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Nicu Popescu
Experienta profesionala

➢ Director al programului Europa extinsă (care acoperă Rusia, țările Parteneriatului estic, Turcia
și Balcanii de Vest), Consiliul European pentru Relații Externe; Biroul din Paris

➢ Școala de Științe Po-Paris din Paris, profesor universitar, (februarie 2016-prezent), cursuri
MA la nivel de:
▪ Securitatea și apărarea europeană (2016)
▪ Abordările UE privind strategia globală în domeniul securității și problemele regionale (2016-
▪ Războiul și pacea în vecinătățile europene (2017-2018)
▪ Războaiele hibride și pacea hibridă (2019).

➢ Universitatea din Barcelona, Master în Dreptul Economic și Politică Economică

Internațională, profesor invitat (2015-2018).

➢ Institutul pentru Studii de Securitate al Uniunii Europene (o agenție a Uniunii Europene),

analist principal, iulie 2013-2018.

➢ Guvernul Republicii Moldova, Cabinetul Primului-ministru, Consilier pe probleme de politică

externă și integrare europeană (2010 - zi normală, 2011 - part-time, octombrie 2012-iunie 2013 -
zi), consultant UNDP

➢ Consiliul European pentru Relații Externe (ECFR), Londra

Șeful programului privind Rusia și Europa extinsă, responsabil principal de politici (ianuarie
2011-octombrie 2012

➢ Centrul pentru Studii Politice Europene (CEPS), Bruxelles

Cercetător (09.2005-01.2007)

Alte activități profesionale:

▪ Consilierea politicienilor de nivel înalt, inclusiv președinții și miniștrii de externe, pe domeniile
mele de specialitate.

▪ Editoriale la Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Kommersant (Rusia), Die
Welt, EU Observer, European Voice etc.

▪ Intervenții media, inclusiv interviuri live la BBC World Service, Sky News TV, CNBC TV, Al
Jazeera etc.

▪ Membru consiliu al programului Eurasia al Fundației pentru o Societate Deschisă din New
York (din 2015).

▪ Membru al Consiliului de administrație, Asociația de politici pentru o societate deschisă

(PASOS) - o organizație umbrelă de circa 40 de think-tank-uri din Europa Centrală și de Est și
Asia Centrală (2007-2011).

▪ Queens University Belfast, Irlanda de Nord, consultant științific (11.2007-05.2008).

▪ Institutul pentru Studii de Securitate al UE, Paris, consultant științific (aprilie-iunie 2005).


▪ Doctor în Științe Politice (Magna cum Laude), Departamentul Relații Internaționale și Studii
Europene, Universitatea Central Europeană (CEU), Budapesta, Ungaria, 2003-2009. Titlul tezei:
"Intervenția ascunsă (stealth): Conflictele UE și post-sovietice".

▪ Master în Relații Internaționale și Studii Europene, CEU, Budapesta, Ungaria, 2002-2003.

▪ Licențiat în Științe Politice, Relații Internaționale, Universitatea de Stat de Relații

Internaționale din Moscova, Moscova, Rusia, 1998-2002.



▪ Democratizarea în politica externă a UE: noile state membre ca promotori ai promovării

democrației, co-editor cu Benedetta Berti și Kristina Mikulova, Routledge, 2015.

▪ EU Foreign Policy and Post-Soviet Conflicts: Stealth Intervention, Routledge, decembrie 2010.

Policy Reports (50-80 pages-long publications)

1. Russia in the Middle East, co-editor, EUISS Paris, 2018.

2. Russia and the politics of cyber, co-editor, EUISS Paris, 2018.

3. Third Powers and Eastern Partners: how China, Iran, Turkey and the Arab states
influence Europe’s neighbours? co-editor, EUISS, Paris, 2018.

4. Russian and Chinese defence industries: what is at stake for Europe?, co-editor,
EUISS, Paris, 2018.

5. After the EU Global Strategy – Building Resilience, co-editor, EUISS report, Paris,

6. China and Russia: Eastern Partners in the making?; co-author, EUISS Chaillot Paper
140, Paris, December 2016.

7. Strategic Communications: East and South, co-author, EUISS Report, July 2016.

8. Russian Futures, editor, EUISS Report, April 2016.

9. The EU neighbours in 1995-2015: shades of grey, cu-authored with Florence Gaub,

EUISS Chaillot Paper, December 2015.

10. Eurasian Union: the real, the imaginary and the likely, Chaillot Paper 132, September
2014, EUISS.

11. Dealing with a post-BRIC Russia, ECFR Policy report, November 2011, co-authored
with Ben Judah and Jana Kobzova.

12. ‘The Limits of Enlargement-lite: European and Russian Power in the Troubled
Neighbourhood’, ECFR Policy Report, June 2009.

13. ‘A Power Audit of EU-Russia Relations’, co-authored with Mark Leonard, Policy Paper
1, European Council on Foreign Relations, November 2007.

Policy briefs, articles and book chapters

14. ‘Les succès et les échecs du Partenariat oriental : dépasser les idées reçues’, (in French),
in Champs de Mars : Revue d'études sur la guerre et la paix, Paris, 2017.

15. Sanctions and Russia: lessons from the Cold War, EUISS Alert, May 2015.

16. Hybrid tactics: neither new not only Russian, EUISS Alert, January 2015.

17. Do sanctions against Russia work? EUISS Brief 35, December 2014, co-authored with
Iana Dreyer.

18. Ukraine’s impact on Russia, EUISS Alert, July 2014.

19. Ukraine: Four Crises, One Country, Policy Brief, EU Institute for Security Studies,
Paris, May 2014.

20. The Eurasian Customs Union: the economics and the politics, co-authored with Iana
Dreyer, Policy Brief, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris, March 2014.

21. EU-Russia: overcoming stagnation, Policy Brief, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris,
January 2014.

22. The Moscow riots, Russian nationalism and the Eurasian Union, Policy Brief, EU
Institute for Security Studies, Paris, November 2013.

23. Transnistria: a bottom-up solution, ECFR Policy Brief, London, co-authored with Leonid
Litra, September 2012.

24. ‘The strange alliance of democrats and nationalists’, Journal of Democracy 23:3, July
2012, pp. 46-54.

25. ‘Moldova’s Fragile Pluralism’, Russian Politics and Law 50:4, July-August 2012.

26. ‘Eastern Partnership and the South Caucasus: A View from Europe’, in Eastern
Partnership for the South Caucasus, Levan Mikheladze Foundation, Tbilisi 2011.

27. ‘How to Influence Neighbours’, in Internationale Politik (Global Edition),

September/October 2011, Volume 12 (co-authored).

28. ‘Fragile Pluralism’, in Pro et Contra, Vol 15, Issue 3-4, 2011, Carnegie Moscow

29. ‘Russia and EU’s Competitive Neighbourhood’, co-authored with Jana Kobzova and
Andrew Wilson in Alexander Astrov (ed), Great Power (Mis)Management: The Russian-
Georgian War and its Implications for Global Political Order, Ashgate 2011, pp.79-102.

30. A Chance to Reform: How the EU can support Democratic Evolution in Morocco, ECFR
Policy Brief, co-authored with Susi Dennison and Jose-Ignacio Torreblanca, May 2011.

31. Turning Presence into Power: Lessons from the Eastern Neighbourhood, ECFR Policy
Brief, May 2011.

32. The EU and Civil Society in the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict, in Nathalie Tocci (ed.) The
European Union, Civil Society and Conflict, Routledge 2011.

33. After The Revolution: Europe and the Transition in Tunisia, ECFR Policy Brief, co-
authored with Susi Dennison, Anthony Dworkin and Nick Witney, March 2011.
34. ‘EU and the Eastern Neighbourhood: Reluctant Involvement in Conflict Resolution’,
European Foreign Affairs Review 14:4, pp. 457-477, 2009.

35. Re-setting the Eastern Partnership in Moldova, Policy Brief 199, Centre for European
Policy Studies, November 2009, Brussels.

36. ‘European and Russian Neighbourhood Policies Compared’, cu-authored with Andrew
Wilson in Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 9:3, 2009, pp. 317 –

37. ‘Moldova’s fragile pluralism’, in Democracy’s Plight in the European Neighbourhood:

Struggling transitions and proliferating dynasties, edited by Michael Emerson and
Richard Youngs, CEPS, Brussels, October 2009, co-authored with Andrew Wilson.

38. ‘The Sovereign Neighbourhood: Weak Statehood Strategies in Eastern Europe’, The
International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, 44:1, March 2009, co-
authored with Andrew Wilson.

39. ‘The Future of EU-Russia Relations: A Way Forward in Solidarity and the Rule of Law’,
European Parliament Briefing Paper, Policy Department External Policies, February
2009, co-authored with Andrew Wilson and Pierre Noel.

40. ‘Can the EU win the peace in Georgia?’, ECRF Policy Brief, 24 August 2008, Nicu
Popescu, Mark Leonard and Andrew Wilson.

41. ‘Internationalizing the Georgia-Abkhazia Conflict Resolution Process: Why a Greater

European Role is Needed’, GMF Policy Brief; Ron Asmus, Svante E. Cornell, Antje
Herrberg, and Nicu Popescu, June 2008.

42. ‘Human Rights and Frozen Conflicts in the Eastern Neighbourhood’, Briefing Paper,
Directorate General External Policies of the Union, European Parliament, November

43. ‘Moldova’, in: Nations in Transit 2007, Co-authored with George Dura, Freedom House,
New York, 2007.

44. ‘European Neighbourhood Policy Two Years on: Time indeed for an ‘ENP Plus’, co-
authored with Michael Emerson and Gergana Noutcheva, CEPS Policy Brief 126, 21
March 2007, Brussels.

45. ‘Europe’s Unrecognised Neighbours: The EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia’, CEPS
Working Document 260, 15 March 2007, Brussels.

46. ‘Russia's Soft Power Ambitions’, CEPS Policy Brief 115, 27 October 2006, Brussels.
47. ‘Abkhazia i Yuzhnaya Ossetia: nezavisimost ili vyzhivanie?’ (Abkhazia and South
Ossetia : independence or survival?), in Pro et Contra Vol. 10, Nr. 5-6 (34), 2006,
Carnegie Moscow Center, pp. 40-52 (in Russian).

48. ‘Outsourcing de facto statehood: Russia and the secessionist entities in Moldova and
Georgia’, CEPS Policy Brief 109, 20 July 2006.

49. ‘Democracy in Secessionism: Transnistria and Abkhazia's Domestic Politics’, Report for
the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, CDL-JU (2006) 011, 12 September
2006, Strasbourg, 2006.

50. ‘Moldova’, in: Nations in Transit 2006, Co-authored with George Dura, Freedom House,
New York, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006.

51. The EU in South Caucasus: Learning Lessons from Moldova and Ukraine, Policy Paper,
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, Tbilisi, Georgia, April 2006.

52. ‘Settling Conflicts in the Neighbourhood: the EU and Moldova’, Occasional Paper 60,
EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris, October 2005, .

53. ‘Europeanisation and Conflict Resolution: A View from Moldova’, in Europeanisation

and Conflict Resolution (Russian edition), Michael Emerson and Bruno Coppieters (eds),
2005, Ves Mir, Moscow. Also Avalaible in English in Journal of Ethnopolitics and
Minority Issues in Europe, Special Focus 2004, .

54. ‘Moldova’, in: Nations in Transit 2005, Co-authored with George Dura, Freedom House,
New York, Rowman&Littlefield, 2005.

55. ‘Towards a Sustainable Solution of the Transnistria Problem: A Role for the European
Union’; Working Paper 141, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces
(DCAF), International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS, London); Geneva, July 2004.

56. European Union’s Foreign Policy Change Towards Moldova, NATO Studies Center,
Strategic Issues Review No.4, Bucharest, Politeia-SNSPA, September 2003.

57. “Scenarios of NATO enlargement”, in Arcadie Barbarosie and Viorel Cibotaru (eds):
National Security and Defence of Moldova, Institute for Public Policy, Prut International,
Chisinau, 2001.

▪ English (fluent)
▪ Russian (fluent)
▪ French (working knowledge)
▪ Romanian (native)

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