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Activitatea extracurricular este parte integranta a demersului didactic , venind sa

defineasca sfera educationala prin proiecte, grupuri tinta, parteneriate, obiective clar
definite, evaluari si diseminari ale informatiilor, menite sa contureze profilurile
culturale ale elevilor, sa deschida porti spre educatia permanenta. Dimensiunea
europeana a invatamantului di Republica Moldova presupune o disponibilitate si o
mobilitate crescuta a cadrului didactic, o ancorare realista in contextul economic actual,
in centrarea intregii sale activitati pe elevul de azi. La varsta scolara copiii sunt foarte
receptivi . Rolul invatatorului (dar i al familiei) este acela de a oferi n mod gradat si in
acord cu particularitatile de varsta, cunostinte necesare care motiveaza conduitele si
normele eco-civice, sa creeze si sa organizeze activitati educative stimulative. Ceteanul
de maine, parte integranta a unei comunitati locale , nationale dar si europene.

dobndirea de ctre elevi de cunotine cu privire la originea srbtorii de

Halloween; vechi legende, simboluri, culori, tradiii i obiceiuri ale copiilor,
costumaii, jocuri i cntece specifice.

aplicarea cunotinelor dobndite la orele de limba engleza ;

folosirea imaginaiei copiilor n crearea de decoruri specifice srbtorii i

costumelor de carnaval;

stimularea spiritului de competiie prin participarea la jocuri i concursuri

valorificarea si dezvoltarea intereselor si aptitudinilor copiilor;

largirea si adancirea influentelor exercitate in procesul de invatamant;
contribuirea la dezvoltarea armonioas a copiilor;
dezvoltarea abilitatilor de comunicare;
constientizarea si responsabilizarea elevului la nivelul comunitatii locale prin
implicare directa;
cunoasterea interculturalitatii;
realizarea de parteneriate: scoala-elev-familie-comunitate-alti factori de
ocuparea timpului liber cu activitati de tip recreativ, informativ, competitional,
menite sa valorifice disponibilitatile si abilitatile elevilor in diverse domenii.

* mpodobirea slii cu decoruri de


* prezentarea scenetelor si a

* parada dovlecilor

*parada felicitarilor

* parada placintilor si targul de


*Parada costumelor

* victorina organizata intre echipe

*realizarea diplomelor pentru premierea participantilor

*diferite concursuri si jocuri pentru copii


Elevii claselor I IV din coala primar Pas cu Pas nr.120

Cadrele didactice implicate n proiecte



Joi, 25 octombrie 2012, elevii din coala primar nr.120 vor organiza impreuna cu
profesoara de limb englez un mic carnaval de Halloween cu genericul A Funny Halloween
Day, ca activitate extracurriculara. Inaintea de inceperea evenimentului toti copiii se vor
costuma in personaje la alegere .

Deschiderea evenimentului

Elevii claselor a-I-a , fiind cei mai mici, vor merge prin scoala cu renumita fraza Trick or
Treat astfel aducand atmosfera de sarbatoare la noi in scoala.


Trick or treating, trick or treating.


See the witches flying,

See the witches flying,

Oooooo, Oooooo.

Mai apoi, sarbatoarea de halloween se va desfasura in sala de festivitati.

Captarea atentiei se va realiza prin recitarea unei poezii de Halloween pe fundalul
unei melodii caracteristice sarbatorii

Hello Halloween!
Hello witches, hello ghosts,

Hello pumpkins on the posts.

Hello goblins and black cats,

Hello skeletons, hello bats!

Hello owls and hello moon!

Halloween is coming soon!

Co-oprezentatorul va spune cateva cuvinte despre sarbatoarea de Halloween, etc.

Halloween este o srbtoare de origine celtic, preluat astzi de multe popoare din lumea
occidental. Ea este srbtorit n noaptea de 31 octombrie. Numele provine din limba
englez, de la expresia All Hallows' Even, numele srbtorii cretine a tuturor sfinilor.
Specific pentru Halloween este dovleacul sculptat, care reprezint Lanterna lui Jack. Cu
ocazia acestei srbtori, copiii se mascheaz n vrjitori, mumii sau alte personaje i colind
pe la case ntrebnd Trick or Treat? (Pcleal sau dulciuri?), ca o ameninare c dac nu li
se dau dulciuri, persoanei colindate i se va juca o fars. n alte ri, Halloween este serbat
prin parade i carnavaluri.

Dupa cum a fost mentionat la sarbatoare vor participa elevi din toate clasele
si petrecerea se va desfasura in mai multe etape

I. Etapa scenetelor si a cantecelor de Halloween

Clasa a-II-a

"Five Little Pumpkins"

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate (five fingers up)

The first one said "Oh my it's getting Late" (Hands on Cheeks)
The second one said "There's a chill in the air" (arms around self)
The third one said "But we don't care" (swing pointer finger)
The fourth one said "We're ready for some fun!" (hand in air)
The fifth one said "Let's run, run, run!" (running motion)
So woooo went the wind, and out went the lights,
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!

5 little pumpkins sitting on a gate, (show 5 fingers)

A witch came flying by, (use other hand to make a flying motion)

- HA! HA! HA! I'll take one home (grab a "pumpkin")

And make a pumpkin pie (rub tummy)

Repeat until there are no more pumpkins. You can also use this for large motor or music time by
changing it to "5 little children sitting in a row" etc.

Five Little Bats

Five little bats hanging upside down.

The first little one didn't make a sound.

The second one said, "I'll fly far tonight."

The third one said, "I don't like sunlight."

The fourth one said, "I want to eat some bugs."

The fifth one said, "Let me give you a hug."

Five little bats hanging upside down.

Shhh! It's daytime, don't make a sound!

Song Bats are sleeping

Bats are sleeping Bats are sleeping

Upside down, upside down
Waiting for the night to come
Waiting for the night to come
Then they fly around , Then they fly around
Clasa a-III-a

If You're A Ghost and You Know It ( the song If you are happy and you know it)

If you're a ghost and you know it,

Just say Boo
If you're a ghost and you know it,
Just Say BOO
If you're a ghost and you know it and you really want to show it...
If you're a ghost and you know it just say BOO

If you're a black cat and you know it

Just say Meow
If you're a black cat and you know it
Just say Meow
If you're a black cat and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you're a black cat and you know it Just say Meow

If you're a skeleton and you know it,

Wiggle your bones (shake your body)
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
Wiggle your bones
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
And you really want to show it
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
Wiggle your bones.

If you love Halloween and you know it

Do all three (all 3 actions in order of appearance)
If you love Halloween and you know it
Do all three
If you love Halloween and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you love Halloween and you know it
Do all three

Pumpkin Bells (Sung to the tune Jingle Bells)

Dashing through the streets

In our costumes bright as day!

To each house we go

Laughing all the way!

Halloween is here

Making spirits bright!

What fun it is to trick - or - treat

And sing pumpkin carols tonight!


Oh, Pumpkin bells

Pumpkin bells

Ringing loud and clear!

Oh what fun Great Pumpkin brings when Halloween is hear!


Pumpkin bells

Pumpkin bells

Ringing loud and clear!

Oh what fun Great Pumpkin brings when Halloween is here!

Clasa a-IV-a

Abracadabra Song (Girls)

I make two circles, then one more

Touch my nose and then the floor

Heres the first spell we will try

Abracadabra! You will fly!

Just two circles in the air

One down here and one up there

Touch your shoulder then your shoe

Abracadabra! You turn blue!

I think I know whats going wrong

So chant with me sing along!

One, two, three, four circles in the air

Abracadabra! Youve got no hair!

Lets hold it together, here we go!

Make big circles head to toe

Touch your chin then your nose

Abracadabra! And your head grows!

Lets try one more time and see

If a spell will work for me

Touch your elbow then your knee

Abracadabra! Youre a bumble bee!

The spells dont work but were OK

It isnt real, its only play

Weve had some fun with our silly game

Abracadabra! And were just the same.

The scary skeleton Song (boys)

I'm a scary skeleton

And I look just like you

I sleep and walk, I laugh and talk

And move my body too

My head is on my shoulders

My neck's between the two

I've got two eyes, a mouth, a nose

And ears just like you.

I'm a skeleton,

I am your friend you see

I live inside you,

so don't be scared of me!

I've got a bony body

As everybody knows

Two bony legs, two bony feet

And ten small bony toes.

I've got two big bony knees

To help me sit or stand

Five bony little fingers

Are on each big bony hand.

I'm a skeleton, I am your friend you see

I live inside you, so don't be scared of me!

I'm a skeleton, I am your friend you see

I live inside you, so don't be scared of me!

II. Concursul intre echipele claselor a-IV-a

Witches & Skeletons ,

QUIZ ( 3 min.)

Materials: papers with questions, pens

The day we celebrate Halloween is on

a) 5th November
b) 31st October
c) 25th December

2. On this day children dress up as :


3. The phrase they say when they go to peoples houses hoping to get sweets
is: _________________________________________________________

4. The origin of this holiday is to be found in the beliefs of:

a) the Americans
b) the English
c) the Celts

5. The name of the holiday is a contraction of:

a. All Hallows Eve
b. All Hallows Day
c. All Saints Day

6. The symbol of Halloween in America is the _____________ which people carve and
place at the window or outside the door in order to frighten evil spirits.

7. The symbol of Halloween is also called _______________.

8. This holiday is:

d) scary
e) fun
and those who love it best are the _____________.

Game Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin

Materials: 2 pumpkins, 2 shapes of a nose, 2 scarfs

Tack a large cardboard pumpkin to a wall. In turn, blindfold each child and give them a black
cutout shape of a nose with double-side tape on the back. Have them walk up to the wall and pin
the nose on the pumpkin.

Game Pass the Pumpkin

Materials: one little ball

This game is a variation on "hot potato". Seat the kids on the floor in a
circle. Give them a small pumpkin to pass around. Play Halloween party
music as they pass the pumpkin, and periodically stop the music.
Whoever is holding the pumpkin is out. The game continues until one
person is left with the pumpkin.

Game Wrap the Mummy

Materials: 2 rolls of toilet paper.

Divide the children into groups of three to five kids. Select one child in each group to be a
mummy. Then give the other children a roll of toilet paper or crepe paper. Instruct them to wrap
the mummy with the paper, leaving the eyes, nose and mouth uncovered. The first group to be
done with their roll of paper, wins.

Halloween Freeze Dance

Materials: tape recorder

Play Halloween party music or creepy sound effects and tell the children to dance. When you
turn off the music, they all need to freeze. Whoever is caught moving during the freeze is out
of the game. The last person dancing, wins. For a fun variation on this game, tell the children
they will need to pose in the Halloween shape you will have called out during the previous freeze.
Some fun shapes could be: black cat; pumpkin; broomstick; mummy; bat; etc.

La final participanii la eveniment vor primi diplome i dulciuri.

Vor exista 4 categorii:

*Cel mai haios dovleac de Halloween
*Cea mai haioasa felicitare de Halloween
*Cea mai gustoasa placinta de Halloween
*Cel mai haios costum de Halloween

Deasemenea vor fi premiate si echipele participante la eveniment.


Activitatile de tip extracurricular pot deveni o modalitate eficienta de initiere in

cunoastere, de formare culturala a elevilor, de punere in valoare a acelor abilitati de care ei dau
dovada. Centrate pe elevi, proiectele derulate devin mijloace eficiente de atingere a obiectivelor
educationale, de modelare a caracterelor si a spiritului civic.

Feed back

Organizarea unei expozitii cu felinarele confectionate de elevi

Inregistrarea unor materiale audiovizuale
Realizarea unui album, portofoliu personal care sa contina materiale utilizate pentru
conceperea activitatii.
Realizarea si dezvoltarea unei educatii incluzive si interculturale
Propus si realizat de : Locoman Lucia
Scoala primara Pas cu Pas nr. 120
Director: Slusari Natalia
Director adjunct: Cazac Angella

Ministerul Educaiei al Republicii Moldova

coala primar Pas cu Pas nr.120

Realizat de: Locoman Lucia
Profesor de limba englez

Chiinu, 2012

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