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Musulmanii din Romania nu spun daca au legatura cu "schimbul" clamat de Basescu

Fariz Allaqta, presedintele Ligii Islamice si Culturale din Romania, a declarat ieri ca toate
contactele realizate de comunitatea musulmana din Romania in vederea eliberarii
urnalistilor romani rapiti in Ira! au "ost realizate din proprie initiativa, "ara a "i obligati
de autoritatile romane# Allaqta a aratat ca musulmanii de la noi au uzat de toate legaturile
lor din $uropa, Ira! si din %rientul Milociu & inclusiv contactul dintre Ambasada
Romaniei la Bagdad si Consiliul Clericilor Musulmani, precizand ca respectivele
contacte au avut un rol pozitiv in rezolvarea crizei# 'e remarcat, "aptul ca o"icialii Ligii
Islamice au re"uzat sa raspunda la intrebarile ziaristilor prezenti la con"erinta de presa,
ast"el ca inca nu se stie daca musulmanii din Romania au avut vreun merit in "schimbul"
care a stat la baza eliberarii ostaticilor#
Fariz Allaqtta: "There's no forest without rotten trees"
Fariz Allaqta, President of the Islamic and Cultural League in Romania, said "There's
no forest without rotten trees" when taling a!out "mar #a$ssam at the end of a
news conference reminding a!out the e%orts taen !$ the &uslims in Romania to
rescue the three Romanian 'ournalists held hostage in Iraq( Allaqta refused to tal
a!out )octor *assin, to whom "mar #a$ssam transferred some of his fortune, as well
as a!out as+ects related to the Romanian hostage crisis(
Allaqta deli,ered +resentation to mass media re+resentati,es( The re+ort concluded-
""+erations to end crisis was a +articular one, di%erent from other cases of
'ournalists idna++ed in Iraq"( #e was ased if the Ara!ians in Romania had made
.nancial o%er to the idna++er or if the$ had contri!uted to e,entual ransom +aid !$
Romania( Allaqta re+lied .rml$- "The information we ha,e sa$s the hostages' release
wasn't +aid for in an$ wa$"( #e stated that the action taen !$ the organization he
was head of had had "decisi,e contri!ution" to o+erations meant to rescue the
Romanian hostages( /0(C(1(2
Complicii incep sa vorbeasca
Mohammad Munaf si-a mintit complicii ca rapirea celor trei jurnalisti urmareste ameliorarea
relatiei dintre romni si musulmani.
Mohammad Munaf, personaj care a indus in eroare oficialii Ambasadei Irakului din Romnia atunci cind a
cerut vize pentru cei trei jurnalisti romni sub pretextul ca respectivii fac parte dintr-o delegatie oficiala, se
pare ca i-a indus in eroare si pe indivizii care l-au sustinut in planul de rapire a celor trei romni !onform
unor surse judiciare, in urma audierii, la "agdad, in perioada #-$% aprilie, a noua irakieni &Abdel 'abbar
Abbas, (akim )hiab, *alam (ikmat, +usef Munaf, Mahmed ,haled, -mar ,hdeir, Musab ,haled, .ais Abdul
(afez si Ahmad Abdel *alam/ arestati in dosarul privind rapirea celor trei jurnalisti romni si a altor martori,
a reiesit ca Munaf ar fi invocat initial, in fata 0aghiotantilor1 sai, drept motiv al rapirii faptul ca in Romnia
relatia dintre romni si musulmani are nevoie de o ameliorare In acest sens, Munaf le-ar fi declarat ca
simularea rapirii ar fi pretextul ideal pentru a aparea in fata autoritatilor romne drept salvatorul
jurnalistilor 2umai ca, asa cum reiese din declaratiile unora dintre irakienii arestati, multi dintre ei extrem
de religiosi, rezulta ca acestia au realizat ca Munaf i-ar fi tras pe sfoara dupa momentul in care s-au cerut
cele patru milioane de dolari drept recompensa
*urse judiciare mai sustin ca un element-cheie in dosar care releva implicarea lui Munaf in organizarea
rapirii l-ar constitui o declaratie extrem de complexa a unuia dintre martori, irakianul Al-.asir *alam &nascut
in $% mai $345/, data la "agdad in fata procurorului !iprian 2astasiu, in care sint redate toate persoanele
contactate de 0locotenentul1 lui -mar (a6ssam si apropiatii acestuia pentru a planifica rapirea jurnalistilor
romni In plus, la dosar mai exista si declaratiile celor noua irakieni arestati date in fata unor anchetatori
romni, in care sint redate clar legaturile pe care Munaf le-ar fi realizat la "agdad, impreuna cu fratele si
cumnatul sau, pentru a pune la punct o presupusa rapire a jurnalistilor
7iaristii sint 0curati1
)aca, pina mai ieri, de la "agdad se lasa sa se inteleaga ca unii dintre cei arestati, inculsiv Munaf, ar fi
declarat ca cel putin unul dintre cei trei jurnalisti ar fi fost pus in tema dinaintea plecarii cu privire la rapire,
acum, surse judiciare spun ca din nici una din declaratii nu reiese ca ziaristii ar fi avut habar despre planul
rapirii lor *ingurul lucru pe care cei arestati l-ar fi sugerat in declaratiile lor ar fi acela ca jurnalistii ar fi
cunoscut riscurile la care se expun In acest context, unul din cei noua irakieni mentionati ar fi sustinut ca
le-ar fi propus jurnalistilor romni sa fie paziti, dar ca ei au refuzat, iar cind li s-a spus ca este periculos sa
circule fara protectie, ziaristii ar fi afirmat ca, in cazul in care li se intimpla ceva, au frati acasa care pot avea
grija de familiile lor
*urprinzator, intr-una dintre declaratii ar fi consemnata si cooptarea lui Abu *ahar - patron al firmei de
telefonie Al ,alm At 8ab, din !artierul 9niversitatii din "agdad &nr - zona in care jurnalistii romni au fost
rapiti/ - si unul din liderii gruparii 0"rigazile Mu:an ibn 'abal1 - care ar fi pus la dispozitie telefoane celor care
urmau sa-i rapeasca pe reporterii romni
Doar Hayssam e la racoare
Aceleasi surse sustin ca probele adunate de la cei noua irakieni si de la martorii audiati la "agdad au stat la
baza emiterii, de catre judecatorii romni, a mandatelor de arestare preventiva pe numele lui Mohammad
Munaf si al lui -mar (a6ssam in dosarul ;#<=>= %<<;, in care cei doi sint acuzati de savirsirea infractiunilor
de initiere, constituire si sprijinire a unei asocieri in scopul savirsirii de acte de terorism, prevazute de
articolul ?; din @egea ;?;=%<<# Reamintim ca in respectivul dosar urmarirea penala a fost declansata in $4
mai, in vreme ce mandatele de arestare pe numele lui (a6ssam si Munaf au fost emise de !urtea de Apel
"ucuresti in noaptea de %5 spre %4 mai )eocamdata, singurul arestat in respectivul dosar este -mar
(a6ssam, asta deoarece Munaf a fost arestat de politia militara americana stationata la "agdad In vederea
clarificarii dosarului, autoritatile romne le-au solicitat americanilor ca Munaf sa fie adus la "ucuresti pentru
un interogatoriu serios si pentru o confruntare cu (a6ssam, insa deocamdata autoritatile de la Aashington
nu au oferit un raspuns oficial la respectiva cerere
Musulmanii tac
Bariz AllaCta, presedintele @igii Islamice si !ulturale din Romnia, a declarat ieri ca toate contactele realizate
de comunitatea musulmana din Romnia in vederea eliberarii jurnalistilor romni rapiti in Irak au fost
realizate din proprie initiativa, fara a fi obligati de autoritatile romne AllaCta a aratat ca musulmanii de la
noi au uzat de toate legaturile lor din Duropa, Irak si din -rientul Mijlociu - inclusiv contactul dintre
Ambasada Romniei la "agdad si !onsiliul !lericilor Musulmani, precizind ca respectivele contacte au avut
un rol pozitiv in rezolvarea crizei )e remarcat faptul ca oficialii @igii Islamice au refuzat sa raspunda la
intrebarile ziaristilor prezenti la conferinta de presa, astfel ca inca nu se stie daca musulmanii din Romnia
au avut vreun merit in 0schimbul1 care a stat la baza eliberarii ostaticilor
No Money Given!
The President of the Islamic and Cultural League,
Dr, alli! "lla#ta, $ho called an aty%ical
%ress conference yesterday & $ith #uestions
and ans$ers for the %ress on the hall$ay
only, during his de%arture &, $anted to
%resent the efforts of the Muslim community
in 'omania for the freeing of the three
*+'T,) "ccording to him, 'omanian Muslim community-s
contri.ution to the %eaceful solving of the crisis, $ithout the
(ournalists .eing hurt, has .een a /%ositive and decisive one,
.ut he didn-t give any details)
Dr) "lla#ta gave a di%lomatic and concise ans$er to the %ress-s
#uestions regarding $hat the mem.ers of the "ra.ian
community in 'omania thought of +mar 0ayssam .efore the
crisis1 /Many a good father hath a .ad son!) "ccording to him,
the 'omanian authorities have to give further more details on
the releasing o%erations for the three (ournalists and to say
$hether +mar 0ayssam and his .usiness associate, Mohammad
Munaf, are guilty or not) Traian 2asescu said a.out Munaf that
he is the 3idna%%ed that .ecame co4author of the 3idna%%ing in
PL*",*D ) The President of the Islamic and Cultural League stated
that all the contacts that the re%resentatives of the League and of
the Muslim community in 'omania had during the crisis have
.een reali!ed /of one-s o$n .at, .ut they have .een su%%orted
.y the 'omanian authorities, and the e5%lanation of their
involvement is a /humanitarian and moral one) Than3ing to
God and to the im%ortant %eo%le in 2ucharest & authorities,
President Traian 2asescu and even the mass media &, the
re%resentatives of the Muslim community $elcomed the %eaceful
solving of the crisis) Dr) "lla#ta referred again to the information
according to $hich the Muslims in 'omania & 'omanian citi!ens
or residents & contacted everyone they could from *uro%e 6from
rance es%ecially7, from Ira# and other countries in the Middle
*ast, in order to give a hel%ing hand to the freeing %rocedures)
This is ho$ $e found out that, at a certain time, the re%resentatives of
the League $ent to Tur3ey, $here they met other Muslim leaders
across *uro%e, and this meeting resulted in an a%%eal
%(I)I%)# *he leaders
o" the Islamic League
in Romania sa+ that
the authorities should
sa+ ,hat ,as it that
the+ gave in e-change
"or the "reedom o" the
.roadcasted on "l48a!eera T9 station) "s a matter of fact, the
League had the initiative of .ringing a team from this %an4
"ra.ian T9 station in 'omania, for a feature re%ort on the
hostages, and some of it had even .een .roadcasted)
+ne other connection set u% .y the Islamic League is the one .et$een
the 'omanian *m.assy in 2aghdad and the Council of the
Muslim Clerics in Ira#, as $ell as the one $ith the Islamic Party
in Ira#, $ho actually %leaded for the freeing of the ca%tive
*NIGM"TIC :",,IN) Dr) Mohamad :assin, this is the name of one of
the mem.ers of the "ra.ian community in 'omania,
the 3ey %erson in the negotiations for the freeing of the
(ournalists, that $as al$ays surrounded $ith almost full
muteness every time it $as %ronounced) *ven though he is a of the community, Dr) ari! "lla#ta didn-t 3no$ :assin
.efore the crisis, as he stated) There $ere times $hen they $here
.oth in 2aghdad, .ut they didn-t meet) "s3ed to e5%lain the
%resence in 2aghdad of a delegation of the League t$o days
.efore the freeing of the (ournalists, Dr) "lla#ta stated that those
%eo%le had gone to Ira# to hel% to /solve the crisis and that they
hadn-t 3no$n it had already a%%ro5imately .een solved at that
Dr)-s "lla#ta statement ended $ith a re%eated conclusion1 /The solving
of this crisis $as different that any other cases in $hich
(ournalists $here 3idna%%ed in Ira#) ,ome sort of /If the ca%
fits, $ear it!)
;ho called +mar 0ayssam<
President 2asescu sho$ed on Monday night that +mar .ecame a
sus%ect for the crisis cell after the authorities interce%ted, on the
=>th of May, the %hone call in $hich he said he had .een as3ed
for ? million @, dollars in e5change for the 3idna%%ed
(ournalists) /0ayssam didn-t 3no$ one thing) "t >1AB in the
morning the authorities interce%ted a call that he had got from
2aghdad, .ut it $as from a Connne5 ,IM card, $hich $as
immediately identified) 0e $as told at >1AB that the adventure
cost ? million @, dollars and he started to ma3e it %u.lic) It $as
a ,IM card, $hose .egan $ith CD?=) ,o, the one $ho
called left $ith it from 'omania and called from 2aghdad at
a%%ro5imately A=4A? hours after the 3idna%%ing, the chief of
the state said) The President tal3s a.out a Conne5 card .ut the

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