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TIMPURILE VERBELOR: Present continus (indicativ prezent).

Este o aciune fcut n momentul vorbirii, o aciune temporar, o aciune viitoare programat ntr-un moment prezent. Forma: S(subiect) + AM, IS sau ARE + V(verb) cu terminaia ING. Cnd aciunea supr sau irit folosim aspectul continuu. Exemplu: He is caming today.(forma afirmativ). Is he studying Englesh now. (forma interogativ). I am not studying Biology now.(forma negativ).


Present perfect continus (indicativ prezent). Este o actiune temporar nceput n trecut care continu n prezent i care poate continua i n viitor. Se folosesc de obicei cuvintele cheie: since (decnd, de...); for haw long (de ct timp) sau all day long (toat ziua). Forma: S + HAVE sau HAS + BE + V cu terminaia ING. Exemplu: He has been playing chees for two houres.(afirmativ). Have you been living were since 1956? (interogativ). They havent been reading all dis time. (negativ).

3. Present perfect simple (perfectul compus). Este o aciune terminat fr moment precizat, o aciune trecut ncheiat recent. Se folosesc de obicei : just, lately, recently, alredy, yet. Forma: S + HAVE sau HAS + V la forma aIIIa. Exemple: He has not been here since November.(forma negativ). He has drunk his tea.(forma afirmativ). Have you seen him lately ?(forma interogativ). 4. Present simple (Indicativ prezent). Sunt aciuni obisnuite, repetate.

Se folosesc de obicei : every day, every week, once a week, usually, always, never, often, seldon. Forma : S + V/V+s . Exemple: We write composition every day.(forma afirmativ). He usualy writes good compositions.(negativ). Does he usualy write good compositions? (interogativ). 5. Present simple (indicativ viitor simplu). Este o aciune care are loc ntr-un moment viitor sau o aciune viitoare acrei realizare este condiionat de alt aciune. Forma : S + SHALL sau WILL + V. Exemple: We shall go to the seaside next sumer (forma afirmativ). Shall I find them home if I go now? (forma interogativ) We shall not be there when he arives.(forma negativ) 6. Future continuos (Indicativ viitor). Este o aciune n desfurare ntr-un moment viitor. Se folosesc de obicei: at dis time ..., at 5 a.m., on Monday. Forma : S + SHALL sau WILL + BE + V cu terminaia ING. Exemple :

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