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Manual (carte + CD)
Caietul elevului

Ghidul profesorului C




Diana Ioni (coordonator)

Simona Drul
Corina Dumitrescu
Niky Paula Gheorghe
Adriana Giurgi
Alina Srbu
ISBN: 978-606-94044-2-3





Diana Ioni (coordonator)

Simona Drul
Corina Dumitrescu
Niky Paula Gheorghe
Adriana Giurgi
Alina Srbu
Manualul colar a fost aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului educaiei naionale nr. 4781 din 13.10.2014, n urma
evalurii, i manual este proprietatea
este realizat Ministerului
n conformitate Educaieicolar
cu programa Naionale.
aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului educaiei naionale
nr. 3418 din 19 martie
Manualul colar a2013.
fost aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului educaiei naionale nr. 4781 din 13.10.2014, n urma
Acest manual
evalurii, i este este proprietatea
realizat Ministerului
n conformitate Educaieicolar
cu programa Naionale.
aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului educaiei naionale
nr. Manualul este
3418 din 19 distribuit
martiea 2013. elevilor n mod gratuit, att
fost aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului n format tiprit,
educaiei ct i nnr.format
naionale digital, n
....................., i este
timp de patru ani colari, ncepnd cu anul colar 20142015.
lurii, i este realizat n conformitate cu programa colar aprobat prin OM nr. 3393 din 28.02.2017.
Manualul este distribuit elevilor n mod gratuit, att n format tiprit, ct i n format digital, i este transmisibil
Manualul estecolar
Inspectoratul distribuit elevilor n mod gratuit, att n format tiprit, ct i n format digital, i este transmisibil timp
timp de patru ani colari, ncepnd cu anul colar 20142015.
de patru ani colari, ncepnd cu anul colar 20172018.
coala / Colegiul / Liceul .
Inspectoratul colar..
coala/ /Colegiul
coala Colegiul/ Liceul
/ Liceul.
ACEST MANUAL A FOST FOLOSIT: Aspectul manualului*
Anul Numele elevului Clasa Anul colar format Aspectul
tiprit manualului* format digital
Anul Numele elevului Clasa Anul colar format tiprit
la primire la predare laformat digital la predare
1 la primire la predare la primire la predare
*Pentru precizarea aspectului manualului se va folosi unul dintre urmtorii termeni: nou, bun, ngrijit, nengrijit,
*Pentru precizarea aspectului manualului se va folosi unul dintre urmtorii termeni: nou, bun, ngrijit, nengrijit,
 Cadrele didactice vor verifica dac informaiile nscrise n tabelul de mai sus sunt corecte.
 Cadrele didactice vor verifica dac informaiile nscrise n tabelul de mai sus sunt corecte.
 Elevii nunu
 Elevii vor
fel de
de nsemnri pemanual.
nsemnri pe manual.

116.111-- numrul detelefon
numrul de telefoneuropean
europeandede asisten
asisten pentru
pentru copiicopii
Date despre autori: nregistrarea textelor a fost realizat cu sprijinul International
Diana Ioni doctor n filologie, profesor universitar, Facul- British School of Bucharest.
tatea de Limbi i Literaturi Strine, Departamentul de Limb Surse foto: Shutterstock, lucrri din portofoliul Grupului
Date Date despre
despre autoare:
autoare: Descrierea
Editorial CIPCIP
Corint a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei
Englez, Universitatea din Bucureti Descrierea a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei
Maria-Emilia Goian profesor de limba i literatura romn, GOIAN, MARIA
Maria-Emilia Goian profesor de limba i literatura romn, Surse GOIAN, MARIAtoate fragmentele de filme folosite pentru
Simona DrulI, autoare
grad didactic doctordenmanuale
auxiliare gradul
colareI, coala Comunicare n limba romn: manual pentru clasa a II-a /
grad didactic I,Vasile
autoare de manuale i auxiliare colare realizarea Comunicare
AMII-urilor n limba
animate romn:fostmanual
auPreda preluate pentru clasa a II-a /
de pe YouTube.
Gimnazial Alecsandri din Bucureti
Lucia Minchevici profesor de limba i literatura romn, grad Goian Maria-Emilia, Minchevici Lucia, Iulia. - Bucureti:
Lucia Minchevici profesor de limba i literatura romn, grad Goian
Corint Maria-Emilia,
Educaional, 2014Minchevici Lucia, Preda Iulia. - Bucureti:
didacticDumitrescu doctornr.n194
I, coala Gimnazial filologie, profesor
din Bucureti, graduldeI,
autoare Corint
didactic I, coala nr. 194 din Bucureti, autoare de Descrierea 2 vol.Educaional, 2014 Naionale a Romniei
CIP a Bibliotecii
coala colareGimnazial
Gimnazial Andrei Mureanu din Ploieti, metodist, Limba 2 vol.
ISBN : limba modern 1 : manual pentru clasa a V-a
auxiliare colare
Iulia Preda profesor
consultant tiinific ISEpentru nvmnt primar, grad didactic / Diana Ioni
Semestrul (coord.), Simona Drul, Corina Dumitrescu, .... -
1 - ISBN 978-606-8668-35-2
IuliaI, PredaGimnazial
coala profesorAvrampentruIancu
din primar, grad didactic Bucureti
Bucureti : Corint Logistic,
Semestrul 1 - ISBN 2017
Niky Paula Gheorghe profesor, coala Gimnazial Ferdi- I. Minchevici, Lucia
I, coala Gimnazial Avram Iancu din Bucureti ISBN 978-606-94044-2-3
nand I din Bucureti
Refereni: I.II.Ioni,
Preda, Iulia
I. Minchevici,
Diana Lucia
Adriana Giurgi profesor gradul II, Colegiul German Goethe II. II. Preda,
Drul, Simona
372.46 Iulia
Prof. dr. Ileana-Narcisa tefnescu Centrul Judeean de III. Dumitrescu, Corina
din Bucureti 372.46
Prof.Asisten Psihopedagogic
dr. Ileana-Narcisa Ilfov
tefnescu Centrul Judeean de
Alina Srbu traductor
Mihaela Daniela Ilfov
Prof. dr.Psihopedagogic Crstea Colegiul Economic Virgil 811.111 Pentru comenzi i informaii, contactai:
Madgearu, Bucureti GRUPUL
comenzi iCORINT
informaii, contactai:
Prof. dr. Mihaela Daniela Crstea Colegiul Economic Virgil Toate drepturile asupra acestei lucrri sunt rezervate
Daria Protopopescu doctor n filologie, confereniar univer- Departamentul de Vnzri
Madgearu, Bucureti GRUPUL
LOGISTIC, parte component a GRUPULUI
sitar, FacultateaElenadeMunteanu
Limbi i Literaturi Strine, Departamentul EDITORIAL Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 54A, sector 1, Bucureti, cod potal
Departamentul CORINT. de Vnzri
010517, Tel./Fax: 021.319.47.97; 021.319.48.20
de Limb Elena computerizat: Andreea
Englez, Universitatea din Bucureti Apostol,
Olimpia BolozanMunteanu PentruStr. Mihai
Depozit comenzi Eminescu nr. 54A,
i informaii, sector 1, Bucureti, cod potal
Aureliana Grama
Tehnoredactare doctor n filologie,
computerizat: Andreea profesor gradul I, coa- GRUPUL
Apostol, 010517, Tel./Fax:
EDITORIAL 021.319.47.97;
Calea Plevnei nr. 145, sector 6, Bucureti, 021.319.48.20
cod potal 060012
Grafica: Mihai Ionu Grjdeanu
Olimpia Gimnazial
Bolozan Ferdinand
Design copert: Andreea Apostol I din Bucureti, metodist Depozit
Tel.: 021.310.15.30 de Vnzri
Grafica: IonuSrbu
Grjdeanu Str.
Calea Eminescu
145,54A, sector6,1,Bucureti,
sector Bucureti, cod potal 060012
cod potal 010517. Tel./Fax: 021.319.47.97; 021.319.48.20
Design copert: Andreea
Tehnoredactare Apostol
computerizat: Dan Mihalache, Mihaela Ciufu Magazinul Tel.: 021.310.15.30
interior: Liviu E-mail:
Toate drepturile acesteiRusu
lucrri sunt rezervate EDITURII CORINT EDUCAIONAL,Depozit parte component a GRUPULUI EDITORIAL CORINT.
Design copert: Dan Mihalache Calea Magazinul
Plevnei nr. virtual:
145, sector 6, Bucureti,
Lectura textelor: Kotsis Alkyoni, Jaime Joelle Baker, cod potal 060012. Tel.: 021.310.15.30
Toate drepturile
Alexis acestei
Chiliment, lucrri
Tudar sunt rezervate
Ioana Teodora parte component a GRUPULUI EDITORIAL CORINT.
Dobre, Kacper Grela, Xinyi Jiang, Luca-tefan Rusu, Ana Magazin virtual:
Maria Zamfir.
Table of Contents
Unit Grammar Vocabulary Page
Foreword 6
How to Use This Textbook 78
General and Specific Skills 9
Introducing the main
UNIT 0 characters
Back to School! Greetings
Revision and practice
Personal pronouns Introducing oneself
To be in the Present Simple Describing people 12
Personal Profiles
Using have/has got (family members)
Project My Family Tree 16
Self-check Test 17
Present Simple
Unit 2 Expressing routines
(questions and answers) 18
Daily Life Writing invitations
Time expressions
Project Interview 22
Self-check Test 23
Expressing ability with can
Expressing ability
UNIT 3 and cant
Describing people (family
Interpersonal Relationships & Possessive pronouns 24
People andadjective
Expressing possession
The Genitive (revision)
Project Superheroes Poster
Self-check Test 29
Using have/has got Expressing instructions
The Imperative Performing commands 30
Making up questions
Project Escape Plan for a Pet 34
Self-check Test 35
Revision I (Units 1-4) 36

Table of Contents
Expressing preferences
UNIT 5 The Present Simple Writing e-mails, thank you
Spare Time Time expressions notes and invitations
Reading labels
Project My New Hobby 44
Self-check Test 45
Making up questions
UNIT 6 Wh-questions
Finding information 46
Books The Adjective
Describing objects (books)
Project The Benefits of Reading
Self-check Test 51
The Demonstrative Pronouns
and Adjectives (this/ that,
UNIT 7 Identifying objects
these/ those) 52
Shopping Expressing permission
The Modal Verbs (can/ cant,
may/ may not)
Project I am a Fashion Designer 56
Self-check Test 57
The Imperative Expressing instructions and
UNIT 8 The Present Simple commands
Food and Drink Countable/ Uncountable Expressing amount/ quantity/
Nouns numbers
Project A Healthy Menu 64
Self-check Test 65
Revision II (Units 4-8) 66
Giving directions
The Imperative
Describing places
The Adjective
UNIT 9 Describing actions in progress
The Present Continuous 68
Going Places and Holidays and present temporary
Definite and Indefinite
Identifying objects
Project Itinerary 74
Self-check Test 75

Table of Contents

* The Adjective comparison Describing animals 76
The Natural World & Animals
Project Endangered Animals 80
Self-check Test 81
Present Simple Telling stories starting from a
UNIT 11 Prepositions of place and picture
Word and Tales movement Placing objects
There is/ are Writing a story
Project Story Writing 86
Self-check Test 87
Telling a story
Definite and Indefinite
UNIT 12 Describing people/ characters
Articles 88
Characters Identifying objects
Present Simple
Writing short messages
Project My Favourite Character 92
Self-check Test 93
Revision III (Units 912) 94
Ordinal Numerals Expressing order, date
Present Tense Simple Expressing apologies 96
My World
The Imperative Giving directions and advice
Project Collage Our Favourite
Place in our Community
Self-check Test 103
Expressing date
UNIT 14 Ordinal Numerals Describing weather
Celebrations The Adjective conditions
Map orientation
Project Celebrations in the UK 108
Self-check Test 109
Revision IV (Units 13-14) 110
Interdisciplinary Project New
Years Eve around the World
Interdisciplinary Project
Christmas in the United Kingdom
Educational Trip 116
1st Semester Revision 118
2nd Semester Revision 120
Final Revision 122
Grammar in a Nutshell 125
Self-check Tests Answers 128

Cuvnt-nainte Foreword
Manualul de fa constituie un instrument This textbook is designed to motivate and
proiectat cu scopul de a motiva elevii n procesul involve learners in effective learning of English.
de nvare a limbii engleze. El include 14 uniti There are 14 units that provide systematic
de nvare i furnizeaz o pregtire sistematic preparation for all skills required for successful
pentru dobndirea tuturor competenelor lingvistice oral and written communication. Each unit ends
necesare comunicrii orale i n scris n limba with a project and a self-check test (that can be
englez. used as an evaluation test).
Manualul tiprit este nsoit de manualul digital The printed textbook is accompanied by the
care completeaz i mbogete coninuturile, digital textbook which completes and enriches
furniznd filme, materiale audio, imagini mrite ale the contents, providing films, listening materials,
unor hri, scheme, tabele i imagini precum i o maps, charts, tables and pictures as well as a wide
ntreag gam de exerciii interactive care au scopul range of interactive exercises meant to assess the
de a-l ajuta pe elev s i autoevalueze progresul. learners progress.
Rubricile permanente confer manualului Assessment is achieved along different stages:
coeren i coeziune. Fiecare unitate se termin at the end of each unit (self-check test with
cu un proiect (individual sau de grup). Evaluarea answers at the end of the textbook that can also be
se realizeaz n mai multe etape: la finalul fiecrei used as an evaluation test), after each four units
uniti (unde exist un test de autoevaluare, cu (evaluation test and different listening, speaking
cheia rspunsurilor la pagina 128, cre poate fi and writing exercises), followed by two revisions
folosit ns i ca text de evaluare propriu-zis), dup and a final revision (at the end of the book, since
fiecare patru uniti de nvare (un test de evaluare, the school year structure may undergo several
urmat de exerciii de ascultare i de exprimare modifications).
oral i scris) i n testele de evaluare i exerciiile There are worksheets for two interdisciplinary
recapitulrilor semestriale i ale celei finale, plasate projects and one for an educational trip at the
la sfritul manualului, deoarece structura anului end of the book, so the teachers may decide when
colar poate suferi modificri n decursul timpului. to use them. Moreover, there are three pages of
La sfritul manualului au fost prezentate grammar at the end of the book.
modele de proiecte complexe: fia unui proiect The Authors
interdisciplinar, fia unui proiect interdisciplinar
realizat pe baza unor filme documentare, precum
i schia de organizare a unei vizite didactice.
Profesorii au libertatea s aleag momentul cnd
le vor folosi.

Ghid de utilizare a manualului
MANUALUL CUPRINDE Simboluri folosite
varianta tiprit varianta digital n varianta digital





Manualul este structurat n uniti de nvare, care cuprind:

Titlul unitii Citete Proiect


Daily Life Unit Unit
Project - Interview Self-check Unit

Daily Life 2 2 2
Reading II
Choose the correct words. Write the sentences
in your notebook. (10 points)
e.g. My mum have/ has an apple every day.
I dont like roller coasters. I get really scared
of them.
a) My dad (not sleep) a lot. He only (need)
Read the following text and compare it with what you know My mum has an apple every day. five or six hours.
about the British royal family. a) We buy/ buys fresh vegetables from the b) A: you (study) English?
market. B: Yes, I
Kate Middleton b) They dont/ doesnt come from Spain. c) My uncle (cook) really well but he says he
Kate Middleton is an English woman. She likes sports (especially c) My mum do/ does the washing up after (not enjoy) it.
hockey) and taking photos. Her daily life is very busy. She works meals. d) A: your sister (play) in the school foot-
with many organizations to help children and sportspeople. d) I eat/ eats breakfast every day. ball team?
Why is she special? e) Apples contain/ contains vitamins. B: No, she
Because everyone knows her all over the world! You can see e) My grandparents (not like) travelling.
her photo in magazines and newspapers or on the Internet. She
is the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband is Prince William,
the Duke of Cambridge. Williams father is Prince Charles and his
II Put the word between brackets into the right
E.g.: I go to bed late. (sometimes)
(20 points)
They (prefer) staying home.

grandmother is Queen Elizabeth II of Britain! I sometimes go to bed late.

a) Mark studies hard before tests. (always)

b) We are bored on Sundays. (never)
Writing Work in teams of 34 pupils. Decide on a teacher suggestions about the type of school c) Daniel gets up early at weekends.
number of questions to ask your classmates (or clubs you might be interested in. (sometimes)
Copy the following table in your notebook and mark the following schoolmates) about their daily life. d) We help mum with housework. (often)
sentences as T (True), F (False) or ? (I dont know): DO YOU KNOW? You can choose from this set of questions: Evaluation: e) David is funny at parties. (usually)

de ascultare
Do you play any sports? a) clarity and attractiveness of the final

True False I dont know Prince Charles has properties in Are you a member of any sports team? product: 20 points; Complete the questions with Do or Does.
Kate Middleton lives in France. Transylvania, and you can even Do you ever listen to games on the b) team work (each member of the group has Write the questions in your notebook.
Kate Middleton dances a lot. spend some days there. Check radio? a role and contributes to the project): 20 (20 points)
Listening You cannot find her picture on the
them on a map of Romania Do you like playing tennis? points; E.g.: you like acting?
(Viscri, Zlan Valley, Mlncrav). Do you like watching car races? c) presentation skills (good English, everybody Do you like acting?
Listen to the following dialogue form your digital textbook, then act it How often do you exercise? says something, body language): 30 points; a) Ann want to be a nurse?
Her husband is the Queens grandson.
out with your partner using the following transcript. What do you think is the most popular sport d) ability to answer questions from the class b) I sing well?
Betty: Look, thats my favourite place in the area. She has got two children. in the world? or from the teacher: 20 points; c) Andrew and Mark play the violin?
Radu: Why? Look at the family tree from Unit 1 (page 13). Draw Prince Williams What is your favorite team sport? e) creativity: 10 points. d) you send your friends text messages?
Betty: Because I love sports! family tree. What sport do you think is the most e) your friend speak English? Go to page 128 and check your answers. Add the
Radu: Really? Do you like football, too? Read the following invitation. (Check the unknown words at http:// dangerous? points. What is your score?
GAMES & PUZZLES Betty: Yes, of course! I come here every week for a football game. Fill in the following invitation, using: You, What sports do you like to watch on TV or Love football

Play a guessing game with

Radu: Cool! Do you go to the mall, too?
Betty: Well, sometimes. When I need to buy something special. Let me
welcome, funds, event, on, for.
on the Internet?
How do you feel about extreme sports?
Like golf
Play IV Turn the sentences into questions and
write them in your notebook. (20 points)
What can you do?

your class. Imagine you are Exercise
show you the sports centre. Malls are all the same What do you do to keep fit? Basketball E.g.: The theatre group meets every Thursday. 140 You still need some practice. Study
somebody else (a classmate, a To: His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales Imagine you are a professional daily
The aim of this project is to help you know Does the theatre group meet every Thursday? points the reference pages at the back of the
teacher, a famous writer, a star). From: The Fan group of students guide. You invite the British
your classmates (or schoolmates) better while a) They organize a carnival every year. book and solve the exercise from the
Your classmates ask questions
to guess your identity: Are you a
Speaking royal family to Romania. Using
information from you Geography
using your English and Math skills. You will also b) Everyone joins in the carnival. digital textbook.
Your Highness, improve your team spirit and presentation skills. c) People dance in the streets.
man? Are you a woman? Are you and History classes, make up Play 4180 You are doing well. You can improve
Work in pairs. Answer the questions: We kindly invite to Bucharest, Romania, to the charity Draw conclusions about your findings. Are there d) You dress up for the carnival.
Romanian? Are you? Count the an itinerary for the British royal tennis points your score by doing the exercise from
Does Betty like football? organized by our club 20 November 2017, to raise ... for the any differences between boys and girls? Calculate e) Children enjoy the carnival too.
number of questions a student family. What are the best places the digital textbook.
Does Betty like malls? disadvantaged children in our community. percentages and make a chart or a graph with
to visit in Romania? What about
asks to guess your identity. Many popular Romanian celebrities are invited this great cause. 81100 Well done! Be kind and help a
Do you like sports? your results. Complete the sentences. Use the Present
The winner is the student who It will be our immense pleasure to You at the event. your area, your town or your points classmate. You can also make up your
Famous people like sports as well. For instance, many members of Decide on a way to present your findings to the Simple of the verbs. (30 points)
guesses the fastest. Your indebted fans. village? own exercises and give them to a
the British royal family love sports. Do you know anything about the class (as a poster, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.). E.g.: I (not like) roller coasters. I (get)
Dans chart friend to solve.
British royal family? Share ideas with your deskmate. After analyzing the results, you could give your really scared of them.

18 19 22 23

Discut Scrie tii? Test de autoevaluare/


Reading Citete
Revision Revision I (Units 1-4) Revision I (Units 1-4) Revision
Evaluation Test* B: No, she
e) My grandparents (not like) going out. I Imagine your
mum is a

I Choose the correct words and write the questions They (prefer) to stay home. superheroine.
in your notebook. (20 points) f ) My brother (watch) TV all day. He (not What can she do?

E.g:.: Do/ Does your dad cook? do) anything else. What cant she do?

Does your dad cook? Write an essay of
a) Do/ Does your best friend play football?
b) Do/ Does you like pizza?
c) Do/ Does your parents play computer games?
IV Complete the questions with Do or Does.

E.g.: ... you like acting?

(12 points)
maximum 100
words, using as
many sentences
d) Do/Does your teacher give you a lot of Do you like acting? with can and cant.
homework? a) ... Mary want to be a doctor? E.g.: My mum is a
e) Do/ Does you hang out with your friends b) ... we study the same subjects? superheroine and
after school? c) ... I sing well? she can fly and
d) ... Adam and Louis play in the orchestra? clean the house in

II .Put the words in order to make sentences.

(20 points)
E.g.: computer games / in the morning / I / play /
e) ... you send your friends text messages?
f ) ... your mum and dad speak English?
a second. She cant
cook, she needs
her sidekicks help.

Listening Ascult
never Write questions from the sentences. (6 points)
I never play computer games in the morning.
E.g.: The theatre group meets every Wednesday.
Listen to the song from the digital textbook (Do Ask your deskmate to check your essay
a) often / with friends / hang out / in the park / we Does the theatre group meet every Wednesday?
you like ice cream?). Create similar dialogues, as and to make corrections. Talk about your
b) sad / I / when / Im / never / dance a) They organize a carnival every year.
in the example. work with your partner and then change your
c) goes / with her mum / she / sometimes / b) Everyone joins in the carnival.
E.g.: A: Do you like ice cream? text accordingly, taking into account all his/ her
shopping c) People dance in the streets.
B: Yes, I do. I like ice cream. observations.
d) after school / always / his homework / does / he d) Steel bands play calypso music.
A: Do you like broccoli ice cream?
e) rarely/ in/ meet/ park/ school/ they/ after/the
e) Calypso music comes from Trinidad.
B: No, I dont. I dont like broccoli ice cream. Copy the table below in your notebook,
f ) Daniel/ time/ always/ for/ in/ is/ work f ) The police enjoy the carnival too.
then fill it in, telling what you think you
g) never/ happy/ they/ it/ when/ are/ rains
h) the piano/ I/ sometimes/ play/ in the
evening VI Choose the correct words, then write the
sentences in your notebook. (24 points)
III Imagine you are an alien. Describe yourself
and your family. Use a family tree. Write a
short essay of maximum 100 words.
can do or what you think you cant do after
studying units 1, 2, 3 and 4. Tell the truth.
Swap tables with your partner and ask him/

i) you/ dishes/ how often/ wash/ do/ the? E.g.: He work/ works all day.

E.g.: I am 3 meters tall. Ive got four arms and three her to evaluate your work. Are your opinions
j) usually/ her/ his/ with/ helps/ Mary/brother/ He works all day.
eyes. Ive got a huge family: two mothers and two similar? Talk about them. Ask your teachers
a) Our dog hate / hates chocolate. fathers, 12 sisters and 6 brothers. opinion, too.

III .Complete the following sentences. Use the b) We live / lives in a small house.
Present Simple of the verbs. (28 points) c) My aunt and uncle sing / sings all the Now I can... My opinion My deskmates opinion My teachers opinion
E.g.: I (not like) roller coasters. I (get) really time.
d) My sister want / wants a black bicycle. Use the verb to be in the Present Simple
scared on them.
I dont like roller coasters. I get really scared e) You and your friends like / likes playing Speak about daily activities
on them. cards. Express ability
a) My mum (not sleep) a lot. She only f ) I go / goes to school at 7.45 am. Use have got and has got correctly
(need) five or six hours. g) We buy / buys apples in the market.
Express possession using my, your, etc.
b) A: you ... (study) English? h) They dont / doesnt come from UK.
B: No, I i) My mum wash / washes the apples. Describe people and family members
c) My dad (sing) really well but he j) My mum and I have / has an apple Express ability or lack of ability with can

says he (not enjoy) it. every day. and cant

d) A: your sister . (play) in the k) Apples contain / contains antioxidants. Give commands, instructions and
school basketball team? l) My dad dont / doesnt like apples. directions
Make up simple questions
* This is an evaluation test. Your English teacher checks it.

36 37

EVALUARE RECAPITULARE Lets remember! S ne amintim!

How to Use This Textbook
THIS TEXTBOOK HAS There are icons used only
a printed form and a digital one in the digital textbook:



Look at


The textbook is divided into units. Each unit contains:

Title of the unit Reading Project


Daily Life Unit Unit
Project - Interview Self-check Unit

Daily Life 2 2 2
Reading II
Choose the correct words. Write the sentences
in your notebook. (10 points)
e.g. My mum have/ has an apple every day.
I dont like roller coasters. I get really scared
of them.
a) My dad (not sleep) a lot. He only (need)
Read the following text and compare it with what you know My mum has an apple every day. five or six hours.
about the British royal family. a) We buy/ buys fresh vegetables from the b) A: you (study) English?
market. B: Yes, I
Kate Middleton b) They dont/ doesnt come from Spain. c) My uncle (cook) really well but he says he
Kate Middleton is an English woman. She likes sports (especially c) My mum do/ does the washing up after (not enjoy) it.
hockey) and taking photos. Her daily life is very busy. She works meals. d) A: your sister (play) in the school foot-
with many organizations to help children and sportspeople. d) I eat/ eats breakfast every day. ball team?
Why is she special? e) Apples contain/ contains vitamins. B: No, she
Because everyone knows her all over the world! You can see e) My grandparents (not like) travelling.
her photo in magazines and newspapers or on the Internet. She
is the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband is Prince William,
the Duke of Cambridge. Williams father is Prince Charles and his
II Put the word between brackets into the right
E.g.: I go to bed late. (sometimes)
(20 points)
They (prefer) staying home.

grandmother is Queen Elizabeth II of Britain! I sometimes go to bed late.

a) Mark studies hard before tests. (always)
b) We are bored on Sundays. (never)
Writing Work in teams of 34 pupils. Decide on a teacher suggestions about the type of school c) Daniel gets up early at weekends.
number of questions to ask your classmates (or clubs you might be interested in. (sometimes)
Copy the following table in your notebook and mark the following schoolmates) about their daily life. d) We help mum with housework. (often)
sentences as T (True), F (False) or ? (I dont know): DO YOU KNOW? You can choose from this set of questions: Evaluation: e) David is funny at parties. (usually)

Do you play any sports? a) clarity and attractiveness of the final

True False I dont know Prince Charles has properties in Are you a member of any sports team? product: 20 points; Complete the questions with Do or Does.
Kate Middleton lives in France. Transylvania, and you can even Do you ever listen to games on the b) team work (each member of the group has Write the questions in your notebook.
Kate Middleton dances a lot. spend some days there. Check radio? a role and contributes to the project): 20 (20 points)
Listening You cannot find her picture on the
them on a map of Romania Do you like playing tennis? points; E.g.: you like acting?
(Viscri, Zlan Valley, Mlncrav). Do you like watching car races? c) presentation skills (good English, everybody Do you like acting?
Listen to the following dialogue form your digital textbook, then act it How often do you exercise? says something, body language): 30 points; a) Ann want to be a nurse?
Her husband is the Queens grandson.
out with your partner using the following transcript. What do you think is the most popular sport d) ability to answer questions from the class b) I sing well?
Betty: Look, thats my favourite place in the area. She has got two children. in the world? or from the teacher: 20 points; c) Andrew and Mark play the violin?
Radu: Why? Look at the family tree from Unit 1 (page 13). Draw Prince Williams What is your favorite team sport? e) creativity: 10 points. d) you send your friends text messages?
Betty: Because I love sports! family tree. What sport do you think is the most e) your friend speak English? Go to page 128 and check your answers. Add the
Radu: Really? Do you like football, too? Read the following invitation. (Check the unknown words at http:// dangerous? points. What is your score?
GAMES & PUZZLES Betty: Yes, of course! I come here every week for a football game. Fill in the following invitation, using: You, What sports do you like to watch on TV or Love football

Play a guessing game with

Radu: Cool! Do you go to the mall, too?
Betty: Well, sometimes. When I need to buy something special. Let me
welcome, funds, event, on, for.
on the Internet?
How do you feel about extreme sports?
Like golf
Play IV Turn the sentences into questions and
write them in your notebook. (20 points)
What can you do?

your class. Imagine you are Exercise
show you the sports centre. Malls are all the same What do you do to keep fit? Basketball E.g.: The theatre group meets every Thursday. 140 You still need some practice. Study
somebody else (a classmate, a To: His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales Imagine you are a professional daily
The aim of this project is to help you know Does the theatre group meet every Thursday? points the reference pages at the back of the
teacher, a famous writer, a star). From: The Fan group of students guide. You invite the British
your classmates (or schoolmates) better while a) They organize a carnival every year. book and solve the exercise from the
Your classmates ask questions
to guess your identity: Are you a
Speaking royal family to Romania. Using
information from you Geography
using your English and Math skills. You will also b) Everyone joins in the carnival. digital textbook.
Your Highness, improve your team spirit and presentation skills. c) People dance in the streets.
man? Are you a woman? Are you and History classes, make up Play 4180 You are doing well. You can improve
Work in pairs. Answer the questions: We kindly invite to Bucharest, Romania, to the charity Draw conclusions about your findings. Are there d) You dress up for the carnival.
Romanian? Are you? Count the an itinerary for the British royal tennis points your score by doing the exercise from
Does Betty like football? organized by our club 20 November 2017, to raise ... for the any differences between boys and girls? Calculate e) Children enjoy the carnival too.
number of questions a student family. What are the best places the digital textbook.
Does Betty like malls? disadvantaged children in our community. percentages and make a chart or a graph with
to visit in Romania? What about
asks to guess your identity. Many popular Romanian celebrities are invited this great cause. 81100 Well done! Be kind and help a
Do you like sports? your results. Complete the sentences. Use the Present
The winner is the student who It will be our immense pleasure to You at the event. your area, your town or your points classmate. You can also make up your
Famous people like sports as well. For instance, many members of Decide on a way to present your findings to the Simple of the verbs. (30 points)
guesses the fastest. Your indebted fans. village? own exercises and give them to a
the British royal family love sports. Do you know anything about the class (as a poster, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.). E.g.: I (not like) roller coasters. I (get)
Dans chart friend to solve.
British royal family? Share ideas with your deskmate. After analyzing the results, you could give your really scared of them.

18 19 22 23

Speaking Writing Do you know? Self-check Test/

Evaluation Test

Revision Revision I (Units 1-4) Revision I (Units 1-4) Revision
Evaluation Test* B: No, she
e) My grandparents (not like) going out. I Imagine your
mum is a

I Choose the correct words and write the questions They (prefer) to stay home. superheroine.
in your notebook. (20 points) f ) My brother (watch) TV all day. He (not What can she do?

E.g:.: Do/ Does your dad cook? do) anything else. What cant she do?
Does your dad cook? Write an essay of
a) Do/ Does your best friend play football?
b) Do/ Does you like pizza?
c) Do/ Does your parents play computer games?
IV Complete the questions with Do or Does.

E.g.: ... you like acting?

(12 points)
maximum 100
words, using as
many sentences
d) Do/Does your teacher give you a lot of Do you like acting? with can and cant.
homework? a) ... Mary want to be a doctor? E.g.: My mum is a
e) Do/ Does you hang out with your friends b) ... we study the same subjects? superheroine and
after school? c) ... I sing well? she can fly and
d) ... Adam and Louis play in the orchestra? clean the house in

II .Put the words in order to make sentences.

(20 points)
E.g.: computer games / in the morning / I / play /
e) ... you send your friends text messages?
f ) ... your mum and dad speak English?
a second. She cant
cook, she needs
her sidekicks help.

never Write questions from the sentences. (6 points)
I never play computer games in the morning.
E.g.: The theatre group meets every Wednesday.
Listen to the song from the digital textbook (Do Ask your deskmate to check your essay
a) often / with friends / hang out / in the park / we Does the theatre group meet every Wednesday?
you like ice cream?). Create similar dialogues, as and to make corrections. Talk about your
b) sad / I / when / Im / never / dance a) They organize a carnival every year.
in the example. work with your partner and then change your
c) goes / with her mum / she / sometimes / b) Everyone joins in the carnival.
E.g.: A: Do you like ice cream? text accordingly, taking into account all his/ her
shopping c) People dance in the streets.
B: Yes, I do. I like ice cream. observations.
d) after school / always / his homework / does / he d) Steel bands play calypso music.
A: Do you like broccoli ice cream?
e) rarely/ in/ meet/ park/ school/ they/ after/the
e) Calypso music comes from Trinidad.
B: No, I dont. I dont like broccoli ice cream. Copy the table below in your notebook,
f ) Daniel/ time/ always/ for/ in/ is/ work f ) The police enjoy the carnival too.
then fill it in, telling what you think you
g) never/ happy/ they/ it/ when/ are/ rains
h) the piano/ I/ sometimes/ play/ in the
evening VI Choose the correct words, then write the
sentences in your notebook. (24 points)
III Imagine you are an alien. Describe yourself
and your family. Use a family tree. Write a
short essay of maximum 100 words.
can do or what you think you cant do after
studying units 1, 2, 3 and 4. Tell the truth.
Swap tables with your partner and ask him/

i) you/ dishes/ how often/ wash/ do/ the? E.g.: He work/ works all day.
E.g.: I am 3 meters tall. Ive got four arms and three her to evaluate your work. Are your opinions
j) usually/ her/ his/ with/ helps/ Mary/brother/ He works all day.
eyes. Ive got a huge family: two mothers and two similar? Talk about them. Ask your teachers
a) Our dog hate / hates chocolate. fathers, 12 sisters and 6 brothers. opinion, too.

III .Complete the following sentences. Use the b) We live / lives in a small house.
Present Simple of the verbs. (28 points) c) My aunt and uncle sing / sings all the Now I can... My opinion My deskmates opinion My teachers opinion
E.g.: I (not like) roller coasters. I (get) really time.
d) My sister want / wants a black bicycle. Use the verb to be in the Present Simple
scared on them.
I dont like roller coasters. I get really scared e) You and your friends like / likes playing Speak about daily activities
on them. cards. Express ability
a) My mum (not sleep) a lot. She only f ) I go / goes to school at 7.45 am. Use have got and has got correctly
(need) five or six hours. g) We buy / buys apples in the market.
Express possession using my, your, etc.
b) A: you ... (study) English? h) They dont / doesnt come from UK.
B: No, I i) My mum wash / washes the apples. Describe people and family members
c) My dad (sing) really well but he j) My mum and I have / has an apple Express ability or lack of ability with can

says he (not enjoy) it. every day. and cant
d) A: your sister . (play) in the k) Apples contain / contains antioxidants. Give commands, instructions and
school basketball team? l) My dad dont / doesnt like apples. directions
Make up simple questions
* This is an evaluation test. Your English teacher checks it.

36 37


Competene generale & specifice General and Specific Skills


1. Receptarea de mesaje orale n situaii de comunicare 1. Listen to and understand spoken messages in
uzual common communication situations
2. Exprimarea oral n situaii de comunicare uzual 2. Express oneself in common communication situations
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise n situaii de 3. Understand written messages in common
comunicare uzual communication situations
4. Redactarea de mesaje n situaii de comunicare 4. Write messages appropriate for common
uzual communication situations


1. Receptarea de mesaje orale n situaii de comunicare 1. Listen to and understand spoken messages in
uzual common communication situations
1.1. Identificarea sensului global al unor mesaje i 1.1. Understand the overall meaning of common, clearly
dialoguri uzuale, clar articulate articulated messages and dialogues
1.2. Identificarea semnificaiei unor schimburi 1.2. Identify the meaning of common and clearly
verbale uzuale i clar articulate, n situaia n articulated verbal exchanges, when the interlocutor
care interlocutorul ofer ajutor pentru a facilita provides help to facilitate the understanding
nelegerea 1.3. Develop interest and manifest curiosity towards
1.3. Manifestarea curiozitii fa de unele elemente some elements specific to the cultural space of the
specifice spaiului cultural al limbii studiate studied language

2. Exprimarea oral n situaii de comunicare uzual 2. Express oneself in common communication situations
2.1. Prezentarea simpl a unei persoane/a unui 2.1. Describe or introduce a person or a character in a
personaj simple way
2.2. Stabilirea de contacte sociale pe baza unor 2.2. Establish social contacts based on simple
formule conversaionale simple (salut, bun rmas, conversational formulas (Hello, Goodbye,
prezentare, mulumire, instruciuni) introducing oneself, expressing gratitude, giving
2.3. Exprimarea preferinelor instructions)
2.4. Manifestarea disponibilitii pentru participarea 2.3. Express preferences
ladialog 2.4. Show willingness to take part in a dialogue

3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise n situaii de 3. Understand written messages in common

comunicare uzual communication situations
3.1. Identificarea informaiilor din panouri i semne 3.1. Identify and comprehend information from panels
aflate n locuri publice pentru facilitarea orientrii and signs from public spaces to facilitate orientation
3.2. Extragerea informaiilor dintr-un text scurt, nsoit 3.2. Identify and comprehend information from a short
de ilustraii illustrated text
3.3. Identificarea informaiilor din mesaje scrise 3.3. Identify and understand information from
simple de la prieteni sau de la colegi simple written messages received from friends or
3.4. Manifestarea curiozitii pentru lectura de orientare colleagues
3.4. Manifest curiosity for reading maps
4. Redactarea de mesaje n situaii de comunicare
uzual 4. Write messages appropriate for common
4.1. Redactarea de mesaje simple i scurte communication situations
4.2. Descrierea unor aspecte ale vieii cotidiene 4.1. Write simple short messages
(oameni, locuri, coal, familie, hobby-uri), 4.2. Describe aspects of everyday life (people, places,
folosind propoziii scurte school, family, hobbies), using short sentences
4.3. Manifestarea disponibilitii pentru schimbul de 4.3. Manifest willingness to exchange simple written
mesaje scrise simple messages


0 Back to School

Mrs Mary Jones

Mr Peter

Mrs Jones & Mr Jones

Mr Anderson & Mrs Anderson

Listen to the dialogue from the digital textbook or ask your teacher
Play Lets meet! with your to read it for you using the following transcript. Remember: close the
classmates. Work in groups of book while listening.
three students. Betty: Hi, Im Betty!
1) Take turns and introduce Dan: And Im Dan! Were from England.
yourself and one of your Betty: Were twins.
classmates to the other student. Dan: This is our friend, Radu. He is visiting us from Romania.
2) Each student is her/his Radu: Hello!
favourite character (from any Betty: Radu, this is our family album. Let us introduce you to our family
book, film or video game she before you meet them personally!
likes). Each student introduces Dan: There they are!
herself/himself to the others, Listen to all the dialogues from the digital textbook, then act them
giving details about the character. out with your deskmate.

Back to School Unit

Mr Paul

We use different terms to

show our respect for someone
in English: Mr is short for
mister we use it when
addressing men in general.
Mrs Jenny
Brown Mrs is used when addressing
a married woman. Miss is used
when addressing a girl or an
unmarried woman. Sir and
lady are very respectful terms.
For the members of the British
royal family terms like: Your
Ann Brown Majesty, or Your (Royal) Highness
are correct.


Jimmy Play Mime with your class-
Brown mates: one of you mimes an ac-
tivity and the others guess it.

Play Who am I? with your class-

mates: you are your favourite
character. Mime an activity he
or she is famous for. Your class-
mates guess the character.
Work in pairs. Talk to your deskmate about the picture above, and
answer the following questions:
Who are the people in the photos?
Who is Bettys mother? Play Quiz TV Show with your
Who is Dans father? classmates: One of you is the
Who is Ann Brown? host, the others are the compet-
Who is Jimmy Brown? itors. The host asks you: to name
Fill in the gaps with the correct greeting: the months to name the days
When you arrive somewhere, in the morning you say: of the week to say all the col-
In the evening, you say: ours you know to count to 25
When you leave a place, you say: to name as many jobs as you
You meet Harry Potter. Introduce yourself to him. (Listen to the know, etc.
dialogues from the digital textbook again. They give more examples).


1 Personal Profiles

Hi! Lets meet our

Welcome to classmates!
our school!

Start working on your student
portfolio. Its title is Facts about Listen to the following dialogue from the digital textbook and act it
Great Britain. Add facts for out with your partner using the transcript:
every topic you discuss in class. David: Hello, Betty! How are you?
You can write on paper or Betty: Hi, David! Fine, thank you. This is Radu. He comes from
create PowerPoint Romania.
presentations or even a blog. Radu: Nice to meet you, David.
Discuss it with your classmates David: Nice to meet you, too. Are you our new classmate?
and teacher. Add photos, videos Radu: I think so. Im in class 5B. And you?
and any other material you may David: Im in class 5B too. I have to go, now. See you later!
consider relevant. Your teacher Radu: Byebye! See you soon!
can grade your work from time Betty: Lets go and meet our classmates!
to time. Bring it to school for Listen and repeat the alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,
the final revision. P, Q, R. S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. (Use your digital textbook).

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh I

Personal Profiles Unit

Speaking 1
Work in pairs. Ask and answer how to spell your name: ROLE PLAY
E.g.: How do you spell your name?
D-A-V-I-D Ask and answer. Work in pairs.
Act out a dialogue between
Listening two children. One of them (B) is
introducing a friend, Rafael, to a
Listen to the dialogue from the digital textbook, then act it out with classmate (A).
your classmates, using the following transcript: A: Whats his/her name?
David: Hello, guys! I want to introduce you to our new classmate, B: He is Rafael.
Radu. He is from Romania. He is Romanian. A: Where is he from?
Francesca: Hi, Radu! Im Francesca. I am from Italy. Nice to meet B: He is from Spain.
you! A: How old is he?
Rafael: Hello, Radu! Im Rafael. Im from Spain. Pleased to meet B: He is 12 years old.
you! A: What does he like doing?
Michelle: Hello! My name is Michelle. I am from France. Nice to B: He likes reading books with
meet you! super heroes. He loves Batman.
Aisha: Hi, I am Aisha and I am from India. Nice to meet you! A: Wow! I want to meet him,
Cindy: Hello! My name is Anna. I am from Russia. Glad to see because I like Catwoman.
Act out similar dialogues with your classmates, after you watch the
film about countries and nationalities from the digital textbook.

Writing Start a class portfolio (blog):

We love Great Britain. Add
YouTube videos about Great
Copy the following table in your notebook, then complete it using
Britain, clips from different
the information from the dialogue above.
documentaries or films about
British history, culture, life and
Name Country Nationality
customs, about British celebrities,
Radu Romania Romanian etc. Dedicate a special section
Francesca Italian to a collection of English
Spain Spanish childrens songs (you can find
Michelle French them on YouTube or you may
India Indian buy their audio files online).
Anna Russian This site is to be
accessed by you and your
Copy the following words in your notebook, then write the correct teacher during classes as a
word (I, we, you, he, she, it, they) that can replace them: digital teaching material. (For
Pencil case Cat instance, add a video like Why
I and Ben You and Claire are the British obsessed with
James Books tea? from the digital textbook.
Mary She and David Then use this video to find out
Fill in the blanks with the right word (I, you, he, she, it, we): new words and as a teaching
Radu is Romanian. isnt French. Betty and Dan Jones are from material in Unit 8 there you
England. arent from France. Bernie and I are high school find how to prepare the perfect
students. arent primary school students. cup of tea.)

Personal Profiles
ROLE PLAY We use to be to speak about:
appearance: I am tall.
Imagine you are Snow White.
character: My grandparents are very kind.
You meet Harry Potter at Prince
job: My father is a pilot.
Charmings birthday party.
nationality: Radu is Romanian.
Introduce yourself, then in-
age: She is 13 years old.
troduce your friends, Dopey,
Grumpy, and Doc. (Watch the
animated film Snow White and
the Seven Dwarfs (1937) to Writing
remember who they are.)
Imagine you are Prince Write 23 sentences about your favourite character from a video
Charming. You meet Pinocchio game or a story.
at your birthday party. Introduce Copy the following table in your notebook, then fill in the missing
yourself and ask him to do the words. Do you remember all the forms of the verb to be?
Long form Short form Long form Short form
I am m I am not Im not Am I?
are Youre are not arent Are ?
is s is not He Is ?
is Shes is not isnt Is ?
It s It not It it?
are Were are not arent Are ?
You re You not You you?
. are Theyre are not arent Are ?

a e an e
Read Micaelas poster, then make your own posters adding photos,
drawings, etc. Read them to your classmates. Stand in alphabetical order.

My names Micaela. Im 11
years old. Im in class 5D. I
live in Manchester, England. I
am tall and thin. Ive got brown
eyes and brown hair. Ive got
a sister. She is 18 years old. I
like playing computer games.
My favourite food is pizza.

Personal Profiles Unit

Mrs Jones Mr Jones Mr Anderson Mrs Anderson

Mr Peter Jones Mrs Mary Jones Mrs Jenny Brown Mr Paul Brown

Betty Jones Dan Jones Ann Brown Jimmy Brown


Imagine you are a reporter,

whowants to find more
information about your
deskmate. Remember your
History classes, and your
Speaking knowledge about the history of
a family. Here are some possible
Work in pairs. Meet Dan and Bettys family. Look at the picture above, questions to ask: What is your
then answer the following questions: mothers job? What is your
a) How many uncles has Betty got? fathers job? What are your
b) Has Mary Jones got any brothers or sisters? chores? What do you do for
c) What does Dan look like? fun? Do you know any stories
Listen to the dialogue from the digital textbook carefully. Betty talks about your ancestors? Have
about her family with Radu. Act out similar dialogues. you got any old photos you
Describe five members of Bettys family. Use the following words: could show me?
tall, short, young, old, fat, thin. Remember to mention the colour of
their eyes and hair.

Personal Profiles
1 Writing
Copy the correct answer and write the sentences in your notebook:
E.g.: Ann is/has my sister.
Guess the famous character! Ann is my sister.
Read the following description a) Peter is/has got blonde hair.
and guess the character: b) The twins are/have got twelve.
He is tall and slim. He has got c) My friend is/has got a bike.
black hair, green eyes, and a Choose the correct words and write the sentences into your
strange scar on his forehead. He notebook:
wears round glasses held together E.g.: She ... many friends.
with a lot of Scotch tape. He is a a) is b) has got
wizard. She has got many friends.
The giraffe ... a long neck.
(Harry Potter)
a) is b) has got
My grandma ... an old house.
a) is b) has got
Zebras ... stripes.
a) is b) have got
Foxes ... wild animals.
a) are b) have got
Correct the sentences. Use the words in brackets. Write the correct
sentences in your notebook.
E.g.: I have got a brother. (sister)
No, I havent got a brother. I have got a sister.
a) My cousin has got two cats. (dogs)
b) Jane and Tom have got a beautiful house. (flat)
c) We have got five books. (notebooks)
d) My cat has got black fur. (grey)

Project - My family tree

Draw your family tree. Add the photos of your relatives. (Dontt
forget to write short labels under the photos, such as: My
mother, Mrs. You may also write their age
and job titles.) Bring the poster to school and
introduce yourself and your family using the family
Your classmates evaluate:
the clarity and attractiveness of the final
your presentation skills (good
English, body language, etc.);
your ability to answer questions
from the class or from the
your creativity.
Tip: Listen to the dialogue
between Betty and Radu from your
digital textbook again. It can help
you prepare for your presentation.
Self-check Test* Unit

I Read the sentences below and decide if the s
comes from is or has. Write the sentences with
the long forms in your notebook. (30 points)
d) They blue eyes .
e) The books on the desk.
f ) The Big Ben in Paris. It in London.
E.g.: Marys tall and slim. g) He a moustache, but he a beard.
Mary is tall and slim.
a) Georges got three cats.
b) Shes got blue eyes.
c) Hes 12 years old.
III Watch the film about countries and
nationalities from the digital textbook
again and match the countries to the nationalities.
Writethe pairs in your notebook. (20 points)

II Copy the following sentences in your notebook

and fill in the gaps with the right forms of to be
and have got. (30 points)
1) England
2) Romania
3) Spain
a) Japanese
b) French
c) Russian
E.g.: A: you from England? 4) Japan d) Romanian
B: No, I from Romania. 5) France e) English
A: Are you from England? 6) Russia f ) Spanish
B: No, I am from Romania. 7) Poland g) Greek
a) Andrew four pencils and six pens. 8) Turkey h) Polish
b) I 12 years old. 9) Greece i) Turkish
c) She a teacher. She not a pilot. 10) Germany j) German

IV Look at the picture

and complete the
description, using the
following words: has
got, brown, slim, short,
brown, blue, have got,
is, tall, brown. Write
the sentences in your
(20 points)
Dan is tall and He has
got hair and eyes.
His wife Jenny very
pretty. She is thin and
and . . long brown
hair and eyes. They
a daughter. She 11
years old and she has
got long hair.

Go to page 128 and Your score What can you do?

check your answers. 140 points You still need some practice.
Add the points. What is
4180 points You are doing well.
your score?
81100 points Well done! Be kind and help a classmate.

* This test, and all the other self-check tests can be used as evaluation tests by the teacher.


2 Daily Life

Listen to the following dialogue form your digital textbook, then act it
out with your partner using the following transcript.
Betty: Look, thats my favourite place in the area.
Radu: Why?
Betty: Because I love sports!
Radu: Really? Do you like football, too?
GAMES & PUZZLES Betty: Yes, of course! I come here every week for a football game.
Radu: Cool! Do you go to the mall, too?
Play a guessing game with
Betty: Well, sometimes. When I need to buy something special. Let me
your class. Imagine you are
show you the sports centre. Malls are all the same
somebody else (a classmate, a
teacher, a famous writer, a star).
Your classmates ask questions
to guess your identity: Are you a
man? Are you a woman? Are you
Work in pairs. Answer the questions:
Romanian? Are you? Count the
Does Betty like football?
number of questions a student
Does Betty like malls?
asks to guess your identity.
Do you like sports?
The winner is the student who
Famous people like sports as well. For instance, many members of
guesses the fastest.
the British royal family love sports. Do you know anything about the
British royal family? Share ideas with your deskmate.

Daily Life Unit

Read the following text.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton is an English woman. She likes sports (especially
hockey) and taking photos. Her daily life is very busy. She works
with many organizations to help children and sportspeople.
Why is she special?
Because everyone knows her all over the world! You can see
her photo in magazines and newspapers or on the Internet. She
is the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband is Prince William,
the Duke of Cambridge. Williams father is Prince Charles and his
grandmother is Queen Elizabeth II of Britain!

Copy the following table in your notebook and mark the following
sentences as T (True), F (False) or ? (I dont know): DO YOU KNOW?
True False I dont know Prince Charles has properties in
Kate Middleton lives in France. Transylvania, and you can even
Kate Middleton dances a lot. spend some days there. Check
them on a map of Romania
You cannot find her picture on the (Viscri, Zlan Valley, Mlncrav).
Her husband is the Queens grandson.
She has got two children.
Look at the family tree from Unit 1 (page 13). Draw Prince Williams
family tree.
Read the following invitation. (Check the unknown words at http:// Fill in the invitation, using: You, welcome,
funds, event, on, for.

To: His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales Imagine you are a professional
From: The Fan group of students guide. You invite the British
royal family to Romania. Using
Your Highness, information from you Geography
We kindly invite to Bucharest, Romania, to the charity and History classes, make up
organized by our club 20 November 2017, to raise ... for the an itinerary for the British royal
disadvantaged children in our community. family. What are the best places
Many popular Romanian celebrities are invited this great cause. to visit in Romania? What about
It will be our immense pleasure to You at the event. your area, your town or your
Your indebted fans. village?

Daily Life
2 Listening
Watch the two short films from the digital textbook: Raphaels Morning
Add information about the Routine and Emilys School Morning Routine. Listen very carefully.
British royal family to your
class portfolio We love Great Speaking
Britain. For instance, you
may use the following link to Work in pairs. Answer the following questions and talk about your
find out about The Queens answers with your partner:
daily routine: http://www. When does Raphael wake up? What is Raphaels morning routine?
al-news/queen-and-philip/a- What does Emily do after she wakes up?
day-in-the-life-of-the-queen- What does Emily do before breakfast? And after breakfast?
daily-routine/. Talk to your partner. Who is your favourite YouTube personality?
Sports person? Singer?
Think about your typical school day and describe your routine to
your deskmate. Ask your deskmate to do the same. Compare your
daily routines and find out at least 2 similarities and 2 differences.

Lets remember!
Study the following sentences:
I like Maths. Betty likes Geography.
We live in Romania. Dan lives in England.
Your teachers play sports. My teacher plays the piano.
They dance every month. My dog catches flies.
Why are the verbs in red different? Talk to your partner. Are your ex-
planations similar? Fill in the gaps:
When we speak about repeated actions, habits or general truths
using the Present Simple, the verb remains as it is in the dictionary,
except for the cases when the Subject is he, or

Choose the right form, and write the correct sentence in your
Think of a classmate and make notebook:
up 3 sentences about him/ her, a) My sister want/ wants a cat.
without mentioning the name. b) You and your friends like/ likes playing cards.
Say them out loud. Can your c) I go/ goes to school at 7.45 a.m.
classmates guess him/ her? d) Our dog hate/ hates noises.
e.g. He loves Art, he never Put the verb into the right form and complete each sentence. Write
misses classes, he wears glasses. the sentences in your notebook:
Is it Mike? a) My dad to work every day. (drive)
Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. b) My friends computer games in the evening. (play)
c) Betty milk for breakfast. (drink)
d) A doctor sometimes at night. (work)

Daily Life Unit

Study the following sentences: GAMES & PUZZLES
I sometimes watch cartoons with my brother.
My mum always drinks coffee in the morning. Play a game with your classmates.
They never help me with my homework. Find someone who:
They are often noisy during the breaks. has a dog;
Choose the right answer and share it with the class: has a cat;
The underlined words show how often an action happens. They are drinks 2 liters of water a day;
placed before/ after the main verb, but before/ after the verb to be. practises a sport every day;
likes skiing;
watches 2 films every week;
goes to the countryside in
Writing summer;
eats fruit and vegetables every
Put the words in order to make sentences. day;
E.g.: computer games / in the morning / I / play / never goes to school by bus;
I never play computer games in the morning. reads every day.
a) often / with friends / hang out / in the park / we Make up questions using the
b) goes / with her mum / she / sometimes / shopping Present Simple. Try to find at
c) after school / always / his homework / does / he least one classmate for each
d) never / late / for / is / she / school category. Write your answers
in your notebook. Share them
Speaking with the class.

Read the following sentences. Choose the correct answer for you.
A: Do you like strawberries? A: Does your mum cook in the
B: Yes, I do; I love them. morning?
C: No, I dont. I hate them. B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.
How is the verb to do used? Discuss with your partner.

Choose the correct words:

We use does to make questions and negative sentences when the
subject is he, ... or ... (in third person singular).
We use do when the subject is in any other person.

Turn into negative form. Write the sentences in your notebook.
E.g.: Romanians go skiing in summer.
Romanians dont go skiing in summer.
a) I like spaghetti. c) My sister plays rugby.
b) Dan lives in the USA. d) It snows in summer.
Write a short paragraph about your daily schedule in summer or
when at school.

este compus din:
Manual (carte + CD)
Caietul elevului

Ghidul profesorului C




Diana Ioni (coordonator)

Simona Drul
Corina Dumitrescu
Niky Paula Gheorghe
Adriana Giurgi
Alina Srbu
ISBN: 978-606-94044-2-3


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