters, physico - chemical,
evacuai n cantiti importante. the prioritary pollution agents or other pollution
agents evacuated in important quantities.
Potrivit Legii nr. 310/2004, anexa 11, se disting According to Law No 310/2004, annex 11, 5 quality
5 clase de calitate, definite astfel: classes are distinguished, defined as follows:
clasa de calitate I - stare foarte bun - nu exist the first quality class - very good state - no
alterri (sau sunt foarte mici) ale valorilor alterations (or very few) of physico-chemical and
elementelor fizico-chimice i hidromorfologice de hydro-morfological quality elements value exist for
calitate pentru tipul de corpuri de ap de suprafa the type of superficial waters bodies as against
fa de cele asociate n mod normal cu acel tip n those normally associated with specific type in
condiii nemodificate; unchanged conditions;

clasa de calitate II - stare bun - valorile the second quality class - good state - biological
elementelor biologice de calitate pentru tipul de corp quality elements values for superficial water body
de ap de suprafa prezint nivele sczute de type presents low levels of change because of
schimbare datorit activitilor umane, dar deviaz human activity, but it slightly deviate as against those
uor fa de acele valori normale asociate cu tipul de normal values associated with superficial water
corpuri de ap de suprafa n condiii nemodificate; bodies type in unchanged conditions;
clasa de calitate III - stare moderat - valorile the third quality class - moderate state - biological
elementelor biologice de calitate pentru tipul de corp quality elements values for superficial water body
de ap de suprafa deviaz moderat fa de acelea type moderately deviates as against those which are
care sunt n mod normal asociate cu tipul de corp de normally associated with superficial water body type
ap de suprafa n condiii nemodificate. Valorile in unchanged conditions. These values presents
prezint semne moderate de perturbare ca urmare a moderate perturbation signs because of human
activitilor umane i sunt esenial perturbate fa de activities and are essentially perturbated as against
valorile din condiiile de stare bun; the good state conditions values;
clasa de calitate IV - slab - prezint dovezi de the fourth quality class - poor - presents major
alterri majore ale valorilor elementelor biologice de alteration proofs of the biological quality elements
calitate pentru tipul de corpuri de ape de suprafa i values for superficial water bodies type in which
n care comunitile biologice importante deviaz important biological communities significantly
semnificativ de la valorile normale asociate cu tipul deviates from the normal values associated with
de corpuri de ap de suprafa n condiii superficial water bodies type in unchanged
nemodificate; conditions;
clasa de calitate V - proast - prezint dovezi de the fifth quality class - bad - presents major
alterri majore ale valorilor elementelor biologice de alteration proofs of the biological quality elements
calitate pentru tipul de corpuri de ape de suprafa i values for superficials water bodies type and in
n care pri mari din comunitile biologice which big parts from important biological
importante care sunt n mod normal asociate cu tipul communities which are normally associated with
de corpuri de ap de suprafa n condiii superficial water bodies type in unchanged
nemodificate, sunt absente. conditions are absent.
Cheltuielile pentru protecia mediului includ Environment protection expenditure include
investiiile i cheltuielile curente interne pentru investments and internal current expenditure for carrying
desfurarea activitilor de supraveghere i protecie a out the activities of environment observation and
mediului, i care se refer la prevenirea sau repararea protection and refer to environment damages prevention
pagubelor aduse acestuia. or repair.
Investiiile pentru protecia mediului includ Investments for environment protection include
cheltuielile efectuate pentru lucrri de construcii, de the expenditure made for construction, installations and
instalaii i de montaj, pentru achiziionarea de utilaje, building works, for equipment, transport means
mijloace de transport, alte cheltuieli destinate crerii de purchasing, other expenditure meant to create new fixed
noi mijloace fixe pentru dezvoltarea, modernizarea, assets for the development, modernization,
reconstrucia celor existente, cu scopul de protecie a reconstruction of the already existent ones, having the
mediului. Ele includ, de asemenea, valoarea serviciilor purpose of environment protection. They also include the
legate de transferul de proprieti al mijloacelor fixe value of services related to existent fixed assets and land
existente i al terenurilor (taxe, materiale, comisioane, ownership transfer (taxes, materials, commissions,
cheltuieli de transport de ncrcare - descrcare). loading-unloading transport expenditure).
Cheltuieli curente interne pentru protecia mediului Current internal expenditure for environment
nsumeaz cheltuielile efectuate pentru operarea, protection are made of the expenditure for operating,
repararea i ntreinerea instalaiilor i utilajelor pentru repairs and maintenance of installations and equipment
protecia mediului de ctre personalul ntreprinderii. Ele for environment protection by enterprise staff. They
includ salariile i impozitele aferente i cheltuielile include salaries and taxes and material expenditure (raw
materiale (materii prime, materiale, combustibili, energie, materials, materials, fuels, energy, water a.s.o.). The
ap etc.). Cheltuielile curente interne nu includ cheltuielile current internal expenditure do not include
pentru achiziionarea de servicii de mediu de la teri. environmental services purchased from thirds.

Categoriile de productori de servicii pentru Categories of service producers for environment
protecia mediului sunt: protection are:
productorii nespecializai - uniti care execut o non-specialised producers - units carrying out an
activitate de protecia mediului ca activitate secundar activity of environment protection as their
sau auxiliar la o activitate principal. Activitatea secondary or auxiliary activity. Their main activity is
principal nu este una de protecia mediului. Aceste not the environment protection. These units are
uniti se regsesc n sectorul producie (CAEN Rev.2, found in the sector of production (CANE Rev. 2,
diviziunile: 02; 0536; 41; 42; 43; 49; 50; 51); divisions: 02; 0536; 41; 42; 43; 49; 50; 51);
productorii specializai - uniti care execut specialised producers - units carrying out an activity
activiti de protecia mediului ca activitate principal, of environment protection as their main activity,
conform CAEN Rev.2, diviziunile: 37; 38; 39 i clasa according to CANE Rev.2, divisions: 37; 38; 39 and
4677; 4677 class;
administraia public - toate unitile administraiei public administration - local and central units of
publice locale i centrale a cror producie de public administration whose non-market production
servicii de protecia mediului non-pia este of environment protection services is meant for
destinat consumului individual i colectiv individual and collective consumption (CANE Rev.2,
(CAEN Rev.2, clasa 8411). 8411 class).
Activitile specifice de protecia mediului sunt Specific activities of environment protection are
grupate dup domeniile de mediu, astfel: grouped by environmental domains, as follows:
prevenirea i combaterea polurii (protecia pollution prevention and reduction (air protection,
aerului, protecia apei, managementul deeurilor, water protection, wastes management, soil and
protecia solului i a apelor subterane); underground waters protection);
protecia resurselor naturale i conservarea natural resources protection and biodiversity
biodiversitii (protecia speciilor, arii protejate, preservation (species protection, protected areas,
remediere i reconstrucie ecologic, refacerea ecological remedy and reconstruction, aquatic
mediului acvatic, prevenirea fenomenelor naturale environment restoration, prevention of dangerous
periculoase); natural phenomena);
alte domenii (cercetare-dezvoltare, administrare other domains (research-development,
general a mediului, reducerea zgomotului i a environment general administration, noise and
vibraiilor, protecia mpotriva radiaiilor, educaie, vibrations reduction, protection against radiation,
instruire, informare). education, training, looking for information).

Poziia geografic a Romniei

1.1 Geographical position of Romania

Punctul extrem (localitatea) Judeul Longitudinea estic1) Latitudinea nordic

Extreme point (locality) County Longitude east1) Latitude north
Nord Satul Horoditea Botoani 26o4205 48o1506
North Horoditea village
Sud Oraul Zimnicea Teleorman 25o2332 43o3707
South Zimnicea town
Est Oraul Sulina Tulcea 29o4124 45o0936
East Sulina town
Vest Comuna Beba Veche Timi 20o1544 46o0727
West Beba Veche commune

1) Dup Greenwich. / According to Greenwich.

Sursa: Institutul de Geografie.
Source: Institute of Geography.

Lungimea frontierelor Romniei
1.2 Length of Romanias borders
Lungimea frontierelor / Border length

Total Terestr Fluvial Maritim

Total Land River Sea

Total granie 3149,9 1085,6 1816,9 247,4 Total borders

Bulgaria 631,3 139,1 470,0 22,2 Bulgaria

Republica Moldova 681,3 - 681,3 - Republic of Moldova
Serbia 546,4 256,8 289,6 - Serbia
Ucraina 649,4 273,8 343,9 31,7 Ukraine
Ungaria 448,0 415,9 32,1 - Hungary
Marea Neagr 193,5 - - 193,5 Black Sea

Not: Lungimile frontierelor sunt oficializate numai cu Serbia i Ungaria, celelalte frontiere fiind calculate unilateral.
Note: Lengths of borders are official only with Serbia and Hungary, the other borders being unilaterally calculated.
Sursa: Institutul de Geografie;
Inspectoratul General al Poliiei de Frontier din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne.
Source: Institute of Geography;
General Inspectorate of Border Police within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Principalele altitudini muntoase

1.3 Major mountain peaks

Denumirea vrfului muntos Denumirea masivului muntos Judeul Altitudinea vrfului (m)
Name of peak Name of massif County Height (m)

Moldoveanu Fgra Arge 2544

Negoiu Fgra Arge, Braov, Sibiu 2535
Parngu Mare Parng Gorj, Hunedoara 2519
Peleaga Retezat Hunedoara 2509
Omu Bucegi Prahova, Braov, Dmbovia 2505
Retezat Retezat Hunedoara 2482
Iezerul Mare Iezer Arge 2462
Ppua Iezer Arge 2391
Pietrosu Rodna Maramure 2303
Gugu Godeanu Cara-Severin, Hunedoara 2291
Suru Fgra Sibiu, Vlcea 2283
Ineu Rodna Bistria-Nsud 2279
Cindrel Cindrel Sibiu 2244
tefleti Lotru Sibiu, Vlcea 2242
La Om (Piscul Baciului) Piatra Craiului Braov 2238
Godeanu Godeanu Cara-Severin, Gorj 2229
Cleanu arcu Cara-Severin 2190
arcu arcu Cara-Severin 2190
Leaota Leaota Dmbovia, Arge 2133
Vrful lui Ptru ureanu Hunedoara 2130
Ursu Cpna Vlcea 2124
Pietrosu Climan Suceava, Mure 2100

Sursa: Institutul de Geografie.

Source: Institute of Geography.

Principalele altitudini muntoase - continuare
1.3 Major mountain peaks - continued

Denumirea vrfului muntos Denumirea masivului muntos Judeul Altitudinea vrfului (m)
Name of peak Name of massif County Height (m)

ureanu ureanu Hunedoara 2059

Farcu Maramure Maramure 1956
Ciuca Ciuca Braov, Prahova 1954
Toroiaga Maramure Maramure 1930
Ocolau Mare Ceahlu Neam 1907
Toaca Ceahlu Neam 1900
Straja Vlcan Gorj, Hunedoara 1868
Budacu Bistria Neam, Suceava 1859
Giumalu Raru Suceava 1856
Cucurbta Mare Bihor Bihor, Alba 1849
ible ible Maramure, Bistria-Nsud 1837
Vldeasa Vldeasa Cluj 1836
Muntele Mare Muntele Mare Alba, Cluj 1826
Harghita Mdra Harghita Harghita 1800
Hmau Mare Hma Harghita, Neam 1792
Pietrosu Bistria Suceava 1791
Goru Vrancea Buzu, Vrancea 1784
Lcu Vrancea Covasna, Vrancea 1777
Saca Gurghiu Mure 1776
Penteleu Penteleu Buzu 1772
Vlacu Mic Munii Cernei Cara-Severin 1733
Cozia Cozia Vlcea 1668
Grindu Tarcu Bacu 1664
Raru Raru Suceava 1650
Nemira Nemira Bacu 1649
Lucina Obcina Mestecni Suceava 1588
Cucu Harghita Harghita, Covasna 1558
Bivolu Stnioara Neam 1530
Pacani Obcina Feredeu Suceava 1495
Vrful lui Stan Mehedini Mehedini 1466
Piatra Goznei Semenic Cara-Severin 1447
Guti Guti Maramure 1443
Poienia Munii Metaliferi Alba 1437
Pade Poiana Rusc Timi, Cara-Severin 1374
Dmbu Trascu Alba 1369
Igni Guti Maramure 1307
Ciomatu Bodoc Harghita 1301
Detunata Munii Metaliferi Alba 1258
Svinecea Mare Almj Cara-Severin 1224
Leordi Munii Aninei Cara-Severin 1160
Pleu Codru Moma Arad, Bihor 1112
Vrful Cetii Perani Braov 1104
Mgura Priei Mese Slaj 996
Drocea Zarand Arad 836
uuiatu Mcin Tulcea 467

Sursa: Institutul de Geografie.

Source: Institute of Geography.

Lungimea principalelor cursuri de ap de pe teritoriul Romniei
1.4 Length of major rivers on Romanian territory

Denumirea cursului de ap Lungimea cursului de ap (km) Suprafaa bazinului (km2)

River name Length of the river (km) Basin area (km2)

Dunre 1075 332501)

Mure 761 27890
Prut 742 10990
Olt 615 24050
Siret 559 42890
Ialomia 417 10350
Some 376 15740
Arge 350 12550
Jiu 339 10080
Buzu 302 5264
Dmbovia 286 2824
Bistria 283 7039
Jijia 275 5757
Trnava Mare 246 6253
Timi 244 5673
Criul Alb 234 4240
Vedea 224 5430
Moldova 213 4299
Brlad 207 7220
Trnava Mic 196 2071
Prahova 193 3738
Neajlov 186 3720
Olte 185 2663
Someul Mic 178 3773
Suceava 173 2298
Bega 170 2362
Arie 166 3005
Trotu 162 4456

1) Fr afluenii care formeaz bazine de ordinul 1. / Excluding the tributaries which form the first degree basins.
Sursa: Institutul de Geografie.
Source: Institute of Geography.

1.5 Principalele lacuri naturale
Major natural lakes

Denumirea lacului natural Judeul Suprafaa (ha) Volum (mil. m3)

Natural lake name County Area (ha) Volume (mill. m3)

Lacuri n circuri glaciare / Lakes of glacial circuses

Bucura Hunedoara 10,5 0,5
Znoaga Mare Hunedoara 9,0 1,0
Blea Sibiu 4,7 0,2
Clcescu Gorj 3,0 0,1
Lacuri n cratere vulcanice / Lakes of volcanic crater
Sfnta Ana Harghita 22,0 0,6
Lacuri n depresiuni carstice / Lakes of karstic depressions
Zton Mehedini 20,0 1,0
Iezerul Ighiu Alba 5,3 0,2
Vintileasca Vrancea 4,7 0,1
Lacuri de baraj natural / Lakes of natural barrage
Lacul Rou Harghita 12,6 0,7
Bltu Bacu 6,0 0,1
Lacuri n crovuri (depresiuni de tasare) / Clasto-karstic lakes
Ianca Brila 322,0 1,6
Movila Miresii Brila 180,0 4,5
Lacul Srat-Brila Brila 39,0 0,2
Limane fluviatile / River banks
Oltina Constana 2509,0 60,0
Iezerul Mostitei Clrai 1860,0 160,01)
Balta Alb Buzu, Brila 1012,0 5,1
Jirlu Brila 890,0 5,6
Amara-Buzu Buzu 600,0 3,6
Snagov Ilfov 575,0 17,3
Cldruani Ilfov 224,0 4,5
Hazarlc Constana 168,0 0,8
Amara-Ialomia Ialomia 132,0 2,6
Limane fluvio-maritime / River - maritime banks
Taaul Constana 2335,0 57,0
Techirghiol Constana 1161,0 41,8
Mangalia Constana 261,0 15,7
Tatlageac Constana 178,0 14,0
Lagune marine / Maritime lagoons
Razim Tulcea 41500,0 909,0
Sinoie Constana 17150,0 210,7
Zmeica Tulcea 5460,0 45,6
Siutghiol Constana 1900,0 88,7
Lacuri de lunc / River meadow lakes
Brate Galai 2111,0 30,0
Bistre Dolj 1867,0 28,0
Suhaia Teleorman 1094,0 18,0
Lacul Rotund Tulcea 219,0 2,0
Lacuri din Delta Dunrii / Danube Delta lakes
Dranov Tulcea 2170,0 21,7
Lacul Rou Tulcea 1445,0 21,7
Gorgova Tulcea 1377,5 13,8
Lumina Tulcea 1367,5 20,5
Merhei Tulcea 1057,5 15,9
Furtuna Tulcea 977,5 9,8
Matia Tulcea 652,5 9,8

1) Volum rezultat din lucrrile de amenajare pentru irigaii. / Volume resulted from planning works for irrigations.
Sursa: Institutul de Geografie.
Source: Institute of Geography.

Principalele lacuri antropice
1.6 Major anthropic lakes

Denumirea Suprafaa la nivel Volumul la nivel normal

lacului antropic Judeul normal de retenie (ha) de retenie (mil. m3) Categoria de folosin
Anthropic lake name County Area at normal level Volume at normal level Category of use
of afflux (ha) of afflux (mill. m3)

Porile de Fier Mehedini 70000,01) 2400,0 energie / energy

Ostrovu Mare Mehedini 7920,0 800,0 energie / energy
Stnca-Costeti Botoani 5900,0 735,0 complex / complex
Izvorul Muntelui-Bicaz Neam 3100,0 1130,0 energie / energy
Strejeti Olt 2204,0 202,7 energie / energy
Ipoteti Olt 1692,0 110,0 energie / energy
Frunzaru Olt 1280,0 96,0 energie / energy
Izbiceni Olt 1095,0 74,0 energie / energy
Drgneti Olt 1080,0 76,0 energie / energy
Mihileti Ilfov 1013,0 76,3 complex / complex
Vidra Vlcea 950,0 340,0 energie / energy
Fntnele Cluj 884,0 212,9 energie / energy
Vidraru Arge 870,0 469,0 complex / complex
Drcani Botoani 500,0 6,1 piscicultur / fish breeding
Soleti Vaslui 452,0 15,8 complex / complex
Oaa Alba 447,0 131,0 energie / energy
Gura Apelor Hunedoara 420,0 210,0 energie / energy
Clineti Satu Mare 380,0 8,6 complex / complex
Siriu Buzu 360,0 126,0 complex / complex
Iovanu Gorj 290,0 120,0 complex / complex
Colibia Bistria Nsud 270,0 65,0 complex / complex
Lacul Morii Municipiul Bucureti 256,0 14,2 complex / complex
Vcreti Dmbovia 234,0 14,1 complex / complex
Brdior Vlcea 230,0 38,0 complex / complex
Pucai Vaslui 230,0 8,0 complex / complex
Tarnia Cluj 215,0 70,3 energie / energy
Pecineagu Dmbovia 182,0 63,0 complex / complex

1) ntre confluena Nera-Dunre i baraj (dup datele celor dou hidrocentrale).

Nera-Danube and dam confluence (according to the data of the two hydro-power stations).
Sursa: Institutul de Geografie.
Source: Institute of Geography.

Altitudinea medie a principalelor orae din Romnia
1.7 Average height of major towns in Romania

Oraul Judeul Altitudinea medie (m)

Town County Average height (m)

Alba lulia Alba 235

Alexandria Teleorman 45
Arad Arad 107
Bacu Bacu 165
Baia Mare Maramure 225
Bistria Bistria-Nsud 360
Brlad Vaslui 90
Botoani Botoani 130
Braov Braov 625
Brila Brila 20
Bucureti / Bucharest - 85
Buzu Buzu 95
Clrai Clrai 13
Cluj - Napoca Cluj 360
Constana Constana 25
Craiova Dolj 100
Dej Cluj 285
Deva Hunedoara 220
Drobeta-Turnu Severin Mehedini 65
Fgra Braov 430
Focani Vrancea 55
Galai Galai 35
Giurgiu Giurgiu 23
Hunedoara Hunedoara 245
Iai Iai 95
Lugoj Timi 70
Media Sibiu 300
Miercurea Ciuc Harghita 665
Odorheiu Secuiesc Harghita 385
Oneti Bacu 210
Oradea Bihor 150
Petroani Hunedoara 650
Piatra Neam Neam 345
Piteti Arge 287
Ploieti Prahova 150
Reia Cara-Severin 245
Rmnicu Vlcea Vlcea 250
Roman Neam 195
Satu Mare Satu Mare 123
Sfntu Gheorghe Covasna 555
Sibiu Sibiu 415
Sighetu Marmaiei Maramure 270
Sighioara Mure 375
Slatina Olt 135
Slobozia Ialomia 35
Suceava Suceava 325
Tecuci Galai 50
Timioara Timi 90
Trgovite Dmbovia 280
Trgu Jiu Gorj 205
Trgu Mure Mure 330
Tulcea Tulcea 30
Turda Cluj 330
Turnu Mgurele Teleorman 23
Vaslui Vaslui 110
Zalu Slaj 275

Not: Oraul situat la cea mai mare altitudine medie este Predeal (judeul Braov) - 1060 m.
Oraul situat la cea mai mic altitudine medie este Sulina (judeul Tulcea) - 4 m.
Note: The town situated at the highest average height is Predeal (Braov county) - 1060 m.
The town situated at the lowest average height is Sulina (Tulcea county) - 4 m.
Sursa: Institutul de Geografie.
Source: Institute of Geography.

Organizarea administrativ a teritoriului Romniei, la 31 decembrie 2014
1.8 Administrative organisation of Romanian territory, on December 31, 2014

Macroregiunea Numrul
Regiunea de dezvoltare Suprafaa oraelor i din care: Numrul Numrul
Judeul total municipiilor municipii comunelor satelor
Macroregion Total area Number of which: Number of Number of
Development region (km2) of towns and municipalities communes villages
County municipalities

Total 238391 320 103 2861 12957

MACROREGIUNEA UNU 68259 100 35 760 3588
Nord - Vest / North - West 34159 43 15 403 1800
Bihor 7544 10 4 91 430
Bistria-Nsud 5355 4 1 58 235
Cluj 6674 6 5 75 420
Maramure 6304 13 2 63 214
Satu Mare 4418 6 2 59 220
Slaj 3864 4 1 57 281
Centru / Center 34100 57 20 357 1788
Alba 6242 11 4 67 656
Braov 5363 10 4 48 149
Covasna 3710 5 2 40 122
Harghita 6639 9 4 58 235
Mure 6714 11 4 91 464
Sibiu 5432 11 2 53 162
MACROREGIUNEA DOI 72612 81 28 861 3862
Nord - Est / North - East 36850 46 17 506 2414
Bacu 6621 8 3 85 491
Botoani 4986 7 2 71 333
Iai 5476 5 2 93 418
Neam 5896 5 2 78 344
Suceava 8553 16 5 98 379
Vaslui 5318 5 3 81 449
Sud - Est / South - East 35762 35 11 355 1448
Brila 4766 4 1 40 140
Buzu 6103 5 2 82 475
Constana 7071 12 3 58 189
Galai 4466 4 2 61 180
Tulcea 8499 5 1 46 133
Vrancea 4857 5 2 68 331
MACROREGIUNEA TREI 36274 57 17 551 2110
Sud - Muntenia / South - Muntenia 34453 48 16 519 2019
Arge 6826 7 3 95 576
Clrai 5088 5 2 50 160
Dmbovia 4054 7 2 82 353
Giurgiu 3526 3 1 51 167
Ialomia 4453 7 3 59 127
Prahova 4716 14 2 90 405
Teleorman 5790 5 3 92 231
Bucureti - Ilfov / Bucharest - Ilfov 1821 9 1 32 91
Ilfov 1583 8 - 32 91
Municipiul Bucureti 238 1 1 - -
Bucharest Municipality
MACROREGIUNEA PATRU 61246 82 23 689 3397
Sud - Vest Oltenia 29212 40 11 408 2070
South - West Oltenia
Dolj 7414 7 3 104 378
Gorj 5602 9 2 61 411
Mehedini 4933 5 2 61 344
Olt 5498 8 2 104 377
Vlcea 5765 11 2 78 560
Vest / West 32034 42 12 281 1327
Arad 7754 10 1 68 270
Cara-Severin 8520 8 2 69 287
Hunedoara 7063 14 7 55 457
Timi 8697 10 2 89 313

1.9 Temperatura aerului (media lunar i anual)
Air temperature (monthly and yearly average)
grade Celsius / Celsius degrees
Staia Media lunar Monthly average Media Amplitudinea Meteorological
meteorologic Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Noiembrie Decembrie anual anual station
i anii January February March April May June July August September October November December Yearly Yearly and observation
de observaie average amplitude years

Satu Mare Satu Mare

1901 - 2000 -2,8 -0,6 4,5 10,4 15,7 18,8 20,4 19,8 15,5 10,1 4,9 0,1 9,7 23,2 1901 - 2000
2014 2,4 4,8 8,2 12,6 16,1 20,3 22,1 20,6 17,2 11,4 6,4 3,2 12,1 19,7 2014
Suceava Suceava
1901 - 2000 -4,8 -3,2 1,4 7,9 13,4 16,9 18,6 17,8 13,6 7,9 2,7 -2,2 7,5 23,4 1901 - 2000
2014 -3,0 -1,1 6,5 9,1 14,4 17,0 19,7 19,6 15,3 8,4 3,0 -0,4 9,0 22,7 2014
Oradea Oradea
1901 - 2000 -1,9 0,3 5,2 10,8 15,9 19,0 20,9 20,4 16,3 10,9 5,3 0,8 10,3 22,8 1901 - 2000
2014 3,5 5,3 9,3 12,8 16,3 21,0 22,5 21,0 17,8 12,2 7,7 3,7 12,8 19,0 2014
Iai Iai
1901 - 2000 -3,5 -1,8 3,1 10,2 16,0 19,5 21,2 20,5 15,9 10,0 4,1 -0,8 9,5 24,7 1901 - 2000
2014 -1,4 -0,9 8,1 11,2 16,4 19,4 22,1 21,9 17,1 9,5 4,4 0,0 10,7 23,5 2014
Cluj - Napoca Cluj - Napoca
1901 - 2000 -4,2 -2,1 3,6 9,2 14,4 17,4 19,1 18,4 14,2 8,8 3,3 -1,4 8,4 23,3 1901 - 2000
2014 0,6 3,9 8,0 11,1 14,5 18,1 20,2 19,4 15,9 10,4 5,1 1,2 10,7 19,6 2014
Trgu Mure Trgu Mure
1901 - 2000 -4,0 -1,8 4,0 9,7 14,8 17,7 19,4 18,8 14,6 9,2 3,7 -1,3 8,7 23,4 1901 - 2000
2014 0,7 1,8 7,8 11,4 15,5 18,2 20,8 20,0 16,1 10,4 4,7 1,3 10,7 20,1 2014
Bacu Bacu
1901 - 2000 -3,6 -2,1 2,9 9,7 15,2 18,9 20,6 19,8 15,3 9,5 3,7 -0,9 9,1 24,2 1901 - 2000
2014 -1,9 -1,2 7,5 10,2 15,7 18,5 21,5 21,0 15,9 9,2 3,8 -0,3 10,0 23,4 2014
Timioara Timioara
1901 - 2000 -1,5 0,6 5,7 11,1 16,3 19,6 21,5 20,9 16,8 11,2 5,7 1,2 10,7 23,0 1901 - 2000
2014 3,1 5,7 9,2 12,7 16,2 20,7 22,1 21,4 17,2 12,3 7,8 3,1 12,6 19,0 2014
Deva Deva
1901 - 2000 -2,5 0,0 5,3 10,7 15,6 18,6 20,4 19,8 15,7 10,2 4,7 0,3 9,9 22,9 1901 - 2000
2014 1,7 4,9 8,9 11,9 15,1 18,6 20,8 20,6 16,9 11,5 6,2 2,1 11,6 19,1 2014
Sibiu Sibiu
1901 - 2000 -3,6 -1,4 3,9 9,5 14,4 17,5 19,2 18,6 14,5 9,2 3,8 -1,1 8,7 22,8 1901 - 2000
2014 1,2 4,5 7,7 10,2 14,3 17,7 19,7 19,7 16,0 10,7 5,8 2,1 10,8 18,5 2014
Vrfu Omu Vrfu Omu
1901 - 2000 -10,6 -10,8 -8,5 -4,4 0,3 3,5 5,5 5,7 2,8 -0,8 -4,8 -8,4 -2,6 16,5 1901 - 2000
2014 -6,1 -5,1 -5,9 -3,1 0,4 3,4 6,5 7,1 2,9 0,9 -2,7 -7,7 -0,8 14,8 2014
Galai Galai
1901 - 2000 -2,6 -0,9 4,0 10,8 16,5 20,4 22,5 21,9 17,3 11,3 5,2 0,1 10,5 25,1 1901 - 2000
2014 -0,7 0,3 8,8 12,0 17,4 20,5 23,7 24,1 18,9 11,1 5,1 0,5 11,8 24,8 2014
Trgu Jiu Trgu Jiu
1901 - 2000 -2,4 -0,3 4,8 10,9 15,9 19,4 21,4 20,8 16,5 10,5 4,8 0,0 10,2 23,8 1901 - 2000
2014 0,3 2,8 9,0 11,9 15,9 19,7 21,4 21,7 16,7 11,2 5,8 1,5 11,5 21,4 2014
Buzu Buzu
1901 - 2000 -2,2 -0,2 4,4 10,9 16,6 20,3 22,3 21,9 17,4 11,2 5,1 0,4 10,7 24,5 1901 - 2000
2014 -0,5 0,2 9,3 11,3 16,7 20,0 23,2 23,6 18,6 11,5 4,8 1,1 11,7 24,1 2014
Calafat Calafat
1901 - 2000 -1,4 0,6 5,7 11,9 17,4 21,0 23,3 22,8 18,2 11,9 5,7 1,0 11,5 24,7 1901 - 2000
2014 0,7 1,6 9,6 12,3 16,7 21,1 23,2 23,2 17,8 12,0 6,0 2,2 12,2 22,5 2014
Turnu Mgurele Turnu Mgurele
1901 - 2000 -2,3 0,3 5,6 12,2 17,6 21,3 23,3 22,5 18,1 11,8 5,7 0,5 11,4 25,6 1901 - 2000
2014 0,6 1,5 9,2 12,4 17,2 20,8 23,7 24,1 18,5 12,1 5,9 1,3 12,3 23,5 2014
Bucureti - Filaret Bucharest - Filaret
1901 - 2000 -2,2 -0,2 5,3 11,6 16,9 20,7 22,9 22,4 17,7 11,8 5,5 0,4 11,0 25,1 1901 - 2000
2014 0,1 2,0 9,6 12,0 16,8 19,8 23,0 24,2 18,6 11,8 5,5 1,3 12,1 24,1 2014
Constana Constana
1901 - 2000 0,1 1,2 4,5 9,6 15,2 19,7 22,2 22,0 18,2 13,2 7,6 2,8 11,4 22,1 1901 - 2000
2014 3,0 3,0 8,0 11,7 17,0 21,1 23,9 24,7 19,9 13,5 7,4 4,0 13,1 21,7 2014

Sursa: Administraia Naional de Meteorologie.

Source: National Administration of Meteorology.

18 19
1.10 Temperatura aerului (maxima absolut i minima absolut lunar i anual)
Air temperature (monthly and yearly absolute maximum and absolute minimum)
grade Celsius / Celsius degrees
Maxima absolut Minima absolut
Staia anual i data anual i data Meteorological
meteorologic Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Noiembrie Decembrie nregistrrii nregistrrii station
i anii January February March April May June July August September October November December Yearly absolute Yearly absolute and observation
de observaie maximum and minimum and years
its date its date

Satu Mare Satu Mare

1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 14,7 17,9 26,0 30,7 32,4 36,3 37,2 39,4 37,3 28,3 24,2 18,0 39,4 monthly maximum
anul 1990 1989 1974 1950 1937 2000 1939; 1987 1952 1946 1943 1968 1989 16 august 1952 year
minima lunar -29,3 -27,6 -20,6 -6,4 -2,6 0,6 4,9 3,5 -4,7 -9,3 -19,6 -30,4 -30,4 monthly minimum
anul 1982 1940 1940 1954 1976 1977 1961 1980 1970 1971 1989 1961 24 decembrie/December 1961 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 13,7 16,9 22,0 25,7 31,2 35,4 33,8 35,1 31,0 26,6 21,2 14,1 35,4 monthly maximum
ziua 6 12 21 28 22 10 8 14 4 14 7 6 10 iunie/June date
minima lunar -12,7 -8,1 -4,9 -1,1 1,5 5,5 8,0 7,4 2,6 -3,8 -3,5 -13,1 -13,1 monthly minimum
ziua 24 5 11 16 6 3 4 26 25 28 28 31 31 decembrie/December date
Suceava Suceava
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 15,0 20,4 26,6 28,4 34,5 34,0 35,2 38,6 32,9 32,0 24,0 18,0 38,6 monthly maximum
anul 1984 1990 1952 1943 1958 1972 1988 1952 1986 1952 1994 1989 17 august 1952 year
minima lunar -29,6 -31,0 -21,9 -9,2 -2,2 1,5 5,5 4,2 -3,5 -8,0 -21,2 -29,8 -31,0 monthly minimum
anul 1954 1954 1955 1963 1999 1958 1989 1993 1953; 1977 1951; 1979 1942 1996 20 februarie/February 1954 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 12,6 8,1 21,5 21,3 27,7 27,8 29,9 34,3 27,6 23,7 20,2 12,1 34,3 monthly maximum
ziua 7 10 22 8; 30 26 10 28 14 2 14 6 23 14 august date
minima lunar -19,4 -18,6 -2,3 -2,1 0,0 8,3 10,0 7,1 -0,6 -7,7 -5,4 -16,9 -19,4 monthly minimum
ziua 31 1 30 3 6 19 5 23 25 26 28 31 31 ianuarie/January date
Oradea Oradea
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 17,1 19,2 26,4 32,6 33,4 37,8 39,5 40,0 37,0 32,7 26,0 19,2 40,0 monthly maximum
anul 1939 1958 1974 1934 1968 2000 1936 2000 1942 1932 1997 1957 21 august 2000 year
minima lunar -29,2 -24,5 -18,6 -10,0 -4,0 1,0 5,0 4,2 -1,9 -10,5 -16,4 -26,2 -29,2 monthly minimum
anul 1942 1935 1932 1944 1943 1918 1943 1942; 1943 1970 1943 1915 1902 24 ianuarie/January 1942 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 14,4 17,6 21,6 24,3 30,7 35,8 34,0 33,5 30,6 26,7 23,3 11,3 35,8 monthly maximum
ziua 5; 20 12 21 28 24 10 21 2 2 11 7 15 10 iunie/June date
minima lunar -7,0 -5,8 -1,2 1,6 2,2 8,8 11,1 8,1 4,7 -1,0 -4,4 -12,2 -12,2 monthly minimum
ziua 27 5 11 10 6 3 4 28 25 28 27 31 31 decembrie/December date
Iai Iai
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 16,7 22,5 27,0 31,5 36,4 38,0 40,0 39,7 38,0 33,9 29,0 19,5 40,0 monthly maximum
anul 1921 1990 1926 1909 1950 1927 1909 1905 1946 1952 1926 1989 27 iulie/July 1909 year
minima lunar -30,6 -36,3 -22,7 -9,4 -3,0 3,5 6,3 4,6 -3,5 -9,6 -21,1 -29,5 -36,3 monthly minimum
anul 1963 1937 1952 1963 1935 1934 1929 1914 1921; 1931 1912 1993 1946 1 februarie/February 1937 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 11,4 11,1 22,6 24,2 32,1 31,6 32,8 35,6 31,8 25,3 17,9 14,3 35,6 monthly maximum
ziua 18 22 15 30 26 10 31 4 2 15 5 24 4 august date
minima lunar -20,2 -19,2 -1,9 0,0 1,9 9,1 12,0 8,7 1,6 -5,3 -4,2 -16,4 -20,2 monthly minimum
ziua 31 1 30 3 6 2 2 30 25 28 26 31 31 ianuarie/January date
Cluj - Napoca Cluj - Napoca
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 14,0 19,3 26,6 30,2 32,5 36,0 37,0 38,0 33,7 32,6 26,0 18,7 38,0 monthly maximum
anul 1903 1966 1975 1926; 1950 1924 1935 1936 1952 1927 1952 1926 1982 16 august 1952 year
minima lunar -34,2 -32,5 -22,0 -8,4 -3,5 0,4 5,2 3,5 -3,0 -8,8 -22,3 -27,9 -34,2 monthly minimum
anul 1963 1929 1932 1923 1935 1955 1980 1933 1939 1997 1948 1927 23 ianuarie/January 1963 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 10,9 17,4 22,0 21,1 28,4 31,4 31,0 35,2 28,2 24,3 18,8 11,1 35,2 monthly maximum
ziua 20 12 24 21 26 10 21 14 4 13 7 23 14 august date
minima lunar -6,9 -8,0 -2,8 2,2 1,1 8,0 8,9 6,7 1,2 -3,9 -6,8 -18,4 -18,4 monthly minimum
ziua 14 4 11 3 6 3 4 29 25 28 27 31 31 decembrie/December date

20 21
Temperatura aerului
(maxima absolut i minima absolut lunar i anual) - continuare

1.10 Air temperature

(monthly and yearly absolute maximum and absolute minimum) - continued
grade Celsius / Celsius degrees
Maxima absolut Minima absolut
Staia anual i data anual i data Meteorological
meteorologic Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Noiembrie Decembrie nregistrrii nregistrrii station
i anii January February March April May June July August September October November December Yearly absolute Yearly absolute and observation
de observaie maximum and minimum and years
its date its date

Trgu Mure Trgu Mure

1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 14,0 19,0 27,0 32,5 34,4 35,3 39,0 38,5 38,2 31,5 26,5 18,3 39,0 monthly maximum
anul 1936 1994 1975 1934 1950 1963 1936 1946 1946 1952 1926 1960 29 iulie/July 1936 year
minima lunar -32,8 -32,0 -27,3 -7,5 -1,6 0,3 4,6 2,7 -3,3 -8,4 -19,6 -25,9 -32,8 monthly minimum
anul 1942; 1963 1929 1932 1929 1976 1928 1996 1958 1970 1988 1989 1927 25 ianuarie/January 1942; year
23 ianuarie/January 1963
2014 2014
maxima lunar 13,9 17,5 23,0 23,4 29,9 31,0 32,0 35,6 29,6 26,7 22,0 11,9 35,6 monthly maximum
ziua 20 12 23; 24 21 26 10 21 14 2 11 7 24 14 august date
minima lunar -14,2 -15,9 -4,8 1,1 2,3 6,3 9,3 6,2 0,5 -5,3 -6,8 -17,7 -17,7 monthly minimum
ziua 31 4 13 8 7 3 4 29 25 28 26 31 31 decembrie/December date
Bacu Bacu
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 18,2 22,4 29,6 30,9 35,6 36,5 39,6 38,8 35,8 34,6 26,6 19,0 39,6 monthly maximum
anul 1984 1977 1952 1943 1908 1908 1988 1952 1946 1952 1990 1903 6 iulie/July 1988 year
minima lunar -30,8 -32,5 -21,5 -11,3 -3,0 2,7 6,0 3,0 -4,5 -10,0 -21,4 -27,8 -32,5 monthly minimum
anul 1963 1954 1986 1963 1912 1939 1904; 1954 1940 1977 1912 1993 1946 20 februarie/February 1954 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 13,6 9,9 21,6 24,2 30,5 32,7 33,0 35,2 29,9 25,7 17,0 16,2 35,2 monthly maximum
ziua 18 10 15 30 27 10 21 14 10 15 10 24 14 august date
minima lunar -16,5 -16,9 -2,9 0,7 2,5 8,0 9,8 7,4 0,1 -6,2 -4,4 -17,7 -17,7 monthly minimum
ziua 31 1 30 8 6 23 5 30 25 28 27 31 31 decembrie/December date
Timioara Timioara
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 17,4 20,5 28,2 32,0 34,5 38,4 39,6 41,0 39,7 33,8 27,1 20,2 41,0 monthly maximum
anul 1979 1994 1952 1950 1950 1938 1939 1952 1946 1935 1926 1957 16 august 1952 year
minima lunar -35,3 -29,2 -20,0 -5,2 -5,0 2,2 5,9 5,0 -1,9 -6,8 -15,4 -24,8 -35,3 monthly minimum
anul 1963 1935 1932 1931 1935 1962 1962 1949 1970 1971 1922 1927 24 ianuarie/January 1963 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 15,3 20,1 23,0 23,7 29,4 34,0 34,1 35,1 29,3 27,1 23,8 13,8 35,1 monthly maximum
ziua 20 16 21 4 23 10 21 14 1 14 7 23 14 august date
minima lunar -7,3 -7,7 -1,9 2,1 1,8 9,2 11,8 9,3 5,4 -0,6 -4,1 -16,8 -16,8 monthly minimum
ziua 30 4 12 10 6 3 2 29 25 28 27 31 31 decembrie/December date
Deva Deva
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 15,3 20,8 28,5 32,3 34,6 35,6 39,4 39,7 38,2 32,7 27,4 19,8 39,7 monthly maximum
anul 1939 1977 1952 1956 1950 1952; 1963 1931; 1936 1952 1946 1932 1926 1957 16 august 1952 year
minima lunar -31,6 -28,1 -21,7 -6,0 -2,4 2,2 3,7 4,4 -4,2 -8,0 -16,6 -24,1 -31,6 monthly minimum
anul 1963 1929 1987 1926 1953 1933 1962 1961 1970 1997 1922 1927 24 ianuarie/January 1963 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 15,5 18,1 22,3 23,7 29,0 32,8 33,0 36,0 29,3 27,3 21,0 12,2 36,0 monthly maximum
ziua 6 16 23 23 22 10 8 14 9 13 9 24 14 august date
minima lunar -6,1 -8,5 -3,5 0,6 3,3 8,7 7,8 7,6 2,7 -4,1 -5,2 -19,2 -19,2 monthly minimum
ziua 27 4 12 11 6 15; 22 4 29 25 28 26 31 31 decembrie/December date
Sibiu Sibiu
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 15,6 21,3 30,6 30,2 32,1 35,4 37,5 38,4 39,5 32,5 27,0 19,3 39,5 monthly maximum
anul 1903 1966 1952 1934 1973 1963 1987 1946 1946 1932 1926 1957 7 septembrie/September 1946 year
minima lunar -31,8 -31,0 -24,5 -12,0 -3,6 1,0 4,2 1,0 -3,6 -9,4 -21,3 -29,8 -31,8 monthly minimum
anul 1963 1929 1932 1942 1963 1934 1996 1981 1970; 1977 1997 1948 1927 23 ianuarie/January 1963 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 13,1 19,1 22,0 22,2 26,7 30,2 30,3 33,0 27,4 26,0 22,7 13,5 33,0 monthly maximum
ziua 20 12 22 23 22; 26 9 21 13 2 14 7 24 13 august date
minima lunar -10,1 -9,5 -5,2 0,2 2,4 7,2 8,4 6,6 -0,2 -3,6 -6,1 -24,8 -24,8 monthly minimum
ziua 31 4 11 13 6 4 5 29 25 28 27 31 31 decembrie/December date

22 23
Temperatura aerului
(maxima absolut i minima absolut lunar i anual) - continuare

1.10 Air temperature

(monthly and yearly absolute maximum and absolute minimum) - continued
grade Celsius / Celsius degrees
Maxima absolut Minima absolut
Staia anual i data anual i data Meteorological
meteorologic Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Noiembrie Decembrie nregistrrii nregistrrii station
i anii January February March April May June July August September October November December Yearly absolute Yearly absolute and observation
de observaie maximum and minimum and years
its date its date

Vrfu Omu Vrfu Omu

1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 5,6 6,0 12,2 12,8 16,6 22,0 22,1 20,8 19,2 20,0 13,6 8,2 22,1 monthly maximum
anul 1949 1950 1974 1986 1986 1939 1984 1956; 1957 1993 1935 1945 1972 14 iulie/July 1984 year
minima lunar -32,3 -38,0 -29,6 -26,0 -16,0 -12,0 -8,0 -7,0 -15,0 -19,0 -30,8 -32,4 -38,0 monthly minimum
anul 1964 1929 1987 1940 1940 1939 1933 1949 1935 1946 1957 1957 10 februarie/February 1929 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 1,0 0,8 3,2 4,5 9,8 12,2 12,6 15,5 12,6 11,0 7,0 0,2 15,5 monthly maximum
ziua 10 12 21 23 26 30 21 14 1 10; 14 8 15 14 august date
minima lunar -16,1 -11,0 -14,3 -9,9 -8,5 -1,6 0,0 -1,4 -7,5 -11,0 -16,0 -26,5 -26,5 monthly minimum
ziua 13 10 11 13 6 1 2 28 24 25 25 30; 31 30; 31 decembrie/December date
Galai Galai
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 17,3 22,4 27,8 31,8 36,2 35,8 40,2 39,0 35,7 33,5 25,6 20,0 40,2 monthly maximum
anul 1993 1990 1952 1998 1950 1908 2000 1904 1968 1952 1926 1947 5 iulie/July 2000 year
minima lunar -26,5 -28,6 -17,2 -5,2 -0,1 3,8 7,3 6,2 -1,5 -6,8 -17,4 -20,7 -28,6 monthly minimum
anul 1929 1929 1985 1904 1935 1973 1976 1980 1977 1973 1933 1996 10 februarie/February 1929 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 12,7 10,2 22,3 24,8 31,5 31,8 33,8 36,4 31,2 24,9 17,6 14,0 36,4 monthly maximum
ziua 12 22 24 9 26 10 22 13 7 17 7 23 13 august date
minima lunar -18,4 -15,5 -0,6 3,3 3,7 12,5 14,1 12,4 4,1 -0,9 -4,0 -13,4 -18,4 monthly minimum
ziua 31 1 30 6 6 27 2 29 25 27 27 31 31 ianuarie/January date
Trgu Jiu Trgu Jiu
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 18,3 21,7 26,4 31,8 37,5 36,6 40,6 39,0 40,6 31,5 26,4 20,0 40,6 monthly maximum
anul 1983 1990 1957 1926 1950 1947; 1963 2000 1922; 1946; 1946 1935 1926 1986 8 septembrie/September 1946 year
1952 4 iulie/July 2000
minima lunar -31,0 -28,3 -24,7 -4,6 -1,2 2,2 5,0 2,6 -4,0 -9,0 -15,1 -26,9 -31,0 monthly minimum
anul 1942 1954 1987 1968 1938 1918; 1990 1993 1939 1906 1918 1904 1940 24 ianuarie/January 1942 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 14,8 18,1 22,6 24,2 28,6 33,1 31,6 34,5 29,0 25,5 22,1 17,1 34,5 monthly maximum
ziua 12 17 24 23 23 11 21 14 11 1 7 23 14 august date
minima lunar -11,6 -15,1 -1,5 1,4 4,6 8,0 10,2 9,6 4,4 -0,2 -1,8 -15,1 -15,1 monthly minimum
ziua 31 5 12 12 13 1 2 29 24; 25 28 28 31 5 februarie/February; date
31 decembrie/December
Buzu Buzu
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 18,4 22,2 27,9 31,5 37,3 38,5 39,8 39,6 37,0 35,3 25,0 21,6 39,8 monthly maximum
anul 1936 1990 1947 1909; 1947 1950 1908 2000 1951 1946 1952 1963 1989 5 iulie/July 2000 year
minima lunar -29,6 -25,0 -17,0 -5,3 -2,0 4,6 7,5 5,4 -2,0 -8,0 -17,6 -23,0 -29,6 monthly minimum
anul 1942 1929 1901 1944 1915 1973 1902 1939 1977 1988 1975 1902 24 ianuarie/January 1942 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 14,7 12,9 22,5 24,3 30,1 31,7 32,5 35,7 30,0 25,4 16,1 15,0 35,7 monthly maximum
ziua 12 17 19 9 26 10 22 13 10 1 7 25 13 august date
minima lunar -16,5 -13,7 0,5 2,8 4,4 11,0 12,6 12,7 4,9 0,7 -3,2 -10,8 -16,5 monthly minimum
ziua 31 1 30 6 7 1 2 29 25 25; 26; 27 26 31 31 ianuarie/January date
Calafat Calafat
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 20,5 22,4 27,6 34,5 36,6 39,5 43,2 41,3 39,8 31,6 25,9 21,2 43,2 monthly maximum
anul 1993 1990 1952; 1994 1985 1969 1908 2000 1945 1946 1991 1970 1989 4 iulie/July 2000 year
minima lunar -29,2 -24,6 -15,7 -3,0 1,6 6,2 9,0 7,3 -1,3 -6,2 -16,2 -21,8 -29,2 monthly minimum
anul 1947 1950 1963 1912 1952 1962 1913 1904 1977 1988 1988 1948 8 ianuarie/January 1947 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 15,7 17,0 23,8 23,2 29,4 34,9 35,3 35,9 29,8 26,3 15,5 20,1 35,9 monthly maximum
ziua 13 17 24 8 27 11 21 13 1 21 1 24 13 august date
minima lunar -13,7 -12,5 -1,0 4,5 5,8 11,4 12,1 10,1 6,1 -0,6 -1,8 -13,0 -13,7 monthly minimum
ziua 31 1 11 3 7 23 5 29 25 28 2 31 31 ianuarie/January date

24 25
Temperatura aerului
(maxima absolut i minima absolut lunar i anual) - continuare

1.10 Air temperature

(monthly and yearly absolute maximum and absolute minimum) - continued
grade Celsius / Celsius degrees
Maxima absolut Minima absolut
Staia anual i data anual i data Meteorological
meteorologic Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Noiembrie Decembrie nregistrrii nregistrrii station
i anii January February March April May June July August September October November December Yearly absolute Yearly absolute and observation
de observaie maximum and minimum and years
its date its date

Turnu Mgurele Turnu Mgurele

1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 18,0 24,1 29,6 34,2 38,8 38,2 43,2 41,4 40,0 36,4 26,7 22,0 43,2 monthly maximum
anul 1983 1995 1951 1985 1950 1957 1987 1952 1946 1952 1963 1903 25 iulie/July 1987 year
minima lunar -30,0 -26,0 -22,2 -4,6 0,5 5,0 9,0 6,6 -2,5 -5,8 -18,2 -25,0 -30,0 monthly minimum
anul 1942 1950 1929 1923 1938 1911 1974 1981 1977 1988 1993 1933 25 ianuarie/January 1942 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 14,8 20,0 25,2 25,6 29,8 33,2 35,0 37,5 30,6 27,4 13,8 16,2 37,5 monthly maximum
ziua 12 17 24 23 26 24 27 13 2; 11 15 13 24 13 august date
minima lunar -15,6 -12,5 -1,0 4,2 6,2 9,6 12,5 11,7 5,5 0,0 -2,6 -16,8 -16,8 monthly minimum
ziua 31 1 12 3 8 2 2 29 25 28 25 31 31 decembrie/December date
Bucureti - Filaret Bucharest - Filaret
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 16,8 23,0 28,8 34,4 36,6 40,3 42,4 41,1 39,6 35,5 29,4 20,8 42,4 monthly maximum
anul 1983 1995 1947 1934 1950 1918 2000 1945 1946 1952 1926 1903 5 iulie/July 2000 year
minima lunar -30,0 -24,2 -13,6 -5,5 -0,2 4,2 8,6 6,6 -1,6 -10,7 -17,8 -26,4 -30,0 monthly minimum
anul 1942 1929 1929 1923 1915 1918 1933 1981 1906 1920 1904 1927 25 ianuarie/January 1942 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 14,7 18,4 23,7 26,4 30,1 31,5 34,6 37,2 31,1 26,4 19,2 16,2 37,2 monthly maximum
ziua 12 17 19 23 26 10 27 13 11 1 7 24 13 august date
minima lunar -15,9 -13,6 1,2 4,1 5,8 11,7 15,0 12,9 7,6 0,1 -1,8 -12,6 -15,9 monthly minimum
ziua 31 1 30 6 7 22 2 30 25 25 26; 28 31 31 ianuarie/January date
Constana Constana
1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000
maxima lunar 18,0 24,5 30,8 31,9 36,9 36,9 38,5 36,8 34,8 31,0 26,5 21,0 38,5 monthly maximum
anul 1988 1995 1952 1985 1969 1982 1927 1902 1987 1928 1990 1903 10 iulie/July 1927 year
minima lunar -24,7 -25,0 -12,8 -4,5 1,8 6,4 7,6 8,0 1,0 -12,4 -11,7 -18,6 -25,0 monthly minimum
anul 1942 1929 1929 1923 1915 1913 1944 1936; 1949 1931 1920 1953 1948 10 februarie/February 1929 year
2014 2014
maxima lunar 14,8 19,7 22,2 21,4 30,7 30,3 30,2 33,4 28,8 25,0 17,5 14,5 33,4 monthly maximum
ziua 20 17 19 9 26 24 17; 21 9 9 17 6 24 9 august date
minima lunar -11,7 -9,0 0,8 4,6 7,0 13,6 16,8 15,0 10,0 3,3 -2,7 -8,4 -11,7 monthly minimum
ziua 30; 31 1 30 7 7 1 4 30 29 27 27 31 30; 31 ianuarie/January date

Sursa: Administraia Naional de Meteorologie.

Source: National Administration of Meteorology.

26 27
1.11 Precipitaii atmosferice (cantitatea lunar i anual)
Precipitations (monthly and yearly quantity)
Staia meteorologic Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Noiembrie Decembrie Anual Meteorological station
i anii de observaie January February March April May June July August September October November December Yearly and observation years

Satu Mare Satu Mare

1901 - 2000 39,8 35,9 35,0 44,8 63,1 81,4 69,4 62,2 45,6 46,0 47,3 53,3 598,8 1901 - 2000
2014 46,8 29,6 18,0 15,6 49,4 12,0 131,8 42,6 42,8 131,0 9,1 50,7 579,4 2014
Suceava Suceava
1901 - 2000 24,2 24,4 24,4 47,5 74,7 92,0 89,9 67,6 44,6 30,3 34,1 25,2 562,9 1901 - 2000
2014 35,9 6,5 36,5 71,8 143,5 63,4 198,1 19,1 5,8 71,4 14,7 29,6 696,3 2014
Oradea Oradea
1901 - 2000 36,3 32,1 35,5 48,1 65,5 83,3 64,3 56,2 47,1 44,0 48,6 52,2 588,9 1901 - 2000
2014 46,6 18,3 14,2 35,0 52,4 44,1 138,7 65,0 32,6 58,0 33,1 61,9 599,9 2014
Iai Iai
1901 - 2000 29,7 26,9 28,4 43,9 55,9 82,6 69,3 56,0 45,3 32,5 37,0 29,7 517,8 1901 - 2000
2014 46,1 7,6 15,7 73,7 134,5 29,0 97,9 16,0 8,6 56,1 53,8 42,4 581,4 2014
Cluj - Napoca Cluj - Napoca
1901 - 2000 26,3 26,4 25,4 46,4 74,4 90,0 79,0 72,7 42,7 37,5 31,6 30,6 564,7 1901 - 2000
2014 46,4 20,3 37,5 30,4 78,0 78,8 120,8 46,2 25,2 71,2 48,9 77,4 681,1 2014
Trgu Mure Trgu Mure
1901 - 2000 28,4 28,7 26,3 49,0 73,8 90,0 80,0 69,7 43,7 41,7 36,7 32,5 583,5 1901 - 2000
2014 65,6 20,4 25,8 32,6 86,8 51,6 57,4 87,2 33,0 36,6 29,0 47,2 573,2 2014
Bacu Bacu
1901 - 2000 25,0 25,6 26,3 38,6 66,6 86,8 81,0 62,5 48,9 35,9 34,0 30,0 543,5 1901 - 2000
2014 60,3 8,4 46,8 107,6 145,4 73,6 127,8 45,0 8,6 60,8 53,4 60,7 798,4 2014
Timioara Timioara
1901 - 2000 39,1 37,5 36,5 48,2 63,4 81,0 58,3 51,5 43,9 49,7 48,7 49,4 583,9 1901 - 2000
2014 41,7 16,7 13,4 41,3 146,8 57,7 120,9 64,2 63,7 83,7 6,5 36,6 693,2 2014
Deva Deva
1901 - 2000 32,1 29,7 28,7 47,4 64,7 78,8 69,4 58,5 44,4 41,2 36,9 38,3 551,1 1901 - 2000
2014 18,9 19,1 27,0 47,2 73,6 49,8 86,2 39,0 36,2 50,6 36,5 65,4 549,5 2014
Sibiu Sibiu
1901 - 2000 28,6 26,6 31,2 53,8 78,3 106,4 87,6 71,0 54,6 43,9 33,9 29,2 626,2 1901 - 2000
2014 9,2 18,4 18,8 76,2 108,4 100,3 160,0 49,5 30,4 59,3 28,6 65,0 724,1 2014
Vrfu Omu Vrfu Omu
1901 - 2000 71,6 79,5 76,6 86,0 106,9 140,1 135,5 105,7 65,8 59,6 55,5 68,5 1023,7 1901 - 2000
2014 50,8 11,4 44,6 116,4 172,5 98,1 200,4 172,1 36,0 64,5 50,4 104,0 1121,2 2014
Galai Galai
1901 - 2000 30,0 26,0 24,0 38,1 50,5 66,3 47,9 40,3 39,5 34,4 34,3 32,6 445,6 1901 - 2000
2014 78,9 4,9 40,1 55,6 82,2 42,0 44,8 30,8 5,8 45,9 78,6 91,4 601,0 2014
Trgu Jiu Trgu Jiu
1901 - 2000 52,4 50,0 45,4 63,6 83,3 92,0 64,4 57,6 53,5 64,5 62,6 63,0 726,3 1901 - 2000
2014 86,6 29,2 78,7 133,0 99,4 77,4 183,4 43,2 60,6 107,4 30,4 149,8 1079,1 2014
Buzu Buzu
1901 - 2000 26,5 25,6 22,9 40,1 63,9 80,3 62,1 50,1 38,7 35,2 39,2 32,8 501,5 1901 - 2000
2014 48,9 2,5 21,9 117,0 115,4 93,6 116,6 46,8 18,8 42,8 63,0 63,5 750,8 2014
Calafat Calafat
1901 - 2000 39,0 36,1 37,0 47,8 60,0 63,2 46,4 36,0 39,3 47,1 52,0 48,9 532,8 1901 - 2000
2014 54,6 9,4 77,3 149,4 92,6 65,0 145,8 51,2 127,4 45,2 46,0 115,2 979,1 2014
Turnu Mgurele Turnu Mgurele
1901 - 2000 35,8 32,3 34,4 42,0 56,7 64,7 52,6 38,6 37,6 41,2 45,4 40,3 502,7 1901 - 2000
2014 49,1 2,4 65,6 131,0 70,3 63,4 61,1 14,0 124,4 70,7 37,4 157,6 847,0 2014
Bucureti - Filaret Bucharest - Filaret
1901 - 2000 39,5 33,3 38,1 46,0 68,1 85,5 59,2 50,0 40,6 42,9 47,8 41,4 567,7 1901 - 2000
2014 63,3 0,4 52,0 114,5 127,7 143,1 38,4 31,6 43,4 64,8 43,7 149,9 872,8 2014
Constana Constana
1901 - 2000 28,8 26,3 24,9 28,7 36,6 42,2 33,7 29,8 29,7 33,7 39,6 34,3 368,1 1901 - 2000
2014 70,8 0,6 44,8 27,9 50,4 145,0 6,0 113,0 22,8 60,8 51,9 113,2 707,2 2014

Sursa: Administraia Naional de Meteorologie.

Source: National Administration of Meteorology.

28 29
Ariile protejate, n anul 2014
1.12 Protected areas, in 2014

Categorii de arii Numr Suprafaa (ha) Categories of protected

protejate Number Area (ha) areas

Rezervaii tiinifice 45 24654 Scientific reserves

Parcuri naionale 13 316872 National parks

Monumente ale naturii 206 15413 Natural monuments

Rezervaii naturale 671 324182 Natural reserves

Parcuri naturale 15 772810 Natural parks

Rezervaii ale biosferei 3 664446 Biosphere reserves

Zone umede de importan internaional 19 1089448 Humid areas of international importance

Arii de protecie special avifaunistic 148 3698732 Avifauna special protection areas

Situri de importan comunitar 383 4147368 Sites of Community interest

Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Protecia Mediului.

Source: National Agency for Environment Protection.

Rezervaii ale biosferei i zone umede de importan

internaional, n anul 2014

1.13 Biosphere reserves and wetlands of international

importance, in 2014

Denumire rezervaie / zon Judeul Suprafaa (ha)

Name of reserves / wetland County Area (ha)

Rezervaii ale biosferei - total 664446

Biosphere reserves - total

Delta Dunrii / Danube Delta Tulcea, Constana 580000

Retezat Hunedoara 38047
Rodna Maramure, Bistria-Nsud, Suceava 46399

Zone umede de importan internaional - total 1089448

Humid areas of international importance - total

Delta Dunrii / Danube Delta Tulcea 580000

Parcul Natural Porile de Fier Cara-Severin, Mehedini 115666
Ostroavele Dunrii-Buceac-Iortmac Clrai, Constana 82832
Confluena Olt-Dunre Olt, Teleorman 46623
Blahnia Dolj 45286
Calafat-Ciuperceni-Dunare Dolj 29206
Bistre Dolj 27482
Dunarea Veche-Bratul Macin Brila, Tulcea, Constana 26792
Parcul Natural Comana Giurgiu 24963
Bratul Borcea Clrai, Ialomia 21529
Confluena Jiu-Dunre Dolj 19800
Suhaia Teleorman 19594
Balta Mic a Brilei Brila 17586
Lunca Mureului Arad, Timi 17166
Canarele de la Hrova Ialomia, Constana 7406
Iezerul Clrai Clrai 5001
Lacul Techirghiol Constana 1462
Tinovul Poiana Stampei Suceava 640
Complexul Piscicol Dumbrvia Braov 414

Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Protecia Mediului.

Source: National Agency for Environment Protection.

Parcurile naionale i parcurile naturale, n anul 2014
1.14 National and natural parks, in 2014

Suprafaa Suprafaa
Denumirea parcului Judeul legislaie (ha) GIS (ha)1)
Name of park County Area Area
legislation (ha) GIS (ha)1)

Parcuri naionale - total 316335 316872

National parks - total

Domogled-Valea Cernei Cara-Severin, Mehedini, Gorj 60100 61190

Rodna Bistria-Nsud, Maramure, Suceava 46399 47207
Retezat Hunedoara 38047 38115
Cheile Nerei-Beunia Cara-Severin 37100 36707
Semenic-Cheile Caraului Cara-Severin 36665 36219
Climani Bistria-Nsud, Harghita, Suceava, Mure 24519 24519
Cozia Vlcea 17100 16721
Piatra Craiului Arge, Braov 14800 14781
Munii Mcinului Tulcea 11321 11114
Defileul Jiului Gorj, Hunedoara 11127 11136
Ceahlu Neam 8396 7739
Cheile Bicazului-Hma Neam, Harghita 6575 6933
Buila-Vnturria Vlcea 4186 4491

Parcuri naturale - total 749137 772810

Natural parks - total

Munii Maramureului Maramure 148850 133419

Porile de Fier Cara-Severin, Mehedini 115656 128196
Geoparcul Platoul Mehedini Mehedini 106000 106492
Geoparcul Dinozaurilor - ara Haegului Hunedoara 102392 100487
Munii Apuseni Alba, Bihor, Cluj 75784 76022
Putna - Vrancea Vrancea 38204 38190
Bucegi Arge, Braov, Dmbovia, Prahova 32497 32497
Vntori Neam Neam 30818 30841
Comana Giurgiu 24963 24963
Balta Mica a Brilei Brila 24400 24400
Lunca Mureului Arad, Timi 17166 17428
Grditea Muncelului - Cioclovina Hunedoara 10000 38116
Defileul Mureului Superior Mure 9156 9494
Lunca Joas a Prutului Inferior Galai 8247 7261
Cefa Bihor 5004 5004

1) Suprafee reevaluate prin msurtori realizate cu tehnologii GIS (Sistem Informaional Geografic).
Areas reassessed by measurements with GIS technologies (Geographic Information System).
Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Protecia Mediului.
Source: National Agency for Environment Protection.

Resursele de ap asigurate, potrivit gradului de amenajare, n anul 2014
1.15 Water resources assured, according to the arrangement level, in 2014

Surse de ap / Water sources milioane m3 / an

Bazine hidrografice / Hydrographic basins million m3 / year

Total 38346
Ape de suprafa / Surface waters 33679
Ruri interioare / Inland rivers 13679
Tisa 256
Some 715
Criuri 395
Mure 1044
Spaiul Banat1) / Banat Space 1) 608
Jiu 2109
Olt 1682
Vedea 40
Arge 1672
Ialomia 430
Siret 1956
Prut 726
Alte bazine2) / Other basins 2) 2046
Dunrea / The Danube 20000
Ape subterane / Underground waters 4667
1) Spaiul Banat / Banat Space = Bega, Cara, Brzava, Timi, Cerna, Nera.
2) Alte bazine / Other basins = Clmui - Olt, Clmui - Buzu.
Sursa: Administraia Naional Apele Romne.
Source: National Administration Romanian Waters.

Calitatea apelor de suprafa, n anul 2014

1.16 Surface waters quality, in 2014
din care: / of which:
Total lungimi Clasa I i II Clasa III Clasa IV Clasa V
pe corp de ap Stare foarte bun Stare Stare Stare
Bazine hidrografice monitorizat i bun moderat slab proast
Hydrographic basins Total length of The first and The third The fourth The fifth
monitored second class class class class
water body Very-good and Moderate Poor Bad
good status status status status

Total 31263 18911 11914 381 57

Tisa 1130 1010 94 - 26

Some 2732 1517 1139 66 10
Criuri 2082 1299 783 - -
Mure-Aranca 4116 3539 577 - -
Spaiul Banat1) / Banat Space 1) 2205 1672 533 - -
Jiu 1276 856 420 - -
Olt 3254 1925 1329 - -
Vedea 842 88 722 11 21
Arge 2220 951 1132 137 -
Ialomia 2094 1163 931 - -
Siret 4584 3488 1096 - -
Prut 2198 1025 1071 102 -
Dunrea / The Danube 2170 211 1894 65 -
Litoral / Seaside 360 167 193 - -
1) Spaiul Banat / Banat Space = Bega, Cara, Brzava, Timi, Cerna, Nera.
Sursa: Administraia Naional Apele Romne.
Source: National Administration Romanian Waters.

Investiii pentru protecia mediului, n anul 2014
1.17 Investments for environment protection, in 2014
mii lei preuri curente / lei thou current prices
Prevenirea i combaterea polurii, Protecia
pe domenii de mediu: resurselor
Prevention and control of pollution, naturale i
by environmental field: conservarea Alte
Sectoare de activitate Total sol i ape biodiversitii domenii
Activity sectors subterane Natural resources Other
aer ap deeuri soil and protection and fields
air water waste underground biodiversity
waters preservation

Total 4254676 999863 2208980 552453 220678 19033 253669

Productori nespecializai / Non-specialised producers

Total 3089570 985264 1549610 106472 212030 13534 222660

Silvicultur i exploatare
forestier 4684 - - - 102 3381 1201
Foresty and logging
Industrie extractiv 356948 42601 57071 11471 83750 1580 160475
Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 555867 299023 187143 18471 12497 8105 30628
Producia i furnizarea de energie
electric i termic, gaze, ap
cald i aer condiionat 700405 603462 1076 58035 13492 438 23902
Electricity, gas, steam and air
conditioning production and supply
Captarea, tratarea
i distribuia apei 1373017 - 1293440 52 78597 - 928
Water catchment,
treatment and distribution
Construcii 7250 4036 24 2540 88 22 540
Transporturi 91399 36142 10856 15903 23504 8 4986
Productori specializai / Specialised producers
Total 372637 5741 16569 345100 1948 4 3275
Colectarea i epurarea
apelor uzate 10735 163 6312 4117 4 4 135
Used water collection
and purification
Colectarea, tratarea i eliminarea
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare
a materialelor reciclabile 289300 5576 3469 277235 1562 - 1458
Waste collection, purification
and disposal; activities of
recycling materials recovery
Activiti i servicii
de decontaminare 10081 - 6766 1394 381 - 1540
Activities and services
of decontamination
Comer cu ridicata
al deeurilor i resturilor 62521 2 22 62354 1 - 142
Wholesale of waste
and remains
Administraie public / Public administration
Total 792469 8858 642801 100881 6700 5495 27734
Administraie public central 687 687 - - - - -
Central public adminstration
Administraie public local 791782 8171 642801 100881 6700 5495 27734
Local public adminstration

Cheltuieli curente interne pentru protecia mediului, n anul 2014
1.18 Internal current expenditure for environment protection, in 2014
mii lei preuri curente / lei thou current prices
Prevenirea i combaterea polurii, Protecia
pe domenii de mediu: resurselor
Prevention and control of pollution, naturale i
by environmental field: conservarea Alte
Sectoare de activitate Total sol i ape biodiversitii domenii
Activity sectors subterane Natural resources Other
aer ap deeuri soil and protection and fields
air water waste underground biodiversity
waters preservation

Total 8176316 355584 863683 6537497 62820 128642 228090

Productori nespecializai / Non-specialised producers

Total 1332819 141395 666104 185559 48454 117164 174143

Silvicultur i exploatare
forestier 11152 - 17 194 - 7604 3337
Foresty and logging
Industrie extractiv 99286 21151 35255 6715 1233 583 34349
Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 557030 100769 104771 128740 11246 105534 105970
Producia i furnizarea de
energie electric i termic, gaze,
ap cald i aer condiionat 89289 10685 16479 5556 28773 124 27672
Electricity, gas, steam and air
conditioning production and supply
Captarea, tratarea
i distribuia apei 518288 9 504231 12570 757 - 721
Water catchment,
treatment and distribution
Construcii 42384 327 3227 28085 5547 3297 1901
Transporturi 15390 8454 2124 3699 898 22 193

Productori specializai / Specialised producers

Total 5822854 118663 73921 5583433 12143 2338 32356

Colectarea i epurarea
apelor uzate 94297 927 44527 46777 499 155 1412
Used water collection
and purification
Colectarea, tratarea
i eliminarea deeurilor;
activiti de recuperare
a materialelor reciclabile 4460095 9649 13553 4403881 10025 2118 20869
Waste collection, purification
and disposal; activities of
recycling materials recovery
Activiti i servicii
de decontaminare 36267 - 15574 14107 1566 - 5020
Activities and services
of decontamination
Comer cu ridicata
al deeurilor i resturilor 1232195 108087 267 1118668 53 65 5055
Wholesale of waste and remains

Administraie public / Public administration

Total 1020643 95526 123658 768505 2223 9140 21591

Administraie public central 126212 94659 6311 4417 - 2524 18301

Central public adminstration
Administraie public local 894431 867 117347 764088 2223 6616 3290
Local public adminstration



2.1 Populaia rezident (stabil), pe sexe i medii .......... 50 Usual resident population, by sex and area
2.2 Populaia rezident, pe grupe de vrst Usual resident population, by age group and sex,
i sexe, la 1 iulie ........................................................ 52 on July 1
2.3 Populaia rezident pe vrste, sexe Usual resident population by age, sex and area,
i medii, la 1 iulie 2013 ............................................. 53 on July 1, 2013
2.4 Populaia rezident pe vrste, sexe Usual resident population by age, sex and area,
i medii, la 1 iulie 2014 ............................................. 55 on July 1, 2014
2.5 Populaia dup domiciliu pe vrste, sexe i medii, Permanent resident population by age, sex
la 1 iulie 2015 ............................................................ 57 and area, on July 1, 2015
2.6 Populaia dup domiciliu a judeelor, municipiilor Permanent resident population of counties,
i oraelor, la 1 iulie 2015 ......................................... 59 municipalities and towns, on July 1, 2015
2.7 Gruparea judeelor i localitilor dup numrul Classification of counties and localities
locuitorilor, la 1 iulie 2015 ......................................... 63 by inhabitants number, on July 1, 2015
2.8 Micarea natural a populaiei .................................. 64 Vital statistics
2.9 Micarea natural a populaiei, pe medii .................. 66 Vital statistics, by area
2.10 Nscuii-vii dup grupa de vrst a prinilor ........... 68 Live-births by age group of parents
2.11 Nscuii-vii dup rangul nscutului-viu i grupa Live-births by live-birth order and age
de vrst a mamei .................................................... 70 group of mother
2.12 Vrsta medie a mamei la natere, pe medii ............. 72 Average age of mother at birth, by area
2.13 ntreruperi de sarcin, pe grupe de vrst ............... 72 Abortions, by age group
2.14 Ratele de fertilitate, pe grupe de vrst Fertility rates, by age group
i indicele conjunctural al fertilitii ............................ 73 and total fertility rate
2.15 Decesele, pe grupe de vrst i sexe ....................... 74 Deaths, by age group and sex
2.16 Decesele sub 1 an, dup grupa de vrst ................ 75 Infant deaths, by age group
2.17 Decese, pe cauze de deces ...................................... 76 Deaths, by death causes
2.18 Decese sub 1 an, pe cauze de deces ...................... 78 Infant deaths, by cause of death
2.19 Durata medie a vieii, pe sexe i medii ..................... 79 Life expectancy, by sex and area
2.20 Cstoriile dup grupa de vrst a soilor ................ 80 Marriages by age group of spouses
2.21 Cstoriile dup starea civil a soilor Marriages by previous marital status
nainte de cstorie ................................................... 81 of spouses
2.22 Vrsta medie la cstorie i vrsta Average age at marriage and average
medie la prima cstorie, pe medii ........................... 82 age at first marriage, by area
2.23 Divorurile dup grupa de vrst a soilor ................. 82 Divorces by age group of spouses
2.24 Divorurile dup numrul copiilor minori Divorces by number of under age children
rmai prin desfacerea cstoriei ............................. 84 remained through marriage dissolution
2.25 Migraia intern determinat de schimbarea Internal migration determined by permanent
domiciliului, pe medii i sexe ..................................... 84 residence changing, by area and sex
2.26 Migraia intern determinat de schimbarea Internal migration determined by permanent
domiciliului, pe grupe de vrst i medii ................... 85 residence changing, by age group and area
2.27 Structura fluxurilor migraiei interne urbane i Structure of urban and rural internal migration flows
rurale, determinate de schimbarea domiciliului ......... 86 determined by permanent residence changing
2.28 Emigranii, pe sexe i grupe de vrst ...................... 87 Emigrants, by sex and age group
2.29 Emigranii, dup ara de destinaie ............................ 87 Emigrants, by country of destination
2.30 Imigranii, pe sexe i grupe de vrst ....................... 88 Immigrants, by sex and age group
2.31 Imigranii, dup ara de provenien ......................... 88 Immigrants, by country of previous usual residence
2.32 Migraia internaional determinat de schimbarea International migration determined by change
reedinei obinuite, pe sexe ..................................... 89 of usual residence, by sex

Teritorial Territorial

2.33 Populaia i densitatea populaiei, n profil Population and population density, at territorial
teritorial, la recensminte ............................................ level, on censuses
2.34 Populaia rezident, n profil teritorial, pe sexe Usual resident population, at territorial level,
i medii, la 1 iulie 2013 ............................................... by sex and area, on July 1, 2013
2.35 Populaia rezident, n profil teritorial i pe grupe Usual resident population, at territorial level and
de vrst, la 1 iulie 2013 ............................................. by age group, on July 1, 2013
2.36 Populaia rezident, n profil teritorial, pe sexe Usual resident population, at territorial level,
i medii, la 1 iulie 2014 ............................................... by sex and area, on July 1, 2014
2.37 Populaia rezident, n profil teritorial Usual resident population, at territorial level and
i pe grupe de vrst, la 1 iulie 2014 .......................... by age group, on July 1, 2014
2.38 Populaia dup domiciliu, n profil teritorial, Permanent resident population, at territorial level,
pe sexe i medii, la 1 iulie 2015 .................................. by sex and area, on July 1, 2015
2.39 Populaia dup domiciliu, n profil teritorial Permanent resident population, at territorial level
i pe grupe de vrst, la 1 iulie 2015 .......................... and by age group, on July 1, 2015
2.40 Micarea natural a populaiei, n profil teritorial i Vital statistics, at territorial level and by area,
pe medii, n anul 2014 ................................................. in 2014
2.41 Ratele de fertilitate, n profil teritorial i pe grupe Age - specific fertility rates, at territorial level
de vrst, n anul 2014 ............................................... and by age group, in 2014
2.42 Durata medie a vieii, n profil teritorial, pe sexe Life expectancy, at territorial level, by sex and
i medii, n anul 2014 .................................................. area, in 2014
2.43 Decesele, pe cauze de deces, n profil teritorial, Deaths, by death causes, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................ in 2014
2.44 Vrsta medie a soilor la data ncheierii cstoriei, Average age of spouses at marriage date, at
n profil teritorial i pe medii, n anul 2014 .................. territorial level and by area, in 2014
2.45 Divorurile, dup numrul copiilor minori rmai Divorces, by number of under age children
prin desfacerea cstoriei, n profil teritorial, remained through marriage dissolution, at
n anul 2014 ................................................................ territorial level, in 2014
2.46 Migraia intern determinat de schimbarea Internal migration determined by change of
domiciliului, n profil teritorial i pe medii, permanent residence, at territorial level and by
n anul 2014 ................................................................. area, in 2014


Surse statistice: Statistical sources:

 Recensmintele populaiei;  Population censuses;
Recensmntul din octombrie 2011 s-a realizat n The census of October 2011 was done according to
conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului (CE) the stipulations of EC Regulation No 763/2008 of
nr. 763/2008 al Parlamentului European i al Consiliului the European Parliament and of the Council
privind Recensmntul Populaiei i al Locuinelor; regarding the Population and Housing Census;
 Statistici din evidena curent a populaiei, pentru  Statistics from current evidence of population, for
datele referitoare la numrul i structura demografic data referring to population number and
a populaiei; demographic structure;
 nregistrri din evidena strii civile:  Registrations from civil register evidence:
Buletine statistice demografice completate de oficiile Statistical demographic reports filled in by civil
de stare civil cu date referitoare la nateri, decese, register offices with data on births, deaths,
cstorii, divoruri i nregistrri primite de la marriages, divorces and registrations of divorces
judectorii i notariate pentru divoruri; from the court of law and notary offices;
 Model econometric bazat pe tehnici de estimare pe  Econometric model based on estimation techniques
domenii mici, pentru determinarea numrului de by small areas, to determine the number of
emigrani (persoane din Romnia care i-au emigrants (persons from Romania who changed
schimbat reedina obinuit n alte ri); their usual residence in other countries);

 Serii anuale de fluxuri de migraie (imigrani i  Annual migration flows series (immigrants and
emigrani) transmise de oficiile naionale de statistic emigrants) sent by the national statistical offices
din Italia i Spania ncepnd cu datele pentru anul from Italy and Spain starting with data for 2002;
 Statistici n oglind privind migraia internaional  Mirror statistics regarding international migration
din baza de date a EUROSTAT ca valori de referin from Eurostat database as benchmarks for the
(benchmark) pentru evaluarea calitii rezultatelor quality evaluation of the results from econometric
obinute prin aplicarea modelului econometric; model application;
 Statisticile privind migraia internaional sunt  Statistics on international migration are estimated
estimate n conformitate cu prevederile according to the stipulations of EC Regulation
Regulamentului (CE) nr.862/2007 al Parlamentului No 862/2007 of the European Parliament and of the
European i al Consiliului din 11 iulie 2007 privind Council of July 11, 2007 regarding community
statisticile comunitare din domeniul migraiei i statistics from migration and international protection
proteciei internaionale i de abrogare a field and repealing the Council Regulation (EEC)
Regulamentului (CEE) nr.311/76 al Consiliului privind No 311/76 regarding the elaboration of statistics on
elaborarea de statistici cu privire la lucrtorii strini; foreign workers;
 Statisticile privind populaia rezident sunt estimate  Statistics on usual resident population are estimated
n conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului (UE) according to the stipulations of EU Regulation
nr.1260/2013 al Parlamentului European i al No 1260/2013 of the European Parliament and of
Consiliului din 20 noiembrie 2013 privind statisticile the Council of November 20, 2013 regarding
demografice europene. European demographic statistics.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

 Baza de date a Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, privind  Database of Ministry of Internal Affairs, for persons
evidena persoanelor, pentru populaia dup evidence, for the permanent resident population,
domiciliu, migraia intern (cu schimbarea internal migration (with domicile change and
domiciliului i stabilirea reedinei) i internaional residence settlement) and international (final)
(definitiv) determinat de schimbarea domiciliului. migration determined by domicile change.


n statisticile oficiale, populaia este calculat dup In official statistics, the population is calculated by
dou dimensiuni: two dimensions:
populaia rezident, conform criteriului reedinei usual resident population, according to the criterion
obinuite pe teritoriul Romniei pentru o perioad de of usual residence on the territory of Romania for at
cel puin 12 luni, indiferent de cetenie, comparabil least 12 months period, no matter of citizenship,
cu rezultatele Recensmntului Populaiei i al comparable with the results of the Population and
Locuinelor din octombrie 2011 i cu celelalte state Housing Census of October 2011 and with the other
membre ale Uniunii Europene; member states of the European Union;
populaia dup domiciliu, conform criteriului de permanent resident population, according to the
domiciliu pe teritoriul Romniei, numai pentru criterion of permanent residence on the territory of
persoanele cu cetenie romn. Romania, only for the persons with Romanian
Populaia rezident reprezint totalitatea Usual resident population represents all the
persoanelor cu cetenie romn, strini i fr cetenie, persons with Romanian citizenship, foreigners and
care au reedina obinuit pe teritoriul Romniei. without citizenship, who have their usual residence on
Populaia rezident la o anumit dat a fost determinat Romanian territory. Usual resident population at a
conform metodologiei i reglementrilor internaionale n certain date was determined according to international
domeniu. methodology and regulations in this field.
Reedina obinuit reprezint locul n care o Usual residence represents the place where
persoan i petrece n mod obinuit perioada zilnic de one person usually spends daily rest period, without
odihn, fr a ine seama de absenele temporare pentru having in view temporary absences for recreation,
recreere, vacane, vizite la prieteni i rude, afaceri, holidays, visits to friends and relatives, business,
tratamente medicale sau pelerinaje religioase. medical treatments or religious pilgrimages.

Se consider c i au reedina obinuit ntr-o zon There are considered as having their usual residence in
geografic specific doar persoanele care au locuit la a specific geographical zone only persons who lived at
reedina obinuit o perioad nentrerupt de cel puin that usual residence for 12 months continous period at
12 luni nainte de momentul de referin. Reedina least before the reference moment. Usual residence can
obinuit poate s fie aceeai cu domiciliul sau poate s be the same with the permanent residence or can be
difere, n cazul persoanelor care aleg s-i stabileasc different, in case of persons who choose to settle their
reedina obinuit n alt localitate dect cea de usual residence in another locality than that of
domiciliu din ar sau strintate. permanent residence from the country or from abroad.
Populaia pentru anii intercenzitari s-a determinat pe The population for the inter-censuses years was
baza datelor de la recensminte i a datelor referitoare determined based on data from censuses and data
la micarea natural i migratorie, n felul urmtor: regarding natural or migratory movement, as follows:
a) pentru perioadele 1960 - 1965 i 1966 - 1976 pe a) for 1960-1965 and 1966-1976 periods based on the
baza rezultatelor recensmintelor din anii 1956 i results of censuses carried out in 1956 and 1966
1966 i a datelor asupra sporului natural i migraiei and data on natural increase and migration in those
din anii respectivi; years;
b) pentru perioada 1977 - 1991 pe baza rezultatelor b) for 1977-1991 period based on the results of the
recensmntului din anul 1977 i a datelor asupra 1977 census and data on natural increase and
sporului natural i migraiei interne i internaionale internal and international migration with the
cu schimbarea domiciliului din anii respectivi; permanent residence change, in the respective
ncepnd cu anul 1979 s-a inclus i migraia intern years; since 1979, internal migration with the
cu schimbarea de reedin; residence change was included;
c) pentru perioada 1992 - 2001 pe baza rezultatelor c) for the 1992-2001 period based on the results of
recensmntului din anul 1992 i a datelor asupra 1992 census and data on natural increase and
sporului natural i migraiei interne i internaionale internal and international migration in the respective
din anii respectivi; datele includ fenomenul migratoriu years; data include the migratory phenomenon,
care este subevaluat, singurele date disponibile fiind which is under - assessed, the only ones available
cele din sursele administrative; data being those from administrative sources;
d) pentru perioada dintre ultimele dou recensminte, d) for the period between the last two censuses,
respectiv 2002 - 2011, datele se refer la populaia respectively 2002-2011, data refer to usual resident
rezident care a fost reestimat n condiii de population re-estimated under comparability
comparabilitate cu rezultatele finale ale conditions with final results of the Population and
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor din Housing Census of 2011;
anul 2011;
e) Populaia rezident a Romniei la 1 ianuarie 2012 e) The usual resident population on January 1, 2012,
s-a calculat plecnd de la populaia cu reedina was calculated based on the population with usual
obinuit n Romnia la momentul critic al residence in Romania at the critical moment of the
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011 Population and Housing Census - 2011
(20 octombrie 2011), la care s-au adugat (October 20, 2011), to which the following elements
urmtoarele elemente: were added:
sporul natural al populaiei din perioada natural increase of the population between
20 octombrie - 31 decembrie 2011 (numrul Octomber 20 - December 31, 2011 (the number of
nscuilor-vii minus numrul decedailor); live-births minus the number of deceased);
soldul micrii migratorii internaionale din perioada balance of international migratory movement during
20 octombrie - 31 decembrie 2011, determinat ca October 20 - December 31, 2011, determined as
diferen ntre numrul imigranilor (ceteni romni, difference between the number of immigrants
strini sau fr cetenie care i-au stabilit reedina (Romanian citizens, foreigners or without citizenship
obinuit n Romnia) i numrul emigranilor who settled their usual residence in Romania) and
(ceteni romni care i-au stabilit reedina number of emigrants (Romanian citizens who settled
obinuit n strintate); their usual residence abroad);
soldul micrii migratorii interne cu schimbarea balance of internal migratory movement with change
domiciliului din perioada 20 octombrie - in domicile during October 20 - December 31, 2011
31 decembrie 2011, determinat ca diferen ntre determined as the difference between the number of
numrul persoanelor care au sosit ntr-un jude i persons arriving in a county and the number of
numrul persoanelor plecate din jude; persons leaving it;

soldul micrii migratorii interne cu stabilirea balance of internal migratory movement with
reedinei la 1 ianuarie 2012, determinat ca residence settlement on January 1, 2012
diferen ntre numrul persoanelor care aveau determined as difference between the number of
reedina n jude i domiciliul n alt jude la persons having the residence in the county and the
1 ianuarie i persoanele care aveau domiciliul n domicile in another county on January 1 and the
jude i reedina n alt jude la aceeai dat. Au fost persons having the domicile in the county and the
luate n calcul doar personele care aveau declarat residence in another county at the same date. Only
schimbarea reedintei pentru 1 an. the persons who declared the change in residence
for one year were taken into account.
f) Dup 1 ianuarie 2012, populaia rezident la f) After January 1, 2012, the usual resident population
1 ianuarie a fost estimat n conformitate cu criteriul on January 1 was estimated according to the usual
reedinei obinuite utiliznd metoda componentelor: residence criterion, using the components method:
sporul natural al populaiei din fiecare an; population natural increase of each year;
soldul micrii migratorii internaionale din fiecare an; international migratory movement balance of each year;
soldul micrii migratorii interne cu schimbarea balance of internal migratory movement with the
domiciliului din fiecare an; change in permanent residence for each year;
soldul micarii migratorii interne cu schimbarea balance of internal migratory movement with the
reedinei pentru 12 luni, adic persoane care la data change in residence for 12 months, i.e. persons who,
de 1 ianuarie aveau reedina obinuit n alt jude on January 1, had their usual residence in another
dect cel de domiciliu. county than the one where they had their domicile.
Populaia rezident la 1 iulie s-a determinat ca medie The usual resident population on July 1 was determined
aritmetic simpl dintre valorile populaiei rezidente as simple arithmetic mean between the values of usual
la 1 ianuarie a doi ani consecutivi. resident population on January 1 of two successive years.
Datele privind populaia rezident sunt disponibile n The data on usual resident population are available
profil teritorial, la nivel naional, pe macroregiuni, regiuni at territorial and national level, by macroregion,
de dezvoltare i judee. development region and county.
Urmare a definitivrii datelor privind populaia Further to the finalization of data on usual resident
rezident la 1 ianuarie 2014, prezenta ediie a Anuarului population on January 1, 2014, the current edition of the
Statistic cuprinde i date corespunztoare populaiei Statistical Yearbook also includes data on usual resident
rezidente la 1 iulie 2013, n varianta definitiv. population on July 1, 2013 in final version.
Populaia rezident la 1 iulie 2014 i ratele The usual resident population on July 1, 2014
aferente anului 2014 sunt provizorii. and the related rates for 2014 are provisional.
Populaia dup domiciliu reprezint numrul Permanent resident population represents the
persoanelor cu cetenie romn i domiciliul pe number of persons with Romanian citizenship and
teritoriul Romniei, delimitat dup criterii permanent residence on the territory of Romania,
administrativ-teritoriale. determined according to administrative-territorial criteria.
Domiciliul persoanei este adresa la care aceasta The permanent residence of the person is the
declar c are locuina principal, trecut n actul de address where he/she declares to have the main
identitate (CI, BI), aa cum este luat n evidena dwelling, registered in the identity card, as it is registered
organelor administrative ale statului. n stabilirea valorii by the state administrative bodies. To set up the value of
acestui indicator nu se ine cont de reedina obinuit, this indicator, the usual residence is not taken into
de perioada i/sau motivul absenei de la domiciliu. account as well as the period and/or reason of absence
from the permanent residence.
Populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie 2014 a fost Permanent resident population on July 1, 2014 was
estimat prin metoda componentelor, respectiv pornind estimated by the method of components, respectively
de la baza de date a Ministerului Afacerilor Interne privind starting from the database of the Ministry of Internal
evidena persoanelor i ajustat cu numrul deceselor i Afffairs regarding the evidence of persons and adjusted
al naterilor din perioada corespunztoare. with the number of deaths and births during that period.
Dup 1 iulie 2014, populaia dup domiciliu a fost After July 1, 2014, the population by permanent
estimat semestrial, n conformitate cu criteriul residence was half-yearly estimated, according to the
domiciliului, utiliznd metoda componentelor: usual residence criterion, using the components method:
sporul natural al populaiei din fiecare semestru; population natural increase in each semester;
soldul micrii migratorii internaionale cu balance of international migratory movement with
schimbarea domiciliului din fiecare semestru; the change in usual residence from each semester;

soldul micrii migratorii interne cu schimbarea balance of domestic migratory movement with the
domiciliului din fiecare semestru. change in usual residence from each semester.
Datele privind populaia dup domiciliu sunt Data regarding the permanent resident population are
disponibile n profil teritorial, pe urmtoarele niveluri de available at territorial level, at the following levels of detail:
detaliere: nivel naional, macroregiuni, regiuni de national level, macroregion, development region, county
dezvoltare, judee i localiti. and locality.
Indicatorul este relevant n dimensionarea populaiei la The indicator is relevant for estimating the population
nivel de localitate, acesta fiind singurul indicator de at locality level, as the only indicator on population
populaie disponibil la acest nivel de dezagregare n profil available at this level of disaggregation on territorial profile.
Populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie 2015 este Permanent resident population on July 1, 2015
provizorie. is provisional.
Micarea migratorie internaional s-a determinat: International migration flows are determined:
pentru perioada anterioar anului 2002: numai pe for the period previous to 2002: only based on data
baza datelor provenite din surse administrative from administrative sources regarding international
referitoare la migraia internaional (definitiv) (final) migration determined by change of
determinat de schimbarea domiciliului; permanent residence;
pentru anul 2002 i perioada ulterioar: pe baza for 2002 and next period: based on data from
datelor provenite din surse administrative referitoare administrative sources regarding international
la migraia internaional (definitiv) determinat de (final) migration determined by change of
schimbarea domiciliului, modelului econometric permanent residence; the econometric model
bazat pe tehnici de estimare pe domenii mici pentru based on estimation techniques on small areas to
determinarea numrului de emigrani (persoane din determine the number of emigrants (persons from
Romnia care i-au schimbat reedina obinuit n Romania who changed their usual residence in
alte ri), seriilor de fluxuri de migraie other countries); annual migration flows series
(imigrani i emigrani) transmise de oficiile (immigrants and emigrants) sent by national
naionale de statistic din Italia i Spania pentru statistical offices from Italy and Spain for
perioada 2002-2013, statisticilor disponibile la 2002-2013 period; Eurostat available statistics,
Eurostat, conform datelor furnizate pentru Romnia according to the data provided for Romania by other
de alte ri, referitor la fenomenul migraiei (statistici countries, regarding the migration phenomenon
n oglind). (mirror statistics).
Migraia internaional reprezint schimbarea International migration represents the usual
reedinei obinuite n alt ar i respectiv, din alt ar residence change in another country and respectively
n Romnia. from another country to Romania.
Emigraie nseamn aciunea prin care o persoan Emigration means the action by which one person
care a avut anterior reedina obinuit pe teritoriul who had the previous usual residence on the Romanian
Romniei nceteaz s mai aib reedina obinuit pe territory ceases to have his/her usual residence for a
teritoriul acesteia pentru o perioad care este sau se period that is, or is expected to be of at least 12 months.
ateapt s fie de cel puin 12 luni.
Imigraie nseamn aciunea prin care o persoan Immigration means the action by which a person
i stabilete reedina obinuit pe teritoriul Romniei settles his/her usual residence on the Romanian
pentru o perioad care este sau se ateapt s fie de territory for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at
cel puin 12 luni, dup ce, n prealabil, a avut reedina least 12 months, previously having the usual residence
obinuit ntr-o alt ar. in another country.
Migraia internaional se poate clasifica n funcie International migration can be classified
de modalitatea de edere pe teritoriul altui stat (domiciliu according to the type of residence on the territory of
sau reedin), n urmtoarele categorii: another state (permanent or usual residence), in the
following categories:
Migraie internaional definitiv determinat de International migration by change of permanent
schimbarea domiciliului se refer la persoane residence refers to persons who changed their
care i-au schimbat domiciliul permanent din i permanent residence from and to Romania;
n Romania;
Migraie internaional temporar de lung International migration by change of usual
durat determinat de schimbarea reedinei residence refers to persons who changed their

obinuite se refer la persoane care i-au schimbat usual residence from and to Romania for 12 months
reedina obinuit din i n Romnia pentru o period at least.
perioad de cel puin 12 luni.
Fluxul de emigrani reprezint numrul emigranilor Emigrants flow represents the number of emigrants
care au avut anterior reedina obinuit pe teritoriul who previously had the usual residence on the
Romniei i i-au stabilit reedina obinuit n alt ar Romanian territory and settled their usual residence in
pentru o perioad de cel puin 12 luni, n anul de referin. another country for 12 months period at least in the
reference year.
Fluxul de imigrani reprezint numrul imigranilor Immigrants flow represents the number of
(ceteni romni, strini sau fr cetenie) care, anterior, immigrants (Romanian citizens, foreigners or without
au avut reedina obinuit n alt ar i citizenship) who previously had the usual residence in
i-au stabilit reedina obinuit pe teritoriul another country and settled their usual residence on
Romniei pentru o perioad de cel puin 12 luni, n anul the Romanian territory for 12 months period at least,
de referin. in the reference year.
Soldul migraiei internaionale reprezint diferena International migration balance represents the
dintre fluxul de imigrani i fluxul de emigrani, n perioada difference between the immigrants flow and the
de referin. emigrants flow in the reference period.
Repartizarea populaiei pe medii de reziden Population breakdown by residence areas was
s-a realizat astfel: done as follows:
pentru perioada 1960-1965, n mediul urban sunt for 1960-1965 period, urban area includes
cuprinse municipiile, oraele i cele 183 localiti municipalities, towns and the 183 localities
asimilate mediului urban; assimilated to the urban area;
pentru anii 1966 i 1967, n mediul urban sunt for 1966 and 1967, urban area includes
incluse datele referitoare la municipii, orae i 238 municipalities, towns and 238 communes
comune asimilate urbanului; assimilated to the urban area;
ncepnd cu anul 1968, n mediul urban sunt starting with 1968, urban area includes only
cuprinse numai municipiile i oraele. municipalities and towns.
Vrsta este exprimat n ani mplinii (de exemplu, o Age is expressed in the years reached during the
persoan care are vrsta de 24 ani i 11 luni la 1 iulie, year (for instance, a person of 24 years old and
este cuprins la vrsta de 24 ani). 11 months at July 1st, is considered to be of
24 years old).
Sfera de cuprindere a fenomenelor demografice: The coverage of demographic phenomena:
pentru perioada 1960-2011, numrul nscuilor-vii i for 1960-2011 period, the number of live-births and
al deceselor include toate persoanele nscute i deaths includes all the persons born and
respectiv, decedate ntr-un an calendaristic, respectively deceased, during a calendar year, no
indiferent unde a avut loc acest fenomen demografic matter of the place of this demographic
(n Romnia sau n strintate); phenomenon (in Romania or abroad);
pentru anii 2012 i 2013, sunt incluse doar naterile for 2012 and 2013, only births and deaths taking
i decesele care au avut loc pe teritoriul Romniei, place on Romanias territory are included, births and
naterile i decesele persoanelor care au reedina deaths of persons with their usual residence abroad
obinuit n strintate nefiind incluse; being not included;
ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii, beginning with 2014 are included only live-births and
respectiv decedaii cu reedina obinuit n respectively the deaths of persons having their usual
Romnia. residence in Romania.
Definiiile evenimentelor demografice sunt n The definitions of vital events are in compliance
concordan cu principiile i recomandrile Organizaiei with the principles and recommendations of the United
Naiunilor Unite privind sistemul statistic demografic: Nations regarding the demographic statistical system:
nscut-viu este produsul concepiei, expulzat sau live-birth is a product of conception completely
extras complet din corpul mamei, independent de ejected or extracted from the mothers body,
durata sarcinii i care, dup aceast separare, regardless of the pregnancy duration, who after this
prezint un semn de via (respiraie, activitate separation gives a sign of life (respiration, heart
cardiac, pulsaii ale cordonului ombilical sau activity, beats of umbilical cord or muscular
contracii musculare dependente de voin); contractions dependent on will);
nscut-mort este produsul concepiei, expulzat sau stillborn child is a product of conception completely
extras complet din corpul mamei dup o durat a ejected or extracted from the mothers body after a

sarcinii de cel puin 28 sptmni i care, dup pregnancy duration of at least 28 weeks who, after
aceast separare, nu prezint niciun semn de this separation, gives no sign of life;
decedat este persoana creia i-au ncetat definitiv deceased is the person whose vital functions
funciile vitale dup trecerea unui timp oarecare de definitively ceased after a certain time passed from
la natere; his/her birth;
cstoria reprezint uniunea liber consimit ntre un marriage is an union between a man and a woman,
brbat i o femeie, ncheiat n condiiile legii; freely consented, concluded according to the
divorul reprezint desfacerea unei cstorii divorce represents the dissolution of a legally
ncheiate legal, printr-o hotrre definitiv a concluded marriage, according to a final decision of
instanei judectoreti, a ofierului de stare civil sau judicial court, of civil register office or of public notary.
a unui notar public. Datele se refer la aciunile de Data refer to divorce actions for which marriage
divor pentru care desfacerea cstoriei a fost dissolution was admitted.
Ratele fenomenelor demografice se calculeaz cu The demographic events rates are calculated
populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, pn n based on the permanent resident population on July 1st
anul 2011. ncepnd cu anul 2012, ratele fenomenelor of that year, until 2011. Beginning with 2012, the
demografice sunt calculate folosind populaia rezident la demographic rates are calculated bassed on usual
1 iulie a fiecrui an. resident population on July 1 of each year.
Ratele migraiei interne determinate de schimbarea The internal migration rates entailed by the change
domiciliului se calculeaz cu populaia dup domiciliu la 1 in permanent residence are calculated based on the
iulie a fiecrui an. population by permanent residence on July 1 of each year.
Sporul natural reprezint diferena dintre numrul Natural increase represents the balance between
nscuilor-vii i numrul persoanelor decedate, n anul de the number of live-births and the number of deceased
referin. persons during the reference year.
Rata de natalitate reprezint numrul de nscui-vii Birth rate represents the ratio between the number
dintr-un an raportat la populaia la 1 iulie din of live-births from one year and the population on
anul respectiv i se exprim n numr de nscui-vii la July 1st of respective year and is expressed by the
1000 locuitori. number of live-births per 1000 inhabitants.
Rata general de fertilitate reprezint numrul General fertility rate represents the number of
nscuilor-vii dintr-un an raportat la populaia feminin de live-births in a year related to female population aged
15-49 ani, la 1 iulie din anul respectiv i se exprim n 15-49 years on July 1st of that year and is expressed by
numrul de nscui-vii la 1000 femei de vrst fertil the number of live-births per 1000 women of fertile age
(15-49 ani). (15-49 years).
Indicele conjunctural al fertilitii (rata total de Total fertility rate represents the average number
fertilitate) reprezint numrul mediu de copii pe care of children that would be born by a woman during her
i-ar nate o femeie n cursul vieii sale fertile, n condiiile fertile life, under fertility conditions of that year.
fertilitii anului respectiv.
Rata de mortalitate reprezint numrul persoanelor Mortality rate represents the ratio between the
decedate dintr-un an raportat la populaia la 1 iulie din number of deceased persons from one year and the
anul respectiv i se exprim n numr de decese la 1000 population on July 1st of respective year and is
locuitori. expressed by the number of deaths per 1000
Durata medie a vieii reprezint numrul mediu de Life expectancy represents the average number of
ani pe care i are de trit un nou-nscut, dac ar tri tot years an infant would live, if living all his life under the
restul vieii n condiiile mortalitii pe vrste din perioada conditions of mortality by age corresponding to the
de referin. reference period.
Rata mortalitii infantile reprezint numrul de Infant mortality rate represents the number of
decedai n vrst de sub 1 an la 1000 nscui-vii din anul infants deaths per 1000 live-births in respective year.
Rata de mortinatalitate reprezint numrul anual de Stillborn rate is the ratio between the number of
nscui-mori dintr-un an, raportat la numrul de nscui-vii stillborns in a year and the total number of live births and
i mori din acelai an i se exprim n numrul de stillborns in the same year, and is expressed by the
nscui-mori la 1000 nscui-vii i mori din anul respectiv. number of stillborns per 1000 live births and stillborns in
the respective year.
Rata de nupialitate reprezint numrul cstoriilor Marriages rate represents the ratio between the
dintr-un an raportat la populaia la 1 iulie din number of marriages from one year and the population
anul respectiv i se exprim n numr de cstorii la on July 1st of respective year and is expressed by the
1000 locuitori. number of marriages per 1000 inhabitants.
Rata de divorialitate reprezint numrul Divortiality rate represents the ratio between the
divorurilor dintr-un an raportat la populaia la 1 iulie din number of divorces from one year and the population on
anul respectiv i se exprim n numr de divoruri la July 1st of respective year and is expressed by the
1000 locuitori. number of divorces per 1000 inhabitants.
Vrsta medie a unei populaii s-a determinat ca Average age of a population was determined as
medie aritmetic a mijloacelor intervalelor, ponderat cu arithmetic mean of interval middles, weighted with the
numrul persoanelor de vrst respectiv, dup number of persons of that age, according to the
formula: formula:

( x + 0,5) P x
( x + 0.5) P x

P x P x

n care: where:

x = vrsta medie n ani mplinii x = average age in reached years

x = vrsta n ani mplinii x = age in reached years

Px = populaia n vrst de x ani Px = population aged years
0,5 = constant (jumtate de an, considerat drept 0.5 = constant (half of year, considered as average
echivalent mediu al variaiei abaterilor fa de data equivalent of bias variation compared to the exact date
exact a mplinirii unei vrste oarecare). of reaching a certain age).

Repartizarea evenimentelor demografice n Distribution on demographic phenomena at

profil teritorial (pe judee) s-a fcut dup territorial level (by county) was done according to
urmtoarele criterii: the following criteria:
pentru nscui-vii, dup domiciliul mamei pn n for live-born children, according to the mothers
anul 2011 i dup reedina obinuit a mamei residence until 2011 and according to the mothers
ncepnd cu anul 2012; usual residence beginning with 2012;
pentru decese, dup domiciliul persoanei decedate for deceases, according to the residence of the
pn n anul 2011 i dup reedina obinuit a deceased person until 2011 and according to the
persoanei decedate ncepnd cu anul 2012; usual residence of the deceased person beginning
with 2012;
pentru cstorii, dup locul nregistrrii cstoriei, for marriages, according to the place of marriage
respectiv domiciliul unuia dintre cei doi soi; registration, respectively according to the residence
of one of the two spouses;
pentru divoruri, dup ultimul domiciliu comun al for divorces, according to the last joint usual
soilor. residence of spouses.
Ratele fenomenelor demografice pe judee The demographic phenomena rates by county
au fost calculate cu populaia rezident la were calculated based on usual resident population
1 iulie 2014 i sunt provizorii. on July 1, 2014 and are provisional.
Migraia intern reprezint schimbrile de Internal migration represents changes of
domiciliu i stabilirile temporare de reedin n alt permanent residence and temporary settling of
localitate dect cea de domiciliu n interiorul granielor residence in another locality, different from that of
rii. permanent residence, inside the borders of the country.
Schimbarea domiciliului s-a nregistrat n cazul Change of permanent residence was registered
persoanelor pentru care organele de poliie au nscris in case of persons for whom Police wrote down the new
noul domiciliu n cartea de identitate i n fia de permanent residence in the identity card and in persons
eviden a persoanei. evidence file.

ncepnd cu anul 1992, sunt cuprinse i schimbrile Starting with 1992, data also include changes of
de domiciliu dintr-un sector n altul al Municipiului permanent residence from one sector to another within
Bucureti. Bucharest Municipality.
Nu sunt incluse schimbrile de domiciliu n interiorul There are not included permanent residence
aceleiai localiti sau n acelai sector i nici dintr-un changes inside the same locality or sector, or from one
sat n altul, n cadrul aceleiai comune. village to another, in the same commune.

Populaia pe medii, la 1 iulie

2.G1 Population by area, on July 1


80 67,9 63,1 54,2 45,7 45,4 45,4 47,1 47,0 46,1 45,0 44,6 45,1 45,9 46,1 46,1 46,0 46,0 46,1 46,1



45,8 54,3 54,6 54,6 52,9 53,0 53,9 55,0 55,4 54,9 54,1 53,9 53,9 54,0 54,0 53,9 53,9
20 36,9

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Urban Rural

Not: Pentru perioada 2002-2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Note: For the 2002-2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

2.G2 Populaia rezident, pe sexe i medii, la 1 iulie 2014
Usual resident population, by sex and area, on July 1, 2014


48,9% 53,9%

51,1% 46,1%

Masculin / Male Urban

Feminin / Female Rural

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Populaia rezident, pe vrste i sexe, la 1 iulie 2014
2.G3 Usual resident population, by age and sex, on July 1, 2014




Masculin Feminin
Male 85 Female















Mii persoane 10 Mii persoane

Thou persons Thou persons

250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Natalitatea, mortalitatea i sporul natural al populaiei
2.G4 Birth rate, mortality and natural increase

Rate (la 1000 locuitori) / Rates (per 1000 inhabitants)






1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014

Natalitate / Birth rate Mortalitate / Mortality rate

Sporul natural pozitiv Sporul natural negativ
Positive natural increase Negative natural increase

Not: ncepnd cu anul 1992, ratele au fost recalculate ca urmare a diseminrii indicatorului Populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie.
Pentru perioada 2012-2014, ratele la 1000 locuitori au fost calculate cu populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat
n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii sau decedaii cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Note: Starting with 1992, the rates have been recalculated due to the dissemination of the Permanent residence population
at July 1st indicator.
For the 2012-2014 period, the rates per 1000 inhabitants, calculated based on usual resident population on July 1st of each year
were used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Beginning with 2014, only the live-births and deaths having their usual residence in Romania were considered.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Durata medie a vieii, pe sexe (ani)

2.G5 Life expectancy, by sex (years)

2010 77,6
2012 78,2
2013 78,6
2014 78,9
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Masculin Feminin
Male Female

Not: Durata medie a vieii n anul de referin s-a calculat pe baza numrului populaiei i al deceselor pentru o perioad de trei ani.
Populaia luat n calcul a fost determinat pe baza sporului natural i a soldului migraiei internaionale definitive.
Note: Life expectancy in the reference year was computed based on population number and on number of deaths during a three years period.
The population taken into calculation was determined based on natural increase and final international migration.

Rate de fertilitate, pe grupe de vrst
2.G6 Fertility rates, by age group

Nscui-vii la 1000 femei / Live-births per 1000 women


80 78,5
65,3 67,3 66,3
60 54,5

40 37,8
4,4 5,2
0,2 0,3
2009 2014

15 - 19 ani / years 35 - 39 ani / years

20 - 24 ani / years 40 - 44 ani / years
25 - 29 ani / years 45 - 49 ani / years

30 - 34 ani / years

Not: Ratele pentru anul 2009 au fost recalculate ca urmare a diseminrii indicatorului Populaie dup domiciliu la 1 iulie.
Ratele pentru 2014 au fost calculate cu populaia la 1 iulie a anului respectiv.
ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Note: The rates for 2009 have been recalculated due to the dissemination of the Permanent residence population at July 1st indicator.
Rates for 2014 were computed using the usual resident population at July 1st of the respective year.
Beginning with 2014, only the live-births having their usual residence in Romania were considered.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Evoluia cstoriilor i divorurilor

2.G7 Evolution of marriages and divorces

mii / thou

115,8 118,1
105,6 107,8 107,5

50 35,8
32,3 32,6 31,3 28,5 27,2

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cstorii Divoruri
Marriages Divorces

Fluxul de emigrani i imigrani determinat de schimbarea reedinei obinuite
2.G8 Emigrants and immigrants flow determined by change of usual residence

mii persoane/ thou persons


198,0 195,6
200 184,6
170,2 161,8
167,3 153,6
135,8 150,0 147,7 142,4


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Emigrani Imigrani
Emigrants Immigrants

Not: Date estimate.

Note: Estimated data.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

1) 2) 3)
Distribuia emigranilor i imigranilor , n anul 2014
2.G9 1) 2)
Breakdown of emigrants and immigrants , in 2014

1) 2)
1) 2)

Alte ri
Other countries Alte ri
Danemarca Other countries
Denmark 11,3% 21,3%
1,9% Italia Grecia
Italy Greece
Austria 29,8% 2,0%
4,3% Spania
Belgia Marea Britanie 36,1%
Belgium United Kingdom
4,6% 2,6%

Germany Germania
12,8% Germany Republica
Spania 9,8% Moldova
Spain Moldova,
Italia Republic of
Marea Britanie 17,7% Italy
United Kingdom 14,2%

Not: Date estimate.

Note: Estimated data.
1) Persoane din Romnia care i-au schimbat reedina obinuit n strintate n cursul anului de referin.
Persons from Romania who changed their usual residence abroad during the reference year.
2) Persoane cu cetenie strin, romn i fr cetenie care i-au stabilit reedina obinuit n Romnia n cursul anului de referin.
Persons with foreign, romanian and without citizenship who settled their usual residence in Romania during the reference year.
3) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

2.1 Populaia rezident (stabil), pe sexe i medii
Usual resident population, by sex and area

Numrul locuitorilor n procente fa de total Numrul locuitorilor n procente fa de total

Inhabitants number As percentage of total Inhabitants number As percentage of total

Total Masculin Feminin Masculin Feminin Urban Rural Urban Rural

Male Female Male Female

1 iulie 1960 18403414 8981804 9421610 48,8 51,2 5912011 12491403 32,1 67,9 July 1, 1960
1 iulie 1961 18566932 9069012 9497920 48,8 51,2 6029978 12536954 32,5 67,5 July 1, 1961
1 iulie 1962 18680721 9130631 9550090 48,9 51,1 6109909 12570812 32,7 67,3 July 1, 1962
1 iulie 1963 18813131 9200997 9612134 48,9 51,1 6234043 12579088 33,1 66,9 July 1, 1963
1 iulie 1964 18927081 9261698 9665383 48,9 51,1 6317027 12610054 33,4 66,6 July 1, 1964
1 iulie 1965 19027367 9315510 9711857 49,0 51,0 6417124 12610243 33,7 66,3 July 1, 1965
15 martie 19661) 19103163 9351075 9752088 49,0 51,0 7305714 11797449 38,2 61,8 March 15, 19661)
1 iulie 1966 19140783 9371316 9769467 49,0 51,0 7343917 11796866 38,4 61,6 July 1, 1966
1 iulie 1967 19284814 9447715 9837099 49,0 51,0 7467928 11816886 38,7 61,3 July 1, 1967
1 iulie 1968 19720984 9670757 10050227 49,0 51,0 7144994 12575990 36,2 63,8 July 1, 1968
1 iulie 1969 20010178 9820125 10190053 49,1 50,9 7316065 12694113 36,6 63,4 July 1, 1969
1 iulie 1970 20252541 9945027 10307514 49,1 50,9 7464811 12787730 36,9 63,1 July 1, 1970
1 iulie 1971 20469658 10056431 10413227 49,1 50,9 7619873 12849785 37,2 62,8 July 1, 1971
1 iulie 1972 20662648 10156420 10506228 49,2 50,8 7776868 12885780 37,6 62,4 July 1, 1972
1 iulie 1973 20827525 10243280 10584245 49,2 50,8 7938819 12888706 38,1 61,9 July 1, 1973
1 iulie 1974 21028841 10347995 10680846 49,2 50,8 8142938 12885903 38,7 61,3 July 1, 1974
1 iulie 1975 21245103 10460119 10784984 49,2 50,8 8339229 12905874 39,3 60,7 July 1, 1975
1 iulie 1976 21445698 10564943 10880755 49,3 50,7 8555880 12889818 39,9 60,1 July 1, 1976
5 ianuarie 19771) 21559910 10626055 10933855 49,3 50,7 9395729 12164181 43,6 56,4 January 5, 19771)
1 iulie 1977 21657569 10677731 10979838 49,3 50,7 9517811 12139758 43,9 56,1 July 1, 1977
1 iulie 1978 21854622 10777854 11076768 49,3 50,7 9778831 12075791 44,7 55,3 July 1, 1978
1 iulie 1979 22048305 10875027 11173278 49,3 50,7 9886137 12162168 44,8 55,2 July 1, 1979
1 iulie 1980 22201387 10953637 11247750 49,3 50,7 10171618 12029769 45,8 54,2 July 1, 1980
1 iulie 1981 22352635 11029625 11323010 49,3 50,7 10484896 11867739 46,9 53,1 July 1, 1981
1 iulie 1982 22477703 11091465 11386238 49,3 50,7 10872275 11605428 48,4 51,6 July 1, 1982
1 iulie 1983 22553074 11128723 11424351 49,3 50,7 11054179 11498895 49,0 51,0 July 1, 1983
1 iulie 1984 22624505 11165086 11459419 49,3 50,7 11141775 11482730 49,2 50,8 July 1, 1984
1 iulie 1985 22724836 11214313 11510523 49,3 50,7 11370092 11354744 50,0 50,0 July 1, 1985
1 iulie 1986 22823479 11261467 11562012 49,3 50,7 11540494 11282985 50,6 49,4 July 1, 1986
1 iulie 1987 22940430 11319082 11621348 49,3 50,7 11770927 11169503 51,3 48,7 July 1, 1987
1 iulie 1988 23053552 11374681 11678871 49,3 50,7 11961847 11091705 51,9 48,1 July 1, 1988
1 iulie 1989 23151564 11422472 11729092 49,3 50,7 12311803 10839761 53,2 46,8 July 1, 1989
1 iulie 1990 23206720 11449147 11757573 49,3 50,7 12608844 10597876 54,3 45,7 July 1, 1990
1 iulie 1991 23185084 11435286 11749798 49,3 50,7 12552407 10632677 54,1 45,9 July 1, 1991
7 ianuarie 19921) 22810035 11213763 11596272 49,2 50,8 12391819 10418216 54,3 45,7 January 7, 19921)
1 iulie 1992 22788969 11200695 11588274 49,1 50,9 12367358 10421611 54,3 45,7 July 1, 1992
1 iulie 1993 22755260 11176390 11578870 49,1 50,9 12406204 10349056 54,5 45,5 July 1, 1993
1 iulie 1994 22730622 11156807 11573815 49,1 50,9 12427612 10303010 54,7 45,3 July 1, 1994
1 iulie 1995 22680951 11123977 11556974 49,0 51,0 12457195 10223756 54,9 45,1 July 1, 1995
1 iulie 1996 22607620 11080933 11526687 49,0 51,0 12411174 10196446 54,9 45,1 July 1, 1996
1 iulie 1997 22545925 11041414 11504511 49,0 51,0 12404690 10141235 55,0 45,0 July 1, 1997
1 iulie 1998 22502803 11012110 11490693 48,9 51,1 12347886 10154917 54,9 45,1 July 1, 1998
1 iulie 1999 22458022 10984529 11473493 48,9 51,1 12302729 10155293 54,8 45,2 July 1, 1999
1 iulie 2000 22435205 10968854 11466351 48,9 51,1 12244598 10190607 54,6 45,4 July 1, 2000
1 iulie 2001 22408393 10949490 11458903 48,9 51,1 12243748 10164645 54,6 45,4 July 1, 2001
18 martie 20021) 21680974 10568741 11112233 48,7 51,3 11435080 10245894 52,7 47,3 March 18, 20021)
1 iulie 2002 21675775 10564327 11111448 48,7 51,3 11456134 10219641 52,9 47,1 July 1, 2002
1 iulie 2003 21574365 10511908 11062457 48,7 51,3 11437954 10136411 53,0 47,0 July 1, 2003
1 iulie 2004 21451845 10451058 11000787 48,7 51,3 11563797 9888048 53,9 46,1 July 1, 2004
1 iulie 2005 21319673 10384483 10935190 48,7 51,3 11732958 9586715 55,0 45,0 July 1, 2005
1 iulie 2006 21193749 10320907 10872842 48,7 51,3 11748344 9445405 55,4 44,6 July 1, 2006
1 iulie 2007 20882980 10169596 10713384 48,7 51,3 11455494 9427486 54,9 45,1 July 1, 2007
1 iulie 2008 20537848 10000515 10537333 48,7 51,3 11102802 9435046 54,1 45,9 July 1, 2008
1 iulie 2009 20367437 9916107 10451330 48,7 51,3 10976558 9390879 53,9 46,1 July 1, 2009
1 iulie 2010 20246798 9856669 10390129 48,7 51,3 10922169 9324629 53,9 46,1 July 1, 2010
1 iulie 2011 20147657 9805108 10342549 48,7 51,3 10878099 9269558 54,0 46,0 July 1, 2011
20 octombrie 20111) 20121641 9788577 10333064 48,6 51,4 10858790 9262851 54,0 46,0 October 20, 20111)
1 iulie 2012 20060182 9770353 10289829 48,7 51,3 10823218 9236964 54,0 46,0 July 1, 2012
1 iulie 2013 19985814 9754851 10230963 48,8 51,2 10770879 9214935 53,9 46,1 July 1, 2013
1 iulie 2014 2) 19908574 9735441 10173133 48,9 51,1 10724248 9184326 53,9 46,1 July 1, 2014 2)

Not: Pentru perioada 2002 - 2014, datele se refer la populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Note: For the 2002 - 2014 period, the data refer to the usual resident population on July 1st of each year, estimated under the conditions
of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
1) Recensmnt. / Census.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

50 51
Populaia rezident, pe grupe de vrst i sexe, la 1 iulie
2.2 Usual resident population, by age group and sex, on July 1
numr persoane / number of persons
Grupa de vrst (ani)
Age group (years) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20141)

Total 20367437 20246798 20147657 20060182 19985814 19908574
0-4 1052843 1050794 1042956 1018588 982205 953914
5-9 1059143 1055894 1055782 1058078 1062299 1068890
10-14 1102014 1095101 1092151 1085580 1072925 1061275
15-19 1140809 1120135 1106819 1096839 1089493 1082648
20-24 1392379 1379146 1360947 1312142 1233468 1153697
25-29 1320958 1309551 1306861 1326630 1368581 1398613
30-34 1538484 1532749 1522832 1485686 1424680 1370638
35-39 1548875 1541949 1541082 1553568 1576764 1579110
40-44 1739241 1743639 1752638 1707996 1605228 1540768
45-49 1109267 1095164 1079457 1154939 1323017 1469187
50-54 1376746 1359407 1334917 1280710 1208770 1147426
55-59 1461400 1455686 1452163 1449331 1443030 1416325
60-64 1238256 1242119 1249567 1279039 1317171 1328416
65-69 903433 895502 890736 898665 929552 986568
70-74 917834 911493 901745 875629 834539 801896
75-79 739568 733994 731795 731728 737421 745795
80-84 465700 463746 462382 471116 482377 488597
85 i peste / and over 260487 260729 262827 273918 294294 314811
Masculin / Male
Total 9916107 9856669 9805108 9770353 9754851 9735441
0-4 541234 540074 536087 523552 504832 490288
5-9 544364 542746 542449 543426 545767 549351
10-14 565317 561842 560491 557071 550824 545351
15-19 585430 575017 567566 561769 557984 554754
20-24 719601 712566 702584 678614 640632 600556
25-29 677130 671150 669556 682333 709453 729522
30-34 782347 779479 773778 756058 728787 704389
35-39 787600 784693 784240 791589 804774 807177
40-44 886307 888075 892223 870740 821469 791032
45-49 559164 552672 545626 586293 675103 752635
50-54 675947 667406 656122 632334 601134 574825
55-59 696219 692860 690852 690403 689332 679443
60-64 571054 572734 575759 588739 606534 612727
65-69 398458 395034 393016 397278 411784 437667
70-74 377702 375118 371166 360758 344824 332984
75-79 289811 287367 285947 284786 285509 287400
80-84 172343 171555 170603 173494 177541 179303
85 i peste / and over 86079 86281 87043 91116 98568 106037
Feminin / Female
Total 10451330 10390129 10342549 10289829 10230963 10173133
0-4 511609 510720 506869 495036 477373 463626
5-9 514779 513148 513333 514652 516532 519539
10-14 536697 533259 531660 528509 522101 515924
15-19 555379 545118 539253 535070 531509 527894
20-24 672778 666580 658363 633528 592836 553141
25-29 643828 638401 637305 644297 659128 669091
30-34 756137 753270 749054 729628 695893 666249
35-39 761275 757256 756842 761979 771990 771933
40-44 852934 855564 860415 837256 783759 749736
45-49 550103 542492 533831 568646 647914 716552
50-54 700799 692001 678795 648376 607636 572601
55-59 765181 762826 761311 758928 753698 736882
60-64 667202 669385 673808 690300 710637 715689
65-69 504975 500468 497720 501387 517768 548901
70-74 540132 536375 530579 514871 489715 468912
75-79 449757 446627 445848 446942 451912 458395
80-84 293357 292191 291779 297622 304836 309294
85 i peste / and over 174408 174448 175784 182802 195726 208774

Not: Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014, datele se refer la populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Note : For the 2009 - 2014 period, the data refer to the usual resident population on July 1st of each year, estimated under the
conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Populaia rezident pe vrste, sexe i medii, la 1 iulie 20131)
2.3 Usual resident population by age, sex and area, on July 1, 20131)
numr persoane / number of persons
Total Urban Rural
Ambele din care: Ambele din care: Ambele din care:
Vrsta (ani) sexe Feminin sexe Feminin sexe Feminin
Age (years) Both of which: Both of which: Both of which:
sexes Female sexes Female sexes Female

Total 19985814 10230963 10770879 5618161 9214935 4612802

0-4 982205 477373 514626 249401 467579 227972

0 179855 87348 96383 46713 83472 40635
1 181371 88209 95560 46365 85811 41844
2 195470 95113 102541 49720 92929 45393
3 210533 102394 109749 53232 100784 49162
4 214976 104309 110393 53371 104583 50938

5-9 1062299 516532 527273 256521 535026 260011

5 213577 103682 109007 52806 104570 50876
6 212233 103315 107477 52285 104756 51030
7 214242 104361 107220 52254 107022 52107
8 212624 103385 104094 50757 108530 52628
9 209623 101789 99475 48419 110148 53370

10-14 1072925 522101 487460 237938 585465 284163

10 208494 101377 96690 47045 111804 54332
11 208656 101470 95454 46464 113202 55006
12 215674 104844 97806 47673 117868 57171
13 220360 107204 99247 48443 121113 58761
14 219741 107206 98263 48313 121478 58893

15-19 1089493 531509 514120 253654 575373 277855

15 218306 106327 99300 48757 119006 57570
16 214364 104463 99751 49020 114613 55443
17 214433 104912 101157 49903 113276 55009
18 220890 107910 105905 52356 114985 55554
19 221500 107897 108007 53618 113493 54279

20-24 1233468 592836 703659 350765 529809 242071

20 219136 105934 113928 56755 105208 49179
21 222444 106666 124223 61962 98221 44704
22 237338 113825 137622 68718 99716 45107
23 267517 128515 157592 78518 109925 49997
24 287033 137896 170294 84812 116739 53084

25-29 1368581 659128 821598 405341 546983 253787

25 289506 138904 171572 84960 117934 53944
26 286425 137630 170345 84016 116080 53614
27 275223 132260 165946 81644 109277 50616
28 265443 128165 161548 79613 103895 48552
29 251984 122169 152187 75108 99797 47061

30-34 1424680 695893 844425 419623 580255 276270

30 249534 121499 149565 74013 99969 47486
31 271064 132242 162563 80557 108501 51685
32 291808 142535 173945 86306 117863 56229
33 302865 147991 178591 88855 124274 59136
34 309409 151626 179761 89892 129648 61734

35-39 1576764 771990 886910 445315 689854 326675

35 314864 154867 181668 91093 133196 63774
36 317758 155434 181796 90846 135962 64588
37 316132 154930 177833 89319 138299 65611
38 321340 157054 178414 89708 142926 67346
39 306670 149705 167199 84349 139471 65356

40-44 1605228 783759 883753 453142 721475 330617

40 292465 142810 156841 79572 135624 63238
41 299359 146216 160952 82117 138407 64099
42 311818 152162 169902 87121 141916 65041
43 333824 162925 185852 95670 147972 67255
44 367762 179646 210206 108662 157556 70984

1) Date definitive. / Final data.

Populaia rezident pe vrste, sexe i medii, la 1 iulie 20131) - continuare
2.3 Usual resident population by age, sex and area, on July 1, 20131) - continued
numr persoane / number of persons

Total Urban Rural

Ambele din care: Ambele din care: Ambele din care:
Vrsta (ani) sexe Feminin sexe Feminin sexe Feminin
Age (years) Both of which: Both of which: Both of which:
sexes Female sexes Female sexes Female

45-49 1323017 647914 768202 400874 554815 247040

45 391088 191281 229333 119094 161755 72187
46 298931 145918 174612 90832 124319 55086
47 206937 101129 117411 61397 89526 39732
48 211410 103781 121584 63774 89826 40007
49 214651 105805 125262 65777 89389 40028

50-54 1208770 607636 718467 381796 490303 225840

50 217483 107914 128075 67513 89408 40401
51 226694 113038 134184 71003 92510 42035
52 242192 121395 144204 76607 97988 44788
53 255212 128972 152041 81079 103171 47893
54 267189 136317 159963 85594 107226 50723

55-59 1443030 753698 873286 467360 569744 286338

55 278845 143772 168962 90751 109883 53021
56 289407 150119 176309 94412 113098 55707
57 300397 156838 182757 97693 117640 59145
58 296498 156028 179312 95935 117186 60093
59 277883 146941 165946 88569 111937 58372

60-64 1317171 710637 733827 395757 583344 314880

60 268815 142934 157275 83838 111540 59096
61 267065 143164 152317 81654 114748 61510
62 265708 143543 148215 79966 117493 63577
63 269105 146236 145821 79056 123284 67180
64 246478 134760 130199 71243 116279 63517

65-69 929552 517768 457337 256091 472215 261677

65 210788 115551 108942 59949 101846 55602
66 200013 110135 99497 55046 100516 55089
67 180071 100403 87955 49283 92116 51120
68 169907 95810 81292 46159 88615 49651
69 168773 95869 79651 45654 89122 50215

70-74 834539 489715 381712 225449 452827 264266

70 158885 91061 74862 43370 84023 47691
71 161878 93714 75211 43788 86667 49926
72 167037 97702 75778 44452 91259 53250
73 172974 102635 77698 46315 95276 56320
74 173765 104603 78163 47524 95602 57079

75-79 737421 451912 320030 198434 417391 253478

75 167465 101493 74663 45729 92802 55764
76 161008 98177 70428 43342 90580 54835
77 148735 91136 64030 39618 84705 51518
78 135424 83590 57866 36113 77558 47477
79 124789 77516 53043 33632 71746 43884

80-84 482377 304836 205195 132617 277182 172219

80 119172 74223 50392 32151 68780 42072
81 109661 68784 46113 29550 63548 39234
82 95172 60489 40594 26345 54578 34144
83 84667 54022 36394 23769 48273 30253
84 73705 47318 31702 20802 42003 26516

85 i peste / and over 294294 195726 128999 88083 165295 107643

1) Date definitive. / Final data.

Populaia rezident pe vrste, sexe i medii, la 1 iulie 20141)
2.4 Usual resident population by age, sex and area, on July 1, 20141)
numr persoane / number of persons
Total Urban Rural
Ambele din care: Ambele din care: Ambele din care:
Vrsta (ani) sexe Feminin sexe Feminin sexe Feminin
Age (years) Both of which: Both of which: Both of which:
sexes Female sexes Female sexes Female

Total 19908574 10173133 10724248 5587763 9184326 4585370

0-4 953914 463626 504548 244553 449366 219073

0 181435 88103 98259 47604 83176 40499
1 184305 89486 98744 47833 85561 41653
2 182250 88614 95886 46488 86364 42126
3 195498 95135 102234 49609 93264 45526
4 210426 102288 109425 53019 101001 49269

5-9 1068890 519539 537050 260913 531840 258626

5 215351 104443 110921 53627 104430 50816
6 213902 103806 108693 52655 105209 51151
7 212468 103437 106824 51974 105644 51463
8 214495 104502 106903 52127 107592 52375
9 212674 103351 103709 50530 108965 52821

10-14 1061275 515924 485806 236716 575469 279208

10 209588 101781 99167 48280 110421 53501
11 208203 101227 96247 46817 111956 54410
12 208336 101341 94919 46219 113417 55122
13 215230 104621 97292 47409 117938 57212
14 219918 106954 98181 47991 121737 58963

15-19 1082648 527894 502469 247606 580179 280288

15 219157 106796 97945 48147 121212 58649
16 217715 106023 98834 48519 118881 57504
17 213957 104254 99133 48691 114824 55563
18 213164 104213 101653 50307 111511 53906
19 218655 106608 104904 51942 113751 54666

20-24 1153697 553141 635045 316238 518652 236903

20 218700 106163 106642 52885 112058 53278
21 216223 104074 112559 55996 103664 48078
22 219697 104858 122878 61210 96819 43648
23 234464 111696 136144 67865 98320 43831
24 264613 126350 156822 78282 107791 48068

25-29 1398613 669091 837138 412589 561475 256502

25 285283 136389 169630 84369 115653 52020
26 288093 137563 170954 84432 117139 53131
27 284498 135512 169423 83066 115075 52446
28 275044 131705 165641 81312 109403 50393
29 265695 127922 161490 79410 104205 48512

30-34 1370638 666249 816074 403509 554564 262740

30 252680 122202 152097 74910 100583 47292
31 250378 121565 149572 73801 100806 47764
32 271738 132258 162438 80296 109300 51962
33 292454 142452 173725 86032 118729 56420
34 303388 147772 178242 88470 125146 59302

35-39 1579110 771933 895894 448207 683216 323726

35 308521 151370 178503 89365 130018 62005
36 315800 154605 181486 90610 134314 63995
37 316646 155139 180565 90426 136081 64713
38 316840 154469 177531 88782 139309 65687
39 321303 156350 177809 89024 143494 67326

40-44 1540768 749736 835823 424907 704945 324829

40 306581 149200 166623 83768 139958 65432
41 292080 142217 156058 78930 136022 63287
42 298639 145267 160063 81330 138576 63937
43 310722 151169 168607 86205 142115 64964
44 332746 161883 184472 94674 148274 67209

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Populaia rezident pe vrste, sexe i medii, la 1 iulie 20141) - continuare
2.4 Usual resident population by age, sex and area, on July 1, 20141) - continued
numr persoane / number of persons
Total Urban Rural
Ambele din care: Ambele din care: Ambele din care:
Vrsta (ani) sexe Feminin sexe Feminin sexe Feminin
Age (years) Both of which: Both of which: Both of which:
sexes Female sexes Female sexes Female

45-49 1469187 716552 846599 439467 622588 277085

45 366337 178253 208641 107530 157696 70723
46 388862 189789 227652 118092 161210 71697
47 297725 145055 173435 90076 124290 54979
48 206093 100439 116492 60748 89601 39691
49 210170 103016 120379 63021 89791 39995

50-54 1147426 572601 675752 357794 471674 214807

50 213298 104951 123957 65007 89341 39944
51 215885 107126 126621 66741 89264 40385
52 224944 112149 132620 70165 92324 41984
53 240285 120468 142502 75767 97783 44701
54 253014 127907 150052 80114 102962 47793

55-59 1416325 736882 854971 459125 561354 277757

55 264422 135165 157743 84596 106679 50569
56 275937 142639 166711 89725 109226 52914
57 286270 148932 173818 93358 112452 55574
58 296867 155480 180228 96646 116639 58834
59 292829 154666 176471 94800 116358 59866

60-64 1328416 715689 756039 408177 572377 307512

60 274214 145572 163242 87496 110972 58076
61 265146 141598 154756 82883 110390 58715
62 263238 141892 149627 80706 113611 61186
63 261306 142034 145411 78977 115895 63057
64 264512 144593 143003 78115 121509 66478

65-69 986568 548901 496980 277543 489588 271358

65 242276 133302 127871 70427 114405 62875
66 206757 114060 106754 59128 100003 54932
67 195909 108569 97378 54217 98531 54352
68 175969 98813 85824 48472 90145 50341
69 165657 94157 79153 45299 86504 48858

70-74 801896 468912 370297 218002 431599 250910

70 164248 94049 77495 44777 86753 49272
71 154109 89040 72561 42404 81548 46636
72 156591 91439 72703 42728 83888 48711
73 160882 94929 72981 43211 87901 51718
74 166066 99455 74557 44882 91509 54573

75-79 745795 458395 327670 203529 418125 254866

75 166393 101097 74916 45997 91477 55100
76 159526 97611 71176 44028 88350 53583
77 152686 93916 66806 41503 85880 52413
78 140386 86809 60546 37831 79840 48978
79 126804 78962 54226 34170 72578 44792

80-84 488597 309294 208032 134769 280565 174525

80 115885 72622 49358 31589 66527 41033
81 110101 69081 46663 30029 63438 39052
82 100420 63499 42345 27378 58075 36121
83 86232 55257 36897 24167 49335 31090
84 75959 48835 32769 21606 43190 27229

85 i peste / and over 314811 208774 138061 94119 176750 114655

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Populaia dup domiciliu pe vrste, sexe i medii, la 1 iulie 20151)
2.5 Permanent resident population by age, sex and area, on July 1, 20151)
numr persoane / number of persons

Total Urban Rural

Ambele din care: Ambele din care: Ambele din care:
Vrsta (ani) sexe Feminin sexe Feminin sexe Feminin
Age (years) Both of which: Both of which: Both of which:
sexes Female sexes Female sexes Female

Total 22242738 11385244 12549340 6551125 9693398 4834119

0-4 1007290 489719 543978 264114 463312 225605

0 181588 88270 98607 47816 82981 40454
1 199165 96938 107685 52327 91480 44611
2 203196 98519 109530 53167 93666 45352
3 209531 101722 112057 54295 97474 47427
4 213810 104270 116099 56509 97711 47761

5-9 1149171 558329 615076 298211 534095 260118

5 229963 111467 125022 60380 104941 51087
6 232247 112573 125065 60352 107182 52221
7 229480 111769 122706 59768 106774 52001
8 227465 110729 120600 58625 106865 52104
9 230016 111791 121683 59086 108333 52705

10-14 1124802 546719 555366 270284 569436 276435

10 228723 111310 118750 57847 109973 53463
11 224148 108706 112167 54474 111981 54232
12 222105 108266 108611 53022 113494 55244
13 220262 106604 106194 51418 114068 55186
14 229564 111833 109644 53523 119920 58310

15-19 1152902 562301 548155 268487 604747 293814

15 233308 113513 110022 53596 123286 59917
16 232589 113660 109376 53579 123213 60081
17 233495 113794 110091 53844 123404 59950
18 223621 109270 107470 52889 116151 56381
19 229889 112064 111196 54579 118693 57485

20-24 1252272 611328 641625 318936 610647 292392

20 229996 112171 111185 54950 118811 57221
21 246179 120150 121303 59993 124876 60157
22 244921 119584 123970 61572 120951 58012
23 265852 129991 139635 69594 126217 60397
24 265324 129432 145532 72827 119792 56605

25-29 1778462 871350 1045104 526835 733358 344515

25 351112 172132 199547 100721 151565 71411
26 352974 173769 204647 103482 148327 70287
27 363887 177756 214971 108131 148916 69625
28 376872 184831 222394 112483 154478 72348
29 333617 162862 203545 102018 130072 60844

30-34 1680289 820354 1032797 516674 647492 303680

30 349007 170504 215293 107828 133714 62676
31 315978 153983 193406 96649 122572 57334
32 306796 149944 187891 94154 118905 55790
33 342668 167297 211206 105520 131462 61777
34 365840 178626 225001 112523 140839 66103

35-39 1906835 931828 1142087 572080 764748 359748

35 374935 183162 229347 114661 145588 68501
36 383616 187617 231625 116078 151991 71539
37 382786 187370 229339 115030 153447 72340
38 387390 189337 231132 115769 156258 73568
39 378108 184342 220644 110542 157464 73800

40-44 1789050 877555 1010998 515564 778052 361991

40 383763 187550 221759 111634 162004 75916
41 359491 175550 204254 103220 155237 72330
42 338687 166008 187353 95355 151334 70653
43 349237 171682 195658 100469 153579 71213
44 357872 176765 201974 104886 155898 71879

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Populaia dup domiciliu pe vrste, sexe i medii, la 1 iulie 20151) - continuare
2.5 Permanent resident population by age, sex and area, on July 1, 20151) - continued
numr persoane / number of persons
Total Urban Rural
Ambele din care: Ambele din care: Ambele din care:
Vrsta (ani) sexe Feminin sexe Feminin sexe Feminin
Age (years) Both of which: Both of which: Both of which:
sexes Female sexes Female sexes Female

45-49 1832292 909838 1089753 573247 742539 336591

45 385671 190956 221993 115883 163678 75073
46 418975 207502 249044 130137 169931 77365
47 524709 261861 323626 170780 201083 91081
48 269692 133607 157411 83280 112281 50327
49 233245 115912 137679 73167 95566 42745

50-54 1244386 628685 764263 411163 480123 217522

50 240140 120540 143844 77252 96296 43288
51 242975 121922 148149 79150 94826 42772
52 240776 121831 148729 80014 92047 41817
53 252735 128100 156628 84431 96107 43669
54 267760 136292 166913 90316 100847 45976

55-59 1479326 770167 944712 512535 534614 257632

55 273859 140236 171770 92857 102089 47379
56 289299 149612 182403 99090 106896 50522
57 302823 157906 194525 106115 108298 51791
58 304866 159920 196499 106572 108367 53348
59 308479 162493 199515 107901 108964 54592

60-64 1396521 749316 873751 470776 522770 278540

60 319313 169442 205340 110705 113973 58737
61 271749 145012 173576 93706 98173 51306
62 278024 149044 174435 93576 103589 55468
63 264616 142711 162372 87259 102244 55452
64 262819 143107 158028 85530 104791 57577

65-69 1079609 599494 606759 334553 472850 264941

65 265783 146141 156403 85412 109380 60729
66 250860 138756 143783 78898 107077 59858
67 197538 109473 111562 61477 85976 47996
68 191338 106818 103435 57459 87903 49359
69 174090 98306 91576 51307 82514 46999

70-74 777093 453070 392814 227811 384279 225259

70 158888 91064 82376 47164 76512 43900
71 165501 95476 84272 48395 81229 47081
72 152767 88788 77284 44803 75483 43985
73 157895 93091 79127 46254 78768 46837
74 142042 84651 69755 41195 72287 43456

75-79 758175 466656 359058 220466 399117 246190

75 167497 101335 80226 48224 87271 53111
76 160291 98388 77577 47593 82714 50795
77 152606 94078 72783 44653 79823 49425
78 144382 89534 67291 41816 77091 47718
79 133399 83321 61181 38180 72218 45141

80-84 498310 316416 225115 143847 273195 172569

80 119359 75030 53947 33794 65412 41236
81 108576 68595 49297 31425 59279 37170
82 99801 63197 44852 28821 54949 34376
83 91526 58354 41079 26383 50447 31971
84 79048 51240 35940 23424 43108 27816

85 i peste / and over 335953 222119 157929 105542 178024 116577

1) Date provizoriI. / Provisional data.

Populaia dup domiciliu a judeelor, municipiilor i oraelor, la 1 iulie 20151)
2.6 Permanent resident population of counties, municipalities and towns, on July 1, 20151)

Judee Numrul Judee Numrul

Municipii / Orae locuitorilor Municipii / Orae locuitorilor
Counties Inhabitants Counties Inhabitants
Municipalities / Towns number Municipalities / Towns number

ALBA 381538 BISTRIA-NSUD 329076

Alba Iulia 2) 2)
74045 Bistria 92977
Aiud 2) 26358 Beclean 12260
Blaj 2) 20993 Nsud 11827
Sebe 2) 32500 Sngeorz-Bi 11624
Abrud 5522
Baia de Arie 4102 BOTOANI 456941
Cmpeni 7683
Cugir 26865 Botoani 2) 122471
Ocna Mure 14671 Dorohoi 31415
Teiu 7500 Bucecea 5411
Zlatna 8019 Drbani 12724
Flmnzi 11955
ARAD 474341 Sveni 8123
tefneti 5881
Arad 179230
Chiineu-Cri 8459 BRAOV 630126
Curtici 8662
Ineu 9608 Braov 2) 290771
Lipova 11428 Codlea 2) 26121
Ndlac 8026 Fgra 2) 40197
Pncota 8142 Scele 35899
Pecica 14087 Ghimbav 5967
Sntana 15603 Predeal 5221
Sebi 6477 Rnov 17527
Rupea 6179
ARGE 647264 Victoria 8857
Zrneti 26677
Piteti 176965
Cmpulung 2) 37098 BRILA 357752
Curtea de Arge 33510
Costeti 10653 Brila 211688
Mioveni 34562 Furei 4132
tefneti 15123 Ianca 11105
Topoloveni 9460 nsurei 7130

BACU 747031 BUZU 480552

2) 2)
Bacu 196638 Buzu 136140
Moineti 2) 24761 Rmnicu Srat 2) 40986
Oneti 2) 52835 Nehoiu 11256
Buhui 20871 Ptrlagele 7785
Comneti 24073 Pogoanele 7596
Drmneti 14775
Slnic-Moldova 5169 CARA-SEVERIN 329286
Trgu Ocna 13161
Reia 89009
BIHOR 619441 Caransebe 2) 30581
Anina 9351
Oradea 2) 222923 Bile Herculane 5204
Beiu 2) 11501 Boca 19116
Marghita 2) 18272 Moldova Nou 13626
Salonta 2) 19468 Oravia 13424
Aled 11295 Oelu Rou 12717
Nucet 2152
Scueni 12677
tei 7468
Valea lui Mihai 11056
Vacu 2473

Not: Municipiile subliniate sunt reedin de jude. / Note: Underlined municipalities are county residences.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
2) Municipii. / Municipalities.

Populaia dup domiciliu a judeelor, municipiilor i oraelor,
la 1 iulie 20151) - continuare
Permanent resident population of counties, municipalities and towns,
2.6 on July 1, 2015 1)- continued

Judee Numrul Judee Numrul

Municipii / Orae locuitorilor Municipii / Orae locuitorilor
Counties Inhabitants Counties Inhabitants
Municipalities / Towns number Municipalities / Towns number

CLRAI 318097 GALAI 632452

Clrai 2) 77762 Galai 2) 304761

Oltenia 28384 Tecuci 2) 45703
Budeti 7710 Bereti 3438
Fundulea 6783 Trgu Bujor 7437
Lehliu Gar 6716

CLUJ 721136 GIURGIU 277239

2) 2)
Cluj-Napoca 322075 Giurgiu 69380
Cmpia Turzii 28338 Bolintin-Vale 13659
Dej 2) 39076 Mihileti 7582
Gherla 2) 23237
Turda 2) 57496 GORJ 367262
Huedin 9614
Trgu Jiu 97039
CONSTANA 769666 Motru 2) 23086
Bumbeti-Jiu 10139
Constana 2) 318233 Novaci 5761
Mangalia 2) 42372 Rovinari 13714
Medgidia 2) 46203 Trgu Crbuneti 8720
Bneasa 5820 Tismana 8156
Cernavod 19470 Turceni 4836
Eforie 10999 icleni 7139
Hrova 11279
Murfatlar (Basarabi) 11649 HARGHITA 333921
Nvodari 41463
Negru Vod 5785 Miercurea Ciuc 42224
Ovidiu 15586 Gheorgheni 2) 20084
Techirghiol 8051 Odorheiu Secuiesc 38638
Toplia 2) 16082
COVASNA 228970 Bile Tunad 1677
Blan 7982
Sfntu Gheorghe 2) 65174 Borsec 2767
Trgu Secuiesc 20334 Cristuru Secuiesc 10798
Baraolt 9393 Vlhia 7632
Covasna 11350
ntorsura Buzului 9356 HUNEDOARA 471613

DMBOVIA 529068 Deva 2) 70660

Brad 2) 16017
2) 2)
Trgovite 93855 Hunedoara 74363
Moreni 2) 20630 Lupeni 2) 27307
Fieni 7701 Ortie 2) 22677
Geti 15380 Petroani 2) 43452
Pucioasa 15447 Vulcan 2) 29076
Rcari 6519 Aninoasa 4756
Titu 10391 Clan 13356
Geoagiu 5664
DOLJ 701461 Haeg 10939
Petrila 25229
Craiova 2) 306115 Simeria 14001
Bileti 2) 20010 Uricani 9898
Calafat 2) 18583
Bechet 4371
Dbuleni 12235
Filiai 18494
Segarcea 8013

Not: Municipiile subliniate sunt reedin de jude. / Note: Underlined municipalities are county residences.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
2) Municipii. / Municipalities.

Populaia dup domiciliu a judeelor, municipiilor i oraelor,
la 1 iulie 20151) - continuare
Permanent resident population of counties, municipalities and towns,
2.6 on July 1, 2015 1)- continued

Judee Numrul Judee Numrul

Municipii / Orae locuitorilor Municipii / Orae locuitorilor
Counties Inhabitants Counties Inhabitants
Municipalities / Towns number Municipalities / Towns number

IALOMIA 294410 MURE 596137

Slobozia 2) 2)
53229 Trgu Mure 150605
Feteti 2) 35604 Reghin 2) 38276
Urziceni 2) 17592 Sighioara 2) 34313
Amara 8019 Trnveni 2) 26552
Czneti 3562 Iernut 9780
Fierbini - Trg 4648 Ludu 17606
ndrei 16835 Miercurea Nirajului 6109
Sarmau 7199
IAI 912774 Sngeorgiu de Pdure 5481
Sovata 10556
Iai 359270 Ungheni 7511
Pacani 2) 43522
Hrlu 12445 NEAM 578295
Trgu Frumos 14547
Podul Iloaiei 10991 Piatra Neam 2) 115810
Roman 2) 70916
ILFOV 383219 Bicaz 8662
Roznov 10297
Bragadiru 16381 Trgu Neam 22044
Buftea 22001
Chitila 14867 OLT 452095
Mgurele 10203
Otopeni 14766 Slatina 2) 84788
Pantelimon 26413 Caracal 2) 35456
Popeti-Leordeni 26107 Bal 21266
Voluntari 40116 Corabia 18378
Drgneti-Olt 12073
MARAMURE 525846 Piatra-Olt 6589
Potcoava 5854
Baia Mare 2) 147954 Scorniceti 12098
Sighetu Marmaiei 44145
Baia Sprie 17055 PRAHOVA 810974
Bora 29818
Cavnic 5270 Ploieti 2) 234180
Dragomireti 3261 Cmpina 2) 37767
Slitea de Sus 5133 Azuga 4883
Seini 9568 Bicoi 19161
Somcua Mare 8005 Boldeti-Sceni 11598
Tuii-Mgheru 7991 Breaza 16802
Trgu Lpu 13226 Buteni 9950
Ulmeni 7533 Comarnic 12520
Vieu de Sus 18205 Mizil 16556
Plopeni 9108
MEHEDINI 287763 Sinaia 11622
Slnic 5996
Drobeta-Turnu Severin 110098 Urlai 11641
Orova 2) 13006 Vlenii de Munte 13603
Baia de Aram 5636
Strehaia 11449
Vnju Mare 5904

Not: Municipiile subliniate sunt reedin de jude. / Note: Underlined municipalities are county residences.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
2) Municipii. / Municipalities.

Populaia dup domiciliu a judeelor, municipiilor i oraelor,
la 1 iulie 20151) - continuare
Permanent resident population of counties, municipalities and towns,
2.6 on July 1, 20151) - continued

Judee Numrul Judee Numrul

Municipii / Orae locuitorilor Municipii / Orae locuitorilor
Counties Inhabitants Counties Inhabitants
Municipalities / Towns number Municipalities / Towns number

SATU MARE 390907 TIMI 741186

2) 2)
Satu Mare 122842 Timioara 333162
Carei 2) 24660 Lugoj 2) 47741
Ardud 7433 Buzia 8347
Livada 7326 Ciacova 5388
Negreti-Oa 16892 Deta 7614
Tnad 9545 Fget 7598
Gtaia 6447
SLAJ 247782 Jimbolia 13595
Reca 9473
Zalu 69795 Snnicolau Mare 14654
Cehu Silvaniei 7773
Jibou 11985 TULCEA 245174
imleu Silvaniei 17419
Tulcea 2) 90071
SIBIU 463561 Babadag 10686
Isaccea 5337
Sibiu 2) 169706 Mcin 11157
Media 2) 58766 Sulina 4128
Agnita 12114
Avrig 15687 VASLUI 478513
Cisndie 19080
Copa Mic 6084 Vaslui 2) 94711
Dumbrveni 8689 Brlad 2) 73159
Miercurea Sibiului 4813 Hui 2) 30528
Ocna Sibiului 4338 Murgeni 8255
Slite 5954 Negreti 10427
Tlmaciu 8134
VLCEA 403958
SUCEAVA 742053
Rmnicu Vlcea 118890
Suceava 2) 116081 Drgani 2) 21047
Cmpulung Moldovenesc 20207 Bbeni 9421
Flticeni 2) 31595 Bile Govora 2871
Rdui 2) 33026 Bile Olneti 4575
Vatra Dornei 2) 17290 Blceti 5233
Broteni 6507 Berbeti 5589
Cajvana 9340 Brezoi 7235
Dolhasca 11429 Climneti 8873
Frasin 6634 Horezu 7043
Gura Humorului 17084 Ocnele Mari 3520
Liteni 10329
Miliui 5443 VRANCEA 391651
Salcea 10417
Siret 9700 Focani 2) 94757
Solca 2624 Adjud 2) 20467
Vicovu de Sus 16053 Mreti 13431
Odobeti 9619
TELEORMAN 391688 Panciu 9321
Alexandria 52259 Bucureti 2) 2100519
Roiori de Vede 2) 32752 Bucharest 2)
Turnu Mgurele 2) 30176
Videle 11820
Zimnicea 15539

Not: Municipiile subliniate sunt reedin de jude. / Note: Underlined municipalities are county residences.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
2) Municipii. / Municipalities.

Gruparea judeelor i localitilor dup numrul locuitorilor, la 1 iulie 20151)
2.7 Classification of counties and localities by inhabitants number, on July 1, 20151)

Grupe de judee, municipii, Numrul judeelor, municipiilor,

orae i comune, oraelor i comunelor Numrul locuitorilor
dup numrul locuitorilor Number of counties, municipalities, Inhabitants number
Groups of counties, towns and communes
municipalities, towns n procente n procente
and communes, Date absolute fa de total Date absolute fa de total
by inhabitants number Absolute data Percentage of total Absolute data Percentage of total

Judee2) / Counties 2)

Total 42 100,0 22242738 100,0

Sub / under 300000 6 14,3 1581338 7,1

300000 - 399999 11 26,2 3974397 17,9
400000 - 499999 8 19,0 3681574 16,5
500000 - 599999 4 9,5 2229346 10,0
600000 - 699999 4 9,5 2529283 11,4
700000 - 799999 6 14,3 4422533 19,9
800000 i peste / and over 3 7,2 3824267 17,2

Municipii i orae / Municipalities and towns

Total 320 100,0 12549340 100,0

Sub / under 3000 6 1,9 14564 0,1

3000 - 4999 15 4,7 63363 0,5
5000 - 9999 96 30,0 714985 5,7
10000 - 19999 95 29,6 1315666 10,5
20000 - 49999 62 19,4 1916589 15,3
50000 - 99999 22 6,9 1657046 13,3
100000 - 199999 13 4,1 1863430 14,8
200000 - 999999 10 3,1 2903178 23,1
1000000 i peste / and over 1 0,3 2100519 16,7

Comune / Communes

Total 2861 100,0 9693398 100,0

Sub / under 1000 94 3,3 70479 0,7

1000 - 1999 605 21,1 940911 9,7
2000 - 4999 1676 58,6 5343677 55,2
5000 - 9999 445 15,6 2852577 29,4
10000 i peste / and over 41 1,4 485754 5,0

Not: Numrul locuitorilor, conform definiiei populaiei dup domiciliu. (Vezi Precizri metodologice - pag. 40).
Note: The number of inhabitants, according to the permanent resident population definition. (See the Methodological notes - page 40).
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
2) Inclusiv Municipiul Bucureti. / Including Bucharest Municipality.
3) Conform organizrii administrative a teritoriului existent la 1 iulie 2015.
According to administrative territorial organization existing on July 1, 2015.

2.8 Micarea natural a populaiei
Vital statistics

Date absolute (numr) / Absolute data (number) Rate (la 1000 locuitori) / Rates (per 1000 inhabitants) Nscui-mori Decese la
Decese la o la 1000 nscui o vrst sub
Sporul Nscui vrst sub Nscui- vii Decese Sporul Cstorii Divoruri (vii+mori) 1 an la 1000
Anii Nscui-vii Decese natural Cstorii Divoruri mori 1 an Live-births Deaths natural Marriages Divorces Stillborn nscui-vii Years
Live-births Deaths Natural Marriages Divorces Stillborn Infant Natural children per 1000 Infant deaths
increase children deaths increase births (live-births per 1000
and stillborn) live-births
1960 352241 160720 191521 197654 36947 5690 26680 19,1 8,7 10,4 10,7 2,01 15,9 74,6 1960
1961 324859 161936 162923 180465 33373 5251 23190 17,5 8,7 8,8 9,7 1,80 15,9 69,4 1961
1962 301985 172429 129556 184676 38095 4812 18196 16,2 9,2 7,0 9,9 2,04 15,7 58,8 1962
1963 294886 155767 139119 174931 36129 4601 16270 15,7 8,3 7,4 9,3 1,92 15,4 55,2 1963
1964 287383 152476 134907 169520 35145 4367 13975 15,2 8,1 7,1 9,0 1,86 15,0 48,6 1964
1965 278362 163393 114969 164229 36914 4048 12264 14,6 8,6 6,0 8,6 1,94 14,3 44,1 1965
1966 273678 157445 116233 171243 25804 4072 12746 14,3 8,2 6,1 8,9 1,35 14,7 46,6 1966
1967 527764 179129 348635 154105 481) 9644 24590 27,4 9,3 18,1 8,0 *) 17,9 46,6 1967
1968 526091 188509 337582 146988 4023 8625 31317 26,7 9,6 17,1 7,5 0,20 16,1 59,5 1968
1969 465764 201225 264539 140011 6991 6984 25584 23,3 10,1 13,2 7,0 0,35 14,8 54,9 1969
1970 427034 193255 233779 145531 7865 5728 21110 21,1 9,5 11,6 7,2 0,39 13,2 49,4 1970
1971 400146 194306 205840 150215 9570 4822 16964 19,5 9,5 10,0 7,3 0,47 11,9 42,4 1971
1972 389153 189793 199360 157142 11254 4288 15566 18,8 9,2 9,6 7,6 0,54 10,9 40,0 1972
1973 378696 203559 175137 170130 14472 4194 14444 18,2 9,8 8,4 8,2 0,69 11,0 38,1 1973
1974 427732 191286 236446 175496 17951 4801 14958 20,3 9,1 11,2 8,3 0,85 11,1 35,0 1974
1975 418185 197538 220647 188139 34479 4288 14498 19,7 9,3 10,4 8,9 1,62 10,1 34,7 1975
1976 417353 204873 212480 195874 35945 4186 13089 19,5 9,6 9,9 9,1 1,68 9,9 31,4 1976
1977 423958 208685 215273 199794 25726 4144 13207 19,6 9,6 10,0 9,2 1,19 9,7 31,2 1977
1978 416598 211846 204752 201103 33190 3919 12610 19,1 9,7 9,4 9,2 1,52 9,3 30,3 1978
1979 410603 217509 193094 198139 35855 3754 12995 18,6 9,9 8,7 9,0 1,63 9,1 31,6 1979
1980 398904 231876 167028 182671 34130 3518 11691 18,0 10,4 7,6 8,2 1,54 8,7 29,3 1980
1981 381101 224635 156466 182973 33635 3257 10886 17,0 10,0 7,0 8,2 1,50 8,5 28,6 1981
1982 344369 224120 120249 174448 33164 2904 9653 15,3 10,0 5,3 7,8 1,48 8,4 28,0 1982
1983 321498 233892 87606 163826 34534 2605 7676 14,3 10,4 3,9 7,3 1,53 8,0 23,9 1983
1984 350741 233699 117042 164110 32853 2988 8211 15,5 10,3 5,2 7,3 1,45 8,4 23,4 1984
1985 358797 246670 112127 161094 32587 2824 9191 15,8 10,9 4,9 7,1 1,43 7,8 25,6 1985
1986 376896 242330 134566 167254 34562 3053 8746 16,5 10,6 5,9 7,3 1,51 8,0 23,2 1986
1987 383199 254286 128913 168079 34110 3053 11077 16,7 11,1 5,6 7,3 1,49 7,9 28,9 1987
1988 380043 253370 126673 172527 36775 2926 9643 16,5 11,0 5,5 7,5 1,60 7,6 25,4 1988
1989 369544 247306 122238 177943 36008 2821 9940 16,0 10,7 5,3 7,7 1,56 7,6 26,9 1989
1990 314746 247086 67660 192652 32966 2231 8471 13,6 10,6 3,0 8,3 1,42 7,0 26,9 1990
1991 275275 251760 23515 183388 37031 1910 6258 11,9 10,9 1,0 7,9 1,60 6,9 22,7 1991
1992 260393 263855 -3462 174593 29290 1700 6080 11,3 11,4 -0,1 7,5 1,27 6,5 23,3 1992
1993 249994 263323 -13329 161595 31193 1582 5822 10,8 11,4 -0,6 7,0 1,35 6,3 23,3 1993
1994 246736 266101 -19365 154221 39663 1623 5894 10,7 11,5 -0,8 6,7 1,72 6,5 23,9 1994
1995 236640 271672 -35032 153943 34906 1472 5027 10,3 11,8 -1,5 6,7 1,52 6,2 21,2 1995
1996 231348 286158 -54810 150388 35586 1428 5158 10,1 12,5 -2,4 6,5 1,55 6,1 22,3 1996
1997 236891 279315 -42424 147105 34752 1483 5209 10,3 12,2 -1,9 6,4 1,52 6,2 22,0 1997
1998 237297 269166 -31869 145303 39985 1514 4868 10,4 11,8 -1,4 6,4 1,75 6,3 20,5 1998
1999 234600 265194 -30594 140014 34408 1459 4360 10,3 11,6 -1,3 6,1 1,51 6,2 18,6 1999
2000 234521 255820 -21299 135808 30725 1393 4370 10,3 11,2 -0,9 6,0 1,35 5,9 18,6 2000
2001 220368 259603 -39235 129930 31135 1282 4057 9,7 11,4 -1,7 5,7 1,37 5,8 18,4 2001
2002 210529 269666 -59137 129018 31790 1319 3648 9,3 11,9 -2,6 5,7 1,40 6,2 17,3 2002
2003 212459 266575 -54116 133953 33073 1290 3546 9,4 11,7 -2,3 5,9 1,46 6,0 16,7 2003
2004 216261 258890 -42629 143304 35225 1314 3641 9,5 11,4 -1,9 6,3 1,55 6,0 16,8 2004
2005 221020 262101 -41081 141832 33193 1262 3310 9,8 11,6 -1,8 6,3 1,47 5,7 15,0 2005
2006 219483 258094 -38611 146637 32672 1143 3052 9,7 11,4 -1,7 6,5 1,45 5,2 13,9 2006
2007 214728 251965 -37237 189240 36308 1009 2574 9,5 11,2 -1,7 8,4 1,61 4,7 12,0 2007
2008 221900 253202 -31302 149439 35685 993 2434 9,8 11,2 -1,4 6,6 1,58 4,5 11,0 2008
2009 222388 257213 -34825 134275 32341 969 2250 9,9 11,4 -1,5 6,0 1,44 4,3 10,1 2009
2010 212199 259723 -47524 115778 32632 856 2078 9,4 11,5 -2,1 5,1 1,45 4,0 9,8 2010
2011 196242 251439 -55197 105599 35780 811 1850 8,7 11,2 -2,5 4,7 1,59 4,1 9,4 2011
2012 180714 253716 -73002 107760 31324 779 1806 9,0 12,6 -3,6 4,8 1,40 4,3 10,0 2012
2013 2) 182313 246967 -64654 107507 28507 771 1677 9,1 12,4 -3,3 4,8 1,27 4,2 9,2 2013 2)
2014 1837853) 2533073) -695223) 118075 27188 781 16223) 9,24) 12,74) -3,54) 5,35) 1,225) 4,23) 8,83) 2014

Not: ncepnd cu anul 1992, ratele au fost recalculate ca urmare a diseminrii indicatorului Populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie.
Pentru perioada 2012-2014, ratele la 1000 locuitori au fost calculate cu populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii
de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Nscuii-vii din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ nscuii-vii din strintate. Decesele din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ decesele produse n
strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu anii precedeni.
ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii sau decedaii cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Note: Starting with 1992, the rates have been recalculated due to the dissemination of the Population by permanent residence at July 1stindicator.
For the 2012-2014 period, the rates per 1000 inhabitants, calculated based on usual resident population on July 1st of each year
were used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
The live-births for 2012 and 2013 do not include live-births from abroad. The deaths for 2012 and 2013 do not include those
happened abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with the previous years.
Beginning with 2014, only the live-births and deaths having their usual residence in Romania were considered. 4) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
1) Au fost modificate unele dispoziii legale referitoare la divor (n octombrie 1966). / Some legal acts referring to divorces were modified
(in October 1966). 5) Date definitive, calculate cu populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie 2014. / Definitive data calculated based on the permanent resident
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data against thouse previously published. population, on July 1, 2014.
3) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

64 65
2.9 Micarea natural a populaiei, pe medii
Vital statistics, by area

Date absolute (numr) / Absolute data (number) Rate (la 1000 locuitori) / Rates (per 1000 inhabitants) Nscui-mori Decese la
Decese la o la 1000 nscui o vrst sub
Sporul Nscui vrst sub Nscui- vii Decese Sporul Cstorii Divoruri (vii+mori) 1 an la 1000
Anii Nscui-vii Decese natural Cstorii Divoruri mori 1 an Live-births Deaths natural Marriages Divorces Stillborn nscui-vii Years
Live-births Deaths Natural Marriages Divorces Stillborn Infant Natural children per 1000 Infant deaths
increase children deaths increase births (live-births per 1000
and stillborn) live-births

1990 156950 99331 57619 110382 25553 1217 3778 12,9 8,2 4,7 9,1 2,10 7,7 24,1 1990
1991 135417 101460 33957 101993 28098 974 2654 11,0 8,2 2,8 8,3 2,27 7,1 19,6 1991
1992 124016 106784 17232 92663 22443 830 2575 9,9 8,5 1,4 7,4 1,79 6,6 20,8 1992
1993 117298 107482 9816 85505 23629 747 2315 9,3 8,5 0,8 6,8 1,88 6,3 19,7 1993
1994 114422 108771 5651 82263 29767 768 2295 9,1 8,6 0,5 6,5 2,36 6,7 20,1 1994
1995 109722 112205 -2483 83381 26023 693 1996 8,7 8,9 -0,2 6,6 2,05 6,3 18,2 1995
1996 108226 116450 -8224 84864 26389 691 2006 8,6 9,2 -0,6 6,7 2,09 6,3 18,5 1996
1997 110009 115997 -5988 82522 25044 689 2036 8,7 9,2 -0,5 6,5 1,98 6,2 18,5 1997
1998 110186 112733 -2547 82912 28702 714 1907 8,7 8,9 -0,2 6,6 2,28 6,4 17,3 1998
1999 108542 111159 -2617 81015 25035 670 1650 8,6 8,8 -0,2 6,4 1,99 6,1 15,2 1999
2000 108254 108436 -182 79128 22486 612 1744 8,6 8,6 - 6,3 1,79 5,6 16,1 2000
2001 102432 110063 -7631 77231 22362 567 1594 7,9 8,5 -0,6 5,9 1,72 5,5 15,6 2001
2002 98190 113225 -15035 76547 22675 602 1426 7,8 9,0 -1,2 6,1 1,81 6,1 14,5 2002
2003 100915 112283 -11368 81483 23542 569 1381 8,1 9,0 -0,9 6,5 1,88 5,6 13,7 2003
2004 111348 114316 -2968 90179 25134 633 1555 8,6 8,9 -0,3 7,0 1,95 5,7 14,0 2004
2005 117780 116809 971 92651 23709 589 1458 9,2 9,1 0,1 7,2 1,85 5,0 12,4 2005
2006 119477 116384 3093 96605 23338 538 1341 9,3 9,1 0,2 7,5 1,82 4,5 11,2 2006
2007 116367 114562 1805 104445 26066 498 1186 9,1 8,9 0,2 8,1 2,03 4,3 10,2 2007
2008 121518 114352 7166 96963 24806 468 1030 9,5 8,9 0,6 7,6 1,94 3,8 8,5 2008
2009 121864 116168 5696 86363 22308 474 982 9,5 9,1 0,4 6,8 1,75 3,9 8,1 2009
2010 117851 117632 219 74787 22144 420 913 9,2 9,2 - 5,9 1,74 3,6 7,7 2010
2011 106667 114648 -7981 67962 25152 363 797 8,4 9,0 -0,6 5,3 1,98 3,4 7,5 2011
2012 96201 116369 -20168 68821 21790 348 714 8,9 10,8 -1,9 5,4 1,72 3,6 7,4 2012
20131) 98351 114091 -15740 68985 19594 325 738 9,1 10,6 -1,5 5,5 1,55 3,3 7,5 20131)
2014 998952) 1170632) -171682) 76833 18692 372 6462) 9,33) 10,93) -1,63) 6,14) 1,494) 3,72) 6,52) 2014
1990 157796 147755 10041 82270 7413 1014 4693 14,3 13,4 0,9 7,5 0,67 6,4 29,7 1990
1991 139858 150300 -10442 81395 8933 936 3604 12,9 13,9 -1,0 7,5 0,82 6,6 25,8 1991
1992 136377 157071 -20694 81930 6847 870 3505 12,9 14,8 -1,0 7,7 0,65 6,3 25,7 1992
1993 132696 155841 -23145 76090 7564 835 3507 12,6 14,8 -2,2 7,2 0,72 6,3 26,4 1993
1994 132314 157330 -25016 71958 9896 855 3599 12,7 15,1 -2,4 6,9 0,95 6,4 27,2 1994
1995 126918 159467 -32549 70562 8883 779 3031 12,2 15,4 -3,2 6,8 0,86 6,1 23,9 1995
1996 123122 169708 -46586 65524 9197 737 3152 11,9 16,4 -4,5 6,3 0,89 6,0 25,6 1996
1997 126882 163318 -36436 64583 9708 794 3173 12,3 15,9 -3,6 6,3 0,94 6,2 25,0 1997
1998 127111 156433 -29322 62391 11283 800 2961 12,4 15,2 -2,8 6,1 1,10 6,3 23,3 1998
1999 126058 154035 -27977 58999 9373 789 2710 12,3 15,0 -2,7 5,8 0,91 6,2 21,5 1999
2000 126267 147384 -21117 56680 8239 781 2626 12,3 14,4 -2,1 5,5 0,80 6,1 20,8 2000
2001 117936 149540 -31604 52699 8773 715 2463 12,0 15,3 -3,3 5,4 0,90 6,0 20,9 2001
2002 112339 156441 -44102 52471 9115 717 2222 11,0 15,3 -4,3 5,1 0,89 6,3 19,8 2002
2003 111544 154292 -42748 52470 9531 721 2165 11,0 15,2 -4,2 5,2 0,94 6,4 19,4 2003
2004 104913 144574 -39661 53125 10091 681 2086 10,7 14,8 -4,1 5,4 1,03 6,4 19,9 2004
2005 103240 145292 -42052 49181 9484 673 1852 10,5 14,8 -4,3 5,0 0,97 6,5 17,9 2005
2006 100006 141710 -41704 50032 9334 605 1711 10,3 14,5 -4,2 5,1 0,96 6,0 17,1 2006
2007 98361 137403 -39042 84795 10242 511 1388 10,1 14,1 -4,0 8,7 1,05 5,2 14,1 2007
2008 100382 138850 -38468 52476 10879 525 1404 10,3 14,2 -3,9 5,4 1,11 5,2 14,0 2008
2009 100524 141045 -40521 47912 10033 495 1268 10,3 14,5 -4,2 4,9 1,03 4,9 12,6 2009
2010 94348 142091 -47743 40991 10488 436 1165 9,7 14,6 -4,9 4,2 1,08 4,6 12,3 2010
2011 89575 136791 -47216 37637 10628 448 1053 9,2 14,1 -4,9 3,9 1,09 5,0 11,8 2011
2012 84513 137347 -52834 38939 9534 431 1092 9,1 14,9 -5,8 4,0 0,98 5,1 12,9 2012
20131) 83962 132876 -48914 38522 8913 446 939 9,1 14,4 -5,3 4,0 0,92 5,3 11,2 20131)
2014 838902) 1362442) -523542) 41242 8496 409 9762) 9,13) 14,83) -5,73) 4,24) 0,874) 4,92) 11,62) 2014

Nota: ncepnd cu anul 1992, ratele au fost recalculate ca urmare a diseminrii indicatorului Populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie.
Pentru perioada 2012-2014, ratele la 1000 locuitori au fost calculate cu populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii
de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Nscuii-vii din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ nscuii-vii din strintate. Decesele din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ decesele produse n
strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu anii precedeni.
ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii sau decedaii cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Note: Starting with 1992, the rates have been recalculated due to the dissemination of the Population by permanent residence at July 1st indicator.
For the 2012-2014 period, the rates per 1000 inhabitants, calculated based on usual resident population on July 1st of each year
were used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
The live-births for 2012 and 2013 do not include live-births from abroad. The deaths for 2012 and 2013 do not include those
happened abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with the previous years.
Beginning with 2014, only the live-births and deaths having their usual residence in Romania were considered. 3) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data against thouse previously published. 4) Date definitive, calculate cu populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie 2014. / Definitive data calculated based on the permanent resident
2) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data. population, on July 1, 2014.

66 67
2.10 Nscuii-vii dup grupa de vrst a prinilor
Live-births by age group of parents

Grupa de vrst a tatlui (ani) Age group of father (years)

Grupa de vrst a mamei
Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50 i peste Nedeclarat Age group of mother
(ani) and over Not stated (years)

2009 2009
Total 222388 4242 27414 58839 68253 32299 12112 3115 1573 14541 Total
Sub 15 758 273 185 38 9 1 1 - 1 250 Under 15
15-19 25456 3153 10336 4987 1812 378 102 19 12 4657 15-19
20-24 56985 725 13839 23501 11480 2320 545 118 96 4361 20-24
25-29 65684 76 2478 24164 27522 6999 1589 311 178 2367 25-29
30-34 51371 12 484 5443 24018 14615 3937 787 386 1689 30-34
35-39 18262 3 84 642 3102 7298 4575 1129 503 926 35-39
40-44 3746 - 8 63 303 679 1345 711 362 275 40-44
45-49 126 - - 1 7 9 18 40 35 16 45-49
50 i peste - - - - - - - - - - 50 and over
2010 2010
Total 212199 3347 25165 53239 66337 33278 12675 3069 1536 13553 Total
Sub 15 733 237 179 40 9 5 1 2 - 260 Under 15
15-19 21775 2481 9158 4115 1367 381 100 19 12 4142 15-19
20-24 52649 557 12948 20946 10787 2518 600 119 93 4081 20-24
25-29 62843 52 2327 22425 26629 7172 1530 294 158 2256 25-29
30-34 51069 15 453 5045 24007 14740 4026 752 386 1645 30-34
35-39 19051 5 82 578 3261 7791 4848 1074 501 911 35-39
40-44 3965 - 18 90 273 664 1549 769 351 251 40-44
45-49 111 - - - 4 6 20 39 35 7 45-49
50 i peste 3 - - - - 1 1 1 - - 50 and over
2011 2011
Total 196242 3065 22763 47079 60405 32259 12566 2837 1524 13744 Total
Sub 15 748 264 175 38 8 7 1 - 1 254 Under 15
15-19 20150 2279 8375 3630 1257 386 84 16 11 4112 15-19
20-24 48171 452 11607 18910 10013 2465 496 92 64 4072 20-24
25-29 56343 50 2073 19515 23680 6813 1467 260 138 2347 25-29
30-34 47715 12 441 4360 21983 14217 3929 677 345 1751 30-34
35-39 19171 6 83 567 3226 7741 5074 1033 526 915 35-39
40-44 3803 1 9 56 230 621 1501 712 390 283 40-44
45-49 134 1 - 3 8 9 14 45 47 7 45-49
50 i peste 7 - - - - - - 2 2 3 50 and over
20121) 20121)
Total 180714 2592 19670 43208 54721 31595 12172 2785 1336 12635 Total
Sub 15 746 231 209 43 14 7 1 - - 241 Under 15
15-19 18205 1978 7363 3611 1108 352 92 16 14 3671 15-19
20-24 42103 351 9763 17079 8367 2200 481 90 52 3720 20-24
25-29 52591 24 1918 18365 21742 6686 1359 231 117 2149 25-29
30-34 44005 5 350 3600 20169 13628 3673 682 286 1612 30-34
35-39 19102 1 62 463 3094 8030 4950 1032 508 962 35-39
40-44 3820 1 5 45 222 684 1580 691 322 270 40-44
45-49 136 1 - 1 4 8 35 43 35 9 45-49
50 i peste 6 - - 1 1 - 1 - 2 1 50 and over
2013 1);2) 2013 1);2)
Total 182313 2763 17890 45053 54102 34032 11901 3501 1298 11773 Total
Sub 15 691 215 192 49 13 6 - - - 216 Under 15
15-19 17944 2162 7000 3821 1102 353 93 34 14 3365 15-19
20-24 39562 338 8661 17155 7544 2071 434 101 31 3227 20-24
25-29 56116 36 1710 19846 22872 7590 1425 309 125 2203 25-29
30-34 43619 8 251 3584 19110 14487 3545 817 275 1542 30-34
35-39 20473 4 65 545 3250 8825 4978 1363 481 962 35-39
40-44 3701 - 8 51 198 682 1406 804 306 246 40-44
45-49 199 - 3 2 13 18 18 73 60 12 45-49
50 i peste 8 - - - - - 2 - 6 - 50 and over
20143);4) 20143);4)
Total 183785 2579 16989 46061 53699 35690 12098 3635 1265 11769 Total
Sub 15 661 202 173 38 11 3 - - 1 233 Under 15
15-19 17887 2033 6870 4031 1097 331 88 17 12 3408 15-19
20-24 37232 287 7828 16649 6800 1988 448 102 38 3092 20-24
25-29 58346 42 1788 20955 23247 7995 1522 317 131 2349 25-29
30-34 44167 9 243 3770 19076 14997 3561 812 242 1457 30-34
35-39 21352 6 79 566 3195 9619 5024 1458 451 954 35-39
40-44 3924 - 7 47 265 735 1412 869 332 257 40-44
45-49 213 - 1 5 8 21 43 60 56 19 45-49
50 i peste 3 - - - - 1 - - 2 - 50 and over

1) Nscuii-vii din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ nscuii-vii din strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu anii precedeni.
The live-births for 2012 and 2013 do not include live-births from abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with the
previous years.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
3) ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beninning with 2014 are included only live-births having their usual residence in Romania.
4) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

68 69
2.11 Nscuii-vii dup rangul nscutului-viu i grupa de vrst a mamei
Live-births by live-birth order and age group of mother

Grupa de vrst a mamei (ani) Age group of mother (years)

Rangul nscutului-viu Nscui-vii Sub 15 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50 i peste Live-birth order
Live-births Under and over

2009 2009
Total 222388 758 25456 56985 65684 51371 18262 3746 126 - Total
Primul 117763 735 20227 35096 35554 20141 5044 937 29 - First
Al doilea 67452 23 4472 15524 20058 19940 6519 904 12 - Second
Al treilea 18996 - 688 4501 5405 5227 2612 543 20 - Third
Al patrulea 8193 - 65 1416 2496 2567 1310 331 8 - Fourth
Al cincilea 4107 - 4 350 1209 1416 880 237 11 - Fifth
Al aselea 2458 - - 84 587 916 635 224 12 - Sixth
Al aptelea 1375 - - 12 239 567 425 126 6 - Seventh
Al optulea i peste 2044 - - 2 136 597 837 444 28 - Eighth and over
2010 2010
Total 212199 733 21775 52649 62843 51069 19051 3965 111 3 Total
Primul 111139 714 16773 31825 34691 20569 5514 1029 23 1 First
Al doilea 65009 19 4324 14475 18574 19749 6859 996 13 - Second
Al treilea 18385 - 622 4441 5109 5000 2578 621 12 2 Third
Al patrulea 7881 - 52 1439 2367 2335 1344 332 12 - Fourth
Al cincilea 4122 - 4 377 1214 1388 881 244 14 - Fifth
Al aselea 2274 - - 75 549 877 568 200 5 - Sixth
Al aptelea 1356 - - 13 227 535 458 117 6 - Seventh
Al optulea i peste 2033 - - 4 112 616 849 426 26 - Eighth and over
2011 2011
Total 196242 748 20150 48171 56343 47715 19171 3803 134 7 Total
Primul 101909 718 15412 28539 31027 19438 5802 933 37 3 First
Al doilea 58593 30 4031 13290 16009 17805 6527 882 18 1 Second
Al treilea 17996 - 642 4367 4831 4807 2721 606 22 - Third
Al patrulea 7917 - 63 1467 2340 2282 1388 368 9 - Fourth
Al cincilea 4133 - 2 392 1210 1353 916 256 3 1 Fifth
Al aselea 2362 - - 98 582 893 597 182 10 - Sixth
Al aptelea 1386 - - 14 227 548 416 173 8 - Seventh
Al optulea i peste 1946 - - 4 117 589 804 403 27 2 Eighth and over
20121) 20121)
Total 180714 746 18205 42103 52591 44005 19102 3820 136 6 Total
Primul 87445 717 13546 23557 27292 16429 5048 829 23 4 First
Al doilea 57390 29 3970 12219 16078 17197 6876 989 31 1 Second
Al treilea 17741 - 602 4265 4811 4581 2849 615 18 - Third
Al patrulea 8105 - 84 1515 2327 2334 1441 388 15 1 Fourth
Al cincilea 4156 - 3 421 1187 1379 909 252 5 - Fifth
Al aselea 2436 - - 107 588 908 626 199 8 - Sixth
Al aptelea 1450 - - 15 226 559 492 152 6 - Seventh
Al optulea i peste 1991 - - 4 82 618 861 396 30 - Eighth and over
2013 1);2) 2013 1);2)
Total 182313 691 17944 39562 56116 43619 20473 3701 199 8 Total
Primul 91156 660 13544 22764 30269 16989 5974 908 45 3 First
Al doilea 56598 31 3735 10966 16689 16762 7451 913 47 4 Second
Al treilea 17353 - 608 3903 4801 4499 2926 592 24 - Third
Al patrulea 7528 - 56 1418 2240 2066 1363 361 24 - Fourth
Al cincilea 4129 - 1 403 1232 1352 893 235 13 - Fifth
Al aselea 2299 - - 86 569 846 626 160 11 1 Sixth
Al aptelea 1332 - - 18 222 499 444 144 5 - Seventh
Al optulea i peste 1918 - - 4 94 606 796 388 30 - Eighth and over
20143);4) 20143);4)
Total 183785 661 17887 37232 58346 44167 21352 3924 213 3 Total
Primul 94704 641 13561 22018 32496 18240 6618 1066 62 2 First
Al doilea 56698 20 3660 10044 17043 16937 7976 977 40 1 Second
Al treilea 16543 - 600 3463 4657 4325 2841 631 26 - Third
Al patrulea 6985 - 62 1216 2098 1898 1351 341 19 - Fourth
Al cincilea 3683 - 4 399 1120 1077 815 250 18 - Fifth
Al aselea 2116 - - 76 582 693 586 172 7 - Sixth
Al aptelea 1339 - - 14 256 496 426 140 7 - Seventh
Al optulea i peste 1717 - - 2 94 501 739 347 34 - Eighth and over

1) Nscuii-vii din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ nscuii-vii din strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu anii precedeni.
The live-births for 2012 and 2013 do not include live-births from abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with the
previous years.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beninning with 2014 are included only live-births having their usual residence in Romania.
4) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

70 71
Vrsta medie a mamei la natere, pe medii
2.12 Average age of mother at birth, by area
ani / years
Vrsta medie a mamei la prima natere Vrsta medie a mamei la orice natere
Anii Average age of mother at first birth Average age of mother at any birth
Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural

2000 23,7 24,9 22,3 25,5 26,3 24,9

2001 23,9 25,2 22,4 25,8 26,6 25,1
2002 24,2 25,5 22,5 26,0 26,9 25,3
2003 24,3 25,7 22,5 26,2 27,1 25,4
2004 24,6 26,0 22,6 26,4 27,3 25,5
2005 24,9 26,3 22,7 26,7 27,6 25,7
2006 25,2 26,6 22,9 26,9 27,8 25,8
2007 25,3 26,7 22,9 27,0 28,0 25,9
2008 25,5 27,0 23,1 27,1 28,1 25,9
2009 25,6 27,1 23,1 27,3 28,3 26,0
2010 26,0 27,5 23,4 27,6 28,6 26,2
2011 26,2 27,7 23,6 27,7 28,8 26,3
20121) 26,2 27,8 23,5 27,9 29,0 26,5
2013 26,4 28,0 23,92) 28,0 29,2 26,72)
2014 3);4) 26,7 28,3 24,1 28,2 29,4 26,8
1) Datele se refer la vrsta medie a mamelor care au nscut pe teritoriul Romniei. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile
cu anii precedeni.
Data refer only to average age of mothers who gave birth on Romanias territory. For this reason, the data is not comparable
with the previous years.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
3) ncepnd cu anul 2014, datele se refer la vrsta medie a mamelor ai cror copii au reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beginning with 2014, data refer only to average age of women whose children have their usual residence in Romania.
4) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

ntreruperi de sarcin1), pe grupe de vrst

2.13 Abortions 1), by age group

Grupa de vrst (ani) la care a avut loc ntreruperea de sarcin

Total Age group (years) when the abortion took place
15 - 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45 - 49

Numr / Number
2009 115457 11982 25442 25794 26220 18468 7167 384
2010 101271 9731 22931 22351 23238 16223 6366 431
2011 102896 9589 22812 23005 23241 16893 6875 481
2012 87477 7547 18990 20210 19635 14751 5880 464
2013 85742 7611 17392 20523 18584 15089 5968 575
2014 77806 7287 15316 19210 16656 13533 5306 498
Rate la 1000 femei / Rates per 1000 women
20092) 20,2 17,8 29,2 30,8 27,8 20,8 8,4 0,6
20102) 17,8 15,9 26,3 27,2 24,8 18,4 6,9 0,7
20112) 18,2 16,1 27,2 28,6 25,0 19,0 7,0 0,8
20123) 18,6 14,1 30,0 31,4 26,9 19,4 7,0 0,8
20133) 18,3 14,3 29,3 31,1 26,7 19,5 7,6 0,9
20144) 16,7 13,8 27,7 28,7 25,0 17,5 7,1 0,7
Rate la 1000 nscui-vii / Rates per 1000 live-births
2009 520,9 470,7 446,5 392,7 510,4 1011,3 1913,2 3047,6
2010 478,9 446,9 435,5 355,7 455,0 851,6 1605,5 3882,9
2011 526,4 475,9 473,6 408,3 487,1 881,2 1807,8 3589,6
20125) 486,1 414,6 451,0 384,3 446,2 772,2 1539,3 3411,8
20135) 472,1 424,2 439,6 365,7 426,1 737,0 1612,5 2889,4
20146) 424,9 407,4 411,4 329,2 377,1 633,8 1352,2 2338,0

1) ntreruperi de sarcin ale femeilor de 15 - 49 ani. / Abortions of women aged 15 - 49 years.

2) Pentru perioada 2009-2011, ratele au fost recalculate ca urmare a diseminrii indicatorului Populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie.
For the 2009-2011 period, the rates have been recalculated due to the dissemination of the Population by permanent residence
at July 1st indicator.
3) Pentru perioada 2012-2014, ratele la 1000 locuitori au fost calculate cu populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii
de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitine ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor -2011.
For the 2012-2014 period, the rates per 1000 inhabitants, calculated based on usual resident population on July 1st of each year
were used, estimated under the conditons of comparability with final results of the Population and Housing Census-2011.
4) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
5) Ratele au fost calculate la numrul nscuilor-vii, nscui n Romnia. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu anii precedeni.
Rates calculated with the number of live-births in Romania. For this reason, the data is not comparable with the previous years.
6) ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beninning with 2014 are included only live-births having their usual residence in Romania.

1) 2)
Ratele de fertilitate , pe grupe de vrst i indicele conjunctural al fertlitii
2.14 1)
Fertility rates , by age group and total fertlity rate

Rata general Grupa de vrst (ani) / Age group (years) Indicele conjunctural
Anii de fertilitate al fertilitii
Years General fertility rate 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Total fertility rate

1960 73,9 59,1 164,1 121,2 67,6 39,0 14,5 1,4 2,3
1961 68,4 62,6 155,4 110,1 60,1 32,4 13,2 0,9 2,2
1962 63,5 58,4 147,4 105,0 54,9 29,5 11,4 0,8 2,0
1963 61,9 61,5 144,0 102,9 53,1 28,2 10,7 0,7 2,0
1964 59,9 56,8 144,0 102,6 52,2 26,2 9,5 0,8 2,0
1965 57,3 52,4 140,7 99,8 53,5 25,1 8,9 0,8 1,9
1966 55,7 51,7 143,0 98,2 53,4 25,1 8,3 0,9 1,9
1967 105,5 79,8 251,8 198,1 124,1 59,7 16,6 1,2 3,7
1968 102,9 82,4 241,4 193,9 126,5 63,9 17,3 1,2 3,6
1969 89,6 72,6 215,7 171,7 108,0 54,7 15,0 1,0 3,2
1970 81,2 65,7 201,4 151,6 94,9 48,8 13,8 0,9 2,9
1971 75,3 62,1 190,9 138,1 82,7 44,3 13,1 0,8 2,7
1972 72,7 61,3 185,9 131,6 76,9 40,7 12,0 0,8 2,5
1973 70,4 60,6 182,4 124,2 71,6 37,6 10,3 0,6 2,4
1974 79,3 69,3 202,3 142,9 78,3 40,2 10,7 0,7 2,7
1975 77,5 69,2 197,8 138,5 71,4 36,7 10,0 0,7 2,6
1976 77,3 70,0 196,9 136,7 69,4 33,4 9,0 0,7 2,6
1977 78,8 71,2 200,9 138,1 67,6 32,3 8,6 0,7 2,6
1978 77,7 72,8 198,5 132,7 64,4 30,3 8,2 0,7 2,5
1979 76,6 72,5 200,2 128,8 61,0 28,4 7,6 0,7 2,5
1980 74,8 72,3 200,4 126,8 58,3 25,0 6,5 0,5 2,4
1981 71,9 71,1 194,3 121,6 56,4 23,4 6,3 0,6 2,4
1982 65,1 68,9 184,4 107,2 47,5 19,6 5,2 0,4 2,2
1983 59,5 57,5 178,4 99,9 42,5 17,4 4,5 0,4 2,0
1984 64,2 56,1 191,9 114,7 50,5 20,1 4,6 0,3 2,2
1985 65,1 57,3 191,4 121,1 55,2 21,4 5,1 0,4 2,3
1986 68,2 62,9 191,3 126,7 63,3 26,1 6,4 0,4 2,4
1987 69,1 65,3 189,7 126,4 65,7 28,7 8,1 0,4 2,4
1988 68,4 62,7 176,7 123,8 63,0 27,3 7,3 0,4 2,3
1989 66,3 59,3 169,1 118,0 58,8 25,6 7,1 0,4 2,2
1990 56,2 51,5 145,2 97,8 46,4 19,4 5,5 0,4 1,8
1991 48,7 49,8 131,1 78,6 34,2 13,9 4,0 0,3 1,6
1992 46,0 47,9 122,8 75,4 30,5 12,7 3,6 0,2 1,5
1993 43,7 47,7 121,1 71,9 27,7 11,3 3,1 0,3 1,4
1994 42,7 45,5 116,9 73,3 28,2 11,1 3,2 0,2 1,4
1995 40,6 42,3 108,4 71,0 28,7 10,8 3,1 0,2 1,3
1996 39,4 40,1 102,3 70,1 29,4 10,7 2,9 0,2 1,3
1997 40,1 40,6 101,9 70,1 33,1 11,0 2,9 0,2 1,3
1998 40,1 40,0 98,3 75,4 35,2 11,4 2,8 0,2 1,3
1999 39,7 39,6 94,3 76,0 36,1 12,1 2,8 0,2 1,3
2000 39,7 38,3 90,9 77,7 37,5 13,1 3,0 0,2 1,3
2001 37,3 35,1 82,3 73,9 36,2 13,4 3,0 0,2 1,2
2002 35,5 31,7 76,1 71,2 35,7 14,4 2,9 0,2 1,2
2003 35,8 32,4 74,9 72,4 38,9 15,2 3,0 0,2 1,2
2004 36,3 32,7 73,3 74,0 42,9 16,6 3,3 0,1 1,2
2005 37,3 32,4 70,0 77,3 47,8 17,6 3,4 0,2 1,2
2006 37,3 33,7 67,3 76,6 49,7 17,8 3,4 0,2 1,2
2007 36,8 33,9 64,5 75,5 49,9 17,1 3,7 0,2 1,2
2008 38,4 37,1 65,8 78,1 52,6 19,1 4,2 0,2 1,3
2009 38,7 37,8 65,3 78,5 54,5 20,6 4,4 0,2 1,3
2010 37,2 35,5 60,3 76,4 54,5 21,6 4,3 0,2 1,3
2011 34,6 33,8 57,5 69,9 51,4 21,6 3,9 0,2 1,2
2012 38,2 34,0 66,5 81,6 60,3 25,1 4,6 0,2 1,4
2013 38,8 33,8 66,7 85,1 62,7 26,5 4,7 0,3 1,4
20143) 39,3 33,9 67,3 87,2 66,3 27,7 5,2 0,3 1,4

Nota: ncepnd cu anul 1992, ratele au fost recalculate ca urmare a diseminrii indicatorului Populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie.
Ratele pentru perioada 2012-2014 au fost calculate cu populaia rezident la 1 iulie a anului respectiv. Pentru anii 2012 i 2013
au fost inclui numai nscuii-vii care s-au nscut n Romnia, indiferent de ara de reedin obinuit, ai cror mame aveau la
momentul naterii domiciliul n Romania, iar repartizarea lor teritorial s-a fcut dup domiciliul mamei.
ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt inclui numai nscuii-vii cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Note: Starting with 1992, the rates have been recalculated due to the dissemination of the Population by permanent residence
at July 1stindicator.
Rates for the 2012-2014 period were computed using the usual resident population at July 1st of the respective year. For 2012
and 2013 were included only those live-births that occurred in Romania, regardless of the country of usual residence, and their
territorial breakdown was carried out by the mothers domicile. Beginning with 2014, only the live-births having their usual
residence in Romania were considered.
1) Nscui-vii la 1000 femei de vrst fertil (15-49 ani). / Live-births born per 1000 women during their fertile life (15-49 years).
2) Numrul de copii nscui de o femeie n cursul vieii sale fertile. / Number of children born in Romania by a woman during her fertile life.
3) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Decesele, pe grupe de vrst i sexe
2.15 Deaths, by age group and sex

Grupa de vrst (ani) 2009 2010 2011 20121) 20131);2) 20143);4)

Age group (years)

Total 257213 259723 251439 253716 246967 253307

0-4 2660 2502 2264 2117 1977 1911

5-9 266 282 206 209 195 194
10-14 301 287 259 286 227 231
15-19 721 591 547 513 473 434
20-24 1210 1112 999 946 802 684
25-29 1171 1132 976 905 945 1013
30-34 1841 1795 1607 1332 1241 1244
35-39 2841 2781 2390 2226 2192 2191
40-44 4766 4924 4464 4360 3782 3823
45-49 6862 6149 5349 5021 5428 6148
50-54 13021 12246 10631 9773 8846 8449
55-59 17319 17135 16034 16245 15680 16114
60-64 18187 19233 19470 19851 20332 20819
65-69 22852 21542 20149 20155 20378 21395
70-74 35049 34716 32043 30825 28111 27145
75-79 42645 42823 41509 42188 40132 41036
80-84 43893 45172 44918 45689 44484 45316
85-89 29709 31991 33575 34891 34465 36014
90-94 8284 9428 10489 12726 14539 16228
95-99 3294 3505 3145 2988 2221 2403
100 i peste / and over 321 377 415 470 517 515
Masculin / Male
Total 137550 137957 132180 132408 128901 132142

0-4 1517 1422 1303 1159 1131 1119

5-9 159 166 134 125 116 110
10-14 189 171 164 192 145 154
15-19 501 394 394 364 311 304
20-24 878 830 746 686 594 510
25-29 886 825 689 659 693 729
30-34 1365 1331 1136 954 858 900
35-39 2063 1997 1714 1599 1564 1528
40-44 3446 3534 3211 3110 2677 2765
45-49 4926 4435 3844 3609 3885 4422
50-54 9355 8897 7604 6967 6245 6007
55-59 12065 12070 11256 11432 11023 11312
60-64 12208 12858 13061 13363 13668 14102
65-69 14207 13373 12463 12683 12833 13577
70-74 19580 19396 17909 17251 15884 15432
75-79 21017 20972 20519 20700 19744 20254
80-84 18816 19333 19171 19542 19101 19240
85-89 10514 11734 12406 12881 12924 13574
90-94 2669 3019 3334 4079 4692 5279
95-99 1080 1061 986 893 659 679
100 i peste / and over 109 139 136 160 154 145

1) Decesele din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ decesele produse n strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu anii precedeni.
The deaths for 2012 and 2013 do not include those happened abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with the previous years.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
3) ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt incluse numai decesele persoanelor cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beginning with 2014 are included only the deaths of persons having their usual residence in Romania.
4) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

Decesele, pe grupe de vrst i sexe - continuare
2.15 Deaths, by age group and sex - continued

Grupa de vrst (ani) 2009 2010 2011 20121) 20131);2) 20143);4)

Age group (years)

Feminin / Female
Total 119663 121766 119259 121308 118066 121165

0-4 1143 1080 961 958 846 792

5-9 107 116 72 84 79 84
10-14 112 116 95 94 82 77
15-19 220 197 153 149 162 130
20-24 332 282 253 260 208 174
25-29 285 307 287 246 252 284
30-34 476 464 471 378 383 344
35-39 778 784 676 627 628 663
40-44 1320 1390 1253 1250 1105 1058
45-49 1936 1714 1505 1412 1543 1726
50-54 3666 3349 3027 2806 2601 2442
55-59 5254 5065 4778 4813 4657 4802
60-64 5979 6375 6409 6488 6664 6717
65-69 8645 8169 7686 7472 7545 7818
70-74 15469 15320 14134 13574 12227 11713
75-79 21628 21851 20990 21488 20388 20782
80-84 25077 25839 25747 26147 25383 26076
85-89 19195 20257 21169 22010 21541 22440
90-94 5615 6409 7155 8647 9847 10949
95-99 2214 2444 2159 2095 1562 1724
100 i peste / and over 212 238 279 310 363 370

1) Decesele din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ decesele produse n strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu anii precedeni.
The deaths for 2012 and 2013 do not include those happened abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with the previous years.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
3) ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt incluse numai decesele persoanelor cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beginning with 2014 are included only the deaths of persons having their usual residence in Romania.
4) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

Decesele sub 1 an, dup grupa de vrst

2.16 Infant deaths, by age group

Grupa de vrst 2009 2010 2011 20121) 20131);2) 20143);4) Age group

Total 2250 2078 1850 1806 1677 1622 Total

Neonatale 1289 1183 1063 968 993 987 Neonatal
Sub 7 zile 824 782 695 638 701 644 Under 7 days
7-13 zile 224 181 173 139 139 167 7-13 days
14-29 zile 241 220 195 191 153 176 14-29 days
Postneonatale 961 895 787 838 684 635 Postneonatal
1 lun 264 254 245 262 205 199 1 month
2 luni 180 159 138 157 107 97 2 months
3-4 luni 237 204 163 174 153 137 3-4 months
5-6 luni 130 125 102 97 114 83 5-6 months
7-8 luni 80 60 68 67 55 59 7-8 months
9-11 luni 70 93 71 81 50 60 9-11 months
1) Decesele sub 1 an din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ decesele produse n strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile
cu anii precedeni.
The infant deaths for 2012 and 2013 do not include those happened abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with
the previous years.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
3) ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt incluse numai decesele sub 1 an ale persoanelor cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beginning with 2014 are included only the infant deaths having their usual residence in Romania.
4) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

2.17 Decese, pe cauze de deces
Deaths, by death causes
numr / number
2009 2010 2011 20121) 20131);2) 20143);4)
Masculin Feminin Masculin Feminin Masculin Feminin Masculin Feminin Masculin Feminin Masculin Feminin
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Total 137550 119663 137957 121766 132180 119259 132408 121308 128901 118066 132142 121165 Total

Boli infecioase i parazitare 1750 608 1780 694 1575 658 1626 770 1547 808 1675 995 Infectious and parasitic diseases
din care: of which:
Tuberculoz 1278 245 1249 233 1052 231 986 263 900 233 876 249 Tuberculosis

Tumori 28110 19279 28259 19243 28718 19638 29143 19875 29334 20300 30056 20446 Neoplasm

Boli endocrine, de nutriie i Endocrine, nutritional and

metabolism 1131 1267 1155 1419 1074 1283 1120 1311 1142 1208 1124 1280 metabolic diseases
din care: of which:
Diabet zaharat 1068 1206 1095 1355 1024 1199 1051 1243 1069 1146 1041 1198 Diabete mellitus

Tulburri mentale i de comportament 457 161 465 153 315 112 259 88 265 79 275 91 Mental and behavioural disorders

Boli ale sistemului nervos 1083 990 1219 1345 1384 1394 1445 1733 1393 1727 1531 1917 Diseases of the nervous system

Boli ale aparatului circulator 73559 80982 73993 82366 70845 80693 71025 82188 68423 78764 68768 80052 Diseases of the circulatory system
din care: of which:
Boala ischemic a inimii 26687 25588 27021 26276 25796 25069 25534 25851 24763 24811 25116 25449 Ischaemic heart disease
Boli cerebro-vasculare 22273 26534 22490 26815 21278 26295 21103 26249 20482 25589 19822 24784 Cerebrovascular diseases

Boli ale aparatului respirator 8223 4669 8062 4671 7923 4537 8194 5046 7844 4825 8312 5059 Diseases of the respiratory system

Boli ale aparatului digestiv 10112 6345 10174 6430 8684 5815 8702 5759 8398 5627 8678 5856 Diseases of the digestive system

Boli ale aparatului genito-urinar 1343 1122 1402 1142 1437 1219 1625 1332 1642 1508 1699 1566 Diseases of the genitourinary system

Sarcin, natere i luzie - 47 - 51 - 50 - 23 - 27 - 24 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium

Unele afeciuni a cror origine se Certain diseases originating

situeaz n perioada perinatal 466 336 436 279 380 277 354 269 372 291 401 237 in the perinatal period

Malformaii congenitale, deformaii i Congenital malformations, deformations

anomalii cromozomiale 382 294 351 274 329 239 289 245 277 223 239 198 and chromosomal abnormalities

Leziuni traumatice, otrviri i alte Injury, poisoning and other

consecine ale cauzelor externe 9510 2675 9280 2752 8156 2378 8207 2344 7714 2244 7668 2185 consequences of external causes

Alte cauze 1424 888 1381 947 1360 966 419 325 550 435 1716 1259 Other causes

Not: Cauzele de deces, conform Clasificrii Internaionale a Maladiilor - Revizia a X-a, 1994 - Organizaia Mondial a Sntii.
Note: Death causes, according to the International Classification of Diseases - Revision X, 1994 - World Health Organisation.
1) Decesele din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ decesele produse n strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu anii
The deaths for 2012 and 2013 do not include those happened abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with the
previous years.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
3) ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt incluse numai decesele persoanelor cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beginning with 2014 are included only the deaths of persons having their usual residence in Romania.
4) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

76 77
Decese sub 1 an, pe cauze de deces
2.18 Infant deaths, by cause of death
numr / number

2009 2010 2011 20121) 20131);2) 20143);4)

Total 2250 2078 1850 1806 1677 1622

Boli infecioase i parazitare 46 45 50 35 32 38

Infectious and parasitic diseases
din care: / of which:
Diareea i gastroenterita de natur infecioas 20 24 20 12 12 1
Diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis of infectious nature
Infecia cu meningococi 5 4 3 2 2 2
Meningococcus infection
Boli ale sistemului nervos 42 30 35 43 29 27
Diseases of the nervous system
din care: / of which:
Meningita 18 9 10 11 3 3
Encefalita, mielita i encefalomielita 6 8 6 7 3 2
Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalo-myelitis
Boli ale aparatului respirator 633 602 514 526 407 398
Diseases of the respiratory system
din care: / of which:
Pneumonia 617 572 492 485 393 377
Boli ale aparatului digestiv 37 30 35 20 30 50
Diseases of the digestive system
din care: / of which:
Gastrita, enterita i colita neinfecioas 25 18 17 7 16 29
Non-infective gastroenteritis and colitis
Unele afeciuni a cror origine se situeaz n
perioada perinatal 802 715 657 623 663 638
Certain diseases originating in the perinatal period
din care: / of which:
Traumatisme obstetricale 5 8 7 4 5 3
Obstetrics traumatisms
Hemoragii fetale i neonatale 265 228 199 134 177 182
Fetal and neo-natal hemorrhages
Malformaii congenitale, deformaii i
anomalii cromozomiale 526 515 437 424 403 352
Congenital malformations, deformations and
chromosomal abnormalities
din care: / of which:
Malformaii congenitale ale aparatului circulator 239 240 221 206 189 175
Congenital malformations of the circulatory system
Leziuni traumatice, otrviri i alte consecine ale
cauzelor externe 90 83 66 84 57 52
Injury, poisoning and other consequences of
external causes
Alte cauze 74 58 56 51 56 67
Other causes

Not: Cauzele de deces, conform Clasificrii Internaionale a Maladiilor - Revizia a X-a, 1994 - Organizaia Mondial a Sntii.
Note: Death causes, according to the International Classification of Diseases - Revision X, 1994 - World Health Organisation.
1) Decesele sub 1 an din anii 2012 i 2013 nu includ decesele produse n strintate. Din acest motiv, datele nu sunt comparabile cu
anii precedeni.
The infant deaths for 2012 and 2013 do not include those happened abroad. For this reason, the data is not comparable with
the previous years.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
3) ncepnd cu anul 2014 sunt incluse numai decesele sub 1 an ale persoanelor cu reedina obinuit n Romnia.
Beginning with 2014 are included only the infant deaths having their usual residence in Romania.
4) Date semidefinitive. / Semi-final data.

Durata medie a vieii, pe sexe i medii
2.19 Life expectancy, by sex and area
ani / years
Pe sexe / By sex Pe medii / By area
Anii Masculin Feminin Urban / Urban Rural / Rural Years
Total Male Female Total Masculin Feminin Total Masculin Feminin
Male Female Male Female

1970 67,33 65,07 69,51 68,27 65,79 70,67 66,63 64,40 68,83 1970
1971 68,00 65,70 70,26 68,84 66,29 71,32 67,41 65,17 69,61 1971
1972 68,58 66,27 70,85 69,38 66,79 71,89 68,01 65,78 70,20 1972
1973 68,55 66,28 70,77 69,50 66,98 71,96 67,87 65,67 70,02 1973
1974 69,08 66,83 71,29 69,93 67,44 72,36 68,46 65,27 70,60 1974
1975 69,58 67,29 71,82 70,29 67,84 72,69 68,99 66,74 71,18 1975
1976 69,69 67,37 71,97 70,72 68,23 73,15 68,79 66,47 71,04 1976
1977 69,76 67,45 72,06 70,56 68,06 73,00 69,03 66,71 71,28 1977
1978 69,82 67,42 72,18 70,52 67,96 73,03 69,08 66,62 71,46 1978
1979 69,54 67,10 71,98 70,14 67,41 72,83 68,94 66,67 71,24 1979
1980 69,21 66,68 71,75 69,82 67,02 72,59 68,59 66,21 71,03 1980
1981 69,14 66,53 71,78 69,77 66,88 72,64 68,53 66,05 71,07 1981
1982 69,42 66,70 72,17 69,94 66,90 72,95 68,89 66,31 71,53 1982
1983 69,60 66,83 72,40 70,23 67,15 73,28 68,94 66,30 71,65 1983
1984 69,77 66,98 72,61 70,46 67,40 73,49 69,04 66,34 71,82 1984
1985 69,70 66,81 72,65 70,37 67,20 73,54 68,95 66,14 71,85 1985
1986 69,74 66,78 72,78 70,36 67,10 73,61 68,99 66,14 71,98 1986
1987 69,53 66,55 72,59 70,06 66,88 73,26 68,81 65,89 71,86 1987
1988 69,27 66,30 72,32 69,84 66,69 73,03 68,52 65,60 71,58 1988
1989 69,42 66,51 72,41 70,17 67,08 73,28 68,55 65,65 71,60 1989
1990 69,56 66,56 72,65 70,25 67,06 73,46 68,70 65,70 71,80 1990
1991 69,76 66,59 73,05 70,39 67,02 73,83 68,88 65,71 72,25 1991
1992 69,78 66,56 73,17 70,54 67,16 74,02 68,75 65,45 72,29 1992
1993 69,52 66,06 73,17 70,01 66,45 73,71 68,76 65,32 72,52 1993
1994 69,48 65,88 73,32 70,02 66,36 73,83 68,67 65,04 72,68 1994
1995 69,40 65,70 73,36 70,05 66,33 73,95 68,46 64,70 72,66 1995
1996 69,05 65,30 73,09 69,84 66,12 73,77 67,99 64,13 72,33 1996
1997 68,95 65,19 73,00 69,82 66,16 73,66 67,80 63,86 72,26 1997
1998 69,24 65,46 73,32 70,09 66,39 73,97 68,11 64,16 72,58 1998
1999 69,74 66,05 73,67 70,58 66,92 74,38 68,66 64,85 72,91 1999
2000 70,53 67,03 74,20 71,31 67,84 74,86 69,53 65,93 73,49 2000
2001 71,19 67,69 74,84 71,94 68,50 75,42 70,20 66,57 74,17 2001
2002 71,18 67,61 74,90 72,02 68,55 75,51 70,08 66,35 74,20 2002
2003 71,01 67,42 74,78 71,81 68,24 75,42 70,08 66,41 74,14 2003
2004 71,32 67,74 75,06 72,15 68,62 75,70 70,34 66,67 74,41 2004
2005 71,76 68,19 75,47 72,53 69,04 76,01 70,78 67,12 74,83 2005
20061) 72,22 68,74 75,80 72,98 69,56 76,34 71,23 67,69 75,13 20061)
20071) 72,61 69,17 76,14 73,34 69,96 76,64 71,64 68,13 75,50 20071)
20081) 73,47 69,99 77,05 74,62 71,30 77,87 72,02 68,38 76,06 20081)
20091) 73,76 70,19 77,45 75,04 71,62 78,40 72,18 68,46 76,35 20091)
20101) 73,90 70,27 77,64 75,26 71,83 78,62 72,20 68,38 76,50 20101)
20111) 74,20 70,63 77,86 75,50 72,14 78,78 72.55 68,81 76,75 20111)
20121) 74,69 71,24 78,20 75,94 72,68 79,09 73,13 69,52 77,12 20121)
20131) 75,16 71,75 78,61 76,37 73,16 79,44 73,66 70,08 77,61 20131)
2014 75,47 72,04 78,93 76,67 73,45 79,73 73,97 70,37 77,96 2014

Not: Durata medie a vieii n anul de referin s-a calculat pe baza numrului populaiei i al deceselor pentru o perioad de trei ani.
Populaia luat n calcul a fost determinat pe baza sporului natural i a soldului migraiei internaionale definitive.
Note: Life expectancy in the reference year was computed based on population number and on number of deaths during a three years
The population taken into calculation was determined based on natural increase and final international migration.
1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data against thouse previously published.

Cstoriile dup grupa de vrst a soilor
2.20 Marriages by age group of spouses

Grupa de vrst Grupa de vrst a soiei (ani) / Age group of wife (years)
a soului (ani) 60 i
Age group of husband Total Sub 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 peste
(years) under and over

Total 134275 13230 48181 37720 17933 7667 4267 1973 1591 897 816
Sub / under 20 1486 988 457 30 7 3 1 - - - -
20-24 26426 7008 15824 3050 445 85 11 3 - - -
25-29 49752 3932 22694 18946 3554 509 98 12 6 1 -
30-34 29976 1089 7521 11666 7614 1632 384 54 11 4 1
35-39 11776 169 1323 2885 4011 2426 793 130 28 7 4
40-44 6024 35 262 815 1504 1827 1220 254 87 13 7
45-49 3031 4 52 197 476 679 902 468 192 45 16
50-54 2412 1 29 76 209 307 537 577 497 136 43
55-59 1581 2 9 32 64 130 211 317 421 307 88
60 i peste / and over 1811 2 10 23 49 69 110 158 349 384 657

Total 115778 9748 41034 34120 16122 6890 3813 1552 1155 737 607
Sub / under 20 872 571 267 27 5 1 - 1 - - -
20-24 21266 5195 13058 2590 342 68 7 5 1 - -
25-29 43390 3003 19492 17208 3128 455 86 12 4 1 1
30-34 27094 832 6622 10651 7069 1551 324 33 10 1 1
35-39 10664 117 1264 2677 3594 2196 671 111 23 9 2
40-44 5583 22 247 697 1401 1665 1226 239 70 15 1
45-49 2336 1 52 152 340 520 728 370 138 27 8
50-54 1790 5 11 68 156 256 428 394 347 95 30
55-59 1309 - 16 32 52 115 237 248 319 235 55
60 i peste / and over 1474 2 5 18 35 63 106 139 243 354 509

Total 105599 7909 36214 31770 15016 6679 3855 1608 1111 773 664
Sub / under 20 599 384 185 22 7 - - - - 1 -
20-24 18236 4219 11282 2324 334 61 14 2 - - -
25-29 38670 2451 17206 15832 2669 406 90 9 5 2 -
30-34 25303 710 6099 10134 6519 1462 323 42 12 1 1
35-39 10304 114 1117 2514 3567 2200 657 107 22 4 2
40-44 5571 21 253 689 1332 1635 1258 290 73 16 4
45-49 2247 5 41 146 355 485 708 366 103 31 7
50-54 1781 5 15 68 135 253 448 409 299 112 37
55-59 1336 - 7 27 63 109 222 242 346 242 78
60 i peste / and over 1552 - 9 14 35 68 135 141 251 364 535

Total 107760 7482 35318 33940 15356 7112 4215 1690 1178 753 716
Sub / under 20 502 333 143 17 3 4 2 - - - -
20-24 16783 3802 10331 2278 283 71 14 3 1 - -
25-29 40097 2562 17421 17036 2529 428 102 15 3 - 1
30-34 26021 636 5931 10695 6895 1509 301 45 7 2 -
35-39 11329 119 1191 2986 3716 2455 720 107 25 8 2
40-44 5805 22 223 684 1350 1678 1436 319 73 16 4
45-49 2437 6 45 151 353 536 773 407 135 22 9
50-54 1831 - 23 55 127 238 479 413 337 119 40
55-59 1266 1 8 23 55 116 229 218 313 233 70
60 i peste / and over 1689 1 2 15 45 77 159 163 284 353 590

Total 107507 6720 32733 36272 15243 7526 3903 2231 1252 858 769
Sub / under 20 452 285 139 21 5 2 - - - - -
20-24 14620 3251 8908 2153 246 52 6 2 - 2 -
25-29 41012 2418 16989 18447 2595 472 68 19 2 2 -
30-34 25640 586 5222 11359 6576 1562 272 52 11 - -
35-39 12103 144 1156 3238 3969 2641 763 156 29 5 2
40-44 5547 28 227 743 1270 1661 1146 371 82 11 8
45-49 3035 3 60 196 387 685 896 607 151 41 9
50-54 1868 5 17 75 106 248 422 527 318 101 49
55-59 1417 - 6 28 55 130 191 293 354 283 77
60 i peste / and over 1813 - 9 12 34 73 139 204 305 413 624

Cstoriile dup grupa de vrst a soilor - continuare
2.20 Marriages by age group of spouses - continued

Grupa de vrst Grupa de vrst a soiei (ani) / Age group of wife (years)
a soului (ani) 60 i
Age group of husband Total Sub 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 peste
(years) under and over

Total 118075 6717 33116 41115 17184 8982 4431 3059 1506 1038 927
Sub / under 20 475 309 137 22 4 1 1 - - - 1
20-24 14468 3200 8668 2260 263 59 11 5 1 - 1
25-29 44913 2467 17543 21274 2962 539 101 24 1 2 -
30-34 27942 578 5258 12695 7231 1757 336 80 4 3 -
35-39 13903 138 1178 3764 4542 3205 793 245 33 4 1
40-44 6451 22 240 765 1424 2073 1331 500 77 16 3
45-49 4100 1 64 221 520 902 1159 971 204 44 14
50-54 2019 - 18 63 133 237 356 621 419 132 40
55-59 1727 1 7 31 59 126 208 364 456 362 113
60 i peste / and over 2077 1 3 20 46 83 135 249 311 475 754

2.21 Cstoriile dup starea civil a soilor nainte de cstorie

Marriages by previous marital status of spouses

Starea civil a soiei / Marital status of wife

Starea civil Total Necstorit Divorat Vduv Marital status
a soului Unmarried Divorced Widow of husband

2009 2009
Total 134275 116824 15582 1869 Total
Necstorit 116162 108298 7247 617 Unmarried
Divorat 16863 8205 7821 837 Divorced
Vduv 1250 321 514 415 Widower

2010 2010
Total 115778 100409 13809 1560 Total
Necstorit 99887 92843 6546 498 Unmarried
Divorat 14801 7298 6793 710 Divorced
Vduv 1090 268 470 352 Widower

2011 2011
Total 105599 90421 13639 1539 Total
Necstorit 90095 83278 6352 465 Unmarried
Divorat 14379 6879 6802 698 Divorced
Vduv 1125 264 485 376 Widower

2012 2012
Total 107760 92128 14110 1522 Total
Necstorit 91796 84718 6576 502 Unmarried
Divorat 14853 7140 7043 670 Divorced
Vduv 1111 270 491 350 Widower

2013 2013
Total 107507 91589 14426 1492 Total
Necstorit 91479 84258 6763 458 Unmarried
Divorat 14943 7052 7204 687 Divorced
Vduv 1085 279 459 347 Widower

2014 2014
Total 118075 101188 15247 1640 Total
Necstorit 101332 93624 7152 556 Unmarried
Divorat 15694 7317 7624 753 Divorced
Vduv 1049 247 471 331 Widower

Vrsta medie la cstorie i vrsta medie la prima cstorie, pe medii
2.22 Average age at marriage and average age at first marriage, by area
ani / years
Vrsta medie la cstorie Vrsta medie la prima cstorie
Anul i mediul Average age at marriage Average age at first marriage
Year and area
So Soie So Soie
Husband Wife Husband Wife

Total 30,9 27,5 29,1 25,8
Urban 31,2 28,2 29,4 26,6
Rural 30,2 26,2 28,5 24,4

Total 30,9 27,6 29,1 26,0
Urban 31,4 28,4 29,6 26,9
Rural 30,1 26,1 28,4 24,3

Total 31,4 28,0 29,3 26,2
Urban 31,8 28,8 29,7 27,1
Rural 30,6 26,6 28,7 24,6

Total 31,6 28,2 29,6 26,4
Urban 32,1 29,0 30,0 27,3
Rural 30,7 26,8 28,9 24,8

Total 31,9 28,5 29,9 26,7
Urban 32,4 29,3 30,3 27,6
Rural 31,1 27,2 29,2 25,1

Total 32,3 29,0 30,4 27,3
Urban 32,9 29,9 31,0 28,3
Rural 31,2 27,3 29,3 25,3

Divorurile dup grupa de vrst a soilor

2.23 Divorces by age group of spouses

Grupa de vrst Grupa de vrst a soiei (ani) / Age group of wife (years)
a soului (ani)
Age group Total Sub 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 i peste
of husband (years) under and over

Total 32341 278 3235 5820 6860 5782 4620 2411 1807 923 605
Sub / Under 20 15 6 9 - - - - - - - -
20-24 873 119 566 126 40 15 3 4 - - -
25-29 3829 93 1455 1741 433 69 25 4 5 2 2
30-34 6820 48 931 2669 2590 467 84 22 7 2 -
35-39 6342 10 200 931 2587 2091 434 62 17 6 4
40-44 5594 2 53 258 908 2314 1807 176 62 10 4
45-49 3444 - 11 61 201 559 1543 840 183 36 10
50-54 2738 - 4 18 66 190 572 982 751 129 26
55-59 1521 - 2 11 25 55 117 261 601 384 65
60 i peste / and over 1165 - 4 5 10 22 35 60 181 354 494

Divorurile dup grupa de vrst a soilor - continuare
2.23 Divorces by age group of spouses - continued

Grupa de vrst Grupa de vrst a soiei (ani) / Age group of wife (years)
a soului (ani)
Age group Total Sub 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 i peste
of husband (years) under and over

Total 32632 202 3298 5618 7069 5805 5015 2349 1673 956 647
Sub / Under 20 9 5 4 - - - - - - - -
20-24 851 78 589 132 33 12 6 - - 1 -
25-29 3604 80 1460 1568 383 75 20 15 2 1 -
30-34 6891 29 947 2636 2607 539 106 17 5 3 2
35-39 6599 8 243 981 2790 2056 455 48 14 4 -
40-44 6051 2 39 238 1012 2345 2134 223 47 10 1
45-49 3207 - 10 37 168 531 1520 751 148 35 7
50-54 2645 - 4 14 51 173 575 953 709 140 26
55-59 1572 - 2 8 11 52 157 272 569 420 81
60 i peste / and over 1203 - - 4 14 22 42 70 179 342 530

Total 35780 171 3632 6212 7537 6387 5709 2417 1852 1036 827
Sub / Under 20 10 3 5 1 - 1 - - - - -
20-24 879 73 628 148 23 3 2 1 1 - -
25-29 3984 60 1613 1807 394 86 17 4 3 - -
30-34 7542 32 1032 2841 2897 618 97 16 5 4 -
35-39 7009 3 279 1048 2842 2261 509 51 11 5 -
40-44 6842 - 56 277 1094 2617 2472 247 60 16 3
45-49 3441 - 10 58 169 543 1662 808 156 28 7
50-54 2842 - 5 15 69 171 703 966 728 150 35
55-59 1764 - 1 11 26 54 181 253 684 455 99
60 i peste / and over 1467 - 3 6 23 33 66 71 204 378 683

Total 31324 116 2796 5691 6521 5679 5026 2290 1576 945 684
Sub / Under 20 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
20-24 630 46 427 124 28 5 - - - - -
25-29 3372 46 1270 1631 323 71 22 5 3 - 1
30-34 6430 15 813 2574 2414 504 84 25 1 - -
35-39 6525 8 232 1076 2610 2084 437 63 8 3 4
40-44 6003 - 41 220 897 2282 2237 256 50 16 4
45-49 3086 - 9 45 160 477 1468 743 155 27 2
50-54 2425 - 1 11 53 165 558 859 632 119 27
55-59 1593 - 1 6 20 58 168 281 566 406 87
60 i peste / and over 1259 - 2 4 16 33 52 58 161 374 559

Total 28507 82 2206 5107 5673 5515 4395 2576 1370 910 673
Sub / Under 20 7 4 3 - - - - - - - -
20-24 457 41 289 99 20 6 1 1 - - -
25-29 2855 24 1069 1421 273 50 11 4 3 - -
30-34 5534 10 621 2289 2006 492 83 25 5 2 1
35-39 6101 2 178 1004 2367 2067 385 83 12 2 1
40-44 5183 - 35 216 766 2051 1759 310 40 6 -
45-49 3467 1 5 55 172 631 1497 947 122 29 8
50-54 2143 - 3 14 33 151 489 835 479 112 27
55-59 1504 - 2 7 24 41 133 306 551 374 66
60 i peste / and over 1256 - 1 2 12 26 37 65 158 385 570

Total 27188 80 1796 5065 5277 5353 4034 2828 1272 861 622
Sub / Under 20 2 1 1 - - - - - - - -
20-24 361 28 249 68 10 2 3 1 - - -
25-29 2726 34 894 1482 242 58 10 5 - - 1
30-34 5029 14 449 2206 1827 435 77 18 1 1 1
35-39 6001 3 173 1001 2232 2073 414 93 6 6 -
40-44 4715 - 22 234 715 1873 1491 328 40 8 4
45-49 3782 - 5 44 190 686 1544 1173 115 16 9
50-54 1962 - - 20 37 150 354 816 473 93 19
55-59 1412 - 1 4 16 51 100 305 475 384 76
60 i peste / and over 1198 - 2 6 8 25 41 89 162 353 512

Divorurile dup numrul copiilor minori rmai prin desfacerea cstoriei
2.24 Divorces by number of under age children remained through marriage dissolution

Cu 5 copii
Fr copii Cu Cu Cu Cu i peste
Anii Total Without 1 copil 2 copii 3 copii 4 copii With 5
Years children With 1 With 2 With 3 With 4 children
child children children children and over

2009 32341 17410 10616 3653 473 120 69

2010 32632 16922 11299 3727 496 123 65
2011 35780 19626 11591 3865 500 129 69
2012 31324 17322 9895 3484 445 114 64
2013 28507 15913 8872 3206 384 91 41
2014 27188 16035 7809 2866 347 83 48

Migraia intern determinat de schimbarea domiciliului, pe medii i sexe

Internal migration determined by permanent residence changing,
2.25 by area and sex
numr persoane / number of persons
Sosii / In-migrants Plecai / Out-migrants

Anii Total n urban n rural Total Din urban Din rural

Years In urban area In rural area From urban area From rural area

2009 330672 166853 163819 330672 193120 137552
2010 458995 236502 222493 458995 273353 185642
2011 324626 164019 160607 324626 194248 130378
2012 372197 181194 191003 372197 225107 147090
2013 350556 182393 168163 350556 211080 139476
2014 371677 189956 181721 371677 222203 149474

Masculin / Male

2009 147712 73752 73960 147712 90274 57438

2010 206919 105139 101780 206919 128979 77940
2011 146080 72246 73834 146080 91758 54322
2012 169397 80048 89349 169397 107546 61851
2013 157444 80758 76686 157444 99011 58433
2014 167201 83826 83375 167201 104599 62602

Feminin / Female

2009 182960 93101 89859 182960 102846 80114

2010 252076 131363 120713 252076 144374 107702
2011 178546 91773 86773 178546 102490 76056
2012 202800 101146 101654 202800 117561 85239
2013 193112 101635 91477 193112 112069 81043
2014 204476 106130 98346 204476 117604 86872

Migraia intern determinat de schimbarea domiciliului,
pe grupe de vrst i medii
Internal migration determined by permanent residence changing,
2.26 by age group and area
numr persoane / number of persons
Sosii / In-migrants Plecai / Out-migrants

Grupa de vrst (ani) Total n urban n rural Total Din urban Din rural
Age group (years) In urban area In rural area From urban area From rural area

Total 330672 166853 163819 330672 193120 137552
pn la / until 15 66116 28895 37221 66116 32586 33530
15-19 22618 9725 12893 22618 9700 12918
20-24 52262 28983 23279 52262 26749 25513
25-29 47459 29757 17702 47459 29535 17924
30-34 41186 23765 17421 41186 25554 15632
35-39 24594 12803 11791 24594 15141 9453
40-44 18631 9071 9560 18631 12359 6272
45-49 11897 4983 6914 11897 8478 3419
50-54 14257 5504 8753 14257 10903 3354
55-59 11545 4459 7086 11545 8865 2680
60 i peste / and over 20107 8908 11199 20107 13250 6857

Total 458995 236502 222493 458995 273353 185642
pn la / until 15 92863 40674 52189 92863 46342 46521
15-19 33694 15018 18676 33694 14730 18964
20-24 69711 38630 31081 69711 36159 33552
25-29 65961 41835 24126 65961 42406 23555
30-34 57466 34091 23375 57466 36681 20785
35-39 35302 18985 16317 35302 22485 12817
40-44 27992 14113 13879 27992 18813 9179
45-49 15770 6945 8825 15770 11400 4370
50-54 18217 7467 10750 18217 14028 4189
55-59 15960 6537 9423 15960 12528 3432
60 i peste / and over 26059 12207 13852 26059 17781 8278

Total 324626 164019 160607 324626 194248 130378
pn la / until 15 67399 28862 38537 67399 34262 33137
15-19 22727 10029 12698 22727 10050 12677
20-24 48212 26082 22130 48212 24450 23762
25-29 45897 28399 17498 45897 29029 16868
30-34 39913 23242 16671 39913 25873 14040
35-39 25346 13505 11841 25346 16351 8995
40-44 21422 10817 10605 21422 14452 6970
45-49 10846 4735 6111 10846 7828 3018
50-54 12503 5132 7371 12503 9532 2971
55-59 11474 4487 6987 11474 9099 2375
60 i peste / and over 18887 8729 10158 18887 13322 5565

Total 372197 181194 191003 372197 225107 147090
pn la / until 15 74912 32579 42333 74912 39078 35834
15-19 23463 10156 13307 23463 10343 13120
20-24 49903 25735 24168 49903 24882 25021
25-29 54478 32373 22105 54478 33637 20841
30-34 46541 25930 20611 46541 30571 15970
35-39 30953 15926 15027 30953 20209 10744
40-44 25619 11990 13629 25619 17257 8362
45-49 13965 6051 7914 13965 9946 4019
50-54 14854 5690 9164 14854 11231 3623
55-59 14243 5133 9110 14243 11260 2983
60 i peste / and over 23266 9631 13635 23266 16693 6573

Migraia intern determinat de schimbarea domiciliului,
pe grupe de vrst i medii - continuare
Internal migration determined by permanent residence changing,
2.26 by age group and area - continued
numr persoane / number of persons
Sosii / In-migrants Plecai / Out-migrants
Grupa de vrst (ani) Total n urban n rural Total Din urban Din rural
Age group (years) In urban area In rural area From urban area From rural area

Total 350556 182393 168163 350556 211080 139476
pn la / until 15 74164 33723 40441 74164 39382 34782
15-19 22121 10011 12110 22121 9709 12412
20-24 43464 23396 20068 43464 21263 22201
25-29 54685 33434 21251 54685 33729 20956
30-34 45365 26951 18414 45365 29547 15818
35-39 30195 16718 13477 30195 20206 9989
40-44 21622 10879 10743 21622 14279 7343
45-49 15005 7304 7701 15005 10636 4369
50-54 12342 5357 6985 12342 9204 3138
55-59 11962 5108 6854 11962 9277 2685
60 i peste / and over 19631 9512 10119 19631 13848 5783

Total 371677 189956 181721 371677 222203 149474
pn la / until 15 79765 35290 44475 79765 41973 37792
15-19 22680 10149 12531 22680 9765 12915
20-24 41675 21782 19893 41675 20071 21604
25-29 59294 35810 23484 59294 35819 23475
30-34 47589 27966 19623 47589 31021 16568
35-39 32168 17335 14833 32168 21354 10814
40-44 23161 11762 11399 23161 15120 8041
45-49 17686 8459 9227 17686 12392 5294
50-54 12566 5426 7140 12566 9254 3312
55-59 12947 5359 7588 12947 9893 3054
60 i peste / and over 22146 10618 11528 22146 15541 6605

Structura fluxurilor migraiei interne urbane i rurale,

determinate de schimbarea domiciliului
Structure of urban and rural internal migration flows
2.27 determined by permanent residence changing

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Numr persoane / Number of persons

Total 330672 458995 324626 372197 350556 371677 Total

Din rural n urban 70246 96201 66784 74470 74023 78411 From rural to urban
Din urban n urban 96607 140301 97235 106724 108370 111545 From rural to urban
Din rural n rural 67306 89441 63594 72620 65453 71063 From rural to urban
Din urban n rural 96513 133052 97013 118383 102710 110658 From rural to urban
Rate la 1000 locuitori / Rates per 1000 inhabitants
Total 14,7 20,4 14,5 16,6 15,7 16,7 Total

Din rural n urban 5,5 7,5 5,3 5,9 5,9 6,2 From urban to rural
Din urban n urban 7,6 11,0 7,7 8,4 8,6 8,9 From urban to rural
Din rural n rural 6,9 9,2 6,5 7,5 6,7 7,3 From urban to rural
Din urban n rural 9,9 13,7 10,0 12,2 10,6 11,4 From urban to rural

Not: Pentru perioada 2009-2014, ratele au fost calculate cu populaia dup domiciliu la 1 iulie a fiecrui an.
Note: For the 2009-2014 period, the rates were calculated based on the permanent resident population, on July 1st of each year.

Emigranii 1), pe sexe i grupe de vrst
2.28 Emigrants 1), by sex and age group
numr persoane / number of persons

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20142)

Total 246626 197985 195551 170186 161755 184603 Total

Masculin 105778 85663 87389 70163 65303 79716 Male
Feminin 140848 112322 108162 100023 96452 104887 Female

Pe grupe de vrst / By age group

Sub 15 ani 30933 25473 27578 24423 22988 23540 Under 15 years
15-19 ani 17515 13474 12229 10249 10260 10488 15-19 years
20-24 ani 47739 39375 36538 29521 25965 31909 20-24 years
25-29 ani 36965 29057 30713 27395 26191 32724 25-29 years
30-34 ani 30305 23544 23527 18310 16322 20343 30-34 years
35-39 ani 23733 18422 18057 15136 14247 16989 35-39 years
40-44 ani 21608 17720 17423 15161 13138 14793 40-44 years
45-49 ani 14741 11116 9613 10216 11127 12275 45-49 years
50-54 ani 12168 9504 8928 8459 8116 8395 50-54 years
55-59 ani 6013 5535 5702 5940 6671 6752 55-59 years
60 ani i peste 4906 4765 5243 5376 6730 6395 60 years and over

Not: Date estimate.

Note: Estimated data.
1) Persoane din Romnia care i-au schimbat reedina obinuit n strintate n cursul anului de referin.
Persons from Romania who changed their usual residence abroad during the reference year.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Emigranii 1), dup ara de destinaie

2.29 Emigrants 1), by country of destination
numr persoane / number of persons

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20142)

Total 246626 197985 195551 170186 161755 184603 Total

Dup ara de destinaie / By country of destination
Austria 11276 3369 3089 2991 7883 8000 Austria
Belgia 6570 4046 5214 7155 9740 8400 Belgium
Canada 2045 858 967 846 954 977 Canada
Danemarca 1528 2026 2691 3550 3254 3500 Denmark
Frana 7576 2005 2360 2736 2765 2800 France
Germania 47134 24178 19714 21950 22184 23715 Germany
Israel 1110 1062 1457 2292 2506 2427 Israel
Italia 101161 91252 90136 80078 59347 55000 Italy
Marea Britanie 8631 7088 8228 8568 17250 32500 United Kingdom
Norvegia 987 1242 1230 1437 1762 2296 Norway
Olanda 1892 1077 590 699 1772 1500 Netherlands
Spania 43988 51823 50748 27244 22434 32762 Spain
Statele Unite ale Americii 1793 1086 1350 1073 819 825 United States of America
Suedia 1746 1671 1828 2002 1643 1800 Sweden
Alte ri 9189 5202 5949 7565 7442 8101 Other countries

Not: Date estimate.

Note: Estimated data.
1) Persoane din Romnia care i-au schimbat reedina obinuit n strintate n cursul anului de referin.
Persons from Romania who changed their usual residence abroad during the reference year.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Imigranii 1), pe sexe i grupe de vrst
2.30 Immigrants 1), by sex and age group
numr persoane / number of persons

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20142)

Total 135844 149885 147685 167266 153646 142426 Total

Masculin 79398 85486 83931 94047 84790 78478 Male
Feminin 56446 64399 63754 73219 68856 63948 Female

Pe grupe de vrst / By age group

Sub 15 ani 14997 18192 17247 19273 18202 17843 Under 15 years
15-19 ani 5561 5333 5572 6093 5801 4737 15-19 years
20-24 ani 21549 21058 21102 20629 16782 13319 20-24 years
25-29 ani 22297 23712 24577 29381 26184 23694 25-29 years
30-34 ani 20362 22453 21303 24952 23810 21109 30-34 years
35-39 ani 15752 17230 16398 18909 15851 18193 35-39 years
40-44 ani 11751 13997 13944 16612 14727 13503 40-44 years
45-49 ani 8068 8588 8243 9671 10532 10053 45-49 years
50-54 ani 7016 7767 7876 8890 8460 7292 50-54 years
55-59 ani 4327 5756 5465 6839 6622 6226 55-59 years
60 ani i peste 4164 5799 5958 6017 6675 6457 60 years and over

Not: Date estimate.

Note: Estimated data.
1) Persoane cu cetenie strin, romn i fr cetenie care i-au stabilit reedina obinuit n Romnia n cursul anului de referin.
Persons with foreign, romanian and without citizenship who settled their usual residence in Romania during the reference year.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Imigranii 1), dup ara de provenien

2.31 Immigrants 1), by country of previous usual residence
numr persoane / number of persons

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20142)

Total 135844 149885 147685 167266 153646 142426 Total

Dup ara de provenien / By country of previous usual residence

Austria 4645 5138 2780 2499 1500 1977 Austria

Belgia 1038 989 1041 1395 1264 2500 Belgium
Canada 296 230 224 132 114 207 Canada
China 462 642 638 470 325 304 China
Cipru 505 1203 2007 2689 1300 1400 Cyprus
Franta 3369 1389 1998 2170 2154 2200 France
Germania 23496 21838 14913 14500 14390 14000 Germany
Grecia 1588 1605 2086 2795 2500 2800 Greece
Irlanda 1053 713 1071 1435 1302 1050 Ireland
Israel 162 108 260 64 107 124 Israel
Italia 21758 25428 32438 34194 25462 20000 Italy
Marea Britanie 3300 3800 6239 6343 3100 3700 United Kingdom
Republica Moldova 12847 24977 25100 22530 22764 20166 Moldova, Republic of
Spania 51549 49426 42505 63879 67164 51462 Spain
Statele Unite ale Americii 539 434 479 298 258 402 United States of America
Suedia 427 662 709 720 410 419 Sweden
Ungaria 335 588 496 665 660 700 Hungary
Alte ri 8475 10715 12701 10488 8872 19015 Other countries

Not: Date estimate.

Note: Estimated data.
1) Persoane cu cetenie strin, romn i fr cetenie care i-au stabilit reedina obinuit n Romnia n cursul anului de referin.
Persons with foreign, romanian and without citizenship who settled their usual residence in Romania during the reference year.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Migraia internaional determinat de schimbarea reedinei obinuite, pe sexe
2.32 International migration determined by change of usual residence, by sex
numr persoane / number of persons
Imigrani 1) Emigrani 2) Soldul migraiei internaionale
Anii Immigrants 1) Emigrants 2) Net international migration
Years Total Masculin Feminin Total Masculin Feminin Total Masculin Feminin
Male Female Male Female Male Female

2009 135844 79398 56446 246626 105778 140848 -110782 -26380 -84402
2010 149885 85486 64399 197985 85663 112322 -48100 -177 -47923
2011 147685 83931 63754 195551 87389 108162 -47866 -3458 -44408
2012 167266 94047 73219 170186 70163 100023 -2920 23884 -26804
2013 153646 84790 68856 161755 65303 96452 -8109 19487 -27596
20143) 142426 78478 63948 184603 79716 104887 -42177 -1238 -40939

Not: Date estimate.

Note: Estimated data.
1) Persoane cu cetenie strin, romn i fr cetenie care i-au stabilit reedina obinuit n Romnia n cursul anului de referin.
Persons with foreign, romanian and without citizenship who settled their usual residence in Romania during the reference year.
2) Persoane din Romnia care i-au schimbat reedina obinuit n strintate n cursul anului de referin.
Persons from Romania who changed their usual residence abroad during the reference year.
3) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.




3.1 Populaia dup participarea la activitatea economic, Population by participation in economic activity,
pe sexe i medii ........................................................ 106 by sex and area
3.2 Ratele de activitate, ocupare i omaj, Activity, employment and unemployment rates,
dup nivelul de educaie, pe sexe i medii ................ 107 by educational level, sex and area
3.3 Structura populaiei ocupate, pe activiti ale Employment structure, by activity of
economiei naionale i pe grupe de vrst, national economy and by age group,
n anul 2014 .............................................................. 108 in 2014
3.4 Structura populaiei ocupate, pe activiti ale Employment structure, by activity of national
economiei naionale i dup statutul profesional, economy and by status in employment,
n anul 2014 .............................................................. 110 in 2014
3.5 Structura populaiei, dup participarea Population structure, by participation
la activitatea economic, pe grupe de vrst, in economic activity, by age group,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014 ....................................... 112 sex and area, in 2014
3.6 Structura populaiei ocupate, dup nivelul Employment structure, by educational
de educaie, pe grupe de vrst, level, by age group, sex and area,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014 ....................................... 113 in 2014
3.7 Structura populaiei ocupate, pe grupe de ocupaii, Employment structure, by occupation group,
grupe de vrst, sexe i medii, n anul 2014 ............ 114 age group, sex and area, in 2014
3.8 Structura populaiei ocupate, dup statutul Employment structure, by status in
profesional, pe grupe de vrst, sexe i medii, employment, by age group, sex and area,
n anul 2014 .............................................................. 118 in 2014
3.9 Populaia ocupat civil, pe activiti ale economiei Civil employment, by activity of national
naionale ................................................................... 119 economy
3.10 Populaia ocupat civil, pe activiti ale economiei Civil employment, by activity of national
naionale i pe forme de proprietate, n anul 2014 ....... 120 economy and by type of ownership, in 2014
3.11 Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti Average number of employees,
ale economiei naionale, pe sexe i by activity of national economy,
pe forme de proprietate ............................................ 121 by sex and by ownership type
3.12 Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe forme Average number of employees,
de proprietate, clase de mrime ale by ownership type, enterprises size class
ntreprinderilor i pe sexe ......................................... 124 and by sex
3.13 Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale Average number of employees, by activity of
industriei, pe sexe i pe forme de proprietate ........... 124 industry, by sex and by ownership type
3.14 Salariaii, pe activiti ale economiei naionale Employees, by activity of national economy
i pe sexe, la 31 decembrie 2014 ............................. 129 and by sex, on December 31, 2014
3.15 Salariaii, pe activiti ale industriei i pe sexe, Employees, by activity of industry and by sex,
la 31 decembrie 2014 ............................................... 130 on December 31, 2014
3.16 omerii nregistrai i rata omajului ........................ 132 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate
3.17 Persoanele cuprinse n cursuri de Persons who attend vocational
formare profesional ................................................. 132 training courses
3.18 omerii nregistrai, dup nivelul Registered unemployed, by educational
de educaie i pe grupe de vrst, level and by age group,
la 31 decembrie 2014 ............................................... 134 on December 31, 2014
3.19 omerii nregistrai, beneficiari de indemnizaii Registered unemployed, receiving unemployment
de omaj, pe grupe de vrst i dup durata indemnities, by age group and by unemployment
omajului, la 31 decembrie 2014 .............................. 134 duration, on December 31, 2014
3.20 omajul de lung durat, pe sexe i medii ............... 136 Long term unemployed, by sex and area



3.21 Numrul accidentailor n munc, pe activiti ale Number of injured at work, by activity of
economiei naionale, n anul 2014 ............................ 137 national economy, in 2014
3.22 Revendicrile care au declanat conflicte Claims which caused
de interese . ............................................................... 141 conflicts of interest
3.23 Greve declanate, cu respectarea procedurii Strikes initiated by observing the procedure
prevzute n Legea nr. 168 / 1999 ............................ 141 provided by Law No 168 / 1999
3.24 Conflictele de interese i frecvena lor lunar .......... 142 Conflicts of interest and their monthly frequency
3.25 Conflictele de interese, pe activiti ale Conflicts of interest, by activity of
economiei naionale .................................................. 142 national economy
3.26 Numrul locurilor de munc vacante, Number of vacancies, by activity
pe activiti ale economiei naionale ......................... 148 of national economy
3.27 Rata locurilor de munc vacante, Rate of vacancies, by activity of
pe activiti ale economiei naionale ......................... 149 national economy
3.28 Numrul locurilor de munc vacante, Number of vacancies, by
pe grupe majore de ocupaii ..................................... 150 major occupation groups
3.29 Rata locurilor de munc vacante, Rate of vacancies,
pe grupe majore de ocupaii ..................................... 151 by major occupation groups

Teritorial Territorial

3.30 Populaia dup participarea la activitatea Population by participation in economic activity,

economic, n profil teritorial, pe sexe i medii ................ at territorial level, by sex and area
3.31 Ratele de activitate, ocupare i omaj, Activity, employment and unemployment rates, at
n profil teritorial, dup nivelul de educaie, territorial level, by educational level,
pe sexe i medii, n anul 2014 ......................................... by sex and area, in 2014
3.32 Structura populaiei, dup participarea la activitatea Population structure, by participation in economic
economic, n profil teritorial, pe grupe de vrst, activity, at territorial level, by age group,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014 .............................................. sex and area, in 2014
3.33 Structura populaiei ocupate, n profil teritorial, Employment structure, at territorial level,
dup nivelul de educaie, pe grupe de vrst, by educational level, by age group,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014 .............................................. sex and area, in 2014
3.34 Structura populaiei ocupate, n profil teritorial, Employment structure, at territorial level,
dup statutul profesional, pe grupe de vrst, by status in employment, by age group,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014 .............................................. sex and area, in 2014
3.35 Structura populaiei ocupate, n profil teritorial, Employment structure, at territorial level,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale i by activity of national economy and
pe grupe de vrst, n anul 2014 ..................................... by age group, in 2014
3.36 Populaia ocupat civil, n profil teritorial i Civil employment, at territorial level and
pe activiti ale economiei naionale, by activity of national economy,
n anul 2014 ..................................................................... in 2014
3.37 Numrul mediu al salariailor, n profil teritorial ................ Average number of employees, at territorial level
3.38 Numrul mediu al salariailor, n profil teritorial Average number of employees, at territorial level
i pe sexe ......................................................................... and by sex
3.39 Numrul mediu al salariailor, n profil teritorial Average number of employees, at territorial level
i pe activiti ale economiei naionale, and by activity of national economy,
n anul 2014 ..................................................................... in 2014
3.40 omerii nregistrai i rata omajului, Registered unemployed and unemployment rate,
n profil teritorial, la 31 decembrie 2014 ........................... at territorial level, on December 31, 2014

3.41 omerii nregistrai, n profil teritorial, Registered unemployed, at territorial level,
pe categorii de personal i nivel de educaie, by category of personnel and educational level,
la 31 decembrie 2014 ....................................................... on December 31, 2014
3.42 omajul de lung durat, n profil teritorial, Long term unemployed, at territorial level,
pe sexe i medii ................................................................ by sex and area
3.43 Numrul locurilor de munc vacante, Number of vacancies, by activity
pe activiti ale economiei naionale, of national economy, at territorial level,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 .......................................... in 2014
3.44 Rata locurilor de munc vacante, pe activiti Rate of vacancies, by activity of national
ale economiei naionale, n profil teritorial, economy, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ...................................................................... in 2014
3.45 Numrul locurilor de munc vacante, Number of vacancies, by major
pe grupe majore de ocupaii, n profil occupation groups, at territorial level,
teritorial, n anul 2014 ....................................................... in 2014
3.46 Rata locurilor de munc vacante, pe grupe majore Rate of vacancies, by major occupation groups,
de ocupaii, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ..................... at territorial level, in 2014
3.47 Numrul accidentailor n munc, n profil teritorial, Number of injured at work, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ..................................................................... in 2014
3.48 Conflictele de interese, n profil teritorial, Conflicts of interest,
n anul 2014 ..................................................................... at territorial level, in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

 Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n  Household labour force statistical survey, for data
gospodrii, pentru datele privind populaia ocupat on employment and unemployment (according to
i omajul (conform Regulamentului nr. 577/1998 al the Regulation No 577/1998 of the Council regarding
Consiliului privind organizarea unei anchete prin the organization of a labour force sample survey in
sondaj asupra forei de munc din Comunitate, cu EC, with further amendments);
modificrile ulterioare);
 Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc n  Labour cost survey carried out in economic and
unitile economico-sociale, pentru datele referitoare social units, for data regarding the number of
la numrul salariailor (conform Regulamentului employees (according to the Regulation of the
Consiliului i Parlamentului European nr. 530/1999 European Parliament and of the Council
privind statisticile structurii ctigurilor salariale i No 530/1999 regarding statistics of earnings and
costului forei de munc); labour cost structures);
 Cercetarea statistic trimestrial asupra locurilor de  Quarterly job vacancy survey, for data related to rate
munc vacante, pentru datele referitoare la rata locurilor of vacancies (according to the Regulation of the
de munc vacante (conform Regulamentului Consiliului European Parliament and of the Council
i Parlamentului European nr. 453/2008 privind No 453/2008 regarding statistics of vacancies);
statisticile referitoare la locurile de munc vacante);
 Balana forei de munc, pentru datele privind  Labour force balance, for data on civil employment
populaia ocupat civil pe activiti ale economiei by activity of national economy, by type of ownership
naionale, pe forme de proprietate i pe judee. and by county.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

 Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de  National Agency for Employment, for data on the
Munc, pentru datele privind omajul nregistrat i number of registered unemployment and the number
numrul persoanelor cuprinse n cursuri de calificare of persons who attend qualification and
i recalificare; requalification courses;
 Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i  Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and
Persoanelor Vrstnice, pentru datele privind Elderly Persons, for data on working conditions.
condiiile de munc.



Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) is
gospodrii (AMIGO) este conceput ca o surs important conceived as an important source of inter-census
de informaii intercenzitare asupra forei de munc; ancheta information about labour force; the survey provides, in a
furnizeaz, ntr-o manier coerent, date eseniale asupra coherent way, essential data about main population
principalelor segmente de populaie (activ - ocupat i n segments (economically active - employed and
omaj - inactiv), cu numeroase posibiliti de corelare i unemployed - non-economically active), with numerous
structurare dup caracteristici demo - socio - economice possibilities of correlation and structuring by demo-socio-
diverse, n condiii de comparabilitate internaional. ncepnd economical features, under international comparability
cu anul 1996, ancheta forei de munc n gospodrii se conditions. Beginning with 1996, household labour force
realizeaz trimestrial, ca o cercetare continu, permind astfel survey is quarterly carried out, as a continuous survey,
obinerea de date conjuncturale asupra mrimii i structurii resulting in short-term data on the labour force size and
ofertei de for de munc i evidenierea fenomenelor cu structure and pointing out seasonal phenomena taking
caracter sezonier care se manifest pe piaa forei de munc. place on the labour market. Since 2004, the sample
Din anul 2004, volumul eantionului pe care se realizeaz volume is of 28080 dwellings/quarter. The yearly data are
ancheta este de 28080 locuine/trimestru. Datele anuale se calculated as quartely data arithmetic means.
calculeaz ca medii aritmetice ale datelor trimestriale.
Indicatorii de for de munc, prezentai n Anuar pentru The labour force indicators presented in the Yearbook
perioada 2009-2014, respectiv populaia activ, populaia for the 2009-2014 period, respectively economically active
ocupat, omerii, populaia inactiv, ratele de activitate, population, employment, unemployed, economically
ratele de ocupare i ratele omajului etc. au fost revizuite n inactive population, activity rates, employment rates and
funcie de populaia rezident, conform conceptului de unemployment rates etc. are revised according to the usual
reedin obinuit i a pragului de cel puin 12 luni de resident population, according to the concept of usual
prezen/absen pe teritoriul Romniei, recalculat n residence and threshold of 12 months presence/absence
condiii de comparabilitate cu rezutatele finale ale at least on the Romania's territory recalculated under the
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor din anul 2011. conditions of comparability with the final results of
the Population and Housing Census of 2011.
Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc Labour cost survey is a complex yearly statistical
este o cercetare statistic anual complex care furnizeaz survey which provides the necessary elements for the
elementele necesare efecturii unor analize privind evoluia analysis on the evolution of various components of labour
diferitelor componente ale costului forei de munc i cost and correlations among them, offering, as well, the
corelaiile dintre ele, oferind, totodat, elementele necesare necessary elements for the calculation of net and gross size,
calculului mrimii brute i nete, lunare i orare, a ctigului monthly and hourly, of the earnings structured by national
salarial structurat pe activiti ale economiei naionale, forme economy activity, ownership type, legal form, employees
de proprietate, forme juridice, categorii de salariai, sexe, category, sex, development region and county. It is achieved
regiuni de dezvoltare i judee. Se realizeaz pe un eantion on a sample of about 25500 economic and social operators,
de circa 25500 de operatori economici i sociali, aparinnd from all enterprise size classes, irrespective of employees
tuturor claselor de mrime a ntreprinderii, indiferent de number. There are excluded armed forces and similar staff
numrul de salariai. Nu sunt cuprinse forele armate i (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs,
personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Cercetarea statistic asupra locurilor de munc vacante Job vacancy survey is a quarterly statistical
este o cercetare statistic selectiv trimestrial, avnd ca perioad sample survey, having as reference period the quarter
de referin luna de mijloc a trimestrului, furnizeaz elementele middle month; it provides the necessary elements for
necesare calculrii ratei trimestriale a locurilor de munc vacante. the calculation of vacancies quarterly rate. It is carried
Cercetarea statistic se realizeaz pe un eantion de circa 22500 out on a sample of about 22500 enterprises / local
de ntreprinderi/uniti locale. Sunt excluse forele armate i units. There are excluded armed forces and similar staff
personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs,
Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.). Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.)

Balana forei de munc este o lucrare care se Labour force balance is a paper drawn up based
realizeaz pe baza informaiilor din mai multe surse de date: on the information from several data sources:
statistica demografic; cercetarea statistic privind costul demographic statistics, labour cost survey; household
forei de munc; cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc labour force survey (HLFS); administrative sources.
n gospodrii (AMIGO); surse administrative.
Populaia activ (persoanele active) - din punct de Economically active population (active persons)
vedere economic - cuprinde toate persoanele de 15 ani comprises all persons aged 15 years and over, providing
i peste, care furnizeaz fora de munc disponibil available labour force for the production of goods
pentru producia de bunuri i servicii; include populaia and services; it includes employed population and
ocupat i omerii. unemployed.
Populaia ocupat cuprinde, conform metodologiei Employment includes, according to the
Cercetrii statistice asupra forei de munc n methodology of Household labour force survey all
gospodrii, toate persoanele de 15 ani i peste, care au persons aged 15 years and over, who carried out an
desfurat o activitate economic productoare de economic activity producing goods or services of at least
1) 1)
bunuri sau servicii de cel puin o or n perioada de one hour during the reference period (one week) in
referin (o sptmn), n scopul obinerii unor venituri order to get income as salaries, payment in kind or other
sub form de salarii, plat n natur sau alte beneficii. benefits.
ncepnd din anul 2011, lucrtorii pe cont propriu i Since 2011, self employed and contributing family
lucrtorii familiali neremunerai care lucreaz n workers who work in agriculture are considered
agricultur sunt considerai persoane ocupate doar employed persons only if they own agricultural
dac sunt proprietarii produciei agricole (nu neaprat i production (not necessarily of land) obtained and fulfill
ai pmntului) obinute i ndeplinesc una dintre one of the main conditions:
urmtoarele condiii:
a) producia agricol este destinat, fie i mcar n a) agricultural production is meant at least partly to
parte, vnzrii sau schimbului n natur (troc); sale or change in kind;
b) producia agricol este destinat exclusiv b) agricultural production is meant exclusively to own
consumului propriu dac aceasta reprezint o parte consumption if it represents a substantial part of
substanial a consumului total al gospodriei. household total consumption.
Sunt excluse din populaia ocupat persoanele care: The following persons are excluded from employment:
3) 3)
desfoar activiti agricole minore , n scop de they carry out minor agricultural activities , for
recreere, hobby sau pentru a obine, suplimentar, recreation, hobby or to get, supplementary, food
produse alimentare fr ca acestea s constituie o products without being an important part of
parte important a consumului total al gospodriei; household total consumption;
desfoar activiti agricole (cu o durat de peste 10 they develop agricultural activities (over 10 hours per
ore/sptmn), producia agricol fiind destinat week), being exclusively meant for own
exclusiv consumului propriu, dar aceasta nereprezentnd consumption, but not representing a substantial part
o parte substanial a consumului total al gospodriei. of household total consumption.
n afara persoanelor care au un loc de munc i au lucrat Besides persons with a job and who worked during the
n cursul sptmnii de referin, indiferent de statutul reference week, no matter of professional status, there
profesional, se consider persoane ocupate i cele care are considered employed persons those who belong to
fac parte din urmtoarele categorii: the following categories:
persoanele care n cursul sptmnii de referin au persons who during the reference week carried out
desfurat o munc oarecare, pltit sau a certain paid or bringing income work, even if they
aductoare de venit, chiar dac erau n curs de had compulsory school training, were retired or
pregtire colar obligatorie, erau la pensie sau benefited of pension, were registered at National
beneficiau de pensie, erau nscrise la Agenia Employment Agency (NEA) receiving or not
Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc unemployment benefit;
(ANOFM), primind sau nu indemnizaie de omaj;
ucenicii i stagiarii remunerai, care lucreaz cu remunerated apprentices and trainees, who work
program de lucru complet sau parial; with full or part time;
membrii forelor armate. members of armed forces.

Cel puin 15 ore pentru lucrtorii pe cont propriu i lucrtorii familiali neremunerai din agricultur - anterior anului 2011.
At least 15 hours for self employed and agriculture contributing family workers - prior to 2011.
Cel puin 50% din consumul total al gospodriei. / At least 50% of household total consumption.
A cror durat n sptmna de referin nu depete 10 ore. / Whose duration in the reference week does not exceed 10 hours.
Populaia ocupat civil cuprinde, potrivit Civil employment includes, according to the
metodologiei balanei forei de munc, toate persoanele methodology used for the labour force balance, all
care, n anul de referin, au desfurat o activitate persons who, during the reference year, carried out a
economico-social aductoare de venit, cu excepia socio-economic lucrative activity, excepting military staff
cadrelor militare i a persoanelor asimilate acestora and similar (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of
(personalul din Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service staff),
Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii), a salariailor political and community organisations employees and
organizaiilor politice, obteti i a deinuilor. the convicts.
Resursele de munc precum i categoria The labour force resources, as well as the category
non-salariailor care fac parte din populaia ocupat civil of non-employees belonging to civil employment
au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente la 1 ianuarie have been estimated based on resident population on
2015. Datele pentru resursele de munc, populaia activ January 1, 2015. The data on labour force resources,
civil i populaia ocupat civil nu sunt comparabile cu anii civil economically active population and civil employment
anteriori. are not comparable to previous years.
omerii conform definiiei internaionale a Biroului Unemployed according to the international
Internaional al Muncii (BIM), sunt persoanele de definition of International Labour Office (ILO) criteria, are
15-74 ani, care n perioada de referin ndeplinesc persons aged 15-74 years who, during the reference
simultan urmtoarele condiii: period, simultaneously meet the following conditions:
nu au loc de munc i nu desfoar o activitate n have no job and are not carrying out any activity in
scopul obinerii unor venituri; order to get income;
sunt n cutarea unui loc de munc, utiliznd n ultimele are looking for a job, undertaking certain actions
patru sptmni diferite metode active pentru a-l gsi during the last four weeks (registering at
(nscrierea la agenii de ocupare a forei de munc sau employment agencies, or private agencies for
la agenii particulare de plasare, aciuni pentru placement, attempts for starting an activity on own
nceperea unei activiti pe cont propriu, publicarea de account, publishing notices, asking for a job among
anunuri, apel la prieteni, rude, colegi, sindicate etc.); friends, relatives, mates, trade unions a.s.o.);
sunt disponibile s nceap lucrul n urmtoarele are available to start work within the next two weeks,
dou sptmni, dac s-ar gsi imediat un loc de munc. if they immediately find a job.
Rata de activitate reprezint raportul dintre populaia Activity rate represents the ratio between active
activ i populaia total n vrst de 15-64 ani, exprimat population and total population aged 15-64 years
procentual. expressed as percentage.
Rata de ocupare reprezint raportul dintre populaia Employment rate represents the ratio between
ocupat i populaia total n vrst de employed population and total population aged
15-64 ani, exprimat procentual. 15-64 years expressed as percentage.
Rata omajului reprezint raportul dintre numrul Unemployment rate represents the ratio between
omerilor i populaia activ, exprimat procentual. the number of unemployed and active population
expressed as percentage.
Rata omajului de lung durat reprezint ponderea Long term unemployment rate represents the
omerilor aflai n omaj de 12 luni i peste n populaia weight of unemployed for 12 months and over in active
activ. population.
Rata omajului de lung durat pentru tineri Long term unemployment rate for young people
(15-24 ani) reprezint ponderea omerilor tineri aflai n (aged 15-24 years) represents the weight of young
omaj de 6 luni i peste n populaia activ tnr. unemployed for 6 months and over in young active
Incidena omajului de lung durat reprezint Incidence of long term unemployment represents
ponderea omerilor aflai n omaj de 12 luni i peste n the weight of unemployed for 12 months and over in total
total omeri. unemployed.
Incidena omajului de lung durat pentru tineri Incidence of long term unemployment for young
(15-24 ani) reprezint ponderea omerilor tineri aflai n people (aged 15-24 years) represents the weight of
omaj de 6 luni i peste n total omeri tineri. young unemployed for six months and over in total young
Statutul profesional reprezint situaia unei persoane Status in employment represents the situation of
ocupate, n funcie de modul de obinere a veniturilor prin an employed person, depending on the way of achieving
exercitarea unei activiti i anume: income from his activity, namely:

salariat, persoana care-i exercit activitatea pe employee, a person who carries out his activity
baza unui contract de munc ntr-o unitate based on an employment contract into an economic
economic sau social - indiferent de forma ei de or social unit - no matter of its ownership type - or for
proprietate - sau la persoane particulare, n private persons, for a remuneration as salary, in
schimbul unei remuneraii sub form de salariu, cash or in kind, as commission a.s.o.;
pltit n bani sau natur, sub form de comision etc.;
patron, persoana care-i exercit ocupaia (meseria) employer, a person who carries out his occupation
n propria sa unitate (ntreprindere, agenie, atelier, (trade) in his own unit (enterprise, agency,
magazin, birou, ferm etc.), pentru a crei activitate workshop, shop, office, farm a.s.o.) for whose activity
are angajai unul sau mai muli salariai; he has one or several employees;
lucrtor pe cont propriu, persoana care-i exercit self-employed, a person who carries out his activity
activitatea n unitatea proprie sau ntr-o afacere in his own unit or in an individual business, without
individual, fr a angaja nici un salariat, fiind ajutat, hiring any employee, being helped, or not, by
sau nu, de membrii familiei, neremunerai; contributing family workers;
lucrtor familial neremunerat, persoana care-i contributing family worker, a person who carries
exercit activitatea ntr-o unitate economic familial out his activity into a family economic unit, run by a
condus de un membru al familiei sau o rud, pentru member of the family or a relative, for which he gets
care nu primete remuneraie sub form de salariu no remuneration as salary or payment in kind;
sau plat n natur; gospodria rneasc peasant (agricultural) household is considered such
(agricol) este considerat o astfel de unitate; a unit;
membru al unei societi agricole sau al unei member of an agricultural holding or of a
cooperative neagricole, persoana care a lucrat fie non-agricultural co-operative, a person who
ca proprietar de teren agricol ntr-o societate worked either as owner of agricultural land into an
agricol constituit conform legii, fie ca membru al agricultural holding set up according to legal
unei cooperative meteugreti, de consum sau de provisions, or as a member of a craftsmen,
credit. consumption or credit co-operative.
Numrul mediu al salariailor reprezint o medie Average number of employees represents a
aritmetic simpl rezultat din suma efectivelor zilnice simple arithmetic mean resulted from the sum of daily
ale salariailor, inclusiv din zilele de repaus sptmnal, employees number, including from the weekly rest days,
srbtori legale i alte zile nelucrtoare mprit la legal holidays and other non-working days divided to the
numrul total al zilelor calendaristice (365 zile). n total calendar days of the year (365 days). In daily
efectivul zilnic al salariailor luat n calculul numrului number of employees taken into calculation for average
mediu, nu se cuprind: salariaii aflai n concedii fr number, there are not included: employees under
plat, n grev, detaai la lucru n strintate. n zilele de unpaid leave, on strike, detached to work abroad. In
repaus sptmnal, srbtori legale i alte zile weekends, legal holidays, other days off it is taken into
nelucrtoare se ia n calcul ca efectiv zilnic numrul calculation as daily number the number of employees
salariailor din ziua precedent, mai puin cei al cror from previous day, less that of those whose labour
contract/raport a ncetat n aceast zi. Salariaii care nu contract ceased the same day. Employees who were not
au fost angajai cu norm ntreag s-au inclus n numrul employed in full time are included in average number of
mediu proporional cu timpul de lucru prevzut n employees, proportionally with the working time from the
contractul de munc. n efectivul de salariai luat n labour contract. Only persons paid are included in the
calculul numrului mediu se includ numai persoanele number of employees taken into the calculation of
care au fost pltite. average number.
ncepnd cu anul 2003 din efectivele zilnice luate n Beginning with 2003 out of the daily total number
calculul numrului mediu au fost exclui salariaii al taken into account when computing the average number
cror contract de munc/raport de serviciu a fost excluded the employees whose labour
suspendat, conform Legii nr.53/2003 (republicat) contract/agreement was suspended according to the
Codul muncii, art. 49-54, privind Suspendarea Law No 53/2003 (republished) - Labour Code,
contractului individual de munc i Legii nr.161/2003 art. 49-54, regarding the Suspension of the individual
(cu completrile i modificrile ulterioare) referitor la labour contract and the Law No 161/2003 (with
suspendarea raportului de serviciu (exemple: concediu subsequent amendments) regarding suspension of the
de maternitate, concediu pentru incapacitate temporar work agreement (examples: maternity leave, temporarily
de munc, exercitarea unei funcii n cadrul unei labour disability leave, exercising a function within an
autoriti executive, legislative ori judectoreti pe toat executive, legislative or judiciary authority during
durata mandatului .a.m.d.). duration of the mandate a.s.o.).

Numrul salariailor la 31 decembrie (efectivul Number of employees on December 31 (number
salariailor) reprezint numrul de salariai angajai cu of employees) represents the number of employees
contract individual de munc pe durat determinat sau employed with individual labour contract with definite or
nedeterminat, n program complet sau parial (inclusiv cei non-definite duration, with full or part-time (including
cu contract de munc/raport de serviciu suspendat) those with suspended labour contract/agreement)
existeni n evidenele ntreprinderii la sfritul anului. Nu existent in the enterprise records at the end of the year.
sunt cuprini salariaii detaai la lucru n strintate i cei The employees detached abroad and those who hold
care cumuleaz mai multe funcii i nu au funcia de baz more than one position and are not having the main
la unitatea raportoare. position at the reporting unit are not included.
Repartizarea salariailor pe activiti ale economiei The breakdown of employees by activity of the
naionale s-a realizat dup activitatea omogen a national economy was carried out according to
ntreprinderii, iar pe judee n funcie de localitatea n care homogeneous activity of the enterprise and by county
acetia i desfoar activitatea. according to the locality where they work.
omerii nregistrai reprezint persoanele care Registered unemployed represent persons who
ndeplinesc cumulativ condiiile prevzute de fulfill the cumulative conditions stipulated by the
Legea nr. 76/2002 privind sistemul asigurrilor pentru omaj Law No 76/2002 regarding the system of unemployment
i stimularea ocuprii forei de munc i care se nregistreaz insurance and employment incentives and who register
la agenia pentru ocuparea forei de munc n a crei raz to the employment agency in the territorial zone they
teritorial i au domiciliul sau, dup caz, reedina, ori alt have domicile or, by case, residence, or to another
furnizor de servicii de ocupare, care funcioneaz n condiiile provider of employment services, functioning according
prevzute de lege, n vederea obinerii unui loc de munc. to the law, in order to get a job.
Conform legislaiei n vigoare, calitatea de omer o According to the legislation in force, unemployed
are persoana care ndeplinete cumulativ urmtoarele position is held by person who fulfills the following
condiii: cumulative conditions:
a) este n cutarea unui loc de munc de la vrsta de a) he/she is looking for a job from 16 years old at
minimum 16 ani i pn la ndeplinirea condiiilor de pensionare; least to pension age;
b) starea de sntate i capacitile fizice i psihice o b) his/her health, his/her physical and psychical
fac apt pentru prestarea unei munci; capacities make him able to work;
c) nu are loc de munc, nu realizeaz venituri sau c) he/she has no job, he/she gets no income or, from
realizeaz din activiti autorizate potrivit legii, venituri mai legal activities, he/she gets an income lower than the
mici dect valoarea indicatorului social de referin al value of reference social indicator of unemployment
asigurrilor pentru omaj i stimulrii ocuprii forei de insurance and stimulation of employment in force;
munc, n vigoare;
Indicatorul social de referin al asigurrilor pentru Social reference indicator of insurance
omaj i stimulrii ocuprii forei de munc, denumit n unemployment and stimulation of employment, further
continuare indicator social de referin, reprezint unitatea called social reference indicator represents the unit
exprimat n lei la nivelul creia se raporteaz prestaiile expressed in lei at the level of which there are reported
bneti, suportate din bugetul asigurrilor pentru omaj, money provisions, supported from unemployment
acordate att n vederea asigurrii proteciei persoanelor n insurance budget, granted both to ensure persons
cadrul sistemului asigurrilor pentru omaj, ct i n vederea protection within unemployment insurance system and to
stimulrii anumitor categorii de persoane pentru a se ncadra stimulate certain categories of persons to get a job, as
n munc, precum i a angajatorilor pentru a ncadra n well as employers in view to employ persons looking for
munc persoane n cutarea unui loc de munc. ncepnd a job. Beginning with 2011, the social indicator value is
cu anul 2011 valoarea indicatorului social este de 500 lei; lei 500;
d) este disponibil s nceap lucrul n perioada d) he/she is available to start work in the next period
imediat urmtoare dac s-ar gsi un loc de munc. if he/she finds a job.
Asimilai omerilor sunt persoanele n cutarea unui Unemployed assimilated are persons looking for a
loc de munc i care nu au putut ocupa loc de munc dup job who could not occupy a job after graduation of
absolvirea unei instituii de nvmnt i care ndeplinesc education institution fulfilling the following conditions:
urmtoarele condiii:
sunt absolveni ai instituiilor de nvmnt, n vrst graduates of an education institution, aged minimum
de minimum 16 ani, care ntr-o perioad de 60 de zile 16 years, who during 60 days period since
de la absolvire nu au reuit s se ncadreze n munc graduation did not succeed to be employed
potrivit pregtirii profesionale; according to vocational training;

sunt absolveni ai colilor speciale pentru graduates of special schools for disabled persons
persoanele cu handicap n vrst de minim 16 ani aged minimum 16 years, who did not succeed to be
care nu au reuit s se ncadreze n munc potrivit employed according to their vocational training.
pregtirii profesionale.
Rata omajului nregistrat reprezint raportul Registered unemployment rate represents the ratio
dintre numrul omerilor (nregistrai la ageniile pentru between the number of unemployed (registered at the
ocuparea forei de munc) i populaia activ civil agencies for employment) and civil economically active
(omeri + populaie ocupat civil, definit conform population (unemployed + civil employment, defined
metodologiei balanei forei de munc). according to the methodology of labour force balance).

Locuri de munc vacante Job vacancies

Rata locurilor de munc vacante reprezint Vacancies rate represents the ratio between the
raportul dintre numrul locurilor de munc vacante i numbers of vacancies and total number of jobs
numrul total al locurilor de munc (ocupate i vacante, (occupied and vacant, excluding the blocked ones or
exclusiv cele blocate sau destinate numai promovrii meant for promotion inside the enterprise or
n interiorul ntreprinderii sau instituiei), exprimat institution), expressed as percentage.
Datele medii anuale privind numrul locurilor de Yearly average data on the number of vacancies and
munc vacante i numrul total de locuri de munc se total number of jobs are calculated as simple arithmetic
calculeaz ca medii aritmetice simple ale datelor means of quarterly data corresponding to each of the
trimestriale corespunztoare fiecruia dintre cei doi two indicators.
Numrul locurilor de munc vacante include Number of vacancies includes the number of paid,
numrul posturilor pltite, nou create, neocupate, sau newly created jobs, unoccupied or becoming vacancies,
care vor deveni vacante, pentru care: for which:
angajatorul ntreprinde aciuni concrete spre a gsi employer takes concrete actions to find an adequate
un candidat potrivit pentru ocuparea postului candidate for that job (examples of concrete actions
respectiv (exemple de aciuni concrete ntreprise de taken by employer: announce of vacancy existence
angajator: anunarea existenei locului vacant prin through employment services, advertising in the
serviciile de ocupare a forei de munc, publicitate newspapers, mass media, internet, direct contact
prin ziare, media, Internet, contactare direct a with possible candidates a.s.o.);
posibililor candidai etc.);
angajatorul dorete ocuparea imediat sau ntr-o employer whishes to occupy at once or in specific
perioad specific de timp, stabilit de angajator. period of time, set by employer. Specific time period
Perioada specific de timp se refer la perioada refers to the needed maximum period of vacant job
maxim necesar ocuprii locului de munc vacant. occupation.
Sunt considerate locuri de munc vacante posturile There are considered vacancies those jobs for
destinate persoanelor din afara ntreprinderii (dar pe persons outside the enterprise (for which can also
care pot concura i persoane din interiorul compete those from inside the enterprise) no matter if
ntreprinderii), indiferent dac sunt posturi pe durat they are jobs for definite or indefinite period, full time or
determinat sau nedeterminat, n program de lucru part time.
normal sau parial.
Nu se consider vacante, posturile neocupate: There are not considered vacancies the
unoccupied jobs:
destinate exclusiv promovrii persoanelor din exclusively meant to promote persons from inside
interiorul ntreprinderii sau instituiei; the enterprise;
din unitile administraiei publice, blocate printr-un from units of public, local administration blocked by
act normativ. normative documents.
Posturile ocupate de persoanele care absenteaz o Jobs occupied by persons who are absent a certain
anumit perioad de timp (concedii de maternitate, pentru period of time (maternity leaves, child care, sick leaves,
ngrijirea copilului, concedii medicale, concedii fr plat, unpaid ones, others) are considered vacancies if the
alte absene), se consider vacante, dac angajatorul employer wishes substitution during definite or
dorete substituirea pe perioad determinat (temporar) temporary period and if he looks for candidates.
i dac ntreprinde aciuni de gsire a candidailor.

Numrul total al locurilor de munc (ocupate i Total number of jobs (occupied and vacancies)
vacante) include efectivul salariailor la sfritul lunii includes the number of employees at the end of the
(exclusiv cei cu contract de munc/raport de serviciu month (except those with suspended labour contract /
suspendat) i numrul locurilor de munc vacante. agreement) and number of vacant jobs.


Accident de munc reprezint vtmarea violent Accident at work represents the violent body injury
a organismului, precum i intoxicaia acut profesional, as well as the acute professional intoxication, taking
care s-au produs n timpul procesului de munc sau n place during labour process or when accomplishing
ndeplinirea ndatoririlor de serviciu, i care provoac duties at work, and which causes the temporary
incapacitatea temporar de munc de cel puin trei zile incapacity of work for at least three calendar days,
calendaristice, invaliditate sau deces. invalidity or death.
n raport cu urmrile produse i cu numrul persoanelor According to consequences and to the number of
accidentate, accidentul de munc se clasific n: persons injured, accidents at work are classified as follows:
accident care produce incapacitate temporar de accident causing temporary incapacity of work for at
munc de cel puin 3 zile calendaristice; least 3 calendar days;
accident care produce invaliditate; accident causing invalidity;
accident mortal; fatal accident at work;
accident colectiv, respectiv cel n care sunt collective accident, when at least 3 persons are
accidentate n acelai timp i din aceeai cauz cel injured at the same time and due to the same
puin trei persoane. cause.
Rata accidentelor de munc reprezint frecvena Rate of accidents at work represents accidents
de accidentare sau numrul accidentailor ce revin la frequency or number of injured persons per
1000 salariai. 1000 employees.
Conflictele de interese se refer la ntreruperile Conflicts of interest refer to work temporary
temporare ale lucrului declanate, n general, n scopuri interruptions, generally for claiming purposes or in view
revendicative sau pentru normalizarea raporturilor de to normalize the labour relationships between the unit,
munc dintre unitate, pe de o parte, i salariaii acesteia, on the one side, and its employees, on the other side
pe de alt parte conform Legii nr.168/1999 privind according to the Law No 168/1999.
soluionarea conflictelor de munc.
Greva constituie o ncetare colectiv i voluntar a Strike represents a collective and voluntary ceasing
lucrului ntr-o unitate, conform Legii nr. 168/1999. of work within a unit, according to the Law No 168/1999.

Conform CAEN Rev.2 According to CANE Rev.2

Agricultura include activitile de: agricultur, Agriculture includes: agriculture, forestry, and
silvicultur i pescuit. fishing.
Industria include activitile de: industrie extractiv, Industry includes: mining and quarrying,
industrie prelucrtoare, producia i furnizarea de manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam and air
energie electric i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer conditioning production and supply, water supply,
condiionat, distribuia apei, salubritate, gestionarea sewerage, waste management and decontamination
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare. activities.
Serviciile comerciale includ activitile de: comer, Trade services include: trade, transport and
transport i depozitare, hoteluri i restaurante, informaii storage, hotels and restaurants, information and
i comunicaii, intermedieri financiare i asigurri, communication, financial intermediation and insurance,
tranzacii imobiliare, activiti profesionale, tiinifice i real estate activities, professional, scientific and
tehnice, activiti de servicii administrative i activiti de technical activities, administrative and support service
servicii suport. activities.
Serviciile sociale includ activitile de: administraie Social services include: public administration and
public i aprare, asigurri sociale din sistemul public, defence, compulsory social security, education, human
nvmnt, sntate i asisten social, activiti de health and social work activities, arts, entertainment and
spectacole culturale i recreeative i celelalte activiti recreation, other activities of national economy.
ale economiei naionale.

Populaia ocupat civil, pe principalele activiti ale economiei naionale,
n anul 2014
3.G1 Civil employment, by main activities of national economy, in 2014
CAEN Rev. 2 / CANE Rev. 2


Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit Construcii
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Construction
Industrie1) Servicii
Industry 1) Services
1) Inclusiv producia i furnizarea de energie electric i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat i distribuia apei; salubritate,
gestionarea deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare.
Including electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and supply and water supply; sewerage, waste management and
decontamination activities.

Structura populaiei ocupate , dup statutul profesional, pe sexe i medii,
n anul 2014
3.G2 1)
Employment structure, by status in employment, by sex and area, in 2014
100 0,7
11,6 6,3 5,7
90 18,3 1,6
80 19,4 24,5
70 1,1 1,5 0,7
40 0,5
67,9 67,7 68,2 92,0 39,4
Total Masculin Feminin Urban Rural
Male Female
Lucrtor pe cont propriu i membru al unei societi agricole
Salariat sau al unei cooperative
Employee Self employed and member of an agricultural holding or
of a co-operative
Patron Lucrtor familial neremunerat
Employer Contributing family worker

1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii
de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

Structura populaiei ocupate n activiti neagricole, pe sexe, n anul 2014
3.G3 1)
Employment structure in non-agricultural activities, by sex, in 2014

CAEN Rev.2 / CANE Rev.2




Masculin / Male Feminin / Female

14,0% 27,3%
32,0% 30,3%


16,8% 40,5%

Industrie Servicii comerciale

Industry Trade services
Construcii Servicii sociale
Construction Social services

Not: Industria include activitile de: industrie extractiv, industrie prelucrtoare, producia i furnizarea de energie electric i termic, gaze,
ap cald i aer condiionat, distribuia apei, salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare.
Serviciile comerciale includ activitile de: comer, transport i depozitare, hoteluri i restaurante, informaii i comunicaii, intermedieri
financiare i asigurri, tranzacii imobiliare, activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice, activiti de servicii administrative i activiti de servicii
Serviciile sociale includ activitile de: administraie public i aprare, asigurri sociale din sistemul public, nvmnt, sntate i
asisten social, activiti de spectacole culturale i recreeative i celelalte activiti ale economiei naionale.
Note: Industry includes: mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and supply, water supply,
sewerage, waste management and decontamination activities.
Trade services include: trade, transport and storage, hotels and restaurants, information and communication, financial intermediation and
insurance, real estate activities, professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities.
Social services include: public administration and defence, compulsory social security, education, human health and social work activities,
arts, entertainment and recreation, other activities of national economy.
1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii
de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

Evoluia numrului mediu al salariailor
3.G4 Evolution of average number of employees

mii persoane / thou persons

5000 4774
4376 4349 4443 4444 4508
3500 3126
3085 3017 3051
3000 2793 2880
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Numrul mediu al salariailor - total

Average number of employees - total

Numrul mediu al salariailor din sectorul integral privat1)

Average number of employees from integral private sector1)

1) Include: proprietate integral privat, proprietate integral strin.

Including: private integral ownership, foreign integral ownership.

Numrul omerilor nregistrai i rata omajului nregistrat

3.G5 Number of registered unemployed and unemployment rate

mii persoane / thou persons


800 7,8 8
600 5,7 6
5,2 5,4 5,4
709 6,3
627 4,9 5,1
4,9 4,8
400 512 4
200 2
302 264 204 211 216 200

0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Numrul omerilor nregistrai - total Rata omajului - total

Number of registered unemployed - total Unemployment rate - total

Numrul omerilor nregistrai - femei Rata omajului - femei

Number of registered unemployed - women Unemployment rate - women

Rata omajului 2), pe grupe de vrst, sexe i medii, n anul 2014
3.G6 Unemployment 2) rate1), by age group, sex and area, in 2014

25 24,7



10 8,7
5,7 5,3
5 6,9 3,4
4,6 5,2
0 ani / years
15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 ani i peste
years and over

Masculin Feminin
Male Female

35 32,6
15 18,3
5,9 6,0 5,0
6,4 4,4 4,1 1,1
0 ani / years
15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 ani i peste
years and over

Urban Rural

1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii
de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Conform definiiei internaionale (BIM= Biroul Internaional al Muncii). / According to the international definition (ILO= International Labour Office).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

Populaia1) dup participarea la activitatea economic, pe sexe i medii
3.1 Population1) by participation in economic activity, by sex and area

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

mii persoane / thou persons

Populaia activ Economically active population
Total 9576 9365 9188 9232 9202 9243 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 5428 5280 5132 5181 5191 5228 Male
Feminin 4148 4085 4056 4051 4011 4015 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 5102 5048 5057 5037 5022 5078 Urban
Rural 4474 4317 4131 4195 4180 4165 Rural
Populaia ocupat Employment
Total 8952 8713 8528 8605 8549 8614 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 5030 4881 4734 4800 4791 4844 Male
Feminin 3922 3832 3794 3805 3758 3770 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 4716 4605 4623 4618 4587 4669 Urban
Rural 4236 4108 3905 3987 3962 3945 Rural
omeri 2) Unemployed 2)
Total 624 652 660 627 653 629 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 398 399 398 381 400 384 Male
Feminin 226 253 262 246 253 245 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 386 443 434 419 435 409 Urban
Rural 238 209 226 208 218 220 Rural

procente / percentage
Rata de activitate 3) Activity rate 3)
Total 65,9 64,9 64,1 64,8 64,9 65,7 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 75,1 73,7 72,1 73,2 73,4 74,3 Male
Feminin 56,7 56,2 56,1 56,4 56,3 56,9 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 63,8 63,5 63,9 64,1 64,5 65,8 Urban
Rural 68,9 66,8 64,4 65,8 65,5 65,5 Rural
Rata de ocupare 3) Employment rate 3)
Total 61,4 60,2 59,3 60,2 60,1 61,0 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 69,4 67,9 66,3 67,6 67,6 68,7 Male
Feminin 53,4 52,5 52,3 52,8 52,6 53,3 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 58,9 57,9 58,4 58,7 58,9 60,5 Urban
Rural 64,8 63,3 60,5 62,2 61,8 61,7 Rural
Rata omajului 2) Unemployment rate 2)
Total 6,5 7,0 7,2 6,8 7,1 6,8 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 7,3 7,6 7,7 7,4 7,7 7,3 Male
Feminin 5,4 6,2 6,5 6,1 6,3 6,1 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 7,6 8,8 8,6 8,3 8,7 8,1 Urban
Rural 5,3 4,8 5,5 5,0 5,2 5,3 Rural

1) Seria de date pentru perioada 2009-2014 a fost calculat n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite,
n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The series of data for the 2009-2014 period have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence
criteria, under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Conform definiiei internaionale (BIM = Biroul Internaional al Muncii). / According to the international definition (ILO = International Labour Office).
3) Calculate pentru populaia n vrst de munc (15 - 64 ani). / Calculated for working age population (15 - 64 years).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO).
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS).

Ratele1) de activitate, ocupare i omaj 2), dup nivelul de educaie,
pe sexe i medii
Activity, employment and unemployment 2) rates1), by educational level,
3.2 sex and area
procente / percentage
2013 2014
Nivelul de educaie Nivelul de educaie
Educational level Educational level
Total Superior Mediu Sczut Total Superior Mediu Sczut
Tertiary Medium Low Tertiary Medium Low

Rata de activitate 3) Activity rate 3)

Total 64,9 87,4 69,1 45,8 65,7 87,6 70,0 48,1 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 73,4 89,6 77,7 55,5 74,3 90,0 78,6 58,5 Male
Feminin 56,3 85,3 59,4 37,8 56,9 85,4 60,4 38,9 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 64,5 87,4 66,1 28,3 65,8 87,9 67,6 33,8 Urban
Rural 65,5 87,1 74,0 54,3 65,5 85,9 74,0 55,3 Rural

Rata de ocupare 3) Employment rate 3)

Total 60,1 82,6 63,7 42,2 61,0 82,5 65,0 44,4 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 67,6 85,0 71,4 50,0 68,7 84,8 72,8 52,9 Male
Feminin 52,6 80,5 54,9 35,8 53,3 80,3 56,1 36,9 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 58,9 82,8 60,2 22,8 60,5 82,9 62,2 28,4 Urban
Rural 61,8 81,6 69,5 51,6 61,7 79,8 69,5 52,4 Rural

Rata omajului 2) Unemployment rate 2)

Total 7,1 5,4 7,8 6,7 6,8 5,8 7,2 6,7 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 7,7 5,2 7,9 8,9 7,3 5,8 7,2 8,6 Male
Feminin 6,3 5,7 7,5 4,3 6,1 5,9 7,1 4,3 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 8,7 5,3 9,0 18,9 8,1 5,7 8,0 15,7 Urban
Rural 5,2 6,2 6,0 4,1 5,3 6,9 6,0 4,3 Rural

1) Seria de date pentru anii 2013 i 2014 a fost calculat n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite,
n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The series of data for the years 2013 and 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence
criteria, under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Conform definiiei internaionale (BIM = Biroul Internaional al Muncii). / According to the international definition (ILO = International Labour Office).
3) Calculate pentru populaia n vrst de munc (15 - 64 ani). / Calculated for working age population (15 - 64 years).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO).
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS).

Structura populaiei ocupate1), pe activiti ale economiei naionale
i pe grupe de vrst, n anul 2014

Employment structure, by activity of national economy and by
age group, in 2014

Total din care, n vrst de munc (%): din care, n vrst de munc (%):
populaie of which, at working age (%): 65 ani i Din total, of which, at working age (%): 65 ani i
ocupat grupe de vrst (ani) peste (%) femei: grupe de vrst (ani) peste (%)
Activitatea (mii persoane) Total age groups (years) 65 years (%) Total age groups (years) 65 years Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Total 15-64 ani and over Of total, 15-64 ani and over (CANE Rev.2 sections)
employment years 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 (%) women: years 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 (%)
(thou persons) (%)

Total 8614 95,8 5,9 24,2 29,1 22,8 13,8 4,2 43,8 41,6 2,3 10,6 12,8 10,1 5,8 2,2 Total
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2442 85,8 8,6 15,5 22,0 18,8 20,9 14,2 45,2 37,6 3,2 6,5 9,4 7,9 10,6 7,6 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie extractiv 75 99,6 0,3 15,4 41,9 31,5 10,5 0,4 10,9 10,8 - 0,7 3,6 5,1 1,4 0,1 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1595 99,9 5,3 24,8 29,7 27,7 12,4 0,1 42,5 42,5 2,1 11,0 13,6 12,2 3,6 - Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, and air conditioning
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 92 99,8 0,5 14,6 32,2 35,1 17,4 0,2 19,2 19,0 0,1 2,7 5,1 9,3 1,8 0,2 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 90 99,6 3,9 16,2 32,2 28,6 18,7 0,4 26,6 26,6 0,1 5,7 10,6 5,4 4,8 - decontamination activities
Construcii 640 99,9 5,8 28,0 32,4 21,9 11,8 0,1 7,9 7,8 0,2 2,2 2,6 2,0 0,8 0,1 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea Wholesale and retail; repair of
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1112 99,9 6,2 33,6 31,5 21,3 7,3 0,1 54,3 54,3 3,2 17,8 17,9 12,0 3,4 - motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 433 99,8 3,1 22,4 34,1 28,4 11,8 0,2 17,1 17,1 0,3 4,3 5,9 5,2 1,4 - Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 181 100,0 13,2 33,9 25,1 21,3 6,5 - 63,1 63,1 8,1 18,7 16,3 15,9 4,1 - Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 148 98,5 5,7 48,5 26,2 12,9 5,2 1,5 36,5 35,6 2,0 19,0 8,8 3,7 2,1 0,9 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 112 99,9 4,0 39,7 31,4 18,3 6,5 0,1 66,3 66,3 1,9 26,8 20,8 13,0 3,8 - Financial intermediation and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 21 99,5 6,2 25,0 30,6 29,9 7,8 0,5 36,1 36,1 3,5 5,7 12,6 9,5 4,8 - Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific and
tiinifice i tehnice 193 99,5 3,8 36,2 30,6 18,8 10,1 0,5 53,9 53,8 2,1 21,3 15,5 10,4 4,5 0,1 technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative i Administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 184 99,6 5,5 26,4 29,2 26,7 11,8 0,4 25,1 24,8 0,6 6,8 7,0 8,3 2,1 0,3 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public 391 99,8 1,9 24,7 39,7 23,8 9,7 0,2 36,1 36,0 0,5 7,4 13,7 10,0 4,4 0,1 compulsory social security
nvmnt 311 99,6 1,7 22,4 32,5 25,2 17,8 0,4 75,2 75,0 1,6 18,2 25,5 18,8 10,9 0,2 Education
Sntate i asisten social 368 99,7 0,9 22,8 38,2 25,1 12,7 0,3 80,6 80,5 0,6 17,9 31,4 20,7 9,9 0,1 Human health and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative 55 99,7 10,2 35,4 22,2 19,7 12,2 0,3 52,2 52,2 7,6 16,6 12,6 11,1 4,3 - Arts, entertainment and recreation
Alte activiti ale economiei naionale 171 99,7 7,0 28,4 31,7 22,4 10,2 0,3 62,7 62,5 4,9 18,2 18,6 15,6 5,2 0,2 Other activities of national economy

1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii
de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions
of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

108 109
Structura populaiei ocupate1), pe activiti ale economiei naionale
i dup statutul profesional, n anul 2014

3.4 Employment 1) structure, by activity of national economy

and by status in employment, in 2014

Total din care, dup statutul profesional (%): din care, dup statutul profesional (%):
populaie of which, by status in employment (%): Din total, of which, by status in employment (%):
ocupat Lucrtor Lucrtor femei: Lucrtor Lucrtor
Activitatea (mii persoane) pe cont familial (%) pe cont familial Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Total Salariat Patron propriu neremunerat Of total, Salariat Patron propriu neremunerat (CANE Rev.2 sections)
employment Employee Employer Self-employed Contributing women: Employee Employer Self-employed Contributing
(thou persons) family worker (%) family worker

Total 8614 67,9 1,1 19,4 11,6 43,8 29,8 0,4 5,6 8,0 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2442 7,3 0,2 52,5 40,0 45,2 1,3 - 16,1 27,8 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie extractiv 75 98,5 - 1,3 0,2 10,9 10,6 - 0,2 0,1 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1595 97,7 0,6 1,6 0,1 42,5 42,1 0,1 0,2 0,1 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 92 99,9 0,1 - - 19,2 19,2 - - - production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea Water supply; sewerage, waste management
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 90 95,2 - 4,8 - 26,6 26,4 - 0,2 - and decontamination activities
Construcii 640 72,9 1,8 25,0 0,3 7,9 7,5 0,1 0,3 - Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1112 89,7 3,9 5,7 0,7 54,3 51,0 1,4 1,5 0,4 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 433 91,9 1,8 6,3 - 17,1 16,6 0,4 0,1 - Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 181 94,7 3,2 1,8 0,3 63,1 61,5 0,8 0,6 0,2 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 148 91,6 0,8 4,6 3,0 36,5 32,5 0,3 1,7 2,0 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 112 97,7 0,6 1,7 - 66,3 65,2 0,3 0,8 - Financial intermediation and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 21 87,0 2,8 9,2 1,0 36,1 33,4 - 1,7 1,0 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice 193 84,9 3,9 11,1 0,1 53,9 46,7 0,9 6,2 0,1 Professional, scientific and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative i activiti Administrative and support
de servicii suport 184 98,2 0,9 0,9 - 25,1 24,7 0,1 0,3 - service activities
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public 391 100,0 - - - 36,1 36,1 - - - compulsory social security
nvmnt 311 99,6 0,1 0,3 - 75,2 75,2 - - - Education
Sntate i asisten social 368 97,4 0,5 2,1 - 80,6 78,5 0,3 1,8 - Human health and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative 55 89,0 0,9 10,1 - 52,2 49,2 - 3,0 - Arts, entertainment and recreation
Alte activiti ale economiei naionale 171 66,7 1,6 31,2 0,5 62,7 38,9 0,5 22,9 0,4 Other activities of national economy

1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii de
comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions
of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

110 111
Structura populaiei1), dup participarea la activitatea economic,
pe grupe de vrst, sexe i medii, n anul 2014
Population1) structure, by participation in economic activity,
3.5 by age group, sex and area, in 2014
procente / percentage

Total Persoane active Persoane

Grupe de vrst populaie Economically active persons inactive Age groups
Total Total Ocupate omeri 2) Non-economically
population Employed Unemployed 2) active persons

Total 100,0 46,4 43,2 3,2 53,6 Total
Sub 15 ani 100,0 - - - 100,0 Under 15 years
15 - 64 ani 100,0 65,7 61,0 4,7 34,3 15 - 64 years
din care: of which:
15 - 24 ani 100,0 29,6 22,5 7,1 70,4 15 - 24 years
25 - 34 ani 100,0 81,6 75,1 6,5 18,4 25 - 34 years
35 - 44 ani 100,0 84,5 80,1 4,4 15,5 35 - 44 years
45 - 54 ani 100,0 79,8 75,6 4,2 20,2 45 - 54 years
55 - 64 ani 100,0 44,6 43,1 1,5 55,4 55 - 64 years
65 ani i peste 100,0 10,8 10,8 - 89,2 65 years and over
Masculin / Male
Total 100,0 53,7 49,8 3,9 46,3 Total
Sub 15 ani 100,0 - - - 100,0 Under 15 years
15 - 64 ani 100,0 74,3 68,7 5,6 25,7 15 - 64 years
din care: of which:
15 - 24 ani 100,0 34,8 26,6 8,2 65,2 15 - 24 years
25 - 34 ani 100,0 89,8 82,0 7,8 10,2 25 - 34 years
35 - 44 ani 100,0 93,0 87,7 5,3 7,0 35 - 44 years
45 - 54 ani 100,0 88,3 83,6 4,7 11,7 45 - 54 years
55 - 64 ani 100,0 55,4 53,1 2,3 44,6 55 - 64 years
65 ani i peste 100,0 12,5 12,5 - 87,5 65 years and over
Feminin / Female
Total 100,0 39,4 37,0 2,4 60,6 Total
Sub 15 ani 100,0 - - - 100,0 Under 15 years
15 - 64 ani 100,0 56,9 53,3 3,6 43,1 15 - 64 years
din care: of which:
15 - 24 ani 100,0 24,0 18,1 5,9 76,0 15 - 24 years
25 - 34 ani 100,0 72,8 67,8 5,0 27,2 25 - 34 years
35 - 44 ani 100,0 75,6 72,1 3,5 24,4 35 - 44 years
45 - 54 ani 100,0 71,2 67,5 3,7 28,8 45 - 54 years
55 - 64 ani 100,0 35,0 34,2 0,8 65,0 55 - 64 years
65 ani i peste 100,0 9,7 9,7 - 90,3 65 years and over
Total 100,0 47,3 43,5 3,8 52,7 Total
Sub 15 ani 100,0 - - - 100,0 Under 15 years
15 - 64 ani 100,0 65,8 60,5 5,3 34,2 15 - 64 years
din care: of which:
15 - 24 ani 100,0 23,0 15,5 7,5 77,0 15 - 24 years
25 - 34 ani 100,0 86,1 78,5 7,6 13,9 25 - 34 years
35 - 44 ani 100,0 88,1 82,9 5,2 11,9 35 - 44 years
45 - 54 ani 100,0 82,1 77,2 4,9 17,9 45 - 54 years
55 - 64 ani 100,0 36,7 34,8 1,9 63,3 55 - 64 years
65 ani i peste 100,0 1,0 1,0 - 99,0 65 years and over
Total 100,0 45,3 42,9 2,4 54,7 Total
Sub 15 ani 100,0 - - - 100,0 Under 15 years
15 - 64 ani 100,0 65,5 61,7 3,8 34,5 15 - 64 years
din care: of which:
15 - 24 ani 100,0 36,5 29,8 6,7 63,5 15 - 24 years
25 - 34 ani 100,0 74,9 70,1 4,8 25,1 25 - 34 years
35 - 44 ani 100,0 80,1 76,6 3,5 19,9 35 - 44 years
45 - 54 ani 100,0 76,6 73,5 3,1 23,4 45 - 54 years
55 - 64 ani 100,0 55,7 54,8 0,9 44,3 55 - 64 years
65 ani i peste 100,0 19,2 19,2 - 80,8 65 years and over
1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii de
comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions
of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Conform definiiei internaionale (BIM = Biroul Internaional al Muncii). / According to the international definition (ILO = International Labour Office).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014. / Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

Structura populaiei ocupate1), dup nivelul de educaie, pe grupe de vrst,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014
Employment1) structure, by educational level, by age group,
3.6 sex and area, in 2014

Total populaie din care, n vrst de munc (%): 65 ani

ocupat of which, at working age (%): i peste
(mii persoane) grupe de vrst (ani) (%)
Nivel de educaie Total Total age groups (years) 65 years Educational level
employment 15-64 ani and over
(thou persons) years 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 (%)

Total 8614 95,8 5,9 24,2 29,1 22,8 13,8 4,2 Total
Superior 1589 99,5 2,8 37,9 31,8 18,0 9,0 0,5 Tertiary
Mediu 4849 99,0 6,0 22,2 31,5 26,9 12,4 1,0 Medium
Postliceal de specialitate Speciality post high school
sau tehnic de maitri 309 98,3 2,3 19,7 37,4 21,4 17,5 1,7 or technical foremen education
Liceal 3040 99,5 7,5 24,0 32,3 26,9 8,8 0,5 High school
Profesional 1500 98,0 3,7 19,0 28,8 27,9 18,6 2,0 Vocational
Sczut 2176 86,2 8,0 18,6 21,8 17,3 20,5 13,8 Low
Gimnazial 1871 90,3 8,3 19,4 23,5 18,3 20,8 9,7 Secondary school
Primar sau fr Primary or
coal absolvit 305 61,1 6,4 13,2 11,8 11,0 18,7 38,9 no education
Masculin / Male
Total 4844 96,6 6,4 24,2 29,0 22,7 14,3 3,4 Total
Superior 788 99,3 2,7 36,3 30,9 18,3 11,1 0,7 Tertiary
Mediu 2881 98,7 6,1 22,2 30,6 26,0 13,8 1,3 Medium
Postliceal de specialitate Speciality post high school
sau tehnic de maitri 139 97,2 1,7 13,7 30,0 26,6 25,2 2,8 or technical foremen education
Liceal 1664 99,5 8,1 25,2 32,1 25,2 8,9 0,5 High school
Profesional 1078 97,7 3,8 18,6 28,5 27,0 19,8 2,3 Vocational
Sczut 1175 89,4 9,5 21,0 23,8 17,6 17,5 10,6 Low
Gimnazial 1029 91,8 9,6 21,0 25,2 18,4 17,6 8,2 Secondary school
Primar sau fr Primary or
coal absolvit 146 72,8 9,4 21,1 14,1 12,1 16,1 27,2 no education
Feminin / Female
Total 3770 94,9 5,3 24,1 29,2 23,0 13,3 5,1 Total
Superior 801 99,7 2,9 39,4 32,7 17,7 7,0 0,3 Tertiary
Mediu 1968 99,3 5,7 22,2 32,8 28,2 10,4 0,7 Medium
Postliceal de specialitate Speciality post high school
sau tehnic de maitri 170 99,3 2,8 24,6 43,5 17,2 11,2 0,7 or technical foremen education
Liceal 1376 99,5 6,7 22,6 32,5 29,0 8,7 0,5 High school
Profesional 422 98,6 3,4 20,2 29,5 30,1 15,4 1,4 Vocational
Sczut 1001 82,4 6,3 15,7 19,5 16,9 24,0 17,6 Low
Gimnazial 842 88,5 6,8 17,5 21,4 18,2 24,6 11,5 Secondary school
Primar sau fr Primary or
coal absolvit 159 50,4 3,5 6,1 9,7 10,1 21,0 49,6 no education
Total 4669 99,7 3,9 27,9 30,9 25,0 12,0 0,3 Total
Superior 1407 99,7 2,3 37,7 32,1 18,6 9,0 0,3 Tertiary
Mediu 2855 99,8 4,2 23,3 30,9 28,4 13,0 0,2 Medium
Postliceal de specialitate Speciality post high school
sau tehnic de maitri 247 99,6 1,9 20,0 38,9 22,2 16,6 0,4 or technical foremen education
Liceal 1907 99,9 5,3 25,3 31,4 28,3 9,6 0,1 High school
Profesional 701 99,7 2,0 19,0 26,6 31,2 20,9 0,3 Vocational
Sczut 407 98,5 6,8 25,8 26,5 23,2 16,2 1,5 Low
Gimnazial 365 99,0 6,5 25,6 26,6 23,5 16,8 1,0 Secondary school
Primar sau fr Primary or
coal absolvit 42 94,1 8,9 27,9 25,6 20,0 11,7 5,9 no education
Total 3945 91,3 8,3 19,8 27,1 20,2 15,9 8,7 Total
Superior 182 98,0 6,6 38,7 29,5 13,4 9,8 2,0 Tertiary
Mediu 1994 97,7 8,5 20,6 32,4 24,6 11,6 2,3 Medium
Postliceal de specialitate Speciality post high school
sau tehnic de maitri 62 93,3 3,7 18,4 31,7 18,5 21,0 6,7 or technical foremen education
Liceal 1133 98,9 11,0 21,9 33,7 24,7 7,6 1,1 High school
Profesional 799 96,5 5,2 19,0 30,7 25,0 16,6 3,5 Vocational
Sczut 1769 83,3 8,3 16,9 20,8 15,9 21,4 16,7 Low
Gimnazial 1506 88,2 8,7 18,0 22,7 17,1 21,7 11,8 Secondary school
Primar sau fr Primary or
coal absolvit 263 55,8 5,9 10,9 9,6 9,6 19,8 44,2 no education
1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii de
comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions
of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014. / Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

Structura populaiei ocupate1), pe grupe de ocupaii, grupe de vrst,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014

3.7 Employment1) structure, by occupation group, age group,

sex and area, in 2014

Total populaie din care, n vrst de munc (%):

ocupat of which, at working age (%): 65 ani
(mii persoane) grupe de vrst (ani) i peste (%)
Grupe de ocupaii Total Total age groups (years) 65 years Occupation groups
employment 15-64 ani and over (%)
(thou persons) years 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64

Total Total
Total 8614 95,8 5,9 24,2 29,1 22,8 13,8 4,2 Total
Membri ai corpului legislativ, ai executivului,
nali conductori ai administraiei publice,
conductori i funcionari superiori 175 99,1 1,0 23,2 34,2 26,5 14,2 0,9 Managers
Specialiti n diverse domenii de activitate 1164 99,7 1,9 32,5 33,9 20,3 11,1 0,3 Professionals
Tehnicieni i ali specialiti din domeniul tehnic 509 99,8 4,2 30,7 32,3 21,8 10,8 0,2 Technicians and associate professionals
Funcionari administrativi 365 99,9 4,6 30,1 28,6 26,4 10,2 0,1 Clerical support workers
Lucrtori n domeniul serviciilor 1167 99,9 6,8 29,4 31,6 23,6 8,5 0,1 Service and sales workers
Lucrtori calificai n agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2010 85,0 8,8 15,3 21,3 18,4 21,2 15,0 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
Muncitori calificai i asimilai 1364 99,9 4,4 22,5 30,1 28,9 14,0 0,1 Craft and related trades workers
Alte categorii de ocupaii 1860 97,4 7,0 23,6 31,0 23,5 12,3 2,6 Other categories of occupations
din care: of which:
Muncitori necalificai 878 94,6 10,0 21,7 26,1 21,7 15,1 5,4 Elementary occupations
Masculin Male

Total 4844 96,6 6,4 24,2 29,0 22,7 14,3 3,4 Total
Membri ai corpului legislativ, ai executivului,
nali conductori ai administraiei publice,
conductori i funcionari superiori 120 98,8 1,0 22,1 32,9 27,6 15,2 1,2 Managers
Specialiti n diverse domenii de activitate 502 99,5 1,9 31,4 31,5 20,9 13,8 0,5 Professionals
Tehnicieni i ali specialiti din domeniul tehnic 239 99,8 5,2 31,1 29,9 20,8 12,8 0,2 Technicians and associate professionals
Funcionari administrativi 132 99,8 5,4 30,2 29,2 23,9 11,2 0,2 Clerical support workers
Lucrtori n domeniul serviciilor 462 99,9 7,0 32,0 30,4 21,0 9,5 0,1 Service and sales workers
Lucrtori calificai n agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1063 87,2 10,2 16,1 22,3 19,4 19,2 12,8 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
Muncitori calificai i asimilai 1068 99,9 4,7 22,1 29,4 28,4 15,3 0,1 Craft and related trades workers
Alte categorii de ocupaii 1258 98,1 7,1 25,3 32,4 21,7 11,6 1,9 Other categories of occupations
din care: of which:
Muncitori necalificai 498 95,4 12,1 25,7 25,9 18,3 13,4 4,6 Elementary occupations
Feminin Female

Total 3770 94,9 5,3 24,1 29,2 23,0 13,3 5,1 Total
Membri ai corpului legislativ, ai executivului,
nali conductori ai administraiei publice,
conductori i funcionari superiori 55 99,8 0,8 25,6 37,2 24,2 12,0 0,2 Managers
Specialiti n diverse domenii de activitate 662 99,8 1,9 33,4 35,7 19,8 9,0 0,2 Professionals
Tehnicieni i ali specialiti din domeniul tehnic 270 99,9 3,4 30,3 34,5 22,7 9,0 0,1 Technicians and associate professionals
Funcionari administrativi 233 100,0 4,1 30,0 28,3 27,9 9,7 - Clerical support workers
Lucrtori n domeniul serviciilor 705 99,9 6,7 27,6 32,4 25,3 7,9 0,1 Service and sales workers
Lucrtori calificai n agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 947 82,7 7,2 14,5 20,3 17,3 23,4 17,3 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
Muncitori calificai i asimilai 296 99,8 3,3 23,6 32,6 31,1 9,2 0,2 Craft and related trades workers
Alte categorii de ocupaii 602 95,9 6,7 20,1 28,3 27,0 13,8 4,1 Other categories of occupations
din care: of which:
Muncitori necalificai 380 93,5 7,2 16,6 26,3 26,1 17,3 6,5 Elementary occupations

1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii de
comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions
of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

114 115
Structura populaiei ocupate1), pe grupe de ocupaii, grupe de vrst,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014 - continuare

3.7 Employment 1) structure, by occupation group, age group,

sex and area, in 2014 - continued

Total populaie din care, n vrst de munc (%):

ocupat of which, at working age (%): 65 ani
(mii persoane) grupe de vrst (ani) i peste (%)
Grupe de ocupaii Total Total age groups (years) 65 years Occupation groups
employment 15-64 ani and over (%)
(thou persons) years 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64

Urban Urban

Total 4669 99,7 3,9 27,9 30,9 25,0 12,0 0,3 Total
Membri ai corpului legislativ, ai executivului,
nali conductori ai administraiei publice,
conductori i funcionari superiori 142 99,2 0,9 24,6 34,3 25,0 14,4 0,8 Managers
Specialiti n diverse domenii de activitate 1030 99,7 1,7 32,8 33,7 20,6 10,9 0,3 Professionals
Tehnicieni i ali specialiti din domeniul tehnic 427 99,8 3,5 32,3 31,1 22,0 10,9 0,2 Technicians and associate professionals
Funcionari administrativi 305 99,9 4,4 31,3 28,1 25,8 10,3 0,1 Clerical support workers
Lucrtori n domeniul serviciilor 850 99,9 5,6 29,9 31,1 24,5 8,8 0,1 Service and sales workers
Lucrtori calificai n agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 82 91,3 6,9 24,0 15,7 22,8 21,9 8,7 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
Muncitori calificai i asimilai 887 99,9 3,5 21,0 27,5 31,1 16,8 0,1 Craft and related trades workers
Alte categorii de ocupaii 946 99,9 5,2 24,8 32,4 25,9 11,6 0,1 Other categories of occupations
din care: of which:
Muncitori necalificai 309 99,9 9,0 25,1 27,6 25,5 12,7 0,1 Elementary occupations
Rural Rural

Total 3945 91,3 8,3 19,8 27,1 20,2 15,9 8,7 Total
Membri ai corpului legislativ, ai executivului,
nali conductori ai administraiei publice,
conductori i funcionari superiori 33 98,6 0,9 17,3 34,0 33,2 13,2 1,4 Managers
Specialiti n diverse domenii de activitate 134 99,4 3,7 30,3 35,4 17,2 12,8 0,6 Professionals
Tehnicieni i ali specialiti din domeniul tehnic 82 99,8 7,7 22,3 38,6 20,7 10,5 0,2 Technicians and associate professionals
Funcionari administrativi 60 99,8 5,2 23,5 31,0 30,1 10,0 0,2 Clerical support workers
Lucrtori n domeniul serviciilor 317 99,9 10,2 27,9 33,1 21,1 7,6 0,1 Service and sales workers
Lucrtori calificai n agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1928 84,8 8,9 15,0 21,6 18,2 21,1 15,2 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
Muncitori calificai i asimilai 477 99,8 6,1 25,1 34,9 25,0 8,7 0,2 Craft and related trades workers
Alte categorii de ocupaii 914 94,8 8,8 22,4 29,6 20,9 13,1 5,2 Other categories of occupations
din care: of which:
Muncitori necalificai 569 91,7 10,5 20,0 25,2 19,6 16,4 8,3 Elementary occupations

1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii de
comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions
of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

116 117
Structura populaiei ocupate1), dup statutul profesional, pe grupe de vrst,
sexe i medii, n anul 2014
Employment1) structure, by status in employment, by age group,
3.8 sex and area, in 2014

Total populaie din care, n vrst de munc (%): 65 ani

ocupat of which, at working age (%): i peste
(mii persoane) grupe de vrst (ani) (%)
Statutul Total Total age groups (years) 65 years Status
profesional employment 15-64 ani and over in employment
(thou persons) years 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 (%)

Total 8614 95,8 5,9 24,2 29,1 22,8 13,8 4,2 Total
din care: of which:
Salariat 5850 99,8 4,8 27,5 31,9 24,6 11,0 0,2 Employee
Patron 99 98,8 0,3 19,0 39,3 26,4 13,8 1,2 Employer
Lucrtor pe cont propriu 1670 85,3 3,3 13,5 24,1 22,0 22,4 14,7 Self-employed
Lucrtor familial Contributing
neremunerat 995 89,5 17,6 22,7 19,9 13,3 16,0 10,5 family worker

Masculin / Male
Total 4844 96,6 6,4 24,2 29,0 22,7 14,3 3,4 Total
din care: of which:
Salariat 3277 99,8 5,0 26,8 31,2 24,2 12,6 0,2 Employee
Patron 72 98,6 0,4 17,8 40,0 26,5 13,9 1,4 Employer
Lucrtor pe cont propriu 1189 87,5 3,6 14,4 25,7 22,5 21,3 12,5 Self-employed
Lucrtor familial Contributing
neremunerat 306 96,2 33,7 35,5 16,0 6,6 4,4 3,8 family worker

Feminin /Female
Total 3770 94,9 5,3 24,1 29,2 23,0 13,3 5,1 Total
din care: of which:
Salariat 2573 99,9 4,4 28,4 32,9 25,2 9,0 0,1 Employee
Patron 27 99,3 - 22,2 37,2 26,1 13,8 0,7 Employer
Lucrtor pe cont propriu 481 79,9 2,5 11,2 20,3 20,8 25,1 20,1 Self-employed
Lucrtor familial Contributing
neremunerat 689 86,6 10,5 17,1 21,7 16,2 21,1 13,4 family worker

Total 4669 99,7 3,9 27,9 30,9 25,0 12,0 0,3 Total
din care: of which:
Salariat 4296 99,8 3,8 28,1 31,0 25,1 11,8 0,2 Employee
Patron 78 98,9 0,4 19,5 37,7 26,8 14,5 1,1 Employer
Lucrtor pe cont propriu 264 98,1 5,1 25,7 27,8 24,2 15,3 1,9 Self-employed
Lucrtor familial Contributing
neremunerat 31 90,2 16,6 31,6 13,4 15,2 13,4 9,8 family worker

Total 3945 91,3 8,3 19,8 27,1 20,2 15,9 8,7 Total
din care: of which:
Salariat 1554 99,9 7,5 25,9 34,4 23,2 8,9 0,1 Employee
Patron 21 98,4 0,1 17,2 45,0 24,7 11,4 1,6 Employer
Lucrtor pe cont propriu 1406 82,9 2,9 11,2 23,4 21,7 23,7 17,1 Self-employed
Lucrtor familial Contributing
neremunerat 964 89,5 17,6 22,5 20,1 13,2 16,1 10,5 family worker

1) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, n condiii de
comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, under the conditions
of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO) - 2014.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) - 2014.

Populaia ocupat civil, pe activiti ale economiei naionale (la sfritul anului)
3.9 Civil employment, by activity of national economy (end of year)
mii persoane / thou persons
Activitatea Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2012 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Total 8570 8531 8431 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2510 2380 2304 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1765 1778 1782 Industry
Industrie extractiv 65 63 62 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1509 1532 1536 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, and air conditioning
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 68 60 58 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 123 123 126 and decontamination activities
Construcii 606 632 628 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail;
repararea autovehiculelor repair of motor vehicles
i motocicletelor 1178 1229 1205 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 447 430 408 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 154 156 165 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 153 153 161 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 114 122 118 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 32 35 29 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 166 169 175 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 258 271 282 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public 192 191 196 compulsory social security
nvmnt 391 379 373 Education
Sntate i asisten Human health and
social 374 372 377 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 62 72 75 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 168 162 153 Other service activities

Not: Resursele de munc precum i categoria non-salariailor care fac parte din populaia ocupat civil au fost estimate pe baza
populaiei rezidente la 1 ianuarie 2015.
Datele pentru resursele de munc, populaia activ civil i populaia ocupat civil nu sunt comparabile cu anii anteriori.
Note: The labour force resources, as well as the category of non-employees belonging to civil employment have been estimated based
on resident population on January 1, 2015.
The data on labour force resources, civil economically active population and civil employment are not comparable to previous years.
Sursa: Balana forei de munc - la sfritul anului.
Source: Labour force balance - end of year.

Populaia ocupat civil, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe forme
de proprietate, n anul 2014 (la sfritul anului)
Civil employment, by activity of national economy and by type
3.10 of ownership, in 2014 (end of year)
mii persoane / thou persons
din total, pe forme
de proprietate:
din care: of total, by type
femei of ownership:
Activitatea Total of which: Majoritar Majoritar Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) women de stat privat (CANE Rev.2 sections)
State Private
majority majority

Total 8431 1270 7161 Total

din care: femei 3953 751 3202 of which: women
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2304 1224 24 2280 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1782 718 142 1640 Industry
Industrie extractiv 62 10 27 35 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1536 665 20 1516 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, and air conditioning
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 58 14 43 15 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 126 29 52 74 and decontamination activities
Construcii 628 98 23 605 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu Wholesale and retail;
amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1205 603 1 1204 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 408 65 113 295 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 165 98 5 160 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 161 65 9 152 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 118 88 9 109 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 29 13 6 23 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 175 87 34 141 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 282 93 19 263 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public 196 114 196 - compulsory social security
nvmnt 373 263 350 23 Education
Sntate i asisten Human health and
social 377 300 305 72 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 75 42 32 43 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 153 82 2 151 Other service activities

Not: Resursele de munc precum i categoria non-salariailor care fac parte din populaia ocupat civil au fost estimate pe baza
populaiei rezidente la 1 ianuarie 2015.
Datele pentru resursele de munc, populaia activ civil i populaia ocupat civil nu sunt comparabile cu anii anteriori.
Note: The labour force resources, as well as the category of non-employees belonging to civil employment have been estimated based
on resident population on January 1, 2015.
The data on labour force resources, civil economically active population and civil employment are not comparable to previous years.
Sursa: Balana forei de munc - la sfritul anului.
Source: Labour force balance - end of year.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale economiei naionale, pe sexe
i pe forme de proprietate
Average number of employees, by activity of national economy, by sex
3.11 and by ownership type
mii persoane / thou persons
Activitatea Total Brbai Femei Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Men Women (CANE Rev.2 sections)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Total 4444 4508 2360 2376 2084 2132 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 104 108 80 84 24 24 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1285 1303 728 739 557 564 Industry
Industrie extractiv 62 62 52 52 10 10 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1063 1085 557 571 506 514 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 61 58 46 44 15 14 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 99 98 73 72 26 26 decontamination activities
Construcii 346 345 298 299 48 46 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu Wholesale and retail;
amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 759 756 371 353 388 403 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 256 251 193 192 63 59 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 120 128 47 49 73 79 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 126 133 76 81 50 52 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 93 90 29 27 64 63 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 24 24 13 13 11 11 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 131 136 70 73 61 63 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 235 252 162 169 73 83 service activities
Administraie public i Public administration
aprare; asigurri sociale and defence; compulsory
din sistemul public1) 187 192 80 81 107 111 social security1)
nvmnt 359 361 108 107 251 254 Education
Sntate i asisten Human health and
social 322 323 64 65 258 258 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 56 62 23 25 33 37 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 41 44 18 19 23 25 Other service activities

Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale economiei naionale, pe sexe
i pe forme de proprietate - continuare
Average number of employees, by activity of national economy, by sex
3.11 and by ownership type - continued
mii persoane / thou persons
Activitatea Total Brbai Femei Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Men Women (CANE Rev.2 sections)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Proprietate public 2) 1250 1241 520 511 730 730 Public ownership 2)
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 26 24 21 20 5 4 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 148 140 112 106 36 34 Industry
Industrie extractiv 28 27 23 23 5 4 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 24 20 17 14 7 6 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 44 43 34 33 10 10 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 52 50 38 36 14 14 decontamination activities
Construcii 24 22 19 18 5 4 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu Wholesale and retail;
amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1 1 *) 1 1 *) and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 118 112 77 74 41 38 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 3 6 1 2 2 4 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 11 9 6 5 5 4 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 9 9 2 2 7 7 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 7 6 4 3 3 3 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 32 32 16 16 16 16 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 17 19 11 12 6 7 service activities
Administraie public i Public administration
aprare; asigurri and defence; compulsory
sociale din sistemul public 1) 187 192 80 81 107 111 social security 1)
nvmnt 345 347 101 100 244 247 Education
Sntate i asisten Human health and
social 291 290 57 58 234 232 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 30 30 13 12 17 18 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1 2 - 1 1 1 Other service activities

Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
2) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Including: state integral ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale economiei naionale, pe sexe
i pe forme de proprietate - continuare
Average number of employees, by activity of national economy, by sex
3.11 and by ownership type - continued
mii persoane / thou persons
Activitatea Total Brbai Femei Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Men Women (CANE Rev.2 sections)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Proprietate privat 3) 3193 3267 1839 1864 1354 1403 Private ownership 3)
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 78 83 59 63 19 20 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1137 1163 616 633 521 530 Industry
Industrie extractiv 34 34 28 28 6 6 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1039 1065 541 558 498 507 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 17 15 12 11 5 4 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 47 49 35 36 12 13 decontamination activities
Construcii 322 322 280 280 42 42 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu Wholesale and retail;
amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 757 755 370 352 387 403 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 138 139 116 118 22 21 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 117 122 46 47 71 75 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 115 124 70 75 45 49 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 84 82 27 26 57 56 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 18 18 10 10 8 8 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 99 104 54 57 45 47 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 219 234 151 158 68 76 service activities
Administraie public i Public administration
aprare; asigurri and defence; compulsory
sociale din sistemul public 1) - - - - - - social security 1)
nvmnt 14 14 7 7 7 7 Education
Sntate i asisten Human health and
social 30 34 6 8 24 26 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, ` Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 26 31 10 12 16 19 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 39 42 17 18 22 24 Other service activities

Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
3) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Including: private majority ownership, private integral ownership, co-operative ownership, community ownership, foreign integral ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe forme de proprietate, clase de mrime ale
ntreprinderilor i pe sexe
Average number of emolyees, by ownership type, enterprises size class
3.12 and by sex
mii persoane / thou persons

Forma de proprietate Total Brbai Femei

Ownership type Male Female
Clase de mrime ale ntreprinderilor 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014
Enterprises size class
Total 4444 4508 2360 2376 2084 2132
Sub 50 salariai 1275 1315 721 741 554 574
Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 1103 1117 635 635 468 482
50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 2066 2076 1004 1000 1062 1076
250 employees and over
Proprietate public 1) 1250 1241 520 511 730 730
Public ownership 1)
Sub 50 salariai 114 115 52 53 62 62
Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 183 183 81 79 102 104
50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 953 943 387 379 566 564
250 employees and over
Proprietate privat 2) 3193 3267 1839 1864 1354 1403
Private ownership 2)
Sub 50 salariai 1160 1200 668 687 492 513
Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 920 934 554 556 366 378
50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 1113 1133 617 621 496 512
250 employees and over
Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
1) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Including: state integral ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
2) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Including: private majority ownership, private integral ownership, co-operative ownership, community ownership, foreign integral ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc. / Source: Labour cost survey.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale industriei,

pe sexe i pe forme de proprietate
Average number of employees, by activity of industry,
3.13 by sex and by ownership type
mii persoane / thou persons
Activitatea Total Brbai Femei Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Men Women (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014
Industrie - total 1285 1303 728 739 557 564 Industry - total
Industrie extractiv 62 62 52 52 10 10 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui Mining of coal
superior i inferior 20 19 17 16 3 3 and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i Extraction of crude petroleum
a gazelor naturale 22 21 18 17 4 4 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 3 2 2 2 1 - Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 9 11 8 9 1 2 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 8 9 7 8 1 1 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 1063 1085 557 571 506 514 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 143 144 65 68 78 76 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 19 18 13 12 6 6 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 2 2 2 2 *) *) Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 32 34 9 10 23 24 Manufacture of textiles
Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale industriei,
pe sexe i pe forme de proprietate - continuare
Average number of employees, by activity of industry,
3.13 by sex and by ownership type - continued
mii persoane / thou persons
Activitatea Total Brbai Femei Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Men Women (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 142 142 18 19 124 123 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 61 64 16 19 45 45 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of
produselor din lemn i plut, cu excepia products of wood and cork, except
mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie i furniture; manufacture of articles
din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 53 51 40 37 13 14 of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor Manufacture of paper
din hrtie 10 10 6 6 4 4 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction of
pe supori a nregistrrilor 14 13 7 7 7 6 recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie Manufacture of coke
i a produselor obinute and refined
din prelucrarea ieiului 4 4 3 3 1 1 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor i Manufacture of chemicals
a produselor chimice 27 25 19 17 8 8 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products and
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 9 9 3 3 6 6 pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber
i mase plastice 45 48 27 29 18 19 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din Manufacture of other non-metallic
minerale nemetalice 39 39 28 28 11 11 mineral products
Industria metalurgic 30 29 24 23 6 6 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, exclusiv metal products, except
maini, utilaje i instalaii 73 72 58 57 15 15 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers,
produselor electronice i optice 23 26 11 12 12 14 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 34 38 17 20 17 18 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, Manufacture of machinery
utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 48 49 38 39 10 10 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 135 144 69 74 66 70 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other
mijloace de transport 28 30 23 24 5 6 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 56 58 36 37 20 21 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 12 14 5 6 7 8 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 24 22 20 19 4 3 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam and
energie electric i termic, gaze, air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 61 58 46 44 15 14 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 99 98 73 72 26 26 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea i Water catchment,
distribuia apei 41 41 29 29 12 12 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea Used water collection
apelor uzate 7 7 6 6 1 1 and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities and
i servicii de decontaminare 51 50 38 37 13 13 services of decontamination

Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale industriei,
pe sexe i pe forme de proprietate - continuare
Average number of employees, by activity of industry,
3.13 by sex and by ownership type - continued
mii persoane / thou persons
Activitatea Total Brbai Femei Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Men Women (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Proprietate public 1) 148 140 112 106 36 34 Public ownership 1)

Industrie extractiv 28 27 23 23 5 4 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 20 18 17 15 3 3 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i Extraction of crude petroleum
a gazelor naturale 4 4 3 4 1 *) and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 2 2 1 1 1 1 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 2 2 2 2 *) *) Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei *) 1 *) 1 *) *) Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 24 20 17 14 7 6 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar *) *) *) *) *) **) Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor *) *) *) **) *) **) Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun - - - - - - Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile - - - - - - Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte *) *) *) **) *) *) Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor - - - - - - preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of
produselor din lemn i plut, cu excepia products of wood and cork, except
mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie furniture; manufacture of articles
i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite *) - *) - *) - of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a Manufacture of paper
produselor din hrtie *) *) *) **) *) **) and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe Printing and reproduction
supori a nregistrrilor 2 2 1 1 1 1 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie Manufacture of coke
i a produselor obinute and refined
din prelucrarea ieiului *) - *) - *) - petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor i a Manufacture of chemicals
produselor chimice 2 2 1 1 1 1 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products and
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 1 1 *) *) 1 1 pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber
i mase plastice - *) - *) - *) and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din Manufacture of other non-metallic
minerale nemetalice - *) *) **) *) **) mineral products
Industria metalurgic *) *) *) *) *) *) Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, metal products, except
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 6 5 4 3 2 2 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers,
produselor electronice i optice 1 1 1 1 *) *) electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice - - - - - - Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 1 *) 1 *) *) *) and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor - - - - - - trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace Manufacture of other
de transport 3 3 2 3 1 *) transport equipment

Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
1) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Including: state integral ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale industriei,
pe sexe i pe forme de proprietate - continuare
Average number of employees, by activity of industry,
3.13 by sex and by ownership type - continued
mii persoane / thou persons
Activitatea Total Brbai Femei Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Men Women (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Fabricarea de mobil *) **) *) **) *) - Manufacture of furniture

Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 1 1 1 1 *) *) Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea Repair, maintenance and
i instalarea mainilor installation of machinery
i echipamentelor 7 5 6 4 1 1 and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 44 43 34 33 10 10 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 52 50 38 36 14 14 decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea i Water catchment, treatment
distribuia apei 34 33 24 23 10 10 and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea Used water collection
apelor uzate 5 5 4 4 1 1 and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare and disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities and
i servicii de decontaminare 13 12 10 9 3 3 services of decontamination
Proprietate privat 2) 1137 1163 616 633 521 530 Private ownership 2)
Industrie extractiv 34 34 28 28 6 6 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior *) *) *) *) *) *) Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i Extraction of crude petroleum
a gazelor naturale 18 17 14 14 4 3 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 1 *) 1 *) *) **) Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 8 9 7 8 1 1 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 7 8 6 6 1 2 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 1039 1065 541 558 498 507 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 143 144 65 69 78 75 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 19 18 13 12 6 6 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 2 2 2 2 *) *) Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 32 34 9 10 23 24 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 142 142 18 19 124 123 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 61 63 16 19 45 44 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of
produselor din lemn i plut, cu excepia products of wood and cork, except
mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie i furniture; manufacture of articles
din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 53 51 40 37 13 14 of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a Manufacture of paper
produselor din hrtie 9 10 5 6 4 4 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction of
pe supori a nregistrrilor 12 12 6 6 6 6 recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie Manufacture of coke
i a produselor obinute and refined
din prelucrarea ieiului 4 4 3 3 1 1 petroleum products

Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
2) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Including: private majority ownership, private integral ownership, co-operative ownership, community ownership, foreign integral ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Numrul mediu al salariailor, pe activiti ale industriei,
pe sexe i pe forme de proprietate - continuare
Average number of employees, by activity of industry,
3.13 by sex and by ownership type - continued
mii persoane / thou persons

Activitatea Total Brbai Femei Activity

(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Men Women (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Fabricarea substanelor i a Manufacture of chemicals

produselor chimice 25 23 17 16 8 7 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz i a pharmaceutical products and
preparatelor farmaceutice 8 8 3 3 5 5 pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber
cauciuc i mase plastice 45 48 27 29 18 19 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din Manufacture of other non-metallic
minerale nemetalice 39 39 28 28 11 11 mineral products
Industria metalurgic 30 29 24 23 6 6 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i Manufacture of fabricated
a produselor din metal, exclusiv metal products, except
maini, utilaje i instalaii 67 67 54 54 13 13 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers,
produselor electronice i optice 22 26 11 12 11 14 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 34 38 17 20 17 18 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, Manufacture of machinery and
utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 47 48 37 38 10 10 equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 135 144 69 74 66 70 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace Manufacture of other transport
de transport 26 27 22 22 4 5 equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 56 58 36 37 20 21 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 11 13 4 5 7 8 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 17 17 15 14 2 3 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 17 15 12 11 5 4 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 47 49 35 36 12 13 decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea i Water catchment, treatment
distribuia apei 7 8 5 6 2 2 and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea Used water collection
apelor uzate 2 2 2 1 *) 1 and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare and disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities and
i servicii de decontaminare 38 39 28 29 10 10 services of decontamination

Not: Datorit rotunjirii datelor pot exista mici diferene ntre datele la nivel de total i cele pe forme de proprietate.
Note: Due to data rounding sometimes small differences may exist between data on total level and on ownership type.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Salariaii, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe sexe,
la 31 decembrie 2014
Employees, by activity of national economy and by sex,
3.14 on December 31, 2014
mii persoane / thou persons
Total salariai
Total employees
din care:
Activitatea proprietate Din total: Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) privat1) Of total: (CANE Rev.2 sections)
Total of which: Brbai Femei
private Men Women

Total 4901 3630 2572 2329 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 114 89 88 26 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1396 1254 785 611 Industry
Industrie extractiv 62 35 52 10 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1172 1152 614 558 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 58 15 44 14 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 104 52 75 29 decontamination activities
Construcii 376 353 324 52 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesales and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 855 854 395 460 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 271 158 208 63 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 145 141 56 89 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 147 138 88 59 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 99 90 30 69 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 28 22 15 13 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific and
tiinifice i tehnice 156 123 84 72 technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative i Administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 280 261 187 93 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public 2) 196 - 82 114 compulsory social security 2)
nvmnt 368 17 108 260 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 347 42 71 276 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 70 38 28 42 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 53 50 23 30 Other service activities

1) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Including: private majority ownership, private integral ownership, co-operative ownership, community ownership, foreign integral ownership.
2) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc - 2014.
Source: Labour cost survey - 2014.

Salariaii, pe activiti ale industriei i pe sexe, la 31 decembrie 2014
3.15 Employees, by activity of industry and by sex, on December 31, 2014
mii persoane / thou persons
Total salariai
Total employees
Activitatea din care:
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) proprietate Din total:
Activity privat1) Of total:
(CANE Rev.2 divisions) Total of which: Brbai Femei
private Men Women

Total 1396 1254 785 611

Industrie extractiv / Mining and quarrying 62 35 52 10
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 19 *) 16 3
Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i a gazelor naturale 20 16 17 3
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 2 *) 2 *)
Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 11 10 9 2
Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 10 9 8 2
Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare / Manufacturing 1172 1152 614 558
Industria alimentar / Manufacture of food products 158 157 76 82
Fabricarea buturilor / Manufacture of beverages 19 19 13 6
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 2 2 2 *)
Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile / Manufacture of textiles 37 37 11 26
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 153 153 20 133
Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea articolelor de
voiaj i marochinrie, harnaamentelor i nclmintei;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 67 67 20 47
Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of travel
and leather goods, harness and footwear; preparation
and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor din lemn
i plut, cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din
paie i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 56 56 41 15
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and
cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles
of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 11 11 7 4
Manufacture of paper and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe supori a nregistrrilor 15 13 8 7
Printing and reproduction of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a produselor
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 4 4 3 1
Manufacture of coke and refined
petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor chimice 26 24 17 9
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 10 9 4 6
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products
and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice 51 51 31 20
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din minerale nemetalice 40 40 28 12
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

1) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Including: private majority ownership, private integral ownership, co-operative ownership, community ownership, foreign integral ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc - 2014.
Source: Labour cost survey - 2014.
Salariaii, pe activiti ale industriei i pe sexe, la 31 decembrie 2014 - continuare
3.15 Employees, by activity of industry and by sex, on December 31, 2014 - continued
mii persoane / thou persons
Total salariai
Total employees
Activitatea din care:
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) proprietate Din total:
Activity privat1) Of total:
(CANE Rev.2 divisions) Total of which: Brbai Femei
private Men Women

Industria metalurgic 30 30 24 6
Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i a produselor
din metal, exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 76 71 60 16
Manufacture of fabricated metal products,
except machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor
electronice i optice 29 29 14 15
Manufacture of computers, electronic
and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 41 41 22 19
Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 51 50 40 11
Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier,
a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 160 160 80 80
Manufacture of motor vehicles,
trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 33 30 27 6
Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 65 65 41 24
Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 14 14 5 9
Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea
mainilor i echipamentelor 24 19 20 4
Repair, maintenance and installation
of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric
i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 58 15 44 14
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 104 52 75 29
Water supply; sewerage, waste management
and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea i distribuia apei 43 8 31 12
Water catchment, treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 7 2 5 2
Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea deeurilor;
activiti de recuperare a materialelor reciclabile;
activiti i servicii de decontaminare 54 42 39 15
Waste collection, purification and disposal;
activities of recycling materials recovery;
activities and services of decontamination

1) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Including: private majority ownership, private integral ownership, co-operative ownership, community ownership, foreign integral ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc - 2014.
Source: Labour cost survey - 2014.
3.16 omerii nregistrai1) i rata omajului (la sfritul anului)
Registered unemployed 1) and unemployment rate (end of year)
persoane / persons
Total omeri / Total unemployed Din care: femei / Of which: women
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 709383 626960 461013 493775 512333 478338 302124 264401 203677 210795 215781 199885 Total
Beneficiari de indemnizaie de omaj 435497 329639 182538 194473 199626 140955 188457 142429 89604 87990 88182 63491 Recipients of unemployment benefit
Primar, gimnazial, profesional 262026 178728 83576 87694 85467 63322 93100 60638 33101 29548 27450 21159 Primary, secondary, vocational
Liceal i postliceal 131855 110052 71017 79595 87277 59251 71697 57710 38622 41487 44080 30884 High school and post high school
Universitar 41616 40859 27945 27184 26882 18382 23660 24081 17881 16955 16652 11448 University
Beneficiari de alocaie de sprijin - - - - - - - - - - - - Recipients of support allowance
Primar, gimnazial, profesional - - - - - - - - - - - - Primary, secondary, vocational
Liceal i postliceal - - - - - - - - - - - - High school and post high school
Universitar - - - - - - - - - - - - University
Beneficiari de pli compensatorii Beneficiaries of compensatory payments
potrivit - 1 - - - - - - - - - - according to G.P.O. No 98/1999
Primar, gimnazial, profesional - 1 - - - - - - - - - - Primary, secondary, vocational
Liceal i postliceal - - - - - - - - - - - - High school and post high school
Universitar - - - - - - - - - - - - University
omeri neindemnizai 273886 297320 278475 299302 312707 337383 113667 121972 114073 122805 127599 136394 Unpaid unemployed
Primar, gimnazial, profesional 240969 262874 237689 258737 270546 294050 97407 103748 93817 101624 105940 114144 Primary, secondary, vocational
Liceal i postliceal 24497 25536 30011 30552 32536 32799 11282 12891 13964 15188 15960 16221 High school and post high school
Universitar 8420 8910 10775 10013 9625 10534 4978 5333 6292 5993 5699 6029 University
Rata omajului (%) 7,8 7,0 5,2 5,4 5,7 5,4 7,1 6,3 4,9 4,9 5,1 4,8 Unemployment rate (%)
1) La ageniile pentru ocuparea forei de munc. / At the agencies for employment.
Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc. / Source: National Agency for Employment.

3.17 Persoanele cuprinse n cursuri de formare profesional

Persons who attend vocational training courses persoane / persons
Persoane cuprinse n pregtire din care: s-au ncadrat n activitate
Persons attending training courses of which: employed in activity
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 44347 39987 54751 47733 36949 40265 1) 16071 18891 1) Total
din care: of which:
omeri 41306 37979 52788 46643 36124 37438 16071 18528 Unemployed
Persoane care beneficiaz de servicii Persons who benefit of free
gratuite de formare profesional 1346 825 1014 431 427 439 - - vocational training services
Persoane care nu beneficiaz de servicii Persons who do not benefit of free
gratuite de formare profesional 1695 1183 949 659 398 1923 - - vocational training services
Persoane care beneficiaz de servicii gratuite Persons who benefit from free-of-charge skills
de evaluare i certificare de competene - - - - - 125 2) - 23 2) evaluation and certification services
Persoane cuprinse n programe de ucenicie - - - - - 340 - 340 3) Personos included in apprenticeship programs
Au ncheiat pregtirea n cursuri organizate: 36586 30692 50906 35043 82617 84152 5894 6713 6713 - 25360 28695 Accomplished their training in organized courses:
omeri care au urmat cursuri finanate Unemployed who attended courses financed
din bugetul asigurrilor pentru omaj 24910 23480 33713 18640 31321 29754 3369 5008 5008 - 4323 5939 from unemployment insurance budget
omeri care au urmat cursuri organizate Unemployed who attended courses
din alte fonduri 911 1702 10210 7591 4803 7684 74 141 141 - 1601 412 organized from other funds
Persoane care beneficiaz de servicii Persons who benefit of free
gratuite de formare profesional finanate vocational training services financed
din bugetul asigurrilor pentru omaj 659 413 608 267 36551 37877 - - - - 16071 18528 from unemployment insurance budget
Persoane care au nceput cursurile Persons beginning the training
n anul anterior 9035 4297 5776 8158 9544 8731 2451 1564 1564 - 3365 3816 in the previous year
La cererea persoanelor fizice interesate 960 601 506 382 390 99 - - - - - - At the request of interested natural persons
La cererea operatorilor economici 111 199 93 5 8 7 - - - - - - At the request of the economic operators
n pregtire (cursuri n derulare) 4533 6391 9848 9374 10092 8564 - - - - 5368 - Under training (on going courses)
Au ntrerupt cursurile 1) 2301 1406 2180 2219 1855 1804 - - - - - - Interrupted the training 1)
1) Datele se refer numai la numrul omerilor nregistrai conform Legii nr. 76/2002 privind sistemul asigurrilor pentru omaj i
stimularea ocuprii forei de munc cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Data refer only to the number of registered unemployed according to the Law No 76/2002 with subsequent amendments.
2) Datele se refer la persoanele beneficiare de servicii gratuite de evaluare i certificare a competenelor, ca urmare a modificrii
Legii nr. 76/2002.
Data refer to the persons who benefit from free-of-charge skills evaluation and certification services, due to changes in Law No 76/2002.
3) Datele se refer la persoane care au ncheiat contracte de ucenicie, conform Legii nr. 279/2005, modificat i completat prin
Legea nr. 179/2013.
Data refer to the persons included in apprenticeship programs, according to the Law No 279/2005, with amendments and completions
by Law No 179/2013.
Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc. / Source: National Agency for Employment.

132 133
omerii nregistrai, dup nivelul de educaie i pe grupe de vrst,
la 31 decembrie 2014

3.18 Registered unemployed, by educational level and by age group,

on December 31, 2014
persoane / persons
omeri nregistrai / Registered unemployed din care: beneficiari de indemnizaie de omaj1) / of which: beneficiaries of unemployment indemnity1)
Grupe de vrst / Age groups Grupe de vrst / Age groups
Total sub 25 ani 25 - 29 ani 30 - 39 ani 40 - 49 ani 50 - 55 ani peste 55 ani Total sub 25 ani 25 - 29 ani 30 - 39 ani 40 - 49 ani 50 - 55 ani peste 55 ani
under 25 years 25 - 29 years 30 - 39 years 40 - 49 years 50 - 55 years over 55 years under 25 years 25 - 29 years 30 - 39 years 40 - 49 years 50 - 55 years over 55 years

Total 478338 78185 39024 102188 129554 60679 68708 140955 33301 9470 24340 38564 18269 17011 Total
din care: of which:
Femei 199885 31478 15017 44378 57688 27174 24150 63491 15148 5025 12276 17840 8183 5019 Women
Primar, gimnazial, Primary, secondary,
profesional 357372 33733 26796 83047 105338 48681 59777 63322 3881 2958 11935 22626 10527 11395 vocational
din care: of which:
Femei 135303 9949 7975 32568 43404 20773 20634 21159 1038 1056 4312 8019 3878 2856 Women
Liceal i High school and
postliceal 92050 38519 6617 12095 18929 9470 6420 59251 25655 3327 7683 12350 6254 3982 post high school
din care: of which:
Femei 47105 17652 3513 7271 10964 5093 2612 30884 11563 1910 4770 7495 3503 1643 Women
Universitar 28916 5933 5611 7046 5287 2528 2511 18382 3765 3185 4722 3588 1488 1634 University
din care: of which:
Femei 17477 3877 3529 4539 3320 1308 904 11448 2547 2059 3194 2326 802 520 Women
1) Inclusiv beneficiarii de drepturi conform O.U.G. nr. 98/1999. / Including recipients of rights according to G.P.O. No 98/1999.
Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc. / Source: National Agency for Employment.

omerii nregistrai, beneficiari de indemnizaii de omaj1), pe grupe de vrst i

dup durata omajului, la 31 decembrie 2014

3.19 Registered unemployed, receiving unemployment indemnities1), by age group

and by unemployment duration, on December 31, 2014
persoane / persons
Durata omajului cuprins ntre: Duration of unemployment:
Total 1 zi - 3 luni 3 - 6 luni 6 - 9 luni 9 - 12 luni 12 - 15 luni 15 - 18 luni 18 - 21 luni 21 - 24 luni 24 - 27 luni peste 27 luni
1 day - 3 months 3 - 6 months 6 - 9 months 9 - 12 months 12 - 15 months 15 - 18 months 18 - 21 months 21 - 24 months 24 - 27 months over 27 months

Total 140955 58787 33077 18412 23827 3184 433 169 1750 503 813 Total
Brbai 77464 34913 16881 9895 13533 1253 188 70 197 175 359 Men
Femei 63491 23874 16196 8517 10294 1931 245 99 1553 328 454 Women
Sub 25 ani 27672 14461 12982 33 85 27 3 - 11 34 36 Under 25 years
Brbai 15004 8985 5926 12 5 5 1 - 2 32 36 Men
Femei 12668 5476 7056 21 80 22 2 - 9 2 - Women
25 - 29 ani 12666 5960 1812 360 4280 77 10 5 32 44 86 25 - 29 years
Brbai 8779 3290 1106 196 4042 17 10 2 3 40 73 Men
Femei 3887 2670 706 164 238 60 - 3 29 4 13 Women
30 - 39 ani 23675 10138 5326 4935 2096 521 104 28 237 29 261 30 - 39 years
Brbai 14167 6274 3158 3643 607 159 72 12 18 28 196 Men
Femei 9508 3864 2168 1292 1489 362 32 16 219 1 65 Women
40 - 49 ani 42415 18856 7788 6389 6573 1358 153 77 772 220 229 40 - 49 years
Brbai 22792 11967 3978 3363 2638 589 59 35 87 39 37 Men
Femei 19623 6889 3810 3026 3935 769 94 42 685 181 192 Women
50 - 55 ani 24314 6774 4318 3831 7896 716 109 36 419 107 108 50 - 55 years
Brbai 13139 3178 1922 1925 5637 324 39 18 61 22 13 Men
Femei 11175 3596 2396 1906 2259 392 70 18 358 85 95 Women
Peste 55 ani 10213 2598 851 2864 2897 485 54 23 279 69 93 Over 55 years
Brbai 3583 1219 791 756 604 159 7 3 26 14 4 Men
Femei 6630 1379 60 2108 2293 326 47 20 253 55 89 Women
1) Inclusiv beneficiarii de drepturi conform O.U.G. nr. 98/1999. / Including recipients of rights according to G.P.O. No 98/1999.
Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc. / Source: National Agency for Employment.

134 135
omajul1); 2) de lung durat, pe sexe i medii
3.20 Long term unemployed1); 2), by sex and area
procente / percentage

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Rata omajului 2) Long term

de lung durat unemployment rate 2)
(12 luni i peste) (12 months and over)
Total 2,0 2,4 2,9 3,0 3,2 2,8 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 2,3 2,8 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,1 Male
Feminin 1,6 1,9 2,6 2,7 3,0 2,4 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 2,4 3,0 3,7 3,9 4,1 3,4 Urban
Rural 1,5 1,7 2,0 1,9 2,1 2,1 Rural

Rata omajului 2) Long term

de lung durat pentru unemployment rate 2) for
tineri (6 luni i peste) youth (6 months and over)
Total 9,8 12,7 14,8 13,6 13,8 14,3 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 10,4 13,5 15,3 13,9 13,7 14,2 Male
Feminin 8,8 11,5 14,0 13,1 14,0 14,6 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 12,5 17,0 19,5 18,2 19,0 19,3 Urban
Rural 7,7 9,4 10,9 9,9 10,1 11,0 Rural

Incidena omajului 2) Incidence of long term

de lung durat unemployment 2)
(12 luni i peste) (12 months and over)
Total 30,8 34,5 41,0 44,2 45,2 41,1 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 31,8 36,7 41,8 44,2 44,1 41,8 Male
Feminin 29,1 31,1 39,8 44,1 46,8 40,0 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 32,2 34,7 43,3 46,9 47,7 42,1 Urban
Rural 28,5 34,3 36,7 38,8 40,1 39,2 Rural

Incidena omajului 2) Incidence of long term

de lung durat pentru unemployment 2) for
tineri (6 luni i peste) youth (6 months and over)
Total 48,9 57,5 61,7 60,1 58,3 59,7 Total
Pe sexe By sex
Masculin 50,9 61,2 63,5 62,5 59,1 60,0 Male
Feminin 45,5 51,9 59,1 56,6 57,1 59,2 Female
Pe medii By area
Urban 48,9 56,2 61,5 59,5 58,9 59,1 Urban
Rural 48,8 59,3 62,1 61,0 57,4 60,3 Rural

1) Seria de date pentru perioada 2009-2014 a fost calculat n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei
obinuite, n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The series of data for the 2009-2014 period have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence
criteria, under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Conform definiiei internaionale (BIM = Biroul Internaional al Muncii). / According to the international definition (ILO = International Labour Office).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO).
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS).

Numrul accidentailor n munc, pe activiti ale economiei naionale,
n anul 2014
Number of injured at work, by activity of national economy,
3.21 in 2014

Numr accidentai Accidente colective

Number of injured Collective accidents at work Rata
Activitatea din care: Numr Numr accidentai accidentelor
(seciuni/diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) of which: accidente Number of injured de munc
Activity Total Incapacitate n munc din care: Rate of
(CANE Rev.2 sections/divisions) Mortal temporar Number of Total mortal accidents
Fatal de munc accidents of which: at work
Temporary at work fatal ()
incapacity of work

Total 3575 224 3351 28 113 12 0,73

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 141 31 110 - - - 1,22
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Agricultur, vntoare i servicii anexe 59 10 49 - - - 0,73
Agriculture, hunting and ancillary services
Pescuit i acvacultur 1 - 1 - - - 0,38
Fishing and aquaculture
Silvicultur, exploatare forestier
i servicii anexe 81 21 60 - - - 2,52
Forestry and logging and
ancillary services
Industrie extractiv 78 5 73 - - - 1,61
Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui 40 - 40 - - - 18,42
Coal mining
Extracia petrolului brut i
a gazelor naturale 20 2 18 - - - 0,85
Extraction of crude petroleum
and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 1 - 1 - - - 0,39
Metalliferrous ores quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 5 - 5 - - - 0,57
Mining support service activities
Alte activiti extractive 12 3 9 - - - 1,07
Other extractive activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 1234 41 1193 11 46 4 1,04
Produse alimentare 161 2 159 - - - 0,96
Food products
Buturi 23 1 22 - - - 1,11
Produse din tutun 6 - 6 - - - 3,53
Tobacco products
Produse textile 48 1 47 1 7 - 1,44
Textile products
Articole de mbrcminte 27 1 26 - - - 0,17
Clothing articles
Articole de nclminte i pielrie 20 - 20 1 3 1 0,30
Leather goods and footwear
Prelucrarea lemnului i a produselor
din lemn (exclusiv mobil) 140 8 132 1 5 - 2,54
Wood and wooden products
manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Celuloz, hrtie i produse din hrtie 23 - 23 - - - 2,10
Pulp, paper and paper products

Numrul accidentailor n munc, pe activiti ale economiei naionale,
n anul 2014 - continuare
Number of injured at work, by activity of national economy,
3.21 in 2014 - continued

Numr accidentai Accidente colective

Number of injured Collective accidents at work Rata
Activitatea din care: Numr Numr accidentai accidentelor
(seciuni/diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) of which: accidente Number of injured de munc
Activity Total Incapacitate n munc din care: Rate of
(CANE Rev.2 sections/divisions) Mortal temporar Number of Total mortal accidents
Fatal de munc accidents of which: at work
Temporary at work fatal ()
incapacity of work

Edituri, poligrafie i reproducerea pe

supori a nregistrrilor 14 - 14 - - - 0,96
Publishing houses, poligraphy and
recording reproducible registrations
Prelucrarea ieiului, cocsificarea crbunelui
i tratarea combustibililor nucleari 3 1 2 - - - 0,96
Crude oil processing, coal coking
and nuclear fuel treatment
Substane i produse chimice 40 2 38 1 3 - 1,44
Chemical substances and products
Produse farmaceutice 5 - 5 - - - 0,51
Pharmaceutical products
Produse din cauciuc i mase plastice 75 1 74 - - - 1,44
Rubber and plastic products
Fabricarea produselor din
minerale nemetalice 55 3 52 1 3 - 1,37
Manufacturing of products of
non metallic minerals
Metalurgie / Metallurgy 69 3 66 1 4 1 2,24
Construcii metalice i produse din metal 103 6 97 2 12 2 1,40
Metallic structures and metal products
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor
electronice i optice 14 - 14 - - - 0,46
Manufacture of computer, electronic
and optical products
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i
echipamente n.c.a. 67 4 63 - - - 1,32
Manufacture of machinery
and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 35 1 34 - - - 0,86
Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea mijloacelor de transport rutier,
a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 110 3 107 3 9 - 0,67
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers
and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 72 2 70 - - - 2,21
Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 100 1 99 - - - 1,53
Manufacture of furniture
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea
mainilor i echipamentelor 16 1 15 - - - 0,72
Repair and installation of machinery
and equipment
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 8 - 8 - - - 0,56
Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Producia i furnizarea de energie
electric i termic, gaze i ap 160 4 156 - - - 2,11
Electric and thermal energy, gas
and water production and supply

Numrul accidentailor n munc, pe activiti ale economiei naionale,
n anul 2014 - continuare
Number of injured at work, by activity of national economy,
3.21 in 2014 - continued

Numr accidentai Accidente colective

Number of injured Collective accidents at work Rata
Activitatea din care: Numr Numr accidentai accidentelor
(seciuni/diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) of which: accidente Number of injured de munc
Activity Total Incapacitate n munc din care: Rate of
(CANE Rev.2 sections/divisions) Mortal temporar Number Total mortal accidents
Fatal de munc of accidents of which: at work
Temporary at work fatal ()
incapacity of work

Producia i furnizarea de
energie electric i termic, gaze,
ap cald i aer condiionat 160 4 156 - - - 2,11
Electricity, gas, steam and air
conditioning production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate;
gestionarea deeurilor;
activiti de decontaminare 112 6 106 2 6 - 1,11
Water supply; sewerage;
waste management and
decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea i distribuia apei 24 2 22 1 3 - 0,51
Water catchment, treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 1 - 1 - - - 0,45
Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea i eliminarea
deeurilor, activiti de recuperare
a materialelor reciclabile 85 4 81 1 3 - 1,65
Waste collection, purification and
disposal, activities of
recycling materials recovery
Activiti i servicii de decontaminare 2 - 2 - - - 3,46
Decontamination activities and services
Construcii 458 56 402 3 12 - 1,21
Comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul,
repararea i ntreinerea
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 432 15 417 2 7 2 0,52
Wholesale and retail, repair and
maintenance of motor vehicles and
Comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul,
ntreinerea i repararea autovehiculelor
i a motocicletelor 37 2 35 - - - 0,52
Wholesale and retail, maintenance and
repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Comerul cu ridicata - cu excepia
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 164 9 155 1 4 1 0,53
Wholesale - excepting
motor vehicles and motorcycles
Comerul cu amnuntul - cu excepia
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 231 4 227 1 3 1 0,50
Retail - excepting motor vehicles
and motorcycles
Hoteluri i restaurante 87 4 83 - - - 0,62
Hotels and restaurants
Transport i depozitare 347 33 314 5 27 2 1,30
Transport and storage
Transporturi terestre, transporturi
prin conducte 240 27 213 4 21 1 1,45
Land transport, pipe-line transport

Numrul accidentailor n munc, pe activiti ale economiei naionale,
n anul 2014 - continuare
Number of injured at work, by activity of national economy,
3.21 in 2014 - continued

Numr accidentai Accidente colective

Number of injured Collective accidents at work Rata
Activitatea din care: Numr Numr accidentai accidentelor
(seciuni/diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) of which: accidente Number of injured de munc
Activity Total Incapacitate n munc din care: Rate of
(CANE Rev.2 sections/divisions) Mortal temporar Number of Total mortal accidents
Fatal de munc accidents of which: at work
Temporary at work fatal ()
incapacity of work

Transporturi pe ap 2 - 2 - - - 0,74
Water transport
Transporturi aeriene 3 - 3 - - - 0,79
Air transport
Depozitare i activiti auxiliare pentru
transporturi 66 4 62 1 6 1 1,16
Warehousing and support activities
for transportation
Activiti de pot i de curier 36 2 34 - - - 0,97
Postal and courier activities
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 33 - 33 - - - 0,33
Financial intermediation and insurance
Intermedieri financiare, cu excepia
activitilor de asigurri i
ale fondurilor de pensii 27 - 27 - - - 0,36
Financial service activities, except
insurance and pension funding
Activiti de asigurri, reasigurri i ale
fondurilor de pensii (cu excepia celor din
sistemul public de asigurri sociale) 3 - 3 - - - 0,24
Insurance activities, reinsurance and
pension funding (except social
insurance public system)
Activiti auxiliare pentru intermedieri
financiare, activiti de asigurare
i fonduri de pensii 3 - 3 - - - 0,28
Activities auxiliary to financial services
and insurance activities
Tranzacii imobiliare 6 - 6 - - - 0,22
Real estate
Informaii i comunicaii 43 4 39 1 3 2 0,29
Informatics and communications
Activiti profesionale,
tiinifice i tehnice 58 2 56 - - - 0,37
Professional, scientific
and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative
i activiti de servicii suport 159 13 146 2 6 2 0,58
Administrative and support
service activities
Administraie public i aprare;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public 63 4 59 1 3 - 0,24
Public administration and defence;
compulsory social security
nvmnt / Education 39 2 37 1 3 - 0,11
Sntate i asisten social 96 2 94 - - - 0,33
Human health and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole,
culturale i recreative 19 2 17 - - - 0,29
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii / Other services 10 - 10 - - - 0,19

Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.

Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.
Revendicrile care au declanat conflicte de interese
3.22 Claims which caused conflicts of interest

Revendicri Pondere n total / Weight in total

Claims 2009 2010

Total 100,0 100,0

Salariale (neacordarea compensrilor, indexrilor, neplata

salariilor la termen, neacordarea unor prime de vacan etc.) 73,9 40,3
For salary reasons (non-payment of compensations,
of indexations, of wages in time, of holidays bonuses a.s.o.)

Alte revendicri (modificri n structurile organizatorice,

negocierea contractelor colective etc.) 26,1 59,7
Other claims (changes in organisational structures,
negotiation of collective contracts a.s.o.)

Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.

Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

Greve declanate, cu respectarea procedurii prevzute n Legea nr. 168 / 1999

3.23 Strikes initiated by observing the procedure provided by Law No 168 / 1999

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Numr greve - Total 1 - - - - - Number of strikes - Total

Grev de avertisment 1 - - - - - Warning strike
Numr salariai - Total 1) 400 - - - - - Number of employees - Total 1)
din care: of which:
participani la greve 360 - - - - - involved in strikes

1) Aferent unitilor n care au avut loc greve. / For the units where strikes took place.
Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

3.24 Conflictele de interese i frecvena lor lunar
Conflicts of interest and their monthly frequency

Numr conflicte Numr salariai Number of employees

Number of conflicts Total1) Total 1) din care: participani la conflicte / of which: involved in conflicts
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 92 73 35 23 22 19 161532 114408 120546 14695 8385 13240 104701 61682 55647 10540 7678 7818 Total
Ianuarie 12 3 5 2 2 1 16980 541 12396 1122 1430 100 11702 329 5927 1003 1398 62 January
Februarie 8 9 10 3 1 1 5067 34079 63644 1447 270 1403 3604 20491 22822 928 226 901 February
Martie 7 4 9 2 2 4 15878 1819 30425 1047 257 260 12411 1668 15920 915 172 192 March
Aprilie 8 7 7 4 4 2 14444 6548 12558 2847 983 642 4834 4321 9956 2279 744 339 April
Mai 15 7 - 2 1 3 53193 25427 - 1128 142 7822 41001 13690 - 869 80 4225 May
Iunie 11 6 1 4 6 2 30608 2892 218 2599 637 694 15072 1423 215 1506 521 513 June
Iulie 4 8 3 5 3 1 898 18338 1305 4202 4528 308 477 7320 807 2820 4435 250 July
August 3 9 - - - 2 1539 14439 - - - 761 892 4646 - - - 546 August
Septembrie 7 4 - 1 2 - 4884 2998 - 303 57 - 1715 2268 - 220 51 - September
Octombrie 3 3 - - - 3 1465 2128 - - - 1250 1096 1472 - - - 790 October
Noiembrie 9 9 - - 1 - 14840 4418 - - 81 - 11455 3408 - - 51 - November
Decembrie 5 4 - - - - 1736 781 - - - - 442 646 - - - - December

1) Aferent unitilor n care au avut loc conflicte de interese. / For the units where conflicts of interest took place.
Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

3.25 Conflictele de interese, pe activiti ale economiei naionale

Conflicts of interest, by activity of national economy

2013 2014
Numr Numr salariai Numr Numr salariai
Activitatea conflicte Number of employees conflicte Number of employees Activity
(seciuni/diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Number Total1) din care: participani la conflicte Number Total1) din care: participani la conflicte (CANE Rev.2 sections/divisions)
of conflicts of which: involved in conflicts of conflicts of which: involved in conflicts

Total 22 8385 7678 19 13240 7818 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit - - - - - - Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Agricultur, vntoare i servicii anexe - - - - - - Agriculture, hunting and annex services
Industrie extractiv 1 526 502 - - - Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior - - - - - - Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i a gazelor naturale 1 526 502 - - - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
Activiti de servicii asociate extraciei - - - - - - Mining support service activities
Produse ale industriei prelucrtoare 11 2793 2367 7 2677 1917 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar - - - - - - Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea produselor din tutun - - - - - - Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile - - - - - - Manufacture of textiles
Industria pielriei i a produselor din piele - - - - - - Manufacture of leather goods and footwear
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor Manufacture of wood and of products
din lemn i plut, cu excepia mobilei; of wood and cork, except furniture;
fabricarea articolelor din paie i din alte manufacture of articles of straw
materiale vegetale mpletite - - - - - - and plaiting materials

1) Aferent unitilor n care au avut loc conflicte de interese. /For the units where conflicts of interest took place.
Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

142 143
3.25 Conflictele de interese, pe activiti ale economiei naionale - continuare
Conflicts of interest, by activity of national economy - continued

2013 2014
Numr Numr salariai Numr Numr salariai
Activitatea conflicte Number of employees conflicte Number of employees Activity
(seciuni/diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Number Total1) din care: participani la conflicte Number Total1) din care: participani la conflicte (CANE Rev.2 sections/divisions)
of conflicts of which: involved in conflicts of conflicts of which: involved in conflicts

Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie - - - - - - Manufacture of paper and paper products
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor chimice 2 928 918 - - - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz i a Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical
preparatelor farmaceutice - - - - - - products and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a produselor Manufacture of coke and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului - - - - - - petroleum products
Fabricarea articolelor din beton, ciment i ipsos - - - - - - Manufacture of cement, concrete and gypsum articles
Fabricarea altor maini i Manufacture of other machinery and
utilaje cu destinaie specific - - - - - - equipment with specific destination
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice 1 228 212 - - - Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
Fabricarea altor articole din ceramic i porelan 1 139 71 - - - Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products
Fabricarea altor produse din minerale nemetalice - - - - - - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
Fabricarea produselor chimice de baz, a ngrmintelor Manufacture of basic chemicals,
i produselor azotoase; fabricarea materialelor fertilisers ad nitrogen compounds, plastics and
plastice i a cauciucului sintetic, n forme primare - - - 1 447 386 synthetic rubber in primary forms
Industria metalurgic 3 947 733 2 1387 900 Manufacture of basic metals
Producia de materiale feroase sub forme primare Manufacture of basic iron and steel
i de feroaliaje 1 270 226 - - - and fero-alloys
Fabricarea armamentului i a muniiei - - - 1 301 246 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
Industria construciilor metalice i a produselor Manufacture of fabricated metal structures
din metal exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii - - - and products, except machinery and equiment
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 1 118 101 1 49 38 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Industria de maini i echipamente - - - - - - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier, Manufacture of motor vehicles,
a remorcilor si semiremorcilor 1 82 55 1 460 320 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport - - - 1 33 27 Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea altor maini i utilaje de utilizare general - - - - - - Manufacture of other general purpose machinery
Fabricarea materialului rulant 1 81 51 - - - Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
Producia de piese i accesorii pentru autovehicule Production of parts and accessories for motor
i pentru motoare de autovehicule - - - - - - vehicles and engines of motor vehicles
Fabricarea articolelor pentru sport - - - - - - Manufacture of sport articles
Fabricarea de mobil - - - - - - Manufacture of furniture
Repararea i ntreinerea aeronavelor i navelor spaiale - - - - - - Repair and maintenance aircrafts and space ships
Alte activiti industriale - - - - - - Other manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat - - - 1 6685 3339 conditioning production and supply
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat - - - - - - conditioning production and supply
Producia, transportul i distrbuia energiei electrice - - - 1 6685 3339 Electrcity production, transportation and distribution
Distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor Water supply; sewerage, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1 227 147 - - - and decontamination activities
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea deeurilor; activiti Waste collection, purification and disposal; activities
de recuperare a materialelor reciclabile; activiti of recycling materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1 227 147 - - - and services of decontamination
Construcii - - - 1 105 95 Construction
Lucrri de geniu civil - - - - - - Civil engineering
Lucrri de construcii a drumurilor i a cilor ferate - - - 1 105 95 Construction of roads and railways

1) Aferent unitilor n care au avut loc conflicte de interese. / For the units where conflicts of interest took place.
Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

144 145
3.25 Conflictele de interese, pe activiti ale economiei naionale - continuare
Conflicts of interest, by activity of national economy - continued

2013 2014
Numr Numr salariai Numr Numr salariai
Activitatea conflicte Number of employees conflicte Number of employees Activity
(seciuni/diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Number Total1) din care: participani la conflicte Number Total1) din care: participani la conflicte (CANE Rev.2 sections/divisions)
of conflicts of which: involved in conflicts of conflicts of which: involved in conflicts

Tranzacii imobiliare, nchirieri i activiti de Real estate transactions, rentings and services
servicii prestate n principal ntreprinderilor 2 49 46 - - - activities mainly rendered to enterprises
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea Wholesale and retail; repair of motor
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor - - - - - - vehicles and motorcycles
Comer cu ridicata cu excepia comerului cu Wholesale except of motor vehicles and
autovehicule i motociclete - - - - - - motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 3 4588 4460 3 1359 993 Transport and storage
Transporturi terestre i transporturi prin conducte - - - 3 1359 993 Land transport and transport via pipelines
Transporturi pe ap - - - - - - Water transport
Transporturi aeriene - - - - - - Air transport
Transporturi pe cale ferat - - - - - - Railway transport
Alte transporturi terestre de cltori 2 4353 4240 - - - Other passenger land transport
Depozitare i activiti auxiliare pentru transporturi 1 235 220 - - - Warehousing and support activities for transportation
Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare - - - 1 341 93 Hotels and similar accommodation
Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare - - - 1 341 93 Hotels and similar accommodation
Informaii i comunicare - - - - - - Information and communication
Telecomunicaii - - - - - - Telecommunication
Activiti de editare - - - - - - Publishing activities
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 1 36 11 1 1403 901 Financial intermediation and insurance
Alte activiti de creditare 1 36 11 - - - Other credit granting
Intermedieri financiare cu excepia activitilor Financial service activities, except insurance and
de asigurri i ale fondurilor de pensii - - - 1 1403 901 pension funding
Activiti profesionale tiinifice i tehnice 1 36 32 1 80 50 Professional, scientific and technical activities
Cercetare dezvoltare 1 36 32 1 80 50 Research development
Activiti de servicii administrative i Administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 1 98 86 - - - service activities
Activiti de servicii privind fora de munc - - - - - - Employment activities
Activiti de investigaii i protecie 1 98 86 - - - Security and investigation activities
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public - - - 2 397 298 compulsory social security
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri sociale Public administration and defence;
din sistemul public - - - 1 98 77 compulsory social security
Administraia public general, economic i social - - - 1 299 221 Public, economic and social administration
nvmnt 1 32 27 - - - Education
nvmnt - - - - - - Education
nvmnt superior 1 32 27 - - - Tertiary education
Alte activiti de servicii colective, sociale Other collective, social and personal
i personale - - - - - - services of activities
Reparaii de calculatoare, de articole personale Repair of computers and personal and
i de uz gospodresc - - - - - - household goods
Alte activiti de servicii - - - - - - Other service activities
Sntate i asisten social - - - 1 100 62 Human health and social work activities
Activiti referitoare la sntatea uman - - - - - - Human health activities
Servicii combinate de ngrijire medical i
asisten social, cu cazare - - - 1 100 62 Residential care activities
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative - - - 1 93 70 Arts, entertainment and recreation
Activiti de creaie i interpretare artistic - - - 1 93 70 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
Alte activiti de servicii - - - - - - Other services
Alte activiti de servicii - - - - - - Other personal service activities

1) Aferent unitilor n care au avut loc conflicte de interese. / For the units where conflicts of interest took place.
Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

146 147
Numrul locurilor de munc vacante, pe activiti ale economiei naionale
3.26 Number of vacancies, by activity of national economy

Activitatea Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Total 24239 26057 24825 30643 38523 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 629 618 273 299 382 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie - total 7880 9719 8933 10981 11713 Industry - total
Industrie extractiv 30 25 37 84 101 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 7309 8888 7839 9586 10711 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 105 80 67 82 98 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 436 726 990 1229 803 and decontamination activities
Construcii 1565 1306 946 770 1147 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu Wholesales and retail;
amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1566 2120 1820 1897 2949 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 1149 1444 1062 1204 1650 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 125 425 382 406 439 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 765 901 690 710 939 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i Financial intermediation
asigurri 821 740 832 756 790 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 26 70 63 74 98 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 575 430 554 777 818 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 959 1320 1219 1344 1841 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public 1) 3715 2843 2927 4813 6455 compulsory social security 1)
nvmnt 652 600 884 1464 2619 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 3316 3061 3683 3531 4881 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 411 354 424 834 814 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 85 106 133 783 988 Other service activities

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul
Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra locurilor de munc vacante.
Source: Job vacancy survey.

Rata locurilor de munc vacante, pe activiti ale economiei naionale
3.27 Rate of vacancies, by activity of national economy
procente / percentage
Activitatea Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Total 0,88 0,59 0,64 0,59 0,72 0,89 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1,42 0,85 0,84 0,34 0,35 0,43 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie - total 0,64 0,67 0,81 0,72 0,88 0,92 Industry - total
Industrie extractiv 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,06 0,14 0,18 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 0,72 0,77 0,90 0,77 0,93 1,01 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 0,27 0,14 0,11 0,10 0,13 0,15 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 0,44 0,54 0,86 1,11 1,37 0,89 and decontamination activities
Construcii 0,60 0,53 0,44 0,29 0,24 0,36 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesales and retail;
repararea autovehiculelor repair of motor vehicles
i motocicletelor 0,22 0,24 0,32 0,27 0,28 0,43 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 0,43 0,47 0,61 0,44 0,50 0,70 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 0,40 0,12 0,41 0,33 0,33 0,33 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 0,54 0,76 0,89 0,61 0,59 0,73 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 0,97 0,84 0,77 0,89 0,85 0,92 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 0,20 0,16 0,45 0,41 0,52 0,68 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 0,95 0,62 0,45 0,54 0,72 0,74 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 0,73 0,59 0,79 0,60 0,58 0,75 service activities
Administraie public i Public administration
aprare; asigurri and defence;
sociale din sistemul public 1) 2,14 1,17 1,09 1,20 1,98 2,64 compulsory social security 1)
nvmnt 0,56 0,17 0,16 0,24 0,40 0,72 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 3,42 1,10 1,05 1,27 1,22 1,66 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 0,94 0,88 0,83 0,93 1,67 1,50 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 0,54 0,29 0,37 0,41 2,21 2,56 Other service activities

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul
Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra locurilor de munc vacante.
Source: Job vacancy survey.

Numrul locurilor de munc vacante, pe grupe majore de ocupaii1)
3.28 Number of vacancies, by major occupation groups1)

Grupe majore de ocupaii1) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Major occupation groups1)

Total 2) 26057 24825 30643 38523 Total 2)

Membri ai corpului legislativ
ai executivului, nali conductori
ai administraiei publice,
conductori i funcionari superiori 1001 1023 1329 1773 Managers
Specialiti n diverse
domenii de activitate 5701 6299 8917 11859 Professionals
Tehnicieni i ali specialiti Technicians and
din domeniul tehnic 2532 2713 2941 3646 associate professionals
Funcionari administrativi 1684 1369 1802 2553 Clerical support workers
Lucrtori n domeniul serviciilor 2748 2737 3346 4621 Service and sales workers
Lucrtori calificai n agricultur, Skilled agricultural,
silvicultur i pescuit 46 87 92 103 forestry and fishery workers
Muncitori calificai i asimilai 3154 2255 2748 3913 Craft and related trades workers
Operatori la instalaii i maini; Plant and machine
asamblori de maini i echipamente 4906 4506 4666 4932 operators and assemblers
Muncitori necalificai 4285 3836 4802 5123 Elementary occupations

1) ncepnd cu anul 2011, grupele majore de ocupaii sunt conform Clasificrii Ocupaiilor din Romnia (COR-2008), aprobat prin
H.G. nr.1352/2010.
Starting with 2011, the major groups of occupations are according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR - 2008),
approved by G.D. No 1352/2010.
2) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de
Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra locurilor de munc vacante.
Source: Job vacancy survey.

Rata locurilor de munc vacante, pe grupe majore de ocupaii
3.29 Rate of vacancies, by major occupation groups
procente / percentage
Grupe majore de ocupaii 2009 2010 Major occupation groups

Total 1) 0,88 0,59 Total 1)

Legislatori, nali funcionari
i conductori 0,56 0,33 Legislators, senior officials and manage
Specialiti cu ocupaii
intelectuale i tiinifice 1,40 0,75 Professionals
Tehnicieni, maitri i asimilai 1,04 0,51 Technicians and associate professionals
Funcionari administrativi 0,69 0,52 Clerks
Lucrtori operativi n Service workers and shop
servicii, comer i asimilai 0,89 0,52 and market sales workers
Agricultori i lucrtori calificai n
agricultur,silvicultur i pescuit 1,00 0,39 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers
Meteugari i
lucrtori calificai 0,62 0,41 Craft and related trade workers
Operatori la instalaii,
maini i asamblori de echipamente 0,72 0,88 Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Muncitori necalificai 0,77 0,64 Elementary occupations

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra locurilor de munc vacante.
Source: Job vacancy survey.

Rata locurilor de munc vacante, pe grupe majore de ocupaii 1)- continuare

3.29 Rate of vacancies, by major occupation groups 1) - continued
procente / percentage

Grupe majore de ocupaii1) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Major occupation groups1)

Total 2) 0,64 0,59 0,72 0,89 Total 2)

Membri ai corpului legislativ ai executivului,
nali conductori ai administraiei publice,
conductori i funcionari superiori 0,38 0,37 0,46 0,61 Managers
Specialiti n diverse domenii de activitate 0,67 0,70 0,97 1,26 Professionals
Tehnicieni i ali specialiti din
domeniul tehnic 0,65 0,71 0,78 0,92 Technicians and associate professionals
Funcionari administrativi 0,58 0,46 0,63 0,89 Clerical support workers
Lucrtori n domeniul serviciilor 0,48 0,45 0,53 0,73 Service and sales workers
Lucrtori calificai n agricultur, Skilled agricultural,
silvicultur i pescuit 0,24 0,50 0,47 0,53 forestry and fishery workers
Muncitori calificai i asimilai 0,51 0,36 0,43 0,61 Craft and related trades workers
Operatori la instalaii i maini; Plant and machine
asamblori de maini i echipamente 0,90 0,84 0,88 0,93 operators and assemblers
Muncitori necalificai 0,85 0,71 0,87 0,90 Elementary occupations

1) ncepnd cu anul 2011, grupele majore de ocupaii sunt conform Clasificrii Ocupaiilor din Romnia (COR - 2008), aprobat prin
H.G. nr. 1352/2010.
Starting with 2011, the major groups of occupations are according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR - 2008),
approved by G.D. No 1352/2010.
2) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra locurilor de munc vacante.
Source: Job vacancy survey.




4.1 Veniturile totale ale gospodriilor ............................. 170 Total income of households
4.2 Veniturile totale ale gospodriilor, grupate Total income of households, grouped
dup numrul persoanelor din componen, by number of component persons,
n anul 2014 ............................................................. 170 in 2014
4.3 Veniturile totale ale gospodriilor, pe decile, Total income of households,
n anul 2014 ............................................................. 172 by decile, in 2014
4.4 Distribuia gospodriilor i persoanelor Distribution of households and of persons
din gospodrii, pe decile, n anul 2014 .................... 172 from households, by decile, in 2014
4.5 Indicii ctigului salarial real .................................... 174 Indices of real earnings
4.6 Veniturile medii brute, realizate pe principalele Average gross income, by main
activiti ale economiei naionale, activity of national economy,
n luna octombrie 2013 ............................................ 176 obtained in October 2013
4.7 Structura salariailor, pe grupe de venituri medii Structure of employees, by average gross
brute, realizate n luna octombrie 2013 ................... 177 income group, obtained in October 2013
4.8 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i Average gross and net nominal monthly
net lunar, pe activiti ale economiei earnings, by activity of national economy
naionale i pe sexe ................................................. 178 and by sex
4.9 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, Average gross nominal monthly earnings,
pe forme de proprietate, activiti ale economiei by ownership type, activity of national economy
naionale i pe sexe ................................................. 180 and by sex
4.10 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, Average gross nominal monthly earnings,
pe forme de proprietate, clase de mrime by ownership type, enterprise size
ale ntreprinderilor i pe sexe ..................................... 182 class and by sex
4.11 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, Average net nominal monthly earnings,
pe forme de proprietate, clase de mrime ale by ownership type, enterprise size
ntreprinderilor i pe sexe .......................................... 182 class and by sex
4.12 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, Average net nominal monthly earnings,
pe forme de proprietate, activiti ale economiei by ownership type, activity of national economy
naionale i pe sexe ................................................. 183 and by sex
4.13 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar, Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings,
pe activiti ale industriei i pe sexe .......................... 185 by activity of industry and by sex
4.14 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, Average gross nominal monthly earnings,
pe forme de proprietate, activiti ale industriei by ownership type, activity of industry
i pe sexe .................................................................. 189 and by sex
4.15 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, Average net nominal monthly earnings,
pe forme de proprietate, activiti ale industriei by ownership type, activity of industry
i pe sexe .................................................................. 193 and by sex
4.16 Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc, Quarterly labour cost indices,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale, by activity of national economy,
n anul 2014 ............................................................. 197 in 2014
4.17 Indicatori structurali din statisticile ctigurilor Structural indicators of earnings and
salariale i costului forei de munc ......................... 203 labour cost statistics
4.18 Costul mediu lunar i costul mediu orar al forei Average monthly labour cost and average hourly
de munc, pe activiti ale economiei naionale, labour cost, by activity of national economy,
n anul 2014 ............................................................. 204 in 2014
4.19 Costul mediu lunar i costul mediu orar al forei Average monthly labour cost and average hourly
de munc, pe activiti ale industriei, labour cost, by activity of industry,
n anul 2014 ............................................................. 206 in 2014




4.20 Cheltuielile totale ale gospodriilor .......................... 210 Total expenditure of households
4.21 Cheltuielile totale ale gospodriilor, grupate Total expenditure of households, grouped by
dup numrul persoanelor din componen, number of component persons,
n anul 2014 ............................................................. 210 in 2014
4.22 Cheltuielile totale ale gospodriilor, pe decile, Total expenditure of households, by decile,
n anul 2014 ............................................................. 212 in 2014
4.23 Structura cheltuielilor totale de consum Structure of total consumption expenditure
ale gospodriilor ....................................................... 212 of households
4.24 Structura cheltuielilor bneti de consum Structure of money expenditure for
ale gospodriilor ....................................................... 214 households consumption
4.25 Consumul mediu anual, la principalele produse Yearly average consumption, for the main
alimentare i buturi, pe locuitor .............................. 215 food products and beverages, per inhabitant
4.26 Consumul alimentar mediu zilnic (exprimat n Daily average food consumption (expressed in
calorii i factori nutritivi), pe locuitor ......................... 216 calories and nutrients), per inhabitant
4.27 nzestrarea gospodriilor cu bunuri de Households endowment with
folosin ndelungat ................................................ 216 durable goods

Teritorial Territorial

4.28 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar, Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings,
n profil teritorial i pe sexe, n anul 2014 ........................ at territorial level and by sex, in 2014
4.29 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, Average gross nominal monthly earnings,
n profil teritorial i pe activiti ale economiei at territorial level and by activity of national
naionale, n anul 2014 ..................................................... economy, in 2014
4.30 Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, n profil Average net nominal monthly earnings, at territorial
teritorial i pe activiti ale economiei naionale, level and by activity of national economy,
n anul 2014...................................................................... in 2014
4.31 Veniturile totale ale principalelor categorii Total income of main household categories,
de gospodrii, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014.................. at territorial level, in 2014
4.32 Cheltuielile totale ale principalelor categorii Total expenditure of main household categories,
de gospodrii, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014.................. at territorial level, in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Cercetarea statistic a bugetelor de familie; Family budgets survey;
Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc, Labour cost survey, in socio- economic units
n unitile economico-sociale (conform (according to Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 of the
Regulamentului Consiliului i Parlamentului European Parliament and of the Council
European nr. 530/1999 privind statisticile structurii concerning structural statistics on earnings and on
ctigurilor salariale i costului forei de munc); labour costs);
Cercetarea statistic lunar asupra ctigurilor Monthly survey on earnings, in socio-economic
salariale, n unitile economico-sociale (conform units (according to Regulation (EC) No 1165/1998
Regulamentului Consiliului i Parlamentului and No 1158/2005 of the European Parliament and
European nr. 1165/1998 i nr. 1158/2005 privind of the Council concerning short-term statistics);
statisticile pe termen scurt);

Cercetarea statistic asupra salariilor, n luna Survey on salaries, in October, in
octombrie, n unitile economico-sociale; socio-economic units;
Cercetarea statistic PRODROM A - Produse i Statistical survey PRODROM A - Industrial
servicii industriale; products and services;
Cercetarea statistic privind producia vegetal la Statistical survey on crop production for main
principalele culturi; crops;
Cercetarea statistic privind efectivele de animale Statistical survey on livestock and animal
i producia animal; production;
Cercetarea statistic privind datele de comer Statistical survey on international trade with goods
internaional cu bunuri; data;
Balanele produselor agricole la productor. Balances of agricultural products at the producer.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

Direcia Poliiei Rutiere din cadrul Inspectoratului Road Police Directorate within General
General al Poliiei Romne, pentru datele privind Inspectorate of Romanian Police, for data regarding
autovehiculele nscrise n circulaie; registered motor vehicles;
Statistica vamal; Customs statistics;
Evidenele societilor de telefonie; Phone companies records;
Compania Naional Pota Romn. National Company Romanian Post.



Cercetarea statistic a bugetelor de familie Family budgets survey allows to collect information
permite colectarea informaiilor privind componena on households composition, income, expenditure and
gospodriilor, veniturile, cheltuielile i consumul acestora consumption and other aspects of population living
i alte aspecte ale nivelului de trai al populaiei. Ancheta standard. The survey is organized as a quarterly
este organizat ca o cercetare trimestrial continu pe o continuous survey for a period of 3 successive months,
perioad de 3 luni consecutive, pe un eantion de on a sample of 9360 permanent dwellings, distributed in
9360 locuine permanente, repartizate n subeantioane monthly independent sub-samples of 3120 permanent
lunare independente de cte 3120 locuine permanente. dwellings.
Cercetarea s-a desfurat n 780 centre de The survey has been carried out in 780 survey
cercetare repartizate n toate judeele rii i n centers distributed in all counties of the country and in
sectoarele municipiului Bucureti (427 n mediul urban i Bucharest Municipality sectors (427 in urban area and
353 n mediul rural). 353 in rural area).
Includerea unei gospodrii ntr-o anumit categorie A household was included in a certain socio-
socio-economic s-a realizat pe baza statutului economic category based on the main occupational
ocupaional principal al capului gospodriei. n categoria status of the household reference person. The category
Agricultori s-au inclus gospodriile de lucrtori pe cont Farmers includes households of self-employed in
propriu n agricultur i membrii asociaiilor agricole. agriculture and members of agricultural associations.
n cadrul gospodriilor de Pensionari s-au inclus i The households of Pensioners also include agricultural
pensionarii agricoli. pensioners.
ncepnd cu anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe Beginning with 2014, the data have been estimated
baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu based on the usual resident population and they are not
seriile publicate pentru perioadele precedente. comparable to the series published for the previous
Gruparea gospodriilor pe decile de venit s-a Households were grouped by income deciles
efectuat pe baza venitului total pe o persoan, deflatat cu based on total income per person, deflated by population
indicele preurilor de consum al populaiei cu baz consumer price index with January 2014 as base. The
ianuarie 2014. Decilele mpart seria gospodriilor deciles divide the household series structured ascending
ordonate cresctor dup nivelul venitului mediu lunar pe according to the level of monthly average income per
o persoan n 10 pri egale (grupe decilice). person into 10 equal parts (decile groups).

Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de Labour cost survey: the characteristics of the
munc: caracteristicile cercetrii sunt prezentate n survey are presented in Chapter 3 - Labour market
Capitolul 3 - Piaa forei de munc (pagina 95). (page 95).
Cercetarea statistic lunar asupra ctigurilor Monthly survey on earnings ensures the
salariale asigur producerea informaiilor necesare pentru necessary information for evaluating the average
evaluarea tendinelor pe termen scurt ale ctigurilor earnings short-term trends and number of
salariale medii i ale numrului de salariai la nivel de employees at level of activities of the national
activiti ale economiei naionale. Cercetarea se realizeaz economy. The survey is monthly carried out by
cu periodicitate lunar, fiind cercetate circa 22500 observing approximately 22500 enterprises and local
ntreprinderi i uniti locale. Unitile din sectorul bugetar units. The units of the budgetary sector are
sunt cuprinse exhaustiv n cercetare, excepie fcnd exhaustively surveyed, excepting the local public
unitile administraiei publice locale pentru care datele administration units for which the data at communal
la nivelul consiliilor locale comunale se culeg pe baz de local councils level are collected based on a sample,
eantion reprezentativ la nivel de jude (cca. 770 de representative at county level (about 770 units).
uniti). Pentru sectorul economic, au fost incluse n As for the economic sector, the units with 4 employees and
cercetare unitile cu 4 salariai i peste, care reprezint over have been included in the survey, these accounting
90,39% din numrul total al salariailor din acest sector. for 90,39% of total number of employees in this sector. The
Sunt excluse forele armate i personalul asimilat military staff, as well as the assimilated staff (Ministry of
(Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian
Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.). Rezultatele Intelligence Service a.s.o.) is excluded. The results of this
acestei cercetri sunt utilizate pentru calculul indicilor survey are used when computing the quarterly indices of
trimestriali ai costului orar al forei de munc. hourly labour cost.
Cercetarea statistic asupra salariilor n luna The survey on salaries in October 2013 was
octombrie 2013 s-a realizat n exclusivitate prin exclusively carried out through the exploitation of
exploatarea surselor de date administrative i are ca administrative data sources and is aiming at determining
obiectiv determinarea numrului de salariai pe grupe de the number of employees by gross basic salary group
salarii de baz brute i grupe de venituri brute realizate, and gross achieved income group, the average gross
a salariului mediu brut de baz i a venitului mediu brut basic salary and the gross achieved average income, by
realizat, pe sexe, grupe de vrst, activiti ale gender, age group, activity of national economy,
economiei naionale, grupe de ocupaii i ocupaii, n occupation group and occupation, in October 2013.
luna octombrie 2013.
Avnd n vedere schimbarea surselor de date i a Taking into account the changes in data sources and
sferei de cuprindere, rezultatele Cercetrii statistice coverage, the results of the Statistical survey on salaries
asupra salariilor n luna octombrie 2013 nu sunt in October 2013 are not comparable with the results
comparabile cu rezultatele obinute n anii anteriori i achieved during previous years and published in the
publicate n ediiile precedente ale Anuarului statistic. previous editions of the Statistical Yearbook.
Sfera de cuprindere: Totalitatea ntreprinderilor Coverage: All the active enterprises with legal
active cu personalitate juridic, a cror activitate principal status, whose main activity comply with the CANE Rev. 2
este conform diviziunilor CAEN Rev.2, cod 0196, divisions, codes 0196, excluding the activity Public
exclusiv activitatea Administraie public i aprare; administration and defence; compulsory social security
asigurri sociale din sistemul public (diviziunea 84). (division 84). The persons with labour agreement for the
Nu sunt incluse persoanele cu raport de serviciu: categories of employees whose status is civil servant,
categoriile de salariai cu statut de funcionar public, magistrate (judge, prosecutor) and assimilated, high
magistrat (judector, procuror) i asimilai, demnitar officials and assimilated are not included.
public i asimilai.
Estimarea rezultatelor s-a realizat pentru luna The estimation of results was drawn up for October
octombrie 2013, pentru salariaii cu contract de munc 2013, for the employees with employment contract
declarat n Registrul general de eviden a salariailor declared in the General register of employees
(REGES), care au realizat venituri de natur salarial i (REGES), who have achieved income on salary basis
pentru care angajatorii au completat Declaraia privind and for whom the employers have filled in the Statement
obligaiile de plat a contribuiilor sociale, impozitului pe on compulsory payments of social contributions, taxes
venit i evidena nominal a persoanelor asigurate on income and the nominal records of insured persons
(D112). (D112).

Sursa datelor: Declaraia privind obligaiile de plat Data source: The statement on compulsory
a contribuiilor sociale, impozitului pe venit i evidena payments of social contributions, taxes on income and
nominal a persoanelor asigurate (D112), administrat the nominal records of insured persons (D112),
de Agenia Naional de Administrare Fiscal i managed by the National Tax Administration Agency and
Registrul general de eviden a salariailor (REGES), the General register of employees (REGES) managed by
administrat de Inspecia Muncii. Labour Inspection.
Structura veniturilor pe surse de provenien Income structure by origin source is determined
este determinat de caracterul eterogen al gospodriilor, by the heterogeneous character of households,
n funcie de statutul ocupaional al membrilor acestora. depending on the occupational status of their members.
n anul 2014, componena gospodriilor pe In 2014, the composition of households by
categorii de gospodrii, dup statutul ocupaional al household category, by occupational status of
membrilor gospodriei se prezint astfel: household members is presented as follows:

numr mediu de persoane / gospodrie / average number of persons / household

Statutul ocupaional gospodrii din care, gospodrii de: / of which, households of: Occupational status
al membrilor Total Salariai Agricultori omeri Pensionari of household
gospodriei households Employees Farmers Unemployed Pensioners members

Total persoane 2,667 2,915 3,273 3,253 2,197 Total persons

Persoane Active
active 1,181 1,801 1,666 1,858 0,454 persons
Salariai 0,765 1,631 0,136 0,529 0,259 Employees
Patroni i lucrtori Employers and
pe cont propriu n self-employed in
activiti neagricole1) 0,098 0,025 0,086 0,048 0,039 non-agricultural activities1)
Agricultori 0,204 0,058 1,413 0,048 0,096 Farmers
omeri 0,114 0,087 0,031 1,233 0,060 Unemployed
Alte persoane - - - - - Other persons
Persoane inactive 1,486 1,114 1,607 1,395 1,743 Inactive persons
Pensionari 0,651 0,107 0,073 0,129 1,373 Pensioners
Elevi i studeni 0,427 0,589 0,707 0,611 0,156 Pupils and students
Casnice 0,169 0,169 0,210 0,267 0,109 Housewives
Alte persoane 0,239 0,249 0,617 0,388 0,105 Other persons

Inclusiv membrii cooperativelor neagricole. / Including members of non-agricultural holdings.

Veniturile totale cuprind: Total income include:

veniturile bneti pe surse de provenien (salarii, money income by origin sources (salaries, income
venituri din activiti pe cont propriu, vnzri, from own account activities, sales, unemployment
ajutoare de omaj, pensii, alocaii pentru copii, burse benefits, pensions, children allowances, scholarships
i alte prestaii de protecie social, venituri din and other allowances of social protection, income
proprieti etc.); from properties a.s.o.);
contravaloarea prestaiilor (mrfuri i servicii) equivalent value of free or lower cost provisions
gratuite sau cu reducere de pre, evaluat la preul (sales and services), estimated at selling price of
de vnzare al unitii ofertante; offerer;
contravaloarea consumului de produse equivalent value of consumption of food and
alimentare i nealimentare din resurse proprii non-food products from own resources
(producie, stoc etc.), determinat pe baza preurilor (production, stock a.s.o.), determined based on
medii lunare ale produselor respective. monthly average prices of respective products.

Ctigul salarial nominal brut cuprinde: The gross nominal earnings includes:
salariile, respectiv drepturile n bani i n natur salaries, in cash and in kind for employees actually
cuvenite salariailor pentru munca efectiv prestat done work (including for supplementary worked
(inclusiv pentru timpul lucrat suplimentar), potrivit time), according to the salary type applied, bonuses
formei de salarizare aplicat, sporurile i and allowances granted as salary percentage or as
indemnizaiile acordate ca procentaj din salariu sau fixed amounts, other bonuses according to the law,
n sume fixe, alte adaosuri la salarii potrivit legii, amounts paid for unworked time (allowances for
sumele pltite pentru timpul nelucrat (indemnizaiile holiday and study leaves, holidays and other free
pentru concediile de odihn i de studii, zile de days, amounts paid from salary funds for medical
srbtoare i alte zile libere, sumele pltite din leaves), premiums, holiday bonuses and other
fondul de salarii pentru concediile medicale), amounts paid from salary funds according to the
premiile, primele de vacan i alte sume pltite din legislation provisions in force or to employment
fondul de salarii potrivit prevederilor legislaiei n collective contracts;
vigoare sau contractelor colective de munc;
sumele pltite din profitul net i din alte fonduri amounts paid from net profit and other funds
(inclusiv contravaloarea tichetelor de mas). (including equivalent value of lunch tickets).
Ctigul salarial nominal net se calculeaz The net nominal earnings is calculated by
scznd din sumele brute aferente ctigului salarial subtracting from gross amounts related to gross nominal
nominal brut urmtoarele elemente: earnings the following elements:
impozitul aferent; afferent tax;
contribuia salariailor la bugetul asigurrilor pentru employees contribution to unemployment insurance
omaj; budget;
contribuia individual de asigurri sociale de stat; individual contribution to state social insurance;
contribuia salariailor pentru asigurrile sociale de employees contribution to health insurance.
Indicele ctigului salarial real se calculeaz ca The real earnings index is calculated as a ratio
raport ntre indicele ctigului salarial nominal mediu net between the average net nominal earnings index and the
i indicele general al preurilor de consum al populaiei, population general consumer price index, expressed as
exprimat procentual. percentage.
Numrul salariailor (prezentat n tabelele 4.6 i 4.7) Number of employees (presented in tables 4.6 and
cuprinde persoanele cu contract de munc regsite n 4.7) comprises the persons with employment contract
cele dou surse administrative de date (REGES i D112), identified in the two administrative data sources (REGES
cu program complet de lucru, care au fost pltii 23 de and D112), with full time, paid for 23 days in October
zile n luna octombrie 2013, chiar dac au absentat de 2013, even if they were absent from work due to medical
la locul de munc din cauza zilelor de concediu medical leave days paid from the salary funds. Apprentices and
pltite din fondul de salarii. Nu se cuprind ucenicii i part-time workers are not included.
persoanele cu mai puin de o norm ntreag.
Venitul brut realizat conform surselor Gross achieved income according to
administrative de date (D112) cuprinde sumele brute de administrative data sources (D112) comprises the gross
natur salarial realizate i raportate de angajatori amounts achieved on salary basis and reported by
pentru salariai, n vederea calculrii contribuiilor de employers for the employees, for the calculation of social
asigurri sociale. Venitul brut realizat include insurance contributions. The gross achieved income
urmtoarele elemente: includes the following components:
salariul de baz brut stabilit prin contractul individual gross basis salary established in the individual
de munc; employment contract;
sporurile, indemnizaiile i sumele acordate sub bonuses, allowances and amounts granted as
form de procent din salariul de baz brut sau n percentage of gross basic salary or as fixed amount,
sume fixe, indiferent dac au caracter permanent either permanent or not;
sau nu;
alte adaosuri la salarii, aprobate prin lege sau other salary bonuses, stipulated by law or in the
stabilite prin contractele individuale, ori colective de individual or collective employment contracts
munc (bonusuri, stimulente, compensaii, (bonuses, incentives, compensations, allowance for
indemnizaia pentru concediul de odihn neefectuat, the annual holiday leave not-taken, the 13th salary,

al 13-lea salariu, prime de vacan, precum i alte holiday bonuses, as well as other amounts
sume, reprezentnd venituri curente sau aferente representing current income or related to previous
perioadelor anterioare); periods);
sumele rezultate prin plata cu ora, grzi, amounts resulting from payment on hourly basis,
indemnizaii clinice; for emergency duties and clinical benefits;
sumele acordate cu ocazia ieirii la pensie. amounts granted for retirement.
Nu se includ: The following are not included:
veniturile de natur salarial, drepturile n natur i income on salary basis, in kind and money aids for
ajutoarele bneti asupra crora nu se rein which no social insurance contributions are retained
contribuii de asigurri sociale (valoarea nominal a (nominal value of meal tickets, holiday tickets, gift
tichetelor de mas, tichetelor de vacan, tichetelor tokens, transport season tickets);
cadou, abonamentelor de transport);
sumele brute pltite din Fondul naional unic de gross amounts paid from the National Funds for
asigurri sociale de sntate (FNUASS). Health Insurance (NFHI).
Costul forei de munc reprezint totalitatea The labour cost represents all the expenditure
cheltuielilor suportate de angajator pentru fora de supported by the employer for the labour force, namely:
munc i anume:
sume brute pltite direct salariailor (cheltuieli gross amounts directly paid to employees (direct
directe): salarii, sume pltite pentru timpul nelucrat, expenditure): salaries, amounts paid for unworked
premii i alte stimulente, drepturi n natur pltite din time, premiums and other incentives, rights in kind
fondul de salarii sau din alte fonduri, sume pentru paid from salary funds or from other funds, amounts
protecia social din fondul de salarii i din for social protection from salary funds and from
contribuia de asigurri sociale; social insurance contribution;
alte cheltuieli ale unitii cu fora de munc other expenditure of the unit with labour force
(cheltuieli indirecte) pentru formarea profesional, (indirect expenditure) for vocational training,
contribuii pentru ajutorul de omaj i asigurri contributions to unemployment benefit and social
sociale, servicii pentru protecie social, alte insurance, social protection services, other
cheltuieli. expenditure.
Costul mediu lunar al forei de munc pe un Monthly average labour cost per employee is
salariat s-a calculat prin raportarea cheltuielilor unitii calculated as the ratio between the units expenditure for
pentru fora de munc la numrul mediu al salariailor i labour force and the average number of employees and
numrul de luni ale anului. the number of months during one year.
Costul mediu orar al forei de munc s-a calculat Average hourly labour cost is calculated as the
prin raportarea cheltuielilor unitii pentru fora de munc ratio between the units expenditure for labour force and
la numrul de ore-om pltite. the number of hours - man paid.
Indicele trimestrial al costului forei de munc The quarterly labour cost index is a short-term
este un indicator pe termen scurt care permite evaluarea indicator showing the assessment of hourly labour
tendinelor costurilor orare suportate de angajator cu costs trends incurred by the employers as result of hiring
fora de munc salariat. Metodologia utilizat i seriile the labour work force. The methodology used and data
de date sunt construite n conformitate cu prevederile series built up are in accordance with the Regulation
Regulamentului Consiliului i Parlamentului European (EC) No 450/2003 of the European Parliament and of the
nr. 450/2003 privind indicii costului forei de munc. Council concerning the labour cost index.
Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc se The quarterly labour cost indices are calculated as
calculeaz ca indici de tip Laspeyres, pentru costul total Laspeyres type indices for total labour cost and its main
cu fora de munc i cele dou componente ale acestuia: components: wages and salaries and other labour costs
cheltuieli directe (salariale) i cheltuieli indirecte (non-wage costs), with reference year 2012 for economic
(non-salariale), cu anul de referin 2012 pentru activities according to CANE Rev.2.
activitile economice definite conform CAEN Rev.2.
Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc sunt The quarterly labour cost indices are calculated as
calculai ca indici provizorii pentru anul (N), urmnd a fi provisional indices for year (N) and recalculated as final
recalculai ca definitivi n anul (N+1), cnd devin during year (N+1), when the data (final data) from the
disponibile datele (date definitive) din ancheta anual annual survey on labour costs become available.
asupra costului forei de munc.

n trimestrul I 2015, seria de date pentru perioada In the first quarter of 2015, the data series for 2000-
2000-2014 a fost recalculat prin modificarea anului de 2014 period was recalculated by changing the reference
referin din 2008 n 2012. year from 2008 to 2012.

Sursa datelor: Calculul indicilor trimestriali ai Data source: Quarterly labour cost indices are
costului orar al forei de munc se realizeaz pe baza calculated based on the information obtained from two
informaiilor obinute din dou surse de date statistice: statistical data sources:
Cercetarea statistic lunar asupra ctigurilor Monthly statistical survey on earnings (according to
salariale (conform Regulamentului Consiliului i the Regulation of European Council and Parliament
Parlamentului European nr. 1165/1998 i nr.1158/2005 No 1165/1998 and No 1158/2005 regarding short -
privind statisticile pe termen scurt); term statistics;
Cercetarea statistic anual asupra costului forei de Yearly statistical survey on labour cost (according to
munc (conform Regulamentului Consiliului i the Regulation of European Council and Parliament
Parlamentului European nr. 530/1999 privind No 530/1999 regarding statistics of earnings and
statisticile structurii ctigurilor salariale i costului labour cost structure).
forei de munc).

Costul total cu fora de munc - reprezint Total labour cost - represent the total expenditure
totalitatea cheltuielilor directe i indirecte suportate direct remuneration and other expenditure incurred
de angajator cu fora de munc salariat. Conform by the employer as result of hiring the labour work force.
metodologiei europene, se exclud cheltuielile suportate According to European methodology, vocational training
de angajator cu formarea profesional a angajailor, costs, recruitment costs and expenditure on working
recrutarea personalului i echipamentul de protecie. clothes are excluded.
Cheltuielile directe cu fora de munc - includ Wage and salary costs - include gross payments
sumele brute pltite din fondul de salarii pentru timpul as direct remuneration for hours worked (including
lucrat (inclusiv premii), pentru timpul nelucrat, drepturile bonuses), payment for days not worked, payments in
n natur ca remunerare a muncii (potrivit prevederilor din kind (according to collective agreements), gross
contractele colective de munc), sumele brute pltite payment from net profit of the unit, gross payments from
salariailor (ca stimulente) din profitul net realizat de other funds (including in kind) according to national
unitate, sumele brute pltite din alte fonduri (inclusiv legislation in force.
drepturi n natur) acordate conform legislaiei n vigoare.
Cheltuielile indirecte cu fora de munc - includ Other labour costs (non-wage costs) - include the
contribuiile angajatorului la fondurile de asigurri i employers social contributions (for unemployment,
protecie social (omaj, sntate etc.), sumele brute health a.s.o.), gross payment for employees leaving the
pltite salariailor care prsesc unitatea (ieire la unit (retirement, transfer, detachment a.s.o.), gross
pensie, transfer, detaare etc.), sumele brute pltite payments for work breaks not-imputed to the employees,
pentru ntreruperi ale lucrului neimputabile salariailor, other labour costs.
alte cheltuieli cu fora de munc.
Costul mediu orar al fortei de munc reprezint Average hourly labour cost represents the ratio
raportul dintre cheltuielile angajatorului cu fora de between the employers costs as result of employing the
munc i timpul efectiv lucrat. labour work force and the number of hours actually worked.
Timpul efectiv lucrat cuprinde numrul total de ore Number of hours actually worked includes the
lucrate n program normal de lucru i numrul de ore total number of hours worked during the usual working
lucrate suplimentar (n zilele lucrtoare, peste programul time and the over time (additional to the normal working
normal de lucru i n zilele de repaus sptmnal, hours, during the weekends, legal holidays and other
srbtori legale i alte zile nelucrtoare). non-working days).
Sfera de cuprindere: ncepnd cu anul 2008, indicii Coverage: Starting with 2008, quarterly labour cost
trimestriali ai costului forei de munc se calculeaz indices are calculated for economic activities defined,
pentru activitile economice definite, conform Clasificrii according to the Classification of Activities in the
Activitilor din Economia Naional (CAEN Rev.2), National Economy (CANE Rev. 2), harmonised with
armonizat cu clasificarea european n domeniu European classification in the field (NACE Rev.2).
(NACE Rev.2).

Pe lng seria indicilor trimestriali ai costului forei Besides quarterly indices series of unadjusted
de munc n form brut (neajustat) se calculeaz i labour cost, the following series are calculated:
seriile n form:
a) ajustat dup efectul zilelor lucrtoare; a) adjusted by working days effect;
b) ajustat dup efectul zilelor lucrtoare i b) adjusted by working days and seasonal effect,
sezonier, eliminndu-se efectul variaiei being eliminated the effect of working days
numrului de zile lucrtoare de la un trimestru la variation from one quarter to another, as well as
altul, precum i efectul variaiei sezoniere. effect of seasonal variation.
Ajustarea s-a realizat prin metoda regresiv, n Adjustment was done by regressive method,
conformitate cu recomandrile Regulamentului according to the recommendations of European
Consiliului i Parlamentului European nr. 450/2003 Parliament and Council Regulation No 450/2003
privind indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc. regarding quarterly indices of labour cost.
Pentru ajustare s-a folosit pachetul de programe For adjustment, the DEMETRA software package
DEMETRA (metoda TRAMO/SEATS), care realizeaz was used (TRAMO/SEATS method) estimating the effect
estimarea efectului numrului de zile lucrtoare diferit de of working days number different from one quarter to
la un trimestru la altul i efectul calendarului (Patele another and calendar effect (orthodox Easter, leap year
ortodox, an bisect i alte srbtori naionale) precum i and other national holidays) as well as identification and
identificarea i corectarea valorilor extreme (schimbri correction of extreme values (level occasional changes,
ocazionale de nivel, tranzitorii sau permanente). transitory or permanent).
Seria ajustat dup numrul de zile lucrtoare Adjusted series by working days number was
s-a obinut prin eliminarea acestor efecte din seria brut, obtained by eliminating these effects from the adjusted
cu ajutorul unor coeficieni de corecie, stabilii n funcie series, by means of some correction coefficients, set up
de modelul de regresie utilizat (aditiv sau multiplicativ). according to the regression model used (additive or
Ajustarea s-a realizat prin metoda indirect, Adjustment was done by indirect method,
respectiv prin aplicarea metodei de ajustare la nivelurile respectively applying the adjustment method at lower
inferioare (asupra componentelor indicilor), indicii levels (over indices components), adjusted indices being
ajustai calculndu-se din componentele ajustate. calculated from adjusted components.
Estimarea componentelor neobservate: trend-ciclu, Estimation of unobserved components trend-cycle,
sezonalitate i componenta neregulat se realizeaz de seasonality and irregular component is carried out by
ctre programul SEATS pe baza modelelor ARIMA. SEATS software based on ARIMA models.
Seriile ajustate sezonier s-au obinut prin Seasonally adjusted series were obtained by
eliminarea componentei sezoniere din seria ajustat eliminating seasonal components from adjusted series
dup efectul zilelor lucrtoare. by working days effect.
Stabilirea modelelor de regresie folosite pentru Regression models used for each series are yearly
fiecare serie se face anual i implic recalcularea seriilor set up and involve recalculation of adjusted series
ajustate calculate n anul precedent (recalculare datorat calculated in the previous year (recalculation due to the
modificrii modelelor adoptate, numrului de regresori change of adopted models, number of regression used
folosit i numrului de observaii disponibile). and number of available observations).
Disparitatea salarial de gen - n form neajustat, Gender pay gap - in unadjusted form, expresses
reprezint ponderea diferenei dintre ctigul salarial the difference between mens and womens average
mediu brut realizat de brbai i cel realizat de femei n gross earnings as a percentage of mens average gross
ctigul salarial brut realizat de brbai. earnings.
ncepnd cu anul 2013, indicatorul nu mai este Since 2013, the indicator is no longer comparable
comparabil cu cel prezentat n ediiile anterioare ca with that presented in the previous editions due to the
urmare a schimbrii sursei datelor (Cercetarea statistic change of data source (Labour cost survey, instead of
privind costul forei de munc, n locul Cercetrii Survey on salaries, in October), coverage and reference
statistice asupra salariilor, n luna octombrie), sferei de periods. It covers all the employees working in the whole
cuprindere i perioadei de referin. Indicatorul acoper economy enterprises and their gross average earnings
toi salariaii care lucreaz n ntreprinderile din ntreaga correspond to the whole refence year. For 2011 and
economie, iar ctigurile salariale medii brute realizate 2012, data were recalculated using the results obtained
de acetia sunt cele corespunztoare ntregului an de from the Labour cost survey.
referin. Pentru anii 2011 i 2012 datele au fost

recalculate utiliznd rezultatele obinute din Cercetarea
statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Sursa datelor: Cercetarea statistic privind costul Data source: Labour cost survey.
forei de munc.
Urmtorii indicatori structurali (sarcina fiscal asupra The following structural indicators (tax wedge on
costului forei de munc, capcana omajului, capcana labour cost, unemployment trap, low wage trap, tax rate
salariului mic, sarcina fiscal asupra ctigului disponibil) on disposable earnings) are calculated - according to the
se calculeaz - conform metodologiei Eurostat i OECD - Eurostat and OECD methodology - for an average
pentru o unitate etalon (notat n continuare cu AW) worker (noted further on as AW) who is a full-time
reprezentat de salariatul cu program complet de lucru employee working in activities of industry, construction
din activitile de industrie, construcii i servicii and commercial services (sections C - K of CANE Rev.1,
comerciale (seciunile C - K, conform CAEN Rev.1, respectively sections B - N according to CANE Rev.2
respectiv seciunile B - N, conform CAEN Rev.2 ncepnd since reference year 2008).
cu anul de referin 2008).
Sarcina fiscal asupra costului forei de munc - Tax wedge on labour cost - is defined as share of
reprezint proporia tuturor reinerilor (contribuii sociale total tax rates and social security contributions payable
i impozit) suportate de angajat i de angajator n totalul by the employee and employer in the gross labour costs
costului forei de munc pentru un AW care realizeaz for an AW who earns 67% of the average gross earnings
67% din ctigul mediu brut al activitilor de industrie, of the activities on industry, construction and commercial
construcii i servicii comerciale. services.
Capcana omajului - permite evaluarea Unemployment trap - measures the financial
consecinelor financiare n cazul transferului din omaj n consequences of an AW, earning 67% of the average
cmpul muncii ca AW care realizeaz 67% din ctigul gross earnings of the activities on industry, construction
mediu brut al activitilor de industrie, construcii i and commercial services, who moves from
servicii comerciale. unemployment to employment.
Indicatorul msoar proporia sumelor reinute din Unemployment trap measures what percentage of
ctigul brut ca efect al impozitrii i plii contribuiilor gross earnings is taxed away by higher tax and social
de asigurri i protecie social i sistarea security contributions, and also the withdrawal of
indemnizaiei de omaj i a altor beneficii sociale, n unemployment and other social benefits, under the
condiiile n care o persoan iese din omaj i intr n conditions where a person is no longer unemployed and
cmpul muncii. become employed person.
Indicatorul reprezint ponderea diferenei dintre Unemployment trap express a report between the
ctigul brut i creterea venitului net (cnd iese din gross earnings and the growing of net incomes (when the
omaj i intr n cmpul muncii) n ctigul brut. employee moves from unemployment to employment).
Indicatorul se calculeaz pentru dou cazuri The indicator is calculated for two particular cases:
fr rencadrare n munc pe durata perioadei de without rehiring during unemployment period - when
omaj - caz n care se evalueaz consecinele there are evaluated financial consequences in case
financiare n cazul transferului din omaj n cmpul of unemployment transfer in labour field, but not
muncii, dar nu n timpul perioadei de omaj, ci la un during unemployment period, at a subsequent time
moment de timp ulterior, nespecificat; moment not specified;
cu rencadrare n munc dup 2 luni de omaj - caz with rehiring after two unemployment months -when
n care se evalueaz consecinele financiare n there are evaluated financial consequences in case
cazul transferului din omaj n cmpul muncii, dup of unemployment transfer in labour field, after two
2 luni de omaj. n acest caz, conform prevederilor unemployment months. In this case, according to
legale, persoana beneficiaz din momentul angajrii legal stipulations, person benefits from hiring
pn la sfritul perioadei pentru care era moment till the end of period due to receive
ndreptit s primeasc indemnizaia de omaj, de unemployment indemnity, of an additional monthly
o sum lunar suplimentar. Acest caz este introdus amount. This case is introduced according to OECD
conform metodologiei revizuite a OECD i este revised methodology and it is relevant for policies
relevant pentru politicile de ncurajare a rencadrrii encouraging the unemployed rehiring.
n munc a omerilor.

Capcana salariului mic - permite evaluarea Low wage trap - measures the financial
consecinelor financiare n cazul n care o persoan consequences for a person or a family when the employed
salariat i mrete efortul de munc depus i implicit, person increases his/her work effort and implicitly the
nivelul salariului ctigat, adic, msoar proporia achieved earnings, i.e. it measures the share of amounts
sumelor reinute din ctigul brut ca efect al impozitrii, taken over from the gross earnings for the payment of
plii contribuiilor de asigurri, protecie social i orice taxes, insurance contributions, social protection and any
alte reduceri sau sistri ale beneficiilor sociale, n other deductions or ceased social allowances, under the
condiiile n care are loc o cretere a ctigului brut. conditions of increased gross earnings.
Indicatorul reprezint ponderea diferenei dintre The indicator represents the weight of the difference
creterea ctigului brut i cea a venitului net (creteri between gross earnings increase and net income
determinate de mrirea efortului de munc) n creterea increase (entailed by the increased labour effort) in the
ctigului brut. gross earnings increase.
Indicatorul se calculeaz pentru dou cazuri Low wage trap is computed for two particular cases:
persoan necstorit, fr copii, n ipoteza n single person without children moving from 33%
care, de la un nivel al ctigului de 33% din ctigul to 67% of the average earnings of an AW;
salarial mediu brut al unui AW ar atinge un nivel al
ctigului de 67% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al
unui AW;
cuplu cstorit, cu doi copii, din care un singur one-earner couple with two children moving from
printe lucreaz, n ipoteza n care, de la un nivel al 33% to 67% of the average earnings of an AW.
ctigului de 33% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al
unui AW ar atinge un nivel al ctigului de 67% din
ctigul salarial mediu brut al unui AW.
Sarcina fiscal asupra ctigului disponibil - Tax wedge on disposable earnings - is defined as
exprim cota corespunztoare tuturor reinerilor share of total retentions (tax rates and individual social
(contribuii sociale individuale i impozit) aplicate security contributions) applied to gross earnings that
ctigurilor brute formate din ctiguri salariale i sume contains the gross earnings and cash transfers from the
transferate de stat sub form de alocaii acordate government as family allowances. For determining the
familiei. n determinarea indicatorului se iau n calcul indicator the gross and net earnings are taken into
ctigurile brute i nete pentru 13 cazuri particulare care account for 13 different family situations. Differences
in cont de starea civil, numrul ctigtorilor de salarii exist with respect to marital status, number of workers (in
(din familie) i numrul de copii n ntreinere: the family) and number of dependent children:
persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz single person without children, earning 67% of the
67% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW; average gross earnings of AW;
persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz single person without children, earning 100% of the
100% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW; average gross earnings of AW;
persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz single person without children, earning 167% of the
167% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW; average gross earnings of AW;
persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz single person without children, earning 50% of the
50% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW; average gross earnings of AW;
persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz single person without children, earning 80% of the
80% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW; average gross earnings of AW;
persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz single person without children, earning 125% of the
125% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW; average gross earnings of AW;
persoan necstorit, cu 2 copii, care realizeaz single person with 2 children, earning 67% of the
67% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW; average gross earnings of AW;
cuplu cstorit, cu 2 copii, un singur printe lucreaz married couple with 2 children, only one parent is
i realizeaz 100% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al working and earns 100% of the average gross
AW; earnings of AW;
cuplu cstorit, cu 2 copii, ambii prini lucreaz, married couple with 2 children, both parents are
unul realizeaz 100%, iar cellalt 33% din ctigul working, one earns 100% and the other earns 33%
salarial mediu brut al AW; of the average gross earnings of AW;

cuplu cstorit, cu 2 copii, ambii prini lucreaz, married couple with 2 children, both parents are
fiecare realizeaz 100% din ctigul salarial mediu working and earn100% of the average gross
brut al AW; earnings of AW;
cuplu cstorit, cu 2 copii, ambii prini lucreaz, married couple with 2 children, both parents are
unul realizeaz 100%, iar cellalt 67% din ctigul working, one earns 100% and the other earns 67%
salarial mediu brut al AW; of the average gross earnings of AW;
cuplu cstorit, fr copii, ambii soi lucreaz, unul married couple with no children, both persons are
realizeaz 100%, iar cellalt 33% din ctigul working, one earns 100% and the other earns 33%
salarial mediu brut al AW; of the average gross earnings of AW;
cuplu cstorit, fr copii, ambii soi lucreaz, married couple with no children, both persons are
fiecare realizeaz 100% din ctigul salarial mediu working and earn 100% of the average gross
brut al AW. earnings of AW.
Indicatorul se calculeaz ca diferen ntre 100% i The indicator is calculated as a difference from 100%
raportul dintre ctigul disponibil i ctigul salarial and the report between the disposable earnings (take-
mediu brut pentru fiecare din cele 13 cazuri particulare. home pay) and gross earnings for each of the 13 family
Ctigul disponibil se calculeaz ca sum a The disposable earnings (take-home pay) is
ctigului salarial mediu net i sumelor transferate de calculated as a sum of the net earnings and cash
stat sub form de alocaii acordate familiei (conform transfers from the government as family allowances
legislaiei naionale: alocaia de stat pentru copii, alocaia (according to national legislation: state allowance for
familial complementar, alocaia de susinere pentru children, supplementary family allowance, sustaining
familia monoparental). allowance for single parent family).
Sursa datelor: Cercetarea statistic privind costul Data source: The statistical labour cost survey.
forei de munc. Pentru calcularea reinerilor se In view to calculate the retentions, the legislation in force
utilizeaz legislaia n vigoare la 1 iulie - ncepnd cu on July 1st is used - starting with the reference year
anul de referin 2008, conform metodologiei OECD. 2008, according to OECD methodology.


Cheltuielile totale cuprind: Total expenditure include:

cheltuielile bneti, indiferent de destinaie money expenditure, irrespective of their destination
(consum, impozite i pli obligatorii, cumprri de (consumption, taxes and compulsory payments,
animale i psri, imobile i terenuri, alte cheltuieli purchases of animals and poultry, real estate and
de investiii etc.), inclusiv contravaloarea prestaiilor lands, other investment expenditure a.s.o.), including
(mrfuri i servicii) gratuite sau cu reducere de pre, equivalent value of free or at lower prices provisions
evaluat la preul de vnzare al unitii ofertante; (goods and services), evaluated at selling price of
offering unit;
contravaloarea consumului de produse equivalent value of consumption of food and
alimentare i nealimentare din resurse proprii non-food products from own resources
(producie, stoc etc.) determinat pe baza preurilor (production, stock a.s.o.), determined based on
medii lunare ale produselor respective. monthly average prices of respective products.
Cheltuielile totale de consum cuprind: Total consumption expenditure include:
cheltuielile bneti pentru cumprarea produselor money expenditure for buying consumed food
alimentare consumate, a mrfurilor nealimentare i products, non-food goods and for payment of
pentru plata serviciilor, inclusiv contravaloarea services, including equivalent value of free or at
prestaiilor (mrfuri i servicii) gratuite sau cu lower prices provisions (goods and services);
reducere de pre;
contravaloarea consumului de produse equivalent value of food and non-food products
alimentare i nealimentare din resurse proprii. consumption from own resources.

Consumul mediu anual de produse alimentare pe Yearly average consumption of food products
locuitor, exprimat n uniti fizice, reprezint cantitile per inhabitant expressed in physical units, represents
de produse alimentare consumate n medie pe locuitor, n the quantities of food products consumed in average per
anul de referin, indiferent de forma sub care se consum capita in the reference year regardless the consumption
(natural sau prelucrat), de sursa de aprovizionare type (natural or processed), the supply source
(magazine alimentare, piaa liber, consumul din resurse (food stores, free market, consumption from own
proprii etc.), sau de locul unde se consum (gospodrii resources a.s.o.) or the consumption place (individual
individuale, restaurante, cantine etc.). households, restaurants, canteens a.s.o.).
Consumul mediu anual de buturi, pe locuitor Yearly average consumption of beverages, per
reprezint cantitile de buturi alcoolice i buturi inhabitant represents quantities alcoholic beverages,
nealcoolice, consumate n medie, pe locuitor, n anul de nonalcoholic beverages, consumed as average, per
referin, indiferent de sursa de aprovizionare (magazine inhabitant in the reference year no matter of supply
alimentare, piaa liber i producia proprie a source (food stores, free market and own production of
productorilor agricoli numai pentru consumul de vin) i agricultural producers only for wine consumption) and of
de locul unde se consum (gospodriile individuale ale consumption place (population individual households,
populaiei, restaurante, cantine etc.). restaurants, conteens a.s.o.).
Att consumul de produse alimentare ct i Both the consumption of food products and the
consumul de buturi se calculeaz ca disponibil de consumption of beverages is calculated as availability
consum (producie + import - export - prelucrare for consumption (production + import - export -
industrial - pierderi - variaie de stocuri) raportat la industrial processing - losses, variation of stocks) related
populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n to the usual resident population of July 1st of each year,
condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele estimated under comparability conditions with the results
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011. of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Consumul alimentar mediu zilnic, exprimat n Daily average food consumption expressed in
calorii i factori nutritivi, pe locuitor reprezint calories and nutrients, per inhabitant represents the
coninutul n calorii i factori nutritivi al consumului content in calories and nutrients of daily average food
alimentar mediu zilnic i se determin pe baza datelor consumption and is determined based on data regarding
privind consumul mediu net zilnic (exclusiv partea daily net average consumption (excluding non-edible
necomestibil a unui produs alimentar care se part of a food product being removed both-during
ndeprteaz att n timpul prelucrrii industriale sau industrial processing or cooking as well as in the moment
culinare ct i n momentul consumului efectiv) i a of effective consumption) and food composition
compoziiei alimentelor, exprimat n calorii i factori expressed in calories and nutrients (proteins, fats and
nutritivi (proteine, lipide i glucide). carbohydrates).
nzestrarea gospodriilor cu bunuri de folosin Households endowment with durable goods, is
ndelungat, se exprim prin numrul de bunuri de expressed by the number of durable goods in function,
folosin ndelungat n stare de funcionare care revin n as average per 100 households (excluding goods rented
medie la 100 de gospodrii (exclusiv bunurile nchiriate or borrowed from other persons or institutions).
sau mprumutate de la alte persoane sau instituii).

Structura veniturilor bneti, n anul 2014
4.G1 Structure of money income, in 2014




Salarii brute i alte drepturi salariale Venituri din activiti neagricole independente
Gross salaries and other salary rights Income from non-agricultural independent activities

Venituri din agricultur Venituri din prestaii sociale Alte venituri

Income from agriculture Income from social provisions Other income

Not: Datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente.

Note: The data have been estimated based on the usual resident population.

Ctigul salarial mediu brut, pe activiti ale economiei naionale, n anul 2014
4.G2 Average gross earnings, by activity of national economy, in 2014

lei/salariat / lei/employee CAEN Rev.2 (seciuni)

CANE Rev.2 (sections)
4500 4471
4000 3787
3500 3368
2500 2328 2362 2357 2393
1936 2055
2000 1751 1701 1847 1724 1709 1563
1500 1300
Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 - Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 7 - Informaii i comunicaii 12 - Administraie public i aprare;

Agriculture, forestry and fishing Information and communication asigurri sociale din sistemul
2 - Industrie1) 8 - Intermedieri financiare i public 2)
Public administration and defence;
Industry 1) asigurri
compulsory social security 2)
3 - Construcii Financial intermediations and
insurance 13 - nvmnt
Construction Education
9 - Tranzacii imobiliare
4 - Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Real estate activities 14 - Sntate i asisten social
repararea autovehiculelor i Human health and social
motocicletelor 10 - Activiti profesionale, tiinifice
work activities
Wholesale and retail; repair of motor i tehnice
Professional, scientific and 15 - Activiti de spectacole,
vehicles and motorcycles culturale i recreative
technical activities
5 - Transport i depozitare Arts, entertainment
Transport and storage 11 - Activiti de servicii administrative and recreation
i activiti de servicii suport
6 - Hoteluri i restaurante Administrative and support 16 - Alte activiti de servicii
Hotels and restaurants Other service activities
service activities

1) Inclusiv producia i furnizarea de energie electric i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat i distribuia apei; salubritate,
gestionarea deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare.
Including electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and supply and water supply; sewerage, waste management and
decontamination activities.
2) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar, pe sexe
4.G3 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings, by sex

lei/salariat / lei/employee
2500 2412
2246 2234
2098 2163
2007 2070
2000 1906 1948
1775 1786 1848 1761
1581 1640 1627
1466 1530 1509
1500 1405 1424
1310 1308 1349




2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Brbai Femei
Men Women

Structura cheltuielilor totale de consum, n anul 2014

4.G4 Structure of total consumption expenditure, in 2014

Total gospodrii / Total households

Salariai / Employees Agricultori / Farmers


30,2% 14,9%
27,9% 57,2%


omeri / Unemployed Pensionari / Pensioners

28,4% 25,1%
46,9% 45,3%

24,7% 29,6%
Cheltuieli pentru produse alimentare
Expenditure for food products

Cheltuieli pentru mrfuri nealimentare

Expenditure for non-food goods
Cheltuieli pentru plata serviciilor
Expenditure for payment of services

Structura cheltuielilor totale ale gospodriilor, n anul 2014
4.G5 Structure of total households expenditure, in 2014






Cheltuieli de producie
Production expenditure
Cheltuieli de consum
Consumption expenditure
Impozite, contribuii, cotizaii, taxe
Taxes, contributions, dues, fees
Cheltuieli pentru investiii
Expenditure for investment
Alte cheltuieli
Other expenditure

Not: Datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente.

Note: The data have been estimated based on the usual resident population.

Evoluia consumului alimentar mediu zilnic (exprimat n calorii), pe locuitor

Evolution of daily average food consumption (expressed in calories),
4.G6 per inhabitant
calorii / calories


3500 3450 3400 3390

3287 3302 3321



2000 1954 1911 1971 1887 1932 1886

1031 1041 969 963 990
1000 924

500 465 448 450 437 446 445

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20141)

Calorii - total Lipide (n echiv. calorii)

Calories - total Fats (in equiv. calories)

Glucide (n echiv. calorii) Proteine (n echiv. calorii)

Carbohydrates (in equiv. calories) Proteins (in equiv. calories)

Not: Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Datele statistice sunt prezentate conform nomenclatorului Eurostat i FAO.
Note: For the 2009 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Statistical data are presented according to the Eurostat and FAO nomenclature.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

4.1 Veniturile totale ale gospodriilor
Total income of households

din care, gospodrii de: of which households of:

Total gospodrii / Total households Salariai / Employees Agricultori Farmers omeri / Unemployed Pensionari / Pensioners
2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014

lei, lunar pe o gospodrie lei, monthly per household

Venituri totale 2417,26 2475,04 2559,05 2500,72 3146,53 3238,41 3419,13 3421,02 2085,67 2029,84 2098,10 2061,61 1637,50 1647,79 1689,99 1717,11 2016,96 2034,24 2072,58 1963,41 Total income
procente percentage
Venituri bneti 81,7 82,4 83,5 84,1 89,9 89,5 90,7 90,8 49,0 52,5 53,1 54,3 80,4 81,0 82,7 82,8 78,6 79,2 80,6 81,5 Money income
din care: of which:
Salarii brute i alte Gross salaries and
drepturi salariale 48,7 50,1 51,2 51,1 81,6 81,2 82,0 83,3 7,3 8,0 8,4 7,0 39,3 40,7 42,8 40,1 19,5 19,5 21,7 18,8 other salary rights
Venituri din agricultur 3,1 3,4 3,3 3,4 0,5 0,7 0,6 0,6 23,6 25,6 26,1 28,2 1,6 2,0 2,6 3,3 2,2 2,7 2,2 2,0 Income from agriculture
Venituri din activiti Income from
neagricole non-agricultural
independente 2,6 2,6 2,8 2,5 0,4 0,6 0,7 0,4 3,1 3,9 3,7 3,3 3,8 3,7 2,7 2,6 1,1 1,0 1,0 0,8 independent activities
Venituri din Income from
prestaii sociale 23,8 23,1 22,8 23,8 5,5 5,2 5,1 4,6 9,5 10,0 9,0 9,6 21,9 19,6 19,4 19,1 53,6 54,0 53,6 58,0 social provisions
Venituri din proprietate 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 **) 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,9 0,2 0,3 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 Income from ownership
Contravaloarea Equivalent value of
veniturilor n natur income in kind obtained
obinute de salariai by employees and
i beneficiari de receivers of social
prestaii sociale 1,8 1,9 1,8 1,7 2,0 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,0 1,2 0,9 0,9 2,3 3,3 2,3 2,5 1,8 1,7 1,7 1,6 provisions
Contravaloarea Equivalent value of
consumului de consumption of
produse agricole agricultural products
din resurse proprii 16,5 15,7 14,7 14,2 8,1 8,5 7,4 7,4 50,0 46,3 46,0 44,8 17,3 15,7 15,0 14,7 19,6 19,1 17,7 16,9 from own resources

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.

Veniturile totale ale gospodriilor, grupate dup numrul persoanelor din

4.2 componen, n anul 2014

Total income of households, grouped by number of component persons, in 2014

Total Gospodrii cu: Households with:

Total 1 persoan 2 persoane 3 persoane 4 persoane 5 persoane 6 persoane i mai multe
households 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons and more
lei, lunar pe o persoan lei, monthly per person
Venituri totale 937,65 1196,62 1151,83 1041,21 830,30 716,86 495,95 Total income
procente percentage
Venituri bneti 84,1 84,0 85,7 87,2 84,1 76,9 74,1 Money income
din care: of which:
Salarii brute i alte drepturi salariale 51,1 31,9 42,2 64,8 62,1 45,9 37,1 Gross salaries and other salary rights
Venituri din agricultur 3,4 2,8 2,5 3,0 3,6 6,0 5,9 Income from agriculture
Venituri din activiti neagricole Income from non-agricultural independent
independente 2,5 2,2 1,5 2,5 3,7 2,9 3,5 activities
Venituri din prestaii sociale 23,8 41,8 37,0 13,7 11,9 17,9 22,1 Income from social provisions
Venituri din proprietate 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,1 Income from ownership
Contravaloarea veniturilor n natur Equivalent value of income in kind obtained
obinute de salariai i beneficiari de by employees and receivers of social
prestaii sociale 1,7 1,5 1,3 1,6 2,1 1,8 2,1 provisions
Contravaloarea consumului de produse Equivalent value of consumption of
agricole din resurse proprii 14,2 14,5 13,0 11,2 13,8 21,3 23,8 agricultural products from own resources

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.

170 171
4.3 Veniturile totale ale gospodriilor, pe decile, n anul 2014 (total gospodrii)
Total income of households, by decile, in 2014 (total households)

Decila de venit total pe o persoan1) (lei): Decile of total income per person1) (lei):

Decila 1 pn la Decila 2 Decila 3 Decila 4 Decila 5 Decila 6 Decila 7 Decila 8 Decila 9 Decila 10 peste
Decile 1 up to Decile 2 Decile 3 Decile 4 Decile 5 Decile 6 Decile 7 Decile 8 Decile 9 Decile 10 over
292 292 - 417 417 - 531 531 - 643 643 - 754 754 - 888 888 - 1042 1042 - 1260 1260 - 1649 1649

lei, lunar pe o gospodrie lei, monthly per household

Venituri totale 1295,52 1556,37 1741,25 1944,84 1981,76 2370,77 2617,01 3053,03 3517,41 4927,56 Total income

procente percentage

Venituri bneti 55,3 64,5 72,4 77,7 82,0 84,6 87,7 89,6 91,5 94,8 Money income
din care: of which:
Salarii brute i alte drepturi salariale 7,8 18,2 28,0 35,4 38,7 45,9 53,3 59,5 65,0 78,6 Gross salaries and other salary rights
Venituri din agricultur 12,4 7,9 6,0 3,9 3,2 3,0 1,7 2,0 1,7 1,6 Income from agriculture
Venituri din activiti neagricole Income from non-agricultural
independente 6,7 4,6 5,1 3,2 2,9 1,7 2,0 1,4 1,5 1,5 independent activities
Venituri din prestaii sociale 23,0 28,3 29,1 31,3 34,2 30,4 28,1 24,0 20,7 9,9 Income from social provisions
Venituri din proprietate *) *) *) 0,1 *) 0,2 *) *) 0,1 0,2 Income from ownership
Contravaloarea veniturilor n natur Equivalent value of income in kind
obinute de salariai i beneficiari de obtained by employees and
prestaii sociale 1,8 1,3 1,2 1,6 1,4 1,9 2,0 2,1 1,9 1,3 receivers of social provisions
Contravaloarea consumului de produse Equivalent value of consumption of
agricole din resurse proprii 42,9 34,2 26,4 20,7 16,6 13,5 10,3 8,3 6,6 3,9 agricultural products from own resources

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.
1) Intervalele de venit sunt exprimate n preurile lunii ianuarie 2014. / Income intervals are expressed in the prices of January 2014.

4.4 Distribuia gospodriilor i persoanelor din gospodrii, pe decile, n anul 2014

Distribution of households and of persons from households, by decile, in 2014
procente / percentage
Decila de venit total pe o persoan1) (lei): Decile of total income per person1)
Gospodrii de: Total Decila 1 pn la Decila 2 Decila 3 Decila 4 Decila 5 Decila 6 Decila 7 Decila 8 Decila 9 Decila 10 peste
Decile 1 up to Decile 2 Decile 3 Decile 4 Decile 5 Decile 6 Decile 7 Decile 8 Decile 9 Decile 10 over Households of:
292 292 - 417 417 - 531 531 - 643 643 - 754 754 - 888 888 - 1042 1042 - 1260 1260 - 1649 1649

Total Total
Gospodrii 100,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 Households
Persoane 100,0 15,3 11,0 10,4 10,0 9,0 9,5 9,2 9,3 8,7 7,6 Persons

Salariai Employees
Gospodrii 100,0 1,9 4,3 5,6 7,3 7,4 9,6 12,0 14,0 16,5 21,4 Households
Persoane 100,0 3,4 5,9 7,5 9,0 8,6 10,8 12,3 13,5 13,9 15,1 Persons
Agricultori Farmers
Gospodrii 100,0 45,2 19,4 12,1 6,9 5,3 3,9 1,9 2,1 1,6 1,6 Households
Persoane 100,0 54,6 17,8 9,8 5,9 4,1 2,8 1,3 1,7 1,1 0,9 Persons
omeri Unemployed
Gospodrii 100,0 31,2 17,9 14,0 11,2 6,0 5,8 6,1 3,3 2,9 1,6 Households
Persoane 100,0 37,0 18,1 13,7 9,9 5,2 4,8 5,2 2,8 2,3 1,0 Persons
Pensionari Pensioners
Gospodrii 100,0 4,6 11,5 12,5 12,9 13,9 12,5 11,1 9,7 7,7 3,6 Households
Persoane 100,0 8,4 12,7 12,8 12,8 11,9 11,7 10,2 9,1 7,1 3,3 Persons

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.
1) Intervalele de venit sunt exprimate n preurile lunii ianuarie 2014. / Income intervals are expressed in the prices of January 2014.

172 173
4.5 Indicii ctigului salarial real
Indices of real earnings
procente / percentage
Anii 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Years

1990 100,0 81,5 70,8 58,9 59,1 66,5 72,7 56,2 58,4 57,0 59,4 62,4 63,9 70,8 78,3 89,5 97,4 111,8 130,3 128,3 123,6 121,3 122,5 123,4 131,2 1990
1991 100,0 86,9 72,3 72,5 81,6 89,3 68,9 71,7 69,9 72,9 76,6 78,4 86,9 96,0 109,8 119,6 137,3 159,9 157,4 151,7 148,8 150,3 151,5 161,1 1991
1992 100,0 83,2 83,4 93,9 102,7 79,3 82,5 80,5 83,9 88,1 90,2 100,0 110,5 126,4 137,7 158,0 184,0 181,2 174,6 171,3 173,0 174,3 185,4 1992
1993 100,0 100,3 112,9 123,5 95,4 99,1 96,7 100,9 105,9 108,5 120,2 132,9 151,9 165,5 189,9 221,2 217,8 209,8 205,9 208,0 209,6 222,8 1993
1994 100,0 112,5 123,1 95,1 98,8 96,4 100,6 105,6 108,1 119,8 132,5 151,4 165,0 189,3 220,5 217,2 209,2 205,3 207,3 208,9 222,2 1994
1995 100,0 109,4 84,5 87,8 85,7 89,4 93,8 96,1 106,4 117,7 134,5 146,5 168,2 195,9 192,9 185,8 182,4 184,2 185,6 197,4 1995
1996 100,0 77,2 80,3 78,3 81,7 85,8 87,8 97,3 107,6 123,0 134,0 153,8 179,1 176,4 169,9 166,8 168,4 169,7 180,5 1996
1997 100,0 104,0 101,4 105,8 111,0 113,7 126,0 139,3 159,3 173,5 199,1 232,0 228,4 220,0 215,9 218,1 219,7 233,7 1997
1998 100,0 97,5 101,8 106,8 109,4 121,2 134,1 153,2 166,9 191,6 223,2 219,7 211,7 207,7 209,8 211,4 224,8 1998
1999 100,0 104,3 109,5 112,2 124,3 137,4 157,1 171,1 196,4 228,7 225,2 217,0 212,9 215,0 216,7 230,4 1999
2000 100,0 105,0 107,5 119,1 131,7 150,5 164,0 188,2 219,2 215,9 208,0 204,1 206,1 207,7 220,9 2000
2001 100,0 102,4 113,4 125,5 143,4 156,2 179,3 208,9 205,6 198,1 194,4 196,4 197,8 210,4 2001
2002 100,0 110,8 122,5 140,0 152,5 175,1 204,0 200,8 193,5 189,9 191,7 193,2 205,5 2002
2003 100,0 110,5 126,3 137,7 158,0 184,1 181,2 174,6 171,4 173,1 174,4 185,4 2003
2004 100,0 114,3 124,6 143,0 166,5 163,9 158,0 155,0 156,5 195,1 167,7 2004
2005 100,0 109,0 125,0 145,7 143,4 138,2 135,6 136,9 138,0 146,7 2005
2006 100,0 114,7 133,7 131,7 126,8 124,4 125,7 126,6 134,7 2006
2007 100,0 116,5 114,7 110,5 108,4 109,5 110,3 117,4 2007
2008 100,0 98,5 94,9 93,1 94,0 94,7 100,7 2008
2009 100,0 96,3 94,5 95,4 96,2 102,3 2009
2010 100,0 98,1 99,1 99,9 106,2 2010
2011 100,0 101,0 101,7 108,2 2011
2012 100,0 100,8 107,1 2012
2013 100,0 106,4 2013

174 175
Veniturile medii brute, realizate pe principalele activiti ale economiei naionale,
n luna octombrie 2013
Average gross income, by main activity of national economy,
4.6 obtained in October 2013

Numrul salariailor cu program

complet de lucru care au fost Venitul mediu brut
Activitatea pltii 23 de zile (mii persoane) realizat (lei/salariat) Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Number of employees Average gross income (CANE Rev.2 sections)
with full time paid for obtained (lei/employee)
23 days (thou persons)
Total din care: femei Total Brbai Femei
of which: women Men Women

Total salariai1) 3844,3 1774,7 2097 2203 1974 Total employees1)

Agricultur, silvicultur Agriculture, forestry
i pescuit 111,9 24,5 1569 1574 1555 and fishing
Industria 1171,0 498,9 2112 2380 1751 Industry
Industria extractiv 58,3 10,1 4041 4017 4158 Mining and quarrying
Industria prelucrtoare 971,1 453,1 1913 2162 1629 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 57,5 13,4 3733 3761 3642 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, activiti waste management and
de decontaminare 84,1 22,3 1963 1948 2004 decontamination activities
Construcii 270,5 39,3 1685 1639 1958 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair
repararea autovehiculelor of motor vehicles
i motocicletelor 642,4 326,9 1790 1980 1606 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 265,5 63,6 2061 2035 2143 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 95,7 59,5 1187 1268 1137 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii Information and
i comunicaii 117,9 44,8 4239 4479 3846 communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 89,8 62,5 4378 5359 3949 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 26,4 12,1 1811 1842 1775 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 145,2 71,5 2925 3052 2794 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii Administrative
administrative i activiti and support
de servicii suport 209,1 63,7 1531 1419 1788 service activities
nvmnt 302,0 222,1 2325 2553 2243 Education
Sntate Human health and social
i asisten social 273,5 220,3 2024 2272 1964 work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 49,0 27,9 1699 1886 1557 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 74,4 37,1 1649 1760 1537 Other service activities

Not: Datele pentru luna octombrie 2013, nu sunt comparabile cu rezultatele obinute n anii anteriori i publicate n ediiile precedente
ale Anuarului Statistic, din cauza schimbrii surselor de date i a sferei de cuprindere.
Pentru luna octombrie 2013 s-au luat n calcul numai salariaii cu program complet de lucru, care au fost pltii 23 de zile,
chiar dac au absentat de la locul de munc din cauza zilelor de concediu medical pltite din fondul de salarii.
Note: The data for October 2013, are not comparable with the results achieved during previous years and published in the previous
editions of Statistical Yearbook, due to the changes in data sources and coverage.
For October 2013, there were taken into account only full time employees, who were paid for 23 days,
even if they were absent from work due to medical leave days, paid from salary funds.
1) Exclusiv activitatea Administraie public i aprare; asigurri sociale din sistemul public.
Excluding Public administration and defence; compulsory social security.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra salariilor, n luna octombrie 2013.
Source: Survey on salaries, in October 2013.

Structura salariailor, pe grupe de venituri medii brute,
realizate n luna octombrie 2013
Structure of employees, by average gross income group,
4.7 obtained in October 2013
procente / percentage
Grupe de venituri medii Total Brbai Femei Average gross income
brute realizate - lei - Men Women group obtained - lei -

Total1) 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total1)

Pn la 800 11,2 12,5 9,7 Up to 800

801 - 1000 20,3 19,6 21,1 801 - 1000
1001 - 1500 21,6 19,4 24,1 1001 - 1500
1501 - 2000 13,9 13,5 14,3 1501 - 2000
2001 - 3000 16,1 16,4 15,8 2001 - 3000
3001 - 4000 7,7 8,1 7,2 3001 - 4000
4001 - 5000 3,6 4,0 3,2 4001 - 5000
5001 - 6000 1,8 2,0 1,6 5001 - 6000
6001 - 7000 1,1 1,2 0,9 6001 - 7000
7001 - 8000 0,7 0,8 0,6 7001 - 8000
Peste 8000 2,0 2,5 1,5 Over 8000

Not: Datele pentru luna octombrie 2013, nu sunt comparabile cu rezultatele obinute n anii anteriori i publicate n ediiile precedente
ale Anuarului Statistic, din cauza schimbrii surselor de date i a sferei de cuprindere.
Pentru luna octombrie 2013 s-au luat n calcul numai salariaii cu program complet de lucru, care au fost pltii 23 de zile,
chiar dac au absentat de la locul de munc din cauza zilelor de concediu medical pltite din fondul de salarii.
Note: The data for October 2013, are not comparable with the results achieved during previous years and published in the previous
editions of Statistical Yearbook, due to the changes in data sources and coverage.
For October 2013, there were taken into account only full time employees, who were paid for 23 days,
even if they were absent from work due to medical leave days, paid from salary funds.
1) Exclusiv activitatea Administraie public i aprare; asigurri sociale din sistemul public.
Excluding Public administration and defence; compulsory social security.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra salariilor, n luna octombrie 2013.
Source: Survey on salaries, in October 2013.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe sexe
Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings,
4.8 by activity of national economy and by sex
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Activitatea 2013 2014 Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Brut Net Brut Net (CANE Rev.2 sections)
Gross Net Gross Net


Total economie 2163 1579 2328 1697 Total economy
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1614 1179 1751 1270 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 2199 1604 2362 1720 Industry
Industrie extractiv 4129 2943 4566 3260 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 2001 1466 2160 1578 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4056 2917 4297 3093 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 1960 1427 2072 1509 decontamination activities
Construcii 1629 1191 1701 1240 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1765 1293 1936 1412 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 2249 1629 2357 1707 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 1214 898 1300 958 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 4098 3067 4471 3357 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 5016 3645 5093 3708 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1847 1349 1847 1344 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific and
tiinifice i tehnice 3241 2351 3368 2442 technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1533 1132 1724 1261 service activities
Administraie public Public administration
i aprare; asigurri and defence;
sociale din sistemul public1) 3344 2420 3787 2754 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 2123 1533 2393 1733 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 2002 1456 2055 1496 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1662 1216 1709 1249 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1347 991 1563 1141 Other service activities
Total economie 2246 1640 2412 1761 Total economy
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1629 1190 1764 1279 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 2453 1783 2637 1917 Industry
Industrie extractiv 4082 2909 4527 3235 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 2236 1633 2409 1758 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4109 2950 4329 3120 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 1899 1384 2055 1496 decontamination activities
Construcii 1582 1158 1651 1204 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1912 1398 2123 1547 motor vehicles and motorcycles

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc - 2014.
Source: Labour cost survey - 2014.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe sexe - continuare
Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings,
4.8 by activity of national economy and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Activitatea 2013 2014 Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Brut Net Brut Net (CANE Rev.2 sections)
Gross Net Gross Net

Transport i depozitare 2218 1606 2315 1676 Transport and storage

Hoteluri i restaurante 1301 960 1377 1014 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 4296 3233 4666 3514 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 6161 4488 6342 4653 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1852 1356 1846 1343 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 3349 2434 3455 2510 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1407 1044 1585 1162 service activities
Administraie public Public administration
i aprare; asigurri and defence;
sociale din sistemul public1) 3186 2321 3555 2603 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 2344 1701 2544 1851 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 2230 1627 2269 1655 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1762 1290 1815 1326 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1580 1158 1784 1300 Other service activities
Total economie 2070 1509 2234 1627 Total economy
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1564 1141 1707 1240 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1867 1370 2002 1462 Industry
Industrie extractiv 4365 3113 4765 3390 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1743 1283 1883 1378 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 3891 2816 4197 3007 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 2128 1548 2119 1544 decontamination activities
Construcii 1920 1398 2031 1473 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1625 1192 1772 1294 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 2347 1700 2495 1805 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 1159 857 1252 923 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 3797 2815 4173 3117 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 4489 3257 4543 3292 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1841 1341 1849 1345 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 3115 2255 3268 2363 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1811 1326 2010 1464 service activities
Administraie public Public administration
i aprare; asigurri and defence;
sociale din sistemul public1) 3461 2494 3956 2865 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 2028 1461 2330 1684 Education
Sntate i Human health
asisten social 1946 1414 2001 1456 and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1592 1163 1637 1197 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1165 861 1391 1017 Other service activities

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc - 2014.
Source: Labour cost survey - 2014.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale economiei naionale i pe sexe
Average gross nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.9 activity of national economy and by sex
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Ownership type
Activitatea Total Brbai / Men Femei / Women Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 sections)


Total economie 2163 2328 2246 2412 2070 2234 Total economy
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1614 1751 1629 1764 1564 1707 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 2199 2362 2453 2637 1867 2002 Industry
Industrie extractiv 4129 4566 4082 4527 4365 4765 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 2001 2160 2236 2409 1743 1883 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4056 4297 4109 4329 3891 4197 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 1960 2072 1899 2055 2128 2119 decontamination activities
Construcii 1629 1701 1582 1651 1920 2031 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i Wholesale and retail;
cu amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1765 1936 1912 2123 1625 1772 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 2249 2357 2218 2315 2347 2495 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 1214 1300 1301 1377 1159 1252 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 4098 4471 4296 4666 3797 4173 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 5016 5093 6161 6342 4489 4543 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1847 1847 1852 1846 1841 1849 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 3241 3368 3349 3455 3115 3268 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1533 1724 1407 1585 1811 2010 service activities
Administraie public Public administration
i aprare; asigurri and defence;
sociale din sistemul public1) 3344 3787 3186 3555 3461 3956 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 2123 2393 2344 2544 2028 2330 Education
Sntate i Human health
asisten social 2002 2055 2230 2269 1946 2001 and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1662 1709 1762 1815 1592 1637 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1347 1563 1580 1784 1165 1391 Other service activities
Proprietate public 2) 2514 2723 2773 2960 2329 2557 Public ownership 2)
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2162 2430 2150 2426 2219 2454 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 3103 3265 3178 3344 2869 3019 Industry
Industrie extractiv 3948 4198 4038 4255 3448 3873 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 2624 2719 2658 2754 2547 2645 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4017 4179 4096 4264 3756 3891 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 2074 2191 2027 2143 2200 2319 decontamination activities
Construcii 2378 2590 2231 2500 2874 2977 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i Wholesale and retail;
cu amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 2356 2928 3011 3028 1971 2840 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 2934 3106 3124 3286 2576 2756 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 1647 1344 1676 1412 1633 1310 Hotels and restaurants

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
2) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Includes: entirely state ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale economiei naionale i pe sexe - continuare
Average gross nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.9 activity of national economy and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Ownership type
Activitatea Total Brbai / Men Femei / Women Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Informaii i comunicaii 3856 3951 3928 3920 3764 4000 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 5323 5591 7345 7807 4654 4855 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1692 1742 1737 1790 1644 1690 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 3226 3328 3364 3484 3096 3177 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1411 1664 1289 1445 1647 2037 service activities
Administraie public Public administration
i aprare; asigurri and defence;
sociale din sistemul public1) 3344 3787 3186 3555 3461 3956 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 2116 2403 2354 2572 2017 2335 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 1982 2037 2205 2250 1928 1984 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1741 1840 1793 1922 1703 1780 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1677 3298 1578 2756 1815 3857 Other service activities

Proprietate privat 3) 2026 2178 2096 2262 1930 2066 Private ownership 3)
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1429 1553 1437 1552 1406 1558 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 2082 2253 2321 2519 1798 1936 Industry
Industrie extractiv 4281 4855 4120 4747 5039 5371 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1987 2149 2223 2400 1731 1873 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4159 4632 4144 4520 4200 4941 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 1836 1951 1762 1967 2045 1906 decontamination activities
Construcii 1574 1639 1540 1595 1799 1934 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i Wholesale and retail;
cu amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1764 1935 1910 2122 1625 1771 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 1661 1758 1614 1709 1912 2030 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 1202 1298 1292 1376 1144 1249 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 4121 4508 4328 4721 3800 4185 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 4982 5039 6062 6214 4469 4505 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1902 1882 1892 1864 1913 1904 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 3245 3381 3345 3447 3123 3299 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1543 1729 1416 1595 1825 2007 service activities
nvmnt 2314 2132 2194 2117 2431 2146 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 2195 2206 2454 2422 2125 2145 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1573 1581 1725 1702 1470 1505 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1337 1467 1580 1721 1150 1273 Other service activities

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
3) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Includes: private majority ownership, entirely private ownership, co-operative ownership, communal ownership, entirely foreign ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
clase de mrime ale ntreprinderilor i pe sexe
Average gross nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.10 enterprise size class and by sex
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Ownership type
Clase de mrime Total Brbai / Men Femei / Women Enterprise
ale ntreprinderilor 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 size class

Total 2163 2328 2246 2412 2070 2234 Total

Sub 50 salariai 1324 1479 1344 1498 1297 1454 Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 2066 2216 2111 2265 2005 2151 50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 2733 2926 2977 3182 2502 2687 250 employees and over

Proprietate public1) 2514 2723 2773 2960 2329 2557 Public ownership1)

Sub 50 salariai 1689 1792 1767 1871 1622 1724 Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 2377 2609 2369 2583 2384 2629 50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 2639 2859 2995 3192 2396 2635 250 employees and over

Proprietate privat 2) 2026 2178 2096 2262 1930 2066 Private ownership 2)

Sub 50 salariai 1288 1449 1311 1469 1256 1422 Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 2004 2139 2074 2219 1899 2021 50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 2813 2982 2966 3176 2622 2745 250 employees and over

1) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Includes: entirely state ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
2) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Includes: private majority ownership, entirely private ownership, co-operative ownership, communal ownership, entirely foreign ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, pe forme de proprietate,

clase de mrime ale ntreprinderilor i pe sexe
Average net nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.11 enterprise size class and by sex
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Ownership type
Clase de mrime Total Brbai / Men Femei / Women Enterprise
ale ntreprinderilor 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 size class

Total 1579 1697 1640 1761 1509 1627 Total

Sub 50 salariai 973 1083 988 1097 952 1065 Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 1512 1617 1545 1653 1467 1569 50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 1988 2130 2168 2319 1818 1953 250 employees and over

Proprietate public1) 1818 1973 2006 2147 1684 1852 Public ownership1)

Sub 50 salariai 1232 1302 1289 1360 1184 1252 Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 1723 1888 1719 1872 1726 1900 50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 1906 2072 2164 2315 1730 1908 250 employees and over

Proprietate privat 2) 1485 1593 1537 1655 1415 1510 Private ownership 2)

Sub 50 salariai 947 1062 964 1077 924 1043 Under 50 employees
50 - 249 salariai 1470 1564 1520 1622 1394 1478 50 - 249 employees
250 salariai i peste 2058 2178 2170 2322 1919 2002 250 employees and over

1) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Includes: entirely state ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
2) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Includes: private majority ownership, entirely private ownership, co-operative ownership, communal ownership, entirely foreign ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale economiei naionale i pe sexe
Average net nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.12 activity of national economy and by sex
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Ownership type
Activitatea Total Brbai / Men Femei / Women Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 sections)


Total economie 1579 1697 1640 1761 1509 1627 Total economy
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1179 1270 1190 1279 1141 1240 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1604 1720 1783 1917 1370 1462 Industry
Industrie extractiv 2943 3260 2909 3235 3113 3390 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1466 1578 1633 1758 1283 1378 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas,
electric i termic, gaze, steam and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 2917 3093 2950 3120 2816 3007 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 1427 1509 1384 1496 1548 1544 decontamination activities
Construcii 1191 1240 1158 1204 1398 1473 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i Wholesale and retail;
cu amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1293 1412 1398 1547 1192 1294 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 1629 1707 1606 1676 1700 1805 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 898 958 960 1014 857 923 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 3067 3357 3233 3514 2815 3117 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 3645 3708 4488 4653 3257 3292 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1349 1344 1356 1343 1341 1345 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 2351 2442 2434 2510 2255 2363 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1132 1261 1044 1162 1326 1464 service activities
Administraie public Public administration
i aprare; asigurri and defence;
sociale din sistemul public1) 2420 2754 2321 2603 2494 2865 compulsory social security 1)
nvmnt 1533 1733 1701 1851 1461 1684 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 1456 1496 1627 1655 1414 1456 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1216 1249 1290 1326 1163 1197 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 991 1141 1158 1300 861 1017 Other service activities
Proprietate public 2) 1818 1973 2006 2147 1684 1852 Public ownership 2)
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1565 1750 1557 1746 1604 1771 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 2234 2355 2284 2413 2078 2173 Industry
Industrie extractiv 2817 3003 2878 3044 2479 2767 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1891 1967 1912 1992 1843 1916 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas,
electric i termic, gaze, steam and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 2891 3013 2941 3080 2726 2787 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 1508 1592 1475 1558 1597 1680 decontamination activities
Construcii 1721 1874 1612 1810 2087 2148 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i Wholesale and retail;
cu amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1745 2099 2295 2183 1422 2024 and motorcycles

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
2) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Includes: entirely state ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale economiei naionale i pe sexe - continuare
Average net nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.12 activity of national economy and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Ownership type
Activitatea Total Brbai / Men Femei / Women Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Transport i depozitare 2114 2241 2247 2368 1863 1993 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 1205 976 1226 1025 1195 951 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 2788 2828 2817 2790 2750 2888 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 3833 4063 5267 5732 3359 3509 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1238 1273 1274 1307 1201 1236 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 2324 2393 2423 2503 2230 2287 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1036 1212 953 1062 1195 1468 service activities
Administraie public Public administration
i aprare; asigurri and defence;
sociale din sistemul public1) 2420 2754 2321 2603 2494 2865 compulsory social security 1)
nvmnt 1528 1741 1707 1872 1453 1688 Education
Sntate i Human health
asisten social 1442 1484 1609 1642 1401 1445 and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1263 1335 1303 1395 1234 1291 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1223 2367 1162 1982 1308 2764 Other service activities
Proprietate privat 3) 1485 1593 1537 1655 1415 1510 Private ownership 3)
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 1049 1131 1055 1129 1030 1134 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1522 1644 1691 1834 1321 1416 Industry
Industrie extractiv 3049 3462 2936 3389 3579 3813 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 1457 1571 1624 1753 1275 1371 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 2987 3317 2974 3237 3023 3540 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 1340 1424 1287 1433 1492 1399 decontamination activities
Construcii 1153 1196 1129 1164 1310 1404 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i Wholesale and retail;
cu amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 1292 1411 1397 1546 1192 1293 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 1213 1280 1179 1245 1390 1471 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 889 957 955 1013 847 922 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 3093 3395 3270 3567 2822 3133 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 3624 3669 4422 4559 3245 3266 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1388 1367 1384 1354 1393 1382 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 2359 2457 2437 2512 2264 2389 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 1140 1265 1051 1170 1337 1463 service activities
nvmnt 1677 1535 1600 1535 1752 1535 Education
Sntate i Human health
asisten social 1597 1599 1788 1762 1545 1554 and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 1162 1165 1276 1251 1085 1110 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 984 1073 1158 1256 850 933 Other service activities

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
3) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Includes: private majority ownership, entirely private ownership, co-operative ownership, communal ownership, entirely foreign ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar, pe activiti
ale industriei i pe sexe
Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings, by activity
4.13 of industry and by sex
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Activitatea 2013 2014 Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Brut Net Brut Net (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
Gross Net Gross Net


Total - Industrie 2199 1604 2362 1720 Total - Industry
Industrie extractiv 4129 2943 4566 3260 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 3609 2578 3809 2723 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude petroleum
i a gazelor naturale 5574 3945 6562 4670 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 2963 2126 3194 2284 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 1923 1395 1930 1397 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 4523 3249 4989 3570 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 2001 1466 2160 1578 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1388 1022 1541 1131 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 2697 1979 2762 2019 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 5320 3817 5767 4161 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1742 1279 1840 1341 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1352 1006 1505 1112 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1424 1054 1534 1124 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor Manufacture of wood and of products
din lemn i plut, cu excepia mobilei; of wood and cork, except furniture;
fabricarea articolelor din paie manufacture of articles
i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 1362 1009 1463 1078 of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a Manufacture of paper
produselor din hrtie 2150 1567 2328 1687 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe Printing and reproduction
supori a nregistrrilor 2250 1639 2424 1752 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a Manufacture of coke and refined
produselor obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 4723 3378 5303 3774 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 2753 1999 2899 2095 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 3452 2492 3646 2638 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber
i mase plastice 2177 1592 2279 1655 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other non-metallic
din minerale nemetalice 2271 1655 2485 1806 mineral products
Industria metalurgic 2917 2108 3060 2210 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, metal products, except
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 2014 1471 2146 1564 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor Manufacture of computers,
i a produselor electronice i optice 2824 2049 2995 2166 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2298 1680 2387 1734 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 2542 1839 2830 2038 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 2652 1954 2840 2101 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other
mijloace de transport 3075 2214 3281 2384 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1404 1038 1535 1131 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 1610 1200 1724 1260 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 2326 1679 2360 1718 of machinery and equipment

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.

Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar, pe activiti
ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings, by activity
4.13 of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Activitatea 2013 2014 Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Brut Net Brut Net (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
Gross Net Gross Net

Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam

electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4056 2917 4297 3093 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1960 1427 2072 1509 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 2437 1764 2525 1825 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 2214 1603 2415 1753 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare and disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1541 1132 1657 1218 and services of decontamination
Total - Industrie 2453 1783 2637 1917 Total - Industry
Industrie extractiv 4082 2909 4527 3235 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 3728 2660 3883 2779 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude petroleum
i a gazelor naturale 5383 3812 6467 4606 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 2957 2122 3208 2295 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 1864 1353 1878 1359 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 4560 3272 4978 3562 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 2236 1633 2409 1758 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1495 1100 1656 1214 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 2747 2020 2787 2039 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 5479 3925 6139 4440 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1857 1362 1982 1446 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1511 1119 1698 1254 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1567 1159 1669 1217 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor Manufacture of wood and of products
din lemn i plut, cu excepia mobilei; of wood and cork, except furniture;
fabricarea articolelor din paie i din manufacture of articles of straw
alte materiale vegetale mpletite 1370 1015 1477 1088 and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 2291 1668 2493 1807 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 2500 1814 2659 1918 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a Manufacture of coke and refined
produselor obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 4542 3251 5092 3629 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 2795 2030 2969 2144 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 3852 2786 3920 2807 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber
i mase plastice 2295 1676 2392 1734 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice 2287 1665 2507 1822 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 2929 2116 3073 2219 Manufacture of basic metals

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.

Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar, pe activiti
ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings, by activity
4.13 of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Activitatea 2013 2014 Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Brut Net Brut Net (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
Gross Net Gross Net

Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated

i a produselor din metal, metal products,
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 2007 1464 2159 1573 except machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor Manufacture of computers,
i a produselor electronice i optice 3165 2289 3268 2360 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2522 1837 2623 1899 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 2567 1857 2860 2060 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 2968 2185 3224 2396 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other
mijloace de transport 3077 2213 3324 2418 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1411 1044 1543 1137 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 1717 1274 1890 1375 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 2353 1699 2366 1723 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4109 2950 4329 3120 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1899 1384 2055 1496 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 2280 1653 2457 1777 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 2220 1606 2447 1777 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare and disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1553 1141 1678 1232 and services of decontamination

Total - Industrie 1867 1370 2002 1462 Total - Industry
Industrie extractiv 4365 3113 4765 3390 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 2914 2104 3360 2384 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude petroleum
i a gazelor naturale 6392 4517 6995 4960 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 2984 2141 3146 2248 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 2241 1623 2214 1604 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 4309 3113 5053 3612 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 1743 1283 1883 1378 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1298 957 1437 1055 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 2595 1896 2706 1975 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 4739 3422 4686 3350 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1700 1248 1783 1299 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1327 988 1475 1090 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1373 1016 1477 1084 preparation and dyeing of furs

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.

Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut i net lunar, pe activiti
ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings, by activity
4.13 of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Activitatea 2013 2014 Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) Brut Net Brut Net (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
Gross Net Gross Net

Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor Manufacture of wood and of products

din lemn i plut, cu excepia mobilei; of wood and cork, except furniture;
fabricarea articolelor din paie i din manufacture of articles of straw
alte materiale vegetale mpletite 1338 992 1423 1050 and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 1927 1408 2069 1498 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 1973 1445 2171 1573 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a Manufacture of coke and refined
produselor obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 5214 3721 5900 4186 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 2658 1929 2752 1991 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 3201 2307 3464 2527 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber
i mase plastice 1996 1464 2103 1531 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice 2233 1631 2431 1767 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 2869 2077 3008 2170 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, metal products, except
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 2041 1494 2099 1530 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers, electronic
produselor electronice i optice 2501 1822 2751 1992 and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2057 1509 2127 1551 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 2450 1776 2715 1954 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 2324 1714 2437 1789 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other
mijloace de transport 3067 2222 3098 2240 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1391 1028 1522 1121 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 1542 1154 1627 1193 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 2179 1571 2325 1693 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 3891 2816 4197 3007 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 2128 1548 2119 1544 decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 2828 2043 2694 1947 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 2187 1589 2285 1659 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare and disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1506 1109 1599 1180 and services of decontamination

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.

Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale industriei i pe sexe
Average gross nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.14 activity of industry and by sex
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Brbai Femei Ownership type
Activitatea Total Men Women Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)


Total - Industrie 2199 2362 2453 2637 1867 2002 Total - Industry
Industrie extractiv 4129 4566 4082 4527 4365 4765 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 3609 3809 3728 3883 2914 3360 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude petroleum
i a gazelor naturale 5574 6562 5383 6467 6392 6995 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 2963 3194 2957 3208 2984 3146 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 1923 1930 1864 1878 2241 2214 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 4523 4989 4560 4978 4309 5053 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 2001 2160 2236 2409 1743 1883 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1388 1541 1495 1656 1298 1437 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 2697 2762 2747 2787 2595 2706 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 5320 5767 5479 6139 4739 4686 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1742 1840 1857 1982 1700 1783 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1352 1505 1511 1698 1327 1475 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1424 1534 1567 1669 1373 1477 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of
produselor din lemn i plut, products of wood and cork,
cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea except furniture; manufacture
articolelor din paie i din alte of articles of straw
materiale vegetale mpletite 1362 1463 1370 1477 1338 1423 and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 2150 2328 2291 2493 1927 2069 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 2250 2424 2500 2659 1973 2171 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of coke
cocserie i a produselor and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 4723 5303 4542 5092 5214 5900 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 2753 2899 2795 2969 2658 2752 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 3452 3646 3852 3920 3201 3464 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber
cauciuc i mase plastice 2177 2279 2295 2392 1996 2103 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice 2271 2485 2287 2507 2233 2431 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 2917 3060 2929 3073 2869 3008 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated metal
i a produselor din metal, exclusiv products, except machinery
maini, utilaje i instalaii 2014 2146 2007 2159 2041 2099 and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i Manufacture of computers,
a produselor electronice i optice 2824 2995 3165 3268 2501 2751 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2298 2387 2522 2623 2057 2127 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 2542 2830 2567 2860 2450 2715 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 2652 2840 2968 3224 2324 2437 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other
mijloace de transport 3075 3281 3077 3324 3067 3098 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1404 1535 1411 1543 1391 1522 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 1610 1724 1717 1890 1542 1627 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.

Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average gross nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.14 activity of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Brbai Femei Ownership type
Activitatea Total Men Women Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation

mainilor i echipamentelor 2326 2360 2353 2366 2179 2325 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4056 4297 4109 4329 3891 4197 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1960 2072 1899 2055 2128 2119 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 2437 2525 2280 2457 2828 2694 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 2214 2415 2220 2447 2187 2285 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1541 1657 1553 1678 1506 1599 and services of decontamination
Proprietate public1) 3103 3265 3178 3344 2869 3019 Public ownership1)
Industrie extractiv 3948 4198 4038 4255 3448 3873 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 3648 3857 3772 3933 2931 3389 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude petroleum
i a gazelor naturale 5663 6108 5556 5991 6396 6896 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 3175 3338 3199 3363 3097 3256 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 3426 3378 3370 3326 3641 3575 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 6526 7020 6577 7081 5976 6346 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 2624 2719 2658 2754 2547 2645 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1665 1812 1488 1638 1853 2016 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 1570 1785 1781 1856 1292 1693 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 985 1106 1070 1090 973 1109 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and
produselor din lemn i plut, of products of wood and cork,
cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea except furniture; manufacture
articolelor din paie i din alte of articles of straw
materiale vegetale mpletite 854 - 837 - 887 - and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 1508 1708 1508 1751 1507 1611 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 3157 3320 3223 3493 3101 3191 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of coke
cocserie i a produselor and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 1041 - 841 - 2637 - petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 2945 2834 3058 2882 2703 2741 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 3318 3508 3269 3488 3365 3527 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber
cauciuc i mase plastice - 2310 - 2702 - 1919 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice - 942 - 978 - 834 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 6317 6621 5658 6858 7137 6323 Manufacture of basic metals

1) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Includes: entirely state ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average gross nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.14 activity of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Brbai Femei Ownership type
Activitatea Total Men Women Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated

i a produselor din metal, metal products, except
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 2084 2158 2206 2317 1870 1906 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i Manufacture of computers,
a produselor electronice i optice 3025 2796 3513 2833 2206 2736 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 3181 3511 3272 3539 2722 3389 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other
mijloace de transport 2789 3139 2769 3163 2856 3055 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 2240 1198 1803 1198 4052 - Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 2246 2293 2171 2330 2409 2208 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 2437 2446 2486 2460 2213 2361 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4017 4179 4096 4264 3756 3891 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 2074 2191 2027 2143 2200 2319 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 2347 2429 2289 2362 2488 2595 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 2047 2187 2043 2193 2060 2165 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1386 1520 1374 1514 1422 1535 and services of decontamination
Proprietate privat 2) 2082 2253 2321 2519 1798 1936 Private ownership 2)
Industrie extractiv 4281 4855 4120 4747 5039 5371 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 1587 1665 1561 1625 1796 1928 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude petroleum
i a gazelor naturale 5554 6666 5342 6585 6391 7011 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 1922 2067 1923 2105 1918 1863 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 1569 1640 1536 1608 1765 1827 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 4319 4792 4338 4753 4215 4989 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 1987 2149 2223 2400 1731 1873 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1388 1541 1495 1656 1298 1437 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 2705 2766 2752 2791 2607 2712 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 5320 5767 5479 6139 4739 4686 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1742 1840 1857 1982 1700 1783 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1352 1505 1511 1699 1327 1475 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1424 1534 1567 1669 1373 1477 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of
produselor din lemn i plut, cu excepia products of wood and cork, except
mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie furniture; manufacture of articles
i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 1362 1463 1370 1477 1338 1423 of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 2153 2332 2296 2498 1929 2071 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 2137 2316 2424 2578 1808 2021 of recorded media

2) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Includes: private majority ownership, entirely private ownership, co-operative ownership, communal ownership, entirely foreign ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu brut lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average gross nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.14 activity of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Brbai Femei Ownership type
Activitatea Total Men Women Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of coke

cocserie i a produselor and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 4731 5303 4551 5092 5216 5900 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 2735 2905 2772 2976 2654 2753 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 3475 3669 3992 4013 3177 3456 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber
cauciuc i mase plastice 2177 2279 2295 2391 1996 2104 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice 2271 2487 2287 2509 2233 2433 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 2867 3011 2901 3037 2725 2900 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, exclusiv metal products, except
maini, utilaje i instalaii 2008 2145 1993 2149 2068 2130 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers,
produselor electronice i optice 2816 2999 3145 3279 2510 2752 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2298 2387 2522 2623 2057 2127 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 2535 2823 2558 2854 2448 2710 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 2652 2840 2968 3224 2324 2437 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace Manufacture of other
de transport 3104 3294 3106 3338 3095 3103 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1403 1535 1411 1543 1390 1522 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 1569 1698 1664 1850 1515 1614 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 2276 2334 2296 2338 2160 2315 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 4159 4632 4144 4520 4200 4941 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1836 1951 1762 1967 2045 1906 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 2835 2926 2242 2850 4420 3119 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 2633 2973 2641 3041 2591 2645 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1594 1699 1615 1727 1534 1619 and services of decontamination

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.

Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale industriei i pe sexe
Average net nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.15 activity of industry and by sex
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Brbai Femei Ownership type
Activitatea Total Men Women Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)


Total - Industrie 1604 1720 1783 1917 1370 1462 Total - Industry
Industrie extractiv 2943 3260 2909 3235 3113 3390 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 2578 2723 2660 2779 2104 2384 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude
i a gazelor naturale 3945 4670 3812 4606 4517 4960 petroleum and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 2126 2284 2122 2295 2141 2248 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 1395 1397 1353 1359 1623 1604 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 3249 3570 3272 3562 3113 3612 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 1466 1578 1633 1758 1283 1378 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1022 1131 1100 1214 957 1055 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 1979 2019 2020 2039 1896 1975 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 3817 4161 3925 4440 3422 3350 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1279 1341 1362 1446 1248 1299 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1006 1112 1119 1254 988 1090 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1054 1124 1159 1217 1016 1084 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of
produselor din lemn i plut, cu excepia products of wood and cork, except
mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie furniture; manufacture of articles
i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 1009 1078 1015 1088 992 1050 of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 1567 1687 1668 1807 1408 1498 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 1639 1752 1814 1918 1445 1573 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of
cocserie i a produselor coke and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 3378 3774 3251 3629 3721 4186 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 1999 2095 2030 2144 1929 1991 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 2492 2638 2786 2807 2307 2527 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber
cauciuc i mase plastice 1592 1655 1676 1734 1464 1531 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice 1655 1806 1665 1822 1631 1767 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 2108 2210 2116 2219 2077 2170 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, exclusiv metal products, except
maini, utilaje i instalaii 1471 1564 1464 1573 1494 1530 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers,
produselor electronice i optice 2049 2166 2289 2360 1822 1992 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor Manufacture of electrical
electrice 1680 1734 1837 1899 1509 1551 equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 1839 2038 1857 2060 1776 1954 and equipment n.e.c.

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.

Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average net nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.15 activity of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Brbai Femei Ownership type
Activitatea Total Men Women Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,

rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 1954 2101 2185 2396 1714 1789 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace Manufacture of other
de transport 2214 2384 2213 2418 2222 2240 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1038 1131 1044 1137 1028 1121 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti Other manufacturing
industriale n.c.a. 1200 1260 1274 1375 1154 1193 activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea Repair, maintenance and
i instalarea mainilor installation of machinery
i echipamentelor 1679 1718 1699 1723 1571 1693 and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 2917 3093 2950 3120 2816 3007 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1427 1509 1384 1496 1548 1544 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 1764 1825 1653 1777 2043 1947 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea Used water collection
apelor uzate 1603 1753 1606 1777 1589 1659 and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1132 1218 1141 1232 1109 1180 and services of decontamination
Proprietate public1) 2234 2355 2284 2413 2078 2173 Public ownership1)
Industrie extractiv 2817 3003 2878 3044 2479 2767 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 2605 2757 2690 2815 2116 2404 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude
i a gazelor naturale 4023 4378 3944 4288 4558 4987 petroleum and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 2270 2387 2288 2404 2213 2328 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 2460 2423 2418 2384 2619 2576 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 4624 5014 4654 5052 4293 4592 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 1891 1967 1912 1992 1843 1916 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1216 1308 1095 1191 1344 1445 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 1121 1292 1273 1359 921 1205 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 727 838 788 818 718 842 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of
produselor din lemn i plut, cu excepia products of wood and cork, except
mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie furniture; manufacture of articles
i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 615 - 604 - 638 - of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 1089 1251 1089 1286 1089 1172 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 2264 2386 2308 2497 2227 2303 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of
cocserie i a produselor coke and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 814 - 650 - 2145 - petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 2129 2059 2210 2084 1956 2011 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 2381 2515 2341 2497 2421 2533 and pharmaceutical preparations

1) Include: proprietate integral de stat, proprietate majoritar de stat, proprietate public de interes naional i local.
Includes: entirely state ownership, state majority ownership, public ownership of national and local interest.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average net nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.15 activity of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Brbai Femei Ownership type
Activitatea Total Men Women Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber

cauciuc i mase plastice - 1695 - 2033 - 1356 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice - 688 - 712 - 613 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 4474 4670 3897 4843 5190 4451 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i Manufacture of fabricated
a produselor din metal, exclusiv metal products, except
maini, utilaje i instalaii 1521 1573 1605 1686 1373 1394 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers,
produselor electronice i optice 2176 2008 2546 2041 1555 1954 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 2321 2594 2401 2615 1916 2503 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea altor mijloace Manufacture of other
de transport 1997 2296 1969 2311 2087 2244 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1606 893 1305 893 2851 - Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti Other manufacturing
industriale n.c.a. 1633 1652 1578 1680 1753 1588 activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea Repair, maintenance
i instalarea mainilor and installation of machinery
i echipamentelor 1750 1757 1785 1768 1590 1695 and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam
energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 2891 3013 2941 3080 2726 2787 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1508 1592 1475 1558 1597 1680 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 1701 1756 1660 1710 1800 1873 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea Used water collection
apelor uzate 1490 1593 1487 1599 1502 1573 and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare a disposal; activities of recycling
materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1021 1126 1012 1123 1046 1133 and services of decontamination
Proprietate privat 2) 1522 1644 1691 1834 1321 1416 Private ownership 2)
Industrie extractiv 3049 3462 2936 3389 3579 3813 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 1158 1206 1140 1177 1306 1398 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude
i a gazelor naturale 3928 4737 3780 4685 4511 4956 petroleum and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 1420 1487 1416 1517 1451 1320 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 1145 1191 1121 1168 1283 1327 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 3109 3429 3120 3403 3046 3563 Mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 1457 1571 1624 1753 1275 1371 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1022 1131 1100 1214 956 1055 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 1985 2023 2024 2042 1905 1980 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 3817 4161 3925 4440 3422 3350 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1279 1341 1362 1446 1248 1299 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1006 1112 1119 1254 988 1090 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1054 1124 1159 1217 1016 1084 preparation and dyeing of furs

2) Include: proprietate majoritar privat, proprietate integral privat, proprietate cooperatist, proprietate obteasc, proprietate integral strin.
Includes: private majority ownership, entirely private ownership, co-operative ownership, communal ownership, entirely foreign ownership.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Source: Labour cost survey.

Ctigul salarial nominal mediu net lunar, pe forme de proprietate,
activiti ale industriei i pe sexe - continuare
Average net nominal monthly earnings, by ownership type,
4.15 activity of industry and by sex - continued
lei / salariat / lei / employee
Forma de proprietate Brbai Femei Ownership type
Activitatea Total Men Women Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of

produselor din lemn i plut, cu products of wood and cork,
excepia mobilei; fabricarea articolelor except furniture; manufacture
din paie i din alte materiale of articles of straw
vegetale mpletite 1010 1078 1015 1088 992 1050 and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i Manufacture of paper
a produselor din hrtie 1570 1690 1672 1811 1410 1500 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 1561 1675 1762 1861 1331 1465 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of
cocserie i a produselor coke and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 3383 3774 3257 3629 3722 4186 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 1987 2098 2014 2150 1926 1989 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 2511 2659 2894 2874 2291 2526 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber
cauciuc i mase plastice 1592 1655 1676 1733 1464 1532 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice 1655 1808 1665 1824 1631 1768 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 2074 2175 2098 2194 1972 2096 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i Manufacture of fabricated
a produselor din metal, exclusiv metal products, except
maini, utilaje i instalaii 1466 1563 1455 1566 1513 1551 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers,
produselor electronice i optice 2044 2169 2274 2368 1830 1993 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor Manufacture of electrical
electrice 1680 1734 1837 1899 1509 1551 equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 1834 2033 1850 2055 1774 1950 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor Manufacture of motor
de transport rutier, vehicles, trailers
a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 1954 2101 2185 2396 1714 1789 and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace Manufacture of other
de transport 2236 2392 2236 2427 2240 2240 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1038 1131 1044 1137 1027 1121 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti Other manufacturing
industriale n.c.a. 1173 1242 1238 1347 1135 1184 activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea Repair, maintenance
i instalarea mainilor and installation of machinery
i echipamentelor 1647 1707 1662 1710 1560 1692 and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 2987 3317 2974 3237 3023 3540 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1340 1424 1287 1433 1492 1399 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 2044 2113 1619 2054 3179 2266 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea Used water collection
apelor uzate 1886 2145 1891 2192 1865 1918 and purification
Colectarea, tratarea si eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities
i servicii de decontaminare 1171 1246 1185 1264 1130 1194 and services of decontamination

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.

Source: Labour cost survey.

Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc, pe activiti ale economiei
naionale, n anul 2014
4.16 Quarterly labour cost indices, by activity of national economy, in 2014
Serie brut (neajustat) %, fa de acelai trimestru din anul precedent
Unadjusted series % as against the same quarter of previous year
Activitatea Trim.I Trim.II Trim.III Trim.IV Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Q.I Q.II Q.III Q.IV (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Costul total al forei de munc

Total labour cost
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 103,98 103,63 103,91 106,52 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 108,38 107,93 109,68 115,51 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 105,22 104,64 105,01 107,37 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 102,78 101,95 102,33 104,42 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 105,63 104,22 103,82 106,20 and decontamination activities
Construcii 97,10 96,89 99,19 100,31 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 107,42 108,21 107,71 109,62 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 103,30 103,24 101,86 106,84 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 114,23 113,21 113,53 115,38 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 105,78 105,36 106,18 108,41 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 100,72 100,43 100,12 101,66 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 94,31 96,21 92,43 93,26 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 101,24 100,91 101,21 102,81 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 112,13 112,24 112,22 115,07 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 103,62 102,47 102,49 104,53 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 97,77 97,18 98,62 103,39 Education
Sntate Human health
i asisten social 102,13 101,50 101,53 103,28 and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 102,20 102,71 102,70 103,38 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 111,88 111,81 115,84 120,69 Other service activities
Cheltuieli directe cu fora de munc (salariale)
Labour direct expenditure (salary)
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 105,32 104,97 105,25 107,89 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 109,96 109,50 111,28 117,19 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 106,69 106,10 106,48 108,87 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 103,66 102,82 103,20 105,31 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 106,59 105,16 104,77 107,16 and decontamination activities
Construcii 98,22 98,01 100,33 101,46 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 108,87 109,66 109,16 111,09 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 104,08 104,02 102,63 107,65 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 115,80 114,77 115,09 116,97 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 107,52 107,09 107,93 110,19 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 102,92 102,63 102,31 103,89 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 94,62 96,52 92,73 93,57 Real estate activities

Not: Date calculate cu anul de referin 2012 = 100.

Note: The data calculated with the reference year 2012 = 100.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).

Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc, pe activiti ale economiei
naionale, n anul 2014 - continuare
4.16 Quarterly labour cost indices, by activity of national economy, in 2014 - continued

Serie brut (neajustat) %, fa de acelai trimestru din anul precedent

Unadjusted series % as against the same quarter of previous year
Activitatea Trim.I Trim.II Trim.III Trim.IV Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Q.I Q.II Q.III Q.IV (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific

tiinifice i tehnice 102,27 101,95 102,25 103,87 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 114,11 114,22 114,20 117,10 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 105,02 103,85 103,88 105,94 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 98,62 98,02 99,48 104,28 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 103,29 102,65 102,68 104,45 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 103,77 104,29 104,28 104,97 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 112,81 112,74 116,80 121,69 Other service activities

Cheltuieli indirecte cu fora de munc (non-salariale)

Labour indirect expenditure (non - salary)
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 99,30 98,96 99,25 101,72 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 103,48 103,05 104,73 110,29 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 100,11 99,55 99,90 102,14 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 99,86 99,06 99,42 101,46 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 102,23 100,87 100,48 102,78 and decontamination activities
Construcii 93,16 92,97 95,16 96,24 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 102,29 103,04 102,56 104,38 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 100,58 100,52 99,18 104,03 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 108,71 107,74 108,04 109,80 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 99,81 99,41 100,18 102,29 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 93,42 93,16 92,87 94,30 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 93,18 95,06 91,33 92,15 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 97,56 97,25 97,53 99,08 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 105,16 105,26 105,25 107,92 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 98,68 97,59 97,61 99,55 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 94,73 94,16 95,55 100,17 Education
Sntate i Human health
asisten social 98,05 97,44 97,47 99,16 and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 96,76 97,25 97,24 97,88 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 108,57 108,50 112,41 117,12 Other service activities

Not: Date calculate cu anul de referin 2012 = 100.

Note: The data calculated with the reference year 2012 = 100.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).

Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc, pe activiti ale economiei
naionale, n anul 2014 - continuare
4.16 Quarterly labour cost indices, by activity of national economy, in 2014 - continued
Serie ajustat dup efectul zilelor lucrtoare 2) %, fa de acelai trimestru din anul precedent
Working days adjusted series 2) % as against the same quarter of previous year
Activitatea Trim.I Trim.II Trim.III Trim.IV Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Q.I Q.II Q.III Q.IV (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Costul total al forei de munc

Total labour cost
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 103,98 103,66 103,87 106,48 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 108,38 107,93 109,69 115,51 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 105,23 104,64 105,01 107,37 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 102,78 101,95 102,33 104,42 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 105,63 103,97 104,07 106,46 and decontamination activities
Construcii 97,10 96,89 99,19 100,31 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 107,41 108,36 107,55 109,46 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 103,27 103,39 101,71 106,68 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 114,23 114,00 112,74 114,58 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 105,78 105,36 106,19 108,42 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 100,72 100,43 100,12 101,66 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 94,31 96,21 92,43 93,26 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 101,24 100,91 101,21 102,81 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 112,15 112,24 112,21 115,06 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 103,62 102,47 102,49 104,53 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 97,77 97,18 98,62 103,39 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 102,13 101,50 101,53 103,28 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 102,20 102,71 102,70 103,38 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 111,88 111,81 115,84 120,69 Other service activities
Cheltuieli directe cu fora de munc (salariale)
Labour direct expenditure (salary)
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 105,32 105,00 105,21 107,86 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 109,96 109,50 111,28 117,19 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 106,69 106,10 106,48 108,87 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 103,66 102,83 103,20 105,32 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 106,59 104,91 105,02 107,43 and decontamination activities
Construcii 98,22 98,01 100,33 101,46 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 108,86 109,82 109,00 110,93 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 104,05 104,17 102,48 107,49 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 115,81 115,57 114,30 116,16 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 107,51 107,09 107,93 110,20 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 102,92 102,63 102,30 103,89 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 94,61 96,52 92,73 93,57 Real estate activities

Not: Date calculate cu anul de referin 2012 = 100.

Note: The data calculated with the reference year 2012 = 100.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc, pe activiti ale economiei
naionale, n anul 2014 - continuare
4.16 Quarterly labour cost indices, by activity of national economy, in 2014 - continued
Serie ajustat dup efectul zilelor lucrtoare 2) %, fa de acelai trimestru din anul precedent
Working days adjusted series 2) % as against the same quarter of previous year
Activitatea Trim.I Trim.II Trim.III Trim.IV Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Q.I Q.II Q.III Q.IV (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific

tiinifice i tehnice 102,28 101,95 102,25 103,87 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 114,13 114,22 114,19 117,09 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 105,02 103,85 103,88 105,94 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 98,62 98,02 99,48 104,28 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 103,29 102,65 102,68 104,45 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 103,77 104,29 104,28 104,97 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 112,81 112,74 116,80 121,69 Other service activities

Cheltuieli indirecte cu fora de munc (non-salariale)

Labour indirect expenditure (non - salary)
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 99,30 98,99 99,22 101,69 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 103,48 103,05 104,73 110,29 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 100,11 99,55 99,90 102,14 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 99,86 99,06 99,42 101,46 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 102,23 100,62 100,73 103,03 and decontamination activities
Construcii 93,17 92,97 95,16 96,24 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 102,28 103,19 102,41 104,23 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 100,55 100,67 99,03 103,88 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 108,71 108,49 107,30 109,05 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 99,80 99,41 100,19 102,29 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 93,42 93,16 92,86 94,30 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 93,19 95,06 91,33 92,15 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 97,56 97,25 97,53 99,08 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 105,18 105,26 105,23 107,91 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 98,68 97,59 97,61 99,55 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 94,73 94,16 95,55 100,17 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 98,05 97,44 97,47 99,16 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 96,76 97,25 97,24 97,88 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 108,57 108,50 112,41 117,12 Other service activities

Not: Date calculate cu anul de referin 2012 = 100.

Note: The data calculated with the reference year 2012 = 100.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc, pe activiti ale economiei
naionale, n anul 2014 - continuare
4.16 Quarterly labour cost indices, by activity of national economy, in 2014 - continued
Serie ajustat dup efectul zilelor lucrtoare i sezonier 2) %, fa de acelai trimestru din anul precedent
Working days and seasonally adjusted series 2) % as against the same quarter of previous year
Activitatea Trim.I Trim.II Trim.III Trim.IV Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Q.I Q.II Q.III Q.IV (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Costul total al forei de munc

Total labour cost
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 103,97 103,75 104,09 106,31 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 108,55 108,07 109,78 114,81 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 104,98 104,74 104,97 106,93 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 102,46 102,01 102,85 103,65 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 105,40 104,09 104,37 106,20 and decontamination activities
Construcii 97,80 97,26 98,87 100,12 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 107,68 108,01 107,92 109,24 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 102,49 103,38 103,03 106,63 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 114,39 113,83 112,45 114,76 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 105,72 105,53 106,05 108,39 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 100,78 100,68 100,10 101,91 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 94,21 96,23 92,48 93,26 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 101,19 100,90 101,17 102,89 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 111,93 112,04 112,18 115,20 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 104,09 102,93 102,67 104,24 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 98,35 97,40 98,94 103,46 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 101,93 101,71 101,73 103,40 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 102,35 102,61 102,56 103,47 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 112,32 111,73 115,43 119,96 Other service activities
Cheltuieli directe cu fora de munc (salariale)
Labour direct expenditure (salary)
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 105,31 105,09 105,43 107,68 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 110,13 109,64 111,38 116,48 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 106,45 106,20 106,44 108,42 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 103,34 102,88 103,73 104,53 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 106,35 105,04 105,32 107,16 and decontamination activities
Construcii 98,93 98,38 100,01 101,27 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 109,13 109,46 109,37 110,71 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 103,27 104,16 103,81 107,43 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 115,97 115,40 114,00 116,35 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 107,46 107,26 107,79 110,17 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 102,98 102,88 102,29 104,14 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 94,52 96,55 92,78 93,57 Real estate activities

Not: Date calculate cu anul de referin 2012 = 100.

Note: The data calculated with the reference year 2012 = 100.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Indicii trimestriali ai costului forei de munc, pe activiti ale economiei
naionale, n anul 2014 - continuare
4.16 Quarterly labour cost indices, by activity of national economy, in 2014 - continued
Serie ajustat dup efectul zilelor lucrtoare i sezonier 2) %, fa de acelai trimestru din anul precedent
Working days and seasonally adjusted series 2) % as against the same quarter of previous year
Activitatea Trim.I Trim.II Trim.III Trim.IV Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) Q.I Q.II Q.III Q.IV (CANE Rev.2 sections)
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 102,22 101,94 102,20 103,95 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 113,90 114,02 114,16 117,24 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 105,50 104,32 104,05 105,65 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 99,20 98,24 99,80 104,36 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 103,09 102,86 102,88 104,57 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 103,93 104,19 104,14 105,07 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 113,26 112,66 116,39 120,96 Other service activities

Cheltuieli indirecte cu fora de munc (non-salariale)

Labour indirect expenditure (non - salary)
Total industrie, Total industry,
construcii i servicii 99,29 99,08 99,40 101,53 construction and services
Industrie extractiv 103,65 103,19 104,82 109,62 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 99,87 99,65 99,87 101,72 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 99,55 99,11 99,93 100,70 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 102,00 100,74 101,01 102,78 and decontamination activities
Construcii 93,84 93,32 94,86 96,06 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 102,54 102,85 102,76 104,02 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 99,80 100,66 100,32 103,82 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 108,86 108,33 107,01 109,22 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 99,75 99,56 100,06 102,26 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 93,48 93,39 92,85 94,53 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 93,09 95,09 91,38 92,15 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 97,51 97,24 97,49 99,16 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 104,97 105,08 105,20 108,05 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 99,13 98,03 97,78 99,27 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 95,28 94,36 95,86 100,24 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 97,86 97,65 97,67 99,27 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 96,91 97,16 97,11 97,97 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 109,00 108,43 112,01 116,42 Other service activities

Not: Date calculate cu anul de referin 2012 = 100.

Note: The data calculated with the reference year 2012 = 100.
1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Indicatori structurali din statisticile ctigurilor salariale
i costului forei de munc
4.17 Structural indicators of earnings and labour cost statistics
procente / percentage
Indicatori structurali 2012 2013 2014 Structural Indicators

Disparitatea salarial de gen 9,9 7,8 7,4 Gender pay gap

Sarcina fiscal asupra costului forei de munc1) 43,5 43,4 43,7 Tax wedge on labour cost1)
Capcana omajului1) Unemployment trap1)
pentru urmtoarele cazuri: for the following cases:
- fr rencadrare n munc pe durata - without rehiring during
perioadei de omaj 2) 63,2 62,4 60,4 unemployment period 2)
- cu rencadrare n munc - with rehiring after two
dup 2 luni de omaj 3) 54,2 53,7 52,3 unemployment months 3)
Capcana salariului mic1) Low wage trap1)
pentru urmtoarele cazuri: for the following cases:
- persoan necstorit, fr copii 31,0 30,7 31,1 - single person, without children
- cuplu cstorit, cu doi copii, - one-earner couple
din care un singur printe lucreaz 34,3 34,3 34,7 with two children
Sarcina fiscal asupra Tax wedge on disposable
ctigului disponibil1) earnings (net earnings)1)
pentru urmtoarele cazuri: for the following cases:
- persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz - single person without children, earning
67% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 27,6 27,6 27,9 67% of the average gross earnings of AW
- persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz - single person without children, earning
100% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 28,9 29,0 29,3 100% of the average gross earnings of AW
- persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz - single person without children, earning
167% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 29,8 29,9 29,9 167% of the average gross earnings of AW
- persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz - single person without children, earning
50% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 26,1 26,1 26,6 50% of the average gross earnings of AW
- persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz - single person without children, earning
80% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 28,2 28,4 28,5 80% of the average gross earnings of AW
- persoan necstorit, fr copii, care realizeaz - single person without children, earning
125% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 29,6 29,6 29,7 125% of the average gross earnings of AW
- persoan necstorit, cu 2 copii, care realizeaz - single person with 2 children, earning
67% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 13,3 11,7 13,2 67% of the average gross earnings of AW
- cuplu cstorit, cu 2 copii, un singur printe - married couple with 2 children, only one
lucreaz i realizeaz 100% din ctigul parent is working and earns 100%
salarial mediu brut al AW 23,9 21,1 22,0 of the average gross earnings of AW
- cuplu cstorit, cu 2 copii, ambii prini - married couple with 2 children, both parents
lucreaz, unul realizeaz 100%, iar cellalt are working, one earns 100% and the other
33% din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 23,6 23,8 24,3 earns 33% of the average gross earnings of AW
- cuplu cstorit, cu 2 copii, ambii prini lucreaz, - married couple with 2 children, both parents
fiecare realizeaz 100% din ctigul are working and earn 100% of the
salarial mediu brut al AW 26,6 26,8 27,2 average gross earnings of AW
- cuplu cstorit, cu 2 copii, ambii prini lucreaz, - married couple with 2 children, both parents
unul realizeaz 100%, iar cellalt 67% are working, one earns 100% and the other
din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 25,3 25,4 25,9 earns 67% of the average gross earnings of AW
- cuplu cstorit, fr copii, ambii soi lucreaz, - married couple with no children, both persons
unul realizeaz 100%, iar cellalt 33% are working, one earns 100% and the other
din ctigul salarial mediu brut al AW 27,7 27,9 28,1 earns 33% of the average gross earnings of AW
- cuplu cstorit, fr copii, ambii soi lucreaz, - married couple with no children, both
fiecare realizeaz 100% din ctigul persons are working and earn 100%
salarial mediu brut al AW 28,9 29,0 29,3 of the average gross earnings of AW

Not: ncepnd cu anul 2013, indicatorul nu mai este comparabil cu cel prezentat n ediiile anterioare ca urmare a schimbrii sursei
datelor, sferei de cuprindere i perioadei de referin. Indicatorul acoper toi salariaii care lucreaz n ntreprinderile din ntreaga
economie, iar ctigurile salariale medii brute realizate de acetia sunt cele corespunztoare ntregului an de referin. Pentru anii
2011 i 2012 datele au fost recalculate utiliznd rezultatele obinute din Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc.
Note: Since 2013, the indicator is no longer comparable with that presented in the previous editions due to the change of data source,
coverage and reference periods. It covers all the employees working in the whole economy enterprises and their gross average
earnings correspond to the whole refence year. For 2011 and 2012, data were recalculated using the results obtained from the
Labour cost survey.
1) Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc i legislaia naional n vigoare la 1 iulie a anului pentru care se
calculeaz indicatorul.
Source: Labour cost survey and the national legislation in force on July 1st of the year for which the structural indicator is computed.
2) Date comparabile cu seria precedent (cu excepia perioadei de referin pentru legislaia naional, care se modific din
1 ianuarie n 1 iulie).
Comparable data with previous series (except reference period for national legislation changed on January 1st to July 1st).
3) Conform metodologiei revizuite OECD. / According to OECD revised methodology.

Costul mediu lunar i costul mediu orar al forei de munc, pe activiti
ale economiei naionale, n anul 2014

4.18 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost, by activity
of national economy, in 2014

Structura (%) Structure (%)

Sume brute pltite direct salariailor Alte cheltuieli ale unitii cu fora de munc
Gross amounts directly paid to employees Other labour expenses of the unit
Costul mediu Costul Din fondul de Din profitul net
lunar al forei mediu orar salarii (inclusiv i alte fonduri Contribuia Contribuia
Activitatea de munc, pe al forei premii i (inclusiv Din fondul Pentru pentru protecia pentru asigurri Activity
(seciuni CAEN Rev.2) un salariat de munc drepturi drepturi de asigurri formarea social a i protecie Alte (CANE Rev.2 sections)
- lei - - lei / or - Total n natur) n natur) sociale Total profesional omerilor social cheltuieli
Average monthly Average Of salary funds Of net profit Of social Vocational Contribution to Contribution to Other
labour cost, per hourly (including and other funds insurance training unemployed insurance and expenditure
employee labour cost premiums and (including funds social protection social protection
- lei - - lei / hour - benefits in kind) benefits in kind)

Total 2988 17,46 78,5 75,4 2,5 0,6 21,5 0,2 0,4 20,3 0,6 Total
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2248 13,18 78,5 75,5 2,6 0,4 21,5 - 0,4 20,5 0,6 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 3099 17,97 77,6 73,2 3,7 0,7 22,4 0,3 0,4 20,8 0,9 Industry
Industrie extractiv 6740 39,32 74,5 71,5 2,3 0,7 25,5 1,5 0,4 21,5 2,1 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 2802 16,24 78,1 73,6 3,8 0,7 21,9 0,2 0,4 20,6 0,7 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 5565 32,45 75,8 71,0 4,0 0,8 24,2 0,4 0,4 21,7 1,7 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 2726 15,88 78,4 74,3 3,3 0,8 21,6 0,2 0,4 20,2 0,8 and decontamination activities
Construcii 2181 12,83 78,6 76,6 1,5 0,5 21,4 0,1 0,4 20,4 0,5 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of motor
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 2421 14,21 79,2 76,3 2,4 0,5 20,8 0,2 0,4 19,9 0,3 vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 3065 17,90 77,3 73,5 3,1 0,7 22,7 0,2 0,4 20,7 1,4 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 1651 9,70 79,1 77,0 1,6 0,5 20,9 - 0,4 20,1 0,4 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 5679 33,10 78,9 77,1 1,3 0,5 21,1 0,2 0,4 20,1 0,4 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 6523 38,17 79,1 75,7 2,4 1,0 20,9 0,3 0,4 19,2 1,0 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 2429 14,19 78,1 75,5 2,2 0,4 21,9 0,1 0,4 19,9 1,5 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 4254 24,88 78,9 77,0 1,4 0,5 21,1 0,2 0,4 20,0 0,5 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 2203 12,81 79,2 75,9 2,8 0,5 20,8 0,1 0,4 20,0 0,3 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public1) 3925 23,21 78,7 77,1 0,9 0,7 21,3 0,2 0,4 19,4 1,3 compulsory social security1)
nvmnt 3039 17,79 79,3 77,6 1,2 0,5 20,7 0,1 0,4 20,1 0,1 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 2861 16,76 79,8 75,9 3,0 0,9 20,2 0,1 0,4 19,6 0,1 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 2204 12,91 79,5 76,8 2,1 0,6 20,5 0,1 0,4 19,9 0,1 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 2003 11,69 78,3 76,7 1,2 0,4 21,7 - 0,4 20,0 1,3 Other service activities

1) Exclusiv forele armate i personalul asimilat (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Serviciul Romn de Informaii etc.).
Excluding armed forces and similar staff (Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Intelligence Service a.s.o.).
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc - 2014.
Source: Labour cost survey - 2014.

204 205
Costul mediu lunar i costul mediu orar al forei de munc,
pe activiti ale industriei, n anul 2014

4.19 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost,
by activity of industry, in 2014

Structura (%) Structure (%)

Sume brute pltite direct salariailor Alte cheltuieli ale unitii cu fora de munc
Gross amounts directly paid to employees Other labour expenses of the unit
Costul mediu Costul Din fondul de Din profitul net
lunar al forei mediu orar salarii (inclusiv i alte fonduri Contribuia Contribuia
Activitatea de munc, pe al forei premii i (inclusiv Din fondul Pentru pentru protecia pentru asigurri Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) un salariat de munc drepturi drepturi de asigurri formarea social a i protecie Alte (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
- lei - - lei / or - Total n natur) n natur) sociale Total profesional omerilor social cheltuieli
Average monthly Average Of salary funds Of net profit Of social Vocational Contribution to Contribution to Other
labour cost, per hourly (including and other funds insurance training unemployed insurance and expenditure
employee labour cost premiums and (including funds social protection social protection
- lei - - lei / hour - benefits in kind) benefits in kind)

Total - Industrie 3099 17,97 77,6 73,2 3,7 0,7 22,4 0,3 0,4 20,8 0,9 Total - Industry

Industrie extractiv 6740 39,32 74,5 71,5 2,3 0,7 25,5 1,5 0,4 21,5 2,1 Mining and quarrying

Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 5177 31,66 69,9 65,5 2,7 1,7 30,1 0,3 0,3 22,8 6,7 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude
i a gazelor naturale 8951 51,10 74,3 71,1 2,5 0,7 25,7 1,9 0,4 21,5 1,9 petroleum and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 4341 28,54 74,8 70,1 3,4 1,3 25,2 0,2 0,4 24,1 0,5 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 2528 14,92 77,7 74,0 3,2 0,5 22,3 0,1 0,4 21,3 0,5 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 6513 38,15 74,5 72,8 1,0 0,7 25,5 0,9 0,4 21,6 2,6 Mining support service activities

Industrie prelucrtoare 2802 16,24 78,1 73,6 3,8 0,7 21,9 0,2 0,4 20,6 0,7 Manufacturing

Industria alimentar 2034 11,87 78,8 75,3 2,8 0,7 21,2 0,1 0,4 20,3 0,4 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 4078 23,52 78,7 75,5 2,7 0,5 21,3 0,1 0,4 19,9 0,9 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 7487 44,18 77,3 74,7 2,1 0,5 22,7 0,8 0,4 21,4 0,1 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 2203 12,59 78,2 72,2 5,4 0,6 21,8 - 0,4 19,9 1,5 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1915 11,11 79,3 72,4 6,1 0,8 20,7 - 0,4 20,0 0,3 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather;
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1948 11,36 79,3 73,7 4,9 0,7 20,7 0,1 0,4 20,1 0,1 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood and of
produselor din lemn i plut, cu excepia products of wood and cork, except
mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie i furniture; manufacture of articles
din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 1875 10,87 78,7 75,2 3,0 0,5 21,3 0,1 0,4 20,6 0,2 of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 2969 17,31 79,1 74,4 4,0 0,7 20,9 0,2 0,4 19,9 0,4 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 3113 18,06 78,9 75,1 3,1 0,7 21,1 0,1 0,4 20,1 0,5 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of
cocserie i a produselor coke and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 5581 31,77 76,3 73,1 2,5 0,7 23,7 0,4 0,4 20,8 2,1 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 3781 22,10 78,0 73,3 4,1 0,6 22,0 0,2 0,4 20,1 1,3 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 4743 27,87 78,5 74,5 3,1 0,9 21,5 0,4 0,4 20,2 0,5 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber
cauciuc i mase plastice 2936 16,97 78,6 74,2 3,8 0,6 21,4 0,2 0,4 20,5 0,3 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice 3273 18,79 77,9 74,5 2,7 0,7 22,1 0,3 0,4 20,2 1,2 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 4198 24,29 73,0 69,4 3,0 0,6 27,0 0,2 0,4 22,7 3,7 Manufacture of basic metals

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc - 2014.

Source: Labour cost survey - 2014.

206 207
Costul mediu lunar i costul mediu orar al forei de munc,
pe activiti ale industriei, n anul 2014 - continuare

4.19 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost,
by activity of industry, in 2014 - continued

Structura (%) Structure (%)

Sume brute pltite direct salariailor Alte cheltuieli ale unitii cu fora de munc
Gross amounts directly paid to employees Other labour expenses of the unit
Costul mediu Costul Din fondul de Din profitul net
lunar al forei mediu orar salarii (inclusiv i alte fonduri Contribuia Contribuia
Activitatea de munc, pe al forei premii i (inclusiv Din fondul Pentru pentru protecia pentru asigurri Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) un salariat de munc drepturi drepturi de asigurri formarea social a i protecie Alte (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
- lei - - lei / or - Total n natur) n natur) sociale Total profesional omerilor social cheltuieli
Average monthly Average Of salary funds Of net profit Of social Vocational Contribution to Contribution to Other
labour cost, per hourly (including and other funds insurance training unemployed insurance and expenditure
employee labour cost premiums and (including funds social protection social protection
- lei - - lei / hour - benefits in kind) benefits in kind)

Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated

i a produselor din metal, metal products, except
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 2690 15,70 78,8 74,3 3,9 0,6 21,2 0,1 0,4 20,3 0,4 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers,
produselor electronice i optice 3810 21,98 79,0 75,1 3,3 0,6 21,0 0,2 0,4 20,1 0,3 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 3121 18,16 78,0 73,4 3,8 0,8 22,0 0,2 0,4 20,8 0,6 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 3649 20,86 78,0 74,1 3,3 0,6 22,0 0,2 0,4 20,5 0,9 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 3768 21,87 77,1 72,1 4,1 0,9 22,9 0,5 0,4 21,5 0,5 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other
mijloace de transport 4262 24,04 77,9 73,6 3,5 0,8 22,1 0,1 0,4 21,0 0,6 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 1971 11,35 79,3 73,7 4,7 0,9 20,7 - 0,4 19,9 0,4 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 2183 12,52 79,2 73,6 4,8 0,8 20,8 0,1 0,4 20,0 0,3 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 3009 17,47 77,9 74,5 2,7 0,7 22,1 0,1 0,4 20,7 0,9 of machinery and equipment

Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam

electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 5565 32,45 75,8 71,0 4,0 0,8 24,2 0,4 0,4 21,7 1,7 production and supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 2726 15,88 78,4 74,3 3,3 0,8 21,6 0,2 0,4 20,2 0,8 and decontamination activities

Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,

i distribuia apei 3300 19,24 78,4 73,8 3,8 0,8 21,6 0,3 0,4 19,9 1,0 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea Used water collection
apelor uzate 2857 16,65 77,7 75,5 1,6 0,6 22,3 0,4 0,4 21,2 0,3 and purification
Colectarea, tratarea i eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities and
i servicii de decontaminare 2184 12,71 78,4 74,8 2,8 0,8 21,6 0,1 0,4 20,5 0,6 services of decontamination

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic privind costul forei de munc - 2014.

Source: Labour cost survey - 2014.

208 209
4.20 Cheltuielile totale ale gospodriilor
Total expenditure of households

din care, gospodrii de: of which households of:

Total gospodrii / Total households Salariai / Employees Agricultori Farmers omeri / Unemployed Pensionari / Pensioners
2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014

lei, lunar pe o gospodrie lei, monthly per household

Cheltuieli totale 2183,76 2244,47 2317,40 2269,25 2794,38 2898,72 3039,77 3063,10 2002,30 1965,74 2038,26 1999,90 1631,34 1655,29 1713,31 1731,13 1805,36 1823,92 1857,09 1754,19 Total expenditure
procente percentage
Cheltuieli bneti 81,8 82,7 83,7 84,4 90,9 90,5 91,6 91,7 47,9 52,2 52,7 53,9 82,7 84,3 85,2 85,5 78,1 78,8 80,3 81,1 Money expenditure
din care, pentru: of which, for:
Cumprarea de alimente Purchasing consumed
i buturi consumate 21,8 22,4 22,5 21,7 21,3 21,4 21,7 20,4 16,4 18,0 17,7 16,9 27,4 28,5 28,8 26,9 22,7 23,7 23,7 23,7 food and beverages
Cumprarea de mrfuri Purchasing
nealimentare 21,1 21,4 21,4 21,8 21,0 21,0 21,0 21,5 15,0 16,7 16,4 18,3 20,4 18,7 19,0 20,5 22,2 23,2 22,9 23,0 non-food goods
Plata serviciilor 17,6 18,0 18,3 19,1 18,9 19,2 19,2 19,8 8,6 8,9 9,8 9,8 20,4 22,6 22,5 23,6 17,5 17,6 18,4 19,5 Payment of services
Cheltuieli pentru Expenditure for
investiii 0,8 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,8 0,9 0,7 0,4 0,4 0,3 0,1 1,0 0,4 0,6 0,6 investment
Cheltuieli de producie 1,1 1,0 1,1 1,2 0,4 0,3 0,4 0,3 2,8 2,7 3,0 3,7 0,7 0,3 0,5 0,4 1,8 1,6 1,7 1,8 Production expenditure
Impozite, contribuii, Taxes, contributions,
cotizaii, taxe 16,1 16,3 16,6 16,7 25,8 25,5 26,0 26,3 2,2 2,5 2,6 2,2 10,8 11,4 11,6 11,4 8,8 8,3 8,6 8,0 dues, fees
Contravaloarea Equivalent value
consumului de of agricultural
produse agricole products consumption
din resurse proprii 18,2 17,3 16,3 15,6 9,1 9,5 8,4 8,3 52,1 47,8 47,3 46,1 17,3 15,7 14,8 14,5 21,9 21,2 19,7 18,9 from own resources

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.

Cheltuielile totale ale gospodriilor, grupate dup numrul persoanelor din

componen, n anul 2014

4.21 Total expenditure of households, grouped by number of component persons,

in 2014

Total Gospodrii cu: Households with:

Total 1 persoan 2 persoane 3 persoane 4 persoane 5 persoane 6 persoane i mai multe
households 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons and more
lei, lunar pe o persoan lei, monthly per person
Cheltuieli totale 850,86 1134,87 1022,20 947,01 753,94 649,35 456,34 Total expenditure
procente percentage
Cheltuieli bneti 84,4 84,7 85,4 87,6 84,8 76,5 74,1 Money expenditure
din care, pentru: of which, for:
Cumprarea de alimente Purchasing consumed
i buturi consumate 21,7 25,2 21,9 20,8 21,1 20,1 23,3 food and beverages
Cumprarea de mrfuri Purchasing non-food
nealimentare 21,8 20,6 22,2 22,0 22,0 21,6 20,6 goods
Plata serviciilor 19,1 23,4 19,9 19,2 17,8 15,9 14,1 Payment of services
Cheltuieli pentru Expenditure for
investiii 0,6 0,1 0,4 1,2 0,5 0,4 0,6 investment
Cheltuieli de producie 1,2 0,8 1,3 1,0 1,0 1,5 1,8 Production expenditure
Impozite, contribuii, Taxes, contributions,
cotizaii, taxe 16,7 10,7 15,1 20,5 19,5 14,7 11,3 dues, fees
Contravaloarea consumului de Equivalent value of agricultural products
produse agricole din resurse proprii 15,6 15,3 14,6 12,4 15,2 23,5 25,9 consumption from own resources

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.
210 211
4.22 Cheltuielile totale ale gospodriilor, pe decile, n anul 2014 (total gospodrii)
Total expenditure of households, by decile, in 2014 (total households)

Decila de venit total pe o persoan1) (lei): Decile of total income per person1) (lei):

Decila 1 pn la Decila 2 Decila 3 Decila 4 Decila 5 Decila 6 Decila 7 Decila 8 Decila 9 Decila 10 peste
Decile 1 up to Decile 2 Decile 3 Decile 4 Decile 5 Decile 6 Decile 7 Decile 8 Decile 9 Decile 10 over
292 292 - 417 417 - 531 531 - 643 643 - 754 754 - 888 888 - 1042 1042 - 1260 1260 - 1649 1649

lei, lunar pe o gospodrie lei, monthly per household

Cheltuieli totale 1423,33 1536,77 1683,24 1843,06 1832,94 2159,54 2346,09 2747,75 3062,31 4056,23 Total expenditure
procente percentage

Cheltuieli bneti 60,9 65,4 72,7 78,2 82,0 85,2 88,5 90,7 92,3 95,2 Money expenditure
din care, pentru: of which, for:
Cumprarea de alimente i buturi Purchasing consumed food
consumate 25,3 23,2 23,4 23,5 24,2 23,1 22,3 21,4 20,2 17,6 and beverages
Cumprarea de mrfuri nealimentare 17,0 19,2 20,1 21,9 21,5 22,5 23,0 24,5 22,5 21,8 Purchasing non-food goods
Plata serviciilor 12,9 14,2 16,0 17,5 19,2 20,0 20,3 20,3 20,9 21,5 Payment of services
Cheltuieli pentru investiii 0,5 0,1 0,6 0,2 0,7 0,3 0,7 0,3 0,9 1,0 Expenditure for investment
Cheltuieli de producie 1,4 1,5 1,9 1,6 1,2 1,2 1,1 0,8 1,0 0,8 Production expenditure
Impozite, contribuii, cotizaii, taxe 1,9 4,9 8,0 10,5 11,9 14,6 17,4 19,7 22,8 29,0 Taxes, contributions, dues, fees
Contravaloarea consumului de Equivalent value of agricultural products
produse agricole din resurse proprii 39,1 34,6 27,3 21,8 18,0 14,8 11,5 9,3 7,7 4,8 consumption from own resources

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.
1) Intervalele de venit sunt exprimate n preurile lunii ianuarie 2014. / Income intervals are expressed in the prices of January 2014.

4.23 Structura cheltuielilor totale de consum ale gospodriilor

Structure of total consumption expenditure of households

din care, gospodrii de: of which households of:

Total gospodrii / Total households Salariai / Employees Agricultori Farmers omeri / Unemployed Pensionari / Pensioners
2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014

lei, lunar pe o gospodrie lei, monthly per household

Cheltuieli totale Total consumption
de consum 1532,29 1614,06 1670,04 1637,48 1890,82 1981,02 2076,30 2078,50 1171,32 1266,60 1308,31 1312,48 1310,60 1356,36 1403,24 1437,55 1330,71 1393,05 1427,32 1362,16 expenditure
procente percentage
Produse agroalimentare Agro-food products
i buturi nealcoolice 41,7 41,9 41,4 40,0 37,9 38,0 37,4 35,9 54,4 55,1 54,0 51,7 46,4 47,1 46,2 44,3 43,3 43,7 43,1 42,2 and non - alcoholic drinks
Buturi alcoolice, tutun 7,6 7,8 7,8 7,7 8,0 8,3 8,2 8,2 9,4 9,2 9,5 10,0 7,8 7,3 8,2 8,1 6,6 6,8 7,0 6,6 Beverages, tobacco
mbrcminte i nclminte 5,0 5,0 5,2 5,3 6,0 5,9 6,3 6,3 4,9 5,4 4,6 5,5 4,1 3,5 3,7 3,7 3,8 3,9 4,1 4,0 Clothing and footwear
Locuin, ap, electricitate, Housing, water, electricity,
gaze i ali combustibili 16,3 16,7 16,7 17,2 15,9 16,3 16,3 16,6 12,0 11,5 12,1 12,2 17,1 18,9 17,7 19,3 17,9 18,0 18,2 18,8 gas and other fuels
Mobilier, dotarea Furniture, dwelling
i ntreinerea endowment and
locuinei 4,0 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,1 3,8 3,2 3,3 3,1 4,0 3,8 3,0 2,8 3,3 4,2 3,9 4,0 4,3 maintenance
Sntate 4,7 4,3 4,5 4,6 2,9 2,5 2,7 2,7 1,8 1,7 2,0 1,8 2,8 3,1 2,7 3,0 8,0 7,7 7,7 8,1 Health
Transport 6,0 6,1 5,9 6,2 7,6 7,7 7,4 8,2 4,7 4,1 5,0 4,8 4,7 4,4 5,1 5,3 4,3 4,6 4,2 4,0 Transport
Comunicaii 4,7 4,8 4,7 4,8 5,5 5,5 5,4 5,5 3,1 3,2 3,2 3,3 5,0 5,4 5,0 5,0 4,0 4,1 4,1 4,1 Communications
Recreere i cultur 4,1 3,8 4,1 4,5 4,7 4,4 4,6 5,6 3,1 3,0 2,7 3,2 3,1 2,9 3,9 3,6 3,5 3,2 3,6 3,6 Leisure and culture
Educaie 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,8 1,0 0,7 0,7 0,2 0,1 0,3 0,2 0,7 0,4 0,2 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 Education
Hoteluri, cafenele Hotels, cafees
i restaurante 1,3 1,3 1,5 1,4 1,7 1,7 2,2 1,9 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,1 0,8 0,9 1,3 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,8 and restaurants
Diverse produse Miscelaneous products
i servicii 4,0 3,9 3,8 3,8 5,0 4,7 4,7 4,6 2,1 2,2 2,2 2,2 3,7 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,3 3,2 3,2 3,3 and services

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.

212 213
Structura cheltuielilor bneti de consum ale gospodriilor
4.24 Structure of money expenditure for households consumption

Total din care, gospodrii de: / of which, households of:

Total Salariai Agricultori omeri Pensionari
households Employees Farmers Unemployed Pensioners

2009 2009
lei, lunar pe o gospodrie / lei, monthly per household
Cheltuieli bneti Money expenditure
de consum - total 1275,03 1670,16 758,07 1085,74 1063,67 for consumption- total
procente / percentage
pentru: for:
Produse alimentare 35,7 34,4 40,4 39,9 36,2 Food products
Mrfuri nealimentare 35,7 35,0 39,6 31,2 36,4 Non-food goods
Plata serviciilor 28,6 30,6 20,0 28,9 27,4 Payment of services
2010 2010
lei, lunar pe o gospodrie / lei, monthly per household
Cheltuieli bneti Money expenditure
de consum - total 1286,29 1672,82 733,23 1128,20 1090,90 for consumption- total
procente / percentage
pentru: for:
Produse alimentare 35,5 34,3 40,6 39,9 35,6 Food products
Mrfuri nealimentare 35,4 34,5 39,4 29,2 36,8 Non-food goods
Plata serviciilor 29,1 31,2 20,0 30,9 27,6 Payment of services
2011 2011
lei, lunar pe o gospodrie / lei, monthly per household
Cheltuieli bneti Money expenditure
de consum - total 1320,83 1710,65 801,41 1112,25 1127,16 for consumption- total
procente / percentage
pentru: for:
Produse alimentare 36,1 34,8 41,0 40,1 36,4 Food products
Mrfuri nealimentare 34,8 34,3 37,6 30,0 35,6 Non-food goods
Plata serviciilor 29,1 30,9 21,4 29,9 28,0 Payment of services
2012 2012
lei, lunar pe o gospodrie / lei, monthly per household
Cheltuieli bneti Money expenditure
de consum - total 1387,90 1787,00 856,40 1156,18 1175,90 for consumption- total
procente / percentage
pentru: for:
Produse alimentare 36,2 34,8 41,2 40,8 36,7 Food products
Mrfuri nealimentare 34,7 34,0 38,3 26,9 36,0 Non-food goods
Plata serviciilor 29,1 31,2 20,5 32,3 27,3 Payment of services
2013 2013
lei, lunar pe o gospodrie / lei, monthly per household
Cheltuieli bneti Money expenditure
de consum - total 1441,32 1882,11 895,17 1204,14 1207,87 for consumption- total
procente / percentage
pentru: for:
Produse alimentare 36,2 35,0 40,4 41,0 36,4 Food products
Mrfuri nealimentare 34,4 33,9 37,3 27,0 35,3 Non-food goods
Plata serviciilor 29,4 31,1 22,3 32,0 28,3 Payment of services
2014 2014
lei, lunar pe o gospodrie / lei, monthly per household
Cheltuieli bneti Money expenditure
de consum - total 1419,55 1889,32 899,67 1228,73 1161,48 for consumption- total
procente / percentage
pentru: for:
Produse alimentare 34,7 33,1 37,6 37,9 35,9 Food products
Mrfuri nealimentare 34,8 34,8 40,7 28,9 34,7 Non-food goods
Plata serviciilor 30,5 32,1 21,7 33,2 29,4 Payment of services

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.

Consumul1) mediu anual, la principalele produse alimentare i buturi,
pe locuitor
Yearly average consumption1), for the main food products and beverages,
4.25 per inhabitant

U.M. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20142)


Produse de origine vegetal

Crop products
Cereale i produse din cereale
Cereals and cereal products
- n echivalent boabe kg 211,7 211,3 217,7 208,5 218,1 207,1
- in equivalent grains
- n echivalent fin kg 159,9 159,2 164,4 157,0 164,6 156,5
- in equivalent flour
Cartofi kg 98,1 103,9 103,3 104,7 103,0 100,8
Legume i produse din legume (n echivalent
legume proaspete), leguminoase boabe i pepeni kg 177,3 184,6 191,8 177,4 180,7 182,9
Vegetables and vegetable products (equivalent
fresh vegetables), dried pulses and melons
Fructe i produse din fructe
(n echivalent fructe proaspete) kg 65,7 67,0 74,7 71,1 73,7 80,2
Fruit and fruit products
(equivalent fresh fruit)
Zahr i produse din zahr
(n echivalent zahr rafinat) kg 24,8 23,4 23,7 22,0 21,1 21,1
Sugar and confectioneries
(equivalent refined sugar)
Grsimi vegetale (greutate brut) kg 16,9 18,4 16,3 16,6 15,0 17,2
Vegetal fats (gross weight)
Produse de origine animal
Animal products
Lapte i produse din lapte, n echivalent
lapte de 3,5% grsime (exclusiv unt) litri 262,8 237,1 241,3 234,1 237,4 244,2
Milk and dairy products in equivalent
milk 3.5% fat (butter excluded) litres
Ou buci 256 253 264 245 247 246
Eggs pieces
Pete i produse din pete
(n echivalent pete proaspt) kg 5,1 4,9 3,9 4,2 4,3 4,9
Fish and fish products (fresh fish equivalent)
Carne, produse din carne i organe
comestibile (n echivalent carne proaspt) kg 71,2 63,5 59,4 58,7 57,5 60,9
Meat, meat products and edible offals
(equivalent fresh meat)
Grsimi animale (greutate brut) kg 4,1 3,6 3,0 3,2 3,1 3,1
Animal fats (gross weight)
Buturi nealcoolice litri 164,3 163,7 148,8 150,8 154,4 153,5
Soft-drinks litres
Bere3) litri 87,4 81,3 84,3 90,2 86,8 82,2
Beer 3) litres
Vin i produse din vin litri 23,4 22,2 21,3 21,1 21,7 22,6
Wine and wine products litres
Buturi alcoolice distilate
(n echivalent alcool 100%) litri 2,1 1,7 1,3 1,1 1,2 1,2
Distilled alcoholic beverages
(in equivalent alcohol 100%) litres

Not: Pentru perioada 2009 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Note: For the 2009 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census 2011.
1) Disponibilul de consum. / Available for consumption.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
3) Exclusiv consumul de bere nealcoolic. / Excluding non - alcoholic beer consumption.

Consumul alimentar mediu zilnic (exprimat n calorii i factori nutritivi),
pe locuitor
Daily average food consumption (expressed in calories and nutrients),
4.26 per inhabitant

U.M. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20141)


Calorii numr 3450 3400 3390 3287 3302 3321

Calories number
din care: / of which:
De origine animal numr 936 882 857 841 839 865
Animal origin number
Proteine grame 113,5 109,4 110,0 106,7 108,4 108,6
Proteins grams
din care: / of which:
De origine animal grame 58,8 54,7 53,4 52,2 52,2 54,5
Animal origin grams
Lipide grame 111,0 112,1 104,3 103,6 99,6 106,6
Fats grams
din care: / of which:
De origine animal grame 60,4 56,7 54,6 53,6 53,3 54,7
Animal origin grams
Glucide grame 477,2 466,4 481,4 460,8 471,8 460,7
Carbohydrates grams

Not: Pentru perioada 2009 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Datele statistice sunt prezentate conform nomenclatorului Eurostat i FAO.
Note: For the 2009 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census 2011.
Statistical data are presented according to the Eurostat and FAO nomenclature.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

nzestrarea gospodriilor cu bunuri de folosin ndelungat

4.27 Households endowment with durable goods
numr mediu la 100 gospodrii / average number per 100 households
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Aparate audio 85,2 82,7 81,1 83,8 82,3 78,5

Audio sets
Televizoare 134,2 138,4 138,9 143,1 144,5 142,4
TV sets
Frigidere i congelatoare 82,7 80,0 78,9 80,9 78,1 77,0
Refrigerators and freezers
Combin frigorific 38,6 41,1 42,7 44,1 47,0 47,5
Refrigerating box
Maini de gtit cu gaze 95,0 95,3 95,5 96,0 96,4 96,2
Gas cooking stoves
Maini electrice de splat rufe 73,9 75,3 76,3 78,7 78,9 79,2
Electric washing machines
Aspiratoare de praf 61,7 63,8 64,0 66,4 67,3 67,3
Vacuum cleaners
Autoturisme 28,6 28,6 26,9 27,2 28,5 27,7

Not: Pentru anul 2014, datele au fost estimate pe baza populaiei rezidente i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile de date publicate pentru
perioadele precedente.
Note: For 2014, the data have been estimated based on the usual resident population and they are not comparable to the series
published for the previous periods.
Sursa: Ancheta Bugetelor de Familie.
Source: Family Budgets Survey.



5.1 Fondul de locuine .................................................... 224 Dwellings stock

5.2 Balana fondului de locuine ..................................... 225 Balance of dwellings stock
5.3 Locuine terminate .................................................... 226 Finished dwellings
5.4 Locuine terminate, dup tipurile de instalaii Finished dwellings, by type of installations they are
cu care sunt dotate i fondurile de finanare ............ 228 endowed with and financing funds
5.5 Locuine terminate, dup numrul camerelor Finished dwellings, by number
de locuit i sursele de finanare ............................... 230 of habitation rooms and financing sources
5.6 Strzile oreneti ................................................... 230 Town streets
5.7 Transportul public local de pasageri ........................ 231 Local public passengers transport
5.8 Transportul public local de pasageri, pe tipuri de Local public passengers transport, by type of
vehicule de transport ................................................ 231 vehicles of transport
5.9 Canalizare public i spaii verzi .............................. 231 Public sewerage and green spaces
5.10 Reeaua i volumul gazelor naturale distribuite ....... 232 Natural gas distribution network and volume
5.11 Reeaua i volumul apei potabile distribuite ............ 232 Drinking water supply network and volume

Teritorial Territorial

5.12 Fondul de locuine, n profil teritorial i pe forme Dwellings stock, at territorial level and by type of
de proprietate, la 31 decembrie 2014 ............................. ownership, on December 31, 2014
5.13 Locuine terminate, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ........ Finished dwellings, at territorial level, in 2014
5.14 Strzile oreneti, n profil teritorial, Town streets, at territorial level,
la 31 decembrie 2014 ..................................................... on December 31, 2014
5.15 Transportul public local de pasageri, n profil Local public passengers transport, at territorial
teritorial, la 31 decembrie 2014 ...................................... level, on December 31, 2014
5.16 Canalizare public i spaii verzi, n profil teritorial, Public sewerage and green spaces, at territorial
la 31 decembrie 2014 ..................................................... level, on December 31, 2014
5.17 Reeaua i volumul gazelor naturale distribuite, Natural gas distribution network and volume,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ........................................ at territorial level, in 2014
5.18 Volumul de ap potabil distribuit consumatorilor, Volume of drinking water supplied to the users,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ........................................ at territorial level, in 2014
5.19 Reeaua de distribuie a apei potabile, Drinking water supply network,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ........................................ at territorial level, in 2014
5.20 Localiti n care se distribuie energie termic, Localities provided with thermal energy,
n profil teritorial, la 31 decembrie 2014 ........................ at territorial level, on December 31, 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

 Recensmntul Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011;  Population and Housing Census - 2011;
 Cercetarea statistic privind modificrile fondului de  Statistical survey on the changes in dwellings stock;
 Cercetarea statistic privind locuinele terminate;  Statistical survey on finished dwellings;
 Cercetri statistice privind alimentarea cu ap,  Statistical surveys on water supply, public sewerage
canalizare public i spaii verzi, salubritatea i and green spaces, sanitation and distribution of
distribuia energiei termice, a gazelor naturale i alte electric energy, natural gas and other statistical
cercetri statistice pentru domeniul edilitar. surveys in urbanistic field.


Fondul de locuine se determin pe baza datelor Dwellings stock is determined based on data
obinute la recensmintele populaiei i locuinelor i a obtained from Population and Housing Censuses and on
modificrilor intervenite n cursul fiecrui an, respectiv: changes occurred each year, namely:
intrrile, reprezentnd locuinele date n folosin inputs, representing dwellings in use (new dwellings
(locuine noi i spaii cu alt destinaie transformate and spaces with another destination changed into
n locuine); dwellings);
ieirile, reprezentnd demolrile i schimbarea outputs, representing demolitions and change of
locuinelor n spaii cu alt destinaie. dwellings into spaces with another destination.
Locuina este construcia, format din una sau mai A dwelling is the construction, made up by one or
multe camere de locuit situate la acelai nivel al cldirii more habitation rooms situated at the same floor of
sau la niveluri diferite, prevzut, n general, cu the building or at different floors, generally endowed with
dependine (buctrie, baie etc.) sau cu alte spaii de outhouses (kitchen, bathroom a.s.o.) or with other
deservire, independent din punct de vedere funcional, service spaces, functionally independent, with separated
avnd intrarea separat din casa scrii, curte sau strad entrance from the staircase hall, yard or street and which
i care a fost construit, transformat sau amenajat n has been built, transformed or arranged with a view to
scopul de a fi folosit, n principiu, de o singur be used, in principle, by a single household.
Locuina terminat n cursul unui an este acea A finished dwelling built during one year, is that
construcie care nu a existat anterior i ale crei building which did not exist before and whose elements,
elemente, inclusiv fundaia, s-au construit pentru prima including the foundation, were built for the first time, for
dat, la care s-au realizat toate categoriile de lucrri which all categories of work foreseen into the execution
prevzute n documentaia de execuie i care au fost documentation were performed and which were received
recepionate de beneficiar. by beneficiary.
Camera de locuit reprezint o ncpere dintr-o Habitation room represents a room from a dwelling
locuin care servete pentru locuit, avnd suprafaa de used for habitation, having an area of at least 4 sq.m, a
cel puin 4 m2, nlimea de cel puin 2 m pe cea mai height of at least 2 m on largest part of its area, which
mare parte a suprafeei sale i care primete lumin gets natural light either directly through windows and / or
natural fie direct prin ferestre i / sau ui exterioare, fie exterior doors, or indirectly through veranda by means
indirect, prin verande cu ajutorul ferestrelor i / sau uilor, of windows and / or doors, or by other habitation rooms
sau prin alte camere de locuit cu ajutorul glasvandurilor. by means of French windows. Thus, the following are
Astfel, sunt considerate camere de locuit: dormitoarele, considered habitation rooms: bedrooms, dining rooms,
camerele de zi, holurile locuibile, ncperile cu dubl habitation halls, rooms with double use (of whose area,
utilizare (din a cror suprafa, o parte este folosit pentru one part is used for habitation) and also, other rooms for
locuit) i de asemenea, alte ncperi destinate pentru habitation purpose.
Suprafaa (aria) construit desfurat (total) The total built up area represents the sum of
reprezint suma suprafeelor seciunilor orizontale ale horizontal section areas of all the building floors
tuturor nivelurilor cldirii (subsol, parter, etaje i (basement, land-floor, floors and attic, excluding passing
mansard, exclusiv podurile circulabile sau necirculabile), or non-passing garrets) limited by the outside contour of
delimitate de conturul exterior al pereilor exteriori. Nu se the external walls. The areas afferent to outside steps,
cuprind suprafeele aferente treptelor exterioare, uncovered terraces, inside yards and outside yards for
teraselor neacoperite, ariile curilor interioare i exterioare lighting or access purposes exceeding 4 sq.m and
de lumin sau de acces, mai mari de 4 m2, subsolurile technical basements are not included.
Suprafaa (aria) util desfurat (total) rezult Useful area (total area) results from unfolded built
din suprafaa construit desfurat, din care se scade surface, of which the surface occupied by the walls is
suprafaa ocupat de perei (exclusiv pereii amovibili). subtracted (excluding removable walls).
Suprafaa (aria) locuibil desfurat (total) Total unfolded living floor represents the sum of
reprezint suma suprafeelor destinate pentru locuit a the areas meant for habitation of all dwellings or living
tuturor locuinelor sau spaiilor de locuit din cldire. spaces in the building.

Transportul public local de pasageri reprezint Local public passengers transport includes
operaiunea de transport de pasageri care se passengers transport operations carried out using a
efectueaz cu un vehicul rutier de transport, precum i road transport vehicle as well as the subway, within the
cu metroul, n interiorul zonei administrativ-teritoriale a administrative-territorial area of a locality, without
unei localiti, fr a depi limitele acesteia. exceeding its boundaries.
Lungimea simpl a liniilor reprezint lungimea Simple length of lines is the length of the track on
pe un singur sens al ecartamentului (la tramvaie i one direction (trams and underground) or aerial power
metrou) sau a reelei aeriene de alimentare cu energie supply network (trolleybuses).
electric (la troleibuze).
Vehicule n inventar se refer la totalitatea Registered vehicles covers all vehicles for local
vehiculelor pentru transportul public local de pasageri public transport of passengers registered in the
nscrise n inventarul unitilor care presteaz astfel de inventory of units that provide such services.
Lungimea total simpl a reelei de distribuie a Simple total length of drinking water supply
apei potabile reprezint lungimea tuburilor i network represents the length of tubes and pipes
conductelor instalate pe teritoriul localitii respective, placed in the respective locality, for drinking water
pentru transportul apei potabile de la conductele de transport from feed pipes or from pumping pipes up to
aduciune sau de la staiile de pompare pn la the consumers connection points.
punctele de branare a consumatorilor.
Apa potabil distribuit consumatorilor este Drinking water supplied to the users is the total
cantitatea total de ap potabil livrat efectiv tuturor quantity of drinking water actually delivered to all
consumatorilor, populaiei i operatorilor economici, consumers, to the population and to economic
pentru nevoi productive i neproductive (casnice, bi operators, for productive and non-productive needs
publice, cldiri social-culturale i administrative, (domestic, public baths, social-cultural and administrative
hoteluri, stropitul strzilor, spaii verzi etc.) prin reele de buildings, hotels, street wash, green spaces a.s.o.)
distribuie sau direct prin conducte de aduciune; se through distribution networks or directly aduction by
determin cu ajutorul apometrelor instalate la pipes; it is determined by means of water gauges
consumatori, iar n lipsa acestora pe baza normelor de installed at the consumers and, if they are not present,
consum paual. by means of flat rate consumption norms.
Lungimea total a conductelor de distribuie a Total length of distribution pipes of natural gas
gazelor naturale se refer la totalitatea conductelor refers to all pipes (from network and directly from main
(din reea i direct din conductele magistrale de transport pipes) distributing gas to the consumers in
transport) prin care se distribuie gaze la consumatorii one locality, starting from pressure adjustment and gas
dintr-o localitate, ncepnd de la staiile de reglare a delivery stations of suppliers up to the consumers
presiunii i predare a gazelor de ctre furnizori pn la connection points.
punctele de branare a consumatorilor.
Gazele naturale distribuite efectiv reprezint Actually distributed natural gas represents the
volumul total de gaze naturale livrate consumatorilor total volume of natural gas delivered to the consumers
prin reele de distribuie (inclusiv gazele naturale by means of distribution networks (including natural gas
consumate de unitatea distribuitoare). consumed by distribution unit).
Lungimea total simpl a conductelor de Simple total length of sewerage pipes refers to
canalizare se refer la canalele (tuburile) prin care se the channels (tubes) by which waste water is collected
colecteaz i se evacueaz apele reziduale (menajere, and evacuated ( domestic, industrial, a.s.o) and of those
industriale, etc.) i a celor provenite din precipitaii, de from rainfall, within the locality with public sewerage,
pe teritoriul localitii cu canalizare public, ncepnd de starting at the connection of buildings with the sewerage
la cminele de racordare a cldirilor cu instalaii de installations up to the waste water overflow into a
canalizare i pn la punctul de deversare a apelor natural emissary.
reziduale ntr-un emisar natural.
Lungimea strzilor oreneti exprim lungimea Town streets length express the length of roads
drumurilor amenajate n cuprinsul localitii care asigur arranged inside the town, which ensures the circulation
circulaia ntre diverse pri ale acesteia, inclusiv between diverse parts of it including national and local
drumurile naionale i locale din oraul respectiv, roads in the respective town, regardless of whether they
indiferent dac au sau nu mbrcmini. have coatings or not.

Suprafaa spaiilor verzi se refer la suprafaa Green spaces area refers to green spaces
spaiilor verzi amenajate sub form de parcuri, grdini arrangeds as parks, public garadens or public squares,
publice sau scuaruri publice, parcele cu pomi sau flori, plots with trees or flowers, forests, lands within the
pduri, terenurile bazelor i amenajrilor sportive n building of sporting bases and facilities perimeters of
cadrul perimetrelor construibile ale localitilor. localities.

Fondul de locuine, pe forme de proprietate i pe medii de reziden, n anul 2014

5.G1 Dwellings stock, by type of ownership and by area, in 2014

Ponderea fondului de locuine Ponderea fondului de locuine

cu proprietate majoritar de stat cu proprietate majoritar privat
The share of dwellings stock The share of dwellings stock
with public majority ownership with private majority ownership

18,2% 54,2%

81,8% 45,8%

Urban Rural

Locuine terminate, pe medii

5.G2 Finished dwellings, by area

2009 2014

49,7% 48,5%

50,3% 51,5%

Urban Rural

Locuine terminate, pe surse de finanare
5.G3 Finished dwellings, by financing sources

Numr locuine (mii)

Number of dwellings (thou)

70 62,5
50 45,4 44,0 43,6 45,0

46,0 43,1 40,4 41,6 41,7

5,7 2,9 2,3 3,6 2,0 3,3
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Fonduri private Fonduri publice Total locuine terminate

Private funds Public funds Total finished dwellings

Locuine terminate, dup numrul camerelor de locuit

5.G4 Finished dwellings, by number of habitation rooms

2009 2014

8,5% 7,4%

23,5% 23,9%
42,4% 44,5%

25,6% 24,2%

Cu o camer Cu trei camere

with one room with three rooms
Cu dou camere Cu patru camere i peste
with two rooms with four rooms and over

Pasageri transportai n transportul public local, pe tipuri de vehicule de transport,
n anul 2014
Transported passengers in local public transport, by type of vehicles of transport,
5.G5 in 2014



24,5% 57,7%

Autobuze i microbuze1) Troleibuze1)

Buses and minibuses1) Trolleybuses1)

Tramvaie Metrou
Trams Underground

1) Include, pentru trimestrele II, III i IV 2014, date estimate pe baza numrului de autorizaii de cltorie gratuit pentru toi locuitorii
Municipiului Ploieti, acordate temporar de Consiliul Local.
For the second, third and fourth quarters of 2014, includes data estimated based on the number of free travel permits for all residents
of Ploieti Municipality, temporarily granted by the Local Council.

Volumul de ap potabil distribuit consumatorilor

5.G6 Volume of drinking water supplied to the users

Milioane m3
Million m3

1065 1035
1024 1022 1014 995

681 689 677 695 690 684



2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Volumul de ap potabil Volumul de ap potabil

distribuit consumatorilor pentru uz casnc
Volume of drinking water Volume of drinking water
supplied to the users for household use

Fondul de locuine
5.1 Dwellings stock

Existent la sfritul anului

Existing at end of year
Locuine Camere de locuit Suprafaa locuibil
(mii) (mii) (mii m 2 )
Dwellings Habitation rooms Living floor
(thou) (thou) (thou m2)

2009 2009
Total 8385 21841 326413 Total
Proprietate majoritar de stat 193 347 5627 State majority ownership
Proprietate majoritar privat 8192 21494 320786 Private majority ownership

2010 2010
Total 8428 22011 330008 Total
Proprietate majoritar de stat 195 349 5690 State majority ownership
Proprietate majoritar privat 8233 21662 324318 Private majority ownership

20111) 20111)
Total 8722 23573 407437 Total
Proprietate majoritar de stat 98 171 3150 State majority ownership
Proprietate majoritar privat 8624 23402 404287 Private majority ownership

2012 2012
Total 8761 23725 410610 Total
Proprietate majoritar de stat 101 176 3254 State majority ownership
Proprietate majoritar privat 8660 23549 407356 Private majority ownership

2013 2013
Total 8800 23874 413764 Total
Proprietate majoritar de stat 102 179 3302 State majority ownership
Proprietate majoritar privat 8698 23695 410462 Private majority ownership

2014 2014
Total 8841 24021 416870 Total
Proprietate majoritar de stat 106 187 3485 State majority ownership
Proprietate majoritar privat 8735 23834 413385 Private majority ownership

1) Date rezultate la Recensmntul Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.

Data resulted from the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Balana fondului de locuine
5.2 Balance of dwellings stock

Locuine (numr) Camere de locuit (numr) Suprafaa locuibil

Dwellings (number) Habitation rooms (number) Living floor
(m 2 )

2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014


Existent la nceputul anului 8760923 8799832 23724481 23874471 410610138 413763802

Existent at the beginning of the year
Intrri - total / Input - total 44321 46102 166324 161274 3460011 3374447
construcii noi i adugiri la cele
existente 43587 44984 164606 158806 3410037 3299071
new construction and additions
to existent ones
schimbare din spaii cu alt destinaie 734 1118 1718 2468 49974 75376
change in use
Ieiri - total / Output - total 5412 5339 16334 14961 306347 267837
schimbarea din locuin n spaiu
cu alt destinaie 565 493 2681 1608 72302 39004
change from dwelling into a space
with other destination
prin demolare / by demolition 4847 4846 13653 13353 234045 228833
Existent la sfritul anului
Existent at year end 8799832 8840595 23874471 24020784 413763802 416870412

Urban / Urban

Existent la nceputul anului 4781700 4800141 12041952 12105764 227105439 228480840

Existent at the beginning
of the year
Intrri - total / Input - total 21188 24195 73193 76104 1562985 1627286
construcii noi i adugiri
la cele existente 20533 23154 71757 73874 1518578 1556484
new construction and additions
to existent ones
schimbare din spaii cu alt destinaie 655 1041 1436 2230 44407 70802
change in use
Ieiri - total / Output - total 2747 2769 9381 8265 187584 155582
schimbarea din locuin n spaiu
cu alt destinaie 523 448 2498 1438 68755 35609
change from dwelling into a space
with other destination
prin demolare / by demolition 2224 2321 6883 6827 118829 119973
Existent la sfritul anului
Existent at year end 4800141 4821567 12105764 12173603 228480840 229952544

Rural / Rural

Existent la nceputul anului 3979223 3999691 11682529 11768707 183504699 185282962

Existent at the beginning of the year
Intrri - total / Input - total 23133 21907 93131 85170 1897026 1747161
construcii noi i adugiri la cele
existente 23054 21830 92849 84932 1891459 1742587
new construction and additions
to existent ones
schimbare din spaii cu alt destinaie 79 77 282 238 5567 4574
change in use
Ieiri - total / Output - total 2665 2570 6953 6696 118763 112255
schimbarea din locuin n spaiu
cu alt destinaie 42 45 183 170 3547 3395
change from dwelling into a space
with other destination
prin demolare / by demolition 2623 2525 6770 6526 115216 108860
Existent la sfritul anului
Existent at year end 3999691 4019028 11768707 11847181 185282962 186917868

5.3 Locuine terminate
Finished dwellings

Din acestea, finanate din: Of which, financed from:

Total Fonduri private Private funds Fonduri publice / Public funds

Anii Locuine Suprafaa (mii m 2 ) Locuine Suprafaa (mii m 2 ) Locuine Suprafaa (mii m 2 ) Years
(numr) Area (thou m 2 ) (numr) Area (thou m 2) (numr) Area (thou m 2)
Dwellings Construit Util Locuibil Dwellings Construit Util Locuibil Dwellings Construit Util Locuibil
(number) Built up Useful Living floor (number) Built up Useful Living floor (number) Built up Useful Living floor

Total Total
2009 62520 9140 7038 4372 56764 8715 6742 4154 5756 425 296 218 2009
2010 48862 7779 6010 3743 45983 7528 5830 3620 2879 251 180 123 2010
2011 45419 7247 5579 3473 43062 7054 5445 3366 2357 193 134 107 2011
2012 44016 6932 5362 3339 40436 6649 5161 3195 3580 283 201 144 2012
2013 43587 6813 5292 3316 41547 6656 5173 3233 2040 157 119 83 2013
2014 44984 6563 5110 3224 41660 6252 4880 3076 3324 311 230 148 2014

Urban Urban

2009 31417 4525 3448 2105 26511 4156 3194 1914 4906 369 254 191 2009
2010 22786 3524 2695 1633 20364 3317 2547 1533 2422 207 148 100 2010
2011 19988 3084 2354 1434 18210 2947 2261 1358 1778 137 93 76 2011
2012 20036 2992 2294 1402 16678 2736 2112 1273 3358 256 182 129 2012
2013 20533 3043 2352 1448 18789 2923 2261 1384 1744 120 91 64 2013
2014 23154 3146 2434 1504 20965 2936 2283 1408 2189 210 151 96 2014

Rural Rural

2009 31103 4615 3590 2267 30253 4559 3548 2240 850 56 42 27 2009
2010 26076 4255 3315 2110 25619 4211 3283 2087 457 44 32 23 2010
2011 25431 4163 3225 2039 24852 4107 3184 2008 579 56 41 31 2011
2012 23980 3940 3068 1937 23758 3913 3049 1922 222 27 19 15 2012
2013 23054 3770 2940 1868 22758 3733 2912 1849 296 37 28 19 2013
2014 21830 3417 2676 1720 20695 3316 2597 1668 1135 101 79 52 2014

226 227
Locuine terminate, dup tipurile de instalaii cu care sunt dotate
i fondurile de finanare

5.4 Finished dwellings, by type of installations they are endowed with

and financing funds
numr / number
Din acestea, finanate din: Of which,financed from:
Tipul instalaiei Total Fonduri private Private funds Fonduri publice / Public funds Type of installation
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 48862 45419 44016 43587 43587 44984 45983 43062 40436 41547 41547 41660 2879 2357 3580 2040 2040 3324 Total

Electric 48613 45146 43798 43416 43416 44891 45746 42790 40220 41376 41376 41568 2867 2356 3578 2040 2040 3323 Electric
De alimentare cu ap potabil 38297 37302 36231 37796 37796 39636 35550 35089 32688 35788 35788 36392 2747 2213 3543 2008 2008 3244 For supply with drinking water
De canalizare 28515 29367 28342 30706 30706 33590 25795 27172 24813 28739 28739 30394 2720 2195 3529 1967 1967 3196 For sewerage
De nclzire, din care: For heating, of which:
Central termic Steam - generating station
(inclusiv termoficare) 33404 31568 31322 32106 32106 36214 30743 29600 27965 30966 30966 32984 2661 1968 3357 1140 1140 3230 (including central heating)
Sobe cu gaze 727 509 607 436 436 383 661 509 607 436 436 383 66 - - - - - Gas stoves
Sobe cu combustibil solid i lichid 14310 12626 11462 9558 9558 7961 14159 12308 11239 9486 9486 7885 151 318 223 72 72 76 Stoves with solid and liquid fuel

Urban 22786 19988 20036 20533 20533 23154 20364 18210 16678 18789 18789 20965 2422 1778 3358 1744 1744 2189 Urban

Electric 22763 19950 19986 20498 20498 23107 20342 18172 16630 18754 18754 20919 2421 1778 3356 1744 1744 2188 Electric
De alimentare cu ap potabil 21095 18676 18860 19760 19760 21736 18677 16902 15504 18024 18024 19592 2418 1774 3356 1736 1736 2144 For supply with drinking water
De canalizare 18265 16304 16472 18165 18165 20401 15852 14532 13121 16440 16440 18262 2413 1772 3351 1725 1725 2139 For sewerage
De nclzire, din care: For heating, of which:
Central termic Steam - generating station
(inclusiv termoficare) 19840 17361 17422 17858 17858 21380 17499 15682 14159 16941 16941 19216 2341 1679 3263 917 917 2164 (including central heating)
Sobe cu gaze 372 282 386 153 153 118 306 282 386 153 153 118 66 - - - - - Gas stoves
Sobe cu combustibil solid i lichid 2480 2043 2049 1564 1564 1554 2465 1991 1954 1564 1564 1544 15 52 95 - - 10 Stoves with solid and liquid fuel

Rural 26076 25431 23980 23054 23054 21830 25619 24852 23758 22758 22758 20695 457 579 222 296 296 1135 Rural

Electric 25850 25196 23812 22918 22918 21784 25404 24618 23590 22622 22622 20649 446 578 222 296 296 1135 Electric
De alimentare cu ap potabil 17202 18626 17371 18036 18036 17900 16873 18187 17184 17764 17764 16800 329 439 187 272 272 1100 For supply with drinking water
De canalizare 10250 13063 11870 12541 12541 13189 9943 12640 11692 12299 12299 12132 307 423 178 242 242 1057 For sewerage
De nclzire, din care: For heating, of which:
Central termic Steam - generating station
(inclusiv termoficare) 13564 14207 13900 14248 14248 14834 13244 13918 13806 14025 14025 13768 320 289 94 223 223 1066 (including central heating)
Sobe cu gaze 355 227 221 283 283 265 355 227 221 283 283 265 - - - - - - Gas stoves
Sobe cu combustibil solid i lichid 11830 10583 9413 7994 7994 6407 11694 10317 9285 7922 7922 6341 136 266 128 72 72 66 Stoves with solid and liquid fuel

228 229
Locuine terminate, dup numrul camerelor de locuit i sursele de finanare
5.5 Finished dwellings, by number of habitation rooms and financing sources
numr / number

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 62520 48862 45419 44016 43587 44984 Total

Cu o camer 5312 3269 2834 3165 2511 3335 With one room
Cu dou camere 14721 9166 8439 8575 8916 10758 With two rooms
Cu trei camere 15961 11020 10321 9799 10088 10858 With three rooms
Cu patru camere i peste 26526 25407 23825 22477 22072 20033 With four rooms and over

Din acestea, finanate din:

Of which, financed from:

Fonduri private
Private funds

Total 56764 45983 43062 40436 41547 41660 Total

Cu o camer 3257 2318 1940 2134 2203 2616 With one room
Cu dou camere 11453 7692 7246 6456 7726 9189 With two rooms
Cu trei camere 15615 10711 10148 9484 9751 9962 With three rooms
Cu patru camere i peste 26439 25262 23728 22362 21867 19893 With four rooms and over

Fonduri publice
Public funds

Total 5756 2879 2357 3580 2040 3324 Total

Cu o camer 2055 951 894 1031 308 719 With one room
Cu dou camere 3268 1474 1193 2119 1190 1569 With two rooms
Cu trei camere 346 309 173 315 337 896 With three rooms
Cu patru camere i peste 87 145 97 115 205 140 With four rooms and over

Strzile oreneti (la sfritul anului)

5.6 Town streets (end of year)
2009 2010 2011 2012 20131) 2014

Lungimea strzilor oreneti 26606 27005 27846 28339 30143 30532 Town streets length

din care: of which:

Modernizate 16536 16911 17413 17933 19775 20208 Modernized

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Transportul public local de pasageri
5.7 Local public passengers transport

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Lungimea liniei simple ( km) Length of simple line ( km )
- la sfritul anului - - at end of year -
Tramvaie 908,51) 900,71) 890,01) 860,01) 850,81) 867,7 Trams
Troleibuze 505,11) 436,11) 436,91) 420,91) 429,91) 433,9 Trolleybuses
Metrou 162,4 162,4 162,4 162,4 162,4 162,4 Underground

Numrul vehiculelor n inventar Number of registered vehicles

(la sfritul anului) (at end of year)
Tramvaie2) 1438 1411 1358 1350 1304 1295 Trams2)
Autobuze i microbuze 6069 5244 5172 4805 4856 4942 Buses and minibuses
Troleibuze 641 614 627 605 592 594 Trolleybuses
Metrou2) 608 550 550 544 490 546 Underground 2)

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior, conform metodologiei n vigoare.

Rectified data as against those previously published, according to the methodology in force.
2) Vagoane. / Passenger carriages.

Transportul public local de pasageri, pe tipuri de vehicule de transport

5.8 Local public passengers transport, by type of vehicles of transport
mii pasageri / thou passengers
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 2089600,6 2117199,1 1989716,1 1914072,6 1927069,6 2162413,71) Total

Tramvaie 635921,1 629070,8 569758,7 523659,9 537161,4 530497,4 Trams

Autobuze i Buses and
microbuze 1084944,5 1119862,9 1077759,1 1055066,2 1052342,2 1247298,61) minibuses
Troleibuze 197848,0 191033,4 171673,3 162960,5 167787,0 211408,71) Trolleybuses
Metrou 170887,0 177232,0 170525,0 172386,0 169779,0 173209,0 Underground

1) Include, pentru trimestrele II, III i IV 2014, date estimate pe baza numrului de autorizaii de cltorie gratuit pentru toi locuitorii
Municipiului Ploieti, acordate temporar de Consiliul Local.
For the second, third and fourth quarters of 2014, includes data estimated based on the number of free travel permits for all residents
of Ploieti Municipality, temporarily granted by the Local Council.

Canalizare public i spaii verzi (la sfritul anului)

5.9 Public sewerage and green spaces (end of year)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Localiti1) cu instalaii de canalizare public (numr) 777 798 861 926 982 1071
Localities1) with public sewerage installations (number)
din care: / of which:
Municipii i orae 308 309 309 310 310 311
Municipalities and towns

Lungimea total simpl a conductelor

de canalizare public (km) 20953,3 21977,5 23137,2 24789,8 26559,6 28659,5
Total simple length of public sewerage pipes (km)

Suprafaa spaiilor verzi n municipii i orae (ha) 21232 22005 22451 22912 23719 24116
Green spaces area in municipalities and towns (ha)

1) Municipii, orae, comune. / Municipalities, towns, communes.

Reeaua i volumul gazelor naturale distribuite
5.10 Natural gas distribution network and volume

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Numrul localitilor1)n care se Number of localities1)

distribuie gaze naturale provided with natural gas
(la sfritul anului) 835 866 876 892 901 906 (end of year)
Lungimea simpl a conductelor de Simple length of distribution
distribuie a gazelor naturale (km) pipes of natural gas (km)
- la sfritul anului 33338,4 34725,7 35680,7 36771,8 37311,2 37890,3 - end of year
Gaze naturale distribuite Natural gas distributed
(milioane m3) 9773 9639 10270 9386 8632 8155 (million m3)
din care: of which:
Pentru uz casnic 2677 2823 2963 2824 2789 2691 For household use

1) Municipii, orae, comune. / Municipalities, towns, communes.

Reeaua i volumul apei potabile distribuite

5.11 Drinking water supply network and volume

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Numrul localitilor Number of localities1)
cu instalaii de alimentare with drinking water
cu ap potabil supplied installations
(la sfritul anului) 2191 2252 2304 2328 2367 2447 (end of year)
din care: of which:
Municipii i orae 317 317 317 317 317 317 Municipalities and towns
Lungimea total simpl Simple total length of
a reelei de distribuie drinking water
a apei potabile (km) supply network (km)
- la sfritul anului 60456,4 63094,9 65900,9 68299,3 71513,7 74263,2 - end of year
din care: of which:
Municipii i orae 26857,3 27225,8 27474,3 27680,2 27828,7 28321,9 Municipalities and towns

Ap potabil distribuit Drinking water supplied

consumatorilor (milioane m3) 1065 1024 1022 1035 1014 995 to the users (million m3)
din care: of which:
Pentru uz casnic 681 689 677 695 690 684 For household use

1) Municipii, orae, comune. / Municipalities, towns, communes.





6.1 Cheltuielile cu protecia social a omerilor .......... 247 Expenditure for unemployed social protection
6.2 Indemnizaii de omaj ............................................ 248 Unemployment benefits


6.3 Numrul mediu al pensionarilor ............................ 249 Average number of pensioners

6.4 Pensia medie lunar .............................................. 249 Monthly average pension
6.5 Pensionarii de asigurri sociale de stat, dup State social insurance pensioners, by
nivelul pensiei, la 31 decembrie 2014 .................... 250 level of pension, on December 31, 2014
6.6 Indicii pensiei medii reale a pensionarilor Average real pension indices of state
de asigurri sociale de stat .................................... 252 social insurance pensioners
6.7 Biletele pentru tratament balnear i odihn Tickets for balneary treatment and rest
acordate prin asigurrile sociale ............................ 252 granted by means of social insurance
6.8 Biletele pentru tratament balnear acordate prin Tickets for balneary treatment
asigurrile sociale de stat, pe staiuni granted by means of state social
balneoclimaterice .................................................. 254 insurance, by spa


6.9 Beneficii i servicii de asisten social Social assistance benefits and services
- numr beneficiari .................................................. 255 - number of beneficiaries
- sume pltite .......................................................... 257 - paid amounts
6.10 Numrul centrelor de plasament funcionale Number of functional placement
i al serviciilor alternative ...................................... 260 centers and of alternative services
6.11 Numrul copiilor din centrele de plasament, Number of children from placement
pe grupe de vrst ................................................ 261 centers, by age groups
6.12 Unitile din nvmntul special ........................ 261 Units from special education
6.13 Minorii cu deficiene din instituiile de Under age persons with deficiencies
asisten social pentru persoanele adulte from social assistance institutions for disabled
cu dizabiliti .......................................................... 262 adult persons
6.14 Copiii i elevii din nvmntul special, Children and pupils from special education, by
dup nivelul de educaie i pe vrste .................... 262 level of education and by age
6.15 Elevii din nvmntul special, primar Pupils from special, primary and secondary
i gimnazial, pe tipuri de uniti .............................. 264 education, by type of units
6.16 Instituii de asisten social pentru persoanele Social assistance institutions for disabled
adulte cu dizabiliti .............................................. 264 adult persons
6.17 Cmine pentru persoane vrstnice ........................ 265 Hostels for elderly persons
6.18 Numrul beneficiarilor din sistemul de protecie Number of beneficiaries from the
a copilului aflat n dificultate .................................. 266 protection system of child under difficulty
6.19 Persoane cu dizabiliti asistate n instituiile Disabled persons assisted in public institutions
publice de asisten social pentru persoanele of social assistance for disabled adult persons,
adulte cu dizabiliti, la 31 decembrie 2014 .......... 267 on December 31, 2014
6.20 Veniturile i cheltuielile de protecie social .......... 268 Income and expenditure of social protection
6.21 Cheltuielile de protecie social, pe categorii de Expenditure of social protection, by category of
cheltuieli i pe funcii de protecie social, expenditure and by functions of social protection,
n anul 2013 .......................................................... 268 in 2013
6.22 Ponderea cheltuielilor din cadrul fiecrei funcii Weight of expenditure within each function of social
de prestaie social, n totalul cheltuielilor benefit, in total expenditure of social benefits and in
cu prestaiile sociale i n Produsul Intern Brut .... 269 Gross Domestic Product

Teritorial Territorial

6.23 Cheltuielile cu protecia social a omerilor, Expenditure for unemployed social protection,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................................... at territorial level, in 2014
6.24 Numrul mediu al pensionarilor i pensia Average number of pensioners and monthly
medie lunar de asigurri sociale de stat, average state social insurance pension, at territorial
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................................... level, in 2014
6.25 Alocaia de stat pentru copii, n profil teritorial, State allowance for children, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................ in 2014
6.26 Indemnizaia pentru creterea copilului i Child rearing benefits and monthly
stimulentul lunar, n profil teritorial, incentive, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................ in 2014
6.27 Alocaia pentru susinerea familiei, Allowance for family support, at territorial level,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................................... in 2014
6.28 Subvenii pentru asociaii i fundaii, de la Subsidies for associations and foundations, from
bugetul de stat, n profil teritorial, the state budget, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 .................................................................. in 2014
6.29 Ajutoare sociale pentru asigurarea venitului minim Social allowances assuring the minimum guaranteed
garantat, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................... income, at territorial level, in 2014
6.30 Beneficii de asisten social acordate persoanelor Social assistance benefits for disabled persons,
cu dizabiliti, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ................ at territorial level, in 2014
6.31 Indemnizaia lunar de hran pentru persoanele Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected
infectate cu HIV sau bolnave de SIDA, or sick persons, at territorial level,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................................... in 2014
6.32 Cantine sociale n subordinea consiliilor locale, Social assistance canteens under the local council,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 .................................... at territorial level, in 2014
6.33 Cantine sociale constituite de organizaii Social canteens of non-governmental organisations
neguvernamentale sau ali reprezentani ai or other representatives of civil society,
societii civile, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ............ at territorial level, in 2014
6.34 Cmine pentru persoane vrstnice, Hostels for elderly persons, under local councils
n subordinea consiliilor locale, n profil subordination, at territorial level,
teritorial, n anul 2014 .................................................. in 2014
6.35 Cmine pentru persoane vrstnice, Hostels for elderly persons, created by
nfiinate de organizaii neguvernamentale, non-governmental organisations, at territorial
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................................... level, in 2014
6.36 Cmine pentru persoane vrstnice, Hostels for elderly persons, at territorial level,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................................... in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

 Cercetarea statistic asupra unitilor colare de  Statistical survey on special preuniversity education
nvmnt preuniversitar special; units;
 Cercetarea statistic asupra numrului de pensionari  Statistical survey on number of pensioners and
i pensiei medii lunare; monthly average pension;
 Colectarea naional de date asupra statisticii  National data collection on social protection
proteciei sociale, conform metodologiei europene statistics, according to ESSPROS European
ESSPROS (European System of Integrated Social methodology for social protection statistics.
Protection Statistics) pentru statisticile privind protecia

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:
 Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de  National Agency for Employment, for data on
Munc, pentru datele privind protecia social a registered unemployed social protection;
omerilor nregistrai;
 Casa Naional de Pensii Publice, pentru datele  National Public Pension Office, for data on social
privind protecia social a pensionarilor de asigurri protection of social insurance pensioners, as well as
sociale, precum i datele pentru biletele de the data for balneary treatment and rest tickets;
tratament i odihn;
 Secretariatul de Stat pentru Culte;  State Secretariate for Cults;
 Casa de Asigurri a Avocailor;  Lawyers Insurance Office;
 Ministerul Aprrii Naionale;  Ministry of National Defence;
 Ministerul Afacerilor Interne;  Ministry of Internal Affairs;
 Serviciul Romn de Informaii;  Romanian Intelligence Service;
 Autoritatea Naional pentru Persoanele cu  National Authority for Disabled People, until 2009 for
Dizabiliti, pn n anul 2009 pentru datele privind: data on expenditure for special protection of
cheltuielile pentru protecia special a persoanelor noninstitutionalised disabled persons, number of
cu dizabiliti neinstituionalizate, numrul minorilor under age persons with deficiencies from own
cu deficiene din unitile proprii specializate, specialized units, centers for assisting adults,
centrele pentru asistarea adulilor, numrul number of persons assisted in centers, by type of
persoanelor asistate n centre, pe tipuri de deficiency;
 Autoritatea Naional pentru Protecia Familiei i a  National Authority for Family and Child Rights
Drepturilor Copilului, pn n anul 2009 i Autoritatea Protection, until 2009 and National Authority for
Naional pentru Protecia Drepturilor Copilului i Child Protection and Adoption, for indicators from
Adopie, pentru indicatorii din sistemul de protecie a the protection system of child under difficulty
copilului aflat n dificultate (prentmpinarea situaiilor (preventing the situations jeopardizing the children
ce pun n pericol securitatea i dezvoltarea copiilor: security and growth: the prenatal prevention of child
prevenirea prenatal a abandonului copilului sau abandonment or maintaing the child within his
meninerea copilului n familia natural); natural family);
 Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i  Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and
Persoanelor Vrstnice, pentru datele privind Elderly Persons, for data on elderly persons hostels;
cminele pentru persoane vrstnice; pentru datele for data on state and additional allowances,
privind alocaiile de stat i suplimentare, alocaia complementary family allowance and support
familial complementar i alocaia de susinere allowance for mono-parental family and other
pentru familia monoparental i alte ajutoare benefits granted from state budget and local budgets
acordate de la bugetul statului i bugetele locale i and for data on social assistance. Since 2010, the
pentru datele privind asistena social. ncepnd cu Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and
anul 2010, Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Elderly Persons is the source of data and indicators
Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice reprezint sursa provided by the National Authority for Disabled
datelor i pentru indicatorii furnizai de Autoritatea People and National Authority for Family and Child
Naional pentru Persoanele cu Dizabiliti i Rights Protection, until 2009.
Autoritatea Naional pentru Protecia Familiei i a
Drepturilor Copilului, pn n anul 2009.



Cheltuielile cu protecia social a omerilor: Expenditure for unemployed social protection:

Indemnizaia de omaj reprezint o compensaie Unemployment benefit represents a partial
parial a veniturilor asiguratului ca urmare a pierderii compensation of insured person income as a result of
locului de munc sau a veniturilor absolvenilor losing his job or income for graduates of education
instituiilor de nvmnt care nu s-au putut ncadra n institutions who could not be employed.

Conform Legii nr. 76/2002, cu modificrile i According to the Law No 76/2002, with subsequent
completrile ulterioare, beneficiaz de indemnizaie amendments, the following persons receive
de omaj: unemployment benefit:
a) omerii care ndeplinesc cumulativ urmtoarele a) unemployed fulfill cumulatively the following
condiii: conditions:
- au stagiu de cotizare de minimum 12 luni n - have minimum 12 months contribution stage in the
ultimele 24 de luni premergtoare datei last 24 months before the registration date of the
nregistrrii cererii; application;
- nu realizeaz venituri sau realizeaz din activiti - have no income or have from authorized activities
autorizate potrivit legii venituri mai mici dect according to the law income lower than value of
valoarea indicatorului social de referin, n social reference indicator, in force;
- nu ndeplinesc condiiile de pensionare conform - do not fulfill retirement conditions according to the law;
- sunt nregistrai la ageniile pentru ocuparea forei - are registered at employment agencies in whose
de munc n a cror raz teritorial i au jurisdiction they have domicile or by case residence
domiciliul sau, dup caz, reedin dac au avut if they had last job or achieved income in that locality.
ultimul loc de munc ori au realizat venituri n acea
Cuantumul indemnizaiei de omaj, pentru The quantum of unemployment benefit for this
aceast categorie de omeri, este o sum acordat unemployed category is a monthly amount differentiated
lunar, difereniat n funcie de stagiul de cotizare astfel: by contribution stage as follows:
- 75% din valoarea indicatorului social de referin n - 75% of social reference indicator in force at date of
vigoare la data stabilirii acestuia, pentru persoanele cu its settlement, for persons with at least one year
un stagiu de cotizare de cel puin un an; la suma contribution stage; at the amount previously stipulated it
prevzut anterior se adaug o sum calculat prin is added an amount calculated applying over the average
aplicarea asupra mediei salariului de baz lunar brut pe of monthly gross basic salary in the last 12 months of
ultimele 12 luni de stagiu de cotizare o cot procentual contribution stage, a percentage quota differentiated by
difereniat n funcie de stagiul de cotizare: 3% pentru contribution stage; 3% for at least 3 years; 5% for at least
cel puin 3 ani; 5% pentru cel puin 5 ani; 7% pentru cel 5 years; 7% for at least 10 years; 10% for at least 20 years.
puin 10 ani; 10 % pentru cel puin 20 ani.
Conform Ordonanei de Urgen nr. 17 din 23 According to the Priority Ordinance No 17 of
februarie 2011, constituie stagiu de cotizare i perioadele February 23, 2011, contribution stage also includes the
pentru care angajatorul este scutit, n condiiile legii, de periods for which employer is saved according to the law
plata contribuiei datorate la bugetul asigurrilor pentru of contribution payment to unemployment insurance
omaj. budget.
Indemnizaia de omaj se acord pe perioade Unemployment benefit is granted on periods
difereniate n funcie de stagiul de cotizare astfel: 6 luni, differentiated by contribution stage as follows: 6 months,
pentru persoanele cu un stagiu de cotizare de cel puin for persons with contribution stage of at least one year;
1 an; 9 luni, pentru persoanele cu un stagiu de cotizare 9 months for persons with a contribution stage of at least
de cel puin 5 ani; 12 luni, pentru persoanele cu un stagiu 5 years; 12 months for persons with contribution stage
de cotizare mai mare de 10 ani. higher than 10 years.
b) omerii asimilai care ndeplinesc cumulativ b) unemployed assimilated fulfill cumulatively the
urmtoarele condiii: following conditions:
- sunt nregistrai la ageniile pentru ocuparea forei - are registered at employment agencies in whose
de munc n a cror raz teritorial i au jurisdiction they have domicile;
- nu realizeaz venituri sau realizeaz din activiti - have no income or have from authorized activities
autorizate potrivit legii venituri mai mici dect according to the law income lower than value of
valoarea indicatorului social de referin, n vigoare; social reference indicator, in force;
- nu ndeplinesc condiiile de pensionare conform - do not fulfill the retirement conditions according to
legii. the law.
Cuantumul indemnizaiei de omaj, pentru The quantum of unemployment benefit for this
aceast categorie de omeri este o sum fix, lunar, unemployed category is a fixed monthly amount

reprezentnd 50% din valoarea indicatorului social de representing 50% of value of social reference indicator
referin n vigoare la data stabilirii acestuia i se acord in force at date of its settlement and is granted during
pe o perioad de 6 luni. 6 months period.
Conform Legii nr. 118 din 30 iunie 2010 According to the Law No 118 of June 30, 2010
(actualizat), cuantumul indemnizaiei de omaj stabilit (updated) the quantum of unemployment benefit set up
n condiiile prevzute de lege i aflat n plat la data under the conditions stipulated by the law and paid at
intrrii n vigoare a prezentei legi sau care se stabilete date of coming into force of this law or which is set up or
ori se repune n plat dup suspendare, potrivit paid after suspension, according to legal stipulations is
prevederilor legale se diminueaz cu 15%. diminished by 15%.
Tnr cu risc de marginalizare social este A young person at risk of social marginalisation
persoana cu vrsta cuprins ntre 16-26 de ani, care is a person aged 16-26 years, who meets the criteria for
ndeplinete condiiile prevzute la calitatea de omer, being considered unemployed, who registers with the
se nregistreaz la Agenia pentru Ocuparea Forei de Employment Agency that covers the area where his/her
Munc n a crei raz teritorial i are domiciliul sau, permanent or, as the case may be, usual residence is
dup caz, reedina i se ncadreaz n una dintre located, and who belongs to one of the following
urmtoarele categorii: categories:
a) se afl n sistemul de protecie a copilului sau a) he/she is included in the child protection system or
provine din acest sistem; comes from this system;
b) are dizabiliti; b) he/she has disabilities;
c) nu are familie sau a crui familie nu i poate c) he/she has no family or his/her family cannot uphold
asigura ntreinerea; him/her;
d) are copii n ntreinere; d) has children in his/her care;
e) a executat una sau mai multe pedepse privative de e) he/she has served one or more prison sentences;
f) este victim a traficului de persoane. f) he/she is a victim of human trafficking.
Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc The National Employment Agency (NEA) concludes a
(ANOFM) ncheie un contract de solidaritate cu tnrul solidarity agreement with the young person at risk of
cu risc de marginalizare social pe o durat de pn la 3 social marginalisation for a period of up to 3 years, but
ani, dar nu mai puin de un an, n condiiile n care, la not less than a year, provided that, when the solidarity
data ncheierii contractului de solidaritate, tnrul nu a agreement is signed, the young person is not yet 26 years
mplinit vrsta de 26 ani. old.
Angajatorii care ncadreaz tineri cu risc de The employers that hire young persons who are at
marginalizare social i care beneficiaz de risk of social marginalisation and who benefit from
acompaniament social personalizat n baza unui contract personalised social accompaniment on the basis of a
de solidaritate, denumii angajatori de inserie, solidarity agreement, called insertion employers,
beneficiaz lunar, conform prevederilor legale, pentru monthly receive, in accordance with the legal provisions,
fiecare persoan din aceast categorie, din bugetul for each person included in this category, from the
asigurrilor pentru omaj, de o sum egal cu salariul de unemployment insurance budget, an amount equal to the
baz stabilit la data angajrii tinerilor, dar nu mai mult de basic salary set when the young persons were hired, but
dou ori valoarea indicatorului social de referin, n not more than twice the value of the reference social
vigoare la data ncadrrii n munc, pn la expirarea indicator in force at the time of beginning work, until the
duratei contractului de solidaritate. duration of the solidarity agreement ends.
Cheltuieli pentru formarea profesional Expenditure for vocational training represent
reprezint cheltuielile efectuate pentru calificarea, expenditure for the qualification, re-qualification, training
recalificarea, perfecionarea i specializarea persoanelor and specialization of persons looking for a job; vocational
aflate n cutarea unui loc de munc; formarea training is done by means of courses, practice and
profesional se realizeaz prin cursuri, stagii de practic specialization stages, organized by training levels, based
i specializare, organizate pe niveluri de pregtire, pe on the national plan of vocational training.
baza planului naional de formare profesional.
Plata absolvenilor reprezint suma acordat Graduates remuneration represents the amounts
angajatorilor care au ncadrat n munc, pe durat granted to the employers who employed graduates of
nedeterminat, absolveni ai unor instituii de nvmnt. educational institutions, for indefinite duration. The
Suma lunar se stabilete conform Legii nr. 76/2002 - monthly amount granted is established based on
art. 80, alin. 1 cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare. Law No 76/2002 - art. 80, alin. 1, with subsequent

Plile pentru stimularea omerilor care se Incentives for unemployed getting employed
angajeaz nainte de expirarea perioadei de omaj before expiring their unemployment period represent
reprezint sumele pltite n completarea veniturilor the amounts paid to complete salary income for
salariale omerilor (cu experien n munc i unemployed (with work experience and to graduates of
absolvenilor instituiilor de nvmnt) conform educational units) according to the Law No 76/2002 -
Legii nr. 76/2002 - art. 72 i art. 73 cu modificrile i art. 72 and art. 73, with subsequent amendments.
completrile ulterioare.
Plile pentru stimularea mobilitii forei de Incentives for labour force mobility represents the
munc reprezint sumele acordate ca prime de amounts granted as tax free employment bonuses for
ncadrare persoanelor (omere) care se ncadreaz n persons (unemployed) who get employed before expiring
munc nainte de expirarea perioadei n care beneficiaz their period of receiving unemployment benefit in one
de indemnizaie de omaj, ntr-o localitate situat la o locality situated at over 50 km far from their stable
distan mai mare de 50 km de localitatea n care i au domicile locality and as installation bonuses for the
domiciliul stabil i ca prime de instalare persoanelor persons (unemployed) who get employed before expiring
(omere) care se ncadreaz n munc nainte de their period of receiving unemployment benefit, into
expirarea perioadei n care beneficiaz de indemnizaie another locality and therefore change their domicile. The
de omaj, ntr-o alt localitate i, ca urmare a acestui employment and installation bonuses are established
fapt, i schimb domiciliul. Primele de ncadrare i de according to Law No 76/2002 - art. 74, 75, 76, with
instalare se stabilesc conform Legii nr. 76/2002 - art. 74, subsequent amendments.
75, 76 cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Plile pentru stimularea angajatorilor care Incentives for employers who hire unfavoured
ncadreaz omeri din categoria defavorizai unemployed represent the amounts granted to
reprezint sumele acordate angajatorilor care au employers who employed, for indefinite duration,
ncadrat n munc, pe durat nederminat, absolveni graduates among disabled persons. The monthly amount
din rndul persoanelor cu handicap. Suma lunar se is established according to the Law No 76/2002 - art. 80,
stabilete conform Legii nr. 76/2002 - art. 80, alin. 2, cu alin. 2, with subsequent amendments.
modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Plile compensatorii efectuate n cadrul The compensations granted within the programmes
programelor de restructurare, privatizare i lichidare of restructuring, privatization and liquidation are the
reprezint sumele acordate persoanelor crora li s-au amounts granted to those persons for whom individual
desfcut contractele individuale de munc ca urmare employment contracts ceased as consequence of
a concedierilor colective (O.G. nr. 7/1998 i O.U.G. nr. collective lay off (G.O. No 7/1998 and G.P.O. No 98/1999
98/1999 cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare). with subsequent amendments and completions).
Alte cheltuieli cuprind sumele acordate sub form Other expenditure include the amounts granted
de credite ntreprinderilor mici i mijlocii pentru nfiinarea as credits to the small and medium enterprises to create
de noi locuri de munc, precum i cele necesare new jobs, as well as those needed for the management
administrrii fondului pentru plata ajutorului de omaj. of unemployment benefit funds.
Legea nr. 335 din 10 decembrie 2013 reglementeaz Law No 335 of 10 December 2013 regulates the manner
modalitatea de efectuare a stagiului pentru absolvenii in which the traineeship for higher education
de nvmnt superior, n scopul: graduates is carried out, with a view to:
a) asigurrii tranziiei absolvenilor de nvmnt a) ensuring the transition of higher education
superior de la sistemul de educaie la piaa muncii; graduates from the education system to the labour
b) consolidrii competenelor i abilitilor profesionale b) strengthening their professional competences and
pentru adaptarea la cerinele practice i exigenele skills in order to ensure adjustment to the practical job
locului de munc n vederea integrrii n munc; requirements and work integration;
c) dobndirii de experien i vechime n munc; c) helping them acquire experience and seniority;
d) dobndirii de vechime n specialitate, dup caz. d) helping them acquire seniority in a specific area, as
the case may be.
Durata perioadei de stagiu este de 6 luni, cu excepia The duration of the traineeship is 6 months, except in the
profesiilor pentru care exist reglementri speciale. case of the professions for which there are special
Stagiarul, pe perioada stagiului, se oblig s presteze The trainee undertakes that, during the traineeship,
munc pentru i sub autoritatea unui angajator, he/she will work for and under the authority of an
persoan fizic sau juridic, n schimbul unei remuneraii employer, a natural or legal person, in exchange for a

denumite salariu, n baza unui contract individual de remuneration called salary, on the basis of an individual
munc i a contractului de stagiu. labour contract and a traineeship contract.
Angajatorii care ncheie un contract de stagiu n The employers who sign a traineeship contract under the
condiiile prezentei legi primesc lunar, la cerere, din terms of this law monthly receive, on request, from the
bugetul asigurrilor pentru omaj, pe perioada derulrii unemployment insurance budget, for the duration of the
contractului de stagiu pentru acel stagiar, o sum egal traineeship contract of that particular trainee, an amount
cu de 1,5 ori valoarea indicatorului social de referin al equal to 1.5 times the value of the reference social
asigurrilor pentru omaj i stimulrii ocuprii forei de indicator on unemployment insurance and employment
munc n vigoare, prevzut de Legea nr. 76/2002 privind stimulation in force, set out in Law No 76/2002 on the
sistemul asigurrilor pentru omaj i stimularea ocuprii unemployment insurance system and employment
forei de munc, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare, stimulation, as subsequently amended, within the limits
n limita fondurilor alocate cu aceast destinaie. of the funds allocated.


Pensia medie lunar s-a calculat prin raportarea Monthly average pension has been computed as a
sumelor cuvenite (conform deciziilor) pensionarilor ratio between the amounts granted (in accordance with the
existeni n plat n anul de referin, la numrul mediu pension decision) to the pensioners on payment during the
lunar al acestora nmulit cu 12. reference year, and their monthly average number
multiplied by 12.
De la 1 iulie 2000, sumele cuvenite pentru calculul Since July 1, 2000, the amounts for the calculation
pensiei medii lunare cuprind i valoarea impozitului of monthly average pension also comprise the value of
aferent sumelor ce depesc plafonul stabilit prin lege tax for the amounts exceeding the threshold set up by
(O.U.G. nr. 87/2000). the Law (G.P.O. No 87/2000).
ncepnd cu 1 ianuarie 2003, sumele cuvenite drept Starting with January 1, 2003, amounts representing
pensii nu mai includ contribuia pentru asigurrile sociale pensions do not include anymore health social insurance
de sntate (O.U.G. nr. 147/2002). contribution (G.P.O. No 147/2002).
De la 1 ianuarie 2011, sumele cuvenite drept pensii Since January 1, 2011, the amounts representing
includ contribuia pentru asigurri sociale de sntate pensions include anymore health social insurance
(O.U.G. nr. 107/2010). contribution (G.P.O. No 107/2010).

Indicele pensiei reale s-a calculat, numai pentru Real pension index has been calculated, only for
pensionarii de asigurri sociale de stat, ca raport state social insurance pensioners, as a percentage ratio
procentual ntre indicele pensiei medii nominale i between nominal average pension index and general
indicele general al preurilor de consum. Pensia medie consumer price index. Nominal average pension used
nominal utilizat n calculul pensiei reale a for the calculation of real pension of state social
pensionarilor de asigurri sociale de stat cuprinde i insurance pensioners contains supplementary pension
pensia suplimentar. as well.
Pentru comparabilitatea seriei de date, ncepnd cu For the data series comparability, beginning with
1 iulie 2000, s-a dedus i valoarea impozitului. July 1, 2000, the value of tax is also deducted.
Conform metodologiei ESSPROS, protecia According to ESSPROS methodology, social
social reprezint expresia tuturor interveniilor protection represents the expression of all interventions
ntreprinse de organismele publice sau private n scopul of public or private bodies in order to protect the
protejrii gospodriilor i indivizilor de consecinele unui households and persons against the consequences of a
set definit de riscuri sociale sau nevoi, n condiiile n set of social risks or needs, if no simultaneous mutual or
care nu este implicat niciun aranjament simultan de individual arrangement is involved.
reciprocitate sau unul individual.
Funcia de protecie social se definete n Social protection function is defined in terms of
termenii scopului final pe care trebuie s l ating final purpose for social protection, namely to protect
protecia social, adic de protejare a indivizilor i persons and families/ households against major social
familiilor/gospodriilor mpotriva riscului social major risk identified.
Prestaiile de protecie social se clasific pe opt Provisions of social protection are divided into eight
funcii de protecie social, corespunztoare celor opt functions of social protection, according to those eight
riscuri sociale majore identificate de ESSPROS. major social risks identified by ESSPROS.

Funciile de protecie social sunt: Social protection functions are:
boal/ngrijirea sntii; sickness/health care;
invaliditate; disability;
limit de vrst; old age;
urma; survivor;
familie/copii; family/children;
omaj; unemployment;
locuin; housing;
excluziune social (neclasificat n alt parte). social exclusion (non-classified elsewhere).
Cheltuielile de protecie social cuprind: Expenditure for social protection include:
cheltuieli cu prestaiile sociale; expenditure for social protection benefits;
costuri administrative; administrative costs;
alte tipuri de cheltuieli (de exemplu: dobnzi bancare other types of expenditure (for instance, bank
n conexiune cu fondurile sociale). interests related to social funds).
Cheltuieli cu prestaiile sociale reprezint Expenditure for social protection benefits
valoarea resurselor de protecie social alocate represent the value of social protection resources
beneficiarilor n numerar sau n natur (bunuri i/sau allocated to the beneficiaries in cash or in kind (goods
servicii). and/or services).
Costuri administrative reprezint cheltuielile pe Administrative costs represent the expenditure for
care le implic organizarea i administrarea schemelor the organization and administration of social protection
de protecie social. schemes.
Prestaiile dependente de un prag al venitului Means - tested benefits are conditioned provisions,
sunt cele care se acord condiionat, respectiv dac respectively if the level of the beneficiary income is under
nivelul venitului beneficiarului se situeaz sub un prag a preset threshold.
Prestaiile independente de un prag al venitului Non-means tested benefits are unconditioned
sunt cele care se acord necondiionat de nivelul provisions by the level of the beneficiary income.
veniturilor beneficiarului.


Asistena social, component a sistemului Social assistance, component of national social

naional de protecie social, desemneaz un asamblu protection system, means a whole of institutions,
de instituii, programe, msuri, activiti profesionalizate, programs, measures, professional activities, specialized
servicii specializate de protejare a persoanelor, services protecting persons, groups, communities, with
grupurilor, comunitilor, cu probleme speciale, aflate special problems, temporarily under difficulty, which due
temporar n dificultate, care datorit unor motive de to economic, socio-cultural, biological or psychological
natur economic, socio-cultural, biologic sau reasons could not achieve a normal decent living by own
psihologic nu au posibilitatea de a realiza prin mijloace means and efforts.
i eforturi proprii, un mod normal, decent de via.
Potrivit Legii asistenei sociale nr. 292/20111) According to social assistance Law No 292/20111),
sistemul naional de asisten social cuprinde the national social assistance system includes social
beneficiile de asisten social i serviciile sociale assistance benefits and social services in order to
acordate n vederea dezvoltrii capacitilor individuale develop individual or collective capacities to assure
sau colective pentru asigurarea nevoilor sociale, social needs, increase in life quality and promote social
creterea calitii vieii i promovarea principiilor de inclusion and cohesion principles.
coeziune i incluziune social.
Beneficiile (prestaiile) de asisten social Social assistance benefits (provisions)
reprezint o form de suplimentare sau de substituire a represent a type of supplementing or substitution of
veniturilor individuale / familiale obinute din munc, n individual / family income in order to assure a minimal
1) Legea asistenei sociale nr. 292 / 2011 asigur cadrul legal i instituional unitar coordonat prin care sunt stabilite principiile i regulile
generale de acordare a msurilor de asisten social, precum i criteriile de organizare i funcionare a sistemului, n vederea asigurrii
condiiilor adecvate pentru elaborarea i implementarea politicilor publice sectoriale din domeniul asistenei sociale.
Social assistance Law No 292/2011 ensures legal and institutional unitary and coordinated framework by which general rules and
principles are set up to grant measures of social assistance, as well as the criteria of the system organisation and functioning, in order to
assure adequate conditions to elaborate and implement sector public policies in the field of social assistance.

vederea asigurrii unui nivel de trai minimal, precum i o living standard, as well as a type of support in order to
form de sprijin n scopul promovrii incluziunii sociale i promote social inclusion and increase in life quality for
creterii calitii vieii anumitor categorii de persoane ale certain categories of persons whose social rights are
cror drepturi sociale sunt prevzute expres de lege. stipulated in this law.
Acestea se refer la: They refer to:
- beneficii de asisten social pentru prevenirea i - social assistance benefits to prevent and combat
combaterea srciei i riscului de excluziune poverty and social exclusion risk;
- beneficii de asisten social pentru susinerea - social assistance benefits to support the child
copilului i familiei; and family;
- beneficii de asisten social pentru sprijinirea - social assistance benefits to support persons
persoanelor cu nevoi speciale; with special needs;
- beneficii de asisten social pentru situaii - social assistance benefits for special situations.
Beneficiile de asisten social se acord n bani Social assistance benefits are granted in cash or
sau n natur i cuprind: alocaii, indemnizaii, ajutoare in kind and include allowances, social aids and facilities.
sociale i faciliti.
Alocaiile familiale sprijin familia n vederea Family allowances support the family for children
educaiei i ntreinerii copiilor. education and taking care.
Ajutoarele sociale se acord persoanelor sau Social aids are granted to persons or families under
familiilor aflate n dificultate i ale cror venituri sunt difficulty and whose income are insufficient to cover
insuficiente pentru acoperirea nevoilor minime de minimum living needs.
Indemnizaiile au ca rol favorizarea incluziunii sociale Benefits are meant to favour social inclusion and
i asigurarea unei viei autonome, iar indemnizaiile assure an autonomous life, while reparatory
cu caracter reparatoriu se acord persoanelor i, benefits are granted to persons or their families,
dup caz, familiilor acestora, care au suferit daune which suffered injuries following some socio-political
n urma unor evenimente socio-politice sau legate events or related to catastrophies or natural
de catastrofe i calamiti naturale, recunoscute calamities, recognized by the law.
prin lege.
Serviciile sociale reprezint activitatea sau ansamblul Social services represent the activity or all the activities
de activiti realizate pentru a rspunde nevoilor sociale, to meet social needs, as well as special ones, individual,
precum i celor speciale, individuale, familiale sau de grup, family or group needs, in order to overrun difficult
n vederea depirii situaiilor de dificultate, prevenirii i situations, prevent or combat social exclusion risk,
combaterii riscului de excluziune social, promovrii promote social inclusion and increase in life quality.
incluziunii sociale i creterii calitii vieii.
Serviciile sociale se clasific dup: Social services are classified by:
 scop - n servicii de asisten i suport pentru  purpose - in assistance and support services to
asigurarea nevoilor de baz ale persoanei, servicii assure persons basic needs, personal care services,
de ngrijire personal, de recuperare / reabilitare, de recovery / rehabilitation, social insertion/reinsertion
inserie/reinserie social etc.; a.s.o.;
 categorii de beneficiari - n servicii sociale destinate  categories of beneficiaries - in social services for
copilului i familiei, persoanelor cu dizabiliti, child and family, disabled persons, elderly persons,
persoanelor vrstnice, victimelor violenei n familie, victims of family violence, homeless persons,
persoanelor fr adpost, persoanelor cu diferite persons with various addictions, respectively
adicii, respectiv consum de alcool, droguri, alte alcohol, drugs, other dangerous substances,
substane toxice, jocuri de noroc etc., victimelor gambling a.s.o., victims of persons traffic, persons
traficului de persoane, persoanelor private de deprived of liberty, long term unemployed a.s.o.;
libertate, omerilor de lung durat etc.;
 regim de asistare (rezidenial / nerezidenial) - n servicii  assistance regime (residential / non-residential) - in
cu cazare, pe perioad determinat / nedeterminat: accommodation services, for definite / indefinite
centre rezideniale, locuine protejate, adposturi de period: residential centers, protected dwellings, night
noapte; shelters;
 locul de acordare (la domiciliul beneficiarului, n  to provide (at beneficiary residence, in day centers,
centre de zi, n centre rezideniale, la domiciul in residential centers, at persons domicile who
persoanei care acord serviciul, n comunitate); provides the service, in community);
 regimul juridic al furnizorului de servicii sociale n  legal regime of social service supplier in public or
servicii publice sau private; private services;
 regimul de acordare n servicii acordate n regim  grant scheme in services of normal or special
normal sau special. regime.
n scopul prevenirii, limitrii sau nlturrii efectelor In order to prevent, limit or replace temporary or
temporare ori permanente ale unor situaii care pot permanent effects of some situations which can
genera marginalizarea sau excluziunea social a generate the marginalization or social exclusion of
persoanei, familiei, grupurilor ori comunitilor se acord person, family, groups or communities, there are granted
att beneficii universale ct i adresate n mod specific both universal benefits and addressed specifically some
unor categorii de persoane, sub form de alocaii, categories of persons, as allowances, indemnities and
indemnizaii i ajutoare: aid:
pentru familiile cu copii: family with children:
- alocaia de stat pentru copii; - state allowance for children;
- indemnizaia pentru creterea copilului; - benefit for child care;
- stimulentul acordat n cazul n care mama sau - incentive in case the mother or father who is in
tatl care ar avea dreptul la concediu de cretere charge with child care leave gets professional
a copilului realizeaz venituri profesionale; income;
- alocaia pentru susinerea familiei; - allowance for family support;
- alocaia lunar de plasament. - placement monthly allowance.
pentru persoanele i familiile cu venituri mici: for small income persons and families:
- ajutorul social pentru asigurarea venitului - social allowance to assure minimum guaranteed
minim garantat, ajutoare de urgen, ajutoare de income, priority aid, funeral aid;
- ajutoare de nclzire. - heating aid.
pentru persoanele cu dizabiliti - o serie de beneficii for persons with disabilities several benefits for
destinate adulilor i copiilor cu dizabiliti. disabled adults and children.
Indicatorul social de referin (ISR) reprezint Reference social indicator (RSI) represents the unit
unitatea exprimat n lei la nivelul creia se raporteaz in lei related to social assistance benefits, from state
beneficiile de asisten social, suportate din bugetul de budget, both to assure the protection of persons within
stat, acordate att n vederea asigurrii proteciei social assistance system, and to stimulate the persons
persoanelor n cadrul sistemului de asisten social, ct i beneficiary of social assistance system, to get a job.
n vederea stimulrii persoanelor beneficiare ale sistemului
de asisten social, pentru a se ncadra n munc.
Alocaia de stat pentru copii2) are caracter Children state allowance has universal character
universal i este acordat copiilor n vrst de pn la 18 and it is granted to the children under 18 years, as well
ani, precum i tinerilor care au mplinit vrsta de 18 ani, as to those who are 18 years old, who attend high school
care urmeaz cursurile nvmntului liceal sau or vocational schools, organized under legal conditions,
profesional, organizate n condiiile legii, pn la till graduation.
terminarea acestora.
Alocaia lunar de plasament 3) se acord pentru Placement monthly allowance 3) is granted for each
fiecare copil fa de care s-a luat msura plasamentului. child who is under placement.
Alocaia pentru susinerea familiei 4) Family support allowance 4)
Beneficiul a fost instituit de Legea nr.277/2010 privind This benefit was instituted by the Law No 277/2010
alocaia pentru susinerea familiei i se adreseaz regarding the family support allowance and addresses
familiilor ce au n ngrijire copii i realizeaz venituri mai the families taking care of children and get lower income
mici dect valoarea unui prag stabilit de lege. compared to the value of legal threshold. It amounts vary
Cuantumurile acesteia variaz, n funcie de depending on the family structure (families with both
componena familiei (familie cu ambii prini i familie parents and monoparental families) and its income.
monoparental) i veniturile acesteia.

2) Legea nr.61/1993 privind alocaia de stat pentru copii, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Law No 61/1993 regarding children state allowance, with further amendments.
3) Legea nr.272/2004 privind protecia i promovarea drepturilor copilului, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Law No 272/2004 regarding protection and promotion of child rights, with further amendments.
4) Legea nr.277/2010 privind alocaia pentru susinerea familiei, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Law No 277/2010 regarding family support allowance, with further amendments.

Indemnizaia lunar de hran pentru persoanele Food monthly benefit for AIDS infected or sick
infectate cu HIV sau bolnave de SIDA persons
Beneficiaz de indemnizaie lunar de hran adulii i AIDS infected or sick adults and children benefit of this
copiii infectai cu HIV sau bolnavii de SIDA, att pe benefit both during hospitalization and ambulatory.
durata internrii, ct i n ambulatoriu.
Indemnizaia pentru creterea copilului i Child care benefit and monthly incentive
stimulentul lunar
Actul normativ care a instituit aceste beneficii de Normative document which instituted these social
asisten social este Ordonana de Urgen a assistance benefits is Government Priority Ordinance
Guvernului nr.148/2005 privind susinerea familiei n No 148/2005 regarding family support for child care.
vederea creterii copilului.
La sfritul anului 2010 a fost adoptat Ordonana de At the end of 2010 was adopted Government Priority
Urgen a Guvernului nr.111/2010 privind concediul i Ordinance No 111/2010 regarding the leave and monthly
indemnizaia lunar pentru creterea copiilor, care a indemnity for children care, with further modifications
adus o serie de modificri i completri, ncepnd cu and completions since January 1, 2011.
1 ianuarie 2011.
Venitul minim garantat (VMG) este unul din cele Minimum guaranteed income (MGI) is one of the
mai importante programe de promovare a incluziunii most important programs promoting social inclusion and
sociale i de combatere a srciei. Actul normativ care fighting against poverty. The normative document which
reglementeaz acest program este Legea nr.416/2001 regulates this program is the Law No 416/2001 regarding
privind venitul minim garantat, cu completrile i minimum guaranteed income, with further amendments.
modificrile ulterioare. Potrivit acestei legi, venitul minim According to this law, minimum guaranteed income is
garantat se asigur prin acordarea unui ajutor social given by a monthly social aid, based on request and
lunar, pe baz de cerere i declaraie pe propria declaration on own responsibility, accompanied by proof
rspundere, nsoite de actele doveditoare privind documents about family structure and income of its
componena familiei i veniturile membrilor acesteia, members, the request being registered at the locality
cerere care se nregistreaz la primria localitii sau, town hall or by case, of Bucharest municipality sector.
dup caz, a sectorului municipiului Bucureti.
Valoarea ajutorului social lunar se calculeaz ca The value of monthly social aid is calculated as
diferen ntre nivelul venitului minim garantat prevzut difference between minimum guaranteed income
de lege i venitul net lunar al familiei sau al persoanei stipulated by the law and monthly net income of family or
singure. single person.
Persoana cu dizabiliti este acea persoan creia Disabled person is that person whose social
mediul social, neadaptat deficienei ei fizice, senzoriale, environment, not adapted to his physical, sensorial,
psihice, mentale i/sau asociate, o mpiedic total sau i psychical, mental and/ or associated deficiency, totally
limiteaz accesul cu anse egale la viaa societii, prevent or limit his access with equal chances in the
necesitnd msuri de protecie n sprijinul integrrii i society life, needing protection measures to support
incluziunii sociale. social integration and inclusion.
Beneficii (prestaii) destinate persoanelor Benefits (provisions) for disabled persons
cu dizabiliti5)
Pentru adulii cu handicap grav i accentuat s-a For adults with severe and accentuated disability, a
acordat o indemnizaie lunar, indiferent de venituri: monthly benefit was granted, no matter of income:
pentru adultul cu dizabiliti grave; for severe disabled adult;
pentru adultul cu dizabiliti accentuate. for accentuated disabled adult.
Principalele criterii pe baza crora se acord Here are the main criteria based on which the
prestaiile sociale sunt urmtoarele: social provisions are granted:
- evaluarea contextului familial; - evaluation of family context;
- veniturile solicitantului sau ale familiei acestuia; - person or family income;
- condiiile de locuit; - living conditions;
- starea de sntate i gradul de dependen. - health status and dependence degree.

5) Legea nr. 448/2006 privind protecia i promovarea drepturilor persoanelor cu handicap, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Law No 448/2006 regarding protection and promotion of disabled persons, with further amendments.

Evoluia numrului mediu al pensionarilor
6.G1 Evolution of average number of pensioners

mii persoane / thou persons


6000 5689 5676 5675 5664 5589 5580 5487 5480 5410 5404 5357 5352





2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Pensionari - total Pensionari de asigurri sociale

Pensioners - total Social insurance pensioners

Evoluia numrului mediu al pensionarilor de asigurri sociale

6.G2 Evolution of average number of social insurance pensioners

mii persoane / thou persons

4877 4927 4903 4861 4840 4839

5000 4718 4767 4744 4702 4681 4682





2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Pensionari de asigurri sociale (exclusiv pensionarii provenii

din fostul sistem pentru agricultori)
Social insurance pensioners (excluding social insurance pensioners
from the former system for farmers)
Pensionari de asigurri sociale de stat
State social insurance pensioners

Evoluia pensiei medii lunare
6.G3 Evolution of monthly average pension

lei / persoan / lei / person

900 847
773 778
800 739
711 845
700 806
753 774
600 686
400 313 327 342
300 309 311
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Pensionari de asigurri sociale Pensionari de asigurri sociale de stat

Social insurance pensioners State social insurance pensioners

Pensionari de asigurri sociale provenii

din fostul sistem pentru agricultori
Social insurance pensioners from the former
system for farmers

Evoluia pensiei medii nominale i reale

6.G4 Evolution of nominal and real average pension

% anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100




110 103,5 103,4 104,0 104,1

112,0 100,8
100,1 100,0
97,5 95,3
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Indicele pensiei nominale

Nominal pension index

Indicele pensiei reale

Real pension index

Cheltuielile cu protecia social a omerilor
6.1 Expenditure for unemployed social protection
mii lei / lei thou

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 2722523,1 3822056,9 2170786,7 1736126,2 1779033,0 1557505,7

Indemnizaie de omaj (omeri cu

experien n munc)1) 1669818,3 2319704,9 1211435,8 814968,5 850698,3 755607,4
Unemployment benefit (unemployed
with work experience)1)

Indemnizaie de omaj (omeri fr

experien n munc) 2) 64594,5 114122,1 74313,1 69147,4 75187,7 69992,8
Unemployment benefit (unemployed
without work experience) 2)

Cheltuieli pentru formarea profesional 20460,6 20911,9 25449,8 31970,6 32594,5 33759,3
Expenditure for vocational training

Plata absolvenilor 51627,0 35644,9 36430,6 38373,8 38181,0 38456,3

Graduates remuneration

Pli pentru stimularea omerilor care se

angajeaz nainte de expirarea perioadei
de omaj 3) 15707,5 26269,3 16787,6 11697,5 13405,5 14386,7
Incentives for unemployed who got
employed before unemployment
period expiry3)

Pli pentru stimularea mobilitii

forei de munc 3) 5338,0 7778,7 8424,3 5438,9 5355,6 4168,7
Incentives for labour force mobility3)

Pli pentru stimularea angajatorilor

care ncadreaz omeri din categoria
defavorizai 3) 70343,2 55591,0 82216,1 85185,3 86005,7 84210,6
Incentives for employers who hire
unfavoured unemployed 3)

Pli compensatorii efectuate n cadrul

programelor de restructurare, privatizare
i lichidare 41598,2 22730,1 3874,9 481,0 26,1 75,5
Compensations granted within the programmes
of restructuring, privatization and liquidation

Pli pentru stimularea absolvenilor 2550,5 2765,1 2820,5 2577,1 2712,0 2921,9
Payments for graduates stimulation

Combaterea marginalizrii sociale 4) 13206,8 12090,4 15306,8 22175,3 23119,0 14852,5

Fight against social marginalization 4)

Alte cheltuieli 767278,5 1204448,5 693727,2 654110,8 651747,6 539074,0

Other expenditure
1) Indemnizaia de omaj acordat persoanelor aflate n omaj ca urmare a pierderii locului de munc, conform articolului 39 din
Legea nr. 76/2002, precum i alte sume acordate n completarea veniturilor salariale ale angajailor conform articolului 72 din
Legea nr.76/2002 privind sistemul asigurrilor pentru omaj i stimularea ocuprii forei de munc, cu modificrile i completrile
Unemployment benefit granted to unemployed after losing their jobs, according to the article 39 of Law No 76/2002, as well as other
amounts completing salary income of employees according to the article 72 of Law No 76/2002 regarding unemployment insurance
system and employment stimulation, with subsequent amendments.
2) Indemnizaia de omaj acordat absolvenilor instituiilor de nvmnt, conform articolului 40 din Legea nr.76/2002,precum i
alte sume acordate n completarea veniturilor salariale ale angajailor conform articolelor 72-73 din Legea nr.76/2002 privind
sistemul asigurrilor pentru omaj i stimularea ocuprii forei de munc, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Unemployment benefit granted to education institutions graduates according to the article 40 of Law No 76/2002 as well as other
amounts completing salary income of employees according to the articles 72-73 of Law No 76/2002 regarding unemployment
insurance system and employment stimulation, with subsequent amendments.
3) Alte categorii de cheltuieli, conform Legii nr.76/2002, privind sistemul asigurrilor pentru omaj i stimularea ocuprii forei
de munc, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
Other category of expenditure according to Law No 76/2002 regarding unemployment insurance system and employment
stimulation, with subsequent amendments.
4) Conform Legii nr.116/2002 privind prevenirea i combaterea marginalizrii sociale.
According to Law No 116/2002 regarding preventing and fighting against social marginalization.
Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Ocuparea Forei de Munc.
Source: National Agency for Employment.

Indemnizaii de omaj
6.2 Unemployment benefits

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Media lunar (lei / persoan)

Monthly average (lei / person)
Indemnizaie de omaj
(omeri cu experien n munc)1) 469 470 525 421 426 424
Unemployment benefit
(unemployed with work experience)1)

Indemnizaie de omaj
(omeri fr experien n munc)2) 291 268 245 230 229 226
Unemployment benefit
(unemployed without work experience)2)
n procente fa de salariul minim brut pe economie
In percentage as against the gross minimum salary in economy

Indemnizaie de omaj
(omeri cu experien n munc)1) 78,2 78,3 78,4 60,1 55,3 48,5
Unemployment benefit
(unemployed with work experience)1)

Indemnizaie de omaj
(omeri fr experien n munc)2) 48,5 44,7 36,6 32,9 29,7 25,8
Unemployment benefit
(unemployed without work experience)2)

1) Indemnizaia de omaj acordat persoanelor aflate n omaj ca urmare a pierderii locului de munc, conform articolului 39 din
Legea nr. 76/2002.
Unemployment benefit granted to unemployed after losing their jobs, according to the article 39 of Law No 76/2002.
2) Indemnizaia de omaj acordat absolvenilor instituiilor de nvmnt, conform articolului 40 din Legea nr.76/2002.
Unemployment benefit granted to education institutions, according to the article 40 of Law No 76/2002.

Numrul mediu al pensionarilor
6.3 Average number of pensioners
mii persoane / thou persons

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

TOTAL 5689 5675 5589 5487 5410 5357 TOTAL

Pensionari de asigurri sociale1) - total 5676 5664 5580 5480 5404 5352 Social insurance pensioners1) - total
din care: of which:
Stat 4718 4767 4744 4702 4681 4682 State
Agricultori 799 737 677 619 564 513 Farmers
Pensionari de asigurri sociale Social insurance pensioners
(exclusiv pensionarii provenii excluding social insurance
din fostul sistem pensioners from the former
pentru agricultori) 4877 4927 4903 4861 4840 4839 system for farmers)
din care: of which:
Pentru limit de vrst 3239 3309 3350 3383 3418 3453 For age limit
Cu stagiu complet de cotizare 2030 2282 2607 2579 2516 2537 With due complete stage
Cu stagiu incomplet de cotizare 1209 1027 743 804 902 916 With due incomplete stage
Pensie anticipat 9 9 9 11 14 19 Anticipated pension
Pensie anticipat parial 112 123 125 114 101 96 Partial anticipated pension
De invaliditate 909 887 834 778 737 708 Invalidity
Gradul I 42 41 39 38 39 41 I degree
Gradul II 545 511 442 378 344 323 II degree
Gradul III 322 335 353 362 354 344 III degree
De urma 608 599 585 575 570 563 Survivor pension
Beneficiari de ajutor social 2) Social benefit 2)
- tip pensie 2 2 1 1 1 1 - pension type
Pensionari I.O.V.R. War invalids, orphans and widows
(invalizi, orfani i vduve de rzboi) 11 9 8 6 5 4 pensioners
Invaliditate 3 3 2 2 1 1 Invalidity
De urma 8 6 6 4 4 3 Survivor pension
1) Cuprind pensionarii de asigurri sociale de stat, pensionarii provenii din Ministerul Aprrii Naionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne,
Serviciul Romn de Informaii, Secretariatul de Stat pentru Culte i Casa de Asigurri a Avocailor. / Comprise state social insurance
pensioners, pensioners coming from the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Romanian Intelligence Service,
the State Secretariate for Cults and Lawyers Insurance Office.
2) Ajutorul social tip pensie pltit din fondul de asigurri sociale. / Support allowance of pension type paid from social insurance funds.

Pensia medie lunar

6.4 Monthly average pension
lei/persoan / lei/person

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

TOTAL 685 716 753 773 805 846 TOTAL

Pensionari de asigurri sociale - total 686 717 753 774 806 847 Social insurance pensioners1) - total
din care: of which:
Stat 711 739 773 778 809 845 State
Agricultori 300 309 311 313 327 342 Farmers
Pensionari de asigurri sociale Social insurance pensioners
(exclusiv pensionarii (excluding social insurance
provenii din fostul sistem pensioners from the former
pentru agricultori) 750 778 815 832 862 900 system for farmers)
din care: of which:
Pentru limit de vrst 880 908 950 966 996 1038 For age limit
Cu stagiu complet de cotizare 1051 1057 1083 1097 1126 1165 With due complete stage
Cu stagiu incomplet de cotizare 591 577 481 548 632 684 With due incomplete stage
Pensie anticipat 953 980 968 938 984 1050 Anticipated pension
Pensie anticipat parial 669 696 682 638 628 638 Partial anticipated pension
De invaliditate 542 557 568 565 577 585 Invalidity pensions
Gradul I 544 559 570 571 581 549 I degree
Gradul II 549 564 578 579 591 598 II degree
Gradul III 530 548 556 550 563 577 III degree
De urma 381 396 417 445 465 493 Survivor pension
Beneficiari de ajutor social 2)
- tip pensie 188 192 193 194 202 211 Social benefits 2) - pension type
Pensionari I.O.V.R. War invalids, orphans and
(invalizi, orfani i vduve de rzboi) 245 244 242 238 234 233 widows pensioners
Invaliditate 402 399 396 391 381 377 Invalidity
De urma 181 180 180 179 179 178 Survivor pension
1) Cuprind pensiile de asigurri sociale de stat, pensiile din sistemul Ministerului Aprrii Naionale, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne,
Serviciului Romn de Informaii, Secretariatului de Stat pentru Culte i Casei de Asigurri a Avocailor. / Comprise state social insurance
pensioners, pensioners coming from the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Romanian Intelligence Service,
the State Secretariate for Cults and Lawyers Insurance Office.
2) Ajutoare sociale tip pensie, pltite din fondul de asigurri sociale. / Support allowances of pension type, paid from social insurance funds.

Pensionarii de asigurri sociale de stat, dup nivelul pensiei,
la 31 decembrie 2014

6.5 State social insurance pensioners, by level of pension,

on December 31, 2014

Numr pensionari Limit de vrst / Age limit Pensie Invaliditate / Invalidity

asigurri sociale din care: / of which: Pensie anticipat din care: / of which:
Nivelul mediu lunar de stat Cu stagiu complet Cu stagiu incomplet anticipat parial De urma Average montly quantum
al pensiei Number of state Total de cotizare de cotizare Anticipated Partial Total Gradul I Gradul II Gradul III Survivor of the pension
(lei / persoan) social insurance With due With due pension anticipated I degree II degree III degree pension (lei / person)
pensioners complete stage incomplete stage pension

Total 4692074 3360361 2457849 902512 21062 91089 686619 43426 308428 334765 532943 Total

Pn la 100 33216 3331 792 2539 15 104 22443 5981 9100 7362 7323 Under 100
101 - 150 27353 6727 1797 4930 12 84 6179 399 2065 3715 14351 101 - 150
151 - 200 49606 19401 1346 18055 14 167 7604 410 2245 4949 22420 151 - 200
201 - 250 94828 45323 3408 41915 13 403 9892 445 2598 6849 39197 201 - 250
251 - 300 143315 62035 5275 56760 17 1464 17948 492 4187 13269 61851 251 - 300
301 - 350 170593 71138 6510 64628 43 4772 26620 720 7427 18473 68020 301 - 350
351 - 400 195645 81660 8768 72892 50 8481 43265 1400 19743 22122 62189 351 - 400
401 - 450 221502 94344 19224 75120 48 10128 62025 3371 31572 27082 54957 401 - 450
451 - 500 242686 111884 47810 64074 44 9763 72889 5442 35610 31837 48106 451 - 500
501 - 740 1067346 618767 387228 231539 1327 34618 295896 18599 138594 138703 116738 501 - 740
741 - 790 208837 163662 136945 26717 1293 4279 30870 1505 14283 15082 8733 741 - 790
791 - 800 40773 33251 28409 4842 330 775 4967 246 2230 2491 1450 791 - 800
801 - 900 393009 335960 295020 40940 4120 5772 36441 1822 16627 17992 10716 801 - 900
901 - 1000 356452 322188 289911 32277 4105 3399 20230 987 9150 10093 6530 901 - 1000
1001 - 2000 1337275 1282964 1136500 146464 9363 6442 28415 1553 12595 14267 10091 1001 - 2000
2001 - 3000 95097 93394 78001 15393 245 375 836 48 353 435 247 2001 - 3000
3001 - 4000 11442 11288 8628 2660 18 47 71 3 35 33 18 3001 - 4000
4001 - 5000 2199 2160 1622 538 3 13 18 1 11 6 5 4001 - 5000
Peste 5000 900 884 655 229 2 3 10 2 3 5 1 Over 5000

Sursa: Casa Naional de Pensii Publice.

Source: National Public Pension Office.

250 251
6.6 Indicii pensiei medii reale a pensionarilor de asigurri sociale de stat1)
Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners1)
procente / percentage

Anii 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Years

1990 100,0 74,3 63,1 56,3 55,0 61,4 63,1 50,3 49,2 47,2 44,0 46,6 48,2 51,6 57,7 62,3 68,1 83,6 112,1 125,7 122,6 116,8 116,9 117,0 120,5 1990
1991 100,0 85,0 75,8 74,0 82,6 84,9 67,7 66,3 63,5 59,2 62,7 64,8 69,5 77,6 83,9 91,7 112,6 151,0 169,2 165,1 157,3 157,4 157,5 162,2 1991
1992 100,0 89,2 87,1 97,2 99,9 79,7 78,0 74,7 69,7 73,8 76,3 81,8 91,4 98,8 107,9 132,5 177,7 199,1 194,3 185,1 185,2 185,3 190,9 1992
1993 100,0 97,6 109,0 112,0 89,3 87,5 83,8 78,1 82,7 85,5 91,7 102,4 110,7 120,9 148,5 199,2 223,2 217,8 207,5 207,6 207,7 214,0 1993
1994 100,0 111,6 114,7 91,5 89,6 85,8 80,0 84,7 87,6 93,9 104,9 113,4 123,9 152,1 204,0 228,6 223,1 212,6 212,7 212,8 219,2 1994
1995 100,0 102,8 82,0 80,3 76,9 71,6 75,9 78,5 84,1 94,0 101,6 110,9 136,2 182,7 204,8 199,8 190,4 190,5 190,6 196,3 1995
1996 100,0 79,7 78,1 74,8 69,7 73,9 76,4 81,8 91,4 98,8 108,0 132,6 177,8 199,3 194,5 185,3 185,4 185,4 191,0 1996
1997 100,0 97,9 93,8 87,4 92,6 95,8 102,6 114,7 124,0 135,4 166,2 223,0 249,9 243,9 232,3 232,4 232,5 239,6 1997
1998 100,0 95,8 89,3 94,6 97,8 104,8 117,1 126,6 138,3 169,8 227,7 255,2 249,1 237,3 237,4 237,5 244,6 1998
1999 100,0 93,2 98,7 102,1 109,4 122,3 132,2 144,3 177,2 237,7 266,4 260,0 247,7 247,8 247,9 255,4 1999
2000 100,0 105,9 109,5 117,4 131,2 141,8 154,8 190,1 255,1 285,8 278,9 265,7 265,9 266,0 274,0 2000
2001 100,0 103,4 110,8 123,9 133,8 146,2 179,5 240,7 269,8 263,3 250,8 250,9 251,1 258,7 2001
2002 100,0 107,2 119,7 129,4 141,4 173,6 232,8 260,9 254,6 242,7 242,8 242,8 250,1 2002
2003 100,0 111,7 120,7 131,8 161,9 217,3 243,4 237,6 226,4 226,5 226,6 233,4 2003
2004 100,0 108,1 118,0 145,0 194,5 217,9 212,7 202,6 202,7 202,9 208,9 2004
2005 100,0 109,2 134,1 179,8 201,6 196,7 187,4 187,6 187,6 193,2 2005
2006 100,0 122,8 164,6 184,6 180,0 171,6 171,6 171,7 177,0 2006
2007 100,0 134,1 150,3 146,7 139,7 139,8 139,9 144,1 2007
2008 100,0 112,0 109,4 104,2 104,2 104,3 107,5 2008
2009 100,0 97,5 93,0 93,0 93,0 95,8 2009
2010 100,0 95,3 95,3 95,3 98,3 2010
2011 100,0 100,1 100,1 103,1 2011
2012 100,0 100,0 103,0 2012
2013 100,0 103,0 2013
2014 100,0 2014

1) Inclusiv pensiile din sistemul Ministerului Aprrii Naionale, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne i Serviciului Romn de Informaii.
Including the pensions of the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Romanian Intelligence Service system.

6.7 Biletele pentru tratament balnear i odihn acordate prin asigurrile sociale
Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

U.M. / M.U. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Asigurri sociale de stat

State social insurance

Total bilete mii / thou 286,4 169,8 228,5 202,1 189,0 210,0
Total tickets
Tratament balnear mii / thou 214,9 169,8 198,8 202,1 189,0 210,0
Balneary treatment
Odihn mii / thou 71,5 - 29,7 - - -
Cheltuielile efectuate
pentru tratament i odihn1) mii lei 345232,3 239878,9 303598,5 296712,1 291083,0 288616,0
Expenditure for treatment and rest1) lei thou

1) Inclusiv cheltuielile efectuate pentru tratamentul balnear al pensionarilor de asigurri sociale provenii din fostul sistem pentru
agricultori, conform Ordonanei de Urgen a Guvernului nr. 31/1998.
Including social insurance pensioners from the former system for farmers expenses for balneary treatment, according
to Government Priority Ordinance No 31/1998.
Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

252 253
Biletele pentru tratament balnear acordate prin
asigurrile sociale de stat1), pe staiuni balneoclimaterice
Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of
6.8 state social insurance1), by spa
numr bilete / tickets number

Localitatea Judeul 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Total 214901 169816 198810 202143 188803 210359

Amara Ialomia 12187 8447 9561 9705 8762 9046

Bala Mehedini 3221 2385 2693 2463 2112 2271
Bazna Sibiu 878 599 731 697 601 695
Blteti Neam 2170 1737 1897 1759 1511 1569
Bizua Slaj 1247 1052 1173 1098 941 1228
Bughea Arge - - - - - -
Buteni Prahova 226 266 - 329 314 367
Buzia Timi 6290 5337 6150 5749 4938 5737
Cciulata Vlcea 16281 12334 15099 16615 17481 17581
Covasna Covasna 18723 16047 18506 17198 15813 17883
Calacea Timi 547 424 469 461 442 480
Eforie Nord Constana 6452 3167 4173 4786 4341 4423
Eforie Sud Constana 199 220 33 330 269 295
Felix Bihor 19035 15356 16341 16133 15928 18228
Geoagiu Hunedoara 6776 5312 6316 6281 6071 7504
Govora Vlcea 5788 4345 5295 5744 5288 5763
Herculane Cara-Severin 14331 10657 13310 12679 11499 13348
Lacul Srat Brila 7415 5802 7128 6698 6202 7117
1 Mai Bihor 7512 6394 7729 7004 5940 7879
Mamaia Constana - - - 516 796 -
Mangalia Constana 3803 3634 5189 4871 4302 4922
Moneasa Arad 5278 4010 4589 4811 4200 5103
Neptun Constana 420 338 438 643 1630 2065
Nicolina Iai 2537 2202 2538 2247 1998 2836
Ocna ugatag Maramure 1631 1018 1159 1149 1051 1226
Olneti Vlcea 13335 12454 14147 14472 12829 14130
Oneti Bacu - - - - - -
Predeal Braov 930 - - - - -
Pucioasa Dmbovia 5256 4494 5050 4727 4077 4713
Saturn Constana 6223 4460 5851 7403 7087 8519
Srata Monteoru Buzu 3420 2936 4059 4154 3700 4652
Sngeorz-Bi Bistria-Nsud 4905 2685 2733 2898 2294 2038
Sinaia Prahova 1629 1214 951 903 717 554
Slnic Moldova Bacu 3316 2561 2920 2913 2569 2556
Slnic Prahova Prahova 3016 3373 3532 3729 3896 4198
Sovata Mure 7110 5490 6211 6587 6199 6495
Stna de Vale Bihor 158 279 285 344 292 317
Tnad Bihor - 238 310 307 438 681
Tinca Bihor 1088 766 832 858 796 842
Trgu Ocna Bacu 1268 1579 2217 2215 2093 2220
Techirghiol Constana 4943 3010 3308 3782 3406 3760
Turda Cluj 1137 878 1295 1448 1524 1924
Tunad Harghita 5610 4226 4768 4833 4578 5030
Vatra Dornei Suceava 7806 7473 9168 9462 8897 9147
Vlenii de Munte Vlcea - 384 409 540 465 551
Venus Constana - - - 309 263 259
Voineasa Vlcea 804 233 247 293 253 207

1) Pentru pensionari, salariai bugetari i salariai trimii n vederea recuperrii capacitii de munc.
For pensioners, state employees and employees sent for recovering the working capacity.
Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

Beneficii i servicii de asisten social
6.9 Social assistance benefits and services

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014



Alocaia de stat pentru copii 3888014 3892407 3869184 3825080 3779894 3727859
State child allowance
Alocaia familial complementar 548579 604609 - - - -
Complementary family allowance
Alocaia de susinere pentru familia
monoparental 193958 200656 - - - -
Support allowance for mono-parental family
Alocaia pentru susinerea familiei - - 325120 301586 260416 247620
Family allowance
Indemnizaie pentru creterea copilului 181405 196495 196680 160028 142170 139572
Child rearing benefit
Stimulent lunar pentru creterea copilului 14575 9769 8722 5131 274 18
Monthly bonus for child rearing
Stimulent de inserie - - 1566 13754 30506 33641
Insertion bonus
Contribuii pentru asigurrile de sntate
aferente indemnizaiei pentru creterea copilului 184305 199913 193689 162195 144261 143863
Health insurance contributions coresponding
to the indemnity for child rearing
Alocaia pentru copii nou-nscui 196567 128802 - - - -
Allowance for new born children
Trusoul pentru copii nou-nscui 202166 149455 - - - -
Outfits for new born children
Sprijin financiar pentru constituirea familiei 93779 42038 - - - -
Financial aids for family set up
Alocaii de plasament 45436 43779 42697 40810 40352 39165
Allowances for family placement
Ajutoare de urgen - 45 903 63 732 1655
Emergency aid
Ajutoare financiare 1 11 11 9 2 9
Financial aid
Ajutoare sociale pentru asigurarea VMG
(venitului minim garantat) - - 186704 192713 217109 240617
Social aid for ensuring the GMI
(guaranteed minimum income)
Contribuii pentru asigurrile sociale de sntate
aferente ajutorului
social pentru asigurarea VMG (venit minim garantat) - - 184340 194437 221331 240617
Health social insurance contributions for GMI
(guaranteed minimum income) beneficiaries

1) Numr mediu lunar, cu excepia trusoului pentru copii nou-nscui, alocaiei pentru copii nou-nscui, sprijinului financiar pentru
constituirea familiei, contribuiilor pentru asigurarea obligatorie a locuinelor pentru familiile beneficiare de venit minim garantat,
programelor de interes naional, ajutorului pentru acoperirea unei pri din cheltuielile de nmormntare, ajutoarelor de urgen,
ajutoarelor financiare, pentru care se calculeaz numrul total.
The average monthly number, except outfits for new born children, allowance for new born children, financial aids for family set
up, compulsory payment of dwellings insurance of famillies receiving the minimum guaranteed income, programs of national interest,
aid for partial covering of funeral expenses, emergency aid, financial aid wich is calculated in total.
2) MMFPSPV = Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
MLFSPEP = Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

Beneficii i servicii de asisten social - continuare
6.9 Social assistance benefits and services - continued

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Contribuii pentru asigurarea obligatorie

a locuinelor pentru familiile beneficiare de VMG
(venit minim garantat) - - 56368 56859 45541 11974
Compulsory payment of dwellings insurance
for families receiving the GMI
(guaranteed minimum income)

Subvenii pentru asociaii i fundaii 15597 15335 15717 16781 17100 16146
Subsidies for associations and foundations

Programe de interes naional

(numr de obiective de investiii) 27 25 20 24 19 19
Programs of national interest
(number of investment targets)

Finanarea instituiilor de asisten social

sau medico-sociale 61 37 25 10 65 49
Financing social assistance
or medical-social institutions

Ajutorul pentru persoane refugiate 50 40 38 42 152 295

Benefits for refugees

Beneficii i faciliti acordate persoanelor

cu dizabiliti
Benefits and facilities for disabled persons

Sprijin pentru creterea copilului, acordat

persoanelor cu dizabiliti 4374 5785 6703 6995 7873 8497
Support for child rearing granted for persons
with disabilities

Indemnizaia lunar pentru nsoitorii

persoanelor cu dizabilitate vizual grav 45186 44918 44373 43818 43836 43252
Monthly indemnity for the caregiver of the
visually impaired, with major disability

Indemnizaia lunar pentru adulii cu

dizabilitate grav i accentuat 526285 547138 543266 542156 552344 565990
Monthly indemnity for adults
with severe or major disability

Buget complementar pentru persoanele

cu dizabiliti grave, accentuate i medii 635444 663515 661311 658677 671143 681279
Complementary budget for severe,
major or moderate disabled persons

Indemnizaia lunar pentru persoanele

infectate cu HIV sau bolnave de SIDA 6521 6862 7170 7624 8284 8827
Monthly indemnity for persons with HIV/AIDS

Alocaia lunar pentru copiii infectai cu HIV

sau bolnavi de SIDA 267 207 182 176 165 176
Monthly allowance for children

Alocaii de stat pentru copii

cu dizabiliti 3) 54553 60850 58960 58937 60035 59971
State allowances for children
with disabilities 3)

Transport interurban gratuit 89075 75274 90681 114977 109920 107987

Free of charge interurban transport

Dobnzi la credite bancare pentru

cumprarea unui autoturism
adaptat sau pentru adaptarea locuinei 1694 1877 1994 2005 1818 1516
Interests for bank loans to
purchase an adapted car or to adapt
the dwelling
3) Drepturi aferente anului 2010. / Rights for 2010.

Beneficii i servicii de asisten social - continuare
6.9 Social assistance benefits and services - continued

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Ajutorul social pentru asigurarea VMG
(venitului minim garantat) 221603 232366 - - - -
Social aid for ensuring the GMI
(guaranteed minimum income)
Ajutorul pentru acoperirea unei pri
din cheltuielile de nmormntare 5295 4778 2578 2686 2596 2620
Aid for partial covering of funeral
Ajutoare de urgen 37050 54646 77179 127212 77909 82835
Emergency aid
SUME PLTITE (mii lei) / PAID AMOUNTS (lei thou)
MMFPSPV2) 8084016,8 9067407,0 8456894,4 8000089,2 8019182,2 8146442,5
Alocaia de stat pentru copii 2894505,6 2916950,7 2834784,0 2762799 2718491,5 2684862,1
State child allowance
Alocaia familial complementar 405027,8 442171,3 2480,2 - - -
Complementary family allowance
Alocaia de susinere pentru familia
monoparental 180735,4 189034,9 1252,6 - - -
Support allowance for mono-parental
Indemnizaie pentru creterea
copilului 1737806,5 2212724,8 2176419,0 1760287,1 1534501,9 1552480,6
Child rearing benefit
Stimulent lunar pentru creterea
copilului 18716,4 12256,6 10915,2 6101,3 149,7 6,3
Monthly bonus for child rearing
Stimulent de inserie - - 9282,8 91921,9 189399,0 207874,7
Insertion bonus
Alocaia pentru susinerea familiei - - 223287,2 216861,4 215062,0 260682,7
Family allowance
Ajutoare de nclzire cu energie
termic furnizat n sistem
centralizat 140241,3 133318,6 76809,7 100223,8 84721,3 50383,9
Benefits for thermal energy provided
by district heating grid
Ajutoare de nclzire cu gaze
naturale 297576,8 257763,9 147244,7 121142,8 103716,9 80588,7
Benefits for natural gas heating

2) MMFPSPV = Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.

MLFSPEP = Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

Beneficii i servicii de asisten social - continuare
6.9 Social assistance benefits and services - continued
mii lei / lei thou

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Ajutoare de nclzire cu lemne, crbuni
sau combustibil petrolier 52413,4 466217,2 219190,7 145232,3 179992,6 91165,3
Benefits for wood, coal or petroleum fuels
Ajutoare de nclzire cu energie electric - - - - 28,9 4465,5
Electric power heating aid
Ajutoare sociale pentru asigurarea VMG
(venitului minim garantat) - - 387030,6 414292,3 533372,7 662894,3
Social aid for ensuring the GMI
(guaranteed minimum income)
Contribuii pentru asigurrile de sntate
aferente beneficiarilor
de VMG (venit minim garantat) - - 20051,5 22934,9 31201,1 36361,8
Health social insurance contributions for GMI
(guaranteed minimum income) beneficiaries
Contribuii pentru asigurarea obligatorie
a locuinelor pentru familiile
beneficiare de VMG (venit minim garantat) - - 3363,9 3499,3 2639,5 650,1
Compulsory payment of dwellings insurance
for families receiving social benefit for ensuring
the GMI (minimum guaranteed income)
Contribuii pentru asigurrile de sntate
aferente indemnizaiei pentru creterea
copilului 94034,1 122718,7 121140,0 97950,6 85489,1 86614,2
Health insurance contributions coresponding
to the indemnity for child rearing
Alocaia pentru copii nou-nscui 44448,7 29633,8 - - - -
Allowance for new born children
Trusoul pentru copii nou-nscui 30311,0 22508,2 6,33) - - -
Outfits for new born children
Sprijin financiar pentru constituirea familiei 78231,9 35819,2 55,93) - - -
Financial aids for family set up
Alocaii de plasament 57501,3 55648,2 53300,8 53002,9 51833,3 71387,8
Allowances for family placement
Ajutoare de urgen - 220,6 6875,9 182,8 2046,4 3866,1
Emergency aid
Ajutoare financiare 1304,0 1351,0 1388,6 1433,1 1475,6 1523,0
Financial aid
Subvenii pentru asociaii i fundaii 18881,4 19279,7 23280,1 26342,5 28288,9 27317,2
Subsidies for associations and foundations
Programe de interes naional
(numr de obiective de investiii) 5532,9 1285,1 4556,7 11549,3 13788,0 12006,8
Programs of national interest (number
of investment targets)
Finanarea instituiilor de asisten social
sau medico-sociale 27209,7 22858,4 9460,1 4730,1 19400,0 16365,1
Financing social assistance
or medical-social institutions
Ajutorul pentru persoane refugiate 330,4 218,2 207,4 244,1 796,0 1836,0
Benefits for refugees
3) Drepturi aferente anului 2010. / Rights for 2010.

Beneficii i servicii de asisten social - continuare
6.9 Social assistance benefits and services - continued
mii lei / lei thou

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Prestaii i faciliti acordate persoanelor

cu dizabiliti 1999208,2 2125427,9 2124510,5 2159357,9 2222787,8 2293110,3
Benefits and facilities for disabled

Sprijin pentru creterea copilului acordat

persoanelor cu dizabiliti 20583,0 27088,0 30601,7 31760,4 34900,1 37356,0
Support for child rearing granted for
persons with disabilities

Indemnizaia nsoitor pentru adultul

nevztor 242976,1 265306,0 273003,0 287746,5 316016,2 331200,3
Indemnity of caregiver for blind adult

Indemnizaia lunar pentru adulii

cu dizabilitate grav i accentuat 1103294,9 1165989,9 1156708,6 1161136,4 1181430,9 1213394,8
Monthly indemnity for adults with
severe or major disability

Buget complementar pentru persoanele

cu dizabilitate grav,
accentuat i medie 537692,3 568283,8 564387,0 565956,7 576027,1 593355,6
Complementary budget for severe, major
and moderate disabled persons

Indemnizaia lunar pentru persoanele

infectate cu HIV sau bolnave de SIDA 30751,1 32550,2 34104,4 36269,9 38827,4 41819,1
Monthly indemnity for persons

Alocaia lunar pentru copiii infectai cu HIV

sau bolnavi de SIDA 934,0 695,3 661,7 670,5 676,8 653,4
Monthly allowance for children

Transport interurban gratuit 56030,2 59048,2 59416,9 70865,6 71069,1 72443,5

Free of charge interurban transport

Dobnzi la credite bancare pentru

cumprarea unui autoturism adaptat
sau pentru adaptarea locuinei 6946,6 6466,5 5627,2 4951,9 3840,2 2887,6
Interests for bank loans to
purchase an adapted car or
to adapt the dwelling


Ajutoare sociale pentru asigurarea VMG

(venitului minim garantat) 414584,3 479099,1 - - - -
Social aid for ensuring the GMI
(guaranteed minimum income)

Ajutorul pentru acoperirea unei pri

din cheltuielile de nmormntare 2125,9 2207,0 1455,8 1447,7 1518,9 1545,2
Aid for partial covering of funeral expenses

Ajutoare de urgen 16470,8 29096,5 32708,9 44938,3 24295,5 28527,8

Emergency aid

Numrul centrelor de plasament funcionale i
al serviciilor alternative (la sfritul anului)
Number of functional placement centers and
6.10 of alternative services (end of year)
numr / number

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Centre de plasament / Placement centers 1593 1554 1546 1566 1532 1513
Publice / Public 1217 1193 1190 1210 1177 1153
Private / Private 376 361 356 356 355 360

Servicii alternative la instituii de tip rezidenial clasic dezvoltate

de serviciile publice specializate pentru protecia copilului 1) 946 945 960 1001 1110 1152
Alternative services in classic residential type institutions
developed by specialized public services for child protection 1)
Centre maternale 63 63 60 62 56 54
Maternal centers
Centre/servicii de ngrijire de zi 317 295 287 309 331 360
Centers/services of day care
Servicii de asisten i sprijin a tinerilor de peste 18 ani care urmeaz
o form de educaie colar 20 21 20 23 21 22
Assistance and support services for youngsters of over 18 years of age
who attend a type of school education
Centre/servicii de consiliere i sprijin pentru prini 62 62 58 56 63 63
Counseling and support centers/services for parents
Servicii de prevenire a abandonului copilului n perioada preconceptiv 3 3 3 1 - -
Services for prevention of child abandon in pre-conceptive period
Servicii de monitorizare, asisten i sprijin al femeii gravide predispus
la abandonul copilului 8 8 8 9 6 6
Services for monitoring, assistance and support for the pregnant woman
prone to child abandon
Centre de pregtire i sprijinire a reintegrrii i integrrii copilului n familie 13 18 14 14 14 13
Centers of training and support for re-integration and integration for the
child in the family
Centre/servicii de ngrijire de zi i recuperare pentru copilul cu
dizabiliti/nevoi speciale 170 177 165 166 180 189
Centers/services of day care and recuperation for the disabled/
special needs child
Centre de asisten i sprijin pentru readaptare psihologic a copilului cu
probleme psihosociale 5 5 6 6 5 5
Centers for assistance and support for psychological re-adaptation of the
child with psycho-social problems
Servicii de orientare, supraveghere i sprijinire a reintegrrii sociale
a copilului delicvent 18 19 17 17 13 10
Services of orientation, surveillance and support for the social re-integration
of the delinquent child
Centre de consiliere i sprijin pentru copilul maltratat, abuzat, neglijat 8 6 7 6 6 8
Centers of counseling and support for the maltreated, abused and
neglected child
Servicii de orientare, supraveghere i sprijinire a copiilor strzii 12 12 10 10 13 10
Services of orientation, surveillance and support for the street children
Servicii/centre pentru copiii strzii 23 27 31 31 32 30
Services/centers for the street children
Centre pentru mam i copil supui violenei domestice 7 6 7 7 6 5
Centers for the mother and child under domestic violence
Servicii mobile de terapie i sprijin pentru copii cu dizabiliti din
asistena maternal 6 6 10 10 11 11
Mobile services of therapy and support for disabled children from the
maternal assistance

Alte servicii nespecificate 211 217 257 274 353 366

Other non-specified services
1) Inclusiv serviciile de ngrijire zi aflate n subordinea consiliilor locale ale Direciei Generale de Asisten Social i Protecia Copilului
i ale organizailor private acreditate.
There are including day care services under subordination of local councils General Department of Social Assistance
and Child Protection and certified private organisations.
Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice - Direcia Protecia Copilului.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons - Department for Child Protection.

Numrul copiilor din centrele de plasament,
pe grupe de vrst (la sfritul anului)
Number of children from placement centers,
6.11 by age groups (end of year)
numr / number

Centre de plasament
Total Placement centers
Publice Private
Public Private
2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

Numrul copiilor n Number of

centrele de children from
plasament 22798 22189 21540 18793 18148 17453 4005 4041 4087 placement centers
din care, pe grupe of which,
de vrst by age groups
(ani mplinii): (years):
sub 1 an 261 282 258 257 273 251 4 9 7 under 1 year
1 - 2 ani 454 473 458 421 425 409 33 48 49 1 - 2 years
3 - 6 ani 2141 2147 2032 1702 1687 1570 439 460 462 3 - 6 years
7 - 9 ani 3065 2980 2898 2415 2307 2208 650 673 690 7 - 9 years
10 - 13 ani 6159 6073 5861 4926 4839 4645 1233 1234 1216 10 - 13 years
14 - 17 ani 6759 6807 7019 5697 5742 5836 1062 1065 1183 14 - 17 years
peste 18 ani 3959 3427 3014 3375 2875 2534 584 552 480 over 18 years

Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice - Direcia Protecia Copilului.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons - Department for Child Protection.

Unitile din nvmntul special (la nceputul anului colar)

6.12 Units from special education (at the beginning of the school year)
numr / number

Tipuri de uniti colare 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/

Type of school units 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Total 170 166 160 151 158 148

Grdinie speciale 13 11 13 7 8 6
Special kindergartens
coli primare i gimnaziale speciale 105 106 99 99 100 95
Special primary and secondary schools
Licee speciale 41 45 43 43 46 45
Special high schools
coli profesionale speciale 11 4 5 2 4 2
Special vocational schools

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra unitilor colare din nvmntul special.

Source: Statistical survey on special education units.

Minorii cu deficiene din instituiile de asisten social pentru persoanele
adulte cu dizabiliti1) (la sfritul anului)

6.13 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions
for disabled adult persons1) (end of year)
persoane / persons
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Instituii publice de asisten social
pentru adultul cu dizabiliti 121 72 46 37 37 25
Social assitance public institutions 1)
for disabled adult

Centre de recuperare i reabilitare 2) 121 72 46 37 37 25

Recovery and rehabilitation centers 2)

1) Fostele uniti ale Autoritii Naionale pentru Persoanele cu Handicap, pn n anul 2009.
Until 2009, former units of the National Authority for Disabled People.
Includ: Centre rezideniale: centre de ngrijire i asisten, centre pilot de recuperare i reabilitare pentru persoanele cu dizabiliti,
centre de recuperare i reabilitare pentru persoanele cu dizabiliti, centre de recuperare i reabilitare neuropsihiatric, locuine
protejate, centre respiro, centre de criz, centre de pregtire pentru o via independent.
Centre nerezideniale (n regim de zi): centre de zi, centre cu profil ocupaional, centre de servicii de recuperare neuromotorie
de tip ambulatoriu, echipa mobil, centre de consiliere psihosocial, centre de recuperare i integrare social.
Including: Residential centers: Disabled people care and assistance centers, recovery and rehabilitation pilot centers for disabled
persons, recovery and rehabilitation centers for disabled persons, neuropsihiatric recovery and rehabilitation centers, protected
dwellings, respiro centers, crises centers, independent life training centers.
Non-residential centers (day regime): day centers, occupational profile centers, neuromotor recovery centers of ambulatory type,
paramedic, psychosocial counseling centers, recovery and social integration centers.
Sursa: Direciile Generale de Asisten Social i Protecia Copilului judeene i ale sectoarelor Municipiului Bucureti.
Source: General country and Bucharest sectors department of social assistance and child protection.

Copiii i elevii din nvmntul special,

dup nivelul de educaie i pe vrste (la nceputul anului colar)

6.14 Children and pupils from special education,

by level of education and by age (at the beginning of the school year)

2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 2014/ 2015

Primar i Primar i Primar i Primar i
Vrsta Precolar gimnazial Liceal Profesional Postliceal Precolar gimnazial Liceal Profesional Postliceal Precolar gimnazial Liceal Profesional Postliceal Precolar gimnazial Liceal Profesional Postliceal Age
Pre-school Primary and High Vocational Post high Pre-school Primary and High Vocational Post high Pre-school Primary and High Vocational Post high Pre-school Primary and High Vocational Post high
secondary school school secondary school school secondary school school secondary school school

Total 2324 16165 4345 2094 210 2039 16609 5819 1628 263 1956 17154 4934 820 323 1739 17621 3964 1309 343 Total
3 ani 223 - - - - 214 - - - - 176 - - - - 157 - - - - 3 years
4 ani 360 - - - - 362 - - - - 343 - - - - 282 - - - - 4 years
5 ani 577 - - - - 529 - - - - 475 - - - - 428 - - - - 5 years
6 ani 542 40 - - - 524 189 - - - 463 189 - - - 872 217 - - - 6 years
7 ani 622 484 - - - 410 562 - - - 499 669 - - - - 625 - - - 7 years
8 ani - 875 - - - - 1085 - - - - 1054 - - - - 1097 - - - 8 years
9 ani - 1251 - - - - 1288 - - - - 1404 - - - - 1365 - - - 9 years
10 ani - 1551 - - - - 1507 - - - - 1516 - - - - 1677 - - - 10 years
11 ani - 1661 - - - - 1697 - - - - 1688 - - - - 1763 - - - 11 years
12 ani - 2467 - - - - 1945 - - - - 1929 - - - - 1930 - - - 12 years
13 ani - 1672 - - - - 2022 - - - - 2032 - - - - 2171 - - - 13 years
14 ani - 1923 128 - - - 2157 169 4 - - 2417 156 3 - - 2448 82 37 - 14 years
15 ani - 1535 634 - - - 1478 849 30 - - 1451 676 43 - - 1560 383 213 - 15 years
16 ani - 2706 984 1 - - 1107 1321 50 - - 1056 1068 70 - - 1021 801 211 - 16 years
17 ani - - 1056 60 - - 714 1414 99 - - 699 1134 93 - - 720 932 196 - 17 years
18 ani 18 years
i peste - - 1543 2033 210 - 858 2066 1445 263 - 1050 1900 611 323 - 1027 1766 652 343 and over

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra unitilor colare din nvmntul special.

Source: Statistical survey on special education units.

262 263
Elevii din nvmntul special, primar i gimnazial,
pe tipuri de uniti (la nceputul anului colar)
Pupils from special, primary and secondary education,
6.15 by type of units (at the beginning of the school year)
persoane / persons

Tipuri de uniti colare 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/

Type of school units 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Total 16308 16341 16165 16609 17154 17621

coli speciale (debili mintal) 10206 10402 9622 9766 9455 8417
Special schools (mentally defective children)
coli speciale pentru deficiene de vz 622 626 602 552 558 494
Special schools for sight deficiencies
coli speciale pentru deficiene de auz 1386 1313 1378 1346 1392 1373
Special schools for hearing deficiencies
Centre colare speciale 1137 1172 1525 1302 1021 1148
Special school type centers
Centre de educaie special 960 1017 1288 2151 3098 4293
Special education centers
Clase speciale integrate n nvmntul obinuit 956 817 734 608 623 632
Special classes integrated into usual education
coli pentru alte deficiene fizice i intelectuale 1) 889 750 708 668 879 980
Schools for other physical and intelectual
Cmine i coli speciale pentru deficiene mintale severe 2) 152 244 308 216 128 284
Hostels and special schools for severe mental deficiencies 2)
1) coli speciale pentru deficiene motorii, coli speciale pentru comportamentali (socio-afectivi), centre de pedagogie curativ i terapie
social, coli speciale de reeducare.
Special schools for motor deficiencies, special schools for socio-affective behaviour, centers of curative pedagogy and social therapy,
special schools for rehabilitation.
2) n perioada 2009-2013, datele sunt aferente cminelor coal pentru debili mintali, iar pentru anul colar 2014/2015, datele se refer
la coli speciale pentru deficiene mintale severe.
For the 2009-2013 period, the data refer to hostels schools mentally defective children and for the school year 2014/2015 the data
refer to special schools for sever mintally deficiencies.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra unitilor colare din nvmntul special. / Source: Statistical survey on special education units.

Instituii de asisten social pentru persoanele adulte cu dizabiliti

(la sfritul anului)
Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons
6.16 (end of year)

Personal / Staff
Tipul unitii Medico-sanitar
Type of units i de recuperare Administrativ
Uniti Aduli asistai Medical-sanitary Administrative
Units Assisted adults and recovering

2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Total 392 408 18755 19850 7197 8883 4579 3805

Centre de ngrijire i asisten 1) 110 110 6444 6270 2647 3438 1885 1690
Care and assistance centers 1)

Centre de integrare prin terapie ocupaional 1) 19 17 1301 919 335 314 368 159
Centers for integration through occupational therapy 1)
Centre de recuperare i reabilitare 263 281 11010 12661 4215 5131 2326 1956
Recovery and rehabilitation centers 2)
1) Instituiile de protecie social pentru persoane adulte cu dizabiliti aflate n coordonarea metodologic a Ministerului Muncii, Familiei,
Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice.
Social protection institutions for adult disabled persons, under the methodological coordination of the Ministry of Labour, Family,
Social Protection and Elderly Persons.
2) Includ: Centre rezideniale: centre de ngrijire i asisten, centre pilot de recuperare i reabilitare pentru persoanele cu dizabiliti,
centre de recuperare i reabilitare pentru persoanele cu dizabiliti, centre de recuperare i reabilitare neuropsihiatric, locuine
protejate, centre respiro, centre de criz, centre de pregtire pentru o via independent.
Centre nerezideniale (n regim de zi): centre de zi, centre cu profil ocupaional, centre de servicii de recuperare neuromotorie
de tip ambulatoriu, echipa mobil, centre de consiliere psihosocial, centre de recuperare i integrare social.
Including: Residential centers: Disabled people care and assistance centers, recovery and rehabilitation pilot centers for disabled
persons, recovery and rehabilitation centers for disabled persons, neuropsihiatric recovery and rehabilitation centers, protected
dwellings, respiro centers, crises centers, independent life training centers.
Non-residential centers (day regime): day centers, occupational profile centers, neuromotor recovery centers of ambulatory type,
paramedic, psychosocial counseling centers, recovery and social integration centers.
Sursa: Direciile Generale de Asisten Social i Protecia Copilului judeene i ale sectoarelor Municipiului Bucureti.
Source: General county and Bucharest sectors department of social assitance and child protection.

Cmine pentru persoane vrstnice (la sfritul anului)
6.17 Hostels for elderly persons (end of year)
persoane / persons

Tipul unitii 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Type of unit

1. n subordinea autoritilor locale 1)

Subordinated to local authorities 1)

Numr de uniti 57 55 62 71 69 74
Number of units
Capacitatea (numr locuri) 4273 4412 4424 5206 4937 5205
Capacity (number of beds)
Numr mediu lunar de beneficiari 3935 3898 3636 4434 4211 4424
Monthly average number of beneficiaries
Numr cereri n ateptare 1024 886 765 955 831 850
Number of pending applications
2. n subordinea consiliilor judeene
Subordinated to county councils 2)

Numr de uniti 41 33 33 37 34 31
Number of units
Capacitatea (numr locuri) 2304 2026 1976 2648 2004 1814
Capacity (number of beds)
Numr mediu lunar de beneficiari 1940 1689 1575 2051 1550 1468
Monthly average number of beneficiaries
Numr cereri n ateptare 606 365 190 193 351 57
Number of pending applications
3. Cmine publice - total (1 + 2)
Public hostels - total

Numr de uniti 98 88 95 108 103 105

Number of units
Capacitatea (numr locuri) 6577 6438 6400 7854 6941 7019
Capacity (number of beds)
Numr mediu lunar de beneficiari 5875 5587 5211 6485 5761 5892
Monthly average number of beneficiaries
Numr cereri n ateptare 1630 1251 955 1148 1182 907
Number of pending applications
4. Cmine private
Private hostels

Numr de uniti 51 63 80 95 126 141

Number of units
Capacitatea (numr locuri) 1690 2160 3061 3730 5075 5601
Capacity (number of beds)
Numr mediu lunar de beneficiari 1504 1957 2668 3057 4064 4657
Monthly average number of beneficiaries
Numr cereri n ateptare 1096 1583 2102 1461 1754 1472
Number of pending applications
5. Total cmine publice i private (3 + 4)
Total public and private hostels

Numr de uniti 149 151 175 203 229 246

Number of units
Capacitatea (numr locuri) 8267 8598 9461 11584 12016 12620
Capacity (number of beds)
Numr mediu lunar de beneficiari 7379 7544 7879 9542 9826 10549
Monthly average number of beneficiaries
Numr cereri n ateptare 2726 2834 3057 2609 2936 2379
Number of pending applications

1) Municipii, orae, comune. / Municipalities, cities, communes.

2) Direciile Generale de Asisten Social i Protecia Copilului Judeene i ale sectoarelor Municipiului Bucureti.
General country and Bucharest sectors department of social assistance and child protection.

Numrul beneficiarilor din sistemul de protecie a copilului aflat n dificultate
6.18 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty
persoane / persons

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Numr de copii beneficiari ai activitilor

de prevenire (date cumulate pe an) 44008 49331 43621 47107 48370 51673
Number of children beneficiaries of
preventive activities (data cumulated by year)

Numr de copii aflai n ngrijire de tip

familial definitiv (date cumulate pe an) 5722 5924 4962 5285 4563 4818
Number of children under final care of
family type (data cumulated by year)
prin integrare n familia natural 4506 4567 3805 4298 3813 3763
by integration in natural family
prin adopii definitive i irevocabile 1216 1357 1157 987 750 1055
by final and irrevocable adoptions
naionale 1216 1357 1157 987 743 1041
internaionale - - - - 7 14

Numr de copii aflai n ngrijire de tip

familial temporar (la sfritul anului) 43816 42438 41127 39064 38182 37486
Number of children under temporary care of
family type (end of year)
la rude pn la gradul IV 19067 17969 17006 15857 14899 13819
relatives up to fourth level
la alte familii / persoane 3783 3889 3967 3858 3970 4021
other families / persons
ncredinai n vederea adopiei 331 663 678 206 293 848
custody for adoption
la asistent maternal 20635 19917 19476 19143 19020 18798
maternal assistant
al serviciilor publice specializate 20519 19829 19388 19059 18947 18726
public specialised services
al organizaiilor private autorizate 116 88 88 84 73 72
private authorised organisations

Numr de copii protejai n centrele

de plasament (la sfritul anului) 23696 23103 23240 22798 22189 21540
Number of children protected in placement
centers (end of year)
n centrele de plasament ale serviciilor publice
specializate 19525 19126 19215 18793 18148 17453
placement centers of public specialised services
n centrele de plasament ale organizaiilor
private autorizate 4171 3977 4025 4005 4041 4087
placement centers of private authorised

Numrul copiilor dezinstituionalizai 6170 6472 5626 6049 5399 5027

Number of disinstitutionalised children
reintegrai n familia natural 2730 2898 2526 2877 2636 2635
reintegrated in their maternal family
adopia definitiv i irevocabil internaional - - - - - 2
peremptory international adoption
mplinirea vrstei de 18/26 ani 1809 1841 1565 1862 1797 1599
getting 18/26 years of age
declinare de competene, alte cauze 1631 1733 1535 1310 966 791
competence decline, other causes

Sursa: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice - Direcia Protecia Copilului i Autoritatea Naional
pentru Protecia Drepturilor Copilului i Adopie.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons - Department for Child Protection and National Authority
for Child Protection and Adoption.

Persoane cu dizabiliti asistate n instituiile publice de asisten social pentru
persoanele adulte cu dizabiliti1), la 31 decembrie 2014
Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for
6.19 disabled adult persons1), on December 31, 2014

Persoane adulte (numr) din care, n:

Adult persons (number) of which, in:
Tipuri de deficiene Centre de Centre de integrare Centre de
Type of deficiency n % fa ngrijire prin terapie recuperare
Total de total i asisten ocupaional i reabilitare 2)
In % as Care and Centers for integration Recovery and
against total assistance through occupational rehabilitation
centers therapy centers2)

Total 19850 100,0 6270 919 12661

Fizic 2409 12,1 828 12 1569


Somatic 657 3,3 306 5 346


Auditiv 126 0,6 49 6 71


Vizual 610 3,1 279 5 326


Mintal 9768 49,2 3006 697 6065


Neuropsihic 4076 20,5 1046 83 2947


Dizabilitate sever (asociat) 2103 10,6 713 109 1281

Severe disabled (asociated)

Boli rare3) 92 0,5 41 2 49

Uncommon sickness3)

Surdocecitate 9 0,1 2 - 7

1) n subordinea Consiliilor Judeene/Sectoarelor Municipiului Bucureti i n coordonarea metodologic a Ministerului Muncii,

Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i Persoanelor Vrstnice, pe tipuri de deficiene.
Subordinated to County/Bucharest Councils and under Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons
methodological subordination, by type of deficiency.
2) Includ: Centre rezideniale: centre de ngrijire i asisten, centre pilot de recuperare i reabilitare pentru persoanele cu dizabiliti,
centre de recuperare i reabilitare pentru persoanele cu dizabiliti, centre de recuperare i reabilitare neuropsihiatric, locuine
protejate, centre respiro, centre de criz, centre de pregtire pentru o via independent.
Centre nerezideniale (n regim de zi): centre de zi, centre cu profil ocupaional, centre de servicii de recuperare neuromotorie
de tip ambulatoriu, echipa mobil, centre de consiliere psihosocial, centre de recuperare i integrare social.
Including: Residential centers: Disabled people care and assistance centers, recovery and rehabilitation pilot centers for disabled
persons, recovery and rehabilitation centers for disabled persons, neuropsihiatric recovery and rehabilitation centers, protected
dwellings, respiro centers, crises centers, independent life training centers.
Non-residential centers (day regime): day centers, occupational profile centers, neuromotor recovery centers of ambulatory type,
paramedic, psychosocial counseling centers, recovery and social integration centers.
3) Bolile rare cuprind: boli rare i HIV/SIDA. / Uncommon sickness comprise: uncommon sickness and AIDS.
Sursa: Direciile Generale de Asisten Social i Protecia Copilului Judeene i ale Sectoarelor Municipiului Bucureti.
Source: General county and Bucharest sectors department of social assitance and child protection.

Veniturile i cheltuielile de protecie social1)
6.20 Income and expenditure of social protection1)

U.M. / M.U. 20092) 20102) 20112) 20122) 2013

Venituri milioane lei 78602 85071 90261 92826 93894

Income lei million
Cheltuieli milioane lei 85223 92390 92653 91446 94136
Expenditure lei million
Sold (+/-) milioane lei -6621 -7319 -2392 1380 -242
Balance (+/-) lei million
Ponderea cheltuielilor n
Produsul Intern Brut % 17,2 17,6 16,6 15,3 14,8
Weight of expenditure in
Gross Domestic Product
1) Conform metodologiei europene ESSPROS pentru statisticile privind protecia social.
According to ESSPROS European methodology for social protection statistics.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior; datele pentru Produsul intern brut au fost calculate conform metodologiei
Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 2010.
Rectified data as against those previously published; the data for the Gross domestic product were calculated according
to the methodology of European System of Accounts (ESA) - 2010.
Sursa: Colectarea naional de date conform metodologiei europene ESSPROS.
Source: National data collection, according to ESSPROS European methodology.

Cheltuielile de protecie social1), pe categorii de cheltuieli

i pe funcii de protecie social, n anul 2013
Expenditure of social protection1), by category of expenditure
6.21 and by functions of social protection, in 2013
milioane lei / lei million
Funcii de protecie social
Functions of social protection
Categorii de cheltuieli Boal/
Expenditure category Total ngrijirea Limit Familie/ Excluziune
sntii Invaliditate de vrst Urma Copii omaj Locuin social
Sickness/ Disability Old age Survivor Family/ Unemployment Housing Social
Health care Children exclusion

Total cheltuieli de
protecie social 94136 - - - - - - - -
Total expenditure
of social protection

Cheltuieli cu
prestaiile sociale 2) 92297 24846 7193 46261 4356 7478 1003 117 1044
Expenditure for social
protection benefits 2)
Independente de un
prag al venitului 88726 24837 7104 45789 3926 7070 - - -
Non-means tested
din care: / of which:
n numerar 62135 1345 6423 45551 3926 4890 - - -
In cash
n natur 26591 23492 681 238 - 2180 - - -
In kind
Dependente de un
prag al venitului 3572 9 89 472 430 408 1003 117 1044
din care: / of which:
n numerar 3120 - 76 336 428 357 962 - 961
In cash
n natur 452 9 13 136 2 51 41 117 83
In kind
Costuri administrative 1808 - - - - - - - -
Administrative costs
Alte cheltuieli 30 - - - - - - - -
Other expenditure

1) Conform metodologiei europene ESSPROS, pentru statisticile privind protecia social.

According to ESSPROS European methodology for social protection statistics.
2) Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
Sursa: Colectarea naional de date asupra statisticii proteciei sociale, conform metodologiei europene ESSPROS.
Source: National data collection on social protection statistics, according to ESSPROS European methodology.
Ponderea cheltuielilor din cadrul fiecrei funcii de prestaie social1),
n totalul cheltuielilor cu prestaiile sociale i n Produsul Intern Brut
Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit1),
6.22 in total expenditure of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product
procente / percentage

Funciile de prestaie social 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Function of social benefit

n procente fa de totalul cheltuielilor

cu prestaiile sociale 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
In % as against total expenditure
of social benefits

Boal / ngrijirea sntii 24,5 25,22) 24,62) 26,62) 27,0

Sickness / Health care

Invaliditate 9,52) 9,1 8,82) 8,22) 7,8


Limit de vrst 47,22) 46,32) 48,42) 49,52) 50,1

Old age

Urma 4,62) 4,5 4,52) 4,7 4,7


Familie / Copii 10,22) 9,82) 10,52) 8,6 8,1

Family / Children

omaj 2,4 3,2 1,6 1,1 1,1


Locuin 0,22) 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1


Excluziune social 1,4 1,8 1,52) 1,2 1,1

Social exclusion

n procente fa de Produsul Intern Brut 17,02) 17,52) 16,52) 15,12) 14,5

In % as against Gross Domestic Product

Boal / ngrijirea sntii 4,2 4,4 4,1 4,02) 3,9

Sickness / Health care

Invaliditate 1,6 1,6 1,5 1,22) 1,1


Limit de vrst 8,0 8,12) 8,02) 7,52) 7,2

Old age

Urma 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,7 0,7


Familie / Copii 1,82) 1,7 1,72) 1,3 1,2

Family / Children

omaj 0,4 0,6 0,3 0,2 0,2


Locuin 3) 3) 3) 3) 3)

Excluziune social 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2

Social exclusion

1) Conform metodologiei europene ESSPROS, pentru statisticile privind cheltuielile cu prestaiile sociale.
According to ESSPROS European methodology, for statistics on social benefits expenditure.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior; datele pentru Produsul intern brut au fost calculate conform metodologiei
Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 2010.
Rectified data as against those previously published; the data for the Gross domestic product were calculated according
to the methodology of European System of Accounts (ESA) - 2010.
3) Sub 0,003. / Under 0.003.
Sursa: Colectarea naional de date asupra statisticii proteciei sociale conform metodologiei europene ESSPROS.
Source: National data collection, on social protection statistics, according to ESSPROS European methodology.



7.1 Unitile sanitare, pe forme de proprietate .............. 278 Sanitary units, by type of ownership
7.2 Personalul medico-sanitar ........................................ 280 Medical-sanitary staff
7.3 Paturile din unitile sanitare .................................... 281 Beds from sanitary units
7.4 Paturile de spital aferente Hospital beds related
specialitilor medicale ............................................. 281 to medical specialities
7.5 Cazuri noi de mbolnvire prin unele boli New cases of infectious
infecioase i parazitare ........................................... 282 and parasitic diseases
7.6 Cazuri noi de mbolnvire, pe clase de boli, New cases of illness, by disease classes,
declarate de medicii de familie ................................ 283 declared by family doctors
7.7 Distribuia cazurilor de SIDA nregistrate, Breakdown of registered AIDS cases, by age
pe grupe de vrst, sexe i cale de transmitere ...... 284 group, sex and way of transmission
7.8 Repartizarea persoanelor admise la tratament, Breakdown of persons admitted for treatment,
ca urmare a consumului de droguri, pe sexe, following drugs consumption, by sex,
grupe de vrst i tipuri de droguri .......................... 286 age group and drug type
7.9 Numrul pacienilor ieii din spital, Number of patients out of hospital,
pe clase de boli ........................................................ 287 by disease classes
7.10 Asistena medical de urgen ................................. 288 Emergency medical assistance
7.11 Activitatea de recoltare i conservare a sngelui ........ 288 Blood collecting and preserving

Teritorial Territorial

7.12 Unitile sanitare, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ............ Sanitary units, at territorial level, in 2014
7.13 Paturile din spitale i personalul medico-sanitar, Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ......................................... at territorial level, in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Cercetri statistice realizate n unitile sanitare. Statistical surveys carried out in sanitary units.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

Ministerul Sntii, pentru datele privind: numrul Ministry of Health, for data on: the number of new
cazurilor noi de mbolnvire, numrul pacienilor cases of diseases; the number of discharged
ieii din spital, pentru anii 2008 i 2009; activitatea patients for 2008 and 2009; blood collecting and
de recoltare i conservare a sngelui; distribuia preserving; breakdown of registered AIDS cases;
cazurilor de SIDA nregistrate;
coala Naional de Sntate Public, Management National School of Public Health, Management and
i Perfecionare n Domeniul Sanitar, pentru datele Professional Development in Health Care for data
privind numrul pacienilor ieii din spital, ncepnd on the number of discharged patients, beginning
cu anul 2010. with 2010.


Reeaua unitilor sanitare este urmrit att pentru The network of sanitary units is observed both for
sectorul majoritar de stat, ct i pentru cel privat, datele the public majority sector and the private one, the data
reflectnd situaia nregistrat la sfritul anului. Tabelul reflecting the situation registered at the end of the year.
privind ,,cazurile noi de mbolnvire pe clase de boli, The table concerning new cases of illness, by disease
declarate de medicii de familie se refer numai la classes declared by family doctors, refer only to the
datele raportate de medicii de familie care au contract cu data reported by family doctors that have contracts with
Casa Naional de Asigurri de Sntate. Datele din the National House of Health Insurance. Data in the table
tabelul privind ,,numrul pacienilor ieii din spital, pe concerning number of discharged patients by
clase de boli, se refer la unitile din sectorul public i disease classes, refer both to the public and the private
privat. n numrul pacienilor externai nu sunt inclui sectors units. The total number of discharged patients
pacienii externai din cauze externe de morbiditate, does not include the discharges from external causes of
factori care influeneaz starea de sntate i din alte morbidity, factors influencing health status and contact
motive ale apelrii la serviciile de sntate. with health services.
n numrul unitilor sanitare nu sunt incluse The number of sanitary units does not include
cabinetele medicale din structura proprie a spitalelor, a offices from own structure of: hospitals, medical civil
societilor medicale civile, a policlinicilor, centrelor de societies, polyclinics, diagnosis and curative centers,
diagnostic i tratament, centrelor medicale de specialitate, health specialized centers, integrated ambulatories of
ambulatoriilor integrate spitalelor i de specialitate, a the hospitals and specialized ambulatories, health care
centrelor de sntate, a societilor stomatologice civile centers, medical dentist civil societies, medical
medicale i a societilor civile medicale de specialitate. specialized civil societies.
n numrul personalului sanitar cu studii The number of medical-sanitary staff with higher
superioare sunt evideniai separat medicii, stomatologii education is broken down by physicians, dentists and
i farmacitii. pharmacists.
n numrul personalului sanitar mediu sunt The number of ancillary medical staff includes:
inclui: asisteni medicali; asisteni de farmacie, surori medical assistants; pharmacy assistants, medical
medicale; tehnicieni sanitari; oficiani medicali; moae; nurses; sanitary technicians; medical officiants;
laborani i alte categorii de personal sanitar cu studii midwives; laboratory assistants and other categories of
medii asimilate. medical staff with equivalent secondary school degrees.
n numrul personalului sanitar auxiliar sunt The number of auxiliary medical staff includes:
inclui: infirmiere, ageni DDD (dezinsecie, dezinfecie, sick nurses, DDR staff (disinsection, disinfection,
deratizare), brancardieri, biei, gipsari, nmolari, raticide), stretcher bearers, washers, gypsum, mud,
ambulanieri i alte categorii de personal asimilat. ambulance staff and other categories of similar staff.
n numrul paturilor de spital sunt incluse i cele The number of hospital beds also includes the beds
pentru nou nscui din spitalele sau seciile de obstetric- for newborn children in hospitals or obstetrics-gynaecology
ginecologie; nu sunt incluse paturile pentru nsoitori. ward; beds for accompanying persons are not included.
n numrul paturilor de spital: The number of hospital beds for:
la specialitatea interne sunt incluse paturile pentru: internal medicine includes beds for: internal medicine
interne (inclusiv paturile de pneumologie (including beds for non tubercular pneumology from
netuberculoas din seciile de interne), endocrinologie, internal medicine departaments), endocrinology,
boli profesionale, cardiologie, reumatologie, diabet professional diseases, cardiology, rheumatology,
zaharat, nutriie i boli metabolice, gastroenterologie, diabetes, nutritional and metabolic diseases, gastro-
hematologie i nefrologie; enterology, haematology and nephrology;
la specialitatea chirurgie sunt incluse paturile surgery includes beds for: general surgery; jaw -face
pentru: chirurgie general; chirurgie maxilofacial; surgery; infant surgery; plastic surgery;
chirurgie infantil; chirurgie plastic i reparatorie; cardiovascular surgery; neurosurgery; thoracic
chirurgie cardiovascular; neurochirurgie; chirurgie surgery; endocrine surgery; oncologic surgery;
toracic; chirurgie endocrin; chirurgie oncologic; orthopaedics-traumatology and urology;
ortopedie-traumatologie i urologie;
la specialitatea psihiatrie i neuropsihiatrie sunt psychiatry and neuropsychiatry includes beds for
incluse paturile pentru psihiatrie i paturile pentru psychiatry and neuro - psycho - motor recovery;
recuperare neuro - psiho - motorie;
la specialitatea tuberculoz i pneumologie sunt tuberculosis and pulmonology includes beds for
incluse paturile de pneumologie netuberculoas din non tubercular pulmonology from TB wards and
seciile TBC i paturile de pneumologie TBC; beds for TB pulmonology;
la specialitatea pediatrie sunt incluse paturile pediatrics includes beds for pediatrics distrophics
pentru pediatrie, distrofici (recuperare pediatric) i (pediatric recovery) and non tubercular pulmonology
pneumologie netuberculoas din pediatrie; from pediatrics;
la alte specialiti medicale sunt incluse paturile other medical speciality includes beds for chronic
pentru cronici, geriatrie i gerontologie, medicin ill persons, geriatrics, gerontology, general medicine
general i alte secii. and other hospital wards.
n numrul paturilor de spital pentru copii sunt The number of hospital beds for children covers
cuprinse att paturile din spitalele i seciile de pediatrie, the beds from pediatrics hospitals and departments, as
ct i cele pentru copiii din alte spitale. well as those for children from other hospitals.

Un caz de admitere la tratament este reprezentat de A case of admission to treatment is represented by
o persoan care, pe parcursul unui an calendaristic, a person who, during a calendar year, initiates at least
iniiaz cel puin un episod de tratament pentru consum one episode of treatment for drug consumption to a
de droguri la un furnizor de servicii de asisten, ca health care provider, due to problems caused by drug
urmare a problemelor create de consumul de droguri. consumption. The drugs category includes narcotic
n categoria ,,droguri sunt incluse plantele i substanele plants and drugs or psychotropic substances or mixtures
stupefiante ori psihotrope sau amestecurile care conin containing such plants and substances, according to the
astfel de plante i substane, conform Legii nr. 143/2000 Law No 143/2000 with further amendments.
cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare.
n sistemul naional de raportare sunt inclui The national reporting system covers the health care
furnizorii de servicii de asisten din sistemul public i providers in the public and private system, as well as
privat, precum i sistemul penitenciar care au un astfel health care providers in the prisons system who have
de caz. such case.

Evoluia principalelor uniti sanitare

7.G1 Evolution of main sanitary units

numr uniti / number of units


12000 11390 11683

9998 10063
10000 9286

8000 7586



474 268 287 527 297
2009 2014

Spitale Cabinete stomatologice

Hospitals Dentist offices
Farmacii i puncte farmaceutice
Cabinete medicale de familie Pharmacies and pharmaceutical points
Family doctors offices

Cabinete medicale de specialitate Cree1)

Health specialized offices Crches1)

1) ncepnd cu anul 2014, statistica creelor se regsete n Capitolul 8 - Educaie (pag 296).
Starting with 2014, the crches statistics can be found in Chapter 8 - Education (page 296).

7.G2 Spitalele, pe forme de proprietate i pe medii de reziden, n anul 2014
Hospitals, by type of ownership and by area, in 2014

Ponderea spitalelor cu Ponderea spitalelor cu

proprietate majoritar de stat proprietate majoritar privat
The share of hospitals with The share of hospitals with
public majority ownership private majority ownership

9,0% 5,0%

91,0% 95,0%

Urban Rural

Evoluia principalelor categorii de personal medico-sanitar

7.G3 Evolution of main categories of medical-sanitary staff
mii persoane / thou persons

130 127 126 127 129


60 52 53 54 54 55

12 12 13 14 13 15 14 15 14 16 15 17

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Medici (exclusiv stomatologi) Farmaciti

Physicians (excluding dentists) Pharmaceutical chemists
Stomatologi Personal sanitar mediu
Dentists Ancillary medical staff

Paturile din unitile sanitare
7.G4 Beds from sanitary units

mii paturi / thou beds paturi la 1000 locuitori

beds per 1000 inhabitants

160 6,8 6,61) 7

6,5 6,4 6,5 6,5
140 6
80 138,9
132,0 128,5 129,6 130,7 130,9 3
20 1

0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Paturi Paturi la 1000 locuitori
Beds Beds for 1000 inhabitants

Not: Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu
rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Note: For the 2009 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Cazuri noi de mbolnvire prin boli infecioase

7.G5 New cases of infectious diseases
mii / thou

80 77 79
70 68
20 18 16 15 14 13 12
10 5 5 5 7
3 4
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Boli diareice acute Hepatit viral Tuberculoz

Acute diarrhoea diseases Viral hepatits Tuberculosis

Sursa: Institutul Naional de Sntate Public - Centrul Naional de Statistic i Informatic n Sntate Public.
Source: National Institute of Public Health - National Center of Statistic and Informatics in Public Health.

Numrul pacienilor internai n spitale i centre de sntate cu paturi de spital

7.G6 Number of patients admitted to hospitals and health

care centres with hospital beds

mii persoane / thou persons

5000 4662 4513 4523




2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sursa: Cercetarea statistic anual ,,Activitatea unitilor sanitare.

Source: The annual statistical survey The activity of health care units.

7.G7 Numrul pacienilor ieii din spitale (inclusiv sectorul privat)

Number of patients released from hospitals (including the private sector)

mii persoane / thou persons

5000 4923
4305 4320




2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior.

Rectified data as against those previously published.
Sursa: coala Naional de Sntate Public, Management i Perfecionare n Domeniul Sanitar.
Source: National School of Public Health, Management and Professional Development in Health Care.

7.1 Unitile sanitare, pe forme de proprietate
Sanitary units, by type of ownership
numr uniti / number of units

Forma de proprietate: Type of ownership:

Total Majoritar de stat Public majority Majoritar privat / Private majority
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Spitale 474 503 464 473 499 527 431 428 367 364 365 366 43 75 97 109 134 161 Hospitals
Ambulatorii integrate spitalelor Integrated ambulatories of the hospitals
i de specialitate 461 472 414 422 433 448 443 443 370 374 372 371 18 29 44 48 61 77 and specialized ambulatories
Policlinici 268 311 262 282 298 297 15 17 14 11 10 10 253 294 248 271 288 287 Polyclinics
Dispensare medicale 211 204 187 191 191 186 210 203 186 190 190 186 1 1 1 1 1 - Dispensaries
Centre de sntate 1) 47 40 18 20 18 19 46 38 14 13 13 12 1 2 4 7 5 7 Health care centers 1)
Centre de sntate mintal 71 86 86 84 85 86 71 86 86 84 85 86 - - - - - - Mental health care centers
Sanatorii T.B.C. 5 4 2 2 2 2 5 4 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - Tuberculosis sanatoria
Sanatorii balneare 92) 92) 92) 112) 112) 112) 72) 72) 72) 72) 72) 72) 2 2 2 4 4 4 Balneary sanatoria
Preventorii 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - Preventoria
Uniti medico-sociale 68 68 64 64 64 64 68 68 64 64 64 64 - - - - - - Health and social care units
Centre de diagnostic i tratament 28 26 29 34 35 37 6 9 9 7 7 7 22 17 20 27 28 30 Diagnosis and curative centers
Centre medicale de specialitate 171 188 221 243 249 309 21 29 30 33 35 36 150 159 191 210 214 273 Health specialized centers
Cabinete medicale
de medicin general 3) 1055 1000 990 988 966 795 57 60 41 20 21 20 998 940 949 968 945 775 General practitioner offices 3)
Cabinete medicale colare 903 1235 1312 1335 1365 1722 903 1235 1312 1335 1365 1722 - - - - - - Medical school offices
Cabinete medicale studeneti 55 52 54 54 55 62 55 52 54 54 55 62 - - - - - - Medical student offices
Cabinete medicale de familie 3) 11390 11170 11211 11151 11158 11163 8177 6768 6219 5993 5509 5475 3213 4402 4992 5158 5649 5688 Family doctors offices 3)
Societi medicale civile 108 110 118 121 135 147 10 8 9 6 6 6 98 102 109 115 129 141 Medical civil societies
Cabinete stomatologice 3) 11683 12036 12613 12904 13458 14052 2853 2339 2085 1951 1527 1550 8830 9697 10528 10953 11931 12502 Dentist offices 3)
Cabinete stomatologice colare 426 424 433 431 432 431 426 424 433 431 432 431 - - - - - - Dentist school offices
Cabinete stomatologice studeneti 31 29 28 28 31 45 31 29 28 28 31 45 - - - - - - Dentist student offices
civile medicale 165 159 171 197 197 203 2 1 1 1 1 1 163 158 170 196 196 202 Medical dentist civil societies
Cabinete medicale de specialitate 3) 9998 8870 9452 9712 10160 10063 1587 1154 1158 1072 938 954 8411 7716 8294 8640 9222 9109 Health specialized offices 3)
Societi civile medicale
de specialitate 251 218 226 236 234 335 13 12 13 11 11 11 238 206 213 225 223 324 Medical specialized civil societies
Farmacii 6506 6682 6969 7226 7560 7825 501 492 404 403 406 404 6005 6190 6565 6823 7154 7421 Pharmacies
Puncte farmaceutice 1080 1244 1324 1230 1400 1461 39 30 53 47 55 59 1041 1214 1271 1183 1345 1402 Pharmaceutical points
Depozite farmaceutice 368 317 286 271 267 275 - 1 1 1 1 1 368 316 285 270 266 274 Pharmaceutical stores
Cree 287 289 295 313 334 4) 4) 4)
283 285 286 297 319 4 4 9 16 15 Crches
Laboratoare medicale 2828 2978 3008 3248 3290 3418 1874 1785 1736 1943 1928 1960 954 1193 1272 1305 1362 1458 Medical laboratories
Laboratoare de tehnic dentar 2226 2209 2227 2248 2253 2226 446 390 328 277 273 283 1780 1819 1899 1971 1980 1943 Dentist laboratories
Centre de transfuzie sanguin 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 - - - - - - Transfusion centers
Alte tipuri de cabinete medicale 437 662 541 531 515 519 282 267 275 290 273 263 155 395 266 241 242 256 Other health care offices

1) Inclusiv centre de sntate cu paturi de spital. / Including health care centers with hospital beds.
2) Inclusiv sanatoriile de nevroze sau de neuropsihiatrie. / Including the neurosis or neuropsychiatry sanatoria.
3) n numrul cabinetelor medicale de medicin general, cabinetelor medicale de familie, cabinetelor stomatologice i cabinetelor
medicale de specialitate nu sunt incluse cabinetele din structura altor tipuri de uniti sanitare, cum ar fi: policlinici, societi medicale
civile, centru de diagnostic i tratament, etc.
In the number of general practitioner offices, family doctors offices, dentist offices, health specialized offices are not included offices
from other sanitary units structure, such as: polyclinics, medical civil societies, diagnosis and curative centers.
4) ncepnd cu anul 2014, statistica creelor se regsete n Capitolul 8 - Educaie (pagina 296).
Starting with 2014, the crches statistics can be found in Chapter 8 - Education (page 296).

278 279
Personalul medico-sanitar
7.2 Medical-sanitary staff
persoane / persons

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Medici 1) 50386 52204 52541 53681 54086 54929

Physicians 1)
din care: femei 1) / of which: women 1) 34968 36151 36261 36949 37296 37971
Locuitori la un medic 404 388 383 374 3702) 3623)
Population per physician
Medici la 10000 locuitori 24,7 25,8 26,1 26,8 27,1 27,63)
Physicians per 10000 inhabitants
Stomatologi 12497 12990 13355 13814 14282 14879
din care: femei / of which: women 7843 8381 8720 8960 9322 9891
Locuitori la un stomatolog 1630 1559 1509 1452 1399 13383)
Population per dentist
Stomatologi la 10000 locuitori 6,1 6,4 6,6 6,9 7,1 7,53)
Dentists per 10000 inhabitants
Farmaciti 11996 13624 14575 15435 16301 17099
Pharmaceutical chemists
din care: femei / of which: women 10924 12410 13132 13862 14693 15314
Locuitori la un farmacist 1698 1486 1382 1300 1226 11643)
Population per pharmaceutical chemists
Farmaciti la 10000 locuitori 5,9 6,7 7,2 7,7 8,2 8,63)
Pharmaceutical chemists per 10000 inhabitants
Alte tipuri de personal sanitar cu studii superioare 4) 10291 11802 12745 13494 15138 16221
Other types of medical staff with higher education 4)
din care: femei 4) / of which: women 4) 8846 10224 11122 11944 13454 14433
Locuitori la un alt tip de personal sanitar
cu studii superioare 1979 1716 1581 1487 1320 12273)
Population per other type of medical staff
with higher education
Alte tipuri de personal sanitar
cu studii superioare la 10000 locuitori 5,1 5,8 6,3 6,7 7,6 8,13)
Other types of medical staff
with higher education per 10000 inhabitants
din care: asisteni medicali cu studii superioare 4423 5841 6888 9424 10941 11844
of which: nurses with higher education
din care: femei / of which: women 4089 5426 6394 8717 10130 10993
Locuitori la un asistent medical cu studii superioare 4605 3466 2925 2129 18272) 16813)
Population per nurse with higher education
Asisteni medical cu studii superioare la 10000 locuitori 2,2 2,9 3,4 4,7 5,5 5,93)
Nurses with higher education per 10000 inhabitants
Personal sanitar mediu 129673 126656 125992 125141 126860 128899
Ancillary medical staff
din care: femei / of which: women 118205 115352 114812 113955 115652 117685
Locuitori la un cadru mediu 157 160 160 160 158 1553)
Population per ancillary medical person
Personal mediu la 10000 locuitori 63,7 62,6 62,5 62,4 63,5 64,73)
Ancillary medical staff per 10000 inhabitants
Personal mediu la un medic 2,6 2,4 2,4 2,3 2,3 2,33)
Ancillary medical staff per physician
din care: asisteni medicali 113011 113024 112368 114168 115762
of which: nurses
din care: femei / of which: women 103747 103937 103296 105194 106709
Locuitori la un asistent medical 179 178 179 175 1723)
Population per nurse
Asisteni medicali la 10000 locuitori 55,8 56,1 56,0 57,1 58,13)
Nurses per 10000 inhabitants
Personal sanitar auxiliar 64801 62838 60130 59440 59626 60720
Auxiliary medical staff
din care: femei / of which: women 54796 52982 50255 49640 49705 50408
Not: Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu
rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Note: For the 2009 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
1) Exclusiv stomatologi. / Dentists excluded.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
4) Include fiziokinetoterapeui, asisteni medicali cu studii superioare, alt personal sanitar cu studii superioare.
Includes physiokinetotherapists, nurses with tertiary education, other sanitary staff with tertiary education.

Paturile din unitile sanitare
7.3 Beds from sanitary units

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Paturi (numr) / Beds (number)
Paturi n spitale - total 138915 132004 128501 129642 130708 130963 Beds in hospitals - total
din care: of which:
Paturi pentru copii 16878 14924 18936 19062 19052 18998 Beds for children
Paturi n cree 14161 14880 15206 16241 17425 1) Beds in crches
Paturi n preventorii 2) 390 370 320 312 297 297 Beds in preventoria 2)
Paturi n uniti Beds in medical social
medico-sociale 2) 2818 2925 2867 2884 2934 2981 services units 2)
Paturi n sanatorii T.B.C. 2) 908 610 470 410 410 410 Beds in Tuberculois sanatoria 2)

Paturi la 1000 locuitori 3) / Beds per 1000 inhabitants 3)

Paturi n spitale - total 6,8 6,5 6,4 6,5 6,5 6,64) Beds in hospitals - total
din care: of which:
Paturi pentru copii 0,8 0,7 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,04) Beds for children

1) ncepnd cu anul 2014, statistica creelor se regsete n Capitolul 8 - Educaie (pagina 296).
Starting with 2014, the crches statistics can be found in Chapter 8 - Education (page 296).
2) Numai unitile din sectorul public. / Only from public sector units.
3) Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2009 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
4) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Paturile de spital 1) aferente specialitilor medicale

7.4 Hospital beds 1) related to medical specialities
numr paturi / number of beds
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 138915 132004 128501 129642 130708 130963 Total

din care: of which:

Interne 2) 29367 27744 25373 25547 25849 25757 Internal medicine 2)
Chirurgie 2) 23147 22075 22076 22283 22415 22281 General surgery 2)
Obstetric-ginecologie 10205 9226 8903 9023 9076 8904 Obstetrics-gynaecology
Nou nscui New-born
i prematuri 4924 4651 4549 4622 4687 4658 and premature children
Pediatrie 2) 9231 8438 7669 7783 7809 7774 Pediatrics 2)
Boli infecioase 6109 5518 5501 5492 5422 5378 Infectious diseases
Tuberculoz i pneumologie 9676 9456 8994 9120 8937 8789 Tuberculosis and pneumology
Psihiatrie Psychiatry and
i neuropsihiatrie 2) 17420 17137 17067 17188 17337 17347 neuropsychiatry 2)
Oftalmologie 2087 1812 1785 1783 1764 1770 Ophthalmology
O.R.L. 2587 2371 2355 2331 2321 2328 NTE
Neurologie 5791 5539 5490 5433 5450 5457 Neurology
Dermato-venerologie 1943 1608 1613 1567 1549 1527 Dermatology and venereology
Oncologie 3126 3126 3326 3406 3547 3578 Oncology
Recuperare, medicin fizic Rehabilitation, physical
i balneologie 6085 6031 6671 6875 6962 7267 medicine and balneology
ATI (anestezie, ATI (anesthesia,
terapie intensiv) 4829 4754 4741 4872 4899 4966 intensive care)
Alte specialiti medicale 2) 2388 2518 2388 2317 2684 3182 Other medical specialities 2)
1) Inclusiv paturile din centrele de sntate. / Including beds from Health care centers.
2) Sfera de cuprindere este prezentat la pagina 273. / The coverage is presented in page 273.

Cazuri noi de mbolnvire prin unele boli infecioase i parazitare
7.5 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Numr / Number

Boli diareice acute 67693 75092 70789 76875 79261 82903 Acute diarrhoea diseases
Hepatit viral 4633 4518 3449 4469 4908 7386 Viral hepatitis
Tuberculoz 17771 15941 14535 13874 128461) 124982) Tuberculosis
Rubeol 613 351 4398 24215 142 29 Rubella
Grip 7122 1600 3133 993 1479 796 Influenza
Dizenterie 337 259 385 369 156 163 Dysentery
Sifilis 3236 2326 2209 1702 1388 1294 Syphilis
Tuse convulsiv 10 29 85 105 58 87 Whooping cough
Scarlatin 2169 1659 3016 1862 1887 1677 Scarlet fever
Toxiinfecii alimentare 1083 946 725 453 619 655 Food poisoning
Rugeol 8 193 4737 7297 1453 58 Measles
Erizipel 1125 1241 1194 593 747 748 Erysipelas
Trichineloz 366 201 142 210 202 320 Trichinosis
Salmoneloz 940 1096 924 868 1457 1634 Salmonellosis
Leptospiroz 139 171 99 77 68 94 Leptospirosis

Cazuri noi de mbolnvire la 100000 locuitori 3)

New cases of illness per 100000 inhabitants 3)

Boli diareice acute 332,4 370,9 351,4 383,2 396,6 416,42) Acute diarrhoea diseases
Hepatit viral 22,7 22,3 17,1 22,3 24,6 37,12) Viral hepatitis
Tuberculoz 87,3 78,7 72,1 69,2 64,31) 62,82) Tuberculosis
Rubeol 3,0 1,7 21,8 120,7 0,7 0,12) Rubella
Grip 35,0 7,9 15,6 5,0 7,4 3,42) Influenza
Dizenterie 1,7 1,3 1,9 1,8 0,8 0,82) Dysentery
Sifilis 15,9 11,5 11,0 8,5 6,9 6,52) Syphilis
Tuse convulsiv **) 0,1 0,4 0,5 0,3 0,42) Whooping cough
Scarlatin 10,6 8,2 15,0 9,3 9,4 8,42) Scarlet fever
Toxiinfecii alimentare 5,3 4,7 3,6 2,3 3,1 3,32) Food poisoning
Rugeol **) 1,0 23,5 36,4 7,3 0,32) Measles
Erizipel 5,5 6,1 5,9 3,0 3,7 3,82) Erysipelas
Trichineloz 1,8 1,0 0,7 1,0 1,0 1,62) Trichinosis
Salmoneloz 4,6 5,4 4,6 4,3 7,3 8,22) Salmonellosis
Leptospiroz 0,7 0,8 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,52) Leptospirosis

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
3) Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2009 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sursa: Institutul Naional de Sntate Public - Centrul Naional de Statistic i Informatic n Sntate Public.
Source: National Institute of Public Health - National Center of Statistics and Informatics in Public Health.

Cazuri noi de mbolnvire, pe clase de boli, declarate de medicii de familie
7.6 New cases of illness, by disease classes, declared by family doctors
mii / thou
Clase de boli 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Disease classes

Total 15407 16005 16233 15921 15154 14670 Total

din care: of which:

Boli infecioase i Certain infectious and
parazitare 623 582 611 607 552 541 parasitic diseases

Tumori 59 67 68 75 84 91 Neoplasm

Boli endocrine, de nutriie i Endocrine, nutritional

metabolism 494 503 512 507 559 586 and metabolic diseases

Boli ale sngelui, ale Diseases of the blood and

organelor hematopoietice bloodforming organs and
i unele tulburri ale certain disorders involving
mecanismului de imunitate 153 151 150 147 168 173 the immune mechanism

Tulburri mentale Mental and behavioural

i de comportament 247 289 301 300 235 236 disorders

Boli ale sistemului nervos, Diseases of the nervous

boli ale ochiului i anexelor system, diseases of the eye
sale, boli ale urechii and adnexa, diseases of the
i apofizei mastoide 1135 1288 1385 1427 1313 1315 ear and mastoid process

Boli ale aparatului Diseases of the circulatory

circulator 831 885 905 950 861 948 system

Boli ale aparatului Diseases of the respiratory

respirator 7081 6871 6880 6324 6114 5596 system

Boli ale aparatului Diseases of the digestive

digestiv 1460 1644 1635 1643 1611 1565 system

Boli ale aparatului Diseases of the

genito-urinar 978 1073 1066 1105 1043 1031 genitourinary system

Sarcin, natere Pregnancy, childbirth

i luzie 36 32 33 32 28 27 and the puerperium

Boli ale pielii i esutului Diseases of the skin and

subcutanat 668 819 859 929 819 776 subcutaneous tissue

Boli ale sistemului Diseases of

osteo-articular, the musculoskeletal
ale muchilor, system and
esutului conjunctiv 1257 1362 1368 1378 1293 1302 connective tissue

Malformaii congenitale, Congenital malformations,

deformaii i deformations and
anomalii cromozomiale 5 7 9 8 9 11 chromosomal abnormalities

Unele afeciuni a cror Certain conditions

origine se situeaz n originating in the
perioada perinatal 2 3 4 3 3 4 perinatal period

Simptome, semne i Symptoms, signs and

rezultate anormale ale abnormal clinical
investigaiilor clinice 83 108 125 135 164 191 and laboratory findings

Leziuni traumatice, otrviri Injury, poisoning and

i alte consecine certain other consequences
ale cauzelor externe 295 321 322 351 298 277 of external causes

Sursa: Institutul Naional de Sntate Public - Centrul Naional de Statistic i Informatic n Sntate Public.
Source: National Institute of Public Health - National Center of Statistics and Informatics in Public Health.

Distribuia cazurilor de SIDA 1) nregistrate 2), pe grupe de vrst,
sexe i cale de transmitere

7.7 Breakdown of registered 2) AIDS cases 1), by age group,

sex and way of transmission
numr / number
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Total Masculin Feminin Total Masculin Feminin Total Masculin Feminin Total Masculin Feminin Total Masculin Feminin Total Masculin Feminin
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Distribuia cazurilor SIDA, pe grupe de vrst (la data diagnosticului) i sexe AIDS cases breakdown, by age group (at the date of diagnosis) and by sex

Total 12261 6970 5291 12524 7122 5402 12854 7339 5515 13204 7584 5620 13573 7847 5726 13886 8074 5812 Total

Grupa de vrst
0 - 14 ani 8060 4656 3404 8071 4658 3413 8085 4663 3422 8096 4667 3429 8107 4675 3432 8114 4677 3437 Age group 0 - 14 years

0 - 11 luni 657 366 291 663 367 296 669 370 299 673 373 300 678 376 302 682 377 305 0 - 11 months
1 - 4 ani 2559 1525 1034 2563 1526 1037 2566 1528 1038 2570 1529 1041 2574 1532 1042 2575 1532 1043 1 - 4 years
5 - 9 ani 3235 1866 1369 3235 1866 1369 3239 1866 1373 3242 1866 1376 3244 1868 1376 3245 1869 1376 5 - 9 years
10 - 12 ani 1322 741 581 1323 741 582 1324 741 583 1324 741 583 1324 741 583 1325 741 584 10 -12 years
13 - 14 ani 287 158 129 287 158 129 287 158 129 287 158 129 287 158 129 287 158 129 13-14 years

Grupa de vrst Age group 15 years

de 15 ani i peste 4201 2314 1887 4453 2464 1989 4769 2676 2093 5108 2917 2191 5466 3172 2294 5772 3397 2375 and over

15 - 19 ani 1033 526 507 1038 529 509 1045 532 513 1058 539 519 1072 549 523 1080 552 528 15-19 years
20 - 24 ani 450 184 266 518 215 303 582 245 337 656 291 365 707 327 380 744 344 400 20-24 years
25 - 29 ani 587 276 311 620 298 322 669 337 332 724 380 344 792 431 361 858 484 374 25-29 years
30 - 34 ani 603 358 245 640 380 260 697 423 274 764 472 292 826 513 313 885 561 324 30-34 years
35 - 39 ani 502 292 210 536 311 225 569 339 230 617 378 239 670 420 250 713 458 255 35-39 years
40 - 49 ani 634 420 214 671 444 227 731 481 250 781 519 262 843 561 282 900 608 292 40-49 years
50 - 59 ani 293 198 95 318 217 101 348 238 110 367 250 117 402 272 130 425 285 140 50-59 years
60 ani i peste 99 60 39 112 70 42 128 81 47 141 88 53 154 99 55 167 105 62 60 years and over

Distribuia cazurilor SIDA la grupa de vrst 0 - 14 ani, dup calea de transmitere AIDS cases breakdown for age group 0 - 14 years, by way of transmission

Total 8060 4656 3404 8071 4658 3413 8085 4663 3422 8096 4667 3429 8107 4675 3432 8114 4677 3437 Total

Mam-copil Mother to child

Factori de risc mam: Mother-risk factors:
Droguri intravenos 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 2 4 1 3 4 1 3 Intravenous drugs
Heterosexual 247 148 99 254 150 104 259 152 107 265 155 110 274 162 112 279 163 116 Heterosexual
Altele / necunoscut 161 106 55 165 106 59 172 109 63 176 110 66 176 110 66 177 110 67 Other / unknown
Hemofilie Haemophilia
coagulopatii 9 9 - 9 9 - 9 9 - 9 9 - 9 9 - 9 9 - clotting disorders
Transfuzii snge Blood transfusions
derivate 1709 1009 700 1709 1009 700 1709 1009 700 1709 1009 700 1709 1009 700 1709 1009 700 derivates
Nozocomial 5205 3002 2203 5205 3002 2203 5205 3002 2203 5205 3002 2203 5205 3002 2203 5205 3002 2203 Nosocomial
Heterosexual - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 Heterosexual
Necunoscut 728 382 346 728 382 346 729 382 347 729 382 347 729 382 347 730 383 347 Unknown

Distribuia cazurilor SIDA la grupa de vrst de 15 ani i peste, dup calea de transmitere AIDS cases breakdown for age group 15 years and over, by way of transmission

Total 4201 2314 1887 4453 2464 1989 4769 2676 2093 5108 2917 2191 5466 3172 2294 5772 3397 2375 Total

Homosexual / bisexual 139 139 - 154 154 - 177 177 - 192 192 - 218 218 - 248 248 - Homosexual / bisexual
Droguri intravenos 21 13 8 32 23 9 75 62 13 165 128 37 265 208 57 343 278 65 Intravenous drugs
Hemofilie Haemophilia
coagulopatii 20 20 - 20 20 - 20 20 - 20 20 - 20 20 - 20 20 - clotting disorders
Transfuzii snge Blood transfusions
derivate 317 132 185 317 132 185 317 132 185 317 132 185 317 132 185 317 132 185 derivates
Heterosexual 2723 1472 1251 2927 1587 1340 3159 1727 1432 3370 1869 1501 3593 2013 1580 3781 2131 1650 Heterosexual
Altele / necunoscut 981 538 443 1003 548 455 1021 558 463 1044 576 468 1053 581 472 1063 588 475 Other / unknown

1) Date actualizate fa de cele publicate anterior, conform situaiei cumulate a infeciei SIDA la 31 decembrie 2014.
Updated data as against those previously published, according to the cumulative situation of AIDS infection on December 31, 2014.
2) La sfritul anului (total cumulat). / At the end of the year (cumulative total).
Sursa: Ministerului Sntii - Institutul Naional de Boli Infecioase Profesor Dr. Matei Bal.
Source: Ministry of Health - National Institute of Infectious Diseases Profesor Dr. Matei Bal.

284 285
Repartizarea persoanelor admise la tratament, ca urmare a consumului
de droguri, pe sexe, grupe de vrst i tipuri de droguri
Breakdown of persons admitted for treatment, following drugs consumption,
7.8 by sex, age group and drug type
numr / number

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Repartizarea persoanelor admise la tratament, pe sexe

Breakdown of persons admitted for treatment, by sex
Total 5353 4419 2997 3244 3139 4017 Total
Masculin 4095 3443 2388 2608 2601 3433 Male
Feminin 1253 955 594 629 538 584 Female
Sex necunoscut 5 21 15 7 - - Unknown sex

din total: cazuri noi nregistrate 3885 2706 1496 1575 1356 1985 of total: new registered cases
Masculin 2867 2060 1211 1203 1129 1746 Male
Feminin 1013 629 278 368 227 239 Female
Sex necunoscut 5 17 7 4 - - Unknown sex

Repartizarea persoanelor admise la tratament, pe grupe de vrst

Breakdown of persons admitted for treatment, by age group

Total 5353 4419 2997 3244 3139 4017 Total

Sub 15 ani 8 16 23 16 18 17 Under 15 years
15-19 ani 198 229 271 255 175 295 15 - 19 years
20-24 ani 624 602 433 471 354 605 20 - 24 years
25-29 ani 847 801 517 508 465 748 25 - 29 years
30-34 ani 765 631 477 465 437 668 30 - 34 years
35 ani i peste 2904 2101 1257 1520 1689 1681 35 and over
Vrst necunoscut 7 39 19 9 1 3 Unknown age

din total: cazuri noi nregistrate 3885 2706 1496 1575 1356 1985 of total: new registered cases
Sub 15 ani 8 15 17 12 16 11 Under 15 years
15-19 ani 178 191 222 184 125 244 15 - 19 years
20-24 ani 453 404 279 308 204 477 20 - 24 years
25-29 ani 556 443 224 232 206 430 25 - 29 years
30-34 ani 550 338 166 162 153 227 30 - 34 years
35 ani i peste 2134 1278 582 674 651 595 35 and over
Vrst necunoscut 6 37 6 3 1 1 Unknown age

Repartizarea persoanelor admise la tratament, pe tipuri de droguri

Breakdown of persons admitted for treatment, by drug type

Total 5353 4419 2997 3244 3139 4017 Total

Opiacee 1303 1118 648 745 802 1094 Opium based substances
Cocain 13 24 22 23 11 21 Cocaine
Stimulante 7 31 55 14 9 21 Stimulative substances
Hipnotice i sedative 94 124 145 258 190 131 Hypnotic and sedative
Halucinogene 9 18 9 5 1 4 Hallucinogenic
Inhalani volatili 16 41 11 28 33 34 Essential inhalant
Canabis 104 171 160 222 279 973 Cannabis
Alte substane 3807 2892 1947 1949 1814 1739 Other substances

din total: cazuri noi nregistrate 3885 2706 1496 1575 1356 1985 of total: new registered cases
Opiacee 710 524 204 251 240 211 Opium based substances
Cocain 12 21 19 19 9 15 Cocaine
Stimulante 5 24 37 6 8 19 Stimulative substances
Hipnotice i sedative 68 67 87 150 69 23 Hypnotic and sedative
Halucinogene 8 11 9 2 1 3 Hallucinogenic
Inhalani volatili 11 32 9 17 20 20 Essential inhalant
Canabis 93 152 127 182 195 858 Cannabis
Alte substane 2978 1875 1004 948 814 836 Other substances

Not: Datele prezentate n tabel se refer la cazuri unice (un singur episod de tratament iniiat pe parcursul unui an calendaristic pentru aceeai
persoan, indiferent dac admiterea la tratament s-a realizat la mai muli furnizori de servicii de asisten). n categoria ,,alte substane"
sunt incluse alcoolul, tutunul, substanele noi cu proprieti psihoactive, precum i alte substane psihoactive nespecificate.
Note: The data represents unique cases (one treatment episode initiated during a calendar year for the same person, regardless if the
treatment was performed by several health care providers). Within "other substances" category are included alcohol, tobacco,
new psychoactive substances and other unspecified psychoactive substances.
Sursa: Agenia Naional Antidrog - Ministerul Afacerilor Interne.
Source: National Anti-drugs Agency - Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Numrul pacienilor ieii din spital, pe clase de boli
7.9 Number of patients out of hospital, by disease classes
mii persoane / thou persons

20091) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 2) 5180 4923 4516 4305 4320 4120

Boli infecioase i parazitare 241 221 203 206 207 195

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases
din care: / of which:
Tuberculoz 49 45 40 41 40 37

Tumori 430 427 415 405 420 416


Boli endocrine, de nutriie i metabolism 193 162 145 142 146 137
Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
din care: / of which:
Diabet zaharat 77 73 68 64 66 65
Diabetes mellitus

Tulburri mentale i de comportament 300 289 279 278 285 274

Mental and behavioural disorders

Boli ale sistemului nervos, boli ale ochiului i

anexelor sale, boli ale urechii i apofizei mastoide 291 284 271 258 261 245
Diseases of the nervous system, diseasses of the
eye and adnexa, diseases of the ear
and mastoid process

Boli ale aparatului circulator 757 713 642 607 609 586
Diseases of the circulatory system
din care: / of which:
Boala ischemic a inimii 96 85 72 69 70 68
Ischaemic heart disease
Boli cerebro-vasculare 143 128 119 114 117 109
Cerebrovascular diseases

Boli ale aparatului respirator 701 631 582 526 530 503
Diseases of the respiratory system

Boli ale aparatului digestiv 536 520 477 451 451 426
Diseases of the digestive system

Boli ale aparatului genito-urinar 341 331 280 254 251 229
Diseases of the genitourinary system

Sarcin, natere i luzie 393 376 332 308 293 273

Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Unele afeciuni a cror origine se situeaz n

perioada perinatal 132 125 113 115 110 109
Certain conditions originating
in the perinatal period

Malformaii congenitale, deformaii

i anomalii cromozomiale 33 30 28 26 25 24
Congenital malformations, deformations and
chromosomal abnormalities

Leziuni traumatice, otrviri i alte consecine ale

cauzelor externe 274 270 241 231 217 200
Injury, poisoning and certain other
consequences of external causes

Alte cauze 558 544 508 498 515 503

Other causes

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
2) Inclusiv sectorul privat. / Private sector included.
Sursa: coala Naional de Sntate Public, Management i Perfecionare n Domeniul Sanitar.
Source: National School of Public Health, Management and Professional Development in Health Care.

Asistena medical de urgen
7.10 Emergency medical assistance

Persoane bolnave
Anii Autosalvri (numr) Patients
Years Ambulances (number) Transportate Asistate
Transported Assisted

2009 2547 1866580 879351

2010 2536 1824990 847323
2011 2556 1929610 735218
2012 2689 1931218 863015
2013 2783 2200042 751473
2014 2819 2229328 840791

Activitatea de recoltare i conservare a sngelui 1)

7.11 Blood collecting and preserving 1)

Cantitatea de snge i
Centre de transfuzie sanguin Snge recoltat Bolnavi transfuzai plasm transfuzat
Anii (numr) (litri) (numr) (litri)
Years Blood transfusion centers Collected blood Transfused patients Quantity of transfused
(number) (litres) (number) blood and plasma

2009 41 193919 199000 168881

2010 41 184116 211621 153390
2011 41 177767 207456 133510
2012 41 177433 212906 156027
2013 41 191383 2092662) 1667492)
2014 41 190169 192055 163100

1) n unitile cu proprietate majoritar de stat. / In the units with state majority ownership.
2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
Sursa: Institutul Naional de Sntate Public - Centrul Naional de Statistic i Informatic n Sntate Public.
Source: National Institute of Public Health - National Center of Statistics and Informatics in Public Health.



8.1 nvmntul pe niveluri de educaie ....................... 296 Education by level of education

8.2 Populaia colar pe niveluri de educaie School aged population by level
i pe sexe ................................................................ 298 of education and by sex
8.3 Personalul didactic pe niveluri de educaie Teaching staff by level
i pe sexe ................................................................ 299 of education and by sex
8.4 Absolvenii pe niveluri de educaie .......................... 299 Graduates by level of education
8.5 Populaia colar pe niveluri de educaie School aged population by level
i tipuri de coli ........................................................ 300 of education and type of school
8.6 Gradul de cuprindere n nvmnt a populaiei Enrolment rate for school
de vrst colar ..................................................... 301 aged population
8.7 Elevii nscrii n nvmntul preuniversitar, Pupils enrolled in pre-university
dup studiul limbilor moderne ................................. 302 education, by foreign language studied
8.8 nvmntul preuniversitar, Pre-university education,
dup limba de predare ............................................ 304 by teaching language
8.9 Numrul elevilor i absolvenilor din nvmntul Number of pupils and graduates from high school
liceal, pe tipuri de licee ........................................... 305 education, by type of high schools
8.10 nvmntul liceal, pe filiere i profiluri .................. 306 High school education, by branches and profiles
8.11 nvmntul profesional, postliceal i de maitri, Vocational, post-high school and foremen
pe tipuri de coli i profiluri de pregtire ................. 308 education, by type of school and training profile
8.12 nvmntul special ................................................ 312 Special education
8.13 nvmntul superior, pe localiti .......................... 314 Tertiary education, by locality
8.14 nvmntul superior de licen, absolvenii Tertiary bachelors studies, graduates
pe grupe de specializri .......................................... 316 by fields of education and training
8.15 nvmntul superior, studeni/cursani nscrii, Tertiary education, students/learners enrolled, by
pe grupe de specializri ISCED-F.............................317 ISCED-F fields of education and training
8.16 nvmntul superior din instituii private, Tertiary education from private institutions,
pe localiti, n anul universitar 2014/2015............... 318 by locality, in 2014/2015 academic year
8.17 nvmntul superior de licen, absolvenii din Tertiary bachelors studies, graduates of private
instituii private, pe grupe de specializri ................ 319 institutions, by fields of education and training
8.18 nvmntul superior, studeni/cursani nscrii, Tertiary education, students/learners enrolled,
din instituii private, pe grupe from private institutions,
de specializri ISCED-F ........................................... 320 by ISCED-F fields of education and training
8.19 nvmntul din instituiile private, Education from private institutions,
pe niveluri de educaie ............................................ 321 by level of education
8.20 Numrul elevilor care au promovat Number of pupils who gratuated the
examenul de bacalaureat ........................................ 322 School Leaving Examination
8.21 Rata abandonului n nvmntul Abandon rate in
preuniversitar ........................................................... 322 pre-university education

Teritorial Territorial

8.22 Populaia colar, n profil teritorial i pe niveluri de School aged population, at territorial level and by
educaie, n anul colar/universitar 2014/2015 .............. level of education, in 2014/2015 school/academic year
8.23 nvmntul anteprecolar i precolar, n profil Ante-pre-school and pre-school education, at
teritorial, n anul colar 2014/2015 ................................ territorial level, in 2014/2015 school year
8.24 nvmntul primar i gimnazial, n profil Primary and lower secondary education, at
teritorial, n anul colar 2014/2015 ................................ territorial level, in 2014/2015 school year
8.25 nvmntul liceal, n profil teritorial, High school education, at territorial level,
n anul colar 2014/2015 ................................................ in 2014/2015 school year

8.26 nvmntul profesional, n profil teritorial, Vocational education, at territorial level,
n anul colar 2014/2015 ............................................... in 2014/2015 school year
8.27 nvmntul postliceal, n profil teritorial, Post-high school education, at territorial level,
n anul colar 2014/2015 ................................................ in 2014/2015 school year
8.28 nvmntul de maitri, n profil teritorial, Foremen education, at territorial level,
n anul colar 2014/2015 ............................................... in 2014/2015 school year
8.29 nvmntul superior, n profil teritorial, Tertiary education, at territorial level,
n anul universitar 2014/2015 ......................................... in 2014/2015 academic year
8.30 Numrul elevilor care au promovat examenul Number of pupils who gratuated the School
de bacalaureat, n profil teritorial, Leaving Examination, at territorial level,
n anul colar 2013/2014 ................................................ in 2013/2014 school year
8.31 Absolvenii, n profil teritorial i pe niveluri de Graduates, at territorial level and level of education,
educaie, n anul colar / universitar 2013/2014 ........... in 2013/2014 school / academic year
8.32 Rata abandonului n nvmntul preuniversitar, Abandon rate in pre-university education,
n profil teritorial, n anul colar 2013/2014 ................... at territorial level, in 2013/2014 school year


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

 Cercetri statistice realizate la nceputul i sfritul  Statistical surveys carried out at the beginning and
anului colar (universitar) n unitile de nvmnt at the end of school year (academic year) in
de toate tipurile, pe forme de proprietate i niveluri educational units of all types, by type of ownership
de educaie. and level of education.


n statisticile din domeniul educaiei formale, In the statistics on formal education, beginning
ncepnd cu anul colar/universitar 2013/2014 se with the school/academic year 2013/2014, the new
utilizeaz noua Clasificare Internaional Standard a International Standard Classification of Education
Educaiei ISCED - 2011, pentru organizarea programelor ISCED - 2011, for the organization of programs and
i calificrilor pe niveluri educaionale i domenii, n qualifications by education level and field is used,
conformitate cu Regulamentul UE nr. 912/2013 privind according to EU Regulation No 912/2013 regarding
producerea i dezvoltarea de statistici n domeniul statistics production and development in education
educaiei i nvrii continue. and long life learning field.
Datele statistice privind numrul copiilor i elevilor Data on the number of enrolled children and pupils,
nscrii, absolvenilor i personalului didactic din graduates and teaching staff of preuniversity education
nvmntul preuniversitar (precolar, primar i (pre-school, primary and secondary, high school, post
gimnazial, liceal, profesional, postliceal) cuprind i pe high school) also include special education. According
cele din nvmntul special. Conform noii clasificri to the new classification ISCED-2011, beginning with
ISCED-2011, ncepnd cu anul colar/universitar the school/academic year 2014/2015, school
2014/2015, n populaia colar se include i numrul population also includes the number of children from
copiilor din nvmntul anteprecolar, iar n ante-pre-school education, while for tertiary education,
nvmntul superior, pe lng numrul studenilor, se beside the number of students, the number of those
include i numrul cursanilor nscrii n nvmntul de attending master degree, post-university, doctorate and
master, cel postuniversitar, de doctorat, precum i la post-doctorate education is also included.
programele postdoctorale.
Datele statistice privind numrul unitilor colare i Statistical data on the number of school units and
personalul didactic aferent din nvmntul related teaching staff from pre-university education
preuniversitar (de mas i special) se refer la unitile (usual and special) refer to independent units (crches,

independente (creele, grdiniele, colile primare i kindergartens, primary and lower secondary schools,
gimnaziale, unitile de nvmnt liceal, profesional, upper secondary, vocational, post-secondary and/or
postliceal i/sau de maitri), care ndeplinesc foremen education units), fulfilling the following
urmtoarele condiii: au personalitate juridic; au conditions: they have legal personality; they have
nregistrat Codul Unic de Identificare / codul fiscal CUI; Unique Identification Code / Fiscal Code; represent the
reprezint tipul de unitate colar cu cel mai mare school units type with the highest number of enrolled
numr de copii/elevi nscrii; au elevi nscrii la forma de children/pupils; they have pupils enrolled in daytime
nvmnt zi - excepie cree i grdinie; dispun de education - except for crches and kindergartens; they
personal didactic propriu - cu norma de baz n unitatea have their own teaching staff - with the basic working
colar; dispun de baz material proprie. time in the respective school unit; they have their own
teaching facilities.
Profilurile, calificrile profesionale i specializrile Profiles, vocational qualifications and
n care se pregtesc elevii sunt stabilite conform specializations for pupils are set up according to the
prevederilor legislaiei n vigoare, referitoare la stipulations of the in force legislation, referring to
organizarea i funcionarea nvmntului n Romnia education organisation and functioning in Romania and
i pe baza Nomenclatorului profilurilor, calificrilor based on Nomenclature of profiles, vocational
profesionale i specializrilor, ntocmit de Institutul qualifications and specialisations, drawn up by the
Naional de Statistic mpreun cu Ministerul Educaiei National Institute of Statistics together with the Ministry
Naionale i Cercetrii tiinifice. of National Education and Research.
Referitor la nvmntul superior, ncepnd As for tertiary education, beginning with the
cu anul universitar 2014/2015, repartizarea academic year 2014/2015, students/learners
studenilor/cursanilor din nvmntul superior se distribution by specialisation groups is in
realizeaz n funcie de grupele de specializri, conform accordance with the Nomenclature of education and
Nomenclatorului privind domeniile de educaie i training fields (ISCED-F 2013) adopted by the
instruire (ISCED-F 2013) adoptat de ctre Institutul de UNESCO Statistical Institute following the revision
Statistic al UNESCO ca urmare a revizuirii nivelurilor of ISCED-F 2011.
de educaie ISCED-F 2011.
Datele statistice privind nvmntul Statistical data on tertiary education (number of
universitar (numrul facultilor, studenii nscrii, faculties, enrolled students, graduates and teaching
absolvenii i personalul didactic) includ i nvmntul staff) also include short term higher education
superior de scurt durat (colegii), precum i studenii (colleges), as well as foreign students who study in
strini care studiaz n Romnia; nu sunt inclui Romania; Romanian students who study in other
studenii romni care studiaz n alte ri. countries are not included.
Cadrele didactice sunt nregistrate o singur dat Teaching staff is registered only once at the unit
la unitatea unde au norma de baz. n aceeai where there is the work record/basic worktime. Foremen
categorie sunt inclui i maitri instructori, care trainers who carry out training-educational activity within
desfoar activitate instructiv-educativ n sistemul de the educational system are also included in the same
nvmnt. category.
Gradul de cuprindere n nvmnt a populaiei The enrolment rate for school aged population
de vrst colar reprezint raportul dintre numrul represents the ratio between number of pupils from a
elevilor dintr-o anumit grup de vrst, indiferent de certain age group, no matter of education level and total
nivelul de educaie i totalul populaiei cu aceeai grup population of the same age group. Beginning with the
de vrst. ncepnd cu anul colar 2012/2013, conform school year 2012/2013, in accordance with the
legislaiei n vigoare (Legea educaiei naionale legislation in force (National Education Law No1/2011,
nr.1/2011, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare), with subsequent amendments), the age groups related
grupele de vrst pentru populaia de vrst colar to school aged population are as follows: 3-5 years,
sunt: 3-5 ani, 6-10 ani, 11-14 ani, 15-18 ani, 19-23 ani 6-10 years, 11-14 years, 15-18 years, 19-23 years and
i peste. over.

Personalul didactic, pe niveluri de educaie
8.G1 Teaching staff, by level of education

2009/2010 2014/2015

11,6% 11,3%
14,3% 14,6%
0,4% 0,8%

1,0% 0,1%

22,4% 22,9%

50,3% 50,3%

nvmnt ante precolar i precolar1) nvmnt profesional

Ante-pre-school and pre-school education1) Vocational education

nvmnt primar i gimnazial nvmnt postliceal i de maitri

Primary and lower secondary education Post high school and foremen education

nvmnt liceal nvmnt superior

High school education Tertiary education
1) n anul colar/universitar 2009/2010 nu este inclus nvmntul anteprecolar.
Ante-pre-school education not included in the school/academic year 2009/2010.

Populaia colar, pe niveluri de educaie (exclusiv postuniversitare)

8.G2 School aged population, by level of education (excluding post-university education)

22,7 20,6 17,6 15,9 15,2 14,5
2,0 2,4 2,7 2,8
80 1,7

41,5 42,2 43,2 42,8 42,3 41,8


19,3 19,6 20,3 24,0 24,8 25,4

15,1 15,9 16,9 14,9 15,0 15,0
0 0,5
2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015

Anteprecolar Secundar
Ante-pre-school Secondary

Preprimar (precolar) Post secundar

Pre-primary (pre-school) Post secondary

Primar (clasele I-IV) Teriar (superior)

Primary (forms I-IV) Tertiary (higher)

Ponderea elevilor care studiaz o limb strin (prima limb modern),
n total elevi din nvmntul preuniversitar care studiaz o limb strin
Weight of pupils learning a foreign language (first foreign language), in total
8.G3 number of pupils from pre-university education learning a foreign language

2009/2010 2014/2015

2,1% 3,0%

4,7% 21,5% 36,2%


35,3% 28,5%
36,4% 30,4%

nvmnt primar nvmnt liceal

Primary education High school education

nvmnt gimnazial nvmnt profesional

Lower secondary education Vocational education

nvmnt postliceal i de maitri

Post high school and foremen education

Absolvenii, pe niveluri de educaie

8.G4 Graduates, by level of education

2009/2010 2013/2014

28,3% 37,2%
27,2% 19,2%



29,1% 34,9%

nvmnt gimnazial nvmnt profesional

Lower secondary education Vocational education

nvmnt liceal nvmnt postliceal i de maitri

High school education Post high school and foremen education

nvmnt superior
Tertiary education

Ponderea absolvenilor din nvmntul liceal, pe tipuri de licee
8.G5 Weight of high-school graduates, by type of high schools

2009/2010 2013/2014
7,4% 9,8%
14,3% 16,8%

42,2% 45,1%

36,1% 28,3%
Licee i colegii teoretice (inclusiv liceele de informatic)
Theorethical high schools and colleges (including the informatics high schools)
Licee industriale (inclusiv liceele de metrologie)
Industrial high schools (including the metrology high schools)
Licee economice i administrative
Economic and administrative high schools
Alte licee
Other high schools

Structura studenilor, pe grupe de specializri, din nvmntul superior,

anul universitar 2014/2015
Students in higher education institutes, by specialization groups,
8.G6 academic year 2014/2015
3,8% 2,6%


21,4% 25,3%

6,4% 5,3%

Grupe de specializri ISCED-F1)/ ISCED-F1) Fields of Education and Training

Educaie Tehnologiile informaiei i comunicaiilor (TIC)
Education Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Arte i tine umaniste Inginerie, prelucrare i construcii
Arts and humanities Engineering, manufacturing and construction
tiine sociale, jurnalism i informaii Agricultur, silvicultur, piscicultur i
Social sciences, journalism and information tiine veterinare
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary sciences
Afaceri, administraie i drept
Business, administration and law Sntate i asisten social
Health and welfare
tiine naturale, matematic i statistic
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Servicii
1) Grupa de specializri ISCED-F 2013 (Clasificarea Internaional Standard a nvmntului, pe grupe de specializri) a fost adoptat
n anul 2014, urmare a revizuirii nivelurilor de educaie ISCED-2011.
ISCED-F 2013 (the International Standard Classification of Education, Fields of Education and Training 2013) was adopted in 2014,
following the revision of ISCED-F 2011.
nvmntul pe niveluri de educaie
(nvmnt de zi, seral, cu frecven redus i deschis la distan)
Education by level of education
(full time education, evening classes, part-time attendance education
8.1 and learning at distance)

2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015

Uniti 8244 7588 7204 7069 7074 7127
1); 2)
Populaia colar 4401070 4228067 3988996 3887891 3796404 3735552
Enrolled population 1); 2)
Copii n cree 18612
Children in crches
Copii n grdinie 666123 673736 673641 581144 568659 559565
Children in kindergartens
Elevi - total 2735424 2682489 2610022 2688590 2649040 2615722
Pupils - total
nvmnt de zi 2558900 2516508 2473022 2574467 2548072 2523835
Full time education
nvmnt seral 78694 84860 81222 71028 65195 59324
Evening classes education
nvmnt cu frecven redus 97830 81121 55778 43095 35773 32563
Part-time attendance education
Studeni / cursani 999523 871842 705333 618157 578705 541653
Students / postgraduates enrolled 2)
nvmnt de zi 773034 701464 601568 550117 523545 494584
Full time education
nvmnt seral 1817 995 659 439 260 144
Evening classes education
nvmnt cu frecven redus 134135 95744 48846 29860 23641 19730
Part-time attendance education
nvmnt deschis la distan 90537 73639 54260 37741 31259 27195
Learning at distance
Personal didactic 268679 252953 247487 245174 248016 244551
Teaching staff
nvmnt anteprecolar i precolar / Ante-pre-school and pre-school education
Grdinie de copii / Cree 1697 1498 1367 1222 1187 1236
Kindergartens / Crches
Copii nscrii 666123 673736 673641 581144 568659 578177
Children enrolled
Personal didactic 38322 37353 37391 35071 35433 35605
Teaching staff
nvmnt primar i gimnazial / Primary and lower-secondary education
coli 4623 4248 4022 4024 4045 4050
Elevi nscrii (n clase l-VIII) 1719676 1691441 1629406 1744192 1743254 1732305
Pupils enrolled (in forms l-VIII)
din care: / of which:
n nvmntul gimnazial 873997 862588 819280 812241 800507 785100
Secondary education
Personal didactic 135231 125005 120927 123640 125454 123144
Teaching staff
din care:/ of which:
n nvmntul gimnazial 82959 77445 74968 73014 74597 73046
Secondary education
Din nvmntul primar i gimnazial:
Of primary and secondary education:
nvmnt special:
Special education:
coli 105 106 99 99 100 95
Elevi nscrii (n clase l-VIII) 16308 16341 16165 16609 17154 17621
Pupils enrolled (in forms l-VIII)
Personal didactic 6355 6203 6141 6207 6342 6464
Teaching staff
1) ncepnd cu anul colar 2014/2015, n populaia colar se vor cuprinde copiii din cree.
As of the school year 2014/2015, enrolled population also includes children in crches.
Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
ncepnd cu anul universitar 2009/2010, cuprinde pe lng studenii de licen i cursanii nscrii la master, cursuri postuniversitare,
programe doctorale i postdoctorale.
Beginning with the academic year 2009/2010, include both Bachelor and Master students, Post-graduates, PhD students and
Postdoctoral students.
nvmntul pe niveluri de educaie
(nvmnt de zi, seral, cu frecven redus i deschis la distan) - continuare
Education by level of education
(full time education, evening classes, part-time attendance education
8.1 and learning at distance) - continued

2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015

nvmnt liceal / High school education

Licee 1638 1643 1615 1606 1605 1576
High schools
Elevi nscrii 837728 866543 888768 831810 776616 727072
Pupils enrolled
Personal didactic 60255 59609 59380 57080 56843 55913
Teaching staff
nvmnt profesional / Vocational education
coli 98 5 6 9 7 22
Elevi nscrii 115445 54538 12382 19734 26493 50788
Pupils enrolled
Personal didactic 2803 116 64 150 142 251
Teaching staff
nvmnt postliceal i de maitri / Post-high school and foremen education
coli 80 86 86 101 127 142
Elevi nscrii 62575 69967 79466 92854 102677 105557
Pupils enrolled
Personal didactic 965 1124 1360 1678 1933 1866
Teaching staff
din care: / of which:
nvmnt de maitri
Foremen education
Elevi nscrii 6315 6108 6564 7058 7500 7571
Pupils enrolled
Personal didactic 12 13 7 21 14 1
Teaching staff
nvmnt superior / Tertiary education
Instituii de nvmnt superior 108 108 108 107 103 101
Tertiary education institutions
Faculti 624 629 614 596 590 583
Studeni / cursani nscrii - total 999523 871842 705333 618157 578705 541653
Students / post-graduates enrolled - total
nvmnt de scurt durat (colegii) 570 610 - - - -
Short-term education (colleges)
nvmnt de licen 3) 774749 672391 539852 464592 433234 411229
Bachelor studies 3)
nvmnt de master i
studii postuniversitare 195241 171356 141663 132209 125480 111109
Master and post-graduate studies
Programe doctorale i postdoctorale 28963 27485 23818 21356 19991 19315
PhD and post-doctoral programs
Personal didactic 31103 29746 28365 27555 28211 27772
Teaching staff
Rate la 10000 locuitori 4) / Per 10000 inhabitants 4)
Elevi 1343 1325 1295 1340 1326 13145)
Studeni 2) 491 431 350 308 290 2725)
Students 2)

2) ncepnd cu anul universitar 2009/2010, cuprinde pe lng studenii de licen i cursanii nscrii la master, cursuri postuniversitare,
programe doctorale i postdoctorale.
Beginning with the academic year 2009/2010, include both Bachelor and Master students, Post-graduates, PhD students and
Postdoctoral students.
3) Pentru anii universitari 2009/2010 i 2010/2011, n cadrul nvmntului de licen sunt exclui studenii din nvmntul de scurt durat.
For the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 academic years, the students in short-term education (colleges) are not included in the Bachelor studies.
4) Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2009 - 2014 period, usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
5) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Populaia colar pe niveluri de educaie i pe sexe
(nvmnt de zi, seral, cu frecven redus i deschis la distan)
School aged population by level of education and by sex
(full time education, evening classes, part-time attendance education
8.2 and learning at distance)

Total = T / Total = T
Masculin = M / Male = M 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015
Feminin = F / Female = F

Populaia colar 1); 2) T 4401070 4228067 3988996 3887891 3796404 3735552

Enrolled population 1); 2) M 2173521 2099515 1998569 1954213 1907215 1878229
F 2227549 2128552 1990427 1933678 1889189 1857323
nvmnt anteprecolar T - - - - - 18612
Ante-pre-school education M - - - - - 9942
F - - - - - 8670
nvmnt precolar T 666123 673736 673641 581144 568659 559565
Pre-school education M 340949 344967 344488 297457 291602 287161
F 325174 328769 329153 283687 277057 272404
nvmnt primar i gimnazial
(inclusiv nvmntul special) T 1719676 1691441 1629406 1744192 1743254 1732305
Primary and lower secondary education M 888518 874606 844675 903471 902150 897176
(including special education) F 831158 816835 784731 840721 841104 835129
din care: / of which:
nvmnt gimnazial
(inclusiv nvmntul gimnazial special) T 873997 862588 819280 812241 800507 785100
Lower secondary education M 451168 445455 425005 420938 414431 407262
(including lower secondary F 422829 417133 394275 391303 386076 377838
special education)
Din nvmntul primar i gimnazial:
Of primary and lower secondary
nvmnt special T 16308 16341 16165 16609 17154 17621
Special education M 10219 10264 10215 10542 11085 11471
F 6089 6077 5950 6067 6069 6150
nvmnt liceal T 837728 866543 888768 831810 776616 727072
High school education M 418249 441438 456167 424185 391327 359427
F 419479 425105 432601 407625 385289 367645
nvmnt profesional T 115445 54538 12382 19734 26493 50788
Vocational education M 72949 35223 7898 14987 20525 37540
F 42496 19315 4484 4747 5968 13248
nvmnt postliceal i de maitri T 62575 69967 79466 92854 102677 105557
Post-high school and foremen M 17336 19476 23142 29182 34161 36001
education F 45239 50491 56324 63672 68516 69556
din care: / of which:
nvmnt de maitri T 6315 6108 6564 7058 7500 7571
Foremen education M 5903 5763 6140 6556 6969 7022
F 412 345 424 502 531 549
nvmnt superior 2) T 999523 871842 705333 618157 578705 541653
Tertiary education 2) M 435520 383805 322199 284931 267450 250982
F 564003 488037 383134 333226 311255 290671
nvmnt de scurt durat (colegii) T 570 610 - - - -
Short-cycle tertiary education (colleges) M 103 105 - - - -
F 467 505 - - - -
nvmnt de licen 3) - total T 774749 672391 539852 464592 433234 411229
Bachelors studies 3) - total M 346629 303796 252961 219414 203943 193252
F 428120 368595 286891 245178 229291 217977
nvmnt de master i postuniversitar T 195241 171356 141663 132209 125480 111109
Masters and post-university studies M 73721 66195 57511 54697 53487 47704
F 121520 105161 84152 77512 71993 63405
Programe doctorale i postdoctorale T 28963 27485 23818 21356 19991 19315
Doctorate degree and post-doctoral M 15067 13709 11727 10820 10020 10026
programs F 13896 13776 12091 10536 9971 9289
1) ncepnd cu anul colar / universitar 2014/2015, n populaia colar se vor cuprinde copiii din nvmntul anteprecolar (creele), iar
n nvmntul superior, pe lng studenii de licen sunt inclui cursanii din nvmntul universitar de master, de doctorat,
nvmntul postuniversitar i de la programele doctorale i postdoctorale. Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior.
Beginning with the school / academic year 2014/2015, enrolled population also includes children in ante-pre-school education (crches),
tertiary education includes, beside the students attending bachelors degree courses, the students who attend Masters and doctorate
2) degree courses, and those attending post-university and post-doctoral courses. Rectified data as against those previously published.
ncepnd cu anul universitar 2009/2010, nvmntul superior cuprinde pe lng studenii de licen nscrii i cursanii nscrii la
master, cursuri postuniversitare, programe doctorale i postdoctorale. Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior.
Beginning with the academic year 2009/2010, tertiary educations include both Bachelor and Master students, post-graduates studies,
3) as well as PhD and post-doctoral students. Rectified data as against those previously published.
Pentru anii universitari 2009/2010 i 2010/2011 n cadrul nvmntului de licen sunt exclui studenii din nvmntul de scurt durat.
For the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 academic years, Bachelors studies exclude students in short-cycle tertiary education (colleges).
Personalul didactic pe niveluri de educaie i pe sexe
8.3 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

Total = T / Total = T
Masculin = M / Male = M 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015
Feminin = F / Female = F

Personal didactic T 268679 252953 247487 245174 248016 244551

Teaching staff M 71393 65841 63120 60957 61020 57888
F 197286 187112 184367 184217 186996 186663
nvmnt anteprecolar i precolar 1) T 38322 37353 37391 35071 35433 35605
Ante-pre-school and pre-school M 112 135 125 110 127 126
education 1) F 38210 37218 37266 34961 35306 35479
nvmnt primar i gimnazial T 135231 125005 120927 123640 125454 123144
Primary and lower secondary M 33561 30451 29436 28390 28352 26444
education F 101670 94554 91491 95250 97102 96700
din care: / of which:
nvmnt special T 6355 6203 6141 6207 6342 6464
Special education M 1030 998 988 960 940 945
F 5325 5205 5153 5247 5402 5519
nvmnt liceal T 60255 59609 59380 57080 56843 55913
High school education M 19407 19019 18592 17758 17537 16774
F 40848 40590 40788 39322 39306 39139
nvmnt profesional T 2803 116 64 150 142 251
Vocational education M 1169 57 28 71 52 88
F 1634 59 36 79 90 163
nvmnt postliceal i de maitri T 965 1124 1360 1678 1933 1866
Post-high school and foremen M 305 338 381 424 456 414
education F 660 786 979 1254 1477 1452
din care: / of which:
nvmnt de maistri T 12 13 7 21 14 1
Foremen education M 8 7 3 10 7 1
F 4 6 4 11 7 -
nvmnt superior T 31103 29746 28365 27555 28211 27772
Tertiary education M 16839 15841 14558 14204 14496 14042
F 14264 13905 13807 13351 13715 13730
1) ncepnd cu anul colar / universitar 2014/2015, inclusiv personalul didactic din nvmntul anteprecolar.
As of the school/academic year 2014/2015, including the ante-pre-school education.

Absolvenii pe niveluri de educaie (nvmnt de zi, seral, cu frecven redus i

deschis la distan)
Graduates by level of education (full time education, evening classes, part-time
8.4 attendance and learning at distance)

Anul colar / School year 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014

nvmnt gimnazial 198981 229609 184599 182750 184046
Lower secondary education
din care: feminin / of which: female 97538 113148 89797 89698 90546
nvmnt liceal 204863 202160 187521 200004 172613
High school education
din care: feminin / of which: female 103544 102136 95330 98519 87570
nvmnt profesional 89805 34733 4570 5643 11915
Vocational education
din care: feminin / of which: female 32259 11679 1342 1417 2503
nvmnt postliceal i de maitri 19232 21311 23386 26891 31532
Post-high school and foremen education
din care: feminin / of which: female 12845 14279 16113 17376 20112
din care: /of which:
nvmnt de maitri 2952 2958 2688 3160 3081
Foremen education
din care: feminin / of which: female 233 130 157 220 213
nvmnt superior 191291 186900 136671 111028 95022
Tertiary education
din care: feminin / of which: female 118992 112260 78691 64143 54507

Populaia colar pe niveluri de educaie i tipuri de coli1)
8.5 School aged population by level of education and type of school1)
procente / percentage
2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total

Anteprecolar 0,5 Ante-pre-school

Preprimar (precolar) 15,1 15,9 16,9 14,9 15,0 15,0 Pre-primary (pre-school)

Primar (clase I-IV) 19,3 19,6 20,3 24,0 24,8 25,4 Primary (forms I-IV)

Secundar 41,5 42,2 43,2 42,8 42,3 41,8 Secondary

Inferior (clase V-VIII) 19,9 20,4 20,6 20,9 21,1 21,0 Lower (forms V-VIII)
Superior 21,6 21,8 22,6 21,9 21,2 20,8 Upper
General (liceu teoretic) 7,8 8,0 8,6 8,8 9,1 9,1 General (theoretical high school)
Tehnic / vocaional 13,8 13,8 14,0 13,1 12,1 11,7 Technical / vocational
liceu 11,2 12,5 13,7 12,6 11,4 10,4 high school
profesional 2,6 1,3 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,4 vocational

Post secundar 1,4 1,7 2,0 2,4 2,7 2,8 Post-secondary

postliceal 1,3 1,5 1,8 2,2 2,5 2,6 post-high school
de maitri 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 foremen

Teriar (superior) 22,7 20,6 17,6 15,9 15,2 14,5 Tertiary (higher)
de lung durat / licen 17,6 15,9 13,5 12,0 11,4 11,0 long-cycle / Bachelor
de scurt durat (colegii) **) **) **) - - - short-cycle (colleges)
master, postuniversitar Masters, post-university
i doctorat 5,1 4,7 4,1 3,9 3,8 3,5 and doctoral studies

Conform Clasificrii Internaionale Standard a Educaiei (CISE) - 1997, pn n anul colar/universitar 2012/2013.
ncepnd cu anul colar/universitar 2013/2014, Romnia a implementat noua Clasificare Internaional Standard a Educaiei
(ISCED) - 2011.
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) - 1997, up to the 2012/2013 school/academic year.
Starting with the school/academic year 2013/2014, Romania implemented the International Standard Classification of Education
(ISCED) - 2011.

Gradul de cuprindere n nvmnt a populaiei de vrst colar1)
8.6 Enrolment rate for school aged population1)
procente / percentage

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20152)

Total 86,5 84,1 80,4 79,6 79,4 73,9 Total

0 - 2 ani ... ... ... ... ... 6,7 0 - 2 years

3 - 6 ani 81,0 81,8 82,0 3 - 6 years
3 - 5 ani 84,1 83,8 84,1 3 - 5 years
7 - 10 ani 97,3 95,7 93,6 7 - 10 years
6 - 10 ani 92,8 92,8 91,2 6 - 10 years
11 - 14 ani 94,3 94,3 93,1 92,1 91,5 90,8 11 - 14 years
15 - 18 ani 88,8 86,2 84,2 82,2 81,4 80,2 15 - 18 years
19 - 23 ani i peste 76,4 70,1 59,7 55,4 54,5 66,8 19 - 23 years and over

Masculin 84,0 82,0 79,0 78,3 78,0 72,2 Male

0 - 2 ani ... ... ... ... ... 6,7 0 - 2 years

3 - 6 ani 80,4 81,2 81,3 3 - 6 years
3 - 5 ani 83,5 83,3 83,6 3 - 5 years
7 - 10 ani 97,4 95,8 93,8 7 - 10 years
6 - 10 ani 93,0 93,0 91,4 6 - 10 years
11 - 14 ani 94,4 94,5 93,4 92,5 91,7 91,1 11 - 14 years
15 - 18 ani 87,5 85,5 83,8 82,0 81,3 79,8 15 - 18 years
19 - 23 ani i peste 68,6 63,3 54,9 50,9 49,0 59,4 19 - 23 years and over

Feminin 89,1 86,4 82,0 80,9 81,0 75,7 Female

0 - 2 ani ... ... ... ... ... 6,8 0 - 2 years

3 - 6 ani 81,7 82,4 82,8 3 - 6 years
3 - 5 ani 84,8 84,3 84,5 3 - 5 years
7 - 10 ani 97,1 95,5 93,4 7 - 10 years
6 - 10 ani 92,6 92,7 91,0 6 - 10 years
11 - 14 ani 94,1 94,1 92,8 91,8 91,3 90,4 11 - 14 years
15 - 18 ani 90,1 87,1 84,6 82,5 81,6 80,6 15 - 18 years
19 - 23 ani i peste 84,7 77,4 64,9 60,2 60,3 74,9 19 - 23 years and over

Not: Pentru anii colari 2012/2013 i 2013/2014, recalcularea s-a efectuat conform legislaiei n vigoare (Legea educaiei nr. 1/2011).
Note: For the school years 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, the recalculation was done according to the legislation in force (the Education
Law No 1/2011).
1) Pentru perioada 2009/2010 - 2014/2015 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu
rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2009/2010 - 2014/2015 period, usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

8.7 Elevii nscrii n nvmntul preuniversitar, dup studiul limbilor moderne
Pupils enrolled in pre-university education, by foreign language studied
numr / number
Prima limb modern A doua limb modern
First foreign language Second foreign language
2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Total 2372518 2313361 2237347 2239622 2448161 2550386 1673000 1682189 1654334 1613322 1557197 1524945 Total
Limba englez 1610931 1619742 1638276 1701236 1942319 2063165 541896 518541 460058 414147 356930 328001 English
Limba francez 707378 644927 553875 492656 457586 432486 988818 1022121 1050909 1048174 1047795 1039064 French
Limba german 44250 39943 37452 37504 40439 45664 122627 121243 123219 132270 135256 140398 German
Limba rus 2632 989 510 299 292 277 5889 5313 5168 2645 2128 2371 Russian
Limba spaniol 4891 4784 4646 4998 4516 5336 6152 6576 6106 6526 6787 7170 Spanish
Limba italian 2101 2680 2296 2599 2575 2511 7290 8062 7696 7513 7650 7647 Italian
Limba greac 26 - - - 78 179 - - 250 60 36 - Greek
Limba japonez 115 117 118 163 186 211 24 24 122 280 46 43 Japanese
Limba portughez 194 179 174 167 170 170 87 54 28 151 25 - Portuguese
Limba turc - - - - - 326 217 255 778 1479 480 185 Turkish
Limba norvegian - - - - - - - - - 25 1 - Norwegian
Limba chinez - - - - - 61 - - - 52 63 66 Chinese

nvmnt primar 509443 486907 468969 522857 779177 923845 8023 5362 5683 11194 13207 22420 Primary education
Limba englez 367974 358433 358224 414639 643783 769488 2756 1922 2038 4143 5130 7669 English
Limba francez 129042 117078 99740 94885 118285 131605 4147 2520 2620 4862 5304 10973 French
Limba german 10883 9856 9770 11882 15528 20275 984 764 958 1937 2440 3514 German
Limba rus 304 140 61 - - 153 25 17 3 - 3 2 Russian
Limba spaniol 1097 1092 939 1157 1182 1767 71 25 16 68 230 120 Spanish
Limba italian 143 308 235 286 399 557 16 90 - 162 18 99 Italian
Limba greac - - - - - - - - - - 36 - Greek
Limba japonez - - - 8 - - 24 24 48 22 46 43 Japanese

nvmnt Lower secondary

gimnazial 863036 850605 807116 800235 789015 774349 827324 814023 772483 766948 755626 737447 education
Limba englez 559737 571735 562486 583138 599396 599354 285721 267546 235574 212096 185511 171289 English
Limba francez 279413 257436 225405 199476 172696 157543 470829 475652 467373 481942 495781 490394 French
Limba german 20457 18260 16869 15215 14852 15257 62836 62620 61628 66583 68415 70342 German
Limba rus 864 510 114 132 25 15 3443 3585 3323 1732 1358 1013 Russian
Limba spaniol 1608 1483 1376 1342 1173 1155 2719 2719 2204 2218 2565 2461 Spanish
Limba italian 957 1181 866 932 795 846 1776 1901 1912 1806 1996 1948 Italian
Limba portughez - - - - - - - - - - - - Portuguese
Limba turc - - - - - - - - 469 571 - - Turkish
Limba greac - - - - 78 179 - - - - - - Greek

nvmnt liceal 837665 866543 888736 831685 776527 727015 813978 847409 868484 817273 763184 715209 High school education
Limba englez 579417 613988 662974 633531 614007 592728 245913 244667 220483 193872 161002 137243 English
Limba francez 243144 238735 212016 185236 150811 122546 500113 534296 575779 549425 530449 504175 French
Limba german 10700 10149 9671 8600 7889 7475 57052 56897 60264 62358 61691 62590 German
Limba rus 1353 301 335 167 199 99 2372 1711 1832 913 763 1110 Russian
Limba spaniol 1824 2127 2331 2478 2096 2292 3099 3636 3826 4099 3743 4450 Spanish
Limba italian 892 947 1117 1351 1169 1107 5125 5893 5639 5212 4967 5390 Italian
Limba greac 26 - - - - - - - 250 - - - Greek
Limba japonez 115 117 118 155 186 211 - - 74 258 - - Japanese
Limba portughez 194 179 174 167 170 170 87 54 28 151 25 - Portuguese
Limba turc - - - - - 326 217 255 309 908 480 185 Turkish
Limba norvegian - - - - - - - - - 25 1 - Norwegian
Limba chinez - - - - - 61 - - - 52 63 66 Chinese

nvmnt profesional 112524 52881 9487 15893 24627 49271 21501 12828 2474 12592 16242 38735 Vocational education
Limba englez 64170 31309 6148 11344 17947 37961 7377 4203 723 3624 3897 9074 English
Limba francez 46354 20785 3232 4330 6346 10370 12020 7706 1705 8269 10430 26116 French
Limba german 1541 681 107 198 268 899 1608 702 46 628 1679 3204 German
Limba rus 72 - - - 1 2 49 - - - 2 106 Russian
Limba spaniol 362 82 - 21 65 39 263 137 - 51 190 139 Spanish
Limba italian 25 24 - - - - 184 80 - 20 44 96 Italian

nvmnt postliceal Post-high school and

i de maitri 49850 56425 63039 68952 78815 75906 2174 2567 5210 5315 8938 11134 foremen education
Limba englez 39633 44277 48444 58584 67186 63634 129 203 1240 412 1390 2726 English
Limba francez 9425 10893 13482 8729 9448 10422 1709 1947 3432 3676 5831 7406 French
Limba german 669 997 1035 1609 1902 1758 147 260 323 764 1031 748 German
Limba rus 39 38 - - 67 8 - - 10 - 2 140 Russian
Limba spaniol - - - - - 83 - 59 60 90 59 - Spanish
Limba italian 84 220 78 30 212 1 189 98 145 313 625 114 Italian
Limba greac - - - - - - - - - 60 - - Greek

302 303
nvmntul preuniversitar, dup limba de predare1)
(nvmnt de zi, seral i cu frecven redus)
Pre-university education, by teaching language1)
8.8 (full time education, evening classes and part-time attendance education)

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015



nvmnt anteprecolar ... ... ... ... ... 18612 Ante-pre-school education
Limba romn ... ... ... ... ... 18097 Romanian
Limba maghiar ... ... ... ... ... 447 Hungarian
Limba german ... ... ... ... ... 25 German
Limba englez ... ... ... ... ... 43 English

nvmnt precolar 666123 673736 673641 581144 568659 559565 Pre-school education
Limba romn 617934 624092 622942 538556 525227 517664 Romanian
Limba maghiar 41857 42747 43412 36284 35348 34705 Hungarian
Limba german 5356 5982 6277 5369 5610 5786 German
Limba srb 224 144 161 168 201 164 Serbian
Limba ucrainean 309 298 347 257 365 294 Ukrainian
Limba slovac 226 251 250 228 206 219 Slovakian
Limba ceh 22 12 10 10 10 8 Czech
Limba bulgar 47 62 69 - 31 26 Bulgarian
Limba croat 73 75 84 66 75 73 Croatian
Limba romanes 75 73 89 107 660 201 Romanes
Limba englez - - - 99 926 425 English

nvmnt primar Primary and lower

i gimnazial 1719676 1691441 1629406 1744192 1743254 1732305 secondary education
Limba romn 1617465 1589012 1529155 1635897 1631412 1620368 Romanian
Limba maghiar 90930 90779 87605 95247 95824 94326 Hungarian
Limba german 10147 10180 11234 11328 13377 14117 German
Limba srb 198 176 161 183 161 155 Serbian
Limba ucrainean 115 125 104 170 150 204 Ukrainian
Limba slovac 529 514 488 484 470 426 Slovakian
Limba ceh 38 33 22 20 6 16 Czech
Limba croat 69 75 68 69 53 55 Croatian
Limba romanes 185 189 241 314 1308 333 Romanes
Limba englez - 358 328 480 493 2305 English

nvmnt liceal 837728 866543 888768 831810 776616 727072 High school education
Limba romn 799905 826705 847644 786676 739711 693359 Romanian
Limba maghiar 33563 35452 36872 34555 32418 29037 Hungarian
Limba german 3373 3420 3289 2931 3629 3554 German
Limba srb 112 106 106 106 90 103 Serbian
Limba ucrainean 307 281 257 189 202 207 Ukrainian
Limba slovac 292 285 255 493 246 209 Slovakian
Limba croat 78 67 84 75 53 42 Croatian
Limba bulgar 98 94 107 - - - Bulgarian
Limba engleza - 133 154 3547 267 561 English
Limba turc - - - 1007 - - Turkish
Limba greac - - - 1876 - - Greek
Limba armean - - - 355 - - Armenian

nvmnt profesional 115445 54538 12382 19734 26493 50788 Vocational education
Limba romn 111224 52798 12229 18576 24567 47130 Romanian
Limba maghiar 4221 1740 153 1158 1926 3658 Hungarian

nvmnt postliceal Post-high school and

i de maitri 62575 69967 79466 92854 102677 105557 foremen education
Limba romn 61390 68591 78084 91242 101276 104123 Romanian
Limba maghiar 1185 1376 1382 1612 1401 1434 Hungarian
din care: of which:
nvmnt de maitri 6315 6108 6564 7058 7500 7571 Foremen education
Limba romn 6315 6108 6564 7058 7500 7571 Romanian

1) Limba romn i limba minoritilor naionale. / Romanian and national minorities language.

Numrul elevilor i absolvenilor din nvmntul liceal, pe tipuri de licee
(nvmnt de zi, seral i cu frecven redus)
Number of pupils and graduates from high school education, by type of high
8.9 schools (full time education, evening classes and part-time attendance education)

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Elevi nscrii 837728 866543 888768 831810 776616 727072 Pupils enrolled

Licee i colegii Theoretical high

teoretice 1) 344449 338829 342589 339793 343217 339747 schools and colleges 1)
Licee industriale 2) 297941 313110 316721 271133 227850 191322 Industrial high schools 2)
Licee agricole 11368 13729 14609 13321 11914 10336 Agricultural high schools
Licee silvice 4156 3738 4682 4412 4198 4076 Sylvicultural high schools
Licee agromontane 2248 2657 2701 2632 2485 2125 Agromountain high schools
Licee veterinare 5016 5363 5983 4959 4490 4349 Veterinary high schools
Licee economice i Economic and administrative
administrative 126220 139529 148385 140613 128077 120874 high schools
coli normale 4748 5639 6848 7351 7783 8094 Pedagogical schools
Licee de art 13778 13915 14400 14182 14336 14352 Art high schools
Licee cu program de
educaie fizic 14324 14761 15542 15743 15989 16806 Sports high schools
Licee militare 1227 1289 1319 1363 1332 1337 Military high schools
Seminarii teologice 10190 10294 10644 10489 10011 9690 Theological seminaries
Licee speciale 2063 3690 4345 5819 4934 3964 Special high schools

Absolveni 204863 202160 187521 200004 172613 3) Graduates

Licee i colegii Theoretical high

teoretice 1) 86350 85277 77520 76107 77928 schools and colleges 1)
Licee industriale 2) 74001 70446 63151 68763 48877 Industrial high schools 2)
Licee agricole 2242 2201 2328 3035 1988 Agricultural high schools
Licee silvice 862 582 890 994 938 Sylvicultural high schools
Licee agromontane 352 517 375 736 562 Agromountain high schools
Licee veterinare 1057 1060 1377 1095 867 Veterinary high schools
Licee economice i Economic and administrative
administrative 29369 31668 30549 36932 29029 high schools
coli normale 1053 938 966 1598 1890 Pedagogical schools
Licee de art 3300 3232 3448 3366 3415 Art high schools
Licee cu program de
educaie fizic 3386 3426 3704 3651 3814 Sports high schools
Licee militare 280 273 272 344 315 Military high schools
Seminarii teologice 2468 2329 2474 2569 2506 Theological seminaries
Licee speciale 143 211 467 814 484 Special high schools

1) Inclusiv liceele de informatic. / Including the informatics high schools.

2) Inclusiv liceele de metrologie. / Including the metrology high schools.
3) Anul colar 2014/2015 se ncheie dup examenul de corigen din toamn.
2014/2015 school year ends after the autumn second examination.

nvmntul liceal, pe filiere i profiluri
(nvmnt de zi, seral i cu frecven redus)
High school education, by branches and profiles
8.10 (full time education, evening classes and part-time attendance education)

2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015

Licee 1615 1606 1605 1576 High schools

Filiera teoretic 568 572 582 580 Theoretical branch

Profil real 466 455 457 454 Scientific education

Profil uman 94 109 117 118 Humanities education
Profil special 8 8 8 8 Special education

Filiera tehnologic 865 854 843 815 Technological branch

Profil tehnic 515 517 473 456 Technical education

Profil resurse naturale i Natural resources and
protecia mediului 155 147 145 137 environment protection education
Profilul servicii 195 190 187 185 Services education
1) 1)
Profil special 38 37 Special education

Filiera vocaional 182 180 180 181 Vocational branch

Profil pedagogic 25 25 27 27 Pedagogical education

Profil artistic 45 45 45 45 Art education
Profil sportiv 34 34 33 34 Sport education
Profil militar 3 3 3 3 Military education
Profil teologic 75 73 72 72 Teological education

Elevi nscrii 888768 831810 776616 727072 Pupils enrolled

Filiera teoretic 343000 340285 343609 340140 Theoretical branch

Profil real 215876 209914 206517 200401 Scientific education

Profil uman 126713 129879 136700 139346 Humanities education
Profil special 411 492 392 393 Special education

Filiera tehnologic 497015 442397 383556 336653 Technological branch

Profil tehnic 274278 233997 191675 158208 Technical education

Profil resurse naturale i Natural resources and
protecia mediului 73362 66195 59262 54000 environment protection education
Profilul servicii 149375 142205 128077 120874 Services education
1) 1)
Profil special 4542 3571 Special education

Filiera vocaional 48753 49128 49451 50279 Vocational branch

Profil pedagogic 6848 7351 7783 8094 Pedagogical education

Profil artistic 14400 14182 14336 14352 Art education
Profil sportiv 15542 15743 15989 16806 Sport education
Profil militar 1319 1363 1332 1337 Military education
Profil teologic 10644 10489 10011 9690 Teological education

1) n perioada 2011 - 2012 profilul special este inclus n profilurile filierei tehnologice.
During the 2011 - 2012 period, special education is included in the technological branch profiles.

nvmntul liceal, pe filiere i profiluri
(nvmnt de zi, seral i cu frecven redus) - continuare
High school education, by branches and profiles
8.10 (full time education, evening classes and part-time attendance education) - continued

2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015

Absolveni 187521 200004 172613 2) Graduates

Filiera teoretic 77846 76218 78029 Theoretical branch

Profil real 47702 46399 47014 Scientific education

Profil uman 29818 29708 30914 Humanities education
Profil special 326 111 101 Special education

Filiera tehnologic 98811 112258 82644 Technological branch

Profil tehnic 53626 59216 41119 Technical education

Profil resurse naturale i Natural resources and
protecia mediului 14578 15866 12113 environment protection education
Profilul servicii 30607 37176 29029 Services education
1) 1)
Profil special 383 ... Special education

Filiera vocaional 10864 11528 11940 Vocational branch

Profil pedagogic 966 1598 1890 Pedagogical education

Profil artistic 3448 3366 3415 Art education
Profil sportiv 3704 3651 3814 Sport education
Profil militar 272 344 315 Military education
Profil teologic 2474 2569 2506 Teological education

Personal didactic 59380 57080 56843 55913 Teaching staff

Filiera teoretic 21183 20810 21002 21311 Theoretical branch

Profil real 18160 17452 17535 17692 Scientific education

Profil uman 2860 3238 3333 3495 Humanities education
Profil special 163 120 134 124 Special education

Filiera tehnologic 32303 30455 29719 28507 Technological branch

Profil tehnic 20810 19742 18487 17541 Technical education

Profil resurse naturale i Natural resources and
protecia mediului 4933 4307 4130 4137 environment protection education
Profilul servicii 6560 6406 6355 6094 Services education
1) 1)
Profil special 747 735 Special education

Filiera vocaional 5894 5815 6122 6095 Vocational branch

Profil pedagogic 1084 1057 1130 1168 Pedagogical education

Profil artistic 2525 2499 2594 2512 Art education
Profil sportiv 1096 1062 1080 1096 Sport education
Profil militar 84 86 85 80 Military education
Profil teologic 1105 1111 1233 1239 Teological education

1) n perioada 2011 - 2012 profilul special este inclus n profilurile filierei tehnologice.
During the 2011 - 2012 period, special education is included in the technological branch profiles.
2) Anul colar 2014/2015 se ncheie dup examenul de corigen din toamn.
2014/2015 school year ends after the autumn second examination.

nvmntul profesional, postliceal i de maitri,
pe tipuri de coli i profiluri de pregtire
Vocational, post high school and foremen education,
8.11 by type of school and training profile

Elevi nscrii / Pupils enrolled Absolveni / Graduates

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

coli profesionale 109847 51029 10288 18106 25673 49479 87731 32997 2883 4401 11403
Vocational schools
Construcii de maini 22642 6772 2034 3441 4510 7360 17882 3688 324 736 1888
Electrotehnic i electronic 9986 3778 489 1015 1096 2200 8413 2651 174 216 564
Electrotechnics and electronics
Mine - - - 28 148 - - - - - 24
Petrol 696 507 63 127 97 265 508 306 - 20 60
Metalurgie 63 20 - - 7 19 51 16 - - -
Energetic 297 229 - 190 165 208 267 173 - - 61
Chimie industrial 1072 385 63 60 200 290 892 283 15 16 107
Industrial chemistry
Materiale de construcii 452 137 82 15 17 59 365 57 - 8 17
Construction materials
Construcii-montaj 8884 4059 898 1488 1623 3127 6898 2484 221 324 759
Exploatarea i
industrializarea lemnului 5148 2129 475 906 1379 2245 3982 1178 136 259 594
Wood exploitation
and processing
Transporturi 9886 9222 2340 4561 6651 12658 7589 6329 995 1563 3298
Pot i telecomunicaii 110 63 - - - - 96 55 - - -
Post and telecommunications
Industrie alimentar 6074 2924 424 760 1151 2398 4874 1977 116 221 506
Food industry
Industrie uoar 8938 3357 706 1304 1870 3966 6708 1889 166 210 758
Light industry
Poligrafie 243 157 55 - - - 160 62 - - -
Agricultur 8364 3667 776 1021 1748 4044 6351 2107 146 194 697
Silvicultur 1272 462 51 88 140 180 1078 319 41 - 61
Teologie 154 50 - - - - 140 41 - - -
Turism 1352 531 182 60 190 225 1131 332 4 29 83
Comer 6750 3206 441 289 437 1611 5829 2319 159 86 169
Alimentaie public 13178 6355 668 1522 2741 5209 11061 4716 137 227 1134
Public catering
Industrie mic i
prestri servicii 4265 2999 541 1231 1503 3415 3456 2011 246 292 623
Small-sized industry
and rendering services
Industrie 21 20 - - - - - 4 3 - -

nvmntul profesional, postliceal i de maitri,
pe tipuri de coli i profiluri de pregtire - continuare
Vocational, post high school and foremen education,
8.11 by type of school and training profile - continued

Elevi nscrii / Pupils enrolled Absolveni / Graduates

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

coli profesionale speciale 5598 3509 2094 1628 820 1309 2074 1736 1687 1242 512
Special vocational schools
Construcii de maini 807 488 291 121 59 105 278 254 232 105 35
Electrotehnic i electronic - - - 11 - - - - - 10 -
Electrotechnics and electronics
Chimie industrial 7 - - - - - 7 - - 9 -
Industrial chemistry
Materiale de construcii 10 - - - - - 10 - - 6 -
Construction materials
Construcii-montaj 908 670 412 359 166 244 336 294 292 223 81
Exploatarea i
industrializarea lemnului 800 437 241 185 83 122 327 208 194 133 52
Wood exploitation
and processing
Transporturi 18 27 38 88 71 21 13 21 22 48 38
Industrie alimentar 216 192 106 45 38 52 28 98 76 37 24
Food industry
Industrie uoar 1600 887 501 409 205 339 604 441 422 303 133
Light industry
Gospodrirea apelor - - - - 10 - - - - - -
Water management
Agricultur 173 121 90 35 8 46 70 64 80 31 7
Comer 117 97 37 18 8 - 59 45 38 17 9
Alimentaie public 734 438 265 250 121 191 268 222 234 198 86
Public catering
Industrie mic i
prestri servicii 173 102 90 95 51 189 41 55 76 114 47
Small-sized industry
and rendering services
Poligrafie 3 9 - - - - 3 10 - - -
nvmnt general 32 - - - - - 30 - - - -
General education
Turism - 41 23 12 - - - 24 21 8 -
coli postliceale 56063 63676 72692 85533 94854 97643 16204 18296 20633 23668 28355
Post-high schools
Construcii de maini 507 574 647 790 1108 1742 223 195 273 249 291
Electrotehnic i electronic 258 225 236 513 780 982 110 111 58 165 210
Electrotechnics and electronics
Mine - - - 60 - - - - - 28 -

nvmntul profesional, postliceal i de maitri,
pe tipuri de coli i profiluri de pregtire - continuare
Vocational, post high school and foremen education,
8.11 by type of school and training profile - continued

Elevi nscrii / Pupils enrolled Absolveni / Graduates

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Geologie 147 121 114 117 55 30 64 56 47 50 13

Metalurgie - - - 172 63 62 - - - - 32

Energetic 93 93 62 225 491 602 33 41 26 17 140


Chimie industrial 101 136 230 539 831 912 40 46 74 128 260
Industrial chemistry

Materiale de construcii 15 15 15 15 15 - 15 - 15 - 15
Construction materials

Arhitectur, sistematizare i
construcii-montaj 1082 996 943 1329 1794 1942 431 414 322 319 559
Architecture, arrangement
and assembly-construction

Exploatarea i
industrializarea lemnului 235 271 387 541 574 519 89 109 150 181 214
Wood exploitation
and processing

Transporturi 1450 1316 1565 2295 3440 3973 622 657 504 879 1189

Pot i telecomunicaii 455 481 625 649 766 742 142 182 219 248 322
Post and telecommunications

Industrie alimentar 959 929 909 1219 1408 1270 378 419 365 455 502
Food industry

Industrie uoar 242 245 261 330 519 687 77 110 80 69 140
Light industry

Poligrafie - - - - 26 - - - - - 15

Agricultur 415 437 545 510 754 768 152 181 164 166 218
Silvicultur 927 970 834 866 1011 961 385 458 392 315 441

Comer 1283 1030 1023 1580 1837 2075 594 493 355 490 655

Finane, contabilitate,
administrativ 415 450 443 714 986 823 171 154 168 162 326
Finances, accountancy,

Turism 1142 1181 1498 1916 2452 2728 460 464 490 618 892

Servicii 1335 1206 1155 1502 1729 1744 652 509 453 495 574

Informatic 1204 1154 1458 2442 3599 4029 449 429 400 708 1324

Sanitar 43044 51009 58941 66262 69653 69239 10835 12890 15698 17363 19345

Cultur 138 126 90 138 161 184 52 79 36 24 48


nvmnt 260 170 115 112 106 102 103 77 36 48 14


nvmntul profesional, postliceal i de maitri,
pe tipuri de coli i profiluri de pregtire - continuare
Vocational, post high school and foremen education,
8.11 by type of school and training profile - continued

Elevi nscrii / Pupils enrolled Absolveni / Graduates

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Asisten social 11 - - - - 20 9 - - - -
Social assistance
Agricol si alimentar - - - - - 421 - - - - -
Agriculture and food industry
Management - - - - - 171 - - - - -
Altele 345 541 596 697 696 915 118 222 308 491 616
coli postliceale speciale 197 183 210 263 323 343 76 57 65 63 96
Special post high schools
Exploatarea i
industrializarea lemnului - - - - 10 8 - - - - -
Wood exploitation
and processing
Industrie alimentar - - - - 11 10 - - - - -
Food industry
Sanitar 156 142 157 187 226 254 51 46 42 46 51
nvmnt 14 15 30 27 28 30 14 - 15 7 12
Servicii 27 26 23 49 48 41 11 11 8 10 33
coli de maitri 6315 6108 6564 7058 7500 7571 2952 2958 2688 3160 3081
Foremen schools
Construcii de maini 1593 1463 1581 1800 1918 1824 756 721 608 847 754
Electronic i electrotehnic 677 676 816 857 792 900 337 321 338 434 382
Electronics and electrotechnics
Mine 61 129 141 180 86 88 - 59 66 66 86
Petrol 203 143 170 260 219 186 107 91 73 122 121
Metalurgie 99 69 85 79 89 50 60 36 25 35 39
Energetic 867 1043 1144 1109 1108 925 388 401 527 464 510
Chimie industrial 104 18 25 55 167 171 48 - - 25 30
Industrial chemistry
Materiale de construcii - - - 25 21 - - - - - 21
Construction materials
Construcii-montaj 1387 1334 1353 1356 1553 1683 633 663 552 585 568
Exploatarea i
industrializarea lemnului 128 110 87 - - 55 85 64 41 - -
Wood exploitation
and processing
Transporturi 894 785 824 985 1128 1188 408 464 325 443 443
Industria alimentar 48 85 98 71 76 79 16 23 39 33 15
Food industry
Industria uoar 131 120 138 150 142 137 70 46 53 67 61
Light industry
Agricultur 123 133 102 131 201 285 44 69 41 39 51

8.12 nvmntul special
Special education

din care: n nvmntul of which: in education

Anii colari Total Primar i Postliceal i
Anteprecolar Precolar gimnazial Liceal Profesional de maitri School years
Ante-pre-school Pre-school Primary and High school Vocational Post high school
lower secondary and foremen

2009/2010 coli 170 ... 13 105 41 11 - Schools 2009/2010

Elevi nscrii 26313 ... 2147 16308 2063 5598 197 Pupils enrolled
din care: feminin 9974 ... 798 6089 874 2115 98 of which: female
Personal didactic 8059 ... 591 6355 620 493 - Teaching staff
din care: feminin 6619 ... 572 5325 407 315 - of which: female

2010/2011 coli 166 ... 11 106 45 4 - Schools 2010/2011

Elevi nscrii 25862 ... 2139 16341 3690 3509 183 Pupils enrolled
din care: feminin 9769 ... 801 6077 1554 1253 84 of which: female
Personal didactic 7763 ... 587 6203 864 109 - Teaching staff
din care: feminin 6430 ... 563 5205 606 56 - of which: female

2011/2012 coli 160 ... 13 99 43 5 - Schools 2011/2012

Elevi nscrii 25138 ... 2324 16165 4345 2094 210 Pupils enrolled
din care: feminin 9338 ... 862 5950 1729 712 85 of which: female
Personal didactic 7634 ... 567 6141 863 63 - Teaching staff
din care: feminin 6368 ... 549 5153 630 36 - of which: female

2012/2013 coli 151 ... 7 99 43 2 - Schools 2012/2013

Elevi nscrii 26358 ... 2039 16609 5819 1628 263 Pupils enrolled
din care: feminin 9901 ... 708 6067 2432 588 106 of which: female
Personal didactic 7629 ... 558 6207 795 62 7 Teaching staff
din care: feminin 6398 ... 534 5247 574 39 4 of which: female

2013/2014 coli 158 ... 8 100 46 4 - Schools 2013/2014

Elevi nscrii 25187 ... 1956 17154 4934 820 323 Pupils enrolled
din care: feminin 9046 ... 684 6069 1856 300 137 of which: female
Personal didactic 7877 ... 581 6342 881 66 7 Teaching staff
din care: feminin 6615 ... 558 5402 606 45 4 of which: female

2014/2015 coli 152 ... 10 95 45 2 - Schools 2014/2015

Elevi nscrii 24995 19 1739 17621 3964 1309 343 Pupils enrolled
din care: feminin 8888 9 630 6150 1460 492 147 of which: female
Personal didactic 7923 ... 585 6464 859 15 - Teaching staff
din care: feminin 6717 ... 569 5519 619 10 - of which: female

312 313
nvmntul superior, pe localiti
(nvmnt de zi, seral, cu frecven redus i deschis la distan)
Tertiary education, by locality

8.13 (full time education, evening classes, part-time attendance education and
learning at distance)

Instituii de nvmnt superior Faculti Studeni/cursani 1) nscrii Personal didactic

Tertiary education institutions Faculties Students/learnes1) enrolled Teacing staff
Localiti 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ Localities
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Total 108 108 108 107 103 101 624 629 614 596 590 583 775319 673001 539852 464592 433234 541653 31103 29746 28365 27555 28211 27772 Total

Aiud - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aiud
Alba Iulia 2 2 2 2 2 1 7 7 8 8 8 8 4898 4645 4122 3888 3676 4439 181 190 164 167 164 154 Alba Iulia
Alexandria - - - - - - 3 3 3 3 3 3 607 559 506 397 327 634 - - - - - - Alexandria
Amara - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amara
Arad 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 24 16 15 15 15 19224 23616 18020 16066 12822 11992 565 576 527 545 621 605 Arad
Bacu 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 9 9 8 7 7 7468 6792 5889 4989 4582 5632 297 287 285 272 241 233 Bacu
Baia Mare 2 2 1 1 - - 10 10 9 6 7 6 5383 5236 4920 851 3637 4708 219 210 211 - 206 184 Baia Mare
Bistria - - - - - - 2 2 3 3 3 3 1355 1241 1151 1150 1001 995 - - - - - - Bistria
Blaj - - - - - - 2 2 2 1 1 1 2361 703 235 57 63 98 9 - - - - - Blaj
Botoani - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 293 298 269 192 102 61 - - - - - - Botoani
Braov 3 3 3 3 3 3 23 25 27 27 27 27 58976 45992 26267 20782 18123 21652 1018 926 919 887 878 864 Braov
Brila - - - - - - 3 3 3 3 3 3 1830 1444 1167 920 775 857 32 31 28 28 27 17 Brila
Bucureti 33 33 34 33 33 33 165 170 170 156 158 158 285720 222047 166667 139262 128883 171065 10707 10087 9327 9031 9021 8690 Bucharest
Buzu - - - - - - 1 1 2 2 3 3 224 306 330 260 418 505 - - - - - - Buzu
Cmpulung - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 4137 2173 573 319 291 480 - - - - - - Cmpulung
Clrai - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 467 797 405 407 382 349 - 9 - - - - Clrai
Cernica 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 251 240 186 134 160 159 19 20 16 17 20 20 Cernica
Cluj-Napoca 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 49 50 52 51 60371 57595 54203 50006 49597 65761 3932 3862 3799 4016 3858 3967 Cluj-Napoca
Constana 5 5 5 5 5 5 29 29 28 28 28 28 36860 38120 28438 23871 21700 24111 985 957 949 930 907 922 Constana
Craiova 3 3 3 3 3 3 23 23 18 19 17 17 35667 29956 23488 19876 18382 22087 1462 1405 1338 1347 1328 1294 Craiova
Crevedia - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 - 216 239 211 61 34 - - - - - - - Crevedia
Deva 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 - - 151 109 69 20 - - 5 3 2 2 - - Deva
Drobeta-Turnu Severin - - - - - - 5 5 5 5 5 5 2960 2611 1569 1973 1634 1744 - - - - - - Drobeta-Turnu Severin
Focani - - - - - - 1 2 2 2 2 2 141 536 433 331 263 296 - - - - - - Focani
Galai 2 2 2 2 2 2 19 19 18 18 17 16 20117 17765 15620 13258 11806 14747 677 667 747 649 637 635 Galai
Gheorghieni - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 224 188 145 128 103 143 - - - - - - Gheorghieni
Hunedoara - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 944 930 767 655 570 916 59 57 54 54 54 54 Hunedoara
Iai 11 11 11 11 10 10 51 50 50 49 48 47 58418 55557 51157 46504 44132 55220 3316 3203 3016 2904 2917 2893 Iai
Lugoj 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1006 857 657 533 411 414 30 27 28 24 22 20 Lugoj
Marghita - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 - - 73 245 211 159 - - - - - - Marghita
Miercurea Ciuc - - - - - - 2 3 3 2 2 2 971 940 838 733 668 753 - - - - - - Miercurea Ciuc
Nsud - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 296 439 383 324 276 258 - - - - - - Nsud
Odorheiu Secuiesc - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 193 358 270 261 228 211 - - - - - - Odorheiu Secuiesc
Oradea 4 4 4 4 4 4 25 25 22 22 22 22 19182 17497 15717 14550 13499 16381 1446 1382 1409 1252 1247 1240 Oradea
Petroani 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 4812 4311 3352 3034 2570 3331 211 203 201 202 191 170 Petroani
Piatra Neam - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 867 783 589 395 333 259 - - - - - - Piatra Neam
Piteti 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 14 14 14 14 14 13845 12291 10106 8493 7671 9446 555 525 485 475 474 460 Piteti
Ploieti 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 7 7 7 8569 8246 7652 7122 6631 7915 366 351 325 318 303 298 Ploieti
Rmnicu Vlcea - - - - - - 5 5 5 5 5 5 6060 4514 2802 1912 1394 1303 40 43 39 41 39 31 Rmnicu Vlcea
Reia 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 6 3 3 3415 3077 2341 1354 1463 1920 121 109 113 113 115 117 Reia
Roman 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 102 76 71 66 75 142 17 19 20 14 14 9 Roman
Satu Mare 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 5 6 1939 1776 1489 1380 1284 1235 19 17 15 17 17 15 Satu Mare
Sebi - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 313 222 154 109 64 60 - - - - - - Sebi
Sfntu Gheorghe - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 804 860 669 482 379 372 - - - - - - Sfntu Gheorghe
Sibiu 4 4 4 4 4 4 21 21 16 16 16 16 24211 22077 18102 15347 13759 16992 883 848 837 826 854 829 Sibiu
Sighetu Marmaiei - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 500 492 460 422 426 480 - - - - - Sighetu Marmaiei
Sighioara - - - - - - 1 1 1 - - - 28 13 3 - - - - - - - - - Sighioara
Slatina - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 557 690 593 512 446 453 - - - - - - Slatina
Slobozia - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 315 290 388 218 305 277 - - - - - - Slobozia
Suceava 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9796 9299 8278 7238 6840 8353 364 342 338 348 349 338 Suceava
Trgovite 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 8 8 9 9 7998 7519 6269 5344 4891 5439 327 321 296 301 299 298 Trgovite
Trgu Jiu 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 6 7 6 6 5749 5215 4310 3953 3519 3758 151 145 139 143 139 140 Trgu Jiu
Trgu Mure 4 4 4 4 4 4 15 15 15 15 15 15 11654 11705 10990 10494 10215 12913 784 735 686 672 716 751 Trgu Mure
Trgu Secuiesc - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 66 144 58 49 48 46 - - - - - - Trgu Secuiesc
Timioara 8 8 8 8 7 6 45 43 41 42 40 37 42259 39139 35862 33096 31549 39556 2306 2189 2052 1960 2553 2524 Timioara
Vatra Dornei - - - - - - 1 1 2 1 1 1 121 51 103 87 111 135 - - - - - - Vatra Dornei
Zalu - - - - - - 2 2 4 4 4 4 428 425 466 482 505 441 - - - - - - Zalu

1) ncepnd cu anul universitar 2014/2015, studenii / cursanii nscrii cuprind i cursanii de master, cursuri postuniversitare, programe
doctorale i postdoctorale.
As of the academic year 2014/2015, the total number of students / learnes enrolled also includes Masters students, academic
studies post-university and post-doctoral courses.

314 315
nvmntul superior de licen, absolvenii pe grupe de specializri
(nvmnt de zi, seral, cu frecven redus i deschis la distan)
Tertiary bachelors studies, graduates by fields of education and training
(full time education, evening classes, part-time attendance education and
8.14 learning at distance)

Grupe de specializri 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 Fields of education and training

ABSOLVENI 191291 186900 136671 111028 95022 GRADUATES

Tehnice 30287 27946 29689 27713 24668 Technical

Industrie 21062 20138 21190 19878 17820 Industry
Mine 97 89 68 89 107 Mining
Petrol-Geologie 339 339 367 274 289 Petroleum-Geology
Energie electric i Electricity and
electrotehnic 6661 6199 6659 6490 6394 electrotechnics
Metalurgie i construcii Metallurgy and
de maini 2595 2420 2710 2886 2686 engineering
Tehnologie chimic 608 485 557 469 613 Chemical technology
Industria lemnului i Wood and building
materialelor de construcii 101 78 91 60 53 materials industry
Industria uoar 157 138 64 56 47 Light industry
Industria alimentar 2469 2423 2119 2288 1524 Food industry
Inginerie 1) 8035 7136 7905 7243 6083 Engineering 1)
Alte specializri 2) 1022 831 650 23 24 Other specializations 2)
Transporturi i Transport and
telecomunicaii 972 958 1007 797 875 telecommunications
Arhitectur i construcii 4161 4397 4993 4642 3797 Architecture and construction
Agricultur (inclusiv Agriculture (veterinary
Medicin veterinar) 2228 1776 1919 1819 1660 medicine included)
Agricultur 1684 1234 1357 1305 1181 Agriculture
Medicin veterinar 544 542 562 514 479 Veterinary medicine
Silvicultur 842 677 580 577 516 Forestry

Medico-farmaceutice 7763 9729 9434 9437 9250 Medical and pharmaceutical

Medicin uman 3) 6392 8118 7473 7621 7581 Human medicine 3)
Farmacie 1371 1611 1961 1816 1669 Pharmacy

tiine economice 72641 62685 34415 25724 21922 Economics

tiine juridice 17954 26404 19215 12521 10388 Legal science

Universitar-pedagogice 60198 57589 41604 33492 26893 Academic and pedagogical

Filologie 4) 10705 9410 8276 6769 5779 Philology 4)
Istorie-Filosofie 5) 3707 3767 4069 3058 2622 History-Philosophy 5)
Geografie 3403 3296 2933 2055 1649 Geography
Biologie 991 1032 1165 1000 692 Biology
Chimie 345 280 310 244 283 Chemistry
Matematic-Fizic 2865 3316 2520 2310 2249 Mathematics-Physics
Pedagogie 6) 20647 19714 11250 10025 6606 Pedagogy 6)
Educaie fizic 3391 3423 3674 2895 2522 Physical education
tiine politice i Political and administrative
administrative 13625 12730 6917 4698 3945 studies
tiine culturale 117 95 125 112 130 Culture related sciences
tiina mediului 402 444 365 326 416 Environment related sciences
Artistic pedagogic - 82 - - - Artistic-pedagogical

Artistice 2448 2547 2314 2141 1901 Artistic

Art plastic i decorativ 953 1078 1035 985 868 Fine and decorative arts
Art teatral i cinematografic 7) 596 645 647 471 460 Drama and cinematography 7)
Muzic 899 824 632 685 573 Music
1) Include: ingineria economic, ingineria mediului, tiine inginereti i ingineria industrial. / Economic engineering, environment
engineering, science engineering and industrial engineering included.
2) ncepnd cu anul 2011/2012, subgrupa Alte specializri este inclus n grupa Industrie. / Since 2011/2012, the Other specialities
sub-field is included in the Industry field of study.
3) Inclusiv Stomatologie. / Stomatology included. 4) Inclusiv Jurnalistic. / Journalism included. 5) Inclusiv Teologie. / Theology included.
6) Inclusiv Socio-psiho-pedagogie. / Socio-psycho-pedagogy included. 7) Inclusiv Coregrafie. / Choreography included.

nvmntul superior, studeni/cursani nscrii, pe grupe de specializri
ISCED-F (nvmnt de zi, seral, cu frecven redus i deschis la distan)
Tertiary education, students/learners enrolled, by ISCED-F fields of education
and training (full time education, evening classes, part-time attendance
8.15 education and learning at distance)

Anul universitar
Grupe de specializri Academic year Fields of education and training

Studeni / cursani nscrii - Total 541653 Students / learners enrolled - Total

nvmnt de zi 494584 Full time education

nvmnt seral 144 Evening classes education
nvmnt cu frecven redus 19730 Part-time attendance education
nvmnt la distan 27195 Learning at distance

Grupe de specializri ISCED-F 1) ISCED-F 1) Fields of Education

and Training

tiinele educaiei 14236 Education

Arte i tiine umaniste 49579 Arts and humanities
tiine sociale, jurnalism i informaii 46493 Social sciences, journalism and information
Afaceri, administraie i drept 137059 Business, administration and law
tiine naturale, matematic Natural sciences, mathematics
i statistic 28918 and statistics
Tehnologiile informaiei i Information and
comunicaiilor (TIC) 34610 Communication Technologies (ICT)
Inginerie, prelucrare Engineering, manufacturing
i construcii 115691 and construction
Agricultur, silvicultur, piscicultur i Agriculture, forestry, fisheries
tiine veterinare 26071 and veterinary sciences
Sntate i asisten social 68230 Health and welfare
Servicii 20766 Services

1) Grupa de specializri ISCED - F 2013 (Clasificarea Internaional Standard a nvmntului, pe grupe de specializri) a fost adoptat
n anul 2014, urmare a revizuirii nivelurilor de educaie ISCED - 2011.
ISCED - F 2013 (the International Standard Classification of Education, Fields of Education and Training 2013) was adopted in 2014,
following the revision of ISCED - F 2011.

nvmntul superior din instituii private, pe localiti,
n anul universitar 2014/2015
Tertiary education from private institutions, by locality,
8.16 in 2014/2015 academic year

Instituii de Studeni/cursani 1) nscrii Personal didactic

Localiti nvmnt superior Faculti Students/learners 1) enrolled Teaching staff
Localities Tertiary education Faculties Total din care: feminin Total din care: feminin
institutions of which: female of which: female

Total 45 180 77504 42389 3305 1781

Alba Iulia - 1 20 16 - -
Alexandria - 1 109 59 - -
Arad 1 6 5789 3354 392 200
Bacu 1 1 625 361 31 8
Baia Mare - 2 242 139 - -
Bistria - 1 36 19 - -
Braov 1 8 2089 1243 51 21
Brila - 2 321 208 17 10
Bucureti / Bucharest 16 70 42256 23369 1626 939
Buzu - 2 308 156 - -
Cmpulung - 1 216 123 - -
Cernica 1 1 159 79 20 11
Cluj-Napoca 4 9 3666 2059 317 139
Constana 2 8 2689 1524 58 35
Craiova 1 3 1355 619 1 -
Deva - - - - - -
Focani - 1 101 54 - -
Galai 1 3 2401 1361 68 40
Iai 5 10 2310 1242 181 112
Lugoj 1 2 414 229 20 10
Marghita - 1 159 65 - -
Miercurea Ciuc - 2 753 471 - -
Oradea 3 6 1921 1067 178 81
Piteti 1 3 902 483 33 23
Ploieti - 2 205 114 - -
Rmnicu Vlcea - 3 998 512 31 20
Roman 1 2 142 - 9 -
Satu Mare 1 4 641 364 15 7
Sebi - 1 60 18 - -
Sibiu 2 5 1305 704 90 39
Slobozia - 2 277 149 - -
Trgu Jiu - 2 633 276 - -
Trgu Mure 1 5 2067 893 64 31
Timioara 2 8 2213 991 103 55
Zalu - - 122 68 - -

1) ncepnd cu anul universitar 2014/2015, studenii / cursanii nscrii vor cuprinde i cursanii de master, cursuri postuniversitare,
programe doctorale i postdoctorale.
As of the academic year 2014/2015, the total number of students / learners enrolled also includes Masters students, post-graduation
studies, as well as PhD and post-doctoral students.

nvmntul superior de licen, absolvenii din instituii private,
pe grupe de specializri
Tertiary bachelors studies, graduates of private institutions,
8.17 by fields of education and training

Absolveni n anul universitar 2013/2014

2013/2014 academic year graduates
Grupe de specializri Total din care: feminin Fields of education and training
of which: female

ABSOLVENI - total 21717 12140 GRADUATES - total

nvmnt de zi 16616 9317 Full time education
nvmnt cu frecven redus 3078 1604 Evening classes education
nvmnt la distan 2023 1219 Learning at distance

Grupe de specializri Fields of education and training

Tehnice 1550 575 Technical
din care: nvmnt de zi 1047 350 of which: full time education
Industrie 1301 459 Industry
din care: nvmnt de zi 807 234 of which: full time education
Energie electric i electrotehnic 238 16 Electricity and electrotechnics
din care: nvmnt de zi 238 16 of which: full time education
Metalurgie i construcii de maini 34 - Metallurgy and machine buildings
din care: nvmnt de zi 34 - of which: full time education
Industria alimentar 452 199 Food industry
din care: nvmnt de zi 195 101 of which: full time education
Inginerie 1) 577 244 Engineering 1)
din care: nvmnt de zi 340 117 of which: full time education
Arhitectur i construcii 161 89 Architecture and construction
din care: nvmnt de zi 161 89 of which: full time education
Agricultur (inclusiv medicin Agriculture (veterinary medicine
veterinar) - total 61 26 included) - total
din care: nvmnt de zi - total 61 26 of which: full time education - total
din total: of total:
Agricultur 22 6 Agriculture
din care: nvmnt de zi 22 6 of which: full time education - total
Medicin veterinar 39 20 Veterinary medicine
din care: nvmnt de zi 39 20 of which: full time education
Silvicultur 27 1 Forestry
din care: nvmnt de zi 18 1 of which: full time education

Medico-farmaceutice 2) 1172 795 Medical and pharmaceutical 2 )

din care: nvmnt de zi 1172 795 of which: full time education
Medicin uman 1020 657 Human medicine
din care: nvmnt de zi 1020 657 of which: full time education
Farmacie 152 138 Pharmacy
din care: nvmnt de zi 152 138 of which: full time education

tiine economice 8083 4678 Economics

din care: nvmnt de zi 6493 3679 of which: full time education

tiine juridice 5838 2954 Legal science

din care: nvmnt de zi 3512 1810 of which: full time education

Universitar-pedagogice 4866 3037 Academic and pedagogical

din care: nvmnt de zi 4184 2582 of which: full time education
Filologie 3) 933 682 Philology 3)
din care: nvmnt de zi 861 645 of which: full time education
Istorie-Filosofie 4) 227 69 History-Philosophy 4)
din care: nvmnt de zi 177 60 of which: full time education
Geografie 226 109 Geography
din care: nvmnt de zi 226 109 of which: full time education
Biologie 36 17 Biology
din care: nvmnt de zi 36 17 of which: full time education
Matematic-Fizic 322 59 Mathematics-Physics
din care: nvmnt de zi 279 54 of which: full time education

Include inginerie economic / Economic engineering included. 2) Inclusiv Stomatologie. / Stomatology included.
3) Inclusiv Jurnalistic. / Journalism included. 4) Inclusiv Teologie. / Teology included.

nvmntul superior de licen, absolvenii din instituii private,
pe grupe de specializri - continuare
Tertiary bachelors studies, graduates of private institutions,
8.17 by fields of education and training - continued

Absolveni n anul universitar 2013/2014

2013/2014 academic year graduates
Grupe de specializri Total din care: feminin Fields of education and training
of which: female

Pedagogie 5) 1649 1406 Pedagogy 5)

din care: nvmnt de zi 1295 1083 of which: full time education
Educaie fizic 525 175 Physical education
din care: nvmnt de zi 519 175 of which: full time education
tiine politice i administrative 830 474 Political and administrative sciences
din care: nvmnt de zi 686 398 of which: full time education
tiina mediului 118 46 Environment related sciences
din care: nvmnt de zi 105 41 of which: full time education
Artistice 208 101 Artistic
din care: nvmnt de zi 208 101 of which: full time education
Art plastic i decorativ 55 35 Fine and decorative arts
din care: nvmnt de zi 55 35 of which: full time education
Art teatral i cinematografic 6) 113 53 Drama and cinematography 6)
din care: nvmnt de zi 113 53 of which: full time education
Muzic 40 13 Music
din care: nvmnt de zi 40 13 of which: full time education

5) Inclusiv Socio-psiho-pedagogie. / Socio-psycho-pedagogy included.

6) Inclusiv coregrafie. / Choreography included.

nvmntul superior, studeni/cursani nscrii, din instituii private,

pe grupe de specializri ISCED-F (nvmnt de zi, seral, cu frecven redus
i deschis la distan)
Tertiary education, students/learners enrolled, from private institutions,
by ISCED-F fields of education and training (full time education,
8.18 evening classes, part-time attendance education and learning at distance)

Anul universitar
Grupe de specializri Academic year Fields of education and training

Studeni / cursani nscrii - Total 77504 Students / learners enrolled - Total

nvmnt de zi 63078 Full time education

nvmnt seral - Evening classes
nvmnt cu frecven redus 8394 Part-time attendance education
nvmnt la distan 6032 Learning at distance

Grupe de specializri ISCED-F 1) ISCED-F 1) Fields of Education and Training

tiinele educaiei 1569 Education

Arte i tiine umaniste 3133 Arts and humanities
tiine sociale, jurnalism i informaii 31224 Social sciences, journalism and information
Afaceri, administraie i drept 25034 Business, administration and law
tiine naturale, matematic i statistic 1461 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
Tehnologiile informaiei i comunicaiilor (TIC) 2716 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Inginerie, prelucrare i construcii 3279 Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Agricultur, silvicultur, piscicultur i Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and
tiine veterinare 457 veterinary sciences
Sntate i asisten social 5760 Health and welfare
Servicii 2871 Services

1) Grupa de specializri ISCED - F 2013 (Clasificarea Internaional Standard a nvmntului, pe grupe de specializri) a fost adoptat
n anul 2014, urmare a revizuirii nivelurilor de educaie ISCED - 2011.
ISCED - F 2013 (the International Standard Classification of Education, Fields of Education and Training 2013) was adopted in 2014,
following the revision of ISCED - F 2011.

nvmntul din instituiile private, pe niveluri de educaie
8.19 Education from private institutions, by level of education

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Uniti colare
Education units
nvmnt anteprecolar ... ... ... ... ... 25 Ante-pre-school education
nvmnt precolar 218 222 254 269 310 355 Pre-school education
nvmnt primar Primary and lower
i gimnazial 36 36 40 48 61 80 secondary education
nvmnt liceal 59 67 74 73 84 82 High school education
nvmnt profesional 3 - - - - 1 Vocational education
nvmnt postliceal Post-high school and
i de maitri 56 66 65 79 104 117 foremen education
nvmnt superior 52 52 51 51 47 45 Tertiary education
Populaia colar - nscrii
Enrolled population
nvmnt anteprecolar ... ... ... ... ... 764 Ante-pre-school education
din care: feminin ... ... ... ... ... 350 of which: female
nvmnt precolar 12150 12308 17133 15535 16739 19527 Pre-school education
din care: feminin 5956 6007 8318 7598 8138 9473 of which: female
nvmnt primar Primary and lower
i gimnazial 4397 4690 5269 7827 9253 10951 secondary education
din care: feminin 2096 2220 2452 3724 4361 5277 of which: female
nvmnt liceal 30370 29798 25540 18942 16162 13492 High school education
din care: feminin 13989 13564 11900 8764 7444 6260 of which: female
nvmnt profesional 1503 664 154 69 132 824 Vocational education
din care: feminin 775 332 67 33 65 444 of which: female
nvmnt postliceal Post-high school and
i de maitri 27679 32066 38047 44996 47381 45637 foremen education
din care: feminin 24448 27568 31771 36882 38709 37294 of which: female
din care: nvmnt de maitri 204 113 150 175 146 153 of which: Foremen education
din care: feminin 2 - 1 - 1 - of which: female
nvmnt superior - total 374769 273014 161849 116534 93557 77504 Tertiary education
din care: feminin 219938 157095 88765 63790 51895 42389 of which: female
nvmnt de scurt Short-term
durat (colegii) - - - - - - education (colleges)
din care: feminin - - - - - - of which: female
nvmnt de licen 322337 239938 140388 99676 79246 65893 Bachelors studies
din care: feminin 186571 135647 74922 53410 42854 35392 of which: female
nvmnt de master i Masters and
studii postuniversitare 51948 32836 21215 16649 14092 11347 post-graduation studies
din care: feminin 33079 21308 13697 10259 8932 6850 of which: female
Programe doctorale i PhD and post-doctoral
postdoctorale 484 240 246 209 219 264 programs
din care: feminin 288 140 146 121 109 147 of which: female
nvmnt gimnazial 349 480 427 565 600 ...1) Lower secondary education
din care: feminin 176 248 186 254 285 ... of which: female
nvmnt liceal 7082 6773 7889 6183 5007 ... High school education
din care: feminin 3253 3041 3675 2949 2368 ... of which: female
nvmnt profesional 1062 332 34 21 25 ... Vocational education
din care: feminin 561 175 4 3 11 ... of which: female
nvmnt postliceal Post-high school and
i de maitri 7344 8363 9936 11065 13444 ... foremen education
din care: feminin 6556 7466 8649 9121 11143 ... of which: female
din care: nvmnt de maitri 137 71 43 90 70 ... of which: Foremen education
din care: feminin 1 - - - 1 ... of which: female
nvmnt superior de licen 97422 94456 44066 29947 21717 ... Bachelors studies
din care: feminin 63479 56090 24394 17346 12140 ... of which: female

1) Anul colar 2014/2015 se ncheie dup examenul de corigen din toamn.

2014/2015 school year ends after the autumn second examination.

Numrul elevilor care au promovat examenul de bacalaureat
(nvmnt de zi, seral i cu frecven redus)
Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination
8.20 (full time education, evening classes and part-time attendance education)
numr / number
2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Elevi - total 162482 110412 101655 112223 102718 Pupils - total

din care: feminin 88060 64346 59563 64588 59293 of which: female

Rata abandonului n nvmntul preuniversitar

8.21 Abandon rate in pre-university education
procente / percentage
2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

nvmnt primar Primary and lower

i gimnazial 1,6 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,5 secondary education

din care: of which:

nvmnt primar 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,1 1,3 Primary education
nvmnt gimnazial 1,7 2,0 1,9 1,7 1,9 Lower secondary education

nvmnt liceal i High school education and

profesional 2,9 4,2 4,2 2,9 2,9 vocational education

nvmnt postliceal Post-high school and

i de maitri 5,5 6,3 6,1 8,9 7,9 foremen education





9.1 Crile i brourile tiprite, intrate Printed books and booklets, which entered
n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale ................ 330 the Legal Book Stock of the National Library
9.2 Manuale colare i cursuri universitare tiprite, Printed school books and university
dup limba de predare ............................................. 332 courses, by teaching language
9.3 Biblioteci .................................................................. 334 Libraries
9.4 Ziare, reviste i alte publicaii periodice .................. 335 Newspapers, magazines and other periodicals
9.5 Muzee i colecii publice ........................................ 335 Museums and public collections
9.6 Cinematografe ........................................................ 336 Cinemas
9.7 Producia de filme ................................................... 336 Film production
9.8 Instituii i companii de spectacole Institutions and companies for arts performing
sau concerte ............................................................ 337 or concerts
9.9 Emisiuni la radio i televiziune Radio and television broadcasts
(proprietate majoritar de stat) .................................. 338 (state majority ownership)
9.10 Structura programelor difuzate terestru Structure of radio and
de posturile de radio i televiziune TV stations terrestrial broadcasts
(proprietate majoritar privat) .................................. 339 (private majority ownership)


9.11 Federaiile sportive, n anul 2014 ............................ 340 Sport federations, in 2014
9.12 Clasamentul general la competiiile General hierarchy on official international contests
internaionale oficiale pe federaii, n anul 2014 ..... 342 by federations, in 2014
9.13 Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni la Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen
Jocurile Olimpice i Paralimpice, in the Olympic and Paralympic Games,
Campionatele Mondiale i Europene ....................... 343 World and European Championships
9.14 Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni, pe Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen,
ramuri de sport, la Jocurile Olimpice, by sport branches, in the Olympic Games
n perioada 1896-2014 ............................................ 344 1896-2014
9.14.1 Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni, pe Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen,
ramuri de sport, la Jocurile Paralimpice, by sport branches, in the Paralympic Games
n perioada 2008-2014 ..........................................344 2008-2014
9.14.2 Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni, pe Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen,
ramuri de sport, la Jocurile Olimpice de Tineret, by sport branches, in the Youth Olympic Games
n perioada 2010-2014 .......................................... 344 2010-2014
9.15 Participarea sportivilor romni Participation of Romanian sportsmen
la Jocurile Olimpice .............................................. 345 in the Olympic Games
9.15.1 Participarea sportivilor romni Participation of Romanian sportsmen
la Jocurile Paralimpice .......................................... 345 in the Paralympic Games
9.15.2 Participarea sportivilor romni Participation of Romanian sportsmen
la Jocurile Olimpice de Tineret ............................ 345 in the Youth Olympic Games

Teritorial Territorial

9.16 Biblioteci, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................... Libraries, at territorial level, in 2014
9.17 Cinematografe, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 .............. Cinemas, at territorial level, in 2014
9.18 Activitatea sportiv, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...... Sport activity, at territorial level, in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Cercetri statistice privind activitatea bibliotecilor, a Statistical surveys on libraries, museums and public
muzeelor i coleciilor publice, precum i a instituiilor collections, as well as institutions and companies for
i companiilor de spectacole sau concerte. arts performing or concerts activity.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

Biblioteca Naional a Romniei, pentru datele The National Library of Romania, for data on inputs
privind intrrile n Depozitul Legal al crilor i in Legal Stock of books and booklets, newspapers
brourilor, ziarelor i revistelor, manualelor i and magazines, school books and university
cursurilor universitare tiprite n anul de referin; courses printed in the reference year;
Societatea Romn de Televiziune, Centrul Naional Romanian Television Corporation, National Center
al Cinematografiei (R.A.D.E.F. ROMNIAFILM, of Cinematography (R.A.D.E.F. ROMNIAFILM,
Sahiafilm, Castelfilm, Animafilm, Atlantisfilm etc.), Sahiafilm, Castelfilm, Animafilm, Atlantisfilm a.s.o.),
pentru numrul i activitatea cinematografelor, for cinemas number and activity, film output,
producia, distribuia i proiecia filmelor; distribution and projection;
Consiliul Naional al Audiovizualului, Societatea Audio-visual National Council, Romanian Television
Romn de Televiziune, Societatea Romn de Corporation, Romanian Radio Broadcasting
Radiodifuziune, pentru emisiunile de radio i Company for radio and television broadcasts;
Ministerul Culturii, pentru activitatea instituiilor Ministry of Culture, for public institutions of culture
publice de cultur i culte; and cults activity;
Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului. Ministry of Youth and Sports.



Producia de cri i brouri cuprinde toate Output of books and booklets comprises all
publicaiile neperiodice imprimate i editate pe suport de occasional publications printed and issued on paper in the
hrtie n ar, oferite publicului, i care ar trebui s figureze country for the public and which should be included in the
n bibliografia naional a rii, cu excepia publicaiilor national bibliography, excepting publications issued for
editate n scopuri publicitare, cataloage, prospecte de advertising purposes, catalogues, prospects of
reclam comercial, industrial i turistic, publicaii care commercial, industrial and tourism advertisment, those
atrag atenia asupra unor produse i servicii furnizate de which draw attention over some products and services
editor, publicaii cu caracter efemer: orare, tarife, anuare supplied by the publisher, transient publications: time-
telefonice, programe de spectacole, expoziii, trguri, tables, tariffs, telephone yearbooks, shows, exhibitions and
statute i bilanuri, calendare, opere muzicale, producie fairs programs, statutes and balance-sheets, calendars,
cartografic (cu excepia atlasurilor i hrilor). n producia musical operas, cartography output (excepting atlases and
de cri se mai cuprind: publicaiile oficiale ale maps). Books output also includes: official publications of
administraiei publice (cu excepia celor confideniale), public administration (excepting confidential ones), school
manualele colare, cursurile i tezele universitare, cri i books, university courses and theses, republished books
brouri reeditate, lucrri ilustrate, culegeri de gravuri i and booklets, illustrated papers, collections of engravings
reproduceri de art, desene, albume de cri i brouri and art reproductions, designs, albums of illustrated books
ilustrate, albume de benzi desenate. O publicaie este and booklets, albums of cartoons. A publication is
considerat c a fost oferit publicului atunci cnd s-a putut considered as released when it could be bought on the
cumpra din comer, contra cost sau a fost oferit gratuit. market or when is offered free of charge.
n Numrul crilor i brourilor tiprite, intrate "Number of printed books and booklets which
n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale s-au entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library"
cuprins lucrrile aprute pe ntreg teritoriul rii realizate comprises papers issued on the whole country territory
de editurile publice i particulare, atelierele instituiilor de printed by public and private publishing-houses,
nvmnt superior, oficiile de informare i documentare workshops of tertiary education institutions, information
cu activitate editorial. and documentation offices.

Titlul publicaiei este utilizat ca unitate de msur Title of the publication is used as measurement
a numrului de lucrri ce se editeaz sau se public - unit of papers number, printed or issued as independent
prezentat sub forma unui volum de sine stttor din volume from printing viewpoint. In case of newspapers
punct de vedere tipografic. n cazul ziarelor i revistelor and magazines, "title" is considered every separate
se consider ca titlu denumirea separat a fiecrui ziar name of newspaper or magazine.
sau revist.
Tirajul este numrul exemplarelor n care s-a tiprit Number of printed copies represents the number
o carte, o brour, un ziar sau revist, sau orice alt of copies printed for a book, a booklet, a newspaper or
tipritur. magazine or any other publication.
Noiunile utilizate au urmtoarele semnificaii: The terms used have the following meaning:
Cartea reprezint publicaia neperiodic avnd cel Book represents an occasional publication of at
puin 49 pagini; least 49 pages;
Broura reprezint publicaia neperiodic care Booklet represents an occasional publication of
conine ntre 5 i 48 pagini. 5 - 48 pages.
Biblioteca este instituia, compartimentul sau Library is the institution, compartment or
structura specializat al crei scop principal este de a specialized structure whose main purpose is to
constitui, a organiza, a prelucra, a dezvolta i a conserva constitute, organize, process, develop and preserve
colecii de cri, publicaii, alte documente specifice i collections of books, publications, other specific
baze de date pentru a facilita utilizarea acestora n scop documents and databases in order to facilitate their use
de informare, cercetare, educaie sau recreere. for information, research, education or recreation.
Biblioteca Naional a Romniei este instituia The National Library of Romania is the institution
autorizat prin lege s exercite funcia de agenie authorized by law to exercise the position of a national
naional, de depozit legal i este responsabil de agency, of legal deposit and it is responsible to deal with
culegerea i conservarea tuturor publicaiilor editate n the collection and preservation of all publications issued
ar (indiferent dac sunt destinate difuzrii comerciale in the country (irrespective of being meant to
sau gratuite) de ctre persoane fizice sau juridice commercial or free of charge dissemination) by
romne, ori executate de acestea peste hotare, Romanian natural or legal persons or issued abroad; it
ntocmete statistica oficial a ediiilor naionale, are rolul builds up the official statistics of national publications; it
de centru naional de informare bibliografic, stabilete plays the role of a national center of bibliographical
cataloagele colective etc. information; it sets up collective catalogues a.s.o.
Noiunile utilizate pentru caracterizarea activitii The terms used for characterizing the libraries
bibliotecilor au urmtoarele semnificaii: activity have the following meaning:
Volume de bibliotec sunt considerate crile, Volumes of library comprise books, booklets,
brourile, coleciile de ziare i reviste cu minimum 5 pagini, collections of newspapers and magazines of minimum
precum i materialele audiovizuale (casete cu benzi 5 pages, as well as audio-visual materials (magnetic tape
magnetice, diafilme, CD-uri, DVD-uri etc.) pentru toate cassettes, film-strips, CD, DVD, a.s.o.) for all types of
tipurile de biblioteci: naionale, judeene, municipale, libraries: national, county, municipality, town and
oreneti i comunale, ale instituiilor de nvmnt communal, higher education institutions, economic and
superior, ale operatorilor economici i ale unitilor colare. school operators.
Utilizator, persoan care consult n sediul User, natural person who lends for home (or
bibliotecii sau mprumut pentru acas cel puin o dat consults inside the library) at least once a year a book, a
ntr-un an calendaristic o carte, brour sau o alt booklet or another publication belonging to a library.
publicaie aparinnd bibliotecii respective.
Producia ziarelor i revistelor cuprinde toate Output of newspapers and magazines includes all
publicaiile periodice editate i imprimate n ar, oferite periodicals printed and issued in the country for the
publicului i care, n general, ar trebui s figureze n public and which, generally, should be comprised in the
bibliografia naional a rii; sunt exceptate publicaiile national bibliography, excepting publications printed for
editate n scopuri publicitare: reclam comercial, advertising purposes: commercial, industrial and tourism
industrial i turistic, publicaiile produselor i serviciilor advertisment, publications on products and services
furnizate de editori, publicaiile cu caracter ocazional: supplied by publishers, occasional publications: time-
orare, tarife, anuare telefonice, programe de spectacole, tables, tariffs, telephone yearbooks, shows, exhibitions
expoziii, trguri, statute i bilanuri ale societilor, and fairs programs, statutes and balance sheets of
directive i circulare, calendare i opere muzicale, companies, directives and circulars, calendars and
producia cartografic (cu excepia atlasurilor i hrilor). n musical operas, cartography output (excepting atlases
producia de ziare i reviste mai sunt cuprinse: coleciile and maps). Output of newspapers and magazines also
de legi i regulamente ale administraiei publice (cu includes: collections of laws and regulations of public
excepia celor confideniale sau rezervate unor distribuii administration (excepting confidential ones or those for

interne), periodicele academice i tiinifice, universitare i internal use), academic and scientific, university
ale instituiilor de cercetri sau culturale, periodice ale periodicals of research or cultural institutions, periodicals
organizaiilor profesionale, sindicale, politice, sportive, of vocational, trade-union, political, sport organizations,
buletine parohiale i colare, programele de radio i parish and school bulletins, radio and TV programs if are
televiziune dac sunt publicate sub form de reviste. issued as magazines.
Noiunile utilizate au urmtoarele semnificaii: The terms used have the following meaning:
Ziarul reprezint publicaia cotidian sau cu o Newspaper represents a daily publication or with
periodicitate mai mare n care se public tiri, informaii, higher periodicity, issuing news, information, comments
comentarii asupra celor mai recente evenimente interne on the most recent internal and international events of
i internaionale: politice, sociale, culturale, profesionale, political, social, cultural, vocational, sport a.s.o.
sportive etc.
Revista reprezint publicaia periodic prin care se Magazine represents a periodical on a subject of
trateaz fie subiecte de interes general fie unele de general interest or specialised (documentary studies and
specialitate (studii i informaii documentare referitoare information referring to topics from various fields:
la unele probleme din diverse domenii: legislaie, politic, legislation, policy, economy, culture, philosophy,
economie, cultur, filozofie, tehnic, medicin, mod, technique, medicine, fashion, sport a.s.o.).
sport etc.).
Producia naional de filme este format din National output of films represents all films of
totalitatea filmelor cu band normal i ngust destinate normal and narrow strip for commercial cinema
proieciei cinematografice comerciale (nu sunt cuprinse projection (TV films are not included); a film is
filmele realizate pentru televiziune); un film este considered as released during the reference year, when
considerat produs n cursul unui an de referin dac, n the production was finished and it was projected in public
anul respectiv a fost ncheiat producia i a fost for the first time.
proiectat n public pentru prima oar.
Distribuia filmelor reprezint activitatea Distribution of films represents the activity of
ntreprinderilor specializate care au distribuit reelei specialized enterprises which distributed to the national
cinematografice naionale filme integral naionale, filme cinemas network entirely national films, coproduction
n coproducie i filme strine. and foreign films.
Exploatarea filmelor este activitatea de difuzare Exploitation of films represents all films (national,
ctre public a totalitii filmelor (integral naionale, n in coproduction and foreign) broadcasted for the public
coproducie i strine) prin reeaua comercial fix (sli) by fixed commercial network (own halls) or in the open
sau n aer liber i prin grupurile mobile de proiecie air and by mobile groups of projection endowed with
dotate cu echipamente tehnice de specialitate. specialized technical equipment.
Emisiunile la radio i televiziune reprezint Radio and TV broadcasts represent programs
programele staiilor de radioemisiune i de televiziune broadcasted by radio and TV stations having as topics
transmise, avnd ca tematic activitile sociale, social, economic, political, artistic a.s.o. activities. The
economice, politice, artistice etc. Unitatea de msur a measurement unit of broadcasts is "hour-program".
emisiunilor este ora-program.


n numrul seciilor sportive afiliate pe ramuri de The number of affiliated sport sections by sport
sport aparinnd cluburilor publice i private, precum i branches, belonging to the public and private clubs and
asociaiilor sportive sunt cuprinse cele care s-au afiliat la associations, includes those affiliated to national sport
federaiile naionale sportive. federations.
Sportivii legitimai sunt acei sportivi aflai n The legitimated sportsmen are those sportsmen in
evidena federaiilor naionale i care particip la the evidence of national federations and taking part in
sistemul competiional organizat de ctre acestea. n the competitions system organized by them. Sportsmen
rndul acestora nu sunt cuprini sportivii aflai n in the evidence of the county commissions by sport
evidena comisiilor judeene constituite pe ramuri de branches or practising non-competitivity sport activities
sport sau cei care practic activiti sportive are not included among them.
n numrul antrenorilor cu norm ntreag sau The number of full time coaches or referees
arbitrilor sunt cuprinse persoanele care au o calificare includes those having a qualification recognized by the
recunoscut de federaiile naionale i au desfurat national federations and who carried out an activity in
activitate n anul 2014. 2014.

Numrul i tirajul crilor i brourilor tiprite, intrate n
Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale 1); 2)
Number and copies of printed books and booklets, which entered
9.G1 the Legal Book Stock of the National Library 1); 2)

21569 21344 20661
20000 19353 19789
17782 18022

15000 13946


730 699
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Titluri / Titles Tiraj - mii / Copies - thou

Depozitul legal reprezint un fond dinamic aplicndu-se principiul recuperrii retrospective a publicaiilor,
baza de date fiind permanent actualizat. Numrul total al titlurilor include i publicaiile pe suport electronic (CD).
Legal book stock is a dynamic collection based on the principle of retrospective recovery of publications,
database being constantly updated. The total number of titles includes printed publications in electronic format (CD).
Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior.
Rectified data as against those previously published.

Volume existente i eliberate din biblioteci

9.G2 Existing and lent volumes of libraries

milioane volume / million volumes

180 176,9 173,4 172,3 170,5
170,1 167,3
62,5 58,3
60 54,7 50,8 50,2 46,5
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Volume existente Volume eliberate

Existing volumes Lent volumes

Ziare, reviste i alte publicaii periodice 1)
9.G3 Newspapers, magazines and other periodicals 1)

numr / number

4000 3774
3500 3363 3920 3326
3000 2626 3306 3267




55 57 64 61 59 59
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Titluri - total / Titles- total Alte periodiciti / Other periodicities

Cotidiene / Daily newspapers

Not: Pentru perioada 2010 - 2013, date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior.
Note: For the 2010 - 2013 period, rectified data as against those previously published.
1) Intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei. / Which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library of Romania.

Structura emisiunilor la radio n limbile minoritilor naionale

9.G4 Structure of radio broadcasts in national minorities languages

2009 2014

10,2% 5,7%
42,7% 42,2%


6,1% 9,0%

Maghiar / Hungarian Srb / Serbian

German / German Alte limbi / Other languages

Crile i brourile tiprite, intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale 1)

9.1 Printed books and booklets, which entered the Legal Book Stock of
the National Library 1)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii)
Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou)

Total 19353 21569 21344 20661 22589 17782 19789 13946 18022 11383 730 699 Total

Generaliti 1297 1875 1138 1102 1263 1589 1132 1323 1201 1501 38 92 Generalities
Filozofie, psihologie, logic, moral Philosophy, psychology, logic,
i etic 561 453 622 419 728 910 677 535 531 404 20 15 morality and ethics
Religie, teologie 882 1364 985 1630 1038 1408 1155 1444 1136 1015 56 309 Religion, theology

tiine sociale Social sciences

Sociologie, statistic 243 83 255 101 238 126 226 84 221 89 7 2 Sociology, statistics
tiine politice i economice 1067 450 1177 408 1007 333 969 343 870 265 74 17 Political and economic sciences
Drept, administraie public, asisten Law, public administration, social
social, asigurri sociale 1008 448 1168 556 1048 405 1052 397 826 273 46 19 assistance, social insurances
tiine militare 122 43 93 29 113 22 88 26 65 18 7 1 Military sciences
Educaie, nvmnt, instruire, timp liber 1235 660 2108 1090 2516 1814 1814 1185 1699 951 84 31 Education, instruction, training, leisure
Etnografie, antropologie, folclor 180 95 196 71 209 90 209 88 146 62 2 1 Ethnography, anthropology, folklore

tiine exacte Exact sciences

Matematic 635 293 912 978 976 1166 660 1027 658 495 21 8 Mathematics
tiine naturale 805 339 1090 411 1068 234 637 255 573 173 20 3 Natural sciences

tiine aplicate Applied sciences

tiine medicale, sntate public 958 559 895 446 1003 486 857 582 795 419 35 8 Medical sciences, public health
Inginerie, tehnologie, industrie, meserii 902 204 944 204 1012 236 819 190 689 125 26 8 Engineering, technology, industry, trades
Agricultur, silvicultur, horticultur, pescuit 268 76 317 124 292 90 242 119 178 58 12 4 Agriculture, forestry, horticulture, fishery
tiine manageriale 41 70 87 386 98 459 99 180 76 135 4 21 Managerial sciences
Conducere, organizare, management 774 271 790 245 726 271 640 209 531 161 13 4 Leadership, organisation, management

Art i divertisment Art and entertainment

Sistematizare teritorial, urbanism, Territorial systematisation,
arhitectur 184 84 199 113 224 103 228 83 213 84 5 4 urbanism, architecture
Arte plastice, fotografie 209 178 262 252 224 74 246 159 238 283 5 1 Plastic arts, photos
Muzic, arta spectacolului, teatru, Music, performance art,
film, cinema 270 104 318 756 325 98 305 91 283 97 9 4 theatre, film, cinema
Jocuri, sport 246 51 247 58 242 53 215 48 153 43 10 1 Games, sport

Literatur Literature
Texte literare 6500 13363 6438 10123 6969 7267 6452 5104 6034 4269 194 138 Literary texts

Geografie, istorie Geography, history

Geografie 418 185 481 687 630 218 464 204 367 164 18 3 Geography
Istorie, arheologie, biografie 548 321 622 472 640 330 603 270 539 299 24 5 History, archaeology, biography

Not: Depozitul legal reprezint un fond dinamic aplicndu-se principiul recuperrii retrospective a publicaiilor, baza de date fiind
permanent actualizat. Numrul total al titlurilor include i publicaiile tiprite pe suport electronic (CD).
Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior.
Note: Legal book stock is a dynamic collection based on the principle of retrospective recovery of publications, database
being constantly updated. The total number of titles includes printed publications in electronic format (CD).
Rectified data as against those previously published.
1) Clasificare ONU - UNESCO. / UN - UNESCO Classification.
Sursa: Biblioteca Naional a Romniei.
Source:The National Library of Romania.

330 331
9.2 Manuale colare i cursuri universitare tiprite, dup limba de predare 1)
Printed school books and university courses, by teaching language 1)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titluri Tiraj (mii)
Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou) Titles Copies (thou)

Manuale colare School books

Total 265 342 398 1250 239 558 202 547 183 321 3 4 Total
din care, tiprite n: of which, printed in:
Limba romn 230 309 369 1186 194 520 182 532 150 283 3 4 Romanian
Limba maghiar 9 8 9 5 1 1 5 5 17 23 - - Hungarian
Limba german 9 2 8 18 10 4 9 7 10 9 - - German
Limba srb, croat, slovac - - - - 5 5 3 1 - - - -
Limba englez 11 14 7 29 2 2 2 1 3 3 - - English
Limba francez 4 1 5 12 - - 1 1 3 3 - - French
Alte limbi 2 8 - - 27 26 - - - - - - Other languages

Cursuri universitare Universitary courses

Total 566 129 619 131 232 50 311 69 152 26 13 2 Total

din care, tiprite n: of which, printed in:
Limba romn 523 120 568 120 216 48 302 66 147 25 13 2 Romanian
Limba maghiar 3 *) 4 1 - - - - - - - - Hungarian
Limba german 3 *) - - - - 1 *) - - - - German
Limba englez 28 6 21 4 5 1 5 *) 4 *) - - English
Limba francez 6 1 14 2 11 1 3 2 1 *) - - French
Alte limbi 3 1 12 4 - - - - - - - - Other languages

Not: Depozitul legal reprezint un fond dinamic aplicndu-se principiul recuperrii retrospective a publicaiilor.
Sunt incluse doar titlurile pe suport tiprit (hrtie).
Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior.
Note: Legal book stock is a dynamic collection based on the principle of retrospective recovery of publications.
It includes only the titles in print (paper).
Rectified data as against those previously published.
1) Intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei. / Which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library of Romania.
Sursa: Biblioteca Naional a Romniei.
Source: The National Library of Romania.

332 333
9.3 Libraries

existente Utilizatori Volume
Biblioteci (mii) activi eliberate
Anii Libraries Existing (mii) (mii)
Years volumes (thou) Active Lent
(la sfritul anului) users volumes
(end of year) (thou) (thou)

Biblioteci - total 2009 12229 176888 4580 62543

Libraries - total 2010 11829 173429 4433 58324
2011 11630 172307 4262 54684
2012 11309 170085 4179 50786
2013 11176 170482 4004 50177
2014 10845 167336 3807 46503

Biblioteci naionale1) 2009 4 20990 32 536

National libraries1) 2010 4 21053 46 665
2011 4 21099 44 656
2012 4 21206 48 342
2013 4 21357 60 319
2014 3 21019 48 372

Biblioteci ale instituiilor de nvmnt superior 2009 104 24903 592 9335
Libraries of tertiary education institutions 2010 100 24913 559 9098
2011 100 25157 534 8979
2012 97 25011 505 7631
2013 96 25235 401 7250
2014 103 25054 311 6439

Biblioteci specializate 2009 684 12875 99 910

Specialized libraries 2010 589 10334 88 1743
2011 622 10587 93 895
2012 607 10145 92 886
2013 574 9807 84 774
2014 564 9433 86 688

Biblioteci colare 2009 8518 67673 2157 23667

School libraries 2010 8300 67448 2108 22524
2011 8028 65300 2047 21157
2012 7938 64984 2006 20307
2013 8043 66966 1972 21066
2014 7781 65103 1899 19474

Biblioteci publice 2009 2919 50447 1700 28095

Public libraries 2010 2836 49681 1632 24294
2011 2876 50164 1544 22997
2012 2663 48739 1528 21620
2013 2459 47117 1487 20768
2014 2394 46727 1463 19530

1) Sunt incluse: Biblioteca Naional a Romniei, Biblioteca Academiei Romne, Biblioteca Pedagogic Naional (pn n anul 2013)
i Biblioteca Militar Naional.
Are included: The National Library of Romania, Romanian Academy Library, National Pedagogic Library (until 2013)
and National Military Library.

Ziare, reviste i alte publicaii periodice 1)
9.4 Newspapers, magazines and other periodicals 1)

Periodicitatea 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Periodicity

Titluri-total 2626 3363 3984 3774 3647 3326 Titles-total

Cotidiene 55 57 64 61 59 59 Daily newspapers
Alte periodiciti 2571 3306 3920 3713 3588 3267 Other periodicities

Din total: n limbile minoritilor naionale 2)

Of total: in the languages of the national minorities

Titluri-total 1483 1117 1170 1156 1087 891 Titles-total

Cotidiene 9 9 10 8 13 14 Daily newspapers
Alte periodiciti 1474 1108 1160 1148 1074 877 Other periodicities
Not: Depozitul legal reprezint un fond dinamic aplicndu-se principiul recuperrii retrospective a publicaiilor,
baza de date fiind permanent actualizat. Numrul total al titlurilor include i publicaiile tiprite pe suport electronic (CD).
Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior.
Note: Legal book stock is a dynamic collection based on the principle of retrospective recovery of publications,
database being constantly updated.The total number of titles includes printed publications in electronic format (CD).
Rectified data as against those previously published.
1) Intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei. / Which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library of Romania.
2) Inclusiv n alte limbi de circulaie internaional. / Including other international languages.
Sursa: Biblioteca Naional a Romniei.
Source: The National Library of Romania.

Muzee i colecii publice

9.5 Museums and public collections

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Uniti - total Units - total

(la sfritul anului) 694 687 709 663 750 739 (end of year)
Vizitatori (mii) 10169 8900 9528 10076 10928 10824 Visitors (thou)

Din total, uniti: / Of total, units:

tiinele naturii 43 43 41 37 36 37 Natural sciences

Istoria tehnicii i tiinei 22 17 19 19 22 22 Technics and science history
Istorie 126 123 120 111 118 117 History
Etnografie 114 120 125 105 183 178 Ethnography
Istoria culturii 153 163 172 176 165 161 Culture history
Art 160 151 158 150 148 146 Art
Mixte 76 70 74 65 78 78 Mixed

9.6 Cinemas

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cinematografe i instalaii cinematografice

- total (la sfritul anului) 74 68 76 81 76 78
Cinemas and film installations - total (end of year)
din care: / of which:
Cinematografe i instalaii cinematografice cu
band normal 73 67 75 80 75 77
Cinemas and film installations for normal films
Caravane cinematografice 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mobile cinemas

Locuri n slile cinematografelor i instalaiilor

cinematografice cu band normal 49871 50733 56728 58096 57248 61534
Seats in cinemas and film installations
for normal films

Spectacole cinematografice - total (mii) 185 240 300 371 398 420
Film performances - total (thou)
din care la: / of which at:
Cinematografe i instalaii cinematografice cu
band normal 185 240 299 371 397 420
Cinemas and film installations for normal films
Caravane cinematografice *) *) 1 *) 1 *)
Mobile cinemas

Spectatori - total (mii) 5280 6509 7235 8349 9048 10171

Audience - total (thou)
din care: / of which:
Cinematografe i instalaii cinematografice cu
band normal 5258 6492 7215 8292 8972 10109
Cinemas and film installations for normal films
Caravane cinematografice 22 17 20 57 76 62
Mobile cinemas
Sursa: Ministerul Culturii - Centrul Naional al Cinematografiei.
Source: The Ministry of Culture - National Center of Cinematography.

Producia de filme1)
9.7 Film production 1)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Filme artistice (titluri)2) Movies (titles)2)

De lung metraj i mediu 19 19 14 20 27 29 Long and medium films
De scurt metraj 14 6 11 10 6 8 Short films
Filme documentare Documentary and
i tiinifice (titluri) 18 15 2 7 5 10 scientific films (titles)
Filme seriale pentru televiziune (episoade) 89 191 76 41 149 426 TV serial films (episodes)
1) Inclusiv producia societilor private. / Including the production of private companies.
2) Inclusiv filme de animaie. / Including animated films.
Sursa: Ministerul Culturii - Centrul Naional al Cinematografiei. Societatea Romn de Televiziune.
Source: The Ministry of Culture - National Center of Cinematography. Romanian Television Corporation.

Instituii i companii de spectacole sau concerte1)
9.8 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts1)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Uniti-total (la sfritul anului) 161 158 162 168 236 242 Units-total (end of year)
Teatre dramatice2) 62 63 64 65 69 71 Drama theatres2)
Teatre de animaie2) 25 23 21 22 25 26 Animation theatres2)
Opere 8 8 8 9 10 10 Opera houses
Teatre muzicale, de estrad Musical comedy and variety
sau de operet 8 8 8 8 7 6 theatres
Filarmonic i orchestre Philharmonics and symphonic
simfonice3) 17 17 17 17 21 23 orchestras3)
Orchestre populare 6 5 5 6 12 12 Folk music bands
Ansambluri artistice 344) 334) 385) 406) 916) 936) Song and dance ensembles
Circ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Circus

Spectacole sau Performances or

concerte - total 19739 19559 20161 20018 21528 20786 concerts - total
Teatre dramatice2) 8561 9015 9595 9879 10414 9649 Drama theatres2)
Teatre de animaie2) 4129 3702 3516 3486 4135 4009 Animation theatres2)
Opere 942 903 989 1056 1072 902 Opera houses
Teatre muzicale, de estrad Musical comedy and variety
sau de operet 870 804 871 649 521 390 theatres
Filarmonic i orchestre Philharmonics and symphonic
simfonice3) 1632 1611 1662 1384 1617 1866 orchestras3)
Orchestre populare 389 354 338 366 514 452 Folk music bands
Ansambluri artistice 29304) 30224) 29605) 30386) 31356) 33986) Song and dance ensembles
Circ 286 148 230 160 120 120 Circus

Spectatori sau auditori - total (mii) 6489 6304 8126 9634 5717 6237 Audience - total (thou)
Teatre dramatice2) 1623 1381 1566 1622 1539 1449 Drama theatres2)
Teatre de animaie2) 616 498 493 489 567 594 Animation theatres2)
Opere 410 284 344 413 445 386 Opera houses
Teatre muzicale, de estrad Musical comedy and variety
sau de operet 228 270 267 155 158 114 theatres
Filarmonic i orchestre Philharmonics and symphonic
simfonice3) 561 418 456 257 403 411 orchestras3)
Orchestre populare 210 115 126 601 182 183 Folk music bands
Ansambluri artistice 26714) 31494) 47425) 60016) 23376) 30176) Song and dance ensembles
Circ 170 189 132 96 86 83 Circus

1) Inclusiv teatrele i instituiile muzicale proprietate majoritar privat.

Including theatres and musical institutions under private majority ownership.
2) Inclusiv seciile de teatru. / Including theatre sections.

3) Este cuprins ntreaga activitate a orchestrelor simfonice (concerte simfonice, de camer, corale a capella, concerte-lecii, recitaluri i
Covers the entire activity of symphonic orchestras (symphonic concerts, chamber concerts, a capella chorales, concert-lessons,
recitals a.s.o.).
4) Inclusiv centrele culturale. / Including cultural centres.
5) Inclusiv centrele culturale i corurile. / Including cultural centres and choirs.
6) Inclusiv centrele culturale, corurile, trupele de dans i divertisment.
Including cultural centres, choirs, dance and entertainment troupes.

Emisiuni la radio i televiziune (proprietate majoritar de stat)
9.9 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)
ore-program / hours-program

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

I. RADIO1) - total 143892 147247 166949 164745 167206 149284 I. RADIO1) - total

Emisiuni interne 124515 128506 148202 145322 147496 130513 Internal broadcasts
Actualiti 54274 57318 64144 56231 29999 25140 News
Sportive 1405 1407 2325 1482 3863 2950 Sport
Sociale 4145 4291 4367 4293 5540 4617 Social
Publicistice 388 401 598 939 6574 2533 Publicist
Economice 2496 2909 3354 3425 3240 1945 Economic
Literare i de art 3311 3401 4039 3795 4953 7089 Literature and art
Copii i tineret 1030 1103 1299 8935 12471 1799 Children and youth
Educaie, tiin, nvmnt 6756 6796 6905 6312 9473 5971 Science, education
Teatru 1375 1392 1392 2103 2238 2647 Theatre
Varieti 3096 3190 3894 2321 4782 3281 Entertainment shows
Muzicale 45079 46021 55367 52922 56110 61546 Musical
Publicitate 216 224 286 1329 2339 1806 Advertising
Diverse 944 53 232 1235 5914 9189 Miscellaneous

Emisiuni externe 19377 18741 18747 19423 19710 18771 External broadcasts
Vorbite 10379 10253 10253 11023 10780 14640 Spoken
Muzicale 8177 7926 7926 7677 8333 4131 Musical
Diverse 821 562 568 723 597 - Miscellaneous

Din total: n limbile Of total: broadcasts in

minoritilor naionale 8827 10235 10235 11216 10672 21433 national minorities languages
Maghiar 5971 6102 6102 6263 8248 9046 Hungarian
German 1450 1801 1801 1962 1079 1941 German
Srb 903 998 998 1365 391 1302 Serbian
Alte limbi 503 1334 1334 1626 954 9144 Other languages

II. TELEVIZIUNE2) - total 52560 50400 52560 46472 43800 52560 II. TELEVISION2) - total

Emisiuni n limba Broadcasts in Romanian

romn 51035 49264 51104 45154 42466 51309 language
tiri 8301 8159 6256 5595 2822 3072 News
Actualiti de interes general 7207 7831 12962 10306 6691 8503 General interest news
Educaie, cultur, tiin, Education, culture, science
via spiritual 10215 10221 9504 8937 12279 17495 spiritual life
Sport 2277 2308 1054 1137 2422 3046 Sport
Filme artistice, Movies,
seriale, desene animate 9097 8730 9473 8147 6298 7384 serials, cartoons
Emisiuni pentru copii 376 487 295 176 191 291 Children shows
Jocuri i concursuri 64 - - - - - Games and competitions
Divertisment 6355 4551 4483 4258 5710 5709 Shows
Publicitate 5941 5708 6089 6135 4685 3941 Advertising
Diverse (altele) 1202 1269 988 463 1368 1868 Miscellaneous (others)
din total: of total:

Emisiuni n limbile Broadcasts in national

minoritilor naionale 1525 1136 1456 1318 1334 1251 minorities languages

1) Sursa: Societatea Romn de Radiodifuziune.

Source: Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company.
2) Sursa: Societatea Romn de Televiziune.
Source: Romanian Television Corporation.

Structura programelor difuzate terestru de posturile de radio i televiziune
(proprietate majoritar privat)
Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts
9.10 (private majority ownership)
procente / percentage

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Radio / Radio

Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total

Programe de informare 46,0 48,3 38,2 37,1 38,3 38,6 Informative programs
Programe educative, Educative, cultural,
culturale, religioase 5,9 6,3 7,8 7,1 7,4 8,4 religious programs
Programe de divertisment i Entertainment programs
alte tipuri de programe 48,1 45,4 54,0 55,8 54,3 53,0 and other types

Televiziune / Television

Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total

Programe de informare 61,7 60,7 60,3 56,0 51,8 47,2 Informative programs
Programe educative, Educative, cultural,
culturale, religioase 8,7 8,8 8,2 9,3 8,2 9,0 religious programs
Filme (de ficiune, animaie, Films (motion, animation,
documentare, seriale) 2,6 3,1 3,5 3,8 4,3 4,1 documentaries, serials)
Programe de divertisment i Entertainment programs
alte tipuri de programe 27,0 27,4 28,0 30,9 35,7 39,7 and other types

Sursa: Consiliul Naional al Audiovizualului.

Source: Audio-visual National Council.

Federaiile sportive, n anul 2014
9.11 Sport federations, in 2014
numr / number
Secii Antrenori
sportive Sportivi cu norm
afiliate legitimai ntreag Instructori Arbitri
Affiliated Sportsmen Full time Instructors Referees
sport sections legitimated coaches

Total 7314 243375 6861 5055 8852 Total

Federaia Aeronautic Romanian Aeronautical
Romn 26 270 58 251 84 Federation
Federaia Romn de Aikido 30 1447 12 53 10 Romanian Aikido Federation
Federaia Romn de Alpinism Romanian Mountaineering and
i Escalad 20 421 11 21 10 Climbing Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Federation of
Arte Mariale 198 8492 106 137 164 Martial Arts
Federaia Romn de Atletism 237 10135 601 19 336 Romanian Athletic Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Automobilism
Automobilism Sportiv 120 1327 25 33 345 Federation
Federaia Romn de Badminton 33 510 40 14 37 Romanian Badminton Federation
Federaia Romn de Baschet 268 20170 504 - 144 Romanian Basketball Federation
Federaia Romn de Baseball Romanian Baseball and Softball
i Softball 22 840 37 - 36 Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Billiard Pool
Biliard-Pool 16 404 1 12 3 Federation
Federaia Romn de Bob Sanie 30 406 24 - 19 Romanian Bobsleigh Federation
Federaia Romn de Box 181 1017 132 51 102 Romanian Boxing Federation
Federaia Romn de Bridge 26 596 22 26 35 Romanian Bridge Federation
Federaia Romn de Canotaj 34 651 58 2 56 Romanian Rowing Federation
Comitetul Naional Paralimpic 33 303 13 5 24 National Paralympic Committee
Federaia Romn de Culturism Romanian Bodybuilding and
i Fitness 82 147 18 35 17 Fitness Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Sport Dance
Dans Sportiv 198 5863 148 218 112 Federation
Federaia Ecvestr Romn 49 480 42 6 - Romanian Equestrian Federation
Federaia Romn de Fotbal 2535 117328 2277 1427 4419 Romanian Football Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Football Tennis
Fotbal Tenis 34 306 14 33 - Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Gymnastics
Gimnastic 39 1248 177 3 69 Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Rhytmic
Gimnastic Ritmic 20 255 33 7 20 Gymnastics Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Weightlifting
Haltere 34 316 43 8 25 Federation
Federaia Romn de Hochei Romanian Ice Hockey
pe Ghea 56 845 51 - 31 Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Grass Hockey
Hochei pe Iarb 15 385 12 1 13 Federation
Federaia Romn de Judo 156 3233 183 45 129 Romanian Judo Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Kayak-Canoe
Kaiac Canoe 42 948 63 2 1 Federation
Federaia Romn de Karate 161 5997 105 61 41 Romanian Karate Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Kyokushin Karate
Karate Kyokushin 36 727 19 22 21 Federation

Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului.

Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Federaiile sportive, n anul 2014 - continuare
9.11 Sport federations, in 2014 - continued
numr / number
Secii Antrenori
sportive Sportivi cu norm
afiliate legitimai ntreag Instructori Arbitri
Affiliated Sportsmen Full time Instructors Referees
sport sections legitimated coaches

Federaia Romn de Romanian Traditional Karate

Karate Tradiional 53 1042 38 48 28 Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian WKC Karate
Karate WKC 82 3342 72 120 49 Federation
Federaia Romn de Karting 24 107 - 2 44 Romanian Karting Federation
Federaia Romn de Kempo 76 2081 56 14 28 Romanian Kempo Federation
Federaia Romn de Lupte 149 2685 187 5 58 Romanian Wrestling Federation
Federaia Romn de Modelism 54 604 47 18 199 Romanian Modelism Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Motocycling
Motociclism 69 286 7 2 66 Federation
Federaia Romn de Nataie Romanian Swimming and
i Pentatlon Modern 126 5988 167 60 400 Modern Penthatllon Federation
Federaia Romn de Oin 49 1165 37 47 36 Romanian Oina Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Orientation
Orientare 50 367 25 21 45 Federation
Federaia Romn Romanian Water Polo
de Polo 28 1481 54 19 41 Federation
Federaia Romn de Popice-Bowling 36 800 18 26 36 Romanian Bowling Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Powerlifting
Powerlifting 30 529 - 33 24 Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Radioamateurism
Radioamatorism 67 2885 19 3 70 Federation
Federaia Romn de Rugby 118 4879 200 - 96 Romanian Rugby Federation
Federaia Romn de Sambo 33 305 - 14 8 Romanian Sambo Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Ski-Biathlon
Schi-biatlon 54 1541 106 - 163 Federation
Federaia Romn de Scrabble 21 385 17 28 9 Romanian Scrabble Federation
Federaia Romn de Scrim 48 1400 76 26 39 Romanian Fencing Federation
Federaia Romn de Snooker 17 340 3 8 22 Romanian Snooker Federation
Federaia Romn Sportul Romanian Federation
pentru toi 380 - - 1697 - Sport for all
Federaia Romn de ah 219 13247 117 130 114 Romanian Chess Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian ITF Taekwondo
Taekwondo ITF 26 813 30 35 60 Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian WTF Taekwondo
Taekwondo WTF 75 2796 57 67 116 Federation
Federaia Romn de Tenis 291 3370 258 41 79 Romanian Tennis Federation
Federaia Romn de Tenis Romanian Table Tennis
de mas 109 1172 73 9 238 Federation
Federaia Romn de Tir cu arcul 43 608 26 42 42 Romanian Archery Federation
Federaia Romn de Romanian Shooting Sports
Tir sportiv 51 837 57 5 41 Federation
Federaia Romn de Triatlon 18 254 18 13 28 Romanian Triathlon Federation
Federaia Romn de Volei 150 2305 242 15 323 Romanian Voleyball Federation
Federaia Romn de Vovinam Romanian Vovinam
Viet-Vo-Dao 15 209 11 6 19 Viet-Vo-Dao Federation
Federaia Romn de Yachting 22 485 14 9 28 Romanian Yachting Federation

Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului.

Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Clasamentul general la competiiile internaionale oficiale pe federaii, n anul 2014
9.12 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations, in 2014

Locul / Place Total Total

Federaia clasament medalii Federation
I II III IV V VI Total Total
hierarchy medals

Total 410 421 485 112 163 74 1665 1316 Total

Atletism 46 50 31 3 6 3 139 127 Athletics
Modelism 8 20 31 8 3 2 72 59 Modelism
Gimnastic 5 9 2 7 2 4 29 16 Gymnastics
Karate Tradiional 40 23 28 6 - - 97 91 Traditional Karate
Karate 25 37 47 3 4 1 117 109 Karate
Canotaj 25 9 5 4 2 2 47 39 Rowing
Kaiac-Canoe 8 8 9 7 11 1 44 25 Kayak-Canoe
Arte Mariale 89 96 100 22 26 23 356 285 Martial Arts
Vovinam Viet-Vo-Dao 3 4 5 - - - 12 12 Vovinam Viet-Vo-Dao
Scrim 4 - 8 - 3 3 18 12 Fencing
Nataie i Pentatlon Swimming and Modern
Modern 4 3 5 - 1 - 13 12 Penthatlon
Judo 11 13 34 - 2 - 60 58 Judo
Tenis de Mas 13 12 10 - 2 - 37 35 Table Tennis
Tir cu arcul - - - - 1 - 1 - Archery
Aeronautic - - - 1 - - 1 - Aeronautics
Tir Sportiv - - - 1 - - 1 - Sport shooting
Badminton 2 2 5 - - - 9 9 Badminton
Schi-Biatlon - - - - 1 - 1 - Ski-Biathlon
ah - 1 1 - 1 1 4 2 Chess
Tenis - - 2 1 1 - 4 2 Tennis
Karate WKC 12 13 11 6 8 4 54 36 WKC Karate
Ecvestr - 1 - - - - 1 1 Ecvestrian
Motociclism 1 2 4 - - - 7 7 Motocycling
Radioamatorism 15 9 31 7 6 3 71 55 Radioamateurism
Fotbal Tenis 12 1 - - - - 13 13 Football Tennis
Taekwondo WTF - - - - 1 - 1 - WTF Taekwondo
Orientare 7 11 6 - - 1 25 24 Orientation
Hochei pe iarb - 1 - - - - 1 1 Grass Hockey
Kempo 34 21 28 - 2 - 85 83 Kempo
Comitetul Naional National Paralympic
Paralimpic 2 7 7 2 2 3 23 16 Committee
Haltere 14 24 17 15 16 9 95 55 Weightlifting
Arte Mariale de contact 1 1 1 - - - 3 3 Contact Martial Art
Taekwondo ITF 3 6 11 5 9 - 34 20 ITF Taekwondo
Lupte 3 5 8 - 14 - 30 16 Wrestling
Karate Kyokushin 4 2 2 - 8 - 16 8 Kyokushin Karate
Box 2 5 8 - 16 1 32 15 Boxing
Aikido 2 2 3 - - - 7 7 Aikido
Handbal 1 - - - - - 1 1 Handball
Culturism i fitness 3 3 8 3 3 2 22 14 Bodybuilding and Fitness
Sambo - 3 8 - 7 - 18 11 Sambo
Powerlifting 1 - 2 6 4 8 21 3 Powerlifting
Popice bowling - 3 1 1 - - 5 4 Ninepin Bowling
Triatlon 5 4 2 - - - 11 11 Triathlon
Baschet 1 - - - - 1 2 1 Basketball
Dans sportiv 1 4 2 3 - - 10 7 Sport Dance
Biliard Pool - 1 - - - - 1 1 Biliard Pool
Bob i Sanie - - 1 - 1 1 3 1 Bobsleigh
Volei 1 4 1 - - - 6 6 Voleyball
Yachting 2 1 - - - 1 4 3 Yachting
Gimnastic Ritmic - - - 1 - - 1 - Callisthenics

Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului.

Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni la Jocurile Olimpice i Paralimpice,
Campionatele Mondiale i Europene
Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games,
9.13 World and European Championships

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

TOTAL 914 966 1408 1250 1111 976 TOTAL

I 285 338 481 410 354 295 I
II 267 292 427 348 356 316 II
III 362 336 500 492 401 365 III

Jocurile Olimpice Olympic Games

Total - - - 9 - - Total
I - - - 2 - - I
II - - - 5 - - II
III - - - 2 - - III

Jocurile Olimpice de tineret Youth Olympic Games

Total - 9 - - - 6 Total
I - 1 - - - 3 I
II - 4 - - - 3 II
III - 4 - - - - III

Jocurile Paralimpice Paralympic Games

Total - - - 2 - - Total
I - - - 1 - - I
II - - - 1 - - II
III - - - - - - III

Campionatele mondiale de seniori World senior championships

Total 285 212 355 343 165 128 Total
I 84 65 127 112 51 50 I
II 88 70 113 88 59 43 II
III 113 77 115 143 55 35 III

Campionatele europene European senior

de seniori championships
Total 189 258 451 249 330 284 Total
I 66 98 146 96 104 70 I
II 44 72 144 63 110 89 II
III 79 88 161 90 116 125 III

Campionatele mondiale de World youth-junior-cadet

tineret-juniori-cadei championships
Total 149 215 174 277 187 183 Total
I 36 77 50 84 55 62 I
II 49 70 53 81 60 57 II
III 64 68 71 112 72 64 III

Campionatele europene de European youth-junior-cadet

tineret-juniori-cadei championships
Total 291 272 428 370 429 375 Total
I 99 97 158 115 144 110 I
II 86 76 117 110 127 124 II
III 106 99 153 145 158 141 III

Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului.

Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni, pe ramuri de sport,
la Jocurile Olimpice, n perioada 1896 - 2014
Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen, by sport branches,
9.14 in the Olympic Games 1896 - 2014

Total medalii Medalii aur Medalii argint Medalii bronz

Total medals Gold medals Silver medals Bronze medals

Total 302 88 94 120 Total

Gimnastic 71 25 20 26 Gymnastics
Canotaj 37 19 10 8 Rowing
Kaiac-Canoe 34 10 10 14 Kayak-Canoe
Atletism 35 11 14 10 Athletics
Lupte 32 7 8 17 Wrestling
Tir Sportiv 15 6 4 5 Shooting
Haltere 13 2 7 4 Weightlifting
Box 25 1 9 15 Boxing
Scrim 15 3 5 7 Fencing
Handbal 4 - 1 3 Handball
Nataie 9 3 2 4 Swimming
Clrie 2 - 1 1 Equitation
Judo 6 1 2 3 Judo
Gimnastic Ritmic 1 - 1 - Rhythmic Gymnastics
Rugby 1 - - 1 Rugby
Volei 1 - - 1 Voleyball
Bob 1 - - 1 Bob

Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului.

Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni, pe ramuri de sport,

la Jocurile Paralimpice, n perioada 2008 - 2014 - continuare
Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen, by sport branches,
9.14.1 in the Paralympic Games 2008 - 2014 - continued

Total medalii Medalii aur Medalii argint Medalii bronz

Total medals Gold medals Silver medals Bronze medals

Total 3 1 1 - Total

Ciclism (jocuri paralimpice) 3 1 1 - Cyclism (paralympic games)

Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului.

Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni, pe ramuri de sport,

la Jocurile Olimpice de Tineret, n perioada 2010 - 2014 - continuare
Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen, by sport branches,
9.14.2 in the Youth Olympic Games 2010 - 2014 - continued

Total medalii Medalii aur Medalii argint Medalii bronz

Total medals Gold medals Silver medals Bronze medals

Total 15 4 7 4 Total

Atletism 6 1 4 1 Athletics
Gimnastic 3 1 2 - Gymnastics
Canotaj 3 2 - 1 Rowing
Judo 2 - 1 1 Judo
Nataie 1 - - 1 Swimming
Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului.
Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Participarea sportivilor romni la Jocurile Olimpice
9.15 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games

Numrul de Numrul de medalii obinute Numrul de locuri obinute

Anul puncte obinute Number of medals obtained Number of positions obtained
Year Number of locuri locuri locuri
points Total Aur Argint Bronz Total places places places
obtained Gold Silver Bronze IV V VI
Total 1988,33 302 88 94 120 298 97 108 93
1924 4,00 1 - - 1 - - - -
1928 - - - - - - - - -
1932 4,00 - - - - 2 1 - 1
1936 9,00 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 -
1952 27,75 4 1 1 2 8 - 3 5
1956 92,00 13 5 3 5 12 3 5 4
1960 77,00 10 3 1 6 18 1 9 8
1964 94,50 12 2 4 6 19 4 10 5
1968 107,50 16 4 6 6 11 6 3 2
1972 117,00 16 3 6 7 21 4 9 8
1976 177,50 27 4 9 14 23 10 7 6
1980 203,00 25 6 6 13 40 16 11 13
1984 325,50 53 20 16 17 17 10 4 3
1988 162,50 24 7 11 6 19 5 7 7
1992 162,75 18 4 6 8 33 17 8 8
1996 113,50 20 4 7 9 9 1 5 3
2000 112,50 26 11 6 9 21 5 6 10
2004 123,33 19 8 5 6 17 6 7 4
2008 75,00 8 4 1 3 16 5 8 3
2012 ... 1) 9 2 5 2 10 3 4 3
1) ncepnd cu anul 2012 nu se mai acord puncte medaliilor i locurilor obinute.
Starting with 2012, points for medals and positions obtained are no longer granted.
Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului.
Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Participarea sportivilor romni la Jocurile Paralimpice - continuare

9.15.1 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Paralympic Games - continued

Numrul de medalii obinute Numrul de locuri obinute

Anul Number of medals obtained Number of positions obtained
Year locuri locuri locuri
Total Aur Argint Bronz Total places places places
Gold Silver Bronze IV V VI
Total 3 1 2 - 3 2 1 -
2008 1 - 1 - 2 2 - -
2012 2 1 1 - - - - -
20142) - - - - 1 - 1 -
2) Jocurile Paralimpice de iarn. / Winter Paralympic Games.
Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului. / Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Participarea sportivilor romni la Jocurile Olimpice de Tineret - continuare

9.15.2 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Youth Olympic Games - continued
Numrul de medalii obinute Numrul de locuri obinute
Anul Number of medals obtained Number of positions obtained
Year locuri locuri locuri
Total Aur Argint Bronz Total places places places
Gold Silver Bronze IV V VI

Total 15 4 7 4 33 8 16 9

2010 9 1 4 4 14 2 9 3
20123) - - - - 2 1 - 1
2014 6 3 3 - 17 5 7 5
3) Jocurile Olimpice de iarn pentru Tineret. / Winter Youth Olympic Games.
Sursa: Ministerul Tineretului i Sportului. /Source: Ministry of Youth and Sports.



10.1 Indicii preurilor de consum ...................................... 358 Consumer price indices

10.2 Indicii preurilor de consum, pentru principalele Consumer price indices, for the main
grupe de mrfuri i servicii ....................................... 359 groups of goods and services
10.3 Indicii armonizai ai preurilor de consum, pentru Harmonised indices of consumer price, for groups
grupele de mrfuri i servicii constituite of goods and services according to the COICOP
conform clasificrii COICOP .................................... 361 classification
10.4 Indicii preurilor produciei industriale ...................... 362 Industrial production price indices
10.5 Indicii preurilor produciei industriale, Industrial production price indices,
pe marile grupe industriale ...................................... 365 by main industrial groups
10.6 Preurile medii de achiziie la principalele Average purchasing prices for main
produse agricole ...................................................... 365 agricultural products
10.7 Indicii preurilor principalelor produse agricole ........ 366 Price indices for the main agricultural products
10.8 Indicii preurilor principalelor produse care Price indices for the main products that represent
reprezint consum intermediar n agricultur .......... 366 intermediate consumption in agriculture
10.9 Preurile medii ale principalelor produse vndute Average prices for the main products
n pieele agroalimentare, n anul 2014 ................... 367 sold on the agro-food markets, in 2014
10.10 Indicii preurilor proprietilor rezideniale ................ 368 Residential property price indices
10.11 Indicii preurilor produciei pentru servicii ................ 368 Services producer price indices


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Cercetarea statistic a bugetelor de familie i Family budgets statistical survey and structural
cercetarea statistic structural n ntreprinderi, business statistical survey, to carry out the
pentru elaborarea sistemelor de ponderare folosite weighting systems used in the calculation of the
la calculul indicelui de preuri; price index;
Cercetarea statistic privind preurile i tarifele Statistical survey on prices and tariffs of goods and
mrfurilor i serviciilor care intr n consumul services included in population consumption, carried
populaiei, realizat pe eantioane reprezentative de out based on representative samples of
sortimente, precum i uniti de observare assortments, as well as observation units (shops,
(magazine, piee i uniti prestatoare de servicii), markets and units rendering services), for the
pentru calculul indicilor preurilor de consum; calculation of consumer price indices;
Cercetarea statistic privind preurile de producie Statistical survey on production prices of industrial
ale produselor i serviciilor industriale, realizat pe products and services, carried out on
eantioane reprezentative de produse, sortimente, representative samples of products, assortments,
precum i uniti de observare (operatori as well as observation units (economic operators),
economici), pentru calculul indicilor preurilor for the calculation of industrial production price
produciei industriale; indices;
Cercetarea statistic privind preurile de achiziie/ Statistical survey on purchase/selling prices of
vnzare ale produselor agricole, realizat la circa agricultural products, carried out for about
220 operatori economici (procesatori, comerciani, 220 economic operators (processers, tradesmen,
societi comerciale agricole) i n 50 oboare, pe un trade agricultural companies) and 50 markets, on a
nomenclator de 180 produse/varieti; nomenclature of 180 products/items;
Cercetarea statistic asupra preurilor principalelor Statistical survey on prices for main agricultural
produse vndute de ctre productorii particulari n products, sold by private producers in agro-food
pieele agroalimentare, pe un eantion de markets on a sample of 138 products (varieties) in
138 produse/varieti, n 100 de piee din 100 markets and 95 urban localities;
95 localiti urbane;

Cercetarea statistic privind preurile principalelor Statistical survey on prices of main products which
produse care reprezint consum intermediar n represent intermediate consumption in agriculture,
agricultur, realizat la circa 150 operatori carried out for about 150 economic operators
economici (procesatori, comerciani, societi (processers, tradesmen, trade agricultural
comerciale agricole), pe un eantion de companies), on a sample of 1260 products/items;
1260 produse/sortimente;
Cercetarea statistic privind preurile produciei Statistical survey on services producer price, carried
pentru servicii, realizat pe eantioane reprezentative out on representative samples of products CPA, as
de produse CPSA, precum i uniti de observare well as observation units (economic operators), for
(operatori economici), pentru calculul indicilor the calculation of services producer price indices.
preurilor produciei pentru servicii.


msoar evoluia de ansamblu a preurilor mrfurilor overall evolution of prices for purchased goods and
cumprate i a tarifelor serviciilor utilizate de ctre tariffs of services used by the population during a
populaie ntr-o anumit perioad (denumit perioad certain period (called current period), as against a
curent), fa de o perioad anterioar (denumit previous period (called base or reference period). The
perioad de baz sau de referin). Indicele preurilor de Consumer Price Index is calculated only for the
consum se calculeaz numai pentru elementele care elements that form part of the population's direct
intr n consumul direct al populaiei, fiind excluse: consumption, excluding the following: consumption
consumul din resurse proprii, cheltuielile cu caracter de from one's own resources, investment and accumulation
investiii i acumulare, dobnzile pltite la credite, ratele expenses, interest paid on credits, insurance rates,
de asigurare, amenzile, impozitele etc., precum i fines, taxes, a.s.o., as well as expenses for the payment
cheltuielile aferente plii muncii pentru producia of the work done for the agricultural production of
agricol a gospodriilor individuale. individual households.
Preurile sunt colectate din circa 7200 de uniti aflate Prices are collected from about 7200 units located in
n 68 de centre de colectare selectate din 42 localiti 68 collection centres selected from 42 urban localities,
urbane, n funcie de volumul vnzrilor i de numrul depending on the volume of sales and the population
populaiei. number.
Perioadele de referin pentru colectarea preurilor The reference periods for price collection are 1-7,
sunt 1-7, 10-17, 21-27 ale fiecrei luni, pentru mrfurile 10-17, 21-27 each month, for food goods, tobacco,
alimentare, tutun, benzin, motorin, gaz lichefiat i gasoline, diesel, liquefied gas, tariffs for water,
tarifele pentru ap, canal, salubritate, iar pentru mrfurile sewerage, sanitation while for non-food goods and
nealimentare i servicii, colectarea preurilor se face n services, the period for price collection is 10-17 each
perioada 10-17 a fiecrei luni astfel c, pentru cele month so that, for the approximately 1800 assortments
aproximativ 1800 de sortimente selectate n eantionul selected in the sample of goods and services, about
de bunuri i servicii se nregistreaz periodic circa 100000 prices are recorded periodically.
100000 de preuri.
Indicele se calculeaz prin agregarea indicilor The index is calculated by aggregating the individual
individuali la nivel de post de cheltuieli, grup indices at the level of expenditure items, groups (food,
(alimentar, nealimentar i servicii) i total. non-food and services) and overall.
Ponderile utilizate pentru agregarea indicilor de pre The weights used to aggregate the Consumer Price
de consum sunt obinute din cercetarea statistic a Indices are obtained from the Family Budgets Survey
bugetelor de familie i rezult din structura cheltuielilor and result from the structure of the monthly average
medii lunare efectuate de o gospodrie pentru expenditure incurred by a household for the purchase of
cumprarea bunurilor i plata serviciilor necesare goods and the payment of services necessary for
satisfacerii nevoilor de trai. Ponderile se actualizeaz meeting living needs. The weights are updated annually,
anual, lundu-se n considerare cea mai recent taking into account the most recent estimation of the
estimare a cheltuielilor populaiei. population's expenditure.

Indicii armonizai ai preurilor de consum (IAPC) au The Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices
luat fiin n Uniunea European ca rspuns la necesitatea (HICP) were created within the European Union in
de a stabili indici comparabili ai preurilor de consum la response to the need to establish comparable Consumer
nivelul statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene, care s Price Indices at the level of EU Member States, in order
permit msurarea stabilitii preurilor la nivelul zonei euro, to allow for the measurement of price stability in the euro
dar i msurarea gradului de convergen a preurilor, area, as well as the measurement of price convergence,
criteriu de aderare la Uniunea Monetar European. a criterion for joining the European Monetary Union.
Diferenele dintre cei doi indici de pre de consum The differences between the two Consumer Price
sunt nesemnificative n cazul Romniei i constau n: Indices are insignificant in the case of Romania and
consist in the following:
clasificarea utilizat pentru agregarea i prezentarea the classification used to aggregate and present
indicilor armonizai este cea convenit de harmonised indices is the one agreed upon by
CEE/Eurostat/OECD; EEC/Eurostat/OECD;
IAPC reflect evoluia preurilor i tarifelor the HICP reflects the evolution of the prices of goods
achiziionate i consumate pe teritoriul Romniei and the tariffs of services purchased and consumed
att de persoanele fizice rezidente ct i de cele on Romanian territory both by resident and
nerezidente (acestea din urm nu sunt incluse n non-resident physical persons (the latter are not
IPC naional); included in the national CPI);
din anul 2012 a intrat n vigoare Regulamentul CE since 2012, the Regulation (EU) No 1114/2010 as
nr.1114/2010 privind standardele minime pentru regards minimum standards for the quality of the
calitatea ponderilor indicilor armonizai ai preurilor HICP weightings entered into force. The
de consum. Implementarea regulamentului implementation of the regulation means the use of
nseamn utilizarea datelor privind cheltuiala data on monetary expenses of households final
monetar de consum final al gospodriilor din consumption from national accounts and
conturile naionale i a cheltuielilor din Ancheta expenditure from the Family Budgets Survey carried
Bugetelor de Familie realizate n perioada aferent out in the period of CPI base year; the weights
anului de baz al IPC; ponderile astfel calculate sunt calculated as such are updated at the prices of
actualizate la preurile lunii decembrie a anului previous year December in case of HICP;
precedent n cazul IAPC;
perioada de referin utilizat pentru prezentarea the reference period used for the presentation of the
IAPC este anul 2005. HICP is the year 2005.


INDUSTRIALE (IPPI) msoar evoluia n timp a (IPPI) measures the evolution over time of the prices of
preurilor produselor industriale fabricate de productori industrial products manufactured by domestic producers,
interni, livrate att pe piaa intern ct i pe piaa extern. delivered on the domestic and non-domestic markets.
Indicele preurilor produciei industriale este calculat The Industrial Production Price Index is calculated in
conform cerinelor i standardelor Regulamentului accordance with the requirements and standards of
Consiliului CE nr.1165/1998, amendat prin Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/1998 concerning short-
Regulamentul CE nr.1158/2005 cu privire la statisticile term statistics, amended by Regulation (EC)
pe termen scurt i acoper aproape n totalitate No 1158/2005 of the European Parliament and of the
sectoarele industriilor extractiv i prelucrtoare, precum Council, and covers almost fully the mining and quarrying
i sectorul energetic. sector, the manufacturing sector and the energy sector.
Preurile colectate sunt preuri de productor i nu The prices collected are producer prices and do not
includ TVA. include the VAT.
Preurile sunt colectate de la aproximativ 2400 de Prices are collected from approximately
operatori economici, selectai n funcie de cifra de 2400 economic operators, selected depending on the
afaceri raportat n cadrul cercetrii statistice Ancheta turnover reported in the annual Structural Business
Structural n ntreprinderi realizat n perioada aferent Survey conducted during the period corresponding to the
anului de baz (2010). Gradul de acoperire obinut este base year (2010). The coverage obtained ranges
cuprins ntre 70% i 100% din cifra de afaceri aferent between 70% and 100% of the turnover corresponding to
fiecrei clase CAEN Rev. 2. each CANE Rev. 2 class.

Colectarea se realizeaz o dat pe lun i const n Prices are collected once a month. They are
nregistrarea preurilor la nivel de sortiment, considerat recorded at the level of assortments considered
reprezentativ de ctre fiecare operator economic inclus representative by each economic operator included in
n eantion. the sample.
Indicele se calculeaz prin agregarea indicilor The index is calculated by aggregating individual
individuali la nivel de produs/operator economic, produs indices at the level of products/economic operators,
PRODROM, clas CAEN Rev. 2, diviziune CAEN Rev. 2, PRODROM products, CANE Rev. 2 classes, CANE Rev.
seciuni CAEN Rev. 2 i total industrie. 2 divisions, CANE Rev. 2 sections and for industry overall.
Ponderile utilizate pentru calculul indicilor preurilor The weights used to calculate Industrial Production
produciei industriale sunt stabilite separat pe destinaii Price Indices are established separately according to the
(piaa intern sau piaa extern). Valorile de ponderare destination (the domestic market or the non-domestic
pentru toate nivelurile de agregare s-au determinat din market). The weighting values for all aggregation levels
Ancheta Structural n ntreprinderi (ASA) realizat n were determined from the annual Structural Business
perioada aferent anului de baz (2010). Survey conducted during the period corresponding to the
base year (2010).

Observarea i culegerea preurilor care intr n The observation and collection of the prices that
calcularea preurilor medii se realizeaz pe canale de are taken into account for the calculation of average
vnzare reprezentative, n funcie de natura produsului, prices are performed based on representative sales
utiliznd un eantion de 100 de piee agroalimentare, channels, depending on the nature of the product,
50 oboare, circa 110 procesatori, circa 50 angrositi i using a sample of 100 agro-food markets, 50 fairs,
circa 70 societi comerciale agricole i uniti de about 110 processors, about 50 wholesalers and about
cercetare i producie agricol. 70 agricultural trading companies and agricultural
research and production units.
Preurile nu includ costuri de transport, stocare etc., Prices do not include the costs for transport, storage
subveniile pe produs i TVA. a.s.o., the subsidies on products and the VAT.
Colectarea preurilor se realizeaz cu frecven Prices are collected weekly in the agro-food markets
sptmnal n pieele agroalimentare i lunar n and monthly as regards the fairs, processors,
oboare, la procesatori, angrositi i la societile wholesalers and agricultural trading companies.
comerciale agricole.
Preurile medii anuale ale produselor vndute n The annual average prices of the products sold in
pieele agroalimentare, la nivel de localitate, sunt obinute agro-food markets, at locality level, are obtained as a
ca medie aritmetic simpl a preurilor sptmnale. simple arithmetic mean of weekly prices.
Preurile medii anuale ale produselor vndute n The annual average prices of products sold on
pieele agroalimentare, la nivel de ar, sunt obinute ca agro-food markets, at country level, are obtained as
medie aritmetic ponderat a preurilor medii lunare, la weighted arithmetic mean of monthly average prices, at
nivel de produs/ar. product/country level.
Preurile medii anuale ale produselor agricole The annual average prices of the agricultural
achiziionate de operatorii economici sunt obinute ca products purchased by economic operators are obtained
medie aritmetic simpl a preurilor medii lunare, la nivel as a simple arithmetic mean of monthly average prices,
de produs/ar. at product/country level.
Indicii preurilor produselor agricole msoar variaia The price indices for agricultural products measure
n timp a preurilor de vnzare a acestor produse de the change over time in the prices at which these
ctre productorii agricoli interni. products are sold to domestic agricultural producers.
Indicii individuali sunt agregai la diferite nivele de Individual indices are aggregated at various crop or
clasificare ale produselor de origine vegetal sau animal, animal product classification levels, until obtaining the
pn la obinerea indicelui pentru total produse agricole. index for agricultural products overall.
Sistemul de ponderi utilizat n calculul preurilor medii The system of weights used in the calculation of
i al indicilor lunari ai preurilor la nivel de produs se average prices and monthly price indices at product
bazeaz pe date la nivel de jude (cantiti) obinute din level is based on data at county level (quantities)
cercetarea statistic Producia vegetal la principalele obtained from statistical survey Crop production for

culturi n anul 2010 i din cercetarea statistic Efectivele main crops, in 2010 and from statistical survey
de animale existente la 1 decembrie 2010 i producia Livestock existent on December 1, 2010 and animal
animal obinut n anul 2010. production obtained in 2010.
Sistemul de ponderi folosit n calculul indicilor agregai The system of weights used to calculate aggregate
este obinut din datele care provin din Conturile Economice indices is obtained from data coming from the Economic
din Agricultur, reprezentnd valoarea de vnzare a Accounts for Agriculture, representing the sale value of
produselor agricole la preul productorului, n anul 2010. agricultural products at producer price, in 2010.

Indicii preurilor principalelor produse care The price indices for the main products that
reprezint consum intermediar n agricultur represent intermediate consumption in agriculture
(input-uri) msoar variaia n timp a preurilor de (inputs) measure the change over time in the prices at
vnzare a acestor produse ctre productorii agricoli which these products are sold to domestic agricultural
interni. producers.
Preurile sunt colectate trimestrial de la aproximativ Prices are collected on a quarterly basis from
150 de operatori economici care desfoar activitate de approximately 150 economic operators who produce
producie i/sau de comercializare de input-uri agricole and/or market agricultural inputs (from the domestic
(din producia intern sau din import) i vnd direct ctre production or from imports) and sell the products directly
productorii agricoli. to agricultural producers.
Preurile includ costurile de transport, stocare etc., Prices include the costs for transport, storage a.s.o.,
dar nu cuprind TVA i subveniile pe produs. but do not include the VAT and the subsidies on products.
nregistrarea preurilor se realizeaz la nivel de Prices are recorded at the level of assortments that
sortimente reprezentative pentru fiecare produs, are representative for each product, selected on the
selectate pe baza caracteristicilor specifice i a celor mai basis of specific characteristics and of the most common
comune condiii de comercializare. marketing conditions.
Indicii sunt agregai la diferite nivele de clasificare a Indices are aggregated at various product
produselor utiliznd un sistem de ponderi. classification levels using a system of weights.
n structura indicelui global sunt cuprinse i The structure of the overall index also includes
produse/grupe de produse pentru care nu se culeg date products/groups of products for which data are not
(ex: Energie i lubrifiani), acestea provenind de la alte collected (e.g.: Energy and lubricants), as they come
cercetri statistice din cadrul INS i reprezint fie indici from other statistical surveys conducted by the NIS and
agregai, fie indici la nivel de produse care se agreg represent either aggregate indices or indices at product
utiliznd ponderi, pn la nivelul impus de structura level which are aggregated using weights, up to the level
indicelui global. imposed by the structure of the overall index.
Sistemul de ponderi utilizat n calculul indicilor The system of weights used in the calculation of
agregai este obinut din datele care provin din Conturile aggregate indices is obtained from data coming from
Economice din Agricultur, reprezentnd valoarea Economic Accounts in Agriculture, representing annual
anual a produselor care reprezint consum intermediar, value of products which represent intermediate
n agricultur, n anul 2010. consumption in agriculture, in 2010.



Elaborarea metodologiei de calcul a nceput n anul The development of the calculation methodology
2008 n baza unei colaborri ntre Institutul Naional de started in 2008 in the framework of a collaboration
Statistic (INS), Banca Naional a Romniei (BNR) i between the National Institute of Statistics (NIS), the
Uniunea Naional a Notarilor Publici din Romnia National Bank of Romania (NBR) and the National Union
(UNNPR). of Notaries Public from Romania (NUNPR).
Obiectivul este de a msura evoluia trimestrial a The objective is to measure the quarterly evolution of
preurilor proprietilor rezideniale fa de anul 2009 residential property prices as against the year 2009 (the
(anul de ncepere al anchetei) i nu de a calcula preul starting year of the survey) and not to calculate the average
mediu pe metru ptrat sau o valoare medie pe tranzacie price per square metre or an average value per transaction
n funcie de numrul de camere sau suprafaa util. by number of rooms or usable area of the property.

Not: Toi indicii de pre prezentai mai sus sunt de tip Laspeyres.
Note: All price indices presented above are Laspeyres-type indices.

Colectarea datelor Data collection

Modul standard de construire a unui indice de pre The standard method of building a price index is to
este de a colecta preurile pentru exact acelai produs collect the prices in the periods to be compared for
sau sortiment n perioadele care urmeaz s fie exactly the same product or item. In practice, in the case
comparate. n practic, n cazul proprietilor rezideniale, of residential properties, this standard method encounter
aceast metod standard ntmpin dificulti de aplicare difficulties in application due to several reasons, namely:
din mai multe considerente, i anume:
proprietile vndute n perioade diferite sunt the properties sold in different periods of time are
eterogene. Fiecare proprietate vndut poate fi heterogeneous. Each property sold can be
considerat un produs unic. Este greu s identifici considered as a unique item. It is difficult to identify
proprieti similare din cauza diferenelor calitative a similar property due to the qualitative differences
care pot s apar i chiar a locaiei unde este that may occur and, moreover, to the location where
vndut proprietatea; the property is sold;
tranzaciile cu aceeai proprietate sunt sporadice. transactions with the same property are sporadic.
n ciuda aplicrii cu succes a ajustrilor calitative, Despite the successful implementation of quality
pot exista probleme n construirea unui indice de adjustments, there may be problems in building a
pre tocmai datorit incidenei sczute a price index precisely because of the low incidence of
revnzrilor; resales;
numrul redus de informaii/caracteristici ale the reduced amount of information on/number of
proprietilor vndute. characteristics of the sold properties.
n acest sens, n vederea stabilirii ct mai exact a Considering this, in order to determine the
caracteristicilor care influeneaz preul tranzaciei au characteristics that influence the transaction price as
fost solicitate i informaii cu privire la: accurately as possible, the following information was also
locaia amplasrii imobilului; location of the property;
anul construirii; year of construction;
tipul cldirii: type of building:
cldire de tip bloc: block of flats:
suprafaa util i construit; usable and built floor area;
nivelul la care se afl locuina; floor at which the dwelling is located;
cldiri individuale: individual building:
suprafaa utila i construit; usable and built area;
suprafaa teren; land area;
garaj; garage;
alte caracteristicii calitative: other qualitative characteristics:
tipul locuinei; type of dwelling;
gradul de confort al locuinei; comfort level;
sistemul de nclzire; heating type;
tipul de finisaj; type of finishes;
starea de ntreinere a locuinei; status of dwelling maintenance;
materialele de construcie; construction materials;
amplasarea imobilului. location.
Colectarea informaiilor a nceput din luna ianuarie The data collection began in January 2009 and is
2009 i se realizeaz de ctre INS cu sprijinul tuturor performed by the NIS with the support of all the
Camerelor Notarilor Publici care funcioneaz n plan Chambers of Notaries Public serving the territorial level.
teritorial. Datele sunt colectate de la birourile notariale pe Data are collected through the notary offices using an
baza unui chestionar electronic cu o periodicitate lunar. electronic questionnaire with monthly periodicity.
Variabila colectat prin ancheta preurilor The price variable collected through the survey on
proprietailor rezideniale face referire la valoarea residential property prices refers to the value declared by
declarat de pri n tranzaciile autentificate de ctre both parties involved in the transactions authorised by
notarii publici. the notaries public.

Metoda de calcul Calculation method

Indicele este un indice agregat de tip Laspeyres, The index is a Laspeyres-type index which involves
care presupune msurarea evoluiei preurilor n measuring the evolution of prices in the current period as
perioada curent fa de o perioad de baz (2009) against a base period (2009) for apartment type
pentru cldiri de tip apartament, cldiri individuale i total buildings, individual buildings and residential properties
proprieti rezideniale. as a whole.
Pentru calculul indicelui de pre pentru cldirile de tip In order to calculate the price index for apartment
apartament au fost luate n considerare urmtoarele type buildings, the following criteria have been taken into
criterii: consideration:
suprafaa util conform cu Legea nr. 114/1996 the usable area according to Law No 114/1996 on
privind locuinele, actualizat i revizuit; dwellings, updated and revised;
expertizele privind valorile orientative de evaluare expert guidance on the indicative appraisal values of
a bunurilor imobiliare, ntocmite n temeiul Legii real estate, provided under Law No 571/2003 on the
nr. 571/2003 privind Codul Fiscal, cu modificrile Fiscal Code, as amended.
i completrile ulterioare.
Pentru calculul indicelui de pre pentru cldirile In order to calculate the price index for individual
individuale au fost luate n considerare urmtoarele criterii: buildings, the following criteria have been taken into
suprafaa util conform cu Legea nr. 114/1996 the usable area according to Law No 114/1996 on
privind locuinele, actualizat i revizuit; dwellings, updated and revised;
expertizele privind valorile orientative de evaluare expert guidance on the indicative appraisal values of
a bunurilor imobiliare, ntocmite n temeiul Legii real estate, provided under Law No 571/2003 on the
nr. 571/2003 privind Codul Fiscal, cu modificrile Fiscal Code, as amended;
i completrile ulterioare;
suprafaa terenului adiacent locuinei s nu fie mai the area of the land adjacent to the dwelling is to be
mare de 10.000 metri ptrai. less than 10000 square metres.
innd cont de limitrile existente n cazul vnzrilor Given the existing limitations for real estate sales,
proprietilor imobiliare, referitoare la modificrile related to the qualitative changes that occur over time,
calitative care apar n timp, metoda folosit pentru the method used to estimate the indices is the hedonic
estimare a indicilor este metoda hedonic. Metoda method. The hedonic method takes into account the fact
hedonic ia n considerare faptul c bunurile eterogene that the heterogeneous goods can be described by a set
pot fi descrise printr-un set de caracteristici sau atribuii. of characteristics or attributes. In the case of dwellings,
n cazul locuinelor, acest set poate include att this set may include both characteristics related to the
caracteristici referitoare la strucutura locuinei, ct i cele structure of the dwelling and characteristics relating to
referitoare la locaia unde se afl proprietatea. Dei nu the location of the property. Although there is no market
exist o pia pentru evaluarea acestor caracteristici (ele for the evaluation of these characteristics (they can not
nu pot fi vndute separat), cererea i oferta, n cazul be sold separately), in the case of properties, supply and
proprietilor, determin implicit contribuia marginal a demand determine by default the marginal contribution
caracteristicilor la preurile proprietilor. Tehnicile de of characteristics to the property prices. The regression
regresie pot fi utilizate pentru estimarea acestor techniques can be used for the estimation of these
contribuii marginale sau a preurilor implicite. Pentru a marginal contributions or the default prices. In order to
estima contribuiile marginale a caracteristicilor luate n estimate the marginal contributions of the characteristics
considerare n descrierea preurilor proprietilor considered for describing the residential property prices
rezideniale n Romnia a fost utilizat o funcie de in Romania, the logarithmic regression function was
regresie logaritmic: used:

ln pi = ,ln si +j,*ci ln pi = ,ln si +j,*ci

Regula de baz n selectarea caracteristicilor a fost The basic rule in selecting the characteristics was
existena unui numr de cel puin 20 de observaii pe the existence of at least 20 observations for each
fiecare caracteristic n parte. individual characteristic.
Pentru construirea funciei de regresie The characteristics which have been taken into account
caracteristicile luate n considerare au fost urmtoarele: for creating the regression function were the following:

a. localitatea n care se afl locuina: a. location where the dwelling is situated:
capital sau restul rii, n cazul apartamentelor; capital city or rest of the country for apartments in
mediu urban sau rural, n cazul cldirilor individuale. urban or rural area for individual buildings.
Pentru fiecare localitate au fost create variable fictive For each locality, dummy variables taking value 1 if
(dummy) care iau valoarea 1, dac locuina se afl the dwelling is situated in a certain micro-location
ntr-o anumit microlocaie (sector, n cazul (district for flats in the capital city, county in the other
apartamentelor din capital i jude, n celelalte cases) or value 0 otherwise have been created;
cazuri) sau valoarea 0, n caz contrar;
b. anul de construcie: au fost considerate 5 variabile b. year of construction: 5 dummy variables were
fictive n funcie de anul de construcie declarat pentru considered in relation to the year of construction
locuina tranzacionat; declared for the transacted dwelling;
c. nivelul la care se afl locuina: s-au considerat 4 variabile c. floor at which the dwelling is located: 4 dummy
false n funcie de etajul la care se afl locuina; variables were considered depending on the floor on
which the dwelling is situated;
d. suprafaa locuinei: a fost considerat valoarea d. area of the dwelling: the natural logarithm value for
logaritmului natural pentru fiecare suprafa; each area was considered;
e. tipul locuinei: au fost create 2 variabile fictive pentru e. type of apartment: 2 dummy variables were created, one
fiecare tip de locuin (decomandat sau nedecomandat); for each type of apartment (detached, not-detached);
f. confortul locuinei: au fost create variabile fictive pentru f. comfort type: dummy variables were created for each
fiecare tip de confort (superior,1, 2 sau altul); type of comfort (superior, comfort type I, type II, other
g. sistemul de nclzire: au fost create variabile fictive g. heating type: dummy variables were created for each
pentru fiecare sistem de nclzire folosit n locuina heating type used in the sold dwelling (central
vndut (nclzire centralizat, central proprie, aer heating, own central heating, air conditioning a.s.o.);
condiionat etc.);
h. tipul de finisaj: au fost construie 3 variabile fictive h. type of finishes: 3 dummy variables were built for the
aferente tipurilor de finisaj considerate (superior, existing types (superior, normal and without finishes);
normal i fr);
i. starea de ntreinere a locuinei: au fost create i. status of dwelling maintenance: 3 dummy variables
3 variabile fictive n funcie de declaraia were created depending on the statement of the
vnztorului/cumprtorului (foarte bun, bun i seller/buyer (very good, good, satisfactory);
j. amplasarea locuinei: variabilele fictive create au inut j. location: dummy variables were created taking into
cont de amplasarea locuinei (aproape de mijloacele account the location of the dwelling (near the public
de transport, aproape de magazine etc.). transport network, near shops a.s.o.).
n urma aplicrii funciei de regresie, pentru toate After applying the regression function to all the
nregistrrile aferente anului 2009, au fost pstrate n records for the year 2009, only the characteristics having
model numai caracteristicile al crui nivel de semnificaie the statistical level of significance below 0.05 were kept
statistic a fost sub 0,05. in the model.
Modelul a fost aplicat pentru datele nregistrate n The model was applied to the data recorded for each
cazul fiecrui trimestru, rezultnd astfel contribuiile quarter and the quarterly marginal contributions for each
marginale trimestriale pentru fiecare caracteristic. characteristic were thus obtained.
Formula de calcul pentru indicii de pre la nivel de The formula for calculating price indices at location
locaie este de tip Laspeyres avnd ca factor cantitativ level is a Laspeyres-type formula having as quantitative
qi,0- numrul nregistrrilor pe fiecare caracteristic n factor qi,0- the number of records on each characteristic
anul de baz, iar ca factor calitativ - valorile (contribuiile for the base year, and as qualitative factor the values
marginale) pe fiecare caracteristic rezultat n (marginal contributions) on each characteristic obtained
trimestrul curent i,, respectiv n anul de baz i,0. in the current quarter i,, in the base year i,0.

IPPR = i,*qi,0 IPPR = i,*qi,0

i,*qi,0 i,*qi,0
SERVICII (IPPS) msoar evoluia de ansamblu a measures the evolution of tariffs, charged by economic
tarifelor practicate de operatorii economici pentru operators for services provided by them in a certain
serviciile furnizate de acetia ntr-o anumit perioad period (called current period), as against a previous
(denumit perioad curent), fa de o perioad period (called base or reference period).
anterioar (denumit perioad de baz sau de referin).
Sfera de cuprindere a indicelui preurilor produciei The coverage of the services producer price indices
pentru servicii este reprezentat de ansamblul activitilor is represented by all the activities of economic operators
desfurate de operatorii economici cu personalitate registered with the Trade Register, whose main activity is
juridic, nregistrai la Registrul comerului, care au included in services (CANE Rev.2 - 494, 501, 502, 51,
activitatea principal servicii (CAEN Rev.2 494, 501, 521, 5224, 531, 532, 61, 62, 631, 639, 69, 702, 71, 73,
502, 51, 521, 5224, 531, 532, 61, 62, 631, 639, 69, 702, 78, 80, 812), exclusively provided to legal persons.
71, 73, 78, 80, 812) oferite exclusiv persoanelor juridice.
Din punct de vedere al acoperirii geografice, indicele In terms of geographical coverage, services
preurilor produciei pentru servicii are acoperire naional. producer price indices has national coverage.
Principala variabil observat este tariful practicat The main variable is the observed rate charged by
de operatorii economici selectai n eantion pentru cele economic operators selected in the sample for the most
mai reprezentative activiti incluse n serviciile furnizate representative activities included in the services
de acetia. provided by them.
Tarifele nu includ taxa pe valoarea adugat (TVA). Prices do not include value added tax (VAT).
Urmrirea i nregistrarea tarifelor produciei pentru The monitoring and recording of production prices
servicii se realizeaz pe baza urmtoarele clasificri i (tariffs) for services are achieved based on the following
nomenclatoare: classifications and nomenclatures:
Clasificarea Activitilor din Economia Naional National Classification of Economic Activities -
CAEN Rev.2; CANE Rev.2;
Clasificarea produselor i serviciilor asociate Classification of products and services activities -
activitilor CPSA 2008; CPA 2008;
Nomenclatorul operatorilor economici selectai n Nomenclature of economic operators selected in the
eantion; sample;
Nomenclatorul aciunilor (serviciilor) reprezentative Nomenclature of representative activities (services)
n cadrul produsului CPSA 2008/operator economic. in CPA 2008 product/economic operator.
Indicele preurilor produciei pentru servicii este de Services producer price indices is Laspeyres type
tip Laspeyres i se determin pe baza unui sistem de and is determined on the basis of a system of constant
ponderi constante. Valorile de ponderare s-au determinat weightings. The weighting values were set based on the
din Ancheta Statistic Anual (structural) n Annual Statistical (Structural) Bussiness Survey from
ntreprinderi (ASA) din anul de referin 2010. reference year 2010.

Evoluia indicilor preurilor de consum
10.G1 Evolution of consumer price indices
an curent / an precedent
current year / previous year



140 144,0 135,7

143,7 135,4

134,5 126,8
130 133,1

122,5 116,1
120 115,3 114,7
118,3 113,2 111,3
110,5 108,47 109,22 108,97 109,78
114,8 109,0 108,20 108,57 106,22 106,09
114,7 106,56 106,63 107,85 105,59 104,78 106,02 105,07 105,19
110 111,9 104,99 103,77 103,98 103,16
103,33 103,19 102,45
109,5 101,07
106,1 106,36
104,84 104,45
100 103,84 103,89 103,25 102,96
102,33 101,89
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total / Total Mrfuri nealimentare / Non-food goods

Mrfuri alimentare / Food goods Servicii / Services

Evoluia indicilor preurilor de consum i ai cursului de schimb mediu anual

10.G2 Evolution of consumer price and yearly average exchange rate indices
an curent / an precedent
% current year / previous year

115 115,1
106,09 105,79 105,1 103,98
105 104,2 101,07
105,59 100,7 99,2
99,4 100,6
95 96,0 100,6

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Indicii preurilor de consum - total / Consumer price indices - total

Indicii cursului de schimb mediu anual (lei/euro)

Yearly average exchange rate indices (lei/euro)
Indicii cursului de schimb mediu anual (lei/dolar SUA)
Yearly average exchange rate indices (lei/USD)
Indicii preurilor de consum
10.1 Consumer price indices

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

1990 = 100

Total 329380,27 349450,21 369673,84 382001,92 397221,30 401463,68

Mrfuri alimentare 254554,38 260497,35 276167,46 281396,00 289728,24 284996,60

Food goods

Mrfuri nealimentare 340410,86 373711,06 396711,70 411681,93 433040,73 443639,19

Non-food goods

Servicii 606939,95 635957,25 664251,64 697943,34 720201,92 742925,07

Anul precedent / Previous year = 100

Total 105,59 106,09 105,79 103,33 103,98 101,07

Mrfuri alimentare 103,25 102,33 106,02 101,89 102,96 98,37

Food goods

Mrfuri nealimentare 106,22 109,78 106,15 103,77 105,19 102,45

Non-food goods

Servicii 108,97 104,78 104,45 105,07 103,19 103,16


Indicii preurilor de consum, pentru principalele grupe de mrfuri i servicii
10.2 Consumer price indices, for the main groups of goods and services
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 105,59 106,09 105,79 103,33 103,98 101,07 Total

Mrfuri alimentare 103,25 102,33 106,02 101,89 102,96 98,37 Food goods

Produse de morrit i panificaie 102,60 102,15 107,46 101,70 98,85 94,15 Milling and baking products
Produse de morrit 99,94 101,49 113,20 102,86 103,03 94,84 Milling products
Fin 100,19 101,70 115,11 102,00 100,95 92,75 Flour
Mlai 99,42 101,19 110,16 104,31 106,57 98,33 Maize flour
Pine, produse de franzelrie, Bread, bakery products,
specialiti, subproduse din specialities, wheat, maize
gru, porumb i secar 101,89 102,45 107,56 101,69 98,09 93,12 and rye subproducts
Pine 101,80 102,48 107,93 101,66 97,64 92,22 Bread
Produse de franzelrie 102,07 101,88 105,98 101,49 99,27 95,64 Bakery products
Specialiti de panificaie 102,46 102,34 103,89 101,98 102,42 101,52 Baking specialities
Legume i conserve Vegetables and tinned
de legume 101,71 106,80 111,13 91,75 113,11 97,94 vegetables
Fasole boabe i Bean and other
alte leguminoase 109,07 98,87 104,94 108,27 126,19 114,28 leguminous
Cartofi 108,90 105,35 132,23 76,74 138,42 92,24 Potatoes
Alte legume i Other vegetables and
conserve de legume 96,62 110,08 104,03 94,85 105,20 97,97 tinned vegetables
Fructe i conserve din fructe 96,77 100,40 109,62 103,57 104,79 94,21 Fruit and tinned fruit
Fructe proaspete 92,54 99,00 121,38 103,19 106,41 92,86 Fresh fruit
Citrice i alte Citrus and other
fructe meridionale 101,08 101,65 97,62 104,19 102,90 95,29 southern fruit
Conserve din fructe 102,88 102,33 102,82 101,95 102,30 101,81 Tinned fruit
Ulei, slnin, grsimi 88,87 99,42 116,67 104,02 103,23 91,05 Table oil, bacon, fats
Ulei comestibil 86,24 98,56 118,80 104,26 103,32 89,33 Edible oil
Margarin 105,65 103,88 105,10 102,55 102,58 100,57 Margarine
Carne, preparate din carne Meat, tinned meat
i conserve din carne 105,95 102,32 102,26 103,08 104,10 101,09 and meat products
Carne de bovine 109,43 102,50 102,04 102,85 103,42 101,66 Beef
Carne de porcine 106,59 100,98 101,37 102,81 104,25 100,67 Pork
Carne de pasre 103,73 102,05 102,45 102,44 104,81 100,48 Poultry
Preparate din carne 105,25 101,80 102,26 102,82 103,63 101,53 Meat products
Conserve din carne 104,13 102,76 102,96 102,16 102,23 101,23 Tinned meat
Pete i conserve din pete 103,90 101,73 102,93 102,42 102,91 101,71 Fish and tinned fish
Pete proaspt i congelat 103,97 101,69 103,06 102,38 102,90 101,63 Fresh and frozen fish
Conserve din pete i Tinned fish and
alte produse din pete 103,59 102,10 102,47 102,69 103,55 102,05 other fish products
Lapte i produse lactate 105,83 101,49 104,56 102,74 102,94 101,98 Milk and dairy products
Lapte - total 103,95 101,32 104,05 102,23 102,57 101,85 Milk - total
Lapte de vac 108,78 100,77 106,62 103,10 101,90 101,57 Cow milk
Brnz - total 110,18 101,15 105,32 103,99 104,01 102,08 Cheese - total
Brnz de vac (telemea) 110,52 100,99 105,31 103,50 103,88 102,12 Cow cheese (feta)
Brnz de oaie (telemea) 111,02 101,37 105,32 104,68 104,26 102,10 Sheep cheese (feta)
Unt 102,77 103,04 105,86 102,99 103,39 102,15 Butter
Ou 113,66 98,61 101,24 128,73 90,68 101,09 Eggs
Zahr, produse zaharoase Sugar, confectioneries
i miere de albine 106,28 102,45 110,97 102,81 100,24 95,35 and honey
Zahr 109,01 101,14 121,29 103,60 97,72 86,03 Sugar
Miere de albine 108,61 106,35 111,99 103,57 102,93 105,22 Honey

Indicii preurilor de consum, pentru principalele grupe de mrfuri
i servicii - continuare
10.2 Consumer price indices, for the main groups of goods and services - continued
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cacao i cafea 103,28 102,88 103,99 102,60 101,46

100,78 Cocoa and coffee
Cafea 103,31 102,90 103,98 102,59 101,44
100,78 Coffee
Buturi alcoolice 102,91 102,92 102,66 101,51 102,92
102,24 Alcoholic beverages
Vin 103,18 102,19 102,38 101,99 102,90
101,81 Wine
uic, rachiuri i Plum brandy, brandy and
alte buturi alcoolice 103,20 103,02 102,65 101,46 102,48 103,46 other alcoholic beverages
Bere 102,72 103,14 102,75 101,36 103,09 102,04 Beer
Alte produse alimentare 104,53 103,01 102,78 102,20 101,98 101,09 Other food goods

Mrfuri nealimentare 106,22 109,78 106,15 103,77 105,19 102,45 Non-food goods

mbrcminte, articole de Clothing, hosiery, small wares,

galanterie, mercerie, pasmanterie 102,37 101,68 101,89 101,64 101,78 101,60 lacing articles, trimmings
esturi 102,20 101,65 102,19 101,42 101,40 101,56 Fabrics
Confecii 102,27 101,61 101,77 101,59 101,74 101,50 Wearing apparel
Tricotaje 102,77 101,96 102,25 101,88 101,93 101,86 Knitwear
Articole de galanterie, Hosiery, lacing
pasmanterie i mercerie 102,25 101,59 102,08 101,34 101,53 102,09 small wares
nclminte 102,43 102,23 102,00 101,64 102,02 102,18 Footwear
nclminte din piele 102,57 102,43 102,11 101,70 101,95 102,15 Upper leather footwear
Produse de uz casnic, mobil 101,72 101,49 101,56 101,05 101,55 101,67 Household appliances, furniture
Mobil 101,95 101,39 101,49 101,06 101,27 101,80 Furniture
Frigidere i congelatoare 101,49 101,81 101,22 100,68 101,76 101,62 Refrigerators and freezers
Maini de splat 101,02 101,45 100,92 100,51 101,25 100,97 Washing machines
Maini de aragaz, butelii 101,42 101,56 101,62 100,95 101,58 101,76 Cooking stoves and cylinders
Articole de menaj 102,26 101,83 102,17 101,35 101,59 101,86 Household items
Articole chimice 103,03 102,34 102,18 101,35 101,67 101,19 Chemicals
Lacuri i vopsele 102,60 102,10 102,41 101,72 102,01 101,68 Varnishes and paints
Detergeni 102,97 102,33 102,07 101,26 101,53 101,00 Detergents
Spun de rufe 102,60 102,19 102,31 101,04 101,18 100,87 Linen soap
Produse cultural-sportive 106,85 104,61 105,06 102,36 103,84 101,63 Cultural-sports products
Cri, ziare, Books, newspapers,
reviste 110,40 111,08 109,18 102,19 106,76 102,55 magazines
Ceasuri, aparate audio-video, Watches, audio-video
articole sportive 102,15 102,02 101,97 102,35 101,37 100,98 apparatus, sport items
Autoturisme, accesorii i Cars, auto and bike
piese de schimb auto, velo 106,72 99,41 101,94 102,66 101,13 100,81 accessories and spare parts
Articole de igien, Hygienic, cosmetic
cosmetice i medicale 104,22 105,18 102,32 100,71 101,06 100,92 and medical articles
Articole de igien, cosmetice 103,18 103,03 102,80 101,57 101,70 101,53 Hygienic, cosmetic articles
Articole medicale 104,94 106,43 102,07 100,22 100,67 100,53 Medical articles
Medicamente 105,04 106,67 102,08 100,16 100,63 100,48 Medicines
Combustibili 104,02 113,04 112,82 106,67 100,72 102,50 Fuels
Tutun, igri 126,28 141,32 109,96 105,51 109,20 107,60 Tobacco, cigarettes
Energie electric, gaze Electric energy, gas
i nclzire central 103,44 103,46 106,00 105,07 113,22 101,12 and central heating
Energie electric 102,45 106,39 105,91 104,58 119,27 98,00 Electric energy
Gaze 101,40 98,31 102,06 101,54 108,08 106,63 Gas
Energie termic 110,42 104,78 115,77 115,27 102,09 100,93 Thermal energy
Alte mrfuri nealimentare 102,50 101,58 102,01 101,69 101,61 101,43 Other non-food goods

Indicii preurilor de consum, pentru principalele grupe de mrfuri
i servicii - continuare
10.2 Consumer price indices, for the main groups of goods and services - continued
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Servicii 108,97 104,78 104,45 105,07 103,19 103,16 Services

Confecionat i reparat Making and repairing

mbrcminte i nclminte 103,27 102,33 102,18 101,35 101,74 101,92 clothing and footwear
Chirie 105,69 99,85 100,67 102,38 100,55 102,06 Rent
Ap, canal, salubritate 114,40 113,73 115,99 114,71 111,22 106,94 Water, sewerage, sanitation
Cinematografe, teatre, Cinemas, theatres,
muzee, cheltuieli cu museums, expenditure for
nvmntul i turism 107,26 103,44 102,44 102,38 102,21 103,30 education and tourism
Reparaii auto, electronice Motor and electronic repairs
i lucrri foto 105,55 103,52 103,11 101,63 101,39 102,53 and photo works
ngrijire medical 105,85 103,70 103,47 103,06 103,56 104,21 Medical care
Igien i cosmetic 104,68 102,71 102,65 101,71 102,48 103,29 Hygiene and cosmetics
Transport urban 107,73 105,83 105,74 102,55 104,07 102,29 Urban transport
Transport interurban 104,36 102,91 104,54 104,11 101,86 102,56 Interurban transport
C.F.R. - exclusiv abonamente 100,00 105,13 115,88 111,88 101,29 102,54 Railway - excluding subscriptions
Rutier 102,32 103,00 103,34 102,43 102,12 102,36 Road
Auto - abonamente 105,48 102,80 103,31 102,93 102,46 102,55 Motor - subscriptions
Pot i telecomunicaii 109,92 101,65 102,43 103,95 99,56 100,83 Mail and telecommunications
Servicii potale 101,28 101,00 100,39 100,00 100,00 105,49 Post services
Telefon 112,43 101,50 102,71 105,17 99,16 100,61 Telephone
Abonament radio, televiziune 102,72 102,12 101,39 100,37 100,53 101,22 Radio-TV subscription
Restaurante, cafenele, cantine 105,27 102,57 102,16 101,58 102,54 103,31 Restaurants, cafes, canteens
Alte servicii cu caracter industrial 103,38 101,33 101,71 101,47 101,42 103,36 Other services of industrial nature
Alte servicii 111,03 118,01 99,79 104,39 108,77 106,40 Other services
Plata cazrii n Payment of accommodation
uniti hoteliere 103,37 100,36 100,63 100,63 101,22 101,90 in hotels

Indicii armonizai ai preurilor de consum, pentru grupele de mrfuri i servicii

constituite conform clasificrii COICOP1)
Harmonised indices of consumer price, for groups of goods and services
10.3 according to the COICOP1) classification
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 105,58 106,07 105,83 103,38 103,19 101,38 Total

Alimente i buturi nealcoolice 103,27 102,31 106,13 102,24 103,44 98,57 Food and soft drinks
Buturi alcoolice i tutun 121,21 134,28 108,93 104,43 107,05 106,07 Beverages and tobacco
mbrcminte i nclminte 102,44 101,93 101,94 101,65 101,85 101,83 Clothing and footwear
ntreinerea locuinei, ap, Dwelling maintenance,
electricitate, gaze water, electricity,
i ali combustibili 106,31 105,20 107,60 106,03 107,64 102,80 gas and other fuels
Mobilier i echipament casnic Furniture and household
(inclusiv reparaii) 102,38 101,88 101,89 101,23 101,60 101,50 appliances (including repairs)
Sntate 105,05 105,76 102,35 100,97 101,53 101,90 Health
Transport 103,06 112,02 111,61 105,82 100,78 102,32 Transport
Comunicaii 112,13 101,48 102,64 104,92 99,26 100,78 Communications
Odihn, recreere i cultur 104,64 103,91 103,19 101,36 101,78 101,67 Leisure, rest and culture
Educaie 109,08 106,38 103,71 103,04 104,25 106,01 Education
Hoteluri, cafenele i restaurante 106,54 104,15 102,62 102,18 103,87 103,33 Hotels, restaurants and cafes
Diverse bunuri Miscellaneous goods
i servicii 104,73 106,81 102,04 102,90 105,12 104,77 and services

1) Clasificarea COICOP reprezint Clasificarea Consumului Individual pe Destinaii, utilizat de Eurostat.

The COICOP classification means Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose, used by Eurostat.

Indicii preurilor produciei industriale
10.4 Industrial production price indices
2010 = 100
Activitatea Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) Piaa 2012 2013 2014 Market (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)

Total Total 112,90 115,26 115,12 Total Total

Intern 111,73 115,87 116,08 Domestic
Extern 115,22 114,04 113,20 Non-domestic

Industria extractiv Total 107,90 111,23 116,69 Total Mining and quarrying
Intern 107,72 111,00 116,46 Domestic
Extern 124,39 132,58 137,80 Non-domestic

Extracia crbunelui Mining of coal

superior i inferior Total 111,52 112,69 106,69 Total and lignite
Intern 111,52 112,69 106,69 Domestic
Extern - - - Non-domestic

Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude

i a gazelor naturale Total 105,08 113,76 124,29 Total petroleum and natural gas
Intern 105,08 113,76 124,29 Domestic
Extern - - - Non-domestic

Extracia minereurilor Mining of

metalifere Total c c c Total metal ores
Intern c c c Domestic
Extern - - - Non-domestic

Alte activiti Other mining

extractive Total 106,63 108,80 110,66 Total and quarrying
Intern 105,48 107,26 108,90 Domestic
Extern 124,39 132,58 137,80 Non-domestic

Activiti de servicii Mining support

anexe extraciei Total 116,84 108,21 108,96 Total service activities
Intern 116,84 108,21 108,96 Domestic
Extern - - - Non-domestic

Industria Manufacturing
prelucrtoare Total 114,27 115,06 114,37 Total
Intern 113,57 115,74 115,19 Domestic
Extern 115,23 114,13 113,26 Non-domestic

Industria Manufacture
alimentar Total 119,09 124,22 121,20 Total of food products
Intern 119,36 124,70 121,79 Domestic
Extern 114,17 115,69 110,55 Non-domestic

Fabricarea Manufacture
buturilor Total 107,89 115,30 119,84 Total of beverages
Intern 107,73 115,24 119,90 Domestic
Extern 114,86 117,87 117,11 Non-domestic

Fabricarea Manufacture of
produselor din tutun Total 103,79 108,03 112,21 Total tobacco products
Intern 103,81 108,07 112,39 Domestic
Extern c c c Non-domestic

Fabricarea produselor Manufacture

textile Total 115,60 122,81 126,62 Total of textiles
Intern 113,41 117,52 121,01 Domestic
Extern 116,99 126,19 130,22 Non-domestic

Fabricarea articolelor Manufacture of

de mbrcminte Total 114,60 120,68 127,96 Total wearing apparel
Intern 110,09 116,30 122,31 Domestic
Extern 117,58 123,56 131,68 Non-domestic

Indicii preurilor produciei industriale - continuare
10.4 Industrial production price indices - continued
2010 = 100
Activitatea Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) Piaa 2012 2013 2014 Market (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)

Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; Tanning and dressing

fabricarea articolelor de voiaj i of leather; manufacture
marochinrie, harnaamentelor of travel and leather goods,
i nclmintei; prepararea harness and footwear;
i vopsirea blnurilor Total 116,83 119,06 121,51 Total preparation and dyeing of furs
Intern 122,43 125,61 129,20 Domestic
Extern 113,86 115,60 117,44 Non-domestic

Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood

produselor din lemn i plut, and of products of wood
cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea and cork, except furniture;
articolelor din paie i din alte manufacture of articles of
materiale vegetale mpletite Total 111,56 115,79 119,26 Total straw and plaiting materials
Intern 111,48 115,55 120,37 Domestic
Extern 111,69 116,16 117,59 Non-domestic

Fabricarea hrtiei i Manufacture of paper

a produselor din hrtie Total 120,62 123,47 126,27 Total and paper products
Intern 122,94 126,19 128,95 Domestic
Extern 109,49 110,45 113,41 Non-domestic

Tiprire i reproducerea Printing and reproduction

pe suporturi a nregistrrilor Total 123,23 126,80 130,04 Total of recorded media
Intern 124,15 128,81 132,49 Domestic
Extern c c c Non-domestic

Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of coke

cocserie i a produselor and refined
obinute din prelucrarea ieiului Total 144,48 135,39 126,66 Total petroleum products
Intern 137,74 130,41 121,44 Domestic
Extern 152,13 141,05 132,59 Non-domestic

Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals

i a produselor chimice Total 120,12 120,38 117,00 Total and chemical products
Intern 115,52 117,88 113,84 Domestic
Extern 129,06 125,24 123,16 Non-domestic

Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic

farmaceutice de baz i a pharmaceutical products and
preparatelor farmaceutice Total 109,71 114,47 118,53 Total pharmaceutical preparations
Intern 107,17 112,85 117,89 Domestic
Extern 116,87 119,01 120,30 Non-domestic

Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of rubber

din cauciuc i mase plastice Total 112,97 114,87 115,60 Total and plastic products
Intern 112,61 117,82 120,54 Domestic
Extern 113,40 111,29 109,62 Non-domestic

Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other

din minerale nemetalice Total 102,47 102,77 101,36 Total non-metallic mineral products
Intern 101,19 102,22 100,74 Domestic
Extern 112,64 107,19 106,33 Non-domestic

Industria metalurgic Total 115,63 107,01 103,26 Total Manufacture of basic metals
Intern 114,12 107,25 105,07 Domestic
Extern 117,02 106,80 101,60 Non-domestic

Industria construciilor Manufacture of fabricated

metalice i a produselor metal products,
din metal, exclusiv maini, except machinery
utilaje i instalaii Total 109,97 108,38 105,73 Total and equipment
Intern 109,46 108,23 105,93 Domestic
Extern 111,52 108,84 105,12 Non-domestic

Indicii preurilor produciei industriale - continuare
10.4 Industrial production price indices - continued
2010 = 100
Activitatea Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) Piaa 2012 2013 2014 Market (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)

Fabricarea calculatoarelor Manufacture of

i a produselor computers, electronic
electronice i optice Total 109,71 105,84 106,85 Total and optical products
Intern 103,67 103,01 101,06 Domestic
Extern c c c Non-domestic

Fabricarea echipamentelor Manufacture of

electrice Total 109,20 109,73 108,02 Total electrical equipment
Intern 108,76 106,92 103,51 Domestic
Extern 109,52 111,77 111,28 Non-domestic

Fabricarea de maini, Manufacture of machinery

utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. Total 107,15 108,83 108,27 Total and equipment n.e.c.
Intern 105,71 106,69 105,47 Domestic
Extern 108,28 110,51 110,48 Non-domestic

Fabricarea autovehiculelor de Manufacture of

transport rutier, a remorcilor motor vehicles,
i semiremorcilor Total 109,46 111,01 110,69 Total trailers and semi-trailers
Intern 108,66 111,11 113,15 Domestic
Extern 109,73 110,97 109,85 Non-domestic

Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other

mijloace de transport Total 110,35 112,32 112,87 Total transport equipment
Intern 105,12 106,93 107,08 Domestic
Extern c c c Non-domestic

Fabricarea de mobil Total 104,31 107,56 110,59 Total Manufacture of furniture

Intern 105,18 108,68 112,39 Domestic
Extern 103,44 106,43 108,79 Non-domestic

Alte activiti Other manufacturing

industriale n.c.a. Total 109,86 115,22 121,69 Total activities n.e.c.
Intern 106,24 111,72 119,87 Domestic
Extern 115,85 121,00 124,70 Non-domestic

Repararea, ntreinerea Repair, maintenance and

i instalarea mainilor installation of machinery
i echipamentelor Total 105,37 106,58 106,99 Total and equipment
Intern 106,32 107,85 108,09 Domestic
Extern c c c Non-domestic

Producia i furnizarea Electricity, gas,

de energie electric steam and air
i termic, gaze, ap conditioning production
cald i aer condiionat Total 106,45 115,37 116,12 Total and supply
Intern 106,41 115,59 116,32 Domestic
Extern c c c Non-domestic

Producia i furnizarea Electricity, gas,

de energie electric steam and air
i termic, gaze, ap conditioning production
cald i aer condiionat Total 106,45 115,37 116,12 Total and supply
Intern 106,41 115,59 116,32 Domestic
Extern c c c Non-domestic

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare Total 138,28 150,03 159,90 Total decontamination activities
Intern 138,28 150,03 159,90 Domestic
Extern - - - Non-domestic

Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,

i distribuia apei Total 138,28 150,03 159,90 Total treatment and distribution
Intern 138,28 150,03 159,90 Domestic
Extern - - - Non-domestic

Indicii preurilor produciei industriale, pe marile grupe industriale
10.5 Industrial production price indices, by main industrial groups
2010 = 100
Marile Main
grupe industriale Piaa 2012 2013 2014 Market industrial groups

Total Total 112,90 115,26 115,12 Total Total

Intern 111,73 115,87 116,08 Domestic
Extern 115,22 114,04 113,20 Non-domestic

Industria bunurilor Intermediate goods

intermediare Total 113,56 112,83 111,60 Total industry
Intern 112,41 112,79 111,76 Domestic
Extern 115,71 113,04 111,32 Non-domestic

Industria bunurilor de capital Total 108,71 108,97 108,47 Total Capital goods industry
Intern 107,73 108,33 107,80 Domestic
Extern 109,35 109,36 108,87 Non-domestic

Industria bunurilor Durable goods

de folosin ndelungat Total 107,48 109,64 111,06 Total industry
Intern 105,30 107,95 111,10 Domestic
Extern 108,82 110,67 111,03 Non-domestic

Industria bunurilor Current use

de uz curent Total 114,43 120,13 121,79 Total goods industry
Intern 114,15 120,07 121,20 Domestic
Extern 115,68 120,37 124,32 Non-domestic

Industria energetic Total 115,12 120,37 120,15 Total Energy industry

Intern 111,24 118,39 119,01 Domestic
Extern 150,08 138,26 130,42 Non-domestic

10.6 Preurile medii de achiziie la principalele produse agricole

Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

Preuri medii de achiziie (lei / U.M.)

Produse Average purchasing prices (lei / M.U.) Agricultural
agricole U.M. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 M.U. products

Gru kg - STAS 0,47 0,59 0,88 0,91 0,85 0,76 kg - STAS Wheat
Orz Barley and
i orzoaic kg - STAS 0,44 0,41 0,73 0,86 0,79 0,62 kg - STAS two-row barley
Porumb boabe kg - STAS 0,48 0,57 0,79 0,87 0,74 0,61 kg - STAS Maize grains
Floarea soarelui kg - STAS 0,86 1,19 1,58 1,84 1,59 1,26 kg - STAS Sunflower
Soia kg - STAS 0,96 1,23 1,30 1,71 1,83 1,43 kg - STAS Soya
Sfecl de zahr kg 0,13 0,12 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,16 kg Sugar beet
Cartofi kg 0,96 1,02 1,30 0,63 0,92 0,75 kg Potatoes
Rapi kg 0,97 1,25 1,62 1,83 1,57 1,34 kg Rape
Struguri pentru vin kg 1,08 1,54 1,36 1,94 1,07 1,64 kg Grapes for wine
Carne de bovine Beef
(n greutate vie) kg-viu 4,79 4,85 5,51 5,54 6,00 5,96 kg-live (live weight)
Carne de porcine Pork
(n greutate vie) kg-viu 5,10 4,93 5,21 6,07 6,16 5,81 kg-live (live weight)
Carne de ovine Mutton
(n greutate vie) kg-viu 5,33 5,38 7,07 6,81 8,50 8,98 kg-live (live weight)
Carne de pasre Poultry
(n greutate vie) kg-viu 3,47 3,20 3,55 3,53 4,32 4,00 kg-live (live weight)
Ou pentru consum buc. 0,30 0,28 0,30 0,41 0,34 0,35 pcs. Eggs
Lapte de vac litru - STAS 0,90 0,94 1,08 1,11 1,20 1,25 litre - STAS Cow milk
Lapte de oaie litru - STAS 1,41 1,48 1,81 1,87 1,60 1,75 litre - STAS Sheep milk
Miere de albine kg 7,72 8,79 9,99 10,04 11,46 13,83 kg Honey

10.7 Indicii preurilor principalelor produse agricole
Price indices for the main agricultural products
2010 = 100
Produse agricole 2012 2013 2014 Agricultural products

Total 127,73 133,69 119,03 Total

Produse vegetale 130,93 137,79 118,21 Crop products

Gru 160,21 148,59 133,86 Wheat
Orz i orzoaic 172,76 164,28 138,12 Barley and two-row barley
Porumb boabe 150,30 143,68 110,17 Maize grains
Fasole boabe 118,34 150,44 170,27 Dried beans
Floarea soarelui 143,61 126,67 100,50 Sunflower
Soia 143,35 151,55 136,30 Soya
Cartofi 94,07 127,97 107,96 Potatoes
Varz 110,24 79,40 81,19 Cabbage
Ceap uscat 94,39 99,97 99,60 Dry onion
Morcovi 104,66 101,38 93,17 Carrots
Mere de mas 124,38 127,28 125,31 Apples
Pere de mas 107,15 109,58 130,36 Pears

Produse animale 117,82 120,95 121,57 Animal products

Carne de bovine (n greutate vie) 116,54 117,64 116,91 Beef (live weight)
Carne de porcine (n greutate vie) 121,06 121,90 114,99 Pork (live weight)
Carne de ovine (n greutate vie) 123,98 127,91 120,33 Mutton (live weight)
Carne de pasre (n greutate vie) 105,17 114,72 116,31 Poultry (live weight)
Ou pentru consum 134,89 120,16 121,89 Eggs
Lapte de vac 115,60 122,05 125,93 Cow milk
Miere de albine 121,02 128,29 141,50 Honey

Indicii preurilor principalelor produse care reprezint consum intermediar

n agricultur

10.8 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumption
in agriculture
2010 = 100
Produse 2012 2013 2014 Products

TOTAL 121,88 119,52 117,64 TOTAL

Energie i lubrifiani 130,70 130,75 133,64 Energy and lubricants
Semine 104,30 112,15 131,99 Seeds
ngrminte chimice 146,63 122,59 107,44 Chemical fertilizers
ngrminte simple 136,33 104,87 99,34 Straight fertilizers
ngrminte complexe 156,67 139,86 115,53 Compound fertilizers
Produse pentru protecia plantelor 106,87 117,02 120,18 Plantprotection products
Fungicide 109,55 109,13 110,73 Fungicides
Insecticide 113,05 143,50 127,35 Insecticides
Erbicide 105,97 117,08 121,66 Herbicides
Cheltuieli veterinare 102,62 108,70 111,83 Veterinary expenses
Furaje 147,93 136,67 106,71 Animal feedingstuffs
Furaje simple 155,76 136,36 100,01 Straight feedingstuffs
Furaje combinate 126,08 137,55 125,41 Compound feedingstuffs

Preurile medii ale principalelor produse vndute n pieele agroalimentare,

10.9 n anul 2014

Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets, in 2014

Lapte Brnz
Municipii Cartofi Ceap Fasole Varz de Tomate dulce din lapte Ou de
reedin de toamn uscat uscat toamn de cmp Mere de vac de oaie gin Miere
de jude lei / kg lei / kg lei / kg lei / kg lei / kg lei / kg lei / litru lei / kg lei / buc. lei / kg
County Autumn Dry onion Dry bean Autumn Field Apples Sweet Sheep milk Hen eggs Honey
seat potatoes lei / kg lei / kg cabbage tomatoes lei / kg cow milk cheese lei / pcs. lei / kg
municipalities lei / kg lei / kg lei / kg lei / litre lei / kg

Total 1,53 2,04 9,79 1,09 3,25 2,75 2,67 19,76 0,64 23,58

Bucureti / Bucharest 1,71 2,41 11,74 1,58 3,51 3,06 23,96 25,70
Alba Iulia 1,91 3,07 12,91 1,59 5,10 2,78 3,00 21,44 0,70 27,26
Arad 1,85 1,94 6,31 1,59 3,03 2,63 2,50 17,85 0,51 21,13
Piteti 1,72 2,38 11,83 1,37 3,16 3,02 3,00 25,71 0,63 21,21
Bacu 1,51 1,90 9,74 1,82 3,62 2,39 2,50 17,50 0,88 23,69
Oradea 2,05 2,48 10,88 1,78 3,50 2,92 3,00 20,58 0,51 22,65
Bistria 1,56 2,31 11,44 1,60 4,12 2,32 2,51 15,00 0,57 28,60
Botoani 1,53 1,87 8,26 1,30 3,11 2,37 2,29 18,50 0,78 22,63
Braov 1,69 2,88 10,20 1,61 4,40 2,89 3,00 18,94 22,61
Brila 1,42 1,73 10,23 1,46 3,12 2,31 2,81 20,92 0,62 20,76
Buzu 1,54 1,94 10,70 1,37 3,69 2,52 2,50 20,46 0,55 26,39
Reia 1,58 2,47 10,87 1,66 4,34 2,85 2,48 24,13 0,62 23,64
Clrai 1,87 2,40 9,97 1,15 3,80 3,60 3,00 15,79 0,56 27,07
Cluj-Napoca 1,76 2,33 9,58 1,42 4,19 2,58 3,00 22,00 0,64 23,08
Constana 1,79 2,45 11,39 1,73 3,37 3,79 3,00 18,46 0,94 21,33
Sfntu Gheorghe 1,41 3,35 10,14 1,44 5,44 2,34 2,50 20,00 0,53 21,49
Trgovite 1,33 2,21 10,57 1,33 3,56 2,61 2,96 25,04 0,61 23,65
Craiova 1,57 2,12 11,02 1,26 3,20 2,17 3,00 19,52 0,52 20,95
Galai 1,73 2,21 10,64 1,80 3,31 2,93 3,08 23,81 0,64 25,13
Giurgiu 1,65 2,09 11,08 1,13 3,39 2,84 2,77 18,25 0,66 19,97
Trgu Jiu 1,78 2,26 10,70 1,41 3,60 3,02 3,00 14,88 0,67 24,73
Miercurea Ciuc 1,76 2,89 11,60 1,67 5,45 2,90 3,00 22,00 1,00 25,38
Deva 1,50 2,29 11,40 1,46 4,91 2,66 2,50 20,50 0,73 23,90
Slobozia 1,50 2,06 10,67 1,09 3,44 2,67 3,00 20,00 0,51 20,61
Iai 1,85 2,46 9,34 1,84 3,50 2,95 2,44 16,40 1,05 21,45
Baia Mare 1,43 2,07 10,15 1,56 3,92 2,61 2,00 20,69 0,61 25,63
Severin 1,54 2,29 12,34 1,45 4,83 2,82 3,00 18,83 0,69 21,29
Trgu Mure 1,58 2,50 9,93 1,26 4,36 2,58 3,00 17,85 0,62 25,41
Piatra Neam 1,51 2,08 10,92 1,99 3,40 2,95 2,81 16,46 1,07 25,94
Slatina 1,56 2,30 10,93 1,43 3,22 2,84 3,03 18,06 0,55 20,32
Ploieti 1,79 2,09 10,78 1,51 3,36 2,55 2,59 23,13 0,54 25,16
Satu Mare 1,55 2,42 12,08 1,38 2,92 2,20 2,50 21,85 0,56 27,81
Zalu 1,70 2,86 10,00 1,60 4,73 2,29 2,71 18,04 0,63 25,84
Sibiu 1,67 2,61 11,17 1,53 4,05 3,02 3,00 22,02 0,67 25,01
Suceava 1,73 2,33 10,17 1,58 4,17 3,70 2,50 16,29 0,92 24,81
Alexandria 1,81 1,95 10,62 1,31 2,96 3,22 2,24 15,06 0,56 18,31
Timioara 1,73 2,50 11,87 1,48 4,36 3,15 3,00 22,04 0,61 24,57
Tulcea 1,31 1,93 10,51 1,78 3,56 3,44 3,00 22,71 0,67 25,14
Vaslui 1,42 1,99 10,17 1,57 3,68 2,56 2,68 22,25 0,63 24,74
Rmnicu Vlcea 1,55 2,43 11,03 1,44 3,97 2,36 2,59 21,90 0,62 23,89
Focani 1,37 2,00 8,11 1,06 2,76 2,71 2,91 19,19 0,85 27,67

10.10 Indicii preurilor proprietilor rezideniale
Residential property price indices
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 92,17 85,83 93,49 99,77 97,67 Total

din care: of which:

Apartamente 92,26 85,11 93,02 99,38 97,47 Apartments

Bucureti 89,80 81,49 94,38 94,83 94,53 Bucharest

Restul rii 94,60 88,35 91,90 103,28 99,74 Rest of the country

Case 91,59 90,24 96,15 101,86 98,89 Houses

Urban 91,59 91,79 94,73 103,87 96,76 Urban

Rural 91,58 87,41 98,88 98,18 103,01 Rural

10.11 Indicii preurilor produciei pentru servicii

Services producer price indices
2010 = 100
Code CANE Denumire cod Name of CANE
Rev.2 CAEN Rev.2 2011 2012 2013 2014 Rev. 2 code

4942 Servicii de mutare 91,62 91,76 88,45 88,16 Removal services

502 Transporturi maritime Sea and coastal
i costiere de marf 81,27 93,21 94,05 94,08 freight water transport
5121 Transporturi aeriene de marf 106,21 109,15 108,18 109,26 Freight air transport
521 Depozitri 104,71 106,75 108,14 112,50 Warehousing and storage
5224 Manipulri 99,77 106,31 106,10 107,82 Cargo handling
531 Activiti potale desfurate sub Postal activities under
obligativitatea serviciului universal 100,00 100,00 97,29 96,39 universal service obligation
532 Alte activiti potale Other postal and
i de curier 100,12 100,98 101,11 112,59 courier activities
61 Telecomunicaii 99,15 104,94 103,81 104,38 Telecommunications
62 Activiti de servicii n Computer programming,
tehnologia informaiei 106,18 109,20 109,24 110,32 consultancy and related activities
631 Activiti ale portalurilor web, Data processing, hosting
prelucrarea datelor, administrarea and related
paginilor web i activiti conexe 96,19 97,97 95,40 97,65 activities; web portals
639 Alte activiti de servicii Other information
informaionale 98,12 95,81 100,51 118,05 service activities
691 Activiti juridice 104,36 108,23 107,88 108,54 Legal activities
692 Activiti de contabilitate Accounting, bookkeeping
i audit financiare; and auditing activities;
consultan n domeniul fiscal 97,88 103,42 107,85 111,89 tax consultancy
702 Activiti de consultan Management consultancy
n management 107,66 109,52 114,11 113,69 activities
71 Activiti de arhitectur Architectural and engineering
i inginerie; activiti activities; technical
de testri i analiz tehnic 102,56 107,10 107,24 111,81 testing and analysis
73 Publicitate i activiti Advertising and
de studiere a pieei 99,71 103,66 108,46 111,33 market research
78 Activiti de servicii privind Employment
fora de munc 104,72 107,11 108,20 110,30 activities
80 Activiti de investigaii Security and investigation
i protecie 102,85 103,02 103,58 106,98 activities
812 Activiti de curenie 101,57 102,06 103,67 104,25 Cleaning activities



11.1 Produsul intern brut, Gross domestic product,

pe categorii de resurse ........................................ 383 by category of resources
11.2 Produsul intern brut, pe categorii de utilizri ........ 384 Gross domestic product, by category of uses
11.3 Indicii produsului intern brut, pe categorii Indices of gross domestic product,
de resurse i categorii de utilizri ........................ 384 by category of resources and category of uses
11.4 Agregatele macroeconomice Macroeconomic aggregates,
ale sectoarelor instituionale ................................ 385 by institutional sector
11.5 Indicatori specifici ai sectoarelor Specific indicators
instituionale .......................................................... 386 for institutional sector
11.6 Principalele agregate, pe locuitor ........................ 387 Main aggregates, per inhabitant
11.7 Rate specifice conturilor naionale ...................... 387 Ratios specific to national accounts
11.8 Populaia ocupat, pe activiti ale economiei Employment, by activity of national
naionale i dup statutul profesional .................. 388 economy and by status of employment
11.9 Ore lucrate de populaia ocupat, Hours worked by employment,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale i by activity of national economy and
dup statutul profesional ...................................... 390 by status of employment
11.10 Productivitatea muncii, pe persoan ocupat ...... 392 Labour productivity, by employed person
11.11 Productivitatea orar a muncii .............................. 393 Labour productivity per hour worked
11.12 Producia, consumul intermediar i Production, intermediate consumption and
valoarea adugat brut, pe activiti .................. 394 gross value added, by activity
11.13 Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i Indices of production, intermediate consumption
valorii adugate brute, pe activiti ...................... 401 and gross value added, by activity

Teritorial Territorial

11.14 Produsul intern brut regional, n anul 2009 ................ Regional gross domestic product, in 2009
11.15 Produsul intern brut regional, n anul 2010 ................ Regional gross domestic product, in 2010
11.16 Produsul intern brut regional, n anul 2011 ................ Regional gross domestic product, in 2011
11.17 Produsul intern brut regional, n anul 2012 ................ Regional gross domestic product, in 2012
11.18 Produsul intern brut regional, n anul 2013 ................ Regional gross domestic product, in 2013
11.19 Produsul intern brut regional ...................................... Regional gross domestic product


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

 Valorificarea rezultatelor cercetrilor statistice  Turning into account the results of statistical surveys
elaborate n cadrul sistemului statisticii oficiale. carried out within the system of official statistics.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

 Ministerul Finanelor Publice, pentru datele din  Ministry of Public Finances, for data provided on the
execuia bugetului public naional, bilanurile execution of the state budget, the balance sheets, as
contabile, precum i pentru datele privind well as for data concerning the tax on the income of
impozitarea veniturilor persoanelor fizice family associations and individual natural persons;
independente i asociaiilor familiale;
 Banca Naional a Romniei, pentru datele din  National Bank of Romania, for data from the balance
balana de pli. of payments.


Conturile naionale au fost elaborate pe baza The national accounts have been drawn up
principiilor metodologice ale Sistemului European de according to the methodological principles of European
Conturi 2010 (SEC 2010). System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010).
ncepnd din septembrie 2014, toate statele membre Since September 2014, all EU Member States were
ale Uniunii Europene au avut obligaia de a publica date required to publish national accounts data, according to
de conturi naionale, conform metodologiei Sistemului the methodology of the European System of
European de Conturi 2010 (SEC 2010), care a fost Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), which was approved by
aprobat prin Regulamentul (UE) nr. 549/2013 al Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European
Parlamentului European i al Consiliului din 21 mai 2013. Parliament and of the Council of May 21, 2013.
Prin trecerea la noul sistem de conturi naionale se The transition to the new system of national
are n vedere reflectarea noilor realiti economice i, n accounts is envisaged to reflect new economic realities
acelai timp, satisfacerea nevoilor informaionale ale and at the same time, to meet the information needs of
utilizatorilor n ceea ce privete celeritatea publicrii the users in terms of the rapidity of publication of results
rezultatelor i msurarea unor aspecte particulare. and measurement of particular issues.
Implementarea mbuntirilor aduse ca urmare a The implementation of improvements brought as
tratrii rezervrilor puse de Comisia European asupra consequence of the European Commission reserves on
Venitului Naioanal Brut a condus la revizuirea datelor de Gross Nationale Income entailed the revision on National
conturi naionale pentru anul 2012. Accounts data for the year 2012.

Contabilitatea naional reprezint un ansamblu National accounting represents a coherent and

coerent i detaliat de conturi i tabele ce ofer o imagine detailed whole of accounts and tables, which gives a
comparabil i complet a activitii economice a unei comparable and complete picture of the economic
ri. Aceasta clasific marea varietate de fluxuri activity of a country. It classifies the wide variety of
economice ntr-un numr restrns de categorii economic flows into a low number of basic categories
fundamentale i le nscrie ntr-un cadru de ansamblu ce inscribing them in a frame allowing for obtaining a
permite obinerea unei reprezentri a circuitului economic representation of the economic circuit adapted to
adaptat nevoilor de analiz, previziune i politic the analyses, forecasts and economic policies
economic. requirements.
Principalele conturi ce se elaboreaz n cadrul The main accounts compiled within national
contabilitii naionale sunt: accounting are:
contul de bunuri i servicii; goods and services account;
contul de producie; production account;
contul de distribuire primar a venitului; primary distribution of income account;
contul de exploatare; generation of income account;
contul de alocare a veniturilor primare; allocation of primary income account;
contul de venit al ntreprinderii; entrepreneurial income account;
contul de alocare a altor venituri primare; allocation of other primary income account;
contul de distribuire secundar a venitului; secondary distribution of income account;
contul de redistribuire a venitului n natur; redistribution of income in kind account;
contul de utilizare a venitului; use of income account;
contul de utilizare a venitului disponibil; use of disposable income account;
contul de utilizare a venitului disponibil ajustat; use of adjusted disposable income account;
contul de capital; capital account;
contul variaiilor nete datorate economiei i change in net worth due to saving and capital
transferurilor de capital; transfers account;
contul achiziiilor de active nefinanciare; acquisition of non-financial assets account;
contul financiar; changes in assets;
contul altor modificri de active; other changes in volume of assets account;
conturile de patrimoniu; balance sheets;
contul restului lumii. rest of the world account.

Tranzaciile din conturile naionale sunt clasate pe Transactions of national accounts are classified by
sectoare instituionale. institutional sector.
Sectorul instituional reprezint ansamblul Institutional sector groups together all the
unitilor instituionale ce au un comportament economic institutional units which have a similar type of economic
asemntor. Unitile instituionale sunt clasate n behaviour. Institutional units are grouped into sectors,
sectoare, n funcie de dou caracteristici reprezentative according to the two following criteria, characteristic for
pentru comportamentul lor economic: their economic behaviour:
categoria de productori; producers class;
natura activitilor i a funciilor lor principale. the nature of activities and of their main economic
Ansamblul de uniti instituionale rezidente (uniti The resident institutional units (units whose center of
ce au centrul de interes pe teritoriul economic al unei interest is placed on the economic territory of a certain
ri) se grupeaz n cinci sectoare instituionale: societi country) are grouped in five institutional sectors:
nefinanciare; societi financiare; administraii publice; non-financial corporations; financial corporations;
gospodriile populaiei; instituii fr scop lucrativ n general government; households; non-profit institution
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei. serving households.
Sectorul societi nefinanciare cuprinde unitile Non-financial corporations sector consists of
instituionale cu personalitate juridic care sunt productori institutional units which are independent legal entities
de pia i a cror activitate principal const n and market producers, and whose principal activity is the
producerea de bunuri i servicii nefinanciare. n acest production of goods and non-financial services. The non-
sector se include activitatea regiilor autonome i a financial corporations sector also includes autonomous
societilor comerciale nefinanciare, precum i a companies and non-financial quasi-corporations.
cvasi-societilor nefinanciare.
Sectorul societi financiare cuprinde ansamblul de Financial corporations sector includes all
societi i cvasi-societi a cror funcie principal const corporations and quasi-corporations, which are mainly
n furnizarea de servicii de intermediere financiar i/sau involved in financial intermediation and/or auxiliary
n exercitarea de activiti financiare auxiliare. n acest financial activities. This sector includes the following
sector au fost incluse urmtoarele tipuri de uniti: Banca categories of units: National Bank of Romania,
Naional a Romniei, bncile comerciale romneti i Romanian and foreign commercial banks, savings
strine, Casa de Economii i Consemnaiuni (CEC Bank), bank, mutual insurance fund, brokerage companies,
Case de Ajutor Reciproc (CAR), companiile/societile de financial investment companies, Stock Exchange,
brokeraj, societi de investiii financiare, Bursa de valori, Exchange offices, credit co-operatives, insurance
case de schimb valutar, cooperative de credit, societi de companies, Guarantee fund of the banking deposits,
asigurare, Fondul de garantare a depozitelor bancare, Private pension fund.
Fondul privat de pensii.
Sectorul administraii publice cuprinde toate General government sector consists of
unitile instituionale care sunt productori non-pia i institutional units which are non-market producers,
a cror producie este destinat consumului individual i whose output is intended for individual and collective
colectiv i care sunt finanate din contribuiile obligatorii consumption and are financed by compulsory payments
vrsate de unitile aparinnd altor sectoare i de toate made by units belonging to other sectors, and
unitile instituionale, a cror activitate principal const institutional units principally engaged in the redistribution
n efectuarea de operaii de redistribuire a veniturilor i a of national income and wealth.
avuiei naionale.
Sectorul administraii publice se compune din The general government sector is divided into the
urmtoarele subsectoare: following sub-sectors:
Administraia central; Central government;
Administraiile locale; Local government;
Administraiile de securitate social. Social security funds.

Administraiile publice includ: unitile administraiei General government includes: general government
publice create pe baza unei legi pentru a exercita o units which were established based on a law in view to
autoritate juridic asupra unitilor de pe teritoriul have judicial authority over other units on the economic
economic i a gestiona i finana un grup de activiti, territory, and to manage and finance a group of activities,

care furnizeaz, n principal, bunuri i servicii non-pia principally providing non-market goods and services,
destinate comunitii; o societate sau cvasi-societate care intended for the benefit of the community; a corporation
este unitate a administraiei publice, dac producia sa or quasi-corporation which is a government unit, if its
este, n principal, non-pia i dac se afl sub controlul output is mainly non-market and a government unit
unei uniti a administraiei publice; instituiile fr scop controls it; non-profit institutions recognised as
lucrativ dotate cu personalitate juridic din categoria independent legal entities which are non-market
productori non-pia i care sunt controlate i finanate producers and which are controlled by general
de ctre administraiile publice; fondurile de pensii government; autonomous pension funds, where there is
autonome, n cazul n care exist o obligaie juridic de a legal obligation to contribute, and where general
cotizare, iar administraiile publice gestioneaz fondurile government manages the funds with respect to the
n ceea ce privete regularizarea i aprobarea cotizaiilor settlement and approval of contributions and benefits.
i prestaiilor.
Sectorul gospodriile populaiei cuprinde persoane Households sector consists of individuals or
sau grupuri de persoane, att n calitate de consumatori, groups of individuals as consumers and as
ct i de ntreprinztori, productori de bunuri de pia sau entrepreneurs producing market goods and non-financial
de servicii financiare i nefinanciare de pia (productori and financial services (market producers) provided that
de pia), cu condiia ca producia de bunuri i servicii s the production of goods and services is not achieved by
nu fie realizat de uniti distincte tratate drept separate entities treated as quasi-corporations.
Sectorul instituii fr scop lucrativ n serviciul Non-profit institutions serving households
gospodriilor populaiei (IFSLSGP) cuprinde instituiile (NPISHs) sector consists of non-profit institutions which
fr scop lucrativ care au personalitate juridic, deservesc are separate legal entities, which serve households and
gospodriile populaiei i care sunt productori non-pia which are private non-market producers. Their principal
privai. Resursele lor principale sunt cotizaii voluntare, n resources are voluntary contributions in cash or in kind
bani sau n natur, efectuate de gospodriile populaiei n from households in their capacity as consumers, from
calitate de consumatori, vrsminte provenite de la payments made by general government and from
administraiile publice i venituri din proprietate. De property income. Also includes: religious organizations
asemenea se includ: organizaii religioase (de cult), (of cults), trade unions, political parties, unions,
sindicate, partide politice, uniuni, fundaii, asociaii foundations, cultural and sports associations.
culturale i sportive.
Sectorul restul lumii este caracterizat printr-un set Rest of the world sector is characterized by a
de conturi care reflect tranzaciile ce au loc ntre unitile group of accounts that reflects transactions that occur
rezidente i cele nerezidente. Conturile specifice acestui between the resident units and the non-resident ones.
sector furnizeaz o vedere de ansamblu asupra relaiilor The accounts specific to this sector give a global
economice care leag o ar cu restul lumii. overview on the economic relationships connecting a
country with the rest of the world.
Produsul intern brut (PIB), principalul agregat Gross domestic product (GDP), the main
macroeconomic al contabilitii naionale, reprezint macroeconomic aggregate of national accounting,
rezultatul final al activitii de producie a unitilor represents the final result of the production activity of
productoare rezidente. Acesta se poate calcula prin resident producer units. This aggregate could be
urmtoarele metode: calculated according to the following approaches:
a) Metoda de producie: a) Production approach:
PIB = VAB + IP + TV - SP, unde: GDP = GVA + TP + D - SP, where :
PIB = Produsul intern brut (preuri de pia) GDP = Gross domestic product (market prices)
VAB = Valoarea adugat brut GVA = Gross value added
(preuri de baz) (basic prices)
IP = Impozitele pe produse TP = Taxes on products
TV = Taxele vamale D = Import duties
(drepturi asupra importurilor)
SP = Subveniile pe produse SP = Subsidies on products

b) Metoda cheltuielilor: b) Expenditure approach:
PIB = CF + FBCF + VS + (E - I), unde: GDP = FC + GFCF + CS + (E - I), where:
CF = Consumul final efectiv FC = Final consumption
FBCF= Formarea brut de capital fix GFCF= Gross fixed capital formation
VS = Variaia de stoc CS = Change in inventories
E = Exporturile de bunuri i servicii E = Exports of goods and services
I = Importurile de bunuri i servicii I = Imports of goods and services

c) Metoda veniturilor: c) Income approach:

PIB = R + EBE + AIP - ASP + IP+TV - SP, GDP = C+ GOS + OTP - OSP+TP + D - SP,
unde: where:
R = Remunerarea salariailor C = Compensation of employees
EBE = Excedentul brut de exploatare GOS = Gross operating surplus
AIP = Alte impozite pe producie OTP = Other taxes on production
ASP = Alte subvenii pe producie OSP = Other subsidies on production
IP = Impozite pe produse TP = Taxes on products
TV = Taxe vamale D = Import duties
SP = Subvenii pe produse SP = Subsidies on products
Venitul naional brut (VNB) reprezint ansamblul Gross national income (GNI) represents total
veniturilor primare primite de ctre unitile instituionale primary income receivable by resident institutional units:
rezidente: remunerarea salariailor, impozitele pe compensation of employees, taxes on production and
producie i importuri minus subveniile, veniturile din imports less subsidies, property income (receivable less
proprietate (cele de primit minus cele de pltit), payable), (gross) operating surplus and (gross) mixed
excedentul de exploatare (brut) i venitul mixt (brut). income. GNI (at market prices) equals GDP minus
Venitul naional brut (n preuri de pia) este egal cu PIB primary income payable by resident institutional units to
minus veniturile primare de pltit de unitile non-resident institutional units plus primary income
instituionale rezidente ctre uniti instituionale receivable by resident institutional units from the rest of
nerezidente plus veniturile primare de primit de la restul the world.
lumii de ctre unitile instituionale rezidente.
Estimrile privind economia neobservat The non-observed economy estimates included
ncorporate n conturile naionale se realizeaz pentru: in national accounts are calculated for:
sectorul formal, prin estimarea muncii la negru i a formal sector, by estimating underground labour and
fraudei la declararea taxei pe valoarea adugat; the tax evasion on value added tax;
sectorul informal, prin estimarea valorii produciei informal sector, by estimating the undeclared output
nedeclarate obinute de ctre asociaiile familiale i of family associations and self-employed persons.
ntreprinztorii individuali.
Serviciile de intermediere financiar indirect Financial intermediation services indirectly
msurate (SIFIM) ale unei instituii financiare se measured (FISIM) of a financial institution are measured
msoar ca diferena dintre rata de referin i rata efectiv by the balance between the reference rate and the rate
pltit depuntorilor i perceput mprumutailor. Rata actually paid to depositors and charged to borrowers. A
dobnzii de referin este rata la care, att creditorul reference rate of interest is the rate at which both
(unitate care dorete s primeasc dobnd pentru lender the unit wishing to receive interests on funds and
fonduri), ct i mprumutatul (unitate ale crei fonduri borrower the unit whose own funds are insufficient to
proprii sunt insuficiente pentru a-i satisface necesitile), meet its needs would be happy to strike a deal. The total
ar fi dispui s realizeze un acord. Totalul SIFIM FISIM is the sum of the two implicit fees paid by the
corespunde sumei celor dou comisioane implicite pltite borrower and the lender.
de ctre mprumutat i creditor.
Producia i valoarea adugat brut au fost The output and gross value added were
calculate n preuri de baz (inclusiv subveniile pe calculated in basic prices (including the subsidies on
produse i exclusiv impozitele pe produs i taxa pe products and excluding the taxes on product and value
valoarea adaugat). added tax).

Indicii produsului intern brut au fost calculai pe The indices of gross domestic product were
baza datelor n preuri comparabile, fiind utilizate calculated on the basis of data expressed in comparable
preurile anului anterior celui de calcul. Legtura ntre prices making use of the prices recorded in the previous
datele calculate pentru diferite perioade s-a fcut pe year. The relation between data for different periods was
baza nlnuirii indicilor. based on chaining indices.
Datele pentru anul 2013 sunt definitive, iar cele The data for 2013 are final and those for 2014 are
pentru anul 2014 sunt semidefinitive. semi-final.
Estimarea ocuprii forei de munc se realizeaz n Employment estimation is performed in the
cadrul contabilitii naionale, conform cerinelor framework of national accounting, according to the
metodologice i a conceptelor i clasificrilor prevzute methodological requirements, concepts and classifications
de SEC 2010. Unitile de msur utilizate sunt: mii of ESA 2010. The measure units used are: thousand
persoane i mii ore lucrate. persons and thousand hours-worked.
Populaia ocupat include toate persoanele Employment covers all persons (employees and
(salariate i independente) angajate n activiti de self-employed) involved in a productive activity as
producie, conform SEC 2010. defined by ESA 2010.
Salariaii reprezint toate persoanele care lucreaz, Employees are defined as all persons who
pe baza unui contract formal sau informal, pentru o principally work, based on a formal or informal contract,
unitate instituional rezident, n schimbul unei for a resident institutional unit, in return for remuneration
remuneraii n bani sau n natur. in cash or in kind.
Lucrtorii independeni (pe cont propriu) Self-employed persons are defined as persons
reprezint persoane care sunt unici proprietari sau who are the sole owners, or joint owners, of the
coproprietari ai ntreprinderilor neconstituite n societi unincorporated enterprises without legal personality, in
n care muncesc. Din aceast categorie mai fac parte: which they work. In this category are also included:
lucrtorii familiali neremunerai i lucrtorii la domiciliu unpaid family workers and free-lancers as market
care produc pentru pia, lucrtorii care exercit, producers; workers engaged in production undertaken
individual sau colectiv, activiti de producie destinate n entirely for their own final consumption or own capital
ntregime consumului final propriu sau formrii proprii de formation, either individually or collectively and that
capital i care constituie o parte semnificativ a makes a significant part of their final use.
consumului lor final.
Productivitatea muncii pe o persoan ocupat a Labour productivity per employed person was
fost calculat ca raport ntre valoarea adugat brut i calculated as a ratio between gross value added and
numrul de persoane ocupate. employment.
Productivitatea orar a muncii a fost calculat ca Labour productivity per hour worked was
raport ntre valoarea adugat brut i numrul de ore calculated as a ratio between gross value added and the
lucrate. number of hours worked.

Conturile regionale reprezint versiunea la nivel Regional accounts represent the version of
regional a conturilor naionale i respect principiile national accounts at regional level and they are in
metodologice ale SEC 2010. Conform nomenclatorului accordance with the methodological rules of the ESA
unitilor statistice teritoriale a UE (NUTS), regiunea 2010. According to the EU nomenclature of territorial
corespunde nivelului 2. n Romnia, produsul intern brut units for statistics (NUTS), the region corresponds to
regional (PIBR) se calculeaz pentru cele patru level 2. In Romania the compilations of regional gross
macroregiuni, cele opt regiuni de dezvoltare i pentru domestic product (RGDP) are made for the four
extra-regiuni. Pentru Romnia, extra-regiunile se refer macroregions, for the eight development regions and for
la platforma continental aflat n Marea Neagr i extra-regions. In Romania case, extra-regions refer to the
enclavele teritoriale (ambasadele i consulatele romne continental platform from the Black Sea and territorial
din strintate). Regionalizarea indicatorilor se poate enclaves (Romanian embassies and consulates from
realiza dup metodele ascendente, descendente sau abroad). The regionalisation of indicators could be made
mixte, n conturile regionale romneti fiind utilizate, n using the bottom-up, top-down or mixed methods, the
principal, metoda descendent i, n funcie de datele Romanian regional accounts compilation being based
disponibile, metoda mixt. mainly on the top-down method and, depending on the
available data, on the mixed one.

Metodele sunt descrise mai jos: The methods are described below:
Metoda ascendent (de jos n sus) presupune a Bottom-up method considers as starting point the
pleca de la informaiile relative ale unitilor rezidente information related to units located in a certain region
dintr-o regiune i apoi a le nsuma, pn la obinerea and their summing-up, thus obtaining the regional total of
totalului regional al agregatului respectiv. Suma valorilor the respective aggregate. The sum of regional values is
regionale trebuie s fie egal cu valorile naionale. to be equal to national values.
Metoda descendent (de sus n jos) presupune Top-down method means a breakdown of national
repartizarea cifrei naionale a valorii adugate brute pe gross value added figure by region, using various
regiuni, folosind diverse chei de distribuie, reflectnd pe conversion keys, reflecting as far as possible the
ct posibil caracteristicile estimate. estimated characteristics.
Metoda mixt presupune combinarea celor dou Mixed method means a combination of the above
metode mai sus prezentate, n funcie de datele two methods, depending on the available and reliable
disponibile i fiabile, la nivel regional. data, at regional level.


Capacitatea (+) sau necesarul (-) de finanare Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) is the
reprezint soldul contului de capital i arat suma net a balancing item of the capital account and shows the
resurselor pe care economia total le pune la dispoziia resources that the nation puts at the disposal of the rest
restului lumii (dac este pozitiv) sau pe care le primete de of world (if positive) or that it receives from the rest of the
la restul lumii (dac este negativ). world (if negative).
Cheltuiala pentru consum final const n Final consumption expenditure consists of the
cheltuielile efectuate de ctre unitile instituionale expenditure incurred by resident institutional units on
rezidente pentru bunuri sau servicii care sunt utilizate goods and services that are used for the direct
pentru a satisface direct nevoile sau dorinele individuale satisfaction of individual needs or wishes or the collective
sau nevoile colective ale membrilor colectivitii. needs of the community members.
Cheltuiala pentru consum final al administraiilor Final consumption expenditure of general
publice cuprinde dou categorii de cheltuieli: government includes two categories of expenditure:
valoarea bunurilor i serviciilor produse de the value of the goods and services produced by
administraiile publice, altele dect formarea de general government itself, other than own-account
capital pentru uz propriu, producia de pia i plile capital formation, market output and payments for
pentru producia non-pia; non-market output;
cheltuielile efectuate de administraiile publice purchases by general government of goods and
pentru bunuri i servicii produse de productorii de services produced by market producers that are
pia furnizate gospodriilor, fr nicio prelucrare, ca supplied to households, without any transformation,
transferuri sociale n natur. as social transfers in kind.
Cheltuiala pentru consum final al gospodriilor Households final consumption expenditure
populaiei acoper cheltuielile pentru achiziionarea de covers the expenditure for purchasing goods and
bunuri i servicii care sunt utilizate pentru a satisface direct services to directly meet the individual needs of the
nevoile individuale ale membrilor acestora. household members.
Cheltuiala pentru consum final al instituiilor fr Final consumption expenditure of non-profit
scop lucrativ n serviciul gospodriilor populaiei institutions serving households (NPISHs) includes
cuprinde cheltuielile pe care aceste instituii le consacr expenditure by NPISHs on goods or services produced
achiziionrii de bunuri i servicii produse de ctre by market producers, that are supplied - without any
productorii de pia, care sunt furnizate - fr nicio transformation - to households for their consumption, as
prelucrare - gospodriilor pentru consumul lor, ca social transfers in kind.
transferuri sociale n natur.
Consumul final colectiv efectiv al administraiilor Governments actual collective final consumption
publice cuprinde cheltuiala pentru consum colectiv al comprises government expenditure for collective
administraiilor publice (servicii generale, aprare, ordine consumption (general public services, defence, public order
i siguran public, afaceri economice, protecia and safety, economic affairs, environmental protection,
mediului, faciliti pentru locuine i comunitate, housing and community amenities, general administration,
administrare general, norme, difuzarea informaiilor i regulation, dissemination of general information and
statisticilor generale, cercetare i dezvoltare etc.). statistics, research and development a.s.o.).

Consumul final individual efectiv al Households actual individual final consumption
gospodriilor populaiei cuprinde: cheltuielile consists of households expenditure on purchasing goods
gospodriilor populaiei pentru cumprarea de bunuri i and services in order to directly meet the individual
servicii n scopul satisfacerii nevoilor membrilor lor, needs of the households members, government
cheltuiala pentru consum individual al administraiilor expenditure for individual consumption (medical
publice (produse, aparate i echipamente medicale, products, appliances and equipment, outpatient
servicii de tratament ambulatoriu, servicii spitaliceti, services, hospital services, public health services;
servicii de sntate public, servicii recreative i recreational and sporting services, cultural services;
sportive, servicii culturale, nvmnt, familie i copii, education, family and children, unemployment, housing,
omaj, locuine, excluziune social) i cheltuiala pentru social exclusion) and NPISH expenditure for individual
consum individual al instituiilor fr scop lucrativ n consumption.
serviciul gospodriilor.
Consumul final efectiv cuprinde bunurile i serviciile Actual final consumption consists of the goods
achiziionate de ctre unitile instituionale rezidente pentru and services that are purchased by resident institutional
satisfacerea direct a nevoilor umane, att individuale, ct i units for directly meeting the human needs, whether
colective. individual, or collective.
Consumul intermediar este reprezentat de bunurile Intermediate consumption consists of goods and
i serviciile utilizate ca resurse n cursul unui proces de services consumed as inputs by a process of production,
producie, excluznd activele fixe al cror consum este excluding fixed assets whose consumption is recorded
nregistrat ca un consum de capital fix i care sunt fie as consumption of fixed capital and that are either
transformate, fie consumate n procesul de producie. transformed or used up by the production process.
Cotizaiile sociale n sarcina patronilor pot fi Employers social contributions may be actual
efective sau imputate. and imputed.
Cotizaiile sociale efective n sarcina patronilor Employers actual social contributions are paid
sunt pltite de ctre angajatori ctre sistemele de by employers to social security schemes and other
securitate social i ctre alte sisteme de asigurri employment related social insurance schemes to secure
sociale aferente ncadrrii n munc pentru a asigura social benefits for their employees.
prestaii sociale pentru angajaii lor.
Cotizaiile sociale imputate n sarcina patronilor Employers imputed social contributions
reprezint contrapartida la prestaiile sociale (minus represent the counterpart to social benefits (less
eventualele cotizaii sociale n sarcina angajatorilor) eventual employees social contributions) paid directly by
pltite direct de ctre angajatori (adic fr legtur cu employers (i.e. not linked to employers actual
cotizaiile sociale n sarcina angajatorilor) angajailor lor contributions) to their employees or former employees
sau fotilor angajai, precum i altor persoane eligibile. and other eligible persons.
Economia brut reprezint soldul contului de Gross savings represent the balancing item of the
utilizare a venitului disponibil i msoar partea de venit use of disposable income account and it measures the
disponibil brut care nu este destinat cheltuielii pentru part of gross disposable income that is not intended to
consum final. final consumption expenditure.
Economia neobservat reprezint totalul Non-observed economy represents the total of
activitilor economice nscrise, n principiu, n limitele economic activities included, in principle, within the
produciei din conturile naionale, care nu sunt direct national accounts production boundary that are not
observate. directly observed.
Excedentul brut de exploatare este soldul contului Gross operating surplus is the balancing item of
de exploatare i reprezint ceea ce rmne din valoarea the generation of income account and it corresponds to
adugat creat n procesul de producie dup the remaining value added after deducting compensation
remunerarea salariailor i plata impozitelor pe producie. of employees and the taxes on production.
Exporturile de bunuri i servicii reprezint Exports of goods and services consist of
ansamblul de bunuri i servicii furnizate de rezidenii transactions in goods and services (sales, barter, and
Romniei ctre nerezideni prin intermediul vnzrilor, gifts) from residents to non-residents of Romania.
schimbului n natur i donaiilor.
Formarea brut de capital fix const n achiziiile Gross fixed capital formation consists of resident
productorilor rezideni, minus cedrile de active fixe, producers acquisitions, less disposals of fixed assets,
ntr-o anumit perioad, plus anumite adiionri la during a given period, plus certain additions to the value
valoarea activelor neproduse realizate ca rezultat al of non-produced assets realised by the productive

activitii productive a productorilor sau a unitilor activity of producer or institutional units. Fixed assets are
instituionale. Activele fixe sunt active produse utilizate n produced assets used in production for more than one
producie mai mult de un an. year.
Importurile de bunuri i servicii reprezint Imports of goods and services consist of
ansamblul bunurilor i serviciilor furnizate de nerezideni transactions in goods and services (purchases, barter,
ctre rezidenii Romniei prin intermediul cumprrilor, and gifts) from non-residents to residents of Romania.
schimbului n natur i donaiilor.
Impozitele curente pe venit, patrimoniu etc. Current taxes on income, wealth a.s.o. cover all
cuprind toate vrsmintele obligatorii, fr contrapartid, compulsory, unrequited payments, in cash or in kind,
n bani sau n natur, prelevate n mod periodic de levied periodically by general government and by the rest
administraiile publice i de restul lumii asupra venitului i of the world on the income and wealth of institutional
patrimoniului unitilor instituionale, ct i anumite units, and some periodic taxes which are levied neither
impozite periodice, care nu sunt percepute nici asupra on the income, nor the wealth.
venitului, nici a patrimoniului.
Impozitele pe producie i importuri sunt Taxes on production and imports cover all
vrsminte obligatorii fr contrapartid, n bani sau n compulsory, unrequited payments, in cash or in kind,
natur, prelevate de administraiile publice sau de levied periodically by general government and by the
instituiile Uniunii Europene. Ele se descompun n: European Union units. Taxes on production and imports
are divided into:
impozite pe produse (impozite datorate pe unitatea de taxes on products (due taxes on goods or services
bun sau de serviciu produs sau tranzacionat); unit produced or transacted);
alte impozite pe producie (impozite pe care other taxes on production (taxes paid by enterprises
ntreprinderile le suport ca urmare a activitii lor de as a result of production activity independent of the
producie, independent de cantitatea sau valoarea amount or value of goods and services produced or
bunurilor i serviciilor produse sau vndute). sold).
Prestaiile sociale cuprind transferuri ctre Social benefits are transfers to households, in cash
gospodrii, n bani sau n natur, destinate s le reduc or in kind, intended to relieve them from the financial
sarcina financiar asociat unor riscuri sau nevoi, burden of a number of risks or needs, made through
efectuate prin intermediul unor sisteme organizate collectively organised schemes, or outside such
colectiv sau, n afara acestor sisteme, de ctre uniti ale schemes by government units and NPISHs (non-profit
administraiei publice i IFSLSGP (instituii fr scop institutions serving households); they include payments
lucrativ n serviciul gospodriilor populaiei); ele includ from general government to producers which individually
pli de la administraiile publice ctre productorii de benefit households and which are made in the context of
care beneficiaz n mod individual gospodriile i care social risks or needs such as: sickness, old age, death,
sunt efectuate n contextul riscurilor sau nevoilor sociale, disability, unemployment, occupational accident or
ca: boal, btrnee, deces, invaliditate, omaj, diseases. They comprise also allowances for children
accidente de munc, boli profesionale. Ele cuprind de and aids for certain family categories.
asemenea alocaiile pentru copii i ajutoare pentru unele
categorii de familii.
Producia este o activitate efectuat sub controlul, Production is an activity carried out under the
responsabilitatea i administrarea unei uniti control, responsibility and management of an institutional
instituionale care utilizeaz resurse reprezentate de unit that uses inputs of labour, capital, goods and
for de munc, capital, bunuri i servicii pentru a services to produce outputs of goods and services.
produce bunuri i servicii.
Producia de bunuri i servicii destinate pieei Market production of goods and services
reprezint producia introdus pe pia sau destinat consists of output that is disposed of on the market or
introducerii pe pia la un pre semnificativ din punct de intended to be disposed of on the market at prices that
vedere economic. Prin convenie, conform conturilor are economically significant. By convention and
naionale, toate bunurile sunt considerate destinate according to national accounts rules, all the goods are
pieei. Serviciile destinate pieei reprezint acele servicii considered to be sold on the market. The output of
care pot face obiectul cumprrii pe pia i care sunt market services covers all services which could be
realizate de o unitate economic ale crei resurse purchased on the market and are produced by an
provin, n cea mai mare parte, din vnzarea produciei economic unit whose resources are mainly covered by
realizate. revenue from sales of their own output.

Producia pentru consumul final propriu cuprinde Output for own final use covers goods or services
bunurile sau serviciile pe care o unitate instituional le that are retained either for final consumption by the
produce i le pstreaz, fie n scopul consumului final, fie institutional unit or for gross fixed capital formation (only
n scopul formrii brute de capital fix (numai gospodriile households can produce and retain output for own final
populaiei pot pstra produse n scopul consumului final consumption, for example, agricultural goods produced
propriu, ca de exemplu produsele agricole conservate de and consumed by members of the same household;
agricultori; n schimb toate sectoarele pot pstra goods or services used for own gross fixed capital
produsele n scopul formrii brute de capital fix pentru formation can be produced by any kind of enterprise;
sine, cum ar fi: maini - unelte fabricate de ctre they include, for example, machine tools produced for
ntreprinderi, locuine construite de ctre populaie, their own use by enterprises, dwellings or extensions to
construciile pentru sine efectuate de ntreprinderi). dwellings produced by households).
Producia non-pia const n producia Other non-market output consists of the output
administraiilor publice i instituiilor fr scop lucrativ n produced by general government and NPISHs that are
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei furnizat altor uniti supplied free of charge, or at prices that are not
instituionale, fie cu titlu gratuit, fie la un pre economically significant, to other institutional units.
nesemnificativ din punct de vedere economic.
Ramura de activitate reprezint o grupare de The industry represents a grouping of units with
uniti cu producie omogen ce grupeaz unitile cu homogeneous production formed by local kind of activity
activitate economic local. Aceste uniti se units. These units are characterised by unique activity i.e
caracterizeaz printr-o activitate unic i anume prin inputs of products and services, by production processes
intrri de produse i servicii, prin procese de producie i and outputs of homogeneous products.
ieiri cu produse omogene.
Remunerarea salariailor este definit, n Compensation of employees is defined in national
contabilitatea naional, din punct de vedere al accountancy, from the employer standpoint and
angajatorului i reprezint costul forei de munc represents the labour force cost, comprising not only
cuprinznd nu numai salariile declarate, precum i toate stated salaries, but all forms of direct and indirect
formele de remunerare direct i indirect. compensation.
Salariile nete primite reprezint sumele primite de Net salaries received include the amounts received
angajai n contrapartida muncii depuse (inclusiv prime, directly by the employees in return for their work
sporuri, avantaje n natur), din care se scad cotizaiile (including bonuses, enhanced rates of pay, payments in
sociale n sarcina salariailor, precum i impozitul pe kind) after deducting the social compulsory contributions
venit. of employees and tax on income.
Subveniile sunt pli curente fr contrapartid pe Subsidies are current unrequited payments which
care administraiile publice sau instituiile Uniunii general government or the institutions of the European
Europene le efectueaz ctre productori rezideni. Union make to resident producers.
Exist dou categorii de subvenii: There are two categories of subsidies:
subvenii pe produse (sumele vrsate pe unitatea de subsidies on products (subsidies payable per unit of
bun sau serviciu produs sau importat); goods or services produced or imported);
alte subvenii pe producie (subveniile, exceptnd other subsidies on production (subsidies except
subveniile pe produse, pe care productorii subsidies on products which resident producer units
rezideni le pot primi ca urmare a angajrii n may receive as a consequence of engaging in
activiti de producie). production activities).
Unitatea instituional este o entitate economic Institutional unit is an economic entity
caracterizat prin autonomie de decizie n exercitarea characterized by decision-making autonomy in the
funciei sale principale i care dispune de o contabilitate exercise of its principal function and keeps a
complet. complete set of accounts.
Valoarea adugat brut este soldul contului de Gross value added is the balancing item of the
producie reprezentnd valoarea nou creat n procesul production account and measures the value newly created
de producie. within the production process.
Variaia stocurilor este msurat prin valoarea Change in inventories is measured by the value of
intrrilor n stoc, diminuat cu valoarea ieirilor din stoc the inventories less the value of withdrawals and the
i cu eventualele pierderi curente ale stocurilor datorate value of any recurrent losses of goods held in inventories
deteriorrilor fizice, pagubelor accidentale sau furturilor. due to physical deterioration, or accidental damage or

Stocurile reprezint bunurile, altele dect cele de capital pilfering. Inventories include all goods, other than fixed
fix, deinute la un moment dat de unitile de producie. capital goods, held at a given moment in time by
producer units.
Venitul disponibil brut este soldul contului de venit Gross disposable income is the balancing item of
i msoar partea din valoarea creat de care dispune the income account and measures the part of the
naiunea, pentru consum final i economie brut. created value at the nations disposal intended for final
consumption and gross saving.
Veniturile fiscale sunt vrsminte obligatorii ctre Fiscal revenues represent compulsory payments to
administraiile publice sub forma impozitelor pe producie general government taking the form of taxes on
i importuri, a impozitelor pe venit i patrimoniu i a production and import, taxes on income and wealth and
impozitului pe capital. the taxes on capital.
Veniturile nete din proprietate ale ntreprinderii Net property and entrepreneurial income covers
reprezint veniturile ncasate de ntreprinderi sub forma the income of an enterprise which takes the form of
dobnzilor, a rentelor asupra terenurilor i activelor interests, rents on land and intangible assets, rented for
nemateriale nchiriate pentru exploatare, a dividendelor production purposes, dividends and other cashed
i a altor venituri ncasate, din care se scad veniturile de income, after deducting the income of the same nature
aceeai natur pltite de ntreprindere altor uniti paid by the enterprise to other units (sectors, companies
(sectoare, societi etc.). a.s.o.).

Evoluia produsului intern brut
11.G1 Gross domestic product evolution
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100

110 108,4 108,1 108,5

105,6 105,5
103,9 103,5 103,0
105 106,9
105,2 101,1
99,6 104,2 99,2
100 102,4
95 97,9
90 92,9



1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Not: Datele au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 2010.
Pentru anul 2014, datele sunt semidefinitive.
Note: The data were calculated according to the methodology of European System of Accounts (ESA) - 2010.
For 2014, the data are semi-final.

Contribuii la creterea produsului intern brut, pe categorii de resurse

11.G2 Contributions to gross domestic product growth, by category of resources

1,3 1,3
1,1 1,1 1,0
1 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,9
0,5 0,7
0,3 0,3 0,3 0,2
0,0 0,1
-0,1 -0,1
-1 -0,8

-2 -1,7 -1,7

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Produsul Intern Brut Industrie Servicii
Gross Domestic Product Industry Services

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit Construcii Impozite nete

Agriculture, forestry and fishing Construction Net taxes

Not: Datele au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 2010.
Pentru anul 2014, datele sunt semidefinitive.
Note: The data were calculated according to the methodology of European System of Accounts (ESA) - 2010.
For 2014, the data are semi-final.
Contribuii la creterea produsului intern brut, pe categorii de utilizri
11.G3 Contributions to gross domestic product growth, by category of uses

7 6,9
6 5,9
4 3,5 3,6
3 2,5
2 1,2 1,5 1,6
0,8 1,1 1,1
1 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,2
0,2 0,0
-1 -0,1 -0,2 -0,1-0,2 -0,3 -0,1 -0,2
-0,8 -1,0-0,6
-2 -1,4 -1,7 -1,5
-7 -6,6
-8 -7,1
-15 -14,1
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Produsul Intern Brut Formarea brut de capital fix

Gross Domestic Product Gross fixed capital formation
Consumul final individual efectiv al Export net (export - import)
gospodriilor populaiei Net export (export - import)
Households actual individual final consumption
Consumul final colectiv efectiv al Variaia stocurilor
administraiilor publice Change in inventories
Governments actual collective final consumption

Not: Datele au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 2010.
Pentru anul 2014, datele sunt semidefinitive.
Note: The data were calculated according to the methodology of European System of Accounts (ESA) - 2010.
For 2014, the data are semi-final.

Produsul intern brut, pe categorii de resurse
11.1 Gross domestic product, by category of resources
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
2010 2011 2012 1) 2013 2014

Agricultur, silvicultur Agriculture, forestry

i pescuit 29915,7 36363,1 27788,8 34402,8 31450,9 and fishing
Industria extractiv; Mining and quarrying;
industria prelucrtoare; manufacturing;
producia i furnizarea de electricity, gas,
energie electric i termic, gaze, steam and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat; production and supply;
distribuia apei; salubritate, water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 149258,0 160910,4 149324,6 160605,6 166040,3 decontamination activities
Construcii 47955,6 44933,1 44437,3 44894,5 47763,6 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu Wholesale and retail;
amnuntul; repararea repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor; and motorcycles; transport
transport i depozitare; and storage;
hoteluri i restaurante 72819,4 65059,5 102165,2 93464,6 101482,5 hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 23384,1 23626,1 23754,1 31489,8 34021,4 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 12629,5 16096,0 17905,6 25124,3 22703,2 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 45417,9 45362,9 47649,4 50676,6 54839,7 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific and
tiinifice i tehnice; activiti technical activities;
de servicii administrative i administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 25178,1 31442,6 30621,9 40875,4 46191,7 service activities
Administraie public i Public administration and
aprare; asigurri sociale din defence; compulsory social
sistemul public; nvmnt; security; education; human
sntate i asisten social 56648,7 55755,9 60777,2 63982,0 68710,4 health and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment and
culturale i recreative; recreation; repair of
reparaii de produse de uz household goods
casnic i alte servicii 13821,6 16282,6 17872,0 15888,0 16668,2 and other services
Valoare adugat brut 477028,6 495832,2 522296,1 561403,6 589871,9 Gross value added
Impozite pe produs 2) 57680,3 67682,6 72691,6 75750,2 77696,9 Taxes on product 2)
Drepturi asupra importurilor
(taxe vamale) 1958,6 2678,4 2878,9 2385,6 2510,0 Import duties
Subvenii pe produs -2786,4 -1096,0 -2499,3 -2083,4 -2501,4 Subsidies on product
Produs intern brut Gross domestic product
(PIB) 533881,1 565097,2 595367,3 637456,0 667577,4 (GDP)
Produs intern brut Gross domestic product
pe locuitor 3) (lei) 26368,7 28047,8 29679,1 31895,4 33532,2 4) per inhabitant 3) (lei)
Venit naional brut 528848,2 559656,4 587381,0 625456,8 662127,3 Gross national income

1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

2) Inclusiv TVA. / Including VAT.
3) Pentru perioada 2010 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2010 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
4) Date estimate. / Estimated data.

Produsul intern brut, pe categorii de utilizri
11.2 Gross domestic product, by category of uses
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
2009 2010 2011 20121) 2013 2014
Produsul intern brut 510522,8 533881,1 565097,2 595367,3 637456,0 667577,4 Gross domestic product
Consumul final efectiv 404803,3 423393,2 439129,1 465156,9 479450,6 501131,3 Actual final consumption
Consumul final Households actual
individual efectiv al individual
gospodriilor populaiei 361734,5 386129,1 403943,3 427700,2 430463,8 451871,6 final consumption
Consumul final colectiv Government's actual
efectiv al collective
administraiilor publice 43068,8 37264,1 35185,8 37456,7 48986,8 49259,7 final consumption
Formarea brut Gross fixed
de capital fix 132698,1 138532,5 152995,9 162771,9 157482,6 161375,8 capital formation
Variaia stocurilor 5744,3 4740,9 4428,3 -2950,9 5467,8 7122,5 Change in inventories
Exportul net 2) -32722,9 -32785,5 -31456,1 -29610,6 -4945,0 -2052,2 Net export 2)
1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.
2) Export-Import. / Exports-Imports.

Indicii produsului intern brut, pe categorii de resurse i categorii de utilizri

11.3 Indices of gross domestic product, by category of resources and category of uses
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
2011 2012 2013 2014
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 113,9 73,9 133,7 102,4 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industria extractiv; industria prelucrtoare; Mining and quarrying; manufacturing;
producia i furnizarea de energie electric electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat; production and supply; water supply;
distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea sewerage, waste management and
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 100,1 93,0 103,8 103,7 decontamination activities
Construcii 80,9 98,9 104,4 102,3 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea Wholesale and retail; repair of
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor; transport motor vehicles and motorcycles; transport
i depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 100,5 133,0 87,7 102,2 and storage; hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 80,1 91,9 125,1 109,4 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 119,5 105,5 125,1 88,8 Financial intermediation and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 100,1 102,5 106,6 105,6 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; Professional, scientific and technical
activiti de servicii administrative i activities; administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 125,7 108,8 126,9 104,1 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public; nvmnt; compulsory social security; education;
sntate i asisten social 101,1 96,9 96,8 102,0 human health and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i Arts, entertainment
recreative; reparaii de produse and recreation; repair of
de uz casnic i alte servicii 111,0 104,6 83,9 100,0 household goods and other services
Valoare adugat brut 100,4 100,4 104,1 102,8 Gross value added
Impozite pe produs 1) 105,0 101,3 100,8 104,2 Taxes on product 1)
Drepturi asupra importurilor
(taxe vamale) 128,0 100,7 64,5 107,1 Import duties
Subvenii pe produs 93,8 48,1 99,6 105,9 Subsidies on product
Produs intern brut (PIB) 101,1 100,6 103,5 103,0 Gross domestic product (GDP)
Produs intern brut Gross domestic product
pe locuitor 2) 101,6 101,1 103,9 103,4 3) per inhabitant 2)
Consumul final efectiv 100,8 101,1 99,7 103,1 Actual final consumption
Consumul final individual efectiv Households actual individual
al gospodriilor populaiei 101,1 101,7 97,6 103,6 final consumption
Consumul final colectiv efectiv Government's actual collective
al administraiilor publice 97,3 94,4 123,7 98,6 final consumption
Formarea brut de capital fix 102,9 100,1 94,6 102,5 Gross fixed capital formation
1) Inclusiv TVA. / Including VAT.
2) Pentru perioada 2011 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu
rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2011 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
3) Date estimate. / Estimated data.
Agregatele macroeconomice ale sectoarelor instituionale
11.4 Macroeconomic aggregates, by institutional sector
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Valoarea adugat brut 451311,8 466729,9 495832,2 524000,3 561403,6 Gross value added
Societi nefinanciare 268099,6 266218,5 285320,3 310378,4 316774,1 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei 101212,8 122803,4 134264,9 130335,9 152360,8 Households
Societi financiare 11250,1 11681,0 14010,7 18276,8 25561,9 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 66742,2 62745,8 57777,7 59298,2 64223,4 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 4007,1 3281,2 4458,6 5711,0 2483,4 serving households
Excedentul brut de exploatare 258490,7 278171,9 312114,1 331420,1 362328,7 Gross operating surplus
Societi nefinanciare 141325,2 138955,6 158284,9 179171,0 180776,1 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei 99724,3 121521,9 132980,0 128340,4 151227,7 Households
Societi financiare 4987,7 5569,2 7013,8 10122,3 17414,1 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 11810,5 12014,9 13564,4 13326,8 12808,1 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 643,0 110,3 271,0 459,6 102,7 serving households
Venitul disponibil brut 511501,2 531677,7 569881,2 600801,7 638490,2 Gross disposable income
Societi nefinanciare 114997,0 113513,1 135541,2 152991,6 63554,3 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei 301362,8 319862,3 321573,6 326219,9 446217,5 Households
Societi financiare 12584,4 16943,5 17329,6 20146,7 17996,1 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 74040,0 79321,0 92232,4 99123,6 108392,1 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 8517,0 2037,8 3204,4 2319,9 2330,2 serving households
Consumul final efectiv 404803,3 423393,2 439129,1 465156,9 1) 479450,6 Actual final consumption
Gospodriile populaiei 361734,5 386129,1 403943,3 427700,2 1) 430463,8 Households
Administraii publice 43068,8 37264,1 35185,8 37456,7 1) 48986,8 General government
Economia brut 111937,7 114073,9 134560,7 137697,1 159039,6 Gross savings
Societi nefinanciare 114997,0 113513,1 135541,2 152991,6 63554,3 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei -3304,3 -7379,2 -24179,8 -40420,9 60682,2 Households
Societi financiare 12584,4 16943,5 17329,6 20146,7 17996,1 Financial corporations
Administraii publice -14151,6 -3925,6 10377,4 12428,5 17663,4 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 1812,2 -5077,9 -4507,7 -7448,8 -856,4 serving households
Formarea brut Gross fixed
de capital fix 127661,6 130014,0 152995,9 164146,8 157482,6 capital formation
Societi nefinanciare 85698,5 68301,2 90189,4 100412,7 92242,4 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei 9624,6 29886,0 30836,0 33239,1 35298,2 Households
Societi financiare 1014,1 1140,7 830,3 1598,2 1085,7 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 30738,5 30452,8 30885,6 28790,6 28806,3 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 585,9 233,3 254,6 106,2 50,0 serving households
Capacitatea (+) sau Net lending (+) or
necesarul (-) net de finanare -18245,7 -23399,3 -21746,9 -17117,3 9539,3 net borrowing (-)
Societi nefinanciare 17813,1 30551,2 36423,1 51410,9 -26271,2 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei -3516,7 -29185,5 -39429,1 -62878,2 33203,2 Households
Societi financiare 11516,5 15753,8 16336,4 18524,0 16795,0 Financial corporations
Administraii publice -45270,5 -35484,3 -30897,8 -17344,3 -13919,9 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 1211,9 -5034,5 -4179,5 -6829,7 -267,8 serving households

Not: Datele din conturile sectoarelor instituionale nu au fost reconciliate cu datele din tabelele intrri-ieiri.
Note: Sector accounts data are not reconciled with data from input-output tables.
1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.
Indicatori specifici ai sectoarelor instituionale
11.5 Specific indicators for institutional sector
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Societi nefinanciare
Non-financial corporations
Remunerarea salariailor 129030,4 128712,5 128964,6 134060,4 139657,8
Compensation of employees
Impozite pe producie i importuri 53666,1 62624,7 72963,3 77867,2 81288,4
Taxes on production and imports
Venituri nete din proprietate ale ntreprinderii -16927,6 -19237,7 -14802,3 -16760,7 -108242,8
Net property and entrepreneurial income
Variaia stocurilor 3296,9 3561,2 3444,2 581,1 1989,8
Change in inventories
Gospodriile populaiei
Salarii nete primite 125647,1 122976,0 115097,3 124120,2 126027,9
Net wages received
Prestaii sociale, altele dect transferurile sociale n natur 63829,1 67651,2 66894,8 66549,2 68077,4
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind
Impozite curente pe venit, pe patrimoniu etc. 19006,4 19116,9 21027,8 19414,5 22850,1
Current taxes on income, wealth a.s.o.
Cotizaii sociale nete 51806,4 50420,2 52095,4 54403,1 57348,7
Net social contributions
Administraii publice
General government
Total venituri fiscale 87163,0 94601,5 107641,7 113929,3 118879,0
Total fiscal revenues
Cotizaii sociale efective n sarcina angajatorilor 29813,8 28998,4 31466,4 33598,5 35938,9
Employers' actual social contributions
Prestaii sociale, altele dect transferurile sociale n natur 63822,6 67648,9 66805,2 66538,8 68074,0
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind
Subvenii 5614,6 5366,4 4806,8 4271,2 3834,0
Transferuri nete de capital -262,5 -878,3 -10376,3 -3443,3 -2338,7
Net capital transfers
Societi financiare
Financial corporations
Dobnzi primite 36855,4 32412,0 22145,7 18269,7 25790,4
Interests received
Dobnzi vrsate 31494,9 25388,6 15673,6 12517,0 28547,0
Interests paid
Restul lumii
Rest of the world
Exporturi de bunuri i servicii 139739,6 172453,2 208213,8 223048,9 1) 253377,4
Exports of goods and services
Importuri de bunuri i servicii 172462,5 205238,7 239669,9 252659,5 258322,4
Imports of goods and services
Soldul operaiilor de repartiie 14477,2 9386,2 9709,2 12493,3 1) -4594,3
Balance of distributive transactions
Capacitatea (+) sau necesarul (-) net de finanare a naiunii -18245,7 -23399,3 -21746,9 -17117,3 -9539,3
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of the nation

1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Principalele agregate, pe locuitor
11.6 Main aggregates, per inhabitant
lei preuri curente / lei current prices
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Produsul intern brut 25065,6 26368,7 28047,8 29679,11) 31895,4
Gross domestic product
Venitul disponibil brut 25113,7 26259,8 28285,2 29950,0 31947,2
Gross disposable income
Consumul final individual efectiv al gospodriilor populaiei 17760,4 19071,1 20049,1 21320,91) 21538,5
Households actual individual final consumption
Economia brut a gospodriilor populaiei -162,2 -364,5 -1200,1 -2015,0 3036,3
Gross saving of households
Capacitatea (+) sau necesarul (-) net de
finanare a gospodriilor populaiei -172,7 -1441,5 -1957,0 -3134,5 1661,3
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of households
Not: Pentru perioada 2009 - 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu
rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Datele din conturile sectoarelor instituionale nu au fost reconciliate cu datele din tabelele intrri-ieiri.
Note: For the 2009 - 2013 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
Sector accounts data are not reconciled with data from input-output tables.
1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Rate specifice conturilor naionale

11.7 Ratios specific to national accounts procente / percentage
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Rata de investiii a sectorului societi nefinanciare 1) 32,0 25,7 31,6 32,4 29,1
Investment ratio of non-financial corporations sector
Rata de autofinanare a sectorului societi nefinanciare 2) 118,0 136,4 134,8 146,2 74,3
Self-financing ratio of non-financial corporations sector 2)
Rata de economie financiar a gospodriilor populaiei 3) -1,2 -9,1 -12,3 -19,3 7,4
Financial saving ratio of households 3)
Rata de economie a gospodriilor populaiei -1,1 -2,3 -7,5 -12,4 13,6
Saving ratio of households 4)
Rata de economie financiar a naiunii 5) -3,6 -4,4 -3,8 -2,8 1,5
Financial saving ratio of the nation 5)
Rata excedentului brut 6) 58,6 60,2 62,9 63,17) 64,5
Gross operating surplus ratio 6)
Rata de presiune fiscal 8) 17,1 17,7 19,0 19,17) 18,6
Fiscal ratio 8)
Rata de presiune social 9) 5,8 5,4 5,6 5,6 7) 5,6
Social ratio 9)
Ponderea capacitii (+) sau necesarului (-) de finanare a naiunii n PIB 10) -3,6 -4,4 -3,8 -2,9 1,5
Weight of lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of the nation in GDP 10)
Not: Datele din conturile sectoarelor instituionale nu au fost reconciliate cu datele din tabelele intrri-ieiri.
Note: Sector accounts data are not reconciled with data from input-output tables.
1) Formarea brut de capital fix a sectorului societilor nefinanciare: Valoarea adugat brut a sectorului societilor nefinanciare x 100.
Gross fixed capital formation of non-financial corporations sector: Gross value added of non-financial corporations sector x 100.
2) (Economia brut+Transferuri nete de capital): (Formarea brut de capital fix + Variaia stocurilor + Achiziii minus cedri de active
neproduse) x 100.
(Gross saving+Net capital transfers): (Gross fixed capital formation+Change in inventories+Acquisitions less disposals of non financial
non produced assets) x 100.
3) (Capacitatea (+) sau necesarul net de finanare (-) a gospodriilor populaiei: Venitul disponibil brut al gospodriilor populaiei) x 100.
(Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of households: Gross disposable income of households) x 100.
4) Economia brut a gospodriilor populaiei: Venitul disponibil brut al gospodriilor populaiei x 100.
Gross saving of households: Gross disposable income of households x 100.
5) Capacitatea (necesarul) net de finanare a (al) economiei naionale: Venitul disponibil brut al economiei naionale x 100.
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of national economy: Gross disposable income of national economy x 100.
6) (Total excedent brut de exploatare + Venit mixt): Valoarea adugat brut a economiei naionale x 100.
(Gross operating surplus of national economy + Mixed income): Gross value added of national economy x 100.
7) Date revizuite. / Revised data.
8) (Impozite pe producie i importuri + Impozite curente pe venit, pe patrimoniu etc.): Produsul intern brut x 100.
(Taxes on production and imports + Current taxes on income, wealth a.s.o.): Gross domestic product x 100.
9) Cotizaiile sociale efective n sarcina angajatorilor primite de administraiile publice: Produsul intern brut x 100.
Employers' actual social contributions of general government: Gross domestic product x 100.
10) Capacitatea (necesarul) de finanare a (al) economiei naionale: Produsul intern brut x 100.
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of national economy: Gross domestic product x 100.
Populaia ocupat, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i
dup statutul profesional

11.8 Employment, by activity of national economy and

by status of employment
mii persoane / thou persons
20101) 20111) 2012 2013
din care: / of which: din care: / of which: din care: / of which: din care: / of which:
Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) Lucrtori Lucrtori Lucrtori Lucrtori Activity (CANE Rev. 2 division)
Total 2) Salariai pe cont Total2) Salariai pe cont Total 2) Salariai pe cont Total 2) Salariai pe cont
Employees propriu Employees propriu Employees propriu Employees propriu
Self-employed Self-employed Self-employed Self-employed

Total 9156,1 6026,6 3129,5 9082,2 6138,6 2943,6 8645,3 5906,7 2738,6 8569,4 5897,4 2672,0 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2896,2 198,6 2697,6 2723,5 217,5 2506,0 2649,4 298,9 2350,5 2591,4 291,1 2300,3 Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Industria extractiv; industria prelucrtoare; Mining and quarrying; manufacturing;

producia i furnizarea de energie electric electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat; production and supply; water supply;
distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea sewerage, waste management and
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 1931,6 1896,6 35,0 1961,5 1927,4 34,1 1770,7 1742,3 28,4 1770,3 1744,6 25,7 decontamination activities

Construcii 701,6 516,1 185,5 677,1 508,6 168,5 633,0 495,4 137,6 626,1 481,0 145,1 Construction

Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of

repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor; motor vehicles and motorcycles; transport
transport i depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 1715,1 1595,9 119,2 1764,8 1638,4 126,4 1654,0 1539,4 114,6 1670,1 1572,2 97,9 and storage; hotels and restaurants

Informaii i comunicaii 124,5 120,9 3,6 126,0 121,1 4,9 145,4 132,2 13,2 143,2 132,0 11,2 Information and communication

Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 91,7 90,1 1,6 99,0 96,7 2,3 123,9 122,3 1,6 115,2 112,4 2,8 Financial intermediation and insurance

Tranzacii imobiliare 39,4 38,1 1,3 38,3 37,4 0,9 24,8 23,9 0,9 25,3 23,9 1,4 Real estate activities

Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; Professional, scientific and technical

activiti de servicii administrative i activities; administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 304,2 284,1 20,1 322,0 297,4 24,6 313,1 287,5 25,6 334,7 311,4 23,3 service activities

Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;

sociale din sistemul public; nvmnt; compulsory social security; education;
sntate i asisten social 1117,1 1106,4 10,7 1113,9 1102,2 11,7 1112,9 1101,8 11,1 1077,7 1067,5 10,2 human health and social work activities

Activiti de spectacole, culturale i Arts, entertainment and

recreative; reparaii de produse de uz recreation; repair of household goods
casnic i alte servicii 234,7 179,8 54,9 256,1 191,9 64,2 218,1 163,0 55,1 215,4 161,3 54,1 and other services

Not: Pentru anii 2012 i 2013, datele au fost estimate conform rezultatelor definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i
al Locuinelor - 2011 i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile anterioare de date.
Note: For 2012 and 2013, the data were estimated according to the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011
and are not comparable with the previous data series.
1) Recalcularea indicatorilor se va realiza n anul 2016. / The indicators will be recalculated in 2016.
2) Reprezint numrul de locuri de munc. / Represents the number of jobs.

388 389
Ore lucrate de populaia ocupat, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i
dup statutul profesional

11.9 Hours worked by employment, by activity of national economy and by

status of employment
mii ore / thou hours
20101) 20111) 2012 2013
din care: / of which: din care: / of which: din care: / of which: din care: / of which:
Activitatea Lucrtori Lucrtori Lucrtori Lucrtori Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) Total Salariai pe cont Total Salariai pe cont Total Salariai pe cont Total Salariai pe cont (CANE Rev. 2 division)
Employees propriu Employees propriu Employees propriu Employees propriu
Self-employed Self-employed Self-employed Self-employed

Total 17036438,7 11486567,7 5549871,0 17199868,3 12055048,0 5144820,3 15661331,4 11214459,3 4446872,1 15480252,0 11156449,1 4323802,9 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 5106047,6 377777,2 4728270,4 4730441,3 417500,6 4312940,7 4098605,5 367206,8 3731398,7 4011466,5 355545,8 3655920,7 Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Industria extractiv; industria Mining and quarrying;

prelucrtoare; producia i furnizarea de manufacturing; electricity, gas,
energie electric i termic, gaze, ap steam and air conditioning
cald i aer condiionat; distribuia apei; production and supply; water supply;
salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor, sewerage, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 3680730,9 3614428,6 66302,3 3863220,8 3798420,7 64800,1 3431126,4 3379383,1 51743,3 3413812,7 3365797,3 48015,4 and decontamination activities

Construcii 1358751,1 1002477,3 356273,8 1357252,0 1036612,1 320639,9 1233156,0 977869,0 255287,0 1199255,2 938673,1 260582,1 Construction

Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of

repararea autovehiculelor i motor vehicles and motorcycles;
motocicletelor; transport i transport and storage;
depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 3302000,6 3074542,7 227457,9 3506046,9 3260344,9 245702,0 3249816,6 3028063,8 221752,8 3269791,3 3082643,7 187147,6 hotels and restaurants

Informaii i comunicaii 236702,7 230224,7 6478,0 244458,8 235800,6 8658,2 269504,2 248305,6 21198,6 261863,7 244556,1 17307,6 Information and communication

Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation

i asigurri 174672,3 171522,0 3150,3 187734,3 184146,7 3587,6 232259,3 230004,2 2255,1 214656,7 210380,2 4276,5 and insurance

Tranzacii imobiliare 74989,2 72595,2 2394,0 76327,9 74628,2 1699,7 47761,6 46459,2 1302,4 49230,6 47185,3 2045,3 Real estate activities

Activiti profesionale, tiinifice Professional, scientific

i tehnice; activiti de and technical activities;
servicii administrative i administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 577910,0 540112,2 37797,8 619597,2 574280,0 45317,2 604267,9 557739,3 46528,6 643880,0 604452,8 39427,2 service activities

Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;

asigurri sociale din sistemul compulsory social security;
public; nvmnt; education; human health
sntate i asisten social 2083202,2 2063583,0 19619,2 2132052,9 2110410,0 21642,9 2087419,0 2067958,3 19460,7 2018723,9 2000626,4 18097,5 and social work activities

Activiti de spectacole, culturale Arts, entertainment and

i recreative; reparaii de produse recreation; repair of household
de uz casnic i alte servicii 441432,1 339304,8 102127,3 482736,2 362904,2 119832,0 407414,9 311470,0 95944,9 397571,4 306588,4 90983,0 goods and other services

Not: Pentru anii 2012 i 2013, datele au fost estimate conform rezultatelor definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i
al Locuinelor - 2011 i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile anterioare de date.
Note: For 2012 and 2013, the data were estimated according to the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011
and are not comparable with the previous data series.
1) Recalcularea indicatorilor se va realiza n anul 2016. / The indicators will be recalculated in 2016.

390 391
Productivitatea muncii, pe persoan ocupat
11.10 Labour productivity, by employed person
lei / persoan / lei / person
Activitatea Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 20101) 20111) 2012 2) 2013 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Total 52099,5 54593,8 60413,9 65512,6 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 10329,3 13351,6 10488,7 13275,8 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industria extractiv; industria Mining and quarrying;
prelucrtoare; producia i manufacturing; electricity, gas,
furnizarea de energie electric steam and air conditioning
i termic, gaze, ap cald i production and supply;
aer condiionat; distribuia apei; water supply; sewerage,
salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 77271,7 82034,4 84330,8 90722,3 decontamination activities
Construcii 68351,8 66361,1 70201,1 71705,0 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motor vehicles and motorcycles;
motocicletelor; transport i transport and storage;
depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 42457,8 36865,1 61768,6 55963,5 hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 187824,1 187508,7 163370,7 219900,8 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 137726,7 162586,3 144516,5 218092,9 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 1152738,7 1184408,9 1921346,8 2003027,7 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice Professional, scientific
i tehnice; activiti de and technical activities;
servicii administrative i administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 82768,2 97647,8 97802,3 122125,5 service activities
Administraie public i Public administration
aprare; asigurri sociale and defence; compulsory social
din sistemul public; nvmnt; security; education; human
sntate i asisten social 50710,5 50054,7 54611,6 59369,0 health and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, culturale Arts, entertainment and
i recreative; reparaii de recreation; repair of household
produse de uz casnic i alte servicii 58890,3 63578,9 81944,1 73760,4 goods and other services

Not: Pentru anii 2012 i 2013, datele au fost estimate conform rezultatelor definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i
al Locuinelor - 2011 i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile anterioare de date.
Note: For 2012 and 2013, the data were estimated according to the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011
and are not comparable with the previous data series.
1) Recalcularea indicatorilor se va realiza n anul 2016. / The indicators will be recalculated in 2016.
2) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Productivitatea orar a muncii
11.11 Labour productivity per hour worked
lei / or / lei / hour
Activitatea Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 20101) 20111) 2012 2) 2013 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Total 28,0 28,8 33,3 36,3 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 5,9 7,7 6,8 8,6 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industria extractiv; industria Mining and quarrying; manufacturing;
prelucrtoare; producia i furnizarea electricity, gas, steam
de energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning production
ap cald i aer condiionat; and supply; water supply; sewerage,
distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea waste management and
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 40,6 41,7 43,5 47,0 decontamination activities
Construcii 35,3 33,1 36,0 37,4 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motor vehicles and motorcycles;
motocicletelor; transport i transport and storage;
depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 22,1 18,6 31,4 28,6 hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 98,8 96,6 88,1 120,3 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 72,3 85,7 77,1 117,0 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 605,7 594,3 997,7 1029,4 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific and
tiinifice i tehnice; activiti technical activities;
de servicii administrative i administrative and support
activiti de servicii suport 43,6 50,7 50,7 63,5 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and
asigurri sociale din sistemul public; defence; compulsory social security;
nvmnt; sntate i education; human health
asisten social 27,2 26,2 29,1 31,7 and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, culturale Arts, entertainment and
i recreative; reparaii de produse recreation; repair of household
de uz casnic i alte servicii 31,3 33,7 43,9 40,0 goods and other services

Not: Pentru anii 2012 i 2013, datele au fost estimate conform rezultatelor definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i
al Locuinelor - 2011 i nu sunt comparabile cu seriile anterioare de date.
Note: For 2012 and 2013, the data were estimated according to the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011
and are not comparable with the previous data series.
1) Recalcularea indicatorilor se va realiza n anul 2016. / The indicators will be recalculated in 2016.
2) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.12 by activity
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2011 72995,1 36632,0 36363,1

Agriculture, forestry and fishing 20121) 59615,5 31826,7 27788,8
2013 73168,1 38765,3 34402,8

Agricultur, vntoare i servicii anexe 2011 67218,9 33898,4 33320,5

Crop and animal production, 20121) 53330,1 28053,6 25276,5
hunting and related service activities 2013 65983,2 34652,1 31331,1

Silvicultur i exploatare forestier 2011 5483,6 2675,9 2807,7

Forestry and logging 20121) 6025,6 3664,5 2361,1
2013 6729,8 3926,9 2802,9

Pescuit i acvacultur 2011 292,6 57,7 234,9

Fishing and aquaculture 20121) 259,8 108,6 151,2
2013 455,1 186,3 268,8

Industria extractiv 2011 22131,3 15005,9 7125,4

Mining and quarrying 20121) 17351,6 8935,1 8416,5
2013 14396,2 7759,1 6637,1

Industria prelucrtoare 2011 315604,1 194285,4 121318,7

Manufacturing 20121) 347939,0 229833,9 118105,1
2013 375491,2 246124,4 129366,8

Industria alimentar, fabricarea buturilor i 2011 75070,2 44887,4 30182,8

a produselor din tutun 20121) 80097,9 48891,1 31206,8
Manufacture of food products, 2013 88494,7 55855,8 32638,9
beverages and tobacco products

Fabricarea produselor textile, a articolelor de mbrcminte 2011 23004,0 9626,8 13377,2

i a produselor din piele 20121) 26980,0 14072,7 12907,3
Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and leather products 2013 28642,3 14797,7 13844,6

Fabricarea lemnului i a produselor din hrtie i poligrafie 2011 18713,9 9612,4 9101,5
Manufacture of wood and paper products, and printing 20121) 21160,9 13830,8 7330,1
2013 22784,9 15295,1 7489,8

Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor din lemn 2011 11643,1 6121,4 5521,7
i plut, cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea articolelor 20121) 13893,5 9361,4 4532,1
din paie i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 2013 15202,3 10552,1 4650,2
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork,
except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and
plaiting materials

Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 2011 3025,8 1933,1 1092,7

Manufacture of paper and paper products 20121) 3147,9 2402,2 745,7
2013 3445,7 2613,9 831,8

Tiprirea i reproducerea pe supori a nregistrrilor 2011 4045,0 1557,9 2487,1

Printing and reproduction of recorded media 20121) 4119,5 2067,2 2052,3
2013 4136,9 2129,1 2007,8

1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.12 by activity - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a produselor 2011 18435,4 14812,2 3623,2

obinute prin prelucrarea ieiului 20121) 23114,9 20507,2 2607,7
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 2013 32588,2 22600,8 9987,4

Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor chimice 2011 12142,3 9956,0 2186,3

Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 20121) 13226,6 8929,8 4296,8
2013 11544,4 8107,9 3436,5

Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz 2011 2781,4 2340,2 441,2

i a preparatelor farmaceutice 20121) 2562,4 1547,7 1014,7
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products 2013 2787,4 1672,6 1114,8
and pharmaceutical preparations

Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice i 2011 25939,3 20699,2 5240,1
a altor produse din minerale nemetalice 20121) 29267,8 20706,9 8560,9
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products and 2013 29258,9 19552,7 9706,2
other non-metallic mineral products

Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice 2011 14047,5 11653,0 2394,5
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 20121) 15425,7 12145,6 3280,1
2013 17335,4 11798,6 5536,8

Fabricarea altor produse din minerale nemetalice 2011 11891,8 9046,2 2845,6
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 20121) 13842,1 8561,3 5280,8
2013 11923,5 7754,1 4169,4

Industria metalurgic i a produselor din metal 2011 42248,3 30564,4 11683,9

Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products 20121) 43948,6 30412,0 13536,6
2013 40324,4 27705,8 12618,6

Industria metalurgic 2011 26140,7 17702,3 8438,4

Manufacture of basic metals 20121) 25570,9 18655,2 6915,7
2013 21288,2 15552,8 5735,4

Industria construciilor metalice i a produselor 2011 16107,6 12862,1 3245,5

din metal, exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 20121) 18377,7 11756,8 6620,9
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, 2013 19036,2 12153,0 6883,2
except machinery and equipment

Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor electronice i optice 2011 11033,9 4043,2 6990,7

Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 20121) 7828,2 5182,7 2645,5
2013 10359,3 5318,5 5040,8

Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2011 12808,1 7082,4 5725,7

Manufacture of electrical equipment 20121) 19812,0 10936,6 8875,4
2013 16172,1 10563,5 5608,6

Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 2011 12623,8 8688,6 3935,2

Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 20121) 13797,9 8636,5 5161,4
2013 14051,8 9092,5 4959,3

Industria mijloacelor de transport 2011 43602,3 23750,9 19851,4

Manufacture of transport equipment 20121) 47095,2 36099,4 10995,8
2013 55829,5 43323,6 12505,9
1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.12 by activity - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier, 2011 36969,0 19707,7 17261,3

a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 20121) 40737,4 32272,0 8465,4
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 2013 47902,9 38344,6 9558,3

Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 2011 6633,3 4043,2 2590,1

Manufacture of other transport equipment 20121) 6357,8 3827,4 2530,4
2013 7926,6 4979,0 2947,6

Fabricarea mobilei; alte activiti industriale n.c.a., 2011 17201,2 8221,7 8979,5
repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea mainilor 20121) 19046,6 10080,5 8966,1
i echipamentelor 2013 22653,3 12237,9 10415,4
Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing
activities n.e.c.; repair maintenance and installation
of machinery and equipment

Fabricarea mobilei; alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 2011 8276,9 4931,1 3345,8
Manufacture of furniture; other 20121) 8914,7 5842,1 3072,6
manufacturing activities n.e.c. 2013 11260,1 6643,0 4617,1

Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea 2011 8924,3 3290,6 5633,7

mainilor i echipamentelor 20121) 10131,9 4238,4 5893,5
Repair maintenance and installation of 2013 11393,2 5594,9 5798,3
machinery and equipment

Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i 2011 65448,1 41188,3 24259,8

termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 20121) 67827,9 50824,9 17003,0
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 2013 65201,5 46789,4 18412,1
production and supply

Distribuia apei, salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor 2011 16756,7 8550,2 8206,5

i activiti de decontaminare 20121) 15684,0 9884,0 5800,0
Water supply, sewerage, waste management 2013 15967,0 9777,4 6189,6
and decontamination activities

Captarea, tratarea i distribuia apei 2011 2445,9 1820,8 625,1

Water catchment, treatment and distribution 20121) 3061,3 1285,0 1776,3
2013 3480,9 1508,3 1972,6

Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate; colectarea, tratarea i 2011 14310,8 6729,4 7581,4
eliminarea deeurilor; activiti de recuperare a materialelor 20121) 12622,7 8599,0 4023,7
reciclabile; activiti i servicii de decontaminare 2013 12486,1 8269,1 4217,0
Used water collection and purification, waste collection,
purification and disposal; activities of recycling materials
recovery; activities and services of decontamination

Construcii 2011 130962,2 86029,1 44933,1

Construction 20121) 135010,4 90573,1 44437,3
2013 124584,4 79689,9 44894,5

Comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea 2011 106168,5 80671,7 25496,8

autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 20121) 139056,9 89319,1 49737,8
Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2013 126603,3 90475,9 36127,4

Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; ntreinerea i 2011 12693,1 5649,6 7043,5

repararea autovehiculelor i a motocicletelor 20121) 13460,4 7150,7 6309,7
Wholesale and retail and repair of motor vehicles 2013 9656,6 6944,0 2712,6
and motorcycles

Comer cu ridicata, cu excepia comerului 2011 55993,3 48179,2 7814,1

cu autovehicule i motociclete 20121) 75500,2 50957,3 24542,9
Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2013 67512,4 48633,6 18878,8
1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.12 by activity - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Comer cu amnuntul, cu excepia 2011 37482,1 26842,9 10639,2

autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 20121) 50096,3 31211,1 18885,2
Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2013 49434,3 34898,3 14536,0

Transport i depozitare 2011 84021,0 50554,0 33467,0

Transport and storage 20121) 98372,8 54532,6 43840,2
2013 104379,8 57990,5 46389,3

Transporturi terestre i transporturi prin conducte 2011 61463,6 37762,1 23701,5

Land transport and transport via pipelines 20121) 67423,7 39951,5 27472,2
2013 72483,0 41997,4 30485,6

Transporturi pe ap 2011 1889,0 947,7 941,3

Water transport 20121) 4915,4 1744,0 3171,4
2013 4388,8 1583,7 2805,1

Transporturi aeriene 2011 3859,3 2527,7 1331,6

Air transport 20121) 4039,1 2540,0 1499,1
2013 3492,4 2003,5 1488,9

Depozitare i activiti auxiliare pentru transporturi 2011 14067,8 8384,5 5683,3

Warehousing and support activities for transportation 20121) 19134,7 9051,3 10083,4
2013 20847,9 10937,8 9910,1

Activiti de pot i de curier 2011 2741,3 932,0 1809,3

Postal and courier activities 20121) 2859,9 1245,8 1614,1
2013 3167,7 1468,1 1699,6

Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare; restaurante 2011 15251,3 9155,6 6095,7

i alte activiti de servicii de alimentaie public 20121) 16596,2 8009,0 8587,2
Hotels and other accommodation facilities; 2013 21125,4 10177,5 10947,9
restaurants and other catering services

Informaii i comunicaii 2011 44676,1 21050,0 23626,1

Information and communication 20121) 46525,5 22771,4 23754,1
2013 57475,4 25985,6 31489,8

Activiti de editare, audiovizual i radiodifuziune 2011 6967,2 5342,7 1624,5

Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities 20121) 7012,8 4584,1 2428,7
2013 8324,7 4800,0 3524,7

Activiti de editare 2011 3543,1 2805,5 737,6

Publishing activities 20121) 3481,9 1955,2 1526,7
2013 3946,6 1931,7 2014,9

Activiti de producie cinematografic, video i de programe 2011 3424,1 2537,2 886,9

de televiziune; nregistrri audio i activiti de editare 20121) 3530,9 2628,9 902,0
muzical; activiti de difuzare i transmitere de programe 2013 4378,1 2868,3 1509,8
Motion picture, video and television programme
production, sound recording and music publishing
activities; programming and broadcasting activities

Telecomunicaii 2011 18800,0 9206,3 9593,7

Telecommunications 20121) 18140,9 9803,6 8337,3
2013 19044,8 8391,5 10653,3
1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.12 by activity - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Activiti de servicii n tehnologia informaiei; 2011 18908,9 6501,0 12407,9

activiti de servicii informatice 20121) 21371,8 8383,7 12988,1
Computer programming, consultancy and related 2013 30105,9 12794,1 17311,8
activities; information service activities

Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 2011 23376,4 7280,4 16096,0

Financial and insurance intermediation 20121) 27564,9 9659,3 17905,6
2013 34778,3 9654,0 25124,3

Intermedieri financiare, cu excepia activitilor 2011 19179,4 6249,8 12929,6

de asigurri i ale fondurilor de pensii 20121) 22252,6 7161,4 15091,2
Financial intermediation, except insurance 2013 26123,6 7666,6 18457,0
and pension funding

Activiti de asigurri, reasigurri i ale fondurilor de pensii 2011 3072,2 943,3 2128,9
(cu excepia celor din sistemul public de asigurri sociale) 20121) 3345,2 1781,9 1563,3
Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding (except 2013 2863,2 1864,2 999,0
compulsory social security)

Activiti auxiliare intermedierilor financiare, 2011 1124,8 87,3 1037,5

activiti de asigurare i fonduri de pensii 20121) 1967,1 716,0 1251,1
Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, 2013 5791,5 123,2 5668,3
insurance activities and pension funds

Tranzacii imobiliare 2011 57887,7 12524,8 45362,9

Real estate activities 20121) 59619,0 11969,6 47649,4
2013 64572,8 13896,2 50676,6

Chirii imputate pentru locuinele ocupate de proprietari 2011 46036,0 6269,6 39766,4
Imputed rents of owner-occupied dwellings 20121) 46313,6 5339,9 40973,7
2013 48517,2 6727,2 41790,0

Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice 2011 49727,6 28832,0 20895,6

Professional, scientific and technical activities 20121) 51832,5 30465,2 21367,3
2013 63975,3 34518,6 29456,7

Activiti juridice i de contabilitate; activiti ale direciilor 2011 35039,9 17309,4 17730,5
(centralelor), birourilor administrative centralizate; 20121) 35327,0 19689,0 15638,0
activiti de management i de consultan n management; 2013 42124,1 21583,4 20540,7
activiti de arhitectur i inginerie;
activiti de testri i analiz tehnic
Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices;
management consultancy activities; architectural and
engineering activities; technical testing and analysis

Activiti juridice i de contabilitate; activiti ale direciilor 2011 22796,8 11615,5 11181,3
(centralelor), birourilor administrative centralizate; 20121) 22013,7 12206,7 9807,0
activiti de management i de consultan n management 2013 27363,5 13858,2 13505,3
Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices;
management consultancy activities

Activiti de arhitectur i inginerie; activiti 2011 12243,1 5693,9 6549,2

de testri i analiz tehnic 20121) 13313,3 7482,3 5831,0
Architectural and engineering activities; 2013 14760,6 7725,2 7035,4
technical testing and analysis

Cercetare - dezvoltare 2011 2275,2 1503,0 772,2

Scientific research - development 20121) 3328,7 1361,5 1967,2
2013 4086,6 1497,5 2589,1

Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei; alte activiti 2011 12412,5 10019,6 2392,9
profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; activiti veterinare 20121) 13176,8 9414,7 3762,1
Advertising and market research; other professional, 2013 17764,6 11437,7 6326,9
scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities
1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.
Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.12 by activity - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei 2011 7988,2 6995,0 993,2

Advertising and market research 20121) 8710,8 6761,4 1949,4
2013 8561,2 5980,3 2580,9

Alte activiti profesionale, tiinifice i 2011 4424,3 3024,6 1399,7

tehnice; activiti veterinare 20121) 4466,0 2653,3 1812,7
Other professional, scientific and technical 2013 9203,4 5457,4 3746,0
activities; veterinary activities

Activiti de secretariat i activiti de servicii suport 2011 17416,4 6869,4 10547,0

Office administrative and support service activities 20121) 20473,3 11218,7 9254,6
2013 23964,4 12545,7 11418,7

Activiti de nchiriere i leasing 2011 2378,1 782,1 1596,0

Rental and leasing activities 20121) 2798,5 1386,4 1412,1
2013 2951,0 1480,1 1470,9

Activiti de servicii privind fora de munc 2011 1788,9 279,5 1509,4

Employment activities 20121) 2194,7 1032,3 1162,4
2013 2742,3 1372,5 1369,8

Activiti ale ageniilor turistice i a tur-operatorilor; 2011 3158,6 2586,3 572,3

alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic 20121) 3873,8 3115,1 758,7
Travel agency, tour-operators reservation service 2013 4391,9 3240,0 1151,9
and related activities

Activiti de investigaii i protecie; activiti de peisagistic 2011 10090,8 3221,5 6869,3

i servicii pentru cldiri; activiti de secretariat, servicii suport 20121) 11606,3 5684,9 5921,4
i alte activiti de servicii prestate n principal ntreprinderilor 2013 13879,2 6453,1 7426,1
Security and investigation activities; services to buildings
and landscape activities; office administrative, office support
and other business support activities

Administraie public i aprare, asigurri sociale 2011 30040,1 8278,2 21761,9

din sistemul public 20121) 27840,4 6278,5 21561,9
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security 2013 29359,1 5679,0 23680,1

nvmnt 2011 23255,5 4501,7 18753,8

Education 20121) 29975,7 5783,7 24192,0
2013 31372,1 5983,1 25389,0

Sntate i asisten social 2011 28337,4 13097,2 15240,2

Human health and social work activities 20121) 28908,5 13885,2 15023,3
2013 30109,0 15196,1 14912,9

Activiti referitoare la sntatea uman 2011 28017,9 13034,6 14983,3

Human health activities 20121) 28183,5 13644,4 14539,1
2013 29601,5 15081,3 14520,2

Activiti de asisten social 2011 319,5 62,6 256,9

Social work activities 20121) 725,0 240,8 484,2
2013 507,5 114,8 392,7

Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative 2011 11981,8 4024,5 7957,3

Arts, entertainment and recreation 20121) 13339,6 4900,9 8438,7
2013 14354,3 5158,6 9195,7
1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.12 by activity - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Activiti de creaie i interpretare artistic; 2011 10935,4 3353,1 7582,3

activiti ale bibliotecilor, arhivelor, muzeelor i alte 20121) 11205,8 3450,8 7755,0
activiti culturale; activiti de jocuri de noroc i pariuri 2013 11681,9 3462,4 8219,5
Creative, arts and entertainment activities; libraries,
archives, museums and other cultural activities;
gambling and betting activities

Activiti sportive, recreative i distractive 2011 1046,4 671,4 375,0

Sports activities and amusement 20121) 2133,8 1450,1 683,7
and recreation activities 2013 2672,4 1696,2 976,2

Alte activiti de servicii 2011 14888,0 6562,7 8325,3

Other service activities 20121) 17542,8 8109,5 9433,3
2013 12409,9 5717,6 6692,3

Activiti asociative diverse 2011 9403,9 4874,7 4529,2

Activities of membership organisations 20121) 11491,3 5803,7 5687,6
2013 5854,0 3198,3 2655,7

Reparaii de calculatoare, de articole personale 2011 2028,1 618,2 1409,9

i de uz gospodresc 20121) 2435,7 931,0 1504,7
Repair of computers and personal and household goods 2013 2740,7 1097,3 1643,4

Alte activiti de servicii 2011 3456,0 1069,8 2386,2

Other personal service activities 20121) 3615,8 1374,8 2241,0
2013 3815,2 1422,0 2393,2

Total 2011 1130925,3 635093,1 495832,2

20121) 1221076,5 698780,4 522296,1
2013 1283287,5 721883,9 561403,6

Impozite pe produs 2) 2011 67682,6

Taxes on product 2) 20121) 72691,6
2013 75750,2

Drepturi asupra importurilor (taxe vamale) 2011 2678,4

Import duties 20121) 2878,9
2013 2385,6

Subvenii pe produs 2011 -1096,0

Subsidies on product 20121) -2499,3
2013 -2083,4

Produs intern brut 2011 565097,2

Gross domestic product 20121) 595367,3
2013 637456,0

1) Date revizuite. / Revised data.

2) Inclusiv TVA. / Including VAT.

Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.13 by activity
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2011 108,4 103,7 113,9

Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2012 77,5 81,1 73,9
2013 127,6 122,3 133,7

Agricultur, vntoare i servicii anexe 2011 106,3 101,6 111,7

Crop and animal production, hunting 2012 74,9 77,6 72,1
and related service activities 2013 128,7 123,9 134,1

Silvicultur i exploatare forestier 2011 139,8 137,1 142,4

Forestry and logging 2012 108,4 122,7 94,8
2013 115,8 109,4 125,6

Pescuit i acvacultur 2011 155,3 217,0 144,9

Fishing and aquaculture 2012 89,0 170,6 69,0
2013 170,2 146,3 187,3

Industria extractiv 2011 121,8 160,0 82,4

Mining and quarrying 2012 79,7 78,8 81,8
2013 80,9 90,9 70,3

Industria prelucrtoare 2011 103,5 107,3 97,7

Manufacturing 2012 99,3 102,0 94,9
2013 107,0 106,6 107,9

Industria alimentar, fabricarea buturilor 2011 98,2 101,3 93,7

i a produselor din tutun 2012 98,9 99,0 98,6
Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products 2013 107,1 106,6 107,8

Fabricarea produselor textile, a articolelor de mbrcminte 2011 109,8 108,2 110,9

i a produselor din piele 2012 99,1 111,2 90,5
Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and leather products 2013 100,8 99,3 102,5

Fabricarea lemnului i a produselor din hrtie i poligrafie 2011 104,3 106,7 101,8
Manufacture of wood and paper products, and printing 2012 102,3 114,0 89,8
2013 104,1 106,8 99,2

Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor din lemn 2011 107,3 112,7 101,9
i plut, cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie 2012 108,0 118,1 96,8
i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 2013 105,6 108,2 100,3
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork,
except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and
plaiting materials

Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 2011 90,4 98,8 76,8

Manufacture of paper and paper products 2012 97,7 108,5 78,6
2013 106,8 106,5 107,9

Tiprirea i reproducerea pe supori a nregistrrilor 2011 107,4 96,3 117,1

Printing and reproduction of recorded media 2012 89,2 104,9 79,4
2013 97,1 100,6 93,6

Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a produselor 2011 122,9 139,2 21,4

obinute prin prelucrarea ieiului 2012 102,3 113,1 58,1
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 2013 150,4 127,2 333,2

Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.13 by activity - continued
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor chimice 2011 93,8 94,9 87,2

Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 2012 95,6 92,8 108,6
2013 87,3 89,6 82,7

Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz i 2011 105,6 100,6 141,3

a preparatelor farmaceutice 2012 87,3 85,9 94,6
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products 2013 104,2 105,1 103,0
and pharmaceutical preparations

Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice i a 2011 107,4 106,4 110,9
altor produse din minerale nemetalice 2012 99,6 100,0 98,2
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products and other 2013 97,7 92,7 109,8
non-metallic mineral products

Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice 2011 108,5 110,2 101,7
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 2012 99,7 100,0 98,5
2013 108,4 94,8 158,7

Fabricarea altor produse din minerale nemetalice 2011 106,1 102,1 119,2
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 2012 99,5 100,0 97,9
2013 85,7 89,6 79,4

Industria metalurgic i a produselor din metal 2011 101,5 107,1 89,7

Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products 2012 99,8 98,9 102,0
2013 95,4 94,4 97,6

Industria metalurgic 2011 96,8 106,1 81,7

Manufacture of basic metals 2012 98,9 99,3 98,2
2013 88,8 87,9 91,2

Industria construciilor metalice i a produselor din metal, 2011 109,5 108,4 113,5
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 2012 101,2 98,4 112,1
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, 2013 104,5 104,5 104,4
except machinery and equipment

Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor electronice i optice 2011 83,6 99,6 76,5

Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 2012 70,1 88,5 59,5
2013 134,2 130,9 140,6

Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2011 102,9 109,2 96,1

Manufacture of electrical equipment 2012 118,1 118,2 118,0
2013 82,3 95,6 65,9

Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 2011 115,7 125,1 102,6

Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 2012 99,2 98,4 100,9
2013 101,0 105,2 93,8

Industria mijloacelor de transport 2011 111,9 110,9 113,1

Manufacture of transport equipment 2012 100,6 103,0 97,7
2013 117,0 118,7 111,3

Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier, 2011 115,1 115,7 114,4

a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 2012 102,9 106,8 98,5
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 2013 116,2 117,8 110,2

Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 2011 97,0 92,3 105,3

Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c. 2012 87,6 84,5 92,4
2013 121,9 126,4 115,2

Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.13 by activity - continued
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Fabricarea mobilei; alte activiti industriale n.c.a., repararea, 2011 97,5 96,7 98,2
ntreinerea i instalarea mainilor i echipamentelor 2012 99,1 100,3 97,9
Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing 2013 116,1 112,4 120,1
activities n.e.c.; repair maintenance and
installation of machinery and equipment

Fabricarea mobilei; alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 2011 92,4 92,0 93,0
Manufacture of furniture; 2012 97,9 101,8 92,2
other manufacturing activities n.e.c. 2013 122,3 111,2 143,2

Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea mainilor 2011 102,9 104,8 101,9

i echipamentelor 2012 100,1 97,9 101,4
Repair maintenance and installation 2013 110,6 114,1 108,1
of machinery and equipment

Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i termic, 2011 117,2 114,3 122,5

gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 2012 99,0 103,1 92,0
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 2013 89,0 86,6 96,0
production and supply

Distribuia apei, salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor 2011 104,1 107,9 100,3

i activiti de decontaminare 2012 85,2 91,7 78,5
Water supply, sewerage, waste management 2013 93,1 94,2 91,3
and decontamination activities

Captarea, tratarea i distribuia apei 2011 100,2 106,0 82,8

Water catchment, treatment and distribution 2012 98,1 98,1 98,0
2013 104,8 109,0 101,8

Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate; colectarea, tratarea i 2011 104,8 108,5 101,7
eliminarea deeurilor; activiti de recuperare a 2012 83,0 90,0 76,9
materialelor reciclabile; activiti i servicii de decontaminare 2013 90,3 92,0 86,7
Used water collection and purification, waste collection,
purification and disposal; activities of recycling materials
recovery; activities and services of decontamination

Construcii 2011 90,3 95,7 80,9

Construction 2012 97,4 96,6 98,9
2013 95,6 91,3 104,4

Comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea 2011 106,2 103,6 112,8

autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 2012 125,8 113,5 164,7
Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2013 88,4 100,1 67,3

Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; ntreinerea i repararea 2011 121,3 105,3 137,7

autovehiculelor i a motocicletelor 2012 98,9 101,7 96,8
Wholesale and retail and repair of motor vehicles 2013 70,8 95,1 43,3
and motorcycles

Comer cu ridicata, cu excepia comerului cu 2011 101,6 107,4 76,7

autovehicule i motociclete 2012 130,3 116,9 212,7
Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2013 86,0 94,1 69,1

Comer cu amnuntul, cu excepia 2011 108,2 97,2 128,5

autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 2012 128,1 109,7 174,5
Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2013 96,7 111,0 73,0

Transport i depozitare 2011 98,4 106,8 89,0

Transport and storage 2012 103,4 97,0 113,1
2013 107,2 109,7 104,1

Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.13 by activity - continued
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Transporturi terestre i transporturi prin conducte 2011 97,6 106,9 87,0

Land transport and transport via pipelines 2012 102,3 95,3 113,4
2013 109,2 108,4 110,3

Transporturi pe ap 2011 91,3 81,4 111,9

Water transport 2012 108,8 97,3 120,5
2013 100,4 117,5 90,9

Transporturi aeriene 2011 103,8 115,4 86,7

Air transport 2012 98,8 91,9 111,8
2013 95,8 93,8 99,2

Depozitare i activiti auxiliare pentru transporturi 2011 101,9 109,4 93,3

Warehousing and support activities for transportation 2012 109,6 103,9 118,1
2013 103,8 117,6 91,4

Activiti de pot i de curier 2011 97,3 93,1 99,5

Postal and courier activities 2012 101,0 119,4 91,5
2013 110,8 115,7 106,9

Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare; restaurante 2011 106,3 99,0 118,9

i alte activiti de servicii de alimentaie public 2012 99,6 92,9 109,7
Hotels and other accommodation facilities; 2013 125,1 128,0 122,4
restaurants and other catering services

Informaii i comunicaii 2011 89,3 100,0 80,1

Information and communication 2012 95,1 98,7 91,9
2013 120,7 116,0 125,1

Activiti de editare, audiovizual i radiodifuziune 2011 94,0 105,1 69,4

Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities 2012 96,6 89,3 120,4
2013 114,6 108,3 126,4

Activiti de editare 2011 90,2 108,0 52,1

Publishing activities 2012 95,9 85,4 135,9
2013 106,2 95,3 120,1

Activiti de producie cinematografic, video i de programe 2011 97,9 102,2 88,1

de televiziune; nregistrri audio i activiti de editare 2012 97,3 93,7 107,5
muzical; activiti de difuzare i transmitere de programe 2013 122,9 118,0 137,1
Motion picture, video and television programme production,
sound recording and music publishing activities;
programming and broadcasting activities

Telecomunicaii 2011 96,9 92,7 101,1

Telecommunications 2012 95,7 101,4 90,3
2013 104,3 93,1 117,5

Activiti de servicii n tehnologia informaiei; 2011 79,1 107,6 65,1

activiti de servicii informatice 2012 93,9 102,7 89,3
Computer programming, consultancy and related 2013 136,6 147,1 129,8
activities; information service activities

Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 2011 114,4 104,9 119,5

Financial and insurance intermediation 2012 106,6 109,2 105,5
2013 115,2 96,9 125,1

Intermedieri financiare, cu excepia activitilor de asigurri 2011 118,1 110,2 122,4

i ale fondurilor de pensii 2012 103,6 107,9 101,5
Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding 2013 107,0 103,8 108,5

Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.13 by activity - continued
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Activiti de asigurri, reasigurri i ale fondurilor de pensii 2011 85,7 77,0 90,7
(cu excepia celor din sistemul public de asigurri sociale) 2012 103,3 111,5 99,6
Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding (except 2013 79,9 101,3 55,4
compulsory social security)

Activiti auxiliare intermedierilor financiare, 2011 186,0 301,5 180,1

activiti de asigurare i fonduri de pensii 2012 167,6 176,8 166,8
Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, 2013 268,0 16,7 411,9
insurance activities and pension funds

Tranzacii imobiliare 2011 103,1 116,5 100,1

Real estate activities 2012 100,7 94,3 102,5
2013 107,7 111,9 106,6

Chirii imputate pentru locuinele ocupate de proprietari 2011 102,3 112,2 100,9
Imputed rents of owner-occupied dwellings 2012 98,3 83,9 100,5
2013 104,2 117,3 102,5

Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice 2011 136,1 132,8 140,5

Professional, scientific and technical activities 2012 98,7 92,9 106,7
2013 118,4 109,1 131,6

Activiti juridice i de contabilitate; activiti ale direciilor 2011 138,1 141,5 135,1
(centralelor), birourilor administrative centralizate; activiti 2012 97,5 93,8 101,1
de management i de consultan n management; activiti 2013 114,1 105,5 125,0
de arhitectur i inginerie; activiti de testri i analiz tehnic
Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices;
management consultancy activities; architectural and
engineering activities; technical testing and analysis

Activiti juridice i de contabilitate; activiti ale direciilor 2011 148,2 142,3 154,9
(centralelor), birourilor administrative centralizate; activiti 2012 93,8 89,0 98,8
de management i de consultan n management 2013 117,0 107,1 129,5
Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices;
management consultancy activities

Activiti de arhitectur i inginerie; activiti de testri 2011 123,6 139,9 113,2

i analiz tehnic 2012 104,3 103,5 105,0
Architectural and engineering activities; 2013 109,3 103,0 117,4
technical testing and analysis

Cercetare - dezvoltare 2011 92,4 89,8 97,3

Scientific research - development 2012 98,9 87,3 121,3
2013 114,7 102,5 123,2

Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei; alte activiti 2011 142,2 128,2 215,8
profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; activiti veterinare 2012 101,9 92,1 143,2
Advertising and market research; other professional, 2013 130,7 117,7 163,3
scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities

Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei 2011 114,0 107,4 159,3

Advertising and market research 2012 104,6 94,3 177,0
2013 95,2 85,8 128,2

Alte activiti profesionale, tiinifice i 2011 265,7 242,9 317,3

tehnice; activiti veterinare 2012 97,0 86,8 119,2
Other professional, scientific and 2013 199,9 199,1 201,0
technical activities; veterinary activities

Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.13 by activity - continued
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Activiti de secretariat i activiti de servicii suport 2011 104,3 106,0 103,2

Office administrative and support service activities 2012 116,5 122,1 112,9
2013 111,9 108,4 116,1

Activiti de nchiriere i leasing 2011 100,8 111,9 96,0

Rental and leasing activities 2012 113,9 116,6 112,5
2013 101,4 103,5 99,3

Activiti de servicii privind fora de munc 2011 121,0 111,0 123,0

Employment activities 2012 120,5 118,2 121,0
2013 121,1 128,8 114,2

Activiti ale ageniilor turistice i a tur-operatorilor; 2011 110,4 107,5 123,1

alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic 2012 130,8 134,2 115,9
Travel agency, tour-operators reservation service 2013 96,8 100,0 84,0
and related activities

Activiti de investigaii i protecie; activiti de peisagistic 2011 100,9 103,1 99,8

i servicii pentru cldiri; activiti de secretariat, servicii suport 2012 112,0 114,1 111,0
i alte activiti de servicii prestate n principal ntreprinderilor 2013 117,7 110,5 124,5
Security and investigation activities; services to buildings
and landscape activities; office administrative, office support
and other business support activities

Administraie public i aprare, asigurri sociale 2011 99,9 112,4 96,0

din sistemul public 2012 90,3 88,2 91,1
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security 2013 94,4 89,9 95,7

nvmnt 2011 107,4 110,4 106,7

Education 2012 104,9 104,6 105,0
2013 98,6 100,4 98,2

Sntate i asisten social 2011 104,5 108,0 102,0

Human health and social work activities 2012 96,6 97,9 95,5
2013 99,6 103,4 96,1

Activiti referitoare la sntatea uman 2011 104,4 108,0 101,7

Human health activities 2012 95,4 97,5 93,6
2013 100,4 104,3 96,8

Activiti de asisten social 2011 113,3 97,2 117,9

Social work activities 2012 204,3 183,8 209,3
2013 67,6 50,5 76,1

Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative 2011 106,7 104,5 107,8

Arts, entertainment and recreation 2012 99,2 101,9 97,8
2013 100,6 101,2 100,2

Activiti de creaie i interpretare artistic; activiti ale 2011 106,8 104,5 107,8
bibliotecilor, arhivelor, muzeelor i alte activiti culturale; 2012 92,9 90,0 94,2
activiti de jocuri de noroc i pariuri 2013 96,7 95,9 97,0
Creative, arts and entertainment activities;
libraries, archives, museums and other cultural
activities; gambling and betting activities

Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
11.13 by activity - continued
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added

Activiti sportive, recreative i distractive 2011 105,7 104,8 107,1

Sports activities and amusement and 2012 164,8 161,3 171,1
recreation activities 2013 121,2 114,0 136,4

Alte activiti de servicii 2011 101,0 88,6 114,7

Other service activities 2012 111,3 111,6 111,0
2013 68,4 67,4 69,3

Activiti asociative diverse 2011 90,2 82,1 103,7

Activities of membership organisations 2012 117,6 112,5 123,1
2013 48,5 53,3 43,5

Reparaii de calculatoare, de articole personale i 2011 152,7 127,4 166,1

de uz gospodresc 2012 116,0 118,4 115,0
Repair of computers and personal and household goods 2013 111,1 105,4 114,6

Alte activiti de servicii 2011 111,1 109,6 111,8

Other personal service activities 2012 91,4 104,0 85,7
2013 103,1 101,0 104,4

Total 2011 103,8 106,6 100,4

2012 100,1 99,9 100,4
2013 103,4 102,8 104,1

Impozite pe produs 1) 2011 105,0

Taxes on product 1) 2012 101,3
2013 100,8

Drepturi asupra importurilor (taxe vamale) 2011 128,0

Import duties 2012 100,7
2013 64,5

Subvenii pe produs 2011 93,8

Subsidies on product 2012 48,1
2013 99,6

Produs intern brut 2011 101,1

Gross domestic product 2012 100,6
2013 103,5

1) Inclusiv TVA. / Including VAT.




12.1 Investiii nete, pe activiti ale economiei naionale ... 414 Net investments, by activity of national economy
12.2 Investiii nete realizate, pe surse de finanare ........ 415 Net investments, by financing source
12.3 Investiii nete, pe elemente de structur ................ 415 Net investments, by structural elements
12.4 Investiii nete, pe activiti ale industriei ................. 416 Net investments, by activity of industry


12.5 Balana imobilizrilor corporale .............................. 418 Tangible fixed assets balance
12.6 Imobilizri corporale, pe activiti Tangible fixed assets, by activity of
ale economiei naionale ......................................... 418 national economy
12.7 Imobilizri corporale, pe activiti ale industriei ..... 419 Tangible fixed assets, by activity of industry


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

 Ancheta structural n ntreprinderi;  Structural business survey;
 Cercetri statistice i bilanuri contabile completate  Statistical surveys and accounting balance sheets
de: operatorii economici, unitile social-culturale, filled in by: economic operators, socio-cultural units,
unitile administraiei publice i organizaiile public administration units and non-governmental
neguvernamentale, pentru datele privind investiiile; organizations, for data on investments;
 Cercetri statistice privind investiiile n instituiile  Statistical surveys on public administration
administraiei publice; institutions investments;
 Cercetri statistice i bilanuri contabile completate  Statistical surveys and accounting balance sheets
de operatorii economici (aparinnd proprietii filled in by economic operators (under public, mixed,
publice, mixte, private i cooperatiste) i de unitile private and co-operative ownership), by socio-
social-culturale, unitile administraiei publice, cultural units, public administration units, political
organizaiile politice i obteti, pentru datele privind and community organizations, for data on tangible
imobilizrile corporale. fixed assets.



Investiiile nete (noi) reprezint cheltuielile Net (new) investments represent expenditure for
efectuate pentru lucrri de construcii, de instalaii i de construction, installations and assembly works, for
montaj, pentru achiziionarea de utilaje, mijloace de equipment and transport means purchasing, other
transport, alte cheltuieli destinate crerii de noi expenditure for creating new fixed assets
mijloace fixe (a cror valoare individual s (individual value of which exceed lei 2500 and have a
depeasc 2500 lei i s aib o durat normat de normal length of service over one year), for
serviciu mai mare de un an), pentru dezvoltarea, developing, modernizing, rebuilding the existing
modernizarea, reconstrucia celor existente, precum i ones, as well as the value of services related to
valoarea serviciilor legate de transferul de proprietate al ownership transfer of existing fixed assets and lands
mijloacelor fixe existente i al terenurilor preluate cu paid from other units (notary duties, commissions,
plat de la alte uniti (taxe notariale, comisioane, transport, loading - unloading expenditure) a.s.o.
cheltuieli de transport, de ncrcare-descrcare) etc.

Nu se cuprinde n volumul investiiilor nete (noi) Volume of net (new) investments does not include
valoarea terenurilor i a mijloacelor fixe din ar care au value of lands and fixed assets from the country which
mai fost folosite (cumprate de la alte uniti). were used before (bought from other units).
Investiiile nete sunt prezentate pe activiti Net investments are presented by homogeneous
omogene ale economiei naionale, surse de finanare i activity of national economy, financing source and
elemente de structur. structural elements.
Investiiile nete cuprind urmtoarele elemente de Net investments comprise the following
structur: structural elements:
construcii - reprezint ansamblul lucrrilor prin construction - represent all works carried out in
care se realizeaz construciile noi, reconstruirea, order to create new buildings, rebuilding, developing,
dezvoltarea, modernizarea cldirilor cu destinaie modernizing the buildings with industrial, agricultural
industrial, agricol etc. De asemenea, n construcii destination a.s.o. At the same time, construction also
se mai cuprind i lucrrile de montaj ale utilajelor comprise the assembly works for technological and
tehnologice i funcionale cu ntregul complex de functioning equipment with all operations needed for
operaii prin care se realizeaz asamblarea pe assembling their components on the building site, as
antier a componentelor lor, precum i fixarea pe well as for their fixation on foundations (including the
fundaii a acestora (inclusiv valoarea probelor i value of mechanical tests and running in the
rodajelor mecanice la utilaje i linii tehnologice); technological equipment);
utilaje (cu i fr montaj) - reprezint mainile, outfits (with and without assembly) - represent
echipamentele, liniile i instalaiile tehnologice care the machinery, installations, technological
pot funciona numai dup asigurarea lucrrilor de equipment and lines which can function only after
montaj, respectiv cele care pot funciona ensuring assembly works, respectively those that
independent. De asemenea, n aceast grup sunt can function independently. This group also
cuprinse i mijloacele de transport. Acestea comprises means of transport. They represent
reprezint acele mijloace folosite pentru deplasarea means used for movement inside and outside the
n exteriorul i n interiorul unitii, cum ar fi: mijloacele unit, such as: means of road, sea (including drilling
de transport rutier, naval (inclusiv platforme de foraj i and exploitation platforms), rail and air transport,
de exploatare), feroviar, aerian, biciclete, motociclete, bicycle, motorcycles, vehicles for disabled persons,
vehicule pentru invalizi, vehicule cu traciune manual manual and animal haul vehicles;
i animal;
lucrri geologice i de foraj - reprezint ansamblul geological and drilling works - represent all works
lucrrilor pentru: identificarea de noi rezerve de carried out: to identify the new reserves of useful
substane minerale utile, n stare solid i fluid, n mineral substances in solid or liquid state, within the
cadrul perimetrelor aflate n exploatare, n structuri noi areas under exploitation, in new structures and those
i n curs de cercetare; promovarea rezervelor de areas under research; to promote useful mineral
substane minerale utile n categorii superioare; substances reserves in superior categories; to specify
precizarea unor caracteristici ale rezervelor de some characteristics of useful mineral substances
substane minerale utile n vederea ncadrrii lor n reserves in order to classify them within balance
grupa rezervelor de bilan; obinerea datelor de reserves group; to obtain designing data for energy,
proiectare a construciilor energetice, hidrotehnice, hydrotechnical, industrial construction a.s.o., in order
industriale etc., pentru determinarea structurii i to determine the soil structure and composition, the
compoziiei solului, a regimului de ape freatice, pentru groundwater regime, for the lands where investment
terenurile unde urmeaz s fie amplasate obiective objectives are to be placed; to dig out liquid useful
de investiii; extragerea substanelor minerale utile n mineral substances (exploitation drilling), as well as
stare fluid (foraj de exploatare); creterea factorului works performed in order to increase the retrieving
de recuperare i a ritmului de exploatare a ieiului, factor and the pace of crude petroleum extraction, by
prin injectarea de fluide n zcmnt; injecting fluids in the oil deposits;
alte investiii nete - reprezint cheltuielile efectuate other net investments - represent the expenditure
pentru cumprarea animalelor de munc, de made for purchasing animals for work, production
producie i reproducie, plantaii de vii, pomi, and breeding, vineyards, orchards, afforestations,
mpduriri, achiziionarea obiectelor de inventar purchasing of household inventory objects, as fixed
gospodresc de natura mijloacelor fixe, plata assets, payments of research and design studies for
studiilor de cercetare i proiectare pentru obiective investment objectives, bank commissions for
de investiii, comisionul bncilor pentru operaiuni operations made in relation with investments.
efectuate n legtur cu investiiile.


Imobilizrile corporale sunt active nefinanciare Tangible fixed assets are non-financial produced
produse care constau n: locuine, alte cldiri (cldiri assets that consist of: dwellings, other buildings (industrial
industriale, cldiri comerciale, hoteluri i restaurante, cldiri buildings, commercial buildings, hotels and restaurants,
destinate educaiei, spitale etc.); structuri (autostrzi, strzi, educational buildings, hospitals a.s.o.); structures
ci ferate, aerodromuri etc.); maini i echipamente (highways, streets, railways, airfields a.s.o.); machinery
(echipamente pentru transport, echipamente radio-TV i and equipment (transport equipment, radio, television and
comunicaii, instrumente medicale, mobil, instrumente communication equipment, medical instruments, furniture,
muzicale etc.); plantaii i animale. musical instruments a.s.o.); plantations and livestock.
ncepnd cu anul 1992, imobilizrile corporale au Beginning with 1992, data on tangible fixed assets
fost reevaluate conform legislaiei specifice. were reevaluated according to the specific legislation.
Din anul 1994, n valoarea imobilizrilor corporale Starting with 1994, the value of land under economic
s-a inclus i valoarea terenurilor deinute de operatorii and social operators ownership was also included in the
economico-sociali. value of tangible fixed assets.

Investiii nete, pe principalele activiti ale economiei naionale

12.G1 Net investments, by main activities of national economy

CAEN Rev.2 / CANE Rev.2

2013 2014

5,3% 5,1%

40,9% 46,8%

42,9% 40,7%

10,9% 7,4%
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit Construcii
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Construction
Industrie Servicii
Industry Services

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Investiii nete realizate, pe surse de finanare
12.G2 Net investments, by financing source

2013 20141)

9,2% 6,9%
3,6% 3,4%

1,9% 1,8%

71,0% 72,8%

Surse proprii
Own sources Buget de stat i bugete locale
State budget and local budgets
Credite interne Capital strin
Internal credits Foreign capital
Credite externe Alte surse
External credits Other sources

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Investiii nete, pe elemente de structur

12.G3 Net investments, by structural elements

2013 2014

4,2% 4,5%
2,7% 3,7%

43,2% 38,4%

49,9% 53,4%

Construcii Lucrri geologice

Construction Geological works
Utilaje Alte cheltuieli de investiii
Outfits Other investments expediture

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Investiii nete, pe activiti ale economiei naionale
12.1 Net investments, by activity of national economy
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Activitatea (seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Total 87815,8 89092,3 80849,0 86160,0 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 3285,1 3371,7 4257,3 4391,0 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 33108,7 35519,7 34664,8 35066,5 Industry
Industrie extractiv 4581,7 4747,0 5062,4 5445,8 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 17497,2 17371,2 14195,6 15586,5 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam and
electric i termic, gaze, air conditioning production
ap cald i aer condiionat 9326,2 11497,1 12696,0 11365,8 and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 1703,6 1904,4 2710,7 2668,3 and decontamination activities
Construcii 12649,1 13049,6 8815,3 6375,3 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair
repararea autovehiculelor of motor vehicles and
i motocicletelor 8389,3 8632,3 7633,4 8115,0 motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 6775,5 5564,4 6125,0 7376,9 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 1134,2 1223,3 872,7 946,1 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 2844,2 2729,5 2150,0 3373,1 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 600,4 588,3 826,5 982,7 Financial intermediation and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 3159,2 3666,4 2330,2 2826,7 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific and
tiinifice i tehnice 2285,0 2359,0 1926,4 1706,0 technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 2257,8 1664,7 1462,6 4617,2 service activities
Administraie public i aprare; Public administration and defence;
asigurri sociale din sistemul public 8199,1 7901,4 7381,2 7808,3 compulsory social security
nvmnt 1005,1 570,8 444,8 599,5 Education
Sntate i asisten social 943,9 1283,5 952,9 1020,1 Human health and social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 273,5 210,2 171,0 251,5 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 905,7 757,5 834,9 704,1 Other service activities

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Investiii nete realizate, pe surse de finanare
12.2 Net investments, by financing source
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices

Surse de finanare 2011 2012 2013 20141) Financing source

Total 87815,8 89092,3 80849,0 86160,0 Total

Surse proprii 58447,4 61341,8 57421,0 62713,4 Own sources
Credite interne 5466,0 4895,0 4971,0 5393,7 Internal credits
Credite externe 2841,1 3130,4 1567,6 1560,0 External credits
Buget de stat i State budget and
bugete locale 8725,8 7276,0 6578,0 7554,8 local budgets
Capital strin 1998,1 2246,6 2917,2 2966,5 Foreign capital
Alte surse 10337,4 10202,5 7394,3 5971,7 Other sources

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Investiii nete, pe elemente de structur

12.3 Net investments, by structural elements

Lucrri Alte cheltuieli

Anii Investiii - total Construcii Utilaje geologice de investiii
Years Investments - total Construction Outfits Geological Other investment
works expenditure

milioane lei preuri curente

lei million current prices

2011 87815,8 38597,5 43341,4 1428,2 4448,7

2012 89092,3 40788,0 43558,3 1670,0 3076,0
2013 80849,0 34941,1 40328,5 2162,0 3417,4
2014 1) 86160,0 33088,5 46007,0 3201,7 3862,7


2011 100,0 44,0 49,3 1,6 5,1

2012 100,0 45,8 48,9 1,9 3,4
2013 100,0 43,2 49,9 2,7 4,2
2014 1) 100,0 38,4 53,4 3,7 4,5

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Investiii nete, pe activiti ale industriei
12.4 Net investments, by activity of industry
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices

Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2011 2012 2013 20141) Activity (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Total 33108,7 35519,7 34664,8 35066,5 Total

Industrie extractiv 4581,7 4747,0 5062,4 5445,8 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui Mining of coal
superior i inferior 292,1 87,7 79,0 c and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i Extraction of crude petroleum
a gazelor naturale 3733,9 4046,4 c c and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 27,1 19,8 c 15,5 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive i Other mining and quarrying, mining
servicii anexe extraciei 528,6 593,1 685,9 549,1 support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 17497,2 17371,2 14195,6 15586,5 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 1924,0 1558,8 1421,0 1523,8 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 457,4 464,0 484,4 410,7 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 140,0 144,7 219,0 263,4 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 203,0 160,0 218,6 328,3 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor Manufacture of
de mbrcminte 285,2 328,6 275,0 432,1 wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; Tanning and dressing
fabricarea articolelor de voiaj of leather; manufacture of travel
i marochinrie, and leather goods,
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; harness and footwear; preparation
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 140,6 101,1 148,4 146,7 and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea Manufacture of wood
produselor din lemn i plut, and of products of wood
cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea and cork, except furniture;
articolelor din paie i din alte manufacture of articles of straw
materiale vegetale mpletite 1110,7 991,5 684,9 837,3 and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a Manufacture of paper
produselor din hrtie 204,5 172,9 247,0 273,0 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe Printing and reproduction of
supori a nregistrrilor 169,0 232,2 c c recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie Manufacture of
i a produselor obinute din coke and refined
prelucrarea ieiului 1598,0 1477,2 c c petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor i Manufacture of chemicals and
a produselor chimice 1207,6 438,4 490,5 863,6 chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products and
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 117,5 205,5 143,8 223,1 pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber and
i mase plastice 981,1 1269,5 1030,1 907,3 plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din Manufacture of other non-metallic
minerale nemetalice 706,7 791,8 735,0 940,3 mineral products

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
c = Date confideniale. / Confidential data.

Investiii nete, pe activiti ale industriei - continuare
12.4 Net investments, by activity of industry - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices

Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2011 2012 2013 20141) Activity (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Industria metalurgic 2069,3 776,3 627,6 687,5 Manufacture of basic metals

Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated metal
i a produselor din metal, exclusiv products, except machinery
maini, utilaje i instalaii 710,5 919,8 994,8 932,4 and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers, electronic
produselor electronice i optice 382,5 513,0 311,8 385,7 and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 361,9 575,7 879,5 732,2 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, Manufacture of machinery
utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 954,5 1091,7 860,9 788,6 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor Manufacture of motor
de transport rutier, a remorcilor vehicles, trailers
i semiremorcilor 2886,1 4367,5 2653,7 2547,1 and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace Manufacture of other
de transport 401,6 297,9 297,7 329,2 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 327,1 295,7 291,3 336,2 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 56,0 79,8 72,2 275,8 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 102,4 117,6 89,6 133,3 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam and air
electric i termic, gaze, conditioning production
ap cald i aer condiionat 9326,2 11497,1 12696,0 11365,8 and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage, waste
gestionarea deeurilor, activiti management and decontamination
de decontaminare 1703,6 1904,4 2710,7 2668,3 activities
Captarea, tratarea i Water catchment,
distribuia apei 1036,2 1361,9 1671,5 1899,3 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea Used water collection
apelor uzate 227,9 184,6 657,2 379,8 and purification
Colectarea, tratarea i eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile 422,4 348,1 375,9 379,4 materials recovery
Activiti i servicii Activities and services
de decontaminare 17,1 9,8 6,1 9,8 of decontamination

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Balana imobilizrilor corporale
12.5 Tangible fixed assets balance
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices

Existent la Existent la
Anii nceputul anului Intrri Ieiri sfritul anului
Years Existing at the Inputs Outputs Existing at the
beginning of the year end of the year

2011 1557015,7 1400979,9 186875,8 2771119,8

2012 1384421,2 289605,8 264720,6 1409306,4
2013 1422914,3 305858,2 222184,6 1506587,9
2014 1507401,4 223734,5 155545,4 1575590,5

Imobilizri corporale, pe activiti ale economiei naionale

12.6 Tangible fixed assets, by activity of national economy
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Activitatea (seciuni CAEN Rev.2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev.2 sections)

Total 2771119,8 1409306,4 1506587,9 1575590,5 Total

Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 40029,0 32926,7 41291,0 44825,4 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industrie 1767597,8 370615,3 385240,4 410308,8 Industry
Industrie extractiv 1477136,5 52682,5 55083,4 61789,9 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 183719,5 199652,7 207121,5 214770,8 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam and
electric i termic, gaze, air conditioning production
ap cald i aer condiionat 93087,5 105124,6 107111,0 114677,2 and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 13654,3 13155,5 15924,5 19070,9 and decontamination activities
Construcii 71479,8 87411,9 81029,3 88921,6 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu Wholesale and retail; repair
amnuntul; repararea of motor vehicles and
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 84453,6 88437,7 88659,1 93042,0 motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 47957,0 62462,9 69021,9 69563,6 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 16464,4 17483,1 17881,5 17310,9 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 35931,6 43041,0 42047,0 38173,8 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare Financial intermediation
i asigurri 13672,4 14411,8 16764,8 15888,3 and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 48497,6 56218,2 57158,5 62720,9 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific and
tiinifice i tehnice 19174,8 19065,0 22012,0 19033,8 technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 9381,0 9365,7 12117,2 14646,2 service activities
Administraie public i Public administration
aprare; asigurri sociale and defence; compulsory
din sistemul public 604596,1 598089,4 662020,7 688348,8 social security
nvmnt 783,4 945,4 1175,4 1350,8 Education
Sntate i Human health and
asisten social 3572,6 5171,0 5999,1 6617,8 social work activities
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 6323,4 2506,0 3074,8 3492,3 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 1205,3 1155,3 1095,2 1345,5 Other service activities

Imobilizri corporale, pe activiti ale industriei
12.7 Tangible fixed assets, by activity of industry
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices

Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Total 1767597,8 370615,3 385240,4 383874,6 Total

Industrie extractiv 1477136,5 52682,5 55083,4 55198,9 Mining and quarrying
Extracia crbunelui Mining of coal
superior i inferior 1691,5 1718,0 373,5 535,5 and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i Extraction of crude petroleum
a gazelor naturale 1470365,0 45618,8 49106,0 48579,9 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 722,7 764,3 803,0 746,0 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive i Other mining and quarrying,
servicii anexe extraciei 4357,3 4581,4 4800,9 5337,5 mining support service activities
Industrie prelucrtoare 183719,5 199652,7 207121,5 202700,0 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 22068,8 24143,0 25004,7 23189,6 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 10896,1 10667,0 10908,6 10821,1 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 1453,2 1549,2 1716,7 1790,4 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 2955,9 2804,7 3323,9 3048,8 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor Manufacture of
de mbrcminte 5151,1 5035,3 5543,4 5287,9 wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; Tanning and dressing of
fabricarea articolelor de leather; manufacture of travel
voiaj i marochinrie, and leather goods, harness
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; and footwear; preparation
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1618,9 2158,9 2051,2 1682,7 and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, Manufacture of wood and of
fabricarea produselor din lemn products of wood and cork,
i plut, cu excepia mobilei; except furniture; manufacture
fabricarea articolelor din paie i din of articles of straw and
alte materiale vegetale mpletite 10266,5 10482,7 11504,6 11840,3 plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a Manufacture of paper
produselor din hrtie 3256,8 3550,6 3444,7 4003,1 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe Printing and reproduction of
supori a nregistrrilor 3471,1 5801,6 3334,8 3261,0 recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de Manufacture of coke
cocserie i a produselor obinute and refined
din prelucrarea ieiului 6241,7 6539,4 7451,4 7569,9 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor i a Manufacture of chemicals and
produselor chimice 11814,4 12098,9 10615,4 10579,8 chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz i a pharmaceutical products and
preparatelor farmaceutice 2083,2 2268,9 2376,3 2381,4 pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din Manufacture of rubber and
cauciuc i mase plastice 10294,7 11564,7 12196,4 12520,5 plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din Manufacture of other non-metallic
minerale nemetalice 16858,9 16152,3 17608,9 15821,6 mineral products

Imobilizri corporale, pe activiti ale industriei - continuare
12.7 Tangible fixed assets, by activity of industry - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Industria metalurgic 16481,1 16519,5 19064,8 17227,1 Manufacture of basic metals

Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, metal products, except machinery
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 9424,7 12795,1 11176,2 11668,0 and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i Manufacture of computers,
a produselor electronice i optice 3429,9 3325,0 3000,4 3020,6 electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 4313,4 5067,2 5656,6 5774,1 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery and
i echipamente n.c.a. 10908,2 12125,8 13565,6 13231,1 equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor Manufacture of motor
de transport rutier, a remorcilor vehicles, trailers
i semiremorcilor 18686,9 22815,0 25199,7 25167,3 and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor Manufacture of other
mijloace de transport 5280,0 5070,8 5021,8 5025,2 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 4713,6 4746,7 4796,7 4695,3 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 869,3 922,3 1052,8 1248,3 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 1181,1 1448,1 1505,9 1844,9 of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam and air
electric i termic, gaze, conditioning production
ap cald i aer condiionat 93087,5 105124,6 107111,0 110262,9 and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage, waste
gestionarea deeurilor, management and
activiti de decontaminare 13654,3 13155,5 15924,5 15712,8 decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea i Water catchment,
distribuia apei 8225,3 7231,0 9785,6 9763,1 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 124,8 291,7 196,2 230,3 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea i eliminarea Waste collection, purification and
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile 5127,6 5434,7 5785,2 5557,6 materials recovery
Activiti i servicii Activities and services
de decontaminare 176,6 198,1 157,5 161,8 of decontamination





13.1 Principalii indicatori din activitatea de Main indicators from research-development

cercetare-dezvoltare, pe sectoare de performan activity, by sector of performance and
i forme de proprietate ........................................... 436 type of ownership
13.2 Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, Employees from research-development
dup ocupaie i nivel de pregtire ........................ 438 activity, by occupation and training level
13.3 Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, Employees from research-development activity,
pe sectoare de performan i ocupaii ................. 440 by sector of performance and occupation
13.4 Cercettorii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, Researchers from research-development
pe domenii tiinifice .............................................. 440 activity, by scientific field
13.5 Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, Employees from research-development activity,
pe sectoare de performan i nivel de pregtire .. 441 by sector of performance and training level
13.6 Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, Employees from research-development
pe sectoare de performan i nivel de pregtire, activity, by sector of performance and training
conform Clasificrii Internaionale Standard level, according to International Standard
a Educaiei (CISE) ................................................. 442 Classification of Education (ISCED)
13.7 Cercettorii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, Researchers from research-development activity,
pe sectoare de performan i grupe de vrst ..... 443 by sector of performance and age group
13.8 Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare Employees from research-development activity
din sectorul mediului de afaceri, pe activiti in business sector, by economic activity
economice i dup ocupaie .................................. 444 and occupation
13.9 Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare Employees from research-development
din sectorul mediului de afaceri, pe activiti activity in business sector, by economic
economice i dup nivelul de pregtire ................. 446 activity and training level
13.10 Cheltuielile curente din activitatea de Current expenditure from research-development
cercetare-dezvoltare, pe sectoare de performan activity, by sector of performance
i tipuri de cercetare .............................................. 448 and type of research
13.11 Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de Total expenditure from research-development
cercetare-dezvoltare, pe sectoare de performan activity, by sector of performance
i categorii de cheltuieli ......................................... 448 and expenditure category
13.12 Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de Total expenditure from research-development
cercetare-dezvoltare, pe sectoare de performan activity, by sector of performance
i surse de finanare .............................................. 450 and financing source
13.13 Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare Total expenditure from research-development
din sectorul mediului de afaceri, pe activiti activity in business sector, by economic
economice i categorii de cheltuieli ....................... 452 activity and expenditure category
13.14 Numrul proiectelor i cheltuielile totale de Number of projects and total research-development
cercetare-dezvoltare, conform NABS, pe tipuri expenditure, according to NABS, by type of
de surse de finanare, pentru activitatea de financing sources, for the
cercetare-dezvoltare, n anul 2014 ........................ 454 research-development activity, in 2014


13.15 ntreprinderi cu inovaie de produs i/sau proces, Enterprises with product and/or process innovation,
dup tipul inovaiei, n perioada 2010-2012 ........... 455 by type of innovation, during 2010-2012
13.16 Tipologia inovatorilor, n perioada 2010-2012 ....... 456 Innovators typology, during 2010-2012
13.17 Numrul de salariai ai ntreprinderilor inovatoare, Employees number of innovative enterprises,
pe activiti i clase de mrime, n anul 2012 ....... 458 by activity and size class, in 2012
13.18 Cifra de afaceri a ntreprinderilor inovatoare, Turnover of innovative enterprises, by activity
pe activiti i clase de mrime, n anul 2012 ....... 460 and size class, in 2012
13.19 Ponderea ntreprinderilor inovatoare de produse Weight of product and/or process innovative
i/sau procese, care au indicat surse de informaii enterprises indicating high importance degree
cu grad ridicat de importan, n total ntreprinderi for selected sources of information, in total
inovatoare, pe activiti, clase de mrime innovative enterprises, by activity, size class and
i tip de surs, n perioada 2010-2012 .................. 462 type of source, during 2010-2012


13.20 Ponderea cifrei de afaceri a ntreprinderilor Weight of turnover for enterprises

cu inovaie de produse, n cifra de afaceri with product innovation, in total
total a ntrerpinderilor, n anul 2012 ..................... 464 turnover of enterprises, in 2012
13.21 ntreprinderile inovatoare de produse i/sau Product and/or process innovative
procese, care au primit fonduri publice enterprises that received public funds
pentru activiti inovatoare, n total for innovation activities, in total innovative
ntreprinderi inovatoare, pe activiti, enterprises, by activity, size class
clase de mrime i tipuri de fonduri and type of public funds,
publice, n perioada 2010-2012 ............................. 465 during 2010-2012
13.22 Cheltuielile pentru inovaie ale Innovation expenditure in product and/or
ntreprinderilor inovatoare de produse process innovative enterprises,
i/sau procese, n anul 2012 .................................. 466 in 2012
13.23 Ponderea ntreprinderilor inovatoare de produse Weight of product and/or process innovative
i/sau procese, angajate n acorduri de cooperare enterprises, engaged in co-operation
pentru inovaie, n total ntreprinderi inovatoare, arrangements on innovation activities, in total
pe activiti, clase de mrime, tipul partenerului innovative enterprises, by activity, size class,
de cooperare i locaia geografic a type of co-operation partner and geographical
partenerului, n perioada 2010-2012 ..................... 468 location of partner, during 2010-2012



13.24 Cererile de brevet de invenie depuse ................... 470 Submitted patent applications
13.25 Brevete de invenie acordate i publicate .............. 471 Granted and published patents
13.26 Alte obiecte de proprietate industrial ................... 471 Other objects of industrial property

Teritorial Territorial

13.27 Activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, Research-development activity,

n profil teritorial ............................................................ at territorial level
13.28 Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare, Employees from research-development activity,
n profil teritorial i pe ocupaii ...................................... at territorial level and occupation
13.29 Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de Total expenditure from research-development
cercetare-dezvoltare, n profil teritorial activity, at territorial level and
i pe categorii de cheltuieli ........................................... expenditure category
13.30 Tipologia inovatorilor, n profil teritorial, Innovators typology, at territorial level,
n perioada 2010-2012 .................................................. during 2010-2012
13.31 ntreprinderi cu inovaie de produs i/sau Enterprises with product and/or process
proces, dup tipul inovaiei, n profil teritorial, innovation, by type of innovation, at territorial level,
n perioada 2010-2012 .................................................. during 2010-2012
13.32 Cheltuielile pentru inovaie ale ntreprinderilor Innovation expenditure in product and/or
inovatoare de produse i/sau procese, process innovative enterprises,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2012 ...................................... at territorial level, in 2012
13.33 Principalii indicatori regionali referitori la The main regional innovation indicators for
inovaia n ntreprinderile mici i mijlocii (IMM-uri), small and medium enterprises (SMEs),
n perioada 2010-2012 .................................................. during 2010-2012
13.34 Cererile de brevet de invenie depuse de Submitted patent applications by
solicitani romni, n profil teritorial ............................... Romanian applicants, at territorial level
13.35 Cererile de nregistrare a desenelor / modelelor, Designs and models registration applications,
ale solicitanilor romni, n profil teritorial ..................... by Romanian applicants, at territorial level
13.36 Cererile de nregistrare a mrcilor, ale solicitanilor Trademarks registration applications of
romni, n profil teritorial ............................................... Romanian applicants, at territorial level


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

 Cercetri statistice privind activitatea de cercetare-  Statistical surveys on research-development activity;
 Cercetri statistice privind inovaia n industrie i  Statistical surveys on innovation in industry and
servicii, avnd la baz Ancheta Comunitar de services, based on the Community Innovation
Inovaie (CIS) a Uniunii Europene. Survey (CIS) of the European Union.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

 Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenii i Mrci (OSIM), pentru  State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (SOIT),
datele referitoare la brevete de invenie i alte for the data on patents and other objects of industrial
obiecte ale proprietii industriale. properties.


Domeniul tiinei i tehnologiei prezentat n acest Science, technology and innovation field presented
capitol cuprinde statistici referitoare la: cercetare- in this chapter comprises statistics regarding research-
dezvoltare, inovaie, brevete de invenie i alte obiecte development, innovation, patents and other objects of
ale proprietii industriale. industrial property.


Sfera de cuprindere: unitile specializate (cu Coverage: specialised units (with main activity) in
activitate principal) n cercetare-dezvoltare, unitile research-development, economic and social units having
economice i sociale care au colective de cercetare- research-development staff, agricultural production and
dezvoltare, staiuni i institute de cercetare i producie research institutes and stations, higher-education units
agricol, unitile de nvmnt superior i clinicile and university clinics which have research-development
universitare care au structuri de cercetare-dezvoltare, structures, non-profit organisations which carried out
organizaii non-profit care au desfurat activitate de research-development activity.
Cercetarea-dezvoltarea - activitatea sistematic i Research-development - the systematic and
creatoare iniiat pentru a spori volumul de cunotine, creative activity initiated to enhance the volume of
inclusiv cunotinele despre om, cultur i utilizarea knowledge, including those on human being, culture and
acestor cunotine pentru noi aplicaii. using them for new applications.
Tipuri de cercetare-dezvoltare: Types of research-development:
cercetarea fundamental: activitate experimental fundamental research: experimental or theoretical
sau teoretic iniiat, n primul rnd, pentru activity primarily initiated, to accumulate new
acumularea de noi cunotine privind aspectele knowledge on the fundamental aspects of
fundamentale ale fenomenelor i faptelor phenomena and facts that could be examined,
observabile, fr s aib n vedere o aplicaie without having in view a special or specific
deosebit sau specific; application;
cercetarea aplicativ: activitate de investigare applicative research: activity of original
original n scopul acumulrii de noi cunotine, fiind investigation in order to accumulate new knowledge,
ns orientat, n principal, spre un scop sau un being mainly oriented towards a specific practical
obiectiv practic, specific; purpose or objective;
dezvoltarea experimental: activitate sistematic, experimental development: systematic activity
ce se folosete de cunotinele existente acumulate which uses the knowledge accumulated as a result
de pe urma cercetrii i/sau a experienei practice n of research and/or practical experience in order to
vederea lansrii n fabricaie de noi materiale, launch in fabrication new materials, products and
produse i dispozitive, introducerea de noi devices, to introduce new procedures, systems and
procedee, sisteme i servicii sau mbuntirea services or to significantly improve those already
substanial a celor deja existente. existing.
Datele statistice aferente activitii de cercetare- Statistical data related to research-development
dezvoltare includ i proiectarea tehnologic. activity also include technological design.
Resursele umane i financiare din cercetare- Human and financial resources from research-
dezvoltare sunt prezentate pe sectoare de development are presented by sectors of
performan, conform metodologiei prevzut n performance, according to the methodology stipulated
Manualul Frascati al OECD, ediia 2002, dup modelul in the Frascati Manual of OECD, 2002 edition, observing
celor din Sistemul Conturilor Naionale, astfel: the model of those used in the National Accounts
System, as follows:

sectorul de performan mediul de afaceri (BES- sector of enterprises performance (BES-
business) cuprinde unitile din mediul de afaceri al business) includes units from the business
economiei naionale care au activitate principal sau environment of national economy, whose main or
secundar de cercetare-dezvoltare, cunoscute sau secondary activity is R&D, either known or unknown
necunoscute la momentul realizrii eantionului de at the time of setting up the reporting units sample.
uniti raportoare.
Acest sector include: toate ntreprinderile, This sector includes: all the firms, organisations
organizaiile si instituiile din mediul de afaceri a and institutions from the business environment
cror activitate este producerea de bunuri i servicii having as main activity production of goods and
destinate pieei. services for the market.
Nucleul de baz al sectorului de performan The basic nucleus of this sector consists in
BES este format din ntreprinderi private private enterprises (corporations or quasi-
(corporaii sau cvasi-corporaii), chiar dac obin sau corporations), irrespective if they get profit or not.
nu profit. Printre aceste ntreprinderi pot fi gsite Among those enterprises there can be found some
unele firme, pentru care activitatea de cercetare- firms for which R&D activity is the main activity (for
dezvoltare este principala activitate (ca de exemplu: instance: R&D commercial institutions and labs).
instituii comerciale de cercetare-dezvoltare i
Adiional, acest sector poate s includ Additionally, this sector can include public
ntreprinderi publice (corporaii publice sau cvasi- enterprises (public corporations or governmental
corporaii guvernamentale) angajate n producia i quasi-corporations) involved in the production and
vnzarea unui anumit tip de bunuri i servicii care sale of a certain type of goods and services which
sunt de obicei furnizate de ctre ntreprinderi are usually supplied by private enterprises.
n acest sector se pot include institute de This sector can include research institutes,
cercetare, anumite clinici i spitale private, firme cu certain private clinics and hospitals, firms with
diverse practici medicale contra unei taxe, care sunt various medical practices for a fee, which can draw
n msur s atrag fonduri suplimentare sub form over additional funds as donations or from own
de donaii sau din active proprii. assets.
Acest sector include de asemenea i instituiile This sector also includes non profit
non-profit care sunt direct productoare de institutions which directly produce goods and
bunuri i servicii, altele dect serviciile de services, other than higher education services such
nvmnt superior cum ar fi: as:
instituiile non-profit angajate n producia de pia non profit institutions involved in the market
care au ca activitate principal producerea de production having as main activity production of
bunuri i servicii n scopul vnzrii la un pre care goods and services in order to sell for a price
acoper principalele costuri de producie. covering the main production costs.
instituiile non-profit care deservesc sectorul non profit institutions serving business sector.
mediului de afaceri. Acestea sunt create i They are created and guided by business
ndrumate de asociaii din mediul de afaceri care associations having as purpose to promote their
au ca scop promovarea propriei activiti, cum ar own activity, such as commercial or agricultural
fi asociaiile comerciale sau agricole. associations.
sectorul de performan guvernamental (GOV- governmental performance sector (GOV-
governmental) cuprinde toate unitile governmental) includes all the governmental units
guvernamentale (inclusiv ministere ordonatoare de (including authorising officers devoted to R&D
credite bugetare destinate activitii de cercetare- activities), units rendering public services, units with
dezvoltare), unitti care furnizeaz servicii publice, R&D activities belonging to central and local
cele cu activitti de cercetare-dezvoltare ale administrations, as well as national institutes of
administraiei centrale i locale, precum i institutele research-development.
naionale de cercetare-dezvoltare.
sectorul de performan nvmnt superior sector of tertiary education performance (HES-
(HES-higher education sector) cuprinde toate higher education sector) includes all the units
unitile din nvmntul superior de stat i belonging to public and private tertiary education
particular, precum i clinicile medicale care se afl and medical clinics under direct guidance or
sub ndrumarea direct sau administrate n asociaie administered in association with institutions from
cu instituii din sectorul nvmnt superior i care tertiary education sector carrying out R&D activities.
desfoar activiti de cercetare-dezvoltare.
sectorul de performan privat non-profit (PNP- non profit private performance sector (PNP-
private non-profit) cuprinde uniuni, fundaii, centre, private non-profit) includes unions, foundations,
asociaii, organizaii, sindicate, partide i formaiuni centres, associations, organizations, trade unions,
politice care desfoar activiti de cercetare- political parties and formations which carry out R&D
dezvoltare. Aici se includ i asociaiile familiale. activities. Family associations are also included here.

Aceste uniti furnizeaz de regul servicii These units usually provide collective or
colective sau individuale fr plat sau cu un pre individual services free of charge or at an
total nesemnificativ. insignificant price.

Personalul din activitatea de cercetare- Staff from research-development activity is

dezvoltare este constituit din persoanele care particip constituted of persons who participate in carrying out
la realizarea temelor de cercetare sau furnizeaz servicii research themes or who provide services directly related
directe legate de aceast activitate. to this research-development activity.
Personalul de cercetare-dezvoltare a fost grupat Research-development staff was broken-down by
dup mai multe criterii (unele se refer la personalul cu several criteria (some refer only to the staff with higher
calificare superioar), astfel: qualification), as follows:
a) dup ocupaie: a) by occupation:
cercettori - specialiti care lucreaz la concepia researchers - experts working for concepting or
sau la crearea de cunotine, de produse, procedee, accumulating knowledge, creating new products
metode i sisteme noi, precum i la gestiunea and procedures and new methods and systems, as
proiectelor respective. n aceast categorie sunt well as for the management of those projects. In this
inclui cercettorii tiinifici atestai, personalul category are included certified scientific
didactic i de cercetare din nvmntul universitar researchers, teaching and research staff in higher
implicate n activiti de cercetare, cadrele de education involved in the research, leadership and
conducere i administratorii, care desfoar activiti administrators, carrying out planning and
de planificare i de gestionare a aspectelor tiinifice management of the scientific and tehnical aspects of
i tehnice a lucrrilor cercettorilor, precum i researchers works, as well as doctorate students
studenii doctoranzi angajai n proiecte de cercetare- involved in research projects. By convention, any
dezvoltare. Prin convenie, orice membru al forelor member of the armed forces running R & D activities
armate, care execut activiti de cercetare- and scientific researchers similar qualifications
dezvoltare i posed calificri asemntoare, trebuie should be included in this category;
s fie inclus n aceast categorie;
tehnicieni i asimilai - personalul cu un nivel mediu technicians and assimilated - persons with high-
de pregtire sau completat cu o pregtire postliceal school education or completed by post high-school
de specialitate ntr-un domeniu tehnic sau de alt specialised training for a technical field or another,
natur i care particip la activitatea de cercetare- and who take part in research-development activity,
dezvoltare sub controlul direct al cercettorilor; under direct control of researchers;
alte categorii - muncitorii i personalul de other categories - workers and secretariate and
secretariat i de birou care particip la execuia office staff who take part in research-development
proiectelor de cercetare-dezvoltare sau care sunt projects or are directly involved in such projects.
direct implicai n executarea unor astfel de proiecte.
b) dup nivelul de pregtire: b) by level of training:
personal cu pregtire superioar care cuprinde studii staff with tertiary education, comprising doctorate,
doctorale, studii postuniversitare i studii superioare; post-university and tertiary studies;
personal cu alt pregtire (exclusiv superioar). staff with another education (excluding tertiary
Datele dup nivelul de pregtire sunt prezentate The data by training level are presented according to
conform Clasificrii Internaionale Standard a the International Standard Classification of
Educaiei (CISE), astfel: Education (ISCED), following:
studii doctorale i programe doctorale; Doctoral studies and doctoral programmes;
studii superioare de licen, master i/sau cursuri University degree, Masters and/or postgraduate
postuniversitare (exclusiv studii doctorale i studies (excluding doctoral and post-doctoral
programe postdoctorale); programmes);
studii superioare de scurt durat naintea Short-cycle tertiary education before the
implementrii sistemului Bologna; implementation of Bologna Process;
alt pregtire (studii postliceale i de maitri, studii other education (post high-school and foremen
liceale, profesionale i de ucenici, alte situaii). education, high-school, vocational and
aprenticeship, other situations).
ncepnd cu anul 1993, personalul din activitatea de Starting with 1993, the staff from research-
cercetare-dezvoltare s-a calculat i n echivalent norm development activity has been also calculated in full-
ntreag prin transformarea numrului de lucrtori cu time equivalent converting the number of part time
norm parial n echivalent de lucrtori cu norm ntreag, workers in equivalent of full-time workers, corresponding
corespunztor timpului de lucru destinat acestei activiti. to the working time devoted to this activity.
Evaluarea resurselor umane s-a fcut astfel: The evaluation of human resources was
performed as follows:
norm ntreag n domeniul cercetrii-dezvoltrii full-time in the field of research-development
(8 ore / zi); (8 hours / day);
norm parial n domeniul cercetrii-dezvoltrii part-time in the field of research-development
(mai puin 8 ore / zi). (less than 8 hours / day).

Cheltuielile curente cuprind toate plile, Current expenditure include all payments,
reprezentnd costul forei de munc i al materialelor. representing the labour cost and cost of materials.
Cheltuielile de capital (investiii) cuprind plile Capital expenditure (investments) include
efectuate n cursul unei perioade pentru realizarea de payments made during a period for construction works,
lucrri de construcii, achiziionarea de aparate, purchase of apparatus, instruments, machinery and
instrumente, maini i echipamente sau alte cheltuieli de equipment or other similar expenditure, meant to
aceast natur, menite s contribuie la creterea contribute to the increase in the units fixed assets volume.
volumului de mijloace fixe ale unitii.
Cheltuielile totale (curente i de capital) aferente Total expenditure (capital and current ones) for
activitii de cercetare-dezvoltare s-au grupat dup o research-development activity were structured by
serie de caracteristici, astfel: several features, as follows:
a) dup sursa de finanare: a) by financing source:
de la ntreprinderi, destinate realizrii lucrrilor de from enterprises, to achieve research-development
cercetare-dezvoltare contractate de acestea, works contracted by them, as well as from resources
precum i din resursele provenite din activitile de coming from production activities, microproduction,
producie, microproducie, economii la cheltuielile savings of unit general expenses and any other
generale ale unitii i alte surse de care dispune available sources of the unit;
din fondurile publice, administrate n principal de from public funds, mainly managed by funds
coordonatorii de fonduri i utilizate pentru finanarea coordinators and used to finance research-
lucrrilor de cercetare-dezvoltare realizate pe baz development works based on contracts and general
de contracte i programe generale finanate de la programs financed from the budget;
din fondurile publice generale universitare, care from university public general funds, which
cuprind sumele acordate prin granturi de ministerul comprise grants from coordinator ministry and
coordonator i creditele de la diferite organisme credits from various international bodies;
de la unitile din nvmntul superior, pentru from tertiary education units, to achieve research-
realizarea lucrrilor de cercetare-dezvoltare development works contracted by them as well as
contractate de acestea precum i ncasrile din receipts from microproduction, sales of magazines,
microproducie, vnzri de reviste, jurnale, taxe de la newspapers, student taxes, space rents a.s.o.;
studeni, nchirieri de spaii etc.;
de la instituii fr scop lucrativ, pentru realizarea from non-lucrative institutions, to achieve
lucrrilor de cercetare-dezvoltare contractate de research-development works contracted by
organizaii profesionale, asociaii sindicale, culturale, professional organisations, trade unions, cultural
organizaii de caritate sau ntrajutorare etc.; associations, charity or mutual assistance
organisations a.s.o.;
din fondurile din strintate, pentru activiti de external funds, for research-development activities,
cercetare-dezvoltare, inclusiv sursele primite de la including sources from international bodies,
organizaii internaionale, guverne sau instituii governments or foreign institutions;
alte surse de finanare. other financing sources.
b) dup obiective socio-economice, cheltuielile b) by socio-economic objectives, the expenditure
aferente activitii de cercetare-dezvoltare sunt for research-development activity are structured by types
structurate pe tipuri de programe tiinifice utilizate pe of scientific programmes used at international level
plan internaional (conform Nomenclatorului pentru (according to the Nomenclature for analysis and
analiza i comparaia bugetelor i programelor tiinifice comparison of budgets and scientific programmes -


Sfera de cuprindere: ntreprinderile active cu peste Coverage: Active enterprises having over 9 employees,
9 salariai, care desfoar activiti comerciale i care which develop commercial activities and which have
au activitatea economic principal n urmtoarele main economic activity in the following fields:
industrie (CAEN Rev.2, diviziunile: 05-09, 10-33, industry (CANE Rev.2, divisions: 05-09, 10-33, 35,
35, 36-39); 36-39);
servicii (CAEN Rev.2, diviziunile: 46, 49-53, 58-63, services (CANE Rev. 2, divisions: 46, 49-53, 58-63,
64-66, 71-73). 64-66, 71-73).
Clasele de mrime se refer la clasificarea Size classes refer to the classification of enterprises
ntreprinderilor dup numrul mediu de salariai n: by average number of employees in:
ntreprinderi mici: 10-49 salariai; small enterprises: 10-49 employees;
ntreprinderi mijlocii: 50-249 salariai; medium enterprises: 50-249 employees;
ntreprinderi mari: 250 salariai i peste. large enterprises: 250 employees and over.

ntreprinderi mici i mijlocii (IMM-uri) sunt Small and medium enterprises (SME) are those
acele ntreprinderi care au numrul de salariai ntre enterprises which have 10-249 employees.
10-249 salariai.
Inovaia reprezint introducerea n procesul muncii Innovation represents the enterprises introduction
de ctre ntreprindere a unui produs nou sau semnificativ in the work process of a new or significantly improved
mbuntit sau a unui proces (procedeu) nou sau product or a new or significantly improve process
semnificativ mbuntit, o metod nou de organizare (procedure), a new organization method or a new
sau o metod nou de marketing. Inovaia trebuie s marketing method. Innovation should have new
aib caracteristici sau intenii de utilizare noi sau care characteristics or intentions to be used or which provide
furnizeaz o mbuntire semnificativ, fa de ceea ce a significant improvement, compared to what was before
a fost nainte folosit sau vndut de ctre ntreprindere. used or sold by the enterprise. An innovation needs to be
O inovaie are nevoie s fie nou sau mbuntit new or significantly improved only for the enterprise, it is
semnificativ numai pentru ntreprindere, nu este necesar not necessary to be new for the market. It can be initially
s fie nou pentru pia. Ea poate fi dezvoltat iniial sau developed or used by other enterprises.
utilizat de alte ntreprinderi.
Inovaia de produs nseamn introducerea pe pia Product innovation means the introduction on the
a unui bun sau serviciu, nou sau mbuntit semnificativ, market of a new or significantly improved good or
cu respectarea nsuirilor sale, cu utilizare prietenoas, service, respecting its features, user friendly, as
sub form de componente sau subsisteme. Un bun este components or subsystems. A good is usually a tangible
de obicei, un obiect tangibil (palpabil) cum ar fi: un telefon object such as: smartphone, furniture, part of a software
inteligent (smartphone), mobilier, o parte a unei aplicaii application or utility, a downloadable software music and
software sau o utilitate, un software descrcabil, muzic i movies. A service is usually intangible such as: retail,
filme. Un serviciu este de obicei intangibil (nepalpabil), insurance, education courses, trips by plane,
cum ar fi: comerul cu amnuntul, asigurrile, cursurile de consultancy a.s.o.
nvmnt, cltoriile cu avionul, consultan etc.
Inovaia de proces corespunde implementrii unui Process innovation corresponds to the
proces (procedeu) productiv, unei metode de distribuie implementation of a new or significantly improved
sau unei activiti auxiliare nou/nou sau semnificativ productive process (procedure), distribution method or
mbuntit/mbuntit. Se exclud inovaiile de ordin auxiliary activity. Purely organizational innovations are
pur organizatoric. excluded.
Inovaia de organizare se refer la implementarea Organization innovation refers to the
unei metode noi de organizare n practicile de afaceri ale implementation of a new organization method in the
ntreprinderii, n organizarea locului de munc sau n enterprise business practices, in working place
relaiile externe care nu a mai fost folosit nainte de organization, or in external relations which was not used
ntreprindere. Se exclud fuziuni sau achiziii chiar dac before by the enterprise. Merges or acquisitions are
s-au realizat pentru prima dat. excluded even if they are done for the first time.
Inovaia de marketing se refer la implementarea Marketing innovation refers to the implementation
unui concept nou sau unei strategii de marketing care of a new concept or marketing strategy significantly
difer semnificativ de metodele de marketing existente n different from existent marketing methods in the
ntreprindere i care nu a mai fost utilizat nainte. Aceasta enterprise and which was not previously used. It needs
necesit schimbri semnificative n design-ul sau significant changes in the product design or packing, in
ambalarea produsului, n plasarea produsului, promovarea the product placement, its promotion or setting the price.
acestuia sau n stabilirea preului. Se exclud modificrile Seasonal, periodical changes and other routine
sezoniere, periodice i alte metode de rutin n marketing. marketing methods are excluded.
ntreprinderile inovatoare sunt ntreprinderile care Innovative enterprises are the enterprises which
au lansat produse (bunuri sau servicii) noi sau semnificativ launched new or significantly improved products (goods
mbuntite pe pia sau au introdus procese noi sau or services) on the market or introduced new or
semnificativ mbuntite sau metode noi de organizare significantly improved processes or new organization or
sau de marketing. Termenul acoper toate tipurile de marketing methods. The term covers all types of
inovatori, inovatorii de produs, de proces, de metode de innovators, product and process innovators,
organizare sau de metode de marketing, precum i organization or marketing methods, as well as
ntreprinderile cu inovaii nefinalizate, suspendate sau enterprises with unfinished, suspended or abandoned
abandonate i se refer la ntreprinderile active. innovations and refer to active enterprises.
ntreprinderile inovatoare de produse i/sau Product and/or process innovative enterprises
procese sunt acele ntreprinderi care au implementat are those enterprises which implemented product and/or
inovaii de produse i/sau procese, inclusiv ntreprinderi process innovations, including enterprises with
cu inovaii nefinalizate, suspendate sau abandonate, unfinished, suspended or abandoned innovations, no
indiferent de inovaiile de metode de organizare i/sau matter of organization and/or marketing methods
de marketing. innovations.
ntreprinderile inovatoare de metode de Innovative enterprises of organization and/or
organizare i/sau de marketing sunt acele ntreprinderi marketing methods are those enterprises which
care au implementat inovaii de metode de organizare implemented innovations of organization and/or
i/sau de marketing, indiferent de inovaiile de produse marketing methods, no matter of product and/or process
i/sau procese. innovations.

ntreprinderile cu inovaii nefinalizate sau Enterprises with unfinished or abandoned
abandonate sunt ntreprinderile care au avut inovaii innovations are those enterprises which had unfinished
nefinalizate sau abandonate pentru dezvoltarea sau or abandoned innovations for the development or
introducerea produselor (bunuri sau servicii) noi sau introduction of the new or significantly improved products
mbuntite semnificativ sau implementarea noilor (goods or services) or implementation of new processes,
procese, inclusiv activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare. including research-development activity.
ntreprinderile non-inovatoare sunt ntreprinderile Non-innovative enterprises are enterprises which
care nu au avut activitate inovatoare n perioada had no innovative activity in the analyzed period. These
analizat. Aceste ntreprinderi au rspuns la un set enterprises replied a limited set of questions from the
limitat de ntrebri ale chestionarului cercetrii statistice, statistical survey questionnaire, regarding the absence
cu privire la absena activitii inovatoare. of innovative activity.
Cifra de afaceri este definit ca suma veniturilor Turnover is defined as the sum of income from
realizate din vnzri pe pia de bunuri i servicii (se includ sales on the market of goods and services (including all
toate taxele cu excepia TVA). Pentru agenii economici the taxes except VAT). For economic units it is total
este cifra de afaceri total; pentru instituiile de credit turnover; for credit institutions it represents the received
reprezint drepturi de primit i alte venituri similare; pentru rights and other similar income; for insurance services, it
servicii de asigurare reprezint prime brute subscrise. represents subscribed gross bonuses.
Numrul mediu al salariailor reprezint o medie Average number of employees represents a
aritmetic simpl rezultat din suma efectivelor zilnice simple arithmetic mean resulted from the sum of daily
ale salariailor, inclusiv din zilele de repaus sptmnal, number of employees, including weekly days off, legal
srbatori legale i alte zile nelucrtoare mprit la holidays and other free days divided to total number of
numrul total al zilelor calendaristice (365 zile). n calendar days (365 days). Daily number of employees
efectivul zilnic al salariailor nu se cuprind: salariaii aflai includes: employees in unpaid leave, on strike,
n concediu fr plat, n grev, detaai la lucru n committed to work abroad. Weekly days off include daily
strintate. n zilele de repaus sptmnal se iau n number of employees from the previous day, minus those
calcul ca efectiv zilnic numrul de salariai din ziua whose contract/agreement ceased that day. Employees
precedent, mai puin cei al cror contract/raport a who were not employed full time are included in the
ncetat n aceast zi. Salariaii care nu au fost angajai cu average number proportionally with working time
norm ntreag se includ n numrul mediu proporional stipulation in the labour contract. Number of employees
cu timpul de lucru prevzut n contractul de munc. n taken into the calculation of average number includes
efectivul de salariai luat n calculul numrului mediu se only persons who have been paid.
includ numai persoanele care au fost pltite.
Cheltuielile pentru inovaie ale ntreprinderilor Innovation expenditure of product and/or process
inovatoare de produse i/sau procese cuprind att innovative enterprises include both expenditure for
cheltuielile pentru inovaia finalizat, ct i cele pentru finalized innovation, and those for unfinished or
inovaia nefinalizat sau abandonat. Principalele abandoned one. The main components of expenditure
componente ale cheltuielilor sunt: are:
Cheltuieli pentru activitatea de cercetare- Expenditure for internal R&D activity include
dezvoltare intern, cuprind activitile ntreprinse de activities to create new knowledge or to solve
ntreprindere, pentru a crea cunotine noi sau pentru scientific or technical problems (own development of
a rezolva probleme tiinifice sau tehnice (include software respecting these requirements). Current
dezvoltarea proprie de programe de calculator- expenditure including expenditure with labour force
software care respect aceste cerine). Se cuprind and capital expenditure including buildings and R&D
cheltuieli curente care includ cheltuieli cu fora de specific equipment are included.
munc i cheltuieli de capital care includ cldiri i
echipament specific pentru cercetare-dezvoltare.
Cheltuieli pentru activitatea C&D externalizat Expenditure for externalized R&D activity include
cuprind activitile de cercetare-dezvoltare pe care R&D activities which the enterprise contracted to
ntreprinderea le-a contractat n afar altor other enterprises (including other enterprises from
ntreprinderi (inclusiv alte ntreprinderi din grupul de the group of enterprises) or some to organizations of
ntreprinderi) sau unor organizaii de cercetare public or private research.
publice sau private.
Cheltuieli pentru achiziii de utilaj, echipament, Expenditure for acquisitions of equipment,
software i cldiri includ achiziionarea de utilaj software and buildings include purchase of
performant, echipament, software i cldiri pentru a performing equipment, software and buildings to be
fi utilizate pentru produse noi sau mbuntite used for new or significantly improved products.
Cheltuieli pentru achiziii de cunotine existente Expenditure for knowledge acquisitions from
de la alte ntreprinderi sau organizaii includ other enterprises or organizations include know-
achiziia de know-how existent, drepturi de autor, how acquisition, copyrights, patented and
invenii brevetate i nebrevetate etc., de la alte unpatented inventions a.s.o., from other enterprises
ntreprinderi sau organizaii pentru dezvoltarea or organizations for the development of new or
produselor i proceselor noi sau mbuntite significantly improved products and processes.

Cheltuieli pentru alte activiti inovatoare includ: Expenditure for other innovative activities
formare profesional proprie sau externalizat include: own or externalized staff vocational training,
pentru personal, pentru dezvoltarea i/sau for the development and/or introduction of new and
introducerea produselor i proceselor noi sau significantly improved products and processes, own
mbuntite semnificativ, activiti proprii sau or contracted activities for the introduction of
contractate pentru introducerea pe pia a inovaiilor, innovations on the market, including market
inclusiv cercetarea de pia i lansarea de research and advertising, design activities or
publicitate, activiti de design sau pentru change of goods and services aspect, other own or
schimbarea formei sau aspectului bunurilor sau contracted activities such as: testing, endowment
serviciilor, alte activiti proprii sau contractate cum studies, industrial engineering for the
ar fi: studii de fezabilitate, testri, dotare, inginerie implementation of new or significantly improved
industrial pentru implementarea produselor i products and processes.
proceselor noi sau mbuntite semnificativ.
Finanarea public a ntreprinderilor pentru Public financing of enterprises for innovative
activiti inovatoare include sprijin financiar cum ar fi: activities includes financial support such as: tax credit
creditare de impozit sau deduceri fiscale, granturi, or fiscal deductions, grants, subsidies, loans and
subvenii, mprumuturi i garanii pentru credite. Se exclud guarantees for credits. Research activities are excluded
activitile de cercetare i alte activiti inovatoare as well as other innovative activities totally developed for
desfurate n ntregime pentru sectorul public pe baz de public sector based on contract. The bodies providing
contract. Organismele de la care ntreprinderea primete public financing for innovative activity are grouped as
finanare public pentru activitatea inovatoare se grupeaz follows: local and regional authorities, government
astfel: autoriti locale i regionale, guvern (inclusiv instituii (including institutions working on the government
lucrnd n numele guvernului), Uniunea European. behalf), European Union.
Sursele de informaii pentru inovaie se refer la Innovation information sources refer to the main
principalele surse cu grad ridicat de importan, care au very important sources, which provided information
furnizat informaii referitoare la proiecte inovatoare noi, regarding new innovative projects, or which contributed
sau care au contribuit la finalizarea proiectelor existente. to the finalization of existent projects. They are internal
Ele se clasific n surse interne, surse de pia, surse de sources, market sources, sources from institutions and
la instituii i alte surse. Se colecteaz date pentru o other sources. Data are collected for a selection of
selecie de surse de informaii n funcie de gradul de information sources depending on their importance
importan al acestora, respectiv: grad de importan degree, respectively: high, medium, low importance and
ridicat, mediu, sczut i neutilizat. unused.
Cooperarea ntreprinderilor n realizarea Cooperation of enterprises for innovative
activitilor inovatoare reprezint participarea activ a activities represents the active participation of the
ntreprinderii cu alte ntreprinderi sau instituii n activiti enterprise with other enterprises or institutions in the
inovatoare. Ambii parteneri nu este nevoie s obin innovative activities. For both partners, it is not necessary
beneficii din punct de vedere comercial (se exclude to get benefit from commercial viewpoint (simple labour
simpla contractare de munc, fr o cooperare activ). contact is excluded, without an active cooperation).



Datele au la baz reglementrile din legile speciale Data rely on the regulations from industrial property
de proprietate industrial i Hotrrea Guvernului special laws and Government Decision No 573/1998
nr. 573/1998 n care sunt prevzute sarcinile i stipulating tasks and competences of State Office for
competenele Oficiului de Stat pentru Invenii i Mrci Inventions and Trademarks (SOIT), specialized body of
(OSIM), organ de specialitate al administraiei publice public central government, with unique authority on the
centrale, cu autoritate unic pe teritoriul Romniei n territory of Romania in the field of industrial property
domeniul proteciei proprietii industriale, n protection, in accordance with the law and stipulations of
conformitate cu legea i cu prevederile conveniilor international conventions where the Romanian state is
internaionale la care statul romn este parte. party.
Proprietatea industrial cuprinde: invenii, modele Industrial property includes inventions, utility
de utilitate, soiuri de plante, mrci i indicaii geografice, models, types of plants, marks and geographical
desene i modele, respectiv topografiile produselor indications, drawings and models, respectively
semiconductoare. topographies of semi-conductor products.
Solicitant - persoana fizic sau juridic care cere n Applicant - natural or legal person who asks SOIT
scris la OSIM, acordarea unui titlu de protecie pentru un in writing, for granting a protection title for an object of
obiect de proprietate industrial (brevet sau certificat de industrial property (patent or registration certificate).
Titular - persoana fizic sau juridic creia i Titular - natural or legal person who holds the right
aparine dreptul conferit prin titlul de protecie acordat granted by protection title (license or registration
(brevet sau certificat de nregistrare). certificate).

Brevet de invenie - titlul de protecie care se Patent - protection title granted by SOIT for any
acord de ctre OSIM pentru orice invenie avnd ca invention having as object a product or procedure, in all
obiect un produs sau un procedeu, n toate domeniile technological fields, provided that it should be new,
tehnologice, cu condiia ca aceasta s fie nou, s involve an inventive activity and susceptible of industrial
implice o activitate inventiv i s fie susceptibil de application.
aplicare industrial.
Cerere de brevet de invenie, redactat n limba Patent application elaborated into Romanian
romn, cuprinde: comprises:
solicitarea acordrii unui brevet i datele de request for a patent and identification data of
identificare ale solicitantului; applicant;
o descriere a inveniei (prezentarea n scris a invention description (written presentation);
una sau mai multe revendicri (partea de brevet one or several claims (patent part presenting object
care cuprinde obiectul proteciei solicitate i al crui of requested protection and whose content
coninut determin ntinderea proteciei); determines protection extent);
desenele la care se face referire n descriere sau drawings referred to in the description and claims.
Publicarea brevetului reprezint difuzarea Patent publication represents information
informaiei ntr-un mod accesibil publicului. dissemination to be accessible for the public.
Brevet european - brevetul de invenie eliberat de European patent - patent released by European
Oficiul European de Brevete, n conformitate cu Patent Office, in accordance with the Convention on
Convenia privind brevetul european, adoptat la European patent, adopted in Munich on October 5, 1973.
Mnchen la 5 octombrie 1973.
Brevet european validat n Romnia - este un European patent validated in Romania - is an
brevet european care are efecte n Romnia. European patent which has effects in Romania.
Clasificarea Internaional a Brevetelor (CIB), International Patent Classification (IPC), based
instituit n baza Aranjamentului de la Strasbourg n anul on Strasbourg Agreement in 1971, divides technical field
1971, mparte domeniul tehnic n opt seciuni cu into eight sections with about 70000 subdivisions. IPC
aproximativ 70000 de subdiviziuni. Simbolurile CIB, symbols, comprising Arabian digits and Latin letters,
formate din cifre arabe i litere ale alfabetului latin, se being applied on patent documents (issued patent
aplic pe documentele de brevet (cereri de brevet application and patents granted) by national or regional
publicate i brevete acordate) de ctre oficiile de industrial property offices, issuing these documents. IPC
proprietate industrial, naionale sau regionale, care are used in over 100 countries, issuing yearly over one
public aceste documente. CIB se utilizeaz n mai mult million patent documents.
de 100 de ri, care public anual peste un milion de
documente de brevet.
Modelul de utilitate protejeaz orice invenie Utility model protects any technical invention if it is
tehnic, cu condiia s fie nou, s depeasc nivelul new, exceeds the level of simple professional skill and is
simplei ndemnri profesionale i s fie susceptibil de susceptible of industrial application.
aplicare industrial.
Cererea de model de utilitate conine: Demand of utility model contains:
datele de identificare ale solicitantului; identification data of petitioner;
solicitarea proteciei prin model de utilitate, nsoit protection request by utility model, accompanied by
de titlul inveniei; invention title;
o descriere a inveniei; invention description;
una sau mai multe revendicri; one or more claims;
desenele la care se face referire n descriere sau n designs referred to in the description or claims.
Certificatul de model de utilitate este un titlu de Certificate of utility model is a protection title
protecie acordat de OSIM n condiiile prevzute de granted by SOIT according to legal stipulations.
Brevet pentru soi de plant - se acord de OSIM Patent for plant type - is granted by SOIT if it is
dac acesta este nou, distinct, uniform i stabil. new, distinct, unform and stable.
Soi - grupul de plante aparinnd unui taxon botanic Type - group of plants belonging to a botanic taxon
de cel mai jos rang cunoscut, care poate fi: of the lowest known range, which can be:
definit prin expresia caracterelor rezultnd dintr-un defined by expression of characters resulted from a
anumit genotip sau dintr-o anumit combinaie de certain genotype or a certain combination of
genotipuri; genotypes;
distinct fa de orice alt grup de plante, prin expresia distinct as against any other group of plants, by
a cel puin unuia dintre caracterele prevzute mai expression of at least one of characters stipulated
sus; above;
considerat ca o entitate cu privire la capacitatea sa considered as an entity regarding its capacity to be
de a fi reprodus ca atare. reproduced as such.

Desen sau model - aspectul exterior al unui produs Drawing or model - outer aspect of a product or of
sau al unei pri a acestuia, redat n dou sau trei its part, given in two or three dimensions, resulted from
dimensiuni, rezultat din combinaia dintre principalele the combination between main characteristics,
caracteristici, ndeosebi linii, contururi, culori, form, especially lines, outlines, colors, forms, texture and /or
textur i/sau materiale i/sau ornamentaia produsului ornamentation of the product itself.
n sine.
Cererea de nregistrare a desenului sau Registration application of drawing or model
modelului cuprinde: contains:
solicitarea de nregistrare a desenului sau modelului application to register the drawing or model and
i datele de identificare ale solicitantului; identification data of applicant;
numrul de desene sau modele pentru care se cere number of drawings or models for which the
protecia; protection is asked;
descrierea elementelor noi, caracteristice desenului description of new elements, characteristic for the
sau modelului; drawing or model;
reprezentrile grafice ale desenului sau modelului; graphs of drawing or model;
indicarea produselor n care este ncorporat desenul indication of product in which drawing or model is
sau modelul, cnd este cazul. incorporated, if case.
Certificat de nregistrare a desenelor / modelelor Registration certificate of drawing or model
publicate - titlul de protecie acordat de OSIM pentru published - protection title granted by SOIT for drawings
desenele / modelele nregistrate i publicate. or models registered and published.
Marc - semnul susceptibil de reprezentare grafic Trademark - sign susceptible of graphic
servind la deosebirea produselor sau serviciilor unei presentation used to distinguish products or services of
persoane fizice sau juridice de cele aparinnd altor natural or legal persons from those belonging to other
persoane. Pot constitui mrci semne distinctive cum ar fi: persons. Trademarks can be also distinct signs, such as:
cuvinte, inclusiv nume de persoane, desene, litere, cifre, words, including personal names, drawings, letters,
elemente figurative, forme tridimensionale i n special digits, figurative elements, three dimensional forms,
forma produsului sau ambalajului su, combinaii de especially product form or its package, color
culori, precum i orice combinaie a acestor semne. combinations, as well as any combination of these signs.
Cerere de nregistrare a unei mrci - conine Registration application of trademark - comprises
datele de identificare ale solicitantului, reproducerea identification data of the applicant, trademark
mrcii precum i indicarea produselor sau serviciilor reproduction as well as products or services indication
pentru care nregistrarea este cerut, redactat n limba for which the application is done into Romanian.
Indicaie geografic - denumirea servind la Geographical indication - name identifying a
identificarea unui produs originar dintr-o ar, regiune product from one country, region or locality of a state if
sau localitate a unui stat n cazurile n care o calitate, o one quality, reputation or other characteristics can be
reputaie sau alte caracteristici determinate pot fi n mod essentially granted to this geographical origin.
esenial atribuite acestei origini geografice.

Structura salariailor1) din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
pe sectoare de performan
Structure of employees1) from research - development activity,
13.G1 by sectors of performance

100 0,4 0,5 0,7 0,5 0,4 0,4

80 31,1 34,6 29,8 28,0 29,3 28,6

30,6 33,3 35,9 36,5 38,0 37,8


37,9 31,6 33,6 35,0 32,3 33,2

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sectorul mediului de afaceri Sectorul nvmnt superior

Business sector Tertiary education sector

Sectorul guvernamental Sectorul privat non-profit

Government sector Private non-profit sector

1) Numr persoane n echivalent norm ntreag. / Number of persons in full-time equivalent.

Structura salariailor din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,

dup nivelul de pregtire, n anul 2014
Structure of employees from research - development activity,
13.G2 by training level, in 2014




Cu pregtire superioar Alt pregtire (exclusiv superioar)

Tertiary education Other education (excluding tertiary education)

Not: Alt pregtire (exclusiv superioar) cuprinde: studii postliceale i de maitri, studii liceale, profesionale i de ucenici
i alte situaii.
Note: Other education (excluding tertiary education) comprises: post high-school and foremen education, high-school,
vocational and apprenticeship education and other situations.
1) Numr persoane n echivalent norm ntreag. / Number of persons in full-time equivalent.

Structura cercettorilor din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare,
pe domenii tiinifice
13.G3 Structure of researchers from research-development activity, by scientific field

2009 2014

6,7% 9,2%

14,0% 9,9%

37,7% 4,1% 46,9%



17,5% 14,6%

tiine inginereti i tehnologice tiine umaniste

Engineering and technological sciences Humanities

tiine naturale i exacte tiine medicale

Natural and exact sciences Medical sciences
tiine sociale tiine agricole
Social sciences Agricultural sciences

Structura cheltuielilor totale din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,

pe sectoare de performan
Structure of total expenditure from research - development activity,
13.G4 by sectors of performance

100 0,2 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4

24,7 24,5 22,9 19,7 19,7 15,2


60 34,9 36,8 40,7 40,9 49,2 42,9


20 40,2 38,3 36,0 39,0 30,7 41,5

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sectorul mediului de afaceri Sectorul nvmnt superior

Business sector Tertiary education sector

Sectorul guvernamental Sectorul privat non-profit

Government sector Private non-profit sector

Structura cheltuielilor totale din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
pe surse de finanare
Structure of total expenditure from research - development activity,
13.G5 by financing source

2009 2014

1,9% 17,0%

15,9% 30,6%


39,1% 46,0%

ntreprinderi Uniti din nvmntul superior

Enterprises Tertiary education units
Fonduri publice Fonduri din strintate
Public funds External funds
Fonduri publice generale universitare Alte surse
University general public funds Other sources

Structura cheltuielilor curente din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,

pe tipuri de cercetare
Current expenditure from research - development activity,
13.G6 by type of research

2009 2014

7,5% 19,3%

42,1% 36,1%

50,4% 44,6%

Cercetare fundamental Dezvoltare experimental

Basic research Experimental development
Cercetare aplicativ
Applicative research

Principalii indicatori din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
pe sectoare de performan i forme de proprietate

13.1 Main indicators from research - development activity,

by sector of performance and type of ownership

Total din care, pe forme de proprietate: / of which, by type of ownership:

Majoritar de stat State majority Majoritar privat / Private majority

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Salariai (numr) - la sfritul anului Employees (number) - end of year

Total 42420 39065 42363 42674 43375 42963 32283 30272 31371 31191 33330 32089 10137 8793 10992 11483 10045 10874 Total
din care: femei 19373 17639 19596 19774 201501) 19877 15325 14000 14896 14908 158481) 15425 4048 3639 4700 4866 4302 4452 of which: women

Sectorul mediului de afaceri 11147 8691 11575 11883 11512 11681 4057 3138 3204 3130 3702 3029 7090 5553 8371 8753 7810 8652 Business sector
din care: femei 4322 3285 4681 4752 4579 4542 1682 1273 1373 1381 1505 1269 2640 2012 3308 3371 3074 3273 of which: women

Sectorul guvernamental 9018 8987 11106 11867 12966 12555 8985 8833 11106 11789 12842 12430 33 154 - 78 124 125 Government sector
din care: femei 4647 4593 5301 5792 6307 6125 4626 4529 5301 5750 6250 6065 21 64 - 42 57 60 of which: women

Sectorul nvmnt superior 22126 21179 19461 18700 18716 18517 19241 18301 17061 16272 16786 16630 2885 2878 2400 2428 1930 1887 Tertiary education sector
din care: femei 10343 9653 9511 9103 91881) 9119 9017 8198 8222 7777 80931) 8091 1326 1455 1289 1326 1095 1028 of which: women

Sectorul privat non-profit 129 208 221 224 181 210 - - - - - - 129 208 221 224 181 210 Private non-profit sector
din care: femei 61 108 103 127 76 91 - - - - - - 61 108 103 127 76 91 of which: women

Salariai (numr persoane n echivalent norm ntreag) Employees (number of persons in full-time equivalent)

Total 28398 26171 29749 31135 325071) 31391 20671 19433 20835 21986 244381) 22711 7727 6738 8914 9149 80691) 8680 Total
din care: femei 13125 11916 13848 14419 149791) 14159 10179 9269 10233 10667 117331) 10819 2946 2647 3615 3752 32461) 3340 of which: women

Sectorul mediului de afaceri 10758 8271 10002 10887 10514 10437 3999 3045 2254 2963 3561 2844 6759 5226 7748 7924 6953 7593 Business sector
din care: femei 4171 3110 3998 4400 4138 3999 1656 1230 966 1308 1445 1161 2515 1880 3032 3092 2693 2838 of which: women

Sectorul guvernamental 8708 8704 10675 11381 12336 11866 8683 8554 10675 11303 12219 11761 25 150 - 78 117 105 Government sector
din care: femei 4520 4448 5097 5549 6064 5826 4503 4385 5097 5507 6011 5775 17 63 - 42 53 51 of which: women

Sectorul nvmnt superior 8824 9054 8879 8710 95231) 8966 7989 7834 7906 7720 86581) 8106 835 1220 973 990 8651) 860 Tertiary education sector
din care: femei 4388 4280 4664 4382 47191) 4288 4020 3654 4170 3852 42771) 3883 368 626 494 530 4421) 405 of which: women

Sectorul privat non-profit 108 142 193 157 134 122 - - - - - - 108 142 193 157 134 122 Private non-profit sector
din care: femei 46 78 89 88 58 46 - - - - - - 46 78 89 88 58 46 of which: women

Cheltuieli (mii lei preuri curente) Expenditure (lei thou current prices)

Cheltuieli totale 2356907 2413467 2786830 2872728 2464779 2555662 1648845 1759815 1905703 1866975 1788237 1611835 708062 653652 881127 1005753 676542 943827 Total expenditure

Sectorul mediului de afaceri 947047 924780 1004536 1119435 755710 1059424 267240 351019 180787 170605 109503 151740 679807 573761 823749 948830 646207 907684 Business sector

Sectorul guvernamental 822725 887391 1134566 1175263 1213368 1097795 821000 871174 1134566 1173647 1207376 1095424 1725 16217 - 1616 5992 2371 Government sector

Sectorul nvmnt superior 583055 591324 637208 566640 485963 388960 560605 537622 590350 522723 471358 364671 22450 53702 46858 43917 14605 24289 Tertiary education sector

Sectorul privat non-profit 4080 9972 10520 11390 9738 9483 - - - - - - 4080 9972 10520 11390 9738 9483 Private non-profit sector

Cheltuieli curente 2077224 2045132 2251480 2355492 2064485 2228378 1447699 1451112 1521581 1530244 1465047 1434304 629525 594020 729899 825248 599438 794074 Current expenditure

Sectorul mediului de afaceri 830476 757366 824913 926145 671971 910495 226531 236532 149378 155118 101268 145924 603945 520834 675535 771027 570703 764571 Business sector

Sectorul guvernamental 745425 787571 924465 1000607 1004495 974154 743773 772625 924465 998991 998615 972697 1652 14946 - 1616 5880 1457 Government sector

Sectorul nvmnt superior 497338 490740 493722 418105 379073 334566 477395 441955 447738 376135 365164 315683 19943 48785 45984 41970 13909 18883 Tertiary education sector

Sectorul privat non-profit 3985 9455 8380 10635 8946 9163 - - - - - - 3985 9455 8380 10635 8946 9163 Private non-profit sector

Cheltuieli de capital Capital expenditure

(investiii) 279683 368335 535350 517236 400294 327284 201146 308703 384122 336731 323190 177531 78537 59632 151228 180505 77104 149753 (investments)

Sectorul mediului de afaceri 116571 167414 179623 193290 83739 148929 40709 114487 31409 15487 8235 5816 75862 52927 148214 177803 75504 143113 Business sector

Sectorul guvernamental 77300 99820 210101 174656 208873 123641 77227 98549 210101 174656 208761 122727 73 1271 - - 112 914 Government sector

Sectorul nvmnt superior 85717 100584 143486 148535 106890 54394 83210 95667 142612 146588 106194 48988 2507 4917 874 1947 696 5406 Tertiary education sector

Sectorul privat non-profit 95 517 2140 755 792 320 - - - - - - 95 517 2140 755 792 320 Private non-profit sector
1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

436 437
Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
dup ocupaie i nivel de pregtire

13.2 Employees from research - development activity,

by occupation and training level
numr persoane (la sfritul anului) / number of persons (end of year)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Salariai - din care: Salariai - din care: Salariai - din care: Salariai - din care: Salariai - din care: Salariai - din care:
total femei total femei total femei total femei total femei total femei
Employees - of which: Employees - of which: Employees - of which: Employees - of which: Employees - of which: Employees - of which:
total women total women total women total women total women total women

Total 42420 19373 39065 17639 42363 19596 42674 19774 43375 201501) 42963 19877 Total

Salariai dup ocupaie Employees by occupation

Cercettori 30645 13707 30707 13519 25489 11738 27838 12565 276001) 12611 27535 12669 Researchers
din care: of which:
Cercettori atestai 8375 3909 8436 3917 - - - - - - - - Certified researchers
Tehnicieni i asimilai 4270 2401 3414 1850 6380 2861 5800 2660 5563 2615 5309 2506 Technicians and assimilated
Alte categorii de salariai 7505 3265 4944 2270 10494 4997 9036 4549 102121) 4924 10119 4702 Other categories of employees

Salariai dup nivelul de pregtire Employees by training level

Pregtire superioar 36240 16370 33271 14903 35223 16222 35315 16360 343681) 16092 34517 16048 Tertiary education
din care: of which:
Deintori ai titlului de doctor 14916 6508 15468 6696 14641 6817 15414 6938 159771) 7412 16983 7788 Doctorate holders
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 6180 3003 5794 2736 7140 3374 7359 3414 90071) 4058 8446 3829 (excluding tertiary education)

Salariai din activitatea de Employees from

cercetare-dezvoltare la research-development activity
10000 persoane ocupate civile 50,4 48,9 46,7 44,6 50,6 49,3 49,8 48,8 50,8 50,3 51,0 50,3 per 10000 civil employed persons

Not: Alt pregtire (exclusiv superioar) cuprinde: studii postliceale i de maitri, studii liceale, profesionale i de ucenici i alte situaii.
Note: Other education (excluding tertiary education) comprises: post high-school anf foremen education, high-school, vocational and
apprenticeship education and other situations.
1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

438 439
Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
pe sectoare de performan i ocupaii
Employees from research - development activity,
13.3 by sector of performance and occupation
numr persoane n echivalent norm ntreag / number of persons in full-time equivalent
2009 2010 2011 2012 20131) 2014

Salariai - total 28398 26171 29749 31135 32507 31391 Employees - total

Cercettori 19271 19780 16080 18016 18576 18109 Researchers

Tehnicieni i asimilai 3991 3139 5132 5095 4993 4510 Technicians and assimilated
Alte categorii de salariai 5136 3252 8537 8024 8938 8772 Other categories of employees

Sectorul mediului de afaceri 10758 8271 10002 10887 10514 10437 Business sector

Cercettori 6127 5853 3518 4956 5333 5244 Researchers

Tehnicieni i asimilai 1491 1022 2396 2349 1884 1669 Technicians and assimilated
Alte categorii de salariai 3140 1396 4088 3582 3297 3524 Other categories of employees

Sectorul guvernamental 8708 8704 10675 11381 12336 11866 Government sector

Cercettori 5744 5590 5846 6372 6583 6409 Researchers

Tehnicieni i asimilai 1670 1659 1900 1981 2025 1825 Technicians and assimilated
Alte categorii de salariai 1294 1455 2929 3028 3728 3632 Other categories of employees

Sectorul nvmnt superior 8824 9054 8879 8710 9523 8966 Tertiary education sector

Cercettori 7310 8245 6563 6591 6578 6378 Researchers

Tehnicieni i asimilai 827 414 834 744 1063 996 Technicians and assimilated
Alte categorii de salariai 687 395 1482 1375 1882 1592 Other categories of employees

Sectorul privat non-profit 108 142 193 157 134 122 Private non-profit sector

Cercettori 90 92 153 97 82 78 Researchers

Tehnicieni i asimilai 3 44 2 21 21 20 Technicians and assimilated
Alte categorii de salariai 15 6 38 39 31 24 Other categories of employees

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Cercettorii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare, pe domenii tiinifice

13.4 Researchers from research - development activity, by scientific field
numr persoane (la sfritul anului) / number of persons (end of year)
2009 2010 2011 2012 20131) 2014

Total 30645 30707 25489 27838 27600 27535 Total

Cercettori pe domenii tiinifice Researchers by scientific field

tiine naturale i exacte 5377 5163 5448 4789 4986 4032 Natural and exact sciences
tiine inginereti i Engineering and
tehnologice 11538 11718 10122 13063 13157 12904 technological sciences
tiine medicale 4289 3491 3010 2572 2621 2736 Medical sciences
tiine agricole 2043 2154 1293 1252 2398 2525 Agricultural sciences
tiine sociale 4305 5376 4112 4428 2484 4204 Social sciences
tiine umaniste 3093 2805 1504 1734 1954 1134 Humanities

Cercettori la 10000 persoane Researchers per 10000 civil

ocupate civile 36,4 36,7 30,5 32,5 32,4 32,7 employed persons

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare, pe sectoare de performan
i nivel de pregtire
Employees from research - development activity, by sector of performance
13.5 and training level
numr persoane n echivalent norm ntreag / number of persons in full-time equivalent
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Salariai - total 28398 26171 29749 31135 325071) 31391 Employees - total
Pregtire superioar 22468 20963 23208 24325 242511) 23800 Tertiary education
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 5930 5208 6541 6810 82561) 7591 (excluding tertiary education)

Sectorul mediului de afaceri 10758 8271 10002 10887 10514 10437 Business sector
Pregtire superioar 7759 6126 7765 8350 7756 7948 Tertiary education
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 2999 2145 2237 2537 2758 2489 (excluding tertiary education)

Sectorul guvernamental 8708 8704 10675 11381 12336 11866 Government sector
Pregtire superioar 6227 6060 7161 7810 8427 8223 Tertiary education
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 2481 2644 3514 3571 3909 3643 (excluding tertiary education)

Sectorul nvmnt superior 8824 9054 8879 8710 95231) 8966 Tertiary education sector
Pregtire superioar 8386 8645 8092 8020 79591) 7523 Tertiary education
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 438 409 787 690 15641) 1443 (excluding tertiary education)

Sectorul privat non-profit 108 142 193 157 134 122 Private non-profit sector
Pregtire superioar 96 132 190 145 109 106 Tertiary education
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 12 10 3 12 25 16 (excluding tertiary education)

Not: Alt pregtire (exclusiv superioar) cuprinde: studii postliceale i de maitri, studii liceale, profesionale i de ucenici i alte situaii.
Note: Other education (excluding tertiary education) comprises: post high-school anf foremen education, high-school, vocational and
apprenticeship education and other situations.
1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare, pe sectoare de performan i
nivel de pregtire, conform Clasificrii Internaionale Standard a Educaiei (CISE)
Employees from research - development activity, by sector of performance and
13.6 training level, according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)
numr persoane (la sfritul anului) / number of persons (end of year)
20131) 2014
Salariai - din care: Salariai - din care:
total femei total femei
Employees - of which: Employees - of which:
total women total women
TOTAL 43375 20150 42963 19877 Total
Pregtire superioar 34368 16092 34517 16048 Tertiary education
din care: of which:
Studii doctorale i programe Doctoral and post-doctoral
postdoctorale 15977 7412 16983 7788 programmes
Studii superioare de licen, Bachelors, master, and/or
master i/sau cursuri i studii post/graduate courses (excluding
postuniversitare (exclusiv studii doctoral and post-doctoral
doctorale i postdoctorale) 17361 8318 16978 8034 programmes)
Studii superioare de scurt durat Short term tertiary education before
naintea implementrii sistemului Bologna 1030 362 556 226 implementing Bologna Process
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 9007 4058 8446 3829 (excluding tertiary education)
Sectorul mediului de afaceri 11512 4579 11681 4542 Business sector
Pregtire superioar 8503 3426 8850 3506 Tertiary education
din care: of which:
Studii doctorale i programe Doctoral and post-doctoral
postdoctorale 1516 633 1014 414 programmes
Studii superioare de licen, Bachelors, master, and/or
master i/sau cursuri i studii post/graduate courses (excluding
postuniversitare (exclusiv studii doctoral and post-doctoral
doctorale i postdoctorale) 6308 2656 7495 2978 programmes)
Studii superioare de scurt durat Short term tertiary education before
naintea implementrii sistemului Bologna 679 137 341 114 implementing Bologna Process
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 3009 1153 2831 1036 (excluding tertiary education)
Sectorul guvernamental 12966 6307 12555 6125 Government sector
Pregtire superioar 8786 4438 8732 4384 Tertiary education
din care: of which:
Studii doctorale i programe Doctoral and post-doctoral
postdoctorale 3913 1903 3975 1889 programmes
Studii superioare de licen, Bachelors, master, and/or
master i/sau cursuri i studii post/graduate courses (excluding
postuniversitare (exclusiv studii doctoral and post-doctoral
doctorale i postdoctorale) 4654 2396 4589 2407 programmes)
Studii superioare de scurt durat Short term tertiary education before
naintea implementrii sistemului Bologna 219 139 168 88 implementing Bologna Process
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 4180 1869 3823 1741 (excluding tertiary education)
Sectorul nvmnt superior 18716 9188 18517 9119 Tertiary education sector
Pregtire superioar 16926 8157 16747 8079 Tertiary education
din care: of which:
Studii doctorale i programe Doctoral and post-doctoral
postdoctorale 10503 4865 11910 5466 programmes
Studii superioare de licen, Bachelors, master, and/or
master i/sau cursuri i studii post/graduate courses (excluding
postuniversitare (exclusiv studii doctoral and post-doctoral
doctorale i postdoctorale) 6295 3208 4796 2591 programmes)
Studii superioare de scurt durat Short term tertiary education before
naintea implementrii sistemului Bologna 128 84 41 22 implementing Bologna Process
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 1790 1031 1770 1040 (excluding tertiary education)

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare, pe sectoare de performan
i nivel de pregtire, conform Clasificrii Internaionale Standard
a Educaiei (CISE) - continuare
Employees from research - development activity, by sector of performance
and training level, according to International Standard Classification
13.6 of Education (ISCED) - continued
numr persoane (la sfritul anului) / number of persons (end of year)
20131) 2014
Salariai - din care: Salariai - din care:
total femei total femei
Employees - of which: Employees - of which:
total women total women
Sectorul privat non-profit 181 76 210 91 Private non-profit sector
Pregtire superioar 153 71 188 79 Tertiary education
din care: of which:
Studii doctorale i programe Doctoral and post-doctoral
postdoctorale 45 11 84 19 programmes
Studii superioare de licen, Bachelors, master, and/or
master i/sau cursuri i studii post/graduate courses (excluding
postuniversitare (exclusiv studii doctoral and post-doctoral
doctorale i postdoctorale) 104 58 98 58 programmes)
Studii superioare de scurt durat Short term tertiary education before
naintea implementrii sistemului Bologna 4 2 6 2 implementing Bologna Process
Alt pregtire Other education
(exclusiv superioar) 28 5 22 12 (excluding tertiary education)

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Cercettorii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare, pe sectoare de performan

i grupe de vrst
Researchers from research - development activity, by sector of performance
13.7 and age group
numr persoane (la sfritul anului) / number of persons (end of year)
20131) 2014
Cercettori - din care: Cercettori - din care:
total femei total femei
Researchers - of which: Researchers - of which:
total women total women

Total 27600 12611 27535 12669 Total

din care: of which:

Sectorul guvernamental 6859 3332 6799 3313 Government sector

pn la 25 ani 166 95 225 119 Under 25 years

25-34 ani 1572 837 1490 792 25-34 years
35-44 ani 1740 909 1763 928 35-44 years
45-54 ani 1450 806 1511 850 45-54 years
55-64 ani 1413 548 1273 478 55-64 years
65 ani i peste 518 137 537 146 65 years and over

Sectorul nvmnt superior 14884 6963 14743 6953 Tertiary education sector

pn la 25 ani 139 59 137 55 Under 25 years

25-34 ani 2893 1522 2590 1380 25-34 years
35-44 ani 5165 2745 5123 2698 35-44 years
45-54 ani 3378 1552 3776 1777 45-54 years
55-64 ani 2898 987 2727 950 55-64 years
65 ani i peste 411 98 390 93 65 years and over

Not: ncepnd cu anul de referin 2011, cercettorii pe sectoare de performan i grupe de vrst se urmresc numai pentru sectoarele:
guvernamental i nvmnt superior.
Note: Beginning with 2011 reference year, researchers by sector of performance and age group are pursued only for: governmental and
tertiary education sectors.
1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare din sectorul mediului de
afaceri, pe activiti economice i dup ocupaie

13.8 Employees from research - development activity in business sector,

by economic activity and occupation
numr persoane n echivalent norm ntreag / number of persons in full-time equivalent
din care: of which:
Salariai - Tehnicieni Alte categorii
CAEN Rev. 2 total Cercettori i asimilai de salariai CANE Rev. 2
Employees - Researchers Tehnicians Other categories
total and assimilated of employees
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Sectorul mediului de afaceri - total 10514 10437 5333 5244 1884 1669 3297 3524 Business sector - total

Pe activiti: By activity:
Agricultur, silvicultur i piscicultur 60 66 43 34 8 21 9 11 Agriculture, forestry and pisciculture
Industria extractiv - 169 - 39 - 114 - 16 Mining and quarrying
Industria prelucrtoare 3056 4413 1528 1851 621 788 907 1774 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 108 86 46 49 36 12 26 25 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea produselor textile 5 15 - 4 - 3 5 8 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 9 46 1 12 4 13 4 21 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather,
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 16 43 - - 13 22 3 21 preparation and dyeing of furs
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 3 - 1 - - - 2 - Manufacture of paper and paper products
Tiprire i reproducerea pe supori Printing and reproduction of
a nregistrrilor 7 5 7 5 - - - - recorded media
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor Manufacture of chemicals and
chimice 83 119 50 72 21 30 12 17 chemical products
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 461 532 209 235 74 93 178 204 products and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber and
i mase plastice 7 3 3 3 2 - 2 - plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din Manufacture of other non-metallic
minerale nemetalice 23 15 7 7 6 2 10 6 mineral products
Industria metalurgic 25 34 3 13 11 2 11 19 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i Manufacture of fabricated metal
a produselor din metal, exclusiv maini, products, except machinery
utilaje i instalaii 179 221 39 128 39 49 101 44 and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers, electronic
produselor electronice i optice 380 250 200 186 72 36 108 28 and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 290 291 153 156 48 54 89 81 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i Manufacture of machinery and
echipamente n.c.a. 285 363 98 122 99 94 88 147 equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 928 2075 660 791 144 296 124 988 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 145 143 5 17 40 60 100 66 Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 4 14 4 4 - - - 10 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 56 45 13 27 8 8 35 10 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation of
mainilor i echipamentelor 42 113 29 20 4 14 9 79 machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 6 13 2 6 4 3 - 4 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea Water supply; sewerage, waste management
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 39 23 - 14 5 1 34 8 and decontamination activities
Construcii 30 46 8 21 11 13 11 12 Construction
Servicii 7323 5707 3752 3279 1235 729 2336 1699 Services
din care: Cercetare-dezvoltare 5179 3272 2652 1630 574 379 1953 1263 of which: Research-development

444 445
Salariaii din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare din sectorul mediului de
afaceri, pe activiti economice i dup nivelul de pregtire

13.9 Employees from research - development activity in business sector,

by economic activity and training level
numr persoane n echivalent norm ntreag / number of persons in full-time equivalent
din care: of which:
Salariai - Pregtire din care: / of which: Alt pregtire
CAEN Rev. 2 total superioar (exclusiv superioar) CANE Rev. 2
Employees - Tertiary Studii doctorale Other education
total education Doctorate (excluding tertiary education)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Sectorul mediului de afaceri - total 10514 10437 7756 7948 1311 905 2758 2489 Business sector - total

Pe activiti: By activity:
Agricultur, silvicultur i piscicultur 60 66 46 57 21 22 14 9 Agriculture, forestry and pisciculture
Industria extractiv - 169 - 109 - 2 - 60 Mining and quarrying
Industria prelucrtoare 3056 4413 2432 3367 226 237 624 1046 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 108 86 101 73 38 12 7 13 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea produselor textile 5 15 3 10 - 1 2 5 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 9 46 3 23 - 7 6 23 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather,
articolelorde voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 16 43 6 17 - - 10 26 preparation and dyeing of furs
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 3 - 3 - 1 - - - Manufacture of paper and paper products
Tiprire i reproducerea pe supori Printing and reproduction of
a nregistrrilor 7 5 7 5 - - - - recorded media
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor Manufacture of chemicals and
chimice 83 119 62 91 6 14 21 28 chemical products
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical
baz i a preparatelor farmaceutice 461 532 360 418 66 73 101 114 products and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber and
i mase plastice 7 3 7 3 2 3 - - plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din Manufacture of other non-metallic
minerale nemetalice 23 15 10 13 1 3 13 2 mineral products
Industria metalurgic 25 34 24 26 2 3 1 8 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i Manufacture of fabricated metal
a produselor din metal, exclusiv maini, products, except machinery
utilaje i instalaii 179 221 149 182 7 9 30 39 and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers, electronic
produselor electronice i optice 380 250 297 203 15 20 83 47 and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 290 291 220 204 23 25 70 87 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i Manufacture of machinery and
echipamente n.c.a. 285 363 227 180 22 19 58 183 equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 928 2075 768 1664 7 31 160 411 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 145 143 121 120 5 2 24 23 Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 4 14 4 12 - - - 2 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 56 45 19 38 3 8 37 7 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation of
mainilor i echipamentelor 42 113 41 85 28 7 1 28 machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 6 13 6 13 - 4 - - production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea Water supply; sewerage, waste management
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 39 23 14 23 1 4 25 - and decontamination activities
Construcii 30 46 30 46 2 5 - - Construction
Servicii 7323 5707 5228 4333 1061 631 2095 1374 Services
din care: Cercetare-dezvoltare 5179 3272 3365 2191 486 377 1814 1081 of which: Research-development

Not: Alt pregtire (exclusiv superioar) cuprinde: studii postliceale i de maitri, studii liceale, profesionale i de ucenici i alte situaii.
Note: Other education (excluding tertiary education) comprises: post high-school anf foremen education, high-school, vocational and
apprenticeship education and other situations.

446 447
Cheltuielile curente din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
pe sectoare de performan i tipuri de cercetare
Current expenditure from research - development activity,
13.10 by sector of performance and type of research
mii lei preuri curente / lei thou current prices
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 2077224 2045132 2251480 2355492 2064485 2228378 Total

Cercetare fundamental 874635 913033 943269 935201 793011 805365 Basic research
Cercetare aplicativ 1047248 994602 944573 1021278 865623 992438 Applicative research
Dezvoltare experimental 155341 137497 363638 399013 405851 430575 Experimental development

Sectorul mediului de afaceri 830476 757366 824913 926145 671971 910495 Business sector
Cercetare fundamental 99713 123423 104786 52234 28945 155062 Basic research
Cercetare aplicativ 638670 546888 522875 612244 422129 510095 Applicative research
Dezvoltare experimental 92093 87055 197252 261667 220897 245338 Experimental development

Sectorul guvernamental 745425 787571 924465 1000607 1004495 974154 Government sector
Cercetare fundamental 446849 453391 521446 610223 526332 449543 Basic research
Cercetare aplicativ 256284 297500 285068 291760 331258 383014 Applicative research
Dezvoltare experimental 42292 36680 117951 98624 146905 141597 Experimental development

Sectorul nvmnt superior 497338 490740 493722 418105 379073 334566 Tertiary education sector
Cercetare fundamental 325045 334701 310887 267711 234035 197463 Basic research
Cercetare aplicativ 151337 146871 134606 111775 107414 93702 Applicative research
Dezvoltare experimental 20956 9168 48229 38619 37624 43401 Experimental development

Sectorul privat non-profit 3985 9455 8380 10635 8946 9163 Private non-profit sector
Cercetare fundamental 3028 1518 6150 5033 3699 3297 Basic research
Cercetare aplicativ 957 3343 2024 5499 4822 5627 Applicative research
Dezvoltare experimental - 4594 206 103 425 239 Experimental development

Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,

pe sectoare de performan i categorii de cheltuieli
Total expenditure from research - development activity,
13.11 by sector of performance and expenditure category
mii lei preuri curente / lei thou current prices
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 2356907 2413467 2786830 2872728 2464779 2555662 Total

Cheltuieli curente 2077224 2045132 2251480 2355492 2064485 2228378 Current expenditure
Cheltuieli de personal 1200775 1166861 1213523 1306746 1164389 1223765 Staff
Cheltuieli materiale 401302 319149 337859 295320 242140 281522 Material
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 475147 559122 700098 753426 657956 723091 R&D operations
Cheltuieli de capital 279683 368335 535350 517236 400294 327284 Capital expenditure
Terenuri i construcii 48301 126851 132965 62410 118881 62563 Lands and construction
Echipamente i aparatur 208479 220402 352869 400928 232110 204389 Equipment and apparatus
Cheltuieli cu achiziie Expenditure for
soft pentru purchasing
cercetare-dezvoltare - - 22914 29661 24616 50619 software for R&D
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 22903 21082 26602 24237 24687 9713 R&D operations

Sectorul mediului
de afaceri 947047 924780 1004536 1119435 755710 1059424 Business sector

Cheltuieli curente 830476 757366 824913 926145 671971 910495 Current expenditure
Cheltuieli de personal 453880 410150 392510 471112 339854 423268 Staff
Cheltuieli materiale 91451 64278 106238 104272 68781 107102 Material
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 285145 282938 326165 350761 263336 380125 R&D operations

Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
pe sectoare de performan i categorii de cheltuieli - continuare
Total expenditure from research - development activity,
13.11 by sector of performance and expenditure category - continued
mii lei preuri curente / lei thou current prices
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cheltuieli de capital 116571 167414 179623 193290 83739 148929 Capital expenditure
Terenuri i construcii 29389 96952 40131 15759 8155 29126 Lands and construction
Echipamente i aparatur 77341 63688 116495 146645 69004 73410 Equipment and apparatus
Cheltuieli cu achiziie Expenditure for
soft pentru purchasing
cercetare-dezvoltare - - 12481 20466 3643 43466 software for R&D
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 9841 6774 10516 10420 2937 2927 R&D operations

Sectorul guvernamental 822725 887391 1134566 1175263 1213368 1097795 Government sector

Cheltuieli curente 745425 787571 924465 1000607 1004495 974154 Current expenditure
Cheltuieli de personal 498980 482531 529651 584227 597087 602783 Staff
Cheltuieli materiale 106638 122411 136873 125200 117029 113636 Material
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 139807 182629 257941 291180 290379 257735 R&D operations
Cheltuieli de capital 77300 99820 210101 174656 208873 123641 Capital expenditure
Terenuri i construcii 17457 5756 57895 20277 85824 26289 Lands and construction
Echipamente i aparatur 52004 84112 134957 139100 101694 88415 Equipment and apparatus
Cheltuieli cu achiziie Expenditure for
soft pentru purchasing
cercetare-dezvoltare - - 3350 5463 14094 4669 software for R&D
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 7839 9952 13899 9816 7261 4268 R&D operations

Sectorul nvmnt Tertiary education

superior 583055 591324 637208 566640 485963 388960 sector

Cheltuieli curente 497338 490740 493722 418105 379073 334566 Current expenditure
Cheltuieli de personal 245789 269530 285615 246080 221044 190864 Staff
Cheltuieli materiale 202401 131482 94427 62331 55697 60215 Material
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 49148 89728 113680 109694 102332 83487 R&D operations
Cheltuieli de capital 85717 100584 143486 148535 106890 54394 Capital expenditure
Terenuri i construcii 1455 24143 34939 26362 24869 7148 Lands and construction
Echipamente i aparatur 79039 72211 101292 114678 60799 42308 Equipment and apparatus
Cheltuieli cu achiziie Expenditure for
soft pentru purchasing
cercetare-dezvoltare - - 5074 3721 6876 2436 software for R&D
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 5223 4230 2181 3774 14346 2502 R&D operations

Sectorul privat non-profit 4080 9972 10520 11390 9738 9483 Private non-profit sector

Cheltuieli curente 3985 9455 8380 10635 8946 9163 Current expenditure
Cheltuieli de personal 2126 4650 5747 5327 6404 6850 Staff
Cheltuieli materiale 812 978 321 3517 633 569 Material
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare 1047 3827 2312 1791 1909 1744 R&D operations
Cheltuieli de capital 95 517 2140 755 792 320 Capital expenditure
Terenuri i construcii - - - 12 33 - Lands and construction
Echipamente i aparatur 95 391 125 505 613 256 Equipment and apparatus
Cheltuieli cu achiziie Expenditure for
soft pentru purchasing
cercetare-dezvoltare - - 2009 11 3 48 software for R&D
Alte cheltuieli curente Other current
pentru operaiuni de expenditure for
cercetare-dezvoltare - 126 6 227 143 16 R&D operations

Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
pe sectoare de performan i surse de finanare
Total expenditure from research - development activity,
13.12 by sector of performance and financing source
mii lei preuri curente / lei thou current prices
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013

Total 2356907 2413467 2786830 2872728 2464779 2555662 Total

Fonduri din ar 2160352 2144951 2450574 2457820 2082639 2121213 Domestic funds
ntreprinderi 819086 778815 931757 887999 703752 782118 Enterprises
Fonduri publice 920358 922726 1179033 1354386 1211050 1175426 Public funds
Fonduri publice University general
generale universitare 374065 390149 190125 80421 77683 65323 public funds
Uniti din Tertiary education
nvmntul superior 45044 52337 14738 17277 17513 24970 units
Instituii fr scop Non-lucrative purpose
lucrativ 1799 924 1839 2773 1104 1745 institutions
Alte surse 133082 114964 71537 71631 Other sources
Fonduri din strintate 196555 268516 336256 414908 382140 434449 External funds

Sectorul mediului
de afaceri 947047 924780 1004536 1119435 755710 1059424 Business sector
Fonduri din ar 887119 859894 929973 963038 654611 830982 Domestic funds
ntreprinderi 684833 578418 741448 719173 537623 605585 Enterprises
Fonduri publice 195669 278016 182243 219091 106045 201371 Public funds
Uniti din Tertiary education
nvmntul superior 5808 3254 646 1799 2006 1901 units
Instituii fr scop Non-lucrative purpose
lucrativ 809 206 133 30 - 248 institutions
Alte surse 5503 22945 8937 21877 Other sources
Fonduri din strintate 59928 64886 74563 156397 101099 228442 External funds

Sectorul guvernamental 822725 887391 1134566 1175263 1213368 1097795 Government sector
Fonduri din ar 750791 790419 1019993 1066952 1107436 1007198 Domestic funds
ntreprinderi 111208 168624 152027 126225 142379 149514 Enterprises
Fonduri publice 638066 620631 758822 853918 904937 818746 Public funds
Uniti din Tertiary education
nvmntul superior 1210 1164 2865 9298 8093 1178 units
Instituii fr scop Non-lucrative purpose
lucrativ 307 - 1111 41 193 537 institutions
Alte surse 105168 77470 51834 37223 Other sources
Fonduri din strintate 71934 96972 114573 108311 105932 90597 External funds

Sectorul nvmnt
superior 583055 591324 637208 566640 485963 388960 Tertiary education sector
Fonduri din ar 518548 486077 491168 417848 313759 276038 Domestic funds
ntreprinderi 22299 25686 36206 42250 23141 26945 Enterprises
Fonduri publice 83530 21731 235104 277635 193883 149050 Public funds
Fonduri publice University general
generale universitare 374065 390149 190125 80421 77683 65323 public funds
Uniti din Tertiary education
nvmntul superior 38026 47873 11227 6177 7414 21891 units
Instituii fr scop Non-lucrative purpose
lucrativ 628 638 588 832 890 906 institutions
Alte surse 17918 10533 10748 11923 Other sources
Fonduri din strintate 64507 105247 146040 148792 172204 112922 External funds

Not: n perioada 2009 - 2010, indicatorul Alte surse a fost inclus n coninutul altor indicatori de la Fonduri din ar.
Pentru produsul intern brut (PIB), datele au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 2010.
Note: During 2009 - 2010, the indicator other sources was included in other indicators of Domestic funds.
For gross domestic product (GDP), the data were calculated according to the methodology of European System of Accounts (ESA) -2010.

Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare,
pe sectoare de performan i surse de finanare - continuare
Total expenditure from research - development activity,
13.12 by sector of performance and financing source - continued
mii lei preuri curente / lei thou current prices
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sectorul privat non-profit 4080 9972 10520 11390 9738 9483 Private non-profit sector
Fonduri din ar 3894 8561 9440 9982 6833 6995 Domestic funds
ntreprinderi 746 6087 2076 351 609 74 Enterprises
Fonduri publice 3093 2348 2864 3742 6185 6259 Public funds
Uniti din Tertiary education
nvmntul superior - 46 - 3 - - units
Instituii fr scop Non-lucrative purpose
lucrativ 55 80 7 1870 21 54 institutions
Alte surse 4493 4016 18 608 Other sources
Fonduri din strintate 186 1411 1080 1408 2905 2488 External funds

Ponderea cheltuielilor totale Weight of total

de cercetare-dezvoltare, research-development
n produsul expenditure,
intern brut (PIB) - % - 0,46 0,45 0,49 0,48 0,39 0,381) in GDP - % -
din care: of which:
Sectorul public 2) 0,27 0,28 0,31 0,29 0,27 0,22 Public sector 2)
Sectorul privat 3) 0,19 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,12 0,16 Private sector 3)

Ponderea cheltuielilor totale Weight of total

de cercetare-dezvoltare research-development
pe sectoare de performan, expenditure by sectors
n produsul of performance,
intern brut (PIB) - % - 0,46 0,45 0,49 0,48 0,39 0,381) in GDP - % -
din care: of which:
Sectorul mediului Business
de afaceri - % n PIB 0,19 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,12 0,16 sector - % in GDP
Sectorul Government
guvernamental - % n PIB 0,16 0,17 0,20 0,20 0,19 0,16 sector - % in GDP
Sectorul nvmnt Tertiary education
superior - % n PIB 0,11 0,11 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,06 sector - % in GDP

Not: n perioada 2009 - 2010, indicatorul Alte surse a fost inclus n coninutul altor indicatori de la Fonduri din ar.
Pentru produsul intern brut (PIB), datele au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 2010.
Note: During 2009 - 2010, the indicator other sources was included in other indicators of Domestic funds.
For gross domestic product (GDP), the data were calculated according to the methodology of European System of Accounts (ESA) -2010.
1) Date semidefinitive. / The data are semi-final.
2) Sectorul public cuprinde sectorul guvernamental i sectorul nvmnt superior.
Public sector includes government sector and tertiary education sector.
3) Sectorul privat cuprinde sectorul mediului de afaceri i sectorul non-profit.
Private sector includes business sector and private non-profit sector.

Cheltuielile totale din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare din sectorul mediului
de afaceri, pe activiti economice i categorii de cheltuieli

13.13 Total expenditure from research - development activity in business sector,

by economic activity and expenditure category
mii lei preuri curente / lei thou current prices
Cheltuieli totale din care: / of which:
CAEN Rev. 2 Total Cheltuieli curente Cheltuieli de capital CANE Rev. 2
expenditure Current expenditure Capital expenditure
2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

Sectorul mediului de afaceri - total 1119435 755710 1059424 926145 671971 910495 193290 83739 148929 Business sector - total

Pe activiti: By activity:
Agricultur, silvicultur i piscicultur 9448 10950 12998 9081 10171 12915 367 779 83 Agriculture, forestry and pisciculture
Industria extractiv 200 - 29144 200 - 25037 - - 4107 Mining and quarrying
Industria prelucrtoare 468968 397459 547496 341120 331245 444281 127848 66214 103215 Manufacturing
Industria alimentar 16857 18355 51622 4525 17821 25288 12332 534 26334 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1023 137 514 1023 137 424 - - 90 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 1017 585 2101 1004 585 2092 13 - 9 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather,
articolelorde voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 6801 3508 613 6801 3508 613 - - - preparation and dyeing of furs
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie - 145 - - 145 - - - - Manufacture of paper and paper products
Tiprire i reproducerea pe supori Printing and reproduction of
a nregistrrilor - 69 1360 - 69 623 - - 737 recorded media
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor Manufacture of chemicals and
chimice 5455 5309 10283 5359 5078 10004 96 231 279 chemical products
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 41966 40384 63161 32053 35820 28656 9913 4564 34505 products and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber and
i mase plastice 4989 6556 368 1086 1312 360 3903 5244 8 plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din Manufacture of other non-metallic
minerale nemetalice 2822 536 969 1091 470 902 1731 66 67 mineral products
Industria metalurgic 6260 7837 8028 6237 7837 8028 23 - - Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i Manufacture of fabricated metal
a produselor din metal, exclusiv maini, products, except machinery
utilaje i instalaii 7087 7612 9328 6395 6509 9108 692 1103 220 and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a Manufacture of computers, electronic
produselor electronice i optice 95013 64529 26404 22817 23370 16119 72196 41159 10285 and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 29226 23393 22079 27558 22536 19478 1668 857 2601 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i Manufacture of machinery and
echipamente n.c.a. 32187 21047 21479 14341 20060 18594 17846 987 2885 equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles,
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 194321 184254 304653 190505 172941 286669 3816 11313 17984 trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 12148 9533 14355 11992 9377 12003 156 156 2352 Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 174 114 833 170 114 833 4 - - Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 3651 1293 2110 3651 1293 2110 - - - Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation of
mainilor i echipamentelor 7971 2263 7236 4512 2263 2377 3459 - 4859 machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 3875 988 1698 2689 988 1526 1186 - 172 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea Water supply; sewerage, waste management
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 1381 1593 559 1355 1577 360 26 16 199 and decontamination activities
Construcii 748 748 1891 748 706 1680 - 42 211 Construction
Servicii 634815 343972 465638 570952 327284 424696 63863 16688 40942 Services
din care: Cercetare-dezvoltare 299847 211331 244866 276203 199403 235592 23644 11928 9274 of which: Research-development

452 453
Numrul proiectelor i cheltuielile totale de cercetare - dezvoltare, conform NABS 1),
pe tipuri de surse de finanare, pentru activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare, n anul 2014
Number of projects and total research - development expenditure, according to NABS 1),
13.14 by type of financing sources, for the research - development activity, in 2014

Cheltuieli totale de
Proiecte de cercetare-dezvoltare 2)
cercetare-dezvoltare - total (mii lei
(numr) preuri curente)
Projects of Total expenditure for
research-development research-development 2)
(number) - total (lei thou
current prices)

TOTAL 8143 1486755 Total

din care, pe programe NABS 1): of which, by NABS 1) programmes:

Explorarea i exploatarea pmntului 42 9617 Exploration and exploitation of the earth

Mediu ncojurtor 555 88426 Environment
Exploatarea i explorarea spaiului 72 16935 Exploration and exploitation of space
Transport, telecomunicaii i alte infrastructuri 109 17479 Transport, telecommunication and other
Energie 202 77234 Energy
Producia i tehnologia industrial 740 119619 Industrial production and technology
Sntate 510 80004 Health
Agricultur 737 147015 Agriculture
Educaie 132 27305 Education
Cultur, activiti recreative, Culture, recreation, religion
religie i mass-media 279 20142 and mass media
Sisteme politice i sociale, Political and social systems,
structuri i procese 112 20424 structures and processes
Promovarea general a cunoaterii: General advancement of
cercetare-dezvoltare knowledge: R&D financed
finanat din fondurile generale from general university
universitare (GUF), pentru: 1066 257496 funds (GUF) for:
tiine naturale i exacte 357 116629 R&D related to Natural Sciences
tiine inginereti i tehnologice 452 105850 R&D related to Engineering Sciences
tiine medicale i de sntate 61 5927 R&D related to Medical Sciences
tiine agricole 36 748 R&D related to Agricultural Sciences
tiine sociale i economice 112 13523 R&D related to Social Sciences
tiine umaniste 48 14819 R&D related to Humanities
Promovarea general a cunoaterii: General advancement of
cercetare-dezvoltare knowledge: R&D financed
finanat din alte surse dect fondurile from other sources
generale universitare, pentru: 3460 583964 than GUF for:
tiine naturale i exacte 1075 263454 R&D related to Natural Sciences
tiine inginereti i tehnologice 1733 189681 R&D related to Engineering Sciences
tiine medicale i de sntate 43 14974 R&D related to Medical Sciences
tiine agricole 56 31154 R&D related to Agricultural Sciences
tiine sociale i economice 235 38162 R&D related to Social Sciences
tiine umaniste 318 46539 R&D related to Humanities

1) Nomenclatorul pentru analiza i comparaia bugetelor i programelor tiinifice.

Nomenclature for analysis and comparison of budgets and scientific programmes.
2) Numai pentru sectorul guvernamental i sectorul nvmnt superior.
Governmental and tertiary education sectors, only.

ntreprinderi cu inovaie de produs i/sau proces, dup tipul inovaiei,
n perioada 2010 - 2012
Enterprises with product and/or process innovation, by type of innovation,
13.15 during 2010 - 2012
numr / number
Inovaie Inovaie Inovaie de Inovaii
Total numai de numai produs nefinalizate
produs de proces i proces sau abandonate
Product Process Product and On-going and/or
innovation innovation process abandoned
only only innovation innovations

Total 1806 351 706 634 115 Total

Mici 1034 174 445 313 102 Small
Mijlocii 506 134 197 164 11 Medium
Mari 266 43 64 157 2 Large

Industrie 1141 197 481 375 88 Industry

Mici 617 97 296 147 77 Small
Mijlocii 320 69 136 106 9 Medium
Mari 204 31 49 122 2 Large

Industrie extractiv 12 - 6 5 1 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 1054 193 429 347 85 Manufacturing

Mici 582 95 267 144 76 Small
Mijlocii 295 68 124 95 8 Medium
Mari 177 30 38 108 1 Large

Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas,

energie electric i termic steam and air
gaze, ap cald i conditioning
aer condiionat 27 - 13 13 1 production and supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 48 4 33 10 1 decontamination activities

Servicii 665 154 225 259 27 Services

Mici 417 77 149 166 25 Small
Mijlocii 186 65 61 58 2 Medium
Mari 62 12 15 35 - Large

13.16 Tipologia inovatorilor, n perioada 2010 - 2012
Innovators tipology, during 2010 - 2012

Numr ntreprinderi Numr ntreprinderi cu inovaie

Numr Pondere fa Numr ntreprinderi numai cu inovaie de de produs i/sau proces i Numr
Numr total ntreprinderi de total numai cu inovaie de metode de organizare cu inovaie de metode de ntreprinderi
de ntreprinderi 1) inovatoare ntreprinderi produs i/sau proces i/sau de marketing organizare i/sau de marketing non-inovatoare
Total number Number of Weight Number of enterprises Number of enterprises with Number of enterprises with Number of
of enterprises 1) innovative in total with product and/or organisational and/or product and/or process and non-innovative
enterprises enterprises process innovation only marketing innovation only organisational and/or enterprises
(%) marketing innovation

Total 28866 5968 20,7 541 4162 1265 22898 Total

Mici 22400 4089 18,3 317 3055 717 18311 Small
Mijlocii 5270 1400 26,6 162 894 344 3870 Medium
Mari 1196 479 40,1 62 213 204 717 Large

Industrie 15210 3415 22,5 300 2274 841 11795 Industry

Mici 10892 2217 20,4 166 1600 451 8675 Small
Mijlocii 3429 843 24,6 83 523 237 2586 Medium
Mari 889 355 39,9 51 151 153 534 Large

Industrie extractiv 321 45 14,0 3 33 9 276 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 13894 3200 23,0 277 2146 777 10694 Manufacturing
Mici 9998 2110 21,1 162 1528 420 7888 Small
Mijlocii 3143 786 25,0 72 491 223 2357 Medium
Mari 753 304 40,4 43 127 134 449 Large

Producia i furnizarea de Electrical and thermal

energie electric i termic energy, gas steam
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 201 58 28,9 10 31 17 143 and air conditioning supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 794 112 14,1 10 64 38 682 remediation activities

Servicii 13656 2553 18,7 241 1888 424 11103 Services

Mici 11508 1872 16,3 151 1455 266 9636 Small
Mijlocii 1841 557 30,3 79 371 107 1284 Medium
Mari 307 124 40,4 11 62 51 183 Large

1) ntreprinderile cu peste 9 salariai din domeniile: industrie (seciunile CAEN Rev.2: B, C, D, E) i servicii (seciunile CAEN Rev.2: H, J i
K i diviziunile 46, 71, 72 i 73).
Enterprises with over 9 employees in fields: industry (CANE Rev.2 sections: B, C, D,E) and services (CANE Rev. 2 sections: H, J and K
and divisions 46, 71, 72 and 73).

456 457
Numrul de salariai ai ntreprinderilor inovatoare, pe activiti i clase de

13.17 mrime, n anul 2012

Employees number of innovative enterprises, by activity and size class, in 2012

Numr total Numr total Numr total

de salariai de salariai pentru de salariai pentru
Numr total pentru ntreprinderile ntreprinderile
Numr total de salariai ntreprinderile inovatoare inovatoare de produse
de salariai pentru inovatoare de metode de i/sau procese i de
pentru toate ntreprinderile n % fa de produse n % fa organizare i/sau n % fa metode de organizare n % fa
ntreprinderile inovatoare de total i/sau procese de total de marketing de total i/sau de marketing de total
Total number Total number % of total Total number % of total Total number % of total Total number of employees % of total
of employees of employees of employees of employees in product and/or process
in all enterprises in innovative in product and/or in organisational and organisational
enterprises process innovative and/or marketing and/or marketing
enterprises innovative enterprises innovative enterprises

Total 2035968 722351 35,5 84754 4,2 390460 19,2 247137 12,1 Total
Mici 461736 89037 19,3 7361 1,6 65613 14,2 16063 3,5 Small
Mijlocii 546123 147922 27,1 17188 3,1 92787 17,0 37947 6,9 Medium
Mari 1028109 485392 47,2 60205 5,9 232060 22,6 193127 18,8 Large

Industrie 1290168 458320 35,5 63725 4,9 211398 16,4 183197 14,2 Industry
Mici 238328 52793 22,2 4454 1,9 38063 16,0 10276 4,3 Small
Mijlocii 365175 94314 25,8 9829 2,7 57790 15,8 26695 7,3 Medium
Mari 686665 311213 45,3 49442 7,2 115545 16,8 146226 21,3 Large

Industrie extractiv 55917 28663 51,3 8962 16,0 1415 2,5 18286 32,7 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 1074227 363278 33,8 41663 3,9 174910 16,3 146705 13,7 Manufacturing
Mici 219389 50257 22,9 4387 2,0 36109 16,5 9761 4,4 Small
Mijlocii 333501 87344 26,2 8405 2,5 53913 16,2 25026 7,5 Medium
Mari 521337 225677 43,3 28871 5,5 84888 16,3 111918 21,5 Large

Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam

energie electric i termic and air conditioning
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 77877 45742 58,7 9399 12,1 23240 29,8 13103 16,8 production and supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 82147 20637 25,1 3701 4,5 11833 14,4 5103 6,2 decontamination activities

Servicii 745800 264031 35,4 21029 2,8 179062 24,0 63940 8,6 Services
Mici 223408 36244 16,2 2907 1,3 27550 12,3 5787 2,6 Small
Mijlocii 180948 53608 29,6 7359 4,1 34997 19,3 11252 6,2 Medium
Mari 341444 174179 51,0 10763 3,2 116515 34,1 46901 13,7 Large

458 459
Cifra de afaceri a ntreprinderilor inovatoare, pe activiti i clase de mrime,

13.18 n anul 2012

Turnover of innovative enterprises, by activity and size class, in 2012

Cifra de afaceri
total pentru
Cifra de afaceri ntreprinderi
Cifra de afaceri total pentru inovatoare de
Cifra de afaceri total pentru ntreprinderi produse i/sau
Cifra de afaceri Cifra de afaceri total pentru ntreprinderi inovatoare de procese i de
total pentru total pentru ntreprinderi inovatoare de metode de metode de
toate ntreprinderile inovatoare de produse organizare i/sau organizare i/sau
ntreprinderile inovatoare produse i/sau procese de marketing de marketing
(mii lei (mii lei n % fa (mii lei n % fa (mii lei n % fa (mii lei n % fa (mii lei n % fa
preuri curente) preuri curente) de total preuri curente) de total preuri curente) de total preuri curente) de total preuri curente) de total
Total turnover Total turnover % of total Total turnover % of total Total turnover % of total Total turnover % of total Total turnover % of total
of all enterprises of innovative of product of product of organisational of product
(thou lei enterprises innovative and/or process and/or marketing and/or process
current prices) (thou lei enterprises innovative innovative and organisational
current prices) (thou lei enterprises enterprises and/or marketing
current prices) (thou lei (thou lei innovative
current prices) current prices) enterprises
(thou lei
current prices)

Total 667323194 267691818 40,1 106223713 15,9 31636139 4,7 120379902 18,0 115675777 17,3 Total
Mici 143290933 27921021 19,5 3744823 2,6 3139698 2,2 19605969 13,7 5175354 3,6 Small
Mijlocii 161056062 51760922 32,1 10147488 6,3 5893140 3,7 32845109 20,4 13022673 8,1 Medium
Mari 362976199 188009875 51,8 92331402 25,4 22603301 6,2 67928824 18,7 97477750 26,9 Large

Industrie 366835826 171589621 46,8 83616018 22,8 21954811 6,0 61185537 16,7 88449273 24,1 Industry
Mici 42916664 11484861 26,8 1578973 3,7 1536913 3,6 7071620 16,5 2876328 6,7 Small
Mijlocii 74321011 25173244 33,9 6055467 8,1 2698380 3,6 14710582 19,8 7764282 10,4 Medium
Mari 249598151 134931516 54,1 75981578 30,4 17719518 7,1 39403335 15,8 77808663 31,2 Large

Industrie extractiv 29384529 24903383 84,7 17189955 58,5 6270742 21,3 337371 1,1 18295270 62,3 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 268402668 112603133 42,0 55630378 20,7 11628027 4,3 43162305 16,1 57812801 21,5 Manufacturing
Mici 30817668 8707313 28,3 1560060 5,1 1455389 4,7 5500582 17,8 1751342 5,7 Small
Mijlocii 59959183 20781860 34,7 4350366 7,3 2438479 4,1 12362664 20,6 5980717 10,0 Medium
Mari 177625817 83113960 46,8 49719952 28,0 7734159 4,4 25299059 14,2 50080742 28,2 Large

Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam

energie electric i termic and air conditioning
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 53840582 29253951 54,3 10303115 19,1 3548834 6,6 14970370 27,8 10734747 19,9 production and supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 15208047 4829154 31,8 492570 3,2 507208 3,3 2715491 17,9 1606455 10,6 decontamination activities

Servicii 300487368 96102197 32,0 22607695 7,5 9681328 3,2 59194365 19,7 27226504 9,1 Services
Mici 100374269 16436160 16,4 2165850 2,2 1602785 1,6 12534349 12,5 2299026 2,3 Small
Mijlocii 86735051 26587678 30,7 4092021 4,7 3194760 3,7 18134527 20,9 5258391 6,1 Medium
Mari 113378048 53078359 46,8 16349824 14,4 4883783 4,3 28525489 25,2 19669087 17,3 Large

460 461
Ponderea ntreprinderilor inovatoare de produse i/sau procese, care au indicat
surse de informaii cu grad ridicat de importan, n total ntreprinderi
inovatoare, pe activiti, clase de mrime i tip de surs, n perioada 2010 - 2012
Weight of product and/or process innovative enterprises indicating high

13.19 importance degree for selected sources of information, in total innovative

enterprises, by activity, size class and type of source, during 2010 - 2012
procente / percentage
ntreprinderi inovatoare de produse i/sau procese1) Product and/or process innovative enterprises1)

Surse interne Surse de pia Surse de la instituii Alte surse

Internal sources Market sources Sources from institutions Other sources

Furnizori de
Din interiorul echipamente, Clieni sau Clieni sau Concureni sau Universiti sau Administraie Reviste tiinifice
ntreprinderii materiale, cumprtori cumprtori alte ntreprinderi Consultani, alte instituii de public, institute Conferine, i publicaii Asociaii
sau a grupului componente din sectorul din sectorul din acelai sector laboratoare nvmnt de cercetare trguri, comerciale/ profesionale
de ntreprinderi sau software privat public de activitate comerciale superior publice sau private expoziii tehnice i industriale
Within the Supplies of Clients or Clients or Competitors and Consultants, Universities or Government Conferences Scientific Professional
enterprise or ecquipment, customers customers other enterprises commercial other higher or public trade fairs, journals and and industry
enterprise group materials, of private of public from the same labs education institutes research institutes exhibitions trade/technical associations
components or sector sector industry publications

Total 1,6 3,1 4,1 10,0 7,1 6,9 6,1 5,5 6,2 7,0 8,9 Total
Mici 1,1 2,4 3,5 9,8 5,9 6,1 5,0 4,7 6,0 7,0 8,3 Small
Mijlocii 2,5 3,9 4,7 9,7 8,4 6,3 7,1 6,1 5,1 5,7 9,3 Medium
Mari 2,7 7,1 7,5 11,9 14,2 15,0 12,5 10,2 10,9 10,9 13,2 Large

Industrie 2,1 2,8 4,5 11,7 8,6 7,3 6,6 5,8 6,8 7,9 10,2 Industry
Mici 1,5 1,3 3,9 12,4 7,5 6,0 4,8 4,5 6,9 7,9 8,9 Small
Mijlocii 3,1 5,0 4,7 9,5 9,6 7,1 8,2 7,1 5,0 6,3 12,1 Medium
Mari 3,1 6,8 7,6 13,2 13,2 16,1 13,8 11,0 10,4 11,5 13,8 Large

Industrie extractiv 2,2 2,2 2,2 4,4 2,2 8,9 8,9 6,7 6,7 4,4 8,9 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 2,1 2,9 4,5 11,8 8,2 6,9 6,2 5,4 6,7 7,6 10,0 Manufacturing
Mici 1,6 1,3 4,0 12,4 7,2 5,7 4,4 4,1 7,0 7,6 8,6 Small
Mijlocii 3,1 5,3 4,7 9,3 8,8 6,4 7,9 6,7 4,8 6,1 12,2 Medium
Mari 3,0 7,9 7,9 14,1 13,5 16,4 14,1 11,2 9,5 11,5 14,1 Large

Servicii 0,9 3,6 3,6 7,6 5,1 6,2 5,4 5,1 5,3 5,9 7,3 Services
Mici 0,7 3,6 3,1 6,8 4,0 6,2 5,2 5,0 4,9 6,0 7,7 Small
Mijlocii 1,6 2,3 4,7 10,1 6,5 5,0 5,4 4,7 5,2 4,8 5,0 Medium
Mari 1,6 8,1 7,3 8,1 16,9 12,1 8,9 8,1 12,1 8,9 11,3 Large

Indiferent de ntreprinderile inovatoare de metode de organizare i/sau de marketing.
Regardless of organisational and/or marketing innovative enterprises.

462 463
Ponderea cifrei de afaceri a ntreprinderilor cu inovaie de produse,
n cifra de afaceri total a ntreprinderilor, n anul 2012
Weight of turnover for enterprises with product innovation,
13.20 in total turnover of enterprises, in 2012
procente / percentage
Produse noi sau Produse noi sau
semnificativ semnificativ
Produse neschimbate mbuntite, noi mbuntite,
sau parial modificate pentru ntreprindere noi pentru pia
Unchanged or partial New or significantly New or significantly
modified products improved products, improved products,
new to enterprise new to market

Total 12,2 2,8 0,9 Total

Mici 2,1 0,5 0,1 Small
Mijlocii 4,6 1,3 0,4 Medium
Mari 19,6 4,3 1,5 Large

Industrie 17,4 4,3 1,1 Industry

Mici 2,8 0,7 0,2 Small
Mijlocii 5,9 2,0 0,3 Medium
Mari 23,4 5,5 1,5 Large

Industrie extractiv 57,9 0,6 - Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 14,9 4,7 1,2 Manufacturing

Mici 3,8 1,0 0,2 Small
Mijlocii 5,7 1,2 0,3 Medium
Mari 19,9 6,5 1,6 Large

Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam

energie electric i termic and air conditioning
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 12,2 5,2 1,8 production and supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 2,6 0,6 - decontamination activities

Servicii 5,9 1,0 0,7 Services

Mici 1,8 0,3 0,1 Small
Mijlocii 3,5 0,8 0,5 Medium
Mari 11,4 1,7 1,3 Large

ntreprinderile inovatoare de produse i/sau procese, care au primit fonduri
publice pentru activiti inovatoare, n total ntreprinderi inovatoare, pe activiti,
clase de mrime i tipuri de fonduri publice, n perioada 2010 - 2012
Product and/or process innovative enterprises that received public funds for
innovation activities, in total innovative enterprises, by activity, size class and
13.21 type of public funds, during 2010 - 2012
procente / percentage
Au primit din care:
fonduri de la of which:
Au primit Guvern Au primit
Au primit fonduri (incluznd Au primit fonduri
orice de la fonduri fonduri de la
fel de autoriti de la agenii de la al 7-lea
fonduri locale i guvernamentale Uniunea Program
publice regionale sau ministere) European Cadru
Which Which Which Which Which
benefitted benefitted benefitted of benefitted benefitted
of public of funds governmental of European of funds
funds of from local funds (including Union from the 7 th
all types and funds from funds Framework
regional governmental Programme
authorities agencies
or ministries)

Total 17,5 3,5 7,0 11,1 2,1 Total

Mici 16,1 3,5 5,9 9,3 0,7 Small
Mijlocii 18,6 3,0 7,1 13,0 2,8 Medium
Mari 21,1 4,5 10,9 14,7 6,4 Large

Industrie 19,8 3,2 6,7 12,9 1,1 Industry

Mici 19,6 4,2 5,8 12,6 0,3 Small
Mijlocii 20,6 2,5 6,9 13,4 1,3 Medium
Mari 19,1 1,5 9,3 12,7 3,4 Large

Industrie extractiv 8,3 - - 8,3 - Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 20,2 2,8 6,7 13,5 1,2 Manufacturing

Mici 20,6 4,3 6,2 13,4 0,3 Small
Mijlocii 19,7 1,0 6,4 13,6 1,4 Medium
Mari 19,8 0,6 9,0 13,6 4,0 Large

Producia i furnizarea Electricity, gas, steam

de energie electric and air conditioning
i termic gaze, ap cald production
i aer condiionat 22,2 22,2 7,4 - - and supply

Distribuia apei; Water supply; sewerage,

salubritate, gestionarea waste management
deeurilor, activiti de and decontamination
decontaminare 12,5 4,2 8,3 8,3 - activities

Servicii 13,5 3,9 7,4 8,1 3,5 Services

Mici 10,8 2,4 6,0 4,3 1,2 Small
Mijlocii 15,1 3,8 7,5 12,4 4,8 Medium
Mari 27,4 14,5 16,1 21,0 14,5 Large

Cheltuielile pentru inovaie ale ntreprinderilor inovatoare de produse

13.22 i/sau procese, n anul 2012

Innovation expenditure in product and/or process innovative enterprises, in 2012

din care, n (%) din total cheltuieli, pentru urmtoarele activiti inovatoare:
of which, (%) in total expenditures, for the following innovation activities:

Cheltuiala total Achiziii de alte

Clase de mrime pentru inovaie Activitate de Activitate de Achiziii de cunotine existente Size class
Activiti economice (mii lei preuri curente) cercetare-dezvoltare cercetare-dezvoltare utilaj, echipament, la alte ntreprinderi Alte activiti Economic activity
Total innovation intern extern software i cldiri sau organizaii inovatoare
expenditure In-house External Acquisition of Acquisition of Other
(thou lei current prices) Research and Research and machinery, equipment existing knowledge innovation
Development Development software and buildings from other enterprises activities
or organizations

Total 2917291 30,6 1,6 59,8 1,2 6,8 Total

Mici 426032 39,3 0,7 49,3 5,1 5,6 Small
Mijlocii 827812 39,1 0,5 56,2 0,5 3,7 Medium
Mari 1663447 24,2 2,4 64,2 0,5 8,7 Large

Industrie 2147583 21,0 2,0 69,9 0,8 6,4 Industry

Mici 249014 39,3 0,6 54,2 2,6 3,3 Small
Mijlocii 443189 12,4 0,3 83,2 0,7 3,5 Medium
Mari 1455380 20,5 2,8 68,5 0,5 7,8 Large

Industrie extractiv 43618 48,1 0,7 50,0 0,1 1,1 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 1479674 28,5 2,8 61,5 0,9 6,2 Manufacturing

Mici 214997 45,5 0,7 47,2 2,9 3,6 Small
Mijlocii 359472 14,7 0,3 80,4 0,6 4,0 Medium
Mari 905205 30,0 4,3 57,4 0,6 7,7 Large

Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam

energie electric i termic and air conditioning
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 325434 1,7 0,4 96,6 0,5 0,7 production and supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 298857 0,7 - 84,9 0,3 14,1 decontamination activities

Servicii 769708 57,4 0,6 31,7 2,2 8,0 Services

Mici 177018 39,2 0,9 42,4 8,5 8,9 Small
Mijlocii 384623 69,8 0,9 25,1 0,3 3,9 Medium
Mari 208067 50,0 - 34,6 0,5 14,9 Large

466 467
Ponderea ntreprinderilor inovatoare de produse i/sau procese, angajate
n acorduri de cooperare pentru inovaie, n total ntreprinderi inovatoare,
pe activiti, clase de mrime, tipul partenerului de cooperare i
locaia geografic a partenerului, n perioada 2010 - 2012
Weight of product and/or process innovative enterprises, engaged in co-operation
arrangements on innovation activities, in total innovative enterprises,

13.23 by activity, size class, type of co-operation partner and geographical location
of partner, during 2010 - 2012
procente / percentage
dup tipul partenerului de cooperare: dup locaia geografic a partenerului:
by cooperation partner type: by geographical location of the partner:

Alte Furnizori de Concureni sau Universiti Administraie

ntreprinderi echipamente, Clieni sau Clieni sau alte ntreprinderi sau alte public, instituii
din interiorul materiale, cumprtori cumprtori din acelai Consultani instituii de de cercetare Celelalte Toate
Orice tip de grupului de componente din sectorul din sectorul sector de i laboratoare nvmnt publice ri din celelalte
cooperare 1) ntreprinderi sau software privat public activitate comerciale superior sau private Romnia Europa ri
Any type of Other Suppliers of Clients or Clients or Competitors Consultants Universities Government, Romania Other All the
co-operation 1) enterprises equipment, customers customers or other and commercial or other public or European other
from the materials, from private from public enterprises from laboratories tertiary private countries countries
enterprises components sector sector the same sector education research
group or software of activity institutions institutes

Total 7,4 2,0 5,3 3,5 - 1,0 2,6 1,5 2,3 6,0 3,5 1,5 Total

Mici 5,7 0,8 4,2 2,2 - 0,4 2,0 0,7 1,4 4,5 1,9 0,5 Small
Mijlocii 6,9 2,3 4,3 4,0 0,1 1,6 2,6 1,6 2,6 6,1 3,6 1,1 Medium
Mari 22,5 11,7 18,0 12,3 - 4,8 7,9 7,7 9,2 19,0 16,9 11,1 Large

Industrie 9,0 2,5 6,9 4,0 - 1,0 3,3 1,6 2,5 7,5 4,4 1,2 Industry

Mici 7,4 1,2 6,2 2,5 - 0,2 3,0 0,4 1,3 6,0 2,3 - Small
Mijlocii 8,4 2,7 5,1 4,6 0,1 1,7 2,7 2,5 3,0 7,2 4,9 1,2 Medium
Mari 20,8 10,4 15,8 11,5 - 4,2 6,8 7,3 8,7 17,5 16,1 8,5 Large

Industrie extractiv 6,7 4,4 2,2 2,2 - - 2,2 2,2 2,2 4,4 4,4 2,2 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 9,0 2,4 6,9 4,1 - 0,9 3,5 1,7 2,5 7,4 4,4 1,3 Manufacturing
Mici 7,5 1,2 6,3 2,6 - 0,1 3,2 0,4 1,3 6,1 2,4 - Small
Mijlocii 8,5 2,8 5,2 4,6 0,1 1,5 2,8 2,5 3,1 7,3 5,0 1,1 Medium
Mari 20,1 9,9 15,1 13,2 - 4,6 7,6 8,2 8,9 16,4 17,1 9,9 Large

Producia i furnizarea de Electricity, gas, steam and

energie electric i termic, air conditioning
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 19,0 12,1 15,5 3,4 - 3,4 1,7 - 3,4 17,2 10,3 - production and supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 7,1 - 6,3 2,7 - 2,7 - 0,9 1,8 7,1 0,9 - decontamination activities

Servicii 5,1 1,4 3,1 2,8 - 1,1 1,6 1,3 2,1 4,0 2,4 1,8 Services
Mici 3,8 0,4 1,7 1,9 - 0,5 0,7 1,1 1,5 2,7 1,4 1,0 Small
Mijlocii 4,7 1,6 3,1 3,1 - 1,6 2,3 0,4 2,2 4,3 1,8 1,1 Medium
Mari 27,4 15,3 24,2 14,5 - 6,5 11,3 8,9 10,5 23,4 19,4 18,5 Large

ntreprinderea care a avut o cooperare este numrat o singur dat, indiferent de numrul partenerilor.
The enterprise with one cooperation is counted only once, irrespective of partners number.

468 469
Cererile de brevet de invenie depuse
13.24 Submitted patent applications
numr / number
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cereri de brevet de invenie Submitted patent
depuse - total 1091 1418 1462 1077 1046 1036 applications - total

Pe categorii de solicitani:
By categories of applicants:

Solicitani romni: 1054 1382 1424 1022 995 952 Romanian applicants:
Persoane fizice 529 567 640 431 496 523 Natural persons
ntreprinderi 162 135 139 158 157 132 Enterprises
Institute de cercetare 222 334 357 208 136 156 Research institutes
Institute de nvmnt 141 346 288 225 206 141 Education institutions
Solicitani strini 37 36 38 55 51 84 Foreign applicants

Pe domenii tehnice:
By technical fields:

Necesiti ale vieii 223 308 322 264 248 242 Human necessities
Tehnici industriale, transporturi 190 227 216 164 187 178 Performing operations, transporting
Chimie, metalurgie 153 213 202 156 117 108 Chemistry, metallurgy
Textile, hrtie 10 22 13 12 6 9 Textiles, paper
Construcii 69 80 82 54 62 73 Construction
Inginerie mecanic, iluminat, Mechanical engineering, lighting,
nclzire 176 202 237 151 160 153 heating
Fizic 165 257 259 188 162 167 Physics
Electricitate 105 109 132 88 104 106 Electricity

Pe ri de reziden a solicitantului:
By applicants country of residence:

Argentina 1 - - - - - Argentina
Australia - - 1 - - - Australia
Austria 1 - - - 1 - Austria
Brazilia - - - - - - Brazil
Canada - 2 4 9 7 2 Canada
China 4 1 - 2 - - China, Peoples Republic of
Cipru - - 1 - 1 - Cyprus
Croaia - - - - - - Croatia
Danemarca - - - - - - Denmark
Elveia - - - 1 - 2 Switzerland
Frana 3 - 4 9 13 21 France
Germania - 2 5 3 2 14 Germany
Israel - - - - - - Israel
Italia - 3 2 2 2 3 Italy
Japonia 2 - - - 1 1 Japan
Mexic - - 1 - - - Mexico, U.S.
Olanda 3 2 - - 2 - Netherlands
Regatul Unit 3 2 1 - - - United Kingdom
Republica Ceh - - 1 1 1 - Czech Republic
Republica Coreea 2 - - 1 - - Republic of Korea
Republica Moldova 1 2 1 2 - - Republic of Moldova
Romnia 1054 1382 1424 1022 995 952 Romania
Spania 1 1 1 - - - Spain
SUA 12 12 8 16 12 31 United States of America
Suedia - - 2 - - - Sweden
Turcia 1 4 1 - - - Turkey
Ungaria - - 1 1 - - Hungary
Ucraina 1 - - 1 - - Ukraine
Altele 2 5 4 7 9 10 Others

Brevete de invenie acordate i publicate
13.25 Granted and published patents
numr / number
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Brevete de invenie acordate Granted and published

i publicate - total 646 430 430 384 422 372 patents - total

Titulari romni 582 392 404 369 406 356 Romanian holders
Titulari strini 64 38 26 15 16 16 Foreign holders

Brevete de invenie europene Validated european

validate - total 1940 2036 2465 2508 2539 2661 patents - total

Alte obiecte de proprietate industrial

13.26 Other objects of industrial property
numr / number
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cereri de modele de utilitate - total 80 73 64 75 67 56 Demands of utility models

Solicitani romni 74 61 57 61 55 45 Romanian applicants

Solicitani strini 6 12 7 14 12 11 Foreign applicants

Certificate eliberate 6 25 49 38 38 30 Released certificates

Cereri de brevet pentru soiuri Patent applications for

de plante - total 11 54 15 - - - plant varieties - total

Solicitani romni 11 54 8 - - - Romanian applicants

Solicitani strini - - 7 - - - Foreign applicants

Cereri de nregistrare a Designs and models

desenelor / modelelor - total 565 500 356 356 425 381 registration applications - total

Solicitani romni 513 458 328 325 378 346 Romanian applicants
Solicitani strini 52 42 28 31 47 35 Foreign applicants

Designs and models

Desene / modele coninute n included in thedesigns
cereri de nregistare - total 1963 1437 1246 1138 1803 1171 registration applications - total

Solicitani romni 1665 1302 1111 1040 1528 1023 Romanian applicants
Solicitani strini 298 135 135 98 275 148 Foreign applicants

Certificate de nregistrare a Designs and models

desenelor / modelelor publicate 416 493 409 358 293 243 registered and published

Cereri de nregistrare Trademarks registration

a mrcilor - total 13030 12033 11600 10789 11935 10763 applications - total

Solicitani romni 9049 8753 8389 7743 8868 8165 Romanian applicants
Solicitani strini 3981 3280 3211 3046 3067 2598 Foreign applicants

Cereri de nregistrare a Applications for geographical

indicaiilor geografice - total - - 2 2 - - indications registration - total




14.1 Fondul funciar, dup modul de folosin ................ 483 Total land fund, by use
14.2 Suprafaa agricol, dup modul de folosin,
n anul 2014 .......................................................... 484 Agricultural area, by use, in 2014
14.3 Exploataiile agricole care au utilizat suprafee Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas
agricole i / sau au deinut efective de animale, and / or owned livestock, by legal status
dup statutul juridic al exploataiilor agricole ........ 484 of agricultural holdings
14.4 Exploataiile agricole, suprafaa agricol utilizat Agricultural holdings, utilised agricultural area
i suprafaa agricol utilizat ce a revenit n medie and utilised agricultural area as average
pe o exploataie agricol, dup statutul juridic per agricultural holding, by legal status
al exploataiilor agricole ........................................ 486 of agricultural holdings
14.5 Exploataiile agricole, pe categorii de folosin i Agricultural holdings, by use category and size class
pe clase de mrime a suprafeei agricole utilizate .... 486 of utilised agricultural area
14.6 Exploataiile agricole cu principalele culturi Agricultural holdings by main crops in
n teren arabil, pe clase de mrime a suprafeei arable land, by size class of utilised agricultural
agricole utilizate .................................................... 488 area
14.7 Exploataiile agricole cu efective de animale i Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by
efectivele de animale pe specii, pe clase de species, by size class of utilised agricultural
mrime a suprafeei agricole utilizate .................... 490 area
14.8 Producia ramurii agricole ...................................... 492 Agricultural branch production
14.9 Producia principalelor produse agricole, Production of the main agricultural products,
pe locuitor .............................................................. 493 per inhabitant
14.10 Suprafaa cultivat, cu principalele culturi ............ 494 Cultivated area, by main crops
14.11 Producia agricol vegetal, la principalele culturi .... 496 Crop production, for main crops
14.12 Producia medie la hectar, la principalele culturi .. 498 Average yield, for main crops
14.13 Suprafaa viilor pe rod i producia de struguri ...... 500 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes
14.14 Producia de fructe ................................................ 500 Fruit production
14.15 Efectivele de animale ............................................ 502 Livestock
14.16 Animale ce revin la 100 hectare teren .................. 502 Livestock per 100 hectares of land
14.17 Producia agricol animal .................................... 504 Animal production
14.18 Parcul de tractoare i maini agricole principale Park of tractors and of main agricultural
din agricultur ........................................................ 506 machinery
14.19 ngrminte chimice i naturale folosite Chemical and natural fertilizers used
n agricultur .......................................................... 506 in agriculture


14.20 Fondul forestier ...................................................... 508 Forest fund

14.21 Regenerri artificiale .............................................. 508 Artificial regeneration
14.22 Suprafaa parcurs cu tieri .................................. 508 Cutting wood area
14.23 Volumul de lemn recoltat ...................................... 509 Harvested wood volume
14.24 Volumul de lemn exploatat de ctre operatorii Volume of wood exploited by
economici cu activitate de exploatare forestier .... 509 economic operators with forestry activity

Teritorial Territorial

14.25 Fondul funciar, dup modul de folosin, Total land fund, by use, at territorial level,
n profil teritorial, la 31 decembrie 2014 ........................ on December 31, 2014
14.26 Suprafaa cultivat, cu principalele culturi, Cultivated area, by main crops,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ....................................... at territorial level, in 2014

14.27 Producia ramurii agricole, n profil teritorial, Agricultural branch production, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................... in 2014
14.28 Producia agricol vegetal, la principalele ................... Crop production, for main crops,
culturi, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ........................... at territorial level, in 2014
14.29 Producia medie la hectar, la principalele culturi, Average yield, for main crops,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ....................................... at territorial level, in 2014
14.30 Suprafaa viilor pe rod, n profil teritorial, Area of bearing vineyards, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................... in 2014
14.31 Producia de struguri, n profil teritorial, Production of grapes, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................... in 2014
14.32 Producia medie de struguri la hectar, Average yield of grapes, at territorial level,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ....................................... in 2014
14.33 Producia de fructe, n profil teritorial, Fruit production, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................... in 2014
14.34 Efectivele de animale, n profil teritorial, Livestock, at territorial level,
la 1 decembrie 2014 ...................................................... on December 1, 2014
14.35 Producia agricol animal, n profil teritorial, Animal production, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................... in 2014
14.36 Parcul de tractoare i maini agricole principale Park of tractors and of main agricultural
din agricultur, n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 .............. machinery, at territorial level, in 2014
14.37 Volumul de lemn recoltat, n profil teritorial, Harvested wood volume, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................... in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Ancheta Structural n Agricultur - 2013; Farm Structure Survey - 2013;
Recensmntul General Agricol - 2010; General Agricultural Census - 2010;
Cercetri statistice realizate prin sondaj aliniate la Statistical sample surveys aligned to community
acquis-ul comunitar n domeniul statisticii agricole acquis in the field of agriculture statistics on crop
privind suprafeele i producia vegetal, efectivele area and production, livestock and animal
de animale i producia animal; production;
Cercetri statistice curente privind fondul forestier, Statistical current surveys regarding forest land,
masa lemnoas recoltat, suprafaa parcurs cu harvested timber, cutting wood area, afforestations
tieri, mpduriri i volumul de lemn exploatat. and volume of wood exploited.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

Ministerul Agriculturii i Dezvoltrii Rurale, pentru Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, for
fondul funciar dup modul de folosin; pentru land fund by use; for chemical and natural fertilizers
ngrmintele chimice i naturale folosite n used in agriculture and for park of tractors and of
agricultur i pentru parcul de tractoare i maini main agricultural machinery related to the end of
agricole principale din agricultur aferent sfritului year;
de an;
Agenia Naional de mbuntiri Funciare, pentru National Agency for Land Arrangements, for
suprafaa agricol irigat; irrigated agricultural area;
Agenia Naional pentru Pescuit i Acvacultur, The National Agency for Fishery and Aqvaculture,
pentru producia de pete. for the fish production.



Fondul funciar reprezint totalitatea terenurilor, Land fund represents all lands no matter of
indiferent de destinaie, de titlul pe baza cruia sunt destination, of the title based on which they are owned or
deinute sau de domeniul public sau privat din care fac of public or private sector to which they belong.
Suprafaa agricol, dup modul de folosin, Agricultural area includes, by use, the lands with
include terenurile cu destinaie agricol, aflate n agricultural destination, owned by natural or legal
proprietatea persoanelor fizice sau juridice i care se persons, classified as follows: arable land, natural
clasific astfel: teren arabil, puni i fnee naturale, vii pastures and hayfields, vineyards and vine nurseries,
i pepiniere viticole, livezi i pepiniere pomicole. orchards and tree nurseries.
Terenul arabil reprezint suprafaa care se ar n Arable land represents the area which is ploughed
fiecare an sau la mai muli ani i se cultiv cu plante each year or at several years, cultivated with annual or
anuale sau perene. perennial plants.
Punile reprezint terenurile acoperite cu vegetaie Pastures represent lands covered with herbal
ierboas, instalat pe cale natural sau regenerat prin vegetation, grown in natural way, or regenerated by
nsmnare, destinate punatului animalelor. sowing, for animal pasturing.
Fneele reprezint terenurile acoperite cu vegetaie Hayfields represent the lands covered with herbal
ierboas, instalat pe cale natural sau regenerat prin vegetation, grown in natural way, or regenerated by
nsmnare i destinate recoltrii pentru obinerea de fn. sowing, for hay harvesting.
Viile i pepinierele viticole reprezint suprafeele Vineyards and nurseries represent the areas
cu plantaii viticole, pepiniere viticole i terenul n covered with vineyards, vine nurseries and land
pregtire pentru vii. prepared for vineyards.
Livezile i pepinierele pomicole reprezint Orchards and tree nurseries represent the areas
suprafeele cu plantaii pomicole, arbuti fructiferi, covered with tree plantations, fruit younglings, tree
pepiniere pomicole i terenul n pregtire pentru livezi. nurseries and land prepared for orchards.
Suprafaa cultivat reprezint suprafaa Cultivated area represents the area sown/planted
nsmnat/ plantat n ogor propriu, n anul agricol de in own field, in the agricultural reference year (October, 1
referin (1 octombrie - 30 septembrie) cu o cultur - September, 30) with a main crop (covering the land for
principal (care ocup terenul cea mai mare perioad de the majority of time period) or in previous agricultural
timp) sau n anii agricoli precedeni pentru culturile years for biennial, triennial or perennial crops.
bienale, trienale sau perene.
Suprafaa agricol irigat reprezint suprafaa pe Irrigated agricultural area represents the area on
care s-a aplicat cel puin o udare n anul agricol de which at least one irrigation was done during in
referin. agricultural reference year.
Exploataia agricol este o unitate tehnico- The agricultural holding is a single unit, both
economic de sine stttoare, cu o gestiune unic i technically and economically, which has a single
care desfoar activiti agricole, prin utilizarea management and which undertakes agricultural
suprafeelor i/sau creterea animalelor, sau activiti de activities, by using the agricultural areas and/or animal
meninere a terenurilor agricole n bune condiii agricole breeding, or activities for keeping farmland in good
i de mediu, fie ca activitate principal, fie ca activitate agricultural and environmental conditions, either as a
secundar. main or as a secondary activity.
Suprafaa agricol utilizat cuprinde teren arabil, Utilised agricultural area includes arable land,
grdini familiale, puni i fnee naturale (permanente) kitchen gardens, (permanent) grassland and meadows
i culturi permanente (plantaii viticole i pomicole). and permanent crops (vineyards and fruit and berry
Producia ramurii agricole se determin conform Agricultural branch production is determined
metodologiei Eurostat privind Conturile Economice according to the Eurostat methodology on Economic
pentru Agricultur i cuprinde: valoarea tuturor Accounts for Agriculture and comprises: the value of all
produciilor de produse agricole (inclusiv valoarea agricultural products (including the value of wine
produciei de vin obinut n unitile agricole care nu production obtained in agricultural units having no wine
dispun de instalaii industriale de vinificaie) i valoarea industrial installations) and the value of agricultural

serviciilor agricole efectuate de unitile specializate. services carried out by specialised units. This production
Aceast producie nu cuprinde: valoarea consumului de does not comprise: the value of the seed consumption
smn din producie proprie pentru culturile la care from own production for the crops where sowings are
nsmnrile se fac toamna, valoarea strugurilor utilizai done in autumn, the value of grapes used for wine
n producia de vin a unitilor agricole care nu dispun de production of agricultural units having no wine industrial
instalaii industriale de vinificaie, valoarea laptelui installations, the value of milk consumed by animals, the
consumat de animale, valoarea oulor puse la incubat i value of eggs in incubator and producers losses after
pierderile la productori dup recoltare. harvesting.
Producia ramurii agricole cuprinde i valoarea The agricultural branch production includes the
activitilor secundare neagricole neseparabile i este value of non-agricultural inseparable secondary
diminuat cu valoarea laptelui transformat n derivate activities and it is diminished with the value of milk
(produse obinute din prelucrarea laptelui) n aceeai processed into derivates (products obtained from milk
ferm. processing) in the same farm.
Activitile secundare neagricole neseparabile sunt Non-agricultural inseparable secondary activities
activiti legate direct de producia agricol i nu pot fi are directly related to agricultural production and cannot
separate de activitatea agricol principal din punct de be separated from main agricultural production from the
vedere al costurilor (ex.: producerea brnzeturilor n viewpoint of costs (ex.: production of cheese products in
ferma zootehnic). livestock farms).
Producia ramurii agricole este exprimat n preuri Agricultural branch production is expressed in
curente de baz (preurile la productor la care se current basic prices (producer prices plus subsidies on
adaug subveniile pe produs i se scad impozitele pe product, less taxes on product) of each year.
produs) ale fiecrui an.
Indicii produciei ramurii agricole se calculeaz Agricultural branch production indices are
ca raport ntre valoarea produciei din anul curent calculated as the ratio between production value in
exprimat n preurile anului anterior i valoarea current year expressed in the prices of the previous year
produciei din anul anterior. and production value in the previous year.
Producia agricol vegetal reprezint producia Crop agricultural production represents the
fizic obinut n perioada de referin (anul n care se physical production obtained in the reference period
face recoltarea), mai puin pierderile la recoltare, (year when harvesting is done) except harvesting losses,
exprimat n uniti fizice n funcie de natura produselor expressed in physical units by nature of products and
i a grupelor de produse i cuprinde: groups of products and includes:
producia culturilor n ogor propriu; production in own field;
producia culturilor intercalate; production in combined crops;
producia culturilor succesive; production in successive crops;
producia obinut n grdinile familiale production obtained in kitchen gardens
(pentru legume, cartofi, fructe i struguri). (for vegetables, potatoes, fruit and grapes).
Producia medie reprezint cantitatea de produse (pe Average yield represents the quantity of products
fiecare cultur) obinut pe unitatea de suprafa cultivat. (for each crop) obtained on the unit of cultivated area.
Producia de fructe reprezint cantitatea de fructe Fruit production represents the quantity of fruit, by
pe specii, obinut de la pomii din livezi i rzlei, arbutii species, obtained from orchard trees and isolated trees,
fructiferi i cpuni (inclusiv din grdinile familiale). fruit and berry species and strawberries (including the
kitchen gardens).
Greutatea n viu a animalelor destinate Live weight of animals intended to be
sacrificrii pentru consum cuprinde greutatea n viu a slaughtered for consumption includes live weight of
animalelor sacrificate n exploataiile agricole, a celor animals slaughtered in agricultural holdings, of those
vndute pentru sacrificare la abatoare, direct pe pia, sold to be slaughtered within slaughtering houses,
export direct i a celor sacrificate n abatoare, dar directly on the market, direct export and of those
restituite exploataiilor agricole. slaughtered within slaughtering houses, but given back
to agricultural holdings.
Efectivele de bovine cuprind totalitatea taurinelor i Cattle population comprises all male and female
bubalinelor masculi i femele, pe diferite grupe de vrst bulls and buffalos by various age group and economic
i destinaie economic. destination.
Efectivele de porcine cuprind totalitatea porcinelor Pigs population comprises all pigs in agricultural
din exploataia agricol (inclusiv porcinele aflate n holding (including pigs in maternity, breeding and
materniti, cresctorii i ngrtorii), indiferent de sex, fattening farms) not matter of sex, weight category and
categorii de greutate i destinaie economic. economic destination.
Efectivele de ovine cuprind toate animalele din Sheep population comprises all animals of sheep
specia ovine, indiferent de sex, vrst, destinaie species, no matter of sex, age, economic destination and
economic i locul unde se afl. place.
Efectivele de caprine cuprind toate caprinele Goats population comprises all goats no matter of
indiferent de sex, vrst, destinaie economic i locul sex, age, economic destination and place.
unde se afl.
Efectivele de cabaline cuprind cabalinele de Horses population comprises labour horses, stud
munc, armsarii reproductori, tineret pn la 3 ani, horses, young horses until 3 years old, other horses.
alte cabaline. Nu sunt inclui caii de curse i caii de Race horses and saddle horses used for amusement are
clrie, folosii pentru divertisment. not included.
Efectivele de psri cuprind toate categoriile de Poultry population comprises all categories of poultry
psri existente n exploataia agricol (gini, curci, rae, existent in agricultural holding (hens, turkey hens, ducks,
gte, alte psri: strui, prepelie, bibilici etc.). geese, other poultry: ostrich, quails, guinea fowl etc).
Familii de albine reprezint numrul de familii de Bee families represent number of bee families for
albine, destinate produciei de miere. honey production.
Producia de lapte reprezint cantitatea de lapte de Milk production represents the quantity of cow,
vac, bivoli (inclusiv consumul vieilor), oaie i capr. buffalo cow (including the calves consumption), sheep
and goat milk.
Producia principalelor produse agricole, pe Production of the main agricultural products, per
locuitor se calculeaz ca raport ntre producia total a inhabitant are calculated as the ratio between total
acestora i populaia rezident (stabil) la 1 iulie production thereof and the usual resident population on
a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the
cu rezultatele Recensmntului Populaiei i al conditions of comparability with the final results of the
Locuinelor 2011. Population and Housing Census 2011.
Parcul de tractoare i maini agricole (fizice) Park of tractors and of main (physical)
principale din agricultur (la sfritul anului) este agricultural machinery in agriculture (end of year) is
aferent unitilor care au agricultura ca activitate principal related to the units having agriculture as their main
(inclusiv exploataiile agricole fr personalitate juridic). activity (including individual agricultural holdings).
ngrmintele chimice sunt produse industriale Chemical fertilizers are industrial products which
care dup coninutul lor pot fi: azotoase, fosfatice, by content can be: nitrous, phosphatic, potassic or
potasice, sau n amestec ca ngrminte complexe; ele combined, as complex fertilizers; they are expressed in
se exprim n substan activ. active substance.
ngrmintele naturale cuprind gunoiul de grajd Natural fertilizers include muck from all species of
de la toate speciile de animale i de la psri (n stare animals and poultry (fresh or fermented) as well as liquid
proaspt sau fermentat) precum i dejeciile n stare dejections; they are expressed in gross weight.
lichid; acestea se exprim n greutate brut.


Fondul forestier reprezint totalitatea suprafeelor Forest fund represents the total area of forests,
pdurilor, a terenurilor destinate mpduririi, a celor care lands meant for afforestration, those serving the needs of
servesc nevoilor de cultur, producie sau administraie crops, production and forest administration, of pools,
silvic, a iazurilor, a albiilor praielor, a altor terenuri cu brook beds as well as other areas intended for forestry
destinaie forestier i neproductive cuprinse n and non-productive lands included in forest
amenajamentele silvice la data de 1 ianuarie 1990 sau arrangements, on January 1st, 1990 or hereby included
incluse n acestea ulterior, n condiiile legii, indiferent de later on, according to law provisions, no matter of
natura dreptului de proprietate. ownership right.
Suprafaa pdurilor reprezint terenurile cu o Forest area represents all land areas over 0.25
suprafa de cel puin 0,25 ha, acoperite cu arbori; arborii hectares, covered by trees; trees should reach a
trebuie s ating o nlime minim de 5 m la maturitate minimum height of 5 m at maturity, under normal
n condiii normale de vegetaie. vegetation conditions.
Regenerrile artificiale reprezint ansamblul de Artificial regeneration represent all works by which
lucrri de plantare de puiei, butai i sade sau de an area is planted with saplings, cuttings and seedlings
nsmnare a unei suprafee de teren cu scopul de a se or sown in order to create new coppices, both on

crea noi arborete, att pe terenuri forestiere de pe care a exploited forest lands and on lands without forest
fost exploatat arboretul matur, ct i pe terenuri lipsite de vegetation.
vegetaie forestier.
Suprafaa parcurs cu tieri reprezint suprafaa Cutting area represents lots surface of which the
partizilor din care s-a recoltat masa lemnoas. Aceast timber was harvested. This area corresponds to the act
suprafa corespunde prevederilor actului de punere n of turning into account if the timber was harvested
valoare n cazul n care masa lemnoas s-a recoltat n entirely or should be reduced proportionally to the
totalitate sau se va reduce proporional cu suprafaa cu surface with wood left on foot not harvested at the end of
mas lemnoas rmas pe picior nerecoltat la sfritul year.
Tieri succesive - tierile de regenerare prin care Successive cuttings regeneration cuttings by
pdurea se parcurge cu extrageri repetate de arbori which forest is crossed by repeated extractions of trees
relativ uniform repartizate spaial, ealonate n timp relatively uniformly distributed in space, staggered
corespunztor instalrii i dezvoltrii regenerrii according to natural regeneration installation and
naturale, pn la recoltarea integral a arboretului btrn development, until integral harvesting of old tree and
i trecerea la o nou generaie a pdurii. passing to a new generation of forest.
Tieri progresive - tierile de regenerare prin care Progressive cuttings regeneration cuttings by
pdurea se parcurge cu extrageri repetate de arbori which forest is crossed by repeated extractions of trees
amplasate n anumite poriuni (ochiuri), care se lrgesc placed in certain portions (eyes) which get larger step by
treptat pe msura instalrii i dezvoltrii regenerrii step at the same time with natural regeneration
naturale, pn la recoltarea integral a arboretului btrn installation and development until integral harvesting of
i trecerea la o nou generaie a pdurii. old tree and passing to a new generation of forest.
Tieri grdinrite - tierile cu caracter continuu, Garden cuttings continuous cuttings which
prin care se urmrete recoltarea selectiv a unor arbori pursue the selective harvesting of some trees or small
sau grupe mici de arbori, n vederea realizrii i groups of trees, in order to achieve and keep a specific
meninerii unei structuri pluriene specifice, diversified structure according to purposes.
corespunztor scopurilor stabilite.
Tieri rase - extragerea integral a arboretului Flat cuttings - integral extraction of old tree by a
btrn printr-o singur tiere, regenerarea pdurii single cutting, forest regeneration being done by
realizndu-se pe cale artificial, prin mpduriri. afforestration.
Operaiunile de igien i curire a pdurilor - Forest hygienic and cleaning operations - taking
extragerea produselor de igien care rezult din out hygienic products resulted from normal process of
procesul normal de eliminare natural (arbori dobori, natural elimination (cut down, split, punk, attacked by
rupi, uscai, atacai de insecte). insects trees).
Tieri de ngrijire n pdurile tinere - ansamblul Fostering cuttings in young forests - all cuttings
tierilor de ngrijire i conducere a arboretelor, efectuate of brush care and leading, carried out since their
de la instalarea acestora i pn la nceperea tierilor de installation till begining of regeneration cuttings,
regenerare, n raport cu elul de gospodrire urmrit. according to the purpose husbandry.
Tieri de produse accidentale reprezint Accidental cuttings represent the harvest of raw
recoltarea produselor brute lemnoase, rezultate wooden products, resulted accidentally because of
ntmpltor datorit calamitilor naturale sau a unor natural calamities or of clearings.
Volumul de lemn recoltat reprezint volumul brut Harvested wood volume represents the gross
de mas lemnoas pe picior din partizile aferente anului volume of standing timber in lots for the production year
de producie pentru care se ntocmete cercetarea which is covered by statistical research, harvested up to
statistic, recoltat pn la data de 31 decembrie a anului December, 31 of that year. The timber left on foot is not
respectiv. Nu constituie mas lemnoas recoltat, masa considered as harvested timber.
lemnoas rmas pe picior.
Volumul de lemn exploatat de ctre operatorii Volume of wood exploited by economic
economici cu activitate de exploatare forestier operators with forestry activity represents working
reprezint lemnul de lucru i lemnul pentru foc recoltat i wood and the fuel wood harvested and collected from
colectat de pe suprafaa parchetelor sau din suprafaa the cutting area or the area affected by accidental
afectat de produse accidentale, inclusiv cel aflat n products, including the one in primary platforms.
platformele primare.

Volumul de lemn rotund reprezint volumul de Volume of round timber represents the volume of
lemn de lucru i lemn pentru foc i pentru mangalizare. industrial round wood and fuel wood and charcoal.
Buteni pentru prelucrare n cherestea reprezint Logs for sawn timber represents the volume of
volumul de buteni destinai prelucrrii n cherestea i n logs to be processed, in sawn timber and other items
alte sortimente obinute prin debitare. obtained by cutting.
Buteni pentru furnire reprezint volumul de Logs for veneer represents the volume of logs to be
buteni destinai prelucrrii n furnire estetice sau furnire processed in decorative or technical veneers obtained by
tehnice prin tiere plan sau prin derulare. plane cutting or winding off.
Buteni pentru rezonan reprezint volumul de Logs for resonance represents the volume of
buteni destinai prelucrrii n cherestea n vederea logs to be processed in view to produce musical
producerii de instrumente muzicale; lemnul se instruments; the wood is characterised by a specific
caracterizeaz printr-o structur fin care-i confer fine structure for resonance purpose.
calitatea de rezonator.
Lemn pentru celuloz reprezint volumul de lemn Pulpwood represents the volume of wood to be
destinat prelucrrii n celuloz. processed in pulp.
Lemn pentru plci reprezint volumul de lemn Wood for boards represents the volume of wood to
destinat prelucrrii n plci din achii de lemn (PAL) i be processed in particleboards and fibreboards.
plci din fibre de lemn (PFL).
Lemn pentru min reprezint volumul de lemn Fender represents the volume of wood used for the
utilizat pentru susinerea lucrrilor miniere n subteran. reinforcement of underground mining works.
Lemn pentru construcii rurale reprezint volumul de Wood for rural buildings represents the volume of
lemn utilizat pentru construcii n special n zonele rurale. wood used for buildings, especially in rural areas.
Lemn pentru distilare reprezint volumul de lemn Wood for distillation represents the volume of wood
destinat prelucrrii prin distilare uscat n retorte. to be processed by dry distillation in distilling vessel.
Lemn pentru tanani reprezint volumul de lemn Tanning wood represents the volume of wood to be
destinat prelucrrii de extracte tanante vegetale. processed for the extraction of vegetable tannings.
Lemn pentru mangalizare reprezint volumul de Charcoal wood represents the volume of wood
lemn destinat pentru producerea crbunelui de lemn, intended for charcoal production by pit carbonization in
prin carbonizare n boce. kilns.
Lemn pentru alte utilizri reprezint volumul de Wood for other uses represents the volume of
lemn utilizat pentru araci, spalieri etc. wood used for stakes, espaliers a.s.o.
Lemn pentru foc reprezint volumul de lemn Fuel wood represents the volume of wood to be
destinat arderii pentru nclzire, pregtirea hranei, burnt for heating, food preparation, drying or dehydration
uscarea sau deshidratarea unor produse etc. of various products a.s.o.
Volumul cojii reprezint volumul stabilit al cojii din Volume of bark represents the volume of bark set
volumul lemnului de lucru exploatat. up from the volume of wood exploited.
Alte sortimente secundare reprezint volumul de Other secondary assortments represents the
crci, resturi de exploatare i consumuri tehnologice. volume of boughs, wood residues and tehnological

Suprafaa agricol, dup modul de folosin, n anul 2014 (la sfritul anului)
14.G1 Agricultural area, by use, in 2014 (end of year)

10,6% Arabil
10,6% Arable land


22,4% Fnee

Vii i livezi
64,3% Vineyards and orchands

Indicii produciei ramurii agricole
14.G2 Agricultural branch production indices

% anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100

150 138,8

132,4 124,3
120 106,6 112,9
105,2 101,0 108,9 124,5 102,9
99,4 102,9
98,8 100,8
90 97,8 95,2 99,7 102,5
93,2 95,4 78,1

60 69,4

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total Producia animal / Animal production

Producia vegetal / Crop production Servicii agricole / Agricultural services

Evoluia produciei principalelor cereale

14.G3 Evolution of main cereals production

mii tone / thou tonnes

24000 22070,7
20842,2 20897,1


16000 14873,0 12824,1

11717,6 11988,6
7973,3 7609,2
7163,0 5953,4 7320,2

4000 5315,9
1182,1 1311,0 1329,7 1542,2 1712,5
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cereale pentru boabe - total Orz i orzoaic

Cereals for grains - total Barley and two-row barley

Gru i secar Porumb boabe

Wheat and rye Maize grains

Efectivele de animale1)
14.G4 Livestock1)

mii capete / thou heads






















2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Bovine / Cattle Ovine / Sheep Cabaline / Horses

Porcine / Pigs Caprine / Goats

La 1 decembrie. / On December 1st.

Structura volumului de lemn recoltat, n anul 2014

14.G5 Structure of harvested wood volume, in 2014

10,5% Coniferous trees

40,4% Beech trees

9,3% Stejar
Oak trees

Diverse specii tari

Various strong species

Diverse specii moi

Various soft species

Fondul funciar, dup modul de folosin (la sfritul anului)
14.1 Total land fund, by use (end of year)
mii hectare / thou hectares

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Suprafaa total a fondului funciar 23839,1 23839,1 23839,1 23839,1 23839,1 23839,1
Total area of the land fund

Suprafaa agricol 14684,9 14634,5 14621,5 14615,1 14611,9 14630,1

Agricultural area

Arabil 9422,5 9404,0 9379,5 9392,3 9389,3 9395,3


Puni 3313,8 3288,7 3279,3 3270,6 3273,9 3272,2


Fnee 1528,0 1529,6 1554,7 1544,9 1541,9 1556,3


Vii i pepiniere viticole 215,4 213,6 211,3 210,5 210,3 209,4

Vineyards and vine nurseries

Livezi i pepiniere pomicole 205,2 198,6 196,7 196,8 196,5 196,9

Orchards and tree nurseries

Pduri i alte terenuri cu vegetaie forestier 6752,9 6758,1 6759,1 6746,9 6742,1 6734,0
Forests and other forest vegetation lands
din care: / of which:

Pduri 6334,0 6354,0 6365,01 ) 6373,0 6381,0 6387,0


Construcii 703,3 728,3 749,4 752,4 758,3 758,3


Drumuri i ci ferate 389,8 388,9 388,2 388,3 389,9 389,8

Roads and railways

Ape i bli 833,3 833,9 822,2 836,8 836,0 831,5

Waters and ponds

Alte suprafee 2 ) 474,9 495,4 498,7 499,6 500,9 495,4

Other areas 2 )

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
2) Corespunde categoriei <teren neproductiv. / It coresponds to the category non productive land.

14.2 Suprafaa agricol, dup modul de folosin, n anul 2014 (la sfritul anului)
Agricultural area, by use, in 2014 (end of year)

Suprafaa agricol (mii ha) Structura / Structure

Agricultural area (thou ha) (%)
din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate
Total privat1) Total privat1)
of which: of which:
private private
ownership1) ownership1)

Total 14630,1 13699,7 100,0 100,0 Total

Arabil 9395,3 8940,2 64,2 65,2 Arable

Puni 3272,2 2852,2 22,4 20,8 Pastures
Fnee 1556,3 1517,2 10,6 11,1 Hayfields
Vii i pepiniere viticole 209,4 202,2 1,4 1,5 Vineyards and vine nurseries
Livezi i pepiniere pomicole 196,9 187,9 1,4 1,4 Orchards and tree nurseries

Suprafaa agricol irigat 2) 145,4 143,8 100,0 100,0 Agricultural area irrigated 2)
din care: of which:
Arabil 145,2 143,6 99,9 99,9 Arable
Conine: proprietatea privat a statului, a unitilor administrativ-teritoriale, a persoanelor juridice i a persoanelor fizice.
Includes: private ownership of state, of administrative-territorial units, of legal persons and of natural persons.
2) Suprafaa agricol irigat din sistemele administrate de Agenia Naional de mbuntiri Funciare, n anul 2014.
Agricultural area irrigated from systems managed by the National Agency for Land Arrangements, in 2014.

Exploataiile agricole care au utilizat suprafee agricole i / sau

au deinut efective de animale, dup statutul juridic al exploataiilor agricole

14.3 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and / or

owned livestock, by legal status of agricultural holdings numr / number
Exploataii agricole cu Exploataii agricole Exploataii agricole
Exploataii suprafa agricol utilizat numai cu suprafa numai cu efective
Statutul juridic agricole - total i efective de animale agricol utilizat de animale Legal status
al exploataiilor agricole Agricultural Agricultural holdings Agricultural holdings Agricultural holdings of agricultural holdings
holdings - total with utilised agricultural only with utilised only with livestock
area and livestock agricultural area

2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013

Total 3859043 3629656 2702395 2662140 1021937 901625 134625 65836 Total

Exploataii agricole Agricultural holdings

fr personalitate juridic 3828345 3601776 2699869 2660084 994235 876231 134180 65428 without legal status
Exploataii agricole individuale 3823130 3587724 2696502 2649136 992602 873408 133965 65147 Individual agricultural holdings
Persoane fizice autorizate, Authorised natural persons,
ntreprinderi individuale, individual enterprises,
ntreprinderi familiale 5215 14052 3367 10948 1633 2823 215 281 family enterprises
Exploataii agricole cu Agricultural holdings
personalitate juridic 30698 27880 2526 2056 27702 25394 445 408 with legal status
Regii autonome 50 86 24 19 26 66 - 1 Autonomous bodies
Societi / asociaii Agricultural companies /
agricole 1381 1343 138 114 1232 1208 11 20 associations
Societi comerciale 16500 14531 1436 1123 14649 13052 390 335 Commercial companies
Uniti ale administraiei Units of public
publice 3083 3107 163 117 2915 2983 5 7 administration
Uniti cooperatiste 68 66 4 4 63 62 1 - Cooperative units
Alte tipuri 9616 8747 761 679 8817 8023 38 45 Other types
Not: Datele pentru anii 2010 i 2013 reprezint numrul total al exploataiilor agricole care include i numrul exploataiilor fr suprafa
agricol utilizat i fr efective de animale (exemplu: ciupercriile).
Note: The data for 2010 and 2013 represent total number of agricultural holdings also including the number of holdings without utilised
agricultural area and without livestock (for example: mushroom plantations).
Sursa: Recensmntul General Agricol pentru anul 2010 i Ancheta Structural n Agricultur pentru anul 2013.
Source: General Agricultural Census for 2010 and Farm Structure Survey for 2013.

484 485
Exploataiile agricole, suprafaa agricol utilizat i suprafaa agricol utilizat
ce a revenit n medie pe o exploataie agricol, dup statutul juridic al
exploataiilor agricole

14.4 Agricultural holdings, utilised agricultural area and utilised agricultural area
as average per agricultural holding, by legal status of agricultural holdings

Suprafaa agricol utilizat, ce a revenit n medie (hectare)

Exploataii agricole care Average of utilised agricultural area (hectares)
Statutul juridic Exploataii au utilizat suprafa Suprafaa agricol Pe o exploataie Legal status
al exploataiilor agricole agricole - total (numr) agricol (numr) utilizat (hectare) Pe o exploataie agricol care a utilizat of agricultural holdings
Agricultural Agricultural holdings Utilised agricultural agricol suprafaa agricol
holdings - total (number) which utilised agricultural area (hectares) Per agricultural Per agricultural holding which
area (number) holding utilised agricultural area
2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013
Total 3859043 3629656 3724332 3563765 13306128,33 13055849,80 3,45 3,60 3,57 3,66 Total

Exploataii agricole Agricultural holdings

fr personalitate juridic 3828345 3601776 3694104 3536315 7449621,54 7271007,38 1,95 2,02 2,02 2,06 without legal status
Exploataii agricole individuale 3823130 3587724 3689104 3522544 7151186,21 6746625,44 1,87 1,88 1,94 1,92 Individual agricultural holdings
Persoane fizice autorizate, Authorised natural persons,
ntreprinderi individuale, individual enterprises,
ntreprinderi familiale 5215 14052 5000 13771 298435,33 524381,94 57,23 37,32 59,69 38,08 family enterprises
Exploataii agricole cu Agricultural holdings
personalitate juridic 30698 27880 30228 27450 5856506,79 5784842,42 190,78 207,49 193,74 210,74 with legal status
Regii autonome 50 86 50 85 13779,44 27393,59 275,59 318,53 275,59 322,28 Autonomous bodies
Societi / asociaii agricole 1381 1343 1370 1322 550878,21 479698,31 398,90 357,18 402,10 362,86 Agricultural companies / associations
Societi comerciale 16500 14531 16085 14175 3171130,42 3303698,78 192,19 227,36 197,15 233,07 Commercial companies
Uniti ale administraiei publice 3083 3107 3078 3100 1604544,74 1593624,80 520,45 512,91 521,29 514,07 Units of public administration
Uniti cooperatiste 68 66 67 66 8176,22 9381,45 120,24 142,14 122,03 142,14 Cooperative units
Alte tipuri 9616 8747 9578 8702 507997,76 371045,49 52,83 42,42 53,04 42,64 Other types

Not: Datele pentru anii 2010 i 2013 reprezint numrul total al exploataiilor agricole care include i numrul exploataiilor fr suprafa
agricol utilizat i fr efective de animale (exemplu: ciupercriile).
Note: The data for 2010 and 2013 represent total number of agricultural holdings also including the number of holdings without utilised
agricultural area and without livestock (for example: mushroom plantations).
Sursa: Recensmntul General Agricol pentru anul 2010 i Ancheta Structural n Agricultur pentru anul 2013.
Source: General Agricultural Census for 2010 and Farm Structure Survey for 2013.

Exploataiile agricole, pe categorii de folosin i pe clase de mrime

a suprafeei agricole utilizate

14.5 Agricultural holdings, by use category and size class of utilised

agricultural area

Suprafaa agricol utilizat Suprafaa agricol

Clase de mrime a Utilised agricultural area neutilizat Size class of
suprafeei agricole Total Teren arabil Grdini familiale Puni i fnee naturale Culturi permanente Unutilised agricultural utilised agricultural
utilizate (hectare) Arable land Kitchen gardens Pastures and meadows Permanent crops area area (hectares)
2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013

Exploataii agricole (numr)

Agricultural holdings (number)
Total 3724332 3563765 2756912 2603234 2483557 2235363 1511261 1349087 1124114 1063030 320633 117028 Total
sub 0,1 384944 408958 54594 53979 297853 328563 39958 30399 50689 46572 34488 7436 under 0.1
0,1 - 0,3 662122 642056 341024 320752 435108 418777 135292 108336 187855 193347 43826 12998 0.1 - 0.3
0,3 - 0,5 355182 330990 278239 264638 226127 195656 111801 97100 102288 99016 26980 8124 0.3 - 0.5
0,5 - 1 617198 561378 522209 483120 380249 316431 246948 212903 177977 161580 49674 15291 0.5 - 1
1-2 712288 646542 637780 582620 467400 385039 360025 308508 240214 219657 65487 23587 1-2
2-5 727389 691257 678017 640456 505779 428181 444063 408096 278645 256141 72909 34477 2-5
5 - 10 182444 193871 171648 179226 127024 118856 125416 132429 65506 65455 19505 11636 5 - 10
10 - 20 43609 49648 40308 45572 28269 29829 27752 31851 13090 14595 4230 2373 10 - 20
20 - 30 9730 10259 8790 9306 5818 5757 5469 5652 2577 2484 772 261 20 - 30
30 - 50 8213 8468 7345 7513 4466 4276 4363 4566 2032 1836 633 173 30 - 50
50 - 100 7556 7263 6524 6225 3229 2642 3720 3604 1529 1214 595 185 50 - 100
peste 100 13657 13075 10434 9827 2235 1356 6454 5643 1712 1133 1534 487 over 100

Sursa: Recensmntul General Agricol pentru anul 2010 i Ancheta Structural n Agricultur pentru anul 2013.
Source: General Agricultural Census for 2010 and Farm Structure Survey for 2013.

486 487
Exploataiile agricole cu principalele culturi n teren arabil, pe clase de mrime
a suprafeei agricole utilizate

14.6 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land, by size class of utilised
agricultural area

Clase de mrime a suprafeei agricole utilizate (hectare)

Principalele culturi n Anii Total Size class of utilised agricultural area (hectares) Years Main crops in
teren arabil sub / 0,1 - 0,3 0,3 - 0,5 0,5 - 1 1-2 2-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 50 50 - 100 peste / arable land
under 0,1 over 100

Exploataii agricole (numr)

Agricultural holdings (number)
Cereale pentru boabe Cereals for grains
Gru comun 2010 708151 833 16930 26804 93569 185098 265875 76921 20342 5062 4410 4283 8024 2010 Common wheat
2013 722580 1382 14871 23817 89724 189151 273395 84044 23577 5588 4779 4179 8073 2013

Gru dur 2010 333 - 1 1 12 32 71 55 33 9 11 21 87 2010 Durum wheat

2013 233 - - - 24 67 29 26 18 3 7 8 51 2013

Secar 2010 25571 8 226 355 1491 4874 12305 4474 1092 234 197 125 190 2010 Rye
2013 17999 - 130 175 634 2629 8658 4087 1037 212 150 114 173 2013

Orz i orzoaic 2010 161189 192 2511 3452 11662 29999 68122 26823 8000 2103 1987 1904 4434 2010 Barley and two-row barley
2013 128523 56 1121 2235 6169 18790 55384 26165 8497 2099 1985 1740 4282 2013

Porumb 2010 1899054 20295 199715 183154 350182 459232 509754 125282 28138 6262 5237 4527 7276 2010 Maize
2013 1858315 19975 206501 182637 341709 432780 486695 130763 32768 6855 5616 4595 7421 2013

Plante leguminoase
pentru boabe Dried pulses
Mazre boabe 2010 12647 157 923 653 1076 1892 4000 1799 755 232 222 241 697 2010 Peas
2013 16577 220 1383 811 1218 2241 5410 2514 1039 290 338 262 851 2013

Fasole boabe 2010 37002 902 4221 3184 5526 8196 10444 3185 788 140 118 105 193 2010 Dried beans
2013 52570 933 7283 4577 8471 11455 13916 4337 1128 178 97 66 129 2013
Plante industriale Industrial crops
Floarea soarelui 2010 136172 169 1486 2044 8003 24765 58654 21468 6981 2149 2207 2359 5887 2010 Sunflower
2013 168542 54 1268 1317 8762 31972 73377 28032 9355 2709 2552 2677 6467 2013

Rapi 2010 10550 16 90 81 205 447 1409 1120 876 451 599 940 4316 2010 Rape
2013 6953 - 56 2 73 525 1510 754 481 184 273 435 2660 2013

Soia boabe 2010 5578 1 23 32 153 537 1866 1095 551 208 219 206 687 2010 Soya beans
2013 7830 - 31 - 89 630 2591 2326 842 271 231 210 609 2013

Cartofi 2010 642334 16335 60015 44836 92312 145849 200411 63889 13710 2012 1359 851 755 2010 Potatoes
2013 714075 21466 75098 53500 103740 152275 212509 72809 17404 2327 1424 947 576 2013

Sfecl de zahr 2010 9107 44 312 363 991 2229 3275 930 340 128 117 114 264 2010 Sugar beet
2013 13734 51 569 961 1881 3303 4713 1144 415 147 117 111 322 2013

Sursa: Recensmntul General Agricol pentru anul 2010 i Ancheta Structural n Agricultur pentru anul 2013.
Source: General Agricultural Census for 2010 and Farm Structure Survey for 2013.

488 489
Exploataiile agricole cu efective de animale i efectivele de animale pe specii,
pe clase de mrime a suprafeei agricole utilizate
Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species, by size class
14.7 of utilised agricultural area

Clase de mrime a
suprafeei agricole Bovine Porcine Ovine
utilizate (hectare) Cattle Pigs Sheep
Size class of
utilised agricultural 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013
area (hectares)
Exploataii agricole cu efective de animale (numr)
Agricultural holdings with livestock (number)

Total 728020 635216 1655578 1283280 272275 232385

sub / under 0,1 28650 23460 221024 131479 13925 9768
0,1 - 0,3 38659 31799 197917 151700 18267 15226
0,3 - 0,5 29328 22978 109859 86069 11591 8993
0,5 - 1 80186 62036 230215 176837 26559 20917
1-2 163764 136342 333075 262148 50418 41659
2-5 267925 236484 410835 334820 91887 77880
5 - 10 86528 86765 111069 100203 38192 35238
10 - 20 21026 23820 25978 26557 11731 13166
20 - 30 4223 4545 5521 5230 3046 3179
30 - 50 3262 3250 4379 3989 2732 2791
50 - 100 2382 2168 3248 2661 2126 2103
peste / over 100 2087 1569 2458 1587 1801 1465

Sursa: Recensmntul General Agricol pentru anul 2010 i Ancheta Structural n Agricultur pentru anul 2013.
Source: General Agricultural Census for 2010 and Farm Structure Survey for 2013.

continuare / continued

Clase de mrime a
suprafeei agricole Caprine Cabaline Mgari i catri
utilizate (hectare) Goats Horses Donkeys and mules
Size class of
utilised agricultural 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013
area (hectares)
Exploataii agricole cu efective de animale (numr)
Agricultural holdings with livestock (number)

Total 176274 148671 467885 371657 25067 19046

sub / under 0,1 15122 11453 38607 28895 1972 1475
0,1 - 0,3 20611 16305 38541 30301 3761 3013
0,3 - 0,5 12091 9654 22432 17085 2595 2177
0,5 - 1 23760 19548 53102 40803 4118 2823
1-2 34548 30436 96679 75187 4714 3597
2-5 47882 41180 154262 121098 5200 3877
5 - 10 14464 13018 46281 40897 1236 946
10 - 20 4152 3957 11067 11261 524 436
20 - 30 1133 1156 2421 2265 183 157
30 - 50 1046 947 1942 1825 236 184
50 - 100 798 566 1404 1284 252 139
peste / over 100 667 451 1147 756 276 222

Sursa: Recensmntul General Agricol pentru anul 2010 i Ancheta Structural n Agricultur pentru anul 2013.
Source: General Agricultural Census for 2010 and Farm Structure Survey for 2013.

Exploataiile agricole cu efective de animale i efectivele de animale pe specii,
pe clase de mrime a suprafeei agricole utilizate - continuare
Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species, by size class
14.7 of utilised agricultural area - continued

Clase de mrime a
suprafeei agricole Iepuri de cas Psri Familii de albine
utilizate (hectare) Rabbits Poultry Bees
Size class of
utilised agricultural 2010 2013 2010 2013 2010 2013
area (hectares)
Exploataii agricole cu efective de animale (numr)
Agricultural holdings with livestock (number)

Total 60415 42673 2680023 2623311 42864 37061

sub / under 0,1 7457 5642 399829 396241 6296 4995
0,1 - 0,3 8213 6281 400396 430747 5452 5451
0,3 - 0,5 4501 2683 216394 212949 2605 2086
0,5 - 1 8220 6038 400115 374555 4420 3871
1-2 11186 7584 511829 476103 6456 5746
2-5 14314 9845 563007 534130 10677 8997
5 - 10 4475 3468 140812 146850 4640 4038
10 - 20 1272 768 30797 35468 1490 1276
20 - 30 291 117 6112 6465 315 318
30 - 50 202 140 4736 4873 228 135
50 - 100 172 70 3482 3164 156 98
peste / over 100 112 37 2514 1766 129 50

Sursa: Recensmntul General Agricol pentru anul 2010 i Ancheta Structural n Agricultur pentru anul 2013.
Source: General Agricultural Census for 2010 and Farm Structure Survey for 2013.

Producia ramurii agricole1)
14.8 Agricultural branch production1)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Mii lei preuri curente

Lei thou current prices

Total 59928386 64452571 76508656 64259474 78464416 74524454 Total

Vegetal 35735477 43488480 54179772 40169144 53843812 49058330 Crop production

Animal 23441606 20406840 21784104 23555260 23876547 24481641 Animal production
Servicii agricole 751303 557251 544780 535070 744057 984483 Agricultural services

Structura (%)
Structure (%)

Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total

Vegetal 59,6 67,5 70,8 62,5 68,6 65,8 Crop production

Animal 39,1 31,6 28,5 36,7 30,4 32,9 Animal production
Servicii agricole 1,3 0,9 0,7 0,8 1,0 1,3 Agricultural services

Indicii produciei ramurii agricole

(anul precedent = 100)
Agricultural branch production indices
(previous year = 100)

Total 97,8 101,0 108,9 78,1 124,5 102,9 Total

Vegetal 97,2 106,6 112,9 69,4 138,8 102,9 Crop production

Animal 98,8 93,2 100,8 99,4 99,7 102,5 Animal production
Servicii agricole 105,2 73,5 95,4 95,2 132,4 124,3 Agricultural services

1) Conform metodologiei Eurostat privind <Conturile Economice pentru Agricultur.

According to the Eurostat methodology on Economic Accounts for Agriculture .

Producia principalelor produse agricole, pe locuitor
14.9 Production of the main agricultural products, per inhabitant

U.M. 2009 2010 2011 2012 20131) 20142) M.U.

Cereale pentru boabe kg 730,2 825,5 1034,5 639,3 1045,6 1108,6 kg Cereals for grains
Gru kg 255,4 287,0 354,0 264,1 365,1 381,0 kg Wheat
Secar kg 1,6 1,7 1,6 0,9 1,2 1,2 kg Rye
Porumb kg 391,5 446,6 581,6 296,8 565,7 602,2 kg Maize

Floarea soarelui kg 53,9 62,4 88,8 69,7 107,2 110,0 kg Sunflower

Sfecl de zahr kg 40,1 41,4 32,8 35,9 51,5 70,2 kg Sugar beet

Cartofi kg 196,6 162,2 202,3 122,9 164,6 176,8 kg Potatoes

Legume kg 191,6 190,8 207,3 176,2 198,2 191,0 kg Vegetables

Fructe kg 65,0 70,1 73,5 56,3 65,0 65,4 kg Fruit

Carne3) kg 70,8 64,5 67,4 66,4 65,0 66,1 kg Meat 3 )

Lapte litri 276,8 242,7 248,5 241,0 243,8 253,8 litres Milk

Ln kg 1,1 1,0 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 kg Wool

Ou buci 305 306 314 319 320 333 pieces Eggs

Not: Pentru perioada 2009-2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident (stabil) la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Note: For the 2009-2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
3) La carne, se ia n calcul greutatea n viu a animalelor destinate sacrificrii pentru consum.
Meat calculation includes live weight of slaughtered animals for consumption.

14.10 Suprafaa cultivat, cu principalele culturi
Cultivated area, by main crops
mii hectare / thou hectares

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership

Suprafaa cultivat1) - total 7884,1 7780,3 7807,4 7711,4 8081,6 7992,1 8058,3 7967,8 8166,8 8107,3 8234,4 8166,2 Cultivated area1) - total
din care: of which:
Cereale pentru boabe 5282,4 5238,3 5040,6 5000,4 5224,7 5183,5 5440,3 5397,0 5421,2 5393,8 5443,2 5410,8 Cereals for grains
din care: of which:
Gru 2148,8 2123,4 2162,4 2141,8 1947,0 1926,6 1997,6 1979,6 2104,0 2090,5 2112,9 2097,9 Wheat
Secar 15,5 15,3 14,6 14,1 12,4 11,8 8,7 8,5 10,7 10,6 10,2 9,9 Rye
Orz i orzoaic 517,5 511,7 515,8 511,3 419,5 416,2 424,2 420,6 495,7 492,0 516,0 512,2 Barley and two-row barley
Ovz 202,7 200,6 181,4 179,2 185,3 182,9 194,5 193,1 182,2 180,8 179,7 178,2 Oats
Porumb boabe 2338,8 2329,4 2098,4 2087,1 2589,7 2576,2 2730,2 2711,3 2518,3 2510,5 2512,8 2502,0 Maize grains
Sorg 6,1 6,1 10,3 10,2 13,1 13,0 20,0 19,7 21,7 21,6 18,8 18,7 Sorghum
Orez 13,3 13,3 12,4 12,4 12,7 12,7 11,3 11,3 11,9 11,9 12,7 12,7 Rice
Leguminoase pentru boabe 38,5 37,4 37,6 36,9 42,2 41,5 44,7 43,9 44,3 43,6 40,1 39,3 Dried pulses
din care: of which:
Mazre boabe 22,7 21,8 23,2 22,5 28,7 28,0 29,2 28,5 31,8 31,2 27,4 26,7 Peas
Fasole boabe 15,1 15,0 13,7 13,6 13,1 13,0 14,9 14,9 11,6 11,5 12,1 12,0 Dried beans
Rdcinoase 297,0 296,6 282,3 281,5 279,4 278,5 265,7 264,5 246,2 245,4 243,8 243,1 Root crops
din care: of which:
Cartofi - total 255,2 254,9 241,3 240,9 242,6 242,0 223,5 222,8 203,4 203,0 198,5 198,1 Potatoes - total
din care: of which:
Cartofi de toamn 222,3 222,0 211,0 210,6 212,8 212,2 195,1 194,4 174,8 174,4 170,6 170,1 Autumn potatoes
Sfecl de zahr 21,3 21,2 22,0 21,7 18,8 18,6 27,3 26,8 28,1 27,8 31,3 31,0 Sugar beet
Rdcinoase furajere 20,5 20,4 18,9 18,9 18,0 17,9 14,9 14,9 14,7 14,6 14,0 14,0 Fodder roots
Plante industriale 1268,6 1256,0 1430,6 1411,9 1489,5 1476,7 1272,0 1255,1 1436,1 1427,5 1504,0 1490,9 Industrial crops
Plante textile **) **) **) **) **) **) **) **) 0,1 0,1 0,4 0,4 Fibre crops
din care: of which:
In pentru fibr - - - - - - **) **) **) **) - - Flax for fibre
Cnep pentru fibr **) **) **) **) **) **) - - 0,1 0,1 0,4 0,4 Hemp for fibre
Plante uleioase 1253,8 1242,0 1409,7 1391,8 1472,5 1460,0 1261,1 1244,3 1426,9 1418,4 1496,5 1483,4 Oilseed crops
din care: of which:
Floarea soarelui 766,1 760,9 790,8 782,6 995,0 988,1 1067,0 1053,9 1074,6 1069,6 1001,0 994,9 Sunflower
Rapi 419,9 415,3 537,3 528,9 392,7 388,5 105,3 103,2 276,6 274,5 406,7 402,0 Rape
Soia boabe 48,8 48,2 63,9 63,0 72,1 70,6 79,8 78,3 67,7 66,8 79,9 78,4 Soya beans
In pentru ulei 0,8 0,8 1,6 1,6 1,5 1,4 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 1,6 1,6 Linseed
Alte plante industriale 14,8 14,0 20,8 20,1 17,0 16,7 10,9 10,7 9,1 9,0 7,1 7,1 Other industrial crops
din care: of which:
Tutun 0,9 0,9 1,5 1,5 1,7 1,7 1,3 1,3 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 Tobacco
Plante medicinale i aromatice 10,1 9,4 15,9 15,2 11,8 11,6 5,8 5,7 4,7 4,6 3,2 3,2 Medicinal and aromatic plants
Legume2) 267,1 266,9 262,7 262,2 263,4 262,8 258,9 258,4 259,0 258,8 239,5 239,2 Vegetables2)
din care: of which:
Tomate 49,1 49,1 49,8 49,7 51,8 51,7 49,7 49,5 48,4 48,3 43,9 43,8 Tomatoes
Ceap uscat 35,2 35,1 33,8 33,8 33,1 33,0 33,1 33,0 32,2 32,2 30,3 30,3 Dry onion
Usturoi uscat 13,1 13,1 12,8 12,8 12,1 12,1 11,4 11,4 10,6 10,6 10,7 10,7 Dry garlic
Varz alb 48,3 48,3 47,0 47,0 47,0 46,9 49,1 49,0 54,9 54,9 47,8 47,8 White cabbage
Ardei 20,0 20,0 21,0 21,0 20,0 20,0 19,9 19,9 19,5 19,5 18,2 18,2 Green peppers
Pepeni verzi i galbeni 33,5 33,4 31,5 31,4 30,9 30,9 31,4 31,3 30,4 30,4 25,8 25,8 Water melons and melons
Furaje verzi din teren arabil 826,3 781,9 851,5 817,2 877,4 844,9 873,2 846,3 858,8 837,9 858,5 838,1 Green fodder from arable land
din care: of which:
Furaje verzi anuale 222,9 203,7 215,1 204,9 220,0 212,3 224,3 216,8 207,7 201,6 199,5 193,3 Annual green fodder
Furaje perene 603,4 578,2 636,4 612,3 657,4 632,6 648,9 629,5 651,1 636,3 659,0 644,8 Perennial fodder
din care: of which:
Lucern 326,5 321,1 342,2 337,0 344,3 338,1 337,8 332,3 341,1 337,7 361,6 357,6 Lucerne
Trifoi 117,2 116,2 123,2 120,3 123,2 122,0 121,8 121,1 120,5 120,0 113,3 112,6 Clover
Cpunerii 2,5 2,5 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,3 2,3 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 Strawberry fields
din care: of which:
Pe rod 2,5 2,5 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,3 2,3 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 In bearing
1) Nu este cuprins suprafaa grdinilor familiale, serelor i solariilor, culturilor intercalate i succesive.
Area of kitchen gardens, greenhouses, solaria, intercalated and succesive crops not included.
Inclusiv suprafaa grdinilor familiale, serelor i solariilor, culturilor intercalate i succesive.
Including the area of kitchen gardens, greenhouses, solaria, intercalated and succesive crops.

494 495
14.11 Producia agricol vegetal, la principalele culturi
Crop production, for main crops
mii tone / thou tonnes

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership

Cereale pentru boabe 14873,0 14751,8 16712,9 16591,7 20842,2 20691,7 12824,1 12704,7 20897,1 20790,2 22070,7 21941,3 Cereals for grains
din care: of which:
Gru 5202,5 5131,1 5811,8 5752,9 7131,6 7058,7 5297,7 5244,4 7296,4 7241,8 7584,8 7529,1 Wheat
Secar 33,0 32,6 34,3 33,4 31,4 29,5 18,2 18,0 23,8 23,5 24,4 23,8 Rye
Orz i orzoaic 1182,1 1169,2 1311,0 1300,8 1329,7 1321,2 986,4 977,4 1542,2 1529,2 1712,5 1700,5 Barley and two-row barley
Ovz 295,8 292,5 304,5 300,5 375,9 371,5 339,0 335,9 373,8 370,8 381,6 378,6 Oats
Porumb boabe 7973,3 7942,8 9042,0 8998,0 11717,6 11658,5 5953,4 5904,9 11305,1 11272,3 11988,6 11934,0 Maize grains
Sorg 14,4 14,4 18,7 18,4 39,7 39,6 37,5 36,7 49,8 49,3 51,5 51,3 Sorghum
Orez 72,4 72,4 61,6 61,6 65,3 65,2 50,9 50,8 54,6 54,6 45,2 45,1 Rice

Leguminoase pentru boabe 52,9 51,3 61,3 60,2 76,8 75,7 62,9 61,6 74,2 72,9 71,4 70,1 Dried pulses
din care: of which:
Mazre boabe 30,0 28,6 39,7 38,6 55,1 54,0 45,9 44,6 54,6 53,4 51,0 49,8 Peas
Fasole boabe 22,3 22,2 21,1 21,0 21,4 21,3 16,6 16,6 18,9 18,8 19,7 19,7 Dried beans

Rdcinoase Root crops

Cartofi - total 4004,0 3998,9 3283,9 3276,5 4076,6 4064,7 2465,2 2458,0 3289,7 3282,3 3519,3 3509,9 Potatoes - total
din care: of which:
Cartofi de toamn 3560,2 3555,5 2871,6 2864,4 3638,8 3627,6 2108,4 2102,3 2879,2 2871,9 3088,0 3078,8 Autumn potatoes
Sfecl de zahr 816,8 810,7 837,9 822,6 660,5 652,1 719,8 708,1 1029,2 1015,0 1398,6 1387,6 Sugar beet
Rdcinoase furajere 567,5 567,1 489,7 488,8 555,3 553,5 335,5 335,0 417,2 416,0 417,6 416,3 Fodder roots

Plante industriale Industrial crops

Plante textile **) **) **) **) **) **) **) **) 0,1 0,1 2,3 2,3 Fibre crops
din care: of which:
In pentru fibr - - - - - - **) **) **) **) - - Flax for fibre
Cnep pentru fibr **) **) **) **) **) **) - - **) **) 2,3 2,3 Hemp for fibre
Plante uleioase 1764,0 1748,1 2377,7 2343,6 2686,9 2664,8 1667,6 1643,7 2966,6 2949,5 3460,6 3430,5 Oilseed crops
din care: of which:
Floarea soarelui 1098,0 1090,1 1262,9 1248,3 1789,3 1778,0 1398,2 1379,8 2142,1 2132,1 2189,3 2176,5 Sunflower
Rapi 569,6 563,2 943,0 925,9 739,0 730,8 157,5 154,0 666,1 661,1 1059,1 1046,4 Rape
Soia boabe 84,3 83,5 149,9 148,0 142,6 140,1 104,3 102,4 149,9 148,3 202,9 199,0 Soya beans
In pentru ulei 1,1 1,1 1,8 1,8 2,6 2,6 3,6 3,6 4,0 4,0 2,6 2,6 Linseed
Alte plante industriale 14,9 14,3 24,4 23,8 21,1 20,8 11,6 11,5 12,1 12,1 12,2 12,1 Other industrial crops
din care: of which:
Tutun 1,6 1,6 3,0 3,0 2,6 2,6 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 Tobacco
Plante medicinale i aromatice 7,1 6,5 15,8 15,2 11,2 10,9 4,3 4,2 4,4 4,3 4,2 4,2 Medicinal and aromatic plants

Legume1) 3901,9 3898,1 3863,6 3855,6 4176,3 4169,1 3535,3 3529,5 3961,0 3958,6 3802,5 3799,8 Vegetables1)
din care: of which:
Tomate 755,6 755,2 768,5 767,6 911,0 909,6 683,3 681,2 749,1 748,7 706,2 705,7 Tomatoes
Ceap uscat 378,1 377,8 369,1 368,4 394,3 393,6 345,3 344,9 391,8 391,6 387,0 386,9 Dry onion
Usturoi uscat 63,2 63,2 67,2 67,2 66,6 66,5 59,4 59,3 62,2 62,1 62,8 62,7 Dry garlic
Varz alb 1001,9 1000,7 981,2 979,3 1025,3 1023,1 987,9 986,6 1156,4 1155,7 1123,1 1122,5 White cabbage
Ardei 245,7 245,6 243,5 243,0 253,5 253,3 207,1 206,9 227,7 227,6 228,6 228,3 Green peppers
Pepeni verzi i galbeni 652,8 652,1 662,9 660,7 645,5 645,2 554,6 554,3 634,8 634,8 530,7 530,6 Water melons and melons

Furaje verzi din teren arabil 12359,7 11921,7 13016,0 12668,5 14033,0 13698,0 11525,8 11262,9 13045,6 12829,4 13883,5 13623,8 Green fodder from arable land
din care: of which:
Furaje verzi anuale 2898,2 2724,3 3042,0 2935,4 3371,3 3285,6 3043,5 2968,5 3346,4 3272,7 3389,6 3305,8 Annual green fodder
Furaje perene 9461,5 9197,4 9974,0 9733,1 10661,7 10412,4 8482,3 8294,4 9699,2 9556,7 10493,9 10318,0 Perennial fodder
din care: of which:
Lucern 5642,6 5558,7 5799,3 5711,0 6015,8 5925,6 4836,4 4763,0 5480,5 5423,3 6071,2 6001,3 Lucerne
Trifoi 1786,5 1776,6 1949,7 1918,8 2001,7 1986,5 1598,3 1587,6 1873,5 1869,5 1888,4 1874,6 Clover
Inclusiv producia din grdinile familiale, sere i solarii, culturi intercalate i succesive.
Including the production of kitchen gardens, greenhouses, solaria, intercalated and succesive crops.

496 497
14.12 Producia medie la hectar, la pricipalele culturi
Average yield, for main crops
kg / ha

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership

Gru 2421 2416 2688 2686 3663 3664 2652 2649 3468 3464 3590 3589 Wheat
Secar 2124 2133 2355 2368 2540 2492 2103 2118 2217 2227 2396 2409 Rye
Orz i orzoaic 2284 2285 2542 2544 3170 3174 2325 2324 3111 3108 3319 3320 Barley and two-row barley
Ovz 1459 1458 1679 1677 2028 2031 1743 1740 2051 2051 2124 2125 Oats
Porumb boabe 3409 3409 4309 4311 4525 4525 2180 2177 4488 4489 4770 4769 Maize grains
Sorg 2359 2362 1816 1812 3035 3040 1875 1865 2300 2288 2735 2742 Sorghum
Orez 5426 5430 4966 4967 5149 5151 4499 4500 4581 4579 3551 3551 Rice
Mazre boabe 1323 1317 1708 1715 1922 1927 1572 1566 1719 1710 1864 1866 Peas
Fasole boabe 1089 1084 1212 1214 1261 1264 848 849 1233 1233 1252 1252 Dried beans
Cartofi - total 15498 15496 13354 13347 16554 16551 10777 10781 15953 15952 17527 17522 Potatoes - total
din care: of which:
Cartofi de toamn 15833 15830 13382 13374 16873 16870 10579 10585 16234 16233 17888 17882 Autumn potatoes
Sfecl de zahr 38296 38285 38036 37870 35103 35082 26363 26410 36569 36562 44711 44697 Sugar beet
Rdcinoase furajere 27745 27754 25888 25875 30876 30859 22509 22505 28457 28424 29772 29754 Fodder roots
Plante textile 250 250 1800 1800 900 900 769 769 462 455 5913 5913 Fibre crops
Floarea soarelui 1433 1433 1597 1595 1798 1799 1310 1309 1993 1993 2187 2188 Sunflower
Rapi 1357 1356 1755 1750 1882 1881 1496 1492 2408 2408 2604 2603 Rape
Soia boabe 1726 1733 2345 2349 1980 1983 1308 1308 2216 2220 2539 2538 Soya beans
In pentru ulei 1311 1311 1123 1123 1809 1816 1203 1203 1330 1330 1564 1571 Linseed
Tutun 1842 1842 1939 1939 1524 1525 1066 1066 1442 1442 1643 1643 Tobacco
Tomate 15395 15393 15443 15437 17602 17608 13761 13750 15488 15488 16102 16102 Tomatoes
Ceap uscat 10748 10749 10908 10903 11904 11909 10449 10454 12152 12154 12770 12771 Dry onion
Usturoi uscat 4812 4812 5250 5249 5492 5492 5223 5225 5855 5855 5865 5865 Dry garlic
Varz alb 20724 20727 20858 20850 21807 21801 20125 20126 21062 21062 23478 23484 White cabbage
Ardei 12295 12295 11592 11590 12674 12684 10381 10383 11682 11682 12531 12530 Green peppers
Pepeni verzi i galbeni 19490 19499 21055 21071 20868 20871 17659 17692 20911 20914 20582 20595 Water melons and melons
Furaje verzi anuale 12935 13303 14142 14325 15323 15477 13564 13687 16100 16220 16963 17076 Annual green fodder
Furaje perene 15665 15891 15670 15894 16213 16455 13063 13167 14889 15011 15916 15992 Perennial fodder

498 499
14.13 Suprafaa viilor pe rod i producia de struguri
Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership
Suprafaa (mii ha) Area (thou ha)
Vii pe rod1) 184,4 182,8 177,0 175,8 176,6 174,8 178,6 176,9 178,4 176,6 176,7 174,9 Bearing vineyards1)
Vii altoite pe rod 93,9 92,3 90,1 89,1 88,0 86,8 89,7 88,5 89,7 88,1 90,0 88,4 Grafted bearing vineyards
Vii hibride pe rod 90,5 90,5 86,9 86,7 88,6 88,0 88,9 88,4 88,7 88,5 86,7 86,5 Hybrid bearing vineyards

Producia de struguri (mii tone) Production of grapes (thou tonnes)

Vii pe rod1) 990,2 980,9 740,1 734,4 879,5 872,0 746,4 737,8 991,6 979,3 783,7 775,9 Bearing vineyards1)
din care: of which:
Vii altoite pe rod 587,5 578,2 455,2 450,7 497,4 491,4 421,9 414,6 529,9 518,0 466,2 458,6 Grafted bearing vineyards
Vii hibride pe rod 402,7 402,7 284,9 283,7 382,1 380,6 324,5 323,2 461,7 461,3 317,5 317,3 Hybrid bearing vineyards

Producia medie (kg / ha) Average yield (kg / ha)

Vii pe rod 5369 5367 4182 4178 4980 4987 4178 4170 5559 5546 4436 4436 Bearing vineyards
Vii altoite pe rod 6255 6268 5055 5062 5649 5659 4702 4687 5905 5882 5179 5185 Grafted bearing vineyards
Vii hibride pe rod 4449 4449 3277 3270 4314 4325 3649 3653 5209 5211 3664 3670 Hybrid bearing vineyards

1) Inclusiv suprafaa i producia de struguri din grdinile familiale. / Including the area and the production of grapes from the kitchen gardens.

14.14 Producia de fructe

Fruit production
mii tone / thou tonnes

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership

Fructe1) - total 1323,0 1304,8 1419,6 1402,4 1479,9 1469,3 1128,6 1112,4 1300,0 1290,3 1301,4 1292,6 Fruit1) - total
Prune 533,7 530,4 624,9 618,8 573,6 570,8 424,1 420,8 512,5 510,7 495,3 494,5 Plums
Mere 517,5 506,4 552,9 543,7 620,4 615,2 462,9 452,1 513,6 507,9 513,2 507,5 Apples
Pere 66,1 65,8 60,4 60,2 66,9 66,5 54,3 54,2 66,8 66,7 61,3 61,2 Pears
Piersici i nectarine 17,1 15,7 11,2 10,8 22,5 21,2 17,4 16,6 19,1 18,1 24,7 24,3 Peaches and nectarines
Ciree i viine 67,9 66,7 70,3 69,7 81,8 81,4 70,5 69,8 80,5 80,0 82,8 82,3 Cherries and sour cherries
Caise i zarzre 32,5 32,2 23,8 23,7 33,7 33,6 29,1 28,8 28,3 28,1 43,6 42,6 Apricots and ungrafted apricots
Nuci 38,3 38,0 34,3 34,0 35,1 34,9 30,6 30,4 31,8 31,6 31,5 31,4 Nuts
Cpuni 22,0 21,8 21,4 21,4 18,9 18,8 15,8 15,8 23,2 23,2 21,9 21,9 Strawberries
Alte fructe 27,9 27,8 20,4 20,1 27,0 26,9 23,9 23,9 24,2 24,0 27,1 26,9 Other fruit

1) Inclusiv producia de fructe din grdinile familiale. / Including the production of fruit from the kitchen gardens.

500 501
14.15 Efectivele de animale (la 1 decembrie)
Livestock (on December 1)
mii capete / thou heads

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership
Bovine 2512 2505 2001 1995 1989 1984 2009 2003 2022 2016 2069 2062 Cattle
din care: of which:
Vaci, bivolie i juninci 1) 1569 1566 1299 1296 1266 1263 1265 1262 1279 1276 1307 1304 Cows, buffalo cows and heifers 1)
Porcine 5793 5786 5428 5413 5364 5356 5234 5227 5180 5173 5042 5035 Pigs
din care: of which:
Scroafe de prsil 359 358 356 354 381 380 399 398 384 383 378 378 Sows for breeding
Ovine 9141 9132 8417 8408 8533 8526 8834 8822 9136 9123 9518 9507 Sheep
din care: of which:
Oi i mioare 7818 7811 7338 7331 7441 7435 7695 7687 7875 7866 8161 8152 Ewes and ewe lambs
Caprine 917 916 1241 1240 1236 1236 1266 1265 1313 1312 1417 1416 Goats
din care: of which:
Capre 755 754 1032 1031 1012 1012 1031 1030 1059 1058 1129 1128 She goats
Cabaline 764 757 611 605 596 590 575 574 548 548 525 523 Horses
Psri 83843 83828 80845 80832 79842 79832 80136 80119 79440 79428 75447 75435 Poultry
din care: of which:
Psri outoare adulte 45046 45038 44504 44499 45464 45463 45402 45397 42541 42531 42739 42727 Adult laying poultry
Albine (mii familii) 1057 1057 1275 1274 1250 1249 1254 1254 1354 1354 1351 1350 Bees (thou families)

1) Efectivul matc. / Origin livestock.

14.16 Animale ce revin la 100 hectare teren1) (la 1 decembrie)

Livestock per 100 hectares of land 1) (on December 1)
capete / heads

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership

Bovine 19,1 21,7 14,6 16,6 14,7 16,3 14,8 16,4 15,0 16,8 15,3 17,2 Cattle
din care: of which:
Vaci, bivolie i juninci 2) 11,9 13,6 9,5 10,8 9,3 10,4 9,3 10,4 9,5 10,6 9,7 10,9 Cows, buffalo cows and heifers 2)
Porcine 65,9 66,7 59,3 60,0 59,6 60,3 58,2 58,8 58,9 59,3 57,4 57,8 Pigs
din care: of which:
Scroafe de prsil 4,1 4,1 3,9 3,9 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,4 4,4 4,3 4,3 Sows for breeding
Ovine i caprine 76,4 87,2 70,5 80,2 72,2 80,1 74,6 82,8 77,4 87,0 81,0 91,1 Sheep and goats
din care: of which :
Oi, mioare i capre 65,1 74,3 61,1 69,5 62,4 69,3 64,5 71,5 66,1 74,4 68,8 77,4 Ewes, ewe lambs and she goats

1) Efectivele de bovine, ovine i caprine s-au raportat la suprafaa arabil + puni + fnee, iar efectivul de porcine la suprafaa
arabil. / The livestock of cattle, sheep and goats are related to the arable land + pastures + hayfields and the pigs are related to the
arable land.
2) Efectivul matc. / Origin livestock.

502 503
14.17 Producia agricol animal
Animal production

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
U.M. Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat M.U.
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership

Carne1) mii tone thou tonnes Meat1)

din care: greutate n viu 1443 1439 1305 1304 1357 1356 1332 1331 1300 1299 1316 1315 live weight of which:

mii tone thou tonnes

Carne de bovine1) greutate n viu 264 263 205 205 212 212 198 198 192 192 184 183 live weight Beef1)

mii tone thou tonnes

Carne de porcine1) greutate n viu 585 584 553 552 557 556 555 555 546 546 535 534 live weight Pork1)

mii tone thou tonnes

Carne de ovine i caprine1) greutate n viu 104 102 100 99 110 110 107 107 104 103 108 108 live weight Mutton and goat1)

mii tone thou tonnes

Carne de pasre1) greutate n viu 489 489 446 446 477 477 471 470 457 457 488 488 live weight Poultry1)

Lapte2) mii hl 56383 56266 49129 49023 50074 49998 48337 48245 48728 48616 50535 50417 thou hl Milk2)
din care: mii hl 51270 51160 44799 44699 45872 45800 44172 44084 44786 44684 46615 46505 thou hl of which:

Lapte de vac i bivoli3) mii hl 50570 50458 42824 42720 43947 43876 42036 41948 42593 42486 44015 43902 thou hl Cow and buffalo cow milk3)
mii hl 45457 45352 38494 38396 39745 39678 37870 37787 38651 38554 40096 39990 thou hl

Ln tone 22352 22330 20457 20433 19026 19003 19713 19688 20719 20696 21817 21790 tonnes Wool
din care: of which:
Ln fin i semifin tone 6555 6542 6009 6000 5389 5377 5391 5383 4992 4980 4865 4853 tonnes Fine and semifine wool
Ou mil. buc. 6211 6211 6199 6198 6327 6327 6398 6396 6388 6386 6636 6634 mill. pcs. Eggs
din care: of which:
Ou de gin mil. buc. 5946 5945 5951 5949 6086 6085 6235 6233 6159 6157 6448 6446 mill. pcs. Hen eggs
Miere extras tone 19937 19924 22222 22203 24127 24112 23062 23053 26678 26674 18040 18036 tonnes Extracted honey
Pete4) tone 15202 15202 15184 15184 11593 11593 13443 13443 14861 14861 148875) 148875) tonnes Fish4)

1) Reprezint greutatea animalelor destinate sacrificrii pentru consum.

Represent the weight of animals to be slaughtered for consumption.
2) Datele de pe rndul 1 reprezint laptele de vac i bivoli (inclusiv consumul vieilor), laptele de oaie i capr muls; datele de pe
rndul 2 reprezint laptele de vac i bivoli (fr consumul vieilor), laptele de oaie i capr muls.
Data on the first row represent cow and buffalo cow milk (calves feeding included), sheep and goat milk; data on the second row
represent cow and buffalo cow milk (calves feeding excluded), sheep and goat milk.
3) Datele de pe rndul 1 reprezint laptele de vac i bivoli (inclusiv consumul vieilor); datele de pe rndul 2 reprezint laptele de vac
i bivoli (fr consumul vieilor).
Data on the first row represent cow and buffalo cow milk (calves feeding included); data on the second row represent cow and buffalo
cow milk (calves feeding excluded).
4) Datele reprezint cantitatea pescuit n apele interioare ale rii (inclusiv din Dunre i Marea Neagr).
Data represent the quantity fished in the inland waters (the Danube and the Black Sea included).
5) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

504 505
Parcul de tractoare i maini agricole principale din agricultur

14.18 (la sfritul anului)

Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery (end of year)
buci / pieces

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership

Tractoare agricole fizice 176841 174505 180433 178187 183064 180863 184446 182187 191301 189148 193120 190640 Physical agricultural tractors
Pluguri pentru tractor 142519 141119 142671 141255 146386 144938 147471 146029 152031 150672 156964 155867 Tractor-drawn ploughs
Cultivatoare mecanice 27675 27353 27795 27486 28926 28589 29173 28852 29565 29302 29562 29298 Mechanical cultivators
Semntori mecanice 68916 68301 69337 68718 71554 70923 73519 72903 74805 74272 76301 75782 Mechanical seeders
Maini de stropit i prfuit cu
traciune mecanic 5865 5543 5680 5393 6053 5781 5459 5225 5293 5087 5315 5147 Mechanical sprayers and dusters
Combine autopropulsate pentru Self-propelled combines for
recoltat cereale 24900 24686 25285 25075 25418 25212 25626 25402 26454 26252 25694 25522 cereals harvesting
Combine autopropulsate pentru Self-propelled combines for fodder
recoltat furaje 779 728 797 755 777 736 752 715 826 794 868 835 harvesting
Vindrovere autopropulsate pentru Self-propelled windrovers for fodder
recoltat furaje 1263 1212 1233 1193 1201 1162 1817 1778 1221 1185 1217 1183 harvesting
Prese pentru balotat paie i fn 6362 6243 7181 7061 9018 8908 9087 8976 10225 10121 10871 10775 Straw and hay packing presses

14.19 ngrminte chimice i naturale folosite n agricultur

Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture
mii tone / thou tonnes

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

din care: din care: din care: din care: din care: din care:
proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate proprietate
majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar majoritar
Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat Total privat
of which: of which: of which: of which: of which: of which:
private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority private majority
ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership


(substan activ) 426 416 481 473 487 478 438 430 492 484 452 443 (active substance)
Azotoase 296 287 306 300 313 307 290 284 344 338 303 296 Nitrogenous
Fosfatice 100 100 123 122 126 124 113 111 114 113 119 117 Phosphatic
Potasice 30 29 52 51 48 47 35 35 34 33 30 30 Potassic
NGRMINTE NATURALE 13748 13655 15232 15146 14510 14216 13293 13107 13580 13260 16262 14919 NATURAL FERTILIZERS

Sursa: Ministerul Agriculturii i Dezvoltrii Rurale.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

506 507
Fondul forestier (la sfritul anului)
14.20 Forest fund (end of year)
mii hectare / thou hectares

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 6495 6515 6522 6529 6539 6545 Total

Suprafaa pdurilor 6334 6354 6365 6373 6381 6387 Forests area
Rinoase 1935 1941 1949 1945 1937 1930 Coniferous trees
Fag 2037 2052 2076 2081 2095 2108 Beech trees
Stejar 1077 1074 1064 1069 1064 1062 Oak trees
Diverse specii 1285 1287 1276 1278 1285 1287 Various species
Alte terenuri 161 161 157 156 158 158 Other lands

Regenerri artificiale
14.21 Artificial regeneration
hectare / hectares

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 10962 10106 11499 11026 10437 12508 Total

Plantaii 10840 10022 11449 10969 10315 12456 Plantations

Rinoase 4667 5229 5730 5807 5209 5329 Coniferous trees
Foioase 6173 4793 5719 5162 5106 7127 Broad-leaved trees
Semnturi directe 122 84 50 57 122 52 Direct sowings
Rinoase 30 28 11 3 13 15 Coniferous trees
Foioase 92 56 39 54 109 37 Broad-leaved trees

Suprafaa parcurs cu tieri

14.22 Cutting wood area
hectare / hectares

2009 2010 2011 2012 20131) 2014

Suprafaa parcurs cu tieri de regenerare - total 92377 99229 107690 109615 109738 100981
Regeneration cutting wood covered area - total
n codru 68455 71722 78536 78528 78618 71914
In wood
Tieri succesive 4472 4302 5315 3958 3657 3568
Successive cuttings
Tieri progresive 53660 56827 63905 64560 64421 57371
Progressive cuttings
Tieri grdinrite 6507 5767 4863 5441 5648 6035
Garden cuttings
Tieri rase 3816 4826 4453 4569 4892 4940
Flat cuttings
n crng 3665 4568 4565 4318 4054 3642
In grove
Tieri de substituiri-refaceri a arboretelor
slab productive i degradate 1175 1033 1088 958 1133 1002
Substitution-regeneration cuttings of the
weakly productive and degrated stand
Tieri de conservare 19082 21906 23501 25811 25933 24423
Preservation cuttings
Operaiuni de igien i curire a pdurilor 696511 695894 709156 670208 789462 724760
Forest hygienic and cleaning operations

Tieri de ngrijire n pduri tinere 129939 132303 158138 168684 168643 162541
Fostering cuttings in young forests

Tieri de produse accidentale 412570 471027 560341 593977 554925 456089

Accidental cuttings

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior, de ctre Ministerul Mediului, Apelor i Pdurilor.
Rectified data as against those previously published, by the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests.

Volumul de lemn recoltat
14.23 Harvested wood volume
mii m3 - volum brut / thou m3 - gross volume

2009 2010 2011 2012 20131) 2014

Volumul de lemn Harvested wood

recoltat - total 16520 16992 18705 19081 19282 17889 volume - total

Rinoase 6635 6832 7521 7615 7922 7225 Coniferous trees

Fag 5489 5654 6175 6332 6226 5836 Beech trees

Stejar 1403 1566 1747 1687 1742 1664 Oak trees

Diverse specii tari 1845 1785 1946 2014 1969 1876 Various strong species

Diverse specii moi 1148 1155 1316 1433 1423 1288 Various soft species

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior, de ctre Ministerul Mediului, Apelor i Pdurilor.
Rectified data as against those previously published, by the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests.

Volumul de lemn exploatat de ctre operatorii economici

cu activitate de exploatare forestier
Volume of wood exploited by economic operators
14.24 with forestry activity
mii m3 - volum brut / thou m3 - gross volume

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Volumul de lemn exploatat Volume of wood exploited

- total 13571 14250 16204 16981 16778 16972 - total

Volumul de lemn rotund Volume of round timber

- total 12142 12760 14601 15345 15195 15330 - total
Buteni pentru prelucrare
n cherestea 7023 6923 8067 8817 8309 8624 Logs for sawn timber
Buteni pentru furnire 191 306 340 276 299 328 Logs for veneer
Buteni pentru rezonan 4 22 7 - - - Logs for resonance
Lemn pentru celuloz 357 366 380 334 305 436 Pulpwood
Lemn pentru plci (PAL i PFL) 129 254 251 247 275 265 Wood for boards
Lemn pentru min 22 24 27 17 15 15 Fender
Lemn pentru construcii rurale 503 689 764 810 830 752 Wood for rural buildings
Lemn pentru tanani - 1 - - 1 - Tanning wood
Lemn pentru mangalizare 16 14 44 45 42 46 Charcoal wood
Lemn pentru alte utilizri 59 28 50 44 57 51 Wood for other uses
Lemn pentru foc 3838 4133 4671 4755 5062 4813 Fuel wood

Volumul cojii 711 718 804 809 848 824 Volume of bark

Alte sortimente Other secondary

secundare 718 772 799 827 735 818 assortments



15.1 Operatorii economico-sociali activi din economia Active economic and social operators
naional, pe clase de mrime ................................ 518 of national economy, by size class
15.2 Operatorii economici noi i activi din industrie, New and active economic operators
construcii, comer i alte servicii, from industry, construction, trade and other
pe forme juridice ...................................................... 519 services, by legal type
15.3 ntreprinderile active, pe activiti ale economiei Active enterprises, by activity of national economy
naionale i pe clase de mrime .............................. 520 and by size class
15.4 Concentrarea ntreprinderilor, pe activiti ale Concentration of enterprises, by activity of national
economiei naionale, n anul 2014 .......................... 522 economy, in 2014
15.5 ntreprinderile active, pe activiti ale economiei Active enterprises, by activity of national economy
naionale i pe forme juridice .................................. 526 and by legal type
15.6 ntreprinderile active, pe activiti ale economiei Active enterprises, by activity of national economy
naionale i pe forme de proprietate, dup natura and by type of ownership, by nature
capitalului social ...................................................... 528 of social capital
15.7 ntreprinderile active mici i mijlocii din industrie, Active small and medium enterprises
construcii, comer i alte servicii, pe activiti from industry, construction, trade and
ale economiei naionale .......................................... 530 other services, by activity of national economy
15.8 Ponderea personalului din ntreprinderile active Weight of staff in active small and medium
mici i mijlocii n personalul total al ntreprinderilor enterprises in total staff of enterprises from
din industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii, industry, construction, trade and other services, by
pe activiti ale economiei naionale ........................ 530 activity of national economy
15.9 Ponderea cifrei de afaceri realizat de Weight of turnover achieved by active
ntreprinderile active mici i mijlocii n cifra de small and medium enterprises in
afaceri a ntreprinderilor din industrie, construcii, the turnover of total enterprises from industry,
comer i alte servicii, pe activiti construction, trade and other services, by activity
ale economiei naionale .......................................... 531 of national economy
15.10 Principalii indicatori economici i financiari ai Main economic and financial indicators
ntreprinderilor, pe clase de mrime ........................ 532 of enterprises, by size class
15.11 Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile Turnover for enterprises having as main
cu activitate principal de industrie i construcii, activity industry and construction,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale ........................ 536 by activity of national economy
15.12 Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile cu activitate Turnover for enterprises having
principal de comer, pe activiti as main activity trade,
ale economiei naionale .......................................... 538 by activity of national economy
15.13 Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile cu Turnover for enterprises having as main
activitate principal de servicii de pia activity market services mainly
prestate n principal pentru populaie, rendered to the population, by activity
pe activiti ale economiei naionale ........................ 539 of national economy
15.14 Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile Turnover for enterprises having as
cu activitate principal de servicii de pia, main activity market services, by activity
pe activiti ale economiei naionale ........................ 540 of national economy
15.15 ntreprinztorii privai, pe activiti .......................... 541 Private entrepreneurs, by activity
15.16 ntreprinderile cu activitate financiar, bancar Enterprises with financial, banking and
i de asigurri .......................................................... 541 insurance activity
15.17 Instituiile administraiei publice, pe tipuri .............. 542 Public administration institutions, by type
15.18 Organizaiile neguvernamentale, pe tipuri .............. 542 Non-governmental organisations, by type

Teritorial Territorial

15.19 Unitile locale active din industrie, construcii, Active local units from industry, construction,
comer i alte servicii, n profil teritorial, pe activiti trade and other services, at territorial level, by
ale economiei naionale i pe clase de mrime, activity of national economy and by size class,
n anul 2014 .................................................................... in 2014
15.20 Cifra de afaceri a unitilor locale active din industrie, Turnover of active local units from industry,
construcii, comer i alte servicii, n profil teritorial, construction, trade and other services, at territorial
pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe clase de level, by activity of national economy and
mrime, n anul 2014 ...................................................... by size class, in 2014
15.21 Investiiile brute i nete ale unitilor locale active din Gross and net investments of active local units
industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii, n profil from industry, construction, trade and other
teritorial, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe services, at territorial level, by activity of national
clase de mrime, n anul 2014 ....................................... economy and by size class, in 2014
15.22 Personalul unitilor locale active din industrie, Staff of active local units from industry,
construcii, comer i alte servicii, n profil teritorial, construction, trade and other services,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe clase de at territorial level, by activity of national economy
mrime, n anul 2014 ...................................................... and by size class, in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Ancheta structural n ntreprinderi i alte cercetri Structural business survey and other surveys carried
realizate de Institutul Naional de Statistic privind out by the National Institute of Statistics on the
activitatea ntreprinderilor din industrie, construcii, activity of industry, construction, trade and other
comer i alte servicii; services enterprises;
Registrul statistic al ntreprinderilor, gestionat de Statistical business register managed by the
Institutul Naional de Statistic. National Institute of Statistics.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

Ministerul Finanelor Publice, pentru datele din Registrul Ministry of Public Finances, for data from Taxpayer
Contribuabililor, pentru datele din bilanurile contabile ale Register, for data on firms balance sheets, data on
firmelor, pentru datele privind impozitarea veniturilor income taxation for certified natural persons,
persoanelor fizice autorizate, ntreprinderilor individuale individuals enterprises and families enterprises, as
i ntreprinderilor familiale, precum i pentru datele well as for data on the functions roll of budgetary
privind statele de funciuni ale unitilor bugetare; units;
Oficiul Naional al Registrului Comerului, pentru National Office of Trade Register, for data on social
datele privind structura capitalului social; capital structure;
Autoritatea pentru Administrarea Activelor Statului, Authority for State Assets Administration, for the
pentru datele privind ntreprinderile privatizate; data on privatised enterprises;
Banca Naional a Romniei, pentru datele privind National Bank of Romania, for the data situation of
situaia societilor cu activitate bancar; banking companies;
Alte ministere i organizaii neguvernamentale, Other ministries and NGOs, for the structure data on
pentru structura privind mrimea i activitile size and activity of subordinated enterprises.
ntreprinderilor din subordine.


Operator economic reprezint organizaia ce poate Economic operator represents the organisation
fi o persoan fizic/juridic creat pentru a desfura which can be a legal / natural person created to develop
activiti definite n baza Legii nr. 15 / 1990, a activities defined according to the Law No 15 / 1990, Law
Legii nr. 31 / 1990 cu modificrile ulterioare i a No 31 / 1990, with subsequent amendments and
Ordonanei de Urgen a Guvernului nr. 44 / 2008. Government Priority Ordinance No 44 / 2008.
Operator social reprezint organizaia cu Social operator represents an organisation with
personalitate juridic, creat pentru a desfura o legal personality, created in order to carry out an activity
activitate dedicat interesului social. devoted to social interest.
Unitate legal reprezint orice operator economic Legal unit represents any economic or social
sau social care dispune de un patrimoniu propriu, poate operator having own patrimony; it can conclude contracts
s ncheie n nume propriu contracte cu teri i s-i with third parties in own name and defend his interests in
apere interesele n justiie - are personalitate juridic. justice - it has legal status. Legal units are either
Unitile legale sunt fie persoane fizice autorizate, authorized natural persons, individual enterprises, family
ntreprinderi individuale, ntreprinderi familiale enterprises (quality of entrepreneurs), or legal persons.
(n calitatea lor de ntreprinztori), fie persoane juridice.
Registrul Statistic (REGIS) reprezint un instrument Statistical register (REGIS) represents a statistical
statistic de eviden a datelor de identificare i a unor instrument for records of identification data and for some
indicatori economici principali pentru toate unitile legale, main economic indicators for all legal units carrying out
care desfoar o activitate economic sau social. an economic or social activity. The register is updated
Registrul este actualizat pe baza urmtoarelor surse: based on the following sources:
Registrul Contribuabililor; Taxpayer Register;
Registrul Comerului; Trade Register;
Bilanul contabil al operatorilor economici; Balance sheets of economic operators;
Bilanul contabil al organizaiilor neguvernamentale; Balance sheets of non-governmental organisations;
Date i informaii furnizate de Autoritatea pentru Information supplied by Authority for State Assets
Administrarea Activelor Statului i de Banca Administration and by the National Bank of
Naional a Romniei; Romania;
Cercetri statistice organizate de Institutul Naional Statistical surveys organised by the National
de Statistic. Institute of Statistics.
1) 1)
ntreprinderea este o grupare de uniti legale Enterprise is a group of legal units constituted as
care se constituie ca o entitate organizaional de an organizational entity of goods production, trade
producie de bunuri, servicii comerciale, sau servicii de services or social interest services, which benefits of a
interes social, ce beneficiaz de o autonomie de decizie, decisional autonomy, especially in view to ensure its
mai ales pentru asigurarea resurselor sale curente. current resources.
O ntreprindere exercit una sau mai multe activiti, n An enterprise is carrying out one or several
unul sau mai multe locuri (sedii - uniti locale ale activities, on one or several places (headquarters - local
ntreprinderii). n mod convenional sunt asimilate units of enterprises). The natural persons and the family
ntreprinderilor, persoanele fizice autorizate, ntreprinderile associations carrying out economic activities based on
individuale i ntreprinderile familiale care desfoar free initiative according to the law, the public institutions
activiti economice pe baz de liber iniiativ potrivit legii, and the NGOs are conventionally assimilated to
instituiile publice i organizaiile neguvernamentale. enterprises.
1) 1)
Unitatea local este o ntreprindere sau o parte a The local unit is an enterprise or part thereof
acesteia (atelier, fabric, depozit, birou, min sau staie (workshop, factory, warehouse, office, mine or station
etc.) situat la o adres identificabil. a.s.o.) situated in a geographically identifiable place.
n acest loc se desfoar o activitate economic, At this place an economic activity is carried out for
pentru care - n afara unor cazuri excepionale - lucreaz which - save for certain exceptions - one or more
una sau mai multe persoane (cu norm ntreag sau persons work (even if only part - time) for one and the
parial) pentru aceeai ntreprindere. same enterprise.

Definiie n conformitate cu Regulamentul Consiliului (CEE) nr. 696 / 1993, privind unitile de observare statistic.
Definition in compliance with The Council Regulation (EEC) No 696 / 1993, on the statistical observation units.

ntreprinderea activ este entitatea care, din punct Active enterprise is the entity which, from
de vedere economic, este activ n perioada de economic standpoint, is active during the survey period,
observare, respectiv realizeaz bunuri sau servicii, that is, it produces goods or services, records
nregistreaz cheltuieli i ntocmete bilan contabil. expenditure and draws up balance sheets.

Decalajul de timp dintre momentul nregistrrii unei The time gap between enterprise registration
ntreprinderi la Oficiul Naional al Registrului Comerului moment at National Office of Trade Register and the
i momentul n care aceasta ndeplinete condiiile moment when it fulfils the conditions necessary to be
necesare pentru a putea fi considerat activ, din punct considered active, from economically viewpoint, leads to
de vedere economic, conduce la unele diferene ntre some differences among data presented by National
datele prezentate de Institutul Naional de Statistic i Institute of Statistics and National Office of Trade
Oficiul Naional al Registrului Comerului. Register.
ntreprinderea dormant este entitatea care exist Dormant enterprise is the entity existing from
juridic, dar este inactiv, din punct de vedere economic, juridical standpoint, but inactive, from the economic
n perioada de observare. standpoint, during the survey period.
n funcie de principalele caracteristici ale According to the main characteristics of their
comportamentului lor economic, ntreprinderile - n sensul economic behaviour, enterprises - in the broad meaning
larg al cuvntului - se clasific n urmtoarele categorii: of the word - are classified in the following categories:
ntreprinderi cu activitate economic nefinanciar: Enterprises with non-financial economic activity:
ntreprinderi agricole; ntreprinderi din industrie, agricultural holdings; enterprises from industry,
construcii, comer i alte servicii; construction, trade and other services;
ntreprinderi financiare, bancare i de asigurri; Financial, banking and insurance companies;
Instituii din administraia public central i Institutions of central and local government and
local i instituii din sfera securitii sociale; institutions from social security field;
ntreprinztori privai - persoane fizice autorizate, Private entrepreneurs - authorized natural
ntreprinderi individuale, ntreprinderi familiale, persons, individual enterprises, family enterprises,
persoane ce desfoar activiti liberale. persons developing liberal activities.
ntreprinderile - n sensul larg al cuvntului - dup Enterprises - in the broad meaning of the word -
formele juridice de organizare, sunt urmtoarele: according to juridical organisational types are the following:
Regii autonome i institute naionale nfiinate Autonomous companies and national institutes,
prin Hotrri guvernamentale sau ale administraiei created on the basis of central or local government
locale; decisions;
Societi comerciale nfiinate n baza Commercial companies created on the basis of
Legii nr. 31 / 1990, cu modificrile i completrile Law No 31/ 1990, with subsequent amendments,
ulterioare, de tipul: such as:
- societi n nume colectiv; - partnerships;
- societi n comandit simpl; - simple limited partnerships;
- societi n comandit pe aciuni; - joint-stock partnerships;
- societi pe aciuni, inclusiv societi i companii - joint-stock companies, including national societies
naionale; and companies;
- societi cu rspundere limitat. - limited liability companies.
Societi agricole nfiinate sau reorganizate n Agricultural holdings created or restructured on
baza Legii nr. 36 / 1991; the basis of Law No 36 / 1991;
Societi cooperatiste reprezint societile cu Cooperative companies - represent cooperative
capital de tip cooperatist nfiinate sau reorganizate type capital companies created or reorganized based
n baza Decretului - Lege nr. 66 / 1990, a on the Decree - Law No 66 / 1990, Law No 109 / 1996
Legilor nr. 109 / 1996 i 1 / 2005; and Law No 1 / 2005.
Alte instituii ale administraiei publice centrale Other institutions of government central and local
i locale nfiinate prin decrete, legi; administration created on the basis of Decree, Laws;
Instituii bugetare nfiinate prin hotrri de guvern Budgetary institutions created on the basis of
sau decizii ale organelor administraiei locale; central or local government decisions;
ntreprinztori privai - persoane fizice autorizate, Private entrepreneurs - authorized natural
ntreprinderi individuale sau ntreprinderi familiale, persons, individual enterprises or family enterprises,

nfiinate n baza Ordonanei de Urgen a created according to the Government Priority
Guvernului nr. 44 / 2008, profesiile liberale aa cum Ordinance No 44 / 2008, liberal professions as they
sunt definite de legile speciale. are defined by social laws.
Organizaii neguvernamentale - asociaii i Non-governmental organisations - associations
fundaii, sindicate, partide politice, organizaii ale and foundations, unions, political parties, religious
cultelor religioase nfiinate n baza Ordonanei associations created according to the Government
Guvernului nr. 26 / 2000 i Legii nr. 62 / 2011, Ordinance No 26 / 2000, Law No 62 / 2011,
Legii nr. 14 / 2003, Legii nr. 489 / 2006. Law No 14 / 2003, Law No 489 / 2006.
Dup forma juridic de organizare, ntreprinderile By legal organisation type, there are commercial or
au caracter comercial sau necomercial. n categoria non-commercial enterprises. The category of
formelor juridice necomerciale sunt incluse instituiile non-commercial types includes budgetary institutions,
bugetare, administraia public central i local, central and local government, as well as non-
precum i organizaiile neguvernamentale. governmental organisations.
n sfera economic se includ formele juridice cu The economic field includes commercial legal types:
caracter comercial: regii autonome i institute naionale, autonomous bodies and national institutes, commercial
societi comerciale, societi cooperatiste, societi companies, cooperative and agricultural holdings. This
agricole. n aceast categorie nu se includ societile category does not include companies developing social
care desfoar activiti cu caracter social, respectiv activities, respectively teaching educational activities and
activitile didactic-educative i de asisten sanitar. sanitary assistance. These activities are not assimilated
Aceste activiti nu sunt asimilate cu un act de comer i with the trade activity and can not provide commercial
nu pot conferi comercialitate societii care o desfoar. nature to the respective company.
Mrimea ntreprinderii este evaluat dup criteriul The size of an enterprise is assessed according to
numrului mediu de salariai, n perioada de referin, n the average number of employees, during the reference
concordan cu criteriile emise de Eurostat. Se utilizeaz period. In accordance with Eurostat criteria the following
urmtoarele intervale: intervals are used:
ntreprinderi micro: 0 - 9 salariai; micro-enterprises: 0 - 9 employees;
ntreprinderi mici: 10 - 49 salariai; small enterprises: 10 - 49 employees;
ntreprinderi mijlocii: 50 - 249 salariai; medium enterprises: 50 - 249 employees;

ntreprinderi mari: 250 salariai i peste. large enterprises: 250 employees and over.
Activitatea principal a ntreprinderii este stabilit The main activity of an enterprise is established
n funcie de produsele sau serviciile a cror realizare depending on the goods or services whose production
implic cele mai mari pri ale resurselor umane sau care involves the largest share of human resources or which
aduc cele mai mari venituri ntreprinderii i se determin entails the highest revenues of the enterprise and is
utiliznd Clasificarea Activitilor din Economia Naional determined based on the Classification of Activities of
(CAEN Rev.2). National Economy (CANE Rev. 2).
Cifra de afaceri - suma veniturilor rezultate din Turnover - the amount of income resulted from
vnzri de bunuri, vnzri de mrfuri, executarea de sales of goods and commodities, execution of works and
lucrri i prestri de servicii, mai puin rabaturile, rendering services, excluding rebate, commissions and
remizele i alte reduceri acordate clienilor. other discounts for the customers.
Datele privind cifra de afaceri nu includ TVA. Data on turnover do not include VAT.
Investiii brute n bunuri corporale - valoarea Gross investments in tangible goods - the value
investiiilor efectuate n cursul perioadei de referin n of investments carried out during the reference period for
toate bunurile corporale, incluznd pe lng mijloacele all tangible goods also including, besides the fixed
fixe puse n funciune i valoarea cumprrilor de assets put in function, the value of lands and fixed assets
terenuri i mijloace fixe (la mna a doua sau cumprate purchases (second-hand or purchased from other units),
de la alte uniti) corectat cu diferena () soldurilor de adjusted with the difference () between the balancing
imobilizri corporale n curs (investiii neterminate), cu items of ongoing tangible assets (unfinished
diminurile prin: investiii care nu creeaz mijloace fixe, investments) and subtracting the investments which do
investiii definitiv sistate, investiii n curs vndute i not lead to fixed assets creation, the investment
investiii n curs de execuie cedate la teri. definitively ceased, sold ongoing investments and
ongoing investments yielded to third parties.
Investiii nete: caracteristicile investiiilor nete sunt Net investments: the characteristics of net
prezentate n Capitolul 12 - Investiii i imobilizri investments are presented in Chapter 12 - Investments
corporale (pag. 410). and tangible fixed assets (page 410).

Exporturi directe reprezint cifra de afaceri Direct exports represent turnover obtained by the
obinut de ntreprindere n urma vnzrii la export a enterprise following export sales of own products and/or
produselor i/sau serviciilor proprii, fr intermedierea services, without brokerage of a foreign trade enterprise.
unei ntreprinderi de comer exterior.
Valoarea adugat brut la costul factorilor - se Gross value added at factors cost - is the sum of:
calculeaz ca sum dintre cifra de afaceri, producia de turnover, tangible assets production and other
imobilizri i alte venituri de exploatare, variaia stocurilor, exploitation income, change in inventories, less the
din care se scad cheltuielile de bunuri i servicii, precum expenditure for goods and services, as well as other
i alte taxe i impozite pe produs i producie. taxes on products and production.
Rezultatul brut al exerciiului - diferena dintre Gross result of exercise - the difference between
suma veniturilor din exploatare, a celor financiare i celor the revenues from exploitation, financial and
extraordinare i suma cheltuielilor de exploatare, extraordinary income and the amount of exploitation,
financiare i a cheltuielilor extraordinare. Diferena financial and extraordinary expenditure. Positive
pozitiv reprezint profitul, iar cea negativ, pierderile. difference represents profit, and negative ones, losses.
Repartizarea principalilor indicatori economici i The breakdown of main economic and financial
financiari pe clase de mrime s-a realizat n funcie de indicators by size class was done depending on the
numrul mediu de persoane ocupate. average number of employed persons.
Repartiia macroregional i pe regiuni de The breakdown of enterprises by macroregion and
dezvoltare a rezultatelor ntreprinderilor s-a determinat by development region is determined depending on the
n funcie de structura unitilor locale active din structure of local units belonging to industry,
industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii. construction, trade and other services.

Structura operatorilor economico-sociali activi din economia naional

15.G1 Structure of active economic and social operators of national economy

2009 2014

32,6% 32,8%

57,5% 55,7%

8,4% 10,0%

1,5% 1,5%

ntreprinderi Administraie privat

Enterprises Private administration

Administraie public ntreprinztori privai

Public administration Private entrepreneurs

Operatorii economico-sociali activi din economia naional, pe clase de mrime
15.1 Active economic and social operators of national economy, by size class
numr / number
din care: pe clase de mrime, dup
Tipul operatorilor numrul de salariai / of which: by size class, Economic and
economico-sociali according to employees number social operators type
(seciuni CAEN Rev. 2) Total 0-9 10-49 50-249 250 i peste (CANE Rev. 2 sections)
and over


Total 829170 758286 56117 12617 2150 Total

ntreprinderi 452171 394091 47790 8640 1650 Enterprises

ntreprinderi agricole 15152 12853 2066 205 28 Agricultural holdings
ntreprinderi din industrie, Enterprises from industry,
construcii, comer construction, trade
i alte servicii 430608 375479 45221 8335 1573 and other services
ntreprinderi financiare Financial and insurance
i de asigurri 6411 5759 503 100 49 companies
Administraia public 13400 2675 6534 3716 475 Public administration
Administraia privat 83222 81143 1793 261 25 Private administration
ntreprinztori privai 280377 280377 - - - Private entrepreneurs


Total 850113 777602 58041 12316 2154 Total

ntreprinderi 472342 413803 48275 8584 1680 Enterprises

ntreprinderi agricole 16080 13658 2170 228 24 Agricultural holdings
ntreprinderi din industrie, Enterprises from industry,
construcii, comer construction, trade
i alte servicii 449482 394024 45601 8251 1606 and other services
ntreprinderi financiare Financial and insurance
i de asigurri 6780 6121 504 105 50 companies
Administraia public 13199 1619 7716 3417 447 Public administration
Administraia privat 86494 84102 2050 315 27 Private administration
ntreprinztori privai 278078 278078 - - - Private entrepreneurs


Total 859424 787084 58113 12145 2082 Total

ntreprinderi 485335 426886 48352 8454 1643 Enterprises

ntreprinderi agricole 16758 14247 2267 218 26 Agricultural holdings
ntreprinderi din industrie, Enterprises from industry,
construcii, comer construction, trade
i alte servicii 461484 406192 45590 8130 1572 and other services
ntreprinderi financiare Financial and insurance
i de asigurri 7093 6447 495 106 45 companies
Administraia public 13106 1587 7763 3353 403 Public administration
Administraia privat 92885 90513 1998 338 36 Private administration
ntreprinztori privai 268098 268098 - - - Private entrepreneurs


Total 910639 839434 56997 12074 2134 Total

ntreprinderi 507582 449512 47943 8416 1711 Enterprises

ntreprinderi agricole 17471 14928 2301 217 25 Agricultural holdings
ntreprinderi din industrie, Enterprises from industry,
construcii, comer construction, trade
i alte servicii 483066 428191 45142 8092 1641 and other services
ntreprinderi financiare Financial and insurance
i de asigurri 7045 6393 500 107 45 companies
Administraia public 13169 1630 7790 3352 397 Public administration
Administraia privat 90984 89388 1264 306 26 Private administration
ntreprinztori privai 298904 298904 - - - Private entrepreneurs

Operatorii economici noi i activi din industrie, construcii, comer i alte
servicii, pe forme juridice
New and active economic operators from industry, construction, trade and other
15.2 services, by legal type
numr / number
Operatorii economici pe forme juridice: / Economic operators by legal type:
Societi cu Alte tipuri de
Regii Societi rspundere societi comerciale Societi
autonome pe aciuni limitat necooperatiste cooperatiste
Autonomous Stock Limited Other types of Co-operative
bodies companies liability non-co-operative companies
companies companies
Operatori economici nregistrai
la Registrul Comerului - total 98 34311 1461913 34314 2047
Economic operators registered
with Trade Register - total
din care: / of which:
Operatori economici noi - 109 62311 14 104
New economic operators
Operatori economici activi - total 98 6900 419033 2811 17661)
Active economic operators - total
din care: / of which:
Operatori economici nou creai - 105 48268 229 13
Newly created economic operators
Operatori economici nregistrai
la Registrul Comerului - total 97 34402 1528295 34234 2157
Economic operators registered
with Trade Register - total
din care: / of which:
Operatori economici noi - 148 59625 16 30
New economic operators
Operatori economici activi - total 97 6700 438296 2737 16521)
Active economic operators - total
din care: / of which:
Operatori economici nou creai - 196 66414 263 20
Newly created economic operators
Operatori economici nregistrai
la Registrul Comerului - total 99 34650 1588378 34327 2200
Economic operators registered
with Trade Register - total
din care: / of which:
Operatori economici noi 2 248 60083 93 43
New economic operators
Operatori economici activi - total 99 6581 450552 2542 17101)
Active economic operators - total
din care: / of which:
Operatori economici nou creai 1 395 116796 475 44
Newly created economic operators
Operatori economici nregistrai
la Registrul Comerului - total 96 34783 1640185 34334 2230
Economic operators registered
with Trade Register - total
din care: / of which:
Operatori economici noi - 133 61807 107 30
New economic operators
Operatori economici activi - total 96 6538 472311 2429 16921)
Active economic operators - total
din care: / of which:
Operatori economici nou creai 1 192 61746 209 36
Newly created economic operators
1) O ntreprindere cooperatist include una sau mai multe societi comerciale cu capital cooperatist.
A co-operative enterprise includes one or several companies with co-operative capital.

15.3 ntreprinderile 1) active, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe clase de mrime
Active enterprises1), by activity of national economy and by size class
numr / number
2013 2014
Tipul operatorilor din care: pe clase de mrime, dup numrul de salariai din care: pe clase de mrime, dup numrul de salariai Economic and social
economico-sociali of which: by size class, according to employees number of which: by size class, according to employees number operators type
(seciuni CAEN Rev. 2) Total 0-9 10-49 50-249 250 i peste Total 0-9 10-49 50-249 250 i peste (CANE Rev. 2 sections)
and over and over

Total 461484 406192 45590 8130 1572 483066 428715 44621 8089 1641 Total

Industrie extractiv 1072 760 241 51 20 1112 808 238 46 20 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 46761 33031 9870 3115 745 48090 34698 9508 3103 781 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam
electric i termic, gaze, ap cald and air conditioning
i aer condiionat 1345 1137 122 47 39 1503 1298 121 49 35 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, activiti waste management
de decontaminare 3055 2255 545 185 70 3160 2399 517 176 68 and decontamination activities
Construcii 45382 38047 6234 1012 89 47814 40734 6036 957 87 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail;
repararea autovehiculelor repair of motor
i motocicletelor 171259 156332 13390 1373 164 176202 161629 13058 1344 171 vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 36127 32339 3177 516 95 39666 35780 3237 551 98 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 24297 20682 3324 266 25 25111 21609 3189 285 28 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 18270 16524 1410 270 66 19499 17763 1381 282 73 Information and communication
Tranzacii imobiliare 13202 12461 673 62 6 13844 13118 662 58 6 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 53925 51355 2245 269 56 56886 54330 2218 280 58 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 18051 15093 2090 712 156 19406 16374 2164 694 174 service activities
nvmnt 2) 3456 3164 283 8 1 3772 3480 282 9 1 Education 2)
Sntate i Human health
asisten social 2) 9552 8608 834 93 17 10093 9118 861 97 17 and social work activities 2)
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 5131 4543 482 86 20 5758 5144 496 98 20 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 10599 9861 670 65 3 11150 10433 653 60 4 Other service activities

ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii.
Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and other services.
2) Include numai ntreprinderile cu activitate de nvmnt sau sntate i asisten social, organizate ca societi comerciale.
Only include the enterprises with activities related to education or human health and social work activities, organized as companies.

520 521
15.4 Concentrarea ntreprinderilor 1), pe activiti ale economiei naionale, n anul 2014
Concentration of enterprises 1), by activity of national economy, in 2014

Cumulat n % din totalul Cumulat n % din totalul

Numr Numr mediu cifrei de afaceri numrului de salariai
Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) ntreprinderi salariai Cumulated in % of total Cumulated in % of total Activity (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)
Number of Average number turnover employees number
enterprises of employees Primele 5 Primele 20 Primele 5 Primele 20
Top 5 Top 20 Top 5 Top 20

Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 32 2206 76,3 98,8 95,2 99,7 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i a gazelor naturale 38 25243 99,4 99,9 99,0 99,9 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 36 2465 95,1 97,6 90,1 99,3 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 881 9429 24,9 39,1 28,1 43,3 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 125 7584 21,7 75,0 41,5 79,2 Mining support service activities
Industria alimentar 8119 159735 5,0 16,0 5,4 12,6 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 679 19236 54,1 79,5 37,1 66,3 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 8 1609 99,8 100,0 99,5 100,0 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 1312 30624 17,9 51,1 16,7 40,2 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 4585 158577 8,8 19,6 3,8 12,1 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor, fabricarea articolelor de Tanning and dressing of leather, manufacture
voiaj i marochinrie, harnaamentelor i nclmintei; of travel and leather goods, harness and footwear;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 1567 60669 10,3 30,7 8,2 21,2 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor din lemn i plut, Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork,
cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea articolelor din paie except furniture; manufacture of articles
i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 5345 55502 32,1 46,7 8,9 18,9 of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 730 12533 22,1 57,8 18,8 42,4 Manufacture of paper and paper products
Tiprire i reproducerea pe supori a nregistrrilor 2058 15463 22,9 36,8 10,3 24,5 Printing and reproduction of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie Manufacture of coke
i a produselor obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 47 2646 98,2 100,0 88,2 98,9 and refined petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor chimice 880 25748 27,8 54,6 31,5 57,5 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 136 9266 40,4 84,5 38,8 75,5 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice 2771 54682 37,3 49,6 18,0 34,5 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse din minerale nemetalice 2409 37417 18,2 41,9 12,7 30,4 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 431 30368 50,9 77,7 44,5 70,8 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i a produselor din metal, Manufacture of fabricated metal products,
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 5770 86231 3,1 15,5 5,7 13,9 except machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor electronice i optice 854 29101 24,2 71,3 33,4 62,6 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 614 38383 28,0 54,6 26,6 52,0 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 1265 52013 27,3 56,3 19,2 41,6 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 450 149761 40,7 71,0 27,8 62,8 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 467 30466 44,1 73,5 42,2 69,9 Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 3348 60732 17,6 40,7 13,6 29,1 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 2046 16426 17,7 39,6 15,0 34,9 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea mainilor i echipamentelor 2199 28303 11,0 30,2 24,9 43,2 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i termic, gaze, Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 1503 75476 13,5 44,6 46,7 78,2 production and supply
Captarea, tratarea i distribuia apei 297 36420 38,5 67,0 24,0 57,8 Water catchment, treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 194 1480 65,8 75,9 55,1 72,0 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea i eliminarea deeurilor; Waste collection, purification and disposal; activities
activiti de recuperare a materialelor reciclabile 2604 46111 8,9 16,2 20,0 35,8 of recycling materials recovery
Activiti i servicii de decontaminare 65 525 62,5 82,2 65,7 91,2 Activities and services of decontamination
Construcii de cldiri 24120 162222 4,7 10,3 2,1 5,6 Construction of buildings
Lucrri de geniu civil 3501 77573 12,9 26,2 19,7 32,7 Civil engineering
Lucrri speciale de construcii 20193 112268 6,2 14,1 4,7 9,3 Specialised construction activities
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul, ntreinerea Wholesale and retail and repair of motor vehicles and
i repararea autovehiculelor i amotocicletelor 17413 88130 7,6 16,0 4,2 9,6 motorcycles
Comer cu ridicata cu excepia comerului cu autovehicule i motociclete 54506 302649 4,1 13,3 5,4 9,9 Wholesale, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Comer cu amnuntul, cu excepia autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 104283 440734 14,5 35,8 9,8 18,2 Retail, except motor vehicles and motorcycles

ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii.
Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and other services.

522 523
Concentrarea ntreprinderilor 1), pe activiti ale economiei naionale,
n anul 2014 - continuare

15.4 Concentration of enterprises 1), by activity of national economy,

in 2014 - continued

Cumulat n % din totalul Cumulat n % din totalul

Numr Numr mediu cifrei de afaceri numrului de salariai
Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) ntreprinderi salariai Cumulated in % of total Cumulated in % of total Activity (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)
Number of Average number turnover employees number
enterprises of employees Primele 5 Primele 20 Primele 5 Primele 20
Top 5 Top 20 Top 5 Top 20

Transporturi terestre i transporturi prin conducte 35491 224734 8,7 14,9 18,0 26,2 Land transport and transport via pipelines
Transporturi pe ap 192 2304 35,0 57,3 44,1 75,7 Water transport
Transporturi aeriene 69 3589 83,9 96,2 84,3 97,4 Air transport
Depozitare i activiti auxiliare pentru transporturi 2688 61804 19,9 31,3 44,2 56,8 Warehousing and support activities for transportation
Activiti de pot i de curier 1226 36892 57,2 83,5 79,6 88,5 Postal and courier activities
Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare 5149 44193 7,0 21,4 7,3 17,4 Accommodation
Restaurante i alte activiti de servicii de alimentaie 19962 106457 11,8 17,2 6,4 11,2 Food and beverage service activities
Activiti de editare 2990 20797 18,1 35,3 22,4 37,8 Publishing activities
Activiti de producie cinematografic, video i de programe Motion picture, video and television programme production,
de televiziune; nregistrri audio i activiti de editare muzical 1772 5287 10,3 34,6 20,9 41,3 sound recording and music publishing
Activiti de difuzare i transmitere de programe 464 9911 72,7 83,8 62,9 80,8 Programming and broadcasting activities
Telecomunicaii 2418 43166 68,2 85,0 52,4 73,7 Telecommunications
Activiti de servicii n tehnologia informaiei 9110 59199 13,8 24,8 13,6 25,7 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
Activiti de servicii informatice 2745 11867 18,7 32,7 30,9 49,6 Information service activities
Tranzacii imobiliare 13844 39090 3,4 7,0 9,0 16,0 Real estate activities
Activiti juridice i de contabilitate 8251 18670 20,9 41,4 9,1 14,7 Legal and accounting activities
Activiti ale direciilor (centralelor), birourilor administrative centralizate; Activities of head offices;
activiti de management i de consultan n management 17039 41527 6,7 13,8 12,6 22,1 management consultancy activities
Activiti de arhitectur i inginerie; Architectural and engineering activities;
activiti de testri i analiz tehnic 14848 59268 14,0 28,4 11,3 19,9 technical testing and analysis
Cercetare-dezvoltare 776 13796 19,0 47,3 24,2 48,9 Scientific research and development
Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei 7794 27925 4,7 17,3 10,7 23,9 Advertising and market research
Alte activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice 5993 13121 2,3 10,1 13,7 19,1 Other professional, scientific and technical activities
Activiti veterinare 2185 5142 6,7 16,0 4,3 9,7 Veterinary activities
Activiti de nchiriere i leasing 2068 6857 6,5 28,1 11,3 23,8 Rental and leasing activities
Activiti de servicii privind fora de munc 2339 52561 19,8 37,7 30,1 52,8 Employment activities
Activiti ale ageniilor turistice i ale tur-operatorilor; Travel agency, tour-operators and other reservation
alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic 2764 9265 11,5 31,7 8,9 20,8 service and related activities
Activiti de investigaii i protecie 2180 122773 13,6 29,0 12,0 28,1 Security and investigation activities
Activiti de peisagistic i servicii pentru cldiri 3627 36728 8,1 17,8 15,6 30,4 Services to buildings and landscape activities
Activiti de secretariat, servicii suport i alte activiti Office administrative, office support and
de servicii prestate n principal ntreprinderilor 6428 51481 17,1 33,1 20,6 38,8 other business support activities
nvmnt 3772 13214 9,7 14,7 7,2 12,7 Education
Activiti referitoare la sntatea uman 9853 52267 16,9 31,2 8,0 18,4 Human health activities
Servicii combinate de ngrijire medical i asisten social, cu cazare 107 577 29,7 53,4 31,5 61,0 Residential care activities
Activiti de asisten social, fr cazare 133 473 22,9 41,7 34,5 58,6 Social work activities without accommodation
Activiti de creaie i interpretare artistic 1602 2411 8,0 21,5 8,6 19,4 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
Activiti ale bibliotecilor, arhivelor, muzeeelor i alte activiti culturale 208 1502 55,9 79,1 44,1 65,6 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
Activiti de jocuri de noroc i pariuri 846 28859 20,7 37,0 27,9 50,7 Gambling and betting activities
Activiti sportive, recreative i distractive 3102 8547 8,8 33,0 6,5 16,5 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
Reparaii de calculatoare, de articole personale i de uz gospodresc 3562 9455 16,4 31,4 14,3 26,7 Repair of computers and personal and household goods
Alte activiti de servicii 7588 30787 4,0 11,9 6,1 12,3 Other personal service activities

ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii.
Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and other services.

524 525
15.5 ntreprinderile1) active, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe forme juridice
Active enterprises1), by activity of national economy and by legal type
numr / number
din care: ntreprinderi comerciale, pe forme juridice
of which: companies by legal type
Societi cu Alte tipuri de
Regii Societi rspundere societi comerciale Societi
Activitatea (seciuni CAEN Rev. 2) Total autonome pe aciuni limitat necooperatiste cooperatiste Activity (CANE Rev. 2 sections)
Autonomous Stock Limited Other types of Co-operative
bodies companies liability non-co-operative companies
companies companies
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Total 461484 483066 99 96 6581 6538 450552 472311 2542 2429 1710 1692 Total

Industrie extractiv 1072 1112 - - 82 81 979 1016 10 14 1 1 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 46761 48090 5 6 1826 1789 44300 45678 274 262 356 355 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 1345 1503 6 5 175 186 1149 1294 15 18 - - production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea Water supply; sewerage, waste management
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 3055 3160 2 2 237 235 2801 2911 12 10 3 2 and decontamination activities
Construcii 45382 47814 7 7 941 925 44155 46635 241 209 38 38 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 171259 176202 1 - 931 915 168113 173164 1272 1211 942 912 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 36127 39666 24 24 380 374 35621 39168 101 99 1 1 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 24297 25111 - - 337 329 23767 24596 151 145 42 41 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 18270 19499 2 2 204 200 18003 19234 58 60 3 3 Information and communication
Tranzacii imobiliare 13202 13844 7 7 768 775 12238 12853 44 47 145 162 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice 53925 56886 42 40 420 433 53225 56184 219 210 19 19 Professional, scientific and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative i activiti Administrative and support
de servicii suport 18051 19406 2 2 171 179 17836 19178 32 38 10 9 service activities
nvmnt 2) 3456 3772 - - 18 20 3428 3744 10 8 - - Education 2)
Sntate i asisten social 2) 9552 10093 - - 32 34 9473 10012 47 47 - - Human health and social work activities 2)
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative 5131 5758 1 1 41 44 5073 5698 15 14 1 1 Arts, entertainment and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 10599 11150 - - 18 19 10391 10946 41 37 149 148 Other service activities

1) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii.

Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and other services.
Include numai ntreprinderile cu activitate de nvmnt sau sntate i asisten social, organizate ca societi comerciale.
Only include the enterprises with activities related to education or human health and social work activities, organized as companies.

526 527
ntreprinderile1) active, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i pe forme de
proprietate, dup natura capitalului social

15.6 Active enterprises1), by activity of national economy and by type of ownership,

by nature of social capital
numr / number
2013 2014
din care: pe forme de proprietate Din total, din care: pe forme de proprietate Din total,
(dup natura capitalului social) cu capital (dup natura capitalului social) cu capital
Activitatea (seciuni CAEN Rev. 2) Total of which: by type of ownership integral strin Total of which: by type of ownership integral strin Activity (CANE Rev. 2 sections)
(by nature of social capital) Of total, (by nature of social capital) Of total,
Majoritar de stat Majoritar privat with entirely Majoritar de stat Majoritar privat with entirely
State majority Private majority foreign capital State majority Private majority foreign capital

Total 461484 1303 460181 24843 483066 1274 481792 26578 Total

Industrie extractiv 1072 21 1051 108 1112 21 1091 118 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 46761 112 46649 3684 48090 102 47988 3855 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 1345 95 1250 306 1503 91 1412 331 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea Water supply; sewerage, waste management
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 3055 372 2683 140 3160 360 2800 141 and decontamination activities
Construcii 45382 161 45221 2601 47814 157 47657 2698 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 171259 32 171227 8273 176202 35 176167 8946 and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 36127 115 36012 1079 39666 114 39552 1198 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 24297 28 24269 778 25111 25 25086 825 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 18270 21 18249 1077 19499 21 19478 1185 Information and communication
Tranzacii imobiliare 13202 101 13101 2494 13844 102 13742 2639 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice 53925 104 53821 2613 56886 102 56784 2784 Professional, scientific and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative i activiti Administrative and support
de servicii suport 18051 115 17936 1005 19406 120 19286 1122 service activities
nvmnt 2) 3456 3 3453 89 3772 1 3771 108 Education 2)
Sntate i asisten social 2) 9552 4 9548 196 10093 5 10088 199 Human health and social work activities 2)
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative 5131 15 5116 238 5758 14 5744 259 Arts, entertainment and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 10599 4 10595 162 11150 4 11146 170 Other service activities

1) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii.

Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and other services.
2) Include numai ntreprinderile cu activitate de nvmnt sau sntate i asisten social, organizate ca societi comerciale.
Only include the enterprises with activities related to education or human health and social work activities, organised as companies.

528 529
ntreprinderile active mici i mijlocii din industrie, construcii, comer i alte
servicii, pe activiti ale economiei naionale
Active small and medium enterprises from industry, construction, trade and other
15.7 services, by activity of national economy
numr / number
Activitatea (seciuni CAEN Rev. 2) 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev. 2 sections)

Total 447876 459912 481425 Total

Industrie extractiv 1080 1052 1092 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 45251 46016 47309 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 1003 1306 1468 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 2854 2985 3092 and decontamination activities
Construcii 44485 45293 47727 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 169557 171095 176031 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 33965 36032 39568 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 23473 24272 25083 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 17449 18204 19426 Information and communication
Tranzacii imobiliare 12730 13196 13838 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 52286 53869 56828 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 16751 17895 19232 service activities
nvmnt 1) 3199 3455 3771 Education 1)
Sntate i asisten social 1) 9049 9535 10076 Human health and social work activities 1)
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative 4722 5111 5738 Arts, entertainment and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 10022 10596 11146 Other service activities
1) Include numai ntreprinderile cu activitate de nvmnt sau sntate i asisten social, organizate ca societi comerciale.
Only include the enterprises with activities related to education or human health and social work activities, organized as companies.

Ponderea personalului din ntreprinderile active mici i mijlocii n personalul total

al ntreprinderilor din industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii, pe activiti ale
economiei naionale
Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises
15.8 from industry, construction, trade and other services, by activity of national economy
procente / percentage
Activitatea (seciuni CAEN Rev. 2) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev. 2 sections)

Total 66,4 66,2 66,4 65,5 Total

Industrie extractiv 19,3 22,1 22,9 24,4 Mining and quarrying
Industrie prelucrtoare 55,9 54,9 54,7 53,2 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric Electricity, gas, steam and air
i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 12,2 11,8 12,8 13,1 conditioning production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 42,2 42,4 42,6 41,9 and decontamination activities
Construcii 79,7 80,9 84,2 85,2 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 83,4 81,7 81,4 80,4 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 51,6 53,1 55,3 57,0 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 90,2 89,9 90,0 88,8 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 59,0 59,1 57,6 55,5 Information and communication
Tranzacii imobiliare 87,8 88,2 89,9 90,4 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 82,9 84,7 83,3 82,5 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 55,2 56,2 56,0 54,3 service activities
nvmnt 1) 96,1 95,8 95,4 95,5 Education 1)
Sntate i asisten social 1) 86,1 85,8 84,3 83,5 Human health and social work activities 1)
Activiti de spectacole, Arts, entertainment
culturale i recreative 67,4 69,5 64,9 64,8 and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 95,4 95,5 95,5 95,0 Other service activities
1) Include numai ntreprinderile cu activitate de nvmnt sau sntate i asisten social, organizate ca societi comerciale.
Only include the enterprises with activities related to education or human health and social work activities, organized as companies.

Ponderea cifrei de afaceri realizat de ntreprinderile active mici i mijlocii n cifra
de afaceri a ntreprinderilor din industrie, construcii, comer i alte servicii, pe
activiti ale economiei naionale
Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover
of total enterprises from industry, construction, trade and other services, by activity
15.9 of national economy
procente / percentage
Activitatea (seciuni CAEN Rev. 2) 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev. 2 sections)

Total 57,9 58,0 58,2 Total

Industrie extractiv 9,5 10,5 11,6 Mining and quarrying

Industrie prelucrtoare 36,3 35,8 34,6 Manufacturing
Producia i furnizarea Electricity, gas, steam
de energie electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 32,6 31,5 43,0 production and supply
Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,
gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 69,6 66,4 64,7 and decontamination activities
Construcii 77,5 80,7 82,4 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of motor
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 69,9 71,3 70,5 vehicles and motorcycles
Transport i depozitare 66,3 68,5 69,1 Transport and storage
Hoteluri i restaurante 85,2 84,0 83,8 Hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 43,9 43,3 44,5 Information and communication
Tranzacii imobiliare 94,3 96,0 96,6 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, Professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 86,9 84,9 83,1 and technical activities
Activiti de servicii administrative Administrative and support
i activiti de servicii suport 77,1 74,6 73,3 service activities
nvmnt 1) 94,3 93,6 94,0 Education 1)
Sntate i asisten social 1) 74,5 71,8 70,7 Human health and social work activities 1)
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative 70,3 68,5 69,7 Arts, entertainment and recreation
Alte activiti de servicii 97,1 97,1 91,7 Other service activities

1) Include numai ntreprinderile cu activitate de nvmnt sau sntate i asisten social, organizate ca societi comerciale.
Only include the enterprises with activities related to education or human health and social work activities, organized as companies.

Principalii indicatori economici i financiari ai ntreprinderilor1),
pe clase de mrime
Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises1),
15.10 by size class
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
CAEN Rev. 2 / CANE Rev. 2
Clase de mrime, Valoarea adugat Rezultatul
dup numrul de Cifra de Investiii Exporturi brut la costul brut al
persoane ocupate afaceri brute directe factorilor exerciiului
Size classes, by number Turnover Gross Direct Gross value added Gross result
of employed persons investments exports at factors cost of exercise



Total 1049539 109379 171392 240830 27706

0 49 372936 39529 12962 73336 4875
50 99 86590 5634 8847 19045 3014
100 249 149279 7674 26115 28259 3364
250 499 104349 7367 22104 19209 115
500 i peste / and over 336386 49175 101365 100982 16337


Total 1102959 104709 182285 253597 34459

0 49 401032 40123 14515 80450 9720
50 99 90201 7763 11204 19649 2722
100 249 152765 8030 20571 30672 4233
250 499 98043 6564 25298 21328 2173
500 i peste / and over 360918 42229 110697 101497 15612



Total 389966 51357 140668 102282 14081

0 49 59053 14667 4586 16071 16
50 99 27149 2189 5897 6060 900
100 249 48688 3368 16012 12234 1110
250 499 56807 5501 19766 10230 -571
500 i peste / and over 198269 25632 94407 57687 12626


Total 403169 51529 151367 107452 12477

0 49 60665 12563 5483 14448 -2140
50 99 27180 4365 6462 6560 605
100 249 55587 3908 15262 13458 2208
250 499 52572 4367 20978 11969 1398
500 i peste / and over 207164 26326 103181 61017 10406

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i servicii de pia.
Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
3) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie. / Enterprises with main activity industry.

Principalii indicatori economici i financiari ai ntreprinderilor1),
pe clase de mrime - continuare
Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises1),
15.10 by size class - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
CAEN Rev. 2 / CANE Rev. 2
Clase de mrime, Valoarea adugat Rezultatul
dup numrul de Cifra de Investiii Exporturi brut la costul brut al
persoane ocupate afaceri brute directe factorilor exerciiului
Size classes, by number Turnover Gross Direct Gross value added Gross result
of employed persons investments exports at factors cost of exercise



Total 68879 22123 864 25816 482

0 - 49 34508 7653 295 8668 -743
50 - 99 9041 520 92 2505 644
100 - 249 12018 740 133 2912 -65
250 - 499 4424 161 27 966 -65
500 i peste / and over 8888 13048 316 10764 712


Total 68230 12403 639 20945 1494

0 - 49 35938 5587 151 10556 830
50 - 99 8484 597 126 2000 179
100 - 249 11865 798 85 3081 451
250 - 499 4849 218 28 1057 31
500 i peste / and over 7094 5203 248 4250 2




Total 29914 1304 745 3922 220

0 - 49 14615 776 158 2184 201
50 - 99 3481 145 111 527 41
100 - 249 7233 212 232 760 124
250 - 499 2735 126 151 214 -170
500 i peste / and over 1851 43 93 237 25


Total 32566 1311 1389 4225 701

0 - 49 15278 734 252 2266 376
50 - 99 3523 152 358 531 68
100 - 249 8743 245 432 823 209
250 - 499 2861 154 193 346 10
500 i peste / and over 2161 26 154 260 37

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i servicii de pia.
Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
4) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de construcii. / Enterprises with main activity construction.

Principalii indicatori economici i financiari ai ntreprinderilor1),
pe clase de mrime - continuare
Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises1),
15.10 by size class - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
CAEN Rev. 2 / CANE Rev. 2
Clase de mrime, Valoarea adugat Rezultatul
dup numrul de Cifra de Investiii Exporturi brut la costul brut al
persoane ocupate afaceri brute directe factorilor exerciiului
Size classes, by number Turnover Gross Direct Gross value added Gross result
of employed persons investments exports at factors cost of exercise




Total 144609 4995 1119 14949 1609

0 49 51945 1987 194 6367 345
50 99 5699 196 48 718 121
100 249 26330 477 476 1688 608
250 499 4227 149 218 630 64
500 i peste / and over 56408 2185 183 5546 471


Total 156073 5142 1083 16774 2856

0 49 56352 1726 217 6957 410
50 99 6281 216 58 798 204
100 249 25606 543 437 1808 758
250 499 5778 277 109 742 36
500 i peste / and over 62055 2380 261 6469 1449




Total 240560 5365 15929 22108 5432

0 49 124726 2897 5712 10812 2700
50 99 25378 772 1283 3172 721
100 249 36953 882 7187 3178 733
250 499 25088 508 435 2103 717
500 i peste / and over 28416 306 1313 2842 560


Total 250826 6026 14140 25366 6912

0 49 135826 3889 6195 13513 3994
50 99 27518 666 2950 3329 864
100 249 31676 619 1947 3456 872
250 499 18966 343 1940 1455 119
500 i peste / and over 36840 509 1108 3614 1064

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i servicii de pia.
Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
5) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de comer cu ridicata. / Enterprises with main activity wholesale.

Principalii indicatori economici i financiari ai ntreprinderilor1),
pe clase de mrime - continuare
Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises1),
15.10 by size class - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
CAEN Rev. 2 / CANE Rev. 2
Clase de mrime, Valoarea adugat Rezultatul
dup numrul de Cifra de Investiii Exporturi brut la costul brut al
persoane ocupate afaceri brute directe factorilor exerciiului
Size classes, by number Turnover Gross Direct Gross value added Gross result
of employed persons investments exports at factors cost of exercise




Total 14693 1497 40 3594 -524

0 - 49 9708 884 29 1958 -537
50 - 99 1403 314 10 442 -8
100 - 249 1807 168 - 500 24
250 - 499 345 51 - 155 -8
500 i peste / and over 1431 80 1 539 6


Total 16110 1319 45 4552 227

0 - 49 10621 862 38 2552 -11
50 - 99 1609 194 3 536 53
100 - 249 1903 127 3 645 72
250 - 499 430 75 *) 203 27
500 i peste / and over 1546 61 1 616 86



Total 160918 22737 12027 68158 6406

0 - 49 78382 10663 1987 27274 2894
50 - 99 14440 1498 1407 5620 595
100 - 249 16250 1827 2075 6987 831
250 - 499 10724 869 1507 4911 149
500 i peste / and over 41122 7880 5051 23366 1938


Total 175985 26979 13623 74282 9793

0 - 49 86351 14762 2179 30158 6261
50 - 99 15606 1571 1247 5896 748
100 - 249 17384 1791 2404 7402 -336
250 - 499 12586 1130 2050 5556 551
500 i peste / and over 44057 7725 5743 25271 2568

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de industrie, construcii, comer i servicii de pia.
Enterprises with main activity industry, construction, trade and market services.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
6) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de servicii de pia; Conform sferei de cuprindere EUROSTAT sunt incluse activitile: hoteluri i
restaurante, agenii turistice i ale tur-operatorilor, alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic.
Enterprises with main activity market services. According to EUROSTAT coverage the following activities are included: hotels and
restaurants, travel agencies and tour-operators, other booking and tourists assistance services.
7) ntreprinderi cu activitate principal de servicii de pia, cu excepia serviciilor prestate n principal pentru populaie.
Enterprises with main activity market services excepting services mainly rendered to the population.

Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile cu activitate principal de industrie i
construcii, pe activiti ale economiei naionale
Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction,
15.11 by activity of national economy
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Activitatea Total Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) 2012 2013 20141) (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)

Industrie - total 384966 389966 403169 Industry - total

Industrie extractiv 29868 28563 27650 Mining and quarrying

Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 1051 451 146 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut Extraction of crude petroleum
i a gazelor naturale 23641 22323 21786 and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 337 365 365 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive Other activities for extraction
i servicii anexe extraciei 4839 5424 5353 and service conected

Industrie prelucrtoare 278708 290226 306171 Manufacturing

Industria alimentar 37999 39993 39861 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 9800 9570 9653 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 2158 881 949 Manufacture of tabacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 4530 4950 5395 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 9404 9219 9964 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather,
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; goods, harness and footwear;
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 4542 4798 5145 preparation and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor Manufacture of wood and of products
din lemn i plut, cu excepia mobilei; of wood and cork, except furniture;
fabricarea articolelor din paie i din alte manufacture of articles of straw
materiale vegetale mpletite 12117 13118 13292 and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei Manufacture of paper
i a produselor din hrtie 3399 3632 3907 and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea Printing and reproduction
pe supori a nregistrrilor 3033 3075 3336 of recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie Manufacture of coke
i a produselor obinute and refined
din prelucrarea ieiului 21081 19105 21096 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals
i a produselor chimice 11161 9994 9854 and chemical products
Fabricarea produselor Manufacture of basic
farmaceutice de baz pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 3159 3437 3629 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc Manufacture of rubber
i mase plastice 17405 18369 19422 and plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other
din minerale nemetalice 11393 10925 11519 non-metallic mineral products
Industria metalurgic 20273 16652 17444 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, metal products, except
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 15938 15731 16384 machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor Manufacture of computers,
i a produselor electronice i optice 7314 6993 7905 electronic and optical products

1) Date privizorii. / Provisional data.

Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile cu activitate principal de industrie i
construcii, pe activiti ale economiei naionale - continuare
Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction,
15.11 by activity of national economy - continued
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Activitatea Total Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) 2012 2013 20141) (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)

Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 12129 12788 14144 Manufacture of electrical equipment

Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery
i echipamente n.c.a. 12344 12268 13734 and equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor Manufacture of motor
de transport rutier, vehicles, trailers and
a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 43088 55172 58586 semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace Manufacture of other
de transport 5045 6550 6595 transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 6947 7316 8119 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 1393 1560 1989 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation
mainilor i echipamentelor 3056 4130 4249 of machinery and equipment

Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam

electric i termic, gaze, and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat 59717 55996 55136 production and supply

Distribuia apei; salubritate, Water supply; sewerage,

gestionarea deeurilor, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 16673 15181 14212 and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea Water catchment,
i distribuia apei 3167 3402 3582 treatment and distribution
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate 229 208 278 Used water collection and purification
Colectarea, tratarea i eliminarea Water collection, purification
deeurilor; activiti de recuperare and disposal; activities of recycling
a materialelor reciclabile; activiti materials recovery; activities and
i servicii de decontaminare 13277 11571 10352 services of decontamination

Construcii 77720 68879 68230 Construction

Construcii de cldiri 35528 30500 32645 Construction of buildings
Lucrri de geniu civil 23738 20627 19045 Civil engineering
Lucrri speciale de construcii 18454 17752 16540 Specialised construction activities

1) Date privizorii. / Provisional data.

Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile cu activitate principal de comer,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale
Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade,
15.12 by activity of national economy
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Activitatea Total Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) 2012 2013 20141) (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)

Comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul, Wholesale and retail,

ntreinerea i repararea autovehiculelor maintenance and repair
i a motocicletelor 36928 29914 32566 of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Comer cu autovehicule 15747 14484 16220 Trade of motor vehicles
ntreinerea i repararea Maintenance and repair
autovehiculelor 4303 4063 4340 of motor vehicles
Comer cu piese i accesorii Trade of spare parts
pentru autovehicule 16748 11250 11876 and accesories of motor vehicle
Comerul cu motociclete, piese Trade of motor vehicles spare,
i accesorii aferente; parts and accesories,
ntreinerea i repararea motocicletelor 130 117 130 maintenance and repair of motorcyles

Comerul cu ridicata, cu excepia Wholesale, excepting motor

comerului cu autovehicule i motociclete 244517 240560 250826 vehicles and motorcycles
Activiti de intermediere de comer cu ridicata 18205 14941 19435 Wholesale brokerage activities
Comer cu ridicata al produselor Wholesale of gross agricultural
agricole brute i animalelor vii 18761 23124 25000 products and live animals
Comer cu ridicata al produselor Wholesale of food,
alimentare, al buturilor i al tutunului 62162 60333 60940 beverages and tobacco
Comer cu ridicata al bunurilor Wholesale of consumer goods,
de consum, altele dect cele alimentare 43522 45557 47598 others than food
Comer cu ridicata al echipamentului Wholesale of information
informatic i de telecomunicaii 11401 12256 13297 and communication equipment
Comer cu ridicata al altor maini, Wholesale of other machinery,
echipamente i furnituri 10751 10993 11384 equipment and supplies
Comer cu ridicata specializat al altor produse 63768 58081 56308 Other specialised wholesale
Comer cu ridicata nespecializat 15947 15275 16864 Non-specialised wholesale

Comerul cu amnuntul, cu excepia Retail, excepting

autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 142631 144609 156073 motor vehicles and motorcycles
Comer cu amnuntul n magazine Retail in non-specialized
nespecializate, cu vnzare de produse shops, selling food goods,
alimentare, buturi i tutun 46800 48952 52800 beverages and tobacco
Comer cu amnuntul n magazine nespecializate, Retail in non-specialized shops,
cu vnzare de produse nealimentare 5172 5083 5426 selling non-food goods
Comer cu amnuntul al produselor alimentare, Retail of food products,
buturilor i al produselor din tutun, beverages and tobacco products
n magazine specializate 3012 2941 3121 in specialized shops
Comer cu amnuntul al carburanilor Retail of fuel for motor
pentru autovehicule in magazine specializate 41470 40102 41938 vehicles in specialized shops
Comer cu amnuntul al echipamentului Retail of informatic
informatic i de telecomunicaii and telecommunication equipment
n magazine specializate 2199 2209 2330 in specialized shops
Comer cu amnuntul al altor produse Retail of other housing goods,
casnice, n magazine specializate 13398 13537 14940 in specialized shops
Comer cu amnuntul de bunuri culturale Retail of cultural
i recreative, n magazine specializate 1762 1658 1864 and sport goods, in specialized shops
Comer cu amnuntul al altor bunuri, Retail of other goods,
n magazine specializate 23939 25117 27521 in specialized shops
Comer cu amnuntul efectuat Retail in stands,
prin standuri, chiocuri i piee 945 844 833 kiosks and markets
Comer cu amnuntul care nu se efectueaz Retail not in
prin magazine, standuri, chiocuri i piee 3934 4166 5300 shops, stands, kiosks and markets

1) Date privizorii. / Provisional data.

Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile cu activitate principal de servicii de pia
prestate n principal pentru populaie, pe activiti ale economiei naionale
Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered
15.13 to the population, by activity of national economy
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Activitatea (CAEN Rev. 2) Total
Activity (CANE Rev. 2) 2012 2013 20141)

Total 2) 14886 14693 16110

Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare similare 3419 3510 3703

Hotels and other similar accommodation facilities

Faciliti de cazare pentru vacane i perioade de scurt durat 224 212 219
Accommodation facilities for holidays and short term periods

Parcuri pentru rulote, campinguri i tabere 17 15 14

Parks for caravans, campings and camps

Alte servicii de cazare 881 370 397

Other accommodation services

Restaurante 4431 4619 5327


Activiti de alimentaie (catering) pentru evenimente

i alte servicii de alimentaie 680 722 739
Catering activities for events and other catering services

Baruri i alte activiti de servire a buturilor 1703 1650 1852

Bars and other beverages activities

Activiti ale ageniilor turistice i a tur-operatorilor 3425 3468 3736

Activities of travel and tour-operators agencies

Alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic 106 127 123

Other services of tourist reservation and assistance

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

2) Conform sferei de cuprindere EUROSTAT sunt incluse activitile: hoteluri i restaurante, agenii turistice i ale tur-operatorilor, alte
servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic.
According to EUROSTAT coverage the following activities are included: hotels and restaurants, travel agencies and tour-operators,
other booking and tourists assistance services.

Cifra de afaceri pentru ntreprinderile cu activitate principal de servicii de
pia1), pe activiti ale economiei naionale
Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services1),
15.14 by activity of national economy
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Activitatea Total Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) 2012 2013 20142) (CANE Rev. 2 divisions)

Total 155622 160918 175985 Total

Transporturi pe calea ferat 3992 3831 3889 Rail transport
Transporturi terestre 29060 31786 35663 Land transport
Transporturi prin conducte 1663 1834 1993 Pipe transport
Transporturi pe ap 866 695 792 Water transport
Transporturi aeriene 2376 2116 2279 Air transport
Depozitare i activiti auxiliare Warehousing and support activities
pentru transporturi 12670 13594 15038 for transportation
Activiti de pot i de curier 2716 2873 3156 Postal and courier activities
Activiti de editare 3200 3251 3871 Publishing activities
Activiti de producie cinematografic, Motion picture, video and
video i de programe de televiziune; television programme production,
nregistrri audio i activiti sound recording
de editare muzical 1423 1426 1503 and music publishing activities
Activiti de difuzare Programming
i transmitere de programe 1878 1857 2066 and broadcasting activities
Telecomunicaii 18549 18890 18974 Telecommunications
Activiti de servicii n tehnologia informaiei 10096 11388 13998 Information technology services
Activiti de servicii informatice 1252 1382 1584 Informatic service activities
Tranzacii imobiliare 9119 9475 10584 Real estate transactions
Activiti juridice i de contabilitate 1864 1918 2098 Juridical and accounting activities
Activiti ale direciilor (centralelor), Activities of directions (centrals),
birourilor administrative centralizate; centralised administrative offices;
activiti de management management and management
i de consultan n management 9406 9388 10082 consulting activities
Activiti de arhitectur i inginerie; Architectural and engineering activities;
activiti de testri i analiz tehnic 10235 9619 10615 technical testing and analysis
Cercetare-dezvoltare 1639 1592 1599 Research - development
Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei 8414 6793 6684 Advertising and market research
Alte activiti professionale, Other professional,
tiinifice i tehnice 1408 1264 1376 scientific and technical activities
Activiti veterinare 442 459 576 Veterinary activities
Activiti de nchiriere i leasing 2459 2566 2934 Rental and leasing activities
Activiti de servicii privind fora de munc 2096 2602 3066 Employment activities
Activiti de investigaie i protecie 3266 3415 3558 Security and investigation activities
Activiti de peisagistic Landscape and building
i servicii pentru cldiri 1809 1925 2194 services activities
Activiti de secretariat, servicii suport Office administrative, office support
i alte activiti de servicii and other business
prestate n special ntreprinderilor 4557 5193 5640 support activities
Activiti de creaie i interpretare artistic 366 373 411 Art creation and interpretation activities
Activiti ale bibliotecilor, arhivelor, Library, archive, museum
muzeelor i alte activiti culturale 6124 6422 6491 activities and other cultural activities
Activiti sportive, Sport, recreation
recreative i distractive 703 826 819 and entertainment activities
Reparaii de calculatoare, de articole Repair of computers,
personale i de uz gospodresc 1016 1181 1365 personal and household articles
Alte activiti de servicii 958 984 1087 Other activities of services

1) Cu excepia serviciilor prestate n principal pentru populaie. / Excepting services mainly rendered to the population.
2) Date privizorii. / Provisional data.

ntreprinztorii privai, pe activiti
15.15 Private entrepreneurs, by activity
numr / number
din care: / of which:
Activitatea Total 1) ntreprinderi familiale Persoane independente Activity
Family enterprises Individuals
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Total 268098 298904 23691 24380 244407 274524 Total

Industrie 21206 22973 2586 2677 18620 20296 Industry

Comer 98822 107394 16109 16698 82713 90696 Trade
Hoteluri i Hotels and
restaurante 10301 11332 1322 1398 8979 9934 restaurants
Turism 375 457 6 6 369 451 Tourism
Transport 23317 24204 1070 1075 22247 23129 Transport
Alte servicii 114077 132544 2598 2526 111479 130018 Other services

1) Date estimate pe baza informaiilor furnizate de Oficiul Naional al Registrului Comerului.

Estimated data based on information provided the National Office of Trade Register.

ntreprinderile cu activitate financiar, bancar i de asigurri

15.16 Enterprises with financial, banking and insurance activity
numr / number
Tipul ntreprinderii financiare 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Financial enterprise type

Total 1) 7283 6636 6411 6780 7093 7045 Total 1)

Bnci comerciale 2) 76 89 98 97 97 89 Commercial banks 2)

Societi de investiii 30 23 27 26 27 30 Investment trusts
Societi de valori Brokerage
mobiliare 63 52 50 47 34 39 companies
Societi de asigurare, Insurance, reinsurance
reasigurare 3) 64 62 63 58 54 53 companies 3)
Alte tipuri de societi Other types of
cu activiti financiare 7050 6410 6173 6552 6881 6834 financial companies

1) Conform CAEN Rev.2. / According to CANE Rev.2.

2) Inclusiv cooperativele de credit. / Credit unions included.
3) Inclusiv fonduri pentru pensia privat. / Including private pension funds.

Instituiile administraiei publice, pe tipuri
15.17 Public administration institutions, by type
numr / number

Tipul instituiei 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Institution type

Administraia central 61 63 62 57 64 65 Central government

Ministere i organe centrale 1) 36 36 37 35 38 42 Ministries and central bodies 1)
Instituii aparinnd de guvern 25 27 25 22 26 23 Governmental institutions

Administraia local 2) 5063 5057 5013 4961 4881 4881 Local government 2)
din care: of which:
Prefecturi, consilii judeene 84 84 84 84 84 84 Prefectures, county councils
Primrii, consilii locale 3186 3187 3187 3187 3187 3187 Townhalls, local councils

Securitatea social 9011 8828 8325 8181 8161 8223 Social security
Uniti de nvmnt 7819 7644 7200 7069 7074 7127 Educational units
Uniti de sntate Health and social
i asisten social 681 682 617 606 596 597 assistance units
Uniti de cultur i recreative 511 502 508 506 491 499 Culture and leisure unit

1) Include i uniti aflate sub autoritatea Parlamentului Romniei. / Includes units under the authority of the Romanian Parliament.
2) Include i alte uniti ale administraiei centrale din domeniile: justiie, administraie financiar, munc i protecie social, protecia mediului etc.
Also include other units of central government from: justice, financial administration, labour and social protection, environmental protection a.s.o.

Organizaiile neguvernamentale, pe tipuri

15.18 Non-governmental organisations, by type
numr / number

Tipul organizaiei 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Organisation type

Total 83352 79381 83222 86494 92885 90984 Total

Sindicate, Trade unions,

confederaii sindicale 8550 8598 8682 9329 9915 9372 union confederations
Partide, formaiuni politice, Parties, political formations,
coaliii ale acestora 54 54 64 52 50 42 coalitions between them
Uniuni profesionale Professional and
i patronale 4882 5218 5745 5721 6004 5679 employers unions
Fundaii, asociaii culturale Foundations, cultural and
i sportive 51437 47060 49978 52398 57372 56356 sport associations
Organizaii religioase Religious organisations
(de cult) 18429 18451 18753 18994 19544 19535 (of cults)




16.1 Indicii produciei industriale, pe activiti Industrial production indices, by activity

ale industriei ............................................................ 552 of industry
16.2 Indicii productivitii muncii, pe un salariat i pe Labour productivity indices, per employee and by
activiti ale industriei .............................................. 553 activity of industry


16.3 Resursele de energie primar ................................ 554 Primary energy resources

16.4 Producia de energie primar .................................. 555 Primary energy production
16.5 Gradul de independen energetic ........................ 555 Energy independence degree
16.6 Puterea instalat i producia Installed capacity and production
de energie electric ................................................ 555 of electric energy
16.7 Consumul de energie .............................................. 556 Energy consumption
16.8 Structura produciei de energie termoelectric, Structure of thermoelectric energy production, by
dup felul combustibilului consumat ...................... 556 type of fuel consumed


16.9 Lucrrile de construcii, dup modul de execuie .... 557 Construction works, by manner of performing
16.10 Indicii lucrrilor de construcii, pe elemente Indices of construction works by structure elements
de structur i pe tipuri de construcii ...................... 557 and by type of construction
16.11 Lucrrile de construcii n antrepriz, Construction works on contract,
pe categorii de obiecte ............................................ 558 by category of objects


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

 Ancheta structural n ntreprinderi;  Structural business survey;
 Cercetarea statistic privind indicatorii pe termen  Statistical surveys on short term indicators in
scurt n industrie (capitolul referitor la produsele i industry (chapter regarding industrial products and
serviciile industriale); services);
 Cercetri statistice privind producerea i utilizarea  Statistical surveys on producing and using electric,
energiei electrice, termice, a combustibililor i thermal energy, fuels and on the structure of energy
structura utilajului energetic; equipment;
 Cercetrile statistice privind producia de energie  Statistical surveys on primary and transformed
primar i transformat; energy production;
 Cercetarea statistic privind indicatorii pe termen  Statistical survey regarding short term indicators in
scurt n construcii (capitolul referitor la valoarea construction (chapter regarding construction works
lucrrilor de construcii). value).

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

 Direcia General a Vmilor (DGV), pentru datele  The General Customs Directorate (GCD), for the
privind importul / exportul de energie primar i data for import / export of primary and transformed
transformat. energy.



Industria cuprinde: industria extractiv, industria Industry includes: mining and quarrying,
prelucrtoare, producia i furnizarea de energie manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam and air
electric i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat conditioning supply (sections: B, C, D and E, according
(seciunile: B, C, D i E, conform CAEN Rev.2). to CANE Rev.2).
Producia industrial reprezint valoarea Industrial production represents the value of
produselor finite fabricate, livrate sau destinate livrrii, a manufactured finished products, delivered or which are
semifabricatelor livrate din producie proprie, a prelucrrii to be delivered, semifabs delivered from own production,
materiilor prime i a materialelor clienilor, a lucrrilor the value of processing of the customers raw materials
(serviciilor) cu caracter industrial prestate terilor, and materials, works (services) of industrial nature
produciei imobilizate, precum i a diferenei de stoc de rendered to third parties, immobilized production, as well
produse finite, semifabricate i producie neterminat. as the stock balance of finite products, semifabs and
unfinished production.
Indicele produciei industriale este un indice de tip Industrial production index is an index of
Laspeyres, avnd ca an de referin anul 2010. Laspeyres type, with 2010 as reference year.
n conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului CE According to the provisions of EC Regulation
nr. 1165/1998, amendat cu Regulamentul Parlamentului No 1165/1998 amended by the Regulation of European
European nr. 1158/2005 cu privire la statisticile pe Parliament No 1158/2005 regarding the short term
termen scurt, n calculul indicelui produciei industriale, statistics, the calculation of industrial production index
se cuprind diviziunile CAEN Rev.2: 0535, exclusiv includes CANE Rev.2: 0535 divisions, excluding 353
grupa 353. group.
Nomenclatoarele utilizate la calculul indicelui The nomenclatures used to calculate the
produciei industriale sunt: industrial production index are:
Clasificarea Activitilor Economiei Naionale The Classification of Activities in the National
(CAEN Rev. 2); Economy (CANE Rev. 2);
Clasificarea Produselor i Serviciilor Asociate The Classification of Products by Activities (CPA
Activitilor (CPSA 2008); 2008);
Marile grupe industriale (industria bunurilor Broad industrial groups (intermediate goods
intermediare, industria bunurilor de capital, industria industry, capital goods industry, durable goods industry,
bunurilor de folosin ndelungat, industria bunurilor de current use goods industry, energy industry) represent
uz curent, industria energetic) reprezint un nomenclator an aggregated nomenclature of CANE Rev. 2 divisions or
agregat de diviziuni sau grupe CAEN Rev. 2 utilizat n groups used in the European statistics for industry
statistica european pentru caracterizarea industriei dup characterization by destination of produced goods;
destinaia bunurilor produse;
Nomenclatorul de produse i servicii industriale The Nomenclature of industrial products and
PRODROM - utilizat la colectarea datelor privind services - PRODROM - used for the collection of data
producia industrial este total armonizat cu regarding the industrial production is fully harmonised
nomenclatorul utilizat n rile Uniunii Europene, with the nomenclature used in European Union
respectiv Lista PRODCOM. Poziiile din cadrul countries, respectively the PRODCOM List. The
nomenclatorului PRODROM sunt rezultatul detalierii positions from PRODROM nomenclature are the result
subclaselor elementare CPSA 2008. of CPA 2008 elementary sub-classes detailing.
Pentru calculul indicilor produciei industriale se To calculate industrial production indices, a sample
utilizeaz un eantion de produse reprezentative, of representative products is used, grouped in 777
grupate n 777 subclase elementare CPSA 2008, pentru elementary sub-classes CPA 2008, for which
care se nregistreaz date cantitative privind producia quantitative data regarding production are registered;
Nomenclatorul operatorilor economici care The Nomenclature of economic operators, which
furnizeaz date privind producia industrial cuprinde un provides data about industrial physical production,
eantion reprezentativ de ntreprinderi cu activitate includes a representative sample of enterprises having
principal de industrie (CAEN Rev. 2: 0535) i care este industry as their main activity (CANE Rev.2: 0535) and

constituit din totalitatea ntreprinderilor cu peste 50 de which includes all the enterprises having over 50
salariai i dintr-un eantion de ntreprinderi cu numr de employees and a sample of enterprises having 4-49
salariai cuprins ntre 4-49, astfel nct s se asigure un employees, so that a representativeness of about 90%
grad de reprezentativitate de cca 90% la nivel de total should be ensured at the level of total industry and
industrie i minim 80% la nivel de diviziune CAEN Rev.2, minimum 80% at the level of CANE Rev. 2 division, this
reprezentativitate calculat pe baza cifrei de afaceri. representativeness being calculated based on turnover.
Agregarea indicilor primari ai produciei industriale Primary indices of industrial production are
se realizeaz printr-un sistem de ponderri succesive, aggregated by a system of successive weightings, using
utilizndu-se pentru agregarea la nivel de subclas for the aggregation at the level of CPA elementary
elementar CPSA - nivel de agregare superior al subclass - PRODROM level of upper aggregation, the
PRODROM-ului preul mediu unitar din anul de baz unit average price of the base year (2010), while for
(2010), iar pentru nivelurile de agregare superioare upper aggregation levels (CANE Rev. 2 class, group,
(clas, grup, diviziune, seciune CAEN Rev. 2 sau mare division, section or broad industrial group), the gross
grup industrial) folosindu-se ca element de ponderare value added at the cost of factors (GVACF) of the base
valoarea adugat brut la costul factorilor (VABCF) din year (2010) is used as weighting element.
anul de baz (2010).
Primul nivel de agregare este nivelul clasei CAEN The first aggregation level is the level of CANE
Rev. 2, urmtoarele niveluri de agregare fiind Rev. 2 class, the next aggregation levels being
determinate ca o medie aritmetic ponderat a indicilor determined as a weighted arithmetic mean of the CANE
claselor, grupelor, diviziunilor, seciunilor CAEN Rev. 2, Rev. 2 classes, groups, divisions, sections, of broad
marilor grupe industriale, cu VABCF corespunztoare din industrial groups, with the corresponding GVACF of the
anul de baz (2010). base year (2010).
Indicii pentru marile grupe industriale se obin prin The indices for the broad industrial groups are
agregarea indicilor la nivelul grupelor CAEN Rev. 2 obtained by the aggregation of the CANE Rev. 2
componente, ponderate cu VABCF corespunztor. component group indices, weighted with the
corresponding GVACF.
Indicii produciei industriale pe total industrie se The industrial production indices per total industry
obin prin agregarea indicilor calculai la nivel de are obtained by the aggregation of indices calculated at
diviziune CAEN Rev. 2. the level of the CANE Rev. 2 division.
Indicele productivitii muncii n industrie este Labour productivity index in industry is the
indicatorul ce caracterizeaz eficiena muncii depuse indicator which characterizes the efficiency of work
ntr-o anumit perioad n cadrul activitii industriale i carried out during a certain period of time within the
se calculeaz ca raport ntre indicele brut al produciei industrial activity and is calculated as ratio between the
industriale i indicele numrului mediu de salariai din gross industrial production index and the index of
industrie. average number of employees in industry.


Indicatorii balanelor energetice sunt elaborai i Energy balance indicators are compiled and
prezentai n sistemul energiei finale, sistem utilizat de presented in the final energy system, this system being
rile Uniunii Europene i de majoritatea rilor lumii. n used by European Union countries and most of countries
aceste condiii, datele coninute n aceast seciune in the world. Under these circumstances, data from this
permit comparaia direct, fr calcule de echivalen, section allow for direct comparison, without equivalence
cu datele privind energia din statistica internaional. calculations, with data on energy from international
Sistemul energiei finale exprim toate fluxurile pe Final energy system expresses all the flows based
baza potenialului energetic al fiecrei resurse, fiind on energy potential of each resource, being presented
prezentate cantitile de energie puse efectiv la the energy quantities effectively put at the users
dispoziia utilizatorilor. disposal.
Unitatea de msur utilizat este tona echivalent Measurement unit used is tonne of oil equivalent.
petrol (tep). Aceasta reprezint un combustibil It represents a conventional fuel with the calorific power
convenional cu puterea calorific de 41868 kJ / kg of 41868 kJ / kg (10000 kcal / kg).
(10000 kcal / kg).

Resursele de energie primar cuprind: Primary energy resources include:
producia purttorilor de energie primar (crbune production of primary energy bearers (net coal,
net, iei, gaze naturale utilizabile, lemne de foc, crude oil, usable natural gas, fire wood, hydroelectric
energie hidroelectric, eolian i solar fotovoltaic, energy, wind and photovoltaic solar energy,
nuclearo-electric i energie din surse nuclear-electric energy and energy from
neconvenionale); nonconventional sources);
importul de energie primar i transformat; imports of primary and transformed energy;
stocurile la 1 ianuarie ale purttorilor de energie the stocks of primary energy bearers at producer,
primar la unitile productoare, consumatoare, ct consumer and distributor units on January,1.
i la cele de distribuire.
Consumul intern brut de energie reprezint Gross domestic consumption of energy
cantitatea de energie rezultat prin nsumarea la represents the energy quantity resulted by adding to
producia de energie primar, a produselor recuperate, a primary energy production the recovered products,
importului i a stocului la nceputul perioadei de referin imports and stock at the beginning of reference period,
din care se scad exportul, buncrajul i stocul la sfritul of which exports, bunkers and stock at the end of
perioadei de referin. reference period are subtracted.
Energia electric primar - suma produciilor de Primary electric energy - the sum of hydroelectric,
energie hidroelectric, nuclearo-electric, eolian i solar nuclear-electric, wind and photovoltaic solar energy
fotovoltaic, precum i a importului de energie electric. production, as well as imports of electric energy. For
Pentru energia hidroelectric, eolian, solar fotovoltaic i hydroelectric energy, wind, photovoltaic solar energy and
energia electric din import, transformarea n combustibil imported electric energy, the transformation into
convenional s-a efectuat pe baza potenialului energetic conventional fuel was carried out based on real energy
real al energiei electrice (0,086 kg echivalent petrol / kWh potential of electric energy (0.086 kg oil equivalent / kWh
sau 3600 kJ / kWh). or 3600 kJ / kWh).
Pentru energia nuclearo-electric, energia primar este For nuclear-electric energy, primary energy is the
energia materialului fisionabil corespunztoare produciei energy of fission material corresponding to achieved
realizate (considerndu-se un randament al centralei de production (considering a power station efficiency of
33%, n conformitate cu recomandarea Ageniei 33%, according to the recommendation of International
Internaionale pentru Energie). Din anul 1999, randamentul Energy Agency). Since 1999, the considered efficiency is
luat n calcul este 35,11%. 35.11%.
Stocurile cuprind cantitile de purttori de energie Stocks include quantities of primary and
primar i transformat existente la unitile transformed energy bearers existing at producer,
productoare, consumatoare i la cele de distribuire. consumer and distributor units.
Importul reprezint cantitile de energie intrate pe Imports represent the quantities of energy entering
teritoriul naional, indiferent dac au fost sau nu vmuite. the national territory, irrespective of being or not being
Exportul reprezint cantitile de energie ieite n Exports represent the quantities of energy leaving
afara teritoriului naional, indiferent dac au fost sau nu the national territory, irrespective of being or not being
vmuite. duty-paid.
Consumul final energetic reprezint suma Final energy consumption represents all
cantitilor de energie utilizate n diferite sectoare de energy quantities used in various sectors of activity in
activitate n scopul realizrii de bunuri materiale i order to produce material goods and services.
servicii. Nu sunt cuprinse cantitile utilizate n scop There are excluded quantities used for
neenergetic i cantitile utilizate pentru producerea altor non-energy purpose and quantities used to produce
combustibili. De asemenea, nu se cuprind consumurile other fuels. There are also excluded the consumption in
n sectorul energetic i pierderile n transport i energy sector and losses in transport and distribution.
Sectorul energetic cuprinde urmtoarele activiti: Energy sector includes the following activities:
extracia crbunelui superior i inferior; extracia mining of coal and lignite; crude petroleum and natural
petrolului brut i gazelor naturale (exclusiv gas extraction (excluding prospections); radioactive ores
prospeciunile); extracia i prepararea minereurilor extraction and preparation; manufacture of coke and
radioactive; fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a rafined petroleum products; electricity, gas, steam and
produselor obinute din prelucrarea ieiului; producia i air conditioning production and supply.
furnizarea de energie electric i termic, gaze, ap
cald i aer condiionat.
n industrie (inclusiv construcii) sunt cuprinse Industry (including construction) includes the
activitile: extractiv, exclusiv extracia produselor following activities: mining and quarrying, excluding
energetice; prelucrtoare, exclusiv fabricarea produselor energetic products extraction; manufacturing, excluding
de cocserie i a produselor obinute din prelucrarea manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products;
ieiului; gospodrirea resurselor de ap, captarea, water resources administration, water collection,
tratarea i distribuia apei; activitatea de construcii. treatment and distribution; construction.
Consumul populaiei reprezint cantitile de Population consumption represents the quantities
energie primar i transformat, livrate efectiv populaiei of primary and transformed energy, actually delivered to
i utilizate exclusiv pentru consumul menajer. the population and exclusively used for household
Pierderile n transport i distribuie reprezint Losses in transport and distribution represent the
cantitile de energie electric, energie termic, quantities of electric, thermal energy, fuels and
combustibili i carburani, pierdute n activitatea de carburants, lost during transport and distribution to
transport i distribuia ctre consumatori. consumers.
Gradul de independen energetic se exprim n Energy independence degree is expressed as
procente i reprezint raportul dintre producia de percentage and represents the ratio between the
energie primar i cantitatea de energie primar production of primary energy and the quantity of primary
disponibil n perioada de referin. Aceast cantitate se energy available during the reference period. This
calculeaz prin scderea din resursele de energie a quantity is calculated by subtracting from energy
exportului i a stocurilor la sfritul perioadei de resources, the exports and stocks at end of reference
referin. period.
Puterea instalat a unui grup electrogen reprezint Installed power of a power unit represents the
puterea nominal la arborele motorului primar (turbin nominal power of primary mover shaft (hydraulic turbine,
hidraulic, motor eolian etc.) multiplicat cu randamentul aeolian engine a.s.o.) multiplied with the generator yield
generatorului i al transmisiei mecanice, dac acestea and yield of mechanical transmission, if existing.
Puterea instalat a unei centrale electrice este Installed power of an electric station is the sum of
suma puterilor instalate ale grupurilor electrogene ale installed powers of power station generating sets.


Lucrrile de construcii reprezint ansamblul de Construction works account for all the activities
activiti desfurate n scopul producerii de bunuri carried out in view to produce real estate assets,
imobiliare concretizate n cldiri i construcii civile noi, materialised in new buildings and civil engineering, as
precum i restaurarea, repararea i ntreinerea celor well as those meant to restoration, repair and
existente, de ctre toate ntreprinderile, indiferent de maintenance of the existing ones, by all the enterprises,
activitatea principal. no matter of main activity.
Construcii n antrepriz - lucrri executate de Construction under contract - execution works
ctre operatori economici cu activitate principal sau carried out by economic operators having construction
secundar de construcii. as main or secondary activity.
Dac operatorii economici au alt activitate If the economic operators have another main activity
principal dect cea de construcii, dar au n subordine than construction, but have subordinated units
uniti specializate n construcii, ntreaga valoare a specialised in construction, the whole value of
lucrrilor de construcii se consider executat n construction works should be considered as being
antrepriz. carried out under contract.
Construcii n regie - lucrri executate prin forele Construction under own management - execution
proprii ale operatorilor economici i sociali care au alt works performed by economic and social operators
activitate principal dect construciile. having another main activity than construction.
Lucrrile de construcii noi - activitiile de construcii New construction works - construction works
ce determin direct crearea de noi spaii de locuit which directly determine the creation of new
sau alte spaii utilizabile precum i crearea de noi habitation spaces or other useful spaces, as
structuri la construciile civile existente; well as the creation of new structures for the
existing civil engineering;
Lucrrile de reparaii capitale - complexul de lucrri Capital repair works - all works performed after
care se execut dup expirarea fiecrui ciclu de the end of each functioning cycle provided for in
funcionare prevzut n normativele tehnice i care the technical normative and which are aiming at
au ca scop asigurarea meninerii caracteristicilor ensuring the maintenance of technical and
tehnico-economice ale construciilor pe ntreaga economic features of buildings during the
durat de serviciu normat; whole normed service life;
Lucrrile de ntreinere i reparaii curente - Current maintenance and repair works - the
ansamblul de operaii care se realizeaz la o whole operations performed on an existing
construcie existent pentru a se asigura continuitatea building in view to ensure the continuity in using it,
folosirii ei, mpiedicarea unei uzuri rapide i to prevent its quick wear and tear and to the
prelungirea duratei de funcionare (lucrri curente de prolongation of its functioning duration (current
zidrie, lucrri de vopsitorie, lucrri de nclzire i works of masonry, painting, heating and air
climatizare, lucrri de instalaii de distribuie a conditioning, plumbing for gas distribution a.s.o.).
gazului etc.).
Cldirea rezidenial reprezint cldirea folosit Residential building represents the building
integral sau n cea mai mare parte (peste 50% din spaiul entirely or mostly (over 50% of habitation area or of the
locuibil sau din volumul construit) pentru locuit. built up volume) used for habitation purpose.
Cldirile nerezideniale sunt destinate n Non-residential buildings are exclusively or
exclusivitate sau n principal altor scopuri dect cele mainly intended for other purposes than the residential
rezindeniale, din aceast categorie fcnd parte cldirile one, this category including administrative buildings and
administrative i alte cldiri. other buildings.
Valoarea lucrrilor de construcii este exprimat n The value of construction works are expressed in
preuri de deviz curente. Se refer la ansamblul de lucrri current estimated prices. It refers to the whole works
cuprinse n proiectele de execuie realizate integral sau included in the execution projects, entirely or partly
parial, acceptate la plat de beneficiar. performed, accepted for payment by the beneficiary.

Indicii de volum n construcii se determin prin Volume indices in construction are determined
deflatarea datelor valorice cu indicii de cost n construcii by deflating the value indices with cost indices in
pe tipuri de lucrri, respectiv obiecte de construcii. Indicii construction by works types, respectively construction
lucrrilor de construcii pe total se calculeaz ca medie objects. Construction works indices per total are
aritmetic ponderat a indicilor pe tipuri de lucrri sau a calculated as weighted arithmetic mean of indices by
indicilor pe obiecte de construcii. Ponderile utilizate la works types or of indices by construction objects. The
agregare sunt calculate pe baza cifrei de afaceri conform weights used for the aggregation are calculated based
rezultatelor Anchetei Structurale n ntreprinderi din anul on turnover according to the results of Business
de referin (2010). Structural Survey from the reference year (2010).

Indicii produciei industriale (serie brut)
16.G1 Industrial production indices (gross serie)
CAEN Rev.2 (seciuni) / CANE Rev.2 (sections)

anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100

110 109,2
108,2 108,0
107,8 107,5
105,5 106,1
104,6 102,4

103,4 102,2

100 101,0 Total

Industrie extractiv
Mining and quarrying

95,3 Industrie prelucrtoare
93,5 93,1

Producia i furnizarea
de energie electric
90 i termic, gaze,
ap cald i
aer condiionat
Electricity, gas,
~ 88,0 steam and
air conditioning
production and supply
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale. / Note: The data resulted from infraanual statistical surveys.

Structura lucrrilor de construcii n antrepriz, pe categorii de obiecte

16.G2 Structure of construction works on contract, by category of objects

2013 20141) Cldiri rezideniale

Residential buildings
18,4% 16,6%
31,3% 31,7% Cldiri nerezideniale
Non residential buildings

Infrastructuri de transport
Transport infrastructures

Alte construcii i
lucrri inginereti
27,1% 24,8% Other construction and
26,9% engineering works
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Resursele de energie primar, n anul 2014
16.G3 Primary energy resources, in 2014
40235 mii tone echivalent petrol
thou tonnes of oil equivalent

iei Crbune + cocs

Crude oil Coal + coke
16,7% 13,0%


11,5% 10,4% Alte resurse

Other resources

1,2% Produse petroliere
Petroleum products
Energie hidroelectric,
26,0% solar fotovoltaic,
0,2% eolian i nuclearo-electric
Hydroelectric, wind, solar photovoltaic
Gaze naturale and nuclear-electric energy
Natural gas
Energie electric din import
Imported electric energy

Producie + stoc la 1 ianuarie Import
Production + stock on January 1 Imports

Energia electric, n anul 2014

16.G4 Electric energy, in 2014



1,6% 12,3%


Consumul n economie
Consumption in economy
Termocentrale i centrale Iluminatul public
Producie nuclearo-electrice Public lighting
Production Thermal power stations and
nuclear-electric power stations Consumul populaiei
Population consumption
Hidrocentrale, centrale Export
Import eoliene i solar fotovoltaice Export
Import Hydro-power stations, wind power
Consumul propriu tehnologic
and solar photovoltaic stations
n reele i staii
Tehnological own consumption
in networks and power stations

Indicii produciei industriale, pe activiti ale industriei
16.1 Industrial production indices, by activity of industry
2010 = 100

Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Total 110,1 118,7 125,9 Total

Industrie extractiv 113,6 116,1 117,2 Mining and quarrying

Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 110,2 80,2 76,5 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i a gazelor naturale 97,6 97,9 97,1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 160,2 133,4 141,7 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 103,8 104,1 98,0 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 169,2 198,8 211,6 Mining support service activities

Industrie prelucrtoare 110,4 120,5 129,5 Manufacturing

Industria alimentar 104,7 112,1 116,9 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 98,8 94,2 91,1 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 143,1 131,3 155,7 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 112,6 124,7 127,3 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 99,5 107,3 107,6 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather, manufacture
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, of travel and leather goods, harness
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; prepararea and footwear preparation
i vopsirea blnurilor 97,3 101,1 106,3 and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor Manufacture of wood and of products
din lemn i plut, cu excepia mobilei; of wood and cork, except furniture;
fabricarea articolelor din paie i manufacture of articles of straw and
din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 121,6 136,5 132,8 plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 115,5 129,4 164,3 Manufacture of paper and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe suporturi Printing and reproduction of
a nregistrrilor 88,1 81,7 90,6 recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a Manufacture of coke and refined
produselor obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 94,2 99,2 112,8 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor Manufacture of chemicals and
i a produselor chimice 103,1 111,2 113,7 chemical products
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products
de baz i a preparatelor farmaceutice 129,8 136,3 133,8 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i Manufacture of rubber and
mase plastice 118,9 126,8 133,6 plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral
din minerale nemetalice 116,1 129,2 135,0 products
Industria metalurgic 100,2 92,4 96,4 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice i Manufacture of fabricated
a produselor din metal, exclusiv maini, metal products, except machinery
utilaje i instalaii 103,9 107,6 109,1 and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor Manufacture of computers, electronic
electronice i optice 97,6 100,5 154,8 and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 115,0 138,0 157,0 Manufacture of electrical equipment
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i Manufacture of machinery and
echipamente n.c.a. 130,4 145,6 150,8 equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 115,7 131,7 136,7 and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 115,3 134,9 160,5 Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 102,5 113,6 116,8 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 121,9 125,1 146,1 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation of
mainilor i echipamentelor 138,0 152,2 147,6 machinery and equipment

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale.

Note: The data resulted from infra-annual statistical surveys.

Indicii produciei industriale, pe activiti ale industriei - continuare
16.1 Industrial production indices, by activity of industry - continued
2010 = 100

Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam and air

electric i termic, gaze, ap cald conditioning production
i aer condiionat 106,3 104,8 99,9 and supply
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat production and supply
Industrie - total 106,3 104,8 99,9 Industry - total
pe marile grupe industriale: by broad industrial groups:
- industria bunurilor intermediare 116,2 126,2 131,2 - intermediate goods industry
- industria bunurilor de capital 113,4 126,4 140,8 - capital goods industry
- industria bunurilor de folosin ndelungat 108,5 119,8 130,1 - durable goods industry
- industria bunurilor de uz curent 102,2 108,2 111,6 - current use goods industry
- industria energetic 103,9 102,5 99,8 - energy industry

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale.

Note: The data resulted from infra-annual statistical surveys.

Indicii productivitii muncii, pe un salariat i pe activiti ale industriei

16.2 Labour productivity indices, per employee and by activity of industry
2010 = 100

Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Total 104,9 114,0 119,1 Total

Industrie extractiv 118,6 124,4 127,3 Mining and quarrying

Extracia crbunelui superior i inferior 121,6 91,2 93,3 Mining of coal and lignite
Extracia petrolului brut i a gazelor naturale 107,8 114,2 118,4 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
Extracia minereurilor metalifere 168,1 132,6 149,5 Mining of metal ores
Alte activiti extractive 91,5 97,0 83,2 Other mining and quarrying
Activiti de servicii anexe extraciei 153,3 168,5 164,8 Mining support service activities

Industrie prelucrtoare 103,7 113,4 119,2 Manufacturing

Industria alimentar 100,7 107,2 111,0 Manufacture of food products
Fabricarea buturilor 107,6 103,0 104,6 Manufacture of beverages
Fabricarea produselor din tutun 135,4 124,6 137,8 Manufacture of tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile 92,8 97,3 92,7 Manufacture of textiles
Fabricarea articolelor de mbrcminte 94,6 104,0 104,7 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Tbcirea i finisarea pieilor; fabricarea Tanning and dressing of leather,
articolelor de voiaj i marochinrie, manufacture of travel and leather goods,
harnaamentelor i nclmintei; harness and footwear preparation
prepararea i vopsirea blnurilor 88,6 95,5 97,3 and dyeing of furs
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor Manufacture of wood and of products
din lemn i plut, cu excepia mobilei; of wood and cork, except furniture;
fabricarea articolelor din paie i manufacture of articles of straw and
din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 109,8 121,8 123,0 plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 101,4 116,9 139,2 Manufacture of paper and paper products
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe suporturi Printing and reproduction of
a nregistrrilor 83,3 82,4 95,8 recorded media
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a Manufacture of coke and refined
produselor obinute din prelucrarea ieiului 114,9 138,7 172,7 petroleum products
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor Manufacture of chemicals and
chimice 102,6 116,4 127,9 chemical products
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products
i a preparatelor farmaceutice 107,8 113,6 110,7 and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i Manufacture of rubber and
mase plastice 103,5 105,9 103,6 plastic products
Fabricarea altor produse Manufacture of other non-metallic
din minerale nemetalice 112,3 127,4 133,0 mineral products
Industria metalurgic 99,8 103,4 110,0 Manufacture of basic metals
Industria construciilor metalice Manufacture of fabricated
i a produselor din metal, exclusiv maini, metal products, except machinery
utilaje i instalaii 104,4 107,7 110,2 and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor Manufacture of computers, electronic
electronice i optice 90,5 88,2 119,7 and optical products

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale.

Note: The data resulted from infra-annual statistical surveys.

Indicii productivitii muncii, pe un salariat
i pe activiti ale industriei - continuare
Labour productivity indices, per employee
16.2 and by activity of industry - continued
2010 = 100

Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2012 2013 2014 Activity (CANE Rev.2 divisions)

Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 106,2 126,5 129,6 Manufacture of electrical equipment

Fabricarea de maini, utilaje Manufacture of machinery and
i echipamente n.c.a. 127,0 149,6 152,6 equipment n.e.c.
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers
rutier, a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 97,3 104,7 101,6 and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 118,6 138,2 154,0 Manufacture of other transport equipment
Fabricarea de mobil 97,0 109,2 108,8 Manufacture of furniture
Alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 103,9 99,1 102,5 Other manufacturing activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea Repair, maintenance and installation of
mainilor i echipamentelor 144,7 158,7 167,0 machinery and equipment

Producia i furnizarea de energie Electricity, gas, steam and

electric i termic, gaze, ap cald air conditioning
i aer condiionat 113,9 125,2 126,0 production and supply
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 113,9 125,2 126,0 production and supply

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale.

Note: The data resulted from infra-annual statistical surveys.

Resursele de energie primar

16.3 Primary energy resources
1) 1)
mii tone echivalent petrol / thou tonnes of oil equivalent
din care: / of which:
Energie primar - total - Producie Import
Primary energy - total - Production Imports
2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

Resurse 41728 39244 40235 27112 25853 26314 11615 9993 10757
Crbuni 7846 6060 5736 6345 4656 4448 765 594 498
din care: / of which:
Lignit 6254 4607 4484 5692 4008 3845 1 38 86
Cocs din import 470 451 465 - - - 470 451 465
Imported coke
Gaze naturale2) 12582 11557 10943 8770 8687 8854 2321 1177 470
Natural gas 2)
iei3) 9718 10141 11371 3891 4028 3952 5126 5297 6725
Crude oil3)
Produse petroliere din import 2640 2225 2280 - - - 2640 2225 2280
Imported petroleum products
Lemne de foc
(inclusiv biomas) 3888 3825 3806 3795 3657 3646 53 100 110
(including biomass)
Ali combustibili 311 309 298 159 188 171 119 110 116
Other fuels
Energie hidroelectric i
nuclearo-electric4) 4101 4591 5195 4101 4591 5195 - - -
Hydroelectric and
nuclear-electric energy4)
Energie electric din import 121 39 93 - - - 121 39 93
Imported electric energy
Energie din surse
neconvenionale 51 46 48 51 46 48 - - -
Energy from
non-conventional sources
1) Echivalent petrol (10000 kcal/kg). / Oil equivalent (10000 kcal/kg).
2) Exclusiv gazolina i etanul din schelele de extracie. / Excluding gasoline and ethane from extraction oil-wells.
3) Inclusiv gazolina i etanul din schelele de extracie. / Including gasoline and ethane from extraction oil-wells.
Inclusiv energie eolian i solar fotovoltaic. / Including wind and photovoltaic solar energy.

Producia de energie primar
16.4 Primary energy production
1) 1)
mii tone echivalent petrol / thou tonnes of oil equivalent

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Producie - total 2) 28034 27428 27465 27112 25853 26314 Production - total 2)
din care: of which:
Crbune 6477 5903 6661 6345 4656 4448 Coal
iei 4390 4186 4129 3891 4028 3952 Crude oil
Gaze naturale 8964 8705 8724 8770 8687 8854 Natural gas 3)
Energie hidroelectric i Hydroelectric and
nuclearo-electric4) 4242 4618 4286 4101 4591 5195 nuclear-electric energy4)

1) Echivalent petrol (10000 kcal/kg). / Oil equivalent (10000 kcal/kg).

2) Inclusiv produsele energetice obinute i consumate n gospodriile populaiei. / Including energy products obtained and consumed in households.
3) Exclusiv gazolina i etanul din schelele de extracie care sunt cuprinse la iei.
Excluding gasoline and ethane from extraction oil-wells which are included in crude oil.
4) Inclusiv energie eolian i solar fotovoltaic. / Including wind and photovoltaic solar energy.

Gradul de independen energetic

16.5 Energy independence degree
procente / percentage

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total1) 81,7 78,8 77,0 77,7 81,7 83,4 Total1)

Crbune (inclusiv cocs) 86,5 85,4 81,8 84,0 81,9 77,8 Coal (including coke)
iei 39,2 41,5 42,8 43,9 43,4 38,2 Crude oil
Gaze naturale2) 84,2 79,9 78,0 80,3 87,8 93,6 Natural gas2)

1) Inclusiv produsele energetice obinute i consumate n gospodriile populaiei. / Including energy products obtained and consumed in households.
2) Exclusiv gazolina i etanul din schelele de extracie care sunt cuprinse la iei.
Excluding gasoline and ethane from extraction oil-wells which are included in crude oil.

Puterea instalat i producia de energie electric

16.6 Installed capacity and production of electric energy

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Puterea instalat a grupurilor electrogene (la sfritul anului)

Installed capacity of electric generating sets (end of year)
Total (mii kW) 19552 19911 20498 21767 22947 23884 Total (thou kW)

Termoelectric 13087 13048 13027 13356 12803 12734 Thermoelectric

Hidroelectric 6451 6474 6483 6548 6610 6613 Hydroelectric
Eolian 14 389 988 18631) 35341) 45371) Wind
Pe locuitor2) (W) 960 983 1017 1085 1148 12003) Per inhabitant 2) (W)
Producia de energie electric
Electric energy production
Total (milioane kWh) 58016 60979 62216 59047 58888 65675 Total (million kWh)

Termoelectric 42200 40430 45883 44062 38641 38579 Thermoelectric

Hidroelectric 15807 20243 14946 12337 15307 19279 Hydroelectric
Eolian 9 306 1387 26481) 49401) 78171) Wind
Pe locuitor2) (kWh) 2848 3012 3088 2943 2947 32993) Per inhabitant 2) (kWh)

1) Inclusiv energia solar fotovoltaic. / Including photovoltaic solar energy.

2) Pentru perioada 2009-2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2009-2013 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under comparability conditions
with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
3) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Consumul de energie
16.7 Energy consumption

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Consumul intern brut de energie (mii tone echivalent petrol1))

Gross inland energy consumption
(thou tonnes of oil equivalent1))

Total 2) 34328 34817 35648 34851 31634 31538 Total 2)

din care: of which:
Energie electric 1164 1573 1242 1312 1569 1719 Electric energy
Crbune (inclusiv cocs) 7436 6911 8147 7552 5725 5719 Coal (including coke)
iei i produse petroliere 8239 8416 8472 8303 7705 7864 Crude oil and petroleum products
Gaze naturale 3) 10642 10897 11187 10924 9892 9459 Natural gas 3)

Consumul final energetic (mii tone echivalent petrol1))

Final energy consumption (thou tonnes of oil equivalent1))

Industrie (inclusiv construcii) 6612 7020 7093 6796 6307 6456 Industry (including construction)
Agricultur, silvicultur, pescuit 385 391 433 499 472 426 Agriculture, forestry, fishery
Transporturi 5377 5107 5313 5351 5364 5489 Transport
Alte activiti 1976 2097 2028 2025 1994 1953 Other activities
Populaie 8037 8124 7883 8095 7748 7412 Population

Consumul de energie, pe locuitor4) (tone echivalent petrol1) / locuitor)

Energy consumption, per inhabitant 4)
(tonnes of oil equivalent1) / inhabitant)

Consum intern brut de energie 1,685 1,720 1,769 1,737 1,583 1,5845) Gross inland energy consumption
Consum final energetic: Final energy consumption:
industrie (inclusiv construcii) 0,325 0,347 0,352 0,339 0,316 0,3245) industry (including construction)
agricultur, silvicultur, pescuit 0,019 0,019 0,021 0,025 0,024 0,0215) agriculture, forestry, fishery
transporturi 0,264 0,252 0,264 0,267 0,268 0,2765) transport
rezidenial i al altor activiti 0,492 0,505 0,492 0,504 0,488 0,4705) residential and of other activities

1) Echivalent petrol (10000 kcal/kg). / Oil equivalent (10000 kcal/kg).

2) Inclusiv produsele energetice obinute i consumate n gospodriile populaiei. / Including energy products obtained and consumed in households.
3) Exclusiv gazolina i etanul din schelele de extracie care sunt cuprinse la iei.
Excluding gasoline and ethane from extraction oil-wells which are included in crude oil.
4) Pentru perioada 2009-2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2009-2013 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under comparability conditions
with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
5) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

16.8 Structura produciei de energie termoelectric, dup felul combustibilului consumat

Structure of thermoelectric energy production, by type of fuel consumed
procente / percentage

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Energie termoelectric - total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Thermoelectric energy - total
din care: of which:
produs cu: generated by:
Crbune 51,5 51,1 53,9 52,0 43,7 46,0 Coal
din total: lignit 42,8 43,6 45,5 44,0 35,6 38,7 of total: lignite
Produse petroliere lichide 2,1 1,2 1,1 1,0 0,2 0,2 Liquid petroleum products
Gaze naturale 18,1 17,9 18,2 19,8 23,9 20,8 Natural gas

Lucrrile de construcii, dup modul de execuie
16.9 Construction works, by manner of performing
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices

2011 2012 2013 20141)

Total 74418,0 74295,9 65567,3 65824,2 Total

Construcii noi i reparaii capitale 59708,1 58504,8 51508,9 51160,3 New construction and capital repairs
Antrepriz 59092,5 58192,0 51172,8 50639,6 Contract
Regie 615,6 312,8 336,1 520,7 Own management
ntreinere i reparaii curente 14709,9 15791,1 14058,4 14663,9 Maintenance and current repairs

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Indicii lucrrilor de construcii, pe elemente de structur

i pe tipuri de construcii
Indices of construction works by structure elements
16.10 and by type of construction
serie brut / unadjusted series anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100

2011 2012 2013 2014

Lucrri de construcii - total 102,71) 101,4 99,4 93,3 Construction works - total

din total, pe elemente de structur: of total, by structure elements:

lucrri de construcii noi 103,1 108,01) 90,6 96,8 new construction works
lucrri de reparaii capitale 108,9 90,81) 127,5 82,1 capital repair works
lucrri de ntreinere i reparaii curente 98,9 89,6 112,71) 91,0 maintenance and current repairs works

din total, pe tipuri de construcii: of total, by type of construction:

cldiri 102,61) 97,91) 95,9 121,3 buildings
din care: of which:
cldiri rezideniale 97,5 86,7 105,4 132,6 residential buildings
cldiri nerezideniale 104,9 102,7 92,5 116,6 non residential buildings
construcii inginereti 102,81) 103,5 101,4 78,2 civil engineering

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale.

Note: Data resulting from infra-annual statistical surveys.
1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data against thouse previously published.

Lucrrile de construcii n antrepriz, pe categorii de obiecte
16.11 Construction works on contract, by category of objects
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Valoarea lucrrilor executate
Categorii de obiecte Value of execution works Category of objects

2011 2012 2013 20141)

Total 73627,2 73873,3 65139,7 65176,9 Total

Cldiri rezideniale - total 20266,4 23645,9 20396,5 20649,8 Residential buildings - total
Cldiri individuale 17097,1 19808,2 17172,5 18195,7 Individual buildings
Cldiri colective (de tip bloc) 2640,0 3182,3 2904,4 2150,2 Collective buildings (blok type)
Cldiri de reziden pentru comuniti 529,3 655,4 319,6 303,9 Residential buildings for communities

Cldiri nerezideniale - total 20434,3 17230,1 15126,9 17541,1 Non residential buildings - total
Hoteluri i cldiri similare 952,3 881,2 945,0 613,2 Hotels and similar buildings
Cldiri administrative 7993,3 6842,1 6660,7 7721,1 Administrative buildings
Cldiri pentru comer cu ridicata
i cu amnuntul 2340,6 1401,1 1308,3 1427,3 Retail and wholesale buildings
Cldiri pentru trafic i comunicaii Traffic and communication buildings
(staii pentru metrou, aeroporturi, (underground stations, airports, harbors,
porturi, hangare, depouri, autogri, hangars, car sheds, bus stations,
terminale, garaje etc.) 515,3 549,6 310,3 425,7 terminals, garages a.s.o.)
Cldiri industriale, depozite, Industrial buildings, warehouses,
silozuri, rezervoare 5896,6 4863,7 3713,9 4706,3 silos, tanks
Cldiri pentru recreere, nvmnt, Recreation, education buildings,
spitale i clinici 2088,5 1577,3 1351,0 1380,6 hospitals and clinics
Alte cldiri nerezideniale (ex. pentru Other non residential building (ex. for
culte religioase i scopuri religious cults and financial
funerare etc.) 647,7 1115,1 837,7 1266,9 purposes a.s.o.)

Infrastructuri de transport - total 19613,2 19375,2 17649,8 16145,5 Transport Infrastructures - total
osele, strzi i drumuri 13917,9 13788,2 12058,7 11077,7 Highways, streets, roads
- din care: autostrzi 780,0 2425,8 1960,1 989,2 - of which: highways
Ci ferate 684,3 524,8 923,1 1233,6 Railways
Piste pentru aeroporturi 9,0 93,9 85,4 126,6 Airport runways
Poduri, osele suspendate, Bridges, suspended highways,
tunele i subterane 2801,7 3722,7 3398,0 2311,9 tunnels and undergrounds
Canale navigabile, construcii Navigable channels, harbour
portuare i alte construcii construction and other
hidrotehnice 2200,3 1245,6 1184,6 1395,7 hydrotechnical construction

Conducte, linii electrice Pipes, electric and communication

i de comunicaii - total 4429,9 5021,3 4460,6 3396,8 lines - total
Conducte de lung distan, Long distance pipes, electric
linii electrice and communication
i de comunicaii 3212,5 3758,3 3076,7 2614,7 lines
Conducte locale i cabluri 1217,4 1263,0 1383,9 782,1 Local pipes and wires

Construcii complexe n zone Complex construction in industrial

industriale 764,4 1222,7 1238,6 759,9 areas

Alte lucrri de inginerie civil - total 8119,0 7378,1 6267,3 6683,8 Other works of civil engineering - total
Construcii pentru sport i recreere 785,3 651,7 234,7 217,2 Sport and recreation construction
Alte lucrri de inginerie civil Other works of civil engineering
neclasificate n alt parte 7333,7 6726,4 6032,6 6466,6 not elsewhere classified

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.



17.1 Transportul de mrfuri, pe moduri de transport .... 566 Goods transport, by mode of transport
17.2 Liniile de cale ferat n exploatare ........................ 566 Railways under operation
17.3 Mijloacele de transport feroviar, pe ci Means of rail, inland waterways
navigabile interioare i maritim ............................. 567 and sea transport
17.4 Transportul feroviar, pe tipuri de mrfuri ............... 568 Railway transport, by type of goods
17.5 Transportul portuar, pe tipuri de mrfuri, Goods transport at ports, by type of goods,
n anul 2014 .......................................................... 570 in 2014
17.6 Transportul rutier de mrfuri, pe Goods transport by road, by destination
destinaii i tipuri de transport, n anul 2014 ........ 574 and type of transport, in 2014
17.7 Transportul rutier de mrfuri, pe tipuri Goods transport by road, by type of vehicles,
de autovehicule, capaciti de transport transport capacity and type of transport,
i tipuri de transport, n anul 2014 ........................ 574 in 2014
17.8 Transportul rutier, pe tipuri de mrfuri Road transport, by type of goods
i categorii de transport, n anul 2014 ................... 575 and category of transport, in 2014
17.9 Transportul rutier de mrfuri, pe categorii de Goods transport by road, by categories of
mrfuri periculoase i tipuri de transport, dangerous goods and type of transport,
n anul 2014 ........................................................... 577 in 2014
17.10 Transportul de pasageri, pe moduri Passengers transport,
de transport ........................................................... 578 by mode of transport
17.11 Autovehiculele nmatriculate n circulaie i Registered motor vehicles
accidentele de circulaie rutier cauzatoare de and road traffic injury
vtmri corporale ................................................. 578 accidents
17.12 Drumurile publice .................................................. 579 Public roads
17.13 Aeronavele civile nmatriculate ............................. 579 Registered civil aircrafts
17.14 Transportul aeroportuar ........................................ 580 Airports transport
17.15 Unitile de pot i telefonie ................................ 581 Post offices and telephony units
17.16 Activitile de pot ............................................... 581 Activities of post
17.17 Activitile de telefonie .......................................... 581 Activities of telephony

Teritorial Territorial

17.18 Drumurile publice, n profil teritorial, Public roads, at territorial level,

la 31 decembrie 2014 .................................................. on December 31, 2014
17.19 Liniile de cale ferat n exploatare, Railways under operation, at territorial level,
n profil teritorial, la 31 decembrie 2014 ...................... on December 31, 2014
17.20 Activitile de pot, n profil teritorial, Post activities, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................. in 2014
17.21 Activitile de telefonie, n profil teritorial, Telephony activities, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................. in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Cercetri statistice privind transportul de mrfuri i Statistical surveys on goods and passengers
pasageri pe moduri de transport privind infrastructura transport by modes of transport, related to the
i mijloacele de transport i activitile de pot i infrastructure and to the transport means and on
telecomunicaii. post and telecommunications activities.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:
Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, pentru datele privind Ministry of Internal Affairs, for data regarding
autovehiculele nscrise n circulaie i accidentele de registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury
circulaie rutier cauzatoare de vtmri corporale; accidents;
Ministerul Transporturilor, prin Autoritatea Aeronautic Ministry of Transport, through the Romanian Civil
Civil Romn, pentru aeronavele civile cu certificat Aeronautic Authority, for civil aircrafts registered in
de navigabilitate, nmatriculate n Registrul de the Aircrafts Register, which have navigability
nmatriculare al Aeronavelor; certificate;
Ministerul Transporturilor, prin Autoritatea Naval Ministry of Transport, through the Romanian Naval
Romn, pentru navele maritime i fluviale nmatriculate. Authority, for registered sea and river ships.
Ministerul Transporturilor, prin Autoritatea Rutier Ministry of Transport, through the Romanian Roads
Romn, pentru datele coninute n Registrul Operatorilor Authority, for the data recorded in the Register of Road
de Transport Rutier, respectiv Registrul ntreprinderilor. Transport Operators, respectively in Business Register.
Autoritatea Naional pentru Administrare i National Authority for Management and Regulation
Reglementare n Comunicaii, pentru datele privind in Communications, for data regarding the activities
activitile de telefonie. of telephony.



Datele statistice din cadrul acestui capitol reflect The statistical data included in this chapter reflect
activitatea din domeniul transportului de pasageri i mrfuri, the passengers and goods transport activity, the
infrastructura i mijloacele de transport pentru principalele infrastructure and the means of transport for the main
moduri de transport, respectiv feroviar, rutier, maritim, pe transport modes, namely the rail, road, maritime, inland
ci navigabile interioare, aerian i prin conducte magistrale. waterways, air and pipeline transport.
Mrfurile transportate n perioada de referin se The goods transported in the reference period are
exprim prin greutatea lor, n tone, conform legislaiei. expressed through their weight, in tonnes, in accordance
with the legislation.
n statistica modurilor de transport rutier, aerian i In the statistics on road, air and maritime transport
maritim, greutatea nregistrat este greutatea brut a modes, the weight recorded is the gross weight of goods.
mrfurilor. Datele privind transportul feroviar i cel pe ci For rail and inland waterways transport, the gross weight
navigabile interioare consider greutatea brut - brut a of goods includes both the own weight of goods and
mrfurilor, care include att greutatea proprie a mrfurilor packaging, and the weight (tare) of transport equipment,
i a ambalajelor, ct i greutatea (tara) echipamentului de namely pallets and containers.
transport, respectiv palei i containere.
Statistica transportului feroviar, a transportului rutier The rail, road and inland waterways transport
i a transportului pe ci navigabile interioare includ date statistics includes data on the transit transport.
privind transportul de tranzit.
Transportul pe calea ferat cuprinde mrfurile Railway transport includes goods loaded in
ncrcate n vagoane i expediate pe reeaua de cale wagons and sent by railway network, irrespective of their
ferat, indiferent de destinaie i mrfurile din vagoanele destination, and goods loaded in wagons entered
intrate prin staii de frontier, avnd ca destinaii staii de through border stations, having as destination a station
pe reeaua naional de cale ferat sau aflate n tranzit of the national railway network or in transit to a station
spre staii din strintate. abroad.
n statistica transportului rutier, sunt incluse In road transport statistics, the goods transported
mrfurile transportate cu mijloace de transport rutier with road transport means registered in Romania are
nmatriculate n Romnia. included.
Transportul rutier contra plat este transportul Paid road transport is the road transport of goods
rutier de mrfuri i/sau persoane efectuat prin ncasarea and/or persons carried out by charging a tariff or its
unui tarif sau a echivalentului n natur ori n servicii, cu counterpart in kind or in services, with vehicles legally
vehicule deinute i utilizate n condiiile legii, de ctre owned and used by the road transport operators
operatorii de transport rutier nregistrai n Registrul recorded in the Register of Road Transport Operators.
Operatorilor de Transport Rutier.

Transportul rutier n cont propriu se efectueaz Road transport on own account is carried out,
pe baza certificatului de transport n cont propriu, de based on the licence for own-account transport, by the
ctre ntreprinderile nregistrate n Registrul electronic enterprises recorded in the national electronic Register
naional al ntreprinderilor care efectueaz transport of own-account road transport enterprises.
rutier n cont propriu.
Datele statistice privind transportul maritim, The statistical data on maritime, inland waterways
transportul pe ci navigabile interioare i transportul and air transport refer to transported goods, irrespective
aerian se refer la transportul de mrfuri, indiferent de of the means of transport registration nationality.
naionalitatea de nregistrare a mijloacelor de transport.
Transportul prin conducte petroliere magistrale Oil pipelines transport includes the volume of oil
cuprinde volumul produselor petroliere pompate prin products pumped through pipes and which reached the
conducte i ajunse la destinaie. destination.
Parcursul mrfurilor, exprimat n tone-km se The transport performance, expressed in
determin n funcie de greutatea mrfurilor transportate tonnes-km, is determined by the weight of transported
i de distanele parcurse de acestea cu mijloacele de goods and by the distances covered by the means that
transport utilizate pentru efectuarea transportului, ntre carry out the transport from the loading place to the
locul de ncrcare i locul de descrcare. Indicatorul este unloading place. The indicator is calculated for rail, road,
calculat pentru modurile de transport feroviar, rutier, pe inland waterways and oil pipelines transport modes.
ci navigabile interioare i prin conducte.
Transportul portuar prezint date care reflect Transport at ports presents data which reflects the
operaiunile din porturile maritime privind mrfurile i operations involving goods and passengers, which are
pasagerii, respectiv date privind transportul de mrfuri carried out in sea harbours, respectively the transport of
pe ci navigabile interioare. goods on inland waterways.
Transportul aeroportuar prezint date referitoare Airport transport presents data on the operations
la operaiunile privind pasagerii, mrfurile i pota involving passengers, goods and mail which are
nregistrate n aeroporturi. registered at airports.
Pasagerii transportai sunt pasagerii care Transported passengers are passengers who
efectueaz o cltorie, utiliznd mijloace de transport make a trip using means of transport characteristic to
caracteristice modului de transport considerat. each transport mode.
Transportul naional reprezint transportul efectuat National transport is the transport carried out
ntre dou localiti situate pe teritoriul naional. between two localities belonging to the national territory.
Transportul internaional reprezint transportul International transport is the transport between
ntre teritorii naionale diferite, o localitate fiind situat pe different countries, one locality belonging to the national
teritoriul naional. territory.
Parcursul pasagerilor, indicator exprimat n Passengers transport performance, indicator
pasageri-km, se determin n funcie de numrul expressed in passengers-km, is determined by the
pasagerilor transportai i de distana efectiv parcurs de number of transported passengers and by the distance
fiecare pasager. actually covered by each passenger.
Datele privind infrastructura de transport feroviar The data on the railway transport infrastructure
prezint lungimea liniilor de cale ferat n exploatare, reflect the length of the railways in operation, defined
definite ca linii deschise transportului feroviar de mrfuri as lines that are open to the railway transport of goods
i pasageri, iar cele privind infrastructura de transport and passengers, and the data on the road transport
rutier se refer la drumuri, respectiv cile de infrastructure are related to roads, namely the land
comunicaie terestr special amenajate pentru circulaia communication ways specially designed for the
vehiculelor i pietonilor. movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Drumurile publice sunt drumurile de utilitate public Public roads are public use and/or public interest roads
i/sau de interes public destinate circulaiei rutiere i intended for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, with
pietonale, n scopul satisfacerii cerinelor generale de a view to meeting the general transport requirements of the
transport ale economiei, ale populaiei i de aprare a rii. economy, of the population and of national defence.
Drumurile naionale aparin proprietii publice a National roads are part of the states public property
statului i cuprind drumurile care asigur legtura cu and include the roads that provide connections between the
capitala rii, cu reedinele de jude, cu obiectivele de countrys capital and county seats or national interest sites,
interes naional, ntre ele, precum i cu rile vecine. between county seats or national interest sites, as well as
between our country and the neighbouring countries.

Drumurile judeene i comunale asigur legturile County and communal roads provide connections
ntre reedinele de jude cu municipiile, cu oraele, cu between county seats and municipalities, towns, commune
reedinele de comun, cu staiunile balneoclimaterice i seats, hydro-thermal resorts, tourist resorts, harbours,
turistice, cu porturile i aeroporturile, cu obiectivele airports, sites that are important in terms of national defence,
importante legate de aprarea rii i cu obiectivele istorice important historical sites, between towns and municipalities,
importante, ntre orae i municipii, precum i ntre acestea between towns or municipalities and commune seats,
i reedinele de comun, ntre reedinele de comun, between commune seats, between the commune seat and its
respectiv ntre reedina de comun i satele componenete villages, between the commune seat and other villages,
sau cu alte sate, ntre ora i sate, ntre sate. between towns and villages, as well as between villages.
Datele privind echipamentele de transport se refer la Data on transport equipment refer to registered
mijloacele de transport nmatriculate, caracteristice fiecrui transport means, characteristic to each transport mode.
mod de transport. n capitol sunt prezentate date privind The chapter presents data about road traffic injury
accidentele de circulaie rutier cauzatoare de vtmri accidents regarding any accident involving at least one
corporale, care se refer la orice accident care implic cel road vehicle moving on a public or private road,
puin un vehicul rutier n micare pe un drum public sau accessible to the public, causing death or injury of at
privat, la care publicul are acces, provocnd moartea sau least one person. Suicides or attempted suicide are not
rnirea cel puin a unei persoane. Sinuciderile sau tentativele included in these accidents.
de sinucidere nu sunt incluse n aceste accidente.


Trimiterea potal se refer la expedierea i A postal item is an item sent and delivered, through
livrarea unui bun, prin mijloace diferite de cele other means than the electronic ones, at the address
electronice, la adresa indicat de expeditor, utiliznd indicated by the sender, using postal services. Items of
serviciile de pot. Sunt incluse trimiterile de correspondence, printed matter and postal packages are
coresponden, imprimatele i coletele potale. included.
Trimiterea de coresponden este comunicarea An item of correspondence is a communication in
scris, tiprit, imprimat sau nregistrat pe orice written form, printed or on any kind of physical medium
suport material care urmeaz s fie transportat i to be conveyed and delivered at the address indicated by
livrat la adresa indicat de expeditor (altfel dect the sender (otherwise than electronically) on the medium
electronic) pe suport sau pe ambalajul acesteia. support or package.
Imprimatele (cri, cataloage, ziare i periodice) Printed matters (books, catalogues, newspapers
sunt trimiteri potale care nu sunt incluse n categoria and periodicals) means postal items that are not
trimiterilor de coresponden. included under items of correspondence.
Trimiterile potale recomandate sunt acele trimiteri Registered items are items for which a flat-rate
pentru care se ofer o garanie forfetar mpotriva guarantee against risks of loss, theft, full or partial
riscurilor de pierdere, furt, distrugere total sau parial, destruction, deterioration is provided and, upon request,
deteriorare i pentru care se elibereaz la cerere o dovad proof of the handing in at the access point or to the
privind depunerea la punctul de acces sau la destinatar. recipient is supplied.
Trimiterile potale cu valoare declarat sunt acele Postal items with a declared value are items
trimiteri care sunt asigurate mpotriva pierderii, furtului, insured against loss, theft, full or partial destruction or
distrugerii totale sau pariale, deteriorrii, pentru o sum deterioration, for an amount equal to the value declared
egal cu valoarea declarat de expeditor. by the sender.
Coletul potal este o trimitere potal coninnd A postal parcel is a postal item containing goods
bunuri cu sau fr valoare comercial; coletele potale with or without commercial value and does not include
nu trebuie s conin alte trimiteri potale. other postal items.
n numrul de conexiuni la serviciile de telefonie The number of connections to telephony
sunt cuprinse conexiunile persoanelor fizice i juridice la services comprises the connections of natural and legal
serviciile de telefonie fix i mobil. persons to fixed and mobile telephony services.
Numrul de conexiuni la serviciul de telefonie The number of connections to the fixed telephony
fix este reprezentat de numrul de linii telefonice fixe service is represented by the number of connected fixed
conectate pentru care se pltesc abonamente. telephone lines for which subscriptions are paid.
Numrul de conexiuni la serviciul de telefonie The number of connections to the mobile telephony
mobil este reprezentat de numrul de cartele SIM pe service is represented by the number of subscription-based
baz de abonament i cartele SIM prepltite active. SIM cards and active prepaid SIM cards.

Principalele tipuri de mrfuri transportate pe cile ferate, n anul 2014
17.G1 Main types of goods subject to railways transport, in 2014

Structur calculat din date n mii tone

Structure calculated from data in thou tonnes

Crbune i lignit; iei i gaze

19,4% 35,7% Coal and lignite; crude oil and natural

4,9% Minereuri metalifere i alte produse

de minerit i exploatare de carier;
turb; uraniu i thoriu
Metal ores and other mining and
quarrying products; peat; uranium and
5,5% thorium

Cocs, produse rafinate din petrol

29,5% 5,0% Coke and refined petroleum products

Chimicale, produse chimice i fibre

Structur calculat din date n mii tone - km
manufacturate; produse din cauciuc
Structure calculated from data in thou tonnes - km
i din mase plastice; combustibil
12,9% Chemicals, chemical products and
man-made fibres; rubber and plastic
31,6% products; nuclear fuel
Metale de baz; produse fabricate
din metal, cu excepia mainilor i
a echipamentelor
Basic metals; fabricated metal
products, except machinery and

8,6% Alte tipuri de mrfuri

34,9% Other types of goods


Transportul portuar maritim, n anul 2014

17.G2 Maritime transport at ports, in 2014


Mrfuri ncrcate
Loaded goods

Mrfuri descrcate
Unloaded goods


Transportul portuar pe ci navigabile interioare, n anul 2014
17.G3 Inland waterways transport at ports, in 2014


Transport naional
National transport

Transport internaional
International transport

51,8% Transit


Numrul de conexiuni (la sfritul anului)

17.G4 Number of connections (end of year)

milioane / million
25,4 24,6
25 23,4 22,8 22,9 22,9



5,3 4,5 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,6

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Serviciul de telefonie fix Serviciul de telefonie mobil

Fixed telephony service Mobile telephony service

Sursa : Autoritatea Naional pentru Administrare i Reglementare n Comunicaii.

Source: National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communication.

Transportul de mrfuri, pe moduri de transport
17.1 Goods transport, by mode of transport

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Mrfuri transportate (mii tone)
Transported goods (thou tonnes)

Transport feroviar 50596 52932 60723 55755 50348 50739 Railway transport
Transport rutier 293409 174551 183629 188415 191486 190932 Road transport
Transport pe ci Inland
navigabile interioare1) 24743 32088 29396 27946 26858 27834 waterways transport 1)
Transport maritim 2) 36021 38118 38883 39454 43552 43707 Maritime transport 2)
Transport aerian 24 26 27 29 32 32 Air transport
Transport prin conducte Transport via
petroliere magistrale 8520 6551 6020 5771 5625 6365 petroleum pipelines

Parcursul mrfurilor (milioane tone-km)

Goods transport performance (million tonnes-km)

Transport feroviar 11088 12375 14719 13472 12941 12264 Railway transport
Transport rutier 34265 25883 26347 29662 34026 35135 Road transport
Transport pe ci Inland
navigabile interioare1) 11765 14317 11409 12520 12242 11760 waterways transport 1)
Transport prin conducte Transport via petroleum
petroliere magistrale 1243 996 879 785 829 984 pipelines

1) ncepnd cu anul 2009, include date privind transportul ntre porturile din Bulgaria, transport de tranzit pentru Romnia, n conformitate
cu legislaia european.
Since 2009, includes data on the transport between the Bulgarian harbours, transit transport for Romania,in accordance with the
european legislation.
2) Conform metodologiei Eurostat privind evitarea dublei nregistrari pentru transportul naional.
According to Eurostat methodological approach related to the treatment of double counting in national transport.

Liniile de cale ferat n exploatare (la sfritul anului)

17.2 Railways under operation (end of year)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Total 10784 10785 10777 10777 10768 10777 Total

din care: electrificate 4002 4020 4020 4020 4029 4029 of which: electrified
Din total: Of total:
Linii cu ecartament normal1) 10645 10645 10638 10639 10630 10638 Normal gauge lines 1)
Cu o cale 7736 7736 7729 7730 7721 7729 With one - track
Cu dou ci 2909 2909 2909 2909 2909 2909 With two - tracks
Linii cu ecartament ngust 5 5 4 4 4 5 Narrow gauge lines
Linii cu ecartament larg 134 135 135 134 134 134 Large gauge lines

n procente fa de total / As percentage of total

Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total

din care: electrificate 37,1 37,3 37,3 37,3 37,4 37,4 of which: electrified
Din total: Of total:
Linii cu ecartament normal1) 98,7 98,7 98,7 98,7 98,7 98,7 Normal gauge lines 1)
Cu o cale 71,7 71,7 71,7 71,7 71,7 71,7 With one - track
Cu dou ci 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 With two - tracks
Linii cu ecartament ngust **) **) **) **) **) **) Narrow gauge lines
Linii cu ecartament larg 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 Large gauge lines

1) Linii la care distana ntre ine este de 1435 mm. / Lines where distance between rails is of 1435 mm.

Mijloacele de transport feroviar, pe ci navigabile interioare i maritim
17.3 Means of rail, inland waterways and sea transport

U.M. / M.U. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Transport feroviar
Railway transport 1)

Locomotive - total numr / number 1845 1834 1823 1796 1795 1779
Railway engines - total mii CP / thou HP 6453 6581 6690 6644 6643 6589

din care: / of which:

Electrice numr / number 689 683 680 679 679 675
Electric mii CP / thou HP 4594 4738 4850 4845 4845 4818

Diesel de orice fel numr / number 1052 1047 1040 1014 1013 1002
Diesel of any type mii CP / thou HP 1795 1793 1791 1749 1749 1712

din care: / of which:

peste 350 CP numr / number 1039 1037 1030 1004 1003 992
over 350 HP mii CP / thou HP 1792 1792 1789 1748 1747 1711

Vagoane pentru trenuri de marf - total numr / number 45505 43311 42624 44188 39832 35385
Waggons - total mii tone capacitate 2107 2003 1971 1996 1884 1686
thou tonnes capacity
Vagoane pentru trenuri de pasageri - total numr / number 5137 4904 4483 4232 4025 4053
Carriages - total mii locuri / thou places 344 332 304 287 270 293

Transport pe ci navigabile interioare 2)

Inland waterways transport 2)

Nave fr propulsie pentru

transportul mrfurilor numr / number 1232 1208 1097 1131 1152 1137
Ships without propulsion for mii tone capacitate 1533 1514 1450 1470 1475 1468
merchandise transport thou tonnes capacity

Remorchere i mpingtoare numr / number 258 239 234 227 217 258
Tugboats and pushers mii KW / thou KW 243 214 208 195 185 189

Nave pentru transportul pasagerilor numr / number 65 67 127 94 55 62

Ships for passengers transport mii pasageri / thou passengers 7 8 9 10 6 6

Transport maritim 2)
Maritime transport 2)

Nave pentru transportul mrfurilor - total numr / number 24 26 23 20 22 26

Freight ships - total mii tdw / thou tdw 98 102 56 45 66 38

din care: / of which:

Nave pentru mrfuri generale numr / number 5 5 4 3 4 4
Ships for general merchandise mii tdw / thou tdw 41 41 37 33 54 35

Petroliere numr / number 10 10 8 7 7 -

Oil tankers mii tdw / thou tdw 50 50 9 9 9 -

1) Mijloace de transport feroviar existente n inventar la sfritul anului.

Railway transport means existing in inventory at end of year.
2) Datele se refer la nave nmatriculate n Registrul de Eviden Centralizat a Navelor al Autoritii Navale Romne.
Data refer to registered ships in the Registration File of Romanian Naval Authority.

Transportul feroviar 1), pe tipuri de mrfuri
17.4 Railway transport 1), by type of goods

NST 2007 Tipuri de mrfuri Mii tone Mii tone - km
Code Type of goods Thou tonnes Thou tonnes - km
NST 2007 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

Total 55755 50348 50739 13471672 12940837 12264441

01 Produse agricole din vntoare i silvicultur;

pete i alte produse din pescuit 1753 2659 3256 529242 984697 1103607
Products of agriculture, hunting, and forestry;
fish and other fishing products
02 Crbune i lignit; iei i gaze naturale 24540 19006 18121 2798300 2083905 1587997
Coal and lignite; crude oil
and natural gas
03 Minereuri metalifere i alte produse de minerit
i exploatare de carier; turb; uraniu i thoriu 2267 3220 2558 501512 585359 406158
Metal ores and other mining and quarrying
products; peat; uranium and thorium
04 Produse alimentare, buturi i tutun 501 520 486 158246 154431 145547
Food products, beverages and tobacco
05 Textile i produse textile; piele i produse din piele 13 4 *) 678 2509 6
Textiles and textile products; leather and
leather products
06 Lemn i produse din lemn i plut (cu excepia
mobilei); articole din paie i materiale de mpletit;
celuloz, hrtie i articole din hrtie;
tiprituri i nregistrri media 1156 1412 1374 439574 580063 564106
Wood and products of wood and cork (except
furniture); articles of straw and plaiting
materials; pulp, paper and paper products;
printed matter and recorded media
07 Cocs, produse rafinate din petrol 14607 13402 14974 4904868 4409806 4279635
Coke and refined petroleum products
08 Chimicale, produse chimice i fibre
manufacturate; produse din cauciuc i
din mase plastice; combustibil nuclear 3161 2781 2799 1272477 1101262 1064760
Chemicals, chemical products, and man-made
fibres; rubber and plastic products; nuclear fuel
09 Alte produse minerale nemetalice 1208 1203 1388 488307 441567 556136
Other non-metallic mineral products
10 Metale de baz; produse fabricate din metal,
cu excepia mainilor i a echipamentelor 3074 2658 2510 941053 1015237 1052943
Basic metals; fabricated metal products,
except machinery and equipment
11 Maini i utilaje n.c.a.; echipamente de birou
i computere; maini i aparate electrice n.c.a.;
echipamente i aparate radio, TV i de comunicaii;
instrumente medicale, de precizie i optice;
ceasuri de mn i ceasornice 5 14 57 2157 6770 35451
Machinery and equipment n.e.c.; office machinery
and computers; electrical machinery and apparatus
n.e.c.; radio, television and communication
equipment and apparatus; medical, precision
and optical instruments; watches and clocks

1) Conform Clasificrii Standard pentru Statistica Transporturilor (NST 2007).

According to the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (NST 2007).

Transportul feroviar 1), pe tipuri de mrfuri - continuare
17.4 Railway transport 1), by type of goods - continued

NST 2007 Tipuri de mrfuri Mii tone Mii tone - km
Code Type of goods Thou tonnes Thou tonnes - km
NST 2007 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

12 Echipamente pentru transport 258 348 289 122127 186206 124916

Transport equipment

13 Mobil; alte mrfuri fabricate n.c.a. *) *) *) 48 14 39

Furniture; other manufactured goods n.e.c.

14 Materiale secundare neprelucrate;

deeuri municipale i alte deeuri 991 936 834 323441 307385 247662
Secondary raw materials; municipal waste
and other waste

15 Pot, colete - - - - - -
Mail, parcels

16 Echipamente i materiale utilizate

n transportul de mrfuri 225 267 220 112035 129276 113703
Equipment and material utilised
in the transport of goods

17 Mrfuri deplasate pe parcursul mutrilor de

domiciliu sau birou; bagaje transportate separat
de pasageri; autovehicule deplasate n vederea
reparaiilor; alte mrfuri necomerciale n.c.a. 40 32 36 10205 4672 4691
Goods moved in the course of household and
office removals; baggage transported separately
from passengers; motor vehicles being moved
for repair; other non-market goods n.e.c.

18 Mrfuri grupate: un amestec de tipuri

de mrfuri transportate mpreun 13 *) *) 717 179 303
Grouped goods: a mixture of types of goods
which are transported together

19 Mrfuri neidentificabile: mrfuri care din anumite

motive nu pot fi identificate i care, prin urmare,
nu pot fi clasificate n grupele 01-16 1502 1737 1658 717358 879716 896650
Unidentifiable goods: goods which for any
reason cannot be identified and therefore
cannot be assigned to groups 0116

20 Alte mrfuri n.c.a. 441 149 179 149327 67783 80131

Other goods n.e.c.

1) Conform Clasificrii Standard pentru Statistica Transporturilor (NST 2007).

According to the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (NST 2007).

17.5 Transportul portuar 1), pe tipuri de mrfuri, n anul 2014
Goods transport at ports 1), by type of goods, in 2014
mii tone / thou tonnes
Cod Mrfuri ncrcate / Loaded goods Mrfuri descrcate / Unloaded goods
NST 2007
Code Tipuri de mrfuri Total Total Intra-UE Extra-UE Total Intra-UE Extra-UE Type of goods
NST 2007 Intra-EU Extra-EU Intra-EU Extra-EU
Transportul portuar maritim 43753 25349 7117 18232 18404 1530 16874 Maritime transport at port

01 Produse agricole din vntoare i silvicultur; Products of agriculture, hunting, and forestry; fish and
pete i alte produse din pescuit 14595 14029 5126 8903 566 7 559 other fishing products
02 Crbune i lignit; iei i gaze naturale 8106 161 106 55 7945 28 7917 Coal and lignite; crude petroleum and natural gas
03 Minereuri metalifere i alte produse de minerit Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products; peat;
i exploatare de carier; turb; uraniu i thoriu 3673 345 3 342 3328 74 3254 uranium and thorium
04 Produse alimentare, buturi i tutun 541 243 88 155 298 18 280 Food products, beverages and tobacco
05 Textile i produse textile: piele i produse din piele 7 1 - 1 6 *) 6 Textiles and textile products; leather and leather products
06 Lemn i produse din lemn i plut (cu excepia mobilei); Wood and products of wood and cork (except furniture);
articole din paie i materiale de mpletit; celuloz, hrtie articles of straw and plaiting materials; pulp, paper and
i articole din hrtie; tiprituri i nregistrri media 587 516 6 510 71 55 16 paper products; printed matter and recorded media
07 Cocs, produse rafinate din petrol 4398 2864 448 2416 1534 261 1273 Coke and refined petroleum products
08 Chimicale, produse chimice i fibre manufacturate; produse Chemicals, chemical products, and man-made fibres;
din cauciuc i din mase plastice; combustibil nuclear 2272 1229 336 893 1043 147 896 rubber and plastic products; nuclear fuel
09 Alte produse minerale nemetalice 574 12 - 12 562 137 425 Other non-metallic mineral products
10 Metale de baz; produse fabricate din metal, Basic metals; fabricated metal products,
cu excepia mainilor i a echipamentelor 2367 1288 207 1081 1079 316 763 except machinery and equipment
11 Maini i utilaje n.c.a.; echipamente de birou i computere; Machinery and equipment n.e.c.; office machinery
maini i aparate electrice n.c.a.; echipamente i and computers; electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.;
aparate radio, TV i de comunicaii; instrumente medicale, radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus;
de precizie i optice; ceasuri de mn i ceasornice 23 11 *) 11 12 1 11 medical, precision and optical instruments; watches and clocks
12 Echipamente pentru transport 345 246 66 180 99 32 67 Transport equipment
13 Mobil; alte mrfuri fabricate n.c.a. 26 18 *) 18 8 *) 8 Furniture; other manufactured goods n.e.c.
14 Materiale secundare neprelucrate; Secondary raw materials;
deeuri municipale i alte deeuri 1335 1332 141 1191 3 - 3 municipal waste and other waste
15 Pot, colete 3 2 - 2 1 - 1 Mail, parcels
16 Echipamente i materiale utilizate n transportul de mrfuri - - - - - - - Equipment and material utilised in the transport of goods
17 Mrfuri deplasate pe parcursul mutrilor de domiciliu Goods moved in the course of household and office removals;
sau birou; bagaje transportate separat de pasageri; baggage transported separately from passengers;
autovehicule deplasate n vederea reparaiilor; motor vehicles being moved for repair;
alte mrfuri necomerciale n.c.a. *) *) - *) *) - *) other non-market goods n.e.c.
18 Mrfuri grupate: un amestec de tipuri Grouped goods: a mixture of types of goods
de mrfuri transportate mpreun - - - - - - - which are transported together
19 Mrfuri neidentificabile: mrfuri care din anumite motive Unidentifiable goods: goods which for any reason
nu pot fi identificate i care, prin urmare, cannot be identified and therefore cannot be
nu pot fi clasificate n grupele 01-16 4895 3046 590 2456 1849 454 1395 assigned to groups 0116.
20 Alte mrfuri n.c.a. 6 6 - 6 - - - Other goods n.e.c.

1) Conform Clasificrii Standard pentru Statistica Transporturilor (NST 2007).

According to the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (NST 2007).

570 571
17.5 Transportul portuar 1), pe tipuri de mrfuri, n anul 2014 - continuare
Goods transport at ports 1), by type of goods, in 2014 - continued
mii tone / thou tonnes
Cod Transport naional / National transport Transport internaional / International transport
NST 2007 Total Total Inter-regional- Intra-regional Total Mrfuri ncrcate Mrfuri descrcate Tranzit 2)
Code Tipuri de mrfuri ncrcri Intra-regions Loaded goods Unloaded goods Transit 2) Type of goods
NST 2007 Inter-regions-

Transportul portuar pe ci navigabile interioare 27834 14421 5710 8711 8985 3528 5457 4428 Inland waterways transport

01 Produse agricole din vntoare i silvicultur; Products of agriculture, hunting, and forestry;
pete i alte produse din pescuit 8678 4979 3791 1188 3480 29 3451 219 fish and other fishing products
02 Crbune i lignit; iei i gaze naturale 2251 16 12 4 1021 616 405 1214 Coal and lignite; crude petroleum and natural gas
03 Minereuri metalifere i alte produse de minerit Metal ores and other mining and quarrying
i exploatare de carier; turb; uraniu i thoriu 12517 8352 1102 7250 2332 1533 799 1833 products; peat; uranium and thorium
04 Produse alimentare, buturi i tutun 209 29 22 7 171 81 90 9 Food products, beverages and tobacco
05 Textile i produse textile: Textiles and textile products;
piele i produse din piele - - - - - - - - leather and leather products
06 Lemn i produse din lemn i plut (cu excepia Wood and products of wood and cork (except
mobilei); articole din paie i materiale de mpletit; furniture); articles of straw and plaiting materials;
celuloz, hrtie i articole din hrtie; pulp, paper and paper products;
tiprituri i nregistrri media 84 26 8 18 52 52 - 6 printed matter and recorded media
07 Cocs, produse rafinate din petrol 1309 98 - 98 792 616 176 419 Coke and refined petroleum products
08 Chimicale, produse chimice i fibre manufacturate; Chemicals, chemical products,
produse din cauciuc i din mase plastice; and man-made fibres; rubber
combustibil nuclear 1584 737 715 22 494 413 81 353 and plastic products; nuclear fuel
09 Alte produse minerale nemetalice 88 17 1 16 39 5 34 32 Other non-metallic mineral products
10 Metale de baz; produse fabricate din metal, Basic metals; fabricated metal products,
cu excepia mainilor i a echipamentelor 769 100 6 94 354 160 194 315 except machinery and equipment
11 Maini i utilaje n.c.a.; echipamente de birou Machinery and equipment n.e.c.; office machinery
i computere; maini i aparate electrice n.c.a.; and computers; electrical machinery and apparatus
echipamente i aparate radio, TV i de comunicaii; n.e.c.; radio, television and communication
instrumente medicale, de precizie i optice; equipment and apparatus; medical, precision
ceasuri de mn i ceasornice 44 2 1 1 25 14 11 17 and optical instruments; watches and clocks
12 Echipamente pentru transport 4 1 1 *) - - - 3 Transport equipment
13 Mobil; alte mrfuri fabricate n.c.a. - - - - - - - - Furniture; other manufactured goods n.e.c.
14 Materiale secundare neprelucrate; Secondary raw materials;
deeuri municipale i alte deeuri 278 62 51 11 216 4 212 - municipal waste and other waste
15 Pot, colete - - - - - - - - Mail, parcels
16 Echipamente i materiale utilizate Equipment and material utilised
n transportul de mrfuri 6 - - - 6 5 1 *) in the transport of goods
17 Mrfuri deplasate pe parcursul mutrilor de domiciliu Goods moved in the course of household and
sau birou; bagaje transportate separat de pasageri; office removals; baggage transported separately
autovehicule deplasate n vederea reparaiilor; from passengers; motor vehicles being moved
alte mrfuri necomerciale n.c.a. 1 1 - 1 - - - *) for repair; other non-market goods n.e.c.
18 Mrfuri grupate: un amestec de tipuri Grouped goods: a mixture of types of goods
de mrfuri transportate mpreun 3 - - - - - - 3 which are transported together
19 Mrfuri neidentificabile: mrfuri care din anumite Unidentifiable goods: goods which for any reason
motive nu pot fi identificate i care, prin urmare, cannot be identified and therefore cannot
nu pot fi clasificate n grupele 01-16 3 - - - 3 *) 3 - be assigned to groups 0116.
20 Alte mrfuri n.c.a. 6 1 - 1 - - - 5 Other goods n.e.c.

1) Conform Clasificrii Standard pentru Statistica Transporturilor (NST 2007).

According to the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (NST 2007).
Include date privind transportul ntre porturile din Bulgaria, transport de tranzit pentru Romnia, n conformitate cu legislaia european.
Includes data on the transport between the Bulgarian harbours, transit transport for Romania, in accordance with the european legislation.

572 573
Transportul rutier de mrfuri, pe destinaii i tipuri de transport, n anul 2014
17.6 Goods transport by road, by destination and type of transport, in 2014

din care: pe tipuri de transport

of which: by types of transport
Total Cont propriu Contra plat
Own account Hire or reward

Mrfuri transportate - total Transported goods - total

(mii tone) 190932 116423 74509 (thou tonnes)
Transport naional 165254 112217 53037 National transport
Transport internaional 25678 4206 21472 International transport
din total: of total:
descrcri 4732 686 4046 unloaded
ncrcri 5603 1093 4510 loaded
transport ntre state tere 10128 1141 8987 cross-trade
cabotaj 5215 1286 3929 cabotage
Parcursul mrfurilor - total Goods transport performance - total
(mii tone-km) 35135221 8704356 26430865 (thou tonnes-km)
Transport naional 12135562 5787736 6347826 National transport
Transport internaional 22999659 2916620 20083039 International transport
din total: of total:
descrcri 6730617 776786 5953831 unloaded
ncrcri 7473885 1069651 6404234 loaded
transport ntre state tere 7392456 860610 6531846 cross-trade
cabotaj 1402701 209573 1193128 cabotage
Parcursul vehiculelor1) - total Vehicles travel 1) - total
(mii km) 3052412 978237 2074175 (thou km)
Transport naional1) 1393733 765397 628336 National transport 1)
Transport internaional 1658679 212840 1445839 International transport 1)
din total: of total:
descrcri 439161 51348 387813 unloaded
ncrcri 517818 68802 449016 loaded
transport ntre state tere 466857 54050 412807 cross-trade
cabotaj 94209 12826 81383 cabotage

1) Include parcursul vehiculelor rutiere fr ncrctur.

Includes the distance covered by empty road vehicles.

Transportul rutier de mrfuri, pe tipuri de autovehicule, capaciti de transport

i tipuri de transport, n anul 2014
Goods transport by road, by type of vehicles, transport capacity
17.7 and type of transport, in 2014

Cont propriu Contra plat

Tipul Total Own account Hire or reward Type
de autovehicul Mii tone Mii tone-km Mii tone Mii tone-km Mii tone Mii tone-km of vehicles
Thou tonnesThou tonnes-km Thou tonnes Thou tonnes-km Thou tonnes Thou tonnes-km
Autocamioane Lorries
- total 127508 13466481 90950 4447581 36558 9018900 - total
3,5 - 7,5 tone 3654 488133 3070 328775 584 159358 3.5 - 7.5 tonnes
7,6 - 12,0 tone 26383 8073873 14750 1781716 11633 6292157 7.6 - 12.0 tonnes
12,1 - 17,0 tone 24346 3140144 17120 1097136 7226 2043008 12.1 - 17.0 tonnes
peste 17,0 tone 73125 1764331 56010 1239954 17115 524377 over 17.0 tonnes
Autotractoare Road tractors
- total 63424 21668740 25473 4256775 37951 17411965 - total
pn la 17,0 tone 61825 21380317 24541 4181761 37284 17198556 up to 17.0 tonnes
peste 17,0 tone 1599 288423 932 75014 667 213409 over 17.0 tonnes
Toate vehiculele All vehicles
- total 190932 35135221 116423 8704356 74509 26430865 - total
3,5 - 7,5 tone 4546 644065 3351 352329 1195 291736 3.5 - 7.5 tonnes
7,6 - 12,0 tone 72425 25384404 32538 4947174 39887 20437230 7.6 - 12.0 tonnes
12,1 - 17,0 tone 39237 7053998 23592 2089885 15645 4964113 12.1 - 17.0 tonnes
peste 17,0 tone 74724 2052754 56942 1314968 17782 737786 over 17.0 tonnes

Transportul rutier 1), pe tipuri de mrfuri i categorii de transport, n anul 2014
17.8 Road transport 1), by type of goods and category of transport, in 2014

Cont propriu Contra plat

Cod Total Own account Hire or reward
NST 2007 Tipuri de mrfuri Mii tone Mii tone-km Mii tone Mii tone-km Mii tone Mii tone-km
Code Type of goods Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou
NST 2007 tonnes tonnes-km tonnes tonnes-km tonnes tonnes-km

Total 190932 35135221 116423 8704356 74509 26430865

01 Produse agricole din vntoare

i silvicultur; pete i alte
produse din pescuit 11787 1927836 7625 720678 4162 1207158
Products of agriculture, hunting, and
forestry; fish and other fishing products
02 Crbune i lignit; iei i gaze naturale 1072 46425 907 37184 165 9241
Coal and lignite; crude oil and natural gas
03 Minereuri metalifere i alte produse
de minerit i exploatare de carier;
turb; uraniu i thoriu 61400 1653935 43841 943236 17559 710699
Metal ores and other mining and quarrying
products; peat; uranium and thorium
04 Produse alimentare, buturi i tutun 17141 5421199 7712 1608169 9429 3813030
Food products, beverages and tobacco
05 Textile i produse textile;
piele i produse din piele 1356 1089915 82 42304 1274 1047611
Textiles and textile products;
leather and leather products
06 Lemn i produse din lemn i plut
(cu excepia mobilei); articole din paie
i materiale de mpletit; celuloz, hrtie
i articole din hrtie; tiprituri
i nregistrri media 10048 2127059 7092 809234 2956 1317825
Wood and products of wood and cork
(except furniture); articles of straw
and plaiting materials; pulp, paper
and paper products; printed matter
and recorded media
07 Cocs, produse rafinate din petrol 4413 646615 1295 175583 3118 471032
Coke and refined petroleum products
08 Chimicale, produse chimice i fibre
manufacturate; produse din cauciuc
i din mase plastice; combustibil nuclear 2055 1005800 728 150581 1327 855219
Chemicals, chemical products,
and man-made fibres; rubber
and plastic products; nuclear fuel
09 Alte produse minerale nemetalice 37797 2580931 28851 1269663 8946 1311268
Other non-metallic mineral products
10 Metale de baz; produse fabricate din metal,
cu excepia mainilor i a echipamentelor 5819 2376351 2555 525791 3264 1850560
Basic metals; fabricated metal products,
except machinery and equipment

1) Conform Clasificrii Standard pentru Statistica Transporturilor (NST 2007).

According to the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (NST 2007).

Transportul rutier 1), pe tipuri de mrfuri i categorii de transport,
n anul 2014 - continuare
Road transport 1), by type of goods and category of transport,
17.8 in 2014 - continued

Cont propriu Contra plat

Cod Total Own account Hire or reward
NST 2007 Tipuri de mrfuri Mii tone Mii tone-km Mii tone Mii tone-km Mii tone Mii tone-km
Code Type of goods Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou
NST 2007 tonnes tonnes-km tonnes tonnes-km tonnes tonnes-km

11 Maini i utilaje n.c.a.; echipamente

de birou i computere; maini i aparate
electrice n.c.a.; echipamente i aparate
radio, TV i de comunicaii; instrumente
medicale, de precizie i optice;
ceasuri de mn i ceasornice 4192 1671531 1437 240015 2755 1431516
Machinery and equipment n.e.c.; office
machinery and computers; electrical
machinery and apparatus n.e.c.; radio,
television and communication equipment
and apparatus; medical, precision and
optical instruments; watches and clocks
12 Echipamente pentru transport 3032 2275832 647 240551 2385 2035281
Transport equipment
13 Mobil; alte mrfuri fabricate n.c.a. 1148 992734 263 131146 885 861588
Furniture; other manufactured goods n.e.c.
14 Materiale secundare neprelucrate;
deeuri municipale i alte deeuri 6186 318893 5146 237025 1040 81868
Secondary raw materials; municipal
waste and other waste
15 Pot, colete 629 190608 439 114348 190 76260
Mail, parcels
16 Echipamente i materiale utilizate
n transportul de mrfuri 1035 428968 173 36061 862 392907
Equipment and material utilised
in the transport of goods
17 Mrfuri deplasate pe parcursul mutrilor
de domiciliu sau birou; bagaje transportate
separat de pasageri; autovehicule
deplasate n vederea reparaiilor;
alte mrfuri necomerciale n.c.a. 340 85242 35 2921 305 82321
Goods moved in the course of household
and office removals; baggage transported
separately from passengers; motor
vehicles being moved for repair;
other non-market goods n.e.c.
18 Mrfuri grupate: un amestec de tipuri
de mrfuri transportate mpreun 14403 8430203 3728 1097276 10675 7332927
Grouped goods: a mixture of types
of goods which are transported together
19 Mrfuri neidentificabile: mrfuri care din
anumite motive nu pot fi identificate
i care, prin urmare, nu pot fi
clasificate n grupele 01-16 2353 777583 975 81663 1378 695920
Unidentifiable goods: goods which
for any reason cannot be identified and
therefore cannot be assigned
to groups 0116.
20 Alte mrfuri n.c.a. 4726 1087561 2892 240927 1834 846634
Other goods n.e.c.

1) Conform Clasificrii Standard pentru Statistica Transporturilor (NST 2007).

According to the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (NST 2007).

Transportul rutier de mrfuri, pe categorii de mrfuri periculoase
i tipuri de transport, n anul 2014
Goods transport by road, by categories of dangerous goods
17.9 and type of transport, in 2014

Cont propriu Contra plat

Categorii de Total Own account Hire or reward
mrfuri periculoase Mii tone Mii tone-km Mii tone Mii tone-km Mii tone Mii tone-km
Category of dangerous goods Thou tonnesThou tonnes-km Thou tonnes Thou tonnes-km Thou tonnes Thou tonnes-km

Explozivi 66 13397 27 4421 39 8976


Gaze comprimate, lichefiate

sau dizolvate sub presiune 838 124449 531 38773 307 85676
Gases compressed, liquefied
or dissolved under pressure

Lichide inflamabile 4562 630724 1723 183140 2839 447584

Flammable liquids

Solide inflamabile 602 275251 69 13516 533 261735

Flammable solids

Substane predispuse
la combustie spontan 17 1891 *) 16 17 1875
Substances liable
to spontaneous combustion

Substane care n contact cu apa

emit gaze inflamabile - - - - - -
Substances which, in contact
with water, emit flammable gases

Substane oxidante 20 6250 14 2443 6 3807

Oxidising substances

Peroxizi organici 26 4543 - - 26 4543

Organic peroxides

Substane toxice 153 35804 91 10100 62 25704

Toxic substances

Substane care pot

provoca infecii 48 5114 6 3073 42 2041
Substances liable
to cause infections

Materiale radioactive - - - - - -
Radioactive material

Substane corozive 101 59978 61 24752 40 35226


Diverse substane periculoase 1685 507409 912 85760 773 421649

Miscellaneous dangerous

Transportul de pasageri, pe moduri de transport
17.10 Passengers transport, by mode of transport

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Transportul interurban i internaional de pasageri (mii pasageri)
Passenger intercity and international transport (thou passengers)

Transport feroviar 70332 64272 61001 57562 57433 64760 Railway transport
Transport rutier 262311 244944 242516 262291 274393 282018 Road transport
Transport pe ci Inland waterways
navigabile interioare 161 84 125 119 140 167 transport
Transport aerian 9093 10128 10783 10728 10706 11592 Air transport
Transport maritim1) 13 23 27 30 49 63 Maritime transport 1)

Parcursul pasagerilor / Passenger transport performance

Transportul interurban i internaional de pasageri (milioane pasageri-km)
Passenger intercity and international transport (million passengers-km)

Transport feroviar 6128 5438 5073 4571 4411 4976 Railway transport
Transport rutier 17108 15812 15529 16901 17082 18339 Road transport
Transport pe ci Inland waterways
navigabile interioare 20 15 18 17 17 11 transport

1) Pasageri de croazier, inclusiv pasageri de croazier n excursie - intrri.

Cruise passengers including cruise passengers on cruise passengers excursion - inwards.

Autovehiculele nmatriculate n circulaie i accidentele de circulaie rutier

cauzatoare de vtmri corporale (la sfritul anului)
Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents
17.11 (end of year)
numr / number

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Autobuze i microbuze 41165 40877 40887 42010 42836 44283 Buses and minibuses
Autoturisme 4244922 4319701 4334547 4487251 4695660 4907564 Passenger cars
Mopede i motociclete Mopeds and motorcycles
(inclusiv mototricicluri (including motor tricycles
i cvadricicluri) 79990 85171 90082 95450 101622 107338 and quadricycles )
Autovehicule de marf 661859 667219 696260 719926 761554 806523 Goods road motor vehicles

Accidente de circulaie Road traffic

rutier cauzatoare de injury
vtmri corporale 28612 25996 26648 26928 24827 25355 accidents

Persoane accidentate 38320 34791 35509 36251 33325 34152 Casualties

- decedai 2797 2377 2018 2042 1861 1818 - deceased
- rnii 35523 32414 33491 34209 31464 32334 - injured

Drumurile publice (la sfritul anului)
17.12 Public roads (end of year)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Drumuri publice - total 81713 82386 83738 84185 84887 85362 Public roads - total
din care: of which:
Modernizate 23847 25171 26911 27665 29153 30240 Modernized
Cu mbrcmini With light asphalt
uoare rutiere 22515 22300 21909 22208 22191 22088 pavement
Din total drumuri publice: Of total public roads:
Drumuri naionale1) 16503 16552 16690 16887 17110 17272 National roads 1)
din care: of which:
Modernizate 15114 15246 15379 15645 15956 16172 Modernized
Cu mbrcmini With light asphalt
uoare rutiere 1105 1063 1035 967 905 861 pavement
Drumuri judeene County and
i comunale 65210 65834 67048 67298 67777 68090 communal roads
din care: of which:
Modernizate 8733 9925 11532 12020 13197 14068 Modernized
Cu mbrcmini With light asphalt
uoare rutiere 21410 21237 20874 21241 21286 21227 pavement
Densitatea drumurilor Density of public roads
publice pe 100 km 2 teritoriu 34,3 34,6 35,1 35,3 35,6 35,8 per 100 km 2of territory

1) Inclusiv autostrzi i drumuri europene. / Including European highways and roads.

Aeronavele civile nmatriculate 1) (la sfritul anului)

17.13 Registered civil aircrafts 1) (end of year)

U.M. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 M.U.

Transport aerian Air transport

Aeronave pentru numr 84 89 83 84 67 65 number Aircrafts for

transportul pasagerilor locuri 2) 6967 7127 6262 6270 5415 5956 places 2) passengers transport

1) Cu certificat de navigabilitate. / With navigability certificate.

2) Capacitate disponibil de transport. / Transport available capacity.

Transportul aeroportuar
17.14 Airports transport

2014 n %
fa de
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2013
2014 in
as against
Transport aerian comercial
Commercial air transport

Pasageri - numr 9092853 10128197 10782712 10727847 10706398 11592554 108,3 Passengers - number
mbarcai 4568423 5115068 5467811 5412286 5382672 5836949 108,4 Embarked
Debarcai 4524430 5013129 5314901 5315561 5323726 5755605 108,1 Disembarked

Mrfuri i pot Freight and mail

- tone 24499 25540 26979 29334 31629 32194 101,8 - tonnes
ncrcate 8790 9903 10851 12447 13580 12982 95,6 Loaded
Descrcate 15709 15637 16128 16887 18049 19212 106,4 Unloaded

Micri aeronave Aircraft movements

- numr 160047 163222 151511 138744 127743 129509 101,4 - number

Curse aeriene regulate

Scheduled flights

Pasageri - numr 8567980 9720725 10362554 10434272 10519730 11306541 107,5 Passengers - number
mbarcai 4302043 4911179 5255523 5271147 5290272 5695551 107,7 Embarked
Debarcai 4265937 4809546 5107031 5163125 5229458 5610990 107,3 Disembarked

Mrfuri i pot Freight and mail

- tone 23826 25055 25884 28201 30034 30745 102,4 - tonnes
ncrcate 8545 9663 10275 11875 13025 12503 96,0 Loaded
Descrcate 15281 15392 15609 16326 17009 18242 107,2 Unloaded

Micri aeronave Aircraft movements

- numr 144029 149195 138264 128871 120542 122695 101,8 - number

Curse aeriene neregulate

Charter flights

Pasageri - numr 524873 407472 420158 293575 186668 286013 153,2 Passengers - number
mbarcai 266380 203889 212288 141139 92400 141398 153,0 Embarked
Debarcai 258493 203583 207870 152436 94268 144615 153,4 Disembarked

Mrfuri i pot Freight and mail

- tone 673 485 1095 1133 1595 1449 90,8 - tonnes
ncrcate 245 240 576 572 555 479 86,3 Loaded
Descrcate 428 245 519 561 1040 970 93,3 Unloaded

Micri aeronave Aircraft movements

- numr 16018 14027 13247 9873 7201 6814 94,6 - number

Micri de Aircraft
aeronave n movements in
transportul aerian non-comercial
necomercial 16150 17851 14257 17150 18274 17583 96,2 air transport

Unitile de pot i telefonie (la sfritul anului)
17.15 Post offices and telephony units (end of year)
numr / number
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Uniti - total 7073 7051 5842 5667 5751 5746 Units - total
din care: of which:
n localiti rurale 6101 6022 4849 4695 4888 4968 In rural localities

Activitile de pot
17.16 Activities of post

Coresponden Trimiteri Trimiteri cu

i imprimate Colete potale1) recomandate valoare declarat 2)
Anii (milioane buci) (mii buci) (milioane buci) (mii buci)
Years Mail and printed Postal parcels1) Registered mail Mail dispatches
matters (thou pieces) (million pieces) with a declared value 2)
(million pieces) (thou pieces)
2009 482 2755 44 408
2010 369 2276 39 784
2011 297 1934 36 831
2012 273 1588 34 795
2013 218 1302 36 843
2014 47 1981 34 76

1) ncepnd cu anul 2014, este inclus i volumul coletelor potale cu valoare declarat.
Since 2014, the volum of postal parcels with a declared value is also included.
2) ncepnd cu anul 2014, din volumul trimiterilor cu valoare declarat sunt excluse coletele potale cu valoare declarat.
Since 2014, from the volum of mail dispatched with a declared value, postal parcels with a declared value are excluded.
Sursa: Compania Naional Pota Romn.
Source: National Company Romanian Post.

Activitile de telefonie
17.17 Activities of telephony

Numrul de conexiuni (milioane) - la sfritul anului -

Number of connections (million) - end of year -
Anii din care: / of which:
Years Total la serviciul de la serviciul de
telefonie fix telefonie mobil
fixed telephony service mobile telephony service

2009 30,7 5,3 25,4

2010 29,1 4,5 24,6
2011 28,1 4,7 23,4
2012 27,5 4,7 22,8
2013 27,6 4,7 22,9
2014 27,5 4,6 22,9

Sursa: Autoritatea Naional pentru Administrare i Reglementare n Comunicaii.

Source: National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications.




18.1 Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei ...... 592 International trade with goods of Romania
18.2 Indicii valorii unitare n comerul internaional Unit value indices in international trade
cu bunuri ................................................................ 593 with goods
18.3 Comerul internaional cu bunuri, International trade with goods, by
pe seciuni conform CSCI, Rev. 4 .......................... 593 section according to SITC, Rev. 4
18.4 Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe Marile International trade with goods, by Broad
Categorii Economice (MCE) .................................. 598 Economic Categories (BEC)
18.5 Comerul internaional cu bunuri, conform International trade with goods, according to
Clasificrii Produselor i Serviciilor asociate Classification of Products by Activities
Activitilor (CPSA 2008) ........................................ 599 (CPA 2008)
18.6 Comerul internaional cu bunuri, International trade with goods,
pe moduri de transport .......................................... 600 by mode of transport
18.7 Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe principalele International trade with goods, by main partner
ri partenere ........................................................ 601 countries
18.8 Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni i International trade with goods, by section and main
principalele capitole conform Nomenclatorului chapters according to the Combined
Combinat (NC) ...................................................... 604 Nomenclature (CN)
18.9 Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei International trade with goods of Romania with
cu statele membre ale Uniunii Europene, pe the European Unions countries, by section
seciuni conform Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC), according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN),
n anul 2014 .......................................................... 610 in 2014


ncepnd cu 1 ianuarie 2007 statisticile de comer Starting with January 1, 2007, statistics of
internaional cu bunuri se stabilesc prin nsumarea international trade with goods are set up summing
datelor din sistemele statistice Intrastat i Extrastat: up data from Intrastat and Extrastat statistical
sistemul Intrastat: pentru comerul Intra-UE Intrastat system: for Intra-EU trade (exchanges of
(schimburile de bunuri ntre Romnia i celelalte 27 goods between Romania and the other 27 member
state membre ale Uniunii Europene); states of European Union);
sistemul Extrastat: pentru comerul Extra-UE Extrastat system: for Extra-EU trade (exchanges of
(schimburile de bunuri ntre Romnia i statele care goods between Romania and the states which are
nu sunt membre ale Uniunii Europene). not European Union members).

z Pentru comerul Intra-UE: z For Intra-EU trade:

declaraiile statistice Intrastat colectate lunar de Intrastat statistical declarations monthly collected
ctre INS direct de la operatorii economici care au by NIS directly from economic operators which
realizat un volum valoric al expedierilor carried out a value volume of intracommunity
intracomunitare de bunuri sau/i un volum al expeditions of goods or/and a volume of
introducerilor intracomunitare de bunuri superior intracommunity entries of goods higher than the
valorii pragului statistic Intrastat stabilit pentru value of Intrastat statistical threshold set up for
fiecare flux i an de referin i care ndeplinesc each flow and reference year and which fulfil the
condiiile stipulate n Legea nr.422/2006. conditions stipulated in the Law No 422/2006.
Gradul de colectare a datelor prin cercetarea Data coverage by Intrastat statistical survey was
statistic Intrastat a fost de peste 95,0% att pentru over 95.0% both for intracommunity entries and
introduceri ct i pentru expedieri intracomunitare de expeditions of goods, related to total volume of

bunuri, raportat la volumul total al introducerilor i intracommunity entries and respectively expeditions of
respectiv expedierilor intracomunitare de bunuri. Pentru goods. For the rest of about 5.0%, representing the value
restul de cca. 5,0%, reprezentnd valoarea comerului of trade under Intrastat statistical thresholds and non-
sub pragurile statistice Intrastat i nonrspunsuri au fost responses, data estimations have been done.
realizate estimri de date.

z Pentru comerul Extra-UE: Agenia Naional de z For Extra-EU trade: National Agency of Fiscal
Administrare Fiscal, care colecteaz i prelucreaz Administration which collects and processes export
declaraiile vamale de export i import. and import customs declarations.

z Datele privind comerul internaional cu bunuri z Data regarding international trade of goods for
pentru energie electric i gaze naturale sunt electric energy and natural gas are collected on
colectate pe formulare statistice de la societile statistical forms from importer/exporter companies
importatoare/exportatoare i de la operatorii de and from network operators (NC Transelectrica SA
reea (CN Transelectrica SA i SNTGN Transgaz and NCNGT Transgas SA) by NIS. Import and export
SA) de ctre INS. Importul i exportul nu cuprind do not include physical quantities of electric energy
cantitile fizice de energie electric i gaz natural and natural gas which transit the national territory.
care tranziteaz teritoriul naional.


Bunurile ce fac obiectul schimburilor internaionale Goods which are subject to international exchanges
sunt clasificate potrivit Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC), are classified according to the Combined Nomenclature
care st la baza tarifului vamal comunitar. Datele (CN), on which the community customs tariff is also
statistice sunt prezentate i pe grupe de bunuri din based. Statistical data are also presented by commodity
Clasificarea Standard de Comer Internaional (CSCI, groups of Standard International Trade Classification
Rev.4), Marile Categorii Economice (MCE) i conform (SITC, Rev. 4), Broad Economic Categories (BEC) and
Clasificrii Produselor i Serviciilor asociate Activitilor according to Classification of Products by Activities (CPA
(CPSA 2008), care se stabilesc pe baza unor chei de 2008), which were set up based on conversion tables
conversie ntre Nomenclatorul Combinat i aceste between these nomenclatures and the Combined
clasificri. Nomenclature.

Sfera de cuprindere: Coverage:

Pentru comerul Intra-UE se cuprind: For Intra-EU trade, there are included:
expedierile de bunuri aflate n liber circulaie pe expeditions of goods under free circulation on EU
teritoriul UE, din Romnia cu destinaia alt stat territory, from Romania with the destination another
membru UE; EU member state;
introducerile de bunuri aflate n liber circulaie pe entries of goods under free circulation on EU
teritoriul UE, n Romnia avnd ca ar de expediie territory, in Romania having as expedition country
un alt stat membru UE; another EU member state;
bunurile care au fost plasate sub procedura vamal goods placed under customs procedure of active
de prelucrare activ sau prelucrare sub control vamal processing or processing under customs control in
n Romnia; Romania;
bunurile expediate din Romnia pentru a fi plasate goods sent from Romania to be placed under
sub procedura vamal de prelucrare activ sau customs procedure of active processing or
prelucrare sub control vamal n alte state membre processing under customs control in other EU
UE; member states;
bunurile rezultate din procesul de prelucrare, goods resulted from the processing process,
expediate/introduse dup ncheierea procedurii sent/entered after ending the customs processing
vamale de prelucrare. procedure.

Pentru comerul Extra-UE: se cuprind schimburile For Extra-EU trade: are included exchanges of
de bunuri ntre Romnia i statele care nu sunt membre goods between Romania and non-EU Member States,
ale UE, avnd ca obiect: importul direct de bunuri pentru having as object: direct import of goods for consumption,
consum, bunurile importate scoase din antrepozitele imported goods released from customs warehouses or
vamale sau zonele libere pentru a fi puse n consum, free zones for consumption, export of national goods and
exportul de bunuri de origine naional, precum i export of goods imported declared for internal
exportul de bunuri importate, declarate pentru consumul consumption.
Se cuprind, de asemenea: There are also included:
importurile temporare de bunuri strine pentru temporary imports of foreign goods for inward
prelucrare activ (n interiorul rii); processing (inside the countrys territory);
exporturile de bunuri rezultate dup prelucrarea exports of goods resulted after active processing;
exporturile temporare de bunuri pentru prelucrare temporary exports of goods for outward processing
pasiv (prelucrare n alte ri); (processing outside the countrys territory);
importurile de bunuri rezultate dup prelucrarea n imports of compensatory products which result
afara rii. following processing outside the countrys territory.

Nu sunt cuprinse n comerul internaional: The international trade does not include: goods in
bunurile n tranzit, bunurile temporar admise/scoase transit, goods temporarily admitted/released in/from the
n/din ar (cu excepia celor pentru prelucrare), bunurile country (except those subject to processing), goods
achiziionate de organizaii internaionale pentru utilizri purchased by international organizations for own use in
proprii n Romnia, bunurile pentru i dup reparaii i Romania, goods for and after repairs and afferent spare
piesele de schimb aferente. parts.
Valoarea bunurilor exportate i importate se The value of exported and imported goods was
stabilete pe baza preurilor efective FOB la exporturi i set up based on actual FOB prices for exports and on
a preurilor efective CIF la importuri. actual CIF prices for imports.
Preul FOB (n limba englez Free on Board - Liber FOB price (Free on Board) represents the price at
la bord) reprezint preul la frontiera rii exportatoare, exporter country border, including the value of goods, as
care include valoarea bunului, precum i costul well as the cost of transport and its insurance till the
transportului i asigurrii acestuia pn la frontiera rii border of exporting country.
Preul CIF (n limba englez Cost, Insurance, CIF price (Cost, Insurance, Freight) represents the
Freight - Cost, Asigurare, Navlu) reprezint preul la price at importer country border, including both the
frontiera rii importatoare, care cuprinde att components of FOB price, as well as the insurance and
elementele componente ale preului FOB, ct i costurile international transport costs till the border of importing
asigurrii i transportului internaional pn la frontiera country.
rii importatoare.
Datele valorice sunt exprimate n lei, euro i dolari SUA. Value data are expressed in lei, euro and USD. The
Conversia n euro, respectiv n dolari SUA, a datelor conversion for the data in lei (collected through Intrastat
valorice exprimate n lei (colectate prin declaraiile statistical declarations and customs declarations) in
statistice Intrastat i declaraiile vamale), se face euro, respectively USD, is made using:
cursul de schimb mediu lunar leu/euro, respectiv average monthly exchange rate lei/euro, respectively
leu/dolar, comunicat de Banca Naional a lei/USD, published by National Bank of Romania, for
Romniei, pentru sistemul Intrastat; Intrastat system;
cursul de schimb leu/euro, respectiv leu/dolar, exchange rate lei/euro, respectively lei/USD
comunicat de Banca Naional a Romniei pentru published by National Bank of Romania for the
penultima zi de miercuri a lunii, pentru sistemul penultimate Wednesday of the month, for Extrastat
Extrastat. system.
Indicii valorii unitare pentru export i import se Unit value indices for international trade on data
calculeaz avnd la baz valorile unitare (medii) expressed in euro are calculated based on the average
exprimate n euro, pentru un nomenclator de bunuri unit values, for a representative goods nomenclature
reprezentative din Nomenclatorul Combinat (NC), la from the Combined Nomenclature (CN), at 8 digits level,
nivel de 8 cifre, conform formulei Paasche. according to Paasche formula.

Pentru agregarea indicilor de valori unitare calculai la For the agregation of unit value indices, calculated at
nivel de 8 cifre pe diverse nivele din NC i total exporturi, 8 digits level, on different levels, from CN and total
respectiv total importuri, se utilizeaz ca element de exports, respectively total imports, it is used as weighting
ponderare valoarea bunurilor din perioada curent. element the goods value from the current period.
Baza de calcul utilizat pentru calculul indicilor de The used calculation base for the calculation of unit
valori unitare este anul precedent, iar indicii de valori value indices is the previous year, and unit value indices
unitare cu alte baze se calculeaz prin nlnuire. with other bases are calculated by chaining.
Gruparea exporturilor/importurilor pe moduri de The grouping of exports/imports by modes of
transport se realizeaz pe baza naionalitii mijlocului transport is made on the basis of nationality of the
de transport care trece frontiera de stat cu bunurile means of transport which cross the state frontier with the
exportate/importate. exported/imported goods.
Repartizarea pe ri a schimburilor internaionale Foreign exchanges of goods are broken down by
de bunuri se realizeaz astfel: countries as follows:
pentru comerul Intra-UE pe baza principiului ara for Intra-EU trade, based on the principle country
de destinaie (la expedieri) i ara de expediere of destination (for dispatches) and country of
(la introduceri); dispatch (for arrivals);
pentru comerul Extra-UE pe baza principiului ara for Extra-EU trade, based on the principle country
de destinaie (la export) i ara de origine of destination (for export) and country of
(la import, cu excepia cazului n care ara de origine origin (for import, except the situation when the
este un stat membru UE - caz n care se ia n country of origin is a EU Member State when the
considerare ara de expediere). country of dispatch is taken into account).
Se consider ara de destinaie ara n care Country of destination is considered the country
bunurile vor fi consumate, ara de expediere ara din where goods will be consumed, country of dispatch the
care bunurile au fost expediate i ara de origine ara n country from where the goods were dispatched and
care a fost produs bunul sau n care bunul a suferit ultima country of origin is the country where the commodity was
transformare substanial. produced or last substantial transformation was performed.
Gruparea rilor pe continente i pe zone economice The groups of countries by continents and economic
se face conform recomandrilor Oficiului de Statistic al zones are made according to the recommendations of
Uniunii Europene (EUROSTAT). Gruprile pe ri au European Union Statistical Office (EUROSTAT). The
urmtoarea componen: economic groups by countries have the following
Uniunea European (UE): Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, European Union (EU): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Republica Ceh, Cipru, Croaia, Danemarca, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia,
Estonia, Finlanda, Frana, Germania, Grecia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Irlanda, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburg, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, United
Regatul Unit, Olanda, Polonia, Portugalia, Romnia, Kingdom, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovacia, Slovenia, Spania, Suedia, Ungaria. Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary.
Asociaia European a Liberului Schimb (AELS): European Free Trade Association (EFTA): Iceland,
Islanda, Norvegia, Elveia, Liechtenstein. Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein.
Organizaia rilor Exportatoare de Petrol The Organization of Petroleum Exporter
(OPEC): Algeria, Arabia Saudit, Ecuador, Emiratele Countries (OPEC): Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador,
Arabe Unite, Irak, Iran, Kuweit, Libia, Nigeria, Qatar, United Arabian Emirates, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Libya,
Venezuela, Angola. Nigeria, Qatar, Venezuela, Angola.
OECD (exclusiv UE): SUA, Canada, Japonia, OECD-EU: USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New
Australia, Noua Zeeland, Turcia, Mexic, Islanda, Zeeland, Turkey, Mexico, Iceland, Norway,
Norvegia, Elveia, Republica Coreea, Insulele Switzerland, Republic of Korea, Virgin Islands
Virgine Americane, Chile, Israel. (United States), Chile, Israel.
Comunitatea Statelor Independente (CSI): Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):
Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Belarus, Kazahstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Kirghizstan, Republica Moldova, Federaia Rus, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian
Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Ucraina, Uzbekistan. Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,

ri din bazinul mediteranean (exclusiv UE): Countries from Mediterranean Area-UE: Albania,
Albania, Bosnia-Heregovina, Algeria, Egipt, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alger, Egypt, Gibraltar, Israel,
Gibraltar, Israel, Iordania, Liban, Libia, Maroc, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Macedonia,
Macedonia, Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate, Siria, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syria, Tunisia,
Tunisia, Turcia, Ceuta, Kosovo, Melilla, Muntenegru, Turkey, Ceuta, Kosovo, Melilla, Montenegro, Serbia.
Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile The differences between total data and data
obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate obtained by cumulating the different structures used
sunt datorate rotunjirilor. are due to rounding up.
Datele pentru anul 2013 au fost revizuite fa de The data for 2013 have been revised against
cele publicate anterior i au caracter definitiv. those previously issued, and have final character.
Datele pentru anul 2014 sunt semidefinitive. The data for 2014 are semi-final.

Exporturile i importurile de bunuri n comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei

18.G1 Exports and imports of goods in international trade with goods of Romania

Comerul internaional cu bunuri / International trade with goods

milioane dolari S.U.A. / USD million

94923 111592 139582 128206 139398 147782

45,2% 47,3% 47,3%

55,6% 54,8% 54,8% 52,7% 52,7%

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Exporturi FOB Importuri CIF

FOB Exports CIF Imports

Comerul internaional cu bunuri / International trade with goods

milioane euro / euro million

68037 84229 100244 99772 104879 110981

45,2% 47,3%
42,7% 44,4%
54,8% 52,7%
57,3% 55,6% 54,8%

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Exporturi FOB Importuri CIF

FOB Exports CIF Imports

Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei
18.G2 International trade with goods of Romania

milioane euro / euro million

60000 58522
54952 54703 55317
50000 46869 45292 45069

40000 38953 37360




-5755 -6063
-10000 -9509
-9869 -9660 -9634


2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Export FOB Import CIF Sold FOB / CIF

FOB Export CIF Import FOB / CIF Balance

Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei cu Uniunea European (UE-28)

18.G3 International trade with goods of Romania with European Union (EU-28)

milioane euro / euro million


40025 40260 41916
40000 37308
34033 34508
32289 31720
30000 28532 27115


-10000 -6849 -6918 -7736 -8540 -7408 -6815

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Export FOB Import CIF Sold FOB / CIF

FOB Export CIF Import FOB / CIF Balance

Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei, pe principalele grupe de ri,
n anul 2014
18.G4 International trade with goods of Romania, by main groups of countries, in 2014

TOTAL EXPORTURI FOB (milioane euro) = 52459 TOTAL IMPORTURI CIF (milioane euro) = 58522
TOTAL FOB EXPORTS (euro million) TOTAL CIF IMPORTS (euro million)

15,3% 14,0%

1,7% 1,0%



Uniunea European (UE-28) A.E.L.S.

European Union (EU-28) E.F.T.A.

Alte ri din Europa Alte ri

Other European countries Other countries

Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei, pe principalele seciuni

conform CSCI, Rev. 4, n anul 2014
International trade with goods of Romania, by main sections according
18.G5 to SITC, Rev. 4, in 2014

TOTAL EXPORTURI FOB (milioane euro) = 52459 TOTAL IMPORTURI CIF (milioane euro) = 58522
TOTAL FOB EXPORTS (euro million) TOTAL CIF IMPORTS (euro million)

14,4% 10,8%

5,2% 9,3% 35,6%



16,5% 21,2%

Combustibili minerali, lubrifiani

Maini i echipamente pentru transport i materiale derivate
Machinery and transport equipment Mineral fuels, lubricants
and related materials
Mrfuri manufacturate clasificate Produse chimice i produse derivate,
mai ales dup materia prim nespecificate n alt seciune
Manufactured goods classified Chemicals and related products, n.e.s.
mainly by the raw material

Articole manufacturate diverse Alte bunuri

Miscellaneous manufactured articles Other goods

Principalele ri partenere ale Romniei n comerul internaional cu bunuri,
n anul 2014
18.G6 Main partner countries of Romania in international trade with goods, in 2014

TOTAL EXPORTURI FOB (milioane euro) = 52459 TOTAL IMPORTURI CIF (milioane euro) = 58522
TOTAL FOB EXPORTS (euro million) TOTAL CIF IMPORTS (euro million)

Germania Germania
Germany Germany
Alte ri 19,3% 19,2%
Other countries Alte ri
52,4% Other countries
Italia Italia
Italy Italy
11,9% 10,8%

France Ungaria
6,8% Hungary

4,5% 5,7%
Ungaria 4,7%
Turcia Hungary Frana
Polonia France
Turkey Poland

Orientarea geografic a exporturilor i importurilor de bunuri ale Romniei,

n anul 2014
18.G7 Geographical break down of Romanian exports and imports of goods, in 2014


3,5% 0,1% 0,8%

2,2% **)
4,3% 0,1% **)


71,1% 75,4%

Uniunea European Africa

European Union

Alte ri din Europa America

Other European countries

Asia Oceania
ri nespecificate Extra UE
Not specified countries Extra EU
**) = Sub 0,05%
Under 0.05%

Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei
18.1 International trade with goods of Romania

Export Import Sold / Balance

Anii FOB CIF (Export FOB - Years
Import CIF)

Milioane lei la curs oficial / Lei million at official exchange rate

2009 123344 165171 -41827 2009

2010 157436 197458 -40022 2010

2011 191986 232868 -40882 2011

2012 200790 243777 -42987 2012

2013 219120 244569 -25449 2013

2014 233215 260131 -26916 2014

Milioane euro / Euro million

2009 29084 38953 -9869 2009

2010 37360 46869 -9509 2010

2011 45292 54952 -9660 2011

2012 45069 54703 -9634 2012

2013 49562 55317 -5755 2013

2014 52459 58522 -6063 2014

Milioane dolari SUA / USD million

2009 40579 54344 -13765 2009

2010 49494 62098 -12604 2010

2011 63042 76540 -13498 2011

2012 57921 70285 -12364 2012

2013 65879 73519 -7640 2013

2014 69877 77905 -8028 2014

Not: Datele pentru anul 2013 au fost revizuite fa de cele publicate anterior i au caracter definitiv.
Datele pentru anul 2014 sunt semidefinitive.
Note: The data for 2013 have been revised as against those previously published, and have final character.
The data for 2014 are semi-final.

Indicii valorii unitare n comerul internaional cu bunuri1)
18.2 Unit value indices in international trade with goods1)
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Export FOB 89,3 107,0 107,9 103,9 97,0 98,5

Import CIF 89,3 104,2 106,2 100,8 98,0 97,6

1) Date calculate din valori exprimate n euro.

Data calculated from values expressed in euro.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni conform CSCI, Rev. 41)

18.3 International trade with goods, by section according to SITC, Rev. 41)
milioane euro / euro million

CSCI Denumire cod CSCI
Code Name of SITC code Export FOB Import CIF
SITC 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

Total 45069 49562 52459 54703 55317 58522

0 Alimente i animale vii 2795 3571 3662 3666 3860 4066

Food and live animals

00 Animale vii 304 314 314 140 164 187

Live animals

01 Carne i preparate din carne 344 333 316 517 536 615
Meat and meat preparations

02 Produse lactate i ou de psri 87 107 123 270 318 319

Dairy products and eggs

03 Pete, crustacee, molute 18 20 23 145 161 176

Fish, crustaceans, molluscs

04 Cereale i preparate pe
baz de cereale 1429 2091 2113 653 649 624
Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Legume i fructe 169 200 222 543 652 768

Vegetables and fruit

06 Zaharuri, preparate pe baz

de zahr i miere 138 125 130 373 297 235
Sugar, sugar preparations and honey

07 Cafea, ceai, cacao, condimente

i preparate ale acestora 69 74 81 365 380 410
Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and preparations

08 Hran destinat animalelor

(exclusiv cereale nemcinate) 123 182 200 358 392 401
Feeding stuff for animals
(not including unmilled cereals)

09 Produse i preparate alimentare diverse 115 125 140 301 310 330
Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

1) CSCI, Rev. 4 - Clasificarea Standard de Comer Internaional. / SITC, Rev. 4 - Standard International Trade Classification.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni conform
CSCI, Rev.4 1) - continuare
International trade with goods, by section according to
18.3 SITC, Rev. 4 1) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

CSCI Denumire cod CSCI
Code Name of SITC code Export FOB Import CIF
SITC 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

1 Buturi i tutun 558 625 817 444 451 453

Beverages and tobacco

11 Buturi 84 95 98 184 191 184


12 Tutun brut i prelucrat 474 530 718 260 260 270

Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

2 Materiale crude, necomestibile, exclusiv

combustibili 2513 2855 2629 1738 1720 1671
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels

21 Piei crude, piei tbcite i blnuri, brute 31 36 32 10 8 11

Hides, skins and raw fur skins

22 Semine i fructe oleaginoase 452 796 847 207 204 201

Oil seeds and oleaginous fruit

23 Cauciuc brut (inclusiv cauciuc sintetic i regenerat) 36 26 8 356 320 290

Raw rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)

24 Lemn i plut 828 929 876 92 106 131

Cork and wood

25 Past de hrtie i deeuri de hrtie 17 16 18 44 54 61

Pulp and waste paper

26 Fibre textile (cu excepia lnii n fuior i a lnii pieptnate)

i deeurile lor (neprelucrate n fire sau esturi) 109 104 99 283 304 300
Textile fibres (other than wool tops and wool combed) and
their wastes (not manufactured into yarn or fabrics)

27 ngrminte naturale i minerale naturale

(exclusiv crbune, petrol i pietre preioase) 31 50 48 137 103 103
Crude fertilisers and minerals
(excluding coal, petroleum and precious stones)

28 Minereuri metalifere i deeuri de metale 969 848 654 405 426 371
Metalliferrous ores and metal scrap

29 Alte materii brute de origine animal sau vegetal 40 50 48 204 195 203
Crude animal and vegetable materials not elsewhere

3 Combustibili minerali, lubrifiani i materiale derivate 2507 2587 3139 6700 5452 5448
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

32 Crbune, cocs i brichete 1 1 1 331 248 212

Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Petrol, produse petroliere i produse nrudite 2241 2283 2631 5148 4640 4951
Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gaz i produse industriale obinute din gaz 199 199 186 1152 548 243
Gas, natural and manufactured

35 Energie electric 67 104 321 68 17 42


1) CSCI, Rev. 4 - Clasificarea Standard de Comer Internaional. / SITC, Rev. 4 - Standard International Trade Classification.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni conform
CSCI, Rev.41) - continuare
International trade with goods, by section according to
18.3 SITC, Rev. 41) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

CSCI Denumire cod CSCI
Code Name of SITC code Export FOB Import CIF
SITC 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

4 Uleiuri, grsimi i ceruri de origine animal

i vegetal 155 211 183 226 188 149
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

41 Uleiuri i grsimi de origine animal 3 2 3 28 22 23

Animal oils and fats

42 Grsimi i uleiuri vegetale fixate, brute, rafinate

sau fracionate 149 204 172 180 150 108
Fixed vegetables fats and oils, crude, refined
or fractionated

43 Alte uleiuri i grsimi animale sau vegetale prelucrate;

cear de origine animal sau vegetal, amestecuri sau
preparate necomestibile din uleiuri animale sau vegetale 3 5 7 17 16 17
Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed;
waxes of animal or vegetable origin; inedible mixtures
or preparations of animal or vegetable fats and oils,
not elsewhere specified

5 Produse chimice i produse derivate,

nespecificate n alt seciune 2951 2789 2707 7477 7758 7965
Chemicals and related products, n.e.s.

51 Produse chimice organice 215 138 117 717 630 627

Organic chemicals

52 Produse chimice anorganice 179 158 174 229 241 249

Inorganic chemicals

53 Produse tanante i colorante 38 44 50 354 361 385

Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Produse medicale i farmaceutice 912 955 869 2516 2698 2668

Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Uleiuri eseniale, rezinoide i substane parfumate,

preparate pentru toalet, produse de nfrumuseare 401 438 438 670 694 735
Essential oils, resinoids and perfume materials; toilet,
polishing and cleaningsing preparations

56 ngrminte minerale sau chimice 584 375 307 263 316 313
Mineral or chemical fertilisers

57 Materiale plastice sub forme primare 362 349 370 1177 1246 1282
Plastics in primary forms

58 Materiale plastice prelucrate 167 208 227 692 753 785

Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Alte materiale i produse chimice 92 124 156 858 820 920

Chemical materials and products
not elsewhere specified

1) CSCI, Rev. 4 - Clasificarea Standard de Comer Internaional. / SITC, Rev. 4 - Standard International Trade Classification.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni conform
CSCI, Rev.41) - continuare
International trade with goods, by section according to
18.3 SITC, Rev. 41) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

CSCI Denumire cod CSCI
Code Name of SITC code Export FOB Import CIF
SITC 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

6 Mrfuri manufacturate clasificate

mai ales dup materia prim 8116 8279 8647 11289 11412 12381
Manufactured goods classified
mainly by the raw material

61 Piele brut i alt piele i blan prelucrate 94 94 105 586 624 720
Leather, leather manufactures,
not elsewhere specified and dressed fur skins

62 Cauciuc prelucrat 1648 1802 1871 825 814 836

Rubber manufactures

63 Articole din lemn (exclusiv mobil) 785 951 979 279 283 307
Wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hrtie, carton i articole din past de celuloz,

din hrtie sau din carton 211 267 268 817 859 893
Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper
or of paperboard

65 Fire, esturi, articole textile necuprinse n alt parte

i produse conexe 901 974 1046 2468 2561 2773
Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, not elsewhere
specified and related products

66 Articole din minerale nemetalice 248 248 255 672 670 710
Non-metallic mineral manufactures

67 Fier i oel 2193 1859 1922 2545 2358 2570

Iron and steel

68 Metale neferoase 748 760 766 963 953 1133

Non-ferrous metals

69 Articole prelucrate din metal 1288 1325 1435 2134 2289 2439
Manufactures of metals

7 Maini i echipamente pentru transport 18191 20839 22195 18501 19543 20839
Machinery and transport equipment

71 Maini generatoare de putere i echipamentele lor 832 1232 1204 1589 1796 1488
Power generating machinery and equipment

72 Maini i aparate specializate pentru industriile specifice 516 539 668 1751 1579 1878
Machinery specialised for particular industries

73 Maini i aparate pentru prelucrarea metalelor 149 176 173 505 425 433
Metal working machinery

74 Maini i aparate industriale cu aplicaii generale;

pri i piese detaate ale acestor maini 2469 2823 3145 2876 2980 3180
General industrial machinery and equipment
and machine parts

75 Maini i aparate de birou sau pentru

prelucrarea automat a datelor 292 273 251 767 758 856
Office machines and automatic
data processing machines
1) CSCI, Rev. 4 - Clasificarea Standard de Comer Internaional. / SITC, Rev. 4 - Standard International Trade Classification.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni conform
CSCI, Rev.41) - continuare
International trade with goods, by section according to
18.3 SITC, Rev. 41) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

CSCI Denumire cod CSCI
Code Name of SITC code Export FOB Import CIF
SITC 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

76 Aparate i echipamente de telecomunicaii i pentru

nregistrarea i reproducerea sunetului i imaginii 1783 1621 1658 2036 1962 296
Telecommunications and sound recording and
reproducing apparatus and equipment

77 Maini, aparate electrice i pri ale acestora

(inclusiv echivalentele neelectrice ale mainilor
i aparatelor electrice de uz casnic) 5372 5809 6564 5043 5845 5856
Electric machinery, apparatus and appliances
and parts thereof (including non-electric counterparts
of electric household equipment)

78 Vehicule rutiere (inclusiv vehicule cu pern de aer) 5731 7021 7370 3682 3891 4617
Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

79 Alte echipamente de transport 1048 1346 1164 250 306 236

Other transport equipment

8 Articole manufacturate diverse 6997 7544 8182 4645 4915 5533

Miscellaneous manufactured articles

81 Construcii prefabricate; alte instalaii i accesorii

pentru instalaii sanitare, de nclzire i de iluminat 220 226 230 318 310 333
Prefabricated parts; sanitary plumbing, heating and
lighting fixtures and fittings not elsewhere

82 Mobil i prile ei 1421 1674 1883 350 393 441

Furniture and parts thereof

83 Articole de voiaj, sacoe i similare 123 128 146 70 73 86

Travel goods, handbags and similar

84 mbrcminte i accesorii 2682 2714 2823 866 872 971

Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 nclminte 1256 1333 1410 545 594 677


87 Instrumente i aparate profesionale, tiinifice

i de control 483 551 685 712 814 923
Professional, scientific and controlling instruments
and apparatus

88 Aparate fotografice, echipamente i furnituri de optic;

ceasuri i orologii 20 19 25 122 122 137
Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and
optical goods; watches and clocks

89 Alte articole diverse 793 898 980 1662 1737 1966

Miscellaneous manufactured articles not elsewhere

9 Bunuri i tranzacii neclasificate n alt seciune

din CSCI 286 262 298 19 18 17
Goods and transactions not elsewhere classified

1) CSCI, Rev. 4 - Clasificarea Standard de Comer Internaional. / SITC, Rev. 4 - Standard International Trade Classification.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe Marile Categorii Economice (MCE)
18.4 International trade with goods, by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)
milioane euro / euro million

MCE Denumire cod MCE Export FOB Import CIF Name of BEC code
Code 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

Total 45069 49562 52459 54703 55317 58522 Total

1 Alimente i buturi 2749 3737 3809 3707 3904 4048 Food and beverages
11 Produse de baz (primare) 1661 2583 2640 1084 1220 1294 Basic (primary) goods
111 n principal destinate pentru
industrie 1472 2337 2367 549 573 557 Mainly for industry
112 n principal destinate pentru Mainly for household
consumul casnic 189 246 273 535 647 737 consumption
12 Produse prelucrate 1088 1154 1169 2623 2684 2754 Processed goods
121 n principal destinate pentru
industrie 171 215 199 572 532 426 Mainly for industry
122 n principal destinate pentru Mainly for household
consumul casnic 917 939 970 2052 2151 2327 consumption

2 Aprovizionri industriale Industrial supplies not

nespecificate n alt parte 12702 12794 13029 18772 18950 20004 elsewhere specified
21 Produse de baz (primare) 1878 1994 1788 1342 1225 1188 Basic (primary) goods
22 Produse prelucrate 10825 10800 11241 17430 17725 18817 Processed goods

3 Combustibili i lubrifiani 2266 2370 2974 6407 5267 5291 Fuels and lubricants
31 Produse de baz (primare) 42 46 36 4405 3690 3816 Basic (primary) goods
32 Produse prelucrate 2224 2325 2938 2001 1577 1475 Processed goods
321 Carburani pentru motoare 1232 1249 1152 96 100 61 Motor fuels
322 Ali carburani 992 1076 1786 1905 1477 1414 Other fuels

4 Bunuri de capital (exclusiv Capital goods (except

echipamentul de transport) transport equipment) and
i pri i accesorii 7846 8228 9332 13125 13550 14157 parts and accessories thereof
41 Bunuri de capital (exclusiv Capital goods (except transport
materiale de transport) 3530 3837 4225 6836 6840 7392 equipment)
42 Subansamble, piese i accesorii 4317 4391 5107 6289 6710 6765 Parts and accessories

5 Echipament de transport i Transport equipment and

pri i accesorii 10337 12462 12871 5503 6018 6747 parts and accessories thereof
51 Automobile pentru transportul
persoanelor 2543 3203 3010 984 942 1119 Passenger motor cars
52 Alte materiale de transport 1110 1140 1065 958 925 1048 Other transport equipment
521 Destinate pentru industrie 1044 1056 982 934 900 1019 Industrial
522 Nedestinate pentru industrie 66 84 83 24 25 29 Non-industrial
53 Subansamble, piese i accesorii 6684 8118 8796 3561 4151 4581 Parts and accessories

6 Bunuri de consum Consumer goods not

nespecificate n alt parte 8927 9473 10028 7161 7601 8257 elsewhere specified
61 Durabile 2005 2111 2238 1023 1065 1189 Durable
62 Semi-durabile 4468 4673 4985 2351 2451 2884 Semi-durable
63 Nedurabile 2453 2688 2804 3787 4085 4185 Non-durable

7 Bunuri nespecificate n alt parte 242 498 416 28 27 17 Goods not elsewhere specified

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, conform Clasificrii Produselor i
Serviciilor asociate Activitilor (CPSA 2008)
International trade with goods, according to Classification of
18.5 Products by Activities (CPA 2008)
milioane euro / euro million

CPSA Denumire cod CPSA Export FOB Import CIF
Code Name of CPA code 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

TOTAL 45069 49562 52459 54703 55317 58522

01 Produse ale agriculturii i vntorii 2273 3302 3370 1570 1580 1665
Products of agriculture and hunting
02 Produse ale silviculturii i exploatrii forestiere 46 64 48 56 66 85
Products of forestry and logging
03 Pete i alte animale acvatice, produse de acvacultur 1 3 5 31 40 43
Fish and other fishing products, aquaculture products
05 Crbune i lignit 1 *) 1 133 83 64
Coal and lignite
06 Petrol brut i gaze naturale 29 31 25 4259 3585 3731
Crude petroleum and natural gas
07 Minereuri metalifere 51 59 55 269 275 205
Metal ores
08 Alte minerale i produse de carier 23 45 39 116 85 82
Other mining and quarrying products
10 Produse alimentare 1228 1375 1409 2980 3067 3168
Food products
11 Buturi 87 107 109 229 239 221
12 Produse din tutun 470 527 715 122 134 111
Tabacco products
13 Produse ale industriei textile 893 954 1017 2460 2570 2740
Textile products
14 Articole de mbrcminte 2678 2711 2816 864 871 971
Wearing apparel
15 Piei i produse din piele 1334 1415 1511 1036 1193 1376
Leather and related products
16 Produse rezultate din prelucrarea lemnului
(exclusiv mobilier), articole din paie i
din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 1567 1751 1751 394 328 358
Wood and products of wood (except furniture);
articles of straw and plaiting materials
17 Hrtie i produse din hrtie 235 293 297 925 992 1070
Paper and paper products
19 Produse de cocserie; produse obinute din
prelucrarea ieiului 2208 2269 2666 2228 1753 1595
Coke and refined petroleum products
20 Substane i produse chimice 2187 1921 1837 4665 4689 4901
Chemicals and chemical products
21 Produse farmaceutice de baz i preparate farmaceutice 913 962 875 2534 2715 2684
Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical
22 Produse din cauciuc i mase plastice 2192 2453 2596 2492 2620 2818
Rubber and plastic products
23 Alte produse din materiale nemetalice 307 308 324 736 734 775
Other non metallic mineral products
24 Produse ale industriei metalurgice 3127 2776 2840 3558 3373 3792
Basic metals
25 Produse ale industriei construciilor metalice i produselor
din metal (exclusiv maini, utilaje i echipamente) 1376 1454 1576 2391 2519 2662
Fabricated metal products (except machinery and equipment)

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, conform Clasificrii Produselor i
Serviciilor asociate Activitilor (CPSA 2008) - continuare
International trade with goods, according to Classification of Products by
18.5 Activities (CPA 2008) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

CPSA Denumire cod CPSA Export FOB Import CIF
Code Name of CPA code 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

26 Calculatoare i produse electronice i optice 2762 2570 2769 4492 4801 5142
Computer, electronic and optical products
27 Echipamente electrice 3521 3820 4498 4298 4680 4688
Electrical equipment
28 Maini, utilaje i echipamente neclasificate n alt parte 3583 3989 4431 5733 5763 6142
Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified
29 Autovehicule de transport rutier, remorci i semiremorci 7598 9448 9780 4270 4661 5408
Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
30 Alte mijloace de transport 1273 1609 1454 438 465 415
Other transport equipment
31 Mobil 1403 1658 1863 332 374 418
32 Alte produse industriale neclasificate n alt parte 401 420 449 714 739 844
Other manufactured goods
35 Energie electric, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 67 104 321 68 17 42
Electricity, gas, hot water and air conditioning
Alte produse necuprinse n alt parte 1237 1164 1011 308 306 306
Other products not elsewhere classified

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe moduri de transport

18.6 International trade with goods, by mode of transport
milioane euro / euro million

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Exporturi FOB / Exports FOB

TOTAL 29084 37360 45292 45069 49562 52459 TOTAL

din care: of which:
Transport rutier 20506 26215 31520 31597 33457 36230 Road transport
Transport maritim 5654 7226 8531 8955 10769 10806 Sea transport
Transport feroviar 1188 1775 2291 1965 2411 2459 Railway transport
Transport aerian 768 966 1293 852 836 1019 Air transport
Transport pe ci Inland waterways
navigabile interioare 335 438 576 541 378 349 transport

Importuri CIF / Imports CIF

TOTAL 38953 46869 54952 54703 55317 58522 TOTAL

din care: of which:
Transport rutier 27736 32597 38315 38759 40710 43374 Road transport
Transport maritim 5989 7251 8999 9237 8414 8940 Sea transport
Transport feroviar 1112 1426 1846 1724 1527 1436 Railway transport
Transport aerian 2202 3031 2772 2004 1830 1980 Air transport
Transport pe ci Inland waterways
navigabile interioare 407 496 336 393 289 280 transport

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe principalele ri partenere1)
18.7 International trade with goods, by main partner countries 1)
milioane euro / euro million

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Export - total 29084 37360 45292 45069 49562 52459 Export - total
Import - total 38953 46869 54952 54703 55317 58522 Import - total

Export 25706 32969 39315 38468 41885 44433 Export
Import 32598 39425 46060 46384 47986 50324 Import

Uniunea European (UE-28) European Union (EU-28)

Export 21683 27115 32289 31720 34508 37308 Export
Import 28532 34033 40025 40260 41916 44123 Import
Austria Austria
Export 680 863 996 1029 1177 1245 Export
Import 1865 1911 2198 2249 2197 2199 Import
Belgia Belgium
Export 517 728 904 787 935 895 Export
Import 766 999 1136 1124 1237 1248 Import
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Export 1105 1339 1638 1731 1693 1782 Export
Import 942 1437 1630 1538 1523 1685 Import
Republica Ceh Czech Republic
Export 479 574 754 806 987 1180 Export
Import 917 1119 1348 1344 1506 1601 Import
Cipru Cyprus
Export 65 95 80 132 70 58 Export
Import 36 53 80 62 64 60 Import
Croaia Croatia
Export 83 102 123 119 113 134 Export
Import 60 55 72 87 82 87 Import
Danemarca Denmark
Export 75 109 168 201 212 213 Export
Import 176 204 362 244 565 307 Import
Estonia Estonia
Export 19 24 35 40 60 72 Export
Import 10 11 11 13 12 17 Import
Finlanda Finland
Export 56 90 107 102 118 139 Export
Import 150 176 175 139 149 153 Import
Frana France
Export 2369 3109 3375 3148 3355 3550 Export
Import 2407 2766 3168 3092 3202 3322 Import
Germania Germany
Export 5441 6766 8423 8412 9193 10099 Export
Import 6742 7854 9411 9533 10243 11218 Import
Grecia Greece
Export 541 563 613 545 605 738 Export
Import 603 631 599 569 603 620 Import
Irlanda Ireland
Export 76 83 89 86 104 103 Export
Import 247 241 302 362 380 358 Import
Italia Italy
Export 4495 5198 5799 5440 5718 6242 Export
Import 4551 5442 6240 5986 6076 6324 Import
Letonia Latvia
Export 21 19 23 27 27 24 Export
Import 16 23 25 23 16 17 Import
Lituania Lithuania
Export 28 35 36 43 45 51 Export
Import 23 34 57 54 59 62 Import
Luxemburg Luxembourg
Export 21 10 12 10 12 15 Export
Import 48 48 50 69 101 85 Import
Malta Malta
Export 24 17 50 28 26 25 Export
Import 18 11 18 28 45 31 Import

1) ara de destinaie pentru exporturi; ara de expediere pentru importuri intracomunitare i ara de origine pentru importuri extracomunitare.
Destination country for exports; country of dispatch for intracommunity imports and origin country for extracommunity imports.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe principalele ri partenere1) - continuare
18.7 International trade with goods, by main partner countries 1) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Olanda Netherlands
Export 959 1028 1407 1280 1538 1357 Export
Import 1505 1658 1758 1918 2038 2183 Import
Polonia Poland
Export 647 982 1070 1083 1170 1316 Export
Import 1384 1746 2169 2345 2460 2725 Import
Portugalia Portugal
Export 173 168 181 155 175 195 Export
Import 132 189 231 238 259 279 Import
Regatul Unit United Kingdom
Export 960 1364 1447 1621 2030 2153 Export
Import 858 1076 1283 1296 1253 1332 Import
Slovacia Slovakia
Export 309 461 720 815 844 930 Export
Import 539 740 944 1071 1264 1307 Import
Slovenia Slovenia
Export 169 186 203 172 190 256 Export
Import 264 311 370 325 336 397 Import
Spania Spain
Export 858 1135 1101 1108 1205 1393 Export
Import 735 998 1260 1302 1356 1544 Import
Suedia Sweden
Export 246 293 356 391 452 468 Export
Import 240 263 330 305 321 377 Import
Ungaria Hungary
Export 1266 1775 2581 2410 2452 2672 Export
Import 3293 4028 4793 4944 4565 4586 Import

A.E.L.S. E.F.T.A.
Export 655 575 645 673 866 875 Export
Import 450 532 539 610 572 583 Import
Elveia Switzerland
Export 254 260 300 277 268 296 Export
Import 354 430 408 465 417 480 Import
Islanda Iceland
Export 2 1 1 1 2 2 Export
Import 1 3 4 8 4 2 Import
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Export *) 2 *) *) *) *) Export
Import 12 11 7 4 4 1 Import
Norvegia Norway
Export 399 312 344 395 596 577 Export
Import 83 87 121 135 147 100 Import

Alte ri din Europa Other European countries

Export 3367 5279 6380 6075 6512 6250 Export
Import 3616 4861 5495 5514 5498 5618 Import

Federaia Rus Russian Federation

Export 514 833 1018 1052 1382 1448 Export
Import 1502 2045 2092 2392 2358 2273 Import
Republica Moldova Republic of Moldova
Export 374 463 566 610 713 824 Export
Import 131 138 247 353 325 373 Import
Serbia Serbia
Export 404 511 737 746 523 595 Export
Import 187 254 286 226 270 348 Import
Turcia Turkey
Export 1450 2611 2786 2462 2545 2356 Export
Import 1460 1726 1903 1842 1869 1949 Import
Ucraina Ukraine
Export 349 534 842 842 963 613 Export
Import 235 545 788 501 458 457 Import

1) ara de destinaie pentru exporturi; ara de expediere pentru importuri intracomunitare i ara de origine pentru importuri extracomunitare.
Destination country for exports; country of dispatch for intracommunity imports and origin country for extracommunity imports.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe principalele ri partenere1) - continuare
18.7 International trade with goods, by main partner countries 1) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Export 2030 2519 3380 3236 3748 3835 Export
Import 4976 6053 7004 6387 5588 6457 Import
din care: of which:
R.P. Chinez China, Peoples Rep. of
Export 213 309 390 385 498 565 Export
Import 1902 2555 2530 2094 1969 2349 Import
Republica Coreea Korea, Rep. of
Export 145 216 259 376 458 309 Export
Import 360 441 471 395 382 467 Import
Statul Israel Israel State
Export 110 152 140 226 279 311 Export
Import 123 154 120 136 88 88 Import
Japonia Japan
Export 81 141 171 213 232 211 Export
Import 201 232 260 263 218 230 Import
Kazahstan Kazakhstan
Export 51 84 125 86 39 63 Export
Import 1379 1356 2278 2276 1786 2287 Import
Republica Arab The Syrian Arabian
Sirian Republic
Export 151 157 175 72 96 45 Export
Import 5 4 3 2 1 7 Import

Export 706 926 1279 1791 2053 2266 Export
Import 293 279 325 414 355 438 Import
din care: of which:
Republica Arab Egipt Egypt, Arabian Republic
Export 190 181 276 382 461 589 Export
Import 32 28 31 36 51 77 Import

Export 598 900 1269 1481 1800 1847 Export
Import 1066 1090 1549 1491 1348 1257 Import
din care: of which:
Brazilia Brazil
Export 43 69 146 171 283 266 Export
Import 304 310 472 356 326 229 Import
Canada Canada
Export 22 94 146 114 120 155 Export
Import 81 102 118 74 112 57 Import
S.U.A. United States of America
Export 344 548 798 859 825 974 Export
Import 514 527 620 818 626 680 Import

Export 20 22 37 73 61 49 Export
Import 19 22 12 24 18 25 Import
din care: of which:
Australia Australia
Export 15 15 25 26 27 37 Export
Import 18 20 9 18 14 18 Import

ri nespecificate Not specified countries

Export 26 24 12 20 15 29 Export
Import 2 *) 1 3 22 19 Import

1) ara de destinaie pentru exporturi; ara de expediere pentru importuri intracomunitare i ara de origine pentru importuri extracomunitare.
Destination country for exports; country of dispatch for intracommunity imports and origin country for extracommunity imports.
2) Se cuprind bunurile pentru care nu s-a completat pe declaraia vamal ara de destinaie la export i ara de origine la import.
Include goods for which country of destination for export and country of origin for import have not been filled in on customs declarations.

Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni i principalele capitole
conform Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC)

18.8 International trade with goods, by section and main chapters according to
the Combined Nomenclature (CN)
milioane euro / euro million

Cod NC Denumire cod NC 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Name of CN code
Code CN

EXPORT - total 29084 37360 45292 45069 49562 52459 EXPORT - total
din care: of which:
I Animale vii i produse animale 326 434 584 731 745 743 Live animals and animal products
01 Animale vii 173 196 234 304 314 314 Live animals
02 Carne i organe comestibile 74 129 221 263 226 212 Meat and edible offal
04 Lapte i produse lactate; ou; miere; Milk and dairy products; eggs;
produse comestibile de origine animal 60 80 85 123 150 166 honey; edible animal products
II Produse vegetale 1125 1625 2097 1970 2985 3067 Vegetable products
08 Fructe comestibile 39 62 70 75 79 95 Edible fruit
10 Cereale 631 893 1095 1336 1981 1988 Cereals
III Grsimi i uleiuri animale sau vegetale 88 164 242 183 240 213 Animal or vegetable fats and oils
IV Produse alimentare, buturi i tutun 704 890 1099 1160 1315 1549 Prepared foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco
16 Preparate din carne i pete 37 54 69 86 113 114 Preparations of meat and fish
22 Buturi alcoolice i nealcoolice; oeturi 57 89 90 118 116 108 Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; vinegar
V Produse minerale 1784 2059 2702 2611 2706 3253 Mineral products
25 Sare; sulf, pmnturi i pietre; ipsos; Salt; sulphur, earths and stone; plaster;
var i ciment 22 34 57 49 57 55 lime and cement
27 Combustibili i uleiuri minerale; Mineral fuels and oils;
materii bituminoase; ceruri minerale 1734 1981 2592 2507 2587 3139 bituminous substances; mineral waxes
VI Produse chimice 1070 1661 2184 2390 2217 2110 Chemical products
28 Produse chimice anorganice 123 139 206 186 164 183 Inorganic chemicals
29 Produse chimice organice 105 206 188 190 125 119 Organic chemicals
31 ngrminte 235 410 634 585 376 308 Fertilizers
VII Materiale plastice, cauciuc i Plastics, rubber and
articole din acestea 1436 1893 2495 2557 2797 2942 articles thereof
39 Materiale plastice i articole din materiale plastice 570 722 936 874 969 1063 Plastics and articles thereof
40 Cauciuc i articole din cauciuc 866 1171 1560 1684 1828 1879 Rubber and articles thereof
VIII Piei crude, piei tbcite, blnuri i Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins
produse din acestea 189 235 281 296 309 332 and articles thereof
41 Piei brute i piei tbcite 67 86 107 110 109 106 Raw hides and skins and leather
42 Obiecte din piele 121 147 169 181 195 220 Leather goods
IX Produse din lemn, exclusiv mobilier 919 1228 1453 1614 1880 1855 Wood and articles of wood, excluding furniture
44 Lemn, crbune de lemn i articole din lemn 918 1227 1452 1614 1880 1855 Wood, charcoal and articles of wood
X Past de lemn, hrtie, carton i articole Pulp of wood, paper, paperboard
din acestea 165 233 274 282 327 352 and articles thereof
48 Hrtie i carton; articole din hrtie Paper and paperboard; articles of paper
i carton 129 184 205 200 238 258 and paperboard
XI Materiale textile i articole din acestea 2900 3178 3617 3619 3718 3885 Textiles and textile articles
54 Filamente sintetice sau artificiale 68 101 121 109 114 128 Synthetic or man-made filaments
55 Fibre sintetice sau artificiale discontinue 163 202 240 228 222 215 Syntethic or man-made stample fibres
61 Articole i accesorii de mbrcminte, Knitted or crocheted clothing
tricotate sau croetate 653 708 755 749 728 728 and accessories
62 Articole i accesorii de mbrcminte, Not knitted or crocheted clothing
altele dect tricotate sau croetate 1554 1619 1859 1862 1914 2021 and accessories
XII nclminte, plrii, umbrele Footwear, headgear, umbrellas
i articole similare 1024 1191 1377 1280 1357 1435 and similar articles
64 nclminte i pri ale acesteia 1001 1162 1353 1256 1333 1410 Footwear and parts thereof
XIII Articole din piatr, ipsos, ciment, Articles of stone, plaster, cement,
ceramic, sticl i din materiale similare 179 226 252 262 277 293 ceramic, glass and similar materials
69 Produse ceramice 80 95 115 116 116 120 Ceramic products
70 Sticl i articole din sticl 73 95 97 98 110 123 Glass and glassware

604 605
Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni i principalele capitole
conform Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC) - continuare

18.8 International trade with goods, by section and main chapters according to
the Combined Nomenclature (CN) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

Cod NC Denumire cod NC 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Name of CN code
Code CN

XV Metale comune i articole din acestea 2922 4461 5559 5138 4730 4694 Base metals and articles of base metal
72 Font, fier i oel 1317 2166 2536 2086 1705 1525 Pig-iron, iron and steel
73 Produse din font, fier i oel 807 1125 1434 1473 1490 1602 Products of pig-iron, iron and steel
76 Aluminiu i articole din aluminiu 413 604 842 837 848 874 Aluminium and articles thereof
XVI Maini i aparate; echipamente Machinery and mechanical appliances;
electrice; aparate de nregistrat sau electrical equipment; sound and image
de reprodus sunetul i imaginile 7671 10142 12201 11433 12490 13650 recorders and reproducers
84 Cazane, turbine, motoare, aparate i dispozitive Boilers, turbines, engines, mechanical apparatus
mecanice, pri ale acestora 2638 3196 3987 4292 5080 5474 and devices, parts thereof
85 Maini, aparate i echipamente electrice; Machinery and mechanical appliances and
aparate de nregistrat sau de reprodus electrical equipment,sound and
sunetul i imagini de televiziune 5033 6946 8214 7141 7410 8177 television image recorders and reproducers
XVII Mijloace i materiale de transport 4882 5743 6508 6834 8435 8621 Vehicles and associated transport equipment
86 Vehicule i echipamente pentru cile Railway or tramway locomotives
ferate i de comunicaii 259 112 76 90 136 221 and rolling-stock
87 Automobile, tractoare i alte vehicule terestre 3553 4675 5428 5773 7076 7444 Vehicles, tractors and other ground vehicles
89 Vapoare, nave i structuri plutitoare 1010 921 939 842 1047 746 Ships, boats and floating structures
XVIII Instrumente i aparate optice, fotografice, Optical, photographic, cinematographic, medical
cinematografice, medico-chirurgicale or surgical instruments and apparatus and similar;
i similare; ceasuri; instrumente clocks and watches; musical instruments; parts
muzicale; pri i accesorii ale acestora 351 436 471 532 608 771 and accessories thereof
XX Mrfuri i produse diverse 1252 1427 1650 1765 2022 2218 Miscellaneous manufactured articles
94 Mobil; aparate de iluminat i alte articole Furniture; lighting fittings and other similar
similare; construcii prefabricate 1121 1288 1484 1564 1825 2032 articles; prefabricated buildings
XXII Bunuri necuprinse n alte seciuni din NC 97 134 245 415 407 473 Goods not elsewhere classified in CN

IMPORT CIF - total 38953 46869 54952 54703 55317 58522 IMPORT CIF - total
din care: of which:
I Animale vii i produse animale 1116 984 965 1035 1114 1226 Live animals and animal products
01 Animale vii 117 96 107 140 164 187 Live animals
02 Carne i organe comestibile 642 515 457 479 487 552 Meat and edible offal
04 Lapte i produse lactate; ou; miere; Milk and dairy products; eggs;
produse comestibile de origine animal 217 225 255 253 298 301 honey; edible animal products
II Produse vegetale 1003 1141 1324 1416 1455 1514 Vegetable products
08 Fructe comestibile 176 179 185 235 294 342 Edible fruit
10 Cereale 250 248 333 373 327 297 Cereals
III Grsimi i uleiuri animale sau vegetale 160 217 245 239 205 164 Animal or vegetable fats and oils
IV Produse alimentare, buturi Prepared foodstuffs, beverages and
i tutun 1544 1577 1911 2105 2177 2218 tobacco
16 Preparate din carne i pete 59 61 69 91 107 118 Preparations of meat and fish
22 Buturi alcoolice i nealcoolice; oeturi 139 144 210 228 240 228 Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; vinegar
V Produse minerale 3883 5178 6671 7129 5858 5786 Mineral products
25 Sare; sulf, pmnturi i pietre; ipsos; Salt; sulphur, earths and stone; plaster;
var i ciment 96 126 149 149 120 118 lime and cement
27 Combustibili i uleiuri minerale; Mineral fuels and oils; bituminous
materii bituminoase; ceruri minerale 3662 4741 6220 6702 5453 5449 substances; mineral waxes
VI Produse chimice 4300 4666 5455 5639 5796 5959 Chemical products
28 Produse chimice anorganice 188 157 204 230 247 274 Inorganic chemicals
29 Produse chimice organice 563 587 769 712 623 624 Organic chemicals
31 ngrminte 99 139 261 268 320 318 Fertilizers
VII Materiale plastice, cauciuc i Plastics, rubber
articole din acestea 2542 3262 3967 3908 4055 4249 and articles thereof
39 Materiale plastice i articole din materiale plastice 1863 2302 2642 2715 2908 3110 Plastics and articles thereof
40 Cauciuc i articole din cauciuc 679 959 1325 1193 1147 1139 Rubber and articles thereof

606 607
Comerul internaional cu bunuri, pe seciuni i principalele capitole
conform Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC) - continuare

18.8 International trade with goods, by section and main chapters according to
the Combined Nomenclature (CN) - continued
milioane euro / euro million

Cod NC Denumire cod NC 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Name of CN code
Code CN

VIII Piei crude, piei tabcite, Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins
blnuri i produse din acestea 559 633 715 696 733 845 and articles thereof
41 Piei brute i piei tbcite 443 473 543 508 540 582 Raw hides and skins and leather
42 Obiecte din piele 110 151 156 171 179 250 Leather goods
IX Produse din lemn, exclusiv mobilier 376 396 380 375 391 440 Wood and articles of wood, excluding furniture
44 Lemn, crbune de lemn i articole din lemn 368 388 372 366 384 432 Wood, charcoal and articles of wood
X Past de lemn, hrtie, carton i Pulp of wood, paper, paperboard
articole din acestea 898 946 1015 917 959 1004 and articles thereof
48 Hrtie i carton; articole din hrtie Paper and paperboard; articles of paper
i carton 727 786 878 792 827 862 and paperboard
XI Materiale textile i articole din acestea 2737 3044 3515 3511 3633 3932 Textiles and textile articles
54 Filamente sintetice sau artificiale 367 439 500 495 523 578 Synthetic or man-made filaments
55 Fibre sintetice sau artificiale discontinue 289 340 380 375 366 396 Synthetic or man-made stample fibres
61 Articole i accesorii de mbrcminte, Knitted or crocheted clothing
tricotate sau croetate 313 318 351 371 376 420 and accessories
62 Articole i accesorii de mbrcminte, Not knitted or crocheted clothing
altele dect tricotate sau croetate 340 347 415 422 427 475 and accessories
XII nclminte, plrii, umbrele Footwear, headgear, umbrellas
i articole similare 443 519 637 573 622 709 and similar articles
64 nclminte i pri ale acesteia 417 487 605 545 594 677 Footwear and parts thereof
XIII Articole din piatr, ipsos, ciment, Articles of stone, plaster, cement,
ceramic, sticl i din ceramic, glass and
materiale similare 634 666 748 671 673 712 similar materials
69 Produse ceramice 207 216 225 209 208 224 Ceramic products
70 Sticl i articole din sticl 234 246 308 261 272 288 Glass and glassware
XV Metale comune i articole din acestea 3816 5127 6185 5839 5798 6313 Base metals and articles of base metal
72 Font, fier i oel 1229 1843 2424 2133 1940 2091 Pig-iron, iron and steel
73 Produse din font, fier i oel 1368 1597 1776 1711 1777 1868 Products of pig-iron, iron and steel
76 Aluminiu i articole din aluminiu 350 497 581 590 667 739 Aluminium and articles thereof
XVI Maini i aparate; echipamente Machinery and mechanical appliances;
electrice; aparate de nregistrat sau electrical equipment; sound and
de reprodus sunetul i imaginile 10517 13400 15101 14548 15345 15978 image recorders and reproducers
84 Cazane, turbine, motoare, aparate i dispozitive Boilers, turbines, engines, mechanical apparatus
mecanice, pri ale acestora 4770 5622 6632 6776 6845 7390 and devices, parts thereof
85 Maini, aparate i echipamente electrice; Machinery and mechanical appliances and
aparate de nregistrat sau de reprodus electrical equipment,sound and
sunetul i imagini de televiziune 5748 7778 8469 7772 8500 8588 television image recorders and reproducers
XVII Mijloace i materiale de transport 2890 3442 4195 4086 4335 5014 Vehicles and associated transport equipment
86 Vehicule i echipamente pentru cile Railway or tramway locomotives
ferate i de comunicaii 148 75 70 70 110 142 and rolling-stock
87 Automobile, tractoare i alte vehicule terestre 2613 3167 3901 3827 4019 4767 Vehicles, tractors and other ground vehicles
89 Vapoare, nave i structuri plutitoare 14 87 14 73 51 11 Ships, boats and floating structures
XVIII Instrumente i aparate optice, fotografice, Optical, photographic, cinematographic, medical
cinematografice, medico-chirurgicale or surgical instruments and apparatus and similar;
i similare; ceasuri; instrumente clocks and watches; musical instruments; parts
muzicale; pri i accesorii ale acestora 652 790 888 924 1020 1152 and accessories thereof
XX Mrfuri i produse diverse 792 767 878 939 995 1136 Miscellaneous manufactured articles
94 Mobil; aparate de iluminat i alte articole Furniture; lighting fittings and other
similare; construcii prefabricate 468 453 515 496 543 611 similar articles; prefabricated buildings
XXII Bunuri necuprinse n alte seciuni din NC 92 112 156 156 151 172 Goods not elsewhere classified in CN

608 609
Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei cu statele membre ale
Uniunii Europene, pe seciuni conform Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC),
n anul 2014

18.9 International trade with goods of Romania with the European Unions countries,
by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN), in 2014
mii euro / euro thou

Cod Total Republica

NC Denumire cod NC (UE-28) Austria Belgia Bulgaria Ceh Cipru Croaia Danemarca Estonia Finlanda Frana Germania Grecia Irlanda Name of CN code
Code (EU-28) Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Cyprus Croatia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland
CN Republic


Total 37308071 1245125 895106 1782071 1180186 57695 133773 212917 72265 139080 3550079 10098879 737709 102528 Total

I Animale vii i Live animals and

produse animale 541545 5490 6819 75102 3429 3823 23738 988 824 53 40365 44094 78329 2633 animal products
II Produse vegetale 1433006 30551 80192 69461 14310 18442 7755 912 233 - 132811 99607 47861 8338 Vegetable products
III Grsimi i uleiuri Animal or vegetable
animale sau vegetale 143954 8054 24 25066 1021 194 6 - - - 2795 9796 13039 1 fats and oils
IV Produse alimentare, Prepared foodstuffs,
buturi i tutun 1345055 39595 13641 162533 18766 10304 6220 19913 3157 565 34117 85054 54118 2504 beverages and tobacco
V Produse minerale 1010416 6813 9460 344750 7937 434 1066 30 *) 379 3306 76843 153822 11 Mineral products
VI Produse chimice 1267333 32992 17071 217019 76906 1508 9631 24550 1523 1315 67769 233828 41265 1965 Chemical products
VII Materiale plastice, cauciuc Plastics, rubber and
i articole din acestea 2309533 43118 75997 125458 92510 527 7297 4547 1128 5892 248458 578503 36440 2543 articles thereof
VIII Piei crude, piei Raw hides and
tbcite, blnuri i skins, leather, furskins
produse din acestea 291964 5707 1022 3024 640 *) 147 125 14 218 17269 25825 416 30 and articles thereof
IX Produse din lemn, Wood and articles of wood,
exclusiv mobilier 799401 106489 16282 31490 9990 2111 4594 1036 692 1233 64318 112073 32642 101 excluding furniture
X Past de lemn, hrtie, Pulp of wood, paper,
carton i articole paperboard and
din acestea 272195 6981 8826 38503 11100 41 3239 933 1946 90 38477 24118 23870 96 articles thereof
XI Materiale textile i Textiles and textile
articole din acestea 3564988 59633 84039 52165 21248 5896 17049 33404 3574 4505 391885 724554 10616 14215 articles
XII nclminte, plrii, Footwear, headgear,
umbrele i articole similare 1401786 166508 2679 9678 6126 3 840 2440 210 392 51933 114520 532 300 umbrellas and similar articles
XIII Articole din piatr, Articles of stone, plaster,
ipsos, ciment, ceramic, cement, ceramic,
sticl i din glass and
materiale similare 228019 6956 8072 26744 3581 1077 2717 2432 61 193 23107 51596 9802 22 similar materials
XV Metale comune i Base metals and
articole din acestea 3105718 100412 60298 293335 121944 3519 26599 30302 4908 15998 234037 649506 135391 3447 articles of base metal
XVI Maini i aparate; Machinery and mechanical
echipamente electrice; appliances; electrical
aparate de nregistrat equipment; sound and
sau de reprodus image recorders and
sunetul i imaginile 10959333 363089 262185 193742 432457 3475 8805 49199 45289 83659 963939 4411188 70844 49939 reproducers
XVII Mijloace i materiale Vehicles and associated
de transport 5856937 93889 154104 69581 222986 676 9271 27532 1437 14183 900170 2152297 6510 6481 transport equipment
XVIII Instrumente i aparate optice, Optical, photographic,
fotografice,cinematografice, cinematographic, medical or
medico-chirurgicale i similare; surgical instruments and
ceasuri; instrumente apparatus and similar; clocks and
muzicale; pri i accesorii ale watches; musical instruments;
acestora 553256 41065 8630 11187 16977 366 153 471 2793 7791 22880 214824 10975 527 parts and accessories thereof
XX Mrfuri i produse Miscellaneous
diverse 1952445 122933 80087 28915 113609 3919 4200 11071 3391 2611 304318 466009 9530 2874 manufactured articles
XXII Bunuri necuprinse n Goods not elsewhere
alte seciuni din NC 271189 4850 5677 4319 4649 1382 446 3032 1084 3 8122 24644 1706 6500 classified in CN

610 611
Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei cu statele membre ale
Uniunii Europene, pe seciuni conform Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC),
n anul 2014 - continuare

18.9 International trade with goods of Romania with the European Unions countries,
by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN), in 2014 - continued
mii euro / euro thou

Cod Regatul
NC Denumire cod NC Italia Letonia Lituania Luxemburg Malta Olanda Polonia Portugalia Unit Slovacia Slovenia Spania Suedia Ungaria Name of CN code
Code Ilaty Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal United Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Hungary
CN Kingdom


Total 6242276 24403 51016 15287 25398 1357141 1316318 194687 2152554 929881 255618 1392991 467531 2671880 Total

IAnimale vii i Live animals and

produse animale 76424 157 15 1195 3275 14447 13080 344 27662 8957 1235 26885 3982 78197 animal products
II Produse vegetale 228381 419 362 24 3652 228594 9536 73977 29429 7503 4072 201932 4 134631 Vegetable products
III Grsimi i uleiuri Animal or vegetable
animale sau vegetale 14731 19 - - *) 6197 1270 10 97 3785 7670 18029 *) 32150 fats and oils
IV Produse alimentare, Prepared foodstuffs,
buturi i tutun 582376 2516 7380 86 407 39036 41683 1239 54867 20451 5714 56883 9016 72909 beverages and tobacco
V Produse minerale 4537 67 258 190 6288 1797 6882 7 3307 61092 4898 6856 110 309277 Mineral products
VI Produse chimice 83763 1815 8512 1 5170 57501 61998 6898 103753 41876 8600 44426 3221 108885 Chemical products
VII Materiale plastice, cauciuc Plastics, rubber and
i articole din acestea 297524 182 5652 257 133 53895 116914 13639 102408 38219 13101 122047 18815 304306 articles thereof
VIII Piei crude, piei Raw hides and
tbcite, blnuri i skins, leather, furskins
produse din acestea 188378 44 25 15 *) 9886 14132 362 3459 609 668 16145 463 3340 and articles thereof
IX Produse din lemn, Wood and articles of wood,
exclusiv mobilier 185643 1024 6769 2539 93 11056 56634 2568 24091 12755 8620 18648 22701 63209 excluding furniture
X Past de lemn, hrtie, Pulp of wood, paper,
carton i articole paperboard and
din acestea 20785 53 51 336 60 5804 19558 262 6306 4008 2417 3084 346 50886 articles thereof
XI Materiale textile i Textiles and textile
articole din acestea 1234049 7984 5361 6127 164 63387 81297 6494 476121 30594 7559 136246 25854 60939 articles
XII nclminte, plrii, Footwear, headgear,
umbrele i articole similare 823487 25 323 26 109 32664 7865 1141 15133 85324 3710 30934 2066 42817 umbrellas and similar articles
XIII Articole din piatr, Articles of stone, plaster,
ipsos, ciment, ceramic, cement, ceramic,
sticl i din glass and
materiale similare 25974 1025 580 29 49 4555 10343 667 5359 3043 396 6889 1925 30823 similar materials
XV Metale comune i Base metals and
articole din acestea 481047 1562 5791 469 1710 101867 180517 8693 102522 92830 34386 73815 60433 280380 articles of base metal
XVI Maini i aparate; Machinery and mechanical
echipamente electrice; appliances; electrical
aparate de nregistrat equipment; sound and
sau de reprodus image recorders and
sunetul i imaginile 1072862 5948 8160 2400 3049 367505 316597 22901 590524 325437 91949 260991 147574 805625 reproducers
XVII Mijloace i materiale Vehicles and associated
de transport 549980 618 1045 684 419 222312 246123 32197 410012 147767 42650 290345 116393 137271 transport equipment
XVIII Instrumente i aparate optice, Optical, photographic,
fotografice, cinematografice, cinematographic, medical or surgical
medico-chirurgicale instruments and apparatus and
i similare; ceasuri; instrumente similar; clocks and
muzicale; pri i accesorii ale watches; musical instruments; parts
acestora 50346 88 112 189 8 9635 58742 649 22143 3208 1900 11830 13458 42306 and accessories thereof
XX Mrfuri i produse Miscellaneous
diverse 219988 674 556 255 660 120571 54179 20394 157595 42173 16026 65568 40524 59813 manufactured articles
XXII Bunuri necuprinse n Goods not elsewhere
alte seciuni din NC 102001 182 64 466 151 6433 18967 2245 17767 250 46 1441 645 54116 classified in CN

612 613
Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei cu statele membre ale
Uniunii Europene, pe seciuni conform Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC),
n anul 2014 - continuare

18.9 International trade with goods of Romania with the European Unions countries,
by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN), in 2014 - continued
mii euro / euro thou

Cod Total Republica

NC Denumire cod NC (UE-28) Austria Belgia Bulgaria Ceh Cipru Croaia Danemarca Estonia Finlanda Frana Germania Grecia Irlanda Name of CN code
Code (EU-28) Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Cyprus Croatia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland
CN Republic


Total 44123242 2199096 1247936 1685065 1601293 59666 86724 307188 16801 152704 3321927 11218056 619662 357747 Total

I Animale vii i Live animals and

produse animale 1179855 27419 26268 38449 30542 7934 525 32080 3780 227 33359 287394 8430 3268 animal products
II Produse vegetale 1235260 30235 34844 276399 22552 2010 3494 5488 4 257 101941 115149 82892 1215 Vegetable products
III Grsimi i uleiuri Animal or vegetable
animale sau vegetale 138962 1201 1399 18971 1820 10 40 2053 - - 3037 23216 5660 - fats and oils
IV Produse alimentare, Prepared foodstuffs,
buturi i tutun 1658364 69512 61694 114806 67068 646 7565 17460 192 1260 83361 325836 39236 6901 beverages and tobacco
V Produse minerale 1034583 41537 27947 62549 16157 274 2944 601 641 17 12332 65930 8555 289 Mineral products
VI Produse chimice 4918608 296420 232762 155789 83623 20198 17708 71480 2492 3977 447064 960750 60513 245661 Chemical products
VII Materiale plastice, cauciuc Plastics, rubber and
i articole din acestea 3514012 108775 145918 95983 135694 1034 4050 7744 2048 9917 308695 1095885 88568 2145 articles thereof
VIII Piei crude, piei Raw hides and
tbcite, blnuri i skins, leather, furskins
produse din acestea 791082 35670 4490 2829 6416 77 2819 173 *) 40 15257 77874 1069 89 and articles thereof
IX Produse din lemn, Wood and articles of wood,
exclusiv mobilier 268978 25383 7370 7298 7321 160 1985 399 178 1725 7122 67689 1894 132 excluding furniture
X Past de lemn, hrtie, Pulp of wood, paper,
carton i articole paperboard and
din acestea 869939 109334 17599 25295 14057 1280 330 1487 907 34591 36134 183054 12754 1532 articles thereof
XI Materiale textile i Textiles and textile
articole din acestea 3221517 122786 112082 53436 82622 2348 8791 7290 210 1189 210397 695733 32504 5895 articles
XII nclminte, plrii, Footwear, headgear,
umbrele i articole similare 581067 8589 6825 5138 14588 63 80 1392 10 15 9169 53407 5457 300 umbrellas and similar articles
XIII Articole din piatr, Articles of stone, plaster,
ipsos, ciment, ceramic, cement, ceramic,
sticl i din glass and
materiale similare 537873 15818 12959 98351 20627 123 4931 2427 1 794 33173 72150 6797 25 similar materials
XV Metale comune i Base metals and
articole din acestea 4770639 266503 131672 266177 144442 2048 5833 20556 2288 32122 349421 1094878 166799 2103 articles of base metal
XVI Maini i aparate; Machinery and mechanical
echipamente electrice; appliances; electrical
aparate de nregistrat equipment; sound and
sau de reprodus image recorders and
sunetul i imaginile 13016408 775306 249917 284524 600999 16045 17148 111138 2536 58792 1020069 3980573 64871 80503 reproducers
XVII Mijloace i materiale Vehicles and associated
de transport 4439524 178517 120604 133366 279214 484 3684 8961 874 1981 516808 1553545 2787 1362 transport equipment
XVIII Instrumente i aparate optice, Optical, photographic,
fotografice, cinematografice, cinematographic, medical or surgical
medico-chirurgicale i similare; instruments and apparatus and
ceasuri; instrumente similar; clocks and watches;
muzicale; pri i accesorii ale musical instruments; parts
acestora 941397 46716 36220 6080 32834 1949 1156 10371 360 4687 88621 399339 6859 5280 and accessories thereof
XX Mrfuri i produse Miscellaneous
diverse 865579 34591 15688 38766 38846 2853 3633 5902 277 1102 43282 145538 22774 233 manufactured articles
XXII Bunuri necuprinse n Goods not elsewhere
alte seciuni din NC 139593 4785 1675 859 1870 130 9 187 1 10 2685 20117 1243 814 classified in CN

614 615
Comerul internaional cu bunuri al Romniei cu statele membre ale
Uniunii Europene, pe seciuni conform Nomenclatorului Combinat (NC),
n anul 2014 - continuare

18.9 International trade with goods of Romania with the European Unions countries,
by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN), in 2014 - continued
mii euro / euro thou

Cod Regatul
NC Denumire cod NC Italia Letonia Lituania Luxemburg Malta Olanda Polonia Portugalia Unit Slovacia Slovenia Spania Suedia Ungaria Name of CN code
Code Ilaty Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal United Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Hungary
CN Kingdom


Total 6323611 16515 61657 84728 31218 2183187 2725205 278599 1331758 1307210 397022 1544095 377094 4586218 Total

IAnimale vii i Live animals and

produse animale 66507 1063 4772 231 48 129930 115783 1210 9201 15133 584 67903 10880 256923 animal products
II Produse vegetale 116980 176 889 161 205 133962 59608 247 6156 18335 3970 35494 294 182172 Vegetable products
III Grsimi i uleiuri Animal or vegetable
animale sau vegetale 11552 - 175 - - 28063 7759 48 182 273 29 6015 9200 18259 fats and oils
IV Produse alimentare, Prepared foodstuffs,
buturi i tutun 111722 1415 3091 405 17 88392 255395 21097 34963 23447 4283 35263 6485 276546 beverages and tobacco
V Produse minerale 63464 564 1801 250 689 13637 199587 35 9466 11739 2418 6512 1114 483533 Mineral products
VI Produse chimice 449578 1673 7843 29993 23315 392435 231804 3627 208892 40823 128108 98240 15247 688442 Chemical products
VII Materiale plastice, cauciuc Plastics, rubber and
i articole din acestea 464128 912 9884 11358 10 142306 235538 23062 70094 75335 27683 60844 15149 371123 articles thereof
VIII Piei crude, piei Raw hides and
tbcite, blnuri i skins, leather, furskins
produse din acestea 484223 10 37 1 3 18703 31264 17953 9135 3286 1180 23305 6580 48599 and articles thereof
IX Produse din lemn, Wood and articles of wood,
exclusiv mobilier 26640 2655 878 290 24 5377 48808 2277 797 2934 6871 5132 6341 31293 excluding furniture
X Past de lemn, hrtie, Pulp of wood, paper,
carton i articole paperboard and
din acestea 113371 327 335 5716 3 19465 74214 3831 21952 42818 9299 21668 25954 92630 articles thereof
XI Materiale textile i Textiles and textile
articole din acestea 1039840 204 2723 3434 214 66550 129389 51240 280246 31397 15515 163087 8638 93719 articles
XII nclminte, plrii, Footwear, headgear,
umbrele i articole similare 255384 1 6 2 15 8799 49339 3214 5190 86386 1032 24556 341 41769 umbrellas and similar articles
XIII Articole din piatr, Articles of stone, plaster,
ipsos, ciment, ceramic, cement, ceramic,
sticl i din glass and
materiale similare 69869 545 1865 179 - 7483 64155 602 8624 10843 6897 33555 367 64703 similar materials
XV Metale comune i Base metals and
articole din acestea 1062131 1038 3906 15285 212 136091 298203 10067 73132 225241 18643 112668 57847 271260 articles of base metal
XVI Maini i aparate; Machinery and mechanical
echipamente electrice; appliances; electrical
aparate de nregistrat equipment; sound and
sau de reprodus image recorders and
sunetul i imaginile 1406661 4327 12118 11843 5957 720152 486072 89647 378205 578213 135220 527586 147200 1250584 reproducers
XVII Mijloace i materiale Vehicles and associated
de transport 278709 230 6483 4227 49 165012 264638 41981 156707 101205 29069 289899 54025 244996 transport equipment
XVIII Instrumente i aparate optice, Optical, photographic,
fotografice, cinematografice, cinematographic, medical or surgical
medico-chirurgicale instruments and apparatus and similar;
i similare; ceasuri; instrumente clocks and watches; musical
muzicale; pri i accesorii ale instruments; parts
acestora 84799 81 1287 611 116 82292 22319 3862 31279 11620 1557 12588 3818 44684 and accessories thereof
XX Mrfuri i produse Miscellaneous
diverse 139418 1282 3558 741 336 24338 147679 4431 20840 20114 4610 18109 7555 119002 manufactured articles
XXII Bunuri necuprinse n Goods not elsewhere
alte seciuni din NC 78633 13 7 1 3 202 3651 167 6696 8068 56 1671 60 5979 classified in CN

616 617




19.1 Comerul cu amnuntul, pe grupe de mrfuri ........... 625 Retail, by group of goods
19.2 Indicii comerului cu amnuntul, Indices of retail,
pe grupe de mrfuri .................................................. 625 by group of goods
19.3 Reeaua comercial a ntreprinderilor cu activitate Commercial network of retail
de comer cu amnuntul ............................................ 625 enterprises
19.4 Indicii privind comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul, Indices on wholesale and retail, maintenance
ntreinerea i repararea autovehiculelor and repair of motor vehicles
i a motocicletelor ..................................................... 626 and motorcycles


19.5 Servicii de pia prestate n principal pentru Market services mainly rendered
populaie, pe activiti ............................................... 626 to the population, by activity
19.6 Indicii volumului cifrei de afaceri Turnover volume indices of market services
pentru servicii de pia prestate populaiei ............... 627 rendered to the population
19.7 Servicii de pia, pe activiti .................................... 628 Market services, by activity


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Ancheta structural n ntreprinderi; Structural business survey;
Cercetarea statistic privind indicatorii pe termen scurt Statistical survey on short term indicators in trade
n comer i servicii (capitolul referitor la cifra de afaceri). and services (chapter regarding turnover).



Comerul cu amnuntul - activitatea de vnzare a Retail - the activity of selling the goods to the final
mrfurilor ctre consumatorii finali, n general n cantiti consumers, generally in small quantities and as they
mici i n starea n care ele au fost cumprate, precum i were bought, as well as retail through own shops of the
vnzrile cu amnuntul prin magazine proprii ale enterprises producing the goods.
ntreprinderilor productoare de bunuri.
Comerul cu amnuntul se desfoar prin Retail is developed through specialised shops,
magazine specializate, magazine nespecializate, prin non-specialised shops, by mail, market outlets, kiosks
coresponden, standuri n piee, chiocuri i alte forme and other types of trade.
de comer.
n valoarea comerului cu amnuntul nu se includ: The value of retail does not include:
vnzrile directe ctre populaie de produse agricole direct sales of agricultural products made by
de ctre productorii agricoli (vnzrile pe piaa agricultural producers to the population (sales on the
rneasc); peasant market);
vnzrile de produse care nu sunt utilizate ca bunuri sales of products not used as consumption goods
de consum (cereale, semine, petrol brut etc.); (cereals, seeds, crude oil a.s.o.);
vnzrile de alimente i buturi pentru consumul pe sales of food and beverages for immediate
loc; consumption;
valoarea materialelor i pieselor de schimb aduse de value of materials and spare parts brought by the
populaie sau operatori economici unitilor pentru population or by economic operators for repairs and
reparaii i transformri de mbrcminte, transformations of clothing, footwear, electronic and
nclminte, produse electronice i electrice, de electric products, transport means a.s.o.;
mijloace de transport etc.;
valoarea obiectelor supuse reparaiilor sau value of objects to be repaired or transformed.

Comerul cu ridicata - activitile de vnzare a Wholesale - the activities of selling the goods
mrfurilor (fr ca acestea s sufere transformri (without suffering essential changes as compared to the
eseniale fa de starea n care ele au fost cumprate) n situation as they were bought) in great quantities, to retail
cantiti mari, ctre comerciani cu amnuntul, utilizatori sellers, industrial and commercial users, collectivities
industriali i comerciali, colectiviti i utilizatori and professional users, other wholesale or intermediate
profesionali, ali comerciani cu ridicata sau intermediari sellers and not to final users.
de comer cu ridicata i nu ctre consumatori finali.
n comerul cu ridicata se includ i activitile de Wholesale also includes trade activities provided by
comer prestate de intermediari de comer cu ridicata intermediaries of wholesale (activities of commissioners,
(activitile comisionarilor, intermediarilor de mrfuri, intermediaries of goods, as well as all intermediate
precum i toate intermedierile care se realizeaz n numele activities on own account or on behalf of thirds) no matter
sau n contul terilor) indiferent dac vnzarea se face pe if the sale is on domestic market or for exports.
piaa intern sau pentru export.
Valoarea vnzrilor cu ridicata reprezint volumul The value of wholesale represents the amount of
veniturilor rezultate din vnzarea mrfurilor cu ridicata income resulted from goods wholesale and/or the
i/sau comisionul ncasat de comisionari din activitatea commission cashed by the commissioners from the
de intermediere a comerului cu ridicata. activity of intermediate wholesale.
n valoarea comerului cu ridicata nu se includ: The value of wholesale does not include:
vnzrile de produse proprii efectuate de unitile sales of own products carried out by producing units
productoare direct ctre unitile comerciale sau directly to commercial units or other producers;
ali productori;
activitatea de burs a mrfurilor; the activity of stock market;
exporturile de produse proprii realizate direct de exports of own products directly performed by
ctre unitile productoare. producing units.
Comerul cu amnuntul i comerul cu ridicata Retail and wholesale comprise the income
cuprind veniturile realizate, att n ntreprinderile care au achieved both by the enterprises having trade as main
ca activitate principal comerul, ct i n ntreprinderile cu activity and by the enterprises having other activities,
alte activiti, care obin venituri din activitatea de comer. getting income from trade activity.
Datele valorice privind veniturile realizate sunt Value data on achieved income are presented in
prezentate n preurile curente ale fiecrui an, inclusiv current prices of each year, including VAT for retail and
TVA la comerul cu amnuntul i exclusiv TVA la excluding VAT for wholesale.
comerul cu ridicata.
Reeaua comercial a ntreprinderilor cu Commercial network of retail enterprises
activitate de comer cu amnuntul reprezint numrul represents total number of shops existing at the end of
total de magazine existent la sfritul anului. the year.
Indicii de volum ai cifrei de afaceri din comerul Turnover volume indices from retail trade are
cu amnuntul sunt indici de tip Laspeyres i sunt Laspeyres type indices and are calculated under
calculai n condiii metodologice i de preuri methodological conditions and comparable prices. To
comparabile. Pentru exprimarea valorilor din perioada express the values in the current period in the prices of
curent n preurile perioadei de referin se utilizeaz reference period, the consumer price indices are used for
pentru deflatare indicii preurilor de consum. Primii indici the deflation. The first indices obtained are at level of
obinui sunt la nivel de clas/grup CAEN Rev.2, apoi CANE Rev.2 class/group, then by successive
prin agregri succesive se obin indici la niveluri agregate. aggregations, indices at aggregated levels are obtained.
Anul de baz i sistemul de ponderare sunt aferente The basic year and the weighting system are afferent to
anului 2010. Ponderile utilizate la agregare sunt calculate 2010. The weights used for the aggregates are calculated
pe baza cifrei de afaceri conform rezultatelor Anchetei based on the turnover according to the results of the
Structurale n ntreprinderi din anul de referin (2010). Business Structural Survey in the reference year (2010).
Indicii de volum ai cifrei de afaceri se calculeaz n Turnover volume indices are calculated according to
conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului CE the stipulations of EC Regulation No 1165/1998 amended
nr. 1165/1998 amendat cu Regulamentul Parlamentului with the European Parliament Regulation No 1158/2005
European nr. 1158/2005 cu privire la statisticile pe regarding short term statistics.
termen scurt.
Cifra de afaceri care st la baza calculului indicilor Turnover at the base of indices calculation does not
nu conine TVA. include VAT.


Serviciile de pia - activiti care fac obiectul Market services - activities which are subject to
vnzrii i cumprrii pe pia, indiferent de momentul sale and purchase on the market, no matter of payment
plii, tipul de pre practicat (pre de vnzare, tarif etc.) i moment, type of practised price (sale price, tariff a.s.o.)
modalitile de ncasare. and ways of cashing.
Serviciile de pia cuprind veniturile realizate, att de Market services include income achieved both by
ntreprinderile care au activitate principal de servicii, ct i enterprises having services as their main activity and by
de ntreprinderile cu alte activiti principale, care obin enterprises having other main activities, which obtain
venituri din activiti de servicii. income from service activities.
Serviciile de pia prestate n principal pentru Market services mainly rendered to the
populaie cuprind urmtoarele activiti, conform population include the following activities, according to
CAEN Rev.2: hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare CANE Rev.2: hotels and other accomodation units
(diviziunea 55), restaurante i alte activiti de servicii de (division 55), restaurants and other catering services
alimentaie (diviziunea 56), activiti ale ageniilor (division 56), tourism agencies activities and tour-
turistice i ale tur-operatorilor, alte servicii de rezervare operators, other accomodation services and tourist
i asisten turistic (diviziunea 79). assistance (division 79).
Serviciile de pia cuprind urmtoarele activiti, Market services comprise the following activities,
conform CAEN Rev.2: transporturi i depozitare according to CANE Rev.2: transport and storage (divisions:
(diviziunile: 49 - 52), pot i curier (diviziunea 53), 49 - 52), mail and courier (division 53), information and
informaii i comunicaii (diviziunile: 58 - 63), tranzacii communications (divisions: 58 - 63), real estate
imobiliare (diviziunea 68), activiti profesionale, transaction (division 68), professional, scientific and
tiinifice i tehnice (diviziunile: 69 - 75), activiti de technical activities (divisions: 69 - 75), activities of
servicii administrative i de servicii suport (diviziunile: administrative services and support services (divisions:
77, 78, 80 - 82), activiti de spectacole, culturale i 77, 78, 80 - 82), showbiz, cultural and recreation activities
recreative (diviziunile: 90 - 93), alte activiti de servicii (divisions: 90 - 93), other activities of services (divisions:
(diviziunile: 95 - 96). 95 - 96).
Datele valorice privind veniturile realizate sunt Value data on income are presented in current
prezentate n preurile curente ale fiecrui an, inclusiv TVA. prices of each year, including VAT.
Indicii de volum ai cifrei de afaceri din servicii Turnover volume indices from market services
de pia prestate populaiei sunt indici de tip rendered to the population are Laspeyres type indices
Laspeyres i sunt calculai n condiii metodologice i de and are calculated under comparable methodological
preuri comparabile. Pentru exprimarea valorilor din conditions and prices. To express the values of current
perioada curent n preurile perioadei de referin se period in prices of reference period, the consumer
utilizeaz indicii preurilor de consum. Primii indici prices indices are used. The first indices obtained are at
obinui sunt la nivel de clas/grup CAEN Rev.2, apoi level of CANE Rev.2 class/group, then by successive
prin agregri succesive se obin indici la niveluri aggregations the indices at aggregated levels are
agregate. Anul de baz i sistemul de ponderare sunt obtained. The basic year and the weighting system are
aferente anului 2010. Ponderile utilizate la agregare afferent to 2010. The weights uses for the aggregation
sunt calculate pe baza cifrei de afaceri conform are calculated based on the turnover according to the
rezultatelor Anchetei Structurale n ntreprinderi din anul results of Business Structural Survey in the reference
de referin (2010). year (2010).
Indicii valorici ai cifrei de afaceri din domeniul Turnover values indices from market services
serviciilor de pia prestate n principal mostly rendered to the enterprises are Laspeyres
ntreprinderilor sunt indici de tip Laspeyres i se type indices and are calculated as non-deflated
calculeaz ca indici ponderai nedeflatai. Anul de baz i weighted indices. The basic year and the weighting
sistemul de ponderare sunt aferente anului 2010. system are afferent to 2010. The weights used for the
Ponderile utilizate la agregare sunt calculate pe baza aggregation are calculated based on turnover according
cifrei de afaceri conform rezultatelor Anchetei Structurale to the results of Business Structural Survey in the
n ntreprinderi din anul de referin (2010). reference year (2010).

Indicii de volum/valorici ai cifrei de afaceri se Turnover volume/value indices are calculated
calculeaz n conformitate cu prevederile according to the stipulations of EC Regulation
Regulamentului CE nr. 1165/1998 amendat cu No 1165/1998 amended with the European Parliament
Regulamentul Parlamentului European nr. 1158/2005 cu Regulation No 1158/2005 regarding short term
privire la statisticile pe termen scurt. statistics.
Cifra de afaceri care st la baza calculului indicilor Turnover at the base of indices calculation does not
nu conine TVA. include VAT.

Comerul cu amnuntul1), pe grupe de mrfuri

19.G1 Retail1), by group of goods

2009 2014 2)

17,7% 36,8% 25,7% 33,4%

45,5% 40,9%

Mrfuri alimentare Mrfuri nealimentare

Food goods Non-food goods

Comerul cu amnuntul
al carburanilor
Retail of fuels

1) Exclusiv vnzarea, ntreinerea i repararea autovehiculelor, a motocicletelor.

Excluding sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Reeaua comercial a ntreprinderilor cu activitate de comer cu amnuntul
(structura numrului de magazine)
19.G2 Commercial network of retail enterprises (structure of shops number)

2009 2011 20141)

0,17% 0,22% 0,25%

5,62% 6,07% 6,10%
0,03% 0,04% 0,06%

94,18% 93,67% 93,59%

Magazine cu suprafaa pn la 120 m 2 Magazine cu suprafaa ntre 2500-9999 m 2

Shops with area up to 120 m 2 Shops with area between 2500-9999 m 2

Magazine cu suprafaa ntre Magazine cu suprafaa de 10000 m 2 i peste

121-2499 m 2 i peste Shops with area to 10000 m 2 and over
Shops with area between
121-2499 m 2 and over

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Structura serviciilor de pia prestate n principal pentru populaie, pe activiti

19.G3 Structure of market services mainly rendered to the population, by activity

2013 20141)

20,2% 40,7% 19,8%


20,8% 20,3%

18,3% 17,3%

Restaurante Activiti ale ageniilor turistice

Restaurants i ale tur-operatorilor
Travel and tour-operators agencies activities
Hoteluri i alte faciliti de Alte servicii de pia prestate n
cazare similare principal pentru populaie
Hotels and other similar Other market services mainly rendered
accommodation facilities to the population

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Comerul cu amnuntul1), pe grupe de mrfuri
19.1 Retail1), by group of goods
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
CAEN Rev.2 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2) CANE Rev.2
Total 140627,8 151515,6 169333,2 184880,7 186435,2 199902,7 Total

Mrfuri alimentare 51806,5 52398,5 56633,8 61691,0 63176,2 66696,2 Food goods
Mrfuri nealimentare 63987,4 65594,0 67097,8 72374,1 74250,2 81889,1 Non-food goods
Comer cu amnuntul Retail
al carburanilor 24833,9 33523,1 45601,6 50815,6 49008,8 51317,4 of fuels

1) Exclusiv vnzarea, ntreinerea i repararea autovehiculelor, a motocicletelor.

Excluding sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Indicii comerului cu amnuntul1), pe grupe de mrfuri

19.2 Indices of retail 1), by group of goods
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
CAEN Rev.2 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 CANE Rev.2

Total 90,3 93,0 98,8 104,1 100,5 106,4 Total

Mrfuri alimentare 96,2 90,6 93,1 102,6 99,9 105,3 Food goods
Mrfuri nealimentare 91,9 89,3 104,4 104,1 103,6 110,8 Non-food goods
Comer cu amnuntul Retail
al carburanilor 80,3 103,3 98,4 106,2 96,4 100,3 of fuels

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale.

Note: Data resulting from infra-annual statistical surveys.
1) Exclusiv vnzarea, ntreinerea i repararea autovehiculelor, a motocicletelor.
Excluding sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles.

Reeaua comercial a ntreprinderilor cu activitate de comer cu amnuntul

19.3 Commercial network of retail enterprises

CAEN Rev.2 / CANE Rev.2

Categorii de suprafa Numr de magazine - total Area category
Number of shops - total
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20141)

Total 132856 133521 124407 129875 126771 131991 Total

Pn la 120 m2 125128 125471 116526 121355 118581 123529 Up to 120 m 2

121 - 399 m2 5868 6070 5778 6162 5697 5609 121 - 399 m 2
400 - 999 m2 1189 1203 1277 1301 1302 1571 400 - 999 m 2
1000 - 2499 m2 406 453 501 689 818 875 1000 - 2499 m 2
2500 - 4999 m2 110 158 142 179 169 197 2500 - 4999 m 2
5000 - 9999 m2 114 120 129 129 135 138 5000 - 9999 m 2
10000 m2 i peste 41 46 54 60 69 72 10000 m 2 and over

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Indicii privind comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul, ntreinerea
i repararea autovehiculelor i a motocicletelor
Indices on wholesale and retail , maintenance and repair
19.4 of motor vehicles and motorcycles
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
CAEN Rev.2 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 CANE Rev.2

Total 62,6 92,1 104,6 95,2 102,7 99,6 Total

din care: of which:

Comer cu autovehicule 55,4 89,5 106,4 92,6 98,6 102,4 Trade with motor vehicles
ntreinerea i repararea Maintenance and repair
autovehiculelor 69,5 81,1 99,3 98,0 90,7 99,2 of motor vehicles
Comer cu piese i accesorii Trade with spare parts and
pentru autovehicule 81,0 101,2 104,5 97,8 112,5 96,5 accessories for motor vehicles
Comer cu motociclete, piese Trade with motorcycles, spare parts
i accesorii aferente; ntreinerea and accessories; maintenance
i repararea motocicletelor 129,8 93,6 67,4 103,5 92,4 99,3 and repair of motorcycles

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale.

Note: Data resulting from infra-annual statistical surveys.

Servicii de pia prestate n principal pentru populaie, pe activiti

19.5 Market services mainly rendered to the population, by activity
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
CAEN Rev.2 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20141) CANE Rev.2
Total 14882,9 14883,8 16072,6 17930,3 19098,4 20768,4 Total 2)

Hoteluri i alte faciliti Hotels and other similar

de cazare similare 3009,9 3046,8 3434,8 3215,9 3498,9 3596,7 accommodation facilities
Faciliti de cazare pentru Accommodation facilities
vacane i perioade for holidays and short
de scurt durat 214,5 181,9 235,6 252,4 228,2 269,5 term periods
Parcuri pentru rulote, Parks for caravans,
campinguri i tabere 33,6 52,9 52,0 24,6 27,6 18,7 campings and camps
Alte servicii Other services
de cazare 513,0 582,2 641,7 1042,6 361,5 418,5 of accommodation
Restaurante 5411,0 5255,6 5595,6 6314,5 7759,9 8837,3 Restaurants
Activiti de alimentaie Catering activities
(catering) pentru evenimente for events and other
i alte servicii de alimentaie 716,8 857,5 839,5 821,0 880,0 873,1 catering services
Baruri i alte activiti Bars and other beverages
de servire a buturilor 2098,3 1933,6 1853,0 2211,9 2232,2 2363,7 serving activities
Activiti ale ageniilor Travel and tour-operators
turistice i ale tur-operatorilor 2810,3 2918,2 3318,0 3923,4 3976,0 4225,1 agencies activities
Alte servicii de rezervare Other tourist assistance
i asisten turistic 75,5 55,1 102,4 124,0 134,1 165,8 and reservation services

1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

2) Conform sferei de cuprindere EUROSTAT; sunt incluse activitile: hoteluri i restaurante, agenii turistice i ale tur-operatorilor, alte
servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic.
According to Eurostat coverage; there are included activities: hotels and restaurants, travel and tour-operators agencies, other tourist
assistance and reservation services.

Indicii volumului cifrei de afaceri pentru servicii de pia prestate populaiei
19.6 Turnover volume indices of market services rendered to the population
serie brut / unadjusted series anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 83,3 113,9 107,6 100,8 96,3 99,7

Hoteluri i restaurante 79,3 115,0 107,3 99,4 100,8 100,9

Hotels and restaurants

Jocuri de noroc i alte activiti recreative 104,1 113,0 112,5 95,5 93,7 97,5
Gambling and other recreation activities

Activiti ale ageniilor turistice i a tur-operatorilor;

alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic 50,9 120,0 98,5 123,8 87,8 98,5
Travel agencies, tour-operators, reservation service
and related activities

Coafur i alte activiti de nfrumuseare 78,9 91,3 99,8 105,3 80,0 103,8
Hairdressing and other beautifying activities

Splarea, curarea (uscat) articolelor textile

i a produselor din blan 70,0 103,9 90,6 108,4 108,1 98,8
Washing and (dry) cleaning of textile and fur products

Alte activiti 76,5 101,2 100,1 95,7 80,8 105,5

Other activities

Not: Date rezultate din cercetri statistice infraanuale.

Note: Data resulting from infra-annual statistical surveys.

Servicii de pia1), pe activiti
19.7 Market services1), by activity
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
CAEN Rev.2 2011 2012 2013 2014 2) CANE Rev.2

Total 178467,2 195969,1 201505,9 220478,9 Total

Transporturi pe calea ferat 5737,3 5958,5 4821,5 4914,9 Rail transport

Transporturi terestre 32033,5 36135,2 40416,9 45402,5 Land transport
Transporturi prin conducte 2031,1 1995,5 2234,6 2405,7 Transport via pipelines
Transporturi pe ap 1125,8 1137,8 1082,5 1358,6 Water transport
Transporturi aeriene 2449,4 2704,0 2341,2 2544,1 Air transport
Depozitare i activiti auxiliare Storage and transport
pentru transporturi 14252,1 15447,4 16944,2 18635,7 auxiliary activities
Activiti de pot i curier 2988,0 3025,9 3393,4 3753,3 Mail and courier activities
Activiti de editare 3798,4 3611,3 3623,6 4414,9 Publishing activities
Activiti de producie cinematografic, Activities of cinema production,
video i de programe de televiziune; video and TV programs,
nregistrri audio i activiti audio recordings
de editare muzical 1481,6 1641,1 1658,9 1733,3 and music activities
Activiti de difuzare i Broadcast
transmitere de programe 2057,9 2187,7 2163,1 2377,1 activities
Telecomunicaii 21799,7 21501,6 21380,7 21494,4 Telecommunications
Activiti de servicii n Activities of services
tehnologia informaiei 9571,3 12416,4 13705,9 16694,3 in information technology
Activiti de servicii informatice 1257,7 1493,1 1657,2 1840,7 Activities of information services
Tranzacii imobiliare 13269,8 14890,9 15189,9 16964,7 Real estate
Activiti juridice i de contabilitate 2091,0 2323,9 2534,4 2613,7 Juridical and accounting activities
Activiti de management i Management and management
de consultan n management 10477,9 11820,8 11628,8 11605,5 consulting activities
Activiti de arhitectur Architecture and engineering
i inginerie, activiti de activities, testing and technical
testri i analiz tehnic 11343,5 12414,3 11154,0 13083,8 analysis activities
Cercetare-dezvoltare 1831,4 1888,8 1749,1 1963,3 Research-development
Publicitate i activiti Publicity and market
de studiere a pieei 9121,2 9840,8 8321,0 8307,1 study activities
Alte activiti profesionale, Other professional, scientific
tiinifice i tehnice 1989,8 1763,3 1617,6 1624,8 and technical activities
Activiti veterinare 397,0 457,2 451,7 646,4 Veterinary activities
Activiti de nchiriere i leasing 2896,1 3499,4 3618,0 4052,5 Renting and leasing activities
Activiti de servicii privind Labour market
fora de munc 2152,1 2629,4 3229,5 3875,0 services activities
Activiti de investigaie Investigation and
i protecie 3801,3 4063,2 4225,7 4330,1 protection activities
Activiti de curenie 2385,3 2326,3 2291,0 2708,3 Cleaning activities
Activiti de secretariat, servicii Secretariat, support services
suport i alte activiti activities and other activities
de servicii prestate of services mostly rendered
n principal ntreprinderilor 5818,0 7286,9 8127,2 9228,2 to the enterprises
Alte servicii (activiti de creaie Other services (creation and
i interpretare artistic, activiti art interpretation activities, library,
ale bibliotecilor, muzeelor, activiti museum activities, gambling
de jocuri de noroc i pariuri, activiti and bets activities, sport, recreation
sportive, recreative i distractive, and amusement activities, repair
reparaii de calculatoare, articole of computers, personal
personale i de uz gospodresc, and household use articles,
alte activiti de servicii) 10309,0 11508,4 11944,3 11906,0 other activities of services)

1) Cu excepia serviciilor prestate n principal pentru populaie. / Except services mainly rendered to the population.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.



20.1 Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de Establishments of touristic reception with

cazare turistic ....................................................... 637 functions of touristic accommodation
20.2 Capacitatea de cazare turistic .............................. 637 Touristic accommodation capacity
20.3 Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de Establishments of touristic reception with functions
cazare turistic i capacitatea de cazare turistic, of touristic accommodation and touristic
pe categorii de confort ........................................... 638 accommodation capacity, by category of comfort
20.4 Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic
cu funciuni de cazare turistic .............................. 640 reception with functions of touristic accommodation
20.5 nnoptri n structurile de primire turistic cu Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic
funciuni de cazare turistic ................................... 641 reception with functions of touristic accommodation
20.6 Capacitatea i activitatea de cazare turistic, Touristic accommodation capacity and activity,
pe destinaii turistice .............................................. 642 by touristic destination
20.7 Capacitatea i activitatea de cazare turistic, Touristic accommodation capacity and activity,
pe forme de proprietate .......................................... 642 by type of ownership
20.8 Indicii de utilizare net a capacitii de cazare Indices of net using the touristic accommodation
turistic n funciune ............................................... 644 capacity in operation
20.9 Turismul organizat de ageniile de turism, Tourism organized by travel agencies, by touristic
pe aciuni turistice i zone turistice ........................ 644 action and touristic area
20.10 Numrul de cltorii i nnoptri, dup Number of travels and overnight stays,
motivul principal al cltoriei ................................. 646 by main purpose of the travel
20.11 Cltoriile internaionale nregistrate la frontierele International trips registered at Romanias
Romniei ................................................................ 647 borders
20.12 Cltorii n strintate pentru vacane i afaceri, Travels abroad for holidays and business,
pe ri de destinaie ................................................ 648 by destination country
20.13 Sosirile vizitatorilor strini n Romnia, Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania, by main
pe principalele ri de origine i plecrile origin countries and departures
vizitatorilor romni n strintate ............................ 649 of Romanian visitors abroad
20.14 Cltorii interne ale rezidenilor pentru vacane Internal travels of residents for holidays
i afaceri, pe zone turistice, dup durata and business, by touristic area, by travel duration
i organizatorul cltoriei ....................................... 650 and organizer

Teritorial Territorial

20.15 Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de Establishments of touristic reception with functions
cazare turistic, n profil teritorial, of touristic accommodation, at territorial level,
la 31 iulie 2014 .............................................................. on July 31, 2014
20.16 Capacitatea i activitatea de cazare turistic, Touristic accommodation capacity and activity,
n profil teritorial, n anul 2014 ...................................... at territorial level, in 2014


Cercetri statistice: Statistical surveys:

Cercetri statistice privind activitatea de turism a Exhaustive statistical surveys on tourism activity of
persoanelor juridice i fizice care dein structuri de natural and legal persons that hold tourist
cazare turistic cu 5 locuri - pat i peste (activitatea accommodation structures with 5 bed-places and
de cazare turistic) i cercetare statistic de tip over (touristic accommodation activity) and statistical
cut-off pentru activitatea ageniilor de turism; survey of cut-off type for travel agencies activity;
Cercetare statistic selectiv, referitoare la cererea Sample statistical surveys on tourism demand of
turistic a rezidenilor din Romnia, cu vrsta de cel residents in Romania aged 15 years at least, based
puin 15 ani mplinii, dintr-un eantion reprezentativ on a representative sample of dwellings.
de locuine.

Surse administrative: Administrative sources:
Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, pentru datele privind Ministry of Internal Affairs, for data on international
cltoriile internaionale nregistrate la frontierele trips registered at Romanias borders.



Structur de primire turistic cu funciuni de Establishment of touristic reception with

cazare turistic - orice construcie sau amenajare, care functions of touristic accommodation - any building or
furnizeaz n mod permanent sau sezonier serviciul de settlement which permanently or seasonally provides the
cazare i alte servicii specifice pentru turiti. tourists with accommodation and other specific services.
Vilele turistice, bungalourile i pensiunile Touristic villas, bungalows and boarding houses
turistice - structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de - establishments of touristic reception with functions of
cazare distincte pentru fiecare cldire n parte, chiar accommodation, distinct for each building, even if they
dac au o recepie comun pentru mai multe vile, have the same reception desk for several villas,
bungalouri sau pensiuni. bungalows or touristic boarding houses.
Bungalourile - structuri de cazare turistic de Bungalows - low capacity establishments of
capacitate redus, realizate, de regul, din lemn sau touristic accommodation, usually made of wood or
materiale similare. Sunt amplasate n perimetrul similar materials. They are placed inside campings,
campingurilor, satelor de vacan, ca uniti holiday villages, as independent units inside spas or
independente n cadrul unor staiuni sau zone turistice touristic areas, or as complementary spaces besides
sau ca spaii complementare pe lng alte structuri de other structures of touristic accommodation.
cazare turistic.
Unitatea de tip csu - grup independent de Houselet - type unit - independent group of touristic
csue turistice care are recepie i conducere houselets which has the same reception desk and
administrativ comun. administrative management.
Pensiunile turistice - structuri de primire turistic, Touristic boarding houses - establishments of
avnd o capacitate de cazare de pn la 15 camere, touristic reception with an accommodation capacity of up
totaliznd maxim 60 de locuri, funcionnd n locuinele to 15 rooms, with maximum of 60 accommodation places,
cetenilor sau n cldiri independente, care asigur n operating in the houses of citizens or in independent
spaii special amenajate cazarea turitilor i condiiile de establishments that provide accommodation and
pregtire i servire a mesei. conditions to prepare and serve meals for tourists in
spaces properly designed.
Pensiunile agroturistice sunt structuri de primire Agro-touristic boarding houses are tourist reception
turistic, avnd o capacitate de cazare de pn la establishments having an accommodation capacity of up
8 camere, funcionnd n locuinele cetenilor sau n to 8 rooms, functioning in citizens dwellings or independent
cldiri independente, care asigur n spaii special buildings providing tourist accommodation in special
amenajate cazarea turitilor i condiiile de pregtire i spaces as well as lunch preparation conditions and
servire a mesei, precum i posibilitatea participrii la possibility to take part in household and handicraft
activiti gospodreti sau meteugreti. activities.
Nu se cuprind n cercetarea statistic, structurile The establishments of touristic reception having
de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic cu o functions of touristic accommodation with
capacitate de cazare instalat de mai puin de 5 locuri. accommodation capacity of less than 5 places are not
included in the statistical survey.
Nu se cuprind n structurile de primire turistic Establishments of touristic reception with
cu funciuni de cazare turistic: structurile de cazare functions of touristic accommodation do not
folosite n exclusivitate de posesori sau chiriai, pe o include: establishments of accommodation used
durat mai mare de un an, indiferent de clasificarea exclusively by owners or tenants, during more than one
acestora; locuinele secundare ale populaiei, utilizate year, no matter their classification; secondary dwellings
n scopuri turistice n mod exclusiv de posesorii of population used for touristic purposes exclusively by
acestora; cminele, internatele colare pe perioada their owners; hostels, boarding - schools during school
anului colar; unitile spitaliceti (cu excepia year; hospital units (except for sanatoria and other
sanatoriilor i altor spaii similare ce practic n mod similar units exclusively practising touristic activities);

exclusiv activiti turistice); vagoanele dormitor; sleeping cars; mountain shelters and refuges and
adposturile i refugiile montane i similare; barcile i similar; huts and bedrooms for workers; elderly people
dormitoarele pentru muncitori; cminele de btrni i hostels and orphanages.
casele de copii.
n numrul structurilor de primire turistic cu Establishments of touristic reception with
funciuni de cazare turistic au fost cuprinse structurile functions of touristic accommodation were included
existente la 31 iulie, din anul respectiv. Se exclud structurile the establishments existing on July 31, of the respective
a cror activitate a fost ntrerupt n vederea realizrii unor year. The establishments whose activity was interrupted
reparaii capitale sau pentru modificri importante ale for capital repairs or for changing the accommodation
capacitii de cazare sau / i a categoriei de ncadrare. capacity and / or category were excluded.
Locurile aferente structurilor de primire turistic Basic unit also includes places afferent to the
cu funciuni de cazare turistic complementare establishments of touristic reception with functions of
(csue, terenuri de campare etc.) la o structur de cazare touristic accommodation (houselets, camping grounds
turistic de baz (hotel, motel, camping etc.) i utilizarea a.s.o.) complementary to a basic establishment of touristic
acestor locuri sunt cuprinse la structura de baz. accommodation (hotel, motel, camping a.s.o.) and their use.
Capacitatea de cazare turistic existent Existing (installed) touristic accommodation
(instalat) reprezint numrul de locuri de cazare de capacity represents the number of touristic accommodation
folosin turistic nscrise n ultimul act de recepie, places recorded in the last reception, homologation or
omologare sau clasificare al structurii de primire turistic classification document of the establishment of touristic
cu funciuni de cazare turistic, exclusiv paturile reception with functions of touristic accommodation, the
suplimentare care se pot instala n caz de necesitate. additional beds that can be fixed if necessary, excluded. The
Sunt luate n calcul numrul de locuri din structurile number of places in the establishments existing on July 31,
existente la 31 iulie, din anul respectiv. of the respective year are taken into calculation.
Capacitatea de cazare turistic n funciune Touristic accommodation capacity in operation (by
(exprimat n locuri-zile) reprezint numrul de locuri places-days) represents the number of available
de cazare puse la dispoziia turitilor de ctre structurile accommodation places for tourists in establishments of
de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic, touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation,
nmulit cu numrul de zile ct sunt deschise structurile multiplied with the number of days when the establishments
n perioada considerat. Se exclud locurile din camerele are opened during the respective period. The places in
sau structurile nchise temporar din lips de turiti, rooms or establishments temporarily closed because of lack
pentru reparaii sau pentru alte motive. of tourists, for repairs or other reasons, are excluded.
Indicii de utilizare net a capacitii de cazare Indices of net using the touristic accommodation
turistic n funciune se calculeaz prin raportarea capacity in operation are calculated by dividing the total
numrului de nnoptri realizate, la capacitatea de number of overnight stays with the touristic
cazare turistic n funciune, din perioada respectiv. accommodation capacity in operation, in the respective


Sunt cuprinse n cercetarea statistic ageniile de The statistical survey includes the travel agencies
turism care acoper 85% din cifra de afaceri a activitii. which are covering 85% of the activity turnover.
Ageniile de turism tour operatoare sunt acele Tour operator travel agencies are those travel
agenii de turism specializate n organizarea de agencies specialized in the organisation of tourism
programe i aciuni turistice, pe care le comercializeaz actions and programs, traded directly or by means of
direct sau prin intermediul altor agenii de turism, pe other travel agencies based on contracts and
baz de contracte i convenii. conventions.
Ageniile de turism cu activitate de vnzare sunt Travel agencies with sale activity are those travel
acele agenii de turism care vnd programele i aciunile agencies selling tourism actions and programs of tour
turistice ale tour operatorilor. operators.
Aciunea turistic reprezint modalitatea specific Touristic action represents the specific way and
de desfurare i condiiile asigurate de operatorul conditions ensured by the organising economic operator
economic organizator pe parcursul cltoriei turistului. along the tourists travel.
Turitii participani la o aciune turistic sunt Tourists participating to a touristic action are the
persoanele care beneficiaz de serviciile oferite i persons who benefit of the services provided and sold by
vndute de operatorul economic care organizeaz the economic operator organizing the respective touristic
activitatea turistic respectiv. activity.


Vizitator internaional este, din punct de vedere International visitor is, from the statistical point of
statistic, orice persoan care cltorete ctre o ar, view any person who travels to a country, other than the
alta dect aceea n care i are reedina, pentru o one of residence, for a period not exceeding 12 months;
perioad care s nu depeasc 12 luni, scopul principal the main purpose of his visit being other than carrying
al vizitei fiind altul dect exercitarea unei activiti out remunerated activity in the visited country.
remunerate n ara vizitat.
Sosirile cuprind numrul vizitatorilor strini Arrivals include the number of foreign visitors
nregistrai la intrarea n ar. Plecrile cuprind numrul registered at the borders. Departures include the
vizitatorilor romni care cltoresc n strintate i sunt number of Romanian visitors who travel abroad,
nregistrai la ieirea din ar. Aceeai persoan din registered at the borders. The same foreign person can
strintate poate realiza, n perioada respectiv, mai make several trips to the country in the respective period,
multe cltorii n ar, fiind nregistrat de fiecare dat ca every new arrival being registered. The same applies for
o nou sosire. n acelai mod se procedeaz la plecrile the departures of the Romanian visitors abroad, too.
vizitatorilor romni n strintate.
Urmtoarele categorii de cltori sunt excluse The following categories of travellers are
din sosirile i plecrile vizitatorilor internaionali: excluded from arrivals and departures of the
persoanele care intr sau ies din ar ca migrani; international visitors: persons who enter or leave the
diplomaii, reprezentanii consulari i membrii forelor country as migrants; diplomats, consular representatives
armate cnd se deplaseaz spre/dinspre locul unde and members of the armed forces when travelling from
trebuie s-i exercite misiunea ntr-o alt ar; refugiaii their country of origin towards their mission place in
sau nomazii. another country; refugees or nomads.



Sfera de cuprindere a anchetei o constituie The coverage of the survey consists of the
persoanele rezidente din Romnia, cu vrsta de cel puin Romanian residents aged at least 15 years, within in a
15 ani mplinii, din cadrul unui eantion reprezentativ de representative sample of households.
nregistrarea datelor se face prin metoda interviului The data are registered by face to face interviews,
fa n fa, rolul principal revenind anchetatorilor, care se the main role being played by surveyors who visit the
deplaseaz la locuinele cuprinse n eantionul anchetei. dwellings included in the survey sample. There, they
Se obin informaii referitoare la numrul de turiti, obtain information on the number of tourists, trips and
cltorii i nnoptri efectuate de rezidenii din Romnia overnight stays of the residents in Romania as to the
pentru plecrile n vacane (odihn, recreere, vizite la holidays (rest, recreation, visits to friends and relatives)
prieteni i rude) i pentru afaceri i motive profesionale. as well as to business and professional reasons.
Eantionul anchetei cuprinde cca 8900 locuine/ The survey sample includes about 8900 dwellings/
trimestru, volumul lui fiind calculat pentru o probabilitate quarter, its volume being calculated for 95% probability
de garantare a rezultatelor de 95% i o eroare de of results guarantee and 5% representativeness error,
reprezentativitate de 5%, asigurnd reprezentativitatea providing the representativeness at national level for key
la nivel naional pentru variabilele eseniale ale anchetei variables of the survey (persons aged 15 years and over,
(persoanele de 15 ani i peste, pe sexe i medii de by gender and residence area - urban, rural).
reziden - urban, rural).
La extragerea eantioanelor n perioada 2013-2014 For samples extraction during 2013-2014, data on
au fost utilizate date privind populaia, neinfluenate de population were used, not influenced by external
migraia extern. migration.
Se exclud cltoriile avnd ca scop exercitarea unei The trips having as purpose a remunerated activity
activiti remunerate n locul vizitat, precum i cltoriile as well as the trips without overnight stay in the visited
fr nnoptare n locul vizitat. place are excluded.

Numrul turitilor cazai n structurile de cazare turistic
20.G1 Number of tourists accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments

milioane turiti / million tourists

9 8,5
7,7 7,9
6,1 6,1
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea

de cazare turistic, pe destinaii turistice, n anul 2014
Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation
20.G2 and touristic accommodation capacity, by touristic destinations, in 2014
Structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic (numr)
Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation (number)



Capacitatea de cazare existent (locuri) Capacitatea de cazare n funciune (mii locuri - zile)
Existing accommodation capacity (places) Accommodation capacity in operation (thou places - days)

55648 83625 15714 9329



33576 28007 15195

4283 50996 570

Litoral 1) Staiuni montane Orae reedin de jude 3)
Seaside 1) Mountain resorts County residence towns 3)
Staiuni balneare Delta Dunrii 2) Alte localiti
Spas Danube Delta 2) Other localities
1) Exclusiv oraul Constana. / Excluding Constana town.
2) Inclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / Including Tulcea Municipality.
3) Inclusiv municipiul Bucureti i exclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / Including Bucharest Municipality and excluding Tulcea Municipality.

Structura capacitii de cazare turistic n funciune, n anul 2014
20.G3 Structure of touristic accommodation capacity in operation, in 2014

Hoteluri i moteluri
8,9% Hotels and motels
Pensiuni turistice
Touristic boarding houses
Pensiuni agroturistice
Agro-touristic boarding houses

Vile turistice i bungalouri

Touristic villas and bungalows

Alte structuri de primire

65,8% turistic
Other establishments of
touristic reception

nnoptrile n structurile de primire turistic, pe categorii de confort, n anul 2014

Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception, by category
20.G4 of comfort, in 2014
mii nnoptri / thou overnight stays
3000 2801,2

2000 1481,3 1237,1

1000 691,8 531,7
378,3 318,8 385,9
29,9 9,2
5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate
5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Turiti romni / Romanians Turiti strini / Foreigners

nnoptrile pe categorii de confort, n anul 2014

20.G5 Overnight stays, by category of comfort, in 2014

1,9% 5,3% 5 stele / 5 stars

4 stele / 4 stars

3 stele / 3 stars

26,8% 2 stele / 2 stars

42,1% 1 stea / 1 star

Neclasificate / Not classified

Cltoriile internaionale nregistrate la frontierele Romniei
20.G6 International trips, registered at Romanian borders

milioane / million
12 11,7 11,4
10,9 10,9 11,1
8,0 8,4
7,6 7,5 7,6 7,9

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sosiri / Arrivals Plecri / Departures

Structura sosirilor vizitatorilor strini n Romnia,

dup mijloacele de transport utilizate1), n anul 2014
Structure of foreign visitors arrivals in Romania,
20.G7 by means of transport used 1), in 2014

2,2% Transport rutier

Road transport
Transport feroviar
Railway transport

2,1% Transport aerian

Air transport

Transport naval
Sea transport

1) Include i cltoriile efectuate pe jos. / Also includes by foot trips.

Structura plecrilor vizitatorilor romni n strintate,

dup mijloacele de transport utilizate1), n anul 2014
Structure of Romanian visitors departures abroad,
20.G8 by means of transport used 1), in 2014

0,2% Transport rutier

Road transport
Transport feroviar
Railway transport

Transport aerian
Air transport

Transport naval
76,1% Sea transport

1) Include i cltoriile efectuate pe jos. / Also includes by foot trips.

Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic1)
20.1 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation1)
numr uniti / number of units
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 5095 5222 5003 5821 6009 6130 Total

Hoteluri i moteluri 1316 1397 1503 1606 1660 1685 Hotels and motels
Hosteluri 97 114 145 178 185 204 Hostels
Hanuri turistice 5 4 4 3 3 5 Touristic inns
Cabane turistice 123 134 147 146 152 162 Touristic chalets
Campinguri i uniti tip csu 101 100 71 84 93 105 Campings and houselet - type units
Vile turistice i bungalouri 1012 1035 753 863 870 866 Touristic villas and bungalows
Tabere de elevi i precolari 111 92 69 70 62 62 School and pre-school camps
Pensiuni turistice 878 949 1050 1247 1335 1323 Touristic boarding houses
Pensiuni agroturistice 1412 1354 1210 1569 1598 1665 Agro-touristic boarding houses
Popasuri turistice 30 32 41 39 35 35 Touristic halting places
Sate de vacan 4 4 5 6 6 9 Holiday villages
Spaii de cazare pe nave 6 7 5 10 10 9 Ships accommodation spaces

Not: Din anul 2006, n cabanele turistice s-au inclus i cabane de vntoare (pescuit), iar din anul 2009 hotelurile pentru tineret s-au asimilat la
hosteluri, pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice i pensiunile turistice rurale s-au definit ca pensiuni agroturistice.
Note: Starting with 2006, the touristic chalets include hunting (fishing) chalets too and since 2009 hotels for youth were assimilated to
hostels, urban touristic boarding houses were defined as touristic boarding houses and rural touristic boarding houses were defined
as agro-touristic boarding houses.
La 31 iulie. Structuri de cazare turistic cu cel puin 5 locuri-pat.
On July 31. Establishments of touristic accommodation at least 5 bed-places.

Capacitatea de cazare turistic

20.2 Touristic accommodation capacity

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Existent 1) (locuri)
1) (places)
Total 303486 311698 278503 301109 305707 311288 Total

Hoteluri i moteluri 185315 191647 182368 189780 191823 194119 Hotels and motels
Hosteluri 4396 5218 6140 7562 8482 9116 Hostels
Hanuri turistice 136 97 77 81 61 143 Touristic inns
Cabane turistice 5887 5667 5928 5150 5183 5128 Touristic chalets
Campinguri i uniti tip csu 29420 29522 14533 15015 14610 15323 Campings and houselet - type units
Vile turistice i bungalouri 20325 21387 15071 17438 16908 16534 Touristic villas and bungalows
Tabere de elevi i precolari 18875 16874 10689 10908 9851 9759 School and pre-school camps
Pensiuni turistice 16653 18422 20499 25019 27325 27295 Touristic boarding houses
Pensiuni agroturistice 19783 20208 20683 27453 28775 30480 Agro-touristic boarding houses
Popasuri turistice 2025 2043 1813 1847 1800 2209 Touristic halting places
Sate de vacan 215 157 307 352 372 717 Holiday villages
Spaii de cazare pe nave 456 456 395 504 517 465 Ships accommodation spaces

n funciune (mii locuri-zile)

In operation (thou places-days)

Total 61104 63808 68417 74136 77029 77677 Total

Hoteluri i moteluri 42432 44522 47582 49838 50645 51092 Hotels and motels
Hosteluri 1162 1274 1456 1894 2185 2430 Hostels
Hanuri turistice 17 13 15 11 7 17 Touristic inns
Cabane turistice 1426 1449 1455 1366 1396 1360 Touristic chalets
Campinguri i uniti tip csu 1105 1107 1331 1398 1294 1219 Campings and houselet - type units
Vile turistice i bungalouri 3166 2992 2990 3425 3489 3081 Touristic villas and bungalows
Tabere de elevi i precolari 1855 1764 1842 1628 1552 1638 School and pre-school camps
Pensiuni turistice 4903 5491 6000 7344 8179 8280 Touristic boarding houses
Pensiuni agroturistice 4735 4892 5378 6865 7933 8220 Agro-touristic boarding houses
Popasuri turistice 174 186 268 244 196 252 Touristic halting places
Sate de vacan 39 39 31 42 75 82 Holiday villages
Spaii de cazare pe nave 90 79 69 81 78 6 Ships accommodation spaces
Not: Din anul 2006, n cabanele turistice s-au inclus i cabane de vntoare (pescuit), iar din anul 2009 hotelurile pentru tineret s-au asimilat la
hosteluri, pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice i pensiunile turistice rurale s-au definit ca pensiuni agroturistice.
Note: Starting with 2006, the touristic chalets include hunting (fishing) chalets too and since 2009 hotels for youth were assimilated to
hostels, urban touristic boarding houses were defined as touristic boarding houses and rural touristic boarding houses were defined
as agro-touristic boarding houses.
1) La 31 iulie. Structuri de cazare turistic cu cel puin 5 locuri - pat.
On July 31. Establishments of touristic accommodation at least 5 bed-places.

Structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic i capacitatea
de cazare turistic, pe categorii de confort

20.3 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity, by category of comfort

2013 2014
Categorii de confort Categorii de confort
Category of comfort Category of comfort
Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate
5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified 5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Structuri de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic 1) (numr) Establishments of touristic reception wich functions of touristic accommodation 1) (number)

Total 6009 120 631 2800 1853 482 123 6130 125 671 2954 1797 463 120 Total

Hoteluri 1445 29 252 703 391 65 5 1473 31 267 737 372 60 6 Hotels
Moteluri 215 - - 95 95 22 3 212 - - 96 95 20 1 Motels
Hosteluri 185 - - 85 74 22 4 204 - 1 96 79 25 3 Hostels
Hanuri turistice 3 - - - - - 3 5 - - 1 1 - 3 Touristic inns
Cabane turistice 152 - 1 79 31 26 15 162 - 1 88 37 23 13 Touristic chalets
Campinguri i uniti tip csu 93 - 1 13 26 28 25 105 - 1 14 34 34 22 Campings and houselet - type units
Vile turistice i bungalouri 870 61 84 307 222 193 3 866 62 86 324 209 181 4 Touristic villas and bungalows
Tabere de elevi i precolari 62 - - - - - 62 62 - - - - - 62 School and pre-school camps
Pensiuni turistice 1335 14 131 737 394 58 1 1323 11 136 748 368 57 3 Touristic boarding houses
Pensiuni agroturistice 1598 15 159 769 597 58 - 1665 20 177 837 579 52 - Agro-touristic boarding houses
Popasuri turistice 35 - - 4 21 10 - 35 - - 5 20 10 - Touristic halting places
Sate de vacan 6 - 1 4 1 - - 9 - 1 4 2 1 1 Holiday villages
Spaii de cazare pe nave 10 1 2 4 1 - 2 9 1 1 4 1 - 2 Ships accommodation spaces

Capacitatea de cazare existent1) (locuri) Existing accommodation capacity1) (places)

Total 305707 8162 44247 118535 100529 20178 14056 311288 8353 46408 125545 95596 20769 14617 Total

Hoteluri 183330 7191 34883 70492 64133 5949 682 186236 7299 36803 74574 61081 5732 747 Hotels
Moteluri 8493 - - 3627 3754 767 345 7883 - - 3721 3477 645 40 Motels
Hosteluri 8482 - - 3715 3122 1446 199 9116 - 84 4093 3290 1539 110 Hostels
Hanuri turistice 61 - - - - - 61 143 - - 60 22 - 61 Touristic inns
Cabane turistice 5183 - 120 2150 1474 954 485 5128 - 120 2246 1442 880 440 Touristic chalets
Campinguri i uniti tip csu 14610 - 730 1528 3951 6110 2291 15323 - 730 1516 3042 6919 3116 Campings and houselet - type units
Vile turistice i bungalouri 16908 312 1565 6265 5848 2822 96 16534 322 1542 6535 5578 2479 78 Touristic villas and bungalows
Tabere de elevi i precolari 9851 - - - - - 9851 9759 - - - - - 9759 School and pre-school camps
Pensiuni turistice 27325 283 3134 15823 7322 741 22 27295 246 3115 16184 6968 720 62 Touristic boarding houses
Pensiuni agroturistice 28775 356 3537 14286 9782 814 - 30480 466 3912 15854 9504 744 - Agro-touristic boarding houses
Popasuri turistice 1800 - - 172 1053 575 - 2209 - - 161 977 1071 - Touristic halting places
Sate de vacan 372 - 82 218 72 - - 717 - 82 218 197 40 180 Holiday villages
Spaii de cazare pe nave 517 20 196 259 18 - 24 465 20 20 383 18 - 24 Ships accommodation spaces

Capacitatea de cazare n funciune (mii locuri-zile) Accommodation capacity in operation (thou places-days)

Total 77029 2835 13835 33387 21388 3347 2237 77677 2888 14467 34341 20418 3273 2290 Total

Hoteluri 47866 2576 11260 19829 12704 1163 334 48482 2602 11907 20459 12183 1076 255 Hotels
Moteluri 2779 - - 1318 1201 247 13 2610 - - 1231 1164 199 16 Motels
Hosteluri 2185 - - 1028 724 389 44 2429 - 28 1086 829 448 38 Hostels
Hanuri turistice 7 - - - - - 7 17 - - 4 7 - 6 Touristic inns
Cabane turistice 1396 - 41 596 351 267 141 1360 - 41 598 345 230 146 Touristic chalets
Campinguri i uniti tip csu 1294 - 40 239 342 577 96 1218 - - 102 328 623 165 Campings and houselet - type units
Vile turistice i bungalouri 3489 41 377 1383 1403 258 27 3081 61 325 1398 1049 233 15 Touristic villas and bungalows
Tabere de elevi i precolari 1552 - - - - - 1552 1639 - - - 15 - 1624 School and pre-school camps
Pensiuni turistice 8179 86 995 4787 2058 237 16 8280 81 1007 4979 1975 217 21 Touristic boarding houses
Pensiuni agroturistice 7933 132 1084 4112 2443 162 - 8220 144 1158 4421 2361 136 - Agro-touristic boarding houses
Popasuri turistice 196 - - 14 135 47 - 252 - - 25 130 97 - Touristic halting places
Sate de vacan 75 - - 41 27 - 7 83 - - 33 32 14 4 Holiday villages
Spaii de cazare pe nave 78 - 38 40 - - - 6 - 1 5 - - - Ships accommodation spaces

Not: Din anul 2006, n cabanele turistice s-au inclus i cabane de vntoare (pescuit), iar din anul 2009 hotelurile pentru tineret s-au asimilat la
hosteluri, pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice i pensiunile turistice rurale s-au definit ca pensiuni agroturistice.
Note: Starting with 2006, the touristic chalets include hunting (fishing) chalets too and since 2009, hotels for youth were assimilated to
hostels, urban touristic boarding houses were defined as touristic boarding houses and rural touristic boarding houses were defined
as agro-touristic boarding houses.
1) La 31 iulie. Structuri de cazare turistic cu cel puin 5 locuri - pat.
On July 31. Establishments of touristic accommodation at least 5 bed-places.

638 639
Sosiri ale turitilor n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare
Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions of
20.4 touristic accommodation
mii turiti / thou tourists
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Total 6141 6073 7032 7687 7943 8466

din care: strini 1276 1346 1517 1656 1717 1915

of which: foreigners

Hoteluri i moteluri 4750 4798 5589 6011 6160 6558

din care: strini 1155 1224 1386 1502 1553 1742
Hotels and motels
of which: foreigners

Hosteluri 108 104 127 154 148 189

din care: strini 15 15 14 20 20 27
of which: foreigners

Hanuri turistice 1 1 1 1 1 1
din care: strini *) *) *) *) - -
Touristic inns
of which: foreigners

Cabane turistice 87 74 80 86 95 95
din care: strini 4 3 3 6 5 5
Touristic chalets
of which: foreigners

Campinguri i uniti tip csu 92 86 78 69 52 43

din care: strini 11 10 12 11 8 4
Campings and houselet - type units
of which: foreigners

Vile turistice i bungalouri 259 227 228 258 259 249

din care: strini 20 23 23 23 22 25
Touristic villas and bungalows
of which: foreigners

Tabere de elevi i precolari 85 66 66 52 48 60

din care: strini *) *) *) *) *) 1
School and pre-school camps
of which: foreigners

Pensiuni turistice 412 407 480 586 653 704

din care: strini 44 43 46 57 64 69
Touristic boarding houses
of which: foreigners

Pensiuni agroturistice 326 290 361 447 502 549

din care: strini 19 20 25 30 38 41
Agro-touristic boarding houses
of which: foreigners

Popasuri turistice 10 9 11 12 13 15
din care: strini *) *) *) *) 1 1
Touristic halting places
of which: foreigners

Sate de vacan 2 2 2 4 6 3
din care: strini *) *) *) *) *) *)
Holiday villages
of which: foreigners

Spaii de cazare pe nave 9 9 9 7 6 *)

din care: strini 8 8 8 7 6 *)
Ships accommodation spaces
of which: foreigners

Not: Din anul 2006, n cabanele turistice s-au inclus i cabane de vntoare (pescuit), iar din anul 2009 hotelurile pentru tineret s-au asimilat la
hosteluri, pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice i pensiunile turistice rurale s-au definit ca pensiuni agroturistice.
Note: Starting with 2006, the touristic chalets include hunting (fishing) chalets too and since 2009 hotels for youth were assimilated to
hostels, urban touristic boarding houses were defined as touristic boarding houses and rural touristic boarding houses were defined
as agro-touristic boarding houses.

nnoptri n structurile de primire turistic cu funciuni de cazare turistic
Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions of
20.5 touristic accommodation
mii / thou
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Total 17325 16051 17979 19166 19363 20280

din care: strini 2668 2767 3067 3297 3478 3768

of which: foreigners

Hoteluri i moteluri 13974 13102 14707 15554 15538 16326

din care: strini 2334 2441 2733 2914 3075 3396
Hotels and motels
of which: foreigners

Hosteluri 241 224 277 335 358 428

din care: strini 37 36 32 42 44 55
of which: foreigners

Hanuri turistice 2 3 2 1 1 2
din care: strini *) *) *) *) - -
Touristic inns
of which: foreigners

Cabane turistice 154 134 143 152 168 170

din care: strini 7 5 8 13 12 12
Touristic chalets
of which: foreigners

Campinguri i uniti tip csu 229 206 205 181 146 121
din care: strini 21 19 20 16 15 7
Campings and houselet - type units
of which: foreigners

Vile turistice i bungalouri 739 582 610 666 670 595

din care: strini 47 49 46 52 54 56
Touristic villas and bungalows
of which: foreigners

Tabere de elevi i precolari 407 311 276 201 195 238

din care: strini 1 1 1 1 1 5
School and pre-school camps
of which: foreigners

Pensiuni turistice 813 802 929 1084 1197 1273

din care: strini 105 101 105 127 144 145
Touristic boarding houses
of which: foreigners

Pensiuni agroturistice 673 605 741 906 997 1082

din care: strini 55 57 61 78 86 91
Agro-touristic boarding houses
of which: foreigners

Popasuri turistice 28 21 25 26 31 36
din care: strini 1 1 1 1 1 1
Touristic halting places
of which: foreigners

Sate de vacan 4 3 3 7 17 8
din care: strini *) *) *) 1 1 *)
Holiday villages
of which: foreigners

Spaii de cazare pe nave 61 58 61 53 45 1

din care: strini 60 57 60 52 45 *)
Ships accommodation spaces
of which: foreigners

Not: Din anul 2006, n cabanele turistice s-au inclus i cabane de vntoare (pescuit), iar din anul 2009 hotelurile pentru tineret s-au asimilat la
hosteluri, pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice i pensiunile turistice rurale s-au definit ca pensiuni agroturistice.
Note: Starting with 2006, the touristic chalets include hunting (fishing) chalets too and since 2009 hotels for youth were assimilated to
hostels, urban touristic boarding houses were defined as touristic boarding houses and rural touristic boarding houses were defined
as agro-touristic boarding houses.

20.6 Capacitatea i activitatea de cazare turistic, pe destinaii turistice
Touristic accommodation capacity and activity, by touristic destination

2013 2014
Destinaii turistice / Touristic destinations Destinaii turistice / Touristic destinations
Orae Orae
Delta reedin Alte Delta reedin Alte
U.M. Total Litoral 1) Balnear Montan Dunrii 2) de jude 3) localiti Total Litoral 1) Balnear Montan Dunrii 2) de jude 3) localiti M.U.
Seaside 1) Spas Mountain Danube County Other Seaside 1) Spas Mountain Danube County Other
resorts Delta 2) residence localities resorts Delta 2) residence localities
towns 3) towns 3)

Structuri de primire Establishments of touristic

turistic cu funciuni de reception with functions
cazare turistic 4) numr 6009 689 499 1497 135 1337 1852 6130 690 451 1609 138 1318 1924 number of touristic accommodation 4)
din care: hoteluri numr 1445 263 143 176 17 619 227 1473 268 121 184 20 627 253 number of which: hotels
Capacitatea existent 4) locuri 305707 82563 39953 48034 4297 80081 50779 311288 83625 33576 50996 4283 83160 55648 places Existing capacity 4)
din care: hoteluri locuri 183330 62088 29085 15816 1758 60949 13634 186236 62417 24118 16748 1757 64472 16724 places of which: hotels
Capacitatea n mii thou Capacity
funciune locuri-zile 77029 8841 10370 14525 658 27772 14863 77677 9329 8862 15195 570 28007 15714 places-days in operation
din care: mii thou of which:
hoteluri locuri-zile 47866 7385 8052 5476 498 21780 4675 48482 7791 6890 5729 501 22178 5393 places-days hotels
Sosiri mii 7943 729 679 1241 81 3983 1230 8466 747 656 1291 66 4308 1398 thou Arrivals
din care: strini mii 1717 32 32 127 23 1308 195 1915 31 34 132 14 1486 218 thou of whom: foreigners
nnoptri mii 19363 3085 4138 2678 191 7084 2187 20280 3248 3577 2773 125 7851 2706 thou Overnight stays
din care: strini mii 3478 140 129 283 75 2494 357 3768 163 133 297 28 2751 396 thou of which: foreigners
Indicii de utilizare net a Indices of net using of
capacitii n funciune % 25,1 34,9 39,9 18,4 29,0 25,5 14,7 26,1 34,8 40,4 18,2 22,0 28,0 17,2 % capacity in operation
Durata medie a ederii zile 2,4 4,2 6,1 2,2 2,4 1,8 1,8 2,4 4,4 5,4 2,1 1,9 1,8 1,9 days Average duration of stay
Exclusiv oraul Constana. / Excluding Constana town.
Inclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / Including Tulcea Municipality.
Inclusiv municipiul Bucureti i exclusiv municipiul Tulcea. / Including Bucharest Municipality and excluding Tulcea Municipality.
4) La 31 iulie. Structuri de cazare turistic cu peste 5 locuri - pat.
On July 31. Establishments of touristic accommodation at least 5 bed-places.

20.7 Capacitatea i activitatea de cazare turistic, pe forme de proprietate

Touristic accommodation capacity and activity, by type of ownership

2013 2014
Forme de proprietate Forme de proprietate
Type of ownership Type of ownership
U.M. Total Majoritar Majoritar Total Majoritar Majoritar M.U.
de stat privat de stat privat
State Private State Private
majority majority majority majority

Structuri de primire Establishments of touristic

turistic cu funciuni de reception with functions of
cazare turistic 1) numr 6009 245 5764 6130 240 5890 number touristic accommodation 1)
Capacitatea existent 1) locuri 305707 28724 276983 311288 26908 284380 places Existing capacity 1)
Capacitatea n funciune 2) mii locuri-zile 77029 5575 71454 77677 5733 71944 thou places-days Capacity in operation 2)
Sosiri mii 7943 316 7627 8466 335 8131 thou Arrivals
nnoptri mii 19363 1693 17670 20280 1749 18531 thou Overnight stays
Indicii de utilizare net Indices of net using of
a capacitii n funciune % 25,1 30,4 24,7 26,1 30,5 25,8 % capacity in operation
1) La 31 iulie. / On July 31.
2) Dup forma de proprietate a persoanelor juridice i fizice care au administrat efectiv structurile de cazare turistic n perioada respectiv.
By ownership type of legal and and natural persons who effectively manead the establishments of accommodation during respective

642 643
Indicii de utilizare net a capacitii de cazare turistic n funciune
20.8 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation
procente / percentage
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 28,4 25,2 26,3 25,9 25,1 26,1 Total

Hoteluri i moteluri 32,9 29,4 30,9 31,2 30,7 32,0 Hotels and motels
Hosteluri 20,7 17,6 19,0 17,7 16,3 17,6 Hostels
Hanuri turistice 12,5 25,1 10,8 10,6 10,8 10,7 Touristic inns
Cabane turistice 10,8 9,2 9,8 11,1 12,0 12,5 Touristic chalets
Campinguri i uniti tip csu 20,7 18,6 15,4 13,0 11,3 9,9 Campings and houselet - type units
Vile turistice i bungalouri 23,3 19,5 20,4 19,5 19,2 19,3 Touristic villas and bungalows
Tabere de elevi i precolari 21,9 17,6 15,0 12,3 12,6 14,6 School and pre-school camps
Pensiuni turistice 16,6 14,6 15,5 14,8 14,6 15,4 Touristic boarding houses
Pensiuni agroturistice 14,2 12,4 13,8 13,2 12,6 13,2 Agro-touristic boarding houses
Popasuri turistice 16,3 11,3 9,6 10,6 16,1 14,3 Touristic halting places
Sate de vacan 9,2 7,5 10,7 15,5 23,6 10,5 Holiday villages
Spaii de cazare pe nave 68,0 73,3 88,7 65,4 58,7 11,3 Ships accommodation spaces

Not: Din anul 2006, n cabanele turistice s-au inclus i cabane de vntoare (pescuit), iar din anul 2009 hotelurile pentru tineret s-au asimilat la
hosteluri, pensiunile turistice urbane s-au definit ca pensiuni turistice i pensiunile turistice rurale s-au definit ca pensiuni agroturistice.
Note: Starting with 2006, the touristic chalets include hunting (fishing) chalets too and since 2009 hotels for youth were assimilated to
hostels, urban touristic boarding houses were defined as touristic boarding houses and rural touristic boarding houses were defined
as agro-touristic boarding houses.

Turismul organizat de ageniile de turism, pe aciuni turistice i zone turistice

20.9 Tourism organized by travel agencies, by touristic action and touristic area
Numrul turitilor participani la aciunile turistice organizate de ageniile de turism
Number of tourists taking part in tourist actions organized by travel agencies

Activitatea Activitatea de Activitatea

de incoming 1) turism intern de outgoing 2)
Incoming Internal touristic Outgoing
activity 1) activity activity 2)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014
Agenii tour operatoare Tour operator agencies
- Numr de turiti - total 118712 217705 401726 374667 466683 709977 - Number of tourists - total
Agenii cu activitate de vnzare Sale activity agencies
- Numr de turiti - total 14326 1808 122527 127434 213360 317487 - Number of tourists - total
1) Pentru turitii strini care vin n Romnia. / For foreign tourists who come in Romania.
2) Pentru turitii romni care pleac n strintate. / For Roumanian tourists who leave abroad.

Numrul turitilor romni participani la aciunile turistice interne, pe zone turistice

Number of Romanian tourists taking part in internal tourist actions, by tourism areas
numr / number
Agenii tour operatoare Agenii cu activitate de vnzare
Tour operator agencies Sale activity agencies
2013 2014 2013 2014
Turiti - total 401726 374667 122527 127434 Tourists - total
Zona litoral 173650 183081 45177 55075 Seaside area
Croaziere fluviale 783 235 892 70 River cruises
Croaziere maritime 119 82 4 600 Sea cruises
Delta Dunrii 3521 5129 2737 1947 Danube Delta
Turism cultural 4876 3608 3081 9426 Cultural tourism
Pelerinaj religios 2597 1024 612 308 Religious pilgrimage
Zona montan 61927 58037 22308 19671 Mountain area
Zona balnear 24756 28438 13196 8001 Spa area
Alte zone 129497 95033 34520 32336 Other area

Turismul organizat de ageniile de turism, pe aciuni turistice
i zone turistice - continuare
Tourism organized by travel agencies, by touristic action
20.9 and touristic area - continued
Numrul turitilor romni participani la aciunile turistice externe 3)
Number of Romanian tourists taking part in external tourist actions 3)
numr / number
Agenii tour operatoare Agenii cu activitate de vnzare
Tour operator agencies Sale activity agencies
2013 2014 2013 2014
TOTAL 409895 355853 168265 186178 TOTAL
Europa 388949 333591 157295 177825 Europe
Uniunea European 293894 265117 129951 138931 European Union
Austria 15334 14557 11221 7534 Austria
Belgia 723 1238 120 647 Belgium
Bulgaria 86334 67537 14692 17986 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 1766 4333 1485 2724 Czech Republic
Cipru 1802 322 63 113 Cyprus
Croaia 4412 3161 448 428 Croatia
Danemarca 1247 509 1099 6 Denmark
Estonia 30 - - - Estonia
Finlanda 70 24 - 2 Finland
Frana 15150 15230 10634 13410 France
Germania 15061 8928 12190 8998 Germany
Grecia 74798 77743 23605 28009 Greece
Irlanda 20 166 - 1 Ireland
Italia 20306 18659 24429 18711 Italy
Luxemburg 8 - 6 - Luxembourg
Malta 4253 3928 43 20 Malta
Olanda 1910 2839 1683 6516 Netherlands
Polonia 547 431 72 100 Poland
Portugalia 2500 2210 1080 3309 Portugal
Regatul Unit 7146 7219 6948 2445 United Kingdom
Slovacia 127 - 9 - Slovakia
Slovenia 42 2 - 3 Slovenia
Spania 35860 31236 16969 24340 Spain
Suedia 88 18 58 19 Sweden
Ungaria 4360 4827 3097 3610 Hungary
Albania 300 - 22 - Albania
Elveia 1107 235 31 123 Switzerland
Federaia Rus 554 71 322 1 Russian Federation
Macedonia 183 - 50 - Macedonia
Muntenegru 1226 366 39 8 Montenegro
Norvegia 249 365 80 79 Norway
Republica Moldova 107 105 45 1 Republic of Moldova
Serbia 431 401 38 107 Serbia
Turcia 90489 66895 26717 38575 Turkey
Ucraina 274 36 - - Ukraine
Bosnia i Heregovina 55 - - - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Islanda 80 - - - Island

Africa 3616 7522 623 555 Africa

din care: of which:
Egipt 2473 5851 139 363 Egypt
Maroc 16 37 88 - Morocco
Tunisia 659 1452 369 192 Tunisia
Republica Africa de Sud 323 86 - - Republic of South Africa
Alte ri din Africa 145 96 27 - Other countries from Africa
America de Nord 1561 2959 625 3955 North America
din care: of which:
Canada 175 89 - - Canada
S.U.A. 1386 2870 625 3955 U.S.A.
3) Primele 10 destinaii turistice externe din cadrul fiecrei agenii de turism. / First 10 external tourist destinations within each travel agency.

Turismul organizat de ageniile de turism, pe aciuni turistice
i zone turistice - continuare
Tourism organized by travel agencies, by touristic action
20.9 and touristic area - continued

Numrul turitilor romni participani la aciunile turistice externe 3) - continuare

Number of Romanian tourists taking part in external tourist actions 3) - continued

numr / number
Agenii tour operatoare Agenii cu activitate de vnzare
Tour operator agencies Sale activity agencies
2013 2014 2013 2014
America de Sud i Central 1589 3812 959 793 South and Central America
din care: of which:
Cuba 262 116 288 314 Cuba
Mexic 568 1116 254 149 Mexico
Argentina 38 58 - - Argentina
Brazilia 38 290 2 - Brazil
Alte ri din Other countries from
America de Sud 683 2232 415 330 South America

Asia 12820 7581 8307 3050 Asia

din care: of which:
China 353 655 3549 319 China
Iordania 11 45 - 100 Jordan
Israel 1204 1678 327 447 Israel
Japonia 127 208 23 61 Japan
Thailanda 838 462 645 272 Thailand
Alte ri din Asia 6736 4533 3763 1851 Other countries from Asia

Australia, Oceania Australia, Oceania

i alte teritorii 1360 388 456 - and other territories
din care: of which:
Australia 1295 388 310 - Australia

ri i teritorii Countries and not

nespecificate - - - - specified territories
3) Primele 10 destinaii turistice externe din cadrul fiecrei agenii de turism. / First 10 external tourist destinations within each travel agency.

Numrul de cltorii i nnoptri, dup motivul principal al cltoriei

20.10 Number of travels and overnight stays, by main purpose of the travel
numr / number
Cltorii nnoptri
Travels Overnight stays
2013 2014 2013 2014
Total 18502191 18124838 76738438 75075604 Total
din care: of which:
Vacane1) 16802432 16448671 67381870 65862170 Holidays1)
din care: of which:
Vizite la prieteni Visits to friends
i rude 10072643 9967684 37886209 37466723 and relatives
Afaceri i motive Business and
profesionale 615553 492071 2725498 2438458 professional purpose
1) Inclusiv odihn, recreere, vizite la prieteni i rude. / Including leisure, amusement, visits to friends and relatives.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic selectiv Cererea turistic a rezidenilor din Romnia.
Source: Sample statistical survey Tourism demand of the residents in Romania.

Cltoriile internaionale nregistrate la frontierele Romniei
20.11 International trips registered at Romanias borders
dup mijloacele de transport utilizate / by means of transport used
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sosirile vizitatorilor strini n Romnia (mii sosiri)

Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania (thou arrivals)

Total1) 7575 7498 7611 7937 8019 8442 Total1)

din care: of which:
Rutiere 5925 5906 5676 6027 6244 6390 Road
Feroviare 208 222 258 255 232 173 Railway
Aeriene 1277 1215 1509 1469 1347 1690 Air
Navale 164 154 168 186 196 189 Naval

Plecrile vizitatorilor romni n strintate (mii plecri)

Departures of Romanian visitors abroad (thou departures)

Total1) 11723 10905 10936 11149 11364 12299 Total1)

din care: of which:
Rutiere 9335 8261 7920 8464 8794 9362 Road
Feroviare 214 195 216 201 187 158 Railway
Aeriene 2147 2416 2780 2461 2359 2756 Air
Navale 21 19 20 23 24 23 Naval

procente / percentage

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Indicii sosirilor vizitatorilor strini n Romnia (anul precedent = 100)

Indices of arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania (previous year = 100)

Total 85,5 99,0 101,5 104,3 101,0 105,3 Total

Rutiere 86,1 99,7 96,1 106,2 103,6 102,3 Road
Feroviare 82,0 106,9 116,2 98,7 91,1 74,6 Railway
Aeriene 87,4 95,1 124,1 97,3 91,7 125,5 Air
Navale 62,5 93,9 109,4 111,0 105,0 96,3 Naval

Indicii plecrilor vizitatorilor romni n strintate (anul precedent = 100)

Indices of departures of Romanian visitors abroad (previous year = 100)

Total 89,7 93,0 100,3 101,9 101,9 108,2 Total

Rutiere 89,9 88,6 95,9 106,9 103,9 106,5 Road
Feroviare 82,4 91,2 110,7 93,1 93,3 84,3 Railway
Aeriene 89,3 112,5 115,1 88,5 95,9 116,8 Air
Navale 73,0 90,5 108,4 112,9 102,7 98,1 Naval

1) Include i cltoriile efectuate pe jos. / Also includes by foot trips.

Sursa: Ministerul Afacerilor Interne.
Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Cltorii n strintate pentru vacane 1) i afaceri 2), pe ri de destinaie
20.12 Travels abroad for holidays 1) and business 2), by destination country
numr / number

Cltorii pentru vacane 1)

Travels for holidays 1) Cltorii
din care: vizite pentru
Total Total la prieteni i rude afaceri 2)
of which: Travels
visits to friends for
and relatives business 2)
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Total 1060591 1100398 946165 1013478 371022 436400 114426 86920 Total

Europa - total 1044247 1079023 931700 994950 364527 423182 112547 84073 Europe - total
din care: of which:
Uniunea European 1007458 1039720 896670 959079 353154 403831 110788 80641 European Union
Austria 78099 90670 66728 83227 11207 17573 11371 7443 Austria
Belgia 20008 7027 14418 7027 14418 4604 5590 - Belgium
Bulgaria 156143 120466 152428 119464 2223 3181 3715 1002 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 6634 2410 6634 2410 3506 - - - Czech Republic
Cipru 947 812 - 812 - 812 947 - Cyprus
Croaia 2146 3490 2146 3490 - - - - Croatia
Danemarca 3734 1303 3734 1303 - 1303 - - Denmark
Estonia - - - - - - - - Estonia
Finlanda 525 - 525 - 525 - - - Finland
Frana 21159 45840 18527 44243 12872 25291 2632 1597 France
Germania 61850 92350 33948 67143 31424 58606 27902 25207 Germany
Grecia 177363 185649 176048 181351 23524 7030 1315 4298 Greece
Irlanda 986 1184 986 1184 986 1184 - - Ireland
Italia 214846 265575 188955 239391 142050 165294 25891 26184 Italy
Letonia - - - - - - - - Latvia
Lituania - - - - - - - - Lithuania
Luxemburg 493 - 493 - - - - - Luxembourg
Malta 518 2270 518 2270 - - - - Malta
Olanda 8638 5959 5531 3927 5531 1520 3107 2032 Netherlands
Polonia 5824 6466 4083 5104 - - 1741 1362 Poland
Portugalia 4625 1433 4625 1433 1928 497 - - Portugal
Regatul Unit 12909 14633 12909 11165 6511 8105 - 3468 United Kingdom
Slovacia 2585 - - - - - 2585 - Slovakia
Slovenia - - - - - - - - Slovenia
Spania 94818 79441 76668 78500 48731 44657 18150 941 Spain
Suedia 474 536 474 536 474 536 - - Sweden
Ungaria 132134 112206 126292 105099 47244 63638 5842 7107 Hungary
Republica Moldova 10433 16743 10433 14324 10433 14324 - 2419 Republic of Moldova
Turcia 17012 19223 17012 19223 - 3570 - - Turkey
Ucraina 5197 548 5197 548 940 548 - - Ukraine
Elveia 1759 1013 - - - - 1759 1013 Switzerland
Serbia 2388 909 2388 909 - 909 - -

Asia 5530 4764 3651 3719 2274 3719 1879 1045 Asia

America de Nord 5909 15863 5909 14061 4221 9499 - 1802 North America

America de Sud 840 - 840 - - - - - South America

Africa - 748 - 748 - - - - Africa

Australia i Australia and

Oceania - - - - - - - - Oceania

ri i Not specified
teritorii countries and
nespecificate 4065 - 4065 - - - - - territories
Inclusiv odihn, recreere, vizite la prieteni i rude. / Including leisure, amusement and visits to friends and relatives.
Inclusiv cltorii din motive profesionale. / Including travels for professional purposes.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic selectiv Cererea turistic a rezidenilor din Romnia.
Source: Sample statistical survey Tourism demand of the residents in Romania.

Sosirile vizitatorilor strini n Romnia, pe principalele ri de origine i plecrile
vizitatorilor romni n strintate
Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania, by main origin countries and departures
20.13 of Romanian visitors abroad

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Mii sosiri / Thou arrivals

Total 7575 7498 7611 7937 8019 8442 Total

Europa - total 7203 7098 7180 7473 7526 7815 Europe - total
din care: of which:
Uniunea European 4799 4456 4391 4673 4719 4996 European Union
Austria 180 177 193 218 200 202 Austria
Belgia 37 42 50 47 48 55 Belgium
Bulgaria 877 786 797 944 1136 1209 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 101 80 80 96 90 84 Czech Republic
Cipru 8 8 10 9 7 9 Cyprus
Croaia 25 20 19 19 12 22 Croatia
Danemarca 13 11 14 14 12 15 Denmark
Estonia 4 4 4 4 5 7 Estonia
Finlanda 9 8 11 7 7 7 Finland
Frana 150 131 153 150 136 147 France
Germania 443 395 381 439 448 470 Germany
Grecia 90 71 83 77 76 72 Greece
Irlanda 11 10 13 13 11 17 Ireland
Italia 375 331 352 340 332 355 Italy
Letonia 4 4 4 4 6 6 Latvia
Lituania 10 9 9 11 10 12 Lithuania
Luxemburg 1 1 1 1 1 2 Luxembourg
Malta 1 2 2 3 2 3 Malta
Olanda 67 66 78 76 71 78 Netherlands
Polonia 223 238 250 301 300 308 Poland
Portugalia 20 47 47 41 53 62 Portugal
Regatul Unit 104 92 109 113 104 140 United Kingdom
Slovacia 114 98 84 100 100 97 Slovakia
Slovenia 35 23 17 19 23 21 Slovenia
Spania 67 63 77 74 64 76 Spain
Suedia 19 24 26 25 22 25 Sweden
Ungaria 1836 1735 1546 1547 1443 1495 Hungary
Belarus 43 56 57 96 143 58 Belarus
Macedonia 12 18 19 21 24 25 Macedonia
Muntenegru 3 3 3 Montenegro
Republica Moldova 1043 1216 1330 1120 995 1277 Republic of Moldova
Serbia 1701) 2441) 2501) 286 319 312 Serbia
Federaia Rus 73 92 120 159 176 73 Russian Federation
Turcia 258 265 271 267 254 255 Turkey
Ucraina 724 672 648 740 794 716 Ukraine

Africa 17 21 22 24 25 28 Africa
din care: of which:
Egipt 4 6 6 7 7 7 Egypt

America 169 171 182 207 209 294 America

din care: of which:
Statele Unite ale Americii 119 117 123 144 142 221 United States of America

Asia 171 195 211 216 241 285 Asia

din care: of which:
Israel 76 81 83 80 95 136 Israel

Australia i Oceania 14 13 15 16 17 19 Australia and Oceania

ri nespecificate 1 *) 1 1 1 1 Not specified countries

Mii plecri / Thou departures

Total 11723 10905 10936 11149 11364 12299 Total

Inclusiv Muntenegru. / Including Montenegro.
Sursa: Ministerul Afacerilor Interne.
Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Cltorii interne ale rezidenilor pentru vacane 1) i afaceri 2), pe zone turistice,
dup durata i organizatorul cltoriei

20.14 Internal travels of residents for holidays 1) and business 2), by touristic area,
by travel duration and organizer
numr / number
Zone turistice Touristic areas
Zon rural, inclusiv
Total Ora Litoral lacuri, ruri Croaziere Zon montan Alte zone
Town Seaside Rural area, including Cruises Mountain area Other areas
lakes, rivers
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014

Total 16357394 15840344 5498228 5299683 1822918 1817726 5163221 5000931 34879 26042 3607436 3515652 230712 180310 Total

Durata cltoriei Travel duration

1 - 3 nnoptri 10360503 10207523 4198007 4108593 328769 291739 3570732 3400244 19420 19954 2081620 2247045 161955 139948 1 - 3 overnight stays
4 - 7 nnoptri 5002890 4711604 1049783 943239 1298941 1360160 1233560 1269837 9043 6088 1367780 1098918 43783 33362 4 - 7 overnight stays
8 - 14 nnoptri 794315 731671 185977 177152 175045 160606 273957 244193 1085 - 134869 142720 23382 7000 8 - 14 overnight stays
15 - 28 nnoptri 148726 143779 41146 54371 13401 3167 68884 67100 5331 - 18372 19141 1592 - 15 - 28 overnight stays
29 nnoptri i peste 50960 45767 23315 16328 6762 2054 16088 19557 - - 4795 7828 - - 29 overnight stays and over

Organizatorul cltoriei Travel organizer

Agenii de turism 515088 498924 52158 18103 263913 285487 13182 18857 3262 - 181516 173599 1057 2878 Travel agencies
Sindicat 69847 384745 8999 112002 46180 78333 1571 94167 - 1699 13097 95646 - 2898 Union
Oficii de pensii, Ministerul Muncii, Pension offices, the Ministry
Familiei, Proteciei Sociale i of Labour, Family, Social
Persoanelor Vrstnice 38529 35589 27523 16656 3336 11394 1681 1167 308 - 5681 6372 - - Protection and Elderly Persons
Pe cont propriu 15484355 14638233 5247051 5001738 1499262 1431285 5121277 4834397 31309 24343 3367079 3175361 218377 171109 On own account
Alte mijloace (asociaii Other means (professional,
profesionale, culturale, cultural, religious
religioase etc.) 249575 282853 162497 151184 10227 11227 25510 52343 - - 40063 64674 11278 3425 associations a.s.o.)

1) Inclusiv odihn, recreere, vizite la prieteni i rude. / Including leisure, amusement and visits to friends and relatives.
2) Inclusiv cltorii din motive profesionale. / Including travels for professional purposes.
Sursa: Cercetarea statistic selectiv Cererea turistic a rezidenilor din Romnia.
Source: Sample statistical survey Tourism demand of the residents in Romania.

650 651


21.1 Execuia bugetului de stat ....................................... 657 Execution of the state budget
21.2 Execuia bugetelor locale ....................................... 659 Execution of the local budgets
21.3 Execuia bugetului asigurrilor sociale de stat ........ 661 Execution of the state social insurance budget
21.4 Cursul de schimb mediu anual de referin al Annual average reference exchange rate of
monedei naionale, fa de principalele valute ........ 662 national currency, as against main currencies
21.5 Masa monetar i contrapartida acesteia ............. 663 Broad money and its counterpart
21.6 Creditul intern .......................................................... 664 Domestic credit
21.7 Bilanul monetar al Bncii Naionale Monetary balance sheet of the National
a Romniei .............................................................. 665 Bank of Romania
21.8 Bilanul monetar agregat al altor instituii Aggregate monetary balance sheet of other
financiare monetare ................................................. 666 financial institutions
21.9 Balana de pli ....................................................... 668 Balance of payments
21.10 Asigurrile, pe domenii de activitate, Insurance, by activity fields,
n anul 2014 ............................................................ 672 in 2014
21.11 Societile de asigurri, pe forme de proprietate .... 674 Insurance companies, by type of ownership
21.12 Investiiile societilor de asigurri .......................... 674 Investments of insurance companies

Teritorial Territorial

21.13 Execuia bugetelor locale, n profil teritorial, Execution of the local budgets, at territorial level,
n anul 2014 ................................................................... in 2014


Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

Ministerul Finanelor Publice, pentru datele privind Ministry of Public Finances, for data concerning
execuia bugetului de stat; execuia bugetelor locale execution of the state budget; execution of the local
i execuia bugetului asigurrilor sociale de stat; budgets and execution of the state social insurance
Banca Naional a Romniei, pentru datele privind National Bank of Romania, for data concerning
balana de pli; cursul de schimb mediu anual de balance of payments; annual average reference
referin al monedei naionale, fa de principalele exchange rate of national currency, as against main
valute; masa monetar i contrapartida acesteia; currencies; broad money and its counterpart;
creditul intern; bilanul monetar al Bncii Naionale a domestic credit; monetary balance sheet of the
Romniei; bilanul monetar agregat al altor instituii National Bank of Romania; aggregate monetary
financiare monetare; balance sheet of other financial institutions ;
Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar, pentru Financial Supervisory Authority, for data concerning
datele privind societile de asigurri, pe forme de insurance companies, by type of ownership;
proprietate; investiiile societilor de asigurri i investments of insurance companies and insurance,
asigurrile, pe domenii de activitate. by activity fields.

Structura veniturilor bugetului public naional
21.G1 Structure of national public budget revenues

2013 2014

26,5% 26,1%


25,4% 26,8%

Bugetul de stat
State budget
Bugetele locale
Local budget
Bugetul asigurrilor sociale de stat
State social insurance budget

Structura cheltuielilor bugetului public naional

21.G2 Structure of national public budget expenditure

2013 2014

24,1% 22,0%

53,1% 53,8%

22,8% 24,2%

Bugetul de stat
State budget

Bugetele locale
Local budget
Bugetul asigurrilor sociale de stat
State social insurance budget

Not: Bugetul public naional include: bugetul de stat, bugetele locale i bugetul asigurrilor sociale de stat.
Note: The national public budget includes: state budget, local budgets and state social insurance budget.

Structura capitalului social subscris al societilor de asigurri
21.G3 Structure of subscribed share capital of insurance companies

2009 2014

3,2% 11,0%

Proprietate privat mixt

Private joint venture ownership

Proprietate privat autohton

Private domestic ownership

96,8% 89,0%

Structura capitalului social vrsat al societilor de asigurri

21.G4 Structure of paid up share capital of insurance companies

2009 2014

3,1% 10,6%

Proprietate privat mixt

Private joint venture ownership

Proprietate privat autohton

Private domestic ownership

96,9% 89,4%

Structura investiiilor societilor de asigurri

21.G5 Structure of investments of insurance companies


41,6 39,0 37,8 41,9 36,2 32,2


60 2,1 2,5
2,4 2,3

55,5 61,3 66,1
58,7 60,1
20 56,0

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Plasamente Active circulante Alte active
Investments Current assets Other assets

Execuia bugetului de stat
21.1 Execution of the state budget
milioane lei / lei million

ncasri realizate
Denumirea indicatorilor Receipts obtained Indicators name
2013 2014

VENITURI - total 90945,1 94513,7 REVENUES - total

Venituri curente 86694,0 86878,3 Current revenues
Venituri fiscale 80175,1 80538,1 Fiscal revenues
Impozit pe venit, profit i ctiguri Tax on income, profit and
din capital 20039,4 22014,9 capital earnings
Impozit pe venit, profit i ctiguri Tax on income, profit and capital
din capital de la persoane juridice 12146,2 13115,8 earnings from legal persons
Impozit pe profit 10893,2 12190,3 Tax on profit
Alte impozite pe venit, profit Other taxes on income,
i ctiguri din capital profit and capital earnings
de la persoane juridice 1253,0 925,5 from legal persons
Impozit pe venit, profit i ctiguri Tax on income, profit and capital
din capital de la persoane fizice 7893,2 8387,7 earnings from natural persons
Impozit pe venit 22512,5 23441,7 Tax on income
Cote i sume defalcate din Shares and amounts broken down
impozitul pe venit -14619,3 -15054,0 from tax on income
Alte impozite pe venit, profit Other taxes on income, profit
i ctiguri din capital 511,4 and capital earnings
Impozit pe salarii - total 1,4 -0,1 Tax on salaries - total
Impozite i taxe pe proprietate 51,0 1685,3 Taxes and duties on ownership
Impozite i taxe pe bunuri i servicii 59432,2 56187,7 Taxes and duties on goods and services
Taxa pe valoarea adugat 51827,0 50878,5 Value added tax
Sume defalcate din taxa Amounts broken down from
pe valoarea adugat -15216,7 -19290,8 value added tax
Alte impozite i taxe generale Other general taxes and duties
pe bunuri i servicii 419,1 1017,3 on goods and services
Accize 19798,0 22755,5 Excise duties
Taxe pe utilizarea bunurilor, Duties on using goods, authorization
autorizarea utilizrii bunurilor on using goods or on carrying
sau pe desfurarea de activiti 2604,8 827,2 out activities
Impozit pe comerul exterior Taxes on foreign trade and
i tranzaciile internaionale 620,0 643,0 international transactions
Alte impozite i taxe fiscale 31,1 7,3 Other taxes and fiscal duties
Contribuii de asigurri 160,5 175,3 Insurance contributions
Contribuiile angajatorilor 161,0 175,0 Employers contributions
Contribuiile asigurailor -0,5 0,3 Employed contributions
Venituri nefiscale 6358,4 6164,9 Nonfiscal revenues
Venituri din proprietate 4177,5 4309,1 Income from ownership
Vnzri de bunuri i servicii 2180,9 1855,8 Sales of goods and services
Venituri din capital 299,8 286,3 Capital revenues
Operaiuni financiare 6,6 118,5 Financial operations
ncasri din rambursarea Cashings from refund
mprumuturilor acordate 6,6 118,5 of granted loans
Subvenii - 18,8 Subsidies
Sume primite de la UE / ali donatori Amounts received from EU / other
n contul plilor efectuate donors in the payments made
i prefinanri 4309,9 4783,9 and prefinancing account
Alte sume primite de la UE - 2155,2 Other amounts received from EU
Sume n curs de distribuire -365,2 272,7 Amounts under distribution

1) Sub 0,1 / Under 0.1.

Execuia bugetului de stat - continuare
21.1 Execution of the state budget - continued
milioane lei / lei million
ncasri realizate
Denumirea indicatorilor Receipts obtained Indicators name
2013 2014

CHELTUIELI - total 110128,1 115615,9 EXPENDITURE - total

Cheltuieli curente 105691,2 110670,4 Current expenditure
Cheltuieli de personal 19890,1 21239,7 Staff expenditure
Bunuri i servicii 4405,5 5169,6 Goods and services
Dobnzi 9208,1 8724,3 Interests
Subvenii 3290,4 4015,3 Subsidies
Transferuri ntre uniti ale Transfers among general
administraiei publice 27854,8 29988,5 government units
Alte transferuri 11251,5 11443,6 Other transfers
Proiecte cu finanare din fonduri externe Projects financed from post-accession
nerambursabile (FEN) postaderare 12031,9 11698,7 grants
Asisten social 13368,9 13837,5 Social assistance
Proiecte cu finanare din fonduri externe Projects financed from post-accession
nerambursabile aferente cadrului grants relating to financiar
financiar 2014-2020 - 31,9 framework 2014-2020
Alte cheltuieli 1980,8 2953,6 Other expenditure
Cheltuieli aferente programelor Expenditure related
cu finanare rambursabil 2409,2 1567,7 to grants
Cheltuieli de capital 2446,0 2850,0 Capital expenditure
Active nefinanciare 1794,4 2429,3 Non-fiscal assets
Active financiare 651,6 420,7 Fiscal assets
Operaiuni financiare 2662,5 2733,7 Financial operations
mprumuturi 35,1 113,6 Loans
Rambursri de credite 2627,4 2620,1 Credit refunds
Pli efectuate n anii precedeni Payments in previous years
i recuperate n anul curent -671,6 -638,2 and recovered in current year

CHELTUIELI - total 110128,1 115615,9 EXPENDITURE - total

Servicii publice generale 42436,1 43767,7 General public services
Autoriti publice i aciuni externe 11212,4 12892,2 Public authorities and external actions
Cercetare fundamental i Fundamental research and
cercetare - dezvoltare 1365,3 1481,2 research - development
Alte servicii publice generale 966,9 1845,1 Other general public services
Tranzacii privind datoria public Transactions on public debt
i mprumuturi 11398,7 10977,9 and loans
Transferuri cu caracter general General transfers among various
ntre diferite nivele ale administraiei 17492,8 16571,3 administration levels
Aprare, ordine public Defence, public order
i siguran naional 18428,4 20394,4 and national security
Aprare 4967,6 5668,4 Defence
Ordine public i siguran naional 13460,8 14726,0 Public order and national security
Cheltuieli social-culturale 25477,9 26679,0 Social-cultural expenditure
nvmnt 3867,2 4442,4 Education
Sntate 2725,3 3143,6 Health
Cultur, recreere i religie 1700,9 1871,4 Culture, recreation and religion
Asigurri i asisten social 17184,5 17221,6 Insurance and social assistance
Servicii i dezvoltare public, locuine, Services and public development,
mediu i ape 2839,8 5722,3 dwellings, environment and waters
Locuine, servicii i dezvoltare public 1272,9 3731,1 Dwellings, services and public development
Protecia mediului 1566,9 1991,2 Environment protection
Aciuni economice 20945,9 19052,5 Economic activities
Aciuni generale economice, comerciale General economic, commercial
i de munc 2677,9 1698,4 and labour activities
Combustibili i energie 162,9 133,1 Fuel and energy
Industria extractiv, prelucrtoare Mining and quarrying, manufacturing
i construcii 127,5 148,1 and construction
Agricultur, silvicultur, piscicultur Agriculture, forestry, pisciculture
i vntoare 5811,8 5678,6 and hunting
Transporturi 11904,9 11102,3 Transport
Comunicaii 149,0 39,6 Communications
Cercetare i dezvoltare n domeniul Research and development in economic
economic 85,8 97,1 field
Alte aciuni economice 26,1 41,7 Other economic activities
Cheltuieli din sume rmase neutilizate Expenditure from unused amounts
n anul anterior - 113,6 in prior year

EXCEDENT (+), DEFICIT (-) -19183,0 -21102,2 SURPLUS (+), DEFICIT (-)

Sursa: Ministerul Finanelor Publice. / Source: Ministry of Public Finances.

Execuia bugetelor locale
21.2 Execution of the local budgets
milioane lei / lei million
ncasri realizate
Denumirea indicatorilor Receipts obtained Indicators name
2013 2014

VENITURI - total 48092,6 53666,2 REVENUES total

Venituri curente 38127,3 43028,2 Current revenues

Venituri fiscale 35915,3 40672,6 Fiscal revenues

Impozit pe venit, profit i ctiguri din capital 14879,6 15371,6 Tax on income, profit and capital earnings
Impozit pe venit, profit i ctiguri din Tax on income, profit and capital earnings
capital de la persoane juridice 32,5 47,4 from legal persons
Impozit pe profit 32,5 47,4 Tax on profit
Impozit pe venit, profit i ctiguri din capital Tax on income, profit and capital earnings
de la persoane fizice 14835,1 15314,4 from natural persons
Impozit pe venit 221,9 250,2 Tax on salaries
Alte impozite pe venit, profit Other taxes on income, profit
i ctiguri din capital 12,0 9,8 and capital earnings
Impozite i taxe pe proprietate 4352,2 4499,8 Taxes and duties on ownership
Impozit i tax pe cldiri 2991,0 3158,1 Tax on buildings
Impozit i tax pe teren 1093,7 1139,6 Tax on land
Taxe judiciare de timbru Judicial stamp duties
i alte taxe de timbru 218,5 148,3 and other stamp duties
Alte impozite i taxe pe proprietate 49,0 53,8 Other taxes and duties on ownership
Impozite i taxe pe bunuri i servicii 16520,3 20635,1 Taxes and duties on goods and services
Sume defalcate din taxa pe valoare adugat 15239,9 19310,1 Amounts broken down from value added tax
Alte impozite i taxe generale pe bunuri Other general taxes and duties on goods
i servicii 10,6 15,8 and services
Taxe pe servicii specifice 25,8 30,3 Duties on specific services
Taxe pe utilizarea bunurilor, autorizarea utilizrii Duties on using goods, authorization on using
bunurilor sau pe desfurarea de activiti 1244,0 1278,9 goods or carrying out activities
Alte impozite i taxe fiscale 163,2 166,1 Other fiscal taxes and duties

Venituri nefiscale 2212,0 2355,6 Non-fiscal revenues

Venituri din proprietate 789,9 893,9 Income from ownership
Vnzri de bunuri i servicii 1422,1 1461,7 Sales of goods and services

Venituri din capital 259,4 218,5 Capital revenues

Venituri din privatizare **) **) Income from privatisation

Operaiuni financiare 259,7 165,9 Financial operations

ncasri din rambursarea mprumuturilor acordate 259,7 165,9 Cashings from refund of granted loans
Subvenii 5218,9 6887,5 Subsidies
Subvenii de la alte nivele Subsidies from other levels
ale administraiei publice 5218,9 6887,5 of general government
Subvenii de la bugetul de stat 5021,7 6594,6 Subsidies from the state budget
din care: of which:
Retehnologizarea centralelor termice Retechnologization of thermal and
i electrice de termoficare 24,6 32,8 electric heating stations
Finanarea programului de pietruire a drumurilor Financing commercial roads stoning program
comunale i alimentare cu ap a satelor *) - and villages water supply
Finanarea drepturilor acordate persoanelor
cu handicap 2168,4 2231,2 Financing disabled persons rights
Subvenii primite din Fondul de Intervenie 30,8 157,5 Subsidies from Intervention Fund
Finanarea lucrrilor de cadastru imobiliar - 4,1 Financing land register works
Subvenii de la alte admninistraii 197,2 292,9 Subsidies from other administration
din care: of which:
Subvenii primite de la bugetul asigurrilor pentru Subsidies from unemployment insurance
omaj ctre bugetele locale, pentru finanarea budget to local budgets, to finance labour
programelor pentru ocuparea temporar a forei force temporary employment programs
de munc i subvenionarea locurilor de munc 3,8 2,2 and job subsiding
Sume primite de la UE / ali donatori Amounts recived from EU / other donors in the
n contul plilor efectuate i prefinanri 4227,3 3366,1 payments made prefinancing account

Execuia bugetelor locale - continuare
21.2 Execution of the local budgets - continued
milioane lei / lei million

ncasri realizate
Denumirea indicatorilor Receipts obtained Indicators name
2013 2014

CHELTUIELI - total 47380,4 52101,1 EXPENDITURE - total

Cheltuieli curente 39677,8 42880,9 Current expenditure
Cheltuieli de personal 13571,5 15921,9 Staff expenditure
Bunuri i servicii 10923,9 11804,0 Goods and services
Dobnzi 841,3 688,2 Interests
Subvenii 1827,5 2076,5 Subsidies
Fonduri de rezerv - 1,0 Reserve funds
Transferuri ntre uniti ale administraiei publice 2810,3 3059,7 Transfers among general government units
Alte transferuri 499,1 581,9 Other transfers
Proiecte cu finanare din fonduri externe Projects financed from post-accession
nerambursabile (FEN) postaderare 5308,0 4723,2 grants
Asisten social 3136,2 3256,6 Social assistance
Alte cheltuieli 760,0 767,9 Other expenditure
Cheltuieli de capital 6432,0 7795,1 Capital expenditure
Active nefinanciare 6147,0 7586,8 Non-fiscal assets
Active financiare 285,0 208,3 Financial assets
Operaiuni financiare 1503,2 1621,3 Financial operations
mprumuturi 0,1 6,1 Loans
Rambursri de credite 1503,1 1615,2 Credit refunds
Pli efectuate n anii precedeni i recuperate Payments in previous years and received
n anul curent -232,6 -196,2 in current year

CHELTUIELI - total 47380,4 52101,1 EXPENDITURE - total

Servicii publice generale 5825,8 6328,5 General public services
Autoriti publice i aciuni externe 4600,7 5224,3 Public authorities and external actions
Alte servicii publice generale 347,9 379,7 Other general public services
Tranzacii privind datoria public i mprumuturi 864,7 713,1 Transactions on public debt and loans
Transferuri cu caracter general ntre diferite General transfers among various public
nivele ale administraiei publice 12,5 11,4 administration levels
Aprare, ordine public i siguran naional 651,7 630,4 Defence, public order and national security
Aprare 16,7 14,6 Defence
Ordine public i siguran naional 635,0 615,8 Public order and national security
Cheltuieli social-culturale 22999,8 25696,5 Social-cultural expenditure
nvmnt 11970,7 13974,9 Education
Sntate 1032,2 1250,8 Health
Cultur, recreere i religie 3680,5 3943,3 Culture, recreation and religion
Asigurri i asisten social 6316,4 6527,5 Insurance and social assistance
Servicii i dezvoltare public, locuine, Services and public development, dwellings,
mediu i ape 7340,8 7919,1 environment and waters
Locuine, servicii i dezvoltare public 4666,3 4950,7 Dwellings, services and public development
Protecia mediului 2674,5 2968,4 Environment protection
Aciuni economice 10562,3 11526,6 Economic activities
Aciuni generale economice, comerciale i
de munc 349,2 286,4 General economic, trade and labour activities
Combustibili i energie 1443,2 1539,9 Fuel and energy
Agricultur, silvicultur, piscicultur i vntoare 110,7 141,1 Agriculture, forestry, pisciculture and hunting
Transporturi 8369,8 9260,1 Transport
Alte aciuni economice 289,4 299,1 Other economic activities

EXCEDENT (+), DEFICIT (-) 712,2 1565,1 SURPLUS (+), DEFICIT (-)

Sursa: Ministerul Finanelor Publice.

Source: Ministry of Public Finances.

Execuia bugetului asigurrilor sociale de stat
21.3 Execution of the state social insurance budget
milioane lei / lei million

ncasri realizate
Denumirea indicatorilor Receipts obtained Indicators name
2013 2014

VENITURI total 50129,1 52318,9 REVENUES total

Venituri curente 38066,8 38691,5 Current revenues

Contribuii de asigurri 37899,8 38555,5 Insurance contributions
Contribuiile angajatorilor 27622,3 28212,8 Employers contributions
Contribuii de asigurri sociale de stat
datorate de angajatori 27339,8 27920,9 Employers social insurance contributions
Contribuii de asigurri pentru accidente Employers insurance contributions for
de munc i boli profesionale datorate labour accidents and professional
de angajatori 282,5 291,9 diseases
Contribuiile asigurailor 10277,5 10342,7 Insured contributions
Contribuii de asigurri sociale de stat
datorate de asigurai 12861,7 13709,0 Insured state social insurance contributions
Contribuii de asigurri sociale datorate de
persoane asigurate pe baz de contract Social insurance contributions due by
de asigurare 193,4 186,1 insured based on insurance contracts
Contribuii facultative ale asigurailor 2,9 3,2 Insured facultative contributions
Contribuii de asigurare pentru accidente Insurance contributions for labour accidents
de munc i boli profesionale datorate de and professional diseases from other natural
alte persoane fizice care ncheie asigurarea **) persons insured
Contribuia la fondul de pensii, administrat Private administered pension fund
privat -3128,6 -3877,2 contribution
Restituiri de contribuii de asigurri sociale Return duties of state social insurance
de stat **) - contributions
Contribuii de asigurri sociale de la persoane Social insurance contributions from people
care realizeaz venituri de natur profesional who derive income from occasional
cu caracter ocazional ***) ***) professional nature
Contribuii de asigurri sociale ale persoanelor Social insurance contributions of persons
care realizeaz venituri de natur profesional, who derive income from professional nature,
altele dect cele de natur salarial, other than those of salary nature, paid
pltite de angajatori 5,7 1,8 by employers
Contribuii de asigurri sociale ale persoanelor Social insurance contributions of persons for
pentru perioadele n care acestea nu au avut the periods in which they were not in
calitatea de asigurat n sistemul de pensii ***) the position of pension system insured
Contribuii de asigurri sociale de stat datorate Insured state social insurance
de persoane care realizeaz venituri din activiti contributions from independent activities,
independente, activiti agricole i asocieri agricultural activities and associations
fr personalitate juridic 278,4 256,2 without legal status
Contribuia individual de asigurri sociale
datorat de persoanele care realizeaz venituri Insured social individual contribution
din drepturi de proprietate intelectual 19,4 20,8 from intellectual property rights
Contribuia individual de asigurri sociale
datorat de persoanele care realizeaz venituri Insured social individual contribution from
din activiti desfurate n baza activities based on contracts / civil
contractelor / conveniilor civile ncheiate agreements concluded according to
potrivit Codului civil, precum i Civil Code as well as of agent
a contractelor de agent 44,6 42,8 contracts
Venituri nefiscale 167,0 136,0 Non-fiscal revenues
Venituri din proprietate 75,8 35,1 Income from ownership
Venituri din dobnzi 75,8 35,1 Income from interests
Vnzri de bunuri i servicii 91,2 100,9 Income from goods and services
Subvenii 12254,2 13471,9 Subsidies
Sume primite de la UE / ali donatori Amounts received from EU / other donors
n contul plilor efectuate i prefinanri 19,2 -1,6 in the payments made and prefinancing account
Sume n curs de distribuire -211,1 157,1 Amounts under distribution

1) Sub 0,1 / Under 0.1.

2) Sub 0,001 / Under 0.001.

Execuia bugetului asigurrilor sociale de stat - continuare
21.3 Execution of the state social insurance budget - continued
milioane lei / lei million
ncasri realizate
Denumirea indicatorilor Receipts obtained Indicators name
2013 2014

CHELTUIELI - total 49915,5 47363,3 EXPENDITURE - total

Cheltuieli curente 49950,5 47388,7 Current expenditure
Cheltuieli de personal 154,8 174,0 Staff expenditure
Bunuri i servicii 384,4 368,2 Goods and services
Dobnzi 23,8 8,4 Interests
Transferuri ntre uniti ale administraiei Transfers among public administration
publice 0,7 0,7 units
Proiecte cu finanare din fonduri externe Projects financed from post-accession
nerambursabile (FEN) postaderare 9,4 16,6 grants
Asisten social 49377,4 46820,8 Social assistance
Cheltuieli de capital 1,6 4,5 Capital expenditure
Active nefinanciare 1,6 4,5 Non-fiscal assets
Pli efectuate n anii precedeni Payments in previous years
i recuperate n anul curent -36,6 -29,9 and recovered in current year

CHELTUIELI - total 49915,5 47363,3 EXPENDITURE - total

Cheltuieli social - culturale 49915,5 47363,3 Social -cultural expenditure
Asigurri i asisten social 49818,7 47263,9 Insurance and social assistance
Asigurri i asisten social Insurance and social assistance
pentru accidente for labour
de munc i boli profesionale 96,8 99,4 accidents and professional diseases

EXCEDENT (+), DEFICIT (-) 213,6 4955,6 SURPLUS (+), DEFICIT ( - )

Sursa: Ministerul Finanelor Publice.

Source: Ministry of Public Finances.

Cursul de schimb mediu anual de referin al monedei naionale, fa de

principalele valute
Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency, as against
21.4 main currencies

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

lei / dolar SUA 3,0493 3,1779 3,0486 3,4682 3,3279 3,3492 lei / USD
lei / euro 4,2373 4,2099 4,2379 4,4560 4,4190 4,4446 lei / euro
Not: Cursul de schimb mediu anual se calculeaz ca medie aritmetic simpl a cursurilor valutare medii lunare.
Note: Annual average exchange rate is calculated as simple arithmetic mean of monthly average exchange rates.
Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.

Masa monetar i contrapartida acesteia (la sfritul perioadei)
21.5 Broad money and its counterpart (end of period)
milioane lei / lei million
Denumirea indicatorilor
Indicators name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Masa monetar n sens larg (M3) - Total 189630,3 202772,6 216207,9 222017,7 241547,1 261831,2
Extended broad money (M3) - Total

Masa monetar n sens restrns (M1) - Total 79361,5 81592,3 85834,1 89020,2 100310,6 118581,6
Narrow broad money (M1) - Total
Numerar n circulaie 23967,6 26793,6 30610,3 31476,7 34784,4 39890,4
Currency in circulation
Depozite overnight 55393,9 54798,7 55223,8 57543,5 65526,2 78691,3
Overnight deposits

Masa monetar intermediar

- Masa monetar n sens restrns (M2-M1) 108651,5 117979,8 126224,8 132809,4 140940,4 142991,1
Intermediate broad money
- Narrow broad money (M2-M1)
din care:
of which:

Depozite cu durata iniial de

pn la doi ani inclusiv 108651,5 117979,8 126224,8 132809,4 140940,4 142991,1
Deposits with an agreed maturity
of up to and including two years

Masa monetar intermediar (M2) - Total 188013,0 199572,1 212058,9 221829,6 241251,0 261572,7
Intermediate broad money (M2) - Total

Masa monetar n sens larg

- Masa monetar intermediar (M3-M2) - Total 1617,3 3200,5 4148,9 188,1 296,1 258,5
Extended broad money
- Intermediate broad money (M3-M2) - Total

mprumuturi din operaiuni repo - 117,6 477,4 15,2 63,2 134,7

Aciuni / uniti de fond ale fondurilor
de pia monetar (emise) 1617,3 3062,9 3655,5 c c c
Money market fund shares / units (outstanding)
Titluri de natura datoriei - 20,0 16,0 155,5 155,5 -
Debt securities

ACTIVE EXTERNE NETE1) 22216,8 23992,7 20788,3 35291,3 65581,3 94281,9


ACTIVE INTERNE NETE 167413,5 178779,9 195419,6 186726,4 175965,9 167549,3


Not: ncepnd cu luna iunie 2010, a intrat n vigoare Norma BNR nr. 10/2009 care a nlocuit Norma BNR nr. 13/2006 privind raportarea
statistic a datelor pentru elaborarea bilanului monetar.
Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: Starting with June 2010, Norms No 10/2009 issued by the NBR came into force.They replaced NBR Norms No 13/2006 on
the statistical reporting of data for preparing the monetary balance sheet.
The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Se calculeaz prin scderea din activele externe a pasivelor externe. Conform noilor standarde statistice internaionale (SEC 2010),
ncepnd cu luna decembrie 2014, alocrile de DST de la FMI sunt incluse n pasivele externe.
After deducting foreign liabilities from foreign assets. Starting with December 2014, according to the new international statistical
standards (ESA 2010), the IMFs SDR allocations are included in foreign liabilities.
c = Date confideniale. / Confidential data.
Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei. / Source: National Bank of Romania.

Creditul intern (la sfritul perioadei)
21.6 Domestic credit (end of period)
milioane lei / lei million
Denumirea indicatorilor
Indicators name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 246697,9 270668,0 293952,9 304689,0 298922,5 296710,8

Credit acordat sectorului privat - total 199887,1 209293,6 223037,1 225836,2 218462,3 211164,1
Loans to the private sector - total

Credite n lei - total 79711,7 77358,5 81658,7 84722,8 85354,0 92100,0

Lei credits - total

Credite pe termen scurt - total 26074,7 25718,6 30104,9 33411,3 29341,7 27464,9
Short-term credits - total

Credite pe termen mediu - total 19558,3 19315,7 19525,0 22127,2 27880,7 33497,1
Medium-term credits - total

Credite pe termen lung - total 34078,7 32324,2 32028,8 29184,3 28131,6 31138,1
Long-term credits - total

Credite n valut - total 120175,4 131935,1 141378,4 141113,4 133108,3 119064,1

Foreign currency credits - total

Credite pe termen scurt - total 19791,6 20164,6 22642,1 21348,3 17863,7 13706,4
Short-term credits - total

Credite pe termen mediu - total 20436,0 23321,1 24839,7 24769,4 23327,0 21254,5
Medium-term credits - total

Credite pe termen lung - total 79947,8 88449,4 93896,6 94995,7 91917,7 84103,2
Long-term credits - total

Credit guvernamental1) - total 46810,8 61374,5 70915,8 78852,8 80460,2 85546,6

Government credit1) - total

Not: ncepnd cu luna iunie 2010, a intrat n vigoare Norma BNR nr. 10/2009 care a nlocuit Norma BNR nr. 13/2006 privind raportarea
statistic a datelor pentru elaborarea bilanului monetar.
Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: Starting with June 2010, Norms No 10/2009 issued by the NBR came into force.They replaced NBR Norms No 13/2006 on the
statistical reporting of data for preparing the monetary balance sheet.
The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
Inclusiv titlurile de natura datoriei. / Debt securities included.
Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.

Bilanul monetar al Bncii Naionale a Romniei (la sfritul perioadei)
21.7 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania (end of period)
milioane lei / lei million

Denumirea indicatorilor 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Indicators name

ACTIV - Total 146472,3 164435,5 175014,5 177527,1 167895,9 167492,9 ASSETS - Total

Active externe - total 134721,7 158736,4 164902,2 161607,0 163369,0 164245,3 Foreign assets - total
Cash and other payment
Numerar i alte valori 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 means
Aur monetar 10788,2 15050,9 17502,5 18600,4 13027,5 14723,1 Monetary gold
Disponibil DST la FMI 4149,6 3403,7 1970,1 506,2 125,1 71,8 SDR holdings with IMF
Credite1) 49823,8 42233,2 25491,8 40864,2 42158,3 25307,2 Loans1)
Titluri de natura datoriei 65094,7 92784,9 114522,3 96177,5 102775,0 118498,3 Debt securities
Participaii 4865,4 5263,6 5415,2 5458,4 5282,8 5644,6 Equity

Active interne - total 11750,6 5699,1 10112,3 15920,1 4526,8 3247,6 Domestic assets - total
Cash and other payment
Numerar i alte valori 19,2 27,1 23,4 24,6 27,7 6,4 means
Credite 9452,6 3281,6 6836,0 12629,4 1213,5 687,5 Loans
Participaii 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 Equity
Active fixe 1385,5 1516,8 1503,3 1496,5 1508,1 1398,6 Fixed assets
Alte active2) 891,0 871,3 1747,3 1767,2 1775,1 1152,7 Other assets2)

PASIV - Total 146472,3 164435,5 175014,5 177527,1 167895,9 167492,9 LIABILITIES - Total

Pasive externe 3) Foreign liabilities3)

- total 29173,4 44395,9 49747,1 43966,6 26243,8 17174,3 - total
Foreign currency
Depozite n valut denominated deposits
(inclusiv mprumuturi) 29146,8 44365,5 49722,1 43951,7 26243,8 11914,2 (including borrowings)
Depozite n lei 26,6 30,5 25,0 14,9 - - Lei denominated deposits

Pasive interne3) Domestic liabilities3)

- total 117298,9 120039,6 125267,4 133560,5 141652,0 150318,6 - total
Emisiunea bneasc 27520,4 29964,1 34249,6 36036,5 40344,4 46368,9 Currency issue
Depozite - total 71087,4 67391,5 67268,4 73341,4 84033,0 88534,9 Deposits - total
Depozite overnight 71087,0 67091,4 67268,4 73341,4 84004,6 82257,5 Overnight deposits
Depozite la termen 0,3 300,0 - - 28,4 6277,3 Time deposits
Capital i rezerve 13822,4 17397,2 18446,0 18845,3 12232,6 15376,9 Capital and reserves
Alte pasive 3) 4868,7 5286,8 5303,5 5337,3 5042,1 38,0 Other liabilities3)

Not: ncepnd cu luna iunie 2010, a intrat n vigoare Norma BNR nr. 10/2009 care a nlocuit Norma BNR nr. 13/2006 privind raportarea
statistic a datelor pentru elaborarea bilanului monetar.
Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: Starting with June 2010, Norms No 10/2009 issued by the NBR came into force.They replaced NBR Norms No 13/2006 on the
statistical reporting of data for preparing the monetary balance sheet.
The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Cuprind depozitele plasate de BNR la bnci din strintate. / Include the NBRs deposits with foreign banks.
2) Este inclus i dobnda de ncasat aferent activelor financiare, acumulat i care nu a ajuns la scaden.
The accrued interest receivable related to financial assets is also included.
3) Conform noilor standarde statistice internaionale (SEC 2010), ncepnd cu luna decembrie 2014, alocrile de DST de la FMI sunt
incluse n pasivele externe.
Aceast poziie include i dobnda de pltit aferent pasivelor financiare, acumulat i care nu a ajuns la scaden.
Starting with December 2014, according to the new international statistical standards (ESA 2010), the IMFs SDR allocations are
included in foreign liabilities.
This item also includes the accrued interest payable related to financial liabilities, not yet due.
Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.

Bilanul monetar agregat al altor instituii1) financiare monetare
(la sfritul perioadei)
Aggregate monetary balance sheet of other financial institutions1)
21.8 (end of period)
milioane lei / lei million

Denumirea indicatorilor
Indicators name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

ACTIV - Total 366274,9 388412,8 396575,8 405010,0 408729,9 405404,2

ASSETS - Total

Active externe - total 12780,8 12898,8 9856,4 11427,5 12070,8 18960,4

Foreign assets - total

Numerar i alte valori 1331,5 1614,2 1629,5 1577,0 1787,6 2272,3

Cash and other payment means
Credite (inclusiv depozite plasate) 10042,7 8282,4 6264,9 8151,7 7088,9 12932,1
Loans (including deposits taken)
Titluri de natura datoriei 983,3 2399,9 1612,4 1330,2 2752,0 3294,7
Debt securities
Aciuni/uniti de fond ale fondurilor de pia
monetar i ale fondurilor de investiii deinute
de instituiile de credit 7,6 111,8 74,3 62,9 67,1 88,8
Money market fund and investment fund
shares/units held by credit institutions
Participaii 415,7 490,7 275,3 305,8 375,2 372,6

Active interne - total 353494,1 375513,9 386719,5 393582,4 396659,1 386443,8

Domestic assets - total

Numerar i alte valori 3533,7 3143,4 3615,9 4535,2 5532,3 6472,0

Cash and other payment means
Credite (inclusiv depozite plasate) 280053,1 285338,3 295658,8 289840,7 289095,3 274094,3
Loans (including deposits taken)
Titluri de natura datoriei 35719,2 50467,8 60246,8 69037,4 70682,3 75911,0
Debt securities
Aciuni/uniti de fond ale fondurilor de pia
monetar i ale fondurilor de investiii deinute
de instituiile de credit 179,2 98,4 124,0 - - 127,6
Money market fund and investment fund
shares/units held by credit institutions
Participaii 1318,6 1781,9 1804,3 2136,4 2265,8 3013,3
Active fixe 9758,5 10206,7 11278,6 11914,7 11704,9 11541,1
Fixed assets
Alte active2) 22931,9 24477,4 13991,2 16118,0 17378,5 15284,4
Other assets2)

Not: ncepnd cu luna iunie 2010, a intrat n vigoare Norma BNR nr. 10/2009 care a nlocuit Norma BNR nr. 13/2006 privind raportarea
statistic a datelor pentru elaborarea bilanului monetar.
Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: Starting with June 2010, Norms No 10/2009 issued by the NBR came into force.They replaced NBR Norms No 13/2006 on the
statistical reporting of data for preparing the monetary balance sheet.
The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Instituii de credit i fonduri de pia monetar. / Credit institutions and monetary market funds.
2) Este inclus i dobnda de ncasat aferent activelor financiare, acumulat i care nu a ajuns la scaden.
The accrued interest receivable related to financial assets and not yet due is also included.
Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.

Bilanul monetar agregat al altor instituii1) financiare
monetare (la sfritul perioadei) - continuare
Aggregate monetary balance sheet of other financial institutions1)
21.8 (end of period) - continued
milioane lei / lei million
Denumirea indicatorilor
Indicators name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

PASIV - Total 366274,9 388412,8 396575,8 405010,0 408729,9 405404,2


Pasive externe - total 96112,3 103246,6 104223,2 93776,6 83614,7 71749,5

Foreign liabilities - total
Depozite 95376,9 102436,9 103936,9 93661,0 83169,1 71026,2
Depozite overnight 7556,0 7539,1 8662,5 5944,0 8163,5 6739,3
Overnight deposits
Depozite la termen (inclusiv mprumuturi) 87708,5 94765,3 95274,3 86868,9 73163,7 63781,1
Time deposits (including borrowings)
Depozite rambursabile dup notificare 10,5 10,5 - - - -
Deposits redeemable at notice
mprumuturi din operaiuni reverse repo 101,9 122,0 - 848,1 1841,9 505,8
Reverse repos
Titluri de natura datoriei 735,4 789,1 258,8 115,5 445,6 723,1
Debt securities
Aciuni/uniti ale nerezidenilor emise de
fondurile de pia monetar - 20,6 27,5 c c c
Non-residents shares/units issued by money
market funds

Pasive interne - total 270162,6 285166,2 292352,7 311233,3 325115,2 333654,7

Domestic liabilities-total
Depozite - total 195318,0 197609,8 207088,1 221370,9 230231,9 245617,3
Deposits - total
Depozite overnight 62724,2 60842,2 61285,4 63156,6 71340,2 83612,5
Overnight deposits
Depozite la termen (inclusiv mprumuturi) 123358,6 132138,5 137633,9 144662,0 155516,1 160522,1
Time deposits (including borrowings)
mprumuturi din operaiuni reverse repo 9235,1 4629,1 8168,7 13552,4 3375,6 1482,7
Reverse repos
Titluri de natura datoriei 137,7 403,6 774,3 1069,0 1473,1 1642,1
Debt securities
Aciuni / uniti emise de fondurile de pia
monetar 1796,4 3161,3 3779,5 c c c
Shares / units issued by money market funds
Capital i rezerve 43831,4 54791,3 63451,7 72739,6 79254,7 72819,3
Capital and reserves
Alte pasive3) 29079,1 29200,1 17259,0 16036,3 14078,1 13452,3
Other liabilities3)

Not: ncepnd cu luna iunie 2010, a intrat n vigoare Norma BNR nr. 10/2009 care a nlocuit Norma BNR nr. 13/2006 privind raportarea
statistic a datelor pentru elaborarea bilanului monetar.
Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: Starting with June 2010, Norms No 10/2009 issued by the NBR came into force.They replaced NBR Norms No 13/2006 on the
statistical reporting of data for preparing the monetary balance sheet.
The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) Instituii de credit i fonduri de pia monetar. / Credit institutions and monetary market funds.
3) Este inclus i dobnda de pltit aferent pasivelor financiare, acumulat i care nu a ajuns la scaden.
The accrued interest payable related to financial liabilities and not yet due is also included.
c = Date confideniale. / Confidential data.
Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.

21.9 Balana de pli
Balance of payments
milioane euro / euro million

2011 2012 2013 2014

Componente Credit Debit Sold Credit Debit Sold Credit Debit Sold Credit Debit Sold Components
Net Net Net Net
credit credit credit credit

Contul curent 55786 61975 -6189 56961 63013 -6052 65160 66699 -1539 68657 69343 -686 Current account
Bunuri i servicii 48797 56115 -7318 49774 56232 -6459 57309 58422 -1113 61908 62376 -468 Goods and services
Bunuri 40112 49082 -8970 39901 48832 -8932 43879 49695 -5816 46807 53142 -6335 Goods
- Bunuri compilate conform - General merchandise on a
metodologiei balanei de pli 40032 49082 -9050 39888 48832 -8944 43826 49695 -5869 46696 53142 -6446 balance of payments basis
- Merchanting - export net 79 - 79 12 - 12 53 - 53 111 - 111 - Merchanting - export net
Merchanting - bunuri achiziionate - - - - - - -236 - -236 -178 - -178 Merchanting - goods acquired
Merchanting - bunuri vndute 79 - 79 12 - 12 289 - 289 289 - 289 Merchanting - goods sold
Servicii 8685 7033 1652 9873 7400 2473 13430 8727 4703 15101 9234 5867 Services
- Manufacturing services on
- Servicii de prelucrare a bunurilor 1511 119 1392 1483 127 1356 2275 142 2133 2525 163 2362 physical inputs owned by others
- Transport 2252 1348 904 2513 1328 1185 3880 1386 2494 4391 1577 2814 - Transportation
- Turism - cltorii 1019 1409 -390 1142 1429 -287 1196 1547 -351 1378 1824 -446 - Travel
- Alte servicii 3903 4157 -254 4735 4516 219 6079 5652 427 6807 5670 1137 - Other services
Venituri primare 2042 3723 -1681 2372 4676 -2304 2505 5617 -3112 2197 4100 -1903 Primary income
- Remunerarea salariailor 500 93 407 571 91 480 553 68 485 545 59 486 - Compensation of employees
- Venituri din investiii 775 3390 -2615 809 4314 -3505 775 5424 -4649 326 3935 -3609 - Investment income
- Alte venituri primare 769 242 527 992 271 721 1177 125 1052 1326 106 1220 - Other primary income
Venituri secundare 4946 2136 2810 4815 2105 2711 5346 2660 2686 4552 2867 1685 Secondary income
- Administraia public 1215 1130 85 835 1274 -438 1544 1579 -35 801 1791 -990 - General government
- Alte sectoare 3731 1006 2725 3980 831 3149 3802 1081 2721 3751 1076 2675 - Other sectors
Contul de capital 1181 460 721 2237 357 1880 3163 125 3038 4047 93 3954 Capital account
Transferuri de capital 843 284 559 1787 190 1596 3021 115 2906 3927 81 3846 Capital transfers
- Administraia public 712 146 566 1685 126 1559 3018 11 3007 3922 - 3922 - General government
- Alte sectoare 131 138 -7 102 65 37 3 104 -101 5 81 -76 - Other sectors
Achiziionarea/vnzarea de Gross acquisitions / disposals of
active nefianciare neproduse 338 176 162 451 167 284 142 10 132 120 12 108 nonproduced nonfinancial assets

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.

668 669
21.9 Balana de pli - continuare
Balance of payments - continued
milioane euro / euro million

2011 2012 2013 2014

Achiziia Acumularea Achiziia Acumularea Achiziia Acumularea Achiziia Acumularea
net de net de net de net de net de net de net de net de
active pasive 1) Net active 1) pasive 1)
Net active 1) pasive 1) Net active 1) pasive 1) Net
Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
acquisition insurance acquisition insurance acquisition insurance acquisition insurance
1) 1) 1) 1)
of assets of liabilities of assets of liabilities of assets 1) of liabilities 1) of assets 1) of liabilities 1)

Contul financiar -174 4609 -4783 -1509 1597 -3106 2431 758 1673 202 -2866 3068 Finanacial account
Investiii directe 3 1756 -1753 -183 2195 -2379 -27 2897 -2924 228 2930 -2702 Direct Investment
- Participaii la capital 39 1513 -1472 -88 795 -883 128 2430 -2302 -203 2851 -3054 - Equity
Participaii la capital, exceptnd Equity other than reinvestment of
reinvestirea profiturilor 95 4009 -3914 -65 2676 -2741 127 2768 -2641 12 4226 -4214 earnings
Reinvestirea profiturilor -56 -2496 2440 -24 -1881 1857 1 -338 339 -215 -1375 1160 Reinvestment of earnings
- Instrumente de natura datoriei -36 243 -279 -96 1401 -1496 -155 467 -622 431 79 352 - Debt instruments
Investiii de portofoliu 44 1718 -1674 468 4013 -3546 225 5656 -5431 105 2964 -2859 Portfolio investment
- Participaii la capital i aciuni ale - Equity and investment fund
fondurilor de investiii 152 -27 179 189 314 -125 -47 781 -828 3 435 -432 shares/units
- Instrumente de natura datoriei -108 1745 -1853 279 3700 -3421 272 4875 -4603 102 2529 -2427 - Debt securities
Derivate financiare -428 -499 71 -300 -477 177 -35 - -35 -26 - -26 Financial derivatives
Alte investiii de capital -690 1634 -2324 -42 -4135 4094 125 -7795 7920 1130 -8760 9890 Other investment
Participaii la capital, altele dect cele de Other equity, other direct investment
natura investiiei directe i de portofoliu - - - - - - 57 - 57 5 - 5 and portfolio investment
Numerar i depozite -336 -93 -243 330 -2036 2366 163 -2625 2788 1003 -2857 3860 Currency and deposits
mprumuturi 221 1898 -1677 77 -1984 2060 -152 -4490 4338 342 -5495 5837 Loans
Investiii aferente asigurrilor, schemelor Insurance, pension and
de pensii i de garantare standard - - - - - - 2 - 2 2 - 2 standardized guarantee schemes
Credite comerciale i avansuri -711 -209 -502 -447 -331 -116 -33 -694 661 -238 -385 147 Trade credits and advances
Alte creane / angajamente externe 136 38 98 -1 216 -217 88 14 74 16 -23 39 Other accounts receivable / payable
Drepturi speciale de tragere - - - - - - - - - - - - SDRs
Active de rezerv BNR 897 897 -1452 - -1452 2143 - 2143 -1235 - -1235 Reserve Assets

Erori i omisiuni (net) - - 686 - - 1066 174 - 174 - 200 -200 Net errors and omissions

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
1) + = Cretere; - = Scdere. / += Increase; -= Decrease.
Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.

670 671
21.10 Asigurrile, pe domenii de activitate, n anul 2014
Insurance, by activity fields, in 2014
mii lei / lei thou
brute pltite
(inclusiv sume
pltite pentru din care:
din care: maturiti, la Comisioane pltite of which:
Prime brute aferente primirilor Prime cedate n asigurrile pentru primiri Rezerve
subscrise n reasigurare reasigurare de via) n reasigurare tehnice brute De prime De daune Rezerva
Domenii de activitate Gross premiums of which: Premium ceded to Gross indemnities Paid commissions Gross technical Unearned Loss matematic Activity fields
written reinsurance reinsurance paid (including for reinsurance reserves premium reserves Mathematical
acceptances amounts paid acceptances reserves reserve
for life insurance

ASIGURRI GENERALE - TOTAL 6448556,5 26369,6 1881898,6 3740214,1 2789452,7 7598200,6 2976807,9 4243226,1 - NON - LIFE INSURANCE - TOTAL

Asigurri de accidente i boal 105919,1 304,5 11150,4 20126,8 2782558,0 95698,7 67411,2 18777,7 - Accidents and illness insurance
Asigurri de sntate 37701,6 - 2,0 13835,5 - 23171,7 18890,6 4281,1 - Health insurance
Asigurri de mijloace de transport terestru,
altele decat cele feroviare 1684128,3 - 417011,0 1445310,3 - 1554704,3 883068,2 562233,3 - Land vehicles other than rail insurance
Asigurri de mijloace de transport feroviar 3732,8 - 1429,0 371,8 - 4506,6 2397,1 807,9 - Rail transport means insurance
Asigurri de mijloace de transport aerian 10251,0 101,1 8763,4 6976,6 6,3 33231,5 6851,1 25502,5 - Aircraft insurance
Asigurri de mijloace de transport naval
(maritime, fluviale, lacustre, canale navigabile) 58221,1 1925,0 7036,2 34277,1 277,4 194761,2 40808,2 148245,7 - Ships insurance (ocean, inland)
Asigurri de bunuri n tranzit, inclusiv mrfuri Goods in transit insurance including cargo,
transportate, bagaje i orice alte bunuri 37932,0 242,4 23312,1 8075,1 5,2 35475,5 18643,8 10184,6 - baggage and any other goods transportation
Asigurri de incediu i calamiti naturale 954401,7 2846,0 449548,4 20521,2 297,4 944937,3 469519,7 348127,9 - Fire and natural catastrophe insurance
Alte asigurri de bunuri 167238,4 1005,1 54770,5 12366,9 157,7 180123,8 73530,7 83681,8 - Property damage insurance
Asigurri de rspundere civil a autovehiculelor Third party liability motor insurance
(rspundere civil auto obligatorie i carte verde) 2800429,0 - 723570,8 1961442,1 - 3754765,8 1055833,8 2670600,5 - (compulsory TPL and Green Card)
Asigurri de rspundere civil a mijloacelor
de transport aerian 17810,0 549,6 15805,7 155,0 19,3 20013,6 9504,0 10509,6 - Aircraft civil liability insurance
Asigurri de rspundere civil a mijloacelor
de transport naval 14419,5 - 6837,2 4460,4 - 27559,1 8395,6 19156,5 - Civil liability for ships insurance
Asigurri de rspundere civil general 280634,1 9757,4 106317,5 142843,5 2138,1 300404,0 130434,7 160578,0 - General civil liability insurance
Asigurri de credite 18827,6 - 6575,7 24442,8 - 43348,5 5549,2 1599,1 - Credit insurance
Asigurri de garanii 161198,6 -24,8 33465,0 18840,4 -2,5 317261,6 173001,5 137842,2 - Warranties insurance
Asigurri de pierderi financiare 17845,5 3278,7 6900,2 2493,6 1282,5 21051,9 3352,5 10239,7 - Financial loss insurance
Asigurri de protecie juridic 141,0 - - - - 110,9 88,3 22,6 - Legal aid insurance
Asigurri de asisten a persoanelor Assistance insurance of the persons
aflate n dificultate 77725,4 6384,6 9403,5 23674,9 2713,4 47074,5 9527,7 30835,4 - in difficulty

ASIGURRI DE VIA - TOTAL 737543,8 44,9 52517,3 151655,1 - 6151847,8 483660,7 140125,9 5362340,5 LIFE INSURANCE - TOTAL

Asigurri de via, anuiti i asigurri Life assurance, annuities and supplementary

de via suplimentare prevzute la assurance provided for in the Annex No 1 of
punctul A litera a), b) i c) din Anexa nr. 1 the Law No 32/2000, with subsequent
la Legea nr.32/2000, cu modificrile i amendments and completions, point A lett.
completrile ulterioare, cu excepia celor a), b) and c) with the exceptions
prevzute la punctul II i III 99953,0 44,9 43816,0 117937,0 - 2789564,6 457030,2 124867,4 2058131,4 of those provided under the points II and III
Asigurri de cstorie, asigurri de natere 1078,4 - - 15,8 - 7575,9 534,0 133,2 6663,3 Marriage insurance, birth insurance
Asigurri de via i anuiti care sunt Life assurance and annuities related to
legate de fonduri de investiii, prevzute la investment funds provided for in
punctul A litera a) i b) din Anexa nr.1 the Annex No 1 of the Law No 32/2000,
la Legea nr.32/2000, cu modificrile i with subsequent amendments and
completrile ulterioare 553837,4 - 593,4 8678,5 - 3316112,8 29,4 2828,9 3297338,3 completions, point A lett. a) and b)
Asigurri permanente de sntate prevzute la Permanent health insurance provided for in
punctul A litera d) din Anexa nr.1 la the Annex No 1 of the Law No 32/2000,
Legea 32/2000, cu modificarile i with subsequent amendments and
completarile ulterioare 5169,3 - 24,2 4034,4 - 5208,1 3095,5 1881,7 207,5 completions, point A lett.d)
Asigurri de accidente i de boal 34899,0 - 2503,6 2388,2 - 11666,4 5032,9 6633,5 - Accidents and ilness insurance
Asigurri de sntate 42606,7 - 5580,1 18601,3 - 21720,0 17938,8 3781,2 - Health insurance

Not: Diferenele ntre datele pe total i valorile obinute din nsumarea diverselor structuri utilizate sunt datorate rotunjirilor.
Note: The differences between total data and data obtained by cumulating the different structures used are due to rounding up.
Sursa: Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar.
Source: Financial Supervisory Authority.

672 673
Societile de asigurri, pe forme de proprietate (la sfritul perioadei)
21.11 Insurance companies, by type of ownership (end of period)

Societi Capital social Capital social

de asigurri subscris vrsat
(numr) (milioane lei) (milioane lei)
Insurance Subscribed share Paid up share
companies capital capital
(number) (lei million) (lei million)

2009 2009
Total 451) 3970,6 3957,2 Total
Proprietate privat mixt 37 3845,1 3833,7 Private joint venture ownership
Proprietate privat autohton 8 125,5 123,5 Private domestic ownership

2010 2010
Total 432) 4175,3 4153,8 Total
Proprietate privat mixt 35 3853,5 3832,0 Private joint venture ownership
Proprietate privat autohton 8 321,8 321,8 Private domestic ownership

2011 2011
Total 41 4038,2 4032,4 Total
Proprietate privat mixt 34 3908,9 3903,1 Private joint venture ownership
Proprietate privat autohton 7 129,3 129,3 Private domestic ownership

2012 2012
Total 39 2985,9 2983,0 Total
Proprietate privat mixt 31 2634,5 2633,4 Private joint venture ownership
Proprietate privat autohton 8 351,4 349,6 Private domestic ownership

2013 2013
Total 38 3466,3 3461,7 Total
Proprietate privat mixt 28 2885,1 2880,5 Private joint venture ownership
Proprietate privat autohton 10 581,2 581,2 Private domestic ownership

2014 2014
Total 37 3754,9 3737,3 Total
Proprietate privat mixt 31 3342,4 3341,5 Private joint venture ownership
Proprietate privat autohton 6 412,5 395,8 Private domestic ownership
1) La 31.12.2009 desfurau activitate de asigurare/reasigurare un numr de 45 de societi (comparativ cu anul 2008 au intrat pe
pia 2 societi: PAID i ERGO Asigurri de Via i a ieit ASIBAN prin procedura de fuziune prin absorbie de ctre
Groupama). / On 31.12.2009, 45 companies performed insurance / reinsurance activity (compared to 2008, 2 companies entered
the market namely PAID and ERGO life insurance and ASIBAN left through fusion by GROUPAMA absorption).
2) La 31.12.2010 desfurau activitate de asigurare un numr de 43 de societi (comparativ cu 31.12.2009 a intrat pe pia Compania
de Asigurri EXIM Romnia i au ieit prin retragerea autorizaiei de funcionare 3 societi: Delta Asigurri SA, Delta Addendum
Asigurri Generale SA i KD LIFE Asigurri SA). / On 31.12.2010, 43 companies performed insurance activity (compared to 31.12.2009
entered the market insurance company EXIM Romania and 3 companies left by withdrawal of functioning authorization, namely Delta
Insurance SA, Delta Addendum General Insurance SA and KD LIFE insurance SA).
Sursa: Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar.
Source: Financial Supervisory Authority.

Investiiile societilor de asigurri

21.12 Investments of insurance companies
milioane lei / lei million

Active 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Assets

Total active 16398,5 16805,6 17293,9 18960,4 18357,7 18763,9 Total assets
Plasamente 9174,3 9857,8 10390,1 10525,7 11248,1 12399,6 Investments
Active circulante 400,4 387,6 366,4 498,1 469,9 313,1 Current assets
Cash in hand and availabilities
Casa i conturi la bnci 259,4 265,1 275,9 413,0 404,0 254,1 in current accounts
Alte active circulante 141,0 122,5 90,5 85,1 65,9 59,0 Other current assets
Alte active 6823,8 6560,2 6537,4 7936,6 6639,7 6051,2 Other assets

Sursa: Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar.

Source: Financial Supervisory Authority.



22.1 Numrul de judectori i cel de cauze penale Number of judges and of penal and civil actions
i civile intrate la instanele judectoreti ............. 679 which entered the Courts of Justice
22.2 Persoane condamnate definitiv de instanele Persons definitively convicted by the Courts
judectoreti .......................................................... 680 of Justice
22.3 Persoane condamnate definitiv, Persons definitively convicted,
pe tipuri de pedepse ............................................. 681 by punishment type
22.4 Persoane condamnate definitiv, Persons definitively convicted, by category
pe categorii de infraciuni ...................................... 682 of offences
22.5 Persoane condamnate definitiv, aflate n Persons definitively convicted, in penitentiaries
penitenciare i centre de reeducare ..................... 683 and rehabilitation centers
22.6 Persoane condamnate definitiv, aflate n Persons definitively convicted, in penitentiaries
penitenciare i centre de reeducare, and rehabilitation centers,
dup durata pedepselor ........................................ 683 by length of prison sentence
22.7 Fenomenul judiciar n materie civil ..................... 684 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter
22.8 Infraciuni cercetate i soluionate de poliie ........ 685 Offences investigated and solved by the Police

Teritorial Territorial

22.9 Persoane condamnate definitiv de instanele Persons definitively convicted by the Courts
judectoreti, n profil teritorial ................................... of Justice, at territorial level
22.10 Infraciuni cercetate i soluionate de poliie, Offences investigated and solved by the Police,
n profil teritorial ......................................................... at territorial level


Surse administrative: Administrative sources:

Administraia Naional a Penitenciarelor din cadrul National Administration of Penitentiaries within the
Ministerului Justiiei, pentru datele referitoare la Ministry of Justice, for data on finally convicted
persoanele condamnate definitiv, aflate n persons from penitentiaries and reeducation
penitenciare i centre de reeducare; centers;
Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii, pentru datele Superior Council of Magistracy, for data regarding on
referitoare la numrul i activitatea judectoriilor, number and activity of judges, courts of law and
tribunalelor i curilor de apel (aciuni penale sau appeal courts (penal and civil actions, finally
civile nregistrate la instanele judectoreti, hotrri convicted persons, criminality rate a.s.o.);
judectoreti penale i civile, persoane condamnate
definitiv, rata criminalitii etc.);
Inspectoratul General al Poliiei Romne din cadrul General Inspectorate of Romanian Police within the
Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, pentru datele privind Ministry of Internal Affairs, for data on
infraciunile cercetate i soluionate de poliie. offences investigated and solved by the Police.


Infraciunea este considerat fapta care prezint Offence is the deed presenting social danger,
pericol social, svrit cu vinovie i prevzut de committed by guilt and provided by penal law.
legea penal.
Condamnarea reprezint aplicarea printr-o hotrre Conviction represents enforcing, by a court order,
judectoreasc a unor pedepse prevzute de legea the punishments comprised in the penal law, in case the
penal, n cazul n care instana constat c fapta exist, court finds that the deed exists, is an offence and has
constituie infraciune i a fost svrit de inculpat. been committed by the defendant. Conviction is declared
Condamnarea este definitiv dac hotrrea final if the court order by which it has been pronounced
judectoreasc prin care a fost pronunat nu mai este is no longer susceptible to be attacked by appeal.
susceptibil de a fi atacat cu recurs.
Contravenia este considerat infraciunea Infringement is considered the statutory offence
reglementar, care nu este pedepsit de legea penal, ci which is not punished by penal law, but is sanctioned at
este sancionat pe cale administrativ. nclcarea administrative level. Violation of law or regulation
dispoziiilor unei legi, a unui regulament etc., care, avnd stipulations a.s.o. having a low degree of social danger,
un grad redus de pericol social, este sancionat cu o is sanctioned with a minor punishment.
pedeaps uoar.
n materie penal, datele se refer la numrul de In penal matter, data refer to the number of persons
persoane n vrst de 14 ani i peste, condamnate aged 14 years and over, definitively convicted for the
definitiv pentru infraciunile svrite. committed offences.
Recidivitii sunt persoanele condamnate care au Recidivists are persons convicted who committed
svrit din nou, cu intenie, o infraciune pentru care again intentionally an offence for which the penal law
legea penal prevede, n anumite condiii, pedeapsa provides under certain circumstances the punishment of
privrii de libertate (nchisoare) mai mare de un an. n liberty privation (prison) longer than a year. In the
categoria minorilor condamnai definitiv sunt cuprinse category of under aged definitively convicted, persons of
persoanele din grupa de vrst 14-17 ani. age group 14-17 are included.
n cazul persoanelor condamnate pentru mai multe In case of persons convicted for several offences,
infraciuni, n statistica judiciar s-a nregistrat the most serious offence was registered in judicial
infraciunea cea mai grav. statistics.
n numrul de judectori au fost inclui i judectorii Probation judges are also included in the number of
stagiari. judges.
Aciunile directe care se regsesc la infraciuni Direct actions which are found among offences
contra persoanei se refer la infraciuni mai puin grave against person refer to less severe offences (threat,
(ameninare, lovire, insult, calomnie etc.) pentru care attack, insult, slander a.s.o.) for which the victims
plngerea persoanei vtmate se adresa Comisiei de complaint is addressed to the Judgement Commission,
Judecat, n vederea realizrii de mpcciune. for reconciliation.
Prin Legea nr. 104/2 Oct. 1992, Comisiile de Judecat According to the Law No 104 / Oct. 2,1992,
s-au desfiinat, partea vtmat urmnd a se adresa the Judgement Commissions have been dissolved, so
direct judectoriei competente. the victim is to address directly to the competent Court.
Internare ntr-un centru de reeducare - msur Internment in reeducation centers educative
educativ privativ de libertate ce se poate aplica measure privative of liberty that could be applied to the
minorului care a comis o infraciune, n funcie de minor who committed an offence, depending on its
gravitatea acesteia, dac celelalte msuri educative se gravity, if the other educative measures are not sufficient.
vdesc insuficiente. Minorului internat i se asigur Interned minor has assured the possibility to acquire
posibilitatea de a dobndi nvtura necesar i o necessary education and vocational training according to
pregtire profesional potrivit cu aptitudinile sale. his skills. The measure lasts for an indefinite period, but
Msura se ia pe timp nedeterminat, ns nu poate dura cannot exceed the date of reaching 18 years.
dect pn la mplinirea vrstei de 18 ani.
Dup abrogarea din anul 1992 a Decretului After the abrogation in 1992, of the transitory Decree
tranzitoriu nr.218/1977, se aplic pentru minori No 218/1977, the sanctions stipulated in the Romanian
sanciunile prevzute n Codul Penal Romn. colile Penal Code are applied to under age persons. The
speciale de munc i reeducare s-au transformat n special schools of work and rehabilitation have been
Centre de reeducare pentru minori. changed into centres of rehabilitation for under age
Persoane condamnate definitiv de instanele judectoreti
22.G1 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

2009 2014
5,3% 7,0%



94,7% 93,0%

2009 2014

8,9% 7,7% Minori cu vrst

de 14-17 ani (inclusiv)
Under age persons
of 14-17 years old (including)


91,1% 92,3%

Persoane condamnate definitiv, pe categorii de infraciuni

22.G2 Persons definitively convicted, by category of offences

2009 2014

Infraciuni contra
14,8% 16,0% Offences against person
18,9% 18,8%
Infraciuni contra
Offences against patrimony
Infraciuni la regimul circulaiei
pe drumurile publice
29,2% Offences to traffic system
on public roads
Alte categorii de infraciuni
37,1% 37,8% Other category of offences

Infraciuni cercetate i soluionate de poliie
22.G3 Offences investigated and solved by the Police

2009 2014

18,6% 20,7% Economico - financiare
Economic - financial


De alt natur

44,9% 68,6%

Numrul de judectori i cel de cauze penale i civile intrate la

instanele judectoreti
Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered
22.1 the Courts of Justice

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Judectori / Judges 3904 4081 4205 4203 4466 4204

Brbai / Male 1054 1100 1262 1261 1289 1220
Femei / Female 2850 2981 2943 2942 3177 2984

Cauze intrate la instanele judectoreti 1) 1903435 2263338 2350094 2455181 2245532 2271582
Actions which entered the Courts of Justice 1)
Penale / Penal 239282 244441 244115 255287 284673 320255
Civile / Civil 1664153 2018897 2105979 2199894 1960859 1951327

Numr de cauze penale i civile ce revin spre

soluionare unui judector 488 555 559 584 503 540
Number of penal and civil actions which are
to be solved by a judge

1) Sunt incluse toate cauzele nou intrate n toate stadiile procesuale. / Includes all new entrants causes in the procedural stages.
Sursa: Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii.
Source: Superior Council of Magistracy.

22.2 Persoane condamnate definitiv de instanele judectoreti
Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 34226 41891 47577 49188 47133 40832 Total

Brbai 32404 39778 45010 46370 44552 37974 Male

Femei 1822 2113 2567 2818 2581 2858 Female

din total: of total:

Minori 1) 3035 3263 3373 3026 2905 3126 Under age persons 1)

Biei 1) 2859 3079 3078 2874 2730 2894 Boys 1)

Fete 1) 176 184 295 152 175 232 Girls 1)

Majori 31191 38628 44204 46162 44228 37706 Adults

Brbai 29545 36699 41932 43496 41822 35080 Male

Femei 1646 1929 2272 2666 2406 2626 Female

din total: of total:

Recidiviti 4401 4688 5517 5429 5120 4492 Recidivists

Rata criminalitii 2) Criminality rate 2)

(Persoane condamnate (Persons definitively convicted
definitiv la 100000 locuitori) 168 207 236 245 236 2053) per 100000 inhabitants)

1) Minorii cu vrst de 14 - 17 ani (inclusiv). / Under age persons of 14 - 17 years old (included).
2) Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2009 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under
the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
3) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
Sursa: Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii.
Source: Superior Council of Magistracy.

22.3 Persoane condamnate definitiv, pe tipuri de pedepse
Persons definitively convicted, by punishment type
numr / number

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total persoane majore condamnate definitiv la: 31191 38628 44204 46162 44228 37706
Total number of adults definitively convicted to:

Amend 2075 2356 2678 2423 2609 2370


Executarea pedepsei la locul de munc 6 18 9 7 9 5

Execution of the penalty at work

nchisoare 9759 12992 13435 13905 12891 10010


Suspendarea condiionat a executrii pedepsei

cu nchisoare 17962 21098 25014 25584 24592 22557
Conditioned suspension of imprisonment

Suspendarea executrii pedepsei sub supraveghere 1389 2164 3068 4243 4127 2764
Suspension of the imprisonment under supervision

Total persoane minore condamnate definitiv la: 3035 3263 3373 3026 2905 3126
Total number of under age persons
definitively convicted to:

Amend 61 88 84 49 69 67

nchisoare 783 821 927 792 809 810


Suspendarea condiionat a executrii pedepsei

cu nchisoare 1474 1582 1587 1414 1296 1468
Conditioned suspension of imprisonment

Suspendarea executrii pedepsei sub supraveghere 257 362 404 432 437 445
Suspension of the imprisonment under supervision

Msuri educative 1) 460 410 371 339 294 336

Measures of education 1)

Mustrare 145 139 118 119 81 99


Libertate supravegheat 157 140 129 115 81 95

Supervised freedom

Internare ntr-un centru de reeducare 154 128 118 96 129 138

Internment in a centre of rehabilitation

Internare ntr-un centru medical-educativ 4 3 6 9 3 4

Internment in an educational medical centre

1) Sanciuni prevzute n Codul Penal Romn, pentru minori.

Sanctions mentioned in the Romanian Penal Code, applied to under age persons.
Sursa: Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii.
Source: Superior Council of Magistracy.

22.4 Persoane condamnate definitiv, pe categorii de infraciuni
Persons definitively convicted, by category of offences
numr / number
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Persoane condamnate definitiv Persons definitively convicted

- total 34226 41891 47577 49188 47133 40832 - total
din care, pentru: of which, for:

Infraciuni contra persoanei Offences against person

- total 6460 7319 7910 7824 7305 6527 - total
din care: of which:
Omor 767 883 986 802 828 872 Murder
Loviri cauzatoare de moarte 91 158 120 75 62 73 Deathly attacks
Vtmare corporal grav 402 629 613 479 428 431 Severe body injury
Ucidere din culp 575 640 980 820 771 728 Homicide - involuntary
Infraciuni contra proteciei Offences against labour
muncii 84 89 119 65 70 72 protection
Viol 387 463 483 422 368 424 Rape

Infraciuni contra patrimoniului Offences against patrimony

- total 12691 14934 17746 18858 17853 15429 - total
din care: of which:
Furt 9065 10994 13416 13538 13023 11305 Theft
Tlhrie 1780 2376 2490 2244 2280 1955 Robbery
Delapidare 247 344 362 388 353 306 Peculation
nelciune 1039 1158 1406 1828 1673 1390 Fraud

Infraciuni silvice - total 803 1065 1421 1069 1200 1045 Forest offences - total

Infraciuni de serviciu 215 193 272 556 382 403 Duty offences
Dare de mit 45 68 82 76 70 64 Bribery
Luare de mit 49 43 63 122 68 72 Taking bribe
Trafic de influen 31 64 107 88 140 95 Influence traffic
Primire de foloase necuvenite 1 - - 11 3 2 Getting under- served profits

Infraciuni contra autoritilor Offences against authorities

- total 190 256 414 374 352 323 - total
din care: of which:
Ultraj 172 235 341 337 339 288 Assault

Infraciuni economice - total 4 4 9 16 33 19 Economic offences - total

Infraciuni care aduc atingere Offences causing damage

unor relaii privind convieuirea to social cohabitation
social - total 1014 1327 1765 2037 1823 1597 relations - total
din care: of which:
Ultraj contra bunelor moravuri 372 512 852 1031 885 784 Offences against morality

Infraciuni la regimul circulaiei Offences to traffic system on

pe drumurile publice - total 10012 11938 13682 12832 13015 11200 public roads - total

Sursa: Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii.

Source: Superior Council of Magistracy.

Persoane condamnate definitiv, aflate n penitenciare i centre de reeducare
(la sfritul anului)

22.5 Persons definitively convicted, in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

(end of year)

Persoane nregistrate n: / Registered persons in:

Penitenciare / Penitentiaries Centre de reeducare / Rehabilitation centers
Anii n procente fa
Years Total de total: masculin Total
as percentage
of total: male

2009 22145 95,6 163

2010 23435 95,5 179
2011 27213 95,6 168
2012 28473 95,6 165
2013 29812 95,5 175
2014 27496 95,5 146

Sursa: Administraia Naional a Penitenciarelor din cadrul Ministerului Justiiei.

Source: National Administration of Penitentiaries within the Ministry of Justice.

Persoane condamnate definitiv, aflate n penitenciare i centre de reeducare,

dup durata pedepselor (la sfritul anului)

22.6 Persons definitively convicted, in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centres,

by length of prison sentence (end of year)
numr / number
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total 22308 23614 27381 28638 29987 27642 Total

Pn la 1 an 658 762 884 766 783 450 Up to one year

1 - 2 ani 1499 1527 2277 2325 2447 2106 1 - 2 years
2 - 5 ani 8224 9483 11693 12608 13405 12257 2 - 5 years
5 - 10 ani 6241 6233 6925 7423 7900 7671 5 - 10 years
10 - 15 ani 2576 2533 2535 2494 2508 2404 10 - 15 years
15 - 20 ani 2120 2053 2008 1937 1841 1651 15 - 20 years
Peste 20 ani 846 878 910 935 955 942 Over 20 years
Detenie pe via 144 145 149 150 148 161 Life imprisonment

Sursa: Administraia Naional a Penitenciarelor din cadrul Ministerului Justiiei.

Source: National Administration of Penitentiaries within the Ministry of Justice.

22.7 Fenomenul judiciar n materie civil
Judicial phenomenon in civil matter
numr / number
Natura cauzelor
Nature of causes 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Litigii civile intrate la instanele

judectoreti 1) - total 1222043 1553952 1559703 1529727 1381806 1634624
Civil litigations which entered
the Courts of Justice 1) - total
din care: / of which:
Litigii comerciale - total 373948 389091 342370 294252 203475 175785
Commercial litigations - total
din care: / of which:
Faliment (Legea nr. 85/2006) 37260 38175 50073 58018 60535 46231
Bankruptcy (Law No 85/2006)
Aciuni privind dreptul persoanei i familiei - total 129940 119269 106095 120724 108713 108489
Actions on persons and family right - total
din care: / of which:
Divoruri 58431 55853 43583 42582 36160 35955
Obligaia de ntreinere pentru minori cnd nu
s-a introdus aciunea de divor 10633 8894 8468 8166 7713 12343
Obligation to take care of under age persons
before the divorce begins
Stabilirea domiciliului minorilor n timpul cstoriei 885 847 733 2292 2463 2494
Agreement upon domicile of the under age
persons during marriage
Stabilirea paternitii 4836 4904 5259 5867 2624 1202
Proving of paternity
Tgada paternitii 1394 1484 1203 1337 1106 1140
Denial of paternity
Adopii 3710 4042 3718 3488 4879 4433
Aciuni privind plasamentul 10090 9148 9286 9262 8293 8583
Actions on placement
Aciuni privind drepturile i obligaiile civile
izvorte din raporturi juridice civile - total 222672 216114 213859 223938 215821 977054
Actions on civil rights and obligations coming
from civil legal relations - total
din care: / of which:
Aciuni privind dreptul patrimonial - total 144281 125211 130545 137084 84624 91836
Actions on patrimony right - total
din care: / of which:
Succesiuni 29106 21789 17783 16927 15973 8588
Drept de proprietate i alte drepturi reale 50442 38595 37853 41786 14404 21607
Property right and other real rights
Aciuni pentru evacuare 5020 3891 3839 3943 3038 3553
Action for evacuation
Aciuni izvorte din fapte ilicite 6603 7481 9964 9102 2351 2982
Action from illicit facts
Litigii privind fondul funciar - - - - - 196382)
Litigations on land fund
Contencios administrativ - total 56980 100663 160002 243411 193012 90975
Administrative contentious - total
Litigii de munc - total 69314 101709 79711 79160 64576 64104
Labour litigations - total
Asigurri sociale - total 3) - - - - - 16274
Social Insurance - total 3)
Litigii privind fondul funciar 24437 19961 18291 15295 13023 -
Litigations on land fund
Alte litigii civile - total 344752 607145 639375 552947 583186 201943
Other civil litigations - total
1) Sunt incluse numai litigiile civile nregistrate n prima instan, cu excepia plngerilor la contravenii.
Only the civil litigations registered in the first court are included, excepting the complaints for minor offences.
2) Conform noului Cod Penal intrat n vigoare n luna februarie 2014, litigiile privind fondul funciar au fost incluse n "Aciuni privind dreptul
patrimonial". / According to the new Penal Code which entered into force on February 2014, the litigations on land fund were incuded in
"Actions on patrimony right".
3) Capitol nou introdus odat cu intrarea n vigoare a noului Cod Penal. / New chapter introduced with the entry into force of the new Penal Code.
Sursa: Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii.
Source: Superior Council of Magistracy.

22.8 Infraciuni cercetate i soluionate de poliie
Offences investigated and solved by the Police

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Infraciuni - total 299889 292682 258895 308468 310844 401094 Offences - total

Economico-financiare 55741 52628 49753 50658 53054 42751 Economic-financial

Judiciare 134812 155121 152631 163663 161863 275081 Judiciary
De alt natur 109336 84933 56511 94147 95927 83262 Others
Din total: Of total:
Svrite n mediul urban 180848 176502 168251 In urban area
Svrite n mediul rural 118838 115982 90475 In rural area
Svrite n strintate 203 198 169 Abroad

Infraciuni contra persoanei Offences against person

Omor 397 404 335 378 336 298 Murder
Tentativ de omor 387 513 502 591 595 492 Murder attempt
Ucidere din culp - total 1222 1185 1061 1086 1161 988 Homicide - involuntary - total
- svrit de conductorii auto 861 1030 871 940 914 861 - by drivers
Vtmare corporal grav 573 592 497 577 612 458 Severe body injury
Loviri sau vtmri
cauzatoare de moarte 87 107 97 94 75 64 Death attacks
Viol 1007 897 780 895 978 875 Rape

Infraciuni contra patrimoniului Offences against patrimony

Furt 46431 48828 47322 56732 57557 164396 Theft
Tlhrie 2541 2484 2251 3193 2933 6418 Robbery
Gestiune frauduloas 466 461 300 300 223 277 Fraudulent management
nelciune 10745 9250 8006 7430 8526 13684 Fraud
Delapidare 1197 1256 1238 1142 1152 957 Peculation
Distrugere 25529 19578 17605 25214 24048 24708 Destruction

Infraciuni de fals 17491 15195 13422 16398 18617 16560 False offences

Infraciuni incriminate Offences charged

n legi speciale by special laws
Infraciuni la regimul Offences against
circulaiei rutiere road traffic
(O.U.G. nr. 195/2002) 30957 29456 25735 26333 28253 21324 (O.U.G. No 195/2002)
Legea comb. activ. Law against illegal
comerciale ilicite commercial activities
(Legea nr.12/1990) 1 7 9 6 1 1) (Law No 12/1990)
Contraband i infraciuni Smuggling and
de import-export 541 839 692 614 686 1038 import-export offences

Persoane nvinuite - total 235611 243035 212875 238434 239636 209022 Persons charged - total
Din mediul urban 126932 126700 109281 From urban area
Din mediul rural 107819 115628 102923 From rural area
Strini 860 707 671 615 526 439 Foreigners
Din total: Of total:
Minori 13134 12363 11295 10991 11280 8993 Under age persons
- pn la 14 ani 660 631 531 509 403 694 - up to 14 years
- 14 - 17 ani 12474 11732 10764 10482 10877 8299 - 14 - 17 years
Tineri Young people
(18 - 30 ani) 84129 93506 79453 81207 79252 71643 (18 - 30 years old)
Fr ocupaie 107174 116857 102351 No occupation
omeri 950 1230 1075 Unemployed

Rata infracionalitii 2) Offence rate 2) (offences

(Infraciuni cercetate investigated by the Police
de poliie la 100000 locuitori) 1472 1446 1285 1538 1555 20153) per 100000 inhabitants)

1) Legea nr. 12/1990 nu mai face referire la infraciuni. / Law No 12/1990 no longer refers to offences.
2) Pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate
cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the 2009 - 2014 period, the usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under
the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
3) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
Sursa: Inspectoratul General al Poliiei Romne din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne.
Source: General Inspectorate of Romanian Police within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.



23.1 Proiecia populaiei pe continente pn Population projection by continent

n anul 2050 (estimri) ............................................ 690 until 2050 (estimates)
23.2 Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele Area, population on July 1 and capitals
rilor i teritoriilor .................................................... 691 of countries and territories
23.3 Romnia n lume, n anul 2013 ............................... 705 Romania in the world, in 2013
23.4 Romnia i Uniunea European, n anul 2014 ....... 706 Romania and the European Union, in 2014
23.5 Populaia pe ri, la 1 iulie ....................................... 707 Population by country, on July 1
23.6 Micarea natural a populaiei, n anul 2014 .......... 710 Vital statistics, in 2014
23.7 Durata medie a vieii, n anul 2014 ......................... 711 Life expectancy, in 2014
23.8 Populaia ocupat, pe principalele activiti Employment, by main activities
ale economiei naionale, n anul 2014 .................... 712 of national economy, in 2014
23.9 omerii i rata omajului ......................................... 713 Unemployed and unemployment rate
23.10 Indicii produsului intern brut .................................... 714 Indices of gross domestic product
23.11 Contribuia principalelor activiti la realizarea Contribution of major activities to
produsului intern brut, n anul 2014 ........................ 715 gross domestic product, in 2014
23.12 Structura produsului intern brut, pe elemente Structure of gross domestic product,
componente, dup metoda cheltuielilor, by component, according to
n anul 2014 ............................................................ 716 expenditure method, in 2014
Rezultatele Programului European de Comparare Results of the European Comparison
a produsului intern brut (PIB) .............................................. 717 Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)
23.13 Produsul intern brut, pe locuitor .............................. 718 Gross domestic product, per capita
23.14 Indicii nivelului preurilor i indicii de volum la Price level indices and volume indices,
Puterea de Cumprare Standard (PCS), in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS),
pe locuitor (UE - 28 = 100) ..................................... 720 per capita, (EU - 28 = 100)
23.15 Indicele preurilor de consum .................................. 722 Consumer price index
23.16 Indicii produciei industriale ..................................... 723 Industrial production indices
23.17 Producia mondial a unor produse industriale World production of main
principale ................................................................. 724 industrial products
23.18 Producia i consumul de energie, n echivalent Total and per inhabitant energy production and
petrol, total i pe locuitor, n anul 2012 ................... 725 consumption, in oil equivalent, in 2012
23.19 Producia principalelor produse industriale ............. 727 Production of the main industrial products
23.20 Indicii lucrrilor de construcii .................................. 738 Construction production indices
23.21 Structura suprafeei totale, dup modul Structure of the total area, by use,
de folosin, n anul 2013 ........................................ 739 in 2013
23.22 Producia principalelor produse agricole ................. 740 Output of the main agricultural products
23.23 Numrul animalelor (la nceputul anului) ................ 749 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)
23.24 Biodiversitatea ......................................................... 752 Biodiversity
23.25 Lungimea i densitatea liniilor de cale ferat Length and density of operating railways,
n exploatare, n anul 2013 ...................................... 753 in 2013
23.26 Transportul maritim internaional ............................. 754 International sea transport
23.27 Accidente de circulaie ............................................ 755 Road traffic accidents
23.28 Comerul internaional al unor ri, n anul 2014 ..... 756 International trade of certain countries, in 2014
23.29 Ponderea exporturilor i importurilor, n comerul Share of the main countries, in world
mondial, pe principalele ri .................................... 757 international trade
23.30 Balana de pli, n anul 2013 ................................. 758 Balance of payments, in 2013
23.31 Populaia colar i cheltuielile publice School aged population and public
pentru educaie, n 2013/2014 ................................ 759 expenditure for education, in 2013/2014
23.32 Personalul din activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare Staff in the research-development activity
i cheltuielile cu cercetarea-dezvoltarea, and the expenditure on research-development,
n anul 2012 ............................................................ 760 in 2012
23.33 Accesul la telecomunicaii, n anul 2013 ................. 761 Access to telecommunications, in 2013
23.34 Utilizatorii de Internet, abonamentele la Internet users, fixed broadband Internet
Internetul fix de band larg, numrul de subscriptions, number of computers and
calculatoare i gospodriile cu calculatoare ........... 762 households with a computer
23.35 Rezervele de aur (la sfritul perioadei) ................. 763 Gold reserves (end of period)
23.36 Rezervele internaionale, exclusiv aurul, International reserves, excluding gold,
n anul 2014 ............................................................ 764 in 2014


2015 World Development Indicators online, Internet -;

2014 World Population Data Sheet, Population Reference Bureau, Washington, USA;
2015 World Population Data Sheet, Population Reference Bureau, Washington, USA;
UNSD Demographic Yearbook online - 2013 edition;
World Population Prospects - The 2015 Revision;;
World Urbanization Prospects - The 2014 Revision;;
Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook, IMF, Washington, 2014;
Eurostat database,;
FAO Statistical Database, Internet -;
International Financial Statistics, August 2015, Washington;
International Rubber Study Group, Internet -;
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics online, Internet -;
The Free Encyclopedia WIKIPEDIA, Internet -;
UNECE online database, Internet -;
UNESCO online database, Internet -;
World Mineral Production 2009 - 2013, British Geological Survey, 2015;
UN database, Internet -;
The World Bank database, Internet -;
Mineral Commodity Summaries 1997 - 2015, U.S. Geological Survey, Internet -;
Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, International Energy Agency, 2015;
Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries, International Energy Agency, 2015;
International Energy Agency online database, Internet -

Sursele de date reprezint cele mai recent disponibile The data sources represent the latest available editions
ediii ale publicaiilor organismelor internaionale sau of international bodies publications or the latest update
ultima actualizare a bazelor de date ale acestora of their database, accessible via Internet. Statistical data
disponibil pe internet. Datele aferente rilor au fost related to countries were taken over as such from these
preluate ca atare din aceste surse. sources.

Not: n tabelul 23.2 (pag. 691) este prezentat denumirea Note: Table 23.2 (pag. 691) presents the official name of
oficial a rilor. n celelalte tabele este nscris the countries. The other tables enlist the name
denumirea uzitat (tehnic) folosit i de ara usually used by our country as well, according to
noastr, n conformitate cu denumirile rilor din the name of the countries from yearbooks and
anuarele i buletinele organizaiilor internaionale. bulletins of international organisations.

Structura populaiei pe continente
23.G1 Population structure by continent

2000 2010

0,5% 0,5%
13,2% 14,9%
11,9% 10,7%
5,1% 5,0%

8,6% 8,7%

60,7% 60,2%

20501) (estimri / estimates)


0,6% America de Nord

7,3% North America
America de Sud i America Central
(inclusiv zona Caraibe)
South America and Central America
(including the Caribbean)

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Proiecia populaiei pe continente pn n anul 2050 (estimri)

23.1 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)
milioane locuitori / million inhabitants
2000 2005 2010 20251) 20501)

Total mondial 6126 6516 6916 8142 9725 World total

Africa 808 912 1031 1504 2477 Africa
America de Nord 315 331 347 384 433 North America
America de Sud i America Central South America and Central America
(inclusiv zona Caraibe) 526 563 596 696 784 (including the Caribbean)
Asia 3717 3943 4165 4775 5267 Asia
Europa 729 733 740 738 707 Europe
Oceania 31 34 37 45 57 Oceania

1) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)


Republica Albania 28748 3,20 111,3 Tirana 2014 445,01)

Republic of Albania Tirana

Principatul Andorra 468 0,10 213,7 Andorra la Vella 2014 23,01)

Principality of Andorra Andorra la Vella

Republica Austria 83871 8,50 101,3 Viena 2014 1743,01)

Republic of Austria Vienna

Republica Belarus 207600 9,30 44,8 Minsk 2014 1905,0

Republic of Belarus Minsk

Regatul Belgiei 30528 11,10 363,6 Bruxelles 2014 2029,0

Kingdom of Belgium Brussels

Bosnia i Heregovina 51209 3,80 74,2 Sarajevo 2014 322,01)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo

Republica Bulgaria 110900 7,20 64,9 Sofia 2014 1222,0

Republic of Bulgaria Sofia

Republica Ceh 78866 10,70 135,7 Praga 2014 1303,01)

Czech Republic Prague

Republica Cipru 9251 1,20 129,7 Nicosia 2014 251,0

Republic of Cyprus Nicosia

Republica Croaia 56594 4,30 76,0 Zagreb 2014 687,01)

Republic of Croatia Zagreb

Regatul Danemarcei 2) 43094 5,60 129,9 Copenhaga 2014 1255,0

Kingdom of Denmark 2) Copenhagen

Confederaia Elveian 41285 8,20 198,6 Berna 2014 358,0

Swiss Confederation Bern

Republica Estonia 45227 1,30 28,7 Tallinn 2014 392,0

Republic of Estonia Tallinn

Insulele Feroe 1393 0,05 35,9 Thorshavn 2014 21,0

Faeroe Islands Thorshavn

Republica Finlanda 336855 5,40 16,0 Helsinki 2014 1170,0

Republic of Finland Helsinki

Republica Francez 3) 551500 64,60 117,1 Paris 2014 10764,0

French Republic 3 ) Paris

Republica Federal Germania 357137 82,70 231,6 Berlin 2014 3547,01)

Federal Republic of Germany Berlin

Gibraltar 7 0,03 4285,7 Gibraltar 2014 29,01)

Gibraltar Gibraltar

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

2) Exclusiv Insulele Feroe i Groenlanda. / Excluding Faeroe Islands and Greenland.
3) Exclusiv departamentele de peste mri. / Not including overseas departments.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Republica Elen 131957 11,10 84,1 Atena 2014 3060,0

Hellenic Republic Athens

Irlanda 69825 4,70 67,3 Dublin 2014 1155,0

Ireland Dublin

Republica Islanda 103000 0,30 2,9 Reykjavik 2014 184,0

Republic of Iceland Reykjavik

Republica Italian 301339 61,10 202,8 Roma 2014 3697,0

Republic of Italy Rome

Republica Letonia 64562 2,00 31,0 Riga 2014 629,0

Republic of Latvia Riga

Principatul Liechtenstein 160 0,04 250,0 Vaduz 2014 5,01)

Principality of Liechtenstein Vaduz

Republica Lituania 65300 3,00 45,9 Vilnius 2014 519,0

Republic of Lithuania Vilnius

Marele Ducat de Luxemburg 2586 0,50 193,3 Luxemburg 2014 107,01)

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Luxembourg

Republica Macedonia 25713 2,10 81,7 Skopje 2014 501,0

Republic of Macedonia Skopje

Republica Malta 316 0,40 1265,8 La Valletta 2014 197,0

Republic of Malta La Valletta

Insula Man 572 0,09 157,3 Douglas 2014 29,01)

Isle of Man Douglas

Republica Moldova 33846 3,50 103,4 Chiinu 2014 721,01)

Republic of Moldova Chisinau

Principatul Monaco 2 0,04 20000,0 Monaco 2014 38,0

Principality of Monaco Monaco

Muntenegru 13812 0,60 43,4 Podgoria 2014 165,01)

Montenegro Podgorica

Insulele Normande 194 0,20 1030,9 St. Peter Port 2014 16,01)
Channel Islands St. Peter Port

Regatul Norvegiei 4) 386209 5,10 13,2 Oslo 2014 970,0

Kingdom of Norway 4) Oslo

Regatul rilor de Jos 37354 16,80 449,8 Amsterdam 2014 1084,0

Kingdom of the Netherlands Amsterdam

Republica Polon 311888 38,20 122,5 Varovia 2014 1718,01)

Republic of Poland Warsaw

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

4) Inclusiv insulele Svalbard i Jan Mayen. / Including Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Republica Portughez 5) 92212 10,60 115,0 Lisabona 2014 2869,0

Portuguese Republic 5) Lisbon

Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii i

Irlandei de Nord 6) 242495 63,50 261,9 Londra 2014 10189,0
United Kingdom of Great Britain London
and Northern Ireland 6)

Romnia 238391 19,917) 83,57); 8) Bucureti 2014 1860,47); 8)

Romania Bucharest

Federaia Rus 9) 17098246 142,50 8,3 Moscova 2014 12063,01)

Russian Federation 9) Moscow

Republica San Marino 61 0,03 491,8 San Marino 2014 4,0

Republic of San Marino City of
San Marino

Republica Serbia 88361 7,10 80,4 Belgrad 2014 1181,0

Republic of Serbia Belgrade

Republica Slovac 49036 5,40 110,1 Bratislava 2014 403,01)

Slovak Republic Bratislava

Republica Slovenia 20273 2,10 103,6 Ljubljana 2014 279,0

Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana

Regatul Spaniei 10) 505992 46,50 91,9 Madrid 2014 6133,01)

Kingdom of Spain 10) Madrid

Regatul Suediei 450295 9,70 21,5 Stockholm 2014 1464,0

Kingdom of Sweden Stockholm

Republica Turcia 783562 77,20 98,5 Ankara 2014 4644,0

Republic of Turkey Ankara

Ucraina 603500 42,90 71,1 Kiev 2014 2917,01)

Ukraine Kyiv

Ungaria 93024 9,90 106,4 Budapesta 2014 1717,01)

Hungary Budapest

Sfntul Scaun 11) 0,44 0,001 2272,7 Vaticanului 2014 1,01)
Holy See 11) Vatican City

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

5) Inclusiv Insulele Azore i Madeira. / Including Azores and Madeira Islands.
6) Exclusiv Insulele Normande i Insula Man. / Excluding Channel Island and Isle of Man.
7) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
8) Populaie rezident la 1 iulie 2014, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The usual resident population on July 1, 2014 was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results of
the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
9) Inclusiv partea asiatic. / Including asiatic area.
10) Inclusiv Insulele Baleare i Canare. / Including Balearic and Canary Islands.
11) Date referitoare la Statul Cetii Vaticanului. / The data refers to the Vatican City State.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)


Republica Africii de Sud 1221037 53,10 43,5 Pretoria 12) 2014 1991,0
Republic of South Africa Pretoria 12)

Republica Algerian
Democratic i Popular 2381741 39,90 16,8 Alger 2014 2559,0
Peoples Democratic Republic Alger
of Algeria

Republica Angola 13) 1246700 22,10 17,7 Luanda 2014 5288,0

Republic of Angola 13) Luanda

Republica Benin 114763 10,60 92,4 Porto-Novo 2014 268,01)

Republic of Benin Porto-Novo

Republica Botswana 582000 2,00 3,4 Gaborone 2014 247,01)

Republic of Botswana Gaborone

Burkina Faso 272967 17,40 63,7 Ouagadougou 2014 2565,01)

Burkina Faso Ouagadougou

Republica Burundi 27834 10,50 377,2 Bujumbura 2014 707,01)

Republic of Burundi Bujumbura

Republica Camerun 475650 22,80 47,9 Yaounde 2014 2930,0

Republic of Cameroon Yaounde

Republica Capului Verde 4033 0,50 124,0 Praia 2014 145,01)

Republic of Cabo Verde Praia

Republica Centrafrican 622984 4,70 7,5 Bangui 2014 781,0

Central African Republic Bangui

Republica Ciad 1284000 13,20 10,3 NDjamena 2014 1212,01)

Republic of Chad NDjamena

Uniunea Comorelor 2235 0,80 357,9 Moroni 2014 56,01)

Union of the Comoros Moroni

Republica Congo 342000 4,60 13,5 Brazzaville 2014 1827,01)

Republic of the Congo Brazzaville

Republica Democratic Congo 2344858 69,40 29,6 Kinshasa 2014 11116,0

Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa

Republica Coasta de Filde 322463 20,80 64,5 Yamoussoukro 14) 2014 259,01)
Republic of Cte dIvoire Yamoussoukro 14)

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

12) Pretoria - capitala administrativ (Cape Town - capitala legislativ i Bloemfontein - capitala judiciar).
Pretoria - administrative capital (Cape Town - legislative capital and Bloemfontein - legal capital).
13) Inclusiv enclava Cabinda. / Including the enclave of Cabinda.
14) Yamoussoukro - capitala oficial,1983 (Abidjan - capitala comercial i administrativ).
Yamoussoukro - official capital,1983 (Abidjan - commercial and administrative capital).

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Republica Djibouti 23200 0,90 38,8 Djibouti 2014 522,0

Republic of Djibouti Djibouti

Republica Arab Egipt 1002000 83,40 83,2 Cairo 2014 18419,0

Arab Republic of Egypt Cairo

Statul Eritrea 117600 6,50 55,3 Asmara 2014 775,01)

State of Eritrea Asmara

Republica Federal
Democrat Etiopia 1104300 96,50 87,4 Addis-Abeba 2014 3168,01)
Federal Democratic Republic Addis-Abeba
of Ethiopia

Republica Gabonez 267668 1,70 6,4 Libreville 2014 695,01)

Gabonese Republic Libreville

Republica Gambia 11295 1,90 168,2 Banjul 2014 489,0

Republic of The Gambia Banjul

Republica Ghana 238533 26,40 110,7 Accra 2014 2242,0

Republic of Ghana Accra

Republica Guineea 245857 12,00 48,8 Conakry 2014 1886,0

Republic of Guinea Conakry

Republica Guineea-Bissau 36125 1,70 47,1 Bissau 2014 473,01)

Republic of Guinea-Bissau Bissau

Republica Guineea Ecuatorial 28051 0,80 28,5 Malabo 2014 145,0

Republic of Equatorial Guinea Malabo

Republica Kenya 591958 45,50 76,9 Nairobi 2014 3768,01)

Republic of Kenya Nairobi

Regatul Lesotho 30355 2,10 69,2 Maseru 2014 267,01)

Kingdom of Lesotho Maseru

Republica Liberia 111369 4,40 39,5 Monrovia 2014 1224,0

Republic of Liberia Monrovia

Statul Libia 1759540 6,30 3,6 Tripoli 2014 1126,01)

Libya Tripoli

Republica Madagascar 587295 23,60 40,2 Antananarivo 2014 2487,0

Republic of Madagascar Antananarivo

Republica Malawi 118484 16,80 141,8 Lilongwe 2014 867,01)

Republic of Malawi Lilongwe

Republica Mali 1240192 15,80 12,7 Bamako 2014 2386,01)

Republic of Mali Bamako

Regatul Maroc 446550 33,50 75,0 Rabat 2014 1932,0

Kingdom of Morocco Rabat

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Republica Islamic Mauritania 1030700 4,00 3,9 Nouakchott 2014 945,01)

Islamic Republic of Mauritania Nouakchott

Republica Mauritius 1969 1,20 609,4 Port-Louis 2014 135,01)

Republic of Mauritius Port-Louis

Republica Mozambic 801590 26,50 33,1 Maputo 2014 1174,0

Republic of Mozambique Maputo

Republica Namibia 824268 2,30 2,8 Windhoek 2014 356,0

Republic of Namibia Windhoek

Republica Niger 1267000 18,50 14,6 Niamey 2014 1058,01)

Republic of Niger Niamey

Republica Federal Nigeria 923768 178,50 193,2 Abuja 2014 2301,0

Federal Republic of Nigeria Abuja

Runion 2513 0,90 358,1 Saint-Denis 2014 144,01)

Runion Saint-Denis

Republica Rwanda 26338 12,10 459,4 Kigali 2014 1223,0

Republic of Rwanda Kigali

Republica Democrat Sao Tome

i Principe 964 0,20 207,5 Sao Tom 2014 71,0
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome Sao Tom
and Principe

Republica Senegal 196712 14,50 73,7 Dakar 2014 3393,0

Republic of Senegal Dakar

Republica Seychelles 457 0,10 218,8 Victoria 2014 26,0

Republic of Seychelles Victoria

Insula Sfnta Elena 122 0,004 32,8 Jamestown 2014 1,01)

Saint Helena Island Jamestown

Republica Sierra Leone 72300 6,20 85,8 Freetown 2014 986,01)

Republic of Sierra Leone Freetown

Republica Somalia 637657 10,80 16,9 Mogadishu 2014 2014,0

Somali Republic Mogadishu

Republica Sudan 1861484 38,80 20,8 Khartoum 2014 5000,0

Republic of the Sudan Khartoum

Republica Sudanul de Sud 644331 11,70 18,2 Juba 2014 307,01)

Republic of South Sudan Juba

Regatul Swaziland 17363 1,30 74,9 Mbabane 2014 66,01)

Kingdom of Swaziland Mbabane

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Republica Unit Tanzania 947303 50,80 53,6 Dodoma 15) 2014 228,01)
United Republic of Tanzania Dodoma 15)

Republica Togolez 56785 7,00 123,3 Lom 2014 930,0

Togolese Republic Lom

Republica Tunisian 163610 11,10 67,8 Tunis 2014 1978,0

Republic of Tunisia Tunis

Republica Uganda 241550 38,80 160,6 Kampala 2014 1863,0

Republic of Uganda Kampala

Republica Zambia 752612 15,00 19,9 Lusaka 2014 2078,0

Republic of Zambia Lusaka

Republica Zimbabwe 390757 14,60 37,4 Harare 2014 1495,01)

Republic of Zimbabwe Harare



Anguilla 91 0,01 109,9 The Valley 2014 1,01)

Anguilla The Valley

Antigua i Barbuda 442 0,10 226,2 St. John 2014 22,01)

Antigua and Barbuda St. John

Curacao 444 0,20 450,5 Willemstad 2014 145,0

Curacao Willemstad

Aruba 180 0,10 555,6 Oranjestad 2014 29,0

Aruba Oranjestad

Uniunea Bahamas 13940 0,40 28,7 Nassau 2014 267,0

Commonwealth of the Bahamas Nassau

Barbados 430 0,30 697,7 Bridgetown 2014 90,0

Barbados Bridgetown

Belize 22966 0,30 13,1 Belmopan 2014 17,01)

Belize Belmopan

Insulele Bermuda 53 0,10 1879,7 Hamilton 2014 10,0

Bermuda Islands Hamilton

Canada 9984670 35,50 3,6 Ottawa 2014 1306,0

Canada Ottawa

Insulele Cayman 264 0,10 378,8 George Town 2014 31,01)

Cayman Islands George Town

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

15) Dodoma - capitala oficial (Dar es Salaam - cu instituiile de stat i ambasadele).
Dodoma - official capital (Dar es Salaam - with the state institutions and embassies).

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Republica Costa Rica 51100 4,90 95,9 San Jos 2014 1160,0
Republic of Costa Rica San Jos

Republica Cuba 109884 11,30 102,8 Havana 2014 2146,0

Republic of Cuba Havana

Republica Dominican 48192 10,50 217,9 Santo Domingo 2014 2873,0

Dominican Republic Santo Domingo

Uniunea Dominica 751 0,10 133,2 Roseau 2014 15,01)

Commonwealth of Dominica Roseau

Republica El Salvador 21041 6,40 304,2 San Salvador 2014 1097,0

Republic of El Salvador San Salvador

Grenada 344 0,10 290,7 St. George 2014 38,0

Grenada St. George

Groenlanda 2166086 0,06 0,0 Nuuk 2014 17,01)

Greenland Nuuk

Guadelupa 1705 0,50 293,3 Basse-Terre 2014 55,0

Guadeloupe Basse-Terre

Ciudad de
Republica Guatemala 108889 15,90 146,0 Guatemala 2014 2847,0
Republic of Guatemala Ciudad de

Republica Haiti 27750 10,50 378,4 Port au Prince 2014 2376,0

Republic of Haiti Port au Prince

Republica Honduras 112492 8,30 73,8 Tegucigalpa 2014 1101,01)

Republic of Honduras Tegucigalpa

Jamaica 10991 2,80 254,8 Kingston 2014 587,0

Jamaica Kingston

Martinica 1128 0,40 354,6 Fort de France 2014 86,01)

Martinique Fort de France

Montserrat 103 0,01 97,1 Brades 2014 ***)

Montserrat Brades

Republica Nicaragua 130373 6,20 47,6 Managua 2014 951,0

Republic of Nicaragua Managua

Ciudad de
Republica Panama 75320 3,90 51,8 Panama 2014 1638,0
Republic of Panama Ciudad de

Statul Liber i Asociat Porto Rico 8870 3,70 417,1 San Juan 2014 2466,0
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico San Juan

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Federaia Saint Kitts i Nevis 261 0,10 383,1 Basseterre 2014 14,01)
Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis Basseterre

Santa Lucia 539 0,20 371,1 Castries 2014 22,0

Saint Lucia Castries

Saint Pierre i Miquelon 242 0,01 24,8 Saint Pierre 2014 5,01)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre

Saint Vincent i Grenadine 389 0,10 257,1 Kingstown 2014 27,0

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Kingstown

Statele Unite ale Americii 9833517 322,60 32,8 Washington, D.C. 2014 4896,0
United States of America Washington, D.C.

Statele Unite Mexicane 1964375 123,80 63,0 Ciudad de Mexico 2014 20843,0
United Mexican States Ciudad de Mexico

Republica Trinidad i Tobago 5130 1,30 253,4 Port of Spain 2014 34,01)
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain

Insulele Turks i Caicos 948 0,03 31,6 Cockburn Town 2014 5,0
Turks and Caicos Islands Cockburn Town

Insulele Virgine Americane 347 0,10 288,2 Charlotte Amalie 2014 52,0
United States Virgin Islands Charlotte Amalie

Insulele Virgine Britanice 151 0,03 198,7 Road Town 2014 13,01)
British Virgin Islands Road Town


Republica Argentina 2780400 41,80 15,0 Buenos Aires 2014 15024,0

Argentine Republic Buenos Aires

Statul Plurinaional al Boliviei 1098581 10,80 9,8 La Paz 2014 1800,0

Plurinational State of Bolivia La Paz

Republica Federativ a Braziliei 8514877 202,00 23,7 Brasilia 2014 4074,0

Federative Republic of Brazil Brasilia

Republica Chile 756102 17,80 23,5 Santiago de Chile 2014 6472,0

Republic of Chile Santiago de Chile

Republica Columbia 1141748 48,90 42,8 Bogota 2014 9558,0

Republic of Colombia Bogota

Republica Ecuador 257217 16,00 62,2 Quito 2014 1699,01)

Republic of Ecuador Quito

Republica Cooperatist Guyana 214969 0,80 3,7 Georgetown 2014 124,0

The Co-operative Republic Georgetown
of Guyana

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Guyana Francez 83534 0,30 3,6 Cayenne 2014 58,01)

French Guiana Cayenne

Insulele Falkland (Malvine) 12173 0,003 0,2 Stanley 2014 2,01)

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Stanley

Republica Paraguay 406752 6,90 17,0 Asuncion 2014 2307,0

Republic of Paraguay Asuncion

Republica Peru 1285216 30,80 24,0 Lima 2014 9722,0

Republic of Peru Lima

Republica Suriname 163820 0,50 3,1 Paramaribo 2014 234,0

Republic of Suriname Paramaribo

Republica Oriental
a Uruguayului 176215 3,40 19,3 Montevideo 2014 1698,0
Eastern Republic of Uruguay Montevideo

Republica Bolivarian
a Venezuelei 912050 30,90 33,9 Caracas 2014 2912,0
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Caracas


Republica Islamic Afganistan 652864 31,30 47,9 Kabul 2014 4436,01)

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Kabul

Regatul Arabiei Saudite 2206714 29,40 13,3 Riad 2014 6195,01)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Riyadh

Republica Armenia 29743 3,00 100,9 Erevan 2014 1049,01)

Republic of Armenia Yerevan

Republica Azerbaidjan 86600 9,50 109,7 Baku 2014 2317,0

Republic of Azerbaijan Baku

Regatul Bahrein 767 1,30 1694,9 Manama 2014 398,0

Kingdom of Bahrain Manama

Republica Popular Bangladesh 147570 158,50 1074,1 Dhaka 2014 16982,0

Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Dhaka

Regatul Bhutan 38394 0,80 20,8 Thimphu 2014 152,01)

Kingdom of Bhutan Thimphu

Bandar Seri
Brunei Darussalam 5765 0,40 69,4 Begawan 2014 14,01)
Brunei Darussalam Bandar Seri

Regatul Cambodgiei 181035 15,40 85,1 Phnom Penh 2014 1684,0

Kingdom of Cambodia Phnom Penh

Republica Popular Chinez 9596961 1393,80 145,2 Beijing 2014 19520,0

Peoples Republic of China Beijing
1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

China, Regiunea Administrativ

Special Hong Kong 1104 7,30 6612,3 Hong Kong 2014 7260,0
China, Special Administrative Hong Kong
Region Hong Kong

China, Regiunea Administrativ

Special Macao 30 0,60 20000,0 Macao 2014 575,0
China, Special Administrative Macau
Region Macau

Republica Popular
Democrat Coreean 120538 25,00 207,4 Pyongyang 2014 2856,01)
Democratic Peoples Republic Pyongyang
of Korea

Republica Coreea 100188 49,50 494,1 Seoul 2014 9775,01)

Republic of Korea Seoul

Emiratele Arabe Unite 83600 9,40 112,4 Abu Dhabi 2014 1114,01)
United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi

Republica Filipine 300000 100,10 333,7 Manila 2014 12764,0

Republic of the Philippines Manila

Georgia 69700 4,30 61,7 Tbilisi 2014 1150,01)

Georgia Tbilisi

Republica India 3287263 1267,40 385,5 New Delhi 2014 24953,016)

Republic of India New Delhi

Republica Indonezia 1910931 252,80 132,3 Jakarta 2014 10176,01)

Republic of Indonesia Jakarta

Regatul Haemit al Iordaniei 89328 7,50 84,0 Amman 2014 1148,01)

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Amman

Republica Irak 435052 34,80 80,0 Bagdad 2014 6483,0

Republic of Iraq Baghdad

Republica Islamic Iran 1628750 78,50 48,2 Teheran 2014 8353,01)

Islamic Republic of Iran Tehran

Statul Israel 22072 7,80 353,4 Ierusalim 17) 2014 829,01)

State of Israel Jerusalem 17)

Japonia 377930 127,00 336,0 Tokyo 2014 37833,0

Japan Tokyo

Republica Kazahstan 2724900 16,60 6,1 Astana 2014 741,01)

Republic of Kazakhstan Astana

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

16) Inclusiv Delhi. / Including Delhi.
17) Declarat de ctre statul Israel drept capital, dar nerecunoscut de ctre Comunitatea Internaional.
Designated as capital by the state of Israel, but not recognised by the International Community.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Republica Krgz 199949 5,60 28,0 Bikek 2014 858,01)

Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek

Statul Kuweit 17818 3,50 196,4 Kuweit 2014 2680,01)

State of Kuwait Kuwait city

Republica Popular
Democrat Laos 236800 6,90 29,1 Vientiane 2014 946,0
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Vientiane

Republica Libanez 10452 5,00 478,4 Beirut 2014 2179,0

Lebanese Republic Beirut

Malaysia 330290 30,20 91,4 Kuala Lumpur 2014 6629,0

Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

Republica Maldivelor 300 0,40 1333,3 Male 2014 156,0

Republic of Maldives Male

Mongolia 1564116 2,90 1,9 Ulan Bator 2014 1334,01)

Mongolia Ulaanbaatar

Republica Uniunea Myanmar 676577 53,70 79,4 Naypyidaw 2014 1016,01)

Republic of the Union of Myanmar Naypyidaw

Republica Federal
Democratic Nepal 147181 28,10 190,9 Kathmandu 2014 1142,01)
Federal Democratic Republic Kathmandu
of Nepal

Sultanatul Oman 309500 3,90 12,6 Muscat 2014 812,0

Sultanate of Oman Muscat

Teritoriile palestiniene
(Cisiordania i Fia Gaza) 6020 4,40 730,9 Ramallah 2014 83,0
Palestinian Territories Ramallah
(Cisiordania and Gaza Strip)

Republica Islamic Pakistan 796095 185,10 232,5 Islamabad 2014 1297,01)

Islamic Republic of Pakistan Islamabad

Statul Qatar 11607 2,30 198,2 Doha 2014 699,01)

State of Qatar Doha

Republica Singapore 716 5,50 7681,6 Singapore 2014 5517,0

Republic of Singapore Singapore

Republica Arab Sirian 185180 22,00 118,8 Damasc 2014 2574,0

Syrian Arab Republic Damascus

Republica Democrat
Socialist Sri Lanka 65610 21,40 326,2 Colombo 2014 704,01)
Democratic Socialist Colombo
Republic of Sri Lanka
1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Republica Tadjikistan 142600 8,40 58,9 Duanbe 2014 801,0

Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe

Regatul Thailandei 513120 67,20 131,0 Bangkok 2014 9098,0

Kingdom of Thailand Bangkok

Republica Democratic
Timor-Leste 14919 1,20 80,4 Dili 2014 228,01)
Democratic Republic of Dili

Turkmenistan 488100 5,30 10,9 Ahabad 2014 735,01)

Turkmenistan Ashgabat

Republica Uzbekistan 447400 29,30 65,5 Takent 2014 2241,01)

Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent

Republica Socialist Vietnam 330972 92,50 279,5 Hanoi 2014 3470,0

Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Hanoi

Republica Yemen 527968 25,00 47,4 Sanaa 2014 2833,0

Republic of Yemen Sanaa

Australia 7692024 23,60 3,1 Canberra 2014 415,0
Commonwealth of Australia 18) Canberra

Insulele Cook 236 0,02 84,7 Rarotonga 2014 15,0

Cook Islands Rarotonga

Republica Fiji 18272 0,90 49,3 Suva 2014 176,01)

Republic of Fiji Suva

Guam 549 0,20 364,3 Agana 2014 143,0

Guam Agana

Republica Kiribati 726 0,10 137,7 Tarawa 2014 46,0

Republic of Kiribati Tarawa

Republica Nauru 21 0,01 476,2 Yaren 2014 10,0

Republic of Nauru Yaren

Uniunea Insulelor Mariane de Nord 457 0,10 218,8 Saipan 2014 49,0
Commonwealth of the Northern Saipan
Mariana Islands

Republica Insulelor Marshall 181 0,10 552,5 Majuro 2014 31,0

Republic of the Marshall Islands Majuro

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

18) Inclusiv Insulele Christmas, Insulele Cocos (Keeling) i Insula Norfolk.
Including Christmas Islands, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Norfolk Island.

Suprafaa, populaia la 1 iulie i capitalele rilor i teritoriilor - continuare
23.2 Area, population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories - continued

Capitala, oraul principal

2014 sau centrul administrativ
Capital, main city or
administrative centre
Populaia Densitatea Numrul
ara sau teritoriul Suprafaa (milioane populaiei locuitorilor-mii
Country or territory Area locuitori) (loc./km 2) Denumirea Anul (cu suburbii)
(km 2) Population Density of Name Year Population-thou
(million population (including
inhabitants) (inhabitants/km 2) suburbs)

Statele Federative ale Microneziei 702 0,10 142,5 Palikir 2014 7,0
Federated States of Micronesia Palikir

Niue 260 0,001 3,8 Alofi 2014 1,01)

Niue Alofi

Insula Norfolk 36 0,002 55,6 Kingston 2014 0,8

Norfolk Island Kingston

Noua Caledonie 18575 0,30 16,2 Noumea 2014 181,0

New Caledonia Noumea

Noua Zeeland 275042 4,60 16,7 Wellington 2014 380,0

New Zealand Wellington

Republica Palau 459 0,02 43,6 Koror 2014 12,0

Republic of Palau Koror

Statul Independent
Papua-Noua Guinee 462840 7,50 16,2 Port Moresby 2014 338,01)
Independent State of Port Moresby
Papua-New Guinea

Pitcairn19) 47 0,00006 1,2 Adamstown 2013 0,06

Pitcairn19) Adamstown

Polinezia Francez 4000 0,30 75,0 Papeete 2014 133,0

French Polynesia Papeete

Samoa American 199 0,10 502,5 Pago-Pago 2014 48,0

American Samoa Pago-Pago

Statul Independent Samoa 2842 0,20 70,4 Apia 2014 37,01)

Independent State of Samoa Apia

Insulele Solomon 28896 0,60 20,8 Honiara 2014 73,01)

Solomon Islands Honiara

Tokelau 12 0,001 83,3 Nukunonu 2014

Tokelau Nukunonu

Regatul Tonga 747 0,10 133,9 Nukualofa 2014 25,01)

Kingdom of Tonga Nukualofa

Tuvalu 26 0,01 384,6 Funafuti 2014 6,0

Tuvalu Funafuti

Republica Vanuatu 12189 0,30 24,6 Port Vila 2014 53,01)

Republic of Vanuatu Port Vila

Insulele Wallis i Futuna 142 0,01 70,4 Mata-Utu 2014 1,0

Wallis and Futuna Islands Meta-Utu

1) Fr suburbii. / Excluding suburbs.

19) 2013.

Romnia n lume, n anul 2013
23.3 Romania in the world, in 2013

Total n total
Denumirea U.M. Romnia mondial mondial
indicatorului Romania World Weight in M.U. Indicators name
the world

Suprafaa km2 238391 134289900 0,18 km2 Area

Populaia la 1 iulie mil. locuitori 20,01) 7137 0,28 mill. inhabitants Population on July 1st

Agricultur Agriculture
Producia de: Production of:
gru mii tone 7296 715909 1,02 thou tonnes wheat
porumb mii tone 11305 1018112 1,11 thou tonnes maize
cartofi mii tone 3290 376453 0,87 thou tonnes potatoes
sfecl de zahr mii tone 1029 246522 0,42 thou tonnes sugar beat
pepeni verzi i water melons
galbeni mii tone 635 138741 0,46 thou tonnes and melons
struguri mii tone 9922) 77181 1,29 thou tonnes grapes

Producia de: Production of:

carne mii tone 892 310380 0,29 thou tonnes meat
lapte de vac mii tone 43873) 635576 0,69 thou tonnes cow milk
ln brut mii tone 21 2127 0,98 thou tonnes raw wool
ou de gin mii tone 308 68262 0,45 thou tonnes hen eggs

Efective de animale 4): Livestock 4):

bovine mii capete 2009 1661370 0,12 thou heads cattle
porcine mii capete 52345) 977274 0,54 thou heads pigs
ovine i caprine mii capete 101005) 2138679 0,47 thou heads sheep and goats

Industrie Industry
Producia de: Production of:
crbune net mii tone 24732 7906000 0,31 thou tonnes net coal
oel brut mii tone 3073 1607000 0,19 thou tonnes crude steel
energie 6) mii tone thou tonnes energy 6)
echiv. petrol 26314 13642000 0,19 oil equiv.
cherestea sawnwood
(inclusiv traverse) mii m3 5869 423000 1,39 thou m3 (including sleepers)
ciment mii tone 7451 4080000 0,18 thou tonnes cement
ngrminte chimice chemical fertilizers
(100% SA) mii tone 742 180000 0,41 thou tonnes (100% AS)

Exporturi FOB milioane dolari SUA 658796) 18463002 0,36 USD million Exports FOB

Produsul Intern Gross Domestic

Brut (PIB) milioane dolari SUA 191549,0 76123951 0,25 USD million Product (GDP)

1) Populaie rezident la 1 iulie 2013, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al
Locuinelor - 2011.
The usual resident population on July 1, 2013 was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the
Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Inclusiv producia de struguri din grdinile familiale. / Including the production of grapes from the kitchen gardens.
3) Lapte de vac i bivoli, inclusiv consumul vieilor. / Cows and buffalo cows milk, calves consumption included.
4) La nceputul anului. / At the beginning of the year.
5) La 1 decembrie al anului anterior. / On December 1st of previous year.
6) Date definitive. / Final data.

Romnia i Uniunea European, n anul 2014
23.4 Romania and the European Union, in 2014

Denumirea U.M. Romnia UE - 28 M.U. Indicators

indicatorului Romania EU - 28 name

Suprafaa total mii km2 238 4381 thou km2 Total area
Populaia la 1 ianuarie mii locuitori 19947,31) 506880,6 thou inhabitants Population on January 1st
Sporul natural la 1000 locuitori -3,52) 0,3 per 1000 inhabitants Natural increase
Densitatea populaiei locuitori / km2 83,7 116,43) inhabitants / km2 Population density
Ponderea populaiei n vrst Weight of population aged
de 0-14 ani, n total populaie % 15,5 15,6 % 0-14 years in total population
Ponderea populaiei de 65 ani Weight of population aged 65
i peste, n total populaie % 16,5 18,5 % and over in total population
Rata de dependen
demografic % 47,1 51,8 % Age dependency ratio
Rata mortalitii infantile la 1000 nscui-vii 8,84) 3,73) per 1000 live-births Infant mortality rate
Produsul Intern Brut Gross Domestic Product
(PIB) - preuri curente milioane Euro 150199,7 13944015,3 euro million (GDP) - current prices
Produsul Intern Brut Gross Domestic Product
(PIB) pe locuitor n PCS 15100 27400 in PPS (GDP) per inhabitant
Indicele de volum Volume index of
al PIB pe locuitor GDP per capita
(UE-28=100) % 55,1 100,0 % (EU-28=100)
Ponderea cheltuielilor Weight of the
cu cercetarea - research-development
dezvoltarea n PIB % 0,38 2,01 % expenditure in GDP
Populaia ocupat 5) mii persoane 8254,46) 213381,5 thou persons Employment 5)
- din care femei mii persoane 3577,36) 98343,6 thou persons - of which women
Ponderea femeilor n Weight of women in
total populaie ocupat 5) % 43,36) 46,1 % total employment 5)
Ponderea populaiei
ocupate 5) n: Weight of employment 5) in:
agricultur 7) % 25,46) 4,4 % agriculture 7)
industrie 8) % 30,16) 24,3 % industry 8)
servicii % 44,56) 69,5 % services
Rata de ocupare 5) % 61,06) 64,8 % Employment rate 5)
- din care femei % 53,36) 59,5 % - of which women
Rata omajului % 6,86) 10,2 % Unemployment rate
- din care femei % 6,16) 10,3 % - of which women
Export FOB - total miliarde euro 52,54) 1702,9 euro billion Exports FOB - total
Import CIF - total miliarde euro 58,5 1680,5 euro billion Imports CIF - total
Not: Rata de dependen demografic reprezint populaia n vrst de 0-14 ani i 65 de ani i peste, raportat la populaia
n vrst de 15-64 ani.
Puterea de cumprare standard (PCS) reprezint moneda de referin stabilit la nivelul Uniunii Europene pentru a exprima
rezultatele Programului European de Comparare.
Note: The age dependency ratio represents population aged 0-14 and 65 and more, in relation with population aged 15-64.
Purchasing Power Standard (PPS) represents the reference currency established at the level of European Union in order to
express the results of European Comparison Programme.
1) Populaie rezident la 1 ianuarie 2014, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei
i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The usual resident population on January 1, 2014 was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results
of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
3) 2013.
4) Date semidefinitive. / The data are semi-final.
5) Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO). Populaia ocupat i rata de ocupare sunt calculate
pentru populaia n vrst de munc.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS). Employment and employment rate calculated for working age population.
6) Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite,
estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria,
estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
7) Inclusiv pescuit i piscicultur. / Including fishery and pisciculture.
8) Inclusiv construcii. / Including construction.

Populaia pe ri, la 1 iulie
23.5 Population by country, on July 1
milioane locuitori / million inhabitants
ara 1990 2000 2005 2010 2013 2014 Country
Afganistan 16,1 21,8 29,9 29,1 30,6 31,3 Afghanistan
Africa de Sud 34,0 43,7 46,9 49,9 53,0 53,7 South Africa
Albania 3,3 3,1 3,1 3,2 2,8 3,0 Albania
Algeria 25,0 31,0 32,9 36,0 38,3 39,1 Algeria
Angola 10,0 13,1 15,4 19,0 21,6 22,4 Angola
Arabia Saudit 14,9 20,9 24,6 29,2 30,1 30,8 Saudi Arabia
Argentina 32,5 37,0 38,8 40,5 41,3 42,7 Argentina
Armenia 3,5 3,8 3,0 3,1 3,0 3,0 Armenia
Australia 1) 17,1 19,2 20,2 22,4 23,1 23,5 Australia 1)
Austria 7,7 8,1 8,2 8,4 8,5 8,5 Austria
Azerbaidjan 7,2 8,1 8,4 9,0 9,4 9,5 Azerbaijan
Bangladesh 109,5 137,4 141,8 164,4 156,6 158,5 Bangladesh
Belarus 10,3 10,0 9,8 9,5 9,5 9,5 Belarus
Belgia 10,0 10,3 10,4 10,8 11,2 11,2 Belgium
Benin 4,7 6,2 8,4 9,8 9,6 10,3 Benin
Bolivia 6,6 8,3 8,9 10,4 11,0 10,3 Bolivia
Bosnia i Heregovina 4,5 4,0 3,9 3,8 3,8 3,8 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazilia 144,7 167,7 186,4 193,3 195,5 202,8 Brazil
Bulgaria 9,0 8,2 7,7 7,5 7,3 7,2 Bulgaria
Burkina Faso 9,0 11,5 13,2 16,2 18,0 17,9 Burkina Faso
Burundi 5,5 6,4 7,6 8,5 10,9 10,5 Burundi
Cambodgia 8,6 13,0 14,1 15,1 14,4 14,8 Cambodia
Camerun 11,5 14,9 16,3 20,0 21,5 22,8 Cameroon
Canada 27,7 30,8 32,3 34,1 35,3 35,5 Canada
Republica Ceh 10,4 10,3 10,2 10,5 10,5 10,5 Czech Republic
Republica Centrafrican 2,9 3,7 4,0 4,8 4,7 4,8 Central African Republic
Ciad 5,7 7,9 9,8 11,5 12,2 13,3 Chad
Cipru 0,7 0,8 0,8 1,1 1,1 1,2 Cyprus
Chile 13,1 15,2 16,3 17,1 17,6 17,7 Chile
R. P. Chinez 1155,3 1275,1 1303,7 1338,1 1357,4 1364,1 China, Peoples Republic of
China, RAS Hong-Kong 5,7 6,7 6,9 7,0 7,2 7,2 China, Hong Kong SAR
Columbia 35,0 42,3 45,6 45,5 48,0 47,7 Colombia
Congo 2,2 3,0 4,0 3,9 4,4 4,6 Congo
Republica Democratic Congo, Dem.
Congo 35,6 51,0 57,6 67,8 71,1 71,2 Republic of
Republica Coreea 42,9 47,0 47,8 48,9 50,2 50,4 Republic of Korea
Republica Popular Democratic Peoples
Democrat Coreean 20,5 22,3 22,5 22,8 24,7 24,9 Republic of Korea
Costa Rica 3,0 3,8 4,3 4,6 4,7 4,8 Costa Rica
Republica Cte dIvoire 11,7 16,4 18,2 22,0 21,1 20,8 Republic of Cte dIvoire
Croaia 4,8 4,4 4,6 4,4 4,3 4,2 Croatia
Cuba 10,6 11,2 11,3 11,2 11,3 11,2 Cuba
Danemarca 2) 5,1 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,6 Denmark 2)
Republica Dominican 7,1 8,4 8,9 9,9 10,3 10,4 Dominican Republic
Ecuador 10,3 12,7 13,2 14,2 15,8 16,0 Ecuador
Egipt 51,9 64,0 74,0 80,4 84,7 87,9 Egypt
El Salvador 5,0 6,3 6,9 6,2 6,3 6,4 El Salvador
Elveia 6,7 7,2 7,3 7,8 8,1 8,2 Switzerland
Eritrea 3,1 3,7 4,4 5,2 5,8 6,5 Eritrea
Estonia 1,6 1,4 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 Estonia
Etiopia 48,4 63,5 77,4 85,0 89,2 95,9 Ethiopia
Filipine 61,5 76,3 83,1 94,0 96,2 100,1 Philippines
Finlanda 5,0 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,4 5,5 Finland
Frana 3) 56,7 58,9 60,5 63,0 63,9 64,1 France 3)

1) Inclusiv Insulele Christmas, Cocos (Keeling) i Insula Norfolk. / Including Christmas Islands, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Norfolk Island.
2) Fr insulele Feroe i Groenlanda. / Faeroe Islands and Greenland are excluded.
3) Fr departamentele de peste mri. / Not including overseas departments.

Populaia pe ri, la 1 iulie - continuare
23.5 Population by country, on July 1 - continued
milioane locuitori / million inhabitants
ara 1990 2000 2005 2010 2013 2014 Country

Georgia 5,5 5,0 4,5 4,6 4,5 4,8 Georgia

Germania 79,4 82,2 82,7 81,6 80,6 80,9 Germany
Ghana 15,1 18,4 22,1 24,0 26,1 27,0 Ghana
Grecia 10,2 10,0 11,1 11,3 11,1 11,0 Greece
Guatemala 8,8 11,4 12,6 14,4 15,4 15,9 Guatemala
Guineea 5,8 8,2 9,4 10,8 11,8 11,6 Guinea
Haiti 6,5 8,0 8,5 9,8 10,4 10,8 Haiti
Honduras 4,8 6,4 7,2 7,6 8,6 8,2 Honduras
India 835,1 1002,1 1103,4 1188,8 1276,5 1296,2 India
Indonezia 179,5 210,5 222,8 235,5 248,5 251,5 Indonesia
Iordania 4,6 4,9 5,7 6,5 7,3 7,6 Jordan
Irak 18,1 23,0 28,8 31,5 35,1 35,1 Iraq
Republica Islamic Iran 54,5 63,7 69,5 75,1 76,5 77,4 Islamic Republic of Iran
Irlanda 3,5 3,8 4,2 4,5 4,6 4,6 Ireland
Israel 4,7 6,3 6,7 7,6 8,1 8,2 Israel
Italia 57,7 57,8 58,1 60,5 59,8 61,3 Italy
Jamaica 2,4 2,6 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 Jamaica
Japonia 123,5 126,9 127,7 127,4 127,3 127,1 Japan
Kazahstan 16,4 14,9 14,8 16,3 17,0 17,3 Kazakhstan
Krgzstan 4,4 4,9 5,3 5,3 5,7 5,8 Kyrgyzstan
Kenya 24,0 30,7 34,3 40,0 44,2 43,2 Kenya
Republica Democrat Lao, Peoples
Popular Laos 4,2 5,2 5,9 6,4 6,7 6,8 Democratic Republic
Lesotho 1,7 2,1 1,8 1,9 2,2 1,9 Lesotho
Letonia 2,7 2,4 2,3 2,2 2,0 2,0 Latvia
Liban 2,6 3,5 3,6 4,3 4,8 5,0 Lebanon
Liberia 2,5 2,9 3,3 4,1 4,4 4,4 Liberia
Libia 4,2 5,1 5,9 6,5 6,5 6,3 Libya
Lituania 3,7 3,5 3,4 3,3 3,0 2,9 Lithuania
Luxemburg 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6 Luxembourg
Republica Macedonia 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,1 2,1 Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar 11,2 16,0 18,6 20,1 22,5 22,4 Madagascar
Malawi 8,3 11,3 12,9 15,4 16,3 16,8 Malawi
Malaysia 18,1 23,3 25,4 28,9 29,8 30,1 Malaysia
Mali 8,2 11,4 13,5 15,2 15,5 15,9 Mali
Malta 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 Malta
Maroc 24,2 28,7 31,5 31,9 33,0 33,3 Morocco
Mauritania 2,0 2,7 3,1 3,4 3,7 4,0 Mauritania
Mongolia 2,1 2,4 2,7 2,8 2,8 2,9 Mongolia
Mozambic 14,2 17,7 19,8 23,4 24,3 25,1 Mozambique
Muntenegru 10,54) 10,64) 10,54) 0,6 0,6 0,6 Montenegro
Nepal 18,1 22,9 27,1 28,0 26,8 27,1 Nepal
Nicaragua 3,9 5,1 5,5 6,0 6,0 6,2 Nicaragua
Niger 7,7 10,8 14,0 15,9 16,9 18,2 Niger
Nigeria 87,0 115,2 131,5 158,3 173,6 177,5 Nigeria
Norvegia 4,2 4,5 4,6 4,9 5,1 5,1 Norway
Noua Zeeland 3,4 3,8 4,0 4,4 4,5 4,3 New Zealand
Olanda 15,0 15,9 16,3 16,6 16,8 16,9 Netherlands
Pakistan 112,4 137,5 157,9 184,8 190,7 194,0 Pakistan
Panama 2,4 2,9 3,2 3,5 3,9 3,9 Panama
Papua-Noua Guinee 3,7 5,1 5,9 6,8 7,2 7,6 Papua-New Guinea
Paraguay 4,2 5,5 6,2 6,5 6,8 6,9 Paraguay
Peru 21,6 25,7 28,0 29,5 30,5 30,8 Peru
Polonia 38,1 38,7 38,5 38,2 38,5 38,5 Poland
Porto Rico 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,0 3,6 3,6 Puerto Rico
Portugalia 5) 9,9 10,0 10,5 10,7 10,5 10,4 Portugal 5)

4) Serbia i Muntenegru. / Serbia and Montenegro.

5) Portugalia continental, inclusiv Insulele Azore i Madeira. / Continental Portugal, including Azores and Madeira Islands.

Populaia pe ri, la 1 iulie - continuare
23.5 Population by country, on July 1 - continued
milioane locuitori / million inhabitants
ara 1990 2000 2005 2010 2013 2014 Country

Regatul Unit 57,6 59,8 59,7 62,2 64,1 64,5 United Kingdom
Republica Moldova 4,4 3,6 4,2 4,1 4,1 4,1 Republic of Moldova
Romnia 23,2 22,4 21,36) 20,26) 20,06) 19,96); 7) Romania
Rwanda 7,2 7,6 9,0 10,4 11,1 11,1 Rwanda
Federaia Rus 147,9 145,6 143,2 141,9 143,5 143,7 Russian Federation
Senegal 7,3 9,5 11,7 12,5 13,5 13,9 Senegal
Serbia 10,54) 10,64) 10,54) 7,3 7,1 7,1 Serbia
Sierra Leone 4,0 4,5 5,5 5,8 6,2 6,3 Sierra Leone
Singapore 3,0 3,3 4,3 5,1 5,4 5,5 Singapore
Republica Arab Sirian 12,1 16,3 19,0 22,5 21,9 22,0 Syrian Arab Republic
Slovacia 5,3 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 Slovakia
Slovenia 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,1 2,1 Slovenia
Somalia 7,8 8,8 8,2 9,4 10,4 10,8 Somalia
Spania 8) 38,9 39,9 43,1 47,1 46,6 46,5 Spain 8)
Sri Lanka 17,0 19,4 19,7 20,7 20,5 20,7 Sri Lanka
S.U.A. 250,0 275,3 298,2 309,6 316,2 317,7 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 83,2 100,3 107,0 110,6 117,6 119,7 Mexico, U.S.
Sudan 25,8 31,1 36,2 43,2 34,29) 38,89) Sudan
Sudanul de Sud 9,8 11,7 South Sudan
Suedia 8,6 8,9 9,0 9,4 9,6 9,7 Sweden
Tadjikistan 5,3 6,2 6,5 7,6 8,1 8,3 Tajikistan
Tanzania, United
Tanzania 24,6 35,1 36,5 45,0 49,1 50,8 Republic of
Thailanda 55,8 61,8 64,2 68,1 66,2 66,4 Thailand
Togo 3,5 4,5 6,2 6,8 6,2 7,0 Togo
Trinidad-Tobago 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia 8,2 9,6 10,1 10,5 10,9 11,0 Tunisia
Turcia 56,1 67,5 73,2 73,6 76,1 77,2 Turkey
Turkmenistan 3,7 4,7 4,8 5,2 5,2 5,3 Turkmenistan
Ucraina 51,8 49,7 46,5 45,9 45,5 42,9 Ukraine
Uganda 16,5 22,2 28,8 33,8 36,9 38,8 Uganda
Ungaria 10,4 10,0 10,1 10,0 9,9 9,9 Hungary
Uniunea Myanmar 40,5 47,8 50,5 53,4 53,3 53,7 Myanmar
Uruguay 3,1 3,3 3,5 3,4 3,4 3,4 Uruguay
Uzbekistan 20,3 24,7 26,6 28,1 30,2 30,7 Uzbekistan
Venezuela 19,5 24,2 26,8 28,8 29,7 30,2 Venezuela
Vietnam 66,2 77,7 84,2 88,9 89,7 90,7 Viet Nam
Yemen 11,3 18,3 21,0 23,6 25,2 26,0 Yemen
Zambia 8,1 10,7 11,7 13,3 14,2 15,1 Zambia
Zimbabwe 9,4 12,6 13,0 12,6 13,0 14,7 Zimbabwe

4) Serbia i Muntenegru. / Serbia and Montenegro.

6) S-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
The usual resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results
of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
7) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
8) Spania continental, inclusiv insulele Baleare i Canare. / Continental Spain, including Balearic and Canary Islands.
9) Exclusiv Sudanul de Sud. / Excluding South Sudan.

Micarea natural a populaiei, n anul 2014
23.6 Vital statistics, in 2014
la 1000 locuitori / per 1000 inhabitants
Sporul Mortalitatea infantil
ara Nscui-vii Decese natural (la 1000 nscui-vii)1) Country
Live-births Deaths Natural Infant mortality
increase (per 1000 live-births)1)

Albania 12,42) 7,12) 5,32) 7,9 Albania

Austria 9,6 9,2 0,4 3,1 Austria
Belgia 11,1 9,3 1,8 3,5 Belgium
Bosnia i Heregovina 7,63) 9,13) -1,53) 5,04) Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgaria 9,4 15,1 -5,7 7,3 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 10,4 10,0 0,4 2,5 Czech Republic
Cipru 10,93) 6,23) 4,73) 1,6 Cyprus
Croaia 9,3 12,0 -2,7 4,1 Croatia
Danemarca 10,1 9,1 1,0 3,5 Denmark
Elveia 10,23) 7,83) 2,43) 3,9 Switzerland
Estonia 10,3 11,8 -1,5 2,1 Estonia
Finlanda 10,5 9,6 0,9 1,8 Finland
Frana 12,43) 8,43) 4,03) 3,6 France
Germania 8,62) 10,82) -2,22) 3,3 Germany
Grecia 8,52);3) 10,52);3) -2,02);3) 3,7 Greece
Irlanda 14,42);3) 6,42);3) 8,02);3) 3,5 Ireland
Italia 8,3 9,8 -1,5 2,9 Italy
Islanda 13,4 6,33) 7,13) 1,8 Iceland
Letonia 10,9 14,3 -3,4 4,4 Latvia
Lituania 10,4 13,7 -3,3 3,7 Lithuania
Luxemburg 10,9 6,9 4,0 3,9 Luxembourg
Malta 9,8 7,7 2,1 6,7 Malta
Republica Macedonia 11,4 9,5 1,9 10,2 Republic of Macedonia
Norvegia 11,5 7,9 3,6 2,4 Norway
Olanda 10,43) 8,33) 2,13) 3,8 Netherlands
Polonia 9,9 9,9 0,0 4,6 Poland
Portugalia 7,92) 10,12) -2,22) 2,9 Portugal
Regatul Unit 12,02);3) 8,82);3) 3,22);3) 3,8 United Kingdom
Romnia 5) 9,23) 12,73) -3,53) 8,83) Romania 5)
Slovacia 10,2 9,5 0,7 5,5 Slovakia
Slovenia 10,3 9,2 1,1 2,9 Slovenia
Spania 9,23) 8,53) 0,73) 2,7 Spain
Suedia 11,9 9,2 2,7 2,7 Sweden
Turcia 17,3 5,1 12,2 10,8 Turkey
Ungaria 9,53) 12,83) -3,33) 5,0 Hungary

1) 2013.
2) Estimri. / Estimates.
3) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
4) 2012.
5) Ratele au fost calculate folosindu-se populaia rezident la 1 iulie 2014, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive
ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Nscuii-vii i decedaii cu reedina n Romnia.
Rates calculated based on usual resident population on July 1, 2014 was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
The live-births and the deaths with usual residences in Romania.

Durata medie a vieii, n anul 2014
23.7 Life expectancy, in 2014
ani / years
ara Total Brbai Femei Country
Males Females

Total mondial 71 69 73 World total

Africa de Sud 61 59 63 South Africa

Albania 78 76 80 Albania
Algeria 74 72 77 Algeria
Argentina 77 73 80 Argentina
Australia 82 80 84 Australia
Austria 81 78 84 Austria
Bangladesh 71 70 71 Bangladesh
Belgia 80 78 83 Belgium
Brazilia 75 71 79 Brazil
Bulgaria 75 71 78 Bulgaria
Canada 81 79 84 Canada
Republica Ceh 79 76 82 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 75 73 78 China, Peoples Republic of
Cipru 80 78 82 Cyprus
Republica Democratic Congo 50 48 52 Congo, Dem. Republic of
Danemarca 81 79 83 Denmark
Egipt 71 70 73 Egypt
Elveia 83 81 85 Switzerland
Estonia 77 73 81 Estonia
Etiopia 64 62 65 Ethiopia
Finlanda 81 78 84 Finland
Frana 82 79 85 France
Germania 80 78 83 Germany
Grecia 81 78 83 Greece
India 68 66 69 India
Indonezia 71 69 73 Indonesia
Irlanda 81 79 83 Ireland
Israel 82 80 84 Israel
Italia 83 80 85 Italy
Japonia 83 80 87 Japan
Letonia 74 70 79 Latvia
Lituania 74 69 79 Lithuania
Luxemburg 82 80 84 Luxembourg
Malta 82 80 84 Malta
Nigeria 52 52 53 Nigeria
Norvegia 82 80 84 Norway
Noua Zeeland 81 80 83 New Zealand
Olanda 81 79 83 Netherlands
Pakistan 66 66 67 Pakistan
Polonia 78 74 82 Poland
Portugalia 80 77 83 Portugal
Regatul Unit 81 79 83 United Kingdom
Romnia 76 72 79 Romania
Federaia Rus 71 65 76 Russian Federation
Slovacia 76 73 80 Slovakia
Slovenia 81 78 84 Slovenia
Spania 83 80 86 Spain
S.U.A. 79 76 81 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 75 73 78 Mexico, U. S.
Suedia 82 80 84 Sweden
Turcia 77 75 79 Turkey
Ungaria 76 72 79 Hungary

Populaia ocupat, pe principalele activiti ale economiei naionale, n anul 2014
23.8 Employment, by main activities of national economy, in 2014

Structura n procente din total populaie

Populaia ocupat ocupat, pe principalele activiti
Employment Structure as percentage of total
employment, by main activity
ara Agricultur, Country
Total silvicultur i Comer,
(mii persoane) pescuit Industrie Construcii turism1)
Total Agriculture, Industry Construction Trade,
(thou persons) forestry and tourism1)

Australia 11565,3 2,8 11,4 9,0 44,5 Australia

Austria 4112,7 4,8 16,6 8,7 20,3 Austria
Belgia 4543,5 1,2 13,5 7,2 16,8 Belgium
Bulgaria 2981,4 7,0 21,7 7,2 22,6 Bulgaria
Canada 17802,2 1,7 12,5 7,7 42,3 Canada
Republica Ceh 4974,3 2,7 28,6 8,3 15,8 Czech Republic
Cipru 362,7 4,4 8,7 6,9 25,4 Cyprus
R. P. Chinez 2) 769770,0 31,4 China, Peoples Republic of 2)
Republica Coreea 25599,5 5,7 17,6 7,0 45,2 Republic of Korea
Croaia 1565,7 9,5 18,7 6,6 19,8 Croatia
Danemarca 2714,1 2,5 12,6 6,0 17,8 Denmark
Elveia 4534,5 3,5 13,7 5,8 16,3 Switzerland
Estonia 624,8 3,9 20,2 9,4 17,1 Estonia
Finlanda 2447,2 4,2 14,4 6,9 15,4 Finland
Frana 3) 26376,9 2,8 13,0 6,6 16,4 France 3)
Germania 39879,1 1,4 20,6 6,9 17,9 Germany
Grecia 3536,2 13,6 10,0 4,3 26,1 Greece
Irlanda 1913,9 5,7 11,9 5,7 21,4 Ireland
Italia 22278,9 3,6 19,2 6,7 20,2 Italy
Letonia 884,6 7,5 15,0 8,3 18,3 Latvia
Lituania 1319,0 9,2 15,8 7,5 20,2 Lithuania
Luxemburg 245,6 1,4 5,9 4,6 11,6 Luxembourg
Japonia 63506,7 3,3 16,9 8,0 38,7 Japan
Norvegia 2626,6 2,2 12,2 7,7 16,1 Norway
Noua Zeeland 2341,9 6,2 11,9 8,8 New Zealand
Olanda 8236,1 2,1 9,7 4,8 18,9 Netherlands
Polonia 15861,5 11,5 21,9 7,5 16,6 Poland
Portugalia 4499,5 8,6 17,0 6,1 21,0 Portugal
Regatul Unit 30641,8 1,2 10,8 7,3 18,3 United Kingdom
Romnia 4) 8613,7 28,3 20,5 7,4 15,0 Romania 4)
Federaia Rus 71539,1 6,7 19,9 7,6 Russian Federation
Slovacia 2363,1 3,5 24,8 9,4 17,1 Slovakia
Slovenia 916,8 9,6 24,1 5,7 16,4 Slovenia
Spania 17344,2 4,2 13,1 5,7 24,6 Spain
S.U.A. 146305,0 1,5 11,9 6,7 United States of America
Suedia 4772,1 2,0 11,4 6,6 15,0 Sweden
Turcia 3) 25930,7 21,1 19,9 7,4 19,0 Turkey 3)
Ungaria 4100,8 4,7 22,7 6,3 17,6 Hungary

1) Inclusiv cazare i activiti privind serviciile alimentare. / Including accommodation and food service activities.
2) 2013.
3) Serie ntrerupt. / Break in series.
4) Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO).
Datele pentru anul 2014 au fost calculate n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei obinuite, estimat
n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS).
The data for 2014 have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual residence criteria, estimated
under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

omerii i rata omajului
23.9 Unemployed and unemployment rate

omeri (mii persoane) Rata omajului

ara Unemployed (thou persons) Unemployment rate Country
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Australia 1) 636 606 600 625 687 747 5,6 5,2 5,1 5,2 5,6 6,1 Australia 1)
Austria 223 203 194 209 231 245 5,3 4,8 4,6 4,9 5,4 5,6 Austria
Belgia 380 406 3472) 369 417 423 7,9 8,3 7,22) 7,6 8,4 8,5 Belgium
Bulgaria 238 348 3762) 410 436 385 6,8 10,2 11,32) 12,3 13,0 11,4 Bulgaria
Canada 1) 1516 1484 1393 1368 1347 1322 8,3 8,1 7,5 7,3 7,1 6,9 Canada 1)
Republica Ceh 352 384 3512) 367 369 324 6,7 7,3 6,72) 7,0 7,0 6,1 Czech Republic
Republica Coreea 1) 889 920 855 820 807 937 3,6 3,7 3,4 3,2 3,1 3,5 Republic of Korea 1)
Cipru 222) 26 34 52 69 70 5,42) 6,3 7,9 11,9 15,9 16,1 Cyprus
Croaia 178 222 258 297 318 327 9,2 11,7 13,7 16,0 17,3 17,3 Croatia
Danemarca 177 218 221 219 202 192 6,0 7,5 7,6 7,5 7,0 6,6 Denmark
Elveia 183 204 184 193 205 216 4,1 4,6 4,1 4,2 4,4 4,6 Switzerland
Estonia 93 114 85 69 59 50 13,5 16,7 12,3 10,0 8,6 7,4 Estonia
Finlanda 221 224 209 207 219 232 8,2 8,4 7,8 7,7 8,2 8,7 Finland
Frana 2458 2505 2489 2674 2827 30262) 8,7 8,9 8,8 9,4 9,9 10,32) France
Germania 3228 2946 23992) 2224 2182 2090 7,8 7,1 5,82) 5,4 5,2 5,0 Germany
Grecia 4852) 639 882 1195 1330 1274 9,62) 12,7 17,9 24,5 27,5 26,5 Greece
Irlanda 2682) 303 317 316 282 243 12,02) 13,9 14,7 14,7 13,1 11,3 Ireland
Italia 1907 2056 2061 2691 3069 3236 7,8 8,4 8,4 10,7 12,2 12,7 Italy
Japonia 1) 3360 3340 3020 2850 2650 2359 5,1 5,1 4,6 4,4 4,0 3,6 Japan 1)
Letonia 193 206 167 155 120 108 17,5 19,5 16,2 15,0 11,9 10,8 Latvia
Lituania 211 270 228 197 173 158 13,8 17,8 15,4 13,4 11,8 10,7 Lithuania
Luxemburg 122) 10 12 13 15 15 5,12) 4,4 4,9 5,1 5,9 5,9 Luxembourg
Malta 12 12 11 12 12 11 6,9 6,9 6,4 6,3 6,4 5,9 Malta
Norvegia 80 91 84 83 92 95 3,1 3,5 3,2 3,1 3,4 3,5 Norway
Olanda 304 3902) 4342) 516 647 660 3,4 4,52) 5,02) 5,8 7,3 7,4 Netherlands
Polonia 1411 16502) 1659 1749 1793 1567 8,2 9,72) 9,7 10,1 10,3 9,0 Poland
Portugalia 517 591 6882) 836 855 726 9,6 11,0 12,92) 15,8 16,4 14,1 Portugal
Regatul Unit 2369 2459 2559 2534 2441 1996 7,6 7,8 8,1 7,9 7,6 6,1 United Kingdom
Romnia 3) 624 652 660 627 653 629 6,5 7,0 7,2 6,8 7,1 6,8 Romania 3)
Federaia Rus 1) 6373 5636 4922 4131 4137 8,4 7,5 6,5 5,5 5,5 Russian Federation 1)
Slovacia 324 389 3652) 378 386 359 12,0 14,4 13,62) 14,0 14,2 13,2 Slovakia
Slovenia 61 75 83 90 102 98 5,9 7,3 8,2 8,9 10,1 9,7 Slovenia
Spania 4154 4640 5013 5811 6051 5610 17,9 19,9 21,4 24,8 26,1 24,5 Spain
United States
S.U.A. 1) 14265 14825 13747 12506 11460 9617 9,2 9,6 9,0 8,1 7,4 6,2 of America 1)
Suedia 410 426 392 404 412 412 8,4 8,6 7,8 8,0 8,1 8,0 Sweden
Turcia 3053 2696 2324 2202 2442 28432) 12,6 10,7 8,8 8,2 8,8 9,92) Turkey
Ungaria 418 469 466 473 441 343 10,0 11,2 11,0 11,0 10,2 7,7 Hungary

Not: Datele se refer la numrul de omeri calculat de Eurostat (Ancheta Forei de Munc).
Note: The data are referring to the unemployment calculated by Eurostat (Labour Force Survey).
1) Conform definiiei BIM (Biroul Internaional al Muncii). Sursa datelor: baza de date ILOSTAT.
According to the ILO (International Labour Office) definition. Data source: ILOSTAT database.
2) Serie ntrerupt. / Break in series.
3) Sursa: Cercetarea statistic asupra forei de munc n gospodrii (AMIGO).
Seria de date pentru perioada 2009-2014 a fost calculat n funcie de populaia rezident avnd n vedere criteriul reedinei
obinuite, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Source: Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS).
The series of data for the 2009-2014 period have been calculated according to the usual resident population by the usual
residence criteria, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Indicii produsului intern brut
23.10 Indices of gross domestic product
procente / percentage
Ritmul mediu anual
ara 2014 fa de 2010 2011-2014 2014 fa de 2013 Country
2014 as against 2010 Annual average rate 2014 as against 2013

Africa de Sud 1) 108,7 2,82 102,1 South Africa 1)

Argentina 1) 112,8 4,10 102,9 Argentina 1)
Australia 111,5 2,76 102,7 Australia
Austria 104,5 1,11 100,3 Austria
Belgia 103,1 0,77 101,1 Belgium
Bulgaria 105,2 1,28 101,7 Bulgaria
Canada 109,7 2,34 102,5 Canada
Republica Ceh 102,4 0,59 102,0 Czech Republic
R.P. Chinez 1) 130,4 9,25 107,9 China, Peoples Rep. of 1)
Cipru 90,5 -2,46 97,7 Cyprus
Republica Coreea 112,7 3,03 103,3 Republic of Korea
Croaia 100,1 0,02 100,4 Croatia
Danemarca 101,1 0,27 101,1 Denmark
Elveia 107,1 1,73 102,0 Switzerland
Estonia 118,9 4,42 102,1 Estonia
Finlanda 99,7 -0,08 99,9 Finland
Frana 103,3 0,81 100,4 France
Germania 105,8 1,42 101,6 Germany
Grecia 82,5 -4,70 100,9 Greece
India 126,9 6,14 107,2 India
Irlanda 107,5 1,82 104,8 Ireland
Israel 113,9 3,31 102,8 Israel
Italia 95,9 -1,04 99,4 Italy
Japonia 100,3 0,07 97,9 Japan
Letonia 117,4 4,09 102,4 Latvia
Lituania 117,1 4,03 102,9 Lithuania
Luxemburg 112,8 3,06 107,9 Luxembourg
Malta 110,8 2,60 103,6 Malta
Norvegia 106,8 1,66 102,2 Norway
Noua Zeeland 111,4 2,74 103,3 New Zealand
Olanda 101,1 0,27 101,0 Netherlands
Polonia 112,4 2,97 103,5 Poland
Portugalia 93,5 -1,67 100,9 Portugal
Regatul Unit 107,0 1,71 102,9 United Kingdom
Romnia 108,4 2,04 103,0 Romania
Federaia Rus 110,0 2,41 100,6 Russian Federation
Singapore 118,1 4,25 103,0 Singapore
Slovacia 108,4 2,04 102,5 Slovakia
Slovenia 99,5 -0,13 102,6 Slovenia
Spania 97,4 -0,66 101,4 Spain
S.U.A. 108,8 2,13 102,4 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 112,0 2,87 102,1 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 106,0 1,47 102,2 Sweden
Turcia 119,1 4,47 102,9 Turkey
Ungaria 105,5 1,35 103,6 Hungary

1) 2013 fa de 2010, ritmul mediu anual 2011-2013 i 2013 fa de 2012.

2013 as against 2010, the annual average rate 2011-2013 and 2013 as against 2012.

Contribuia principalelor activiti la realizarea produsului intern brut,
n anul 2014
23.11 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product, in 2014
procente / percentage
Agricultur, Industrie,
silvicultur, inclusiv
ara vntoare, pescuit construcii Servicii Country
Agriculture, Industry, Services
forestry, construction
hunting, fishing included

Africa de Sud 2 29 68 South Africa

Albania 23 15 62 Albania
Australia 3 27 70 Australia
Austria 1 28 70 Austria
Belgia 1 23 77 Belgium
Brazilia 6 23 71 Brazil
Bulgaria 5 28 66 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 3 38 59 Czech Republic
R.P. Chinez 9 43 48 China, Peoples Republic of
Rep. Coreea 2 38 59 Korea, Rep.
Croaia 4 29 67 Croatia
Danemarca 1 23 76 Denmark
Estonia 4 28 68 Estonia
Finlanda 3 26 71 Finland
Frana 2 19 79 France
Germania 1 31 69 Germany
India 17 30 53 India
Irlanda 2 24 74 Ireland
Italia 2 23 74 Italy
Japonia 1 26 73 Japan
Letonia 3 16 80 Latvia
Lituania 3 24 73 Lithuania
Rep. Moldova 15 17 68 Rep. of Moldova
Norvegia 2 38 60 Norway
Olanda 2 21 77 Netherlands
Polonia 3 33 63 Poland
Portugalia 2 21 77 Portugal
Regatul Unit 1 20 80 United Kingdom
Romnia 1) 5 41 54 Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 4 36 60 Russian Federation
Slovacia 4 33 63 Slovakia
Slovenia 2 33 65 Slovenia
Spania 2 23 74 Spain
S.U. A. 1 21 78 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 3 34 63 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 1 26 73 Sweden
Turcia 8 27 65 Turkey
Ucraina 12 25 63 Ukraine
Ungaria 4 30 65 Hungary

1) Datele au fost calculate pe baza valorii adugate brute (VAB), la preul pieei.
Data were calculated based on gross value added (GVA), at market price.

Structura produsului intern brut, pe elemente componente,
dup metoda cheltuielilor, n anul 2014
Structure of gross domestic product, by component,
23.12 according to expenditure method, in 2014
procente / percentage
Consum final al
gospodriilor Consum final Formarea brut
ara populaiei guvernamental de capital fix Export net Country
Households Government Gross fixed Net export
final final capital
consumption consumption formation

Africa de Sud 60,6 20,3 20,3 -1,9 South Africa

Argentina 1) 66,5 15,5 17,0 -0,3 Argentina 1)
Australia 56,1 17,8 26,7 -0,6 Australia
Austria 53,8 19,9 22,1 3,7 Austria
Belgia 51,6 24,6 23,1 1,9 Belgium
Brazilia 62,5 20,2 19,7 -2,8 Brazil
Bulgaria 62,1 17,1 21,0 -0,7 Bulgaria
Canada 55,7 21,1 23,7 -0,9 Canada
Republica Ceh 48,5 19,6 25,3 6,9 Czech Republic
R.P. Chinez 2) 36,0 13,5 45,7 2,8 China, Peoples Republic of 2)
Cipru 69,6 15,7 10,8 2,8 Cyprus
Republica Coreea 50,4 15,1 29,1 5,3 Republic of Korea
Croaia 59,9 19,8 19,1 2,0 Croatia
Danemarca 48,5 26,8 18,7 5,3 Denmark
Elveia 53,8 10,9 23,4 12,1 Switzerland
Estonia 51,8 19,6 25,8 2,6 Estonia
Finlanda 55,2 25,0 20,0 -0,4 Finland
Frana 55,5 24,2 21,7 -1,8 France
Germania 55,2 19,4 20,0 6,4 Germany
Grecia 72,0 19,8 11,6 -2,4 Greece
India 60,1 11,4 28,7 -2,3 India
Irlanda 43,3 16,9 16,4 21,4 Ireland
Israel 56,9 22,8 18,5 1,3 Israel
Italia 60,8 19,5 16,8 3,2 Italy
Japonia 1) 61,1 20,6 21,7 -2,8 Japan 1)
Letonia 61,5 17,2 23,0 -2,9 Latvia
Lituania 63,9 17,1 19,2 0,3 Lithuania
Luxemburg 30,4 17,0 17,7 36,0 Luxembourg
Malta 55,6 20,3 19,3 6,4 Malta
Norvegia 40,9 21,9 23,7 8,7 Norway
Noua Zeeland 56,9 18,9 23,0 0,8 New Zealand
Olanda 44,7 25,8 18,2 11,4 Netherlands
Polonia 60,2 17,9 19,6 1,5 Poland
Portugalia 65,9 18,5 14,5 0,6 Portugal
Regatul Unit 64,6 19,7 17,2 -1,9 United Kingdom
Romnia 61,1 13,9 24,2 -0,3 Romania
Federaia Rus 53,3 19,4 20,5 7,1 Russian Federation
Singapore 36,8 10,0 25,4 24,4 Singapore
Slovacia 56,6 18,5 21,1 4,1 Slovakia
Slovenia 52,8 19,3 20,1 8,1 Slovenia
Spania 59,1 19,2 18,9 2,4 Spain
S.U.A. 68,5 14,8 19,3 -3,1 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 68,1 12,2 20,9 -0,9 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 46,4 26,3 23,3 3,8 Sweden
Turcia 68,8 15,3 20,1 -4,4 Turkey
Ungaria 60,4 10,3 21,4 7,4 Hungary

Not: Consumul final al gospodriilor populaiei include consumul final al instituiilor fr scop lucrativ n serviciul gospodriilor populaiei.
Din nsumarea elementelor nu rezult 100,0, ntruct raportarea s-a fcut fa de total PIB, care cuprinde n plus variaia stocurilor.
Note: Households final consumption includes final consumption of non-profit institutions serving households.
The sum of the constituent items is not 100.0, because percentages are calculated as against the whole GDP, which also
includes change in inventories.
1) 2013.
2) 2012.


Programul European de Comparare (PEC) The European Comparison Programme (ECP) is

reprezint o parte component a Programului de part of the International Comparison Programme
Comparare Internaional iniiat n anii 1970, al crui launched in 1970s whose objective is to compare gross
obiectiv este compararea n termeni reali a produsului domestic product (GDP) in real terms - level and
intern brut (PIB) - nivel i structur. structure.
Anul 1999 marcheaz momentul cnd are loc The year 1999 represents the moment of the ECP
reforma PEC concretizat n obinerea de rezultate reform which consists in obtaining annual results for all
anuale pentru toate rile europene incluse n Program. European participating countries included in the Programme.

Rezultatele principale Main results

(concepte i scurte definiii) (concepts and brief definitions)

Paritatea Puterii de Cumprare (PPC) exprim The Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) represents
numrul de uniti de valut necesare pentru the number of currency units required to purchase a
cumprarea ntr-o ar a aceluiai volum de bunuri i volume of goods and services equivalent to what can be
servicii care se poate obine cu o unitate monetar a rii bought with one currency unit of the base country of
baz de comparare. PPC exprim raportul ntre preurile comparison. PPP is computed as a ratio between prices
practicate n condiiile pieei interne a fiecrei ri. practised under the internal conditions of each country.

Puterea de Cumprare Standard (PCS) reprezint Purchasing Power Standard (PPS) represents the
moneda de referin stabilit la nivelul Uniunii Europene reference currency established at the level of European
pentru a exprima rezultatele Programului European de Union in order to express the results of European
Comparare. PCS este o unitate de valut convenional Comparison Programme. PPS is a conventional currency
care exclude influena diferenelor ntre nivelul preurilor unit which excludes the influence of the price levels
dintre ri. between countries.

Indicele nivelului preurilor reprezint raportul The comparative price level index is calculated as
dintre Paritatea Puterii de Cumprare (PPC) i cursul de the ratio between Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and
schimb oficial; exprim cte uniti din aceeai valut the official exchange rate; it illustrates how much of the
sunt necesare pentru a cumpra un volum identic de same currency is needed to purchase identical volumes
bunuri i servicii n ri diferite. of goods and services in different countries.

Indicele de volum reprezint raportul dintre fiecare The volume index is the ratio between the GDP
agregat de cheltuieli PIB convertit ntr-o valut unic de expenditure aggregates of a country converted by
comparare cu ajutorul Paritii Puterii de Cumprare means of the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to a
(PPC) al unei ri i acelai indicator al rii baz de common currency and the same indicator of the base
comparare. country of comparison.

Conceptul matematic folosit, calculul rapoartelor de The mathematical concepts used in the comparison
pre (Paritatea Puterii de Cumprare a valutelor la nivel works, the calculation of price ratios (Purchasing Power
de grup primar), numrul suficient de mare de Parity of foreign currencies at the basic heading level),
produse i servicii, precum i defalcarea PIB n scar the relative large number of items and the GDP
pn la nivelul grupelor primare asigur calitatea i breakdown up to the basic heading level guarantee the
caracterul tiinific al lucrrii de comparare. quality and the scientific rigour of the comparison results.

23.13 Produsul intern brut, pe locuitor
Gross domestic product, per capita

Calculat pe baza cursului de schimb Calculat pe baza Paritii Puterii de Cumprare

(n Euro) (n PCS)
ara Calculated on the basis of the exchange rate Calculated on the basis of the Purchasing Power Parities Country
(in Euro) (in PPS)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Uniunea European European Union

(UE-28) (UE-28)
Austria 34300 35200 36800 37600 38100 38500 30600 32000 33200 34700 35000 35500 Austria
Belgia 32300 33500 34500 35000 35400 35900 28300 30200 31100 31900 32000 32500 Belgium
Bulgaria 4900 5000 5600 5700 5800 5900 11000 11300 11800 12200 12200 12800 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 14100 14900 15600 15300 14900 14700 20200 20600 21600 21700 22200 23200 Czech Republic
Cipru 22900 23000 23000 22500 21000 20400 25700 26000 25000 24200 22500 22400 Cyprus
Croaia 10500 10500 10400 10300 10200 10200 15000 14900 15500 15900 15800 16100 Croatia
Danemarca 41700 43500 44200 45200 45500 46200 29800 31900 32700 33500 33700 34200 Denmark
Estonia 10600 11000 12500 13600 14400 15200 15200 16100 18000 19600 20000 20900 Estonia
Finlanda 33900 34900 36500 36900 37300 37600 28200 29200 30400 30600 30100 30300 Finland
Frana 30000 30800 31500 31800 32100 32200 26200 27400 28200 28400 29000 29300 France
Germania 30000 31600 33100 33600 34400 35400 27900 30200 31800 32400 32600 33900 Germany
Grecia 21400 20300 18600 17300 16500 16300 23100 22100 20100 19600 19700 19900 Greece
Irlanda 37300 36400 38000 38100 39000 41000 31500 33000 34500 34800 35100 36800 Ireland
Italia 26400 26800 27300 26800 26500 26500 25500 26200 26800 26800 26200 26400 Italy
Letonia 8700 8500 9800 10800 11300 11800 12800 13300 14700 16000 16600 17500 Latvia
Lituania 8500 9000 10300 11200 11800 12400 13800 15300 17000 18500 19600 20600 Lithuania
Luxemburg 72800 77900 81300 82000 85400 87600 60400 64400 68600 68600 70500 73000 Luxembourg
Malta 14900 15900 16600 17200 17800 18600 20500 21800 21900 22400 22600 23100 Malta
Olanda 37400 38000 38500 38500 38700 39300 33400 34200 35000 35100 35400 35900 Netherlands
Polonia 8200 9400 9900 10100 10200 10700 14400 15700 16800 17600 17900 18600 Poland
Portugalia 16600 17000 16700 16000 16300 16700 19700 20500 20300 20500 20600 21400 Portugal
Regatul Unit 26800 28900 29500 32200 31900 34900 27400 27400 27600 28400 28900 29900 United Kingdom
Romnia 1) 5915 6263 6618 66602) 72182) 75443) 11900 12600 13300 14300 14400 15100 Romania 1)
Slovacia 11800 12400 13000 13400 13600 13900 17300 18600 19000 19700 20200 21100 Slovakia
Slovenia 17700 17700 18000 17500 17400 18100 20700 21100 21500 21500 21500 22600 Slovenia
Spania 23300 23200 22900 22300 22100 22400 24700 24700 24500 24400 24300 25000 Spain
Suedia 33300 39400 42900 44500 45400 44400 29800 31800 33000 33600 33300 33700 Sweden
Ungaria 9300 9800 10100 10000 10200 10600 15700 16500 17100 17200 17700 18600 Hungary

ri A.E.L.S. E.F.T.A. countries

Elveia 50000 55900 63400 64700 63700 64600 37400 39000 41200 43300 43800 44300 Switzerland
Islanda 28800 31400 33000 34400 35700 39200 30000 29500 29800 30500 31500 32700 Iceland
Norvegia 57600 66200 72300 79000 77400 73500 42300 44900 47300 49500 49300 48900 Norway

ri candidate Candidate countries

Albania 3000 3100 3200 3300 3300 3400 7000 7100 7300 7800 7700 8300 Albania
Muntenegru 47004) 5100 5300 5100 5400 5600 97004) 10300 10700 10400 10800 11200 Montenegro
Republica Macedonia 3300 3500 3700 3700 4000 4100 8500 8900 8800 9000 9500 10100 Republic of Macedonia
Serbia 4200 4100 4600 4400 4800 4600 8900 9000 9500 9800 10100 10100 Serbia
Turcia 4) 6200 7600 7500 8200 8200 7800 11000 12300 13400 14000 14200 14600 Turkey 4)

Not: Datele de conturi naionale au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi 2010 (SEC 2010).
Rezultatele PEC pentru anul 2013 sunt semidefinitive, iar cele pentru anul 2014 sunt provizorii.
Note: The national accounts have been calculated according to the methodology of the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010).
The ECP results for 2013 are semi-final and those for 2014 are provisional.
1) Pentru produsul intern brut, pe locuitor, calculat pe baza cursului de schimb (n euro), pentru perioada 2009 - 2014 s-a utilizat populaia
rezident la 1 iulie a fiecrui an, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al
Locuinelor - 2011.
For the gross domestic product, per capita, calculated on the basis of the exchange rate (in euro), for the period 2009 - 2014, the usual
resident population on July 1st of each year was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final results of the
Population and Housing Census - 2011.
2) Date revizuite. / Revised data.
3) Date estimate. / Estimated data
Datele de conturi naionale au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 1995.
The national accounts have been calculated according to the methodology of the European System of Accounts (ESA) - 1995.

718 719
Indicii nivelului preurilor i indicii de volum la Puterea de Cumprare
Standard (PCS), pe locuitor (UE - 28 = 100)

23.14 Price level indices and volume indices, in Purchasing Power

Standard (PPS), per capita, (EU - 28 = 100)
procente / percentage
Indicele nivelului preurilor (UE-28=100) Indicele de volum pe locuitor (UE-28=100)
Price level index (EU-28=100) Per capita volume index (EU-28=100)
Consumul final al Consumul final al
ara PIB - total gospodriilor populaiei PIB - total gospodriilor populaiei Country
GDP - total Households final GDP - total Households final
consumption consumption

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Uniunea European European Union

(UE-28) (EU-28)
Austria 112 110 111 108 109 109 108 105 106 105 106 106 126 126 128 131 131 130 122 123 125 126 127 125 Austria
Belgia 114 111 111 110 111 110 112 110 110 110 110 109 116 119 119 121 120 119 108 110 110 110 111 110 Belgium
Bulgaria 45 44 47 47 47 46 51 50 50 50 49 48 45 45 45 46 46 47 44 45 48 50 49 51 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 70 72 72 70 67 63 73 75 74 72 69 64 83 81 83 82 83 85 69 69 71 71 72 73 Czech Republic
Cipru 89 89 92 93 93 91 90 89 94 94 93 90 106 103 96 91 84 82 118 118 111 109 103 104 Cyprus
Croaia 70 70 67 65 65 63 76 75 73 69 69 66 62 59 60 60 59 59 58 57 59 60 60 60 Croatia
Danemarca 140 137 135 135 135 135 143 141 141 139 139 139 122 126 126 126 127 125 101 102 101 103 103 102 Denmark
Estonia 70 69 70 69 72 73 77 75 76 74 76 76 62 63 69 74 75 76 52 53 56 61 64 66 Estonia
Finlanda 120 119 120 121 124 124 124 122 122 121 123 122 116 115 117 116 113 110 101 103 106 107 107 107 Finland
Frana 115 112 112 112 111 110 112 110 110 109 108 108 108 108 108 107 109 107 107 107 107 106 108 106 France
Germania 108 104 104 104 105 104 107 104 102 101 103 102 115 119 122 122 122 124 116 118 121 122 122 122 Germany
Grecia 93 92 93 88 83 82 95 95 95 92 89 85 95 87 77 74 74 73 110 103 92 86 86 85 Greece
Irlanda 119 111 110 109 111 111 126 118 119 119 121 122 129 130 132 132 132 134 102 101 99 97 96 96 Ireland
Italia 104 102 102 100 101 101 105 101 103 103 103 103 105 104 103 101 98 96 112 114 112 108 105 103 Italy
Letonia 68 64 67 68 68 68 76 70 73 72 71 70 53 52 56 60 62 64 50 54 57 61 66 67 Latvia
Lituania 62 59 61 60 60 60 67 64 65 64 63 63 56 60 65 70 73 75 64 65 69 74 79 82 Lithuania
Luxemburg 121 121 119 120 121 120 122 122 121 118 120 120 248 254 263 259 265 266 149 143 145 148 144 143 Luxembourg
Malta 73 73 76 77 79 80 78 78 80 79 82 81 84 86 84 84 85 84 84 82 82 82 81 81 Malta
Olanda 112 111 110 110 109 109 108 108 108 108 110 110 137 135 134 133 133 131 113 110 109 106 105 104 Netherlands
Polonia 57 60 59 57 57 58 58 60 59 56 56 56 59 62 64 67 67 68 64 67 71 74 74 75 Poland
Portugalia 84 83 82 78 79 78 89 87 85 83 82 82 81 81 78 77 77 78 86 88 87 85 85 86 Portugal
Regatul Unit 98 106 107 114 110 117 97 108 109 117 115 122 112 108 106 107 108 109 125 117 115 116 116 117 United Kingdom
Romnia 50 50 50 47 50 50 58 57 55 52 54 53 49 50 51 54 54 55 45 48 51 54 55 57 Romania
Slovacia 68 67 69 68 67 66 73 70 71 70 69 68 71 73 73 75 76 77 70 71 72 73 75 76 Slovakia
Slovenia 86 84 84 81 81 80 88 86 85 84 84 82 85 83 83 81 81 83 80 80 81 79 76 77 Slovenia
Spania 94 94 93 92 91 90 98 97 97 96 94 92 101 97 94 92 91 91 97 96 93 91 91 92 Spain
Suedia 112 124 130 132 137 132 108 120 126 127 132 126 123 126 127 127 125 123 104 105 106 107 105 105 Sweden
Ungaria 60 60 59 58 58 57 63 63 62 61 60 58 64 65 65 65 67 68 56 56 58 58 59 59 Hungary

ri A.E.L.S. E.F.T.A. countries

Elveia 134 143 154 150 146 146 138 148 160 154 148 149 154 154 158 163 164 162 143 142 144 151 154 151 Switzerland
Islanda 96 107 111 113 113 120 100 105 107 111 112 118 123 116 115 115 118 119 104 105 106 109 110 111 Iceland
Norvegia 136 148 153 160 157 150 139 151 157 160 156 147 174 177 182 187 185 178 123 125 123 127 128 128 Norway

ri candidate Candidate countries

Albania 42 44 44 42 43 42 51 53 52 48 49 48 29 28 28 30 29 30 34 32 33 36 36 38 Albania
Muntenegru 491) 49 49 49 50 50 601) 57 56 56 57 56 401) 41 41 39 40 41 491) 51 53 51 52 53 Montenegro
Republica Macedonia 39 39 42 41 42 41 45 45 49 48 48 47 35 35 34 34 36 37 41 41 38 38 40 41 Republic of Macedonia
Serbia 47 45 49 45 47 46 56 52 55 50 53 51 36 36 36 37 38 37 42 43 44 46 46 46 Serbia
Turcia 1) 56 62 56 59 58 54 63 70 62 65 64 60 45 49 51 53 53 53 51 55 60 60 61 60 Turkey 1)

Not: Datele de conturi naionale au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi 2010 (SEC 2010).
Rezultatele PEC pentru anul 2013 sunt semidefinitive, iar cele pentru anul 2014 sunt provizorii.
Note: The national accounts have been calculated according to the methodology of the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010).
The ECP results for year 2013 are semi-final and those for 2014 are provisional.
Datele de conturi naionale au fost calculate conform metodologiei Sistemului European de Conturi (SEC) - 1995.
The national accounts have been calculated according to the methodology of the European System of Accounts (ESA) - 1995.

720 721
Indicele preurilor de consum
23.15 Consumer price index
procente / percentage
ara 2014/2010 2014/2013 Country

Africa de Sud 124,4 106,1 South Africa

Argentina 205,61) 110,72) Argentina
Australia 110,4 102,5 Australia
Austria 109,7 101,7 Austria
Belarus 340,9 118,1 Belarus
Belgia 108,0 100,3 Belgium
Brazilia 126,9 106,3 Brazil
Bulgaria 106,7 98,5 Bulgaria
Canada 107,5 101,9 Canada
Republica Ceh 107,2 100,4 Czech Republic
Cipru 103,9 98,7 Cyprus
R.P. Chinez 139,9 102,2 China, Peoples Republic of
Republica Coreea 109,0 101,2 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 106,7 100,6 Denmark
Elveia 99,3 100,0 Switzerland
Estonia 112,0 99,8 Estonia
Finlanda 109,0 101,0 Finland
Frana 3) 105,5 100,5 France 3)
Germania 106,6 100,9 Germany
Grecia 102,6 98,7 Greece
India 140,4 106,4 India
Irlanda 105,0 100,2 Ireland
Islanda 116,0 102,1 Iceland
Italia 107,4 100,2 Italy
Japonia 102,8 102,8 Japan
Letonia 107,4 100,7 Latvia
Lituania 108,6 100,1 Lithuania
Luxemburg 108,7 100,6 Luxembourg
Malaysia 110,5 103,2 Malaysia
Norvegia 106,3 102,0 Norway
Noua Zeeland 107,6 101,2 New Zealand
Olanda 108,5 100,9 Netherlands
Polonia 109,0 100,0 Poland
Portugalia 4) 106,5 99,7 Portugal 4)
Regatul Unit 5) 133,46) 102,4 United Kingdom 5)
Republica Moldova 123,8 105,1 Republic of Moldova
Romnia 114,9 101,1 Romania
Federaia Rus 131,2 107,9 Russian Federation
Serbia 131,1 102,0 Serbia
Singapore 113,8 101,1 Singapore
Slovacia 109,1 99,9 Slovakia
Slovenia 106,5 100,2 Slovenia
Spania 117,96) 99,8 Spain
S.U.A. 108,6 101,7 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 116,2 103,9 Mexico, U. S.
Suedia 103,6 99,8 Sweden
Turcia 135,7 108,9 Turkey
Ucraina 121,5 112,2 Ukraine
Ungaria 111,5 99,7 Hungary

1) 2013 fa de 2005. / 2013 as against 2005.

2) 2013 fa de 2012. / 2013 as against 2012.
3) Inclusiv departamentele de peste mri. / Including overseas departments.
4) Exclusiv chiria. / Excluding rent.
5) Se refer la indicele preurilor cu amnuntul. / Refers to the retail price index.
6) 2014 fa de 2005. / 2014 as against 2005.

Indicii produciei industriale
23.16 Industrial production indices
procente / percentage
Ritmul mediu anual
ara 2014 fa de 2010 2011-2014 Country
2014 as against 2010 Annual average rate

Austria 108,28 2,01 Austria

Belgia 1) 103,87 0,95 Belgium 1)
Bosnia i Heregovina 104,35 1,07 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgaria 107,27 1,77 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 110,19 2,46 Czech Republic
Cipru 71,53 -8,04 Cyprus
Croaia 92,94 -1,81 Croatia
Danemarca 103,24 0,80 Denmark
Estonia 129,27 6,63 Estonia
Finlanda 94,62 -1,37 Finland
Frana 97,77 -0,56 France
Germania 107,88 1,91 Germany
Grecia 87,44 -3,30 Greece
Irlanda 116,00 3,78 Ireland
Italia 91,28 -2,26 Italy
Letonia 113,35 3,18 Latvia
Lituania 114,48 3,44 Lithuania
Luxemburg 97,90 -0,53 Luxembourg
Republica Macedonia 112,45 2,98 Republic of Macedonia
Malta 1) 93,98 -1,54 Malta 1)
Norvegia 96,58 -0,87 Norway
Olanda 96,36 -0,92 Netherlands
Polonia 114,35 3,41 Poland
Portugalia 95,06 -1,26 Portugal
Regatul Unit 97,58 -0,61 United Kingdom
Romnia 127,80 6,32 Romania
Serbia 98,77 -0,31 Serbia
Slovacia 124,06 5,54 Slovakia
Slovenia 1) 101,03 0,26 Slovenia 1)
Spania 1) 91,11 -2,30 Spain 1)
Suedia 94,49 -1,41 Sweden
Turcia 120,54 4,78 Turkey
Ungaria 113,31 3,17 Hungary

Not: Indicii sunt ajustai n funcie de numrul de zile lucrtoare.

Note: The indices are adjusted according to the number of working days.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.

Producia mondial a unor produse industriale principale
23.17 World production of main industrial products

M.U. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Energie (n echivalent petrol) milioane tone 12293 12752 13216 13299 13642
Energy (in oil equivalent) million tonnes

Energie electric mii GWh 20213 21549 22252 22740 23391

Electric power thou GWh

Crbune net milioane tone 6888 7251 7690 7886 7906

Net coal million tonnes

iei extras milioane tone 3849 3932 3980 4095 4425

Crude oil million tonnes

Gaze naturale milioane m3 3095000 3300000 3379000 3473000 3509000

Natural gas million m3

Minereu de aur tone 2500 2620 2630 2630 2790

Mine production of gold tonnes

Minereu de fier milioane tone 2283 2632 3018 2968 3157

Iron ore million tonnes

Bauxit milioane tone 198 227 249 256 296

Bauxite million tonnes

Oel milioane tone 1232 1431 1517 1546 1607

Steel million tonnes

Aluminiu primar mii tone 37100 41500 44700 46200 47100

Primary aluminum thou tonnes

Cupru rafinat mii tone 18300 19100 19700 20200 21000

Refined copper thou tonnes

Zinc neprelucrat mii tone 11600 12500 12600 13500 13500

Unwrought zinc thou tonnes

Plumb rafinat mii tone 9300 9900 10500 10500 10500

Refined lead thou tonnes

Minereu de argint tone 22379 23436 23476 26449 26107

Mine production of silver tonnes

Acid sulfuric milioane tone H2SO4 191 215 222 227

Sulphuric acid million tonnes H2SO4

ngrminte chimice
(100% substan activ) milioane tone 155 176 181 181 180
Chemical fertilizers
(100% active substance) million tonnes

Cauciuc sintetic mii tone 12385 14125 15103 15114 15473

Synthetic rubber thou tonnes

Ciment milioane tone 3060 3310 3600 3800 4080

Cement million tonnes

Cherestea (inclusiv traverse) milioane m3 344 377 390 407 423

Sawnwood (including sleepers) million m3

Sare milioane tone 280 277 283 282 287

Salt million tonnes

Producia i consumul de energie, n echivalent petrol, total i pe locuitor,
n anul 2012
Total and per inhabitant energy production and consumption, in oil equivalent,
23.18 in 2012

Producia de energie Consumul de energie

ara Energy production Energy consumption Country
Total Pe locuitor Total Pe locuitor
(mii tone) (kg) (mii tone) (kg)
Total Per inhabitant Total Per inhabitant
(thou tonnes) (kg) (thou tonnes) (kg)

Africa de Sud 166080 3250 71071 1391 South Africa

Algeria 143764 3844 30561 817 Algeria
Angola 97148 4648 11450 548 Angola
Arabia Saudit 625003 21777 133157 4640 Saudi Arabia
Argentina 75175 1843 59363 1455 Argentina
Australia 317386 14427 79355 3607 Australia
Austria 12804 1506 27247 3206 Austria
Azerbaidjan 58732 6315 7792 838 Azerbaijan
Bahrain 19766 15205 5330 4100 Bahrain
Bangladesh 27187 178 24872 163 Bangladesh
Belgia 15891 1432 41889 3774 Belgium
Brazilia 251904 1296 224348 1155 Brazil
Brunei Darussalam 18520 46300 1893 4733 Brunei Darussalam
Bulgaria 11776 1636 9555 1327 Bulgaria
Canada 419659 12025 207835 5955 Canada
Republica Ceh 32640 3109 25713 2449 Czech Republic
R.P. Chinez 2525275 1870 1701865 1260 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 124528 2627 25160 531 Colombia
R.P.D. Coreean 20261 824 12154 494 Dem. Peoples Republic of Korea
Republica Coreea 46215 945 166384 3403 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 18960 3386 13794 2463 Denmark
Ecuador 28637 1922 10766 723 Ecuador
Egipt 82046 997 55879 679 Egypt
Elveia 12730 1591 20122 2515 Switzerland
Emiratele Arabe Unite 194348 23994 51053 6303 United Arab Emirates
Finlanda 17240 3193 25132 4654 Finland
Frana 134467 2114 154947 2436 France
Gabon 14078 8799 1860 1163 Gabon
Germania 123380 1508 220982 2701 Germany
Grecia 10427 965 17092 1583 Greece
India 544554 432 511539 406 India
Indonezia 440251 1827 159664 663 Indonesia
Irak 155120 4603 24649 731 Iraq
Republica Islamic Iran 302897 3839 162620 2061 Islamic Republic of Iran
Italia 31855 523 122645 2014 Italy
Japonia 28317 222 308774 2420 Japan
Kazahstan 164638 9800 41727 2484 Kazakhstan
Kuweit 173251 59742 16233 5598 Kuwait

Producia i consumul de energie, n echivalent petrol, total i pe locuitor,
n anul 2012 - continuare
Total and per inhabitant energy production and consumption, in oil equivalent,
23.18 in 2012 - continued

Producia de energie Consumul de energie

ara Energy production Energy consumption Country
Total Pe locuitor Total Pe locuitor
(mii tone) (kg) (mii tone) (kg)
Total Per inhabitant Total Per inhabitant
(thou tonnes) (kg) (thou tonnes) (kg)

Libia 86779 13351 11795 1815 Libya

Luxemburg 126 252 3850 7700 Luxembourg
Malaysia 88799 3062 49493 1707 Malaysia
Nigeria 271712 1597 116457 685 Nigeria
Norvegia 198893 39779 20317 4063 Norway
Noua Zeeland 16044 3646 12879 2927 New Zealand
Olanda 64721 3876 61051 3656 Netherlands
Oman 75775 24444 19747 6370 Oman
Pakistan 65992 366 71834 398 Pakistan
Polonia 71429 1870 66644 1745 Poland
Portugalia 4597 434 16508 1557 Portugal
Qatar 220379 115989 15821 8327 Qatar
Regatul Unit 117484 1859 127570 2019 United Kingdom
Romnia 271121) 13461) 348512) 17372) Romania
Federaia Rus 1331612 9299 461342 3222 Russian Federation
Serbia 10784 1519 8593 1210 Serbia
Spania 33342 722 84637 1832 Spain
S.U.A. 1806484 5755 1432733 4564 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 218984 1886 117010 1008 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 36183 3809 32944 3468 Sweden
Thailanda 75730 1083 92281 1320 Thailand
Trinidad - Tobago 39796 30612 13400 10308 Trinidad and Tobago
Turcia 30556 408 87326 1166 Turkey
Turkmenistan 68028 13082 16774 3226 Turkmenistan
Ucraina 85420 1873 73107 1603 Ukraine
Ungaria 10583 1069 16310 1647 Hungary
Uzbekistan 56748 1904 35458 1190 Uzbekistan
Venezuela 199287 6710 51917 1748 Venezuela
Vietnam 69334 779 54028 607 Viet Nam

1) Producia de energie primar. / Primary energy production.

2) Consumul intern brut de energie. / Gross inland consumption.

Producia principalelor produse industriale
23.19 Production of the main industrial products

Pe locuitor
ara Total (miliarde kWh) Per inhabitant Country
Total (billion kWh) (kWh)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014


Armenia 1) 5,7 6,5 7,4 8,0 7,7 7,8 2584 Armenia 1)

Australia 235,6 232,8 239,1 220,3 228,3 228,9 9742 Australia
Austria 68,9 70,8 65,4 72,0 67,7 64,9 7638 Austria
Azerbaidjan 18,6 18,4 20,0 21,4 21,6 22,8 2400 Azerbaijan
Bangladesh 1) 26,9 28,3 31,5 34,4 37,9 2422) Bangladesh 1)
Belarus 30,1 34,5 31,9 30,6 32,7 34,5 3634 Belarus
Belgia 90,8 93,1 88,2 78,0 80,1 70,2 6268 Belgium
Bulgaria 42,8 46,0 50,3 47,4 44,0 60332) Bulgaria
Canada 574,9 566,8 585,5 594,9 611,3 599,8 16897 Canada 3)
Republica Ceh 82,2 85,9 87,6 87,6 87,0 86,2 8210 Czech Republic
Chile 56,6 58,3 61,9 65,5 68,4 69,9 3949 Chile
R. P. Chinez 1) 3621,3 4127,3 4577,4 4771,3 5168,8 38082) China, Peoples Republic of 1)
Cipru 5,1 5,2 4,8 4,6 4,2 4,3 3570 Cyprus 4)
Republica Coreea 1) 433,6 477,2 498,8 500,4 494,3 516,1 10241 Republic of Korea 1)
Danemarca 34,5 36,8 33,4 29,0 33,0 30,6 5460 Denmark
Estonia 1) 8,7 12,8 12,9 12,0 13,4 12,4 9554 Estonia 1)
Finlanda 3) 68,7 76,6 70,3 67,4 69,3 65,3 11871 Finland 3)
Frana 494,4 518,9 468,0 490,4 495,6 533,4 8322 France
Germania 474,3 499,5 462,1 466,6 462,5 433,1 5354 Germany
Grecia 55,3 53,8 56,1 56,9 54,3 47,9 4355 Greece 3)
India 1) 756,4 16,7 16,9 17,2 17,8 17,8 14 India 1)
Irlanda 1); 3) 27,1 26,5 25,6 25,3 23,7 23,6 5131 Ireland 1); 3)
Israel 55,3 58,2 60,0 63,2 58,2 71902) Israel
Italia 289,9 298,2 298,1 295,4 287,8 277,7 4530 Italy
Japonia 917,9 929,0 1013,2 1002,6 900,1 70712) Japan
Malaysia 105,8 111,2 107,2 119,3 131,6 44172) Malaysia
Norvegia 132,3 124,0 128,1 147,8 135,7 142,3 27908 Norway
Olanda 113,5 118,2 113,0 101,6 98,6 101,8 6022 Netherlands
Polonia 151,7 157,4 163,5 161,4 164,8 158,9 4127 Poland
Portugalia 38,0 42,2 40,4 35,3 47,4 51,3 4929 Portugal
Regatul Unit 1) 342,4 347,7 332,3 328,2 325,8 300,3 4656 United Kingdom 1)
Romnia 58,0 61,0 62,2 59,0 58,9 65,7 32995) Romania
Federaia Rus 992,2 1038,0 1051,6 1064,1 1057,8 1055,9 7348 Russian Federation
Serbia 38,4 38,1 38,4 36,6 39,6 33,8 4758 Serbia
Singapore 1); 6) 41,8 45,4 46,0 46,9 47,8 88602) Singapore 1); 6)
Slovacia 25,4 27,5 26,8 27,3 26,7 28,7 5313 Slovakia
Slovenia 16,3 16,2 16,0 15,6 16,1 17,2 8206 Slovenia
Spania 276,4 282,2 274,0 283,4 276,5 268,7 5779 Spain
S.U.A. 3) 3950,3 4125,1 4100,1 4047,8 4047,6 4092,9 12883 United States of America 3)
Suedia 133,0 144,3 146,4 161,4 150,6 156832) Sweden
Turcia 217,2 210,3 228,5 238,8 237,8 250,0 3238 Turkey
Ucraina 172,9 187,7 193,9 198,0 194,4 181,9 4239 Ukraine
Ungaria 30,2 29,7 28,2 26,4 24,6 23,9 2410 Hungary
Vietnam 1) 83,7 91,5 100,9 115,1 12937) Viet Nam 1)

1) Producia de energie electric destinat consumului public. / Production of electricity for public use.
2) 2013.
3) Producie net. / Net Production.
4) Pentru zonele controlate de guvern. / For government controlled areas.
5) Date provizorii. Pentru anul 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Provisional data. For the year 2014, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.
6) Producia industrial nul sau neglijabil. / Industrial production nil or negligible.
7) 2012.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
ara Total (milioane tone) Per inhabitant Country
Total (million tonnes) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014


Africa de Sud 249,1 254,2 252,7 258,2 253,7 270,0 5028 South Africa
Australia 427,0 449,0 443,7 488,9 542,8 560,1 23834 Australia
Bulgaria 27,2 29,3 37,1 33,4 28,6 39211) Bulgaria
Canada 62,9 67,9 67,1 66,6 68,9 32,1 904 Canada
Republica Ceh 56,4 55,1 57,9 55,0 49,0 46,9 4467 Czech Republic
Chile 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 2,9 4,1 229 Chile
R. P. Chinez 2) 2984,0 22413) China, Peoples Republic of 2)
Estonia 14,9 17,9 18,7 18,4 20,5 20,4 15720 Estonia
Frana 4) 0,1 0,3 0,1 0,3 0,3 0,3 5 France 4)
Germania 183,4 182,2 188,5 196,1 190,2 186,1 2301 Germany
Grecia 61,8 53,6 56,8 61,7 52,6 48,0 4366 Greece
India 557,1 456,3 563,9 606,6 606,0 647,1 499 India
Indonezia 209,3 224,7 9545) Indonesia
Republica Macedonia 7,4 6,6 7,9 7,3 6,6 31601) Republic of Macedonia
Pakistan 3,5 3,4 3,2 186) Pakistan
Polonia 134,9 133,0 139,0 143,7 142,3 136,9 3555 Poland
Regatul Unit 7) 17,9 18,4 18,6 17,1 12,9 11,5 179 United Kingdom 7)
Romnia 7) 34,0 31,1 35,5 33,9 24,7 23,6 18848) Romania 7)
Federaia Rus 298,5 321,7 333,9 354,3 347,8 355,8 2476 Russian Federation
Serbia 38,4 37,9 40,9 38,2 40,2 30,1 4234 Serbia
Slovacia 2,6 2,4 2,3 2,4 2,2 404 Slovakia
Slovenia 4,4 4,4 4,5 4,3 3,8 3,1 1480 Slovenia
Spania 9,5 8,0 4,3 4,0 2,6 2,7 58 Spain
S.U.A. 975,2 983,7 993,9 922,4 893,4 906,9 2854 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 9,5 11,2 13,7 13,0 13,8 12,6 105 Mexico
Tadjikistan 0,3 0,5 0,6 0,9 110 Tajikistan
Thailanda 16,4 21,3 18,1 18,3 18,0 271 Thailand
Turcia 85,9 78,4 82,7 77,9 65,8 69,6 901 Turkey
Ucraina 54,8 54,4 61,8 64,7 63,3 44,7 1042 Ukraine
Vietnam 43,8 44,7 44,5 42,1 42,3 467 Viet Nam

1) 2013.
2) Inclusiv deeuri. / Including waste.
3) 2009.
4) Fr departementele de peste mri. / Not including overseas departments.
5) 2010.
6) 2011.
7) Inclusiv lamuri. / Including slurries.
8) Date provizorii. Pentru anul 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Provisional data. For the year 2014, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
ara Total (milioane tone) Per inhabitant Country
Total (million tonnes) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014


Algeria 54,7 54,0 53,0 55,8 54,6 54,3 1388 Algeria

Angola 85,6 84,6 79,7 83,9 83,8 81,3 3632 Angola
Arabia Saudit 1) 407,9 407,0 464,1 488,0 480,4 484,1 15718 Saudi Arabia 1)
Argentina 31,1 30,7 29,0 28,8 27,0 27,0 631 Argentina
Australia 2) 23,0 23,7 20,6 20,8 17,3 7473) Australia 2)
Azerbaidjan 50,5 51,0 45,5 43,0 43,1 41,9 4408 Azerbaijan
Brazilia 99,1 104,8 107,4 105,4 103,1 114,9 567 Brazil
Canada 4) 125,6 133,9 141,8 153,0 163,6 175,2 4935 Canada 4)
R. P. Chinez 189,6 203,8 203,6 207,0 208,2 1533) China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 34,6 40,5 47,1 48,7 10265) Colombia
Danemarca 12,9 12,1 11,3 10,3 8,7 8,1 1452 Denmark
Ecuador 2) 24,3 24,9 26,1 26,3 27,4 29,0 1813 Ecuador 2)
Egipt 33,2 35,9 35,4 36,3 35,3 4173) Egypt
Emiratele Arabe Unite 107,5 111,7 123,2 128,0 146,5 145,9 15524 United Arab Emirates
Frana6) 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,8 0,8 12 France 6)
Germania 4,4 4,8 5,0 5,2 4,8 4,9 61 Germany
India 33,2 36,7 38,2 38,0 37,7 37,5 29 India
Indonezia 46,7 46,0 44,7 42,6 40,7 39,1 155 Indonesia
Irak 114,8 117,0 130,3 145,4 146,3 152,8 4353 Iraq
Republica Islamic Iran 176,6 176,0 180,7 189,8 177,6 154,8 2000 Islamic Republic of Iran
Italia 4,4 5,1 5,3 5,4 5,4 5,7 93 Italy
Kuweit 1) 113,9 116,4 133,9 150,3 147,1 144,4 39039 Kuweit 1)
Malaysia 31,4 30,3 27,3 27,9 27,2 9133) Malaysia
Libia 71,0 71,6 70,0 47,7 73433) Libya
Nigeria 104,4 120,1 116,6 114,9 108,0 106,5 600 Nigeria
Norvegia 98,3 91,3 85,7 78,3 74,4 76,1 14931 Norway
Noua Zeeland 2,5 2,5 2,1 1,9 1,6 1,8 407 New Zealand
Olanda 1,3 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,5 90 Netherlands
Peru 7,8 8,4 8,3 8,2 9,0 2943) Peru
Qatar 35,7 35,7 35,7 35,8 35,2 34,5 15003 Qatar
Regatul Unit 62,8 58,0 48,6 42,1 38,5 37,5 581 United Kingdom
Romnia c c c 3,9 4,0 3,9 1977) Romania
Federaia Rus 489,5 505,3 509,4 495,2 498,6 500,5 3483 Russian Federation
S.U.A. 361,2 375,9 390,9 442,9 500,7 581,0 1829 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 135,2 133,9 132,6 132,5 131,1 126,3 1055 Mexico, U.S.
Thailanda 11,9 12,1 11,2 11,9 12,0 11,6 175 Thailand
Turcia 2,5 2,6 2,4 2,4 2,5 2,7 35 Turkey
Ucraina 3,9 3,5 3,3 3,3 3,1 2,7 63 Ukraine
Venezuela 149,3 144,8 147,4 146,6 145,3 139,9 4633 Venezuela

1) Inclusiv cota aferent din producia Zonei Neutre. / Including Neutral Zone on share basis.
2) Inclusiv condensatul provenit din gazul natural. / Including natural gas liquids.
3) 2013.
4) Inclusiv ieiul extras din nisipuri bituminoase. / Including crude petroleum from tar sands.
5) 2012.
6) Fr departamentele de peste mri. / Not including overseas departments.
7) Date provizorii. Pentru anul 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Provisional data. For the year 2014, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
Total (terajouli) (gigajouli)
ara Total (terajoules) Per inhabitant Country
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014


Australia 1508868 1604112 1876968 2149836 2183724 2289948 97,4 Australia

Austria 58416 49800 65112 69096 55956 c 6,61) Austria
Azerbaidjan 640224 650808 639108 670704 694656 728016 76,6 Azerbaijan
Bangladesh 687048 701352 712680 772740 799740 5,11) Bangladesh
Belarus 7992 8328 8712 8508 8916 8652 0,9 Belarus
Bolivia 476472 556068 603144 688440 783324 826788 80,3 Bolivia
Canada 5685504 5565756 5568492 5445780 5402616 5672508 159,8 Canada
Republica Ceh 6696 7500 6396 7044 6864 8472 0,8 Czech Republic
Chile 58956 46188 37596 44976 36276 35880 2,0 Chile
R. P. Chinez 3325488 3642768 4021956 4340808 4423380 3,31) China, Peoples Republic of
Croaia 97440 94836 88644 72204 66804 64716 15,4 Croatia
Danemarca 181740 177840 151308 135984 99648 94704 16,9 Denmark
Filipine 151884 141828 152892 150900 134532 140580 1,4 Philippines
Frana 2) 34416 26532 21048 18960 11988 528 **) France 2)
Germania 591216 500448 496164 432636 414564 353304 4,4 Germany
India 1570416 1843788 1610040 1352868 1275108 1,0 India
Indonezia 2948640 2994708 3219636 3392676 2978232 3137592 12,5 Indonesia
Irlanda 15528 15120 13200 14208 3,03) Ireland
Israel 102624 124728 166536 21,14) Israel
Italia 309336 316152 318672 327816 294660 272304 4,4 Italy
Japonia 145572 139296 135288 134376 122928 115788 0,9 Japan
Malaysia 2279292 2448924 2417220 2382636 2552904 85,71) Malaysia
Norvegia 4137732 4274952 4133904 4574904 4286160 4357464 854,4 Norway
Olanda 2339952 2632680 2393652 2378628 2551872 2073960 122,7 Netherlands
Pakistan 1446432 1490580 1472808 8,34) Pakistan
Polonia 169932 171552 176712 178056 177852 173352 4,5 Poland
Regatul Unit 2498280 2391672 1893708 1627536 1526940 1529628 23,7 United Kingdom
Romnia 5) 412859 400938 401797 403918 400075 407772 20,56) Romania 5)
Federaia Rus 19656516 21952212 22546104 21993720 22518720 21539124 149,9 Russian Federation
Serbia 10896 16368 24048 26232 26112 24612 3,5 Serbia
Spania 564 2076 2112 2412 2316 972 **) Spain
S.U.A. 22403688 23155032 24878316 26107332 26433708 27937956 87,9 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 3242556 3228876 3032112 2936604 2929920 2987808 25,0 Mexico, U.S.
Thailanda 940308 1143756 1265988 1216752 1218984 18,4 Thailand
Tunisia 107772 121884 113472 110232 180432 16,61) Tunisia
Ucraina 712944 672240 676764 680376 692400 671388 15,7 Ukraine
Ungaria 87780 90192 88848 91188 72804 66720 6,7 Hungary
Vietnam 312576 364932 333072 364560 4,13) Viet Nam

1) 2013.
2) Fr departamentele de peste mri. / Not including overseas departments.
3) 2012.
4) 2011.
5) Date calculate n sistemul energiei finale utiliznd puterea calorific superioar.
Data calculated in the final energy system using the gross calorific value.
6) Date provizorii. Pentru anul 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Provisional data. For the year 2014, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Per inhabitant Country
Total (thou tonnes) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013


Africa de Sud 55313 58709 58057 67100 71543 1350 South Africa
Algeria 1307 1474 1700 1700 1067 28 Algeria
Australia 394403 433452 477331 519859 609205 26373 Australia
Austria 2002 2069 2207 2142 2323 273 Austria
Bosnia i Heregovina 2727 1401 1891 2076 2122 558 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazilia 331000 372300 460400 400600 316800 1620 Brazil
Canada 31699 37001 33573 39427 42770 1212 Canada
Chile 8242 9130 12625 17330 17108 972 Chile
R. P. Chinez 880171 1077705 1326942 1309637 1451011 1069 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 281 77 174 392 710 15 Colombia
Dem. Peoples Republic
R.P.D. Coreean 5300 5300 5300 5100 5100 206 of Korea
Republica Coreea 455 513 542 593 663 13 Republic of Korea
Egipt 1780 2314 3321 3930 4200 50 Egypt
Germania 364 390 489 448 413 5 Germany
India 218553 207157 168582 136618 152433 119 India
Indonezia 4561 8976 11815 11546 20000 80 Indonesia
Iran 31994 35549 44355 39783 40000 523 Iran
Kazahstan 46248 50190 51742 52614 51759 3045 Kazakstan
Malaysia 1470 3558 8078 12144 12134 407 Malaysia
Mauritania 10275 11109 11176 11500 11500 3108 Mauritania
Mongolia 1379 3203 5678 7561 6011 2147 Mongolia
Norvegia 896 3266 2532 3421 3409 668 Norway
Noua Zeeland 2093 2439 2357 2395 3157 702 New Zealand
Pakistan 320 448 329 385 412 2 Pakistan
Peru 5435 7432 8623 8222 6681 219 Peru
Romnia - - - - - - Romania
Federaia Rus 92000 95500 104000 104000 102100 711 Russian Federation
S.U.A. 26700 49500 54700 54000 52000 164 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 17693 21210 19403 22600 28545 243 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 20646 28797 30840 32198 37411 3897 Sweden
Thailanda 616 977 489 303 390 6 Thailand
Tunisia 151 181 171 223 243 22 Tunisia
Turcia 4170 5378 6308 7600 7700 101 Turkey
Ucraina 66452 78541 80900 67149 70389 1547 Ukraine
Venezuela 14207 14331 17400 15400 11000 370 Venezuela
Vietnam 1905 1972 2371 1523 1500 17 Viet Nam

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Per inhabitant Country
Total (thou tonnes) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013


Africa de Sud 7484 7617 7546 6938 7254 137 South Africa
Argentina 4013 5139 5611 4996 5186 126 Argentina
Australia 5135 7408 6538 4904 4645 201 Australia
Austria 5662 7206 7474 7421 7953 936 Austria
Belarus 2330 2531 2779 2869 2394 252 Belarus
Belgia 5635 7973 8026 7301 7127 636 Belgium
Brazilia 26506 32948 35220 34524 34163 175 Brazil
Bulgaria 726 744 835 633 523 72 Bulgaria
Canada 9286 13009 12891 13507 12415 352 Canada
Republica Ceh 4594 5180 5583 5072 5171 492 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 572182 637230 683883 716542 779041 574 China, Peoples Republic of
Republica Coreea 48572 58914 68519 69073 66061 1316 Republic of Korea
Egipt 5541 6676 6486 6627 6754 80 Egypt
Finlanda 3066 4029 3989 3759 3517 651 Finland
Frana 12840 15414 15781 15607 15685 245 France
Germania 32670 43830 44284 42661 42645 529 Germany
Grecia 2000 1821 1934 1247 1030 93 Greece
India 63527 68321 72200 76715 81213 64 India
Iran 10873 11995 13040 14463 15422 202 Iran
Italia 19848 25750 28735 27257 24079 403 Italy
Japonia 87534 109599 107601 107232 110595 869 Japan
Kazakhstan 4146 4220 4699 3851 3250 191 Kazakhstan
Luxemburg 2141 2548 2521 2214 2090 4180 Luxembourg
Malaysia 5354 5694 5941 5612 5600 188 Malaysia
Olanda 5194 6651 6937 6879 6713 400 Netherlands
Polonia 7128 7993 8776 8539 8199 213 Poland
Regatul Unit 10075 9708 9478 9579 11858 185 United Kingdom
Romnia 2773 3724 3811 3417 3073 154 1) Romania
Federaia Rus 59200 66300 68400 70400 68800 479 Russian Federation
Slovacia 3747 4583 4236 4403 4511 835 Slovakia
Spania 14358 16343 15504 13639 14130 303 Spain
S.U.A. 58196 80495 86000 88695 86955 275 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 14132 16870 18110 18073 18208 155 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 2804 4846 4867 4326 4404 459 Sweden
Thailanda 3646 4145 4238 3328 3500 53 Thailand
Turcia 25304 29030 30562 35885 34658 455 Turkey
Ucraina 30302 33346 35512 33509 33199 730 Ukraine
Ungaria 1403 1678 1733 1543 883 89 Hungary
Venezuela 3808 2207 2980 2359 2494 84 Venezuela

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final
results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Per inhabitant Country
Total (thou tonnes) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013


Africa de Sud 809 807 810 665 822 15,5 South Africa
Argentina 412 417 420 413 435 10,5 Argentina
Australia 1945 1928 1945 1864 1778 77,0 Australia
Bahrein 848 851 881 890 913 830,0 Bahrain
Bosnia i Heregovina 130 150 164 160 157 41,3 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazilia 1536 1536 1440 1436 1304 6,7 Brazil
Camerun 73 76 69 52 75 3,5 Cameroon
Canada 3030 2963 2988 2781 2967 84,1 Canada
R. P. Chinez 12891 16244 18135 20251 22046 16,2 China, Peoples Republic of
Egipt 400 353 354 394 325 3,8 Egypt
Emiratele Arabe Unite 1010 1400 1750 1820 1864 200,4 United Arab Emirates
Frana 345 356 334 349 343 5,4 France
Germania 292 402 432 410 492 6,1 Germany
Grecia 135 137 165 165 169 15,2 Greece
India 1481 1621 1654 1720 1172 0,9 India
Indonezia 258 253 246 253 255 1,0 Indonesia
Republica Islamic Iran 281 282 322 338 332 4,3 Islamic Republic of Iran
Islanda 805 826 781 803 736 2453,3 Iceland
Italia 166 130 142 100 1,71) Italy
Kazahstan 127 227 249 249 248 14,6 Kazakhstan
Mozambic 545 551 562 562 562 23,1 Mozambique
Muntenegru 64 82 93 75 48 80,0 Montenegro
Norvegia 1098 1090 1201 1111 1155 226,5 Norway
Noua Zeeland 271 344 357 325 324 72,0 New Zealand
Olanda 165 217 200 86 81 4,8 Netherlands
Oman 351 367 373 360 354 88,5 Oman
Regatul Unit 252 186 213 60 45 0,7 United Kingdom
Romnia c c c c c c Romania
Federaia Rus 3815 3947 3992 4024 3724 26,0 Russian Federation
Slovacia 150 163 163 161 163 30,2 Slovakia
Slovenia 35 40 75 83 83 39,5 Slovenia
Spania 330 457 408 386 250 5,4 Spain
S.U.A. 1727 1727 1984 2070 1946 6,2 United States of America
Suedia 70 93 111 129 131 13,6 Sweden
Tadjikistan 359 349 278 273 216 26,7 Tajikistan
Turcia 30 54 56 44 32 0,4 Turkey
Ucraina 50 25 7 0,22) Ukraine
Venezuela 569 354 330 203 172 5,8 Venezuela

1) 2012.
2) 2011.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
ara Total (milioane tone) Per inhabitant Country
Total (million tonnes) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014


Armenia 0,5 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 144 Armenia

Australia 8,7 9,1 9,2 9,2 9,8 4221) Australia
Azerbaidjan 1,3 1,3 1,4 2,0 2,1 3,0 311 Azerbaijan
Bangladesh 2,9 2,9 3,0 3,4 3,5 221) Bangladesh
Belarus 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,9 5,1 5,6 591 Belarus
Bolivia 2,3 2,4 2,7 2,7 3,1 3,3 324 Bolivia
Bulgaria 2,7 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,8 2451) Bulgaria
Canada 11,0 12,4 12,0 12,5 11,6 11,9 335 Canada
R. P. Chinez 1629,0 1868,0 2063,2 2184,0 2414,4 17791) China, Peoples Republic of
China, RAS Hong-Kong 1,1 1,5 1,5 1,7 1,8 1,9 270 China, Hong Kong SAR
Republica Coreea 53,8 50,7 52,0 52,6 53,8 52,5 1041 Republic of Korea
Chile 3,7 3,7 4,8 4,7 4,6 4,2 238 Chile
Croaia 2,8 2,7 2,6 2,1 4,6 4,7 1111 Croatia
Cipru 1,5 1,3 1,2 1,1 0,9 0,7 610 Cyprus
Estonia 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,4 342 Estonia
Finlanda 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,2 1,3 1,3 229 Finland
Japonia 54,8 51,5 51,3 54,7 58,0 57,9 456 Japan
Kazahstan 5,9 6,7 7,6 7,1 8,0 461 Kazakhstan
Lituania 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,1 0,9 310 Lithuania
Republica Macedonia 0,9 0,8 0,9 0,6 0,7 0,7 314 Republic of Macedonia
Malaysia 19,5 19,7 21,1 21,7 21,5 7201) Malaysia
Maroc 14,5 14,9 16,1 15,9 15,0 14,1 422 Morocco
Peru 7,2 8,3 8,6 10,0 10,8 11,1 361 Peru
Polonia 15,3 15,4 18,7 15,8 14,5 15,4 399 Poland
Regatul Unit 7,6 7,9 8,5 8,0 1262) United Kingdom
Romnia 7,9 7,0 8,1 8,2 7,5 7,6 3833) Romania
Federaia Rus 44,3 50,4 56,1 61,5 66,6 68,6 477 Russian Federation
Senegal 3,3 4,1 4,7 4,5 5,2 4,9 354 Senegal
Serbia 2,2 2,1 2,1 1,8 1,6 1,6 226 Serbia
Slovacia 3,0 3,0 3,2 c c 3,3 616 Slovakia
S.U.A. 64,4 64,4 66,6 72,5 75,4 81,0 255 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 40,9 39,2 40,6 41,6 39,8 41,5 347 Mexico, U.S.
Thailanda 34,3 38,1 38,4 42,7 45,5 43,8 659 Thailand
Tunisia 7,5 8,1 7,1 7,2 7,5 6881) Tunisia
Turcia 55,1 60,3 63,9 63,6 68,6 69,8 904 Turkey
Ucraina 9,5 9,5 10,5 9,8 9,8 8,6 201 Ukraine
Vietnam 48,0 56,4 58,8 57,6 6472) Viet Nam

1) 2013.
2) 2012.
3) Date provizorii. Pentru anul 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Provisional data. For the year 2014, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Per inhabitant Country
Total (thou tonnes) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013

NGRMINTE CHIMICE (100% substan activ)

CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS (100% active substance)

Africa de Sud 466 293 201 229 332 6,3 South Africa
Arabia Saudit 1591 1817 1927 2706 3454 114,8 Saudi Arabia
Australia 1083 698 891 721 613 26,5 Australia
Bangladesh 618 542 473 490 510 3,3 Bangladesh
Belarus 3340 6176 6300 5784 5197 547,1 Belarus
Brazilia 3094 3383 3449 3586 3449 17,6 Brazil
Bulgaria 253 378 505 392 380 52,1 Bulgaria
Canada 10417 13932 13696 13497 13143 372,3 Canada
Republica Ceh 240 214 174 263 159 15,1 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 39098 40202 42496 43688 43355 31,9 China, Peoples Republic of
Republica Coreea 748 836 779 695 738 14,7 Republic of Korea
Egipt 2989 3147 3056 2805 2752 32,5 Egypt
Finlanda 322 308 332 394 380 70,4 Finland
Frana 1272 1390 1084 948 919 14,4 France
Germania 3174 3794 3817 4118 4045 50,2 Germany
Grecia 44 175 321 188 238 21,4 Greece
India 14592 16392 16487 15917 16244 12,7 India
Indonezia 4143 4044 4096 4404 4252 17,1 Indonesia
Iordania 1104 1703 1936 1561 1520 208,2 Jordan
Republica Islamic Iran 953 804 546 656 570 7,5 Islamic Republic of Iran
Israel 2402 2430 2358 2244 2485 306,8 Israel
Italia 741 1213 639 828 891 14,9 Italy
Japonia 858 906 861 845 830 6,5 Japan
Lituania 1104 1068 1247 1200 1065 355,0 Lithuania
Maroc 1515 2339 2567 3038 2544 77,1 Morocco
Norvegia 538 719 743 954 735 144,1 Norway
Noua Zeeland 321 360 350 330 300 66,7 New Zealand
Olanda 1503 1612 1591 1763 1835 109,2 Netherlands
Pakistan 2956 3118 3044 2653 3005 15,8 Pakistan
Polonia 1786 1751 2106 1961 1856 48,2 Poland
Regatul Unit 833 661 659 654 817 12,7 United Kingdom
Romnia 964 1190 1190 1009 743 37,21) Romania
Federaia Rus 10720 16823 17204 15868 16516 115,1 Russian Federation
Serbia 187 219 256 260 263 37,0 Serbia
Slovacia 183 187 274 236 300 55,6 Slovakia
Spania 1141 1460 1592 1698 1673 35,9 Spain
S.U.A. 21096 22153 23104 23170 23419 74,1 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 529 992 1021 995 1066 9,1 Mexico, U.S.
Tunisia 1106 1215 1071 716 830 76,1 Tunisia
Turcia 1087 1300 1384 1351 1305 17,1 Turkey
Ucraina 2103 2102 2812 2797 2205 48,5 Ukraine
Ungaria 229 233 301 249 194 19,6 Hungary

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final
results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

m3 / 1000
Total (mii m3) locuitori
ara Total (thou m3) m3 / 1000 Country
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013

CHERESTEA (inclusiv traverse)

SAWNWOOD (including sleepers)

Africa de Sud 1876 1880 1567 1443 1443 27 South Africa

Australia 4730 5079 4556 4391 4593 199 Australia
Austria 8458 9603 9636 8952 8534 1004 Austria
Belgia 1255 1383 1369 1369 1369 122 Belgium
Brazilia 16844 17452 16201 15167 15397 79 Brazil
Bulgaria 450 554 728 698 798 109 Bulgaria
Camerun 860 922 1003 1015 1015 47 Cameroon
Canada 32820 38667 38880 40564 42813 1213 Canada
Republica Ceh 4048 4744 4454 4259 4037 384 Czech Republic
Chile 5836 6354 6785 7160 7721 439 Chile
R.P. Chinez 32298 37200 44600 55700 63000 46 China, Peoples Republic of
Republica Coreea 3144 3622 3756 2082 2343 47 Republic of Korea
Croaia 653 677 754 851 970 226 Croatia
Danemarca 441 448 372 372 363 65 Denmark
Ecuador 428 519 519 2663 1690 107 Ecuador
Elveia 1481 1457 1313 1135 1044 129 Switzerland
Finlanda 8072 9473 9750 9440 10440 1933 Finland
Frana 7885 8316 8675 8067 7901 124 France
Germania 20781 22059 22628 21081 21478 266 Germany
India 6889 6889 6889 6889 6889 5 India
Indonezia 4169 4169 4169 4169 4169 17 Indonesia
Irlanda 774 772 761 782 825 179 Ireland
Italia 1220 1200 1250 1370 1360 23 Italy
Japonia 9291 9415 9434 9320 10100 79 Japan
Letonia 2520 3150 3432 3316 3367 1684 Latvia
Lituania 1011 1272 1260 1150 1120 373 Lithuania
Malaysia 3875 4321 4011 4023 4023 135 Malaysia
Nigeria 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 12 Nigeria
Norvegia 1850 2118 2271 2289 2206 433 Norway
Noua Zeeland 3554 4032 3788 4008 4023 894 New Zealand
Polonia 3850 4220 4422 4249 4321 112 Poland
Portugalia 1093 1045 1044 942 872 83 Portugal
Regatul Unit 2856 3101 3279 3409 3581 56 United Kingdom
Romnia 3934 4432 5174 5206 5869 291) Romania
Federaia Rus 27293 28870 31215 32230 33500 233 Russian Federation
Slovacia 2254 2576 2204 1560 1430 265 Slovakia
Spania 2072 2038 2162 1971 2047 44 Spain
S.U.A. 54276 60013 63174 67474 71115 225 United States of America
S. U. Mexicane 2405 2431 2344 2667 2502 21 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 16221 16757 16492 16286 16074 1674 Sweden
Turcia 5853 6243 6461 6682 6405 84 Turkey
Ungaria 102 133 221 302 208 21 Hungary
Vietnam 5000 5800 5800 6200 6000 67 Viet Nam

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final
results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse industriale - continuare
23.19 Production of the main industrial products - continued

Pe locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Per inhabitant Country
Total (thou tonnes) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013


Africa de Sud 2245 2516 2176 2422 2318 44 South Africa

Argentina 1469 1284 1237 1186 1186 29 Argentina
Australia 3278 3203 3155 3191 3173 137 Australia
Austria 4606 5009 4901 5004 4837 569 Austria
Belarus 474 588 588 360 308 32 Belarus
Belgia 2128 2086 2112 1836 1961 175 Belgium
Brazilia 9428 9978 10159 10260 10444 53 Brazil
Bulgaria 217 248 291 305 337 46 Bulgaria
Canada 12823 12755 12057 10756 11174 317 Canada
Republica Ceh 805 769 775 781 611 58 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 86400 92700 99300 102500 101100 74 China, Peoples Republic of
Republica Coreea 9726 11022 11368 11432 11801 235 Republic of Korea
Croaia 526 560 540 500 271 63 Croatia
Danemarca 519 535 523 522 522 93 Denmark
Elveia 1524 1559 1376 1249 1215 150 Switzerland
Filipine 1097 1097 950 815 803 8 Philippines
Finlanda 10602 11758 11329 10847 10592 1961 Finland
Frana 8332 8830 8527 8354 8043 126 France
Germania 20870 23072 22706 22603 22401 278 Germany
India 7789 10111 10172 10247 10247 8 India
Indonezia 9908 9908 10034 10247 10247 41 Indonesia
Italia 8404 9087 9130 8588 8652 145 Italy
Japonia 26268 27364 26609 25957 26093 205 Japan
Norvegia 1577 1695 1496 1209 1079 212 Norway
Olanda 2609 2859 2748 2761 2814 168 Netherlands
Pakistan 1079 1079 1079 1079 1079 6 Pakistan
Polonia 3275 3700 3756 3822 4106 107 Poland
Portugalia 1634 1456 2180 2120 2177 207 Portugal
Regatul Unit 4293 4300 4342 4292 4561 71 United Kingdom
Romnia 338 350 362 364 399 201) Romania
Federaia Rus 7373 5606 7549 7661 7740 54 Russian Federation
Slovacia 921 780 748 736 723 134 Slovakia
Slovenia 732 750 691 704 694 330 Slovenia
Spania 5700 6193 6203 6177 6733 144 Spain
S.U.A. 71355 77689 76431 75423 72744 230 United States of America
S. U. Mexicane 4556 4704 4701 4795 4835 41 Mexico, U. S.
Suedia 10932 11410 11298 11417 10792 1124 Sweden
Thailanda 4180 4362 4396 4386 4525 68 Thailand
Turcia 2156 2348 2659 2784 2850 37 Turkey
Ungaria 461 640 744 641 705 71 Hungary

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with the final
results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Indicii lucrrilor de construcii
23.20 Construction production indices
2010 = 100
ara 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Country

Austria 104,22 100,03 101,99 105,52 105,97 104,24 Austria

Belgia 1) 101,46 100,00 105,35 104,38 101,42 101,21 Belgium 1)
Bulgaria 117,33 99,80 87,24 86,59 83,38 84,811) Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 108,29 99,99 96,41 89,36 83,19 86,78 Czech Republic
Cipru 108,69 100,00 88,17 71,76 55,41 42,56 Cyprus
Croaia 120,33 99,83 88,45 77,93 73,78 68,40 Croatia
Danemarca 110,43 100,08 103,91 103,58 106,95 110,67 Denmark
Elveia 98,80 100,00 102,77 102,08 103,64 105,35 Switzerland
Estonia 109,43 100,00 127,33 148,53 148,33 144,45 Estonia
Finlanda 2) 89,36 99,64 107,72 106,69 103,30 103,74 Finland 2)
Frana 102,20 99,75 98,04 92,92 93,34 90,47 France
Germania 99,77 99,22 107,00 105,89 105,59 108,45 Germany
Grecia 141,21 99,99 558,68 39,05 35,85 41,39 Greece
Irlanda 142,30 99,98 83,30 81,28 90,50 97,88 Ireland
Italia 103,73 99,99 95,53 82,61 73,72 68,55 Italy
Letonia 130,78 100,03 112,40 128,55 138,05 148,95 Latvia
Lituania 108,30 100,00 122,41 113,86 126,75 148,13 Lithuania
Luxemburg 99,82 99,99 101,11 97,95 93,60 96,75 Luxembourg
Republica Macedonia 85,62 100,00 128,45 138,85 198,73 192,07 Republic of Macedonia
Malta 98,35 100,00 104,38 106,80 102,70 103,151) Malta
Muntenegru 100,78 100,00 118,63 127,73 180,80 242,43 Montenegro
Norvegia 100,00 100,00 103,08 110,75 117,78 123,20 Norway
Olanda 112,20 100,01 100,941) 92,721) 88,281) 91,141) Netherlands
Polonia 96,33 99,99 115,28 109,30 98,06 102,28 Poland
Portugalia 112,23 100,01 87,32 73,16 61,50 56,01 Portugal
Regatul Unit 93,27 100,00 102,22 94,471) 95,991) 102,251) United Kingdom
Romnia 115,84 100,31 103,28 104,75 104,01 97,07 Romania
Slovacia 105,07 100,00 97,84 86,10 81,39 78,00 Slovakia
Slovenia 120,36 99,97 75,14 62,50 60,92 72,77 Slovenia
Spania 125,57 100,00 80,27 75,94 76,98 90,431) Spain
Suedia 92,35 99,53 101,93 97,86 97,55 109,20 Sweden
Turcia 84,32 99,98 111,42 112,25 120,91 124,41 Turkey
Ungaria 111,68 99,99 92,04 85,97 93,19 105,83 Hungary

Not: Indicii sunt ajustai n funcie de numrul de zile lucrtoare.

Note: The indices are adjusted according to the number of working days.
1) Date provizorii. / Provisional data.
2) Date estimate. / Estimated data.

Structura suprafeei totale, dup modul de folosin, n anul 2013
23.21 Structure of the total area, by use, in 2013

Suprafaa agricol Suprafaa fondului

Agricultural area forestier, puni, fnee
ara Vii, livezi i alte suprafee 1) Country
Arabil Vineyards, Forest land area,
Arable orchards meadows, pastures
and other areas 1)

n procente fa de suprafaa total

Percentage as against the total area

Australia 5,97 0,05 93,22 Australia

Austria 16,14 0,78 81,47 Austria
Bangladesh 51,72 5,59 30,37 Bangladesh
Belarus 26,85 0,58 70,32 Belarus
Belgia 26,73 0,73 71,72 Belgium
Bulgaria 31,34 1,22 65,24 Bulgaria
Cambodgia 22,90 0,86 73,75 Cambodia
Columbia 1,47 1,55 94,16 Colombia
Republica Coreea 14,92 2,15 80,14 Republic of Korea
Egipt 2,73 1,02 95,65 Egypt
Elveia 9,78 0,60 85,34 Switzerland
Frana 33,34 1,81 64,57 France
Germania 33,25 0,56 63,77 Germany
Grecia 19,30 8,56 69,82 Greece
India 47,76 3,95 38,73 India
Indonezia 12,30 11,77 70,73 Indonesia
Republica Islamic Iran 8,53 1,03 83,76 Iran, Islamic Rep. of
Irlanda 15,84 0,01 82,17 Ireland
Italia 22,66 7,50 67,46 Italy
Japonia 11,21 0,79 84,45 Japan
Kazahstan 10,79 0,05 88,24 Kazakhstan
Letonia 18,73 0,09 77,61 Latvia
Lituania 35,08 0,50 60,41 Lithuania
Mali 5,17 0,12 93,10 Mali
Olanda 25,02 0,87 55,24 Netherlands
Pakistan 38,27 1,02 57,54 Pakistan
Polonia 34,51 1,32 62,10 Poland
Portugalia 12,10 7,69 79,54 Portugal
Regatul Unit 25,72 0,18 73,41 United Kingdom
Republica Moldova 53,65 8,71 34,77 Republic of Moldova
Romnia 39,39 1,71 55,40 Romania
Federaia Rus 7,15 0,09 88,54 Russian Federation
Slovacia 28,43 0,42 69,21 Slovakia
Spania 24,84 9,82 64,20 Spain
Republica Arab Sirian 25,18 5,78 68,20 Syrian Arab Republic
S.U.A. 15,44 0,26 77,33 United States of America
Suedia 5,80 0,02 85,22 Sweden
Turcia 26,26 4,12 67,84 Turkey
Ucraina 53,89 1,48 40,61 Ukraine
Ungaria 47,33 1,91 48,07 Hungary

1) Exclusiv suprafaa ocupat de apele interioare. / Excluding area under inland waters.

Producia principalelor produse agricole
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products

Medie la Pe
hectar locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Average yield Per Country
Total (thou tonnes) per hectare inhabitant
(kg / ha) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013


Producia mondial 686720 649325 699373 671482 715909 3268 - World production

Africa de Sud 1958 1430 2005 1915 1879 3614 35 South Africa
Arabia Saudit 1152 1349 1184 780 600 4615 20 Saudi Arabia
Argentina 9016 15876 14501 8025 9188 2662 222 Argentina
Australia 21656 22138 27410 29905 22856 1761 989 Australia
Austria 1523 1518 1782 1275 1598 5374 188 Austria
Bangladesh 849 901 972 995 1255 3014 8 Bangladesh
Belgia 1910 1850 1688 1835 1804 8935 161 Belgium
Brazilia 5056 6171 5690 4418 5738 2749 29 Brazil
Bulgaria 3977 4095 4458 4455 5097 4248 698 Bulgaria
Canada 26848 23167 25261 27205 37530 3594 1063 Canada
Republica Ceh 4358 4162 4913 3519 4701 5668 448 Czech Republic
Chile 1145 1524 1576 1213 1475 5814 84 Chile
R. P. Chinez 115115 115181 117410 120580 121926 5056 90 China, Peoples Republic of
Danemarca 5940 5060 4831 4525 4139 7284 739 Denmark
Egipt 8523 7177 8407 8795 9460 6668 112 Egypt
Etiopia 3076 2856 2916 3435 4039 2367 45 Ethiopia
Frana 38332 38207 35994 40301 38614 7254 604 France
Germania 25192 24107 22783 22409 25019 7998 310 Germany
Grecia 1830 1663 1702 1569 1586 2811 143 Greece
India 80679 80804 86874 94880 93510 3154 73 India
Republica Islamic Iran 13484 13500 12339 13800 14000 1986 183 Islamic Republic of Iran
Irlanda 690 669 929 708 545 8993 118 Ireland
Italia 6535 6850 6642 7767 7277 3822 122 Italy
Kazahstan 17052 9638 22732 9841 13941 1076 820 Kazakhstan
Lituania 2100 1710 1869 2999 2862 4302 954 Lithuania
Maroc 6371 4876 6018 3878 6934 2164 210 Morocco
Olanda 1402 1370 1175 1302 1331 8719 79 Netherlands
Pakistan 24033 23311 25214 23473 24211 2787 127 Pakistan
Polonia 9790 9488 9339 8608 9470 4430 246 Poland
Regatul Unit 14076 14878 15257 13261 11921 7381 186 United Kingdom
Romnia 5203 5812 7132 5298 7296 3468 3651) Romania
Federaia Rus 61740 41508 56240 37720 52091 2229 363 Russian Federation
Republica Arab Sirian 3702 3083 3858 3609 3182 2316 145 Syrian Arab Republic
Slovacia 1538 1185 1631 1275 1684 4581 312 Slovakia
Spania 4805 5941 6877 4650 7603 3583 163 Spain
S.U.A. 60366 60062 54413 61677 57967 3172 183 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 4116 3677 3628 3274 3357 5293 29 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 2278 2143 2253 2289 1869 5776 195 Sweden
Turcia 20600 19674 21800 20100 22050 2837 290 Turkey
Ucraina 20886 16851 22324 15763 22793 3471 501 Ukraine
Ungaria 4419 3745 4107 3740 5096 4656 515 Hungary
Uzbekistan 6638 6730 6527 6612 6842 4739 227 Uzbekistan

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse agricole - continuare
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products - continued

Medie la Pe
hectar locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Average yield Per Country
Total (thou tonnes) per hectare inhabitant
(kg / ha) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013


Producia mondial 820203 851257 887665 877924 1018112 5500 - World production

Africa de Sud 12050 12815 10360 11830 12486 3842 236 South Africa
Argentina 13121 22663 23800 23800 32119 6604 778 Argentina
Austria 1891 2169 2453 2351 1639 8118 193 Austria
Brazilia 50720 55364 55660 71073 80273 5254 411 Brazil
Bulgaria 1291 2047 2209 1718 2300 5476 315 Bulgaria
Canada 9561 11715 10689 13060 14194 9588 402 Canada
Chile 1346 1358 1438 1493 1519 10632 86 Chile
R. P. Chinez 163974 177425 192781 208130 218489 6016 161 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 1560 1422 1720 1873 1779 2823 37 Colombia
Rep. Dem. Congo 1156 1156 1156 1375 1373 785 19 Congo, Dem. Rep. of
Dem. People s
R. P. D. Coreea 1705 1683 1857 2040 2002 3799 81 Republic of Korea
Croaia 2183 2068 1734 1298 1874 6500 436 Croatia
Egipt 7686 7041 6876 8094 5800 7733 68 Egypt
Etiopia 3897 4986 6069 6158 6674 3225 75 Ethiopia
Filipine 7034 6377 6971 7407 7377 2878 77 Philippines
Frana 15288 13975 15913 15614 15053 8139 236 France
Germania 4527 4073 5184 5515 4387 8828 54 Germany
Grecia 2352 1718 2166 2010 2185 11500 197 Greece
India 16720 21726 21760 22260 23290 2452 18 India
Indonezia 17630 18328 17643 19387 18512 4844 74 Indonesia
Italia 7878 8496 9753 8195 7900 8699 132 Italy
Kenya 2439 3465 3377 3600 3391 1672 77 Kenya
Malawi 3583 3419 3699 3619 3640 2171 223 Malawi
Republica Moldova 1141 1420 1468 572 1419 3104 346 Republic of Moldova
Mozambic 1612 2090 2179 1177 1631 959 67 Mozambique
Nepal 1931 1855 2068 2179 1999 2353 75 Nepal
Nigeria 7358 7677 8878 8695 10400 2000 60 Nigeria
Pakistan 3262 3707 4338 4220 4944 4231 26 Pakistan
Peru 1560 1541 1516 1674 1670 3269 55 Peru
Portugalia 634 626 810 832 849 8306 81 Portugal
Romnia 7973 9042 11718 5953 11305 4488 5661) Romania
Federaia Rus 3963 3084 6962 8213 11635 5011 81 Russian Federation
Slovacia 988 921 1444 1170 1123 5070 208 Slovakia
Spania 3516 3325 4200 4262 4926 11326 106 Spain
S.U.A. 332549 316165 313949 273820 353699 9970 1119 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 20143 23302 17635 22069 22664 3194 193 Mexico, U.S.
Tanzania 3326 4733 4341 5104 5356 1300 109 Tanzania, United Republic of
Thailanda 4616 4861 4973 4948 5063 4418 76 Thailand
Turcia 4250 4310 4200 4600 5900 8939 78 Turkey
Ucraina 10486 11953 22838 20961 30950 6412 680 Ukraine
Ungaria 7528 6985 7992 4742 6725 5363 679 Hungary
Venezuela 1982 1796 1817 1753 2247 3648 76 Venezuela
Vietnam 4372 4607 4836 4803 5191 4435 58 Viet Nam

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse agricole - continuare
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products - continued

Medie la Pe
hectar locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Average yield Per Country
Total (thou tonnes) per hectare inhabitant
(kg / ha) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013


Producia mondial 334734 333617 375077 370595 376453 19468 - World production

Africa de Sud 1867 2090 2195 2251 2252 34121 42 South Africa
Algeria 2636 3300 3862 4219 4928 30288 129 Algeria
Argentina 1950 1996 2127 2200 2000 28777 48 Argentina
Australia 1179 1278 1128 1288 1273 38543 55 Australia
Austria 722 672 816 665 604 28630 71 Austria
Bangladesh 5268 7930 8326 8205 8603 19379 55 Bangladesh
Belarus 7125 7831 7148 6911 5914 19362 623 Belarus
Belgia 3296 3456 4129 2930 3480 46149 311 Belgium
Brazilia 3444 3548 3917 3732 3554 27752 18 Brazil
Bulgaria 232 251 232 194 170 12143 23 Bulgaria
Canada 4581 4422 4168 4590 4620 32512 131 Canada
Chile 925 1081 1676 1093 1159 23379 66 Chile
Republica Ceh 753 665 805 662 537 23125 51 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 73231 81534 88291 92763 95942 17088 71 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 2273 1868 1710 1847 2129 18562 44 Colombia
Danemarca 1618 1358 1620 1664 1592 40000 284 Denmark
Egipt 3659 3643 4338 4758 4800 26966 57 Egypt
Elveia 522 421 515 447 341 31188 42 Switzerland
Finlanda 755 659 673 490 622 28131 115 Finland
Frana 7253 6622 7440 6341 6975 43404 109 France
Germania 11618 10202 11837 10666 9670 39826 120 Germany
Grecia 848 792 758 579 829 25364 75 Greece
India 34391 36577 42339 41483 45344 22761 36 India
Republica Islamic Iran 4108 4274 5578 5400 5560 29263 73 Islamic Republic of Iran
Irlanda 361 420 356 232 410 38318 89 Ireland
Italia 1753 1558 1547 1598 1337 24859 22 Italy
Japonia 2459 2290 2387 2500 2600 31325 20 Japan
Kazahstan 2756 2555 3076 3126 3344 18152 197 Kazakhstan
Letonia 525 484 499 539 227 18290 114 Latvia
Lituania 663 477 588 572 420 14904 140 Lithuania
Maroc 1234 1605 1721 1657 1929 36357 58 Morocco
Olanda 7181 6844 7333 6766 6801 43652 405 Netherlands
Pakistan 2941 3142 3492 3393 3802 21802 20 Pakistan
Peru 3765 3814 4072 4475 4571 14413 150 Peru
Polonia 9703 8766 8197 9092 6334 18785 165 Poland
Portugalia 435 384 390 446 488 18224 46 Portugal
Regatul Unit 6396 6056 6310 4553 5580 40144 87 United Kingdom
Romnia 4004 3284 4077 2465 3290 15953 1651) Romania
Federaia Rus 31134 21141 32681 29533 30199 14464 210 Russian Federation
Slovacia 216 126 217 166 164 18320 30 Slovakia
Spania 2719 2327 2455 2169 2200 30937 47 Spain
S.U.A. 19622 18338 19488 20991 19844 46612 63 United States of America
S.U.Mexicane 1501 1537 1433 1802 1630 26775 14 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 858 816 878 805 806 33763 84 Sweden
Turcia 4398 4548 4613 4795 3948 31576 52 Turkey
Ucraina 19666 18705 24248 23250 22259 15995 489 Ukraine
Ungaria 561 440 600 511 443 21828 45 Hungary

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse agricole - continuare
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products - continued

Medie la Pe
hectar locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Average yield Per Country
Total (thou tonnes) per hectare inhabitant
(kg / ha) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013


Producia mondial 228084 228584 278095 269617 246522 56439 - World production

Austria 3083 3132 3456 3133 3466 68224 408 Austria

Belarus 3973 3773 4487 4772 4343 43680 457 Belarus
Belgia 5186 4465 5409 5438 4429 74069 395 Belgium
Republica Ceh 3038 3065 3899 3869 3744 59997 357 Czech Republic
Chile 1042 1420 1951 1824 1886 104530 107 Chile
R. P. Chinez 7179 9296 10731 11469 9260 50923 7 China, Peoples Republic of
Croaia 1217 1249 1168 960 1051 51900 244 Croatia
Danemarca 1898 2409 2700 2772 2300 60526 411 Denmark
Egipt 5334 7840 7486 9126 10044 51934 119 Egypt
Elveia 1720 1302 1828 1673 1376 68994 170 Switzerland
Finlanda 559 542 676 410 480 40033 89 Finland
Frana 35126 31875 38106 33688 33614 85401 526 France
Germania 25919 23432 29578 27687 22829 63874 283 Germany
Grecia 1600 762 324 435 336 57897 30 Greece
Republica Islamic Iran 2016 4096 4100 4150 4185 39296 55 Islamic Republic of Iran
Italia 3308 3550 3548 2501 2159 53040 36 Italy
Japonia 3649 3090 3547 3758 3435 59021 27 Japan
Maroc 2753 2436 3035 1627 2142 60085 65 Morocco
Olanda 5735 5280 5858 5728 5727 78238 341 Netherlands
Polonia 10849 9973 11674 12350 10591 54679 275 Poland
Regatul Unit 8457 6527 8504 7291 8000 68376 125 United Kingdom
Republica Moldova 337 838 589 587 1009 35563 246 Republic of Moldova
Romnia 817 838 660 720 1029 36569 521) Romania
Federaia Rus 24892 22256 47643 45057 39321 44206 274 Russian Federation
Republica Arab Sirian 733 1493 1805 1028 317 49540 14 Syrian Arab Republic
Slovacia 899 978 1161 894 1145 56293 212 Slovakia
Spania 4225 3535 4189 3482 2469 78621 53 Spain
S.U.A. 27019 29061 26214 31955 29767 63741 94 United States of America
Suedia 2406 1974 2493 2178 2326 64201 242 Sweden
Turcia 17275 17942 16126 15000 16483 56643 217 Turkey
Ucraina 10068 13749 18740 18439 10789 39900 237 Ukraine
Ungaria 737 819 856 770 950 49984 96 Hungary

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse agricole - continuare
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products - continued

Medie la Pe
hectar locuitor
ara Total (mii tone) Average yield Per Country
Total (thou tonnes) per hectare inhabitant
(kg / ha) (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013


Total mondial 68342 67544 70042 68602 77181 10787 - World total

Africa de Sud 1749 1743 1684 1839 1850 14800 35 South Africa
Algeria 493 561 403 543 571 8326 15 Algeria
Arabia Saudit 160 139 139 150 150 11282 5 Saudi Arabia
Argentina 2182 2620 2890 2244 2881 12328 70 Argentina
Armenia 209 223 230 241 241 14990 80 Armenia
Australia 1856 1684 1758 1657 1763 12034 76 Australia
Austria 314 232 375 287 319 7312 38 Austria
Brazilia 1365 1355 1495 1515 1440 18111 7 Brazil
Bulgaria 281 230 244 261 326 6487 45 Bulgaria
Chile 2600 2904 3149 3200 3298 15015 187 Chile
R. P. Chinez 7941 8549 9067 10543 11550 15822 9 China, Peoples Rep. of
Cipru 30 28 25 21 25 3717 23 Cyprus
Republica Coreea 333 306 269 278 260 15373 5 Republic of Korea
Croaia 206 208 204 188 181 6500 42 Croatia
Egipt 1370 1360 1321 1379 1389 21620 16 Egypt
Elveia 141 131 142 127 106 7142 13 Switzerland
Frana 6102 5894 6641 5385 5518 7255 86 France
Georgia 150 121 160 144 223 3481 50 Georgia
Germania 1235 953 1250 1226 1140 11454 14 Germany
Grecia 955 1003 857 978 957 9451 86 Greece
India 1878 881 1235 2221 2483 21042 2 India
Republica Islamic Iran 2305 2256 2113 2150 2046 9861 27 Islamic Republic of Iran
Israel 91 95 89 94 85 12163 10 Israel
Italia 8243 7788 7445 5819 8010 11409 134 Italy
Japonia 202 185 173 198 190 10902 1 Japan
Liban 108 90 89 92 87 9141 18 Lebanon
Republica Macedonia 253 253 235 240 292 13837 139 Republic of Macedonia
Maroc 338 344 382 342 436 9543 13 Morocco
Republica Moldova 685 482 595 506 613 4799 150 Republic of Moldova
Peru 264 280 297 362 438 20144 14 Peru
Portugalia 785 947 747 840 829 4617 79 Portugal
Romnia 1) 990 740 879 746 992 5559 502) Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 299 324 412 267 439 9519 3 Russian Federation
S.U.A. 6629 6778 6756 6662 7745 19615 24 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 275 307 281 375 350 12737 3 Mexico, U.S.
Republica Arab Sirian 358 326 338 363 307 6551 14 Syrian Arab Republic
Slovacia 42 21 49 53 53 5302 10 Slovakia
Slovenia 113 109 121 92 68 4251 32 Slovenia
Spania 5535 6108 5809 5238 7480 7922 161 Spain
Tunisia 97 97 114 115 132 3837 12 Tunisia
Turcia 4265 4255 4296 4276 4011 8557 53 Turkey
Turkmenistan 230 230 230 240 240 12000 46 Turkmenistan
Ucraina 469 408 522 456 575 8575 13 Ukraine
Ungaria 550 295 450 356 494 6837 50 Hungary
Uruguay 87 110 126 142 147 15324 43 Uruguay
Uzbekistan 900 987 1090 1206 1322 11613 44 Uzbekistan
Yemen 129 166 149 155 156 11432 6 Yemen

1) Inclusiv producia de struguri din grdinile familiale. / Including the production of grapes from the kitchen gardens.
2) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse agricole - continuare
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products - continued

ara Total (mii tone) Per Country
Total (thou tonnes) inhabitant
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013



Producia mondial 125078 132954 135154 134908 138741 - World production

Albania 228 264 266 273 219 78 Albania

Algeria 1035 1224 1285 1495 1501 39 Algeria
Arabia Saudit 549 533 557 570 576 19 Saudi Arabia
Argentina 195 198 200 207 201 5 Argentina
Australia 207 209 212 250 250 11 Australia
Azerbaidjan 411 434 478 428 430 46 Azerbaijan
Brazilia 2468 2531 2698 2655 2729 14 Brazil
Bulgaria 111 71 83 73 64 9 Bulgaria
Chile 97 101 102 105 94 5 Chile
R. P. Chinez 76938 85362 86074 84029 87281 64 China, Peoples Republic of
Republica Coreea 1075 887 789 830 850 17 Republic of Korea
R. P. D. Coreea 207 213 174 178 178 7 Dem. People s Republic of Korea
Egipt 2572 2714 2547 2883 2915 34 Egypt
Frana 327 306 294 310 279 4 France
Grecia 753 609 775 684 731 66 Greece
Guatemala 586 606 625 670 697 45 Guatemala
India 1134 1257 1324 1400 1400 1 India
Iordania 123 184 160 151 136 19 Jordan
Republica Islamic Iran 4353 4855 5186 5250 5448 71 Islamic Republic of Iran
Israel 151 149 142 141 134 17 Israel
Italia 1085 1144 914 809 872 15 Italy
Japonia 589 557 543 547 522 4 Japan
Kazahstan 852 1118 1248 1650 1713 101 Kazakhstan
Liban 67 95 92 97 95 20 Lebanon
Libia 251 271 269 278 274 42 Libya
Republica Macedonia 125 136 128 129 129 62 Republic of Macedonia
Malaysia 239 236 221 226 227 8 Malaysia
Maroc 1634 1020 1358 1292 1312 40 Morocco
Pakistan 694 710 672 597 584 3 Pakistan
Paraguay 155 168 134 142 137 20 Paraguay
Romnia 653 663 645 555 635 321) Romania
Federaia Rus 1419 1152 1575 1453 1420 10 Russian Federation
Republica Arab Sirian 856 615 770 535 260 12 Syrian Arab Republic
Spania 1837 1709 1638 1754 1727 37 Spain
S.U.A. 2802 2929 2704 2664 2758 9 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 1560 1598 1566 1609 1515 13 Mexico, U.S.
Thailanda 580 528 518 520 525 8 Thailand
Tunisia 578 498 470 500 669 61 Tunisia
Turcia 5489 5295 5512 5753 5587 73 Turkey
Turkmenistan 281 250 250 250 250 48 Turkmenistan
Ucraina 635 751 729 799 795 17 Ukraine
Ungaria 233 150 212 194 197 20 Hungary
Uzbekistan 1071 1182 1295 1418 1558 52 Uzbekistan
Venezuela 360 526 582 744 868 29 Venezuela
Vietnam 440 500 679 1116 1163 13 Viet Nam
Yemen 204 224 179 216 215 9 Yemen

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse agricole - continuare
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products - continued

Mii tone carcas / Thou tonnes carcass

Carne din care: / of which: Ponderea
- total de de de de Pe n total
ara Total bovine porcine ovine i pasre locuitor mondial Country
- meat bovine pigmeat caprine poultry Per Weight of
meat mutton, meat inhabitant total world
lamb and (kg) (%)
goat meat



Producia mondial 310380 67706 113035 13962 108669 - 100,00 World production

Africa de Sud 2798 851 216 179 1504 53 0,90 South Africa
Argentina 5210 2822 416 59 1826 126 1,68 Argentina
Australia 4489 2318 361 686 1098 194 1,45 Australia
Austria 904 229 529 8 131 106 0,29 Austria
Belarus 1172 316 469 1 385 123 0,38 Belarus
Belgia 1775 250 1131 2 389 158 0,57 Belgium
Brazilia 26011 9675 3280 116 12915 133 8,38 Brazil
Canada 4334 1056 1977 17 1254 123 1,40 Canada
Republica Ceh 504 65 243 3 153 48 0,16 Czech Republic
Chile 1454 206 550 15 676 83 0,47 Chile
R. P. Chinez 83462 6730 52733 4081 18265 61 26,89 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 2384 848 243 10 1276 50 0,77 Colombia
Republica Coreea 2036 336 1007 1 686 41 0,66 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 1895 128 1589 2 172 338 0,61 Denmark
Egipt 2068 862 0 131 959 24 0,67 Egypt
Etiopia 679 341 2 161 62 8 0,22 Ethiopia
Frana 5560 1400 2121 123 1743 87 1,79 France
Filipine 3128 297 1681 55 1079 33 1,01 Philippines
Germania 8201 1106 5494 35 1457 102 2,64 Germany
India 6215 2577 354 747 2358 5 2,00 India
Indonezia 3317 586 743 113 1872 13 1,07 Indonesia
Irlanda 942 518 239 57 122 205 0,30 Ireland
Italia 4053 854 1625 35 1233 68 1,31 Italy
Japonia 3276 508 1309 0 1450 26 1,06 Japan
Kazahstan 871 383 100 156 136 51 0,28 Kazakhstan
Malaysia 1624 31 231 2 1360 54 0,52 Malaysia
Maroc 1124 254 1 144 657 34 0,36 Morocco
Nigeria 1464 403 254 472 170 8 0,47 Nigeria
Noua Zeeland 1255 564 39 451 171 279 0,40 New Zealand
Olanda 2665 374 1282 14 993 159 0,86 Netherlands
Pakistan 3040 1646 - 459 912 16 0,98 Pakistan
Peru 1603 191 128 41 1203 53 0,52 Peru
Polonia 3810 386 1745 1 1652 99 1,23 Poland
Portugalia 790 93 346 11 336 75 0,25 Portugal
Regatul Unit 3642 847 833 289 1662 57 1,17 United Kingdom
Romnia 892 93 421 47 331 451) 0,29 Romania
Federaia Rus 8544 1633 2816 190 3463 60 2,75 Russian Federation
Spania 5424 581 3431 127 1200 116 1,75 Spain
S.U.A. 42642 11698 10510 73 20085 135 13,74 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 6122 1807 1284 98 2846 52 1,97 Mexico, U.S.
Thailanda 2634 195 967 2 1470 40 0,85 Thailand
Turcia 2995 870 - 351 1771 39 0,96 Turkey
Ucraina 2392 428 748 19 1171 53 0,77 Ukraine
Ungaria 811 23 368 1 405 82 0,26 Hungary
Uruguay 612 503 24 32 45 180 0,20 Uruguay
Venezuela 2322 516 243 12 1276 78 0,75 Venezuela
Vietnam 4265 379 3218 8 633 48 1,37 Viet Nam

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse agricole - continuare
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products - continued

ara Total (mii tone) Per Country
Total (thou tonnes) inhabitant
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013


Producia mondial 591614 603168 616956 630184 635576 - World production

Africa de Sud 3104 3233 3256 3368 3400 64 South Africa

Argentina 10366 10308 11206 11239 11796 286 Argentina
Australia 9388 9023 9101 9480 9522 412 Australia
Austria 3230 3258 3307 3382 3393 399 Austria
Belarus 6547 6595 6485 6754 6626 697 Belarus
Belgia 2954 3067 3101 3072 3474 310 Belgium
Brazilia 29085 30715 32096 32304 34255 175 Brazil
Bulgaria 1073 1124 1126 1093 1149 157 Bulgaria
Canada 8213 8243 8400 8564 8394 238 Canada
Republica Ceh 2781 2683 2736 2815 2849 271 Czech Republic
Chile 2350 2530 2620 2650 2676 152 Chile
R. P. Chinez 35188 35756 36578 37436 35310 26 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 6285 6285 6284 6483 6457 135 Colombia
Republica Coreea 2222 2073 1889 2111 2093 42 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 4814 4909 4881 4995 5105 912 Denmark
Ecuador 5229 5709 6375 5675 6262 396 Ecuador
Egipt 2803 2995 3107 3154 3165 37 Egypt
Elveia 4069 4079 4117 4084 4003 494 Switzerland
Finlanda 2332 2336 2301 2297 2328 431 Finland
Frana 22659 23332 24361 23998 23714 371 France
Germania 29164 29616 30323 30507 31122 386 Germany
India 52200 54903 57770 59805 60600 47 India
Republica Islamic Iran 6620 6720 6940 6800 6850 90 Islamic Republic of Iran
Irlanda 5228 5327 5537 5388 5584 1214 Ireland
Italia 10560 10500 10479 10580 10397 174 Italy
Japonia 7910 7720 7474 7630 7508 59 Japan
Kazahstan 5269 5348 5198 4816 4891 288 Kazakhstan
Kenya 3567 3639 3711 3733 3750 85 Kenya
Lituania 1787 1733 1782 1775 1720 573 Lithuania
Norvegia 1554 1559 1528 1584 1578 309 Norway
Noua Zeeland 16483 17010 17339 19129 18883 4196 New Zealand
Olanda 11469 11626 11642 11675 12207 727 Netherlands
Pakistan 11985 12437 12906 13393 13897 73 Pakistan
Polonia 12447 12279 12414 12668 12718 330 Poland
Portugalia 1939 1898 1906 1938 1850 176 Portugal
Regatul Unit 13852 14071 13849 13843 13941 217 United Kingdom
Romnia 1) 5209 4411 4527 4330 4387 219 2) Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 32326 31585 31386 31501 30286 211 Russian Federation
Slovacia 957 918 928 973 959 178 Slovakia
Spania 6251 6357 6522 6313 6559 141 Spain
S.U.A. 85880 87474 89015 90865 91271 289 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 10549 10677 10724 10881 10966 93 Mexico, U.S.
Sudan 5347 5373 5382 5392 5400 123 Sudan
Suedia 2974 2902 2890 2901 2910 303 Sweden
Turcia 11583 12419 13802 15978 16655 219 Turkey
Ucraina 11364 10977 10804 11080 11189 246 Ukraine
Ungaria 1758 1685 1712 1813 1758 178 Hungary
Uruguay 1872 1821 2057 2177 2120 624 Uruguay
Uzbekistan 5732 6120 6712 7255 7822 259 Uzbekistan
Venezuela 2185 2436 2476 2539 2640 89 Venezuela

1) Lapte de vac i bivoli, inclusiv consumul vieilor. / Cows and buffalo cows milk, calves consumption included.
2) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Producia principalelor produse agricole - continuare
23.22 Output of the main agricultural products - continued

ara Total (mii tone) Per Country
Total (thou tonnes) inhabitant
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013


Producia mondial 2066 2020 2090 2094 2127 - World production

Africa de Sud 43 41 41 40 40 0,75 South Africa

Algeria 26 26 26 27 27 0,70 Algeria
Argentina 65 54 48 45 45 1,09 Argentina
Australia 371 353 368 362 361 15,63 Australia
Brazilia 11 12 12 12 12 0,06 Brazil
Bulgaria 7 7 7 7 7 0,96 Bulgaria
Chile 9 8 8 8 8 0,45 Chile
R. P. Chinez 364 387 444 437 471 0,35 China, Peoples Republic of
Frana 14 14 14 14 14 0,22 France
Germania 13 13 13 14 14 0,17 Germany
Grecia 7 8 8 8 8 0,72 Greece
India 43 43 45 46 47 0,04 India
Indonezia 31 31 31 31 31 0,12 Indonesia
Irak 17 17 17 17 17 0,48 Iraq
Republica Islamic Iran 75 60 61 62 62 0,81 Islamic Republic of Iran
Irlanda 14 14 14 15 15 3,26 Ireland
Italia 9 9 9 8 8 0,13 Italy
Kazahstan 36 38 39 38 38 2,24 Kazakhstan
Krgzstan 11 11 11 11 12 2,11 Kyrgyzstan
Maroc 55 55 56 56 56 1,70 Morocco
Mongolia 21 15 16 17 17 6,07 Mongolia
Noua Zeeland 186 176 164 165 165 36,67 New Zealand
Pakistan 42 42 43 43 44 0,23 Pakistan
Peru 10 10 10 11 11 0,36 Peru
Regatul Unit 65 67 68 68 68 1,06 United Kingdom
Romnia 22 20 19 19 21 1,051) Romania
Federaia Rus 55 54 53 55 55 0,38 Russian Federation
Republica Arab Sirian 22 19 21 20 20 0,91 Syrian Arab Republic
Spania 27 23 22 23 23 0,49 Spain
S.U.A. 14 14 13 14 14 0,04 United States of America
Sudan 55 55 55 56 56 1,27 Sudan
Turcia 40 43 47 51 51 0,67 Turkey
Turkmenistan 38 38 38 38 38 7,31 Turkmenistan
Uruguay 41 35 35 36 36 10,59 Uruguay
Uzbekistan 25 27 29 31 32 1,06 Uzbekistan

1) Pentru anul 2013 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele definitive ale
Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
For the year 2013, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of comparability with
the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Numrul animalelor (la nceputul anului)
23.23 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

Total (mii capete)

ara Total (thou heads) Country
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Total mondial 1637192 1641595 1642271 1652233 1661370 World total

Africa de Sud 13761 13731 13688 13888 14000 South Africa

Argentina 54464 48950 47973 49866 51095 Argentina
Australia 27907 26733 28506 28418 29291 Australia
Austria 1997 2026 2013 1977 1956 Austria
Bangladesh 24280 24400 24515 24638 25465 Bangladesh
Belarus 4131 4151 4151 4247 4367 Belarus
Belgia 2600 2593 2560 2484 2455 Belgium
Bolivia 7985 8190 8400 8621 8847 Bolivia
Brazilia 206443 210726 214093 212541 213097 Brazil
Camerun 5000 4069 5085 5528 5805 Cameroon
Canada 13180 13013 12155 12305 12215 Canada
Republica Ceh 1349 1329 1344 1354 1353 Czech Republic
Ciad 7245 7419 7650 7800 7800 Chad
R. P. Chinez 142687 144898 138140 137318 136750 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 26432 27329 25156 23494 23141 Colombia
Danemarca 1540 1571 1568 1607 1615 Denmark
Ecuador 5195 5254 5359 5236 5134 Ecuador
Etiopia 50884 53382 52129 53990 54000 Ethiopia
Frana 19825 19546 19086 19006 19096 France
Germania 12945 12814 12567 12482 12592 Germany
India 302508 301560 300618 299606 298400 India
Indonezia 14693 15582 16129 17419 18091 Indonesia
Irlanda 6891 6607 6493 6754 6903 Ireland
Republica Islamic Iran 8643 8712 8792 8816 8805 Islamic Republic of Iran
Italia 6523 6468 6187 6601 6494 Italy
Japonia 4423 4376 4230 4172 4065 Japan
Kazahstan 6002 6105 5712 5700 5861 Kazakhstan
Kenya 17468 17863 18174 19130 18139 Kenya
Madagascar 9805 9881 9956 10031 10030 Madagascar
Mali 8896 9163 9438 9721 10013 Mali
Uniunea Myanmar 16060 16586 17185 17400 17600 Myanmar
Nepal 11856 12036 12220 12378 12516 Nepal
Nigeria 16435 16578 19041 19207 20000 Nigeria
Noua Zeeland 9961 9864 10021 10180 10182 New Zealand
Olanda 3968 3975 3885 3879 3999 Netherlands
Pakistan 62912 63698 67292 69595 71979 Pakistan
Paraguay 11643 12305 12437 13291 13376 Paraguay
Polonia 5700 5724 5762 5777 5860 Poland
Regatul Unit 10025 10112 9933 9900 9844 United Kingdom
Romnia 1) 2684 2512 2001 1989 2009 Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 21051 20682 19977 20140 19936 Russian Federation
Somalia 4780 4800 4850 4870 4870 Somalia
Spania 6082 6075 5923 5813 5697 Spain
S.U.A. 94521 93881 92682 90769 89300 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 32307 32642 32936 31925 32402 Mexico, U.S.
Sudan 41563 41761 41839 41917 41917 Sudan
Tanzania 19100 19246 21300 22800 24532 Tanzania, United Republic of
Thailanda 8318 8121 7478 6935 6436 Thailand
Turcia 10946 10811 11455 12484 14024 Turkey
Ucraina 5079 4827 4494 4426 4646 Ukraine
Uganda 11751 12104 12467 12841 13020 Uganda
Uruguay 12490 11800 11808 11410 11500 Uruguay
Uzbekistan 8025 8511 9094 9643 10141 Uzbekistan
Venezuela 17000 14134 14334 14528 14500 Venezuela
Zimbabwe 5030 5040 5060 5100 5150 Zimbabwe

1) La 1 decembrie al anului anterior. / On December 1st of previous year.

Numrul animalelor (la nceputul anului) - continuare
23.23 Livestock (at the beginning of the year) - continued

Total (mii capete)

ara Total (thou heads) Country
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Total mondial 941358 974990 968756 972223 977274 World total

Argentina 2270 3179 3437 3952 2440 Argentina

Australia 2302 2289 2285 2138 2098 Australia
Austria 3064 3137 3134 3005 2983 Austria
Belarus 3704 3782 3887 3989 4243 Belarus
Belgia 6321 6430 6521 6634 6593 Belgium
Bolivia 2570 2641 2713 2788 2864 Bolivia
Brazilia 38045 38957 39307 38796 36744 Brazil
Bulgaria 784 730 664 608 531 Bulgaria
Canada 12465 12690 12785 12668 12879 Canada
Republica Ceh 1971 1909 1749 1579 1587 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 444397 469960 464600 467669 475922 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 4482 5162 5127 5527 5341 Colombia
Republica Coreea 9585 9881 8171 9916 9912 Republic of Korea
Dem. Peoples Republic
R. P. D. Coreea 2150 2248 2269 2857 2265 of Korea
Danemarca 12369 13173 12932 12331 12076 Denmark
Ecuador 1406 1490 1831 1162 1219 Ecuador
Filipine 13596 13398 12303 11863 11843 Philippines
Frana 14471 14284 13975 13760 13488 France
Germania 26948 26509 26758 28132 27690 Germany
India 10802 10640 10481 10294 10130 India
Indonezia 6975 7477 7525 7900 8246 Indonesia
Italia 9252 9157 9321 9351 8662 Italy
Japonia 9899 9800 9768 9735 9685 Japan
Uniunea Myanmar 8496 9416 10497 10500 10530 Myanmar
Nigeria 7184 7472 6282 6534 8080 Nigeria
Olanda 12186 12255 12429 12234 12212 Netherlands
Peru 3257 3254 3263 2991 3132 Peru
Polonia 14279 14865 13509 11581 11162 Poland
Regatul Unit 4540 4460 4441 4481 4885 United Kingdom
Republica Moldova 283 377 479 439 410 Republic of Moldova
Romnia 1) 6174 5793 5428 5364 5234 Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 16162 17231 17218 17258 18816 Russian Federation
Slovacia 749 741 687 580 631 Slovakia
Spania 26290 25704 25635 25250 25495 Spain
S.U.A. 64887 64925 66361 66413 64775 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 15268 15435 15547 15858 16202 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 1529 1520 1483 1363 1399 Sweden
Thailanda 7481 7624 7786 7824 7924 Thailand
Ucraina 6526 7577 7960 7373 7577 Ukraine
Ungaria 3383 3247 3169 3044 2989 Hungary
Venezuela 3350 3486 3686 3829 3900 Venezuela
Vietnam 27628 27373 27056 26494 26261 Viet Nam

1) La 1 decembrie al anului anterior. / On December 1st of previous year.

Numrul animalelor (la nceputul anului) - continuare
23.23 Livestock (at the beginning of the year) - continued

Total (mii capete)

ara Total (thou heads) Country
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Total mondial 2070526 2073522 2108320 2137082 2138679 World total

Afganistan 18097 20075 21897 21131 20178 Afganistan

Africa de Sud 31347 30776 30468 30533 31200 South Africa
Algeria 25367 27156 28400 29789 31484 Algeria
Arabia Saudit 9695 12149 13478 14400 14930 Saudi Arabia
Argentina 19528 19062 19011 18650 18950 Argentina
Australia 76140 71585 76599 78272 79098 Australia
Bangladesh 51030 53220 55260 56890 57500 Bangladesh
Bolivia 10685 10900 11132 11391 11659 Bolivia
Brazilia 25975 26693 27054 25436 26070 Brazil
Bulgaria 1905 1761 1724 1796 1655 Bulgaria
Burkina Faso 19986 20586 21203 21839 22494 Burkina Faso
Camerun 8200 8300 8400 8600 8655 Cameroon
R. P. Chinez 369537 372550 362805 366296 357700 China, Peoples Republic of
Egipt 9731 9705 9623 9736 9800 Egypt
Etiopia 47941 48296 46834 49550 51500 Ethiopia
Frana 9432 9357 8999 8770 8525 France
Germania 2540 2239 2249 1820 2024 Germany
Grecia 13732 13816 14077 13825 13770 Greece
India 207387 205065 202766 200242 197800 India
Indonezia 26014 27345 28737 31326 33136 Indonesia
Irak 9420 9464 9748 9780 9850 Iraq
Republica Islamic Iran 72350 71800 72000 72309 72320 Islamic Republic of Iran
Italia 9133 8974 8883 8903 7907 Italy
Kazahstan 16770 17370 18092 17633 17561 Kazakhstan
Kenya 44870 45736 46682 44912 41238 Kenya
Mali 27036 28388 29807 31297 32862 Mali
Maroc 22299 23709 24729 24608 26192 Morocco
Mauritania 13811 14360 14450 14600 14750 Mauritania
Mongolia 38926 28364 31603 35700 39294 Mongolia
Niger 23695 23640 23250 24130 24200 Niger
Nigeria 89833 92044 105669 108310 97250 Nigeria
Noua Zeeland 32466 32658 31218 31353 30867 New Zealand
Pakistan 85711 87615 89566 91564 93613 Pakistan
Peru 16066 16128 15996 14133 14362 Peru
Portugalia 2793 2645 2583 2496 2472 Portugal
Regatul Unit 31533 31177 31728 32313 32954 United Kingdom
Romnia 1) 9780 10059 9658 9770 10100 Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 21770 21986 21820 22858 24180 Russian Federation
Republica Arab Sirian 19844 17568 20365 20356 20313 Syrian Arab Republic
Somalia 23160 23500 23750 23800 23850 Somalia
Spania 22652 21455 19696 18977 18729 Spain
S.U.A. 8816 8658 8476 8227 8146 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 17008 17099 17224 17150 17162 Mexico, U.S.
Sudan 94825 95520 96012 96500 96500 Sudan
Tanzania 17200 17193 21600 22600 23667 Tanzania, United Republic of
Turcia 29568 26923 29383 32310 35783 Turkey
Turkmenistan 16361 16400 15944 16293 16290 Turkmenistan
Uruguay 8679 7727 7491 8242 7518 Uruguay

1) La 1 decembrie al anului anterior. / On December 1st of previous year.

23.24 Biodiversity

Defriarea Numrul Ariile terestre

Suprafaa medie speciilor protejate
pdurilor anual1) ameninate Terrestrial protected
ara (mii km 2) Average cu dispariia areas Country
Forest annual Number of % din
area deforestation1) threatened suprafaa total
(thou km 2) % species % of total land area
2012 2000-2011 2014 2012

Africa de Sud 92 0,00 253 6,2 South Africa

Angola 582 0,21 113 12,4 Angola
Argentina 289 0,81 191 6,9 Argentina
Australia 1475 0,37 298 12,8 Australia
Austria 39 -0,13 36 23,6 Austria
Belgia 7 -0.16 17 23,0 Belgium
Bolivia 566 0,50 163 20,8 Bolivia
Brazilia 5151 0,50 817 26,3 Brazil
Cambodgia 98 1,34 132 26,2 Cambodia
Camerun 195 1,05 550 11,0 Cameroon
Canada 3101 0,00 65 8,6 Canada
Republica Ceh 27 -0,08 21 22,4 Czech Republic
Chile 163 -0,25 141 18,6 Chile
R. P. Chinez 2124 -1,57 775 16,7 China, Peoples Republic of
Columbia 603 0,17 459 21,2 Colombia
Republica Democratic Congo 1535 0,20 253 12,0 Congo, Dem. Republic of
Cuba 29 -1,66 242 12,4 Cuba
Danemarca 5 -1,14 21 18,4 Denmark
Elveia 12 -0,38 18 26,3 Switzerland
Etiopia 120 1,08 112 18,4 Ethiopia
Filipine 78 -0,75 410 10,9 Philippines
Frana 161 -0,39 94 24,7 France
Germania 111 0,00 52 48,0 Germany
India 687 -0,46 712 5,2 India
Indonezia 931 0,51 850 14,7 Indonesia
Republica Islamic Iran 111 0,00 74 7,2 Islamic Republic of Iran
Italia 93 -0,90 129 21,6 Italy
Japonia 250 -0,05 149 16,5 Japan
Kenya 34 0,33 318 11,6 Kenya
Malaysia 203 0,54 891 18,4 Malaysia
Maroc 52 -0,23 104 21,5 Morocco
Uniunea Myanmar 312 0,93 172 7,3 Myanmar
Nepal 36 0,70 78 16,4 Nepal
Noua Zeeland 83 -0,01 114 27,3 New Zealand
Olanda 4 -0,14 20 19,5 Netherlands
Peru 677 0,18 506 19,1 Peru
Polonia 94 -0,31 30 34,2 Poland
Portugalia 35 -0,11 154 22,3 Portugal
Regatul Unit 29 -0,31 67 27,9 United Kingdom
Romnia 64 ... ... 24,02) Romania
Federaia Rus 8092 0,00 165 11,3 Russian Federation
Spania 185 -0,68 309 29,0 Spain
S.U.A. 3048 -0,13 623 13,8 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 645 0,30 684 12,9 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 282 -0,30 21 14,5 Sweden
Tanzania 326 1,13 749 32,2 Tanzania, United Republic of
Thailanda 190 0,02 328 18,8 Thailand
Turcia 116 -1,11 260 2,1 Turkey
Venezuela 457 0,60 186 53,0 Venezuela
Vietnam 141 -1,65 342 6,5 Viet Nam
Zambia 491 0,33 60 37,8 Zambia

1) Valorile negative indic o cretere a suprafeelor ocupate de pduri. / Negative values indicate an increase in forest area.
2) Sursa: Agenia Naional pentru Protecia Mediului.
Source: National Environmental Protection Agency.
Sursa: / Source: World Development Indicators 2015.

Lungimea i densitatea liniilor de cale ferat n exploatare, n anul 2013
23.25 Length and density of operating railways, in 2013

Lungimea liniilor Densitatea Lungimea liniiilor

de cale ferat reelei pe de cale ferat
ara n exploatare 1000 km2 (km la 10000 locuitori) Country
Length of operating Network Length of railways
railways density per (km per 10000
(km) 1000 km2 inhabitants)

Austria 5531 65,9 6,51 Austria

Belgia1) 3578 117,2 3,31 Belgium 1)
Bulgaria 4032 36,3 5,52 Bulgaria
Canada 2) 70784 7,1 21,26 Canada 2)
Republica Ceh 9560 121,2 9,10 Czech Republic
Croaia 2722 48,1 6,33 Croatia
Danemarca 2) 3181 73,8 5,78 Denmark 2)
Elveia 3) 5124 124,1 6,57 Switzerland 3)
Estonia 1166 25,8 8,97 Estonia
Finlanda 5944 17,6 11,01 Finland
Frana 30318 55,0 4,74 France
Germania 41328 115,7 5,13 Germany
Grecia 2) 2552 19,3 2,28 Greece 2)
Irlanda 1931 27,7 4,20 Ireland
Italia 16752 55,6 2,80 Italy
Letonia 1859 28,8 9,30 Latvia
Lituania 1768 27,1 5,89 Lithuania
Luxemburg 1) 657 254,1 13,14 Luxembourg 1)
Republica Moldova 4) 1157 34,2 2,82 Republic of Moldova 4)
Norvegia 4) 3891 12,0 7,78 Norway 4)
Olanda 5) 3013 80,7 1,82 Netherlands 5)
Polonia 19328 62,0 5,02 Poland
Portugalia 2544 27,6 2,42 Portugal
Regatul Unit 3) 15884 65,4 2,55 United Kingdom 3)
Romnia 10768 45,2 5,40 Romania
Federaia Rus 4) 85607 5,0 5,98 Russian Federation 4)
Slovacia 3631 74,0 6,72 Slovakia
Slovenia 1209 59,6 5,76 Slovenia
Spania 4) 13976 27,6 3,03 Spain 4)
S.U.A. 153266 15,9 4,85 United States of America
Suedia 10957 24,3 11,41 Sweden
Turcia 9718 12,4 1,28 Turkey
Ucraina 4) 21619 35,8 4,74 Ukraine 4)
Ungaria 7357 79,1 7,43 Hungary

1) 2009.
2) 2008.
3) 2010.
4) 2012.
5) 2011.

Transportul maritim internaional
23.26 International sea transport
milioane tone / million tonnes
ara Country
Mrfuri ncrcate = A 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Goods loaded = A
Mrfuri descrcate = B Goods unloaded = B

Australia A 809,9 887,4 912,7 1012,9 1133,0 1303,9 A Australia

B 78,9 89,0 93,5 96,9 97,4 98,9 B
Bulgaria A 10,1 11,1 12,1 13,3 16,3 14,9 A Bulgaria
B 11,8 11,8 13,6 12,7 12,5 12,3 B
Canada A 197,3 185,7 227,3 A Canada
B 104,4 114,1 114,3 B
China, RAS Hong Kong 1) A 103,4 113,5 119,1 114,6 112,9 113,4 A China, Hong Kong SAR 1)
B 138,2 154,3 157,1 154,7 162,2 185,1 B
Croaia A 8,3 8,3 6,9 5,4 6,5 5,8 A Croatia
B 11,6 12,6 11,5 10,2 9,1 9,7 B
Ecuador A 31,8 19,9 54,6 33,0 A Ecuador
B 13,7 10,4 10,7 14,7 B
Estonia A 29,6 34,5 35,1 31,5 31,6 29,8 A Estonia
B 8,9 11,3 13,2 11,9 11,0 13,7 B
Finlanda A 37,5 41,8 44,2 44,5 47,0 A Finland
B 45,0 51,5 54,2 48,7 49,3 B
Frana A 99,9 96,9 100,0 103,5 A France
B 199,3 193,2 190,4 188,9 B
Germania A 99,8 102,3 112,5 115,2 118,6 121,1 A Germany
B 158,1 170,7 177,1 172,5 171,1 174,8 B
Israel 2) A 15,4 19,3 19,4 19,4 20,5 20,0 A Israel 2)
B 21,5 24,1 25,1 27,0 28,3 28,2 B
Kenya A 19,0 16,2 16,9 A Kenya
B 2,5 2,6 2,8 B
Letonia A 57,6 55,7 61,0 66,1 62,7 65,1 A Latvia
B 4,4 5,4 7,8 9,1 8,2 9,1 B
Lituania A 21,6 23,6 28,0 27,8 24,9 28,4 A Lithuania
B 14,7 16,7 17,5 17,2 17,5 15,3 B
Malaysia 3) A 101,7 112,4 125,5 128,5 132,5 A Malaysia 3)
B 110,9 136,8 153,0 152,5 157,7 B
Maroc A 26,6 27,7 27,9 A Morroco
B 43,1 41,4 48,0 B
Norvegia A 122,7 120,3 119,7 116,4 109,1 111,2 A Norway
B 20,7 24,4 24,4 24,6 25,0 24,7 B
Noua Zeeland A 27,3 30,4 31,7 34,7 36,6 37,8 A New Zealand
B 16,1 18,0 18,9 19,1 20,1 21,9 B
Polonia A 22,9 30,2 23,9 24,0 30,3 29,2 A Poland
B 23,0 28,4 32,6 33,7 33,1 38,6 B
Portugalia A 13,9 16,0 18,3 20,7 26,9 27,8 A Portugal
B 36,1 35,8 36,8 35,5 39,3 40,2 B
Romnia A 19,7 21,2 20,7 21,2 26,8 25,4 A Romania
B 16,4 16,9 18,2 18,3 16,8 18,4 B
Slovenia A 4,2 4,2 4,6 5,2 5,6 5,8 A Slovenia
B 9,2 10,3 11,6 11,7 11,6 12,2 B
Suedia A 66,5 73,3 68,9 68,8 61,8 64,8 A Sweden
B 74,5 81,8 83,4 79,2 75,6 79,2 B
Ucraina A 88,1 83,7 84,9 96,9 100,2 101,1 A Ukraine
B 12,8 17,4 19,4 16,5 18,8 16,1 B

1) Datele se refer la statistica ncrcturilor navale. Transportul pe ap include transportul pe ruri i oceane.
Figures refer to the waterborne cargo statistics. Transport by water includes transport by river and ocean.
2) Doar porturile comerciale. / Commercial harbors only.
3) Inclusiv transbordrile. / Including transshipments.

Accidente de circulaie
23.27 Road traffic accidents
numr / number
Accidente de circulaie Persoane decedate Persoane rnite
cauzatoare de n accidente n accidente
vtmri corporale de circulaie de circulaie
ara Injury Persons deceased in Persons injured in Country
accidents road traffic accidents road traffic accidents
2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012

Albania 2472 1870 322 334 2150 2235 Albania

Austria 35129 40831 38502 523 531 455 45025 50895 Austria
Belgia 47924 44193 41279 858 767 724 62801 57707 Belgium
Bulgaria 6639 6717 7015 657 601 601 8193 Bulgaria
Canada 121159 2006 166725 Canada
Republica Ceh 20487 20504 20342 773 742 654 25550 25515 Czech Republic
Cipru 1058 919 774 71 51 44 1553 1381 Cyprus
Croaia 13228 11773 11225 418 393 368 18065 16010 Croatia
Danemarca 3525 3124 220 167 4039 3611 Denmark
Elveia 18990 18148 320 339 23242 22218 Switzerland
Estonia 1492 1383 1381 101 87 81 1877 1707 Estonia
Finlanda 6408 5725 5334 292 255 258 7931 7088 Finland
Frana 65024 60437 56812 3963 3653 3268 81251 75851 France
Germania 306266 299637 291105 4009 3600 3339 384294 Germany
Grecia 13849 12348 1141 1027 17259 15716 Greece
Israel 14127 12484 341 263 26800 23641 Israel
Italia 205638 186726 181227 3860 3653 3385 292019 264716 Italy
Letonia 3386 3358 3489 179 177 179 4224 4179 Latvia
Lituania 3266 3392 3391 296 302 256 3919 3952 Lithuania
Luxemburg 962 1019 33 34 1308 1384 Luxembourg
Malta 1200 1279 1276 17 9 18 1560 1590 Malta
Norvegia 6079 6154 5241 168 145 187 8363 8195 Norway
Olanda 4968 661 650 5535 Netherlands
Polonia 40065 37062 35847 4189 3577 3357 49501 45792 Poland
Portugalia 32541 29867 30339 891 738 657 41960 39726 Portugal
Regatul Unit 156068 151346 1960 1802 212710 202931 United Kingdom
Romnia 1) 26648 26928 24827 2018 2042 1861 33491 34209 Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 199868 203597 23471 27991 251848 258618 Russian Federation
Serbia 14119 13333 728 684 19312 18406 Serbia
United States
S.U.A. 1572000 1665000 32310 33561 32719 2217000 2362000 of America
Slovacia 5775 5370 5113 325 296 223 7057 6438 Slovakia
Slovenia 7218 6864 6542 141 130 125 9673 9148 Slovenia
Spania 83027 83115 2060 1903 115850 115934 Spain
Suedia 16119 16458 14816 319 285 260 22360 22824 Sweden
Turcia 131845 153552 158274 3835 3750 3685 238074 268079 Turkey
Ucraina 30927 30660 4831 5094 37875 37503 Ukraine
Ungaria 15827 15174 15691 638 605 591 20172 18979 Hungary

Not: Pentru anul 2013, datele indicatorului persoane rnite n accidente de circulaie nu au fost disponibile pn la apariia publicaiei.
Note: For 2013, the data of the indicator persons injured in road traffic accidents were not available until release of publication.
1) Sursa: Direcia Rutier din cadrul Inspectoratului General al Poliiei Romne.
Source: The Directorate for Road Police from the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police.

Comerul internaional al unor ri, n anul 2014
23.28 International trade of certain countries, in 2014

Export FOB Import CIF

Total Pe locuitor Total Pe locuitor
ara (mil. dolari SUA) (dolari SUA) (mil. dolari SUA) (dolari SUA) Country
Total Per inhabitant Total Per inhabitant
(mill. USD) (USD) (mill. USD) (USD)

Africa de Sud 1) 91203 1698 99904 1860 South Africa 1)

Argentina 71936 1685 65323 1530 Argentina
Australia 1) 241238 10265 227646 9687 Australia 1)
Austria 169186 19904 171388 20163 Austria
Belgia 474061 42327 455329 40654 Belgium
Brazilia 225102 1110 237531 1171 Brazil
Bulgaria 30930 4296 34730 4824 Bulgaria
Canada 1) 469980 13239 465908 13124 Canada 1)
Republica Ceh 173852 16557 152169 14492 Czech Republic
R.P. Chinez 2) 2343190 1718 1963110 1439 China, Peoples Republic of 2)
China, RAS Hong Kong 473659 65786 544112 75571 China, Hong Kong SAR
Republica Coreea 572665 11362 525514 10427 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 110492 19731 99127 17701 Denmark
Elveia 227605 27757 195148 23799 Switzerland
Finlanda 74112 13475 76464 13903 Finland
Frana 3) 567443 8585 662100 10017 France 3)
Germania 1505467 18609 1217949 15055 Germany
Grecia 35814 3256 63280 5753 Greece
India 319757 247 461441 356 India
Irlanda 118634 25790 70771 15385 Ireland
Italia 528034 8614 470381 7673 Italy
Japonia 690202 5430 811882 6388 Japan
Luxemburg 15069 25115 23545 39242 Luxembourg
Norvegia 142301 27902 88053 17265 Norway
Noua Zeeland 40658 9455 42542 9893 New Zealand
Olanda 574233 33978 508570 30093 Netherlands
Polonia 216666 5628 219859 5711 Poland
Portugalia 64060 6160 77742 7475 Portugal
Regatul Unit 477934 7410 663718 10290 United Kingdom
Romnia 4) 69877 34945) 77905 38955) Romania 4)
Federaia Rus 497909 3465 286669 1995 Russian Federation
Singapore 409769 74503 366247 66590 Singapore
Slovacia 85923 15912 83500 15463 Slovakia
Spania 318860 6857 351452 7558 Spain
S.U.A. 1623410 5110 2412550 7594 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 1) 397658 3322 399977 3341 Mexico, U.S. 1)
Suedia 162588 16762 159534 16447 Sweden
Turcia 157630 2042 242182 3137 Turkey
Ungaria 112438 11357 103942 10499 Hungary

1) Importuri FOB. / Imports FOB.

2) Datele pentru R.P. Chinez exclud datele pentru RAS Hong Kong, RAS Macao i provincia Taiwan a Chinei.
Data for China excludes those for Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province of China.
3) Inclusiv Guyana Francez, Guadelupa, Martinica i Runion. / Including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Runion.
4) Date semidefinitive. / The data are semi-final.
5) Date provizorii. Pentru anul 2014 s-a utilizat populaia rezident la 1 iulie, estimat n condiii de comparabilitate cu rezultatele
definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor - 2011.
Provisional data. For the year 2014, the usual resident population on July 1st was used, estimated under the conditions of
comparability with the final results of the Population and Housing Census - 2011.

Ponderea exporturilor i importurilor, n comerul mondial, pe principalele ri
23.29 Share of the main countries, in world international trade
procente / percentage
ara Exporturi FOB / Exports FOB Import CIF / Imports CIF Country
2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014

Africa de Sud 1) 0,49 0,45 0,49 0,56 0,55 0,54 South Africa 1)
Argentina 0,42 0,45 0,38 0,38 0,40 0,35 Argentina
Australia 1) 1,43 1,37 1,29 1,44 1,26 1,22 Australia 1)
Austria 0,88 0,90 0,90 0,94 0,94 0,92 Austria
Belgia 2,48 2,53 2,53 2,43 2,45 2,45 Belgium
Brazilia 1,35 1,31 1,20 1,26 1,33 1,28 Brazil
Bulgaria 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,19 Bulgaria
Canada 1) 2,53 2,48 2,51 2,55 2,51 2,50 Canada 1)
Republica Ceh 0,87 0,88 0,93 0,78 0,78 0,82 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 2) 11,38 11,97 12,52 10,04 10,59 10,55 China, Peoples Republic of 2)
China, RAS Hong Kong 2,46 2,49 2,53 2,79 2,84 2,92 China, Hong Kong SAR
Republica Coreea 3,04 3,03 3,06 2,87 2,80 2,82 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 0,59 0,60 0,59 0,51 0,53 0,53 Denmark
Elveia 1,19 1,18 1,22 1,04 1,04 1,05 Switzerland
Finlanda 0,41 0,40 0,40 0,42 0,42 0,41 Finland
Frana 3) 3,10 3,08 3,03 3,68 3,65 3,56 France 3)
Germania 7,82 7,86 8,05 6,43 6,48 6,55 Germany
Grecia 0,20 0,20 0,19 0,35 0,34 0,34 Greece
India 1,65 1,71 1,71 2,71 2,53 2,48 India
Irlanda 0,65 0,62 0,63 0,35 0,36 0,38 Ireland
Italia 2,79 2,80 2,82 2,70 2,59 2,53 Italy
Japonia 4,44 3,87 3,69 4,89 4,52 4,36 Japan
Luxemburg 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,13 0,13 0,13 Luxembourg
Norvegia 0,89 0,83 0,76 0,48 0,49 0,47 Norway
Noua Zeeland 0,21 0,22 0,22 0,21 0,22 0,23 New Zealand
Olanda 3,08 3,07 3,07 2,77 2,79 2,73 Netherlands
Polonia 1,02 1,09 1,16 1,08 1,11 1,18 Poland
Portugalia 0,32 0,34 0,34 0,40 0,41 0,42 Portugal
Regatul Unit 2,65 2,58 2,55 3,58 3,51 3,57 United Kingdom
Romnia 0,32 0,36 0,37 0,39 0,40 0,42 Romania
Federaia Rus 2,92 2,86 2,66 1,74 1,71 1,54 Russian Federation
Singapore 2,27 2,22 2,19 2,10 2,03 1,97 Singapore
Slovacia 0,44 0,46 0,46 0,44 0,45 0,45 Slovakia
Spania 1,59 1,68 1,70 1,80 1,81 1,89 Spain
S.U.A. 8,58 8,55 8,68 12,90 12,65 12,97 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 1) 2,06 2,06 2,13 2,05 2,07 2,15 Mexico, U.S. 1)
Suedia 0,96 0,91 0,87 0,91 0,87 0,86 Sweden
Turcia 0,85 0,82 0,84 1,31 1,37 1,30 Turkey
Ungaria 0,57 0,59 0,60 0,52 0,54 0,56 Hungary

1) Importuri FOB. / Imports FOB.

2) Datele pentru R. P. Chinez exclud datele pentru RAS Hong Kong, RAS Macao i provincia Taiwan a Chinei.
Data for China, Peoples Republic of, excludes those for Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province of China.
3) Inclusiv Guyana Francez, Guadelupa, Martinica i Runion. / Including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Runion.

Balana de pli, n anul 2013 (Sold)
23.30 Balance of payments, in 2013 (Net Credit)
milioane dolari SUA / USD million
Balana comercial
(Export FOB - Contul de capital
ara Contul curent Import FOB) i financiar1) Country
Current account Balance of trade Capital and
(Exports FOB - financial account1)
Imports FOB)

Africa de Sud -20507 -7670 -13729 South Africa

Australia -49558 4390 -49734 Australia
Austria 11246 -114 6725 Austria
Belgia -9661 -10142 -7262 Belgium
Brazilia -81063 2553 -77675 Brazil
Bulgaria 963 -3122 1727 Bulgaria
Canada -58584 -7028 -56741 Canada
Republica Ceh -2853 9010 4075 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 182807 351766 111283 China, Peoples Republic of
Cipru -423 -3337 -354 Cyprus
Danemarca 23911 8839 23755 Denmark
Estonia -300 -1337 1206 Estonia
Finlanda -2466 4799 1383 Finland
Frana -40230 -56450 -16800 France
Germania 256020 279470 329520 Germany
Grecia 1409 -22904 8364 Greece
Irlanda 14438 49990 13324 Ireland
Italia 20880 48090 32910 Italy
Japonia 34070 -89650 -24230 Japan
Letonia -250 -2921 1014 Latvia
Lituania 675 -1620 2748 Lithuania
Luxemburg 3161 -8358 2693 Luxembourg
Malta 85 -1484 266 Malta
Noua Zeeland -5932 1055 1813 New Zealand
Olanda 87089 66404 75278 Netherlands
Polonia -7105 3282 8653 Poland
Portugalia 1160 -9646 10442 Portugal
Regatul Unit -114210 -168730 -105750 United Kingdom
Romnia 2) -2884 -7725 6180 Romania 2)
Federaia Rus 34141 181939 22510 Russian Federation
Slovenia 2947 1513 3851 Slovenia
Spania 10668 -15055 43982 Spain
S.U.A. -400250 -701670 -371050 United States of America
Suedia 34541 21712 20461 Sweden
Turcia -65110 -79820 -62751 Turkey
Ungaria 5497 4768 14197 Hungary

1) Cuprinde categoriile incluse la rezerve. / Includes reserves and related items.

2) Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.

Populaia colar i cheltuielile publice pentru educaie, n 2013/2014
23.31 School aged population and public expenditure for education, in 2013/2014

Rata brut Elevi ce revin la un Cheltuieli publice

de cuprindere colar (%) cadru didactic (numr) cu nvmntul,
Gross enrolment rate (%) Pupils / teacher ratio % n Produsul
(number) Intern Brut
ara nvmnt nvmnt nvmnt nvmnt nvmnt Public expediture Country
primar secundar superior primar secundar for education,
Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary % in Gross
education education education education education Domestic Product

Africa de Sud 101 111 201) 32 6,0 South Africa

Argentina 1) 124 107 80 5,1 Argentina 1)
Australia 105 136 89 4,91) Australia
Austria 102 99 81 11 10 5,62) Austria
Belgia 104 166 72 11 9 6,42) Belgium
Brazilia 1273) 1013) 343) 21 17 6,31) Brazil
Bulgaria 99 99 66 18 13 3,72) Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 99 103 63 19 12 4,32) Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 126 92 30 17 15 China, Peoples Republic of
China, RAS Hong Kong 105 99 67 14 3,8 China, Hong Kong SAR
Cipru 1) 100 95 46 14 10 7,22) Cyprus 1)
Columbia 1) 107 93 45 25 25 4,4 Colombia 1)
Congo 1) 109 54 10 44 19 Congo 1)
Republica Coreea 103 97 98 18 16 4,61) Republic of Korea
Danemarca 101 131 82 8,52) Denmark
Elveia 1) 103 96 56 11 9 5,0 Switzerland 1)
Estonia 98 105 78 11 81) 5,12) Estonia
Finlanda 100 144 92 13 13 7,21) Finland
Frana 108 109 60 18 13 5,51) France
Germania 100 101 60 12 13 4,82) Germany
Indonezia 1) 109 83 32 19 17 3,6 Indonesia 1)
Irlanda 1) 104 119 71 16 5,92) Ireland 1)
Italia 1) 99 99 62 4,12) Italy 1)
Japonia 1) 102 102 61 17 12 3,8 Japan 1)
Letonia 101 107 66 11 8 4,61) Latvia
Lituania 98 108 70 13 8 5,22) Lithuania
Noua Zeeland 98 119 79 151) 141) 7,41) New Zealand
Olanda 104 131 771) 12 14 5,51) Netherlands
Polonia 101 109 72 10 10 4,92) Poland
Portugalia 105 123 66 13 10 5,12) Portugal
Regatul Unit 109 129 60 18 16 5,82) United Kingdom
Romnia 89 93 46 19 12 2,8 Romania
Federaia Rus 100 97 761) 201) 91) Russian Federation
Serbia 101 94 56 15 9 4,41) Serbia
Slovacia 101 92 54 15 11 3,91) Slovakia
Slovenia 99 110 84 17 10 5,62) Slovenia
Spania 104 131 86 131) 111) 4,41) Spain
S.U.A. 98 94 89 141) 151) 5,22) United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 105 88 30 281) 181) 5,12) Mexico, U. S.
Suedia 120 129 65 101) 101) 6,52) Sweden
Ungaria 100 108 57 10 10 4,62) Hungary

Not: nvmntul primar reprezint coala primar; nvmntul secundar reprezint nvmntul gimnazial, liceal, profesional, organizat
n cicluri potrivit reglementrilor fiecrei ri; nvmntul superior cuprinde nvmntul universitar (de scurt i lung durat) i
nvmntul postliceal (studii neechivalate nivelului universitar).
Note: Primary education means primary schools; secondary education means gymnasium, high schools, vocational schools, organised in
cycles according to the legislation of each country; tertiary education includes higher education (short or long duration) and
post high school education (studies not equivalent to university level).
1) 2012/2013.
2) 2011/2012.
3) 2008/2009.

Personalul din activitatea de cercetare - dezvoltare i
cheltuielile cu cercetarea - dezvoltarea, n anul 2012
Staff in the research - development activity and
23.32 the expenditure on research - development, in 2012

Numr persoane Cheltuieli cu

n echivalent din care: cercetarea-dezvoltarea,
ara norm ntreag of which: % n Produsul Intern Brut Country
Number of persons Cercettori Expenditure on R&D,
in full-time Researchers % in Gross Domestic
equivalent Product

Australia 1) 137138 92379 2,37 Australia 1)

Austria 63682 38637 2,84 Austria
Belgia 65979 44052 2,24 Belgium
Bulgaria 16746 11295 0,64 Bulgaria
Republica Ceh 60223 33169 1,88 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 3246840 1404017 1,98 China, Peoples Republic of
Cipru 1270 895 0,47 Cyprus
Croaia 10368 6688 0,75 Croatia
Republica Coreea 2) 361374 288901 4,04 Republic of Korea 2)
Danemarca 55711 37675 2,98 Denmark
Estonia 5841 4570 2,18 Estonia
Finlanda 54047 40468 3,55 Finland
Frana 2) 402318 249086 2,25 France 2)
Germania 579200 342700 2,92 Germany
Irlanda 22791 16076 1,72 Ireland
Islanda 2) 3244 2258 2,60 Iceland 2)
Italia 233927 110823 1,27 Italy
Japonia 2) 869825 656651 3,39 Japan 2)
Letonia 5593 3904 0,66 Latvia
Lituania 10675 8023 0,90 Lithuania
Norvegia 37804 27908 1,65 Norway
Olanda 116666 58599 2,16 Netherlands
Polonia 90716 67001 0,90 Poland
Portugalia 56192 50694 1,50 Portugal
Regatul Unit 358045 252652 1,72 United Kingdom
Romnia 31135 18016 0,48 Romania
Federaia Rus 828401 443269 1,12 Russian Federation
Slovacia 18127 15271 0,82 Slovakia
Slovenia 15333 9093 2,80 Slovenia
Spania 208349 127129 1,30 Spain
Suedia 81272 49280 3,41 Suedia
Turcia 2) 92801 72109 0,86 Turkey 2)
Ungaria 35732 23837 1,30 Hungary

1) 2008.
2) 2011.

Accesul la telecomunicaii, n anul 2013
23.33 Access to telecommunications, in 2013
numr / 1000 locuitori / number / 1000 inhabitants
Numrul de linii Numrul de abonamente
de telefonie fix la telefonia mobil
ara Number of fixed Number of mobile Country
telephone mainlines subscribers

Africa de Sud 70 1460 South Africa

Argentina 230 1630 Argentina
Australia 440 1070 Australia
Austria 390 1560 Austria
Belgia 410 1110 Belgium
Brazilia 220 1350 Brazil
Bulgaria 270 1450 Bulgaria
Canada 480 810 Canada
Republica Ceh 190 1280 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 190 890 China, Peoples Republic of
Republica Coreea 620 1110 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 370 1270 Denmark
Egipt 80 1220 Egypt
Elveia 570 1370 Switzerland
Estonia 330 1600 Estonia
Finlanda 140 1370 Finland
Frana 610 980 France
Germania 590 1210 Germany
Grecia 480 1170 Greece
India 20 710 India
Indonezia 120 1250 Indonesia
Irlanda 440 1050 Ireland
Italia 350 1590 Italy
Japonia 480 1160 Japan
Letonia 210 1250 Latvia
Lituania 210 1510 Lithuania
Malaysia 150 1450 Malaysia
Norvegia 250 1160 Norway
Noua Zeeland 410 1060 New Zealand
Olanda 430 1160 Netherlands
Polonia 140 1490 Poland
Portugalia 430 1130 Portugal
Regatul Unit 530 1250 United Kingdom
Romnia 235 1146 Romania
Federaia Rus 280 1530 Russian Federation
Singapore 360 1560 Singapore
Slovacia 180 1140 Slovakia
Slovenia 390 1100 Slovenia
Spania 410 1070 Spain
S.U.A. 420 970 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 170 850 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 410 1260 Sweden
Turcia 180 930 Turkey
Ucraina 260 1380 Ukraine
Ungaria 300 1160 Hungary

Utilizatorii de Internet, abonamentele la Internetul fix de band larg,
numrul de calculatoare i gospodriile cu calculatoare
Internet users, fixed broadband Internet subscriptions,
23.34 number of computers and households with a computer
numr / 1000 locuitori / number / 1000 inhabitants
Abonamentele Gospodrii
Utilizatorii de la Internetul fix Calculatoare dotate cu un
Internet de band larg personale calculator1)
ara Internet Fixed broadband Personal Households Country
users Internet computers endowed with
subscriptions a computer1)
2013 2013 2002-20092) 2013

Africa de Sud 489 31 840 25,8 South Africa

Argentina 599 146 90 59,2 Argentina
Australia 830 250 603 83,5 Australia
Austria 806 263 607 80,9 Austria
Belgia 822 345 377 81,9 Belgium
Brazilia 516 107 161 48,7 Brazil
Bulgaria 531 197 110 54,9 Bulgaria
Canada 858 344 945 85,6 Canada
Republica Ceh 741 267 274 73,9 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 458 136 57 43,8 China, Peoples Republic of
Republica Coreea 848 380 576 80,6 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 946 403 549 93,1 Denmark
Egipt 496 33 410 43,1 Egypt
Elveia 867 426 962 86,6 Switzerland
Estonia 800 280 255 79,0 Estonia
Finlanda 915 317 500 88,7 Finland
Frana 819 388 631 81,6 France
Germania 840 346 656 88,9 Germany
Grecia 599 262 94 59,5 Greece
India 151 12 32 11,9 India
Indonezia 158 13 20 15,6 Indonesia
Irlanda 782 257 582 83,6 Ireland
Italia 585 230 367 71,1 Italy
Japonia 863 289 407 82,4 Japan
Letonia 752 242 327 71,7 Latvia
Lituania 685 277 242 65,9 Lithuania
Malaysia 670 99 227 65,1 Malaysia
Norvegia 951 389 629 93,3 Norway
Noua Zeeland 828 292 526 77,3 New Zealand
Olanda 940 405 912 95,2 Netherlands
Polonia 628 227 169 74,7 Poland
Portugalia 621 242 182 66,7 Portugal
Regatul Unit 898 365 802 88,2 United Kingdom
Romnia 4983) 1753) 192 61,2 Romania
Federaia Rus 614 166 133 69,7 Russian Federation
Singapore 730 276 743 87,0 Singapore
Slovacia 779 204 581 80,1 Slovakia
Slovenia 727 253 425 76,4 Slovenia
Spania 716 261 393 73,3 Spain
S.U.A. 842 300 806 80,0 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 435 109 139 35,8 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 948 326 881 91,9 Sweden
Turcia 463 119 64 52,9 Turkey
Ucraina 418 88 45 47,0 Ukraine
Ungaria 726 261 256 73,1 Hungary

1) Date exprimate n procente. / Data expressed in percentage.

2) Datele se refer la cel mai recent an disponibil din perioada specificat.
Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified.
3) Sursa: Uniunea Internaional pentru Telecomunicaii.
Source: International Telecommunication Union.

Rezervele de aur (la sfritul perioadei)
23.35 Gold reserves (end of period)
milioane uncii aur fin / million fine gold ounces
ara 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Country

Africa de Sud 4,01 4,02 4,02 4,02 4,02 4,03 South Africa
Argentina 1,76 1,76 1,99 1,99 1,99 1,99 Argentina
Australia 2,57 2,57 2,57 2,57 2,57 2,57 Australia
Austria 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 Austria
Belgia 7,32 7,31 7,31 7,31 7,31 7,31 Belgium
Brazilia 1,08 1,08 1,08 2,16 2,16 2,16 Brazil
Bulgaria 1,28 1,28 1,28 1,28 1,29 1,29 Bulgaria
Canada 0,11 0,11 0,11 0,11 0,10 0,10 Canada
Republica Ceh 0,42 0,41 0,40 0,37 0,35 0,34 Czech Republic
R. P. Chinez 33,89 33,89 33,89 33,89 33,89 33,90 China, Peoples Republic of
Cipru 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 Cyprus
Republica Coreea 0,46 0,46 1,75 2,72 3,36 3,36 Republic of Korea
Danemarca 2,14 2,14 2,14 2,14 2,14 2,14 Denmark
Egipt 2,43 2,43 2,43 2,43 2,43 2,43 Egypt
Elveia 33,44 33,44 33,44 33,44 33,44 33,44 Switzerland
Finlanda 1,58 1,58 1,58 1,58 1,58 1,58 Finland
Frana 78,30 78,30 78,30 78,30 78,30 78,30 France
Germania 109,53 109,34 109,19 109,04 108,90 108,81 Germany
Grecia 3,62 3,59 3,59 3,60 3,61 3,62 Greece
India 17,93 17,93 17,93 17,93 17,93 17,93 India
Irlanda 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,19 Ireland
Italia 78,83 78,83 78,83 78,83 78,83 78,83 Italy
Japonia 24,60 24,60 24,60 24,60 24,60 24,60 Japan
Letonia 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,21 Latvia
Liban 9,22 9,22 9,22 9,22 9,22 9,22 Lebanon
Lituania 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,19 Lithuania
Luxemburg 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,07 Luxembourg
Olanda 19,69 19,69 19,69 19,69 19,69 19,69 Netherlands
Polonia 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 Poland
Portugalia 12,30 12,30 12,30 12,30 12,30 12,30 Portugal
Regatul Unit 9,98 9,98 9,98 9,98 9,98 9,98 United Kingdom
Romnia 1) 3,34 3,34 3,34 3,34 3,34 3,34 Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 20,87 25,36 28,39 30,79 33,28 38,84 Russian Federation
Singapore 4,10 4,10 4,10 4,10 4,10 4,00 Singapore
Slovacia 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 Slovakia
Slovenia 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 Slovenia
Spania 9,05 9,05 9,05 9,05 9,05 9,05 Spain
S.U.A. 261,50 261,50 261,50 261,50 261,50 261,50 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 0,28 0,23 3,41 4,00 3,96 3,95 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 4,04 4,04 4,04 4,04 4,04 4,04 Sweden
Turcia 3,73 3,73 6,28 11,56 16,71 17,01 Turkey
Ungaria 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 Hungary

1) Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.

Source: National Bank of Romania.

Rezervele internaionale, exclusiv aurul, n anul 2014
23.36 International reserves, excluding gold, in 2014
milioane dolari SUA / USD million
ara Total FMI Devize DST Country
Reserve position Foreign SDRs
in the Fund exchange

Africa de Sud 44267 184 41493 2591 South Africa

Argentina 29017 - 26042 2975 Argentina
Australia 50814 1865 44680 4269 Australia
Austria 14145 1198 10638 2310 Austria
Belgia 16626 2604 7836 5851 Belgium
Brazilia 360965 2396 354807 3761 Brazil
Bulgaria 18576 49 17641 886 Bulgaria
Canada 74584 3664 62756 8164 Canada
Republica Ceh 54085 642 52354 1089 Czech Republic
R.P. Chinez 3859168 5696 3843018 10455 China, Peoples Republic of
Cipru 355 121 75 159 Cyprus
Republica Coreea 358785 1903 353601 3281 Republic of Korea
Croaia 15424 - 14982 442 Croatia
Danemarca 72812 1076 69674 2062 Denmark
Elveia 505463 2053 498962 4448 Switzerland
Estonia 427 21 317 90 Estonia
Finlanda 8774 720 6414 1632 Finland
Frana 49547 5800 28658 13577 France
Germania 62266 7732 37207 17327 Germany
Grecia 1877 349 725 803 Greece
India 303455 3323 295947 4185 India
Irlanda 1517 375 198 943 Ireland
Israel 86101 626 84342 1133 Israel
Italia 47689 4448 33314 8882 Italy
Japonia 1231010 11958 1200156 18896 Japan
Letonia 2971 - 2796 175 Latvia
Lituania 8504 - 8305 199 Lithuania
Luxemburg 777 234 188 354 Luxembourg
Malta 616 65 428 122 Malta
Norvegia 64801 1063 61591 2147 Norway
Noua Zeeland 15861 522 14070 1268 New Zealand
Olanda 19307 2931 9755 6621 Netherlands
Polonia 96462 967 94064 1430 Poland
Portugalia 4869 350 3370 1149 Portugal
Regatul Unit 95700 5360 76400 13940 United Kingdom
Romnia 1) 39165 - 39146 19 Romania 1)
Federaia Rus 339370 3398 327727 8246 Russian Federation
Singapore 256643 815 254562 1266 Singapore
Slovacia 1392 272 652 468 Slovakia
Slovenia 893 176 418 300 Slovenia
Spania 39494 2294 32891 3927 Spain
S.U.A 119050 25160 41940 51940 United States of America
S.U. Mexicane 190923 2076 185184 3663 Mexico, U.S.
Suedia 57704 1357 53306 3042 Sweden
Turcia 106906 163 105343 1400 Turkey
Ungaria 41901 107 41775 19 Hungary

Not: DST = Drepturi speciale de tragere.

Note: SDRs = Special Drawing Rights.
1) Sursa: Banca Naional a Romniei.
Source: National Bank of Romania.


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