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Dora Lee


copyright Editura Amethyst 2007

Dora Lee - Insula paradisului

emult, ntr-un ora de pe coasta Atlanticului, tria un tnr pe nume Benjamin. Era studios, prieten bun cu crile, dar pasiunea lui era s navigheze
pe Internet. Aceast lume virtual i deschidea noi orizonturi: l atrgeau
bibliotecile virtuale i galeriile de art dar i destinaiile exotice. Totul era att de
simplu: un motor de cutare, un click i n faa ta se deschidea o nou lume.Citise
marii clasici dar i autori moderni, se specializase n art i fotografie, cltorise
pe toate continentele, o singur destinaie prea deocamdat inaccesibil pentru
el: Insula Paradisului.

Cnd era mic, bunica i povestise c exist undeva, departe, o Insul a Paradisului, unde n ruri curge lapte i pe petalele florilor se
gsete miere i nectar. Acolo toi oamenii sunt fericii i
nu tiu ce nseamn lipsurile, suferina i durerea. Mai
trziu, a citit in Biblie despre Rai, de unde Adam i Eva
au fost izgonii pentru c au mucat din fructul oprit.

Odat cu trecerea timpului, curiozitatea lui Benjamin cretea. Aceast Insul a Paradisului devenise
aproape o obsesie..Nu gsea destule informaii ca s-i
satisfac setea de cunoatere, dar nu se descuraja deloc,
dimpotriv, devenea tot mai hotrt s gseasc acel

ntr-o sear, cnd naviga pe Internet, ca de obicei, admirnd nite tablouri ntr-o galerie virtual, privirea i fu atras de o pnz intitulat chiar aa: Insula
Paradisului. Era o pictur neobinuit, dar cu ct se
uita la ea, cu att l fascina i mai mult. nfia o insul
suspendat, plutind pe deasupra norilor. Privelitea
era ncnttoare: grdini multicolore i pomi nflorii,
heletee cu ape limpezi i petiori aurii, diferite soiuri
de psri i fluturi, ns nicieri nu se zrea ipenie de
om. Privirea lui Benjamin nu se putea dezlipi de tablou,
l atrgea ca un magnet. Deodat i se pru c tabloul se
mrete i el se trezi c pete nuntrul lui. Nu avu
timp s-i dea seama ce se ntmpla cu el. Cnd se uit
n jur, vzu c se afla pe Insula Paradisului.

ncepu s cerceteze mprejurimile, cutnd
urme de existen uman i, la un moment dat, vzu n
deprtare o cldire cu turnuri, ce semna cu un castel.
Era fcut n ntregime din sticl i era singura aezare
de pe insul. Curios, tnrul i ndrept paii ntr-acolo.

Dora Lee - The Isle of Paradise

nce, in a city on the Atlantic coast, there lived a young man whose name
was Benjamin. He was studious, a good friend of books, but his real passion was surfing on the Internet. This virtual world opened new horizons
for him: he was attracted by virtual libraries and art galleries but also by exotic
destinations. Everything was so easy: a search engine, a click and right in front of
you there was a new world. He had read the great classics, but also modern authors, he had taken a specialization in art and photography, he had travelled on all
the continents, only one destination seemed unattainable for him at the moment:
the Isle of Paradise.

When he was a little boy, his grandma used to
tell him that there was somewhere, far beyond, an Isle
of Paradise, where milk flowed in the rivers and you
could find honey and nectar on the petals of the flowers. There all the people were happy and nobody knew
what destitution, suffering and pain were. Later, he
read in the Bible about Eden, and how Adam and Eve
were banished because they ate the forbidden fruit.

With the passing of time, Benjamins curiosity
was rising. This Isle of Paradise had become almost
an obsession. He couldnt find enough information to
satisfy his thirst for knowledge , but he wasnt discouraged at all, on the contrary, he became more and more
determined to find that place.

One evening, when he was surfing on the Internet as usual, admiring some painting in a virtual art gallery, his attention was drawn by a canvas called quite
so: The Isle of Paradise. It was an unusual painting but
the more he looked at it, the more he was fascinated by
it. It was portraying a hanging island, floating above
the clouds. The overview was charming: multicoloured
gardens and trees in blossom, ponds with clear crystal
water and golden fish, different kinds of birds and butterflies, but nowhere could you see a trace of a human.
Benjamin couldnt take his eyes away from the picture,
it was drawing him like a magnet. Suddenly it seemed
to him that the painting grew bigger and bigger and
that he was stepping inside it. He didnt have time to
realize what was going on with him. When he looked
around he saw that he was on the Isle of Paradise.

Dora Lee - Insula paradisului

Fu ntmpinat de o femeie nespus de frumoas, care l invit nuntru:

-Accept s fii oaspetele meu, l mbie ea. Este o adevrat srbtoare cnd
un pmntean vine aici.

-De ce? ntreb Benjamin.

-Pentru c asta se ntmpl o dat la cteva sute de ani! Vino,
continu ea, aici poi s ai viaa pe care ai visat-o mereu, s te
bucuri de toate fr s faci nimic. i sunt interzise doar dou
lucruri: pe unul l cunoti deja: nu ai voie s guti fructele din
Pomul Cunoaterii, al doilea: nu ai voie s m srui sub nici
un motiv, chiar dac te chem, te implor sau m tngui. Dac
mi atingi buzele, n acea clip Paradisul se prbuete i
tu pierzi absolut totul!

-Hmmm! se gndi Benjamin, prima interdicie nu
va fi greu de respectat. n ceea ce o privete pe cea de-a
doua,va ncerca s stea ct mai departe de femeia aceea
nespus de frumoas.

Prima zi n Paradis i-o petrecu plimbndu-se pe
insul, mngiat de razele soarelui i vrjit de trilurile
psrilor. Gust din fructele parfumate i din nectarul
florilor, se scld n rul de lapte, iar seara vizit castelul
de sticl. Acolo o revzu pe femeia cea frumoas. Purta un
vemnt vaporos, unduindu-i trupul n ritmurile divine ale
muzicii. i zmbea, optindu-i:

-Vino s dansm i vei ti ce nseamn fericirea!
Benjamin se abinu cu dificultate s nu rspund chemrii
ei. Inima i btea cu putere, aproape s-i sparg pieptul. Se
apropie ncet de femeia frumoas i vzu c ochii ei erau plini
de lacrimi.

-Nu plnge! i opti el . Lacrimile n-ar trebui s umbreasc
niciodat un chip att de frumos!

i spunnd aceste cuvinte, uit de promisiunea fcut i i
lipi buzele de faa ei.Curnd buzele lor se atinser ntr-un srut
pasional, dar n acel moment se fcu bezn n mintea lui i Benjamin simi c se prbuete n gol......

Cnd deschise ochii, se afla n faa calculatorului, iar
pe ecran mai era nc pnza intitulat: Insula Paradisului.

-Aadar totul a fost doar un vis....Paradisul, cu toate
minuniile lui, oft Benjamin. M ntreb, oare limitele
te conduc spre adevrata fericire sau ncercarea de a le

Dora Lee - The Isle of Paradise

He started to explore the surroundings, searching for traces of human existence and at a certain moment he saw a building with towers that looked like
a castle. It was made completely of glass and it was the only settlement on the
island. Curious, the young man headed towards it. He was welcomed by an exquisitely beautiful woman, who invited him inside:
Please, be my guest! , she lured him. Its a real feast when a human comes here.
Why? asked Benjamin

Because this happens once in a few hundred years!
Come here, she went on, you could have the life youve always dreamed of, enjoy it without doing anything. Only two
things are forbidden to you: you already know the first: you
are not allowed to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge,
and the second one: you are not allowed to kiss me for any
reason: even if I call, beg or complain. If you touch my
lips, right at that moment the paradise falls and you lose
everything for good.

Hmm! thought Benjamin, the first commandment
would be easy to obey. Concerning the second one, he will
try to stay as far as possible from that exquisitely beautiful
He spent his first day walking on the island, caressed
by the rays of the sun and enchanted by the trills of the
birds. He tasted the scented fruit and the nectar of the
flowers, he took a bath in the milk river and in the evening, he visited the glass castle. There, he saw the exquisitely beautiful woman again. She was wearing a sheer
habit, undulating her body in the divine rhythm of the
music. She smiled to him, whispering:

Come and dance with me and youll find out what happiness is!
Benjamin battled with difficulty not to answer her call. His
heart was pounding, almost enough to break his chest. He came
close to the exquisitely beautiful woman and he saw that her
eyes were full of tears.
Dont cry!, he whispered. Tears should never shadow such a
beautiful face!
And saying these words, he forgot about the promise he had
made and he pressed his lips to her face. Soon, their lips touched

Dora Lee - Insula paradisului

depai? E important pentru fiecare dintre

noi s ncerce s afle rspunsul......

Zicnd acestea, Benjamin nchise
calculatorul i merse s doarm. Dincolo de noaptea aceasta l atepta
o nou zi pe care avea de gnd s-o
triasc din plin.

Dora Lee - The Isle of Paradise

in a passionate kiss, but at that moment the darkness took hold of his mind and he
felt he was falling down
When he opened his eyes, he was in front of his computer, and on the screen there
was still the canvas called: The Isle of Paradise.
So, it was all just a dream..Paradise with all its wonders, sighed Benjamin.
I still wonder: is it the limits that lead you to the real happiness or just the
attempt to go beyond them? Its important for each of us to try to
find out the answer
Saying these words, Benjamin turned the computer off and went
to sleep. Beyond this night, a whole new day was waiting for
him and he was thinking of making the most of it.


Bac la englez - Liliana Huzdup

Lets Learn English Correctly - Liliana Huzdup

English Is Fun - Vol I - Liliana Huzdup + CD audio - voce Richard Proctor

Jurnalul regsirii - Dharma Green

Micua Extraterestr / Little Alien - Dora Lee

Destinul Albei / Albas Destiny - Dora Lee

Frumoasa se ndrgostete / Beauty Falls In Love / Dora Lee

The Green Planet Stories - Dora Lee - voce: Richard Proctor

ABC-ul biologiei - Ion & Leonida Huzdup

Astrologie practic - Estella Bloom

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei
Insula paradisului = The isle of paradise / Dora Lee. - ClujNapoca : Amethyst, 2007
ISBN 978-973-87895-7-9
copyright Editura Amethyst 2007
Str. Alexandru Vlahu Bloc Lam B, sc 1 , ap 1
Cluj Napoca 400310
Tel: 0364 404215 0744 670733
Copert i tehnoredactare: Editura Amethyst
Ilustraii: Adina Bogtean

English Is Fun Vol II + CD audio - Liliana Huzdup

O colind de Crciun - Charles Dickens
S ne tratm cu remedii naturale

Comandnd direct la telefoanele: 0364 404215
sau 0744 670733 sau la:, beneficiai de
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