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Portofoliu didactic

An școlar 2020-2021

Profesor: Dincă Nicoleta Tedodora

Specializarea: Limba și literatura engleză



1. Structura anului școlar

2. Încadrarea (clase, nr. de ore)

3. Orarul

4. Curriculum Vitae

5. Scrisoare de intenție


1. Planificarea materiei

2. Proiecte didactice

3. Instrumente de evaluare

4. Catalogul profesorului

5. Resurse materiale

6. Raport de progres școlar


Structura anului școlar 2020-2021

Anul școlar 2020-2021are 34 de săptămâni de cursuri, însumând 161 de zile



17 săptămâni (14.09.2020-29.01.2021)

Cursuri – luni, 14 septembrie 2020 –vineri, 22 decembrie 2020

Vacanță de iarnă – miercuri, 23 decembrie 2020 – duminică, 10 ianuarie 2021

Cursuri – luni, 11 ianuarie 2021 – vineri, 29 ianuarie 2021

Vacanță intersemestrială –luni, 1 februarie 2021 – duminică, 7 februarie 2021


17 săptămâni (8.02.2021-18.06.2021)

Cursuri – luni, 8 februarie 2021 – joi, 1 aprilie 2021

Vacanță de primăvară –vineri, 2 aprilie 2021 – marți, 4 mai 2021

Cursuri – marți, 4 mai 2021– vineri, 25 iunie 2021

Vacanță de primăvară – vineri, 30 aprilie 2021 – vineri, 9 mai 2021

Cursuri – luni, 10 mai 2021 – vineri, 18 iunie 2021

Vacanța de vară – sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2021 – data din septembrie la care vor
începe cursurile anului
Încadrare (clase, nr. de ore)

Încadrare I

Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin-Vale, Giurgiu

Anul școlar: 2020- 2021
Profesor: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
Semestrul I Semestrul al II-lea

Limba engleză: 11 ore Limba engleză: 11 ore

Clasa a IX-a I: 2 ore Clasa a IX-a I: 2 ore

Clasa a IX-a K: 2 ore Clasa a IX-a K: 2 ore

Clasa a IX-a L: 2 ore Clasa a IX-a L: 2 ore

Clasa a IX-a PE: 1 ore Clasa a IX-a PE: 1 ore

Clasa a IX-a PC: 1 ore Clasa a IX-a PC: 1 ore

Clasa a X-a PC: 1 ore Clasa a X-a PC: 1 ore

Clasa a XI-a H – 2 ore Clasa a XI-a H – 2 ore

Anulșcolar 2020- 2021

Profesor: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora

Limba engleză
Ziua Luni Marți Miercuri Joi Vineri


10 :50-11 :35 XI H

11 :40-12 :25 IX PC XI H

13 :30-14 :15 IX L IX I

14:20-15 :05 X PC IX K

15 :10-15 :55 IX K IX PE

16 :00-16 :45 IX L

16 :50-17 :35 IX I

17 :40-18 :25

Încadrare II

Colegiul Tehnologic ,,Grigore Cerchez”, sector 5

Anul școlar: 2020- 2021
Profesor: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
Semestrul I Semestrul al II-lea

Limba engleză: 3 ore Limba engleză: 3 ore

Clasa a XIII-a S2: 1 ore Clasa a XIII-a S2: 1 ore

Clasa a IX-a H: 2 ore Clasa a IX-a H: 2 ore

Anulșcolar 2020- 2021

Profesor: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora

Limba engleză
Ziua Luni Marți Miercuri Joi Vineri


7 :30-8 :10 IX H

8 :15- 8 :55

9 :00-09 :40

09 :45-10 :25 IX H

10 :30-11 :10

11 :15-11:55

19 :10-19 :50 XIII S2

Limba și literatura română

Semestrul I Semestrul al II-lea

Limba și literatura română: 6 ore Limba și literatura română: 6 ore

Clasa a IX-a G: 3 ore Clasa a IX-a G: 3 ore

Clasa a IX-a H: 3 ore Clasa a IX-a H: 3 ore

Anulșcolar 2020- 2021

Profesor: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora

Limba și literatura română
Ziua Luni Marți Miercuri Joi Vineri


7 :30-8 :10

8 :15- 8 :55 IX G

9 :00-09 :40 IX H IX H

09 :45-10 :25 IX G

10 :30-11 :10 IX H IX G

11 :15-11:55

19 :10-19 :50
Curriculum Vitae
Str. dr. Ion Munteanu, nr. 3, Giurgiu, cod 080474


       Subsemnata, Dincă Nicoleta Teodora, profesor suplinitor calificat pe catedrele de limba
și literatura engleză, implicit limba și literatura românp la Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie
Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale și la Colegiul Tehnologic ,,Grigore Cerchez”, sector 5,
domiciliată în jud. Olt, localitatea Balș, strada Tudor Vladimirescu, posesoare a C.I seria
OT, nr. 922906, CNP 2950730280011, doresc să vă aduc la cunoștință interesul meu de a
mă definitiva în învățământ. Ca urmare a promovării a examenului de titularizare, doresc să
evoluez și să aprofundez materia pe care o predau prin obținerea examenului de definitivat
în învățământ.
       În acest an școlar îmi propun să  obțin definitivarea în învățământ, deoarece îmi doresc
ca studiile mele de Limba și literatura engleză, pe care le-am încheiat la Universitatea din
București, Facultatea de Litere, specializarea Limba și Literatura română-Limba și
Literatura engleză, implicit și la în cadrul Masteratului ,,Teoria și practica editării”, de
Facultatea de Litere din Universitatea din București să fie folosite în domeniul
educațional. De asemenea, menționez că în primul an de Master, am participat la un schimb
de experiență cu programul ,,WORK AND TRAVEL” în America timp de 3 luni, fapt ce
care m-a ajutat să îmi îmbunătățesc nivelul de limbă atât pe plan oral, cât și scris, dar și de a
învăța mai multe despre cultura engleză.
Sunt de părere că, meseria de profesor este o vocație, născându-se dintr-o dorință
intrinsecă în scopul progresului și al acumulării unei experiențe vaste. În ceea ce privesc
obiectivele în cariera mea de profesor, ele se împart în două tipuri care nu se pot exclude,
aflându-se într-o relație de interdependență: dorința de a transmite atât cunoștințe specifice
limbii engleze, cât și valori morale. Luând parte la acest proces, în calitate de profesor, am
misiunea de a arăta în fața elevilor o conduită ce cuprinde trei componente
complementare :componenta științifică, componenta psiho-pedagogică și componenta

Pe parcursul acestor semestre, atenția mea este și a fost concentrată pe nevoia mea
de formare continuă, relevantă pentru activitatea instructiv-educativă a elevilor. Experiența
dobândită în această perioada constă în confruntarea cu o diversitate de situații particulare
în procesul de predare, în adaptarea constantă la profilul fiecărui elev, în ameliorarea și
recompensarea elevilor, în organizarea de activități socio-educative, precum Ziua
Internațională a Limbilor străine, organizarea de activități culturale precum recitarea de
poezii, cântece în limba engleză, exerciții de audiție a unor melodii, dialoguri, exerciții de
comunicare/ interacțiune orală, realizarea de planșe, jocuri. Toatea cestea au servit
acumulării unei experiențe vaste și unei diversități de activități didactice. Cu ajutorul
acesteia, reușim să acordăm rolurile elevilor, să-i scoatem din zona de confort și să
determinăm progresul.

Acest portofoliu profesional cuprinde proiectele didactice, care au concetrat, au

ajutat și au îmbunătățit o mare parte din activitatea mea didactică. De asemenea, există
înanexe, instrumente de evaluare (teste predictive, rezultate, bareme și măsuri), catalogul
profesorului, fișe de lucru- extrase fie din manual, fie din alte surse auxiliare –precum
Internetul, instrumente și materiale didactice particularizate pe nivelul clasei respective,
diverse precizări care vizează activitatea mea didactică, precum și planificările :
semestrială, anuală și peunități de învătare, toate acestea grupând armonioase elemente
indispensabile activității didactice, servindu-mi ca suport în procesul de predare.
În scopul unor viitoare ameliorări, îmi propun o bună organizare a demersului
didactic, promovarea examenelor viitoare, obținerea gradelor, participarea la diverse cursuri
care să îmbunătățească calitatea predării, implicit o inițiere și un dinamism constant. Toate
acestea vor fi realizate prin documentare, implicare, prin creativitate și flexibilitate. Îmi
propun să insist pe ideea ludicului în învățare, pe ideea că elevii să învețe unii de la ceilalți,
de interacțiune și de pedagogie inspirațională. Drept urmare, voi continua să organizez
activități diverse, jocuri de rol, activități culturale prin diverse forme de organizare a
predării, a clasei, în scopul de le a oferi șansa elevilor să-și formeze abilități de
comunicareși de a crea contexte simulative și autentice.
În ceea ce privește desfășurarea activității însistemul online, mai exact
strategiile/metodele/intrumentele pentru predarea-învățarea-evaluarea în sistemul blended
learning consider că ea este o metodă solicitantă din punct de vedere fizic, dar benefică
pentru evitarea pierderii materiei. Trebuie să recunoaștem, însă,că sistemul virtual este unul
extrem de atrăgător pentruelevi, iar orele pot deveni și ele mai captante prin folosirea unor
metode adecvate. Personal, consider că învățământul online este o probă de creativitate și
spontaneitate. În condițiile unei motivații suficiente, orice elev care are acces la tehnologie
poateobține o educație cel putin egală cu unul care beneficiază de un program tradițional.
Acest tip de învățare permite atât elevilor cât și profesorilor să interacționeze într-o
comunitate online fără a fi prezenți în același loc sau timp. Platforma de predare din cadrul
liceelor este Google Classroom, iar printre metodele de evaluare se numără:aplicația
Kahoot!, sau Quizz Assigment in Google Classroom.
Propunerile și obiectivile principale față de elevi, sunt tributare sporirii atenției și
captării intereselor acestora, adaptarea la nivelul fiecărui elev, trezirea intereselor lor, dar și
apropierea informațiilor de realitatealor înconjurătoare, adaptate nevoilor acestora. Concret,
scopurile principale ale predării și învățării unei limbi străine sunt acelea de a încuraja
elevii să se descurce într-un anumit context social, de a dezvolta capacități precum folosirea
limbajului în mod adecvat în diverse contexte, precum intercțiunea orală, de a accepta o altă
realitate, dar și de a recunoaște existența unei diversități culturale, și un în ultimul rând, de a
putea călători. De asemenea, elevul trebuie să aibă precizări, de la bun început cu privire la
rolul și obiectivele cunoașterii unei limbi străine, și să înțeleagă acest proces ca pe un aport
semnificativ la cultura generală proprie, ca pe un atu în formarea sa ca individ.
Exprimându-mi optimismul în ceea ce priveşte posibilitatea unei viitoare colaborări,
vă mulţumesc anticipat pentru atenţia pe care o veţi arăta candidaturii mele.

Cu distinsă considerație,
Nicoleta Teodora Dincă
Partea a II-a: Activitatea de la catedră
1.Planificări anuale, semestriale și pe unități de învățare
a)Planificări anuale
b)Planificări calendaristice
c)Planificări pe unități de învățare
Proiecte didactice

1. Proiect didactic

DATE: 21st of January, 2021
CLASS: 9th grade I
LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 45 minutes – online lesson
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities
LESSON SKILLS: speaking, listening, writing
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Google Classroom, Google Meet, Reflection , YouTube,
working with worksheets, Microsoft Word, Pictionary, Realia.
TEACHER’S ROLE: assessor, organizer, controller, participant, observer, feedback
STUDENTS ROLE: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner, performer (in role),
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, Brainstorming, demonstration, Computer
Asistant Learning, Elicitation, Gallery Tour, Skimming/scanning, Role Play
Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about future plans with be going to.

1.1 Understand the overall meaning of common, clearly articulated messages and dialogues;
2.1 Describe plans in a future way, using BE GOING TO;
Aim: to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use correctly BE GOING TO in
everyday speaking;

Lesson Objectives:

 to be able to talk about future plans;

 to be able to use the future plans in real-life situations of communication;
 to stimulate Ss’ imagination and creativity;
 to develop Sss prediction skills;
 to enable Sss to perform written tasks similar to those encountered in real life;
 to improve Sss correct spelling;
 to develop Sss listening for purpose.

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
● O1: to use the grammar structures from the previous lesson in speaking activities: BE
● O2: to cooperate in a group activity in order to sustain a dialogue based on personal
● O3: to use usual verbs like: to eat, to travel, to read etc in order to make sentences
with future plans;
● O4: identify at least three verbs from the text given;

Anticipating student’s problems:

 some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and
they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
 the reading and listening text may contain unknown words for Sss - the T encourages
Sss to read and listen for meaning and the general message of the text;
 some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they
may need assistance;
 some students have problems with pronunciation –T has Sss repeating the
words/phrases individually;
 some students have a lower English level – Sss will get extra guidance from T;
 some students may encounter problems with connecting and connection to the
platform, some of them using the chat;

Description of class: There are 18 students in the classroom, but almost 14 are connected to
the Classroom. Ss have been practicing English for three years. During the previous lesson
of the unit, they have learned about BE GOING TO, with a focus on grammar part: main
uses, differences between WIL, BE GOING TO, PRESENT CONTINOUS. Also, Ss discuss
about future plans, remembering usual verbs like: to travel, to eat etc. Ss have basic
information about how the Present and Past Tenses are formed, both in the Affirmative and
ANNEX 1 – Microsoft Word
ANNEX 3-While reading
ANNEX 4- Exercises


2. Proiect de lecție
DATE: 21st of January, 2021
CLASS: 9th grade K
LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 45 minutes – online lesson
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - WORKBOOK Students, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley,
Express Publishing, 2014

TYPE OF LESSON: lesson of reinforcement
LESSON SKILLS: speaking, listening, writing
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Google Classroom, Google Meet, Reflection , working with
worksheets, Microsoft Word, Pictionary, Realia, students book
TEACHER’S ROLE: assessor, resource, organizer, controller, participant, observer,
monitor, feedback provider
STUDENTS ROLE: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner, performer (in role),
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, demonstration, Computer Asistant Learning,
Elicitation, Gallery Tour, Skimming/scanning, Role Play
Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about food and how to order at the

This lesson is part of the Unit 8, from WORKBOOK Students, Virginia Evans, Jenny
Dooley, Express Publishing,2014.

1.1 Understand the overall meaning of common, clearly articulated messages and dialogues;
Aim: to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use properly food in everyday

Lesson Objectives:

 to be able to talk about food;

 to use socially appropriate expressions when role-playing a given situation;
 to develop Sss listening for purpose.
 to be able to use food in real-life situations of communication;
 to stimulate Ss’ imagination and creativity;
 to develop Sss prediction skills;
 to improve Sss correct spelling;

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
● O1: use the food vocabulary from the previous lesson in speaking activities;
● O2: write down the correct information related to images;
● O3: cooperate in a group activity in order to sustain a dialogue based going to a
● O4: use the grammar part in diallogues: Present and Future Tense;

Anticipating student’s problems:

 some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and
they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
 the reading and listening may contain unknown words for Sss - the T encourages Sss
to read and listen for meaning and the general message;
 some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they
may need assistance;
 some students have problems with pronunciation –T has Sss repeating the
words/phrases individually;
 some students have a lower English level – Sss will get extra guidance from T;
 some students may encounter problems with connecting and connection to the
platform, some of them using the chat;

Description of class: There are 22 students in the classroom, but almost 15 are connected to
the Classroom. The students have been practicing English for three years. During the
previous lesson of the unit, they learned about FOOD AND DRINKS, with a focus on
vocabulary part and also on grrammar part (uses of Present Tenses and Future Simple).
Also, they discuss about clothes, times, daily routines, house, family related to vocabulary
part. The students have basic information about how the Present and Past Tenses are
formed, both in the Affirmative and Negative.
ANNEX 1 – Microsoft Word
ANNEX 4 – Cutlery placement



Online worksheets:
Workbook: file:///C:/Users/Net/Downloads/9%20WORKBOOK%20Upstream%20intermediate.pdf

3. Proiect de lecție

TEACHER: Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21st of January, 2021
CLASS: 9th Grade L
LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 45 minutes – online lesson
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
LESSON: WILL- The Future Tense Simple
TYPE OF LESSON: Communication of new knowledge
LESSON SKILLS: speaking, reading, writing
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Google Classroom, Google Meet, Reflection,,
working with worksheets, Microsoft Word, Pictionary, Realia.
TEACHER’S ROLE: assessor, organizer, controller, participant observer, feedback provider
STUDENTS ROLE: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, demonstration, Computer Asistent Learning
Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about future activities.

This lesson is part of the Unit 3, which consists three lessons: Future Tenses, Conditionals,
the definite article.

Aim: to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use correctly the Future Tense Simple
in everyday speaking;

Lesson Objectives:

 to be able to talk about future activities;

 to be able to use the future in real-life situations of communication;
 to stimulate Ss’ imagination and creativity;
 to develop Sss prediction skills;
 to enable Sss to perform written tasks similar to those encountered in real life;
 to improve Sss correct spelling;
 to develop Sss listening for purpose.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
● O1: to use FUTURE TENSE SIMPLE-WILL correctly;
● O2: identify main uses of the Future Tense Simple;
● O3: to produce sentences with Future Tense Simple;
● O4: practice the notions learned
● O5: to read the requirements aloud using the appropriate pronunciation;
● O6: to develop Sss reading and comprehension skills;

Anticipating student’s problems:

 some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and
they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
 the listening text may contain unknown words for Sss - the T encourages Sss to listen
for meaning and the general message of the text;
 some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they
may need assistance;
 some students have problems with pronunciation –T has Sss repeating the
words/phrases individually;
 some students have a lower English level – Sss will get extra guidance from T;
 some students may encounter problems with connecting and connection to the
platform, some of them using the chat;

Description of class: There are 30 students in the classroom, but almost 20-25 are connected
on the Classroom. The students have been practicing English for three years. During the
previous lesson of the unit, they have learned about Past Perfect Tenses, with a focus on
grammar. The students have basic information about how the Present and Past Tenses are
formed, both in the Affirmative and Negative.
Annex 1
Riddle about Future
Annex 2 – Will Form

Annex 3- Relevant images for the Future






ANNEX 2 – exercises

1. Fill in with WILL or WONT (- Affirmative, X- Negative)

a) It will rain today. 
b) I believe she wont take the exam. X
c) I _______be 25 next month. 
d) She _________be back soon. X
e) You _________ wash your hand. 
f) I _____ eat manny sweets. X
g) They promise that they _____help us with the lesson tomorrow. 

2. Read the sentences bellow. Which expresses: a request=cerere, a promise, a hope, a

prediction, a certainity?
a) I am sure your brother will become a scientist. (certainity)
b) Will you help me with your suitcase?
c) Ill definitely call you tomorrow.
d) It will rain tomorrow.
e) I hope she wont be late. We havent got much time today.

Online worksheets: a)

Online worksheets: a)

3. Proiect lecție (Test)


TEACHER : Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21st of January, 2021
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale
GRADE :10th P.C
SUBJECT: English
NUMBERS OF HOURS per week: 1
LEVEL: Low Intermediate
NUMBER OF STUDENTS in the class: 20
NUMBER OF STUDENTS who took the test: 15
TIME : 45 minutes
COURSEBOOK: CLICK ON- Students Book by Virginia Evans, Neil O Sullivan ,
2001 (L1)
TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : Evaluation/Test Paper from Present and Past Tense,
Daily routines
LESSON SKILLS: reading, writing, use of English
RESOURCES: test papers
TEACHER’S ROLE: organizer, monitor, assessor

3.2 Identify and comprehend information.
4.1 Write simple short messages

Objectives of evaluation:

A: Cognitive objectives:

 to check students’ knowledge of grammar structure (Present Tenses and Past Tenses);
 to check students’ vocabulary progress (their level of vocabulary assimilation for the
assessed unit);
 to check students’ writing skills and ability to make a composition using their
knowledge of English language;
 to check students’ general progress in the use of the English language.

B: Affective objectives:

 assuring a relaxed atmosphere;

 making people confident in their ability to use English.

Anticipated problems:
     Students might:
 encounter difficulties in using the right forms of the verbs in the Present Tense
Simple or Continous and Past Tense Simple or Continous;
 not being able to use Present Tense Simple when they have a short description
about daily routine;
 not being able to write properly the Interrogative and the Negative structures of
the verbs;
 may encounter problems with connecting and connection.


Time alloted: 45 minutes

Grade: 10th PC


Test paper

I. Put the verb in brackets into Present Simple or Continous (20p):

a) I ____________ (read) a very interesting book now.

b) Joanne ____________ (work) eight hours a day.

c) Who ____________ you ____________ (speak) to right now?

d) My wife ____________ ( not like) coffee for breakfast.

e) Listen! The phone ________________(ring) in the other room.

II. Complete the sentences with was or were (20p):

a) Jane ______doing her homework.

b) We_______ eating cookies.
c) The dog _______ barking.
d) Mom ________ cooking dinner.
e) The boys _______ playing baseball.

III. Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence (20p).]

a) While I had / was having a bath, the phone rang.

b) Anna was meeting / met Judy while she was doing some shopping.
c) I cooked / was cooking the breakfast all day morning.
d) Eminescu died / was dying in 1889.
e) While Maria was walking home, she was loosing / lost her money.

IV. Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will describe your daily routine.
Make sure you will use Present Tense in your composition. (30p)


I. Put the verb in brackets into Present Simple or Continous (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) am reading b) works c) are you speaking d) doesnt like e) is ringing

II. Complete the sentences with was or were (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) was b) were c) was d) was e) were

III. Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) was having b) met c) was cooking d) died e) lost

IV.Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will describe your daily routine. Make sure you
will use Present Tense in your composition. (30p)

- Task: narrative paragraph (creative writing)

- task achievement & original input 10p

- relevance of ideas to topic 4p
- - organization 6p
- - organization / layout 3p
- - cohesion and coherence 2p
- - length constraint 1p
- - language accuracy and variety 6p
- - correct use of grammar structures 5p
- - accurate spelling and punctuation 1p
- - register and vocabulary 4p
- - appropriate register and vocabulary 1p
- -range of vocabulary 3p
Test interpretation- 10th P.C

TEACHER : Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21st of January, 2021
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale
GRADE :10th P.C
SUBJECT: English
NUMBERS OF HOURS per week: 1
LEVEL: Low Intermediate
NUMBER OF STUDENTS in the class: 20
NUMBER OF STUDENTS who took the test: 15
TIME : 45 minutes
COURSEBOOK: CLICK ON- Students Book by Virginia Evans, Neil O Sullivan ,
2001 (L1)
TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : Evaluation from Present and Past Tense, Daily routines
LESSON SKILLS: reading, writing, use of English
RESOURCES: test papers
TEACHER’S ROLE: organizer, monitor, assessor

3.2 Identify and comprehend information.
4.1 Write simple short messages

Test objectives:

 O1: to measure Ss’ ability to use grammar part of Present Tenses

- Given a a gap filling exercise, Ss should be able to complete the sentences using
Present Tenses

 O2: to measure Ss’ ability to conjugate properly to be at Past

 Given a a gap filling exercises, Ss should be able to insert the linkers of to be

at Past (was and were)

 O3: to measure Ss’ ability to use grammar part of Past Tenses

- Given a multiple choice exercise, Ss should be able to choose the correct answer from
two different options: verbs at Past Tense Simple or Continous
 O4: to measure Ss’ ability to describe their daily routines

- Given a writing task Ss should be able to write 5-7 lines in order to describe their daily
routines, using Present Tense Simple.

The objectives

Objectives O1 O2 O3 O4

No. of totally 12 12 12 8
students who
reached the partially 4 3 4 8
at all 4 5 5 4

The marks given

Marks Under 4-4,99 5-5,99 6-6,99 7-7,99 8-8,99 9-9,99 10

given 4

No. of 0 0 1 1 0 1 9 0

The average mark


Test type: progress/achievement test.

The test is designed to measure the students’ language and skill progress in relation to the
syllabus they have been following. The test contains items that the students are familiar with,
i.e. they had worked items with a similar structure before. It was taken at the end of a module
(Unit 1st and 2nd CLICK ON 1, Express Publishing,2001).

The test consists of four items, both direct and indirect, in order to provide conclusive results
and an honest appreciation of the students’ knowledge. Thus, the first third items are indirect
items. They involve the correct use of grammar (1st exercise-the Present Tenses, 2nd exercises-
TO BE at past, 3rd exercise: The Past Tenses). The direct items of the test involve performing
the communicative skill of writing (a short composition about Sss daily routines) and the
receptive skill of reading (checking general understanding). The exercises fall in the same
categories as far as discrete-point test items (exercises I-III) and integrative items (exercise
IV) are concerned.

Results’ interpretation:

Following the process of test correcting and grading, it can be concluded that:

✔ Most of the students are able to use the proper vocabulary about daily routines;
✔ Most of the students are able to understand the text;
✔ Most of the students are able to use Present Tenses and Past Tenses in sentences;
✔ Most of the students are able to cover the aspects demanded by the writing task.

Some of the students are not able to use the appropriate verb in Present Simple Tense;
Some students did not use the correct grammar structures in the writing task;
Most of the students did not respect the word limit

Other mistakes:

Misspelling the pronoun ,,I”

Disagreement: She work
Confussion betwen were and was
Incorrect usings of the negative in the Present Tense Simple: she dont like
Not using the verb TO BE in the Present Tense Continous: I reading
Non-inversal at Interrogative: are you working?
Not using the Present Simple Tense in daily routine
Failure to identify the adverb while in the Past Continous
Misspelling the time
Writing not adapted to Romanian: I stay/ I sit on the phone instead of I surf on the Internet
Uninterrupted writing of sentences without using comma or dot.
Repeated words
5.Proiect de lecție (Test)


TEACHER : Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21th of January, 2021
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale
GRADE :10th P.C
SUBJECT: English
NUMBERS OF HOURS per week: 1
LEVEL: Intermediate
NUMBER OF STUDENTS in the class: 20
NUMBER OF STUDENTS who took the test: 15
TIME : 45 minutes
COURSEBOOK: CLICK ON- Students Book by Virginia Evans, Neil O Sullivan ,
2001 (L1)
TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : Evaluation from Conditionals, Modals, The Degrees of
the Adjectives
LESSON SKILLS: reading, writing, use of English
RESOURCES: test papers
TEACHER’S ROLE: organizer, monitor, assessor

3.2 Identify and comprehend information.
4.1 Write simple short messages

Objectives of evaluation:

A: Cognitive objectives:

 to check students’ knowledge of grammar structure (Conditionals, Modals, The

Degrees of the Adjectives);
 to check students’ vocabulary progress (their level of vocabulary assimilation for the
assessed unit);
 to check students’ writing skills and ability to make a composition using their
knowledge of English language;
 to check students’ general progress in the use of the English language.

B: Affective objectives:
 assuring a relaxed atmosphere;
 making people confident in their ability to use English.

Anticipated problems:
     Students might:

 encounter difficulties in using the right forms of the verbs in the Conditionals
and Modals
 not being able to use Present Tense Simple when they have a short composition
about their responsibilities as students;
 not being able to write properly Modals, to fill in properly the Tenses of
Conditionals or to identify the correct form of the adjectives;
 may encounter problems with connecting and connection.


Time alloted: 45 minutes

Grade: 10th PC


Test paper

I. Put the verb in brackets into suitable Conditionals (20p):

f) (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________ (not

pass) the exam.
g) (Second conditional) If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she
__________________ (email) me.
h) (Third conditional) If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we
__________________ (go) to the beach
i) (Second conditional) If you __________________ (not be) so stubborn, we __________________
(not have) so many arguments!
j) (First conditional) If she __________________ (go) to the library, she __________________
(study) more.

II. Complete the sentences with CAN, MAY, MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD (20p):

a) Ann______speak English.
b) _______I answer, please?
c) She _______ wear that dress, it fits better.
d) You________learn if you want to pass the exam.
e) He_______be the murderer.

III. Circle the correct form of the adjective in each sentence (20p).

a) It must be the hottest/ hotter day we have had so far this year.
b) We need something much smaller/smallest in order to fit.
c) Your idea is better/ best than her.
d) He is the busiest/busier man that I have ever seen
e) Sam is stronger/strongest than me.

IV. Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will write down your responsibilities
as a student. Make sure you will use Modals in your composition. (30p)

I. Put the verb in brackets into suitable Conditionals (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) dont work harder/we wont pass b) had/would email c) hadnt been/would have gone d)
weret /wouldnt have e) goes/will study

II. Complete the sentences with CAN,MAY, MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD(4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) can b) may c) should d) have to e) must

III. Circle the correct form of the adjective in each sentence (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) The hottest b) smaller c) better d) bussiest e) stronger

IV.Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will write down your daily responsibilities
as a student. Make sure you will use Modals in your composition. (30p)

Task: narrative paragraph (creative writing)

- task achievement & original input 10p

- relevance of ideas to topic 4p
- - organization 6p
- - organization / layout 3p
- - cohesion and coherence 2p
- - length constraint 1p
- - language accuracy and variety 6p
- - correct use of grammar structures 5p
- - accurate spelling and punctuation 1p
- - register and vocabulary 4p
- - appropriate register and vocabulary 1p

- -range of vocabulary 3p

Time alloted: 45 minutes

Grade: 10th PC


Test paper

V. Put the verb in brackets into suitable Conditionals (20p):

k) (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________ (not

pass) the exam.
l) (Second conditional) If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she
__________________ (email) me.
m) (Third conditional) If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we
__________________ (go) to the beach
n) (Second conditional) If you __________________ (not be) so stubborn, we __________________
(not have) so many arguments!
o) First conditional) If she __________________ (go) to the library, she __________________
(study) more.

VI. Complete the sentences with CAN, MAY, MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD (20p):

f) Ann______speak English.
g) _______I answer, please?
h) She _______ wear that dress, it fits better.
i) You________learn if you want to pass the exam.
j) He_______be the murderer.

VII. Circle the correct form of the adjective in each sentence (20p).

a) It must be the hottest/ hotter day we have had so far this year.
b) We need something much smaller/smallest in order to fit.
c) Your idea is better/ best than her.
d) He is the busiest/busier man that I have ever seen
e) Sam is stronger/strongest than me.

VIII. Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will write down your
responsibilities as a student. Make sure you will use Modals in your
composition. (30p)
Test interpretation- 10th P.C

TEACHER : Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21st of January, 2021
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale
GRADE :10th P.C
SUBJECT: English
NUMBERS OF HOURS per week: 1
LEVEL: Intermediate
NUMBER OF STUDENTS in the class: 20
NUMBER OF STUDENTS who took the test: 15
TIME : 45 minutes
COURSEBOOK: CLICK ON- Students Book by Virginia Evans, Neil O Sullivan ,
2001 (L1)
TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : Evaluation from Conditionals, Modals, The Degrees of
the Adjectives
LESSON SKILLS: reading, writing, use of English
RESOURCES: test papers
TEACHER’S ROLE: organizer, monitor, assessor

3.2 Identify and comprehend information.
4.1 Write simple short messages

Test objectives:

 O1: to measure Ss’ ability to use grammar part of Conditionals;

- Given a a gap filling exercise, Ss should be able to complete the sentences

using Conditionals at different Tenses

 O2: to measure Ss’ ability to complete properly the Modals;

- Given a a gap filling exercises, Ss should be able to insert the linkers of the

 O3: to measure Ss’ ability to use grammar part of Comparatives and


- Given a multiple choice exercise, Ss should be able to choose the correct

answer from two different options: adjectives at Comparatives and
 O4: to measure Ss’ ability to describe their responsibilities as students.

- Given a writing task Ss should be able to write 5-7 lines in order to describe
their responsibilities as students, using Modals..

The objectives

Objectives O1 O2 O3 O4

No. of totally 12 12 12 8
students who
reached the partially 4 3 4 8
at all 4 5 5 4

The marks given

Marks Under 4-4,99 5-5,99 6-6,99 7-7,99 8-8,99 9-9,99 10

given 4

No. of 0 0 1 1 0 1 9 0

The average mark


Test type: progress/achievement test.

The test is designed to measure the students’ language and skill progress in relation to the
syllabus they have been following. The test contains items that the students are familiar with,
i.e. they had worked items with a similar structure before. It was taken at the end of a module
(Unit 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th CLICK ON 1, Express Publishing,2001).

The test consists of four items, both direct and indirect, in order to provide conclusive results
and an honest appreciation of the students’ knowledge. Thus, the first third items are indirect
items. They involve the correct use of grammar (1 st exercise-the Conditionals, 2nd exercises-
types of Modals, 3rd exercise: The Degrees of the Adjectives). The direct items of the test
involve performing the communicative skill of writing (a short composition about Sss
responsibilities) and the receptive skill of reading (checking general understanding). The
exercises fall in the same categories as far as discrete-point test items (exercises I-III) and
integrative items (exercise IV) are concerned.

Results’ interpretation:

Following the process of test correcting and grading, it can be concluded that:

✔ Most of the students are able to use the proper vocabulary about responsibilities;
✔ Most of the students are able to understand the text;
✔ Most of the students are able to use properly the Tenses at the Conditionals;
✔ Most of the students are able to cover the aspects demanded by the writing task.

Some of the students are not able to use the appropriate tenses at Conditionals;
Some students did not use the correct grammar structures in the writing task;
Most of the students did not respect the word limit.

Other mistakes:

Misspelling the pronoun ,,I”

Confussion betwen is and are
Incorrect usings of Modals: A student can learn
Not using properly the Tenses: If I wont work
Not using the negative forms at Conditionals
Not identifying the link from comparatives and superlatives
Misspelling the time
Writing not adapted to Romanian: I stay/ I sit on the phone instead of I surf on the Internet
Uninterrupted writing of sentences without using comma or dot.
Repeated words
6. Proiect didactic


TEACHER: Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 26th of May, 2021
CLASS: 11th Grade H
LEVEL: Advanced
TIME: 45
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Lynda Edwards, Express
LESSON: Wishes
TYPE OF LESSON: Communication of new knowledge
LESSON SKILLS: speaking, reading, writing, listening
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Laptop, Students book, blackboard, Reflection , YouTube,
working with worksheets, Pictionary, Realia.
TEACHER’S ROLE: assessor, organizer, controller, participant observer, feedback provider
STUDENTS ROLE: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, demonstration, Computer Asistent Learning
Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about future activities.

This lesson is part of the Unit 9: The Image Business


To expand and practice vocabulary related to appearances and the image business.

To practice the speaking and debating skills.

To practice the skill of listening for specific details.

By the end of the lesson, students:

Will be able to support their judgements based on appearance with arguments.

Will have practiced listening for specific details in a text related to body language and dress code
at job interviews.

Will have learned new phrases about body language and how to use them in a sentence.


The students may not be willing to cooperate during speaking tasks, or a few students may
dominate the discussion.


Ensure that students feel welcome to share their views and that they all have the
possibility to speak.
Lesson Activity Reason for Activity Inter- Materials Timing
Stage actio

1. Warm-up The teacher greets To create a friendly T-Ss 1 min

the students and atmosphere.
introduces herself.

2. Lead-in The students form 5 To hint at the lesson T-Ss Handout 7 min
groups. Each group topic by inviting Ss-Ss
receives a handout students to make
with pictures of decisions based on
five people and the people’s
names of five appearance (age,
crimes (tax fraud, clothes, facial
vandalism, driving expression,
while intoxicated, bruised face).
battery, possession To ensure a
of fake ID). Their dynamic
task is to pair the atmosphere.
crime to the
To develop the
person who they
debating skill.
think committed it.
The groups present To invite students

their answers and to express their

support their opinions.

choices with
challenging other
groups’ choices.
The teacher
reveals the correct

Elicitation The teacher asks To introduce the T-Ss 1 min

students what they
based their lesson topic. Ss-T
decisions on during To develop the
the previous task. speaking skill.
The class discusses
To invite students
the importance of
to express their

Presentation The teacher writes To reveal the lesson T-Ss Board 1 min
the date and title topic.
on the board and To reveal the key
presents the lesson words of the
topic (the image lesson.
business: personal
appearance, body
language, the
industries based
on image).

Controlled The students are To practice and T-Ss Textbook 5 min

practice asked to solve a expand vocabulary Ss-Ss (194/3)
task in pairs about related to the
vocabulary related topic.
to the topic of To encourage pair
personal style work.
(beauty products,
professions, style
choices, clothing
items, accessories).

The teacher checks

the answers.

Elicitation The teacher initiates To introduce the T-Ss 3 min

a discussion about concept of dress Ss-T
how students code.
dress for different
occasions (at To introduce the
home, for a next task.
wedding, for a
funeral, for a job

Pre- The students read a To activate T-Ss Textbook 5 min

Listening text about the students’ Ss-T (198/1)
importance of knowledge on the
image at job topic.
interviews. Several To help students
words of the text identify the type
are missing, to be of information
filled in during the they will listen for.
Listening stage.
The class discusses
the possible
answers for each

Listening The students listen To develop T-Ss Textbook 15 min

to the recording students’ ability of (198/1)
and fill in the gaps listening for
individually. The details.
recording is played To check
twice, if necessary. comprehension of
the text.

Post- The teacher checks To evaluate the T-Ss Textbook 5 min

Listening the answers. The content of the Ss-T (198/1)
teacher asks the text.
students about To reflect on newly
their opinion on acquired
the content of the knowledge.
text. The students
are asked to
answer the
questions in
individually: one
thing from the text
they disagree with,
one thing they
would add, and
one thing they did
not know before
listening to the

Controlled The students are To practice and T-Ss Textbook 3 min

Practice asked to complete expand vocabulary Ss-Ss (194/4a
a task about body related to the )
language. After topic.
they are finished, To encourage peer
they exchange correction.
notebooks with
their colleagues
and correct each
other’s work. The
teacher checks the

Free The students are To consolidate T-Ss Textbook 3 min

Practice asked to use the newly acquired Ss-T (195/4b
phrases from the knowledge. , 4c)
previous task in

Review and The teacher asks To review the T-Ss Textbook 3 min
reflection students their concepts Ss-T (191/3a
opinion on judging discussed during )
people based on the lesson.
their appearance, To develop the
in the light of the speaking ability.
lesson. To reflect on the

7.Proiect didactic

DATE: 24th of November, 2021
CLASS: 9th grade K
LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 45 minutes
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - WORKBOOK Students, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing,

LESSON: Free time activities

TYPE OF LESSON: Enrichement and Consolidation of language and skills
LESSON SKILLS: listening, speaking, reading, writing
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Laptop, Students book, blackboard, Reflection , YouTube,
working with worksheets, Cd player.
TEACHER’S ROLE: assessor, resource, organizer, controller, participant, observer,
monitor, feedback provider
STUDENTS ROLE: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner, performer (in role),
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, communication, explanation, brainstorming
Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about Past Tenses. This lesson is part of the
Unit 2, from WORKBOOK Students, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing,2014.

Aim of the lesson: - To encourage students to talk and express their opinion and ideas on a certain

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 O1: to produce/formulate ideas based on some given topics

 O2: to communicate effectively by using new words, both among themselves and with the
whole class
 O3: to practise the four skills
 O4: to select information from an audio material
Stages Timing Interaction Objectives Activities Obs.

Teacher Student

1.Lead-in 2 mins. T-Ss - to prepare the -calls the roll -answer

class for the new - checks teacher’s
class homework questions

2.Presentation 10 mins T-Ss -to activate the -presents the - put down
learners title of the the title
new lesson and all the
and its informatio

objectives n from the

-writes on the
blackboard - go to the
Bb and put
down the
following: most
The most important
thing in
their life
thing in my

-asks students
to come up
with their
own thing

- asks
students to
look at the
results and
the visual
prompts( ex
ercise 28,
page 28)

-reads the
results and
gives extra
on the topic

T-Ss -to select -asks students - work in

3.Practice 20 mins information from to discuss , pairs and

an audio material in pairs, the discuss the

- to practise questions topic

listening, writing concerning - listen to

and speaking the survey the audio
skills results material

-to communicate - tells and match

effectively both students the

among that they speakers to

themselves and are going to the

with the whole hear five statements

class people
about the
thing in -write one
their lives reason why
and that each
they should person
listen and feels this
match the way
speakers to
- share their
-plays the CD with the

- plays the CD class

again and
students to
write one
reason why
each person
feels this
( exercise
27/b, page

4.Production 10 mins Ss-SS - to practise -asks students - answer the

Ss-T writing and to work questions

speaking skills individually ( exercise

-to communicate and to write 29, page

effectively both about their 28) and

among families present

themselves and answering their

with the whole the presentatio

class questions n to the

from class
29 /b, page
te ideas based on
some given

5.Consolidation 7 mins Ss-Ss - to practise -asks students - describe

/feedback Ss-T writing and to express the

speaking skills their pictures

-to communicate opinion and share

effectively both about two their

among pictures opinion
themselves and (exercise 30, with the
with the whole page 28) class

- to
te ideas based on
some given

6.Homework 1 min T-Ss -announces

homework :
exercise 32,
page 29

8. Proiect didactic

DATE: 27th of May, 2021
CLASS: 9th grade I
LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 45 minutes
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
LESSON: Conditionals (2nd and 3rd type)
TYPE OF LESSON: Enrichement and Consolidation of language and skills
LESSON SKILLS: reading, listening, speaking, writing
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Laptop, Students book, Students Workbook, blackboard,
Reflection , YouTube, working with worksheets, Pictionary, Realia.
TEACHER’S ROLE: assessor, organizer, controller, participant, observer, feedback
STUDENTS ROLE: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner, performer (in role),
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, Brainstorming, demonstration, Elicitation,
Gallery Tour, Skimming/scanning, Role Play
Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about Conditionals (2nd and 3rd type).

1.1 Understand the overall meaning of common, clearly articulated messages and dialogues;
2.1 Describe facts in a Conditionals way.

Aim: to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use correctly Conditionals (2nd and 3rd

in everyday speaking;

Lesson Objectives:
 to be able to talk about imaginary situations in the present and in the past;
 to be able to use imaginary situations in real-life situations of communication;
 to stimulate Ss’ imagination and creativity;
 to develop Sss prediction skills;
 to enable Sss to perform written tasks similar to those encountered in real life;
 to improve Sss correct spelling;
 to develop Sss listening for purpose.

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 O1: to use the grammar structures from the previous lesson in speaking activities:
Conditionals (2nd and 3rd type);

● O2: to cooperate in a group activity in order to sustain a dialogue based on imaginary

situations (presentpast);
● O3: to use usual verbs in order to identify sentences with imaginary situations
● O4: identify at least three sentences with Conditionals (2nd and 3rd type) from the text

Anticipating student’s problems:

 some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and
they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
 the reading and listening text may contain unknown words for Sss - the T encourages
Sss to read and listen for meaning and the general message of the text;
 some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they
may need assistance;
 some students have problems with pronunciation –T has Sss repeating the
words/phrases individually;
 some students have a lower English level – Sss will get extra guidance from T;

Description of class: There are 18 students in the class. Ss have been practicing English for
three years. During the previous lesson of the unit, they have learned about Conditionals
(2nd and 3rd type), with a focus on grammar part: main uses, differences between 2nd and 3rd
type of Conditionals. Also, Ss discuss about imaginary, remembering usual verbs like: to
travel, to earn etc. Ss have basic information about how the Past and Past Perfect Tenses,
Modals are formed, both in the Affirmative and Negative.
ANNEX 1 – Pictionary-images
Look and the pictures and match the sentences with Conditionals:

1. If I won the lottery, a) I would have come at your party.

2. If I hadnt been sick. b) I would travel a lot.

3. If they sold their house, d) they could be rich.

4. If she had been watching the news, c) she would have known about the strike.

ANNEX 2 – Theory sheet

Type 2 conditionals (unreal present): imaginary situations which are unlikely to happen in the
present or future. We can use were for all persons in the IF-clause (e.g: If I were you...=advice)

Rule: IF+

e.g: If I went to the box office early, I could get front new seats now. (Dacă merg la casă, aș putea
obține locuri pe ultimul rând)

If I were you, I would buy todays newspaper.(Dacă aș fi în locul tău, aș

cumpăra ziarul de azi)

Type 3 conditionals (unreal past): regrets or criticism about the past.


e.g: If we had known, we would have taken shelter earlier. (Dacă am fi știut, ne-am
fi găsit adăpost mai devreme)

ANNEX 3- While reading

While reading

If I ruled the world

Read the following interviews:

John: If I ruled the world, I would erase the boarders! We would live in a
world without countries in which we wont have any wars or differences of opinion. If I had enough money, I would
spend it on education and new technologies. People had lived in a better world if evey child could have gone to
university and learned about other cultures and traditions.

Mary: I would do a lot of great things if I ruled the world! First, If I ruled
the world, I woould get rid of the nuclear weapons. Those weapons are a major danger of all people in the world. If
I could, I would also protect more animals. Some of them will dissapear, if we don t do anything to help them. I
would also try to find a cure for every illness!
ANNEX 4- Exercises


1. Write three sentences which contains 2nd and 3rd Conditionals.

2. Choose the correct form: True (T) or False (F)
a) John wouldnt erase the boarders. T/F
b) If John had money, he would spend it on education. T/F
c) Every child could go to university and have acces to the technology. T/F
d) If Mary ruled the world, she would get rid of the nuclear weapons. T/F
e) Mary wouldnt want to protect the animals. T/F
3. Put the verbs into the correct form, using 2nd and 3rd Conditionals:
a) (Third conditional) If we __________________(warn) people about pollution, they _______(be)
more receptive.
b) (Second conditional) If I _____(be) you, I ______(learn) more about eating healthy.
c) (Third conditional) If we _______(not/throw) bags in the water, the Ocean ______ (be) grateful.
d) (Second conditional) If we _______(protect) the nature, we ____(be) more healthy.
e) (Third conditional) If I _____(work) as a doctor, I _______(find) the cure for cancer.

ANEX 5 – Teams Game

Homework: Read the sentences and say what would you do if you:

a) wanted to loose weight?

e.g: If I wanted to lose weight, I would start going to the gym. If I wanted to lose weight, I
would eat a healthy diet. etc
b) won the lottery?
c) moved to a new house?
d) had two weeks holiday?


Video link with Conditionals: Grammar Genius C - Unit 13 (Conditionals ) - YouTube

9.Proiect didactic

TEACHER: Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 27th of May, 2021
CLASS: 9th Grade L
LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 45
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
LESSON: Wishes
TYPE OF LESSON: Communication of new knowledge
LESSON SKILLS: speaking, reading, writing, listening
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Laptop, Students book, Students Workbook, blackboard,
Reflection , YouTube, working with worksheets, Pictionary, Realia.
TEACHER’S ROLE: assessor, organizer, controller, participant observer, feedback provider
STUDENTS ROLE: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, demonstration, Computer Asistent Learning
Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about future activities.

This lesson is part of the Unit 9, which consists three lessons: Conditionals type 2 and 3,
wishes, would rather

Aim: to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use correctly the wishes in everyday

Lesson Objectives:

 to be able to talk about wishes;

 to be able to use wishes in real-life situations of communication;
 to stimulate Ss’ imagination and creativity;
 to develop Sss prediction skills;
 to enable Sss to perform written tasks similar to those encountered in real life;
 to improve Sss correct spelling;
 to develop Sss listening for purpose.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
● O1: to use WISHES-SUBJUNCTIVE correctly;
● O2: identify main uses of the WISHES-SUBJUNCTIVE, using correct Tenses ;
● O3: to produce sentences with WISHES-SUBJUNCTIVE;
● O4: practice the notions learned
● O5: to read the requirements aloud using the appropriate pronunciation;
● O6: to develop Sss reading and comprehension skills;

Anticipating student’s problems:

 some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and
they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
 the listening text may contain unknown words for Sss - the T encourages Sss to listen
for meaning and the general message of the text;
 some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they
may need assistance;
 some students have problems with pronunciation –T has Sss repeating the
words/phrases individually;
 some students have a lower English level – Sss will get extra guidance from T;

Description of class: There are 30 students in the class. The students have been practicing
English for three years. During the previous lesson of the unit, they have learned about
Conditionals, with a focus on grammar. The students have basic information about how to
use Tenses, Modals, IF-Conditionals.
Annex 1 –Game : What would you do if...?
ANEX 2- Riddle about Wishes

Ridlle: which is the first thing that you do before blowing out

birthday candles?

Annex 3 – WISHES (Lesson)

Def: We can use WISH/IF ONLY to express a wish or a regret. IF ONLY is usually
strongen than WISH.


We can use wish/if only:

a) To express a regret about a present situation;


e.g I wish/If only I were taller. (but Im not) (As dori să fiu mai înalt)

Obs: As an exception, we have a fixed form at the first person were.

b) To express a regret about a past situation


e.g: I wish I had gone to the concert with them. (but I didnt) (Mi-as fi dorit să fi fost la concert

cu ei)

c) to express a complaint, a criticism or a wish about a future situation;


e.g: I wish you would come to lessons on time.(Mi-aș dori să ajungi la lecții la timp)

d)to express a desire about a future situation;


e.g: I wish I could find a new job. (Mi-aș dori să îmi pot găsi un nou loc de muncă)

Anex 4: Short game (Spinning wheel)

Link: I wish wheel - Random wheel (

Annex 5- Exercises
h) Study the sentences. Write down which refer to the present, to the past or to the future.
a) I wish I knew more people.
b) If only he were here.
c) I wish you would come to the lesson on time.
d) I wish I hadnt sprained my ankle.
e) I wish I were famous.
i) Use Janes ”wish list” to write full sentences:
a) Move into new flat;

e.g: Jane wishes she could move into a new flat.

b) Find new job

Jane wishes she _____________________.
c) Go on diet
Jane wishes she _____________________.
d) Be brave.
Jane wishes she _____________________.
e) Learn more at Maths
Jane wishes she _____________________.
j) Rewrite the sentences as wishes and say which one are regrets and which are unreal
situation/complaints as in the examples:
a) I didnt study French at school.
I wish I had studied French at school.(regret)
b) I have got a CD player.
I wish I hadnt got a CV player. (unreal situation)
c) I cant afford to buy a bike.
I wish I __________________________.
d) My father wont let me drive his new car.
I wish my father ___________________.
e) I forgot to send my sister a birthday card.
I wish I __________________________.
f) I lost my gold bracelet.
I wish I __________________________.

Homework: Write down your own wishes in 5-7 lines, using the Grammar part.

e.g: I wish I had lots of money.


10. Proiect didactic

DATE: 27th of May, 2021
CLASS: 9th grade K
LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 45 minutes
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - WORKBOOK Students, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley,
Express Publishing, 2014

LESSON: Free time activities

TYPE OF LESSON: Systematization and Revision of knowledge
LESSON SKILLS: speaking, listening, writing
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Laptop, Students book, Students Workbook, blackboard,
Reflection , YouTube, working with worksheets, Pictionary, Realia, The Snow Ball.
TEACHER’S ROLE: assessor, resource, organizer, controller, participant, observer,
monitor, feedback provider
STUDENTS ROLE: collaborator, participant, autonomous learner, performer (in role),
TEACHING TECHNIQUE: conversation, demonstration, Elicitation, Gallery Tour,
Skimming/scanning, Role Play
Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about free time activities and
qualities (Adjective). This lesson is part of the Unit 9, from WORKBOOK Students,
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing,2014.

1.1 Understand the overall meaning of common, clearly articulated messages and dialogues;

Aim: to reinforce Ss’ confidence in their ability to use properly free time activities in
everyday speaking;

Lesson Objectives:

 to be able to talk about free time activities and qualities (Adjective);

 to use socially appropriate expressions when role-playing a given situation;
 to develop Sss listening for purpose.
 to be able to use free time activities and qualities (Adjective) in real-life situations of
 to stimulate Ss’ imagination and creativity;
 to develop Sss prediction skills;
 to improve Sss correct spelling;

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
● O1: use the free time activities vocabulary from the previous lesson in speaking
● O2: write down the correct information related to images;
● O3: cooperate in a group activity in order to sustain a dialogue based on guessing
what sport is;
● O4: use the grammar part in diallogues: Present Continous Tense;

Anticipating student’s problems:

 some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and
they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
 the reading and listening may contain unknown words for Sss - the T encourages Sss
to read and listen for meaning and the general message;
 some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they
may need assistance;
 some students have problems with pronunciation –T has Sss repeating the
words/phrases individually;
 some students have a lower English level – Sss will get extra guidance from T;

Description of class: There are 22 students in the class. The students have been practicing
English for three years. During the previous lesson of the unit, they learned about Free time
activties and Adjectives, with a focus on vocabulary part and also on grrammar part (uses of
Adjective). Also, they discuss about clothes, times, daily routines, house, family, weather,
travelling, food related to vocabulary part. The students have basic information about how
to use Tenses, Modals, IF-Conditionals.
ANNEX 1 – Free time activities(images)

I. a)Look at the picture with free time activites and identify them:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

b) Using those adjectives: exciting, challenging, thrilling, relaxing, competitive, dangerous,

frightening, risky, exhausting, demanding say which sports:

I tried __________, because its __________

I like _________, because its ________

I would like to try ______, because its ________

I wouldnt like to try ________, because its ___________.


2. Fill in the correct word:

3. Match the columns, then, make up sentences as in the example:

We do ______ on a________, using _________ and __________.



VIDEO LINK: Students: Hobbies and Interests - YouTube

Instrumente de evaluare
4. Proiect lecție (Test)

TEACHER : Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21st of January, 2021
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale
GRADE :10th P.C
SUBJECT: English
NUMBERS OF HOURS per week: 1
LEVEL: Low Intermediate
NUMBER OF STUDENTS in the class: 20
NUMBER OF STUDENTS who took the test: 15
TIME : 45 minutes
COURSEBOOK: CLICK ON- Students Book by Virginia Evans, Neil O Sullivan ,
2001 (L1)
TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : Evaluation/Test Paper from Present and Past Tense,
Daily routines
LESSON SKILLS: reading, writing, use of English
RESOURCES: test papers
TEACHER’S ROLE: organizer, monitor, assessor

3.2 Identify and comprehend information.
4.1 Write simple short messages

Objectives of evaluation:

A: Cognitive objectives:

 to check students’ knowledge of grammar structure (Present Tenses and Past Tenses);
 to check students’ vocabulary progress (their level of vocabulary assimilation for the
assessed unit);
 to check students’ writing skills and ability to make a composition using their
knowledge of English language;
 to check students’ general progress in the use of the English language.
B: Affective objectives:

 assuring a relaxed atmosphere;

 making people confident in their ability to use English.

Anticipated problems:
     Students might:

 encounter difficulties in using the right forms of the verbs in the Present Tense
Simple or Continous and Past Tense Simple or Continous;
 not being able to use Present Tense Simple when they have a short description
about daily routine;
 not being able to write properly the Interrogative and the Negative structures of
the verbs;
 may encounter problems with connecting and connection.


Time alloted: 45 minutes

Grade: 10th PC


Test paper

IV. Put the verb in brackets into Present Simple or Continous (20p):

p) I ____________ (read) a very interesting book now.

q) Joanne ____________ (work) eight hours a day.

r) Who ____________ you ____________ (speak) to right now?

s) My wife ____________ ( not like) coffee for breakfast.

t) Listen! The phone ________________(ring) in the other room.

V. Complete the sentences with was or were (20p):

f) Jane ______doing her homework.

g) We_______ eating cookies.
h) The dog _______ barking.
i) Mom ________ cooking dinner.
j) The boys _______ playing baseball.

VI. Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence (20p).]

f) While I had / was having a bath, the phone rang.

g) Anna was meeting / met Judy while she was doing some shopping.
h) I cooked / was cooking the breakfast all day morning.
i) Eminescu died / was dying in 1889.

j) While Maria was walking home, she was loosing / lost her money.

V. Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will describe your daily routine.
Make sure you will use Present Tense in your composition. (30p)


I. Put the verb in brackets into Present Simple or Continous (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) am reading b) works c) are you speaking d) doesnt like e) is ringing

II. Complete the sentences with was or were (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) was b) were c) was d) was e) were

III. Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) was having b) met c) was cooking d) died e) lost

IV.Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will describe your daily routine. Make sure you
will use Present Tense in your composition. (30p)

- Task: narrative paragraph (creative writing)

- task achievement & original input 10p

- relevance of ideas to topic 4p
- - organization 6p
- - organization / layout 3p
- - cohesion and coherence 2p
- - length constraint 1p
- - language accuracy and variety 6p
- - correct use of grammar structures 5p
- - accurate spelling and punctuation 1p
- - register and vocabulary 4p
- - appropriate register and vocabulary 1p
- -range of vocabulary 3p
Test interpretation- 10th P.C

TEACHER : Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21st of January, 2021
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale
GRADE :10th P.C
SUBJECT: English
NUMBERS OF HOURS per week: 1
LEVEL: Low Intermediate
NUMBER OF STUDENTS in the class: 20
NUMBER OF STUDENTS who took the test: 15
TIME : 45 minutes
COURSEBOOK: CLICK ON- Students Book by Virginia Evans, Neil O Sullivan ,
2001 (L1)
TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : Evaluation from Present and Past Tense, Daily routines
LESSON SKILLS: reading, writing, use of English
RESOURCES: test papers
TEACHER’S ROLE: organizer, monitor, assessor

3.2 Identify and comprehend information.
4.1 Write simple short messages

Test objectives:

 O1: to measure Ss’ ability to use grammar part of Present Tenses

- Given a a gap filling exercise, Ss should be able to complete the sentences using
Present Tenses

 O2: to measure Ss’ ability to conjugate properly to be at Past

 Given a a gap filling exercises, Ss should be able to insert the linkers of to be

at Past (was and were)

 O3: to measure Ss’ ability to use grammar part of Past Tenses

- Given a multiple choice exercise, Ss should be able to choose the correct answer from
two different options: verbs at Past Tense Simple or Continous
 O4: to measure Ss’ ability to describe their daily routines

- Given a writing task Ss should be able to write 5-7 lines in order to describe their daily
routines, using Present Tense Simple.

The objectives

Objectives O1 O2 O3 O4

No. of totally 12 12 12 8
students who
reached the partially 4 3 4 8
at all 4 5 5 4

The marks given

Marks Under 4-4,99 5-5,99 6-6,99 7-7,99 8-8,99 9-9,99 10

given 4

No. of 0 0 1 1 0 1 9 0

The average mark


Test type: progress/achievement test.

The test is designed to measure the students’ language and skill progress in relation to the
syllabus they have been following. The test contains items that the students are familiar with,
i.e. they had worked items with a similar structure before. It was taken at the end of a module
(Unit 1st and 2nd CLICK ON 1, Express Publishing,2001).

The test consists of four items, both direct and indirect, in order to provide conclusive results
and an honest appreciation of the students’ knowledge. Thus, the first third items are indirect
items. They involve the correct use of grammar (1st exercise-the Present Tenses, 2nd exercises-
TO BE at past, 3rd exercise: The Past Tenses). The direct items of the test involve performing
the communicative skill of writing (a short composition about Sss daily routines) and the
receptive skill of reading (checking general understanding). The exercises fall in the same
categories as far as discrete-point test items (exercises I-III) and integrative items (exercise
IV) are concerned.

Results’ interpretation:

Following the process of test correcting and grading, it can be concluded that:

✔ Most of the students are able to use the proper vocabulary about daily routines;
✔ Most of the students are able to understand the text;
✔ Most of the students are able to use Present Tenses and Past Tenses in sentences;
✔ Most of the students are able to cover the aspects demanded by the writing task.

Some of the students are not able to use the appropriate verb in Present Simple Tense;
Some students did not use the correct grammar structures in the writing task;
Most of the students did not respect the word limit

Other mistakes:

Misspelling the pronoun ,,I”

Disagreement: She work
Confussion betwen were and was
Incorrect usings of the negative in the Present Tense Simple: she dont like
Not using the verb TO BE in the Present Tense Continous: I reading
Non-inversal at Interrogative: are you working?
Not using the Present Simple Tense in daily routine
Failure to identify the adverb while in the Past Continous
Misspelling the time
Writing not adapted to Romanian: I stay/ I sit on the phone instead of I surf on the Internet
Uninterrupted writing of sentences without using comma or dot.
Repeated words
5.Proiect de lecție (Test)


TEACHER : Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21th of January, 2021
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale
GRADE :10th P.C
SUBJECT: English
NUMBERS OF HOURS per week: 1
LEVEL: Intermediate
NUMBER OF STUDENTS in the class: 20
NUMBER OF STUDENTS who took the test: 15
TIME : 45 minutes
COURSEBOOK: CLICK ON- Students Book by Virginia Evans, Neil O Sullivan ,
2001 (L1)
TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : Evaluation from Conditionals, Modals, The Degrees of
the Adjectives
LESSON SKILLS: reading, writing, use of English
RESOURCES: test papers
TEACHER’S ROLE: organizer, monitor, assessor

3.2 Identify and comprehend information.
4.1 Write simple short messages

Objectives of evaluation:

A: Cognitive objectives:

 to check students’ knowledge of grammar structure (Conditionals, Modals, The

Degrees of the Adjectives);
 to check students’ vocabulary progress (their level of vocabulary assimilation for the
assessed unit);
 to check students’ writing skills and ability to make a composition using their
knowledge of English language;
 to check students’ general progress in the use of the English language.
B: Affective objectives:

 assuring a relaxed atmosphere;

 making people confident in their ability to use English.

Anticipated problems:
     Students might:

 encounter difficulties in using the right forms of the verbs in the Conditionals
and Modals
 not being able to use Present Tense Simple when they have a short composition
about their responsibilities as students;
 not being able to write properly Modals, to fill in properly the Tenses of
Conditionals or to identify the correct form of the adjectives;
 may encounter problems with connecting and connection.


Time alloted: 45 minutes

Grade: 10th PC


Test paper

IX. Put the verb in brackets into suitable Conditionals (20p):

u) (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________ (not

pass) the exam.
v) (Second conditional) If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she
__________________ (email) me.
w) (Third conditional) If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we
__________________ (go) to the beach
x) (Second conditional) If you __________________ (not be) so stubborn, we __________________
(not have) so many arguments!
y) (First conditional) If she __________________ (go) to the library, she __________________
(study) more.

X. Complete the sentences with CAN, MAY, MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD (20p):

k) Ann______speak English.
l) _______I answer, please?
m) She _______ wear that dress, it fits better.
n) You________learn if you want to pass the exam.
o) He_______be the murderer.

XI. Circle the correct form of the adjective in each sentence (20p).

a) It must be the hottest/ hotter day we have had so far this year.
b) We need something much smaller/smallest in order to fit.
c) Your idea is better/ best than her.
d) He is the busiest/busier man that I have ever seen
e) Sam is stronger/strongest than me.

XII. Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will write down your responsibilities
as a student. Make sure you will use Modals in your composition. (30p)

I. Put the verb in brackets into suitable Conditionals (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) dont work harder/we wont pass b) had/would email c) hadnt been/would have gone d)
weret /wouldnt have e) goes/will study

II. Complete the sentences with CAN,MAY, MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD(4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
a) can b) may c) should d) have to e) must

III. Circle the correct form of the adjective in each sentence (4p x 5 sentences = 20p)
b) The hottest b) smaller c) better d) bussiest e) stronger

IV.Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will write down your daily responsibilities
as a student. Make sure you will use Modals in your composition. (30p)

Task: narrative paragraph (creative writing)

- task achievement & original input 10p

- relevance of ideas to topic 4p
- - organization 6p
- - organization / layout 3p
- - cohesion and coherence 2p
- - length constraint 1p
- - language accuracy and variety 6p
- - correct use of grammar structures 5p
- - accurate spelling and punctuation 1p
- - register and vocabulary 4p
- - appropriate register and vocabulary 1p

- -range of vocabulary 3p


Time alloted: 45 minutes

Grade: 10th PC


Test paper

XIII. Put the verb in brackets into suitable Conditionals (20p):

z) (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________ (not

pass) the exam.
aa) (Second conditional) If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she
__________________ (email) me.
bb) (Third conditional) If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we
__________________ (go) to the beach
cc) (Second conditional) If you __________________ (not be) so stubborn, we __________________
(not have) so many arguments!
dd) First conditional) If she __________________ (go) to the library, she __________________
(study) more.

XIV. Complete the sentences with CAN, MAY, MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD (20p):
p) Ann______speak English.
q) _______I answer, please?
r) She _______ wear that dress, it fits better.
s) You________learn if you want to pass the exam.
t) He_______be the murderer.

XV. Circle the correct form of the adjective in each sentence (20p).

a) It must be the hottest/ hotter day we have had so far this year.
b) We need something much smaller/smallest in order to fit.
c) Your idea is better/ best than her.
d) He is the busiest/busier man that I have ever seen
e) Sam is stronger/strongest than me.

XVI. Write a short composition (5-7 lines) in which you will write down your
responsibilities as a student. Make sure you will use Modals in your
composition. (30p)
Test interpretation- 10th P.C

TEACHER : Dinca Nicoleta Teodora

DATE: 21st of January, 2021
SCHOOL: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale
GRADE :10th P.C
SUBJECT: English
NUMBERS OF HOURS per week: 1
LEVEL: Intermediate
NUMBER OF STUDENTS in the class: 20
NUMBER OF STUDENTS who took the test: 15
TIME : 45 minutes
COURSEBOOK: CLICK ON- Students Book by Virginia Evans, Neil O Sullivan ,
2001 (L1)
TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : Evaluation from Conditionals, Modals, The Degrees of
the Adjectives
LESSON SKILLS: reading, writing, use of English
RESOURCES: test papers
TEACHER’S ROLE: organizer, monitor, assessor

3.2 Identify and comprehend information.
4.1 Write simple short messages

Test objectives:

 O1: to measure Ss’ ability to use grammar part of Conditionals;

- Given a a gap filling exercise, Ss should be able to complete the sentences
using Conditionals at different Tenses

 O2: to measure Ss’ ability to complete properly the Modals;

- Given a a gap filling exercises, Ss should be able to insert the linkers of the

 O3: to measure Ss’ ability to use grammar part of Comparatives and


- Given a multiple choice exercise, Ss should be able to choose the correct

answer from two different options: adjectives at Comparatives and

 O4: to measure Ss’ ability to describe their responsibilities as students.

- Given a writing task Ss should be able to write 5-7 lines in order to describe
their responsibilities as students, using Modals..

The objectives

Objectives O1 O2 O3 O4

No. of totally 12 12 12 8
students who
reached the partially 4 3 4 8
at all 4 5 5 4

The marks given

Marks Under 4-4,99 5-5,99 6-6,99 7-7,99 8-8,99 9-9,99 10

given 4

No. of 0 0 1 1 0 1 9 0
The average mark

Test type: progress/achievement test.

The test is designed to measure the students’ language and skill progress in relation to the
syllabus they have been following. The test contains items that the students are familiar with,
i.e. they had worked items with a similar structure before. It was taken at the end of a module
(Unit 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th CLICK ON 1, Express Publishing,2001).

The test consists of four items, both direct and indirect, in order to provide conclusive results
and an honest appreciation of the students’ knowledge. Thus, the first third items are indirect
items. They involve the correct use of grammar (1 st exercise-the Conditionals, 2nd exercises-
types of Modals, 3rd exercise: The Degrees of the Adjectives). The direct items of the test
involve performing the communicative skill of writing (a short composition about Sss
responsibilities) and the receptive skill of reading (checking general understanding). The
exercises fall in the same categories as far as discrete-point test items (exercises I-III) and
integrative items (exercise IV) are concerned.

Results’ interpretation:

Following the process of test correcting and grading, it can be concluded that:

✔ Most of the students are able to use the proper vocabulary about responsibilities;
✔ Most of the students are able to understand the text;
✔ Most of the students are able to use properly the Tenses at the Conditionals;
✔ Most of the students are able to cover the aspects demanded by the writing task.

Some of the students are not able to use the appropriate tenses at Conditionals;
Some students did not use the correct grammar structures in the writing task;
Most of the students did not respect the word limit.

Other mistakes:

Misspelling the pronoun ,,I”

Confussion betwen is and are
Incorrect usings of Modals: A student can learn
Not using properly the Tenses: If I wont work
Not using the negative forms at Conditionals
Not identifying the link from comparatives and superlatives
Misspelling the time
Writing not adapted to Romanian: I stay/ I sit on the phone instead of I surf on the Internet
Uninterrupted writing of sentences without using comma or dot.
Repeated words

Testul predictiv cu baremele aferente

Rezultatele testării și observațiile

Măsurile/Planul de acțiune


Anul scolar 2020-2021
Limba engleză
Clasa a IX- a L1


 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I şi din Partea a II-a se acordă 90
de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I_________________________________________________________60 puncte

1. Write(=Scrie):
a) The days of the week (=Zilele săptămânii):
b) The months of the year (=Lunile anului):

2. Conjugate the following verbs into the Present Simple, affirmative form (=Conjugă verbele la
forma afirmativă, Prezentul Simplu):

TO BE= a fi

TO HAVE= a avea

3. Choose the correct answer of the Tense (=Alege varianta corectă a Timpului):

1.She likes is conjugated at:

a)Present Simple b)Present Continous c)Past Continous

2. I am working is conjugated at:

a)Present Simple b)Present Continous c)Past Simple

3.You worked is conjugated at:

a)Past Simple b)Past Continous c)Present Simple

4. We were going is conjugated at:

a) Present Simple b)Past Simple c)Past Conntinous

5. She doesnt eat is conjugated at:

a) Present Simple b)Past Simple c)Past Continous

4. Circle the correct form of the verb(=Încercuiește forma corectă a verbului):


Remember(=Amintește-ți!): Present Simple: I go, She goes,, Present Continous: I am

working, Past Simple: I worked/She left, Past Continous: I was working

a) The Sun rises/ is rising at East.

b) I do/ am doing my homework now.
c) She goes/is going to gym everyday.
d) The cat fell/ was falling from the tree.
e) I played/ was playing football at 2 oclock yesterday.
PARTEA II_________________________________________________________30 puncte

Write about yourself. Mention your name, age, hobbies and your future plans in 5-7 lines.
(=Scrie despre tine, menționând numele, vârsta, pasiunile și planurile despre viitor în 5-7




Anul scolar 2020-2021
Limba engleză
Clasa a IX- a L1


 Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor.

 Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
 Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. 2x 5p=10 points
a) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
b) January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,

2. 2 x 5p= 10 points
TO BE= a fi
Sg: I am
You are
He/ She/It is
Pl.: We are
You are
They are

TO HAVE= a avea
Sg.: I have
You have
He/ She/ It has
Pl.: We have
You have
They have

3. 5 x 4p= 20 points
1.a) Present Simple
2.b) Present Continous
3.a) Past Simple
4. c) Past Continous
5. a) Present Simple

4. 4 x 4p= 20points
b)am doing
e)was playing

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the description
- my name is...
6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure
2 points for the general impression

Unitate de învățământ: Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu

Disciplina: Limba engleză

Profesor: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora

Analiza rezultatelor obținute la testele inițiale

Anul școlar 2020– 2021

Aprecierea cu note :
Clasa a IX-a I

Note 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Media

Nr. 6 3 1 1 2 - 1 1 - 7,65

Au participat la testarea inițială: 15 elevi/ 20 de elevi

Clasa a IX-a L

Note 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Media

Nr. 3 5 1 5 1 1 6 2 - 6,42

Au participat la testarea inițială: 24 elevi/ 30 de elevi

Clasa a IX-a K

Note 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Media

Nr. 2 2 1 1 3 2 6 1 - 5,88

Au participat la testarea inițială: 18 elevi/ 22 de elevi

Aspecte pozitive :

Testele inițiale pregătite au urmărit stabilirea nivelului de pregătire a elevilor la

începutul claselor a IX-a. Aceste teste presupun un nivel mediu de dificultate și nu depășeșc
sfera conținuturilor reactualizate la orele de curs. Testul inițial a fost elaborat astfel: Partea
I : itemi de tip semiobiectiv (cu răspuns scurt de completare) obiectiv (alegere multiplă și
duală), Partea a II-a : itemi de tip subiectiv.

Aspecte negative

Se constată căîn cazul unor elevi lipsesc noțiunile de bază în realizarea unor
probleme elementare de vocabular, dar și de gramatică, iar la ultimul subiect se observă că
sunt elevi care au greșeli de ortografie și nu se pot exprima în scris corect, coerent și logic.


Înurma testului s-au constatat următoarele:

- Nu toți elevii au acordat un mare interes pentru orele de recapitulare și nici la

rezolvarea testului;
- Elevii au dificultăți în realizarea unor compuneri pe o tema dată;
- Elevii manifestă o lipsă de atenție în ceea ce privește citirea cerințelor testului;
- Incapacitatea de a argumenta corect și coerent o opinie personală pornind de la o temă
- Incapacitatea de a scrie corect noțiunile de vocabular și gramatică;
- Incapacitatea de a recunoaște timpuri verbale;


Pentru elevii care la unii itemi au întegistrat note mici se vor lua măsuri de
recuperare :

 Lucru diferențiat (fișe de lucru pentru recuperare/ dezvoltare) ;

 Aplicarea unor metode interactive - centrate pe elev ;
 Elaborarea unor fișe de lucru, care urmăresc rezolvarea unor sarcini de la
general la particular și de la noținuni mai simple la cele mai complexe ;
 Evaluarea continuăși periodică a tuturor elevilor prin fișe de evaluare care
urmăresc mai multe categorii de itemi : subiectivi, obiectivi și semiobiectivi ;
 Verificarea temelor pentru acasă și observarea sistematică a elevilor ;
 Fișe de lucru care să conțină exerciții de construire corecta a propozitiilor
simple, exerciții de redactare a unui text dupa un model dat de profesor
(prezentare scurtă : nume, prenume, vârstă, naționalitate, pasiuni) ;
 Fișe de lucru care să conțină exerciții de formulare a ideilor principale dintr-un
text citit, dar și exerciții de tipul întrebare - răspuns.

 Deși la sfârșitul orelor de curs elevii dovedesc ca au înțeles cele predate, la scurt timp
după aceea sunt nesiguri, deci se impune efort din partea lor, dar și si perseverenț ă din
partea profesorului ;
 Sunt necesare exerciții de recunoaștere a timpurilor verbale dintr-un text;
 Este necesară realizarea de exerciții cu itemi subiectivi de creativitate cu răspuns
structurat în care elevii trebuie să recunoască folosirea corectă unor itemi ;
 Fișe de lucru suplimentare pentru cei care nu stăpânesc materia, implicit noțiunile de
 Aplicarea unor metode interactive – centrate pe elev.

În ceea ce privește limba engleză, s-a efectuat o analiza SWOT a testelor inițiale :


Elevii au abilitatea de: O parte dintre elevi întâmplină dificultăți/

 A extrage informațiile principale ezitări în :
dintr-un text;  Ortografia unor cuvinte ;
 A identifica răspunsurile corecte  Identificarea timpurilor verbale;
la întrebări;  Formularea unor enunțuri simple;
 A realiza un eseu de mici  Organizarea ideilor în scris.
dimensiuni, respectând structura si
tematica dată.


Posibilitatea de a :  Riscul de nepromovabilitate

 Participa la olimpiade și datorită absențelor.

concursuri naționale și  Dezinteresul pentru studiul

internaționale de limba și individual și lectura suplimentară.

literatura engleză;
 Comunica în limba engleză;
 Promova limba și cultura engleză
prin participare la diverse
manifestări cultural- artistice.

Catalogul profesorului
High School ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
CLASS: 9th grade K

Catalogul clasei a IX-a K

Nr. Nu Notă 1 Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie

Crt. me și sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

1. Anghel 9 9 9 10 10 9

2. Barbu 6 8 6 8 8 8

3. Bodîrlău 5 5 5 5 5 5

4. Coman Angelo 6 8 6 7 7 7

5. Dumitru Florin 5 5 5 5 5 5

6. Dumitru Ayan 7 9 7 10 10 9

7. Foia Maria 7 7 5 7 7 7

8. Ilie Marian 7 7 4 7 7 7

9. Gheorghe Ilie 5 7 4 7 7 7

10. Ion Nicoleta 5 5 3 5 5 5


11. Leca Eleodor 5 7 4 8 9 6


12. Marin Gabriel 10 10 4 10 10 10

13. Moise 5 5 - 5 5 5

14. Niculae Marian 8 7 8 8 9 8


15. Pițigoi Cătălin 6 7 6 9 9 7


16. Safta Marius 7 7 4 7 7 7


17. Șerban Ionuț 7 7 - 7 7 7


18. Stan Andrei 9 10 - 9 9 9


19. Stancu Andreea 10 10 9 10 10 10

20. Ștefănică 10 10 9 10 10 10

21. Stoica Petrică 9 8 4 9 9 9


22. Tănase Ana- 10 10 10 10 10 10


High School ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu

TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
CLASS: 9th grade I

Catalogul clasei a IX-a I

Nr. Nu Notă 1 Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie

Crt. me și sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

1. Beu Ioana 10 10 10 10 10 10
2. Chită Monica 10 9 10 10 10 10

3. Cojocaru 8 6 3 5 6 7
Silviu Florin

4. Cornea 6 8 6 6 7 8

5. Crețu Vasile 8 8 - 8 8 8

6. Deftu Gigi 10 10 10 10 10 10

7. Manu Gianina 6 9 6 8 8 7

8. Mihai Niculae 7 7 4 7 7 7

9. Nenu Ana- 10 9 9 10 10 10

10. Nițu Alexandru 8 10 10 10 10 10


11. Păun Ștefania 9 10 9 8 9 9


12. Rădulescu 9 10 10 10 10 10

13. Ramadan - - - - - -
Marian Alex

14. Scarlat 7 8 8 9 8 8

15. Soare Valentina 6 6 6 7 7 6

Cristina Ioana

16. Stoica George 7 7 7 5 5 7


17. Trifu Narcis 8 10 10 10 10 10


18. Văcaru Adelina 10 9 10 10 10 10


19. Soare Ionuț - - - - - -

20. Teodorescu 5 5 5 5 5 5

High School ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu

TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
CLASS: 9th grade L

Catalogul clasei a IX-a L

Nr. Nu Notă 1 Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie

Crt. me și sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

1. Antonache 5 8 3 9 9 9
Tudor Marian

2. Badea Claudia 9 10 9 10 10 10
Ana Maria

3. Bojog Ana 10 10 10 10 10 10

4. Calotă Larisa 5 8 4 9 9 7

5. Ciognete Mihai 8 9 7 8 9 9

6. Dinișor Răzvan 10 10 10 10 10 10

7. Dragomir 5 5 - 5 5 5

8. Dudeanu 10 9 9 9 9 9

9. Dumitru 8 8 - 8 8 8

10. Dumitru Mihai 9 10 8 10 10 10


11. Enache Marian 6 7 6 7 7 7

12. Gheorghe 7 8 7 8 8 8

13. Iamandi 5 8 - 7 7 7

14. Ion Alexandra 5 6 3 6 6 6


15. Micu Robert 5 6 - 6 6 6


16. Neacșu Steluța 9 5 - 9 8 8


17. Oprea Marius 9 10 9 10 10 10


18. Petre Ana 10 10 10 10 10 10


19. Petre Viorel 7 8 7 7 8 8


20. Preda Cornel 7 9 7 10 10 9


21. Safta Angela 10 10 10 10 10 10


22. Sbîrcea 7 8 8 9 9 8

23. Sima Mario 7 5 4 6 7 6


24. Șovar Antonio 8 9 4 10 10 9

Mihai Marian

25. Stan Maria 8 7 8 8 8 8

26. Trică Florin 5 6 4 6 6 6

27. Trușe Tudor 9 10 9 10 10 10


28. Tudor Andreea 6 7 - 8 8 7


29. Zvorișteanu 5 5 - 5 5 5

30. Tudor Bogdan 8 9 4 8 9 9

High School ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Click on 3
CLASS: 9th grade PE

Catalogul clasei a IX-a PE

Nr. Nu Notă 1 Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie

Crt. me și sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

1. Babaci Nicușor 8 9 8 8 8 9

2. Badea Ionuț 10 10 10 10 10 10

3. Burcea Liviu 10 10 10 10 10 10

4. Călin Robert 7 9 8 8 8 8

5. Cârstea Silviu 7 7 6 7 7 7

6. Oprea Valentin 10 10 10 10 10 10
7. Constantin 9 10 - 9 10 10
Sorin Daniel

8. Dicu Alexandru 10 10 10 10 10 10

9. Gheorghe 10 10 10 10 10 10

10. Gîrea Marian 9 10 8 10 10 10


11. Ioniță Radu 7 9 7 8 8 8


12. Marineci 9 10 9 10 9 10
George Mihai

13. Matei Liviu 7 8 - 7 7 7


14. Mihai 10 10 9 10 10 10

15. Matei Costinel 9 10 9 10 10 10


16. Militaru 8 9 8 9 8 9

17. Nicolae 7 7 6 7 7 7

18. Paraschiv 7 7 - 7 7 7
Mihai Andrei

19. Pascăl Antoniu 10 10 9 10 10 10

20. Pavel Mihai 7 8 - 8 7 8

21. Popa Adrian 7 7 7 6 7 7


22. Preda 5 7 5 7 7 7

23. Șerban Nicușor 7 5 4 6 7 6


24. Sinică Mihai 7 9 7 8 8 8

25. Stan Alexandru 10 10 9 9 10 10


26. Stănică 7 7 6 7 7 7

27. Stere Adrian 10 10 9 10 10 10


28. Vasilenuc 7 9 - 8 8 8
High School ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Click on 3
CLASS: 9th grade PC

Catalogul clasei a IX-a PC

Nr. Nu Notă 1 Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie
Crt. me și sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

1. Albu Marius 9 8 - 8 9 9

2. Barbu Gabriel 6 7 - 6 7 7

3. Călin Antonio 6 7 - 7 6 7

4. Călin 7 6 - 7 6 7

5. Cârstea Silviu 7 7 6 7 7 7

6. Coman Cristina 10 10 - 10 10 10

7. Cristea Ionuț 6 7 - 6 7 7
Gigi Becali

8. Curt Aureș 6 7 - 6 7 7

9. Curt Vasile 6 7 - 6 7 7

10. Dinu Liliana 9 10 - 10 10 10


11. Dumitru Andrei 7 6 - 6 7 7


12. Florea Andrei 6 7 - 6 7 7


13. Gheorghe 7 10 7 9 9 9

14. Neacșu Ștefan 10 8 - 9 9 9


15. Negruț Ștefan 6 7 - 6 7 7

16. Nica Florin 6 7 - 7 6 7


17. Păun Aurelia 10 10 - 10 10 10


18. Dinu Vasile 6 7 - 7 7 7


19. Radu Cătălin 10 10 9 10 10 10


20. Scarlat Ionuț 6 7 - 7 6 7


21. Stan Valentina 9 10 - 9 10 9


22. Ștefan Florin 6 7 - 6 7 7

23. Uță Silvia 7 6 - 6 7 7

High School ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Click on 3
CLASS: 10th grade PE

Catalogul clasei a X PC

Nr. Nu Notă Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie

Crt. me și 1 sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

2. Burcea Alina 9 7 - 8 8 8

4. Călin Carmen 7 7 - 7 7 7

6. Curt Dumitru 10 10 - 10 9 10

8. Curt Ionuț 5 5 - 5 5 5

10. Dincă Valentin 10 10 10 10 10 10

12. Coman Cristina 10 10 - 10 10 10


14. Ioniță Roxana 5 5 5 5 5


16. Lixandru Elena 9 10 5 9 10 10


18. Lixandru Elena 9 10 8 6 7 7

20. Mehedințu 10 10 - 10 10 10

22. Mustafa Ionuț 5 5 - 5 5 5


24. Neacșu 8 10 - 9 9 9

26. Niculae 10 10 10 10 10 10

28. Pantazi Marian 9 10 - 10 9 10

30. Pătrașcu Carlos 5 5 - 5 6 5


32. Rusu Maria 10 10 10 10 10 10

34. Șerban 10 10 10 10 10 10

36. Spătaru 9 10 - 9 10 10

38. Stan Mihai 5 5 - 5 5 5

40. Vișan Maria 8 5 - 7 6 7


21. Zamfir 10 10 10 9 10 10
High School ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu
TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Upstream Advanced, Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley-Linda, Editura Express
Publishing 2014
CLASS: 11th grade H

Catalogul clasei a XI-a H

Nr. Nu Notă 1 Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie

Crt. me și sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

1. Alexe 8 10 10 10 10 10
2. Berechet 9 10 - 10 10 10

3. Chivu Maria 7 9 - 8 8 8

4. Constantin Ana 9 10 - 10 10 10

5. Crăciuneanu 8 9 - 8 9 9

6. Craiu Violeta 10 9 - 9 10 10

7. Dogaru Irina 10 10 8 10 10 10

8. Ene Robert 7 7 - 7 7 7

9. Fieraru Cristina 9 10 - 10 9 10

10. Ioniță Valentina 9 10 - 9 10 10


11. Ivașcu Nicoleta 8 8 - 8 8 8


12. Lucan Denisa 5 5 - 5 5 5


13. Manciu 10 10 9 10 10 10

14. Mareș 5 6 - 5 6 5

15. Mihăilescu 10 10 10 10 10 10

16. Miulescu 9 10 - 9 10 10

17. Olteiu Daniela - - - - - -


18. Petre Elisa 10 10 10 10 10 10


19. Stan Elisabeta 10 10 9 10 10 10


20. Toteanu Steluța 9 10 - 9 10 10


21. Tudor Cosmina 8 9 10 9 10 9


22. Udroiu Elena 9 9 - 8 9 9


23. Ursan Mariana 10 10 7 10 9 9


24. Vlăsceanu 10 10 9 9 10 10
Elena Ionela

25. Vochin Bianca 8 9 - 9 9 9

High School ”Grigore Cerchez”, sector 5

TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Upstream - Students Book, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
CLASS: 9th grade H

Catalogul clasei a IX-a H

Nr. Nu Notă 1 Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie
Crt. me și sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

1. Amza Bianca 10 9 10 10 10 10

2. Andrei Miruna 8 9 8 9 9 9

3. Bonteanu 10 10 10 10 10 10
Ștefan Florin

4. Ciocan Mihai 10 10 10 10 10 10

5. Ciucă Ianys 10 10 10 10 10 10

6. Cojocaru 10 10 10 10 10 10
Marius Ionuț

7. Dumitru 10 10 10 10 10 10

8. Feraru Adriana 10 10 10 10 10 10

9. Haralambie 7 10 8 9 9 9

10. Marghioală 10 10 10 10 10 10

11. Marinescu 9 10 9 10 10 10

12. Nistor Florin 8 9 8 9 9 9


13. Pantazi Vlad 9 8 9 9 9 9


14. Pavlosci - - - - - -

15. Popa Marius 10 10 10 10 10 10


16. Popescu Ionuț 9 10 9 8 9 9


17. Radu Cristian 10 10 9 10 10 10


18. Rădoi Andrei 9 10 10 10 10 10


19. Rumatz Ana- 10 10 9 9 9 10


20. Sanda Ștefan 10 10 10 10 10 10


21. Stan Alexandru 10 10 10 10 10 10


22. Șerban Vlad 9 10 10 10 10 10


23. Strat Edward 9 9 5 10 10 9


24. Șerban Florian 10 9 10 10 10 10


25. Ștefan Valentin 10 10 10 10 10 10

26. Ursea Claudiu 9 10 10 10 10 10


27. Voinea Alina 9 10 9 10 10 10

High School ”Grigore Cerchez”, sector 5

TEACHER: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora
DISCIPLINE: English Language
COURSEBOOK: Upstream Advanced, Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley-Linda, Editura Express
Publishing 2014
CLASS: 13th grade S2

Catalogul clasei a XIII-a S2

Nr. Nu Notă 1 Notă 2 Test Notă Notă Medie

Crt. me și sumat teme evaluă final
prenume iv pentr ri ă
u orale

1. Andrei 10 9 - 10 10 10

2. Benga Cristina 6 7 - 7 7 7

3. Craia Iulian 10 9 - 9 10 10

4. Diță Adriana 10 10 - 10 10 10

5. Dumitru Liviu 10 10 - 10 10 10

6. Ficleanu 6 7 - 7 6 7
Gabriel Florin

7. Georgescu Ali 7 8 - 7 8 8

8. Gheorghinete 10 10 - 10 10 10

9. Haret Mirela 10 10 - 10 10 10

10. Iacob Oana 10 10 - 10 10 10


11. Lică Octavian 6 7 - 7 6 7

12. Lupu Constanța 10 10 - 10 10 10


13. Mihai Luminița 10 10 - 10 10 10

14. Munteanu 10 10 - 10 10 10

15. Olteanu 7 9 - 9 8 8

16. Simian 10 10 - 10 10 10

17. Soficaru 10 10 - 10 10 10

18. Stanciu Unța 10 10 - 10 10 10

19. Tudosă Traian 7 6 - 7 6 7

20. Zavincu 9 10 - 9 10 10
Simona Ana
Resurse materiale

Pentru eficientizarea învățării limbii engleze, am folosit următoarele materiale:

1. Upstream - Students Book, Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
2. Upstream - WORKBOOK Students, Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Express
Publishing, 2014
3. Upstream - Students Book, Advanced, Virginia Evans, Lynda Edwards, Express
4. CLICK ON- Students Book, Virginia Evans, Neil OSullivan, Express Publishing, 2012
5. CLICK ON- Students Book, Virginia Evans, Neil OSullivan, Express Publishing, 2012

Resurse online:





Activități organizate la ora de limba engleză

În meseria de dascăl mi-am propus ca învățarea limbii engleze să fie realizată din
plăcere, astfel că am organizat diverse activități ale căror obiective au fost: mobilizarea
creativității și imaginația elevilor, apropierea de limba engleză, și nu în ultimul rând
dezvoltarea competenței de comunicare orală în limba engleză.
Astfel, prima activitatepe care amorganizat-o a avut locpe data de 26 septembrie
2020, odată cu Ziua Europeană a Limbilor Străine. Ziua Europeană a Limbilor Străine
constituie un eveniment care încurajează învățarea limbilor străine. La inițiativa Consiliului
Europei din Strasbourg, Ziua Europeană a Limbilor este sărbătorită în fiecare an pe data de
26 septembrie, începând din 2001.
La începutului anului școlar, pentru a fixa anumite noțiuni, am realizat My
description în care elevii si-au realizat descrierea în limba engleză.
La clasa a IXa, activitatea s-a numit : The European Day of Languages și ea a
constat în prezentarea în limba engleză a unor țări din Europa sau SUA cu ocazia Zilei
Europene a Limbilor Moderne.
De asemenea, în Școala Altfel, activitatea s-a numit Unusual and interesting places that
you want to visit în care elevii au descries anumite locuri pe care ar dori sa le viziteze:
De-a lungul anului școlar, am realizat la toate clasele diverse proiecte tematice, adaptate
nivelului clasei:
a) Prezentarea unor țări din Europa sau locuri din SUA, punctând asupra

b) Prezentarea planurilor de viitor

c) Prezentarea membrilor familiei (ani, trasaturi fizice, trasaturi morale):

My family has four members: me, my mother, my father and my grandmother.

I am 14 years old. I have got brown eyes and black hair. I am tall and skinny. I am
responsible and organized.

My mother is 46 years old, she has got brown eyes, black hair. She is skinny, short and she is

good, responsible.

My father is 50 years old, he has got green eyes, brown hair. She is tall, plump and he is

organised and optimistic.

My grandmother is 66 years old, she has got green eyes, whute hair. She is short and skinny.

She is good, loveable and optimistic.

d) Prezentarea rutinei zilnice

In the morning, I wake up at 8 oclock. I wash my face and I brush my teeth. At 10 oclock I
have breakfast and after that I prepare myself for school.

In the afternoon, I start the lesson at 12 oclock, I have lunch and I do my homeworks.

In the evening, I have lunch, I take a shower, I watch TV and I go to bed around 10 oclock.
Prin urmare, organizarea și participarea la acest concurs are drept scop dezvoltarea
competenței de comunicareorală în limba engleză și apropierea elevilor față de cultura
americană sau britanică.

Fișe de lucru
Pe parcursul anului școlar, am realizat numeroase fișe de lucru, fișele fiind adaptate nivelului elevilor.
Am ales ca majoritatea fișelor de lucru să fie scrise de mână pentru a încuraja scrierea în predare

a) Fișe de lucru propriu-zise:

If I ruled the world

Read the following interviews:

John: If I ruled the world, I would erase the boarders! We would live in a
world without countries in which we wont have any wars or differences of opinion. If I had enough money, I would
spend it on education and new technologies. People had lived in a better world if evey child could have gone to
university and learned about other cultures and traditions.

Mary: I would do a lot of great things if I ruled the world! First, If I ruled
the world, I woould get rid of the nuclear weapons. Those weapons are a major danger of all people in the world. If
I could, I would also protect more animals. Some of them will dissapear, if we don t do anything to help them. I
would also try to find a cure for every illness!

ANNEX 4- Exercises

4. Write three sentences which contains 2nd and 3rd Conditionals.

5. Choose the correct form: True (T) or False (F)
f) John wouldnt erase the boarders. T/F
g) If John had money, he would spend it on education. T/F
h) Every child could go to university and have acces to the technology. T/F
i) If Mary ruled the world, she would get rid of the nuclear weapons. T/F
j) Mary wouldnt want to protect the animals. T/F
6. Put the verbs into the correct form, using 2nd and 3rd Conditionals:
f) (Third conditional) If we __________________(warn) people about pollution, they _______(be)
more receptive.
g) (Second conditional) If I _____(be) you, I ______(learn) more about eating healthy.
h) (Third conditional) If we _______(throw) bags in the water, the Ocean ______ (be) grateful.
i) (Second conditional) If we _______(protect) the nature, we ____(be) more healthy.
j) (Third conditional) If I _____(work) as a doctor, I _______(find) the cure for cancer.
ANNEX 2 – exercises

1.Fill in with WILL or WONT (- Affirmative, X- Negative)

k) It will rain today. 
l) I believe she wont take the exam. X
m) I _______be 25 next month. 
n) She _________be back soon. X
o) You _________ wash your hand. 
p) I _____ eat manny sweets. X
q) They promise that they _____help us with the lesson tomorrow. 

2.Read the sentences bellow. Which expresses: a request=cerere, a promise, a hope,

a prediction, a certainity?
f) I am sure your brother will become a scientist. (certainity)
g) Will you help me with your suitcase?
h) Ill definitely call you tomorrow.
i) It will rain tomorrow.
j) I hope she wont be late. We havent got much time today.
b) Fișe de lucru recapitulative
Activitate de formare

În calitate de profesor al limbii și literaturii engleză, în cei trei ani de

învățămând am participat la numeroase cursuri de formare, proiecte dar și cercuri
pedagogică. Printre acestea se numără:

1. Strategii de predare: Pingus English (2018)

2. Campania ,,19 Zile de prevenire a abuzurilor și

violențelor asupra copiilor și a tinerilor” (2019)

3. WORKSHOP: ,,Rolul școlii în educația

multiculturala” (2019)

4. Webinar: Utilizarea resurselor online (2020)

5. ECML webinar: How to ensure thant languages

flourish in your school? (2020)

6. Cerc pedagogic limbi moderne (12 octombrie 2020)

7. Cerc pedagogic limbi moderne (20 noiembrie 2020)

8. Cerc pedagogic limbi moderne (14 mai 2021)

Raport de progres școlar
Raport de progres

An școlar 2020-2021

Profesor: Dincă Nicoleta Teodora

An școlar: 2020-2021

Disciplină: Limba engleză

Unități de învățământ: Colegiul Tehnologic ,,Grigore Cerchez”, sector 5

Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Boltineanu”, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu

Clase în
încadrare Nr. elevi cu note

Sub 5 5-5.99 6-6.99 7-7.99 8.8.99 9-10

Clasa a IX-a - - 2 - 8 10

Clasa a IX-a I - 1 1 4 2 8

Clasa a IX-a - 4 1 7 2 7

Clasa a IX-a - 2 4 4 5 15

Clasa a IX-a - - 2 15 - 3

Clasa a IX-a - - 1 7 5 15

Clasa a X-a - 5 - 3 2 12

Clasa a XI-a - 2 - 1 2 19
Clasa a XIII-a 4 2 - 14

Nr. de elevi care au înregistrat progres 60, nr. de elevi care au înregistrat regres 20 (situaţia
statistică s-a întocmit pe baza documentelor şcolare), nr. elevi abandon școlar 5


An școlar: 2020-2021

Disciplina: Limba engleză

Clasa: 9 I

Numele și prenumele elevului: Beu Ioana Alexandra

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


10 10 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Chită Monica Ana-Maria

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


10 9 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Cojocaru Silviu Florin

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


8 6 7

Numele și prenumele elevului: Cornea Alexandra Mihaela

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


6 8 9

Numele și prenumele elevului: Crețu Vasile

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


8 8 8 X
Numele și prenumele elevului: Deftu Gigi Robert

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


10 10 10 X

Numele și prenumele elevului: Manu Gianina Maria

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


6 6 9

Numele și prenumele elevului: Mihai Niculae Eugen

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


7 7 7 X

Numele și prenumele elevului: Nenu Ana-Maria Alexandra

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


10 9 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Nițu Alexandru Daniel

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


8 10 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Păun Ștefania Iuliana

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


9 8 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Rădulescu Gabriela Angela

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


9 10 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Ramadan Marian Alex

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


- - - - - -
Numele și prenumele elevului: Scarlat Georgiana Florentina

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


7 8 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Soare Valentina Cristina Ioana

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


6 6 6 X
Numele și prenumele elevului: Stoica George Ionuț

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


7 7 7 X

Numele și prenumele elevului: Trifu Narcis Daniel

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


9 10 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Văcaru Adelina Floretina

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


9 9 10

Numele și prenumele elevului: Soare Ionuț

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


- - - - - -
Numele și prenumele elevului: Teodorescu Gabriel Valentin

Nota Nota Nota Rezultatul monitorizării

EVALUARE EVALUARE 2 EVALUARE 3 progresului individual
1 Progres Regres Rezultate


5 5 5 X

La clasa a IX-a I (Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”)am remarcat următoarele:

1) Elevii: Beu Ioana, Chită Monica, Deftu Gigi Robert, Nițiu Alexandru Daniel se
remarcă în mod deosebit, prin interesul acordat acestei discipline, cunoștințele
asimilate și pronunția foarte bună.
2) Am observat un regres la elevii: Nenu Ana-Maria Alexandra, Scarlat Georgiana, Trifu
Narcis pe semestrul al II-lea. Elevii nu au mai pus întrebări atunci când nu au înțeles
ceva, nu au mai răspuns și nu și-au mai făcut temele în mod conștiincios.
3) Restul elevilor a avut o stagnare, 2 elevi din 20 nu au media neîncheiată, deoarece nu
au participat la oră și nu a trimis teme cerute.
Raport de progreș școlar pe clase


De-a lungul semestrului I, dar și pe parcursul semestrul al II-lea, am analizat și am remarcat

potențialul elevilor, care poate diferi și în funcție de clasă, implicit și școală.

La clasa a IX-a H (Colegiul Tehnologic ,,Grigore Cerchez”) am remarcat următoarele:

1) Majoritatea elevilor au note foarte bune, fapt datorat interesului acordat acestei
cunoștințele asimilate și pronunția foarte bună;

2) Elevii: Ciocan Mihai, Ciucă Ianys, Dumitru Carmen, Feraru Adriana, Marghioala
David, Rădoi Andrei, Sanda Ștefan Matei răspund în mod frecvent, realizandu-și și
3) elevul Strad Eduard Cristian a realizat o evoluție vizibilă, punând întrebări atunci
când nu a
înțeles ceva, a răspuns mai des și și-a făcut temele în mod conștiincios;

4) Târziu, s-a observat un regres la elevii: Haralambie Darius Florentin, Radu Cătălin
Constantin, Ștefan Valentin. Elevii nu au mai pus întrebări atunci când nu au înțeles
ceva, nu au mai răspuns și nu și-au mai făcut temele în mod conștiincios.
5) ) Restul elevilor a avut o stagnare, 2 elevi din 28 nu au media neîncheiată, deoarece nu
au participat la oră și nu a trimis teme cerute.

La clasa a IX-a K (Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”) am observat următoarele:

1) Elevii: Anghel Mariana, Dumitru Ayan Andrei, Stancu Andreea, Ștefănică Cornelia
Ștefania, Tănase Ana- Maria Cosmina s-au remarcat în mod deosebit prin interesul acordat
acestei discipline, cunoștințele asimilate și pronunția foarte bună.
2) Am observat un regres la elevii: Bodîrlău Marian, Coman Angelo, Marin Gabriel, Elevii
nu au mai pus întrebări atunci când nu au înțeles ceva, nu au mai răspuns și nu și-au mai
făcut temele în mod conștiincios.

La clasa a IX-a L (Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”) am observat următoarele:

1) Elevii: Badea Claudia, Bojog Ana Maria, Dinișor Răzvan Alexandru, Dudeanu
Alexandra, Dumitru Mihai Antonio, Oprea Marius Daniel, Petre Ana-Maria, Safta
Angela s-au remarcat în mod deosebit prin interesul acordat acestei discipline,
cunoștințele asimilate și pronunția foarte bună.
2) Am observat o îmbunătățire, dar și o mai mare implicare la elevii: Calotă Larisa, Preda
Cornel Andrei, Șovar Antonio.
3) Am observat un regres la elevii: Ion Alexandra, Trică Florin, Tudor Bogdan. Elevii nu
au mai pus întrebări atunci când nu au înțeles ceva, nu au mai răspuns și nu și-au mai
făcut temele în mod conștiincios.
4) Restul elevilor a avut o stagnare.
La clasa a IX-a PC (Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”) am observat următoarele:

1) Elevii: Coman Cristina, Dinu Liliana, Păun Aurelia, Stan Valentina s-au remarcat în
mod deosebit prin interesul acordat acestei discipline, cunoștințele asimilate și
pronunția foarte bună.
2) Restul elevilor a avut o stagnare.

La clasa a IX-a PE (Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”) am observat următoarele:

1) Elevii: Badea Ionuț, Burcea Liviu, Militaru Gheorghe, Oprea Valentin, Pascăl
Antoniu, Stere Adrian s-au remarcat în mod deosebit prin interesul acordat acestei
discipline, cunoștințele asimilate și pronunția foarte bună.
2) Am observat un regres la elevii: Stan Alexandru, Gîrea Marian. Elevii nu au mai pus
întrebări atunci când nu au înțeles ceva, nu au mai răspuns și nu și-au mai făcut temele
în mod conștiincios.
3) Restul elevilor a avut o stagnare.

La clasa a X-a PC (Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”) am observat următoarele:

1) Elevii: Curt Dumitru, Dincă Valentin, Lixandru Elena, Lixandru Daniela, Neacșu
Andreea, Niculae Ștefania, Pantazi Marian, Rusu Maria, Șerban Nicoleta, Spătaru
Nicușor, Zamfir Romelia s-au remarcat în mod deosebit prin interesul acordat acestei
discipline, cunoștințele asimilate și pronunția foarte bună.
2) Am observat un regres la elevii: Curt Ionuț, Ioniță Roxana. Elevii nu au mai pus
întrebări atunci când nu au înțeles ceva, nu au mai răspuns și nu și-au mai făcut temele
în mod conștiincios.
3) Restul elevilor a avut o stagnare.

La clasa a XI-a H (Liceul Tehnologic ,,Dimitrie Bolintineanu”) am observat următoarele:

1) Elevii: Alexe Georgiana, Constantin Ana-Maria, Dogaru Irina, Manciu Alexandra,

Mihailescu Nadia, Miulescu Florina, Petre Elisa, Stan Elisabeta, Tudor Cosmina s-au
remarcat în mod deosebit prin interesul acordat acestei discipline, cunoștințele
asimilate și pronunția foarte bună.
2) Am observat un regres la elevii: Craiu Violeta, En Robert, Lucan Denisa. Elevii nu
au mai pus întrebări atunci când nu au înțeles ceva, nu au mai răspuns și nu și-au mai
făcut temele în mod conștiincios.
3) Restul elevilor a avut o stagnare.

La clasa a XIII-a S2 (Colegiul Tehnologic ,,Grigore Cerchez”) am remarcat următoarele:

1) Majoritatea elevilor au note foarte bune, fapt datorat interesului acordat acestei
cunoștințele asimilate și pronunția foarte bună, în ciuda faptului că mulți dintre aceștia
au un loc de muncă;

2) Elevii: Andre Luminița, Diță Adriana, Dumitru Liviu, Lupu Costanța, Soficaru
Carmen răspund în mod frecvent, realizandu-și și temele.
3) ) Restul elevilor a avut o stagnare.

1. Identificarea unor detalii din mesaje simple articulate clar și rar în
contexte cunoscute/ previzibile
a) Aspecte pozitive:
Majoritatea elevilor nu intampina probleme in rezolvarea cerintelor.
b) Aspecte de îmbunătățit:
Pot fi aduse texte si exercitii cu un grad putin mai ridacat ca nivel.

2. Cererea și oferirea de informații referitoare la casă, familie,

adresă, persoane, hobby-uri, obiceiuri
a) Aspecte pozitive
Majoritatea elevilor pot oferi si cere informatii, pot purta un dialog scurt si
simplu pe diverse arii tematice.

b) Aspecte de îmbunătățit
Sunt cativa elevi care au mari dificultati in intelegerea oricaru tip de mesaj in
limba engleza si este nevoie sa li se acorde o mai mare atentie lor; de
exemplu, de fiecare data profesorul poate pune intrebari suplinitoare ca sa se
asigure ca inteleg ce este de facut;

3. Identificarea unor detalii din texte simple care conțin

informații uzuale
a) Aspecte pozitive
Majoritatea elevilor nu intampina probleme in rezolvarea cerintelor.

b) Aspecte de îmbunătățit
Pot fi aduse texte si exercitii cu un grad putin mai ridacat ca nivel.

4. Redactarea de mesaje simple despre sine/ despre alții

a) Aspecte pozitive
Multi elevi din clasa se descurca satisfacator.

b) Aspectedeîmbunătățit
Este nevoie de mult mai mult exercitiu si de recunoasterea in special a formei
scrise a cuvintelor. Desi elevii se desurcă destul de bine la partea de vorbit,
atunci cand sunt nevoiti sa inteleaga anumite intrebari sau cerinte, iri se
exprime in scris sunt pusi in dificultate si intampina diferite probleme. De aceea
trebuie insistat mai mult si la partea de scriere.

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