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Anul universitar: 2018 – 2019, semestrul 2

Curs de ZI, Specialitatea: B: ENGLEZĂ

Istoria literaturii engleze: Literatură și Cultură

The Age of Enlightenment and the Rise of the British Novel;

The Age of Romanticism and of the Revolutions

Prof. dr. habil. Mihai A. Stroe

Cursul de Istoria Literaturii Engleze urmăreşte familiarizarea studenţilor cu

orizontul artistic şi ştiinţific ce a fost deschis o dată cu apariţia teoriilor iluministe şi
romantice; avem în vedere şi studiul teoriilor ce stau la baza naşterii romanului britanic
(inclusiv romanul gotic). În prelegerile de istoria literaturii se va realiza şi o scurtă
introducere în critica literară arhetipală, mitocritică şi teoria paradigmelor, astfel încît
studenţii să poată aborda textul literar din această perspectivă interpretativă (în acest
sens, cursul oferă cîteva categorii analitice care să ajute pe studenţi în studierea
fenomenului literar-cultural).
Structura cursului urmăreşte succesiv două niveluri de analiză şi descriere: 1.
Perspectiva de ansamblu a fenomenului – cursul începe cu o prezentare sintetică a
fundamentelor modernității (iluminism) și a controversei privind definirea
fenomenului romantic în contrast cu cel iluminist. Sînt luate în considerare fundalul
cultural al epocii romantice şi iluministe şi aspectele esenţiale ce stau la baza a ceea ce
se numeşte iluminist, romantic şi gotic. 2. Perspectiva de detaliu a fenomenului –
avem în vedere discuţii privind operele cele mai importante ale romanticilor şi
iluminiştilor, considerate fiecare în parte, pentru a discerne complexitatea
fenomenului, prin analiză de text.
Prelegerile pe autori vor urmări teme bine stabilite, care reprezintă dominante în
operele respective; prezentările vor fi sintetice şi rezumative, astfel ca studenţii să-şi
poată cristaliza o imagine de ansamblu a fenomenului literar-cultural.
Cursul de istoria literaturii urmăreşte să furnizeze şi cîteva categorii analitice
care să ajute pe studenţi în studierea fenomenului literar. Astfel, în cadrul acestor
prelegeri vom face şi o prezentare a unor importante metode critice care să reprezinte
pentru studenţi instrumente epistemologice ce vor putea fi utilizate în hermeneutica
textelor studiate la cursul teoretic.
1. The Enlightenment paradigm – Neo-Classicism: Rationalism, Mechanism,
Empiricism, Sensualism – versus The Romantic paradigm; origins and
backgrounds of Enlightenment and Romanticism; defining Enlightenment and
Romanticism in a scientific, religious and philosophical perspective
2. The Founding Fathers of the Enlightenment: Francis Bacon (New Atlantis,
1627), Descartes (Discourse on Method, 1637; Principles of Philosophy, 1644),
Hobbes (Leviathan, 1651), Spinoza (Theological-Political treatise, 1670),
Newton (Principia Mathematica, 1687; Engl. ed.: Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy, 1729; Opticks, 1704; Arithmetica Universalis, 1707;
Universal Arithmetick, 1720; The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended,
1728), Locke (Essay concerning human understanding, 1690), Leibniz
(Monadology, 1714; New essays on human understanding, 1765), Voltaire
(Letters concerning the English Nation, 1733; Candide, 1758)
3. The Founding Fathers of Romanticism: Robert Burton (The Anatomy of
Melancholy, 1621); Shaftesbury (Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions,
Times, 1711), Joseph Addison (On the pleasures of the imagination, in The
Spectator, no. 411-421, 1712); Edward Young (Conjectures on original
composition, 1759); J. J. Rousseau (The Social Contract, 1762); Thomas
Chatterton (Eleanora and Juga, 1769); Chateaubriand (Essay on Revolutions,
1797; Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb, 1849); Schiller (The Ghost-Seer, 1789;
Engl. The Apparitionist, 1826)
4. Romanticism and the Golden Section: the Question of Finite Infinity vs the
Myth of the Golden Age
5. Alexander Pope and the Great Chain of Being as the most important metaphor
of 18th century Enlightenment
6. Defoe, Swift, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne: the rise of the novel (cf. Ian
7. Defoe: the spiritual autobiography: Robinson Crusoe (1719) & Crusoe’s A
Vision of the Angelick World (1720)
8. The other Defoe: The political history of the devil (1726); A system of magic
(1727); An essay on the history and reality of apparitions (1727)
9. Swift: the human condition: Gulliver’s Travels (1726): science, literature,
10. Fielding: the Architectonic Novel: Tom Jones (1749); the ludic dimension: Tom
Thumb; the spiritual dimension: Journey from this world to the next
11. Sterne: the program of infinite continuity: Tristram Shandy (1759-1767)
12. Chatterton: the (dis)enchanted universe: Rowley, poetry and short prose
13. William Blake: man without a mask (Bronowski)
14. William Blake: cerebral mythology and the journey within
15. William Blake: The Everlasting Gospel and its sources (Morton)
16. P. B. Shelley and Mary Shelley: Prometheus Unbound versus Frankenstein
17. Lord Byron: the Byronic Hero: Prometheus, Manfred
18. Keats: the man of Negative Capability
19. Keats: romantic hieroglyphics – the significance of Egypt (Jennifer Wunder)
20. S. T. Coleridge: opium dreams and opium nightmares – Kubla Khan, The Rime
of the Ancient Mariner, Monody on Chatterton’s death (Abrams)
21. William Wordsworth: romantic imagination and memory: Tintern Abbey
22. John Clare – the Wordsworthian Shadow (cf. Harold Bloom)
23. Defending poetry: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley (Bronowski)

1. Alexander Pope (1688-1744): An Essay on Man

2. Thomas Chatterton (1752-1770): Elinoure and Juga; Clifton; Happiness
3. William Blake (1757-1827): The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Proverbs of Hell;
Songs of Innocence and of Experience; The Everlasting Gospel; Jerusalem (Book I)
4. William Wordsworth (1770-1850): Tintern Abbey; From Lyrical Ballads: The
Complaint of a Forsaken Indian Woman
5. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834): Monody on the Death of Chatterton;
Kubla Khan; The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
6. George Gordon Byron (1788-1819): Prometheus; Manfred
7. Percy Bisshe Shelley (1792-1822): Prometheus Unbound. A Lyrical Drama in
Four Acts (Act I); Ozymandias
8. John Keats (1795-1821): Bright Star: Love letters and poems of John Keats to
Fanny Brawne (Penguin Books, 2009); Hyperion. A Fragment; Ode to a
9. John Clare (1793-1864): Hesperus; I Am; An Invite to Eternity; A Vision; What Is
Life?; Nature’s Hymn to the Deity; The Deity; To Mystery; The Dream


10. Francis Bacon (1561-1626), The New Atlantis (1627, in Sylva Sylvarum, or A
Natural Historie)
11. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731): Robinson Crusoe; A Vision of the Angelick World
12. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745): Gulliver’s Travels
13. Samuel Richardson (1689-1761): Clarissa (letters 1-10; letter 246 = Lovelace as a
“machine”; letter 507 = containing Clarissa Harlowe’s Will; letter 518 = Clarissa’s
last, posthumous, letter; letters 531-537 = last letters)
14. Henry Fielding (1707-1754): Tom Jones (Book I); Tom Thumb; Journey from this
world to the next (Book I, chap. I-XII)
15. Laurence Sterne (1713-1768): Tristram Shandy
16. Mary Shelley (1797-1851): Frankenstein


1. Robert Burton (1577-1640), The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621; 1624; 1628;

1632; 5th ed.: 1638) (Of the Soul and her Faculties; A Digression of the Nature of
2. Voltaire, Letters concerning the English Nation (Oxford, 2009): Letters XII-XVII
(On the Lord Bacon; On Mr. Locke; On Descartes and Sir Isaac Newton; On
Attraction; On Sir Isaac Newton’s Opticks; On infinites in geometry, and Sir Isaac
Newton’s Chronology)
3. John Locke (1823) Essay concerning human understanding [1690], 24th edn.,
complete, with notes, in one volume. London: William Baynes & Son. Capitolele:
Of identity and diversity, pp 252-270; Of the association of ideas, pp 323-329; Of
words and language in general, pp 330-332; Of the imperfection of words, pp 397-
409; Of the abuse of words, pp 410-425; Of enthusiasm, pp 608-615.
4. G. W. Leibniz (1996) New essays on human understanding [1765]. Remnant P,
ed., trans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Capitolele: What identity or
diversity is, 229-247; Of the association of ideas, 270-271; Of words and language
in general, 273-278; Of the imperfection of words, 335-340; Of the abuse of words,
340-350; Of enthusiasm, 503-509.
5. Joseph Addison, On the pleasures of the imagination (The Spectator, no. 411-421,
6. Edward Young (1683-1765): Conjectures on original composition (2nd ed. 1759)
7. Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel, The Hogarth Press, London, 1987 (chap. I, II, III,
VII, VIII, IX: Realism and the novel form; The reading public and the rise of the
novel; Robinson Crusoe, individualism and the novel; Richardson as novelist:
Clarissa; Fielding and the epic theory of the novel; Fielding as novelist: Tom
8. a. Jacob Bronowski, William Blake: a man without a mask, Penguin Books,
London, 1954
b. Jacob Bronowski, The poet’s defence: the concept of poetry from Sidney to
Yeats, The World Publishing Company, Cleveland, 1966 (chapters: Percy Bysshe
Shelley, pp 57-88; William Wordsworth, pp 129-154; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, pp
9. M. H. Abrams, The milk of paradise. Octagon Books, New York, 1971
10. a. Mihai A. Stroe, Notă biografică: Viaţa şi opera lui William Blake în contextul
revoluţiilor (americană, franceză, ştiinţifică, industrială şi romantică), în William
Blake, Opere I, Cărţile profetice, Vala sau Cei patru Zoa, Institutul European, Iaşi,
2006, pp. 7-111
b. Mihai A. Stroe, Romantismul german şi englez. Ştiinţa arhetipurilor, ipoteza
interfinitudinii şi numărul de aur, Institutul European, Iaşi, 2004: capitolul:
-- „Definiţia fenomenului romantic”, pp. 145-194
c. Mihai A. Stroe, Thomas Chatterton: universul magic, Institutul European, Iaşi,
d. Mihai A. Stroe, John Clare şi canonul romantic: Metafizica Naturii şi poetica
Logosului mitic, în John Clare, Poeme, Institutul European, Iaşi, 2007, pp. 5-104


I. Curs: Examen oral: 100%:

--- 50% SUBIECT FICȚIUNE (din lista de subiecte de examen)
--- 50% SUBIECT CRITICĂ (din lista de subiecte de examen)
Nota minimă: 4,5 pentru fiecare dintre cele 2 secțiuni de examen. Dacă a promovat la
una dintre secțiuni, studentul nu repetă examenul la secțiunea de examen respectivă, ci
își păstrează nota, repetînd examenul numai la secțiunea de examen nepromovată.

II. Nota minimă la seminar este 4,50.

-- studenții care nu au obținut măcar nota minimă pentru activitatea de seminar
nu pot intra la examen în sesiunea obișnuită (intră la examen direct în sesiunea de
-- conducătorul de seminar hotărăște cum acordă nota de seminar; se recomandă
ca aceasta să fie bazată pe un test / examen parțial / notare continuă.
-- bibliografia de seminar poate fi complementară, i.e. poate conține și titluri care
nu sînt prezente în bibliografia cursului, dar sînt considerate esențiale de conducătorul
de seminar. ***
-- Nota de seminar intră în calculul notei finale în sens de bonus numai în sesiunea
obișnuită. Dacă nota de examen este mai mare, atunci o notă de seminar mică nu va
diminua această notă finală. Bonusul în sensul măririi notei se aplică numai pentru
cazul în care studentul a obţinut la fiecare dintre cele 2 componente de notare
(subiect teoretic și analiză pe text) minimum nota 8.

IN SESIUNEA DE RESTANȚE: Nota de seminar nu se mai ia în calcul.

IN SESIUNEA DE RESTANȚE: examenul este scris

(2 subiecte: ficțiune + critică, din aceeași listă de subiecte de examen oral).

Lista de subiecte de examen:
Ficțiune 22. Thomas Chatterton and the
1. The image of man in Pope’s An Gothic Revival
Essay on Man 23. Chatterton versus Blake versus
2. The fundamental tenets embraced Coleridge: the power of words
by Pope as a representative of 24. Blake’s symbolism in his poetry /
Enlightenment thought paintings; address the question of
3. The function of ambiguity in the the power of myth
English novel 25. The vocabulary used by Blake in
4. The main features of the gothic Songs of Innocence compared
novel: function and scenic effects with that in Songs of Experience
5. The problem of good and evil in 26. The function of the Heaven-Hell
Defoe Archetype / The power of myth
6. The power of myth in Defoe in Kubla Khan / The rime of the
7. The problem of good and evil in Ancient Mariner
Swift 27. Imagination versus fancy in
8. The power of myth in Swift Coleridge’s system
9. The nature and function of 28. The significance and function of
perspective / contrast in Swift’s memory / the past in Tintern
Gulliver’s Travels Abbey (Wordsworth) and/or other
10. The image of man in Swift’s romantic poems
Gulliver’s Travels. Refer at least 29. P. B. Shelley’s typical symbolism
to one of the four books 30. The power of myth in PB Shelley
11. Fielding and the architectonic 31. The image of the rebel in
novel (Tom Jones) Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound /
12. The problem of good and evil in The image of Egypt in Shelley’s
Fielding Ozymandias
13. The power of myth in Fielding 32. The power of myth / authority in
14. The problem of good and evil in Byon
Sterne 33. The image of the rebel in Byron’s
15. The power of myth in Sterne Manfred/Prometheus
16. The nature of perspective in 34. John Keats and the romantic
Tristram Shandy imagination/negative capability
17. The function of temporal pattern 35. The power of myth in Keats
in Tristram Shandy 36. Truth and beauty in Keats
18. The power of myth in Mary 37. John Keats and the power of
Shelley’s Frankenstein words
19. The image of the scientist in 38. The image of romantic love in the
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein work of a romantic author
20. Reason versus imagination in 39. The image of woman in Keats’s
Enlightenment/romanticism La Belle Dame Sans Merci
21. The story of Thomas Chatterton, 40. John Clare: the Wordsworthian
the boy-poet Shadow
Critică 10. The Founding Fathers of
1. The rise of the British novel: the Romanticism: Addison,
social and philosophical context Rousseau, Edward Young
(Watt) 11. The Founding Fathers of
2. The rise of the British novel: Romanticism: Edward Young
Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe (Watt) 12. The Founding Fathers of
3. The rise of the British novel: Romanticism: Burton (Anatomy
Richardson’s Clarissa (Watt) of Melancholy); Schiller (The
4. The rise of the British novel: Ghost-Seer)
Fielding’s Tom Jones (Watt) 13. William Blake: man without a
5. The Founding Fathers of the mask (Bronowski)
Enlightenment: Voltaire (Letters 14. S. T. Coleridge’s opium dreams –
concerning the English Nation Kubla Khan (Abrams)
and Candide), Leibniz 15. S. T. Coleridge’s opium
(Monadology) nightmares – The Rime of the
6. The Founding Fathers of the Ancient Mariner (Abrams)
Enlightenment: Descartes, Fr. 16. Defending poetry: Wordsworth,
Bacon, Hobbes Coleridge, Shelley (Bronowski)
7. The Founding Fathers of the 17. Romanticism and the (French,
Enlightenment: Locke, Newton, American, Scientific, Industrial)
Spinoza Revolutions (Stroe)
8. The Founding Fathers of the 18. Definitions of romanticism
Enlightenment: Locke versus (Stroe)
Leibniz (on human 19. Chatterton’s magical universe
understanding) (Stroe)
9. The Founding Fathers of 20. Clare’s metaphysics of nature
Romanticism: Chatterton, (Stroe)

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