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Uniunea Europeanã • Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii

Proiect Phare „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri dezavantajate“

Programul „A doua ºansã“

Iudit Sera

Limba englezã

Ghidul cadrului didactic

Nivelul I–II

Centrul Step by Step, Bucureºti, 2006

Aceste materiale, publicate în cadrul Proiectului Phare „Acces la educaþie pentru
grupuri dezavantajate“ 2003, au fost realizate de WYG International Ltd – echipa de
asistenþã tehnicã a Ministerului Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii – pentru a fi folosite în
cadrul programului educaþional „A doua ºansã – Învãþãmânt primar“.

Membrii echipei care a elaborat materialele sunt:

Cristiana Boca, coordonatoarea componentei „Învãþãmânt primar“
Mihaela Bucinschi, autoare „Limba ºi literatura românã“
Daniela Chircu, autoare „Limba rromani“
Carmen Costina, autoare „Limba englezã“
Aniþa Dulman, autoare „Matematicã“
Gabriela Dumitru, autoare „Cunoaºterea mediului“
Cristiana Ilie, autoare „Istorie. Geografie“
Camelia Stãnescu, autoare „Limba rromani“
Iudit Sera, autoare „Limba englezã“
dr. Doina–Olga ªtefãnescu, autoare „Educaþie civicã“
Paul Vermeulen, expert componenta „Elaborare curriculum
ºi materiale educaþionale“

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naþionale a României

Limba englezã : Hello! : ghidul cadrului didactic : modul 1-2 /
Iudit Sera. - Bucureºti : Step by Step, 2006
ISBN (10) 973-1706-24-0; ISBN (13) 978-973-1706-24-5


Coordonator editorial: Mihaela Marin

Redactor: Alina Negruþiu
Design copertã: Dinu Dumbrãvician
Design ºi dtp: Gabi Iancu
Foto copertã: Dinu Dumbrãvician

Cartea conþine un audio CD.

Aceastã publicaþie face parte din Programul Phare 2003 „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri
dezavantajate“, componenta „A doua ºansã“
Editorul materialului: Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii
Data publicãrii: septembrie 2006
Conþinutul acestui material nu reprezintã în mod necesar poziþia oficialã
a Uniunii Europene.

© Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii, 2006

ISBN (10) 973-1706-24-0
ISBN (13) 978-973-1706-24-5

Cartea poate fi copiatã pentru scopuri educaþionale, dar nu pentru scopuri comerciale.
În orice circumstanþã, este necesar acordul deþinãtorului de copyright, Ministerul Educaþiei
ºi Cercetãrii, pentru a reproduce integral sau pãrþi din prezentul ghid.
Cuvânt de bun venit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Objectives and contents of Levels 1 & 2

Second Chance Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Level 1
Unit 1 Hello! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Unit 2 Meet my family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Unit 3 My world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Level 2
Note for starters at Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Unit 4 It’s a sunny morning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Unit 5 Where’s the bus stop? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Unit 6 What’s your job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Audio Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 3

Cuvânt de bun venit
Stimatã învãtoare,
Stimate învãþãtor,

Felicitãri pentru cã faceþi parte din marea echipã a proiectului „A doua

ºansã – Învãþãmânt primar“!

Prezentul ghid face parte dintr-o serie de materiale educaþionale elaborate

în cadrul proiectului Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri defavorizate care vor fi
utilizate în cadrul componentei A doua ºansã pentru învãþãmântul primar de
cãtre cadre didactice, directori, inspectori ºcolari care conduc sau
coordoneazã clase de tip „a doua ºansã“. În acelaºi timp, ele pot fi folosite
ºi ca resursã în eforturile de construire a unor ºcoli incluzive.

Forma pe care au dobândit-o aceste ghiduri se înscrie în concepþia unitarã

a programul A doua ºansã pentru învãþãmântul primar, program definit prin:
• modularitate ºi flexibilitate în organizare
• caracter activ, practic aplicativ al curriculum-ului
• respectarea individualitãþii în învãþare ºi evaluare.

Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice ºi pentru cursanþi au fost realizate în

conformitate cu programele ºcolare aprobate pentru anul ºcolar
experimental 2005-2006.
În ghidurile pentru cursanþi urmãresc aplicarea unui model constructivist,
secvenþial, accesibil ºi bine structurat de tip orientare, achiziþie, aplicare ºi
transfer. Astfel, modelul didactic ales ºi pãstrat ca un laitmotiv se coreleazã
cu etapele pe care le poate parcurge o unitate de învãþare, fiecare dintre
momente cuprinzând secvenþe precum cele enumerate:
• etapa de orientare poate cuprinde prezentarea scopurilor, semnificaþiei
Programul „A doua ºansã ºi contextului din perspectiva cursantului, activarea ºi valorizarea
pentru învãþãmântul cunoºtinþelor ºi deprinderilor anterioare ale acestuia, captarea atenþiei
primar“ în anul ºcolar
2005-2006 va fi aplicat pe
cursanþilor prin conexarea subiectului cu unul de interes vital pentru
baza O.M. nr. 5160 din ei, introducerea unor întrebãri ºi situaþii provocatoare de cãtre cadrul
6.10.2005 în conformitate didactic º.a.,
cu urmãtoarele documente: • etapa de achiziþie cuprinde rezolvarea de sarcini, exerciþii, însuºirea
• Metodologia privind noilor cunoºtinþe având ca rezultat înþelegerea ºi operarea de cãtre
organizarea procesului
cursant cu conceptele, etapã în care sunt alese cele mai eficiente
de învãþãmânt în cadrul
Programului „A doua metode de predare-învãþare-evaluare adecvate atât grupului þintã, dar
ºansã pentru ºi specificului subiectului predat.
învãþãmântul primar“; • etapa de aplicare ºi transfer se concretizeazã prin integrarea
• Planul cadru pentru conceptelor achiziþionate în contexte noi, elaborarea unor produse ale
programul „A doua
activitãþii (de tip eseu, poster, tabel, colaj, model, proiect), evaluarea
ºansã pentru învãþã-
mântul primar“; ºi auto-evaluarea atât a proiectului cât ºi a rezultatelor obþinute.
• Programe ºcolare
integrate prin care
se realizeazã educaþia
Ghidurile elaborate pentru cursanþi cuprind, pe lângã unitãþile de învãþare
de bazã. detaliate, activitãþi de reactualizare a conceptelor cheie ale modulului/
• Materiale educaþionale nivelului anterior, probe de evaluare ºi auto-evaluare, dicþionar cu termeni
pentru elevi ºi cadre utilizaþi, pagini pentru aplicaþii ºi proiecte sau anexe cu informaþii
didactice. esenþializate pentru consolidarea învãþãrii.

4 Second Chance • Primary

Fiecare dintre ghidurile pentru cursanþi pentru fiecare disciplinã sau nivel de
studiu se completeazã cu ghidul adresat cadrului didactic, astfel încât
transpunerea în practicã a ideilor programului sã fie cât mai coerentã ºi
mai transparentã.

Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice reprezintã cel mai complex instrument prin
care programele ºcolare prind viaþã. Ghidurile cadrelor didactice sunt o
oglindã a fiecãrei unitãþi de învãþare prezentate ºi o aprofundare a ei din
perspectiva scopului, a metodologiei, a formelor de organizare posibil de
abordat. Caracterul alternativ al acestor ghiduri se explicã prin aceea cã
ordonarea conþinuturilor relevante sugerate, ritmul ºi metodologia abordãrii
lor vor fi stabilite de cãtre fiecare cadru didactic în funcþie de stilul sãu
didactic, particularitãþile grupului cu care lucreazã, resursele de învãþare
disponibile, contextul local în care se defãºoarã învãþarea.
Ghidurile cadrelor didactice cuprind într-o manierã flexibilã ºi individualã
secþiuni prin care se prezintã programa ºcolarã specificã disciplinei
respective, se prezintã sugestii de întocmire a planificãrii, se oferã
conceptele ºi achiziþiile cheie ale disciplinei pentru fiecare nivel ºi
corespondenþa dintre acestea ºi metodologia didacticã cea mai eficientã.
Ghidurile prezintã într-o manierã succintã informaþii atât teoretice, dar ºi
practice despre realizarea evaluãrii formative dar ºi a celei sumative, atât
prin forme clasice, dar ºi alternative, cu exemple de probe de evaluare
construite pe baza standardelor de evaluare regasite în programele ºcolare
pentru fiecare disciplinã ºi nivel de studiu.
Ghidurile cuprind ºi referiri la alte surse bibliografice utile pentru derularea
demersului didactic specific fiecãrei discipline. Acestea sunt fie lucrãri de
referinþã ale pedagogie sau didacticii dsciplinei, fie adrese utile pentru
cadrele didactice care doresc sã se foloseascã de Internet.
Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice pot fi cu uºurinþã adaptate ºi
individualizate în funcþie de contextul local, de resursele materiale de care
dispune ºcoala, de stilul de predare al cadrului didactic ºi de
particularitãþile cursanþilor. În multe dintre unitãþile de învãþare propuse la
diferite discipline de studiu pot fi întâlnite sarcini care se rezolvã cu
ajutorul computerului, mici proiecte ºi cercetãri care se desfãºoarã în
comunitate sau în diferite instituþii º.a. Cadrul didactic împreunã cu clasa
pot hotarî în legãturã cu oportunitatea desfãºurãrii sarcinilor ºi aplicaþiilor
propuse astfel încât cursanþii sã trãiascã experienþe de succes în învãþare.

Dat fiind caracterul experimental al programului „A doua ºansã pentru

învãþãmântul primar” în acest an ºcolar ºi necesitatea revizuirii tuturor
materialelor educaþionale elaborate pânã la extinderea programului în anul
ºcolar 2006-2007, contribuþia dumneavoastrã, a tuturor celor care lucraþi
cu aceste materiale în aceastã perioadã este foarte importantã. Aºteptãm
sugestiile de revizuire, comentariile, observaþiile sau aprecierile pe adresa

Vã mulþumim ºi vã dorim succes!

Cristiana Boca

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 5

Objectives and contents of Levels 1 & 2 • Second Chance Primary
Grammar/ structures
Thematic units Title Objectives/ Functions Vocabulary
(Listen and repeat)
Personal identifi- Hello! Greeting and responding to Hello! Mr.
cation greeting Hi! Mrs.
Introducing oneself Nice to meet you! Ms.
Good morning! Miss
Good afternoon! teacher
Good evening! student

Second Chance • Primary

Good night!
Good bye.
What’s your name?
I am / I’m Tom Smith
My name is Petre
Where do you come from?
I come from England/Romania.
I’m English/Romanian.
May I…?
I can … (for self-assessment purposes)

Family Meet my family Introducing people She is / She’s … wife blue

Thanking and responding to He is / He’s… husband brown
thanks She/He has got … child green
Apologizing and responding Has she/he got…? children tall
to apologies She/he hasn’t got… son short
Describing people Excuse me daughter big
I’m sorry hair small
It’s all right eyes young
Thank you nose old
You’re welcome beard
This is my wife/husband moustache
Simple present glasses
We / you / they
Immediate My world Describing concrete a/an, the, zero article bread table
concrete immediate surroundings Sg./pl. nouns butter chairs
surroundings Describing location What is it? cheese kitchen
This / That is (a/an) potatoes sink
These / Those (are) milk cooker
It’s / They’re here/there soup fridge
There’s a/an … in/on/under/near steak cupboard
the… sausages living room
It’s …. ham sofa
Present continuous eggs TV set
knife shelf/shelves
fork carpet
spoon bathroom
plate toilet
glass tub
fruit (apples, shower
grapes, nuts) bedroom
vegetables bed
(carrots, peas, lamp
tomatoes, curtain
dining room

Time and It’s a sunny Asking and giving information What’s the time? seasons dress
weather morning about time and weather It’s … o’clock cloudy T-shirt
Past/to rainy jumper
Half past windy shoes
Quarter past/to cold boots
It’s time to… warm hat
What day is it? hot gloves
What’s the weather like? clothes socks
It’s sunny … trousers muffler
a.m. / p.m. shirt week
at noon / in the evening / on jacket month

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II

Monday skirt year

Objectives and contents of Levels 1 & 2 • Second Chance Primary
Grammar/ structures
Thematic units Title Objectives/ Functions Vocabulary
(Listen and repeat)
Travel and Where’s the bus Asking and giving directions Can you help me? village bus
transport stop? Asking someone to repeat How do I get to…? town car
information How far is the …? city bicycle
Describing means of transport Where’s the…? country tram
Where can I buy/get …? school train
To the / on the left / right hotel lorry

Second Chance • Primary

Turn left / right bank wagon
Around the corner church wheels
Could you repeat, please? shops fast
police station slow
railway station noisy
town hall silent
bus stop (un)comfortable

Jobs and careers What’s your job? Expressing possession What do you do? driver cook
Giving and asking information What’s your job? mechanic plumber
about jobs I’m a(n) … housewife fitter
Mike’s car farmer dressmaker
Susie’s book worker tailor
My / your / his / her / its waiter barber
Whose …is this? waitress hairdresser
Whose is it? shop assistant teacher
police officer unemployed
This Guidebook is for teachers of English working with students in Second
Chance education, Primary Levels 1 & 2. This is the first of a set of three
guidebooks for teaching English to Second Chance primary students.

Overall objectives
• To develop skills of oral reception and production
• To develop a positive attitude to English by providing a context in
which learning is stimulating and fun
• To encourage students to take an active role in their learning and
to reflect on their progress
• To establish a basic level of oral English on which the students can
continue to build

The target group

Students who take levels 1 & 2 of English Second Chance primary may
be 14 or over. They are unable to read and write in Romanian, and
their first language may be other than Romanian. Their motivation for
taking this course varies widely. Some may be driven back to school by
the need to obtain a certificate that will enable them to get a job,
others may simply want to obtain their driving license. When it comes
to classroom participation, some may be inhibited. However, it’s
important to remember that these students may be busy adults, with
families and jobs.
It is highly important to build the students’ self-confidence as
learners; show them they can learn and persuade them that speaking a
foreign language is an asset in today’s world. It is your job as their
teacher to encourage them to reflect on how they learn best and to
cater for their preferences. Help them assess their own progress and
provide them with constructive feedback.
Remember: adults may get bored with highly repetitive, routine
activities. It is important to practice structures you plan to teach them
in situations that make sense to them and which they are likely to
encounter in real life. Move through the basics quickly and return to
them from time to time.

Language content
Level 1 assumes no previous knowledge of English. Basic
communicative functions are presented: greeting and responding to
greeting, introducing oneself, introducing people, thanking and
responding to thanks, apologizing and responding to apologies,
describing people and their concrete immediate surroundings,
describing location, asking and giving information about time and
weather, asking and giving directions, asking someone to repeat
information, expressing possession, and giving and asking information
about jobs. Topics have been chosen to reflect the interests of adults
returning to school to complete basic education.

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 9


Active and cooperative learning

You should organise the lessons so that students play as active a role
as possible. In this way, they will feel important, their motivation and
interest will increase, and their learning will be more meaningful and
lasting. Developing an active role in the learning process fosters a
sense of responsibility and cooperation, promotes confidence in the
students’ own capacity to learn a language and teaches a number of
skills and strategies necessary for a more autonomous type of learning.
By participating in pair work and group activities, students will get to
know their fellows and learn to work together, thus developing their
interpersonal and social skills, too.

Use of Romanian in the English lessons

At the beginning, you will be compelled to use Romanian to make
sure that everyone understands what you mean. However, avoid
translating utterances that may be obvious from body language, or
from what you model. Simple instructions or requests (come in, sit down,
stand up, change partners etc.) will be gradually understood by the
students. Even if not all respond to what you say, they may copy other
students who are quicker to understand. In such cases, it is a waste of
time to translate. If for some reason, a student wants to know precisely
what has been said, teach them to ask a colleague or you to translate:
“Please, translate. / What does … mean?”

Evaluation can provide important information not only on the
performance of the students, but also on teaching methods and
materials. For formative evaluation it is advisable that the classroom
activities are monitored on an on-going basis. To this end, use an
activity record sheet and a simple system of marking in every session
(e.g. N – need more work; OK – good progress; E – excellent).

Lesson / Session / Date

Learner’s name Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5

For summative evaluation, in levels 1 & 2 you can only assess students
orally. For this, you need to have illustrations / flashcards, and to be
prepared to either interview students individually, or observe oral
interaction in a group.

10 Second Chance • Primary


Proposed session structure

Be imaginative! You may want to think up a story as the frame for
units 1-6. For instance, you may introduce the story of an English lorry
driver whose lorry broke down in a village in Romania. He meets a
Romanian farmer who puts him up for a few nights, while the lorry is
being fixed. The days he spends with the Romanian family can provide
a meaningful context for introducing new vocabulary and useful
structures to your students, as the Romanian farmer in the story may
have the same difficulties communicating in English as your students.
If you choose to build the lessons on such stories, make sure you think
of the details and - ideally – you have at least some visuals.


At the beginning of the session, you may want to share the learning
objectives with the students. If so, you will have to do this in Romanian.

We recommend that you start each lesson by evoking previous
knowledge and personal connections. It may be misleading to believe
students who say they don’t speak any English. Words such as radio,
television, Internet, telephone, computer, bar, film etc. will be known
to Romanian speakers. Encourage students to make intelligent guesses.
Knowing what the students already know or think they know is extremely
important. It shows you what you need to avoid spending time on, and
where you may have to allocate more time than you had planned.


Build on the evoked knowledge when introducing the new vocabulary

and structures. Make sure whenever it is possible you link the new
words and structures to the learners’ experience. Use illustrations,
flashcards etc. to present new content.
This section of the lesson may be repeated. It should be followed by
“Your turn” whenever you feel a newly acquired structure needs
practising before you move on to another one.


Practice the new vocabulary and structures inviting students to do a

variety of activities (see also suggested learning activities in the syllabus).
This section of the lesson will be recurrent. It will always come after
“Let’s learn!”


At the end of each session, invite students to say what they can now
do, by wording simple “I can” statements. Elicit such statements by
asking “Can you (say your name)/(greet someone in English)/(ask for
directions), (etc.)?”

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 11

Unit 1 Hello!
² Specific objectives
• To greet and respond to greeting
• To introduce oneself

² Listen and repeat ² Vocabulary

Hello! Mr
Hi! Mrs
Nice to meet you. Ms
Good morning! Miss
Good afternoon! teacher
Good evening! student
Good night! school
Good bye. classroom
I am / I’m …
My name is …
What’s your name?
I’m (nationality)
I come from (country)
Where do you come from?
May I…?

Recommended resources
• A political map of the world with clear outline at least of Romania, Great Britain, the Republic
of Ireland, the United States of America, Australia, Canada, and South Africa;
• Photographs (or recognizable sketches) of famous people (actors, singers, politicians);
• Newspapers with photographs of famous people;
• Pictures for practising greeting someone in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening /
saying good-bye.

Greet the group in English as you walk into the classroom. This is your first meeting with the
group of learners, so you will need to introduce yourself. Stay with English as much as you can.
Ask students to name the countries where they think English is spoken as an official language.
Let them speak about how widespread English is, and why they may find it useful to learn
(preferably in Romanian).
As they name countries, say the names in English.
E.g. Anglia – England
Statele Unite ale Americii – the United States of America etc.

12 Second Chance • Primary



Tell students what they are going to learn in this session. You may want to use Romanian in
this section of the lesson.

Ask the students to imagine an English speaking person walks into the room.
What do you think s/he will say?
Hi! / Hello! /
Check whether your students have ever heard anyone greet in English / have been greeted
in English / have greeted someone in English.


1 Say: Hello! My name is (George Popescu). What’s your name?

2 Explain the difference between first name and last name.

Say: My friends call me George. My mother calls me George.
Some people call me Mr. Popescu.

3 Walk about the classroom and elicit students’ last name.

Introduce each student by their last name using the pattern This is Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss…

4 Ask for two students’ help. Model a simple conversation.

Teacher: This is Mrs Angela Pop. And this is Mr Tudor Voicu.
Angela: Nice to meet you, Mr. Voicu.
Tudor: Nice to meet you, Mrs Pop.


Ask students:
1 Have students walk about the classroom
and introduce themselves to one another. What can you do now?
Encourage them to shake hands while Can you greet someone in English?
repeating the pattern: Can you introduce yourself?
Hello! I’m Nicu. What’s your name? Can you introduce two people to each other?
Hello! I’m Maria. Nice to meet you, Nicu. Can you say where you come from?
Nice to meet you, Maria.

2 Have students stand up and form groups

of three. Student A introduces Student B
to Student C. Then they change roles.

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 13

Unit 1 Resources

Political map of the world

14 Second Chance • Primary

Ê FREE WORKSHEET: This sheet may be printed from a personal computer and/or copied for educational use.
Unit 1 Resources

16 Second Chance • Primary

Ê FREE WORKSHEET: This sheet may be printed from a personal computer and/or copied for educational use.
Unit 2 Meet my family
² Specific objectives
• To introduce people
• To thank and respond to thanks
• To apologize and respond to apologies
• To describe people

² Listen and repeat ² Vocabulary

She is / She’s … wife blue
He is / He’s… husband brown
She/He has got … child green
Has she/he got…? children
She/he hasn’t got… son
Excuse me daughter tall
I’m sorry short
It’s all right hair big
Thank you eyes small
You’re welcome nose young
This is my wife/husband beard old
Simple present moustache
We / you / they glasses

Recommended resources
• Photographs of families
• A pack of cards
• Flashcards – people (in full view), faces (with details)


Tell the students that they are going to learn the English words for family members and some
words they can use to describe people.
They will also learn some useful phrases needed in situations such as: introducing people,
thanking, responding to thanks, apologizing and responding to apologies.


Elicit situations in which people need to ask for help, and to apologize.

18 Second Chance • Primary



Show students pictures in which people ask for help, imagining short dialogues:
Woman: Can you help me, please? (A woman with heavy luggage on a train)
Man: Yes, of course.
Woman: Thank you.
Man: You’re welcome.
Man: I’m sorry. (A man has spilt coffee on the tablecloth)
Waiter: It’s all right. / No problem

²2 You may want to use the story of the lorry driver who asks the Romanian farmer, Petre to
help him. He can’t fix the lorry, but he will take Tom to his home and introduce him to his
family. Have students make guesses about the people in the pictures, translate the words
for them and have them repeat the English words as you pronounce them. Petre will learn
English from Tom in the same way: by repeating Tom’s words.
Anica – wife
Ionut – son (5 years old)
Florina – daughter (9 years old)
Tom, the lorry driver shows Petre photographs of his family explaining who is who:
This is my wife, Lisa. This is my son,… This is my daughter, …. This is me. We live in Liverpool.
We come from large families: I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters, and my wife has 4 sisters.

3 Use the pictures to teach students to count. Students count the number of people in each
picture. A pack of cards might be useful to help learners visualise the numbers.

4 The people in the pictures/photographs will be described in brief sentences using the
pattern He/she’s got [adj.] eyes/hair/nose/beard/moustache
E.g. He’s got blue eyes. He’s got a long beard.
She’s got brown hair. He’s got a big moustache.
He’s got a big nose.

5 You may want to introduce the question: What does s/he look like?

6 Explain words like tall and short by having two students stand up.
Use visuals for old, young, big, small.


Ask students:
1 The cards are face down on a desk.
Students pick 3 – 4 cards and say the What can you do now?
numbers in English. Can you name family members?
Can you describe a person?
2 Ask students to bring to class pictures of Can you thank somebody for something?
people they can describe using the acquired Can you apologize?
vocabulary, family photographs to talk about
their families etc. Have students describe
the people in their photographs by asking
them: Who is it? What does s/he look like?

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 19

Unit 2 Resources



20 Second Chance • Primary

Petre Anica

Florina Ionuþ

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Unit 2 Resources

22 Second Chance • Primary






beard hair

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Unit 3 My world
² Specific objectives
• To describe concrete immediate surroundings
• To describe location

² Listen and repeat ² Vocabulary

a/an, the, zero article bread table
singular/plural nouns butter chairs
cheese kitchen
What is it?
potatoes sink
It’s a… milk cooker
This / That is (a/an) soup fridge
These / Those (are) steak cupboard
It’s / They’re here/there sausages living room
ham sofa
There’s a/an … in/on/under/near the…
eggs TV set
Present continuous knife shelf/shelves
fork carpet
spoon bathroom
plate toilet
glass tub
fruit (apples, grapes, shower
nuts) bedroom
vegetables (carrots, bed
peas, tomatoes, lamp
peppers, cucumbers) curtain
dining room wardrobe

Recommended resources
• Flashcards to illustrate the target vocabulary
• Picture showing the inside of a house (rooms)
• Picture showing a kitchen table with food on it
• Pictures of a woman cooking in the kitchen; people eating; a man watching TV in a living
room; a little boy sleeping in a bedroom; a man washing in the bathroom.


Tell the students that they are going to name different rooms in a house, some objects that
people use every day, and talk about what people do in the house.

Tom is in the house. Ask the students what Romanian words they would teach Tom, so that he could
communicate with the host family. Have him walk through the house, from room to room. Your
students will identify the essential information, i.e. select useful words, your task is to tell them the
English equivalent. They will help you teach Tom Romanian and Tom will help you teach them English.

24 Second Chance • Primary



1 Show the pictures and name the rooms in the house using sentences like: Anica is in the
kitchen. Petre is in the living room…

2 Introduce different objects using This is/that is a/an… . Start with objects in the classroom –
chair, door, window – and continue with objects in the pictures having students place them
in different rooms. Be flexible if students do not place the objects where you expect them to.
dining room – table, chairs
kitchen – sink, cooker, fridge, cupboard
living room – sofa, TV set, shelf/shelves, carpet
bathroom – toilet, tub, shower
bedroom – bed, lamp, curtain, wardrobe
Rooms can be described using the vocabulary acquired so far (numbers – the chairs in
the room can be counted, colours – students can say what colour an object is)
There is a table in the dining room. There are six chairs. There is no TV set in the dining room.
Is there a cupboard in the dining room?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Use a picture of people sitting at the table to introduce the words bread, butter, cheese,
potatoes, milk, soup, steak, sausages, ham, eggs, knife, fork, spoon, plate, glass, fruit
(apples, grapes, nuts), vegetables (carrots, peas, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers)

3 Introduce prepositions by showing students an object, say a pen, that you can put on a
desk/chair, in a drawer/bag, under a table/ chair, near the door/ a book. Use pictures to
practice sentences like:
There’s a carpet on the floor. There’s a wardrobe in the room.
There’s a lamp near the bed. There’s a shelf under the window.

4 Introduce present continuous by demonstrating different activities, so the students can see
you actually doing what you say you are doing. Then show them the pictures in which they
can see the people doing the activities:
Anica is cooking in the kitchen. Ionut is sleeping in the bedroom.
They are eating in the dining room. Tom is washing in the bathroom.
Petre is watching TV in the living room.


Ask students:
1 Have the students practise the names of the rooms. Ask
them what rooms the characters are in. This activity can be What can you do now?
done as a memory game if you do not show them the Can you name the rooms in a
pictures when you ask: Where is Petre? house?
2 Have students practise present continuous by grouping Can you say what people are
them into small groups of 4. Give each group a set of doing in each room?
visuals (people doing various activities), help them by telling Can you name the objects in
them three of the verbs (use short infinitive: e.g. go, play, each room?
sit…). They have to come up with as many sentences as they
can using the pattern: Somebody is doing something.
E.g. Ionut is playing.
They will score double if they can also say where.
E.g. Ionut is playing in the living room / on the sofa.

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 25

Unit 3 Resources

26 Second Chance • Primary

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Unit 3 Resources
butter eggs

bread cheese

soup sausages

milk steak

juice plates

ham glass

fork potatoes

knife spoon

apples carrots

grapes nuts

tomatoes cucumbers

peas peppers

28 Second Chance • Primary

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End of level TEST
• A map of the world
• Newspapers cuts or photographs of famous people
• Illustrations representing people greeting each other in the morning / in the afternoon /
in the evening
• Photographs/illustrations of families
• A pack of cards
• Flashcards: people in full view, standing; faces; various rooms; furniture; items in the
house (see vocabulary especially in Unit 3)

² Recommended procedure
A combination of the following types of assessment activities is recommended:

Check for understanding: teacher-student interaction (teacher-initiated dialogue).

The purpose here is to check whether the student understands what the teacher asks him/her
(to do). Oral response is not compulsory.
1 2 3
Teacher: Sit down, George. Teacher: Are you tired? / Teacher: How is your family?
Student: (sits down); Are you OK? / Are you ready? Students: (gestures “so and so”)
Student: (nods or shakes
his/her head)

Oral production: student presentation starting from questions posed by the teacher, based
on illustrations. The purpose here is to listen to the student name objects, describe illustrations
in short sentences by pointing at the item being described.
Examples of expected output:

Teacher: What is this? / What Teacher: What room is this? Teacher: Where’s the (book)?
is that? / Who is this? What’s in it? Student: It’s on / under the
Student: This is a Student: This is a/the living table.
man/woman. S/he is old / room. This is a red curtain.
young / tall / short etc. It’s This is a table. It’s large etc.
(name of the famous person).

Oral interaction: student-student interaction based on tasks set by the teacher.

It is recommended to provide pictures of people in various situations.
Sample tasks for small groups / pairs of students:
A. Greet each other and introduce yourselves to the group.
B. Take turns asking questions about the picture and answering them.
C. Describe a family member / friend, and ask someone about their family members / friends.

30 Second Chance • Primary


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Note for starters
at level two
When students start studying English at Level Sample activity for the introductory
2, you will have to assess their prior lesson / session in Level 2, when there are
knowledge, and ensure that the topics and students that have not covered Level 1:
functions in Level 1 are covered before you
Grouping: Group students so that in each
move on. It is recommended that the first
group there is at least one person who covered
three hours are spent on reviewing (or quickly
Level 1. This person will be the expert.
covering) Level 1.
In some cases, some students will have Resources: Picture of the inside of a house
enough prior knowledge to move directly to (with rooms); flashcards of items in Unit 3
Level 2, while in others you may have to Duration: one hour
prepare for wide differentiation. In such Procedure: The expert(s) describe(s) the
situations, we recommend that you use a lot picture naming the items that can be
of cooperative learning (pair work, small distinguished, using structures such as: This is
group work) in which students at different a(n) …/ These are … It’s in / on / near the …
levels of English can help each other progress. The expert(s) may ask the beginners to point
In cooperative learning, group students at various objects, and the expert names
carefully, making sure that you mix lower them, while the beginners repeat after the
ability students and more advanced ones. expert(s).
Since there is no writing involved, you will The teacher closely monitors the group work,
have to monitor the groups’ work closely. For and helps out when necessary.
demonstration purposes, you can use fishbowl
The small groups report to the whole class
type activities, in which a small group placed
what they have learnt. The teacher uses
in the middle of the larger group
flashcards to elicit from the ne students the
demonstrates a structure, while the rest look
newly learnt vocabulary.
and listen. Rotate the group in the “fishbowl”
frequently, and ask the on-lookers to help by
prompting when a weaker group performs.

32 Second Chance • Primary

It’s a sunny morning Unit 4

² Specific objectives
To ask and give information about time and weather

² Listen and repeat ² Vocabulary

What’s the time? Days of the week jacket
It’s … o’clock Months of the year coat
past/to seasons skirt
half past cloudy dress
quarter past/to rainy T-shirt
It’s time to… windy jumper
What day is it? cold shoes
What’s the weather like? warm boots
It’s sunny … hot hat
a.m. / p.m. clothes gloves
at noon / in the evening / on Monday trousers socks
shirt muffler

Recommended resources
• Flashcards - clothes
• Newspaper cuts – seasons, types of weather
• Calendar
• A(n improvised) clock with hands that you can move easily
• Photographs of people, places in different seasons, wearing adequate clothing


Tell the students that they are going to ask and tell the time, name the days of the week, the
months of the year. They will be able to say what the weather is like and what clothes people
wear in the four seasons.

Check if anyone is familiar with the stereotype about English people always talking about the
weather. Even if nobody knows about it, it might stir their interest in the topic, especially if you
ask them to explain why they think weather is one of the favourite topics of an Englishman.

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 33

Unit 4 It’s a sunny morning

1 Show them pictures illustrating different types of weather and ask them if there’s anything
interesting that they could say. As they notice things and say them in Romanian, tell them
how that would sound in English and have them repeat the words in English. Talk about
each season trying to make students remember short sentences (It’s winter. It’s cold. –
check understanding by asking questions such as: It’s cold. What season is it?) Teach items
of clothing by showing students each item on a flashcard (if possible) and ask them to
make four groups, one for each season. Ask them to tell you what people wear in
2 Look at your watch and tell them what time it is. Have the class repeat after you. Use
pictures or blackboard drawings to teach them to tell and ask the time.
Start by pointing the minute hand to 12 and moving the hour hand so students can
participate in the lesson, as they already know the numbers.
E.g. It’s 3 o’clock. It’s 5 o’clock. It’s 11 o’clock.
Tell students that they can say 5 p.m./ a. m. or 5 o’clock in the afternoon/in the morning.
Gradually introduce half past, a quarter to/past, …minutes to/past
3 Introduce the structure it’s time to
It’s 7 a.m. It’s time to wake up.
(to wash, to dress up, to have breakfast, to go to school, to go to work, to have lunch, to
take a break, to go to bed, to rest)
4 Introduce the question What time do you…? by telling them what time you usually do
different activities or by using the characters in the lorry driver story. Ask students what
time they do different activities.
E.g. I wake up at 6.30. What time do you wake up?
I wake up at 6. Repeat the student’s reply in the 3rd person.
Ionica wakes up at 6. (Have the class repeat the sentence so they get used to the 3rd person)
5 Introduce the days of the week starting from the day on which you have the lesson.
Today is Tuesday. Use a wall calendar even if your students can’t read, they must have seen
one before, so they will know what you are talking about. Practise pronunciation with
them until they can say the days correctly. Try to find the right rhythm to make it sound
like a poem.
Tell them how routine makes all your days look the same and ask them to help you
introduce a different activity for every day. Tell them seven activities that you have already
chosen, tell them your plan is ready. Show them the pictures and have them repeat after you:
E.g. I read a book, I eat a big chocolate, I meet my friend.
Start with what you have planned for Sunday (On Sunday I play with my children) and
let them guess in groups what you have planned to do on the other six days. You could
give each group a set of pictures to help them remember the activities. Have each group
report to the class, and then read out your list.

34 Second Chance • Primary



1 Ask the students to try to remember what a fellow colleague was wearing last time you
had an English lesson and let the other students guess who. Make the game easy by telling
them to refer to four items using an adjective + a noun. Start with an example:
Brown trousers
Yellow jumper
Big jacket
Black boots
Who is it?
If your students are progressing well you might want to make it more complex and have them ask:
Who’s got brown trousers, a yellow jumper, a big jacket and black boots?
2 Learners take turns in asking and telling the time: one student draws a clock and asks
another student to say what time it is. The activity can go on until everyone in the group
has had a chance to tell and ask the time.
3 Students practise the structure referring to their programme. Each student will choose
three activities.
E.g. It’s 6.30 a.m. It’s time to go to work. It’s 3 p.m. It’s time to go home.
It’s 10 p.m. It’s time to sleep.
4 Play a memory game. Have students try to remember what time their classmates do
different things. Start by asking the model question: What time does Ionica wake up?
The student who answers correctly gets a point and can ask the next question. You can
help by starting the question for him and letting him choose the name and the activity.
5 Practise the days of the week and revise present simple by having them plan a pleasant
activity for each day. Give them pictures and let them choose the activities they like.
E.g. On Sunday I eat with my family
On Monday I go to the cinema.
On Tuesday I play football.
On Wednesday I listen to music.
On Saturday I sleep late.
Have students work in pairs and ask them to report to the class what their partners have said:
On Monday Ionica goes to the cinema.


Ask students:
What can you do now?
Can you tell the time?
Can you name the days of the week?
Can you say what the weather is like in each season?
Can you say what people wear in winter/spring/summer/autumn?

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 35

Unit 4 Resources
hat jacket


t-shirt jumper


muffler socks



shoe boots


36 Second Chance • Primary

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Unit 4 Resources

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
29 30 31 26 27 28

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 1
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
26 27 28 29 30 31 23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
23/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 1 2
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
26 27 28 29 30 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30

38 Second Chance • Primary

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Unit 5 Where’s the bus stop?
² Specific objectives
• To ask and give directions
• To ask someone to repeat information
• To describe means of transport

² Listen and repeat ² Vocabulary

Can you help me? village bus
How do I get to…? town car
How far is the …? city bicycle
Where’s the…? country tram
Where can I buy/get …? train
school lorry
To the / on the left / right
hotel wagon
Turn left / right
bank wheels
Around the corner
Could you repeat, please? shops fast
police station slow
railway station noisy
town hall silent
bus stop (un)comfortable

Recommended resources
• A city map
• Flashcards – means of transport (car, bus, train)
• Photographs – buildings


Ask your students if they remember Tom from the first module. Ask if they remember the
vehicle Tom was driving. Can they tell you the topic of the new unit? Means of transport might
be a bit difficult even in Romanian, but once you explain it to them, they will probably be
surprised to see how many of the words they already know.
Make them remember what Tom’s problem was (his lorry broke down) and ask what other
problems might occur when driving/travelling.
Possible answers:
Accident – What to do – Ask where the police station hospital/ is
Getting lost – Ask for directions

Elicit means of transport that come to their minds. They might know words like car, bus,
trolleybus, tram…

40 Second Chance • Primary



Teach new words using visuals and check if they remember the words by showing them the
pictures asking What’s this?
When you teach words like town and city a detail like cities have cathedrals, towns don’t
might make them remember the words for the sake of the funny detail.
Show them the map of a city or draw one on the blackboard to make them see where
various buildings are as you introduce the new vocabulary they will need for giving directions.
(next to, on the left/right, around the corner…)
Imagine conversations between two people asking for and giving directions. If possible, use
Can you help me?
How do I get to…?
How far is the …?
Where’s the…?
Where can I buy / get …?
To the / on the left/right
Turn left / right
Around the corner
Could you repeat, please?


Have the students help you get to several places in your town / village. Say I’m a foreigner.
Who can help me get to the railway station? Where can I buy some bread? Where can I find a bank?


Ask students:
What can you do now?
Can you name some means of transport?
Can you name some buildings in a town?
Can you ask for directions?
Can you give directions?

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 41

Unit 5 Resources


n Ro

42 Second Chance • Primary

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Unit 5 Resources

44 Second Chance • Primary

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Unit 6 What’s your job?
² Specific objectives
• Expressing possession
• Giving and asking information about jobs

² Listen and repeat ² Vocabulary

What do you do? driver reporter
What’s your job? mechanic cook
I’m a(n) … housewife plumber
Mike’s car farmer fitter
Susie’s book worker dressmaker
My / your / his / her / its waiter tailor
Whose …is this? waitress barber
Whose is it? shop assistant hairdresser
police officer teacher
nurse unemployed

Recommended resources
Photographs from newspapers/magazines illustrating jobs


Tell your students that they are going to talk about their jobs and about other people’s jobs. Show
interest in what they like/dislike in their jobs to create motivation and stir interest in the topic.

Ask the students what people do in various jobs. Start from verbs students know e.g. to drive,
to cook, to teach. This will help them find a connection between what a person’s job is and what
the person actually does. A driver drives vehicles; A teacher teaches students. Tell them that a
cooker does cook, but it’s an object, not a person.


Show pictures as you teach jobs and ask your students to help you group jobs in a logical way.
Ask a student what activities s/he likes/dislikes doing and have other students say what job they
think would be suitable for him/her.
Show pictures of objects like scissors, whistle, hammer, broom, microphone…asking Whose are they?
Correct pronunciation stressing the last syllable, if necessary.

46 Second Chance • Primary



1 Have the students guess the jobs. Say

He builds houses. What’s his job?
He sails on the sea.
She sings in a band.
He drives vehicles.
She reports news stories.

2 Invite one student to mime an occupation. The one who guesses correctly is invited to be
the next to mime.

3 Invite students to talk about the jobs of three people they know. Ask them where they work.

4 Give each student a picture of an object and tell the class they are going to play a memory
game. Each student tells the class what object s/he’s got. (I’ve got a car; I’ve got a book; I’ve
got a tomato…) The pictures are then placed face down on the teacher’s desk. Each
student is invited to pick one picture and say whose object it is.
E.g. This is Ionica’s car.
If they don’t remember whose it is but can ask correctly Whose (car) is this? they still score
a point.


Ask students:
What can you do now?
Can you name some jobs?
Can you say where people work?

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 47

Unit 6 Resources
driver housewife

worker in
a factory



48 Second Chance • Primary

waiter waitress

shop assistant police officer

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Unit 6 Resources
nurse cook



house painter

50 Second Chance • Primary

dressmaker barber

hairdresser teacher

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² READING Tom and Petre Meet
This is Tom Smith. He’s English. He comes from What’s the time? It’s half past six. Anica gets up.
Liverpool. Liverpool is in England. He’s a lorry She has got to cook breakfast.
driver. He’s in Romania now. He’s in trouble. His What’s the time? It’s seven o’clock. The children
lorry broke down. wake up. They have got to go to school.
What’s the time? It’s 8 o’clock! Where’s Tom? He is
This is Petre Stoica. He’s Romanian. He comes from
still sleeping. Tom, wake up! Breakfast is ready!
Romania. He is a farmer. He is in the street. He
The mechanic is waiting!
sees Tom. He feels sorry for him.

Tom is on the road. Petre walks up to him. Petre Tom is thinking about his family
can’t speak English. Tom can’t speak Romanian. What is Lisa doing now? It’s only six o’clock in
Liverpool. Lisa is still sleeping.
Petre invites Tom to meet his family. Petre’s wife is
Every day, Lisa gets up at seven in the morning.
called Anica. She is a housewife. She works in the She gets dressed. She makes breakfast for the
house all day long. Petre is a farmer. He works on family. She goes to work at 8.30. She goes to work
the farm. Florina is a student. She goes to school. by bus. She has lunch at 12.00. She is tired, She
Ionut is very young. He goes to kindergarten. stands up in the shop all day long.
Tom has a picture of his family. His wife, Lisa, his Lisa leaves work at 5 o’clock. She gets back home at
daughter, Susie, and his son, Dan. Tom drives his 5.30. She does some shopping on her way home. At
lorry all over Europe. He spends a lot of time home she cooks dinner. Then she watches TV. She
sometimes reads. She likes to read romances. She
abroad. Lisa is a shop assistant. She works in a
goes to bed at 10 o’clock.
shop. Susie is self-employed. She owns a flower
shop.Dan is unemployed. He has no job. Susie and Dan don’t go to bed at 10 o’clock. They
go out in the evening. Susie has a boyfriend.
Tom is hungry now. Petre is hungry, too. The
children are hungry. They are all in the dining room. Tom helps Petre in the field
Anica, Petre, Tom and the children are in the dining It’s autumn. It’s harvest time. Petre harvests the
room. They are having dinner. What’s on the table? corn. Tom cuts the sunflowers.
Petre likes wine and cheese. He doesn’t like potatoes. They pick pumpkins. They do a good job together.
Anica likes pies. She doesn’t like beer. Ionut and They finish early and they are not too tired to go
Florina like chocolate. They don’t like soup. out in the evening to spend some time at the pub,
What does Tom like? Tom likes beer and sausages. He where Tom can meet Petre,s friends
doesn’t like chocolate. What does Lisa like? Lisa likes
fish and chips. She doesn’t like bananas. What do his In the village
children like? Susie likes vegetables. She doesn’t like
Petre walks Tom to the pub.
meat. Dan likes hot dogs. He doesn’t like fruit.
They walk past the Village Hall, the church, the police
Anica is in the kitchen. She is cooking. There are station, the post office, the garage, the bakers’ shop,
pots and pans on the cooker. It smells good. There the chemist’s, the barber’s, and the school.
are plates and cups in the sink. Anica is washing the
dishes. The soup boils over! Petre’s friends go to the pub in the evening. They
have beer and they play cards.
Petre’s family and his friend, Tom, are in the living
room. They are watching TV and chatting. Tom is Petre is good at card games. They discuss politics.
sitting on the sofa. There is a football match on Tom arrives with his new friend, Tom and
television. Florina doesn’t like football. She likes to introduces him to his old friends.
read. There are lots of books on the shelf in the - Mihai, his neighbour. He is a mechanic.
living room. Ionut is playing with toy cars on the - Gicu is the owner of the pub
floor. He is sitting on the carpet. - Nelutu is a policeman
- Sile is a postman
It’s late. Everyone is getting ready to go to bed. They laugh and sing. Tom teaches them an English song.
Before that, they wash. Tom is the first in the
For he’s a jolly good fellow…
bathroom. He is having a shower.

It’s 10 o’clock. Everyone is in bed. Anica likes to Saying good-bye

read a magazine before she falls asleep. It’s Sunday. Tom’s lorry is fixed. He leaves on
What’s the time? It’s six o’clock. Petre wakes up. Monday morning.
He has got to feed the animals. He invites the Stoicas to Liverpool in the summer.

52 Second Chance • Primary

UNIT One HELLO! Expressions:
I’m sorry. Thank you.
Specific objectives
It’s all right. You’re welcome.
· To greet and respond to greeting
· To introduce oneself Listen and learn:
She’s my wife. She’s got blue eyes.
Listen and repeat: She’s my sister. She’s got brown hair.
Hello! Teacher
Hi! Student He’s my son.
School Has he got a beard?
Nice to meet you. Classroom No, he hasn’t got a beard. He’s got a moustache.
Good morning!
That’s my uncle. He’s got a big nose.
Good afternoon!
Good evening! Woman: Can you help me, please?
Good night! Man: Yes, of course.
Good bye. Woman: Thank you.
Man: You’re welcome.
Listen and learn: Man: I’m sorry.
Petre: Hello. My name is Petre. What’s your name? Waiter: It’s all right. No problem.
Tom: My name is Tom.
Petre: Where do you come from? TOM AND PETRE MEET. Meet my family
Tom: I come from England. I’m English.
This is Tom Smith. He’s English. He comes from Liverpool.
Tom: Hi. I’m Tom. What’s your name? Liverpool is in England. He’s a lorry driver. He’s in
Petre: My name is Petre. Romania now. He’s in trouble. His lorry broke down.
Tom: Where do you come from? This is Petre Stoica. He’s Romanian. He comes from
Petre: I come from Romania. I’m Romanian. Romania. He is a farmer. He is in the street. He sees
Tom. He feels sorry for him.
Teacher: This is Mrs Angela Pop. And this is Mr Tudor Voicu. Tom is on the road. Petre walks up to him. Petre can’t
Angela: Nice to meet you, Mr. Voicu. speak English. Tom can’t speak Romanian.
Tudor: Nice to meet you, Mrs Pop. Petre invites Tom to meet his family. Petre’s wife is
called Anica. She is a housewife. She works in the
Nicu: Hello! I’m Nicu. What’s your name? house all day long. Petre is a farmer. He works on the
Maria: Hello! I’m Maria. Nice to meet you, Nicu. farm. Florina is a student. She goes to school. Ionut is
Nicu: Nice to meet you, Maria. very young. He goes to kindergarten.
Tom has a picture of his family. His wife, Lisa, his
daughter, Susie, and his son, Dan. Tom drives his lorry
UNIT Two MEET MY FAMILY all over Europe.
He spends a lot of time abroad. Lisa is a shop assistant.
Specific objectives: She works in a shop. Susie is self-employed. She owns a
· To introduce people flower shop. Dan is unemployed. He has no job.
· To thank and respond to thanks
· To apologize and respond to apologies
· To describe people UNIT Three UNIT Three - MY WORLD
Listen and repeat: Specific objectives:
Family members Colours · To describe concrete immediate surroundings
Wife Blue · To describe location
Husband Brown
Child Green Listen and repeat:
Children Red Food Fruit
Son Yellow Bread Grapes
Daughter White Butter Apples
Parts of the body black Cheese Nuts
Eyes Eggs
Words for describing people Milk Vegetables
Tall Soup Carrots
Short Steak Peas
Ears Big Sausages Tomatoes
Beard Small Ham Peppers
Hair Young Juice Cucumbers
Old Potatoes

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 53

Rooms in the house LEVEL One TEST
Dining room Kitchen
Living room Bathroom Listen and find in the pictures:
Bedroom Books Table
Look at the pictures and find the objects: Woman Girl
Children Tv set
In the dining room: In the living room: Sofa Lamp
Table Sofa Carpet Chair
Chairs TV set
Shelf/shelves Are the next sentences true or false?
In the kitchen: Carpet The carpet is on the floor.
Sink The books are under the table.
Cooker In the bathroom: The TV set is near the window.
Fridge Tub The woman is happy.
Cupboard Shower The children are singing.
Glass Toilet The man is in the living room.
Knife In the bedroom:
Spoon Lamp
Curtain Specific objectives:
· To ask and give information about time and weather
Anica is cooking in the kitchen. Listen and repeat:
Dan’s eating a vegetable salad. Days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Petre is watching TV in the living room. Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Ionuþ is sleeping in the bedroom.
They are washing their hands. Months of the year: January, February, March, April,
May, June, July, August, September, October, November,
TOM AND PETRE MEET. In Petre’s home December.
Anica is in the kitchen. She is cooking. The soup boils Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
over! There are pots and pans on the cooker. It smells
good. There are plates and cups in the sink. Tom is Cloudy.
hungry now. Petre is hungry, too. The children are What’s the weather like?
hungry. They are all in the dining room. Anica, Petre, It’s cloudy.
Tom and the children are in the dining room.
What’s on the table? Rainy.
They are having dinner. Petre likes wine and cheese. What’s the weather like?
He doesn’t like potatoes. Anica likes pies. She doesn’t It’s rainy.
like beer. Ionut and Florina like chocolate. They don’t Windy.
like soup. What’s the weather like?
What does Tom like? Tom likes beer and sausages. It’s windy.
He doesn’t like chocolate.
What does Lisa like? Lisa likes fish and chips.
What’s the weather like?
She doesn’t like bananas.
It’s cold.
What do his children like? Susie likes vegetables.
She doesn’t like meat. Dan likes hot dogs. He doesn’t Warm.
like fruit. What’s the weather like?
Anica is washing the dishes. It’s warm.
Petre’s family and his friend, Tom, are in the living Hot.
room. They are watching TV and chatting. Tom is sitting What’s the weather like?
on the sofa. There is a football match on television. It’s hot.
Florina doesn’t like football. She likes to read. There are
lots of books on the shelf in the living room. Sunny.
Ionut is playing with toy cars on the floor. He is sitting What’s the weather like?
on the carpet. It’s sunny.
It’s late. Everyone is getting ready to go to bed. Before
that, they wash. Tom is the first in the bathroom. He is Clothes
having a shower. Hat Skirt Socks
Shirt Jumper Shoes
Jacket Trousers Boots
Dress Muffler Coat
T-shirt Gloves

54 Second Chance • Primary

What’s the time? UNIT Five WHERE’S THE BUS STOP?
It’s four o’clock.
It’s time to start the lesson. Specific objectives:
· To ask and give direction
What’s the time? · To ask someone to repeat information
It’s ten to five. · To describe means of transport
It’s time to take a break.
Listen and repeat:
What time is it? Bicycle School Village
It’s ten past six. Car Church City
Let’s eat something! Taxi Hotel Town
Tram Bank
What’s the time? Bus Police station Fast
It’s a quarter past six. Airplane Shops Slow
It’s late! Let’s go home! Boat Town hall Noisy
Wagon Bus stop Silent
What time do you wake up? Lorry Railway station
I wake up at eight a.m. I like to sleep late in the morning. Train
What time do you finish work?
At six p.m. I work from nine to six. I have a lunch break Can you help me?
at noon. Yes, of course!
What time do you go to bed? How do I get to the railway station?
At eleven p.m. I like to watch TV in the evening. Go straight ahead!
Thank you very much!
TOM AND PETRE MEET. What’s the time?
Can you help me?
It’s 10 o’clock in the evening. Everyone is in bed. Yes, of course!
Anica likes to read a magazine before she falls asleep. How far is the bus stop?
It’s six o’clock. Petre wakes up. He has got to feed the It’s just round the corner.
animals. Thank you very much!
It’s half past six. Anica gets up. She has got to cook
breakfast. Can you help me?
It’s seven o’clock. The children wake up. They have got Yes, of corse!
to go to school. Where’s the bank?
It’s 8 o’clock! Where’s Tom? He is still sleeping. It’s down the street, on the left, next to a big hotel.
Tom, wake up! Breakfast is ready! The mechanic is Thank you very much!
Where can I buy bus tickets?
Tom is thinking about his family There is a ticket office at the bus stop.
Thank you very much!
What is Lisa doing now? It’s only six o’clock in Liverpool. Can you tell me please where the police station is?
Lisa is still sleeping. Turn right at the cross road. Then go down Park Street.
Every day, Lisa gets up at seven in the morning. She gets It’s the second building on the left.
dressed. She makes breakfast for the family. She goes to Could you repeat, please?
work at 8.30. She goes to work by bus. She has lunch at Yes, of course! Turn right at the cross road. Then go
12.00. She is tired, She stands up in the shop all day long. down Park Street. It’s the second building on the left.
Lisa leaves work at 5 o’clock. She gets back home at Thank you very much!
5.30. She does some shopping on her way home. At
home she cooks dinner. Then she watches TV. She TOM AND PETRE MEET. In the village
sometimes reads. She likes to read romances. She goes
to bed at 10 o’clock. Petre walks Tom to the pub.
Susie and Dan don’t go to bed at 10 o’clock. They go They walk past the Village Hall, the church, the police
out in the evening. Susie has a boyfriend. station, the post office, the garage, the bakers’ shop,
the chemist’s, the barber’s, and the school.
Tom helps Petre in the field Petre’s friends go to the pub in the evening. They have
beer and they play cards.
It’s autumn. It’s harvest time. Petre harvests the corn. Petre is good at card games. They discuss politics. Tom
Tom cuts the sunflowers. arrives with his new friend, Tom and introduces him to
They pick pumpkins. They do a good job together. his old friends.
They finish early and they are not too tired to go out in This is Mihai. He’s my neighbour. He is a mechanic.
the evening to spend some time at the pub, where Tom – Noroc!
can meet Petre’s friends. – Cheers!
– This is Gicu. He is the owner of the pub.
– Noroc!
– Cheers!
– This is Nelutu. He is a policeman.
– Noroc!
– Cheers!

Teachers’ Guide • English I–II 55

– And, my friend Sile. He is a postman. TOM AND PETRE MEET. Tom talks to Petre’s friends
– Noroc! about his family.
– Cheers! This is a photo of my family. That’s my wife, Lisa, my
For he’s a jolly good fellow… daughter, Susie, and my son, Dan. I spend a lot of time
abroad. I drive my lorry all over Europe. Lisa is a shop
assistant. She works in a shop. Susie is self-employed.
She owns a flower shop. My son is unemployed.
UNIT Five WHAT’S YOUR JOB? He has no job.

Specific objectives: TOM AND PETRE MEET. Tom says good-bye

· To express possession
· To give and ask for information about jobs It’s Sunday. Tom’s lorry is fixed. He leaves on Monday
morning. He invites the Stoicas to Liverpool in the
Listen and repeat: summer.
– You must come to Liverpool in the summer.
Driver Nurse
Housewife Cook
Worker Reporter
Farmer Plumber LEVEL Two TEST
Mechanic House Painter
Check what you can do now:
Waiter Dressmaker / Tailor
Waitress Barber Answer the following questions:
Shop assistant Hairdresser Can you introduce yourself? Introduce yourself to your
Police officer Teacher teacher.
Can you introduce two people to each other? Introduce
your deskmade to your teacher.
What do you do? Where do you come from?
I am a farmer.
Can you name family members? Name three family members.
What’s your job? Can you describe a person? Describe your best friend.
I am a driver. Can you count to 12?
Can you apologize? What do you say when you are late
Whose lorry is this? for your English class?
It’s Tom’s.
Name five objects in your room.
What does he do?
He builds houses. What’s his job? Can you tell the time? What time is it?
He is a builder. Can you name the days of the week? What day is today?
Can you say what the weather is like in each season?
What does he do? Talk about the season you like.
He sails on the sea. He’s a sailor. Can you say what people wear in winter/spring/summer/
autumn? What are you wearing now?
What does she do?
She sings in a band. She’s a singer. Can you name three means of transport?
Can you name three buildings in a town?
What does he do? Can you give directions? Say how you can get to your
He drives vehicles. He’s a driver. house from the school.

What does she do? Can you name five jobs?

She reports news stories. Where do you want to work?

56 Second Chance • Primary

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