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Teste ALPHA ....................................................................................
Informaii generale
Testul de Competen Lingvistic General (TCLG)
Testul de Competen Lingvistic Speciala (TCLS)
Grila de autoevaluare .................................................... .................
Programa pentru limba englez ....................................................
Scriere (S)
nelegere - citire (Ic)
nelegere - ascultare (Ia)
Vorbire - conversaie (Vc)
Vorbire - exprimare (Ve)
Bibliografie recomandat
Modele de teste ALPHA ................................................................
Test de profil general (TCLG)
Teste de specialitate (TCLS)
Test de nelegere - ascultare. Proba audio
Test oral
Centrul ALPHA organizeaz teste de competen lingvistic si elibereaz certificate
acceptate sau necesare pentru diverse situaii academice i profesionale:
admitere ia acuitate (pentru o alt linie de studiu dect linia roman)
acces n licen
admitere la masterat
admitere la doctorat
deplasri n strintate
angajri, avansri pe post etc.
Aceste teste i certificate sunt armonizate cu Cadrul european comun de referin pentru limbi i
beneficiaz de recunoatere internaional.
Certificatele ALPHA sunt valabile
doi ani de la
data eliberrii.
Test de competen lingvistic general x
Test de competen lingvistic special x
Test de plasare (pentru alctuirea formaiunilor de studiu)
Testele de Competen Lingvistic General i Special
urmresc testarea a 5 competene lingvistice, conform Grilei de evaluare din Cadrul european comun de
referin pentru limbi, astfel:
Grila de evaluare
PROBA Al A2 Bl B2 C1 C2
Ia: nelegere -Asculta re
1 2
3 4 5 6
Ic: Inelegere-Citire
1 2 3 4 5 6
Vc: Vorbine-Conversatie
2 3 4 5 6
Ve: Votbire-Exprimare
2 3 4 5 6
S: Scriere
2 3 4 5 6
Punctaj: 5 competene x 6 puncte maxim = 30 puncte
Probe Timp Punctaj
Proba audio
nelegere- Ascultare (Ia) 25 min. 1-6
Proba scris
1. nelegerea unui text scris (Ic)
2. Scriere (S)
a. vocabular/structuri gramaticale
b. redactare text

35 min.

15 min.
25 min.

1 - 6
1- 6

Proba oral
1. Conversaie (Vc)
2. Exprimare liber (Ve)
3 min.
3 min.
1- 6
Punctajul minim necesar pentru admitere : 15; pentru licen, masterat, doctorat: 20
Punctaj maxim: 30
1. buletin/cane de identitate sau paaport;
2. carnet de student vizat pe anul n curs;
3. chitan n valoare de 60 RON pentru studenii i angajaii UBB/ 120 RON pentru ali solicitani.
TAXA pentru susinerea testului se poate achita:
- la casieria UBB, Str. I.C. Brtianu nr. 14 (orar: 12:00-14:00)/ Facultatea de Litere, str. Horea nr. 31 (Luni,
Miercuri, Vineri ntre orele: 8,30 --12:00);
- prin mandat potal, n contul IBAN: R019TREZ2165003XXX006747, cod fiscal: 4305849. V rugm specificai
pe chitan : pentru Centrul Alpha - UBB Cluj-Napoca i contul.
Se afieaz lista candidailor, cu punctajele obinute, la 4 zile dup susinerea testului, la Centrul
ALPHA i pe Internet, la adresa

Certificatele pot fi ridicate la 14 zile lucrtoare de la susinerea examenului, la sediul Centrului
ALPHA., n fiecare zi lucrtoare, ntre orele 11:00 i 13:00.
Certificatele se pot elibera si n regim de urgen, dup 2 zile lucrtoare de la depunerea taxei
suplimentare, reprezentnd jumtate din valoarea taxei de test.
Certificatele se elibereaz pentru persoanele care au susinut toate cele trei probe ale testului de
competen lingvistic.
Certificatele se pot ridica fie personal, pe baza actului de identitate (buletin, carte de identitate,
paaport), fie de o alt persoan, cu copia actului de identitate al candidatului.

Rezultatele nu se comunic
telefonic !
Testele de competen lingvistic general, care se finalizeaz cu obinerea certificatului de
competen lingvistic necesar pentru burse, angajri, promovri, sau alte situaii generale, se
organizeaz astfel:

Limba Englez de doua ori pe luna Miercuri
ORA 9.00

Limbile Francez
Roman etc.
de doua ori pe luna Miercuri
ORA 9.00

Programare obligatorie
Pentru acest tip de test, candidatul se va programa n avans cu cel puin 48 de ore, online, pe pagina
web a Centrului:
V recomandm s v prezentai pentru susinerea testului
cu cel puin 15 minute mai
devreme de ora programat.
Nu se permite accesul n sala de testare fr actele de identitate
i chitana de plat a taxei.

Informaii suplimentare privind desfurarea testului se pot obine la sediul Centrului ALPHA i Ia
Modelele de teste ALPHA, pentru limbile englez, francez, german, rus, italian, spaniol si
romn pot fi accesate pe Internet la adresa
Ghidul Candidatului se poate procura, contra cost, de la sediul Centrului.
* Vezi planificarea de pe pagina web. n lunile de var, iulie-august, Centrul ALPHA funcioneaz cu program
Centrul ALPHA organizeaz proba de limb strin pentru eliberarea certificatelor de competen
lingvistic acceptate pentru nscrierea la licen i necesare pentru admiterea la programele de
masterat i doctorat din cadrul UBB, n urmtoarele domenii:
Educaie Fizic
Psihologie i tiinele Educaiei
Sociologie i Asisten Social
tiina Mediului
tiine Politice, Administrative i ale Comunicrii
Teatru i Televiziune
Teologie Greco- Catolic
Teologie Ortodox
Teologie Reformat
Teologie Romano-Catolic
Testele de competen lingvistic special (pentru admitere, licen, masterat, doctorat) se
organizeaz conform unei programri care se anun prin afiaj la sediile facultilor i al rectoratului
UBB, la nceputul anului universitar.
Programare obligatorie a candidailor
Pentru acest tip de test, candidatul se va programa on-line, n avans cu cel puin 48 de ore, pe pagina
web a Centrului.

V recomandm s v prezentai pentru susinerea testului
cu cel puin 15 minute mai
devreme de ora programat.
Nu se permite accesul n sala de testare fr actele de identitate
i chitana de plat a taxei.

Deintorii urmtoarelor tipuri de certificate, conform Politicii lingvistice a
Universitii Babe-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, le vor prezenta la Centrul ALPHA
spre echivalare, n original i 2 copii xerox:
Limba englez:
Limba francez
Limba german:
Limba italian:
Limba spaniol:
Cambridge FCE, CAE, CPE
TOEFL - nivel minim 600 (valabil 2
IELTSAcademic nivel 7
Goethe certificat: ZDF, ZDB
CELI l, 2, 3, 4, 5
CILS l, 2, 3, 4 Roma
Se mai pot echivala i studii de minimum 6 luni, efectuate n strintate,
ntr-o limb de circulaie (englez, francez, german, italian, spaniola,
rus), pe baza actului din care rezult explicit perioada de studiu.
Echivalarea se va primi dup 3 zile lucrtoare, de la
depunerea actelor.
Costul unei echivalri - 10 lei.
Plata se poate face, fie la Casieria UBB, str. I. C. Brtianu nr.14,
ntre orele 10,00- 14,00 fie la Casieria Facultii de Litere, str. Horea
nr. 31, parter, luni, miercuri i vineri ntre orele 8,30 - 12,00, fie la orice
oficiu potal, n contul:
RO19TREZ2165003XXX006747, cod fiscal 4305849, cu
meniunea: Pentru Centrul ALPHA, UBB Cluj
GRILA DE AUTOEVALUARE (Conform Cadrului European
A1=1 p A2 = 2p B1 (nivel prag) = 3 p

Pot s neleg expresii
cunoscute i propoziii foarte
simple referitoare la mine, la
familia mea i la mprejurri
concrete, cnd se vorbete
rar i cu claritate.
Pot s neleg expresii i
cuvinte uzuale frecvent
ntlnite pe teme ce au
relevan imediat pentru mine
personal (de ex. informaii
simple despre mine i despre
familia mea, cumprturi, zona
unde locuiesc, activitatea
profesional). Pot s neleg
punctele eseniale din anunuri
i mesaje scurte, simple i
Pot s neleg punctele
eseniale n vorbirea standard
clar pe teme familiare,
referitoare la activitatea
profesional, coal, petrecerea
timpului liber etc. Pot s neleg
ideea principal din multe
programe radio i TV pe teme
de actualitate sau de interes
personal sau profesional, dac
sunt prezentate ntr-o manier
relativ clar i lent.
2 nelegere

Pot s neleg nume
cunoscute, cuvinte i
propoziii simple, de exemplu
din anunuri, afie sau
Pot s citesc texte foarte
scurte i simple. Pot s
gsesc informaii simple i
previzibile n diverse materiale
cotidiene (de ex. reclame,
prospecte, meniuri, orare) i
pot s neleg scrisori
personale scurte i simple.
Pot s neleg texte redactate n
principal ntr-un limbaj uzual
sau referitor la activitatea mea
profesional. Pot s neleg
descrierea evenimentelor,
exprimarea sentimentelor i a
urrilor din scrisori personale.
3 Vorbire

Participare la

Pot s comunic ntr-o
conversaie simpl, cu
condiia ca interlocutorul s
fie dispus s repete sau s
reformuleze frazele sale ntr-
un ritm mai lent i s m
ajute s formulez ceea ce
ncerc s spun. Pot s
formulez ntrebri simple pe
teme cunoscute sau de
necesitate imediat i s
rspund la asemenea
Pot s comunic n situaii
simple i uzuale care
presupun un schimb de
informaii simplu i direct pe
teme i despre activiti
familiare. Pot s particip la
discuii foarte scurte, chiar
dac n general nu neleg
suficient pentru a purta o
Pot s fac fa n majoritatea
situaiilor care pot s apar n
cursul unei cltorii printr-o
regiune unde limba este
vorbit. Pot s particip fr
pregtire prealabil la o
conversaie pe teme familiare,
de interes personal sau
referitoare la viaa cotidian (de
ex. familie, petrecerea timpului
liber, activitatea profesional,
cltorie i actualiti).
4 Vorbire


Pot s utilizez expresii i
fraze simple pentru a
descrie unde locuiesc i
oameni pe care i cunosc.
Pot s utilizez o serie de
expresii i fraze pentru o
descriere simpl a familiei
mele i a altor oameni, a
condiiilor de via, a studiilor
i a activitii profesionale
prezente sau recente.
Pot s leg expresii i s m
exprim coerent ntr-o manier
simpl pentru a descrie
experiene i evenimente, vise,
sperane i obiective. Pot s
mi argumentez i s explic pe
scurt opiniile i planurile. Pot
s povestesc o ntmplare sau
s relatez intriga unei cri sau
a unui film i s-mi exprim



Pot s scriu o carte potal
scurt i simpl, de
exemplu cu salutri din
vacan. Pot s completez
ormulare cu detalii
sersonale, de exemplu
numele, naionalitatea i
adresa pe un formular de
Pot s scriu mesaje scurte i
simple. Pot s scriu o
scrisoare personal foarte
simpl, de exemplu cu
Pot s scriu un text simplu i
coerent pe teme familiare sau
de interes personal. Pot s
scriu scrisori personale
descriind experiene i mpresii.
5 Probe x 6 p maxim la fiecare prob = 30 p maxim
Comun de Referin pentru Limbi)
B2 = 3p C1 =5p C2 = 6p

Pot s neleg conferine i discursuri
destul de lungi i s urmresc chiar
i o argumentaie complex dac
subiectul mi este relativ cunoscut.
Pot s neleg majoritatea emisiunilor
TV de tiri i a programelor de
Pot s neleg majoritatea filmelor n
limbaj standard.
Pot s neleg un discurs lung,
chiar dac nu este clar structurat,
iar conexiunile sunt numai implicite
i nu semnalate n rnod explicit.
Pot s neleg programe de
televiziune i filme fr prea mare

Nu am nici o dificultate n a
nelege limba vorbit, indiferent
dac este vorba de comunicarea
direct sau n
transmisiuni radio sau TV, chiar
dac ritmul este cel rapid al
vorbitorilor nativi, cu condiia de a
avea timp s m
familiarizez cu un anumit accent.

Pot s citesc articole i rapoarte pe
teme contemporane, n care autorii
adopt anumite atitudini i puncte de
vedere. Pot s neleg proz literar
Pot s neleg texte faptice i
literare lungi i complexe, sesiznd
diferenele stilistice. Pot s neleg
articole specializate i instruciuni
tehnice lungi, chiar dac nu se
refer la domeniul meu.
Pot s citesc cu uurin orice tip
de text, chiar dac este abstract
sau complex din punctul de vedere
lingvistic sau a! structurrii, de
exemplu manuale, articole
specializate i opere literare.

Pot s comunic cu un grad de
spontaneitate i fluen care face
posibil participarea normal la o
conversaie cu interlocutori nativi. Pot
s particip activ la o conversaie n
situaii familiare, exprimndu-mi i
susinndu-mi opiniile.
Pot s m exprim fluent i spontan
fr a fi nevoie s-mi caut
cuvintele n mod prea vizibil. Pot
s utilizez limba n mod flexibil i
eficient n relaii sociale i n
scopuri profesionale. Pot s-mi
formulez ideile i punctele de
vedere cu precizie i s-mi
conectez bine interveniile de cele
ale interlocutorilor mei.
Pot s particip fr efort n orice
conversaie sau discuie i sunt
familiarizar) cu expresiile
idiomatice i colocviale. Pot s m
exprim fluent i s exprim cu
precizie nuane de sens fine. In
caz de dificultate, pot s reiau
ideea i s-mi restructurez
formularea cu abilitate , n aa fel
nct dificultatea s nu fie sesizat.

Pot s prezint descrieri clare i
detaliate ntr-o gam vast de
subiecte legate de domeniul meu de
interes.Pot s dezvolt un punct de
vedere pe o tem de actualitate,
artnd avantajele i dezavantajele
diferitelor opiuni.
Pot s prezint descrieri clare i
detaliate pe teme complexe,
integrnd sub-temele, dezvoltnd
anumite puncte i tefminndu-mi
intervenia cu o concluzie
Pot s prezint o descriere sau
argumentaie cu claritate i fluen,
ntr-un stil adaptat contextului, cu o
structur logic eficient, care s
ajute auditoriul s sesizeze i s
rein punctele semnificative.

Pot s scriu texte clare i detaliate
ntr-o gam vast de subiecte legate
de domeniul meu de interes. Pot s
scriu un eseu sau un raport
ransmind informaii sau argumen-
nd n favoarea sau mpotriva unui
punct de vedere. Pot s scriu scrisori
subliniind semnificaia pe care o
atribui personal evenimentelor i
Pot s m exprim prin texte clare,
sine structurate, dezvoltnd
sunetele de vedere. Pot s tratez
subiecte complexe ntr-o scrisoare,
eseu sau raport, subliniind
aspectele pe care le consider
mportante. Pot s selectez un stil
adecvat destinatarului.
Pot s scriu texte clare, cursive,
adaptate stilistic contextului. Pot
s redactez scrisori, rapoarte sau
articole complexe, cu o structur
ogic clar, care s-l ajute pe
cititor s sesizeze i s rein
aspectele semnificative. Pot s
redactez rezumate sau recenzii ale
unor lucrri de specialitate sau
opere literare.
C2 = nivel excelent de cunoatere a limbii
pentru Testele de Competen Lingvistic General i Special - TCLG i TCLS
I. Lexic
1. Deducerea nelesului
cuvintelor din context.
2. Mijloace de mbogire a
vocabularului de specialitate
(compunere, derivare, abreviere).
3. Cuvinte cu mai multe nelesuri
sinonime, antonime, omonime.
II. Morfologie
1. Substantivul: gen, numr, caz.
Substantive numrabile i
2. Articolul hotrt, nehotrt i
zero. Referin generic vs.
referin specific.
3. Adjectivul i adverbul. Grade
de comparaie. Locul i ordinea
lor ta propoziie.
4. Pronumele personal, posesiv,
demonstrativ, reflexiv i
6. Numeralul ordinal i cardinal.
6. Verbul: exprimarea relaiilor
temporale, aspectuale i modale.
7. Prepoziii (loc, timp, sens).
5. Conjuncii (coordonatoare i
III. Sintax
1. Propoziia simpl afirmativ,
interogativ i negativ. Ordinea
cuvintelor n propoziie.
Inversiunea i accentuarea.
2. Fraza prin coordonare cu
ajutorul conjunciilor and, but i
3. Fraza prin subordonare. Tipuri
de propoziii subordonate.
4. Vorbirea direct i indirect.
Transformri. Corespondena
e.g. Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word
on the left: gleam A. gather B. shine C. welcome D. clean
e.g.1. loathe means A. dislike intensely
B. become seriously ill
C. search carefully
D. look very angry
e.g. 2. A ......... is a person who looks after our teeth.
Multiple choice:
e.g. 1. The strong wind ....... the man's efforts to put up the tent.
A. disabled B. hampered C. deranged D. regaled
e.g. 2 Because of the snow, the football match was ... until
the following week.
Derivation or Word Formation:
e.g. She had trained hard, so it was no surprise she won the race
.......... EFFORT
e.g. 1 When I noticed him, somebody was on the point of
giving him a letter.
When I noticed him, he .......................................
e.g. 2.1 wish you weren't going on that trip. RATHER

e.g. 1. How long have you known he was sick?
Oh, I .......................last year.
e.g. 2 Assistant; Good morning. Can(l) ......................... ?
Helen: Oh, yes please. I've come about the jumper.
Assistant: What (2) ............................................... ?
Helen: Nothing. The jumper is fine, but it's too small.
Assistant: I see. Would (3) ................................... ?
Helen: No, I don't want the money. I'd just like a bigger one.
Multiple choice:
e.g. He .......... for he didn't answer the phone.
a. must be sleeping b. must have been sleeping
c. must have slept d. might have slept

e.g. She walked into the sitting room. She ... (1) not even begun to
tidy up, but somehow she couldn't......... (2) the energy for it this
morning. She had had a terrible night and had been ,.. (3)
by the baby so many times that... (4) she wanted to.... (5) was
go back to sleep.
I. Forme ale textului scris
Exploatarea unui subiect din
domeniul de specialitate prin
utilizarea procedeelor specifice
limbajului academic: descriere,
naraiune, definiie, exemplificare,
clasificare, comparaie, cauza-
efect, generalizare etc.
n. Funcii comunicative
A exprima mulumiri, cereri,
opinii, comentarii, atitudini,
scuze, confirmri, necesiti. A
solicita informaii, ndrumri,
III. Genuri ale scrisului
Raport de studiu/activitate
Articol/lucrare tiinific
Curriculum Vitae
Scrisori formale/cereri
Eseu analitic i argumentativ
Sondaj i chestionar (interpretare
De date)
IV. Competene n urmtoarele
domenii generale de comuni
- contact social cu vorbitori nativi
sau noimativi ai limbii engleze;
- adresarea ctre instituii oficiale;
- cumprturi i servicii;
- vizitarea uiior locuri de interes i
- cltoriile i rezolvarea
problemelor de cazare;
- folosirea media pentru informare
i divertisment;
- probleme medicale i de
- studii n scopuri academice,
profesionale sau sociale etc.
Filling in application forms:
e.g. You are in the U.K. You know you will need a cheap air-ticket
to visit your home country. You decide to join a travel club so
that your journey will be as cheap as possible. Complete the
application form below.
Formal/informal letters, postcards, notes, notices:
e.g- I. An English friend of yours living outside the U.K. has given
you 10. 00 to buy a couple of books for her. She definitely
wants The Guiness Books of Records and she'd also like a new
pocket Oxford English Dictionary if the money she has given
you is enough.
Write to the bookshop advertised below ordering The Guiness
Book of Records. Find out from them whether 10. 00 will be
enough to pay for the dictionary your friend wants. Make sure
they send you full details of prices. Check on what methods of
payment they will accept and get them to confirm the latest
delivery date (your friend wants the books by the beginning of
e.g. 2. You are leaving the U.K. for a few weeks. When you arrive at
the airport you remember something you forgot to do before
leaving home. You can't contact anybody on the phone. Write
a brief note to a friend. Apologize for the trouble you are
causing. Explain to him what you want him to do. Thank him
for helping you.
Write the message and your friend's address on the card
e.g. 3. You have recently heard that each year the Axel Corporation
offers the opportunity for a small number of people to spend
between three and six months working in one of their offices in
Australia, New Zealand, the United States, or Britain. The aim
of the scheme is to promote international understanding, and to
foster an unawareness of different working methods. Candidates
for the scheme are asked to write an initial letter of application,
briefly outlining their general background and, more
importantly, giving the reasons why they feel they would
benefit from the scheme. In addition, they should indicate in
which country they would like to work. Write the letter of
Using illustrations, graphs, pictures:
e.g. I. The diagram below shows three types of bee. Compare and
contrast the three bees,
e.g. 2. Use the pictures below to construct a narrative.
e.g. 3. Suppose you are writing a report in which you must interpret
the three graphs shown above. Write the section of that report
in which you discuss how the graphs are related to each other
and explain the conclusions you have reached from the
information in the graphs. Be sure the graphs support your
Note taking

All the exercise types below are based on the Reading Selections in
the Tests.
I. Competene
A. Citirea rapid a unui text
1. nelegerea de ansamblu.
2. obinerea de informaii
3. identificarea etapelor unei
4. identificarea exemplelor
aduse n sprijinul unei
B. Citirea unui text de mai mare
ntindere, utiliznd strategii
C. Utilizarea materialului
nonverbal i a aparatului de
referin (ilustraii, diagrame,
D. Deducerea nelesului
cuvintelor din context.
II. Elemente de nelegere a
A. Lexic. Cuvinte cu mai multe
nelesuri, sinonime, antonime,
B. Structura propoziiei, a frazei
i a discursului.
1. Conjuncii coordonatoare,
subordonatoare i ali conectori
2. Elemente de coeziune
(referina, substituie, elips).
3. Mrci discursive
(semnalarea succesiunii
episoadelor, organizarea
discursului i punctul de vedere
al autorului).
III. Tipuri de texte extrase din
manuale, romane, reviste, ziare,
reviste de specialitate: articole,
interviuri, rezumate, scrisori,
orare oficiale etc.
True or False statements.
e.g. James Bond was afraid of the Russian spy.
Unique answers:
e.g. 1. In which city do the villagers described in the Urban
Villagers live? ...................
e.g. 2 ................ was the man responsible for the first steam railway.
Short answers:
e.g. According to the author, what does the increase in divorce
rates show about people's expectations of marriage and
marriage patterns?
Summary cloze:
A reading passage is summarized by the tester, and then gaps are left in
the summary for the candidate to fill in.
e.g. The Independent Scientific Committee on Smoking and
Health has just issued an interim report. It says that ............
smoking (that is, breathing in other people's ......... smoke) is
consistent with an increase in .................... of between 10 and
30 per cent amongst people who do not .........
Information transfer;
e.g. Completion of a reading task by supplying simple information in a
table, following a route on a map, labelling a picture, etc.
Identifying order of events, topics or arguments:
e.g. In what order does the writer do the following in her article? To
answer this, put the number 1 in the answer column next to the one
that appears first, and so on.
a. She gives some of the history of migraine.
b. She recommends specific drugs.
c. She recommends a herbal cure.
d. She describes migraine attacks.
e. She gives general advice to migraine sufferers.
Identifying referents:
e.g. What does the word it in line 25 refer to? ..............
Guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context:
e.g. . 1 Find a single word in paragraph 1 which has the same
meaning as the making of laws ..................
e.g. 2. Multiple choice
The word fortuitous in line 26 is closest in meaning to:
a. random
b. crammed
c. pressed
d. fortunate

- distingerea ideilor generale de
cele secundare;
- sesizarea informaiei solicitate;
- identificarea funciilor i
tiparelor de intonaie.
Tipuri de texte:
- monolog;
- dialog;
- dialog cu participani multipli;
- anun;
- prezentare tip curs sau
- instruciuni sau ndrumri.
Multiple choice:
e.g. When stopped by the police, how is the motorist advised to
A. He should say nothing until he has seen his lawyer.
B. He should give only what additional information the
law requires.
C. He should say only what the law requires.
D. He should in no circumstances say anything.
Sentence completion:
e.g. one of the best known artists of all times.
Information transfer:
Labelling diagrams, completing forms, showing routes on the
map, etc.
e.g. The candidate visits his friend Tom who has hurt his hand,
and the candidate (listening to the tape recording) has to help
Tom write his report of the accident. Tom also has to draw a
sketch of the map of the accident. He has drawn the streets,
and he asks you to fill in the details. Listen to Tom and write on
the map what he tells you.
Note taking
I. Competene lingvistice (lexical,
gramatical, semantic i fonologic).
II. Competeni sociolingvistic (adaptarea
exprimrii la relaiile sociale; registru oficial i
neoficiat; exprimarea politicoas).
III. Competen pragmatic
a. discursiv: organizare tematic i coeren
b. funcional:
microfuncfii: a da i a cere informaii, a exprima
i a descoperi atitudini, a cere/a sugera
macrofuncii. descrierea, naraiunea,
comentariul, explicaia, demonstraia,
expunerea, argumentaia, persuasiunea etc.
scheme de interaciune: ntrebare - rspuns
declaraie - acord/refiiz cerere/ofert/scuze -
acceptare/refuz salutri/ toast - rspuns
Teme interviu:
Prezentarea candidatului, familia, studii,
localitatea de origine, locuina, intenii
profesionale, pasiuni, preocupri, o zi de
munc-studiu, lecturi etc.
Teme discuie:
Prietenie, timp liber, sport i micare, profesii,
mijloace de transport, comunica-rea n lumea
modern, problemele lumii contemporane,
planuri i realizri etc.
Questions and requests for information
- single pictures for descriptions;
- sequences of pictures for narration.
Role play:
e.g. You want your mother (played by the tester) to
increase your pocket money. She is resistant to the
idea. Try to make her change her mind.
(between candidates)
e.g. I. There is too much sport on television.
e.g. 2. Your school has a substantial budget to spend on
improving facilities. The following have been
suggested as possible purchases for school video
equipment; a swimming pool; computer
equipment; a mini-bus; a sauna. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion
with your partner and try to reach an agreement
on the most suitable. Make other suggestions if
you wish.
Chilrescu, Mihaela, Paidos, Constantin, Proficiency in English, Iai, Institutul
European, 1996
Gleanu-Frnoag, Georgiana, Comisei, Ecaterina, Gramatica limbii engleze,
Omega Pres-Lucman, 1996
Jordan, R.R., Academic Writing Course, Nelson, 1992
Leech, G., Svartik, J., A Communicative Grammar of English, Longman, 1972
Smith, Mike and Glenda. A Study Skills Handbook, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Soars, John and Liz, Headway Intermediate, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995
Soars, John and Liz, Headway Upper-Intermediate, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Vince, Michael, Advanced Language Practice, Heinemann, 1991
Vince, Michael, Intermediate Language Practice, Heinemann, 1997
General English
Alpha Test of English Language Proficiency
Use of English (15 minutes)
Write in the boxes on the right the letter (A-D) of the correct word or phrase from
those given below that best completes the sentence. Only one answer is correct.
1. The notice says that people ... not throw waste packaging away.
A. will; B. could; C. should; D. might.
2. Food ... much more expensive in Britain since they joined the EEC.
A. becomes; B. has become; C. became; D. is becoming.
3.... we do our best or nothing will improve in this respect.
A. Or; B. Even; C. Either; D. Whether
4. It was ... hot and they all longed for a swim in the sea.
A. unbearable; B. barely; C. unbearably; D. bearably.


Rewrite in the boxes on the right the following
sentences beginning as shown so that the
meaning stays the same.
5. The quality of the two products' packaging was
6. Most people know about the necessity of re-cycling
materials, but they simply neglect it.
7. We hardly ever throw paper away.
8. Take producte' wrapping to the nearest collecting

There was
Even if.
We recommend.
Your sentences

Reconstitute the following text by giving the correct form of the verbs
in brackets In the boxes on the right
It is a pity that so much material (9. waste) all the time due to people's negligence
or lack of proper education. Nobody (10. deny) that if more concern (11. give) to a
really harmonious collective life, the benefit (12. be, definitely) sensibly greater
for each and all of us.

Your verb forms
Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Read the following text and then answer the questions on the next page.
Put a Stop to Waste
To eat a chocolate the box has to be taken out of a paper bag, the cellophane
wrapper has to be torn off, the lid opened and the paper removed. The chocolate
itself has to be unwrapped from its own piece of paper. But this insane amount of
wrapping is not only for luxuries. It is more and more difficult to buy anything
that is not done up in cellophane, polythene or paper.
The shopper is not interested in the wrapping. Useless wrapping accounts for much
of the garbage of each London household. So why is it done? Some of it, like the
cellophane on meat, is necessary, but most of the rest is simply competitive selling.
This is absurd. Packaging is using up the scarce energy and resources and is
messing up the environment.
Not much research is being carried out on the costs of alternative types of
packaging. How easy is it for local authorities to salvage paper, pulp it, and re-
cycle it as egg-boxes? Would it be cheaper to plant another forest? Paper is the
material most used for packaging - twenty million paper bags are apparently used in
Great Britain each day - but very little is salvaged.
A machine has been developed that pulps paper then makes it into packaging, e.g.
egg-boxes and cartons. This could be easily adapted for local authority use. It would
mean that people would have to separate their garbage into paper and non-paper,
with a different dust bin for each. Paper is the material most easy to re-cycle, and
now with massive increases in paper prices, the time has come when collection by
local authorities could be profitable.
Re-cycling already happens with milk bottles, which are returned to the dairies,
washed and refilled. But both glasses and paper are being threatened by the growing
use of plastic. More and more dairies are experimenting with plastic bottles and it
has been estimated that if all the milk bottles necessary were made of plastic, then
British dairies would be making enough plastic tubing to encircle the Earth every
five or six days.
The problem is plastic does not rot. Some environmentalists argue that the only
solution to the problem of ever growing mounds of plastic containers is to do away
with plastic altogether in the shops, a suggestion unacceptable to many
manufacturers who say there is no alternative to their handy plastic packs. It is
evident that more research is needed into the recovery and re-use of various
materials and into the cost of collecting and re-cycling containers as opposed to
producing new ones. Unnecessary packaging intended to be used just once, and
making things look better so more people will buy them, is clearly becoming
increasingly absurd. But it is not so much a question of doing away with packaging
as using it sensibly. What is needed now is a more sophisticated approach to using
scarce resources for what is, after all, a relatively unimportant function.
(SOURCE: The Sunday Times, January, 1998)
Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text and
then write the letter T if they are true or F if they are false in the boxes on the
1. Too many products nowadays are wrapped in unnecessary packaging.
2. Most London families refuse to throw away packaging.
3. The countryside is being spoilt by the overproduction of packaging.
4. In future paper and glass will replace plastic wrapping and containers.
5. Most of the 20 million paper bags used each day are recovered and re-used.
6. There is no danger that plastic will ever replace glass and paper.
Write in the boxes on the right the letter (A-D) of the answer which best reflects the
meaning of the text. Only one answer is correct.
7. The local authorities in line 13 are:
A. the town council
B. the police
C. the paper manufacturers
D. the most influential citizens
8. If wrapping paper is to be re-cycled:
A. more forests will have to be planted.
B. the use of paper bags will have to be restricted.
C. people will have to use different dustbins for their rubbish.
D. the local authorities will have to reduce the price of paper.
9. British dairies are:
A. producing enough plastic tubing to go round the world in less than a week.
B. giving up the use of glass bottles.
C. increasing the production of plastic bottles.
D. re-using their old glass bottles,
10. This insane amount of wrapping is not only for luxuries in paragraph 1 means that:
A. not enough wrapping is being used for luxuries.
B. more wrapping is being used for luxuries.
C. it is not only for luxury products that too much wrapping is used.
D. the wrapping used for luxury products is not necessary.
11. The environmentalists think that:
A. more plastic packaging should be used,
B. plastic is the most convenient form of packaging.
C. too much plastic is wasted.
D. shops should stop using plastic containers.
12. The author thinks that:
A. the function of packaging is not important.
B. people will soon stop using packaging altogether.
C. not enough research has been done into the possibility of re-cycling.
D. the cost of re-cycling is so great that it is better to produce new materials than re-use old

T or F


Composition/Essay (25 minutes)
Write a 200 word composition on ONE of the following topics. Use the space
provided below.
1. What are the advantages of spending a year abroad before starting your job?
2. Write a report to your Town Hall about the necessity and possibilities of re-
cycling in your hometown.
Use of English (12x0.25=3 points)
Multiple Choice
2 B
3 C
4 C
5. There was absolutely no difference/no difference at all/ whatsoever
in quality between the two products' packaging.
6. Even if they know about the necessity of re-cycling materials, most
people simply neglect it.
7. Seldom do we throw waste paper away.
8. We recommend that you take the products' wrapping to
the nearest collecting point.
Verb Forms
is wasted
can deny
were given
would definitely be
Composition/essay ((10+10+10)/10=3 points)
Purpose achieved and fluency [Tematic si coeren] (1 to 10)

Mechanics [Corectitudinea limbii] (1 to 10)

Variety of vocabulary and style [Vocabular l stil] (1 to 10) VS

Use of English + Composition/ essay(3+3=6 points)
Reading Comprehension (12x 0.5=6 points) Ic
True or False

Multiple choice

1 T 7 A
2 F 8 C
3 T 9 D
4 F 10 C
5 F 11 D
6 F 12 C
use only

Special English: GEOGRAPHY

Alpha Test of English Language Proficiency
Use of English (15 minutes)

Write in the boxes on the right the letter (A-D) of the correct word or phrase from
those given below that best completes the sentence. Only one answer is correct.
1. As he was taking pains to dig up a piece of rock, I took him ... a geologist.
A. as;; C. of; D. for.
2. The place is ... interest for the discovery of new oil deposits.
A. for; B, of; C. about; D. on.
3. Now I regret... money in that project.
A. to invest; B. invested; C. having invested; D. hadn't invested.
4. ... for the engineer, all the members of the working team arrived on time.
A. Other; B. Except; C. Apart; D. Besides.


Rewrite in the boxes on the right the following
sentences beginning as shown so that the
meaning stays the same.
5. Please help me find my way out.
Your sentences

6. To their amazement be ran out of the house.

7.I find it hard to believe he'll object.

8. Remember, tomorrow's trip will be a difficult
one, the project manager warned them.
The project manager

Reconstitute the following text by giving the correct form of the verbs
in brackets in the boxes on the right.
Strang said he had enjoyed (9. stay) with Mr. Magson and his family in England,
but that sooner or later, he and his company (10. have to) pay quite a price for this
piece of luxury. He gave me a drink, he thanked me profusely for everything and
let me understand he (11. expect) to dinner at some of his friends' house. He also
comforted me (12. say) he would visit me one of these days.

Your verb forms
Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Read the following text and then answer the questions on the next page.
Let us take a brief look at the planet on which we live. As Earth hurtles through
space at a speed of 70, 000 miles an hour, it spins, as we al know, on its axis, which
causes it to be flattened at the Poles. Thus if you were to stand at sea level at the
North or South Pole you would be 13 miles nearer the centre of the Earth than if you
stood on the Equator. The Earth is made up of three major layers - a central core,
probably metallic, some 4 000 miles across, a surrounding layer of compressed rock,
and to top it all a very thin skin of softer rock, only about 20 to 40 miles thick -
that's about as thin as the skin of the apple, talking in relative terms. The pressure
on the central core is unimaginable. It has been calculated that at the centre it is 60
million pounds to the square inch, and this at a temperature of perhaps 10, 000
degrees Fahrenheit. Oil borings down to 20, 000 feet have shown that the deeper
they go, the hotter it becomes. The temperature of the earth at the centre is
estimated to be anything between 3, 000 and 11, 000 degrees Fahrenheit.
But even so the deepest man has yet penetrated is about 10, 000 feet. This
hole, the Robinson Deep Mine in South Africa, barely scratches the surface; so great
is the heat at the 10, 000 feet that were it not for an elaborate air-conditioning
system, the miners working there would be roasted. The Earth's interior, therefore,
would seem to be of liquid metal - and evidence for this is given by the behaviour of
When an earthquake occurs, shock waves radiate from the centre just as
waves radiate outwards from the point where a stone drops into a pond. And these
waves pulsate through the earth's various layers. Some waves descend vertically and
pass right through the earth, providing evidence for the existence of the core and an
indication that it is fluid rather than solid. Thus, with their sensitive instruments,
the scientists who study earthquakes, the seismologists, can in effect X-ray the
Northern India, and more especially that part of Northern Pakistan known as
Baluchistan, is a particularly seismic area. In Baluchistan one of the greatest
earthquake disasters of modern times occurred in 1935, when the town of Quetta
was destroyed and 30,000 people lost their lives. Today, Quetta is the home of a
geophysical observatory where scientists make a special study of earthquakes. One
of the practical tasks of the seismologists in Quetta has been to calculate ways of
making buildings safe against earthquake tremors, and nowadays all houses in the
town are built according to seven approved designs. As a result, in a great
earthquake near Quetta only a few years ago, practically all the buildings stood up
and no lives were lost.
Iceland is one of the most active volcanic regions of the world. And it was to
Iceland that Jules Verne sent the hero of his book A Journey to the Centre of the
Earth, This intrepid explorer clambered down the opening of an extinct volcano and
followed its windings until he reached the Earth's core. There he found great oceans,
and continents with vegetation. This conception of a hollow earth we now know to be
false. In the 100 years since Jules Verne published his book, the science of
vulcanology, as it is called, has made great strides.
So, scientists believe that this tremendous heat is caused by the breaking
down of radio-active elements, which release large amounts of energy and
compensate for the loss of heat from the earth's surface. If this theory is correct,
then we are living on top of a natural atomic powerhouse.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text and
then write the letter T if they are true or F if they are false in the boxes on the
1. If you stand at the Equator you will be closer to the centre of the Earth than if you stand at the
2. The shock waves from an earthquake cannot pass through the Earth's central core.
3. Earthquakes often occur in Baluchistan.
4. All houses in Quetta have the same design.
5. Jules Verne suggested that the center of the Earth is hollow.
6. It is not known exactly how hot it is at the centre of the Earth.
Write in the boxes on the right the letter (A-D) of the answer which best reflects the
meaning of the text. Only one answer is correct.
7. The outer layer of the Earth is compared to the skin of an apple because:
A. it is only 20 to 40 miles thick.
B. it is thin in proportion to Earth's mass.
C. it is relatively thin compared with the central core.
D. it is softer than the other layers.
8. Which of the following is not true? It is thought that the interior of the Earth is not solid because
A. there is great pressure at the centre.
B. earthquake waves can move vertically,
C. the outer layer is made of rock.
D. the heat at the centre is too great.
9. The Robinson Deep Mine in South Africa is
A. too deep to work in.
B. too hot to work in.
C. no longer in use.
D. very close to the surface.
10. Since the publication of Jules Verne's book it has been proved that:
A. the centre of the Earth is not hollow.
B. oil borings cannot go deeper than 20,000 feet
C. the earth is hot at the centre because heat is lost at the surface.
D. the earth is in danger.
11. Which of the following is closest in meaning to hurtles in the text (line 2)?
A. travels
B. moves at great speed
C. revolves
D. wanders
12. Which of the following is closest in meaning to intrepid in the text (line 37)?
A. intelligent
B. inspired.
C. dauntless.
D. careful.

T or F


Composition/essay (25 minutes)
What are the arguments that your specialty can and does contribute to the
development of national and international economies? (150-200 words)
Use of English (12x0.25=3 points)
Multiple Choice
2 B
3 C
4 B
5 Would you mind helping me find my way out?
6 They were amazed to see him running out of the house.
7 Surely he won't object.
8 The project manager warned them that the following day's trip
would be a difficult one.

Verb Forms
would have to
was expected
12 saying
Composition/essay ((10+10+10)/10=3 points)

Purpose achieved and fluency [Tematic si coerena] (1 to 10)

Mechanics [Corectitudinea limbii] (1 to 10) CL

Variety of vocabulary and style [Vocabular i stil] (1 to 1 0)

Use of English + Composition/essay (3+3=6 points)
Reading Comprehension (12x 0.5=6 points)

True or False
1 F
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 T

Multiple choice
8 B
9 D
10 A
11 B
12 C
use only

Listening Comprehension (Approx. 20 minutes)
You will hear a text on the topic below divided into two parts. Each part will be repeated twice
The Missing Link
PART ONE: You have one minute to look at questions 1 to 6.
Write the letter of the correct answer in the boxes provided, according
to what you hear. Only one answer is correct. You have 1 minute.
I.The main idea in Darwin's 1871 book is:
A. apes and humans are very much alike
B. humans are descended from apes
C. apes and humans have identical ancestry
2. Most present day scientists
A. agree with Darwin's theory.
B. are familiar with Darwin's theory.
C. approve of Darwin's theory.
3. The common ancestor humans and apes are believed to share is
considered to have lived:
A. 5 centuries ago.
B. 5 millennia ago.
C. 5 hundred years ago.
4. Why can't Darwin's theory be proved?
A. Because more bones are needed before a definite conclusion can
be reached.
B. Because no 5 million year old DNA is available.
C. Because the theory is wrong from the start.
5. Some scientists say there still is hope for the theory to be verified by
A. remains of homo sapiens.
B. remains of a human subspecies existing prior to homo sapiens.
C. bones from a human subspecies that lived before and for some
time concomitant with homo sapiens.
6. Neanderthal is:
A. a mine in Germany
B. a valley in Germany
C. an archeological site in Germany


You will hear part one again. Then you will have one minute to give your final answers.
PART TWO: You have one minute to look at questions 7 to 12.
Complete the sentences, in the boxes provided, according to what you hear. You have 1 minute.
7. The famous Neanderthal bones were initially thought to be the remnants of
8. At first scientists were sure they had found the .
9. Later scientists the idea.
10. In order to reach a definite conclusion, Abel extracted a sample from the
11. Cells and the they contain deteriorate fast after death.
12. A professional scientist always his findings.
You will hear part two again. Then you will have one minute to give your final answers.
*Proba audio pentru TCLG i TCLS
The Missing Link (Tapescript)
In 1871, Darwin wrote a book called The Descent of Man where he makes it very
clear that humans and today's apes share a common ancestor. So, in some senses,
as one of our contemporaries said, the Darwinian man, though well behaved, is only
but a monkey shaved. Today many scientists subscribe to Darwin's theory. Indeed,
they place the missing ancestor as living 5,000,000 years ago. But the theory
remains impossible to prove. The reason? We have no DNA yielding evidence.
5,000,000 year old bones have never been found. But remains do exist of other more
recent human subspecies...
Abel was on his way to do what he does best: hunt for ancient DNA. He is
looking to get samples from the bones of a very early human, not homo sapiens but
a predecessor and one time neighbour. Those bones have been found here, in the
German valley of Neanderthal. He came to this archeological site which in the 19

century was a major open cast mine.
* * *
In 1856, local miners found bones littered across the floor of a cave. At first they
thought they were from a wild animal. But then, scientists declared they belonged to
a primitive human-like creature. Subsequent studies revealed the bones to be over
30, 000 years old. The species was given the name of the place in which it was
found: Neanderthal, and at first, in the 1850's at least, it seemed to verify the early
theories of the missing link. The Neanderthal belonged neither to modern homo
sapiens nor to primates, but to something separate: a creature half human, half ape.
But scientists have since disputed the idea. Abel believed he could offer a
final answer. In 1991 he took a sample form the original Neanderthal skeleton to
test its DNA. Testing methods at the time were comparatively basic. Cells decay
quickly after death as does most of their DNA. Abel's preliminary conclusions were
startling. It seemed the Neanderthal man belonged genetically neither to modern
humans nor to apes. But like any good scientist, Abel needed to verify his findings.
That meant obtaining more samples.
(SOURCE: The Discovery Channel, January 2004)
Listening Comprehension (12x1X5*6points) _______________________________________________________

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. B

7. a wild animal
8. missing link
9. disputed
10. original Neanderthal skeleton
11. DNA
12. verifies
TASK 1: Describe and compare the means of transport in the pictures and say why the people in
the photographs have decided to use them. (1-2 minutes)
TASK 2: You have been informed that cycling will become compulsory in schools as a sport
class. Talk together about the advantages and disadvantages of this initiative.
(4 minutes)
SPEAKING TEST 2: HOLIDAYS ____________________________________________________
TASK 1: Describe and compare how the people in the pictures spend their holidays and decide
which appeals to you more. (1-2 minutes)
TASK 2: Talk together about how you spent your last summer vacation. (4 minutes)
Examinarea oral dureaz aproximativ 12-15 minute i este asigurat de doi profesori
cu rol de examinator i evaluator. Candidaii intr n grupuri de cte doi. Examenul
oral are trei pri: interviu, exprimare oral, conversaie.
Interviu-ntrebri generale: localitatea natal, familia, pasiuni, interese profesionale,
planuri de viitor. Aceast parte se desfoar n interaciune cu examinatorii. Nu se
evalueaz. (3 minute)
PARTEA a II-A (exprimarea oral Ve)
Cerina 1: Exprimare cursiv pe baza unui suport vizual, timp de 1-2 minute de
candidat, fr ntrebri ajuttoare. Fiecare candidat primete cte un suport cu 2-5
imagini grupate tematic. Candidatul nu va vorbi obligatoriu despre toate imaginile, ci va
alege cel puin dou sau trei care i se par cele mai accesibile i/sau cele mai
interesante, n aceast parte a examenului, candidatul va descrie i va compara ceea ce
vede n imagini raportat la tema anunat. Candidatul va ncerca s explice situaiile
din imagini, cauzele sau efectele lor posibile, sau s-i exprime o opinie personal. Dac
i se cere s aleag imaginea care i se pare cea mai interesant, va trebui s explice
alegerea. ATENIE! Nu se acord timp de pregtire (nu se fac notie).
PARTEA a III-a (conversaie Vc)
Cerina 2: Conversaie ntre cei doi candidai, timp de 3-4 minute, n general
examinatorii aleg doar una dintre cele dou teme de conversaie bazate pe cele dou
tematici alese- (De aceea este important ca fiecare candidat s fie atent la ce rspunde
partenerul de examen la prima cerin.) n cazul n care conversaia pe tema aleas nu
se desfoar corespunztor ntre candidai sau se ncheie prea devreme, examinatorii o
pot propune i pe a doua. n aceast parte candidatul va pune partenerului ntrebri,
cerndu-i informaii, va rspunde la rindul su acestuia, explicnd i justifcnd opinii,
fcnd sugestii i discutnd posibiliti, exprimndu-i acordul sau dezacordul.
ATENIEI Nicumul dintre candidai nu va monopoliza conversaia. A nu se uita c n
aceast parte a examenului se evalueaz capacitatea candidatului de a purta un dialog.
Nu se acord timp de pregtire.
IMPORTANT! Dac nu nelegei instruciunile, cerei s vi se repete ntrebarea.
Aceasta nu va constitui un motiv de depunctare.
Varietatea i corectitudinea sintactic i lexical, fluena si pronunia.
(1-6 puncte: Ve)
Interaciunea n conversaie, ncadrarea n tematic i coerena.
(1-6 puncte: Vc).

S-ar putea să vă placă și