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incheiat la 04.10.2021 de catre si intre

Creditor (numit si „Ferratum”) Dvs. (Clientul)

Ferratum Bank p.l.c., o institutie de credit Prenume: Cristian
licentiata, supravegheata si reglementata de Nume: Veres
Autoritatea pentru Servicii Financiare din Malta si Strada: Luică, NR. 9, Bl. 1, Scara2 etaj 3 ap.86
numarul de Licenta si Inregistrare: C 56251 Oras: Bucuresti Cod postal: 040981
Cod numeric personal: 1680520434619
Adresa sediului social: ST Business Centre, 120, Telefon: 0770761530
The Strand, Gzira, GZR 1027, Malta.
Adresa de e-mail:
Numar de cont bancar al
Email: clientului: RO53BRDE426SV45998674410
inregistrata in Romania cu Codul Fiscal numarul:
43678318 emis la 04.02.2021

1. Acest Contract de Credit incheiat intre dvs. si Ferratum Bank p.l.c. („Ferratum” sau „Creditorul”)
consta in aceste clauze specifice („ Clauze Specifice ”), termenii si conditiile standard ale
Contractului de Credit aplicabil rezidentilor din Romania („Clauzele Standard”), SECCI si orice
Factura neplatita inclusa aici prin referinta. Aceste documente vor fi citite impreuna si colectiv
(numite impreuna „Contractul de Credit”) si vor reglementa facilitatea de linie de credit de tip
revolving care va este acordata de Ferratum.

2. Prin intermediul acestui Contract de Credit, Ferratum va acorda si dvs. acceptati o facilitate de
credit de consum de tip revolving negarantat, cu dobanda fixa, in limita maxima a creditului
specificata in clauza 6 (ii) de mai jos, sub rezerva conditiilor din Contractul de Credit.

3. Veti primi creditul de la Ferratum prin transfer in contul bancar indicat mai sus sau altfel in
numerar dintr-un cont bancar detinut in numele Ferratum la o banca terta (IBAN:
RO78RNCB0002167692930013) la furnizarea unei dovezi a identitatii prin documentul original de
identificare si a oricarei alte dovezi a identitatii solicitata de o astfel de banca terta. Daca optati sa
incasati banii in numerar, prima retragere trebuie efectuata in termen de 14 zile calendaristice de la
data Contractului de Credit. In caz contrar, Contractul de Credit se considera ca nefiind incheiat.
Creditul se acorda dupa incheierea Contractului de Credit si in termen de 2 (doua) zile lucratoare
de la orice Solicitare a Creditului.

4. Acest Contract de Credit reprezinta raspunsul Ferratum la cererea dumneavoastra online pentru
facilitatea de credit si declarati ca, inainte de incheierea acestui Contract de Credit, ati citit, inteles
si consimtit la prevederile Contractului de Credit, inclusiv SECCI, si ca acesta reprezinta expresia
vointei dvs. libere.

5. Declarati ca ati ales sa cititi Contractul de Credit prezentat si:
[x] semnati imediat;
[ ] semnati in termen de 15 zile.

6. Informatii cheie

i. Tipul de Credit: Facilitate de credit de consum de tip revolving

ii. Valoarea Totala a 5000 RON. Limita de Credit poate fi modificata in

Creditului conformitate cu clauza 5.4 din Clauzele Standard.
(Limita de Credit):

iii. Durata Contractului de Cinci ani de la incheierea Contractului de Credit, care poate fi
Credit: reinnoit pentru perioade ulterioare de cinci ani fiecare, cu
exceptia cazului in care oricare dintre Parti notifica celeilalte
parti intentia sa de a rezilia Contractul de Credit prin
instiintare transmisa cu nouazeci (90) de zile inainte.

iv. Rata Dobanzii Rata fixa anuala a dobanzii nominale este de 146.80%,
(rata nominala a dobanzii): perceputa pentru fiecare zi la valoarea Creditului datorat, din
care 5% se plateste Agentiei Nationale de Administrare
Fiscala (ANAF) ca impozit retinut la sursa. Valoarea dobanzii
se calculeaza cu ajutorul urmatoarei formule.
VC*RND*NZC, unde VC = Valoarea creditului datorat, RND
= rata nominala zilnica a dobanzii in valoare de 0.4022%,
NZC = numarul de zile calendaristice.
v. Costul Total al Creditului: 3975.91 RON din care suma de 198.80 RON se plateste
Agentiei Nationale de Administrare Fiscala (ANAF) ca
impozit retinut la sursa.

Acest calcul se bazeaza pe un Credit de 5000 RON si o rata

nominala anuala a dobanzii de 146.80 %, in valoare de
3975.91 RON pe baza urmatoarelor ipoteze:

i. Creditul este acordat pentru o perioada de un an

incepand de la data tragerii initiale, iar plata finala
efectuata compenseaza soldul capitalului, dobanda
nominala si alte cheltuieli, daca exista;
ii. Veti rambursa capitalul (principalul creditului) in
plati lunare egale, incepand cu luna urmatoare de la
data tragerii initiale.

vi. Suma Totala de Platit: 8975.91 RON.

Acest calcul se bazeaza pe un Credit de 5000 RON si o rata

nominala anuala a dobanzii de 146.80%, in valoare de 3975.91
RON din care 198.80 RON se achita catre ANAF ca impozit
retinut la sursa, pe baza urmatoarelor ipoteze:

i. Creditul este acordat pentru o perioada de un an

incepand de la data tragerii initiale, iar plata finala
efectuata compenseaza soldul capitalului, dobanda
nominala si alte cheltuieli, daca exista;
ii. Veti rambursa capitalul (principalul creditului) in
plati lunare egale, incepand luna urmatoare de la
data tragerii initiale.

Suma totala rambursabila variaza in functie de suma din

Limita de Credit utilizata si de cat de repede sunt rambursate
sumele datorate. Dobanda nominala se acumuleaza in orice
moment la soldul Creditului utilizat.
vii. Dobanda Anuala Efectiva 299.46 %.
Acest calcul se bazeaza pe un Credit de 5000 RON si o rata
nominala anuala a dobanzii de 146.80%, in valoare de
3975.91 RON din care 198.80 RON se achita catre ANAF ca
impozit retinut la sursa, pe baza urmatoarelor ipoteze:

i. Creditul este acordat pentru o perioada de un an

incepand de la data tragerii initiale, iar plata finala
efectuata compenseaza soldul capitalului, dobanda
nominala si alte cheltuieli, daca exista;
ii. Veti rambursa capitalul (principalul creditului) in
plati lunare egale, incepand cu luna urmatoare de la
data tragerii initiale.

DAE este egala, pentru o perioada de un an, cu valoarea

actuala a tuturor angajamentelor, retragerilor, rambursarilor si
costurilor, prezente sau viitoare, convenite intre
dumneavoastra si Ferratum prin semnarea acestui Contract de
Credit. Cunoasteti toate consecintele si premisele calculelor si
intelegeti si acceptati ca valorile DAE si costul total al
Creditului sunt orientative si sunt calculate in scopul
viii. Numarul de Referinta al 4000572

ix. Rambursarea: Creditul si dobanda se ramburseaza in plati lunare in valoare
de cel putin pana la Valoarea Minima a Platii, cu exceptia
cazului in care se convine altfel in Clauzele Standard. Nu se
efectueaza deduceri, inclusiv pentru impozitele retinute la
sursa. Detalii suplimentare sunt specificate in Factura
x. Data Scadenta: 4 din fiecare luna, prima Suma Minima de Plata fiind scadenta
la 04.11.2021.
xi. Suma Minima de Plata: 50.00 RON sau 14.00% din suma totala datorata in temeiul
Contractului de Credit (inclusiv principalul Creditului si
dobanda nominala), oricare dintre acestea este mai mare,
trebuie rambursata in fiecare luna.

In cazul in care valoarea totala a Creditului impreuna cu

dobanda datorata este mai mica decat 50.00 RON, Suma
Minima de Plata este considerata a fi suma totala a Creditului
datorat impreuna cu dobanda.

In cazul in care Contractul de Credit nu este reinnoit inainte de

data expirarii, ultima Suma Minima de Plata este egala cu
toate sumele datorate in temeiul Contractului de Credit.

Nu se efectueaza deduceri, inclusiv pentru impozitele retinute

la sursa.
xii. Dreptul de Retragere: In cazul in care va exercitati dreptul de a va retrage din
Contractul de Credit, astfel cum se prevede in clauza 4 din
Clauzele Standard, valoarea nominala a dobanzii de platit pe
zi, presupunand ca Limita Creditului este trasa in intregime,
iar Creditul este rambursat integral intr-o singura transa, este
de 20.11 RON.
xiii. Dobanda Penalizatoare: Pentru intarzieri in rambursarea sumelor datorate, incepand de
la Data Scadenta, veti plati catre Ferratum dobanda
penalizatoare in valoare de: 148.77% pe an, pana la plata
efectiva a sumelor restante.

Dobanda penalizatoare corespunzatoare fiecarei zile de

intarziere in rambursarea sumelor restante se calculeaza
conform formulei: DP=SC*RDP/365*NZCI, unde: SC =
soldul principalului restant scadent in ziua respectiva, RDP =
rata dobanzii penalizatoare, NZCI = numarul de zile
calendaristice de intarziere.

Dobanda penalizatoare poate fi perceputa de Ferratum chiar

daca Creditul este declarat scadent anticipat pentru incalcarea
obligatiilor contractuale esentiale (majore) care va pot fi
atribuite, caz in care dobanda penalizatoare va fi perceputa pe
baza unui procent fix, care nu poate depasi doua puncte
procentuale si care se adauga la rata dobanzii prevazuta in
Contractul de Credit.

xiv. Comisionul Unic: Comisionul unic pentru serviciile prestate la cererea dvs.
expresa este de 99.00 RON.
xv. Oferta speciala: Rata nominala a dobanzii pentru primele 30 zile de la data
Contractului de Credit va fi de 0.00% pe an. Dupa aceasta
perioada, dobanda nominala va continua sa se acumuleze in
conformitate cu ratele stipulate in clauza 6 (iv) a Clauzelor
Specifice. DAE, costul total al creditului si suma totala de
plata au fost calculate pe baza ratei dobanzii indicate in clauza
6 (iv) de mai sus.

xvi. Intermediar de Credit N/A

(daca este cazul): N/A

7. Prin prezenta declarati ca detineti titlul si sunteti beneficiarul real final al contului bancar prin care
se va efectua executarea acestui Contract de Credit.

8. Confirmati (i) ca ati citit si inteles Contractul de Credit inainte de a incheia Contractul de Credit si
ca v-ati familiarizat cu SECCI furnizat de Ferratum (ii) ca prezentul Contract de Credit reprezinta
raspunsul Ferratum la cererea dvs. online pentru facilitatea de credit de tip revolving (iii) ca
acceptati Contractul de Credit si ca (iv) incheiati acest contract de Credit in numele dvs. si pentru

9. Plata Creditului nu se interpreteaza ca o renuntare la nicio conditie a Contractului de Credit. Nu

veti avea dreptul de a utiliza Creditul decat dupa ce ati indeplinit toate conditiile de acordare
stabilite prin prezentul Contract de Credit. Acordarea de catre Ferratum a Creditului inainte de
primirea documentelor solicitate nu va fi interpretata ca renuntare la vreuna din conditiile
prezentului Contract de Credit.

10. Toate platile care urmeaza sa fie efectuate de dvs. in temeiul Contractului de Credit se realizeaza
integral, fara nicio deducere sau retinere la sursa pentru sau drept impozit. Ferratum va efectua
toate activitatile juridice necesare pentru a se asigura ca sunt respectate toate obligatiile privind
raportarea si plata oricaror impozite retinute la sursa datorate in Romania pentru plati.

11. Acest Contract de Credit a fost incheiat de la distanta, astazi 04.10.2021 , in doua exemplare
originale, cate unul pentru fiecare parte contractanta si a fost trimis la adresa de e-mail indicata de
dumneavoastra. Locul incheierii Contractului de Credit este considerat adresa Ferratum.

12. Cu exceptia cazului in care se specifica altfel in acest document, orice termeni utilizati in acest
document vor avea acelasi inteles care le este atribuit in Clauzele Standard acceptate de dvs. la
aceeasi data ca si acest document.

13. Prin semnarea acestui Contract de Credit declarati ca ati luat la cunostinta faptul ca acesta este un
titlu executoriu in temeiul OUG nr. 99/2006 in ceea ce priveste institutiile de credit si in situatiile
prevazute de clauzele 8.2 si 8.7 din Clauzele Standard, Ferratum poate proceda la executarea silita a
Contractului de Credit fara alte formalitati, cu exceptia celor prevazute in mod expres de legislatia
in vigoare, dupa declararea scadentei anticipate conform legislatiei in vigoare.


entered into on 04.10.2021 by and between

The Creditor (also referred to as ‘Ferratum’) You (the Customer)

Ferratum Bank p.l.c., a credit institution licensed, First name: Cristian
supervised and regulated by the Malta Financial Surname: Veres
Services Authority with Licence and Registration Street: Luică, NR. 9, Bl. 1, Scara2 etaj 3 ap.86
number: C 56251 Town: Bucuresti Postcode: 040981
Personal identity code: 1680520434619
Registered address: ST Business Centre, 120, The Telephone: 0770761530
Strand, Gzira, GZR 1027, Malta. Email address:
Customer Bank Account number:
Email: RO53BRDE426SV45998674410
registered in Romania with the Fiscal Code
number: 43678318 issued on 04.02.2021

1. This Credit Agreement between you and Ferratum Bank p.l.c (“Ferratum” or the “Creditor”) is
made up of these specific terms (the “ Specific Terms ”), the standard terms and conditions of the
credit agreement applicable to residents of Romania (the “Standard Terms”), the SECCI and any
unpaid Invoice incorporated herein by reference. These documents shall be read together and
collectively (collectively the “ Credit Agreement”) they shall regulate the revolving credit line
facility granted to you by Ferratum.

2. By means of this Credit Agreement, Ferratum hereby grants to you, and you accept, an unsecured
fixed interest consumer revolving credit facility for the maximum credit limit specified in clause 6
(ii) below subject to terms of the Credit Agreement.

3. You shall receive the credit from Ferratum by transfer to the bank account indicated above or
otherwise in cash from a bank account held in the name of Ferratum with a third-party bank
(IBAN: RO78RNCB0002167692930013) on providing evidence of identity with your original
identification document and any other evidence of identity requested by such third-party bank. If
you opt to draw down the money in cash, the first draw down must be withdrawn within 14 calendar
days from the date of the Credit Agreement. Otherwise, the Credit Agreement shall be considered
not to have been concluded. Credit shall be disbursed once the Credit Agreement is concluded and
within 2 (two) business days of any Credit Request.

4. This Credit Agreement represents Ferratum’s response to your online application for the credit
facility, and you declare that prior to the finalisation of this Credit Agreement, you read, understood
and consented to the provisions of the Credit Agreement, including the SECCI, and that it
represents the expression of your free will.

5. You declare that you have chosen to read the presented Credit Agreement and:
[x] sign it immediately;
[ ] sign it within 15 days.

6. Key Information

i. Type of Credit: Consumer revolving credit facility

ii. Total Amount of Credit 5000 RON. The Credit Limit may be changed pursuant to
(Credit Limit): clause 5.4 of the Standard Terms.
iii. Duration of the Credit Five years from the conclusion of the Credit Agreement,
Agreement: renewable for further periods of five years each unless either
Party notifies the other Party of its intention to terminate the
Credit Agreement by ninety (90) days’ prior notice.

iv. Borrowing Rate (nominal The fixed annual rate of nominal interest is 146.80%,
interest rate): chargeable each day on the amount of Credit outstanding of
which 5% is payable to the Agentia Nationala de Administrare
Fiscala (ANAF) as withholding tax. The interest amount is
calculated using the following formula. VC*RND*NZC, where
VC = open Credit balance, RND = daily nominal interest rate
of 0.4022%, NZC = number of calendar days.
v. Total Cost of the Credit 3975.91 RON of which 198.80 RON is payable to the Agentia
Nationala de Administrare Fiscala (ANAF) as withholding tax.

This calculation is based on Credit of 5000 RON and a yearly

nominal interest rate of 146.80% amounting to 3975.91 RON
based on the following assumptions:

i. The Credit is provided for a period of one year starting

from the date of the initial draw down, and the final
payment made clears the balance of capital, nominal
interest and other charges, if any;

ii. You will repay the capital (credit principal) in equal

monthly payments, commencing one month after the date
of the initial draw down.

vi. Total Amount 8975.91 RON.
This calculation is based on Credit of 5000 RON and a yearly
nominal interest rate of 146.80% amounting to 3975.91 RON of
which 198.80 RON is payable to the ANAF as withholding tax
based on the following assumptions:

i. The credit is provided for a period of one year starting from

the date of the initial draw down, and the final payment made
clears the balance of capital, nominal interest and other
charges, if any;

ii. You will repay the capital (credit principal) in equal

monthly payments, commencing one month after the date of
the initial draw down.

The total repayable amount varies depending on how much of the

Credit Limit you use, and how fast amounts due are repaid.
Nominal interest is accrued on the open Credit balance at any time.
vii. Annual Percentage 299.46%.
Rate of Charge
(APR): This calculation is based on a Credit of 5000 RON and a yearly
nominal interest rate of 146.80% amounting to 3975.91 RON of
which 198.80 RON is payable to the ANAF as withholding tax,
and on the following assumptions:

i. The credit is provided for a period of one year starting from

the date of the initial draw down, and the final payment made
clears the balance of capital, nominal interest and other
charges, if any;

ii. You will repay the capital (credit principal) in equal

monthly payments, commencing one month after the date of
the initial draw down.

The APR is equal, for a period of one year, to the present value of
all commitments, withdrawals, reimbursements and costs, present
or future, agreed between you and Ferratum by signing this Credit
Agreement. You know all the consequences and premises of the
calculations and understand and accept that the APR values and the
total cost of the Credit are indicative and are calculated for
viii. Repayment Reference 4000572

ix. Repayment: The Credit and interest shall be repaid in monthly payments
amounting at least to the Minimum Payment Amount unless
otherwise agreed in terms of the Standard Terms. No deductions
shall be made including for withholding taxes . Further details are
specified in the Invoice(s).

x. Due Date: 4 of each month, with the first Minimum Payment Amount falling
due on 04.11.2021.
xi. Minimum Payment 50.00 RON or 14.00% of the full amount due under the Credit
Amount Agreement (including Credit capital and nominal interest)
whichever is the higher must be settled every month.

If the total amount of the Credit together with the interest due is
lower than 50.00 RON, the Minimum Payment Amount shall be
considered to be the total amount of outstanding Credit together
with the interest.

If the Credit Agreement is not renewed before the expiration date,

the last Minimum Payment Amount shall be equal to all amounts
due under the Credit Agreement.

No deductions shall be made including for witholding taxes.

xii. Right of Withdrawal: If you exercise the right to withdraw from the Credit Agreement as
set out in clause 4 of the Standard Terms, the amount of nominal
interest payable per day assuming the Credit Limit is drawn down
in full and the Credit is fully repaid in one instalment is 20.11 RON.
xiii. Default Interest For delays in repayment of amounts due, starting from the Due
Date, you shall pay to Ferratum default interest of: 148.77% per
year until effective payment of amounts overdue.

The default interest corresponding to each day of delay in

reimbursing the outstanding amounts is calculated according to the
formula: DP=SC*RDP/365*NZCI, where: SC = balance of
principal outstanding due on that day, RDP = yearly rate of default
interest, NZCI = number of calendar days of delay.

Default interest may be levied by Ferratum even if the Credit is

declared due in advance for breach of essential (major) contractual
obligations attributable to you, in which case default interest will be
charged based on fixed percentage basis, which cannot exceed two
percentage points and which is added to the interest rate provided in
the Credit Agreement.
xiv. Single Fee The Single fee for services provided at your express request
of 99.00 RON.

xv. Special Offer: The nominal interest rate for the first 30 days from the date of the
Credit Agreement shall be 0.00% per year. After such period, the
nominal interest shall continue to accrue in accordance with the rates
stipulated in clause 6 (iv) of the Specific Terms. The APR, total cost of
the credit and total amount payable have been calculated on the basis
of the borrowing rate indicated in clause 6 (iv) above.

xvi. Credit N/A

Intermediary (if N/A
applicable): N/A

7. You hereby manifest that you are a title holder and the ultimate beneficial owner of the bank
account through which the execution of this Credit Agreement will be performed.

8. You confirm (i) to have read and understood the Credit Agreement prior to entering into the Credit
Agreement and to have familiarized yourself with the SECCI, which Ferratum has provided to you
(ii) that the Credit Agreement represents Ferratum’s response to your online application for the
revolving credit facility (iii) acceptance of the Credit Agreement and that (iv) you are entering into
this Credit Agreement in your own name and on your own behalf.

9. Disbursement of the Credit shall not be construed as a waiver of any conditions of the Credit
Agreement. You shall not have the right to use the Credit until you have fulfilled all the granting
conditions established by this Credit Agreement. The provision by Ferratum of the Credit before
receiving the requested documents will not be interpreted as a waiver to any of the conditions of
this Credit Agreement.

10. All payments to be performed by you under the Credit Agreement shall be made in full, without any
deduction or withholding for or on account of tax. Ferratum shall carry out all legal undertakings
necessary in order to ensure that all the obligations regarding the reporting and payment of any
withholding tax due in Romania on payments are fulfilled.

11. This Credit Agreement has been concluded remotely, today 04.10.2021 , in two original copies, one
for each contracting party and sent to the e-mail address indicated by you. The place of conclusion
of the Credit Agreement is considered to be Ferratum’s address.

12. Unless otherwise specifically stated herein, any terms used herein shall have the same meaning
which is assigned to them in the Standard Terms accepted by you on the same date as this

13. By signing this Credit Agreement you declare that you are aware that this is an enforceable title
under EGO no. 99/2006 regarding credit institutions and that in the situations provided by clauses
8.2 and 8.7 of the Standard Terms, Ferratum may proceed to the forced execution of the Credit
Agreement without any other formalities, except for those expressly provided by the laws in force,
after declaring the anticipated maturity according to the legislation in force.

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