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NBN EN 16931-1:2017+A1:2019/AC:2020 ( Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice

NBN EN 16931-1:2017+A1:2019 (EN) Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice
CEN/TS 16931-2:2017 (EN) Electronic invoicing - Part 2: List of syntaxes that comply with EN 16931-1

SR EN 16931-1+A1:2020 Facturare electronică. Partea 1: Model semantic de date pentru elementele esenţiale ale unei fa
SR EN 16931-1+A1:2020/AC:2020 Facturare electronică. Partea 1: Model semantic de date pentru elementele esenţiale ale unei fa
SR CEN/TS 16931-2:2018 Facturare electronică. Partea 2: Lista sintaxelor conforme cu EN 16931-1

SR EN 16931-1+A1:2020 Facturare electronică. Partea 1: Model semantic de date pentru elementele esenţiale ale u
SR EN 16931-1+A1:2020/AC:2020 Facturare electronică. Partea 1: Model semantic de date pentru elementele esenţiale ale u
SR CEN/TS 16931-2:2018 Facturare electronică. Partea 2: Lista sintaxelor conforme cu EN 16931-1
SR CEN/TS 16931-3-1:2018 Facturare electronică. Partea 3-1: Metodologie aplicabilă corespondenţelor sintactice ale
SR CEN/TS 16931-3-2:2021 Facturare electronică. Partea 3-2: Corespondenţe sintactice pentru ISO/IEC 19845 (UBL 2
SR CEN/TR 16931-4:2019 Facturare electronică. Partea 4: Linii directoare privind interoperabilitatea facturilor elect
SR CEN/TR 16931-5:2019 Facturare electronică. Partea 5: Linii directoare privind utilizarea extensiilor de sector sau
SR CEN/TR 16931-6:2019 Facturare electronică. Partea 6: Rezultatul testării EN 16931-1 cu privire la aplicarea sa pr
ore elements of an electronic invoice
ore elements of an electronic invoice
ith EN 16931-1

entru elementele esenţiale ale unei facturi electronice

entru elementele esenţiale ale unei facturi electronice
u EN 16931-1

e pentru elementele esenţiale ale unei facturi electronice

e pentru elementele esenţiale ale unei facturi electronice
me cu EN 16931-1
ilă corespondenţelor sintactice ale elementelor esenţiale ale unei facturi electronice
ctice pentru ISO/IEC 19845 (UBL 2.1) referitoare la facturi și note de creditare
interoperabilitatea facturilor electronice la nivelul transmisiei
utilizarea extensiilor de sector sau de ţară împreună cu EN 16931-1, cu o metodologie de aplicare în mediul real
6931-1 cu privire la aplicarea sa practică pentru un utilizator final
ID Nivel Cardinalita Termen operaţional Descriere
BT-1 + 1..1 Numărul facturii O identificare unică a facturii.
BT-2 + 1..1 Data emiterii facturii Data la care a fost emisă factura.
BT-3 + 1..1 Codul tipului facturii Un cod care specifică tipul funcţional al factur
BT-5 + 1..1 Codul monedei facturii Moneda în care sunt exprimate toate sumele din factură, cu ex
BT-6 + 0..1 Listele monedelor
Codul monedei de contabilizare a TVA Moneda valide contabilizarea
utilizată pentru sunt înregistrate la Agenţia TVA
şi declararea de Mente
aşa c
BT-7 + 0..1 Listele monedelor valide sunt înregistrate
Data de exigibilitate a taxei pe valoarea Data la care TVA devine exigibilă pentru Vânzla Agenţia de Mente
BT-8 + 0..1 Codul datei de exigibilitate a taxei pe v Codul datei la care TVA devine exigibilă pen

BT-9 + 0..1 Data scadenţei Data până la care trebuie făcută plata.
BT-10 + 0..1 Referinţa Cumpărătorului Un identificator atribuit de către Cumpărător ut
BT-11 + 0..1 Referinţa proiectului Identificarea proiectului la care se referă factura
BT-12 + 0..1 Referinţa contractului Identificarea unui contract.
BT-13 + 0..1 Referinţa comenzii Un identificator al comenzii la care se referă, generat de către
BT-14 + 0..1 Referinţa dispoziţiei de vânzare Un identificator al dispoziţiei de vânzare, generat de către Vân
BT-15 + 0..1 Referinţa avizului de recepţie Un identificator al avizului de recepţie la care se face referire.
BT-16 + 0..1 Referinţa avizului de expediţie Un identificator al avizului de expediţie la care se face referire.
BT-17 + 0..1 Referinţa cererii de ofertă sau a lotului Identificarea cererii de ofertă sau a lotului la
BT-18 + 0..1 Identificatorul obiectului facturat Un identificator pentru un obiect pe care se
BT-18 + 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identi
BT-19 + 0..1 Referinţa contabilă a cumpărătorului Valoare textuală care specifică unde să se înregistreze datele r
BT-20 + 0..1 Termeni de plată O descriere textuală a termenilor de plată car
BG-1 + 0..n COMENTARIU ÎN FACTURĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali conţinând informaţii relevant
BT-21 ++ 0..1 Codul subiectului comentariului din factSubiectul comentariului în BT-22.
BT-22 ++ 1..1 Comentariu în factură Un text care furnizează o informaţie nestruct
BG-2 + 1..1 CONTROLUL PROCESULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-23 ++ 0..1 Tipul procesului operaţional Identifică contextul procesului operaţional î
BT-24 ++ 1..1 Identificatorul specificaţiei O identificare a specificaţiei care conţine tot
BG-3 + 0..n REFERINŢĂ LA O FACTURĂ ANTERIOAR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizea
BT-25 ++ 1..1 Referinţă la o factură anterioară Identificarea unei facturi trimisă anterior de către Vânzător.
BT-26 ++ 0..1 Data de emitere a facturii anterioare Data la care a fost emisă factura anterioară.
BG-4 + 1..1 VÂNZĂTOR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-27 ++ 1..1 Numele vânzătorului Denumirea oficială completă sub care Vânzătorul este înscris î
BT-28 ++ 0..1 Denumirea comercială a Vânzătorului Un nume sub care este cunoscut Vânzătorul,
BT-29 ++ 0..n Identificatorul Vânzătorului O identificare a Vânzătorului.
BT-29 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a ident
BT-30 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul de înregistrare legală a V Un identificator emis de un organism oficial d
BT-30 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a ident
BT-31 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul de TVA al Vânzătorului Identificatorul de TVA al Vânzătorului (cunos
BT-32 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul de înregistrare fiscală a Identificarea locală (definită prin adresa Vân
BT-33 ++ 0..1 Informaţii juridice suplimentare despre Informaţii juridice suplimentare cu privire la
BT-34 ++ 0..1 Adresa electronică a Vânzătorului Identifică adresa electronică a Vânzătorului la care poate fi tra
BT-34 ++ 1..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a adre
BG-5 ++ 1..1 ADRESA POŞTALĂ A VÂNZĂTORULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnize
BT-35 +++ 0..1 Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
BT-36 +++ 0..1 Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
BT-162 +++ 0..1 Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
BT-37 +++ 0..1 Localitatea Vânzătorului Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se a
BT-38 +++ 0..1 Codul poştal al Vânzătorului Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi
BT-39 +++ 0..1 Subdiviziunea ţării Vânzătorului Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.
BT-40 +++ 1..1 Codul ţării Vânzătorului Un cod care identifică ţara.
BG-6 ++ 0..1 CONTACTUL VÂNZĂTORULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de
BT-41 +++ 0..1 Punctul de contact al Vânzătorului Un punct de contact pentru o entitate sau per
BT-42 +++ 0..1 Numărul de telefon al contactului VânzăUn număr de telefon pentru punctul de contact.
BT-43 +++ 0..1 Adresa de email a contactului VânzătoruO adresă de e-mail pentru punctul de contact.
BG-7 + 1..1 CUMPĂRĂTOR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-44 ++ 1..1 Numele Cumpărătorului Numele complet al Cumpărătorului.
BT-45 ++ 0..1 Denumirea comercială a CumpărătoruluiUn nume sub care este cunoscut Cumpărătoru
BT-46 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul Cumpărătorului Un identificator al Cumpărătorului.
BT-46 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a iden
BT-47 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul de înregistrare legală a Un identificator emis de un organism oficial d
BT-47 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a iden
BT-48 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul de TVA al CumpărătoruluiIdentificatorul de TVA al Cumpărătorului (cu
BT-49 ++ 0..1 Adresa electronică a Cumpărătorului Identifică adresa electronică a Cumpărătorului la care se trimit
BT-49 ++ 1..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a adre
BG-8 ++ 1..1 ADRESA POŞTALĂ ACUMPĂRĂTORULUIUn grup de termeni operaţionali care furnize
BT-50 +++ 0..1 Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
BT-51 +++ 0..1 Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
BT-163 +++ 0..1 Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
BT-52 +++ 0..1 Localitatea Cumpărătorului Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se a
BT-53 +++ 0..1 Codul poştal al Cumpărătorului Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi
BT-54 +++ 0..1 Subdiviziunea ţării Cumpărătorului Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.
BT-55 +++ 1..1 Codul ţării Cumpărătorului Un cod care identifică ţara.
BG-9 ++ 0..1 CONTACTUL CUMPĂRĂTORULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnize
BT-56 +++ 0..1 Punctul de contact al Cumpărătorului Un punct de contact pentru o entitate sau per
BT-57 +++ 0..1 Numărul de telefon al contactului CumpUn număr de telefon pentru punctul de contact.
BT-58 +++ 0..1 Adresa de email a contactului CumpărătO adresă de e-mail pentru punctul de contact.
BG-10 + 0..1 BENEFICIAR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizeaz
BT-59 ++ 1..1 Numele Beneficiarului Numele Beneficiarului.
BT-60 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul Beneficiarului Un identificator pentru Beneficiar.
BT-60 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identi
BT-61 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul înregistrării legale a BenefUn identificator emis de un organism oficial d
BT-61 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identi
BG-11 + 0..1 REPREZENTANTUL FISCAL AL VÂNZĂTOUn grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-62 ++ 1..1 Numele reprezentantului fiscal al VânzătNumele complet al părţii care este reprezentantul fiscal al Vân
BT-63 ++ 1..1 Identificatorul de TVA al reprezentantului
Identificatorul de TVA al părţii care este repr
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizeaz
BT-64 +++ 0..1 Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
BT-65 +++ 0..1 Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
BT-164 +++ 0..1 Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
BT-66 +++ 0..1 Localitatea reprezentantului fiscal Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se a
BT-67 +++ 0..1 Codul poştal al reprezentantului fiscal Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi
BT-68 +++ 0..1 Subdiviziunea ţării reprezentantului fiscaSubdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.
BT-69 +++ 1..1 Codul ţării reprezentantului fiscal Un cod care identifică ţara.
BG-13 + 0..1 INFORMAŢII REFERITOARE LA LIVRARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-70 ++ 0..1 Numele părţii către care se face livrarea Numele părţii căreia îi sunt livrate bunurile şi
BT-71 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul locului către care se face Un identificator pentru locul unde sunt livrate
BT-71 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identi
BT-72 ++ 0..1 Data reală a livrării Data la care s-a făcut sau s-a finalizat livrarea bunurilor sau a s
BG-14 ++ 0..1 PERIOADA DE FACTURARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizea
BT-73 +++ 0..1 Data de început a perioadei de facturareData la care începe perioada de facturare.
BT-74 +++ 0..1 Data de sfârşit a perioadei de facturare Data la care se sfârşeşte perioada de facturar
BG-15 ++ 0..1 ADRESA DE LIVRARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează
BT-75 +++ 0..1 Adresa de livrare - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
BT-76 +++ 0..1 Adresa de livrare - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
BT-165 +++ 0..1 Adresa de livrare - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
BT-77 +++ 0..1 Localitatea de livrare Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se a
BT-78 +++ 0..1 Codul poştal de livrare Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi
BT-79 +++ 0..1 Subdiviziunea ţării de livrare Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.
BT-80 +++ 1..1 Codul ţării de livrare Un cod care identifică ţara.
BG-16 + 0..1 INSTRUCŢIUNI DE PLATĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-81 ++ 1..1 Codul tipului de instrument de plată Cod care indică modul în care o plată trebuie
BT-82 ++ 0..1 Explicaţii privind instrumentul de plată Text care indică modul în care o plată trebuie
BT-83 ++ 0..1 Aviz de plată Valoare textuală utilizată pentru a stabili o l
BG-17 ++ 0..n VIRAMENT Un grup de termeni operaţionali pentru a specifica plăţile prin
BT-84 +++ 1..1 Identificatorul contului de plată Un identificator unic al contului bancar de pla
BT-85 +++ 0..1 Numele contului de plată Numele contului de plată, la un furnizor de servicii de plată la
BT-86 +++ 0..1 Identificatorul furnizorului de servicii de Un identificator pentru furnizorul serviciului
BG-18 ++ 0..1 INFORMAŢII PRIVIND CARDUL DE PLAT Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizeaz
BT-87 +++ 1..1 Numărul contului principal al cardului d Numărul de cont principal (PAN – Primary Acc
BT-88 +++ 0..1 Numele deţinătorului cardului de plată Numele deţinătorului cardului de plată.
BG-19 ++ 0..1 DEBITARE DIRECTĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali pentru a spec
BT-89 +++ 0..1 Identificatorul referinţei mandatului Identificator unic atribuit de către Beneficiar
BT-90 +++ 0..1 Identificatorul creditorului atribuit de b Identificator unic de referinţă bancară al Ben
BT-91 +++ 0..1 Identificatorul contului debitat Contul care trebuie debitat prin debitare directă.
BG-20 + 0..n DEDUCERI LA NIVELUL DOCUMENTULUIUn grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizea
BT-92 ++ 1..1 Valoarea deducerilor la nivelul documenValoarea deducerii, fără TVA.
BT-93 ++ 0..1 Valoarea de bază a deducerii la nivelul Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procenta
BT-94 ++ 0..1 Procentajul deducerii la nivelul documenProcentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de baz
BT-95 ++ 1..1 Codul categoriei de TVA pentru deduceriO identificare codificată a categoriei de TVA

BT-96 ++ 0..1 Cota de TVA pentru deduceri la nivelul Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică deducerii la
BT-97 ++ 0..1 Motivul deducerii la nivelul documentul Motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului, exprimat ca text.
BT-98 ++ 0..1 Codul motivului deducerii la nivelul do Motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului, e
BG-21 + 0..n TAXE SUPLIMENTARE LA NIVELUL DOC Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-99 ++ 1..1 Valoarea taxelor suplimentare la nivelu Valoarea unei taxe suplimentare, fără TVA.
BT-100 ++ 0..1 Valoarea de bază a taxelor suplimentareValoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procenta
BT-101 ++ 0..1 Procentajul taxelor suplimentare la nive Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea taxei su
BT-102 ++ 1..1 Codul categoriei de TVA pentru taxe supIdentificarea codificată a categoriei de TVA c
BT-103 ++ 0..1 Cota TVA pentru taxe suplimentare la niCota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică taxelor sup
BT-104 ++ 0..1 Motivul taxei suplimentare la nivelul d Motivul taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului, exprima
BT-105 ++ 0..1 Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la n Motivul taxelor suplimentare la nivelul docu
BG-22 + 1..1 TOTALURILE DOCUMENTULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-106 ++ 1..1 Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii Suma tuturor valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.
BT-107 ++ 0..1 Suma deducerilor la nivelul documentulSuma tuturor deducerilor la nivelul documentu
BT-108 ++ 0..1 Suma taxelor suplimentare la nivelul do Suma tuturor taxelor suplimentare la nivelul
BT-109 ++ 1..1 Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA.
BT-110 ++ 0..1 Valoarea totală a TVA a facturii Valoarea totală a TVA aferentă facturii.
BT-111 ++ 0..1 Valoarea TVA totală a facturii în monedaTotalul TVA exprimat în moneda de contabiliz
BT-112 ++ 1..1 Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA.
BT-113 ++ 0..1 Sumă plătită Suma valorilor care au fost plătite anticipat.
BT-114 ++ 0..1 Valoare de rotunjire Valoarea care trebuie adunată la totalul facturii pentru a rotun
BT-115 ++ 1..1 Suma de plată Valoarea restantă care este cerută la plată.
BG-23 + 1..n DETALIEREA TVA Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-116 ++ 1..1 Baza de calcul pentru categoria de TVA Suma tuturor valorilor impozabile aferente un
BT-117 ++ 1..1 Valoarea TVA pentru fiecare categorie Valoarea totală a TVA pentru o categorie de
BT-118 ++ 1..1 Codul categoriei de TVA Identificarea codificată a unei categorii de T
BT-119 ++ 0..1 Cota categoriei de TVA Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se
BT-120 ++ 0..1 Motivul scutirii de TVA Un text care explică de ce suma respectivă es
BT-121 ++ 0..1 Codul motivului scutirii de TVA Un enunţ codat care explică de ce suma respe
BG-24 + 0..n DOCUMENTE JUSTIFICATIVE SUPLIMEN Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizea
BT-122 ++ 1..1 Referinţa documentului justificativ Un identificator al documentului justificativ.
BT-123 ++ 0..1 Descrierea documentului justificativ O descriere a documentului justificativ.
BT-124 ++ 0..1 Localizarea documentului extern URL (Uniform Resource Locator) care identifi
BT-125 ++ 0..1 Document ataşat Un document ataşat integrat ca obiect binar
BT-125 ++ 1..1 Codul Mime al documentului ataşat Codul Mime al documentului ataşat.
BT-125 ++ 1..1 Numele fişierului documentului ataşat Numele fişierului documentului ataşat.
BG-25 + 1..n LINIE A FACTURII Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-126 ++ 1..1 Identificatorul liniei facturii Un identificator unic pentru o linie din factură.
BT-127 ++ 0..1 Nota liniei facturii O notă textuală care furnizează o informaţie nestructurată care
BT-128 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul obiectului liniei facturii Un identificator pentru un obiect pe care se b
BT-128 ++ 0..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identif
BT-129 ++ 1..1 Cantitatea facturată Cantitatea articolelor (bunuri sau servicii) luate în considerare
BT-130 ++ 1..1 Codul unităţii de măsură a cantităţii factUnitatea de măsură aplicabilă cantităţii factur
BT-131 ++ 1..1 Valoarea netă a liniei facturii Valoarea totală a liniei facturii.
BT-132 ++ 0..1 Referinţa liniei comenzii la care se face rUn identificator pentru o linie la care se fac
BT-133 ++ 0..1 Referinţa contabilă a Cumpărătorului dinO valoare textuală care specifică unde trebuie
BG-26 ++ 0..1 PERIOADA DE FACTURARE A LINIEI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizeaz
BT-134 +++ 0..1 Data de începere a perioadei de facturare
Data la care începe perioada de facturare pent
BT-135 +++ 0..1 Data de sfârşit a perioadei de facturare aData la care se sfârşeşte perioada de facturare
BG-27 ++ 0..n DEDUCERI LA LINIA FACTURII Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-136 +++ 1..1 Valoarea deducerii la linia facturii Valoare a unei deduceri, fără TVA.
BT-137 +++ 0..1 Valoarea de bază a deducerii la linia factValoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procenta
BT-138 +++ 0..1 Procentajul deducerii la linia facturii Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de baz
BT-139 +++ 0..1 Motivul deducerii la linia facturii Motivul deducerii pentru linia facturii, exprimat ca text.
BT-140 +++ 0..1 Codul motivului deducerii la linia facturiMotivul deducerii pentru linia facturii, expri
BG-28 ++ 0..n TAXE SUPLIMENTARE LA LINIA FACTURIUn grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizeaz
BT-141 +++ 1..1 Valoarea taxei suplimentare la linia factuValoarea taxei suplimentare, fără TVA.
BT-142 +++ 0..1 Valoarea de bază a taxei suplimentare laValoarea
l de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procenta
BT-143 +++ 0..1 Procentajul taxei suplimentare la linia facProcentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de baz
BT-144 +++ 0..1 Motivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturiMotivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, exprimat ca text.
BT-145 +++ 0..1 Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la liniMotivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, e
BG-29 ++ 1..1 DETALII ALE PREŢULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-146 +++ 1..1 Preţul net al articolului Preţul unui articol, exclusiv TVA, după aplicare
BT-147 +++ 0..1 Reducere la preţul articolului Reducerea totală dedusă din preţul brut al arti
BT-148 +++ 0..1 Preţul brut al articolului Preţul unitar, exclusiv TVA, înaintea aplicării reducerilor la preţ
BT-149 +++ 0..1 Cantitatea de bază a preţului articolului Numărul articolelor la care se aplică preţul.
BT-150 +++ 0..1 Codul unităţii de măsură a cantităţii de bUnitatea de măsură care se aplică cantităţii de
BG-30 ++ 1..1 INFORMAŢII PRIVIND TVA A LINIEI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-151 +++ 1..1 Codul categoriei de TVA a articolului facCodul categoriei de TVA aplicabilă articolului
BT-152 +++ 0..1 Cota TVA pentru articolul facturat Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică articolului f
BG-31 ++ 1..1 INFORMAŢII PRIVIND ARTICOLUL Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii pri
BT-153 +++ 1..1 Numele articolului Numele unui articol.
BT-154 +++ 0..1 Descrierea articolului Descrierea unui articol.
BT-155 +++ 0..1 Identificatorul Vânzătorului articolului Un identificator, atribuit de Vânzător, pentru articol.
BT-156 +++ 0..1 Identificatorul Cumpărătorului articoluluUn identificator, atribuit de Cumpărător, pentru articol.
BT-157 +++ 0..1 Identificatorul standard al articolului Un identificator al articolului bazat pe o schemă de înregistrar
BT-157 +++ 1..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a ident
BT-158 +++ 0..n Identificatorul clasificării articolului Un cod pentru clasificarea articolului după ti
BT-158 +++ 1..1 Identificatorul schemei Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identif
BT-158 +++ 0..1 Identificatorul versiunii schemei Versiunea schemei de identificare.
BT-159 +++ 0..1 Ţara de origine a articolului Cod care identifică ţara din care este originar
BG-32 +++ 0..n ATRIBUTELE ARTICOLULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
BT-160 ++++ 1..1 Numele atributului articolului Numele atributului sau proprietăţii articolului
BT-161 ++++ 1..1 Valoarea atributului articolului Valoarea atributului sau proprietăţii articolulu
Notă de utilizare ID cerinţă Tip semantic de date
Număr secvenţial cerut în articolul 226(2) al directivei 2006/112/CE [2], pentru identificarea în R56 Identificator
R56 Dată
Facturile comerciale şi notele de creditare sunt definite în conformitate cu codurile de date dinR44
UNTDID 1001Cod[6].
Dacă este cazul, pot fi utilizate alte coduri de date din UNTDID 1001 [6] cu facturile sau notele de creditare
În conformitate cu articolul 230 al Directivei 2006/112/EC privind TVA [2], într-o factură treb R54, R47 Cod specifice.
Trebuie utilizat în combinaţie cu suma totală a TVA în moneda de contabilizare (BT-111) când R54 Cod
Data de exigibilitate a taxei este, de obicei, data la care bunurile au fost livrate sau serviciile finalizate
R45, R46
Dată generator de taxe). Există
Acest element
Codul este
trebuie să cerut
facă dacă data
distincţie întrede exigibilitatecoduri
următoarele a TVAdin
este diferită2005
UNTDID de data
[6]: emiterii facturii. R45, R46 Cod
- Data emiterii facturii
- Data reală a livrării
- Suma plătită în acea zi
Codul datei de exigibilitate a TVA este utilizat dacă data de exigibilitate a TVA nu este
cunoscută la momentul emiterii facturii. Utilizarea BT-7 şi BT-8 este exclusiv reciprocă.

Data scadenţei reflectă scadenţa plăţii nete. Pentru plăţile parţiale aceasta indică prima scadenR60 Dată
Identificatorul este definit de către cumpărător (de exemplu ID al contactului, departamentul, ID
R8 Text
se referă factura R44 Referinţa documentului
Se recomandă ca identificatorul contractului să fie unic în contextul relaţiilor comerciale specifR7 Referinţa documentului
are se referă, generat de către Cumpărător. R5, R56 Referinţa documentului
e vânzare, generat de către Vânzător. R41 Referinţa documentului
ecepţie la care se face referire. R10, R56 Referinţa documentului
xpediţie la care se face referire. R9, R56 Referinţa documentului
În unele ţări trebuie să se furnizeze o referinţă a cererii de ofertă care a dus la contract. R7, R4 Referinţa documentului
Poate fi un număr de abonament, un număr de telefon, un contor, un vehicul, o persoană etc.,R33 Identificator
Dacă schema utilizată pentru identificator nu este clară pentru destinatar, se recomandă să se R
u33 Identificator
unde să se înregistreze datele relevante în conturile contabile ale Cumpărătorului. R2, R4 Text
Acest element poate conţine mai multe linii şi mai mulţi termeni. R60 Text
li conţinând informaţii relevante pentru factură, împreună cu o indicaţie a subiectului comentariului. R56
Trebuie ales din lista de coduri 4451 din dicţionarul UNTDID [6]. R56 Text
De exemplu o notă privind motivul unei corecţii sau unei note de cesiune în cazul în care facturR56 Text
li care furnizează informaţii despre procesul operaţional şi regulile aplicabile documentului Factură. R44
Trebuie specificat de Cumpărător. R44 Text
Acesta identifică conformitatea simplă sau strictă cu acest document. Facturile strict conforme R44 Identificator
specifică: Facturil
A utiliza utilizată o schemă
în următoarele de identificare.
cazuri: R11, R12
- o factură
anterior de către anterioară este corectată
Vânzător. R11, R12 Document de referinţă
Data emiterii facturii anterioare trebuie furnizată în cazul în care identificatorul facturii anterio R11, R12 Dată
li care furnizează informaţii despre Vânzător. R48
b care Vânzătorul este înscris în registrul naţional al persoanelor juridice sau în calitate de Contribuabil sau îR48 Text
Poate fi folosit dacă diferă de numele Vânzătorului. R48 Text
Pentru multe sisteme, identificatorul Vânzătorului este un element de informaţie cheie. Pot fi aR57 Identificator
Dacă se utilizează, identificatorul schemei de identificare trebuie să fie ales dintre codurile l R57 Identificator
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător R52 Identificator
Dacă se utilizează, identificatorul schemei de identificare trebuie să fie ales dintre codurile l R52 Identificator
Numărul de TVA are ca prefix codul ţării. Un Vânzător înregistrat ca plătitor de TVA trebuie să R
i 52 Identificator
Această informaţie poate afecta modul în care Cumpărătorul achită plata (cum ar fi contribuţiile
R47 Identificator
De exemplu, capitalul social. R47 Text
Vânzătorului la care poate fi transmis la nivel de aplicaţie răspunsul la factură. R13, R57 Identificator
Identificatorul schemei trebuie să fie ales dintr-o listă ţinută la zi de către Mecanismul de Int R13, R57 Identificator
Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale aR53
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală. R53 Text
să care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală. R53 Text
să care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală. R53 Text
raşului sau satului, în care se află adresa Vânzătorului. R53 Text
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr poştal de expediere. R53 Text
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc. R53 Text
Dacă nu este specificat un reprezentant fiscal, acesta este ţara în care trebuie plătită TVA. List R53 Cod
li care furnizează informaţii de contact despre Vânzător. R57
Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificarea unui contact, departament sau serviciu. R57 Text
nctul de contact. R57 Text
ctul de contact. R57 Text
li care furnizează informaţii despre Cumpărător. R57
R57 Text
Acesta poate fi utilizat dacă este diferit de numele Cumpărătorului. R57 Text
Dacă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, deR57 Identificator
Dacă se utilizează, identificatorul schemei de identificare trebuie să fie ales dintre codurile l R57 Identificator
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător R47,
şi V R52, R Identificator
Dacă se utilizează, schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile listei publicat R47, R52, R Identificator
Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţării bazat pe EN ISO 3166-1 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea
R45, R52, R Identificator
Cumpărătorului la care se trimite factura. R13, R57 Identificator
Identificatorul schemei trebuie să fie ales dintr-o listă ţinută la zi de către Mecanismul de Int R13, R57 Identificator
Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale aR53
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală. R53 Text
să care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală. R53 Text
să care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală. R53 Text
raşului sau satului, în care se află adresa Cumpărătorului. R53 Text
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr poştal de expediere. R53 Text
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc. R53 Text
Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru
R53 Cod
Detaliile contactului pot fi date de către Cumpărător la momentul comenzii sau prin datele de R57
Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificarea unui contact, departament sau serviciu. R57 Text
nctul de contact. R57 Text
ctul de contact. R57 Text
Rolul Beneficiarului poate fi îndeplinit de o altă parte decât Vânzătorul, de exemplu un serviciuR1, R57
Trebuie utilizat atunci când Beneficiarul este diferit de Vânzător. Totuşi, numele Beneficiarului pR1, R57 Text
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător R1,
ş R57 Identificator
Dacă se utilizează, schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile listei publicat R1, R57 Identificator
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător R1
şi V Identificator
Dacă se utilizează, schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile listei publicat R1 Identificator
li care furnizează informaţii despre reprezentantul fiscal al Vânzătorului. R57
ste reprezentantul fiscal al Vânzătorului. R57 Text
Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţării bazat pe EN ISO 3166-1 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea
R52 Identificator
Dacă Vânzătorul are un reprezentant fiscal care trebuie să plătească TVA datorat, trebuie să seR53
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală. R53 Text
să care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală. R53 Text
să care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală. R53 Text
raşului sau satului, în care se află adresa reprezentantului fiscal. R53 Text
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr poştal de expediere. R53 Text
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc. R53 Text
Ţara în care TVA trebuie plătit. Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţ R53 Cod
li care furnizează informaţii despre unde şi când trebuie livrate bunurile şi serviciile facturate. R31, R32, R57
Trebuie să fie utilizat dacă partea căreia i se livrează este diferită de Cumpărător. R57 Text
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător R32
ş Identificator
Dacă se utilizează, schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile listei publicat R32 Identificator
nalizat livrarea bunurilor sau a serviciilor. R31 Dată
Utilizată pentru a indica când începe şi când se sfârşeşte perioada acoperită de factură. Numit R34
Data iniţială a livrării bunurilor sau serviciilor. R34 Dată
Data la care livrarea bunurilor sau serviciilor a fost finalizată. R34 Dată
În cazul în care livrarea se face la un punct de ridicare, adresa de livrare este adresa punctulu R32
De obicei, numele şi numărul străzii. R32 Text
să care poate fi utilizată pentru a furniza informaţii suplimentare care completează linia principală. R32 Text
să care poate fi utilizată pentru a furniza informaţii suplimentare care completează linia principală. R32 Text
raşului sau satului, în care se află adresa de livrare. R32 Text
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr poştal de expediere. R32 Text
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc. R32 Text
Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru
R32 Cod
li care furnizează informaţii despre plată. R58
Trebuie să se utilizeze coduri din lista de coduri 4461 din dicţionarul de date UNTDID [6]. Se rec
R58 Cod
Cum ar fi cu numerar, virament, debitare directă, card de credit etc. R58 Text
Utilizat pentru informaţiile critice de reconciliere ale creditorului. Acest element de informaţie ajută
R56, R62
Text să atribuie o plată intrată p
Pentru a permite prelucrarea
li pentru a specifica plăţile prin virament. automată a plăţilor SEPA transfrontaliere, se recomandă ca în acest
R58câmp să se utilizeze numai caractere latin
Exemplu: IBAN (în cazul unei plăţi SEPA) sau număr de cont naţional. R61, R65 Identificator
furnizor de servicii de plată la care se recomandă să se facă plata. R61, R65 Text
Exemplu: cod BIC sau un cod naţional de clearing, dacă este cazul. Nu trebuie utilizată nicio scR61, R65 Identificator
Utilizat numai dacă Cumpărătorul a optat să plătească utilizând un card de plată cum ar fi un cR64
În conformitate cu standardele de securitate privind plata cu card, se recomandă ca o factură să
R64 Text
R64 Text
Acest grup poate fi utilizat pentru a da un preaviz în factură că plata va fi făcută prin SEPA sauR69
Utilizat în scopul de a-l notifica în prealabil pe Cumpărător despre o debitare directă SEPA. R69 Identificator
Utilizat în scopul de a-l notifica în prealabil pe Cumpărător despre o debitare directă SEPA. R69 Identificator
debitare directă. R69 Identificator
De asemenea, în acest grup pot fi specificate deduceri, cum ar fi taxele reţinute la sursă. R15
R15, R19 Sumă
utilizată, împreună cu procentajul deducerii la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la nR15, R42 Sumă
, împreună cu valoarea de bază a deducerii la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la R15, R42 Procentaj
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii mai R15, R16, R Cod
ample sunt date între paranteze):
- Cota normală (Stabilită în mod normal pentru TVA) --> S Cota normala
- Bunuri cu cotă zero (Stabilită pentru TVA cu o cotă procentuală zero) --> Z Cota zero
- Scutit de taxă (TVA/IGIC/IPSI) --> E Scutit de TVA
- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI) --> AE Taxare
- Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza
regulilor pentru livrări intracomunitare) --> K Livrare intracomunitara
- Articol cu export liber, nu se aplică taxe (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe ca urmare a exportării
în afara UE) --> G Export in afara UE
- Servicii scutite de taxe (Vânzarea nu este supusă TVA/IGIC/IPSI) --> ?? O Nu face obiectul
- Impozit general indirect în Insulele Canare (Răspunzător pentru taxa IGIC) --> G IGIC
Canary Island
- Răspunzător pentru IPSI (taxa Ceuta/Melilla) --> M IPSI Ceuta

entaj care se aplică deducerii la nivelul documentului. R15, R16, R Procentaj

umentului, exprimat ca text. R15 Text
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 5189 [6]. Codul motivului deducerii la nivelul documentului şi mo
R15 Cod
li care furnizează informaţii despre taxele suplimentare şi taxele, altele decât TVA, aplicabile facturii în ansa R15
R15, R16, R Sumă
utilizată, împreună cu procentajul taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea taxe R15, R16, R Sumă
, împreună cu valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimenR15, R16, R Procentaj
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii mai ample
R Cod
între paranteze):
- Cota normală (Stabilită în mod normal pentru TVA)
entaj care se aplică taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului. R15, R45, R Procentaj
nivelul documentului, exprimat ca text. R15, R16 Text
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 7161 [6]. Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la nivelul Documentu
R15, R16 Cod
li care furnizează informaţii despre totalurile monetare ale facturii. R40
liniilor facturii. R40 Sumă
Deducerile la nivel de linie sunt incluse în valoarea netă a liniei facturii care este utilizată în Suma
R19, R40 Sumă
Taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniilor sunt incluse în valoarea netă a liniei facturii care este utilizR19, R40 Sumă
Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA este Suma totalurilor nete ale liniilor facturii minus Suma R40 Sumă
Valoarea TVA totală a facturii este suma tuturor valorilor TVA pentru diferitele categorii de TVAR40, R49 Sumă
Trebuie utilizat când moneda de contabilizare a TVA (BT-6) diferă de codul monedei facturii (BT-5) R54 în conformitate
Sumă cu articolul 230 din Dir
Valoarea TVA în moneda de contabilizare nu este utilizată în calcularea totalurilor facturii.
Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA este valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA plus valoarea totală a R40, R67 Sumă
Această valoare este scăzută din valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA pentru a calcula suma rămasăR40, R66 Sumă
a totalul facturii pentru a rotunji suma de plată. R40 Sumă
Această valoare este valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA minus suma plătită care a fost plătită antiR40, R59, R Sumă
li care furnizează informaţii despre repartizarea TVA pe diferite categorii, cote şi motive de exceptare. R38, R45, R47, R48, R49
Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii minus deducerile plus taxele suplimentare de la nivelu R50 Sumă
Calculată prin multiplicarea valorii bazei de calcul pentru categoria de TVA cu cota categorie R49 Sumă
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii mai ample
R Cod
între paranteze):
Cota categoriei
normală (Stabilită în mod normal pentru TVA)
de TVA şi cota categoriei de TVA trebuie să fie coerente. R38, R49 Procentaj
Articolul 226 punctele 11 până la 15 din Directiva 2006/112/CE [2]. R48, R49, R Text
Lista codurilor este emisă şi ţinută la zi prin Mecanismul pentru interconexiune în Europa (Conn
R48, R49, R Cod
Documentele justificative suplimentare pot fi utilizate atât pentru a face referire la numărul d R36
R36 Document de referinţă
Cum ar fi: fişe de pontaj, raport de utilizare etc. R36 Text
O modalitate de localizare a resurselor incluzând mecanismul său primar de acces, de exemplu,R36 http:// sauText
Localizarea documentului
Documentul externcând
ataşat este utilizat trebuie să fie utilizată
documentaţia dacăsăCumpărătorul
trebuie fie stocată cucere informaţii
factura pentrusuplimentare
o ref
R35 cuObiect
privire binar
la factură.
Coduri MIME permise:
- aplicaţie/pdf
li care furnizează informaţii despre liniile facturii. R17, R23, R27
nie din factură. R44 Identificator
o informaţie nestructurată care este relevantă pentru linia facturii. R28 Text
Poate fi un număr de abonament, număr de telefon, un index de contor etc., după caz. R33 Identificator
Dacă destinatarului nu îi este clar ce schemă este utilizată pentru identificator, se recomandă să se utilizeze un identificator condiţional al
u servicii) luate în considerare în linia din factură. R39, R56 Cantitate
Unitatea de măsură trebuie să fie aleasă din listele din Recomandarea UN/ECE nr. 20 “Coduri pen
R14, R39 Cod
Valoarea este “netă” fără TVA, adică include deducerile şi taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniei, R39, R40, R Sumă
Identificatorul comenzii este referit la nivelul documentului. R6 Document de referinţă
Dacă este necesar, această referinţă trebuie furnizată Vânzătorului de către Cumpărător înaintea
R3 Text
Este numită, de asemenea, perioada de livrare aferentă liniei facturii. R30
Data este prima zi a perioadei. R30 Dată
Data este ultima zi a perioadei. R30 Dată
li care furnizează informaţii despre deducerile aplicabile unei linii a facturii. R15
R15, R19 Sumă
utilizată, împreună cu procentajul deducerii la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la linia facturiiR15, R42 Sumă
, împreună cu valoarea de bază pentru deducerea la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la liniaR15, R42 Procentaj
acturii, exprimat ca text. R15 Text
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 5189 [6]. Codul motivului deducerii la linia facturii şi motivul deduc
R15 Cod
Toate taxele sunt presupuse a fi impozitate cu aceeaşi cotă TVA ca şi linia facturii. R18
R19 Sumă
utilizată, împreună cu procentajul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimenta
R42 Sumă
, împreună cu valoarea de bază pentru taxa suplimentară din linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei supl
R42 Procentaj
nia facturii, exprimat ca text. R18 Text
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 7161 [6]. Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la linia facturii şi mot
R18 Cod
li care furnizează informaţii despre preţul aplicat bunurilor şi serviciilor facturate în linia facturii. R14
Preţul net al articolului trebuie să fie egal cu preţul brut al articolului minus reducerea de preţ. R14 Valoarea preţului unitar
Se aplică numai dacă reducerea este pe unitate şi dacă nu este inclusă în preţul brut al articolulR14 Valoarea preţului unitar
ntea aplicării reducerilor la preţul articolului. R14 Valoarea preţului unitar
R14 Cantitate
Unitatea de măsură a cantităţii de bază a preţului trebuie să fie aceeaşi cu unitatea de măsură R
a 14 Cod
li care furnizează informaţii despre TVA aplicabil pentru bunurile şi serviciile facturate în linia facturii. R45, R48
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii mai ample
R Cod
între paranteze):
- Cotaarticolului
entaj care se aplică normală (Stabilită
facturat. în mod normal pentru TVA) R37, R45, R Procent
li care furnizează informaţii privind bunurile şi serviciile. R20, R56, R25, R26
R20, R56 Text
Descrierea articolului permite prezentarea articolului şi a caracteristicilor sale mai detaliat decâR20, R56 Text
zător, pentru articol. R21, R56 Identificator
mpărător, pentru articol. R21, R56, R Identificator
zat pe o schemă de înregistrare. R23, R56 Identificator
Schema de identificare trebuie să fie identificată dintre codurile listei publicate de Agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.
Codurile de clasificare sunt utilizate pentru a permite gruparea articolelor similare în diferite R24 Identificator
Schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile de date din UNTDID 7143 [6].

Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru
R29 Cod
li care furnizează informaţii despre proprietăţile bunurilor şi serviciilor facturate. R28
Cum ar fi “Culoare”. R28 Text
Cum ar fi “Roşu”. R28 Text
Tip semantic de date ID
Identificator ID
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă

Tip semantic de da
Referinţa documentului Nivel
Referinţa documentului Cardinalitate
Referinţa documentului Termen operaţional
Referinţa documentului Descriere
Referinţa documentului Notă de utilizare
Referinţa documentului ID cerinţă
Referinţa documentului Tip semantic de da
Identificator ID
Identificator Nivel
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Identificator Nivel
Document de referinţă Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Identificator ID
Identificator Nivel
Identificator Cardinalitate
Identificator Termen operaţional
Identificator Descriere
Identificator Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Identificator Tip semantic de da
Identificator ID
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Identificator ID
Identificator Nivel
Identificator Cardinalitate
Identificator Termen operaţional
Identificator Descriere
Identificator Notă de utilizare
Identificator ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Identificator Notă de utilizare
Identificator ID cerinţă
Identificator Tip semantic de da
Identificator ID
Identificator Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
Identificator ID cerinţă
Identificator Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Identificator Nivel
Identificator Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Identificator ID
Identificator Nivel
Identificator Cardinalitate
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da

Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
R47, R48, R49 ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
Document de referinţă ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Obiect binar Nivel
Termen operaţional
Identificator Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Identificator Tip semantic de date
ze un identificator condiţional al schemei care trebuie să fie ales din codurile UNTDID 1153 [6]. ID
Termen operaţional
Document de referinţă Descriere
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
Valoarea preţului unitar ID cerinţă
Valoarea preţului unitar Tip semantic de date
Valoarea preţului unitar ID
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Identificator Nivel
Identificator Cardinalitate
Identificator Termen operaţional
ă a ISO/IEC 6523. Descriere
Identificator Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de date
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Termen operaţional
Notă de utilizare
ID cerinţă
Tip semantic de da
Numărul facturii
O identificare unică a facturii.
Număr secvenţial cerut în articolul 226(2) al directivei 2006/112/CE [2], pentru identificarea în manieră unică a Facturii în contextul afacerii

Data emiterii facturii
Data la care a fost emisă factura.
Codul tipului facturii
Un cod care specifică tipul funcţional al facturii.
Facturile comerciale şi notele de creditare sunt definite în conformitate cu codurile de date din UNTDID 1001 [6].
R44 este cazul, pot fi utilizate alte coduri de date din UNTDID 1001 [6] cu facturile sau notele de creditare specifice.
Codul monedei facturii
Moneda în care sunt exprimate toate sumele din factură, cu excepţia sumei totale a TVA care este în moneda de contabilizare.
Listele monedelor
În conformitate cu valide sunt
articolul înregistrate
230 la Agenţia
al Directivei de Mentenanţă
2006/112/EC privind TVAa [2],
ISO într-o
4217 “Coduri pentru să
factură trebuie reprezentarea monedelor
fie utilizată numai şi tipurilor
o singură monedă,de fo
R54, R47
Codul monedei de contabilizare a TVA
Moneda utilizată pentru contabilizarea şi declararea TVA aşa cum se acceptă sau se cere în ţara Vânzătorului.
Trebuiemonedelor valide sunt cu
utilizat în combinaţie înregistrate la Agenţia
suma totală a TVA îndemoneda
Mentenanţă a ISO 4217 (BT-111)
de contabilizare “Coduri pentru reprezentarea
când codul monedelor
monedei de şi fondurilor”.
contabilizare a TVA diferPe
Data de exigibilitate a taxei pe valoarea adăugată
Data la care TVA devine exigibilă pentru Vânzător şi pentru Cumpărător în măsura în care această dată poate fi determinată şi diferă de da
Data de exigibilitate a taxei este, de obicei, data la care bunurile au fost livrate sau serviciile finalizate (eveniment generator de taxe). Există
Acest element este cerut dacă data de exigibilitate a TVA este diferită de data emiterii facturii.
R45, R46
Codul datei de exigibilitate a taxei pe valoarea adăugată
Codul datei la care TVA devine exigibilă pentru Vânzător şi pentru Cumpărător.
Codul trebuie să facă distincţie între următoarele coduri din UNTDID 2005 [6]:
Data emiterii facturii
Data scadenţei
Data până la care trebuie făcută plata.
Data scadenţei reflectă scadenţa plăţii nete. Pentru plăţile parţiale aceasta indică prima scadenţă de plată. Descrierea corespunzătoare a co
Referinţa Cumpărătorului
Un identificator atribuit de către Cumpărător utilizat pentru circuitul intern al facturii.
Identificatorul este definit de către cumpărător (de exemplu ID al contactului, departamentul, ID al biroului, codul proiectului), dar este ind
Referinţa proiectului
Identificarea proiectului la care se referă factura

Referinţa documentului
Referinţa contractului
Identificarea unui contract.
Se recomandă ca identificatorul contractului să fie unic în contextul relaţiilor comerciale specifice şi pentru o perioadă de timp definită.
Referinţa documentului
Referinţa comenzii
Un identificator al comenzii la care se referă, generat de către Cumpărător.

R5, R56
Referinţa documentului
Referinţa dispoziţiei de vânzare
Un identificator al dispoziţiei de vânzare, generat de către Vânzător.

Referinţa documentului
Referinţa avizului de recepţie
Un identificator al avizului de recepţie la care se face referire.

R10, R56
Referinţa documentului
Referinţa avizului de expediţie
Un identificator al avizului de expediţie la care se face referire.

R9, R56
Referinţa documentului
Referinţa cererii de ofertă sau a lotului
Identificarea cererii de ofertă sau a lotului la care se referă factura.
În unele ţări trebuie să se furnizeze o referinţă a cererii de ofertă care a dus la contract.
R7, R4
Referinţa documentului

Identificatorul obiectului facturat
Un identificator pentru un obiect pe care se bazează factura, generat de către Vânzător.
Poate fi un număr de abonament, un număr de telefon, un contor, un vehicul, o persoană etc., după caz.
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului obiectului facturat.
Dacă schema utilizată pentru identificator nu este clară pentru destinatar, se recomandă să se utilizeze un identificator al schemei condiţio
Referinţa contabilă a cumpărătorului
Valoare textuală care specifică unde să se înregistreze datele relevante în conturile contabile ale Cumpărătorului.

R2, R4
Termeni de plată
O descriere textuală a termenilor de plată care se aplică sumei de plată (Inclusiv descrierea eventualelor penalităţi).
Acest element poate conţine mai multe linii şi mai mulţi termeni.
Un grup de termeni operaţionali conţinând informaţii relevante pentru factură, împreună cu o indicaţie a subiectului comentariului.

mantic de date
Codul subiectului comentariului din factură
Subiectul comentariului în BT-22.
Trebuie ales din lista de coduri 4451 din dicţionarul UNTDID [6].
Comentariu în factură
Un text care furnizează o informaţie nestructurată care este relevantă pentru factură în ansamblul său.
De exemplu o notă privind motivul unei corecţii sau unei note de cesiune în cazul în care factura a fost factorizată.
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre procesul operaţional şi regulile aplicabile documentului Factură.

mantic de date
Tipul procesului operaţional
Identifică contextul procesului operaţional în care apare tranzacţia, pentru a-i permite Cumpărătorului să prelucreze Factura într-un mod a
Trebuie specificat de Cumpărător.
Identificatorul specificaţiei
O identificare a specificaţiei care conţine totalitatea regulilor privind conţinutul semantic, cardinalităţile şi regulile operaţionale cu care dat
Acesta identifică conformitatea simplă sau strictă cu acest document. Facturile strict conforme specifică: Facturil
R44trebuie utilizată o schemă de identificare.
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre una sau mai multe facturi anterioare.
A se utiliza în următoarele cazuri:
o factură
R12 anterioară este corectată
mantic de date
Referinţă la o factură anterioară
Identificarea unei facturi trimisă anterior de către Vânzător.

R11, R12
Document de referinţă
Data de emitere a facturii anterioare
Data la care a fost emisă factura anterioară.
Data emiterii facturii anterioare trebuie furnizată în cazul în care identificatorul facturii anterioare nu este unic.
R11, R12
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre Vânzător.

mantic de date
Numele vânzătorului
Denumirea oficială completă sub care Vânzătorul este înscris în registrul naţional al persoanelor juridice sau în calitate de Contribuabil sau

Denumirea comercială a Vânzătorului
Un nume sub care este cunoscut Vânzătorul, altul decât numele Vânzătorului (cunoscut, de asemenea, ca denumirea comercială).
Poate fi folosit dacă diferă de numele Vânzătorului.
Identificatorul Vânzătorului
O identificare a Vânzătorului.
Pentru multe sisteme, identificatorul Vânzătorului este un element de informaţie cheie. Pot fi atribuiţi sau specificaţi mai mulţi identificato
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului Vânzătorului.
Dacă se utilizează, identificatorul schemei de identificare trebuie să fie ales dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO
Identificatorul de înregistrare legală a Vânzătorului
Un identificator emis de un organism oficial de înregistrare care identifică Vânzătorul ca o entitate sau persoană juridică.
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător.
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului de înregistrare legală a Vânzătorului.
Dacă se utilizează, identificatorul schemei de identificare trebuie să fie ales dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO
Identificatorul de TVA al Vânzătorului
Identificatorul de TVA al Vânzătorului (cunoscut, de asemenea, ca numărul de identificare de TVA al Vânzătorului).
Numărul de TVA are ca prefix codul ţării. Un Vânzător înregistrat ca plătitor de TVA trebuie să includă ID-ul său de TVA, cu excepţia cazulu
Identificatorul de înregistrare fiscală a Vânzătorului
Identificarea locală (definită prin adresa Vânzătorului) a Vânzătorului pentru scopuri fiscale sau o referinţă care-i permite Vânzătorului să d
Această informaţie poate afecta modul în care Cumpărătorul achită plata (cum ar fi contribuţiile sociale). De exemplu, în unele ţări, dacă V
Informaţii juridice suplimentare despre Vânzător
Informaţii juridice suplimentare cu privire la Vânzător.
De exemplu, capitalul social.
Adresa electronică a Vânzătorului
Identifică adresa electronică a Vânzătorului la care poate fi transmis la nivel de aplicaţie răspunsul la factură.

R13, R57
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a adresei electronice a Vânzătorului.
Identificatorul schemei trebuie să fie ales dintr-o listă ţinută la zi de către Mecanismul de Interconectare în Europa (Connecting Europe Fa
R13, R57
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre adresa Vânzătorului.
Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale adresei.
mantic de date
Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 1
Linia principală a unei adrese.
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală.
Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 2
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală.

Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 3
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală.

Localitatea Vânzătorului
Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se află adresa Vânzătorului.

Codul poştal al Vânzătorului
Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi adresabil conform serviciului poştal relevant.
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr poştal de expediere.
Subdiviziunea ţării Vânzătorului
Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc.
Codul ţării Vânzătorului
Un cod care identifică ţara.
Dacă nu este specificat un reprezentant fiscal, acesta este ţara în care trebuie plătită TVA. Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia d
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de contact despre Vânzător.

mantic de date
Punctul de contact al Vânzătorului
Un punct de contact pentru o entitate sau persoană juridică.
Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificarea unui contact, departament sau serviciu.
Numărul de telefon al contactului Vânzătorului
Un număr de telefon pentru punctul de contact.

Adresa de email a contactului Vânzătorului
O adresă de e-mail pentru punctul de contact.

Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre Cumpărător.

mantic de date
Numele Cumpărătorului
Numele complet al Cumpărătorului.

Denumirea comercială a Cumpărătorului
Un nume sub care este cunoscut Cumpărătorul, altul decât numele Cumpărătorului (cunoscut, de asemenea, ca denumirea comercială).
Acesta poate fi utilizat dacă este diferit de numele Cumpărătorului.
Identificatorul Cumpărătorului
Un identificator al Cumpărătorului.
Dacă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator comunicat anterio
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului Cumpărătorului.
Dacă se utilizează, identificatorul schemei de identificare trebuie să fie ales dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO
Identificatorul de înregistrare legală a Cumpărătorului
Un identificator emis de un organism oficial de înregistrare care identifică Cumpărătorul ca o entitate sau persoană juridică.
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu identificatorul care
R47, R52, R57
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului de înregistrare legală a Cumpărătorului.
Dacă se utilizează, schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.
R47, R52, R57
Identificatorul de TVA al Cumpărătorului
Identificatorul de TVA al Cumpărătorului (cunoscut, de asemenea, ca numărul de identificare de TVA al Cumpărătorului).
Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţării bazat pe EN ISO 3166-1 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lo
R45, R52, R57
Adresa electronică a Cumpărătorului
Identifică adresa electronică a Cumpărătorului la care se trimite factura.

R13, R57
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a adresei electronice a Cumpărătorului.
Identificatorul schemei trebuie să fie ales dintr-o listă ţinută la zi de către Mecanismul de Interconectare în Europa (Connecting Europe Fa
R13, R57
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre adresa poştală a Cumpărătorului.
Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale adresei.
mantic de date
Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 1
Linia principală a unei adrese.
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală.
Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 2
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală.

Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 3
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală.

Localitatea Cumpărătorului
Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se află adresa Cumpărătorului.

Codul poştal al Cumpărătorului
Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi adresabil conform serviciului poştal relevant.
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr poştal de expediere.
Subdiviziunea ţării Cumpărătorului
Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc.
Codul ţării Cumpărătorului
Un cod care identifică ţara.
Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a sub
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de contact relevante pentru Cumpărător.
Detaliile contactului pot fi date de către Cumpărător la momentul comenzii sau prin datele de referinţă schimbate înainte de comandă. Se
mantic de date
Punctul de contact al Cumpărătorului
Un punct de contact pentru o entitate sau persoană juridică.
Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificarea unui contact, departament sau serviciu.
Numărul de telefon al contactului Cumpărătorului
Un număr de telefon pentru punctul de contact.

Adresa de email a contactului Cumpărătorului
O adresă de e-mail pentru punctul de contact.

Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre Beneficiar, adică rolul celui care primeşte plata.
Rolul Beneficiarului poate fi îndeplinit de o altă parte decât Vânzătorul, de exemplu un serviciu de factoring.
R1, R57
mantic de date
Numele Beneficiarului
Numele Beneficiarului.
Trebuie utilizat atunci când Beneficiarul este diferit de Vânzător. Totuşi, numele Beneficiarului poate fi acelaşi ca al Vânzătorului.
R1, R57
Identificatorul Beneficiarului
Un identificator pentru Beneficiar.
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator al V
R1, R57
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului Beneficiarului.
Dacă se utilizează, schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.
R1, R57
Identificatorul înregistrării legale a Beneficiarului
Un identificator emis de un organism oficial de înregistrare care identifică Beneficiarul ca o entitate sau persoană juridică.
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu identificatorul care
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului înregistrării legale a Beneficiarului.
Dacă se utilizează, schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre reprezentantul fiscal al Vânzătorului.

mantic de date
Numele reprezentantului fiscal al Vânzătorului
Numele complet al părţii care este reprezentantul fiscal al Vânzătorului.

Identificatorul de TVA al reprezentantului fiscal al Vânzătorului
Identificatorul de TVA al părţii care este reprezentantul fiscal al Vânzătorului.
Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţării bazat pe EN ISO 3166-1 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lo
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre adresa poştală a părţii care este reprezentantul fiscal.
Dacă Vânzătorul are un reprezentant fiscal care trebuie să plătească TVA datorat, trebuie să se furnizeze în factură, numele/adresa poştală
mantic de date
Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 1
Linia principală a unei adrese.
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală.
Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 2
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală.

Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 3
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală.

Localitatea reprezentantului fiscal
Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se află adresa reprezentantului fiscal.

Codul poştal al reprezentantului fiscal
Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi adresabil conform serviciului poştal relevant.
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr poştal de expediere.
Subdiviziunea ţării reprezentantului fiscal
Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc.
Codul ţării reprezentantului fiscal
Un cod care identifică ţara.
Ţara în care TVA trebuie plătit. Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezenta
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre unde şi când trebuie livrate bunurile şi serviciile facturate.

R31, R32, R57

mantic de date
Numele părţii către care se face livrarea
Numele părţii căreia îi sunt livrate bunurile şi serviciile.
Trebuie să fie utilizat dacă partea căreia i se livrează este diferită de Cumpărător.
Identificatorul locului către care se face livrarea
Un identificator pentru locul unde sunt livrate bunurile şi serviciile.
Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator al V
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului locului de livrare.
Dacă se utilizează, schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.
Data reală a livrării
Data la care s-a făcut sau s-a finalizat livrarea bunurilor sau a serviciilor.

Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre perioada de facturare.
Utilizată pentru a indica când începe şi când se sfârşeşte perioada acoperită de factură. Numită, de asemenea, perioada de livrare.
mantic de date
Data de început a perioadei de facturare
Data la care începe perioada de facturare.
Data iniţială a livrării bunurilor sau serviciilor.
Data de sfârşit a perioadei de facturare
Data la care se sfârşeşte perioada de facturare.
Data la care livrarea bunurilor sau serviciilor a fost finalizată.
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre adresa la care au fost livrate bunurile şi serviciile facturate.
În cazul în care livrarea se face la un punct de ridicare, adresa de livrare este adresa punctului de ridicare. Pentru conformitate cu cerinţele
mantic de date
Adresa de livrare - Linia 1
Linia principală a unei adrese.
De obicei, numele şi numărul străzii.
Adresa de livrare - Linia 2
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru a furniza informaţii suplimentare care completează linia principală.

Adresa de livrare - Linia 3
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru a furniza informaţii suplimentare care completează linia principală.

Localitatea de livrare
Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se află adresa de livrare.

Codul poştal de livrare
Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi adresabil conform serviciului poştal relevant.
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr poştal de expediere.
Subdiviziunea ţării de livrare
Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc.
Codul ţării de livrare
Un cod care identifică ţara.
Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a sub
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre plată.

mantic de date
Codul tipului de instrument de plată
Cod care indică modul în care o plată trebuie să fie sau a fost efectuată.
Trebuie să se utilizeze coduri din lista de coduri 4461 din dicţionarul de date UNTDID [6]. Se recomandă să se facă distincţie între plăţi SEP
Explicaţii privind instrumentul de plată
Text care indică modul în care o plată trebuie să fie sau a fost efectuată.
Cum ar fi cu numerar, virament, debitare directă, card de credit etc.
Aviz de plată
Valoare textuală utilizată pentru a stabili o legătură între plată şi Factură, emisă de Vânzător.
Utilizat pentru informaţiile critice de reconciliere ale creditorului. Acest element de informaţie ajută Vânzătorul să atribuie o plată intrată p
R56, a permite prelucrarea automată a plăţilor SEPA transfrontaliere, se recomandă ca în acest câmp să se utilizeze numai caractere latin
Un grup de termeni operaţionali pentru a specifica plăţile prin virament.

mantic de date
Identificatorul contului de plată
Un identificator unic al contului bancar de plată, la un furnizor de servicii de plată la care se recomandă să se facă plata
Exemplu: IBAN (în cazul unei plăţi SEPA) sau număr de cont naţional.
R61, R65
Numele contului de plată
Numele contului de plată, la un furnizor de servicii de plată la care se recomandă să se facă plata.

R61, R65
Identificatorul furnizorului de servicii de plată
Un identificator pentru furnizorul serviciului de plată unde este localizat contul de plată.
Exemplu: cod BIC sau un cod naţional de clearing, dacă este cazul. Nu trebuie utilizată nicio schemă de identificare.
R61, R65
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre cardul utilizat pentru plată în acelaşi timp cu emiterea facturii.
Utilizat numai dacă Cumpărătorul a optat să plătească utilizând un card de plată cum ar fi un card de credit sau de debit.
mantic de date
Numărul contului principal al cardului de plată
Numărul de cont principal (PAN – Primary Account Number) al cardului utilizat pentru plată.
În conformitate cu standardele de securitate privind plata cu card, se recomandă ca o factură să nu includă niciodată întregul număr de co
Numele deţinătorului cardului de plată
Numele deţinătorului cardului de plată.

Un grup de termeni operaţionali pentru a specifica o debitare directă.
Acest grup poate fi utilizat pentru a da un preaviz în factură că plata va fi făcută prin SEPA sau alt tip de debitare directă iniţiată de Vânzăt
mantic de date
Identificatorul referinţei mandatului
Identificator unic atribuit de către Beneficiar, utilizat ca referinţă pentru mandatul de debitare directă.
Utilizat în scopul de a-l notifica în prealabil pe Cumpărător despre o debitare directă SEPA.
Identificatorul creditorului atribuit de bancă
Identificator unic de referinţă bancară al Beneficiarului sau Vânzătorului atribuit de banca Beneficiarului sau Vânzătorului.
Utilizat în scopul de a-l notifica în prealabil pe Cumpărător despre o debitare directă SEPA.
Identificatorul contului debitat
Contul care trebuie debitat prin debitare directă.

Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre deducerile aplicabile facturii în ansamblu.
De asemenea, în acest grup pot fi specificate deduceri, cum ar fi taxele reţinute la sursă.
mantic de date
Valoarea deducerilor la nivelul documentului
Valoarea deducerii, fără TVA.

R15, R19
Valoarea de bază a deducerii la nivelul documentului
Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul deducerii la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la

R15, R42
Procentajul deducerii la nivelul documentului
Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază a deducerii la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la

R15, R42
Codul categoriei de TVA pentru deduceri la nivelul documentului
O identificare codificată a categoriei de TVA care se aplică deducerii la nivelul documentului.
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii mai ample sunt date între paranteze):
Cota normală
R16, (Stabilită în mod normal pentru TVA)
R45, R48
Cota de TVA pentru deduceri la nivelul documentului
Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică deducerii la nivelul documentului.

R15, R16, R45, R48

Motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului
Motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului, exprimat ca text.

Codul motivului deducerii la nivelul documentului
Motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului, exprimat ca un cod.
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 5189 [6]. Codul motivului deducerii la nivelul documentului şi motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului tre
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre taxele suplimentare şi taxele, altele decât TVA, aplicabile facturii în ansa

mantic de date
Valoarea taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Valoarea unei taxe suplimentare, fără TVA.

R15, R16, R19

Valoarea de bază a taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea taxe

R15, R16, R19

Procentajul taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimen

R15, R16, R19

Codul categoriei de TVA pentru taxe suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Identificarea codificată a categoriei de TVA care se aplică taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului.
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii mai ample sunt date între paranteze):
Cota normală
R45, R48 (Stabilită în mod normal pentru TVA)
Cota TVA pentru taxe suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului.

R15, R45, R48

Motivul taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Motivul taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului, exprimat ca text.

R15, R16
Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Motivul taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului, exprimat ca un cod.
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 7161 [6]. Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la nivelul Documentului şi motivul taxei suplimentare la nivelul
R15, R16
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre totalurile monetare ale facturii.

mantic de date
Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii
Suma tuturor valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.

Suma deducerilor la nivelul documentului
Suma tuturor deducerilor la nivelul documentului facturii.
Deducerile la nivel de linie sunt incluse în valoarea netă a liniei facturii care este utilizată în Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.
R19, R40
Suma taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Suma tuturor taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului facturii.
Taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniilor sunt incluse în valoarea netă a liniei facturii care este utilizată în Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturi
R19, R40
Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA
Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA.
Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA este Suma totalurilor nete ale liniilor facturii minus Suma deducerilor la nivelul documentului plus Suma
Valoarea totală a TVA a facturii
Valoarea totală a TVA aferentă facturii.
Valoarea TVA totală a facturii este suma tuturor valorilor TVA pentru diferitele categorii de TVA.
R40, R49
Valoarea TVA totală a facturii în moneda de contabilizare
Totalul TVA exprimat în moneda de contabilizare acceptată sau cerută în ţara Vânzătorului.
Trebuie utilizat când moneda de contabilizare a TVA (BT-6) diferă de codul monedei facturii (BT-5) în conformitate cu articolul 230 din Dir
Valoarea TVA în moneda de contabilizare nu este utilizată în calcularea totalurilor facturii.
Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA
Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA.
Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA este valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA plus valoarea totală a TVA.
R40, R67
Sumă plătită
Suma valorilor care au fost plătite anticipat.
Această valoare este scăzută din valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA pentru a calcula suma rămasă de plată.
R40, R66
Valoare de rotunjire
Valoarea care trebuie adunată la totalul facturii pentru a rotunji suma de plată.

Suma de plată
Valoarea restantă care este cerută la plată.
Această valoare este valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA minus suma plătită care a fost plătită anticipat. Valoarea este zero în cazul plăţii integ
R40, R59, R68
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre repartizarea TVA pe diferite categorii, cote şi motive de exceptare.

R38, R45, R47, R48, R49

mantic de date
Baza de calcul pentru categoria de TVA
Suma tuturor valorilor impozabile aferente unui cod al unei categorii specifice de TVA şi unei cote a TVA (dacă cota categoriei de TVA este
Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii minus deducerile plus taxele suplimentare de la nivelul documentului aferente unui cod al unei cate
Valoarea TVA pentru fiecare categorie de TVA
Valoarea totală a TVA pentru o categorie de TVA dată.
Calculată prin multiplicarea valorii bazei de calcul pentru categoria de TVA cu cota categoriei de TVA pentru categoria de TVA corespunză
Codul categoriei de TVA
Identificarea codificată a unei categorii de TVA.
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii mai ample sunt date între paranteze):
Cota normală
R45, R49 (Stabilită în mod normal pentru TVA)
Cota categoriei de TVA
Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică pentru categoria de TVA corespunzătoare.
Codul categoriei de TVA şi cota categoriei de TVA trebuie să fie coerente.
R38, R49
Motivul scutirii de TVA
Un text care explică de ce suma respectivă este scutită de TVA sau de ce TVA nu este aplicabilă.
Articolul 226 punctele 11 până la 15 din Directiva 2006/112/CE [2].
R48, R49, R51
Codul motivului scutirii de TVA
Un enunţ codat care explică de ce suma respectivă este scutită de TVA.
Lista codurilor este emisă şi ţinută la zi prin Mecanismul pentru interconexiune în Europa (Connecting Europe Facility).
R48, R49, R51, R55
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre documentele justificative suplimentare care dovedesc solicitările formu
Documentele justificative suplimentare pot fi utilizate atât pentru a face referire la numărul documentului care este presupus a fi cunoscut
mantic de date
Referinţa documentului justificativ
Un identificator al documentului justificativ.

Document de referinţă
Descrierea documentului justificativ
O descriere a documentului justificativ.
Cum ar fi: fişe de pontaj, raport de utilizare etc.
Localizarea documentului extern
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) care identifică unde este localizat documentul extern.
O modalitate de localizare a resurselor incluzând mecanismul său primar de acces, de exemplu, http:// sau ftp://.
R36 documentului extern trebuie să fie utilizată dacă Cumpărătorul cere informaţii suplimentare cu privire la factură.
Document ataşat
Un document ataşat integrat ca obiect binar sau trimis împreună cu factura.
Documentul ataşat este utilizat când documentaţia trebuie să fie stocată cu factura pentru o referire ulterioară sau audit.
Obiect binar
Codul Mime al documentului ataşat
Codul Mime al documentului ataşat.
Coduri MIME permise:
- aplicaţie/pdf
mantic de date
Numele fişierului documentului ataşat
Numele fişierului documentului ataşat.

mantic de date
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre liniile facturii.

R17, R23, R27

mantic de date
Identificatorul liniei facturii
Un identificator unic pentru o linie din factură.

Nota liniei facturii
O notă textuală care furnizează o informaţie nestructurată care este relevantă pentru linia facturii.

Identificatorul obiectului liniei facturii
Un identificator pentru un obiect pe care se bazează linia facturii, dat de către Vânzător.
Poate fi un număr de abonament, număr de telefon, un index de contor etc., după caz.
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului obiectului liniei facturii.
Dacă destinatarului nu îi este clar ce schemă este utilizată pentru identificator, se recomandă să se utilizeze un identificator condiţional al

mantic de date
Cantitatea facturată
Cantitatea articolelor (bunuri sau servicii) luate în considerare în linia din factură.

R39, R56
Codul unităţii de măsură a cantităţii facturate
Unitatea de măsură aplicabilă cantităţii facturate.
Unitatea de măsură trebuie să fie aleasă din listele din Recomandarea UN/ECE nr. 20 “Coduri pentru unităţi de măsură utilizate în comerţu
R14, R39
Valoarea netă a liniei facturii
Valoarea totală a liniei facturii.
Valoarea este “netă” fără TVA, adică include deducerile şi taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniei, precum şi alte taxe relevante.
R39, R40, R56
Referinţa liniei comenzii la care se face referire
Un identificator pentru o linie la care se face referire în cadrul unei comenzi, emis de Cumpărător.
Identificatorul comenzii este referit la nivelul documentului.
Document de referinţă
Referinţa contabilă a Cumpărătorului din linia facturii
O valoare textuală care specifică unde trebuie înregistrate datele relevante în conturile financiare ale Cumpărătorului.
Dacă este necesar, această referinţă trebuie furnizată Vânzătorului de către Cumpărător înaintea emiterii facturii.
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre perioada relevantă pentru linia facturii.
Este numită, de asemenea, perioada de livrare aferentă liniei facturii.
mantic de date
Data de începere a perioadei de facturare a liniei facturii
Data la care începe perioada de facturare pentru această linie a facturii.
Data este prima zi a perioadei.
Data de sfârşit a perioadei de facturare a liniei facturii
Data la care se sfârşeşte perioada de facturare pentru această linie a facturii.
Data este ultima zi a perioadei.
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre deducerile aplicabile unei linii a facturii.

mantic de date
Valoarea deducerii la linia facturii
Valoare a unei deduceri, fără TVA.

R15, R19
Valoarea de bază a deducerii la linia facturii
Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul deducerii la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la linia factu

R15, R42
Procentajul deducerii la linia facturii
Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază pentru deducerea la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la lini

R15, R42
Motivul deducerii la linia facturii
Motivul deducerii pentru linia facturii, exprimat ca text.

Codul motivului deducerii la linia facturii
Motivul deducerii pentru linia facturii, exprimat ca un cod.
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 5189 [6]. Codul motivului deducerii la linia facturii şi motivul deducerii la linia facturii trebuie să indice acela
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre taxe, altele decât TVA, aplicabile unei linii din factură.
Toate taxele sunt presupuse a fi impozitate cu aceeaşi cotă TVA ca şi linia facturii.
mantic de date
Valoarea taxei suplimentare la linia facturii
Valoarea taxei suplimentare, fără TVA.

Valoarea de bază a taxei suplimentare la linia facturii
Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplime

Procentajul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii
Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază pentru taxa suplimentară din linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei s

Motivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii
Motivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, exprimat ca text.

Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la linia facturii
Motivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, exprimat ca un cod.
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 7161 [6]. Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la linia facturii şi motivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii treb
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre preţul aplicat bunurilor şi serviciilor facturate în linia facturii.

mantic de date
Preţul net al articolului
Preţul unui articol, exclusiv TVA, după aplicarea reducerii la preţul articolului.
Preţul net al articolului trebuie să fie egal cu preţul brut al articolului minus reducerea de preţ.
Valoarea preţului unitar
Reducere la preţul articolului
Reducerea totală dedusă din preţul brut al articolului pentru a calcula preţul net al articolului.
Se aplică numai dacă reducerea este pe unitate şi dacă nu este inclusă în preţul brut al articolului.
Valoarea preţului unitar
Preţul brut al articolului
Preţul unitar, exclusiv TVA, înaintea aplicării reducerilor la preţul articolului.

Valoarea preţului unitar
Cantitatea de bază a preţului articolului
Numărul articolelor la care se aplică preţul.

Codul unităţii de măsură a cantităţii de bază a preţului articolului
Unitatea de măsură care se aplică cantităţii de bază a preţului articolului.
Unitatea de măsură a cantităţii de bază a preţului trebuie să fie aceeaşi cu unitatea de măsură a cantităţii facturate (BT-130).
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre TVA aplicabil pentru bunurile şi serviciile facturate în linia facturii.

R45, R48
mantic de date
Codul categoriei de TVA a articolului facturat
Codul categoriei de TVA aplicabilă articolului facturat.
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii mai ample sunt date între paranteze):
- Cota
R37, normală
R45, (Stabilită în mod normal pentru TVA)
R48, R55
Cota TVA pentru articolul facturat
Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică articolului facturat.

R37, R45, R48

Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii privind bunurile şi serviciile.

R20, R56, R25, R26

mantic de date
Numele articolului
Numele unui articol.

R20, R56
Descrierea articolului
Descrierea unui articol.
Descrierea articolului permite prezentarea articolului şi a caracteristicilor sale mai detaliat decât numele articolului.
R20, R56
Identificatorul Vânzătorului articolului
Un identificator, atribuit de Vânzător, pentru articol.

R21, R56
Identificatorul Cumpărătorului articolului
Un identificator, atribuit de Cumpărător, pentru articol.

R21, R56, R22

Identificatorul standard al articolului
Un identificator al articolului bazat pe o schemă de înregistrare.

R23, R56
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului standard al articolului
Schema de identificare trebuie să fie identificată dintre codurile listei publicate de Agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

mantic de date
Identificatorul clasificării articolului
Un cod pentru clasificarea articolului după tipul sau natura acestuia.
Codurile de clasificare sunt utilizate pentru a permite gruparea articolelor similare în diferite scopuri, de exemplu, achiziţii publice (CPV), e
Identificatorul schemei
Identificatorul schemei de identificare a identificatorului clasificării articolului
Schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile de date din UNTDID 7143 [6].

mantic de date
Identificatorul versiunii schemei
Versiunea schemei de identificare.

mantic de date
Ţara de origine a articolului
Cod care identifică ţara din care este originar articolul.
Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a sub
Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre proprietăţile bunurilor şi serviciilor facturate.

mantic de date
Numele atributului articolului
Numele atributului sau proprietăţii articolului.
Cum ar fi “Culoare”.
Valoarea atributului articolului
Valoarea atributului sau proprietăţii articolului.
Cum ar fi “Roşu”.
că a Facturii în contextul afacerii, intervalului de timp, sistemelor de exploatare şi înregistrărilor Vânzătorului. Poate fi bazat pe una sau mai multe serii d

da de contabilizare.
rea numai
ată monedelor şi tipurilor
o singură monedă,de fonduri”.
cu excepţia sumei totale a TVA exprimată în moneda de contabilizare (BT-111).

rea de
dei monedelor şi fondurilor”.
contabilizare Pentru
a TVA diferă informaţii
de codul suplimentare,
monedei facturii. a se vedea articolul 230 al Directivei Consiliului 2006/112/CE [2].

ate fi determinată şi diferă de data emiterii facturii, în conformitate cu directiva TVA.

niment generator de taxe). Există unele variaţii. Pentru informaţii suplimentare, a se vedea articolul 226 (7) al Directivei Consiliului 2006/112/CE [2].
Descrierea corespunzătoare a condiţiilor de plată mai complexe poate fi stabilită în Condiţiile de plată BT-20.

i, codul proiectului), dar este indicat de Vânzător în factură.

o perioadă de timp definită.

identificator al schemei condiţionale care trebuie ales din lista de coduri 1153 a dicţionarului de date UNTDID [6].

ubiectului comentariului.
e documentului Factură.

prelucreze Factura într-un mod adecvat.

egulile operaţionale cu care datele conţinute în instanţa de factură sunt conforme. Facturile, strict conforme cu o specificaţie a utilizatorului pot identifica acea specificaţie a utilizatorului aici.
u în calitate de Contribuabil sau îşi exercită activităţile în calitate de persoană sau grup de persoane.

denumirea comercială).

pecificaţi mai mulţi identificatori ai Vânzătorului. Aceştia pot fi diferenţiaţi utilizând diferite scheme de identificare. Dacă schema nu este specificată, se

de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

soană juridică.

de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

l său de TVA, cu excepţia cazului în care utilizează un reprezentant fiscal.

care-i permite Vânzătorului să demonstreze că este înregistrat la administraţia fiscală.

e exemplu, în unele ţări, dacă Vânzătorul nu este înregistrat ca plătitor de taxe, atunci Cumpărătorul trebuie să reţină valoarea taxei şi să plătească pent

Europa (Connecting Europe Facility).

de sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.
ea, ca denumirea comercială).
n identificator comunicat anterior între Vânzător şi Cumpărător.

de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

persoană juridică.
de exemplu identificatorul care este utilizat exclusiv în mediul juridic aplicabil.

mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

rilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.
Europa (Connecting Europe Facility).
area denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

himbate înainte de comandă. Se recomandă ca detaliile contactului să nu fie utilizate pentru rutarea internă de către destinatar a facturii primite; pentru
aşi ca al Vânzătorului.

de exemplu un identificator al Vânzătorului schimbat în prealabil între Cumpărător şi Vânzător.

mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

rsoană juridică.
de exemplu identificatorul care este utilizat exclusiv în mediul juridic aplicabil.

mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

rilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

ntantul fiscal.
factură, numele/adresa poştală a reprezentantului fiscal al Vânzătorului. Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente co
66-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

erviciile facturate.

de exemplu un identificator al Vânzătorului schimbat în prealabil între Cumpărător şi Vânzător.

mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

nea, perioada de livrare.

serviciile facturate.
Pentru conformitate cu cerinţele legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale adresei.
pletează linia principală.

pletează linia principală.

area denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

ă se facă distincţie între plăţi SEPA şi plăţi non-SEPA, precum şi între plăţi prin virament, debitare directă, plăţi cu card şi orice alt instrument de plată.

orul să atribuie o plată intrată procesului de plată corespunzător. Atunci când se specifică valoarea textuală, care, de obicei, este numărul de factură al f
se utilizeze numai caractere latine, cu un maximum de 140 caractere. Pentru informaţii suplimentare cu privire la caracterele autorizate, a se vedea secţi

se facă plata
p cu emiterea facturii.
it sau de debit.

ă niciodată întregul număr de cont principal al cardului. În acest moment PCI Security Standards Council a definit că primele 6 cifre şi ultimele 4 cifre rep

ebitare directă iniţiată de Vânzător, în conformitate cu regulile SEPA sau ale altei scheme de debitare directă.
u Vânzătorului.

a calcula valoarea deducerii la nivelul documentului.

a calcula valoarea deducerii la nivelul documentului.

e între paranteze):

cerii la nivelul documentului trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al deducerii.

t TVA, aplicabile facturii în ansamblu.

ui, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului.

a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului.

e între paranteze):

vul taxei suplimentare la nivelul Documentului trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al taxei suplimentare.
nete ale liniilor facturii.

a valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.

nivelul documentului plus Suma taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului.

ormitate cu articolul 230 din Directiva 2006/112/CE referitoare la TVA.

rea este zero în cazul plăţii integrale a facturii. Valoarea poate fi negativă; în acest caz, Vânzătorul îi datorează suma respectivă Cumpărătorului.

ote şi motive de exceptare.

dacă cota categoriei de TVA este aplicabilă).

ui aferente unui cod al unei categorii specifice de TVA şi unei cote a TVA (dacă cota categoriei de TVA este aplicabilă).

ru categoria de TVA corespunzătoare.

e între paranteze):

care dovedesc solicitările formulate în factură.

care este presupus a fi cunoscut de către destinatar, la un document extern (referit printr-un URL) sau la un document integrat (cum ar fi o fişă de ponta
privire la factură.

oară sau audit.

e un identificator condiţional al schemei care trebuie să fie ales din codurile UNTDID 1153 [6].

i de măsură utilizate în comerţul internaţional” [7] şi Recomandarea UN/ECE nr 21 “Coduri pentru pasageri, tipuri de marfă, ambalaje şi materiale de am

e taxe relevante.
valoarea deducerii la linia facturii.

calcula valoarea deducerii la linia facturii.

a facturii trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al deducerii.

ii din factură.

a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la linia facturii.

pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la linia facturii.

suplimentare la linia facturii trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al taxei suplimentare.

urate în linia facturii.

acturate (BT-130).

e facturate în linia facturii.

e între paranteze):
a ISO/IEC 6523.
emplu, achiziţii publice (CPV), e-Comerţ (UNSPSC) etc.

area denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

zat pe una sau mai multe serii de numere, care pot include caractere alfanumerice. Nu trebuie utilizată nici o schemă de identificare.

onsiliului 2006/112/CE [2].

ă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator comunicat anterior între Cumpărăto
aloarea taxei şi să plătească pentru Vânzător.
ubdiviziunilor lor”.
stinatar a facturii primite; pentru acest scop, se recomandă să se utilizeze identificatorul de referinţă al Cumpărătorului.
ie să fie completate suficiente componente ale adresei.
orice alt instrument de plată.

icei, este numărul de factură al facturii plătite, dar poate fi o altă referinţă a vânzătorului, se recomandă ca, atunci când face plata, Cumpărătorul să indi
erele autorizate, a se vedea secţiunea de referinţă 1.4 din ghidurile de implementare a schemei de virament SEPA şi debitare directă SEPA [13] şi [14]. În
mele 6 cifre şi ultimele 4 cifre reprezintă numărul maxim de cifre care trebuie arătate.
pectivă Cumpărătorului.
ntegrat (cum ar fi o fişă de pontaj în format pdf). Apelarea la un link către un document extern va fi necesară, de exemplu, în cazul ataşamentelor mari ş
arfă, ambalaje şi materiale de ambalaj (cu Coduri complementare pentru numele ambalajelor)” [19] aplicând metoda descrisă în Recomandarea UN/ECE
municat anterior între Cumpărător şi Vânzător.
face plata, Cumpărătorul să indice în ordinul său de plată această referinţă. Într-o operaţie de plată, această referinţă este transferată înapoi la Vânzător
tare directă SEPA [13] şi [14]. În interiorul frontierelor naţionale pot fi aplicate şi alte reguli pentru plăţile SEPA.
u, în cazul ataşamentelor mari şi/sau când e vorba de informaţii sensibile, de exemplu servicii legate de o persoană, care trebuie să fie separate de factu
scrisă în Recomandarea UN/ECE nr. 20 Intro 2.a). De notat că în cele mai multe cazuri nu este necesar ca Vânzătorul şi Cumpărătorul să implementeze a
te transferată înapoi la Vânzător ca aviz de plată.
e trebuie să fie separate de factura propriu-zisă.
umpărătorul să implementeze aceste liste în totalitate în software-ul lor. Vânzătorii trebuie să preia doar unităţile necesare pentru bunurile şi serviciile l
are pentru bunurile şi serviciile lor; Cumpărătorii trebuie doar să verifice că unităţile utilizate în factură sunt aceleaşi cu unităţile utilizate în alte docume
unităţile utilizate în alte documente (cum ar fi Contract, Catalog, Comandă şi Aviz de expediţie).
Check Cardinalit Cardinality Business Tag Tag Tag Tag Tag Argumen Argumen Argumen
y RO terms t t Info t List

cbc:UBLVersionID 1..1 1..1 cbc:UBLVersionID

cbc:CustomizationID 1..1 1..1 BT-24 cbc:CustomizationID
cbc:ProfileID 0..1 1..1 BT-23 cbc:ProfileID
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-1 cbc:ID
cbc:IssueDate 1..1 1..1 BT-2 cbc:IssueDate
cbc:DueDate 0..1 0..1 BT-9 cbc:DueDate
cbc:InvoiceTypeCode 1..1 1..1 BT-3 cbc:InvoiceTypeCode
cbc:Note 0..n 0..1 BT-22 cbc:Note
cbc:TaxPointDate 0..1 0..1 BT-7 cbc:TaxPointDate
cbc:DocumentCurrency 1..1 1..1 BT-5 cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode
cbc:TaxCurrencyCode 0..1 0..1 BT-6 cbc:TaxCurrencyCode
cbc:AccountingCost 0..1 0..1 BT-19 cbc:AccountingCost
cbc:BuyerReference 0..1 0..1 BT-10 cbc:BuyerReference
cac:InvoicePeriod 0..1 0..1 BG-14 cac:InvoicePeriod
cbc:StartDate 0..1 0..1 BT-73 cbc:StartDate
cbc:EndDate 0..1 0..1 BT-74 cbc:EndDate
cbc:DescriptionCode 0..1 0..1 BT-8 cbc:DescriptionCode
cac:OrderReference 0..1 0..1 cac:OrderReference
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-13 cbc:ID
cbc:SalesOrderID 0..1 0..1 BT-14 cbc:SalesOrderID
cac:BillingReference 0..n 0..n BG-3 cac:BillingReference
cac:InvoiceDocumentRe 1..1 1..1 cac:InvoiceDocumentReference
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-25 cbc:ID
cbc:IssueDate 0..1 0..1 BT-26 cbc:IssueDate
cac:DespatchDocument 0..1 0..1 cac:DespatchDocumentReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-16 cbc:ID
cac:ReceiptDocumentRe 0..1 0..1 cac:ReceiptDocumentReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-15 cbc:ID
cac:OriginatorDocumen 0..1 0..1 cac:OriginatorDocumentReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-17 cbc:ID
cac:ContractDocumentR 0..1 0..1 cac:ContractDocumentReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-12 cbc:ID
cac:AdditionalDocumen 0..n 0..n BG-24 cac:AdditionalDocumentReference
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..n 1..1 BT-18, BT-122 cbc:ID @schemeID
The identif UNCL 1153
cbc:DocumentTypeCod 0..1 0..1 BT-18 cbc:DocumentTypeCode
cbc:DocumentDescripti 0..1 0..1 BT-123 cbc:DocumentDescription
cac:Attachment 0..1 0..1 cac:Attachment
cbc:EmbeddedDocumen 0..1 0..1 BT-125 cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject
= Code
cac:ExternalReference 0..1 0..1 cac:ExternalReference
cbc:URI 0..1 1..1 BT-124 cbc:URI
cac:ProjectReference 0..1 0..1 cac:ProjectReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-11 cbc:ID
cac:AccountingSupplier 1..1 1..1 BG-4 cac:AccountingSupplierParty
cac:Party 1..1 1..1 cac:Party
cbc:EndpointID @sche 0..1 1..1 BT-34 cbc:EndpointID @schemeID
The identif EAS
cac:PartyIdentification 0..n 0..n cac:PartyIdentification
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 1..1 1..1 BT-29, BT-90 cbc:ID @schemeIDThe identif ISO 6523 SAU "SEPA"
cac:PartyName 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 0..1 1..1 BT-28 cbc:Name
cac:PostalAddress 1..1 1..1 BG-5 cac:PostalAddress
cbc:StreetName 0..1 0..1 BT-35 cbc:StreetName
cbc:AdditionalStreetNa 0..1 0..1 BT-36 cbc:AdditionalStreetName
cbc:CityName 0..1 0..1 BT-37 cbc:CityName
cbc:PostalZone 0..1 0..1 BT-38 cbc:PostalZone
cbc:CountrySubentity 0..1 0..1 BT-39 cbc:CountrySubentity
cac:AddressLine 0..1 0..1 cac:AddressLine
cbc:Line 0..1 1..1 BT-162 cbc:Line
cac:Country 0..1 1..1 cac:Country
cbc:IdentificationCode 1..1 1..1 BT-40 cbc:IdentificationCode
cac:PartyTaxScheme 0..n 0..2 cac:PartyTaxScheme
cbc:CompanyID 0..n 1..1 BT-31, BT-32 cbc:CompanyID
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 cbc:ID
cac:PartyLegalEntity 1..1 1..1 cac:PartyLegalEntity
cbc:RegistrationName 1..1 1..1 BT-27 cbc:RegistrationName
cbc:CompanyID @sche 0..1 0..1 BT-30 cbc:CompanyID
The identif ISO 6523
cbc:CompanyLegalForm 0..1 0..1 BT-33 cbc:CompanyLegalForm
cac:Contact 0..1 0..1 BG-6 cac:Contact
cbc:Name 0..1 0..1 BT-41 cbc:Name
cbc:Telephone 0..1 0..1 BT-42 cbc:Telephone
cbc:ElectronicMail 0..1 0..1 BT-43 cbc:ElectronicMail
cac:AccountingCustome 1..1 1..1 BG-7 cac:AccountingCustomerParty
cac:Party 1..1 1..1 cac:Party
cbc:EndpointID @sche 0..1 1..1 BT-49 cbc:EndpointID @schemeID
The identif EAS
cac:PartyIdentification 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyIdentification
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..1 1..1 BT-46 cbc:ID @schemeID
The identif ISO 6523
cac:PartyName 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 0..1 1..1 BT-45 cbc:Name
cac:PostalAddress 1..1 1..1 BG-8 cac:PostalAddress
cbc:StreetName 0..1 0..1 BT-50 cbc:StreetName
cbc:AdditionalStreetNa 0..1 0..1 BT-51 cbc:AdditionalStreetName
cbc:CityName 0..1 0..1 BT-52 cbc:CityName
cbc:PostalZone 0..1 0..1 BT-53 cbc:PostalZone
cbc:CountrySubentity 0..1 0..1 BT-54 cbc:CountrySubentity
cac:AddressLine 0..1 0..1 cac:AddressLine
cbc:Line 0..1 1..1 BT-163 cbc:Line
cac:Country 0..1 1..1 cac:Country
cbc:IdentificationCode 1..1 1..1 BT-55 cbc:IdentificationCode
cac:PartyTaxScheme 0..n 0..1 cac:PartyTaxScheme
cbc:CompanyID 0..n 1..1 BT-48 cbc:CompanyID
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 cbc:ID
cac:PartyLegalEntity 1..1 1..1 cac:PartyLegalEntity
cbc:RegistrationName 1..1 1..1 BT-44 cbc:RegistrationName
cbc:CompanyID @sche 0..1 0..1 BT-47 cbc:CompanyID
The identif ISO 6523
cac:Contact 0..1 0..1 BG-9 cac:Contact
cbc:Name 0..1 0..1 BT-56 cbc:Name
cbc:Telephone 0..1 0..1 BT-57 cbc:Telephone
cbc:ElectronicMail 0..1 0..1 BT-58 cbc:ElectronicMail
cac:PayeeParty 0..1 0..1 BG-10 cac:PayeeParty
cac:PartyIdentification 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyIdentification
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 1..1 1..1 BT-60, BT-90 cbc:ID @schemeID
The identif ISO 6523 SAU "SEPA"
cac:PartyName 0..1 1..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 1..1 1..1 BT-59 cbc:Name
cac:PartyLegalEntity 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyLegalEntity
cbc:CompanyID @sche 0..1 1..1 BT-61 cbc:CompanyID @schemeID
The identif ISO 6523
cac:TaxRepresentativePa 0..1 0..1 cac:TaxRepresentativeParty
cac:PartyName 0..1 1..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 1..1 1..1 BT-62 cbc:Name
cac:PostalAddress 1..1 1..1 BG-12 cac:PostalAddress
cbc:StreetName 0..1 0..1 BT-64 cbc:StreetName
cbc:AdditionalStreetNa 0..1 0..1 BT-65 cbc:AdditionalStreetName
cbc:CityName 0..1 0..1 BT-66 cbc:CityName
cbc:PostalZone 0..1 0..1 BT-67 cbc:PostalZone
cbc:CountrySubentity 0..1 0..1 BT-68 cbc:CountrySubentity
cac:AddressLine 0..1 0..1 cac:AddressLine
cbc:Line 0..1 1..1 BT-164 cbc:Line
cac:Country 0..1 1..1 cac:Country
cbc:IdentificationCode 1..1 1..1 BT-69 cbc:IdentificationCode
cac:PartyTaxScheme 0..1 1..1 cac:PartyTaxScheme
cbc:CompanyID 0..1 1..1 BT-63 cbc:CompanyID
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 cbc:ID
cac:Delivery 0..1 0..1 BG-13 cac:Delivery
cbc:ActualDeliveryDate 0..1 0..1 BT-72 cbc:ActualDeliveryDate
cac:DeliveryLocation 0..1 0..1 cac:DeliveryLocation
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..1 0..1 BT-71 cbc:ID @schemeID
The identif ISO 6523
cac:Address 0..1 0..1 BG-15 cac:Address
cbc:StreetName 0..1 0..1 BT-75 cbc:StreetName
cbc:AdditionalStreetNa 0..1 0..1 BT-76 cbc:AdditionalStreetName
cbc:CityName 0..1 0..1 BT-77 cbc:CityName
cbc:PostalZone 0..1 0..1 BT-78 cbc:PostalZone
cbc:CountrySubentity 0..1 0..1 BT-79 cbc:CountrySubentity
cac:AddressLine 0..1 0..1 cac:AddressLine
cbc:Line 0..1 1..1 BT-165 cbc:Line
cac:Country 0..1 1..1 cac:Country
cbc:IdentificationCode 1..1 1..1 BT-80 cbc:IdentificationCode
cac:DeliveryParty 0..1 0..1 cac:DeliveryParty
cac:PartyName 0..1 1..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 0..1 1..1 BT-70 cbc:Name
cac:PaymentMeans 0..1 0..n BG-16 cac:PaymentMeans
cbc:PaymentMeansCod 1..1 1..1 BT-81 cbc:PaymentMeansCode
@name The means, expressed a
cbc:PaymentID 0..1 0..1 BT-83 cbc:PaymentID
cac:CardAccount 0..1 0..1 BG-18 cac:CardAccount
cbc:PrimaryAccountNu 1..1 1..1 BT-87 cbc:PrimaryAccountNumberID
cbc:NetworkID 1..1 1..1 cbc:NetworkID
cbc:HolderName 0..1 0..1 BT-88 cbc:HolderName
cac:PayeeFinancialAcco 0..n 0..1 BG-17 cac:PayeeFinancialAccount
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-84 cbc:ID
cbc:Name 0..1 0..1 BT-85 cbc:Name
cac:FinancialInstitution 0..1 0..1 cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-86 cbc:ID
cac:PaymentMandate 0..1 0..1 BG-19 cac:PaymentMandate
cbc:ID 0..1 0..1 BT-89 cbc:ID
cac:PayerFinancialAcco 0..1 0..1 cac:PayerFinancialAccount
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-91 cbc:ID
cac:PaymentTerms 0..1 0..1 cac:PaymentTerms
cbc:Note 0..1 1..1 BT-20 cbc:Note
cac:AllowanceCharge 0..n 0..n BG-20, BG- cac:AllowanceCharge
cbc:ChargeIndicator 1..1 1..1 cbc:ChargeIndicator
cbc:AllowanceChargeR 0..1 0..1 BT-98, BT-105 cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode
cbc:AllowanceChargeRe 0..1 0..1 BT-97, BT-104 cbc:AllowanceChargeReason
cbc:MultiplierFactorNu 0..1 0..1 BT-94, BT-101 cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric
cbc:Amount @currency 1..1 1..1 BT-92,BT-99 cbc:Amount @currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:BaseAmount @curr 0..1 0..1 BT-93,BT-100 cbc:BaseAmount @currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cac:TaxCategory 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxCategory
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-95,BT-102 cbc:ID
cbc:Percent 0..1 0..1 BT-96,BT-103 cbc:Percent
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 cbc:ID
cac:TaxTotal 1..2 1..2 cac:TaxTotal
cbc:TaxAmount @curre 1..1 1..1 BT-110, BT-111 cbc:TaxAmount @currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cac:TaxSubtotal 1..n 0..n BG-23 cac:TaxSubtotal
cbc:TaxableAmount @c 1..1 1..1 BT-116 cbc:TaxableAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:TaxAmount @curre 1..1 1..1 BT-117 cbc:TaxAmount @currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cac:TaxCategory 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxCategory
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-118 cbc:ID
cbc:Percent 0..1 0..1 BT-119 cbc:Percent
cbc:TaxExemptionReas 0..1 0..1 BT-121 cbc:TaxExemptionReasonCode
cbc:TaxExemptionReaso 0..1 0..1 BT-120 cbc:TaxExemptionReason
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 cbc:ID
cac:LegalMonetaryTotal 1..1 1..1 BG-22 cac:LegalMonetaryTotal
cbc:LineExtensionAmou 1..1 1..1 BT-106 cbc:LineExtensionAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:TaxExclusiveAmoun 1..1 1..1 BT-109 cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:TaxInclusiveAmoun 1..1 1..1 BT-112 cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:AllowanceTotalAmo 0..1 0..1 BT-107 cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:ChargeTotalAmoun 0..1 0..1 BT-108 cbc:ChargeTotalAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:PrepaidAmount @c 0..1 0..1 BT-113 cbc:PrepaidAmount @currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:PayableRoundingA 0..1 0..1 BT-114 cbc:PayableRoundingAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:PayableAmount @c 1..1 1..1 BT-115 cbc:PayableAmount @currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cac:InvoiceLine 1..n 1..n cac:InvoiceLine
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-126 cbc:ID
cbc:Note 0..1 0..1 BT-127 cbc:Note
cbc:InvoicedQuantity 1..1 1..1 BT-129 cbc:InvoicedQuantity @unitCodeThe unit o REC 20+21
cbc:LineExtensionAmou 1..1 1..1 BT-131 cbc:LineExtensionAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:AccountingCost 0..1 0..1 BT-133 cbc:AccountingCost
cac:InvoicePeriod 0..1 0..1 BG-26 cac:InvoicePeriod
cbc:StartDate 0..1 0..1 BT-134 cbc:StartDate
cbc:EndDate 0..1 0..1 BT-135 cbc:EndDate
cac:OrderLineReference 0..1 0..1 cac:OrderLineReference
cbc:LineID 0..1 1..1 BT-132 cbc:LineID
cac:DocumentReference 0..1 0..1 cac:DocumentReference
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..1 1..1 BT-128 cbc:ID @schemeID
The identif UNCL 1153
cbc:DocumentTypeCod 0..1 1..1 BT-128 cbc:DocumentTypeCode
cac:AllowanceCharge 0..n 0..n cac:AllowanceCharge
cbc:ChargeIndicator 1..1 1..1 cbc:ChargeIndicator
cbc:AllowanceChargeR 0..1 0..1 BT-140, BT-145 cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode
cbc:AllowanceChargeRe 0..1 0..1 BT-139, BT-144 cbc:AllowanceChargeReason
cbc:MultiplierFactorNu 0..1 0..1 BT-138, BT-143 cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric
cbc:Amount @currency 1..1 1..1 BT-136, BT-141 cbc:Amount @currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:BaseAmount @curr 0..1 0..1 BT-137, BT-142 cbc:BaseAmount@currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cac:Item 1..1 1..1 BG-31 cac:Item
cbc:Description 0..1 0..1 BT-154 cbc:Description
cbc:Name 1..1 1..1 BT-153 cbc:Name
cac:BuyersItemIdentific 0..1 0..1 cac:BuyersItemIdentification
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-156 cbc:ID
cac:SellersItemIdentific 0..1 0..1 cac:SellersItemIdentification
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-155 cbc:ID
cac:StandardItemIdentif 0..1 0..1 cac:StandardItemIdentification
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..1 1..1 BT-157 cbc:ID @schemeID
The identif ISO 6523
cac:OriginCountry 0..1 0..1 cac:OriginCountry
cbc:IdentificationCode 0..1 1..1 BT-159 cbc:IdentificationCode
cac:CommodityClassific 0..n 0..n cac:CommodityClassification
cbc:ItemClassificationC 0..n 1..1 BT-158 cbc:ItemClassificationCode
@listID @listVersionID
listID = TheUNCL 7143
cac:ClassifiedTaxCatego 1..1 1..1 BG-30 cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-151 cbc:ID
cbc:Percent 0..1 0..1 BT-152 cbc:Percent
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 cbc:ID
cac:AdditionalItemProp 0..n 0..n BG-32 cac:AdditionalItemProperty
cbc:Name 1..1 1..1 BT-160 cbc:Name
cbc:Value 1..1 1..1 BT-161 cbc:Value
cac:Price 1..1 1..1 BG-29 cac:Price
cbc:PriceAmount @curr 1..1 1..1 BT-146 cbc:PriceAmount@currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:BaseQuantity @uni 0..1 0..1 BT-149 cbc:BaseQuantity@unitCodeThe unit of REC 20+21
cac:AllowanceCharge 0..1 0..1 cac:AllowanceCharge
cbc:ChargeIndicator 1..1 1..1 cbc:ChargeIndicator
cbc:Amount @currency 0..1 1..1 BT-147 cbc:Amount@currencyID
MandatoryISO 4217
cbc:BaseAmount @curr 0..1 0..1 BT-148 cbc:BaseAmount
MandatoryISO 4217
Nomenclator Data Termen operaţional Descriere
/ Format / Type
2.1 Text Identificatorul specificaţiei O identificare a specificaţiei care conţi
urn:fdc:peppol.eText Tipul procesului operaţionaIdentifică contextul procesului operaţio
Identifier Numărul facturii O identificare unică a facturii.
YYYY-MM-DD Date Data emiterii facturii Data la care a fost emisă factura.
YYYY-MM-DD Date Data scadenţei Data până la care trebuie făcută plata.
UNTDID 1001 Code Codul tipului facturii Un cod care specifică tipul funcţional al
Text Comentariu în factură Un text care furnizează o informaţie nes
Date Data de exigibilitate a taxe Data la care TVA devine exigibilă pentru
ISO 4217 Code Codul monedei facturii Moneda în care sunt exprimate toate sumele din factură, cu excepţia sumei totale a
ISO 4217 Code Listele monedelor
Codul monedei de contabiliMoneda valide contabilizarea
utilizată pentru sunt înregistrate la Agenţia TVA
şi declararea de Mentenanţă
aşa cum se aacceptă
ISO 4217
Text Listele monedelor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a ISO 4217
Referinţa contabilă a cumpăValoare textuală care specifică unde să se înregistreze datele relevante în contu “Cod
Text Referinţa Cumpărătorului Un identificator atribuit de către Cumpără
<> PERIOADA DE FACTURARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care fu
YYYY-MM-DD Date Data de început a perioadeiData la care începe perioada de facturar
YYYY-MM-DD Date Data de sfârşit a perioadei Data la care se sfârşeşte perioada de fac
VAT date code (UNCL2005
Code Codul
datei de exigibilitate Codul datei la care TVA devine exigibil
DocumentReferinţa comenzii Un identificator al comenzii la care se referă, generat de către Cumpărător.
DocumentReferinţa dispoziţiei de vân Un identificator al dispoziţiei de vânzare, generat de către Vânzător.
<> REFERINŢĂ LA O FACTURĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali care fu
DocumentReferinţă la o factură anter Identificarea unei facturi trimisă anterior de către Vânzător.
YYYY-MM-DD Date Data de emitere a facturii aData la care a fost emisă factura anterio
DocumentReferinţa avizului de expediUn identificator al avizului de expediţie la care se face referire.
DocumentReferinţa avizului de recepţUn identificator al avizului de recepţie la care se face referire.
DocumentReferinţa cererii de ofertă s Identificarea cererii de ofertă sau a lotul
DocumentReferinţa contractului Identificarea unui contract.
<> DOCUMENTE JUSTIFICATIVUn grup de termeni operaţionali care fur
UNCL 1153 Identifier ID document justificativ
130 Code Identificatorul obiectului fa Un identificator pentru un obiect pe car
Text Descrierea documentului just
O descriere a documentului justificativ.
Mime Code Binary obj Document ataşat Un document ataşat integrat ca obiect b
Text Localizarea documentului eURL (Uniform Resource Locator) care ide

DocumentReferinţa proiectului Identificarea proiectului la care se refer

VÂNZĂTOR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care fu

Identifier Adresa electronică a VânzătIdentifică adresa electronică a Vânzătorul

ISO 6523 SAU "SEPA" Identifier

Text Denumirea comercială a Vân

Un nume sub care este cunoscut Vânzăto
ADRESA POŞTALĂ A VÂNZ Un grup de termeni operaţionali care fu
Text Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia Linia principală a unei adrese.
Text Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care po
Text Localitatea Vânzătorului Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sa
Text Codul poştal al VânzătoruluIdentificatorul pentru un grup de proprie
ISO 3166-2 Text Subdiviziunea ţării VânzătorSubdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.

Text Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care po

ISO 3166-1 Text Codul ţării Vânzătorului Un cod care identifică ţara.


Text Numele vânzătorului Denumirea oficială completă sub care Vânz

Identifier Identificatorul de înregistra Un identificator emis de un organism ofic
Text Informaţii juridice suplime Informaţii juridice suplimentare cu privi
CONTACTUL VÂNZĂTORULUn grup de termeni operaţionali care fu
Text Punctul de contact al VânzăUn punct de contact pentru o entitate s
Text Numărul de telefon al contaUn număr de telefon pentru punctul de
Text Adresa de email a contactulO adresă de e-mail pentru punctul de c
CUMPĂRĂTOR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care fu

Identifier Adresa electronică a CumpăIdentifică adresa electronică a Cumpărăto

Identifier Identificatorul CumpărătoruUn identificator al Cumpărătorului.

Text Denumirea comercială a CuUn nume sub care este cunoscut Cumpăr
ADRESA POŞTALĂ ACUMPĂUn grup de termeni operaţionali care fu
Text Adresa Cumpărătorului - LinLinia principală a unei adrese.
Text Adresa Cumpărătorului - LinO linie suplimentară într-o adresă care po
Text Localitatea Cumpărătorului Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului s
Text Codul poştal al CumpărătorIdentificatorul pentru un grup de proprie
ISO 3166-2 Text Subdiviziunea ţării CumpărăSubdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.

Text Adresa Cumpărătorului - LinO linie suplimentară într-o adresă care po

ISO 3166-1 Text Codul ţării Cumpărătorului Un cod care identifică ţara.

Text Identificatorul de TVA al C Identificatorul de TVA al Cumpărătorulu

VAT Identifier

Text Numele Cumpărătorului Numele complet al Cumpărătorului.

Identifier Identificatorul de înregistr Un identificator emis de un organism ofi
CONTACTUL CUMPĂRĂTORUn grup de termeni operaţionali care fu
Text Punctul de contact al CumpUn punct de contact pentru o entitate s
Text Numărul de telefon al cont Un număr de telefon pentru punctul de
Text Adresa de email a contactuO adresă de e-mail pentru punctul de c
BENEFICIAR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care fur
ISO 6523 SAU "SEPA" Text

Text Numele Beneficiarului Numele Beneficiarului.

Text Identificatorul înregistrării Un identificator emis de un organism ofic

Text Numele reprezentantului fisNumele complet al părţii care este repre

ADRESA POŞTALĂ A REPREUn grup de termeni operaţionali care fur
Text Adresa reprezentantului fisca
Linia principală a unei adrese.
Text Adresa reprezentantului fisca
O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care po
Text Localitatea reprezentantuluiNumele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sa
Text Codul poştal al reprezentantIdentificatorul pentru un grup de proprie
Text Subdiviziunea ţării reprezent
Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.

Text Adresa reprezentantului fisca

O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care po

ISO 3166-1 Text Codul ţării reprezentantuluiUn cod care identifică ţara.

Identifier Identificatorul de TVA al re Identificatorul de TVA al părţii care este

VAT Identifier
INFORMAŢII REFERITOARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furn
YYYY-MM-DD Date Data reală a livrării Data la care s-a făcut sau s-a finalizat li

Identifier Identificatorul locului către Un identificator pentru locul unde sunt li

ADRESA DE LIVRARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furn
Text Adresa de livrare - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
Text Adresa de livrare - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care p
Text Localitatea de livrare Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sa
Text Codul poştal de livrare Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprie
Text Subdiviziunea ţării de livrar Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.

Text Adresa de livrare - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care p

ISO 3166-1 Text Codul ţării de livrare Un cod care identifică ţara.

Text Numele părţii către care se Numele părţii căreia îi sunt livrate bunuril
INSTRUCŢIUNI DE PLATĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali care fur
UNCL4461 Code Codul tipului de instrumentCod care indică modul în care o plată tre
Text Aviz de plată Valoare textuală utilizată pentru a stabil
INFORMAŢII PRIVIND CARDUn grup de termeni operaţionali care furn
Text Numărul contului principal N
a umărul de cont principal (PAN – Primar

Text Numele deţinătorului cardulNumele deţinătorului cardului de plată.

VIRAMENT Un grup de termeni operaţionali pentru a
Identifier Identificatorul contului de pUn identificator unic al contului bancar
Text Numele contului de plată Numele contului de plată, la un furnizor

Identifier Identificatorul furnizorului dUn identificator pentru furnizorul servic

DEBITARE DIRECTĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali pentru a
Identifier Identificatorul referinţei m Identificator unic atribuit de către Benef

Identifier Identificatorul contului debiContul care trebuie debitat prin debitare

Text Termeni de plată O descriere textuală a termenilor de plat


UNCL 5305 Code



Amount 1 TaxTotal cu valori + detaliere in Moneda , apoi 1 TaxTotal cu currency = RON + valoarea in RON (ubl_b
DETALIEREA TVA Un grup de termeni operaţionali care fur
Amount Baza de calcul pentru cate Suma tuturor valorilor impozabile aferen
Amount Valoarea TVA pentru fiecar Valoarea totală a TVA pentru o categori

UNCL 5305 Code Codul categoriei de TVA Identificarea codificată a unei categorii
Percentag Cota categoriei de TVA Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj car
VATEX Text Codul motivului scutirii de TVA!!
Un enunţ
La taxare
codat inversa,
care explică
e obligatoriu
de ce suma
Text Motivul scutirii de TVA Un text care explică de ce suma respecti

TOTALURILE DOCUMENTULUn grup de termeni operaţionali care fur

Amount Suma valorilor nete ale liniilSuma tuturor valorilor nete ale liniilor fa
Amount Valoarea totală a facturii f Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA.
Amount Valoarea totală a facturii c Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA.
Amount Suma deducerilor la nivelu Suma tuturor deducerilor la nivelul docu
Amount Suma taxelor suplimentare Suma tuturor taxelor suplimentare la niv
Amount Sumă plătită Suma valorilor care au fost plătite antici
Amount Valoare de rotunjire Valoarea care trebuie adunată la totalul
Amount Suma de plată Valoarea restantă care este cerută la pla

Identifier Identificatorul liniei facturii Un identificator unic pentru o linie din f

Text Nota liniei facturii O notă textuală care furnizează o informa
REC 20+21 Quantity Cantitatea facturată Cantitatea articolelor (bunuri sau servicii
Amount Valoarea netă a liniei facturiValoarea totală a liniei facturii.
Referinţa contabilă a Cumpăr
O valoare textuală care specifică unde tr
An grup de termeni operaţionali care fur
YYYY-MM-DD Amount Data de începere a perioadei
Data la care începe perioada de facturare
YYYY-MM-DD Amount Data de sfârşit a perioadei de
Data la care se sfârşeşte perioada de fact

Identifier Referinţa liniei comenzii la Un identificator pentru o linie la care s

UNCL 1153 Identifier Identificatorul obiectului liniUn identificator pentru un obiect pe care
Code Identificatorul obiectului liniUn identificator pentru un obiect pe care
INFORMAŢII PRIVIND ARTI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furn
Amount Descrierea articolului Descrierea unui articol.
Amount Numele articolului Numele unui articol.

Identifier Identificatorul CumpărătorulUn identificator, atribuit de Cumpărător,

Identifier Identificatorul Vânzătorului Un identificator, atribuit de Vânzător, pe

Identifier Identificatorul standard al aUn identificator al articolului bazat pe

ISO 3166-1 Code Ţara de origine a articoluluiCod care identifică ţara din care este ori

UNCL 7143 Identifier Identificatorul clasificării ar Un cod pentru clasificarea articolului du

INFORMAŢII PRIVIND TVA AUn grup de termeni operaţionali care furn
UNCL 5305 Code Codul categoriei de TVA a ar
Codul categoriei de TVA aplicabilă artico
Percentag Cota TVA pentru articolul faCota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care

ATRIBUTELE ARTICOLULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furn

Text Numele atributului articolulNumele atributului sau proprietăţii artico
Text Valoarea atributului articoluValoarea atributului sau proprietăţii arti
DETALII ALE PREŢULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furni
Amount Preţul net al articolului Preţul unui articol, exclusiv TVA, după ap
REC 20+21 Quantity Cantitatea de bază a preţuluNumărul articolelor la care se aplică pre

Amount Reducere la preţul articolul Reducerea totală dedusă din preţul brut al
Amount Preţul brut al articolului Preţul unitar, exclusiv TVA, înaintea aplic
Nota de utilizare OBS Description

Acesta identifică conformitatea simplă sau strictă cu acest document. Facturile strict identifier
conforme specifică: Facturil
Nu trebuie
Trebuie utilizatădeo Cumpărător.
specificat schemă de identificare. Business process type
Număr secvenţial cerut în articolul 226(2 Invoice number
Invoice issue date
Data scadenţei reflectă scadenţa plăţii n Payment due date
Facturile comerciale şi notele de creditare sunt definite în conformitate cu codurile
de date
type din
codeUNTDID 1001 [6].
Dacă este cazul, pot fi utilizate alte
De exemplu o notă privind motivul unei ccoduri de date din UNTDID 1001 [6] cu facturile sau notele
Invoice note de creditare specifice.
Data de exigibilitate a taxei este, de obicei,
Ori este
data cbc:TaxPointDate,
la care bunurile auori
cac: sau
added finalizate
tax point (eveniment
date generator de taxe). Există
Acest element este cerut dacă data de exigibilitate a
În conformitate cu articolul 230 al Dire Moneda facturii TVA este diferită de data emiterii facturii.
Invoice currency code
Trebuie utilizat în combinaţie cu suma Pentru facturile in valuta, cbc:TaxCurr VAT accounting currency co
ifică unde să se înregistreze datele relevante în contu Buyer accounting reference
Identificatorul este definit de către cum Buyer reference
Utilizată pentru a indica când începe şi DELIVERY OR INVOICE PERI
Data iniţială a livrării bunurilor sau servic Invoicing period start date
Data la care livrarea bunurilor sau servici Invoicing period end date
Codul trebuie să facă distincţie între următoarele coduri din UNTDID 2005 [6]: Value added tax point date
- Data emiterii facturii Este una singura per factura ORDER AND SALES ORDER REFERENCE
ii la care se referă, generat de către Cumpărător. Purchase order reference
iei de vânzare, generat de către Vânzător. Sales order reference
A se utiliza în următoarele cazuri: PRECEDING INVOICE REFER
- o factură anterioară este corectată INVOICE DOCUMENT REFERENCE
imisă anterior de către Vânzător. Preceding Invoice number
Data emiterii facturii anterioare trebuie Preceding Invoice issue date
de expediţie la care se face referire. Despatch advice reference
de recepţie la care se face referire. Receiving advice reference
În unele ţări trebuie să se furnizeze o re Tender or lot reference
Se recomandă ca identificatorul contractu Contract reference
Documentele justificative suplimentare p ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING
Invoiced object identifier,
Poate fi un număr de abonament, un numă Document type code
Cum ar fi: fişe de pontaj, raport de utiliz Supporting document descri
Documentul ataşat este utilizat când doc Attached document
O modalitate de localizare a resurselor incluzând mecanismul său primar de acces,
de exemplu,
document http://
sau ftp://.
Localizarea documentului extern trebuie să fie utilizată dacă Cumpărătorul cerePROJECT
suplimentare cu privire la factură.
0 Project reference
0 Seller electronic address
Seller identifier or bank assi
Poate fi folosit dacă diferă de numele V Seller trading name
Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale SELLER POSTAL ADDRESS
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau Seller address line 1
0 Seller address line 2
0 Seller city
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr p Seller post code
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o Seller country subdivision
0 Seller address line 3
Dacă nu este specificat un reprezentant f Seller country code
Seller VAT identifier, Seller t
Mandatory element. For Seller
0 Seller name
Dacă schema de identificare nu este spe Seller legal registration ident
De exemplu, capitalul social. Seller additional legal infor
Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificare Seller contact point
0 Seller contact telephone nu
0 Seller contact email address
0 Buyer electronic address
Dacă schema nu este specificată, se rec Buyer identifier
Acesta poate fi utilizat dacă este difer Buyer trading name
Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale BUYER POSTAL ADDRESS
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau Buyer address line 1
0 Buyer address line 2
0 Buyer city
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr p Buyer post code
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o Buyer country subdivision
0 Buyer address line 3
Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate Buyer country code
Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţăr Buyer VAT identifier
Mandatory element. Use “VA
0 Buyer name
Dacă schema de identificare nu este spec Buyer legal registration ident
Detaliile contactului pot fi date de căt BUYER CONTACT
Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificare Buyer contact point
0 Buyer contact telephone nu
0 Buyer contact email address
Rolul Beneficiarului poate fi îndeplinit PAYEE
Payee identifier or bank assi
Trebuie utilizat atunci când Beneficiarul Payee name
Dacă schema de identificare nu este spec Payee legal registration ident
0 Seller tax representative na
Dacă Vânzătorul are un reprezentant fisc SELLER TAX REPRESENTATI
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau Tax representative address l
0 Tax representative address l
0 Tax representative city
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr p Tax representative post cod
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o Tax representative country s
0 Tax representative address l
Ţara în care TVA trebuie plătit. Listele Tax representative country
Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţăr Seller tax representative VAT
Mandatory element. Use “VA
0 Actual delivery date
Dacă schema de identificare nu este spe Deliver to location identifier
În cazul în care livrarea se face la un p DELIVER TO ADDRESS
De obicei, numele şi numărul străzii. Deliver to address line 1
0 Deliver to address line 2
0 Deliver to city
Cum ar fi un cod poştal sau un număr p Deliver to post code
Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o Deliver to country subdivisi
0 Deliver to address line 3
Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate Deliver to country code
Trebuie să fie utilizat dacă partea căreia Deliver to party name
Trebuie să se utilizeze coduri din lista Payment means type code
Utilizat pentru informaţiile critice de reconciliere ale creditorului. Acest elementRemittance
de informaţie
ajută Vânzătorul să atribuie o plată intrată p
Pentru anumai
Utilizat permite
dacăprelucrarea automată
Cumpărătorul a plăţilor SEPA transfrontaliere, se recomandă
a optat PAYMENTca înCARD
câmp să se utilizeze numai caractere latin
În conformitate cu standardele de securi Payment card primary acco
Syntax required element not r
0 Payment card holder name
Exemplu: IBAN (în cazul unei plăţi SEPA Payment account identifier
0 Payment account name
Exemplu: cod BIC sau un cod naţional de Payment service provider ide
Acest grup poate fi utilizat pentru a da DIRECT DEBIT
Utilizat în scopul de a-l notifica în pre Mandate reference identifier
0 Debited account identifier
Acest element poate conţine mai multe li Payment terms
Use “true” when informing a
Document level allowance o
Document level allowance o
Document level allowance o
Document level allowance o
Document level allowance o
Document level allowance o
Document level allowance o
Mandatory element. Use “VA
When tax currency code is provided, two instances of the tax
xTotal cu currency = RON + valoarea in RON (ubl_b Invoice total VAT amount, I
Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii VAT category taxable amoun
Calculată prin multiplicarea valorii ba VAT category tax amount
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii
VAT category
mai ample
codesunt date între paranteze):
Cota categoriei
normală (Stabilită în mod normal
de TVA şi cota categori pentru TVA) VAT category rate
Lista codurilor este emisă şi ţinută la VAT exemption reason code
Articolul 226 punctele 11 până la 15 din VAT exemption reason text
Mandatory element. Use “VA
0 Sum of Invoice line net amo
Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA este Invoice total amount withou
Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA este va Invoice total amount with V
Deducerile la nivel de linie sunt incluse î Sum of allowances on docum
Taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniilor sun Sum of charges on document
Această valoare este scăzută din valoare Paid amount
0 Rounding amount
Această valoare este valoarea totală a fa Amount due for payment
0 Invoice line identifier
0 Invoice line note
0 Invoiced quantity
Valoarea este “netă” fără TVA, adică incl Invoice line net amount
Dacă este necesar, această referinţă treb Invoice line Buyer accountin
Este numită, de asemenea, perioada de liv INVOICE LINE PERIOD
Data este prima zi a perioadei. Invoice line period start dat
Data este ultima zi a perioadei. Invoice line period end date
Identificatorul comenzii este referit la Referenced purchase order l
Poate fi un număr de abonament, număr Invoice line object identifier
Poate fi un număr de abonament, număr Document type code
Use “true” when informing about Charges and “false” when
Line level allowance or cha
Line level allowance or char
Line level allowance or cha
Line level allowance or cha
Line level allowance or cha
Descrierea articolului permite prezentarea Item description
0 Item name
0 Item Buyer's identifier
0 Item Seller's identifier
0 Item standard identifier
Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate Item country of origin
Codurile de clasificare sunt utilizate pe Item classification identifier
Sunt utilizate următoarele articole din dicţionarul de date UNTDID 5305 [6] (informaţii
VAT sunt
date între paranteze):
-0 Cota normală (Stabilită în mod normal pentru TVA) Invoiced item VAT rate
Mandatory element. Use “VAT”
Cum ar fi “Culoare”. Item attribute name
Cum ar fi “Roşu”. Item attribute value
Preţul net al articolului trebuie să fie e Item net price
0 Item price base quantity
Mandatory element. Value must be “false”
Se aplică numai dacă reducerea este pe un Item price discount
0 Item gross price
Explanation Example value

An identification of the specification containing the total set of rules regarding se

Identifies the business process context in which the transaction appears, to enable the Buyer to process the Invoice in an appropriate way.
A unique identification of the Invoice. The sequential number req33445566
The date when the Invoice was issued. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" 2017-11-01
The date when the payment is due. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". In cas
A code specifying the functional type of the Invoice.
A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relev Please note our ne
The date when the VAT becomes accountable for the Seller and 2017-11-01
The currency in which all Invoice amounts are given, except for EUR
The currency used for VAT accounting and reporting purposes asSEK
A textual value that specifies where to book the relevant data in4217:2323:2323
An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing pu abs1234
A group of business terms providing information on the invoice period. Also called de
The date when the Invoice period starts. Format = "YYYY-MM-D2017-10-01
The date when the Invoice period ends. Format = "YYYY-MM-DD2017-10-31
The code of the date when the VAT becomes accountable for the35
An identifier of a referenced purchase order, issued by the Buye 98776
An identifier of a referenced sales order, issued by the Seller. 112233
A group of business terms providing information on one or more preceding Invoices.
The identification of an Invoice that was previously sent by the Sinv123
The date when the Preceding Invoice was issued. Shall be provide
An identifier of a referenced despatch advice. desp98
An identifier of a referenced receiving advice. rec98
The identification of the call for tender or lot the invoice relates PPID-123

The identification of a contract. 123Contractref

A group of business terms providing information about additional supporting documents substantiating the claims made in the Invoice. The a
An identifier for an object on which the invoice is based, given bAB23456
Code "130" MUST be used to indicate an invoice object reference. Not used for other additional documents
A description of the supporting document, such as: timesheet, usage report etc.

An attached document embedded as binary object (Base64) or sen


The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that identifies where the ext

The identification of the project the invoice refers to. PID33

A group of business terms providing information about the Seller.

Identifies the Seller's electronic address to which the applicatio 7300010000001

This element is used for both the identification of the Seller, or 5060012349998

A name by which the Seller is known, other than Seller name (a Seller Business Name AS
A group of business terms providing information about the address of the Seller. Suf
The main address line in an address. Main Street 1
An additional address line in an address that can be used to givPo Box 351
The common name of the city, town or village, where the Seller Laondon
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to
The subdivision of a country. Region A

An additional address line in an address that can be used to givBuilding 23

A code that identifies the country. GB

The Seller's VAT identifier (also known as Seller VAT identificatioNO999888777

For Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), use value “VAT”, for the seller VAT

The full formal name by which the Seller is registered in the natiFull Formal Seller
An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Seller as a legal entit
Additional legal information relevant for the Seller. Share capital
A group of business terms providing contact information about the Seller.
A contact point for a legal entity or person. xyz123
A phone number for the contact point. 887 654 321
An e-mail address for the contact point.
A group of business terms providing information about the Buyer.

Identifies the Buyer's electronic address to which the invoice is d987654321

An identifier of the Buyer. SE8765456787

A name by which the Buyer is known, other than Buyer name (aBuyer Trading Name
A group of business terms providing information about the postal address for the Buy
The main address line in an address. Hovudgatan 32
An additional address line in an address that can be used to givPo box 43
The common name of the city, town or village, where the Buyer'sStockholm
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to
The subdivision of a country. Region A

An additional address line in an address that can be used to givBuilding F2

Buyer country code

The Buyer's VAT identifier (also known as Buyer VAT identificat SE8765456787

Mandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT

The full name of the Buyer. Buyer Full Name AS

An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Bu 5560104525
A group of business terms providing contact information relevant for the Buyer.
A contact point for a legal entity or person. Jens Jensen
A phone number for the contact point. 876 654 321
An e-mail address for the contact point.
A group of business terms providing information about the Payee, i.e. the role that receives the payment. Shall be used when the Payee is dif
This element is used for both the identification of the Payee, or FR932874294

The name of the Payee. Payee Name Ltd

An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Payee as a legal entity
A group of business terms providing information about the Seller's tax representative.

The full name of the Seller's tax representative party. Tax Representativ
A group of business terms providing information about the postal address for the tax
The main address line in an address. Lille gatan 545
An additional address line in an address that can be used to givPo Box 987
The common name of the city, town or village, where the tax repGöteborg
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to
The subdivision of a country. Region Vest

An additional address line in an address that can be used to givA87

A code that identifies the country. SE

The VAT identifier of the Seller's tax representative party. FR932874294

Mandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT

A group of business terms providing information about where and when the goods and services invoiced are delivered.
The date on which the supply of goods or services was made 2017-12-01

An identifier for the location at which the goods and services are83745498753497
A group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.
The main address line in an address. Delivery Street 1
An additional address line in an address that can be used to givDelivery Street 2
The common name of the city, town or village, where the deliverMalmö
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to
The subdivision of a country. South Region

An additional address line in an address that can be used to givC54

A code that identifies the country. SE

The name of the party to which the goods and services are delivDeliver name
A group of business terms providing information about the payment.
The means, expressed as code, for how a payment is expected to30
A textual value used to establish a link between the payment and
A group of business terms providing information about card used for payment cont
The Primary Account Number (PAN) of the card used for payment
Syntax required element not related to a business term. NA
The name of the payment card holder. John Doe
A group of business terms to specify credit transfer payments.
A unique identifier of the financial payment account, at a pay NO99991122222
The name of the payment account, at a payment service provid Payment Account
An identifier for the payment service provider where a payment 9999
A group of business terms to specify a direct debit.
Unique identifier assigned by the Payee for referencing the direc123456
The account to be debited by the direct debit. 12345676543

A textual description of the payment terms that apply to the amNet within 30 days
A group of business terms providing information about allowances applicable to the Invoice as a whole. A group of business terms providing
Use “true” when informing about Charges and “false” when inf false
The reason for the document level allowance or charge, express 95
The reason for the document level allowance or charge, express Discount
The percentage that may be used, in conjunction with the docum
The amount of an allowance or a charge, without VAT. Must b 200
The base amount that may be used, in conjunction with the doc1000

A coded identification of what VAT category applies to the docuS

The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies to the doc 25

Mandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT

ncy code is provided, two instances of the tax total must be present, but only one with tax subtotal.
The total VAT amount for the Invoice or the VAT total amount e486.25
A group of business terms providing information about VAT breakdown by different
Sum of all taxable amounts subject to a specific VAT category c 1945.00
The total VAT amount for a given VAT category. Must be round 486.25

Coded identification of a VAT category. S

The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies for the re 25
A coded statement of the reason for why the amount is exempted from VAT.
A textual statement of the reason why the amount is exempted Exempt

Mandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT

A group of business terms providing the monetary totals for the Invoice.
Sum of all Invoice line net amounts in the Invoice. Must be ro 3800.0
The total amount of the Invoice without VAT. Must be rounded 3600.0
The total amount of the Invoice with VAT. Must be rounded to 4500.0
Sum of all allowances on document level in the Invoice. Must 200.0
Sum of all charges on document level in the Invoice. Must be 0.0
The sum of amounts which have been paid in advance. Must be1000.0
The amount to be added to the invoice total to round the amou 0.0
The outstanding amount that is requested to be paid. Must be 3500.0
A group of business terms providing information on individual Invoice lines.
A unique identifier for the individual line within the Invoice. 12
A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevan
New article number 12345
The quantity of items (goods or services) that is charged in the In100
The total amount of the Invoice line. The amount is “net” withou2145.0
A textual value that specifies where to book the relevant data in1287:65464
A group of business terms providing information about the period relevant for the Invoice line.
The date when the Invoice period for this Invoice line starts. 2017-10-05
The date when the Invoice period for this Invoice line ends. 2017-10-15

An identifier for a referenced line within a purchase order, issue 3

An identifier for an object on which the invoice line is based, givAB12345

Code "130" MUST be used to indicate an invoice object referenc130
A group of business terms providing information about allowances or charges applicable to the individual Invoice line.
n informing about Charges and “false” when informing about Allowances FALSE
The reason for the line level allowance or charge, expressed as a95
The reason for the line level allowance or charge, expressed as tDiscount
The percentage that may be used, in conjunction with the line l 20
The amount of an allowance or a charge, without VAT. Must b 200
The base amount that may be used, in conjunction with the line1000
A group of business terms providing information about the goods and services invoiced.
A description for an item.The item description allows for descri Long description of the item on the invoice line
A name for an item. Item Name
An identifier, assigned by the Buyer, for the item. 123455
An identifier, assigned by the Seller, for the item. 9873242
An item identifier based on a registered scheme. 10986700

The code identifying the country from which the item originates.CN
A code for classifying the item by its type or nature. 9873242
A group of business terms providing information about the VAT applicable for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
The VAT category code for the invoiced item. S
The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies to the invo25

ment. Use “VAT” VAT

A group of business terms providing information about properties of the goods and services invoiced.
The name of the attribute or property of the item. Color
The value of the attribute or property of the item. Black
A group of business terms providing information about the price applied for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
The price of an item, exclusive of VAT, after subtracting item pri23.45
The number of item units to which the price applies. 1

ment. Value must be “false” false

The total discount subtracted from the Item gross price to calcul100
The unit price, exclusive of VAT, before subtracting Item price d 123.45

An Invoice shall have a Specification identifier (BT-24)

rs, to enable the Buyer to process the Invoice in an appropriate way.
An Invoice shall have an Invoice number (BT-1).
An Invoice shall have an Invoice issue date (BT-2).
In case the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is positive, either the Payment due date (BT-9) or the Payment terms (BT-20) shall be prese
An Invoice shall have an Invoice type code (BT-3). The document type code MUST be coded by the invoice and credit note re
Invoiced note subject code shall be coded using UNCL4451
Value added tax point date (BT-7) and Value added tax point date code (BT-8) are mutually exclusive.
An Invoice shall have an Invoice currency code (BT-5). Invoice currency code MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 alpha-3
Tax currency code MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 alpha-3

In an Invoice with a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Intra-community supply" the Actual delivery date (
If Invoicing period (BG-14) is used, the Invoicing period start date (BT-73) or the Invoicing period end date (BT-74) shall be filled, or both.
If Invoicing period (BG-14) is used, the Invoicing period start dIf both Invoicing period start date (BT-73) and Invoicing period end date (B
Value added tax point date (BT-7) and Value added tax point da
Value added tax point date (BT-7) and Value added tax point date code (BT

eding Invoices.

Each Preceding Invoice reference (BG-3) shall contain a Preceding Invoice reference (BT-25).

porting documents substantiating the claims made in the Invoice. The additional supporting documents can be used for both referencing a document num
Each Additional supporting document (BG-24) shall contain a Supporting document reference (BT-122).
used for other additional documents



The Seller electronic address (BT-34) shall have a Scheme identi

Endpoint identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the CEF EAS code list

In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Seller identifier (BT-29), the Seller legal registration identifier (BT-30) and/or

Business Name AS
An Invoice shall contain the Seller postal address.

The Seller postal address (BG-5) shall contain a Seller country Country codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1

The Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representativ In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Se

An Invoice shall contain the Seller name (BT-27).

In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Se
Any registration identifier identification scheme identifier MUST be coded u

The Buyer electronic address (BT-49) shall have a Scheme identi

Endpoint identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the CEF EAS code list

Trading Name
An Invoice shall contain the Buyer postal address (BG-8).

The Buyer postal address shall contain a Buyer country code (BCountry codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1

The Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representativ An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

An Invoice shall contain the Buyer name (BT-44).

An Invoice that contains - an Invoice line/Document level allowAny registration identifier identification scheme identifier MUST be coded u

the role that receives the payment. Shall be used when the Payee is different from the Seller.
The Payee name (BT-59) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Payee (BG-10) is different from the Seller (BG-4)

Any registration identifier identification scheme identifier MUST be coded using one of the ISO 6523 ICD list.

The Seller tax representative name (BT-62) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Seller (BG-4) has a Seller tax representative party (BG-11
The Seller tax representative postal address (BG-12) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Seller (BG-4) has a Seller tax representative part

The Seller tax representative postal address (BG-12) shall contaCountry codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1

Each Seller tax representative party (BG-11) shall have a Seller The Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representativ

en the goods and services invoiced are delivered.

In an Invoice with a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Intra-community supply" the Actual delivery date (

which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.

Each Deliver to address (BG-15) shall contain a Deliver to co In an Invoice with a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code

A Payment instruction (BG-16) shall specify the Payment meansPayment means in an invoice MUST be coded using UNCL4461 code list

An Invoice shall contain maximum one Payment Card account (BG-18).

In accordance with card payments security standards an invoice should never include a full card primary account number (BT-87). At the m

A Payment account identifier (BT-84) shall be present if Credit If the Payment means type code (BT-81) means SEPA credit transfer, Local c

An Invoice shall contain maximum one Payment Mandate (BG-19).

In case the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is positive, either the Payment due date (BT-9) or the Payment terms (BT-20) shall be prese
plicable to the Invoice as a whole. A group of business terms providing information about charges and taxes other than VAT, applicable to the Invoice as a

Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall have

Document level allowance/charge reason code (BT-98/BT-105) and
a Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104) or Document
Document level
Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall have level allowance/charge
allowance/charge reason
reason (BT-97/BT-104)
code (BT-98/BT-105) and
a Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104) or Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104)
Each Document level allowance (BG-20) shall have a DocumentEach Document level charge (BG-21) shall have a Document le
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document le
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document level charge b

Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall haAn Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with
In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21)
where the Document level allowance/charge VAT category code
the Document
is level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-

ith tax subtotal.

If the VAT accounting currency code (BT-6) is present, then th Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110) = Σ VAT category tax amoun
An Invoice shall at least have one VAT breakdown group (BG-2An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a VAT catego
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category taxablFor each different value of VAT category rate (BT-119)
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category tax amVAT the VATtax
category category
amountcode (BT-118)
(BT-117) is "Standard
= VAT rated" /amou
category taxable "IGIC" / "IPSI",

Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall be defined through a VAT cAn Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge
where the
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category rate (BT-119), VAT category
except codeis(BT-151,
if the Invoice BT-95
not subject or BT-102) is
to VAT.
Tax exemption reason code identifier scheme identifier MUST A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118)
"Standard rate" / "Zero
A VAT breakdown rated"
(BG-23) with/ VAT
"IGIC" / "IPSI" code (BT-118)
"Standard rate" / "Zero rated"

An Invoice shall have the Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-1Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-106) = Σ Invoice line net
An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount without VAT (BTInvoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) = Σ Invoice line n
An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-11Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) = Invoice total amoun
Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) = Σ Document The
l allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of allowanced on d
Sum of charges on document level (BT-108) = Σ Document levThe allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of charges on docu

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Rounding amount (BT-114) is 2.
An Invoice shall have the Amount due for payment (BT-115). Amount due for payment (BT-115) = Invoice total amount wit
An Invoice shall have at least one Invoice line (BG-25)
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoice line identifier (BT-126).
article number 12345
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoiced quantity (BT-1Unit code MUST be coded according to the UN/ECE Recommendation 20 w
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoice line net amountThe allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line net amount

vant for the Invoice line.

If Invoice line period (BG-26) is used, the Invoice line period start date (BT-134) or the Invoice line period end date (BT-135) shall be filled,
If both Invoice line period start date (BT-134) and Invoice line If Invoice line period (BG-26) is used, the Invoice line period start date (BT-1
charges applicable to the individual Invoice line.

Each Invoice line allowance/charge (BG-27/BG-) shall have an Invoice line allowance reason/charge code (BT-140/BT-145) and
Each Invoice line allowance/charge (BG-27/BG-) shall have an Invoice line allowance reason/charge code (BT-140/BT-145) and Invoice line

Each Invoice line allowance (BG-27) shall have an Invoice line Each Invoice line charge (BG-28) shall have an Invoice line ch
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice lineThe allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line charge base
services invoiced.
description of the item on the invoice line
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall contain the Item name (BT-153).

The Item standard identifier (BT-157) shall have a Scheme identtem standard identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the ISO 6523 ICD

Country codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1

The Item classification identifier (BT-158) shall have a Scheme identifier.

cable for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall be categorized with an Invoice An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a
In an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT categorIn an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-1
"Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" / "Reverse charge" / "Intracommunity sup

he goods and services invoiced.

Each Item attribute (BG-32) shall contain an Item attribute name (BT-160) and an Item attribute value (BT-161).
Each Item attribute (BG-32) shall contain an Item attribute name (BT-160) and an Item attribute value (BT-161).
ed for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall contain the Item net price (BT-1The Item net price (BT-146) shall NOT be negative.
Unit code MUST be coded according to the UN/ECE Recommendation 20 with Rec 21 extension

The Item gross price (BT-148) shall NOT be negative.


rms (BT-20) shall be present.

invoice and credit note related code lists of UNTDID 1001.

code list 4217 alpha-3

" the Actual delivery date (BT-72) or the Invoicing period (BG-14) shall not be blank.
74) shall be filled, or both.
voicing period end date (BT-74) are given then the Invoicing period end date (BT-74) shall be later or equal to the Invoicing period start date (BT-73).
ed tax point date code (BT-8) are mutually exclusive.

ferencing a document number which is expected to be known by the receiver, an external document (referenced by a URL) or as an embedded document, B

ng to the CEF EAS code list

n identifier (BT-30) and/or the Seller VAT identifier (BT-31) shall be present.
g ISO code list 3166-1

An Invoice that contains: An Invoice that contains:

- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

dentifier MUST be coded using one of the ISO 6523 ICD list.

ng to the CEF EAS code list

g ISO code list 3166-1

An Invoice that contains An Invoice that contains

- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

dentifier MUST be coded using one of the ISO 6523 ICD list.
epresentative party (BG-11)
eller tax representative party (BG-11).

g ISO code list 3166-1

An Invoice that contains An Invoice that contains

- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

" the Actual delivery date (BT-72) or the Invoicing period (BG-14) shall not be blank.

re the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Intra-community supply" the Deliver to country code (BT-80) shall not be blank.

ng UNCL4461 code list

nt number (BT-87). At the moment PCI Security Standards Council has defined that the first 6 digits and last 4 digits are the maximum number of digits

EPA credit transfer, Local credit transfer or Non-SEPA international credit transfer, the Payment account identifier (BT-84) shall be present.
rms (BT-20) shall be present.
plicable to the Invoice as a whole.

Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall contain

Coded allowance/charge reasons MUST belong to the UNCL5189/UNCL716
a Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104) or
Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall contain
a Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104) or
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document level allowance amount (BT-92) is 2. The allowed maximum number of deci
e Document level charge base amount (BT-100) is 2.

Invoice tax categories MUST be coded using UNCL5305 code list

In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21)
where the Document level allowance/charge VAT category code
the Document
is level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice totaThe allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total VAT amoun
(BG-23) with a VAT category code (BT-118) "Not subject to VAT" shall not contain other VAT breakdown groups (BG-23).
In a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where VAT category code (BT-118) The
is allowed maximum number of decimals for the VAT category taxable am
The rated"
VAT / "Exempt
category from VAT"
tax amount / "Reverse
(BT-117) charge"
in a VAT / "Intra-community
breakdown (BG-23)
The VATwheresupply"
category / "Export
VAT category
tax amount outside
code theinEU"
(BT-118) is / " Not
a VAT subject to
breakdown VAT" where
"Standard rated" / "IGIC" / "IPSI" "Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" /"Reverse charge" / "Intra-community su
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge
A VAT breakdown
(BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) " No
where the VAT category code (BT-151, BT-95 or BT-102) is
A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) "Exempt
A VAT breakdown
from VAT" (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118)
shall have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121) "Reverse
A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) "Exempt charge"
VAT"/ (BG-23)
A VAT breakdown
from "Intra-community supply" /code
with VAT Category "Export outside the EU" / "N
shall have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121) "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community supply" / "Export outside the EU" / "N

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-106) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) is 2.
e Sum of allowanced on document level (BT-107) is 2.
e Sum of charges on document level (BT-108) is 2.

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is 2.

ECE Recommendation 20 with Rec 21 extension

e Invoice line net amount (BT-131) is 2.

ate (BT-135) shall be filled, or both.

line period start date (BT-134) or the Invoice line period end date (BT-135) shall be filled, or both.
Coded allowance/charge reasons MUST belong to the UNCL 5189 / UNCL 7161 code list
40/BT-145) and Invoice line allowance/charge reason (BT-139/BT-144) shall indicate the same type of allowance reason.

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line allowance amount (BT-136) is 2. The allowed maximum number of decima
e Invoice line charge base amount (BT-142) is 2.

elong to the ISO 6523 ICD code list

Invoice tax categories MUST be coded using UNCL5305 code list

An Invoice line (BG-25) where the VAT category code (BT-151) In
is an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-1
"Not subject to VAT" "IGIC" / "IPSI"

eriod start date (BT-73).

an embedded document, Base64 encoded (such as a time report).

An Invoice that contains An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

ge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
An Invoice that contains An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

aximum number of digits to be shown.

ll be present.
o the UNCL5189/UNCL7161 code list

maximum number of decimals for the Document level charge amount (BT-99) is 2.

category code (BT-95/BT-102) is

e Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency (BT-111) is 2.

e VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) is 2.

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the VAT category tax amount (BT-117) is 2.

Invoice tax categories MUST be coded using UNCL5305 code list

de (BT-118)
de outside the EU" / "Not subject to VAT"
xport outside the EU" / "Not subject to VAT"
ximum number of decimals for the Invoice line charge amount (BT-141) is 2.

m VAT category code (BT-151) is

An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
Check Cardinalit Cardinality Business Name Name Name Name
y RO terms

ubl:Invoice 1..1 1..1 ubl:Invoice

cbc:UBLVersionID 1..1 1..1 cbc:UBLVersionID
cbc:CustomizationID 1..1 1..1 BT-24 cbc:CustomizationID
cbc:ProfileID 0..1 1..1 BT-23 cbc:ProfileID
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-1 cbc:ID
cbc:IssueDate 1..1 1..1 BT-2 cbc:IssueDate
cbc:DueDate 0..1 0..1 BT-9 cbc:DueDate
cbc:InvoiceTypeCode 1..1 1..1 BT-3 cbc:InvoiceTypeCode
cbc:Note 0..n 0..1 BT-22 cbc:Note
cbc:TaxPointDate 0..1 0..1 BT-7 cbc:TaxPointDate
cbc:DocumentCurrency 1..1 1..1 BT-5 cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode
cbc:TaxCurrencyCode 0..1 0..1 BT-6 cbc:TaxCurrencyCode
cbc:AccountingCost 0..1 0..1 BT-19 cbc:AccountingCost
cbc:BuyerReference 0..1 0..1 BT-10 cbc:BuyerReference
cac:InvoicePeriod 0..1 0..1 BG-14 cac:InvoicePeriod
cbc:StartDate 0..1 0..1 BT-73 cbc:StartDate
cbc:EndDate 0..1 0..1 BT-74 cbc:EndDate
cbc:DescriptionCode 0..1 0..1 BT-8 cbc:DescriptionCode
cac:OrderReference 0..1 0..1 cac:OrderReference
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-13 cbc:ID
cbc:SalesOrderID 0..1 0..1 BT-14 cbc:SalesOrderID
cac:BillingReference 0..n 0..n BG-3 cac:BillingReference
cac:InvoiceDocumentRe 1..1 1..1 cac:InvoiceDocumentReference
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-25 cbc:ID
cbc:IssueDate 0..1 0..1 BT-26 cbc:IssueDate
cac:DespatchDocument 0..1 0..1 cac:DespatchDocumentReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-16 cbc:ID
cac:ReceiptDocumentRe 0..1 0..1 cac:ReceiptDocumentReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-15 cbc:ID
cac:OriginatorDocumen 0..1 0..1 cac:OriginatorDocumentReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-17 cbc:ID
cac:ContractDocumentR 0..1 0..1 cac:ContractDocumentReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-12 cbc:ID
cac:AdditionalDocumen 0..n 0..n BG-24 cac:AdditionalDocumentReference
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..n 1..1 BT-18, BT-122 cbc:ID
cbc:DocumentTypeCod 0..1 0..1 BT-18 cbc:DocumentTypeCode
cbc:DocumentDescripti 0..1 0..1 BT-123 cbc:DocumentDescription
cac:Attachment 0..1 0..1 cac:Attachment
cbc:EmbeddedDocumen 0..1 0..1 BT-125 cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject
cac:ExternalReference 0..1 0..1 cac:ExternalReference
cbc:URI 0..1 1..1 BT-124 cbc:URI
cac:ProjectReference 0..1 0..1 cac:ProjectReference
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-11 cbc:ID
cac:AccountingSupplier 1..1 1..1 BG-4 cac:AccountingSupplierParty
cac:Party 1..1 1..1 cac:Party
cbc:EndpointID @sche 0..1 1..1 BT-34 cbc:EndpointID
cac:PartyIdentification 0..n 0..n cac:PartyIdentification
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 1..1 1..1 BT-29, BT-90 cbc:ID
cac:PartyName 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 0..1 1..1 BT-28 cbc:Name
cac:PostalAddress 1..1 1..1 BG-5 cac:PostalAddress
cbc:StreetName 0..1 0..1 BT-35 cbc:StreetName
cbc:AdditionalStreetNa 0..1 0..1 BT-36 cbc:AdditionalStreetName
cbc:CityName 0..1 0..1 BT-37 cbc:CityName
cbc:PostalZone 0..1 0..1 BT-38 cbc:PostalZone
cbc:CountrySubentity 0..1 0..1 BT-39 cbc:CountrySubentity
cac:AddressLine 0..1 0..1 cac:AddressLine
cbc:Line 0..1 1..1 BT-162
cac:Country 0..1 1..1 cac:Country
cbc:IdentificationCode 1..1 1..1 BT-40
cac:PartyTaxScheme 0..n 0..2 cac:PartyTaxScheme
cbc:CompanyID 0..n 1..1 BT-31, BT-32 cbc:CompanyID
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1
cac:PartyLegalEntity 1..1 1..1 cac:PartyLegalEntity
cbc:RegistrationName 1..1 1..1 BT-27 cbc:RegistrationName
cbc:CompanyID @sche 0..1 0..1 BT-30 cbc:CompanyID
cbc:CompanyLegalForm 0..1 0..1 BT-33 cbc:CompanyLegalForm
cac:Contact 0..1 0..1 BG-6 cac:Contact
cbc:Name 0..1 0..1 BT-41 cbc:Name
cbc:Telephone 0..1 0..1 BT-42 cbc:Telephone
cbc:ElectronicMail 0..1 0..1 BT-43 cbc:ElectronicMail
cac:AccountingCustome 1..1 1..1 BG-7 cac:AccountingCustomerParty
cac:Party 1..1 1..1 cac:Party
cbc:EndpointID @sche 0..1 1..1 BT-49 cbc:EndpointID
cac:PartyIdentification 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyIdentification
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..1 1..1 BT-46 cbc:ID
cac:PartyName 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 0..1 1..1 BT-45 cbc:Name
cac:PostalAddress 1..1 1..1 BG-8 cac:PostalAddress
cbc:StreetName 0..1 0..1 BT-50 cbc:StreetName
cbc:AdditionalStreetNa 0..1 0..1 BT-51 cbc:AdditionalStreetName
cbc:CityName 0..1 0..1 BT-52 cbc:CityName
cbc:PostalZone 0..1 0..1 BT-53 cbc:PostalZone
cbc:CountrySubentity 0..1 0..1 BT-54 cbc:CountrySubentity
cac:AddressLine 0..1 0..1 cac:AddressLine
cbc:Line 0..1 1..1 BT-163
cac:Country 0..1 1..1 cac:Country
cbc:IdentificationCode 1..1 1..1 BT-55
cac:PartyTaxScheme 0..n 0..1 cac:PartyTaxScheme
cbc:CompanyID 0..n 1..1 BT-48 cbc:CompanyID
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1
cac:PartyLegalEntity 1..1 1..1 cac:PartyLegalEntity
cbc:RegistrationName 1..1 1..1 BT-44 cbc:RegistrationName
cbc:CompanyID @sche 0..1 0..1 BT-47 cbc:CompanyID
cac:Contact 0..1 0..1 BG-9 cac:Contact
cbc:Name 0..1 0..1 BT-56 cbc:Name
cbc:Telephone 0..1 0..1 BT-57 cbc:Telephone
cbc:ElectronicMail 0..1 0..1 BT-58 cbc:ElectronicMail
cac:PayeeParty 0..1 0..1 BG-10 cac:PayeeParty
cac:PartyIdentification 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyIdentification
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 1..1 1..1 BT-60, BT-90 cbc:ID
cac:PartyName 0..1 1..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 1..1 1..1 BT-59 cbc:Name
cac:PartyLegalEntity 0..1 0..1 cac:PartyLegalEntity
cbc:CompanyID @sche 0..1 1..1 BT-61 cbc:CompanyID
cac:TaxRepresentativePa 0..1 0..1 cac:TaxRepresentativeParty
cac:PartyName 0..1 1..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 1..1 1..1 BT-62 cbc:Name
cac:PostalAddress 1..1 1..1 BG-12 cac:PostalAddress
cbc:StreetName 0..1 0..1 BT-64 cbc:StreetName
cbc:AdditionalStreetNa 0..1 0..1 BT-65 cbc:AdditionalStreetName
cbc:CityName 0..1 0..1 BT-66 cbc:CityName
cbc:PostalZone 0..1 0..1 BT-67 cbc:PostalZone
cbc:CountrySubentity 0..1 0..1 BT-68 cbc:CountrySubentity
cac:AddressLine 0..1 0..1 cac:AddressLine
cbc:Line 0..1 1..1 BT-164 cbc:Line
cac:Country 0..1 1..1 cac:Country
cbc:IdentificationCode 1..1 1..1 BT-69 cbc:IdentificationCode
cac:PartyTaxScheme 0..1 1..1 cac:PartyTaxScheme
cbc:CompanyID 0..1 1..1 BT-63 cbc:CompanyID
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 cbc:ID
cac:Delivery 0..1 0..1 BG-13 cac:Delivery
cbc:ActualDeliveryDate 0..1 0..1 BT-72 cbc:ActualDeliveryDate
cac:DeliveryLocation 0..1 0..1 cac:DeliveryLocation
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..1 0..1 BT-71 cbc:ID
cac:Address 0..1 0..1 BG-15 cac:Address
cbc:StreetName 0..1 0..1 BT-75 cbc:StreetName
cbc:AdditionalStreetNa 0..1 0..1 BT-76 cbc:AdditionalStreetName
cbc:CityName 0..1 0..1 BT-77 cbc:CityName
cbc:PostalZone 0..1 0..1 BT-78 cbc:PostalZone
cbc:CountrySubentity 0..1 0..1 BT-79 cbc:CountrySubentity
cac:AddressLine 0..1 0..1 cac:AddressLine
cbc:Line 0..1 1..1 BT-165
cac:Country 0..1 1..1 cac:Country
cbc:IdentificationCode 1..1 1..1 BT-80
cac:DeliveryParty 0..1 0..1 cac:DeliveryParty
cac:PartyName 0..1 1..1 cac:PartyName
cbc:Name 0..1 1..1 BT-70 cbc:Name
cac:PaymentMeans 0..1 0..n BG-16 cac:PaymentMeans
cbc:PaymentMeansCod 1..1 1..1 BT-81 cbc:PaymentMeansCode
cbc:PaymentID 0..1 0..1 BT-83 cbc:PaymentID
cac:CardAccount 0..1 0..1 BG-18 cac:CardAccount
cbc:PrimaryAccountNu 1..1 1..1 BT-87 cbc:PrimaryAccountNumberID
cbc:NetworkID 1..1 1..1 cbc:NetworkID
cbc:HolderName 0..1 0..1 BT-88 cbc:HolderName
cac:PayeeFinancialAcco 0..n 0..1 BG-17 cac:PayeeFinancialAccount
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-84 cbc:ID
cbc:Name 0..1 0..1 BT-85 cbc:Name
cac:FinancialInstitution 0..1 0..1 cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-86 cbc:ID
cac:PaymentMandate 0..1 0..1 BG-19 cac:PaymentMandate
cbc:ID 0..1 0..1 BT-89 cbc:ID
cac:PayerFinancialAcco 0..1 0..1 cac:PayerFinancialAccount
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-91 cbc:ID
cac:PaymentTerms 0..1 0..1 cac:PaymentTerms
cbc:Note 0..1 1..1 BT-20 cbc:Note
cac:AllowanceCharge 0..n 0..n BG-20, BG- cac:AllowanceCharge
cbc:ChargeIndicator 1..1 1..1 cbc:ChargeIndicator
cbc:AllowanceChargeR 0..1 0..1 BT-98, BT-105 cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode
cbc:AllowanceChargeRe 0..1 0..1 BT-97, BT-104 cbc:AllowanceChargeReason
cbc:MultiplierFactorNu 0..1 0..1 BT-94, BT-101 cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric
cbc:Amount @currency 1..1 1..1 BT-92,BT-99 cbc:Amount
cbc:BaseAmount @curr 0..1 0..1 BT-93,BT-100 cbc:BaseAmount
cac:TaxCategory 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxCategory
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-95,BT-102 cbc:ID
cbc:Percent 0..1 0..1 BT-96,BT-103 cbc:Percent
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 cbc:ID
cac:TaxTotal 1..2 1..2 cac:TaxTotal
cbc:TaxAmount @curre 1..1 1..1 BT-110, BT-111 cbc:TaxAmount
cac:TaxSubtotal 1..n 0..n BG-23 cac:TaxSubtotal
cbc:TaxableAmount @c 1..1 1..1 BT-116 cbc:TaxableAmount
cbc:TaxAmount @curre 1..1 1..1 BT-117 cbc:TaxAmount
cac:TaxCategory 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxCategory
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-118 cbc:ID
cbc:Percent 0..1 0..1 BT-119 cbc:Percent
cbc:TaxExemptionReas 0..1 0..1 BT-121 cbc:TaxExemptionReasonCode
cbc:TaxExemptionReaso 0..1 0..1 BT-120 cbc:TaxExemptionReason
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1
cac:LegalMonetaryTotal 1..1 1..1 BG-22 cac:LegalMonetaryTotal
cbc:LineExtensionAmou 1..1 1..1 BT-106 cbc:LineExtensionAmount
cbc:TaxExclusiveAmoun 1..1 1..1 BT-109 cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount
cbc:TaxInclusiveAmoun 1..1 1..1 BT-112 cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount
cbc:AllowanceTotalAmo 0..1 0..1 BT-107 cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount
cbc:ChargeTotalAmoun 0..1 0..1 BT-108 cbc:ChargeTotalAmount
cbc:PrepaidAmount @c 0..1 0..1 BT-113 cbc:PrepaidAmount
cbc:PayableRoundingA 0..1 0..1 BT-114 cbc:PayableRoundingAmount
cbc:PayableAmount @c 1..1 1..1 BT-115 cbc:PayableAmount
cac:InvoiceLine 1..n 1..n cac:InvoiceLine
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-126 cbc:ID
cbc:Note 0..1 0..1 BT-127 cbc:Note
cbc:InvoicedQuantity 1..1 1..1 BT-129 cbc:InvoicedQuantity
cbc:LineExtensionAmou 1..1 1..1 BT-131 cbc:LineExtensionAmount
cbc:AccountingCost 0..1 0..1 BT-133 cbc:AccountingCost
cac:InvoicePeriod 0..1 0..1 BG-26 cac:InvoicePeriod
cbc:StartDate 0..1 0..1 BT-134 cbc:StartDate
cbc:EndDate 0..1 0..1 BT-135 cbc:EndDate
cac:OrderLineReference 0..1 0..1 cac:OrderLineReference
cbc:LineID 0..1 1..1 BT-132 cbc:LineID
cac:DocumentReference 0..1 0..1 cac:DocumentReference
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..1 1..1 BT-128 cbc:ID
cbc:DocumentTypeCod 0..1 1..1 BT-128 cbc:DocumentTypeCode
cac:AllowanceCharge 0..n 0..n cac:AllowanceCharge
cbc:ChargeIndicator 1..1 1..1 cbc:ChargeIndicator
cbc:AllowanceChargeR 0..1 0..1 BT-140, BT-145 cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode
cbc:AllowanceChargeRe 0..1 0..1 BT-139, BT-144 cbc:AllowanceChargeReason
cbc:MultiplierFactorNu 0..1 0..1 BT-138, BT-143 cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric
cbc:Amount @currency 1..1 1..1 BT-136, BT-141 cbc:Amount
cbc:BaseAmount @curr 0..1 0..1 BT-137, BT-142 cbc:BaseAmount
cac:Item 1..1 1..1 BG-31 cac:Item
cbc:Description 0..1 0..1 BT-154 cbc:Description
cbc:Name 1..1 1..1 BT-153 cbc:Name
cac:BuyersItemIdentific 0..1 0..1 cac:BuyersItemIdentification
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-156 cbc:ID
cac:SellersItemIdentific 0..1 0..1 cac:SellersItemIdentification
cbc:ID 0..1 1..1 BT-155 cbc:ID
cac:StandardItemIdentif 0..1 0..1 cac:StandardItemIdentification
cbc:ID @schemeID="xx 0..1 1..1 BT-157 cbc:ID
cac:OriginCountry 0..1 0..1 cac:OriginCountry
cbc:IdentificationCode 0..1 1..1 BT-159 cbc:IdentificationCode
cac:CommodityClassific 0..n 0..n cac:CommodityClassification
cbc:ItemClassificationC 0..n 1..1 BT-158 cbc:ItemClassificationCode
cac:ClassifiedTaxCatego 1..1 1..1 BG-30 cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1 BT-151 cbc:ID
cbc:Percent 0..1 0..1 BT-152 cbc:Percent
cac:TaxScheme 1..1 1..1 cac:TaxScheme
cbc:ID 1..1 1..1
cac:AdditionalItemProp 0..n 0..n BG-32 cac:AdditionalItemProperty
cbc:Name 1..1 1..1 BT-160 cbc:Name
cbc:Value 1..1 1..1 BT-161 cbc:Value
cac:Price 1..1 1..1 BG-29 cac:Price
cbc:PriceAmount @curr 1..1 1..1 BT-146 cbc:PriceAmount
cbc:BaseQuantity @uni 0..1 0..1 BT-149 cbc:BaseQuantity
cac:AllowanceCharge 0..1 0..1 cac:AllowanceCharge
cbc:ChargeIndicator 1..1 1..1 cbc:ChargeIndicator
cbc:Amount @currency 0..1 1..1 BT-147 cbc:Amount
cbc:BaseAmount @curr 0..1 0..1 BT-148 cbc:BaseAmount
Name Argument Argument Argument Nomenclator Data Type
Info List / Format /

UNTDID 1001 Code
ISO 4217 Code
ISO 4217 Code

VAT date code (UNCL2005
Code subset)

Document Refere
Document Refere

Document Refere

Document Refere

Document Refere

@schemeID The identifica UNCL 1153 Identifier

130 Code

cumentBinaryObject @mimeCode mimecode

@filename= Th
Mime Code Binary object


Document Refere

@schemeID The identifica EAS Identifier

@schemeID The identifica ISO 6523 SAU "SEPA" Identifier


c:StreetName Text
c:AdditionalStreetName Text
c:PostalZone Text
c:CountrySubentity ISO 3166-2 Text
cbc:Line Text

cbc:IdentificationCode ISO 3166-1 Text

c:CompanyID Identifier

c:RegistrationName Text
c:CompanyID @schemeID The identifica ISO 6523 Identifier
c:CompanyLegalForm Text

c:ElectronicMail Text

@schemeID The identifica EAS Identifier

@schemeID The identifica ISO 6523 Identifier


c:StreetName Text
c:AdditionalStreetName Text
c:PostalZone Text
c:CountrySubentity ISO 3166-2 Text
cbc:Line Text

cbc:IdentificationCode ISO 3166-1 Text

c:CompanyID Text
cbc:ID VAT Identifier

c:RegistrationName Text
c:CompanyID @schemeID The identifica ISO 6523 Identifier

c:ElectronicMail Text
@schemeID The identifica ISO 6523 SAU "SEPA" Text


@schemeID The identifica ISO 6523 Text




c:IdentificationCode ISO 3166-1 Text


VAT Identifier


@schemeID The identifica ISO 6523 Identifier

c:StreetName Text
c:AdditionalStreetName Text
c:PostalZone Text
c:CountrySubentity Text
cbc:Line Text

cbc:IdentificationCode ISO 3166-1 Text


@name The means, expressed as texUNCL4461 Code








@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount

UNCL 5305 Code



@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount

@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount

@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount

UNCL 5305 Code

c:TaxExemptionReasonCode VATEX Text
c:TaxExemptionReason Text

@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount

@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount

@unitCode The unit of m REC 20+21 Quantity
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount



@schemeID The identifica UNCL 1153 Identifier


rgeReasonCode UNCL5189+7161
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount




@schemeID The identifica ISO 6523 Identifier

c:IdentificationCode ISO 3166-1 Code

c:ItemClassificationCode @listID @listVersionID

listID = The i UNCL 7143 Identifier

UNCL 5305 Code



@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount

@unitCode The unit of m REC 20+21 Quantity

@currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
c:BaseAmount @currencyID Mandatory attISO 4217 Amount
Termen operaţional Descriere

Identificatorul specificaţiei O identificare a specificaţiei care conţine totalitatea regulilor

Tipul procesului operaţional Identifică contextul procesului operaţional în care apare tranz
Numărul facturii O identificare unică a facturii.
Data emiterii facturii Data la care a fost emisă factura.
Data scadenţei Data până la care trebuie făcută plata.
Codul tipului facturii Un cod care specifică tipul funcţional al facturii.
Comentariu în factură Un text care furnizează o informaţie nestructurată care este re
Data de exigibilitate a taxei pe valoarea adăugată Data la care TVA devine exigibilă pentru Vânzător şi pentru Cum
Codul monedei facturii Moneda în care sunt exprimate toate sumele din factură, cu excepţia sumei
Codul monedei de contabilizare a TVA!! MUSAI RON Listele
Moneda monedelor valide contabilizarea
utilizată pentru sunt înregistrate la Agenţia TVA
şi declararea de Mentenanţă
aşa cum se aaccept
Referinţa contabilă a cumpărătorului Listele
Valoaremonedelor valide
textuală care sunt înregistrate
specifică unde să se la Agenţia dedatele
înregistreze Mentenanţă
r a ISO 4
Referinţa Cumpărătorului Un identificator atribuit de către Cumpărător utilizat pentru circu
PERIOADA DE FACTURARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
Data de început a perioadei de facturare Data la care începe perioada de facturare.
Data de sfârşit a perioadei de facturare Data la care se sfârşeşte perioada de facturare.
Codul datei de exigibilitate a taxei pe valoarea adăugată Codul datei la care TVA devine exigibilă pentru Vânzător şi pe

Referinţa comenzii Un identificator al comenzii la care se referă, generat de către

Referinţa dispoziţiei de vânzare Un identificator al dispoziţiei de vânzare, generat de către Vân
REFERINŢĂ LA O FACTURĂ ANTERIOARĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des

Referinţă la o factură anterioară Identificarea unei facturi trimisă anterior de către Vânzător.
Data de emitere a facturii anterioare Data la care a fost emisă factura anterioară.

Referinţa avizului de expediţie Un identificator al avizului de expediţie la care se face referire.

Referinţa avizului de recepţie Un identificator al avizului de recepţie la care se face referire.

Referinţa cererii de ofertă sau a lotului Identificarea cererii de ofertă sau a lotului la care se referă fact

Referinţa contractului Identificarea unui contract.

DOCUMENTE JUSTIFICATIVE SUPLIMENTARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii desp

Identificatorul obiectului facturat Un identificator pentru un obiect pe care se bazează factura, g

Descrierea documentului justificativ O descriere a documentului justificativ.

Document ataşat Un document ataşat integrat ca obiect binar sau trimis împreun

Localizarea documentului extern URL (Uniform Resource Locator) care identifică unde este local

Referinţa proiectului Identificarea proiectului la care se referă factura

VÂNZĂTOR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des

Adresa electronică a Vânzătorului Identifică adresa electronică a Vânzătorului la care poate fi tran
Denumirea comercială a Vânzătorului Un nume sub care este cunoscut Vânzătorul, altul decât numel
ADRESA POŞTALĂ A VÂNZĂTORULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
Localitatea Vânzătorului Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se a
Codul poştal al Vânzătorului Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi adresabil conform
Subdiviziunea ţării Vânzătorului Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.

Adresa Vânzătorului - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru

Codul ţării Vânzătorului Un cod care identifică ţara.

Numele vânzătorului Denumirea oficială completă sub care Vânzătorul este înscris în r
Identificatorul de înregistrare legală a Vânzătorului Un identificator emis de un organism oficial de înregistrare car
Informaţii juridice suplimentare despre Vânzător Informaţii juridice suplimentare cu privire la Vânzător.
CONTACTUL VÂNZĂTORULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de
Punctul de contact al Vânzătorului Un punct de contact pentru o entitate sau persoană juridică.
Numărul de telefon al contactului Vânzătorului Un număr de telefon pentru punctul de contact.
Adresa de email a contactului Vânzătorului O adresă de e-mail pentru punctul de contact.
CUMPĂRĂTOR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de

Adresa electronică a Cumpărătorului Identifică adresa electronică a Cumpărătorului la care se trimite

Identificatorul Cumpărătorului Un identificator al Cumpărătorului.

Denumirea comercială a Cumpărătorului Un nume sub care este cunoscut Cumpărătorul, altul decât nu
ADRESA POŞTALĂ ACUMPĂRĂTORULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de
Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
Localitatea Cumpărătorului Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se a
Codul poştal al Cumpărătorului Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi adresabil conform
Subdiviziunea ţării Cumpărătorului Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.

Adresa Cumpărătorului - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru

Codul ţării Cumpărătorului Un cod care identifică ţara.

Identificatorul de TVA al Cumpărătorului Identificatorul de TVA al Cumpărătorului (cunoscut, de asemen

Numele Cumpărătorului Numele complet al Cumpărătorului.

Identificatorul de înregistrare legală a Cumpărătorului Un identificator emis de un organism oficial de înregistrare car
CONTACTUL CUMPĂRĂTORULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de
Punctul de contact al Cumpărătorului Un punct de contact pentru o entitate sau persoană juridică.
Numărul de telefon al contactului Cumpărătorului Un număr de telefon pentru punctul de contact.
Adresa de email a contactului Cumpărătorului O adresă de e-mail pentru punctul de contact.
BENEFICIAR Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despr
Numele Beneficiarului Numele Beneficiarului.

Identificatorul înregistrării legale a Beneficiarului Un identificator emis de un organism oficial de înregistrare care

Numele reprezentantului fiscal al Vânzătorului Numele complet al părţii care este reprezentantul fiscal al Vânz
ADRESA POŞTALĂ A REPREZENTAN-TULUI FISCAL AL VÂNZĂTUn grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despr
Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru
Localitatea reprezentantului fiscal Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se af
Codul poştal al reprezentantului fiscal Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi adresabil conform
Subdiviziunea ţării reprezentantului fiscal Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.

Adresa reprezentantului fiscal - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru

Codul ţării reprezentantului fiscal Un cod care identifică ţara.

Identificatorul de TVA al reprezentantului fiscal al VânzătoruluiIdentificatorul de TVA al părţii care este reprezentantul fiscal a

INFORMAŢII REFERITOARE LA LIVRARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despr
Data reală a livrării Data la care s-a făcut sau s-a finalizat livrarea bunurilor sau a se

Identificatorul locului către care se face livrarea Un identificator pentru locul unde sunt livrate bunurile şi servici
ADRESA DE LIVRARE Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre
Adresa de livrare - Linia 1 Linia principală a unei adrese.
Adresa de livrare - Linia 2 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentr
Localitatea de livrare Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se afl
Codul poştal de livrare Identificatorul pentru un grup de proprietăţi adresabil conform
Subdiviziunea ţării de livrare Subdiviziunea administrativă a unei ţări.

Adresa de livrare - Linia 3 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentr

Codul ţării de livrare Un cod care identifică ţara.

Numele părţii către care se face livrarea Numele părţii căreia îi sunt livrate bunurile şi serviciile.
INSTRUCŢIUNI DE PLATĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii des
Codul tipului de instrument de plată Cod care indică modul în care o plată trebuie să fie sau a fost
Aviz de plată Valoare textuală utilizată pentru a stabili o legătură între plată
INFORMAŢII PRIVIND CARDUL DE PLATĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despr
Numărul contului principal al cardului de plată Numărul de cont principal (PAN – Primary Account Number) al ca

Numele deţinătorului cardului de plată Numele deţinătorului cardului de plată.

VIRAMENT Un grup de termeni operaţionali pentru a specifica plăţile prin
Identificatorul contului de plată Un identificator unic al contului bancar de plată, la un furnizor
Numele contului de plată Numele contului de plată, la un furnizor de servicii de plată la

Identificatorul furnizorului de servicii de plată Un identificator pentru furnizorul serviciului de plată unde este
DEBITARE DIRECTĂ Un grup de termeni operaţionali pentru a specifica o debitare d
Identificatorul referinţei mandatului Identificator unic atribuit de către Beneficiar, utilizat ca refer

Identificatorul contului debitat Contul care trebuie debitat prin debitare directă.

Termeni de plată O descriere textuală a termenilor de plată care se aplică sumei d

1 TaxTotal cu valori + detaliere in Moneda , apoi 1 TaxTotal cu currency = RON + valoarea in RON (ubl_b2g_example5.xml)
DETALIEREA TVA Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii desp
Baza de calcul pentru categoria de TVA Suma tuturor valorilor impozabile aferente unui cod al unei cat
Valoarea TVA pentru fiecare categorie de TVA Valoarea totală a TVA pentru o categorie de TVA dată.

Codul categoriei de TVA Identificarea codificată a unei categorii de TVA.

Cota categoriei de TVA Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică pentru cat
Codul motivului scutirii de TVA!! La taxare inversa, e obligatoriu
Un enunţ codat care explică de ce suma respectivă este scutită
Motivul scutirii de TVA Un text care explică de ce suma respectivă este scutită de TVA

TOTALURILE DOCUMENTULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despr

Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii Suma tuturor valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.
Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA.
Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA.
Suma deducerilor la nivelul documentului Suma tuturor deducerilor la nivelul documentului facturii.
Suma taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului Suma tuturor taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului factu
Sumă plătită Suma valorilor care au fost plătite anticipat.
Valoare de rotunjire Valoarea care trebuie adunată la totalul facturii pentru a rotun
Suma de plată Valoarea restantă care este cerută la plată.

Identificatorul liniei facturii Un identificator unic pentru o linie din factură.

Nota liniei facturii O notă textuală care furnizează o informaţie nestructurată care e
Cantitatea facturată Cantitatea articolelor (bunuri sau servicii) luate în considerare în
Valoarea netă a liniei facturii Valoarea totală a liniei facturii.
Referinţa contabilă a Cumpărătorului din linia facturii O valoare textuală care specifică unde trebuie înregistrate date
PERIOADA DE FACTURARE A LINIEI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii desp
Data de începere a perioadei de facturare a liniei facturii Data la care începe perioada de facturare pentru această linie a
Data de sfârşit a perioadei de facturare a liniei facturii Data la care se sfârşeşte perioada de facturare pentru această lin

Referinţa liniei comenzii la care se face referire Un identificator pentru o linie la care se face referire în cadr

Identificatorul obiectului liniei facturii Un identificator pentru un obiect pe care se bazează linia factur
Identificatorul obiectului liniei facturii Un identificator pentru un obiect pe care se bazează linia factur

INFORMAŢII PRIVIND ARTICOLUL Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii privin
Descrierea articolului Descrierea unui articol.
Numele articolului Numele unui articol.

Identificatorul Cumpărătorului articolului Un identificator, atribuit de Cumpărător, pentru articol.

Identificatorul Vânzătorului articolului Un identificator, atribuit de Vânzător, pentru articol.

Identificatorul standard al articolului Un identificator al articolului bazat pe o schemă de înregistrare

Ţara de origine a articolului Cod care identifică ţara din care este originar articolul.

Identificatorul clasificării articolului Un cod pentru clasificarea articolului după tipul sau natura ace
INFORMAŢII PRIVIND TVA A LINIEI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre
Codul categoriei de TVA a articolului facturat Codul categoriei de TVA aplicabilă articolului facturat.
Cota TVA pentru articolul facturat Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică articolului fa

ATRIBUTELE ARTICOLULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre

Numele atributului articolului Numele atributului sau proprietăţii articolului.
Valoarea atributului articolului Valoarea atributului sau proprietăţii articolului.
DETALII ALE PREŢULUI Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre
Preţul net al articolului Preţul unui articol, exclusiv TVA, după aplicarea reducerii la preţ
Cantitatea de bază a preţului articolului Numărul articolelor la care se aplică preţul.

Reducere la preţul articolului Reducerea totală dedusă din preţul brut al articolului pentru a ca
Preţul brut al articolului Preţul unitar, exclusiv TVA, înaintea aplicării reducerilor la preţu
Description Explanation Example value

Specification identifier An identification of the specification containing the total set of rules regarding se
Business process type Identifies the business process context in which the transaction appears, to enable the Buyer to process the Invoi
Invoice number A unique identification of the Invoice. The sequential number req33445566
Invoice issue date The date when the Invoice was issued. Format "YYYY-MM-DD" 2017-11-01
Payment due date The date when the payment is due. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". In cas
Invoice type code A code specifying the functional type of the Invoice.
Invoice note A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relev Please note our ne
Value added tax point dat The date when the VAT becomes accountable for the Seller and 2017-11-01
Invoice currency code The currency in which all Invoice amounts are given, except for EUR
VAT accounting currency The currency used for VAT accounting and reporting purposes asSEK
Buyer accounting referencA textual value that specifies where to book the relevant data in4217:2323:2323
Buyer reference An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing pu abs1234
DELIVERY OR INVOICE PE A group of business terms providing information on the invoice period. Also called de
Invoicing period start dateThe date when the Invoice period starts. Format = "YYYY-MM-D2017-10-01
Invoicing period end date The date when the Invoice period ends. Format = "YYYY-MM-DD2017-10-31
Value added tax point dat The code of the date when the VAT becomes accountable for the35
Purchase order reference An identifier of a referenced purchase order, issued by the Buye 98776
Sales order reference An identifier of a referenced sales order, issued by the Seller. 112233
PRECEDING INVOICE REFEA group of business terms providing information on one or more preceding Invoices.
Preceding Invoice numberThe identification of an Invoice that was previously sent by the Sinv123
Preceding Invoice issue daThe date when the Preceding Invoice was issued. Shall be provide
Despatch advice referenceAn identifier of a referenced despatch advice. desp98
Receiving advice referenceAn identifier of a referenced receiving advice. rec98
Tender or lot reference The identification of the call for tender or lot the invoice relates PPID-123
Contract reference The identification of a contract. 123Contractref
ADDITIONAL SUPPORTIN A group of business terms providing information about additional supporting documents substantiating the claim
Invoiced object identifier An identifier for an object on which the invoice is based, given bAB23456
Document type code Code "130" MUST be used to indicate an invoice object reference. Not used for other additional documents
Supporting document descA description of the supporting document, such as: timesheet, usage report etc.
Attached document An attached document embedded as binary object (Base64) or sen
External document locatioThe URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that identifies where the ext
Project reference The identification of the project the invoice refers to. PID33
SELLER A group of business terms providing information about the Seller.
Seller electronic address Identifies the Seller's electronic address to which the applicatio 7300010000001
Seller identifier or bank asThis element is used for both the identification of the Seller, or 5060012349998
Seller trading name A name by which the Seller is known, other than Seller name (a Seller Business Name AS
SELLER POSTAL ADDRESS A group of business terms providing information about the address of the Seller. Suf
Seller address line 1 The main address line in an address. Main Street 1
Seller address line 2 An additional address line in an address that can be used to givPo Box 351
Seller city The common name of the city, town or village, where the Seller Laondon
Seller post code The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to
Seller country subdivision The subdivision of a country. Region A
Seller address line 3 An additional address line in an address that can be used to givBuilding 23
Seller country code A code that identifies the country. GB
Seller VAT identifier, Selle The Seller's VAT identifier (also known as Seller VAT identificatioNO999888777
Mandatory element. For Seller
For Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), use value “VAT”, for the seller VAT
Seller name The full formal name by which the Seller is registered in the natiFull Formal Seller
Seller legal registration ideAn identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Seller as a legal entit
Seller additional legal inf Additional legal information relevant for the Seller. Share capital
SELLER CONTACT A group of business terms providing contact information about the Seller.
Seller contact point A contact point for a legal entity or person. xyz123
Seller contact telephone A phone number for the contact point. 887 654 321
Seller contact email addre An e-mail address for the contact point.
BUYER A group of business terms providing information about the Buyer.
Buyer electronic address Identifies the Buyer's electronic address to which the invoice is d987654321
Buyer identifier An identifier of the Buyer. SE8765456787
Buyer trading name A name by which the Buyer is known, other than Buyer name (aBuyer Trading Name
BUYER POSTAL ADDRESS A group of business terms providing information about the postal address for the Buy
Buyer address line 1 The main address line in an address. Hovudgatan 32
Buyer address line 2 An additional address line in an address that can be used to givPo box 43
Buyer city The common name of the city, town or village, where the Buyer'sStockholm
Buyer post code The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to
Buyer country subdivision The subdivision of a country. Region A
Buyer address line 3 An additional address line in an address that can be used to givBuilding F2
Buyer country code Buyer country code
Buyer VAT identifier The Buyer's VAT identifier (also known as Buyer VAT identificat SE8765456787
Mandatory element. Use “VAMandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT
Buyer name The full name of the Buyer. Buyer Full Name AS
Buyer legal registration ideAn identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Bu 5560104525
BUYER CONTACT A group of business terms providing contact information relevant for the Buyer.
Buyer contact point A contact point for a legal entity or person. Jens Jensen
Buyer contact telephone A phone number for the contact point. 876 654 321
Buyer contact email addreAn e-mail address for the contact point.
PAYEE A group of business terms providing information about the Payee, i.e. the role that receives the payment. Shall b
Payee identifier or bank asThis element is used for both the identification of the Payee, or FR932874294
Payee name The name of the Payee. Payee Name Ltd
Payee legal registration idAn identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Payee as a legal entity
SELLER TAX REPRESENTATA group of business terms providing information about the Seller's tax representative.
Seller tax representative The full name of the Seller's tax representative party. Tax Representativ
SELLER TAX REPRESENTATA group of business terms providing information about the postal address for the tax
Tax representative addressThe main address line in an address. Lille gatan 545
Tax representative addressAn additional address line in an address that can be used to givPo Box 987
Tax representative city The common name of the city, town or village, where the tax repGöteborg
Tax representative post c The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to
Tax representative countryThe subdivision of a country. Region Vest
Tax representative addressAn additional address line in an address that can be used to givA87
Tax representative countr A code that identifies the country. SE
Seller tax representative VThe VAT identifier of the Seller's tax representative party. FR932874294
Mandatory element. Use “VAMandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT
DELIVERY INFORMATION A group of business terms providing information about where and when the goods and services invoiced are del
Actual delivery date The date on which the supply of goods or services was made 2017-12-01
Deliver to location identifiAn identifier for the location at which the goods and services are83745498753497
DELIVER TO ADDRESS A group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were o
Deliver to address line 1 The main address line in an address. Delivery Street 1
Deliver to address line 2 An additional address line in an address that can be used to givDelivery Street 2
Deliver to city The common name of the city, town or village, where the deliverMalmö
Deliver to post code The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to
Deliver to country subdivi The subdivision of a country. South Region
Deliver to address line 3 An additional address line in an address that can be used to givC54
Deliver to country code A code that identifies the country. SE
Deliver to party name The name of the party to which the goods and services are delivDeliver name
PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONSA group of business terms providing information about the payment.
Payment means type codeThe means, expressed as code, for how a payment is expected to30
Remittance information A textual value used to establish a link between the payment and
PAYMENT CARD INFORMAA group of business terms providing information about card used for payment cont
Payment card primary acc The Primary Account Number (PAN) of the card used for payment
Syntax required element not Syntax
r required element not related to a business term. NA
Payment card holder nameThe name of the payment card holder. John Doe
CREDIT TRANSFER A group of business terms to specify credit transfer payments.
Payment account identifieA unique identifier of the financial payment account, at a pay NO99991122222
Payment account name The name of the payment account, at a payment service provid Payment Account
Payment service provider iAn identifier for the payment service provider where a payment 9999
DIRECT DEBIT A group of business terms to specify a direct debit.
Mandate reference identifiUnique identifier assigned by the Payee for referencing the direc123456
Debited account identifierThe account to be debited by the direct debit. 12345676543
Payment terms A textual description of the payment terms that apply to the amNet within 30 days
DOCUMENT LEVEL ALLOWA group of business terms providing information about allowances applicable to the Invoice as a whole. A group
Use “true” when informing aUse “true” when informing about Charges and “false” when inf false
Document level allowance The reason for the document level allowance or charge, express 95
Document level allowance The reason for the document level allowance or charge, express Discount
Document level allowance The percentage that may be used, in conjunction with the docum
Document level allowanceThe amount of an allowance or a charge, without VAT. Must b 200
Document level allowanceThe base amount that may be used, in conjunction with the doc1000
Document level allowance A coded identification of what VAT category applies to the docuS
Document level allowance The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies to the doc 25
Mandatory element. Use “VAMandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT
When tax currency code is provided, two instances of the tax total must be present, but only one with tax subtotal.
Invoice total VAT amount,The total VAT amount for the Invoice or the VAT total amount e486.25
VAT BREAKDOWN A group of business terms providing information about VAT breakdown by different
VAT category taxable amoSum of all taxable amounts subject to a specific VAT category c 1945.00
VAT category tax amount The total VAT amount for a given VAT category. Must be round 486.25
VAT category code Coded identification of a VAT category. S
VAT category rate The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies for the re 25
VAT exemption reason co A coded statement of the reason for why the amount is exempted from VAT.
VAT exemption reason texA textual statement of the reason why the amount is exempted Exempt
Mandatory element. Use “VAMandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT
DOCUMENT TOTALS A group of business terms providing the monetary totals for the Invoice.
Sum of Invoice line net a Sum of all Invoice line net amounts in the Invoice. Must be ro 3800.0
Invoice total amount with The total amount of the Invoice without VAT. Must be rounded 3600.0
Invoice total amount with The total amount of the Invoice with VAT. Must be rounded to 4500.0
Sum of allowances on doc Sum of all allowances on document level in the Invoice. Must 200.0
Sum of charges on documeSum of all charges on document level in the Invoice. Must be 0.0
Paid amount The sum of amounts which have been paid in advance. Must be1000.0
Rounding amount The amount to be added to the invoice total to round the amou 0.0
Amount due for payment The outstanding amount that is requested to be paid. Must be 3500.0
INVOICE LINE A group of business terms providing information on individual Invoice lines.
Invoice line identifier A unique identifier for the individual line within the Invoice. 12
Invoice line note A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevan
New article number 12345
Invoiced quantity The quantity of items (goods or services) that is charged in the In100
Invoice line net amount The total amount of the Invoice line. The amount is “net” withou2145.0
Invoice line Buyer accountA textual value that specifies where to book the relevant data in1287:65464
INVOICE LINE PERIOD A group of business terms providing information about the period relevant for the Invoice line.
Invoice line period start d The date when the Invoice period for this Invoice line starts. 2017-10-05
Invoice line period end da The date when the Invoice period for this Invoice line ends. 2017-10-15
Referenced purchase orderAn identifier for a referenced line within a purchase order, issue 3
Invoice line object identifiAn identifier for an object on which the invoice line is based, givAB12345
Document type code Code "130" MUST be used to indicate an invoice object referenc130
INVOICE LINE ALLOWANCA group of business terms providing information about allowances or charges applicable to the individual Invoic
Use “true” when informing about Charges and “false” when informing about Allowances FALSE
Line level allowance or ch The reason for the line level allowance or charge, expressed as a95
Line level allowance or ch The reason for the line level allowance or charge, expressed as tDiscount
Line level allowance or ch The percentage that may be used, in conjunction with the line l 20
Line level allowance or c The amount of an allowance or a charge, without VAT. Must b 200
Line level allowance or c The base amount that may be used, in conjunction with the line1000
ITEM INFORMATION A group of business terms providing information about the goods and services invoiced.
Item description A description for an item.The item description allows for descri Long description of the item on the invoice line
Item name A name for an item. Item Name
Item Buyer's identifier An identifier, assigned by the Buyer, for the item. 123455
Item Seller's identifier An identifier, assigned by the Seller, for the item. 9873242
Item standard identifier An item identifier based on a registered scheme. 10986700
Item country of origin The code identifying the country from which the item originates.CN
Item classification identifi A code for classifying the item by its type or nature. 9873242
LINE VAT INFORMATION A group of business terms providing information about the VAT applicable for the goods and services invoiced o
Invoiced item VAT categorThe VAT category code for the invoiced item. S
Invoiced item VAT rate The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies to the invo25
Mandatory element. Use “VAT” VAT
ITEM ATTRIBUTES A group of business terms providing information about properties of the goods and services invoiced.
Item attribute name The name of the attribute or property of the item. Color
Item attribute value The value of the attribute or property of the item. Black
PRICE DETAILS A group of business terms providing information about the price applied for the goods and services invoiced on t
Item net price The price of an item, exclusive of VAT, after subtracting item pri23.45
Item price base quantity The number of item units to which the price applies. 1
Mandatory element. Value must be “false” false
Item price discount The total discount subtracted from the Item gross price to calcul100
Item gross price The unit price, exclusive of VAT, before subtracting Item price d 123.45

An Invoice shall have a Specification identifier (BT-24)

rs, to enable the Buyer to process the Invoice in an appropriate way.
An Invoice shall have an Invoice number (BT-1).
An Invoice shall have an Invoice issue date (BT-2).
In case the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is positive, either the Payment due date (BT-9) or the Payment terms (BT-20) shall be prese
An Invoice shall have an Invoice type code (BT-3). The document type code MUST be coded by the invoice and credit note re
Invoiced note subject code shall be coded using UNCL4451
Value added tax point date (BT-7) and Value added tax point date code (BT-8) are mutually exclusive.
An Invoice shall have an Invoice currency code (BT-5). Invoice currency code MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 alpha-3
Tax currency code MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 alpha-3

In an Invoice with a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Intra-community supply" the Actual delivery date (
If Invoicing period (BG-14) is used, the Invoicing period start date (BT-73) or the Invoicing period end date (BT-74) shall be filled, or both.
If Invoicing period (BG-14) is used, the Invoicing period start dIf both Invoicing period start date (BT-73) and Invoicing period end date (B
Value added tax point date (BT-7) and Value added tax point da
Value added tax point date (BT-7) and Value added tax point date code (BT

eding Invoices.

Each Preceding Invoice reference (BG-3) shall contain a Preceding Invoice reference (BT-25).

porting documents substantiating the claims made in the Invoice. The additional supporting documents can be used for both referencing a document num
Each Additional supporting document (BG-24) shall contain a Supporting document reference (BT-122).
used for other additional documents



The Seller electronic address (BT-34) shall have a Scheme identi

Endpoint identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the CEF EAS code list

In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Seller identifier (BT-29), the Seller legal registration identifier (BT-30) and/or
Business Name AS
An Invoice shall contain the Seller postal address.

The Seller postal address (BG-5) shall contain a Seller country Country codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1

The Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representativ In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Se

An Invoice shall contain the Seller name (BT-27).

In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Se
Any registration identifier identification scheme identifier MUST be coded u

The Buyer electronic address (BT-49) shall have a Scheme identi

Endpoint identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the CEF EAS code list

Trading Name
An Invoice shall contain the Buyer postal address (BG-8).

The Buyer postal address shall contain a Buyer country code (BCountry codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1

The Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representativ An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

An Invoice shall contain the Buyer name (BT-44).

An Invoice that contains - an Invoice line/Document level allowAny registration identifier identification scheme identifier MUST be coded u

the role that receives the payment. Shall be used when the Payee is different from the Seller.
The Payee name (BT-59) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Payee (BG-10) is different from the Seller (BG-4)

Any registration identifier identification scheme identifier MUST be coded using one of the ISO 6523 ICD list.

The Seller tax representative name (BT-62) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Seller (BG-4) has a Seller tax representative party (BG-11
The Seller tax representative postal address (BG-12) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Seller (BG-4) has a Seller tax representative part

The Seller tax representative postal address (BG-12) shall contaCountry codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1

Each Seller tax representative party (BG-11) shall have a Seller The Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representativ

en the goods and services invoiced are delivered.

In an Invoice with a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Intra-community supply" the Actual delivery date (

which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.

Each Deliver to address (BG-15) shall contain a Deliver to co In an Invoice with a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code

A Payment instruction (BG-16) shall specify the Payment meansPayment means in an invoice MUST be coded using UNCL4461 code list

An Invoice shall contain maximum one Payment Card account (BG-18).

In accordance with card payments security standards an invoice should never include a full card primary account number (BT-87). At the m

A Payment account identifier (BT-84) shall be present if Credit If the Payment means type code (BT-81) means SEPA credit transfer, Local c
An Invoice shall contain maximum one Payment Mandate (BG-19).

In case the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is positive, either the Payment due date (BT-9) or the Payment terms (BT-20) shall be prese
plicable to the Invoice as a whole. A group of business terms providing information about charges and taxes other than VAT, applicable to the Invoice as a

Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall have Document level allowance/charge reason code (BT-98/BT-105) and
a Document
Each levellevel
Document allowance/charge reason
allowance/charge (BT-97/BT-104)
(BG-20/BG-21) shallor Document level
Document level allowance/charge
allowance/charge reason
reason code
(BT-98/BT-105) and
a Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104) or Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104)
Each Document level allowance (BG-20) shall have a DocumentEach Document level charge (BG-21) shall have a Document le
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document le
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document level charge b

Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall haAn Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with
In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21)
where the Document level allowance/charge VAT category code
the Document
is level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-

ith tax subtotal.

If the VAT accounting currency code (BT-6) is present, then th Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110) = Σ VAT category tax amoun
An Invoice shall at least have one VAT breakdown group (BG-2An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a VAT catego
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category taxablFor each different value of VAT category rate (BT-119)
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category tax amwhere the VATtax
VAT category category
amountcode (BT-118)
(BT-117) is "Standard
= VAT rated" /amou
category taxable "IGIC" / "IPSI",

Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall be defined through a VAT cAn Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge
where the
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category rate (BT-119), VAT category
except codeis(BT-151,
if the Invoice BT-95
not subject or BT-102) is
to VAT.
Tax exemption reason code identifier scheme identifier MUST A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118)
"Standard rate" / "Zero
A VAT breakdown rated"
(BG-23) with/ VAT
"IGIC" / "IPSI" code (BT-118)
"Standard rate" / "Zero rated"

An Invoice shall have the Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-1Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-106) = Σ Invoice line net
An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount without VAT (BTInvoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) = Σ Invoice line n
An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-11Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) = Invoice total amoun
Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) = Σ Document The
l allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of allowanced on d
Sum of charges on document level (BT-108) = Σ Document levThe allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of charges on docu

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Rounding amount (BT-114) is 2.
An Invoice shall have the Amount due for payment (BT-115). Amount due for payment (BT-115) = Invoice total amount wit
An Invoice shall have at least one Invoice line (BG-25)
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoice line identifier (BT-126).
article number 12345
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoiced quantity (BT-1Unit code MUST be coded according to the UN/ECE Recommendation 20 w
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoice line net amountThe allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line net amount

vant for the Invoice line.

If Invoice line period (BG-26) is used, the Invoice line period start date (BT-134) or the Invoice line period end date (BT-135) shall be filled,
If both Invoice line period start date (BT-134) and Invoice line If Invoice line period (BG-26) is used, the Invoice line period start date (BT-1
charges applicable to the individual Invoice line.

Each Invoice line allowance/charge (BG-27/BG-) shall have an Invoice line allowance reason/charge code (BT-140/BT-145) and
Each Invoice line allowance/charge (BG-27/BG-) shall have an Invoice line allowance reason/charge code (BT-140/BT-145) and Invoice line

Each Invoice line allowance (BG-27) shall have an Invoice line Each Invoice line charge (BG-28) shall have an Invoice line ch
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice lineThe allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line charge base
services invoiced.
description of the item on the invoice line
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall contain the Item name (BT-153).

The Item standard identifier (BT-157) shall have a Scheme identtem standard identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the ISO 6523 ICD

Country codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1

The Item classification identifier (BT-158) shall have a Scheme identifier.

cable for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall be categorized with an Invoice An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a
In an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT categorIn an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-1
"Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" / "Reverse charge" / "Intracommunity sup

he goods and services invoiced.

Each Item attribute (BG-32) shall contain an Item attribute name (BT-160) and an Item attribute value (BT-161).
Each Item attribute (BG-32) shall contain an Item attribute name (BT-160) and an Item attribute value (BT-161).
ed for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall contain the Item net price (BT-1The Item net price (BT-146) shall NOT be negative.
Unit code MUST be coded according to the UN/ECE Recommendation 20 with Rec 21 extension

The Item gross price (BT-148) shall NOT be negative.


rms (BT-20) shall be present.

invoice and credit note related code lists of UNTDID 1001.

code list 4217 alpha-3

" the Actual delivery date (BT-72) or the Invoicing period (BG-14) shall not be blank.
74) shall be filled, or both.
voicing period end date (BT-74) are given then the Invoicing period end date (BT-74) shall be later or equal to the Invoicing period start date (BT-73).
ed tax point date code (BT-8) are mutually exclusive.

ferencing a document number which is expected to be known by the receiver, an external document (referenced by a URL) or as an embedded document, B

ng to the CEF EAS code list

n identifier (BT-30) and/or the Seller VAT identifier (BT-31) shall be present.
g ISO code list 3166-1

An Invoice that contains: An Invoice that contains:

- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

dentifier MUST be coded using one of the ISO 6523 ICD list.

ng to the CEF EAS code list

g ISO code list 3166-1

An Invoice that contains An Invoice that contains

- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

dentifier MUST be coded using one of the ISO 6523 ICD list.
epresentative party (BG-11)
eller tax representative party (BG-11).

g ISO code list 3166-1

An Invoice that contains An Invoice that contains

- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

" the Actual delivery date (BT-72) or the Invoicing period (BG-14) shall not be blank.

re the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Intra-community supply" the Deliver to country code (BT-80) shall not be blank.

ng UNCL4461 code list

nt number (BT-87). At the moment PCI Security Standards Council has defined that the first 6 digits and last 4 digits are the maximum number of digits

EPA credit transfer, Local credit transfer or Non-SEPA international credit transfer, the Payment account identifier (BT-84) shall be present.
rms (BT-20) shall be present.
plicable to the Invoice as a whole.

Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall contain

Coded allowance/charge reasons MUST belong to the UNCL5189/UNCL716
a Document
Each levellevel
Document allowance/charge reason
allowance/charge (BT-97/BT-104)
(BG-20/BG-21) shallor
a Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104) or
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document level allowance amount (BT-92) is 2. The allowed maximum number of deci
e Document level charge base amount (BT-100) is 2.

Invoice tax categories MUST be coded using UNCL5305 code list

In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21)
where the Document level allowance/charge VAT category code
the Document
is level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice totaThe allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total VAT amoun
(BG-23) with a VAT category code (BT-118) "Not subject to VAT" shall not contain other VAT breakdown groups (BG-23).
In a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where VAT category code (BT-118) The
is allowed maximum number of decimals for the VAT category taxable am
"Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" / "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community
The VAT category tax amount (BT-117) in a VAT breakdown (BG-23)
The VATwheresupply"
category / "Export
VAT category
tax amount outside
code theinEU"
(BT-118) is / " Not
a VAT subject to
breakdown VAT" where
"Standard rated" / "IGIC" / "IPSI" "Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" /"Reverse charge" / "Intra-community su
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge
A VAT breakdown
(BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) " No
where the VAT category code (BT-151, BT-95 or BT-102) is
A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) "Exempt
A VAT breakdown
from VAT" (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118)
A VAThave a VAT exemption
breakdown reason
(BG-23) with VATcode (BT-121)
Category "Reverse
code (BT-118) "Exempt charge"
VAT"/ (BG-23)
A VAT breakdown
from "Intra-community supply" /code
with VAT Category "Export outside the EU" / "N
shall have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121) "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community supply" / "Export outside the EU" / "N

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-106) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) is 2.
e Sum of allowanced on document level (BT-107) is 2.
e Sum of charges on document level (BT-108) is 2.

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is 2.

ECE Recommendation 20 with Rec 21 extension

e Invoice line net amount (BT-131) is 2.

ate (BT-135) shall be filled, or both.

line period start date (BT-134) or the Invoice line period end date (BT-135) shall be filled, or both.
Coded allowance/charge reasons MUST belong to the UNCL 5189 / UNCL 7161 code list
40/BT-145) and Invoice line allowance/charge reason (BT-139/BT-144) shall indicate the same type of allowance reason.

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line allowance amount (BT-136) is 2. The allowed maximum number of decima
e Invoice line charge base amount (BT-142) is 2.

elong to the ISO 6523 ICD code list

Invoice tax categories MUST be coded using UNCL5305 code list

An Invoice line (BG-25) where the VAT category code (BT-151) In
is an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-1
"Not subject to VAT" "IGIC" / "IPSI"

eriod start date (BT-73).

an embedded document, Base64 encoded (such as a time report).

An Invoice that contains An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

ge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
An Invoice that contains An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

aximum number of digits to be shown.

ll be present.
o the UNCL5189/UNCL7161 code list

maximum number of decimals for the Document level charge amount (BT-99) is 2.

category code (BT-95/BT-102) is

e Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency (BT-111) is 2.

e VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) is 2.

The allowed maximum number of decimals for the VAT category tax amount (BT-117) is 2.

Invoice tax categories MUST be coded using UNCL5305 code list

de (BT-118)
de outside the EU" / "Not subject to VAT"
xport outside the EU" / "Not subject to VAT"
ximum number of decimals for the Invoice line charge amount (BT-141) is 2.

m VAT category code (BT-151) is

An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
An Invoice that contains
- an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
A Payment account identifier (BT-84) shall be present if Credit transfer (BG-17) information is provided in the Invoice.
A Payment instruction (BG-16) shall specify the Payment means type code (BT-81).
A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community supply" / "Export outside the EU" / "Not sub
shall have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121), meaning "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community supply" / "Export outside the EU" / "Not sub
or the VAT exemption reason text (BT-120) "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community supply" / "Export outside the EU" / "Not subject to VAT"
(or the equivalent standard text in another language).

A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) "Standard rate" / "Zero rated"
shall not have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121) or VAT exemption reason text (BT-120).
A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) "Standard rate" / "Zero rated" / "IGIC" / "IPSI"
shall not have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121) or VAT exemption reason text (BT-120).
A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) " Not subject to VAT"
shall have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121), meaning " Not subject to VAT" or a VAT exemption reason text (BT-120) " Not subject to VA
A VAT breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) "Exempt from VAT" shall have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121)
or a VAT exemption reason text (BT-120).
Amount due for payment (BT-115) = Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) -Paid amount (BT-113) +Rounding amount (BT-114).
An Invoice line (BG-25) where the VAT category code (BT-151) is "Not subject to VAT"
shall not contain an Invoiced item VAT rate (BT-152).
An Invoice shall at least have one VAT breakdown group (BG-23).
An Invoice shall contain maximum one Payment Card account (BG-18).
An Invoice shall contain maximum one Payment Mandate (BG-19).
An Invoice shall contain the Buyer name (BT-44).
An Invoice shall contain the Buyer postal address (BG-8).
An Invoice shall contain the Seller name (BT-27).
An Invoice shall contain the Seller postal address.
An Invoice shall have a Specification identifier (BT-24)
An Invoice shall have an Invoice currency code (BT-5).
An Invoice shall have an Invoice issue date (BT-2).
An Invoice shall have an Invoice number (BT-1).
An Invoice shall have an Invoice type code (BT-3).
An Invoice shall have at least one Invoice line (BG-25)
An Invoice shall have the Amount due for payment (BT-115).
An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112).
An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109).
An Invoice shall have the Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-106).
An Invoice that contains - an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where the Invoiced item/Document level al
"Reverse charge" shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax registration identifier (BT-32) and/or the Seller tax representative
the Buyer legal registration identifier (BT-47).
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where
the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Export outside the EU"
shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31) or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63).
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where
the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Intra-community supply"
shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31) or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63) and the Buyer VAT identifier (BT-48).
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where
the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Not subject to VAT"
shall not contain the Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63) or the Buyer VAT identifier (BT-48).
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where
the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Reverse charge"
shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax registration identifier (BT-32) and/or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT
registration identifier (BT-47).

An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where

the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Standard rated" OR "Zero rated" OR "Exem
shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax registration identifier (BT-32) and/or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where
the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Export outside the EU"
shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31) or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63).
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where
the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Intra-community supply"
shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31) or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63) and the Buyer VAT identifier (BT-48).
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where
the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Not subject to VAT"
shall not contain the Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63) or the Buyer VAT identifier (BT-48).
An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a VAT category code (BT-118) "Not subject to VAT"
shall not contain an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-151) is not "Not subject to VAT".
An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a VAT category code (BT-118) "Not subject to VAT"
shall not contain Document level allowances/charges (BG-20/BG-21) where Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-1
An Invoice that contains a VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with a VAT category code (BT-118) "Not subject to VAT"
shall not contain other VAT breakdown groups (BG-23).
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
where the VAT category code (BT-151, BT-95 or BT-102) is "Standard rated" / "IGIC" / "IPSI"
shall contain in the VAT breakdown (BG-23) at least one VAT category code (BT-118) equal with "Standard rated" / "IGIC" / "IPSI"
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)
where the VAT category code (BT-151, BT-95 or BT-102) is "Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" / "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community supply" /
shall contain in the VAT breakdown (BG-23) exactly one VAT category code (BT-118) equal with "Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" / "Reverse c
An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21) where
the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Reverse charge"
shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31), the Seller Tax registration identifier (BT-32) and/or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT
registration identifier (BT-47).

An Invoice that contains an Invoice line/Document level allowance/charge (BG-25/BG-20/BG-21)

where the Invoiced item/Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-151/BT-95/BT-102) is "Standard rated" OR "Zero rated" OR
shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax registration identifier (BT-32) and/or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT
Any registration identifier identification scheme identifier MUST be coded using one of the ISO 6523 ICD list.
Coded allowance/charge reasons MUST belong to the UNCL5189/UNCL7161 code list
Country codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code list 3166-1
Document level allowance/charge reason code (BT-98/BT-105) and Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104)
shall indicate the same type of allowance/charge.
Each Additional supporting document (BG-24) shall contain a Supporting document reference (BT-122).
Each Deliver to address (BG-15) shall contain a Deliver to country code (BT-80). Country codes in an invoice MUST be coded using ISO code li
Each Document level allowance (BG-20) shall have a Document level allowance amount (BT-92).
Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall contain a Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104) or a Documen
Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall have a Document level allowance/charge reason (BT-97/BT-104) or a Document l
Each Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) shall have a Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-102).
Each Document level charge (BG-21) shall have a Document level charge amount (BT-99).
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall be categorized with an Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-151).
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall contain the Item name (BT-153).
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall contain the Item net price (BT-146).
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoice line identifier (BT-126).
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoice line net amount (BT-131).
Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoiced quantity (BT-129).
Each Invoice line allowance (BG-27) shall have an Invoice line allowance amount (BT-136).
Each Invoice line allowance/charge (BG-27/BG-) shall have an Invoice line allowance/charge reason (BT-139/BT-144) or an Invoice line allowan
Each Invoice line charge (BG-28) shall have an Invoice line charge amount (BT-141).
Each Item attribute (BG-32) shall contain an Item attribute name (BT-160) and an Item attribute value (BT-161).
Each Preceding Invoice reference (BG-3) shall contain a Preceding Invoice reference (BT-25).
Each Seller tax representative party (BG-11) shall have a Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63).
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall be defined through a VAT category code (BT-118).
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category rate (BT-119), except if the Invoice is not subject to VAT.
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category tax amount (BT-117).
Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category taxable amount (BT-116).
Endpoint identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the CEF EAS code list
For each different value of VAT category rate (BT-119) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Standard rated" / "IGIC" / "IPSI", the VAT cate
shall equal the sum of Invoice line net amounts (BT-131) plus the sum of document level charge amounts (BT-99) minus the sum of document
where the VAT category code (BT-151, BT-102, BT-95) is "Standard rated" / "IGIC" / "IPSI" and the VAT rate (BT-152, BT-103, BT-96) equals the
If both Invoice line period start date (BT-134) and Invoice line period end date (BT-135) are given then the Invoice line period end date (BT-13
If both Invoicing period start date (BT-73) and Invoicing period end date (BT-74) are given then the Invoicing period end date (BT-74) shall be
If Invoice line period (BG-26) is used, the Invoice line period start date (BT-134) or the Invoice line period end date (BT-135) shall be filled, or b
If Invoicing period (BG-14) is used, the Invoicing period start date (BT-73) or the Invoicing period end date (BT-74) shall be filled, or both.
If the Payment means type code (BT-81) means SEPA credit transfer, Local credit transfer or Non-SEPA international credit transfer, the Payme
If the VAT accounting currency code (BT-6) is present, then the Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency (BT-111) shall be provided.
In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) where the Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-102) is "IGIC
the Document level allowance/charge VAT rate (BT-96/BT-103) shall be 0 (zero) or greater than zero.
In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) where the Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-102) is "Not
shall not contain a Document level allowance/charge VAT rate (BT-96/BT-103)
In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) where the Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-102) is "Stan
the Document level allowance/charge VAT rate (BT-96/BT-103) shall be greater than zero.
In a Document level allowance/charge (BG-20/BG-21) where the Document level allowance/charge VAT category code (BT-95/BT-102) is "Zero
community supply" OR "Export outside the EU"
the Document level allowance/charge VAT rate (BT-96/BT-103) shall be 0 (zero).
In a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where VAT category code (BT-118) is "Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" / "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community su
the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) shall equal the sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-131) minus the sum of Document level allowanc
amounts (BT-99)
where the VAT category codes (BT-151, BT-95, BT-102) are "Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" / "Reverse charge" / "Intra-community supply" /

In accordance with card payments security standards an invoice should never include a full card primary account number (BT-87). At the mom
digits and last 4 digits are the maximum number of digits to be shown.
In an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-151) is "IGIC" / "IPSI"
the invoiced item VAT rate (BT-152) shall be 0 (zero) or greater than zero.
In an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-151) is "Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" / "Reverse charge" / "Intra
the Invoiced item VAT rate (BT-152) shall be 0 (zero).
In an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-151) is "Standard rated" the Invoiced item VAT rate (BT-152) shall b
In an Invoice with a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Intra-community supply" the Actual delivery date (BT-7
In an Invoice with a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Intra-community supply" the Deliver to country code (B
In case the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is positive, either the Payment due date (BT-9) or the Payment terms (BT-20) shall be present.
In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Seller identifier (BT-29), the Seller legal registration identifier (BT-30) and/or the
Invoice currency code MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 alpha-3
Invoice line allowance reason/charge code (BT-140/BT-145) and Invoice line allowance/charge reason (BT-139/BT-144) shall indicate the same
Invoice tax categories MUST be coded using UNCL5305 code list
Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) = Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) + Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110).
Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) = Σ Invoice line net amount (BT-131) - Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) + Sum of ch
Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110) = Σ VAT category tax amount (BT-117).
Invoiced note subject code shall be coded using UNCL4451
Payment means in an invoice MUST be coded using UNCL4461 code list
Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) = Σ Document level allowance amount (BT-92).
Sum of charges on document level (BT-108) = Σ Document level charge amount (BT-99).
Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-106) = Σ Invoice line net amount (BT-131).
Tax currency code MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 alpha-3
Tax exemption reason code identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the CEF VATEX code list
Item standard identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the ISO 6523 ICD code list
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Amount due for payment (BT-115) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document level allowance amount (BT-92) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document level charge amount (BT-99) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document level allowance base amount (BT-93) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Document level charge base amount (BT-100) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line allowance amount (BT-136) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line charge amount (BT-141) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line allowance base amount (BT-137) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line charge base amount (BT-142) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice line net amount (BT-131) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency (BT-111) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Rounding amount (BT-114) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of allowanced on document level (BT-107) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of charges on document level (BT-108) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the Sum of Invoice line net amount (BT-106) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the VAT category tax amount (BT-117) is 2.
The allowed maximum number of decimals for the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) is 2.
The Buyer electronic address (BT-49) shall have a Scheme identifier.
The Buyer postal address shall contain a Buyer country code (BT-55).
The document type code MUST be coded by the invoice and credit note related code lists of UNTDID 1001.
The Item classification identifier (BT-158) shall have a Scheme identifier.
The Item gross price (BT-148) shall NOT be negative.
The Item net price (BT-146) shall NOT be negative.
The Item standard identifier (BT-157) shall have a Scheme identifier.
The Payee name (BT-59) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Payee (BG-10) is different from the Seller (BG-4)
The Seller electronic address (BT-34) shall have a Scheme identifier.
The Seller postal address (BG-5) shall contain a Seller country code (BT-40).
The Seller tax representative name (BT-62) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Seller (BG-4) has a Seller tax representative party (BG-11)
The Seller tax representative postal address (BG-12) shall be provided in the Invoice, if the Seller (BG-4) has a Seller tax representative party (B
The Seller tax representative postal address (BG-12) shall contain a Tax representative country code (BT-69), if the Seller (BG-4) has a Seller tax
The Seller VAT identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63) and the Buyer VAT identifier (BT-48) shall have a prefix in a
of issue may be identified. Nevertheless, Greece may use the prefix ‘EL’.
The VAT category tax amount (BT-117) in a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where VAT category code (BT-118) is "Standard rated" / "IGIC" / "IPSI"
shall equal the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) multiplied by the VAT category rate (BT-119).
The VAT category tax amount (BT-117) in a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where VAT category code (BT-118) is "Zero rated" / "Exempt from VAT" /"
EU" / "Not subject to VAT"
shall equal 0 (zero).
Unit code MUST be coded according to the UN/ECE Recommendation 20 with Rec 21 extension
Value added tax point date (BT-7) and Value added tax point date code (BT-8) are mutually exclusive.
VAT category tax amount (BT-117) = VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) x (VAT category rate (BT-119) / 100), rounded to two decimals.
ISO code list 4217 alpha-3 ISO 3166-1Alpha2 Country co ISO 3166-2Judete UNTDID 1001 (e voie doa
Code RO Desc Description Code Description Cod Descriere Code
AED UAE DirhamUAE Dirham AD Andorra RO-AB Alba 80
AFN Afghani Afghani AE United Arab Emirate RO-AR Arad 82
ALL Lek Lek AF Afghanistan RO-AG Argeș 84
AMD Armenian DArmenian Dram AG Antigua and Barbud RO-BC Bacău 380
ANG NetherlandsNetherlands Antil AI Anguilla RO-BH Bihor 381
AOA Kwanza Kwanza AL Albania RO-BN Bistrița-Năsăud 383
ARS Argentine PArgentine Peso AM Armenia RO-BT Botoșani 384
AUD Australian DAustralian Dollar AO Angola RO-BV Brașov 386
AWG Aruban FlorAruban Florin AQ Antarctica RO-BR Brăila 389
AZN Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Manat AR Argentina RO-BZ Buzău 393
BAM Convertible Convertible Mark AS American Samoa RO-CS Caraș-Severin 395
BBD Barbados DoBarbados Dollar AT Austria RO-CL Călărași 575
BDT Taka Taka AU Australia RO-CJ Cluj 623
BGN Bulgarian LeBulgarian Lev AW Aruba RO-CT Constanța 751
BHD Bahraini DinBahraini Dinar AX Åland Islands RO-CV Covasna 780
BIF Burundi Fra Burundi Franc AZ Azerbaijan RO-DB Dâmbovița
BMD Bermudian D
Bermudian Dollar BA Bosnia and Herzegov RO-DJ Dolj
BND Brunei DollaBrunei Dollar BB Barbados RO-GL Galați
BOB Boliviano Boliviano BD Bangladesh RO-GR Giurgiu
BOV Mvdol Mvdol BE Belgium RO-GJ Gorj
BRL Brazilian ReaBrazilian Real BF Burkina Faso RO-HR Harghita
BSD Bahamian Do
Bahamian Dollar BG Bulgaria RO-HD Hunedoara
BTN Ngultrum Ngultrum BH Bahrain RO-IL Ialomița
BWP Pula Pula BI Burundi RO-IS Iași
BYN Belarusian Belarusian Ruble BJ Benin RO-IF Ilfov
BZD Belize Dolla Belize Dollar BL Saint Barthélemy RO-MM Maramureș
CAD Canadian DoCanadian Dollar BM Bermuda RO-MH Mehedinți
CDF Congolese FCongolese Franc BN Brunei Darussalam RO-MS Mureș
CHE WIR Euro WIR Euro BO Bolivia, Plurinational RO-NT Neamț
CHF Swiss Franc Swiss Franc BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustat RO-OT Olt
CHW WIR Franc WIR Franc BR Brazil RO-PH Prahova
CLF Unidad de Unidad de Fomen BS Bahamas RO-SM Satu Mare
CLP Chilean Pes Chilean Peso BT Bhutan RO-SJ Sălaj
CNY Yuan RenmiYuan Renminbi BV Bouvet Island RO-SB Sibiu
COP Colombian Colombian Peso BW Botswana RO-SV Suceava
COU Unidad de VUnidad de Valor BY Belarus RO-TR Teleorman
CRC Costa Rican Costa Rican Colo BZ Belize RO-TM Timiș
CUC Peso ConverPeso Convertible CA Canada RO-TL Tulcea
CUP Cuban PesoCuban Peso CC Cocos (Keeling) Isla RO-VS Vaslui
CVE Cabo VerdeCabo Verde Escu CD Congo, the Democrat RO-VL Vâlcea
CZK Czech Koru Czech Koruna CF Central African Repu RO-VN Vrancea
DJF Djibouti Fra Djibouti Franc CG Congo RO-B București
DKK Danish KronDanish Krone CH Switzerland
DOP Dominican Dominican Peso CI Côte d'Ivoire
DZD Algerian DinAlgerian Dinar CK Cook Islands
EGP Egyptian PoEgyptian Pound CL Chile
ERN Nakfa Nakfa CM Cameroon
ETB Ethiopian BiEthiopian Birr CN China
EUR Euro Euro CO Colombia
FJD Fiji Dollar Fiji Dollar CR Costa Rica
FKP Falkland Is Falkland Islands CU Cuba
GBP Pound Sterl Pound Sterling CV Cabo Verde
GEL Lari Lari CW Curaçao
GHS Ghana Cedi Ghana Cedi CX Christmas Island
GIP Gibraltar P Gibraltar Pound CY Cyprus
GMD Dalasi Dalasi CZ Czechia
GNF Guinean FraGuinean Franc DE Germany
GTQ Quetzal Quetzal DJ Djibouti
GYD Guyana DollGuyana Dollar DK Denmark
HKD Hong Kong H
Dong Kong Dolla DM Dominica
HNL Lempira Lempira DO Dominican Republic
HRK Kuna Kuna DZ Algeria
HTG Gourde Gourde EC Ecuador
HUF Forint Forint EE Estonia
IDR Rupiah Rupiah EG Egypt
ILS New Israeli New Israeli Sheqe EH Western Sahara
INR Indian RupeIndian Rupee ER Eritrea
IQD Iraqi Dinar Iraqi Dinar ES Spain
IRR Iranian Rial Iranian Rial ET Ethiopia
ISK Iceland Kro Iceland Krona FI Finland
JMD Jamaican DoJamaican Dollar FJ Fiji
JOD Jordanian DJordanian Dinar FK Falkland Islands (Mal
JPY Yen Yen FM Micronesia, Federate
KES Kenyan ShillKenyan Shilling FO Faroe Islands
KGS Som Som FR France
KHR Riel Riel GA Gabon
KMF Comorian FrComorian Franc GB United Kingdom of Gr
KPW North Kore North Korean W GD Grenada
KRW Won Won GE Georgia
KWD Kuwaiti DinaKuwaiti Dinar GF French Guiana
KYD Cayman IslaCayman Islands D GG Guernsey
KZT Tenge Tenge GH Ghana
LAK Lao Kip Lao Kip GI Gibraltar
LBP Lebanese P Lebanese Pound GL Greenland
LKR Sri Lanka R Sri Lanka Rupee GM Gambia
LRD Liberian DolLiberian Dollar GN Guinea
LSL Loti Loti GP Guadeloupe
LYD Libyan DinaLibyan Dinar GQ Equatorial Guinea
MAD Moroccan DMoroccan Dirha GR Greece
MDL Moldovan LMoldovan Leu GS South Georgia and t
MGA Malagasy ArMalagasy Ariary GT Guatemala
MKD Denar Denar GU Guam
MMK Kyat Kyat GW Guinea-Bissau
MNT Tugrik Tugrik GY Guyana
MOP Pataca Pataca HK Hong Kong
MRU Ouguiya Ouguiya HM Heard Island and Mc
MUR Mauritius R Mauritius Rupee HN Honduras
MVR Rufiyaa Rufiyaa HR Croatia
MWK Malawi KwaMalawi Kwacha HT Haiti
MXN Mexican Pe Mexican Peso HU Hungary
MXV Mexican UniMexican Unidad d ID Indonesia
MYR Malaysian RMalaysian Ringgi IE Ireland
MZN Mozambique
Mozambique Meti IL Israel
NAD Namibia DolNamibia Dollar IM Isle of Man
NGN Naira Naira IN India
NIO Cordoba OrCordoba Oro IO British Indian Ocean
NOK Norwegian Norwegian Krone IQ Iraq
NPR Nepalese R Nepalese Rupee IR Iran, Islamic Republi
NZD New Zealand
New Zealand Doll IS Iceland
OMR Rial Omani Rial Omani IT Italy
PAB Balboa Balboa JE Jersey
PEN Sol Sol JM Jamaica
PGK Kina Kina JO Jordan
PHP Philippine PPhilippine Piso JP Japan
PKR Pakistan Ru Pakistan Rupee KE Kenya
PLN Zloty Zloty KG Kyrgyzstan
PYG Guarani Guarani KH Cambodia
QAR Qatari Rial Qatari Rial KI Kiribati
RON Romanian LRomanian Leu KM Comoros
RSD Serbian Din Serbian Dinar KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
RUB Russian RubRussian Ruble KP Korea, Democratic Pe
RWF Rwanda Fra Rwanda Franc KR Korea, Republic of
SAR Saudi Riyal Saudi Riyal KW Kuwait
SBD Solomon IslSolomon Islands KY Cayman Islands
SCR Seychelles Seychelles Rupee KZ Kazakhstan
SDG Sudanese P Sudanese Pound LA Lao People's Democr
SEK Swedish KroSwedish Krona LB Lebanon
SGD Singapore DSingapore Dollar LC Saint Lucia
SHP Saint Helen Saint Helena Pou LI Liechtenstein
SLL Leone Leone LK Sri Lanka
SOS Somali Shill Somali Shilling LR Liberia
SRD Surinam DolSurinam Dollar LS Lesotho
SSP South Suda South Sudanese LT Lithuania
STN Dobra Dobra LU Luxembourg
SVC El Salvador El Salvador Colon LV Latvia
SYP Syrian PounSyrian Pound LY Libya
SZL Lilangeni Lilangeni MA Morocco
THB Baht Baht MC Monaco
TJS Somoni Somoni MD Moldova, Republic o
TMT Turkmenist Turkmenistan Ne ME Montenegro
TND Tunisian DinTunisian Dinar MF Saint Martin (French
TOP Pa’anga Pa’anga MG Madagascar
TRY Turkish Lira Turkish Lira MH Marshall Islands
TTD Trinidad an Trinidad and Tob MK Macedonia, the form
TWD New TaiwanNew Taiwan Doll ML Mali
TZS Tanzanian Sh
Tanzanian Shillin MM Myanmar
UAH Hryvnia Hryvnia MN Mongolia
UGX Uganda ShilUganda Shilling MO Macao
USD US Dollar US Dollar MP Northern Mariana Is
USN US Dollar (NUS Dollar (Next d MQ Martinique
UYI Uruguay PesUruguay Peso en MR Mauritania
UYU Peso Urugu Peso Uruguayo MS Montserrat
UZS Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Sum MT Malta
VEF Bolívar Bolívar MU Mauritius
VND Dong Dong MV Maldives
VUV Vatu Vatu MW Malawi
WST Tala Tala MX Mexico
XAF CFA Franc CFA Franc BEAC MY Malaysia
XAG Silver Silver MZ Mozambique
XAU Gold Gold NA Namibia
XBA Bond MarketBond Markets Un NC New Caledonia
XBB Bond MarketBond Markets Uni NE Niger
XBC Bond Markets
Bond Markets Uni NF Norfolk Island
XBD Bond MarketBond Markets Uni NG Nigeria
XCD East CaribbeEast Caribbean Do NI Nicaragua
XDR SDR (SpeciaSDR (Special Dra NL Netherlands
XOF CFA Franc CFA Franc BCEA NO Norway
XPD Palladium Palladium NP Nepal
XPF CFP Franc CFP Franc NR Nauru
XPT Platinum Platinum NU Niue
XSU Sucre Sucre NZ New Zealand
XTS Codes specifCodes specificall OM Oman
XUA ADB Unit ofADB Unit of Acco PA Panama
YER Yemeni RialYemeni Rial PE Peru
ZAR Rand Rand PF French Polynesia
ZMW Zambian KwZambian Kwacha PG Papua New Guinea
ZWL Zimbabwe Do
Zimbabwe Dollar PH Philippines
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
PN Pitcairn
PR Puerto Rico
PS Palestine, State of
PT Portugal
PW Palau
PY Paraguay
QA Qatar
RE Réunion
RO Romania
RS Serbia
RU Russian Federation
RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia
SB Solomon Islands
SC Seychelles
SD Sudan
SE Sweden
SG Singapore
SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
SI Slovenia
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen
SK Slovakia
SL Sierra Leone
SM San Marino
SN Senegal
SO Somalia
SR Suriname
SS South Sudan
ST Sao Tome and Principe
SV El Salvador
SX Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
SY Syrian Arab Republic
SZ Swaziland
TC Turks and Caicos Islands
TD Chad
TF French Southern Territories
TG Togo
TH Thailand
TJ Tajikistan
TK Tokelau
TL Timor-Leste
TM Turkmenistan
TN Tunisia
TO Tonga
TR Turkey
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TV Tuvalu
TW Taiwan, Province of China
TZ Tanzania, United Republic of
UA Ukraine
UG Uganda
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands
US United States of America
UY Uruguay
UZ Uzbekistan
VA Holy See
VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VE Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
VG Virgin Islands, British
VI Virgin Islands, U.S.
VN Viet Nam
VU Vanuatu
WF Wallis and Futuna
WS Samoa
YE Yemen
YT Mayotte
ZA South Africa
ZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe
1A Kosovo
XI United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
UNTDID 1001 (e voie doar ce e cu verde!! / = SAF-T) VAT date code (UNCL2005 subset Payment means code (UNCL4461) (=SAF-T) (do
RO Description Explanation Code RO Desc Description Code
Debit note relateDebit information relate 3 Data emiteriiInvoice doc 1
Metered servicesDocument/message claimi 35 Data reală aDelivery dat 2
Debit note relateDocument/message for pr 432 Suma plătităPaid to date 3
Factura Commercial invo(1334) Document/messag 4
Nota creditare 5
Debit note Document/message for pr 6
Factura corectata 7
Prepayment invoAn invoice to pay amoun 8
Autofactura 9
Factored invoice Invoice assigned to a thi 10
Consignment invCommercial invoice that 11
Insurer's invoice Document/message issued 12
Forwarder's invoiInvoice issued by a fre 13
Factura in scopuri contabile 14
Freight invoice Document/message issued 15
Payment means code (UNCL4461) (=SAF-T) (doar ce e cu verde e voie la SAF-T, aici nu zice!)
RO Descr Description
Instrument nedefinit Instrument not defined
Credit prin casa automată de Automated clearing house cr
Debit prin casa automată de Automated clearing house de
Cerere pentru inversarea debi ACH demand debit reversal
Cerere pentru inversarea credi ACH demand credit reversal
Cerere de credit prin casa au ACH demand credit
Cerere de debit prin casa aut ACH demand debit
Sumă reținută (Reținere) Hold
Compensare națională sau regNational or regional clearing
În numerar In cash
Inversarea creditului de econo ACH savings credit reversal
Inversarea debitului de economACH savings debit reversal
Credit de economii transmis c ACH savings credit
Debit de economii transmis căACH savings debit
Înregistrare de credit Bookentry credit
Înregistrare de debit Bookentry debit
Creditul de concentrare/despăACH demand cash concentrat
Concentrarea/decontarea cererACH demand cash concentrat
ACH solicită credite pentru plaACH demand corporate trade
Cec Cheque
Bilet la ordin Banker's draft
Bilet la ordin avalizat Certified banker's draft
Cec bancar (emis de o bancă saBank cheque (issued by a ban
Scrisoare de schimb în așteptarBill of exchange awaiting ac
Cec certificat Certified cheque
Cec local Local cheque
Solicitare la ACH pentru plata ACH demand corporate trade
Solicitare la ACH pentru credi ACH demand corporate trade
Solicitare la ACH pentru debit ACH demand corporate trade
Transfer de credit Credit transfer
Transfer de debit Debit transfer
Concentrarea/plata cererii de ACH demand cash concentrat
Concentrarea/plata cererii de ACH demand cash concentrat
Plăți și depozit prestabilite AC ACH prearranged payment an
Creditul de concentrare/despăACH savings cash concentrat
Concentrarea/decontarea (CCDACH savings cash concentrat
Credit ACH pentru plata comerț
ACH savings corporate trade
Debit ACH pentru economii plăț
ACH savings corporate trade
Credit ACH de schimb comercia
ACH savings corporate trade
Debit ACH de schimb cu societACH savings corporate trade
Concentrarea/plata în numerarACH savings cash concentrat
Plata în contul bancar Payment to bank account
Concentrarea/plata în numerarACH savings cash concentrat
Scrisoare de schimb (Cambie) Accepted bill of exchange
Transfer de credit prin facilit Referenced home-banking cre
Transfer interbancar de debit Interbank debit transfer
Transfer de debit prin facilit Home-banking debit transfer
Card bancar Bank card
Debitare directă Direct debit
Plata prin Postgiro Payment by postgiro
Plată prin compensare la dist FR, norme 6 97-Telereglemen
Plată comercială rapidă Urgent commercial payment
Plată rapidă din Trezorerie Urgent Treasury Payment
Card de credit Credit card
Card de debit Debit card
BankGiro Bankgiro
Acord permanent Standing agreement
Transferul de credit SEPA SEPA credit transfer
Debitare directă SEPA SEPA direct debit
Bilet la ordin Promissory note
Bilet la ordin semnat de debitoPromissory note signed by t
Bilet la ordin semnat de debit Promissory note signed by t
Bilet la ordin semnat de debitoPromissory note signed by th
Bilet la ordin semnat de o ban Promissory note signed by a
Bilet la ordin semnat de o bancPromissory note signed by a
Bilet la ordin semnat de un terPromissory note signed by a
Bilet la ordin semnat de un terPromissory note signed by a
Serviciul de plată online Online payment service
Consiliere de transfer Bill drawn by the creditor on
Scrisoare de schimb întocmită B
dill drawn by the creditor on
Scrisoare de schimb întocmită Bill drawn by the creditor,
Scrisoare de schimb elaborată Bill drawn by the creditor on
Scrisoare de schimb elaborată Bill drawn by the creditor on
Scrisoare de schimb întocmită B
dill drawn by creditor on th
Scrisoare de schimb întocmită Not transferable banker's dra
Bilet la ordin netransferabil Not transferable local chequ
Cec local netransferabil Reference giro
Referința Giro Urgent giro
Giro rapid Free format giro
Giro format liber - care nu esteRequested method for payme
Metoda solicitată de plată nu aClearing between partners
Compensarea între parteneri Mutually defined
Definit de comun acord
Electronic Address Scheme (EAS) ISO 6523 ICD list Mime code (subset of I

Code Description Code Description Explanation Code

0002 System Information et Re 0002 System Information et Repert
Notes on Use of Code: The S text/csv
0007 Organisationsnummer (Sw 0003 Codification Numerique desNotes on Use of Code: Many application/
0009 SIRET-CODE 0004 NBS/OSI NETWORK Notes on Use of Code: The I image/png
0037 LY-tunnus 0005 USA FED GOV OSI NETWORNotes on Use of Code: The I image/jpeg
0060 Data Universal Number 0006 USA DOD OSI NETWORK Notes on Use of Code: The application
0088 EAN Location Code 0007 Organisationsnummer Notes on Use of Code: The t application
0096 DANISH CHAMBER OF CO 0008 LE NUMERO NATIONAL Issuing agency: Ministere De
0097 FTI - Ediforum Italia, (E 0009 SIRET-CODE Issuing agency: DU PONT D
0106 "Vereniging van Kamers 0010 Organizational Identifiers f Notes on Use of Code: The o
0130 Directorates of the Eur 0011 International Code Designato
Notes on Use of Code: Spec
0135 SIA Object Identifiers 0012 European Computer Manufac
Issuing agency: European
0142 SECETI Object Identifiers 0013 VSA FTP CODE (FTP = File TrNotes on Use of Code: The
0147 Standard Company Cod 0014 NIST/OSI Implememts' Wor Notes on Use of Code: The
0151 Australian Business Nu 0015 Electronic Data Interchange:Issuing agency: Avon Rubber
0170 Teikoku Company Code 0016 EWOS Object Identifiers Notes on Use of Code: a) In
0183 Numéro d'identification 0017 COMMON LANGUAGE Notes on Use of Code: Codes
0184 DIGSTORG 0018 SNA/OSI Network Notes on Use of Code: The I
0188 Corporate Number of Th 0019 Air Transport Industry Serv The ICD code forms the init
0190 Dutch Originator's Iden 0020 European Laboratory for ParNotes on Use of Code: The I
0191 Centre of Registers and 0021 SOCIETY FOR WORLDWIDE INotes on Use of Code: To
0192 Enhetsregisteret ved Br 0022 OSF Distributed Computing Notes
O on Use of Code: OSF p
0193 UBL.BE party identifier 0023 Nordic University and Rese Notes on Use of Code: The
0195 Singapore UEN identifie 0024 Digital Equipment CorporatiNotes on Use of Code: The I
0196 Kennitala - Iceland legal 0025 OSI ASIA-OCEANIA WORKS Notes on Use of Code: The
0198 ERSTORG 0026 NATO ISO 6523 ICDE codin Notes on Use of Code: The I
0199 Legal Entity Identifier (LE 0027 Aeronautical TelecommunicaNotes on Use of Code: The I
0200 Legal entity code (Lithua 0028 International Standard ISO Issuing agency: Styria Fed
0201 Codice Univoco Unità Or 0029 The All-Union Classifier of Issuing agency: General Com
0202 Indirizzo di Posta Elettro 0030 AT&T/OSI Network Notes on Use of Code: The
0204 Leitweg-ID 0031 EDI Partner Identification C Notes on Use of Code: To id
0208 Numero d'entreprise / 0032 Telecom Australia Notes on Use of Code: The c
0209 GS1 identification keys 0033 S G W OSI Internetwork Notes on Use of Code: Excl
0210 CODICE FISCALE 0034 Reuter Open Address Stand Notes on Use of Code: To be
0211 PARTITA IVA 0035 ISO 6523 - ICD Notes on Use of Code: This
0212 Finnish Organization Iden 0036 TeleTrust Object Identifiers Notes on Use of Code: a) In
0213 Finnish Organization Val 0037 LY-tunnus Notes on Use of Code: It is
0215 Net service ID 0038 The Australian GOSIP NetwoNotes on Use of Code: As no
0216 OVTcode 0039 The OZ DOD OSI Network The ICD code forms the init
9901 Danish Ministry of the I 0040 Unilever Group Companies Notes on Use of Code: To be
9906 Ufficio responsabile gest 0041 Citicorp Global Information Notes on Use of Code: The I
9907 TAX Authority 0042 DBP Telekom Object IdentifiNotes on Use of Code: 1) The
9910 Hungary VAT number 0043 HydroNETT Notes on Use of Code: The I
9913 Business Registers Netw 0044 Thai Industrial Standards InstNotes on Use of Code: The IC
9914 Österreichische Umsatzs 0045 ICI Company Identification Notes on Use of Code: The I
9915 "Österreichisches Verwa 0046 FUNLOC Notes on Use of Code: Curren
9918 "SOCIETY FOR WORLDWI 0047 BULL ODI/DSA/UNIX NetworNotes on Use of Code: To be
9919 Kennziffer des Unterneh 0048 OSINZ Notes on Use of Code: ISO 6
9920 Agencia Española de Adm 0049 Auckland Area Health Notes on Use of Code: ISO
9922 Andorra VAT number 0050 Firmenich Notes on Use of Code: Inter
9923 Albania VAT number 0051 AGFA-DIS Notes on Use of Code: Med
9924 Bosnia and Herzegovin 0052 Society of Motion Picture a Notes on Use of Code: The I
9925 Belgium VAT number 0053 Migros_Network M_NETOPZIssuing agency: Migros-Gen
9926 Bulgaria VAT number 0054 ISO6523 - ICDPCR Notes on Use of Code: This
9927 Switzerland VAT number 0055 Energy Net Issuing agency: ABB Asea Br
9928 Cyprus VAT number 0056 Nokia Object Identifiers (NONotes on Use of Code: a) In
9929 Czech Republic VAT nu 0057 Saint Gobain Notes on Use of Code: To be
9930 Germany VAT number 0058 Siemens Corporate NetworkNotes on Use of Code: The I
9931 Estonia VAT number 0059 DANZNET Issuing agency: DANZAS AG,
9932 United Kingdom VAT n 0060 Data Universal Numbering Notes on Use of Code: The D
9933 Greece VAT number 0061 SOFFEX OSI Notes on Use of Code: This
9934 Croatia VAT number 0062 KPN OVN Notes on Use of Code: This
9935 Ireland VAT number 0063 ascomOSINet Issuing agency: Ascom AG,
9936 Liechtenstein VAT numb 0064 UTC: Uniforme Transport CoNotes on Use of Code: The co
9937 Lithuania VAT number 0065 SOLVAY OSI CODING Notes on Use of Code: Whene
9938 Luxemburg VAT number 0066 Roche Corporate Network Notes on Use of Code: Will
9939 Latvia VAT number 0067 ZellwegerOSINet Notes on Use of Code: BAKO
9940 Monaco VAT number 0068 Intel Corporation OSI Notes on Use of Code: The I
9941 Montenegro VAT numbe 0069 SITA Object Identifier Tree Notes on Use of Code: SITA
9942 Macedonia, the former 0070 DaimlerChrysler Corporate Notes on Use of Code: The
9943 Malta VAT number 0071 LEGO /OSI NETWORK Notes on Use of Code: The I
9944 Netherlands VAT numbe 0072 NAVISTAR/OSI Network Notes on Use of Code: The I
9945 Poland VAT number 0073 ICD Formatted ATM addressNotes on Use of Code: Used
9946 Portugal VAT number 0074 ARINC Notes on Use of Code: ARINC
9947 Romania VAT number 0075 Alcanet/Alcatel-Alsthom Co Notes on Use of Code: The
9948 Serbia VAT number 0076 Sistema Italiano di Identifi Notes on Use of Code: To be
9949 Slovenia VAT number 0077 Sistema Italiano di Indirizz Notes on Use of Code: The
9950 Slovakia VAT number 0078 Mitel terminal or switching Notes on Use of Code: The I
9951 San Marino VAT number 0079 ATM Forum Notes on Use of Code: The I
9952 Turkey VAT number 0080 UK National Health Service Notes on Use of Code: EDIR
9953 Holy See (Vatican City 0081 International NSAP Issuing agency: Federal Off
9955 Swedish VAT number 0082 Norwegian Telecommunication
Notes on Use of Code: For
9957 French VAT number 0083 Advanced TelecommunicatioNotes on Use of Code: The I
0084 Athens Chamber of Commerc
Notes on Use of Code : EDI
0085 Swiss Chambers of CommercIntended Purpose/App. Area
0086 United States Council for In EDIRA recommendations for
0087 National Federation of Cha Issuing agency: National F
0088 EAN Location Code Issuing agency: EAN Interna
0089 The Association of British Issuing agency: The Associa
0090 Internet IP addressing - IS Issuing agency: Internet A
0091 Cisco Sysytems / OSI NetwoIssuing agency: Cisco Syste
0093 Revenue Canada Business Nu
Issuing agency: Revenue C
Issuing agency: Deutscher
0095 Hewlett - Packard Company Issuing agency: Hewlett -
Issuing agency: Danish Ch
0097 FTI - Ediforum Italia, (EDIRA Issuing agency: FTI - Ediforu
Issuing agency: Chamber of
0099 Siemens Supervisory SystemIssuing agency: Siemens AG
0100 PNG_ICD Scheme Issuing agency: GPT Limited
0101 South African Code Allocati Issuing agency: Thawte Cons
0102 HEAG Issuing agency: Hessische E
0104 BT - ICD Coding System Issuing agency: Tony Holme
0105 Portuguese Chamber of ComIssuing agency: Portuguese
0106 Vereniging van Kamers van Issuing agency: Vereniging
0107 Association of Swedish Cha Issuing agency: Associatio
0108 Australian Chambers of ComIssuing agency: Australian
0109 BellSouth ICD AESA (ATM EnIssuing agency: BellSouth C
0110 Bell Atlantic Issuing agency: Bell Atlanti
0111 Object Identifiers Issuing agency: Institute of
0112 ISO register for Standards Issuing agency: Internation
0113 OriginNet Issuing agency: Origin BV,
0114 Check Point Software TechnIssuing agency: Check Point
0115 Pacific Bell Data Communic Issuing agency: Pacific Bell,
0116 PSS Object Identifiers Issuing agency: PSS (Postal
0117 STENTOR-ICD CODING SYS Issuing agency: Stentor Res
0118 ATM-Network ZN'96 Issuing agency: Deutsche
0119 MCI / OSI Network Issuing agency: MCI Telec
0120 Advantis Issuing agency: Advantis, U
0121 Affable Software Data Inter Issuing agency: Affable Sof
0122 BB-DATA GmbH Issuing agency: BB-DATA
0123 BASF Company ATM-NetwoIssuing agency: BASF Comp
0124 IOTA Identifiers for Organi Issuing agency: DISC, Britis
0125 Henkel Corporate Network (Issuing agency: Henkel Kga
0126 GTE/OSI Network Issuing agency: GTE, Indust
0127 Dresdner Bank Corporate N Issuing agency: Dresdner B
0128 BCNR (Swiss Clearing Bank Issuing agency: Telekurs AG
0129 BPI (Swiss Business Partner IIssuing agency: Telekurs AG
0130 Directorates of the Europe Issuing agency: European
0131 Code for the Identification Issuing agency: China Natio
0132 Certicom Object Identifiers Issuing agency: Certicom Co
0133 TC68 OID Issuing agency: ISO TC68, B
0134 Infonet Services CorporationIssuing agency: Infonet NV/
0135 SIA Object Identifiers Issuing agency: SIA-Società
0136 Cable & Wireless Global AT Issuing agency: Cable & Wir
0137 Global AESA scheme Construct and Administer A
0138 France Telecom ATM End SyThe coding system will be u
0139 Savvis Communications AESA
Global Addressing of Savvi
0140 Toshiba Organizations, Part The purpose of this coding
0141 NATO Commercial and Gover
To identify all Commercial
0142 SECETI Object Identifiers The function as the 'Applica
0143 EINESTEINet AG Initially the Network cover
0144 DoDAAC (Department of Defe
A code assigned to uniquely
0145 DGCP (Direction Générale dede assigned by the French p
0146 DGI (Direction Générale des French taxation authority.
0147 Standard Company Code Partner identification code
0148 ITU (International TelecommData Network Identification
0149 Global Business Identifier For a company's ability to
0150 Madge Networks Ltd- ICD The code will be used as p
0151 Australian Business NumberThe ABN will be a unique id
0152 Edira Scheme Identifier Cod For the unambiguous identif
0153 Concert Global Network SerGlobal Addressing of the C
0154 Identification number of ecoUnique identification of eco
0155 Global Crossing AESA (ATM Construction, administratio
0156 AUNA Telecommunication network
0157 ATM interconnection with t ITO Drager Net. The ICD co
0158 Identification number of ecoThe unique identification of
0159 ACTALIS Object Identifiers The code is primarily intend
0160 GTIN - Global Trade Item N The GTIN is a globally uniq
0161 ECCMA Open Technical DireA centralized dictionary of
0162 CEN/ISSS Object Identifier To allocate OIDs to objects
0163 US-EPA Facility Identifier To provide for the unique id
0164 TELUS Corporation SA Addressing Scheme for A
0165 FIEIE Object identifiers To provide identifiers for i
0166 Swissguide Identifier SchemTo uniquely identify objects
0167 Priority Telecom ATM End S The coding system will be
0168 Vodafone Ireland OSI AddreImplementation of an ATM ne
0169 Swiss Federal Business IdentTo uniquely identify all com
0170 Teikoku Company Code Teikoku Company Code is al
0171 Luxembourg CP & CPS (Certifi
Index of the Certification
0172 Project Group “Lists of Prop To uniquely identify proper
0173 eCI@ss To uniquely identify propert
0174 StepNexus To provide identifiers withi
0175 Siemens AG To uniquely identify proper
0176 Paradine GmbH To uniquely identify propert
0177 Odette International LimitedFor use in EDI and other B2
0178 Route1 MobiNET For rooting OIDs defined by
0179 Penango Object Identifiers To identify objects, policie
0180 Lithuanian military PKI dex of the Certification Pol
0183 Numéro d'identification suisIntended Purpose/App. Area: To uniquely identify all compan
0184 DIGSTORG Intended Purpose/App. Area: To be used for identifying Dan
0185 Perceval Object Code Intended Purpose/App. Area: Intended to uniquely identify
0186 TrustPoint Object IdentifiersIntended Purpose/App. Area: To uniquely identify object
0187 Amazon Unique Identificati Intended Purpose/App. Area: To provide identifiers for pro
0188 Corporate Number of The SoIntended Purpose/App. Area: The number system of Japan is
0189 European Business IdentifierIntended Purpose/App. Area: For use in EDI or other B2B e
0190 Organisatie Indentificatie Intended Purpose/App. Area: The OIN is part of the Dutch
0191 Company Code (Estonia) Intended Purpose/App. Area: Company code is major and onl
0192 Organisasjonsnummer Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identify entities registered
0193 UBL.BE Party Identifier Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification and addressing
0194 KOIOS Open Technical Dicti Intended Purpose/App. Area: The KOIOS OTD is a collection
0195 Singapore Nationwide E-lnvIntended Purpose/App. Area: For use in electronic messa
0196 Icelandic identifier - Íslensk Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification of Icelandic indi
0197 APPLiA Pl Standard Intended Purpose/App. Area: Through their European indus
0198 ERSTORG Intended Purpose/App. Area: To be used for identifying
0199 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Intended Purpose/App. Area: The LEI is the global, open id
0200 Legal entity code (Lithuania)Intended Purpose/App. Area: For use in EDI (electronic dat
0201 Codice Univoco Unità OrganiIntended Purpose/App. Area: Used to identify uniquely all or
0202 Indirizzo di Posta ElettronicaIntended Purpose/App. Area: Used to identify senders and rec
0203 eDelivery Network Participant
Intended Purpose/App. Area: Used as an electronic addres
0204 Leitweg-ID Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification of Public Autho
0205 CODDEST Intended Purpose/App. Area: Electronic Invoicing trough Sd
0206 Registre du Commerce et deIntended
l Purpose/App. Area: To provide identifiers for
0207 PiLog Ontology CodificationIntended Purpose/App. Area: A repository of concepts perta
0208 Numero d'entreprise / on Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification number attrib
0209 GS1 identification keys Intended Purpose/App. Area: GS1 identification keys and ke
0210 CODICE FISCALE Intended Purpose/App. Area: Electronic Invoicing and e-pr
0211 PARTITA IVA Intended Purpose/App. Area: Electronic Invoicing and e-pr
0212 Finnish Organization IdentifiIntended Purpose/App. Area: Identification scheme will be
0213 Finnish Organization Value AIntended Purpose/App. Area: Identification scheme will be
0214 Tradeplace TradePI Standar Intended Purpose/App. Area: Tradeplace is an independent
0215 Net service ID Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification scheme will be
0216 OVTcode Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification scheme will be
Mime code (subset of I Invoiced object identifier scheme (UNCL 1153) Item type identification code (UNCL7143)
STI = CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary) pt cB2G
TSP = EU Combined Nomenclature pentru B2B si B2C
Description Code Description Explanatio Code Description Explanatio
text/csv AAA Order acknowledgement document
[1018] Refe AA Product version number Number assig
application/ AAB Proforma invoice document ident[1088] Refer AB Assembly The item num
image/png AAC Documentary credit identifier [1172] Refer AC HIBC (Health Industry Bar Article iden
image/jpeg AAD Contract document addendum ide
[1318] Refe AD Cold roll number Number assig
application AAE Goods declaration number Reference n AE Hot roll number Number assig
application AAF Debit card number A reference AF Slab number Number assig
AAG Offer number (1332) Refer AG Software revision numberA number ass
AAH Bank's batch interbank transact Reference nu AH UPC (Universal Product C An 11-digit
AAI Bank's individual interbank tran Reference nu AI UPC (Universal Product C A 12-digit c
AAJ Delivery order number Reference nu AJ Sample number Number assi
AAK Despatch advice number [1035] Refer AK Pack number Number assig
AAL Drawing number Reference nu AL UPC (Universal Product CoA 13-digit c
AAM Waybill number Reference nu AM UPC (Universal Product CoShipping con
AAN Delivery schedule number Reference n AN UPC (Universal Product CoA suffix use
AAO Consignment identifier, consign [1362] Refer AO State label code A code which
AAP Partial shipment identifier [1310] Ident AP Heat number Number assig
AAQ Transport equipment identifier [8260] To id AQ Coupon number A number id
AAR Municipality assigned business r A reference AR Resource number A number to
AAS Transport contract document iden
[1188] Refer AS Work task number A number to
AAT Master label number Identifies t AT Price look up number Identificati
AAU Despatch note document identifi[1128] Refe AU NSN (North Atlantic Trea Number assig
AAV Enquiry number Reference n AV Refined product code A code speci
AAW Docket number A reference AW Exhibit A code indic
AAX Civil action number A reference AX End item A number sp
AAY Carrier's agent reference numberReference nu AY Federal supply classificati A code to sp
AAZ Standard Carrier Alpha Code (S For maritime AZ Engineering data list A code speci
ABA Customs valuation decision numReference by BA Milestone event number A number to
ABB End use authorization number Reference is BB Lot number A number ind
ABC Anti-dumping case number Reference is BC National drug code 4-4-2A code ident
ABD Customs tariff number (7357) Code BD National drug code 5-3-2A code ident
ABE Declarant's reference number Unique refer BE National drug code 5-4-1A code ident
ABF Repair estimate number A number ide BF National drug code 5-4-2A code ident
ABG Customs decision request numbeReference is BG National drug code A code speci
ABH Sub-house bill of lading numberReference as BH Part number A number ind
ABI Tax payment identifier [1168] Refer BI Local Stock Number (LSN)A local numb
ABJ Quota number Reference nu BJ Next higher assembly nu A number sp
ABK Transit (onward carriage) guara Reference nu BK Data category A code speci
ABL Customs guarantee number Reference a BL Control number To specify t
ABM Replacing part number New part nu BM Special material identific A number to
ABN Seller's catalogue number Identificati BN Locally assigned control A number ass
ABO Originator's reference A unique ref BO Buyer's colour Colour assi
ABP Declarant's Customs identity nu Reference to BP Buyer's part number Reference nu
ABQ Importer reference number Reference nu BQ Variable measure productA code assig
ABR Export clearance instruction ref Reference nu BR Financial phase To specify a
ABS Import clearance instruction ref Reference nu BS Contract breakdown To specify a
ABT Goods declaration document iden
[1426] Refer BT Technical phase To specify a
ABU Article number A number tha BU Dye lot number Number ident
ABV Intra-plant routing To define ro BV Daily statement of activiti A statement l
ABW Stock keeping unit number A number tha BW Periodical statement of actPeriodical st
ABX Text Element Identifier deletion The referenc BX Calendar week statement A
ABY Allotment identification (Air) Reference as BY Calendar month statementA statement
ABZ Vehicle licence number Number of th BZ Original equipment numbOriginal equ
AC Air cargo transfer manifest A number ass CC Industry commodity codeThe codes gi
ACA Cargo acceptance order referen Reference as CG Commodity grouping Code for a g
ACB US government agency number A number th CL Colour number Code for the
ACC Shipping unit identification Identifying CR Contract number Reference nu
ACD Additional reference number [1010] Refer CV Customs article number Code defined
ACE Related document number Reference n DR Drawing revision number Reference nu
ACF Addressee reference A reference DW Drawing Reference nu
ACG ATA carnet number Reference n EC Engineering change level Reference nu
ACH Packaging unit identification Identifying EF Material code Code definin
ACI Outerpackaging unit identificati Identifying EN International Article Num Number assig
ACJ Customer material specification Number for a FS Fish species Identificatio
ACK Bank reference Cross referen GB Buyer's internal product Product grou
ACL Principal reference number A number tha GN National product group c National pr
ACN Collection advice document ident[1030] Refer GS General specification numThe item num
ACO Iron charge number Number attri HS Harmonised system The item nu
ACP Hot roll number Number attri IB ISBN (International Stan A unique nu
ACQ Cold roll number Number attri IN Buyer's item number The item nu
ACR Railway wagon number (8260) Regis IS ISSN (International Stand A unique num
ACT Unique claims reference numberA number tha IT Buyer's style number Number given
ACU Loss/event number To reference IZ Buyer's size code Code given b
ACV Estimate order reference numberReference nu MA Machine number The item nu
ACW Reference number to previous mReference nu MF Manufacturer's (producer'The number g
ACX Banker's acceptance Reference nu MN Model number Reference nu
ACY Duty memo number Reference n MP Product/service identific Reference nu
ACZ Equipment transport charge numReference as NB Batch number The item nu
ADA Buyer's item number [7304] Refe ON Customer order number Reference n
ADB Matured certificate of deposit Reference nu PD Part number description Reference nu
ADC Loan Reference nu PL Purchaser's order line nu Reference nu
ADD Analysis number/test number Number given PO Purchase order number Reference nu
ADE Account number Identificati PV Promotional variant numbThe item nu
ADF Treaty number A number tha QS Buyer's qualifier for size The item num
ADG Catastrophe number A number tha RC Returnable container numReference nu
ADI Bureau signing (statement refereA statement RN Release number Reference nu
ADJ Company / syndicate reference 1First refere RU Run number The item nu
ADK Company / syndicate reference 2Second refe RY Record keeping of model The item num
ADL Ordering customer consignmentReference n SA Supplier's article number Number assig
ADM Shipowner's authorization numbReference nu SG Standard group of producThe item num
ADN Inland transport order number Reference nu SK SKU (Stock keeping unit) Reference nu
ADO Container work order reference Reference nu SN Serial number Identificati
ADP Statement number A reference SRS RSK number Plumbing an
ADQ Unique market reference A number tha SRT IFLS (Institut Francais du 5 digit code
ADT Group accounting A number tha SRU IFLS (Institut Francais du 9 digit code
ADU Broker reference 1 First referen SRV GS1 Global Trade Item N A unique num
ADV Broker reference 2 Second refer SRW EDIS (Energy Data Identif European sys
ADW Lloyd's claims office reference A number tha SRX Slaughter number Unique numb
ADX Secure delivery terms and condi A reference SRY Official animal number Unique numbe
ADY Report number Reference to SRZ Harmonized tariff schedulThe internat
ADZ Trader account number Number assig SS Supplier's supplier articl Article numb
AE Authorization for expense (AFE) A number tha SSA 46 Level DOT Code A US Depart
AEA Government agency reference n Coded refer SSB Airline Tariff 6D A US code a
AEB Assembly number A number tha SSC Title 49 Code of Federal RA US Custom
AEC Symbol number A number tha SSD International Civil Aviati A US Depart
AED Commodity number A number th SSE Hazardous Materials ID DA US Depart
AEE Eur 1 certificate number Reference nu SSF Endorsement A US Custom
AEF Customer process specification Retrieval nu SSG Air Force Regulation 71-4A department
AEG Customer specification number Retrieval nu SSH Breed The breed of
AEH Applicable instructions or standaInstructions SSI Chemical Abstract ServiceA unique num
AEI Registration number of previous Registratio SSJ Engine model designationA name or de
AEJ Post-entry reference Reference to SSK Institutional Meat Purcha A number ass
AEK Payment order number A number tha SSL Price Look-Up code (PLU)A number ass
AEL Delivery number (transport) Reference nu SSM International Maritime OrAn Internat
AEM Transport route A predefined SSN Bureau of Explosives 600-A
A Departmen
AEN Customer's unit inventory numbeNumber assi SSO United Nations DangerousA UN code us
AEO Product reservation number Number assig SSP International Code of Bot A code estab
AEP Project number Reference n SSQ International Code of ZooA code estab
AEQ Drawing list number Reference nu SSR International Code of Nom
A code estab
AER Project specification number Reference nu SSS Distributor’s article identifIdentifier as
AES Primary reference A number tha SST Norwegian Classification Product clas
AET Request for cancellation numberA number tha SSU Supplier assigned classificProduct clas
AEU Supplier's control number Reference to SSV Mexican classification s Product clas
AEV Shipping note number [1123] Refe SSW German classification sy Product clas
AEW Empty container bill number Reference nu SSX Finnish classification sys Product clas
AEX Non-negotiable maritime trans Reference nu SSY Canadian classification s Product clas
AEY Substitute air waybill number Reference nu SSZ French classification syst Product clas
AEZ Despatch note (post parcels) nu (1128) Refer ST Style number Number given
AF Airlines flight identification num (8028) Ident STA Dutch classification syst Product clas
AFA Through bill of lading number Reference nu STB Japanese classification sy Product clas
AFB Cargo manifest number [1037] Refe STC European Union dairy subsid
Category of
AFC Bordereau number Reference n STD GS1 Spain classification s Product clas
AFD Customs item number Number (1496 STE GS1 Poland classification Product clas
AFE Export Control Commodity numbReference nu STF Federal Agency on Technic
A Russian go
AFF Marking/label reference Reference w STG Efficient Consumer Respons
Product clas
AFG Tariff number A number that STH GS1 Italy classification sy Product clas
AFH Replenishment purchase order Purchase or STI CPV (Common Procuremen
Official cla
AFI Immediate transportation no. f A number th STJ IFDA (International FoodseInternationa
AFJ Transportation exportation no. A number th STK AHFS (American Hospital P
F harmacologi
AFK Immediate exportation no. for A number th STL ATC (Anatomical Therapeut
AFL Associated invoices A number tha STM CLADIMED (Classification A five level
AFM Secondary Customs reference A number tha STN CMDR (Canadian Medical Classificati
AFN Account party's reference Reference of STO CNDM (Classificazione Naz
A classifica
AFO Beneficiary's reference Reference of STP UK DM&D (Dictionary of M
A classifica
AFP Second beneficiary's reference Reference of STQ eCl@ss Standardized
AFQ Applicant's bank reference Reference nu STR EDMA (European Diagnostic
AFR Issuing bank's reference Reference n STS EGAR (European Generic Ar
A classifica
AFS Beneficiary's bank reference Reference nu STT GMDN (Global Medical DeNomenclature
AFT Direct payment valuation numbeReference n STU GPI (Generic Product IdentA drug clas
AFU Direct payment valuation requesReference n STV HCPCS (Healthcare CommA classifica
AFV Quantity valuation number Reference nu STW ICPS (International Classif A patient s
AFW Quantity valuation request numbReference nu STX MedDRA (Medical Dictionar
A medical di
AFX Bill of quantities number Reference nu STY Medical Columbus Medical prod
AFY Payment valuation number Reference n STZ NAPCS (North American Pr
Product clas
AFZ Situation number Common refe SUA NHS (National Health ServProduct and
AGA Agreement to pay number A number tha SUB US FDA (Food and Drug Ad
AGB Contract party reference numberReference nu SUC SNOMED CT (Systematized
A medical n
AGC Account party's bank reference Reference n SUD UMDNS (Universal MedicaA standard
AGD Agent's bank reference Reference n SUE GS1 Global Returnable Asse
A unique, 13
AGE Agent's reference Reference n SUF IMEI The Internat
AGF Applicant's reference Reference n SUG Waste Type (EMSA) Classificati
AGG Dispute number Reference nu SUH Ship's store classification Classificatio
AGH Credit rating agency's reference Reference nu SUI Emergency fire code Classificati
AGI Request number The referenc SUJ Emergency spillage code Classificati
AGJ Single transaction sequence nu A number tha SUK IMDG packing group Packing grou
AGK Application reference number A number tha SUL MARPOL Code IBC Internationa
AGL Delivery verification certificate Formal ident SUM IMDG subsidiary risk classSubsidiary r
AGM Number of temporary importati Number assig TG Transport group number (8012) Addit
AGN Reference number quoted on st Reference nu TSN Taxonomic Serial NumberA unique num
AGO Sender's reference to the origin The referenc TSO IMDG main hazard class Main hazard
AGP Company issued equipment ID Owner/opera TSP EU Combined NomenclatuThe number i
AGQ Domestic flight number Airline flig TSQ Therapeutic classificatio A code to sp
AGR International flight number Airline flig TSR European Waste CataloguWaste type
AGS Employer identification number oReference n TSS Price grouping code Number assig
AGT Service group identification numIdentificati TST UNSPSC The UNSPSC
AGU Member number Reference n TSU EU RoHS Directive European Uni
AGV Previous member number Reference n UA Ultimate customer's artic Number assig
AGW Scheme/plan number Reference n UP UPC (Universal product c Number assi
To uniquely identify all compan
AGX Previous scheme/plan number Reference numbe
VN Vendor item number Reference number assigned b
To be used for identifying Dan
AGY Receiving party's member identifIdentification VP Vendor's (seller's) part n Reference number assigned b
Intended to uniquely identify
AGZ Payroll number Reference numbe
VS Vendor's supplemental i The item number is a specifie
To uniquely identify object AHA Packaging specification number Reference numb
VX Vendor specification numThe item number has been al
To provide identifiers for proAHB Authority issued equipment identIdentification i ZZZ Mutually defined Item type identification mutua
The number system of JapanAHC
is Training flight number Non-revenue producing airline flight for training purposes.
For use in EDI or other B2B eAHD Fund code number Reference number to identify appropriation and branch chargeable for item.
The OIN is part of the DutchAHE Signal code number Reference number to identify a signal.
Company code is major andAHF
onl Major force program number Reference number according to Major Force Program (US).
Identify entities registered AHG Nomination number Reference number assigned by a shipper to a request/ commitment-to-ship on a p
Identification and addressing
AHH Laboratory registration number Reference number is the official registration number of the laboratory.
The KOIOS OTD is a collection
AHI Transport contract reference nu Reference number of a transport contract.
For use in electronic messa AHJ Payee's reference number Reference number of the party to be paid.
Identification of Icelandic indi
AHK Payer's reference number Reference number of the party who pays.
Through their European indus
AHL Creditor's reference number Reference number of the party to whom a debt is owed.
To be used for identifying AHM Debtor's reference number Reference number of the party who owes an amount of money.
The LEI is the global, open id
AHN Joint venture reference number Reference number assigned to a joint venture agreement.
For use in EDI (electronic datAHO Chamber of Commerce registrat The registration number by which a company/organization is known to the Chamb
Used to identify uniquely allAHP
or Tax registration number The registration number by which a company/organization is identified with the ta
Used to identify senders andAHQ
rec Wool identification number Shipping Identification Mark (SIM) allocated to a wool consignment by a shipping
Used as an electronic addresAHR Wool tax reference number Reference or indication of the payment of wool tax.
Identification of Public Autho
AHS Meat processing establishment rRegistration number allocated to a registered meat packing establishment by the l
Electronic Invoicing trough Sd
AHT Quarantine/treatment status ref Coded quarantine/treatment status of a container and its cargo and packing mate
To provide identifiers for AHU Request for quote number Reference number assigned by the requestor to a request for quote.
A repository of concepts perta
AHV Manual processing authority nu Number allocated to allow the manual processing of an entity.
Identification number attribAHX Rate note number Reference assigned to a specific rate.
GS1 identification keys and AHY
ke Freight Forwarder number An identification code of a Freight Forwarder.
Electronic Invoicing and e-prAHZ Customs release code A code associated to a requirement that must be presented to gain the release of
Electronic Invoicing and e-prAIA Compliance code number Number assigned to indicate regulatory compliance.
Identification scheme will beAIB Department of transportation b Number of a bond assigned by the department of transportation.
Identification scheme will beAIC Export establishment number Number to identify export establishment.
Tradeplace is an independent
AID Certificate of conformity Certificate certifying the conformity to predefined definitions.
Identification scheme will beAIE Ministerial certificate of homolo Certificate of approval for components which are subject to legal restrictions and m
Identification scheme will beAIF Previous delivery instruction nu The identification of a previous delivery instruction.
AIG Passport number Number assigned to a passport.
AIH Common transaction reference Reference number applicable to different underlying individual transactions.
AII Bank's common transaction refe Bank's reference number allocated by the bank to different underlying individual t
AIJ Customer's individual transactio Customer's reference number allocated by the customer to one specific transactio
AIK Bank's individual transaction re Bank's reference number allocated by the bank to one specific transaction.
AIL Customer's common transaction Customer's reference number allocated by the customer to different underlying in
AIM Individual transaction reference Reference number applying to one specific transaction.
AIN Product sourcing agreement nu Reference number assigned to a product sourcing agreement.
AIO Customs transhipment number Approval number issued by Customs for cargo to be transhipped under Customs c
AIP Customs preference inquiry numThe number assigned by Customs to a preference inquiry.
AIQ Packing plant number Number to identify packing establishment.
AIR Original certificate number Number giving reference to an original certificate number.
AIS Processing plant number Number to identify processing plant.
AIT Slaughter plant number Number to identify slaughter plant.
AIU Charge card account number Number to identify charge card account.
AIV Event reference number [1007] Reference number identifying an event.
AIW Transport section reference numA number identifying a transport section.
AIX Referred product for mechanical A product number identifying the product which is used for mechanical analysis co
AIY Referred product for chemical anA product number identifying the product which is used for chemical analysis cons
AIZ Consolidated invoice number Invoice number into which other invoices are consolidated.
AJA Part reference indicator in a dra To designate the number which provides a cross reference between parts containe
AJB U.S. Code of Federal RegulationsA reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
AJC Purchasing activity clause numbeA number indicating a clause applicable to a purchasing activity.
AJD U.S. Defense Federal Acquisitio A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulat
AJE Agency clause number A number indicating a clause applicable to a particular agency.
AJF Circular publication number A number specifying a circular publication.
AJG U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulati A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation.
AJH U.S. General Services Administra A reference indicating a citation from U.S. General Services Administration Regulat
AJI U.S. Federal Information Resou A reference indicating a citation from U.S. Federal Information Resources Managem
AJJ Paragraph A reference indicating a paragraph cited as the source of information.
AJK Special instructions number A number indicating a citation used for special instructions.
AJL Site specific procedures, terms, A number indicating a set of site specific procedures, terms and conditions.
AJM Master solicitation procedures, t number A number indicating a master solicitation containing procedures, terms an
AJN U.S. Department of Veterans AffaA reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Acqu
AJO Military Interdepartmental Purc A number indicating an interdepartmental purchase request used by the military.
AJP Foreign military sales number A number specifying a sale to a foreign military.
AJQ Defense priorities allocation syst A reference indicating a priority rating assigned to allocate resources for defense p
AJR Wage determination number A number specifying a wage determination.
AJS Agreement number A number specifying an agreement between parties.
AJT Standard Industry Classification A number specifying a standard industry classification.
AJU End item number A number specifying the end item applicable to a subordinate item.
AJV Federal supply schedule item n A number specifying an item listed in a federal supply schedule.
AJW Technical document number A number specifying a technical document.
AJX Technical order number A reference to an order that specifies a technical change.
AJY Suffix A reference to specify a suffix added to the end of a basic identifier.
AJZ Transportation account number An account number to be charged or credited for transportation.
AKA Container disposition order ref Reference assigned to the empty container disposition order.
AKB Container prefix The first part of the unique identification of a container formed by an alpha code i
AKC Transport equipment return refe Reference known at the address to return equipment to.
AKD Transport equipment survey refeReference number assigned by the ordering party to the transport equipment surv
AKE Transport equipment survey rep Reference number used by a party to identify its transport equipment survey repor
AKF Transport equipment stuffing or Reference number assigned to the order to stuff goods in transport equipment.
AKG Vehicle Identification Number (VThe identification number which uniquely distinguishes one vehicle from another t
AKH Government bill of lading Bill of lading as defined by the government.
AKI Ordering customer's second ref Ordering customer's second reference number.
AKJ Direct debit reference Reference number assigned to the direct debit operation.
AKK Meter reading at the beginning oMeter reading at the beginning of the delivery.
AKL Meter reading at the end of deli Meter reading at the end of the delivery.
AKM Replenishment purchase order r Starting number of a range of purchase order numbers assigned by the buyer to v
AKN Third bank's reference Reference number of the third bank.
AKO Action authorization number A reference number authorizing an action.
AKP Appropriation number The number identifying a type of funding for a specific purpose (appropriation).
AKQ Product change authority numbeNumber which authorises a change in form, fit or function of a product.
AKR General cargo consignment refe Reference number identifying a particular general cargo (non-containerised or bre
AKS Catalogue sequence number A number which uniquely identifies an item within a catalogue according to a stan
AKT Forwarding order number Reference number assigned to the forwarding order by the ordering customer.
AKU Transport equipment survey ref Reference number known at the address where the transport equipment will be or
AKV Lease contract reference Reference number of the lease contract.
AKW Transport costs reference numbeReference number of the transport costs.
AKX Transport equipment stripping oReference number assigned to the order to strip goods from transport equipment
AKY Prior policy number The number of the prior policy.
AKZ Policy number Number assigned to a policy.
ALA Procurement budget number A number which uniquely identifies a procurement budget against which commitm
ALB Domestic inventory managementCode to identify the management of domestic inventory.
ALC Customer reference number assigpayment information Identification number of the previous balance of payments in
ALD Previous credit advice reference Reference number of the previous "Credit advice" message.
ALE Reporting form number Reference number assigned to the reporting form.
ALF Authorization number for excep regulations Reference number allocated by an authority. This number contains an
ALG Dangerous goods security numbReference number allocated by an authority in order to control the dangerous goo
ALH Dangerous goods transport lice Licence number allocated by an authority as to the permission of carrying dangero
ALI Previous rental agreement numbNumber to identify the previous rental agreement number.
ALJ Next rental agreement reason n Number to identify the reason for the next rental agreement.
ALK Consignee's invoice number The invoice number assigned by a consignee.
ALL Message batch number A number identifying a batch of messages.
ALM Previous delivery schedule numbA reference number identifying a previous delivery schedule.
ALN Physical inventory recount refe A reference to a re-count of physically held inventory.
ALO Receiving advice number A reference number to a receiving advice.
ALP Returnable container reference A reference number identifying a returnable container.
ALQ Returns notice number A reference number to a returns notice.
ALR Sales forecast number A reference number identifying a sales forecast.
ALS Sales report number A reference number identifying a sales report.
ALT Previous tax control number A reference number identifying a previous tax control number.
ALU AGERD (Aerospace Ground Equi Identifies the equipment required to conduct maintenance.
ALV Registered capital reference Registered capital reference of a company.
ALW Standard number of inspection Code identifying the standard number of the inspection document supplied.
ALX Model (7242) A reference used to identify a model.
ALY Financial management referenceA financial management reference.
ALZ NOTIfication for COLlection nu A reference assigned by a consignor to a notification document which indicates th
AMA Previous request for metered re Number to identify a previous request for a recording or reading of a measuring d
AMB Next rental agreement number Number to identify the next rental agreement.
AMC Reference number of a request f Number to identify a request for a recording or reading of a measuring device to b
AMD Hastening number A number which uniquely identifies a request to hasten an action.
AME Repair data request number A number which uniquely identifies a request for data about repairs.
AMF Consumption data request numbA number which identifies a request for consumption data.
AMG Profile number Reference number allocated to a discrete set of criteria.
AMH Case number Number assigned to a case.
AMI Government quality assurance anA number which identifies the level of quality assurance and control required by th
AMJ Payment plan reference A number which uniquely identifies a payment plan.
AMK Replaced meter unit number Number identifying the replaced meter unit.
AML Replenishment purchase order Ending number of a range of purchase order numbers assigned by the buyer to ve
AMM Insurer assigned reference numbA unique reference number assigned by the insurer.
AMN Canadian excise entry number An excise entry number assigned by the Canadian Customs.
AMO Premium rate table Identifies the premium rate table.
AMP Advise through bank's reference Financial institution through which the advising bank is to advise the documentary
AMQ US, Department of TransportatioA bond surety code assigned by the United States Department of Transportation (
AMR US, Food and Drug AdministratioAn establishment indicator assigned by the United States Food and Drug Administ
AMS US, Federal Communications Com
condition number A number known as the United States Federal Communications
AMT Goods and Services Tax identifi Identifier assigned to an entity by a tax authority for Goods and Services Tax (GST)
AMU Integrated logistic support cros Provides the identification of the reference which allows cross referencing of items
AMV Department number Number assigned to a department within an organization.
AMW Buyer's catalogue number Identification of a catalogue maintained by a buyer.
AMX Financial settlement party's ref Reference number of the party who is responsible for the financial settlement.
AMY Standard's version number The version number assigned to a standard.
AMZ Pipeline number Number to identify a pipeline.
ANA Account servicing bank's refere Reference number of the account servicing bank.
ANB Completed units payment requesA reference to a payment request for completed units.
ANC Payment in advance request refeA reference to a request for payment in advance.
AND Parent file Identifies the parent file in a structure of related files.
ANE Sub file Identifies the sub file in a structure of related files.
ANF CAD file layer convention Reference number identifying a layer convention for a file in a Computer Aided De
ANG Technical regulation Reference number identifying a technical regulation.
ANH Plot file Reference number indicating that the file is a plot file.
ANI File conversion journal Reference number identifying a journal recording details about conversion operati
ANJ Authorization number A number which uniquely identifies an authorization.
ANK Reference number assigned by thReference number assigned by a third party.
ANL Deposit reference number A reference number identifying a deposit.
ANM Named bank's reference Reference number of the named bank.
ANN Drawee's reference Reference number of the drawee.
ANO Case of need party's reference Reference number of the case of need party.
ANP Collecting bank's reference Reference number of the collecting bank.
ANQ Remitting bank's reference Reference number of the remitting bank.
ANR Principal's bank reference Reference number of the principal's bank.
ANS Presenting bank's reference Reference number of the presenting bank.
ANT Consignee's reference Reference number of the consignee.
ANU Financial transaction reference Reference number of the financial transaction.
ANV Credit reference number The reference number of a credit instruction.
ANW Receiving bank's authorization Authorization number of the receiving bank.
ANX Clearing reference Reference allocated by a clearing procedure.
ANY Sending bank's reference numbeReference number of the sending bank.
AOA Documentary payment referenceReference of the documentary payment.
AOD Accounting file reference Reference of an accounting file.
AOE Sender's file reference number File reference number assigned by the sender.
AOF Receiver's file reference number File reference number assigned by the receiver.
AOG Source document internal refere Reference number assigned to a source document for internal usage.
AOH Principal's reference Reference number of the principal.
AOI Debit reference number The reference number of a debit instruction.
AOJ Calendar A calendar reference number.
AOK Work shift A work shift reference number.
AOL Work breakdown structure A structure reference that identifies the breakdown of work for a project.
AOM Organisation breakdown structurA structure reference that identifies the breakdown of an organisation.
AON Work task charge number A reference assigned to a specific work task charge.
AOO Functional work group A reference to identify a functional group performing work.
AOP Work team A reference to identify a team performing work.
AOQ Department Section of an organisation.
AOR Statement of work A reference number for a statement of work.
AOS Work package A reference for a detailed package of work.
AOT Planning package A reference for a planning package of work.
AOU Cost account A cost control account reference.
AOV Work order Reference number for an order to do work.
AOW Transportation Control Number A number assigned for transportation purposes.
AOX Constraint notation Identifies a reference to a constraint notation.
AOY ETERMS reference Identifies a reference to the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) ETERMS(tm
AOZ Implementation version number Identifies a version number of an implementation.
AP Accounts receivable number Reference number assigned by accounts receivable department to the account of
APA Incorporated legal reference Identifies a legal reference which is deemed incorporated by reference.
APB Payment instalment reference n A reference number given to a payment instalment to identify a specific instance o
APC Equipment owner reference numReference number issued by the owner of the equipment.
APD Cedent's claim number To identify the number assigned to the claim by the ceding company.
APE Reinsurer's claim number To identify the number assigned to the claim by the reinsurer.
APF Price/sales catalogue response A reference number identifying a response to a price/sales catalogue.
APG General purpose message refer A reference number identifying a general purpose message.
APH Invoicing data sheet reference A reference number identifying an invoicing data sheet.
API Inventory report reference numbA reference number identifying an inventory report.
APJ Ceiling formula reference numbeThe reference number which identifies a formula for determining a ceiling.
APK Price variation formula referenc The reference number which identifies a price variation formula.
APL Reference to account servicing Reference to the account servicing bank's message.
APM Party sequence number Reference identifying a party sequence number.
APN Purchaser's request reference Reference identifying a request made by the purchaser.
APO Contractor request reference Reference identifying a request made by a contractor.
APP Accident reference number Reference number assigned to an accident.
APQ Commercial account summary reA reference number identifying a commercial account summary.
APR Contract breakdown reference A reference which identifies a specific breakdown of a contract.
APS Contractor registration number A reference number used to identify a contractor.
APT Applicable coefficient identifica The identification number of the coefficient which is applicable.
APU Special budget account number The number of a special budget account.
APV Authorisation for repair referenc Reference of the authorisation for repair.
APW Manufacturer defined repair rateReference assigned by a manufacturer to their repair rates.
APX Original submitter log number A control number assigned by the original submitter.
APY Original submitter, parent Data log number A Data Maintenance Request (DMR) original submitter's reference log
APZ Original submitter, child Data log number A Data Maintenance Request (DMR) original submitter's reference log
AQA Entry point assessment log numbThe reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for the DM
AQB Entry point assessment log num The reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for the pa
AQC Entry point assessment log numbThe reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for a child
AQD Data structure tag The tag assigned to a data structure.
AQE Central secretariat log number The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for the Data Mainten
AQF Central secretariat log number, Request (DMR) The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for th
AQG Central secretariat log number, Request (DMR) The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for th
AQH International assessment log nu The reference log number assigned to a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) change
AQI International assessment log nu Maintenance Request (DMR) The reference log number assigned to a Data Mainte
AQJ International assessment log nu Request (DMR) The reference log number assigned to a Data Maintenance Reques
AQK Status report number (1125) The reference number for a status report.
AQL Message design group number Reference number for a message design group.
AQM US Customs Service (USCS) entryAn entry number assigned by the United States (US) customs service.
AQN Beginning job sequence numberThe number designating the beginning of the job sequence.
AQO Sender's clause number The number that identifies the sender's clause.
AQP Dun and Bradstreet Canada's 8 diClassification (SIC) code Dun and Bradstreet Canada's 8 digit Standard Industrial C
AQQ Activite Principale Exercee (APE) iThe French industry code for the main activity of a company.
AQR Dun and Bradstreet US 8 digit StClassification (SIC) code Dun and Bradstreet United States' 8 digit Standard Indust
AQS Nomenclature Activity Classific identifier A European industry classification code used to identify the activity of a c
AQT Norme Activite Francaise (NAF) idA French industry classification code assigned by the French government to identi
AQU Registered contractor activity ty Reference number identifying the type of registered contractor activity.
AQV Statistic Bundes Amt (SBA) identiA German industry classification code issued by Statistic Bundes Amt (SBA) to iden
AQW State or province assigned entityReference number of an entity assigned by a state or province.
AQX Institute of Security and Futur serial number A number used to identify a public but not publicly traded company
AQY File identification number A number assigned to identify a file.
AQZ Bankruptcy procedure number A number identifying a bankruptcy procedure.
ARA National government business idA business identification number which is assigned by a national government.
ARB Prior Data Universal Number Sy A previously assigned Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number.
ARC Companies Registry Office (CRO Identifies the reference number assigned by the Companies Registry Office (CRO).
ARD Costa Rican judicial number A number assigned by the government to a business in Costa Rica.
ARE Numero de Identificacion Tributar
A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American coun
ARF Patron number A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American coun
ARG Registro Informacion Fiscal (RIF A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American coun
ARH Registro Unico de Contribuyent A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American coun
ARI Tokyo SHOKO Research (TSR) busi
A number assigned to a business by TSR.
ARJ Personal identity card number An identity card number assigned to a person.
ARK Systeme Informatique pour le Rep
(SIREN) number An identification number known as a SIREN assigned to a busines
ARL Systeme Informatique pour le Re(SIRET) number An identification number known as a SIRET assigned to a business
ARM Publication issue number A number assigned to identify a publication issue.
ARN Original filing number A number assigned to the original filing.
ARO Document page identifier [1212] To identify a page number.
ARP Public filing registration number A number assigned at the time of registration of a public filing.
ARQ Regiristo Federal de ContribuyenA federal tax identification number assigned by the Mexican tax authority.
ARR Social security number An identification number assigned to an individual by the social security administr
ARS Document volume number The number of a document volume.
ART Book number A number assigned to identify a book.
ARU Stock exchange company identifiA reference assigned by the stock exchange to a company.
ARV Imputation account An account to which an amount is to be posted.
ARW Financial phase reference A reference which identifies a specific financial phase.
ARX Technical phase reference A reference which identifies a specific technical phase.
ARY Prior contractor registration nu A previous reference number used to identify a contractor.
ARZ Stock adjustment number A number identifying a stock adjustment.
ASA Dispensation reference A reference number assigned to an official exemption from a law or obligation.
ASB Investment reference number A reference to a specific investment.
ASC Assuming company A number that identifies an assuming company.
ASD Budget chapter A reference to the chapter in a budget.
ASE Duty free products security num A security number allocated for duty free products.
ASF Duty free products receipt authoAuthorisation number allocated for the receipt of duty free products.
ASG Party information message refer Reference identifying a party information message.
ASH Formal statement reference A reference to a formal statement.
ASI Proof of delivery reference numbA reference number identifying a proof of delivery which is generated by the good
ASJ Supplier's credit claim referenc A reference number identifying a supplier's credit claim.
ASK Picture of actual product Reference identifying the picture of an actual product.
ASL Picture of a generic product Reference identifying a picture of a generic product.
ASM Trading partner identification n Code specifying an identification assigned to an entity with whom one conducts tr
ASN Prior trading partner identificat Code specifying an identification number previously assigned to a trading partner.
ASO Password Code used for authentication purposes.
ASP Formal report number A number uniquely identifying a formal report.
ASQ Fund account number Account number of fund.
ASR Safe custody number The number of a file or portfolio kept for safe custody on behalf of clients.
ASS Master account number A reference number identifying a master account.
AST Group reference number The reference number identifying a group.
ASU Accounting transmission numberA number used to identify the transmission of an accounting book entry.
ASV Product data file number The number of a product data file.
ASW Cadastro Geral do Contribuinte Brazilian taxpayer number.
ASX Foreign resident identification Number assigned by a government agency to identify a foreign resident.
ASY CD-ROM Identity number of the Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM).
ASZ Physical medium Identifies the physical medium.
ATA Financial cancellation reference Reference number of a financial cancellation.
ATB Purchase for export Customs ag A number assigned by a Customs authority allowing the purchase of goods free o
ATC Judgment number A reference number identifying the legal decision.
ATD Secretariat number A reference number identifying a secretariat.
ATE Previous banking status messageMessage reference number of the previous banking status message being respond
ATF Last received banking status mesReference number of the latest received banking status message.
ATG Bank's documentary procedure rReference allocated by the bank to a documentary procedure.
ATH Customer's documentary procedu
Reference allocated by a customer to a documentary procedure.
ATI Safe deposit box number Number of the safe deposit box.
ATJ Receiving Bankgiro number Number of the receiving Bankgiro.
ATK Sending Bankgiro number Number of the sending Bankgiro.
ATL Bankgiro reference Reference of the Bankgiro.
ATM Guarantee number Number of a guarantee.
ATN Collection instrument number To identify the number of an instrument used to remit funds to a beneficiary.
ATO Converted Postgiro number To identify the reference number of a giro payment having been converted to a Po
ATP Cost centre alignment number Number used in the financial management process to align cost allocations.
ATQ Kamer Van Koophandel (KVK) n An identification number assigned by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce to a busin
ATR Institut Belgo-Luxembourgeois dAn identification number assigned by the Luxembourg National Bank to a busines
ATS External object reference A reference identifying an external object.
ATT Exceptional transport authorisat Authorisation number for exceptional transport (using specific equipment, out of g
ATU Clave Unica de Identificacion Tri Tax identification number in Argentina.
ATV Registro Unico Tributario (RUT) Tax identification number in Chile.
ATW Flat rack container bundle identi Reference number assigned to a bundle of flat rack containers.
ATX Transport equipment acceptanceReference number assigned to an order to accept transport equipment that is to b
ATY Transport equipment release ordReference number assigned to an order to release transport equipment which is to
ATZ Ship's stay reference number (1099) Reference number assigned by a port authority to the stay of a vessel in the
AU Authorization to meet competit A number assigned by a requestor to an offer incoming following request for quot
AUA Place of positioning reference Identifies the reference pertaining to the place of positioning.
AUB Party reference The reference to a party.
AUC Issued prescription identificationThe identification of the issued prescription.
AUD Collection reference A reference identifying a collection.
AUE Travel service Reference identifying a travel service.
AUF Consignment stock contract Reference identifying a consignment stock contract.
AUG Importer's letter of credit refere Letter of credit reference issued by importer.
AUH Performed prescription identificaThe identification of the prescription that has been carried into effect.
AUI Image reference A reference number identifying an image.
AUJ Proposed purchase order refere A reference number assigned to a proposed purchase order.
AUK Application for financial suppor Reference number assigned to an application for financial support.
AUL Manufacturing quality agreemenReference number of a manufacturing quality agreement.
AUM Software editor reference Reference identifying the software editor.
AUN Software reference Reference identifying the software.
AUO Software quality reference Reference allocated to the software by a quality assurance agency.
AUP Consolidated orders' reference A reference number to identify orders which have been, or shall be consolidated.
AUQ Customs binding ruling number Binding ruling number issued by customs.
AUR Customs non-binding ruling nu Non-binding ruling number issued by customs.
AUS Delivery route reference A reference to the route of the delivery.
AUT Net area supplier reference A reference identifying a supplier within a net area.
AUU Time series reference Reference to a time series.
AUV Connecting point to central grid Reference to a connecting point to a central grid.
AUW Marketing plan identification n Number identifying a marketing plan.
AUX Entity reference number, previouThe previous reference number assigned to an entity.
AUY International Standard Industrial code
C A code specifying an international standard industrial classification.
AUZ Customs pre-approval ruling nu Pre-approval ruling number issued by Customs.
AV Account payable number Reference number assigned by accounts payable department to the account of a s
AVA First financial institution's trans Identifies the reference given to the individual transaction by the financial institutio
AVB Product characteristics directory A reference to a product characteristics directory.
AVC Supplier's customer reference n A number, assigned by a supplier, to reference a customer.
AVD Inventory report request numberReference number assigned to a request for an inventory report.
AVE Metering point Reference to a metering point.
AVF Passenger reservation number Number assigned by the travel supplier to identify the passenger reservation.
AVG Slaughterhouse approval numbeVeterinary licence number allocated by a national authority to a slaughterhouse.
AVH Meat cutting plant approval numVeterinary licence number allocated by a national authority to a meat cutting plan
AVI Customer travel service identifierA reference identifying a travel service to a customer.
AVJ Export control classification numNumber identifying the classification of goods covered by an export licence.
AVK Broker reference 3 Third reference of a broker.
AVL Consignment information Code identifying that the reference number given applies to the consignment info
AVM Goods item information Code identifying that the reference number given applies to the goods item inform
AVN Dangerous Goods information Code identifying that the reference number given applies to the dangerous goods
AVO Pilotage services exemption numNumber identifying the permit to not use pilotage services.
AVP Person registration number A number assigned to an individual.
AVQ Place of packing approval numbeApproval Number of the place where goods are packaged.
AVR Original Mandate Reference Reference to a specific related original mandate given by the relevant party for und
AVS Mandate Reference Reference to a specific mandate given by the relevant party for underlying busines
AVT Reservation station indentifier Reference to the station where a reservation was made.
AVU Unique goods shipment identifieUnique identifier assigned to a shipment of goods linking trade, tracking and trans
AVV Framework Agreement Number A reference to an agreement between one or more contracting authorities and on
AVW Hash value Contains the hash value of a related document.
AVX Movement reference number Number assigned by customs referencing receipt of an Entry Summary Declaration
AVY Economic Operators Registration(EORI) Number assigned by an authority to an economic operator.
AVZ Local Reference Number Number assigned by a national customs authority to an Entry Summary Declaratio
AWA Rate code number Number assigned by a buyer to rate a product.
AWB Air waybill number Reference number assigned to an air waybill, see: 1001 = 740.
AWC Documentary credit amendmentNumber of the amendment of the documentary credit.
AWD Advising bank's reference Reference number of the advising bank.
AWE Cost centre A number identifying a cost centre.
AWF Work item quantity determinatioA reference assigned to a work item quantity determination.
AWG Internal data process number A number identifying an internal data process.
AWH Category of work reference A reference identifying a category of work.
AWI Policy form number Number assigned to a policy form.
AWJ Net area Reference to an area of a net.
AWK Service provider Reference of the service provider.
AWL Error position Reference to the position of an error in a message.
AWM Service category reference Reference identifying the service category.
AWN Connected location Reference of a connected location.
AWO Related party Reference of a related party.
AWP Latest accounting entry record r Code identifying the reference of the latest accounting entry record.
AWQ Accounting entry Accounting entry to which this item is related.
AWR Document reference, original The original reference of a document.
AWS Hygienic Certificate number, natiNationally set Hygienic Certificate number, such as sanitary, epidemiologic.
AWT Administrative Reference Code Reference number assigned by Customs to a ‘shipment of excise goods’.
AWU Pick-up sheet number Reference number assigned to a pick-up sheet.
AWV Phone number A sequence of digits used to call from one telephone line to another in a public te
AWW Buyer's fund number A reference number indicating the fund number used by the buyer.
AWX Company trading account numbA reference number identifying a company trading account.
AWY Reserved goods identifier A reference number identifying goods in stock which have been reserved for a par
AWZ Handling and movement referenA reference number identifying a previously transmitted cargo/goods handling an
AXA Instruction to despatch referen A reference number identifying a previously transmitted instruction to despatch m
AXB Instruction for returns number A reference number identifying a previously communicated instruction for return m
AXC Metered services consumption r A reference number identifying a previously communicated metered services cons
AXD Order status enquiry number A reference number to a previously sent order status enquiry.
AXE Firm booking reference number A reference number identifying a previous firm booking.
AXF Product inquiry number A reference number identifying a previously communicated product inquiry.
AXG Split delivery number A reference number identifying a split delivery.
AXH Service relation number A reference number identifying the relationship between a service provider and a s
AXI Serial shipping container code Reference number identifying a logistic unit.
AXJ Test specification number A reference number identifying a test specification.
AXK Transport status report number [1125] A reference number identifying a transport status report.
AXL Tooling contract number A reference number of the tooling contract.
AXM Formula reference number The reference number which identifies a formula.
AXN Pre-agreement number A reference number identifying a pre-agreement.
AXO Product certification number Number assigned by a governing body (or their agents) to a product which certifie
AXP Consignment contract number Reference number identifying a consignment contract.
AXQ Product specification reference Number assigned by the issuer to his product specification.
AXR Payroll deduction advice referen A reference number identifying a payroll deduction advice.
AXS TRACES party identification The party identification number used in the European Union's Trade Control and E
BA Beginning meter reading actual Meter reading at the beginning of an invoicing period.
BC Buyer's contract number Reference number assigned by buyer to a contract.
BD Bid number Number assigned by a submitter of a bid to his bid.
BE Beginning meter reading estima Meter reading at the beginning of an invoicing period where an actual reading is n
BH House bill of lading number [1039] Reference number assigned to a house bill of lading.
BM Bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a bill of lading, see: 1001 = 705.
BN Consignment identifier, carrier a [1016] Reference number assigned by a carrier of its agent to identify a specific co
BO Blanket order number Reference number assigned by the order issuer to a blanket order.
BR Broker or sales office number A number that identifies a broker or sales office.
BT Batch number/lot number [7338] Reference number assigned by manufacturer to a series of similar products
BTP Battery and accumulator produceRegistration number of producer of batteries and accumulators.
BW Blended with number The batch/lot/package number a product is blended with.
CAS IATA Cargo Agent CASS AddressCode issued by IATA to identify agent locations for CASS billing purposes.
CAT Matching of entries, balanced Reference to a balanced matching of entries.
CAU Entry flagging Reference to a flagging of entries.
CAV Matching of entries, unbalanced Reference to an unbalanced matching of entries.
CAW Document reference, internal Internal reference to a document.
CAX European Value Added Tax identiValue Added Tax identification number according to European regulation.
CAY Cost accounting document The reference to a cost accounting document.
CAZ Grid operator's customer refere A number, assigned by a grid operator, to reference a customer.
CBA Ticket control number Reference giving access to all the details associated with the ticket.
CBB Order shipment grouping refere A reference number identifying the grouping of purchase orders into one shipmen
CD Credit note number [1113] Reference number assigned to a credit note.
CEC Ceding company Company selling obligations to a third party.
CED Debit letter number Reference number identifying the letter of debit document.
CFE Consignee's further order Reference of an order given by the consignee after departure of the means of tran
CFF Animal farm licence number Veterinary licence number allocated by a national authority to an animal farm.
CFO Consignor's further order Reference of an order given by the consignor after departure of the means of tran
CG Consignee's order number A number that identifies a consignee's order.
CH Customer catalogue number Number identifying a catalogue for customer's usage.
CK Cheque number Unique number assigned to one specific cheque.
CKN Checking number Number assigned by checking party to one specific check action.
CM Credit memo number Reference number assigned by issuer to a credit memo.
CMR Road consignment note numberReference number assigned to a road consignment note, see: 1001 = 730.
CN Carrier's reference number Reference number assigned by carrier to a consignment.
CNO Charges note document attachme
[1070] Indication that a charges note has been established and attached to a trans
COF Call off order number A number that identifies a call off order.
CP Condition of purchase documen Reference number identifying the conditions of purchase relevant to a purchase.
CR Customer reference number Reference number assigned by the customer to a transaction.
CRN Transport means journey identifi[8028] To identify a journey of a means of transport, for example voyage number,
CS Condition of sale document numReference number identifying the conditions of sale relevant to a sale.
CST Team assignment number Team number assigned to a group that is responsible for working a particular tran
CT Contract number [1296] Reference number of a contract concluded between parties.
CU Consignment identifier, consigno[1140] Reference number assigned by the consignor to identify a particular consig
CV Container operators reference n Reference number assigned by the party operating or controlling the transport con
CW Package number (7070) Reference number identifying a package or carton within a consignment.
CZ Cooperation contract number Number issued by a party concerned given to a contract on cooperation of two or
DA Deferment approval number Number assigned by authorities to a party to approve deferment of payment of ta
DAN Debit account number Reference number assigned by issuer to a debit account.
DB Buyer's debtor number Reference number assigned to a debtor.
DI Distributor invoice number Reference number assigned by issuer to a distributor invoice.
DL Debit note number [1117] Reference number assigned by issuer to a debit note.
DM Document identifier [1004] Reference number identifying a specific document.
DQ Delivery note number [1033] Reference number assigned by the issuer to a delivery note.
DR Dock receipt number Number of the cargo receipt submitted when cargo is delivered to a marine termin
EA Ending meter reading actual Meter reading at the end of an invoicing period.
EB Embargo permit number Reference number assigned by issuer to an embargo permit.
ED Export declaration Number assigned by the exporter to his export declaration number submitted to a
EE Ending meter reading estimated Meter reading at the end of an invoicing period where an actual reading is not ava
EEP Electrical and electronic equipmenumber Registration number of producer of electrical and electronic equipment.
EI Employer's identification numberNumber issued by an authority to identify an employer.
EN Embargo number Number assigned to specific goods or a family of goods in a classification of emba
EQ Equipment number Number assigned by the manufacturer to specific equipment.
ER Container/equipment receipt nu Number of the Equipment Interchange Receipt issued for full or empty equipment
ERN Exporter's reference number Reference to a party exporting goods.
ET Excess transportation number (1041) Number assigned to excess transport.
EX Export permit identifier [1208] Reference number to identify an export licence or permit.
FC Fiscal number Tax payer's number. Number assigned to individual persons as well as to corporate
FF Consignment identifier, freight [1460] Reference number assigned by the freight forwarder to identify a particular
FI File line identifier Number assigned by the file issuer or sender to identify a specific line.
FLW Flow reference number Number given to a usual sender which has regular expeditions of the same goods,
FN Freight bill number Reference number assigned by issuing party to a freight bill.
FO Foreign exchange Exchange of two currencies at an agreed rate.
FS Final sequence number A number that identifies the final sequence.
FT Free zone identifier Identifier to specify the territory of a State where any goods introduced are genera
FV File version number Number given to a version of an identified file.
FX Foreign exchange contract numbReference number identifying a foreign exchange contract.
GA Standard's number Number to identify a standardization description (e.g. ISO 9375).
GC Government contract number Number assigned to a specific government/public contract.
GD Standard's code number Number to identify a specific parameter within a standardization description (e.g. M
GDN General declaration number Number of the declaration of incoming goods out of a vessel.
GN Government reference number A number that identifies a government reference.
HS Harmonised system number Number specifying the goods classification under the Harmonised Commodity De
HWB House waybill number Reference number assigned to a house waybill, see: 1001 = 703.
IA Internal vendor number Number identifying the company-internal vending department/unit.
IB In bond number Customs assigned number that is used to control the movement of imported carg
ICA IATA cargo agent code number Code issued by IATA identify each IATA Cargo Agent whose name is entered on th
ICE Insurance certificate reference A number that identifies an insurance certificate reference.
ICO Insurance contract reference nu A number that identifies an insurance contract reference.
II Initial sample inspection report Inspection report number given to the initial sample inspection.
IL Internal order number Number assigned to an order for internal handling/follow up.
INB Intermediary broker A number that identifies an intermediary broker.
INN Interchange number new Number assigned by the interchange sender to identify one specific interchange. T
INO Interchange number old Number assigned by the interchange sender to identify one specific interchange. T
IP Import permit identifier [1107] Reference number to identify an import licence or permit.
IS Invoice number suffix A number added at the end of an invoice number.
IT Internal customer number Number assigned by a seller, supplier etc. to identify a customer within his enterpr
IV Invoice document identifier [1334] Reference number to identify an invoice.
JB Job number [1043] Identifies a piece of work.
JE Ending job sequence number A number that identifies the ending job sequence.
LA Shipping label serial number The serial number on a shipping label.
LAN Loading authorisation identifier [4092] Identifier assigned to the loading authorisation granted by the forwarding l
LAR Lower number in range Lower number in a range of numbers.
LB Lockbox Type of cash management system offered by financial institutions to provide for co
LC Letter of credit number Reference number identifying the letter of credit document.
LI Document line identifier [1156] To identify a line of a document.
LO Load planning number The reference that identifies the load planning number.
LRC Reservation office identifier Reference to the office where a reservation was made.
LS Bar coded label serial number The serial number on a bar code label.
MA Ship notice/manifest number The number assigned to a ship notice or manifest.
MB Master bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a master bill of lading, see: 1001 = 704.
MF Manufacturer's part number Reference number assigned by the manufacturer to his product or part.
MG Meter unit number Number identifying a unique meter unit.
MH Manufacturing order number Reference number assigned by manufacturer for a given production quantity of pr
MR Message recipient A number that identifies the message recipient.
MRN Mailing reference number Identifies the party designated by the importer to receive certain customs correspo
MS Message sender A number that identifies the message sender.
MSS Manufacturer's material safety d A number that identifies a manufacturer's material safety data sheet.
MWB Master air waybill number Reference number assigned to a master air waybill, see: 1001 = 741.
NA North American hazardous goods
Reference to materials designated as hazardous for purposes of transportation in N
NF Nota Fiscal Nota Fiscal is a registration number for shipments / deliveries within Brazil, issued
OH Current invoice number Reference number identifying the current invoice.
OI Previous invoice number Reference number identifying a previously issued invoice.
ON Order document identifier, buyer[1022] Identifier assigned by the buyer to an order.
OP Original purchase order Reference to the order previously sent.
OR General order number Customs number assigned to imported merchandise that has been left unclaimed
PB Payer's financial institution acc Originated company account number (ACH transfer), check, draft or wire.
PC Production code Number assigned by the manufacturer to a specified article or batch to identify the
PD Promotion deal number Number assigned by a vendor to a special promotion activity.
PE Plant number A number that identifies a plant.
PF Prime contractor contract numbeReference number assigned by the client to the contract of the prime contractor.
PI Price list version number A number that identifies the version of a price list.
PK Packing list number [1014] Reference number assigned to a packing list.
PL Price list number Reference number assigned to a price list.
POR Purchase order response numberReference number assigned by the seller to an order response.
PP Purchase order change number Reference number assigned by a buyer for a revision of a purchase order.
PQ Payment reference Reference number assigned to a payment.
PR Price quote number Reference number assigned by the seller to a quote.
PS Purchase order number suffix A number added at the end of a purchase order number.
PW Prior purchase order number Reference number of a purchase order previously sent to the supplier.
PY Payee's financial institution acc Receiving company account number (ACH transfer), check, draft or wire.
RA Remittance advice number A number that identifies a remittance advice.
RC Rail/road routing code International Western and Eastern European route code used in all rail organizatio
RCN Railway consignment note numbReference number assigned to a rail consignment note, see: 1001 = 720.
RE Release number Reference number assigned to identify a release of a set of rules, conventions, con
REN Consignment receipt identifier [1150] Reference number assigned to identify a consignment upon its arrival at its
RF Export reference number Reference number given to an export shipment.
RR Payer's financial institution tran ODFI (ACH transfer).
RT Payee's financial institution transRDFI Transit routing number (ACH transfer).
SA Sales person number Identification number of a sales person.
SB Sales region number A number that identifies a sales region.
SD Sales department number A number that identifies a sales department.
SE Serial number Identification number of an item which distinguishes this specific item out of an nu
SEA Allocated seat Reference to a seat allocated to a passenger.
SF Ship from A number that identifies a ship from location.
SH Previous highest schedule numbNumber of the latest schedule of a previous period (ODETTE DELINS).
SI SID (Shipper's identifying numbeA number that identifies the SID (shipper's identification) number for a shipment.
SM Sales office number A number that identifies a sales office.
SN Transport equipment seal identifi[9308] The identification number of a seal affixed to a piece of transport equipmen
SP Scan line A number that identifies a scan line.
SQ Equipment sequence number (1492) A temporary reference number identifying a particular piece of equipment w
SRN Shipment reference number [1065] Reference number assigned to a shipment.
SS Sellers reference number Reference number assigned to a transaction by the seller.
STA Station reference number International UIC code assigned to every European rail station (CIM convention).
SW Swap order number Number assigned by the seller to a swap order (see definition of DE 1001, code 22
SZ Specification number Number assigned by the issuer to his specification.
TB Trucker's bill of lading A cargo list/description issued by a motor carrier of freight.
TCR Terminal operator's consignmentReference assigned to a consignment by the terminal operator.
TE Telex message number Reference number identifying a telex message.
TF Transfer number An extra number assigned to goods or a container which functions as a reference
TI TIR carnet number Reference number assigned to a TIR carnet.
TIN Transport instruction number Reference number identifying a transport instruction.
TL Tax exemption licence number Number assigned by the tax authorities to a party indicating its tax exemption auth
TN Transaction reference number Reference applied to a transaction between two or more parties over a defined life
TP Test report number Reference number identifying a test report document relevant to the product.
UAR Upper number of range Upper number in a range of numbers.
UC Ultimate customer's reference n The originator's reference number as forwarded in a sequence of parties involved.
UCN Unique consignment reference [1202] Unique reference identifying a particular consignment of goods. Synonym:
UN United Nations Dangerous Goods
[7124] United Nations Dangerous Goods Identifier (UNDG) is the unique serial num
UO Ultimate customer's order numbThe originator's order number as forwarded in a sequence of parties involved.
URI Uniform Resource Identifier A string of characters used to identify a name of a resource on the worldwide web
VA VAT registration number Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify a party for use in
VC Vendor contract number Number assigned by the vendor to a contract.
VGR Transport equipment gross massnumber
v Reference number identifying the documentation of a transport equipmen
VM Vessel identifier (8123) Reference identifying a vessel.
VN Order number (vendor) Reference number assigned by supplier to a buyer's purchase order.
VON Voyage number (8028) Reference number assigned to the voyage of the vessel.
VOR Transport equipment gross massReference
v number identifying the order for obtaining a Verified Gross Mass (weigh
VP Vendor product number Number assigned by vendor to another manufacturer's product.
VR Vendor ID number A number that identifies a vendor's identification.
VS Vendor order number suffix The suffix for a vendor order number.
VT Motor vehicle identification num(8213) Reference identifying a motor vehicle used for transport. Normally is the ve
VV Voucher number Reference number identifying a voucher.
WE Warehouse entry number Entry number under which imported merchandise was placed in a Customs bonde
WM Weight agreement number A number identifying a weight agreement.
WN Well number A number assigned to a shaft sunk into the ground.
WR Warehouse receipt number A number identifying a warehouse receipt.
WS Warehouse storage location nu A number identifying a warehouse storage location.
WY Rail waybill number The number on a rail waybill.
XA Company/place registration numCompany registration and place as legally required.
XC Cargo control number Reference used to identify and control a carrier and consignment from initial entry
XP Previous cargo control number Where a consignment is deconsolidated and/or transferred to the control of anoth
ZZZ Mutually defined reference num Number based on party agreement.
ocabulary) pt cB2G
entru B2B si B2C
eference number assigned by a vendor/seller identifying
eference number assigned by a vendor/seller identifying a product/service/article.
he item number is a specified by the vendor as a supplemental number for the vendor's purposes.
he item number has been allocated by the vendor as a specification number.
em type identification mutually agreed between interchanging parties.

h chargeable for item.

commitment-to-ship on a pipeline system.

f the laboratory.

ation is known to the Chamber of Commerce.

ation is identified with the tax administration.
consignment by a shipping company.

cking establishment by the local quarantine and inspection authority.

its cargo and packing materials, generated by a shipping company based upon declarations presented by a shipper.
uest for quote.

ented to gain the release of goods by Customs.

ect to legal restrictions and must be approved by the government.

ndividual transactions.
erent underlying individual transactions.
er to one specific transaction.
specific transaction.
er to different underlying individual transactions.

anshipped under Customs control.

ed for mechanical analysis considered valid for a group of products.

ed for chemical analysis considered valid for a group of products.

ence between parts contained in a drawing and a parts catalogue.

Federal Regulations (CFR).

Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement.

Acquisition Regulation.
vices Administration Regulation.
rmation Resources Management Regulation.
of information.

erms and conditions.

taining procedures, terms and conditions.
ment of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation.
quest used by the military.

cate resources for defense purchases.

ordinate item.

asic identifier.

r formed by an alpha code identifying the owner of the container.

he transport equipment survey order.

port equipment survey report.
s in transport equipment.
s one vehicle from another through the lifespan of the vehicle.

s assigned by the buyer to vendor's replenishment orders.

purpose (appropriation).
tion of a product.
o (non-containerised or break bulk) consignment.
atalogue according to a standard numbering system.
y the ordering customer.
nsport equipment will be or has been surveyed.

s from transport equipment.

dget against which commitments or invoices can be allocated.

vious balance of payments information from customer message.

ty. This number contains an approval concerning exceptions on the existing dangerous goods regulations.
o control the dangerous goods on board of a specific means of transport for dangerous goods security purposes.
rmission of carrying dangerous goods by a specific means of transport.

n document supplied.

document which indicates the availability of goods for collection.

or reading of a measuring device.

g of a measuring device to be taken.

about repairs.

e and control required by the government for an article.

assigned by the buyer to vendor's replenishment orders.

s to advise the documentary credit.

partment of Transportation (DOT).
tes Food and Drug Administration.
es Federal Communications Commission (FCC) import condition number applying to certain types of regulated communications equipment.
oods and Services Tax (GST) related purposes.
ws cross referencing of items between different areas of integrated logistics support.
the financial settlement.

file in a Computer Aided Design (CAD) environment.

ils about conversion operations between file formats.

internal usage.

work for a project.

an organisation.
r of Commerce) ETERMS(tm) repository of electronic commerce trading terms and conditions.

partment to the account of a specific debtor.

ted by reference.
identify a specific instance of payment of a debt which can be paid at specified intervals.

eding company.

ales catalogue.

etermining a ceiling.

nal submitter's reference log number for the parent DMR.

nal submitter's reference log number for a child DMR.
assessment group for the DMR.
assessment group for the parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
assessment group for a child Data Maintenance Request (DMR).

etariat for the Data Maintenance Request (DMR).

the central secretariat for the parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
the central secretariat for the child Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
ance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment.
r assigned to a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment that is a parent to the current DMR.
a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment that is a child to the current DMR.

ustoms service.

8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code identifying activities of the company.

ates' 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code identifying activities of the company.
to identify the activity of a company.
rench government to identify the activity of a company.
ontractor activity.
ic Bundes Amt (SBA) to identify the activity of a company.

not publicly traded company.

a national government.
(DUNS) number.
anies Registry Office (CRO).

n some Latin American countries.

n some Latin American countries. Note that "Patron" is a Spanish word, it is not a person who gives financial or other support.
n some Latin American countries.
n some Latin American countries.

SIREN assigned to a business in France.

IRET assigned to a business location in France.

exican tax authority.

the social security administration.
from a law or obligation.

free products.

ch is generated by the goods recipient.

with whom one conducts trade.

ssigned to a trading partner.

on behalf of clients.

unting book entry.

a foreign resident.
ory (CD-ROM).

he purchase of goods free of tax because they are to be exported immediately after the purchase.

atus message being responded to.

funds to a beneficiary.
ving been converted to a Postgiro account.
align cost allocations.
ber of Commerce to a business in the Netherlands.
National Bank to a business in Luxembourg.

specific equipment, out of gauge, materials and/or specific routing).

sport equipment that is to be delivered by an inland carrier to a specified facility.

nsport equipment which is to be picked up by an inland carrier from a specified facility.
to the stay of a vessel in the port.
g following request for quote.

ried into effect.

n, or shall be consolidated.

strial classification.
rtment to the account of a specific creditor.
ion by the financial institution that is the transaction's point of entry into the interbank transaction chain.

passenger reservation.
ority to a slaughterhouse.
ority to a meat cutting plant.

d by an export licence.

ies to the consignment information segment group in the referred message .

ies to the goods item information segment group in the referred message.
ies to the dangerous goods information segment group in the referred message.

by the relevant party for underlying business or action in case of reference or mandate change.
party for underlying business or action.

ing trade, tracking and transport information.

ntracting authorities and one or more economic operators, the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given

n Entry Summary Declaration.

n Entry Summary Declaration.

g entry record.

nitary, epidemiologic.
t of excise goods’.

ine to another in a public telephone network.

by the buyer.

have been reserved for a party.

d cargo/goods handling and movement message.
d instruction to despatch message.
cated instruction for return message.
cated metered services consumption report.

cated product inquiry.

en a service provider and a service client, e.g., treatment of a patient in a hospital, usage by a member of a library facility, etc.

s) to a product which certifies compliance with a standard.

Union's Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES).

where an actual reading is not available.

gent to identify a specific consignment such as a booking reference number when cargo space is reserved prior to loading.

a series of similar products or goods produced under similar conditions.

SS billing purposes.

uropean regulation.

ase orders into one shipment.

parture of the means of transport.

ority to an animal farm.
parture of the means of transport.

te, see: 1001 = 730.

hed and attached to a transport contract document or not.

ase relevant to a purchase.

or example voyage number, flight number, trip number.

levant to a sale.
for working a particular transaction.

o identify a particular consignment.

controlling the transport container to a transaction or consignment.
on within a consignment.
ct on cooperation of two or more parties.
deferment of payment of tax or duties.
delivered to a marine terminal.

ation number submitted to an authority.

an actual reading is not available.
and electronic equipment.

ds in a classification of embargo measures.

for full or empty equipment received.

rsons as well as to corporates by a public institution; this number is different from the VAT registration number.
arder to identify a particular consignment.
y a specific line.
editions of the same goods, to the same destination, defining all general conditions of the transport.

goods introduced are generally regarded, insofar as import duties and taxes are concerned, as being outside the Customs territory and are not subject to us

ardization description (e.g. M5 for screws or DIN A4 for paper).

Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System of the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC).

movement of imported cargo prior to its formal Customs clearing.
whose name is entered on the Cargo Agency List.

y one specific interchange. This number points to the actual interchange.

y one specific interchange. This number points to the previous interchange.
customer within his enterprise.

granted by the forwarding location e.g. railway or airport, when the consignment is subject to traffic limitations.

institutions to provide for collection of customers 'receivables'.

see: 1001 = 704.

s product or part.

en production quantity of products.

ive certain customs correspondence in lieu of its being mailed directly to the importer.

ety data sheet.

e: 1001 = 741.
rposes of transportation in North American commerce.
liveries within Brazil, issued by the local tax authorities and mandated for each shipment.

hat has been left unclaimed and subsequently moved to a Customs bonded warehouse for storage.
heck, draft or wire.
rticle or batch to identify the manufacturing date etc. for subsequent reference.

ct of the prime contractor.

f a purchase order.
to the supplier.
heck, draft or wire.

e used in all rail organizations and specified in the international tariffs (rail tariffs) known by the customers.
e, see: 1001 = 720.
et of rules, conventions, conditions, etc.
nment upon its arrival at its destination.

his specific item out of an number of identical items.

on) number for a shipment.

piece of transport equipment.

rticular piece of equipment within a series of pieces of equipment.

station (CIM convention).

finition of DE 1001, code 229).

ch functions as a reference number or as an authorization number to get the goods or container released from a certain party.

cating its tax exemption authorization. This number could relate to a specified business type, a specified local area or a class of products.
re parties over a defined life cycle; e.g. number applied by importer or broker to obtain release from Customs, may then used to control declaration throug
relevant to the product.

equence of parties involved.

nment of goods. Synonym: UCR, UCRN.
NDG) is the unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly
ence of parties involved.
ource on the worldwide web.
to identify a party for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT).

tion of a transport equipment gross mass (weight) verification.

urchase order.

a Verified Gross Mass (weight) of a packed transport equipment as per SOLAS Chapter VI, Regulation 2, paragraphs 4-6.

ransport. Normally is the vehicle registration number.

placed in a Customs bonded warehouse.

nsignment from initial entry into a country until release of the cargo by Customs.
erred to the control of another carrier or freight forwarder (e.g. housebill, abstract) this references the previous (e.g. master) cargo control number.
nications equipment.
ntracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regard to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged.
ms territory and are not subject to usual Customs control (CCC).
class of products.
n used to control declaration through final accounting (synonyms: declaration, entry number).

dangerous goods most commonly carried.

ster) cargo control number.
VATEX code list
Code Description Explanation
VATEX-EU-79-C Exempt based on ar
Exemptions relating to repayment of expenditures. Remark, Repayment of expenditure is not an exem
VATEX-EU-132 Exempt based on ar
Exemptions for certain activities in public interest.
VATEX-EU-132-1A Exempt based on ar
The supply by the public postal services of services other than passenger transport and telecommunic
VATEX-EU-132-1B Exempt based on ar
Hospital and medical care and closely related activities undertaken by bodies governed by public law
VATEX-EU-132-1C Exempt based on ar
The provision of medical care in the exercise of the medical and paramedical professions as defined b
VATEX-EU-132-1D Exempt based on ar
The supply of human organs, blood and milk.
VATEX-EU-132-1E Exempt based on ar
The supply of services by dental technicians in their professional capacity and the supply of dental pro
VATEX-EU-132-1F Exempt based on ar
The supply of services by independent groups of persons, who are carrying on an activity which is exe
VATEX-EU-132-1G Exempt based on ar
The supply of services and of goods closely linked to welfare and social security work, including those
VATEX-EU-132-1H Exempt based on ar
"The supply of services and of goods closely linked to the protection of children and young persons b
VATEX-EU-132-1I Exempt based on art
" The provision of children's or young people's education, school or university education, vocational t
VATEX-EU-132-1J Exempt based on art
Tuition given privately by teachers and covering school or university education.
VATEX-EU-132-1K Exempt based on ar
The supply of staff by religious or philosophical institutions for the purpose of the activities referred to
VATEX-EU-132-1L Exempt based on art
The supply of services, and the supply of goods closely linked thereto, to their members in their comm
VATEX-EU-132-1M Exempt based on ar
The supply of certain services closely linked to sport or physical education by non-profit-making orga
VATEX-EU-132-1N Exempt based on ar
The supply of certain cultural services, and the supply of goods closely linked thereto, by bodies gove
VATEX-EU-132-1O Exempt based on ar
"The supply of services and goods, by organisations whose activities are exempt pursuant to points (b
VATEX-EU-132-1P Exempt based on ar
The supply of transport services for sick or injured persons in vehicles specially designed for the purpo
VATEX-EU-132-1Q Exempt based on ar
The activities, other than those of a commercial nature, carried out by public radio and television bod
VATEX-EU-143 Exempt based on ar
Exemptions on importation.
VATEX-EU-143-1A Exempt based on ar
The final importation of goods of which the supply by a taxable person would in all circumstances be
VATEX-EU-143-1B Exempt based on ar
The final importation of goods governed by Council Directives 69/169/EEC (1), 83/181/EEC (2) and 20
VATEX-EU-143-1C Exempt based on ar
The final importation of goods, in free circulation from a third territory forming part of the Communit
VATEX-EU-143-1D Exempt based on ar
The importation of goods dispatched or transported from a third territory or a third country into a Me
VATEX-EU-143-1E Exempt based on ar
The reimportation, by the person who exported them, of goods in the state in which they were export
VATEX-EU-143-1F Exempt based on ar
The importation, under diplomatic and consular arrangements, of goods which are exempt from custo
VATEX-EU-143-1FA Exempt based on ar
"The importation of goods by the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, th
VATEX-EU-143-1G Exempt based on ar
" The importation of goods by international bodies, other than those referred to in point (fa), recognis
VATEX-EU-143-1H Exempt based on ar
The importation of goods, into Member States party to the North Atlantic Treaty, by the armed forces
VATEX-EU-143-1I Exempt based on art
The importation of goods by the armed forces of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of Cypru
VATEX-EU-143-1J Exempt based on art
The importation into ports, by sea fishing undertakings, of their catches, unprocessed or after undergo
VATEX-EU-143-1K Exempt based on ar
The importation of gold by central banks.
VATEX-EU-143-1L Exempt based on art
The importation of gas through a natural gas system or any network connected to such a system or fe
VATEX-EU-148 Exempt based on ar
Exemptions related to international transport.
VATEX-EU-148-A Exempt based on ar
Fuel supplies for commercial international transport vessels
VATEX-EU-148-B Exempt based on ar
Fuel supplies for fighting ships in international transport.
VATEX-EU-148-C Exempt based on ar
Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of international transport vessels.
VATEX-EU-148-D Exempt based on ar
Supply to of other services to commercial international transport vessels.
VATEX-EU-148-E Exempt based on ar
Fuel supplies for aircraft on international routes.
VATEX-EU-148-F Exempt based on ar
Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of aircraft on international routes.
VATEX-EU-148-G Exempt based on ar
Supply to of other services to aircraft on international routes.
VATEX-EU-151 Exempt based on ar
Exemptions relating to certain Transactions treated as exports.
VATEX-EU-151-1A Exempt based on ar
The supply of goods or services under diplomatic and consular arrangements.
VATEX-EU-151-1AA Exempt based on ar
The supply of goods or services to the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Communit
VATEX-EU-151-1B Exempt based on ar
The supply of goods or services to international bodies, other than those referred to in point (aa), reco
VATEX-EU-151-1C Exempt based on ar
The supply of goods or services within a Member State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, in
VATEX-EU-151-1D Exempt based on ar
The supply of goods or services to another Member State, intended for the armed forces of any State
VATEX-EU-151-1E Exempt based on ar
The supply of goods or services to the armed forces of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of
VATEX-EU-309 Exempt based on ar
Travel agents performed outside of EU.
VATEX-EU-AE Reverse charge Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-AE-10 - Only use with VAT category code AE
VATEX-EU-D Intra-Community aSecond-hand means of transport - Indication that VAT has been paid according to the relevant transit
VATEX-EU-F Intra-Community aSecond-hand goods - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for second-hand goods has been applie
VATEX-EU-G Export outside theSupports EN 16931-1 rule BR-G-10 - Only use with VAT category code G
VATEX-EU-I Intra-Community ac
Works of art - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for works of art has been applied. - Only use wi
VATEX-EU-IC Intra-Community sSupports EN 16931-1 rule BR-IC-10 - Only use with VAT category code K
VATEX-EU-O Not subject to VATSupports EN 16931-1 rule BR-O-10 - Only use with VAT category code O
VATEX-EU-J Intra-Community ac
Collectors' items and antiques - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for collector’s items and antiq
of expenditure is not an exemption in the sense of the VAT Directive but may be handled as such in the context of the EN16931.

r transport and telecommunications services, and the supply of goods incidental thereto.
odies governed by public law or, under social conditions comparable with those applicable to bodies governed by public law, by hospitals, centres for med
dical professions as defined by the Member State concerned.

y and the supply of dental prostheses by dentists and dental technicians.

ing on an activity which is exempt from VAT or in relation to which they are not taxable persons, for the purpose of rendering their members the services d
security work, including those supplied by old people's homes, by bodies governed by public law or by other bodies recognised by the Member State conc
children and young persons by bodies governed by public law or by other organisations recognised by the Member State concerned as being devoted to s
versity education, vocational training or retraining, including the supply of services and of goods closely related thereto, by bodies governed by public law h

ose of the activities referred to in points (b), (g), (h) and (i) and with a view to spiritual welfare.
o their members in their common interest in return for a subscription fixed in accordance with their rules by non-profitmaking organisations with aims of a
on by non-profit-making organisations to persons taking part in sport or physical education.
inked thereto, by bodies governed by public law or by other cultural bodies recognised by the Member State concerned.
exempt pursuant to points (b), (g), (h), (i), (l), (m) and (n), in connection with fund-raising events organised exclusively for their own benefit, provided that e
pecially designed for the purpose, by duly authorised bodies.
ublic radio and television bodies.

would in all circumstances be exempt within their respective territory.

EEC (1), 83/181/EEC (2) and 2006/79/EC (3).
orming part of the Community customs territory, which would be entitled to exemption under point (b) if they had been imported within the meaning of th
ry or a third country into a Member State other than that in which the dispatch or transport of the goods ends, where the supply of such goods by the imp
tate in which they were exported, where those goods are exempt from customs duties.
s which are exempt from customs duties.
Atomic Energy Community, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, or by the bodies set up by the Communities to which the Protoco
erred to in point (fa), recognised as such by the public authorities of the host Member State, or by members of such bodies, within the limits and under the
tic Treaty, by the armed forces of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying their m
tationed in the island of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which are for the use of
unprocessed or after undergoing preservation for marketing but before being supplied.

nnected to such a system or fed in from a vessel transporting gas into a natural gas system or any upstream pipeline network, of electricity or of heat or coo

BT-112 1755.6 TaxInclusiveAmount

BT-109 1436.5 TaxExclusiveAmount

ean Atomic Energy Community, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, or to the bodies set up by the Communities to which the Pro
e referred to in point (aa), recognised as such by the public authorities of the host Member States, and to members of such bodies, within the limits and un
to the North Atlantic Treaty, intended either for the armed forces of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accom
the armed forces of any State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, other than the Member State of destination itself, for the use of those forces, or
dom stationed in the island of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which are for the u

cording to the relevant transitional arrangements - Only use with VAT category code E
d-hand goods has been applied. - Only use with VAT category code E

as been applied. - Only use with VAT category code E

for collector’s items and antiques has been applied. - Only use with VAT category code E
ic law, by hospitals, centres for medical treatment or diagnosis and other duly recognised establishments of a similar nature

dering their members the services directly necessary for the exercise of that activity, where those groups merely claim from their members exact reimbursem
cognised by the Member State concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing.
ate concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing"
, by bodies governed by public law having such as their aim or by other organisations recognised by the Member State concerned as having similar objects

making organisations with aims of a political, trade-union, religious, patriotic, philosophical, philanthropic or civic nature, provided that this exemption is no

or their own benefit, provided that exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition."

n imported within the meaning of the first paragraph of Article 30

he supply of such goods by the importer designated or recognised under Article 201 as liable for payment of VAT is exempt under Article 138.

e Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities applies, within the limits and under the
odies, within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the international conventions establishing the bodies or by headquarters agreements"
panying them or for supplying their messes or canteens where such forces take part in the common defence effort.
ugust 1960, which are for the use of those forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying their messes or canteens.

twork, of electricity or of heat or cooling energy through heating or cooling networks.

y the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities applies, within the limits and unde
uch bodies, within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the international conventions establishing the bodies or by headquarters agreements.
e forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens when such forces take part in the common defence effort.
itself, for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens when such forces take part in the com
16 August 1960, which are for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens.
rom their members exact reimbursement of their share of the joint expenses, provided that such exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition.

concerned as having similar objects."

e, provided that this exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition.

empt under Article 138.

plies, within the limits and under the conditions of that Protocol and the agreements for its implementation or the headquarters agreements, in so far as it d
y headquarters agreements"

s applies, within the limits and under the conditions of that Protocol and the agreements for its implementation or the headquarters agreements, in so far a
es or by headquarters agreements.
art in the common defence effort.
when such forces take part in the common defence effort.
messes or canteens.
to cause distortion of competition.

quarters agreements, in so far as it does not lead to distortion of competition"

headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not lead to distortion of competition.

Allowance reason codes (UNCL5189 subset) Charge reason code (UNCL7161)
Code RO Desc Description Code RO Desc DescriptionExplanation
41 Bonus for works ahead of schedule AA Advertising The service of providing advertising.
42 Other bonus AAA TelecommunThe service of providing telecommunicatio
60 Manufacturer’s consumer discount AAC Technical mo
The service of making technical modificatio
62 Due to military status AAD Job-order pThe service of producing to order.
63 Due to work accident AAE Outlays The service of providing money for outlays
64 Special agreement AAF Off-premiseThe service of providing services outside th
65 Production error discount AAH Additional pThe service of providing additional process
66 New outlet discount AAI Attesting The service of certifying validity.
67 Sample discount AAS Acceptance The service of accepting goods or services.
68 End-of-range discount AAT Rush deliverThe service to provide a rush delivery.
70 Incoterm discount AAV Special consThe service of providing special constructio
71 Point of sales threshold allowance AAY Airport faciliThe service of providing airport facilities.
88 Material surcharge/deduction AAZ Concession The service allowing a party to use another
95 Discount ABA CompulsoryThe service provided to hold a compulsory
100 Special rebate ABB Fuel removaRemove or off-load fuel from vehicle, vesse
102 Fixed long term ABC Into plane Service of delivering goods to an aircraft fr
103 Temporary ABD Overtime The service of providing labour beyond the
104 Standard ABF Tooling The service of providing specific tooling.
105 Yearly turnover ABK MiscellaneoMiscellaneous services.
20 Cheque ABL Additional The service of providing additional packagi
21 Banker's draft ABN Dunnage The service of providing additional padding
22 Certified banker's draft ABR ContainerisaThe service of packing items into a contain
23 Bank cheque (issued by a banking or sim
ABS Carton packThe service of packing items into a carton.
24 Bill of exchange awaiting acceptance ABT Hessian wr The service of hessian wrapping.
25 Certified cheque ABU Polyethylen The service of packing in polyethylene wrap
26 Local cheque ACF MiscellaneoMiscellaneous treatment service.
27 ACH demand corporate trade payment ACG
( Enamelling The service of providing enamelling treatm
28 ACH demand corporate trade exchangeACH Heat treatmThe service of treating with heat.
29 ACH demand corporate trade exchangeACI Plating trea The service of providing plating treatment.
30 Credit transfer ACJ Painting The service of painting.
31 Debit transfer ACK Polishing The service of polishing.
32 ACH demand cash concentration/disburACL Priming The service of priming.
33 ACH demand cash concentration/disburACM PreservationThe service of preservation treatment.
34 ACH prearranged payment and depositACS Fitting Fitting service.
35 ACH savings cash concentration/disburADC Consolidati The service of consolidating multiple consi
36 ACH savings cash concentration/disburADE Bill of ladin The service of providing a bill of lading doc
37 ACH savings corporate trade payment (C
ADJ Airbag The service of surrounding a product with a
38 ACH savings corporate trade payment (ADK Transfer The service of transferring.
39 ACH savings corporate trade exchange A
( DL Slipsheet The service of securing a stack of products
40 ACH savings corporate trade exchange ADM Binding Binding service.
41 ACH savings cash concentration/disburADN Repair or r The service of repairing or replacing a brok
42 Payment to bank account ADO Efficient logA code indicating efficient logistics services
43 ACH savings cash concentration/disburADP Merchandis A code indicating that merchandising servi
44 Accepted bill of exchange ADQ Product mixA code indicating that product mixing serv
45 Referenced home-banking credit transfADR Other servicA code indicating that other non-specific s
46 Interbank debit transfer ADT Pick-up The service of picking up or collection of g
47 Home-banking debit transfer ADW Chronic illn The special services provided due to chron
48 Bank card ADY New product
A service provided by a buyer when introdu
49 Direct debit ADZ Direct deliv Direct delivery service.
50 Payment by postgiro AEA Diversion The service of diverting deliverables.
51 FR, norme 6 97-Telereglement CFONB (F
AEB Disconnect The service is a disconnection.
52 Urgent commercial payment AEC DistributionDistribution service.
53 Urgent Treasury Payment AED Handling ofA service for handling hazardous cargo.
54 Credit card AEF Rents and l The service of renting and/or leasing.
55 Debit card AEH Location diffDelivery to a different location than previou
56 Bankgiro AEI Aircraft refuFuel being put into the aircraft.
57 Standing agreement AEJ Fuel shippedFuel being shipped into a storage system.
58 SEPA credit transfer AEK Cash on deliThe provision of a cash on delivery (COD) s
59 SEPA direct debit AEL Small order A service related to the processing of small
60 Promissory note AEM Clerical or aThe provision of clerical or administrative s
61 Promissory note signed by the debtor AEN Guarantee The service of providing a guarantee.
62 Promissory note signed by the debtor AEO Collection aThe service of collection and recycling prod
63 Promissory note signed by the debtor aAEP Copyright feThe service of collecting copyright fees.
64 Promissory note signed by a bank AES Veterinary i The service of providing veterinary inspecti
65 Promissory note signed by a bank and AET Pensioner seSpecial service when the subject is a pensio
66 Promissory note signed by a third partyAEU Medicine freSpecial service when the subject holds a m
67 Promissory note signed by a third part AEV Environmenta
The provision of an environmental protecti
68 Online payment service AEW EnvironmentThe provision of an environmental clean-up
70 Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtorAEX National cheService of processing a national cheque ou
74 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank AEY National pa Service of processing a national payment to
75 Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by AEZ National payService of processing a national payment to
76 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank an AJ AdjustmentsThe service of making adjustments.
77 Bill drawn by the creditor on a third parAU Authenticat The service of authenticating.
78 Bill drawn by creditor on third party, CA CataloguingThe provision of cataloguing services.
91 Not transferable banker's draft CAB Cartage Movement of goods by heavy duty cart or
92 Not transferable local cheque CAD CertificationThe service of certifying.
93 Reference giro CAE Certificate The service of providing a certificate of con
94 Urgent giro CAF Certificate oThe service of providing a certificate of orig
95 Free format giro CAI Cutting The service of cutting.
96 Requested method for payment was noCAJ Consular serThe service provided by consulates.
97 Clearing between partners CAK Customer coThe service of collecting goods by the cust
ZZZ Mutually defined CAL Payroll paymProvision of a payroll payment service.
CAM Cash transpo
Provision of a cash transportation service.
CAN Home bankin
Provision of a home banking service.
CAO Bilateral ag Provision of a service as specified in a bilat
CAP Insurance brProvision of an insurance brokerage service
CAQ Cheque gene
Provision of a cheque generation service.
CAR Preferential Service of assigning a preferential location
CAS Crane The service of providing a crane.
CAT Special coloProviding a colour which is different from t
CAU Sorting The provision of sorting services.
CAV Battery coll The service of collecting and recycling batt
CAW Product takeThe fee the consumer must pay the manufa
CAX Quality contInforms the stockholder it is free to distribu
CAY Quality contInstructs the stockholder to withhold distrib
CAZ Quality con Instructs the stockholder to withhold distrib
CD Car loading Car loading service.
CG Cleaning Cleaning service.
CS Cigarette s The service of providing cigarette stamping
CT Count and rThe service of doing a count and recount.
DAB Layout/desi The service of providing layout/design.
DAC Assortment Allowance given when a specific part of a s
DAD Driver assi The service of unloading by the driver.
DAF Debtor bou A special allowance or charge applicable to
DAG Dealer allo An allowance offered by a party dealing a c
DAH Allowance t An allowance given by the manufacturer w
DAI Growth of bAn allowance or charge related to the grow
DAJ Introductio An allowance related to the introduction of
DAK Multi-buy pA code indicating special conditions related
DAL Partnership An allowance or charge related to the estab
DAM Return handAn allowance or change related to the han
DAN Minimum orde
Charge levied because the minimum order
DAO Point of sal Allowance for reaching or exceeding an ag
DAP WholesalingA special discount related to the purchase
DAQ Documentary
Fee for the transfer of transferable docume
DL Delivery The service of providing delivery.
EG Engraving The service of providing engraving.
EP Expediting The service of expediting.
ER Exchange raThe service of guaranteeing exchange rate.
FAA Fabrication The service of providing fabrication.
FAB Freight equaThe service of load balancing.
FAC Freight extr The service of providing freight's extraordin
FC Freight serv The service of moving goods, by whatever
FH Filling/handThe service of providing filling/handling.
FI Financing The service of providing financing.
GAA Grinding The service of grinding.
HAA Hose The service of providing a hose.
HD Handling Handling service.
HH Hoisting an The service of hoisting and hauling.
IAA Installation The service of installing.
IAB Installation The service of installing and providing warr
ID Inside deliv The service of providing delivery inside.
IF Inspection The service of inspection.
IR Installation The service of providing installation and tra
IS Invoicing The service of providing an invoice.
KO Koshering The service of preparing food in accordanc
L1 Carrier counThe service of counting by the carrier.
LA Labelling Labelling service.
LAA Labour The service to provide required labour.
LAB Repair and rThe service of repairing and returning.
LF LegalisationThe service of legalising.
MAE Mounting The service of mounting.
MI Mail invoiceThe service of mailing an invoice.
ML Mail invoiceThe service of mailing an invoice to each lo
NAA Non-returnaThe service of providing non-returnable co
OA Outside cabThe service of providing outside cable conn
PA Invoice wit The service of including the invoice with th
PAA PhosphatizinThe service of phosphatizing the steel.
PC Packing The service of packing.
PL Palletizing The service of palletizing.
RAB Repacking The service of repacking.
RAC Repair The service of repairing.
RAD Returnable The service of providing returnable contain
RAF Restocking The service of restocking.
RE Re-delivery The service of re-delivering.
RF Refurbishin The service of refurbishing.
RH Rail wagon hThe service of providing rail wagons for hir
RV Loading The service of loading goods.
SA Salvaging The service of salvaging.
SAA Shipping anThe service of shipping and handling.
SAD Special pac The service of special packaging.
SAE Stamping The service of stamping.
SAI Consignee uThe service of unloading by the consignee.
SG Shrink-wrapThe service of shrink-wrapping.
SH Special handThe service of special handling.
SM Special finisThe service of providing a special finish.
SU Set-up The service of setting-up.
TAB Tank rentin The service of providing tanks for hire.
TAC Testing The service of testing.
TT Transportatio
The service of providing third party billing
TV Transportat The service of providing transportation by
V1 Drop yard The service of delivering goods at the yard
V2 Drop dock The service of delivering goods at the dock
WH WarehousinThe service of storing and handling of goo
XAA Combine allThe service of combining all shipments for
YY Split pick-u The service of providing split pick-up.
ZZZ Mutually deA code assigned within a code list to be us
e of providing advertising.
e of providing telecommunication activities and/or faclities.
e of making technical modifications to a product.
e of producing to order.
e of providing money for outlays on behalf of a trading partner.
e of providing services outside the premises of the provider.
e of providing additional processing.
e of certifying validity.
e of accepting goods or services.
e to provide a rush delivery.
e of providing special construction.
e of providing airport facilities.
e allowing a party to use another party's facilities.
e provided to hold a compulsory inventory.
r off-load fuel from vehicle, vessel or craft.
delivering goods to an aircraft from local storage.
e of providing labour beyond the established limit of working hours.
e of providing specific tooling.

e of providing additional packaging.

e of providing additional padding materials required to secure and protect a cargo within a shipping container.
e of packing items into a container.
e of packing items into a carton.
e of hessian wrapping.
e of packing in polyethylene wrapping.
ous treatment service.
e of providing enamelling treatment.
e of treating with heat.
e of providing plating treatment.

e of polishing.

e of preservation treatment.

e of consolidating multiple consignments into one shipment.

e of providing a bill of lading document.
e of surrounding a product with an air bag.
e of transferring.
e of securing a stack of products on a slipsheet.

e of repairing or replacing a broken returnable package.

icating efficient logistics services.
icating that merchandising services are in operation.
icating that product mixing services are in operation.
icating that other non-specific services are in operation.
e of picking up or collection of goods.
l services provided due to chronic illness.
provided by a buyer when introducing a new product from a suppliers range to the range traded by the buyer.

e of diverting deliverables.
e is a disconnection.

or handling hazardous cargo.

e of renting and/or leasing.
a different location than previously contracted.
put into the aircraft.
shipped into a storage system.
ion of a cash on delivery (COD) service.
elated to the processing of small orders.
ion of clerical or administrative services.
e of providing a guarantee.
e of collection and recycling products.
e of collecting copyright fees.
e of providing veterinary inspection.
vice when the subject is a pensioner.
vice when the subject holds a medicine free pass.
ion of an environmental protection service.
ion of an environmental clean-up service.
processing a national cheque outside the ordering customer's bank trading area.
processing a national payment to a beneficiary holding an account outside the trading area of the ordering customer's bank.
processing a national payment to a beneficiary holding an account within the trading area of the ordering customer's bank.
e of making adjustments.
e of authenticating.
ion of cataloguing services.
of goods by heavy duty cart or vehicle.
e of certifying.
e of providing a certificate of conformance.
e of providing a certificate of origin.

e provided by consulates.
e of collecting goods by the customer.
of a payroll payment service.
of a cash transportation service.
of a home banking service.
of a service as specified in a bilateral special agreement.
of an insurance brokerage service.
of a cheque generation service.
assigning a preferential location for merchandising.
e of providing a crane.
a colour which is different from the default colour.
ion of sorting services.
e of collecting and recycling batteries.
e consumer must pay the manufacturer to take back the product.
e stockholder it is free to distribute the quality controlled passed goods.
he stockholder to withhold distribution of the goods until the manufacturer has completed a quality control assessment.
he stockholder to withhold distribution of goods which have failed quality control tests.

e of providing cigarette stamping.

e of doing a count and recount.
e of providing layout/design.
given when a specific part of a suppliers assortment is purchased by the buyer.
e of unloading by the driver.
llowance or charge applicable to a specific debtor.
nce offered by a party dealing a certain brand or brands of products.
nce given by the manufacturer which should be transfered to the consumer.
nce or charge related to the growth of business over a pre-determined period of time.
nce related to the introduction of a new product to the range of products traded by a retailer.
icating special conditions related to a multi-buy promotion.
nce or charge related to the establishment and on-going maintenance of a partnership.
nce or change related to the handling of returns.
ied because the minimum order quantity could not be fulfilled.
for reaching or exceeding an agreed sales threshold at the point of sales.
iscount related to the purchase of products through a wholesaler.
transfer of transferable documentary credits.
e of providing delivery.
e of providing engraving.
e of expediting.
e of guaranteeing exchange rate.
e of providing fabrication.
e of load balancing.
e of providing freight's extraordinary handling.
e of moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another.
e of providing filling/handling.
e of providing financing.
e of grinding.
e of providing a hose.

e of hoisting and hauling.

e of installing.
e of installing and providing warranty.
e of providing delivery inside.
e of inspection.
e of providing installation and training.
e of providing an invoice.
e of preparing food in accordance with Jewish law.
e of counting by the carrier.

e to provide required labour.

e of repairing and returning.
e of legalising.
e of mounting.
e of mailing an invoice.
e of mailing an invoice to each location.
e of providing non-returnable containers.
e of providing outside cable connectors.
e of including the invoice with the shipment.
e of phosphatizing the steel.

e of palletizing.
e of repacking.
e of repairing.
e of providing returnable containers.
e of restocking.
e of re-delivering.
e of refurbishing.
e of providing rail wagons for hire.
e of loading goods.
e of salvaging.
e of shipping and handling.
e of special packaging.
e of stamping.
e of unloading by the consignee.
e of shrink-wrapping.
e of special handling.
e of providing a special finish.
e of setting-up.
e of providing tanks for hire.

e of providing third party billing for transportation.

e of providing transportation by the vendor.
e of delivering goods at the yard.
e of delivering goods at the dock.
e of storing and handling of goods in a warehouse.
e of combining all shipments for the same day.
e of providing split pick-up.
igned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.
gned to the code list.
Duty or tax or fee category code (Subset of UNCL5305)
Code RO Desc Description Explanation
AE Taxare inversa Vat Reverse Charge Code specifying that the standard VAT rate
E Scutit de TVA Exempt from Tax Code specifying that taxes are not applicab
S Cota normala Standard rate Code specifying the standard rate.
Z Cota zero Zero rated goods Code specifying that the goods are at a zero
G Export in afara UE Free export item, VAT not charged Code specifying that the item is free export
O Nu face obiectul TVA Services outside scope of tax Code specifying that taxes are not applicab
K Livrare intracomunitara VAT exempt for EEA intra-community supply of goods and A
s tax category code indicating the item is V
L IGIC Canary Islands general indirect tax Impuesto General Indirecto Canario (IGIC) is
M IPSI Tax for production, services and importation in Ceuta and MImpuesto sobre la Producción, los Servicios
B Transferred (VAT), In Italy VAT not to be paid to the issuer of the invo
that the standard VAT rate is levied from the invoicee.
that taxes are not applicable.
the standard rate.
that the goods are at a zero rate.
that the item is free export and taxes are not charged.
that taxes are not applicable to the services.
ode indicating the item is VAT exempt due to an intra-community supply in the European Economic Area.
al Indirecto Canario (IGIC) is an indirect tax levied on goods and services supplied in the Canary Islands (Spain) by traders and professionals, as well as on im
la Producción, los Servicios y la Importación (IPSI) is an indirect municipal tax, levied on the production, processing and import of all kinds of movable tang
aid to the issuer of the invoice but directly to relevant tax authority. This code is allowed in the EN 16931 for Italy only based on the Italian A-deviation.
rofessionals, as well as on import of goods.
of all kinds of movable tangible property, the supply of services and the transfer of immovable property located in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
the Italian A-deviation.
ities of Ceuta and Melilla.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

vanzator 1111111111118, reprezentant fiscal RO19, cumparator 8609468

moneda TVA =RON, moneda factura = RON

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<cbc:Note>Ordered in our booth at the convention.</cbc:Note><!--BT-22-->
<cbc:Note>#AAB#Conditions of payment between the parties to a transaction.</cbc:Note><!--BT-21--><!--BT-22-->
<cbc:AccountingCost>Project cost code 123</cbc:AccountingCost><!--BT-19-->
<cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject mimeCode="application/pdf" filename="document.pdf">U
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<cbc:ID schemeID="0004">Supp123</cbc:ID><!--BT-29 BT-29-1-->
<cbc:Name>Salescompany ltd.</cbc:Name><!--BT-28-->
<cbc:StreetName>Main street</cbc:StreetName><!--BT-35-->
<cbc:AdditionalStreetName>Suite 123</cbc:AdditionalStreetName><!--BT-36-->
<cbc:CityName>Big city</cbc:CityName><!--BT-37-->
<cbc:Line>Block 212</cbc:Line><!--BT-162-->
<cbc:RegistrationName>The Sellercompany Incorporated</cbc:RegistrationName><!--B
<cbc:CompanyID schemeID="0003">5402697509</cbc:CompanyID><!--BT-30 BT-30-1--
<cbc:CompanyLegalForm>Company Ltd. established at the Commercial Court in Copenh
<cbc:Name>Behar Shehu</cbc:Name><!--BT-41-->
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<cbc:EndpointID schemeID="0002">1234567987654</cbc:EndpointID><!--BT-49 bt-49-1-->
<cbc:ID schemeID="0002">345KS5324</cbc:ID><!--BT-46 BT-46-1-->
<cbc:Name>Ministerul Finantelor</cbc:Name><!--BT-45-->
<cbc:StreetName>BLD. Libertatii, Nr.16</cbc:StreetName><!--BT-50-->
<cbc:AdditionalStreetName>Corpul A</cbc:AdditionalStreetName><!--BT-51-->
<cbc:CityName>Municipiul Bucuresti</cbc:CityName><!--BT-52-->
<cbc:CountrySubentity>Sector 5</cbc:CountrySubentity><!--BT-54-->
<cbc:RegistrationName>Ministerul Finantelor</cbc:RegistrationName><!--BT-44-->
<cbc:CompanyID schemeID="0005">JB007</cbc:CompanyID><!--BT-47 BT-47-1-->
<cbc:Name>Ion Ionescu</cbc:Name><!--BT-56-->
<cbc:ID schemeID="0003">098740918237</cbc:ID><!--BT-60 BT-60-1-->
<cbc:Name>Ebeneser Scrooge Inc.</cbc:Name><!--BT-59-->
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<cac:TaxRepresentativeParty><!--BG-11 REPREZENTANT FISCAL-->
<cbc:Name>TELEKOM ROMANIA COMMUNICATIONS S.A.</cbc:Name><!--BT-62-->
<cbc:StreetName>P-TA PRESEI LIBERE, NR.3-5</cbc:StreetName><!--BT-64-->
<cbc:AdditionalStreetName>City Gate</cbc:AdditionalStreetName><!--BT-65-->
<cbc:CityName>Municipiul Bucuresti</cbc:CityName><!--BT-66-->
<cbc:Line>Cladirea A</cbc:Line><!--BT-164-->
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<cbc:ID schemeID="0021">6754238987648</cbc:ID><!--BT-71 BT-71-1-->
<cbc:AdditionalStreetName>Side door</cbc:AdditionalStreetName><!--BT-76-->
<cbc:Line>Corpul A</cbc:Line><!--BT-165-->
<cbc:Name>Directia Generala de Achizitii</cbc:Name><!--BT-70-->
<cbc:PaymentMeansCode name="Bank Card">48</cbc:PaymentMeansCode><!--BT-81-->
<cbc:InstructionNote>Virament bancar</cbc:InstructionNote><!--BT-82-->
<cbc:HolderName>Peter Petersen</cbc:HolderName><!--BT-88-->
<cbc:Name>RON Account</cbc:Name><!--BT-85-->
<cbc:Note>Penalty percentage 10% from due date</cbc:Note><!--BT-20-->
<cac:AllowanceCharge><!-- BG-21 TAXE SUPLIMENTARE-->
<cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>Packing cost</cbc:AllowanceChargeReason><!--BT-104-->
<cbc:Amount currencyID="RON">100</cbc:Amount><!--BT-99-->
<cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON">1500</cbc:BaseAmount><!--BT-100-->
<cac:AllowanceCharge><!-- BG-20 DEDUCERI-->
<cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>Loyal customer</cbc:AllowanceChargeReason><!--BT-97-->
<cbc:Amount currencyID="RON">150</cbc:Amount><!--BT-92-->
<cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON">1500</cbc:BaseAmount><!--BT-93-->
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<cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID="RON">187.5</cbc:TaxableAmount><!--BT-116-->
<cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="RON">28.13</cbc:TaxAmount><!--BT-117-->
<cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID="RON">-25</cbc:TaxableAmount><!--BT-116-->
<cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="RON">0</cbc:TaxAmount><!--BT-117-->
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<cbc:Note>Scratch on box</cbc:Note><!--BT-127-->
<cbc:InvoicedQuantity unitCode="C62">1</cbc:InvoicedQuantity><!--BT-129 BT-130-->
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<cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>Loyal customer</cbc:AllowanceChargeReason><!--BT-139-->
<cbc:Amount currencyID="RON">150</cbc:Amount><!--BT-136-->
<cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON">1500</cbc:BaseAmount><!--BT-137-->
<cac:AllowanceCharge><!--BG-28 taxa suplimentara-->
<cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>Packing cost</cbc:AllowanceChargeReason><!--BT-144-->
<cbc:Amount currencyID="RON">150</cbc:Amount><!--BT-141-->
<cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON">1500</cbc:BaseAmount><!--BT-142-->
<cbc:Description>Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo SU9400 LV (1.4GHz). RAM: 3MB. Screen 1440x900</c
<cbc:Name>Labtop computer</cbc:Name><!--BT-153-->
<cbc:ID schemeID="0005">1234567890124</cbc:ID><!--BT-157 BT-157-1 -->
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<cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON">1500</cbc:BaseAmount><!--BT-148-->
<cbc:Note>Cover is slightly damaged.</cbc:Note>
<cbc:InvoicedQuantity unitCode="EA">-1</cbc:InvoicedQuantity>
<cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="NOK">-3.96</cbc:LineExtensionAmount><!--BT-131-->
<cbc:Name>Returned "Advanced computing" book</cbc:Name>
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<cbc:AccountingCost>BookingCode003</cbc:AccountingCost> <cac:OrderLineReference>
<cbc:Name>"Computing for dummies" book</cbc:Name>
<cbc:ID schemeID="0088">1234567890135</cbc:ID>
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<cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="NOK">-25.00</cbc:LineExtensionAmount> <!--BT-131-->
<cbc:Name>Returned IBM 5150 desktop</cbc:Name>
<cbc:ID schemeID="0088">1234567890159</cbc:ID>
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<cbc:ItemClassificationCode listID="STI">65434565</cbc:ItemClassificationCode>
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<cbc:InvoicedQuantity unitCode="MTR">250</cbc:InvoicedQuantity>
<cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="NOK">187.50</cbc:LineExtensionAmount> <!--BT-131-->
<cbc:Name>Network cable</cbc:Name>
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" filename="document.pdf">UjBsR09EbGhjZ0dTQUxNQUFBUUNBRU1tQ1p0dU1GUXhEUzhi</cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject><!--BT-125-->




ompanyID><!--BT-30 BT-30-1-->
he Commercial Court in Copenhagen, share capital of 20,000.00 RON, Director Behar Shehu</cbc:CompanyLegalForm><!--BT-33-->


D><!--BT-49 bt-49-1-->



nyID><!--BT-47 BT-47-1-->


<!--BT-61 BT-61-1-->









AM: 3MB. Screen 1440x900</cbc:Description><!--BT-154-->

BT-157 BT-157-1 -->

13">32344324</cbc:ItemClassificationCode><!--BT-158 BT-158-1 BT-158-2-->

" >65434568</cbc:ItemClassificationCode>




> <!--BT-131-->





nt> <!--BT-131-->



unt> <!--BT-131-->


Invoice 0 Invoice
Invoice 1 UBLVersionID C(15)
Invoice 1 BT-24 CustomizationID
Invoice 1 BT-1 ID C(40)
Invoice 1 BT-2 IssueDate C(12)
Invoice 1 BT-9 DueDate C(12)
Invoice 1 BT-3 InvoiceTypeCode C(10)
Invoice 1 BT-2 Note C(150)
Invoice 1 BT-21, BT-2 Note C(150)
Invoice 1 BT-7 TaxPointDate C(12)
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Invoice 1 BT-6 TaxCurrencyCode C(9)
Invoice 1 BT-19 AccountingCost C(100)
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Invoice_OrderReference 2 BT-13 ID C(20)
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0 Invoice_BillingReference 1 ID C(10)
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x Invoice_AccountingSupplier 2 Party >
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0 Invoice_AccountingSupplie 3 IDL C(30) x
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Invoice_AccountingSupplie 3 PartyName >
Invoice_AccountingSupplie 4 Name C(100)
Invoice_AccountingSupplie 3 PartyName /
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 3 PostalAddress >
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 StreetName C(100)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 AdditionalStreetName C(70)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 CityName C(70)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 PostalZone C(70)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 CountrySubentity C(100)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 AddressLine >
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 5 Line C(100)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 AddressLine /
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 Country >
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 5 IdentificationCode C(50)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 Country /
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 3 PostalAddress /
Invoice_AccountingSupplie 3 PartyTaxScheme >
Invoice_AccountingSupplie 4 CompanyID C(50)
Invoice_AccountingSupplie 4 TaxScheme >
Invoice_AccountingSupplie 5 ID C(40)
Invoice_AccountingSupplie 4 TaxScheme /
Invoice_AccountingSupplie 3 PartyTaxScheme /
Invoice_AccountingSupplierP 3 PartyLegalEntity >
Invoice_AccountingSupplierP 4 RegistrationName C(100)
Invoice_AccountingSupplierP 4 CompanyID C(20)
Invoice_AccountingSupplierP 4 CompanyLegalForm C(150)
Invoice_AccountingSupplierP 3 PartyLegalEntity /
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 3 Contact >
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 Name C(100)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 Telephone C(100)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 4 ElectronicMail C(100)
Invoice_AccountingSupplier 3 Contact /
x Invoice_AccountingSupplier 2 Party /
0 Invoice_AccountingSupplier 2 IDL C(15)
x Invoice_AccountingSupplier 1 AccountingSupplierParty /
x Invoice_AccountingCustome 1 AccountingCustomerParty>
x Invoice_AccountingCustome 2 Party >
0 Invoice_AccountingCustome 2 IDL C(15)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 EndpointID_EM > x
0 Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 IDL C(15) x
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 schemeID C(15) x
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 Value_ C(50) x
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 EndpointID_EM / x
Invoice_AccountingCustomer 3 PartyIdentification > 1
Invoice_AccountingCustomer 4 ID C(15)
Invoice_AccountingCustomer 3 PartyIdentification /
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 PartyName >
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 Name C(150)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 PartyName /
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 PostalAddress >
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 StreetName C(100)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 AdditionalStreetName C(100)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 CityName C(70)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 PostalZone C(70)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 CountrySubentity C(70)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 AddressLine >
Invoice_AccountingCustome 5 Line C(150)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 AddressLine /
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 Country >
Invoice_AccountingCustome 5 IdentificationCode C(50)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 Country /
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 PostalAddress /
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 PartyTaxScheme >
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 CompanyID C(50)
Invoice_AccountingCustom 4 TaxScheme >
Invoice_AccountingCustom 5 ID C(40)
Invoice_AccountingCustom 4 TaxScheme /
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 PartyTaxScheme /
Invoice_AccountingCustomer 3 PartyLegalEntity >
Invoice_AccountingCustomer 4 RegistrationName C(100)
Invoice_AccountingCustomer 4 CompanyID C(20)
Invoice_AccountingCustomer 3 PartyLegalEntity /
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 Contact >
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 Name C(150)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 Telephone C(150)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 4 ElectronicMail C(150)
Invoice_AccountingCustome 3 Contact /
x Invoice_AccountingCustome 2 Party /
x Invoice_AccountingCustome 1 AccountingCustomerParty/
PayeeParty 1 PayeeParty >
0 PayeeParty 1 IDL C(5)
PayeeParty_PartyIdentificat 2 PartyIdentification >
PayeeParty_PartyIdentificat 3 ID C(20)
PayeeParty_PartyIdentificat 2 PartyIdentification /
PayeeParty_PartyName 2 PartyName >
PayeeParty_PartyName 3 Name C(100)
PayeeParty_PartyName 2 PartyName /
PayeeParty_PartyLegalEntity 2 PartyLegalEntity >
PayeeParty_PartyLegalEntity 3 CompanyID C(50)
PayeeParty_PartyLegalEntity 2 PartyLegalEntity /
PayeeParty 1 PayeeParty /
TaxRepresentativeParty 1 TaxRepresentativeParty >
0 TaxRepresentativeParty 1 IDL C(5)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pa 2 PartyName >
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pa 1 Name C(150)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pa 2 PartyName /
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 2 PostalAddress >
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 StreetName C(100)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 AdditionalStreetName C(100)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 CityName C(100)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 PostalZone C(10)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 CountrySubentity C(70)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 AddressLine >
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 4 Line C(150)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 AddressLine /
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 Country >
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 4 IdentificationCode C(10)
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 3 Country /
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pos 2 PostalAddress /
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pa 2 PartyTaxScheme >
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pa 3 CompanyID C(150)
TaxRepresentativeParty_P 3 TaxScheme >
TaxRepresentativeParty_P 4 ID C(20)
TaxRepresentativeParty_P 3 TaxScheme /
TaxRepresentativeParty_Pa 2 PartyTaxScheme /
TaxRepresentativeParty 1 TaxRepresentativeParty /
Delivery 1 Delivery >
Delivery 2 ActualDeliveryDate C(10)
Delivery_DeliveryLocation 2 DeliveryLocation >
Delivery_DeliveryLocation 3 ID C(30)
Delivery_DeliveryLocation 2 DeliveryLocation /
Delivery_Address 2 Address >
Delivery_Address 3 StreetName C(150)
Delivery_Address 3 AdditionalStreetName C(150)
Delivery_Address 3 CityName C(100)
Delivery_Address 3 PostalZone C(10)
Delivery_Address 3 CountrySubentity C(50)
Delivery_Address_AddressLi 3 AddressLine >
Delivery_Address_AddressLi 4 Line C(150)
Delivery_Address_AddressLi 3 AddressLine /
Delivery_Address_Country 3 Country >
Delivery_Address_Country 4 IdentificationCode C(10)
Delivery_Address_Country 3 Country /
Delivery_Address 2 Address /
Delivery_DeliveryLocation 2 DeliveryLocation /
Delivery 1 Delivery /
PaymentMeans 1 PaymentMeans >
0 PaymentMeans 1 IDL C(10)
PaymentMeans_PaymentMe 2 PaymentMeansCode > x
0 PaymentMeans_PaymentMe 2 IDL C(10) x
PaymentMeans_PaymentMe 2 name C(50) x
PaymentMeans_PaymentMe 2 Value_ C(10) x
PaymentMeans_PaymentMe 2 PaymentMeansCode / x
PaymentMeans 2 InstructionNote C(100)
PaymentMeans 2 PaymentID C(20)
PaymentMeans_CardAccoun 2 CardAccount >
0 PaymentMeans_CardAccoun 3 IDL C(10)
PaymentMeans_CardAccoun 3 PrimaryAccountNumberI C(20)
PaymentMeans_CardAccoun 3 NetworkID C(50)
PaymentMeans_CardAccoun 3 HolderName C(100)
PaymentMeans_CardAccoun 2 CardAccount /
PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanc 2 PayeeFinancialAccount >
0 PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanc 3 IDL C(10)
PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanc 3 ID C(15)
PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanc 3 Name C(100)
PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanci 3 FinancialInstitutionBranch>
0 PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanci 4 IDL C(10)
PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanci 4 ID C(15)
PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanci 3 FinancialInstitutionBranch/
PaymentMeans_PayeeFinanc 2 PayeeFinancialAccount /
PaymentMeans_PaymentMa 2 PaymentMandate >
0 PaymentMeans_PaymentMa 3 IDL C(10)
PaymentMeans_PaymentMa 3 ID C(20)
PaymentMeans_PaymentMan 3 PayerFinancialAccount >
0 PaymentMeans_PaymentMan 4 IDL C(10)
PaymentMeans_PaymentMan 4 ID C(15)
PaymentMeans_PaymentMan 3 PayerFinancialAccount /
PaymentMeans_PaymentMa 2 PaymentMandate /
PaymentMeans 1 PaymentMeans /
PaymentTerms 1 PaymentTerms >
PaymentTerms 2 Note C(100)
PaymentTerms 1 PaymentTerms /
AllowanceCharge 1 AllowanceCharge >
AllowanceCharge 2 ChargeIndicator C(6)
AllowanceCharge 2 AllowanceChargeReason C(20)
AllowanceCharge 2 Amount N(15,2) 2
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 2 TaxCategory >
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 3 ID C(10)
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 3 Percent C(4)
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 3 TaxExemptionReasonCodC(20)
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 3 TaxExemptionReason C(70)
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 3 TaxScheme >
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 4 ID C(10)
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 3 TaxScheme /
AllowanceCharge_TaxCateg 2 TaxCategory /
AllowanceCharge 1 AllowanceCharge /
TaxTotal 1 TaxTotal >
TaxTotal 2 TaxAmount N(18,2) 2
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal 2 TaxSubtotal >
0 TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal 3 IDL C(10)
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal 3 TaxableAmount N(15,2) 2
x TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal 3 TaxAmount N(15,2) 2
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 3 TaxCategory >
0 TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 4 IDL C(10)
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 4 ID C(4)
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 4 TaxExemptionReasonCodC(20)
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 4 TaxExemptionReason C(150)
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 4 Percent N(4)
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 4 TaxScheme >
0 TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 5 IDL C(10)
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 5 ID C(10)
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 4 TaxScheme /
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal_TaxC 3 TaxCategory /
TaxTotal_TaxSubtotal 2 TaxSubtotal /
TaxTotal 1 TaxTotal /
LegalMonetaryTotal 1 LegalMonetaryTotal >
LegalMonetaryTotal 2 LineExtensionAmount N(15,2) 2
LegalMonetaryTotal 2 TaxExclusiveAmount N(15,2) 2
LegalMonetaryTotal 2 TaxInclusiveAmount N(15,2) 2
LegalMonetaryTotal 2 ChargeTotalAmount N(15,2) 2
LegalMonetaryTotal 2 PayableAmount N(15,2) 2
LegalMonetaryTotal 1 LegalMonetaryTotal /
InvoiceLine 1 InvoiceLine >
0 InvoiceLine 2 IDL C(10)
InvoiceLine 2 ID C(5)
InvoiceLine 2 Note C(250)
InvoiceLine_InvoicedQuanti 2 InvoicedQuantity > x
0 InvoiceLine_InvoicedQuanti 2 IDL C(10) x
InvoiceLine_InvoicedQuanti 2 unitCode C(10) x
InvoiceLine_InvoicedQuanti 2 Value_ N(15,2) x
InvoiceLine_InvoicedQuanti 2 InvoicedQuantity / x
InvoiceLine 2 LineExtensionAmount N(15,2) 2
InvoiceLine_Item 2 Item >
0 InvoiceLine_Item 3 IDL C(10)
InvoiceLine_Item 3 Description C(150)
InvoiceLine_Item 3 Name C(150)
InvoiceLine_Item 3 ClassifiedTaxCategory >
0 InvoiceLine_Item_Classifie 4 IDL C(10)
InvoiceLine_Item_Classifie 4 ID C(5)
InvoiceLine_Item_Classifie 4 Percent N(4)
InvoiceLine_Item_Classifie 4 TaxScheme >
0 InvoiceLine_Item_Classifie 5 IDL C(10)
InvoiceLine_Item_Classifie 5 ID C(5)
InvoiceLine_Item_Classifie 4 TaxScheme /
InvoiceLine_Item 3 ClassifiedTaxCategory /
InvoiceLine_Item 2 Item /
InvoiceLine_Price 2 Price >
0 InvoiceLine_Price 3 IDL C(10)
InvoiceLine_Price 3 PriceAmount N(15,2) 2
InvoiceLine_Price 3 BaseQuantity N(13,2)
InvoiceLine_Price 2 Price /
InvoiceLine 1 InvoiceLine /
Invoice 0 Invoice
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Recommendation 20, including Recommendati
Code Description Explanation
10 group A unit of count defining the number of g
11 outfit A unit of count defining the number of o
13 ration A unit of count defining the number of ra
14 shot A unit of liquid measure, especially relate
15 stick, military A unit of count defining the number of m
20 twenty foot container A unit of count defining the number of sh
21 forty foot container A unit of count defining the number of sh
22 decilitre per gram
23 gram per cubic centimetre
24 theoretical pound A unit of mass defining the expected mas
25 gram per square centimetre
27 theoretical ton A unit of mass defining the expected mas
28 kilogram per square metre
33 kilopascal square metre per gram
34 kilopascal per millimetre
35 millilitre per square centimetre second
37 ounce per square foot
38 ounce per square foot per 0,01inch
40 millilitre per second
41 millilitre per minute
56 sitas A unit of area for tin plate equal to a surf
57 mesh A unit of count defining the number of st
58 net kilogram A unit of mass defining the total number
59 part per million A unit of proportion equal to 10⁻⁶.
60 percent weight A unit of proportion equal to 10⁻².
61 part per billion (US) A unit of proportion equal to 10⁻⁹.
74 millipascal
77 milli-inch
80 pound per square inch absolute
81 henry
85 foot pound-force
87 pound per cubic foot
89 poise
91 stokes
1I fixed rate A unit of quantity expressed as a predete
2A radian per second Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide
2B radian per second squared Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide
2C roentgen
2G volt AC A unit of electric potential in relation to a
2H volt DC A unit of electric potential in relation to d
2I British thermal unit (international table) per hour
2J cubic centimetre per second
2K cubic foot per hour
2L cubic foot per minute
2M centimetre per second
2N decibel
2P kilobyte A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000)
2Q kilobecquerel
2R kilocurie
2U megagram
2X metre per minute
2Y milliroentgen
2Z millivolt
3B megajoule
3C manmonth A unit of count defining the number of m
4C centistokes
4G microlitre
4H micrometre (micron)
4K milliampere
4L megabyte A unit of information equal to 10⁶ (10000
4M milligram per hour
4N megabecquerel
4O microfarad
4P newton per metre
4Q ounce inch
4R ounce foot
4T picofarad
4U pound per hour
4W ton (US) per hour
4X kilolitre per hour
5A barrel (US) per minute
5B batch A unit of count defining the number of b
5E MMSCF/day A unit of volume equal to one million (10
5J hydraulic horse power A unit of power defining the hydraulic ho
A10 ampere square metre per joule second
A11 angstrom
A12 astronomical unit
A13 attojoule
A14 barn
A15 barn per electronvolt
A16 barn per steradian electronvolt
A17 barn per steradian
A18 becquerel per kilogram
A19 becquerel per cubic metre
A2 ampere per centimetre
A20 British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree Rankine
A21 British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Rankine
A22 British thermal unit (international table) per second foot degree Rankine
A23 British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree Rankine
A24 candela per square metre
A26 coulomb metre
A27 coulomb metre squared per volt
A28 coulomb per cubic centimetre
A29 coulomb per cubic metre
A3 ampere per millimetre
A30 coulomb per cubic millimetre
A31 coulomb per kilogram second
A32 coulomb per mole
A33 coulomb per square centimetre
A34 coulomb per square metre
A35 coulomb per square millimetre
A36 cubic centimetre per mole
A37 cubic decimetre per mole
A38 cubic metre per coulomb
A39 cubic metre per kilogram
A4 ampere per square centimetre
A40 cubic metre per mole
A41 ampere per square metre
A42 curie per kilogram
A43 deadweight tonnage A unit of mass defining the difference be
A44 decalitre
A45 decametre
A47 decitex A unit of yarn density. One decitex equals
A48 degree Rankine Refer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units —
A49 denier A unit of yarn density. One denier equals
A5 ampere square metre
A53 electronvolt
A54 electronvolt per metre
A55 electronvolt square metre
A56 electronvolt square metre per kilogram
A59 8-part cloud cover A unit of count defining the number of ei
A6 ampere per square metre kelvin squared
A68 exajoule
A69 farad per metre
A7 ampere per square millimetre
A70 femtojoule
A71 femtometre
A73 foot per second squared
A74 foot pound-force per second
A75 freight ton A unit of information typically used for bi
A76 gal
A8 ampere second
A84 gigacoulomb per cubic metre
A85 gigaelectronvolt
A86 gigahertz
A87 gigaohm
A88 gigaohm metre
A89 gigapascal
A9 rate A unit of quantity expressed as a rate for
A90 gigawatt
A91 gon Synonym: grade
A93 gram per cubic metre
A94 gram per mole
A95 gray
A96 gray per second
A97 hectopascal
A98 henry per metre
A99 bit A unit of information equal to one binary
AA ball A unit of count defining the number of b
AB bulk pack A unit of count defining the number of it
ACR acre
ACT activity A unit of count defining the number of ac
AD byte A unit of information equal to 8 bits.
AE ampere per metre
AH additional minute A unit of time defining the number of mi
AI average minute per call A unit of count defining the number of m
AK fathom
AL access line A unit of count defining the number of te
AMH ampere hour A unit of electric charge defining the amo
AMP ampere
ANN year Unit of time equal to 365,25 days. Synony
APZ troy ounce or apothecary ounce
AQ anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unit A unit of measure for blood potency (US)
AS assortment A unit of count defining the number of as
ASM alcoholic strength by mass A unit of mass defining the alcoholic stre
ASU alcoholic strength by volume A unit of volume defining the alcoholic st
ATM standard atmosphere
AWG american wire gauge A unit of distance used for measuring the
AY assembly A unit of count defining the number of as
AZ British thermal unit (international table) per pound
B1 barrel (US) per day
B10 bit per second A unit of information equal to one binary
B11 joule per kilogram kelvin
B12 joule per metre
B13 joule per square metre Synonym: joule per metre squared
B14 joule per metre to the fourth power
B15 joule per mole
B16 joule per mole kelvin
B17 credit A unit of count defining the number of en
B18 joule second
B19 digit A unit of information defining the quantit
B20 joule square metre per kilogram
B21 kelvin per watt
B22 kiloampere
B23 kiloampere per square metre
B24 kiloampere per metre
B25 kilobecquerel per kilogram
B26 kilocoulomb
B27 kilocoulomb per cubic metre
B28 kilocoulomb per square metre
B29 kiloelectronvolt
B3 batting pound A unit of mass defining the number of po
B30 gibibit A unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bits (bi
B31 kilogram metre per second
B32 kilogram metre squared
B33 kilogram metre squared per second
B34 kilogram per cubic decimetre
B35 kilogram per litre
B4 barrel, imperial A unit of volume used to measure beer. O
B41 kilojoule per kelvin
B42 kilojoule per kilogram
B43 kilojoule per kilogram kelvin
B44 kilojoule per mole
B45 kilomole
B46 kilomole per cubic metre
B47 kilonewton
B48 kilonewton metre
B49 kiloohm
B50 kiloohm metre
B52 kilosecond
B53 kilosiemens
B54 kilosiemens per metre
B55 kilovolt per metre
B56 kiloweber per metre
B57 light year A unit of length defining the distance tha
B58 litre per mole
B59 lumen hour
B60 lumen per square metre
B61 lumen per watt
B62 lumen second
B63 lux hour
B64 lux second
B66 megaampere per square metre
B67 megabecquerel per kilogram
B68 gigabit A unit of information equal to 10⁹ bits (bi
B69 megacoulomb per cubic metre
B7 cycle A unit of count defining the number of cy
B70 megacoulomb per square metre
B71 megaelectronvolt
B72 megagram per cubic metre
B73 meganewton
B74 meganewton metre
B75 megaohm
B76 megaohm metre
B77 megasiemens per metre
B78 megavolt
B79 megavolt per metre
B8 joule per cubic metre
B80 gigabit per second A unit of information equal to 10⁹ bits (bi
B81 reciprocal metre squared reciprocal second
B82 inch per linear foot A unit of length defining the number of in
B83 metre to the fourth power
B84 microampere
B85 microbar
B86 microcoulomb
B87 microcoulomb per cubic metre
B88 microcoulomb per square metre
B89 microfarad per metre
B90 microhenry
B91 microhenry per metre
B92 micronewton
B93 micronewton metre
B94 microohm
B95 microohm metre
B96 micropascal
B97 microradian
B98 microsecond
B99 microsiemens
BAR bar [unit of pressure]
BB base box A unit of area of 112 sheets of tin mil pro
BFT board foot A unit of volume defining the number of
BHP brake horse power
BIL billion (EUR) Synonym: trillion (US)
BLD dry barrel (US)
BLL barrel (US)
BP hundred board foot A unit of volume equal to one hundred b
BPM beats per minute The number of beats per minute.
BQL becquerel
BTU British thermal unit (international table)
BUA bushel (US)
BUI bushel (UK)
C0 call A unit of count defining the number of ca
C10 millifarad
C11 milligal
C12 milligram per metre
C13 milligray
C14 millihenry
C15 millijoule
C16 millimetre per second
C17 millimetre squared per second
C18 millimole
C19 mole per kilogram
C20 millinewton
C21 kibibit A unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ (1024)
C22 millinewton per metre
C23 milliohm metre
C24 millipascal second
C25 milliradian
C26 millisecond
C27 millisiemens
C28 millisievert
C29 millitesla
C3 microvolt per metre
C30 millivolt per metre
C31 milliwatt
C32 milliwatt per square metre
C33 milliweber
C34 mole
C35 mole per cubic decimetre
C36 mole per cubic metre
C37 kilobit A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000)
C38 mole per litre
C39 nanoampere
C40 nanocoulomb
C41 nanofarad
C42 nanofarad per metre
C43 nanohenry
C44 nanohenry per metre
C45 nanometre
C46 nanoohm metre
C47 nanosecond
C48 nanotesla
C49 nanowatt
C50 neper
C51 neper per second
C52 picometre
C53 newton metre second
C54 newton metre squared per kilogram squared
C55 newton per square metre
C56 newton per square millimetre
C57 newton second
C58 newton second per metre
C59 octave A unit used in music to describe the ratio
C60 ohm centimetre
C61 ohm metre
C62 one Synonym: unit
C63 parsec
C64 pascal per kelvin
C65 pascal second
C66 pascal second per cubic metre
C67 pascal second per metre
C68 petajoule
C69 phon A unit of subjective sound loudness. A so
C7 centipoise
C70 picoampere
C71 picocoulomb
C72 picofarad per metre
C73 picohenry
C74 kilobit per second A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000)
C75 picowatt
C76 picowatt per square metre
C78 pound-force
C79 kilovolt ampere hour A unit of accumulated energy of 1000 vo
C8 millicoulomb per kilogram
C80 rad
C81 radian
C82 radian square metre per mole
C83 radian square metre per kilogram
C84 radian per metre
C85 reciprocal angstrom
C86 reciprocal cubic metre
C87 reciprocal cubic metre per second Synonym: reciprocal second per cubic me
C88 reciprocal electron volt per cubic metre
C89 reciprocal henry
C9 coil group A unit of count defining the number of co
C90 reciprocal joule per cubic metre
C91 reciprocal kelvin or kelvin to the power minus one
C92 reciprocal metre
C93 reciprocal square metre Synonym: reciprocal metre squared
C94 reciprocal minute
C95 reciprocal mole
C96 reciprocal pascal or pascal to the power minus one
C97 reciprocal second
C99 reciprocal second per metre squared
CCT carrying capacity in metric ton A unit of mass defining the carrying capa
CDL candela
CEL degree Celsius Refer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units —
CEN hundred A unit of count defining the number of u
CG card A unit of count defining the number of u
CGM centigram
CKG coulomb per kilogram
CLF hundred leave A unit of count defining the number of le
CLT centilitre
CMK square centimetre
CMQ cubic centimetre
CMT centimetre
CNP hundred pack A unit of count defining the number of h
CNT cental (UK) A unit of mass equal to one hundred wei
COU coulomb
CTG content gram A unit of mass defining the number of gr
CTM metric carat
CTN content ton (metric) A unit of mass defining the number of m
CUR curie
CWA hundred pound (cwt) / hundred weight (US)
CWI hundred weight (UK)
D03 kilowatt hour per hour A unit of accumulated energy of a thousa
D04 lot [unit of weight] A unit of weight equal to about 1/2 ounc
D1 reciprocal second per steradian
D10 siemens per metre
D11 mebibit A unit of information equal to 2²⁰ (10485
D12 siemens square metre per mole
D13 sievert
D15 sone A unit of subjective sound loudness. One
D16 square centimetre per erg
D17 square centimetre per steradian erg
D18 metre kelvin
D19 square metre kelvin per watt
D2 reciprocal second per steradian metre squared
D20 square metre per joule
D21 square metre per kilogram
D22 square metre per mole
D23 pen gram (protein) A unit of count defining the number of g
D24 square metre per steradian
D25 square metre per steradian joule
D26 square metre per volt second
D27 steradian
D29 terahertz
D30 terajoule
D31 terawatt
D32 terawatt hour
D33 tesla
D34 tex A unit of yarn density. One decitex equals
D36 megabit A unit of information equal to 10⁶ (10000
D41 tonne per cubic metre
D42 tropical year
D43 unified atomic mass unit
D44 var The name of the unit is an acronym for vo
D45 volt squared per kelvin squared
D46 volt - ampere
D47 volt per centimetre
D48 volt per kelvin
D49 millivolt per kelvin
D5 kilogram per square centimetre
D50 volt per metre
D51 volt per millimetre
D52 watt per kelvin
D53 watt per metre kelvin
D54 watt per square metre
D55 watt per square metre kelvin
D56 watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power
D57 watt per steradian
D58 watt per steradian square metre
D59 weber per metre
D6 roentgen per second
D60 weber per millimetre
D61 minute [unit of angle]
D62 second [unit of angle]
D63 book A unit of count defining the number of b
D65 round A unit of count defining the number of ro
D68 number of words A unit of count defining the number of w
D69 inch to the fourth power
D73 joule square metre
D74 kilogram per mole
D77 megacoulomb
D78 megajoule per second A unit of accumulated energy equal to on
D80 microwatt
D81 microtesla
D82 microvolt
D83 millinewton metre
D85 microwatt per square metre
D86 millicoulomb
D87 millimole per kilogram
D88 millicoulomb per cubic metre
D89 millicoulomb per square metre
D91 rem
D93 second per cubic metre
D94 second per cubic metre radian
D95 joule per gram
DAA decare
DAD ten day A unit of time defining the number of day
DAY day
DB dry pound A unit of mass defining the number of po
DBM Decibel-milliwatts
DBW Decibel watt
DD degree [unit of angle]
DEC decade A unit of count defining the number of d
DG decigram
DJ decagram
DLT decilitre
DMA cubic decametre
DMK square decimetre
DMO standard kilolitre A unit of volume defining the number of
DMQ cubic decimetre
DMT decimetre
DN decinewton metre
DPC dozen piece A unit of count defining the number of p
DPR dozen pair A unit of count defining the number of p
DPT displacement tonnage A unit of mass defining the volume of sea
DRA dram (US) Synonym: drachm (UK), troy dram
DRI dram (UK) Synonym: avoirdupois dram
DRL dozen roll A unit of count defining the number of ro
DT dry ton A unit of mass defining the number of to
DTN decitonne Synonym: centner, metric 100 kg; quintal
DWT pennyweight
DZN dozen A unit of count defining the number of u
DZP dozen pack A unit of count defining the number of p
E01 newton per square centimetre A measure of pressure expressed in newt
E07 megawatt hour per hour A unit of accumulated energy of a million
E08 megawatt per hertz A unit of energy expressed as the load ch
E09 milliampere hour A unit of power load delivered at the rate
E10 degree day A unit of measure used in meteorology a
E12 mille A unit of count defining the number of ci
E14 kilocalorie (international table) A unit of heat energy equal to one thous
E15 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per hour A unit of energy equal to one thousand c
E16 million Btu(IT) per hour A unit of power equal to one million Briti
E17 cubic foot per second A unit of volume equal to one cubic foot
E18 tonne per hour A unit of weight or mass equal to one ton
E19 ping A unit of area equal to 3.3 square metres
E20 megabit per second A unit of information equal to 10⁶ (10000
E21 shares A unit of count defining the number of sh
E22 TEU A unit of count defining the number of tw
E23 tyre A unit of count defining the number of ty
E25 active unit A unit of count defining the number of ac
E27 dose A unit of count defining the number of d
E28 air dry ton A unit of mass defining the number of to
E30 strand A unit of count defining the number of st
E31 square metre per litre A unit of count defining the number of sq
E32 litre per hour A unit of count defining the number of lit
E33 foot per thousand A unit of count defining the number of fe
E34 gigabyte A unit of information equal to 10⁹ bytes.
E35 terabyte A unit of information equal to 10¹² bytes.
E36 petabyte A unit of information equal to 10¹⁵ bytes.
E37 pixel A unit of count defining the number of p
E38 megapixel A unit of count equal to 10⁶ (1000000) pi
E39 dots per inch A unit of information defining the numbe
E4 gross kilogram A unit of mass defining the total number
E40 part per hundred thousand A unit of proportion equal to 10⁻⁵.
E41 kilogram-force per square millimetre A unit of pressure defining the number o
E42 kilogram-force per square centimetre A unit of pressure defining the number o
E43 joule per square centimetre A unit of energy defining the number of j
E44 kilogram-force metre per square centimA unit of torsion defining the torque kilog
E45 milliohm
E46 kilowatt hour per cubic metre A unit of energy consumption expressed
E47 kilowatt hour per kelvin A unit of energy consumption expressed
E48 service unit A unit of count defining the number of se
E49 working day A unit of count defining the number of w
E50 accounting unit A unit of count defining the number of ac
E51 job A unit of count defining the number of jo
E52 run foot A unit of count defining the number feet
E53 test A unit of count defining the number of te
E54 trip A unit of count defining the number of tr
E55 use A unit of count defining the number of ti
E56 well A unit of count defining the number of w
E57 zone A unit of count defining the number of zo
E58 exabit per second A unit of information equal to 10¹⁸ bits (b
E59 exbibyte A unit of information equal to 2⁶⁰ bytes.
E60 pebibyte A unit of information equal to 2⁵⁰ bytes.
E61 tebibyte A unit of information equal to 2⁴⁰ bytes.
E62 gibibyte A unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bytes.
E63 mebibyte A unit of information equal to 2²⁰ bytes.
E64 kibibyte A unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ bytes.
E65 exbibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (bi
E66 exbibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (bi
E67 exbibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (bi
E68 gigabyte per second A unit of information equal to 10⁹ bytes p
E69 gibibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bits (bi
E70 gibibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bits (bi
E71 gibibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bits (bi
E72 kibibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ bits (bi
E73 kibibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ bits (bi
E74 kibibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ bits (bi
E75 mebibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2²⁰ bits (bi
E76 mebibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2²⁰ bits (bi
E77 mebibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2²⁰ bits (bi
E78 petabit A unit of information equal to 10¹⁵ bits (b
E79 petabit per second A unit of information equal to 10¹⁵ bits (b
E80 pebibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (bi
E81 pebibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (bi
E82 pebibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (bi
E83 terabit A unit of information equal to 10¹² bits (b
E84 terabit per second A unit of information equal to 10¹² bits (b
E85 tebibit per metre A unit of information equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (bi
E86 tebibit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (bi
E87 tebibit per square metre A unit of information equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (bi
E88 bit per metre A unit of information equal to 1 bit (binar
E89 bit per square metre A unit of information equal to 1 bit (binar
E90 reciprocal centimetre
E91 reciprocal day
E92 cubic decimetre per hour
E93 kilogram per hour
E94 kilomole per second
E95 mole per second
E96 degree per second
E97 millimetre per degree Celcius metre
E98 degree Celsius per kelvin
E99 hectopascal per bar
EA each A unit of count defining the number of it
EB electronic mail box A unit of count defining the number of el
EQ equivalent gallon A unit of volume defining the number of
F01 bit per cubic metre A unit of information equal to 1 bit (binar
F02 kelvin per kelvin
F03 kilopascal per bar
F04 millibar per bar
F05 megapascal per bar
F06 poise per bar
F07 pascal per bar
F08 milliampere per inch
F10 kelvin per hour
F11 kelvin per minute
F12 kelvin per second
F13 slug A unit of mass. One slug is the mass acce
F14 gram per kelvin
F15 kilogram per kelvin
F16 milligram per kelvin
F17 pound-force per foot
F18 kilogram square centimetre
F19 kilogram square millimetre
F20 pound inch squared
F21 pound-force inch
F22 pound-force foot per ampere
F23 gram per cubic decimetre
F24 kilogram per kilomol
F25 gram per hertz
F26 gram per day
F27 gram per hour
F28 gram per minute
F29 gram per second
F30 kilogram per day
F31 kilogram per minute
F32 milligram per day
F33 milligram per minute
F34 milligram per second
F35 gram per day kelvin
F36 gram per hour kelvin
F37 gram per minute kelvin
F38 gram per second kelvin
F39 kilogram per day kelvin
F40 kilogram per hour kelvin
F41 kilogram per minute kelvin
F42 kilogram per second kelvin
F43 milligram per day kelvin
F44 milligram per hour kelvin
F45 milligram per minute kelvin
F46 milligram per second kelvin
F47 newton per millimetre
F48 pound-force per inch
F49 rod [unit of distance] A unit of distance equal to 5.5 yards (16 f
F50 micrometre per kelvin
F51 centimetre per kelvin
F52 metre per kelvin
F53 millimetre per kelvin
F54 milliohm per metre
F55 ohm per mile (statute mile)
F56 ohm per kilometre
F57 milliampere per pound-force per square inch
F58 reciprocal bar
F59 milliampere per bar
F60 degree Celsius per bar
F61 kelvin per bar
F62 gram per day bar
F63 gram per hour bar
F64 gram per minute bar
F65 gram per second bar
F66 kilogram per day bar
F67 kilogram per hour bar
F68 kilogram per minute bar
F69 kilogram per second bar
F70 milligram per day bar
F71 milligram per hour bar
F72 milligram per minute bar
F73 milligram per second bar
F74 gram per bar
F75 milligram per bar
F76 milliampere per millimetre
F77 pascal second per kelvin
F78 inch of water
F79 inch of mercury
F80 water horse power A unit of power defining the amount of p
F81 bar per kelvin
F82 hectopascal per kelvin
F83 kilopascal per kelvin
F84 millibar per kelvin
F85 megapascal per kelvin
F86 poise per kelvin
F87 volt per litre minute
F88 newton centimetre
F89 newton metre per degree
F90 newton metre per ampere
F91 bar litre per second
F92 bar cubic metre per second
F93 hectopascal litre per second
F94 hectopascal cubic metre per second
F95 millibar litre per second
F96 millibar cubic metre per second
F97 megapascal litre per second
F98 megapascal cubic metre per second
F99 pascal litre per second
FAH degree Fahrenheit Refer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units —
FAR farad
FBM fibre metre A unit of length defining the number of m
FC thousand cubic foot A unit of volume equal to one thousand c
FF hundred cubic metre A unit of volume equal to one hundred c
FH micromole
FIT failures in time A unit of count defining the number of fa
FL flake ton A unit of mass defining the number of to
FNU Formazin nephelometric unit
FOT foot
FP pound per square foot
FR foot per minute
FS foot per second
FTK square foot
FTQ cubic foot
G01 pascal cubic metre per second
G04 centimetre per bar
G05 metre per bar
G06 millimetre per bar
G08 square inch per second
G09 square metre per second kelvin
G10 stokes per kelvin
G11 gram per cubic centimetre bar
G12 gram per cubic decimetre bar
G13 gram per litre bar
G14 gram per cubic metre bar
G15 gram per millilitre bar
G16 kilogram per cubic centimetre bar
G17 kilogram per litre bar
G18 kilogram per cubic metre bar
G19 newton metre per kilogram
G2 US gallon per minute
G20 pound-force foot per pound
G21 cup [unit of volume]
G23 peck
G24 tablespoon (US)
G25 teaspoon (US)
G26 stere
G27 cubic centimetre per kelvin
G28 litre per kelvin
G29 cubic metre per kelvin
G3 Imperial gallon per minute
G30 millilitre per kelvin
G31 kilogram per cubic centimetre
G32 ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic yard
G33 gram per cubic centimetre kelvin
G34 gram per cubic decimetre kelvin
G35 gram per litre kelvin
G36 gram per cubic metre kelvin
G37 gram per millilitre kelvin
G38 kilogram per cubic centimetre kelvin
G39 kilogram per litre kelvin
G40 kilogram per cubic metre kelvin
G41 square metre per second bar
G42 microsiemens per centimetre
G43 microsiemens per metre
G44 nanosiemens per centimetre
G45 nanosiemens per metre
G46 stokes per bar
G47 cubic centimetre per day
G48 cubic centimetre per hour
G49 cubic centimetre per minute
G50 gallon (US) per hour
G51 litre per second
G52 cubic metre per day
G53 cubic metre per minute
G54 millilitre per day
G55 millilitre per hour
G56 cubic inch per hour
G57 cubic inch per minute
G58 cubic inch per second
G59 milliampere per litre minute
G60 volt per bar
G61 cubic centimetre per day kelvin
G62 cubic centimetre per hour kelvin
G63 cubic centimetre per minute kelvin
G64 cubic centimetre per second kelvin
G65 litre per day kelvin
G66 litre per hour kelvin
G67 litre per minute kelvin
G68 litre per second kelvin
G69 cubic metre per day kelvin
G70 cubic metre per hour kelvin
G71 cubic metre per minute kelvin
G72 cubic metre per second kelvin
G73 millilitre per day kelvin
G74 millilitre per hour kelvin
G75 millilitre per minute kelvin
G76 millilitre per second kelvin
G77 millimetre to the fourth power
G78 cubic centimetre per day bar
G79 cubic centimetre per hour bar
G80 cubic centimetre per minute bar
G81 cubic centimetre per second bar
G82 litre per day bar
G83 litre per hour bar
G84 litre per minute bar
G85 litre per second bar
G86 cubic metre per day bar
G87 cubic metre per hour bar
G88 cubic metre per minute bar
G89 cubic metre per second bar
G90 millilitre per day bar
G91 millilitre per hour bar
G92 millilitre per minute bar
G93 millilitre per second bar
G94 cubic centimetre per bar
G95 litre per bar
G96 cubic metre per bar
G97 millilitre per bar
G98 microhenry per kiloohm
G99 microhenry per ohm
GB gallon (US) per day
GBQ gigabecquerel
GDW gram, dry weight A unit of mass defining the number of gr
GE pound per gallon (US)
GF gram per metre (gram per 100 centimetres)
GFI gram of fissile isotope A unit of mass defining the number of gr
GGR great gross A unit of count defining the number of u
GIA gill (US)
GIC gram, including container A unit of mass defining the number of gr
GII gill (UK)
GIP gram, including inner packaging A unit of mass defining the number of gr
GJ gram per millilitre
GL gram per litre
GLD dry gallon (US)
GLI gallon (UK)
GLL gallon (US)
GM gram per square metre
GO milligram per square metre
GP milligram per cubic metre
GQ microgram per cubic metre
GRM gram
GRN grain
GRO gross A unit of count defining the number of u
GV gigajoule
GWH gigawatt hour
H03 henry per kiloohm
H04 henry per ohm
H05 millihenry per kiloohm
H06 millihenry per ohm
H07 pascal second per bar
H08 microbecquerel
H09 reciprocal year
H10 reciprocal hour
H11 reciprocal month
H12 degree Celsius per hour
H13 degree Celsius per minute
H14 degree Celsius per second
H15 square centimetre per gram
H16 square decametre Synonym: are
H18 square hectometre Synonym: hectare
H19 cubic hectometre
H20 cubic kilometre
H21 blank A unit of count defining the number of b
H22 volt square inch per pound-force
H23 volt per inch
H24 volt per microsecond
H25 percent per kelvin A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H26 ohm per metre
H27 degree per metre
H28 microfarad per kilometre
H29 microgram per litre
H30 square micrometre (square micron)
H31 ampere per kilogram
H32 ampere squared second
H33 farad per kilometre
H34 hertz metre
H35 kelvin metre per watt
H36 megaohm per kilometre
H37 megaohm per metre
H38 megaampere
H39 megahertz kilometre
H40 newton per ampere
H41 newton metre watt to the power minus 0,5
H42 pascal per metre
H43 siemens per centimetre
H44 teraohm
H45 volt second per metre
H46 volt per second
H47 watt per cubic metre
H48 attofarad
H49 centimetre per hour
H50 reciprocal cubic centimetre
H51 decibel per kilometre
H52 decibel per metre
H53 kilogram per bar
H54 kilogram per cubic decimetre kelvin
H55 kilogram per cubic decimetre bar
H56 kilogram per square metre second
H57 inch per two pi radiant
H58 metre per volt second
H59 square metre per newton
H60 cubic metre per cubic metre
H61 millisiemens per centimetre
H62 millivolt per minute
H63 milligram per square centimetre
H64 milligram per gram
H65 millilitre per cubic metre
H66 millimetre per year
H67 millimetre per hour
H68 millimole per gram
H69 picopascal per kilometre
H70 picosecond
H71 percent per month A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H72 percent per hectobar A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H73 percent per decakelvin A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H74 watt per metre
H75 decapascal
H76 gram per millimetre
H77 module width A unit of measure used to describe the b
H79 French gauge A unit of distance used for measuring the
H80 rack unit A unit of measure used to describe the he
H81 millimetre per minute
H82 big point A unit of length defining the number of b
H83 litre per kilogram
H84 gram millimetre
H85 reciprocal week
H87 piece A unit of count defining the number of p
H88 megaohm kilometre
H89 percent per ohm A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H90 percent per degree A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H91 percent per ten thousand A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H92 percent per one hundred thousand A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H93 percent per hundred A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H94 percent per thousand A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H95 percent per volt A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H96 percent per bar A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H98 percent per inch A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
H99 percent per metre A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
HA hank A unit of length, typically for yarn.
HAD Piece Day
HBA hectobar
HBX hundred boxes A unit of count defining the number of b
HC hundred count A unit of count defining the number of u
HDW hundred kilogram, dry weight A unit of mass defining the number of hu
HEA head A unit of count defining the number of h
HGM hectogram
HH hundred cubic foot A unit of volume equal to one hundred c
HIU hundred international unit A unit of count defining the number of in
HKM hundred kilogram, net mass A unit of mass defining the number of hu
HLT hectolitre
HM mile per hour (statute mile)
HMO Piece Month
HMQ million cubic metre A unit of volume equal to one million cub
HMT hectometre
HPA hectolitre of pure alcohol A unit of volume equal to one hundred li
HTZ hertz
HUR hour
IA inch pound (pound inch)
IE person A unit of count defining the number of p
INH inch
INK square inch
INQ cubic inch Synonym: inch cubed
ISD international sugar degree A unit of measure defining the sugar con
IU inch per second
IUG international unit per gram
IV inch per second squared
J10 percent per millimetre A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
J12 per mille per psi A unit of pressure equal to one thousand
J13 degree API A unit of relative density as a measure of
J14 degree Baume (origin scale) A traditional unit of relative density for liq
J15 degree Baume (US heavy) A unit of relative density for liquids heavi
J16 degree Baume (US light) A unit of relative density for liquids lighte
J17 degree Balling A unit of density as a measure of sugar co
J18 degree Brix A unit of proportion used in measuring th
J19 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical)
J2 joule per kilogram
J20 degree Fahrenheit per kelvin
J21 degree Fahrenheit per bar
J22 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table)
J23 degree Fahrenheit per hour
J24 degree Fahrenheit per minute
J25 degree Fahrenheit per second
J26 reciprocal degree Fahrenheit
J27 degree Oechsle A unit of density as a measure of sugar co
J28 degree Rankine per hour
J29 degree Rankine per minute
J30 degree Rankine per second
J31 degree Twaddell A unit of density for liquids that are heav
J32 micropoise
J33 microgram per kilogram
J34 microgram per cubic metre kelvin
J35 microgram per cubic metre bar
J36 microlitre per litre
J38 baud A unit of signal transmission speed equal
J39 British thermal unit (mean)
J40 British thermal unit (international table) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenh
J41 British thermal unit (international table) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenh
J42 British thermal unit (international table) inch per second square foot degree Fahre
J43 British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Fahrenheit
J44 British thermal unit (international table) per minute
J45 British thermal unit (international table) per second
J46 British thermal unit (thermochemical) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenhe
J47 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour
J48 British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenhe
J49 British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per second square foot degree Fahren
J50 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree Fahrenheit
J51 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per minute
J52 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second
J53 coulomb square metre per kilogram
J54 megabaud A unit of signal transmission speed equal
J55 watt second
J56 bar per bar
J57 barrel (UK petroleum)
J58 barrel (UK petroleum) per minute
J59 barrel (UK petroleum) per day
J60 barrel (UK petroleum) per hour
J61 barrel (UK petroleum) per second
J62 barrel (US petroleum) per hour
J63 barrel (US petroleum) per second
J64 bushel (UK) per day
J65 bushel (UK) per hour
J66 bushel (UK) per minute
J67 bushel (UK) per second
J68 bushel (US dry) per day
J69 bushel (US dry) per hour
J70 bushel (US dry) per minute
J71 bushel (US dry) per second
J72 centinewton metre
J73 centipoise per kelvin
J74 centipoise per bar
J75 calorie (mean)
J76 calorie (international table) per gram degree Celsius
J78 calorie (thermochemical) per centimetre second degree Celsius
J79 calorie (thermochemical) per gram degree Celsius
J81 calorie (thermochemical) per minute
J82 calorie (thermochemical) per second
J83 clo
J84 centimetre per second kelvin
J85 centimetre per second bar
J87 cubic centimetre per cubic metre
J90 cubic decimetre per day
J91 cubic decimetre per cubic metre
J92 cubic decimetre per minute
J93 cubic decimetre per second
J95 ounce (UK fluid) per day
J96 ounce (UK fluid) per hour
J97 ounce (UK fluid) per minute
J98 ounce (UK fluid) per second
J99 ounce (US fluid) per day
JE joule per kelvin
JK megajoule per kilogram
JM megajoule per cubic metre
JNT pipeline joint A count of the number of pipeline joints.
JOU joule
JPS hundred metre A unit of count defining the number of 10
JWL number of jewels A unit of count defining the number of je
K1 kilowatt demand A unit of measure defining the power loa
K10 ounce (US fluid) per hour
K11 ounce (US fluid) per minute
K12 ounce (US fluid) per second
K13 foot per degree Fahrenheit
K14 foot per hour
K15 foot pound-force per hour
K16 foot pound-force per minute
K17 foot per psi
K18 foot per second degree Fahrenheit
K19 foot per second psi
K2 kilovolt ampere reactive demand A unit of measure defining the reactive p
K20 reciprocal cubic foot
K21 cubic foot per degree Fahrenheit
K22 cubic foot per day
K23 cubic foot per psi
K26 gallon (UK) per day
K27 gallon (UK) per hour
K28 gallon (UK) per second
K3 kilovolt ampere reactive hour A unit of measure defining the accumulat
K30 gallon (US liquid) per second
K31 gram-force per square centimetre
K32 gill (UK) per day
K33 gill (UK) per hour
K34 gill (UK) per minute
K35 gill (UK) per second
K36 gill (US) per day
K37 gill (US) per hour
K38 gill (US) per minute
K39 gill (US) per second
K40 standard acceleration of free fall
K41 grain per gallon (US)
K42 horsepower (boiler)
K43 horsepower (electric)
K45 inch per degree Fahrenheit
K46 inch per psi
K47 inch per second degree Fahrenheit
K48 inch per second psi
K49 reciprocal cubic inch
K50 kilobaud A unit of signal transmission speed equal
K51 kilocalorie (mean)
K52 kilocalorie (international table) per hour metre degree Celsius
K53 kilocalorie (thermochemical)
K54 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per minute
K55 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per second
K58 kilomole per hour
K59 kilomole per cubic metre kelvin
K6 kilolitre
K60 kilomole per cubic metre bar
K61 kilomole per minute
K62 litre per litre
K63 reciprocal litre
K64 pound (avoirdupois) per degree Fahrenheit
K65 pound (avoirdupois) square foot
K66 pound (avoirdupois) per day
K67 pound per foot hour
K68 pound per foot second
K69 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot degree Fahrenheit
K70 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot psi
K71 pound (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK)
K73 pound (avoirdupois) per hour degree Fahrenheit
K74 pound (avoirdupois) per hour psi
K75 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch degree Fahrenheit
K76 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch psi
K77 pound (avoirdupois) per psi
K78 pound (avoirdupois) per minute
K79 pound (avoirdupois) per minute degree Fahrenheit
K80 pound (avoirdupois) per minute psi
K81 pound (avoirdupois) per second
K82 pound (avoirdupois) per second degree Fahrenheit
K83 pound (avoirdupois) per second psi
K84 pound per cubic yard
K85 pound-force per square foot
K86 pound-force per square inch degree Fahrenheit
K87 psi cubic inch per second
K88 psi litre per second
K89 psi cubic metre per second
K90 psi cubic yard per second
K91 pound-force second per square foot
K92 pound-force second per square inch
K93 reciprocal psi
K94 quart (UK liquid) per day
K95 quart (UK liquid) per hour
K96 quart (UK liquid) per minute
K97 quart (UK liquid) per second
K98 quart (US liquid) per day
K99 quart (US liquid) per hour
KA cake A unit of count defining the number of ca
KAT katal A unit of catalytic activity defining the cat
KB kilocharacter A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000)
KBA kilobar
KCC kilogram of choline chloride A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KDW kilogram drained net weight A unit of mass defining the net number o
KEL kelvin Refer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units —
KGM kilogram A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KGS kilogram per second
KHY kilogram of hydrogen peroxide A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KHZ kilohertz
KI kilogram per millimetre width
KIC kilogram, including container A unit of mass defining the number of kil
KIP kilogram, including inner packaging A unit of mass defining the number of kil
KJ kilosegment A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000)
KJO kilojoule
KL kilogram per metre
KLK lactic dry material percentage A unit of proportion defining the percent
KLX kilolux A unit of illuminance equal to one thousa
KMA kilogram of methylamine A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KMH kilometre per hour
KMK square kilometre
KMQ kilogram per cubic metre A unit of weight expressed in kilograms o
KMT kilometre
KNI kilogram of nitrogen A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KNM kilonewton per square metre Pressure expressed in kN/m2.
KNS kilogram named substance A unit of mass equal to one kilogram of a
KNT knot
KO milliequivalence caustic potash per gra A unit of count defining the number of m
KPA kilopascal
KPH kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustiA unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KPO kilogram of potassium oxide A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KPP kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosA unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KR kiloroentgen
KSD kilogram of substance 90 % dry A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KSH kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic sA unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KT kit A unit of count defining the number of ki
KTN kilotonne
KUR kilogram of uranium A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KVA kilovolt - ampere
KVR kilovar
KVT kilovolt
KW kilogram per millimetre
KWH kilowatt hour
KWN Kilowatt hour per normalized cubic metre
KWO kilogram of tungsten trioxide A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
KWS Kilowatt hour per standard cubic metre
KWT kilowatt
KWY kilowatt year
KX millilitre per kilogram
L10 quart (US liquid) per minute
L11 quart (US liquid) per second
L12 metre per second kelvin
L13 metre per second bar
L14 square metre hour degree Celsius per kilocalorie (international table)
L15 millipascal second per kelvin
L16 millipascal second per bar
L17 milligram per cubic metre kelvin
L18 milligram per cubic metre bar
L19 millilitre per litre
L2 litre per minute
L20 reciprocal cubic millimetre
L21 cubic millimetre per cubic metre
L23 mole per hour
L24 mole per kilogram kelvin
L25 mole per kilogram bar
L26 mole per litre kelvin
L27 mole per litre bar
L28 mole per cubic metre kelvin
L29 mole per cubic metre bar
L30 mole per minute
L31 milliroentgen aequivalent men
L32 nanogram per kilogram
L33 ounce (avoirdupois) per day
L34 ounce (avoirdupois) per hour
L35 ounce (avoirdupois) per minute
L36 ounce (avoirdupois) per second
L37 ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK)
L38 ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (US)
L39 ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic inch
L40 ounce (avoirdupois)-force
L41 ounce (avoirdupois)-force inch
L42 picosiemens per metre
L43 peck (UK)
L44 peck (UK) per day
L45 peck (UK) per hour
L46 peck (UK) per minute
L47 peck (UK) per second
L48 peck (US dry) per day
L49 peck (US dry) per hour
L50 peck (US dry) per minute
L51 peck (US dry) per second
L52 psi per psi
L53 pint (UK) per day
L54 pint (UK) per hour
L55 pint (UK) per minute
L56 pint (UK) per second
L57 pint (US liquid) per day
L58 pint (US liquid) per hour
L59 pint (US liquid) per minute
L60 pint (US liquid) per second
L63 slug per day
L64 slug per foot second
L65 slug per cubic foot
L66 slug per hour
L67 slug per minute
L68 slug per second
L69 tonne per kelvin
L70 tonne per bar
L71 tonne per day
L72 tonne per day kelvin
L73 tonne per day bar
L74 tonne per hour kelvin
L75 tonne per hour bar
L76 tonne per cubic metre kelvin
L77 tonne per cubic metre bar
L78 tonne per minute
L79 tonne per minute kelvin
L80 tonne per minute bar
L81 tonne per second
L82 tonne per second kelvin
L83 tonne per second bar
L84 ton (UK shipping)
L85 ton long per day
L86 ton (US shipping)
L87 ton short per degree Fahrenheit
L88 ton short per day
L89 ton short per hour degree Fahrenheit
L90 ton short per hour psi
L91 ton short per psi
L92 ton (UK long) per cubic yard
L93 ton (US short) per cubic yard
L94 ton-force (US short)
L95 common year
L96 sidereal year
L98 yard per degree Fahrenheit
L99 yard per psi
LA pound per cubic inch
LAC lactose excess percentage A unit of proportion defining the percent
LBR pound
LBT troy pound (US)
LD litre per day
LEF leaf A unit of count defining the number of le
LF linear foot A unit of count defining the number of fe
LH labour hour A unit of time defining the number of lab
LK link A unit of distance equal to 0.01 chain.
LM linear metre A unit of count defining the number of m
LN length A unit of distance defining the linear exte
LO lot [unit of procurement] A unit of count defining the number of lo
LP liquid pound A unit of mass defining the number of po
LPA litre of pure alcohol A unit of volume equal to one litre of pur
LR layer A unit of count defining the number of la
LS lump sum A unit of count defining the number of w
LTN ton (UK) or long ton (US) Synonym: gross ton (2240 lb)
LTR litre
LUB metric ton, lubricating oil A unit of mass defining the number of m
LUM lumen
LUX lux
LY linear yard A unit of count defining the number of 36
M1 milligram per litre
M10 reciprocal cubic yard
M11 cubic yard per degree Fahrenheit
M12 cubic yard per day
M13 cubic yard per hour
M14 cubic yard per psi
M15 cubic yard per minute
M16 cubic yard per second
M17 kilohertz metre
M18 gigahertz metre
M19 Beaufort An empirical measure for describing wind
M20 reciprocal megakelvin or megakelvin to the power minus one
M21 reciprocal kilovolt - ampere reciprocal hour
M22 millilitre per square centimetre minute
M23 newton per centimetre
M24 ohm kilometre
M25 percent per degree Celsius A unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in rela
M26 gigaohm per metre
M27 megahertz metre
M29 kilogram per kilogram
M30 reciprocal volt - ampere reciprocal second
M31 kilogram per kilometre
M32 pascal second per litre
M33 millimole per litre
M34 newton metre per square metre
M35 millivolt - ampere
M36 30-day month A unit of count defining the number of m
M37 actual/360 A unit of count defining the number of ye
M38 kilometre per second squared 1000-fold of the SI base unit metre divide
M39 centimetre per second squared 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre divide
M4 monetary value A unit of measure expressed as a moneta
M40 yard per second squared Unit of the length according to the Anglo
M41 millimetre per second squared 0,001-fold of the SI base unit metre divid
M42 mile (statute mile) per second squared Unit of the length according to the Imper
M43 mil Unit to indicate an angle at military zone,
M44 revolution Unit to identify an angle of the full circle
M45 degree [unit of angle] per second squar 360 part of a full circle divided by the pow
M46 revolution per minute Unit of the angular velocity.
M47 circular mil Unit of an area, of which the size is given
M48 square mile (based on U.S. survey foot) Unit of the area, which is mainly common
M49 chain (based on U.S. survey foot) Unit of the length according the Anglo-A
M5 microcurie
M50 furlong Unit commonly used in Great Britain at ru
M51 foot (U.S. survey) Unit commonly used in the United States
M52 mile (based on U.S. survey foot) Unit commonly used in the United States
M53 metre per pascal SI base unit metre divided by the derived
M55 metre per radiant Unit of the translation factor for impleme
M56 shake Unit for a very short period.
M57 mile per minute Unit of velocity from the Imperial system
M58 mile per second Unit of the velocity from the Imperial syst
M59 metre per second pascal SI base unit meter divided by the produc
M60 metre per hour SI base unit metre divided by the unit ho
M61 inch per year Unit of the length according to the Anglo
M62 kilometre per second 1000-fold of the SI base unit metre divide
M63 inch per minute Unit inch according to the Anglo-America
M64 yard per second Unit yard according to the Anglo-Americ
M65 yard per minute Unit yard according to the Anglo-Americ
M66 yard per hour Unit yard according to the Anglo-Americ
M67 acre-foot (based on U.S. survey foot) Unit of the volume, which is used in the U
M68 cord (128 ft3) Traditional unit of the volume of stacked
M69 cubic mile (UK statute) Unit of volume according to the Imperial
M7 micro-inch
M70 ton, register Traditional unit of the cargo capacity.
M71 cubic metre per pascal Power of the SI base unit meter by expon
M72 bel Logarithmic relationship to base 10.
M73 kilogram per cubic metre pascal SI base unit kilogram divided by the prod
M74 kilogram per pascal SI base unit kilogram divided by the deriv
M75 kilopound-force 1000-fold of the unit of the force pound-
M76 poundal Non SI-conforming unit of the power, wh
M77 kilogram metre per second squared Product of the SI base unit kilogram and
M78 pond 0,001-fold of the unit of the weight, defin
M79 square foot per hour Power of the unit foot according to the A
M80 stokes per pascal CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
M81 square centimetre per second 0,000 1-fold of the power of the SI base u
M82 square metre per second pascal Power of the SI base unit metre with the
M83 denier Traditional unit for the indication of the li
M84 pound per yard Unit for linear mass according to avoirdu
M85 ton, assay Non SI-conforming unit of the mass used
M86 pfund Outdated unit of the mass used in Germa
M87 kilogram per second pascal SI base unit kilogram divided by the prod
M88 tonne per month Unit tonne divided by the unit month.
M89 tonne per year Unit tonne divided by the unit year with 3
M9 million Btu per 1000 cubic foot
M90 kilopound per hour 1000-fold of the unit of the mass avoirdu
M91 pound per pound Proportion of the mass consisting of the
M92 pound-force foot Product of the unit pound-force accordin
M93 newton metre per radian Product of the derived SI unit newton and
M94 kilogram metre Unit of imbalance as a product of the SI b
M95 poundal foot Product of the non SI-conforming unit of
M96 poundal inch Product of the non SI-conforming unit of
M97 dyne metre CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
M98 kilogram centimetre per second Product of the SI base unit kilogram and
M99 gram centimetre per second Product of the 0,001-fold of the SI base u
MAH megavolt ampere reactive hour A unit of electrical reactive power definin
MAL megalitre
MAM megametre
MAR megavar A unit of electrical reactive power represe
MAW megawatt A unit of power defining the rate of energ
MBE thousand standard brick equivalent A unit of count defining the number of o
MBF thousand board foot A unit of volume equal to one thousand b
MBR millibar
MC microgram
MCU millicurie
MD air dry metric ton A unit of count defining the number of m
MGM milligram
MHZ megahertz
MIK square mile (statute mile)
MIL thousand
MIN minute [unit of time]
MIO million
MIU million international unit A unit of count defining the number of in
MKD Square Metre Day
MKM Square Metre Month
MKW Square Metre Week
MLD milliard Synonym: billion (US)
MLT millilitre
MMK square millimetre
MMQ cubic millimetre
MMT millimetre
MND kilogram, dry weight A unit of mass defining the number of kil
MNJ Mega Joule per Normalised cubic Metre
MON month Unit of time equal to 1/12 of a year of 36
MPA megapascal
MQD Cubic Metre Day
MQH cubic metre per hour
MQM Cubic Metre Month
MQS cubic metre per second
MQW Cubic Metre Week
MRD Metre Day
MRM Metre Month
MRW Metre Week
MSK metre per second squared
MTK square metre
MTQ cubic metre Synonym: metre cubed
MTR metre
MTS metre per second
MTZ milihertz
MVA megavolt - ampere
MWH megawatt hour (1000 kW.h) A unit of power defining the total amoun
N1 pen calorie A unit of count defining the number of ca
N10 pound foot per second Product of the avoirdupois pound accord
N11 pound inch per second Product of the avoirdupois pound accord
N12 Pferdestaerke Obsolete unit of the power relating to DI
N13 centimetre of mercury (0 ºC) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure, at w
N14 centimetre of water (4 ºC) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure, at w
N15 foot of water (39.2 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure acco
N16 inch of mercury (32 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure acco
N17 inch of mercury (60 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure acco
N18 inch of water (39.2 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure acco
N19 inch of water (60 ºF) Non SI-conforming unit of pressure acco
N20 kip per square inch Non SI-conforming unit of the pressure a
N21 poundal per square foot Non SI-conforming unit of pressure by th
N22 ounce (avoirdupois) per square inch Unit of the surface specific mass (avoirdu
N23 conventional metre of water Not SI-conforming unit of pressure, wher
N24 gram per square millimetre 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram di
N25 pound per square yard Unit for areal-related mass as a unit poun
N26 poundal per square inch Non SI-conforming unit of the pressure a
N27 foot to the fourth power Power of the unit foot according to the A
N28 cubic decimetre per kilogram 0,001 fold of the power of the SI base un
N29 cubic foot per pound Power of the unit foot according to the A
N3 print point
N30 cubic inch per pound Power of the unit inch according to the A
N31 kilonewton per metre 1000-fold of the derived SI unit newton d
N32 poundal per inch Non SI-conforming unit of the surface ten
N33 pound-force per yard Unit of force per unit length based on the
N34 poundal second per square foot Non SI-conforming unit of viscosity.
N35 poise per pascal CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
N36 newton second per square metre Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a produc
N37 kilogram per metre second Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotien
N38 kilogram per metre minute Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotien
N39 kilogram per metre day Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotien
N40 kilogram per metre hour Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotien
N41 gram per centimetre second Unit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotien
N42 poundal second per square inch Non SI-conforming unit of dynamic visco
N43 pound per foot minute Unit of the dynamic viscosity according to
N44 pound per foot day Unit of the dynamic viscosity according to
N45 cubic metre per second pascal Power of the SI base unit meter by expon
N46 foot poundal Unit of the work (force-path).
N47 inch poundal Unit of work (force multiplied by path) ac
N48 watt per square centimetre Derived SI unit watt divided by the power
N49 watt per square inch Derived SI unit watt divided by the power
N50 British thermal unit (international table) Unit of the surface heat flux according to
N51 British thermal unit (thermochemical) peUnit of the surface heat flux according to
N52 British thermal unit (thermochemical) peUnit of the surface heat flux according to
N53 British thermal unit (international table Unit of the surface heat flux according to
N54 British thermal unit (thermochemical) p Unit of the surface heat flux according to
N55 British thermal unit (international table Unit of the surface heat flux according to
N56 calorie (thermochemical) per square cenUnit of the surface heat flux according to
N57 calorie (thermochemical) per square cenUnit of the surface heat flux according to
N58 British thermal unit (international table) Unit of the energy density according to th
N59 British thermal unit (thermochemical) peUnit of the energy density according to th
N60 British thermal unit (international table Unit of the heat capacity according to the
N61 British thermal unit (thermochemical) p Unit of the heat capacity according to the
N62 British thermal unit (international table Unit of the heat capacity according to the
N63 British thermal unit (thermochemical) p Unit of the heat capacity according to the
N64 British thermal unit (thermochemical) p Unit of the heat capacity (British thermal
N65 kilocalorie (international table) per gramUnit of the mass-related heat capacity as
N66 British thermal unit (39 ºF) Unit of heat energy according to the Imp
N67 British thermal unit (59 ºF) Unit of heat energy according to the Imp
N68 British thermal unit (60 ºF) Unit of head energy according to the Imp
N69 calorie (20 ºC) Unit for quantity of heat, which is to be re
N70 quad (1015 BtuIT) Unit of heat energy according to the imp
N71 therm (EC) Unit of heat energy in commercial use, w
N72 therm (U.S.) Unit of heat energy in commercial use.
N73 British thermal unit (thermochemical) p Unit of the heat energy according to the
N74 British thermal unit (international table Unit of the heat transition coefficient acco
N75 British thermal unit (thermochemical) p Unit of the heat transition coefficient acco
N76 British thermal unit (international table Unit of the heat transition coefficient acco
N77 British thermal unit (thermochemical) p Unit of the heat transition coefficient acco
N78 kilowatt per square metre kelvin 1000-fold of the derived SI unit watt divid
N79 kelvin per pascal SI base unit kelvin divided by the derived
N80 watt per metre degree Celsius Derived SI unit watt divided by the produ
N81 kilowatt per metre kelvin 1000-fold of the derived SI unit watt divid
N82 kilowatt per metre degree Celsius 1000-fold of the derived SI unit watt divid
N83 metre per degree Celcius metre SI base unit metre divided by the produc
N84 degree Fahrenheit hour per British therma
Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal re
N85 degree Fahrenheit hour per British ther Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal re
N86 degree Fahrenheit second per British ther
Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal re
N87 degree Fahrenheit second per British th Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal re
N88 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per Unit
Br of specific thermal resistance accord
N89 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per Unit of specific thermal resistance accord
N90 kilofarad 1000-fold of the derived SI unit farad.
N91 reciprocal joule Reciprocal of the derived SI unit joule.
N92 picosiemens 0,000 000 000 001-fold of the derived SI
N93 ampere per pascal SI base unit ampere divided by the derive
N94 franklin CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
N95 ampere minute A unit of electric charge defining the amo
N96 biot CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
N97 gilbert CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
N98 volt per pascal Derived SI unit volt divided by the derived
N99 picovolt 0,000 000 000 001-fold of the derived SI
NA milligram per kilogram
NAR number of articles A unit of count defining the number of ar
NCL number of cells A unit of count defining the number of ce
NEW newton
NF message A unit of count defining the number of m
NIL nil A unit of count defining the number of in
NIU number of international units A unit of count defining the number of in
NL load A unit of volume defining the number of
NM3 Normalised cubic metre Normalised cubic metre (temperature 0°C
NMI nautical mile
NMP number of packs A unit of count defining the number of p
NPT number of parts A unit of count defining the number of p
NT net ton A unit of mass equal to 2000 pounds, see
NTU Nephelometric turbidity unit
NU newton metre
NX part per thousand A unit of proportion equal to 10⁻³. Synon
OA panel A unit of count defining the number of p
ODE ozone depletion equivalent A unit of mass defining the ozone deplet
ODK ODS Kilograms
ODM ODS Milligrams
OHM ohm
ON ounce per square yard
ONZ ounce (avoirdupois)
OPM oscillations per minute The number of oscillations per minute.
OT overtime hour A unit of time defining the number of ove
OZA fluid ounce (US)
OZI fluid ounce (UK)
P1 percent A unit of proportion equal to 0.01.
P10 coulomb per metre Derived SI unit coulomb divided by the S
P11 kiloweber 1000 fold of the derived SI unit weber.
P12 gamma Unit of magnetic flow density.
P13 kilotesla 1000-fold of the derived SI unit tesla.
P14 joule per second Quotient of the derived SI unit joule divid
P15 joule per minute Quotient from the derived SI unit joule di
P16 joule per hour Quotient from the derived SI unit joule di
P17 joule per day Quotient from the derived SI unit joule di
P18 kilojoule per second Quotient from the 1000-fold of the derive
P19 kilojoule per minute Quotient from the 1000-fold of the derive
P2 pound per foot
P20 kilojoule per hour Quotient from the 1000-fold of the derive
P21 kilojoule per day Quotient from the 1000-fold of the derive
P22 nanoohm 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit
P23 ohm circular-mil per foot Unit of resistivity.
P24 kilohenry 1000-fold of the derived SI unit henry.
P25 lumen per square foot Derived SI unit lumen divided by the pow
P26 phot CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
P27 footcandle Non SI conform traditional unit, defined a
P28 candela per square inch SI base unit candela divided by the powe
P29 footlambert Unit of the luminance according to the A
P30 lambert CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
P31 stilb CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
P32 candela per square foot Base unit SI candela divided by the powe
P33 kilocandela 1000-fold of the SI base unit candela.
P34 millicandela 0,001-fold of the SI base unit candela.
P35 Hefner-Kerze Obsolete, non-legal unit of the power in
P36 international candle Obsolete, non-legal unit of the power in
P37 British thermal unit (international table) Unit of the areal-related energy transmiss
P38 British thermal unit (thermochemical) peUnit of the areal-related energy transmiss
P39 calorie (thermochemical) per square cenUnit of the areal-related energy transmiss
P40 langley CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
P41 decade (logarithmic) 1 Dec := log2 10 ˜ 3,32 according to the l
P42 pascal squared second Unit of the set as a product of the power
P43 bel per metre Unit bel divided by the SI base unit metre
P44 pound mole Non SI-conforming unit of quantity of a s
P45 pound mole per second Non SI-conforming unit of the power of t
P46 pound mole per minute Non SI-conforming unit of the power of t
P47 kilomole per kilogram 1000-fold of the SI base unit mol divided
P48 pound mole per pound Non SI-conforming unit of the material m
P49 newton square metre per ampere Product of the derived SI unit newton and
P5 five pack A unit of count defining the number of fi
P50 weber metre Product of the derived SI unit weber and
P51 mol per kilogram pascal SI base unit mol divided by the product o
P52 mol per cubic metre pascal SI base unit mol divided by the product o
P53 unit pole CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
P54 milligray per second 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divi
P55 microgray per second 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray
P56 nanogray per second 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit
P57 gray per minute SI derived unit gray divided by the unit m
P58 milligray per minute 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divi
P59 microgray per minute 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray
P60 nanogray per minute 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit
P61 gray per hour SI derived unit gray divided by the unit h
P62 milligray per hour 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divi
P63 microgray per hour 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit gray
P64 nanogray per hour 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit
P65 sievert per second Derived SI unit sievert divided by the SI b
P66 millisievert per second 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert d
P67 microsievert per second 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sieve
P68 nanosievert per second 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit
P69 rem per second Unit for the equivalent tin rate relating to
P70 sievert per hour Derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit
P71 millisievert per hour 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert d
P72 microsievert per hour 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sieve
P73 nanosievert per hour 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit
P74 sievert per minute Derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit
P75 millisievert per minute 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert d
P76 microsievert per minute 0,000 001-fold of the derived SI unit sieve
P77 nanosievert per minute 0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit
P78 reciprocal square inch Complement of the power of the unit inc
P79 pascal square metre per kilogram Unit of the burst index as derived unit for
P80 millipascal per metre 0,001-fold of the derived SI unit pascal di
P81 kilopascal per metre 1000-fold of the derived SI unit pascal div
P82 hectopascal per metre 100-fold of the derived SI unit pascal divi
P83 standard atmosphere per metre Outdated unit of the pressure divided by
P84 technical atmosphere per metre Obsolete and non-legal unit of the pressu
P85 torr per metre CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) u
P86 psi per inch Compound unit for pressure (pound-forc
P87 cubic metre per second square metre Unit of volume flow cubic meters by seco
P88 rhe Non SI-conforming unit of fluidity of dyn
P89 pound-force foot per inch Unit for length-related rotational momen
P90 pound-force inch per inch Unit for length-related rotational momen
P91 perm (0 ºC) Traditional unit for the ability of a materia
P92 perm (23 ºC) Traditional unit for the ability of a materia
P93 byte per second Unit byte divided by the SI base unit seco
P94 kilobyte per second 1000-fold of the unit byte divided by the
P95 megabyte per second 1 000 000-fold of the unit byte divided b
P96 reciprocal volt Reciprocal of the derived SI unit volt.
P97 reciprocal radian Reciprocal of the unit radian.
P98 pascal to the power sum of stoichiomet Unit of the equilibrium constant on the b
P99 mole per cubiv metre to the power sum Unit of the equilibrium constant on the b
PAL pascal
PD pad A unit of count defining the number of p
PFL proof litre A unit of volume equal to one litre of pro
PGL proof gallon A unit of volume equal to one gallon of p
PI pitch A unit of count defining the number of ch
PLA degree Plato A unit of proportion defining the sugar co
PO pound per inch of length
PQ page per inch A unit of quantity defining the degree of
PR pair A unit of count defining the number of p
PS pound-force per square inch
PTD dry pint (US)
PTI pint (UK)
PTL liquid pint (US)
PTN portion A quantity of allowance of food allotted t
Q10 joule per tesla Unit of the magnetic dipole moment of th
Q11 erlang Unit of the market value according to the
Q12 octet Synonym for byte: 1 octet = 8 bit = 1 byt
Q13 octet per second Unit octet divided by the SI base unit sec
Q14 shannon Logarithmic unit for information equal to
Q15 hartley Logarithmic unit for information equal to
Q16 natural unit of information Logarithmic unit for information equal to
Q17 shannon per second Time related logarithmic unit for informa
Q18 hartley per second Time related logarithmic unit for informa
Q19 natural unit of information per second Time related logarithmic unit for informa
Q20 second per kilogramm Unit of the Einstein transition probability
Q21 watt square metre Unit of the first radiation constants c1 = 2
Q22 second per radian cubic metre Unit of the density of states as an express
Q23 weber to the power minus one Complement of the derived SI unit weber
Q24 reciprocal inch Complement of the unit inch according t
Q25 dioptre Unit used at the statement of relative refr
Q26 one per one Value of the quotient from two physical u
Q27 newton metre per metre Unit for length-related rotational momen
Q28 kilogram per square metre pascal seconUnit for the ability of a material to allow t
Q29 microgram per hectogram Microgram per hectogram.
Q30 pH (potential of Hydrogen) The activity of the (solvated) hydrogen io
Q31 kilojoule per gram
Q32 femtolitre
Q33 picolitre
Q34 nanolitre
Q35 megawatts per minute A unit of power defining the total amoun
Q36 square metre per cubic metre A unit of the amount of surface area per
Q37 Standard cubic metre per day Standard cubic metre (temperature 15°C
Q38 Standard cubic metre per hour Standard cubic metre (temperature 15°C
Q39 Normalized cubic metre per day Normalized cubic metre (temperature 0°C
Q40 Normalized cubic metre per hour Normalized cubic metre (temperature 0°C
Q41 Joule per normalised cubic metre
Q42 Joule per standard cubic metre
Q3 meal A unit of count defining the number of m
QA page - facsimile A unit of count defining the number of fa
QAN quarter (of a year) A unit of time defining the number of qu
QB page - hardcopy A unit of count defining the number of h
QR quire A unit of count for paper, expressed as th
QTD dry quart (US)
QTI quart (UK)
QTL liquid quart (US)
QTR quarter (UK) A traditional unit of weight equal to 1/4 h
R1 pica A unit of count defining the number of p
R9 thousand cubic metre A unit of volume equal to one thousand c
RH running or operating hour A unit of time defining the number of ho
RM ream A unit of count for paper, expressed as th
ROM room A unit of count defining the number of ro
RP pound per ream A unit of mass for paper, expressed as po
RPM revolutions per minute Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide
RPS revolutions per second Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide
RT revenue ton mile A unit of information typically used for bi
S3 square foot per second Synonym: foot squared per second
S4 square metre per second Synonym: metre squared per second (squ
SAN half year (6 months) A unit of time defining the number of hal
SCO score A unit of count defining the number of u
SCR scruple
SEC second [unit of time]
SET set A unit of count defining the number of se
SG segment A unit of information equal to 64000 byte
SIE siemens
SM3 Standard cubic metre Standard cubic metre (temperature 15°C
SMI mile (statute mile)
SQ square A unit of count defining the number of sq
SQR square, roofing A unit of count defining the number of sq
SR strip A unit of count defining the number of st
STC stick A unit of count defining the number of st
STI stone (UK)
STK stick, cigarette A unit of count defining the number of ci
STL standard litre A unit of volume defining the number of
STN ton (US) or short ton (UK/US) Synonym: net ton (2000 lb)
STW straw A unit of count defining the number of st
SW skein A unit of count defining the number of sk
SX shipment A unit of count defining the number of sh
SYR syringe A unit of count defining the number of sy
T0 telecommunication line in service A unit of count defining the number of lin
T3 thousand piece A unit of count defining the number of p
TAH kiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour)
TAN total acid number A unit of chemistry defining the amount o
TI thousand square inch
TIC metric ton, including container A unit of mass defining the number of m
TIP metric ton, including inner packaging A unit of mass defining the number of m
TKM tonne kilometre A unit of information typically used for bi
TMS kilogram of imported meat, less offal A unit of mass equal to one thousand gra
TNE tonne (metric ton) Synonym: metric ton
TP ten pack A unit of count defining the number of it
TPI teeth per inch The number of teeth per inch.
TPR ten pair A unit of count defining the number of p
TQD thousand cubic metre per day A unit of volume equal to one thousand c
TRL trillion (EUR)
TST ten set A unit of count defining the number of se
TTS ten thousand sticks A unit of count defining the number of st
U1 treatment A unit of count defining the number of tr
U2 tablet A unit of count defining the number of ta
UB telecommunication line in service avera A unit of count defining the average num
UC telecommunication port A unit of count defining the number of n
VA volt - ampere per kilogram
VLT volt
VP percent volume A measure of concentration, typically exp
W2 wet kilo A unit of mass defining the number of kil
WA watt per kilogram
WB wet pound A unit of mass defining the number of po
WCD cord A unit of volume used for measuring lum
WE wet ton A unit of mass defining the number of to
WEB weber
WEE week
WG wine gallon A unit of volume equal to 231 cubic inche
WHR watt hour
WM working month A unit of time defining the number of wo
WSD standard A unit of volume of finished lumber equa
WTT watt
X1 Gunter's chain A unit of distance used or formerly used
YDK square yard
YDQ cubic yard
YRD yard
Z11 hanging container A unit of count defining the number of h
Z9 nanomole
ZP page A unit of count defining the number of p
ZZ mutually defined A unit of measure as agreed in common
X1A Drum, steel
X1B Drum, aluminium
X1D Drum, plywood
X1F Container, flexible A packaging container of flexible constru
X1G Drum, fibre
X1W Drum, wooden
X2C Barrel, wooden
X3A Jerrican, steel
X3H Jerrican, plastic
X43 Bag, super bulk A cloth plastic or paper based bag having
X44 Bag, polybag A type of plastic bag, typically used to wr
X4A Box, steel
X4B Box, aluminium
X4C Box, natural wood
X4D Box, plywood
X4F Box, reconstituted wood
X4G Box, fibreboard
X4H Box, plastic
X5H Bag, woven plastic
X5L Bag, textile
X5M Bag, paper
X6H Composite packaging, plastic receptacle
X6P Composite packaging, glass receptacle
X7A Case, car A type of portable container designed to
X7B Case, wooden A case made of wood for retaining substa
X8A Pallet, wooden A platform or open-ended box, made of
X8B Crate, wooden A receptacle, made of wood, on which go
X8C Bundle, wooden Loose or unpacked pieces of wood tied o
XAA Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic
XAB Receptacle, fibre Containment vessel made of fibre used fo
XAC Receptacle, paper Containment vessel made of paper for re
XAD Receptacle, wooden Containment vessel made of wood for re
XAE Aerosol
XAF Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 60cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 ce
XAG Pallet, shrinkwrapped Pallet load secured with transparent plast
XAH Pallet, 100cms * 110cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 100c
XAI Clamshell
XAJ Cone Container used in the transport of linear m
XAL Ball A spherical containment vessel for retaini
XAM Ampoule, non-protected
XAP Ampoule, protected
XAT Atomizer
XAV Capsule
XB4 Belt A band use to retain multiple articles tog
XBA Barrel
XBB Bobbin
XBC Bottlecrate / bottlerack
XBD Board
XBE Bundle
XBF Balloon, non-protected
XBG Bag A receptacle made of flexible material wit
XBH Bunch
XBJ Bucket
XBK Basket
XBL Bale, compressed
XBM Basin
XBN Bale, non-compressed
XBO Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical A narrow-necked cylindrical shaped vesse
XBP Balloon, protected
XBQ Bottle, protected cylindrical A narrow-necked cylindrical shaped vesse
XBS Bottle, non-protected, bulbous A narrow-necked bulb shaped vessel with
XBT Bolt
XBU Butt
XBV Bottle, protected bulbous A narrow-necked bulb shaped vessel with
XBW Box, for liquids
XBY Board, in bundle/bunch/truss
XBZ Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss
XCA Can, rectangular
XCB Crate, beer
XCC Churn
XCD Can, with handle and spout
XCE Creel
XCF Coffer
XCG Cage
XCH Chest
XCI Canister
XCJ Coffin
XCK Cask
XCL Coil
XCM Card A flat package usually made of fibreboard
XCN Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment
XCO Carboy, non-protected
XCP Carboy, protected
XCQ Cartridge Package containing a charge such as pro
XCR Crate
XCS Case
XCT Carton
XCV Cover
XCW Cage, roll
XCX Can, cylindrical
XCY Cylinder
XCZ Canvas
XDA Crate, multiple layer, plastic
XDB Crate, multiple layer, wooden
XDC Crate, multiple layer, cardboard
XDG Cage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP)
XDH Box, Commonwealth Handling Equipment
A box mounted on a pallet base under th
XDI Drum, iron
XDJ Demijohn, non-protected
XDK Crate, bulk, cardboard
XDL Crate, bulk, plastic
XDM Crate, bulk, wooden
XDN Dispenser
XDP Demijohn, protected
XDR Drum
XDS Tray, one layer no cover, plastic
XDT Tray, one layer no cover, wooden
XDU Tray, one layer no cover, polystyrene
XDV Tray, one layer no cover, cardboard
XDW Tray, two layers no cover, plastic tray
XDX Tray, two layers no cover, wooden
XDY Tray, two layers no cover, cardboard
XEC Bag, plastic
XED Case, with pallet base
XEE Case, with pallet base, wooden
XEF Case, with pallet base, cardboard
XEG Case, with pallet base, plastic
XEH Case, with pallet base, metal
XEI Case, isothermic
XEN Envelope
XFB Flexibag A flexible containment bag made of plast
XFC Crate, fruit
XFD Crate, framed
XFE Flexitank A flexible containment tank made of plas
XFI Firkin
XFL Flask
XFO Footlocker
XFP Filmpack
XFR Frame
XFT Foodtainer
XFW Cart, flatbed Wheeled flat bedded device on which tra
XFX Bag, flexible container
XGB Bottle, gas A narrow-necked metal cylinder for reten
XGI Girder
XGL Container, gallon A container with a capacity of one gallon
XGR Receptacle, glass Containment vessel made of glass for ret
XGU Tray, containing horizontally stacked fla Tray containing flat items stacked on top
XGY Bag, gunny A sack made of gunny or burlap, used for
XGZ Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss
XHA Basket, with handle, plastic
XHB Basket, with handle, wooden
XHC Basket, with handle, cardboard
XHG Hogshead
XHN Hanger A purpose shaped device with a hook at
XHR Hamper
XIA Package, display, wooden
XIB Package, display, cardboard
XIC Package, display, plastic
XID Package, display, metal
XIE Package, show
XIF Package, flow A flexible tubular package or skin, possib
XIG Package, paper wrapped
XIH Drum, plastic
XIK Package, cardboard, with bottle grip-holPackaging material made out of cardboa
XIL Tray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14 Lidded stackable rigid tray compliant with
XIN Ingot
XIZ Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss
XJB Bag, jumbo A flexible containment bag, widely used f
XJC Jerrican, rectangular
XJT Jutebag
XJY Jerrican, cylindrical
XKI Kit A set of articles or implements used for a
XLE Luggage A collection of bags, cases and/or contain
XLU Lug A wooden box for the transportation and
XLV Liftvan A wooden or metal container used for pa
XLZ Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss
XMA Crate, metal Containment box made of metal for retai
XMB Bag, multiply
XMC Crate, milk
XME Container, metal A type of containment box made of meta
XMR Receptacle, metal Containment vessel made of metal for re
XMS Sack, multi-wall
XMW Receptacle, plastic wrapped Containment vessel wrapped with plastic
XMX Matchbox
XNA Not available
XNE Unpacked or unpackaged
XNF Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit
XNG Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units
XNS Nest
XNU Net, tube, plastic
XNV Net, tube, textile
XO1 Two sided cage on wheels with fixing strap
XO2 Trolley
XO3 Oneway pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet
XO4 Oneway pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet
XO5 Oneway pallet ISO 2 - 2/1 EURO Pallet
XO6 Pallet with exceptional dimensions
XO7 Wooden pallet 40 cm x 80 cm
XO8 Plastic pallet SRS 60 cm x 80 cm
XO9 Plastic pallet SRS 80 cm x 120 cm
XOA Pallet, CHEP 40 cm x 60 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Poo
XOB Pallet, CHEP 80 cm x 120 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Poo
XOC Pallet, CHEP 100 cm x 120 cm Commonwealth Handling Equipment Poo
XOD Pallet, AS 4068-1993 Australian standard pallet of dimensions
XOE Pallet, ISO T11 ISO standard pallet of dimensions 110 ce
XOF Platform, unspecified weight or dimensi A pallet equivalent shipping platform of u
XOG Pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet
XOH Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet
XOI Pallet ISO 2 – 2/1 EURO Pallet
XOK Block A solid piece of a hard substance, such as
XOJ 1/4 EURO Pallet
XOL 1/8 EURO Pallet
XOM Synthetic pallet ISO 1
XON Synthetic pallet ISO 2
XOP Wholesaler pallet
XOQ Pallet 80 X 100 cm
XOR Pallet 60 X 100 cm
XOS Oneway pallet
XOV Returnable pallet
XOW Large bag, pallet sized
XOT Octabin A standard cardboard container of large
XOU Container, outer A type of containment box that serves as
XOX A wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 67 x 135)
XOY A Wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 72 x 135)
XOZ Wheeled pallet with raised rim ( 81 x 60 x 16)
XP1 CHEP pallet 60 cm x 80 cm
XP2 Pan A shallow, wide, open container, usually o
XP3 LPR pallet 60 cm x 80 cm
XP4 LPR pallet 80 cm x 120 cm
XPA Packet Small package.
XPB Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet
XPC Parcel
XPD Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 ce
XPE Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cms Standard sized pallet of dimensions 80 ce
XPF Pen A small open top enclosure for retaining
XPG Plate
XPH Pitcher
XPI Pipe
XPJ Punnet
XPK Package Standard packaging unit.
XPL Pail
XPN Plank
XPO Pouch
XPP Piece A loose or unpacked article.
XPR Receptacle, plastic Containment vessel made of plastic for re
XPU Tray
XPV Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss
XPX Pallet Platform or open-ended box, usually mad
XPY Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss
XPZ Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss
XQA Drum, steel, non-removable head
XQB Drum, steel, removable head
XQC Drum, aluminium, non-removable head
XQD Drum, aluminium, removable head
XQF Drum, plastic, non-removable head
XQG Drum, plastic, removable head
XQH Barrel, wooden, bung type
XQJ Barrel, wooden, removable head
XQK Jerrican, steel, non-removable head
XQL Jerrican, steel, removable head
XQM Jerrican, plastic, non-removable head
XQN Jerrican, plastic, removable head
XQP Box, wooden, natural wood, ordinary
XQQ Box, wooden, natural wood, with sift proof walls
XQR Box, plastic, expanded
XQS Box, plastic, solid
XRG Ring
XRJ Rack, clothing hanger
XRK Rack
XRL Reel Cylindrical rotatory device with a rim at e
XRO Roll
XRT Rednet Containment material made of red mesh
XRZ Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss
XSA Sack
XSB Slab
XSC Crate, shallow
XSD Spindle
XSE Sea-chest
XSH Sachet
XSI Skid A low movable platform or pallet to facili
XSK Case, skeleton
XSL Slipsheet Hard plastic sheeting primarily used as th
XSM Sheetmetal
XSO Spool A packaging container used in the transp
XSP Sheet, plastic wrapping
XSS Case, steel
XST Sheet
XSU Suitcase
XSV Envelope, steel
XSW Shrinkwrapped Goods retained in a transparent plastic fil
XSY Sleeve
XSZ Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss
XT1 Tablet A loose or unpacked article in the form o
XTC Tea-chest
XTD Tube, collapsible
XTE Tyre A ring made of rubber and/or metal surro
XTG Tank container, generic A specially constructed container for tran
XTI Tierce
XTK Tank, rectangular
XTL Tub, with lid
XTR Trunk
XTS Truss
XTT Bag, tote A capacious bag or basket.
XTU Tube
XTV Tube, with nozzle A tube made of plastic, metal or cardboa
XTW Pallet, triwall A lightweight pallet made from heavy du
XTY Tank, cylindrical
XTZ Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss
XUC Uncaged
XUN Unit A type of package composed of a single
XVG Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15°C)
XVI Vial
XVK Vanpack A type of wooden crate.
XVL Bulk, liquid
XVO Bulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”)
XVP Vacuum-packed
XVQ Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure)
XVN Vehicle A self-propelled means of conveyance.
XVR Bulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”)
XVS Bulk, scrap metal Loose or unpacked scrap metal transport
XVY Bulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”)
XWA Intermediate bulk container A reusable container made of metal, plas
XWB Wickerbottle
XWC Intermediate bulk container, steel
XWD Intermediate bulk container, aluminium
XWF Intermediate bulk container, metal
XWG Intermediate bulk container, steel, pressurised > 10 kpa
XWH Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised > 10 kpa
XWJ Intermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa
XWK Intermediate bulk container, steel, liquid
XWL Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid
XWM Intermediate bulk container, metal, liquid
XWN Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, without coat/liner
XWP Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated
XWQ Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, with liner
XWR Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner
XWS Intermediate bulk container, plastic film
XWT Intermediate bulk container, textile with out coat/liner
XWU Intermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner
XWV Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated
XWW Intermediate bulk container, textile, with liner
XWX Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner
XWY Intermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner
XWZ Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner
XXA Bag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner
XXB Bag, woven plastic, sift proof
XXC Bag, woven plastic, water resistant
XXD Bag, plastics film
XXF Bag, textile, without inner coat/liner
XXG Bag, textile, sift proof
XXH Bag, textile, water resistant
XXJ Bag, paper, multi-wall
XXK Bag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
XYA Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum
XYB Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box
XYC Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum
XYD Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate
XYF Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box
XYG Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum
XYH Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box
XYJ Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum
XYK Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box
XYL Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum
XYM Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box
XYN Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum
XYP Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box
XYQ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum
XYR Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate
XYS Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box
XYT Composite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum
XYV Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper
XYW Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum
XYX Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box
XYY Composite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack
XYZ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack
XZA Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall
XZB Bag, large
XZC Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
XZD Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids
XZF Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids
XZG Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised
XZH Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised
XZJ Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids
XZK Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids
XZL Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids
XZM Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, solids
XZN Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised
XZP Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised
XZQ Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids
XZR Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids
XZS Intermediate bulk container, composite
XZT Intermediate bulk container, fibreboard
XZU Intermediate bulk container, flexible
XZV Intermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel
XZW Intermediate bulk container, natural wood
XZX Intermediate bulk container, plywood
XZY Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood
XZZ Mutually defined
ount defining the number of groups (group: set of items classified together).
ount defining the number of outfits (outfit: a complete set of equipment / materials / objects used for a specific purpose).
ount defining the number of rations (ration: a single portion of provisions).
quid measure, especially related to spirits.
ount defining the number of military sticks (military stick: bombs or paratroops released in rapid succession from an aircraft).
ount defining the number of shipping containers that measure 20 foot in length.
ount defining the number of shipping containers that measure 40 foot in length.

mass defining the expected mass of material expressed as the number of pounds.

mass defining the expected mass of material, expressed as the number of tons.

rea for tin plate equal to a surface area of 100 square metres.
ount defining the number of strands per inch as a measure of the fineness of a woven product.
mass defining the total number of kilograms after deductions.
roportion equal to 10⁻⁶.
roportion equal to 10⁻².
roportion equal to 10⁻⁹.

uantity expressed as a predetermined or set rate for usage of a facility or service.

TC12 SI Guide
TC12 SI Guide

lectric potential in relation to alternating current (AC).

lectric potential in relation to direct current (DC).
nformation equal to 10³ (1000) bytes.

ount defining the number of months for a person or persons to perform an undertaking.

nformation equal to 10⁶ (1000000) bytes.

ount defining the number of batches (batch: quantity of material produced in one operation or number of animals or persons coming at once).
olume equal to one million (1000000) cubic feet of gas per day.
ower defining the hydraulic horse power delivered by a fluid pump depending on the viscosity of the fluid.
d square foot degree Rankine
degree Rankine
d foot degree Rankine
quare foot degree Rankine

mass defining the difference between the weight of a ship when completely empty and its weight when completely loaded, expressed as the number of tons

arn density. One decitex equals a mass of 1 gram per 10 kilometres of length.
80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics)
arn density. One denier equals a mass of 1 gram per 9 kilometres of length.

ount defining the number of eighth-parts as a measure of the celestial dome cloud coverage. Synonym: OKTA , OCTA
nformation typically used for billing purposes, defined as either the number of metric tons or the number of cubic metres, whichever is the larger.

uantity expressed as a rate for usage of a facility or service.

nformation equal to one binary digit.

ount defining the number of balls (ball: object formed in the shape of sphere).
ount defining the number of items per bulk pack.

ount defining the number of activities (activity: a unit of work or action).

nformation equal to 8 bits.

me defining the number of minutes in addition to the referenced minutes.

ount defining the number of minutes for the average interval of a call.

ount defining the number of telephone access lines.

lectric charge defining the amount of charge accumulated by a steady flow of one ampere for one hour.

e equal to 365,25 days. Synonym: Julian year

measure for blood potency (US).

ount defining the number of assortments (assortment: set of items grouped in a mixed collection).
mass defining the alcoholic strength of a liquid.
olume defining the alcoholic strength of a liquid (e.g. spirit, wine, beer, etc), often at a specific temperature.
istance used for measuring the diameter of small tubes or wires such as the outer diameter of hypotermic or suture needles.
ount defining the number of assemblies (assembly: items that consist of component parts).

nformation equal to one binary digit per second.

joule per metre squared

ount defining the number of entries made to the credit side of an account.

nformation defining the quantity of numerals used to form a number.

mass defining the number of pounds of wadded fibre.

nformation equal to 2³⁰ bits (binary digits).

olume used to measure beer. One beer barrel equals 36 imperial gallons.
ength defining the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year.

nformation equal to 10⁹ bits (binary digits).

ount defining the number of cycles (cycle: a recurrent period of definite duration).

nformation equal to 10⁹ bits (binary digits) per second.

ength defining the number of inches per linear foot.

rea of 112 sheets of tin mil products (tin plate, tin free steel or black plate) 14 by 20 inches, or 31,360 square inches.
olume defining the number of cords (cord: a stack of firewood of 128 cubic feet).

olume equal to one hundred board foot.

er of beats per minute.

ount defining the number of calls (call: communication session or visitation).

nformation equal to 2¹⁰ (1024) bits (binary digits).

nformation equal to 10³ (1000) bits (binary digits).

d in music to describe the ratio in frequency between notes.

ubjective sound loudness. A sound has loudness p phons if it seems to the listener to be equal in loudness to the sound of a pure tone of frequency 1 kiloh
nformation equal to 10³ (1000) bits (binary digits) per second.

ccumulated energy of 1000 volt amperes over a period of one hour.

reciprocal second per cubic metre

ount defining the number of coil groups (coil group: groups of items arranged by lengths of those items placed in a joined sequence of concentric circles).

reciprocal metre squared

mass defining the carrying capacity, expressed as the number of metric tons.

80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics)

ount defining the number of units in multiples of 100.
ount defining the number of units of card (card: thick stiff paper or cardboard).

ount defining the number of leaves, expressed in units of one hundred leaves.

ount defining the number of hundred-packs (hundred-pack: set of one hundred items packaged together).
mass equal to one hundred weight (US).

mass defining the number of grams of a named item in a product.

mass defining the number of metric tons of a named item in a product.

ccumulated energy of a thousand watts over a period of one hour.

weight equal to about 1/2 ounce or 15 grams.

nformation equal to 2²⁰ (1048576) bits (binary digits).

ubjective sound loudness. One sone is the loudness of a pure tone of frequency one kilohertz and strength 40 decibels.

ount defining the number of grams of amino acid prescribed for parenteral/enteral therapy.

arn density. One decitex equals a mass of 1 gram per 1 kilometre of length.
nformation equal to 10⁶ (1000000) bits (binary digits).

of the unit is an acronym for volt-ampere-reactive.

ount defining the number of books (book: set of items bound together or written document of a material whole).
ount defining the number of rounds (round: A circular or cylindrical object).
ount defining the number of words.

ccumulated energy equal to one million joules per second.

me defining the number of days in multiples of 10.

mass defining the number of pounds of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.

ount defining the number of decades (decade: quantity equal to 10 or time equal to 10 years).

olume defining the number of kilolitres of a product at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, especially in relation to hydrocarbon oils.

ount defining the number of pieces in multiples of 12 (piece: a single item, article or exemplar).
ount defining the number of pairs in multiples of 12 (pair: item described by two's).
mass defining the volume of sea water a ship displaces, expressed as the number of tons.
drachm (UK), troy dram
avoirdupois dram
ount defining the number of rolls, expressed in twelve roll units.
mass defining the number of tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
centner, metric 100 kg; quintal, metric 100 kg

ount defining the number of units in multiples of 12.

ount defining the number of packs in multiples of 12 (pack: standard packaging unit).
of pressure expressed in newtons per square centimetre.
ccumulated energy of a million watts over a period of one hour.
nergy expressed as the load change in million watts that will cause a frequency shift of one hertz.
ower load delivered at the rate of one thousandth of an ampere over a period of one hour.
measure used in meteorology and engineering to measure the demand for heating or cooling over a given period of days.
ount defining the number of cigarettes in units of 1000.
eat energy equal to one thousand calories.
nergy equal to one thousand calories per hour.
ower equal to one million British thermal units per hour.
olume equal to one cubic foot passing a given point in a period of one second.
weight or mass equal to one tonne per hour.
rea equal to 3.3 square metres.
nformation equal to 10⁶ (1000000) bits (binary digits) per second.
ount defining the number of shares (share: a total or portion of the parts into which a business entity’s capital is divided).
ount defining the number of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) as a measure of containerized cargo capacity.
ount defining the number of tyres (a solid or air-filled covering placed around a wheel rim to form a soft contact with the road, absorb shock and provide t
ount defining the number of active units within a substance.
ount defining the number of doses (dose: a definite quantity of a medicine or drug).
mass defining the number of tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
ount defining the number of strands (strand: long, thin, flexible, single thread, strip of fibre, constituent filament or multiples of the same, twisted together)
ount defining the number of square metres per litre.
ount defining the number of litres per hour.
ount defining the number of feet per thousand units.
nformation equal to 10⁹ bytes.
nformation equal to 10¹² bytes.
nformation equal to 10¹⁵ bytes.
ount defining the number of pixels (pixel: picture element).
ount equal to 10⁶ (1000000) pixels (picture elements).
nformation defining the number of dots per linear inch as a measure of the resolution or sharpness of a graphic image.
mass defining the total number of kilograms before deductions.
roportion equal to 10⁻⁵.
ressure defining the number of kilograms force per square millimetre.
ressure defining the number of kilograms force per square centimetre.
nergy defining the number of joules per square centimetre.
orsion defining the torque kilogram-force metre per square centimetre.

nergy consumption expressed as kilowatt hour per cubic metre.

nergy consumption expressed as kilowatt hour per kelvin.
ount defining the number of service units (service unit: defined period / property / facility / utility of supply).
ount defining the number of working days (working day: a day on which work is ordinarily performed).
ount defining the number of accounting units.
ount defining the number of jobs.
ount defining the number feet per run.
ount defining the number of tests.
ount defining the number of trips.
ount defining the number of times an object is used.
ount defining the number of wells.
ount defining the number of zones.
nformation equal to 10¹⁸ bits (binary digits) per second.
nformation equal to 2⁶⁰ bytes.
nformation equal to 2⁵⁰ bytes.
nformation equal to 2⁴⁰ bytes.
nformation equal to 2³⁰ bytes.
nformation equal to 2²⁰ bytes.
nformation equal to 2¹⁰ bytes.
nformation equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
nformation equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
nformation equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
nformation equal to 10⁹ bytes per second.
nformation equal to 2³⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
nformation equal to 2³⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
nformation equal to 2³⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
nformation equal to 2¹⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
nformation equal to 2¹⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
nformation equal to 2¹⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
nformation equal to 2²⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
nformation equal to 2²⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
nformation equal to 2²⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
nformation equal to 10¹⁵ bits (binary digits).
nformation equal to 10¹⁵ bits (binary digits) per second.
nformation equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
nformation equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
nformation equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
nformation equal to 10¹² bits (binary digits).
nformation equal to 10¹² bits (binary digits) per second.
nformation equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
nformation equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
nformation equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
nformation equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per metre.
nformation equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per square metre.

ount defining the number of items regarded as separate units.

ount defining the number of electronic mail boxes.
olume defining the number of gallons of product produced from concentrate.
nformation equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per cubic metre.
mass. One slug is the mass accelerated at 1 foot per second per second by a force of 1 pound.

istance equal to 5.5 yards (16 feet 6 inches).

ower defining the amount of power required to move a given volume of water against acceleration of gravity to a specified elevation (pressure head).
80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics)

ength defining the number of metres of individual fibre.

olume equal to one thousand cubic foot.
olume equal to one hundred cubic metres.

ount defining the number of failures that can be expected over a specified time interval. Failure rates of semiconductor components are often specified as F
mass defining the number of tons of a flaked substance (flake: a small flattish fragment).
mass defining the number of grams of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.

mass defining the number of grams of a fissile isotope (fissile isotope: an isotope whose nucleus is able to be split when irradiated with low energy neutrons
ount defining the number of units in multiples of 1728 (12 x 12 x 12).
mass defining the number of grams of a product, including its container.

mass defining the number of grams of a product, including its inner packaging materials.

ount defining the number of units in multiples of 144 (12 x 12).

ount defining the number of blanks.

roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI base unit Kelvin.

roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a month.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to 100-fold of the unit bar.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to 10-fold of the SI base unit Kelvin.

measure used to describe the breadth of electronic assemblies as an installation standard or mounting dimension.
istance used for measuring the diameter of small tubes such as urological instruments and catheters. Synonym: French, Charrière, Charrière gauge
measure used to describe the height in rack units of equipment intended for mounting in a 19-inch rack or a 23-inch rack. One rack unit is 1.75 inches (44.45

ength defining the number of big points (big point: Adobe software(US) defines the big point to be exactly 1/72 inch (0.013 888 9 inch or 0.352 777 8 millim

ount defining the number of pieces (piece: a single item, article or exemplar).

roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI derived unit ohm.

roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an angle of one degree.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of ten thousand.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one hundred thousand.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one hundred.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one thousand.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI derived unit volt.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an atmospheric pressure of one bar.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an inch.
roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a metre.
ength, typically for yarn.

ount defining the number of boxes in multiples of one hundred box units.
ount defining the number of units counted in multiples of 100.
mass defining the number of hundred kilograms of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
ount defining the number of heads (head: a person or animal considered as one of a number).

olume equal to one hundred cubic foot.

ount defining the number of international units in multiples of 100.
mass defining the number of hundred kilograms of a product, after deductions.

olume equal to one million cubic metres.

olume equal to one hundred litres of pure alcohol.

ount defining the number of persons.

measure defining the sugar content of a solution, expressed in degrees.

roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a millimetre.

ressure equal to one thousandth of a psi (pound-force per square inch).
elative density as a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water (API: American Petroleum Institute).
al unit of relative density for liquids. Named after Antoine Baumé.
elative density for liquids heavier than water.
elative density for liquids lighter than water.
ensity as a measure of sugar content, especially of beer wort. Named after Karl Balling.
roportion used in measuring the dissolved sugar-to-water mass ratio of a liquid. Named after Adolf Brix.
rmal unit (thermochemical)

rmal unit (international table)

ensity as a measure of sugar content of must, the unfermented liqueur from which wine is made. Named after Ferdinand Oechsle.

ensity for liquids that are heavier than water. 1 degree Twaddle represents a difference in specific gravity of 0.005.

gnal transmission speed equal to one signalling event per second.

our square foot degree Fahrenheit

our square foot degree Fahrenheit
cond square foot degree Fahrenheit
degree Fahrenheit

r square foot degree Fahrenheit

r square foot degree Fahrenheit

ond square foot degree Fahrenheit
egree Fahrenheit

gnal transmission speed equal to 10⁶ (1000000) signaling events per second.
the number of pipeline joints.

ount defining the number of 100 metre lengths.

ount defining the number of jewels (jewel: precious stone).
measure defining the power load measured at predetermined intervals.

measure defining the reactive power demand equal to one kilovolt ampere of reactive power.

measure defining the accumulated reactive energy equal to one kilovolt ampere of reactive power per hour.
gnal transmission speed equal to 10³ (1000) signaling events per second.
ount defining the number of cakes (cake: object shaped into a flat, compact mass).
atalytic activity defining the catalytic activity of enzymes and other catalysts.
nformation equal to 10³ (1000) characters.

mass equal to one thousand grams of choline chloride.

mass defining the net number of kilograms of a product, disregarding the liquid content of the product.
80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics)
mass equal to one thousand grams.

mass equal to one thousand grams of hydrogen peroxide.

mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including its container.

mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including its inner packaging materials.
nformation equal to 10³ (1000) segments.

roportion defining the percentage of dry lactic material in a product.

luminance equal to one thousand lux.
mass equal to one thousand grams of methylamine.
weight expressed in kilograms of a substance that fills a volume of one cubic metre.

mass equal to one thousand grams of nitrogen.

xpressed in kN/m2.
mass equal to one kilogram of a named substance.

ount defining the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of product as a measure of the concentration of potassium hydroxide in the prod

mass equal to one thousand grams of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash).

mass equal to one thousand grams of potassium oxide.
mass equal to one thousand grams of phosphorus pentoxide phosphoric anhydride.

mass equal to one thousand grams of a named substance that is 90% dry.
mass equal to one thousand grams of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda).
ount defining the number of kits (kit: tub, barrel or pail).

mass equal to one thousand grams of uranium.

mass equal to one thousand grams of tungsten trioxide.

nternational table)
roportion defining the percentage of lactose in a product that exceeds a defined percentage level.

ount defining the number of leaves.

ount defining the number of feet (12-inch) in length of a uniform width object.
me defining the number of labour hours.
istance equal to 0.01 chain.
ount defining the number of metres in length of a uniform width object.
istance defining the linear extent of an item measured from end to end.
ount defining the number of lots (lot: a collection of associated items).
mass defining the number of pounds of a liquid substance.
olume equal to one litre of pure alcohol.
ount defining the number of layers.
ount defining the number of whole or a complete monetary amounts.
gross ton (2240 lb)

mass defining the number of metric tons of lubricating oil.

ount defining the number of 36-inch units in length of a uniform width object.

al measure for describing wind speed based mainly on observed sea conditions. The Beaufort scale indicates the wind speed by numbers that typically rang

roportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a temperature of one degree.

ount defining the number of months expressed in multiples of 30 days, one day equals 24 hours.
ount defining the number of years expressed in multiples of 360 days, one day equals 24 hours.
of the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2.
of the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2.
measure expressed as a monetary amount.
length according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2.
of the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2.
length according to the Imperial system of units divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2.
icate an angle at military zone, equal to the 6400th part of the full circle of the 360° or 2·p·rad.
ntify an angle of the full circle of 360° or 2·p·rad (Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide).
f a full circle divided by the power of the SI base unit second and the exponent 2.
angular velocity.
area, of which the size is given by a diameter of length of 1 mm (0,001 in) based on the formula: area = p·(diameter/2)².
area, which is mainly common in the agriculture and forestry.
length according the Anglo-American system of units.

monly used in Great Britain at rural distances: 1 furlong = 40 rods = 10 chains (UK) = 1/8 mile = 1/10 furlong = 220 yards = 660 foot.
monly used in the United States for ordnance survey.
monly used in the United States for ordnance survey.
it metre divided by the derived SI unit pascal.
translation factor for implementation from rotation to linear movement.
very short period.
ocity from the Imperial system of units.
velocity from the Imperial system of units.
it meter divided by the product of SI base unit second and the derived SI unit pascal.
it metre divided by the unit hour.
length according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the unit common year with 365 days.
of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit second.
ccording to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the unit minute.
according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second.
according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the unit minute.
according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided by the unit hour.
volume, which is used in the United States to measure/gauge the capacity of reservoirs.
unit of the volume of stacked firewood which has been measured with a cord.
ume according to the Imperial system of units.

unit of the cargo capacity.

he SI base unit meter by exponent 3 divided by the derived SI base unit pascal.
c relationship to base 10.
it kilogram divided by the product of the power of the SI base unit metre with exponent 3 and the derived SI unit pascal.
it kilogram divided by the derived SI unit pascal.
of the unit of the force pound-force (lbf) according to the Anglo-American system of units with the relationship.
nforming unit of the power, which corresponds to a mass of a pound multiplied with the acceleration of a foot per square second.
the SI base unit kilogram and the SI base unit metre divided by the power of the SI base unit second by exponent 2.
of the unit of the weight, defined as a mass of 1 kg which finds out about a weight strength from 1 kp by the gravitational force at sea level which correspo
he unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2 divided by the unit of time hour.
metre-Gram-Second system) unit stokes divided by the derived SI unit pascal.
d of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2 divided by the SI base unit second.
he SI base unit metre with the exponent 2 divided by the SI base unit second and the derived SI unit pascal.
unit for the indication of the linear mass of textile fibers and yarns.
ear mass according to avoirdupois system of units.
nforming unit of the mass used in the mineralogy to determine the concentration of precious metals in ore according to the mass of the precious metal in m
unit of the mass used in Germany.
it kilogram divided by the product of the SI base unit second and the derived SI unit pascal.
divided by the unit month.
divided by the unit year with 365 days.

of the unit of the mass avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system divided by the unit hour.
of the mass consisting of the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system divided by the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois
the unit pound-force according to the Anglo-American system of units and the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of unit
the derived SI unit newton and the SI base unit metre divided by the unit radian.
balance as a product of the SI base unit kilogram and the SI base unit metre.
the non SI-conforming unit of the force poundal and the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units .
the non SI-conforming unit of the force poundal and the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units .
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of the rotational moment.
the SI base unit kilogram and the 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit second.
the 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram and the 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit second.
lectrical reactive power defining the total amount of reactive power across a power system.

lectrical reactive power represented by a current of one thousand amperes flowing due a potential difference of one thousand volts where the sine of the p
ower defining the rate of energy transferred or consumed when a current of 1000 amperes flows due to a potential of 1000 volts at unity power factor.
ount defining the number of one thousand brick equivalent units.
olume equal to one thousand board foot.

ount defining the number of metric tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.

ount defining the number of international units in multiples of 10.

mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.

e equal to 1/12 of a year of 365,25 days.

ower defining the total amount of bulk energy transferred or consumed.

ount defining the number of calories prescribed daily for parenteral/enteral therapy.
the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system and the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided b
the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system and the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units divided b
unit of the power relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 PS = 735,498 75 W.
nforming unit of pressure, at which a value of 1 cmHg meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 0 °C with a height of 1
nforming unit of pressure, at which a value of 1 cmH2O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 4 °C with a hei
nforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 ftH2O is equivalent to the static pressure,
nforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inHg meets the static pressure, which is ge
nforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inHg meets the static pressure, which is ge
nforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inH2O meets the static pressure, which is
nforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inH2O meets the static pressure, which is
nforming unit of the pressure according to the Anglo-American system of units as the 1000-fold of the unit of the force pound-force divided by the power
nforming unit of pressure by the Imperial system of units according to NIST: 1 pdl/ft² = 1,488 164 Pa.
surface specific mass (avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units according to the surface square inch according to the Anglo-Americ
nforming unit of pressure, whereas a value of 1 mH2O is equivalent to the static pressure, which is produced by one metre high water column .
of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0.000 001-fold of the power of the SI base unit meter by exponent 2.
eal-related mass as a unit pound according to the avoirdupois unit system divided by the power of the unit yard according to the Anglo-American and Imp
nforming unit of the pressure according to the Imperial system of units (poundal by square inch).
he unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 4 according to NIST: 1 ft4 = 8,630 975 m4.
of the power of the SI base unit meter by exponent 3 divided by the SI based unit kilogram.
he unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 3 divided by the unit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdup

he unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 3 divided by the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois u
of the derived SI unit newton divided by the SI base unit metre.
nforming unit of the surface tension according to the Imperial unit system as quotient poundal by inch.
ce per unit length based on the Anglo-American system of units.
nforming unit of viscosity.
metre-Gram-Second system) unit poise divided by the derived SI unit pascal.
dynamic viscosity as a product of unit of the pressure (newton by square metre) multiplied with the SI base unit second.
dynamic viscosity as a quotient SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre and by the SI base unit second.
dynamic viscosity as a quotient SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre and by the unit minute.
dynamic viscosity as a quotient SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre and by the unit day.
dynamic viscosity as a quotient SI base unit kilogram divided by the SI base unit metre and by the unit hour.
dynamic viscosity as a quotient of the 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram divided by the 0,01-fold of the SI base unit metre and SI base unit second.
nforming unit of dynamic viscosity according to the Imperial system of units as product unit of the pressure (poundal by square inch) multiplied by the SI b
dynamic viscosity according to the Anglo-American unit system.
dynamic viscosity according to the Anglo-American unit system.
he SI base unit meter by exponent 3 divided by the product of the SI base unit second and the derived SI base unit pascal.
work (force-path).
rk (force multiplied by path) according to the Imperial system of units as a product unit inch multiplied by poundal.
unit watt divided by the power of the 0,01-fold the SI base unit metre by exponent 2.
unit watt divided by the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
energy density according to the Imperial system of units.
energy density according to the Imperial system of units.
heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units.
heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units.
heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units.
heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units.
heat capacity (British thermal unit according to the international table according to the Rankine degree) according to the Imperial system of units divided
mass-related heat capacity as quotient 1000-fold of the calorie (international table) divided by the product of the 0,001-fold of the SI base units kilogram a
at energy according to the Imperial system of units in a reference temperature of 39 °F.
at energy according to the Imperial system of units in a reference temperature of 59 °F.
ad energy according to the Imperial system of units at a reference temperature of 60 °F.
uantity of heat, which is to be required for 1 g air free water at a constant pressure from 101,325 kPa, to warm up the pressure of standard atmosphere at se
at energy according to the imperial system of units.
at energy in commercial use, within the EU defined: 1 thm (EC) = 100 000 BtuIT.
at energy in commercial use.
heat energy according to the Imperial system of units divided the unit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units.
heat transition coefficient according to the Imperial system of units.
heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units.
heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units.
heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units.
of the derived SI unit watt divided by the product of the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2 and the SI base unit kelvin.
it kelvin divided by the derived SI unit pascal.
unit watt divided by the product of the SI base unit metre and the unit for temperature degree Celsius.
of the derived SI unit watt divided by the product of the SI base unit metre and the SI base unit kelvin.
of the derived SI unit watt divided by the product of the SI base unit metre and the unit for temperature degree Celsius.
it metre divided by the product of the unit degree Celsius and the SI base unit metre.
nforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
nforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
nforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
nforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
ecific thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
ecific thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
of the derived SI unit farad.
of the derived SI unit joule.
000 001-fold of the derived SI unit siemens.
it ampere divided by the derived SI unit pascal.
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of the electrical charge, where the charge amounts to exactly 1 Fr where the force of 1 dyn on an equal load is performed
lectric charge defining the amount of charge accumulated by a steady flow of one ampere for one minute..
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of the electric power which is defined by a force of 2 dyn per cm between two parallel conductors of infinite length with
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of the magnetomotive force, which is defined by the work to increase the magnetic potential of a positive common pol w
unit volt divided by the derived SI unit pascal.
000 001-fold of the derived SI unit volt.

ount defining the number of articles (article: item).

ount defining the number of cells (cell: an enclosed or circumscribed space, cavity, or volume).

ount defining the number of messages.

ount defining the number of instances of nothing.
ount defining the number of international units.
olume defining the number of loads (load: a quantity of items carried or processed at one time).
d cubic metre (temperature 0°C and pressure 101325 millibars )
ount defining the number of packs (pack: a collection of objects packaged together).
ount defining the number of parts (part: component of a larger entity).
mass equal to 2000 pounds, see ton (US). Refer International Convention on tonnage measurement of Ships.

roportion equal to 10⁻³. Synonym: per mille

ount defining the number of panels (panel: a distinct, usually rectangular, section of a surface).
mass defining the ozone depletion potential in kilograms of a product relative to the calculated depletion for the reference substance, Trichlorofluoromethan

er of oscillations per minute.

me defining the number of overtime hours.

roportion equal to 0.01.

unit coulomb divided by the SI base unit metre.
of the derived SI unit weber.
gnetic flow density.
of the derived SI unit tesla.
of the derived SI unit joule divided by the SI base unit second.
rom the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit minute.
rom the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit hour.
rom the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit day.
rom the 1000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the SI base unit second.
rom the 1000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit minute.

rom the 1000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit hour.
rom the 1000-fold of the derived SI unit joule divided by the unit day.
001-fold of the derived SI unit ohm.

of the derived SI unit henry.

unit lumen divided by the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as lumen by square centimetre.
nform traditional unit, defined as density of light which impinges on a surface which has a distance of one foot from a light source, which shines with an inte
it candela divided by the power of unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
luminance according to the Anglo-American system of units, defined as emitted or reflected luminance of a lm/ft².
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as the emitted or reflected luminance by one lumen per square centimetre.
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as emitted or reflected luminance by one lumen per square centimetre.
SI candela divided by the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
of the SI base unit candela.
of the SI base unit candela.
non-legal unit of the power in Germany relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 HK = 0,903 cd.
non-legal unit of the power in Germany relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 HK = 1,019 cd.
areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units.
areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units.
areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units.
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of the areal-related energy transmission (as a measure of the incident quantity of heat of solar radiation on the earth's su
og2 10 ˜ 3,32 according to the logarithm for frequency range between f1 and f2, when f2/f1 = 10.
set as a product of the power of derived SI unit pascal with exponent 2 and the SI base unit second.
vided by the SI base unit metre.
nforming unit of quantity of a substance relating that one pound mole of a chemical composition corresponds to the same number of pounds as the molec
nforming unit of the power of the amount of substance non-SI compliant unit of the molar flux relating that a pound mole of a chemical composition the sa
nforming unit of the power of the amount of substance non-SI compliant unit of the molar flux relating that a pound mole of a chemical composition the sa
of the SI base unit mol divided by the SI base unit kilogram.
nforming unit of the material molar flux divided by the avoirdupois pound for mass according to the avoirdupois unit system.
the derived SI unit newton and the power of SI base unit metre with exponent 2 divided by the SI base unit ampere.
ount defining the number of five-packs (five-pack: set of five items packaged together).
the derived SI unit weber and SI base unit metre.
it mol divided by the product of the SI base unit kilogram and the derived SI unit pascal.
it mol divided by the product of the power from the SI base unit metre with exponent 3 and the derived SI unit pascal.
metre-Gram-Second system) unit for magnetic flux of a magnetic pole (according to the interaction of identical poles of 1 dyn at a distance of a cm).
of the derived SI unit gray divided by the SI base unit second.
fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the SI base unit second.
001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the SI base unit second.
unit gray divided by the unit minute.
of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit minute.
fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit minute.
001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit minute.
unit gray divided by the unit hour.
of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit hour.
fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit hour.
001-fold of the derived SI unit gray divided by the unit hour.
unit sievert divided by the SI base unit second.
of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the SI base unit second.
fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the SI base unit second.
001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the SI base unit second.
e equivalent tin rate relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 rem/s = 0,01 J/(kg·s) = 1 Sv/s.
unit sievert divided by the unit hour.
of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit hour.
fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit hour.
001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit hour.
unit sievert divided by the unit minute.
of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit minute.
fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit minute.
001-fold of the derived SI unit sievert divided by the unit minute.
ent of the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
burst index as derived unit for pressure pascal related to the substance, represented as a quotient from the SI base unit kilogram divided by the power of t
of the derived SI unit pascal divided by the SI base unit metre.
of the derived SI unit pascal divided by the SI base unit metre.
f the derived SI unit pascal divided by the SI base unit metre.
unit of the pressure divided by the SI base unit metre.
and non-legal unit of the pressure which is generated by a 10 metre water column divided by the SI base unit metre.
metre-Gram-Second system) unit of the pressure divided by the SI base unit metre.
d unit for pressure (pound-force according to the Anglo-American unit system divided by the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and
ume flow cubic meters by second related to the transmission surface in square metres.
nforming unit of fluidity of dynamic viscosity.
ngth-related rotational moment according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units.
ngth-related rotational moment according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units.
unit for the ability of a material to allow the transition of the steam, defined at a temperature of 0 °C as steam transmittance, where the mass of one grain
unit for the ability of a material to allow the transition of the steam, defined at a temperature of 23 °C as steam transmittance at which the mass of one gra
divided by the SI base unit second.
of the unit byte divided by the SI base unit second.
fold of the unit byte divided by the SI base unit second.
of the derived SI unit volt.
of the unit radian.
equilibrium constant on the basis of the pressure(ISO 80000-9:2009, 9-35.a).
equilibrium constant on the basis of the concentration (ISO 80000-9:2009, 9-36.a).

ount defining the number of pads (pad: block of paper sheets fastened together at one end).
olume equal to one litre of proof spirits, or the alcohol equivalent thereof. Used for measuring the strength of distilled alcoholic liquors, expressed as a perc
olume equal to one gallon of proof spirits, or the alcohol equivalent thereof. Used for measuring the strength of distilled alcoholic liquors, expressed as a p
ount defining the number of characters that fit in a horizontal inch.
roportion defining the sugar content of a product, especially in relation to beer.

uantity defining the degree of thickness of a bound publication, expressed as the number of pages per inch of thickness.
ount defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's).

of allowance of food allotted to, or enough for, one person.

magnetic dipole moment of the molecule as derived SI unit joule divided by the derived SI unit tesla.
market value according to the feature of a single feature as a statistical measurement of the existing utilization.
or byte: 1 octet = 8 bit = 1 byte.
divided by the SI base unit second.
c unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of two mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 2.
c unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ten mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 10.
c unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ,718 281 828 459 mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base Euler
ed logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of two mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 2.
ed logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ten mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 10.
ed logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of 2,718 281 828 459 mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm
Einstein transition probability for spontaneous or inducing emissions and absorption according to ISO 80000-7:2008, expressed as SI base unit second div
first radiation constants c1 = 2·p·h·c0², the value of which is 3,741 771 18·10?¹6-fold that of the comparative value of the product of the derived SI unit wat
density of states as an expression of angular frequency as complement of the product of hertz and radiant and the power of SI base unit metre by expone
ent of the derived SI unit weber as unit of the Josephson constant, which value is equal to the 384 597,891-fold of the reference value gigahertz divided by v
ent of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units.
at the statement of relative refractive indexes of optical systems as complement of the focal length with correspondence to: 1 dpt = 1/m.
he quotient from two physical units of the same kind as a numerator and denominator whereas the units are shortened mutually.
ngth-related rotational moment as product of the derived SI unit newton and the SI base unit metre divided by the SI base unit metre.
e ability of a material to allow the transition of steam.
m per hectogram.
y of the (solvated) hydrogen ion (a logarithmic measure used to state the acidity or alkalinity of a chemical solution).

ower defining the total amount of bulk energy transferred or consumer per minute.
he amount of surface area per unit volume of an object or collection of objects.
ubic metre (temperature 15°C and pressure 101325 millibars ) per day
ubic metre (temperature 15°C and pressure 101325 millibars ) per hour
d cubic metre (temperature 0°C and pressure 101325 millibars ) per day
d cubic metre (temperature 0°C and pressure 101325 millibars ) per hour

ount defining the number of meals (meal: an amount of food to be eaten on a single occasion).
ount defining the number of facsimile pages.
me defining the number of quarters (3 months).
ount defining the number of hardcopy pages (hardcopy page: a page rendered as printed or written output on paper, film, or other permanent medium).
ount for paper, expressed as the number of quires (quire: a number of paper sheets, typically 25).

al unit of weight equal to 1/4 hundredweight. In the United Kingdom, one quarter equals 28 pounds.
ount defining the number of picas. (pica: typographical length equal to 12 points or 4.22 mm (approx.)).
olume equal to one thousand cubic metres.
me defining the number of hours of operation.
ount for paper, expressed as the number of reams (ream: a large quantity of paper sheets, typically 500).
ount defining the number of rooms.
mass for paper, expressed as pounds per ream. (ream: a large quantity of paper, typically 500 sheets).
TC12 SI Guide
TC12 SI Guide
nformation typically used for billing purposes, expressed as the number of revenue tons (revenue ton: either a metric ton or a cubic metres, whichever is the
foot squared per second
metre squared per second (square metres/second US)
me defining the number of half years (6 months).
ount defining the number of units in multiples of 20.

ount defining the number of sets (set: a number of objects grouped together).
nformation equal to 64000 bytes.

ubic metre (temperature 15°C and pressure 101325 millibars )

ount defining the number of squares (square: rectangular shape).

ount defining the number of squares of roofing materials, measured in multiples of 100 square feet.
ount defining the number of strips (strip: long narrow piece of an object).
ount defining the number of sticks (stick: slender and often cylindrical piece of a substance).

ount defining the number of cigarettes in the smallest unit for stock-taking and/or duty computation.
olume defining the number of litres of a product at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, especially in relation to hydrocarbon oils.
net ton (2000 lb)
ount defining the number of straws (straw: a slender tube used for sucking up liquids).
ount defining the number of skeins (skein: a loosely-coiled bundle of yarn or thread).
ount defining the number of shipments (shipment: an amount of goods shipped or transported).
ount defining the number of syringes (syringe: a small device for pumping, spraying and/or injecting liquids through a small aperture).
ount defining the number of lines in service.
ount defining the number of pieces in multiples of 1000 (piece: a single item, article or exemplar).

hemistry defining the amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in milligrams that is needed to neutralize the acids in one gram of oil. It is an important quality

mass defining the number of metric tons of a product, including its container.
mass defining the number of metric tons of a product, including its inner packaging materials.
nformation typically used for billing purposes, expressed as the number of tonnes (metric tons) moved over a distance of one kilometre.
mass equal to one thousand grams of imported meat, disregarding less valuable by-products such as the entrails.
ount defining the number of items in multiples of 10.
er of teeth per inch.
ount defining the number of pairs in multiples of 10 (pair: item described by two's).
olume equal to one thousand cubic metres per day.

ount defining the number of sets in multiples of 10 (set: a number of objects grouped together).
ount defining the number of sticks in multiples of 10000 (stick: slender and often cylindrical piece of a substance).
ount defining the number of treatments (treatment: subjection to the action of a chemical, physical or biological agent).
ount defining the number of tablets (tablet: a small flat or compressed solid object).
ount defining the average number of lines in service.
ount defining the number of network access ports.

of concentration, typically expressed as the percentage volume of a solute in a solution.

mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including the water content of the product.

mass defining the number of pounds of a material, including the water content of the material.
olume used for measuring lumber. One board foot equals 1/12 of a cubic foot.
mass defining the number of tons of a material, including the water content of the material.

olume equal to 231 cubic inches.

me defining the number of working months.

olume of finished lumber equal to 165 cubic feet. Synonym: standard cubic foot

istance used or formerly used by British surveyors.

ount defining the number of hanging containers.

ount defining the number of pages.

measure as agreed in common between two or more parties.

ng container of flexible construction.

stic or paper based bag having the dimensions of the pallet on which it is constructed.
plastic bag, typically used to wrap promotional pieces, publications, product samples, and/or catalogues.

portable container designed to store equipment for carriage in an automobile.

de of wood for retaining substances or articles.
or open-ended box, made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
le, made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
npacked pieces of wood tied or wrapped together.

ent vessel made of fibre used for retaining substances or articles.

ent vessel made of paper for retaining substances or articles.
ent vessel made of wood for retaining substances or articles.

ized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 60 centimeters (cms).

secured with transparent plastic film that has been wrapped around and then shrunk tightly.
ized pallet of dimensions 100centimeters by 110 centimeters (cms).

used in the transport of linear material such as yarn.

l containment vessel for retaining substances or articles.

e to retain multiple articles together.

le made of flexible material with an open or closed top.

necked cylindrical shaped vessel without external protective packing material.

necked cylindrical shaped vessel with external protective packing material.

necked bulb shaped vessel without external protective packing material.

necked bulb shaped vessel with external protective packing material.

age usually made of fibreboard from/to which product is often hung or attached.

ontaining a charge such as propelling explosive for firearms or ink toner for a printer.
unted on a pallet base under the control of CHEP.

containment bag made of plastic, typically for the transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes using standard size shipping containers.

containment tank made of plastic, typically for the transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes using standard size shipping containers.
at bedded device on which trays or other regular shaped items are packed for transportation purposes.

necked metal cylinder for retention of liquefied or compressed gas.

r with a capacity of one gallon.

ent vessel made of glass for retaining substances or articles.
ining flat items stacked on top of one another.
de of gunny or burlap, used for transporting coarse commodities, such as grains, potatoes, and other agricultural products.

shaped device with a hook at the top for hanging items from a rail.

ubular package or skin, possibly transparent, often used for containment of foodstuffs (e.g. salami sausage).

material made out of cardboard that facilitates the separation of individual glass or plastic bottles.
ckable rigid tray compliant with CEN TS 14482:2002.

containment bag, widely used for storage, transportation and handling of powder, flake or granular materials. Typically constructed from woven polypropyle

ticles or implements used for a specific purpose.

n of bags, cases and/or containers which hold personal belongings for a journey.

box for the transportation and storage of fruit or vegetables.

or metal container used for packing household goods and personal effects.

ent box made of metal for retaining substances or articles.

containment box made of metal for retaining substances or articles, not otherwise specified as transport equipment.
ent vessel made of metal for retaining substances or articles.

ent vessel wrapped with plastic for retaining substances or articles.

wealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 40 centimeters x 60 centimeters.
wealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters x 120 centimeters.
wealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 100 centimeters x 120 centimeters.
standard pallet of dimensions 115.5 centimeters x 116.5 centimeters.
rd pallet of dimensions 110 centimeters x 110 centimeters, prevalent in Asia - Pacific region.
uivalent shipping platform of unknown dimensions or unknown weight.

ce of a hard substance, such as granite, having one or more flat sides.

d cardboard container of large dimensions for storing for example vegetables, granules of plastics or other dry products.
containment box that serves as the outer shipping container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment.

wide, open container, usually of metal.

ized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 100 centimeters (cms).

ized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 120 centimeters (cms).
en top enclosure for retaining animals.

packaging unit.

unpacked article.
ent vessel made of plastic for retaining substances or articles.

r open-ended box, usually made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
rotatory device with a rim at each end on which materials are wound.

ent material made of red mesh netting for retaining articles (e.g. trees).

able platform or pallet to facilitate the handling and transport of goods.

ic sheeting primarily used as the base on which to stack goods to optimise the space within a container. May be used as an alternative to a palletized packa

ng container used in the transport of such items as wire, cable, tape and yarn.

ained in a transparent plastic film that has been wrapped around and then shrunk tightly on to the goods.

unpacked article in the form of a bar, block or piece.

de of rubber and/or metal surrounding a wheel.

constructed container for transporting liquids and gases in bulk.
us bag or basket.

de of plastic, metal or cardboard fitted with a nozzle, containing a liquid or semi-liquid product, e.g. silicon.
ght pallet made from heavy duty corrugated board.

package composed of a single item or object, not otherwise specified as a unit of transport equipment.

wooden crate.

pelled means of conveyance.

npacked scrap metal transported in bulk form.

container made of metal, plastic, textile, wood or composite materials used to facilitate transportation of bulk solids and liquids in manageable volumes.
with inner liner

ble plastic pack

ctural equipment, solids

ctural equipment, pressurised

ding, pressurised
ctural equipment, liquids

ic, pressurised
astic, pressurised
persons coming at once).
ded, expressed as the number of tons.
es, whichever is the larger.
d of a pure tone of frequency 1 kilohertz and strength p decibels.
ned sequence of concentric circles).
drocarbon oils.

he road, absorb shock and provide traction).

tiples of the same, twisted together).
ified elevation (pressure head).
components are often specified as FIT (failures in time unit) where 1 FIT = 10⁻⁹ /h.
irradiated with low energy neutrons).
, Charrière, Charrière gauge
ck. One rack unit is 1.75 inches (44.45 mm) high.

.013 888 9 inch or 0.352 777 8 millimeters))

n of potassium hydroxide in the product.
speed by numbers that typically range from 0 for calm, to 12 for hurricane.
by exponent 2.

ds = 660 foot.

onal force at sea level which corresponds to a strength of 9,806 65 newton.

o the mass of the precious metal in milligrams in a sample of the mass of an assay sound (number of troy ounces in a short ton (1 000 lb)).

pound according to the avoirdupois unit system.

rican and the Imperial system of units.

ousand volts where the sine of the phase angle between them is 1.
1000 volts at unity power factor.
nd Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second.
nd Imperial system of units divided by the SI base unit second.

emperature of 0 °C with a height of 1 centimetre .

er at a temperature of 4 °C with a height of 1 centimetre .
O is equivalent to the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature 39,2°F with a height of 1 foot .
meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 32°F with a height of 1 inch.
meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 60°F with a height of 1 inch.
O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 39,2°F with a height of 1 inch .
O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 60°F with a height of 1 inch .
e pound-force divided by the power of the unit inch by exponent 2.

e inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units).

tre high water column .

ding to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units with exponent 2.

ois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system.

ound according to the avoirdupois unit system .

nit metre and SI base unit second.

y square inch) multiplied by the SI base unit second.

the Imperial system of units divided by the unit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units.
1-fold of the SI base units kilogram and kelvin.
essure of standard atmosphere at sea level, from 19,5 °C on 20,5 °C.

s system of units.

1 dyn on an equal load is performed at a distance of 1 cm.

el conductors of infinite length with negligible cross-section in the distance of 1 cm.

potential of a positive common pol with 1 erg.
nce substance, Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11).

ight source, which shines with an intensity of an international candle.

e centimetre.
at of solar radiation on the earth's surface).

ame number of pounds as the molecular weight of one molecule of this composition in atomic mass units.
mole of a chemical composition the same number of pound corresponds like the molecular weight of a molecule of this composition in atomic mass units.
mole of a chemical composition the same number of pound corresponds like the molecular weight of a molecule of this composition in atomic mass units.

of 1 dyn at a distance of a cm).

it kilogram divided by the power of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2.

cording to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units with the exponent 2) divided by the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial sy

ttance, where the mass of one grain steam penetrates an area of one foot squared at a pressure from one inch mercury per hour.
mittance at which the mass of one grain of steam penetrates an area of one square foot at a pressure of one inch mercury per hour.

alcoholic liquors, expressed as a percentage of the alcohol content of a standard mixture at a specific temperature.
ed alcoholic liquors, expressed as a percentage of the alcohol content of a standard mixture at a specific temperature.
ogarithm to base 2.
ogarithm to base 10.
pressed as a logarithm to base Euler value e.
ressed as a logarithm to base 2.
essed as a logarithm to base 10.
ive events, expressed as a logarithm to base of the Euler value e.
expressed as SI base unit second divided by the SI base unit kilogram.
he product of the derived SI unit watt multiplied with the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2.
wer of SI base unit metre by exponent 3 .
eference value gigahertz divided by volt.

e to: 1 dpt = 1/m.

ase unit metre.

film, or other permanent medium).

on or a cubic metres, whichever is the larger), moved over a distance of one mile.

small aperture).

gram of oil. It is an important quality measurement of crude oil.

of one kilometre.
ping containers.

ping containers.
constructed from woven polypropylene (PP) fabric in the form of cubic bags.
ort and storage.
s an alternative to a palletized packaging.
nd liquids in manageable volumes.
short ton (1 000 lb)).
composition in atomic mass units.
composition in atomic mass units.
the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units .
nivel tag tag
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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1 </Invoice>
explicatie e valoare regula/ID nomenclator Cardinalitate Termen operaţ
sion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
X BT-24
X BT-1 1..1 Numărul factur
O identificare unic
X BT-2 1..1 Data emiterii fData la care a fos
X BT-9
eTypeCode X BT-3 UNTDID 1001 [6].BT-3 Codul tipului fUn cod care specifi
X BT-22
Data la care TVA devin
X BT-7
Moneda în care sunt e
X BT-5 ISO 4217
Codul monedei de con
X BT-6 ISO 4217
Referinţa contabilă a X BT-19
Data de început a perX BT-73
Data de sfârşit a peri X BT-74
Data de sfârşit a perioadei de facturare

Referinţa comenzii X BT-13

Referinţa dispoziţiei X BT-14


Referinţă la o factură X BT-25
Data la care a fost emX BT-26

Referinţa avizului de X BT-16

Referinţa avizului de X BT-15

Identificarea cererii d X BT-17

Referinţa contractuluiX BT-12


Document ataşat X BT-125

Referinţa proiectului X BT-11

VANZATOR (inclusiv denumireaBG-4

Adresa electronică a X BT-34 EAS

Identificatorul VânzătX BT-29 BT-29-1

Denumirea comercială
X BT-28


Adresa Vânzătorului -X BT-35
Adresa Vânzătorului -X BT-36
Localitatea VânzătoruX BT-37
Codul poştal al VânzăX BT-38
Subdiviziunea ţării VâX BT-39

Adresa Vânzătorului -X BT-162

Codul ţării VânzătorulX BT-40 EN ISO 3166-1

Identificatorul de TVAX BT-31

!!! VAT X

Numele vânzătorului X BT-27

Identificatorul VânzătX BT-30 BT-30-1
Informaţii juridice s X BT-33

Punctul de contact al X BT-41
Numărul de telefon alX BT-42
Adresa de email a con
X BT-43

Adresa electronică a X BT-49 bt-4 EAS

Un identificator al Cu X BT-46 BT-46-1

Denumirea comercială
X BT-45


Adresa Cumpărătorului
X BT-50
Adresa Cumpărătorului
X BT-51
Localitatea Cumpărăto
X BT-52
Codul poştal al Cumpă
X BT-53
Subdiviziunea ţării C X BT-54

Adresa Cumpărătorului
X BT-163

Codul ţării CumpărătoX BT-55 EN ISO 3166-1

Identificatorul de TV X BT-48

Numele CumpărătorulX BT-44

Identificatorul de înr X BT-47 BT-47-1

Punctul de contact al X BT-56
Numărul de telefon alX BT-57
Adresa de email a con
X BT-58

BENEFICIAR (dacă este diferit dBG-10

Identificatorul BeneficX BT-60 BT-60-1

Numele BeneficiaruluX BT-59

X BT-61 BT-61-1


Numele reprezentantul
X BT-62


Adresa reprezentantulu
X BT-64
Adresa reprezentantulu
X BT-65
Localitatea reprezentaX BT-66
Codul poştal al reprezX BT-67
Subdiviziunea ţării re X BT-68

Adresa reprezentantulu
X BT-164

Codul ţării reprezentan

X BT-69

Identificatorul de TVAX BT-63


Data reală a livrării X BT-72

Identificatorul locului X BT-71 BT-ISO/IEC 6523.

Adresa de livrare - Li X BT-75
Adresa de livrare - Li X BT-76
Localitatea de livrare X BT-77
Codul poştal de livrarX BT-78
Subdiviziunea ţării deX BT-79

X BT-165

Codul ţării de livrare X BT-80 EN ISO 3166-1

Numele părţii către caX BT-70


Codul tipului de instr X BT-81 4461
Explicaţii privind inst X BT-82
Aviz de plată X BT-83
Numărul contului princ
X BT-87
Numele deţinătorului X BT-88

Identificatorul contuluX BT-84
Numele contului de plX BT-85

Identificatorul furnizo X BT-88


Identificatorul referin X BT-89

Identificatorul contuluX BT-91

Termeni de plată X BT-20


X charge
Codul motivului taxei X BT-105 UNTDID 7161 [6]
Motivul taxei suplime X BT-104
Procentajul taxelor s X BT-101
Valoarea taxelor suplX BT-99
Valoarea de bază a taX BT-100

Codul categoriei de TX BT-102 UNTDID 5305 [6]

Cota TVA pentru taxeX BT-103

X charge
Codul motivului deducX BT-98 UNTDID 5189 [6]
Motivul deducerii la nX BT-97
Procentajul deducerii X BT-94
Valoarea deducerilor X BT-92
Valoarea de bază a de
X BT-93

Codul categoriei de TX BT-95 UNTDID 5305 [6]

Cota de TVA pentru de
X BT-96

111=Valoarea TVA tota

X BT-110 BT-111
Baza de calcul pentr X BT-116
Valoarea TVA pentru X BT-117

Codul categoriei de X BT-118 UNTDID 5305 [6]

Cota categoriei de T X BT-119

Suma valorilor nete ale
X BT-106
Valoarea totală a factX BT-109
Valoarea totală a factX BT-112
Suma deducerilor la nX BT-107
Suma taxelor suplimen
X BT-108
Sumă plătită X BT-113
Valoare de rotunjire X BT-114
Suma de plată X BT-115
Identificatorul liniei faX BT-126
Nota liniei facturii X BT-127
Cantitatea facturată X BT-129
Codul unităţii de măsură a cantită
BT-130 UN/ECE 20
Valoarea netă a liniei X BT-131
Referinţa contabilă a X BT-133
Data de începere a per
X BT-134
Data de sfârşit a perioX BT-135

Referinţa liniei comenz

X BT-132

Identificatorul obiectulu
X BT-128


Codul motivului deducer
X BT-140 UNTDID 5189 [6]
Motivul deducerii la linX BT-139
Procentajul deducerii Xl BT-138
Valoarea deducerii la Xl BT-136
Valoarea de bază a ded
X BT-137

TAXE SUPLIMENTARE LA LINIBG-28 taxa suplimentara

Codul motivului taxei X
s BT-145 UNTDID 7161 [6]
Motivul taxei supliment
X BT-144
Procentajul taxei supliX BT-143
Valoarea taxei suplimen
X BT-141
Valoarea de bază a tax
X BT-142


Descrierea articolului X BT-154
Numele articolului X BT-153

Identificatorul Cumpără
X BT-156

Identificatorul VânzătoX BT-155

Identificatorul standarX BT-157 BT-157-1

Ţara de origine a articX BT-159 EN ISO 3166-1

Identificatorul clasificăX BT-158 BTUNTDID 7143 [6].

ificationCode> X


Codul categoriei de TV
X BT-151
Cota TVA pentru artico
X BT-152



Preţul net al articoluluX BT-146
Cantitatea de bază a X
p BT-149 BT-150

Reducere la preţul artX BT-147
Preţul brut al articolulX BT-148
Notă de utilizare

Număr secvenţial cerut în articolul 226(2) al directivei 2006/112/CE [2], pentru identificarea în manieră unică a Facturii în co
Data la care a fost emisă factura.
Data scadenţei reflectă scadenţa plăţii nete. Pentru plăţile parţiale aceasta indică prima scadenţă de plată. Descrierea core
Facturile comerciale şi notele de creditare sunt definite în conformitate cu codurile de date din UNTDID 1001 [6].
Dacă este
Un text cazul,
care pot fi utilizate
furnizează alte coduri
o informaţie de date care
nestructurată din UNTDID 1001 [6]
este relevantă cu facturile
pentru facturăsau notele de creditare
în ansamblul său. specifice.
Data de exigibilitate
De exemplu a taxeimotivul
o notă privind este, deunei
obicei, datasau
corecţii la care
note de au fost livrate
cesiune sauînserviciile
în cazul finalizate
care factura a fost(eveniment
factorizată generator
Acest element este cerut dacă data de exigibilitate a TVA este diferită de data emiterii facturii.
recomandă ca cu atât
articolul 230 al Directivei
Cumpărătorul, 2006/112/EC
cât şi Vânzătorul să privind TVA
utilizeze data[2],deîntr-o factură atrebuie
exigibilitate să fie utilizată
taxei atunci numaieste
când aceasta o singu
Listele monedelor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a ISO 4217 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea
Trebuie utilizat în combinaţie cu suma totală a TVA în moneda de contabilizare (BT-111) când codul monedei de contabiliza monedelor şi
Listele monedelor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a ISO 4217 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea monedelor şi
Valoare textuală care specifică unde să se înregistreze datele relevante în conturile contabile ale Cumpărătorului.
Utilizată pentru a indica când începe şi când se sfârşeşte perioada acoperită de factură. Numită, de asemenea, perioada de
Data iniţială a livrării bunurilor sau serviciilor.
Data la care livrarea bunurilor sau serviciilor a fost finalizată

Un identificator al comenzii la care se referă, generat de către Cumpărător.

Un identificator al dispoziţiei de vânzare, generat de către Vânzător

- într-o factură finală se face referire la facturile parţiale anterioare

- într-o factură finală se face referire la facturile de plată anticipată anterioare
Identificarea unei facturi trimisă anterior de către Vânzător.
Data emiterii facturii anterioare trebuie furnizată în cazul în care identificatorul facturii anterioare nu este unic.

În unele ţări trebuie să se furnizeze o referinţă a cererii de ofertă care a dus la contract.

Se recomandă ca identificatorul contractului să fie unic în contextul relaţiilor comerciale specifice şi pentru o perioadă de tim

- imagine/png
- imagine/jpeg
Identificarea proiectului la care se referă factura

Identifică adresa electronică a Vânzătorului la care poate fi transmis la nivel de aplicaţie răspunsul la factură.

Pentru multe sisteme, identificatorul Vânzătorului este un element de informaţie cheie. Pot fi atribuiţi sau specificaţi mai mul
Dacă se utilizează, identificatorul schemei de identificare trebuie să fie ales dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de me

Poate fi folosit dacă diferă de numele Vânzătorulu

Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale adresei.
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală

Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se află adresa Vânzătorului

Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc.

O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări la linia principală

Dacă nu este specificat un reprezentant fiscal, acesta este ţara în care trebuie plătită TVA. Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregis

Numărul de TVA are ca prefix codul ţării. Un Vânzător înregistrat ca plătitor de TVA trebuie să includă ID-ul său de TVA, cu

Denumirea oficială completă sub care Vânzătorul este înscris în registrul naţional al persoanelor juridice sau în calitate de C
Pentru multe sisteme, identificatorul Vânzătorului este un element de informaţie cheie. Pot fi atribuiţi sau specificaţi mai mul
De exemplu, capitalul social.

Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de contact despre Vânzător

Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificarea unui contact, departament sau serviciu
Identifică adresa electronică a Cumpărătorului la care se trimite factura.

Dacă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator co

Acesta poate fi utilizat dacă este diferit de numele Cumpărătorului.

Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale adresei.
De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală.

Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc

Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor

Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţării bazat pe EN ISO 3166-1 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a su

Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu ide

Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificarea unui contact, departament sau serviciu

Rolul Beneficiarului poate fi îndeplinit de o altă parte decât Vânzătorul, de exemplu un serviciu de factoring.

Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un
Trebuie utilizat atunci când Beneficiarul este diferit de Vânzător. Totuşi, numele Beneficiarului poate fi acelaşi ca al Vânzăto

Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţării bazat pe EN ISO 3166-1 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a su

Data la care s-a făcut sau s-a finalizat livrarea bunurilor sau a serviciilor

Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un

Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc.

Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor
Trebuie să fie utilizat dacă partea căreia i se livrează este diferită de Cumpărător.

Trebuie să se utilizeze coduri din lista de coduri 4461 din dicţionarul de date UNTDID [6]. Se recomandă să se facă distincţ
Cum ar fi cu numerar, virament, debitare directă, card de credit etc.
Utilizat pentru informaţiile critice de reconciliere ale creditorului. Acest element de informaţie ajută Vânzătorul să atribuie o p

În conformitate cu standardele de securitate privind plata cu card, se recomandă ca o factură să nu includă niciodată întreg

Exemplu: IBAN (în cazul unei plăţi SEPA) sau număr de cont naţional.

Exemplu: cod BIC sau un cod naţional de clearing, dacă este cazul. Nu trebuie utilizată nicio schemă de identificare.

Utilizat în scopul de a-l notifica în prealabil pe Cumpărător despre o debitare directă SEPA.

Acest element poate conţine mai multe linii şi mai mulţi termeni.
O descriere textuală a termenilor de plată care se aplică sumei de plată (Inclusiv descrierea eventualelor penalităţi).

Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 7161 [6]. Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la nivelul Documentului şi motivul taxei suplime

Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea

Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcul

- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI)

- Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza regulilor pentru livrări Intraco
Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului
Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 5189 [6]. Codul motivului deducerii la nivelul documentului şi motivul deducerii la nivelul doc
Motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului, exprimat ca text.
Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază a deducerii la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoare
Valoarea deducerii, fără TVA.
Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul deducerii la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoare

- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI)

- Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza regulilor pentru livrări intracom
Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică deducerii la nivelul documentului

110=Valoarea TVA totală a facturii este suma tuturor valorilor TVA pentru diferitele categorii de TVA.
111=Trebuie utilizat când moneda de contabilizare a TVA (BT-6) diferă de codul monedei facturii (BT-5) în conformitate cu
Valoarea TVA
Un grup de în moneda
termeni de contabilizare
operaţionali nu este
care furnizează utilizatădespre
informaţii în calcularea totalurilor
repartizarea TVAfacturii
pe diferite categorii, cote şi motive de ex
Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii minus deducerile plus taxele suplimentare de la nivelul documentului aferente unui co
Calculată prin multiplicarea valorii bazei de calcul pentru categoria de TVA cu cota categoriei de TVA pentru categoria de T

- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI)

- Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza regulilor pentru livrări Intraco
Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică pentru categoria de TVA corespunzătoare

Suma tuturor valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.

Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA este Suma totalurilor nete ale liniilor facturii minus Suma deducerilor la nivelul documentu
Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA este valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA plus valoarea totală a Tva
Deducerile la nivel de linie sunt incluse în valoarea netă a liniei facturii care este utilizată în Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor fa
Taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniilor sunt incluse în valoarea netă a liniei facturii care este utilizată în Suma valorilor nete al
Suma valorilor care au fost plătite anticipat.
Această valoare este scăzută din valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA pentru a calcula suma rămasă de plată.
Valoarea care trebuie adunată la totalul facturii pentru a rotunji suma de plată
Această valoare este valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA minus suma plătită care a fost plătită anticipat. Valoarea este zero în
Un identificator unic pentru o linie din factură.
O notă textuală care furnizează o informaţie nestructurată care este relevantă pentru linia facturii
Cantitatea articolelor (bunuri sau servicii) luate în considerare în linia din factură.
Unitatea de măsură trebuie să fie aleasă din listele din Recomandarea UN/ECE nr. 20 “Coduri pentru unităţi de măsură utili
Valoarea este “netă” fără TVA, adică include deducerile şi taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniei, precum şi alte taxe relevante
O valoare textuală care specifică unde trebuie înregistrate datele relevante în conturile financiare ale Cumpărătorului.
Dacă este necesar, această referinţă trebuie furnizată Vânzătorului de către Cumpărător înaintea emiterii facturii.

Data este prima zi a perioadei.

Data este ultima zi a perioadei.

Identificatorul comenzii este referit la nivelul documentului.

Poate fi un număr de abonament, număr de telefon, un index de contor etc., după caz.

Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre deducerile aplicabile unei linii a facturii.

Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 5189 [6]. Codul motivului deducerii la linia facturii şi motivul deducerii la linia facturii trebuie s
Motivul deducerii pentru linia facturii, exprimat ca text.
Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază pentru deducerea la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea
Valoare a unei deduceri, fără TVA.
Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul deducerii la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea deduce

Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 7161 [6]. Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la linia facturii şi motivul taxei suplimentare la lin
Motivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, exprimat ca text.
Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază pentru taxa suplimentară din linia facturii, pentru a calcula v
Valoarea taxei suplimentare, fără TVA.
Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoare

Descrierea articolului permite prezentarea articolului şi a caracteristicilor sale mai detaliat decât numele articolului.

Un identificator, atribuit de Cumpărător, pentru articol.

Un identificator, atribuit de Vânzător, pentru articol.

Un identificator al articolului bazat pe o schemă de înregistrare

Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor

Codurile de clasificare sunt utilizate pentru a permite gruparea articolelor similare în diferite scopuri, de exemplu, achiziţii pu
Schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile de date din UNTDID 7143 [6].

- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI)

- Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza regulilor pentru livrări Intraco
Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică articolului facturat

Preţul net al articolului trebuie să fie egal cu preţul brut al articolului minus reducerea de preţ.
Numărul articolelor la care se aplică preţul.

Reducerea totală dedusă din preţul brut al articolului pentru a calcula preţul net al articolului.
Se aplică numai dacă reducerea este pe unitate şi dacă nu este inclusă în preţul brut al articolului.
Preţul unitar, exclusiv TVA, înaintea aplicării reducerilor la preţul articolului.
manieră unică a Facturii în contextul afacerii, intervalului de timp, sistemelor de exploatare şi înregistrărilor Vânzătorului. Poate fi bazat p

nţă de plată. Descrierea corespunzătoare a condiţiilor de plată mai complexe poate fi stabilită în Condiţiile de plată BT-20.
UNTDID 1001 [6].
de creditare
blul său. specifice.
a a fost(eveniment
factorizată generator de taxe). Există unele variaţii. Pentru informaţii suplimentare, a se vedea articolul 226 (7) al Directivei Con

să fie utilizată
atunci numaieste
când aceasta o singură monedă,
furnizată cu excepţia
de Vânzător. sumeiBT-7
Utilizarea totale
şi aBT-8
exprimată în reciprocă.
exclusiv moneda de contabilizare (BT-111).
reprezentarea monedelor şi tipurilor de fonduri”.
codul monedei de contabilizare a TVA diferă de codul monedei facturii.
reprezentarea monedelor şi fondurilor”. Pentru informaţii suplimentare, a se vedea articolul 230 al Directivei Consiliului 2006/112/CE [2
ale Cumpărătorului.
ă, de asemenea, perioada de livrare

e nu este unic.

ce şi pentru o perioadă de timp definită.

nsul la factură.

ribuiţi sau specificaţi mai mulţi identificatori ai Vânzătorului. Aceştia pot fi diferenţiaţi utilizând diferite scheme de identificare. Dacă sche
i publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

etări la linia principală

ele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subd

ncludă ID-ul său de TVA, cu excepţia cazului în care utilizează un reprezentant fiscal.

or juridice sau în calitate de Contribuabil sau îşi exercită activităţile în calitate de persoană sau grup de persoane.
ribuiţi sau specificaţi mai mulţi identificatori ai Vânzătorului. Aceştia pot fi diferenţiaţi utilizând diferite scheme de identificare. Dacă sche
e exemplu un identificator comunicat anterior între Vânzător şi Cumpărător.

ru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

rea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

r şi Vânzător, de exemplu identificatorul care este utilizat exclusiv în mediul juridic aplicabil.

de factoring.

r şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator al Vânzătorului schimbat în prealabil între Cumpărător şi Vânzător

poate fi acelaşi ca al Vânzătorului

rea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

r şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator al Vânzătorului schimbat în prealabil între Cumpărător şi Vânzător

ru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

comandă să se facă distincţie între plăţi SEPA şi plăţi non-SEPA, precum şi între plăţi prin virament, debitare directă, plăţi cu card şi or

ută Vânzătorul să atribuie o plată intrată procesului de plată corespunzător. Atunci când se specifică valoarea textuală, care, de obicei,

ă nu includă niciodată întregul număr de cont principal al cardului. În acest moment PCI Security Standards Council a definit că primele

chemă de identificare.

entualelor penalităţi).

tului şi motivul taxei suplimentare la nivelul Documentului trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al taxei suplimentare.

lui, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului

documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului.

regulilor pentru livrări Intracomunitare)

otivul deducerii la nivelul documentului trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al deducerii.

tului, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la nivelul documentului.

ului, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la nivelul documentului.

regulilor pentru livrări intracomunitare)

rii (BT-5) în conformitate cu articolul 230 din Directiva 2006/112/CE referitoare la TVA.
categorii, cote şi motive de exceptare.
ocumentului aferente unui cod al unei categorii specifice de TVA şi unei cote a TVA (dacă cota categoriei de TVA este aplicabilă).
e TVA pentru categoria de TVA corespunzătoare.

regulilor pentru livrări Intracomunitare)

ducerilor la nivelul documentului plus Suma taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului.

ma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.

zată în Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.
să de plată.

ticipat. Valoarea este zero în cazul plăţii integrale a facturii. Valoarea poate fi negativă; în acest caz, Vânzătorul îi datorează suma resp
pentru unităţi de măsură utilizate în comerţul internaţional” [7] şi Recomandarea UN/ECE nr 21 “Coduri pentru pasageri, tipuri de marfă
precum şi alte taxe relevante
re ale Cumpărătorului.
ea emiterii facturii.

ucerii la linia facturii trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al deducerii

rii, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la linia facturii.

ru a calcula valoarea deducerii la linia facturii.

otivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al taxei suplimentare.

nia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la linia facturii

turii, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la linia facturii

t numele articolului.
ru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

opuri, de exemplu, achiziţii publice (CPV), e-Comerţ (UNSPSC) etc.

regulilor pentru livrări Intracomunitare)

Vânzătorului. Poate fi bazat pe una sau mai multe serii de numere, care pot include caractere alfanumerice. Nu trebuie utilizată nici o sc

e plată BT-20.

olul 226 (7) al Directivei Consiliului 2006/112/CE [2].

are (BT-111).

ei Consiliului 2006/112/CE [2].

me de identificare. Dacă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identifica

a denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

me de identificare. Dacă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identifica
are directă, plăţi cu card şi orice alt instrument de plată

ea textuală, care, de obicei, este numărul de factură al facturii plătite, dar poate fi o altă referinţă a vânzătorului, se recomandă ca, atun

s Council a definit că primele 6 cifre şi ultimele 4 cifre reprezintă numărul maxim de cifre care trebuie arătate
e TVA este aplicabilă).

torul îi datorează suma respectivă Cumpărătorului

ntru pasageri, tipuri de marfă, ambalaje şi materiale de ambalaj (cu Coduri complementare pentru numele ambalajelor)” [19] aplicând m
. Nu trebuie utilizată nici o schemă de identificare.
ător, de exemplu un identificator comunicat anterior între Cumpărător şi Vânzător.

ător, de exemplu un identificator comunicat anterior între Cumpărător şi Vânzător.

rului, se recomandă ca, atunci când face plata, Cumpărătorul să indice în ordinul său de plată această referinţă. Într-o operaţie de plată
mbalajelor)” [19] aplicând metoda descrisă în Recomandarea UN/ECE nr. 20 Intro 2.a). De notat că în cele mai multe cazuri nu este ne
rinţă. Într-o operaţie de plată, această referinţă este transferată înapoi la Vânzător ca aviz de plată
e mai multe cazuri nu este necesar ca Vânzătorul şi Cumpărătorul să implementeze aceste liste în totalitate în software-ul lor. Vânzători
în software-ul lor. Vânzătorii trebuie să preia doar unităţile necesare pentru bunurile şi serviciile lor; Cumpărătorii trebuie doar să verific
ărătorii trebuie doar să verifice că unităţile utilizate în factură sunt aceleaşi cu unităţile utilizate în alte documente (cum ar fi Contract, Ca
mente (cum ar fi Contract, Catalog, Comandă şi Aviz de expediţie).
UBL Name Dictionar Object Object Property Property Property Property Represe
y Entry Class Class Term Term Term Term ntation
Name Qualifier Qualifier Possessi Primary Term
ve Noun Noun
Invoice Invoice. Invoice
UBLVersionID Details
Invoice. Invoice UBL Identifier UBL Identifier
CustomizationID UBL
Invoice. Invoice Version Identifier Version
Customiz Customiz Identifier
Customiz ation
ProfileID Invoice. Invoice Profile Identifier Identifier
Profile Identifier
ProfileExecutionID Profile
Invoice Profile Identifier Identifier
Profile Identifier
Profile Execution Identifier Execution
ID Invoice.
Identifier Invoice Identifier Identifier
CopyIndicator Identifier
Invoice. Invoice Copy Indicator Indicator
Identifier Indicator
UUID Copy_
Invoice. Invoice UUID UUID Identifier
IssueDate Invoice. Invoice Issue Date Issue Date
IssueTime Issue
Invoice. Invoice Issue Time Date
Issue Time
DueDate Invoice. Invoice Due Date TimeDate Date
InvoiceTypeCode Due
Invoice. Invoice Invoice Code Invoice Code
Note Invoice
Invoice. Invoice Type Note Type
Note Text
TaxPointDate Note.
Invoice. Invoice Tax Point Date Code
Tax Point Date
DocumentCurrency Tax Invoice.
Point Invoice Documen Currency Code Date
Currency Code
Documen tTax
TaxCurrencyCode Invoice. Invoice Currency Code Currency Code
PricingCurrencyCod Tax_
Invoice Pricing Currency Code Code
Currency Code
PaymentCurrencyCo Invoice.
Code. Invoice Payment Currency Code Currency Code
PaymentAlternative Payment
Invoice. Invoice Payment Currency Code Code
Currency Code
Payment Alternativ
AccountingCostCod Invoice.
Code Invoice Accountin Code Code
Accountin Code
Alternativ e
AccountingCost Accountin
Invoice. Invoice g Cost
Accountin Cost g Cost
Accountin Text
g Cost
LineCountNumeric Accountin
Invoice g
Line Count Code
Line Cost Numeric
g Cost.
BuyerReference Code.
Code Invoice Buyer Referenc Count
Reference Text
InvoicePeriod Code
Invoice. Invoice Invoice e Period Period
OrderReference Invoice_
Invoice. Invoice Order Order
e. Text
BillingReference Order
Invoice. Invoice Referenc
Billing Referenc
Referenc e
DespatchDocument Invoice. Invoice Despatch Referenc e
Documen Referenc
Referenc e
ReceiptDocumentR Despatch
Invoice. Invoice Receipt tDocumen e tDocumen
_ Referenc Referenc
StatementDocumen Receipt_
Invoice. Invoice Statemen t
Documen t
Documen e
Referenc e
OriginatorDocument Statemen
Invoice. Invoice tOriginator tDocumen Referenc
tt e e
Reference t_
Originator Referenc
t Referenc
ContractDocumentR Referenc
Referenc Invoice Contract Documen Documen
_ e
Referenc e
eference e.
AdditionalDocument Contract_
Invoice. Invoice Additional tDocumen Referenc
Documen e e
Reference Documen
Additional Referenc
tProject Referenc
ProjectReference Referenc
tt Invoice
_ e
Referenc e Referenc
Signature e.
Invoice. Invoice Referenc
Signature Referenc
Documen e e
e. e e
AccountingSupplier Signature
tDocumen Invoice Accountin Supplier Supplier
Party Documen
AccountingCustome Accountin
Invoice. Invoice g
Accountin Party
Customer PartyCustomer
rParty tAccountin
e. g Party Party
PayeeParty e
Referenc Invoice Payee Party Party
BuyerCustomerPart Payee_ e
tCustomer Invoice Buyer Customer Customer
ySellerSupplierParty Party. Buyer_
Referenc Invoice Seller Party
Supplier PartySupplier
TaxRepresentativeP Seller_ e
Invoice. Invoice Tax Party
Party Party
Delivery Party
Invoice. Invoice Represen Delivery Delivery
Delivery tative
DeliveryTerms Party
Supplier Invoice Delivery Delivery
PaymentMeans Delivery
Invoice. Invoice Terms
Payment Terms Payment
Payment Means Means
PaymentTerms Party
Invoice. Invoice Payment Payment
Payment Terms
PrepaidPayment Invoice. Invoice Prepaid Payment Terms Payment
AllowanceCharge Invoice. Invoice Allowanc Allowanc
TaxExchangeRate Allowanc
Invoice. Invoice Tax e Charge e
Exchange Charge
e Charge
PricingExchangeRat Tax_
Invoice. Invoice Pricing Rate
Exchange Rate
e Exchange
PaymentExchange Pricing_
Invoice. Invoice Payment Rate
Exchange Rate
PaymentAlternative Payment
Invoice. Invoice Payment Rate
Exchange Rate
ExchangeRate _
Payment Alternativ Rate
TaxTotal Rate
Exchange Invoice Tax Total Rate
Tax Total
Alternativ e
WithholdingTaxTota Tax
Invoice. Invoice Withholdi Tax Total Tax Total
lLegalMonetaryTotal Invoice.
Exchange Invoice ng
Legal Monetary Monetary
Rate Tax
Legal_ Total Total
InvoiceLine Rate.
Invoice. Invoice Invoice Invoice
Total. Tax
Invoice Line Line
Data Data Associat Associat Alternati Cardinali Compon Definition Example UN/TDED
Type Type ed ed ve ty ent Type s Code
Qualifier Object Object Business
Class Class Terms
Qualifier ABIE A document
Identifier. 0..1 BBIE used
Identifies to the 2.0.5
earliest a NES
Identifier. 0..1 BBIE Identifies
version of
Identifier. 0..1 BBIE user-defined
Identifies a BasicPro
the UBL
customizatio 2
Identifier. 0..1 BBIE user-defined
Identifies curement
an BPP-
n of UBL for
for Process
instance of of
Identifier. Invoice 1 BBIE this
An identifier 1001
a specific 1334
executing a
Type Number 0..1 BBIE document
use. this
Indicator. n of UBL
profile, to
whether that this
Identifier. 0..1 BBIE being
A used.
associate all
document allbyof
Date. Invoice 1 BBIE unique
The date, 2377
a sender.
copy (true)
Date identifier
in a time,for
elements by
Time. 0..1 BBIE The
or not 2377
that instance
Date. 0..1 BBIE assigned
The date on by
on this
which sender,
Code. 0..1 BBIE document.
A code
encountered 1027
at whichisthis
Text. Type 0..n BBIE signifying
in the
currenttype of
Date. 0..1 BBIE was
The issued.
date of
the Invoice.
instance. to
Currency Type
Currency_ 0..1 BBIE the
A code Invoice,
used to
Currency Code.
Currency_ 0..1 BBIE signifying
A code
indicate the
the default
Currency Type
Currency_ 0..1 BBIE conveying
A code
point at for
the currency
Currency Type
Code. 0..1 BBIE information
A codetax
Currency_ this
that isfor
the currency
Currency Type
Currency_ 0..1 BBIE document.
A code in
used for
the currency
Code. 0..1 BBIE signifying
The Invoice.
explicitly in
used in the
Text. Type 0..1 BBIE Invoice.
The buyer's
payment in
Numeric. 0..1 BBIE accounting
The Invoice.
applied to
of lines
Text. Type 0..1 BBIE used
A forin
the Invoice
the to
Period 0..n ASBIE payment
A aInvoice
which Invoice.
the buyer the
Order 0..1 ASBIE asreference
A a whole,
used for
Billing 0..n ASBIE expressed
to the
A referenceOrder
Referenc as
to text.
a billing
Documen 0..n ASBIE routing
A reference of
e this Invoice
tDocumen 0..n ASBIE the
to a
A reference
t document.
to a Receipt
Documen 0..n ASBIE associated.
A reference
with this
Referenc Advice
tDocumen 0..n ASBIE to
A a
e associated
t Statement
to reference
Documen 0..n ASBIE with
with this
Referenc associated
tDocumen 0..n ASBIE document.
to a contract
A reference
e with this
tProject associated
to an
0..n ASBIE document.
Referenc with this
Signature 0..n ASBIE about
A a
e document.
e project.
applied to
Supplier 1 ASBIE The
associated 3029
Party this
Customer 1 ASBIE with this
The 3007
Party 0..1 ASBIE document.
The payee.
Customer 0..1 ASBIE The buyer.
Supplier 0..1 ASBIE The seller.
Party 0..1 ASBIE The tax
Delivery 0..n ASBIE representati
A delivery
Delivery 0..1 ASBIE A set of
Terms with
Payment 0..n ASBIE Expected
Payment 0..n ASBIE means
A set ofof
Payment 0..n ASBIE payment
A prepaid
with this
with this
Allowanc 0..n ASBIE A discount
e Charge
Exchange 0..1 ASBIE or
The charge
Rate that applies
Exchange 0..1 ASBIE The
rate price
Exchange 0..1 ASBIE exchange
between the
Rate rate
Exchange 0..1 ASBIE The
rate the
Tax Total 0..n ASBIE exchange
The total
between the
amount the taxa
Tax Total 0..n ASBIE The totalof
specific the
Monetary 1 ASBIE and
The the
total 5214
of tax.
Total pricing
amount the
Invoice 1..n ASBIE currency
A line
Line and the on
the Invoice,
an invoice
and Taxes.
Current Analyst CCL Context: Context: Context: Context: Context: Context: Context:
Version Notes Dictionar Business Region Official Product Industry Role Supporti
y Entry Process (Geopolit Constrai ng Role
Name ical) nts
2.0 Procurem In All None In All In All In All In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.1 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
1.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.1 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
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In All
1.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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In All Contexts
In All
1.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
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In All
1.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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In All
2.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
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In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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In All
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Procurem In All None Contexts
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In All
1.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
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In All
1.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
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In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.1 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
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In All
1.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
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In All Contexts
In All
1.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
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In All
1.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
1.0 ent Contexts
Procurem In All None Contexts
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In All
2.1 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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In All
2.1 ent Contexts
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In All
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1.0 Procurem In All None In All In All In All In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All Contexts
In All
2.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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In All Contexts
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In All
1.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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In All Contexts
In All
2.1 ent
Procurem Contexts
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In All Contexts
In All
1.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
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In All Contexts
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1.0 ent
Procurem Contexts
In All None Contexts
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In All Contexts
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In All
ent Contexts Contexts Contexts Contexts Contexts
Context: Editor's Changes
System Notes from
Constrai Previous
nt Version
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In All from
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qualifer in
Contexts Previous
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Split Datein
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Contexts term
from and
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noun into
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Contexts Time
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Contexts Previous
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nivel tag explicatie e valoare
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1 xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names
2 <cbc:UBLVersionID> </cbc:UBLVersionID> X
2 <cbc:CustomizationID> </cbc:CustomizationID> X
2 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> X
2 <cbc:IssueDate> </cbc:IssueDate> X
2 <cbc:DueDate> </cbc:DueDate> X
2 <cbc:InvoiceTypeCode> </cbc:InvoiceTypeCode> X
2 <cbc:Note> </cbc:Note> X
2 <cbc:TaxPointDate> </cbc:TaxPointDate> Data la care TVA devin
2 <cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode> </cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode>Moneda în care sunt e
2 <cbc:TaxCurrencyCode> </cbc:TaxCurrencyCode> Codul monedei de con
2 <cbc:AccountingCost> </cbc:AccountingCost> Referinţa contabilă a X
2 <cac:InvoicePeriod> PERIOADA DE FACTURARE
3 <cbc:StartDate> </cbc:StartDate> Data de început a perX
3 <cbc:EndDate> </cbc:EndDate> Data de sfârşit a peri X
2 </cac:InvoicePeriod> Data de sfârşit a perioadei de facturare
2 <cac:OrderReference>
3 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Referinţa comenzii X
3 <cbc:SalesOrderID> </cbc:SalesOrderID> Referinţa dispoziţiei X
2 </cac:OrderReference>
2 <cac:BillingReference>
3 <cac:InvoiceDocumentReference> REFERINŢĂ LA O FACTURĂ A
4 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Referinţă la o factură X
4 <cbc:IssueDate> </cbc:IssueDate> Data la care a fost emX
3 </cac:InvoiceDocumentReference>
2 </cac:BillingReference>
2 <cac:DespatchDocumentReference>
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3 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Referinţa proiectului X
2 </cac:ProjectReference>
2 <cac:AccountingSupplierParty> VANZATOR (inclusiv denumirea
3 <cac:Party>
4 <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="0002"> </cbc:EndpointID> Adresa electronică a X
4 <cac:PartyIdentification>
5 <cbc:ID schemeID="0004"> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul VânzătX
4 </cac:PartyIdentification>
4 <cac:PartyName>
5 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Denumirea comercială
4 </cac:PartyName>
4 <cac:PostalAddress> ADRESA POŞTALĂ A VÂNZĂT
5 <cbc:StreetName> </cbc:StreetName> Adresa Vânzătorului -X
5 <cbc:AdditionalStreetName> </cbc:AdditionalStreetName> Adresa Vânzătorului -X
5 <cbc:CityName> </cbc:CityName> Localitatea VânzătoruX
5 <cbc:PostalZone> </cbc:PostalZone> Codul poştal al VânzăX
5 <cbc:CountrySubentity> </cbc:CountrySubentity> Subdiviziunea ţării VâX
5 <cac:AddressLine>
6 <cbc:Line> </cbc:Line> Adresa Vânzătorului -X
5 </cac:AddressLine>
5 <cac:Country>
6 <cbc:IdentificationCode> </cbc:IdentificationCode> Codul ţării VânzătorulX
5 </cac:Country>
4 </cac:PostalAddress>
4 <cac:PartyTaxScheme>
5 <cbc:CompanyID> </cbc:CompanyID> Identificatorul de TVAX
5 <cac:TaxScheme>
6 <cbc:ID>VAT</cbc:ID> !!! VAT X
5 </cac:TaxScheme>
4 </cac:PartyTaxScheme>
4 <cac:PartyLegalEntity>
5 <cbc:RegistrationName> </cbc:RegistrationName> Numele vânzătorului X
5 <cbc:CompanyID schemeID="0003"> </cbc:CompanyID> Identificatorul VânzătX
5 <cbc:CompanyLegalForm> </cbc:CompanyLegalForm> Informaţii juridice s X
4 </cac:PartyLegalEntity>
5 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Punctul de contact al X
5 <cbc:Telephone> </cbc:Telephone> Numărul de telefon alX
5 <cbc:ElectronicMail> </cbc:ElectronicMail> Adresa de email a con
4 </cac:Contact>
3 </cac:Party>
2 </cac:AccountingSupplierParty>
2 <cac:AccountingCustomerParty> CUMPĂRĂTOR
3 <cac:Party>
4 <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="0002"> </cbc:EndpointID> Adresa electronică a X
4 <cac:PartyIdentification>
5 <cbc:ID schemeID="0002"> </cbc:ID> Un identificator al Cu X
4 </cac:PartyIdentification>
4 <cac:PartyName>
5 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Denumirea comercială
4 </cac:PartyName>
4 <cac:PostalAddress> ADRESA POŞTALĂ ACUMPĂR
5 <cbc:StreetName> </cbc:StreetName> Adresa Cumpărătorului
5 <cbc:AdditionalStreetName> </cbc:AdditionalStreetName> Adresa Cumpărătorului
5 <cbc:CityName> </cbc:CityName> Localitatea Cumpărăto
5 <cbc:PostalZone> </cbc:PostalZone> Codul poştal al Cumpă
5 <cbc:CountrySubentity> </cbc:CountrySubentity> Subdiviziunea ţării C X
5 <cac:AddressLine>
6 <cbc:Line> </cbc:Line> Adresa Cumpărătorului
5 </cac:AddressLine>
5 <cac:Country>
6 <cbc:IdentificationCode> </cbc:IdentificationCode> Codul ţării CumpărătoX
5 </cac:Country>
4 </cac:PostalAddress>
4 <cac:PartyTaxScheme>
5 <cbc:CompanyID> </cbc:CompanyID> Identificatorul de TV X
5 <cac:TaxScheme> </cac:TaxScheme> X
4 </cac:PartyTaxScheme>
4 <cac:PartyLegalEntity>
5 <cbc:RegistrationName> </cbc:RegistrationName> Numele CumpărătorulX
5 <cbc:CompanyID schemeID="0005"> </cbc:CompanyID> Identificatorul de înr X
4 </cac:PartyLegalEntity>
5 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Punctul de contact al X
5 <cbc:Telephone> </cbc:Telephone> Numărul de telefon alX
5 <cbc:ElectronicMail> </cbc:ElectronicMail> Adresa de email a con
4 </cac:Contact>
3 </cac:Party>
2 </cac:AccountingCustomerParty>
2 <cac:PayeeParty> BENEFICIAR (dacă este diferit d
3 <cac:PartyIdentification>
4 <cbc:ID schemeID="0003"> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul BeneficX
3 </cac:PartyIdentification>
3 <cac:PartyName>
4 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Numele BeneficiaruluX
3 </cac:PartyName>
3 <cac:PartyLegalEntity>
4 <cbc:CompanyID schemeID="0007"> </cbc:CompanyID> X
3 </cac:PartyLegalEntity>
2 </cac:PayeeParty>
2 <cac:TaxRepresentativeParty> REPREZENTANTUL FISCAL A
3 <cac:PartyName>
4 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Numele reprezentantul
3 </cac:PartyName>
3 <cac:PostalAddress> ADRESA POŞTALĂ A REPREZE
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4 <cbc:AdditionalStreetName> </cbc:AdditionalStreetName> Adresa reprezentantulu
4 <cbc:CityName> </cbc:CityName> Localitatea reprezentaX
4 <cbc:PostalZone> </cbc:PostalZone> Codul poştal al reprezX
4 <cbc:CountrySubentity> </cbc:CountrySubentity> Subdiviziunea ţării re X
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5 <cbc:Line> </cbc:Line> Adresa reprezentantulu
4 </cac:AddressLine>
4 <cac:Country>
5 <cbc:IdentificationCode> </cbc:IdentificationCode> Codul ţării reprezentan
4 </cac:Country>
3 </cac:PostalAddress>
3 <cac:PartyTaxScheme>
4 <cbc:CompanyID> </cbc:CompanyID> Identificatorul de TVAX
4 <cac:TaxScheme>
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> X
4 </cac:TaxScheme>
3 </cac:PartyTaxScheme>
2 </cac:TaxRepresentativeParty>
3 <cbc:ActualDeliveryDate> </cbc:ActualDeliveryDate> Data reală a livrării X
3 <cac:DeliveryLocation>
4 <cbc:ID schemeID="0021"> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul locului X
4 <cac:Address> ADRESA DE LIVRARE
5 <cbc:StreetName> </cbc:StreetName> Adresa de livrare - Li X
5 <cbc:AdditionalStreetName> </cbc:AdditionalStreetName> Adresa de livrare - Li X
5 <cbc:CityName> </cbc:CityName> Localitatea de livrare X
5 <cbc:PostalZone> </cbc:PostalZone> Codul poştal de livrarX
5 <cbc:CountrySubentity> </cbc:CountrySubentity> Subdiviziunea ţării deX
5 <cac:AddressLine>
6 <cbc:Line> </cbc:Line> X
5 </cac:AddressLine>
5 <cac:Country>
6 <cbc:IdentificationCode> </cbc:IdentificationCode> Codul ţării de livrare X
5 </cac:Country>
4 </cac:Address>
3 </cac:DeliveryLocation>
3 <cac:DeliveryParty>
4 <cac:PartyName>
5 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Numele părţii către caX
4 </cac:PartyName>
3 </cac:DeliveryParty>
2 </cac:Delivery>
2 <cac:PaymentMeans> INSTRUCŢIUNI DE PLATĂ
3 <cbc:PaymentMeansCode name="Bank Card"> </cbc:Paymen Codul tipului de instr X
3 <cbc:InstructionNote> </cbc:InstructionNote> Explicaţii privind inst X
3 <cbc:PaymentID> </cbc:PaymentID> Aviz de plată X
4 <cbc:PrimaryAccountNumberID> </cbc:PrimaryAccountNumberNumărul contului princ
4 <cbc:NetworkID> </cbc:NetworkID> X
4 <cbc:HolderName> </cbc:HolderName> Numele deţinătorului X
3 </cac:CardAccount>
3 <cac:PayeeFinancialAccount> VIRAMENT
4 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul contuluX
4 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Numele contului de plX
4 <cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch>
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul furnizo X
4 </cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch>
3 </cac:PayeeFinancialAccount>
3 <cac:PaymentMandate> DEBITARE DIRECTĂ
4 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul referin X
4 <cac:PayerFinancialAccount>
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul contuluX
4 </cac:PayerFinancialAccount>
3 </cac:PaymentMandate>
2 </cac:PaymentMeans>
2 <cac:PaymentTerms>
3 <cbc:Note> </cbc:Note> Termeni de plată X
2 </cac:PaymentTerms>

2 <cac:AllowanceCharge> TAXE SUPLIMENTARE LA NI

3 <cbc:ChargeIndicator> </cbc:ChargeIndicator> X
3 <cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode> </cbc:AllowanceCharge Codul motivului taxei X
3 <cbc:AllowanceChargeReason> </cbc:AllowanceChargeReaso Motivul taxei suplime X
3 <cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric> </cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric> Procentajul taxelor s X
3 <cbc:Amount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:Amount> Valoarea taxelor suplX
3 <cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:BaseAmount> Valoarea de bază a taX
3 <cac:TaxCategory>
4 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Codul categoriei de TX
4 <cbc:Percent> </cbc:Percent> Cota TVA pentru taxeX
4 <cac:TaxScheme>
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> X
4 </cac:TaxScheme>
3 </cac:TaxCategory>
2 </cac:AllowanceCharge>

2 <cac:AllowanceCharge> DEDUCERI LA NIVELUL DOC

3 <cbc:ChargeIndicator> </cbc:ChargeIndicator> X
3 <cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode> </cbc:AllowanceCharge Codul motivului deducX
3 <cbc:AllowanceChargeReason> </cbc:AllowanceChargeReaso Motivul deducerii la nX
3 <cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric> </cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric> Procentajul deducerii X
3 <cbc:Amount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:Amount> Valoarea deducerilor X
3 <cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:BaseAmount> Valoarea de bază a de
3 <cac:TaxCategory>
4 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Codul categoriei de TX
4 <cbc:Percent> </cbc:Percent> Cota de TVA pentru de
4 <cac:TaxScheme>
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> X
4 </cac:TaxScheme>
3 </cac:TaxCategory>
2 </cac:AllowanceCharge>
2 <cac:TaxTotal>
3 <cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:TaxAmount> 111=Valoarea TVA tota
3 <cac:TaxSubtotal> DETALIEREA TVA 1…n
4 <cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:TaxableAmounBaza de calcul pentr X
4 <cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:TaxAmount> Valoarea TVA pentru X
4 <cac:TaxCategory>
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Codul categoriei de X
5 <cbc:Percent> </cbc:Percent> Cota categoriei de T X
5 <cac:TaxScheme>
6 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> X
5 </cac:TaxScheme>
4 </cac:TaxCategory>
3 </cac:TaxSubtotal>
2 </cac:TaxTotal>

2 <cac:LegalMonetaryTotal> TOTALURILE DOCUMENTULUI

3 <cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:LineExt Suma valorilor nete ale
3 <cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:TaxExclu Valoarea totală a factX
3 <cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:TaxInclus Valoarea totală a factX
3 <cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:Allowa Suma deducerilor la nX
3 <cbc:ChargeTotalAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:ChargeTotSuma taxelor suplimen
3 <cbc:PrepaidAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:PrepaidAmountSumă plătită X
3 <cbc:PayableRoundingAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:PayaValoare de rotunjire X
3 <cbc:PayableAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:PayableAmounSuma de plată X
2 </cac:LegalMonetaryTotal>

2 <cac:InvoiceLine> LINIE A FACTURII

3 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul liniei faX
3 <cbc:Note> </cbc:Note> Nota liniei facturii X
3 <cbc:InvoicedQuantity unitCode="C62"> </cbc:InvoicedQuantityCantitatea facturată X
Codul unităţii de măsură a cantită
3 <cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:LineExt Valoarea netă a liniei X
3 <cbc:AccountingCost> </cbc:AccountingCost> Referinţa contabilă a X
3 <cac:InvoicePeriod> PERIOADA DE FACTURARE A L
4 <cbc:StartDate> </cbc:StartDate> Data de începere a per
4 <cbc:EndDate> </cbc:EndDate> Data de sfârşit a perioX
3 </cac:InvoicePeriod>
3 <cac:OrderLineReference>
4 <cbc:LineID> </cbc:LineID> Referinţa liniei comenz
3 </cac:OrderLineReference>
3 <cac:DocumentReference>
4 <cbc:ID schemeID="AAA"> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul obiectulu
3 </cac:DocumentReference>
3 <cac:AllowanceCharge> DEDUCERI LA LINIA FACTURII
4 <cbc:ChargeIndicator> </cbc:ChargeIndicator> X
4 <cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode> </cbc:AllowanceCharge Codul motivului deducer
4 <cbc:AllowanceChargeReason> </cbc:AllowanceChargeReaso Motivul deducerii la linX
4 <cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric> </cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric> Procentajul deducerii Xl
4 <cbc:Amount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:Amount> Valoarea deducerii la Xl
4 <cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:BaseAmount> Valoarea de bază a ded
3 </cac:AllowanceCharge>
3 <cac:AllowanceCharge> TAXE SUPLIMENTARE LA LINI
4 <cbc:ChargeIndicator> </cbc:ChargeIndicator> X
4 <cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode> </cbc:AllowanceCharge Codul motivului taxei X
4 <cbc:AllowanceChargeReason> </cbc:AllowanceChargeReaso Motivul taxei supliment
4 <cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric> </cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric> Procentajul taxei supliX
4 <cbc:Amount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:Amount> Valoarea taxei suplimen
4 <cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:BaseAmount> Valoarea de bază a tax
3 </cac:AllowanceCharge>
4 <cbc:Description> </cbc:Description> Descrierea articolului X
4 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> Numele articolului X
4 <cac:BuyersItemIdentification>
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul Cumpără
4 </cac:BuyersItemIdentification>
4 <cac:SellersItemIdentification>
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul VânzătoX
4 </cac:SellersItemIdentification>
4 <cac:StandardItemIdentification>
5 <cbc:ID schemeID="0005"> </cbc:ID> Identificatorul standarX
4 </cac:StandardItemIdentification>
4 <cac:OriginCountry>
5 <cbc:IdentificationCode> </cbc:IdentificationCode> Ţara de origine a articX
4 </cac:OriginCountry>
4 <cac:CommodityClassification>
5 <cbc:ItemClassificationCode listID="AA" listVersionID="113"> < Identificatorul clasificăX
4 </cac:CommodityClassification>
4 <cac:CommodityClassification>
5 <cbc:ItemClassificationCode listID="AB" listVersionID="2" > </cbc:ItemClassification X
4 </cac:CommodityClassification>
4 <cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory> INFORMAŢII PRIVIND TVA A LI
5 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> Codul categoriei de TV
5 <cbc:Percent> </cbc:Percent> Cota TVA pentru artico
5 <cac:TaxScheme>
6 <cbc:ID> </cbc:ID> X
5 </cac:TaxScheme>
4 </cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory>
4 <cac:AdditionalItemProperty>
5 <cbc:Name> </cbc:Name> X
5 <cbc:Value> </cbc:Value> X
4 </cac:AdditionalItemProperty>
3 </cac:Item>
4 <cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:PriceAmount> Preţul net al articoluluX
4 <cbc:BaseQuantity unitCode="C62"> </cbc:BaseQuantity> Cantitatea de bază a X
4 <cac:AllowanceCharge>
5 <cbc:ChargeIndicator> </cbc:ChargeIndicator> X
5 <cbc:Amount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:Amount> Reducere la preţul artX
5 <cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="RON"> </cbc:BaseAmount> Preţul brut al articolulX
4 </cac:AllowanceCharge>
3 </cac:Price>
2 </cac:InvoiceLine>
1 </Invoice>
regula nomenclator detaliere

BT-1 Număr secvenţial cerut în articolul 226(2) al directivei 2006/112/CE [2], pentru identificarea în man
BT-2 Data la care a fost emisă factura.
BT-9 Data scadenţei reflectă scadenţa plăţii nete. Pentru plăţile parţiale aceasta indică prima scadenţă d
Facturile comerciale şi notele de creditare sunt definite în conformitate cu codurile de date din UNT
BT-3 UNTDID 1001 [6].Dacă este cazul, pot fi utilizate alte coduri de date din UNTDID 1001 [6] cu facturile sau notele de c
Un text care furnizează o informaţie nestructurată care este relevantă pentru factură în ansamblul s
BT-22 Data de exigibilitate
De exemplu a taxeimotivul
o notă privind este, deunei
obicei, datasau
corecţii la care
note de au fost livrate
cesiune sauînserviciile
în cazul finaliza
care factura a
BT-7 Acest element este cerut dacă data de exigibilitate a TVA este diferită de data emiterii facturii.
recomandă ca cu atât
articolul 230 al Directivei
Cumpărătorul, 2006/112/EC
cât şi Vânzătorul să privind TVA
utilizeze data[2],deîntr-o factură atrebuie
exigibilitate să f
taxei atun
BT-5 ISO 4217 Listele monedelor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a ISO 4217 “Coduri pentru rep
Trebuie utilizat în combinaţie cu suma totală a TVA în moneda de contabilizare (BT-111) când cod
BT-6 ISO 4217 Listele monedelor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a ISO 4217 “Coduri pentru rep
BT-19 Valoare textuală care specifică unde să se înregistreze datele relevante în conturile contabile ale C
BG-14 Utilizată pentru a indica când începe şi când se sfârşeşte perioada acoperită de factură. Numită, de
BT-73 Data iniţială a livrării bunurilor sau serviciilor.
BT-74 Data la care livrarea bunurilor sau serviciilor a fost finalizată
rioadei de facturare

BT-13 Un identificator al comenzii la care se referă, generat de către Cumpărător.

BT-14 Un identificator al dispoziţiei de vânzare, generat de către Vânzător

- într-o factură finală se face referire la facturile parţiale anterioare

BG-3 - într-o factură finală se face referire la facturile de plată anticipată anterioare
BT-25 Identificarea unei facturi trimisă anterior de către Vânzător.
BT-26 Data emiterii facturii anterioare trebuie furnizată în cazul în care identificatorul facturii anterioare nu



BT-17 În unele ţări trebuie să se furnizeze o referinţă a cererii de ofertă care a dus la contract.

BT-12 Se recomandă ca identificatorul contractului să fie unic în contextul relaţiilor comerciale specifice ş
- imagine/png
BT-125 - imagine/jpeg

BT-11 Identificarea proiectului la care se referă factura


BT-34 EAS Identifică adresa electronică a Vânzătorului la care poate fi transmis la nivel de aplicaţie răspunsul

Pentru multe sisteme, identificatorul Vânzătorului este un element de informaţie cheie. Pot fi atribu
BT-29 BT-29-1 Dacă se utilizează, identificatorul schemei de identificare trebuie să fie ales dintre codurile listei pu

BT-28 Poate fi folosit dacă diferă de numele Vânzătorulu

BG-5 Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale adres
BT-35 De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală
BT-37 Numele uzual al municipiului, oraşului sau satului, în care se află adresa Vânzătorului
BT-39 Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc.

BT-162 O linie suplimentară într-o adresă care poate fi utilizată pentru informaţii suplimentare şi completări

BT-40 EN ISO 3166-1 Dacă nu este specificat un reprezentant fiscal, acesta este ţara în care trebuie plătită TVA. Listele

BT-31 Numărul de TVA are ca prefix codul ţării. Un Vânzător înregistrat ca plătitor de TVA trebuie să inclu

BT-27 Denumirea oficială completă sub care Vânzătorul este înscris în registrul naţional al persoanelor ju
BT-30 BT-30-1 Pentru multe sisteme, identificatorul Vânzătorului este un element de informaţie cheie. Pot fi atribu
BT-33 De exemplu, capitalul social.

BG-6 Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii de contact despre Vânzător
BT-41 Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificarea unui contact, departament sau serviciu


BT-49 bt-4 EAS Identifică adresa electronică a Cumpărătorului la care se trimite factura.

BT-46 BT-46-1 Dacă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de ex

BT-45 Acesta poate fi utilizat dacă este diferit de numele Cumpărătorului.

BG-8 Pentru conformitate cu cerinţelor legale, trebuie să fie completate suficiente componente ale adres
BT-50 De obicei numele şi numărul străzii sau căsuţa poştală.
BT-54 Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc


BT-55 EN ISO 3166-1 Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru re

BT-48 Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţării bazat pe EN ISO 3166-1 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea

BT-47 BT-47-1 Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi V

BT-56 Cum ar fi numele persoanei, identificarea unui contact, departament sau serviciu
BG-10 Rolul Beneficiarului poate fi îndeplinit de o altă parte decât Vânzătorul, de exemplu un serviciu de f

BT-60 BT-60-1 Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi V


BT-61 BT-61-1 Trebuie utilizat atunci când Beneficiarul este diferit de Vânzător. Totuşi, numele Beneficiarului poat






BT-63 Numărul de TVA având ca prefix codul ţării bazat pe EN ISO 3166-1 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea

BT-72 Data la care s-a făcut sau s-a finalizat livrarea bunurilor sau a serviciilor

BT-71 BT-ISO/IEC 6523. Dacă schema de identificare nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi V
BT-79 Cum ar fi o regiune, un judeţ, un stat, o provincie etc.


BT-80 EN ISO 3166-1 Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru re

BT-70 Trebuie să fie utilizat dacă partea căreia i se livrează este diferită de Cumpărător.

BT-81 4461 Trebuie să se utilizeze coduri din lista de coduri 4461 din dicţionarul de date UNTDID [6]. Se recom
BT-82 Cum ar fi cu numerar, virament, debitare directă, card de credit etc.
BT-83 Utilizat pentru informaţiile critice de reconciliere ale creditorului. Acest element de informaţie ajută V
BT-87 În conformitate cu standardele de securitate privind plata cu card, se recomandă ca o factură să nu


BT-84 Exemplu: IBAN (în cazul unei plăţi SEPA) sau număr de cont naţional.

BT-88 Exemplu: cod BIC sau un cod naţional de clearing, dacă este cazul. Nu trebuie utilizată nicio schem

BT-89 Utilizat în scopul de a-l notifica în prealabil pe Cumpărător despre o debitare directă SEPA.

Acest element poate conţine mai multe linii şi mai mulţi termeni.
BT-20 O descriere textuală a termenilor de plată care se aplică sumei de plată (Inclusiv descrierea eventu

BT-105 UNTDID 7161 [6] Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 7161 [6]. Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la nivelul Documentulu
BT-101 Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului,
BT-100 Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul taxei suplimentare la nivelul docu

- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI)

BT-102 UNTDID 5305 [6] - Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza regu
BT-103 Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului

BT-98 UNTDID 5189 [6] Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 5189 [6]. Codul motivului deducerii la nivelul documentului şi motivu
BT-97 Motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului, exprimat ca text.
BT-94 Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază a deducerii la nivelul documentului
BT-92 Valoarea deducerii, fără TVA.
BT-93 Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul deducerii la nivelul documentului,

- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI)

BT-95 UNTDID 5305 [6] - Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza regu
BT-96 Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică deducerii la nivelul documentului

110=Valoarea TVA totală a facturii este suma tuturor valorilor TVA pentru diferitele categorii de TV
BT-110 BT-111 111=Trebuie utilizat când moneda de contabilizare a TVA (BT-6) diferă de codul monedei facturii (B
Valoarea TVA
Un grup de în moneda
termeni de contabilizare
operaţionali nu este
care furnizează utilizatădespre
informaţii în calcularea totalurilor
repartizarea TVAfacturii
pe diferite cate
BT-116 Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii minus deducerile plus taxele suplimentare de la nivelul docum
BT-117 Calculată prin multiplicarea valorii bazei de calcul pentru categoria de TVA cu cota categoriei de TV

- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI)

BT-118 UNTDID 5305 [6] - Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza regu
BT-119 Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică pentru categoria de TVA corespunzătoare
BT-106 Suma tuturor valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.
BT-109 Valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA este Suma totalurilor nete ale liniilor facturii minus Suma deduce
BT-112 Valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA este valoarea totală a facturii fără TVA plus valoarea totală a Tva
BT-107 Deducerile la nivel de linie sunt incluse în valoarea netă a liniei facturii care este utilizată în Suma v
BT-108 Taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniilor sunt incluse în valoarea netă a liniei facturii care este utilizată
Suma valorilor care au fost plătite anticipat.
BT-113 Această valoare este scăzută din valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA pentru a calcula suma rămasă d
BT-114 Valoarea care trebuie adunată la totalul facturii pentru a rotunji suma de plată
BT-115 Această valoare este valoarea totală a facturii cu TVA minus suma plătită care a fost plătită anticip

BT-126 Un identificator unic pentru o linie din factură.
BT-127 O notă textuală care furnizează o informaţie nestructurată care este relevantă pentru linia facturii
BT-129 Cantitatea articolelor (bunuri sau servicii) luate în considerare în linia din factură.
BT-130 UN/ECE 20 Unitatea de măsură trebuie să fie aleasă din listele din Recomandarea UN/ECE nr. 20 “Coduri pen
BT-131 Valoarea este “netă” fără TVA, adică include deducerile şi taxele suplimentare la nivelul liniei, prec
O valoare textuală care specifică unde trebuie înregistrate datele relevante în conturile financiare a
BT-133 Dacă este necesar, această referinţă trebuie furnizată Vânzătorului de către Cumpărător înaintea e
BT-134 Data este prima zi a perioadei.
BT-135 Data este ultima zi a perioadei.

BT-132 Identificatorul comenzii este referit la nivelul documentului.

BT-128 Poate fi un număr de abonament, număr de telefon, un index de contor etc., după caz.

BG-27 deducere Un grup de termeni operaţionali care furnizează informaţii despre deducerile aplicabile unei linii a f

BT-140 UNTDID 5189 [6] Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 5189 [6]. Codul motivului deducerii la linia facturii şi motivul deduce
BT-139 Motivul deducerii pentru linia facturii, exprimat ca text.
BT-138 Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază pentru deducerea la linia facturii, p
BT-136 Valoare a unei deduceri, fără TVA.
BT-137 Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul deducerii la linia facturii, pentru a
BG-28 taxa suplimentara

BT-145 UNTDID 7161 [6] Se utilizează codurile UNTDID 7161 [6]. Codul motivului taxei suplimentare la linia facturii şi motivu
BT-144 Motivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii, exprimat ca text.
BT-143 Procentajul care poate fi utilizat, împreună cu valoarea de bază pentru taxa suplimentară din linia f
BT-141 Valoarea taxei suplimentare, fără TVA.
BT-142 Valoarea de bază care poate fi utilizată, împreună cu procentajul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii,

BT-154 Descrierea articolului permite prezentarea articolului şi a caracteristicilor sale mai detaliat decât nu

BT-156 Un identificator, atribuit de Cumpărător, pentru articol.

BT-155 Un identificator, atribuit de Vânzător, pentru articol.

BT-157 BT-157-1 Un identificator al articolului bazat pe o schemă de înregistrare

BT-159 EN ISO 3166-1 Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru re

Codurile de clasificare sunt utilizate pentru a permite gruparea articolelor similare în diferite scopur
BT-158 BTUNTDID 7143 [6].Schema de identificare trebuie să fie aleasă dintre codurile de date din UNTDID 7143 [6].

- TVA cu taxare inversă (Se aplică regulile taxării inverse a TVA/IGIC/IPSI)
BT-151 - Scutit de TVA pentru livrări intracomunitare de bunuri (TVA/IGIC/IPSI nu se percepe în baza regu
BT-152 Cota TVA, reprezentată ca procentaj care se aplică articolului facturat
BT-146 Preţul net al articolului trebuie să fie egal cu preţul brut al articolului minus reducerea de preţ.
BT-149 BT-150 Numărul articolelor la care se aplică preţul.

Reducerea totală dedusă din preţul brut al articolului pentru a calcula preţul net al articolului.
BT-147 Se aplică numai dacă reducerea este pe unitate şi dacă nu este inclusă în preţul brut al articolului.
BT-148 Preţul unitar, exclusiv TVA, înaintea aplicării reducerilor la preţul articolului.
entru identificarea în manieră unică a Facturii în contextul afacerii, intervalului de timp, sistemelor de exploatare şi înregistrărilor Vânzătorulu

a indică prima scadenţă de plată. Descrierea corespunzătoare a condiţiilor de plată mai complexe poate fi stabilită în Condiţiile de plată BT-
codurile de date din UNTDID 1001 [6].
u facturile
ntru facturăsau notele de creditare
în ansamblul său. specifice.
vrate sauînserviciile
în cazul finalizate
care factura a fost(eveniment
factorizată generator de taxe). Există unele variaţii. Pentru informaţii suplimentare, a se vedea articolul 226 (7
data emiterii facturii.
eîntr-o factură atrebuie
exigibilitate să fie utilizată
taxei atunci numaieste
când aceasta o singură monedă,
furnizată cu excepţia
de Vânzător. sumeiBT-7
Utilizarea totale
şi aBT-8
exprimată în reciprocă.
exclusiv moneda de contabilizare (BT-11
“Coduri pentru reprezentarea monedelor şi tipurilor de fonduri”.
când codul monedei de contabilizare a TVA diferă de codul monedei facturii.
O 4217 “Coduri pentru reprezentarea monedelor şi fondurilor”. Pentru informaţii suplimentare, a se vedea articolul 230 al Directivei Consiliul
n conturile contabile ale Cumpărătorului.
rită de factură. Numită, de asemenea, perioada de livrare

torul facturii anterioare nu este unic.

us la contract.

or comerciale specifice şi pentru o perioadă de timp definită.

vel de aplicaţie răspunsul la factură.

rmaţie cheie. Pot fi atribuiţi sau specificaţi mai mulţi identificatori ai Vânzătorului. Aceştia pot fi diferenţiaţi utilizând diferite scheme de identi
es dintre codurile listei publicate de agenţia de mentenanţă a ISO/IEC 6523.

te componente ale adresei.


uplimentare şi completări la linia principală

ebuie plătită TVA. Listele ţărilor valide sunt înregistrate la Agenţia de Mentenanţă a EN ISO 3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumiril

or de TVA trebuie să includă ID-ul său de TVA, cu excepţia cazului în care utilizează un reprezentant fiscal.

naţional al persoanelor juridice sau în calitate de Contribuabil sau îşi exercită activităţile în calitate de persoană sau grup de persoane.
rmaţie cheie. Pot fi atribuiţi sau specificaţi mai mulţi identificatori ai Vânzătorului. Aceştia pot fi diferenţiaţi utilizând diferite scheme de identi

pre Vânzător
părător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator comunicat anterior între Vânzător şi Cumpărător.

te componente ale adresei.

3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

duri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

noscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu identificatorul care este utilizat exclusiv în mediul juridic aplicabil.
exemplu un serviciu de factoring.

noscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator al Vânzătorului schimbat în prealabil între Cumpărător şi Vânzător

umele Beneficiarului poate fi acelaşi ca al Vânzătorului

duri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

noscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator al Vânzătorului schimbat în prealabil între Cumpărător şi Vânzător
3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

ate UNTDID [6]. Se recomandă să se facă distincţie între plăţi SEPA şi plăţi non-SEPA, precum şi între plăţi prin virament, debitare directă,

ment de informaţie ajută Vânzătorul să atribuie o plată intrată procesului de plată corespunzător. Atunci când se specifică valoarea textuală

mandă ca o factură să nu includă niciodată întregul număr de cont principal al cardului. În acest moment PCI Security Standards Council a

ebuie utilizată nicio schemă de identificare.

are directă SEPA.

nclusiv descrierea eventualelor penalităţi).

re la nivelul Documentului şi motivul taxei suplimentare la nivelul Documentului trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al taxei suplimentare.

la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului

plimentare la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la nivelul documentului.

u se percepe în baza regulilor pentru livrări Intracomunitare)
a nivelul documentului

ul documentului şi motivul deducerii la nivelul documentului trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al deducerii.

rii la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la nivelul documentului.

ii la nivelul documentului, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la nivelul documentului.

u se percepe în baza regulilor pentru livrări intracomunitare)

diferitele categorii de TVA.

e codul monedei facturii (BT-5) în conformitate cu articolul 230 din Directiva 2006/112/CE referitoare la TVA.
area TVAfacturii
pe diferite categorii, cote şi motive de exceptare.
entare de la nivelul documentului aferente unui cod al unei categorii specifice de TVA şi unei cote a TVA (dacă cota categoriei de TVA este
A cu cota categoriei de TVA pentru categoria de TVA corespunzătoare.

u se percepe în baza regulilor pentru livrări Intracomunitare)
VA corespunzătoare
cturii minus Suma deducerilor la nivelul documentului plus Suma taxelor suplimentare la nivelul documentului.
lus valoarea totală a Tva
re este utilizată în Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.
facturii care este utilizată în Suma valorilor nete ale liniilor facturii.
a calcula suma rămasă de plată.

care a fost plătită anticipat. Valoarea este zero în cazul plăţii integrale a facturii. Valoarea poate fi negativă; în acest caz, Vânzătorul îi dato

antă pentru linia facturii

N/ECE nr. 20 “Coduri pentru unităţi de măsură utilizate în comerţul internaţional” [7] şi Recomandarea UN/ECE nr 21 “Coduri pentru pasage
ntare la nivelul liniei, precum şi alte taxe relevante
e în conturile financiare ale Cumpărătorului.
tre Cumpărător înaintea emiterii facturii.

tc., după caz.

rile aplicabile unei linii a facturii.

facturii şi motivul deducerii la linia facturii trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al deducerii

ducerea la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la linia facturii.

ii la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea deducerii la linia facturii.

re la linia facturii şi motivul taxei suplimentare la linia facturii trebuie să indice acelaşi motiv al taxei suplimentare.

xa suplimentară din linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la linia facturii

plimentare la linia facturii, pentru a calcula valoarea taxei suplimentare la linia facturii

sale mai detaliat decât numele articolului.

3166-1, “Coduri pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

similare în diferite scopuri, de exemplu, achiziţii publice (CPV), e-Comerţ (UNSPSC) etc.
NTDID 7143 [6].

u se percepe în baza regulilor pentru livrări Intracomunitare)
s reducerea de preţ.

ul net al articolului.
n preţul brut al articolului.
tare şi înregistrărilor Vânzătorului. Poate fi bazat pe una sau mai multe serii de numere, care pot include caractere alfanumerice. Nu trebuie

stabilită în Condiţiile de plată BT-20.

ntare, a se vedea articolul 226 (7) al Directivei Consiliului 2006/112/CE [2].

moneda de contabilizare (BT-111).


rticolul 230 al Directivei Consiliului 2006/112/CE [2].

tilizând diferite scheme de identificare. Dacă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exe

i pentru reprezentarea denumirilor de ţări şi a subdiviziunilor lor”.

oană sau grup de persoane.

tilizând diferite scheme de identificare. Dacă schema nu este specificată, se recomandă să fie cunoscut de Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exe
umpărător şi Vânzător

umpărător şi Vânzător
i prin virament, debitare directă, plăţi cu card şi orice alt instrument de plată

nd se specifică valoarea textuală, care, de obicei, este numărul de factură al facturii plătite, dar poate fi o altă referinţă a vânzătorului, se re

CI Security Standards Council a definit că primele 6 cifre şi ultimele 4 cifre reprezintă numărul maxim de cifre care trebuie arătate
otiv al taxei suplimentare.

acă cota categoriei de TVA este aplicabilă).

ă; în acest caz, Vânzătorul îi datorează suma respectivă Cumpărătorului

ECE nr 21 “Coduri pentru pasageri, tipuri de marfă, ambalaje şi materiale de ambalaj (cu Coduri complementare pentru numele ambalajelor
aractere alfanumerice. Nu trebuie utilizată nici o schemă de identificare.
Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator comunicat anterior între Cumpărător şi Vânzător.

Cumpărător şi Vânzător, de exemplu un identificator comunicat anterior între Cumpărător şi Vânzător.

tă referinţă a vânzătorului, se recomandă ca, atunci când face plata, Cumpărătorul să indice în ordinul său de plată această referinţă. Într-o

fre care trebuie arătate

ntare pentru numele ambalajelor)” [19] aplicând metoda descrisă în Recomandarea UN/ECE nr. 20 Intro 2.a). De notat că în cele mai multe
de plată această referinţă. Într-o operaţie de plată, această referinţă este transferată înapoi la Vânzător ca aviz de plată
a). De notat că în cele mai multe cazuri nu este necesar ca Vânzătorul şi Cumpărătorul să implementeze aceste liste în totalitate în software
aviz de plată
ceste liste în totalitate în software-ul lor. Vânzătorii trebuie să preia doar unităţile necesare pentru bunurile şi serviciile lor; Cumpărătorii treb
şi serviciile lor; Cumpărătorii trebuie doar să verifice că unităţile utilizate în factură sunt aceleaşi cu unităţile utilizate în alte documente (cum
utilizate în alte documente (cum ar fi Contract, Catalog, Comandă şi Aviz de expediţie).
nomenclatcod denumire suplimentare tabela w5 cod explic sheet
10001 80 Debit note Invoice cat_doc 1001 Document type BT-3
10001 81 Credit noteCredit Note formula fct 5305 Duty or tax or fee cat BT-95, BT-102, BT-118, BT-151
10001 82 Metered seInvoice nu e cazul 7161 Charge co Charge BT-105, BT-145
10001 83 Credit noteCredit Note poate in fa 5189 discounturallowancesBT-98, BT-140
10001 84 Debit note Invoice 4217 w5_install BT-5, BT-6
10001 130 Invoicing dInvoice 3166 w5_install.BT-40, BT-55, BT-69, BT-80, B
10001 202 Direct pay Invoice ??? 6523 Identifier ICD BT-29-1, BT-30-1, BT-46-1, BT
10001 203 ProvisionaInvoice um 20 umuri Unit BT-130, BT-150
10001 204 Payment va
Invoice 7143 Item type i Item BT-158-1
10001 211 Interim appInvoice EAS Electronic EAS BT-34-1, BT-49-1
10001 261 Self billed Credit Note VATEX VAT motiveVATEX BT-121
10001 262 ConsolidatCredit Note ? Banci 4461 Payment mPayment BT-81
10001 295 Price variaInvoice
10001 296 Credit noteCredit Note
10001 308 DelcredereCredit Note
10001 325 Proforma iInvoice
10001 326 Partial inv Invoice
10001 380 Commercial
10001 381 Credit noteCredit Note
10001 383 Debit note Invoice
10001 384 Corrected Invoice
10001 385 ConsolidatInvoice
10001 386 Prepayment
10001 387 Hire invoicInvoice
10001 388 Tax invoic Invoice
10001 389 Self-billed Invoice
10001 390 DelcredereInvoice
10001 393 Factored i Invoice
10001 394 Lease invoInvoice
10001 395 Consignmen
10001 396 Factored crCredit Note
10001 420 Optical ChCredit Note
10001 456 Debit advi Invoice
10001 457 Reversal ofInvoice
10001 458 Reversal ofCredit Note
10001 527 Self billed Invoice
10001 532 Forwarder's
Credit Note
10001 575 Insurer's i Invoice
10001 623 Forwarder'Invoice
10001 633 Port chargInvoice
10001 751 Invoice in Invoice
10001 780 Freight invInvoice
10001 935 Customs inInvoice
7161 AA Advertising
7161 AAA Telecommunication
7161 AAC Technical modification
7161 AAD Job-order production
7161 AAE Outlays
7161 AAF Off-premises
7161 AAH Additional processing
7161 AAI Attesting
7161 AAS Acceptance
7161 AAT Rush delivery
7161 AAV Special construction
7161 AAY Airport facilities
7161 AAZ Concession
7161 ABA Compulsory storage
7161 ABB Fuel removal
7161 ABC Into plane
7161 ABD Overtime
7161 ABF Tooling
7161 ABK Miscellaneous
7161 ABL Additional packaging
7161 ABN Dunnage
7161 ABR Containerisation
7161 ABS Carton packing
7161 ABT Hessian wrapped
7161 ABU Polyethylene wrap packing
7161 ACF Miscellaneous treatment
7161 ACG Enamelling treatment
7161 ACH Heat treatment
7161 ACI Plating treatment
7161 ACJ Painting
7161 ACK Polishing
7161 ACL Priming
7161 ACM Preservation treatment
7161 ACS Fitting
7161 ADC Consolidation
7161 ADE Bill of lading
7161 ADJ Airbag
7161 ADK Transfer
7161 ADL Slipsheet
7161 ADM Binding
7161 ADN Repair or replacement of broken returnable package
7161 ADO Efficient logistics
7161 ADP Merchandising
7161 ADQ Product mix
7161 ADR Other services
7161 ADT Pick-up
7161 ADW Chronic illness
7161 ADY New product introduction
7161 ADZ Direct delivery
7161 AEA Diversion
7161 AEB Disconnect
7161 AEC Distribution
7161 AED Handling of hazardous cargo
7161 AEF Rents and leases
7161 AEH Location differential
7161 AEI Aircraft refueling
7161 AEJ Fuel shipped into storage
7161 AEK Cash on delivery
7161 AEL Small order processing service
7161 AEM Clerical or administrative services
7161 AEN Guarantee
7161 AEO Collection and recycling
7161 AEP Copyright fee collection
7161 AES Veterinary inspection service
7161 AET Pensioner service
7161 AEU Medicine free pass holder
7161 AEV Environmental protection service
7161 AEW Environmental clean-up service
7161 AEX National cheque processing service outside account area
7161 AEY National payment service outside account area
7161 AEZ National payment service within account area
7161 AJ Adjustments
7161 AU Authentication
7161 CA Cataloguing
7161 CAB Cartage
7161 CAD Certification
7161 CAE Certificate of conformance
7161 CAF Certificate of origin
7161 CAI Cutting
7161 CAJ Consular service
7161 CAK Customer collection
7161 CAL Payroll payment service
7161 CAM Cash transportation
7161 CAN Home banking service
7161 CAO Bilateral agreement service
7161 CAP Insurance brokerage service
7161 CAQ Cheque generation
7161 CAR Preferential merchandising location
7161 CAS Crane
7161 CAT Special colour service
7161 CAU Sorting
7161 CAV Battery collection and recycling
7161 CAW Product take back fee
7161 CAX Quality control released
7161 CAY Quality control held
7161 CAZ Quality control embargo
7161 CD Car loading
7161 CG Cleaning
7161 CS Cigarette stamping
7161 CT Count and recount
7161 DAB Layout/design
7161 DAC Assortment allowance
7161 DAD Driver assigned unloading
7161 DAF Debtor bound
7161 DAG Dealer allowance
7161 DAH Allowance transferable to the consumer
7161 DAI Growth of business
7161 DAJ Introduction allowance
7161 DAK Multi-buy promotion
7161 DAL Partnership
7161 DAM Return handling
7161 DAN Minimum order not fulfilled charge
7161 DAO Point of sales threshold allowance
7161 DAP Wholesaling discount
7161 DAQ Documentary credits transfer commission
7161 DL Delivery
7161 EG Engraving
7161 EP Expediting
7161 ER Exchange rate guarantee
7161 FAA Fabrication
7161 FAB Freight equalization
7161 FAC Freight extraordinary handling
7161 FC Freight service
7161 FH Filling/handling
7161 FI Financing
7161 GAA Grinding
7161 HAA Hose
7161 HD Handling
7161 HH Hoisting and hauling
7161 IAA Installation
7161 IAB Installation and warranty
7161 ID Inside delivery
7161 IF Inspection
7161 IR Installation and training
7161 IS Invoicing
7161 KO Koshering
7161 L1 Carrier count
7161 LA Labelling
7161 LAA Labour
7161 LAB Repair and return
7161 LF Legalisation
7161 MAE Mounting
7161 MI Mail invoice
7161 ML Mail invoice to each location
7161 NAA Non-returnable containers
7161 OA Outside cable connectors
7161 PA Invoice with shipment
7161 PAA Phosphatizing (steel treatment)
7161 PC Packing
7161 PL Palletizing
7161 RAB Repacking
7161 RAC Repair
7161 RAD Returnable container
7161 RAF Restocking
7161 RE Re-delivery
7161 RF Refurbishing
7161 RH Rail wagon hire
7161 RV Loading
7161 SA Salvaging
7161 SAA Shipping and handling
7161 SAD Special packaging
7161 SAE Stamping
7161 SAI Consignee unload
7161 SG Shrink-wrap
7161 SH Special handling
7161 SM Special finish
7161 SU Set-up
7161 TAB Tank renting
7161 TAC Testing
7161 TT Transportation - third party billing
7161 TV Transportation by vendor
7161 V1 Drop yard
7161 V2 Drop dock
7161 WH Warehousing
7161 XAA Combine all same day shipment
7161 YY Split pick-up
7161 ZZZ Mutually defined
5305 S Standard rate
5305 Z Zero rated goods
5305 E Exempt from tax
5305 AE VAT Reverse charge
5305 K VAT exempt for EEA intra-community supply of goods and services
5305 G Free export item, tax not charged
5305 O Service outside scope of tax
5305 L Canary Islands general indirect tax
5305 M Tax for production, services and importation in Ceuta and Melilla
5189 41 Bonus for works ahead of schedule
5189 42 Other bonus
5189 60 Manufacturer’s consumer discount
5189 62 Due to military status
5189 63 Due to work accident
5189 64 Special agreement
5189 65 Production error discount
5189 66 New outlet discount
5189 67 Sample discount
5189 68 End-of-range discount
5189 70 Incoterm discount
5189 71 Point of sales threshold allowance
5189 88 Material surcharge/deduction
5189 95 Discount
5189 100 Special rebate
5189 102 Fixed long term
5189 103 Temporary
5189 104 Standard
5189 105 Yearly turnover
6523 2 System Information e
6523 3 Codification Numerique des Etablissments Financiers En Belgique
6523 7 Organisationsnummer
6523 10 Organizational Identifiers for Structured Names under ISO 9541 Part 2

6523 11 International Code Designator for the Identification

6523 12 European Computer Manufacturers Association: ECMA
6523 13 VSA FTP CODE (FTP = File Transfer Protocol)
6523 14 NIST/OSI Implememts' Workshop
6523 15 Electronic Data Interchange: EDI
6523 16 EWOS Object Identifiers
6523 18 SNA/OSI Network
6523 19 Air Transport Industry Services Communications Network
6523 20 European Laboratory for Particle Physics: CERN


6523 22 OSF Distributed Computing Object Identification
6523 23 Nordic University and Research Network: NORDUnet
6523 24 Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC
6523 26 NATO ISO 6523 ICDE coding scheme
6523 27 Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN)
6523 28 International Standard ISO 6523
6523 29 The All-Union Classifier of Enterprises and Organisations
6523 30 AT&T/OSI Network
6523 31 EDI Partner Identification Code
6523 32 Telecom Australia
6523 33 S G W OSI Internetwork
6523 34 Reuter Open Address Standard
6523 35 ISO 6523 - ICD
6523 36 TeleTrust Object Identifiers
6523 37 LY-tunnus
6523 38 The Australian GOSIP Network
6523 39 The OZ DOD OSI Network
6523 40 Unilever Group Companies
6523 41 Citicorp Global Information Network
6523 42 DBP Telekom Object Identifiers
6523 43 HydroNETT
6523 44 Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI)
6523 45 ICI Company Identification System
6523 46 FUNLOC
6523 47 BULL ODI/DSA/UNIX Network
6523 48 OSINZ
6523 49 Auckland Area Health
6523 50 Firmenich
6523 51 AGFA-DIS
6523 52 Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)
6523 53 Migros_Network M_NETOPZ
6523 54 ISO6523 - ICDPCR
6523 55 Energy Net
6523 56 Nokia Object Identifiers (NOI)
6523 57 Saint Gobain
6523 58 Siemens Corporate Network
6523 59 DANZNET
6523 60 Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S Number)
6523 61 SOFFEX OSI
6523 62 KPN OVN
6523 63 ascomOSINet
6523 64 UTC: Uniforme Transport Code
6523 66 Roche Corporate Network
6523 67 ZellwegerOSINet
6523 68 Intel Corporation OSI
6523 69 SITA Object Identifier Tree
6523 70 DaimlerChrysler Corporate Network
6523 72 NAVISTAR/OSI Network
6523 73 ICD Formatted ATM address
6523 74 ARINC
6523 75 Alcanet/Alcatel-Alsthom Corporate Network
6523 76 Sistema Italiano di Identificazione di ogetti gestito da UNINFO
6523 77 Sistema Italiano di Indirizzamento di Reti OSI Gestito da UNINFO
6523 78 Mitel terminal or switching equipment
6523 79 ATM Forum
6523 80 UK National Health Service Scheme, (EDIRA compliant)
6523 81 International NSAP

6523 82 Norwegian Telecommun

6523 83 Advanced Telecommunications Modules Limited, Corporate Network
6523 84 Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
6523 85 Swiss Chambers of Commerce Scheme (EDIRA) compliant

6523 86 United States Counci

6523 87 National Federation of Chambe

6523 88 EAN Location Code

6523 89 The Association of B

6523 90 Internet IP addressing - ISO 6523 ICD encoding
6523 91 Cisco Sysytems / OSI Network
6523 93 Revenue Canada Business Number Registration (EDIRA compliant)


6523 95 Hewlett - Packard Company Internal AM Network
6523 96 DANISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
6523 97 FTI - Ediforum Italia, (EDIRA compliant)


6523 99 Siemens Supervisory Systems Network
6523 100 PNG_ICD Scheme
6523 101 South African Code Allocation
6523 102 HEAG
6523 104 BT - ICD Coding System

6523 105 Portuguese Chamber

6523 106 Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en Fabrieken in Nederland (Assoc

6523 107 Association of Swed

6523 108 Australian Chambers

6523 109 BellSouth ICD AESA (ATM End System Address)
6523 110 Bell Atlantic
6523 111 Object Identifiers
6523 112 ISO register for Standards producing Organizations
6523 113 OriginNet
6523 114 Check Point Software Technologies
6523 115 Pacific Bell Data Communications Network
6523 116 PSS Object Identifiers
6523 118 ATM-Network ZN'96
6523 119 MCI / OSI Network
6523 120 Advantis
6523 121 Affable Software Data Interchange Codes
6523 122 BB-DATA GmbH
6523 123 BASF Company ATM-Network

6523 124 IOTA Identifiers for Organizations for Te

6523 125 Henkel Corporate Network (H-Net)
6523 126 GTE/OSI Network
6523 127 Dresdner Bank Corporate Network
6523 128 BCNR (Swiss Clearing Bank Number)
6523 129 BPI (Swiss Business Partner Identification) code
6523 130 Directorates of the European Commission
6523 131 Code for the Identification of National Organizations
6523 132 Certicom Object Identifiers
6523 133 TC68 OID
6523 134 Infonet Services Corporation
6523 135 SIA Object Identifiers
6523 136 Cable & Wireless Global ATM End-System Address Plan
6523 137 Global AESA scheme
6523 138 France Telecom ATM End System Address Plan
6523 139 Savvis Communications AESA:.
6523 140 Toshiba Organizations, Partners, And Suppliers' (TOPAS) Code
6523 141 NATO Commercial and Government Entity system
6523 142 SECETI Object Identifiers
6523 143 EINESTEINet AG
6523 144 DoDAAC (Department of Defense Activity Address Code)

6523 145 DGCP (Direction Générale de la

6523 146 DGI (Direction Générale des Impots) code
6523 147 Standard Company Code

6523 148 ITU (International T

6523 149 Global Business Identifier
6523 150 Madge Networks Ltd- ICD ATM Addressing Scheme
6523 151 Australian Business Number (ABN) Scheme
6523 152 Edira Scheme Identifier Code
6523 153 Concert Global Network Services ICD AESA
6523 154 Identification number of economic subjects: (ICO)
6523 155 Global Crossing AESA (ATM End System Address)
6523 156 AUNA
6523 157 ATM interconnection with the Dutch KPN Telecom

6523 158 Identification number of economi

6523 159 ACTALIS Object Identifiers
6523 160 GTIN - Global Trade Item Number
6523 161 ECCMA Open Technical Directory
6523 162 CEN/ISSS Object Identifier Scheme
6523 163 US-EPA Facility Identifier
6523 164 TELUS Corporation
6523 165 FIEIE Object identifiers
6523 166 Swissguide Identifier Scheme
6523 167 Priority Telecom ATM End System Address Plan
6523 168 Vodafone Ireland OSI Addressing
6523 169 Swiss Federal Business Identifi
6523 170 Teikoku Company Code

6523 171 Luxembourg CP & CPS (

6523 172 Project Group “Lists of Properties” (PROLIST®)
6523 173 eCI@ss
6523 174 StepNexus
6523 175 Siemens AG
6523 176 Paradine GmbH
6523 177 Odette International Limited
6523 178 Route1 MobiNET
6523 179 Penango Object Identifiers
6523 180 Lithuanian military PKI

6523 183 Numéro d'identification suisse

6523 184 DIGSTORG
6523 185 Perceval Object Code
6523 186 TrustPoint Object Identifiers
6523 187 Amazon Unique Identification Scheme
6523 188 Corporate Number of The Social Security and Tax Number System
6523 189 European Business Identifier (EBID)
6523 190 Organisatie Indentificatie Nummer (OIN)
6523 191 Company Code (Estonia)
6523 192 Organisasjonsnummer
6523 193 UBL.BE Party Identifier
6523 194 Name not known
6523 195 Singapore Nationwide E-lnvoice Framework
6523 196 Icelandic identifier - Íslensk kennitala
6523 197 Name not known
6523 198 ERSTORG
6523 199 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
6523 200 Legal entity code (Lithuania)
6523 201 Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa iPA
6523 202 Indirizzo di Posta Elettronica Certificata
20 10 group rec20
20 11 outfit rec20
20 13 ration rec20
20 14 shot rec20
20 15 stick, milit rec20
20 20 twenty footrec20
20 21 forty foot rec20
20 22 decilitre p rec20
20 23 gram per crec20
20 24 theoretica rec20
20 25 gram per srec20
20 27 theoreticalrec20
20 28 kilogram prec20
20 33 kilopascal rec20
20 34 kilopascal rec20
20 35 millilitre rec20
20 37 ounce per rec20
20 38 ounce per rec20
20 40 millilitre p rec20
20 41 millilitre p rec20
20 56 sitas rec20
20 57 mesh rec20
20 58 net kilogr rec20
20 59 part per mirec20
20 60 percent werec20
20 61 part per bi rec20
20 74 millipascalrec20
20 77 milli-inch rec20
20 80 pound per rec20
20 81 henry rec20
20 85 foot poundrec20
20 87 pound per rec20
20 89 poise rec20
20 91 stokes rec20
20 1I fixed rate rec20
20 2A radian per rec20
20 2B radian per rec20
20 2C roentgen rec20
20 2G volt AC rec20
20 2H volt DC rec20
20 2I British the rec20
20 2J cubic cent rec20
20 2K cubic foot rec20
20 2L cubic foot rec20
20 2M centimetrerec20
20 2N decibel rec20
20 2P kilobyte rec20
20 2Q kilobecquerec20
20 2R kilocurie rec20
20 2U megagramrec20
20 2X metre per rec20
20 2Y milliroentg rec20
20 2Z millivolt rec20
20 3B megajoulerec20
20 3C manmonthrec20
20 4C centistoke rec20
20 4G microlitre rec20
20 4H micrometrerec20
20 4K milliamper rec20
20 4L megabyte rec20
20 4M milligram prec20
20 4N megabecqu
20 4O microfaradrec20
20 4P newton perrec20
20 4Q ounce inchrec20
20 4R ounce footrec20
20 4T picofarad rec20
20 4U pound per rec20
20 4W ton (US) p rec20
20 4X kilolitre pe rec20
20 5A barrel (US rec20
20 5B batch rec20
20 5E MMSCF/darec20
20 5J hydraulic rec20
20 A10 ampere squ
20 A11 angstrom rec20
20 A12 astronomica
20 A13 attojoule rec20
20 A14 barn rec20
20 A15 barn per elrec20
20 A16 barn per strec20
20 A17 barn per s rec20
20 A18 becquerel rec20
20 A19 becquerel rec20
20 A2 ampere perrec20
20 A20 British the rec20
20 A21 British the rec20
20 A22 British the rec20
20 A23 British the rec20
20 A24 candela perec20
20 A26 coulomb mrec20
20 A27 coulomb me
20 A28 coulomb perec20
20 A29 coulomb perec20
20 A3 ampere perrec20
20 A30 coulomb perec20
20 A31 coulomb perec20
20 A32 coulomb perec20
20 A33 coulomb perec20
20 A34 coulomb perec20
20 A35 coulomb perec20
20 A36 cubic cent rec20
20 A37 cubic deci rec20
20 A38 cubic metrrec20
20 A39 cubic metrrec20
20 A4 ampere perrec20
20 A40 cubic metrrec20
20 A41 ampere perrec20
20 A42 curie per krec20
20 A43 deadweighrec20
20 A44 decalitre rec20
20 A45 decametrerec20
20 A47 decitex rec20
20 A48 degree Rarec20
20 A49 denier rec20
20 A5 ampere sqrec20
20 A53 electronvolrec20
20 A54 electronvolrec20
20 A55 electronvorec20
20 A56 electronvorec20
20 A59 8-part clourec20
20 A6 ampere perrec20
20 A68 exajoule rec20
20 A69 farad per rec20
20 A7 ampere perrec20
20 A70 femtojoulerec20
20 A71 femtometr rec20
20 A73 foot per s rec20
20 A74 foot poundrec20
20 A75 freight ton rec20
20 A76 gal rec20
20 A8 ampere serec20
20 A84 gigacoulomrec20
20 A85 gigaelectrorec20
20 A86 gigahertz rec20
20 A87 gigaohm rec20
20 A88 gigaohm mrec20
20 A89 gigapascalrec20
20 A9 rate rec20
20 A90 gigawatt rec20
20 A91 gon rec20
20 A93 gram per crec20
20 A94 gram per mrec20
20 A95 gray rec20
20 A96 gray per s rec20
20 A97 hectopascarec20
20 A98 henry per rec20
20 A99 bit rec20
20 AA ball rec20
20 AB bulk pack rec20
20 ACR acre rec20
20 ACT activity rec20
20 AD byte rec20
20 AE ampere perrec20
20 AH additional rec20
20 AI average mirec20
20 AK fathom rec20
20 AL access lin rec20
20 AMH ampere horec20
20 AMP ampere rec20
20 ANN year rec20
20 APZ troy ouncerec20
20 AQ anti-hemoph
20 AS assortmentrec20
20 ASM alcoholic rec20
20 ASU alcoholic rec20
20 ATM standard arec20
20 AWG american wrec20
20 AY assembly rec20
20 AZ British the rec20
20 B1 barrel (US)rec20
20 B10 bit per se rec20
20 B11 joule per krec20
20 B12 joule per mrec20
20 B13 joule per rec20
20 B14 joule per mrec20
20 B15 joule per mrec20
20 B16 joule per mrec20
20 B17 credit rec20
20 B18 joule seco rec20
20 B19 digit rec20
20 B20 joule squa rec20
20 B21 kelvin per rec20
20 B22 kiloampererec20
20 B23 kiloampererec20
20 B24 kiloampererec20
20 B25 kilobecquerrec20
20 B26 kilocoulomrec20
20 B27 kilocoulomrec20
20 B28 kilocoulomrec20
20 B29 kiloelectro rec20
20 B3 batting po rec20
20 B30 gibibit rec20
20 B31 kilogram mrec20
20 B32 kilogram mrec20
20 B33 kilogram mrec20
20 B34 kilogram prec20
20 B35 kilogram perec20
20 B4 barrel, imprec20
20 B41 kilojoule p rec20
20 B42 kilojoule p rec20
20 B43 kilojoule p rec20
20 B44 kilojoule p rec20
20 B45 kilomole rec20
20 B46 kilomole p rec20
20 B47 kilonewtonrec20
20 B48 kilonewtonrec20
20 B49 kiloohm rec20
20 B50 kiloohm merec20
20 B52 kilosecondrec20
20 B53 kilosiemenrec20
20 B54 kilosiemenrec20
20 B55 kilovolt pe rec20
20 B56 kiloweber rec20
20 B57 light year rec20
20 B58 litre per m rec20
20 B59 lumen hourec20
20 B60 lumen per rec20
20 B61 lumen per rec20
20 B62 lumen sec rec20
20 B63 lux hour rec20
20 B64 lux secondrec20
20 B66 megaamper
20 B67 megabecque
20 B68 gigabit rec20
20 B69 megacoulom
20 B7 cycle rec20
20 B70 megacoulorec20
20 B71 megaelectrrec20
20 B72 megagramrec20
20 B73 meganewtrec20
20 B74 meganewtorec20
20 B75 megaohm rec20
20 B76 megaohm rm
20 B77 megasiemerec20
20 B78 megavolt rec20
20 B79 megavolt prec20
20 B8 joule per crec20
20 B80 gigabit pe rec20
20 B81 reciprocal rec20
20 B82 inch per li rec20
20 B83 metre to threc20
20 B84 microamperec20
20 B85 microbar rec20
20 B86 microcoul rec20
20 B87 microcoulorec20
20 B88 microcoulorec20
20 B89 microfaradrec20
20 B90 microhenryrec20
20 B91 microhenryrec20
20 B92 micronewt rec20
20 B93 micronewt rec20
20 B94 microohm rec20
20 B95 microohm rec20
20 B96 micropascarec20
20 B97 microradiarec20
20 B98 microseco rec20
20 B99 microsiem rec20
20 BAR bar [unit o rec20
20 BB base box rec20
20 BFT board foot rec20
20 BHP brake horsrec20
20 BIL billion (EU rec20
20 BLD dry barrel rec20
20 BLL barrel (US)rec20
20 BP hundred borec20
20 BPM beats per rec20
20 BQL becquerel rec20
20 BTU British therrec20
20 BUA bushel (USrec20
20 BUI bushel (UKrec20
20 C0 call rec20
20 C10 millifarad rec20
20 C11 milligal rec20
20 C12 milligram rec20
20 C13 milligray rec20
20 C14 millihenry rec20
20 C15 millijoule rec20
20 C16 millimetre rec20
20 C17 millimetre rec20
20 C18 millimole rec20
20 C19 mole per krec20
20 C20 millinewtonrec20
20 C21 kibibit rec20
20 C22 millinewto rec20
20 C23 milliohm mrec20
20 C24 millipasca rec20
20 C25 milliradian rec20
20 C26 millisecondrec20
20 C27 millisieme rec20
20 C28 millisievertrec20
20 C29 millitesla rec20
20 C3 microvolt rec20
20 C30 millivolt p rec20
20 C31 milliwatt rec20
20 C32 milliwatt p rec20
20 C33 milliweber rec20
20 C34 mole rec20
20 C35 mole per crec20
20 C36 mole per crec20
20 C37 kilobit rec20
20 C38 mole per lirec20
20 C39 nanoamperec20
20 C40 nanocoulorec20
20 C41 nanofarad rec20
20 C42 nanofarad rec20
20 C43 nanohenryrec20
20 C44 nanohenryrec20
20 C45 nanometrerec20
20 C46 nanoohm m
20 C47 nanoseconrec20
20 C48 nanotesla rec20
20 C49 nanowatt rec20
20 C50 neper rec20
20 C51 neper per rec20
20 C52 picometre rec20
20 C53 newton merec20
20 C54 newton metrec20
20 C55 newton perrec20
20 C56 newton perrec20
20 C57 newton se rec20
20 C58 newton secrec20
20 C59 octave rec20
20 C60 ohm centimrec20
20 C61 ohm metrerec20
20 C62 one rec20
20 C63 parsec rec20
20 C64 pascal per rec20
20 C65 pascal secrec20
20 C66 pascal secrec20
20 C67 pascal secrec20
20 C68 petajoule rec20
20 C69 phon rec20
20 C7 centipoise rec20
20 C70 picoamperrec20
20 C71 picocoulo rec20
20 C72 picofarad rec20
20 C73 picohenry rec20
20 C74 kilobit per rec20
20 C75 picowatt rec20
20 C76 picowatt p rec20
20 C78 pound-forcrec20
20 C79 kilovolt a rec20
20 C8 millicoulo rec20
20 C80 rad rec20
20 C81 radian rec20
20 C82 radian squrec20
20 C83 radian squrec20
20 C84 radian per rec20
20 C85 reciprocal rec20
20 C86 reciprocal rec20
20 C87 reciprocal rec20
20 C88 reciprocal rec20
20 C89 reciprocal rec20
20 C9 coil group rec20
20 C90 reciprocal rec20
20 C91 reciprocal rec20
20 C92 reciprocal rec20
20 C93 reciprocal rec20
20 C94 reciprocal rec20
20 C95 reciprocal rec20
20 C96 reciprocal rec20
20 C97 reciprocal rec20
20 C99 reciprocal rec20
20 CCT carrying carec20
20 CDL candela rec20
20 CEL degree Celrec20
20 CEN hundred rec20
20 CG card rec20
20 CGM centigram rec20
20 CKG coulomb perec20
20 CLF hundred lerec20
20 CLT centilitre rec20
20 CMK square cenrec20
20 CMQ cubic cent rec20
20 CMT centimetrerec20
20 CNP hundred p rec20
20 CNT cental (UKrec20
20 COU coulomb rec20
20 CTG content gr rec20
20 CTM metric cararec20
20 CTN content tonrec20
20 CUR curie rec20
20 CWA hundred porec20
20 CWI hundred we
20 D03 kilowatt horec20
20 D04 lot [unit of rec20
20 D1 reciprocal rec20
20 D10 siemens perec20
20 D11 mebibit rec20
20 D12 siemens sqrec20
20 D13 sievert rec20
20 D15 sone rec20
20 D16 square cenrec20
20 D17 square cenrec20
20 D18 metre kelvirec20
20 D19 square metr
20 D2 reciprocal rec20
20 D20 square metrec20
20 D21 square metrec20
20 D22 square metrec20
20 D23 pen gram (rec20
20 D24 square metrec20
20 D25 square metrec20
20 D26 square metrec20
20 D27 steradian rec20
20 D29 terahertz rec20
20 D30 terajoule rec20
20 D31 terawatt rec20
20 D32 terawatt h rec20
20 D33 tesla rec20
20 D34 tex rec20
20 D36 megabit rec20
20 D41 tonne per rec20
20 D42 tropical ye rec20
20 D43 unified atorec20
20 D44 var rec20
20 D45 volt squarerec20
20 D46 volt - amperec20
20 D47 volt per cerec20
20 D48 volt per kelrec20
20 D49 millivolt perec20
20 D5 kilogram prec20
20 D50 volt per merec20
20 D51 volt per mirec20
20 D52 watt per kerec20
20 D53 watt per me
20 D54 watt per s rec20
20 D55 watt per sqrec20
20 D56 watt per sqrec20
20 D57 watt per strec20
20 D58 watt per s rec20
20 D59 weber per rec20
20 D6 roentgen prec20
20 D60 weber per rec20
20 D61 minute [unirec20
20 D62 second [unirec20
20 D63 book rec20
20 D65 round rec20
20 D68 number of rec20
20 D69 inch to therec20
20 D73 joule squa rec20
20 D74 kilogram prec20
20 D77 megacoul rec20
20 D78 megajoule rec20
20 D80 microwatt rec20
20 D81 microtesla rec20
20 D82 microvolt rec20
20 D83 millinewto rec20
20 D85 microwatt rec20
20 D86 millicoulo rec20
20 D87 millimole prec20
20 D88 millicoulo rec20
20 D89 millicoulo rec20
20 D91 rem rec20
20 D93 second perrec20
20 D94 second perrec20
20 D95 joule per rec20
20 DAA decare rec20
20 DAD ten day rec20
20 DAY day rec20
20 DB dry pound rec20
20 DD degree [unirec20
20 DEC decade rec20
20 DG decigram rec20
20 DJ decagram rec20
20 DLT decilitre rec20
20 DMA cubic decarec20
20 DMK square decrec20
20 DMO standard kilrec20
20 DMQ cubic deci rec20
20 DMT decimetre rec20
20 DN decinewtonrec20
20 DPC dozen piecrec20
20 DPR dozen pairrec20
20 DPT displacemerec20
20 DRA dram (US)rec20
20 DRI dram (UK)rec20
20 DRL dozen roll rec20
20 DT dry ton rec20
20 DTN decitonne rec20
20 DWT pennyweigrec20
20 DZN dozen rec20
20 DZP dozen pacrec20
20 E01 newton perrec20
20 E07 megawatt hrec20
20 E08 megawatt prec20
20 E09 milliamper rec20
20 E10 degree da rec20
20 E12 mille rec20
20 E14 kilocalorie rec20
20 E15 kilocalorie rec20
20 E16 million Bturec20
20 E17 cubic foot rec20
20 E18 tonne per rec20
20 E19 ping rec20
20 E20 megabit perec20
20 E21 shares rec20
20 E22 TEU rec20
20 E23 tyre rec20
20 E25 active unit rec20
20 E27 dose rec20
20 E28 air dry ton rec20
20 E30 strand rec20
20 E31 square metr
20 E32 litre per horec20
20 E33 foot per t rec20
20 E34 gigabyte rec20
20 E35 terabyte rec20
20 E36 petabyte rec20
20 E37 pixel rec20
20 E38 megapixel rec20
20 E39 dots per inrec20
20 E4 gross kilo rec20
20 E40 part per h rec20
20 E41 kilogram-forec20
20 E42 kilogram-f rec20
20 E43 joule per rec20
20 E44 kilogram-f rec20
20 E45 milliohm rec20
20 E46 kilowatt horec20
20 E47 kilowatt horec20
20 E48 service unirec20
20 E49 working darec20
20 E50 accountingrec20
20 E51 job rec20
20 E52 run foot rec20
20 E53 test rec20
20 E54 trip rec20
20 E55 use rec20
20 E56 well rec20
20 E57 zone rec20
20 E58 exabit per rec20
20 E59 exbibyte rec20
20 E60 pebibyte rec20
20 E61 tebibyte rec20
20 E62 gibibyte rec20
20 E63 mebibyte rec20
20 E64 kibibyte rec20
20 E65 exbibit perrec20
20 E66 exbibit pe rec20
20 E67 exbibit perrec20
20 E68 gigabyte prec20
20 E69 gibibit per rec20
20 E70 gibibit per rec20
20 E71 gibibit per rec20
20 E72 kibibit per rec20
20 E73 kibibit per rec20
20 E74 kibibit per rec20
20 E75 mebibit perec20
20 E76 mebibit perec20
20 E77 mebibit perec20
20 E78 petabit rec20
20 E79 petabit pe rec20
20 E80 pebibit perrec20
20 E81 pebibit pe rec20
20 E82 pebibit perrec20
20 E83 terabit rec20
20 E84 terabit per rec20
20 E85 tebibit per rec20
20 E86 tebibit per rec20
20 E87 tebibit per rec20
20 E88 bit per metrec20
20 E89 bit per squrec20
20 E90 reciprocal rec20
20 E91 reciprocal rec20
20 E92 cubic deci rec20
20 E93 kilogram prec20
20 E94 kilomole p rec20
20 E95 mole per srec20
20 E96 degree perrec20
20 E97 millimetre rec20
20 E98 degree Celrec20
20 E99 hectopascarec20
20 EA each rec20
20 EB electronic rec20
20 EQ equivalent rec20
20 F01 bit per cubrec20
20 F02 kelvin per rec20
20 F03 kilopascal rec20
20 F04 millibar pe rec20
20 F05 megapascal
20 F06 poise per rec20
20 F07 pascal perrec20
20 F08 milliampererec20
20 F10 kelvin per rec20
20 F11 kelvin per rec20
20 F12 kelvin per rec20
20 F13 slug rec20
20 F14 gram per krec20
20 F15 kilogram perec20
20 F16 milligram prec20
20 F17 pound-forcrec20
20 F18 kilogram s rec20
20 F19 kilogram sqrec20
20 F20 pound inchrec20
20 F21 pound-forcrec20
20 F22 pound-forcrec20
20 F23 gram per crec20
20 F24 kilogram perec20
20 F25 gram per hrec20
20 F26 gram per drec20
20 F27 gram per hrec20
20 F28 gram per mrec20
20 F29 gram per rec20
20 F30 kilogram prec20
20 F31 kilogram prec20
20 F32 milligram prec20
20 F33 milligram rec20
20 F34 milligram rec20
20 F35 gram per drec20
20 F36 gram per hrec20
20 F37 gram per mrec20
20 F38 gram per srec20
20 F39 kilogram perec20
20 F40 kilogram perec20
20 F41 kilogram perec20
20 F42 kilogram prec20
20 F43 milligram prec20
20 F44 milligram prec20
20 F45 milligram prec20
20 F46 milligram prec20
20 F47 newton perrec20
20 F48 pound-forcrec20
20 F49 rod [unit o rec20
20 F50 micrometrerec20
20 F51 centimetre rec20
20 F52 metre per krec20
20 F53 millimetre rec20
20 F54 milliohm p rec20
20 F55 ohm per mil
20 F56 ohm per kirec20
20 F57 milliamper rec20
20 F58 reciprocal rec20
20 F59 milliamper rec20
20 F60 degree Celrec20
20 F61 kelvin per rec20
20 F62 gram per drec20
20 F63 gram per hrec20
20 F64 gram per mrec20
20 F65 gram per srec20
20 F66 kilogram prec20
20 F67 kilogram prec20
20 F68 kilogram prec20
20 F69 kilogram prec20
20 F70 milligram prec20
20 F71 milligram prec20
20 F72 milligram prec20
20 F73 milligram rec20
20 F74 gram per brec20
20 F75 milligram prec20
20 F76 milliampererec20
20 F77 pascal secrec20
20 F78 inch of watrec20
20 F79 inch of merec20
20 F80 water horsrec20
20 F81 bar per kelrec20
20 F82 hectopascarec20
20 F83 kilopascal rec20
20 F84 millibar perrec20
20 F85 megapascal
20 F86 poise per krec20
20 F87 volt per lit rec20
20 F88 newton cenrec20
20 F89 newton metrec20
20 F90 newton metrec20
20 F91 bar litre p rec20
20 F92 bar cubic rec20
20 F93 hectopascal
20 F94 hectopascarec20
20 F95 millibar li rec20
20 F96 millibar cu rec20
20 F97 megapascal
20 F98 megapascal
20 F99 pascal litr rec20
20 FAH degree Fahrec20
20 FAR farad rec20
20 FBM fibre metrerec20
20 FC thousand crec20
20 FF hundred curec20
20 FH micromole rec20
20 FIT failures in rec20
20 FL flake ton rec20
20 FOT foot rec20
20 FP pound per rec20
20 FR foot per mirec20
20 FS foot per s rec20
20 FTK square foorec20
20 FTQ cubic foot rec20
20 G01 pascal cubrec20
20 G04 centimetrerec20
20 G05 metre per rec20
20 G06 millimetre rec20
20 G08 square increc20
20 G09 square metrec20
20 G10 stokes per rec20
20 G11 gram per crec20
20 G12 gram per crec20
20 G13 gram per lirec20
20 G14 gram per crec20
20 G15 gram per mil
20 G16 kilogram perec20
20 G17 kilogram perec20
20 G18 kilogram prec20
20 G19 newton metrec20
20 G2 US gallon rec20
20 G20 pound-forcrec20
20 G21 cup [unit orec20
20 G23 peck rec20
20 G24 tablespoonrec20
20 G25 teaspoon (rec20
20 G26 stere rec20
20 G27 cubic centirec20
20 G28 litre per kerec20
20 G29 cubic metrerec20
20 G3 Imperial garec20
20 G30 millilitre p rec20
20 G31 kilogram prec20
20 G32 ounce (avorec20
20 G33 gram per crec20
20 G34 gram per crec20
20 G35 gram per lirec20
20 G36 gram per crec20
20 G37 gram per mil
20 G38 kilogram perec20
20 G39 kilogram perec20
20 G40 kilogram perec20
20 G41 square metrec20
20 G42 microsiemerec20
20 G43 microsiemerec20
20 G44 nanosiemen
20 G45 nanosiemerec20
20 G46 stokes perrec20
20 G47 cubic cent rec20
20 G48 cubic cent rec20
20 G49 cubic cent rec20
20 G50 gallon (USrec20
20 G51 litre per s rec20
20 G52 cubic metrrec20
20 G53 cubic metrrec20
20 G54 millilitre p rec20
20 G55 millilitre p rec20
20 G56 cubic inch rec20
20 G57 cubic inch rec20
20 G58 cubic inch rec20
20 G59 milliampererec20
20 G60 volt per barec20
20 G61 cubic centirec20
20 G62 cubic centirec20
20 G63 cubic centirec20
20 G64 cubic cent rec20
20 G65 litre per darec20
20 G66 litre per horec20
20 G67 litre per m rec20
20 G68 litre per s rec20
20 G69 cubic metrerec20
20 G70 cubic metrerec20
20 G71 cubic metrerec20
20 G72 cubic metrrec20
20 G73 millilitre p rec20
20 G74 millilitre p rec20
20 G75 millilitre p rec20
20 G76 millilitre p rec20
20 G77 millimetre rec20
20 G78 cubic cent rec20
20 G79 cubic centirec20
20 G80 cubic cent rec20
20 G81 cubic cent rec20
20 G82 litre per d rec20
20 G83 litre per horec20
20 G84 litre per m rec20
20 G85 litre per s rec20
20 G86 cubic metrrec20
20 G87 cubic metrrec20
20 G88 cubic metrrec20
20 G89 cubic metrrec20
20 G90 millilitre p rec20
20 G91 millilitre p rec20
20 G92 millilitre p rec20
20 G93 millilitre rec20
20 G94 cubic centirec20
20 G95 litre per barec20
20 G96 cubic metrrec20
20 G97 millilitre p rec20
20 G98 microhenryrec20
20 G99 microhenryrec20
20 GB gallon (USrec20
20 GBQ gigabecquerec20
20 GDW gram, dry rec20
20 GE pound per rec20
20 GF gram per mrec20
20 GFI gram of fisrec20
20 GGR great gros rec20
20 GIA gill (US) rec20
20 GIC gram, inclurec20
20 GII gill (UK) rec20
20 GIP gram, incl rec20
20 GJ gram per mil
20 GL gram per lirec20
20 GLD dry gallon rec20
20 GLI gallon (UKrec20
20 GLL gallon (USrec20
20 GM gram per srec20
20 GO milligram rec20
20 GP milligram prec20
20 GQ microgramrec20
20 GRM gram rec20
20 GRN grain rec20
20 GRO gross rec20
20 GV gigajoule rec20
20 GWH gigawatt h rec20
20 H03 henry per rec20
20 H04 henry per rec20
20 H05 millihenry rec20
20 H06 millihenry rec20
20 H07 pascal secrec20
20 H08 microbecqurec20
20 H09 reciprocal rec20
20 H10 reciprocal rec20
20 H11 reciprocal rec20
20 H12 degree Celrec20
20 H13 degree Celrec20
20 H14 degree Celrec20
20 H15 square cenrec20
20 H16 square de rec20
20 H18 square hecrec20
20 H19 cubic hect rec20
20 H20 cubic kilomrec20
20 H21 blank rec20
20 H22 volt squarerec20
20 H23 volt per in rec20
20 H24 volt per m rec20
20 H25 percent perrec20
20 H26 ohm per mrec20
20 H27 degree perrec20
20 H28 microfaradrec20
20 H29 microgramrec20
20 H30 square micrec20
20 H31 ampere perrec20
20 H32 ampere sqrec20
20 H33 farad per krec20
20 H34 hertz metr rec20
20 H35 kelvin metrrec20
20 H36 megaohm rpec20
20 H37 megaohm rpec20
20 H38 megaamperec20
20 H39 megahertzrec20
20 H40 newton perec20
20 H41 newton metrec20
20 H42 pascal perrec20
20 H43 siemens perec20
20 H44 teraohm rec20
20 H45 volt secon rec20
20 H46 volt per s rec20
20 H47 watt per c rec20
20 H48 attofarad rec20
20 H49 centimetrerec20
20 H50 reciprocal rec20
20 H51 decibel perrec20
20 H52 decibel pe rec20
20 H53 kilogram prec20
20 H54 kilogram perec20
20 H55 kilogram prec20
20 H56 kilogram prec20
20 H57 inch per twrec20
20 H58 metre per rec20
20 H59 square metrec20
20 H60 cubic metrrec20
20 H61 millisiemenrec20
20 H62 millivolt p rec20
20 H63 milligram rec20
20 H64 milligram rec20
20 H65 millilitre p rec20
20 H66 millimetre rec20
20 H67 millimetre rec20
20 H68 millimole rec20
20 H69 picopascalrec20
20 H70 picosecon rec20
20 H71 percent perec20
20 H72 percent perec20
20 H73 percent perec20
20 H74 watt per mrec20
20 H75 decapascarec20
20 H76 gram per mrec20
20 H77 module widrec20
20 H79 French ga rec20
20 H80 rack unit rec20
20 H81 millimetre rec20
20 H82 big point rec20
20 H83 litre per k rec20
20 H84 gram milli rec20
20 H85 reciprocal rec20
20 H87 piece rec20
20 H88 megaohm rkec20
20 H89 percent perec20
20 H90 percent perec20
20 H91 percent perec20
20 H92 percent perec20
20 H93 percent perec20
20 H94 percent perec20
20 H95 percent perrec20
20 H96 percent perec20
20 H98 percent perrec20
20 H99 percent perec20
20 HA hank rec20
20 HBA hectobar rec20
20 HBX hundred b rec20
20 HC hundred corec20
20 HDW hundred kirec20
20 HEA head rec20
20 HGM hectogramrec20
20 HH hundred curec20
20 HIU hundred intrec20
20 HKM hundred kirec20
20 HLT hectolitre rec20
20 HM mile per horec20
20 HMQ million cubrec20
20 HMT hectometr rec20
20 HPA hectolitre rec20
20 HTZ hertz rec20
20 HUR hour rec20
20 IA inch poundrec20
20 IE person rec20
20 INH inch rec20
20 INK square increc20
20 INQ cubic inch rec20
20 ISD internationrec20
20 IU inch per s rec20
20 IUG internationrec20
20 IV inch per s rec20
20 J10 percent perrec20
20 J12 per mille prec20
20 J13 degree APrec20
20 J14 degree Baurec20
20 J15 degree Barec20
20 J16 degree Baurec20
20 J17 degree Balrec20
20 J18 degree Brirec20
20 J19 degree Fahr
20 J2 joule per krec20
20 J20 degree Fahrec20
20 J21 degree Fahrec20
20 J22 degree Fahr
20 J23 degree Fahrec20
20 J24 degree Fahrec20
20 J25 degree Fahrec20
20 J26 reciprocal rec20
20 J27 degree Oerec20
20 J28 degree Ran
20 J29 degree Ran
20 J30 degree Ran
20 J31 degree Twa
20 J32 micropoiserec20
20 J33 microgramrec20
20 J34 microgramrec20
20 J35 microgramrec20
20 J36 microlitre prec20
20 J38 baud rec20
20 J39 British the rec20
20 J40 British the rec20
20 J41 British the rec20
20 J42 British the rec20
20 J43 British the rec20
20 J44 British the rec20
20 J45 British the rec20
20 J46 British the rec20
20 J47 British the rec20
20 J48 British the rec20
20 J49 British th rec20
20 J50 British th rec20
20 J51 British the rec20
20 J52 British the rec20
20 J53 coulomb sqrec20
20 J54 megabaudrec20
20 J55 watt seconrec20
20 J56 bar per barrec20
20 J57 barrel (UK rec20
20 J58 barrel (UK rec20
20 J59 barrel (UK rec20
20 J60 barrel (UK rec20
20 J61 barrel (UK rec20
20 J62 barrel (US rec20
20 J63 barrel (US rec20
20 J64 bushel (UKrec20
20 J65 bushel (UKrec20
20 J66 bushel (UKrec20
20 J67 bushel (UKrec20
20 J68 bushel (USrec20
20 J69 bushel (USrec20
20 J70 bushel (USrec20
20 J71 bushel (USrec20
20 J72 centinewtorec20
20 J73 centipoise rec20
20 J74 centipoise rec20
20 J75 calorie (m rec20
20 J76 calorie (in rec20
20 J78 calorie (t rec20
20 J79 calorie (t rec20
20 J81 calorie (t rec20
20 J82 calorie (t rec20
20 J83 clo rec20
20 J84 centimetrerec20
20 J85 centimetrerec20
20 J87 cubic cent rec20
20 J90 cubic deci rec20
20 J91 cubic deci rec20
20 J92 cubic deci rec20
20 J93 cubic deci rec20
20 J95 ounce (UKrec20
20 J96 ounce (UKrec20
20 J97 ounce (UKrec20
20 J98 ounce (UKrec20
20 J99 ounce (USrec20
20 JE joule per krec20
20 JK megajoule rec20
20 JM megajoule rec20
20 JNT pipeline joirec20
20 JOU joule rec20
20 JPS hundred mrec20
20 JWL number of rec20
20 K1 kilowatt d rec20
20 K10 ounce (USrec20
20 K11 ounce (USrec20
20 K12 ounce (USrec20
20 K13 foot per d rec20
20 K14 foot per horec20
20 K15 foot poundrec20
20 K16 foot poundrec20
20 K17 foot per psrec20
20 K18 foot per s rec20
20 K19 foot per serec20
20 K2 kilovolt a rec20
20 K20 reciprocal rec20
20 K21 cubic foot rec20
20 K22 cubic foot rec20
20 K23 cubic foot rec20
20 K26 gallon (UKrec20
20 K27 gallon (UKrec20
20 K28 gallon (UKrec20
20 K3 kilovolt amrec20
20 K30 gallon (US rec20
20 K31 gram-forcerec20
20 K32 gill (UK) p rec20
20 K33 gill (UK) p rec20
20 K34 gill (UK) p rec20
20 K35 gill (UK) p rec20
20 K36 gill (US) p rec20
20 K37 gill (US) p rec20
20 K38 gill (US) p rec20
20 K39 gill (US) p rec20
20 K40 standard ac
20 K41 grain per grec20
20 K42 horsepower
20 K43 horsepower
20 K45 inch per d rec20
20 K46 inch per psrec20
20 K47 inch per s rec20
20 K48 inch per s rec20
20 K49 reciprocal rec20
20 K50 kilobaud rec20
20 K51 kilocalorie rec20
20 K52 kilocalorie rec20
20 K53 kilocalorie rec20
20 K54 kilocalorie rec20
20 K55 kilocalori rec20
20 K58 kilomole p rec20
20 K59 kilomole perec20
20 K6 kilolitre rec20
20 K60 kilomole perec20
20 K61 kilomole p rec20
20 K62 litre per lit rec20
20 K63 reciprocal lrec20
20 K64 pound (avorec20
20 K65 pound (avorec20
20 K66 pound (avorec20
20 K67 pound per rec20
20 K68 pound per rec20
20 K69 pound (avorec20
20 K70 pound (avoi
20 K71 pound (avorec20
20 K73 pound (avorec20
20 K74 pound (avorec20
20 K75 pound (avorec20
20 K76 pound (avoi
20 K77 pound (avorec20
20 K78 pound (avorec20
20 K79 pound (avorec20
20 K80 pound (avorec20
20 K81 pound (avorec20
20 K82 pound (avorec20
20 K83 pound (avorec20
20 K84 pound per rec20
20 K85 pound-forcrec20
20 K86 pound-forcrec20
20 K87 psi cubic rec20
20 K88 psi litre p rec20
20 K89 psi cubic rec20
20 K90 psi cubic rec20
20 K91 pound-forcrec20
20 K92 pound-forcrec20
20 K93 reciprocal rec20
20 K94 quart (UK lrec20
20 K95 quart (UK lrec20
20 K96 quart (UK lrec20
20 K97 quart (UK lrec20
20 K98 quart (US lrec20
20 K99 quart (US lrec20
20 KA cake rec20
20 KAT katal rec20
20 KB kilocharactrec20
20 KBA kilobar rec20
20 KCC kilogram ofrec20
20 KDW kilogram drec20
20 KEL kelvin rec20
20 KGM kilogram rec20
20 KGS kilogram prec20
20 KHY kilogram orec20
20 KHZ kilohertz rec20
20 KI kilogram perec20
20 KIC kilogram, i rec20
20 KIP kilogram, i rec20
20 KJ kilosegmenrec20
20 KJO kilojoule rec20
20 KL kilogram prec20
20 KLK lactic dry rec20
20 KLX kilolux rec20
20 KMA kilogram orec20
20 KMH kilometre prec20
20 KMK square kil rec20
20 KMQ kilogram prec20
20 KMT kilometre rec20
20 KNI kilogram ofrec20
20 KNM kilonewtonrec20
20 KNS kilogram nrec20
20 KNT knot rec20
20 KO milliequivarec20
20 KPA kilopascal rec20
20 KPH kilogram orec20
20 KPO kilogram orec20
20 KPP kilogram orec20
20 KR kiloroentg rec20
20 KSD kilogram orec20
20 KSH kilogram orec20
20 KT kit rec20
20 KTN kilotonne rec20
20 KUR kilogram orec20
20 KVA kilovolt - rec20
20 KVR kilovar rec20
20 KVT kilovolt rec20
20 KW kilogram perec20
20 KWH kilowatt horec20
20 KWN Kilowatt h rec20
20 KWO kilogram ofrec20
20 KWS Kilowatt h rec20
20 KWT kilowatt rec20
20 KX millilitre p rec20
20 L10 quart (US lrec20
20 L11 quart (US lrec20
20 L12 metre per rec20
20 L13 metre per rec20
20 L14 square metr
20 L15 millipascalrec20
20 L16 millipascalrec20
20 L17 milligram prec20
20 L18 milligram prec20
20 L19 millilitre perec20
20 L2 litre per m rec20
20 L20 reciprocal rec20
20 L21 cubic milli rec20
20 L23 mole per hrec20
20 L24 mole per kirec20
20 L25 mole per krec20
20 L26 mole per lirec20
20 L27 mole per lirec20
20 L28 mole per crec20
20 L29 mole per crec20
20 L30 mole per mrec20
20 L31 milliroent rec20
20 L32 nanogram rpec20
20 L33 ounce (avorec20
20 L34 ounce (avorec20
20 L35 ounce (avorec20
20 L36 ounce (avorec20
20 L37 ounce (avorec20
20 L38 ounce (avorec20
20 L39 ounce (avoirec20
20 L40 ounce (avorec20
20 L41 ounce (avoirec20
20 L42 picosiemenrec20
20 L43 peck (UK) rec20
20 L44 peck (UK) rec20
20 L45 peck (UK) rec20
20 L46 peck (UK) rec20
20 L47 peck (UK) rec20
20 L48 peck (US drec20
20 L49 peck (US drec20
20 L50 peck (US drec20
20 L51 peck (US drec20
20 L52 psi per psi rec20
20 L53 pint (UK) prec20
20 L54 pint (UK) prec20
20 L55 pint (UK) prec20
20 L56 pint (UK) rec20
20 L57 pint (US li rec20
20 L58 pint (US li rec20
20 L59 pint (US li rec20
20 L60 pint (US li rec20
20 L63 slug per d rec20
20 L64 slug per f rec20
20 L65 slug per curec20
20 L66 slug per h rec20
20 L67 slug per mrec20
20 L68 slug per s rec20
20 L69 tonne per krec20
20 L70 tonne per rec20
20 L71 tonne per rec20
20 L72 tonne per drec20
20 L73 tonne per rec20
20 L74 tonne per hrec20
20 L75 tonne per rec20
20 L76 tonne per crec20
20 L77 tonne per rec20
20 L78 tonne per rec20
20 L79 tonne per rec20
20 L80 tonne per rec20
20 L81 tonne per rec20
20 L82 tonne per rec20
20 L83 tonne per rec20
20 L84 ton (UK shrec20
20 L85 ton long p rec20
20 L86 ton (US shrec20
20 L87 ton short rec20
20 L88 ton short prec20
20 L89 ton short rec20
20 L90 ton short prec20
20 L91 ton short prec20
20 L92 ton (UK lonrec20
20 L93 ton (US sho
20 L94 ton-force ( rec20
20 L95 common yerec20
20 L96 sidereal yerec20
20 L98 yard per d rec20
20 L99 yard per psrec20
20 LA pound per rec20
20 LAC lactose ex rec20
20 LBR pound rec20
20 LBT troy poundrec20
20 LD litre per darec20
20 LEF leaf rec20
20 LF linear foot rec20
20 LH labour hourec20
20 LK link rec20
20 LM linear metrrec20
20 LN length rec20
20 LO lot [unit o rec20
20 LP liquid pou rec20
20 LPA litre of pur rec20
20 LR layer rec20
20 LS lump sum rec20
20 LTN ton (UK) orrec20
20 LTR litre rec20
20 LUB metric ton, rec20
20 LUM lumen rec20
20 LUX lux rec20
20 LY linear yardrec20
20 M1 milligram pe
20 M10 reciprocal rec20
20 M11 cubic yard rec20
20 M12 cubic yard rec20
20 M13 cubic yard rec20
20 M14 cubic yard rec20
20 M15 cubic yard rec20
20 M16 cubic yard rec20
20 M17 kilohertz mrec20
20 M18 gigahertz rec20
20 M19 Beaufort rec20
20 M20 reciprocal rec20
20 M21 reciprocal rec20
20 M22 millilitre rec20
20 M23 newton perrec20
20 M24 ohm kilomerec20
20 M25 percent perec20
20 M26 gigaohm pe
20 M27 megahertzrec20
20 M29 kilogram prec20
20 M30 reciprocal rec20
20 M31 kilogram perec20
20 M32 pascal seco
20 M33 millimole pe
20 M34 newton metrec20
20 M35 millivolt - rec20
20 M36 30-day morec20
20 M37 actual/360rec20
20 M38 kilometre rec20
20 M39 centimetrerec20
20 M4 monetary vrec20
20 M40 yard per s rec20
20 M41 millimetre rec20
20 M42 mile (staturec20
20 M43 mil rec20
20 M44 revolution rec20
20 M45 degree [unrec20
20 M46 revolution rec20
20 M47 circular milrec20
20 M48 square milrec20
20 M49 chain (basrec20
20 M5 microcurie rec20
20 M50 furlong rec20
20 M51 foot (U.S. rec20
20 M52 mile (basedrec20
20 M53 metre per rec20
20 M55 metre per rrec20
20 M56 shake rec20
20 M57 mile per mrec20
20 M58 mile per s rec20
20 M59 metre per rec20
20 M60 metre per rec20
20 M61 inch per yerec20
20 M62 kilometre rec20
20 M63 inch per mrec20
20 M64 yard per s rec20
20 M65 yard per mrec20
20 M66 yard per h rec20
20 M67 acre-foot ( rec20
20 M68 cord (128 frec20
20 M69 cubic mile rec20
20 M7 micro-inch rec20
20 M70 ton, registerec20
20 M71 cubic metrrec20
20 M72 bel rec20
20 M73 kilogram prec20
20 M74 kilogram prec20
20 M75 kilopound-rec20
20 M76 poundal rec20
20 M77 kilogram mrec20
20 M78 pond rec20
20 M79 square foorec20
20 M80 stokes perrec20
20 M81 square cenrec20
20 M82 square metrec20
20 M83 denier rec20
20 M84 pound per rec20
20 M85 ton, assay rec20
20 M86 pfund rec20
20 M87 kilogram prec20
20 M88 tonne per rec20
20 M89 tonne per rec20
20 M9 million Bturec20
20 M90 kilopound rec20
20 M91 pound per rec20
20 M92 pound-forcrec20
20 M93 newton metrec20
20 M94 kilogram mrec20
20 M95 poundal forec20
20 M96 poundal inrec20
20 M97 dyne metr rec20
20 M98 kilogram c rec20
20 M99 gram centirec20
20 MAH megavolt arec20
20 MAL megalitre rec20
20 MAM megametr rec20
20 MAR megavar rec20
20 MAW megawatt rec20
20 MBE thousand srec20
20 MBF thousand brec20
20 MBR millibar rec20
20 MC microgramrec20
20 MCU millicurie rec20
20 MD air dry metrec20
20 MGM milligram rec20
20 MHZ megahertzrec20
20 MIK square milerec20
20 MIL thousand rec20
20 MIN minute [unirec20
20 MIO million rec20
20 MIU million interec20
20 MLD milliard rec20
20 MLT millilitre rec20
20 MMK square millrec20
20 MMQ cubic milli rec20
20 MMT millimetre rec20
20 MND kilogram, drec20
20 MON month rec20
20 MPA megapascarec20
20 MQH cubic metrrec20
20 MQS cubic metrrec20
20 MSK metre per rec20
20 MTK square metrec20
20 MTQ cubic metrrec20
20 MTR metre rec20
20 MTS metre per rec20
20 MVA megavolt -rec20
20 MWH megawatt hrec20
20 N1 pen calorierec20
20 N10 pound footrec20
20 N11 pound inchrec20
20 N12 Pferdestaerec20
20 N13 centimetre rec20
20 N14 centimetre rec20
20 N15 foot of watrec20
20 N16 inch of merrec20
20 N17 inch of merrec20
20 N18 inch of watrec20
20 N19 inch of watrec20
20 N20 kip per squrec20
20 N21 poundal perec20
20 N22 ounce (avorec20
20 N23 conventionrec20
20 N24 gram per srec20
20 N25 pound per rec20
20 N26 poundal perec20
20 N27 foot to the rec20
20 N28 cubic deci rec20
20 N29 cubic foot rec20
20 N3 print point rec20
20 N30 cubic inch rec20
20 N31 kilonewtonrec20
20 N32 poundal perec20
20 N33 pound-forcrec20
20 N34 poundal serec20
20 N35 poise per rec20
20 N36 newton secrec20
20 N37 kilogram prec20
20 N38 kilogram prec20
20 N39 kilogram prec20
20 N40 kilogram prec20
20 N41 gram per crec20
20 N42 poundal serec20
20 N43 pound per rec20
20 N44 pound per rec20
20 N45 cubic metrrec20
20 N46 foot poundrec20
20 N47 inch poundrec20
20 N48 watt per s rec20
20 N49 watt per s rec20
20 N50 British the rec20
20 N51 British the rec20
20 N52 British the rec20
20 N53 British the rec20
20 N54 British the rec20
20 N55 British the rec20
20 N56 calorie (t rec20
20 N57 calorie (t rec20
20 N58 British the rec20
20 N59 British the rec20
20 N60 British the rec20
20 N61 British the rec20
20 N62 British the rec20
20 N63 British th rec20
20 N64 British th rec20
20 N65 kilocalorie rec20
20 N66 British the rec20
20 N67 British the rec20
20 N68 British the rec20
20 N69 calorie (20rec20
20 N70 quad (1015rec20
20 N71 therm (EC)rec20
20 N72 therm (U.Srec20
20 N73 British the rec20
20 N74 British the rec20
20 N75 British the rec20
20 N76 British the rec20
20 N77 British th rec20
20 N78 kilowatt perec20
20 N79 kelvin per rec20
20 N80 watt per mrec20
20 N81 kilowatt perec20
20 N82 kilowatt p rec20
20 N83 metre per rec20
20 N84 degree Fahr
20 N85 degree Fahrec20
20 N86 degree Fahr
20 N87 degree Fahrec20
20 N88 degree Fahr
20 N89 degree Fahr
20 N90 kilofarad rec20
20 N91 reciprocal rec20
20 N92 picosieme rec20
20 N93 ampere perrec20
20 N94 franklin rec20
20 N95 ampere mirec20
20 N96 biot rec20
20 N97 gilbert rec20
20 N98 volt per parec20
20 N99 picovolt rec20
20 NA milligram prec20
20 NAR number of raec20
20 NCL number of rec20
20 NEW newton rec20
20 NF message rec20
20 NIL nil rec20
20 NIU number of riec20
20 NL load rec20
20 NM3 Normalisedrec20
20 NMI nautical mirec20
20 NMP number of rec20
20 NPT number of rec20
20 NT net ton rec20
20 NU newton merec20
20 NX part per t rec20
20 OA panel rec20
20 ODE ozone deplrec20
20 ODG ODS Gramrec20
20 ODK ODS Kilogrec20
20 ODM ODS Milligrec20
20 OHM ohm rec20
20 ON ounce per rec20
20 ONZ ounce (avorec20
20 OPM oscillation rec20
20 OT overtime hrec20
20 OZA fluid ouncerec20
20 OZI fluid ouncerec20
20 P1 percent rec20
20 P10 coulomb perec20
20 P11 kiloweber rec20
20 P12 gamma rec20
20 P13 kilotesla rec20
20 P14 joule per rec20
20 P15 joule per mrec20
20 P16 joule per hrec20
20 P17 joule per drec20
20 P18 kilojoule p rec20
20 P19 kilojoule p rec20
20 P2 pound per rec20
20 P20 kilojoule p rec20
20 P21 kilojoule p rec20
20 P22 nanoohm rec20
20 P23 ohm circularec20
20 P24 kilohenry rec20
20 P25 lumen per rec20
20 P26 phot rec20
20 P27 footcandlerec20
20 P28 candela perec20
20 P29 footlamberrec20
20 P30 lambert rec20
20 P31 stilb rec20
20 P32 candela perec20
20 P33 kilocandel rec20
20 P34 millicandelrec20
20 P35 Hefner-Kerrec20
20 P36 internationrec20
20 P37 British the rec20
20 P38 British the rec20
20 P39 calorie (t rec20
20 P40 langley rec20
20 P41 decade (lorec20
20 P42 pascal squrec20
20 P43 bel per merec20
20 P44 pound molrec20
20 P45 pound mole
20 P46 pound mole
20 P47 kilomole p rec20
20 P48 pound molrec20
20 P49 newton squrec20
20 P5 five pack rec20
20 P50 weber metrec20
20 P51 mol per ki rec20
20 P52 mol per curec20
20 P53 unit pole rec20
20 P54 milligray p rec20
20 P55 microgray rec20
20 P56 nanogray prec20
20 P57 gray per mrec20
20 P58 milligray p rec20
20 P59 microgray rec20
20 P60 nanogray prec20
20 P61 gray per h rec20
20 P62 milligray p rec20
20 P63 microgray rec20
20 P64 nanogray prec20
20 P65 sievert pe rec20
20 P66 millisiever rec20
20 P67 microsieverec20
20 P68 nanosieverrec20
20 P69 rem per serec20
20 P70 sievert perrec20
20 P71 millisiever rec20
20 P72 microsieverrec20
20 P73 nanosieverrec20
20 P74 sievert perrec20
20 P75 millisiever rec20
20 P76 microsieverec20
20 P77 nanosieverrec20
20 P78 reciprocal rec20
20 P79 pascal squrec20
20 P80 millipascalrec20
20 P81 kilopascal rec20
20 P82 hectopascarec20
20 P83 standard arec20
20 P84 technical rec20
20 P85 torr per merec20
20 P86 psi per inc rec20
20 P87 cubic metrrec20
20 P88 rhe rec20
20 P89 pound-force
20 P90 pound-forcrec20
20 P91 perm (0 ºCrec20
20 P92 perm (23 ºrec20
20 P93 byte per s rec20
20 P94 kilobyte p rec20
20 P95 megabyte rec20
20 P96 reciprocal rec20
20 P97 reciprocal rec20
20 P98 pascal to rec20
20 P99 mole per crec20
20 PAL pascal rec20
20 PD pad rec20
20 PFL proof litre rec20
20 PGL proof gallorec20
20 PI pitch rec20
20 PLA degree Plarec20
20 PO pound per riec20
20 PQ page per i rec20
20 PR pair rec20
20 PS pound-forcrec20
20 PTD dry pint (Urec20
20 PTI pint (UK) rec20
20 PTL liquid pint rec20
20 PTN portion rec20
20 Q10 joule per t rec20
20 Q11 erlang rec20
20 Q12 octet rec20
20 Q13 octet per rec20
20 Q14 shannon rec20
20 Q15 hartley rec20
20 Q16 natural unirec20
20 Q17 shannon prec20
20 Q18 hartley pe rec20
20 Q19 natural unirec20
20 Q20 second perrec20
20 Q21 watt squarrec20
20 Q22 second perrec20
20 Q23 weber to t rec20
20 Q24 reciprocal rec20
20 Q25 dioptre rec20
20 Q26 one per onrec20
20 Q27 newton metrec20
20 Q28 kilogram prec20
20 Q29 microgramrec20
20 Q30 pH (potentrec20
20 Q31 kilojoule p rec20
20 Q32 femtolitre rec20
20 Q33 picolitre rec20
20 Q34 nanolitre rec20
20 Q35 megawattsrec20
20 Q36 square metrec20
20 Q37 Standard crec20
20 Q38 Standard crec20
20 Q39 Normalizedrec20
20 Q40 Normalizedrec20
20 Q41 Joule per rec20
20 Q42 Joule per rec20
20 Q3 meal rec20
20 QA page - facsrec20
20 QAN quarter (ofrec20
20 QB page - har rec20
20 QR quire rec20
20 QTD dry quart ( rec20
20 QTI quart (UK)rec20
20 QTL liquid quarrec20
20 QTR quarter (U rec20
20 R1 pica rec20
20 R9 thousand crec20
20 RH running or rec20
20 RM ream rec20
20 ROM room rec20
20 RP pound per rec20
20 RPM revolutionsrec20
20 RPS revolution rec20
20 RT revenue torec20
20 S3 square foorec20
20 S4 square metrec20
20 SAN half year ( rec20
20 SCO score rec20
20 SCR scruple rec20
20 SEC second [unirec20
20 SET set rec20
20 SG segment rec20
20 SIE siemens rec20
20 SM3 Standard crec20
20 SMI mile (staturec20
20 SQ square rec20
20 SQR square, roorec20
20 SR strip rec20
20 STC stick rec20
20 STI stone (UK)rec20
20 STK stick, cigarrec20
20 STL standard lirec20
20 STN ton (US) o rec20
20 STW straw rec20
20 SW skein rec20
20 SX shipment rec20
20 SYR syringe rec20
20 T0 telecommuni
20 T3 thousand prec20
20 TAH kiloampererec20
20 TAN total acid rec20
20 TI thousand srec20
20 TIC metric ton,rec20
20 TIP metric ton,rec20
20 TKM tonne kilo rec20
20 TMS kilogram ofrec20
20 TNE tonne (metrrec20
20 TP ten pack rec20
20 TPI teeth per i rec20
20 TPR ten pair rec20
20 TQD thousand crec20
20 TRL trillion (EU rec20
20 TST ten set rec20
20 TTS ten thousarec20
20 U1 treatment rec20
20 U2 tablet rec20
20 UB telecommun
20 UC telecommun
20 VA volt - amperec20
20 VLT volt rec20
20 VP percent vorec20
20 W2 wet kilo rec20
20 WA watt per ki rec20
20 WB wet poundrec20
20 WCD cord rec20
20 WE wet ton rec20
20 WEB weber rec20
20 WEE week rec20
20 WG wine gallo rec20
20 WHR watt hour rec20
20 WM working m rec20
20 WSD standard rec20
20 WTT watt rec20
20 X1 Gunter's c rec20
20 YDK square yarrec20
20 YDQ cubic yard rec20
20 YRD yard rec20
20 Z11 hanging corec20
20 ZP page rec20
20 ZZ mutually d rec20
20 X1A Drum, steerec21
20 X1B Drum, alu rec21
20 X1D Drum, ply rec21
20 X1F Container, rec21
20 X1G Drum, fibrerec21
20 X1W Drum, woorec21
20 X2C Barrel, wo rec21
20 X3A Jerrican, srec21
20 X3H Jerrican, prec21
20 X43 Bag, superrec21
20 X44 Bag, polybrec21
20 X4A Box, steel rec21
20 X4B Box, alumirec21
20 X4C Box, natur rec21
20 X4D Box, plyworec21
20 X4F Box, reconrec21
20 X4G Box, fibre rec21
20 X4H Box, plastirec21
20 X5H Bag, woven
20 X5L Bag, textil rec21
20 X5M Bag, paperrec21
20 X6H Compositerec21
20 X6P Compositerec21
20 X7A Case, car rec21
20 X7B Case, woorec21
20 X8A Pallet, wo rec21
20 X8B Crate, wo rec21
20 X8C Bundle, w rec21
20 XAA Intermediatrec21
20 XAB Receptacle,
20 XAC Receptaclerec21
20 XAD Receptacl rec21
20 XAE Aerosol rec21
20 XAF Pallet, mo rec21
20 XAG Pallet, sh rec21
20 XAH Pallet, 10 rec21
20 XAI Clamshell rec21
20 XAJ Cone rec21
20 XAL Ball rec21
20 XAM Ampoule, nrec21
20 XAP Ampoule, prec21
20 XAT Atomizer rec21
20 XAV Capsule rec21
20 XB4 Belt rec21
20 XBA Barrel rec21
20 XBB Bobbin rec21
20 XBC Bottlecraterec21
20 XBD Board rec21
20 XBE Bundle rec21
20 XBF Balloon, n rec21
20 XBG Bag rec21
20 XBH Bunch rec21
20 XBI Bin rec21
20 XBJ Bucket rec21
20 XBK Basket rec21
20 XBL Bale, com rec21
20 XBM Basin rec21
20 XBN Bale, non rec21
20 XBO Bottle, nonrec21
20 XBP Balloon, prrec21
20 XBQ Bottle, pro rec21
20 XBR Bar rec21
20 XBS Bottle, nonrec21
20 XBT Bolt rec21
20 XBU Butt rec21
20 XBV Bottle, pro rec21
20 XBW Box, for li rec21
20 XBX Box rec21
20 XBY Board, in rec21
20 XBZ Bars, in b rec21
20 XCA Can, rectarec21
20 XCB Crate, beerec21
20 XCC Churn rec21
20 XCD Can, with rec21
20 XCE Creel rec21
20 XCF Coffer rec21
20 XCG Cage rec21
20 XCH Chest rec21
20 XCI Canister rec21
20 XCJ Coffin rec21
20 XCK Cask rec21
20 XCL Coil rec21
20 XCM Card rec21
20 XCN Container,rec21
20 XCO Carboy, norec21
20 XCP Carboy, prrec21
20 XCQ Cartridge rec21
20 XCR Crate rec21
20 XCS Case rec21
20 XCT Carton rec21
20 XCU Cup rec21
20 XCV Cover rec21
20 XCW Cage, roll rec21
20 XCX Can, cylindrec21
20 XCY Cylinder rec21
20 XCZ Canvas rec21
20 XDA Crate, multrec21
20 XDB Crate, multrec21
20 XDC Crate, multrec21
20 XDG Cage, Comrec21
20 XDH Box, Comm
20 XDI Drum, ironrec21
20 XDJ Demijohn, rec21
20 XDK Crate, bul rec21
20 XDL Crate, bulkrec21
20 XDM Crate, bul rec21
20 XDN Dispenser rec21
20 XDP Demijohn, rec21
20 XDR Drum rec21
20 XDS Tray, one lrec21
20 XDT Tray, one rec21
20 XDU Tray, one lrec21
20 XDV Tray, one rec21
20 XDW Tray, two lrec21
20 XDX Tray, two rec21
20 XDY Tray, two rec21
20 XEC Bag, plastirec21
20 XED Case, with rec21
20 XEE Case, withrec21
20 XEF Case, withrec21
20 XEG Case, with rec21
20 XEH Case, with rec21
20 XEI Case, isot rec21
20 XEN Envelope rec21
20 XFB Flexibag rec21
20 XFC Crate, fruitrec21
20 XFD Crate, fra rec21
20 XFE Flexitank rec21
20 XFI Firkin rec21
20 XFL Flask rec21
20 XFO Footlockerrec21
20 XFP Filmpack rec21
20 XFR Frame rec21
20 XFT Foodtainerrec21
20 XFW Cart, flatb rec21
20 XFX Bag, flexibrec21
20 XGB Bottle, gasrec21
20 XGI Girder rec21
20 XGL Container, rec21
20 XGR Receptaclerec21
20 XGU Tray, contarec21
20 XGY Bag, gunn rec21
20 XGZ Girders, inrec21
20 XHA Basket, witrec21
20 XHB Basket, wi rec21
20 XHC Basket, wi rec21
20 XHG Hogshead rec21
20 XHN Hanger rec21
20 XHR Hamper rec21
20 XIA Package, drec21
20 XIB Package, drec21
20 XIC Package, di
20 XID Package, drec21
20 XIE Package, rec21
20 XIF Package, frec21
20 XIG Package, rec21
20 XIH Drum, plastrec21
20 XIK Package, ca
20 XIL Tray, rigi rec21
20 XIN Ingot rec21
20 XIZ Ingots, in rec21
20 XJB Bag, jumb rec21
20 XJC Jerrican, r rec21
20 XJG Jug rec21
20 XJR Jar rec21
20 XJT Jutebag rec21
20 XJY Jerrican, cyrec21
20 XKG Keg rec21
20 XKI Kit rec21
20 XLE Luggage rec21
20 XLG Log rec21
20 XLT Lot rec21
20 XLU Lug rec21
20 XLV Liftvan rec21
20 XLZ Logs, in b rec21
20 XMA Crate, metrec21
20 XMB Bag, multiprec21
20 XMC Crate, milkrec21
20 XME Container,rec21
20 XMR Receptaclerec21
20 XMS Sack, multirec21
20 XMT Mat rec21
20 XMW Receptaclerec21
20 XMX Matchbox rec21
20 XNA Not availabrec21
20 XNE Unpacked rec21
20 XNF Unpacked roec21
20 XNG Unpacked roec21
20 XNS Nest rec21
20 XNT Net rec21
20 XNU Net, tube, rec21
20 XNV Net, tube, trec21
20 XOA Pallet, CH rec21
20 XOB Pallet, CH rec21
20 XOC Pallet, CH rec21
20 XOD Pallet, AS rec21
20 XOE Pallet, IS rec21
20 XOF Platform, rec21
20 XOK Block rec21
20 XOT Octabin rec21
20 XOU Container, rec21
20 XP2 Pan rec21
20 XPA Packet rec21
20 XPB Pallet, bo rec21
20 XPC Parcel rec21
20 XPD Pallet, mo rec21
20 XPE Pallet, mo rec21
20 XPF Pen rec21
20 XPG Plate rec21
20 XPH Pitcher rec21
20 XPI Pipe rec21
20 XPJ Punnet rec21
20 XPK Package rec21
20 XPL Pail rec21
20 XPN Plank rec21
20 XPO Pouch rec21
20 XPP Piece rec21
20 XPR Receptacle,
20 XPT Pot rec21
20 XPU Tray rec21
20 XPV Pipes, in rec21
20 XPX Pallet rec21
20 XPY Plates, in rec21
20 XPZ Planks, in rec21
20 XQA Drum, steerec21
20 XQB Drum, steerec21
20 XQC Drum, alumrec21
20 XQD Drum, alumrec21
20 XQF Drum, plasrec21
20 XQG Drum, plasrec21
20 XQH Barrel, wo rec21
20 XQJ Barrel, wo rec21
20 XQK Jerrican, rec21
20 XQL Jerrican, rec21
20 XQM Jerrican, rec21
20 XQN Jerrican, prec21
20 XQP Box, woode
20 XQQ Box, wooden
20 XQR Box, plast rec21
20 XQS Box, plasticrec21
20 XRD Rod rec21
20 XRG Ring rec21
20 XRJ Rack, clot rec21
20 XRK Rack rec21
20 XRL Reel rec21
20 XRO Roll rec21
20 XRT Rednet rec21
20 XRZ Rods, in b rec21
20 XSA Sack rec21
20 XSB Slab rec21
20 XSC Crate, sharec21
20 XSD Spindle rec21
20 XSE Sea-chest rec21
20 XSH Sachet rec21
20 XSI Skid rec21
20 XSK Case, skelrec21
20 XSL Slipsheet rec21
20 XSM Sheetmetarec21
20 XSO Spool rec21
20 XSP Sheet, pla rec21
20 XSS Case, steerec21
20 XST Sheet rec21
20 XSU Suitcase rec21
20 XSV Envelope, rec21
20 XSW Shrinkwra rec21
20 XSY Sleeve rec21
20 XSZ Sheets, in rec21
20 XT1 Tablet rec21
20 XTB Tub rec21
20 XTC Tea-chest rec21
20 XTD Tube, collarec21
20 XTE Tyre rec21
20 XTG Tank contarec21
20 XTI Tierce rec21
20 XTK Tank, rect rec21
20 XTL Tub, with l rec21
20 XTN Tin rec21
20 XTO Tun rec21
20 XTR Trunk rec21
20 XTS Truss rec21
20 XTT Bag, tote rec21
20 XTU Tube rec21
20 XTV Tube, withrec21
20 XTW Pallet, triwarec21
20 XTY Tank, cylinrec21
20 XTZ Tubes, in rec21
20 XUC Uncaged rec21
20 XUN Unit rec21
20 XVA Vat rec21
20 XVG Bulk, gas rec21
20 XVI Vial rec21
20 XVK Vanpack rec21
20 XVL Bulk, liquidrec21
20 XVO Bulk, solid rec21
20 XVP Vacuum-parec21
20 XVQ Bulk, liquerec21
20 XVN Vehicle rec21
20 XVR Bulk, solid,rec21
20 XVS Bulk, scra rec21
20 XVY Bulk, solid rec21
20 XWA Intermediatrec21
20 XWB Wickerbottrec21
20 XWC Intermediatrec21
20 XWD Intermediarec21
20 XWF Intermediatrec21
20 XWG Intermediatrec21
20 XWH Intermediarec21
20 XWJ Intermediatrec21
20 XWK Intermediatrec21
20 XWL Intermediatrec21
20 XWM Intermediatrec21
20 XWN Intermediatrec21
20 XWP Intermediatrec21
20 XWQ Intermediatrec21
20 XWR Intermediatrec21
20 XWS Intermediatrec21
20 XWT Intermediatrec21
20 XWU Intermediatrec21
20 XWV Intermediatrec21
20 XWW Intermediatrec21
20 XWX Intermediatrec21
20 XWY Intermediatrec21
20 XWZ Intermediatrec21
20 XXA Bag, woven
20 XXB Bag, woven
20 XXC Bag, woven
20 XXD Bag, plastirec21
20 XXF Bag, textil rec21
20 XXG Bag, textilerec21
20 XXH Bag, textil rec21
20 XXJ Bag, paper,rec21
20 XXK Bag, paper,rec21
20 XYA Compositerec21
20 XYB Compositerec21
20 XYC Compositerec21
20 XYD Compositerec21
20 XYF Compositerec21
20 XYG Compositerec21
20 XYH Compositerec21
20 XYJ Compositerec21
20 XYK Compositerec21
20 XYL Compositerec21
20 XYM Compositerec21
20 XYN Compositerec21
20 XYP Compositerec21
20 XYQ Compositerec21
20 XYR Compositerec21
20 XYS Compositerec21
20 XYT Compositerec21
20 XYV Compositerec21
20 XYW Compositerec21
20 XYX Compositerec21
20 XYY Compositerec21
20 XYZ Compositerec21
20 XZA Intermediatrec21
20 XZB Bag, large rec21
20 XZC Intermediatrec21
20 XZD Intermediatrec21
20 XZF Intermediatrec21
20 XZG Intermediatrec21
20 XZH Intermediatrec21
20 XZJ Intermediatrec21
20 XZK Intermediatrec21
20 XZL Intermediatrec21
20 XZM Intermediatrec21
20 XZN Intermediatrec21
20 XZP Intermediatrec21
20 XZQ Intermediatrec21
20 XZR Intermediatrec21
20 XZS Intermediarec21
20 XZT Intermediatrec21
20 XZU Intermediatrec21
20 XZV Intermediatrec21
20 XZW Intermediatrec21
20 XZX Intermediarec21
20 XZY Intermediatrec21
20 XZZ Mutually d rec21
7143 AA Product version number
7143 AB Assembly
7143 AC HIBC (Health Industry Bar Code)
7143 AD Cold roll number
7143 AE Hot roll number
7143 AF Slab number
7143 AG Software revision number
7143 AH UPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5)
7143 AI UPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5-
7143 AJ Sample number
7143 AK Pack number
7143 AL UPC (Universal Product Code) Shipping container code (1-2-
7143 AM UPC (Universal Product Code)/EAN (European article number)
7143 AN UPC (Universal Product Code) suffix
7143 AO State label code
7143 AP Heat number
7143 AQ Coupon number
7143 AR Resource number
7143 AS Work task number
7143 AT Price look up number
7143 AU NSN (North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stock Number)
7143 AV Refined product code
7143 AW Exhibit
7143 AX End item
7143 AY Federal supply classification
7143 AZ Engineering data list
7143 BA Milestone event number
7143 BB Lot number
7143 BC National drug code 4-4-2 format
7143 BD National drug code 5-3-2 format
7143 BE National drug code 5-4-1 format
7143 BF National drug code 5-4-2 format
7143 BG National drug code
7143 BH Part number
7143 BI Local Stock Number (LSN)
7143 BJ Next higher assembly number
7143 BK Data category
7143 BL Control number
7143 BM Special material identification code
7143 BN Locally assigned control number
7143 BO Buyer's colour
7143 BP Buyer's part number
7143 BQ Variable measure product code
7143 BR Financial phase
7143 BS Contract breakdown
7143 BT Technical phase
7143 BU Dye lot number
7143 BV Daily statement of activities
7143 BW Periodical statement of activities within a bilaterally
7143 BX Calendar week statement of activities
7143 BY Calendar month statement of activities
7143 BZ Original equipment number
7143 CC Industry commodity code
7143 CG Commodity grouping
7143 CL Colour number
7143 CR Contract number
7143 CV Customs article number
7143 DR Drawing revision number
7143 DW Drawing
7143 EC Engineering change level
7143 EF Material code
7143 EN International Article Numbering Association (EAN)
7143 FS Fish species
7143 GB Buyer's internal product group code
7143 GN National product group code
7143 GS General specification number
7143 HS Harmonised system
7143 IB ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
7143 IN Buyer's item number
7143 IS ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
7143 IT Buyer's style number
7143 IZ Buyer's size code
7143 MA Machine number
7143 MF Manufacturer's (producer's) article number
7143 MN Model number
7143 MP Product/service identification number
7143 NB Batch number
7143 ON Customer order number
7143 PD Part number description
7143 PL Purchaser's order line number
7143 PO Purchase order number
7143 PV Promotional variant number
7143 QS Buyer's qualifier for size
7143 RC Returnable container number
7143 RN Release number
7143 RU Run number
7143 RY Record keeping of model year
7143 SA Supplier's article number
7143 SG Standard group of products (mixed assortment)
7143 SK SKU (Stock keeping unit)
7143 SN Serial number
7143 SRS RSK number
7143 SRT IFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 5 digit product
7143 SRU IFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 9 digit product
7143 SRV GS1 Global Trade Item Number
7143 SRW EDIS (Energy Data Identification System)
7143 SRX Slaughter number
7143 SRY Official animal number
7143 SRZ Harmonized tariff schedule
7143 SS Supplier's supplier article number
7143 SSA 46 Level DOT Code
7143 SSB Airline Tariff 6D
7143 SSC Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations
7143 SSD International Civil Aviation Administration code
7143 SSE Hazardous Materials ID DOT
7143 SSF Endorsement
7143 SSG Air Force Regulation 71-4
7143 SSH Breed
7143 SSI Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number
7143 SSJ Engine model designation
7143 SSK Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) Number
7143 SSL Price Look-Up code (PLU)
7143 SSM International Maritime Organization (IMO) Code
7143 SSN Bureau of Explosives 600-A (rail)
7143 SSO United Nations Dangerous Goods List
7143 SSP International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
7143 SSQ International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)
7143 SSR International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
7143 SSS Distributor’s article identifier
7143 SST Norwegian Classification system ENVA
7143 SSU Supplier assigned classification
7143 SSV Mexican classification system AMECE
7143 SSW German classification system CCG
7143 SSX Finnish classification system EANFIN
7143 SSY Canadian classification system ICC
7143 SSZ French classification system IFLS5
7143 ST Style number
7143 STA Dutch classification system CBL
7143 STB Japanese classification system JICFS
7143 STC European Union dairy subsidy eligibility classification
7143 STD GS1 Spain classification system
7143 STE GS1 Poland classification system
7143 STF Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology of the
7143 STG Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Austria classification
7143 STH GS1 Italy classification system
7143 STI CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary)
7143 STJ IFDA (International Foodservice Distributors Association)
7143 STK AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service) pharmacologic -
7143 STL ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) classification system
7143 STM CLADIMED (Classification des Dispositifs Médicaux)
7143 STN CMDR (Canadian Medical Device Regulations) classification
7143 STO CNDM (Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi Medici)
7143 STP UK DM&D (Dictionary of Medicines & Devices) standard coding
7143 STQ eCl@ss
7143 STR EDMA (European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association)
7143 STS EGAR (European Generic Article Register)
7143 STT GMDN (Global Medical Devices Nomenclature)
7143 STU GPI (Generic Product Identifier)
7143 STV HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System)
7143 STW ICPS (International Classification for Patient Safety)
7143 STX MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities)
7143 STY Medical Columbus
7143 STZ NAPCS (North American Product Classification System)
7143 SUA NHS (National Health Services) eClass
7143 SUB US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Product Code
7143 SUC SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical
7143 SUD UMDNS (Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System)
7143 SUE GS1 Global Returnable Asset Identifier, non-serialised
7143 SUG Waste Type (EMSA)
7143 SUH Ship's store classification type
7143 SUI Emergency fire code
7143 SUJ Emergency spillage code
7143 SUK IMDG packing group
7143 SUM IMDG subsidiary risk class
7143 TG Transport group number
7143 TSN Taxonomic Serial Number
7143 TSO IMDG main hazard class
7143 TSP EU Combined Nomenclature
7143 TSQ Therapeutic classification number
7143 TSR European Waste Catalogue
7143 TSS Price grouping code
7143 UA Ultimate customer's article number
7143 UP UPC (Universal product code)
7143 VN Vendor item number
7143 VP Vendor's (seller's) part number
7143 VS Vendor's supplemental item number
7143 VX Vendor specification number
7143 ZZZ Mutually defined

EAS 2 System Information e

EAS 7 Organisationsnumme
EAS 37 LY-tunnus
EAS 60 Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S Number)
EAS 88 EAN Location Code
EAS 97 FTI - Ediforum Italia, (EDIRA compliant)

Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en Fabrieken in Nederland (Association of

EAS 106 Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands), Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
EAS 135 SIA Object Identifiers
EAS 142 SECETI Object Identifiers
EAS 151 Australian Business Number (ABN) Scheme
EAS 183 Numéro d'identification suisse
EAS 190 Dutch Originator's Identification Number
EAS 191 Centre of Registers and Information Systems of the Ministry of Justice
EAS 192 Enhetsregisteret ved Bronnoysundregisterne
EAS 193 UBL.BE party identifier
EAS 195 Singapore UEN identifier
EAS 196 Kennitala - Iceland legal id for individuals and legal entities
EAS 199 Global legal entity identifier (GLEIF)
EAS 200 Legal entity code (Lithuania)
EAS 9901 Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health
EAS 9906 Ufficio responsabile gestione partite IVA
EAS 9907 TAX Authority
EAS 9910 Hungary VAT number
EAS 9913 Business Registers Network
EAS 9914 Österreichische Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer
Österreichisches Verwaltungs bzw.
EAS 9915 Organisationskennzeichen
EAS 9917 Kennitala - Iceland legal id for organizations and individuals


EAS 9919 Kennziffer des Unternehmensregisters
EAS 9920 Agencia Española de Administración Tributaria
EAS 9921 Indice delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni
EAS 9922 Andorra VAT number
EAS 9923 Albania VAT number
EAS 9924 Bosnia and Herzegovina VAT number
EAS 9925 Belgium VAT number
EAS 9926 Bulgaria VAT number
EAS 9927 Switzerland VAT number
EAS 9928 Cyprus VAT number
EAS 9929 Czech Republic VAT number
EAS 9930 Germany VAT number
EAS 9931 Estonia VAT number
EAS 9932 United Kingdom VAT number
EAS 9933 Greece VAT number
EAS 9934 Croatia VAT number
EAS 9935 Ireland VAT number
EAS 9936 Liechtenstein VAT number
EAS 9937 Lithuania VAT number
EAS 9938 Luxemburg VAT number
EAS 9939 Latvia VAT number
EAS 9940 Monaco VAT number
EAS 9941 Montenegro VAT number
EAS 9942 Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of VAT number
EAS 9943 Malta VAT number
EAS 9944 Netherlands VAT number
EAS 9945 Poland VAT number
EAS 9946 Portugal VAT number
EAS 9947 Romania VAT number
EAS 9948 Serbia VAT number
EAS 9949 Slovenia VAT number
EAS 9950 Slovakia VAT number
EAS 9951 San Marino VAT number
EAS 9952 Turkey VAT number
EAS 9953 Holy See (Vatican City State) VAT number
EAS 9955 Swedish VAT number
EAS 9956 Belgian Crossroad Bank of Enterprises
EAS 9957 French VAT number
EAS 9958 German Leitweg ID
EAS AN O.F.T.P. (ODETTE File Transfer Protocol)
EAS AQ X.400 address for mail text
EAS AS AS2 exchange
EAS AU File Transfer Protocol
EAS EM Electronic mail (SMPT)
VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX vatex-eu-3Exempt based on article 309 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on article 148, section (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on article 148, section (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on article 148, section (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on article 148, section (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on article 148, section (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on article 148, section (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on article 148, section (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC

VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on artic

VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on artic

VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on artic

VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on artic

VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on artic

VATEX vatex-eu-1Exempt based on artic

VATEX vatex-eu-gExport out Only use with VAT ca
VATEX vatex-eu-oNot subjecOnly use with VAT ca
VATEX vatex-eu-icIntra-commOnly use with VAT ca
VATEX vatex-eu-aReverse c Only use with VAT ca
VATEX vatex-eu-dTravel ageOnly use with VAT ca
VATEX vatex-eu-f Second haOnly use with VAT ca
VATEX vatex-eu-i Works of aOnly use with VAT ca
VATEX vatex-eu-j Collectors Only use with VAT ca
4461 1 Instrument not defined
4461 2 Automated clearing house credit
4461 3 Automated clearing house debit
4461 4 ACH demand debit reversal
4461 5 ACH demand credit reversal
4461 6 ACH demand credit
4461 7 ACH demand debit
4461 8 Hold
4461 9 National or regional clearing
4461 10 In cash
4461 11 ACH savings credit reversal
4461 12 ACH savings debit reversal
4461 13 ACH savings credit
4461 14 ACH savings debit
4461 15 Bookentry credit
4461 16 Bookentry debit
4461 17 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit
4461 18 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit
4461 19 ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) credit
4461 20 Cheque
4461 21 Banker's draft
4461 22 Certified banker's draft
4461 23 Bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establishment)
4461 24 Bill of exchange awaiting acceptance
4461 25 Certified cheque
4461 26 Local cheque
4461 27 ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) debit
4461 28 ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit
4461 29 ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit
4461 30 Credit trannon-SEPA
4461 31 Debit transnon-SEPA
4461 32 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+)
4461 33 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+)
4461 34 ACH prearranged payment and deposit (PPD)
4461 35 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit
4461 36 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit
4461 37 ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) credit
4461 38 ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) debit
4461 39 ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit
4461 40 ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit
4461 41 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+)
4461 42 Payment to bank account
4461 43 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+)
4461 44 Accepted bill of exchange
4461 45 Referenced home-banking credit transfer
4461 46 Interbank debit transfer
4461 47 Home-banking debit transfer
4461 48 Bank card Use for all payment c
4461 49 Direct debit
4461 50 Payment by postgiro
4461 51 FR, norme 6 97-Telereglement CFONB (French Organisation for
4461 52 Urgent commercial payment
4461 53 Urgent Treasury Payment
4461 54 Credit card
4461 55 Debit card
4461 56 Bankgiro
4461 57 Standing Contractual payment
4461 58 SEPA crediSEPA
4461 59 SEPA direcSEPA
4461 60 Promissory note
4461 61 Promissory note signed by the debtor
4461 62 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank
4461 63 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a
4461 64 Promissory note signed by a bank
4461 65 Promissory note signed by a bank and endorsed by another
4461 66 Promissory note signed by a third party
4461 67 Promissory note signed by a third party and endorsed by a
4461 68 Online payment service
4461 70 Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor
4461 74 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank
4461 75 Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank
4461 76 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a
4461 77 Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party
4461 78 Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and
4461 91 Not transferable banker's draft
4461 92 Not transferable local cheque
4461 93 Reference giro
4461 94 Urgent giro
4461 95 Free format giro
4461 96 Requested method for payment was not used
4461 97 Clearing between partners
4461 ZZZ Mutually defined
BT-95, BT-102, BT-118, BT-151
BT-105, BT-145
BT-98, BT-140
BT-5, BT-6
BT-40, BT-55, BT-69, BT-80, BT-159
BT-29-1, BT-30-1, BT-46-1, BT-47-1, BT-60-1, BT-61-1, BT-71-1, BT-157-1
BT-130, BT-150

BT-34-1, BT-49-1

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