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Definitie: - reprezinta un determinant substantival care contribuie la realizarea intelesului unui substantiv
intr-o propozitie.

Tipuri de articole:;
Articolul Hotarat - THE
Articolul Nehotarat - A / AN
Articolul zero (forma implicita sau neexprimata)

Articolul hotarat THE:

Cand folosim articolul hotarat?

- Inaintea unui substantiv care a mai fost mentionat in textul respectiv:

Exemplu: A man knocked at the door and a girl opened it. The man was her father.

- Inaintea substantivelor care sunt unice:

Exemplu: the moon, the earth, the star, the sun, the air

- Inaintea numeralelor ordinale:

Exemplu: the first, the second, the third, the twenty-first, the seventeenth

- In realizarea superlativului:
Exemplu: the best year, the youngest girl, the most important, the fastest, the tallest
- Inaintea substantivelor care reprezinta nume de colectivitati si institutii:
Exemplu: the army, the crowd, the government, the police, the parliament

- Inaintea unor nume proprii (nume de familie, muzee, teatre, ziare, hoteluri, etc):
Exemplu: the Browns, the Johns, the National Theatre, the Marriott Grand Hotel, the New York Times, the

- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume de locuri geografice, munti, fluvii, oceane, mari etc:
Exemplu: the Alps, the Atlantic, the Thames, the Danube, the Red Sea, the Sahara

Articolul nehotarat A / AN
Utilizam articolul nehotarat A:
Inaintea substantivelor care incep cu o consoana:
Exemple: a girl, a boy, a teacher, a family, a classroom

Utilizam articolul nehotarat AN:

Inaintea substantivelor care incep cu o vocala (a, e, i, o, u):
Exemple: an elephant, an apple, an interview, an onion, an action

Articolul nehotarat - exceptii:

- Folosim articolul nehotarat AN inaintea unui substantiv care incepe cu litera "h", doar atunci cand este
vorba despre un "h mut".
Exemple: an hour, an honour

- Folosim articolul nehotarat A inaintea unui substantiv care incepe cu litera "u" sau grupul de litere "eu",
doar atunci cand acestea se pronunta ca "you"
Exemple: a European, a university, a unit

Cand folosim articolul nehotarat A/AN?

- Inaintea unui substantiv concret nedeterminat si numarabil:
Exemple: A boy entered into the classroom.
The reporter took an interview.

- Inaintea unui substantiv concret cu functia de nume predicativ:

Exemplu: She is a teacher.
Ronnie is an elephant.

Articolul zero
Nu folosim articol in urmatoarele situatii:
- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume proprii la singular:
Exemplu: Paul is going to the school.

- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume de tari, orase si limba acestora:

Exemple: France is a European country.
You speak English fluently.
Bucharest is the capital of Romania.

- In unele expresii invariabile:

Exemplu: by car, at school, in church, by train

- Inaintea substantivelor abstracte, care indica nume de culori, stiinte, arte, materii etc:
Exemplu: beauty, health, dinner, lunch, breakfast, truth, green, gold, silver, mathematics, physics


Numeralul cardinal
1 one 11 eleven
2 two 12 twelve
3 three 13 thirteen
4 four 14 fourteen
5 five 15 fifteen
6 six 16 sixteen
7 seven 17 seventeen
8 eight 18 eighteen
9 nine 19 nineteen
10 ten 20 twenty

30 thirty 21 twenty-one
40 forty 22 twenty-two
50 fifty 23 twenty-three
60 sixty 24 twenty-four
70 seventy ....... .......
80 eighty
90 ninety 31 thirty-one
32 thirty-two
100 one hundred 33 thirty-three
200 two hundred 34 thirty-four
1000 one thousand ....... .......
10000 ten thousand

153     one hundred and fifty-three

198     one hundred and ninety-eight
203     two hundred and three
405     four hundred and fifty
1,000,000     one million
12,000,000     twelve million


1. Pronumele personal
a) cu functie de subiect
b) cu functie de complement

a) Forma pronumelui personal cu functie de subiect:

I --- eu
You --- tu, dumneata, dumneavoastra
He --- el
She --- ea
It --- el, ea (neutru), pentru nume de obiecte, lucruri, animale
We --- noi
You --- voi, dumneavoastra
They --- ei, ele, dumnealor

Exemple: I am a big girl.

He lives near the school.
We like chocolate very much.
Do you like football?

b) Forma pronumelui personal cu functie de complement:

- mie, imi, mi (complement indirect)
- pe mine, ma, m (complement direct)

- tie, iti, ti, dumitale, dumneavoastra (complement indirect)
- pe tine, te, pe dumneata, pe dumneavoastra (complement direct)

- lui, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe el, il (complement direct)

- ei, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe ea, o (complement direct)

- lui, ei, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe el, il, pe ea, o (complement direct)

- noua, ne, ni (complement indirect)
- pe noi, ne (complement direct)

- voua, va, vi, dumneavoastra (complement indirect)
- pe voi, va, pe dumneavoastra (complement direct)

- lor, le, li (complement indirect)
- pe ei, ii, i (complement direct)

I watch my brother playing tennis.
You gave me a nice gift.
Give them a kiss from me!
2. Pronumele reflexive si de intarire
myself --- ma, insumi, insami
yourself --- te, insuti, insati
himself --- se, insusi
herself --- se, insesi
itself --- se, insusi, insasi (neutru)
ourselves --- ne, insine, insene
yourselves --- va, insiva, inseva
themselves --- se, insisi, insesi

I found myself very smart.
We did ourselves all the exercises.
3. Pronumele demonstrativ
this --- acesta, aceasta, asta, asta
that --- acela, aceea, ala, aia
these --- acestea, acestia, astia, astea
those --- acelea, aceia, aia, alea

This is my brother.
Those are his parents.
4. Pronumele posesive
mine --- al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele
yours --- al tau, a ta, ai tai, ale tale
his --- al sau (a lui), a sa (a lui), ai sai (ai lui), ale sale (ale lui)
hers --- al sau (a ei), a sa (a ei), ai sai (ai ei), ale sale (ale ei)
its own --- al sau, a sa, ai sai, ale sale (neutru)
ours --- al nostru, a noastra, ai nostri, ale noastre
yours --- al vostru, a voastra, ai vostri, ale voastre
their --- al lor, a lor, ai lor, ale lor

My brother is tall, but yours is taller.
His car is old, but hers is older.
I lost my pencil, can you lend me yours?
5. Pronumele nehotarat
some + body, one, thing
any + body, one, thing
no + body, one, thing
I want something from you.
She didn't find anything in the fridge.
There was no one in the room.
6. Pronumele relativ
who --- care
whom/who --- pe care
whose --- al (a, ai, ale) carui, careia, carora
what --- ce, ceea ce
which --- care, pe care (pt. lucruri, obiecte ...)
that --- care

My brother, who is a doctor, lives in Bucharest.
Tom, whose car was stolen, bought another one last week.
I found a cat that was lost.
I didn't like what I saw.
7. Pronumele interogativ
who? --- cine?
whom? who? --- pe cine?
whose? --- al (a, ai, ale) cui?
what? --- care?, pe care,ce?
which? --- (pe) care dintre?

Whom did you see last Sunday?
Whose shoes are those?
What are you doing?
Which do you like more?


Verbul "TO BE" - a fi

Forma afirmativa:
I am (I'm) - Eu sunt
You are (You're) - Tu esti
He is (He's) - El este
She is (She's) - Ea este
It is (It's) - El/Ea este
We are (We're) - Noi suntem
You are (You're) - Voi sunteti
They are (They're) - Ei/Ele sunt

Forma interogativa:
Am I? - Sunt eu?
Are you? - Esti tu?
Is he? - Este el?
Is she? - Este ea?
Is it? - Este el/ea?
Are we? - Suntem noi?
Are you? - Sunteti voi?
Are they? - Sunt ei/ele?

Forma negativa:
I am not (I'm not) - Eu nu sunt
You are not (You aren't) - Tu nu esti
He is not (He isn't) - El nu este
She is not (She isn't) - Ea nu este
It is not (It isn't) - El/Ea nu este
We are not (We aren't) - Noi nu suntem
You are not (You aren't) - Voi nu sunteti
They are not (They aren't) - Ei/Ele nu sunt

Verbul "TO HAVE" - a avea

Forma afirmativa:
I have (I've) - Eu am
You have (You've) - Tu ai
He has (He's) - El are
She has (She's) - Ea are
It has (It's) - El/Ea are
We have (We've) - Noi avem
You have (You've) - Voi aveti
They have (They've) - Ei/Ele au

Forma interogativa:
Have I? - Am eu?
Have you? - Ai tu?
Has he? - Are el?
Has she? - Are ea?
Has it? - Are el/ea?
Have we? - Avem noi?
Have you? - Aveti voi?
Have they? - Au ei/ele?

Forma negativa:
I have not (I haven't) - Eu nu am
You have not (You haven't) - Tu nu ai
He has not (He hasn't) - El nu are
She has not (She hasn't) - Ea nu are
It has not (It hasn't) - El/Ea nu are
We have not (We haven't) - Noi nu avem
You have not (You haven't) - Voi nu aveti
They have not (They haven't) - Ei/Ele nu au
Verbul "TO DO" - a face
Forma afirmativa:
I do - Eu fac
You do - Tu faci
He does - El face
She does - Ea face
It does - El/Ea face
We do - Noi facem
You do - Voi faceti
They do - Ei/Ele fac

Forma interogativa:
Do I? - Fac eu?
Do you? - Faci tu?
Does he? - Face el?
Does she? - Face ea?
Does it? - Face el/ea?
Do we? - Facem noi?
Do you? - Faceti voi?
Do they? - Fac ei/ele?

Forma negativa:
I do not (I don't) - Eu nu fac
You do not (You don't) - Tu nu faci
He does not (He doesn't) - El nu face
She does not (She doesn't) - Ea nu face
It does not (It doesn't) - El/Ea nu face
We do not (We don't) - Noi nu facem
You do not (You don't) - Voi nu faceti
They do not (They don't) - Ei/Ele nu fac


A. Tipuri de substantive
1. Substantive comune
2. Substantive proprii

1. Substantivele comune desemneaza fiinte (oameni si animale) si obiecte / lucruri.

- fiinte: man, woman, grandmother, teacher, brother, pupil, doctor, nurse
- obiecte (lucruri): pencil, school, car, hotel, medicine, shop, power, health

2. Substantivele proprii desemneaza nume de familie si prenume, nume de munti, orase, tari, ape etc.

- nume de familie si prenume: Ewing, Brown, Sawyer, John, Mary, Helen
- nume de munti: Alps, Himalaya, Everest
- nume de orase: Bucharest, Paris, Venice
- nume de tari: France, Italy, Croatia
- nume de ape: Mississippi, Danube, Thames

B. Genul substantivelor
1. Genul masculin (care se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal he)

Exemple: man, doctor, driver, father, boy

2. Genul feminin (care se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal she)

Exemple: woman, mother, girl, actress, sister.

3. Genul neutru (nume de lucruri, obiecte si animale; se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal it)

Exemple: cat, dog, pencil, butterfly, car, notebook.

C. Numarul substantivelor
Substantivele pot fi la singular sau la plural.

Formarea pluralului:
a) pluralul cu "-s"

a dog ---> two dogs
a school ---> two schools
a car ---> two cars
a book ---> two books

b) pluralul cu "-es" (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -s, -x, -z, -ch, -sh)

a bus ---> two buses
a fax ---> two faxes
a church ---> two churches

a tomato ---> two tomatoes
a potato ---> two potatoes

radio ---> radios
photo ---> photos

c) pluralul cu "-ies" (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -y)

lady ---> ladies
baby ---> babies
fly ---> flies

day ---> days
boy ---> boys
- pentru substantivele care se termina in y precedat de o consoana, pluralul se va face in -ies
- pentru substantivele care se termina in y precedat de o vocala, pluralul se va face in -s

d) pluralul cu "-ves" (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -f sau -fe)

leaf ---> leaves
calf ---> calves
shelf ---> shelves
wife ---> wives
wolf ---> wolves

chief ---> chiefs
proof ---> proofs
belief ---> beliefs

e) pluralele neregulate

child ---> children
man ---> men
woman ---> women
foot ---> feet
goose ---> geese
mouse ---> mice
tooth ---> teeth

f) substantive invariabile care nu primesc "-s"

deer (cerb)
duck (rata)
sheep (oaie)
trout (pastrav)
fish (peste)
fruit (fructe)

g) substantivele cu sens colectiv care nu au forma de plural

advice (sfat)
baggage (bagaj)
luggage (bagaje)
information (informatii)
furniture (mobila)
people (oameni)
crowd (multime)
police (politie)

h) pluralul substantivelor proprii

the Browns
the Johnsons
the Thompsons
D. Substantive compuse
1. Alcatuiti pluralul urmatoarelor substantive:
table --->
clock --->
leaf --->
gentleman --->
baby --->
tooth --->
friend --->
city --->
life --->
chief --->

2. Inlocuiti substantivele urmatoare cu pronumele personal potrivit:

the girl ---

the dog ---
the actor ---
the schoolboy ---
the pencil ---
the grandmother ---

3. Alcatuiti cat mai multe substantive compuse cu ajutorul urmatoarelor cuvinte:

dining, bird, school, class, kinder, mate, room, boy, father, black, book, girl, board, living, garden, note, exercise,
parents, grand.

Adjectivele in limba engleza au urmatoarele caracteristici:

a) nu variaza dupa gen si numar
b) se aseaza inaintea substantivelor

a good cake ---> good cakes
A. Tipuri de adjective
• opinion adjectives (adjective de opinie): descriu ceea ce credem despre cineva sau ceva.

Exemple: beautiful, great, nice, expensive, cheap, ugly etc.

• fact adjectives (adjective de fapt): descriu ceea ce fiintele sau obiectele determinate sunt cu adevarat

Exemple: short, large, long, green, round etc.

! Adjectivele de opinie stau inaintea adjectivelor de fapt

B. Adjectivul demonstrativ
Desemneaza fiinte sau lucruri pe care le aratam precizand in acelasi timp apropierea sau departarea in timp sau

• singular:
- this (acest, aceasta)
- that (acel, acea)

• plural:
- these (acesti, aceste)
- those (acei, acele)

This man is a doctor.
That girl is a pupil.
These children are small.
Those boys are playing in the scoolyard.
C. Adjectivul posesiv
Desemneaza raportul de posesie dintre un posesor si ceea ce acesta poseda:
• singular:
- my (meu, mea, mei, mele)
- your (tau, ta, tai, tale)
- his (lui, sau, sa, sai, sale)
- her (ei, sau, sa, sai, sale)
- its (lui, ei, sau, sa, sai, sale)

• plural:
- our (nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre)
- your (vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre)
- their (lor)

This is my house.
It is his car.
That is our shop.
Those are your books.
D. Comparativul adjectivelor
a) Comparativul de egalitate / inferioritate:
"as ... as" (tot atat de / la fel de)
"not as ... as" (nu atat de / nu la fel de)
"not so ... as" (nu atat de / nu la fel de)

She is as pretty as her mother.
He is not as tall as his brother.

b) Comparativ de superioritate:
- pentru adjective scurte (monosilabice) se adauga terminatia "-er" la finalul adjectivului respectiv
- pentru adjective lungi, acestea sunt precedate de adverbul "more"

tall ---> taller
(inalt ---> mai inalt)
slim ---> slimmer
(slab ---> mai slab)
fast ---> faster
(rapid ---> mai rapid)
big ---> bigger
(man ---> mai mare)

beautiful ---> more beautiful

(frumos ---> mai frumos)
interesting ---> more interesting
interesant ---> mai interesant
difficult ---> more difficult
dificil ---> mai dificil
E. Superlativul adjectivelor
- pentru adjective scurte (monosilabice) se adauga terminatia "-est" la adjectivul precedat de "the"

- pentru adjective lungi, acestea vor fi precedate de "the most"

the tallest (cel mai inalt)
the slimmest (cel mai slab)
the fastest (cel mai rapid)
the biggest (cel mai mare)

the most beautiful (cel mai frumos)

the most interesting (cel mai interesant)
the most difficult (cel mai dificil)
F. Comparative si superlative neregulate
old worse
farther (further)
older (elder) the worst
the best
the farthest (the furthest)
the most
the oldest (the eldest) rau

.................. Superlativ
the cheapest
the most beautiful
the fattest

3. Potriviti adjectivele la substantivele respective:






traditional blouse







A. Adverbe de mod
- arata modul in care se petrece o actiune

Mod de formare:
- de obicei, aceste adverbe se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ly la finalul unui adjective.

beautiful ---> beautifully
sad ---> sadly
capable ---> capably
slow ---> slowly
easy ---> easily
B. Adverbe de loc
- arata locul in care se petrece o actiune

here, there, upstairs, downstairs, anywhere, everywhere, outside, inside
C. Adverbe de timp
- arata timpul in care se petrece o actiune

today, yesterday, tomorrow, Saturday, Monday, now, finally, later, soon, just, still
D. Adverbe de durata
- arata perioada de timp a unei actiuni

forever, shortly, long, permanently

E. Adverbe de comparatie
- arata gradul de intensitate al unei actiuni

extremely, greatly, hugely, partially, perfectly, strongly, totally, almost, very, entirely
F. Adverbe de frecventa
- arata gradul de repetabilitate al unei actiuni

always, constantly, often, rarely, regularly, seldom, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, never
G. Adverbe de probabilitate
- arata gradul de probabilitate a unei actiuni

certainly, perhaps, maybe, possibly, definitely
1. Cunoscand urmatoarele procente corespunzatoare adverbelor de frecventa, realizati propozitiile de mai jos,
conform modelului.
never ---> 0%
rarely ---> 10%
sometimes ---> 25%
often ---> 50%
usually ---> 75%
always ---> 100%

Sam / have / shower / evening (75%)
Sam usually has shower in the evening.

a) I / eat / cake / afternoon. (25%)

b) Tim / sleep / living - room (50%)
c) I / go / school / Sunday (0%)
d) Dennis / play / tennis / weekends (100%)
e) She / run / park / morning (10%)


A. Prepozitii de miscare
- arata miscarea

to, through, across

to - utilizam "to" pentru a arata deplasarea catre o destinatie anume.

I went to Chicago two years ago.

through - utilizam "through" pentru a sugera deplasarea dintr-o parte in alta a unui spatiu inchis.

The cars went through the tunnel.

across - utilizam "across" pentru a sugera miscarea dintr-o parte in alta a unei suprafete.

She flew across the sea.

Alte prepozitii de miscare:

along, down, over, off, round, into

B. Prepozitii de loc
- arata locul in care se situeaza obiectele definite

at, on, in

at - folosim "at" pentru a arata un anumit loc sau o anumita pozitie.

Someone is at the door.

on - folosim "on" pentru a arata pozitia pe o suprafata verticala sau orizontala.

The dog is on the roof.

in - folosim "in" pentru a arata ca un anumit obiect este imprejmuit sau inchis.

The parrot is in the cage.

Alte prepozitii de loc:

after, among, behind, between, in front of, next to, beside, by, over, above, under, below.
C. Prepozitii de timp
- pentru a specifica timpul unei actiuni

at, on, in

at - pentru a arata timpul exact.

She left at 7.00 a.m.

on - pentru anumite date sau zile

She arrived on Monday.
Her birthday is on 23rd of October.

in - pentru o perioada de timp nespecificata, necunoscuta din timpul unui an, zi, luna, anotimp.

It is very cold in Winter.
I left Romania in 1989.

Alte prepozitii de timp:

after, by, since, during, for, throughout
1. Completati cu prepozitia corecta:
of, on, at, to, with, in, for, along

Prezentul Simplu
A. Mod de formare
Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
(la persoana a III-a singular se adauga terminatia „-s" sau „-es")

1. I go to school every day.
2. He reads a book every month.
3. She lives in Bucharest.

Do / Does (pers.III, sg.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv

1. Do you go to school every day?
2. Does he read a book every month?
3. Does she live in Bucharest?

Subiect + do / does (pers.III, sg.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv
Se folosesc adesea contractiile don't (do + not) si doesn't (does + not)

1. I don't go to school every day.
2. He doesn't read a book every month.
3. She doesn't live in Bucharest.

B. Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei „-s" sau „-es" la afirmativ pentru persoana a III-a singular
! La majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia „-s" la persoana a III-a singular la afirmativ

I talk – He talks
I work – He works
I sleep – He sleeps

! Verbelelor care se termina in –ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o li se adauga terminatia „-es"

I kiss – He kisses
I wish – He wishes
I catch – He catches
I mix – He mixes
I go – He goes

! La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o consoana, se inlocuieste litera y cu litera i, iar apoi se adauga
terminatia „-es"

I fly – He flies
I study – He studies
I cry – He cries

! La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o vocala, se adauga terminatia „-s"

I pay – He pays
I stay – He stays
I play – He plays
C. Folosim Prezentul Simplu pentru:
• activitati zilnice, saptamanale, lunare, anuale
I go to the mountains every month.
We have breakfast at 7.30 every morning.

• obiceiuri, hobby-uri
She plays tennis in her free time.
In the summer, they go to the seaside.

• situatii permanente
He lives in Paris. I work as a manager.

• a exprima actiuni care respecta un anumit program

The bus for Bucharest lives at 12.15 on Monday.
I have Maths Friday at 11.30.

• situatii emotionale
I love my girlfriend very much.
He hates cats.

• adevaruri generale
The earth moves around the sun.
Water boils at 100°C.
D. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Simplu:
every day/ week/ month/ year etc., every morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night, usually, always, sometimes, often,
never, in the morning/evening/night etc.

1. He goes to the gim every day.
2. I play football every week.
3. We go to the dentist every year.
4. She watches TV every evening.
5. She usually studies hard for her exams.
6. I always do my homework.
7. He sometimes goes shopping.
8. I often play pool with my friends.
9. She never go to school by bus.
10. In the evening we play Monopoly.

Prezentul Continuu

A. Mod de formare
Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. I'm writing an article now.
2. They are playing football.
3. She is having lunch at this moment.

To be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. Am I writing an article now?
2. Are they playing football?
3. Is she having lunch at this moment?

Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + not + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
Se folosesc adesea contractiile isn't (is + not) si aren't (are + not)

1. I'm not writing an article now.
2. They aren't playing football.
3. She isn't having lunch at this moment
B. Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei „-s" sau „-es" la afirmativ pentru persoana a III-a singular
! La majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia „-ing" fara nici o modificare:

play – playing
try – trying
drink – drinking
sing - singing
go - going
draw - drawing
cook - cooking
learn - learning
send - sending
wash - washing

! La verbele care se termina in litera e precedata de o consoana, se renunta la litera e si se adauga terminatia "-ing"

make – making
come – coming
leave – leaving

! La verbele formate dintr-o singura silaba (monosilabice) care se termina intr-o consoana precedata de o vocala, se
dubleaza consoana si apoi se adauga terminatia "-ing"

get – getting
sit – sitting
hit – hitting
C. Folosim Prezentul Continuu pentru:
• activitati care se petrec in momentul vorbirii
She is watching TV now.
Mother is washing the dishes at this moment.

• actiuni care se desfasoara pe o perioada mai mare de timp, incluzand si momentul vorbirii
John is studying Maths for his exam.
My brother is writing a book.

• a vorbi despre o intalnire sau despre un aranjament din viitorul apropiat

He is flying to New York next week.
I'm meeting Susan next Sunday.
D. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Continuu:
now, at this moment, these days, this week, today, tonight etc.

1. Paul is repairing his car now.
2. I'm having lunch at this moment.
3. He is working hard for a project these days.
4. They are going to the basketball game this week.
5. I'm writing a letter today.
6. I'm watching TV tonight.

Trecutul Simplu

A. Mod de formare
Subiect + Vb.II (terminatia "-ed" pentru verbele regulate)

1. I wrote a book last year.
2. He went to a football game last week.
3. We played in the park yesterday.
Did + Subiect + Vb.I?

1. Did you write a book last year?
2. Did he go to a football game last week?
3. Did you play in the park yesterday?

Subiect + didn't + Vb.I

1. I didn't write a book last year.
2. He didn't go to a football game last week.
3. We didn't play in the park yesterday.
B. Folosim Trecutul Simplu pentru:

• activitati terminate care s-au petrecut in trecut

She was in France 2 years ago.
We bought a new washing machine 2 weeks ago.

• actiuni incheiate care s-au petrecut la un moment determinat in trecut

They were in England in 1981.
I left Bucharest in april 1994.
C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Trecutul Simplu:
yesterday, at this time yesterday, 2 days ago, 2 months ago, last year, last week, the day before yesterday

1. Diana went in Belgium 3 years ago.
2. I was having lunch at this time yesterday.
3. They played football 2 hours ago.
4. Paul taught English and French 3 months ago.
5. She left town the day before yesterday.

4. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la Trecutul Simplu:

I see
I saw

I watch
I watched

1. I sleep
2. He plays
3. He run
4. You speak
5. They don't read
6. He doesn't feel
7. I meet
8.He catches
9. You wake up
10. They leave

5. Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari conform precizarilor din paranteze (vezi exemplu)

When did she leave Bucharest? (2 years ago)
She left Bucharest 2 years ago.

1. Where did you sleep last night? (at Cathy's)

2. When did you read this book? (3 weeks ago)
3. When did you find out about Susan's problems? (last Monday)
4. Where did you meet your friends? (in the park)
5. When did she study French (2 years ago)
6. Where did he work last year (in a bank)
7. When did they divorce? (4 years ago)
8. How did she die? (in a train accident)
9. Who was Mihai Eminescu? (a Romanian poet)
10. When was he born? (in 1973)

Trecutul Continuu

A. Mod de formare
Subiect + was (pers.I/III sg) / were (restul pers.) + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. I was learning a poem at this time yesterday.
2. You were watering the flowers at this time yesterday.
3.They were mending the radio at this time yesterday.

Was (pers.I/III sg) / Were (restul pers.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. Was I learning a poem at this time yesterday?
2. Were you watering the flowers at this time yesterday?
3. Were they mending the radio at this time yesterday?

Subiect + was (pers.I/III sg) / were (restul pers.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
Se folosesc adesea contractiile wasn't (was + not) si weren't (were + not)

1. I wasn't learning a poem at this time yesterday.
2. You weren't watering the flowers at this time yesterday.
3.They weren't mending the radio at this time yesterday.

B. Folosim Trecutul Continuu pentru:

• a exprima o actiune in desfasurare ce a avut loc in trecut
She was playing in her room at this time yesterday.
They were listening music at this time last Saturday.

• a exprima o actiune repetata de-a lungul unei perioade de timp

Did she ask any questions?
Oh, she was asking questions all the time.
Did he buy any sweets?.
Oh, he was buying sweets all the time.
C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Trecutul Continuu:
at this time yesterday, from ... to ..., all day, for ...

1. Tom was typing some letters at this time yesterday .
2. She was playing quitar from 6 to 8 o'clock.
3. They were laughing all day.
4. She was living in an old building for 6 years.

1. Spune ce facea fiecare pe vremea aceasta, martea trecuta:
Father was in the living-room. (watch)
Father was watching TV.

1. My mother was in the kitchen. (cook)

2. Daniel was in the garden. (water flowers)
3. Grandma was in the bedroom. (sleep)
4. Their friends were at the disco. (dance)
5. Aunt Mary and uncle John were in the garage. (repair car)
2. Ieri dimineata, toti elevii din clasa a sasea erau in clasa si se pregateau pentru testul de la matematica. Spune ce
facea fiecare cand a intrat profesorul.
Ana and Mary / clean the blackboard.
Ana and Mary were cleaning the blackboard.

1. Christian / talk to his deskmate.

2. Victor / repeat some geometry formulas.
3. Diana and Helen / look at some exercises.
4. George / read the math lesson.
5. Andreea / write her homework.

3. Treceti verbele la Trecutul Continuu:

We are reading Shakespeare now.
We were reading Shakespeare at this time yesterday, too.

1. Father is fixing the car in the garage.

2. Timothy is painting the wall now.
3. Granpa and Grandma are watching a movie now.
4. Students are learning new Spanish words now.
5. The boys are trying to fix a bicycle now.

4. Treceti verbele din paranteze la Trecutul Continuu:

She (sing) for 2 hours yesterday.
She was singing for 2 hours yesterday.

1. Tom (practice) in the language lab from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. yesterday.

2. Mother (cook) all day yesterday.
3. My friends (watch) TV for 6 hours yesterday.
4. Pupils (study) Spanish from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m..
5. From 3 to 5 I (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.

5. Treceti verbele din paranteze la Trecutul Continuu. Aceste verbe exprima o actiune trecuta care a avut loc o
perioada mai lunga de timp.
I (work) in a restaurant in the centre of the city.
I was working in a restaurant in the centre of the city.

1. I (live) in an old building.

2. Mother (visit) me twice a week.
3. I (share) my room with 2 girls.
4. I (work) on Saturdays twice a month.
5. I had a very good friend, Tom, and he (work) in the same restaurant with me.

Prezentul Perfect Simplu

A. Mod de formare
Subiect + have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + vb. la forma a III-a

1. I have washed her blouse.
2. He has written his homework.
3. We have learnt our English lesson.

Have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + Subiect + vb. la forma a III-a

1. Have I washed her blouse?
2. Has he written his homework?
3. Have we learnt our English lesson?
Subiect + have/has (pers. a III-a sg.) + not + vb. la forma a III-a
Se folosesc adesea contractiile haven't (have + not) si hasn't (has + not)

1. I haven't washed her blouse.
2. He hasn't written his homework.
3. We haven't learnt our English lesson.

B. Folosim Prezentul Perfect Simplu pentru:

• a exprima o actiune incheiata de curand, dar nu se cunoaste cu exactitate momentul incheierii acesteia
I have cooked a delicious steak.
They have finished their homeworks.

• a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut care se continua si in prezent; efectele actiunii se resimt si in prezent
I have lived here since 1994.
We have started classes for 3 hours.
C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Perfect Simplu:
already, just, yet
1. He has already finished his classes.
2. Tom has just spoken on the phone with Mary.
3. They haven't written the exercise yet.

never, ever, often

1. I have never heard such a thing.
2. Have you ever read this news?
3. I have often travelled by car to the countryside.

ever and before

Have you ever heard this song before?

for and since

1. I've had my own car for four years.
2. She has been ill since yesterday.

until now, so far, up to now

1. I haven't had any Math problems up to now.
2. So far, he hasn't complained about his wage.
3. Until now, I haven't heard about this English singer.
1. Pune verbele din paranteza la Prezentul Perfect Simplu, ca in exemplul de mai jos:
Tom .......... (write) .......... his homework.
Tom has just written his homework.

1. I .......... (fix) .......... my car.

2. Father .......... (leave) .......... home.
3. They .......... (arrive) .......... to the theatre.
4. We .......... (see) .......... our Math teacher.
5. He .......... (begin) .......... to cry.

2. Construieste propozitii la timpul Prezent Perfect Simplu, cu ajutorul expresiilor din paranteza, ca in exemplele de
mai jos:
I .......... arrive .......... home. (just)
I have just arrived home.
He .......... paint .......... this picture. (never)
He has never painted this picture.
They .......... do .......... their homeworks. (yet)
They haven't done their homeworks yet.

1. Mary .......... cook .......... the soup. (already)

2. John and Tom .......... watch .......... TV. (just)
3. We .......... close .......... this window. (never)
4. Pupils .......... miss .......... the English class. (never)
5. You .......... lie .......... to your mother. (often)

3. Raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari folosind timpul Prezent Perfect Simplu, ca in exemplele de mai jos:
Have you ever heard this song before? (never)
We have never heard this song before.
Have you ever eaten this food before? (often)
We have often eaten this food.

1. Has he ever spoken to his cousin before? (never)

2. Have they ever played football? (often)
3. Have you ever lied to your mother? (never)
4. Has she ever skated before? (often)
5. Have you ever drunk whisky? (never)

4. Construieste intrebari si raspunsuri ca in exemplul de mai jos:

drive the car
Have you driven the car yet?
I'm afraid I haven't driven it yet.

1. have breakfast
2. buy the buster
3. send the letter
4. clean the bathroom
5. wash the dishes

5. Completeaza urmatoarele propozitii ca in exemplul de mai jos, folosind timpul Prezent Perfect Simplu:
This is the most beautiful girl I .......... (see)
This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

1. That is the most interesting movie he .......... (see)

2. This is the best book she .......... (read)
3. This is the biggest mall they .......... (visit)
4. These are the most attractive souvenirs they .......... (buy)
5. Those are the most wonderful monuments they .......... (see)

Prezentul Perfect Continuu

A. Mod de formare
Subiect + have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. I have been waiting for your reply since yesterday.
2. He has been sending me letters for 3 months.
3. We have been crying for 3 hours.

Have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + Subiect + been + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. Have I been waiting for your reply since yesterday?
2. Has he been sending me letters for 3 months?
3. Have we been crying for 3 hours?
Subiect + have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + not + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
Se folosesc adesea contractiile haven't (have + not) si hasn't (has + not)

1. I haven't been waiting for your reply since yesterday.
2. He hasn't been sending me letters for 3 months.
3. We haven't been crying for 3 hours.

B. Folosim Prezentul Perfect Continuu pentru:

• a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut si care nu s-a incheiat inca

She has been eating for ten minutes.
They have been working for several hours.

• a descrie stari sau sentimente care au inceput in trecut si au continuat de-a lungul unei perioade de timp si sunt inca
prezente in momentul vorbirii
I have lived here since 1994.
We have started classes for 3 hours.
C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Perfect Continuu:
You have been living in Paris since 1996.

They have been watching TV for 3 hours.

so far
So far, there have been arriving 10 passengers from London.

Have you ever been listening to the radio?

I have never been travelling to France until now.
1. Pune verbele din paranteza la timpul Prezentul Perfect Continuu, ca in exemplul de mai jos:
I (travel) abroad for 2 weeks.
I have been travelling abroad for 2 weeks.

1. He (write) poems since 1997.

2. The children (draw) this map for half an hour.
3. The pupil (recite) the poem for ten minutes.
4. I (study) English for 4 years.
5. Sarah (do) her homework for 2 hours.

2. Reformuleaza urmatoarele propozitii folosind FOR + the last + Prezentul Perfect Continuu, ca in exemplul de mai
He began watching TV 2 hours ago.
He has been watching TV for the last 2 hours.

1. We began watering the flowers 2 days ago.

2. Paul and Jim began writing their homework half an hour ago.
3. Mother began going to the doctor 3 months ago.
4. Father began cooking for his family 10 minutes ago.
5. The poet began composing that poem 1 month ago.

3. Pune la forma interogativa a timpului Prezent Perfect Continuu, propozitiile de mai jos:
He has been listening to the radio for 1 hour.
Has he been listening to the radio for 1 hour?

1. Children have been staying in the bus for 10 hours.

2. Pupils have been playing in the schoolgarden since noon.
3. The detective has been investigating this case since 2000.
4. The theatre show has been starting for 3 hours.
5. I have been watching "Young & Restless" since 2001.

4. Completeaza spatiile goale cu "FOR" si "SINCE". Pune verbele din paranteza la Prezentul Perfect Continuu:
Helen (study) English .......... last summer.
Heleng has been studying English since last summer.

1. We (talk) about that horrible accident .......... half an hour.

2. She (cook) a chicken soup .......... 1 hour.
3. They (phone) the manager .......... the last five minutes.
4. Mary (live) in Manhattan .......... June 1998.
5. It (rain) .......... morning.

5. Reformuleaza urmatoarele propozitii folosind "SINCE" si Prezentul Perfect Simplu, ca in exemplul urmator:
It is raining. It started on Wednesday.
It has been raining since Wednesday.

1. He is crying. He began at noon.

2. Father is sleeping. He went to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening.
3. We are travelling by train. We left Bucharest yesterday evening.
4. The artist is drawing. He started his work in January.
5. We are watching the football game. It began at 8 o'clock.

Trecutul Perfect Simplu

Trecutul Perfect Continuu
Viitorul apropiat (Going To)
Viitorul Simplu
Viitorul Continuu
Future in the Past
Viitorul Perfect Simplu
Viitorul Perfect Continuu
Modurile verbelor
Propozitiile Conditionale
Diateza Pasiva

Vorbirea directa si vorbirea indirecta


Lista verbelor neregulate

In aceasta lectie vom vedea care sunt verbele neregulate, care sunt formele lor la infinitiv, trecut si participiu trecut,  
precum si traducerea lor.

Lista verbelor neregulate

Infinitiv Trecut Participiu trecut Traducere  
to abide abode abode a astepta, a sta, a locui

to arise arose arisen a se ridica

to awake awoke awoke a se trezi
to be was, were been a fi
to bear bore born a se naste
to beat beat beaten a bate
to become became become a deveni
to begin began begun a icepe
to behold beheld beheld a zari, a vedea
to bend bent bent a idoi
to beseech besought besought a implora
to bear bore born a se naste
to bet bet bet a paria
to bid bade bidden a oferi, a licita
to bind bound bound a lega
to bite bit bitten a musca
to bleed bled bled a sangera
to bless blest blest a binecuvanta
to blow blew blown a sufla
to break broke broken a sparge
to breed bred bred a creste
to bring brought brought a aduce
to broadcast broadcast broadcast a transmite prin radio
to burn burnt (burned) burnt (burned) a arde
to burst burst burst a izbucni
to buy bought bought a cumpara
to can could been able to a putea, a fi posibil
to cast cast cast a arunca
to catch caught caught a prinde
to choose chose chosen a alege
to cleave cleft cleft a despica
to cling clung clung a se lipi
to come came come a veni
to cost cost cost a costa
to creep crept crept a se tara
to cut cut cut a taia
to deal dealt dealt a se ocupa, a trata afaceri
to dig dug dug a sapa
to do did done a face
to draw drew drawn a desena
to dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) a visa
to drink drank drunk a bea
to drive drove driven a conduce masina
to dwell dwelt dwelt a locui, a ramane, a insista
to eat ate eaten a manca
to fall fell fallen a cadea
to feed fed fed a hrani
to feel felt felt a simti
to fight fought fought a lupta
to find found found a gasi
to fly flew flown a zbura
to forbid forbade forbidden a interzice
to forecast forecast forecast a prevedea
to foresee foresaw foreseen a prevedea
to foretell foretold foretold a prezice
to forget forgot forgotten a uita
to forgive forgave forgiven a ierta
to forgo forwent forgone a renunta la,
a da uitarii
forsake forsook forsaken a parasi
to freeze froze frozen a igheta
to get got got a primi
to give gave given a da
to go went gone a merge
to grind ground ground a macina
to grow grew grown a creste
to hang hung (hanged) hung (hanged) a spanzura
to have had had a avea
to hear heard heard a auzi
to hide hid hidden a ascunde
to hit hit hit a lovi
to hold held held a tine
to hurt hurt hurt a rani
to keep kept kept a pastra
to kneel knelt knelt a igenunchia
to knit knit knit a tricota
to know knew known a sti, a cunoaste
to lay laid laid a aseza
to lead led led a conduce
to lean leant leant a se sprijini de
to learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) a ivata
to leave left left a lasa, a parasi
to lend lent lent a împrumuta (cuiva)
to let let let a permite
to lie lay lain a fi culcat
to light lit lit a aprinde
to lose lost lost a pierde
to make made made a face
to mean meant meant a isemna
to meet met met a italni
to misgive misgave misgiven a inspira neicredere
to mislead misled misled a induce i eroare
to mistake mistook mistaken a itelege gresit
to outdo outdid outdone a itrece
to overcome overcame overcome a ivinge
to overdo overdid overdone a face exces
to pay paid paid a plati
to put put put a pune
to read read read a citi
to rend rent rent a sfasia, a rupe
to ride rode ridden a calari
to ring rang rung a suna
to rise rose risen a se ridica
to run ran run a alerga
to say said said a spune
to see saw seen a vedea
to seek sought sought a cauta
to sell sold sold a vinde
to send sent sent a trimite
to set set set a fixa, a regla
to sew sewed sewn (sewed) a coase
to shake shook shaken a scutura,
a clatina
to shave shaved shaven a se barbieri
to shed shed shed a varsa (lacrimi)
to shine shone shone a straluci
to shoe shod shod a icalta,
a potcovi
to shoot shot shot a împusca
to show showed shown a arata
to shrink shrank shrunk a se strange
to shut shut shut a ichide
to sing sang sung a canta
to sink sank sunk a se scufunda
to sit sat sat a sta (pe scaun)
to slay slew slain a ucide
to sleep slept slept a dormi
to slide slid slid a aluneca
to sling slung slung a azvarli
to slit slit slit a crapa,
a despica
to smell smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled) a mirosi
to smite smote smitten a lovi
to sow sowed sown a semana
to speak spoke spoken a vorbi
to speed sped sped a accelera,
a goni
to spell spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled) a pronunta litera cu litera
to spend spent spent a petrece,
a cheltui
to spill spilt spilt a varsa
to spin spun spun a toarce,
a se roti
to spit spat spat a scuipa
to split split split a despica
to spoil spoilt spoilt a strica
to spread spread spread a itinde
to spring sprang sprung a sari, a tasni
to stand stood stodd a sta i picioare
to steal stole stolen a fura
to stick stuck stuck a ifige, a se lipi
to sting stung stung a itepa
to stink stank stunk a mirosi urat
to strike struck struck a lovi
to string strung strung a isira,
a icorda
to strive strove striven a se stradui
to swear swore sworn a jura
to sweep swept swept a matura
to swim swam swum a inota
to swing swung swung a se legana
to take took taken a lua
to teach taught taught a ivata, a preda
to tear tore torn a rupe, a sfasia
to tell told told a spune
to think thought thought a gandi, a crede
to throw threw thrown a arunca
to thrust thrust thrust a îmbranci
to tread trod trodden a calca
to underlie underlay underlain a sustine
to understand understood understood a itelge
to upset upset upset a supara
to wake woke woken a se trezi
to wear wore worn a purta
to weave wove woven a tese
to wet wet wet a uda
to win won won a castiga
to wind wound wound a se rasuci
to wring wrung wrung a frange,
a smulge
to write wrote written a scrie


In limba engleza sunt doua categorii de verbe:

-verbe regulate
-verbe neregulate

Verbele regulate:

Cele mai multe verbe in limba engleza sunt regulate. Ele se conjuga astfel:

Indicativ prezent :

I call I do not call

You call You do not call
He calls He does not call
She calls She does not call

We call We do not call

You call You do not call
They call They do not ask

Forma interogativa: Forma interogativ-negativa:

Do I call ? Don't I call ?

Do you call ? Don't you call ?
Does he call ? Doesn't he call ?
Does she call ? Doesn't she call ?

Do we call ? Don't we call ?

Do you call ? Don't you call ?
Do they call ? Don't they call ?

- - - La indiativ prezent, numai prsoana a treia (III-a) singular, verbele primesc un "-s",

celelalte ramanand neschimbate.

- - - Pentru verbele terminate in "ch", "sh", "ss", "x" - la persoana III-a singular va fi "-es".

- - - Verbele terminate in "y" precedate de o consoana, schimba pe "y" in "i" si primesc terminatia "-es".

- - - Verbele terminate in "o" primesc terminatia "-es"

Toate verbele din limba engleza (cu exceptia celor doua verbe auxiliare: HAVE = a avea si

BE = a fi) se conjuga la formele simple interogative si negative cu ajutorul auxiliarului


Past tense :

La Imperfect si Perfect Simplu verbele neregulate primesc terminatia "-ed".

I called
You called
He called
she called

We called
You called
They called

Forma negativa:

I did not call

You did not call
He did not call
She did not call

We did not call

You did not call
They did not call

Forma interogativa: Forma interogatv-negativa:

Did I call ? Didn't I call ?

Did you call ? Didn't you call ?
Did she call ? Didn't she call ?
Did he call ? Didn't he call ?

Did we call ? Didn't we call ?

Did you call ? Didn't you call ?
Did they call ? Didn't they call ?

Future Tense:

Viitorul in limba engleza se formeaza cu ajutorul verbelor auxiliare SHALL/WILL urmate de

- auxiliarul SHALL - pentru persoana I singular si plural
- auxiliarul Will - pentru restul persoanelor

I shall call
You will call
He will call
She will call

We shall call
You will call
They will call

Forma negativa :

I shall not (shan't) call

You will not call
He will not call

We shall not call

You will not call
They will not call

Forma interogativa :

Shall I call ?
Will you call ?
Will he call ?
Will she call ?

Shall we call ?
will you call ?
Will they call ?

Mai-mult-ca-perfect(past perfect):

M.m.c.p se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar HAVE la trecur (adica HAD) +participiu

trecut al verbului.

I had called
You had called
He had called
She had called

We had called
You had called
They had called

Conditionalul prezent :
Se formeaza cu verbele auxiliarele SHOULD/WOULD + infinitivul verbului.

I should call
You would call

Conditionalul trecut :

Se formeaza din conditionalul prezent al verbului HAVE + participiu trecut al verbului

I should have called

you would have called
He would have called
She would have called

We should have called

You would have called
They would have called

Participiu prezent:

Se formeaza adaugand "-ing" la infinitivul verbului.

to call = a striga, a suna -> calling = strigand

Participiu trecut :

Se formeaza adaugand "-ed" la infinitivul verbului

call -> called

Nr. Tense Form Used to express Romana

1. Present Tense S + V1 1.actiuni obisnuite repetabile Prezent
Do/Does + S + V1 2.adevaruri general valabile
Simple S + Do/does + not 3.repros, constatari
+ V1 loc de viitpr- pentru actiuni planificate oficial
1.actiuni care se petrec in momentul vorbirii(now, at
present, at the moment)
Present Tense
2. S + To be + V-ing 2.actiuni temporare(today, this week, this mounth) Prezent
3.repros accentuat aproape de prezent.
4.actiuni oficiale planificate neoficial
1.actiune termiata in moment trecut neprecizat
S + have/has +
(lately, just, always, offe, ever, never)
Present Perfect V3 Perfect
3. 2.actiune terminata in perioada de timp neterminata
Simple Have/has + S + compus
(today, this week)
3.actiune terminata care are legatura cu prezentul
actiune inceputa in trecut care se continua si in
S + have/has +
prezent sau al carui rezultat se vede acum in
Present Perfect been + v-ing
4. prezent prezent
Continous Have/has + been
For + perioada de timp
+ S + V-ing
Since + inceputul de timp
S + V2
Past tense Actiunitrecute terminate in momentul precizat(ago, perfect
5. Did + S + V1
simple last, yesterday, in 1990) compus
S + did + not + V1
actiune trecuta in progres:
Past tense S + was/were +
6. while + timp continuu imperfect
continous V-ing
when + timp simple
Past perfect exprima o actiune trecuta terminata inaintea altei
7. S + had + V3 m.m.c.p.
simple actiuni trecute
Past perfect S + had + been + actiune trecutain progres, inceputa inaintea altei
8. imperfect
continous V-ing actiuni trecute

In limba engleza este foarte important sa stim conjugarea celor doua verbe auxiliare :HAVE
si BE.

TO HAVE = a avea

Indicativ prezent :

I have
you have
He has
She has

We have
You have
They have

Imperfectul si perfect simplu:

I had
you had
He had
She had

We had
You had
They had


I had had
you had had
He had had
She had had
We had had
You had had
They had had


I shall have
You will have
He will have
She will have

We shall have
You will have
They will have

Conditional prezent :

I should have
You would have
He would have
She would have

We would have
You would have
They would have

Conditional trecut :

I should have had

You would have had
He would have had
She would have had

We would have had

You would have had
They would have had

Participiu prezent: having

Participiu trecut : had

TO BE = a fi

Indicativ prezent :

I am
You are
He is
She is

We are
You are
They are


I was
You were
He was
She was

We were
You were
They were

I had been
You had been
He had been
She had been

We had been
You had been
They had been

I shall be
You will be
He will be
She will be

They shall be
You will be
Yhey will be

Conditional prezent:

I should be
We would be

Conditionalul trecut :

I should have been

He would have been

Participiu prezent : being

Participiu trecut : been



    Exista doua aspecte in limba engleza: simplu si continuu. In general, timpurile simple se folosesc atunci când
accentul se pune pe actiunea propriu-zisa, iar timpurile continue se folosesc atunci când accentul se pune pe durata
actiunii, pe perioada de timp in care aceasta are loc.
    In explicarea intrebuintarii timpurilor continue se va intâlni formularea „actiune in plina desfasurare". Aceasta
inseamna ca actiunea a inceput inainte de momentul la care se face referire si va continua dupa acel moment.
    Exista un numar de verbe in limba engleza care nu se folosesc la forma continua, deoarece ideea de durata e
inclusa in continutul lor semantic. Ex. to want, to like, to dislike, to understand, to owe, to matter, to love, to hate, to
belong, to believe, to remember, to know.

A. Present Tense Simple

Afirmativ Negativ

    I work I do not (don’t) work

    You work You do not (don’t) work
    He/she/it works He/she/it does not (doesn’t) work
    We work We do not (don’t) work
    You work You do not (don’t) work
    They work They do not (don’t) work


Do I work? Do we work?
Do you work? Do you work?
Does he/she/it work? Do they work?
    Present Tense Simple se foloseste pentru a arata o actiune regulata, obisnuita, in perioada prezenta.
    Ex. What do you do? (Cu ce te ocupi?) I am a student.
    What time do you usually have breakfast?

Present Tense Continuous

    Se conjuga verbul „to be" la timpul prezent si se adauga forma -ing a verbului de conjugat.


I am working We are working.

You are working You are working
He/she/it is working They are working


I am not working.
You are not (aren’t) working.
He/she/it is not (isn’t) working.
We are not (aren’t) working.
You are not (aren’t) working.
They are not (aren’t) working.


Am I working? Are we working?

Are you working? Are you working?
Is he/she/it working? Are they working?

    Present Tense Simple se foloseste pentru a arata o actiune in plina desfasurare in momentul prezent.
    Ex. Where are you going?
    I am going to school.
    De asemenea poate arata o actiune care se desfasoara pe timp limitat in perioada prezenta.
    Ex.: I go to school by bus this week. My father is taking me in his car.
    Uneori se poate folosi timpul Present Tense Continuous cu adverbul always, pentru a arata o actiune repetata. In
acest caz, exista o conotatie afectiva (nemultumire) sau actiunea respectiva este caracteristica pentru acea persoana.
    Ex. You are always losing your things.
    You are always grumbling when I ask you to help me in the kitchen.

B. Past Tense Simple

    Past Tense Simple se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei – ed in cazul verbelor regulate.
    Ex. to work – worked
    Daca verbul este neregulat, Past Tense trebuie invatat din tabelul de verbe neregulate care indica cele trei forme
de baza ale verbului: forma I – infinitiv, forma II- Paste Tense, forma III – participiul trecut.
    Ex. to speak – spoke – spoken


I/you/he/she/it/we/they spoke


I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not


Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they
Forma prescurtata a lui did not este didn’t (I didn’t work).
Past Tense Simple arata o actiune trecuta, terminata, efectuata intr-o perioada de timp trecuta, terminata.
Este timpul de naratiune.
Se traduce, de obicei, cu perfectul compus.
Ex. Yesterday I went for a walk.
(Ieri am mers al plimbare.)
Last year I travelled to England.

(Anul trecut am calatorit in Anglia.)

Past Tense Continuous

    Se formeaza prin conjugarea verbului „to be" la trecut (Past Tense) si adaugarea formei -ing a verbului de


I was working We were working

You were working You were working
He/she/it was working They were working


I was not working We were not working

You were not working You were not working
He/she/it was not working They were not working

    Formele prescurtate sunt:

    was not – wasn’t I wasn’t working.
    were not – weren’t They weren’t working.


Was I working? Were we working?

Were you working? Were you working?
Was he/she/it working? Were they working?

    Arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intr-un moment din trecut.

    Se traduce, de obicei, cu imperfectul.
    Ex. This time yesterday, I was watching TV.
    (Ieri pe vremea asta priveam la televizor.)
    Adesea, in aceeasi fraza, este posibil sa apara un verb folosit la Past Continuous si un verb folosit la Past Simple.
In acest caz, verbul la Past Continuous (tradus cu imperfectul), reprezinta fundalul de timp pe care se petrece
actiunea exprimata de Past Simple (tradus cu perfectul compus).
    Ex. While I was crossing the street, I met John.
    Este, de asemenea, posibil sa apara intr-o fraza timpul Past Continuous in mod repetat. In aceasta situatie, ambele
verbe se traduc cu imperfectul, ele aratând actiuni paralele, in plina desfasurare, intr-un moment trecut.
    Ex. While John was reading, his sister was watching TV.
    (In timp ce John citea, sora lui privea la televizor.)

C. Present Perfect Simple

    Timpul Present Perfect Simple se formeaza prin conjugarea verbului „to have" la prezent, la care se adauga forma
a treia (participiul trecut) a verbului de conjugat.


I have worked We have worked

You have worked You have worked
He/she/it has worked They have worked

I have not (haven’t) worked.
He/she/it has not (hasn’t) worked.


Have I worked?
Has he/she/it worked?

    Timpul Present Perfect este un timp de relatie. El arata o legatura intre trecut si momentul prezent.
    Timpul Present Perfect Simple se foloseste in urmatoarele situatii:

 arata o actiune inceputa in trecut care continua pâna in prezent. Cu acest sens se folosesc de obicei
prepozitiile since (din, incepând din) si for (de, timp de).

    Ex. I haven’t seen John for two months.

(Nu l-am vazut pe John de doua luni.)
I haven’t seen John since September.
(Nu l-am vazut pe John din septembrie.)
I have known John for two years.
(Il cunosc pe John de doi ani.)
I have known John since 1990.
(Il cunosc pe John din 1990.)
 arata o actiune trecuta, efectuata intr-o perioada de timp neterminata. In acest caz, folosirea lui este insotita
de adverbe precum: today, this week, this month, this year.

    Ex. I have seen two films this week.

(Am vazut doua filme saptamâna aceasta.)
    Daca adverbul de timp este „this morning", folosirea timpului verbal este conditionata de momentul in care se
face afirmatia; daca aceasta este in cursul diminetii (pâna la ora 12) sau dupa amiaza.

    Ex. ora 10 a.m.

I haven’t got up early this morning.

ora 2 p.m.
I didn’t get up early this morning.
Traducerea celor doua propozitii in limba româna este identica.
Nu m-am sculat devreme azi dimineata.
 arata o actiune trecuta, terminata, care are rezultate in prezent sau care, dintr-un motiv sau altul, intereseaza
in prezent.

    Ex. Have you seen Hamlet?

    (Ai vazut Hamlet?)

    I have lost my umbrella . I must buy a new one.
    (Mi-am pierdut umbrela. Trebuie sa-mi cumpar una noua.)
    Trebuie precizat faptul ca, daca se mentioneaza momentul trecut in care a avut loc actiunea care intereseaza in
prezent sau care are rezultate in prezent, nu mai poate fi folosit timpul Present Perfect. In acest caz, se foloseste Past
    Ex. I lost my umbrella yesterday. I must buy a new one.
    De asemenea, daca se pune o intrebate referitoare la trecut care incepe cu „when", nu se poate folosi timpul
Present Perfect, intrucât „when" reprezinta un moment precizat in trecut.
    Ex. When did you see Hamlet?
    I saw it last week.
    Timpul Present Perfect nu poate fi folosit cu un adverb de timp precizat in trecut.
    Se foloseste cu adverbe de timp neprecizat care leaga trecutul de prezent.
    Adverbe de timp neprecizat care se aseaza intre auxiliar si verb: often, never, seldom, always, ever, already, just.
    Ex. Have you ever been to England?
    (Ai fost vreodata in Anglia?)
    No, I have never been to England.
    Yes, I have often been to England.
    Adverbe de timp neprecizat care stau la sfârsitul propozitiei: lately, yet (in propozitii negative).
    Ex. He hasn’t returned home yet.
    (El nu s-a intors inca acasa.)
    I haven’t seen him lately.
    (Nu l-am vazut in ultimul timp.)
    Dupa cum se poate observa, timpul Present Perfect Simple se traduce in româneste fie cu prezentul, fie cu
perfectul compus, in functie de context.

Present Perfect Continuous

    Se formeaza cu Present Perfect Simple al verbului „to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de conjugat.


I have been working We have been working

You have been working You have been working
He/she/it has been working They have been working


I have not (haven’t) been working.

He has not (hasn’t) been working.


Have I been working?

Has he been working?

    Timpul Present Perfect Continuous arata o actiune in plina desfasurare, cu accent pe durata, intre un moment
trecut si prezent.
    Ex. I am tired because I have been working all day.
    (Sunt obosit pentru ca am muncit toata ziua.)
    De asemene, poate arata probabilitatea ca actiunea inceputa in trecut, care continua in prezent, sa continue si in
    Ex. It has been raining for three hours. If it doesn’t stop soon, we shall have floods.
    (Ploua de trei ore. Daca nu se opreste in curând, vom avea inundatii.)
    Ca si Present Perfect Simple, se poate traduce cu prezentul sau cu perfectul compus din limba româna.

D. Past Perfect Simple

Se formeaza cu verbul „to have" la Past Tense Simple, la care se adauga forma III (past participle) a verbului de


I had worked.


I had not (hadn’t) worked.


Had I worked?

    Acest timp are aceeasi forma la toate persoanele. Este, ca si Present Perfect, un verb de relatie, dar, in acest caz,
este vorba de o relatie intre doua momente trecute.
    Arata o actiune trecuta care a avut loc inaintea unei alte actiuni sau a unui moment din trecut.
    Ex. Yesterday at 9 o’clock I had had breakfast.
    (Ieri la ora 9 luasem micul dejun.)
    When you rang me up, I had finished writing my homework.
    (Când mi-ai telefonat, terminasem de scris temele.)
    Ca sens, echivalentul in limba româna al acestui timp este mai mult ca perfectul. Se poate traduce cu mai mult ca
perfectul sau perfectul compus.

Past Perfect Continuous

    Se formeaza cu Past Perfect Simple al verbului „to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de conjugat.


I had been working.


I had not (hadn’t) been working.


Had I been working?

    Aceste forme se pastreaza la toate persoanele.

    Timpul Past Perfect Continuous arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intre doua momente trecute. De asemenea,
când in aceeasi fraza in propozitia principala se afla un verb la Past Tense, Past Perfect Continuous poate prelua
functiile lui Present Perfect Cotinuous in propozitia secundara.
    Ex. When he entered the room, she had been typing for one hour.
    (Când el a intrat in camera, ea batea la masina de o ora.)
    After John had been watching TV for 10 minutes, he got bored.
    (Dupa ce John privise (a privit) la televizor 10 minute, s-a plictisit.)
    He said it had been raining for three days.
    (El a spus ca ploua de trei zile.)
    Dupa cum se observa, acest timp se poate traduce cu mai mult ca perfectul, perfectul compus sau imperfectul din
limba româna.

E. Future Tense Simple

    Se formeaza cu shall sau will la persoana I, will la persoana II si III, la care se adauga infinitivul verbului de


I (shall) will go We (shall) will go

You will go You will go
He/she/it will go They will go


I (shall) will not go We (shall) will not go

You will not go You will not go
He/she/it will not go They will not go

    Forma scurta pentru „shall not" este shan’t, iar pentru „will not" este won’t.


Shall I go? Shall we go?

Will you go? Will you go?
Will he/she/it/ go? Will they go?

    Trebuie remarcat faptul ca la interogativ persoana I, se foloseste numai „shall".

    Acest timp arata o actiune viitoare obisnuita. Se traduce cu viitorul din limba româna.
    Ex. I (shall) will meet him next week.
    (Il voi intâlni saptamâna viitoare.)

Future Continuous

    Se formeaza cu viitorul simplu al verbului „to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de conjugat.

I (shall) will be going.
You will be going.
He/she/it will be going.
We (shall) will be going.
You will be going.
They will be going.


I (shall) will not be going.

You will not be going.
He/she/it will not be going.
We (shall) will not be going.
You will not be going.
They will not be going.


Shall I be going? Shall we be going?

Will you be going? Will you be going?
Will he/she/it be going? Will they be going?

    Acest timp arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intr-un moment viitor.
        Ex. At three o’clock, I will be travelling to England.
    (Mâine la ora trei voi calatori spre Anglia.)
    Se traduce cu viitorul din limba româna.

Future Perfect Simple

    Se formeaza cu shall sau will, la care se adauga infinitivul trecut al verbului de conjugat. (have + forma III).


I (shall) will have gone.

You will have gone.
He/she/it will have gone.
We (shall) will have gone.
You will have gone.
They will have gone.


I (shall) will not have gone.

You will not have gone.
He/she/it will not have gone.
We (shall) will not have gone.
You will not have gone.
They will not have gone.


Shall I have gone? Shall we have gone?

Will you have gone? Will you have gone?
Will he/she/it have gone? Will they have gone?

    Acest timp arata o actiune anterioara unei alte actiuni sau unui moment viitor. Se traduce cu timpul viitor anterior
din limba româna.
    Ex. By three o’clock tomorrow, I will have reached Predeal.
    (Mâine pâna la ora trei voi fi ajuns la Predeal.)

Future Perfect Continuous

    Se formeaza cu Future Perfect al verbului „to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de conjugat.
    Ex. I (shall) will have been going.
    When you come home, I will have been studying for three hours.
    Când vei veni tu acasa, voi studia (voi fi studiat) de trei ore.
    Arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intre doua momente viitoare. Se traduce cu viitorul simplu sau cu viitorul
anterior din limba româna.
    Este un timp rar folosit.

Future-in-the-Past Simple

    Se formeaza cu should (persoana I) sau would (toate persoanele), la care se adauga infinitivul verbului de


I (should) would go We (should) would go

You would go You would go
He/she/it would go They would go


I (should) would not go We (should) would not go

You would not go You would not go
He/she/it would not go They would not go

    Forma scurta de la „should not" este shouldn’t, iar cea de la „would not" este wouldn’t.
    Acest timp este folosit in concordanta timpurilor pentru a arata o actiune posterioara unui moment sau unei actiuni
din trecut.
    Ex. He said he would be late.
    (El a spus ca va intârzia.)
    Intrucât nu poate fi intâlnit decât in propozitii secundare (dupa un verb la timpul trecut in propozitia principala),
nu se pune problema folosirii lui a interogativ decât in intrebari disjunctive.

Future-in-the-Past Continuous

    Se formeaza cu Future-in-the-Past Simple al verbului „to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de conjugat.

I should (would) be going.

    Este un timp sestul de rar folosit. Preia functiile lui Future Tense Continuous intr-o propozitie secundara, atunci
când in principala se afla un verb la trecut.
    Ex. He said that at 3 o’clock, the next day, he would be travelling to England.
    (El a spus ca in ziua urmatoare, la ora 3, va calatori spre Anglia.)

Alte mijloace de exprimare a viitorului

 Present Simple + adverb de timp viitor. Intr-un astfel de context, arata un program precis, bine stabilit.

    Ex. I leave for London tomorrow.

    (Plec/voi pleca la Londra mâine.)
 Present Continuous + adverb de timp viitor. Arata o intentie, un aranjament prealabil pentru viitorul

    Ex. I am meeting John this morning.

    (Il intâlnesc/il voi intâlni pe John in dimineata aceasta.)
 Expresia „to be going to" + infinitiv. Arata de asemenea o intentie sau o probabilitate.

    Ex. I am going to read this book.

    (Voi citi/am de gând sa citesc aceasta carte.)
    It is going to rain.

I Am = Eu sunt
You Are = Tu esti
He Is = El este
She Is = Ea este
It Is = El/Ea Este
We Are = Noi suntem
You Are = Voi sunteti
They are = Ei sunt


Am I ?
Are You ?
Is He ?
Is She ?
Is It ?
Are We ?
Are You ?
Are They ?


I Am not
You Are not
He Is not
She Is not
It Is not
We Are not
You Are not
They are not

7. Timpurile verbale: prezentul simplu si continuu

Este foarte important sa intelegem utilizarea si sensul timpurilor in limba engleza. Multe dintre aceste forme verbale
nu au corespondent in limba romana. Mai mult, sensul exprimat de formele verbale in limba engleza nu corespunde
intotdeauna cu cel utilizat in limba romana.

7.1. Clasificarea timpurilor verbale 7.1.1. in functie de timp:

1. Prezentul simplu
2. Prezentul continuu
3. Prezent perfect
4. Prezent perfect continuu
5. Trecut simplu
6. Trecut continuu
7. Trecut perfect
8. Trecut perfect continuu
9. Viitorul simplu
10. Viitorul continuu
11. Viitorul perfect
12. Viitorul perfect continuu


1.1. Forma
Prezentul simplu are forma de baza a verbului (write, work).
La persoana a III-a sg., forma de baza + -s (he writes, she works).
Ex.: I play, you play, we play, they play
He plays, she plays, it plays

Forma negativa se formeaza cu auxiliarul do:

Ex.: I do not drink tea.
She/he does not play football.

Forma interogativa:
Ex.: Do you work here?
Does she/he sing beautifully?

Forma prezentului simplu pentru you, persoana a II-a singular si plural, este identica.

Persoana a III-a singular a prezentului simplu adauga -s la sfarsit!

1.2. Functii:
Actiuni obisnuite, care se intampla in prezent sau in mod regulat, dar nu neaparat in momentul exact al vorbirii:
Ex.: Mina plays tennis every weekend.
The Post office opens at 9:45.

Adevaruri sau realitati general acceptate:

Ex.: Some vegetarians eat fish but they do not eat meat.
Winds carry weather balloons around the earth at the height of 24 kilometers.

Expresia opiniilor:
Ex.: I think Spain is beautiful.
They believe everything they read.

Expresie a preferintelor:
Ex.: Lisette likes cats and dogs, but she prefers cats.
Jim prefers maths to languages.

Se foloseste pentru a exprima asa numitul prezent istoric, facand astfel referire la actiuni care s-au intamplat de fapt
in trecut.
Ex.: We were watching the back door when, all of a sudden, in walks Dierdre.
Dierdre tells me that she took her brother to the dentist.

Prezentul simplu poate avea valenta de viitor mai ales cu verbe ca: arrive, come, leave care sugereaza evenimente
planuite sau programate:
Ex.: The train from Boston arrives this afternoon at two o'clock.
High tide is at 3:15 p.m. The Super Bowl starts at 6:15 p.m.

Expresii care semnaleaza frecvent actiunile obisnuite exprimate prin prezentul simplu:
all the time, always, every classe, every day, every holiday, every hour, every month, every semester, every week,
every year, most of the time, never, often, rarely, sometimes, usually

1.3. Conjugare

singular I walk you walk he/she/it walks

plural we walk you walk they walk

singular I sleep you sleep he/she/it sleeps

plural we sleep you sleep they sleep

singular I am you are he/she/it is

plural we are you are they are

I walk to work every day.
The Chicago Bulls sometimes practice in this gymnasium.
Dr. Espinoza operates according to her own schedule.
Coach Calhoun recruits from countries outside the U.S.A.


2.1. Forma
Acest timp se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to be la prezent + forma de baza a verbului + -ing (participiu
Ex.: I am buying all my family's Christmas gifts early this year.
She is working through the holiday break.

Forma negativa - se adauga not dupa forma de prezent simplu a auxiliarului to be.
Ex.: It is not raining.

Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului to be cu subiectul:

Ex.: Are they playing?
Is he eating?

2.2. Functii
Prezentul continuu indica: o actiune care se afla in plina desfasurare in momentul vorbirii.
Ex.: The phone is ringing. I can't answer it. I'm washing my hair.
It's raining so they have to stop the game.

O actiune care se afla in desfasurare in perioada prezenta, dar care poate nu se intampla concomitent cu momentul
Ex.: They are writing a new book.
She's studying English at the Language Center.

Descrie o tendinta sau actiune care a debutat recent:

Ex.: More and more people are starting to play golf in Malaysia.

Pentru a desemna o actiune care este planificata pentru viitor:

Ex.: To meet the demand for English language courses, they are planning to expand.
Mohan is leaving for London next week.

2.3. Verbele dinamice si statice

In general, numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu si acestea se numesc verbe dinamice.
Aspectul continuu al unui verb arata ca o actiune este, era sau va fi in desfasurare. Formele verbale progresive
(aspectul continuu) se folosesc numai in cazul verbelor dinamice, de miscare, care exprima calitati capabile de
Nu se spune "He is being tall" sau "He is resembling his mother" sau "I am wanting spaghetti for dinner",
ci vom spune: "He is tall", "He resembles his mother", "I want spaghetti".
Tabelul urmator descrie in detaliu diferentele dintre verbele statice si cele dinamice:

Verbe care exprima o activitate:
abandon, ask, beg, call, drink, eat, help, learn, listen, look at, play, rain, read, say, slice, throw, whisper, work,
Ex.: I am begging you. I was learning French. They will be playing upstairs.

Sensul este identic cu cel al formelor simple:

Ex.: I beg you. I learned French. They will play upstairs.

Verbe care exprima procese:

change, deteriorate, growmature, slow down, widen

Ex.: The corn is growing rapidly. Traffic is slowing down.

Sensul este identic cu cel al formelor simple:
Ex.: The corn grows rapidly. Traffic slows down.

Verbe de perceptii senzoriale:

ache, feel, hurt, itch

Ex.: "I feel bad" si "I am feeling bad" au acelasi sens in acest caz.

Verbe care exprima actiuni tranzitive:

arrive, die, fall, land, leave, lose

Formele continue indica inceputul actiunii pe cand formele temporale simple, din contra.
Ex.: She was falling out of bed (when I caught her).
She falls out of bed every night.

Verbe exprimand actiuni momentane:

hit, jump, kick, knock, nod, tap
Formele continue indica durata scurta si sugereaza repetitia.
Ex.: She is hitting her brother.
He is jumping around the house.

Verbe de perceptie, senzatie, activitate mentala:
abhor, adore, astonish, believe, desire, detest, dislike, doubt, feel, forgive, guess, hate, hear, imagine, impress,
intend, know, like, love, mean, mind, perceive, please, prefer, presuppose, realize, recall, recognize, regard,
remember, satisfy, see, smell, suppose, taste, think, understand, want, wish

Ex.: I detest rudabaga, si nu I am detesting rudabaga.

I prefer cinnamon toast, si nu I am preferring cinnamon toast.

Verbe de relatie si posesie:

be, belong to, concern, consist of, contain, cost, depend on, deserve, equal, fit, have, include, involve, lack, matter,
need, owe, own, possess, require, resemble, seem, sound

Ex.: I am sick, si nu I am being sick.

I own ten acres of land, si nu I am owning ten acres.
My brother owes me ten dollars si nu My brother is owing me ten dollars.

Imaginati-va diferenta de inteles dintre verbele statice si cele dinamice prin prisma intentiei, cele statice
exprimand calitati neintentionate, pe cand cele dinamice calitati intentionate:

Two plus two equals four.

Jane is leaving for Bucharest.

Equals este un verb static si nu poate lua o forma continua; nu exista optiune sau intentie in acest caz. Doi plus
doi a fost si va fi intotdeauna egal cu patru.

Is leaving exprima optiunea si intentia subiectului de a efectua actiunea respectiva.

Verbul to have nu se foloseste niciodata in aspectul continuu atunci cand are sensul de "a suferi de":
I have flu. He has a fever.

Se foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand are intelesul de "a angaja pe cineva pentru o actiune":
I'm having my hair done on Wednesday.
They're having the house painted.

Have se foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand are sensul de "experienta":

I'm having a lot of problems with this task.
They're having trouble selling their house.

2.4. Conjugare

singular I am walking you are walking he/she/it is walking

plural we are walking you are walking they are walking

singular I am sleeping you are sleeping he/she/it is sleeping

plural we are sleeping you are sleeping they are sleeping

singular I am being you are being he/she/it is being

plural we are being you are being they are being

The summer is passing too quickly.
Raoul is acting like his father.
Some football players are not being good role models for youngsters.
Is he being good to you?

8. Timpurile trecutului si viitorului

3. Trecutul simplu
3.1. Forma

Verbele regulate formeaza trecutul simplu prin adaugarea la forma de baza a verbului +-ed.
Ex.: scream > screamed, work > worked

Verbele neregulate au forme proprii de trecut.

Ex.: sleep > slept, drink > drank

Forma negativa se compune cu ajutorul auxiliarului to do, conjugat la trecut (did) + not in fata verbului principal.
Did + not se folosesc des in forma contrasa didn't.
Ex.: I did not jump over.
She didn't finish the work.

Forma interogativa se formeaza prin inversiunea dintre auxiliarul did si subiect:

Ex.: Did you want it?
Did it rain there?

3.2. Functii

Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima fapte si realitati din trecut:

Ex.: In the past people believed that the earth was flat.
Descrie un eveniment sau actiune incheiata petrecuta in trecut:
Ex.: John Loud invented the ballpoint pen in 1888.

Pentru a descrie starea, conditia sau obiceiuri din trecut:

Ex.: I went to school by bus when I was a child.

3.3. Conjugare

singular I walked you walked he/she/it walked

plural we walked you walked they walked

singular I slept you slept he/she/it slept

plural we slept you slept they slept

singular I was you were he/she/it was

plural we were you were they were

Exemple: When I was a girl, I walked five miles to school every day.
Carmelita slept through the entire class.
We worked really hard to make this a success, but then Chuck ruined it with his carelessness.
Every time I finished a sandcastle, the waves came in and washed it away.
Tarzan dove into the swamp and swam toward the alligator.

4. Trecutul continuu
4.1. Forma

Trecutul continuu se formeaza cu ajutorul formei de trecut simplu a auxiliarului to be, was/were + forma
participiului prezent (-ing) a verbului principal.
Ex.: I was singing.
You were talking.

Ex.: You were not / weren't singing.
She was not / wasn't reading.

Ex.: Was I speaking clearly?
Were they playing the flute?

4.2. Functii

Trecutul continuu ca si prezentul continuu sunt forme verbale apartinand registrului oral, limbii vorbite cu precadere
si sunt rar folosite in registrul scris.

Trecutul continuu este folosit pentru a exprima actiuni in desfasurare intr-un moment din trecut. Deoarece indica o
limita a duratei actiunii este foarte folosit pentru a indica actiuni care au avut loc (trecut simplu) in timp ce o alta
actiune era in desfasurare, sau pentru a indica o actiune in desfasurare care este intrerupta de o alta.
Ex.: Carlos lost his watch while he was running.
I was watching Oprah when John came in screaming.

Exprima activitati din trecut:

Ex.: Once I was driving through Kenya with a friend.

Pentru a vorbi despre obiceiuri din trecut. Trecutul continuu este insotit in acest caz de always.
Ex.: Grace was always handing in late papers.
My father was always lecturing my brother.

In general, numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu si acestea se numesc verbe dinamice. (vezi: 2.3.
Verbe dinamice si verbe statice.)

4.3. Conjugare

singular I was walking you were walking he/she/it was walking

plural we were walking you were walking they were walking

singular I was sleeping you were sleeping he/she/it was sleeping

plural we were sleeping you were sleeping they were sleeping

singular I was being you were being he/she/it was being

plural we were being you were being they were being

Exemple: Dad was working in his garden all morning.

During the mid-50s, real estate speculators were buying all the swampland in Central Florida, and innocent people
were investing all their money in bogus development projects.
Was he being good to you?

5. Viitorul

In mod paradoxal, limba engleza nu are o forma ca atare a viitorului, dar idee de viitor se poate exprima in
nenumarate moduri.

 Will/ shall + infinitiv : He will be here at 5 o'clock.

 Be going to + infinitiv : She's going to buy a new computer.
 Prezentul continuu : The British Council is moving to a new building next year.
 Prezentul simplu : The train leaves at 7:15.

5.1. Forma

Cea mai frecvent folosita modalitate de a exprima o actiune viitoare este cu ajutorul lui will/ shall sau a formei
contractate a acestora 'll.
Ex.: She will leave soon.
We shall overcome.

In engleza moderna forma shall este foarte putin utilizata.

Cea mai des folosita in Engleza vorbita si scrisa in registrul informal este forma 'll.

Ex.: I will not / won't finish.

Ex.: Will you catch the ball?

5.2. Functii

Viitorul exprima preziceri ale actiunilo viitoare sau interogatii despre viitor.
Ex.: Computer technology will influence our future.

Decizii care tocmai s-au luat si care nu au fost planuite.

Ex.: I'll finish this report tomorrow.

Face promisiuni
Ex.: I'll phone you tomorrow.

Invita pe cineva la un eveniment, actiune

Ex.: Will you come to my house on Sunday?

To be about to = a fi pe punctul sa
Ex.: He is about to die.
To be + infinitiv = exprima ideea unor planuri pentru viitor, ordine sau conditii.
Ex.: There is to be an investigation into the mayor's business affairs.
You are to be back on the base by midnight.

5.3. Conjugare

Singular I will walk you will walk he/she/it will walk

Plural we will walk you will walk they will walk

Singular I will sleep you will sleep he/she/it will sleep

Plural we will sleep you will sleep they will sleep

Singular I will be you will be he/she/it will be

Plural we will be you will be they will be

Exemple: We will be victorious!

We shall overcome.
We are going to win this race.
The bus arrives at three this afternoon.
The boss is announcing his retirement at today's meeting.

6. Viitorul continuu

Will + be + participiul prezent (-ing) al verbului

Viitorul continuu indica o actiune continua, care va avea loc si se va desfasura la un moment dat din viitor.
Ex.: I will be running in next year's Boston Marathon.
Our campaign plans suggest that the President will be winning the southern vote by November.
By this time tomorrow night, I will be sleeping in my own bed.
Next fall, we will be enjoying all the vegetables we planted last spring.
Will we be spending too much money if we buy that big-screen TV?
9. Timpurile cu aspect perfect

7. Prezentul perfect
7.1. Forma

Prezentul auxiliarului have (have/ has) + participiul trecut al verbului (regulat sau neregulat).
Ex.: You have worked hard.
She has taken her medicine.

Ex.: I haven't been to Spain.
I've (have) not seen this movie.

Ex.: Have I met you before?
Have they built the house?

7.2. Functii

Prezentul perfect este una dintre particularitatile limbii engleze, acest timp neavand corespondent in limba romana.
Prezentul perfect este un timp apartinand prezentului. A fost asemanat cu un pod care face legatura dintre trecut
si prezent. Dar accentul se pune pe momentul vorbirii, pe acum.

Prezentul perfect exprima o actiune incheiata sau "perfectata" in trecut si care se extinde pana in momentul prezent:
Ex.: I have walked two miles already (dar continui sa merg).
I have run the Boston Marathon (dar acest lucru s-a intamplat demult).
The critics have praised the film Saving Private Ryan since it came out (si continua sa il laude).

Actiuni sau evenimente din trecut care conduc pana in momentul prezent. In acest caz, folosirea timpului prezent
perfect arata ca rezultatul evenimetului sau actiunii care apartine momentului prezent este cel care conteaza si nu
momentul in care a avut loc actiunea.
Ex.: He has bought a new car (si acum au o masina noua).
They have been to Mexico but they have not been to South Africa (in consecinta, au cunostinte despre Mexic dar nu
stiu prea multe despre Africa de Sud).

Obiceiuri sau evenimente si actiuni frecvente in decursul unei perioade de timp care conduc la momentul
Ex.: She has studied English for four years (si inca mai studiaza engleza.)
Brazil has won the World Cup four times.

7.3. Adverbe

Alegerea intre prezentul perfect si trecutul simplu este de multe ori influentata si de adverbele care insotesc verbul.
Daca adverbele respective se refera la o perioada trecuta, vom folosi trecutul simplu.
Ex.: I studied all night/yesterday/on Wednesday.

Cu adverbe care marcheaza un inceput in trecut si conduct pana la momentul prezentului, vom folosi prezentul
Ex.: I have studied up to now/lately/already.

Expresii adverbiale cum ar fi: today, this month, for an hour se pot folosi atat cu prezentul perfect cat si cu trecutul
Ex.: I worked/have worked hard today.

Exista tendinta de a folosi prezentul perfect pentru a anunta un eveniment din trecutul recent.
Ex.: The company's current CEO has lied repeatedly to her employees.

Dar vom folosi trecutul simplu pentru a relata sau anunta evenimente care au luat sfarsit si apartin trecutului
Ex.: Washington encouraged his troops.

7.4. Conjugare

singular I have walked you have walked he/she/it has walked

plural we have walked you have walked they have walked

singular I have slept you have slept he/she/it have slept

plural we have slept you have slept they have slept

singular I have been you have been he/she/it has been

plural we have been you have been they have been

For five generations, members of my family have been doctors.
Vaughan has batted clean-up since he came to the Redsox.
She has swum the English Channel every summer.
How long has it been since the last time we met?
8. Prezent perfect continuu
8.1. Forma

Have/has + been + participiul prezent (-ing)

Ex.: I have been waiting for an hour.

Ex.: You haven't been talking too much.

Ex.: Have they been feeling unwell?

8.2. Functii

Si aceasta forma verbala apartine timpului prezent si se raporteaza la momentul prezent.

Se foloseste pentru a descrie stari sau sentimente care au debutat in trecut si au continuat de-a lungul unei perioade
de timp si sunt inca prezente pana in momentul vorbirii.
Ex.: It has been raining for two days (and it's still raining).

Diferenta dintre forma prezentului perfect si cea a prezentului perfect continuu este ca forma continua
accentueaza durata actiunii sau a starii.
8.3. Conjugare

you have been he/she/it has

singular I have been walking
walking been walking

you have been they have been

plural we have been walking
walking walking

you have been he/she/it has

singular I have been sleeping
sleeping been sleeping

you have been they have been

plural we have been sleeping
sleeping sleeping

There is no present perfect progressive for the "to be" verb. "Have been
singular being" is expressed simply as "have been": "We have been being
successful in the past."


Maria has been writing her dissertation for the last six years[, but she finished yesterday].
The Redsox have been losing games since the All-Star break [and they continue to do so].
Have we been telling the truth to consumers about tobacco?
Haven't we been lying to teenagers about smoking?

8.4. Folosirea adverbelor cu prezentul perfect

Exista cateva expresii adverbiale care se folosesc in mod frecvent cu formele prezentului perfect. Aceastea sunt:
since, so far, ever, never, for, since, etc.
Ex.: There have been 92 accidents since the beginning of the year.
Have you ever been to Romania?
I have never seen a purple cow.
John has been working on his thesis for two years.
They haven't seen him since 1989.

- poate fi folosit atat cu trecutul simplu cat si cu formele perfecte (prezent, trecut, viitor perfect).
- are sensul de: in timpul, pe durata, pentru o perioada de timp.

- se foloseste doar cu formele perfecte.
- are sensul de incepand de la un moment dat.
9. Trecutul perfect
9.1. Forma

Had + participiu trecut al verbului

Trecutul perfect indica faptul ca o actiune s-a incheiat, "perfectat" la un moment din trecut inainte ca un alt
eveniment sa se produca.
Ex.: I had walked two miles by lunchtime.
I had run three other marathons before entering the Boston Marathon.

9.2. Conjugare

singular I had walked you had walked he/she/it had walked

plural we had walked you had walked they had walked

singular I had slept you had slept he/she/it had slept

plural we had slept you had slept they had slept

singular I had been you had been he/she/it had been

plural we had been you had been they had been

Prior to the Revolutionary War, Washington had been a surveyor and land speculator.
Aunt Glad had invested heavily in the air-conditioning industry before the Great Crash of 1988.
She had swum the English Channel every summer until 1997.
How long had it been since you saw each other?

10. Trecutul perfect continuu

Forma: Had + been + participiu prezent (-ing)

Acest timp indica o actiune continua care s-a incheiat la un moment dat din trecut.

Hemingway had been losing his self-confidence for years before the publication of Old Man and the Sea.
Had they been cheating on the exams before the school put monitors in the classroom?

11. Viitorul perfect

Forma: Will + have + participiul trecut al verbului

Viitorul perfect indica o actiune care va fi fost incheiata la un moment dat din viitor.
Ex.: I will have spent all my money by this time next year.
I will have run successfully in three marathons if I can finish this one.
By this time next week, I will have worked on this project for twenty days.
Before he sees his publisher, Charles will have finished four chapters in his new novel.
A Democratic president will have been in the White House for nearly half of the twentieth century.
How long will it have been since we were together?

12. Viitorul perfect continuu

Forma: Will + have + been + participiul prezent (-ing) al verbului

Acest timp indica a actiune continua care va fi incheiata la un moment dat din viitor.
Ex.: By the time he finishes this semester, Gesualdo will have been studying nothing but parasites for four years.
Will they have been testing these materials in the lab before we even get there?
10. Prepozitia

10.1. Introducere

Prepozitia descrie legatura dintre doua cuvinte din aceeasi propozitie. Prepozitiile nu au un inteles de sine statator,
ele capata diferie sensuri puse in legatura cu alte cuvinte.

Sa observam catedra profesorului si multitudinea de prepozitii pe care le putem folosi pentru a o descrie:

You can sit before the desk (or in front of the desk). The professor can sit on the desk (when he's being informal) or
behind the desk, and then his feet are under the desk or beneath the desk. He can stand beside the desk (meaning
next to the desk), before the desk, between the desk and you, or even on the desk (if he's really strange). If he's
clumsy, he can bump into the desk or try to walk through the desk (and stuff would fall off the desk). Passing his
hands over the desk or resting his elbows upon the desk, he often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk or
concerning the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk. Because he thinks of nothing except the desk,
sometimes you wonder about the desk, what's in the desk, what he paid for the desk, and if he could live without the
desk. You can walk toward the desk, to the desk, around the desk, by the desk, and even past the desk while he sits
at the desk or leans against the desk.

Cuvintele evidentiate sunt toate prepozitii.

In limba engleza nu se va termina niciodata o propozitie cu o prepozitie.

10.2. Prepozitii de timp: at, on, in

At se foloseste pentru a desemna ora exacta

Ex.: The train is due at 12:15 p.m.

On indica zilele si datele calendaristice

Ex.: My brother is coming on Monday.
We're having a party on the Fourth of July.

In se foloseste pentru a desemna ore imprecise din timpul zilei, cat si luna, anotimpul, anul.
Ex.: She likes to jog in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to run outside.
He started the job in 1971.
He's going to quit in August.

10.2. Prepozitii de loc: at, on, in

At se foloseste cu adrese exacte.

Ex.: Grammar English lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham.

On desemneaza numele de strazi, sosele, bulevarde, alei, etc.

Ex.: Her house is on Boretz Road.

In se foloseste cu numele regiunilor (orase, judete, tari, state, continente).

Ex.: She lives in Durham.
Durham is in Windham County.
Windham County is in Connecticut.

Prepozitii de loc: in, at, on si lipsa prepozitiei

IN AT ON lipsa prepozitiei

(the) bed* class* the bed* downstairs

the bed home the ceiling downtown
the library* the floor inside
the car
the office the horse outside
(the) class*
school* the plane upstairs
the library*
work the train uptown

* In diverse circumstante se pot folosi prepozitii diferite pentru aceste

10.3. Prepozitii de miscare: to si lipsa prepozitiei

To se foloseste pentru a exprima deplasarea, miscarea catre un loc.

Ex.: They were driving to work together.
She's going to the dentist's office this morning.

Toward si towards exprima de asemenea miscarea.

Acestea doua sunt doar variantele ortografice ale aceluiasi cuvant si se pot folosi indiferent.
Ex.: We're moving toward the light.
This is a big step towards the project's completion.

Cu urmatoarele cuvinte: home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs, nu se folosesc prepozitii.
Ex.: Grandma went upstairs Grandpa went home.
They both went outside.

10.4. Prepozitii de timp: for si since

For se foloseste atunci cand se masoara timpul (secunde, minute, ore, zile, luni, ani).
Ex.: He held his breath for seven minutes.
She's lived there for seven years.
The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries.

Since se foloseste cu data sau ora exacta.

Ex.: He's worked here since 1970.
She's been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty.

10.5. Prepozitii cu substantive, adjective si verbe

Numeroase substantive, adjective si mai ales verbe se folosesc corect numai insotite de
prepozitiile care le intregesc sensul.


approval of fondness for need for

awareness of grasp of participation in
belief in hatred of reason for
concern for hope for respect for
confusion about interest in success in
desire for love of understanding of


afraid of fond of proud of

angry at happy about similar to
aware of interested in sorry for
capable of jealous of sure of
careless about made of tired of
familiar with married to worried about


apologize for give up prepare for

ask about grow up study for
ask for look for talk about
belong to look forward to think about
bring up look up trust in
care for make up work for
find out pay for worry about

Combinatia dintre verbe si prepozitii se numeste verb frazal (vezi 6.4.Verbe frazale).

10.6. Expresii idiomatice cu prepozitii

 agree to a proposal, with a person, on a price, in principle
 argue about a matter, with a person, for or against a proposition
 compare to to show likenesses, with to show differences (sometimes similarities)
 correspond to a thing, with a person
 differ from an unlike thing, with a person
 live at an address, in a house or city, on a street, with other people

10.7. Prepozitii inutile

In vorbirea de zi cu zi se folosesc incorect prepozitii acolo unde ele nu isi au rostul. Observa urmatoarele exemple:
Ex.: She met up with the new coach in the hallway.
The book fell off of the desk.
He threw the book out of the window.
She wouldn't let the cat inside of the house. (sau folositi "in")
Where did they go to?
Put the lamp in back of the couch. (se va folosi "behind")
Where is your college at?

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