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Bruges lb.

Bruges (cum este numit n limba francez i n limba romn, respectiv Brugge, denumirea oficial n limba olandez) este un ora neerlandofon situat n provincia Flandra de Vest, regiunea Flandra din Belgia. n prezent este capitala provinciei Flandra de Vest n regiunea Flandra din Belgia. La 1 ianuarie 2008 avea o populaie total de 117.073 locuitori. Numele oraului provine din norvegiana veche: Bryggja = pod, punte, (un) chei. Titlul de "ora" i-a fost acordat n 1128. n Evul Mediu a fost membru i, pentru o period, capital a Ligii Hanseatice. Basilica din Bruges pstreaz, potrivit legendei, un flacon cu Sfntul Snge. Acesta este scos n public n ziua de Ispas (nlarea Domnului) ntr-o procesiune cu caracter medieval, care se defoar anual, ncepnd din 1291. Centrul vechi istoric al oraului - unul dintre cele mai bine pstrate din Europa - este inclus pe lista patrimoniului cultural mondial UNESCO. El are o suprafa de cca. 430 ha. Oraul a fost desemnat drept capital cultural n 2002. Mai este denumit Veneia de Nord datorit numeroaselor canale care ncercuiesc i traverseaz oraul. Bruges are i un important port i adpostete, de asemenea, Colegiul Europei.

Bruges lb. engleza

Bruges (/bru/ in English; Dutch: Brugge, [br], French: Bruges, [by], German: Brgge, [br]) is the capital and largest city of the province of West Flanders in the Flemish Region of Belgium. It is located in the northwest of the country. The historic city centre is a prominent World Heritage Site of UNESCO. It is oval-shaped and about 430 hectares in size. The area of the whole city amounts to more than 13,840 hectares, including 1,075 hectares off the coast, at Zeebrugge (meaning "Brugge aan Zee"[2] or "Bruges on Sea"[3]). The city's total population is 117,073 (1 January 2008),[4] of which around 20,000 live in the historic centre. The metropolitan area, including the outer commuter zone, covers an area of 616 km and has a total of 255,844 inhabitants as of 1 January 2008.[5] Along with a few other canal-based northern cities, such as Amsterdam, it is sometimes referred to as "The Venice of the North". Bruges has a significant economic importance thanks to its port. At one time, it was the "chief commercial city" of the world.[6]

The place-name Bruges is first mentioned as Bruggas, Brvggas, Brvccia in 840 - 875, then Bruciam, Bruociam in 892, Brutgis uico end 9th century, in portu Bruggensi around 1010, Bruggis in 1012, Bricge in 1037 (Anglo-Saxon chronicle), Brugensis in 1046, Brycge 1049 - 1052 (ASC), Brugias in 1072, Bruges in 1080 - 1085, Bruggas around 1084, Brugis in 1089, Brugge in 1116.[7] Probably from Old Dutch, cf. Middle Dutch brucge, brugge (or brugghe, brigghe, bregghe, brogghe). cf. Dutch bruggehoofd "beachhead", Dutch Brug "bridge").[8] The Dutch word brug(ghe) would be variant form from the south.[9] Ultimately from Proto-Germanic brugj- "bridge", "harbour bridge", "veenbrug" (cf. English bridge) Very few traces of human activity in Bruges date from the Pre-Roman Gaul era. The first fortifications were built after Julius Caesar's conquest of the Menapii in the first century BC, to protect the coastal area against pirates. The Franks took over the whole region from the GalloRomans around the 4th century and administered it as the Pagus Flandrensis. The Viking incursions of the ninth century prompted Baldwin I, Count of Flanders to reinforce the Roman fortifications; trade soon resumed with England and Scandinavia. Bruges got its city charter on July 27, 1128 and new walls and canals were built. Since about 1050, gradual silting had caused the city to lose its direct access to the sea. A storm in 1134, however, re2

established this access, through the creation of a natural channel at the Zwin. The new sea arm stretched all the way to Damme, a city that became the commercial outpost for Bruges. With the reawakening of town life in the twelfth century, a wool market, a woollens weaving industry, and the market for cloth all profited from the shelter of city walls, where surpluses could be safely accumulated under the patronage of the counts of Flanders. Bruges was already included in the circuit of the Flemish cloth fairs at the beginning of the 13th century. The city's entrepreneurs reached out to make economic colonies of England and Scotland's wool-producing districts. English contacts brought Normandy grain and Gascon wines. Hanseatic ships filled the harbor, which had to be expanded beyond Damme to Sluys to accommodate the new cog-ships. In 1277, the first merchant fleet from Genoa appeared in the port of Bruges, first of the merchant colony that made Bruges the main link to the trade of the Mediterranean. This development opened not only the trade in spices from the Levant, but also advanced commercial and financial techniques and a flood of capital that soon took over the banking of Bruges. The Bourse opened in 1309 (most likely the first stock exchange in the world) and developed into the most sophisticated money market of the Low Countries in the 14th century. By the time Venetian galleys first appeared, in 1314, they were latecomers.[10] Such wealth gave rise to social upheavals, which were for the most part harshly contained. In 1302, however, after the Bruges Matins (the nocturnal massacre of the French garrison in Bruges by the members of the local Flemish militia on 18 May 1302), the population joined forces with the Count of Flanders against the French, culminating in the victory at the Battle of the Golden Spurs, fought near Kortrijk on July 11. The statue of Jan Breydel and Pieter de Coninck, the leaders of the uprising, can still be seen on the Big Market square. At the end of the 14th century, Bruges became one of the Four Members, along with Franc of Bruges, Ghent and Ypres. Together they formed a parliament, however they frequently quarrelled amongst themselves.[11] In the 15th century, Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, set up court in Bruges, as well as Brussels and Lille, attracting a number of artists, bankers, and other prominent personalities from all over Europe. The weavers and spinners of Bruges were thought to be the best in the world, and the population of Bruges grew to 200,000 inhabitants at this time.[12] The new Flemish-school, oil-painting techniques gained world renown. The first book in English ever printed was published in Bruges by William Caxton. This is also the time when Edward IV and Richard III of England spent time in exile here. Starting around 1500, the Zwin channel, which had given the city its prosperity, also started silting. The city soon fell behind Antwerp as the economic flagship of the Low Countries. During the 17th century, the lace industry took off, and various efforts to bring back the glorious past were made. During the 1650s, the city was the base for Charles II of England and his court in exile.[13] The maritime infrastructure was modernized, and new connections with the sea were built, but without much success. Bruges became impoverished and gradually disappeared from the picture, with its population dwindling from 200,000 to 50,000 by the end of the 1800s.[12]

The symbolist novelist George Rodenbach even made the sleepy city into a character in his novel Bruges-la-Morte, meaning "Bruges-the-dead", which was adapted into Erich Wolfgang Korngold's opera, Die tote Stadt (The Dead City). In the last half of the 19th century, Bruges became one of the world's first tourist destinations attracting wealthy British and French tourists.[clarification needed] Only in the second half of the 20th century has the city started to reclaim some of its past glory. The port of Zeebrugge was built in 1907. The Germans used it for their U-boats in World War I. It was greatly expanded in the 1970s and early 1980s and has become one of Europe's most important and modern ports. International tourism has boomed, and new efforts have resulted in Bruges being designated 'European Capital of Culture' in 2002.

Municipality of Bruges.

The municipality comprises:

The historic city centre of Bruges, Sint-Jozef and Sint-Pieters (I) Koolkerke (II) Sint-Andries (III) Sint-Michiels (IV) Assebroek (V) Sint-Kruis (VI) Dudzele (VII) Lissewege (with Zeebrugge and Zwankendamme) (VIII)

Bruges has most of its medieval architecture intact. The historic centre of Bruges has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.[14] Many of its medieval buildings are notable, including the Church of Our Lady, whose brick spire reaches 122.3 m (401.25 ft), making it one of the world's highest brick towers/buildings. The sculpture Madonna and Child, which can be seen in the transept, is believed to be Michelangelo's only sculpture to have left Italy within his lifetime.

Bruges' most famous landmark is its 13th-century belfry, housing a municipal carillon comprising 48 bells.[15] The city still employs a full-time carillonneur, who gives free concerts on a regular basis. Other famous buildings in Bruges include:

The Beguinage The Basilica of the Holy Blood (Dutch: Heilig-Bloedbasiliek). The relic of the Holy Blood, which was brought to the city after the Second Crusade by Thierry of Alsace, is paraded every year through the streets of the city. More than 1,600 inhabitants take part in this mile-long religious procession, many dressed as medieval knights or crusaders. The modern Concertgebouw ("Concert Building") The Old St-John's Hospital The Saint Salvator's Cathedral The Groeningemuseum The City Hall on the Burg square The Provincial Court (Provinciaal Hof) The preserved old city gateways: the Kruispoort, the Gentpoort, the Smedenpoort and the Ezelpoort. The Dampoort, the Katelijnepoort and the Boeveriepoort are gone.

Bruges also has a very fine collection of medieval and early modern art, including the worldfamous collection of Flemish Primitives. Various masters, such as Hans Memling and Jan van Eyck, lived and worked in Bruges.

Bruges lb. franceza


Bruges (prononc /by:/, en nerlandais Brugge) est une ville de Belgique situe en Rgion flamande, chef-lieu et plus grande ville de la province de Flandre-Occidentale. Elle est membre de l'Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial depuis l'an 2000. Elle fut galement la capitale europenne de la culture en 2002, en mme temps que la ville espagnole de Salamanque. Elle est appele Venise du Nord car elle possde de nombreux canaux qui encerclent ou traversent la ville et sur les bords du centre ville desquels se trouvent encore des restes de forteresse ainsi que des moulins. Bruges a encore un port important et hberge le Collge d'Europe.

Moyen ge
Bruges apparat au Moyen ge en tant que place fortifie situe le long d'un bras de mer, le Zwin. Baudouin, vassal du roi carolingien Charles le Chauve, y habitait avec Judith, la fille de celui-ci qu'il avait enleve. Pour prvenir de nouvelles querelles, le roi avait envoy son vassal Baudouin en pays flamand o une population peu nombreuse craignait les invasions normandes. Baudouin fonde le comt de Flandre et tend son domaine de la rgion ctire jusqu' l'Escaut et l'Artois. Nous trouvons le nom de Bruges pour la premire fois vers 875 sur une pice de monnaie. Bruges n'est au IXe sicle qu'un rempart avec chteau et chapelle sur la place o s'lve prsent le Burg (la Place du Bourg). Au Burg s'ajoutent un march, une cour de justice et quelques routes qui mnent la cte ou l'intrieur du pays. Des navires viennent y accoster. Ils pntrent dans l'embouchure du Zwin entre les bancs de sable et la cte flamande. Ainsi Bruges se dveloppe galement comme centre commercial. La ville est mentionne sur un document racontant le transfert d'un crucifix en or vers Bruges, peuttre par peur des incursions vikings et laissant donc penser que Bruges tait une ville plus sre, ce qui laisse supposer des fortifications et une garnison. Dans les annes 900, le Burg est devenu un port. Les attaques des Vikings ont cess, l'artisanat et le commerce se dveloppent, les murs de la ville et des canaux sont construits. En 1128 Bruges obtient le statut de ville. Le 4 octobre 1134, un raz-de-mare ouvre un chenal jusqu la baie du Zwin, de sorte que la ville a dsormais un accs direct la mer du Nord. Les habitants construisent une digue transversale (appele damme) l'extrmit de ce chenal pour participer ainsi au commerce international qui relie l'Angleterre, productrice de laine, la Sude, exportatrice de hareng en caque, la Gascogne, productrice de vin, et les producteurs de textiles de Flandre. Le bras de mer passe prs de la ville de Damme qui va devenir un avant-poste commercial de Bruges.

En 1200, la ville obtient le droit d'organiser un march annuel et le privilge du droit de ville (assorti d'avantages fiscaux) par le Comte de Flandre Philippe. Les marchands du Rhin viennent rapidement jusqu Bruges, puis c'est au tour des marchands hansatiques, venus de Lbeck et Hambourg. En 1253, la Hanse y obtient des privilges et Bruges devient l'un des trois comptoirs hansatiques en mer du Nord, avec Londres et Bergen. Ds la fin du XIIIe et le dbut du XIVe sicle, des marchands de Gnes, de Venise, de Florence, de Castille, du Portugal ou d'cosse comptent parmi les visiteurs rguliers de la ville. L'arrive du premier marchand gnois en 1277 permet non seulement le dbut du commerce des pices avec le Levant, mais galement un perfectionnement des techniques bancaires et financires dans la ville. Le 18 mai 1302, lors des Matines Brugeoises, la population de la ville se rvolte contre l'occupation franaise en assassinant les partisans du Roi de France Philippe le Bel ainsi que la garnison franaise, puis se rallie au Comte de Flandre Gui de Dampierre et son fils an Robert emprisonns depuis 1300 par le Roi de France. Deux mois plus tard, la ville prend part la victoire flamande de la bataille des perons d'or, contre le Roi de France. En 14091, une bourse est cre et la ville devient le march financier le plus sophistiqu des PaysBas durant le XIVe sicle. Les marchands vnitiens arrivent dans la ville en 1314. Aux XIVe et XVe sicles des marchands de Lucques comme Dino Rapondi ou Les poux Arnolfini s'y installent. La population de la ville passe de 35 000 habitants en 1340 prs de 100 000 en 1500. L'ge d'or de la ville entre les XIIe et XVe sicles est donc d un commerce florissant ax principalement sur la draperie. cette poque, Bruges est une vritable plaque tournante du commerce europen. Le commerce s'tablit avec Londres, le nord de l'Europe et les grands ports d'Italie, Gnes et Venise. Au XVe sicle, la ville est sous la tutelle des ducs de Bourgogne. En 1436, les milices brugeoises et gantoises, de retour des siges qu'elles ont men en Picardie, revendiquent entre autres le retour de la souverainet de Bruges sur le port maritime de L'cluse2. Le 21 mai 1437, les bourgeois se soulvent contre Philippe III de Bourgogne (qui chappe de peu la mort), et lynchent son reprsentant, le marchal Jean de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam (pisode dit des vpres brugeoises ). Le bourgmestre Gilles III Lauwereyns, nomm en octobre 1437, doit aller demander pardon au duc de Bourgogne en janvier 1438 Arras3. La Dclaration des Droits, approuve par Philippe III, amne la ville un haut degr de dveloppement conomique, architectural et culturel. la fin du Moyen ge, Bruges est la ville la plus riche d'Europe du Nord.

poque moderne
la fin du XVe sicle, la baie du Zwin s'ensable progressivement et la liaison directe entre la ville et la mer est rompue. La Cour de Bourgogne quitte Bruges et l'empereur Maximilien Ier restreint les droits de la ville. Anvers devient la ville dominante des Flandres. La ville s'appauvrit et passe sous domination espagnole.

La scession des Pays-Bas espagnols, en 1584, mne au dclin final de la ville. En 1600, Bruges n'est plus qu'une ville de province. Durant le XVIIe sicle, diverses initiatives sont prises pour renouer avec le pass, les installations portuaires sont modernises, mais sans beaucoup de succs. Pendant la Premire Guerre mondiale la ville tait occupe par l'arme allemande. Aujourd'hui Bruges possde de nombreux muses, des lieux touristiques, comme le beffroi, un nouveau port moderne et important (Zeebruges), mais encore deux clubs de football dans la premire division du football belge : Le FC Bruges et le Cercle Bruges KSV, voluant tous deux dans le stade Jan Breydel.

Rpartition administrative, communes voisines

Les deelgemeenten de la commune de Bruges : I : Bruges II : Koolkerke III : Sint-Andries IV : Sint-Michiels V : Assebroek VI : Sint-Kruis VII : Dudzele VIII : Lissewege Communes voisines : a. Blankenberge b. Zuienkerke c. Jabbeke d. Zedelgem e. Oostkamp f. Beernem 8

g. Damme h. Knokke-Heist

Patrimoine civil
difices et lieux civils importants

La Grand-Place (Grote Markt) avec le beffroi (belfort) La Place du Bourg (Burg) avec le palais du Franc de Bruges et son muse, l'Ancien Greffe (Oude Griffie), l'Htel de ville et la Basilique du Saint-Sang. Le Palais des Ducs de Bourgogne (Prinsenhof) : Datant du XVe sicle, il accueille, depuis 2008, le Kempinski Hotel Dukes' Palace, htel de luxe cinq toiles. La Loge des Bourgeois (Poortersloge), qui abrite les Archives de l'tat.

Principaux muses[modifier] Ici se trouvent les principaux muses de Bruges, remarquables par leur importance historique et culturelle. Ce sont tous des muses communaux. Il existe d'ailleurs une structure spcifique qui comprend onze muses communaux historiques : le Bruggemuseum; leur appartenance est ici abrge de cette manire (Bgm).

La tour du Beffroi (Belfort) (Bgm), d'une hauteur de 83 m, est dote d'un carillon de 47 cloches. Gentpoort (Bgm), une des quatre portes de ville mdivales. Arentshuis, cet htel particulier du XVIIIe sicle abrite l'uvre de l'artiste anglo-brugeois Franck Brangwyn (1867-1956). Memling in Sint-Jan, muse situ dans l'ancien hpital Saint-Jean. Htel de ville (Stadhuis) (Bgm), date du 1376. Moulin Sint-Janshuis (Bgm), moulin vent construit en 1770 Moulin Koelewei (Bgm), date de 1765, et implant prs de la porte de Damme en 1996. Muse dArchologie (Bgm) Muse des Arts et traditions populaires (Bgm), install dans huit maisons-Dieu du XVIIe sicle. Muse Groeninge : il abrite une collection de tableaux de la peinture flamande (dont les primitifs) allant du XVe sicle jusqu' la priode actuelle. Muse Gruuthuse (Bgm), Muse de Guido Gezelle (Bgm), maison natale du pote flamand Guido Gezelle (1830-1899). Palais du Franc de Bruges (Paleis van het Brugse Vrije) (Bgm). Le Franc de Bruges tait au XIVe sicle un conseil grant la rgion situe autour de la ville ; il abrite dsormais les archives communales. Dans la salle Renaissance, (ancienne salle chevinale), on peut admirer une chemine monumentale du XVIe sicle, uvre de Lancelot Blondeel

Patrimoine religieux et lieux de cultes actuels[modifier]

Abbaye des Cisterciens Abbaye Sainte-Godelina Abbaye Saint-Trudon Basilique du Saint-Sang (Basilik van het Heilig Bloed) dont une partie est un muse et dont l'article explique l'origine de la Procession du Saint-Sang. Monastre de la Vigne, fond par Marguerite de Constantinople, galement Comtesse de Flandre, en 1245. Des bndictines y sont installes depuis 1927. Il y a possibilit de visiter une maison de bguine . Chapelle des Chartreuses Chapelle des Maricoles Chapelle des Mntriers Chapelle Saint-Pierre Chapelle Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van 't Boompje Collge des Jsuites: Les Jsuites, qui s'y tablirent au dbut du XVIIe sicle, donnrent des cours au sein de ce qui est devenu, maintenant, une partie du Collge d'Europe. Cathdrale Saint-Sauveur (Sint-Salvatorskathedraal) Couvent Anglais Couvent des Bgards Couvent des Carmes dchaux Couvent des Carmlites dchausses Couvent des Chanoinesses de Saint-Augustin Couvent des Colettines qui appartenait une branche mineure de l'Ordre des Clarisses. Couvent des Dominicaines Couvent des Surs Noires (autre nom des 'Augustines'). glise du Sacr-Cur glise de Jrusalem (Jeruzalemkerk) glise Notre-Dame (Vrouwekerk), situe dans la Katelijnestraat o reposent Charles le Tmraire et sa fille Marie de Bourgogne et qui abrite galement la sculpture de la Madone de Bruges ralise par Michel-Ange. glise Saint-Gilles glise Saint-Jacques Sainte-Anne (St.-Annakerk) glise Sainte-Madeleine glise Sainte-Walburge (St.-Walburgakerk) Hpital Saint-Jean de Bruges (Sint-Jans-Hospitaal) : Cet ancien hpital mdival du XIIe sicle, situ dans la Mariastraat, fait maintenant office de muse ddi aux uvres de Hans Memling dont les clbres Chsse de Sainte Ursule et Mariage mystique de Sainte Catherine. Dans la salle des malades rcemment reconstitue, les collections d'objets d'art et mdicaux restituent la vie hospitalire. Notre-Dame de la Poterie (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Potterie), galement hpital depuis le XIIIe sicle abrite un muse consacr son histoire. Abbaye de Ter Doest ( Lissewege)


Patrimoine militaire

Les deux tours poudre (poertorens) et les anciennes portes conserves: la Smedenpoort, la Ezelpoort, la Kruispoort et la Gentpoort. La Boeveriepoort, la Dampoort et la Katelijnepoort n'existent plus.

Culture et art
Processions et manifestations spciales

Cortge de l'Arbre d'or, tous les 5 ans. Fte des Canaux (Reiefeest), tous les 3 ans. Procession du Saint-Sang4, chaque anne.


Festivals de musique o Airbag (festival d'accordon) o Ars Musica (musique contemporaine) o Blues in Bruges o Brugge Tripel Dagen o Brugges Festival (musiques du monde) o Cactusfestival o Elements Festival (musique lectronique) o Fuse on the Beach (festival de dance Zeebruges) o Hafabrugge (festival des harmonies et fanfares) o Internationale Fedekam Taptoe o Jazz Brugge (festival de jazz) o Koorfestival (festival des churs) o Festival van Vlaanderen - MAfestival (musique ancienne) o Music in Mind (musique (rock) atmosphrique) o September Jazz (festival de jazz) o Sint-Gillis Blues- en Folkfestival o Beaucoup de petits

Festivals culturels ou culinaires o Aristidefeesten o BABbierfestival (festival de bire) o Brugse Kantdagen ("Jours brugeois de la Dentelle") o Chapter 2 (convention de jonglerie) o Choco-Lat (festival du chocolat) o Cinema Novo (festival de film) o Cirque Plus o European Youth Film Festival of Flanders o Ice Magic (festival de sculptures de glace et neige) o Jonge Snaken Festival o Midwinterfeest 11

Festivals musicaux culturels o Come On! o Coupurefeesten ("Ftes de la Coupure") o December Dance (festival de danse) o Feest In 't Park ("Fte au parc") o FEST! o Klinkers o Pol Pol Beach ( Zeebruges) o Sint-Michielse Feeste o Summer End Festival

Vama Veche

festivals de rock; les plus connus sont: BurgRock Comma Rocks Red Rock Rally

NAFT (festival de thtre) Poirot in Bruges - Knack thrillerfestival Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival Reiefeest (fte des canaux)


Muses divers

Muse de la brasserie Hof Bladelin Choco-Story (muse du chocolat) Muse brugeois du Diamant Frietmuseum (muse de la frite) Lumina Domestica (muse de la lampe) Museum-Gallery Xpo: Salvador Dal Centre de la Dentelle Guilde des arbaltriers de Saint-Georges Guilde des arbaltriers Saint-Sbastien Observatoire Beisbroek et plantarium

Thtres et salles de concert

Aquariustheater Biekorf Concertgebouw De Dijk De Werf Het Entrepot Joseph Ryelandtzaal Magdalenazaal Sirkeltheater Stadsschouwburg Studio Hall The English Theatre of Bruges


Cinema Lumire Cinema Liberty Kinepolis Bruges


Le port de Bruges est Zeebruges. C'est un des ports les plus importants de l'Europe.
Article dtaill : Port de Bruges-Zeebruges.


A10/E40, qui relie Gand et Bruxelles; A10, qui relie Ostende; A18/E40, qui relie Veurne et la frontire franaise; A17/E403, qui relie Courtrai et Tournai; N31/E403, qui relie Zeebruges; N49/E34, qui relie Anvers.

De la gare principale de Bruges on a des connexions IC avec toutes les autres villes importantes de la Belgique (Bruxelles, Gand, Anvers, Lige, Kortrijk, Ostende, ...) et avec Lille. Il y a encore plusieurs trains rgionaux et locaux. La gare principale accueille aussi le Thalys Paris - Bruxelles - Ostende.

L'aroport le plus proche de Bruges est l'Aroport International d'Ostende-Bruges Ostende, 25 kilomtres du centre ville de Bruges.

Transport public urbain

Bruges possde un rseau de bus extensif, exploit par De Lijn. Il y a des lignes urbaines et rgionales et des lignes servant la banlieue.

Bruges a deux quipes de football dans la premire division belge (Jupiler pro League): FC Bruges et Cercle Bruges KSV.


Les deux jouent au Stade Jan Breydel (30 000 siges) St.-Andries. Toutefois, il y a des propositions pour un nouveau stade d'environ 45 000 siges dans le sud de la ville, prs de l'changeur entre l'E40 et l'E403. En 2000 Bruges tait une des huit villes htes du Championnat d'Europe de football.

Le point de dpart pour le Tour des Flandres est situ la Grand-Place de Bruges.

Cette ville est trs riche en espaces verts, notamment prs des canaux encerclant la ville.

Des jardins publics dans le centre ville: o Baron Ruzettepark o Graaf Visartpark o Koning Albertpark o Koningin Astridpark o Minnewaterpark o Pastoor Van Haeckeplantsoen o Sincfalpark o Stadspark Sebrechts o Les vieilles enceintes Le Boudewijn Seapark, un parc d'attractions et de loisirs, Sint-Michiels.

Bruges dans la fiction

Si Bruges est devenue une des cits les plus touristiques d'Europe, c'est un peu au pote symboliste belge Georges Rodenbach (1855-1898) qu'elle le doit, mme si l'crivain, devenu clbre du jour au lendemain grce Bruges-la-Morte (1892), chef-d'uvre du symbolisme, n'a jamais vcu dans la ville dont il a assur la renomme littraire. une poque o l'ide de protection et de promotion du patrimoine tait encore peu rpandue, Georges Rodenbach a mis tout son talent d'crivain pour prner la mise en valeur du patrimoine brugeois : Il y a de l'atavisme dans les uvres et l'hrdit, ici aussi, explique mon amour pour cette Bruges admirable, que je serais heureux d'avoir assure d'un peu de gloire auprs des esprits artistes de la France . Le Lion des Flandres, l'adaptation l'cran par Hugo Claus (1985) du roman historique de l'crivain belge d'expression nerlandaise Hendrik Conscience. Bons baisers de Bruges (titre original : In Bruges), sorti en juin 2008 en France, est un film de Martin McDonagh, avec Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson, Clmence Posy, Jrmie Renier, Jordan Prentice et Ralph Fiennes. Deux tueurs gages britanniques se rfugient Bruges, fuyant Londres 14

aprs un coup qui a mal tourn. Ils rongent leur frein dans la cit belge jusqu'au moment o leur boss ordonne l'un d'excuter l'autre...

Au risque de se perdre, un film amricain ralis par Fred Zinnemann en 1959. Aspe, des thriller-dtectives de Pieter Aspe. Yoko Tsuno passe une de ses aventures dans la cit de Bruges dans le pass du XVe sicle et dans le prsent (album : l'Astrologue de Bruges).

Contes et lgendes
Bruges est une ville pleine de contes et de lgendes : Le Minnewater C'est le clbre lac des amoureux Bruges. La lgende raconte qu'un fidle amant enterra sa promise et dversa les eaux pour former un lac au-dessus de sa tombe. La chsse de Sainte Ursule C'est une peinture d'Hans Memling en forme d'glise. Elle raconte l'histoire de Sainte Ursule qui promit de se marier avec un homme en change de sa conversion. Elle dcida ensuite de faire un plerinage Rome accompagne par 10 000 jeunes filles qu'elle fit avec son mari. Cependant elle fut prise en embuscade son retour et fut tue comme son mari, d'une flche. Ce qui explique pourquoi on la voit en marie tenant une flche la main sur la premire peinture de la chsse.

Du vieux flamand gruuthuse qui signifie maison des herbes et provient du mtier de son habitant, un marchand d'herbe aromatique, le gruit, destine la fabrication de la bire et dont il dtenait le monopole commercial. Elle fut aussi la demeure des seigneurs de Gruuthuse, dont Louis Gruuthuse qui fut notamment Chambellan du Roi de France. Au-dessus du portail d'entre se trouve la devise de la famille "Plus est en vous...". Au-dessus de la porte d'entre principale de la maison, se trouve la statuette d'un chevalier, qui rappelle le premier statut de Louis Gruuthuse. Taxes et vente de gruit l'origine, seule la famille Gruuthuse vendait du gruit. Devant le nombre d'autres commerants voulant vendre cette herbe ils changrent de stratgie et permirent aux autres marchands d'en vendre mais en prlevant une taxe sur sa vente, ce qui fut conomiquement beaucoup plus intressant. Autre

Cette maison est aujourd'hui un muse consacr la vie du Moyen ge, o est expos du mobilier d'poque. Elle se trouve ct de l'glise Notre-Dame, o la famille Gruuthuse disposait d'une loge particulire laquelle ils avaient un accs priv depuis leur maison, ce qui tait pour l'poque tout fait exceptionnel.

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Bruges (Dutch: Brugge) [1] is a town in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium. Relatively cosmopolitan and bourgeois given its compact size, it is one of the best preserved pre-motorised cities in Europe and offers the kind of charms rarely available elsewhere. Bruges is a postcard perfect stop on any tour of Europe.


Even by Belgian standards, Bruges has a poor reputation for its weather. Compared to other western European cities like London and Paris, the weather in Bruges is colder and more damp. Even in July and August, average daily maximum temperatures struggle to exceed 21 C (70 F) and rainfall averages 203 mm (8 in) a month. After October, temperatures drop off quite rapidly and winter months are damp and chilly. The summer visitor should always be prepared for rain in Bruges and that warm and sunny weather is not constant during that season. Also note that the daily and monthly temperature variations are quite small. Daily differences between average highs and average lows don't exceed a range of 9 C (or 16 F).

Get in
By plane
A large number of carriers offer direct flights to Brussels. Belgium's main airport has its own railway station. Bruges can easily be reached through the airports of Brussels, Charleroi (Brussels South) and Lille, so getting to Bruges by train is by far the easiest way. Only one change at one of the three main stations is needed and the entire connection takes about 1:20.

By train
Traveling to Bruges on Belgium's excellent rail system is a natural choice. Trains to and from Brussels leave every 30 minutes during the day. The journey from Brussel-Zuid (a.k.a. BruxellesMidi if you prefer French to Flemish) to Bruges takes about an hour. If you are traveling on the Eurostar that same day, this cost may be included in your ticket if it shows "Any Belgian Station". Otherwise, buy a ticket when you get to the station. Luggage lockers are available from 6AM to 9:30PM. For more information on schedules, prices, and services visit the website of the NMBS/SNCB [2]. Note that there are first and second class seats. To identify them, look for a number next to a "no smoking" sign somewhere in the wagon. Be aware that trains are often full to and from Bruges so if you or your colleagues have any problems with mobility you could be standing the whole trip or at best sitting in the entry area of the carriage. There isn't really any solution to this during the tourist season when Bruges is wall to wall people.

By car
If you are planning a bus-tour: be aware buses and camping vehicles are not allowed intra muros. There is a perfect parking place for them on the south side of the city with a newly designed gangway bringing you directly into the heart of the town. It is in general a bad idea to venture inside with a car, as parking is limited and finding your way difficult. There are multistory car parks a five minute walk from the city centre. Nice city mini-buses cruise the town with high

frequency, and in any case, the historical centre must be traversed on foot, by bicycle, by horsedrawn carriage or by boat to enjoy it.

By ferry
P&O Ferries [3] operate a daily sailing every evening from Hull to Zeebrugge taking 12 hours for the crossing. The fares do not include the bus from the ferry terminal to Bruges railway station, which is currently 6.75 per person (each way). Norfolkline Ferries [4]operates ferries from Dover to Dunkerque every 2 hours. From Dunkerque, Bruges is only 75 km away. This can only be done by driving as they does not take foot passengers. LD Lines [5] sail daily from Ramsgate to Ostend. The journey takes 4 hours. DFDS Seaways [6] ferry to Holland from Newcastle sails daily. From its port in IJmuiden, Amsterdam you can reach Bruges is less than 3 hours by car.

Get around
The historical center is not so big and thus quite walkable. The only mode of public transport inside city is bus. Buses are operated by the Flemish public transport company De Lijn [7]. Taxis on the market place and station cost about 10. Bicycles are easy to rent and make getting around the city very speedy, although the cobblestoned paths can make the rides a little bumpy and uncomfortable.

Once over the encircling canal and inside the city walls, Bruges closes in around you with street after street of charming historic houses and a canal always nearby. In recent years, the city has turned so much towards tourism the locals sometimes complain they are living in Disney-land. The newly cleaned houses should however not confuse you; they are truly centuries old. And if you can get away from the chocolate-shops, you can visit some more quiet areas s.a. St. Anna, and imagine what life in the late middle ages must have been like. The Bruges Card [8] provides discounts to most of the major attractions, and can be picked up at any of the hostels around town. The reduced rate cannot be used in conjunction with a student rate (both student and Bruges card rates are identical) and hence is most useful for older travellers. Several Youth Hostels (Bauhaus), and probably the train station and tourist information, offer a useful map with some very interesting, 'non-tourist' places to see during the day and some unique places to visit at night. It provides a good way of getting an authentic feel for the town whilst avoiding the tourist honey-pots and allows you to find some hidden gems. Some highlights:

Groeninge Museum, Dijver 12, B-8000, [9]. 7 days 9:30AM-5PM. Known as 'The city museum of Fine Arts', it houses a collection of artworks that span several centuries (14th-20th), focusing 18

mainly on works by painters who lived and worked in Bruges. 8 / 6 (audioguide and ticket Arents House and Forum+ included in the entrance). edit

Basilica of the Holy Blood (Heilige Bloed Basiliek), Burg 10, [10]. Apr-Sep 9:30AM-11:50AM & 2PM-5:50PM, Oct-Mar 10AM-11:50AM & 2PM-3:50PM. A beautiful church on the Burg square. It houses a relic - a vial of blood that is said to be that of Jesus - and was built in the Gothic style. Try and get there early so you can view the chapel when it is quiet and not filled with tourists. And don't forget to visit the chapel underneath, in heavy Romanesque style - a contrast to the lovely light Gothic above. Free. edit Brewery De Halve Maan, Walplein 26, +31 50 332-697, [11]. Apr-Oct M-Sa 11:00-16:00, Su 11:00-17:00. This brewery annex beer museum offers a tour of the beer making process. A history of the brewery is provided, as well as an overview of the city from its tower. The tour lasts for 45 minutes and is a good way to get a feel for Belgian beer making. The tours start at the exact turn of the hour, be at least fifteen minutes early as there is a maximum amount of people that can join. The entrance price includes one drink of Brugse Zot or Straffe Hendrik and is served after the tour at the outside terrace or indoor bar. 6.50 including 1 beer. edit Onze Lieve Vrouwkerk, Mariastraat. A fascinating church with architecture from the Romanesque and Gothic periods. In the east end of the church are very fine tombs of Charles the Bold and his daughter Mary of Burgundy - in contrasting Gothic and Renaissance styles, despite their superficial similarity. The church also houses one of the few Michelangelo sculptures outside of Italy, the "Madonna with child". Free. edit Jerusalem church, [12]. In a quiet area of the city, a highly unusual church with octagonal tower built by the Adornes brothers, merchants of Italian extraction. It includes a fine black tournai marble tomb, late Gothic stained glass, and a tiny and rather spooky chapel containing an effigy of the dead Christ. The entrance fee also covers the Lace Museum in the former Adornes mansion, where you can see local women and girls learning this traditional craft. edit The Begijnhof. Also known as the convent, between the centre of the station and the city, with white painted small houses and fine plane trees, is a quiet place to walk - groups are discouraged. edit The Hospital of St John, [13]. 09:30 - 17:00, Closed Mondays. Sint-Janshospitaal contains a museum of six paintings by Hans Memling, within the early medieval hospital buildings. 6 with Bruges card / 8. edit Choco-Story Museum, Wijnzakstraat 2 (Sint-Jansplein), 050/61.22.37, [14]. 10AM-5PM. This museum is a must see for chocolate enthusiasts as it describes chocolate's transition from cocoa into chocolate. Its low cost tasty exhibits make it well worth the time (and Belcolade's gently overt marketing). Be sure to stay for the chocolate making exhibition to get some excellent samplers. 6 with Bruges card / 7. edit DiamantMuseum, Katelijnestraat 43, 050 33 63 26, [15]. 10:30AM-5:30PM. Diamond museum has a large range of exhibits ranging from mining all the way to polishing and all the history in between. Everyday at 12:15 there is a live polishing demonstration. Individuals 6, Groups 4.5, Students 3. edit


The Friet Museum, Vlamingstraat (opposite Academiestraat), [16]. Check out the world's only frites (fries or chips) museum which tells the story of the humble potato from South America and how it has evolved into a fry. Don't forget to try the tastiest fries cooked by the guy who cooked for the Belgian Royal Family. edit

Bruges is visited by a huge number of tourists and it sometimes becomes quite annoying, especially around the Markt and Burg squares. The important thing to remember, however, is that very few tourists venture far away from the main shopping area, so if you want some peace and quiet you should simply explore the many small cobbled streets away from the main squares.


Grote Markt and Belfry Climb, Grote Markt (the big square). 09:30 - 17:00, Closed Mondays. Climb the 366 steps to the top of the 83-metre high tower. Excellent views of the city, Grote Markt and hear the bells ring up close. 6 with Bruges card / 8. edit Tour boats. It's essential to take a ride on one of the tour boats around the canals - the multilingual guides provide a potted history of the city in just a few minutes - at only a few Euros, it's the best introduction to Bruges. A boat tour will show you places which are otherwise unreachable, as not every canal runs next to a street. 6.90. edit Horse drawn carts, Grote Markt. Carriages can be hired for a romantic 30 minute trip around the old city of Bruge. Carts can carry up to 5 passengers. 39. edit Cycle. There are many rental shops near the main square, shop around for the best prices. You can also rent right at the train station and get to the city center quickly; remember to return them by 7:30p. Cycle 5km to Damme, a picturesque village on the river with a windmill and excellent pancakes, and optionally follow on to the coast (another 15km). 8 for 4 hr at most places, 12 for the day. edit Snow and Ice sculpture festival, Station Bruges, [17]. Nov. 21 2008 - Jan. 25, 2009.. Every year from the end of November to January you can visit the Snow and Ice sculpture festival on the station-square of Bruges. The festival is built by an international team of 40 professional artists from no less than 300 tons of crystal clear ice and 400,000 kilos of fresh snow in a cooled hall where the temperature remains a constant -6C. Don't forget to wear warm clothing! edit Running. If you are a runner, try running the 7km circle around the old center. Walk along the canal and see all of the medieval gates that used to control the traffic in and out of Bruges. Simply stunning! edit Bruges Ballooning, Markt, +32.475.972.887, [18]. AM & PM. Daily hot air balloon flights over the historic centre and it's surroundings. The best way to enjoy the romance of Bruges, and it's stunning views, from a few hundred meters up in a balloon basket. 170,00. edit Compare the real Bruges to the one depicted in the movie In Bruges [19].


Chocolate shops are plentiful and the standard is always high. A fairly cheap option is Stef's on Breidelstraat (betweeen Markt and Burg). If you are willing to spend a little more, Chocolatier Van Oost on Wollestraat is a must for high-quality artisinal chocolate. Word on the street is, that you can get anything covered in chocolate and moulded. There is a particular vast amount of chocolate shops at the Kathelijnestraat. There are also many boutique-style beer shops that sell high quality gift packs of Belgian beer. For those who do not wish to buy chocolate in the chocolate shops, the local supermarkets also sell a good variety of mass-produced chocolate at fairly low prices. For the frugal, you can buy 100-200 gram gourmet bars of chocolate for about 1 each. Good brands to buy are Cte-d'Or and Jacques, both are Belgian. If you don't want anything more than a sampling of the most famous Belgian beers, supermarkets (not night shops!) are probably your best choice. They even have gift packs with glasses. There are plenty of arts and crafts shops too, with some excellent local artists. The lacework is risky: if everything sold was produced locally, the entire town would be working in the lace industry! There is a school for lace though, where you can still get "the real thing". Most European tourists come for the weekend, so shops are open Tuesday through Sunday, but many shops and museums are closed on Mondays. Be sure to plan ahead.

Dumon, Simon Stevinplein 11, [20]. Excellent, very high-end chocolate creations. They also make chocolate drinks. edit

Restaurants are not always cheap or wonderful; sad to say that Belgian cuisine is a long way behind French in terms of variety, although mussels and frites or fricadellen, frites with mayonnaise are outstanding here. Stay away from the central market place ("Grote Markt") and the Burg Square (e.g. the Tom Pouce Restaurant) when eating. Tourists are easy victims here. One tactic used by tourist traps is to present items (e.g. bread) as if they were free with your meal, then charge you exorbitantly for them. Even water may be charged at an exorbitant 6 for a small bottle. You will, however, find great food if you wander off the beaten track. Find a street with more locals than tourists and ask somebody. The locals will be glad to help. A lot of places do not open until 1800hrs.

Brasserie Forestire, Academiestraat. Nice and calm restaurant, good food, not too expensive. Good menu for vegetarians. Meal of the day (soup, main dish, dessert or coffee/tea) costs 11 although this is the cheapest menu it has little choice. edit


De Drie Zintuigen, Westmeers 29, 050-34-09-94. Off the beaten track but not far from all the bars, this lovely restaurant does more than moules et frites. Prices are about 30 a head and the atmosphere is nice too. edit L'estaminet, at the Astrid Park. Good food, nice terrace, cool bartender. Try the renowned spaghetti for 8 or the delicious croque monsieur. edit La Romagna, Braambergstraat 8. Excellent family-run Italian restaurant and pizzeria. Inexpensive. Good menu for vegetarians. edit In't Nieuw Museum, Hooistraat 42, 050331280, [21]. Belgian grill restaurant, well off the tourist track. Excellent steaks, reasonable prices. edit De Bottelier, Ezelstraat (close to Sint-Jacobsstraat). I live in Bruges and it has always been my favorite restaurant. Very reasonable prices and excellent food. Closed Sunday and Monday nights. edit Tom's Diner, West Gistelhof 23. Fantastic upscale take on satisfying, home cooked food. Prices are reasonable, as well. edit Kok au Vin, Ezelstraat 19/21. The Kok au Vin was memorable (both the entre AND the restaurant); the prices are reasonable for the high quality. Family owned and run. Reservations recommended. edit Restaurant Aneth, [22]. With only 7 tables, we like to keep it small and cosy, with a personal touch. edit Brasserie Medard, Sint-Amandsstraat 18. Huge deal for low budget just near the centre: a mountain of (tasty) spaghetti with tomato sauce, cheese, and mushrooms for 3 EUR. Two options on the menu: vegetarian, non-vegetarian - both at the same price. Double its size for just 2 extra. Unbeatable. Very cheap beer too (kriek at 1,50 EUR). Most tables order the spaghetti. Tourists aren't welcome until they sit - be sure to sit down and impose your presence to be served. Be warned that if you wait to be seated, you are likely to be sent away for no reason. Bring your own musical instruments. edit De Karmeliet. edit t' Gulden Vlies, Mallebergplaats 17, 050-334709. 7PM-3AM. An excellent night restaurant. Small romantic restaurant east of the Burg with excellent food and reasonable prices. Menus from 16 . edit Cambrinus, Philipstockstraat 19 (near the market place), +32 50 332-328, [23]. 11:00-23:00 daily. This is a very popular place, and for a reason. They have some of the best selection of Belgian beers, more than 440 in total. Some beers have really odd names like Satan, Lucifer, Nostradamus, or the Brunette. It's primarily a restaurant though, as all their hearty food are prepared with a special kind of beer. It's really delicious. Mains go for 17-19, but they also have the 26 prix fixe "Menu van de Brouwer", which features several Trappist beers. Make a reservation in advance, as else they might not have any seats available. 25-30. edit


Le Pain Quotidien, 21 Philipstockstraat. A sandwich chain founded in Brussels but now found in the U.S., France and a number of other countries. Most of the food is organic, and the sandwiches (in particular the Tartine Bouef Basilic) are delicious. Somewhat expensive. edit Maximiliaan van Oostenrijk, Wijngaardplein 16-17, +32 0(50) 33 47 23, [24]. Midrange restaurant offering plenty to eat including oysters and meat cooked several ways, plus of course frites. There is not much for vegetarians. edit Grand Cafe Passage, Dweersstraat 26, +32 (0)50 340232, [25]. Attached to the Passage hotel/hostel (see below) is the atmospheric Grand Cafe, serving traditional Belgian cuisine and beers. Prices are slightly lower than the tourist traps and well worth it. Try the beef stew (very tender) or the ribs. edit Trattoria Trium, Academiestraat 27, 050333060, [26]. This is a great spot to have a nice dish of pasta or pizza and is fully Italian. They also sell olive oil, pasta sauces and other authentic products. The decor has a warm home feeling. Try out their antipasto and the excellent house wine. 15 - 20. edit Bittersweet, St Amandstraat 27 (close to the Grote Markt and Belfry), 050 34 87 69. Tu-Sa 96:30. 'Cosy and Delicious' just like it says. Great for breakfast and indulgent afternoon teas. Reasonable prices, better quality and friendlier service than the tourist traps on the Markt, it's well worth the short walk down this quaint side street. Also serves the best coffee in the city! edit Den Gouden Harynck, Groeninge 25, 050337637, [27]. Gastronomic restaurant which offers three course meals at very reasonable prices. edit Laurenzino, Noordzandstraat 1, +32 50 333-213, [28]. Su-Th 11:00-20:00, F 11:00-22:00, Sa 10:00-22:00. This is a good place to try out freshly baked Belgian waffles. They have them with chocolate, caramel, whipped cream or basically anything you want on top of it. They also have traditionally prepared ice cream available. It's easy to find, as you can smell the flavour of the waffles around the shop. 2. edit Chocolaterie Spegelaere, Ezelstraat 92, 050/336052. Bruges Best Kept Secret, a place for chocolate-lovers. edit The 57, Wollestraat 29a, +32 50336242, [29]. 11:30 - 22:00. The 57 is a romantic restaurant at the Rozenhoedkaai in Bruges with view on the canal and the back of the holy bloodchapel and cityhall of Bruges edit


De Garre, 1, De Garre, 32 50 34 10 29. Hidden in a backyard, this pub offers a nice atmosphere and about 100 different kinds of beer, including home-brewed ones. The house beer is called 'Triple de Garre' and is 11% strong, a good way to start the night. edit 't Brugs Beertje, Kemelstraat. This excellent pub (recommended in the CAMRA guide to the Benelux region) has hundreds of different beers and an authentic beer-cafe atmosphere. Clientele is majority tourists. The front bar is crowded; what looks like the door through to the restrooms opens on another bar area. In 2005 it was closed for most of July - this might be an annual occurrence. edit 23

Curiosa, (just off the main square), [30]. A good place for a lunch as well as a beer. edit Vlissinghe tavern, Blekerstrat (on the way to the Jerusalem church). closed Mondays and Tuesdays. One of the less touristy bars, with a nice selection of draught and bottled beers. It's probably the oldest pub in Bruges dating from 1515. edit The area just north of the performing arts center has various cafes, most with sufficient beer selections, such as Cafe Leffe. The Druid's Cellar, St Amandsstraat 11/b, 050614144, [31]. A very nice cozy place to drink a beer and listen to some good music. The bar is located underground and actually gives the impression of a cellar. Usually plays rock music. The bar has a wide selection of drinks, from simple beer to 16 year old Bushmills whiskey. edit Bean around the World, Genthof 5, 050703572. American coffee house in the center of Bruges - offers free American newspapers and WiFi to its customers edit 't oost, Oostmeers 88 (near the train station), 050689623, [32]. 8AM-5PM. Breakfast- and lunch room. Home made food. Free Wi-Fi for customers. 3.50-22.50. edit Dlisa 'Dlices & Saveurs', Jan van Eyckplein 7, 0032 50 34 09 89, [33]. Just a short walk from the Markt, this place undoubtably has some of the best coffee in Bruges. With a genuine espresso machine, the Conti, and a passion for good quality, the owner Sabine, is great for a chat and a good coffee for only 2. edit

Note that during the summer Bruges is a very popular tourist destination; reservations are probably preferable. During the winter (November through March) a number of hotels offer a midweek promotion: 3 nights for the price of 2, if you arrive on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Bookings can only be made through Bruges, Warm Winter Cheer. [34]


Art Hostel, low budget hostel, group accommodation [35] Lybeer Travellers' Hostel [36] In the very city center. Member of the I-hostels network. Passage [37] Very clean and quiet, centrally located Hotel/Hostel with a restaurant-bar downstairs. The name "Passage" comes from the little alley-way right next to the building which you have to pass through in order to reach the reception. Prices for the hostel are around 14 and breakfast costs an extra 5. Snuffel Backpacker Hostel, Ezelstraat 47-49, +32 (0)50 333133, [38]. checkout: 10AM. Friendly, a straight line from the central Markt and cheap. Breakfast is included and cheap internet available, with free wifi. And the bunk beds have ladders. 15. edit 24

Next to the numerous hotels and hostels that dot the city, there is also the nice option of choosing one of the little bed and breakfast such as:

Aspasia [39] Aquarius [40] Asinello B&B, Ezelstraat 59a, [41]. checkout: 11:00. Lovely bed & breakfast with 3 private rooms, each with their own bathroom. A hammam is also onsite. This is a great option for a romantic weekend. 100-150. edit Bonifacius [42] exclusive guesthouse in a historical house. De Wilde Wingerd, Elf julistraat 37, +32 475 59 51 49, [43]. checkin: 12h00; checkout: 10.00. Opened recently. They can host up to 11 people, ideal for families, ask to cook you their lobster meal. 70-140. edit Domus Brugensis, Vuldersstraat 106, +32473711045, [44]. Very romantic, spacious and authentic B&B suite in the centre. Owners are city guides. 85. edit Hotel Tuilerieen [45] Famous hotel. Hotel Bauhaus [46] Good and cheap hostel/budget hotel with a cosy, popular bar. Hotel de Keiserhof, on a quiet street near the station, has basic rooms from 25 per person and is not far from the centre. Basic breakfast is available. Hotel Salvators, St.-Salvatorskerkhof 17, 050 33.19.21 (, fax: 050 33.94.64), [47]. Quirky art hotel in the centre, next to St Salvators Church. This traditional Bruges townhouse has been thoughtfully renovated, with each of the rooms decorated in its own style. Some of the rooms have en-suite jacuzzi, and some sleep up to 5 people. The hotel offers internet access and cycle hire for guests. From 70 per night for a double room. edit Hotel Asiris [48], a restored patrician residence in the shadow of the 15th century St-Gillis church, with 13 rooms, 60 a double room. You can also reserve a parking place for 4 / night. Hotel 't Voermanshuys, Oude Burg 14, +32 50 341396, [49]. checkin: 13:00; checkout: 11:30. Clean, spacious rooms in the centre. Very friendly staff and includes a substantial breakfast. 60 for a double with shared toilet/shower. edit Hotel Prinsenhof, Ontvangersstraat 9, +32 (0)50 342690 (, fax: +32 (0)50 342321), [50]. This elegant and friendly four star hotel is perfectly situated near the Grand Place & historic town centre of Bruges, with secure private parking. From 155. edit Hotel 't Keizershof, Oostmeers 126 (Between the station and the centre), +32(0)50/338728 ( Clean rooms, free laundry facilities. Parking. Breakfast included. 2544. edit


Hotel 't Zand, 't Zand 21, [51]. checkin: 15.00; checkout: 11.00. Small hotel with 19 rooms, situated in centre. It is easily reached via the E40 (exit8) and you will find the hotel right opposite the main exit of the underground car-park. 105. edit Hotel Floris Karos, Hoefijzerlaan 37, 00 32 50 34 14 48, [52]. 3 star hotel a few minutes away from market square. 59. edit MS Watergeus, Kolenkaai 5, +32 473 67 33 42, [53]. A barge, ten minutes away from the centre. The old captain's cabin has been renovated and can now be used as a B&B or just as a holiday flat. 75 for two people / night. Breakfast is 7 a person.. edit NH Hotel Brugge [54], good food and comfortable beds near to parking on the inner ring road, the concert hall and main bus station, in an attractive and completely modernised old building. The staff are obliging and helpful and food is excellent at all meals. Salads, main courses and desserts were all a delight, with the desserts scoring particularly high for attractive presentation. If there was a weak spot, it was the quality of the orange juice at breakfast. Rooms are spacious, perhaps 50m2 or more and the beds have crisp white sheets, duvets and comfortable mattresses. Wireless internet in the rooms needs an Orange subscription but this is modestly priced compared to many hotels. However, some rooms did not seem to have good wi-fi reception. NH took over the hotel from Sofitel in 2007. The Pand Hotel [55] is slightly expensive. Breakfast was great and rooms homey. Ridderspoor Holiday Flats [56] Holiday apartments on a quiet street two blocks from the city center. Flats include a bathroom and small kitchen and can accommodate 2-6 people. 60-100 per night depending on the number of people and length of stay. Walwyck Hotel, Leeuwstraat 8 (next to Leeuwebrug), +32 50 616360, [57]. checkin: 2.00PM; checkout: 12.00AM. Within the oldest ramparts of the medieval city, in the heart of the city, but in the middle of a green area. Double: 100, Single: 90 (Breakfast and taxes included). edit

Get out
The most popular day trips from Bruges:

Damme is a small village near Bruges. Some of the riverboats go there on a half-day cruise. It's a very scenic trip, the landscapes are picturesque, and the village of Damme even more so. You can also go there by bike (special route) and by local bus. It takes about 15 minutes by bus and an hour by boat. Ypres (Ieper) is an important site of Great War battles, cemeteries, monuments and traditions such as the Last Post (every evening). Very popular among old veterans and young boys interested in wars. About one hour by train, and a very scenic ride. Ostend (Oostende) is the monumental beach resort which King Leopold II (1865-1909) built before his attention turned to destroying inner-city Brussels to build his new capital. The quintessential cosmopolitan 19th century beach resort, full of endearing villas that have been classified as official monuments. Less than 15 minutes by train. 26

Close by, about 10 minutes by tram towards Raversijde, you can find the Atlantic Wall, two kilometres of trenches and galleries dating from both World Wars. Antwerp and Ghent are great tourist destinations in their own right.


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