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ŞCOALA: Cu clasele I-VIII Frecatei - Cataloi


PROPUNĂTOR: Sibiceanu Aurelia
OBIECTUL: Limba engleza
TIPUL.: Recapitulare si sistematizare
POZIŢIA LECŢIEI ÎN MODUL: Unitatea de învăţare: Families

a) Competente specifice (din programa):

2.3 Realizarea unor scurte comentarii/prezentări orale pe teme familiare;

4.3 Redactarea unor texte funcţionale simple;
4.4 descrierea unei persoane/obiect/loc pe baza unui plan sau a unor întrebări de sprijin.

b) Obiective operaţionale:

O.O1 sa descrie membrii familiei utilizând o gama cat mai larga de adjective;
O.O2 sa diferenţieze trăsăturile fizice si morale, pozitive si negative;
O.O3 sa enumere activităţile desfăşurate in familie utilizând corect verbele la timpurile potrivite;
O.O4 sa-si exprime propriile opinii dezvoltându-si spiritul critic;
O.O5 sa enunţe maxime si proverbe despre munca, familie;
O.O6 sa lucreze in echipa si sa se implice in rezolvarea problemelor echipei;
O.O7 sa formuleze concluzii sistematizând.

a) a conţinuturilor: interdisciplinară
b) a activităţii: frontală, individuală, în grupuri mici

TIPURI DE INTERACŢIUNI : profesor-elev, elev - profesor; elev-elev;

DE EVALUARE : orală şi scrisă, individuală şi în grup,
autoevaluarea, interevaluarea în cadrul grupului
a) pedagogice (metode şi procedee): dialogul, conversaţia euristica, activitatea independentă, , brainstorming-ul, studiul de caz, activitatea pe grupe
constituite în funcţie de tema dezbaterii, dezbaterea, invatarea prin descoperire, chestionarul, modelarea, moralizarea, problematizarea
b) materiale : fişe de lucru, chestionare, rebusuri, coli de desen si culori, film didactic pe CD, computer videoproiector.
specifice disciplinei : manual cls. A VIII-a, Ed. Longman, Autori- Brian Abbs,
Ingrid Freebairn si Chris Barker
c) bibliografice:

metodice: Interactive English language training course for students and not only
Ed. Aramis, Autor: Codruţa Mirela Stanisoara
Module de formare din cadrul proiectului Dezvoltarea profesionala a cadrelor didactice prin activitati de mentorat.
Predarea-învăţarea interactivă centrată pe elev;
Evaluarea continuă la clasă;
Cunoaşterea elevului;
Valori comportamentale şi reducerea violenţei în şcoală.

d) temporale: 50 minute
ŢINTA DE PROGRES PROFESIONAL: Organizarea unui spaţiu educaţional cu un mediu de învăţare care sa dezvolte elevilor abilităţile
emoţionale si sociale pentru rezolvarea conflictelor, optimizarea comunicării, relaţii sociale pozitive.



de conţinut de forme de metode şi mijloace (metode,
timp organizare procedee didactice instrumente,
1. Captarea atenţiei 5’ frontală dialogul film didactic pe orală
☺Elevilor li se cere sa descopere titlul
O.O4 lecţiei in timp ce vizionează 5 minute din
filmul ’’Seventh Heaven”, pentru a asigura
o atmosfera afectiv-atitudinala
corespunzătoare unei bune desfăşurări a
2. Anunţarea 1’ frontală dialogul orală
☺Elevii conştientizează obiectivele
obiectivelor propuse care se vor transforma in
comportamente la sfârşitul lecţiei.

3. Dirijarea învăţării 4’ frontală conversaţia orală

☺Elevii împreuna cu profesorul stabilesc
a)Prezentarea O.O4 un moto: ’’Success is a ladder you cannot brainstorming
conţinutului ce climb with your hands in your pockets’’.
urmează a fi Li se prezintă elevilor conţinuturile ce
recapitulat si urmează a fi recapitulate si sistematizata –

b) reactualizarea Profesorul distribuie elevilor rebusuri, astfel 5’ individuala activitate rebusuri individuală
cunoştinţelor elevii isi reactualizează unele noţiuni despre independentă
membrii familiei si identifica titlul lecţiei.
c) organizarea O.O1 ☺Elevii sunt grupaţi cate trei si li se 10’ în grup brainstorming chestionare în grup
O.O2 distribuie chestionare, fise de lucru spre chestionar coli de desen, interevaluarea în
problematizarea culori cadrul grupului
pentru activitatea de O.O3 completare (Anexa1) conversaţia
4) Feedback prin O.O7 5’ în grup dialog coli de desen scrisă
☺După 15’ de lucru, liderul fiecărui grup moralizarea
raportarea la este invitat sa prezinte rebusurile a cate
obiectivele propuse doua întrebări, colegii adăugând alte puncte
iniţial, cu solicitarea de vedere.
5) Obţinerea O.O6 Profesorul prezintă elevilor distribuiţi in 10’ în grup problematizarea fişă de lucru în grup
performantelor patru grupe cate o situaţie problema (Anexa invatarea prin scrisă
2). Elevii dezbat aceste situaţii-problema si descoperire
conştientizează situaţia favorabila a copiilor moralizarea
care trăiesc in familii unite, integrale, cu studiul de caz
membri respectuoşi, devotaţi si iubitori.
6)Asigurarea O.O5 7’ frontală dialogul orală
☺Profesorul cere elevilor sa găsească
retenţiei şi maxime, proverbe, eventual glume legate de
transferul de tema dezbătuta.
7) Încheierea lecţiei O.O4 3’ individual activitate fişă de lucru autoevaluarea
☺Fişă de autoevaluare (Anexa3) independentă
Anexa 1
What is your point of view?

 I prefer to talk about m problems with…………….. because……….

 I help my family: -my mother…………………
-my father……………………
-my sister……………………
-my brother………………….
 I like these qualities at : -my mother…………………
-my father……………………
-my sister……………………
-my brother………………….
 I don’t like…………………………………
 My parents always tell me:………………………………..
 My family is for me: a shelter, a prison or a school of love.
 If a member of my family has problems, I …………………
 What means love?..............................................................
 Which of these words reflects the word ‘’love’’?
‘’protect’’, ‘’attention’’, ‘’prejudge’’, ‘’sacrifice’’, ‘’trust’’, ‘’happiness’’, ‘’affection’’, ‘’understanding’’, ‘’help’’, ‘’friendship’’.
 Why is difficult to live without a family?.......................................
 Put in order these words. Begin with the most important for you!
Health, Money, Freedom, Family, Knowledge, Power, Happiness.

Anexa 2

Profesorul prezintă elevilor distribuiţi in patru grupe cate o situaţie-problema.

How is a family in which:

1.nobody has any obligations in the family. Members do what they want to do.
2.mother has to do everything. How is she?
3.children do everything at home. What is your opinion about this?
4.the parents are divorced. How is their children’s life?
Elevii dezbat aceste situaţii-problema si conştientizează situaţia favorabila a copiilor care trăiesc in familii unite, integrale , cu membri respectuoşi,
devotaţi si iubitori.

Anexa 3


Cel mai uşor a fost să ...

Cel mai mult mi-a plăcut să ...... ……………………pentru că ................................................................
Am întâmpinat următoarele
dificultăţi…………………………………………………………………… ......................................................................................................................................
Consider că activitatea mea în perioada ... ………………a fost ………………………………………...
Îmi propun să ..…………….
Lesson Plan
Name: Sibiceanu Aurelia
Textbook: English Factfile
Lesson: L5:”Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (Chapter 8)
Type of lesson: Mixed type (checking previous material & introducing new material)
Time: 50’
Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
Lesson Aims:
1. to talk about countries and nationalities;
2. to complete the worksheet from the Activity book;
3. to show on the UK map the countries that form UK referring also to
symbols, flags, famous places, etc;
4. to answer to some questions from the previous chapters of :”Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory”;
5. to read Chapter 8: “More amazing inventions”;
6. to introduce the new vocabulary/words from the text;
7. to scan the text in order to find specific information.

Didactic strategies:
a) methods and procedures: conversation, dialogue, explanation, exercise.
b) materials: textbook, activity book, worksheets, map, spinner, pointer,
Organization: class-work, individual-work.


Activity 1 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:


Warm up:
 T asks the Ss who the absents are
Homework checking:
 T checks homework (Around the world)

Activity 2 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:


Aim1: to talk about countries and nationalities

 Ss take the spinner in turns to spin. They have to say as many things as they know about that
country (capital, flag, famous places and people, etc)

Activity 3 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:


Aim 2: to complete the worksheet from the Activity book

 T gives the Ss worksheets and they have to do individually ex 2/28
 Ss do the task from the worksheet
 T gives feedback

Activity 4 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:


Aim 3: to show on the UK map the countries that form UK referring also to symbols, flags, famous
places, etc.
 T puts the Ss some questions regarding UK
 T asks the Ss to show on the map countries, capitals, symbols of UK
 Ss answer the questions
 T and Ss give feedback

Activity 5 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:

Pre-reading activities: 5’
Aim 4: to answer to some questions from the previous chapters of:”Charlie and the Chocolate
 T asks questions about from the previous chapters regarding characters, places etc.
 Ss answer the questions
 T and Ss give feedback

Lead in: Introducing new chapter: 3’

 T: ‘Today we’ll find out more amazing inventions from Mr.Wonka’s chocolate factory’.
‘Are you curious to find out?’
 T: ‘While you are reading Chapter 8 pay attention to the name of the rooms outside which the
group stopped.’- ex.1/75

While-reading activities: 15’

Aim 5: to read Chapter 8: “More amazing inventions”
Aim 6: to introduce the new vocabulary/words from the text
 T asks the Ss to read the text
 T explain the new words

After reading activities: 5’

Aim 7: to scan the text in order to find specific information
 T asks the Ss to name the rooms outside which the group stopped - ex.1/75
 Ss do the task
 T gives feedback
 T asks Ss to scan the text in order to find specific information
e.g.: ‘Name the fruits / shapes from the text.’
‘What happened to Veruca Salt?’
 T gives feedback

Assessment: T appreciates students’ work.

Homework: 2’
‘Invent a room that you would like to visit in Mr. Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. Describe in a few
sentences what happens in there.
Lesson Plan

Name: Sibiceanu Aurelia

Textbook: Snapshot Elementary
Lesson: The passive: present simple
Type of lesson: Mixed type (checking previous material & introducing new material)
Time: 50’
Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
Lesson Aims:
1. to express their job preferences;
2. to revise the vocabulary related to jobs in the media;
3. to introduce the passive: present simple;
4. to enable students to use the passive: present simple;
5. to identify the passive forms of the verbs in a text;
6. to practice the passive: present simple.
Didactic strategies:
a) methods and procedures: conversation, dialogue, explanation, exercise.
b) materials: textbook, flashcards, blackboard, worksheets.

Organization: class-work, individual-work.


Activity 1 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:

Aim1: to express their job preferences
Warm up:
 T asks the Ss who the absents are
Homework checking:
 T checks homework

Activity 2 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:

Aim2: to revise the vocabulary related to jobs in the media

Lead in
Context: knowledge acquired the previous class
Checking previous material:
 T shows the Ss flashcards with jobs in the media and they have to recognize them
 Ss have to complete a word-web on films at the blackboard
 T gives feedback
 Ss pick a note and they have to describe the job which is written on it. The other Ss guess the

Activity 3 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:

Aim3: to introduce the passive: present simple
Aim 5: to identify the passive forms of the verbs in a text

Context: the passive: present simple

 T asks the Ss to read some sentences from a dialogue that contain verbs in the passive
 T writes the examples on the blackboard and Ss copy them in their notebooks
 T introduces to the Ss the passive: present simple and explain its use
 Ss make a rule on the passive form
 Ss go back and find examples of the present passive in the dialogue in Ex 1

Activity 4 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:

Aim 4: to enable students to use the passive: present simple
Aim 6: to practice the passive: present simple

 T asks the Ss to describe how a film is made using the present passive (ex.6/106)
 T gives feedback

Activity 5 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:

Aim 6: to practice the passive: present simple

 T gives the Ss worksheets regarding the present passive and they have to work individually
 Ss do the task from the worksheet
 T gives feedback

Assessment: T appreciates the active students and gives advice to the less active ones.
Homework: T explains what and how they have to do their homework and wishes them a nice day.
Lesson Plan

Name: Sibiceanu Aurelia

Textbook: Way Ahead 1
Lesson: She can sleep
Type of lesson: Acquiring new knowledge
Time: 45’
Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
Lesson Aims:
1. to practice can/can’t and names of animals;
2. to introduce vocabulary related to the topic;
3. to enable students to use the new language and the new words;
4. to guess what he/she is miming;
5. to practice ability and the new verbs.
Didactic strategies:
c) methods and procedures: conversation, dialogue, explanation, exercise.
d) materials: textbook, flashcards, blackboard, workbook, CD-player, CDs.

Organization: class-work, role-play, individual-work.


Activity 1 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T

Timing: 5’
Homework checking:
 T checks homework

Activity 2 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T

Timing: 5’
Aim1: to practice can/can’t and names of animals
 T put flashcards on the board and ask children to make statements e.g. Crocodiles can swim
Activity 3 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T
Timing: 5’
Aim2: to introduce vocabulary related to the topic

Context: introducing the new words

 T uses the flashcards to introduce the new words sleep, eat, drink, walk, and see.
 Ss practice reading

Activity 4 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T Timing:

Aim 2: to introduce vocabulary related to the topic –Listening – reading
 Ss look at the pictures and say who it is
 T plays tape 55 and children follow, read and point in their books
 Ss read sentences aloud at random and other children listen and point in their books

Activity 5 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T

Timing: 5’
Aim 3: to enable students to use the new language and the new words – Speaking
 Ss read the speech bubbles and find the pictures
 Ss point to the pictures in order and make statements
 Ss make statements at random and the others name the animals

Activity 6 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T; Ss-Ss Timing:

Aim 3: to enable students to use the new language and the new words – Reading – Speaking
Aim 4: to guess what he/she is miming
 Ss look at the pictures and read the bubbles
 T hold up an animal flashcard and verb word card and children make correct statements
 A student mime an action and the others have to guess what he/she is miming

Activity 7 Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T

Timing: 5’
Aim 5: to practice ability and the new verbs - Reading – Writing
 Ss do ex 1 and 2/103 from the workbook

Assessment: T appreciates the active students and gives advice to the less active ones.
Homework: T explains what and how they have to do their homework and wishes them a nice day.

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