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Since 2013 indexed in Societatea Română

de Obstetrică
Societatea Română
de Ultrasonografie
de Uroginecologie
de Endometrioză
și Ginecologie în Obstetrică și Ginecologie de HPV din România și Infertilitate Est-Europeană


Year VII • No. 26 (4) 2019 • DOI: 10.26416/Gine.26.4.2019

Since 2015 indexed in

EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate &
One Belt, One Road Reference Source

Ultrasound findings
of hypothyroidism during
page 15

Sacrocolpopexy –
and disadvantages
of abdominal and
laparoscopic approaches.
A systematic review
and meta-analysis
page 36

Escherichia coli
and the related
virulence factors
page 44
Singurul contraceptiv oral combinat cu
regim extins de administrare

levonorgestrel/etinilestradiol 150/30 µg, comprimate filmate
pe an
etinilestradiol 10 µg, comprimate filmate

Fără interval
liber hormonal

asociate cu HFI
(cefalee, oboseală,
durere abdominală,
balonare etc)**

*Hormone free interval

**Edelman A et al. Hum Reprod 2006; 21(3); 573-578
Seasonique - Informații abreviate de prescripție
Seasonique 150/30 micrograme + 10 micrograme comprimate filmate. Compoziția calitativă şi cantitativă: Fiecare comprimat filmat roz conţine levonorgestrel 150 micrograme şi etinilestradiol 30
micrograme. Fiecare comprimat filmat alb conţine etinilestradiol 10 micrograme. Excipienţi: Comprimate roz: lactoză 63,02 mg per comprimat, E129 0,169 mg per comprimat şi E133 0,009 mg per comprimat.
Comprimate albe: lactoză 69,20 mg per comprimat. Forma farmaceutică: Comprimatele roz sunt rotunde, biconvexe, marcate cu “172” pe o faţă şi cu “T” pe cealaltă faţă. Comprimatele albe sunt rotunde,
biconvexe, marcate cu “173” pe o faţă şi cu “T” pe cealaltă faţă. Comprimatele albe sunt dispuse pe al cincilea (ultimul) rând al celui de-al treilea blister. Doar cel de-al treilea blister conţine cinci rânduri
de comprimate şi are formă rectangulară. Indicații terapeutice: Contracepţie orală. Doze şi mod de administrare: Seasonique este un contraceptiv oral cu regim extins în care comprimatele se administrează
continuu timp de 91 de zile. Fiecare cutie ulterioară de Seasonique se începe a doua zi după administrarea ultimului comprimat din cutia anterioară. Cutia de Seasonique este constituită din 84 comprimate
combinate de levonorgestrel 150 micrograme şi etinilestradiol 30 micrograme şi 7 comprimate de etinilestradiol 10 micrograme. Cum se utilizează Seasonique: Se administrează câte un comprimat zilnic,
timp de 91 de zile. Comprimatele se administrează pe cale orală, în fiecare zi la aproximativ aceeaşi oră, în ordinea indicată pe blister. Se administrează câte un comprimat roz care conţine levonorgestrel
şi etinilestradiol pe zi, timp de 84 de zile consecutive, urmat de un comprimat alb care conţine etinilestradiol, timp de 7 zile, perioadă în care, de obicei, apare sângerarea de întrerupere. Cum se începe
tratamentul cu Seasonique: Comprimatele trebuie administrate în fiecare zi, la aproximativ aceeaşi oră, dacă este necesar cu puţin lichid, în ordinea indicată pe blister. Se administrează câte un comprimat
zilnic, timp de 91 de zile consecutive. Se administrează câte un comprimat roz pe zi, timp de 84 de zile consecutive, urmat de un comprimat alb, timp de 7 zile. În timpul celor 7 zile de administrare a
comprimatelor albe poate să apară o sângerare de întrerupere. Fiecare ciclu ulterior de 91 de zile se începe, fără întrerupere, în aceeaşi zi a săptămânii în care pacienta a început prima cutie de Seasonique,
urmând aceeaşi schemă terapeutică. Abordare terapeutică în cazul omiterii comprimatelor: Eficacitatea contraceptivă poate fi redusă dacă femeia omite administrarea comprimatelor roz, mai ales în cazul
în care omite administrarea primelor comprimate din prima cutie. Dacă au trecut mai puţin de 12 ore de la ora la care a fost omisă administrarea comprimatului roz, comprimatul uitat trebuie administrat
imediat, iar tratamentul trebuie continuat în mod normal prin administrarea următoarelor comprimate la ora obişnuită. Dacă au trecut mai mult de 12 ore de la ora la care a fost omisă administrarea unuia
sau mai multor comprimate roz, protecţia contraceptivă poate fi redusă. Abordarea terapeutică în cazul comprimatelor omise se poate baza pe următoarele două reguli de bază: 1. administrarea comprimatelor
nu trebuie întreruptă niciodată pentru mai mult de 7 zile consecutive. 2. pentru a realiza supresia adecvată a axului hipotalamo-hipofizo-ovarian sunt necesare 7 zile de administrare neîntreruptă a
comprimatelor. Omiterea comprimatelor albe care conţin etinilestradiol (săptămâna 13): Comprimatele uitate nu mai trebuie administrate, iar administrarea comprimatelor următoare trebuie continuată la
ora obişnuită până la terminarea cutiei. Nu sunt necesare măsuri suplimentare de contracepţie. Dacă în săptămâna 13 (în timpul administrării comprimatelor albe) femeia nu prezintă sângerare de întrerupere,
trebuie exclusă posibilitatea unei sarcini înainte de începerea unui nou ciclu de 91 de zile. Recomandări în caz de tulburări gastro-intestinale: În cazul unor tulburări gastro-intestinale severe (de exemplu
vărsături sau diaree), absorbţia poate să nu fie completă şi sunt necesare măsuri contraceptive suplimentare. Dacă vărsăturile apar într-un interval de 3-4 ore după administrarea comprimatului, femeia
trebuie să respecte recomandările descrise pentru omiterea comprimatelor. Dacă femeia nu doreşte să-şi modifice schema normală de administrare a comprimatelor, poate să utilizeze un comprimat(e) roz
suplimentar(e) existent pe ultimul rând al cutiei (săptămâna 12). Copii şi adolescenți: Eficacitatea şi siguranţa Seasonique la femeile cu vârsta reproductivă sub 18 ani nu au fost încă stabilite. Contraindicații:
Contraceptivele orale combinate (COC) nu trebuie administrate în prezenţa nici uneia dintre condiţiile prezentate mai jos. În cazul în care oricare dintre aceste tulburări apare pentru prima dată în timpul
utilizării contraceptivelor orale combinate, medicamentul trebuie întrerupt imediat. Tromboză venoasă prezentă sau în antecedente (tromboză venoasă profundă, embolie pulmonară). Tromboză arterială
prezentă sau în antecedente (de exemplu infarct miocardic) sau tulburări prodromale (de exemplu angină pectorală sau atac ischemic tranzitor). Accident vascular cerebral prezent sau în antecedente. Prezenţa
unui (unor) factor(i) de risc pentru tromboza arterială, sever(i) sau multipli: diabet zaharat cu complicaţii vasculare, hipertensiune arterială severă, dislipoproteinemie severă. Predispoziţie ereditară sau
dobândită pentru tromboză venoasă sau arterială, cum sunt: rezistenţa la PCA, deficit de antitrombină III, deficit de proteină C, deficit de proteină S, hiperhomocisteinemie şi prezenţa de anticorpi
antifosfolipidici. Pancreatită sau antecedente de acest tip, dacă se asociază cu hipertrigliceridemie severă. Boală hepatică severă prezentă sau în antecedente, atât timp cât testele funcţiei hepatice nu au
revenit la valori normale. Tumori hepatice (benigne sau maligne) prezente sau în antecedente. Tumori maligne diagnosticate sau suspectate, dependente de hormoni sexuali. Sângerări vaginale de etiologie
necunoscută. Antecedente de migrenă cu simptome neurologice focale. În asociere cu preparate din plante care conţin sunătoare (Hypericum perforatum). Hipersensitivitate la substanţele active sau la oricare
dintre excipienţi. Control redus al ciclului menstrual: Similar tuturor contraceptivelor orale combinate, pot să apară sângerări neregulate (pete sau sângerări intermenstruale), în special în cursul primelor 3
luni de utilizare. Evaluarea medicală a oricăror sângerări menstruale neregulate trebuie efectuată în cazul în care sângerarea persistă. Comprimatele de Seasonique conţin lactoză. Pacientele cu afecţiuni
ereditare rare de intoleranţă la galactoză, deficit de lactază Lapp sau sindrom de malabsorbţie glucoza-galactoză nu trebuie să utilizeze acest medicament. Comprimatele roz de Seasonique conţin un colorant
roşu numit roşu allura AC (E129) şi un colorant albastru numit albastru briliant FCF (E133), care pot determina reacţii alergice. Fertilitatea, sarcina şi alăptarea: Seasonique nu este indicat în timpul sarcinii.
În general, utilizarea contraceptivelor orale combinate nu trebuie recomandată, până când mama care alăptează nu a ablactat complet copilul. În timpul utilizării contraceptivelor orale combinate, cantităţi
mici de steroizi contraceptivi şi/sau metaboliţii acestora pot fi excretaţi în laptele matern. Aceste cantităţi pot afecta copilul. Seasonique este indicat pentru prevenirea sarcinii. Reacții adverse: foarte frecvente
(≥1/10): metroragie; frecvente (≥1/100 şi <1/10): modificări ale dispoziţiei, scăderea libidoului, depresie, cefalee, migrenă, greaţă, durere abdominală, acnee, menoragie, sensibilitate la nivelul sânilor,
dismenoree, creştere în greutate. Perioada de valabilitate: 3 ani. Natura şi conținutul ambalajului: Fiecare cutie conţine 91 comprimate filmate (84 comprimate roz şi 7 comprimate albe) dispuse în 3
blistere: 2 X 28 comprimate filmate roz + 1 X (28 comprimate filmate roz + 7 comprimate filmate albe). Cele trei blistere din PVC-TE-PVDC/Al sunt prinse într-un buzunar pentru blistere ambalat în pungă
din folie şi cutie. Deținătorul autorizației de punere pe piață: Teva Pharmaceuticals S.R.L. data primei autorizări: Iunie 2015. Data revizuirii textului: Iunie 2015. Acest medicament se eliberează pe
bază de prescripție medicală (P6L). Înainte de prescriere vă rugăm consultați Rezumatul Caracteristicilor Produsului, disponibil la cerere. Acest material promoțional este destinat profesioniștilor din
domeniul sănătății.

▼ Acest medicament face obiectul unei monitorizări suplimentare. Acest lucru va permite identificarea rapidă de noi informaţii referitoare la siguranţă. Profesioniştii din domeniul sănătăţii sunt rugaţi să
raporteze orice reacţii adverse suspectate la adresa de email:

Pentru informaţii suplimentare vă rugăm să contactaţi: IWH Rouge SRL, Admax Center, Office nr 2, 3-th floor, Pipera-Tunari Street no 1/I,Voluntari, Postal code: 077190, Romania
Tel: + 4 031 631 09 90; E-mail:,,

Administrare 91 de zile
84 comprimate filmate roz

levonorgestrel/etinilestradiol 150/30 µg, comprimate filmate

etinilestradiol 10 µg, comprimate filmate 7 comprimate filmate albe
Publicație creditată cu

10 EMC
pentru medici și

pentru moașe,
asistenți maternali și
asistenți medicali

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*Plată online prin platforma
Journal for continuing medical education

High-risk pregnancy –
diagnosis and treatment
Our journal last edition of this year Furthermore, we present the rare
focuses on a series of papers regarding case of a 34-year-old woman with an
high-risk pregnancies and their mana- ova­r ­ian ectopic pregnancy, with emp-
gement. The first article brings forward a hasis on the successful treatment using Prof. dr. Radu
less discussed domain, the vitamin A de- minimally invasive surgery, leading to a Vlădăreanu
ficiency in pregnancy, which is the main quick recovery. Editor-in-chief
cause for child morbidity and mortality in The first articles of the gynecology
the developing world. As a conclusion, vi- section present a systematic review and
tamin A supplementation is necessary in meta-analysis of the advantages and
all pregnancies from endemic countries, disadvantages of abdominal and lapa-
keeping in mind a maximum limit of roscopic approaches for sacrocolpopexy,
10,000 UI/day, because hypervitaminosis finally stating that both methods resul-
can also cause congenital malformations. ted in similar clinical outcomes, but with
The next paper addresses ultrasound less possible complications, and shorter
findings in hypothyroidism, which pro- hospital stays and recovery for the lapa-
ves to be an efficient and cost-effective roscopic approach.
method of diagnosis, with the sole pur- The field of malignant tumors is
pose of reducing the negative effects in addressed in a case report and litera-
pregnancies. ture review regarding sex cord-stromal
A remarkable progress has been made tumors of the ovary. Given the rarity of
in the neonatal recovery of premature this disease worldwide, it is important to
babies born between 24 and 32 weeks of raise awareness amongst medical staff
pregnancy. Cardiotocography (CTG) is and educate patients to seek medical at-
an useful external tool for assessing the tention early.
well-being of babies, when interpreted As this year comes to an end, the
by an experienced observer. The article entire editorial team wishes all readers
presents a literature review on cardiovas- and collaborators Merry Christmas and
cular and neurological development in a Happy New Year!
order to better understand and interpret
CTGs, leading, where possible, to the pro-
longation of pregnancies.
Moving on, preeclampsia – one of the
most frequent pathologies complicating
pregnancy – is observed from the point of
view of the new discoveries made in the
diagnosis and possible targets of treat-
ment: PIGF and sFlt-1 markers. The next
Reclamă GIN(26)2001

review of literature focuses on gestational

and preexisting diabetes treatment using
metformin, concluding that it is an effec-
tive and well-tolerated treatment, but
also that there is a need for more studies
on the long-term fetal effects.
content Year VII • No. 26 (4) December 2019


9 Vitamin A in pregnancy
Professor Radu VLĂDĂREANU
Mihaela Boţ, Mădălina Georgeta Sighencea, Andreea Borislavschi, Professor Daniel MUREȘAN
Mona Zvâncă, Răzvan Petca, Ana-Maria Plopan, Adriana Tecuci, Aida Petca EDITORIAL BOARD

15 Ultrasound findings of hypothyroidism during pregnancy Professor Victoria ARAMĂ; Dr. Diana BADIU;
Assoc. Professor Costin BERCEANU; Professor Camil BOHÎLŢEA;
Professor Elvira BRĂTILĂ; Professor Monica CÎRSTOIU;
Florina-Paula Păuleţ, Alexandru Baroș, Crenguţa Șerboiu, Monica Cîrstoiu Assoc. Professor Camelia DIACONU;

20 Antenatal electronic fetal heart monitoring for extremely Assoc. Professor Alexandru FILIPESCU;
Assis. Professor Sorin HOȘTIUC; Professor Crîngu-Antoniu IONESCU;
Professor Claudia MEHEDINŢU; Professor Marius MOGA;
and very preterm newborns Assoc. Professor Dan NĂVOLAN; Professor Liana PLEȘ;
Ali Saphia, A. Filipescu, Anca A. Simionescu Professor Cătălina POIANĂ; Lecturer Ana M.A. STĂNESCU;
Professor Simona VLĂDĂREANU; Professor Gabriela ZAHARIE

24 Current opinions on PlGF and sFlt-1 as reliable markers MIDWIVES AND NURSES SECTION COORDINATOR:
Licensed Midwife Daniela STAN
for preeclampsia (Vice-president of OAMGMAMR, Bucharest subsidiary)
Alexandra Bouariu, Mihaela Popescu, George Iancu, Radu Botezatu, Nurse responsible for general care Carmen MAZILU
Nicolae Gică, Gheorghe Peltecu, Anca Maria Panaitescu (President of OAMGMAMR, Bucharest subsidiary)
Nurse responsible for general care Anghelușa LUPU
28 Gestational diabetes and pre-existing diabetes – an approach (Vice-president of OAMGMAMR, Bucharest subsidiary)
Licensed assistant chief Anca MAREȘ
from the metformin perspective (Vice-president of OAMGMAMR, Bucharest subsidiary)
Nurse responsible for general care Corina GAGIU
Ana Maria Alexandra Stănescu, Ioana Veronica Grăjdeanu, (OAMGMAMR secretary, Bucharest subsidiary)
Professor Gianni MONNI (Cagliari, Italy)
32 Early diagnosis of ovarian pregnancy – a case report Professor Frank CHERVENAK (NY, USA)
Professor Valentin FRIPTU (Chișinău, Republic of Moldova)
Aida Petca, Cristina Oprescu, Florica Șandru, Răzvan-Cosmin Petca, Professor Liliana VOTO (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Professor Ivica ZALUD (Honolulu, USA)
Mihai Cristian Dumitrașcu, Mihaela Boţ, Nicoleta Măru Professor Aris ANTSAKLIS (Athens, Greece)
Professor Eberhard MERZ (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
36 Sacrocolpopexy – advantages and disadvantages of abdominal Florentin CRISTIAN
and laparoscopic approaches. A systematic review and meta-analysis Radu LEONTE
Mihai Cristian Dumitrașcu, Răzvan Fodoroiu, Cătălin George Nenciu, Florica
Şandru, Aida Petca, Răzvan Petca, Monica Mihaela Cîrstoiu
40 Sex cord-stromal tumors of the ovary: granulosa-stromal cell tumors.
Case report and literature review
Laura Mustaţă, Gheorghe Peltecu, Raluca Chirculescu, Anca Maria Panaitescu,
Nicolae Gică, Radu Botezatu, Ruxandra Gabriela Cigaran, Corina Gică, CEO
44 Uropathogenic Escherichia coli and the related virulence factors George PAVEL
Benyamin Salmani Pour Noghlbari, Mahsa Mozaffari Lavinia SIMION
Alina ROȘU

50 December 2019 – February 2020 Calendar

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Reclamă GIN(26)2002

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ISSN 2344-2301
e-ISSN 2457-3566
ISSN-L 2344-2301
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aparţine în întregime autorilor. Persoanele intervievate
răspund de conţinutul declaraţiilor lor, iar utilizatorii
spaţiului publicitar, de informaţiile incluse în machete.
obstetrics ginecologia

Vitamin A in pregnancy
Abstract Rezumat Mihaela Boţ1,2,
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which does not only Vitamina A face parte din categoria vitaminelor liposolubile Georgeta
perform a lot of systemic functions, but also plays an care, pe lângă funcțiile exercitate la nivel sistemic, joacă un
important role in organogenesis. There are three active rol important în cadrul organogenezei. Vitamina A se prezintă Sighencea2,
forms of vitamin A: retinol, retinal and retinoic acid. sub trei forme active: retinol, retinal și acid retinoic. Deficitul Andreea
Vitamin A deficiency is the main preventable cause of de vitamină A este nu numai principala cauză prevenibilă de Borislavschi2,
blindness worldwide and the primary cause of childhood orbire la nivel mondial, dar și un factor etiopatogenic esențial Mona Zvâncă1,2,
morbidity and mortality in the developing world. Maternal în ceea ce privește morbiditatea și mortalitatea infantilă în Răzvan Petca1,3,
vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy is associated with țările în curs de dezvoltare. Deficitul matern de vitamină A în
high rates of maternal and infant mortality and with a timpul sarcinii se asociază cu rate mari ale mortalității materne Ana-Maria
significant risk of premature birth, miscarriage or fetal și infantile, dar și cu un risc semnificativ de naștere prematură, Plopan2,
death. Both deficiency and hypervitaminosis A during avort sau moarte fetală. Atât deficitul, cât și hipervitaminoza Adriana Tecuci1,2,
pregnancy are associated with congenital malformations, A pe parcursul sarcinii sunt asociate cu apariția malformațiilor Aida Petca1,2
but the teratogenic effect was described only for a daily congenitale, însă efectul teratogen este descris doar în cazul 1. “Carol Davila” University
intake of more than 10,000 IU of preformed vitamin A unui aport zilnic de peste 10.000 UI de vitamină A preformată of Medicine and Pharmacy,
supplements. In conclusion, vitamin A supplementation is provenind din suplimente. În concluzie, suplimentarea cu Bucharest, Romania
recommended only for pregnant women from areas with vitamină A este recomandată doar în cazul femeilor gravide 2. Obstetrics, Gynecology
endemic avitaminosis A, in order to prevent nyctalopia. din zone cu deficit endemic de vitamină A, cu scopul prevenției and Neonatology
Keywords: retinol, retinoic acid, congenital nictalopiei. “Elias” University Emergency
malformations, vitamin A deficiency, teratogenesis, Cuvinte-cheie: retinol, acid retinoic, malformații congenitale, Hospital,
Bucharest, Romania
hypervitaminosis deficit de vitamină A, teratogeneză, hipervitaminoză
3. “Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele”
Clinical Hospital,
Bucharest, Romania
Submission date:
28.09.2019 Vitamina A în sarcină Corresponding author:
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Boţ M, Sighencea MG, Borislavschi A, Zvâncă M, Petca R, Plopan AM, Tecuci A, Petca A. Vitamin A in pregnancy.
12.10.2019 Mihaela Boț 2019;26(4):9-12. E-mail:

Introduction The need of vitamin A is increased during pregnancy

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient and a fat-soluble because of its essential role in supporting the maternal
vitamin which performs a lot of systemic functions. Ad- metabolism and the fetal development. The recommended
equate vitamin A is required for erythrocyte production, daily dose in pregnant women is 770 μg/dL(5). Among popu-
tissue differentiation, normal development of bones and lations with a low prevalence of vitamin A deficiency, it is
teeth, immune competence, reproduction, proper gastro- considered that the hepatic stores are sufficient to ensure
intestinal activity and vision. It also has an important the daily requirement of this nutrient(5). On the other hand,
role during the embryonic development, being involved in case of an endemic vitamin A deficiency, it is recom-
in organogenesis(1-4). mended daily or weekly supplementation, in order to pre-
There are two forms of vitamin A: preformed vitamin vent nyctalopia(8).
A (retinol) and provitamin A (carotenoids), but the three Avitaminosis A is a severe public health problem in
active forms are: retinol, retinal and retinoic acid(3). While many geographical regions, being considered the main
the retinoic acid is responsible for growth and develop- preventable cause of blindness(1). It is estimated that vi-
ment, the retinol and retinal forms of vitamin A play an tamin A deficiency leads to blindness in 250-500 million
essential role in maintaining the reproductive functions children worldwide, half of these children dying within
and the normal vision(4). a year of vision loss(7). It is also a predisposing factor for
Carotenoids may be converted to vitamin A in the multiple comorbidities, such as: respiratory diseases,
liver, where they will be ultimately stored(5). While meas­les, diarrhea, anemia, convulsive cough, thyroid
preformed vitamin A comes from animal sources from dysfunction, some dermatological lesions, and moder-
the diet (liver, milk, eggs, cheese), the carotenoids ate-severe forms of malnutrition in children(1,9,3). Thus,
intake is based on plant sources, consisting of fruits vitamin A deficiency is the primary cause of childhood
and vegetables (spinach, carrots, pumpkins, sweet morbidity and mortality in the developing world, espe-
potatoes)(2,3,6,7). Taking into account that there is a cially in Africa and Southeast Asia(7).
reduced absorption of vitamin A coming from plant Maternal vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy is as-
sources, it is quite useful the consumption of animal sociated with high rates of maternal and infant mortality
food products, in order to maintain an adequate level and with a significant risk of miscarriage, fetal death or
of vitamin A(5). premature birth(9,10-12). In addition, both deficiency and

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


exposure to high doses of vitamin A during pregnancy of iron metabolism, and the increase of circulating level of
(over 10,000 IU/day) are related to many fetal congenital erythropoietin(9).
malformations(3,10,12,15). Ensuring an adequate and balanced More than half of pregnant women with vitamin A defi-
diet in pregnancy has an essential role in the prevention ciency have nyctalopia, with a higher prevalence during the
of avitaminosis A, since the toxicity of vitamin A is often third trimester of pregnancy, because of the acceleration of
described in case of dietary supplements intake, especially fetal growth(3,20). Nyctalopia is one of the first clinical mani-
for those with preformed vitamin A(5). festations of vitamin A deficiency, along with conjunctival
xerosis and Bitot spots (keratin debris in the conjunctiva),
Vitamin A deficiency in pregnancy subsequently leading, in case of a severe and prolonged vi-
The vitamin A deficiency in pregnancy is an important tamin A deficiency, to corneal scars, keratomalacia (drying
problem in public health system from developing countries, and clouding of the cornea with ulceration) and permanent
affecting around 19 million pregnant women worldwide, blindness. Another specific ocular manifestation owing
while other studies have shown an estimated 15% of preg- to avitaminosis A is xerophthalmia (dry eyes and failure
nant women in low-income countries(1,11,14,15). Vitamin A to produce tears)(2,3,21,22). Taking into account that half of
deficiency can result in malnutrition and inflammation, children with blindness due to vitamin A deficiency are
affecting growth, development and functional outcomes. dying within one year from the occurrence of blindness,
It has an essential role for the maintenance of vertebral promoting vitamin A supplementation in endemic deficit
identity, the prevention of malformations and for the de- areas is an important public health method which reduces
velopment of skeletal elements during embryogenesis(4). the infant mortality(13,23,24).
It is associated with numerous factors, such as: low educa- Vitamin A deficiency is a major cause of childhood mor-
tional and socioeconomic status, unhealthy lifestyle during bidity and mortality, being associated with severe immu-
pregnancy consisting in smoking and alcohol consump- nodepression, which predisposes to a high incidence of
tion, as well as an advanced gestational age. Also, vita- respiratory infections and other infectious diseases, such
min A deficiency is still considered the main preventable as diarrhea and measles(3,16). In children with avitaminosis
cause of night blindness, 8% of pregnant women having A, measles is a predisposing factor for conjunctival and cor-
vitamin A deficiency high enough to lead to this ocular neal affliction, this being associated with higher mortality
consequence(1,14). rate compared with cases of measles among children with
The avitaminosis A is owing to an inadequate intake of normal vitamin A status(3,25,26). Neonatal vitamin A sup-
preformed vitamin A from animal food sources or carot- plementation increases the resistance at infections, reduces
enoids from fruits and vegetables(3). Subclinical vitamin A the incidence and severity of measles, with a significant
deficiency is defined by serum retinol concentrations below impact on cases of neonatal diarrhea, which are responsible
0.70 μmol/L (20 μg/dL), while severe defiency is character- for about 30% of neonatal deaths(3,15).
ized by plasma retinol concentrations below 0.35 μmol/L Some studies showed that vitamin A deficiency in
(10 μg/dL)(3,4,9,14,16). mothers with HIV infection is associated with a 3-4-fold
Some studies have shown that the serum level of retinol increased rate of mother-to-child transmission(3,16,27). How-
can be used as a predictive factor for preeclampsia, being ever, other studies including pregnant women and women
reported low concentrations of plasma retinol in pregnant during breastfeeding have not shown significant benefits
women with preeclampsia and eclampsia. However, the role of vitamin A supplementation on the rate of transmission
of vitamin A in the etiopathology of pregnancy-induced of HIV infection from mother to child(3,28).
hypertension is not completely known(9). Although there A study which included 138 children with combined io-
are some studies which have been found that vitamin A dine and vitamin A deficiency has demonstrated increased
and other antioxidants supplementation in pregnancy led thyroid hormone and TSH concentrations, as well as an
to a reduction in absolute risk for preeclampsia with 3%, increased risk of goiter, related to the severity of vitamin
these results were statistically insignificant(17). A deficiency(3,29). Even without supplementation of iodine
Maternal deficiency of vitamin A during pregnancy is deficiency, vitamin A administration led to reduced TSH
associated with high rates of maternal and infant mortal- and thyreoglobulin concentrations, as well as a decrease in
ity in the first year of life(11). Also, subclinical deficiency of thyroid gland volume(3,30).
vitamin A in the third trimester of pregnancy increases the It has been shown that vitamin A deficiency in preg-
risk of preterm birth and maternal anemia(9). Thus, there is nant women interacts with iron deficiency, which is an-
recommended the vitamin A supplementation in pregnant other major micronutrient. This can be explained not
women with a low socioeconomic status, avitaminosis A only by the role of vitamin A in supporting the mobiliza-
being associated not only with an 1.8-fold increased risk tion and the transport of iron, but also by its importance
of maternal anemia(4,9,18), but also with a low level of serum in hematopoiesis, a process requiring large amounts of
hemoglobin concentration in newborns(9). Some studies iron. In addition, it was found that simultaneous use
have found that the supplementation with β-carotene or of vitamin A and iron supplements is more effective in
any form of vitamin A during pregnancy reduces the risk preventing the iron deficiency anemia than the use of
of anemia (Hb<11 g/dL) by 19%(19). The mechanisms of either of these nutrients alone(4).
anemia occurrence are related to some of the effects of Vitamin A deficiency is also associated with other condi-
vitamin A, including: anti-infectious role, the modulation tions, including follicular hyperkeratosis, characterized by

10 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


excessive keratin synthesis in the hair follicles, with initial defects. In addition, it has a very long half-life of 120
localization at the extremities, but with the possibility of days and accumulates in the body, through storage espe-
generalization(3,31,32). cially in the adipose tissue. This explains the persistence
Another symptom of vitamin A deficiency is bron- of teratogenic risk in pregnant women over a long period
chopulmonary dysplasia, which is a form of chronic disease of time after cessation of exposure to this substance(37).
with an unfavorable prognosis, occurring in approximately In addition to teratogenic risk, exposure to high doses
one third of preterm infants less than 28 weeks of gesta- of vitamin A (25,000-33,000 IU/day) for long periods may
tion. It has been shown that intramuscular administration cause symptoms related to chronic toxicity, characterized
of 5000 IU of vitamin A three times per week during four by headache, anorexia, weight loss, pruritus, bone and joint
weeks in preterm infants has been associated with a signifi- pain, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, hemorrhage or even
cant reduction in the risk of developing bronchopulmonary coma(3).
Animal studies have shown that severe vitamin A de- Recommendations regarding vitamin A
ficiency in pregnancy induces abortion, fetal death and supplementation during pregnancy
fetal birth defects, mostly consisting in microphthalmia, Vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy is not
anophthalmia and abnormalities of the lung, cardiac and routinely recommended in order to prevent maternal
urogenital systems. There have also been reported facial, and infant morbidity and mortality(38). World Health
renal and diaphragmatic malformations, along with severe Organization recommends vitamin A supplementation
enamel and dentin dysplasia. Other animal studies have only for pregnant women from areas where avitaminosis
been found a relationship between the maternal vitamin A is a severe public health problem, in order to prevent
A deficiency and the occurrence of ocular defects, such as: nyctalopia(8). The reason is represented by the severe
coloboma, penetration of the retina by mesodermal tissue, outcomes of night blindness, which was associated with
retinal eversion, defects in the iris and low insertion of the a significantly increased risk of both postpartum and
optic stalk(34). Subsequently, human studies have also dem- pregnancy-related mortality, and also with a five-fold
onstrated a direct relationship between maternal vitamin increased risk in infection-related causes(39).
A deficiency during pregnancy and the development of Vitamin A supplementation of deficient populations
congenital ocular defects(4,10,12,16). is also important in the prevention of anemia, being
found that the use of supplements for a period longer
Hypervitaminosis A in pregnancy than two weeks raises the hemoglobin concentrations
and teratogenesis by 0.2-1 g/dL(19).
Although vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy In pregnant women with suspected low vitamin A
can have many benefits, it has been shown that a daily status, it can also be prescribed a well-balanced diet
intake of more than 10,000 IU of preformed vitamin A rich in β-carotene-containing vegetables(16). Also, stud-
derived from supplements is associated with the occurrence ies performed on Indonesian women have showed that
of congenital defects in 1 of 57 children. The teratogenic large-scale oil fortification with vitamin A improved
risk is correlated with the intake of high doses of vitamin the vitamin A status of people living in poverty, being
A before the 17th week of gestation. In addition, the con- a cost-effective way to reduce vitamin A deficiency and
genital defects were mainly observed in the tissues derived its severe consequences(40).
from neural crest cells. There were described congenital Vitamin A deficiency is considered a severe public
malformations such as transposition of the great vessels, health issue if at least 20% of pregnant women in the
ventricular septal defect, multiple cardiac defects, hydro- population have serum retinol levels below 0.7 μmol/L,
cephalus, craniosynostosis, and cleft lip(13,16). or at least 5% of women have a history of nyctalopia
For a daily intake of less than 10,000 IU of preformed during a pregnancy which has occurred in the last 3-5
vitamin A supplements there was no risk of congenital mal- years(8).
formations, and β-carotene was also related with no risk The main forms of vitamin A found in dietary supple-
of teratogenic effects. However, isotretinoin – a synthetic ments are retinyl acetate and retinyl palmitate, but reti-
derivative of retinol – is contraindicated during pregnancy, noids (retinol, retinal and retinoic acid) or carotenoids
leading to a large number of major congenital defects(3,35,36). (most commonly β-carotene) can also be found(5). The
It was found that 20% of fetuses who were exposed to recommended vitamin A doses can be up to 10,000 IU/day
isotretinoin during pregnancy had craniofacial, cardiac, or up to a maximum dose of 25,000 IU/week(38,41).
thymic and central nervous system malformations. While The recommended daily dose in pregnant women is
there were observed cranial malformations such as micro- 770 μg/dL(5). The Teratology Society of United States
cephaly, hydrocephaly, micro- and macro-cerebellar dys- of America recommends that the daily total intake of
genesis, the craniofacial anomalies included facial asym- vitamin A should not exceed 8000 IU/day(16).
metry, cleft palate, micrognathism, stenosis or atrophy of The administration of more than 25,000 IU of sin-
the external auditory canal and other malformations of gle-dose vitamin A supplements between the 15th and
the external ear(36,37). the 60th day post-conception has a teratogenic effect.
Another synthetic derivative of vitamin A is etreti- In addition, this kind of administration is considered
nate, which can cause cardiac, thymic or limb congenital insecure, not being recommended(2,8,41).

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


The main goal during pregnancy is to ensure a healthy anemia, respiratory disease, measles, diarrhea, thyroid
and balanced diet for the pregnant woman, considering dysfunction and hyperkeratosis.
that dietary supplementation, along with the weight It has been shown that the daily intake of more than
gain during pregnancy and the mother’s preconception 10,000 IU of preformed vitamin A supplements before the
nutritional status are highly associated with the cranial 17th week of gestation has teratogenic effect, being associ-
circumference, the weight and the length at birth(42). So, ated with the occurrence of congenital malformations such
the vitamin A supplementation is not a mandatory meas- as: transposition of the great vessels, ventricular septal
ure. Moreover, if the daily intake of vitamin A exceeds defect, multiple cardiac defects, hydrocephalus, cranio-
8000 IU, it is no longer recommended the administration synostosis and cleft lip. The teratogenic risk has not been
of additional doses(2,8,41). described for β-carotene or for doses of vitamin A lower
than 10,000 IU/day.
Conclusions Considering this toxicity, vitamin A supplementation is
Vitamin A plays an essential role in embryonic develop- not routinely recommended, although it plays an important
ment, the maternal deficiency of this micronutrient during role in reducing maternal and infant morbidity and mortal-
pregnancy being associated with the occurrence of ocular ity. World Health Organization recommends supplementa-
congenital malformations, abortion or fetal death. tion only for pregnant women from areas with endemic vita-
The vitamin A deficiency has a higher prevalence min A deficiency, in order to prevent nyctalopia. Therefore,
in the third trimester of pregnancy among pregnant the healthy and balanced diet of the pregnant women is the
women with low educational and socioeconomic status main method of preventing avitaminosis A in pregnancy. n
and an unhealthy lifestyle, this being considered one
of the most preventable causes of blindness worldwide. Conflicts of interests: The authors declare no con-
Other comorbidities associated with avitaminosis A are: flict of interests.

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12 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)

9-VALENT [Vaccin 9-valent
Papilomavirus Uman, Recombinant]


Acest medicament se eliberează pe bază de prescripție medicală PRF

Pentru informații detaliate referitoare la produs, vă rugăm consultați Rezumatul caracteristicilor produsului Gardasil 9.
Acest medicament face obiectul unei monitorizări suplimentare. Acest lucru va permite identificarea rapidă de noi informații referitoare la siguranță. Profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății sunt rugați să raporteze orice reacții
adverse suspectate. DENUMIREA COMERCIALĂ A MEDICAMENTULUI Gardasil 9 suspensie injectabilă. Gardasil 9 suspensie injectabilă în seringă preumplută. Vaccin papilomavirus uman 9‑valent (Recombinant, adsorbit)
COMPOZIȚIA CALITATIVĂ ȘI CANTITATIVĂ 1 doză (0,5 ml) conține aproximativ: Papilomavirus uman1 tip 6, proteina L12,3 30 micrograme; Papilomavirus uman1 tip 11, proteina L12,3 40 micrograme; Papilomavirus uman1
tip 16, proteina L12,3 60 micrograme; Papilomavirus uman1 tip 18, proteina L12,3 40 micrograme; Papilomavirus uman1 tip 31, proteina L12,3 20 micrograme; Papilomavirus uman1 tip 33, proteina L12,3 20 micrograme;
Papilomavirus uman1 tip 45, proteina L12,3 20 micrograme; Papilomavirus uman1 tip 52, proteina L12,3 20 micrograme; Papilomavirus uman1 tip 58, proteina L12,3 20 micrograme [1Papilomavirus uman = HPV; 2proteina L1,
sub formă de particule asemănătoare virusului, produsă pe celule de drojdie (Saccharomyces cerevisiae CANADE 3C‑5 (tulpina 1895)) prin tehnologie ADN recombinant;3adsorbit pe sulfat hidroxifosfat amorf de aluminiu cu
rol de adjuvant (0,5 miligrame Al)]. Lista excipienților Clorură de sodiu. L‑histidină, Polisorbat 80, Borat de sodiu, Apă pentru preparate injectabile. FORMA FARMACEUTICĂ Suspensie injectabilă. Suspensie injectabilă
în seringă preumplută. Lichid limpede, cu un precipitat alb. Indicații terapeutice Gardasil 9 este indicat pentru imunizarea activă a persoanelor începând cu vârsta de 9 ani împotriva următoarelor afecțiuni cauzate de
HPV: leziuni premaligne și neoplasme care afectează cervixul, vulva, vaginul și anusul cauzate de tipurile HPV din compoziția vaccinului; veruci genitale (Condyloma acuminata) determinate de tipuri specifice de HPV.
Gardasil 9 trebuie utilizat în conformitate cu recomandările oficiale. Natura și conținutul ambalajului Gardasil 9 suspensie injectabilă: 0,5 ml suspensie într‑un flacon (sticlă) cu dop (halobutil) și un capac din plastic
detașabil (peste banda circulară din aluminiu) în ambalaj cu 1 doză. Gardasil 9 suspensie injectabilă în seringă preumplută: 0,5 ml suspensie în seringă preumplută (sticlă) cu piston (cauciuc bromobutilic cu înveliș din
FluroTec siliconat) și un capac (amestec sintetic izopren‑bromobutil), în mărimi de ambalaj de 1 sau 10 doze cu ace sau într‑o mărime de ambalaj de 10 doze fără ace. Este posibil ca nu toate mărimile de ambalaj să fie
comercializate. Doze și mod de administrare Persoane cu vârsta de 9 până la 14 ani inclusiv, la momentul primei injectări Gardasil 9 poate fi administrat conform unei scheme cu 2 doze (0, 6 – 12 luni). A doua doză trebuie
administrată într‑un interval de 5 până la 13 luni după prima doză. Dacă a doua doză de vaccin este administrată mai devreme de 5 luni după prima doză, trebuie administrată întotdeauna o a treia doză. Gardasil 9 poate
fi administrat conform unei scheme cu 3 doze (0, 2, 6 luni). A doua doză trebuie administrată la cel puțin o lună după prima doză și cea de‑a treia doză trebuie administrată la cel puțin 3 luni după cea de‑a doua doză. Toate
cele trei doze trebuie administrate în decursul unei perioade de 1 an. Persoane cu vârsta de 15 ani și peste, la momentul primei injectări Gardasil 9 trebuie administrat conform unei scheme cu 3 doze (0, 2, 6 luni). A doua doză
trebuie administrată la cel puțin o lună după prima doză și cea de‑a treia doză trebuie administrată la cel puțin 3 luni după cea de‑a doua doză. Toate cele trei doze trebuie administrate în decursul unei perioade de 1 an. Se
recomandă ca persoanele cărora li se administrează o primă doză de Gardasil 9 să completeze schema de vaccinare tot cu Gardasil 9. Nu s‑a stabilit necesitatea unei doze de rapel. Pentru Gardasil 9 nu s‑au efectuat studii
care să utilizeze o schemă mixtă (interșanjabilitate) de administrare a vaccinurilor HPV. Subiecților vaccinați anterior cu o schemă cu 3 doze de vaccin HPV tetravalent care include tipurile 6, 11, 16 și 18 (Gardasil), denumit
în continuare vaccinul HPV‑4, li se pot administra 3 doze de Gardasil 9. Vaccinul HPV‑4 a fost cunoscut, de asemenea, în unele țări, sub denumirea de Silgard. Copii și adolescenți (copii cu vârsta < 9 ani) Siguranța și
eficacitatea Gardasil 9 la copii cu vârsta sub 9 ani nu au fost stabilite. Nu sunt disponibile date. Femei cu vârsta ≥ 27 ani Siguranța și eficacitatea Gardasil 9 la femei cu vârsta de 27 ani și peste nu au fost. Mod de administrare
Vaccinul trebuie administrat prin injectare intramusculară. Locul de injectare preferat este în regiunea deltoidă a brațului sau în regiunea antero‑laterală superioară a coapsei. Gardasil 9 nu trebuie injectat intravascular,
subcutanat sau intradermic. Vaccinul nu trebuie amestecat în aceeași seringă cu niciun alt vaccin și soluție. Contraindicații Hipersensibilitate la substanțele active sau la oricare dintre excipienți. La persoanele care prezintă
hipersensibilitate după administrarea anterioară de Gardasil 9 sau Gardasil/Silgard nu trebuie să se administreze ulterior Gardasil 9. Atenționări și precauții speciale pentru utilizare Decizia de a vaccina o persoană
trebuie să ia în considerare riscul de expunere anterioară la HPV și potențialul de a avea beneficii ca urmare a vaccinării. Similar tuturor vaccinurilor injectabile, tratamentul și supravegherea medicală adecvate trebuie să fie
întotdeauna imediat disponibile, pentru eventualitatea apariției de reacții anafilactice rare după administrarea vaccinului. Sincopa (leșinul), uneori însoțită de cădere, poate să apară după sau chiar înaintea oricărei
vaccinări, în special la adolescenți, ca un răspuns psihogen la acul de seringă. Aceasta poate fi însoțită de mai multe semne neurologice cum sunt tulburări de vedere tranzitorii, parestezii și mișcări tonico‑clonice ale
membrelor în timpul recuperării. Prin urmare, persoanele vaccinate trebuie monitorizate pe o perioadă de aproximativ 15 minute după administrarea vaccinului. Este important să fie funcționale proceduri pentru a preveni
rănirea ca urmare a leșinului. Vaccinarea trebuie amânată la persoanele diagnosticate cu o boală febrilă acută severă. Cu toate acestea, prezența unei infecții minore, cum este o infecție ușoară a tractului respirator superior
sau febra cu valori mici, nu reprezintă o contraindicație pentru imunizare. Ca în cazul oricărui vaccin, este posibil ca vaccinarea cu Gardasil 9 să nu asigure protecția tuturor persoanelor vaccinate. Vaccinul asigură protecție
numai împotriva afecțiunilor determinate de tipurile HPV din componența vaccinului. De aceea, trebuie continuate măsurile de precauție adecvate împotriva bolilor cu transmitere sexuală. Vaccinul este destinat doar
pentru utilizare profilactică și nu prezintă niciun efect asupra infecțiilor cu HPV active sau bolii clinice instalate. Nu s‑a demonstrat că vaccinul are un efect terapeutic. De aceea, vaccinul nu este indicat pentru tratamentul
neoplasmului cervical, vulvar, vaginal și anal, al leziunilor displazice cervicale, vulvare, vaginale și anale de grad înalt sau al verucilor genitale. De asemenea, el nu este indicat pentru prevenirea progresiei altor leziuni deja
instalate determinate de HPV. Gardasil 9 nu previne leziunile determinate de unul dintre tipurile de HPV prezente în vaccin la persoanele infectate cu acel tip de HPV la momentul vaccinării. Vaccinarea nu este un substitut
pentru examenul medical cervical periodic, de rutină. Deoarece niciun vaccin nu este 100% eficace, iar Gardasil 9 nu asigură protecție împotriva tuturor tipurilor de HPV sau împotriva infecțiilor cu HPV existente la momentul
vaccinării, examenul medical cervical periodic de rutină este extrem de important și trebuie urmate recomandările locale. Nu există date disponibile privind utilizarea Gardasil 9 la persoanele cu răspuns imun insuficient.
Siguranța și imunogenitatea vaccinului HPV‑4 au fost evaluate la persoanele cu vârsta de 7 până la 12 ani, cunoscute a fi infectate cu Virusul Imunodeficienței Umane (HIV). Este posibil ca persoanele cu răspuns imun
insuficient să nu prezinte răspuns la vaccin, din cauza utilizării unei terapii imunosupresoare puternice, a unui defect genetic, a infecției cu Virusul Imunodeficienței Umane (HIV) sau din alte cauze. Acest vaccin trebuie
administrat cu precauție la persoanele cu trombocitopenie sau cu orice tip de tulburări de coagulare, deoarece la aceste persoane pot apărea sângerări după administrarea intramusculară. Studii de monitorizare pe termen
lung sunt în curs de desfășurare în prezent, pentru a determina durata perioadei de protecție. Nu sunt disponibile date de siguranță, imunogenitate sau eficacitate pentru a susține interșanjabilitatea Gardasil 9 cu vaccinuri
HPV bivalente sau tetravalente. Interacțiuni cu alte medicamente și alte forme de interacțiune Siguranța și imunogenitatea la persoane la care s‑a administrat imunoglobulină sau produse derivate de sânge în
decurs de 3 luni înainte de vaccinare nu au fost investigate în studii clinice. Utilizare concomitentă cu alte vaccinuri Gardasil 9 poate fi administrat concomitent cu o doză rapel de vaccin combinat difteric (d) și tetanic (T) cu
pertussis [componentă acelulară] (pa) și/sau poliomielitic [inactivat] (VPI) (vaccinuri dTpa, dT‑VPI, dTpa‑VPI), fără vreo interferență semnificativă cu răspunsul imun prin formare de anticorpi la oricare dintre componentele
vreunui vaccin. Această observație se bazează pe rezultatele dintr‑un studiu clinic în care un vaccin combinat dTpa‑VPI a fost administrat concomitent cu prima doză de Gardasil 9. Utilizare concomitentă cu contraceptive
hormonale În studiile clinice, 60,2% dintre adolescentele și femeile cu vârsta de 16 până la 26 ani cărora li s‑a administrat Gardasil 9 utilizau contraceptive hormonale în timpul perioadei de vaccinare. Utilizarea
contraceptivelor hormonale nu a părut să influențeze răspunsurile imune specifice în funcție de tip la Gardasil 9. Fertilitatea, sarcina și alăptarea Sarcina Conform unui număr mare de date privind femeile gravide (peste
1000 rezultate obținute din sarcini) nu s‑au evidențiat efecte malformative sau efecte toxice feto/neo‑natale ale Gardasil 9. Studiile la animale nu au evidențiat efecte toxice asupra funcției de reproducere. Cu toate acestea,
aceste date sunt considerate insuficiente pentru a recomanda utilizarea Gardasil 9 în timpul sarcinii. Vaccinarea trebuie amânată până la sfârșitul sarcinii. Alăptarea Gardasil 9 poate fi utilizat în timpul alăptării. În cadrul
studiilor, imunogenitatea vaccinului a fost comparabilă între femeile care alăptau și cele care nu alăptau. În plus, profilul reacțiilor adverse la femeile care alăptau a fost comparabil cu cel al femeilor din populația generală
de evaluare a siguranței. Nu s‑au raportat reacții adverse grave legate de vaccin la sugarii alăptați în timpul perioadei de vaccinare. Fertilitatea Nu sunt disponibile date la om privind efectul Gardasil 9 asupra fertilității.
Studiile la animale nu au evidențiat efecte nocive asupra fertilității. Efecte asupra capacității de a conduce vehicule și de a folosi utilaje Gardasil 9 nu are nicio influență sau are influență neglijabilă asupra capacității
de a conduce vehicule sau de a folosi utilaje. Cu toate acestea, unele dintre reacțiile menționate la „Reacții adverse” ar putea afecta temporar capacitatea de a conduce vehicule sau de a folosi utilaje. Reacții adverse Cele
mai fecvente reacții adverse observate la Gardasil 9 in studii clinice au fost reacții adverse la locul de injectare (84,8% dintre persoanele vaccinate, în decurs de 5 zile după oricare dintre administrări) și cefalee (13,2% dintre
persoanele vaccinate, în decurs de 15 zile după oricare dintre administrări). Următoarele reacții adverse au fost raportate spontan în timpul utilizării după punerea pe piață a vaccinului HPV‑4 și ar putea fi observate și în
timpul experienței după punerea pe piață a Gardasil 9. Experiența privind siguranța în timpul utilizării după punerea pe piață a vaccinului HPV‑4 este relevantă pentru Gardasil 9, deoarece vaccinurile conțin proteinele L1 HPV
pentru 4 dintre aceleași tipuri HPV. Deoarece aceste evenimente au fost raportate voluntar, datele provenind dintr‑o populație de dimensiuni necunoscute, nu este posibil să se estimeze în mod sigur frecvența acestora sau
să se stabilească, pentru toate evenimentele, o relație de cauzalitate cu expunerea la vaccin. Infecții și infestări: celulită la locul injectării; tulburări hematologice și limfatice: purpură trombocitopenică idiopatică,
limfadenopatie; tulburări ale sistemului imunitar: reacții de hipersensibilitate incluzând reacții anafilactice/anafilactoide, bronhospasm și urticarie; tulburări ale sistemului nervos: encefalomielită acută diseminată,
sindrom Guillain‑Barré, sincopă însoțită uneori de mișcări tonico‑clonice; tulburări gastro‑intestinale: vărsături; tulburări musculo‑scheletice și ale țesutului conjunctiv: artralgie, mialgie; tulburări generale și la nivelul
locului de administrare: astenie, frisoane, stare generală de rău. Supradozaj: Nu s‑au raportat cazuri de supradozaj. Incompatibilități În absența studiilor de compatibilitate, acest medicament nu trebuie amestecat cu
alte medicamente. Perioada de valabilitate 3 ani. Precauții speciale pentru păstrare Gardasil 9 suspensie injectabilă: A se păstra la frigider (2°C ‑ 8°C). A nu se congela. A se păstra flaconul în cutie pentru a fi protejat
de lumină. Gardasil 9 trebuie administrat cât mai repede posibil după ce a fost scos din frigider. Datele de stabilitate arată stabilitatea componentelor vaccinului timp de 72 ore în cazul păstrării la temperaturi între 8°C și
25°C sau între 0°C și 2°C. După acest interval, Gardasil 9 trebuie utilizat sau aruncat. Aceste date au scopul de a oferi recomandări profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătății numai în cazul variațiilor temporare de temperatură.
Gardasil 9 suspensie injectabilă în seringă preumplută: A se păstra la frigider (2°C ‑ 8°C). A nu se congela. A se păstra seringa preumplută în cutie pentru a fi protejată de lumină. Gardasil 9 trebuie administrat cât mai repede
posibil după ce a fost scos din frigider. Datele de stabilitate arată stabilitatea componentelor vaccinului timp de 72 ore în cazul păstrării la temperaturi între 8°C și 25°C sau între 0°C și 2°C. După acest interval, Gardasil 9
trebuie utilizat sau aruncat. Aceste date au scopul de a oferi recomandări profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătății numai în cazul variațiilor temporare de temperatură. Precauții speciale pentru eliminarea reziduurilor
și alte instrucțiuni de manipulare Gardasil 9 suspensie injectabilă: Înainte de a fi agitat, Gardasil 9 poate avea aspect de lichid limpede cu un precipitat de culoare albă. A se agita bine înainte de utilizare, pentru a forma
o suspensie. După ce este agitată energic, suspensia are aspectul unui lichid alb, tulbure. Înainte de administrare, suspensia trebuie inspectată vizual pentru evidențierea de particule și modificări de culoare. A se arunca
vaccinul dacă prezintă particule și/sau modificări de culoare. Se extrage doza de 0,5 ml de vaccin din flaconul unidoză, utilizând un ac și o seringă sterile. A se injecta imediat intramuscular (i.m.), de preferat în regiunea
deltoidiană a brațului sau în regiunea antero‑laterală superioară a coapsei. Vaccinul trebuie utilizat așa cum este furnizat. Se va utiliza toată doza de vaccin recomandată. Orice vaccin neutilizat sau material rezidual trebuie
eliminat în conformitate cu reglementările locale. Gardasil 9 suspensie injectabilă în seringă preumplută: Înainte de a fi agitat, Gardasil 9 poate avea aspect de lichid limpede cu un precipitat de culoare albă. A se agita bine
seringa preumplută înainte de utilizare, pentru a forma o suspensie. După ce este agitată energic, suspensia are aspectul unui lichid alb, tulbure. Înainte de administrare, suspensia trebuie inspectată vizual pentru
evidențierea de particule și modificări de culoare. A se arunca vaccinul dacă prezintă particule și/sau modificări de culoare. A se alege acul adecvat dimensiunii și greutății pacientului, pentru a asigura administrarea
intramusculară (i.m.). În ambalajele cu ace, sunt furnizate câte două ace cu lungimi diferite, pentru fiecare seringă. A se atașa acul rotindu‑l în direcția acelor de ceasornic, până când acesta se fixează ferm pe seringă. A se
administra întreaga doză conform protocolului standard. A se injecta imediat intramuscular (i.m.), de preferat în regiunea deltoidiană a brațului sau în regiunea antero‑laterală superioară a coapsei. Vaccinul trebuie utilizat
așa cum este furnizat. Se va utiliza toată doza de vaccin recomandată. Orice vaccin neutilizat sau material rezidual trebuie eliminat în conformitate cu reglementările locale.DEȚINĂTORUL AUTORIZAȚIEI DE PUNERE PE
PIAȚĂ MSD VACCINS 162 avenue Jean Jaurès 69007 Lyon Franța NUMĂRUL(ELE) AUTORIZAȚIEI DE PUNERE PE PIAȚĂ EU/1/15/1007/001; EU/1/15/1007/002; EU/1/15/1007/003; EU/1/15/1007/004 DATA PRIMEI
AUTORIZĂRI SAU A REÎNNOIRII AUTORIZAȚIEI Data primei autorizări: 10 iunie 2015 DATA REVIZUIRII TEXTULUI Aprilie 2019 Informații detaliate privind acest medicament sunt disponibile pe site‑ul Agenției Europene
pentru Medicamente Raportarea reacțiilor adverse suspectate Este importantă raportarea reacțiilor adverse suspectate după autorizarea medicamentului. Acest lucru
permite monitorizarea continuă a raportului beneficiu/risc al medicamentului. Profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății sunt rugați să raporteze orice reacție adversă suspectată prin intermediul
Agenției Naționale a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale, Str. Aviator Sănătescu nr. 48, sector 1, București 011478‑ RO, Tel: +4 0757 117 259, Fax: +4 0213 163 497, e‑mail:

Ultrasound findings
of hypothyroidism during
Abstract Rezumat Florina-Paula
Hypothyroidism is the most common gestational en­do­­crine Hipotiroidismul este cea mai frecventă patologie endocrină Alexandru
disease. Globally, the most common cause for hy­po­thy­ care apare în timpul sarcinii. La nivel global, cel mai des
ro­idism is iodine deficiency. Other causes in­clude: genetic în­tâl­nită cauză pentru hipotiroidism este deficitul de iod. Baroș1,2,
va­riations that are responsible for TSH variations, prior Alte cauze in­clud: mutații genetice responsabile de variații Crenguța
thyroidectomy or ablative ra­dio­io­dine therapy, whereas ale TSH-ului, ti­ro­idec­tomie în antecedente sau radioterapia Șerboiu3,4,
secondary (pituitary) and tertiary (hypothalamic) causes ablativă, în timp ce hipotiroidismul secundar și cel terțiar sunt Monica Cîrstoiu1,2
are rare. Most inter­na­tio­nal guidelines suggest targeted rar întâlnite. Majoritatea ghidurilor internaționale sugerează 1. Department of Obstetrics
thyroid testing in pregnant women with risk factors for testarea ti­roidiană țintită a gravidelor care asociază factori de and Gynecology,
thyroid insuf­fi­ciency, such as living in iodine-replete areas. risc, precum cele care trăiesc în zone sărace în iod. Bucharest University
Emergency Hospital
Keywords: hypothyroidism, pregnancy, ultrasound, Cuvinte-cheie: hiotiroidism, sarcină, ecografie,
epidemiology epidemiologie 2. Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology,
“Carol Davila” University
of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Submission date:
1.11.2019 Constatări ultrasonografice ale hipotiroidismului în timpul sarcinii Bucharest
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Păuleț FP, Baroș A, Șerboiu C, Cîrstoiu M. Ultrasound findings of hypothyroidism during pregnancy.
15.11.2019 3. Department of Cellular, 2019;26(4):15-18. Molecular Biology
and Histology,
“Carol Davila” University
of Medicine and Pharmacy,

Introduction the similarities in the chemical structure of TSH and 4. Department of Radiology
and Medical Imaging,
In iodine-replete areas (Figure 1), the prevalence hCG glycoprotein, the high levels of hCG in maternal Bucharest University
of spontaneous hypothyroidism is between 1% and blood during early pregnancy stimulate furthermore Emergency Hospital

2% (about 10 times more common in women than the thyroid gland(3). Disclosure: All authors have
participated equally
in men)(3). The epidemiological data suggest that the Fifty percent of pregnant women are estimated in developing this study.
children of women with low levels of free T4 may to be positive for thyroid autoantibodies, indicating Corresponding author:
have psychoneurological deficits(4) (Table 1). In clas- an underlying chronic autoimmune thyroiditis such Alexandru Baroş
E-mail: alexandrubaros@
sic areas of iodine deficiency, a similar range of defi- as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, TPOAb being the most
cits in children has been described, where maternal sensitive and specific autoantibodies. In these cases,
hypo­t hyroxinaemia rather than high serum TSH was the immunosuppression of the pregnancy results in
the main biochemical abnormality (10). Even in areas a marked decrease in thyroid antibodies titer. In the
previously thought to be iodine sufficient, there is postpartum, however, there is a rapid return to the
now evidence of substantial gestational iodine defi- pre-pregnancy thyroxine and triiodothyronine lev-
ciency, which may lead to low maternal circulating els, with an increase of thyroid antibodies – often
T4 concentrations. In addition to the childhood neu- to a higher titer than the one present in the first
ropsychological problems relating to low T4 values, trimester (2).
there is evidence that maternal TPOAb may result in
intellectual impairment even when there is normal Ultrasound aspects of hypothyroidism
thyroid function(4). The ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland
Ultrasonography as a screening tool has a high sen- does not require prior patient’s preparation; it should
sitivity and will result in findings that are common and be preceded by a clinical consultation of the neck region,
rarely have pathological significance(8). following the symmetry, dimensions of the gland, as well
as the presence of cervical adenopathies.
The thyroid gland during pregnancy The use of ultrasound examination of the thyroid
During pregnancy, the production of T4 and T3 hor- gland refers to the most accurate measurement of the
mones increases by 50%, which leads to an increase of thyroid volume, hence providing the early diagnosis of
50% in the iodine requirement(11). Also, there is a rise diffuse pathologies and the detection and characteriza-
in the levels of TBG, resulting in lower levels of free T4 tion of nodular lesions. Determining the volume of the
and a feedback stimulation of the thyroid gland. Due to thyroid is one of the most common purposes for which

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Figure 1. Iodine-replete
areas. Adapted from
Gizak M, Gorstein
J, Andersson M.
Epidemiology of Iodine
Deficiency. In: Pearce EN
(ed). Iodine Deficiency
Disorders and Their
Elimination. Springer.

it is resorted to thyroid ultrasound, the hypertrophy surgical drainage – spontaneous fistulation to mediasti-
of the thyroid gland being the most common thyroid num is to be avoided during pregnancy.
pathology in our geographical area. In subacute thyroiditis, the ultrasound aspect is ho-
Regarding the diagnosis of diffuse thyroid diseases, mogeneous, hypoecogenic hypertrophy. Under treat-
thyroiditis is in the first place. In acute and subacute ment (corticosteroid), it can evolve with healing – return
thyroiditis, the clinical picture is suggestive of the diag- to the isoecogenic aspect, or persistence of hypoecogenic
nosis, the importance of ultrasound being in monitoring areas that show the continuation of the inflammatory
the evolution of the disease under treatment. process.
In acute thyroiditis, the ultrasound of the gland high- In chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s lymphocytic thy-
lights hypertrophy with multiple hypoechogenic areas, roiditis), the contribution of the ultrasound is major,
imprecisely delimited, which may evolve under treat- especially due to the very poor clinical picture. The ul-
ment to remission or may evolve into abscess, needing trasound aspect is suggestive: diffuse hypertrophy of the

Classification of hypothyroidism during pregnancy (adapted from Stagnaro-Green A, et al.).

Table 1
The universal screening for thyroid disease during pregnancy should be performed
(Best Practice & Research: Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism;
Subtypes of thyroid disease Definition Adverse pregnancy outcomes
n preeclampsia
n gestational hypertension
n fetal death
elevated TSH in combination
1 Overt hypothyroidism n premature delivery
with a decreased fT4
n spontaneous abortions
n recurrent abortions
n cretinism
n preeclampsia
elevated TSH n impaired cognitive development of the
2 Subclinical hypothyroidism
with a normal range of fT4 offspring
n increased risk of perinatal mortality(5)
3 Isolated hypothyroxinemia decreased fT4 with a normal TSH n premature delivery(6)
n subfertility
the presence of one or both anti-thyroid n miscarriage
Thyroid antibody positivity
4 antibodies – TPOAb or TgAb, irrespective n recurrent miscarriage
in euthyroid women
of the thyroid function status n preterm birth
n maternal postpartum thyroiditis

16 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Figure 2. Both lobes of the thyroid gland are of decreased size. Heterogeneous echogenicity with numerous minute hypoden­
si­ties within that represent tiny hypoechoic nodules. They are separated by fibrous echogenic septa. The gland parenchyma
shows increased vascularity on Doppler study. No detectable masses could be seen. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with consequent
hypothyroidism (adapted from

Figure 3. Increased vascularity on Doppler study in a 8-week pregnancy diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis
(dr. Crenguța Șerboiu – personal archive)

Figure 4. Pregnancy of 32-33 weeks with polyhydramnios and having a well-defined neck mass which was homo­
genously iso­echoic well defined and at anterior part of neck. The mass also shows extensive vascularity. Goiter is well
defined, solid ho­mo­ge­neous mass, present at the anterior part of the neck. An antenatal diagnosis of a fetal goiter was
made due to hypothyroidism. This was confirmed by postnatal clinical and lab examination of the baby (adapted from

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Figure 5. The
100 distribution of pregnant
women diagnosed
with thyroid pathology
during 57 months
in the Department
60 of Obstetrics and
Gynecology of the
40 Bucharest Emergency
University Hospital

Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism Graves disease Autoimmune Hashimoto's
thyroidis thyroidis

Number of cases

gland, polycyclic contour, micronodular structure (nod- from society to society, country to country, year to year,
ules between 1 mm and 5 mm in diameter – “painted” and even within societies(2). In 2014, the European Thy-
appearance) and hypoecogenic. Also, there is evidence roid Association (ETA) published a guideline, recom-
of calcifications and increased vascularization, a pseu- mending universal screening for overt hypothyroidism.
dolobulated aspect through the development of fibrous However, this recommendation was not unanimous,
septa. The confirmation of the diagnosis is made by de- with two of the six authors dissenting(7). The obstetri-
termining TPOAb and thyroid hormones, Hashimoto’s cal societies recommend targeted instead of universal
thyroiditis being an autoimmune disease(7). screening. In 2015, the Practice Bulletin of The American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) rec-
Materials and method ommended for targeted screening and against universal
In a retrospective analysis of the cases admitted in screening in pregnant women(8).
the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the
Bucharest Emergency University Hospital, from Janu- Conclusions
ary 2015 up to September 2019, we identified a number Thyroid ultrasound (TUS) is an optimal initial imaging
of 186 pregnancies marked by hypothyroidism and 11 tool used in the evaluation of hypothyroid disorders be-
cases with hyperthyroidism (Figure 5). cause it is noninvasive, available and doesn’t use any radia-
Fourteen cases of hypothyroidism also associated tion. It is widely used in the diagnostic workup of thyroid
hereditary thrombophilia, compared to 21 cases of dysfunction. In a hypothyroid patient, TUS may lead to
autoimmune thyroiditis and two cases of Hashimoto’s cost savings: if a typical autoimmune pattern is present on
lymphocytic thyroiditis. TUS, the measurement of antithyroid antibodies will not
be necessary for the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Discussion TUS in these circumstances is especially valuable in case
The national societies of endocrinologists, obstetri- of women who wish to conceive or are pregnant. n
cians and gynecologists, as well as governmental agen-
cies have weighed in on the debate of universal screening Conflicts of interests: The authors declare no con-
for thyroid disease in pregnancy, with opinions varying flict of interests.

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18 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Antenatal electronic fetal heart

monitoring for extremely
and very preterm newborns
Ali Saphia1, Abstract Rezumat
A. Filipescu1,
Anca A. Prematurity ranging from 24 to 32 weeks is an important Prematuritatea între 24 și 32 de săptămâni reprezintă o cau­ză
cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. A remarkable importantă de mortalitate și morbiditate neonatală. S-au
Simionescu2 progress has been made over the last years into înregistrat progrese în ultimii ani în domeniul medicinei ma­
1. “Carol Davila” University maternal-fetal medicine and into resuscitating babies terno-fetale și al reanimării feţilor la limita viabilităţii, în­tre
of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Department of Obstetrics at the borderline of viability, between 24 and 32 weeks 24 și 32 de săptămâni. Înregistarea cardiotocografică (CTG)
and Gynecology, of gestation. Cardiotocographic recording (CTG) is an face parte din supravegherea fetală, un CTG în limite nor­
“Elias” University Emergency
Hospital, Bucharest important part of the fetal surveillance, a CTG within ma­le permițând teoretic prelungirea sarcinii. Interpretarea
normal limits theoretically allowing for the prolongation CTG-ului la aceste vârste de gestație, în afara travaliului,
2. “Carol Davila” University
of Medicine and Pharmacy, of pregnancy. Nevertheless, the interpretation of CTG at este însă dificilă, ca și definirea unui traseu suspect; există,
Department of Obstetrics these gestational ages, outside labor, is difficult, as is the de asemenea, variabilitate interoperatorie. Interpretarea
and Gynecology, definition of a suspicious/pathological CTG trace; there, CTG-ului trebuie să ţină cont și de contextul clinic și para­
Filantropia Clinical Hospital
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the interobserver variability must also be born in mind. clinic: perceperea mișcărilor active fetale, medicație, pa­to­logia
Bucharest The clinical and laboratory test results must be taken into obstetricală asociată (ruptura prematură a mem­bra­nelor,
Corresponding authors: account as well: maternal perception of fetal movements, hipertensiunea arterială, restricția de creștere in­tra­­ute­rină
Anca A. Simionescu obstetrical associated pathologies (premature rupture etc.). Obiectivul acestui articol este de a revedea uti­li­­ta­­tea
of membranes, high blood pressure, intrauterine growth efectuării antepartum a CTG-ului între 28 și 32 de săp­tă­mâni
restriction etc.). The purpose of this article is to review the și interpretarea parametrilor înregistrați. Un tra­seu car­dio­
usefulness of performing an antepartum CTG between tocografic cu decelerații persistente în caz de mem­bra­ne rupte
28 and 32 weeks of gestation and to define the proper prematur sau la un făt cu restricție de creștere in­tra­ute­rină
interpretation of the recorded parameters. A CTG trace with apărută precoce poate contribui la stabilirea indicației de
persistent decelerations in case of premature rupture of ope­raţie cezariană. Diminuarea sau lipsa variabilității ritmului
membranes or in a foetus with early onset of an intrauterine car­diac de bază trebuie interpretate cu precauție, ca și apariția
growth restriction can contribute to an indication for izo­la­tă a unei decelerații în cazul unei variabilități cardiace
caesarean section. A reduction or absence of the baseline sa­tis­fă­cătoare.
variability of fetal heart rate or the isolated occurrence of Cuvinte-cheie: cardiotocografie, prematuritate extremă,
deceleration associated with a normal baseline variability variabilitate cardiotocografică, deceleraţii, acceleraţii
should be interpreted with caution for these cases.
Keywords: antepartum cardiotocography, extreme
prematurity, reactive trace, accelerations, decelerations

Submission date:
17.09.2019 Monitorizarea cardiotocografică în caz de prematuritate extremă
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Saphia A, Filipescu A, Simionescu AA. Antenatal electronic fetal heart monitoring for extremely and very preterm newborns.
3.10.2019 2019;26(4):20-23.

Introduction of membranes between 24 and 32 weeks with conserv-

The progress of maternal-fetal medicine and of neo- ative treatment of prolongation, with risk of difficult
natal resuscitation units, starting from 24 weeks and pulmonary adaptation (Stănculescu, 2015), pregnancy-
for a newborn weight of 600 grams, has resulted into induced hypertension, restriction of intrauterine growth
iatrogenic fetal extractions between 24 and 32 weeks with early onset or other obstetric pathologies that ap-
of gestation, many of which are based on the interpre- peared before 32 weeks, which require careful monitor-
tation of fetal cardiotocographic monitoring as being ing and the decision of the premature birth.
pathological. Antepartum cardiocardiographic (CTG) recording is
Prematurity ranging between 24 and 32 weeks is an part of fetal surveillance. In case of a high-risk pregnancy
important cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. (intrauterine growth restriction, premature rupture of
Iatrogenic prematurity involves a number of specific the membranes before 32 weeks etc.), the prolongation
problems related to the decision of fetal extraction. Such of the pregnancy (which is desirable) also takes into ac-
an example are the pregnancies with premature rupture count the interpretation of the CTG trace. The purpose

20 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


of cardiotocographic monitoring is to identify a potential CTG interpretation in term pregnacies

fetal distress, intrapartum due to hypoxia/acidosis, so the Cardiotocographic recording reflects the control of
intervention is made at the right time to avoid intrauterine fetal cardiac activity. This is mediated by the central
fetal death or irreversible brain damage. Antepartum, CTG nervous system, baroreceptors and chemoreceptors. In-
monitoring analyzes the fetal heart rhythm, influenced by trauterine fetal activity is reflected in the increase in fetal
the fetal nervous system, medication, catecholamines and cardiac activity recorded in the form of accelerations on
maternal and fetal pathologies (Gibb, 2008). the CTG pathway.
The elements tracked on the CTG pathway reflect the When a fetus is subjected to prolonged hypoxic episodes
function of the somatic and autonomic nervous system associated with decreased pH level, the adrenal glands re-
in response to mechanical and hypoxic events. In 2019, lease catecholamines to increase heart rate. This compen-
within the National Guidelines ( satory mechanism shunts blood by targeting it to the vital
clinice-2019-finale), The Romanian Society of Obstetrics organs, causing peripheral vasoconstriction. This clinical
and Gynecology reviewed the issue of fetal monitoring in scenario that includes decelerations followed by the ab-
pre-labor or labor, usually after 28 weeks, recommending sence of accelerations, the increase of the baseline rhythm
cautious interpretation of CTGs at these terms or even and the gradual reduction of the variability is the typical
continuous monitoring. onset model of an evolving hypoxic event. The parasym-
The physiological control over the fetal heart rate and pathetic nervous system is activated by the baroreceptors
the results observed on the CTG pathway differ compared located at the level of the carotid sinus or in the aortic arch,
to a term pregnacy, thus making the interpretation of the secondary to the increase of fetal systemic blood pressure,
trace difficult, with high interoperators variability. CTG leading to the decrease of the vagal-mediated heart rate.
also remains an objective forensic evidence, its result being The CTG pathway recording of the fetal heart rate presents
associated with the status of these fetuses with increased itself as decelerations in case of umbilical cord or fetal skull
neonatal mortality and morbidity. compression. The parasympathetic nervous system is ac-
The objective of this article is to review the usefulness tivated, leading to reflex variability or early decelerations,
of performing CTG between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation with a rapid return to baseline (Chandraharan, 2010).
and to define the recorded parameters and the pathological Chemoreceptors are located peripherally at the level of
CTG trace. We will present the CTG antepartum monitor- the aortic and carotid bodies, and centrally, at the level
ing of preterms between 28 and 32 weeks compared with of the medulla oblongata. These receptors detect changes
the CTG of the term babies, during labor. in the blood biochemical composition and respond to de-
creased oxygen levels, increased levels of carbon dioxide
CTG monitoring and increased levels of hydrogen ions. In the case of utero-
CTG is an electronic method of recording fetal cardiac placental insufficiency (when carbon dioxide and hydrogen
activity along with uterine activity using two pressure ions accumulate, with decreasing oxygen concentration),
transducers externally attached to the maternal abdo- the chemoreceptors are activated and determine the activa-
men. Both components are recorded simultaneously on tion of the parasympathetic nervous system, with the de-
paper. Monitors with ultrasound transducers and pa- crease of the heart rate which has a longer period of return
per running at a speed of 1 cm/minute are used in our to baseline. These late decelerations are characteristic of
hospitals from Bucharest (Filantropia Hospital, “Elias” metabolic acidosis (Chandraharan, 2010).
Hospital). CTG monitoring is performed routinely after During labor, contractions that increase in intensity and
39 weeks and during labor, but also for pregnancies over frequency can cause compression of the umbilical cord and/
26 weeks, requiring long-term hospital stay until birth or fetal skull. Mechanical compression can cause early or
– for example, from premature rupture of membranes variable decelerations. If the hypoxic or mechanical event
until birth. persists for a long time, the fetus uses the adrenals as a
However, there are no clinical guidelines regarding compensatory mechanism, thus resulting in a response
antepartum CTG monitoring of preterms. Based on to stress, through the release of catecholamines. This is
current scientific evidence, the use of CTG is not rec- the physiological mechanism of adaptation to a possi-
ommended as a routine in case of preterm pregnancies ble hypoxic or mechanical event during labor. Still, the
(Ayres-de-Campos D et al., 2015; Housseine N et al., mechanism is not yet fully functional in the case of a
2019). premature fetus, nor is it in cases marked by intrauterine
A Cochrane review of randomized trials found no evi- growth or fetal infections. However, the classic aspects of
dence to support the use of antepartum versus non-CTG a cardiotocographic trace of a fetus exposed to hypoxia
cardiotocographic monitoring to improve fetal progno- may not have the same characteristics or amplitude com-
sis. Nonetheless, these studies do not contain sufficient pared to the case of prematurity (Gibb, 2008).
accurate data to compare the two situations (Grivell RM Figure 1 presents the cardiotocographic trace of a
et al., 2015). 28-week-and-5-day primiparous hospitalized for difficult-
So, it is the obstetrician’s duty to interpret the CTG to-control pregnancy-induced hypertension, treated with
in these situations and to guarantee the further devel- Dopegyt® and Norvasc®.
opment and fetal viability without complications or to The fetal heart rate is regulated by the autonomic nerv-
indicate the birth. ous system, namely the sympathetic and parasympathetic

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


nervous system. The balance of these two systems deter- between 20 and 30 weeks. Sorokin et al. describe a
mines the baseline heart rate and the baseline variability. lower depth and duration of these decelerations fre-
During fetal development, the sympathetic nervous sys- quently observed on CTG intrapartum routes (Sorokin
tem responsible for survival – “fight or flight” – develops Y et al., 1982). Variable decelerations occur in 70-75%
earlier versus the parasympathetic nervous system that of prematures compared with 30-35% in case of term
develops during the third trimester. Thus, a premature babies (Zanini et al, 1980).
baby may have a higher baseline rhythm and an apparent Several theories have been proposed to explain the
reduction in baseline variability due to the lack of sympa- fetal pattern, mentioning the decrease of the amniotic
thetic nervous system opposability. Certain features of fluid level, the reduction of Wharton gelatin, and the
fetal heart rate are gestational age dependent (Baschat AA, incomplete development of the fetal myocardium which
2003). The interpretation of a CTG for a term pregnancy results in reduced contraction force.
and during labor (uterine contractions) tracks: the baseline Baseline variability may be affected by incomplete
rhythm, variability, frequency, accelerations and decelera- development of the autonomic nervous system. Variabil-
tions. The CTG pathway can be interpreted as: normal, ity can be decreased secondary to fetal tachycardia with
suspected anomaly and abnormal-pathological. decreased parasympathetic involvement and resulting
rhythmic baseline fluctuations. The reduction of vari-
CTG interpretation between the 28th until ability is described in the preterm fetuses, but is has not
the 32nd week of gestation been quantified.
The characteristics of the fetal heart rate differ in the Cyclization of the fetal heart rate is considered an
preterm babies, namely the baseline rhythm is higher, indicator of fetal well-being (Chandrahan, 2010). This
varying around 155 bpm at gestational ages ranging appears in the form of segments with increased variabil-
between 20 and 24 weeks, because the sympathetic and ity – with or without accelerations – alternating with an
parasympathetic systems develop differently depending apparent reduction in variability. These are considered
on the gestational age (Schneider U, 2018). Fundamen- to reflect fetal REM and non-REM fetal sleep stages,
tal research has shown that, once the gestational age extrapolating to adult sleep. This cyclization is stabi-
advances, a gradual reduction of the baseline rhythm lized with the maturation of the central nervous system.
can be noticed (Sorokin, 1982). These aspects reflect Cyclization may be absent due to the functional imma-
immaturity, considering that the basic heart rate is the turity of the central nervous system and not to hypoxic
result of the interaction between the involved physi- suffering in cases of extreme prematurity. Cyclization
ological mechanisms (Westgren, 1982). starts at 23 weeks, and becomes evident between 26 and
As the fetus exceeds 30 weeks of gestational age, the 32 weeks of pregnancy, when signs of fetal well-being
parasympathetic influence on the fetal heart rate de- can be distinguished: the movements of the eyeballs,
termines the gradual decrease of the baseline rhythm, the movements of the body, the synchronization of
as well as changes in the pattern of accelerations. The the movements, which become evident after 32 weeks
accelerations associated with fetal movements appear as (Hoyer et al., 2015).
a consequence of somatic fetal activity and are initially Figure 2 shows the cardiotocographic route of a tri-
apparent in the second trimester. Before 30 weeks of gravida admitted for cervical cerclage at 29 weeks of
gestation, the frequency and amplitude of the accelera- gestation with intact membranes.
tions are reduced, having a peak of only 10 bpm for 10 Figure 3 shows the carditocographic route of a 30-
seconds (Wheeler T, Murrills A, 1978). week primiparous; fetus with intrauterine growth re-
Decelerations in the absence of contractions frequen­ striction, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, digestive
tly occur in prematures with gestational ages ranging stenosis, with a history of intrapartum fetal death.

Discussion and conclusions

There are significant differences of the CTG antepar-
tum monitoring in cases of extreme prematurity. Between
24 and 26 weeks, the baseline fetal heart rate is at the
upper limit of normal (150-160 bpm), due to the lack of
sympathetic nervous system opposability; a frequency
greater than 160 bpm is considered tachycardia. Persis-
tent tachycardia is most likely secondary to iatrogenic
cases (tocolysis), but attention should also be paid to a pos-
sible maternal infectious cause or the risk of chorioam-
nionitis in case of premature rupture of the membranes
outside labor. The baseline variability and cyclization can
be reduced secondary to the insufficient development
Figure 1. Reassuring CTG for prematurity: fetal heart of the parasympathetic component. The administra-
rate baseline at 153 bpm, reduced baseline variability, a tion of magnesium sulphate or even steroids may reduce
variable deceleration ended in a normal fetal heart rate the baseline variability. Fetal heart rate variability is an

22 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Figure 2. Reassuring CTG: fetal heart rate baseline at Figure 3. Non-reassuring CTG: fetal heart rate baseline
140-145 bpm, good baseline variability, accelerations, at 150 bpm, reduced baseline variability, two variable
no decelerations. There are few rare contractions decelerations

important clinical indicator of fetal acid-base balance, and circulation in the intervillous spaces is reduced, resulting
its absence is an indicator of cerebral asphyxia. in the accumulation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions.
Accelerations at this gestational age may be absent or In the case of an uncompromised, nonacidemic fetus, in-
significantly decreased, with reduced amplitude. Decel- termittent hypoxia takes the form of decelerations with
erations are common and may reflect the normal devel- transient fetal hypertension (Goupil et al., 1981).
opment of cardioregulatory mechanisms. Thus, they are The persistence of hypoxia causes acidosis, loss of the
not considered a sign of hypoxia, and intervention is not compensatory mechanism, and may therefore cause per-
recommended based on this parameter alone. manent brain damage. In case of a normal developing fetus,
The frequency of variable decelerations is reduced after acidosis may take up to 90 minutes to install.
27 weeks of gestational age. Variability should be within In conclusion, fetal electronic monitoring between 28
normal parameters with the development of the autonomic and 32 weeks may raise dilemmas related to clinical as-
nervous system. The frequency of accelerations increases, pects, both antepartum and during labor. Although there
although the amplitude may remain at only 10 bpm. are recommendations and guidelines based on clinical
A CTG study performed antepartum in fetuses with evidence for term births, the information is poor when
intrauterine growth restriction indicates that the lack of talking about a preterm fetus and associated pathologies.
acceleration and decreased baseline variability could be Understanding the development of cardiovascular and the
explained by chronic hypoxemia, associated with altera- neurological and physiology underlying fetal heart rate
tion of the neurotransmitter system (Amorim-Costa C, variations is useful to figure out the aspects noticed on
et al., 2017) . the CTG pathway in order to be able to resolve a potential
Once gestational age advances, the fetal rhythm returns hypoxia, given the fetus’ limited resources to combat it.
to the normal range of 110-160 bpm. Baseline variability However, the decision must take into account the clini-
greater than 5 bpm with signs of cyclization may occur in cal and paraclinical context of the obstetric case, as well as
weeks 30-32. the fetal ultrasound evaluation. In the future, additional
The predominance of variable decelerations will de- measures to establish the fetal well-being with certainty
crease and disappear after 30 weeks. These aspects reflect could contribute to the prolongation of pregnancy. n
myocardial development and increased glycogen reserves.
The persistence of late decelerations most likely reflects Conflicts of interests: The authors declare no con-
uteroplacental insufficiency. In this situation, the blood flict of interests.

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Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Current opinions on PlGF

and sFlt-1 as reliable markers
for preeclampsia
Alexandra Abstract Rezumat
Mihaela Preeclampsia is an increasingly frequent condition Preeclampsia este o condiție patologică ce afectează din ce
that affects pregnant women and, if undetected in a în ce mai frecvent femeia gravidă și, nedetectată în timp util,
Popescu2, timely fashion, can be a source of morbidity and mor­ poate fi o cauză de morbiditate și mortalitate, atât pentru
George Iancu1, ta­lity for both mother and child. Both PlGF and Flt-1 mamă, cât și pentru făt. Atât PlGF, cât și Flt-1 au fost implicate
Radu Botezatu1, have been involved in the mechanisms behind this în mecanismele care generează această patologie și sunt
Nicolae Gică1, patho­logy, and are currently being used both as diag­ actualmente utilizate ca markeri diagnostici, dar și ca posibile
Gheorghe nos­tic markers and possible therapeutic targets. ținte terapeutice.
Keywords: PlGF, sFlt-1, preeclampsia, PlGF/sFlt-1 ratio Cuvinte-cheie: PlGF, sFlt-1, preeclampsie, raportul PlGF/sFlt-1
Anca Maria
Submission date:
11.09.2019 Opinii actuale despre PlGF şi sFlt-1 ca martori fideli ai preeclampsiei
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Bouariu A, Popescu M, Iancu G, Botezatu R, Gică N, Peltecu G, Panaitescu AM. Current opinions on PlGF and sFlt-1 as reliable
1. Department of Obstetrics 28.09.2019
and Gynecology, markers for preeclampsia. 2019;26(4):24-27.
Filantropia Clinical Hospital
of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
“Carol Davila” University
of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Bucharest Introduction located on these chromosomes’ regions has not yet
2. Department of Cardiology,
The reduction of both maternal and fetal mortality been proven(4). Chromosomal conditions associated
“Elias” University Emergency and morbidity is a long-standing objective in modern with changes in the structure or number of copies
Hospital, Bucharest;
“Carol Davila” University
medicine. Preeclampsia is an increasingly diagnosed pa- of chromosome 14q24 include not only a major sus-
of Medicine and Pharmacy, thology in pregnancy, with an incidence of up to 4.6%, ceptibility to a variety of cancers of blood-forming
thus explaining why the interest for its early detection cells (leukemias)(5), cancers of immune system cells
Corresponding author:
Gheorghe Peltecu
and timely treatment has peaked in recent years. (lymphomas)(5), asthma(6), epilepsy (7), but also con-
E-mail: gheorghe.peltecu@ Apart from the classical diagnostic criteria of preec- genital syndromes (FOXG1 syndrome)(8). In tumor
lampsia, the PlGF (placental growth factor), sFlt-1 (solu- cells (solid and hematological), PlGF expression cor-
ble fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor-1) and the PlGF/ relates positively with cancer severity and there is an
sFlt-1 ratio are gathering momentum as both diagnostic inverse relationship between PlGF and survival rate(9).
markers and possible options for therapy. It was observed that overexpression of PlGF can de-
crease angiogenesis, VEGF/PlGF heterodimers being
The structure and function of PlGF and Flt-1 less pro-angiogenic than VEGF homodimers(10), and
Dimeric glycoproteins, the placental growth factor, blocking PlGF can improve the quality of tumor vascu-
the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the larization, as shown in another study (11). Data from a
Fos-induced growth factor (FlGF) are members of a fam- phase-1 study in patients with recurrent glioblastoma
ily of structurally related growth factors and share im- did not show improved survival after the treatment
portant biochemical and functional features(1). with an anti-PlGF monoclonal antibody in combina-
Abundantly expressed on the endothelial cells, the tion with anti-VEGF antibody bevacizumab(12).
vascular endothelial growth factor exerts its action The presence of PlGF was detected and researched
through the binding to VEGF receptor-1 (also denoted through immunohistochemistry studies in the vas-
Flt-1) and VEGF receptor-2 (also denoted Flk-1/KDR). culosyncytial membrane and in the media of large
Both the vascular endothelial growth factor and placen- vessels of the placenta villi(13). Another analysis, in situ
tal growth factor have the ability to stimulate the pro- hybridization, shows that PlGF is found in the villous
liferation of endothelial cells and angiogenesis in vivo(2). trophoblast, while VEGF is present in cells of mesen-
In fact, the placental growth factor is observed chymal origin within the chorionic plate(14). Northern
to be highly expressed in the feto-placental unit in blot analysis detected low levels of PlGF messenger ri-
all stages during human gestation, but also in inva- bonucleic acid in human heart, lung, thyroid, brain and
sive and non-invasive hydatiform moles (3). Human skeletal muscle(3). The same PlGF messenger ribonucleic
PlGF gene is encoded by chromosome 14q24 and has acid was observed in choriocarcinoma, umbilical vein
four isoforms, but the correlation among diseases endothelial cells and hepatoma(2). PlGF was detected

24 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


in the endometrial tissue during the secretory phase of endothelial cells, such as placental growth factor and
of the human menstrual cycle, but the role in embryo vascular endothelial growth factor(25). It was observed
implantation was not closely characterized(15). that once an individual threshold of angiogenic im-
It is known that placental growth factor expression balance is reached, the first clinical manifestations of
undergoes transcriptional and post-transcriptional reg- preeclampsia appear. The sFlt-1/PlGF imbalance can
ulation and the major stimuli of PlGF mRNA are the hy- become evident as early as one month before preec-
poxic conditions(2). Another research showed that PlGF lampsia develops clinically, especially in the most se-
stimulates the growth of certain types of endothelial vere and early-onset forms(26).
cells, which have derived from specific tissues, and the
main target for the angiogenic effects of PlGF is the en-
dothelium of post-capillary venules, which is more prone
to respond to mitogenic stimuli in comparison with the
umbilical cord vein endothelium(16).
The PlGF homodimer binds and induces autophos-
phorylation of VEGF receptor-1 (also known as Flt-1),
through the immunoglobulin-like domain 2 of the Flt-
1(16,17). PlGF 1 and 3 are diffusible isoforms and probably
affect targets in a paracrine manner, whereas PlGF 2
and 4 have heparin binding domains and act in an au-
tocrine manner. The activation of the VEGF receptor-1
intracellular signaling pathway leads to mitogenic and
chemotactic effects of PlGF on endothelial cells(2). Pla-
cental growth factor is pro-angiogenic, as it enhances the
activity of vascular endothelial cells, by competitively
binding to the VEGFR-1 receptor, allowing VEGF to bind
to VEGFR-2 which has stronger tyrosine kinase activ-
ity. PlGF amplifies VEGFR-2 response to VEGF bind-
ing through intermolecular transphosphorylation and
forms a heterodimer with VEGF, which may have either
pro-angiogenic, or anti-angiogenic effects(9).
Among the members of tyrosine kinases receptor-
type family, the vascular endothelial growth factor 1
(VEGFR-1) was first isolated from the human placenta
and mentioned as Flt-1 or Fms-like tyrosine kinase, due
to its structural similarity to members of the Fms fam-
ily(18). Flt-1 binds the VEGF-related growth factor PlGF
with high affinity and stimulates angiogenic activities.
PlGF is expressed in placental tissues, but the amino-
acid sequence of PlGF is 53% identical to that of VEGF(2).
The Ftl-1 gene is described on human chromosome
13q12-13(19) and has specific functions under conditions
of embryonal and pathological angiogenesis(20). In rela-
tion to chromosome 13, women carrying trisomy 13
fetuses have an increased risk of preeclampsia and high
circulating concentrations of sFlt-1 (soluble Flt-1)(21). Dur-
ing the early stages of the embryonal development,
Flt-1 is expressed in the primitive endothelial cells
outside the blood islands at 8.5 days and in the vas-
cular endothelial cells of the embryo(22). Flt-1 mRNA
is strongly expressed under hypoxic conditions in en-
dothelial cells(23). sFlt-1 is thought to be responsible for
the maternal dysfunctional hypoxic placenta (Figure
1), causing peripheral vasoconstriction in the attempt
to raise maternal blood pressure. The reason for this
mechanism is the tendency to increase the oxygenated
maternal blood flow through the intervillous space and
can lead to systemic vascular findings with preeclamp- Figure 1. Implication of sFlt-1 in the dysfunctional
sia(24). Flt-1 captures and inhibits pro-angiogenic factors placenta (sEng: soluble endoglin; sFlt-1: soluble fms-like
involved in the proliferation, survival and fenestration tyrosine kinase receptor-1)

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


The importance of sFlt-1/PlGF ratio very high accuracy for predicting preeclampsia requir-
The concentrations of PlGF depend on gestational ing delivery within 14 days for women presented with
age, with a low level in the first trimester of normal suspicion of preeclampsia between 20 and 34 weeks
pregnancies, and they have the tendency to increase of gestation(31) (Table 1). Verlohren et al., in 2014, ob-
from week 11 to week 12, with a peak value at week 30, served that the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio could be useful for
after which they decrease. This is in contrast with sFlt-1, establishing an accurate diagnosis of preeclampsia at
which increases towards the completion of pregnancy(27). different cutoffs, depending on the gestational age,
At the time of diagnosis with preeclampsia, as well the early or late onset of preeclampsia(32) (Table 1).
as in advance of syndrome onset, both urinary and se- The same research team raised the hypothesis that
rum PlGF are low, due to a combination of decreased the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio can also be useful to differentiate
expression and sFlt-1 binding(26). In early pregnancy, the the various hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, espe-
PlGF expression in the placenta is decreased in women cially before 34 weeks(33). The studies aforementioned
who develop preeclampsia, the level of serum PlGF be- have the disadvantage of being conducted on selected
ing lower than in normal pregnancies, while the sFlt-1 population singleton pregnancies without congenital
level is unchanged. Later in pregnancy, there is a re- anomalies, but insufficiently studied in situations such
ciprocal relationship between sFlt-1 and PlGF, with a as structural and chromosomal abnormalities or mul-
rising levels of total sFlt-1 and lower PlGF levels, which tiple pregnancies. On the other hand, a combination of
is bound by sFlt-1(28). An important observation is that maternal characteristics, mean arterial pressure, uter-
both women with clinical suspicion of preeclampsia and ine artery pulsatility index, PAPP-A and PlGF, currently
women without preeclampsia, who give birth to small- widely used as a predictive algorithm at 11-13 weeks
for-gestational-age babies, have also low PlGF early in gestation by the Fetal Medicine Foundation, detects
pregnancy(29). 95% and 46% of women with early and late preeclamp-
Based on the previously mentioned mechanisms and sia, respectively with a false-positive rate of 10%(34).
useful for establishing the real risk of developing preec- Abnormal sFlt-1/PlGF ratio offers limited informa-
lampsia among pacients, the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio has been tion regarding similar antiangiogenic states, such as
studied enthusiastically. The PROGNOSIS study shows HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Plate-
that the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio and none of the markers taken lets) syndrome, acute renal failure, refractory hyperten-
individually are predictive of the short-term absence sion, pulmonary edema or fetal well-being impairment,
or presence of preeclampsia in women between 24 and and therefore requires further research and other de-
36+6 weeks of pregnancy (30). Another research, the tailed maternal and fetal evaluations to complete the
PELICAN study, showed that the PlGF test alone had a diagnosis and future outcome(35).

Table 1 sFlt-1/PlGF ratio research data

Study Gestational age Results

PROGNOSIS study(30) 24-36+6 weeks of gestation sFlt-1/PlGf ratio≤38 sFlt-1/PlGf ratio>38

NPV 99.3% – first week PPV 36.7%
(95% CI; 97.9-99.9) (95% CI; 28.4-45.7)
NPV 97.9% – 2nd week Sp 83.1%
NPV 95.7% – 3rd week (95% CI; 54-77)
NPV 94.3% – 4th week Sn 66.2%
(95% CI; 79.4-86.3)

PELICAN study(31) 20-34 weeks of gestation PlGF<100 pg/Ml

Sp 56% (95% CI; 89-99)
Sn 96% (95% CI; 49-63)
PPV 44% (95% CI; 36-52)
NPV 98% (95% CI; 93-100)

Verlohren et al., 2014(32) early-onset sFlt-1/PlGf ratio>85

preeclampsia Sp 99.5%
(95% CI; 97.7-100)
late-onset preeclampsia
sFlt-1/PlGf ratio>100
Sp 95.5%
(95% CI; 92.9-100)
*NPV: negative predictive value; PPV: positive predictive value; Sp: specificity; Sn: sensitivity

26 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Potential therapeutic targets in randomized controlled trials are still under careful
Despite its important predictive value, the sFlt-1/ observation(39).
PlGF ratio and both biomarkers alone were studied Different PlGF treatment reports, on rodent mod-
as a potential target for therapies. In a pilot study, els, evaluated the possibility of new means of treating
Thadhani et al. confirmed that removing sFlt-1 with preeclampsia, using exogenous PlGF, by continuous
dextran sulfate apheresis, from the excessive placen- infusion via an intraperitoneal osmotic pump of re-
tal level secreted in the maternal circulation, was safe combinant human PlGF (rhPlGF)(40) or by transfection
to use during pregnancy and the gestational age of the of mice with adenovirus(41). The first method is shown
treated patients was prolonged(36,37). to reduce blood pressure, proteinuria and improve glo-
Therefore, further randomized controlled trials merular filtration rate in addition to reducing markers
must confirm this hypothesis. Brownfoot et al. con- of oxidative stress, while the second one reduced hyper-
ducted an experimental treatment for preeclampsia, tension but not proteinuria. Therefore, the treatment
with pravastatin, which reduced sFlt-1 level in the of preeclampsia with PlGF needs to be further studied;
maternal circulation and decreased endothelial dys- it seems promising, but many uncertainties remain. n
function in cell culture experiments(38).
The previous group published a pilot data suggest- Conflicts of interests: The authors declare no con-
ing that pravastatin can positively interfere with clini- flict of interests.
cal and biochemical features of preterm preeclampsia, Financial support statement: none declared.
but studies to confirm the importance of pravastatin Acknowledgement statement to Sorin Cojocaru for Figure 1.

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6. Hakonarson H, Bjornsdottir U, Halapi E, et al. A Major Susceptibility Gene for 27. Saffer C, Olson G, Boggess K, et al. Determination of placental growth factor
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and EEG study of 22 patients. Epilepsia. 2013; (54): 2204-13. 28. Maynard S, Min J, Merchan J, et al. Excess placental soluble fms-like tyrosine
8. Kortum F, Das S, Flindt M, et al. The core FOXG1 syndrome phenotype consists kinase 1 (sFlt1) may contribute to endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, and
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dyskinesia, and corpus callosum hypogenesis. J Med Genet. 2011; (48):396-406. 29. Poon L, Zaragoza E, Akolekar R, et al. Maternal serum placental growth factor
9. Chau K, Hennessy A, Markis A. Placental growth factor and preeclampsia. (PlGF) in small for gestational age pregnancy at 11(+0) to 13(+6) weeks of
Journal of Human Hypertension. 2017; (31):782-6. gestation. Prenat Diagn. 2008; 28(12):1110-15.
10. Xu L, Cochran D, Tong R, et al. Placenta growth factor overexpression inhibits 30. Zeisler H, Llurba E, Chantraine F, et al. Predictive value of the sFlt-1/PlGf ratio in
tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis by depleting vascular endothelial women with suspected preeclampsia. N Engl J Med. 2016; (374):13-22.
growth factor homodimers in orthotopic mouse models. Cancer Res. 2006; 31. Chappell L, Duckworth S, Seed P, et al. Diagnostic accuracy pf placental growth
66(8):3971-77. factor in women with suspected preeclmapsia: a prospective multicenter study.
11. Van de Veire S, Stalmans I, Heindryckx F, et al. Further pharmacological and Circulation. 2013; (128):2121-31.
genetic evidence for the efficacy of PlGF inhibition in cancer and eye disease. 32. Verlohren S, Herraiz I, Lapaire O, et al. New gestational phase-specific cutoff
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12. Lassen U, Chinot O, McBain C, et al. Phase 1 dose-escalation study of the factor ratio as a diagnostic test for preeclampsia. Hypertension. 2014; (63):346-52.
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Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Gestational diabetes
and pre-existing diabetes –
an approach from
the metformin perspective
Ana Maria Abstract Rezumat
Stănescu1, Metformin is one of the most used antidiabetic drugs, with În diabetologie, metforminul este utilizat frecvent, existând o
extensive experience, multiple benefits and low costs. The vastă experiență în utilizarea sa, cu multiple beneficii și costuri
Ioana Veronica issue of the benefits and risks of metformin administration reduse. Din ce în ce mai des, se ridică problema beneficiilor
Grăjdeanu1, during pregnancy is raised more and more frequently. și a riscurilor administrării metforminului în timpul sarcinii.
Camelia Cristina Although more research is needed, we wanted to review the Deși mai multe cercetări sunt necesare, am dorit să revizuim
Diaconu1,2 existing research data for both gestational diabetes and pre- cercetările existente atât din punctul de vedere al diabetului
1. “Carol Davila” University
existing diabetes. gestațional, cât și al diabetului preexistent sarcinii.
of Medicine and Pharmacy, Keywords: gestational diabetes, pre-existing diabetes, Cuvinte-cheie: diabet gestaţional, diabet preexistent,
Bucharest metformin metformin
2. Clinical Emergency
Hospital of Bucharest
Corresponding author:
Submission date:
15.10.2019 Diabetul gestațional și diabetul preexistent sarcinii – abordare
Ana Maria Alexandra Stănescu
E-mail: alexandrazotta@
Acceptance date:
2.11.2019 din perspectiva metforminului Suggested citation for this article: Stănescu AMA, Grăjdeanu IV, Diaconu CC. Gestational diabetes and pre-existing diabetes – an approach from the metformin
perspective. 2019;26(4):28-31.

Introduction Subsequently, several studies have shown the efficacy

Metformin is one of the most used antidiabetic drugs, and lack of side effects when administering metformin
with extensive experience, multiple benefits and low during pregnancy. These studies have shown that the
costs. Both pre-existing diabetes and gestational dia- use of metformin does not increase the risk of miscar-
betes are on the rise. Although initially metformin was riage; metformin crosses the placenta, which can expose
not used in pregnancy due to the lack of studies, issues the fetus. The long-term effects on fetal programming
related to safety and the degree of passage of the pla- and the offsprings of children exposed to intrauterine
centa, the actual perspective is different. metformin are not completely elucidated(6,7).
Hyperglycemia, even mild, during pregnancy is
associated with an increase in maternal, fetal and The action of metformin in the context
neonatal adverse effects, with a change in lifestyle, of pregnancy
self-monitoring of blood glucose and pharmacological Metformin improves insulin sensitivity, reduces he-
intervention for glycemic control(1,2). Usually, insulin patic gluconeogenesis and increases peripheral glucose
is the therapeutic option in gestational diabetes, being uptake, with a minimal risk of hypoglycemia, and can
safe for the mother and the fetus. However, metformin reduce the body weight by an average of 5.8%(8). In the
is an effective, easier to administer and less expensive context of pregnancy, it is important to note that the
option, which is increasingly used by clinicians for ges- placenta expresses many isoforms of organic cationic
tational diabetes. transporters (OTC) and therefore metformin readily
One of the first mentions related to the administra- crosses the placenta(9). Fetal metformin concentrations
tion of metformin in gestational diabetes was in 1975 can reach at least 50% of the maternal concentration(10).
at the Aberdeen International Symposium on Carbohy- Placental transport to the developing fetus raises the
drate Metabolism in Pregnancy and Newborn(3). In 1980, question of potential adverse effects on fetal develop-
Coetzee et al. conducted observational studies regarding ment. At present, it is not known whether the human
the safety and efficacy of metformin administration in embryo expresses OTC; pre-implanted human embryos
pre-existing diabetes and gestational diabetes in women have a low mitochondrial content and may therefore be
from South Africa(4,5). unresponsive to metformin(11). Metformin stimulates

28 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


the 5’-adenosine monophosphate-activated protein ki- alternative to insulin during the preconception and dur-
nase (AMPK) activity in embryonic stem cell cultures ing pregnancy, when the likely benefits of improved glu-
in mice in vitro, but the significance of this finding is cose control outweigh the potential for adverse effects(20).
unclear, given the lack of effect on mouse embryos in
vivo(12,13). Gestational diabetes and metformin
The renal clearance of metformin is significantly in- Gestational diabetes represents the diabetes that
creased in the second half of pregnancy, consistent with occurs during pregnancy, its severity differing from
increased renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration person to person. The prevalence of gestational diabe-
during pregnancy(14). For a proper glycemic control, pa- tes is increasing worldwide, as the age at which women
tients with gestational diabetes may require high doses become pregnant increases and the prevalence of obesity
of metformin (500-2500 mg/day). At doses above 2500 increases(21).
mg/day, maternal, fetal or newborn safety is unknown. Rowan et al. managed to change the perspective on the
use of metformin in pregnant women; they studied 751
Type 2 diabetes pre-existing pregnancy women with gestational diabetes, who were randomized
and metformin to either metformin or insulin. Most women with met-
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing, the formin required supplemental insulin (46%), but at con-
age of onset of type 2 diabetes is decreasing, and the age siderably lower doses than women receiving insulin alone.
of pregnant women is increasing, all of which lead to Gastrointestinal adverse reactions resulted in the discon-
an increasing prevalence of pregnant women with type tinuation of metformin in 1.9% of women and in dose
2 diabetes(15). These women have an increased risk of reduction by 8.8%. Negative outcomes were recorded in
obesity, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia 32% of the participants (regardless of whether metformin
and caesarean section(16). or insulin was administered), being highlighted: neonatal
Because metformin is a first-line therapy for type 2 hypoglycemia (<2.6 mmol/L), respiratory distress, need
diabetes, many future pregnant women with pre-exist- for phototherapy, Apgar score at 5 minutes <7 or preterm
ing diabetes are on metformin treatment, raising the birth. Severe hypoglycemia rates (<1.6 mmol/L) were re-
issue of metformin administration during pregnancy. duced in the metformin group compared to the insulin
On the other hand, given the insulin resistance of preg- group. Maternal weight gain to term was significantly
nancy, it is likely that most women with type 2 diabe- lower in women taking metformin than in insulin-treated
tes prior to pregnancy require insulin treatment during group (0.4±2.9 kg in the metformin group and 2±3.3 kg
pregnancy, to maintain glycemic control. in the insulin group; p<0.001)(22).
Even though insulin is needed, metformin may con- Balani et al. compared 100 women with gestation-
tribute to improved maternal glycemic control, better al diabetes treated with metformin and 100 treated
maternal weight control, and reduced insulin dose. In with insulin. The incidence of gestational hyperten-
women receiving metformin prior to pregnancy, the sion, preeclampsia and caesarean section was similar,
discontinuation of it may lead to glycemic fluctuations but the mean increase in maternal weight at term was
and increased insulin dose, especially in the second half significantly lower in the metformin group. Pregnant
of pregnancy, when an additional physiological decrease women on metformin treatment had a lower incidence
in insulin sensitivity occurs. of prematurity, neonatal jaundice, with an overall im-
Hellmuth et al. conducted a retrospective study be- provement in neonatal morbidity compared to pregnant
tween 1966 and 1984, including 50 women (19 with women treated with insulin, but no differences in fetal
pre-existing type 2 diabetes), and have noted an increase macrosomia were noted(23).
in preeclampsia and perinatal mortality with metformin In another study, Balani et al. looked at women with
compared to sulphonylurea or insulin treatment(17). gestational diabetes and metformin treatment compared
Levitt et al. followed women with pre-existing type to women with gestational diabetes who were on diet
2 diabetes under treatment with insulin or oral antidia- alone. In the metformin-treated group, there was a ten-
betic agents before and during pregnancy. There was a dency to decrease fetal macrosomia and decrease the
very high rate of perinatal mortality (125 to 1000 births) gestational age, compared to the group that followed
in the group treated predominantly with metformin and only diet(24).
glibenclamide; women who switched to insulin from oral The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
medication had a perinatal mortality rate of 28 to 1000 also recommends metformin for women with gestational
births and in women who switched from diet to insulin diabetes if blood glucose targets were not met through
the rate was 33 to 1000 births(18). changes in diet and exercise for 1-2 weeks, and also rec-
Hughes and Rowan were unable to demonstrate any ommends insulin instead of metformin for women with
difference in maternal and fetal adverse outcomes in gestational diabetes, if metformin is contraindicated or
women taking metformin compared to those taking unacceptable(20).
insulin(19). When addressing the response to metformin treat-
The National Institute for Health and Care Excel- ment, several factors that may predict a poor response to
lence (NICE) recommends that women with pre-existing metformin (Figure 1) should be considered, which may
type 2 diabetes receive metformin as an adjuvant or result in combination insulin therapy(25,26).

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Higher fasting glucose at diagnosis

Early detection of gestational diabetes

Past history of gestational diabetes

Older age at diagnosis

Elevated BMI

Higher baseline HbA1c or serum fructosamine concentration

Figure 1. Factors that can predict a poor response to metformin(27)

Other aspects that early human embryos may be unresponsive to

Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome may have metformin(11).
insulin resistance, and in combination with obesity, the In order for metformin to affect fetal or placental
chances of conception and response to fertility treat- physiology and development, the cells in these tissues
ment decrease and the risk of miscarriage and gesta- must be able to take over metformin. Because metfor­
tional diabetes increases(28-30). Metformin is used in min is positively charged at neutral pH, there must be
polycystic ovarian syndrome to induce ovulation, re- a strong potential of the mitochondrial membrane for
duce spontaneous abortion rates, prevent fetal growth it to enter the mitochondrial matrix(35,36). Human pla-
restrictions, and improve metabolic associations, such centas express several OCT isoforms, and metformin
as glucose intolerance(31,32). may indirectly affect the development of the fetus, for
Metformin is also considered an adjuvant therapy in example, by modified nutrient administration or pla-
cancer treatment. The patients with type 2 diabetes on cental growth. However, this requires further investiga-
metformin treatment have a lower risk of developing tions(9,37). Eyal et al. estimated that the daily intake of
cancer(33,34). However, due to inhibitions caused by met- metformin transferred through breast milk to infants
formin, the excessive use in mothers during pregnancy was 0.13-1.28 mg(14). Metformin reaches into breast milk
may lead to an increased risk of their children developing in a clinically insignificant amount(38).
metabolic diseases later in life.
Following the risk of malformations in the embryo, Conclusions
metformin administered in doses that stimulated the More and more practitioners consider metformin
AMPK activity in the maternal liver did not stimulate therapy a good option during pregnancy, because it is
the AMPK activity in the embryo, nor did it increase generally an effective and well-tolerated agent, with a
congenital abnormalities. However, metformin stimu- well-defined mechanism of action. However, there is a
lated AMPK activity and inhibited the expression of need for more detailed studies to determine the degree
a gene associated with congenital malformations in of fetal exposure and long-term safety following fetal
mouse embryonic stem cells that have been used as an exposure. n
in vitro model to study diabetic embryopathy(12). Pre-
implanted human embryos are low in mitochondria and Conflicts of interests: The authors declare no con-
are dependent on anaerobic metabolism, suggesting flict of interests.

30 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


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Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Early diagnosis of ovarian

pregnancy – a case report
Aida Petca1,2, Abstract Rezumat
Cristina Oprescu2,
Florica Șandru1,2, Ectopic pregnancy is a serious health problem that leads to Sarcina ovariană este o varietate foarte rară de sarcină ec­to­pică
ma­­ter­­nal mortality and morbidity. Ovarian pregnancy is a very și reprezintă o provocare medicală în ceea ce privește ma­nage­­
Răzvan-Cosmin rare variety of ectopic pregnancy and represents a medical mentul acesteia. Deși incidența sarcinii ectopice ova­rie­­ne este
Petca2, chal­lenge in terms of its management. Although the incidence scăzută, există un risc ridicat de complicații se­ve­re (șoc he­mo­
Mihai Cristian of ovarian ectopic pregnancy is low, there is a high risk of severe ragic) dacă nu este identificată și tratată la timp. Simp­to­me­le
Dumitrașcu2,3, com­pli­ca­tions (hemorrhagic shock) if it’s not identified and sarcinii ectopice ovariene pot fi dificil de diagnosticat doar pe
Mihaela Boț1,2, trea­ted in time. The symptoms of ovarian ectopic pregnancy baza aspectului ecografic și a exa­me­nu­lui clinic. Abordul la­pa­
can be difficult to distinguish based on ultrasound imaging ro­scopic este necesar pentru un diag­nos­tic și tratament definitiv.
Nicoleta Măru2 and clinical examination alone. Laparoscopic management Iden­­ti­ficarea timpurie a aces­tor cazuri este foarte importantă,
1. “Elias” University is required for definitive diagnosis and treatment. Identifying din cauza riscului mare de deces matern. Prezentăm cazul unei
Emergency Hospital,
Bucharest these emergent cases early is very important because of femei de 34 de ani care a acuzat dureri abdominale inferioare în
the high risk of maternal death. We present the case of a hipocondrul stâng, declarând 5 săptămâni și 4 zile de amenoree
2. ”Carol Davila” University
of Medicine and Pharmacy, 34-year-old female who accused left lower abdominal pain, și un test de sarcină pozitiv. Ecografia transvaginală a identificat
Bucharest whilst she declared 5 weeks and 4 days of amenorrhea and a un sac gestațional în imediata apropiere a ovarului stâng. S-a
3. Bucharest University po­si­tive pregnancy test. Transvaginal sonography identified in­ter­ve­nit chirurgical pe cale laparoscopică și s-a constatat
Emergency Hospital a gestational sac in the very proximity of the left ovary. La­pa­ pre­zen­ța unei formațiuni tumorale de culoare violacee, cu
Corresponding author: ro­scopy was performed and so we discovered a purple tu­mor, di­men­siuni de 3,5/3 cm, cu desen vascular intens, situată pe
Cristina Oprescu 3.5/3 cm, with intense vascular drawing, situated on the left ova­rul stâng, diagnosticându-se o sarcină ectopică ovariană
ovary. Thus, primary ovarian ectopic pregnancy was diag­ primară, confirmată de examenul histopatologic. Evoluția
nosed and confirmed by histopathology. The postoperative post­ope­ra­torie a fost favorabilă, pacienta fiind externată a doua
evo­lu­tion was favorable, the patient being discharged the next zi postoperatoriu. Scopul nostru este de a evidenția suc­ce­sul
day postoperatively. Our purpose is to highlight the successful tratamentului chirurgical minim invaziv în contextul unei sar­cini
treat­ment with a minimally invasive surgical technique of an ovariene.
ova­rian pregnancy. Cuvinte-cheie: sarcină ectopică, sarcină ovariană, abord
Keywords: ectopic pregnancy, ovarian pregnancy, laparoscopic

Submission date:
24.09.2019 Diagnosticul precoce al sarcinii ovariene – prezentare de caz
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Petca A, Oprescu C, Șandru F, Petca RC, Dumitrașcu MC, Boț M, Măru N. Early diagnosis of ovarian pregnancy – a case report.
17.10.2019 2019;26(4):32-34.

Introduction per prima, and the secondary ovarian pregnancy, when the
Ovarian ectopic pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic preg- primary nesting occurs at the level of the fallopian tube
nancy with an estimated prevalence between 1:7000 and and subsequently the ovarian attachment results second
1:70,000, representing 3% of all ectopic cases(1). into tubal abortion(3).
The symptoms mimic those of ectopic tubal pregnancy
and can be difficult to differentiate only on the basis of Case presentation
the ultrasound image and on the clinical and paraclinical We present the case of a 34-year-old female with a his-
examination. The laparoscopic management is most often tory of a full-term pregnancy, by caesarean section, in
required for the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian preg- 2015, with previous regular menstrual cycle and with
nancy. The early identification of these cases is imperative declared intent to conceive again, also known with a total
because of the high risk of maternal death(2). thyroidectomy in 2017, in treatment with Euthyrox® 100
It usually ends in a gestational sac rupture in the first mcg, 1 cp/day, who was admitted into the surgical emer-
trimester of pregnancy due to increased ovarian tissue vas- gency department of the “Elias” University Hospital, in
cularization that will lead to internal bleeding and hypo­ May 2019. She presented with left lower abdominal pain,
volemic shock. The diagnosis is usually made by emergency with 5 weeks and 4 days of amenorrhea and a positive result
laparoscopy and histopathological evaluation(2). There are on the pregnancy test. βHCG level was 7.749 mIU/mL. The
two types of ovarian pregnancy: the primary ovarian preg- vaginal examination found a tender cystic mass palpable
nancy, when implantation occurs at the level of the ovary in the left fornix. Transvaginal ultrasonography showed

32 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


empty uterine cavity with 11 mm thickness. An ectopic the bilateral tubes and the right ovary were normal, at
gestational sac and yolk sac seemed to be inside her left the level of the left ovary there was a purple tumor (3.5/3
ovary, and were identified close to the midline, which cm), with intense vascular drawing (Figure 1).
correlated with her 6-week amenorrheea. The fetus and The incision of the tumor was practiced with the ex-
fetal heart beat were not clearly seen. The vascular prolif- ternalization of an increased amount of blood and of
eration called “ring of fire” – which is typical for ectopic trophoblastic tissue; hemostasis was difficult to achieve,
ovarian pregnancy – was detected around the gestational the remaining ovary was sutured in order to ensure the
sac. Her right ovary and tubal structures seemed to be hemostasis. The abdominal cavity was washed, hemo-
normal; no liquid in the Douglas sac. The diagnosis of left stasis checked and drainage of the Douglas space was
ovarian ectopic pregnancy was established and the patient placed.
was hospitalized for specialized treatment. The evolution of the patient was favorable, being dis-
At the hospital, the patient was conscious, coopera- charged 24 hours postoperatively.
tive, oriented temporally and spatially, with blood pres- The histopathological result revealed multiple frag-
sure 100/50 mmHg, and heart rate 75/min. A physical ments representing blood clots and numerous chorionic
examination showed minimal tenderness in all sides of villi with non-specific modifications, trophoblast frag-
her abdomen with an increase sensibility in the left lower ments without circumferential arrangement; ovarian
pelvic section. A speculum examination showed a small stroma, no trophoblastic disease elements were identi-
amount of cervical bleeding. On the vaginal examina- fied; histopathological appearance of ovarian pregnancy
tion, the vagina and cervix were normal and the uterus with non-specific changes.
had a normal size; a tender chystic mass was palpable
in the left fornix. Discussion
Laboratory analyses showed a white blood cell count The diagnostic criteria for ovarian pregnancy are the
(WBC) of 66.40/uL, hemoglobin (Hb) 12.9 g/dl, hematocrit Springelberg criteria, described 100 years ago(4):
(Htc) 37.9%, thrombocytes 185,000 uL, beta human chori- 1. Gestation sac located in the ovary area.
onic gonadotropin (β HCG) 7749, blood group 0I and Rh+, 2. The gestational sac is attached to the uterus by the
and normal urine results. Laparoscopic surgery was decided ovarian ligament.
under general anesthesia with oro-tracheal intubation. 3. Ovarian tissue present in the gestational sac identi-
The laparoscopic surgery was performed, which re- fied histopathologically.
vealed: the uterus of normal macroscopic appearance, 4. The uterine tube on the involved side is intact.

Figure 1. Laparoscopic images of ovarian pregnancy

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


The risk factors for the onset of ovarian pregnancy are(5): loss, reduced hospitalization days and low postoperative
n Intrauterine devices. analgesia(10). When choosing the right treatment, the pa-
n Pelvic inflammatory disease. tient’s desire to obtain a pregnancy should be taken into
n Sexually transmitted diseases. consideration. The conservative treatment with tropho-
n Assisted reproduction techniques. blast resection or thinning or cystectomy with hemostatic
n Surgery in the pelvic aria in the past. suture is preferable to ovarectomy because the patient
n Endometriosis. keeps her fertility(5).
n Ectopic pregnancy in the background. The success of methotrexate in the management of ovar-
n Salpingitis. ian pregnancy is still undetermined and generally impracti-
n Advanced maternal age. cal, only a few case studies reporting its use(11-13). The single
n Multiparity. dose of methotrexate and multidose were successfully used
The actual cause of the abnormal implantation is un- to treat stable patients with ovarian pregnancy with hCG
clear. Some theories suggest that the abnormal implanta- levels up to 5200 mIU/mL. Most commonly, methotrexate
tion that occurs in the ovarian pregnancy is the result of is used in the treatment of increased beta-hCG following
the following: surgical treatment(14). Although it is less invasive than sur-
1. Migration of the embryo related to the presence of gical treatment, there have been many cases of failure and
certain conditions that cause epithelial lesions of the uter- even major ovarian bleeding(2,15).
ine tube which alter the tubular motility(6). In this case, we chose minimally invasive surgical treat-
2. Failure to release the egg from the broken follicle(7). ment to ensure a high success rate. The Taiwan Institute,
3. Inflammatory thickening of tuna albuginea(2). in a study of 110 patients with ovarian pregnancies over
The signs and symptoms that appear in the ovarian 21 years old, concluded that 70.9% of them were treated
pregnancy are: moderate or intense pelvic pain, vaginal by laparoscopy and 29.1% by laparotomy, and none of the
bleeding, amenorrhea, irregular menstrual cycle, nausea, patients received drug treatment(16).
vomiting, constipation, hemorrhagic shock in case of a The treatment of ectopic pregnancies with the help of
rupture(5). laparoscopic surgery is best indicated because the pregnan-
The ultrasound criteria in case of ovarian pregnancy cies are small in size, contain low consistency tissue which
are: free endometrial cavity, gestational sac that is identi- allows the extraction of fragments through the laparo-
fied at the level of the ovarian parenchyma, yolk sac with scopic incisions, using the endobag, and also the morcella-
or without embryo image depending on the gestational tor allows the extraction of larger tissues(17). Due to a faster
age, image “crown of fire” (vascular proliferation) visible postoperative recovery of the patient after a laparoscopic
around the gestational sac, the presence of the ovarian intervention, the success rate in obtaining a normal intra­
cortex including corpus luteum and follicles around and uterine pregnancy is higher.
with a much more pronounced echogenic ring than the
ovary(8). Most ovarian pregnancies rupture before the 40th Conclusions
day of pregnancy, although there have been reports of a The diagnosis with the latest ultrasonography scanner
number of pregnancies that reached the third trimester(9). and the experience in laparoscopic surgery have proven
The differential diagnosis is made in this case with: cyst of succes in treating ovarian pregnancy through minimally
corpus luteum, hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, endometrioma, invasive surgery. Laparotomy was avoided, hospitalization
tubal ectopic pregnancy, early intrauterine pregnancy or days and costs were reduced, and the patient did not need
stopped in evolution, and in case of negative pregnancy adjuvant treatments. This method is safe when performed
test with appendicitis(10). The gold standard in the diag- by an experienced operator and has the advantage of keep-
nosis and treatment of ovarian pregnancy is represented ing fertility for the future. n
by laparoscopy or laparotomy with histopathological con-
firmation. However, laparoscopy has many advantages Conflicts of interests: The authors declare no conflict
over laparotomy: shorter operative time, reduced blood of interests.

1. Marcus SM, Brinsden PR. Primary ovarian pregnancy after in vitro fertilization and rare case. Iran J Reprod Med. 2014; 12(4):281-4.

embryo transfer: report of seven cases. Fertil Steril. 1993; 60(1):167–70. 11. Shen L, Fu J, Huang W, Zhu H, Wang Q, Yang S, Wu T. Interventions for non-tubal
2. Birge O, Erkan MM, Ozbeyand EG, Arslan D. Medical management of an ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2014; 7:CD011174.
ectopic pregnancy: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2015; 9(1):290. 12. Chetty M, Elson J. Treating non-tubal ectopic pregnancy. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet
3. Russell JB, Cutler LR. Transvaginal ultrasonographic detection of primary Gynaecol. 2009; 23(4):529–38.
ovarian pregnancy with laparoscopic removal: a case report. Fertil Steril. 1980; 13. Alalade A, Mayers K, Abdulrahman G, Oliver R, Odejinmi F. A twelve year analysis
51(6):1055–6. of non-tubal ectopic pregnancies: do the clinical manifestations and risk factor
4. Spiegelberg O. The causes of ovarian pregnancy. Arch Gynaecol. 1878; 13:73-9. for these rare pregnancies differ from those of tubal pregnancies?. Gynecol Surg.
5. Sotelo C. Ovarian ectopic pregnancy: a clinical analysis. J Nurse Pract. 2019; 2015; 13(2):103-9.
Reclamă GIN(26)0105

14. Parker VL, Srinivas M. Non-tubal ectopic pregnancy. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2016;
6. Mathur SK, Parmar P, Gupta P, Kumar M, Gilotra M, Bhatia Y. Ruptured primary
ovarian ectopic pregnancy: case report and review of the literature. J Gynecol 294(1):19-27.
Surg. 2015; 31(6):354-6. 15. Ghaneie A, Grajo JR, Derr C, Kumm TR. Unusual ectopic pregnancies:
7. Melcer Y, Maymon R, Vaknin Z, Pansky M, et al. Primary ovarian ectopic sonographic findings and implications for management. J Ultrasound Med. 2015;
pregnancy: still a medical challenge. J Reprod Med. 2016; 61(1-2):58-62. 34(6):951–62.
8. Roy J, Babu AS. Ovarian pregnancy: two case reports. Australas Med J. 2013; 16. Ko PC, Lo LM, Cheng PJ. Twenty-one years of experience with ovarian ectopic
6(8):406-10 pregnancy at one institution in Taiwan. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2012; 119(2):154–8.
9. Choi HJ, Im KS, Jung HJ, Lim KT, Mok JE, Kwon YS. Clinical analysis of ovarian 17. Petca A, Veduta A, Mehedinţu C, Maru N, Petca R, Boţ M. Ectopic pregnancy
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10. Tehrani HG, Hamoush Z, Ghasemi M, Hashemi L. Ovarian ectopic pregnancy: a 20(2):20-2.

34 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Sacrocolpopexy –
advantages and disadvantages
of abdominal and laparoscopic
approaches. A systematic
review and meta-analysis
Mihai Cristian Abstract Rezumat
Răzvan Pelvic organ prolapse has become a common problem Prolapsul genital a devenit o afecțiune frecventă în rândul
among women and, because of its increasing incidence, populației de sex feminin. În urma creșterii incidenței, au fost
Fodoroiu2, several surgical techniques have been developed. The current dezvoltate diferite tehnici chirurgicale pentru refacerea tul­­bu­­
Cătălin George gold standard surgical repair for pelvic or­gan prolapse is the rărilor de statică pelviană. Standardul de aur în ma­nage­­mentul
Nenciu1, abdominal sacrocolpopexy, be­cause of its high success rate acestei patologii a devenit sacrocolpopexia fo­lo­sind abordul
Florica Şandru1,3, and excellent anatomic out­come. La­pa­ros­copic sacrocol­ clasic abdominal, datorită rezultatului ana­tomic excelent și
Aida Petca1,3, popexy has become an alter­native for the ab­do­mi­nal eficienței metodei. Abordul laparoscopic în sacrocolpopexie a
approach. The aim of this systematic review is to compare the devenit o alternativă la abordul cla­sic. Sco­pul acestei sinteze
Răzvan Petca1, advantages and disadvantages between the laparoscopic este de a compara și prezenta avan­ta­jele și dezavantajele celor
Monica Mihaela sacrocolpopexy and the abdominal sacro­col­po­pexy. două modalități de abord al sa­cro­colpopexiei.
Cîrstoiu1,2 Keywords: laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy, abdominal Cuvinte-cheie: sacrocolpopexie laparoscopică,
1. “Carol Davila” University sacrocolpopexy, pelvic organ prolapse sacrocolpopexie abdominală, prolapsul organelor pelviene
of Medicine and Pharmacy,
2. Bucharest University
Submission date:
8.10.2019 Sacrocolpopexia – avantaje și dezavantaje între abordul abdominal
Emergency Hospital
3. “Elias” University
Acceptance date:
29.10.2019 și cel laparoscopic. Sinteză sistematică și metaanaliză
Suggested citation for this article: Dumitrașcu MC, Fodoroiu R, Nenciu CG, Şandru F, Petca A, Petca R, Cîrstoiu MM. Sacrocolpopexy – advantages
Emergency Hospital,
Bucharest and disadvantages of abdominal and laparoscopic approaches. A systematic review and meta-analysis. 2019;26(4):36-38.

Corresponding author:
Florica Sandru

Introduction Materials and method

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is known to affect 30% A systematic review and meta-analysis was per-
of women aged 50-89 years old, and it is predicted that formed. Abstracts and studies were selected using Med-
the morbidity of POP will increase by more than 40% line search after applying exclusion and inclusion crite-
over the next 40 years(1). The procedure for POP repair ria. A single investigator reviewed the studies and the
must be safe, effective, with a low recurrence rate, and abstracts. The study selection process is demonstrated
must improve sexual and urinary functions(2). in Figure 1. After meeting the inclusion criteria, stud-
The current gold standard in the treatment of POP ies were later excluded from the review based on the
is the abdominal sacrocolpopexy (ASC). In comparison exclusion criteria.
with the sacrospinous ligament fixation, ASC is asso- The inclusion criteria were: published original re-
ciated with longer recovery time and operative time, search, comparison of the outcomes of ASC and LSC,
but has a higher success rate, with less dyspareunia(3,4). sample size in each group greater than 10, and the fol-
Over the past decades, the laparoscopic-assisted sac- low-up duration more than three months. Studies were
rocolpopexy (LSC) has become available, with similar excluded if the language was not English, and if the re-
overall results as the abdominal approach. Although LSC sults of the studies did not include comparable results.
is less invasive, it requires greater surgical skills in order
to determine the proper plans for safe and effective dis- Results
section of the rectovaginal and vesicovaginal spaces(5). Characteristics of the selected studies
The aim of this study was to compare the advantages A total of 53 papers were initially identified. Three
and disadvantages of different sacrocolpopexy techniques, studies, including 996 patients, were retrieved(6-8). Over-
and to perform a systematic review of the outcomes. all, a number of 672 patients underwent ASC and 354

36 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Records identified through database searching Figure 1. Flowchart


of study selection
(n=53) process

Records screened Records excluded (n=22)


(n=31) n no original data

n no comparison of ASC
versus LSC
n sampe size per group <10
n follow-up <3 months

Full text evaluated


Excluded (n=1)
n other language than English

Full text included


underwent LSC. The mean follow-up duration was 13.5 Synthesis of results
months after ASC and 9.1 months after LSC. Studies Duration of surgery. The duration of surgery was
included women undergoing concomitant vaginal repair 17.8% shorter in the ASC group in comparison with the
and anti-incontinence surgery. Paraiso et al. study also LSC group. This analysis was performed on all three
included five women who underwent bowel resection due studies that involved 672 patients who underwent ASC
to rectal prolapse associated with constipation symp- and 354 patients with LSC. The mean operation time
toms(8). Table 1 summarizes the studies characteristics. for ASC was 208 minutes, in comparison with 253 mean
Table 2 summarizes the surgical outcomes comparison operation time for LSC. The difference in the duration
between LSC and ASC. of surgery was 45 hours(6-8).

Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

Reference Year Country Study design Study duration Follow-up Primary outcome

Compare demographic
Retrospective 6 years and 5.9 mo (LSC),
Hsiao et al. 2007 US 25/22 and perioperative
cohort 1 month 11 mo (ASC)

Compare perioperative
Retrospective 8 mo (LSC),
Nosti et al. 2014 US 11 years 273/589 and postoperative surgical
cohort 14 mo (ASC)

Retrospective 6 years and 13.5 mo (LSC), Compare efficacy

Paraiso et al. 2005 US 56/61
cohort 3 months 15.7 mo (ASC) and safety

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Table 2 LSC and ASC surgical outcomes comparison

Postoperative ileus/small
Duration of surgery Intraoperative blood loss Hospital stay
bowel obstruction
Reference (minutes) (mL) (days)
(reported cases)
Hsiao et al. 185 220 195 83 3.3 1.2 3 0
Nosti et al. 222 272 150 100 3 1 29 5
Paraiso et al. 218 269 234 172 4 1,8 4 1
Mean value 208 253 193 118 3.4 1.33 12 2

Blood loss. Intraoperative mean blood loss in the ASC we found a smaller difference in the duration of surgery of
group was 193 mL, being 63% higher than in the LSC 45 minutes. This difference may be explained by the fact
group, which had a significantly lower mean intraopera- that surgeons with experience can perform the LSC much
tive blood loss of 118 mL(6-8). faster than surgeons who are still in the learning curve.
Hospital stay. ASC was associated with greater hos- There is good evidence to support the laparoscopic ap-
pital stay (mean hospital stay of 3.4 days) compared with proach due to the advantage of a shorter hospital stay
LSC (mean hospital stay of 1.33). This result estimated and less blood loss, which can have a positive impact of
that LSC had a 61% shorter hospital stay(6-8). the patients’ expectations of hospital care and service.
Postoperative ileus/small bowel obstruction Because the anatomical and combined outcomes were not
(SBO). It is well known that laparoscopical approach very different between LSC and ASC, it is important to
offers a lower rate of complications. ASC is thus associ- notice the fact that ASC had a shorter duration of surgery,
ated with increased risk of postoperative ileus and small which leads to a shorter anesthesia time for the patient.
bowel obstruction. Nosti et al. reported 29 cases (out of
273 patients) of ileus and SBO in the ASC group. The Conclusions
other two groups only reported seven cases in total. Out The present systematic review indicates that ASC and
of a total of 672 patients who underwent ASC, 5.35% had LSC have similar clinical outcomes in prolapse surgery.
ileus and SBO complications. As a comparison, the LSC The abdominal approach has a shorter surgery time, but
group reported only six cases, which represented 1.69% is associated with greater blood loss, longer hospital stay,
of the patients enrolled in these studies(6-8). and has greater risk of postoperative ileus and small bowel
Bladder and bowel injury. There was no significant obstruction. LSC represents a safe alternative to ASC, with
difference in rate of bowel and bladder injury between similar anatomical results and with all the aforementioned
the two groups(6-8). advantages. n
Reoperation for prolapse surgery. There was no sig-
nificant difference in the rate of reoperation for prolapse Conflicts of interests: The authors declare no con-
surgery between ASC and LSC groups. ASC had one case of flict of interests.
repeated surgery in the group from Nosti et al. Regarding
LSC, Paraiso et al. reported one case of repeated surgery
for apical recurrence, and Nosti et al. also reported one
repeated surgery for apical recurrence in the LSC group(6-8). 1. Luber KM, Boero S, Choe JY. The demographics of pelvic floor disorders: current
observations and future projections. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001; 184(7):1496–501.
2. Culligan PJ, Murphy M, Blackwell L, Hammons G, Graham C, Heit MH. Long-term
success of abdominal sacral colpopexy using synthetic mesh. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
Discussion 2002; 187(6):1473–80, discussion; 1481–2.
3. Benson J, Lucente V, McClellan E. Vaginal versus abdominal reconstructive surgery for
This systematic review found that the laparoscopic ap- the treatment of pelvic support defects: a prospective randomized study with long-
term outcome evaluation. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1996; 175:1418–22.
proach in sacrocolpopexy has the advantage of less blood 4. Lo T, Wang A. Abdominal colposacropexy and sacrospinousligament suspension for
loss, shorter hospital stay, less postoperative ileus/SBO, severe uterovaginal prolapse: a comparison. J Gynaecol Surg. 1998; 14:59–64.
5. Pan K, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Wang Y, Xu H. A systematic review and meta-analysis of
but a longer operation time compared with the abdominal conventional laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy versus robot-assisted laparoscopic
sacrocolpopexy. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2015; 132(3):284–91.
approach. The findings reveal that there is no difference 6. Hsiao K, Latchamsetty K, Govier F, et al. Comparison of laparoscopic and abdominal
sacrocolpopexy for the treatment of vaginal vault prolapse. J Endourol. 2007;
between the two methods regarding the need for further 21:926–30.
7. Nosti P, Andy U, Kane S, et al. Outcomes of abdominal and minimally invasive
surgery and the risk of bowel or bladder injury(6-8). sacrocolpopexy: a retrospective cohort study. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2014;
Our results were similar with other meta-analyses re- 8. Paraiso M, Walters M, Rackley R, et al. Laparoscopic and abdominal sacral colpopexies:
garding blood loss, hospital stay and surgery duration(5,9). a comparative cohort study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005; 192:1752–8.
9. Campbell P, Cloney L, Jha S. Abdominal versus laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy. Obstet
According to a recent systematic review(10) which com- Gynecol Survey. 2016; 71(7):435–42.
10. De Sa M, Claydon L, Whitlow B, et al. Laparoscopic versus open sacrocolpopexy for the
pared ASC with LSC, the duration of surgery between the treatment of prolapse of the apical segment of the vagina: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Int Urogynaecol J. 2016; 27:3–17.
two approaches was 87 minutes. In our systematic review,

38 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Sex cord-stromal tumors

of the ovary: granulosa-stromal
cell tumors. Case report
and literature review
Laura Mustaţă1, Abstract Rezumat
Peltecu1,2, Background. Sex cord-stromal tumors of the ovary Introducere. Tumorile cordoanelor sexuale stromale ale
(SCSTO) are a rare pathology of the ovary, representing ova­­ru­­lui reprezintă o patologie rară, constituind mai puţin
Raluca less than 2% from the total primary ovarian cancer cases. de 2% din to­ta­lul cancerelor primare ovariene. Materiale şi
Chirculescu3, Materials and method. This paper describes a case of me­­to­­dă. Lu­crarea descrie un caz de tumoare de gra­nu­loasă de
Anca Maria granulosa tumor cell, juvenile type, in a young woman with tip juvenil la o femeie tânără cu amenoree se­cun­dară şi infer­
Panaitescu1,2, secondary amenorrhea and primary infertility. Results. ti­­li­­tate primară. Rezultate. Tumoarea de granuloasă de tip
Nicolae Gică1,2, Granulosa tumor cell, juvenile type, was suspicioned after ju­­ve­nil a fost suspicionată după ce s-au efectuat investigaţiile
clinical and paraclinical tests had been done, and MRI cli­­ni­ce şi paraclinice, iar RMN-ul a descris o tumoare ovariană.
Radu Botezatu1,2, de­scribed the ovarian tumor. This case emphasizes the Ca­zul prezentat arată im­por­tanţa abordării în echipă mul­ti­­dis­­
Ruxandra importance of multidisciplinary team approach, involving ci­pli­nară care să in­clu­dă ginecologul, specialistul în re­pro­
Gabriela Cigaran1, gynecologist, fertility specialist, oncologist, and radiologist. du­­ce­re medicală asis­ta­tă, oncologul medical şi spe­cia­lis­tul în
Corina Gică1, We have reviewed the available literature in this report. ima­gis­tică. Deşi tra­ta­mentul de bază îl reprezintă chi­rur­gia, cu
George Iancu1,2 Although most cases are treated with surgery alone fol­ res­pec­tarea prin­ci­piilor de siguranţă oncologică si­mi­lare celor
lowing oncological safety principles as in epithelial ovarian din can­ce­rul epitelial ovarian, este importantă in­di­vi­dualizarea
1. “Filantropia” Clinical
Hospital of Obstetrics cancer approach, it is important to discuss the follow-up tra­­ta­­men­­tului la pacientele care doresc con­ser­va­rea fer­ti­li­tă­
and Gynecology, Bucharest ap­proach, taking into consideration that this patient par­ ţii, situaţie în care se recomandă o chirurgie adaptată aces­tui
2. “Carol Davila” University ti­cularly wished to procreate, and fertility sparing surgery deziderat. Chimioterapia şi radioterapia sunt tra­ta­mente
of Medicine and Pharmacy, was performed. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were com­ple­mentare, recomandate în caz de recidivă sau paliaţie,
Bucharest com­plementary treatments that were discussed in the în stadii avansate de boală. Urmărirea atentă este importantă
3. “Alessandrescu-Rusescu” multidisciplinary meeting, but as no adjuvant therapy was pentru a surprinde o eventuală recidivă, în cazul pacientei fiind
National Institute for Mother
and Child Health, Polizu
found to be effective, these adjuvant therapies are kept realizată prin RMN abdominală/pelviană. Concluzii. Datorită
Hospital, Bucharest for recurrence and palliative care for advanced disease. rarităţii acestor cazuri, este necesară o continuă in­for­mare a
Corresponding author: Close follow-up was arranged for the patient as clinical po­pu­laţiei feminine şi a medicilor de familie de a so­li­cita opinia
Nicolae Gică and pelvic/abdominal MRI surveillance. Conclusions. spe­cia­listului pentru o depistare precoce.
E-mail: Given the rarity of this disease worldwide, it is important Cuvinte-cheie: tumoare ovariană stromală de cordoane
to raise awareness amongst medical staff and educate sexuale, tumoare cu celule granuloase, tumoare juvenilă cu
the general population to seek medical attention early. celule granuloase, chirurgie conservatoare a fertilităţii, cancer
Keywords: sex cord-stromal tumors of the ovary, ovarian
granulosa tumor cell, juvenile granulosa tumor cells, fertility
sparing surgery, ovarian cancer

Submission date:
23.09.2019 Tumorile cordoanelor sexuale stromale ale ovarului: tumoarea de granuloasă.
Acceptance date:
18.10.2019 Prezentare de caz şi revederea literaturii
Suggested citation for this article: Mustaţă L, Peltecu G, Chirculescu R, Panaitescu AM, Gică N, Botezatu R, Cigaran RG, Gică C, Iancu G. Sex cord-stromal tumors
of the ovary: granulosa-stromal cell tumors. Case report and literature review. 2019;26(4):40-43.

Introduction of the malignant SCSTO have a good prognosis, being

Sex cord-stromal tumors of the ovary (SCSTO) is a diagnosed in an early stage, and they are low-grade ma-
group of ovarian tumors, either benign of malignant, lignancies compared with epithelial ovarian cancer.
that usually develop from the division of the cells which SCSTO are a group of tumors that include fibro-the-
surround and support the oocytes, and they include cells comas, Sertoli-Leydig cells, and granulosa cell tumors.
that produce hormones. SCSTO represent a rare pathol- Almost 70% of the sex cord-stromal cells are granulosa
ogy of the ovary and they comprise less than 2% from stromal cells and these include fibromas (the most fre-
the total primary ovarian cancer cases(1). The majority quent histology found), thecomas and granulosa cell

40 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


tumors. Pre- or postmenopausal women account the brings the patients to medical advice and lead to early
same percentage of granulosa stromal cells tumors(2). diagnosis(10). Other nonspecific symptoms include ab-
Fibromas don’t produce any hormones compared with dominal pain and enlargement of the abdomen for the
theca or granulosa cells; the latter tumors show specific juvenile type. For the adult type, symptoms and signs
hormonal profile and they have a malignant histology include menometrorrhagia or postmenopausal bleed-
in most of the cases. Patients with these types of tu- ing, virilization, abdominal pain and a palpable mass(11).
mors usually have signs and symptoms of estrogen and Blood tests and hormonal profile should be included
androgen excess. in the investigation panel in order to check for the level
Granulosa cell tumors are part of the group of sex cord- of testosterone and androstendione. Because these tu-
stromal tumors of the ovary, being the most common mors are very rare, the hormonal profile is not evalu-
one and having a malignant potential(3). These tumors ated currently preoperatively, therefore after surgery the
represent less than 5% of all ovarian cancer, two types levels of these hormones are normal. Inhibin B is very
being described, the juvenile and adult types. The latter accurate as a tumor marker, more specific than inhibin
is specific for patients aged 50-55 years old, and this is A, and is also useful to monitor recurrence. Imaging
the vast majority of the granulosa cell tumors, compris- shows pelvic/adnexal mass with polycystic aspect and
ing 95%. These tumors are large ovarian masses, up to semisolid features (Figure 1). It was supposed that CT or
15 cm(4). The juvenile type is very rare, and this is specific MRI could characterize more accurate these tumors and
for children, for women at puberty, or in their early 20s. bring more information than ultrasound, but the imag-
This subtype seems to be more aggressive, with early re- ing features are nonspecific and cannot discriminate
currence compared with the adult subtype, that tends from the epithelial ovarian tumors(12).
to have low risk of late recurrence(5). Of the rare cases As a diagnostic procedure, a complete surgical resec-
of prepubertal tumors, 75% are associated with pseudo- tion and staging are recommended for these cases. Only
precocious puberty because of estrogen secretion(6). histopathology can diagnose adequately these tumors
In postmenopausal women, estrogen secretion can and can discriminate between epithelial ovarian tumors,
be sufficient to induce the development of endometrial germ cell tumors or other cancer(13) (Figure 2, Figure 3).
cancer. Endometrial cancer is accompanying granulosa The natural history of these tumors is different from
cell tumor in at least 5% of cases and 25-50% of the cases that of epithelial ovarian cancers, since these tumors
of granulosa cell tumors are associated with endometrial have a low malignant potential. These tumors are usu-
hyperplasia(6,7). ally unilateral masses, have an estrogen secretion and
Ascites could be present in 10% of cases and pleural don’t relapse frequently. When this happens, these tu-
effusion is even much rarer(6,7). Very rare granulosa cell mors relapse as an abdomen or pelvic mass, and bone
tumor could rupture and produce hemoperitoneum. Very metastases are rare as well(14,15).
rare granulosa cell tumor may produce androgens and The histopathological results describe a macroscopi-
induce virilization(8). Granulosa cell tumors are bilateral cally cystic mass, with solid or hemorrhagic content or
in only 2% of patients(8). gelatinous fluid. The microscopic analysis shows pale
The phenotype of the patient who develops granulosa grooved, “coffee bean” nuclei and a rosette arrangement
tumor cell is non-white, obese patients with family his- of cells around an eosinophilic fluid space (Figure 2).
tory of ovarian cancer or breast cancer. Smoking, parity The survival rate for patients with stage I disease is
and the use of contraceptive pills seem to have a protec- 95%, but up to 25% of these tumors will relapse within
tive role in developing these types of tumors(4). 5-6 years, sometimes even after decades. Poor prognos-
However, a gene mutation was found to be the con- tic factor is stage II-IV tumors, with a five-year survival
stant in the adult type of granulosa cell tumor, and this rate between 30% and 50%(16).
is mutant FOXL2(9), but no family cases were found.
Surgical approach as a first-line treatment brought
significant benefit on a long-term prognosis, since most
of these tumors are confined with one ovary and they can
be resected with oncological safety principles followed.
Moreover, chemotherapy is less needed, although recur-
rent disease usually responds poorly to chemotherapy.
Taking into consideration that patients are in an early
stage at diagnosis and surgery is usually done with a
curative approach, these bring excellent prognosis and
outcome for these patients, but the real prognosis and
the natural history are poorly known and understood
since these tumors are very rare in the population.

Clinical and paraclinical investigations

Early puberty, secondary amenorrhea and endocrino-
logic symptoms are the most common symptoms that Figure 1. Ultrasound aspect of granulosa tumor cell

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Figure 2.
of granulosa tumor cell
(VIM + staining)

Figure 3. Granulosa
tumor cell histo­
pathology (HE staining)

Treatment care and symptoms relief. No change of the approach

The treatment with the best outcome for these tu- should be applied for pregnant patients and chemother-
mors is the complete surgical resection, with an excellent apy is more often given after delivery.
prognosis for stage I disease. These tumors have a poor For relapse management, chemotherapy is the chosen
response to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, there- treatment, and bevacizumab has shown to be effective.
fore surgery is not just a diagnostic procedure, but aims Moreover, it is expected to see a new targeted therapy,
to resect completely the disease. When planning surgery, taking into consideration the gene mutation FOXL2(18).
fertility sparing surgery should be considered especially The prognosis of these tumors is better when com-
for patients who have not completed their family and pared with epithelial ovarian cancers, and depends on
wish to preserve fertility. Otherwise, for postmeno- the stage at diagnosis, size of the tumor, completeness
pausal women, hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo- of surgical excision and residual disease.
oophorectomy is recommended. Because of the risk of
hyperplasia of the endometrium and adenocarcinoma, Case report
a risk due to estrogen exposure, it is recommended to We report the case of a 26-year-old woman, with a
advise the patient about endometrium sampling. Adding three-year history of primary infertility and secondary
lymphadenectomy as a staging procedure did not show amenorrhea, with no other specific medical history. The
any survival benefit. Laparoscopy used for staging did patient was admitted for a right ovarian mass discovered
not show any specific benefit, the laparotomy approach during a routine pelvic ultrasound. The ovarian mass seen
being the chosen way to remove completely the tumor. on transvaginal ultrasound measured 7/5 cm, with regular
Follow-up is done as a clinical exam, pelvic ultrasound contour, with solid pattern; no other pathological findings
and serum marker testing. Chemotherapy did not show was seen. MRI was further recommended and described a
any benefit in stage I disease, however a big tumor, right para-uterine pelvic mass, measuring up to 6 cm, with
poorly differentiated with clinical or other suspicious solid content and important contrast uptake. There was
feature, should be discussed by the multidisciplinary no right ovary structure found; the left ovary and uterus
team. Chemotherapy included bleomycin, etoposide and were normal; no ascites or other pathological features.
cisplatin(17). More data is needed. However, the series is All blood tests performed, including tumor markers such
still small, taking into consideration the fact that these as CA125, HE4, beta-HCG, alpha-fetoprotein, inhibine A
tumors have a very low incidence. Radiation therapy was and B, LDH and testosterone level, were within normal
not found useful and is usually reserved for palliative range. The level of estrogen was normal.

42 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Surgical approach was decided, and a right salpingo- Discussion

oophorectomy was performed. Frozen section raised Although granulosa cell tumors are a very rare type of
suspicion of granulosa tumor cell, juvenile type. Dur- ovarian tumors, they have an important malignant and
ing surgery, the evaluation of uterus and contralateral spreading potential, and represent the most common
ovary, peritoneal cavity and of abdominal and pelvic type of malignant ovarian sex cord tumors. Granulosa
organs was macroscopically normal. Taking into con- cell tumor, the juvenile type, is the rarest type, compris-
sideration the age of the patient, the intraoperative ing less than 5% of these malignancies. These tumors
findings and the wish to procreate, surgery was limited develop before puberty, and they have a higher prolifera-
to a conservative approach, keeping the uterus and the tive rate, but a lower late recurrence rate compared with
left adnexa. the adult type(5).
Postoperatively, the patient had a good recovery, with It is important to emphasize that the juvenile type
no complications, and she was discharged two days after occurs in young and very young female patients, and
surgery. The final histopathology and immunohisto- the surgical approach should take into consideration
chemistry confirmed a granulosa cell tumor, juvenile fertility sparing techniques, informed consent and fer-
type, with VIM difuse positive, AE1/AE3 negative, CRO- tility advice prior to treatment. As most of the cases are
MO negative, calretinine and inhibin positive, Ki67 10% diagnosed in an early stage, fertility sparing surgery is
positive. an achievable target and close follow-up can be a good
The case was discussed in the multidisciplinary meet- long-term approach. Moreover, clinical and imaging
ing and the patient was recommended to have close follow-up should both be part of the follow-up strategy
follow-up, fertility advice and pelvic MRI every three as recurrence rate is low, but it is important to determine
months, to check for recurrences. The first follow-up the recurrence very early in order to facilitate the ap-
was clear, with no pathological finding on the clinical propriate treatment. n
exam and pelvic MRI. The patient is currently under
the care of the infertility team in order to complete her Conflicts of interests: The authors declare no con-
family, and she will continue the follow-up protocol as flict of interests.
discussed in the MDT meeting. The authors contributed equally for this article.

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Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Uropathogenic Escherichia coli

and the related virulence
Benyamin Salmani Abstract Rezumat
Pour Noghlbari,
Mahsa Mozaffari Uropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli (UPEC) are the Tulpinile uropatogene de Escherichia coli sunt cea mai frec­ven­
most common cause of non-hospital-acquired urinary tă cauză de infecții non-intraspitaliceşti ale tractului uri­nar.
Department of Microbiology,
College of Basic Sciences, tract infections (UTIs). The most common UTIs occur Infecţiile de tract urinar apar mai frecvent la femei și afec­
Shahr-e-Qods Branch, mainly in women and affect the bladder and urethra, tea­ză vezica urinară și uretra. Infecția vezicii urinare poartă
Islamic Azad University, leading to infections of the bladder (cystitis). Uro­patho­ de­nu­mirea de cistită. Escherichia coli uropatogen prezintă
Tehran, Iran
genic Escherichia coli have genes and virulence factors fac­tori de virulență şi gene responsabile de aderare, formarea
Corresponding authors: in association with adhesion, biofilm formation and bio­fil­mu­lui și colonizare. Principalele gene sunt: mrk, kpsM, foc,
Benyamin Salmani Pour Noghlbari
E-mail: colonization. These genes are: mrk, kpsM, foc, auf, C, Kps, auf, C, Kps, chuA, hma, ireA, iha, iutA, fliC, ompA, upab, upaC,
Mahsa Mozaffari chuA, hma, ireA, iha, iutA, fliC, ompA, upab, upaC, upaG, upaG şi upaH. Pentru tratarea infecţiei, medicii apelează în
E-mail: mahsa.mozaffari97@ and upaH. Doctors typically treat UTIs with a wide range of mod obișnuit la o gamă largă de antibiotice diferite, cum ar fi
different antibiotics, such as fosfomycin, nitrofurantonin, fos­fo­mi­cină, nitrofurantonină, pivmecilinam, trimetoprim, sul­
pivmecillinam, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, cipro­ fa­­me­to­xazol, ciprofloxacină, levofloxacină şi prulifloxacină. Cu
flo­xacin, levofloxacin and prulifloxacin. However, some toa­te acestea, unele tulpini de E. coli, denumite beta-lactamaze
strains of E. coli, called extended-spectrum beta-lactamase cu spectru extins (ESBL) E. coli, sunt rezistente la majoritatea
(ESBL) E. coli, are resistant to most antibiotic treatments. tra­ta­mentelor cu antibiotice.
Keywords: urinary tract infections, Escherichia coli, ESBL Cuvinte-cheie: infecții de tract urinar, Escherichia coli, ESBL

Submission date:
18.07.2019 Escherichia coli uropatogenă și factorii de virulență înrudiți
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Pour Noghlbari BS, Mozaffari M. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli and the related virulence factors.
5.08.2019 2019;26(4):44-48.

Introduction Capsule (K) are common criteria for UPEC strains clas-
Despite many progresses in the field of medical sification. In addition to varieties of virulence factors,
microbiology, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are still the feature of antibiotic resistance in UPEC pathotypes
known as a big concern for microbiologists and stay is a big deal to be concerned for. The progression of mul-
as the second ranking infectious diseases all over the ti-drug resistant (MDR) and extensively drug resistant
world. The most important problem with the UTIs is (XDR) strains of UPEC worldwide has complicated the
related to their multimicrobial spectrum. Either bacte- treatment of the UTIs, too(1-12).
rial or fungal agents involve lower part (cystitis) and/or As mentioned before, the treasure of virulence fac-
upper part (pyelonephritis) of urinary tract. Escherichia tors and genes within the pan-genome of UPEC strains
coli strains and in particular the uropathogenic patho- is amazingly widespread. But, in this review, some of
types are recognized as the most important bacterial them which are involved in biofilm formation have been
etiology of the UTIs, while the fungal agent of Candida studied (Table 1 and Figure 1)(6,11-13).
albicans has the same role; however, C. albicans may
cause different types of candidiasis, including UTIs. Materials and method
E. coli bacteria are divided into two groups of in- In silico studies have been done for this article. Data-
tra-intestinal and extra-intestinal strains. The intra- bases such as NCBI and GenBank in parallel with Google
intestinal strains may be categorized into two sub- Scholar were searched to find and study various review
groups of commensal strains and the pathotypes. On articles about UPEC genes from the year 2000 to 2018.
the other hand, the extra-intestinal strains include We have also used reference books to improve our data.
different types of pathotypes such as uropathogenic
E. coli (UPEC). UPEC pathotypes are known as invalu- Genes involved in biofilm formation
able genomic treasures of a wide range of diverse viru- As indicated in Table 1, genes which have contributed
lence factors which each one has its own importance in biofilm formation can be divided into two groups:
regarding UTIs. Antigens of Flagella (H), Soma (O) and biofilm formation in catheher and the host’s body. Some

44 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Table 1
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) genes and virulence factors in association
with adhesion, biofilm formation and colonization
Genes Virulence factors References

Mrk Type 3 fimbriae (13)

kps Capsule (13, 14)
Foc F1C (15)
Auf Auf fimbriae (13)
C F9 fimbriae (13)
chuA, hma, ireA,
Hemin uptake system (15)
iha, iutA
flic H antigen (Flagella protein) (13)
ompA, upab, upaC,
upaG, upaH

Figure 1. Uropatho­ge­nic Escherichia coli (UPEC) genes and virulence factors

of the most important virulence genes of UPEC strains 1. mrk

which are associated with biofilm formation are, mrk, Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)
kpsM, foc, auf, C, Kps, chuA, hma, ireA, iha, iutA, fliC, ompA, had been relatively abandoned in clinical research un-
upab, upaC, upaG and upaH. Among them, mrk and kpsM til recently. CAUTIs occur from the growth of bacterial
can form biofilms on indwelling catheters and others in biofilms on the inner surface of the urinary catheter.
the host’s body. Specific virulent properties of each gene The urinary catheters are tubular latex or silicone de-
have been analyzed in this study. vices, which when inserted, biofilms can be formed on

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


the inner or outer surfaces(17). Biofilm formation is typi- proved that F1C pili may impact the pathogenesis of a
cally facilitated by fibrillar structures such as fimbriae remarkable number of UTI cases. β-GalNac-1, 4β-Gal
or pili. In Escherichia coli, the production of determined residues on glycolipids expressed by epithelial cells of
types of fimbriae (e.g., type 3 fimbriae) increases biofilm the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidney and
formation. One of the genes that are deeply associated also by bladder and kidney endothelial cells. F1C pili are
with biofilm formation has been named as mrk gene. The encoded by approximately 14% of UPEC isolates and can
genetic structures in a cell which can replicate indepen- bind β-GalNac-1 and 4β-Gal residues(27).
dently of the chromosomes are called plasmids. Plasmids 4. auf
are circular DNA in the cytoplasm of a bacterium. Mrk Buckles et al.(28) determined that auf gene cluster
gene located in plasmid (pMAS2027) encodes the type was significantly associated with uropathogenic E. coli
3 fimbriae. The precise position of mrk gene is on a seg- isolates. The role of auf genes is in biofilm formation
ment (5,536-bp) with G+C content of 56.6%. It has been and adhesion. Auf fimbriae (encoded by auf gene) are
demonstrated that mrk genes are located on a mobile encoded by 67% of UPEC strains and 27% fecal E. coli
genetic element and on upstream and downstream of the strains (commensal isolates)(29). Furthermore, auf can
mrk cluster; they are genes encoding proteins associated cause all types of UTIs. Each type of UTI may result
with transposition(18). in more-specific signs and symptoms, depending on
2. kpsM which part of the urinary tract is infected. Acute py-
Capsule (also known as K antigen) is a large structure elonephritis usually occurs with upper back and side
of some prokaryotic cells such as bacteria. It is a poly- (flank) pain, high fever, shaking and chills, nausea and
saccharide layer that lies outside the cell envelope of vomiting signs(30). Cystitis can be recognized with signs
bacteria, and is thus deemed part of the outer envelope and symptoms such as pelvic pressure, lower abdomen
of a bacterial cell. It is a layer which is not easily washed discomfort, frequent, painful urination, and blood in
off, and it can be the cause of various diseases. Capsule is urine(31). Urethritis are often seen with burning with
located immediately exterior to the peptidoglycan layer urination and discharge(32).
of Gram-positive bacteria and the Lipopolysaccharide 5. C
layer of Gram-negative bacteria(19). In recent years, sev- F9 Fimbriae of uropathogenic Escherichia coli mediates
eral studies have examined the role of polysaccharide biofilm formation which encodes by C gene. F9 fimbriae
capsules in the pathogenesis of UTI and polysaccharide expression was indicated at 20c, representing the first
capsules have been identified, and they have been divi­ proof of functional F9 fimbriae expression by wild-type
ded into three groups(20). Remarkably, kpsM gene encodes E. coli. However, for binding directly to the f9 promoter,
a capsule transport protein which is one member of the the f9 gene expresses at 37c(27). Besides of UTIs, this
gene cluster responsible for type 2 capsular polysaccha- fimbriae can be effective at the clinical symptoms of
ride synthesis. This gene is one of the reasons of biofilm pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis is a common infection in
formation. It is recognized that the deletion of the gene adult women, but there is a paucity of controlled trials
kpsM would cause a huge decrease in the virulence of the of its treatment and the optimum duration of antibi-
UPEC strain both in vitro and in vivo. Many studies show otic treatment has not been properly defined(33). UPEC
that kpsM was relatively highly conserved during the strains have different specific genomes, for example the
evolution process of bacterial species, so we can conclude UPEC strain CFT073 genome contains ten gene loci that
that this gene is probably a molecular clock(21). share sequence identity with the chaperone-usher class
3. foc of fimbriae. In this strain, the f9 has c number named
Biofilm formation in bacteria including UPEC strains c1931-c1936 and the genes are c1936-34-ydeSRQ, and
has determined increase survival in natural environ- these information in other strains can be various(34).
ments and in the host’s body(22). Foc gene encodes F1C 6. Kps
fimbriae which is located on the bacterial surface and is Biofilms are the microbial communities of the surface-
capable of adhesion to mucosal and endothelial cells(23). attached cells which are embedded in a self-produced ex-
F1C fimbriae are essential for biofilm formation on an tracellular polymeric matrix. Kps genes encode K1, K2,
inert surface. Among three genes encoding for fimbrial K3, K5, K12, K13, K20 and K51/KspMT capsular poly-
adhesive systems (fimH, pap and sfa/foc), the prevalence saccharides. Among the K group, k1 and k2 are more
of sfa/foc gene had been found 23%(24). Many antibiotics outstanding. The K1 capsule on the surface of UPEC
have proven to be effective for the clinical symptoms strains is a key virulence factor and its expression may
of UTIs, but recurrent and chronic infections continue be important in the beginning and development of UTIs
to afflict many people. Saira Bashir et al.(25) found that, and cystitis(35). Similar to other bacterial polysaccharide
due to indiscriminate use of drugs in developing coun- capsules, K1 capsule has two classical roles which contain
tries, the pathogenic bacteria are more battle-hardened inhibition of phagocytosis by granulocytes/monocytes
as compared with developed countries. Studies show and serum resistance. It has been recognized that the
that the resistance of nalidixic acid can be related to polysialic acid K1 capsule may not only protect UPEC from
considerably decreased prevalence of the gene sfa/foc (S natural immunity, but also form an IBC matrix compo-
and F1C fimbriae)(26). Daniël J. Wurpel et al. observations nent which facilitates the aggregation of the bacterial
along with the binding specificity of these organelles communities, which in turn precludes infiltration of host

46 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


inflammatory mediators and environmental stressors(36). The formation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) re-
While K1 played an insignificant role in conferring serum quires cells to secrete ECM proteins(44). UpaB is located
resistance, the K2 antigen is mildly important. In the at the bacterial cell surface. The function of upaB is cell
presence of whole blood, both K1 and K2 antigens pro- adhesion and upaB can mediate the adherence to several
vided a survival advantage to the UPEC strains tested(37). ECM proteins, so the deletion of upaB can reduce the early
7. chuA, hma, ireA, iha, iutA colonization of the bladder.
UPEC, the famous cause of urinary tract infection, The upaB gene is common among UPEC strains and
uses specific outer membrane receptors, facilitating the is present in all available UPEC genomes, but absent or
import of iron-chelating siderophores and iron from disrupted in all diarrheagenic E. coli genomes(45). UpaC
host cells. For the colonization of the urinary tract by AT-encoding gene is common in E. coli. Autotransporter
uropathogenic Escherichia coli, iron attainment mediated (AT) proteins have their independent transport across
by special outer membrane receptors is essential. Heme the bacterial membrane system and final routing to
is an essential source of iron for UPEC in the kidney. the cell surface which facilitates by special structural
Siderophores are small, iron-chelating molecules which properties. Several AT proteins have been characterized
bind and transport iron in microorganisms. Many distin- from UPEC, and these include the upaC protein which
guished types of siderophores are produced by bacteria. encodes by upaC gene(46). UpaG is a member of the tri-
For the synthesis of a siderophore after many steps in meric autotransporter family of adhesins in UPEC and
E. coli, the completed molecules are discharged instantly is strongly associated with other E. coli strains. UpaG
from the cytoplasm to the extracellular space through proteins encoded by upaG genes mediates adhesion to
a complex named TolC. ChuA, hma, ireA, iha, and iutA human bladder epithelial cells(47). UpaH is a identified
genes work together for UPEC iron uptake system and autotransporter protein that contributes to biofilm for-
chuA performs the task of heme transport. The tran- mation and bladder colonization by UPEC. UpaH encodes
scriptional regulators influence on the expression of iron a large cell surface-located AT protein that contributes
uptake genes. The expression of chuA is also regulated by to biofilm formation(48). As we mentioned before, ompA,
RfaH(38). Iha is an abbreviation of the IrgA homolog ad- upaB, upaC, upaG, and upaH genes encode various pro-
hesin which transport both enterobactin and dihydroxy teins, such as ag43, upaB, upaC, upaG and upaH proteins,
benzoylserine (DHBS) and also help UPEC to fitness in with biofilm formation, adhesion and chronic infection
the urinary tract(39). tasks, causing chronic UTIs.
8. filC
The structure of the flagellum is free at one end and Effective antibiotics on UPEC
attached to the cell at the other end. The bacterial fla- For the treatment of urinary tract infections, the first
gella with a diameter of about 20 nm move the bacteria and second lines of the treatment can be used in a variety
towards nutrients and other attractants. The flagellated of antibiotics, for example: fosfomycin, nitrofurantonin,
Escherichia coli spp. are common causes of urinary tract pivmecillinam, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, cipro-
infections and the flagella help the bacteria by propelling floxacin, levofloxacin, and prulifloxacin(49).
up the urethra into the bladder. There are four types of It is noteworthy that ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and
flagellar arrangement: monotrichous, amphitrichous, prulifloxacin should not be used as the first line of treat-
lophotrichous and peritrichous(40). FliC gene encodes the ment due to their high side effects(49).
H antigen or flagella protein. The expression of fliC gene
in vitro is optimal and increasing osmolarity combined Conclusions
with lowering pH represses fliC activity which is the Urinary tract infections are demonstrated to be one
similar condition to the environment of the bladder(41). of the most controversial infections all over the world.
According to a study by M.R. Karam Asadi et al.(42), about The commonest cause of UTI is uropathogenic Escheri-
70% of clinical isolates obtained from patients with UTI chia coli, with different virulence factors encoding by
harbored fliC gene, so we conclude that fliC is another virulence genes, such as mrk (encoding type 3 fimbriae),
conserved gene among UPEC strains. kpsM (encoding type 3 fimbriae), foc (encoding F1C), auf
9. ompA, upab, upaC, upaG, upaH (Auf fimbriae), C (F9 fimbriae), Kps (encoding K antigen
The pathogenic roles of OmpA proteins, including group), chuA, hma, ireA, iha, iutA (encoding Hemin up-
adhesion, invasion or intracellular survival, have been take system), fliC (encoding H antigen), and ompA, upaB,
expected. Features of the outer membrane protein A upaC, upaG and upaH. Among these virulence factors,
(OmpA) encoded by ompA gene are monomeric, main, genes by encoding make the course of treatment harder.
integral, porin and heat-modifiable component of the More studies are also need to find the most appropriate
bacteria. The ompA functions as an intracellular viru- treatment for this issue, but we searched and found some
lence for UPEC and also within bladder epithelium it antibiotics group for the treatment, such as: fosfomycin,
causes persistent infection. It has been demonstrated nitrofurantonin, pivmecillinam, trimethoprim, sulfameth-
that the deletion of the ompA gene did not disrupt the oxazole, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and prulifloxacin. n
initial epithelial binding and invasion by UPEC, whereas
it did preclude completion of the intracellular bacterial Conflict of interests: The authors declare no con-
community (IBC) pathway(43). flict of interests.

Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


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48 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)

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Provita Wellborn Intermedicas

December 2019 – February 2020


EUROGIN 2019 Masterclass in Cosmetic Gynaecology

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4-7 December 2019, Monaco 23-24 January 2020, Bordeaux, France
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9-11 January 2020, Edinburgh, UK 4-7 March 2020, Florence, Italy n

50 Year VII • No. 26 (4/2019)


Tratamentul cu ESMYA oferă singura alternativă pe

termen lung, aprobată, pentru femeile de vârstă fertilă,
cu fibrom uterin simptomatic, pentru care chirurgia
nu este o opțiune.1
Aprobat pentru tratamentul intermitent al FU¹
Controlează rapid, eficient și susținut sângerarea²
Reduce clinic semnificativ volumul FU²
Îmbunătățește calitatea vieții²
Bine tolerat²
1. ESMYA ® RCP Iulie 2018
2. Donnez J, et al. Fertil Steril. 2016; 105: 165-73.e4.

Acest material promoţional este destinat profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătăţii.

Acest medicament se eliberează pe bază de prescripţie medicală.

Pentru mesaje de siguranţă și informaţii medicale:
E-mail:, Tel./Fax: +40-265-257-011

Gel vaginal


Recomandat pentru:1
• Controlul și reepitelizarea zonei de transformare a
colului uterin pentru a preveni riscul de apariție a
leziunilor (LSIL) cauzate de HPV.
• Tratamentul coadjuvant al leziunilor intraepiteliale
cauzate de HPV.
• Refacerea și reepitelizarea leziunilor mucoasei
• Tratamentul uscăciunii mucoasei cervico-vaginale.
• Reechilibrarea microflorei vaginale.
• Îmbunătățirea sănătății vaginale.
• Crearea condițiilor pentru o vindecare rapidă a leziunilor
cauzate de grataj datorită senzației de arsură și prurit.
Instrucțiuni de utilizare: 1
Se inseră canula mono-doză în vagin, de preferat seara
la culcare. Tratamentul se începe după menstruație.



Prima lună : Lunile 2 până la 6:

în fiecare zi timp de o dată la 2 zile, apoi
21 de zile consecutive, pauză în timpul
apoi 7 zile pauză menstruației
(sau în timpul menstruației)


ASCUS: Celule scuamoase atipice cu semnificaţie nedeterminată; LSIL: Leziune intraepitelială scuamoasă de grad scăzut; HPV: Virusul Papiloma uman.
* Leziuni de grad scăzut: ASCUS/LSIL
Referință: 1. Instrucțiuni de utilizare Papilocare Gel Vaginal.
Acest material este destinat exclusiv profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătății.


Av. Miguel Hernández 21, bajo
46450 Benifaió (Valencia)

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