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Trenuletul Muzical Vol 1 - Engleza

Corul De Copii "happy Kids" Cluj Happy Kids - Cluj

Release: 2006
Genre: Children's

Time: 75:00

01 - Trenuletul Muzical (1:53)

02 - Zilele Saptamanii (1:16)
03 - Graiul Animalelor (1:10)
04 - Invatam Sa Numaram! (0.35)
05 - Cantecel Cu Scadere (2:06)
06 - Cantecel Cu Adunare (1:59)
07 - Degetele Jucause (1:56)
08 - Instrumentele Muzicale (2:21)
09 - Ce Miros Au Meseriile? (1:19)
10 - Alfabetul Nazdravan (1:33)
11 - Cantecul Florilor (1:51)
12 - Cantecul Animalelor (3:16)
13 - Cantecul Meseriilor (3:13)
14 - Elefantii (2:26)
15 - Lunile Anului (3:39)
16 - Povestea Unui Ciobanas (2:29)
17 - Cantecul Vitamnielor (5:22)


18 - The Days Of The Week (1:16)

19 - Animal's Speech (1:10)
20 - We Are Learning How To Count (0:35)
21 - The Substracting Song (2:06)
22 - The Adding Song (1:58)
23 - Playfull Fingers (1:57)
24 - Musical Instruments (2:21)
25 - What Is The Smell Of Crafts? (1:20)
26 - The Funny Alphabet (1:33)
27 - The Song Of Flowers (1:52)
28 - The Song Of Animals (3:16)
29 - Tha Jobs Song (3:14)
30 - The Elephants (2:27)
31 - The Months Of The Year (3:40)
32 - The Story Of A Little Sheperd (2:29)
33 - The Vitamins' Song (5:22)

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