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Cum să te pregătești pentru Subiectul I la engleză

Fie că este folosit cu scopuri formale sau informale, email-ul este cel mai des utilizat
instrument de comunicare. Ca atare, este nevoie de un format clar și concis pentru
a evita neînțelegerile și pentru a transmite corect mesajul dorit.

Este important să știi diferența dintre un email (sau o scrisoare) informal și unul formal
înainte de a nota primele cuvinte pe hârtie, pentru a putea rezolva subiectul propus într-
un mod adecvat.

Pentru a vedea un exemplu de email formal, click aici

Reminder 1: Un email informal sau o scrisoare informală se referă la acel tip de text pe
care l-ai scrie într-o formă personală, ca pentru o persoană apropiată. Asta înseamnă
că îi vei scrie un email informal unui prieten, unei rude, sau chiar unor colegi de lucru cu
care interacțonezi într-o manieră prietenoasă.

Pentru a face o prezentare cât mai coerentă și clară, vom folosi un subiect propus de
noi care urmărește structura cerută la examenul de Bacalaureat și având
nivelul B2 (Upper-Intermediate).

Înainte de toate, este necesar să citești cerința cu atenție. Aceasta îți va indica cu
exactitate asupra căror aspecte trebuie să te concentrezi pentru a avea o lucrare foarte

Citește cu atenție instrucțiunile și subliniază sau notează cuvintele și frazele-

cheie care îți indică ceea ce trebuie să scrii sau să întrebi în email-ul sau scrisoarea ta.
Apoi, notează pe o ciornă câteva idei despre posibilele răspunsuri (brainstorming).

Înainte de a începe formularea textului, gândește-te la ceea ce ți se cere timp de câteva

minute. Modul în care este formulat enunțul, precum și numărul limitat de 100 de
cuvinte, îți va permite să te concentrezi strict pe aspectele cerute.

Prin urmare, dacă ceea ce se cere este să ii scrii câteva rânduri unui prieten despre
ultimele noutăți din viața ta, poți face câteva notări relevante pentru tine, cum ar fi
contextul în care trebuie să scrii asta, sau alte lucruri importante pentru tine care sunt
relevante temei.

Your name is John/ Jane Williams and you will be studying in Dublin for the next 4
years. You arrived there last week. Write an email to your best friend, telling them the
latest news. Do not write more than 100 words.

Cum trebuie să arate un “brainstorming”

Your name is John/Jane Smith, and you have seen an advertisement in the local
newspaper about an English summer school in Dublin, Ireland. The information is
vague, and you would like to know more about the summer school.

Write an email to Mrs. Samantha Jones, the headmistress, and ask her for more
information such as exact dates, price, level, accommodation, etc.

Write your email in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Do not use your name when

Acest exemplu de formal email reprezintă o lucrare de nota 10 la limba engleză și a fost
conceput pentru ca tu să îți poți îmbunătăți atât aptitudinile scrise, cât și nota, urmărind
un model de email formal bine scris.

Dear Mrs. Jones,

My name is Jane Smith, and I am writing you concerning your English summer school in
Dublin. I am very interested in attending, so I would be grateful if you could provide me
with more information.

Firstly, I would be grateful if you provided me with the exact dates for this summer
school, as well as the language levels. I have an Intermediate English level that I would
like to improve.

In addition, you mention that this course has a duration of 3 weeks. Could you tell me
how much it costs?
Finally, you mention nothing about accommodation that you provide. Would we stay
with host families, or in a campus?

Please contact me at your earliest convenience at this email address.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Smith

Care este formatul unui informal email sau informal

În acest capitol al eBookului nostru ne vom concentra pe ”informal letter
format” și ”email english format”. Pentru Bacalaureat, aceste noțiuni trebuie foarte bine
însușite, întrucât cum să scrii un informal email sau o informal letter în engleză
reprezintă subiectul I din cadrul examenului de Bacalaureat la Limba Engleză. ”Informal
letter format” și ”email english format” au un salut și o introducere, un cuprins și o
remarcă finală și/ sau încheiere de care vom vorbi pe larg în paginile următoare ale
capitolului ”Care este formatul unui informal emal sau informal letter”.

Scapă de toate emoțiile cu ghidul nostru ”Cum să scrii un informal email sau o informal
letter în engleză” . Cu noi vei afla tot ce trebuie să știi pentru a lua punctajul dorit la
Bacalaureatul de Engleză.

Pornind de la același model propus de noi, îți prezentăm schema pe care trebuie să o
urmărești atunci când îți structurezi discursul. Aceasta conține cinci părți bine
definite, pe care le vei putea vedea împreună sub formă de exemplu la finalul eBook-
ului nostru.


 Salutul și introducerea
 Cuprinsul
 Remarca finală și încheierea

Salutul și introducerea
Prietenii de regula au nume, iar dacă acesta nu este specificat în cadrul enunțului,
imaginează-ți unul!

În cadrul acestui tip de text, i te poți adresa destinatarului astfel:

Dear John, Hi/ Hello John. Aceste formule sunt urmate de o virgulă, deci nu o omite!
Salutul va fi așezat în partea stânga a paginii, după cum urmează:

Dear Liz,

Textul pe care trebuie să îl formulezi este de tip informal, prin urmare îți vei continua
discursul cu o afirmație de tip general.

 Astfel, îți poți întreba prietenul ce mai face: How have you been? / How are you?
 În cazul în care trebuie să răspunzi unui email sau unei scrisori, îi poți mulțumi
prietenului tău pentru mesajul trimis: Thank you for your (last) letter/ email. It’s
always great to hear from you! / I am happy to hear that you are well.
 Mai mult decât atât, îți poți cere scuze pentru un răspuns întârziat: I am sorry for
the late reply, but…, sau poți afirma motivul mesajului tău: I am writing you
because I wanted to tell you the latest news from home.

Odată redactată introducerea, vei trece la cuprinsul email-ului sau al scrisorii. Aceasta
este porțiunea pe care o vei dedica mesajului în sine. Urmărind enunțul dat, vei detalia
punctele atinse în acesta.

Fiecarui punct atins îi va corespunde un paragraf individual, astfel încât lucrarea ta să

aibă un aspect organizat. Așadar, dacă enunțul propus îți cere să raspunzi la două sau
trei întrebări, tot același va fi și numărul de paragrafe conținute în cuprinsul tău.

I am sorry for not writing you before, but moving away proved to be more difficult than I
I found a flat quite quickly, and now I am living with two French girls near the city

Dublin is wonderful, although I still feel a little strange as everything is new to me. I
have already visited a castle built in 1204, some great parks which remind me of
Timisoara, and Trinity College, which is where I start studying next week.

Remarca finală și încheierea

Acesta este ultimul rând înainte de încheiere și semnătură. Poți alege expresii
precum: Hope to hear from you soon, Looking forward to hearing from you, Write back
soon, etc., sau îi poți întoarce întrebarea destinatarului tău dacă este cazul: What are
your news?
I miss you and I hope you can come see me soon.

În partea finală îți iei la revedere de la prietenul tău. Nu uita că regulamentul prevede
că nu trebuie să te semnezi cu propriul nume!

Poți finaliza textul astfel:

Love, Yours, That's all for now, Bye for now, Take care, Write back soon,

Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane

Partea finală va fi aranjată diferit în pagina pentru email față de scrisoare. În cazul
email-ului, încheierea ta va fi poziționată în partea stângă a paginii. În cazul scrisorii,
vei poziționa încheierea in partea dreaptă.

Cum redactezi un informal email sau o informal letter

În momentul scrierii eseului, este important să îți reamintești faptul că structura limbii
engleze este diferită de cea a limbii române. De aceea, este nevoie să folosești
propoziții relativ simple și clare, evitând frazele foarte lungi și complexe.

Totuși, ai încredere în propria ta judecata: prea multe propoziții simple, dar nelegate
între ele pot face mai mult rău decât bine. Dacă ai impresia că nu sună sau nu arată
bine, formulează o frază, dar asigură-te că este scrisă într-un mod corect și coerent.
Citește cu atenție informațiile din această categorie:

Ce stil trebuie să folosești

De regulă, email-ul informal are un aspect personal și subiectiv, dar nu trebuie să uiți
că este nevoie să utilizezi totuși un ton formal.
Este indicat să nu folosești foarte multe expresii ”prietenești” chiar dacă îi scrii unui
prieten – este posibil ca nu toată lumea să înțeleagă anumite expresii specifice

Mai mult decât atât, trebuie să te asiguri că tonul tău este serios, dar, mai
ales, respectuos! Nu uita că lucrarea ta va fi evaluată de către cadre didactice, iar
rezultatul final va lua în considerare și atitudinea ta față de examen.

Fiindcă numărul de cuvinte permis este de maxim 100, încearcă să eviți propozițiile
lungi și complexe, precum și un vocabular de care nu ești sigur. Este de preferat să ai o
lucrare scurtă, dar corectă, decât una complexă dar greșită.

După cum am discutat mai sus, fiecare punct atins din cerință ar trebui să aibă
propriul paragraf individual. Totuși, este destul de important ca tu să demonstrezi că
posezi o varietate de cuvinte și expresii tipice subiectului discutat, deci formulează
paragrafele în așa fel încât acest lucru să se reflecte în discursul tău.

Ce timpuri trebuie să folosești

În ceea ce privește timpurile verbale din limba engleză, este important să remarci dacă
subiectul îți cere să discuți despre un eveniment trecut, prezent, sau viitor.

Reminder 2:

 Pentru acțiuni încheiate din trecut, vei folosi Past Simple și/sau Past
Continuous. Totuși, nu uita că pentru acțiunile recent terminate în cazul cărora
nu se specifică momentul încheierii, vei folosi Present Perfect.

Ex: I haven't written you in a while. Vs The last time you wrote me, you asked me about
my favourite music.

 Pentru acțiunile din prezent, vei folosi Present Simple- mai ales dacă vei discuta
despre o rutină - și/sau Present Continuous.

Ex: I like listening to Pop music. vs I am writing you to tell you the latest news.

 Pentru viitor, Future Simple este timpul pentru care ar trebui să optezi.

Ex: I will come visit you next summer.

 Mai mult decât atât, poți alege să folosești și Modal auxiliaries, cum ar fi
can/could, may/might, must/ have to, etc. atunci când situația o cere.

Ex: I hope you can come see me soon.

După ce ai compus textul, asigură-te că ceea ce ai scris este corect din toate punctele
de vedere. Evită abreviațiile (prescurtările unor cuvinte sau expresii, cum ar fi TTYS –
Talk to you soon, b4- before, etc), deși, fiind vorba de un text informal, poți folosi
contracții precum I'm în loc de I am, sau I'd like în loc de I would like.

În continuare, dorim să îți prezentăm mai multe modele de informal email și
de informal/formal letter în engleză. Acestea au fost redactate folosind același model
de subiect propus și prezentat de noi în capitolele anterioare. În plus, au un nivel B2 de
limba engleză, iar scopul lor este să evidențieze diferențele de format dintre un email și
o scrisoare, pentru a veni în întâmpinarea nevoilor tale pentru pregătirea pentru orele
de curs și pentru examenul de Bacalaureat.

Exemplele au fost concepute de profesori, așadar te poți încrede în corectitudinea și

calitatea lor.

 Model Informal Email în engleză

 Model Informal Letter în engleză
 Formal email | Planning a Party
 Formal email: Improvement of the learning facilities
 Email about holiday
 Email about a trip
 Email about my family
 Email about school
 Scrisoare în engleză adresată unui prieten
 Scrisoare în engleză despre o excursie
 Scrisoare în engleză despre vacanța de iarnă
 Scrisoare în engleză despre vacanța de vară
 Informal Letter: Surprise birthday party
 Informal letter: Car accident
 Letter: forgotten to send birthday greetings to a close friend
 Letter of application
 Letter: visiting a cousin
 Letter to an organization
 Letter: important experience when you were shopping in a department store
 Compunere în engleză despre vacanță
 Compunere în engleză despre mine
 Motivational Letter to Oxford University

 Model Informal Email în engleză

 Your name is John/ Jane Williams and you will be studying in Dublin for the next
4 years. You arrived there last week. Write an email to your best friend, telling
them the latest news. Write your email in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
 Dear Liz,

 I hope you are doing well!

 I am sorry for not writing you before, but moving away proved to be more difficult
than I thought! I found a flat quite quickly, and now I am living with two French
girls near the city center.

 Dublin is wonderful, although I still feel a little strange as everything is new to

me. I have already visited a castle built in 1204, some great parks which remind
me of Timisoara, and Trinity College, which is where I start studying next week.

 I miss you very much and I hope you can come see me soon!

 That's all for now,


 Model Informal Letter în engleză

 Your name is John/ Jane Williams and you will be studying in Dublin for the next
4 years. You arrived there last week. Write a letter to your best friend, telling
them the latest news. Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.

 Dear Liz,

 How are you?

 I am sorry for not writing you before, but moving away proved to be more difficult
than I thought!

 I found a flat quite quickly, and now I am living with two French girls near the city

 Dublin is wonderful, although I still feel a little strange as everything is new to me.
I have already visited a castle built in 1204, some great parks which remind me
of Timisoara, and Trinity College, which is where I start studying next week.

 I miss you and I hope you can come see me soon!

 That's all for now,

 Jane
 Formal email | Planning a Party
 Tema acestui document este "Planning a Party - Formal letter" și poate fi folosit
ca și sursa de inspirație pentru formularea unei scrisori, sau email formal. Tema
planificării unei petreceri / eveniment este deosebit de importantă deoarece
trebuie să cunoști care este formularea adecvată pentru acest tip de evenimente
care au loc în viața de zi cu zi.

 Dear Sir,

 I am writing you because I am planning an anniversary party for my parents'

20th anniversary.

 I would like for the party to be held at your location, Hotel Clement, because it is
highly regarded, it has 120 rooms and 10 suits, as well as 3 function rooms. We
are planning on having 150 guests, on the 20th of April, and we thought that the
party should be held from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m.

 I would be interested in the price and available menu options. I would also like to
know if there is a specific dress code, or restrictions regarding the music.

 If you could contact me as soon as possible, I would be extremely grateful.

 Yours sincerely

 Formal email: Improvement of the learning facilities

 Acesta este un exemplu de „Email Formal: Improvement of the learning facilities”
care atât structura acestui material în limba engleză, cât și felul în care sunt
dezvoltate ideile.

 TO: Richard Jones

 FROM: Tom Williams


 DATE: …….

 Dear Mr. Jones,

 As you required, I am writing you a detailed proposal for the improvement of our
learning facilities, which I will explain below.


 The intention of this proposal is to identify the best solutions in spending money
for the improvements of learning facilities. As you required, this document
contains relevant details concerning the problem, and it is based on my


 Today, all people agree that students turn first to the Web for their information
needs. What they find there may well be provided by the digital libraries. The
electronic content may be stored locally, or accessed via computer networks. In
this way, access to quality information would be made much easier. So, I
suggest that each school be equipped with such a digital library.


 More steps also need to be taken to improve memory. For example, if somebody
asks you the following question: “How many days are there in April?” you
probably look at your punch and start counting. This is an example of memory
improvement techniques, which are easier to remember for the brain. They can
easily be used in everyday life. Therefore, I strongly recommend the introduction
of some courses that may improve memory techniques.


 I am opposed to the way in which different subjects are studied in school today.
There are no practical activities in subjects like physics, chemistry or biology. For
example, if we saw several experiments, we would understand and learn
different phenomena much easier. So, I believe that lessons should be
completed by practical activities.


 Although many people believe that “A healthy body makes a healthy mind”, we
don’t have a well-equipped gym. Thus, I believe that a significant amount of
money should be invested in this direction.


 I hope that you understand my point. I hope the proposal will receive due
consideration, and these changes will be made soon.

 Thank you for your time.

 I look forward to your reply.

 Yours sincerely,

 Tom Williams

 Email about holiday

 Dacă tocmai te-ai întors din vacanță, iar tema la engleză este să scrii un email
unui prieten despre ce ai făcut în această perioadă, Email about holiday este
exact ceea ce îti trebuie. Fie că ai călătorit, fie că ai stat acasă, Email about
holiday prezintă o vacanță ideală, începând cu festivitățile din ultimele zile de
școală și a Crăciunului în familie, continuând cu miracolul trenurilor care nu
întârzie și a artificiilor perfecte.

 Hello, Robert!

 I just came back from my winter holiday and it was amazing. In the last days of
school before the winter holiday, we had a Christmas festivity. Me and all my
classmates participated in a small game called “Secret Santa” where we each
wrote our name on a piece of paper, put it in a box and then everyone picked out
a piece so that they would know who they have to give gifts to.

 The whole idea of this game is to encourage compassion and give to anyone, no
matter how much you communicate with them. It was a lot of fun. I received a
wallet with the AC/DC band’s logo printed on it from my classmate, Radu. I had
to give a gift to another classmate, Roxana, and since she likes Reggae music, I
gave her a Bob Marley t-shirt. It was a lot of fun, and we all enjoyed giving and
receiving presents.

 After that, the holiday began immediately. I went with my parents to my

grandmother’s house and spent Christmas there. We invited carol singers into
our home and found joy in the little things that life has to offer. We had the
traditional Christmas meal together and told stories about what we have done
this past year and what we want to do in the following one.

 After the first day of Christmas, we went back to our home and did some
shopping for our excursion to Predeal which was going to take place during the
days before and after New Year’s Eve. Between the shopping and the trip, I went
out in town with some of my friends. We had some hot chocolate at our favourite
coffee shop and talked about what we were all going to do to celebrate the New

 I went with my parents to Predeal on the 29th of December. Our trip went smooth,
as the train had no delays whatsoever. I had a great time there, I went
snowboarding and skiing, I made new acquaintances and slept like a baby in the
comfortable bed provided by the cabin’s staff. The fireworks were amazing; I
have never seen them executed so perfectly in real life before. The whole trip
lasted up until the 3rd of January, after which I came back in town.

 So how was your holiday? I hope you enjoyed it and I am waiting for you reply.

 Best wishes, Alex

 Email about a trip

 Ai de scris un email despre o călătorie dar ești lipsit de inspirație? Liceunet îți
vine în ajutor cu lucrarea Email about a trip. Fiind o descriere a unei vizite în New
York, Email about a trip este o lucrare captivantă, menită să trezească interesul
oricărei persoane care a auzit de marele oraș, sau chiar are în plan să-l viziteze.
Lucrarea este adresată unui prieten, fiind folosit un limbaj familial cu adresări

 Dear Michael,

 I just came back from my trip and saw your email. I had a lot of fun in New York
this past week and I would definitely go again if I ever get the chance. Ever since
I was a child I dreamt of going to this city and now I can finally rest assured that I
have achieved my dream. The city looks even more gorgeous than in videos and

 During my time in New York, I visited Times Square, Central Park, the World
Trade Centre Memorial, The Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, The
Metropolitan Museum of Art and went to a Rammstein concert that was being
held at the famous Madison Square Garden. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t
have the chance to visit more sights.

 I liked Central Park the most, because it almost feels like a forest in the middle of
a concrete jungle. You can get lost pretty easily but it is a very relaxing
experience. I also enjoyed the zoo located inside the park, though a part of me
was feeling sad for the animals who were deprived of their liberty.

 The Metropolitan Museum of Art was also outstanding. Don’t get me wrong, it’s
nowhere near Louvre’s level, but it is definitely on my list of the best art museum
that I have visited. You should definitely check it out if you’re into art or even if
you’re simply curious. You’re bound to find at least a few paintings that are to
your liking.

 Madison Square Garden wasn’t as big as I expected, but it was still huge. The
stadium itself is big enough to hold sporting events, so you can imagine how
many of Rammstein’s trademark props fit onto the stage. I’ve seen live videos of
their concerts before and I can tell you that they were at their best in this venue.

 The Statue of Liberty is the ultimate American symbol. I’ll admit it, prior to my
visit, I did not know that you can actually go inside and walk all the way up inside
the statue’s head. It’s a long way up, some would even call it exhausting, but it is
worth it. The view from inside the statue’s head is absolutely gorgeous.

 Contact me if you’re planning to go to New York. I definitely want to visit it again.

 Sincerely,

 Chris

 Email about my family

 Chiar dacă avem telefoane, messenger, SMS-uri și Skype, email-urile rămân un
aspect important al vieții din secolulul XXI, atât pentru teste și examene, cât și
pentru viața de zi cu zi. Știind acest lucru, echipa Liceunet te încurajează să
exersezi cum să scrii un email, aducându-ți Essay about my family ca un prim
exemplu. Folosind un limbaj relaxat și având termeni abstracți sau subiectivi
precum "mostly" și ”lots”, observăm că Email about my family este un email non-
formal perfect pentru orice situație în care se cere să scriem un email destinat
unui prieten.

 Hello, Lynda!

 I know that you are soon coming to visit me and since you will be staying at my
place, I thought it would be a good idea to tell you a few things about my family.
 As you already know, I live with my parents and my two siblings: Robert, my
brother, and Lidia, my sister. Out of my siblings, I am the oldest. I am currently a
student at Jean Monnet High School of Bucharest. My brother is 13 years old
and my sister turns 10 next week. I mostly spend time with them after school is

 My father, Bogdan, is a lawyer. He works very hard to make sure that our family
has everything we need. Sometimes he even has to stay after regular working
hours in order to gather intelligence for the cases he works on. I admire him
greatly and he has inspired me to become a lawyer myself.

 My mother, Lavinia, is a kindergarten teacher. Her working schedule is not as

agglomerated as my father’s schedule, but her responsibilities are overwhelming
at times. We all know how hard it is to work with people, especially with young
children, who have lots of energy. Nevertheless, she likes doing her job and she
wouldn’t want anything else.

 As you can probably tell, being preoccupied with school and jobs, respectively,
means that we don’t get to spend a lot of time together apart from weekends and
holidays. Even so, we care for one another a lot. After all, our parents do struggle
to work so hard so they can offer us all that we need, and I appreciate that.

 I can’t wait for you to meet my family. Since the summer holiday is near, I thought
that we may be able to organize a trip together along with you. I think that we are
going to have lots of fun together and that you will enjoy my family’s company. I
can’t wait to come at the airport and pick you up!

 So, what do you think? I am waiting to hear from you.

 Best regards,

 Tina Reyes

 Email about school

 Email about school este o lucrare despre o perioadă pe care o știm cu toții,
începutul anului școlar. Dacă ai primit ca temă să scrii unui prieten un email
despre școală, sau ai nevoie de un model corect și coerent din care să te inspiri,
Email about school are tot ce îți trebuie; de la limbajul non-formal și formulele de
adresare, până la descrierea discursului neinspirat de început de an, această
lucrare surprinde într-un mod cât mai natural atmosfera primelor luni de școală,
precum și a atitudinii elevilor și a profesorilor.

 Hello, David!
 I haven’t written to you in a while and since school just started I thought it would
be a good subject to talk about. The academic year started just as usual, with the
celebration being held in the school’s yard. Our principal held his usual speech,
just like he always does. I think his inspiration is starting to fade away, but I don’t
blame him. What more can you say about the start of the school year, especially
when you have to do this annually?

 Apparently, all of our teachers have remained the same, apart from the
geography teacher who is a substitute and the people who will teach us new
subjects, such as economics and psychology. Since it hasn’t even been a month
since the school year started, I haven’t formed a solid opinion about them, but up
until this point they’re all very good at explaining their respective subjects.

 Otherwise, we haven’t really studied much up until this point, because we’re still
in the lazy state from the summer holiday and our teachers can see that clearly,
so they’re taking us calmly and slowly. I’ll admit, I already forgot most of the
things that I have learned the past year due to the longevity of the summer
holiday. Fortunately, the teachers are aware that I am not the only one, so we did
a short recap.

 Overall, the start of this school year was actually quite relaxing. It represented a
fresh start and a break from the ongoing lazy state that I have been in during the
last two or three weeks of the holiday. Yes, it’s weird, but I kind of enjoy the fact
that school has started. It’s a welcomed escape from monotony and lack of
things to do. It’s the first time in my life that I have thought about it this way.

 So, how did your school year start? Do you have any new teachers or school
subjects to study? Do you feel optimistic about this fresh start? I hope everything
goes well for you and that you will find the time to respond to my email. I wish
you the best of luck, dear friend.

 Sincerely, Michael

 Scrisoare în engleză adresată unui prieten

 Scrisoare în engleză adresată unui prieten este un exemplu excelent care ne
arată modul corect în care se scrie o scrisoare. După cum îi spune și numele,
Scrisoare în engleză adresată unui prieten este o scrisoare non-formală, ceea ce
înseamnă că se foloseste un limbaj non-formal, lucru care permite atât forme de
adresare relaxate precum și un mod de exprimare familial.

 24, Strada Lipovei

 Sector 3, Bucharest
 11 October 2021

 Dear Thomas,

 I’ve been meaning to write to you for a while now, but I have had a lot of
problems to deal with. I am very eager to see you again as soon as possible. Our
vacation together was wonderful and as a result I feel more relaxed around you
than ever. Obviously, going back to school is not so much fun after an
outstanding holiday spent with a friend.

 This year we have mostly new teachers for many of the subjects that we study. I
find it a little weird, to be honest, because our ex-teachers were so good that I
cannot fathom a reason why they were all replaced. To be fair, most of them
were from out of town and maybe they found work in their own hometown, but
that’s just an assumption.

 Another thing that I don’t particularly enjoy is the fact that they redecorated the
hallway. Last year, it had a certain appeal which, I believe, catered to both older
and younger generations. Now all the wall are white and bland, there isn’t any
sense of personality whatsoever to the school’s interior. I have no idea why the
principal thought such a huge change was necessary.

 One thing I do like this year is that the bathrooms were renovated. They were in
terrible shape last year and no amount of effort from the janitor could make them
acceptable. Now that the toilets themselves have been replaced and the paint is
new, there is no more stench in the bathroom, which makes it more pleasant.

 Our classroom was also subjected to a facelift. It doesn’t look too different, it just
looks new. Overall, I’d say the changes made to our school this year are
welcomed. Although I miss my old teachers, I am willing to give the new ones a
shot. So, what have you been up to? Did anything interesting occur at your
school? I am looking forward to hearing from you.

 Sincerely,

 Paul

 Scrisoare în engleză despre o excursie

 Dacă ai primit ca temă să scrii o scrisoare în engleză despre o excursie, liceunet
este aici să te ajute. Având ca subiect o excursie la Sighișoara, această
scrisoare în engleză este un model excelent de scrisoare non-formală adresată
unui prieten, respectând cu strictețe așezarea în pagină și limbajul relaxat folosit
între prieteni.

 345 Langley Street

 Birmingham, United Kingdom

 22-07-2021

 Hello, Justin!

 I recently went on a trip to Sighisoara with a couple of friends in order to attend

the Medieval Festival that is being held there every year. I felt as if I had entered
a whole new world. Even without the festival, the town would still look as if it
came straight from the dark ages, but in a good way.

 The start of the trip didn’t go too well. In order to get from my town to Sighisoara,
we had to exchange two trains. That wouldn’t have been a problem normally, but
we had to wait 5 hours between the train rides in a village with an awfully ill-
equipped train station. Good thing we packed food and beverages with us
because the station had no store whatsoever.

 To make matters worse, the train that was supposed to take us from there to
Sighisoara was a barely functioning wreck. We should have made it in three
hours, but instead we made in almost five hours. That is unacceptable by other
countries’ standards. On the bright side, when we finally arrived, we were
greeted by friendly hotel staff who came to pick us up from the train station.

 As you can imagine, we were extremely tired, so we went straight to bed. The
next day we went to explore the city and it was quite the opposite from the train
ride. It was gorgeous. Simply astounding. We felt as if we were teleported back in
time, except we still had our modern clothes and gadgets. We took loads of
pictures, several of which you have already found in the envelope.

 So many people were costumed to fit the festival’s theme, it felt like a medieval
Comic-Con, which is simply awesome. We witnessed medieval sword fighting,
but not with actual weapons, of course. We also attended concerts which
featured medieval folk music, re-enactments of historical events and so forth. By
the time the festival was over, we were saddened by the fact that we had to get
back home.

 I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Please write to me as soon as possible.

 Best wishes, George

 Scrisoare în engleză despre vacanța de iarnă
 Dacă tema ta de casă este să scrii o scrisoare în engleză despre vacanța de
iarnă, îți vine în ajutor. Respectând așezarea în pagină tipică unei
scrisori, precum și limbajul non-formal folosit între prieteni sau membri de familie,
această scrisoare în engleză descrie o vacanță de iarnă simplă cu care se pot
regăsi majoritatea elevilor, și care este ușor de povestit și de înțeles.

 754 Sanders Street

 London, United Kingdom

 15-01-2022

 Dear Sam,

 Since the holidays have barely ended and everyone at the post office was on a
break, I unfortunately received your letter a bit late, so I want to apologize from
the start for replying so slowly. I want to thank you for wishing me happy holidays
and I wish that yours were the same.

 I spent my holiday in my own town, with friends and family members alike.
However, I did something new, something that I have never tried before: ice
skating. Needless to say, I fell quite a few times, but I got up with excitement and
tried as much as I needed in order to get a handle of this sport. It was just as fun
as anyone can imagine.

 We were lucky to have snow this year, so we also had a couple of snowball fights
and made a few snowmen here and there. It was like a time machine, I felt like a
small child again, after so many years have passed. Of course, what would the
winter holiday be without Christmas and the celebration of New Year’s Eve?

 My parents bought me the newest iPhone this year. I am very thankful, because I
know how hard they have to work for everything that they give me. I truly
consider myself lucky to have been born in this family. As usual, we decorated
the Christmas tree, cooked the traditional meal and welcomed carollers into our

 I celebrate the New Year with my friends. We gathered at Bogdan’s house and
partied until sunrise. We set up our own fireworks in front of the apartment
building in which he lives. We took the necessary precautions, of course, to avoid
any and all damages that unsafe handling can cause.

 How was your holiday? I am looking forward to reading your next letter. I hope
you have the time to write to me as soon as possible.
 Best wishes, Vlad

Scrisoare în engleză despre vacanța de vară

Dacă tocmai te-ai întors din vacanță, și ești la prima oră de engleză, șansele sunt ca
profesorul să îți dea ca temă să scrii o scrisoare în engleză despre vacanța de vară.
Dacă da, Liceunet este aici cu exact ce ai nevoie. Deși sunt șanse destul de mari ca
scrisoarea în engleză despre vacanța de vară să nu descrie cu exactitate ce ai facut tu
în această perioadă, este un model excelent după care vei putea să te ghidezi pentru a-
ți scrie propria scrisoare.

24, Strada Lipovei

Sector 3, Bucharest

11 October 2021

Dear Esther,

My summer holiday was absolutely fantastic. I wish you could have been there with me,
we would have had so much fun! I visited Brasov with my girlfriend and a few other
friends. We had excellent weather conditions despite being located in a mountainous
region. The city is absolutely marvellous and it is worth visiting if you ever plan on
coming to my country.

On the day we arrived, we were too tired from our train ride to actually go and visit the
city, so we went to a restaurant instead in order to eat, drink and relax. We were
fortunate enough to have one located near our hotel, especially considering the fact that
the prices were acceptable, the service was good and the food was delicious.

On the second day, we got up early and started exploring the town centre. We visited
the Black Church, which is famous in Brasov. The building’s architecture is gothic and
features a dark shade of grey which predominates the church’s exterior, hence its
name. We also visited a few museums and gift shops. I bought you a souvenir from one
of those stores, which you will find attached to this letter. I hope you like it.

On the third and fourth day of our trip, we went to a town near Brasov, called Rasnov.
There was a metal festival there which we attended. Apart from the bands, which were
all excellent, we also liked the fact that the festival took place in such a mountainous
region. The entire festival camp was surrounded by enormous trees and the air was as
clean as it could have been. The only bad part was the inevitable cold that would settle
near nightfall.

On the final day of our trip we went on top of a mountain with the help of a cable car.
We had to wait in line for almost an hour, but it was worth it. I couldn’t get enough of the
fantastic view from up top. You should really consider visiting Brasov if you ever come
to Romania. You won’t regret it.

So, as you can tell, I had a very good time. How was your summer holiday? I hope to
hear from you as soon as possible. Say hi to your brother and parents from me. I wish
you all the best, my dear friend.



Informal Letter: Surprise birthday party

Citește rezolvarea Subiectului II al olimpiadei naționale Engleză 2014, clasa a IX-a
pentru a vedea o rezolvare corectă, a subiectului primit de elevi la olimpiada de limba
Engleză din 2014 (adică redactarea unui informal letter către un prieten prin
corespondență). Dacă vei participa și tu la olimpiada de limba engleză, cea mai sigură
metodă de a repeta pentru aceasta este de a observa rezolvări corecte, pe care te poți

"Last month you organised a surprise birthday party for one of your best friends, Emma.
The party turned out to be a huge success. Reading about the event, your English
penfriend Jamal would like to know more about it. Write about:

· how you planned the party

· the party itself

· the reaction of the ‘birthday-girl’

· the way you feel about your success.

Sign your letter as Sam. (120-150 words)

Dear Jamal,

I apologise for not writing you in a long time, but I was very happy to read you last

Indeed, the surprise party that we planned for Emma was a huge success. She did not
have a clue!

In response to your questions, the idea came up among all of us, as we knew that
Emma’s finances weren’t the best during that time. It wasn’t difficult to get organized
and find a gift, but finding a location was the real challenge. In the end, Emma’s
cousin’s parents agreed to hold the party in their backyard, which is quite big.
Emma knew that we all had plans that weekend, except for her cousin. Imagine her
surprise when she ended up at her own party, with all of us there! The party was a
success, and I am happy that we were able to do that for her.

What is new with you?

I’m looking forward to your next letter!

Take care,


Informal letter: Car accident

Participarea la olimpiada de limba engleză în clasa a IX-a presupune redactarea unei
„informal letter”. Prin urmare, profesorii noștri de limba engleză ți-au pregătit un
exemplu, adică rezolvarea corectă a subiectului primit de elevi la subiectul II al
olimpiadei naționale de engleză din 2012, pentru clasa a IX-a.

Totodată, scrisorile informale reprezintă un mijloc de comunicare încă popular, deci poți
folosi acest exemplu nu doar în pregătirea pentru olimpiadă, ci și în redactarea temelor
sau chiar pentru a expedia o scrisoare reală.

Write an informal letter of 120 - 150 words.

You have recently witnessed a car accident. Nobody was seriously hurt, but there was a

disagreement about who caused the accident and you had to make a statement to the

which was an interesting experience. Write a letter to a friend describing:

 the events leading up to the accident

 the accident itself
 the reaction of the drivers and passers-by
 your experience with the police

Dear Jamie,

Thank you for your last letter, it was great to read your news.

In my case, there is nothing exciting going on except school and homework. The only
interesting and scary thing at the same time was witnessing an accident on my street.

As you know, I live on a main street with lots of traffic. I was sitting on the bench, talking
to my neighbours when we heard a loud screeching sound. As I turned towards the
noise, I saw a white SUV swerve and hit a small truck that had stopped at the
intersection. Glass and debris were all over the place, and the driver that got hit got out
of his car, visibly shaken. The driver of the white SUV got out of his car too, and started
to argue with the other driver. Passers-by and other drivers stopped to see what was
happening and if the drivers were well.

The police arrived in no-time, I guess they were in the area, and they started
interviewing people. Luckily, nobody was injured, except for the cars, but it was a scary
experience to witness.

Take care,


Letter: forgotten to send birthday greetings to a close

You suddenly realise that you have forgotten to send birthday greetings to a close

Write a short letter apologising for and explaining your forgetfulness, giving reasons for
it and explaining how you will try to make him/her forgive you.

Use between 120 and 150 words.

Dear John,

I am extremely sorry for the belated birthday greeting! I do not know how to apologise
for this overlook.

I know that your birthday is on the 25th of December, but unfortunately, I was on a trip
at the Danube for Christmas, and I mixed up the days. As we stayed there a whole
week, with minimum internet service and simply relaxing and hanging out, I honestly
forgot what day it was.

It was not until I came back on the 27th that I realised that I had missed your birthday
and, in the process, failed to wish you and your family Happy Holidays.

How about I make it up to you by inviting you to spend New Year’s Eve with my family
and friends at our cabin in Apuseni? We could go skiing too, as I know you love it.

Let me know what you think, and, again, Happy belated birthday!
Talk to you soon,


Letter of application
You have seen this announcement in an international magazine:

We need people to live in a remote mountain area for one month with only each other
for support. Their experiences will be filmed and shown as part of a television series
called “Survival”. Have you got the necessary skills? Tell us why you should be
accepted to take part in the project, in a letter addressed to Mr. Simmons.

Write your letter of application using between 150 and 180 words. Sign it as
Andreea/Andrei Popescu.

Dear Mr. Simmons,

My name is Andreea Popescu, and I am writing you in response to your add regarding
the television series called “Survival”. I am very interested in participating for several

Firstly, I have gone on trips to the mountains ever since I was a child. I am the
adventurous type, and I possess the basic survival skills.

Secondly, as head of my school’s debate team, I am highly competitive, and I like to

win. I have a well-developed team spirit, but I am also used to working well on my own.

In addition, whereas I dislike it, I do not shy away from conflict. I prefer, however, to
mediate conflicts, thus not allowing them to escalate.

I would very much like to take part in this challenge that you propose because I feel it
will help me grow as a person, as well as develop new abilities in life.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Andreea Popescu.

Letter: visiting a cousin

You are visiting a cousin of yours in the USA for the whole summer holiday and you are
writing to your best friend about your stay. Include information about the cost of living,
leisure activities for teenagers, tourist attractions and the cultural shock you’ve

Sign your letter as Sam. (120 - 150 words)

Hi John,

How are you?

I’ve been in Atlanta for almost three weeks now, and I must say I absolutely love it! The
people are very friendly and helpful, and the food is great. It is true what they say about
southern hospitality!

I am not sure I could live here, however. The cost of living is a bit higher than what
we’re used to in Romania. The food is not that expensive, but the rents and utilities are
quite costly.

I play a lot of basketball with my cousin and his friends. I’m getting pretty good at it,
considering I was never that good at throwing a ball. There are quite a lot of things to do
such as going to festivals, flea markets, or even cooking nights.

My favourite place so far is Piedmont Park, which used to be a farm. You can see the
whole Atlanta skyline from this place.

Can’t wait to show you all the pictures!

Take care,


Letter to an organization
You live in an English-speaking country and you want to do some voluntary work in a
developing country.

Write a letter to an organization that develops such programmes, including the


 why you want to do volunteering;

 state what your skills and experience are;
 indicate where you would like to volunteer and for how long.

Use between 150-180 words. Sign your letter as Sam Brown.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Sam Brown, and I am writing you with regards to the European Voluntary

I would be very much interested in applying for a volunteering position with your
organization, specifically your Education and Literacy Project.

I am 18 years old, and, before going away to college, I would like to take a gap year in
order to learn more about my career options, garner new contacts abroad and develop
skill which will further help me in my career as an educator.

I believe that education is essential to succeed, but that it should not be limited to the
classroom. I also think that being part of your organization will enable me to meet and
know other cultures, thus offering a different perspective on things.

I am a fast learner, although my strong points are teaching through games and
storytelling, planning lessons and good communication.

I would be very grateful if you could provide me with more information on the Education
and Literacy Project, the duration of this project, as well as how to apply for this
position, and details regarding travel and accommodation.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Yours sincerely,

Sam Brown

Letter: important experience when you were shopping

in a department store
Write a formal letter of 150 - 180 words. You recently had an important experience
when you were shopping in a department store. One of the assistants wrongly accused
you of shoplifting. Although you were able to prove that you had paid for the item in
question, you received no apology. Write a letter to the Manager of the shop. Use
between 150-180 words.

Dear Mr. Smith,

My name is Samantha Brown and I am writing you to express my extreme

dissatisfaction with the appalling attitude of one of the employees at your store, and ask
for the appropriate measures to be taken.
Last Thursday I came into your store with the purpose of purchasing a new bathing suit
and a pair of flip-flops, which I did. After paying for my purchase at the register, I was
wrongfully accused of shoplifting.

Despite showing the receipt to your employee, he rudely threw the contents of said bag
and handbag on top of the cash register, putting me in a more than embarrassing

Although your employee proved for himself that there was no such intent at shoplifting
on my part, he kept a highly condescending attitude and refused to offer an apology for
his actions, sending me on my way.

I find this attitude highly offensive, which is why I respectfully demand that you look into
this situation accordingly and offer me a properly written apology on his behalf.

I trust that this matter will be dealt with in due time.

Sincerely yours,

Samantha Brown.

Compunere în engleză despre vacanță

Știm cu toții procesul: venim din vacanță, ne punem în bănci, profesoara zice „Hello
children”, o salutăm înapoi iar întrebarea este aceeași, „how was your holiday?”. Oricât
am încerca să o convingem că am avut o vacanță banală care nu merită povestită, ni se
spune să facem o Compunere în engeză despre vacanță. Echipa Liceunet a prevăzut
această situație așa că, îți aducem un model de Compunere în engleză despre vacanță,
o lucrare care poate fi folosită ca și model pentru a scrie propriile tale compuneri.

Compunere despre vacanță

I like the holidays because I have enough time to do everything that I want. I enjoy the
summer holiday the most because it is long and hot. I like going to school, but I like
holidays because I can do other things that I love. I love traveling and I can’t do that
during school. I like playing games and I can only do that after school.

There are a lot of things that I like to do on holiday. I like traveling to new places. I like
playing with my friends. I enjoy watching cartoons, movies and playing video games. I
also like playing the piano and I do this a lot during the holidays. I focus on relaxation
and fun mostly.

On winter holiday I spend my time with my family. I also like going out and singing
carols along with other kids on Christmas Eve. On New Year’s Eve we all make plans
for the future and hope to keep them. If it snows, I go outside with my friends, build
snowmen, have snowball fights and ride the sleigh.

During the spring holiday we celebrate Easter. I like helping mom paint the eggs and
cook the traditional meals. We always go to church during Easter week to receive
blessings. I think that these traditions help keep our culture alive. What I don’t like about
this holiday is that it’s too short and it makes me feel like I don’t have much time to
spend for relaxation.

Of course, my favourite is still the summer holiday. It lasts three months, so I have all
the time I need to do everything I want. I usually go with my parents to the sea. That is
my favourite part of the holiday because I love swimming. I like the fact that we don’t
have to worry about school homework during this holiday.

The holidays that I don’t like are the short ones. I feel like I don’t have enough time to do
anything during those holidays. It’s as if it teases you with free time only to be rushed
back to school immediately. I would prefer longer holidays more rarely than frequent
short holidays because they are a waste of time.

I know that school and homework are important, but I think that holidays are also great.
They give us a chance to do more of the things that we enjoy.

Compunere în engleză despre mine

Profesorul ți-a dat ca temă să scrii o compunere despre tine, iar inspirația lipsește cu
desăvârșire? Echipa Liceunet îți aduce lucrarea „Compunere în engleză despre mine”
pentru a rezolva această problemă.

Folosind un limbaj accesibil, Compunere în engleză despre mine este o sursă de

inspirație ușor de înțeles, care poate fi cu ușurință luată ca exemplu pentru a-ți scrie
propriile compuneri ori de câte ori va trebui să faci o compunere pentru ora de engleză.

Compunere despre mine

My name is Robert and I am 12 years old. I like playing football with my friends. I also
enjoy rugby and basketball, but football is my favourite sport. I have dark hair, brown
eyes and I am quite tall for my age. I live in Timișoara in a second floor apartment.
When it’s raining and I can’t play sports I stay inside and watch cartoons.

I like traveling a lot. I have visited a lot of cities in my country, Romania. My dreams is to
move to the United Stated of America one day. I want to go to New York and Hollywood
and meet famous people. My dream is to become a football player one day. I know that
it is hard to get famous, but I want to try my best.
I admire people like Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. They inspired me and that is
why I like this sport so much. I have a huge collection of posters with a lot of football
stars and musicians. My favourite music genres are rock, pop, jazz and techno. My
favourite bands are AC/DC, Metallica, Scooter, Depeche Mode and Parov Stelar.

My favourite school subjects are English, History and Geography. In my free time, I also
like going to the theatre, cinema, museums and art galleries. I like creative people and I
consider myself to be one. Apart from my football career I would also like to participate
in theatre plays or movies.

I go to the German State Theatre of Timișoara almost every week. I think that their
actors are very talented. I like the fact that they have subtitles in Romanian projected on
the walls, so you can go even if you don’t know German. The last theatre play that I
enjoyed was The Little Prince. I loved the actors but also the sound and decorations.

My goal is to visit as many theatres, art galleries and museums as I can. Why? Because
I think that they don’t get much appreciation. I think that more people should start doing
these things. Some people wonder how I can appreciate art and sports at the same
time. I always tell them that anyone can do that. I think stereotypes are bad for anyone.

My favourite season is summer. I like going both to the sea and to the mountains. I think
nature is beautiful in all seasons, but I like summer more because I don’t have to wear a
jacket. I am open-minded and want to experience new things.

Motivational Letter to Oxford University

Acest eseu argumentativ este un model de scrisoare de intenție pentru aplicarea la
universitate (Motivational Letter to Oxford University). Textul prezintă caracteristicile
unui eseu argumentativ bine structurat oferind argumente care pot servi ca și sursa de
inspirație pentru elaborarea unui material similar. Primul paragraf aduce ca și
argumente performanțele extrașcolare și activitatea de voluntariat, iar în urmatorul
paragraf sunt prezentate calitățiile și aptitudinile aplicantului.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for Oxford University, for department of ‘The English Language and
Literature’. I believe I am a suitable student for number of reasons.

Firstly, I have a necessary experience in terms of English literature. In 2009, when I was
13 years [...], I’ve won the Public Speaking Competition with an essay on greening the
planet. Also, during high school I did volunteering in the Association of Children OF
leukemia: every day, I read them from THE Shakespeare. In the 11th grade and
12th grade I was cheerleader in the high school hockey team: Ice dogs.

Secondly, my personality completes your profile student for Oxford University. I am a

very courageous and perseverance person. I love to read, and, such being the case, I
chose the humanistic branch. I am a man who likes to think freely and literature gives
me this possibility and I think it is really important to pick a place to study where you
think you will be happy, not just a place which will impress other people or your family.

All things considered, I hope the University will be a place where I can become more
optimistic person and smarter. Please find enclosed a full CV with two cover letters.

Yours faithfully,

Listă de verificare (Checklist)

La final, te îndemnăm să îți creezi propriul email sau scrisoare de nivel B2 urmărind
modelele propuse de noi și îți sugerăm o listă de verificare în care să poți bifa punctele

1. Formula de salut
2. Introducerea
3. Cuprinsul
4. Remarca finală
5. Salutul și semnătura
6. Limbajul este adecvat tipului de text propus
7. Propozițiile sunt logice și coerente
8. Toate punctele propuse au fost atinse
9. Vocabularul este adecvat temei propuse
10. Ai verificat lungimea textului tău, gramatica, punctuația și ortografia

Felicitări, ai scris cu succes primul tău email informal de nivel B2! :)

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