Sunteți pe pagina 1din 82





(Szn tesinde evre ve Eitim Projesi)





Limb i comunicare
Matematic i tiine
Om i societate
Educaie fizic i sport
Educaie ecologic
Educaia outdoor-metod de stimulare a creativitii elevilor o viziune a Cercetailor
Metode de stimulare a creativitii elevilor
Jocuri de exterior
Jocuri cerceteti de exterior
Cum putem msura succesul/insuccesul activitilor derulate

Ce este planul de management al riscului?



Consiliul Local Catunele Inspectoratul colar din


Versiune n limba romn


Manualul de fa dorete a fi un instrument util pentru cadrele
didactice din Comuna Catunele i nu numai, n abordarea experienelor
oferite de educaia outdoor n procesul de predare-nvare al elevilor.
Proiectul EcoEdu beyond rhetoric ne-a oferit posibilitatea de
a aprofunda conceptul de educaie outdoor. Pe parcursul proiectului s-
au derulat o serie de activitati de formare (curs de educaie outdoor,
seminar, activitati practice ), ocazie cu care participantii ( personalul de
la toate institutiile partenere n proiect din cele 2 regiuni ) au invat ce
nseamn educaia outdoor, cum poate fi aplicat in procesul de
predare al diverselor discipline curriculare, cum poate fi mbinat
educaia outdoor cu educaia formal pentru deprinderea de ctre
elevi a abilitilor necesare mplinirii lor ca indivizi. Aadar, acest
manual este rezultatul activitilor de formare din cadrul proiectului,
rezultatul a ceea ce am nvat la fiecare dintre aceste activiti.
Lucrarea de fa este structurat n mai multe teme relevante:
ce este educaia outdoor, obiectivele educatiei outdoor, educaia
formala versus educaia outdoor, exemplificarea abordrii educaiei
outdoor pentru diferite discipline colare, sfaturi utile si exemple
practice pentru cadre didactice, educatori, lucrtori de tineret.




Educaia outdoor este un concept relativ nou n contextul
educativ romnesc, ns ea ncepe din ce n ce mai mult s capteze
interesul actorilor educaionali din sistemul de nvmnt formal.
Exist numeroase accepiuni pentru termenul de educaie outdoor,
ns pentru a da o definiie simpl i pe nelesul cititorilor, putem
spune c aceast form de educaie se bazeaz pe nvarea n aer
liber. Termenul de educaie outdoor, poate include educaia pentru
mediu, activiti recreative, programe de dezvoltare personal i
social, drumeii, aventur, etc.
Realiznd o sintez a activitilor de formare la care am participat pe
parcursul proiectului EcoEdu bezond rhetoric, am identificat
caracteristicile cheie ale educaiei outdoor:
- Educaia outdoor ofera posibilitatea contactului direct cu
natura protecia mediului reprezint un subiect de interes
mondial, urbanizarea masiva a produs un efect nociv asupra
mediului si prin faptul ca oamenii nu constientizeaz impactul
pe care aciunile lor non-ecologice le au asupra mediului
educaia outdoor se desprinde ca o modalitate extrem de
benefic pentru schimbarea atitudinilor si comportamentelor
fa de mediu;
- Educaia outdoor reprezinta o puternica surs de experiene de
nvare un mediu relaxant, liber, fara constrangerile pe care
le impun cei 4 pereti ai unei sli de clas poate oferi elevilor
nenumrate provocri, astfel c procesul de educare devine
puternic, inspiraional si de natur s schimbe comportamente

antisociale, s creeze o relaie puternic ntre oameni bazat
pe sprijin reciproc;
- Educaia outdoor faciliteaz procesul de nvare al elevilor care
ntmpin dificulti n acest sens cum spuneam mai sus,
educaia outdoor ofer un climat diferit de nvare ce permite
elevilor care n mod usual ntmpin dificulti de nvare si au
un nivel sczut de performan colar, s devin mai motivai,
cu mult mai capabili;
- Dezvoltare personal att al celor care o aplic, ct mai ales al
- Dezvoltarea spiritului de echip conexiunea ntre elevi, elevi-
profesori duce la creterea gradului de participare activ,
cresterea ceteniei active in randul ambelor categorii;
- Educaia outdoor ofera nenumrate beneficii fizice, emoionale,
mentale ce asigur bunstarea societii

Obiectivele generale ale educaiei outdoor sunt:
Dezvoltarea abilitilor socio-personale: mbuntirea muncii
n echip, mbuntirea relaiilor sociale, dezvoltarea
competenelor de conducere, etc
Dezvoltarea abilitilor de management: organizare,
coordonare, evaluare
Oferirea unui cadru stimulativ de nvare
Ofera posibilitatea crerii unui mediu relaxant si motivant n
funcie de problema identificat permite escaladarea unor
nivele inalte de imaginatie n vederea obinerii rezultatelor

Exist o serie de programe de educaie outdoor care pot fi utile
n diferite contexte si n funcie de nevoile existente/identificate, astfel
ca se pot utiliza astfel de programe axate pe sntate i educaie fizic,
tiina mediului, management i psihologie. Spre exemplu un program

de educaie outdoor axat pe educaie fizic ar putea avea efect
preventiv-educativ-terapeutic, ar putea duce la scderea numrului de
elevi cu obezitate crescut din coala dumneavoastr (programul ar
putea include exerciii fizice, plimbri in aer liber, discuii libere cu
elevii ntr-un cadru relaxant i motivant); un program de educaie
outdoor axat pe tiina mediului ar avea ca efect informarea elevilor cu
privire la problemele de mediu din comunitatea lor, contientizarea cu
privire la impactul pe care aciunile lor le au asupra mediului (putei
organiza o activitate de ecologizare, sau orice alte activiti pe care le
considerati relevante n abordarea problemei identificate - o
caracteristic important a educaiei outdoor este aceea c permite un
grad ridicat de creativitate).
Un aspect important al educaiei outdoor este acela c poate
contribui la creterea nivelului de bunstare al indivizilor; pe lang
nevoile de baz ale unei persoane, exist i o serie de nevoi la care
educaia outdoor poate rspunde i anume: nevoia de a fi respectat,
inclus social, de a fi activ i responsabil, nevoia de a te simi n

Nevoia de a se simi respectat derularea de diferite
activiti n aer liber incurajeaza copilul s se simt n
largul su, astfel el va fi mult mai deschis, va comunica,
i va exprima propriile opinii, se va simi bgat n seam
i va simi ca deciziile sale conteaz pentru ceilali; elevii
pot fi consultai cu privire la diferite jocuri sau activiti.

Nevoia de a fi responsabil activitile outdoor permit
copilului oportunitatea de a primi diferite sarcini (
educaia outdoor este printre altele o forma de nvare
organizat i structurat, astfel ca profesorul trebuie s
aib n vedere implicarea tuturor elevilor n activitile
propuse ); sub supravegherea

profesorului/educatorului, fiecare copil primete
diferite responsabiliti i sarcini pentru atingerea
scopului propus ( spre exemplu daca se opteaz pentru
o activitate de ecologizare, un elev poate primi sarcina
de a curaa pomii, un elev are sarcina de a uda florile
este important ns ca prin comunicarea cu elevul,
profesorul s-i nsueasca acestuia sentimentul c prin
ceea ce ntreprinde el, mediul va fii mai curat, astfel el
va contientiza c are o responsabilitate fa de
protejarea mediului ).

Nevoia de a fi activ implicarea n diferite activiti
sportive, jocuri, plimbri tematice, nu va aduce dect
beneficii dezvoltarii fizice, psihice ale elevului. Jocul este
o caracteristic principal a copilriei, de aceea este
important ca elevii sa fie stimulai in mod constant s se
joace, s alerge, s participe la diferite activiti n mod

Nevoia de a fi inclus social poate cea mai important
caracteristic a educaiei outdoor este aceea c este o
modalitate de succes de a depi unele dificulti ale
copilului ( psihice, fizice, sociale, emoionale sau
economice ), astfel nct acesta s fie inclus social, s
simt c aparine unei comuniti; se consider ca
mediul din interiorul clasei este mai degraba unul
competitiv, n timp ce cel din afara clasei este unul
suportiv, care permite copiilor s se exprime, s
relaioneze cu ceilali, s colaboreze.

Nevoia de a se simti n siguran - un aspect pe care
literatura de specialitate l consider important n

abordarea educaiei outdoor este c aceasta trebuie s
in cont de aceast nevoie. Interiorul clasei este mult
mai sigur pentru elevi, n timp ce mediul exterior
implic diferite riscuri i situaii neprevzute care pot
avea efect negativ. Profesorul trebuie sa identifice
posibilele riscuri care pot s apar i s conceap un
plan de management al riscului, despre care vom vorbi
mai trziu ntruct este un aspect deosebit de important
care i-a facut pe unii specialiti in domeniu s nege
utilitatea utilizrii educaiei outdoor.

ntruct educaia outdoor se adreseaz unui public larg,
indiferent de vrst, nevoile sunt similare i pentru cei mici i pentru
cei mari, acest tip de educaie trebuie s acorde locul cuvenit acestor
nevoi indiferent de vrsta elevului.
Participarea la activitile de formare din cadrul proiectului
EcoEdu beyond rhetoric a oferit cadrelor didactice din Ctunele,
oportunitatea de a nelege acest fenomen nou, de a-l aprofunda i
implementa cu succes n curiculara colar chiar i fr existena unor
norme ale Ministerului Educaiei. Procesul de nvare a modului de
abordare al acestui tip de educaie a fost unul anevoios, ntruct
considerm acest proces deosebit de complex care necesit timp
pentru a putea fi implementat cu succes i pentru a putea da
rezultatele pe care le dorim. n cele ce urmeaz vom oferi o
perspectiv a educaiei outdoor n relatia cu celelalte forme ale
educaiei, pentru a nelege mai bine de ce s alegi educaia n aer

Educaia n aer liber este considerat a fi mult mai motivant-
stimulativ i cu un impact mai puternic asupra procesului de nvare

n randul elevilor. Pentru a nelege mai bine ce aduce nou educaia
outdoor procesului de predare-nvare, vom face o scurt incursiune a
formelor de educaie existente.

Educaia formal: acel tip de educaie care opereaz ntr-o
instituie reglement de norme i reguli numit coal.
- instituionalizat, ierarhizat,
- supravegheaz cadrul n care se desfoar procesul de
educaie impune reguli i norme
- este gradat cronologic (de la educaia primar pn la
educaia universitar) ,
- organizat i condus de la centru ( Ministerul Educaiei)
- evaluarea este realizat de ctre profesor,
- folosete metode puin participative, autoritatea i disciplina
sunt impuse prin constrngere ,relaia profesor-elev este

Educaia informal se realizeaz prin nvare de-a lungul vieii,
fiecare individ i formeaz atitudini, valori, deprinderi din experiena
cotidian, folosind resursele educative din mediul n care triete de
la familie i vecini, de la locul de joac, de la magazin, de la bibliotec
sau din mass-media. Aceasta se realizeaz individual sau prin
interaciuni cu membrii comunitii fr a fi planificat, ajutndu-i pe
oameni s nvee oricnd i oriunde.

Educaia nonformal nu se traduce ca o activitate lipsit de un
efect formativ, ci trebuie ineleas ca o realitate educaional mai
puin formalizat. Conceptul de educaie nonformal este asociat
conceptului de nvare pe tot parcursul vieii (lifelong learning).
Evaluarea in cadrul educatiei nonformale este realizata de cel
care invata, iar abordarea multi-disciplinar a procesului de nvare,

ajut oamenii s neleag i s aprecieze mediului i legtura lor cu
acesta. Pregtete elevii pentru un viitor durabil, analizeaz
problemele pe termen lung.
- metodele folosite sunt axate pe participarea activa
- metoda este un mijloc prin care sunt indeplinite obiectivele
unei activiti - jocul este o metod des folosit.
- rspunde la intrebarea Cum?
- Importani furnizori de educaie nonformal sunt ONG-urile.

Dintre toate aceste forme, educaia outdoor se pliaz cel mai
bine cu cea non-formal, ntruct ca i aceasta, educaia outdoor se
bazeaz foarte mult pe participarea activ, maximizeaz procesul de
nvare, minimaliznd constrngerea specific colii, ofer o utilitate
practic imediat cunotinelor nvate, se desfoar n contexte
diferite avnd un cadru de nvare i un coninut lejer, folosete
metode care stimuleaz implicarea i participarea, are o structur i o
planificare flexibil, procesul nvrii este orientat spre participant, se
bazeaz pe experiena participanilor.
Att educaia non-formal ct i educaia outdoor pot fi
integrate cu succes n educaia formal cu scopul de a maximiza
efectele procesului de nvare, tendina actual este aceea de
amplificare a celor dou forme, mai ales pentru faptul c ncorporate,
ele conduc la un sistem educativ mult mai valoros din punct de vedere
al calitii, produc avantaje pe termen lung, permit acoperirea unei
game largi de discipline i cel mai important, actul educaional se
axeaz n aceeai msur i celor care o implementeaz ( n spe
profesorilor ) i celor care fac obiectul nvrii ( n spe elevii ).
Educaia formal are meritul de a fi organizat i structurat,
ncorpornd o palet ntreag de informaii i cunotine de care are
nevoie un individ n formarea sa educaional, educaia informal vine
n sprijinul educaiei formale i asigur procesul de nvare oricnd i

oriunde, pe tot parcursul vieii, educaia non-formal vine cu acele
elemente de natur s satisfac nevoile unui individ de natura, psihica,
social, emoional prin diferite metode interactive, participative, iar
educaia outdoor scoate la aer cele 3 forme de educaie, le
rivigoreaz, le adaug prospeime si i extinde aciunea benefic n
diferite domenii ( n spe dezvoltare durabil, protecia mediului,
dezvoltare personal i profesional ).
Considerm c profesorii, educatorii, directorii de coal,
Ministerul Educaiei mai ales, ar trebui s considere educaia outdoor
ca parte semnificativ n sistemul de nvmnt, ca un ntreg ir de
oportuniti de nvare.




Interdisciplinaritatea ne ajut s utilizm sau s integrm
anumite concepte i metode ntre diferite forme de educaie, pentru
atingerea acestui el, o importan deosebit o are sistemul
educaional. Acesta trebuie s fie construit n aa fel nct s permit
actorilor educaionali crearea unui proces de predare flexibil, ajustabil
n funcie de nevoile de nvare ale elevilor. Aa cum precizam
anterior educaia formal asigur necesarul de cunotine I informaii
educaionale, educaia informal asigur procesul de nvare pe tot
parcursul vieii, educaia non-formala este participativ, interactiv, iar
educaia outdoor scoate la aer cele 3 forme de educaie, ns
mpreun aceste forme de educaie creaz un sistem de nvmnt de
calitate din punct de vedere al coninutului, i mai ales al rezultatelor
Curricula colar desemneaz continutul invrii formale,
strategiile de predare-invare, metode si mijloace, resurse materiale,
modaliti de evaluare focalizate pe componenta educativ-
instituional. Curricula colar este prestabilit, bine delimitat de
celelalte forme ale educaiei printr-un set de reguli si norme, de
factorii decideni la nivel naional, in spe Ministerul Educaiei.
Educaia formal este recunoscut ca fiind principala form prin care
elevii nva, celorlalte forme nu li se acord atenia cuvenit chiar
dac impactul lor este pe alocuri mult mai intens. Experiena ca i
profesori/educatori/nvtori ne-a fcut sa identificm cteva dintre
dezavantajele/efectele secundare ale educaiei formale

- curricula colar impune un set de reguli i norme pe care att
elevii ct i profesorii lor trebuie sa le respecte ceea ce denot
un rol autoritar din partea profesorilor - dezavantajul principal
este acela c ordinea i disciplina dau natere unor temeri,
tensiuni ale elevilor
- exist profesori care acord o atenie excesiv disciplinei
predate (spre exemplu dirigintele unei clase n loc s aloce timp
i orelor de dirigenie, prefer s-i predea materia sa, efectul
secundar fiind acela c elevii dezvolt repulsie fa de acea
materie pe de-o parte iar pe de alt parte, orele de dirigenie
sunt i ele extrem de importante ntruct asigur o apropiere a
elevului de profesor)
- manualele pentru diferite discipline abund deseori in noiuni
teoretice, ceea ce favorizeaz nvarea mecanic n rndul
elevilor, n acest sens se ntrevede necesitatea de redistribuire
a informaiilor ctre partea practic-aplicativ
- educaia formal creaz repetitivitate, obinuin, plafonare
prin faptul c profesorii predau aceeasi lecie de nenumrate
ori, astfel i pierd interesul, predarea leciei devenind astfel un
proces mecanic i nu ia n considerare dac elevul este atent la
lecie, dac este interesat de ceea ce nva i mai ales dac
este motivat s nvee.
Spre deosebire de educaia formal, educaia outdoor
ntmpin o serie de obstacole:
- la nivel contextual, nu exist o viziune coerent asupra
educaiei romneti ceea ce face ca educaia outdoor s nu fie
complementar cu cea formal.
- se identific lipsa existentei contiinei locale, a iniiativei,
participrii sociale pentru dezvoltarea local,
- lipsa fondurilor colilor/ situatie material precar a prinilor
pentru a pune n aplicare diferite activiti outdoor,

- lipsa unei legislaii care s-i ofere educaiei outdoor locul
- lipsa parteneriatului social (relatiile dintre coli I diferii actori
educaionali i nu numai sunt aproape inexistente),
- la nivelul colilor, nu exist o pregtire profesional a
profesorilor n domeniul educaiei outdoor,
- se identific lipsa unor abiliti de cooperare i relaionare,
cadre didactice reticente la nou, deficiente ale acestora in
domeniul comunicrii, etc.
- educaia outdoor este asociat de multe ori cu o serie de riscuri
faptul ca se desfoar n aer liber, impune anumite riscuri pe
care multe cadre didactice nu doresc s i le asume nu att din
team ct din comoditate
Integrarea educaiei outdoor n curricula colar reprezint n
prezent un aspect important n asigurarea dezvoltrii personale I
profesionale a elevului, mai ales pentru c contextul actual este
caracterizat de lipsa interesul i motivaiei spre nvare ale elevilor,
accentuarea gradului de neimplicare n viaa colar, existena unor
preocupri care afecteaz negativ comportamentul elevului, lipsa
respectului pentru coal ca instituie, pentru profesor, familie. Dup
cum am artat anterior, educaia outdoor mprospteaz mediul
academic, ofer oportuniti interactive de nvare, care dac sunt
implementate corect duc la minimizarea aspectelor negative existente
n actualul sistem educaional.
Un prim pas in corelarea educaiei outdoor cu educaia formal
l-ar reprezenta legiferarea acesteia, constituirea unor centre de
asisten educaional axate pe acest model de educaie care pe de-o
parte s susin implementarea educaiei outdoor n coli, iar pe de
alt parte s susin formarea profesional i continu a cadrelor
didactice, pentru ca acestea s dobndeasc o serie de abiliti i
competene n domeniu. De asemenea, ncurajarea parteneriatului
social ntre coli i diferite ONG-uri cu experien n domeniu

faciliteaza procesul de integrare al educaiei outdoor n sistem
educational actual si ofera exemple de bun practic.
Recunoatem meritul colii ca principal furnizor al educaiei,
ns aceasta trebuie s se plieze pe noile cerine ale sistemului, pe
nevoile elevilor, profesorilor, ntruct se observ necesitatea de a
mprospta actualul process de predare-nvare care nu mai
corespunde societii romneti.


Integrarea educaiei outdoor n cadrul curiculei colare implic
diferite etape de la planificarea procesului i pn la implementare.
Atunci cnd este planificat o activitate outdoor trebuie s se realizeze
o serie de conexiuni cu disciplina colar pe care dorim s o
scoatem n aer liber ( Vezi Fig. 1 )

Fig. 1
Om si
fizica si
Limba si
si stiinte

n cele ce urmeaz v vom oferi o serie de informaii i exemple
practice referitoare la diferite discipline colare.

Limb i comunicare alegei s tinei orele de clas n
aer liber, fie c aveti o poveste/nuvela/roman la limba
romn, sau leciile de limbi straine. V prezentm mai
jos cteva exemple:

- punerea n scena a a unei poveti, dupa ce in prealabil aceasta a
fost citit n sala de clas putei solicita elevilor s schimbe
firul epic al povetii (pentru a evita haosul i dezorganizarea,
pregtii elevii pentru activitate cu o zi nainte, sprijinii elevii n
acest proces, fr ns a interveni n deciziile lor pentru
stabilirea unui nou fir epic - activitatea nu presupune o repetiie
propriu-zis, este indicat s lsai elevii s fie spontani, ei se vor
gandi n prealabil cum s schimbe firul epic, ns pentru
exemplificare ei vor fi ncurajai s improvizeze
- identificai anumite elemente naturale cu care elevii pot scrie:
pe pmnt, pe pietre sau frunze
- ncepei o poveste alegnd un obiect din natur ( un copac, o
floare, etc ) i ncurajai elevii s continue povestea
- creai mpreun cu elevii un loc sau mai multe locuri de citit (
atunci cand avei o lectur la clas putei merge n acel loc )
- ncurajai elevii s compun poezii cu diverse obiecte din jur (
copaci, iarba, etc ).
- Excursie ABC: Plimbai-v n jur afar, cutnd obiecte care
ncep cu literele alfabetului. Cnd zrii o furnic, cerei elevilor
s scrie despre aceasta sau s deseneze o poz cu furnica sub
litera A. Vezi cte litere din alfabet poi s acoperi.
- Povetile Copacilor: Aeaz grupulee de copiii n linite o
perioad de timp lng un copac. Ce sunete aud? De unde vin?
Dac copacul ar putea vorbi, ce poveti ar putea spune el? Scrie

un haiku (un poem japonez de 17 silabe), sau alt poem despre

Exist o varietate de activiti ce pot fi derulate pentru a preda
ntr-un mod inedit aceast materie, astfel elevii i vor forma imaginaia,
creativitatea, vorbirea, exprimarea literar/artistic.

Matematica i tiine
Matematica ofer i ea oportuniti care mai de care
mai diversificate, prin compunerea sau rezolvarea de
probleme, elevii sunt pui n situaia de a evalua n cifre
exacte anumite aspecte, spre exemplu:
- adunai o gramad de pietre din care profesorul si fiecare elev
i vor alege una, compar piatra aleas de tine cu cea a
elevilor,cine are piatra cea mai mare sau piatra cea mai mic,
desenai cu creta semnele < > = a pentru a esemplifica
- scoate copiii n curtea coli i pune copiii s formeze diferite
figuri geometrice, astfel vor nva ntr-un mod interactiv
- msurai curtea colii sau poate gradina cu flori, etc.
- Peisaj de Calcul - facei o plimbare, cutnd diferite culori,
forme sau obiecte. Cerei elevilor s pstreze o foaie de calcul
pe care s noteze obiectele gsite de clas. Facei simple
grafice pentru a reprezenta numerele din categoriile variate.
Cum ai descrie zona voastr unei persoane din alt ora sau
- Clasificri: cerei elevilor s adune 20 sau mai multe frunze pe
care le gsesc pe jos, s le sorteze pe grmezi diferite (dupa
culoare, form, etc). Discutai despre modul cum diferite criterii
de clasificare duc la diferite distribuiri de grmezi. Ce criterii
folosim pentru a clasifica grupuri de organisme cum ar fi
mamiferele, psrile, plantele i insectele? Cum ar putea s se

schimbe ordinea noastr daca am sorta folosind criterii

Fizic i chimie fenomenele fizico-chimice din natur ( ploile,
ninsorile, tunetul/fulgerul, arderea combustibulului, circuitul apei
spre exemplu coala noastr este situat ntr-o zona minier ceea ce
ne-a oferit posibilitatea de a le explica elevilor anumite elemente
chimice minereuri de fier, compozitia chimic a carbunelui, etc ) pot fi
observate cu uurin elevii vor fi mult mai motivai s nvee avnd
posibilitatea de a observa aceste fenomene pe de-o parte urmrii
partea teoretic a orei de curs, iar pe de alt parte partea practic,
acolo unde este posibil.

Biologie - elevul dobndete organizat cunotine cu privire
plantele si animalele din natura, informaii cu privire la mediul
nconjurtor, la poluare i consecinele acesteia. Valenele educative
ale leciilor de biologie pot fi puse n valoare prin:
- plantarea i ngrijirea plantelor din grdina colii, din grdina de
- vizite la grdina zoologic, la grdina botanic,
- participarea elevilor la aciuni de protecia mediului,
- drumeii n pdure i construire de csue pentru psrele
- fotografierea vietilor din jur ( pasri, insecte )


- Magazinul de bcnie - Discutai despre poziia articolelor din
magazinul de bcnie: unele dintre ele sunt pe raftul de sus,
unele pe jos, altele sunt depozitate n subsol. Punei-i pe elevi
s se uite la mediul dinafar ca la un magazin de bcnie. Ce fel
de mncare se afl pe raftul de sus (acoperi), raftul de mai jos
(subpoveste), raftul de jos (baz), i beci (subsol). De pe ce
rafturi se cumpr diferitele animale? Majoritatea animalelor
se cumpr de pe un anume raft sau sunt distribuite n mod
- Urme de animale: cutai urme de animale n nmol, nisip sau
zpad. Punei-i pe elevi s-i mite corpul n aa fel nct s
lase modele de urme similare cu cele pe care le-au vazut. Ct
de dificil este s ne micm ca celelalte animale? Credei c
iepurii, cprioarele sau oarecii ar avea aceleai probleme de
micare ca noi? Ce legtur are asta cu conceptul de adaptare?

Om i societate
Geografie lectiile de geografie despre formele de
relief, clima, vegetaia, solurile, apa, sau fauna pot fi
scoase cu uurin n aer liber folositi-va de mediul
natural n care v aflai pentru a le explica i exemplifica
elevilor anumite noiuni ce in de aceast disciplin
cum s-au format cmpiile, dealurile, munii, apele, etc.
Avei opiunea de a organiza o drumeie n puncte cheie
din zona n care v aflai, s obesrvai mpreun cu elevii
fenomenele climatice i s facei conexiuni cu diferite
discipline cum ar fi fizica ( putei organiza o lecie
comun cu profesorul de fizic ), pentru a studia
vegetaia sau fauna putei realiza deasemenea o lecie
comun cu profesorul de biologie, realizai mpreun cu
elevii o hart a localitii, realizai o galerie foto a

mediului geografic. Elementul cheie al educaiei
outdoor este acela c ofer elevului posibilitatea de
nva prin experimentare, prin observare la faa locului,
elevii vor fi mult mai motivai s nvee, vor gsi cu
uurin rspunsuri la ntrebrile lor.
Istorie identificai i vizitai mpreun cu elevii un monument
istoric din localitate, reconstituii un traseu istoric ( cum ar fi un
rzboi/lupta ), organizai ad-hoc n curtea colii anumine momente
istorice de importan cum ar fi Unirea Principatelor, vorbiti-le
elevilor de marile personaliti istorice ale Romaniei alegnd dac este
posibil anumite elemente cheie. Tinei lecii de istorie n aer liber, n
curtea colii i organizaiu o dezbatere astfel - ncurajai elevii s-i
exprime creativitea prin schimbarea imaginativ a istoriei spre
exemplu ce s-ar fi ntmplat dac nu ar fi avut loc Primul Razboi
Mondial elevii vor nelege astfel importana istoriei n dezvoltarea
unei naiuni, faptul c rzboaiele ntre popoare ncetinesc procesul de
dezvoltare, creaz probleme economice, sociale, au impact asupra
calitii vieii elevii vor aprecia mult mai mult prezentul i vor
contientiza c oamenii sunt responsabili pentru bunstarea lor i a
comunitii/societii n care triesc.
Discipline socio-umane Chiar i o disciplina dificil cum este
psihologia, poate fi scoas din mediul clasei, spre exemplu organizai n
aer liber diferite jocuri/teste psihologice pentru procesele pshice
cognitive (memoria, atenia, limbajul, gndirea, imaginaia), oferii-le
eleviilor informaii despre semnificaiile jocurilor sau rezultatele
testelor, explicai aceste fenomene psihologice abia dup ce au avut
posibilitatea de a le experimenta, astfel elevii le vor nelege mult mai
bine. Spaiile outdoor ofer adesea posibiliti de explorare filosofic
creai un spaiu de reflecie n aer liber, lansai discuii filosofice
despre frumusee ( utiliznd elemente din natur o floare, un copac,
etc ), despre adevr sau bine ( identificai o fapt bun facut de un
membru al comunitii sau chiar de ctre un elev i ncurajai elevii s

discute despre aceast fapt, s identifice elemnetele cheie ce
anume a fcut acea persoan s acioneze n acel fel, de ce e important
s facem bine celor din jurul nostru, etc ).
Religie realizai impreun cu elevii un calendar de evenimente
religioase i activii ce pot fi realizate n cadrul acestor evenimente
spre exemplu de Crciun mergei cu elevii in colindat, punei n scena
Naterea lui Isus, mpodobii curtea colii, nu omitei s le oferii
elevilor informaii despre simbolurile religioase, vizitai biserici, etc.
Educaie civic - se poate realiza o simulare a modului cum s
te compori pe strad, cum s fii un pieton model cum s traversezi
tiinele naturii i educaia civic sunt discipline ce pot forma elevilor
deprinderi legate de ocrotirea calitii mediului nconjurtor. Regulile
de comportare corect fa de natur trebuie s fie respectate de toi.
Totul pornete de la deprinderile simple. Hrtiile, ambalajele
alimentelor, sticlele i alte deeuri nu se arunc la ntmplare, pentru a
mpnzi dezagreabil mprejurimile colii, ci se depoziteaz ordonat n
containerele speciale. Grupurile sanitare trebuie pstrate curate i
igienizate permanent. Substanele chimice din laboratoare nu se
arunc pe sol, pentru a nu se degrada.Loturile agricole colare, spaiile
verzi cu flori i copaci trebuie curate, i prin grija micilor ecologiti ai
colii, de sticle, pungi de plastic, cutii metalice ruginite, putei organiza
n acest sens aciuni de ecologizare periodice.



Educaia plastic i abilitile practice ofer posibilitatea
manifestrii depline a creativitii i sensibilitii copilului. Desenele,
colajele, afie cu mesaj ecologic constituie o mbinare a esteticului cu
informaia tiinific. Prin aceste activiti capt valoare artistic
unele obiecte realizate din materiale refolosibile. Documentati-va,
identificati si vizitati impreuna cu elevii un monument din comunitatea
dumneavoastra, o opera de arta din apropierea localitatii, incurajati
elevii sa-si exprime parerile fata de obiecte vizitate ce reprezinta
aceastea, oferiti-le informatii despre autorul/autorii creatiilor. In acest
fel elevii isi formeaza vorbirea, exprimarea, creativitatea gandirea
analitica si critica.
Educaia muzical organizai concursuri muzicale n aer liber
sau mergei mpreun cu elevii la un concert, n acest fel putei
descoperi elevii cu talent muzical, ei pot fi ndrumai spre o carier n
acest domeniu.
Creioanele colorate ale Naturii - punei-i pe elevi s adune
mostre de frunze, crengue, pmnt, boabe i s le frece pe o bucat
de hrtie pentru a determina ce culoare, daca exist una, are creionul
lor natural. Punei-i sa deseneze o poza folosind culorile pe care le pot
gsi n zona lor. Prevenii-i mpotriva materialelor pe care nu trebuie s
le foloseasc ( iedera otravitoare, urzici, animale vii, etc.)
Ochii: punei-i pe elevi s probeze ochii celorlalte animale.
Pentru a simula un ochi in vrful capului, tinei o oglinda mic cu faa
n sus i planul n mn i uitai-v direct n ea. ncercai s mergei
civa metri cu aceast vedere. Pentru ochiul de pe partea capului,
tinei oglinda perpendicular pe pmnt i cu faa nafar. Cum difer
aceste vederi ale lumii de cea a noastr? Cum crezi c ar vrea unele

animale s aib ochii n locuri diferite? Ce rol joaca n arta vederea
lucrurilor n diferite moduri?

Educaie fizic i sport

Aceasta arie disciplinar se pliaz cel mai bine cu acest concept
de educaie outdoor. Unde altundeva poi ine orele de curs dect n
aer liber? Avei de ales dintr-o varietate de activiti sportive- tenis,
fotbal, volei, handbal, ping-pong, diferite exerciii fizicebaschet - toate
aceste activiti contribuie la dezvoltarea fizic i psihic a elevului ntr-
un mod armonios, elevii cu probleme de obezitate vor fi ncurajai s
duc un stil de via sntos, anumite probleme de sntate pot fi
prevenite printr-o via activ ce poate fi modelat n timpul orelor de
educaie fizic i sport.

Tehnologii vizitai fabrici, cariere, mine observai
utilajele tehnologice folosite pentru obinearea unui
produs, construii mobilier exterior pentru curtea colii,

Educatia ecologica

Deseori educaia outdoor este confundat cu educaia pentru
mediu-ecologic, asta pentru ca cele dou se ntlnesc n aer liber,
educaia outdoor nu nseamn numai acest lucru, ea are nenumarate

valene n toate domeniiile nu doar n cel al proteciei mediului. n
coal elevii sunt foarte receptivi la ce li se arat i li se spune n
legtura cu mediul. Prin diferite discipline incluse n procesul de
nvmnt trebuie s convingem pe fiecare elev de necesitatea
aprrii mediului nconjurtor mpotriva polurii i s le formm
conduita ecologic modern. Acest lucru se realizez ndeosebi n
cadrul leciilor de tiine, menite s nlesneasc nelegerea
organismelor vegetale i animale, a proceselor eseniale de nteinere
a vieii, a legturilor indisolubile dintre plante - animale - mediu, al
celor de geografie, dar i, ocazional, n cadrul unor lecii de educaie
civic, limba romn, educaie muzical, educaie plastic, istorie etc.
Contribuii de seam la educaia ecologic pot aduce activitile
outdoor. Orice activitate ce se desfoar n afara slii de clas
nseamn activitate n contact nemijlocit cu mediul nconjurtor. Aa
cum i nvm pe copii s vorbeasc, s se poarte n familie, la coal
i n societate, s respecte normele de igien. Tot aa trebuie s-i
nvm s se poarte cu mediul n care trim. Dintre modalitile
folosite, n afara clasei, n scopul educrii ecologice amintesc: excursii
i vizite pentru a constata situaia n care se afl mediul , aciuni pentru
aprarea mediului,igienizarea i nfrumusearea colilor,
parcurilor,crearea unui col viu n clas. V prezentm mai jos 2 dintre
proiectele implementate de ctre profesorii de la coala noastr care
au avut drept scop contientizarea elevilor cu privire la necesitatea de
a proteja mediul nconjurtor.


Justificare: Spaiul din spatele bisericii satului Valea Perilor este
amenajat de catre preotul i prinii din sat pentru plantarea unei livezi
de peri pe cinci rnduri. Spaiul se preteaz la amenajarea livezii de
peri, iar n faa bisericii plantarea i amenajarea unor ronduri de flori.

Scop: - dezvoltarea simtului raspunderii fa de mediul nconjurtor,
cunoasterea a cat mai multe lucruri despre pomii fructiferi si flori cat si a
materialelor si uneltelor folosite.
- elevii s participe activ la sadirea si ngrijirea copacilor prin vruirea
- Elevii s planteze i s semene flori .
- Elevii s continue activitatea prin ngrijirea permanenta a plantelor.
- Cultivarea n sufletul elevilor a sentimentelor de dragoste pentru
natur i frumos.
Echipa de proiect: 4 profesori de la coal
Parteneri: Biserica Comunei Catunele, Comitetul de prini al colii
Grupul int:elevii colii Primare Dealul-Viilor, Comuna Catunele,
Judetul Gorj
Metodologia de intervenie:
La activitate au participat mai multe grupe de elevi organizate pe
nivele de vrste. Elevii din clasele mari mpreun cu dascalii i prinii
au pregtit terenul prin sparea lui pentru plantarea perilor. cu
hrleul i apoi greblarea lui. Prinii au ajutat o grup de elevi din
clasele mari s dea cu var trunchiul pomilor. Alte grupe de elevi au
plantat i semnat flori.
Resurse materiale:
Unelte,var,bidinele,semine de flori,rsaduri de flori,bulbi. Ingrasamant
natural, puieti,
Resurse temporale: O zi.
Resurse spaiale: spaiul din fata i din spatele bisericii.
Planul operional de aciune
Etape de mediatizare:
- Luna martie discuii cu grupurile ce vor participa la aciune
- Luna aprilie: desfurarea activitilor n funcie de starea


Evaluarea proiectului:
- impresii despre aspectul spaiului plantat cu flori i a livezii de
peri dupa aciune i dup nflorirea florilor
- Discutarea respectarii i ndeplinirii sarcinilor; de a avea grij de
pomul lui i a rondului de flori,
- Crearea de catre elevii a unor texte, desene despre pomi,
plante, natura; expunerea acestora la panoul de onoare


Scop: educarea copiilor n spiritul respectului pentru mediul
nconjurtor i consolidarea unor noiuni matematice n cadrul
aciunilor desfurate. Concomitent cu activitile de educaie
ecologic, care au sensibilizat copiii, ei au nvat importana
numerelor n viaa de zi cu zi.

Etapa I: Cu ajutorul elevilor am plantat gard viu pe o poriune de-a
lungul gardului colii ( copiii au msurat aproximativ 5 m). Am spat un
an de 30 cm adncime i 25-30 cm lime, iar puieii
i-am plantat la distan de 20-25 cm ntre ei ( 23 buci). Ulterior,
gardul viu a fost udat i ngrijit de copii.

Etapa II: Elevii din clasa a V-a au plantat flori de primvar n ghivece.
Seminele aduse de ei au fost: crciumreas, gura leului, crie i
nsturei. Cu ajutorul meu au citit instruciunile de pe spatele
ambalajului i le-au semnat n ghivece.
crciumreasa- seminele au fost presrate direct pe pmnt.
Copiii au observat i au notat timpul de germinaie: 7-9 zile. Le-
am precizat c planta poate ajunge pn la 90 cm nlime,
dac este plantat n grdin;

gura leului-seminele au fost plantate la o adncime de 1,5
cm. Timp de germinaie- aproximativ 2 sptmni. Planta poate
ajunge pn la 15-20 cm;
criele-seminele au fost plantate la adncime de 1 cm.
Germinaia n 2 sptmni. Cresc pn la 25-35 cm. Toate
aceste flori au nevoie de soare i ap mult (copiii au turnat o
dat la dou zile o canuta mic cu ap);
nstureii (conduraii). Seminele au fost plantate la 2-3 cm
adncime, acoperite de pmnt. Ele germineaz dup 10-12
zile, dar nu au nevoie de soare, ci stau n zone mai ntunecoase.
Cresc pn la 20-30 cm.

Etapa III: Copiilor de clasa a V-a, le revine sarcina de a avea grij de
proiectul ecologic al fotilor mei elevi, aflai n clasa a IX-a. n urm cu 4
ani am plantat cu acetia bulbi de narcise, n curtea colii. Bulbii au fost
plantai toamna, la o adncime de 1,5 din nlimea lor. Narcisele
rezist la temperaturi sczute. Florile apar fiecare pe cte o tulpin, n
grupuri de cte 10-12, lucru observat i de copii. Ajung la o nlime de
15-20 cm i diametru de 8 cm. Copiii au reinut c narcisele sunt plante
perene, care rsar an de an fr a fi nevoie s fie replantat bulbul.


Etapa IV: Activitate individual. Fiecare elev a plantat n grdina colii
cte un pom. S-au plantat meri i un viin. Am spat o groap mai mare
cu 30 cm dect lungimea rdcinilor i am umplut-o cu pmnt i
compost. Merii se planteaz la 9-10 m distan. Am pus copacii in
groap, rsfirnd cu atenie rdcinile (iniial i adusesem n
ghivece).Merii vor rodi abia dup trei ani.

Educaia outdoor metod de stimulare a creativitii elevilor o
viziune a cercetailor

Parteneriatul cu Organizaia Naional Cercetaii Romaniei
Filiala Ecaterina
Teodoroiu Trgu Jiu din cadrul proiectului EcoEdu beyond rhetoric a
oferit o
nou imagine asupra metodelor de stimulare a creativitii elevilor,
educaia outdoor
fiind una din aceste metode. Experiena cercetailor n acest tip de
educaie a facilitat celor participani la proiect procesul de nelegere al
acesteia i ne-a oferit n primul rnd un exemplu de bun practic.
Fiind bazat pe un cadru simbolic, metoda scout stimuleaz
creativitatea tinerilor prin ea nsi. De exemplu numele unei ramuri
de vrst, lupisori, temerari sau exploratori, semnele de
identificare, cum sunt uniforma i esarfa, nsemnele, cntecele sau
ceremoniile. Toate aceste elemente ajut la crearea unui cadru, a unei
atmosfere propice dezvoltrii creativitii. Iat o descriere a ramurilor
de vrst ale cercetailor:

Lupisorii (7-11 ani)
Cadrul simbolic, modelul folosit pentru Lupiori este Cartea
Junglei scris de Rudyard Kipling. Lupisorii se ntlnesc sptmnal

pentru vntoare. Ei pot porni in cutarea unui ora pierdut, sau a
unei comori ascunse. Pe parcurs trebuie s treac de diferite probe:
ghicitori, probe fizice sau care le pun creativitatea la ncercare. Li se
poate cere de exemplu, s alctuiasc o strof care s conin anumite

Insula temerarilor(11-14)
Insula deoarece sugereaz un spaiu exotic (deci promitor) la
care se ajunge doar n urma unei cltorii iniiatice. Temerarii trebuie
s se adapteze la mediu, s-i formeze noi competene, o anume
conduit i un set de valori. Insula va fi pentru ei o lume la scar mic.
Cand a venit vremea ca temerarii s fac un prim pas pe insula lor,
corabia (a se citi autobuzul) i-a dus pn in apropierea insulei. Spiritele
bune ale insulei i-au luat n primire i i-au condus n ciuda tuturor
obstacolelor pn lng insula unde, temerarii au trebuit s treac
Puntea Suspinelor, singura cale de acces.

Cetatea exploratorilor (15-18)
Cetatea semnific dezvoltarea progresiv a exploratorului i
drumul prin care ajunge s aib un rol constructiv n societatea i
comunitatea n care triete. Lucrul cu aceast ramur se bazeaz mai
mult pe activiti n cadrul comunitii, activiti de dezvoltare
personal, organizarea propriilor proiecte i implementarea unor idei.

Metode de stimulare a creativitii elevilor:

Cafeneaua public - este o metod de dialog activ
folosit la cercetai pentru un bun schimb de informaii
i gsire de soluii creative de aciune. Se folosete cnd
un grup sau organizaie dorete s dezbat un anumit
subiect (violena n coli de exemplu). Se organizeaz n

spaii asemantoare unei cafenele sau ntr-o cafenea.
Atmosfera relaxat stimuleaz gndirea liber i
creatoare prin implicarea n dialog chiar i a celor mai
timizi. Prin interaciunea cu ceilali se genereaz idei

Teatrul de improvizaie copiii sunt adesea rugai s
improvizeze o scenet. Li se va da o tem de la care ei s
porneasc, ex: Jungla. Este bazat pe improvizaie,
abilitatea de a crea, cnta, a se juca, dansa sau vorbi ca
reacie spontan la propriile gnduri sau sentimente,
presupune de multe ori o relaie interactiv cu publicul,
actorii putnd solicita sugestii din partea acestuia

Photo voice - este o metod de influenare i
sensibilizare a decidenilor de la nivel local sau
guvernamental prin prezentarea de fotografii vii
realizate de membrii unor grupuri defavorizate,
marginalizate. Prin fotografii ei spun ce cred, simt i ce
ar trebui fcut in comunitatea lor. Pentru a fi siguri ca
fiecare fotografie este ineleas, lng fotografie apare
povestea, vocea fotografului care spune istoria imaginii

Jocuri de exterior
Bulldog (Toate varstele)
O persoana este bulldog. Ceilali se aliniaz la un capt al curtii. Cnd
persoana care este bulldog-ul striga Bulldog! toi alearg spre
cealalalt parte a curii. Cel care este prins de bulldog devine ajutorul
bulldog-ului. Bulldog-ul este strigat din nou, i cei care nu sunt prini
alearg napoi de-a lungul curii, de unde au nceput. Bulldog-ul se

repet pn cnd fiecare este prins. Ultima persoan prins este
urmatorul bulldog.

Misterul morii (Toate varstele)
Copiii stau intr-un cerc. Se alege un detectiv care este scos afar pn
cnd se alege un criminal. Criminalul este ales pe ascuns, n timp ce
ceilali juctori i in ochii nchisi. O dat ce sunt alei, copiii i pot
deschide ochii i detectivul se poate ntoarce n mijlocul cercului.
Criminalul omoar aratand o fa stupid celor din cerc. Acetia
trebuie s atepte cel puin 3 secunde pn mor dupa ce fa
amuzant s-a uitat la ei. Unora le place s moar rznd. Detectivul
trebuie s gseasc criminalul. Jucatorii trebuie tot timpul s se uite la
faa unor altora. Putei s dai detectivului un numr limitat de
ncercri s ghiceasc sau s jucai pn cnd mor toti nafar de
detectiv i criminal.

Nana, Nana, cine are banana? (4 10) : copiii stau ntr-un cerc, cu
genunchii ncruciai si ndoii inainte. Ei paseaz banana n jur de la
unul la altul pe sub genunchii indoii. Un copil st n mijloc i ncearc
s identifice persoana care are banana n timp ce copiii cnt Nana
Nana, Cine are banana.

Simon spune (4-10) : un copil (seful) trebuie s spun celorlali ce s
fac. De exemplu Simon spune atingei-v nasul. Atunci toi copiii i
ating nasul. Farsa apare cnd eful spune scrpinai-v genunchiul
FR s zic Simon spune. Copiii pot avea 3 viei i ultimul juctor
rmas poate s fie eful.

Rmnei n Nmol (Toate vrstele): copiii sunt mprii n dou
echipe. Dai un nume fiecrei echipe pentru a se putea identifica. O
echipa este activ (prinde). Cand Dilek este prins, Dilek trebuie s stea
nemicat cu picioarele desprite i poate s fie eliberat numai dac

unul din echipa lui se trte pe sub picioarele lui. Jocul se termin
cnd toi sunt prini. Apoi, schimbai rolurile echipelor i jucai din nou.

Deslemnete un Prieten (Toate vrstele): fiecare copil se plimb in jur
cu o saco cu boabe pe cap. Dac ii pierzi sacoa, trebuie s
nlemneti i s te bazezi pe un prieten ca i-o ridica i i-o nlocuiete (
n timp ce i el i-o poart pe-a lui ). Un ef poate de asemenea s
schimbe ritmul jocului strignd ncet, repede, alergai sau opii.

Prinde/Nu prinde (Toi): copiii stau ntr-un cerc. Un copil st n mijloc i
are o minge. Acest copil spune Prinde sau poate spune Nu prinde i
apoi arunc mingea unuia din cerc. Copilul cruia i se arunc mingea
trebuie ori s-o prind ori s refuze s-o prind dupa cum i s-a zis. Dac
nu face asa, st jos i iese afar din joc.

Jocuri cerceteti pentru exterior:

1. Culturi
Scop: stimularea spiritului de cooperare i gsirea unei identiti
Vrsta: 6 - 60 ani
Nr. participani: peste 6 persoane
Materiale: hrtie, materiale din natur
Durata: 60-120 min
Loc de desfurare: exterior
a) Se creeaz grupe de participani din 6-10 persoane.
b) Fiecare grup trebuie s-i gseasc un nume, s-i
construiasca un steag i o vatr a "satului" folosindu-se de
materiale din natur.

c) Dupa ce se termin perioada de construcie, fiecare cultur
se va prezenta celorlalte culturi.
d) Facilitatorul va avea grij s se aprecieze toate culturile.
Ulterior toate activitile se vor relaiona la culturile create
de participani, introducerea activitilor fcnd referire la

2. Tomatele
Scop: dezvoltarea aptitudinilor fizice, a ateniei i a strategiei.
Vrsta: 5-24 ani
Nr. participani: minim 7 maxim 15
Materiale: minge
Durata: 20-30 min
Loc de desfurare: exterior
a) Juctorii stau in cerc, aplecai nainte, cu picioarele
ndeprtate. Mingea se transmite de la un juctor la altul,
cu ajutorul minilor, doar la nivelul solului.
b) Cel cruia i va trece mingea printre picioare va juca mai
departe doar cu o mn. La a doua abatere, se va ntoarce
cu spatele, jucnd din nou cu dou maini. La cel de-al treilea
gol primit va continua s joace cu spatele i cu o singur
mn, iar la cel de-al patrulea gol juctorul este eliminat.
c) Pentru a ne feri de accidente, vom pasa mingea doar la
nivelul solului, niciodat prin aer.
d) Animatorul oprete jocul dac mingea este pasat prea

3. Inger bun,inger rau
Scop: dezvoltarea ateniei, a logicii, a simurilor.
Vrsta: 10-60 ani

Nr. participani: 3-30 preferabil multiplu de 3
Materiale: earfe de legat la ochi, obiecte pentru fiecare echip
Loc de desfurare: exterior
a) Juctorii se mpart in echipe de cte 3 i primesc cte o
earf i un obiect
b) n fiecare echip un juctor va fi orbul i va fi legat la ochi.
c) Ceilali 2 juctori se ndeprteaz i hotrsc cine va fi
ngerul bun i cine va fi ngerul ru, fr ca cel legat s aud,
apoi pun obiectul echipei undeva n preajm.
d) ngerul bun ncearc s ghideze spre obiect, juctorul legat
la ochi prin indicaii verbale, iar ingerul ru ncearc s-l
induc pe "orb" n eroare.
e) ngerii nu au voie s ating orbul!
f) Jocul se termin atunci cnd toi juctorii legai la ochi au
gsit obiectul echipei lor.

Abordarea disciplinelor colare n aer liber se bazeaz n primul
rnd pe un proces de planificare bine consolidat care susine
nelegerea de ctre profesor a pailor eseniali pentru derularea unei
activiti outdoor. Un aspect important in procesul de planificare l
reprezint implicarea elevilor, este important s cunoatem prerea
lor n legtur cu inteniilor noastre, acest lucru ne ajut s nelegem
mai bine ce anume i motiveaz pe elevii nostrii, lucrurile care prezint
interes pentru ei ( se ntmpl adesea ca implicarea elevilor ntr-o
activitate outdoor s fie imposibil din diferite motive fie pentru c
elevii nu au cunotinele necesare pentru a se implica n activitate, fie
activitatea nu se pliaz pe nevoile de nvare ale elevilor in aceasta
situaie ceea ce profesorul i-a planificat va fi crea haos i

dezorganizare, sau chiar va fi un eec ceea ce nseamna irosirea
timpului elevului/profesorului, irosirea materialelor, etc. ).
Procesul de planificare implic urmtoarele etape:
1. Identificarea activitii pe care o derulezi n funcie de vrsta
elevilor - aceasta trebuie s fie n strns legatur cu disciplina
colar pentru sugestii i idei putei cere prerea elevilor, vei
fii mirat de creativitatea i imaginaia elevilor vostri i veti
descoperi n ei un ajutor de ndejde.
2. Realizarea unui plan al orei de curs scopul, obiectivele,
activitile, rezultate dorite
3. Detalii tehnice
- condiiile climatice - vremea nu trebuie s fie ntotdeauna un
impediment (pentru predarea leciilor despre fenomenele
climatice, vremea ploioas, ninsoarea reprezint un avantaj
trebuie ns s avei n vedere ca elevii s fie bine mbrcai
conform condiiilor meteorologice )
- Locaia raspunde la urmtoarele ntrebri:
o deplasarea presupune costuri? Dac da, care sunt
acelea i de unde voi obine resursele necesare?
o este nevoie de acordul prinilor, conducerii?
o locaia aleas este n strns legatur cu tema pe care
doresc s o abordez?
o profesorul trebuie s in cont de oportunitile pe de-o
parte, iar pe de alt parte de restriciile pe care le poate
avea un spaiu n aer liber pentru ca elevii s se simt
confortabil - trebuie s aib loc s se mite, s aib
bncue unde s se aeze, etc.
ce numr de elevi va participa la ora de curs? Am nevoie de un
sprijin din partea unui alt profesor?
ct va dura aceast activitate? Timpul pentru activitate va
afecta cellalte ore de curs ale elevilor mei i implicit colegilor

Care sunt resursele materiale, financiare? Reursele necesare
pentru realizarea unei activiti trebuie s fie accesibile, spre
exmplu v putei axa n primul rnd pe resurse din mediul
natural. Daca avei nevoie de resurse financiare, apelai la
ajutorul conducerii, sponsorilor sau familiilor, ns avei n
vedere un posibil refuz din partea acestora, pentru aceasta
construii mereu un plan de rezerv.
Realizai un set de reguli pe care s-l comunicai elevilor pentru
a evita posibile conflicte ntre elevi sau orice fel de probleme
Care sunt riscurile derulrii cursului n aer liber? Care sunt
pericolele? Cum pot preveni riscurile i cu ce instrumente?
4. Evaluarea activitatii:
- evaluare cantitativa, ex. Resurse materiale utilizate, numarul
elevilor implicati, numarul cadrelor didactice
- evaluare calitativa, ex. gradul de implicare al elevilor in
activitate, competente dobandite
- metode si instrumente de evaluare utilizate ( ex. Chestionar,
focus grup, discutii, dezbateri, observatie, interviu )
- feedback-ul este un aspect important in cadrul oricarei
activitati derulate, intrucat ne ofera o imagine de ansamblu
asupra opiniilor participantilor, nemultumirilor, propunerilor;
dezirabil este ca in fiecare etapa de planificare a unei activitati
outdoor, sa obtinem feedback-ul tuturor celor implicati
pentru ca o activitate outdoor sa fie de succes, ea trebuie sa
aiba in vedere cooperarea constanta, comunicarea, oferirea
posibilitatii de exprimare al celor implicati. ( Vezi Fig. 2 )



Educaia outdoor este diferit de celelalte metode de predare
pentru c ofer profesorului posibilitatea de a identifica diferite
probleme de comportament ale elevilor. Observarea modului n care
elevii acioneaz fa de activitatea propus poate fi relevant pentru
identificarea unor comportamente agresive sau probleme de integrare
urmrii ca fiecare elev s participe activ, s-i asume responsabilitI
i s raspund rolurilor i sarcinilor primite, daca observai elevi pasivi,
alocai-le timp n plus, ncurajai-i s se implice, apelai la sprijinul
celorlali copii. Activitile outdoor transpun elevul n diferite ipostaze,
n acest fel profesorul are posibilitatea de a identifica observa un copil
problema, un copil maltratat.

Identificarea riscurilor

Stabilirea detaliilor practice
Derularea activitatii si logistice

Evaluare Planificarea activitatii

Identificarea nevoilor


Cum msurm succesul/insucesul activitii derulate?
Pentru a ne asigura ca activitatea ce tocmai am derulat-o a avut
efectul scontat, este necesar s msurm acest impact prin:
- chestionare de evaluare att pentru personalul implicat ct mai
ales pentru elevi, chestionarele trebuie realizate n funcie de
profilul fiecrui participant la activitate, va trebui s conin att
ntrebri nchise pentru a realiza o evaluare cantitativ a
activitii( spre ex. numarul de participanti, resursele utilizate,
etc), ct i ntrebri deschise pentru a realiza evaluarea
calitativ a activitii ( spre exemplu gradul de implicare n
activitate, motivaia de participa, msuri de mbuntire a
activitilor viitoare)
- dei este mult mai complex, se poate realiza o evaluare a
activitilor prin chestionare adresate prinilor elevilor
petrecnd mare parte din timp cu copiii lor, prinii pot fi n
msur s ofere o imagine de ansamblu asupra a ceea ce s-a
ntmplat aceast sesiune de evaluare cu prinii poate fi un
aspect important n pstrarea contactului permanent cu
acetia, astfel ei sunt informai n permanen cu privire la ceea
ce nva copiii lor sau pot oferi un real sprijin n alte activiti
- discuii interactive ntre cei implicai este necesar o atenie
sporit n timp ce derulm activitatea asupra nivelului de
implicare al tuturor elevilor, s agrenm fiecare participant la
discuii, s le oferim elevilor posibilitatea de a pune ntrebri
atunci cnd nu le este clar un anumit aspect i mai ales s le
oferim posibilitatea de a-i exprima prerea cu privire la
respectiva activitate.


Toate activitile n aer liber, indiferent de locatie, implic un
element de risc. Sigurana elevilor implicai n educaia experentiala
este extrem de importanta. Dei riscul real nu poate fi n totalitate
eliminat, un profesor trebuie s se asigure c riscurile reale sunt
reduse la niveluri acceptabile, astfel nct elevii sa participe ntr-un
context care este comparativ mai sigur din punct de vedere al
comunitatii. Un plan de gestionare a riscurilor, care identific i
analizeaz cu atenie riscurile i pericolelor inerente ntr-un program
special experential, ntr-un efort de a elimina, evita sau a reduce
riscurile la niveluri acceptabile, este cel mai eficient mod de a gestiona
riscurile n domeniul educaiei experentiale. Tot personalul implicat n
educaia n aer liber ar trebui s fie pe deplin contieni de toate
principiile i procedurile obligatorii. Directorii trebuie s se asigure c
sunt luate msuri de precauie n ceea ce privete sigurana
participanilor, i c supravegherea va fi adecvat n raport cu numrul
acestora, maturitatea lor, comportamentul lor i activitile planificate.
Pentru obinerea permisiunii de a desfura activitile, se vor obtine
informaii cu privire la o serie de probleme de securitate, inclusiv
itinerarul propus, componena grupului, planuri de urgen.

Ce este un plan de gestionare a riscurilor?
Pentru a se asigura c toate activitile n aer liber de
nvmnt sunt planificate i efectuate n condiii de siguran,
gestionarea eficient a riscurilor ar trebui s fie puse n aplicare. Un
plan de gestionare a riscurilor implic o analiz sistematic a activitii,
echipamentul, locul de desfurare, participanilor, precum i
personalul, astfel c factorii de risc inacceptabil pot fi identificai i
eliminai sau controlai corespunztor.

Planificarea de management al riscului include:

- identificarea riscurilor i problemelor de siguran,
- gestionarea pericolelor, riscurilor i problemelor de siguran.
Prin dezvoltarea unui plan de management al siguranei,
evitm orice pericole i riscuri, care nu pot fi controlate n mod
satisfctor. Trebuie luate n considerare lucruri, cum ar fi natura
activitii, locaie sau locul de desfurare, caracteristicile,
participanii, experiena personalului i condiiile meteorologice.
Pentru a identifica problemele de siguran, se iau n considerare si
nevoile fizice, sociale i emoionale ale participanilor i a personalului,
calificrile i experiena personalului, inclusiv punctele forte i limitri,
siguran obligatorie n locaii, cum ar fi stnci, lacuri adnci i reci sau
apa rului, intlnirea unui obstacol, roci scufundate i alte pericole n
cursurile de ap naturale i butelii de aragaz inflamabile, starea
echipamentelor, efectele condiiilor meteorologice diferite , orice
pericole potenial duntoare, cum ar fi un copac czut , comunicare i
acces la asisten n caz de urgen .
Planul de management al riscului este un rspuns la evaluarea
riscurilor, astfel nct acestea sunt reduse suficient pentru ca
activitatea s fie desfurat n condiii de siguran, acesta se
realizeaz n mod difereniat n funcie de activitatea outdoor derulat



Manualul a abordat experienele oferite de educaia n aer liber
n cadrul procesului de predare-nvare al elevilor. Proiectul EcoEdu
beyond rhetoric ne-a oferit posibilitatea de a aprofunda conceptul de
educaie outdoor i a adunat laolalt personalul implicat n procesul
educaional din 2 regiuni, Turcia i Romania cu scopul de a facilita
schimbul de experien, de a promova diversitatea lingvistic i
cultural, de a dezvolta materialele de predare experimentale, de a
mprti opiniile i valorile cu privire la consolidarea dimensiunii
europene n educaie. Toate activitile proiectului au reprezentat
oportuniti de a consolida nelegerea reciproc, de a contientiza
relaiile la nivel local i european i de a lansa o sensibilitate
intercultural ntre cadrele didactice i elevii implicai n proiect.
Prezentul proiect a oferit cadrelor didactice oportuniti de a intra n
contact i de a participa la activiti mpreun cu cadrele didactice din
spaiul european i prin urmare s beneficieze de schimburile de bune
practici pe teme educaionale.

n timpul implementrii proiectului profesorii implicai au
realizat noi activiti outdoor, au mprtit idei, profesorii au aflat c
deja realizaser astfel de activiti n procesul de predare, astfel c
aprofundarea educaiei outdoor prin acest proiect a fcut procesul de
predare+nvare mult mai accesibil att pentru profesori ct i pentru
elevi. n timpul derulrii activitilor, elevii au dezvoltat o relaie
profund cu natura, i-au mbuntit abilitile, competenele socio-
personale au contientizat importana mediului nconjurtor.

Manualul este rezultatul unei lungi cooperri dintre parteneri i
obiectivul lor principal este de a oferi o nou perspectiv asupra
educaiei, de a oferi exemple de metode de predare interactive, care n
final se vor reflecta ntr-un sistem educaional de calitate n termeni de

coninut, i n special din punct de vedere al rezultatelor, deoarece n
timpul implementrii proiectului, noi am neles c educaia outdoor
poate fi o parte semnificativ din sistemul educaional, i pe ansamblu
o gam de oportuniti de nvare.


Manual realizat n cadrul proiectului EcoEdu dincolo de retoric, cu nr. De
referin COM-10-PR-16-GJ-RO, TR, proiectul s-a derulat n perioada 1.08.2010
31.07.2012 i a fost co-finanat de Comisia European prin Programul Sectorial
Comenius Regio. Manual poate fi vizualizat i n format electronic pe site-ul
Coordonatori: Liliana Bucic, Dana Lorena Bran, Gheorghia Caranda, Nazan Turan

Date de contact parteneri locali:
Consiliul Local Ctunele
Com.Catunele, sat Valea Perilor, jud Gorj
Nr. tel: 0253411023

Organizaia Naional Cercetaii Romaniei Filiala Trgu Jiu EcaterinaTeodoroiu
Trgu Jiu,str Aleea Teilor, Bl.14, Sc.1, Et.3, Ap. 12, jud Gorj 0353405844

coala General Mazilu Vipie Gheorghe
Com. Ctunele, Sat Valea Mnstirii, jud Gorj
Nr. tel.: 0253411002

coala Primar nvtor Nicolae Caranda
Com. Glogova, sat Glogova, jud Gorj 0253411405


Ctunele Local Council - Mu Provincial
Directorate of Education


English version


Language and Communication
Mathematics and Science
Social Studies
Physical Education and Sports
Environmental Education
Outdoor Education - the method for stimulating student creativity Scouts vision
Methods To Stimulate Students' Creativity
Outdoor Games
Scouting Outdoor Games
How Can We Measure The Success / Unsuccessful Of The Performed Activity?
What Is A Risk Management Plan?




The present manual is meant to be a useful instrument for the
teaching staff from the village of Catunele and and Mu, in
approaching the experiences offered by the outdoor education in the
students teaching-learning process.
The EcoEdu beyond rhetoric offered us the possibility of
deepenning the concept of outdoor education. During the project, a
variety of formation activities has been done (outdoor education
course, active learning seminar, practice), and thus all the participants
(the teaching staff of the schools from Mu and villages of Catunele,
youth staff from ONCR Ecaterina Teodoroiu Filial, staffs from Mu
Provincial Directorate of Education and Mu Provincial Direvctorate of
Agriculture and members of Mu TEMA Foundation) have learnt: what
outdoor education means, how it can be applied in the teaching
process of different subjects from the curriculum, how the outdoor
education can be combined with the formal education so that the
students could acquire the necessary abilities for their own
performance as individuals. So, this manual is the result of the
formation activities of the project, the result of what we have learnt
during these activities.
The present paper is structured in several relevant themes:
what the outdoor education is, the goals of outdoor education, formal
education versus outdoor education, the exemplification of
approaching the outdoor education for different teaching lines, useful
advice and practical examples for teaching staff, youth staff.



Outdoor education is a quite new concept in the both
Romanian and Turkish education context, but its starting to draw the
interest of more and more teachers from the formal teaching system.
There are numerous meanings of the outdoor education concept, but
to define it simple and for readers understanding, we could say that
this education form is based on the learning in the open air. The
outdoor education could include the education for the environment,
recreative activities, personal and social development programs,
hiking, adventure, etc.
When making a summary of the formation activities that we took part
in during the EcoEdu beyond rhetoric project, we could identify the
key characteristics of the outdoor education:
- the outdoor education offers the possibility of the direct
contact with the nature the environment protection
represents a subject of world-wide concern, the massive
urbanisation has given rise to an injurious effect on the
environment also because people are not aware of the impact
of their non-ecological actions on the environment the
outdoor education is a very benefic modality to change the
attitudes and the behaviours towards the environment;
- the outdoor education represents a strong source of learning
experiences a relaxing, free atmosphere, without the
constraints imposed by the 4 walls of a classroom can offer
numerous challenges to students, thus the learning process

becomes strong, it inspires the students and it can change anti-
social behaviours and create a strong interpersonal relation
based on reciprocal support;
- the outdoor education facilitates the learning process of the
students who have learning difficulties as mentioned above,
the outdoor education offers a different learning climate which
allows the students (who usually have learning difficulties and a
low level of school performance) to become more motivated
and much more competent;
- personal development both of those who apply it and
especially of the students;
- development of team spirit connection between students,
students teachers, leads to a better involvement and to the
increase of active citizenship in both categories;
- the outdoor education offers numerous physical, emotional
and mental benefits which ensure the society well-being;

The general objectives of the outdoor education are:
Development of socio-personal abilities: improvement of team
work, improvement of social relations, development of
leadership skills, etc.
Development of management abilities: organization, conduct,
To offer a changelling learning environment
To offer the possibility of establishing a relaxing and motivating
environment according to the identified problem allows the
getting over high levels of imagination in order to obtain the
planned results.

There are various outdoor education programs which can be
useful in different contexts and according to the actual/identified
needs, therefore such programs which are focused on health and

physical education, natural sciences, management and psycology, can
be very well used. For example, an outdoor education program that is
focused on physical education could have a deterrent-educative-
therapeutic effect, could lead to a decreasing number of obese
students from school (the program could include physical exercices,
walks in the open air, open discussions with the students in a relaxing
and motivating environment); an outdoor education program focused
on the natural sciences would have as effect the students information
about the environment problems from their community, and also
would make them be aware of the impact of their actions on the
environment (there can be organized a greening activity or any other
activities considered relevant in approaching the identified problem
one important characteristic of the outdoor education is that it allows
a high level of creativity).

An important characteristic of the outdoor education is that it
can contribute to the growth of peoples well-being level; besides a
person basic needs, the outdoor education can answer to a range of
needs such as: the need of being respected, the need of being socially
included, the need of being active and responsible, the need of feeling

The need of feeling respected different activities in the
open air encourage the child to feel at ease, thus he will
be more open, he will communicate, he will express his
own opinions, he will feel given heed to and will feel
that his decisions matter to others; students can be
consulted on different games and activities.

The need of being responsible the outdoor activities
allows the child the oportunity of receiving different
tasks (the outdoor education is among other things a

form of organized and structured learning, therefore
the teacher must take into account the involvement of
all students in the proposed activities); under the
teachers supervision, each child receive different
responsibilities and tasks in order to achive the
intended goal (for example, if there is a greening
activity, a student may receive the task to prune the
trees, another one receives the task to water the plants
what is important is that through communication, the
teacher must make the student feel that because of this
activity, the environment will be cleaner; in this way,
the student will be aware that he has a responsibility for
the environment protection).

The need of being active the involvement in different
sports, games, thematic walks, will bring only benefits
to the students physical and psychical development.
The game is an essential characteristic of childhood,
therefore its important that students be constantly
stimulated to play, to race along, to participate actively
in different activities.

The need of being socially included maybe the most
important characteristic of the outdoor education is
that it is a successful modality of going beyond some of
the childs difficulties (physical, psychical, social,
emotional and economical), so that he could feel
socially included and that he belongs to a community; it
is considered that the indoor atmosphere (the
classroom) is rather competitive, while the outdoor one
is supportive, because it allows children to express
themselves, to relate to others, to collaborate.

The need of feeling safe one aspect that the
specialized literature considers important in
approaching the outdoor education is that this
education must take into account this need. The indoor
is safer for students, while the outdoor implies different
risks and unexpected situations which could have a
negative effect. The teacher must identify the possible
risks which may occur and make a plan of risk
management - subject that we shall discuss below as it
is a very important aspect which determined some
specialists to deny the utility of outdoor education use.

Since the outdoor education addresses to the public at large,
regardless the age (the needs are similar both for the children and for
the grown-ups), this kind of education must confer the right place to
these needs regardless the students age.

The participation at the formation activities of the EcoEdu
beyond rhetoric project offered to the teaching staffs from some
schools in Catunele and in Mu, the opportunity to understand this
new phenomenon, to deepen it and successfully implement it in the
curriculum even without the existence of any act of the Ministry of
Education. The learning process of approaching this kind of education
was a difficult one, since we consider this process as being a complex
one which demands time for its successful implementation and for the
expected results. We shall describe below an outdoor education
perspective compared together with the other education forms, in
order to understand why its better to choose the outdoor education.


The outdoor education is considered more motivating-
challenging and with a stronger impact on the students learning
process. To understand better what outdoor education brings new in
the teaching-learning process, we shall make a short incursion in the
existent education forms.

Formal Education: type of education from an institution, called school,
and tied to rules and norms.
institutionalized, gradated,
supervises the education process, imposes rules and norms,
its chronologically gradated (from primary education to
university education),
organized and managed from the center the Ministry of
the assessment is done by the teacher,
uses less participative methods; the authority and discipline
are imposed by constraint; the relation teacher-student is

Informal Education it is achieved by lifelong learning, each individual
acquires attitudes, values, habits from the quotidian experience, using
educational resources from the environment he lives in family and
neighbours, playground, shop, library or mass-media. This education is
achieved individually or by interactions with the members of the
community without having been planned; it helps people learn
anytime and anywhere.

Non-formal Education it is not an activity without a forming effect,
but it should be understood as an educational reality less formal. The

concept of non-formal education is associated with the concept of
lifelong learning.

The assessment in the non-formal education is done by the learner,
and the multi-discipline approach of the learning process helps people
understand and appreciate the environment and their relation with it.
The non-formal education prepares the students for a lasting future, it
analizes the problems for a long term.
the applied methods are focused on the active participation
the method is an instrument to achieve the activity objectives
the game is a frequent used method.
answers the question HOW?
the NGO-s are important providers of non-formal education.

Of all these types of education, the outdoor education is closest
to the non-formal education, since, like this one, the outdoor
education is focused on the active participation; it maximizes the
learning process by minimalizing the constraint specific to school;
offers a practical utility imediate to the achieved knowledge; it is used
in different contexts and has a relaxing learning environment and an
easy content; uses methods that stimulate the involvement and the
participation; it has flexible structure and planning; the learning
process trends towards the participant; it is based on the
participantsexperience. Both non-formal and outdoor education can
be successfully integrated in the formal education so that the learning
process effects could be maximized. The present tendency is to amplify
the two forms, especially because the moment they are applied, they
lead to a more valuable educative system from a quality point of view;
they have long term advantages; they cover a wide range of teaching
line; and the most important, the educational act focuses equally on

those who implement it (the teachers) and on those who are the
learning object (the students).

The formal education has the credit of being well organized and
structured, containing a wide range of information and knowledge that
a person needs in his/her educational formation; the informal
education completes the formal education and it ensures the learning
process anytime and anywhere, throughout the entire life; the non-
formal education comes with such elements to satisfy the persons
needs (psychical, social and emotional needs), using different
interactive and involvement methods; and the outdoor education
revives the 3 forms of education and extends its benefic action to
different fields (especially strong development, environment
protection, personal and professional development).

We consider that teachers, head teachers and especially the
Ministry of Education should consider the outdoor education a
significant part in the education system, and as a whole range of
learning opportunities.



The interdisciplinary approach helps us to use or integrate
concepts and methods among different forms of education. The
education system plays an important role in achieving this goal. It
should be organized in order to allow educational players to create a
flexible educational teaching process, adjustable according to the
learning needs of students. As we mentioned earlier, the formal
education provides appropriate knowledge and educational
information, the informal education provides a lifelong learning
process, the non-formal education is participatory, interactive while
the outdoor education "revives" the three forms of education.
Together these forms of education create a quality education system
in terms of content, and especially the results.
The school curriculum designates the content of formal
learning, the teaching-learning strategies, the methods and means, the
resources, the assessment methods focused on the educational-
institutional component. School curriculum is predetermined, clearly
defined from other forms of education through a set of rules and
regulations by national decision makers, in this case the Ministry of
Education. Formal education is recognized as the main means of
instruction by which students learn; other forms are not given due
attention even though their impact is sometimes more intense.
The experience as teachers / educators /primary school
teachers made us identify some of the disadvantages / side effects of
formal education.

- the school curriculum requires a set of rules and regulations
that both students and their teachers should observe which
denotes an authoritarian role of the teacher - the main
disadvantage is that order and discipline give rise to fears and
tensions among students
- There are teachers who pay excessive attention to their school
subjects (for example a tutor who prefers to teach his school
subject instead of devoting his time for tutoring his classes; the
side effect being that students develop aversion towards that
school subject on one hand and on the other hand, homeroom
classes are also extremely important as they ensure a spiritual
connection between student and teacher)
- The manuals for different disciplines often abound in
theoretical terms, which causes mechanical learning among
students; as a consequence there is an essential need to direct
the information towards practice
- The formal education leads to repetition, habit and boredom
because teachers teach the same lesson over and over again,
so they lose interest; the process of teaching the lesson
becomes a mechanical one and it does not take into account
whether the student is paying attention to the lesson or if he is
interested in the learning process and especially if he is
motivated to learn.
- Unlike formal education, outdoor education faces several
Generally, there is no coherent vision of both Romanian and
Turkish education; as a consequence outdoor education is not
complementary to the formal education,
- There is a lack of local awareness, initiative, social participation
for local development
- Lack of school funding / parents precarious situation to
implement various outdoor activities,

- Lack of legislation that would provide outdoor education its
rightful place,
- Lack of social partnership (the connections between schools
and various education actors are almost nonexistent),
- In schools, there is no training for teachers in the field of
outdoor education,
- There is a lack of cooperation and communication skills, there
are teachers reluctant to change and deficiencies in
communication, etc..
- Outdoor education is often associated with some risks the
fact that it takes place outdoors , pose some risks that many
teachers do not want to assume not so much from fear as
The integration of outdoor education into school curriculum is
an important part of ensuring the student's personal and professional
development, especially because the current situation is characterized
by lack of interest and motivation for learning on students part,
increased level of non-involvement in school life, preoccupations
which affect students behavior in a negative way, lack of respect for
the school as an institution, for the teacher and for the family. As we
mentioned above, outdoor education refreshes academic education, it
also provides interactive learning opportunities which if properly
implemented could lead to minimizing the negative aspects existing in
the current education system.
A first step in linking outdoor education to formal education
would be its enactment, the establishment of educational assistance
centers focused on this model of education on the one hand to
support the implementation of outdoor education in schools and on
the other hand to support vocational and continuing training of
teachers, so that they acquire a range of skills and expertise. Moreover
the encouragement of social partnership between schools and various
experienced NGOs, would facilitate the integration of outdoor

education in the current education system, would provide examples of
good practice.
We recognize school as the leading provider of school
education, however the school should adapt to the new system
requirements, the needs of students and teachers; there is a constant
necessity to refresh the current teaching-learning process which no
longer meets the needs of the present society.

The integration process of outdoor education into school
curricula involves different stages from the planning to
implementation. When an outdoor activity is planned, we should
undertake a series of connections with a particular school subject that
we want to "revive" (see Fig. 1).

and Sports

and Science

In the following part, we will give you some information and
practical examples about different school subjects.

Language and Communication
Choose to hold your classes outdoor, whether you have
a story / a novel /a novel to Romanian or foreign
language lessons. Here are a few examples:

- Stage a scene of a story after it was previously read in class -
you can ask students to
change the storyline of the story (to avoid chaos and
disorganization, prepare students for work the day before,
support students through the process, without interfering in
their decisions to establish a new narrative this work does not
require a rehearsal, it is advisable to allow students to be
spontaneous, they will think in advance how to change the
storyline, but for example they will be encouraged to
- Identify natural elements that students can write on: the earth,
stones or leaves
- Start a story by choosing a natural object (a tree, a flower, etc.)
and encourage students to continue the story
- Create a place or more places to read (when you have
something to read you can go to that place). Ask your students
to help you organize that place.
- Encourage students to write poems about various objects
(trees, grass, etc.).
- ABC Hike: Walk around outside looking for things that begin
with the letters of the alphabet. As you come across an ant,
have the students either write about or draw a picture of the

ant under the letter A. See how many letters of the alphabet
you can cover.
- Tree Tales: Have small groups of students sit silently for a short
period of time next to a tree. What sounds do they hear?
Where do they come from? If the tree could talk, what stories
could it tell? Write a haiku, or other poem about the tree.
There is a variety of activities that can be developed to teach
languages in a unique way so that students will form their imagination,
creativity, communication skills and literary / artistic skills.

Mathematics and Science
Mathematics also provides diversified opportunities
through the composition or solving of problems;
students are placed in the position to assess numbers in
different terms, for example:
- gather a pile of stones; the teacher and each student will choose one
stone ; the teacher will compare his stone with that of his students;
they will compare the stones in terms of size and then they take a
piece of chalk and draw the symbols <> = a to exemplify.
- Go out in the school yard and ask students to form various geometric
shapes, so that they learn in an interactive way
- Measure the school yard or the flower garden, etc..
Landscape Tally
Take a walk, looking for different colors, shapes, or objects. Have
students keep a tally sheet, marking down the objects as the class finds
them. Make simple graphs to represent the numbers in the various
categories. How would you describe your area to someone from
another city or country?
Have students collect 20 or so leaves that they find lying on the
ground, and sort them into different piles (by color, shape, etc.).
Discuss how different classification criteria lead to different pile

distributions. What are some of the criteria we use to classify groups of
organisms such as mammals, birds, plants, and insects? How might our
ordering change if we sorted using different criteria?

Physics and Chemistry - physical and chemical phenomena of nature
(rain, snow, thunder / lightning, burning fuel, water cycle - for example
our school is located in a mining area - which gave us the opportunity
to explain to students some chemicals, iron ore, coal chemical
composition, etc.) can be easily observed. Students will be more
motivated to learn if they have the opportunity to observe these
phenomena. On the one hand follow the theoretical aspects of the
course but on the other hand focus on the practical aspects where it is

Biology the student acquires knowledge about plants and animals in
nature, information about environment, pollution and its
consequences. The educational aspects of the Biology lessons can be
highlighted by:
- Planting and caring for plants in the school garden, the vegetable
- Visits to the zoo, the botanical garden,
- Student participation in environmental actions,
- Hiking in the forest and building houses for birds
- Taking photos of wild animals (birds, insects)


Wild Groceries
Discuss the position of items in a grocery store: some are on the top
shelf, some on the floor, some are stored in the basement. Have
students look at the outside environment as a grocery store. What
types of food are located on the top shelf (canopy), lower shelf
(understory), bottom shelf (ground), and basement (underground).
From what shelves do different animals `shop'? Do most animals `shop'
from one specific shelf, or are they evenly distributed?
Animal Tracks
Look for animal tracks in mud, sand or snow. Have the students try to
move their bodies in such a way as to leave track patterns similar to
those they have seen. How difficult is it to move like other animals? Do
you think rabbits, deer or mice would have problems walking like us?
How does this relate to the concept of adaptation?

Social Studies
Geography - the geography lessons about landforms, climate,
vegetation, soils, water, and wildlife can be easily taught
outside the classroom - make use of the natural environment in
which you are to explain and illustrate certain concepts of this
school subject the way plains, hills, mountains, waters
appeared. You have the option to organize a hike in the key
points of your area, to analyze the weather changes with your
students and make connections with different disciplines such
as physics (you can hold a joint lesson with the teacher of
physics); to study vegetation and fauna you can also teach a
common lesson with the biology teacher, you can ask students
to make a map of the city, take a photo gallery of the
geographical environment. Outdoor education is the key
element that allows students to learn by experience, by

observation on site, students will be more motivated to learn,
will easily find answers to their questions.

History - identify and visit a local historical monument with your
students, reconstruct a historical route (such as a war / fight), organize
certain important historical moments in the school yard - such as the
Union of the Principalities, talk to the students about the major
historical figures of Romania choosing if it is possible some key
Hold outdoor history lessons in the school yard and organize a debate.
In this way you - encourage students to express their creativity by an
imaginary changing of history - such as "what would have happened
had it not been World War I" - students will understand the
importance of history in the development process of a nation, the fact
that wars between nations slow the development process and have an
economic, social, impact on the quality of life - students will appreciate
this and much more will realize that people are responsible for their
welfare and that of the community / society in which they live.

Humanities - Even a difficult subject such as psychology, can be taken
out of the classroom environment, for example organize various
outdoor games / psychological tests for cognitive psychological
processes (memory, attention, language, thought, imagination), give
students information about the significance of games or test results,
explain the psychological phenomena only after they have been able
to make experiments, in this way students will understand theoretical
aspects much better. Outdoor spaces often provide opportunities for
philosophical reflections - create a space for reflection outdoor, start a
philosophical discussion about beauty (using elements of nature - a
flower, a tree, etc.), about the truth or goodness (identify a good deed
done by a member of the community or by a student and encouraged
students to discuss what happened, to identify key elements which

are the reasons for that persons behavior, why it is important to help
those around us, etc).

Religion make with your students a calendar of religious events and
activities that can be achieved in these events - for example go caroling
with the students, play the scene of Jesus' birth, decorate the school,
dont forget to tell them information about religious symbols, visit
churches, mosques, etc..

Civic Education - can be a simulation of how to behave on the street,
how to be a model pedestrian - how to cross the street. Science and
civic education are subjects that can shape students skills related to
environmental protection. Rules of proper behavior towards nature
must be respected by all. Everything starts from simple skills. Paper,
food packaging, bottles and other waste should not be placed at
random because they will dirty the school area, they should be stored
in special containers. Toilets must be kept clean and always sanitized.
Chemicals in laboratories should not be placed on the ground, not to
degrade. The school lands, the green spaces with flowers and trees
should be cleaned by the little environmentalists of the school; the
bottles, the plastic bags and the rusty cans should be removed; you
can organize ecological actions from time to time.


Arts and Crafts allow full manifestation of childs
creativity and sensitivity. Drawings, collages, posters
with environmental message are a combination of
aesthetics with scientific information.
Through these activities the objects made from recyclable materials
take some artistic value. Research, identify and visit with your students
a monument from your community or a work of art near your city,
encouraged students to express their opinion regarding the exhibits
what the objects represent, give them information about the author /
authors who created the objects. In this way students develop their
communication skills, their creativity and their critical analytical

Music Organize outdoor music competitions or go to a concert with
your students, so that you can discover students with musical talent;
they can be directed to a career in this field.
Nature Crayons
Have students collect small samples of leaves, twigs, dirt, berries, etc.,
and rub them on a piece of paper to determine what colour, if any,
their `nature crayon' has. Have them draw a picture using the colours
they can find in their area. Caution them on what items they shouldn't
use (poison ivy, nettles, live animals, etc.)
Have students `try on' the eyes of other animals. To simulate having an
eye on the top of your head, hold a small mirror face up and level in
your hand and look straight into it. Try walking a few yards with this
view. For an eye on the side of the head, hold the mirror perpendicular
to the ground and facing to the side. How do these views of the world
differ from our own? Why do you suppose some animals would want
to have eyes in different places? What role does seeing things in
different ways play in art?

Physical Education and Sports

This disciplinary area folds best with the concept of outdoor
education. Where else can you teach physical education best? You can
choose from a variety of sports -tennis, football, volleyball, handball,
table tennis, various physical exercises, basketball - all these activities
contribute to the student's physical and mental development in a
harmonious way, students with problems of obesity will be
encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle; physical problems can be
prevented by an active life can be shaped during physical education
classes and sports.

Technologies - visit factories, quarries, and mines - see
technological equipment used to manufacture a
product, build outdoor furniture for the school, etc.

Environmental Education

Outdoor education is often confused with environmental
education because the two meet outdoors; outdoor education is not
only this, it refers to many education areas not only to the protection
of the environment. At school students are very receptive to what they
are told and shown in connection with the environment. Through
various school subjects included in the education process every
student should be convinced of the need to defend the environment
against pollution. In this way we should develop their modern
ecological behavior.

This behavior is developed especially during science lessons which are
meant to facilitate the understanding of plants, animals, essential
processes of life and the indissoluble links between plants - animals
environment; the geography lessons, but also civics lessons, language,
music, arts, history can help students to achieve this behavior. Outdoor
activities can bring important contributions to environmental
education. Any activity that takes place outside the classroom is
working in direct contact with the environment.
As we teach children to speak, to behave at home, at school
and in society, to observe rules of hygiene, we must teach them how
to treat our environment. Among methods used outside the classroom
we can mention: trips and visits to see the situation of the
environment, actions to protect the environment and to sanitize
schools, parks, the building of a green corner.

Outdoor Education - the method for stimulating student creativity
a vision of Scouting

The partnership with the National Organization of Romanian
Scouts - Ecaterina Teodoroiu Trgu Jiu Branch in the "EcoEdu beyond
rhetoric" offers a new insight into methods of stimulating the pupils'
creativity, outdoor education being one of these methods. Scouting
experience in this type of education facilitated the project participants
to understand its process and gave us an example good practice.
Based on a symbolic frame, scout method stimulates youth
creativity itself. For example the name of a branch of age, " little
wolves", "temerarious" or "explorers", identifying marks, such as
uniform and scarf, signs, songs and ceremonies. All these elements
help create a framework, an atmosphere conducive to developing
creativity. Here is a description of the age branches of Scouting:


" Little wolves", (7-11 years)
symbolic framewiork, the model used for " Little wolves" is Jungle
Book" written by Rudyard Kipling. " Little wolves",meet weekly for
"hunting". They can start looking for a lost city, or a hidden treasure.
On the route they must pass various tests: riddles, physical tests or
other tests that put creativity on testing. for example, they may be
required to form a stanza containing certain words.

Temerarious Island (11-14 years)
Island because it suggests an exotic area (so bright) which is reached
only after a journey of initiation. Temerarious must adapt to the
environment, to build new skills, a certain conduct and set of values.
The Island will be for them a small world. When it came the time for
temerarious to make a first step on their island, the boat (the bus) ,
went up near the island. Good spirits of the island have taken over and
led them in spite of all obstacles to the island where temerarious had
to pass the Bridge of Sighs, the only way of access.

The stronghold explorers (15-18 years)
"stronghold" means the progressive development of the explorer and
the way that gets to have a constructive role in society and community
living. Working with this branch relies more on activities in the
community, personal development activities, organizing and
implementing their projects ideas.
Methods To Stimulate Students' Creativity

Public cafe - is an active dialogue method for a better
exchange of information and finding creative solutions
for action. It is used when a group or organization
would like to discuss a particular topic (eg violence in

schools). Is organized in spaces like a cafeteria or in a
cafeteria. Free and relaxed atmosphere stimulates
creative thinking by engaging in dialogue even the most
timid. Through interaction with others they generate
new ideas.

Improvisational theater - children are often asked to
improvise a sketch. Will be given a theme from which
they start, eg jungle. It is based on improvisation, the
ability to create, to sing, to play, dance or speak in
response to their spontaneous thoughts and feelings,
often involves an interactive relationship with the
public, stakeholders may request suggestions from

Photo voice - is a way of influencing and awareness of
local decision makers and government by providing
vivid images by members of disadvantaged groups or
marginalized groups. Though photos they say what they
think, feel and what should be done in their community.
To ensure that each photo is understood, it appears
next to the photo a story, the voice of photographer
that tells the story of the captured image.

Outdoor Games

Bulldog (All ages)
One person is the bulldog. All others line up at one end of the yard.
When the person who is the bulldog shouts Bulldog! everyone runs
to the other side of the yard. Anyone caught by the bulldog becomes a
bulldog helper. Bulldog is called again, and everyone who is not

captive runs back across the yard, to where they started. Bulldog is
repeated until everyone is caught. The last person to be caught is the
next bulldog.

Murder mystery (All Ages)
Children sit in a circle. One detective is chosen and sent away until the
murderer is chosen. The murderer is chosen secretly, while the other
players have their eyes closed. Once they are chosen the children may
open their eyes and the detective may return to the centre of the
circle. The murderer kills by making a silly face at people in the circle.
They must wait at least 3 seconds to die after being looked at funny.
Some like to die laughing. It's the detective's job to find the murderer.
The players have to look at each other's faces constantly. You can give
the detective a limited number of guesses or play until everyone but
the murderer and the detective are dead.
Nana, Nana, whos got the banana? (4-10)
Children sit in a circle, knees crossed and bent upwards. They pass
around a banana underneath their bent knees. One child stands in the
centre and tries to spot who has the banana while the children sing
'Nana Nana, Who's got the Banana'.

Simon Says: (4-10)
One child (the leader) has to tell the others what to do. For example
'Simon says - touch your nose'. All the children then touch their noses.
The trick arises when the leader says 'scratch you knee' WITHOUT
saying 'Simon says'. Children can have 3 lives and last player left can be
the leader.
Stick in the Mud (All Ages)
Children are divided into two teams. Give names to the teams to help
group identity etc. One team is 'on' (catching). When Dilek is caught,
Dilek has to stand still with legs apart and can only be 'freed' if a team-

mate crawls through. The game finishes when all are caught. Then,
reverse team roles and play again.

Un-Freeze A Friend (All Ages)
Each child walks around while balancing a beanbag on their head. If
you lose your beanbag, you have to freeze and rely on a friend to pick
it up and replace it for you (while still balancing their own). A leader
can also change the speed of the game by calling slow, fast, run or hop.

Catch/Dont Catch (All)
Children stand in a circle. One child is in the centre and has a bag or
beanbag or sock. This child says 'Catch' or else can say 'Don't catch'
and then throw the ball to someone in the circle. The child to whom
the ball is thrown must either catch or refuse to catch as directed. If
they fail to do as told, they sit down and are out of the game.

Scouting Outdoor Games

1. Cultures
Purpose: To stimulate the spirit of cooperation and finding a common
Age: 6 - 60 years
No. Participants: 6 people
Materials: paper, materials from nature
Duration: 60-120 minutes
Venue: Outdoor
a) it will be created participants groups of 6-10 people.
b) Each group should find a name, to build a fireplace and a flag of
"village" using materials from nature.

c) After the end of construction period, each culture will present other
d) The facilitator will take care to appreciate all cultures. Subsequently,
all activities will relate to the created culture by the participants,
introducing activities referring to them.

1. Tomatoes
Purpose: To develop physical skills, attention and strategy.
Age: 5-24 years
No. Participants: at least 7 up to 15
Materials: Ball
Duration: 20-30 minutes
Venue: Outdoor
a) Players sit in a circle, lean forward with legs apart. The ball is passed
from player to player by hands, just at ground level.
b) One who passes the ball through the legs will use in the future only
one hand. The second instance will turn away, playing with two hands
again. In the third goals will continue to play back with one hand and
the fourth goal the player is eliminated.
c) In order to avoid the accident, we just pass the ball to the ground,
never by air.
d) Game animator stops the game if the ball is passed too hard.

2. Good angel, bad angel
Purpose: development of attention, logic and the senses.
Age: 10-60 years
No. participants: 3-30 preferably multiples of 3
Materials: scarves blindfolded, objects for each team
Duration :10-15min
Venue: Outdoor

a) Players are divided into teams of three and get one scarf and an
b)In each team there will be a blind player - that will be blindfolded.
c) The other two players will walk away and decide who will be good
angel and who will be bad angel without the blind to hear, then put
the object somewhere in the neighborhood.
d) good angel tries to guide the blind player to object, through verbal
instructions, and the bad angel tries to induce the "blind" in error.
e) The angels are not allowed to touch the blind!
f) The game ends when all blindfolded players have found their team


Addressing outdoor school subjects is based primarily on a well
established planning process that supports the teacher understanding
of the essential steps for the development of outdoor activities. An
important aspect in the planning process is to involve students, it is
important to know their opinion about our intentions, it helps us to
understand better what motivates our students, things of interest to
them (it happens often that the involvement of students in an outdoor
activity to be impossible for various reasons - either because students
dont have the knowledge to engage in the activity or the activuty
doesnt suit on the learning needs of students - in this case what the
teacher- planed will create chaos and disorganization, or will be a
failure - which means wasting time for student / teacher, waste
materials, etc..).
The planning process involves the following steps:
1. Identify the activity depending on the student ages - it must be
closely related to school discipline - for suggestions and ideas you can

always ask students, you will be amazed by the creativity and
imagination of your students and you will find in them a reliable aid .
2. Making a plan of course - goals, objectives, activities, desired results
3. Technical details
Climatic conditions - weather must not always be an obstacle
(to teach lessons about weather events, rainy weather, snow is
an advantage - but need to make sure that students are well
dressed according to weather conditions)
Location - answer the following questions:
o A movement involves costs? If so, which are and from
where you get resources
o A parental consent is needed, or leadership consent?
o The chosen location is closely related to the topic I want
to tackle?
o The teacher should consider the opportunities on the
one hand, and on the other hand the restrictions that
may have an outdoor space for students to feel
comfortable - must have place to move, have benches
where to sit, etc..
o How many students will participate in the classroom?
Do I need support from another teacher?
o How long will be this activity? the activity will affect
other classes of my students or my colleagues?
o Which are the material resources, financial resources?
The requirements resources for a job should be
accessible, for example you can focus primarily on the
natural resources. If you need financial resources, seek
the assistance of management, sponsors and families,
but note the possibility of deny from their part, for this
build always a backup plan.

o Develop a set of rules and communicate it to students
in order to avoid conflicts between students or any
unforeseen problems
o Which are the risks of running the course outdoor ?
What are the dangers? How can I prevent risks and
with witch tools?
Evaluation activity:
- Quantitative evaluation, eg. materials resource used, number
of students involved, number of teachers
- Qualitative assessment, eg. involvement of students in
activities, skills acquired
- Methods and assessment tools used (eg questionnaire, focus
group, discussions, debates, observation, interview)
Feedback is an important aspect in any activity carried out,
because it offers an overview of the participants opinions,
complaints, suggestions, desirable is that in every stage of
planning an outdoor activity, to get feedback from all involved -
for an successful outdoor activity it must take into account the
constant cooperation, communication, offering the possibility
of expression of those involved.

Outdoor education is different from other teaching methods
because it enables teachers to identify different behavior problems.
Observing how students work in the proposed activity may be relevant
to identify aggressive behavior or integration issues - all students
have to participate actively, to assume responsibilities and to answer
to the roles and tasks they received, if notice passive students allocate
them extra time, encourage them to get involved, and call for the
support of other children. Outdoor activities transpose the student in
some views, and in this way the teacher is able to identify a child with
problems, an abused child.


How can we measure the success / unsuccessful of the performed activity?

To ensure that the work that I just ran had the desired effect, it
is necessary to measure this impact by:
- Evaluation questionnaires for both the staff involved and
especially for students, questionnaires must be made according
to the profile activity of each participant, it will have to contain
both closed questions to make a quantitative assessment of
activity (eg. number of participants, resources used, etc.) and
open questions to make qualitative assessment of activity (eg
involvement in activity, motivation to participate in activity,
measures to improve future activities)
- Although it is more complex, it can be realized an evaluation
of the activities by verified questionnaire replies of the parents
of students - spending most of the time with their children,
parents may be able to provide an overview of what happened
- this evaluation session of parents may be an important factor
in maintaining constant contact with them, so they are kept
informed about what their children learn and can provide real
support future activities
- Interactive discussion between those involved - we need to
pay attention while we work on the involvement of all
students, to agree each participant in discussions, to offer
students the opportunity to ask questions when there are not
clearly in an aspect and especially to enable them to express
their opinions on the activity.

All outdoor activities, regardless of location, involve an element
of risk. The safety of the involved students in the experiential
education is extremely important. Although the real risk can not be

totally eliminated, a teacher must ensure that the real risks are
reduced to acceptable levels so that the students will participate in a
context which is comparatively safe in terms of community. A risk
management plan that identifies and analyzes carefully the risks and
dangers inherent in a particular experiential program, in an effort to
eliminate, avoid or reduce risks to acceptable levels is the most
effective way to manage risks in experiential education. All staff
involved in outdoor education should be fully aware of all the
principles and procedures it required. Directors should ensure that
precautions are taken regarding the safety of participants, and that
supervision will be appropriate to the number, maturity, behavior and
planned activities. For the permission to carry out the outdoor
activities, we have to get information on security issues, including
proposed itinerary, composition group, emergency plans.

What Is A Risk Management Plan?
To ensure that all outdoor education activities are planned and
conducted in safe, effective risk management should be implemented.
A risk management plan involves a systematic analysis of activity,
equipment, venue, participants and staff so unacceptable risk factors
can be identified and eliminated or adequately controlled.
Risk Management Plan includes:
- Identify risks and safety issues,
- Management of hazards, risks and safety issues.

By developing a safety management plan, we avoid any dangers and
risks that can not be controlled satisfactorily. It has to be taken into
account things such as the nature of location or venue, participants,
staff experience and weather conditions. To identify safety problems,
have to take into account physical, social and emotional needs of
participants and staff, staff qualifications and experience, including

strengths and limitations, mandatory safe locations such as cliffs, deep
and cold lakes or the river, encountering obstructions, submerged
rocks and other hazards in natural watercourses and flammable gas
cylinders, equipment condition, the effects of different weather
conditions, any hazards potentially harmful, such as a fallen tree,
communication and access to assistive emergency.
Risk Management Plan is a response to risk assessment, in order
that this to be low enough so that the performed activity to be done
safely, it is done differently depending on the outdoor activities that
are conducted.



The present manual approached the experiences offered by the
outdoor education in the students teaching-learning process. The
project EcoEdu beyond rhetoric offered us the possibility of
deepenning the concept of outdoor education. The project brought
together the personnel involved in the educational process from 2
regions Turkey and Romania with the aim to facilitate the exchange of
experience, to promote the linguistic and cultural diversity, to develop
experimental teaching materials, to share opinions and values as
regards the consolidation of the European dimension in the education.
All the project activities represented opportunities to consolidate the
mutual understanding, to make one conscious about the relations at
the local and European level and to launch an intercultural
sensitiveness among the teaching staffs and the pupils involved in the
project. The present project offered to the teaching staffs
opportunities to get in contact and to participate to activities together
with teaching staffs from the European space and consequently to
benefit by exchanges of good practices on educational themes.
During the implementation of the project our teachers both in
Mu and in Catunele did new outdoor education activities. They shared
new and different activities with eachother. Our teacher found out
that they have already done many outdoorlearning activities currently.
And these activities make easier to teach for teachers and to learn for
students. During these activities especially our students developed a
deep relaationship with nature. Outdoor learning activities help them
to improve their problem solving skills, to enhance teamwork, to
develop leadership skills, to understand natural environments and to
promote their spirituality.
The manual is a result of a long cooperation between the
partners and its main objective is to offer a new perspective on

education, to offer examples of interactive teaching methods, that in
the end will be reflected in a quality education system in terms of
content, and especially the results, because during the projects
implementation we understood that outdoor education can be a
significant part in the education system, and as a whole range of
learning opportunities.


Material made within the project "EduEco beyond rhetoric," reference
no. COM-10-PR-16-GJ-RO, TR, the project was carried out between
08.01.2010 - 31.07.2012 and it was co-financed by the European Commission
through The Sectorial Programme Comenius Regio. The manual can be
visualize on the projects website
Coordinators: Liliana Bucic, Dana Lorena Bran, Gheorghia Caranda, Nazan
Contact local parteners:
Local Council Catunele
Com.Catunele, sat Valea Perilor, jud Gorj
Nr. tel: 0253411023

National Organization Romanian Scouts Tirgu Jiu Branch
Targu Jiu,str Aleea Teilor, Bl.14, Sc.1, Et.3, Ap. 12, jud Gorj 0353405844

General School Mazilu Vipie Gheorghe
Com. Catunele, Sat Valea Manastirii, jud Gorj
Nr. tel.: 0253411002

Primary School Invatator Nicolae Caranda
Com. Glogova, sat Glogova, jud Gorj 0253411405

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