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Trasaturile de personalitate care te imping la infidelitate

S-au studiat 516 barbati si 412 femei si s-a ajuns la concluzia ca exista cativa factori
care predispun la infidelitate.

In cazul barbatilor:

cei carora le place riscul in general, vor fi predispusi sa isi insele partenera;
cei care sunt anxiosi in privinta performantelor sexuale, adica cei care sunt nesiguri
in pat si care se indoiesc de capacitatea lor de a-si satisface partenera;
cei care sunt usor excitabili;
In cazul femeilor:

cele care sunt nefericite in relatie, asta fiind factorul principal pentru femei;
cele care considera ca nu sunt compatibile sexual cu partenerul;
a insela partenerul
Vocea ta spune daca vei insela
S-a realizat un studiu pe acest subiect si s-a ajuns la consluzia ca femeile cred
despre barbatii cu vocea groasa, joasa, ca vor fi mai tentati sa insele, iar barbatii
cred despre femeile care au vocea subtire si care vorbesc pe o tonalitate inalta ca
vor fi infidele.

Datorita costurilor mari ale infidelitatii: suferinta, problemele financiare provocate si

in final chiar destramarea familiei, se pare ca avem tendinta sa ne alegem
partenerii in functie de voce, evitand barbatii cu vocea groasa si femeile cu vocea
prea subtire.

Explicatia consta in faptul ca vocea groasa este asociata cu un nivel mai mare de
testosteron la barbati, deci o cantitate mai mare de hormoni, iar la femei cu o
cantitate mai mare de estrogen, iar hormoni mai multi ar putea sa ii faca mai activi
din punct de vedere sexual, deci sa ii predispuna la infidelitate, fapt care ar putea fi
o problema intr-o relatie pe termen lung si cauza unei despartiri. What is infidelity?

Perceptions based on biological sex and personality

Emotional and Sexual Infidelity Concerns

Project Overview
Emotional infidelity occurs when a romantic partner directs resources such as
romantic love, time and attention towards another person. Sexual infidelity
occurs when a romantic partner becomes involved in sexual activity with
another person.
The aim of this study is to examine gender, age and relationship status
differences in concerns in relation to a range of emotional and physical
infidelity behaviours in romantic relationships such as Your partner cuddles
with someone else or Your partner gives oral sex to someone else.
The findings in this study may help in understanding how to deal with infidelity
concerns and thus enhancing partners satisfaction in romantic relationships.
Severe risk to participants is unlikely. It is possible that some of the questions
may cause you minor distress or upset. If you do start feeling upset, then
please discontinue the survey and call the following support services available
to you: Lifeline on 13 11 14 for 24 hour counselling or Relationships Australia
on 1300 364 277.
Participation Procedure
Participants will be asked to visit SurveyMonkey to complete some
demographic information and a questionnaire. Participants will be asked about
their gender, age, sexual orientation and current relationship status. The first

part of the questionnaire is ratings of concerns in relation to emotional

infidelity behaviours and the second part is ratings of concerns in relation to
sexual infidelity behaviours. The questionnaire will take approximately 15
minutes to complete.
All information provided by participants will remain confidential and
anonymous. Details that identify participants, including names will not be used
or recorded. Data will be securely stored for five (5) years in accordance with
the CQU policy.
By completing the questionnaires, it is assumed that you have consented to
participate in the study.
Right to Withdraw
Participants have the right to withdraw at any time without penalty. If you
withdraw, any data you have filled out will not be used for the final study.
Please be advised that withdrawal is only possible by exiting the survey
before it is completed.
A feedback sheet detailing the outcome of the study will be available when the
study is completed, this sheet will be provided to participants upon request.
Questions/Further Information
Contact or for any questions
or further information.
Please contact the Office of Research at CQUniversity Australia (Tel: 07 4923
2603; E-mail:; Mailing address: Building 361,
CQUniversity, Rockhampton QLD 4702) should there be any concerns about
the nature and/or conduct of this research project.
Thank you for your time.

Este foarte dificil sa spui ca doar un factor a dus la infidelitate, de obicei este o
combinatie a calitatii relatiei, a modului in care se simte cel intretinut, deci a
modului in care castiga bani, a nesigurantei in pat si a nivelului de asumare a
riscului, plus alte caracteristici proprii relatiei si experientei de viata a persoanelor
implicate, care ar putea duce la a insela.

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