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Cuvânt înainte

Acest curs se adresează studenţilor care frecventează cursul de limba engleză și au fost
repartizaţi la nivelul de studiu începător. Ţinând cont de această realitate, am considerat
necesară începerea cursului cu noțiuni elementare (cum ar fi alfabetul limbii engleze). M-am
referit apoi la părţile de vorbire, accentuând situaţiile care prezintă regulile necesare unor
convorbiri corecte, făcând precizările necesare pentru a putea fi evitate erorile. Am găsit
necesară introducerea timpurilor gramaticale cu explicaţii şi exemple din abundenţă, dat fiind
faptul că acesta este un aspect foarte dificil pentru vorbitorul nativ de limbă română care se
dedică însușirii limbii engleze.
Consider că doar prin exerciţiu se poate ajunge la stăpânirea unei limbi străine şi, prin
urmare, acest curs – împărţit în nouăsprezece lecţii – dispune de exerciţii pentru a ajuta
cursantul să aprofundeze cunoştinţele redate în partea de teorie. Ultimile patru lecţii sunt
recapitulative și se bazează pe exerciţii care evaluează cunoştinţele însuşite pe parcursul celor
cinsprezece lecţii.
Am întocmit acest curs pentru a veni în întâmpinarea nevoilor acelor studenţi care nu
au studiat limba engleză până în momentul admiterii în facultate. Am pus la dispoziţia
studenților texte preluate din autori români şi străini: George Gruia, A conscise English
Grammar, ediţia a II-a, Craiova, Editura GRUPUS, 1996; Monica Vişan, Metodă rapidă de
învăţare a gramaticii limbii engleze, [fl] Editura Viitorul românesc, 1992; Jenny Dooley,
Virginia Evans, Blockbuster. Test Booklet, Berkshire, Express Publishing, 2005; Paul
Hancock, Common Errors in English, Essex, Pinguin Press, 2001; Peters, Jo-Ann; Jean-
Michel Ravier, Let’s learn English. Metodă Larousse de învățare a limbii engleze, București,
Teora, 1992; Levițchi, Leon; Ioan Preda, Gramatica limbii engleze, București, Editura
Științifică, 1976.
Cursul se adresează exclusiv studenților. El este util pregătirii examenelor finale.

Lecţia 1
` Hello!
I. Names

Exercise 1.

a) Look at the English names and say which are for boys and which are for girls. Add two
more English names to the list.

Laura _______ Jenny _______, Mary _______, Paul _______, Hellen _______,

Bob _______, Paul _______, Ann _______.

b) In pairs, write a list of some popular names in your country.

_______ _______ _______ _______
_______ _______ _______ _______
_______ _______ _______ _______
_______ ______ _______ _______
Exercise 2.
a) Read and translate. Can you explain these sentences in your language?

 My name’s Steve. ___________________________________________

 Nice to meet you too. ___________________________________________
 How are you? ___________________________________________
 Fine. And you? ___________________________________________
 Pleased to meet you too. ___________________________________________
 Not bad, thanks. ___________________________________________

b) Read the sentences, then cover your course and try to remember as many as possible.

Exercise 3. Read the dialogues. Which people know each other? Which people are meeting for the
first time?

1 Steve and Jenny

2 Laura and Paul
3 Laura and Helen
4 Bill and Ann

A. Steve: Hi! My name's Steve. Steve Newton.
Jenny: Hi! I'm Jenny Smith.
Steve: Nice to meet you, Jenny.
Jenny: Nice to meet you too.
Steve: Is this your first day at school?
Jenny: Yes.

B. Laura: Hello, Paul. How are you?

Paul: Fine. And you?
Laura: OK. This is my friend Helen.
Paul: Pleased to meet you, Helen.
Helen: Pleased to meet you too.

C. Hi, Ann.
Hi, Bill. How are you today?
Bill: Not bad, thanks.

II. The Alphabet

a[ei] n[en]
b[bi:] o[ou]
c[si:] p[pi:]
d[di:] q[kju:]
e[i:] r[a:]
f[ef] s[es]
g[dji:] t[ti:]
h[eitch] u[ju:]
i[ai] v[vi:]
j[gei] w['dablju:]
k[kei] x[eks]
l[el] y[wai]
m[em] z[zed]

Exercise 4. Read aloud the alphabet:

Aa Hh Oo Vv
Bb li Pp Ww
Cc Jj Qq Xx

Dd Kk Rr Yy
Ee LI Ss Zz
Ff Mm Tt
Gg Nn Uu

In pairs, ask and answer.

A: How do you spell „apple”?
B: Apple?A-double P-L-E
• key • balloon • egg • rose

Exercise 5. Complete with the missing letter:

1. ____ouse = casa
2. ____an = furgoneta, camion
3. ____ing = rege
4. ____ellow = galben
5. ____og = caine
6. ____range = portocala
7. ____apan = Japonia
8. ____ig = porc
9. ____rain = tren
10. ____ebra = zebra
Exercise 6. Put the letters in alphabetical order:
For example: DABEC
1. GFJIH = ________________
2. LONKM = _______________
3. RTPQS = _______________
4. XZYWUV= _____________

Exercise 7. Arrange the words below to have a meaning:

1. Mrs Smith clothes irons
2. chess Jim loves
3. Wendy flowers smells

4. television watches Mary

Exercise 8. Translate in English:

1. John o suna pe Janet.
2. Richard mananca prajitura.
3. Chelnerul aduce mancarea.
4. Doamna Smith preda matematica.


Monday = luni
Tuesday = marti
Wednesday = miercuri
Thursday = joi
Friday = vineri
Saturday = sambata
Sunday = duminica
Exercise 9. Write the days of the week:
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________
6. ______________________
7. ______________________
Month 1 - January
Month 2 - February
Month 3 - March

Month 4 - April
Month 5 - May
Month 6 - June
Month 7 - July
Month 8 - August
Month 9 - September
Month 10 - October
Month 11 - November
Month 12 - December
V. Personal Pronoun and Verb to be

I am Tom.

She is Susan.

He is Fred.

It is Bunny.

They are Mary and Sara.

They are workers.

You are……..?
VI. Verb to be

Personal Pronoun verb to be
I am
You are
She is
He is
It is
We are
They are

Exercise 10. Are the sentences correct? If not, write the correct form.
1. He am Rover. _____________________________________
2. I am George. _____________________________________
3. She is Susan . ______________________________________
4. They am John, Timi and Susie. __________________________
5. He are Fred. ______________________________________
6. It is George, Janet and Pablo. ___________________________

Exercise 11. Make the sentence using the verb to be and the personal pronouns:
1. Bunny ___________________________________________________________
2. Johnny, Susie and Timi ______________________________________________
3. George ___________________________________________________________
4. Fred _____________________________________________________________
5. Susie_____________________________________________________________
VII. The Numeral

Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers

0 oh, zero, nil, naught

1 one 1st first
2 two 2nd second
3 three 3rd third
4 four 4th fourth
5 five 5th fifth
6 six 6th sixth

7 seven 7th seventh
8 eight 8th eighth
9 nine 9th ninth
10 ten 10th tenth
11 eleven 11th eleventh
12 twelve 12th twelfth
13 thirteen 13th thirteenth
14 fourteen 14th fourteenth
15 fifteen 15th fifteenth
16 sixteen 16th sixteenth
17 seventeen 17th seventeenth
18 eighteen 18th eighteenth
19 nineteen 19th nineteenth
20 twenty 20th twentieth
21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first
30 thirty 30th thirtieth
40 forty 40th fortieth
50 fifty 50th fiftieth
60 sixty 60th sixtieth
70 seventy 70th seventieth
80 eighty 80th eightieth
90 ninety 90th Ninetieth
100 a/one hundred 100th Hundredth
1,000 a/one thousand 1,000th Thousandth
10,000 ten thousand 10,000th Ten thousandth

100,000 100,000th Hundred thousandth

a/one hundred thousand
1,000,000 a/one million 1,000,000th Millionth 1,000,000th
1,000,000,000 a/one billion 1,000,000,000th Billionth

Un lucru care trebuie evidentiat este faptul ca în limba engleză se foloseşte virgula pentru a
separa miile.


1624 – sixteen twenty four
1903 - nineteen-oh-three
1987 – nineteen eighty-seven
3rd of February 1944 – third of February nineteen forty-four


Numbers are often used on their own to show:

Price – It cost eight seventy-five. (= 8 pounds 75 pence or 8 dollars 75 cents: ₤ 8.75 or 8.75 $)
Time – We left at two twenty-five. (= 25 minutes after 2 o’clock)
Age – He’s sixty-one. (= 61 years old).
He’s in his sixties. (between 60 and 69 years old).
Size – The shirt is a forty-for. ( = size 44)
Temperature – The temperature fell to minus thirteen (= -13˚)
The score in a game - She won the second set seven-four. (by seven games to four: 7-4)

Exercise 12. Translate in English:

1. A sosit al treilea.
2. Prima impresie contează.
3. Toţi merităm o a doua şansă.
4. El a obţinut premiul al treilea.
5. El era primul din mulţi.

Exercise 13. Which number is it?

a. five b. four c. eight

a. ten b. one c. two

a. seven b. ten c. nine

a. five b. four c. eight

a. five b. nine c. six

a seven b. nine c. six

a. eight b. three c. six

a. one b. nine c. seven

Exercise 14.
Example: _____________ (11-12)
Answer: 11th December
1. _____________________ (4-5)
2. _____________________ (21-3)
3. _____________________ (9-2)
4. _____________________ (22-12)
5. _____________________ (1-1)
6. _____________________ (12-7)
7. _____________________ (3-10)
8. _____________________ (20-6)
9. _____________________ (2-4)

Exercise 15. Write the date into the gap the way it is spoken. Look at the example.
Example: _____________________ (11-12)
Answer: the eleventh of December

1. _____________________(4-5)
2. _____________________ (21-3)
3. _____________________ (9-2)
4. _____________________ (22-12)
5. _____________________ (1-1)
6. _____________________ (12-7)
7. _____________________ (3-10)
8. _____________________ (20-6)
9. _____________________ (2-4)

Exercise 16. Look at these numbers and write their names in the space below:

7 5 9 10 1 8
________ __________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ______________

3 4 2 6
_______ _________ ____________ _____________ .

Exercise 17. Look at the numbers on the left, and their names in bold on the right. Which
name goes with which number? Put the right name in the box next to the question.
20 ___________ 1. forty
30 ___________ 2. one hundred
40 ___________ 3. seventy
50 ___________ 4. twenty
60 ___________ 5. fifty
70 ___________ 6. thirty
80 ___________ 7. sixty
90 ___________ 8. ninety
100 ___________ 9. eighty

X. Measurements
mm = millimetre cm = centimetre m = metre km = kilometre

1 cm = 10 mm (one centimetre = ten millimetres)

1 m = 100 cm (one metre = hundred centimetres)
1 km = 1,000 m (one kilometre = one thousand metres)
1 km = 1,000,000 mm (one kilometre = one million millimetres)
1,000 km = 1,000,000,000 mm (one thousand kilometres = one billion millimetres)

Exercise 18. Write the full number in the space provided.

Example: How many millimetres in one centimetres?
1. How many centimetres in fifty metres?

2. How many centimetres in two kilometres?
3. How many millimetres in fifteen metres?
4. How many metres in seventy seven kilometres?
5. How many millimetres in seventeen kilometrăes?

A Child's Blessing

A couple invited some people to dinner. At the table, the mother turned to her six-year-old
daughter and asked her to say the blessing. “I wouldn't know what to say,” she replied. „Just
say what you hear Mommy say,” the mother said. The little girl bowed her head and prayed,
„Dear Lord, why on Earth did I invite all these people to dinner?”

Lecţia 2

Exercise 1. Translate the possessive adjectives.

I → my we → our
you → your you → your
he → his they → their
her → hers
it → its

Exercise 2. Can you answer these questions?

1. An elephant has …
a. wings b. a trunk c. whiskers d. horns
2. A bull has …
a. wings b. a trunk c. whiskers d. horns
3. A bird has …

a. wings b. a trunk c. whiskers d. horns
4. A cat has …
a. wings b. a trunk c. whiskers d. horns

Exercise 3. These five sentences below have all been mixed up. You have to write them again
so that they make sense.
1. The elephant trunk a has
2. Are the birds’ these wings.
3. A this tail cat’s is.
4. Horns bulls have.
5. These bull’s horns the are
Exercise 4. Look at the sentences below – are they true or false?
1. The birds have wings.
2. An elephant has stripes.
3. The zebra has wings.
4. the bulls have horns.
5. the cat has tail.

What time is it?

A. Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?
B. Yes, of course. It's seven o'clock.

A. Thank you.
B. No problem.

A. What time is it?

B. It's half past three.

A. Thanks.

B. You're welcome.

Key Vocabulary
Excuse me.
Can you tell me the time, please?
What time is it?
It's half past...
It's quarter past...
It's ten to...
It's quarter to...
Can you tell me the time, please?
Do you have the time?
What time is it?
Do you know what time it is?
Excuse me, could you tell me the time?
You can tell the time in different ways. All the ways shown here are possible. But the one with
the smiley face is the most preferred.
10.45 It is ten forty-five.
It is fifteen minutes to eleven.
It is quarter to eleven.☺
11.15 It is eleven fifteen.
It is fifteen minutes past eleven.
It is quarter past eleven. ☺
11.30 It is eleven thirty.
It is half past eleven. ☺
Exercise 5. Write sentences below describing the time using the words half or quarter.
Example: 6.15 It is quarter past six.
9.45 ________________________________________________
11.30 _______________________________________________
7.30 ________________________________________________
7.45 ________________________________________________
10.15 _______________________________________________

Exercise 6. Look at the time in Bucharest, and then write sentences describing the time in
different cities.
This is the time in Bucharest:
8.30 Bucharest _____It is half past eight in Bucharest. ____
What is the time in:
10.30 London _____________________________________
11.30 Paris _____________________________________
7.30 Hong Kong _____________________________________
9.30 Sidney _____________________________________
5.30 New York _____________________________________
Exercise 7. Choose the correct answer from the three options and circle the answer you have
10.55 1. It is five to eleven.
2. It is five to ten.
3. It is ten past five.
2.10 1. It is ten past two.
2. It is ten past ten.
3. It is ten to two.
8.15 1. It is twenty to three.
2. It is quarter to eight.
3. It is quarter past eight.
7.45 1. It is fifteen past seven.
2. It is quarter to nine.
3. It is quarter to eight.
9.45 1. It is quarter to ten.
2. It is half past nine.
3. It is nine o’clock.
6.30 1. It is thirty past six.
2. It is half past six.
3. It is thirty to seven.
Pronumele personale Pronumele posesive Pronumele de întărire
I = eu Mine = al meu, a mea, ai Myself = eu ănsumi, personal, chiar eu
mei, ale mele

You = tu Yours = al tău, a ta, ai tăi, Yourself = tu însuţi, personal, chiar tu
ale tale
He = el, dânsul, dumnealui His =al lui, a lui, ai lui, ale Himself = el însuşi, personal, chiar el
She = ea, dânsa, dumneaiei Hers = al ei, a ei, ai ei, ale ei Herself = ea însăşi, personal, chiar ea
It = el, ea (impersonal) Its= al ei, a ei, ai ei, ale ei, Itself = el ănsuşi, ea însăşi, personal,
al lui, a lui, ai lui, ale lui chiar ea/el
We = noi Ours = al nostru, a noastră, Ourselves = noi înşine, însene, chiar voi
ai noştri, ale noastre

You = voi, dumneavoastră Yours = al tău, a ta, ai tăi, Yourselves = ei înşişi, ele însele, chiar
ale tale ei/ele
They = ei, ele, dânşii, dânsele, dumnealor Theirs = al lor, a lor, ai or, Themselves =ei înşişi, ele însele, chiar
ale lor ei/ele

Exercise 8. Complete with the right word:

1.It is his umbrella. .... .has an umbrella . a. She b. He c. They
2. It is their dog. .... have a dog. a. We b. She c. They
3. It is my pencil. ..... have a pencil. a. I b. He c. We
4. It is our house. .... have a house. a. We b. They c. He
5. It is your car. ..... have a car. a. She b. He c. You
6.They are her flowers. ..... has flowers. a. You b. She c. We

Exercise 9.
1. They have a large house with a garden.
a. John b. Mary and Pete c. Joice
2. He has a motorbike.
a. Richard b. You and your sister c. Mr and Mrs Johns
3. She has a cat.
a. Pete b. My brother and I c. Your aunt
4. We have a farm.
a. Susan and her family b. My family c. Jack
5. He has a new football.
a. Mary b. Mike c. Your parents
6. They have a horse.

a. I b. You c. My parents

Exercise 10. Look at the sentences below and write them again in the spaces below so that
they make sense.
1. black is his motorbike .__________________________________
2. parents work the her on farm. ____________________________
3. their old son is years eighteen . __________________________
4. Blacky is horse called our . ______________________________
5. dog Spot called your is . ________________________________
6. car the lost its has wheels. ______________________________

Description of the directions

1. Take the first right.

2. Take the second right.
3. Go straight
4. Turn at the first left... then
5. ... take the next right.

Types of junctions



Directions I
A. Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?
B. Yes. There's a bank on the corner.

A. Thank you.
B. You're welcome.

Directions II
A. Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here?
B. Yes. There's one near here.

A. How do I get there?

B. At the traffic lights, take the first left and go straight on. It's on the left.

A. Is it far?
B. Not really.

A. Thank you.
B. Don't mention it.

Key Vocabulary

Is there a _______ near here?

on the corner
on the left,
on the right
straight on,
straight ahead
traffic lights
Is it far?


Romanian English
violet purple albastru deschis light blue
alb white bleumarin dark blue
albastru blue cenuşiu, gri grey
portocaliu orange
galben yellow
roşu red
verde green
argintiu, cărunt, de argint silver
aur gold
maro brown
roşu închis, bordo crimson
purpuriu purple
stacojiu scarlet
mov mauve
roz rosy
trandafiriu pink

Exercise 11. Read and translate the poem:
There are so many colours.
We see them every day.
The sky is blue, the grass is green
The clouds are white or grey.
The world is full of colours.
It's wonderful to see
Lovely bright colours.
Look at them with me.
Flowers are red or orange, yellow, pink or blue.
I want to take the flowers and give them all to you.

Exercise 12. Translate into Romanian:

A. The Estonian flag is blue, black and white.

B. The German flag is black, red and gold (yellow).

C. The Italian flag is green, white and red.

D. The Swedish flag is blue and yellow.

E. The Portuguese flag is green and red.

F. The Columbian flag is yellow, blue and red.

Statement: You are tired.
Question: Are you tired?
Answer: Yes, you are OR No, you are not

Statement: I am sleepy.
Question: Am I sleepy?
Answer: Yes, I am OR No, I am not

Statement: She is slim.

Question: Is she slim?

Answer: Yes, she is OR No, she is not

Statement: He is fat.
Question: Is he fat?
Answer: Yes, he is OR No, he is not

Statement: We are noisy.

Question: Are we noisy?
Answer: Yes, we are OR No, we are not

Statement: They are rude.

Question: Are they rude?
Answer: Yes, they are OR No, they are not

Exercise 13. What is the best question word to use at the start of each of these sentences?
Look at each sentence and select one of the choices underneath.

1. ...... is the name of your father?

Do What Where
2. ...... you want to visit me next week?
Are Why Do
3. ...... that your cat?
How Is Are
4. ...... do you live?
Is Who Where
5. ...... is your neighbour?
Do Who Why
6. ...... are you angry?
Why Are Is
7. ...... they hungry?
Are Do What
8. ...... are you?
Do Why How

Exercise 14. Look at these questions and the answers. Then decide what the missing question
word is. Write it into the space in the sentence.
1. ___________is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is blue.
2. ___________do they live?
They live in London.
3. ___________is she not at school?
Because she is ill.
4. ___________ you like jazz?
Yes, I do.
5. ___________is the President of the United States?
Mr Bush is the President of the United States.
6. ___________ do you finish your study?
In two months time.
7. ___________ this your book?
No, it is not.
8. ___________ they invited to the party?
Yes they are.

Saying is one thing and doing is another.
Seeing is believing.
Choose an author as you choose a friend.
When angry, count a hundred.
The wind cannot be prevented from blowing.
saying – a spune believing – a crede
doing – a face a hundred – o sută
seeing – a vedea to prevent – a împiedica
Teacher: “Tommy, did you do all your homework by yourself?”
Tommy (cautiously): “Yes, all, except the mistakes. Dad made them.”
cautiously – cu prudenţă

Lesson Review

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive

Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns
1st person I Me my mine myself
2nd person you You your yours yourself
3 person (m) he Him his his himself
3rd person (f) she Her her hers herself
3 person (n) it It its (not used) itself
1st person (pl.) we Us our ours ourselves
2 person (pl.) you You your yours yourselves
3 person (pl) they them their theirs themselves
Max saw That's ___ The car is
Pronoun test -> ___ will go. (subj) saw (reflx
___. name. ___.

Lecţia 3
Invitations, Suggestions, Offers,
Reservations, Appointments
The Article

Do you want to come to my party tomorrow?
Can you come to my party tomorrow?
I would like to invite you to my party tomorrow.
Thank you, I would like to come
Thank you, but I cannot come.

Suggestions: Why don't we go to the cinema?

How about going to the cinema?
Shall we go to the cinema?

Yes, let's go
No, how about the pub instead?

Offers: Would you like some tea?

Can I pour you some tea?
May I offer you some tea?

Yes, thank you.

No, thank you.
Exercise 1
Here are some invitations that need answers and answers that need invitations.

1. Would you like to go to the dance with me? a. I don’t know how to do that!
2. Do you want to come to the cinema tonight? b. When are you having it?
3. Do you want to come swimming with us? c. Thank you, I’d love to come.
4. Can you come to dinner tonight? d. Yes please. What are you having?
5. Can I invite you to my party? e. No thanks, I'm driving.
6. Would you like to have a drink with us? f. Oh, I am going with Joey

Exercise 2 Selectaţi cuvântul potrivit:

1. We .............. go to the cinema this evening. a. could b. will c. are

2. ................. meeting for lunch on Friday? a. Could we b. How about c. We are

3. .......... we play bridge this weekend? a. Why will b. Shall c. Do

4. I .......... finish the ironing for you. a. can not b. want to c. can

5. ........ about going to London on Sunday? a. What b. How c. Why

6. ....... we decide about it later? a. Can b. How c.


Exercise 3 Aranjati cuvintele de mai jos in aşa fel încât să aibă sens.

1. would like you to something drink? _______________________________________

2. I offer coffee can you some ? ____________________________________________

3. like try to this cake you would ? __________________________________________

4. about tea some how ? __________________________________________________

5. can you some I get fruit? _______________________________________________

6. these are apples nice. I can get some you? __________________________________

7. a sandwich you would like ? ____________________________________________

8. stay would for you like to supper? ____________________________________________

La Gerard
Ann: Good afternoon, can I reserve a table for two?
Waiter: Sorry, we do not make reservations for small groups.
Ann: Well, will we get a table if we come at 8pm?
Waiter: Today is Monday, so we should not be very busy.
Ann: Ok, Do you serve vegetarian food?
Waiter: Yes, we have a good selection of vegetarian dishes.
Ann: Do you take credit cards?
Waiter: Yes we do.
Ann: Thank you. See you in the evening then.
Waiter: Thank you. Good bye!
La Bel Cuzine
Dr Brown: Good evening, can I book a table for four for tomorrow evening
Waiter: We are closed on Mondays, sir.
Dr Brown: What about Tuesday?
Waiter: What time?
Dr Brown: About 7.30-8pm
Waiter: I have a free table for 8 pm.
Dr Brown: Can I make the reservation then?
Waiter: Yes, of course. What is the name please?
Dr Brown: Brown, Dr James Brown.
Waiter: And the contact telephone number?
Dr Brown: Cambridge 724276.
Waiter: Thank you, Dr Brown. You have a table for 4 people for 8pm on Tuesday.

Exercise 4 După ce aţi citit textile de mai sus, încercaţi să răspundeţi la următoarele întrebări.

1. Which restaurant is closed on Monday?

2. How many people will Ann bring with her?
3. When is Ann coming to the restaurant?
4. What time did Dr Brown book the restaurant for?

5. Could Ann book the table in the restaurant?
6. How many people are coming to La Bel Cuzine?
7. What is Dr Brown's telephone number?
8. How does Ann want to pay for her dinner?

An appointment with the doctor

Look at the conversation below, and try to match what the patient says with what the
receptionist replies.
1. Good morning. Can I make an
A. Dr Newman is not in tomorrow, but I can
appointment with the doctor for this
make an appointment with Dr Brinks
2. But I feel really ill and I need to see
B. Can I have your name please?
someone today.
C. All the doctors are fully booked for this
3. Is there no-one I can see today?
4. But this is an emergency. I told you I
D. OK Mr Smith, we will see you tomorrow at
feel really ill. I may even have a
5. OK then can I make an appointment
E. Goodbye.
for tomorrow morning?
F. I am sorry, but your symptoms do not count as
6. Peter Smith
an emergency.
G. The earliest appointment we can make is
7. I normally see Dr Newman.
tomorrow morning at 10am.
8. That is fine. H. And who is your doctor?
I. I am sorry, we could only make an
9. Thank you and goodbye.
appointment for today if it was an emergency.

Fill in is or are.
Is he a postman?
____Are________they students?
She_____is_______a hairdresser.
___Is_________she Portuguese?

Fill in am, is, are, isn't, aren't or 'm not.
e.g. A: Is Christian from Canada?
B: No, he isn't. He is from France.
A: Hello. My name _____is_______ Claudio.
B: ______Are______you from Portugal?
A: No, _____I am_______from Italy.
A: ____Are________Charles and Nick pilots?
B: No, they ____aren’t________Charles ______is______a doctor and Nick ____is________a vet.

Underline the correct word.

e.g. There is/are a cinema in my neighbourhood.

There is/are some trees in the park.

Is/Are there a supermarket in your neighbourhood?

Is/Are there any cafes in your neighbourhood?

G. Match the sentences to the responses.

e.g. Good night, Joan. Sleep well. D A See you.

Good morning. How are you today? _____ B She's from Russia.
Bye. Have a nice weekend. _____ C Not bad, thanks.
Good night, Mum. _____ D Good night, Mum.
Where's Olga from? _____ E Bye. See you on Monday.
Bye Jack. See you later. _____ F Good night, Bob. Sweet dreams.


Read the letter and underline the correct word.

Dear Frida,
Hello, my name's Dolores. I'm sixteen years old. I'm from Porto, in Portugal. Porto is a very old city.
There are many beautiful old buildings and statues. There is a big museum in Porto.
There is a big park near my house. There are lots of benches and trees in the park. Porto is a great city.
That's all about me. How about you?
Best wishes,

Dolores is fifteen/sixteen years old.

Dolores is Chinese/Portuguese.
Porto is a very old/modern city.

There is a big theatre/museum in Port:

There is a park/school near her house.

Read the letter and underline the correct word.

Dear Emily,

Hello, my name's Hamilton. I'm seventeen years old. I'm from Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro
is a modern city. There are lots of beautiful, modern buildings. There is a big museum in Rio de
There is a big park in my neighbourhood. There are two cafes in the park. There is a modern theatre
near my house. Rio de Janeiro is a fantastic city.
That's all about me. How about you?
Best wishes,

Hamilton is seventeen/nineteen years old.

There is a big museum/theatre in Rio de Janeiro.
Hamilton is Brazilian/Egyptian.
Rio de Janeiro is a very old/modern city.
There is a theatre/school near his house.


Write a letter about you, your town/city and your neighbourhood. Use the text above as a model.
Hello, my name's
There is
That's all about me. How about you?
Best wishes,
Fill in have, has, haven't or hasn't
e.g. A: Has Harry got a new car?
B: Yes, he has.
A: Michael and Adam got a cat?
B: No, they _____________.
A: ___________Philip got a car?
B: Yes, he ___________
A: ___________Sue and Joan got a brother?
B: Yes, they ___________
A: ___________Tony got two sisters?
B: No, he ___________
A: We ___________got two dogs.
B: I ___________got any pets.

Write the time in words:

e.g. 6.10 It’s ten past six.

1.15______________________ 6.50______________________
3.20 ______________________ 3.20 ______________________
2.45 ______________________ 5.30 ______________________
3.25 ______________________ 7.45 ______________________
4.35 ______________________ 8.25 ______________________
3.45 ______________________ 9.50 ______________________
Circle the correct item.
1. Julie is John's ________
A sister B brother C father
2. It is________parrot.
A an B a C-
3. This is Paul is fifteen.
A It B She C He
4. “_________is this?”
A What B Who C She
5. “_________is this?”
“It's a rose.”
A Who B What C It
6. This is my schoolbag_______is red.
A It B She C He
7. Peter and Bill_______my friends.
A isn't B is C are
8. Lucy and I_______friends.
A is B are C am
9. This is me and this is my friend. ________are ten.
A We B They C You
10. She_______my sister. She's my friend.
A isn't B are C aren't
11. “Is Mrs Brown your mother?”
“Yes, she_______ “
A isn't B are C is
12. “Is he Jim's father?”
“No, he_______ “
A is B isn't C aren't
13. “Are they Bob's brothers?”
“Yes, they_______ “
A are B aren't C is
14. _______there a cinema in the neighbourhood?
A Is B Are C Aren't
15. There_______lots of trees in my garden
A is B isn't C aren't
16. Pablo is _______
A Portugal B Poland C Portuguese
17. Miguel is from _______
A Spanish B Spain C Argentinian
18. What is your_______colour?
A favourite B lovely C bright
19. There_______a park near my house.
A aren't B isn't C are

The article

Este un instrument grammatical care individualizează sau determină un substantiv. Prezenţa

lui dovedeşte că substantivul pe care îl însoţeşte este deja cunoscut de interlocutor.

Articolul hotărât (The Definite Article)

Articolele în limba engleză sunt invariabile. Aceasta înseamnă că nu se schimbă în
concordanţă cu genul sau cu numărul substantivului la care se referă. Exemple: the boy, the
woman, the children
'The' se foloseşte:
1. pentru ca arăta că ceva deja s-a menţionat.
Example: An elephant and a mouse fell in love.
The mouse loved the elephant's long trunk, and the elephant loved the mouse's tiny nose.
2. când şi vorbitorul şi ascultătorul ştiu despre ce se vorbeşte, chiar dacă nu s-a menţionat mai
Example: 'Where's the bathroom?'
'It's on the first floor.'
3. în propoziţii sau părţi de propoziţii unde definim sau identificăm un obiect sau o persoană
în mod specific.
Examples: The man who wrote this book is famous.
'Which car did you scratch?' 'The red one.
My house is the one with a blue door.'
4. pentru a ne referi la obiecte pe care le considerăm unice.
Examples: the sun, the moon, the world
5. înaintea superlativelor şi a numeralelor ordinale.
Examples: the highest building, the first page, the last chapter.
6. cu adjective pentru a ne referi la un grup întreg de oameni:
Examples: the Japanese, the old
7. cu nume de părţi geografice şi oceane:
Examples: the Caribbean, the Sahara, the Atlantic
8. pentru decenii sau grupuri de ani:
Example: she grew up in the seventies

Articolul nehotărât (Indefinite Article)

A / AN
Folosim 'a' cu substantive care încep cu consoană .
'an' cu substantive care încep cu vocală (a,e,i,o,u)
A boy
An apple
A car
An orange
A house
An opera
An înaintea lui h mut - an hour, an honour.
A înaintea lui u şi eu când sunt citite ca 'you': a european, a university, a unit
Articolul nehotărât se foloseşte:

- pentru a ne referi la ceva pentru prima dată:
An elephant and a mouse fell in love.
Would you like a drink?
I've finally got a good job.
- pentru nume de slujbe:
John is a doctor.
Mary is training to be an engineer.
He wants to be a dancer.
- pentru naţionalităţi şi religii :
John is an Englishman.
Kate is a Catholic.
- pentru instrumente musicale:
Sherlock Holmes was playing a violin when the visitor arrived.
- pentru nume de zile:
I was born on a Thursday
- pentru a ne referi la un anume fel de sau un exemplu de ceva anume: the mouse had a
tiny nose
the elephant had a long trunk
it was a very strange car
- pentru substantive la formă de singular după cuvintele 'what' şi 'such':
What a shame!
She's such a beautiful girl.
- pentru a ne referi la un lucru, obiect sau peroană:
I'd like an orange and two lemons please.
The burglar took a diamond necklace and a valuable painting.
De observat că de obicei spunem a hundred, a thousand, a million.


Când nu este articol:
- pentru nume de ţări (dacă este la singular)
Germany is an important economic power.
He's just returned from Zimbabwe.
(But: I'm visiting the United States next week.)
- pentru nume de limbi:
French is spoken in Tahiti.
English uses many words of Latin origin.
Indonesian is a relatively new language.
- pentru nume de mese:
Lunch is at midday.
Dinner is in the evening.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day.
- pentru numele unor persoane (dacă este la singular):
John's coming to the party.
George King is my uncle.
(But: we're having lunch with the Morgans tomorrow.)
- pentru titluri şi nume:
Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son.
President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes' friend.
(But: the Queen of England, the Pope.)

- după cazuri de posesiv cu 's:
His brother's car.
Peter's house.
- pentru a numi profesii:
Engineering is a useful career.
He'll probably go into medicine.
- pentru nume de magazine:
I'll get the card at Smith's.
Can you go to Boots for me?
- pentru ani:
1944 was a wonderful year.
Do you remember 1995?
- pentru substantive nenumărabile:
Rice is the main food in Asia.
Milk is often added to tea in England.
War is destructive.
- pentru nume individuale de munţi, lacuri şi insule:
Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska.
She lives near Lake Windermere.
Have you visited Long Island?
- pentru nume de oraşe, străzi, staţii şi aeroporturi:
Victoria Station is in the centre of London.
Can you direct me to Bond Street?
She lives in Florence.
They're flying from Heathrow.
- în anumite expresii fixe. De exemplu:
by car at school
by train at work
by air at University
on foot in church
on holiday in prison
on air (in broadcasting) in bed

Exercise 5 A/An or no article:

 There were many dogs in the park. One dog was ___ Dalmatian.
 Pandas and ___ tigers are both endangered animals.
 She is wearing ___ blue dress with red earrings
 Hawaii is ___ island in the Pacific Ocean.
 Christmas comes once ___ year.
 ___ ant is __ insect.
 The Nile is ___ river.
 I went to the shop to get ___ bread.
 He broke ___ glass when he was washing dishes.
 You should take ___ umbrella.

Exercise 6 Complete with a, an or the. Gap-Fill Exercise

______________raging pipeline fire in Jesse, Delta State which killed over 700 people last
weekend was yesterday extinguished by _____________United States fire-fighting company
by suffocating ______________flames with ______________thick nitrogen-rich layer of

Workmen from _____________ Houston, Texas-based company BJ Services spent less than
______________hour shooting nitrogen-rich foam from hoses onto ______________pipeline
before finally choking out ______________fire which raged on for days.
A company official said they had extensive experience in oil fires, and approached
______________government about putting out___________ blaze.
The explosion and fire erupted while over 1,000 people were trying to collect gasoline spilling
from the damaged government-owned pipeline. Hundreds of people were believed to have
been injured, but many have refused medical care or fled from hospitals, fearing they might
be arrested for either causing ______________ fire or scavenging gas.

Exercise 7 Decide dacă trebie să foloseşti articolul hotărât >the< sau nu. Dacă nu ai nevoie
de articolul >the<, foloseşte un x.
1) Listen! Dennis is playing ________________trumpet.
2) Alex goes to work by ________________ bus.
3) We often see our cousins over ________________ Easter.
4) Don't be late for ________________ school.
5) She has never been to ________________ Alps before.
6) I always listen to ________________ radio in the morning.
7) My grandmother likes ________________ flowers very much.
8) See you on ________________Wednesday.
9) What about going to Australia in ________________ February?
10) I love________________ flowers in your garden.

Exercise 8
1) _________ Loch Ness is _________ most famous lake in Scotland.
2) _________smog is a problem in _________big cities.
3) _________ summer of 1996 was hot and dry.
4) _________Mount Everest is _________ highest mountain on earth.
5) _________ most children like _________sweets.
6) Last year we visited _________St. Paul's Cathedral and _________Tower.
7) _________ Plaza Hotel is on the corner of _________59th Street and_________5th
8) Our children go to _________ school by _________bus.
9) Our friends, _________ Millers moved to Florida last August.
10) My sister often stays at _________Uncle Tim in Detroit.

Exercise 9 Folosiţi a sau an.

1) She has _________ exercise book in her school bag.
2) Lucy likes _________dog.
3) Emily needs _________ new desk in her room.
4) He finished _________unit.
5) We listen to _________ English CD.
6) Peter has _________ aunt in Berlin.
7) Ben has _________old bike.
8) The speed of this car was 160 miles _________ hour.
9) I need _________blue pen.
10) Let's sing _________song.

Exercise 10

1) There is _________new English book on the desk.
2) He is drinking _________ cup of coffee.
3) Leipzig has _________ airport.
4) The girl is _________pilot.
5) My father is _________ honest person.
6) She's reading _________ old comic.
7) My friend likes to be _________ astronaut.
8) This is _________ expensive bike.
9) They've got _________ idea.
10) Look! There's _________bird flying.

Exercise 11 Care articol a sau an poate fi folosit înaintea acestor cuvinte? Scrieţi
cuvintele în coloana corespunzătoare.
animal, end, American band, actress, thousand times, dog, old bike, elephant, outdoor
activity, answer

a an

Circle the correct item.

1. “What____________is Frida?”
“She's British.”
A name B country C nationality
2. “How are you?”
“___________And you?”
A Thanks B James C Fine
3. “How old are you?”
A I'm OK B I'm sixteen C I'm Sam
4. Rex is my______dog.
A fourteen B pet C mums
5. “What's your__________?”
“I'm a hairdresser.”
A job B address C name
6. “Are Jack and David pilots?”
“Yes, __________are.”
A we B they C you
2. Mary__________a teacher. She's a doctor.
A isn't B is C ‘s
3. “Is Monica from Italy?”
“Yes, she__________”
A 's .B isn't C is
4. Are there__________statues in the square?

A any B lots Ca
5. There isn't__________cafe in my neighbourhood.
Aa B some C any
6. See you a week.
A at B on C in
7. There are__________people in the cafe.
A any B some Ca
8. There is a park__________to my house.
A next B near C in front
9. Barcelona is a beautiful __________ .
A palace B square C city
10. There are lots of__________in the park.
A hotels B benches C houses
11. Good night, Jenny_________dreams.
A Sweet B Lovely C Good
12. Have a__________weekend.
A pretty B nice C huge
13. There's a big opera__________in our town.
A square B bank C house
14. ________from Mexico.
A Dreams B Evenings C Greetings
15. Bye, Linda. See you on __________ .
A later B Monday C soon
16. Montreal is a modern city with __________people.
A high B friendly C big
17. These are__________
A knives B knife's C knife
18. My mother is a tour __________
A patient B vet C guide
19. There's a big river with lots of__________in my town.
A castles B bridges C churches
20. His sister works in a hospital. She's a __________
A vet B teacher C nurse
21. “What's your__________?'
“It's 32, Rose Street.”
A address B street C house
22. Let's__________! We're late!
A hurry B help C eat

Speech is silver, silence is gold.
Still waters run deep.
Hope is the poor man’s bread.
A great fortune is a great slavery.
speech – vorbire, (aici)vorbă hope – speranţă
silver – argint poor – sărac, sărman
silence – tăcere man – om
gold – aur bread – pâine
still – liniştit great – mare
water – apă fortune – avere
deep – adânc slavery – robie, scalvie

“What is the largest word in the English language?”
“I don’t know.” “It is the word ‘smiles’, because is a mile between the first letter and the last.”
smiles – zâmbete mile – milă (1609 m)

Mother: “Who is the laziest fellow in your form? Who never does a task and never learns a
Tom: “It is the teacher.”
fellow – individ, (aici) băiat task – temă
form – clasă

Lecţia 4

Verbele auxiliare
Cum să te prezinţi. La cumpărături. La aeroport.
Limbaj social: urări de călătorie, de zile speciale.
Intrarea în vorbă cu oamenii necunoscuţi

Verbul To Be (a fi)
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ

I Am = Eu sunt Am I ? I Am not

You Are = Tu esti Are You ? You Are not

He Is = El este Is He ? He Is not She Is not It Is not

She Is = Ea este Is She ?
It Is = El/Ea Este Is It ?

We Are = Noi suntem Are We ? We Are not

You Are = Voi sunteti Are You ? You Are not

They are = Ei sunt Are They ? They are not

Verbul To Have (a avea)

Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ

I have = Eu am Do I have? I do not have

You have = Tu ai Do you have? You do not have

He has = El are Does he have? He does not have
She has = Ea are Does she have? She does not have
It has = El/Ea are Does it have? It does not have

We have = Noi avem Do we have? We do not have

You have = Voi aveti Do you have? You do not have

They have = Ei au Do they have? They do not have

Verbul To Do (a face)

Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ

I do = eu fac Do I? I do not

You do = tu faci Do you? You do not

He does = el face Does he? He does not

She does = ea face Does she? She does not
It does = el/ea face Does it? It does not

You do = voi faceţi Do you? You do not

We do = noi facem Do we? We do not

They do = ei fac Do they? They do not

Exerciţiul 1 Alegeţi forma corectă:

1. I wonder how many children ......... going on the school field trip this month.
(a) are b) has (c) is
2. Every morning, I go to work ......... car.
(a) for (b) by (c) in
3. Do you like sushi? No, I ..........
(a) don't like (b) don't (c) are not
4. Has anyone seen Laura? ......... to work today?
(a) Is she coming (b) Does she come (c) She come
5. I hope you're having a good time. ......... like some more tea?
(a) Do you (b) Will you (c) Would you
6. Let's hang out later tonight. ......... want to come over after work?
(a) You will (b) Do you (c) Does you
7. I was out when you called. I went to the store ......... buy some milk.
(a) for (b) to (c) order to
8. I haven't talked to Nicole recently. When ......... you talk to her last?
(a) does (b) was (c) did

9. We ......... a wonderful time. Thanks for inviting us over for dinner.
(a) had (b) have (c) has
10. The forecast isn't good for tomorrow. It's ......... to rain so don't forget to bring your
(a) having (b) going (c) seems

Exerciţiul 2 Alegeţi forma corectă:

1. I like to visit other countries but I find the ......... of travel is too high.
(a) money (b) cost (c) expenses (d) currency
2. She is very happy because she starts her new ......... today.
(a) job (b) work (c) labour (d) post
3. One day I hope I shall ......... the lottery.
(a) gain (b) collect (c) reach (d) win
4. He must have a lot of money because this summer he is going on a cruise ......... the world.
(a) about (b) around (c) across (d) through
5. Have you read that book ......... the life of Van Gogh?
(a) about (b) of (c) over (d) in
6. Do you want ......... sugar in your coffee?
(a) some (b) much (c) any (d) little
7. They do not ......... cheques in that restaurant.
(a) accept (b) agree (c) allow (d) admit
8. I cannot work today because I have very bad tooth..........
(a) pain (b) hurt (c) damage (d) ache
9. Children are not ......... in that public house.
(a) aloud (b) allowed (c) accepted (d) agreed
10. You can see the ......... about the sale in the local paper.
(a) announcement (b) warning (c) notice (d) advertisement

A Busy Day

(two friends speaking in a park when they meet each other jogging)

Barbara: Hi, Katherine, how are you today?

Katherine: I'm great and you?
Barbara: VERY busy! I'm jogging now, but later I have to do a lot!
Katherine: What do you have to do?
Barbara: Well, first of all, I have to do the shopping. We don't have anything to eat at home.
Katherine: ... and then?
Barbara: Little Johnny has a basketball game this afternoon. I'm driving him to the game.
Katherine: Oh, how is his team doing?
Barbara: They're doing very well. Next week, they're travelling to Toronto for a tournament.
Katherine: That's impressive.
Barbara: Well, Johnny likes playing basketball.

Introducing Yourself

A: Hello. My name's Peter. What's your name?

B: Janet.
A: Where are you from Janet?

B: I'm from Seattle. Where are you from?
A: I'm from Madrid.
B: Are you American?
A: Yes, I am. Are you Spanish?
B: Yes I am.

Key Vocabulary
My name is...
What's (is) your name ...
Where are you from?
I'm from... Are you (Spanish, American, German, etc.)

Acestea sunt câteva expresii pe care le folosim adesea să prezentăm persoane
(name), I don't think you've met (name).
I don't think you know (name)
May I introduce you to (name)
(name), do you know (name)?
(name), I'd like you to meet (name)

Când întâlneşti o persoană pentru prima dată este acceptat să saluţi persoana respectivă cu
„How do you do?” iar răspunsul correct este „How do you do.” Iată o scurtă conversaţie:

Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary.

Peter: How do you do?
Mary: How do you do.
Ken: Mary works for ...

O altă variantă este „It's a pleasure to meet you.” sau „Pleased to meet you.”

Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary.

Peter: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Mary: How do you do.
Ken: Mary works for ...

Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary.

Peter: How do you do?
Mary: Pleased to meet you.
Ken: Mary works for ...

În situaţiile informale prezentările sunt făcute simplu: „This is (name).” Este acceptat să se
spună „Hi” sau „Hello” ca răspuns în această situaţie informală.

Ken: Peter, this is Mary.

Peter: How do you do?
Mary: Pleased to meet you.
Ken: Mary works for ...

Este normal să daţi mâna când vă prezentaţi. După prezentarea iniţială, darea mâinii are loc în
situaţii mai formale sau la întâlniri de afaceri. În alte cazuri oameni spun doar „Hi.”

Hello and Goodbye - Three Short Conversations

A: Hello
B: Hello, Peter. How are you?
A: Fine, thanks. How are you?
B: I'm fine, thank you.
A: Goodbye
B: Goodbye, Janet. See you tomorrow!
A: Bye-bye, Peter. Have a nice evening.
B: Thanks, you too!
A: Thanks.
Key Vocabulary
Hello... How are you?
I'm fine, - OK, - well, thank you
Goodbye, - bye bye
See you tomorrow
Have a nice evening/day

In a Shop
Shopping for a Sweater

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'm looking for a sweater.
A: What size are you?
B: I'm an extra large.
A: How about this one?
B: Yes, that's nice. Can I try it on?
A: Certainly, there's the changing rooms over there.
B: Thank you.
A: How does it fit?
B: It's too large. Do you have a large?
A: Yes, here you are.
B: Thank you. I'll have it, please.
A: OK, how would you like to pay?
B: Do you take credit cards?
A: Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and American Express.
B: OK, here's my Visa.
A: Thank you. Have a nice day!
B: Thank you, goodbye.
Key Vocabulary
Can I help you?
Can I try it (them) on?
size - extra small, small, medium, large, extra large
How does it fit?
changing rooms
How would you like to pay?
credit cards

At the Airport
Checking In
A: Good morning. Can I have your ticket, please?
B: Here you are.
A: Thank you. Would you like smoking or non-smoking?
B: Non-smoking, please.
A: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
B: An aisle seat, please.
A: Do you have any baggage?
B: Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag.
A: Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.
B: Thank you.
Passport Control
A: Good morning. Can I see your passport?
B: Here you are.
A: Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business?
B: I'm a tourist.
A: That's fine. Have a pleasant stay.
B: Thank you.
Key Vocabulary
Can I have your ticket?
smoking, non-smoking
window, aisle seat
baggage, suitcase, carry-on bag
boarding pass
Can I see your passport?
tourist, business

In a Motel / Hotel
Getting a Room for the Night

A: Good evening. Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I'd like a room for the night.
A: Would you like a single room, or a double room?
B: A single room, please. How much is the room?
A: It's $55 per night.
B: Can I pay by credit card?
A: Certainly. We take Visa, Master Card and American Express. Could you fill in this form,
B: Do you need my passport number?
A: No, just an address and your signature.(fills out the form) Here you are.
A: Here's your key. Your room number is 212.
B: Thank you.
A: Thank you. If you need anything, dial 0 for the reception area. Have a good stay!

Key Vocabulary
Can I help you
I'd like a room
single, double room

Can I pay by credit card?
fill in this form
passport number
room number
At a Restaurant
Ordering a Meal
A: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?
B: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?
A: Certainly, here you are.
B: Thank you. What's today's special?
A: Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.
B: That sounds good. I'll have that.
A: Would you like something to drink?
B: Yes, I'd like a coke.
A: Thank you. (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy your meal!
B: Thank you.
A: Can I get you anything else?
B: No thanks. I'd like the check (bill - UK English), please.
A: That'll be $6.75.
B: Here you are. Keep the change!
A: Thank you! Have a good day!
Key Vocabulary
Can I see a menu?
here you are
Enjoy your meal!
Would you like ...
Can I get you anything else?
I'd like the check (bill - UK English), please.
That'll be $6.75.
Have a good day!

Social Language
Travel Greetings

Iată câteva expresii folosite când ne luăm rămas bun de la prieteni sau familie pentru călători
scurte sau lungi. Long
Trips, Vacations, etc. American English
Have a good trip.
Enjoy your vacation.
Have a good time in (destination)

Long Trips, Vacations, etc. British English

Have a good journey.
Enjoy your holidays.
Have a good time in (destination)

Short Outings
Enjoy! (American English)

Have a good time at (destination place such as a restaurant)
Have a good time in (destination city)

Când prietenii tăi se întorc acasă este politicos să le pui următoarele întrebări:
How was your vacation? (holiday in British English)
Did you enjoy your time in (destination)
How was your journey / flight / trip?

Special Days

Este normal să se folosească o anumită urare pentru zile speciale, vacanţe sau alte ocazii
speciale. Iată câteva din cele mai frecvente:
Happy birthday!
Best wishes / Good luck on your thirtieth (age - use an ordinal number) birthday!
Many happy returns!

Wedding / Anniversary
Best wishes / good luck on your tenth (number - use an ordinal number) anniversary!
Here's to many more happy years together (folosit când se face un toast)

Special Holidays
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year / Easter / Hanukkah / Ramadan etc.
All the best for a happy New Year / Easter / Hanukkah / Ramadan etc.

Când faci o urare unui copil de ziua lui este ceva obişnuit să-i întrebi şi ce au primit: Merry
Christmas! What did you get from Santa Claus?
Happy Birthday! What did your Daddy get for you?

Special Occasions
Congratulations on your promotion!
All the best for your ...
I'm so proud of you!

Speaking to Strangers

Aici sunt câteva expresii politicoase folosite pentru a atrage atenţia sau a cere ajutor de la
oameni necunoscuţi. Folosirea unui limbaj mai formal este normal când vorbiţi cu cineva pe
care nu cunoaşteţi:
Este normal să te scuzi întâi când ceri ajutorul unei alte persoane.
Excuse me, could I ...
Sorry, do you think I could ...
Excuse me, do you know ...
I beg your pardon, could you help me? (formal)

Asking Someone to Repeat

Când ceri informaţii probabil vei întâmpina greutăţi să înţelegi ce se spune, mai ales când

este aglomerat şi este mult zgomot în jur (staţii de gară, restaurante, magazine, etc.) Aici sunt
câteva expresii uzuale pentru a ruga pe cineva să repete ce a spus:
Excuse me, I'm afraid I didn't understand. Could you repeat that? (formal)
I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.

Circle the correct item:

1. My brother is a________ He works in a hotel.

A pilot B receptionist C postman
2. Red and yellow are________colours.
A first B primary C quiet
3. Write a letter to your________friend.
A pencil B book C pen
4. Green is a________colour.
A secondary B clean C freezing
5. There aren't any blocks of________ in his street.
A buildings B flats C houses
6. There are lots of famous ________ in this museum.
A statues B castles C churches
7. There's ________bank in Sue's neighbourhood.
Aa B some C any
8. That's about me. How about you?
A good B all C not
9. Paris is the________of France.
A place B city C capital
10. I've got a chest of________in my bedroom.
A drawers B cushions C pillows
11. Louise and Betty________got a big house.
A have got B has C have
12. There's a theatre________her house.
A in B near C next
13. My flat is on the________floor.
A six B sixth C sixteen
14. I brush my teeth in the________
A bathroom B living room C garden
15. They've got a white cat. It's________cat.
A their B they C they're
16. The table is________of the sofa.
A in front B next C near
17. „What is your________?”
„It's WS3 3ML.”
A address B postcode C floor
18. Has Mrs Blake got four________?
A child B childs C children
19. Danny's got lots of ________ .
A toy B toy's C toys
20. Patty likes________ .
A strawberry's B strawberries C strawberrys
21. We want some
A potatoes B potatos C potato
22. This is the________car.
A man's B mans C men

23. Our house________four bedrooms.
A 've got B 's got C got
24. I ________a CD player but I've got a
A 've got B haven't got C hasn't got
25. There is a________cabinet near my bed.
A bed B bedside C bedroom
26. She's got a big________in her bedroom.
A tap B hall C wardrobe
27. I like this house. When can I move________
A at B on C in
28. The living room is________big.
A great B quiet C quite
29. This laptop belongs to Melissa. It's ________laptop.
A her B his C its
30. The tiger is 2,5 m_______ .
A long B short C big
31. „Have they got a TV in their bedroom?”
„Yes, they_______”
A have B have got C 've got
32. The garage is_______the house.
A behind B in front C next
33. These are the_______hats.
A women's B womans C women
34. Can a turtle fly?”
„No, it_______”
A can B can't C can not
35. A duck can't climb trees but it_______fly.
A can not B can't C can
36. A jockey works on a_______ .
A farm B racecourse C aquarium
37. A dentist_______after people's teeth.
A takes B puts C looks
38. Robert can swim but he _______ play the piano.
A cannot B can C do
39. Kate _______the bus to work every morning.
A catch B catchs C catches
40. Ann does her homework _______ the afternoons.
A in B at C on
41. Beth goes to the gym _______ the evenings.
A in B at C on
42. „What time is it?”
„It's half _______eight.”
A to B past C for
43. Lyn _______ all her time with her dog.
A takes B gives C spends
44. A pilot_______aeroplanes.
A fly B flys C flies
45. Look at the dolphin! I want to_______a picture.
A have B take C make
46. What does your dog________like?
A look B is C can
47. „Excuse me, have you got the_______?”

„It's 7:30.”
A time B clock C hours
48. My brother is scared_______snakes.
A for B of C on
49. He's here about the house for________
A buy B rent C take
50. Our kitchen is_______ - fashioned.
A modern B new C old
51. Chris plays football_______ the weekend.
A in B at C on
52. They have lunch_______ 2 o'clock.
A on B in C at
53. Cobras _______ hear music at all.
A can’t B can C does

Lecţia 5
Gen. Număr. Genitiv Posesiv. Numărul Substantivelor


În limba engleză, substantivele sunt de trei genuri:

1. substantivele de gen masculin sunt cele care denumesc fiinţele de sex bărbătesc:
man, boy, actor, husband
2. substantive de gen feminin care denumesc fiinţele de gen feminin:
woman, girl, wife
3. substantive de gen neutru denumesc obiecte şi abstracţiuni: book, chair, table, ball,
În limba engleză se poate vorbi de un al patrulea gen – genul comun, care are aceeiaşi formă
pentru masculin şi feminin.
cousin = verişor, verişoară
child = copil, copilă
friend = prieten, prietenă
neighbour =vecin, vecină
passenger = trecător, trecătoare
hairdresser = coafor, coafeză
teacher = professor, profesoară

Substantivele feminine sunt reprezentate în limba engleză prin:
1. O formă total diferită de aceea folosită pentru masculin:
boy = băiat girl = fată
man = bărbat woman = femeie
husband = soţ wife = soţie
nephew = nepot niece = nepoată
uncle = unchi aunt = mătuşă
king = rege queen = regină
bachelor = celobatar spinster = celibatară
cock = cocoş hen = găină
drake = răţoi duck = raţă
gander = gâscan goose = gâscă
ram = berbec ewe = oaie
bull = taur cow = vacă
horse = cal mare = iapă
2. Sufixul cel mai des folosit este ess, aşa cum reiese din exemple:
actor = actor actress = actriţă
heir = moştenitor heiress = moştenitoare
prince = prinţ princess = pinţesă
emperor = împărat empress = împărăteasă
god = zeu goddess = zeiţă
duke = duce duchess = ducesă
lion = leu lioness = leoaică
tiger = tigru tigress = tigroaică
master = stăpân mistress = stăpână
patron = patron patroness = patroană
editor = editor editress = editoare
administrator = administrator administratrix = administratoare
testator = testator testatrix = testatară
widower = văduv widow = văduvă
czar = ţar czarina = ţarină
sultan = sultan sultana = sultană
shepherd = păstor shepherdess = păstoriţă
waiter = chelner waitress = chelneriţă

3. Genul indicat printr-un cuvânt care indică sexul:
man, woman, lady, girl, male, female, etc.
boy friend = prieten girl friend = prietenă
shop boy = vânzător shop girl = vânzătoare
grand son = nepot grand daughter = nepoată
male child = copil female child = copilă
man servant = servitor female servant = servitoare
maid servant
doctor = doctor lady doctor = doctoriţă

Pentru animale:
pea cock = păun pea hen = păuniţă
turkey cock = curcan turkey hen = curcă
he goat = ţap she goat = capră

În general, pluralul se formează prin adăugarea unui –s la singular:
fork = furculiţă forks
spoon = lingură spoons
Următoarele excepţii se explică prin regulile ortografice:
1. Când substantivul se termină în –s, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, -sz pluralul se formează prin
adăugarea terminaţiei es:
bus – buses = autobuz + pl.
glass – glasses = pahar + pl.
class – classes = clasă + pl.
box – boxes =cutie + pl.
inch – inches = uncie + pl.
church – churches =biserică + pl.
bush – bushes =tufiş + pl.
În substantivele în care ch se pronunţă k, pluralul urmează regula generală:
monarch – monarchs = monarh + pl.
epoch – epochs = epocă + pl.
1. Substantivele terminate în o precedat de consoană formează în general pluralul în –es .
potato – potatoes = cartof + pl.

tomato – tomatoes = tomată + pl.
cargo – cargoes = încărcătură + pl.
fresco – frescoes = frescă + pl.
hero – heroes = erou + pl.
Excepţie fac cuvintele nou provenite din alte limbi:
canto – cantos = canto + pl.
solo – solos = solo + pl.
casino – casinos = cazinou + pl.
piano – pianos = pian + pl.
mosquito – mosquitos sau mosquitoes = ţânţar + pl.
tobacco – tobaccos sau tobaccoes = tutun + pl.
2. Substantivele terminate în y precedate de consoană fac pluralul în –ies.
family – families = familie + pl.
city – cities = oraş + pl.
country – countries = ţară + pl.
university – universities = universitate + pl.
Când y este precedat de vocală, pluralul este regulat:
boy – boys
day – days
3. Unele substantive terminate în f sau fe formează pluralul în ves:
leaf – leaves = frunză + pl.
sheaf – sheaves = snop + pl.
self – selves = individualitate, eu + pl.
loaf – loaves = pâine integrală + pl.
hoof – hooves sau hoofs = copită + pl.
calf – calves = viţel + pl.
shelf – shelves = raft + pl.
wolf – wolves = lup + pl.
elf – elves = zână + pl.
half – halves = jumătate + pl.
knife – knives =cuţit + pl.
life – lives =viaţă + pl.
wife – wives = soţie + pl.
Dar majoritatea substantivelor în f sau fe au pluralul regulat:

proof – proofs = probă + pl.
roof- roofs = acoperiş + pl.
safe – safes = garanţie + pl.
handkerchief – handkerchiefs = batistă + pl.
chief – chifs = şef + pl.
4. Următoarele substantive îşi schimbă forma la plural
child – children = copil + pl.
man – men = bărbat + pl.
tooth – teeth = dinte + pl.
foot – feet = picior + pl.
goose – geese = gâscă + pl.
mouse – mice = şoarece + pl.
louse – lice = păduche + pl.
ox – oxen = bou + pl.
5. Unele substantive sunt invariabile:
advice = sfat
business = afacere
furniture = mobilă
income = venit
knowledge = cunoaştere
luggage = bagaj
progress = progress
information = informaţii
wealth = bogăţie
sheep = oaie
deer = căprioară
fish = peşte
hair = păr
Unele dintre substantivele menţionate mai sus au înţeles colectiv şi pt a putea reda idea unui
singur element, se însoţesc de un cuvânt ajutător.
Ex. a piece of furniture
6. Unele substantive au însă numai formă de plural:
clothes = haine
pyjamas = pijamale

scissors = foarfece
trousers = pantaloon
thanks = mulţumiri
tidings = noutăţi, ştiri
spectacles = ochelari
mathematics = matematici
linguistics = lingvistică
news = veste, ştire
means = mijloc
Substantivele news şi means se folosesc ca sens de singular.
This news is true. = Vestea aceasta este adevărată.
By this means = în felul acesta, prin acest mijloc
Mai există unele substantive cu semne de plural, dar formă de singular:
there were many cattle on the hill = erau multe vite pe deal
many people like swimming = multor oameni le place înotul
his orchard was full of poultry = curtea îi era plină de păsări
Când substantivul people se foloseşte cu înţeles de popor, atunci la plural devine – peoples.
All the peoples fight for peace. = Toate popoatele luptă pentru pace.
7. Numele de popoare formează pluralul adăugând terminaţia s, dar cele terminate în s,
sh, ch, ss sau ese rămân invariabile la plural şi şi se compun dintr-un adjective şi
substantivul men respectiv woman, pluralul marcându-se numai la substantive men,
Italian(s) = italian
American(s) = american
German(s) = german
Spanish = spaniol
Portuguese = portughez
Swiss = elveţian
Englishman, Englishmen (pl)
Frenchman, Frenchmen (pl)
Toate substantivele şi adjectivele indicând nume de popoare se scriu în limba engleză cu
Ex. Romanians speak Romanian.

Singular Plural

man men
woman women
child children
foot feet
tooth teeth
mouse mice
person people

I. Fill in the correct form of the plural.
Example: school - ______
Answer: school – schools
1. half -
2. kilo -
3. woman -
4. foot -
5. mouth -
6. sheep -
7. penny -
8. bus -
9. day -
10. fish -

II. Fill in the correct form of the plural.

Example: school - ______
Answer: school – schools
1. tomato -
2. tooth -
3. aircraft -
4. chorus -
5. mouse -
6. crisis -
7. passer-by -
8. radius -
9. grown-up -

III. Fill in the correct plural forms of the given words into the gaps.

Singular Plural


IV. Fill in the following words in order to form useful phrases:

advice, chocolate, jam, lemonade, meat, milk, oil, rice, tea, tennis
Example: a cube of _____
Answer: a cube of sugar

1. a piece of
2. a packet of
3. a bar of
4. a glass of
5. a cup of
6. a bottle of
7. a slice of
8. a barrel of
9. a game of
10. a jar of

V. Write the plural of the words below.

an arch → two arches
a country →
a puppy →
a box →
a knife →
a torch →
a tomato →
a foot →
a tooth →
a mouse →

VI. Match the pairs and say which is singular and which is plural.

book child
city man
leaf cities
buses leaves
men books
children bus

VII. Rewrite in the plural.

e.g. It is a knife. → They are knives.
It is a potato. →

She is a woman. →
He is a man. →
It is a strawberry. →
I am a boy. →

Progress Check
1. Choose the correct word.
1.This is ____________ apple.
A. an B. a
2. Lyn and Tim ____________ eighteen.
A. are B. is
3. This is John. ______________ is ten.
A. She B. He
4. It______________ a book.
A are B is
5 He______________ three years old.
A is B are
6 This is Sara and Jill. ______________ are my friends.
A We B They
7 This is ______________ orange.
A an Ba
8 This is ______________ goldfish.
Aa B an
9 My name is Kim. ______________ am thirteen.
A You BI
10 This is Mark. ______________ is my brother.
A It B He

2. Circle the correct response.

1. A: This is my pet dog, Rusty.
B: a How old is he?
b What's his name?
2. A: My name's Jane Smithers.
B: a I'm eleven. And you?
b How do you spell that?
3. A: Hello.

B: a Goodbye.
b Hi.
4. A: How old is she?
B: a Three years old.
b He's four.
5. A: I How old are you?
B: a I'm fine.
b I'm ten.
6. A: What's your name?
B: a She's Anna.
b Bob Turner.
7. A: Goodbye.
B: a OK.
b See you.
8. A: Hi, Pam.
B: a Bye.
b Hi.
9. A: What colour is your goldfish?
B: a Blue.
b Orange.
10. A: I'm ten. And you?
B: a I'm nine.
b It's four years old.

3. Circle the correct item.

The fridge is under / near the cooker.
There is a desk in / on my bedroom.
There is a sink / wardrobe in the bathroom.
There is a pillow on the bed / bath.
When can I move in / near?
There is a tap in the bathroom / bedroom.
The bathroom is at / on the end of the hall.
The garden is under / behind the house.
There is a bedside cabinet next to / under the bed.
Paul is on / in the garden.
4. Chose the correct item.
a. I................a computer, but my brother has.
A hasn't got B haven't got
b. 2 This
A Jane's B Janes'
c. There are two................of bread on the table.
A loafs B loaves
d. They................a big garden at their house, but we haven't.
A have got B has got
e. That is the................ball. It's their ball.
A boy's B boys'
f. got a big house?
A Has B Have
g. The................are in the garden.
A child B children
h. The................are in the cupboard.
A glasses B glass
i. This is It's her car.

A Greens' B Green's
j. There are two................on the bedside cabinet.
A brushs B brushes

You cannot be young and old at the same time.
I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.
Guests are thieves of time.
Everything is good in its season
at the same time = în acelaşi timp
flatterer = linguşitor thief = hoţ; thieves = hoţi
guest = oaspete, musafir in its season = la timpul său

All is well that it ends well.

All is not gold that glitters.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
that = care, aici când way = cale
to end = a swe termina barking = care latră
to glitter = a străluci seldom = rar, arareori
will = voinţă to bite = a muşca

Lecţia 6

1. Adjectivul este invariabil în gen şi număr:

a good actor = un actor bun
a good actress = o actriţă bună
a good book = o carte bună
a good teacher = un professor bun
good students = studenţi buni
good habits = obiceiuri bune
2. Locul adjectivului este în genere înaintea substantivului, aşa cum se vede din exemplele
paragrafului precedent.
a) Unele adjective calificative însă se pot aşeza după substantivul pe care-l
determină, acesta pentru a sublinia mai mult calitatea respectivă:
People arrived for the occasion from the cities far and near. = Pentru această
ocazie oamneii au venit din toate oraşele cele apropiate şi cele de departe.

b) Adjectivul urmat de un complement sau prepoziţie în strânsă legătură cu el, se
plasează după substantive:
A hall full of people = o sală plină de lume
It is a matter too urgent to be put off any longer = este o chestiune prea urgentă
pentru a fi amînată
c) În expresiile pereche de obicei de origine latină, adjectivul este precedat de
a knight errant = un cavaler rătăcitor
the Governor General = guvernatorul general
a Court Martial = un tribunal militar
Asia Minor = Asia Mică
a lion couchant = un leu culcat
alone singur, este precedat de un substantiv:
His silence alone is sufficient proof = tăcerea lui însăşi este acuzatoare
The whole family lived on his salary alone = toată familia trăia numai din salariul lui
for this week alone = numai pentru această săptămână
În apoziţiile nume istorice aadjectivul este precedat de substantive:
Henry the Third =Henric al III-lea
William the Conqueror = William Cuceritorul
Michael the Brave = Mihal Viteazul

3. Adjectivul mai poate face parte din predicat, pentru a completa înţelesul unui verb cauzativ
şi arată rezultatul acţiunii verbului:
All men are mortal. = toţi oamenii sunt muritori
She became very rich = ea s-a îmbogăţit tare
Leave the page blank = lasă foaia albă
Sweet is pleasure after pain. = dulce este plăcerea după durere

4. Adjectivul nu poate să joace rol de substantive la singular decât referindu-se la o clasă

citată în prealabil şi rolul de a determina noi exemple. În acest caz este urmat de un
substantive sau de pronume, de obicei one (pl. ones):
my two dresses, the red (one) and the blue (one) = rochiile mele cea roşie şi cea

two boxes of matches, one large and one small = două cutii de chibrituri una mare şi
una mică
a nice person = o persoană plăcută
the poor little child = bietul copilaş
Pentru înţelesul de plural se poate suprima substantivul sau pronumele dar adjectivul ste
precedat de articolul hotărât:
the rich = bogaţii
the poor = săracii
the young = tinerii
the old = bătrânii
De reţinut folosirea adjectivelor opuse în expresie fără articol.
Exemplu: old and young = cu toţii tineri şi bătrâni
Pentru a indica la plural un grup de indivizi în mod special este necesar să se adaoge
adjectivul pe care-l determină, ca şi la plural:
the impudent fellows just laughed = insolenţii tocmai râdeau
5. Din exemplele precedente, am văzut că adjectivele invariabile la plural chiar când se
folosesc de substantive, totuţi unele adjective s-au transformat în substantive pure care
primesc desinenţa pluralului:
the ancients = anticii
the moderns = modernii
your betters = superiorii tăi
sweets = dulciuri
bitters = băuturi amare
valuables = obiecte de valoare

6. Adjectivul nehotărât some folosit la afirmativ se transformă în any la interogativ şi no la

There are some flowers on the piano = pe pian se află nişte flori
Is there anything strange about that? = este ceva ciudat în asta?
I It’s nothing serious. = nu este nimic serios


1. Adjectivele formate din mai mult de două silabe şi majoritatea celor două din două silabe,
formează comparativul şi superlativul în mod analog limbii române, mai fiind more şi cel
mai the most.
beautiful, frumos, more beautiful, mai frumos, the most beautiful, cel mai frumos
brilliant, more brilliant, the most brilliant = scânteietor
popular, more popular, the most popular = popular
interesting, more interesting, the most interesting = interesant
careful, more careful, the most careful = atent
dangerous, more dangerous, the most dangerous = periculos

Toate adjectivele terminate în ful (prescurtare din full – plin) formează gradele de comparaţie
numai în acest fel.
2. Adverbele more şi most ajută la formarea gradelor de comparaţie şi a unor adjective scurte:
more dry

În general însă, adjectivele scurte formează comparativul adăugând sufixul er şi superlativul

adăugând sufixul est, ţinându-se seama de regulile de ortografie.

long - longer – longest =lung
short – shorter- the shortest = scurt
cold – colder – the coldest = rece
large – larger – the largest = mare
happy – happier – the happiest = fericit
lovely – lovelier – loveliest = drăguţ
clever – cleverer – the cleverest = deştept
narrow – narrower - -the narrowest = îngust

De observat că atunci când este vorba de o comparaţie între două atribute referitoare la aceiaşi
persoană sau lucru, de obicei se foloseşte construcţia cu more.
He is more sly than clever. = El este mai şiret decât deştept.

3. Unele adjective formează comparativul şi superlativul în mod neregulat:
good, bun – better, mai bun – the best, cel mai bun
bad, rău – worse, mai rău – the worst, cel mai rău
late, târziu – later, mai târziu – the latest, ultimul, cel mai recent
latter = al doilea, - the last = ultimul, cel mai recent
much, mult – more, mai mult – the most, cel mai mult
many = mulţi
old, vechi – older, mai vechi- the oldest, cel mai vechi, bătrân
– elder, mai în vârstă, the eldest, cel mai în vârstă

Exemple pentru formele derivate ale lui late:

last week = săptămâna trecută
Later events proved that he was right. = evenimentele care au urmat au arătat că avea
The author says tha his latest book will be his last. = autorul spune că ultima carte (cea mai
recentă) pe care a publicat-o va fi ultima (nu va mai continua să scrie)
The ladies talked about the latest fashion. = doamnele vorbesc despre moda zilei
The latter half of June. = partea a doua a lunii iunie
The organist and the sexten were both old men. = organistul şi paraclisierul erau amândoi

Elder şi eldest se folosesc numai pentru personae, în mod special pentru membrii
aceleiaşi familii.
Elder este precedat de articol sau adjective posesive ori demonstrative. Nu este niciodată
urmat de than. Pentru personae putem folosi şi older (comparativ), oldest (superlativ).

The three elder children. = Cei trei copii mai mari
Who is elder John or Mary? = Cine este mai mare, John sau Mary?
John is the elder. = John este mai mare.
John is elder than Mary. = John este mai mare decât Maria.
Kate is the eldest of the family. = Kate este cea mai bătrână din familie.
This woman is the eldest in the village. = Această femeie este cea mai bătrână din sat.

4. După comparativ, al doilea termen este introdus de than:
Hugh is taller than Richard. = Hugh este mai înalt decât Richard.
He has more than twenty horses. = El are mai mult de douăzeci de cai.
După superlativ, al doilea termen este introdus de of şi câteodată de in.
Jack is the tallest of the boys. = Jack este cel mai înalt dintre băieţi.
He is certainly the best of the teachers. = El este cu siguranţă cel mai bun dintre profesori.
She is the best pianist in the district. = Ea este cea mai bună pianistă din ţinut.
Mary is the youngest in the family. = Mary este cea mai tânără din familie.

Opposite Adjectives
Match the adjectives on the left with their opposite on the right
new cheap
white old
good ugly
nice black
big bad
short small
expensive horrible
fantastic long

Find the opposite of the adjectives

easier more dangerous
safer worse
more boring more useless
better more difficult
more expensive dirtier
cleaner more interesting
sadder cheaper
more useful happier


I am … I'm... I'm American.
He is... He's... He's Austrian.
She is... She's... She's Brazilian.
It is... It's... It's German.
Pronumele it se foloseste numai pentru obiecte si animale; pentru oameni se folosesc he/she.
We are... We're... We're Romanian.
You are... You're... You're Spanish.
They are... They're... They're French.

Is he... Is he Swiss?
Is she... Is she Egyptian?
Is it... Is it Italian?
Are you... Are you Russian?
Are they... Are they Dutch?

I am not... I'm not... I'm not Turkish.

He is not... He isn't... He isn't Japanese.
She is not... She isn't... She isn't British.
It is not... It isn't... It isn't Swedish.
We are not... We aren't... We aren't Belgian.
You aren't... You are not... You aren't Canadian.
They are not... They aren't... They aren't German.

Where are you from? I'm from San Diego, California.

Where are you from? I'm from Canada.
Where is Mr. Sung from? He's from Korea. He's Korean.
Where is Miss Salazar from? She's from Portugal. She's Portuguese.
Where are Mr. and Mrs. Avellaneda from? They're from Argentina. They're Argentinean.

Are you English? No, I'm not English. I'm American.

Is Miss Flagstad Norwegian? No, she isn't Norwegian. She's Danish.
Is Mr. Faisal Saudi? Yes, he's Saudi Arabian.
Are Mr. and Mrs. Sen Vietnamese? No, they aren't Vietnamese. They're Malaysian.

Is this a German engine? Yes, it's German.
Is this Romanian wine? No, it isn't Romanian. It's French.
Are these Irish songs? No, they aren't Irish. They're Scottish.
Are these Italian shoes? Yes, they're Italian.

I. Rewrite the sentence putting the adverb given in brackets into its proper position.
Example: He plays on the computer. (always)
Answer: He always plays on the computer.

1. He listens to the radio. (often)

2. They read a book. (sometimes)
3. Pete gets angry. (never)
4. Tom is very friendly. (usually)
5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
6. Ramon is hungry. (often)
7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
9. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
10. Christine smokes after dinner. (seldom)

II. Chose the right word

1. hot _____________________________
2. black _____________________________
3. heavy _____________________________
4. slow _____________________________
5. easy _____________________________
6. good _____________________________
7. nice _____________________________
8. round _____________________________

1. white _____________________________
2. hard _____________________________
3. fast _____________________________
4. bad ___________________________
5. cold ___________________________
6. nasty _____________________________
7. square_____________________________
8. light ______________________________

III. Fill in the missing words into the gaps.

positive comparative superlative

IV. Fill in the missing words into the gaps.

positive comparative superlative



Personal Information
(Two friends filling in a form together)
Jim: Your painting is fantastic Roger!
Roger: I'm happy you like it. It's for a competition. Here's the form.
Jim: Right. OK, here are the questions.... Your hands are dirty.
Roger: ... from painting! What are the questions? Here's a pen (gives him a pen to fill the form
Jim: What's your name?
Roger: oh, that's difficult ... Roger!
Jim: Ha, ha. What's your surname?Roger: I'm not sure ...
Jim: very funny! OK, surname - Tailor
Roger: Yes, that's it!
Jim: next question please. Are you married or single?
Roger: Single. I'm sure about that!
Jim: What's your address?
Roger: 72 London Road.
Jim: and what are your hobbies?
Roger: hmmm....
The Meeting
(Two workers in an office)
James: Hi Alice. How are you today?
Alice: Hi James. I'm fine, and you?
James: Great, thank you. Remember, the meeting is at 3 o'clock.
Alice: Excuse me, which meeting?
James: Which meeting?! The meeting with the boss!
Alice: Are you sure there is a meeting today?

James: Alice, Alice, every month there is a meeting with a boss. This month that meeting is
this afternoon.
Alice: Calm down. OK, there's a meeting this afternoon. What time is it?
James: Alice, this is important. The meeting is at three o'clock sharp!
Alice: Thank you James... By the way, what time is it now?
James: It's quarter past eleven.

Better late than never, but better never late.
Better an egg today than a ten tomorrow.
One “today” is better than ten “tomorrows”.
He laughs best who laughs last.
The devil is not so black as he is painted.
to laugh = a râde devil = drac
painted = zugrăvit

In a newspaper there was the following matrimonial advertisement:
- Gentleman, owner of a car made in 1983, wants a wife younger than his car.
following = următor gentleman = domn
matrimonial = matrimonial owner = posesor
advertisement = anunţ made = făcut, fabricat

Two young

girls are talking: “I wonder what is more impolite for a boy, to accost a girl or to neglect her?”
to wonder = a se întreba to accost = a acosta
to neglect = a neglija impolite = nepoliticos


 Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics. – Jane Adams quotes
(American pacifist, Social worker and Founder of Hull House in Chicago, one of the
first social settlements in North America. Nobel Prize for Peace in 1931. 1860-1935)

 “The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all
of us and incorporated into our common life.” Jane Adams

 “Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all men” Jane

 “You do not know what life means when all the difficulties are removed! I am simply
smothered and sickened with advantages. It is like eating a sweet dessert the first thing
in the morning” Jane Adams

sounds-phonems TONGUE TWISTER
Pp Piter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Piter Piper
picked a peck of pickled peppers, How many pickled peppers did
Piter Piper pick?
Bb Betty bought some butter, but the butter Betty bought was bitter,
so Betty bought some better butter, and the better butter Betty
bought was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before!

Betty bought some some bitter butter and it made her batter
bitter, so Betty bought some better butter to make her bitter
batter better.
Rr Red rabbits run rapidly.
u Little lousy lions.
We wink wildly.
oy/oa Toy boat.Toy boat. Toy boat.
f/fr/fl Fat frogs flying past fast.
b/bl A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear
bleed blood.
u/oo How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck
could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as
much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck
s/z Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy,
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?

sh/s She sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are
seashore seashells.

Sally sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells Sally sells are
seashore seashells.
a/au I saw a saw in Arkansas, that would outsaw any saw I ever saw,
and if you got a saw that will outsow the saw I saw in Arkansas
let me see your saw.

OBJECTIVE: to say each tongue twister faster and faster without laughing,
drotling or misprononciating any of the words.

Lecţia 7

1. Adjectivele şi pronumele demonstrative sunt: this – acest, aceasta, these – aceste, aceşti,
that – acel, aceea, those – acei, acele.
Pronumele demonstrative (Demonstrative pronouns) sunt:
this = acesta, aceasta
That book is yours and this (one) is mine = Cartea aceasta este a ta, iar acesta este a
that = acela, acela
This book is mine and that (one) is yours. = Cartea aceaste este a mea, iar aceea este
a ta.
these = aceştia, acestea
Those books are mine and these (ones) are yours. = Cărţile acelea sunt ale mele, iar
acestea sunt ale tale.
Those players are good but these (ones) are better = Jucătorii aceia sunt bini, dar
aceştia sunt mai buni.
those = aceia, acela
These players are very good but those (ones) aren’t. = Jucătorii aceştia sunt foarte
buni, dar aceia nu sunt.

This şi these indică aporpiere a obiectului în timp şi spaţiu faţă de persoana care
this book – această carte these books – aceste cărţi

that book – aceea carte those books – acele cărţi
this year – anul acesta that year – anul acela, trecut sau viitor
this tune is delightful – melodia aceasta este încântătoare
these houses are larger than those – casele acestea sunt mai mari decât acelea
the landscape in the mountains is more attractive than that in the plains –
priveliştea din munţi este mai atrăgătoare decât aceea din câmpie
Those are your tennis balls, these are mine – acestea sunt mingile voastre de tennis,
acestea sunt ale mele
Please, give him, this – te rog, dă-i aceasta
What do you think of that? – ce crezi despre aceasta?
Dacă adjectivul demonstrativ se referă la mai mult de un substantive nu este necesar să fie
This man and woman – acest bărbat şi această femeie
A nu se confunda forma singulară a pronumelui demonstrative that cu that – care, pronume

2. Pronumele demonstrative aceasta, acesta, aceea, acel, se poate omite în construcţia

genitivului posesiv.
This house is my brother’s – casa aceasta este a fratelui meu
That handbag is my sister’s – poşeta aceea este a surorii mele
Se poate omite substantivul însoţit de genitivul ‘s, când în aceiaşi propoziţie a fost deja
amintit şi astfel se evită repetiţia:
This car is faster than your wife’s – maşina lui este mai rapidă decât a soţiei sale.
I bought my books and my sister’s – am adus cărţile mele şi ale surorii mele

3. One(s) este folosit câteodată şi ca pronume demonstrative pentru a se evita repetarea sau
drept correspondent al articolului adjectival din limba română, cel, cea (this one) sau ca
înlocuitor al unui substantive după adjectivele determinative this, that, which, another,
She took off her hat and put a new one – ea şi-a scos pălăria şi şi-a pus o alta.
It’s a fine fish but the one I caught was bigger – este bun peştele dar cel pe care l-
am prins este mai mare

My house is the one on the left - casa mea este aceea de pe stânga
Is that the one who sang last time? – este acela care a cântat data trecută?
All these books are interesting, this (one) for example – toate cărţile sunt
interesante, de exemplu ia-o pe aceasta.
Her sister was a teacher and she wanted to be one too – sora ei era profesoară şi ea
dorea să fie la fel.
The little ones – cei mici
I’m not one of those (one of those people) who like him – nu sunt dintre aceea (unul
dintre) care-l plac

4. Notaţi traducerea pronumelui demonstrativ englez în următoarele cazuri:

You will be sorry for this – are să-ţi pară rău pentru aceasta
It was like this - aşa s-a întâmplat
This is what he told me – aceasta este ce mi-a spus
That is what he told me. – aceasta este ce mi-a spus
“What did he tell you?” – Oh, this and that. – ce ţi-a povestit? – Oh, una alta.
I had heard of it before this – auzisem despre asta mai înainte
It ought to have been done before this – trebuia să fie făcută de mai înainte
This is something like a meal – acesta este ceea ce se cheamă un prânz
And that’s all – şi cu asta, gata, am terminat
Is this (that) all the luggage you are taking? – este acesta tot bagajul?
Is this (that) where she lives? – aici locuieşte ea?
Is that you John? – tu eşti John?
What do you mean by that? – ce vrei să spui cu asta?
This, that and the other – ba una, ba alta, când una, când alta
There is no such thing! – nu există aşa ceva
Don’t do that – să nu faci aşa ceva

Exerciţiul 1
Transformaţi propoziţiile următoare după exemplul de mai jos:
Ex. This is my cat.

This cat belongs to me.
1. Those are your books.
2. That is their ball.
3. Is this your house?
4. That is Mary’s dog.
5. Are these your coats?

Exerciţiul 2
Transformaţi propoziţiile de mai jos, folosind pronumele demonstrative după
următorul model:
Model: This car is red.
This is a red car.
1. This door is open.
2. Those windows are closed.
3. These buildings are modern.
4. Those boys are naughty.

Exerciţiul 3
Completaţi spaţiile libere cu pronumele demonstrative corespunzătoare:
1. Is ____________ all she has to say?
2. ____________ is my younger sister.
3. ____________ is what she said.
4. ____________ is the fate of an ordinary man.
5. I’d do ____________
6. ____________ is what I am going to do right now.

Exerciţiul 4
Traduceţi în limba română următoarele popoziţii:
a) There’s a squirrel in the tree.

b) There’s the squirrel in the tree.

c) There’s the man I was telling you about.
d) There’s John!
e) There’s John in the tree.
f) There’s a letter and two messages for you.

g) There are a letter and two messages for you.

h) There are two messages and a letter for you.
i) There are a load of messages for you.
j) There’s a load of messages for you.
k) There are a lot of messages for you.
l) There’s a lot of messages for you.
m) There’s two messages for you.
Exerciţiul 5
Alegeţi pronumele demonstrative din propoziţiile de mai jos şi scrieţi-le în spaţiile

1. This sounds like a great idea. ________
2. What is that? ________
3. Larry brought those to the party. ________
4. These are simply delicious! ________

Exerciţiul 6
Completaţi spaţiile libere cu pronumele demonstrative potrivit:
1. ________________ is my school.
2. I like both the shirts, but ________________ is better than _______________.
3. ________________ are my brother’s things.
4. ________________ is my aunt.
5. ________________ is my friend’s umbrella.

Exerciţiul 7 Alegeti între these, those, this, that:

1. ____________ beach was quite empty last year.
2. ____________ exhibition will be open until the end of May.
3. ____________ people come from that hotel over there.
4. What does ____________ notice say?
5. ____________ exhibition closed a month ago.
6. He was dismissed on the 13th. ____________ night the factory went on fire.
7. Do you see ____________ birds at the top of the tree?
8. ____________ are the old classrooms. Those are the new ones.
9. ____________ is my cousin, Jessica.
10. Wasn't ____________ a horrible thing to say?

Exerciţiul 8 Fill in with this, that, these, or those.

1. He can't finish ____________chocolate. Would you like some?
2. Hello, ____________is Rachel speaking. ' Hello. How are you, Rachel?
3. Hey, Jillian, is ____________your ring? I've just found it on the floor.
4. Look at ____________woman over there. She's a Spanish teacher
5. “Jane! ____________is her penfriend Joe.” “Hello, pleased to meet you.”
6. Look at ____________painting over there. What fabulous colours!
7. Don't take ____________mug, it's broken. Take this one.
8. Listen! ____________awful dog next door is barking again.

9. His uncle, who fought in world war II, told him that in ____________days they didn't
have enough food.
10. ____________mountains in the distance are the Alps.
11. Mmm. I love ____________pancakes. They're home-made, aren't they?

Exerciţiul 9 Fill in with this, that, these, ,or those.

1. We won't go in Spain ____________summer.
2. ____________is my house.
3. ____________'s all for now.
4. ____________is what we're going to do.
5. Do you like ____________records?
6. ____________people were very nice.
7. ____________books were expensive.
8. It was raining ____________afternoon.
9. ____________film was interesting.
10. ____________wine is very good.

Exerciţiul 10 Fill in with this, that, this one, that one, these, or those.
1. ”____________painting is horrible !” , she said
2. “Yes I agree with you ! I prefer ____________over there.”
3. “Look at ____________sculpture ! Who made it ?”
4. “I don't know. We can ask ____________men. “
5. “OK , good morning, who made ____________sculpture, please ? “ she asked
6. “Hello, I don't know his name, but it is ____________with glasses or that one with long
hair.” explained a man.
7. “Thank you ! Hello ,are you an artist because I like ____________sculpture and I 'd like
to meet the man who made it. “
8. “Yes, I made it . I love arts and I painted ____________pictures. “
9. “Ok , can I buy ____________sculpture ? “
10. “I don't know because ____________is my favourite sculpture. “

My family

This is my family: my wife, my son, my daughter and I. My wife is Mrs. Black. I am
Mrs. Black husband. I am a man. My wife is a woman.
We have two children, a boy and a girl. The boy’s name is John. He’s twelve years old.
The girl’s name is Mary. She is still quite young. She’s only eight. She’s four years younger
than John, and John is four years older than she is. Mary is the youngest in the family and I
am the oldest.
John is Mary’s brother. Mary is John’s sister. John is my son. I am his father. Mary is
my daughter. I am her father. My wife is her mother. John and Mary are our children. I am
their father; my wife is their mother; we are their parents. We love our children.

parents = părinţi
father = tată
mother = mamă
son = fiu
daughter = fiică
grandparents = bunici
grandmother = bunică
grandfather = bunic
grandson = nepot (de bunic)
grand-daughter = nepoată (de bunic)
uncle = unchi
aunt = mătuşă
nephew = nepot (de unchi)
niece = nepoată (de unchi)
cousin = verişor, verişoară
brother-in-law = cumnat
sister-in-law = cumnată
son-in law =ginere
daughter-in-law = noră
parents-in-law =socri
father-in law = socru
mother-in-law =soacră

great-grandparents = străbunici
great-grandfather = străbunic
great-grandmother = străbunică
great-grandchildren =strănepoţi
great-grandson = strănepot
great-granddaughter = strănepoată
in-laws = cuscri
step-father =tată vitreg
step-mother = mamă vitregă
step-son = fiu vitreg
step-daughter = fiică vitregă
step-brother = frate vitreg
step-sister = soră vitregă
half-brother = frate după unul din părinţi
half-sister = soră după unul din părinţi
Exerciţiul 7
Compuneţi un eseu de zece rânduri despre familia voastră.

Where there is life there is hope.
There is no rose without thorns.

There is no rule without exceptions.
There is no smoke without fire.
life = viaţă rule = regulă exception = excepţie
without = fără thorn = ghimpe smoke = fum

A playwright was the husband of a famous actress. “I make the acts and she makes the
scenes,” he used to say.
playwright = dramaturg scene = scenă used to = obişnuia să
act = act

It is late at night. A man comes out of a pub. He is very drunk. He goes towards his car and
tries to get in. A policeman sees that, and asks:
“Do you intend to drive drunk as you are?”
“I can’t help it,” the man answers, “can’t you see I can’t walk?”
at night = noaptea to come out of = a ieşi din pub = cârciumă
drunk = beat towards = către, înspre to intend = a intenţiona
as = cum I can’t help it = n-am încotro

Funny Social Work Quotes

- I don't believe people die from hard work. They die from stress and worry and fear -- the
negative emotions. Those are the killers, not hard work. The fact is, in our society today,
most people don't understand what hard work is all about.
A.L. Williams
- If you’re ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s
still there.
Will Rogers
- Working for this borough is challenging, fun and rewarding.
- You do not know what life means when all the difficulties are removed! I am simply
smothered and sickened with advantages. It is like eating a sweet dessert the first thing in
the morning.
Jane Addams

- Today's problems cannot be solved if we still think the way we thought when we created
Alber Einsterin
- Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.
Roger Miller
- When we talk about equal pay for equal work, women in the workplace are beginning to
catch up. If we keep going at this current rate, we will achieve full equality in about 475
years. I don't know about you, but I can't wait that long.
Lya Sorano
- The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity,
and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have
neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold
John W. Gardner
How important is one vote?
In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control over England.
In 1649, one vote caused Charles I of England to be executed.
In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German.
In 1875, one vote changed France from a monarchy to a republic.
In 1923, one vote gave Adolf Hitler leadership of the Nazi Party.
In 1941, one vote saved Selective Service (in the U.S.) – just weeks before Pearl Harbor was

English is a difficult language … for some!

This is a true story from the Japanese Embassy in U.S.

A few days ago Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation
training before he visits Washington and meets president Barack Obama …

The instructor told Mori Prime Minister, “when you shake hand with President
Obama, please say “how r u?” Then Mr Obama should say, “I am fine, and you?”.
Now, you should say “Me too.” Afterwards, we, translators, will do the work for
It looks quite simple, but the truth is …
When Mori met Obama, he mistakenly said “who r u?” (instead of “how r u?”)
Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still he managed to react with humour: “Well,
I’m Michelle’s husband, ha-ha …”
Then Mori replied “me too, ha-ha …”
Then there was a long silence in the meeting room.

Lecţia 8

Pronumele este partea de vorbire care înlocuieşte un substantiv (o fiinţă, un obiect, etc.)
 Personale (the Personal Pronouns)
 Interogative (the Interogative Pronouns)
 Relative (the Relative Pronouns)
 Posesive (the Possesive Pronouns)
 Demonstrative (the Demonstrative Pronouns)
 Impersonale (the Impersonal/General Pronouns)
 Reflexive (the Reflexive Pronouns)
 Emfatice (the Emphatic Pronouns)
 Nehotărâte (the Indefinite Pronouns)
 Reciproce (the Reciprocal Pronouns)
The Personal Pronouns
I = eu we = noi
you = tu you = voi, dumneavoastră
he = el, dânsul, dumnealui they = ei, ele, dânşii, dânsele, dumnealor
she = ea, dânsa, dumneaiei
it = el, ea (impersonal)
The Interrogative Pronouns
who = cine Who knows him? = Cine îl cunoaşte pe el?
whose = al, a, ai, ale cui? Whose is this little boy? = Al cui este acest băieţel?
to whom / who(m) = cui?, la cine? To whom do you give this book? = Cui îi dai
această carte?
To whom are you referring? = La cine te referi?
To whom does the book belong? = Cui îi aparţine cartea?
(to) me = mie (to) us = nouă
(to) you = ţie (to) you = vouă
(to) him =lui (to) them = lor, dânselor, dânşilor
(to) her = ei

(to) it = lui/ei
for whom / who(m)…for = pentru cine? For whom must you buy the book?/ Whom must
you buy the book for? = Pentru cine trebuie să
cumperi cartea?
behind whom / who(m)….behind? = în spatele cui He was sitting behind me. = El stătea în
spatele meu.
Behind whom was he sitting? = În spatele
cui stătea el?
beside whom / who(m)…beside = alături de cine? He was sitting beside me. = El stătea
alături de mine.
between whom / who(m)…between = între cine? Between John and Nick. = Între John şi
by me = de mine by us = de noi
by you = de tine by you = de voi
by him/her/it = de el/ea by them = de ei
The Relative Pronouns
who = cine, care He does not know who must come to see us. = El nu ştie cine
trebuie să vină pe la noi.
whose = al/a/ai/ale cui We are playing with John’s ball but we don’t know
whose they are playing with. = noi ne jucăm cu mingea lui John dar nu ştim cu a cui se joacă
to whom = cui I don’t know who(m) I shall give this book to. = Nu ştiu cui să-i
dau cartea aceasta.
whom = pe cine, pe care I know whom you appreciate very much. = Eu ştiu pe cine
apreciezi tu foarte mult
which = care, pe care She has many books, but she doesn’t know which she must read
for the examination = Ea are multe cărţi, dar nu ştie pe care să o citească pentru examen.
The Possessive Pronouns
mine = al/a/ai/ale mele ours = al/a/ai/ale noastre
yours = al/a/ai/ale tale yours = al/a/ai/ale tale
his = al/a/ai/ale lui theirs = al/a/ai/ale lor
hers = al/a/ai/ale ei
The Demonstrative Pronouns
this = acesta, aceasta

that = acela, aceea
these = aceştia, acestea
those = aceia, acelea
The Impersonal Pronouns
one, you
One could work there. = S-ar putea lucra acolo.
You should always be careful when crossing the road. = Să fii întodeauna atent la
traversarea drumului.
One can learn a lot of things here. = Se pot învăţa o mulţime lucruri aici.
You should always behave decently. = Trebuie să te porţi întodeauna decent.
The Reflexive Pronouns
myself = mă ourselves = ne
yourself = te yourselves = vă
himself = se themselves = se
herself = se oneself = se
itself = se
Cu ajutorul lor se formează diateza reflexivă a verbelor.
to enjoy oneself = a se distra I enjoy myself = Eu mă distrez.
The Emphatic Pronouns
myself = eu însumi, personal, chiar eu ourselves = noi înşine, însene, chiar noi
yourself = tu însuţi, personal, chiar tu yourselves = voi înşivă, însevă, chiar voi
himself = el însuşi, personal, chiar el themselves = ei înşişi, ele însele, chiar
herself = ea însăşi, personal, chiar ea
itself = el însuşi, ea însăşi, personal, chiar ea, el
I must do it myself. = Trebuie să-o fac eu însumi.
The Indefinite Pronouns
another = alt, altă One man says yes, another says no.
each =fiecare We received two books each.
the other = celălalt John likes this book but I like the other.
others = alţii, altele Others know better than you.
the others = ceilalţi, clelalte The others did not come by bus.
one = unul, una un, o, se You do not have any book but I have one.
all =tot, toată, toţi, toate, totul He must tell you all or nothing.

either = oricare din doi You may buy either.
neither = nici unul/una I can see neither.
both = ambii, ambele You may read either of them, both are interesting.
several = mai mulţi/multe, câteva, câţiva You can see many books on the table, but several
are mine.
few = puţini, puţine I only found few.
a few = puţini/destui I have found a few.
quite a few =foarte mulţi I have found quite a few.
little = puţin, mic I have done little for them.
a little = puţin/destul/ceva You have little tea but I have a little.
much = mult, multă You have got little tea but I have got much.
many = mulţi, multe You have only got few books but I’ve got many.
some = nişte, unii, unele, puţin, câteva Some are good and some are bad.
any = orice, fiece, oricare, nici unul He doesn’t like any.
somebody = cineva I can see somebody at the gate.
anybody = oricine, cineva, nimeni I can ask anybody. Do you see something? I
cannot ask anybody.
nobody =nimeni I see nobody.
something = ceva I see something.
anything = orice I buy anything.
nothing = nimic I bought nothing.
someone = careva, cineva You must ask someone.
anyone = oricare You may ask anyone.
no one = nobody = none = niciunul You can ask no one.
everybody = toţi, toată lumea, fiecare I saw everybody.
everything = totul, tot He can understand everything.
somebody else = altcineva I see somebody else.
anybody else = oricine altcineva Give it to anybody else.
nobody else = nimeni altcineva Nobody else can do it.
something else = altceva We must buy something else.
nothing else = nimic altceva I saw nothing else.
Reciprocal Pronouns
each other = unul pe celălalt The two neighbours help each other.

one another = unul pe celălalt (minimum trei persoane) The three brothers help one

1. Alegeţi răspunsul corect:
1. They / them helped we / us cut the grass.
2. I / me saw you / your waiting for the bus this morning.
3. It / he is the first day of summer.
4. She / her decided to go with they / them.
5. Why are you / he interested in she / her?
6. We / us spoke to he / him yesterday.
2. Alegeţi un cuvânt compus din lista de mai jos şi completaţi spaţiile; unele cuvinte pot
fi folosite de mai multe ori.
somebody someone something
anybody anyone anything
nobody no one nothing
1. I’m thirsty! Is there ………………… to drink?
2. The boss has ………………… important to tell you. You must call him right away.
3. The doctor says there is ………………… wrong with Tom. He’s perfectly healthy.
4. The door bell is ringing. There’s ………………… at the door.
5. ………………… exciting ever happens to me!
6. Old Mrs. Hewlis is very lonely. ………………… ever visits her.
7. Didn’t ………………… write to thank you?
8. There’s ………………… in the safe. It’s quite empty!
9. There is ………………… waiting at the moment. The waiting room is empty.
10. Shall I make them ………………… for dinner? They haven’t had ………………… to
eat since last night.
3. Aşezaţi cuvintele în ordinea correctă.
1. is writing/she/him/a love letter
2. enjoyed/I/them/telling/about it
3. is interesting/it/to listen/to him

4. you/can’t/to him/it/give?
5. likes/he/her/calling
6. you/don’t/fix/why/for us/it?
7. it/cleaned/we/for him
8. will repair/they/it/for us
9. sent/we/to them/it
10. please/it/give/to him
4. Folosiţi pronumele personale he, she, it, they in spaţiile libere.
1. ____________________ is my father.
2. ____________________is a husband.
3. ____________________is a cat.
4. ____________________is a piano.
5. ____________________are girls.
6. ____________________is the queen.
7. ____________________are my parents.
5. Completaţi spaţiile libere transformând pronumele din paranteze la forma lor
1. This ia a piece of cake for ____________________(she)
2. I bought these flowers for ____________________(they)
3. Mother asked ____________________where I was going. (I)
4. Give that to ____________________(he)
6. Underline the odd word out.

1. present time future past

2. sickness flu illness disease
3. destroy damage ruin hurt
4. theatre cinema villa stadium

The prefix re- combines with verbs and nouns to form new words which indicate that an action
happens a second time.
write → rewrite
appearance → reappearance
The prefix un- combines with adjectives, adverbs and nouns to form new words which mean the
opposite of whatever the original word meant.
happy → unhappy
happiness → unhappiness
happily → unhappily

7. Which of the words below can you form with re- and which with un-?
1 build 5. print
2 popular 6. open
3 order 7. successful
4 make 8. print

8. Underline the correct word.

1 Due to crashing waves the boat began to drown/ sink.

2 Frances was listening/hearing to music on the radio.
3 My brother screams and behaves/treats like a baby whenever he can't have his own way.
4 If Susie works hard/hardly, she will get promoted.
5 He was killed/died in the plane crash.
6 Peter is reading/studying for his final exams.
9. Choose the correct item.

1 My brother............ a huge party for his birthday last Saturday.

A threw B is throwing C throws

2 Peter was angry because he............the bus.

A has missed B had missed C misses

3 It was............dreadful weather that we didn't go anywhere.

A such a B so C such

4 She asked me if go to her house for coffee.

A want B have wanted C wanted

5 If Helen...........the money, she would offer to lend it to you.

A had B has C had had

6 I wish you............. us about your plans. Now it's impossible for me to come.
A told B had told C have told

10. Complete with question tags.

1 They used to spend their holidays here, ____________ ?

2 You were given this ring by your grandmother, ____________?
3 Don't do that again, ____________?
4 Let's go to a Spanish restaurant tonight, ____________?
5 He has a brand new Harley Davidson, ____________?
6 Mary won't be coming soon, ____________?

When using tag questions, watch for 4 points:

* What tense is the verb?
* What kind of verb is it? (to be/other verbs)
* Is the sentence affirmative or negative?
* Does the pronoun need to be changed?
*present tense → *present tense
*to be verb → *to be verb Look at these changes:
*affirmative → *negative
Jack's happy, isn't he? he is → isn't he?
Susan's tired, isn't she? she is→ isn't she?
It's warm today, isn't it? it is → isn't it?
They're busy, aren't they? they are → aren't they?
You and I are fun people, aren't we? we are →aren't we?
You're quiet, aren't you? you are → aren't you?
aren't I? I am → aren't I?
I'm intelligent,
am I not? I am → am I not?
Reflexive Pronouns (myself, yourself, etc.) are used:

• when we want to talk about actions in which the subject and object of the verb are the
same.They are used with verbs such as burn, cut, hurt, kill, find, look at, look, seem etc.

She fell off the ladder and hurt herself.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

He doesn't look himself (his usual self) today.

• in the expressions:

enjoy yourself (= have a good time),
help yourself (= you are welcome to take sth if you want),
behave yourself (= behave well)

• We do not normally use reflexive pronouns when it comes to actions that people do to
themselves e.g. wash, shave, dress, etc. But we can use a reflexive pronoun to show that the
action is difficult,

e.g. Many elderly people cannot dress themselves.

or to show our surprise about an event which is not supposed to happen normally,

e.g. Harry can wash himself although he's only two.

11. Use the verbs below and the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the sentences.

help, blames, behave, educate, cut, telling, killed, hurt

1. Marylin Monroe is believed to have ____________ at the age of 36.

2. “Please ____________ to sweets,” said our hostess.
3. Joe ____________ for the car accident. He still feels guilty for speeding.
4. Children should read a lot of literature to ____________ more broadly.
5. I'm scared of flying, so when I'm on a plane I keep ____________ that everything will be OK.
6. She ____________ with the knife while chopping the onion.
7. If you don't ____________, I won't buy you an icecream this afternoon.
8. We may ____________ if we jump off that wall.

Emphatic pronouns have the same form as reflexive pronouns but different meanings.
a) They emphasise the fact that someone does something without help. They follow
nouns, pronouns or but and than.

Mary changed the flat tyre (by) herself.

He depends on no one else but (except for) himself.

b) They emphasize a noun/noun phrase

I saw Britney Spears herself (=in person).

12. Fill in the gaps with the correct emphatic pronoun.

1 Nobody helps me clean my house. I clean it ________________ .

2 My husband is an excellent cook. He prepared the meal all by ________________
3 She would like to marry someone richer than ________________.

4 We painted the house ________________. Everyone says it looks great.
5 My friend's children are wonderful. They clean up their room ________________.
6 The IBM president didn't send any representatives. He went to the meeting ________________.

A penny saved is a penny gained.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
One swallow doesn’t make a summer.
Extreems meet.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
penny = penny (diviziune monetară englezească) swallow =
saved = economisit extreme = extremă
gained = câştigat gift = dar, cadou
cook = bucătar a gift horse = un
cal de dar
to spoil = a strica mouth = gură
broth = supă

Lecţia 9



1. Adverbe de mod (Adverbs of Manner)

2. Adverbe de timp (Adverbs of Time)
3. Adverbe de loc (Adverbs of Place)
4. Adverbe de cauză (Adverbs of Cause/Reason)
5. Adverbe de scop (Adverbs of Purpose)
6. Adverbe de cantitate/grad (Adverbs of Quantity)

Adverbe de mod (Adverbs of Manner)

Adverbele de mod răspund la întrebarea how? = cum?

upside-down = cu faţa în jos

beautifully = frumos

somehow = cumva

deliberately = deliberat

willingly = bucuros

completely = complet

fluently = fluent/curgător

extremely = extrem

by chance = din întâmplare

fast = iute

accidently = accidental

hardly = greu/abia

how = cât/cum

little = puţin

much = mult

rather = cam

scarcely = abia

very = foarte

well = bine

badly = rău

unawares = deodată/pe neaşteptate

quickly = repede

slowly = lent/rar/încet

aloud = tare/cu voce tare

Adverbe de timp (Adverbs of Time)

Adverbele de timp răspund la întrebarea when? = când?

afterwards = după aceea

daily = zilnic

early = devreme

formerly = odinioară

immediately = imediat

meanwhile = între timp

never = niciodată

now = acum

presently = imediat

yearly = annual

recently = recent

sometimes = uneori

soon = curând

yesterday =ieri

often = adesea

late = târziu

then = atunci

always = totdeauna

last month = luna trecută

before = înainte

after = după

today = astăzi

just =tocmai/abia

at present = în present

at last = în cele din urmă

by now = până acum

already = deja

still = încă

once = odinioară/cândva

when = când

just now = chiar acum

so far = până aici/acum

sooner or later = mai curând sau mai târziu

Adverbe de loc (Adverbs of Place)

Adverbele de loc răspund la întrebarea when? = unde?

behind = în spate

far = departe

here = aici

near = aproape

there = acolo

inside = în interior

upstairs = la ataj

along = de-a lungul

up and down = în sus şi în jos

here and there = ici şi colo

abroad =în străinătate

under = dedesubt

somewhere = undeva

nowhere =niciunde/nicăieri

anywhere =oriunde

everywhere =pretutindeni

southwhere =către sud

homeward =spre/către casă

where = unde

Adverbe de cauză (Adverbs of Cause/Reason)

Adverbele de cauză răspund la întrebarea why? = de ce?

that is why = iată de ce therefore =pentru acest motiv, de aceea

for the reason that = pentru motivul că

Adverbe de scop (Adverbs of Purpose)

Adverbele de scop răspund la întrebarea for what purpose? = cu ce scop?

for this purpose = cu acest scop for the mere purpose of = pentru simplul motiv de a

Adverbe de cantitate/grad (Adverbs of Quantity)

Adverbele de cantitate/grad răspund la întrebările how much? = cât?, how little? = cât de
puţin? etc.

almost =aproape/aproximativ

enormously = enorm

entirely = în întregime

little =puţin

much = mult

quite = chiar/total

really = într-adevăr/cu adevărat

so = astfel, aşa

sufficiently = suficient

enough = destul/suficient

too = prea/suficient

very = foarte


especially = mai ales, în special

at most = cel mult

exactly = exact

at latest = cel mai târziu

even = chiar

at earliest = cel mai devreme

only = nunai/doar

however = totuşi/cu toate acestea

surely = sigur

of course = desigur

precisely = précis

consequently = ca urmare

also = de asemenea

at any rate = în orice caz

at least = cel puţin

at worst = în cel mai rău caz

1. Write the adverbs.

1. polite …politely….. 10. fast ………………
2. dangerous ………... 11. beautiful …………
3. nice ………………. 12. soft ……………...
4. easy ………………. 13. early …………….
5. good ……………… 14. noisy …………….
6. cheap ……………... 15. careful …………...
7. safe ……………….. 16. happy ……………
8. hard ………………. 17. terrible …………...
9. comfortable ………. 18. awful …………….

2. Are the words in bold adjectives or adverbs? Say what type the adverbs are as in the
1. He is a good student. …adjective…
2. She speaks loudly. …adverb of manner…
3. They arrived early. …………………………………………………..
4. He is working hard. ………………………………………………….
5. She is a pretty girl. …………………………………………………..
6. Your father is here. …………………………………………………..
7. They usually eat out. ………………………………………………...
8. He drives carefully. ………………………………………………….
9. He is leaving tomorrow. ……………………………………………..
10. You dance very well. ………………………………………………...
11. She learns quickly. …………………………………………………..
12. The film was sad. ……………………………………………………
13. These biscuits are hard. ……………………………………………...
14. It was an easy exam. …………………………………………………

3. Underline the correct item.

1. My bedroom is tidy/tidily.
2. It is snowing heavy/heavily.
3. Cross the road careful/carefully.
4. My teacher was very angry/angrily yesterday.
5. Get ready for school quick/quickly.
6. The test was very easy/easily.
7. Your perfume smells nice/nicely.
8. Susan is smiling happy/happily.
9. This sweater feels very soft/softly.
10. He sings beautiful/beautifully.
11. It is very warm/warmly today.
12. She looks beautiful/beautifully tonight.

4. Match questions 1-7 to answers a-g.

1. When will you wash your clothes? a. Yesterday.

2. How are your parents? b. It was very tiring.
3. Where is the rabbit? c. Tomorrow.
4. When did you go shopping? d. It’s very funny.
5. What do you think of this film? e. Over there.
6. How was your trip? f. They’re very well.
7. How often do you play tennis? g. Twice a week.

5. Fill in the gaps with good, well, hard and fast. Then, say if each is an adjective or an
1. Janet is a ..good… singer. She sings very ...well... .
2. I was ill yesterday but now I am ………………... .
3. You must run ……….................. to catch that bus.
4. I can’t bite this bread. It’s too ………………….. .
5. Philip isn’t clever but he tries very ……. at school.
6. That horse is a ………. runner. It wins every race.
7. This cake tastes really ………………………….. .
8. Denise is never naughty. She is a ………….. girl.

6. Rewrite the sentences using a verb and write an adverb as in the example.
1. He is a good writer. ...He writes well…
2. She is a slow runner. ………………………………………………...
3. They are clever players. ……………………………………………..
4. He is a careful driver. ………………………………………………..
5. They are hard workers. ………………………………………………
6. Fiona is a bad singer. ………………………………………………...
7. Paula is a beautiful dancer. ………………………………………….

7. Write the comparative and superlative form of the following adjectives.

1. small ...smaller... ...smallest...
2. big ………….. …………...
3. weak ………….. ……………
4. dangerous ………….. ……………
5. slow ………….. …………...
6. pretty ………….. ……………

7. safe …………. …………….
8. beautiful …………... ……………
9. fat …………… ……………
10. sad …………… …………….

8. Write the comparative and superlative form of the following adverbs.

1. easily ...more easily... ...most easily...
2. fast ………………. ………………
3. late ………………. ……………….
4. clearly ………………. ………………
5. carelessly ………………. ………………..
6. generously ……………….. ……………….
7. hard ………………... ………………..
8. early ………………… …………………

9. Write sentences using the prompts given, as in the example.

1. George’s house is very big.
…Yes it’s bigger than mine. …
2. Sally’s dress is very expensive.
3. Peter’s sister is very young.
4. Tom’s job is very exciting.
5. Jenny’s hair is very long.
6. This book is very interesting.

10. Write the sentences using the prompts as in the example.

1. That’s a fast car.
…It’s the fastest car I’ve ever seen…
2. Those are expensive rings. _________________________________
3. That’s a small house.

4. That’s a big plane.
5. That’s a tall building.
6. That’s a long snake.
7. Those are nice flowers.
8. That’s a cheap watch.

Comparaţia adverbelor

pozitiv comparativ de superioritate superlativ relativ

well = bine better = mai bine the best = cel mai bine
badly = rău worse = mai rău the worst = cel mai rău
far = departe farther = mai departe the farthest = cel mai departe
further = mai departe furthest = cel mai departe
much = mult more = mai mult the most = cel mai mult
near = aproape nearer = mai aproape the nearest = cel mai aproape
little = puţin less =mai puţin the least = cel mai puţin
late = târziu later = mai târziu the latest = cel mai târziu
up = sus upper = mai sus upmost = cel mai sus

Comparaţia analitică a adverbelor

pozitiv comparativ de superioritate superlativ relativ

attractively = atrăgător more attractively = mai atrăgător the most attractively = cel mai
beautifully = frumos more beautifully = mai frumos the most beautifully = cel mai frumos
bestially = bestial more bestially = mai bestial the most bestially = cel mai bestial
carefully = atent more carefully = mai atent the most carefully = cel mai atent
fortunately =norocos more fortunately = mai norocos the most fortunately = cel mai norocos
quickly = rapid more quickly = mai rapid the most quickly = cel mai rapid

charmingly = more charmingly = mai the most charmingly = cel mai
fermecător fermecător fermecător
fluently = fluent more fluently = mai fluent the most fluently = cel mai fluent
gratefully = more gratefully = mai the most gratefully = cel mai
recunoscător recunoscător recunoscător
willingly = bucuros more willingly = mai bucuros the most willingly = cel mai bucuros

Comparaţia sintetică a adverbelor

pozitiv comparativ de superioritate superlativ relativ

cleanly = curat cleanlier = mai curat the cleanliest = cel mai curat
early = devreme earlier = mai devreme the earliest = cel mai devreme
hard = greu harder = mai greu the hardest = cel mai greu
low = deprimat lower = mai deprimat the lowest = cel mai deprimat

Lecţia 10

Descriptions. Grammar have got / has got. Describing People

I ‘ve
You (have) a mobile phone.
They got
He two brothers.
She ‘s
It has
dark hair.
I haven’t
You (have not) a mobile phone.
He hasn’t got two brothers.
She (has not)
dark hair.
Have I
you a mobile phone?
they got two brothers?

Has he
it dark hair?

Short answers
I have.
Yes, they
he has.

Exercise 1. Read and translate into Romanian the following conversation:

Claire: Have you got any brothers or sisters, Andrew?
Andrew: I’ve got a sister, but I haven’t got any brothers.
Claire: Has your sister got dark hair, too?
Andrew: No, she hasn’t. She’s got fair hair.
Claire: What colour eyes has she got?
Andrew: They’re blue.

Exercise 2. Complete the table with short forms from the conversation:
I have
You _____________
They have not a sister.
He has
She _____________ fair hair.
It has not

Exercise 3. Complete the description of Andrew and his sister:

Andrew _____________ a sister, but he _____________ any brothers. He ____________
hark hair, but his sister _____________ fair hair. Andrew and his sister _____________ blue

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with have got, has got, haven’t got, or hasn’t got.
Pilar = long dark hair, blue eyes Vera = short brown hair, brown eyes
Donatella = short fair hair, brown eyes

1. Pilar _____________ long hair.
2. Vera and Donatella _____________ long hair.
3. Pilar _____________ brown eyes.
4. Pilar and Vera _____________ dark hair.
5. Vera and Donatella _____________ blue eyes.
6. Pilar _____________ blue eyes.
7. Vera and Donatella _____________ brown eyes.
8. Donatella _____________ long, fair hair.
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with have got / has got.
1. I …..have got ….. two sisters.
2. Karen ……………….. fair hair.
3. Helen ……………….. dark hair.
4. Both of them ………………..brown eyes.
5. We ……………….. a brother. His name is James.
6. He ……………….. dark hair and green eyes.
7. Karen ……………….. a cat.
8. It ……………….. green eyes, too.
9. You ……………….. a photo of Karen, Helen, and, James I think.

Exercise 6. Work with a partner.

a. Ask questions and write down the answers. Try to find out some details.
Example: A. Have you got a pet?
B. Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
A. What have you got? What’s its name? How old is it? What colour is it?
√/X Details
a pet √ a dog, Spot, 8, black
a computer
a boyfriend/girlfriend
a car
a fax
a mobile phone
a garden
a secretary
a watch

a camera
a CD player

b. Find a new partner. Ask questions about his/her first partner.

Example: A. Has Mario got a pet?
B. Yes, he has. He’s got a dog. Its name’s Spot, it’s eight years old, and it’s

Exercise 7. Write true sentences about your life, using have (not) got / has (not) got.
1. I ……………….. four sisters.
2. My parents ……………….. a blue car.
3. We ……………….. a dog.
4. I ……………….. brown eyes.
5. Our English teacher ……………….. long hair.
6. We ……………….. twenty students in our class.
7. Our classroom ……………….. two doors.
8. It ……………….. six windows.

Exercise 8. Complete the conversation with the correct form of have got / has got.
1. A. …Have you got….. a mobile phone?
B. Yes, we ……………….. .
A. What’s the number? I ……………….. it.
B. It’s 0745 375 249.
2. A. ……………….. an apartment?
B. No, we ………………… We ……………….. a small house. It’s very nice.
A. ……………….. a garden?
B. Yes, it ……………….., but it isn’t very big.
3. A. ……………….. Mary ……………….. a new boyfriend?
B. Yes, ………………..
A. What’s he like?
B. He’s rather nice. He ……………….. dark hair and brown eyes.
A. ……………….. a car?
B. No, he ………………..
4. A. ………………..umbrella ……………….. two L’s or one?

B. It ……………….. two. U-M-B-R-E-double L-A.
A. Thanks. And ……………….. colour………………..a double L, too?
B. No, ………………..
Describing People
brown eyes a moustache dark hair glasses
long hair a beard fair hair blue eyes
short hair bald green eyes
Exercise 9. Read and translate into Romanian the sentences:
1. He’s got blue eyes. He’s got short, fair hair. He’s got a moustache.
2. He’s got brown eyes. He’s bald. He’s got a beard.
3. She’s got green eyes. She’s got long, dark hair. She’s got glasses.

Exercise 10. Look at these ways of describing people.

He’s good looking. He’s thin. She’s attractive.
She’s slim. They’re ugly. They’re fat.
He’s about 45 years old / He’s middle aged.

Think of someone famous who:

 is quite fat
 is quite slim
 is very good-looking
 is not very attractive
 has got very long hair
 has got blond hair
 is quite ugly
 is very old
 is about 50 years old
 has got a moustache
 a friend
 a member of your family
 a famous person

 yourself
Example: My friend is about twenty-two years old. She isn’t very tall. She’s very slim and
she’s quite attractive. She’s got very dark hair and brown eyes. Her hair is quite long.

People and Jobs

I’m Walter Bergen and I’m from New York in the USA. I’m thirty/one years old and
I’m a doctor. I’m married. My wife’s name is Candy and she’s an architect. She’s thirty-one,
too. In this photo we’re on holiday in Florida.
My mane’s Meena Kuhmar. I’m twenty-six years old and I’m from Bristol in England,
but my parents are from India. I’m a dentist and I’m married. My husband is twenty-seven
and he’s an engineer. His name’s Suresh. In this photo we’re in our garden.
My name is Tim Caldwell. I’m from Melbourne in Australia. I’m twenty years old and
I’m a student. I’m not married. My girlfriend is a secretary. Her name’s Glenda and she’s
twenty-two. In this photo we’re with her parents at their house.
Courtesy titles
Mr is used for adult men.
Mrs is used for married women
Miss is used for unmarried women or girls.
Ms is increasingly common for all women of all ages, whether married or not,
especially in the professional sphere.

1. Read the conversation:

 Excuse me, are you Ms Watson?
 No, I am not. She’s over there.
 Thank you.

 Are Mr and Mrs Smith from America?

 No, they aren’t. They are from Canada.

 Excuse me. Is the meeting here?

 No, it isn’t. It’s in room 10.

Now answer the questions:

a) Where is the meeting?
b) Where is Ms Watson.
c) Where are Mr and Mrs Smith from?

2. Look at the table.

Add the short forms of the verb to be.

‘re ‘s ‘m

I am

am not
He Is
She __________________
is not from Portugal.

We Are
You __________________
They in room ten.
are not

3. How do we make questions with the verb to be?

The meeting is here.
They are from America?

4. Look at the conversations again.

a) Complete the short answers.
1. A Are you Ms Watson?
B No, I’m _____________
2. A Are Ms and Mrs Smith from America?
B Not, they_____________
3. A Is the meeting here?
B No, it is ______________

b) Give short answers for these conversations.

Are you Ms Watson? Are Mr and Mrs Smith from Canada? Is the meeting here?
Yes, I ___________ Yes, ___________ ___________ Yes. _____

5. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb to be.
1. ___________ this your pen? No, it ___________
2. ___________ from Spain? No, I _____. I ______ from Argentina.
3. Where _____the meeting? It _____in the room over there.
4. Mr and Mrs James _____here. Where _____they? They _____on
5. Excuse me. _____you Mr and Mrs Wilson? No, we _____. We _____Mr and
Mrs Smith.
6. Write true sentences.
1. We _____in room 10.
2. I _____from Canada.
3. My name___________
4. My partner ___________from Britain.
5. We ___________in a meeting.
6. My favourite colours ___________
7. I ___________ tall.
8. New York ___________
9. ___________ my favourite city.
10. Our teacher ___________.
7. Read the instruction and practice them with your colleague.
Stand up. Sit down.
Pick up your pen. Put down your pen.
Open your book. Close your book.
Come here. Go to the board.
Listen. Read.
Write. Say Hello.
Turn to page 6. Look at exercise 3.
Look. Don’t look.
8. Complete the sentences with his, her, he’s or she’s.
1. This is my wife. ___________name’s Maria. ________a doctor
and________twenty-nine years old.
2. My boyfriend’s a waiter. ________name’s Steven. In this photo ________in
London with ________parents.

3. This is Alan with ________girlfriend. ________ a teacher. ________name’s
Annette and ________from Belgium.
4. Suzsie is a hairdresser. ________ married. ________husband is a shop assistant.
________ name’s Joe.
9. Vocabulary file: Jobs
Complete the names of these jobs.
stu________ sec________ waiter / waitress
arch________ den________ shop assistant
do________ eng________ nurse
tea________ pil________ bank clerk

10. Write the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. your is friend here
2. are from where you
3. Green old Mr how is
4. good a am student I
5. blue the car is where
6. the are heavy bags
7. we are where
8. expensive watches the are

11. Answer these questions. Use short answers.

1. Are you from the USA? .........No, I’m not.........
2. Are you a student? .................................................
3. Is your teacher tall? .................................................
4. Is your teacher from London? .................................................

5. Are you married? .................................................
6. Are you good at English? .................................................
7. Are your English books red? .................................................
8. Are your friends on holiday? .................................................

12. Make the sentences negative.

1. I’m thirty five. ...........I’m not thirty-five. ......................................
2. We’re from Australia. .................................................
3. This is my book. .................................................
4. My friends are here. .................................................
5. The apples are expensive. .................................................
6. Joe’s fat. .................................................

13. Complete the sentences.

1. I’m married. .....My........ wife is a doctor.
2. In this photo we’re with .......................friends, Jasha and Mikhail.
3. There’s John in car.
4. Mrs Kuhmar is over there with .......................husband, Suresh.
5. This letter is for Mr and Mrs Wells. What’s .......................address?
6. Is this .......................desk? No, it isn’t. That’s my desk.

14. Complete the text.

My ….name’s……..Burak. .......................from Instanbul.......................Turkey. I’m
25.......................old.......................I’m clerk. I’m ........................ . My wife
.......................a.......................too.’s Yonca and .......................
24. .......................this photo we’re .......................a café .......................Miami.

15. Write the conversation about ordering in a café.

Anything else? A hamburger and an orange juice, please. That’s £ 4.30,
Thank you. No, thank you. Small or large? Large, please.
Yes, please?

1. Assistant………………………………………………………………..

Customer ………………………………………………………………..

2. Assistant………………………………………………………………..


3. Assistant………………………………………………………………..


4. Assistant………………………………………………………………..



Choose the best answer for the gap in each sentence
1. ‘I’m sorry, could you __________ that again, please?’
a. say b. talk c. tell d. shout
2. ‘What page are we __________?’
a. by b. on c. in d. at
3. ‘I don’t __________. Can you explain again?
a. know b. learn c. think d. understand
4. ‘Can I __________ a question, please? What does …… mean?’
a. do b. ask c. make d. put
5. ‘Sorry, I didn’t have time to __________ my homework’
a. make b. do c. study d. end
6. ‘__________, can you come and help me for a minute?’
a. Pardon b. Hey c. Forgive me d. Sorry


1. Which of these is not a way to apologise?
a. I’m really sorry. b. I do beg your pardon. c. Pardon. d. I do apologise.
2. Which of these is not a way to say no?
a. I wouldn’t if I was you. b. I’d rather not. c. I don’t think so. d. It’s not really my
idea of fun.
3. Which of these is not a way to ask permission?
a. Would you mind if I open the window? b. Is it OK if I open the window?

c. How about opening the window? d. Can I open the window?
4. Which of these is not a way to give advice?
a. If I was you, I’d do it again. b. You should do it again.
c. If you do it again, you’ll be in big trouble. d. Why not do it again?
5. Which of these is not a greeting?
a. How do you do? b. Pleased to meet you. c. Good evening. d. Good night.
6. Which of these is not a way to make a suggestion?
a. Try the red one and be done with it? b. Why don’t we try the red one? c. How
about trying the red one? d. Let’s try the red one.

Lecţia 11

At the Airport
Vocabulary. Communicating in Airports.
Grammar: Preposition of Time and Place

Confirmation of flight reservation

(Confirmarea rezervarii pentru cursa aeriana)
I´d like to reconfirm my flight

Reservations clerk: Northwind Airlines. Can I help you?

Functionar rezervari: Northwind Airlines. Pot sa va ajut?
Daniel Adams: Hello. I'd like to reconfirm my flight, please.
Daniel Adams: Alo, as dori sa imi reconfirm zborul / cursa, va rog.
Reservations clerk: May I have your name and flight number, please?
Functionar rezervari: Imi puteti spune numele Dvs si numarul zborului / cursei, va rog?
Daniel Adams: My name is Daniel Adams and my flight number is 374.
Daniel Adams: Numele meu este Daniel Adams si numarul zborului / cursei este 374.
Reservations clerk: When are you leaving?
Functionar rezervari: Cand plecati?
Daniel Adams: On May 11th.
Daniel Adams: Pe 11 mai.
Reservations clerk: And your destination?
Functionar rezervari: Si destinatia Dvs.?
Daniel Adams: Buenos Aires.
Daniel Adams:Buenos Aires.
Reservations clerk: Hold the line, please. (...) All right. Your seat is confirmed, Mr. Adams.
You'll be arriving in Buenos Aires at 4 o'clock p.m. local time.

Functionar rezervari: Ramaneti la telefon, va rog. (...) In regula. Locul Dvs este confirmat,
Dle Adams. Veti sosi la Buenos Aires la ora 4 p.m., ora locala.
Daniel Adams: Thank you. Can I pick up my ticket when I check in?
Daniel Adams: Va multumesc. Pot sa imi ridic biletul cand ma inregistrez / cand imi predau
Reservations clerk: Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.
Functionar rezervari: Dar, dar va rog sa va inregistrati / sa va predati bagajele cu cel putin o
ora inainte de ora de plecare.
At passport control (La controlul pasapoartelor)
Do you have a return ticket?
Immigration officer: Good evening. Where have you come from?
Ofiterul de la imigrari: Buna seara. De unde veniti?
Paul Ryefield: Bucharest, Romania.
Paul Ryefield: [De la] Bucuresti, Romania.
Immigration officer: May I have your passport and form I-94, please?
Ofiterul de la imigrari: Imi puteti da pasaportul Dvs si formularul I-94, va rog?
Paul Ryefield: Here you are.
Paul Ryefield: Poftim.
Immigration officer: What´s the nature of your visit? Business or pleasure?
Ofiterul de la imigrari: Care este natura vizitei Dvs? [Calatorie de] afaceri sau de placere /
Paul Ryefield: Pleasure. I´m visiting my relatives.
Paul Ryefield: [Calatorie de] placere / turistica. Imi vizitez rudele.
Immigration officer: How long are you going to stay in the United States?
Ofiterul de la imigrari: Cat timp stati in Statele Unite?
Paul Ryefield: Three weeks.
Paul Ryefield: Trei saptamani.
Immigration officer: What is your occupation?
Ofiterul de la imigrari: Ce ocupatie aveti?
Paul Ryefield: I work as an accountant for a Romanian telecommunications company.
Paul Ryefield: Sunt contabil la o companie romana de telecomunicatii.
Immigration officer: Do you have a return ticket?
Ofiterul de la imigrari: Aveti bilet de intoarcere?
Paul Ryefield: Yes, here it is.
Paul Ryefield: Da, uitati-l.
Immigration officer: That´s fine. Thanks. Enjoy your trip.
Ofiterul de la imigrari: E-n regula. Multumesc. Calatorie placuta.
Paul Ryefield: Thank you.
Paul Ryefield: Va multumesc.

Reservations - airline
(Rezervari de bilete de avion la liniile aeriene)
Do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?
Reservations clerk: Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you?
Functionar rezervari:Northwind Airways, buna dimineata. Va pot ajuta?
Mary Jones:Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?
Mary Jones:Da, aveti vreun zbor / vreo cursa catre Sydney martea viitoare, dupa-amiaza?
Reservations clerk:One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 16:45 and one at 18:00.

Functionar rezervari:Un moment, va rog... Da. Exista un zbor / o cursa la 16:45 si unul / una
la 18:00.
Mary Jones: OK. Could I make a reservation?
Mary Jones: OK. Pot sa fac o rezervare?
Reservations clerk: Certainly. Which flight would you like?
Functionar rezervari:Desigur. La care zbor / cursa?
Mary Jones:The 16:45, please.
Mary Jones:[La zborul / cursa de la] 16:45, va rog.
Reservations clerk: Could I have your name, please?
Functionar rezervari: Puteti sa-mi spuneti cum va numiti, va rog?
Reservations clerk: My name is Mary Jones, that´s M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S.
Numele meu este Mary Jones, se scrie M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S.
Reservations clerk: How would you like to pay, Ms. Jones?
Functionar rezervari: Cum doriti sa platiti, Dna. Jones?
Mary Jones: Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket?
Mary Jones: Pot plati la biroul Dvs. de pe aeroport, cand imi ridic biletul?
Reservations clerk: Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before
departure time.
Functionar rezervari: Da, dar va trebui sa confirmati aceasta rezervare cu cel putin doua ore
inainte de ora de plecare.
Mary Jones: I see.
Mary Jones: Inteleg.
Reservations clerk: Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight leaves at 16:45, and
your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NWA 476.
Functionar rezervari: Acum v-am facut rezervarea, Dna. Jones. Zborul / cursa pleaca la 16:45,
si sosirea la Sydney va fi la 9:25 a.m., ora locala. Numarul zborului / cursei este NWA 476.
Mary Jones: Thank you.
Mary Jones: Va multumesc.
Read the conversation between Ann and Helen. Look at Ann's diary and write the time of each
appointment in the space provided. Use the 24hr clock - e.g. 4 o'clock in the afternoon is
Ann's daily appointments Diary
Helen: Ann would you like to play tennis today?
tennis with Helen
Ann : Yes, but what time?
Helen: How about 12.30.
Ann: Sorry, I have to collect Bill from school at one.
Helen: Well, how about in the morning. meeting with Jack
Ann: Let me see, the plumber is coming at nine thirty,
and at eleven I have an appointment with the Collecting Bill from school
hairdresser. Perhaps the afternoon would be better.
Helen: I have a meeting during lunch but after that I am movie
Ann: Ok, How about four? I'm supposed to meet Jack at plumber
four thirty, but I can always meet him one hour later.
Helen: If you are meeting Jack at 4.30, how about
playing tennis at five thirty. There is a movie at seven I
would like to see.
Ann: What is the movie?
Helen: “The Runaway Jury”, do you want to see it?
Ann : Yes, why not?

Helen: OK, see you at tennis then
Ann: Bye

Jenny Smith is 10 years old and she and her family live in London. She has a little sister Paula
who is just 3 years old. This year Jenny's parents are taking them to DisneyLand in Paris for a
holiday. For the whole six days Jenny is going to stay in a hotel for the first time. She is very
excited. They are going at 7 in the morning on the 12th of July, which is only two weeks
away. Jenny's dad told her that they will be booking half-board in the hotel which means that
they will be eating breakfast and supper there. On the way back they will be going by
Eurostar, which is a very fast train which goes from Paris straight to London.
Book Online
Flight booking:
From: To:
Single: Return:
Flying out on: Time:
Returning on: Time:
Number of Adults:
Number of Children:
Hotel booking:
No of rooms: No of nights:

Prepositions of Time: at, in, on

We use:

 at for a PRECISE TIME

 on for DAYS and DATES

At in on



at 3 o'clock in May on Sunday

at 10.30am in summer on Tuesdays

at noon in the summer on 6 March

at dinnertime in 1990 on 25 Dec. 2010

at bedtime in the 1990s on Christmas Day

on Independence
at sunrise in the next century

at sunset in the Ice Age on my birthday

at the moment in the past/future on New Year's Eve

Look at these examples:

 I have a meeting at 9am.

 The shop closes at midnight.
 Jane went home at lunchtime.
 In England, it often snows in December.
 Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?
 There should be a lot of progress in the next century.
 Do you work on Mondays?
 Her birthday is on 20 November.
 Where will you be on New Year's Day?

Notice the use of the preposition of time at in the following standard expressions:

Expression Example

at night The stars shine at night.

at the weekend I don't usually work at the weekend.

at Christmas/Easter I stay with my family at Christmas.

at the same time We finished the test at the same time.

at present He's not home at present. Try later.

Notice the use of the prepositions of time in and on in these common expressions:

In on

in the morning on Tuesday morning

in the mornings on Saturday mornings

in the afternoon(s) on Sunday afternoons

in the evening(s) on Monday evening

When we say last, next, every, this we do not also use at, in, on.

 I went to London last June. (not in last June)

 He's coming back next Tuesday. (noton next Tuesday)
 I go home every Easter. (not at every Easter)
 We'll call you this evening. (not in this evening)

Prepositions of Place: at, in, on

In general, we use:

 at for a POINT
 in for an ENCLOSED SPACE
 on for a SURFACE

At in On


at the corner in the garden on the wall

at the bus stop in London on the ceiling

at the door in France on the door

at the top of the page in a box on the cover

at the end of the road in my pocket on the floor

at the entrance in my wallet on the carpet

at the crossroads in a building on the menu

at the entrance in a car on a page

Look at these examples:

 Jane is waiting for you at the bus stop.

 The shop is at the end of the street.
 My plane stopped at Dubai and Hanoi and arrived in Bangkok two hours late.

 When will you arrive at the office?
 Do you work in an office?
 I have a meeting in New York.
 Do you live in Japan?
 Jupiter is in the Solar System.
 The author's name is on the cover of the book.
 There are no prices on this menu.
 You are standing on my foot.
 There was a “no smoking” sign on the wall.
 I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London.

Notice the use of the prepositions of place at, in and on in these standard expressions:

at in on

at home in a car on a bus

at work in a taxi on a train

at school in a helicopter on a plane

at university in a boat on a ship

at college in a lift (elevator) on a bicycle, on a motorbike

at the top in the newspaper on a horse, on an elephant

at the bottom in the sky on the radio, on television

at the side in a row on the left, on the right

at reception in Oxford Street on the way

For each of the six questions choose the one correct answer
1. If you take something ________ heart, you are very sensitive.
a. from
b. at
c. in
d. to
2. People all ________ the world are learning English.
a. through
b. in
c. on
d. over
3. I always go ____ home for Christmas.
a. at
b. to

c. -
d. for
4. I live in a flat ________the second floor.
a. on
b. in
c. at
d. up
5. He's already left the office but you can phone him ________ home.
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. by
6. This is Nelson's Column. It stands ......
a. on Trafalgar Square
b. at Trafalgar Square
c. by Trafalgar Square
d. in Trafalgar Square

For each of the six questions choose the one correct answer
1. Which of these nouns does NOT follow the preposition “out of”?
a. the ordinary
b. character
c. the fence
d. time
2. Jenny loves sports and she's particularly keen _______ tennis and
a. at
b. on
c. over
d. in
3. Are you good ________remembering prepositions in English?
a. at
b. for
c. in
d. to
4. Learning English isn’t difficult! In fact there’s nothing ________ it.
a. for
b. to
c. at
d. in
5. Do you believe ________ miracles?
a. in
b. for
c. on
d. to
6. ‘Are you going for a drink ________ this evening?’
a. on
b. at
c. in

d. --- (no preposition)

For each of the six questions choose the one correct answer
1. I always have trouble ________ prepositions.
a. to
b. with
c. at
d. for
2. I’m going home ________ two weeks.
a. in
b. on
c. later
d. at
3. Long hair was fashionable ________ the 1970s.
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. --- (no preposition)
4. Fill the gap. He likes being called ________ his first name.
a. by
b. with
c. for
d. to
5. I’ve lived in Paris ________ 5 years.
a. during
b. since
c. while
d. for
6. Sometimes our teacher gets angry if she is ________ a bad mood.
a. on
b. at
c. in
d. to


Choose the right time preposition for the gaps in each sentence
1. We always visit my family __________ Christmas.
a. on
b. at
c. in
d. by
2. I’ll see you __________ Friday.
a. on
b. at
c. in
d. by
3. It’s really hot here __________ August.
a. with

b. by
c. in
d. at
4. I have been learning English __________ two years.
a. since
b. by
c. for
d. in
5. My appointment with the doctor is __________ 4 o’clock.
a. on
b. at
c. in
d. by
6. It rains here __________ the morning but never __________ night.
a. on / in
b. at / in
c. in / at
d. by / for


Exercise 1. In pairs, read and choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
Are you looking for the perfect place for a holiday? What about New York? New York
City isn’t one place – it’s hundred! New York is made up 0) of lots of interesting neighbours
like Chinatown and Little Italy. 1) ___________ place has its own sights, sounds and even
The city has many tourist attractions: the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building,
Central Park and Times Square are just a 2) ___________ . New York has over 150 museums,
900 art galleries, over 160 theatres, 1,800 restaurants and 1,700 parks!
It’s easy 3) ___________ get around. City buses stops have maps 4) ___________ you
won’t get lost. The subway is 5) ___________ fastest and most reliable way around. Most 6)
___________ New York’s sights are on subway lines.
There’s 7) ___________ for everyone in New York City, so 8) ___________and
experience the energy and excitement this great city has to offer.

0 A of B on C at
1. A Any B Each C All
2. A few B many C lots
3. A for B to C with
4. A with B for C so

5. A the Ba C some
6. A in B at C of
7. A something B anything C everything
8. A coming B comes C come

Exercise 2. Read the text again and name two neighbours, four tourist attractions and
two means of transport. Say four things you remember about New York.

Location Phrases
 on/ at the corner of …
 on … Street/ Road/ Avenue
 near/ opposite/ behind/ between/ in front of …

Asking for/ Giving directions

Asking for directions Giving directions
 Excuse me, how can I get to …?  (You) go up/ down … Street until you
 Could you please tell me the way to get to …
…?  turn right/ left into … St
 Could you tell me where … is,  take the first/ second turning on the
please? right/ left
 (You) go straight …
 It’s on the corner of …
A: Excuse me, how can I get to the New York Hilton?
B: You go straight along 57th Street East until you get to the Avenue of the Americas. Turn
right, and the Hilton is in the corner of the Avenue of the Americas and 54th Street.
A: Thanks very much.

Exercise 3. Find or draw a map of your town. Decide on the most interesting tourists
attractions. Write a short text about your town and its attractions. Use the text in Ex. 1
as a model.


Lecţia 12

Timpurile modului indicativ: Presentul simplu (Present Tense Simple) şi

prezentul continuu (present Tense Continuous)

Există două aspecte ale timpului în limba engleză: simplu si continuu. În general,
timpurile simple se folosesc când accentul se pune pe acţiunea propriu-zisă, iar timpurile
continue se folosesc când accentul se pune pe durata acţiunii, pe perioada de timp în care are
loc acţiunea.
În explicarea întrebuinţării timpurilor continue se va întâlni formularea „acţiune în plină
desfăşurare”. Aceasta înseamnă că acţiunea a început înainte de momentul la care se face
referire şi va continua după acel moment.
Exista un numar de verbe în limba engleză care nu se folosesc la forma continua, deoarece
ideea de durată e inclusă în conţinutul lor semantic. Ex. to want, to like, to dislike, to
understand, to owe, to matter, to love, to hate, to belong, to believe, to remember, to know.

Present Tense Simple

Afirmativ/ Negativ
I read/I do not (don’t) read
You read /You do not (don’t) read
He/she/it read He/she/it does not (doesn’t) read

We read /We do not (don’t) read
You read /You do not (don’t) read
They read /They do not (don’t) read
Do I read? Do we read?
Do you read? Do you read?
Does he/she/it read? Do they read?
Present Tense Simple se foloseşte pentru a arăta o acţiune regulată, obişnuita, în perioada
Ex. What do you do? (Cu ce te ocupi?) I am a writer. (Sunt scriitor.)
What time do you usually go to school? (Când pleci la şcoală de obicei?)

Cum se formează Simple Present Tense?

Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb

do base

Există trei exceptii importante pentru folosirea presentului simplu:

1. Pentru propoziţii positive de obicei nu se foloseşte auxiliarul.

2. Pentru persona a 3 a (he, she, it), adăugăm s la verbul principla sau es la auxiliary.
3. Pentru verbul to be, nu se foloseşte auxiliar chiar şi pentru propoziţii interogative sau

Observaţi aceste exemple cu verbul principal like:

auxiliary main
verb verb

I, you, we,
like coffee.
He, she, it likes coffee.

I, you, we,
do not like coffee.
He, she, it does not like coffee.

I, you, we,
Do like coffee?
Does he, she, it like coffee?

Observaţi aceste exemple cu verbul principal be. Observaţi lipsa auxiliarului.


I am French.

You, we,
+ they
are French.

He, she, it is French.

I am not old.

You, we,
- they
are not old.

He, she, it is not old.

Am I late?

you, we,
Are late?
? they

he, she,
Is late?

Când folosim Simple Present Tense?

Folosim prezentul simplu când:

 Actiunea este genrală (the action is general)

 Acţiunea are loc mereu, in mod obişnuit, în trecut, present sau viitor. (the action
happens all the time, or habitually, in the past, present and future)
 Acţiunea nu are loc numai acum (the action is not only happening now)

 Afirmaţia este întotdeauna adevărată (the statement is always true)

John drives a taxi.

past present future

It is John's job to drive a taxi. He does it every day. Past, present

and future.

Citiţi exemplele:

 I live in New York.

 The Moon goes round the Earth.
 John drives a taxi.
 He does not drive a bus.
 We do not work at night.
 Do you play football?

Când folosim verbul to be, putem folosi prezentul simplu pentru a exprima situaţii care nu
sunt generale. Folosim prezentul simplu pentru a arăta o acţiune care se întâmplă acum.
Observaţi exemplele care folosesc verbul “to be” la present simplu – unele expreimă o
acţiune la general, altele exprimă o acţiune care are loc acum.

Am I right?
Tara is not at
You are happy. I am not fat.
present future
Why are you so beautiful?
Ram is tall.
past present future
The situation is now.

The situation is general. Past, present and future.

Present Tense Continuous

Se conjuga verbul to be la timpul prezent şi se adaugă forma -ing a verbului de conjugat.

I am reading / We are reading
You are reading / You are reading
He/she/it is reading / They are reading

I am not reading.
You are not (aren’t) reading.
He/she/it is not (isn’t) reading.
We are not (aren’t) reading.
You are not (aren’t) reading.
They are not (aren’t) reading.

Am I reading? Are we reading?
Are you reading? Are you reading?
Is he/she/it reading? Are they reading?

Present Tense Continuous se foloseşte pentru a arăta o acţiune în plină desfăşurare în

momentul prezent.
Ex. What are you doing? (Ce faci? )
I am writing a poem. ( Scriu o poezie.)
De asemenea poate arata o acţiune care se desfăşoara pe timp limitat în perioada prezentă.
Ex.: I have dinner at home in the evenings. This evening my husband takes me to a
restaurant. ( Iau cina acasă în fiecare seara. În seara aceasta soţul meu mă duce la restaurant.)
Uneori se poate folosi timpul Present Tense Continuous cu adverbul always, pentru a arăta o
acţiune repetată. În acest caz, există o conotaţie afectivă (nemulţumire) sau acţiunea
respectivă este caracteristică pentru acea persoană.
Ex. Your children are always running on my lawn.
You are always quarrelling with your sister when it comes to play games on computer.

We play basketball every Saturday!

1. Read.
Helen Sanders is my favourite singer. She gets up at eight o’clock every morning. She has
breakfast at nine o’clock. In the afternoon she plays the piano and sings. In the evening she
visits friends or she goes to the theatre. She goes to bed at twelve o’clock. I like Helen
Sanders! She’s a great singer.
2. Read again and put a tick (√) or a cross (X).
1. Helen gets up at seven o’clock every morning.
2. Helen has breakfast at ten o’clock.
3. Helen visits friends in the evening.
4. Helen goes to bed at eleven o’clock.

3. Put the words in the correct order.
1. Cindy/ get up/ six o’clock/ the morning.
……Cindy gets up at six o’clock in the morning. ……….
2. Lin/ have/ breakfast/ 8 o’clock/ the morning.
3. Masid/ eat lunch/ one o’clock.
4. Wendy/ go to/ the cinema/ Sundays.

4. Make sentences after the model:

 What does Masid do on Mondays? He washes his lamp.
Monday wash his lamp
Tuesday visit his family
Wednesday fly to planet Ziccom
Thursday play basketball
Friday swim in the lake
Saturday go to the beach
Sunday go to the cinema

 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
5. What time do you …? Complete the sentences
1. ……………….. get up? I get up at ………………..
2. ……………….. have breakfast? ………………..………………..……
3. ……………….. go to school? ………………..………………..
4. ………………..have lunch? ………………..………………..
5. ……………….. go to bed? ………………..………………..
6. Write: in/ on/ at

Hi, I’m Kim Basser. I get up 1) at six o’clock. 2) ……………… the morning. I have
breakfast 3) ……………… o’clock. I have a shower 4) ……………….. eight o’clock.
I meet my friends 5) ………………..noon and we have lunch. 6) ……………….. the
afternoon I play tennis or listen to music. 7) ……………….. the evening I go to the theatre. I
go to bed 8) ……………….. twelve o’clock 9) ………………..night. 10)
………………..Saturday I have coffee with my friends and 11) ……………….. Sunday I
visit my grandfather and my grandmother.

7. Put the words in the correct order.

1. has/ a/ Cindy/ Fridays/ on/ lesson/ piano
2. every/ Eddy/ milk/ morning/ drinks
3. on/ Wendy/ cinema/ the/ Sunday/ goes/ to
4. afternoon/ every/ dances/ Lin
5. every/ has/ a/ Thursday/ lesson/ Oscar/ guitar
8. Look and write.
Gardening fishing Horse riding
Wendy √ X √
Tom √ √ X
Oscar X √ √
Cindy √ X √
e.g. Wendy likes gardening and horse riding. She doesn’t like fishing.
9. Read and write.
Do you like I don’t swimming Do you
A. Do you like sailing?
B. Yes, I do. _______________________
A. No, _______________________ . Do you like _______________________

B. No, I don’t

10. Read and fill in.

gets goes has visits plays swims

Jack Michaels is my favourite basketball player. He gets up at six o’clock every morning. He
____________ in the pool at seven o’clock. He ____________ breakfast at eight o’clock. In
the morning he ____________ to the gym or he ____________ his friends. In the evening he
____________ basketball. I like Jack Michaels! He is a great basketball player.
11. Read, choose and match.
Winter December May spring October July
Winter summer
March June September
January April
February August November
12. Read and circle the correct answer.
1. Tom don’t/ doesn’t go to school.
2. What time does/ do you go to school?
3. She doesn’t/ don’t like ice-cream.
4. We play/ plays tennis every Sunday.
5. Oscar visits/ visit his grandfather every Monday.
6. He washes/ wash the car on Fridays.

Cum scriem verbele la Present Continuous Tense?

Formăm prezentul continuu adăugând -ing la forma de bază a verbului. În mod normal este
simplu, adăugăm -ing. Dar uneori trebuie sa schimbăm cuvântul. Sunt cazuri când se dublează
ultima literă sau o omitem. Aceste reguli te vor ajuta cum să scrii corect verbele la present

Basic rule Just add -ing to the base verb:

work > working

play > playing

assist > assisting

see > seeing

be > being

Exception 1 If the base verb ends in consonant + stressed vowel + consonant, double the last letter:

s t o p
consonant consonant
(vowels = a, e, i, o, u)

stop > stopping

run > running

begin > beginning

Note that this exception does not apply when the last syllable of the base verb is not stressed:

open > opening

Exception 2 If the base verb ends in ie, change the ie to y:

lie > lying

die > dying

Exception 3 If the base verb ends in vowel + consonant + e, omit the e:

come > coming

mistake > mistaking

13. Read and write.

1. I’m _writing__ a letter. (write)
2. They’re ____________ their bikes. (ride)
3. She’s ____________ in the park (run)
4. I’m ____________ in the lake. (swim)
5. We’re ____________ lunch. (have)
6. They’re ____________ a snowman. (make)
14. Look and read.

Dear Mum and Dad,

It’s cold and windy here in Snowdonia but I’m
wearing my jacket and my red hat. I’m watching Oscar
and Eddy. They are making a fun snowman. Everyone’s
having fun here!
Lots of love,
Dear Mum and Dad,
We’re having fun in Barbados! It’s hot and sunny today. I’m
sitting on the bench and Teresa’s swimming. Is Eddy having fun
in Snowdonia?
Love and kisses,
Sharon and Teresa.

Now make your own postcard! Start like this:

Dear Mum and Dad,
15. Read and write.
e.g. ride – riding
1. have –
2. run –
3. swim –
4. dance –
5. write –
16. Read and ask.

e.g. Lin/ watch TV
Is Lin watching TV?
1. Masid/ sleep
2. you/ listen to music
3. Cindy/ eat a hot dog
4. they/ make a cake
5. Oscar and Eddy/ have fun


Choose the right answer for each question about colours:

1. If you mix yellow and red you make:

a. Green
b. Blue
c. Orange
d. Purple
2. If the light is __________ you need to stop.
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. Violet
d. Red
3. Zebras are:
a. Blue and white
b. Grey and white
c. Grey and black
d. Black and white
4. Which of these is not an eye colour?
a. Grey
b. Blue
c. Brown
d. Purple
5. If you mix red and white, you get
a. Purple
b. Indigo
c. Pink
d. Orange

6. The rainbow is red, orange, green, blue, indigo, and violet. What
colour is missing?
a. Yellow
b. Brown
c. White
d. Black

The boy at the door has got a book from school!
The girls are drinking orange juice with the genie!


stranger wrong It was interesting to have class

discussions with other
☺explanation Strangers are people you’ve
foreigner never met before. People of
other nationalities are
foreigners, but this is often
used negatively, so avoid it.
We don’t want foreigners
√ right It was interesting to have class
discussions with people from
other countries.
usual wrong John is a very unusual name
in Britain.
☺explanation For many examples of
common something, say common, not
√ right John is a very common name
in Britain.

Lecţia 13

Past Tense Simple and Paste Tense Continuous

(Trecutul simplu şi trecutul continuu)

Past Tense Simple

Paul Hancock, Common Errors in English, Essex, Pinguin Press, 2001

Past Tense Simple se formează prin adăugarea terminatiei – ed în cazul verbelor regulate.
Ex. to dance – danced

Dacă verbul este neregulat, Past Tense trebuie învăţat din tabelul de verbe neregulate care
indica cele trei forme de baza ale verbului: forma 1 – infinitiv, forma 2- Paste Tense, forma 3
– participiul trecut.
Ex. to bring – brought – brought (a aduce)

I/you/he/she/it/we/they brought
I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not bring
Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they bring?

Forma prescurtată a lui did not este didn’t (I didn’t bring).

Past Tense Simple arată o acţiune trecută, terminată, efectuată într-o perioada de timp trecută,
terminată. Este tipul de naraţiune. Se traduce, de obicei, cu perfectul compus. Ex. Yesterday I
went to theatre. (Ieri am mers la teatru.)
Last September I travelled to Hungaray. (În ultima luna septembrie am calatorit în

Choose the correct answer from those given.

01. ................... they in when you called?

A. Wasn't B. Weren't C. Were being D. Was been
02. It................ a nice day to go out for a walk.
A. weren't B. wasn't C. was being not D. was not being
03. Yesterday, he.................. all day at the office.
A. works B. worked C. is working D. work
04. .................... she answer the telephone when you called?
A. Did B. Do C. Is D. Are
05. He................. his car in time to avoid the accident.

A. didn't stop B. don't stop C. not stopped D. not doing stop
06. She.................. to the bank to deposit a cheque.
A. go B. gone C. went D. going
07. We................. orange juice when we needed refreshment.
A. drinks B. drunk C. drank D. dronk
08. They............... sandwiches on their picnic.
A. eats B. ate C. eated D. eaten
09. I.................. took some work home from the office.
A. taken B. takes C. token D. took
10. They................. hymns together in the church choir.
A. singed B. sang C. song D. sung
11. She................. a bicycle until she had an accident.
A. rid B. ride C. ridden D. rode
12. I................... to the airport to meet my friends when the tyre burst.
A. were driving B. was driving C. were drive D. was drive

Telling a story. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

01. Inside the police station, a sergeant (stand) __________at a desk, writing.
02. He still (write) __________ when the constable (bring) __________ Bert in, and he and
the constable (stand) __________ in front of the desk until the sergeant (finish) __________.
03. Finally, he (look) __________up and (say) __________to the constable: “Where you
(find) ____________________ him?”
04. “He (sleep) __________on a bench in the park. It (be) __________not easy to wake him
up. As I (stand) __________ there, he just (go) __________on snoring. He (snore)
__________so loudly, he (frighten) __________ the children.”
05. “(complain) ____________________ anyone?”
06. “Two little old ladies (come) __________ up to me and (tell) __________ me that the
snores (make) __________ them nervous.”
07. The sergeant (say) __________: “A man (telephone) __________ here and (tell)
__________ me that he (live) __________next to the park and the noise (cause)
__________interference on his TV. He (ask) __________ why we not (do) __________
anything about it.”
08. He (turn) __________ to Bert and (ask) __________him if he (realise) __________ he
(be) __________Public Nuisance Number One.

09. Bert (reply) __________ in a rush that he (be) __________ a heavy sleeper, that he (work)
__________at night, and that he (be) __________ unable to sleep at home because his
neighbour (give) __________piano lessons, and the students always (play) __________ Bach
preludes, and he (hate) __________ Bach.
10. The sergeant (scratch) his head and said he (wonder) __________what the piano students
(think) __________of Bert's trombone.

Past Tense Continuous

Se formează prin conjugarea verbului to be la trecut (Past Tense) şi adăugarea formei -ing a
verbului de conjugat.

I was reading /We were reading
You were reading /You were reading
He/she/it was reading /They were reading
I was not reading / We were not reading
You were not reading / You were not reading
He/she/it was not reading / They were not reading

Formele prescurtate sunt:

was not – wasn’t I wasn’t reading.
were not – weren’t They weren’t reading.

Was I reading? / Were we reading?
Were you reading? / Were you reading?
Was he/she/it reading? / Were they reading?

Arată o acţiune în plină desfăşurare într-un moment din trecut. Se traduce, de obicei,
cu imperfectul.
Ex. This time yesterday, I was dancing.
(Ieri, pe vremea asta dansam.)

Adesea, în aceeaşi frază, este posibil să apară un verb folosit la Past Continuous şi un
verb folosit la Past Simple. În acest caz, verbul la Past Continuous (tradus cu imperfectul),
reprezintă fundalul de timp pe care se petrece acţiunea exprimată de Past Simple (tradus cu
perfectul compus).
Ex. While I was waiting the bus, I met Mary.
(În timp ce aşteptam autobuzul, m-am întâlnit cu Mary.)
Este de asemenea posibil să apară într-o fraza timpul Past Continuous în mod
repetat. În această situaţie, ambele verbe se traduc cu imperfectul, ele arătând acţiuni paralele,
în plină desfăşurare, într-un moment trecut.
Ex. While John was writing, his sister was watching TV.
(În timp ce John scria, sora lui privea la televizor.)

Exceptions in Spelling when Adding ing. Write down the ing form of the following words.
Mind the exceptions in spelling.2

1. live → ___________
2. run → ___________
3. give → ___________
4. swim → ___________
5. lie → ___________
6. sit → ___________
7. travel → ___________

Was or Were

Decide whether to use 'was' or 'were'.

1. Boris learning English.

2. They _______swimming in the lake.
3. Your father _______repairing the car.
4. I _______reading a magazine.
5. You _______packing your bag.
6. My friends _______watching the match on TV.
7. It _______raining.
8. The dog _______barking.
9. The children _______brushing their teeth.
10. Anne and Maureen _______singing a song.


Exercitii cu Past Tense Simple si Continuous

1. Puneţi verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la Past Tense Simple:

1. I sleep until 7 o’clock every morning.

2. He calls John on Sundays.
3. You speak French well.
4. You eat too much.
5. You ask too many questions.
6. I play soccer.
7. I own two cars.
8. I like to have a tea in the morning.
9. That sounds exiting.
10. I always make pancakes on Sundays.

2. Puneţi verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la negativ şi interogativ:

1. He thought about her.

2. They drank all the whiskey.
3. I loved him.
4. He changed his look every day.
5. I sold my motorbike.
6. We worked very hard.
7. He came to school late.
8. I enjoyed dancing.
9. He translated the novel.
10. He forbade her to go out tonight.

3. Puneţi verbele din paranteze la Past Tense Simple sau Continuous:

1. When you (come in)________________, I (have) ________________ a hot bath.

2. When I first (meet) ________________ her, he (work) ________________ in a shop.
3. While he (learn) ________________to ski, he (have) ________________ an accident.
4. As I (speak) ________________, someone (ring up) ________________.

5. Where you (go) ________________ when I (call) ________________ you?
6. What you (do) ________________ this time last year?
7. When I (enter) ________________ the classroom, the teacher (write)
________________ on the blackboard.
8. When I (arrive) ________________, they (have) ________________dinner.
9. This time last weekend, I (watch) ________________ a film on TV.
10. He suddenly (realize) ________________ that he (not wear) ________________his


Read this passage from Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K Jerome and give the correct past
form of the verbs in brackets.

It (cast) __________ a gloom over the boat, there being no mustard. We (eat) __________our
beef in silence. Existence (seem) __________hollow and uninteresting. We (think)
__________of the happy days of childhood, and (sigh) __________. We (brighten)
__________up a bit, however, over the apple-tart, and, when George (draw) __________ out
a tin of pine-apple from the bottom of the hamper, and (roll) __________ it into the middle of
the boat, we (feel) __________ that life (be) __________worth living after all.

We are very fond of pine-apples, all three of us. We (look) __________ at the picture on the
tin; we (think) __________ of the juice. We (smile) __________ at one another, and Harris
(get) __________ a spoon ready.

Then we (look) __________ for the knife to open the tin with. We (turn) __________ out
everything in the hamper. We (turn) __________ out the bags. We (pull) __________ up the
boards at the bottom of the boat. We (take) __________everything out on to the bank and
(shake) __________ it. There (be) __________ no tin-opener to be found.

Then Harris (try) __________to open the tin with a pocket-knife, and (break) __________the
blade and (cut) __________himself badly; and George (try) __________ a pair of scissors,

and the scissors (fly) __________ up, and nearly (put) __________ his eye out. While they
(dress) __________ their wounds, I (try) __________ to make a hole in the thing with the
spiky end of the hitcher, and the hitcher (slip) __________and (jerk) __________ me out
between the boat and the bank into two feet of muddy water, and the tin (roll) over, uninjured,
and (break) a tea cup.

Then we all (get) __________mad. We (take) __________that tin out on the bank, and Harris
(go) __________ up into a field and (get) __________ a big sharp stone, and I (go)
__________back into the boat and (bring) __________out the mast, and George (hold)
__________the tin and Harris (hold) __________ the sharp end of his stone against the top of
it, and I (take) __________ the mast and (poise) __________ it high up in the air, and (gather)
__________up all my strength and (bring) __________ it down.

It was George's straw hat that (save) __________his life that day.... Harris (get) __________
off with merely a flesh wound....

As for the tin...

There (be) __________ one great dent across the top that (have) __________the appearance
of a mocking grin, and it (drive) __________ us furious, so that Harris (rush) __________at
the thing, and (catch) __________ it up, and (fling) __________ it far out into the middle of
the river, and as it (sink) __________ we (hurl) __________ our curses at it, and we (get)
__________ into the boat and (row) __________ away from the spot...

PRACTICE: In each group of four, there is one incorrect sentence. Which one is incorrect?

1. Present simple
a. We play football every weekend
b. Do you like fish?
c. I feel sick.
d. He works at home today.

2. Present continuous
a. I am learning Arabic at the moment.
b. Is she sleeping?
c. Look! They’re painting their house red!
d. I’m really liking this cake – it’s delicious.
3. Past simple

a. We played tennis on Friday
b. Where did you go yesterday?
c. Did you like the film?
d. I knew him all my life until now.
4. Questions
a. Do you want some tea?
b. Is he here?
c. Who did break the window?
d. How often do you have classes?
5. Word order
a. It was a big green bird.
b. She speaks well English
c. Are you feeling OK?
d. Who were you talking to?
6. Auxiliaries
a. I really do not agree with you.
b. Do you want to help me or not?
c. Does he is leaving today?
d. Will you finish this work for me?


to be was, were been A FI

to bear bore borne, born A DUCE, A PURTA,


to beat beat beaten A BATE

to become became become A DEVENI

to begin began begun A ÎNCEPE

to bend bent bent A SE SUPUNE, A


to bite bit bitten A MUSCA, A


to blow blew blown A BATE (despre


to break broke broken A SPARGE

to bring brought brought A ADUCE

to build built built A CONSTRUI

to burn burnt burnt A ARDE

to burst burst burst A EXPODA, A


to buy bought bought A CUMPARA

to catch caught caught A PRINDE, A SE


to choose chose chosen A ALEGE

to come came come A VENI

to cost cost cost A COSTA

to creep crept crept A SE FURIŞA, A SE


to cut cut cut A REDUCE, A


to deal dealt dealt A DISTRIBUI

to dig dug dug A ÎNFIGE, A SÂPA

to do did done A FACE

to draw drew drawn A ATRAGE, A

to dream dreamt dreamt A VISA

to drink drank drunk A BEA

to drive drove driven A CONDUCE, A


to eat ate eaten A M ÂNCA

to fall fell fallen A CĂDEA, A SE


to feed fed fed A HRĂNI

to feel felt felt A SIMŢI

to fight fought fought A LUPTA

to find found found A GĂSI

to fly flew flown A ZBURA

to forbid forbade forbidden A INTERZICE

to forget forgot forgotten A UITA

to forgive forgave forgiven A IERTA

to freeze froze frozen A ÎNGHEŢA

to give gave given A DA

to go went gone A MERGE

to grow grew grown A CREŞTE, A SE


to hang hung hung A AGĂŢA

to have had had A AVEA

to hear heard heard A AUZI

to hide hid hidden A TĂINUI, A


to hit hit hit A PLESNI, A


to hold held held A PĂSTRA, A ŢINE

to hurt hurt hurt A LOVI

to keep kept kept A ŢINE, A PĂSTRA

to kneel knelt knelt A ÎNGENUNGHEA

to know knew known A CUNOAŞTE, A


to lay laid laid A ÎNTINDE

to lead led led A CONDUCE

to lean leant leant A SE APLICA

to learn learnt, learned learnt, learned A ÎNVĂŢA, A


to leave left left A LĂSA, A PĂRĂSI

to lend lent lent A ÎMPRUMUTA

to let let let A ÎNGĂDUI, A


to lie lay lain A FI CULCAT

to lose lost lost A PIERDE, A


to make made made A FACE, A


to mean meant meant A CREDE, A


to mow mowed mown A COSI

to meet met met A ÎNTÂLNI

to pay paid paid A PLĂTI

to put put put A INSTALA, A


to read read read A CITI

to ride rode ridden A CĂLĂRI

to ring rang rung A CĂLĂRI

to rise rose risen A SE RIDICA

to run ran run A ALERGA

to say said said A SPUNE

to see saw seen A VEDEA. A


to seek sought sought A CĂUTA, A


to sell sold sold A VINDE

to set set set A AŞEZA, A PUNE,


to sew sewed sewn A COASE, A


to shake shook shaken A SCUTURA, A


to shine shone shone A STRĂLUCI, A


to shoot shot shot A ÎMPUŞCA

to show showed shown A INDICA, A


to shrink shrank shrunk A SE


to shut shut shut A ÎNCHIDE,


to sing sang sung A CÂNTA

to sink sank sunk A SE SCUFUNDA

to sleep slept slept A DORMI

to slide slid slid A GLISA, A


to smell smelt smelt A MIROSI, A


to sow sowed sown A ÎNSĂMÂNŢA, A


to speak spoke spoken A VORBI

to spell spelt spelt A ORTOGRAFIA

to spend spent spent A CHELTUI, A


to spill spilt split A ÎMPRĂŞTIA

to spread spread spread A ÎNTINDE, A


to stand stood stood A SE OPUNE, A


to stea1 stole stolen A FURA

to stick stuck stuck A ÎNFIGE, A LIPI

to stride strode stridden A STA CĂLARE, A


to strike struck struck A LOVI, A IZBI

to strive strove striven A NĂZUI, A TINDE

to swear swore sworn A JURA, A ÎNJURA

to sweep swept swept A MĂTURA, A


to swim swam swum A ÎNOTA

to take took taken A LUA

to teach taught taught A INSTRUI, A


to tell told told A SPUNE

to think thought thought A GÂNDI, A


to throw threw thrown A ARUNCA

to understand understood understood A ÎNŢELEGE

Lecţia 14

Future Tense Simple and Future Tense Continuous

(Timpurile viitor simplu si continuu)

Se formeaza cu shall sau will la persoana I, will la persoana II si III, la care se adauga
infinitivul verbului de conjugat.
I (shall) will read / We (shall) will read
You will read / You will read
He/she/it will read / They will read

I (shall) will not read / We (shall) will not read
You will not read / You will not read
He/she/it will not read / They will not read
Forma scurta pentru „shall not” este shan’t, iar pentru „will not” este won’t.
Shall I read? / Shall we read ?
Will you read? / Will you read?
Will he/she/it/ read? / Will they read?

Trebuie remarcat faptul ca la interogativ persoana I, se foloseste numai „shall”. Acest timp
arata o actiune viitoare obisnuita. Se traduce cu viitorul din limba româna.
Ex. I (shall) will meet him next week.
(Il voi intâlni saptamâna viitoare)

Future Continuous

Se formeaza cu viitorul simplu al verbului „to be”, la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de
I (shall) will be writing.
You will be writing.
He/she/it will be writing.
We (shall) will be writing.
You will be writing.
They will be writing.
I (shall) will not be writing.
You will not be writing.
He/she/it will not be writing.
We (shall) will not be writing.
You will not be writing.
They will not be writing.
Shall I be writing? / Shall we be writing?
Will you be writing? / Will you be writing?
Will he/she/it be writing? / Will they be writing?

Acest timp arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intr-un moment viitor.

Ex. At three o’clock, I will be swimming in the Black Sea.

(Mâine la ora trei voi înota în Marea Neagră.)
Se traduce cu viitorul din limba româna.

Exerciţii cu viitor simplu şi continuu

Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Simple:

1. I (know) the plan in three days’ time.
2. You (be) in Paris next Friday.
3. You (recognize) him when you meet him?
4. I (remember) this moment all my life.
5. I am sure you (like) this novel.
6. He (be) pleased if you call him.
7. I am not sure I (succeed).
8. You (remember) to repair my car?
9. I hope I (pass) the test.
10. You (not find) a way out if you don’t know the whole truth.

Puneţi verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Continuous:

1. This time next week, I (swim) in the sea.

2. When you reach London, it probably (rain).
3. Don’t ring her up at 7o’clock p.m. She (have) supper.
4. You (need) the car tomorrow or may I borrow it?
5. I am sure when I open the door, the baby (cry).
6. Let’s hurry to the railway station. The train (leave) in 10 minutes.
7. He (work) all day tomorrow.
8. This time next weekend, we (climb) the mountain.
9. Tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock, I (have) a surprise.
10. Don’t expect me home for dinner, I (work) at the office till late at night.

Folosind cuvintele din paranteze, completaţi textul următor cu timpul potrivit (prezent simplu
sau viitor simplu)
1. Today after I (get) _________________ out of class, I (go) _________________ to a
movie with some friends.

2. When you (arrive) _________________ in Stockholm, call my friend Gustav. He (show)

_________________ you around the city and help you get situated.

3. A: Do you know what you want to do after you (graduate) _________________?

B: After I (receive) _________________ my Master's from Georgetown University, I (go)
_________________ to graduate school at UCSD in San Diego. I (plan) _________________
to complete a Ph.D. in cognitive science.

4. If it (snow) _________________ this weekend, we (go) _________________ skiing near

Lake Tahoe.

5. Your father (plan) _________________ to pick you up after school today at 3:00 o'clock.
He (meet) _________________ you across the street near the ice cream shop. If something
happens and he cannot be there, I (pick) _________________ you up instead.

6. If the people of the world (stop, not) _________________ cutting down huge stretches of
rain forest, we (experience) _________________ huge changes in the environment during the
twenty-first century.

7. If Vera (keep) _________________ drinking, she (lose, eventually) _________________

her job.

8. I promise you that I (tell, not) _________________ your secret to anybody. Even if
somebody (ask) _________________ me about what happened that day, I (reveal, not)
________________ the truth to a single person.

9. She (make) _________________ some major changes in her life. She (quit)
_________________ her job and go back to school. After she (finish) _________________
studying, she (get) _________________ a better-paying job and buy a house. She is going to
improve her life!

10. Tom (call) _________________ when he (arrive) _________________ in Madrid. He

(stay) _________________ with you for two or three days until his new apartment (be)
_________________ available.

Will or Won't

1. Don't get up, I _________________ answer the phone.

2. If you eat too much you_________________ put on weight.

3. Don't stay out too late, you_________________ get up on time.

4. I don't think she_________________ pass the exam, she isn't very good.

5. You may as well go home now, I_________________ be back for hours.

6. Go to bed and you_________________ feel better tomorrow.

7. It's Mary's birthday next month. She_________________ be 18.

8. They are on holiday for two weeks so they_________________ be here tomorrow.

9. _________________ they want dinner?

10. If the weather is ok, the plane_________________ leave on time.

Will / Be Going To
1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?
B: I (write) _________________ a letter to my friends back home in Texas.

2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!

B: I (get) _________________ you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.

3. A: I can't hear the television!
B: I (turn) _________________ it up so you can hear it.

4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) _________________
Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

5. Sarah (come) _________________ to the party. Oliver (be) _________________ there as


6. Ted: It is so hot in here!

Sarah: I (turn) _________________ the air-conditioning on.

7. I think he (be) _________________ the next President of the United States.

8. After I graduate, I (attend) _________________ medical school and become a doctor. I

have wanted to be a doctor all my life.

9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too
small for four people.
B: That man at the service counter (help) _________________ you.

10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) _________________ down to the beach and
go swimming.

Alegeţi forma corectă.

1 My friends are not sure what they're going to do this weekend. Maybe they _____ to the
a) are going b) will go c) go d) are going to go
2 John has decided to quit his job in Paris, he ________ in Aix en Provence.
a) will work b) is going to work c) is working d) works
3 Why have you taken off your suit?
I _______ to work in the garden.
a) go b) am going c) will go d) is going
4 Let's meet for a football match tomorrow.
I'm afraid I ______ a doctor's appointment.
a) am having b) has c) have d) will have

Speaking English can kill you

1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Canadians, British or
2. Mexicans eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks than Canadians, British or

3. The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Canadians,
British or Americans.
4. Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer heart attacks than
Canadians, British or Americans.
5. The Russians drink a lot of vodka and suffer fewer heart attacks than Canadians, British or
6. Germans drink a lot of beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks
than Canadians, British or Americans.
CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.

Citiţi următorul text:


This book (Transformers) is just a shortened version of the movie – without the songs. It has
the same characters, the baddies: the evil Decepticons – Megatron, Frenzy, Starscream,
Blackout, Barricade, Scorponok, Brawl and finally Bonecrusher. The other main characteres
are the noble Autobots, or otherwise known as the good guys; they are Optimus Prime,
Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide and, last but not least, Jazz. All of the robots used to live on a
planet called Cybertron where there was war. They could all turn into different cars and
Bumblebee belonged to an adult called Sam Witwicky. The Hasbro Company wonderfully
rewrote this story. Rating and Recommendation: I would rate it 7/ 10 and I would positively
recommended ‘Transformers’ to anyone who enjoyed the film as much as I did.

Scrieţi o recomandare pentru o carte pe care aţi citit-o şi care mai târziu a fost transformată în
film. Folosiţi timpurile învăţate (present simplu şi continuu, trecut simplu şi continuu, viitor
simplu şi continuu)


Our World
Continents: Oceans
 Africa ▪ Arctic Ocean
 Asia ▪ North Pacific Ocean
 South Pacific Ocean
 Europe ▪ Indian Ocean
 North America ▪ North Atlantic Ocean
 South America ▪ South Atlantic Ocean
 Antarctica
 Australia
Exercise 1. How good are you at geography?
Complete the quiz and find out.
A World of Difference
1. Which is the furthest south?
A Australia B Antarctica C South America
2. Of these three oceans, which is both the biggest and the deepest?
A the Pacific B the Atlantic C the Indian
3. Which continent is larger than the others?
A Africa B Asia C Europe
4. Where can you find the lowest temperatures in the world?
A Europe B Antarctica C North America
5. Where are the most inhabitants?
A North America B China C India
6. Which country usually has the lowest rainfall each year?
A India B England C Australia
7. Which of these rivers is the longest?
A the Mississippi B the Nile C the Thames
8. Which continent has the fewest people?

A North America B Antarctica C Asia
9. Which language is spoken by most people in the world?
A Mandarin B English C Spanish
10. On which continent are the fewest countries?
A Africa B Antarctica C North America

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Big bigger
Deep deeper
Large largest
Low lower
Heavy heavier
Long longer
Expensive more expensive most expensive
many/ much more
Far farther/ further farthest/ furthest
Few fewer

 Comparative + than: Asia is bigger than Australia.
 the +superlative: Antarctica is the coldest continent of all.
 as + adjective + as: Europe isn’t as hot as Africa.

Compare the cities in the table. Use these adjectives: hot, big, crowded, many, expensive,
cheap, tall, short, clean, polluted.
New York Los Angeles Cleveland
Temperature 4-12 ˚ C 9-21 ˚ C 8-13˚ C
Size 831 km² 1,390 km² 213.5 km²
Population 8,546,846 8,863,164 2,900,000
Tall buildings Empire State US Bank Key Tower Cleveland Tower
Building 381 m 310 m 271 m
Pollution ** *** *

New York isn’t as hot as Los Angeles.

Exercise 2. Write a quiz like the one in exercise 4 about towns/ cities in your own
country. Collect information from school textbooks, encyclopaedias or the Internet.
Think about: pollution, lakes, cost of living, tourist attractions, parks, etc.

Everyday English
Exercise 3. Match the question to the answers.
E A Go straight down this road and take the first left.
e.g. Excuse me, where is the
1. Do you know where B It’s in Italy. It’s on the west coast.
India is?
2. Could you please tell me C It’s located on the southern tip of central Asia
the way to Hilton?

3. Where can I find Rome D Go down South Street until you get to the park.
The hotel is opposite the park.
on the map?
4. Excuse me, how can I get E It’s next to the park.
to the supermarket?
5. Where exactly is F It’s in Mexico, it’s along the south coast.
6. Could you tell me where G The train station is on the corner of East 42nd
Street and Park Avenue.
Acapulco is on the map,
7. Excuse me, where is H It’s located in the north of Europe.
Grand Central Station?

H It’s located in the north of Europe.

Exercise 4. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.

e.g. Asia is bigger than (big) Australia.
1. Russia is _______________________ (large) country in the world.
2. Italy has got _______________________ (few) people than Canada.
3. Which is _______________________ (tall) mountain in the world?
4. Cleveland isn’t _______________________ (polluted) Los Angeles.
5. Bicycles are _______________________ (cheap) cars.
6. Annabel is _______________________ (beautiful) Catherine.

Exercise 5. Underline the correct word.

e.g. It’s very/ a lot more humid today than yesterday.
1. Do you feel very/ a bit better today?

2. South Africa is much/ a bit warmer than Iceland.
3. It’s very/ much cold here.
4. This restaurant is very/ much more crowded today than it was yesterday.
5. The countryside is much/ many quieter than the city centre.
6. Henry’s new house is a lot more/ very more spacious than his old one.

Lecţia 15

Exercise 1. Use the phrases to complete the exchanges:

▪ Not really ▪ Yes, it’s great ▪ How about you ▪ I enjoy
1. A: Are you enjoying the evening?
B: …………………………! It’s always nice to see old friends.
2. A: Do you jog in the morning?
B: Yes, …………………………. it very much.
3. A: Do you still play the guitar?
B: ………………………..! I don’t have much time anymore.
4. A: I go to rock concerts sometimes. ………………………?
B: I don’t really like rock music.
Talking about likes and dislikes
Asking about likes Expressing (dis)likes
 How do you like … (- ing)?  (Yes,) It’s cool/ great/ brilliant!
 Do you like … (- ing)?  I like/ love/ enjoy… (- ing).
 Do you enjoy … (- ing)?  I love it./ I like it (a lot).
 I don’t mind it.
 Not really./ Not much.
 It’s awful/ boring.
 I hate it./ I don’t like it.

A: How do you like jogging?

B: I like it a lot. How about you?
A: I don’t like it.

Exercise 2. Put the letters in the correct order to complete the sentences:
1. Don’t be silly! Of course we like your gift. (ilsly)
2. My brother likes to ……………………. online in his free time. (fusr)
3. The new discman is really ………………….! (oocl)
4. A lot of teenagers like to play ………………. at weekends. (psrtos)
5. The new Steven Spielberg movie is ……………………..! (lilbintar)

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Simple form:
1. A: What ……………………….. (your mum/ do) for a living?
B: She is a nurse. She ………………………….. (take) care of people in hospitals.
2. A: I ………………….. (not/ like) travelling all the time.
B: Really? I ………………………(not/ mind) it.
3. A: ……………………….. (Carol/ still go) to university?
B: Yes, she does. She is in her last year.
4. A: Where ……………………………. (Alex/ live)?
B: He ………………….. (live) at 17, Denver Road.

Exercise 4. a) Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple.

She’s Jamie. She 1) ’s (be) 25 years old and she 2) ………………….. (live) in New York
City. She 3) ………………………. (work) as a Computer Technician for a big company. Her
sister who 4) ………………………. (live) with her 5) ………………………. (be) a dentist.
She 6) ………………………. (travel) to work by bus because she 7) ……………………….
(not have) a car. She 8) ………………………. (work) from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to
Friday. At the weekends, they always 9) ………………………. (invite) friends over to their
house. Sometimes they 10) ………………………. (watch) films or 11)
………………………. (have) dinner together. Although, she 12) ……………………….
(not/ like) it when the weekends is over, she 13) ………………………. (love) her life in New
York City.
b) Ask and answer Yes/ No questions about Jamie.
Student 1: Does Jamie live in Tokyo?
Student 2: No, she doesn’t. She lives in New York City.

Exercise 5. Write the third person singular in the affirmative.

1. work – works

2. spend –
3. go –
4. teach –
5. love –
6. travel –
7. visit –
8. meet –
9. miss –
10. fly –

Exercise 6. Underline the correct tense form. Then, identify the use. Write HR (habit/
routine), FA (fixed arrangement) and AN (action happening now).
1. I drive/ am driving home now. I should be there in about 10 minutes. AN
2. She reads/ is reading a new book every week. It’s her favourite pastime. …..
3. Our best friends come/ are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. ……..
4. Alex and Mike usually rent/ are renting a DVD every Friday night. …..
5. Our boss flies/ is flying to Milan on Wednesday. ………..
6. She works/ is working on her school project at the moment. ………..
7. They go/ are going to work by bus every weekend. ………..
8. She works/ is working as a nurse at Memorial Hospital. ………..

Exercise 7. Underline the mistakes in sentences 1-6, then correct them.

1. Lisa is going to the gym every Tuesday. ……goes…..
2. My parents aren’t go out tonight. ………..
3. Nathalie goes to a party on Thursday at 8 o’clock. ………..
4. Our neighbours plays basketball every Friday. ………..
5. We are study very hard for our exams this week. ………..
6. I doesn’t have lessons on Sundays. ………..

Exercise 8. Write the –ing form of the following verbs, then use them to describe your
1. sit –
2. read –
3. eat –

4. drink –
5. wear –
6. work –

Exercise 9. Fill in the correct word.

▪ answers ▪ shift ▪ Net ▪ typical ▪ settled ▪ part ▪ update
e.g. Sam usually answers his emails in the morning.

1. Many teenagers surf the ……………………….. in their free time.

2. The Smiths travelled a lot but eventually ……………………….. in Italy.
3. They ……………………….. their website every week.
4. Andrea is going to take ……………………….. in the local writing competition.
5. As a secretary, Ann works a ……………………….. 9-to-5 day.
6. Bill doesn’t like doing the night …………………………

Exercise 10. Match the jobs (1-6) to the places of work (A-G)
e.g. racing driver ……… G…….
1. mechanic A hospital
2. architect B surgery
3. nurse C office
4. newsreader D TV studio
5. dentist E restaurant
6. waiter F garage
G racetrack

Exercise 11. Write the correct form of the verbs.

e.g. I work – he works
1. I look – it
2. I fly – it
3. I read – he
4. I miss – he
5. I go – she
6. I travel – she

7. I teach – he
8. I meet – she
9. I study – he
10. I help – it

Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.
e.g. John works (work) in a shop.

1. Sally …………………………………… (often/ spend) a lot of time surfing online.

2. I …………………………………… (take) my car to the garage on Wednesday.
3. How …………………………………… (your parents/ earn) a living?
4. My brother ……………………………………(read) a very interesting book.
5. What …………………………………… (you/ usually/ wear) to work?
6. I …………………………………… (watch) TV every night when I get home from
7. It …………………………………… (snow) outside!
8. Nurses ……………………………………(take care) of sick people.
9. Sue …………………………………… (always/ catch) the train to work.
10. My best friend …………………………………… (have) a party next weekend.

Exercise 13. Match the answers to the questions.

e.g. What’s your name? H A Yes, two.
1. How do you earn a living? ….. B I’m a doctor.
2. Do you work in a hospital? ….. C Yes, I do.
3. What do you like about your job? ….. D He’s a teacher.
4. What are your working hours? ….. E I work a typical 9-to-5 day.
5. What do you do in your free time? ….. F I like watching videos.
6. What does your husband do? ….. G I enjoy taking care of sick
7. Do you have children? ….. H John Smith.

Exercise 14. Read the text and fill in the missing words.

Nigel Peterson lives in Maine, New England. He is …..…..…..….. architect. Nigel
has a regular work routine. He gets …..…..…..….. early, goes jogging and has a shower. Then
he …..…..…..….. the train to work.
He usually starts work …..…..…..….. around 9:00. He always checks his emails and
updates the company website. Then he works on designs for new buildings. He usually …..
…..…..….. a break at about 2:00 but sometimes he works all day without a break so that he
can leave early.
At 5 o’clock or 6 o’clock …..…..…..….. the evening, Nigel goes home and …..…..
…..….. dinner. He often watches a film on …..…..…..….. and goes to bed late. In his free
time he reads books or meets friends, “It’s a great life,” says Nigel. “I’ve got a great job and
enjoy my free time.”

Exercise 15. Write an article about daily routine of someone you know (friend, parent,
etc). Use the notes below and the text in exercise 14 as a model (80-100 words).
 name, where he/ she lives, job
 morning, afternoon, evening activities
 how the person feels about their routine



Exercise 16. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs:

▪ read ▪ have ▪ do ▪ play

1. It’s 7:20 am. The Smiths ………………………… breakfast. They usually

………………………… breakfast together.
2. It’s Friday afternoon. Mr. Smith ………………………… the shopping. He always
………………………… it on Fridays.
3. It’s 4:00 pm on Wednesday. Tony ………………………… football. He always
………………………… football on Wednesday afternoon.
4. It’s 7 o’clock in the evening. Ann ………………………… a book to her little brother.
She usually ………………………… him a book in the evenings.

Exercise 17. Read the text and, in pairs, choose the best word for each gap (1-8). Then
explain the words in bold.

Sarah Harper (0) B ……lives……… in the Sierra Mountains in California. She is a

full time writer of children’s education.
Sarah has a regular work routine. She gets up (1) ………………………… around
8:00. She (2) ………………………… a shower, gets dressed and takes her puppy, Flash, for
a walk. They often walk for an hour in the forest. After their walk, at about 9:30, Sarah has
breakfast and starts work. She always reviews what she wrote the day before, then she puts
(3) ………………………… her favourite CD of classical music to get in mood to write. She
has a break at 1 o’clock. She takes Flash out for another walk at about 2:30 then works again
until 4:00.
She has free time in the afternoon. She sometimes does the gardening or cleans the
house. Most of the (4) …………………………, though, she updates her website and (5)

………………………… her fans’ emails. At 8 o’clock in the evening, Sarah (6)
………………………… dinner with her husband and after that they usually (7)
………………………… a film or play a board game. Then at 11:30 it’s time for bed.
“I love being a writer,” Sarah says. “Most of the time I can (8)
………………………… what I like! It’s a great life.”
0 A live B lives C living
1. A at B in C on
2. A does B makes C has
3. A in B on C up
4. A hour B day C time
5. A answers B writes C paints
6. A makes B does C has
7. A watch B see C look
8. A be B do C have

Exercise 18. Look at the letter that Sam sent his friend Peter in Barcelona and match the
appropriate heading to each paragraph.
1. Conclusion
2. Closing remarks
3. Greetings
4. Opening remarks
5. Main body

Dear Peter,
How are you? I am glad that you like your new life in Barcelona. As for me things are the
I wake up every early in the morning to walk Spot. She really enjoys her morning walks in
the park. At around 7:15 I have a light breakfast and leave for college. My classes always start
at 8 o’clock and the bus journey is at least 30 minutes long.
After classes, I sometimes go for coffee with Tammy and Eric. We still go on that place on St
Laurence Street. We love the ice-cream sundaes they make. At around 4:30 I go home, make
myself a light snack and start doing my college work.

My parents come home at 7 o’clock, we usually have supper together and then we watch a
film on DVD. I go to bed at around 11 o’clock.
I guess that’s all about my daily routine. Write back soon.
Best wishes,

Exercise 19. Read the following extracts and say which are the opening remarks (O) and
which are the closing remarks (C).
Hi! How’s everything? Hope you like it there.
OK, got to run. We’re going shopping and my friends are waiting for me. Write back soon.
Sorry I didn’t write earlier but I was quite busy.
That’s all my news for this week. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care of yourself.

Exercise 20. Think about your daily routine. Make notes under the headings. Tell your




Exercise 21. Fill in: answer, online, part, typical, shift

1. He spends most of his free time surfing __________________________ .
2. My mum works a __________________________ 9-to-5 day.
3. He’s taking __________________________ n a bike race Sunday morning.
4. They __________________________ their emails in the evening.
5. She doesn’t really like the night __________________________ .

Exercise 22. Write a letter to your English pen-friend about your daily routine. Use the
paragraph in Ex. 3 and your notes in Ex. 5 (60- 80 words). You can use the letter in Ex. 3
as a model.

Exercise 23. Choose the correct response.

1. A: How do you like tennis?
B: a. I don’t like it b. Yes, it is.
2. A: What are you doing tonight?
B: a. I’m going out. b. Stay at home.
3. A: How often do you cook?
B: a. Yes, often. b. Never
4. A: Do you enjoy jogging?
B: a. Oh no! b. Not much.
5. A: It’s a great party, isn’t it?
B: a. Nice to meet you. b. Yes, it is.

Exercise 24. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. (present simple/ continuous)
1. My mum _____________________ (cook) us dinner every day, but tonight we
_____________________ (eat) out.
2. What _____________________ (she/ do) for a living?
She _____________________ (work) as a nurse.
3. _____________________ (you/ wait) for someone? Yes, for Ann. We
_____________________ (go) shopping today.
4. _____________________ (he/ catch) the train to work?

No, he usually _____________________ (walk) to work.
5. Who _____________________ (he/ talk) to? Tom – they _____________________
(play) in the same band.
6. How often _____________________ (you/ visit) your grandparents? Once a month.
I _____________________ (visit) them this weekend, actually.
7. How _____________________ (you/ like) tennis? Oh, I _____________________
(not/ like) sports at all.
8. Excuse me – _____________________ (anyone/ sit) here? No. it
_____________________ (be) free.
9. What _____________________ (you/ usually/ do) at weekends? I
_____________________ (play) baseball with my friends.
10. I _____________________ (feel) like walking. Let’s go out, then. It
_____________________ (not/ rain) now.

Exercise 25. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

e.g. expensive ___F___ A cramped
1. beautiful ______ B noisy
2. quiet ______ C ugly
3. spacious ______ D messy
4. tidy ______ E dark
5. bright ______ F cheap

Exercise 26. Put the words in categories, as in the example.

▪ fireplace ▪ balcony ▪ attic ▪ fence ▪ porch ▪ wooden floors

Indoors: fireplace,

Lecţia 16


Exercise 1. Read the dialogue and then explain the words in bold.

Jim: Hi! I’m Jim. I live on the ground floor. Welcome to the building.
Ann: Thanks. I’m Ann. Nice to meet you.
Jim: So, how do you like your flat?
Ann: Well, it’s a bit small but I’ve got an incredible view of the area and it’s much bigger
than my old place.
Jim: Well, if you need anything, I’m in Flat 8. Drop by anytime.
Ann: Thanks! Everyone here’s so friendly. I really like Mrs Finch, and Mr Leyland makes me
Jim: Ehm …I don’t know them.
Ann: That’s funny! I see them every day when I go for my morning swim.
Jim: Where do you go swimming? Do you belong to a gym.
Ann: A gym? No! I swim in our pool – you know, the one behind the building.
Jim: Um … That’s not our swimming pool. It belongs to the building next door!

Read again and complete phrases 1-4. Then, make sentences using them.
1. live __________________ the 2nd floor 3. a view ________________of the area
2. swim _________________ the pool 4. belong ________________somebody

Exercise 2. Form collocations, and then make sentences using them.

1. b……………… of flats
2. g……………… floor
3. i…………………….. view
4. m……………… somebody laugh
5. m…………….. swim
6. n…………. ……….. door
7. d……………….. house
That block of flats is very modern.

Houses and Special Features

- terraced house
- block of flats
- villa
- semidetached house
- castle
- cottage
- detached house
Exercise 3. List the words under the headings.
Furniture/ appliances/ etc Features: indoors – outdoors

▪ garden ▪ fireplace ▪ wooden floor ▪ balcony ▪ swimming pool ▪ fence ▪ large windows ▪
porch ▪ chimney ▪ attic ▪ cupboard ▪ chairs ▪ carpet ▪ armchairs ▪ bed ▪ lamp ▪ wardrobe ▪
mirror ▪ fridge ▪ cooker ▪ shower ▪ towels

Vocabulary on Houses
 Welcome to the building.
 So, how do you like your flat?
 If you need anything, I’m in flat 8.
 Drop by anytime.
 Everyone here’s so friendly
 That’s funny!

Exercise 4. Fill the gaps in the sentences with:

▪ ground ▪ welcome ▪ incredible ▪ drop ▪ friendly ▪ neighbours ▪ belong

 A: Hi! I’m Helen. I live on the 1)______________ floor. 2)______________ to the
B: Thanks a lot. I’m James. Nice to meet you.
 A: What are your 3)_________________ like?
B: They’re all very 2)__________________
 A: Wow, this is a great flat.
B: Yes the view is 5) _________________
 A: I’m thinking of moving into your building. There is a flat for rent.
B: That’s great. You can 6) ________________ by anytime and see the flat.
 A: I love sports, especially swimming.
B: Do you 7) _____________________ to a gym?
A: Yes, it’s great.

Exercise 5. Circle the correct word.

1. Places of interest often visited by tourists.
A neighbours B sights
2. A diagram that shows a plan of a place.
A map B ticket
3. A period of time when people relax away from their home.
A holiday B sights
4. An area of a town or city.
A village B neighbourhood
5. Something that you sense with your nose.
A smell B taste
6. A place people can visit for interest or enjoyment.
A train station B attraction
7. An underground railway.
A the Tube B the passage
8. A building where people pay to stay in a room.
A library B hotel

Exercise 6. Find 14 words related to houses. Which of them do you have in your house?

Exercise 7. Complete the types of houses.

e.g. detached house
1. v_ _ _ _ 3. c _ _ _ _ e 5. t_ _ _ _ c _d h_ _ se
2. c _ _ t _ _ _ 4. b_ _ _ _ of f _ _ _ _

Exercise 8. Read the email and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.

Hi – how are you? I 0) hope everything’s OK back home. I really love my new
1)____________ here in Lancaster. It’s much cosier than my previous one.
The best 2) ____________ is the view. I can see half from the city from my living
room balcony. It’s 3) ____________! The flat is spacious. It has a large living room with a
fireplace and a bright kitchen. There’s only one bedroom, but it’s 4) ____________ big.
There’s even space for my large desk and bookcase. My bedroom has also got a 5)
____________ of the beautiful garden. My neighbours are very friendly and helpful, too.
That’s 6) ____________ for now. Come and visit me whenever you like. You’re 7)
____________ anytime!
See you soon!

e.g. A want B like C hope

1. A space B place C thing
2. A way B thing C room
3. A incredible B good C messy
4. A much B quite C a lot
5. A look B feature C view

6. A OK B nothing C all
7. A visit B come C welcome

Exercise 9. Write an email to a friend about your new house/flat. Use the words below
and the text in the previous exercise as a model (60- 80 words)
▪ location (where it is) ▪ features (indoor/ outdoor)
▪ (number of) rooms ▪ neighbours

Dear …………………………,
See you soon!
Exercise 10. Write the correct word.
1. You can see paintings there. a__ g_ _ _ _ _ _
2. You can have a picnic there. p_ _ _
3. You can go to concerts there. m_ _ _ _ h _ _ _
4. You can borrow books there. l_ _ _ _ _ _
5. You can have lunch there. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Exercise 11. In pairs, match the adjectives.

Positive Negative

▪ quiet ▪ cramped
▪ tidy ▪ noisy
▪ bright ▪ ugly
▪ spacious ▪ messy
▪ beautiful ▪ dark

Exercise 12. Read the email and fill in the missing words.

Hi – how are you? I hope everything 0) is OK back home. I really love my new place
here in Colchester. It’s a bit more expensive than my previous one but is cosier. It’s quieter
The best think about 1)________ is the garden. It’s really beautiful. The cottage itself
is not very spacious. It has only one bedroom and 2) _________ small living room. The
kitchen has very small windows so 3) ________ is quite dark. My bedroom faces onto 4)
________ garden so, as well as having a lovely view, it is 5) ________ very quiet. Thank
goodness for that because I have a lot of studying to do 6) ________ year. The bedroom
doesn’t have 7) ________ storage space so I have to keep in neat and tidy. There isn’t a book
out of place! The bedroom is bright and airy but is simple, with basic fittings and plain white
walls. It’s not as luxurious 8) ________ the previous one but I don’t mind. The neighbours 9)
________ very friendly and helpful. They gave me the warmest welcome ever.
That’s all for now. Do come 10) ________ visit me. Remember, I have a pare bed!
You’re welcome any time!

Exploring Grammar
We use certain suffixes at the end of verbs, nouns etc to from adjectives in English.
These are:
-ese China – Chinese
-ful beauty – beautiful
-ive act – active
-ical economy – economical

-ish long – longish
-less hope – hopeless
-ous danger – dangerous
-y green – greeny
-ed cramp – cramped
-ing bore – boring

Exercise 13. Look at the beginnings and endings below. Which ones can be used in Ann’
email? Which one is wrong? Which one is appropriate for formal letters?

Dear friend Susan, Dear Susan, Dear Ms

…………………………………………………………… ………………………………
Best regards, Love, Yours
Ann Ann Ann

Exercise 14. Write the correct word.

1. You can borrow books there. l_ _ _ _ _ _
2. You can see statues there. m_ _ _ _ _
3. You can buy stamps there. p_ _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _
4. You can book a room there. h_ _ _ _
5. You can have dinner there. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Exercise 15. Circle the odd word(s) out.
1. hot – great – cold – rainy
2. cupboard – fridge – cooker – shower
3. cottage – lake – town – terraced
4. cramped – untidy – noisy – beautiful
Exercise 16. Underline the correct word.
1. It’s a lot/ very colder in Moscow than in Istanbul.
2. Tokyo is very/ much more expensive than Cracow.
3. It’s very/ a bit hotter today than yesterday.
4. It’s very/ many crowded in here today.

5. Naples is a bit/ very cheaper than Rome.

Exercise 17. Put the words in brackets in the comparative or superlative.

1. This café is much …………………………………..(noisy) that one.
2. Which is ………………………………….. (deep) ocean in the world?
3. Is New York ………………………………….. (expensive) Los Angeles?
4. Is the Nile ………………………………….. (long) the Mississippi?
5. Bombay ………………………………….. (crowded) city in the world.

Exercise 18. Circle the correct response.

1. A: Drop by anytime!
B: a Thanks!
b That’s good.
2. A: Where exactly is the post office?
B: a In the north of the city.
b On the corner of Apple street and Marble Street.
3. A: How do you like your new flat?
B: a I don’t mind.
b I don’t really like it.

Exercise 19. Fill in the correct form from the list.

▪ quiet ▪ tidy ▪ friendly ▪ beautiful ▪ cramped ▪ dark
1. Your garden is ___________________ . There are so man different kinds of flowers.
2. This area isn’t very ___________________ because there is a train station nearby.
3. It’s too ___________________ in here. Why don’t you open the curtains?
4. John’s flat is so ___________________ - he hasn’t got anywhere to put his furniture.
5. He keeps his office ___________________ so he can always find what he needs.
6. My neighbour is so ___________________ . Last week she baked me a cake.
Exercise 20. Write the opposite of the adjectives in the list, then make sentences.
1. quiet ≠ noisy
My neighbourhood is so noisy, I can’t sleep at night.
2. tidy ≠ ……………….

3. friendly ≠ ……………….

4. beautiful ≠ ……………….

5. cramped ≠ ……………….

6. dark ≠ ……………….

Everyday English
Renting a house
Exercise 21. Use the phrases to complete the dialogue.
 tell me where exactly the house is?
 the garage large enough for two cars?
 can I help you?
 See you then.
 can I see it?

A: Hello!
B: Good morning. I’m calling about the house for rent in Paddington.
A: Oh yes. How 1) __________________________ .
B: Could you please 2) ____________________________________________________ .
A: Yes, it’s Apple Street, number 14.
B: Are there wardrobes in the bedrooms?
A: Yes, there are. One in each room.
B: Another question. Is 3) ____________________________________________________?
A: I’m afraid not. There’s only room for one car.
B: That’s OK. When 4) __________________________ ?
A: How about 7 o’clock tomorrow evening?
B: That’s fine. 5) __________________________ .

Exercise 22. In pairs, act out similar dialogues. Use the advert below.

2 – bedroom flat, Paddington.

Large living room with fireplace, central heating. Garage. Close to shops.
₤ 1200 per month
Contact Mrs smith
tel: 020 3245 8459

_________________________________________________________________________ A:

Lecţia 17

Progress Check
A. Choose the correct item.
e.g. I never..................about the future.
A go B think C work
1 My cousin is..................on me to help him with his homework.
A hoping B counting C wishing
2 Alex said he saw a famous singer..................autographs at the supermarket.
A becoming B signing C working
3 My mum wants endangered animal.
A adopt B survive C join
4 Some countries have..................against air pollution.
A showers B experts C laws
5 We must use water
A wise B wisely C wiser
6 I'm sure Thomas will ten years.
A pilot B architect C famous
7 You are park here.
A dangerous B allowed C extinct
8 You should..................paper to protect the environment.
A recycle B wash C prevent
9 Some people don't..................they can make a difference.
A blame B believe C picture
10 If I save twenty Euros each month, soon I will buy a new..................player.
A mobile phone B power adaptor C digital music

B. Match the words.

e.g. song K B phone
11 endangered ...... C camera
D married
12 sea .....
E warming
13 polar ......
F species
G level
Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans, Blockbuster. Test Booklet, Berkshire, Express Publishing, 2005, p. 24
H bear
177 I riding
J a difference
K contest
14 mobile ......
15 rubbish ......
16 make ......
17 horse ......
18 web .....
19 get .....
20 global .....

C. Circle the odd one out.

e.g. turn up increase lower
21 turn on switch on rock on
22 reject turn down accept
23 turn down lower switch off
24 change look into turn into
25 turn off run off switch off

D. Put the verbs in the brackets into will or be going to form.
e.g. Do you think Paul will study (study) hard for his exam?
26 I think Nicole ........................................(be)a teacher in ten years.
27 We all predict Jennifer.................................(win) the contest tonight.
28 Sam is certain his friend Ralph ...................(join) the army in the future.
29 Marina and I..................................................(visit) the zoo today.
30 Ben........................................................(see)the dentist tomorrow evening.

E. Underline the correct item.

e.g. I will not go/am not going to the bank right now. I'm on my way to the market.
33 It's very hot. I will/am going to turn on the fan.
31 I promise I will/am going to bring pudding tonight.
32 My dad predicts Manchester City are going to/will win the Euro Cup next year.
34 There are no clouds in the sky. It isn't going to/won't rain.
35 We predict Harriet will/is going to be late as always.

F. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.
e.g. If you take the baby's toy, it will cry (cry).
36 When you waste energy, you............(make)global warming worse.
37 Unless we all try to use less energy, the earth's temperature..................(rise).
38 Unless you are careful when you drive, you ..................(have) an accident.
39 When we go to the safari park at the Bronx zoo, we..................(see) tigers in their natural
40 If you...............(install) a web camera, your brother can see you on his computer screen.

Everyday English G. Choose the correct response.

e.g. Paul never talks to me about his problems, even though he's my best friend.
41 My sister gets annoyed very easily! What should I do?
42 I need to buy a gift for Angela, but I haven't got any money. What do I do?
43 I often lose my temper! What would you do if you were me?
44 I never have time to clean my room! What can I do?
45 Jack and Helen are coming over for dinner tomorrow but I don't know how to cook! What
should I do?
A If I were you, I'd ask my parents to lend me some money for the gift.
B Why don't you close your eyes and count to ten when you get angry.
C The best thing to do is to clean it a little every day.
D Why don't you find a recipe in a cookbook?
E You should tell her a joke when she gets annoyed.
F Why don't you ask him more questions?
H. Read the text and fill in the missing words.
Teenagers today go through many problems. They often argue 46)...............their parents, have
problems with their friends, worry 47) they look and haven't got much money.
The teenage years are difficult because young people go through new things, but these new
things are; also exciting and don't always need to be so painful.
One of the problems teenagers deal with is the homework they have to do every day. Teens
would much rather 48) ............... time with their friends, 49) ............... sports or doing their
favourite hobby. However, homework is an important part of school and it must be done by
the students.
Some things teenagers can do to spend less time on their homework, is to

- choose a comfortable place to work
- create a homework plan
- start with the hardest part of their homework
- ask for extra help 50)...............they need it.

I. Write a short article for your school newspaper about the difficulty teens have when
talking to their parents (80-100 words). Use the notes below and the text in Ex. H as a
• What kinds of problems do teenagers face? (homework, friends, money, worry about how
they look)
• Why are arguments with parents such a big deal? (parents still control teenagers' lives, they
often don't understand teens, it's important to be happy at home)
• How can relationships with parents become easier? (telling parents how you feel about
something can help them understand, parents will often give teens more freedom if teens act
in a responsible way)
(Time: 50 minutes)

A. Choose the correct item.
e.g. Don't feed the...................
A litter B animals C flowers
1 When you are walking in the countryside, keep your dog on a short...................
A lead B plant C wall
2 Loud..................disturbs the animals.
A rubbish B gates C music
3 The weather is lovely today. Let's go for a the countryside.
A walk B hedge C work
4 Always keep .................. shut so animals can't get out of fields.
A leads B gates C walls
5 You should wear your..................when you take off in an aeroplane.
A helmet B goggles C seat belt
6 Don't drop..................when you are in the countryside.
A regions B litter C fences
7 Lots of children go to England.
A school B hall C time
8 It's going to be very hot make sure you bring your...................
A umbrella B sunscreen C rope
9 Many places don' cards.
A like B want C accept
10 You mustn't..................the animals.
A eat B throw C feed

B. Match the words.

e.g. table A A manners
11 mobile B system
12 transport C technology
13 hand D phone
14 information E biking
15 mountain F luggage

Match the activity to the equipment.
16 rock climbing A goggles
17 mountain biking B board
18 swimming C rope
19 kite surfing D racquet
20 tennis E bicycle

D. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.
e.g. Skydiving is more dangerous than (dangerous) horse riding.
21 Travelling by aeroplane is………………………………. (fast) travelling by bike.
22 I think that basketball is. ………………………………. (exciting) football.
23 Bus tickets are ……………………………….(cheap) air tickets.
24 I find History much……………………………….(boring) Chemistry.
25 Mountain biking is………………………………. (exhausting) sport.

E. Underline the correct word.

e.g. You mustn't/needn't feed the animals. You might make them ill.
26 You mustn't/can park there. It is illegal.
27 You should/mustn't bring a present when you visit someone's house. It's polite.
28 Sandra can't/doesn't have to go to the supermarket; the fridge is full of food.
29 No, you needn't/can't go outside. It's raining.
30 I can/must go out with my friends after school because I don't have any homework.

F. Fill in with on, in(to), off, out of or by.

eg. I never get on a bus if it is full of people.
31 I think that our stop is next. Can you press the button so that we can get..........the bus?
32 I never go to I always cycle.
33 If you are running late, why don't you just jump....................a taxi? It's much quicker.
34 When I got....................of the car after the long journey, my legs were stiff.
35 It is much healthier to go places....................foot.

Everyday English

G. Circle the correct response.
e.g. Do you mind if I open the window, please?
(A) No, not at all. B Why is that?
36 You mustn't feed the animals.
A That's lovely B Why not?
37 Can I pick this flower?
A It's not allowed. B I see what you mean.
38 We should take our raincoats with us. It might rain.
A I'm terribly sorry. B Yes, you're right.
39 It's very important to take a compass with us in case we get lost.
A No, not at all. B Yes, of course
40 It's wrong to play loud music in the countryside!
A Actually, I'd rather you didn't. B It won't happen again.
41 Don't do that!
A Sure, go ahead. B Why not?
42 Is it all right if I borrow your pen?
A Yes, no problem. B Yes, I agree with you
H. Mark the sentences (43-50) C (correct), I(incorrect) or D (doesn't say).
Hi Jack!
How are you? I'm really looking forward to our camping trip next weekend. I am sure
you'll enjoy it. I know that this is your first time camping so let me give you a few tips.
First of all, it's very important to bring a warm sleeping bag with you. It can get very
cold up in the mountains. Unfortunately, the weather forecast is not very good for the
weekend so you also need to take a raincoat and a pair of waterproof trousers. I am going to
take my tent so you don't have to worry about that. You should put all your things in a
rucksack because it will be much easier to carry.
We will do a lot of walking when we are up in the mountains so you should have a
pair of good hiking boots. Don't worry about food. Leave that up to me.
Anyway, I hope this helps. If you want to ask me anything, let me know.
See you next week,

e.g. Jason does not want to go camping. I

43 Jack goes camping regularly. .....
44 It is going to snow in the mountains. .....
45 Jason tells Jack to bring waterproof clothes. .....
46 Jack has to bring a tent. ......
47 Jason advises Jack to take a suitcase. .....
48 Jason walks a lot every day. ......
49 Jason is arranging the food. ......
50 Jack bought new hiking boots recently. ......

I. Write an email to a friend, giving advice on what he/she should take with him/her on a
beach holiday in a hot country. Use the notes below and the text in Ex. H as a model (80-
100 words.)
Things to take:
• sunscreen • hat • light clothes • sunglasses • swimsuit • money
Lecţia 18
Progress Check

A. Choose the correct item.
e.g. Don't feed the...................
Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans, Blockbuster. Test Booklet, Berkshire, Express Publishing, 2005, p. 32

A litter (B) animals C flower
1 Always keep the..........shut so animals can't get out of fields.
A walls B gates C leads
2 You should wear your..........when you take off in an aeroplane.
A goggles B helmet C seat belt
3 The weather was lovely yesterday so Mary went for the countryside.
A walk B work C hedge
4 Loud..................disturbs the birds.
A rubbish B gates C music
5 When I am walking in the countryside, I always keep my dog on a short...................
A wall B lead C plant
6 Lots of children go to England.
A school B hall C time
7 Many places don' cards.
A like B want C accept
8 You mustn't..................the animals.
A eat B throw C feed
9 Don't drop..................when you are in the I countryside.
A regions B litter C fences
10 It's going to be very hot make sure you bring your...................
A umbrella B sunscreen C rope

B. Match the words.

e.g. table ..A.. A manners
11 hand B system
12 mountain C technology
13 mobile D luggage
14 information E biking
15 transport F phone

Match the phrases.

16 put on visit A a taxi
17 visit B friends
18 accept C your nose
19 blow D slippers
20 get into E credit cards

D. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.
e.g Skydiving is more dangerous than (dangerous) horse riding.
21 Mountain biking is...............................................................................(exhausting) sport.
22 I find History much ....................................................................(interesting) Chemistry.
23 Air tickets are................................................................................(expensive) bus tickets.
24 I think that basketball is.......................................................................(exciting) football.
25 Travelling by car is...........................................................(slow) travelling by aeroplane.

E. Underline the correct word.

e.g. You mustn't/needn't feed the animals. You might make them ill.
26 John can/must go out with his friends after school because he doesn't have any homework.
27 No, you needn't/can't go outside. It's raining.
28 You mustn't/can park your car here. It is illegal.
29 People should/can't bring a present when they visit someone's house. It's polite.
30 Maureen can't/doesn't have to go to the supermarket; the fridge is full of food.
F. Fill in with on, in (to), off, out of or by.
e.g. I never get on a bus if it is full of people.
31 Why don't you just jump......................a taxi to get here? It's much quicker.
32 When Sean got......................of the car after the long journey, his legs were stiff.
33 It is much better for your health to go places ......................foot.
34 Can you press the button so that we can get .............the bus? I think that our stop is next
35 I always cycle to school. I never

Everyday English
G. Circle the correct response.
e.g. Do you mind if I open the window, please?
(A) No, not at all. B Why is that?

36 Is it all right if I borrow your pen?
A Yes, no problem. B Yes, I agree with you.
37 It's wrong to play loud music in the countryside!
A Actually, I'd rather you didn't. B It won't happen again
38 Don't do that!
A Sure, go ahead. B Why not?
39 Can I pick this flower?
A No, it's not allowed. B I see what you mean.
40 You mustn't feed the animals.
A That's nice. B Why not?
41 We should take our raincoats with us. It might rain.
A I'm terribly sorry. B Yes, you're right.
42 It's very important to take a compass with| us in case we get lost.
A That's true. B I'm surprised at you!

H. Mark the sentences (43-50) C (correct), I (incorrect) or D (doesn't say).

Hi Sylvia!
How are you? I'm really excited about our beach holiday next week. I am sure you'll enjoy it.
I know that this is your first visit to my country so let me give you a few tips.
First of all, it's very important to bring light clothes with you. It can get very hot during the
day on the beach. The best kind of clothes to bring are cotton clothes that cover your whole
body so that you don't get sunburned. But, of course, don't forget your swimsuit! The weather
forecast says it is going to be very hot next week so be sure to bring a hat and sunglasses with
you. I am going to take my surfboard so you don't have to worry about that.
We will do a lot of sunbathing on the beach so it is important to bring a good sunscreen with
you. Don't worry about a place to stay. My family has an apartment really near the beach.
Don't forget to bring enough cash to buy some souvenirs.
Anyway, I hope this helps. If you want to ask me anything, let me know.
See you next week,


e.g. Rene really wants to go to the beach. …I….

43 Sylvia visits Rene's country regularly. ....
44 Rene advises Sylvia to bring heavy clothes. ....
45 Sylvia got sunburned recently. ....
46 The weather will be hot next week. ....
47 Rene and Sylvia will stay at the beach for ten days. ….
48 Rene sunbathes a lot every day. ....
49 Rene and Sylvia will stay in an apartment. ....
50 Rene advises Sylvia to bring a credit card. ....

Circle the correct item.

1 Peter has loads of things to do. He's always ............for time.
A crazy B pressed C angry
2 Gary always wears his cycling............when he rides his bike.
A helmet B mobile C strip
3 Larry's room looks very untidy. It's......a mess.
A so B such C very
4 It's......... a lovely weather! Let's go swimming.
A such B so C too
5 I'm taking Karen ............ tonight. We are going to that new Chinese restaurant.
A after B up C out
6 Look at Lucy's room. It looks like a............has hit it.
A bicycle B bomb C stereo
7 Brian is............a tall boy!
A such B very C so
8 He is shouting..........loud! I can't even think.
A so B such C up
9 Carol takes............her mother.
A off B up C after
10 Danny is taking..........windsurfing this week.
A out B off C up

11 one of his favourite activities.
A hanging B taking C collecting
12 Jack loves............the Net.
A surfing B hiking C playing
13 Kelly is............of horse riding.
A keen B fond C crazy
14 David is really.......on going to art exhibitions.
A dull B keen C fun
15 Steve can't stand skateboarding. He finds it
A exciting B thrilling C boring
16 Dad............the news on TV every evening.
A watch B watches C is watching
17 How do you like roller skating?
A I just love it! B Come off it! C Leave it to me!
18 Alex is very science.
A in B at C on
19 Mum............the shopping on Fridays.
A doing B is doing C does
20 Beth is really good............playing tennis.
A on B at C of
21 Aunt Polly............about housework.
A is always complaining B always is complaining C is complaining always
22 Grandma...........the garden at the moment.
A digs B dig C is digging
23 London next week.
A is moving B are moving C move
24 He usually works until 5.00 pm but today he ............overtime.
A do B does C is doing
25 Robert............the lawn once a week.
A mops B mows C prunes
26. Let's go camping, shall we?
A What a good idea! B What's up? C That's the way I like it!
27 Chris prefers washing the dishes to............the leaves.
A shovelling B raking C dusting

28 Helen makes friends very easily. She's very
A brave B greedy C sociable
29 He always tells lies. He's a............person.
A cheeky B calm C dishonest
30 Sue can come up with great ideas. She's very.............
A caring B polite C smart
31 Mr Wilson is a middle-aged man with some............ on his forehead.
A beards B wrinkles C dimples
3 2 Monica is a tall and slim with
A curly B fat C oval
5 3 Brian is of medium.........with broad shoulders.
A straight B height C teens
54 I'm reading an article about a bank............
A mugging B robbery C kidnap
55 I can't believe the police thought the old lady was the kidnapper!
A You can't say that! B What fun! C You can say that again!
56 buy yesterday?
A have B can C did
57 The robber shouted and the manager..........him the money.
A gives B given C gave
38 I............Nancy the story about the crime at the art gallery.
A tell B told C telling
39 I saw everything! I was a............!
A witness B robber C vandal
40 George works as the bank. It's a dangerous job.
A security guard B superhero C announcer
41 When my cousin Sue hears the sound of ............, she is terrified.
A watering B mowing C thunder
42 The shoplifter was............behind her when I saw her.
A laughing B trembling C looking
43 Larry was listening to the radio...........I was reading a book.
A before B while C about
44 Maria when Kenny called her.
A with B about C at

45 Tim looked at Jackie...........when she asked him the question.
A nervously B nervous C nervousness
46 Kelly's party at 7:30pm last night.
A tried B ran C arrived
47 I was trying to sleep and my sister was.......... the Net.
A howling B reading C surfing
48 Karl is not romantic at all. He only reads………..
A romance novels B science fiction books C love stories
49 Were you reading a comic book when I
A walk B walking C walked
50 Joanne was so happy ............ her friends' engagement.
A with B about C of
51 Henry was ............ with his uncle for not letting him borrow the car.
A sorry B angry C worried
52 Take a........with you, so can see in the dark.
A handcuff B bell C flashlight
53 When George was younger, his mum........... cut his hair very short.
A would B could C used
54 It's............being a teenager nowadays.
A ordinary B strong C tough
55 I'm not............! The story is true!
A funny B kidding C sleeping
56 The World Wide Web............for the first time in 1989.
A was appearing B appeared C appears
57 Wendy and Jim............last week. They are both upset about it.
A broke down B broke out C broke up
58 A star was falling and the moon was............brightly.
A shining B shine C shines
59 Joanna was walking down Howard Street yesterday, when she............Mr. Jacobs.
A is seeing B saw C sees
60 I can as a manager in the future.
A picture B think C believe
61 As soon..............I get married I will buy a house.
A with B when C as

62 Will you give me that book to read............ you finish reading it?
A but B when C and
63 I think a great doctor because he is very patient.
A is B should C will
64 I already have a suit for the wedding. I need to buy new shoes.............
A but B yet C though
65 Even if you don't pass your driving test the first time, don't............!
A get on B give up C look up
66 I'm sure you'll be a great father.
A I hope so! B Sometimes. C I'll call you.
67 I expect there............lots of traffic on the roads tomorrow.
A was B will be C are
68 I'm not............that Aria will come to the meeting tomorrow.
A afraid B right C sure
69 Finish your go to the park.
A before B when C as soon as
70 The yellow- eyed penguin is a...........
A fish B amphibian C bird
71 We are............on you to help us.
A making B counting C protecting
72 We must help with the............of endangered species.
A survive B live C survival
73 a gift for Tom this weekend.
A am going to B will C will be
74 When you are in a hurry, you usually...........careful.
A will not be B aren't C isn't
75 Jason ............ the job offer because the company was too far away.
A turned on B turned off C turned down
76 I will be turn on the radio.
A if B when C since
77 If Mary............a mobile phone, I could talk to her more.
A bought B will buy C can buy
78 I'm tired. I just feel
A relax B will relax C relaxing

79 Yes sir, this toy comes............batteries.
A on B with C together
80 Danny.........annoyed and bored very easily.
A happens B has C gets
81 What would you do if you were me?
A What's your name? B I would be patient. C I'm fine, thanks.
82 I' hear your grandmother died.
A happy B sorry C important
83 If I were you, I............visit my parents for the holidays.
A would B will C can
84 Don't............litter in the countryside!
A give B damage C drop
85 Gloria will pick Harry............from soccer practice tonight.
A on B out C up
86 We............feed the animals. It says so on the sign.
A will not B mustn't C didn't
87 Henry picked............Jane because she was wearing a funny shirt.
A on B up C at
88 When you get into a car, you must............your seat belt.
A fasten B lock C pull
89 It isn't polite to............your nose in public.
A visit B carry C blow
90 I got..........the bus and looked for an empty seat.
A by B off C on
91 You don't need to take ............ in the activities.
A option B part C permission
92 Do you mind if we leave at 6am tomorrow morning?
A No, not at all. B Sure, go ahead. C Excuse me.
93 Don't...........the school without permission.
A leaves B leaving C leave
94 I don't think Gary would ............ to go Whitewater rafting.
A land B dare C swim
95 Why don't we go sky diving?
A It's too dangerous! B It's too thrilling! C It's too interesting!

96 ............are faster than buses.
A Trains B Trainers C Bicycles
97 We must take.........sunscreen to the beach.
A any B some C too
98 It gets harder go rock climbing the older you get.
A hardest B more C harder
99 For your safety, you must..........for take-off and landing.
A stand up B be quiet C sit down
100 Can I............your mobile phone, please?
A send B borrow C fasten

Lecţia 19
Progress Check

A. Match the opposites.
e.g beautiful F
1 plain .................. A old-fashioned
2 long .................. B casual
3 formal .................. C baggy
4 tight .................. D short
5 trendy .................. E fancy
F ugly
B. Underline the correct word.
e.g. Our boat leaves in half an hour, we must leave immediately/greatly.
6 I think I'll pay cash/cheque.
7 You look great! Blue really fits/suits you.
8 How much do teachers earn/cost a year?
9 Would you like to try out/on this dress?
10 Do you take credit cards/cheques?

C. Fill in the correct word.

• second-hand • torn • range • traveller's • stuck • destination • postal • department • facilities •
voucher • silver

e.g. Use the silver platter for this special occasion.
11 Oh, no! My skirt is.......................................!
12 Sam always uses .............................cheques when he goes abroad.
13 I bought a new camera yesterday but the buttons are....................................................
14 Italy is a great holiday .................................. for families.
15 The youth club offers ................................... for children of all ages.
16 The new shopping mall has a wide .......................................of shops.
17 What about a gift....................................... for Greg's birthday?
18 Macy's is a famous ..................................... store in New York.
19 My mum sent me a.............................order for my birthday.
20 You can find........................................items at a flea market.

D. Underline the correct item.
e.g. The book is coming out/off this week.
21 I don't think the price of petrol will come across/down soon.
22 You won't believe who I came off/across at the supermarket!
23 Their new album hasn't come in/out yet.
24 Mr Smith's name came up/down a lot during the meeting.
25 You can come across/round any time you like.

Adjective Placement
1. Opinion
Example: an interesting book, a boring lecture
2. Dimension
Example: a big apple, a thin wallet
3. Age
Example: a new car, a modern building, an ancient ruin
4. Shape
Example: a square box, an oval mask, a round ball
5. Color
Example: a pink hat, a blue book, a black coat
6. Origin
Example: some Italian shoes, a Canadian town, an American car
7. Material

Example: a wooden box, a woolen sweater, a plastic toy

E. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

e.g. It's a red/beautiful/linen skirt. It's a beautiful red linen skirt.

26 They are silver and red/antique rings.

27 It's a(n) antique/beautiful/wooden desk.
28 It’s a little/ cute/ brown and black teddy bear.
29 It’s a(n) red/ glass/ modern vase.
30 They’re pretty/ silk/ white gloves.

F. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

31 We didn't invite Eileen to the wedding.
32 The rain spoiled our weekend.
33 His family runs the restaurant.
34 The company employs 500 people.
35 Mary has sent an email to the online shopping site.

Everyday English
G. Circle the correct response.
36 A: What size are you?
B: a The right size.
b A medium.
37 A: Could I write a cheque?

B: a I'm afraid we don't take cheques,
b No, thank you.

38 A: I'll take these gloves, please.

B: a Can I have a look at them?
b How would you like to pay?
39 A: Could you sign here, please?
B: a Thank you.
b Of course.
40 A: Excuse me, there's something wrong with this toy.
B: a That's fine.
b Let me have a look.
41 A: Can I help you?
B: a Just great.
b I'm just looking.
42 A: I'd like a replacement, please.
B: a Of course. Can I have the receipt?
b No, thank you.

H. Read the email and fill in the missing word.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm writing 43) my dissatisfaction with 44)................product I bought
from you that was advertised 45)................television.
Last month, I ordered a toy robot (product code R 5871) after I saw your television
advertisement. When I received 46) ................robot, it was damaged. One of the arms came
47) ...............and it was scratched. What really annoyed me was that the person I spoke to
from the Customer Service department was 48)................rude. He insisted that the robot was
49)................perfect condition when it was sent.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could look into the matter. I feel that I deserve an
apology as well as a replacement.
I hope that you will deal with this matter quickly. Please contact 50) the
email address above, or at 0262-3360771, weekdays after 8 pm.
Yours faithfully,

Steven Brown
A. Choose the correct item.
e.g. Mark's uncle works as an escape............
A dancer (B) artist C eater
1 I had lunch with my school friends in the school............
A restaurant B canteen C menu
2 Would you like sparkling or...........water?
A flat B soft C still
3 Charlie Chaplin created the tramp............
A character B person C personality
4 The magician uses a magic........... .
A stick B cane C wand
5 Would you like your meat medium or well...........?
A did B done C fried
6 My dad's job is top............
A silent B hidden C secret
7 My parents always
A safety B sure C healthy
8 Are you ready to...........your meal now?
A ask B order C call
9 We bought a big...........cake for Jane. She's ten.
A birth B anniversary C birthday
10 The police put...........on the prisoner.
A handcuffs B chains C ropes
11 The magician was wearing a............
A strait-coat B strait-jacket C strait-vest
12 Would you please make up your...........?
A head B brain C mind

B. Match the words.

e.g. pasta G A castle
13 haunted ....... B cards
14 playing ... .... C house
15 frying ....... D career
16 acting....... E tricks
17 fatty ....... F hat
18 bowler ...... G dish
19 magic ....... H pan
20 fairytale ....... I food

C. Fill in the gaps with some, lot of, any, many, much.
e.g. A: Are there any biscuits left?
B: Yes, there are some.
21 A: Would you like.................tea.
B: No thanks. I already have...........
22 A: There aren't.................eggs left.
B: I'll go to the shop and get...........
23 A: There were a.............people at the show.
B: Good! Did you see ................. of your friends there?
24 A: How.................people are coming?
B: Not..................
25 A: How.................did you spend on food?
B: Not..................

D. Put the verbs in the brackets into the past simple or the present perfect.
e.g. Ken has been (be) to Kenya twice.
26 They........................................................(go) on holiday to Argentina last summer.
27 How long..............................(you/be) here?
28 He ................................................(never/be) on a roller coaster ride.
29 Julia..................................(go) to a meeting in Bristol. She'll be back tomorrow.
30 I...........................................(not/see) David since last year.
31 We .......................................................(rent) a house in the mountains last weekend.
32 Houdini ...........................................(create) the Challenge Act in 1898.

33 Where .........................(be) Dan last night?
34 She ....................................................(direct) her first movie last year.
35 He.........................................................(live) in Austria since June.

Everyday English
E. Circle the correct response.
36 A: Would you like some tea?
B: a I'd prefer coffee.
b So would I.
37 A: Do you like sushi?
B a Yes please.
b Not really.
38 A: How about going to the theatre tonight?
B: a Yes, I like that.
b Yes, I’d love to.
39 A: Would you like something to drink?
B: a Orange juice, please.
b Yes, I do.
40 A: My parents bought me a car for my birthday.
B: a Wow!
b That sounds terrible.

F. Fill in the missing words.
Hi Matt,
How are you? I 41) .............having a great time here in Seattle. I've been here 42).............a
week now. I 43).............seen a lot of my friends and I spent Thanksgiving with my family. We
had 44) ............. lovely meal together. We ate the traditional turkey, sweet potatoes and
cranberries. My mum tried 45).............make a pumpkin pie but she overcooked it. She went
crazy. It 46) funny seeing her shouting at everyone. Then we watched football. My
parents 47).............very happy to have 48).............the family around. We really had a lot
I hope you 50).............having a good time in London.
Talk soon,


A. Look at the smileys and complete the sentences using the adjectives below.
• angry • depressed • fed up • embarrassed • confused • happy

e.g. Paul was very happy because he passed a difficult exam

1 She doesn't understand what's going on; she's a bit..........................

2 I' work! I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to leave.

3 Jill was..............................because she couldn't remember the girl's name.

4 Ian has been...............................ever since he lost his job.

5 I'm so..........................with Tom for what he did; I'm never speaking to him/again.

B. Match the words.

e.g. business F A language
6 cartoon B phone
7 soap C show
8 mobile D strip
9 sign E opera
10 fashion F report

C. Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

• send • take • leave • make • chat • keep
e.g. I always try to keep in touch with my aunt in Australia.
11 Greg and I; we prefer talking on the phone.
12 Can I ..........................a phone call, please?
13 Did a text message yesterday?

14 If John isn't at home, ............................ a message on his answering machine.
15 Do you .................................................... photographs with your mobile phone?

Say or Tell?5

Say and tell have similar meanings. They both mean to communicate verbally with someone.
But we often use them differently.

The simple way to think of say and tell is:

 You say something

 You tell someone something

Ram said that he was tired. Ram told Jane that he was tired.

Anthony says you have a new job. Anthony tells me you have a new job.

Tara said: “I love you.” Tara told John that she loved him.

But, of course, it is not always so easy. Here are a few rules to help you.

Personal object
We usually follow tell with a personal object (the person that we are speaking to). We usually
use say without a personal object:

 She told me that she loved John.

 She said that she loved John.
 He told everybody that he had to leave.
 He said that he had to leave.

Say “to someone”

With say, we sometimes use “to someone”:

 He said to me that he was tired.

 Tara said to Ram that he had done very well.
 Anthony said to her, “I hope you come soon.”
 “I'd like to sleep,” she said to him quietly.

Direct speech
We can use say with direct speech. We use tell only with direct speech that is an instruction or

 Amanda said, “Hello John. How are you?”

 “That's great'“ she said.
 He told her: “Open the door quietly.”
 She told me, “I have never been to England.”


We can use say with direct questions, but we cannot use tell:

 She said: “Do you love me?”

 The policeman said to the prisoner, “Where were you at 8pm?”

Reported speech
We can use say and tell to talk about reported information:

 She said that it was raining.

 She told me that she would call at 2pm.

We cannot use say or tell to talk about reported questions. We must use ask (or a similar verb):

 She asked if I had ever been there.

 They asked what I wanted to eat.
 She asked where he lived.
 He asked if she wanted to go home.

Orders, advice
We use tell + object + infinitive for orders or advice:

 She told him to sit down.

 They told me not to wait.
 Tell Neil to have a holiday and forget her.

Here are a few fixed phrases with tell. We cannot use say with these phrases:

 tell (someone) a story

 tell (someone) a lie
 tell (someone) the truth
 tell the future (= to know what the future will bring)
 tell the time (= know how to read a clock)

Right and wrong

Read these examples of correct and incorrect usage:

We cannot... These are NOT possible... These are possible...

say someone to do Tara said Jo to go away. Tara told Jo to go away.


say someone something Panita said me that she was Panita told me that she was
hungry. hungry.

tell something He told that he likes coffee. He said that he likes coffee.

tell to someone Tookta told to me that she Tookta told me that she was
was coming. coming.

Tookta said to me that she was

say a lie Siriluck always says lies. Siriluck always tells lies.

tell somebody “direct Ram told Nok: “Let's turn on Ram said to Nok: “Let's turn
speech” the TV.” on the TV.”
(except instructions and
information) (Ram told Nok, “Turn on the

(Ram told Nok: “I was born in


say or tell a reported She said if I wanted to come. She asked if I wanted to come.
Tookta told what I wanted to Took asked what I wanted to
do. do.
D. Underline the correct verb.
16 Can you tell/say me the way to the post office, please?
17 Can little Jane tell/say the time?
18 She never tells/says good morning when she arrives.
19 I can't tell/say the difference between the two pictures.
20 I'm sure he's not telling/saying me the truth.

E. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.
21 “I can't run any faster”, she said.
She said that she .......... ...................................................... any faster.
22 “What did Maria tell you?” she asked.
She asked me ................. ..............................................................
23 “I'll call you later,” John told me.
John told me that ............ ................................................... later.
24 “Do you know Mark's address?” Martin asked me.
Martin asked me...........................................................................................................address.
25 “Kate woke up at six this morning,” her mother said.
Her mother said six that morning.

Everyday English

F. Circle the correct response.
26 A: Hello. Can I speak to Tony, please?
B: a Hold on a moment.
b Yes please.
27 A: Didn't you say Fiona was on her way?
B: a Let me get this straight.
b No, I didn't.
28 A: You don't look very happy.
B: a What's wrong?
b Actually, I'm furious.
29 A: My exams are driving me crazy!
B: a I'm crazy about this!
b Cheer up! Things can't be that bad.
30 A: I thought you said there was no problem.
B: a What I meant was things are getting worse.
b Actually, I'm a bit worried.

G. Read the text and circle the correct item.
Should teenagers surf the Internet under the supervision of an adult?
Should children be allowed to surf the Internet without the supervision of their
parents? In my opinion, children should always be supervised while surfing the Internet
because it is important to make sure that they don't have access to certain material.
Firstly, there are far too many sites that contain information and images that children
should not see. There are many things that children do not understand and that could upset or
confuse them. Furthermore, it can be very bad for children's eyes. Sitting in front of a
computer for a long time isn't good for anyone, so parents should monitor the time that
children spend on the Internet.

There are more important dangers though. I believe that it is dangerous to let children
use chat rooms without supervision. Many people tell their children not to talk to strangers on
the street and so in the same way they should be careful of who their children talk to on the
On the other hand, it can be said that the Internet is very educational and children
should be allowed to surf as they wish. In this way they can come across a variety of sites on
different subjects of interest.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that it is essential for parents to supervise their
children while they use the Internet so as to protect them from people and material that could
be of harm to them.
31 The writer believes children should be allowed to surf the Net unsupervised.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
32 All children know how to use the Internet.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
33 Some sites contain information not suitable for children.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
34 There are only a few websites on the Internet.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
35 Children could be upset by some things they see online.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
36 Using the Internet a lot is good for your eyes.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
37 Only nice people use chat rooms.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
38 All parents let their children use chat rooms.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
39 Children are told not to talk to strangers.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
40 The Internet is very educational.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
41 There are sites about motor racing on the internet.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
42 Sitting in front of a computer for a long time is good for everyone.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say

43 Children say they don't like the Internet.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
44 The Internet can be dangerous.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
45 Many children have been harmed from using the Internet.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say


Lecţia 1. Exerciţiul 1. girl, girl, girl, boy, girl, boy, boy, girl. Exerciţiul 2. Numele meu este
Steve. Încântat de cunoştinţă., Ce faci?, Bine. Dar tu?, Încântat de cunoştinţă., Nu prea rău,
mulţumesc. Exerciţiul 3. a. they meet for the first time. b. they know each other. c. they know
each other. Exerciţiul 5. h, v, k, y, g, o, J, p, t, z. Exerciţiul 7. 1. Mrs Smith irons clothes. 2.
Jim loves chess. 3. Wendy smells flowers. 4. Mary watches television. Exerciţiul 8. John calls
Janet. Richard eats the cake. The waiter brings the food. Mrs Smith teaches Math. Exerciţiul
10. 1. He is Rover. 2. correct 3. correct 4. They are Timi and Susie. 5. He is Fred. 6. They are
George, Janet and Pablo. Exerciţiul 11. 1. I am … 2. They are … 3. I am … / He is …, 4. I
am … / He is …, 5. I am …/ She is … Exerciţiul 12. 1. He arrived the third. 2. First
impression counts. 3. We all deserve a second chance. 4. He got the third prize. 5. He was the
first from many. Exerciţiul 13. Five, two, seven, eight, nine, six, three, one. Exerciţiul 14. 1.
4th May, 21st March, 9th February, 22nd December, 1st January, 12th July, 3rd October, 20th June,
2nd April. Exerciţiul 15. fourth of May, twenty first of May, ninth of February, twenty second
of December, first of January, twelfth of July, third of October, twentieth of June, second of
April. Exerciţiul 18. 1. 10 millimeters 2. 50 meter = 5 000 centimeters 3. 2 kilometers = 200
000 centimeters 4. 15 meters = 15 000 millimeters, 5. 77 kilometers = 77 000 meters.

Lecţia 2.
Exerciţiul 2. 1. a, 2. d, 3. a, 4. c. Exerciţiul 2. 1. The elephant has a trunk. 2. Are these the
bird’s wings? 3. This is a cat’s tail. 4. Bulls have horns. 5. These are the bull’s horns.
Exerciţiul 3. 1. T, 2, F, 3. F, 4. T, 5. T. Exerciţiul 5. 1. It’s quarter to ten. 2. It’s half past ten.
3. It’s half past seven. 4. It’s quarter to eight. 5. It’s quarter past ten. Exerciţiul 6. It’s half past
ten in London. It’s half past eleven in Paris. It’s half past seven in Hong Kong. It’s half past
nine in Sidney. It’s half past five in New York. 7. 10.551. It is five to eleven. 2.10 1. It is ten
past two. 8.15 3. It is quarter past eight. 7.45 3. It is quarter to eight. 9.45 1. It is quarter to

ten. 6.30 2. It is half past six. Exerciţiul 8. 1. He, 2. They, 3. I, 4. We, 5. You, 6. She.
Exerciţiul 9. 1. b, 2. a, 3. c. 4. b. 5. b, 6. c. Exerciţiul 10. 1. His motorbike is black. 2. Her
parents work on the farm. 3. Their son is eighteen years old. 4. Our horse is called Blacky. 5.
Our dog is called Spot. 6. The car has lost its wheels. Exerciţiul 13. 1. What, 2. Do, 3. Is. 4.
Where, 5. Who, 6. Why, 7. Are, 8. How. Exerciţiul 14 1. What, 2. Where, 3. Why, 4. Do, 5.
Who, 6. When, 7. Is. 8. Are

Lecţia 3
Exerciţiul 1. 1 F, 2. C, 3. A, 4. D, 5. B, 6. E Exerciţiul 2 1. a. could, 2. b. How about, 3.
Shall, 4. a. can not, b. want to , c. can 5. b. How 6. a. Can Exerciţiul 3. 1. Would you
like something to drink? 2. Can I offer you some coffee? 3. Would you like to try this cake? 4.
How about some tea? 5. Can I get you some fruit? 6. These apples are fine. Can I get you
some? 7. Would you like a sandwich? 8. Would you like to stay for supper? Exerciţiul 4. 1.
La Bel Cuisine. 2. one person, 3. on Mn’onday, 4. 8 PM, 5. No, because la Gerard does not
take bookings for small groups. 6. four, 7. Cambridge 724276, 6. By credit card. Exerciţiul
Appointments 1. C, 2 G, 3 I, 4 F, 5. B, 6. H, 7. A, 8. D, 9. E Exerciţiul Fill in is or are. Is he
a postman? ____Are________they students? She_____is_______a hairdresser.
___Is_________she Portuguese? Fill in am, is, are, isn't, aren't or 'm not. e.g. A: Is
Christian from Canada? B: No, he isn't. He is from France. A: Hello. My name
_____is_______ Claudio. B: ______Are______you from Portugal? A: No, _____I
am_______from Italy. A: ____Are________Charles and Nick pilots? B: No, they
aren’t________Charles ______is______a doctor and Nick ____is________a vet. Exerciţiul
Underline the correct word. Is are Is Are Exerciţiul Match the sentences to the
responses. C, E, F, B, A. Exerciţiul Reading: sixteen /Portuguese /old / museum / park.
Seventeen / museum / Brazilian / modern / theatre. Exerciţiul Fill in have, has, haven't or
hasn't: haven’t, Has, has, Have, have, Has, hasn’t, have, haven’t. Write the time in
words:1.15 It’s quarter past one. 3. 20. It’s twenty past three. 2.45. It’s quarter to three. 3. 25.
It’s twenty five past three. 4. 35. It’s twenty fove to five. 3. 45. It’s quarter to four. 6. 50. It’s
ten to seven. 3. 20. It’s twenty past three. 5. 30. It’s half past five. 7. 45. It’s quarter to eight. 8.
25. It’s twenty five past eight. 9. 50. It’s ten to ten. Circle the correct item. 1 A sister 2. C –
3 C He 4 B Who 5 B What 6 A It 7 C are 8 are 9 A We 10 A isn't 11 C is 12 B isn't 13 A are
14 A Is 15 C aren't 16 C Portuguese 17 B Spain 18 A favourite 19 B isn't Exercise 5 A/An
or no article: a, --, a, a, a, An, a, a, --, a, an. Exercise 6 Complete with a, an or the.
_____The_________raging pipeline fire in Jesse, Delta State which killed over 700 people

last weekend was yesterday extinguished by _____a________United States fire-fighting
company by suffocating ______the________flames with ______a________thick nitrogen-
rich layer of foam.
Workmen from ______the_______ Houston, Texas-based company BJ Services spent less
than ______an________hour shooting nitrogen-rich foam from hoses onto
______the________pipeline before finally choking out _______the_______fire which raged
on for days.
A company official said they had extensive experience in oil fires, and approached
______the________government about putting out____the _______ blaze.
The explosion and fire erupted while over 1,000 people were trying to collect gasoline spilling
from the damaged government-owned pipeline. Hundreds of people were believed to have
been injured, but many have refused medical care or fled from hospitals, fearing they might
be arrested for either causing _____the _________ fire or scavenging gas. Exercise 7. 1. the,
2 --, 3 --, 4 --, 5 the , 6 the, 7 --, 8 --, 9 --, 10 the. Exercise 8
1. --, the 2 --, -- 3 The 4. The, the 5 --, -- 6 --, the 7 --, --, --, 8 --, --, 9 the, 10 -- . Exercise 9 1
an, 2 a, 3, a, 4, a, 5, an, 6, an, 7, an, 8, an, 9, a, 10 a. Exercise 10 1 a, 2 a, 3 an, 4 a, 5 an, 6 an,
7 an, 8 an, 9 an, 10 a. Exercise 11 a thousand times, a dog (restul primesc articolul an)
Exercise Circle the correct item 1. C, 2 C, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B, 7 A, 8 C, 9 A, 10 A, 11 C, 12
B 13 A, 14 C, 15 B, 16 A, 17 B, 18 C, 19 C, 20 B, 21 B, 22 A, 23 C, 24 B, 25 C, 26 A, 27 A.

Lecţia 3

Exerciţiul 1 1. a, 2 b, 3b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 b, 7 b, 8c, 9 a, 10 b Exerciţiul 2 1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 b, 5 a, 6 c,

7 a, 8 d, 9 b, 10 d Circle the correct item: 1 B, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 A, 8 B, 9 C, 10 A,
11 C, 12 B, 13 B, 14 A, 15 A, 16 A, 17 B, 18 C, 19 C, 20 B, 21 A, 22 A, 23 B, 24 B, 25 B, 26
C, 27 C, 28 C, 29 A, 30 A, 31 A, 32 A, 33 A, 34 B, 35C, 36 B, 37 C, 38A, 39 C, 40 A, 41 A,
42 B, 43 C, 45 A, B, 46 A, 47 A, 48 B, 49 B, 50 C, 51 B, 52 C, 53 A Vocabulary Fill in the
correct word. 1 honest, 2 plump, 3 gym, 4 beard, 5 birthday, 6 Summer, 7lunch, 8 brush, 9
weekend, 10 favourite Circle the correct item: 1 B, 2 B, 3 C, 4 C, 5 B Underline the correct
word: 1 on, 2 on, 3 in, 4 on, 6 on Fill in do, does, don't or doesn't: Do/ don’t/ Do/ does /
doesn’t /Do/ do / doesn’t / Does / doesn’t

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences: He never sleeps late on Sundays. They
usually watch TV in the evening. Communication 1 D, 2 A, 3 B Reading He is an actor. He
lives in New York. Natasha, He is tall and has got brown hair and blue eyes. He likes going to

the beach, spending time with his pet and staying at home. Grammar: 1 some, 2 any, 3 any,
4 some, 5 any, 6 some Put the words in the correct order to make sentences: Don’t close
the door. Give Carol some cake. Don’t buy any pineapples. Don’ drink the lemonade. Don’t
drop the drinks. Sit down over here. Underline the correct word. some many kilo much
much any Match the questions to the answers. F A B C D

Lecţia 4

Exerciţiul 1 1 a, 2 b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 b 7 b, 8 c, 9 a, 10 b. Exerciţiul 2 1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 b, 5 a, 6
c, 7 a, 8 d, 9 b, 10 d Circle the correct item: 1 B, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 A, 8 B, 9 C, 10 A,
11 C, 12 B, 13 B, 14 A, 15 A, 16 A, 17 B, 18 C, 19 C, 20 B, 21 A, 22 A, 23 B, 24 B, 25 B, 26
C, 27 C, 28 C, 29 A, 30 A, 31 A, 32 A, 33, A, 34 B, 35 C, 36 B, 37 C, 38 A, 39 C, 40 A, 41 A,
42 B, 43 C, 44 C, 45 A, B, 46 A, 47A, 48 B, 49 B, 50 C, 51 B, 52 C, 53 A

Lecţia 5
EXERCISES: I halves, kilos, women, feet, mouths, sheep, pennies, buses, days, fish. II
tomatoes, teeth, aircrafts, choruses, mice, crises, passers-by, radii, grown-ups III shops,
mouths, crosses, computers, roofs, taxes, sheep, lights, fish, potatoes, prizes, swiss, kilos,
boxes, dishes IV advice, rice, chocolate, lemonade/ milk / tea, lemonade/ milk / tea,
lemonade/ milk, meat, oil, tennis, jam. V countries, puppies, boxes, knives, torches, tomatoes,
feet, teeth, mice. Progress Check 1 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B, 7 A, 8 A, 9 B, 10 B . 2 1 a, 2
b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b, 6 b, 7 b, 8 b, 9 b, 10 a. 3 near, in sink, bed, in bathroom, at, behind, next to, in.
4. a B, b A, c B, d A, e B, f B, g B, h A, i B, j B

Lecţia 6

EXERCISES I 1 He often listens to the radio. 2 They sometimes read a book. 3 Pete never
gets angry. 4. Tom is usually friendly. 5. I sometimes take sugar in my coffee. 6 Ramon is
often hungry. 7 My grandmother always goes for a walk in the evening. 8 Walter usually helps
his father in the kitchen. 9 They never watch TV in the afternoon. 10 Christine seldom smokes
after dinner. II 1 cold, 2 white, 3 light, 4 fast, 5 hard, 6 bad, 7 nasty, 8 square

positive comparative superlative
expensive more expensive than the most expencive
wild wilder wildest
flat flater flattest

big bigger biggest
hard harder hardest
hungry more hungry the most hungry
sweet sweeter sweetest
pretty prettier prettiest
boring more boring most boring
fresh fresher freshest
positive comparative superlative
fragile more flagile the most fragile
furious more furious the most furious
deep deeper deepest
empty emptier emptiest
common commoner commonest
faithful more faithful the most faithful
busy busier the busiest
humorous more humorous the most humorous
patient more patient the most patient
excited more excited the most excited

Lecţia 7
Exerciţiul 1 1 Those books belong to me 2 That ball belongs to them. 3 Is that house belong
to you? 4 That dog belongs to Mary. 5 Do these coats belong to you? Exerciţiul 2 1 This is
an opened door. 2 Those are closed windows. 3 These are modern buildings. 4 Those are
naughty boys. Exerciţiul 3 1 this 2 this 3 this 4 that 5 that 6 this Exerciţiul 5 1 this 2 that 3
those 4 these Exerciţiul 6 1 This 2 this, that 3 These 4 This 5 This Exerciţiul 7 1 this 2 this 3
these 4 that 5 that 6 that 7 those 8 these 9 this 10 that Exerciţiul 8 1 this 2 this 3 this 4 that 5
this 6 that 7 that 8 that 9 those 10 those 11 these Exerciţiul 9 1 this 2 this 3 that 4 this 5 this 6
these 7 those 8 that 9 that 10 this Exerciţiul 10 1 this 2 that one 3 this 4 these 5 this 6 this one
7 this 8 those 9 that 10 that one

Lecţia 8
Exerciţiul 1 1 they / us 2 I / you 3 it 4 She / them 5 you / her 6 We/ him Exerciţiul 2 1
anything 2 something 3 nothing 4 someone / somebody 5 Nothing 6 nobody 7 anyone 8
nothing 9 no one 10 something / anything Exerciţiul 3 1 She is writing him a love letter. 2 I
enjoyed telling them about it. 3. It is interesting to listen to him. 4 Can’t you give it to him? 5
He likes calling her 6 Why don’t you fix it for me? 7 We cleaned it for him. 8 They will repair
it for us. 9 We sent it to him. 10 Please give it to him. Exerciţiul 4 he, he, it, it, they, she,

they Exerciţiul 5 her, them, me, him Exerciţiul 6 time, flu, hurt, villa Exerciţiul 7 rebuild,
unpopular, re-order, remake, reprint, reopen, unsuccessful, reprint
Exerciţiul 8 sink, listening, behaves, hard, killed, studying Exerciţiul 9 1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4
C, 5 A, 6 B Exerciţiul 10 They used to spend their holidays here, didn't they? 2 You were
given this ring by your grandmother, weren't you? 3 Don't do that again, will you? 4Let's go
to a Spanish restaurant tonight, shall we? 5 He has a brand new Harley Davidson, hasn't he?
6 Mary won't be coming soon, will she? Exerciţiul 11 1 killed 2 herself 3 help yourselves 4
blames himself 5 educate themselves 6 telling 7 myself 8 cut herself 9 behave yourself 10
hurt ourselves Exerciţiul 12 1 (by) myself 2 himself 3 herself 4 ourselves 5 (by) themselves 6

Lecţia 9
Exerciţiul 1 politely nicely dangerously easily well cheaply safely hard comfortably fast
beautifully softly early noisily carefully happily terribly awfully Exerciţiul 2 1 adjective 2
adverb of manner 3 adverb of time 4 adverb of manner 5 adjective 6 …adverb of place 7
adverb of frequency 8 adverb of manner 9 adverb of time 10 adverb of manner 11 adverb of
manner 12 adjective 13 adjective 14 adjective Exerciţiul 3 tidy/ heavily / carefully / angry /
quickly / easy/ nice/ happily / soft / beautifully / warm/ beautifully
Exerciţiul 4 C F E A D B G Exerciţiul 5 1 good (adj) / well (adv) 2 well (adv) 3 fast (adv) 4
hard (adj) 5 hard (adv) 6 fast/ good (adj) 7 good (adj) 8 good (adj)
Exerciţiul 6 He writes well. She runs slowly. They play cleverly. He drives carefully. They
work hard Fiona sings badly. Paula dances beautifully.
Exerciţiul 7
1. 1 small ...smaller... ...smallest...
2. big …bigger .. …biggest…...
3. weak …weaker .. ……weakest…
4. dangerous …more dangerous….. …most dangerous……
5. slow …slower ….. …slowest…...
6. pretty …prettier.. …prettiest …
7. safe …safer …. …safest….
8. beautiful …more beautiful ... …most beautiful…
9. fat …fatter…… …fattest …
10. sad … sadder … ….saddest …..
Exerciţiul 8

9. easily ...more easily... ...most easily...
10. fast …faster …. …fastest…
11. late …later …. …latest ….
12. clearly …more clearly…. …most clearly …
13. carelessly …more carelessly …. …most carelessly ..
14. generously …more generously ….. …most generously ….
15. hard …harder ... …hardest …..
16. early …earlier … …earliest …

Exerciţiul 9 1 Yes it’s bigger than mine. 2 Yes, it’s more expensive than mine. 3 Yes, she’s
younger than mine. 4 Yes, it’s more exciting than mine. 5 Yes, it’s longer than mine. 6 Yes, it’s
more interesting than mine. Exerciţiul 10 1 It’s the fastest car I’ve ever seen. 2 They’re the
most expensive rings I’ve ever seen. 3 It’s the smallest house I’ve ever seen 4 It’s the biggest
plane I’ve ever seen 5 It’s the tallest building I’ve ever seen
6 It’s the longest snake I’ve ever seen 7 They’re the nicest flowers I’ve ever seen 8 It’s the
cheapest watch I’ve ever seen

Lecţia 10
Exercise 2. Complete the table with short forms from the conversation:

I have
You __’ve___________
They have not a sister.
He has
She __’s___________
fair hair.
It has not

Exercise 3 Andrew ___’s got__________ a sister, but he ______hasn’t got_______ any

brothers. He ____’s got ________ hark hair, but his sister _____’s got________ fair hair.

Andrew and his sister _____have got ________ blue eyes. Exercise 4. 1’s got 2 haven’t 3 got
4 hasn’t got 5 have got 6 haven’t got 7 ’s got 8 have got 9 hasn’t got Exercise 5. 1 have got 2
has got 3 has got 4 have got 5 have got 6 has got 7 has got 8 has got 9 have got
Exercise 6. 1 have got / haven’t got 2 have got / haven’t got 3 have got / haven’t got 4 have
got / haven’t got 5 has got/hasn’t got 6 have got / haven’t got 7
has got/hasn’t got 8 has got/hasn’t got Exercise 7. 1 Have you got/ have got /
haven’t got 2 Have you got / haven’t/ have / Has it got / has 3 / she has /
’s got OR has got / Has he got / hasn’t got 4 Has umbrella got / ’ s got / has colour got /
it hasn’t
Exercise 2
I am

am not
___ m not___________

He is
She ___’s___________
is not
____’s not___ from Portugal.

We are
You ___’re____________
are not
in room ten.

Exercise 3Is the meeting here? Are they from America?Exercise 4 a not / are not /not.
b Yes, I am /Yes, they are / Yes it is Exercise 5 1 Is this your pen? No, it ___isn’t___ 2
__Are___ from Spain? No, I __am not. I __’m____ from Argentina.3 Where __is___the
meeting? It __is___in the room over there. 4 Mr and Mrs James __aren’t here___here.
Where __are they? They ___ are __on holiday. 5 Excuse me. __ Are ___you Mr and Mrs

Wilson? No, we __ aren’t ___. We _ are ____Mr and Mrs Smith. Exercise 8 This is my
wife. ____ her _______name’s Maria. __ she’s ______a doctor and___ she’s _____twenty-
nine years old. My boyfriend’s a waiter. __ his ______name’s Steven. In this photo ___ he’s
_____in London with ___ his _____parents. This is Alan with ___ his _____girlfriend. __
she’s ______ a teacher. ___ her _____name’s Annette and __ she’s ______from Belgium.
Suzsie is a hairdresser. __ she’s ______ married. ___ her _____husband is a shop assistant.
___ his _____ name’s Joe. Exercise 9 student_______ secretary waiter /
architect dentist shop assistant
doctor engineer nurse
teacher pilot bank clerk
Exercise 10 1 Is your friend here?2 Where are you from?3How old is Mr Green? 4 Am I a
good student? 5 Where is the blue car? 6 Are the bags heavy? 7 Where are we? 8 The watches
are expensive?
Exercise 13 My / our / his / her / their / your Exercise 14 My ….name’s……..Burak.
......I’m.................from I’m 25..years....old...and....I’m
clerk. I’m ...married. My wife bank clark................too.’s Yonca
and ...she’s... 24. ....In ...this photo we’re café
Exercise 15
5. Assistant …….Yes, please?
Customer … A hamburger and an orange juice, please. ………..
6. Assistant…… Small or large?………..
Customer…… Large, please. ……………………..
7. Assistant…… Anything else?…………..
Customer…… No, thank you. ………..
8. Assistant…… That’s £ 4.30, please.………..
Customer……… No, thank you. ………..
HOW WE SAY THINGS IN THE CLASSROOM 1 a. a. say is the right answer 2 b. on is
the right answer; the others are not grammatically correct 3 d. understand is the right answer;
the others have different meanings 4 b. ask is the right answer; do and make do not collocate
with question, and put is not used in this context
5 b. do is the right answer; the others do not collocate 6 d. Sorry is the right answer HOW
WE SAY THINGS 1 c. Pardon. This is used to ask someone to repeat something they said. 2
a. I wouldn’t if I was you. This is used to warn someone not to do something. 3 c. How about

opening the window? This is used to make a suggestion. It is quite informal. 4 c. If you do it
again, you’ll be in big trouble. This is a threat. 5 d. Good night. This is used when you leave.
6 a. Try the red one and be done with it. This is an order.

Lecţia 11

Book Online
Flight booking:
London Paris
From: To:
Single: Return:
7 July 04 7 am
Flying out on: Time:
Returning on: Time:
Number of Adults:
Number of Children:
Hotel booking:
1 6
No of rooms: No of nights:
Halfboard OR Breakfast and Dinner

tennis with Helen
meeting with Jack
collecting Bill from school

1. d. to 2. d. over 3. c. - 4. a. on 5. c. at 6. d. in Trafalgar Square

1. c. the fence The answer is 'the fence'. If, however, someone sits on the fence, it means
that they find it hard to make a decision or voice their opinion about something.
2. b. on 3. a. at 4. b. to 5. a. in 6. d. –
1. b. with 2. a. in 3. a. in 4. a. by 5. d. for 6. c. in
1 b. at 2. a. on 3. c. in 4. c. for 5. b. at 6. c. in / at
1. 1 B Each 2 A few 3 B to 4 C so 5 A the 6 C of 7 A something 8 C come
Exercise 2 Neighbourhoods: 1. China Town 2. Little Italy
Tourist Attractions: 1. The Statue of Liberty 2. The Empire State Building
3. Central Park 4. Times Square
Means of transport: 1. Bus 2. Subway

Lecţia 12
Exercise 2 1 X 2 √ 3 √ 4 X Exercise 3 Cindy gets up at six o’clock in the morning.
Lin has breakfast at 8 o’clock in the morning. Masid eats lunch at one o’clock. Wendy goes
to the cinema on Sundays. Exercise
Exercise 6 1) at 2) in 3) at 4) at 5) at 6) in 7) in theatre. I go to bed 8) at 9) at 10)
On 11) on Exercise 7 Cindy has a piano lesson on Fridays.Eddy drinks milk every morning.
Wendy goes to the cinema on Sunday. Lin dances every afternoon. Oscar had a guitar lesson
every Thursday
Exercise 8
Gardening fishing Horse riding
Wendy √ X √
Tom √ √ X
Oscar X √ √
Cindy √ X √

Exercise 10 Jack Michaels is my favourite basketball player. He gets up at six o’clock every
morning. He ___ swims ____ in the pool at seven o’clock. He __ has __ breakfast at eight
o’clock. In the morning he __ goes ____ to the gym or he __ visits ___ his friends. In the
evening he __ plays __ basketball. I like Jack Michaels! He is a great basketball player.
Exercise 12 doesn’t/ do / doesn’t / play / visits/ washes Exercise 13 writing riding running
swimming having making Exercise 15 have – having run – running swim –swimming dance

– dancing write – writing Exercise 16 Is Masid sleeping? Are you listening to music? Is
Cindy eating a hot dog? Are they making a cake? Are Oscar and Eddy having fun?
COLOURS 1. c. Orange 2. d. Red 3. d. Black and white 4. d. Purple 5. c. Pink 6. a.

Lecţia 13

Choose the correct answer from those given. 01 B. Weren't 02. B. wasn't 03. B. worked 04.
A. Did 05. A. didn't stop 06. C. went 07. C. drank 08. B. ate 09. D. took 10. B. sang 11. D.
rode 12. B. was driving

Telling a story. 1. was standing 2. was still writing brought stood had finished. 3. looked
said did you find 4. was sleeping was stood went snored frightened 5. Did anyone complain
6. came told made 7. said telephoned told lived was causing asked were not doing 8.
turned asked realized was 9. replied was worked was gave played hated 10. scratched
wondered thought

Exceptions in Spelling when Adding ing. live → living Final 'e' is dropped when adding
'ing'. run → running After a short stressed vowel (u), the final consonant (n) is doubled when
adding 'ing'. give → giving Final 'e' is dropped when adding 'ing'. swim → swimming After
a short stressed vowel (i), the final consonant (m) is doubled when adding 'ing'. lie →
lying Final 'ie' becomes 'y' when adding 'ing'. sit → sitting After a short stressed vowel (i),
the final consonant (t) is doubled when adding 'ing'. travel → traveling Final 'l' after a vowel
(e) is doubled in British English (travelling), but not doubled in American English (traveling).

Decide whether to use 'was' or 'were'. 1 was. 2 were 3 was. 4 was. 5 were 6 were. 7 was 8
was. 9 were 10 were.

Puneţi verbele din paranteze la Past Tense Simple sau Continuous: 1 you came in, / I was
having 2 first met / he was working 3 he was learning / he had 4 I was speaking / someone
rang up 5 were you going / called 6 were you doing? 7 entered / the teacher 8 was writing / I
arrived 9 they were having / was watching 10 he realized / he wasn’t wearing


cast ate seemed thought sighed brightened drew rolled felt was looked thought smiled got
looked turned turned pulled took shook was tried broke cut tried flew put dressed tried

slipped jerked rolled broke got took went got went brought held held took poised gathered
brought was saved got was had drove rushed caught flung sank hurled got rowed
1. d. He works at home today. This is wrong because we need the present continuous to talk
about an action now: He is working at home today. 2. Present continuous d. I’m really liking
this cake – it’s delicious. This is wrong because we cannot use ‘like’ in a continuous form: I
really like this cake – it’s delicious. 3. d. I knew him all my life until now. This is wrong
because we cannot use the past to talk about something that continues: I have known him all
my life until now. 4. c. Who did break the window? This is wrong because we don’t need ‘did’
for a subject question: Who broke the window? 5. b. She speaks well English. This is wrong
because ‘well’ is in the wrong place: She speaks English well. 6. c. Does he is leaving today?
This is wrong because we have two auxiliaries and we only need ‘is’: Is he leaving today?
Exerciţii cu viitor simplu şi continuu
Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Simple: 1 shall/will know 2 will be 3 Will
you recognize?4 I shall/will remember 5 You will like 6 He will be 7 I shall/will succeed. 8
Wil1 you remember?9 I shall/will 10 You will not/won’t find Puneti verbele din paranteze
la timpul Future Continuous:1 I shall/will be swimming 2 it will probably be raining. 3 She
will be having 4 Will you be needing 5 will be crying. 6 will be leaving 7 He will be working
8 will/shall will be climbing 9 I shall/will be having 10 I shall/will be working Folosind
cuvintele din paranteze, completaţi textul următor cu timpul potrivit (present simplu
sau viitor simplu) 1 get /am going to 2 arrive/ will show 3 graduate? / receive /am going to /
plan 4 snows /are going to 5 plans/ is going to / will pick 6 don't stop/ will experience 7.
keeps/ will eventually lose 8. won't tell/ will /not reveal 9. is going to /is going to quit/ is
going to get / is going to 10. is going to /arrives /is going to / is Will or Won't 1. will 2.
will 3. won't 4. will 5. won't 6. will 7. will 8. won't 9. Will 10. will Will / Be Going To 1.
am going to 2. will get 3. will turn 4. are going to 5. will be 6. will turn 7. will be 8. am
going to attend 9. will help 10. are going to Alegeţi forma corectă. 1 d) are going to go 2
a) will work 3 b) am going 4 d) will have
Our World Exercise 1. How good are you at geography? 1 B Antarctica 2 A the Pacific 3 B
Asia 4 B Antarctica 5 B China 6 A India 7 the Nile 8 B Antarctica 9 A Mandarin 10 B
Adjective Comparative Superlative
big Bigger biggest
deep Deeper deepest
large Larger largest

low Lower lowest
heavy Heavier heaviest
long Longer longest
expensive more expensive most expensive
many/ much More most
far farther/ further farthest/ furthest
few Fewer fewest

Exercise 3. Match the question to the answers. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. G 6. F 7. H Exercise

4. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.1. the largest 2. fewer
3. 4. more polluted than/ as polluted as 5. cheaper 6. more beautiful than
Exercise 5. Underline the correct word. 1. a bit 2. much 3. very 4. much 5. much 6. a lot

Lecţia 15
Exercise 1. 1 Yes, it’s great 2 I enjoy 3 Not really 4 How about you Exercise 2. silly surf
cool sports brilliant Exercise 3. 1 does your mum do / takes 2 don’t like / don’t mind 3 Does
Carol still go 4 Does Alex live 5 lives Exercise 4. 1) ’s (be) 2) lives 3) works 4) lives 5) is
6) travels 7) doesn’t have 8) works 9) invite 10) watch 11) doesn’t like 13) loves Exercise 5.
works spends goes teaches loves travels visits meets misses flies
Exercise 6. 1 reads HR 2 are coming FA 3 rent HR. 4 flies FA 5 is working AN 6 go
HR 7 works HR Exercise 7. 1 go going 2 goes is going – a future arrangement 3 plays play 4
study studying 5 doesn’t don’t Exercise 8. sitting reading eating drinking wearing
working Exercise 9. 1 Net. 2 settled 3 update 4 part 5 typical 6 shift
Exercise 10. 1 F 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 E Exercise 11. it looks / it flies / he reads / he misses / she
goes / she travels / he teaches / she meets / he studies / it helps Exercise 12 1 often spends 2
’m/ am taking 3 do your parents 4 is reading 5 do you usually 6 watch 7 ’s/ is snowing 8 take
care 9 always catches 10 is having Exercise 13. 1 B 2C 3G 4E 5F 6D 7A
Exercise 14. an up at takes/ has in has TV Exercise 16. 1 are having / have 2 is doing / does
3 is playing / plays 4 is reading / reads Exercise 17. 1 A at 2 C has 3 B on 4 C time 5
A answers 6 C has 7 A watch 8 B do regular – doing things at the same time everyday;
shower – a type of water spray in the bathroom we use to wash ourselves; puppy – a young
dog; forest – a large area of trees; reviews – looks at again; get in the mood – make yourself
feel like doing sth; break – short rest before starting work again; updates – adds new
information to sth; website – a location on internet that contains information on a particular

topic; fans - admirers (i.e. readers who like her books) Exercise 18. A – Opening remarks, B
– Greetings, C – Main body D – Conclusion, E – Closing remarks Exercise 19. 1O 2C 3O 4C
Exercise 21. 1 online 2 typical 3 part 4 answer 5 shift Exercise 23. 1 a. i don’t like it 2 a.
i’m going out. 3 b. never 4 . not much. 5 b. yes, it is. Exercise 24. 1. cooks / are eating 2.
does she do / works 3. Are you waiting / are going 4. Does he catch / walks 5. is he talking
to / are playing 6. do you visit / am visiting 7. do you like / I don’t like 8. is anyone sitting
here / is 9. do you usually / play 10. feel / is not raining Exercise 25. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. E
Exercise 26. Indoors: fireplace, attic, wooden floors Outdoors: balcony, fence, porch

Lecţia 16
Exercise 1. 1. on – She lives on the 2 nd floor. 2. in – He swims in the pool. 3. of – There is
a view of the area. 4. to – They belong to me. Exercise 2. 1. block of flats 2. ground floor
3. incredible view 4. make somebody laugh 5. morning swim 6. next door 7. detached
house Exercise 3.
Furniture/ appliances/ etc Features: indoors – outdoors
 cupboard Indoors Outdoors
 fireplace  garden
 chairs
 wooden  balcony
 carpet
floor  swimming
 armchairs
 large pool
 bed
windows  fence
 lamp
 attic  chimney
 wardrobe
 porch
 mirror
 fridge
 cooker
 shower
Exercise 4. 1) ground 2) Welcome 3) neighbours 2) friendly 5) incredible 6) drop 7) belong
Exercise 5. 2 A map 3 A holiday 4 B neighbourhood 5 A smell 6 B attraction 7A the Tube
8 B hotel
Exercise 6.

Exercise 7. 1. villa 2. cottage 3. castle 4. block of flats 5. terraced house Exercise 8. 1. B
place 2. B thing 3. A incredible 4. B quite 5. C view 6. C all 7. C welcome Exercise 10. art
gallery, park, music hall, library, restaurant. Exercise 12 1)it 2) a 3) it 4) the 5) also 6) this 7)
much 8) as 9) are 10) and Exercise 14. library museum post office hotel restaurant
Exercise 15. 1 great 2 shower 3 lake 4 beautiful Exercise 16 1 a lot 2 much 3 a bit 4 very 5
a bit Exercise 17 1 much noisy 2 deepest 3 more expensive than 4 longer than 5 is the
crowdest Exercise 18. 1 B: a Thanks! 2 b On the corner of Apple street and Marble Street.
3 b I don’t really like it. Exercise 19 1 beautiful 2 quiet 3 dark 4 cramped 5 tidy 6 friendly
Exercise 20. quiet ≠ noisy My neighbourhood is so noisy, I can’t sleep at night. tidy ≠ untidy/
messy My room is so untidy I can never find anything. friendly ≠ unfriendly That dog is
very unfriendly. It always growls at people. beautiful ≠ ugly Towns that have a lot of factories
are often very ugly and dirty. cramped ≠ spacious The car is very spacious, with plenty of
room to stretch your legs. dark ≠ light You need plenty of light when you are reading so that
you don’t damage your eyes. Exercise 21. 1) can I help you? 2) tell me where exactly the
house is? 3) the garage large enough for two cars? 4) can I see it? 5) See you then.

Lecţia 17
Progress Check
TEST 1 1 B counting 2 B signing 3 A adopt 4 C laws 5 B wisely 6 C famous 7 B allowed 8
A recycle 9 B believe 10 C digital music 11F 12G 13H 14B 15A 16 J 17I 18C 19D 20E 21
rock on 22 accept 23 switch off 24 look into 25 run off 26 will be 27 will win 28 is going to
join 29 are going to visit 30 is going to see 31 will 32 will 33 will 34 isn't going to 35 will 36
make 37 will rise 38 will have 39 will see 40 install 41E 42A 43B 44C 45D 46 with 47 about
48 spend 49 playing 50 when.
1A lead 2 C music 3 A walk 4 B gates 5 C seat belt 6 B litter 7 A school 8 B sunscreen 9 C
accept 10 C feed 11D 12B 13F 14C 15E 16C 17E 18A 19B 20D 21 faster than 22 more
exciting than 23 cheaper than 24 more boring than 25 the most exhausting 26 mustn't 27
should 28 doesn't have to 29 can't 30 can 31 off 32 by 33 in(to) 34 out 35 on/ by 36 B Why

not? 37 A It's not allowed. 38 B Yes, you're right. 39 B Yes, of course 40 B It won't happen
again. 41 B Why not? 42 A Yes, no problem. 43I. 44D 45C 46I 47I 48D 49 C 50D

Lecţia 18
1 B gates 2 C seat belt 3 A walk 4 C music 5 B lead 6 A school 7 C accept 8 C feed 9 B litter
10 B sunscreen 11 D 12 E 13 F 14 C 15 B 16 D 17 B 18 E 19 C 20 A 21 the most exhausting
22 more interesting than 23 more expensive than 24 more exciting than 25
(much) slower than 26 can 27 can't 28 mustn't 29 should 30 doesn't have to 31 in (to). 32 out
33 on/ by 34 off. 35 by 36 A Yes, no problem. 37 B It won't happen again 38 B Why not? 39
A No, it's not allowed. 40 B Why not? 41 B Yes, you're right. 42 A That's true. 43 I 44 I 45 D
46 C 47 D 48 D 49 C 50 I.
Circle the correct item. 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 A 9 C 10 C 11 C 12 A 13 B 14 B 15 C
16 B 17 A 18 A 19 C 20 B 21 A 22 C 23 B 24 C 25 B 26 A 27 B 28 C 29 C 30 C 31 B 32 A 33
B 34 B 35 C 36 C 37 C 38 B 39 A 40 A 41 C 42 C 43 B 44 C 45 A 46 C 47 C 48 B 49 C 50 B
51 B 52 C 53 A 54 C 55 B 56 B 57 C 58 A 59 B 60 A 61 C 62 B 63 C 64 C 65 B 66 A 67 B 68
C 69 A 70 C 71 B 72 C 73 A 74 B 75 C 76 B 77 A 78 C 79 B 80 C 81 B 82 B 83 A 84 C 85 C
86 B 87 A 88 A 89 C 90 C 91 B 92 A 93 C 94 B 95 A 96 A 97 B 98 C 99 C 100 B

Lecţia 19
1 E 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 cash 7 suits 8 earn 9 on 10 cards 11 torn 12 traveller’s 13 stuck 14
.destination 15 facilities 16 range 17 voucher 18 department 19 postal 20 second-hand 21
down 22 across 23 out 24 up 25 round 26 antique, silver and red 27 beautiful, antique,
wooden 28 cute, little brown and black 29 modern, red, glass 30 pretty, white, silk 31 Eileen
was not invited to the weeding. 32 Our weekend was spoilt by the rain. 33 The restaurant is
run by his family. 34 500 people are employed by the company. 35 An email was sent to the
online shopping site (by Mary) 36 b A medium. 37 a I'm afraid we don't take cheques 38 b
How would you like to pay? 39 b Of course. 40 b Let me have a look. 41 b I'm just looking.
42 a Of course. Can I have the receipt? 43) to. 44) a/ the. 45) on 46) the 47) off. 48) very 49)
in 50) me
Vocabulary 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 A 11 B 12 C 13 C 14 B 15 H 16 D 17
I. 18 F. 19 E 20 A 21 some some 22 any some 23 a lot of any 24 many many. 25 much. Much
26 went 27 have you been 28 has never been 29 has gone 30 have not seen 31 rented. 32
created 33 was 34 directed. 35 has lived. 36 a I'd prefer coffee. 37 b Not really 38 b Yes, I’d

love to. 39 b Yes, I do. 40 a Wow! 41) am 42) for 43) have 44) a 45) to 46) was 47) were 48)
all 49) of. 50) are

6 D 7 E 8 B 9 A 10 C 11 chat 12 make 13 send 14 leave 15 take. 16 tell 17 tell 18 says 19
tell 20 telling 21 couldn’t run 22 what Maria had told 23 he would call me 24 if I knew
Mark’s 25 Kate had woken up. 26 b Yes please. 27 b No, I didn't. 28 b Actually, I'm furious.
29 b Cheer up! Things can't be that bad. 30 b Actually, I'm a bit worried. 31 B Wrong 32 C
Doesn't say 33 A Right 34 B Wrong 35 A Right 36 B Wrong 37 C Doesn't say 38 C Doesn't
say 39 A Right 40 A Right 41 C Doesn't say 42 B Wrong 43 C Doesn't say 44 A Right 45 C
Doesn't say


Bantaş, Andrei, Dicţionar englez-român, român-englez, Bucureşti, Teora, 1999

Boteanu, Mirela; Dana Preda, Curs practic de limba engleză, Sibiu, Editura
Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, 2010.
Dooley, Jenny; Virginia Evans, Blockbuster. Test Booklet, Berkshire, Express
Publishing, 2005.

Gruia, George, A conscise English Grammar, ediţia a II-a, Craiova, Editura GRUPUS,
Hancock, Paul, Common Errors in English, Essex, Pinguin Press, 2001.
Levițchi, Leon; Ioan Preda, Gramatica limbii engleze, București, Editura Științifică,
Nicolescu, Adrian; Ioana Preda, Liliana Pamfil-Teodoreanu, Mircea Tatos, Dicţionar
englez – român, român – englez frazeologic, Bucureşti, Teora, 2007
Peters, Jo-Ann; Jean-Michel Ravier, Let’s learn English. Metodă Larousse de învățare
a limbii engleze, București, Teora, 1992
Vişan, Monica, Metodă rapidă de învăţare a gramaticii limbii engleze, [fl] Editura
Viitorul românesc, 1992.


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