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ADMINISTRATIA NATIONALA A PENITENCIARELOR } CUVANT INAINTE FORWARD Administratia Nafionalé 2 Penitenciarelor din Romania $-a confruntat pe parcursut anutui 2010 cuaceleasi probleme care puna Incercare $i alle sisteme penitenciare din Europa - rata crescuté @ recidivei, supraaglomerarea, cresterea cazurilor de introducere in penitenciar a drogurilor $/ a obiectelor interzise, insuficienfa personalului $i, maiales, insuficienfe mijloacelor financiare. Spre deosebire de sisteme'e performante insé, care au trecul la o abordare modern’ a executénii privarii de libertate inc& din deceniul ase al secolului trecut, sistemul penitenciar romanesc este nevoit sa se adapteze din mers $i dac3, p8n8 nu demult, singura misiune era aceea de paza si escortare, astazi trebuie sé fim preocupati de reinserfia sociala a persoanelor condamnate la pedepse privative de libertate, de respectarea drepturilor $i libertafilor acestora, cu alte cuvinte de transformarea penitenciarulyi intr-un serviciu social convingator affat in slujba comunit&ti Fara indoiala c& resursele materiale sunt foarte importante pentru alinierea (a standardele europene si in anul 2010 am resimfit unele restrictiile financiare impuse de criza economic care a afectat toate sectoarele de activitate, dar- in opinia mea - cu mult mai important este schimbarea mentalitafii noastre, este exempluf personal al celui care, in aceleasi circumstan{e, reuseste s8 ating’ o performanté demnd de luat in seama, aceea a respectulvi fafa de focul de munca, @ credinfei in misiunea gi in valorile asumate. Cénd discutém despre modemizarea unui sistem penitenciar, obisnuim s& ne gandim cu precadere fa imbundtéirea condijillor de detentie, ins’, marea provocare este de a imagine cele mai performante metode de reintegrare a persoanelor condamnate la pedepse privative de libertate $i aici penitenciaru! are 0 mare problema de rezolval, poate cea maj mare, aceea a relafiei cu Societatea, locul de unde vin $i unde se intore in ‘mod inevitabil, detinuti. Asadar, cheia solufionarii acestui mecanism complicat raméne in societate $i plec&nd de la The National Administration of the Penitenciaries in Romania has been confronted during the year of 2010 with the same problems that also fested other penitenciary systems in Europe - the high level of relapse, the congestion, the increasement of cases of introducing drags and prohibited items in the penitenciary, the scarcity of personnel and ‘mostly the scarcily of financial means. But in opposition to the performant systems that ‘have tured to a modem approach of freedom privative punishment since the sixth decade of the past century, the Romanian penitenciary system has been forced to adapt on the fly, and if until recentiy, the only mission was that of security and protection, today we have to be preocupated by the social reinsertion of the condemned persons to freedom privative punishments, of respeciing their rights and their freedom, in other words of translorming the penitenciary in a convincing social service engaged inthe community's service. Undoubtedly that the material resources are very important to align with the European standards and in the year of 2010 we felt some financial restrictions imposed by the economic crisis which affected all the activity sectors, but - in my opinion - more important is ta change our ‘mentality, tis the personal example of that who, in the same circumstances, manage to reach a performance worthy of attention, that of the respect at the workplace, of faith in the mission andinthe assumed values. When we are talking about upgrading a penitentiary system, we use to think mostly to improve the detention conditions, but, it remains the challenge to imagine the most advanced Integration methods of the persons condemned to freedom deprivative punishments and here the penitentiary has a problem to solve, maybe the most important one, that of the relation with the society, the place where they come from and where the prisoners are going back inevitably. Therefore, the key to solve this complicated mechanism stays in the society and starting from thisreality, starting mostly from the belief that itis first the obligation of the penitentiary to imagine new techniques of approach, through which the aceasta realitate, de fa convingerea c& este in primul rand obligatia penitenciarului sa imagineze tehnici noi de abordare, prin care mesajul s& ajunga la cetéfean intr-o formula convingatoare $i suficient de onest& ji Inteligent&, incét s& schimbe pén& la urma percepfia acestuia despre deinut $i despre rolul penitenciarului. Sistemul penitencier este un serviciu de utiltatea publicd ce trebuie administrat in numele umanismului sialjustifiei. Societatea trebuie sa infeleag’ c3 persoanele condamnate la pedepse privative de libertate nu sunt proprietatea penitenciarului, iar sansa de reintegrare a definutului este o gansé pe care comunitatea gi-o acord’ in egalé masuré ei insesi. Oricét ar p&rea de nepotrivit sau surprinzétor misiunea de 9 convinge comunitatea c& penitenciarul nu poate $i nu trebuie s& functioneze In afara ei, ne revine tot nous, lucrStorilar de penitenciare. Se poate spune, agadar, c& bilanful intregii activitéfi desfasurate in anul 2010 in sistemul penitenciar romanesc, activitate analizat $i sintetizat8 in paginile care urmeazé, este in ‘gala masuré un moment de refiexie, dar si unut de confruntare cu céea ce suntem, mai ales cu ceea ce ne propunem s& devenim de acum Inainte. message should arrive to the citizen in a convincing formula and sufficiently honest or intelligent to change eventually his/her perception about the imprisoned and about the role of the penitentiary. The penitentiary system is a public usofulness service that must be administered in the name of humanism and justice. The society must understand that the persons condemned to freedom deprivative punishments are not the propriety of the penitentiary, and the chance to reintegrate the prisoner is a chance that the community awards ‘equally {0 itself. No matter how unsuitable or ‘surprising it seems, the mission to convince the community that the penitentiary cannot and Should not function beyond it, is also our responsibility. ‘Therefore it can be said that the balance of the entire activity unfolded in the year of 2010 in the Romanian penitentiary systems, the activity analysed and synthetised in the following pages, is equally a moment of reflection, but also a moment of confrontation with what we are, mostly with what we intend to become from now on. Chestor de penitenciare Penitentiary questor Dr. foan BALA Director General General Director Administrafia Nafionala a Penitenclarelor Nalional Administration of Penitentiary CONTEXT GENERAL GENERAL CONTEXT Sistemul penitenciar romanesc este o componenta a sistemului de ordine publicd si siguranté nalionala a Romaniei al carui scop principal este acela de dezvoltare a unui serviciu public, transparent si sigur pentru comunitate, bazat pe garantarea sigurantei locurilor de detentie $i pe reintegrarea sociala a persoanelor condamnate la pedepse privative de libertate. Strategia sistemului administratiei penitenciare pe perioada 2010-2013 - document de planificare a directiilor de actiune - in vederea mentinerii ordinii publice si a seci Nafionale, @ reprezentat fundamentul folosi tuturor mijloacelor disponibile pentru asigurarea interventiai recuperative si aplicarea regimului de detentie in conditii care garanteaza respectarea demnitatiiumane. ANP coordoneaza activitatea a 42 penitenciare - dintre care 1 penitenciar pentru femei, 4 penitenciare pentru minori gi tineri si sase penitenciare spital. Tot sub egida ANP funcjioneazé 3 centre de reeducare pentru minori, $coala National de Pregatire a Agentilor de Penitenciare si Centrul de Formare si Specializare a Ofilerilor din Administrajia Penitenciara. In cursul anului 2010 s-a constatat o cregtere 2 efectivelor de definuti, la finele anului numarul acestora era de 28.244 - fata de 26.716 in 2009 Pe fondul dezechilibrului economic prefigurat $i Jn anul 2011 precum si a acordului de extradare din {arile UE a persoanelor condamnate la pedepse privative de libertate de cetatenie romana, sé estimeazd in continuare cresterea efectivelor de persoane private de libertate in ‘sistemul penitenciar romanesc. Totodata, s-a actionat pentru perfeclionarea organizarii institujionale a sistemului penitenciar, punandu-se accentul pe modificarea si completarea cadrului normativ existent gi pe modificarea 3 completarea actelor normative de nivel superior care reglementeazd executarea pedepselor. Astfel, prin Legea nr. 83/2010 a fost modificata gi completata Legea nr. 275/206 privind executarea pedepselor sia masurilor dispuse de c&tre organele judiciare In cursul procesului penal gi prin NotSrarea Guvernului ar. 1113/2010, a fost modificatd si completata Hotararea Guvernului nr. 1897/2006 privind aprobarea Regulamentului de aplicare a legii de executare a pedepselor privative de libertate Prin aceste modificari au fost prevazute infractiuni specifice sistemului penitenciar, s-a instituit 0 componenta distinct a comisillor de stabilire/schimbare a regimului de executare, de The Romanian penitentiary system is a component of the public order system and national security of Romania, whose primary purpose is that of developing a public service, transparent and safe for the community, based on the indemnification of the security of the places of detention and on the social reintegration of the persons condemned to freedom deprivative punishments. The strategy of the penitentiary administration system for 2010-2013 - planning document of the action directions - in order to maintain the public order and the national security, represented the bases of using every possible means for assuring the recuperative intervention and the application of the detention regime in conditions that guarantee that the human dignity is respected, ANP coordinates the activity of 42 penitentiaries = out of which 1 penitentiary for women, 4 penitentiaries for minors and young people and six hospital penitentiaries. Also, under the authority of ANP, 3 re-education centre are run, the National ‘School for Preparing the Penitentiary Agents Tirgu Ocna and the Training and Specialization of the Officers in the Penitentiary Administration CentreArad. During the year 2010, an increase of prisons number has been identified, at the end of the year their number was 28.244 - from 26.716 in 2009. Because of the economic disequilibrium foreseen also for the year 2011 as well as of the extradition agreement from the EU countries of the Romanian citizens condemned to freedom deprivative punishments, it is onwards estimated the increase of the effectives of persons deprived of liberty. In the same time, measures for perfecting the institutional organization of the penitentiary system had been taken, focusing on amending and supplementing the normative documents of high level that regulate the execution of punishments, Thus by the Law no. 83/2010 has been amended and supplemented the Law no. 275/2006 regarding the execution of the punishments and of the measures ordered by the judicial bodies during the criminal process and through the Government Decision no. 1113/2010, has been amended and supplemented the Government Decision no. 1897/2006 regarding the approval of the Regulation of Law no. 275/2006 enforcement. Through these amendments specific delinquency for the penitentiary system iad been provided, it has been instituted a distinct component of the determination/ acordare a recompenselor, de conditionata si de disciplina. liberare Totodata la sfargitul anului trecut, a intrat in vigoare Legea nr. 202/2010 privind mésuri pentru accelerarea solutionarii proceselor, lege care are un impact deosebit asupra intregii activit&{i_a sistemului penitenciar. Potrivit dispozitilor acestei ‘egi instantele de judecata pot fixa termene foarte scurte, iar procedura de comunicare a citafillor, a altor acte de procedura, precum §i indeplinirea oric&ror atributii proprii activitatii de judecata, se realizeaza prin toate mijlaacele de comunicare (telefon, fax, e-mail), institutite avand obligatia de a lua masurile necesare in vederea asigurérii accesulvi direct al instanlelor la bazele electronice de dale gi sisteme deinformare. Contextul de austeritate financiard care a caracterizat anul 2010, prin aprobarea Legii nr. 4118/2010 privind uncle masuri necesare in vederea restabiliri echilibrului bugetar, incepand cu luna iulie 2010, salariile si unele drepturi de personal au fost diminuate in sistemul penitenciar cu 25%; Prin Legea nr. 293/204 privind statutul functionarilor publici cu statut special din sistemul penitenciar, a fost redefinit in anul 2019 Fegimul incompatibilitajilor acestora, Ca urmare, incepand cu data de 01.01.2011, |ucratorii de penitenciare pot desfasura activitati in sectorul privat in acele domenii care nu au 0 legaturd direct sau indirect cu atributiile exercitate pottivit igei postului. Bugetul ANP, aprobat prin Legea nr. 11/2010, a awuto valoare totala inifiala de 758,396 miilei, la, sfargitul anuiui 2010, valoarea acestuia a fost de 751.050 mii lei, in acest context financiar dificil, trabuie subliniat sprijinul Ministerutui Justitiei, care prin virdrile de credite efectuate din propriul buget, a suplimentat bugetul ANP cu 5.650 mii lei changing commissions of the execution regime, of approaching the rewards, of conditioned release and of discipline. Starting with November 2010, the Law no. 202/2010 regarding some measures for the acceleration of solving the processes came into force, law that has a particularly impact upon the entire activity of the penitentiary system. According to the dispositions of this law, the courts can fix very short terms and the communication procedure of the citations, of other procedure documents as well as the accomplishment of any proper attribution, judicial activities, is realised by all means of communication (telephone, fax, e-mail), the institutions have the obligation to take every necessary mean regarding the insurance of the direct access of the instances to the electronic databases and information systems. In the context of financial austerity that characterized the year 2010, through the approval of the Law no. 118/2010 regarding same necessary measures in order to rée- establish the budgetary balance, starting with July 2010, the salaries and some rights of personnel (medical drugs, food norm, the rents etc.) had been diminished in the penitentiary system with 25%; Through the Law no. 293/2004 regarding the statute of the magistrates with a special statute from the penitentiary system, has been redefined in the year 2010 the regime of their incompatibility. Therefore, starting with 01.01.2011, the penitentiary workers can unfold activities in the private sector in that domains that have no direct or indirect contact with the attributions exercised under the meal ticket. The ANP budget, approved through the Law no. 41/2010, had an initial total value of 758.396 thousands lei at the end of the year 2010, its value wes of 751.050 thousands lei. In this In contextul economic $i legislativ actual care a restrictionat sever incadrarea posturilor vacante jin raport cu nevoile sistemului penitenciar, context amplificat de iesirea la pensie a unui numar semnificativ de \ucratori de penitenciare, constat&m cd procentul de ocupare a posturilor este de aproximativ 73% din totalul de 15.550 posturi prevazute Pentru diminuarea dezechilibrului de personal, una dintre solufiile adoptate in anu! 2010 fost aceea de mentinere la un nivel maxim a cifrei de scolarizare la Scoala de Pregatire a Agen(ior de Penitenciare $i Academia de Polilie A.!. Cuza, precum gi de majorare a cifrei de $cok Academia Nationalé de Informatii Viteazu!" si la Institutului Medico-Mlitar.’Nu in ultimul rand a fost luatd in calcul si posibilitatea de a initia scolarizarea gi in celelalte institutii de invatamant din subordinea Ministerului Aparari National, fiind In discutie o suplimentare de 88 locuri in domeniul economico-administrativ si tehnatogia informatie’ si comunicatiilor. In ciuda restrictiilor bugetare, urmare a numérului_ mare de parteneriate si proiecte accesate de catre ANP, 2010 a fost anul cu cel mai mare numér de deplasari in strdinatate, in interes de serviciu. in marea lor majoritate Cheltuielile aferente deplasarii au fost suportate din bugetul proiectelor in derulare sau de catre organizatorii evenimentelor: 94 deplasari, 368 specialisti din sistemul penitenciar romanesc (103 din cadrul ANP ‘si 265. din unitatile penitenciare) care s-au deplasat in Germania, Elvelia, Frenfa, Spania, Austria, Republica Moldova, Slovenia, Italia, Ungaria, Marea Britanie, ‘Polonia, Portugalia, Letonia, Belgia, Norvegia, Olanda, Turcia, Inlanda, Danemarca, SUA, Croalia, Grecia, Cipru, Iranda de Nord) Activitatii desfagurate in sistemului penitenciar romanesc pe linia accesdrii fondurilor, pune in evidenta faptulca: + in pericada 2006 - 2008, au fost gestionate proiecte finanjate prin Phare gi Phare - Facilitatea de Tranzitie, unde autoritatea de implementare a fost Ministerul Justitiei. + Incepand cu anu! 2008 a fost posibila accesarea de programe pe fonduri structurale, ca urmare a faptului cé ANP a semnat, [a deschiderea liniei pentru Fondul Social European in Roménia, un contract de proiect (de altfel, primul proiect strategic aprobat pe axa 6.2 aPOSDRU)cuAMPOSDRU. > in perioada 2006 - 2007 ANP a instruit promotori de proiecte care au depus aplicatii pe Phare 2005-2006, masuri de incluziune sociala, gestionate de Ministeru! Muncii si Phare 2006 ~ servicii sociale. + In anul 2008 au fost depuse 10 aplicatii in valoare fotala de 57.873.126 le. + In anul 2009 au fost depuse 3 aplicatii, in valoare totala de 44.477.736 lei, + In anul 2010 au fost depuse 5 aplicatii, in valoare totala de 94.019.609 lei. difficult financial context, the support of the Ministry of Justice must be emphasized, who through the credit transfers made from its own budget, supplemented the ANP budget with 5.650 thousands lei. in the actual economic and legislative context which severely restricted the enclosure of the vacant jobs in relation with the needs of the Penitentiary system, context amplified by the retirement of a ‘significant number of penitentiary workers, we find thatthe percentof occupation of the jobs is about 79% from the total of 15.550 of jobs provided. To lower the personnel disequilibrium, one of the solutions adopted in 2010 was that of maintaining ata maximum level the tuition figure at NSPPA Tirgu-Ocna and the Police ‘Academy A.t. Cuza, as well as the increase of, the tullon figure al the National Academy of Information ,Mihai Viteazul’ and at the Military Medica! Institute. Last but not least, the Possibility to initiate the tuition in the others educational institutions under the authorisation of the Ministry of National Defence has been taken into consideration, In spite of the budget shortages, due to the large number of partnerships and projects accessed by the ANP, 2010 was the year with the most job trips abroad. The expenses were mostly paid by the projects budget or by the events organizers: 94 trips, 368 specialists of the Romanian penitentiary system (103 of the ANP and 265 of the penitenciary units) who travelled to Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Austria, Republic of Moldova, Slovenia, ftaiy, Hungary, Great Britain,” Poland, Portugalia, Latvia, Belgium, Norway, Hollan Turkey, Ireland, ’ Denmark, USA,’ Croat Greece, Cyprus, North Ireland). Ashort review of the activities developed within, the Romanian penitenciary system would highlight the following facts: + In the period of 2006 - 2008, Phare projects and Phare - Transition Facility projects were administrated, where the implementing authority was the Ministry of Justice. + Starting with 2008, accessing programmes in structural fund became possible, due to the fact that ANP signed the opening of the line for the Social Eurspean Fund in Romania, a contract, of project (actually, it was the first strategical project approved on the axis 6.2 of POSDRU) with AM POSDRU. + In the period of 2006 - 2007, ANP trained project promoters that applied for Phare 2005 - 2006, measurements of social inclusion, administrated by the Ministry of labour and Phare 2006 - social services. + In 2008, 10 projects were applied, with a total amount of 57.873.126 lei + In 2009, 3 projects were applied, with a total amount of 44.477.736 lei. *In 2010, 5 projects were applied, with a total amount of 94.019.609 lei. MEDIU SIGUR $I NON-CONFLICTUAL IN PENITENCIARE SAFE AND NON-CONFLICTUAL ENVIRONMENT IN PENITENTIARY ‘Consolidarea cadrului normativ Practica a demonstrat necesitatea corelarii gi adaptarii la standardele europene a unor prevederi privind organizarea, funclionarea si executarea serviciului de paz’, escortare, insofire si supraveghere a persoanelor private de libertate, prin introducerea unor dispozitive de siguranta flexibile si a unor noi principii de subordonare. In acest context, de dezvoltare si adaptare a societd|ii romanesti la standarde europene, prin noul regulament privind siguranta penitenciarelor, au fost introduse elemente de noutate indispensabile functionarii serviciutui penitenciar in condifii optime. Elaborarea Manualului pentru gestionarea incidentelor (Vol. | - Gestionarea incidentelor operationate si Vol. II - Gestionarea incidentetor critice) sia Manualulul de Proceduri utllizat de negociatori in gestionarea incidentelor critice, ofers cadrul normativ pentru solutionarea @ ceea ce numim in prezent evenimente negative", care sunt imparjite in incidente operationale (urgentele medicale, incendiile, evadarile, tulburarile in randul persoanelor private de libertate si evenimentele pericutoase) gi incidente critice (luarea de ostaticigirevoltele) Elementul de noutate pentru sistemul penitenciar din Romania It reprezinta existenta, la nivelul fiecarui penitenciar, a negociatorilor, lucratori de penitenciare specializati in solujionarea incidentelor i conflictelor. Intentia, la nivelul sistemului penitenciar romanese, este aceea de a avea In fiecare penitenciar cel putin 10 negociatari gi in fiecare spital penitenciar cel putin 5. Decelarea cauzelor care perturba climatul normal de conviefuire a determina initierea Studivlui privind prevalenta comportamentetor agresive in r&ndul persoanelor private de libertate. Concluziile studiului fundamenteaza formularea unor recomandari pentru reducerea factorilor de rise privind producerea de incidente. Consolidation of the norms Practical experience proved the necessity to corelate and adapt to the European standards some previsions regarding the organization, functiong and execution of the security service, escorting, accompaning and supervising the persons deprived of freedom, by introducing some flexible safely dispositions and some new subordination principles. In this context of developing and adapting the Romanian society to the European environment, by the new regulation regarding the penitentiary safetiness, new elements were introduced, elements that are indispensable for the functioning of the penitentiary service in ‘optimum conditions. Developing the Handbook to manage incidents (Vol. | ~ Managing the operational incidents and Vol. ll - Managing critical incidents) and the Handbook of Procedures used by the negociators in managing critical incidents, offer the norm frame to solve what we call negative events", that are splitted into operational incidents (medical emergencies, fires, escapes, troubles among the persons deprived of freedom and dangerous events) and critical incidents (taking hostages and revolts). The element of novelty for the Romanian Penitentiary system is given by the fact that in every penitentiary there are negociators, penitentiary workers specialized to solve incidents and conflicts. The intention at the Romanian penitentiary system level is to have in every prison at least 10 negociators and in every penitentiary hospital at least 5. Finding the causes that disturb the normal climate of living together initiated the Study regarding the presence of aggresive behaviour among the persons deprived of freedom. The study conclusions fundament the development of some recomendations to decrease the risk factors ofincidents to take place. BTN Aaa EIN eT characterised by Violence, recoded at the Ca Saul aan CPLA al RTA Eee ee ere Ni ad Ce REE a eC ATT tA etl eer) Per een RR aes j ! | | | : iM iin Ree an TES EN Perce | Cee pergy am ts Mak w Sr Mee eny Ye Dee Cadrul normativ specific indepliniri misiunitor in unitafile subordonate ve § completat cu Manualul privind masurile de prevenire si reacia la incidentele produse pe timpul transportulul persoanelor private de libertate cu mijloace auto si Manualul privind Structurile asociate pentru masurj de securitate speciala, constrangere gi control. Acest ultim manual este format din doua volume, axate pe siguranfa personalului, respectiv interventia efectiva a siructurilor specializate in cazul producerii unor incidente. Modernizarea sistemelor de paza, supraveghere si alarmare implementarea sistemului electronic integrat de paza, supraveghere gi alarmare pentru cele 12 unitati profilate pe custodicrea persoanelor private de libertate din regim deschis $i semideschis, impune recistribuirea personalului, in funciie de wulnerabitittile privind siguranta penitenciaretor. Solu(ia folosirii bra{arilor electronice, asigura, in condifiile legii, supravegherea electronica la distanta, a fost identificaté pentru situatia in care unele persoane din regimul deschis se aflé nesupravegheate in diferite zone din afara penitenciarului, ca urmare @ participarii la activitajile lucrative sau de reintegrare sociala. Echipamentele vor fi aplicate persoanelor private de libertate aflate in regimul semideschis si deschis, dar si in situatia calor recompensate cu permisiunea de iesire din penitenciar. Pentru un control sporit si pentru crearea condifiilor necesare interventiei in situatii deosebite, a fost instalat, experimental, pe un aufovehicul de transfer, un dispozitiv de monitorizare prin GPS. In vederea cresterii gradului de siguranta al misiurilor executate In exteriorut locului de detinere, se preconizeazd extinderea ulilizarii acestuitip de echipament The norm frame specific to the fulfillment of the missions in subordinated units will be added with the Handbook regarding the measurements of preventing and reaction 10 incidents during the transport of persons deprived of freedom with cars and the Handbook regarding the structures associated for special security, constraint and control measurements. The latter is formed by two volumes, focused on the personel safety, and the effective intervention of the specialised sttucturesiin case of some incidents. Modernizing the security, surveilance and alarming systems Implementing the integrated electronic system of security, surveillance and alarming for the 12 units specialised on custodiery the persons deprived of freedom in open and half-open regim, imposes to redistribute the personnel, depending on the vulnerabilities of the penitentiary safetiness. The solution of using electronic bracelets, that provide, according to the law, electronic surveilance at a distance, has been identified appropiate for the situations in which some persons in the open regim find themselves unsupervised in diferent areas outside the penitentiary, as they are involved in working activities or of social reinsertion. The equipment will be used for the persons deprived of freedom in half-open and open regim, but also in the situation of rewarding with the permission of getting outof the penitentiary. PMR Me ey (CACC eM Nee eeu (Bistrifa, Jilava, Tichilesti, Spital Dej, Iai SIRI Cedar eee Mu eue CE cin eure) Una Cada Poeun ee Bou ace uate eat Cee Taree ar emi ial: ee Cot eee For a better control and to create better conditions necessary to interfere in special situations, there was an experimental placement on a transfer vehicle, of a monitoring device by the GPS. To increase the safety degree of the missions taking place outside the prison, a wider usage of this type of ecquipmentis suggested. 9 cl Nl lh le ti tal ll ihe Totodatd, 2 fost intocmit un proiect de montare a statillor de tip TETRA, identice cu cele afte in dotarea MAI pe autovehiculele destinate Yransportului persoanelor private de libertate, Prin acest proiect s-a urmairit alinierea sistemului penitenciar la standardele existente in domeniul aparari, ordinii publice si sigurantei nationale, coneretizaté prin asimilarea de catre Sistemul national unic pentru apeluri de urgenta - 112. Masuri pentru limitarea introducerit de obiecte interzise in penitenciare ANP, alaturi de celelalte administratii Penitenciare din intreaga lume, se confrunta cu lun fenomen in crestere, acela al introducerii de obiecte interzise si substante psihoactive. In anul 2010 au fost descoperite in unitdtile penitenciare un numér mai mic de telefoane mobile, respectiv 9.459 (fata de 9.938 1n 2009 gi 10.778 in 2008). In acelasi timp, ca urmare a masurilor dispuse, cum ar fi incriminarea ca infractiune a introducerii de obiecte interzise sau dotarii cu unele mijloace electronice de control, Inthe same time, there was elaborated a project to mount TETRA stations, identical to those ‘owned by MAI on their vehicles for transporting persons deprived of freedom. Through this project, it has been aimed to align the penitentiary system to the existing standards in the field of defence, public order and national Safety, materialised by being included by the Sole National System for emergency calls- 112, Measurements to limit the entry of forbidden objects in the penitenciary ANP, like others administrations of penitenciary from all over the word, has todeat with a growing phenomenon of the entry of forbidden objects and psycho-active substances. In 2010 we have discovered in the penitenciary units @ lower number of mobile phone, that is 9.459 (compared to 9.938 in 2009 and 10.778 in 2008). In the same time, as a consequence of the disposed measurement, for example to declare an official crime the offence to introduce the forbidden objects or the equipment with the numarul telefoanelor mobile descoperite inainte ca acestea sa ajunga la destinatari a crescut fata de anii anteriori. Au fost intreprinse demersuri pe langa Autoritatea Nafionala pentru Administrare si Reglementare in Comunicatii si operatorit retelelor de telefonie mobila din Romania, pentru gasirea unor solutii viabile, de evitare a folosiri neautorizate a serviciilar de telefonie mobild in penitenciar si s-au facut demersuri pentru elaborarea unui cadru legislativ de utilizare a ‘sistemelor de brulaj, Pentru depistarea telefoanelor mobile, a drogurilor, a explozibililor si pentru urmatirea evadatilor, in cursul anului 2010 s-au stabilit datele colaborSrii cu Autoritates Nafjonala a Vamilor, in vederea achizifionari gi instruiri cainilor de serviciu. Masuri pentru limitarea introducerii de substanfe interzise in penitenciare Evolutis numarutui cazurilor de descoperire a substantelor stupefiante in perioada 2008 - 2010, arata cé penitenciarele se confrunta in corttinuare cu fenomenul consumulsi de draguti in randul persoanelor private de libertate. Pentru diminuarea consumului de droguri, ANP actioneaza atat pentru reducerea ofertei, ct si controling electronicals means, the number of cellulars discovered before reaching their destination increased towards the previous years. The National Authority for the Communication Administration and Reglementation, as well as the mobile phone network operators in Romania were approached, in order to find practical solutions to avoid the unauthorised use of mobile services and steps have been taken to elaborate a legislation frame to use distorting systems. To find mobile phones, drogs, exploding substances and to search fot the escaping persons, in 2010 the frame of the co-operation with the National Authority of the Customs was established, to buy and train utilitary service dogs. Measurements for limitation of the entry of forbidden subsances in the penitenciaries The evolution of the number of cases when drugs were discovered during the period of 2008 ~2010, showes that the penitentiaries face even. nowadays the phenomenon of drug consuming among the persons deprived of freedom. To decrease the drug use, ANP acts both to decrease the offer and to decrease the pentru reducerea cererii de droguri la nivelul unitatilor penitenciare. Eforturile pentru reducerea ofertel au facut ca numarul situatilor de descoperire a droguriior inainte de intrare in posesia persoanelor private de libertate sa creascd de la un an la altul: 55% in arul 2008, 62% in anul 2009 si 73% in anul 2010. Cererea mare de droguri este o urmare fireasca a cresterii Numérului de persoane private de libertate care au sdvarsit infractiuni in legaturd cu traficul si consumul de drogur Pentru reducerea cererii de droguri, imerventia In cazul persoanelor privale de libertate declarate cu antecedente de consum de droguri se realizeaza prin programe de informare, programe de prevenire, campanii de sensibilizare si conglientizare, consiliere i construirea comunitatilor terapeutice. Dintre cele mai importante acjiuni este de mentionat Proiectul "Establishing 3 therapeutic communities in Rehova, Jilava and Targsor Romanian Penitentiaries’, in cadrul c&ruia au fost dezvottate astfel de comunitati terapeutice. In cadrul proiectului Activitéti de prevenire si asisten{S HIV/SIDA printre consumatorii de droguri injectabile In penitenciarele din Romania’, finantat de catre Ministerul S8ndtti din Olanda si derulat cu spriinul tehnic al UNODC, s-a urmarit extinderea proiecteior pilot de substitufie cu metadona si schimb de seringi, in prezent programele find disponibile in 10 penitenciare. Au fost realizate demersuri in vederea asigurarii sustenabilitéjii proiectului de substitutie cu metadona in unitatile penitenciare, prin finanare de la bugetul de stat, incepand cu anul 2014. in aceleasi coordonate, s-au derulat activitatile prevazute in cadrul Proiectului MATRA .Continuerea realizarii Sistemului National Integrat privind reabilitaree consumatorilor de drogurice au sdvérsit infractiun’" demand for drugs at the level of penitentiary units. The efforts to decrease the offer lead to the fact that the number of successful situations when drugs were discovered before reaching their destination meaning persons deprived of freedom increased from one year to the other: 55% in 2008, 62% in 2009 and 73% in 2010. The big demand of drugs is a natural consequence of the large number of drug dealers and consumers imprisoned, To decrease the drug demand, the intervention in cases of persons deprived of freedom known as having consumed drugs before is made by programs of informing, preventing, campaigns to attract afention and becoming aware, counseling and building therapeutic communities. Among the most important actions it is worth to be mentioned the Project of "Establishing 3 therapeutic communities in Rahova, Jilave and Térgsor Romanian Penitentiaries’, through which such therapeutic communities were developed. ‘Through the Activities to prevent and assist HIV/SIDA among the injection drug consumers in the penitentiaries in Romania’ project, financed by the Ministry of Health in Holland and implemented with the technical support of UNODC, a spreading of pilot projects of substitution with methadone and exchange of seringes, in present the programs being accessible in 10 penitentiaries. Steps have been taken to provide support to the substitution with methadone project in penitentiary units by financing it from the state budget, starting on 2011. In the same coordinates, activities stipulated by the MATRA Project of .Continuing the development of integrated ‘National System regarding the rehabilitation of the drug consumers who aid erimes”. Se eee es RCE ee ae ee ee CUSTODIEREA $I TRATAMENTUL PERSOANELOR PRIVATE DE LIBERTATE CUSTODING AND TREATING PERSONS DEPRIVED OF FREEDOM Cazarea persoanelor private de libertate Tn cursul anutui 2010, au fost aprobate Normele minime de cazare a persoanelor private de libertate, diferentiate In funclie de modul si locut de definere in care se realizeaz& cazarea. tatearea in vigoare a noilor norme de cazare va conduce la cresterea gradului de ocupare a penitenciaretor, sens in care, in cursul anului 2010 a fost continuala actiunea de profilare, acest proces finalizandu-se in toate penitenciarefe din zona Moldovei. Dinamica efectivelor persoanelor private de fibertate a conditionat transferarea_tuturor tinerilorin cele 4 unitati cu profil de minorisitineri sia femeilor in penitenciaru! pentru femei si in cele 6 sectii de detinere pentru femei existente in alte unitayi. Activitatea de custodiere a tinerilor si femeilor, numai in penitenciarele de profi, se va finalize pana la sfarsitul primului trimesiny al anului 2011 Pe lang profilare, o alta solulie de imbundtatire a condifilor de detenfie este aceea de constructie, in pasteneriat public privat, a unor noi unit&li, corespunzatoare normelor siregulilor impuse de c&tre UE. Prin raportare la experienta inmaterie de parteneriat public privat a celorlalte sisteme europene, au fost analizate avantajele, dezavanlajele $i eventualele riscuri pe care acest ip de parteneriatle presupune, in anul 2010, au fost contactate Comisia Economicé Europeana din cadrul ONU si Accomodating persons deprived of freedom In 2010, there have been approved the Minimum norms of accommodating the persons deprived of freedom, differentiated bythe way and the place of detention. The new norms of accommodating will ead to an increasement of the occupation degree of the penitentiaries, in this idea, throughout 2010 the profiling action continued and all the penitentiaries in Moldova area have completed this process of profiling. The dynamics of the number of persons deprived of freedom directed the transfer of all the young persons in the 4 units of minors and women in the women penitentiary and in the 6 sections of women in other units. The activity of assisting the young and women, in specific penitentiaries only, will be finalised in the last decade of the first semester of 2011. In addition to profiling, another solution to improve the detention conditions is to build, in public private partnership, new units that comply with the EU norms and rules. Comparing the experience of the other European in the public private partnership, the advantages, disadvantages and possible risks were assessed. In 2010, the Economic European Commission within UN and the European Center of the PPP. Expertise were approached, and through a conference on this topic, the interested Centrut European pentru Expertiza in domeniul PPP, iar prin organizarea unei conferinte pe aceasta tema, Legea Parteneriatului Public Privat a fost adusA la cunostinja publicului interesat. Condifille de detentie au fost Imbunatatite See elses HCCI OA TREAT reparafii capitale asupra infrastructurii: = Alimentare cu apa (Penitenciarele Colibasi si BucurestJiiava) + Infirmerie (Penitenciarul Margineni) - Modernizare centrale termice (Penitenciarele Pelendava, Plolesti si Térgu Siu) = Reabilitare refele de canallzare (Spital Penitenciar Bucuresti Jilava) ~ Construire bloc alimentar (Penitenciarul Baia Mare). In acelagi context, in materie de standardizare functional a arhitecturii locurilor de detinere, finand cont de regimurile de executare, au fost finalizate 3 proiecte tip care pot fi dezvoltate prin parteneriatul public privat (regim de maxima siguran{a si inchis, regim semideschis gi deschis giregim mixt) imbunatatirea calitatii vietii carcerale prin pastrarea legaturii cu mediul de suport in anul 2010 a fost intensificaté monitorizarea modului de acordare a acestui tip de recompensa, neprezentarea nejustificaté din permisiunea de iegire din penitenciar find incriminata de legea de executare a pedepselor privative de libertate. Au fost acordate un numar total de 1.013 recompense cu permisiunea de iesire din Penitenciar cu durata de 24 de ore gi au fost formulate un numar de 931 de propuneri privind acordarea permisiunii de iegire din penitenciar cu durata mai mare de 24 de ore, doar 577. Analiza acordarii permisiunii de iegire din penitenciar s-a facut {indnd cont de natura si Qravitatea infractiunii savarsite, de durata pedepsei, dar in principal s-a finut cont de respectatea principiului gradualitatii Acordarea unui numar mai mic de permisii de iesire din penitenciar, ca urmare a unei enalize riguroase a cererilor, a condus la scéderea cazurilor In care persoanele private de libertate au intarziat din permisiune, de la 5 - 2009 la 1 - 2010. Acordarea vizitelor intime constituie un indicator relevant pentru imbunatatirea calitSti Vietii carcerale, prin pastrarea legaiturii cu mediul audience was informed about the Law of the | Public Private Partnership. rake eg Me hg EET eS eT Ea repairment objectives on the Ue ES cla ee - Water system (Penitentiaries of Colibasi and Bucuresti Jilava) -Infirmery (Penitentiary of Margineni) - Modernizing thermal units (Penitentia- Thee ee ete aR Ee 1) BSc mec cr ass (COM reg aici ats MLO) - Construire bloc alimentar (Penitenciarul EP LIOn In the same context, regarding the functional standardization of the architecture of the detention places, taking into account the executing regimes, 3 type projects were finalised that can be developed through a public private partnership (maximum security and closed regim, half-open and open regim and mixed regim). Improvement of the detention life quality by keeping the contact with the supporting environment In 2018 the monitorising of this type of reward was intensified, not being present after the permission of getting out of the penitenciary is seen as an offence by the law to execute punishments with deprivation of freedom. A total number of 1.013 rewards with the permission of getting out of the penitentiary for 24 hours were given and @ number of 931 proposals were applied to give the perimission of getting out of the penitentiary for more than 24 hours, out of which only 577 got the approval. The assessment of the permission approvals was made by taking inte account the nature and the gravity of the offence, by the penalty duration, but mainly by respecting the principle of graduality. Approving a lower number of permissions, following a serious assessment of the requests, led to the decreasement of the cases in which persons deprived of freedom were late in returning from permission, from 5 in 2009 to 1 in 2010. Approving intimate visits is a relevant indicator for the improvement of the detention life, by keeping the contact with the support environment. In 2010, a number of 6.389 intimate visits of 2 hours were approved, compared to 2009 with 5.612 visits de suport. In cursul anulul 2010 au fost acordate un numar de 6.389 de vizite intime cu durata de 2 ore, comparativ cu anul 2009 cand au fost acordate 5.612 vizite intime. Per ansamblu, numérul vizitelor intime a crescut, cu 11,5%, ceea ce indica un grad mai mare de adaptabilitate a persoanelor private de libertate la rigorile conditiilor de detentie. Modul in care dolinuti infeleg sa respecte regulile stabilite de c&tre administrajille locurilor de detinere reiese si din analiza starli si practicii disciplinare, care arat cd in anul 2010 au fost sanctionate 38 din 100 de persoane private de libertate, fata de 40 inanul 2009. ‘In anul 2010 a fost initiat si dezvoltat sistemul de creditare a participarii persoanelor private de libertate la activitatiie desfasurate in penitenciar, in sensul recompensarii si sanctionarii_ comportamentului acestora. In perspectiva, acest sistem va asigura fundamentarea unitard a schimbariiregimului de execulare sia liberarii conditionate. Implementarea sistemului de acces la servicille de telefonie s1 cumparaturi pe baz de cartela personalizata, va creste accesibilitatea si operativitatea alat a efectuaril cumparaturilor, cat si 2 exercitarii dreptului la convorbiri telefonice, gestionand in mad automat toate sumele de bani Invederea mentinerii unei legaturi constante sia imbundtatirii relatillor cu mediul de suport, pentru persoanele privative de libertate vulnerabile - minorii, femeile aflate in situati speciale gi de{inutii internafi in penitenciarele spital - 2 fost demaratd © procedura similara acordarii dreptului ta convorbiri telefonice prin intermediul retelei de tip “Internet”, in regim on- line, pe baza unei programari preatabile. In general, the number of intimate visits increased with 11,5%, indicating a higher degree of adaptability of the inmates to the detention conditions. The ways in which the inmates understand to keep the detention rules are illustrated by the status and practice disciplinary analysis, showing that in 2010 38 persons out of 100 were sanctioned, compared to 40 in 2009. In 2010, the system of crediting the participation of the inmates to the activities run in the penitentiary was initiated and developad, in the way to reward and sanction their behaviour. In the future, this system will unitarily fundament the change of the execution regime and ofa freedom on parol. Implementing the system of accessing the phone services and shopping with a personalised card, will increase the accesibility and operativity of doing the shopping and using the right of giving phone calls, administrating automaticly all the money. To keep a constant contact and to improve the relationship with the support environment, for vulnerable persons deprived of freedom - minors, women in pseia! sitvations and inmates in penitentiary hospitals - a procedure was started similar to awarding the right of phone calls through the “Internet” type network, in an on-line regime, based on a previous scheduling. In all penitentiary units, there was impelented the pogram regarding awarding the right of a visit based on a previous schedule by phone, e-mail or at the location of the unit. An analysis of the results recorded at every units showed that the waiting period was decreased, the efective visiting time increased, the separation on regimes, age categories and gender took place, the inmates' access to A fost implementat, in toate unitatile penitenciare, programul privind acordarea dreptului la vizité in baza unei programari prealabile efectuate prin telefon, e-mall sau la sediul unitati. O analizé a rezultalelor Inregistrate Ia nivelul tuturor unitatilor, reliefeazs faptul cd a fost diminuata perioada de asteptare, a crescut timpul efectiv al vizitelor, s-a realizat separafiunea pe regimuri, categorii de varsta si sex, $-a fluidizat accesul in spatille destinate acordarii dreplurilor persoanelor private de libertate la pachet si , evitandu-se agiomerarea salilor de agteptare gi intétnirea grupurilor de aparjinatori aftate in rela conflictuale, Cadrul metodologic de desfasurare a demersurilor de reintegrare sociala Pentru prima dat& in sistemul_penitenciar roménesc, prin definilivarea unui singur act normativ, au fost create premisele statuaril normelor de desfagurare a tuturor activitatilor educative, culturale, terapeutice, de consillere psthologica ¢i asistenta soclala apersoanelar private de libertate. Instrumentul de screening psihologic, cu ral in estimarea si gestionarea risculvi persoanelor condamnate, a fost unul dintre rezultatele demersurilor de revizuire a elementelor componente ale dosarelor de educatie si asistenta psihosociala si @ instrucfiunilor de gestionare $i completare a acestora. Pentru eficientizarea activilatilor si instituirea unui referential caiitativ, corespunzator profesiei exercitate si domeniului de competenta, au fost elaborate ghiduri de bune practici adresate educatorilor, psihologilor si asistentilor sociali. Activitatea s-a cealizat in cadrul Proiectului ~Parleneriat pentru inovare vizand cresterea incluziunii sociate”. Tn vederea asigurdrii coerentei si _unitati practicilor dezvoltate la nivelul fiecdrui centru de feeducare a fost elaborati Culegerea de documente normative privind desfagurarea activitafilor de educatie si asistenta psihosociala in centrele de reeducare si au fost revizuite pracedurile de fucru_privind educatia si asisten{a psihosociala a minorilor din aceste unitaji de detinere Dreptul la educatie Activitatea de insiruire scolar’ a persoanelor private de libertate reprezinté una dintre Principalele modalita{i de interventie recuperativa, in conditile in care, un procent semnificativ dintre cei care savargesc infractiuni, au un nivel de gcolarizare sub limita packages and visits was smoothed, avoiding having waiting crowded halls and the possibility of hostile groups to meet each others. Metodological framework of the deployment of social reintegration steps For the first time in the Romanian penitenciary system, through the completion of an sole normative act, the premises of the statutory rules of deploying ali the educative, cultural, therapeutical, psihological counselling and social assistence activities of the imprisoned people, have been created. The instrument of psihological screening, with a role in the estimation and management of the risk ‘of the persons convicted, was one result of the deployment of reviewing the components of the education and psihosocial assistance folders and instructions of managing a completing them For the efficiency of the activities and instruction of a quality reference properly to the exercised profession and the area of competence, there have been developed quides of good practice adressed{o the teachers, psihologists and social assistants. The activity has been realised in the project of ,Partnership for innovation aiming the social inclusion increasement”, In order to assure the cohesion and unity of the developed practices at the level of each rehabilitation center, the Collection of normative documents concerning the deployment of the education and psihosocial assistance activities in the rehabilitation centres and the work procedures concerning the education and psihosocial assistance of the minors from these retaining units have been revised. Rightto education ‘The activity of training imprisoned people represents one of the main ways of recuperative intervention, providing that a significant percent ofthe ones who commitinfractions havea level of education under the iimit of the compulsory public education. These considerents founded the manner of approach the education of the imprisoned people, promoted trough the law no. 27512006 The social-economic context, the unfavorable social perception according to which the law dispositions allowed the positive discrimination of the convicted people, as well the penitenciary practice, imposed, starting from the year 2010, the review of the legal provisions and giving up

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