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PARLAMENTUL REPUBLICIT MOLDOVA Comisia politica externa si integrare europeana KO) ine a6 MD-2073, Chisinau, bd. Stefan cel Mare si Sfint 105 www.parlament.md_ Ce 20 Lue ang PEG oy AFD. AVIZUL CONSULTATIV privind inifierea negocierilor si aprobarea semnirii Acordului privind instituirea Oficiului de Legitur’ NATO (NLO) in Republica Moldova Comisia politic’ extern’ si integrare europeand a examinat Acordul privind instituirea Oficiului de Legeituré NATO (NLO) in Republica Moldova si, in temeiul art.7 gi art. 8' alin.(3) din Legea-nr.595-XIV din 24 septembrie 1999 privind tratatele internationale ale Republicii Moldova se pronunf& in favoarea inifierii negocierilor si semnarii acestuia. Pregedinta Comisiet LV Ady r Venn BULIGA x MINISTERUL JUSTITIEL LU REPUBLICII MOLDOVA MMHMCTEPCTBO IOCTHLAK PECIIYBJIMKH MOJUIOBA MD-2012, r.Kuumiy, ya. 31 Anrycra 1989, YA82 Ten.23-47-95, gare 23-47-97 Ittps/Awww justice ir 2 tel 23-47-95, fax 23-4 butp:/iwww justice a DB-I475_ wr. OU 7760S Ref Ta nr. 363713968 din 20 octombrie 2015 Ministerul Afacerilor Externe si Integrarii Europene Ministerul Justisiei a examinat setul de materiale privind inifierea negocierilor i aprobarea semnarit Acordului intre Republica Moldova si Organizaia Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) privind instituirea Oficiului de Legdturd NATO in Republica Moldova si, in limita competentelor functionale, expune urmétoarele. {n misura in care scopul setului de documente prezentat propune atit demararea procesului de initiere a negocierilor, cit si examinarea posibiliti{ii semnarii instrument juridie international, sugerdm revizuirea, in acest sens, a proiectului Decretului Pregedintelui Republicii Moldova in vederea ajustarii acestuia potrivit exigenfelor legale (a se consulta art, 8! alin. (3) din Legea nr. 595-XVI din 24 septembrie 1999 privind tratatele intemafionale ale Republicii Moldova). Or, versiunea actual a proiectului de decret prevede doar etapa initierii negocierilor, fiicind abstractie de informatia maze fn Nota de egumentare si posta MAEIE privind oporuniates init negcirlor ordulii Sus-mentionat, Totodata, atentiondm cd potrivit Regulamentului privind mecanismul de incheiere, aplicare si incetare 2 tratatelor internationale, aprobat prin Hotirirea Guvernului nr. 442 din 17 iulie 2015, organul responsabil pentra incheierea tratatului poate inainta propunerea adoptérii unui singur decret al Presedintelui Republicii Moldova privind inifierea negocierilor si aprobarea semnarii in anumite cazuri (a se vedea pet. 83). Prin urmare, considerim oportun argumentarea inifierii_ proceduri urgenya a semnarii tratatului prin completarea Notei de argumeniare Ta proiect in acest sens. Mai mult, in vederea respectarii normelor unui limbaj juridic adecvat, se va utiliza aceeasi denumire a tithului Acordului pentru intregu! set de materiale prezentat (nota de argumentare, proiectul de decret, \ si tratatul propriu-zis). Suplimentar, semnalam faptul c8, in perioada care urmeaz& depunerii demisiei Guvernului, acesta ‘indeplineste numai functiile de administrare a treburilor publice, pind la depunerea juramintului de citre membrii noului Guvern, in conformitate cu alin.(2) art.103 din Constitutie, Astfel, potrivit Hotaririi Curfii Constitufionale nr. 21 din 16 mai 2000 ,,Pentru controlul constitufionalitajii Hotéririt Guvernului nr. 1067 din 11 noiembrie 1999”, acesta este limitat numai fn dreptul su de asigurare a realizirii politicii externe si de initiativa legislativa, deoarece aceste domenii implica elaborarea si aprobarea unor noi programe de activitat. Viceministru Eduard SERBENCO: — "5 9 TF a] Republic Moldova’ cre» GEIR | (Obs 12: Gnatpran foe cmap re @T ‘00082062 Y MIND ERUL BUUNUMEEA MHHMCTEPCTBO 3KOHOMHKH AL REPUBLI€II MOLDOVA. PECIIYBJIMKU MOIOBA 'MD-2033, Chigndu, Pata Marii Aduniri Naonale, 1 1MZ-2033, Kunwiny, Meus Mapa Aayiops Hauwnorane, | ‘el #373-22- 25-01-07, fax +373-22-23-40-64 : Pagina webs wwrw.neseevmd OLH 0m. OYA - $9 La nr, DM/1-1/363/13968 din 20, 10.2015 Ministerul Afacerilor Externe si Intergrarii Europene Urmare examinarii setului de materiale referitor la initierea negocierilor si aprobarea semnirii Acordului intre Republica Moldova si Organizafia Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) privind instituirea Oficiului de Legituri NATO in Republica Moldova, Ministerul Economiei, in limita competentelor sale functionale, comunicd despre lipsa de obiectii si propuneri pe marginea acestuia. LIE Viceministru WE Octavian CALMIC Ex. Leonora Moroyanu Tel. 022.250 615 MINISTERUL FINANTELOR AL REPUBLIC MOLDOVA Secs iai onions MD-20( on ww mi 95, mun Chisinay, st:Cosmonauflor, 7 {e1.(022) 26.25.23, fax 022-26-25-17 LEU LOS 1H 02/199 Lanr. —EeE Ministerul Afacerilor Externe si Integrarii Europene Ministerul Finanfelor a examinat demersul nr. DM/1-1/363/13968 din 20.10.2015, referitor la proiectul Acordului intre Republica Moldova si Organizafia Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) cu privire la instituirea Ofictului de Legdtur’ NATO (NLO) in Republica Moldova, si comunica lipsa de obiectii. MINISTRU Anatol ARAPU Executor: Marana Gores Te: 26.29.31 emai: mariana a ACORD intre Republica Moldova si Organizatia Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) privind Oficiul de Legatura NATO in Republica Moldova Bruxelles, 25 noiembrie 2016 TRADUCERE OFICIALA Traducere oficiala OFICIUL DE LEGATURA NATO IN REPUBLICA MOLDOVA. Nr. $G(2016)0320 29 noiembrie 2016 Stimate domnule Prim-ministru, {in vederea consolidarii in continuare a relafilor intre Organizatia Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) si Republica Moldova; Cu referire la solicitarea Republicii Moldova adresati NATO de a deschide un Oficiu de Legatura NATO (NLO) la Chisinau; Amintind angajamentul de 1a Summit-ul NATO din Tara Galilor, de a extinde in Republica Moldova Initiativele de consolidare a capacitafilor de securitate si aparare, precum si seconfirmarea acestui angajament in Comunicatul Summit-ului de la Varsovia; Cu scopul stabilitii NLO in Republica Moldova si crearii conditiilor corespunzitoare pentru asigurarea functiondrii adecvate a acestuia, am onoaréa s& propun urmatoarele: 1, NATO va institui NLO, care va avea sediul la Chisintu. NLO va facilita, sprijini si va contribui la consolidarea participarii Republicii Moldova la toate inifiativele de cooperare intre NATO si Republica Moldova, inclusiv 1a activitafile in cadrul Programului Parteneriatului pentru Pace, Planul Individual de Actiuni, Initiativa de Consolidare a Capacitatilor de Securitate si Apirare, Procesul de Planificare si Analizi a Parteneriatului, precum si alte activitiqi convenite de comun acord. jitarea mandatului stu, NLO poate, printre altele: si coopereze cu autoritagile Moldova, in particular, cele responsabile de securitate si aparare; s& promoveze dialogul cooperarea practicA intre NATO si Republica Moldova; s& acorde si coordoneze consilierea si asistenta autorititilor Republicii Moldova in procesul de implementare a programelor si activititilor de cooperare cu NATO. NLO poate si stabileasca contacte cu organizafiile reprezentate de societatea civila si mass-media si va intreprinde activititi de diplomafie public in vederea sporirii gradului de constientizare a NATO gi a cooperarii NATO — Moldova. Totodaté, NLO poate si stabileascd legaturi cu ambasadele statelor membre NATO jn Republica Moldova, in particular cu Ambasada - punct de contact NATO in Republica Moldova, precum si cu ambasadele statelor partenere si organizafile internafionale, inclusiv in ceea ce privesc programele de cooperare bilateral’ si multilateral, 3. Republica Moldova va acorda NLO privilegiile, imunitatile si facilitatile depline, acordate ‘unei misiuni diplomatice stabilite in Republica Moldova, in conformitate cu. prevederile Convenfiei de la Viena cu privire la relate diplomatice din 18 aprilie 1961. 4. Proprietifile si bunurile organizatiei NATO, indiferent de localizare si proprietar, se vor bucura de imunitate de jarisdictie, cu exceptia cazurilor in care Secretarul General, acfionind in numele organizafiei, poate autoriza expres ridicarea acestei imunitii. Cu toate acestea, se fnfelege c&, renuntarea ‘la imunitate nu se va extinde asupra misurilor de executare sau detinerea proprietatii. i 5. Sefuului NLO si altui personal civil sau militar angajat, desemnat de sau detasat la NATO in vederea exercitirii atribufiilor lor pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, altii decat cetajenii sau rezidengii permanenti ai Republicii Moldova, impreun& formeazi si sunt parte a gospodariilor lor, li se vor acorda priv echivalente cu cele acordate agentilor diplomatici acreditafi in Republica Moldova, in conformitate cy prevedetile Convenfiei de la Viena cu privire la relafiile diplomatice din 18 aprilie 1961. | 6. Seful NLO si alt personal civil sau militar angajat, desemnat de sau detasat la NATO in vederea exercitirii atributiilor lor pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, cu excepfia cetafenilor sau rezidentilor permanengi ai Republicii Moldova, sunt scutiti de taxe si pot importa bunuri pentru uz personal sau pentry uz de cdtre membrii familiilor lor, care formeazA si sunt parte a gospodiriilor lor, fara :anumite restrictii gi/sau taxe, impozite sau perceperi de orice fel, in cazurile in care aceste imunitifi si privilegiile nu sunt deja acordate prin prevederile paragrafului 5 4l prezentului Acord. 7. Ali oficiali cate exercita funcjii administrative si tehnice, impreund cu membrii familiilor lor care formeaz& $i sunt parte a gospodiriilor lor, care nu sunt cetdfeni sau rezidenfi permanent ai Republicii Moldova, sé vor bucura de privilegiile, imunititile si facilitatile acordate membrilor personalului administrativ si tehnic a misiunilor diplomatice acreditate in Republica Moldova, in conformitaté cu prevederile Conventiei de la Viena cu privire la relajiile diplomatice din 18 aprilie 1961. ! ie 8. NATO val notifica Misiunea Republicii Moldova la NATO cu privire 1a desemnarea personalului la’care se face referire in paragrafele 5, 6 si 7 ale prezentului Acord. 9. Personalul NATO si expertii angajati, desemnati de sau detasati la NATO, care se afl temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova in vederea exercitarii sarcinilor sau funcfiilor in numele NATO ‘se vor bucura pe durata aflarii lor pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova de privilegiile, imimitatile $i facilititile diplomatice mentionate in paragraful 7. i 10. Personalul focal angajat in vederea exercitarii funcyiilor administrative si tehnice, care sunt cetaijeni sau rezidenti permanenti ai Republicii Moldova vor fi subiecfi ai legislafiei nagionale a Republicii Moldova, Fara a aduce atingere acestei prevederi, personalul local angajat se va bucura de imunitate pentru cele vorbite sau scrise gi toate actiunile intreprinse in exercitarea functiilor lor ‘oficiale. 11. La sosirea,in Republica Moldova, Sefului NLO, altui personal civil sau militar angajat, ddesemnat de sau detasat la NATO si oficialilor care desf’soard functii administrative si tehnice, aljii decat cetifenii sau‘rezidengii permanenfi ai Republicii Moldova, impreund cu membrii familiilor lor ‘care formeaza si sunt parte a gospodariilor lor, li se vor emite buletine de identitate dipldftatice sau’ buletine de-identitate pentru personalul tehnic si administrativ, de c&tre Ministery Afacerilor Exteme si Integririi Europene al Republicii Moldova, care, in caz de necesitate, 'va facilita eliberarea vizelor. Automobilelor NLO gi celor aflate in posesia persoanelor ménfionate in paragrafele 5 si 7 ale prezentului Acord li se vor emite placue obignuite diplomatice de inmatriculare, 2 2 12. Guvernul Republicii Moldova, prin intermediul autortitilor sale, va facilita exigenfele de viz si control vamal pentru angajatii si expertii NATO. AceastA prevedere include dreptul de a realiza transferuri in/din fara, precum si importul si re-exportul, cu scutire de taxe, a echipamentului necesar pentru desfasurarea activitatii NLO. 13, Faré a aduce atingere privilegiilor si imunititilor aplicabile in conformitate cu alte instrumentele legale relevante, respectarea legislafiei RM va fine de responsabilitatea Sefului NLO, altui personal civil sau militar angajat, desemnat de sau detagat la NATO, precum si altor oficiali, personal si experti NATO aflaji temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. Acestia nu vor practica alte activitiji profesionale sau comerciale in Republica Moldova in vederea obfinerii profitului. De asemenea, ei se vor abjine de la orice alte activitifi, care sunt incompatibile cu natura atributiilor lor. 14, Sediul NLO mu va fi utilizat in orice alt maniera incompatibila cu funcfiile Sefului NLO, ale angajafilor civili sau militari angojati, desemnafi de sau detasati la NATO, ale altor oficiali or experti si angajati NATO, conform prevederilor acestui Acord. 15. Guvernul Republicii Moldova va propune NATO spafiul necesar pentru oficiu, potrivit pentru scopul acestuia si localizat in incinta unei institutii din Republica Moldova convenit& de comun acord: Spatiul propus pentru oficiu va facilita accesul c&tre si pentru autoritifile civile si militare relevante din Republica Moldova. 16. Locatia exact a NLO, precum si modalitafile de implementare a paragrafului precedent, pot fi convenite intr-un document separat, care odata incheiat, va fi considerat parte a prezentului Acord. 17. Guvernul Republicii Moldova va intreprinde masurile necesare in vederea asigurarii adecvate a securitifi i protectiei NLO si a spafiilor, a Sefului, personalului civil i militar angajat, desemnat sau detagat la NATO, alfi oficiali si membrilor familiilor lor, care formeazi si sunt parte a gospodiriilor lor, precum gi experfilor si personalului NATO aflafi temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. 18. NATO isi rezervt dreptul si implementeze, cu resursele proprii, masuri de securitate suplimentare pe care le considera corespunzltoare pentru securitatea sediilor ocupate de citre NLO, or pentru securitafea personalului civil si militar NATO angajat, desemnat sau detasat la NATO, altor oficiali si membrilor familiilor lor, care formeaza si sunt parte a gospodariilor lor, precum si expérflor si personalului NATO aflafi temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. 19. NLO poate arbora drapelul NATO gi va putea folosi stema NATO. NATO si autoritagile competente din Republica Moldova se vor consulta reciproc la subiectul amplasarii lor. Seful NLO, personalul civil sau militar angajat, desemnat de sau detasat la NATO, alfi oficiali, precum $i alfi experfi si personal NATO aflati temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, pot purta uniformele lor militare in exercitarea sarcinilor sau functiilor lor oficiale in numele NATO pe perioada acestei numiri, 20. Guvernul Republicii Moldova va asigura NLO cu informatiile necesare intru facilitarea realizirii_mandatului acestuia stabilit in paragrafele 1 si 2 ale prezentului Acord. Accesul 1a informagia clasificati a Republicii Moldova va fi asigurati in conformitate cu. prevederile Acordului de Securitate intre Guvernul Republicii Moldova si NATO, semnat la 28 octombrie 1994. Guvernul Republicii Moldova va intreprinde masuri in vederea facilitarii $i accelerarii aranjamentelor necesare pentru eliberarea si schimbul de informafii clasificate. Guvernul Republicii Moldova va facilita, de asemenea, accesul la autoritijile centrale si locale, interlocutorii militari, oficialii guvernamentali de rang inalt si in cazul in care accesul catre aceste persoane este securizat, va facilita si accelera accesul in sediile securizate. 21. Guvernul Republicii Moldova va scuti proiectele finantate de NATO, inclusiv bunurile, veniturile si alte proprietiti (care se afl& in posesia Beneficiarului sau a altei persoane in numele Beneficiarului) de: a. Toate taxele directe si indirecte; in acelasi timp, atit NATO, cit $i Beneficiarul nu vor revendica scutirea de taxele si plafile, legate de cheltuielile pentru serviciile de utilitate publica; b. Toate taxele vamale si alte plifi, precum gi de restrictiile cantitative pentru importul si exportul fn raport cu articolele importate sau exportate in legaturd cu sau in sprijinul proiectelor finantate de NATO; articolele importate cu asemenea scutiri nu vor putea fi ‘nstrdinate prin vanzare sau donajie in Republica Moldova, cu excepfia cazurilor aprobate de c&tre Republica Moldova; c. Toate taxele vamale gi alte plati sau restrictii cantitative la importul sau exportul de bunuri in conexiune cu publicafiile referitoare la proiectele finanfate de NATO. 22, Guvernul Republicii Moldova va permite NATO gi Beneficiarilor si incheie contracte directe pentru ‘achizitionarea de bunuri, servicii si proiecte de construcii din orice sursi dinduntru say din afara Republicii Moldova in raport cu proiectele finanjate de NATO. Asemenea contracte, bunuri, servicii si proiecte de constructii nu vor fi supuse platilor de taxele, impozite, TVA sau altor plafi in Republica Moldova. Bunurile, serviciile si constructiile dobindite in ‘temeiul acestei dispozitii nu vor fi instrdinate prin vanzare sau donatie in Republica Mo}dova, cu exceptia cazurilor aprobate de catre Republica Moldova. 23, Guvernul Republicii Moldova va autoriza NATO si Beneficiarii si deschida conturi bancate in eitto; fie in Republica Moldova sau in strdinatate, cu singurul scop de a pistra fondurile debursate de NATO in raport cu proiectele finanfate de NATO. Aceste conturi vor fi scutite de orice fel de restrict sau plata pentru conversia valutara. 24, Pentru paragrafele 21, 22, 23, se vor aplica urmatoarele definifii: “Proiecte finanjate de NATO” inseamné orice proiect sau activitate, inclusiv, dar care nu se limiteazA la proiecte stiinjifice, angajarea societafii civile, proiecte de asistenfa tehnic& sau cercetare academica, finanfate de catre NATO prin intermedia Programului Stiinf& pentru Pace gi Securitate, a unui fond fiduciar sau prin alte mijloace; si “Beneficiar” se subinjelege persoana fizic& sau juridicd, amplasatd sau domiciliata in Republica Moldova, care beneficiazi de fonduri in cadrul proiectelor finanfate de NATO. 25. Prevederile prezentului Acord nu vor limita sau prejudicia implementarea oricdrui alt acord bilateral sau aranjament in vigoare intre Republica Moldova gi un stat acreditant cu referire la aplicabilitatea acordurilor sau aranjamentelorbilaterale la Forfele NATO si Personalul NATO a statului respéctiv, inclusiv personalul care cade sub incidenfa respe: aranjament bilateral, cu excepfia cazurilor unui acord expres convenit intre Guvernul Republicii Moldova si statul acreditant vizat. Pentru prezentul paragraf, se vor aplica urmatoarele defi »Forfele NATO” inseamna personalul civil si militar, cu exceptia personalului angajat prin contract, echipamentul militar, vehiculele, navele maritime, aeronavele si echipamentul terestru, maritim sau al forjelor aeriene ale statelor membre NATO, care actioneazi in conformitate curaranjamentele NATO de comanda si control sau in sprijinul activitatilor NATO; »Personalul NATO” inseamn& personalul civil sau militar desemnat sau detagat sau angajat de NATO gi statele membre, cu excepfia personalului local angajat in Republica Moldova; gi Stat acreditant” se refera la statul membru NATO c&rui aparfine personalul NATO. 26. Orice disputé intre Guvernul Republicii Moldova si NATO cu referire la interpretarea sau implementares prezentului Acord va fi solutionata prin mijloace diplomatice. 27. Guvernul Republicii Moldova si NATO vor putea aduce modificari sau amendamente la prezentul Acord prin notificare si solicitare a acceptului celeilalte Pérji a amendamentelor propuse. Amendamentele si modifictrile respective vor intra in vigoare prin intermediul aceluiasi mecanism, precum cel aplicabil prezentului Acord. 28, Prevederile prezentului Acord pot fi completate cu dispozitii suplimentare incheiate de c&tre reprezentantii NATO $i ai Guvernuluj Republicii Moldova autorizafi in mod corespunzator. 29. Oricare dintre Parti la prezentul Acord il va putea denunja prin transmiterea pe ci diplomatice a notificarii despre intenjia de a-1 denunfa. Denunjarea Acordului va intra in vigoare la 6 luni de la data recepfionarii notificarii de c&tre cealalté Parte, cu excepfia unor clauze excepfionale, care au survenit cu o zi inainte de intrarea in vigoare a denunfitrii. {n cazul in care cele menjionate mai sus sunt acceptate de c&tre Guvernul Republicii Moldova, ‘am onoarea s& propun ca aceasté scrisoare gi réspunsul la aceasta scrisoare s& constituie un Acord intre NATO $i Republica Moldova, care va intra in vigoare la data receptionatii de catre NATO a notificérii din partea Republicii Moldova cu privire la incheierea procedurilor interne necesare pentru intrarea in vigoare a prezentului Acord. Pénd la incheierea procedurilor interne ‘mentionate, Republica Moldova va aplica provizoriu prezentul Acord. Cu respect, . Jens Stoltenberg, Secretar General Scrisoare de raspuns Nr. 21-25-05-491 29 noiembrie 2016 Stimate domnule Secretar General, ‘Am onoarea deva confirma recepfioharea scrisorii DVS nr. SG(2016)0320) din data de 29 noiembrie 2016, dup cum urmeaza: win vederea consolidarii in continuare a relaiilor intre Organizatia Tratatului Atlanticului de ‘Nord (NATO) si Republica Moldova; Cu referire la solicitarea Republicii Moldova adresati NATO de a deschide un Oficiu de Legatur’ NATO (NLO) la Chisinau; Amintind angajamentul de la Summit-ul NATO din Tara Galilor, de a extinde in Republica Moldova Inifiativele de consolidare a capacitifilor de securitate si apirare, precum si reconfirmarea acestui angajament in Comunicatul Summit-ului de la Varsovia; Cu scopul stabilirii NLO in Republica Moldova si credrii condifiilor corespunzatoare pentru asigurarea funcfionarii adecvate a acestuia, am onoarea s& propun urmatoarele: 1. NATO va institui NLO, care va avea sediul la Chisindu. NLO va facilita, sprij ccontribui la consolidarea participirii Republicii Moldova la toate inifiativele de cooperare intre NATO si Republica Moldova, inclusiv la activitatile in cadrul Programului Parteneriatului pentru Pace, Planul Individual de Actiuni, Inifiativa de Consolidare a Capacitifilor de Sccuritate si Aparare, Procesul de Planificare si Analiz8 a Parteneriatului, precum gi alte activititi convenite de comun acord. 2. In exercitarea mandatului siu, NLO poate, printre altele: s& coopereze cu autoritifile Republicii Moldova, in’ particular, cele responsabile de securitate si apirare; si promoveze dialogul politic si cooperarea practic’ intre NATO si Republica Moldova; si acorde i coordoneze votisilierea si asistenfa autorititilor Republicii Moldova in procesul de implementare a programelor si activitajilor de cooperare cu NATO. NLO poate s& stabileasca contacte cu organizafiile reprezentate de societatea civil $i mass-media si va intreprinde activitati de diplomatie publica in vederea sporirii gradului de constientizare a NATO si a coopertrii NATO - Moldova. Totodat, NLO poate s& stabileasc legituri cu ambasadele statelor membre NATO in Republica Moldova, in particular cu Ambasada - punct de contact NATO fn Republica Moldova, precum si cu ambasadele statelor partenere si organizatiile internationale, inclusiv in ceea ce privesc programele de cooperare bilateral& si multilateral. 3, Republica Moldova va acorda NLO privilegiile, imunitaile si facilitatile depline, acordate unei misiuni -diplomatice stabilite in Republica Moldova, in conformitate cu prevederile Conventiei de‘la Viena cu privire la relatiile diplomatice din 18 aprilie 1961. 4. Proprietatile si bunurile organizatiei NATO, indiferent de localizare si proprietar, se vor bucura de imunitate de jurisdictie, cu exceptia cazurilor in care Secretarul General, actionind in numele organizafiei, poate autoriza expres ridicarea acestei imunitifi. Cu toate acestea, se infelege c&, renunfarea la imunitate nu se va extinde asupra misurilor de executare sau detinerea proprietafi. 5. Sefului NLO gi altui personal civil sau militar angajat, desemnat de sau detasat la NATO in vederea exercitStii atribufiilor lor pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, alfii decdt cetifenii sau rezidentii permanenfi ai Republicii Moldova, impreund cu membrii familiilor lor, care formeaz& si sunt parte a gospoditiilor lor, li se vor acorda privilegiile, imunitafile $i facilitile echivalente cu cele acordate agenfilor diplomatici acreditaji in Republica Moldova, in conformitate cu prevederile Conventiei de la Viena cu privire la relajile diplomatice din 18 aprilie 1961. ° 6. Seful NLO i alt personal civil sau militar angajat, desemnat de sau detasat la NATO in vederea exercitirii atribufiilor lor pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, cu excepfia cet&fenilor sau rezidentilor permanenfi ai Republicii Moldova, sunt scutifi de taxe si pot importa bunuri pentru wz personal sau pentru uz de c&tre membrii familiilor lor, care formeazA si sunt parte a gospodatiilor lor, firé anumite restrict si/sau taxe, impozite sau perceperi de orice fel, in cazurile tn care aceste imunitafi si privilegiile nu sunt deja acordate prin prevederile paragrafului 5 al'prezentului Acord. 7. Alfi oficiali care exercit& functii administrative si tebnice, impreund cu membrii farniliilor 1 care formeazi si sunt parte a gospodarilor lor, care nu sunt cetijeni sau rezidengi permanenti Republicii Moldova, se vor bucura de privilegiile, imunititile si faclitajile acordate membrilor personalului administrativ si tehnic a misiunilor diplomatice acreditate in Republica Moldova, in conformitate cu prevederile Convenfiei de la Viena cu privire la relatiile diplomatice din 18 aprilie 1961. 8, NATO va notifica Misiunea Republicii-Moldova la NATO cu privire la desemnarea personalului la care se face referire in paragrafele 5, 6 si 7 ale prezentului Acord. 9, Personalul NATO si experfii angajafi, desemnafi de sau detasati la NATO, care temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova in vederea exercitirii sarcinilor sau fun numele NATO se vor bucura pe durata aflatii lor pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova de privilegiile, imunitajile si fatilitatile diplomatice mentionate in paragraful 7. 10, Personalul local angajat in vederea exercitarii functiilor administrative si tehnice, care sunt cetiteni sau rezidengi permanenti ai Republicii Moldova vor fi subiecfi ai legislatiei nafionale a Republicii Moldova. Farad a aduce atingere acestei prevederi, personalul local angajat se va bucura de imunitate pentru cele vorbite sau scrise si toate actiunile intreprinse in exercitarea funetiilor lor oficiale. 11. La sosirea in Republica Moldova, §efului NLO, altui personal civil sau militar angajat, desemnat de sau detasat la NATO gi oficialilor care desfsoara functii administrative gi tehnice, alfii decat cetafenii sau rezidentii permanenfi ai Republicii Moldova, impreun& cu membrii familiilor lor care formeaz& si sunt parte a gospodariilor lor, li se vor emite buletine de identitate diplomatice sau buletine de identitate pentru personalul tehnic si administrativ, de tre Ministerul Afacerilor Externe gi Integrarii Europene al Republicii Moldova, care, in caz de necesitate, va facilita eliberarea vizelor. Automobilelor NLO gi celor aflate in posesia persoanelor mentionate in paragrafele 5 si 7 ale prezentului Acord li se vor emite plicuje obisnuite diplomatice de inmatriculare. 12. Guvernul Republicii Moldova, prin intermediul autoritailor sale, va facilita exigentele de -vizi si control vamal pentru angajatii i i realiza transferuri in/din far8, precum si importul si re-exportul, cu scutire de taxe, a echipamentului iiecesar pentru desfasurarea activitatii NLO. 13, Faria aduce atingere privilegiilor si imunitafilor aplicabile in conformitate cu alte instrumentele legale relevante, respectarea legislaiei RM va fine de responsabilitatea Sefului NLO, altui personal civil sau militar angajat, desemnat de sau detasat la NATO, precum si altor oficiali, personal si experti NATO aflafi temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. Acestia nu vor practica alte activitati profesionale sau comerciale in Republica Moldova in vederea obfinerii profitului. De asemenea, ei se vor abjine de la orice alte activitati, care sunt incompatibile eunatura atributiilor lor. 14, Sediul NLO nu va fi utilizat in orice alta manierd incompatibilé cu functiile efului NLO, ale angajatilor civili sau militari angajati, desemnati de sau detasafi la NATO, ale altor oficiali or experti si angajati NATO, conform prevederilor acestui Acord. 15. Guvermul Republicii Moldova va propune NATO spafiul necesar pentru oficiu, potrivit pentru scopul acestuia si localizat in incinta une institufi din Republica Moldova convenit de ‘comun acord. Spatiul propus pentru oficiu va facilita accesul cdtre i pentru autoritatile civile si militare relevanté din Republica Moldova. 16. Locafia exacti a NLO, precum si modalitijile de implementare a paragrafului precedent, pot fi convenite intr-un document separat, care odata incheiat, va fi considerat parte a prezentului Acord. 17, Guvernul: Republicii Moldova va intreprinde masurile necesare in vederea asigu adecvate a securitafii si protectiei NLO si a spatiilor, a Sefului, personalului civil si militar angajat, desemnat sau detasat la NATO, alti oficiali si membrilor familiilor lor, care formeazi si sunt parte a gospodftriilor lor, precum si experfilor si personalului NATO aflafi temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova. 18. NATO isi rezerva dreptul s& implementeze, cu resursele proprii, m&suri de securitate suplimentare pe care le considera corespunzitoare pentru securitatea sediilor ocupate de c&tre NLO, or pentru securitatea personalului civil gi militar NATO angajat, desemnat sau detasat la NATO, altor oficiali si membrilor familiilor lor, care formeazA si sunt parte a gospodatiilor lor, recum si expérfilor si personalului NATO aflafi temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, 19. NLO poate arbora drapelul NATO si va putea folosi stema NATO. NATO gi autoritafile ‘competente din Republica Moldova se vor consulta reciproc la subiectul amplasirii lor. Seful NLO, personalul civil sau’ militar angajat, desemnat de sau detasat la NATO, alfi oficiali, precum $i alti experti si personal NATO aflai temporar pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, pot purta uniformele lor militate in exercitarea sarcinilor sau funcgiilor lor oficiale in numele NATO pe perioada acestei numiri. 20. Guvernul Republicii Moldova va asigura NLO cu informatiile necesare intru facilitarea realizirii_ mandatului acestuia stabilit in paragrafele 1 si 2 ale prezentului Acord. Accesul 1a informatia clasificati a Republicii Moldova va fi asigurati in conformitate cu prevederile Acordului de Securitate intre Guvernul Republicii Moldova si NATO, semnat la 28 octombrie 1994. Guvernul Republicii Moldova va intreprinde masuri in vederea facilitarii si accelerarii Republicii Moldova va facilita, de asemenea, accesul la autoritatile centrale si locale, interlocutorii militari, oficialii guvernamentali de rang inalt si in cazul in care accesul c&tre aceste persoane este securizat, va facilita si accelera accesul in sediile securizate. 21, Guvernul Republicii Moldova va scuti proiectele finanfate de NATO, inclusiv bunurile, veniturile si alte proprietiti (care se afla in posesia Beneficiarului sau a altei persoane in numele Beneficiarului) de: a. Toate taxele directe si indirecte; in acelasi timp, atit NATO, cit si Beneficiarul nu vor revendica scutirea de taxele si platile, legate de cheltuielile pentru serviciile de utilitate publica; b. Toate taxele vamale si alte plifi, precum si de restricfile cantitative pentru importul si exportul in raport cu articolele importate sau exportate in legdturd cu sau in sprijinul proiectelor finantate de NATO; articolele importate cu asemenea scutiri nu vor putea fi instrdinate prin yanzare sau donafie in Republica Moldova, cu excepfia cazurilor aprobate de cltre Republica Moldova; c. Toate taxele vamale gi alte plati sau restricfii cantitative la importul sau exportul de ‘bunuti in conexiune cu publicafiile referitoare la proiectele finanjate de NATO. 22, Guvernul Republicii Moldova va permite NATO si Beneficiarilor s& incheie contracte directe pentru achizitionarea de bunuri, servicii si proiecte de construcfii din orice sursi dinduntru sau din afara Republicii Moldova in raport cu proiectele finantate de NATO. Asemenea contracte, bunuri, servicii si proiecte de construcfii nu vor fi supuse plafilor de taxele, impozite, TVA sau altor plati in Republica Moldova. Bunurile, serviciile si constructiile dobandite in temeiul atestei dispozifii nu vor fi instrSinate prin vanzare sau donafie in Republica Moldova, cu éxceptia cazurilor aprobate de c&tre Republica Moldova. 23. Guvernul! Republicii Moldova vai autoriza NATO si Beneficiarii si deschidi conturi bancare in euro, fie in Republica Moldova sau in strdinatate, cu singurul scop de a pastra fondurile debursate de NATO in raport cu proiectele finanfate de NATO. Aceste conturi vor fi scutite de orice fel de restricjii sau plat pentru conversia valutara. 24, Pentru paragrafele 21, 22, 23, se vor aplica urmatoarele definiti: “Proiecte finantate de NATO” inseamni orice proiect sau activitate, inclusiv, dar care nu se limiteaz la proiecte stiinfifice, angajarea societafii civile, proiecte de asistenfé tehnicd sau cercetare academica, finanfate de catre NATO prin intermediul Programului $tiint& pentru Pace si Securitate, a unui fond fiduciar sau prin alte mijloace; si “Beneficiar” se subintelege persoana fizicd sau juridicd, amplasat& sau domiciliats in Republica Moldova, care beneficiaza de fonduri in cadrul proiectelor finanfate de NATO. 25, Prevederile prezentului Acord mu vor limita sau prejudicia implementarea orictrui alt acord bilateral sau aranjament in vigoare intre Republica Moldova si un stat acreditant cu referire la aplicabilitatea acordurilor sau aranjamentelor bilaterale la Forfele NATO si Personalul NATO a statului respectiv, inclusiv personalul care cade sub incidenta respectivului acord sau aranjament bilateral, cu excepfia cazurilor unui acord expres convenit intre Guygraul Republicii ‘Moldova si statul acreditant vizat. Pentru prezentul paragraf, se vor aplica urmétoarele definitii: -Forfele NATO” insearina personalul civil si militar, cu excepfia personalului angajat prin contract, echipamentul militar, vehiculele, navele maritime, acronavele si echipamentul terestru, maritini sau al forfelor aeriene ale statelor membre NATO, care acfioneaza in conformitate cu aranjamentele NATO de comand& si control sau in sprijinul activitajilor NA’ »Personalul NATO” inseamn& personalul civil sau militar desemnat sau detagat sau angajat de NATO gi statele membre, cu excepfia personalului local angajat in Republica Moldova; si “Stat acreditant” se referd la statul membru NATO cérui aparfine personalul NATO. 26. Orice disput intre Guvernul Republicii Moldova si NATO cu referire la interpretarea sau implementarea prezentului Acord va fi solutionata prin mijloace diplomatice. 27. Guvernul Republicii Moldova si NATO vor putea aduce modificari sau amendamente la prezentul Acord prin notificare si solicitare a acceptului celeilalte Parti a amendamentelor propuse. Amendamentele si modificarile respective vor intra in vigoare prin intermediul aceluiasi mecanism, precum cel aplicabil prezentului Acord, 28, Prevederife’rezentului Acord pot fi completate cu dispoziji suplimentare incheiate de cAtre reprezentanjii NATO si ai Guvernului Republicii Moldova autorizati in mod corespunzator. 29, Oricare dintre Parti la prezentul Acord il va putea denunja prin transmiterea pe cdi diplomatice a notificarii despre intentia de a-1 denunja. Denuntarea Acordului va intra in vigoare la 6 luni de la data receptionirii notifictrii de c&tre cealalti Parte, cu excepfia unor clauze excepfionale, care au survenit cu o zi inainte de intrarea in vigoare a denunfatii. Jn cazul in care cele menfionate mai sus sunt acceptate de catre Guvemul Republicii Moldova, am onoarea s& propun ca aceasti scrisoare si rispunsul la aceast& scrisoare si constituie un Acord intre NATO gi Republica Moldova, care va intra in vigoare la data recepfionarii de cétre NATO a notificttii din partea Republicii Moldova cu privire la incheierea procedurilor interne necesare pentru intrarea in vigoare a prezentului Acord. Pénd la incheierea procedurilor interne ‘menfionate, Republica Moldova va aplica provizoriu prezentul Acord.” Am onoarea de a confirma c& propunerile de mai sus sunt acceptabile pentru Guvernul Republicii Moldova. De asemenea,-am onoarea s& confirm c& scrisoarea dumneavoastra, impreuna cu prezentul rispuns vor constitui un acord intre NATO si Republica Moldova care va intra in vigoare Ja data receptionarii de c&tre NATO a notificarii din partea Republicii Moldova cu privire la incheierea procedurilor interne necesare pentru intrarea in vigoare a prezentuluj Acord, Pana la incheierea procedurilor interne mentionate, Republica Moldova va aplica provizoriu prezentul Acord. Cu respect, & Pavel FILIP 10 Prin prezenta confirm cd textul aliturat este copia autenticd de pe traducerea oficial a Acordului intre Republica Moldova si Organizafia Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) privind Oficiul de Legatura NATO in Republica Moldova (Bruxelles, 29 noiembrie 2016), originalul fiind depozitat la Arhiva Tratatelor a Ministerului Afacerilor Externe si Integrrii Europene. ‘Anatol CEBUC, Sef al Directiei Generale Drept International a Ministerului Afacerilor Externe gi Integririi Europene al Republicii Moldova ACORD intre Republica Moldova si Organizatia Tratatulut Atlanticului de Nord (NATO) privind Oficiul de Legatura NATO in Republica Moldova Bruxelles, 25 noiembrie 2016 COPIE CERTIFICATA ‘TEXT IN LIMBA ENGLEZA Bh Seorerany Genera BEA INES 1s Secnétaine Givénat IZM jens Stoltenberg 1 $G(2016)0320 29 November 2016 Dear Prime Minister, In order to further strengthen the relationship between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (hereafter, NATO) and the Republic of Moldova; Referring to the request from the Republic of Moldova that NATO establish a NATO Liaison Office (hereafter, NLO) in Chisinau; Recalling the Wales Summit commitment to extend Defence and Related Security Capacity Building Initiatives to the Republic of Moldova, and the re-affirmation of that commitment in the Warsaw Summit Communiqué; 1 have the honour, with the alm of establishing such NLO: in the Republic of Moldova and creating the appropriate conditions to enable it to function properly, to propose the following: 1. NATO shall establish a NLO, to be located in Chisinau. The NLO shall facilitate, support and enhance the: Republic of Moldova's participation in all cooperation activities between NATO and the Republic of Moldova, including activities within the framework of the Partnership for Peace Programme, the Individual Partnership Action Plan, Defence and Related Security Capacity Bullding, the Planning and Review Process, as well any other mutually agreed activities. 2. In discharging its mandate, the NLO may, inter alia: iaise with Moldovan authorities, in patticular those responsible for defence and security issues; promote political dialogue and practical cooperation between NATO and tha Republic of Moldova; and provide and coordinate advice and assistance to the Moldovan authorities in aid of implementing NATO cooperation programmes and activities, The NLOQ may establish contacts with Moldovan civil organizations and the media, and shall conduct public diplottiacy: activities to: increase awareness of NATO and NATO — Moldova cooperation. Further, the NLO may liaise with NATO embassies in the Republic of Moldova, in particular the NATO Gontact Point Embassy, as well as with Partner embassies.and international organizations, Including on ral and muttilateral cooperation programmes. “te ‘North Auantic Treaty Organization ~ Organism du Tricé de !Adantique Nord Boulevard Léopold I ~ B-1110 Bruxelles - Belgique Tel; 432.2707 49 17 - Pax: #322707 46 66, 3. The Republic of Moldova shall accord to the NLO the full privileges, immunities and facilities granted to a diplomatic mission established in the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations done on 18 April 1961. 4, NATO, its property and assets, wherever located and by whomscever held, shall enjoy immunity from every form of legal process except in so far as in any ‘particular case the Secretary General, acting on behalf of NATO, may expressly authorize the waiver of this immunity. It is however understood that no waiver of immunity shall extend to any measure of execution or detention of property. 5. The Headi of the NLO. and other civilian or military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO to exercise their functions. in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, other than nationals or permanent residents of the Republic of Moldova, together with the members of their families forming part of their households, shall be accorded the full privileges, immunities and facies equivalent to those granted to diplomatic agents accredited to the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, done on 18 April 1961. 6. The Head of the NLO and other military and civilian staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO to exercise their functions in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, other than nationals or permanent residents of the Republic: of Moldova, are exempt from taxes and may import goods for personal use anid for the use of the members of their families forming part of their households, free of any restrictions and/or any taxes, duties or other levies of whatever nature, in sa far as these privileges and immunities are not already accorded under paragraph 5 of the present agreement. 7. Other officials performing administrative and technical functions, together with the members of their families forraing part of their households, other than nationals or permanent residents. of the Republic of Moldova, shall enjoy the privileges, immunities and facilities granted to members of the administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions accredited to the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, done on 18 April 1961. 8. _NATO shall notify Moldova's Mission to NATO of the assignment of the staff referred ta in paragraphs §, 6, and 7 of this agreement. 9, _ NATO staff and experts employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO and temporarily present in the territory of the Republic of Moldova for the execution of the tasks or functions on behalf of NATO shall enjoy during their presence in the territory of the Republic of Moldova the privileges, immunities and facilities mentioned in paragraph 7. 10. Locally hired staff performing administrative and technical functions who are nationals or permanent residents of the Republic of Moldova shall be subject to the Republic of Moldova's national legislation. Notwithstanding this provision, focally hired staff shall enjoy immunity for words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in the exercise of their official functions. 11. Onartival inthe Republic of Moldova, the Head of the NLO, other elvilian and military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to. NATO, and officials Performing administrative and technical functions, other than nationals or Permanent residents of Moldova, together with the members of their families forming part of their households, shall be issued diplomatic identity cards or identity cards for administrative and technical staff, by the Ministry of Foreign Affalrs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova which, where required, shall facilitate the-fulfilment of possible visa requirements. The vehicles of the NLO and those belongitig to the individuals mentioned in paragraphs 5:and 7 of the present agreement shall be issued standard diplomatic license plates. 12. The Government of the Republic of Moldova, through its authorities, shall facilitate visa and customs requirements for NATO staff and experts. ‘This shall include the right to freely transfer currency in and out of the country, as well ag ta import and re-export such equipment as is necessary for the work of the NLO:on a duty-free basis. 13. Without prejudice to privileges and immunities applicable under other relevant legal instruments, it shall be the duty of the Head of the NLO, other civilian and miltary staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, other officials, and NATO staff and experts temporarily present in the territory of the Republic of Moldova to respect the laws and regulations of the Republic of Moldova. They shall not practice for profit any other professional or commercial activity in the Republic of Moldova. They shall also refrain from any other activities incompatible with the nature of their duties. 14, The premises of the NLO shall not be used In any manner incompatible with the functions of its Head, the civilian and military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, other officials, or NATO staff and experts, as defined by this agreement. 15. _ The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall propose to NATO ‘specific office space for the NLO, fit for purpose, and located within the premises of a mutually agreed Moldovan institution. The proposed office space shall promote easy access by and to the relevant Moldovan civil and military authorities. 16. The precise venue of the NLO, and the modalities of giving effect to the preceding paragraph, may be agreed in a separate document which, once concluded, shall be considered as part of the present agreement. 17. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall take all necessary measures to ensure adequate security and safety for the NLO and its premises, together with its Head, the civilian and military staff employed by, assigned by, or attached to NATO, other officials, and the members of their families forming part of their households, as well as NATO staff and experts temporarily present in the Republic of Moldova. 18. NATO reserves. the right to implement, at its own cost, such additional security measures as it deems appropriate for the security of the premises occupied by the NLO, or for the security of the NATO civilian and military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, other officials, the members of their families forming part of their households, as NATO staff and experts: temporarily present in the Republic of Moldova. 19. The NLO may fly the NATO flag and use the NATO emblem, NATO and the competent authorities of the Government of the Republic of Moldova shalt consult each other about such placement. The Head of the NLO, military and clvilian staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, other officials, as well ‘as other NATO staff and experts temporarily present in the territory of the Republic ‘of Moldova to carry out their tasks or functions on behalf of NATO may wear their military uniforms during the period of such assignment. 20. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall provide the NLO with the necessary information as may help to achieve its mandate set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this agreement. Access to classified information shall be provided in accordance with the Security Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and NATO, signed 28 October 1994, The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall take steps to facilitate and expedite arrangements necessary for the release and exchange of classified information. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall also facilitate access to central and local authorities, military interlocutors, and senior government officials, and where: such access is to secured premises, shall facilitate and expedite such access, 21. ‘The Government of the Republic of Moldava shall exempt NATO Funded Projects, including their assets, income and other property (whether held by NATO, a Recipient, or any other person on behalf of a Recipient) from: a. All direct and indirect taxes; neither NATO nor a Recipient will, however, claim exemption from taxes and payments which are connected with charges for public utility services; b. Allcustoms duties and other charges and quantitative restrictions ‘on Imports and exports in respect of articles imported or exported In relation to or in support of a NATO Funded Project; articles imported under such exemption shall not be disposed of, by way of either sale or giftin Moldova, except under conditions approved by the Government of the Republic of Moldova; and ¢. From all customs duties and other charges or quantitative restrictions on imports and exports in respect of publications. relating to a NATO Funded Project. 22, The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall permit NATO and Recipients to contract directly for the acquisition of goods, services and construction projects from any source within and outside of the Republic of Moldova in respect of NATO Funded Projects. Such contracts, goods, services and construction projects shall not be subject to the payment of duties, taxes, value. added tax of other charges in the Republic of Moldova. Goods, services and construction acquired under this provision shall not be disposed of, by way of elther sale or gift, in the Republic of Moldova, except under conditions approved by’te Government of the Republic of Moldova. 23. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall authorize NATO and Recipients to establish banking accounts denominated in Euros, whether in the Republic of Moldova or abroad, for the sole purpose of holding funds disbursed by NATO In respect of NATO Funded Projects. Such accounts shall be exempted from any currency conversion requirements or restrictions. 24. For the purposes of paragraphs 21, 22 and 23, the following definitions apply: “NATO Funded Project” means any project or activity, including but not limited to scientific, civil society engagement, technical assistance or academe research projects, that fs funded by NATO, whether under the ‘Science for Peace and Programme, a trust fund, or otherwise: and 5 “Recipient” means any legal or natural person, located or domiciled in the Republic of Moldova, who is the recipient of funds under a NATO Funded Project. 25. The provisions of the present agreement shall not limit or prejudice the implementation of any bilateral agreement or arrangement in force between the Republic of Moldova and a sending State with respect to such bilateral ‘agreement's or artangement's application to NATO Forces and NATO Personnel from such State, including personnel covered by such a bilateral agreement or arrangement, unless otherwise exptessly agreed between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the sending State concerned. For the purposes of this paragraph the following definitions apply: ‘NATO Forces” means the nilfitary and civilian personnel, excluding contractors, military equipment, vehicles, vessels, altcraft and equipment belonging to the land, sea or air forces of NATO member states that are operating under NATO command and control arrangements, or in support of NATO activities; “NATO Personne!” means the military and civilian personnel assigned or attached to-or employed by NATO and its member states, with the exception of personnel locally hired in Republic of Moldova; and “Sending State” means the respective NATO member states to which NATO personnel belong. 26, __ Any dispute between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and NATO relating to the interpretation or implementation of the present agreement Shall be settled by diplomatic means. 27. The Government of the Republic of Moldova and NATO may, by written notification, propose amendments or modifications to the present agreement, and Tequest consideration of such proposed amendments or modifications. These amendments and modifications shalt enter into force in the same manner as this. agreement. 28. The provisions of the present agreement may be supplemented by further arrangements concluded by the duly authorized representatives of NATO and the Government of the Republic of Moldova. 29, The present agreement may be terminated by either party by giving written notification of termination through diplomatic channels. The termination shall take. effect six months after the date of receipt of the notification by the party concerned, except in respect of outstanding claims that arose before the day on which the termination took effect. Ifthe foregoing is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Moldova, I have the honour to propose that this letter and your reply letter shall constitute an agreement between NATO and the Republic of Moldova which shall enter into force on the date of the receipt by NATO of the notification from the Republic of Moldova that the internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of the agreement have been fulfiled. Pending the completion of such internal procedures, the Republic of Moldova shall give provisional effect to the proposed ‘agreement set out above. Yours sincerely, te Hey His Excellency Mr. Pavel Filip Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Chisinau GUVERNUL GOVERNMENT REPUBLICIE MOLDOVA OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA. Nhl LELE bee Chisnto Lo» Mewenber Le Dear Secretary General, Ihave the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 29 November 2016 (Your reference SG(2016)0320) which follows: “In order to further. strengthen the relitiotiship between the North Atlantic: Treaty Organization (hereafter, NATO) and the Republic of Moldova; Referring to the request from the Republic of Moldova that NATO establish a NATO Liaison Office (hereafter, NLO) in Chisinau; Recalling the Wales Summit commitment to extend Defence and Related Security Capacity Building Initiatives to the Republic of Moldova, and the re-affirmation of that commitment in the Warsaw Summit Communiqué; Thave the honour, with the aim of establishing such NLO-in the Republic of Moldova and creating the appropriate conditions to enable it to function properly, to propose: the following: 1. NATO shall: establish a NLO,:to be located in Chisinait. The NLO shall facilitate, support and enhance the Republie-of Moldova’s participation in alf cooperation activities between NATO and the Republic of Moldova, including activities within the framework of the Partnership for Peace Programme, the Individual Pattership Action Plan, Defence and Related Security Capacity Building, the Planning and Review Process, as well any other mutually agreed activities. 2, _ In discharging its mandate, the NLO may, inter alia: liaise with Moldovan authorities, in particular those responsible for défence and security issues; promote HLE. Mr. Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of the North Ailantic Treaty Organization Cosa Guvernohut, 1 ‘Government House, ‘MD-2033, Chisinau, ‘Telefon: Fax: ‘MD-2033; Chisinau, Republica Moldova +373 22250101 +373 22242696 ‘Moldova (Rep,) political dialogue and practical cooperation between NATO and the Republic of Moldova; and provide and coordinate advice and assistance to the Moldovan authorities in aid of implementing NATO cooperation programmes and activities. The NLO may establish contacts with Moldovan civil society organizations and the media, and shall conduct public diplomacy activities to increase awareness of NATO. and NATO — Moldova cooperation, Further, the NLO may liaise with NATO embassies in the Republic of Moldova, in particular the NATO Contact Point Embassy, as well as with Partner embassies and international organizations, including on bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes. 3. ‘The Republic of Moldova shall accord to the NLO the full privileges, immunities and facilities granted to a diplomatic mission established in the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations done on 18 April 1961. 4, NATO, its property and assets, wherever located:and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from every form of legal process except int so far as in any patticular case the Secretary General, acting on behalf of NATO, may expressly authorize the waiver of this immunity. It is however understood that no waiver of immunity shall extend to any measure of execution or detention of property. 5. The Head of the NLO and other civilian or military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO. to: exercise their functions in. the territory of the Republic of Moldova, othet than nationals or permanent residents of the Republic of Maldova, together with the members of their families formiing part of their houscholds, shall be accorded the full privileges, immunities and facilities equivalent to those granted to diplomatic agents accredited ta the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, done on 18 April 1961, 6. The Head of the NLO and other military and civilian staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO to exercise their functions in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, other than nationals or permanent residents of the Republic of Moldova, are exempt fromt taxes and may import goods for personal use and for the use of the members of their families forming part of their households, free of any restrictions and/or any taxes, duties or other levies of whatever nature, in so far as these privileges and immunities are not already accorded under paragraph 5 of the present agreement. 7. Other officials performing administrative and technical functions, together with the members of theit families forming part of their households, other than nationals or permanent residents of the Republic of Moldova, shall enjoy the privileges, immunities and facilities granted fo members of the administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions accredited to the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, done on 18 April 1961. 8 NATO shall notify Moldova’s Mission to NATO of the assignment of the staff referred to in paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 of this agreement. 9 NATO staff and experts employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO and temporarily present in the territory of the Republic of Moldova for the execution of the tasks or functions on behalf of NATO shall enjoy during their presence in the territory of the Republic of Moldova the privileges, immunities and facilities mentioned in paragraph 1 10. Locally hired staff performing administrative and technical functions who are nationals or permanent residents of the Republic of Moldova shall be subject to the Republic of Moldova's national legislation, Notwithstanding this provision, locally hired staff shall enjoy immunity for words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in the exercise of their official functions. 11. On arrival in the Republic of Moldova, the Head of the NLO, other civilian and military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, and officials performing administrative and technical functions, other than nationals or permanent residents of Moldova, together with the members of their families forming part of their households, shall be issued diplomatic identity cards or identity cards for administrative and technical staff, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova which, where required, shall facilitate the fulfilment of possible visa requirements. The vehicles of the NLO and those belonging to the individuals mentioned in paragraphs 5 and 7 of the present agreement shall be issued standard diplomatic license plates. 12, The Government of the Republic of Moldova, through its authorities, shall facilitate visa and customs requirements for NATO staff and experts. This shall include the right to freely transfer currency in and out of the country, as well as to import and re- export such equipment as is necessary for the work of the NLO on a duty-free basis, 13. Without ptejtidice: to privileges and immunities applicable under other relevant legal instruments, it shall be the duty of the Head of the NLO, other civilian and military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, other officials, and NATO staff and experts temporarily present in the territory of the Republic of Moldova to respect the laws and regulations of the Republic of Moldova. They shall not practice for profit any other professional or commercial activity in the Republic of Moldova. They shall, also refrain from any other activities incompatible with the nature of their duties. 14. The premises of the NLO shall not be used in any manner incompatible with the functions of its Head, the civilian and military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, other officials, or NATO staff and experts, as defined by this agreement. 15. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall propose to NATO specific office space for the NLO, fit for purpose, and located within the premises of a mutually agreed Moldovan institution, ‘The proposed office space shall promote easy access by and to the relevant Moldovan civil and military authorities. 16. ‘The precise venue of the NLO, and the modalities of giving effect to the preceding paragraph, may be agreed in a separate document which, once: concluded, shall be considered as part of the present agreement. 17, The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall take all necessary measures to ensure adequate security and safety for the NLO and its premises, together with its Head, the civilian and military staff employed by, assigned by, or attached to NATO, othet officials, and the members of their families forming part of their households, as well as NATO staff and experts temporarily present in the Republic of Moldova, 18. NATO reserves the right to itaplement, at its own cost, such additional security measures as it deems appropriate for the security of the premises occupied by the NLO, or for the security of the NATO civilian and military staff employed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, other officials, the members of their families forming part of their households, as well as NATO staff and experts temporarily present in the Republic: of Moldova. 19. The NLO may fly the NATO flag and use the NATO emblem, NATO and the competent authorities of the Government of the Republic of Moldova shall consult each other about such placement. The Head of the NLO, military and civilian staff emplayed by, assigned by or attached to NATO, other officials, as well as other NATO staff and experts temporarily present in the territory of the Republic of Moldova to carry out their tasks or functions on behalf of NATO may wear their military uniforms during the period of such assignment. 20. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall provide the NLO with the necessary information as may help to achieve its mandate set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this agreement. Access to ied information shall be provided in accordance with the Security Agreement between the Governinent of the Republic of Moldava and NATO, signed 28 October 1994. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall take steps to- facilitate and expedite arrangements necessary for the release and exchange of information. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall also facilitate access to central and local authorities, military interlocutors, and senior government officials, and where such access is to secured premises, shall facilitate and expedite such access. 21. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall exempt NATO Funded Projects, including their assets, income and other property (whether held by NATO, a Recipient, or any other person on behalf of a Recipient) from: a. All direct and indirect taxes; neither NATO nor a Recipient will, however, claim exemption from taxes and payments which are comnected with charges for public utility services; b. All customs duties and other charges and. quantitative restrictions on imports and exports in respect of articles imported or exported in relation to or in support of a NATO Funded Project; articles imported under such exemption shall not be disposed of, by way of either sale or gift in Moldova, except under conditions approved by the Government of the Republic of Moldova; and c. From all customs duties and other charges or quantitative restrictions on imports and exports in respect of publications relating to a NATO Funded Project. 22. ‘The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall permit NATO and Recipients to contract directly for the acquisition of goods, services and construction projects from any source’ within and outside of the Republic of Moldova in respect of NATO Funded Projects. Such contracts, goods, services and construction projects shall not be the payment of duties, taxes, value added tax or other charges in the Republic of Moldova. Goods, services and construction acquired under this provision shall not be disposed of, by way of either sale or gift, in the Republic of Moldova, except under conditions approved by the Government of the Republic of Moldova. 23. The Government of the Republic of Moldova shall authorize NATO and Recipients to establish banking accounts denominated in Euros, whether in the Republic, of Moldova or abroad, for the sole purpose of holding funds disbursed by NATO in respect of NATO Funded Projects. Such accounts shall be exempted from any currency conversion requirements or restrictions. 24, For the purposes of paragraphs 21, 22 and 23, the following definitions apply: “NATO Funded Project” means any’ project or activity, including but not limited to scientific, civil society engagement, technical assistance ot academic research projects, that is funded by NATO, whether under the Science for Peace and Security Programme, a trust fund, ot otherwise; and “Recipient” means any legal or natural person, located or domiciled in the Republic of Moldova, who is the recipient of funds under a NATO Funded Project. 25. The provisions of the present agreement shall not limit or prejudice the implementation of any bilateral agreement or arrangement in force between the Republic of Moldova and a sending State with respect to such bilateral agreement’s or arrangement’s application to NATO Forces and NATO Personnel ftom such State, including personnel covered by such a bilateral agreement or arrangement, unless otherwise expressly agreed between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the sending State concerned. For the purposes of this paragraph the following definitions apply: “NATO Forces” means the military and civilian personnel, excluding contractors, military equipment, vehicles, vessels, aircraft and equipment belonging to the land, sea or air forces of NATO member states that are operating under NATO command and control arrangements, or in support of NATO activities; “NATO Personnel” means the military ard civilian personnel assigned or attached to or employed by NATO and its member states, with the exception of personnel locally hired in Republic of Moldova; and “Sending State” means the respective NATO member states to which NATO personnel belong. 26. Any dispute between. the Government of the Republic of Moldova and NATO relating to the interpretation or implementation of the present agreement shall be settled by diplomatic means. 27. ‘The Government of the Republic of Moldova and NATO may, by written notification, propose amendments or modifications to the present agreement, and request consideration of such proposed amendments or modifications. ‘These amendments and modifications shall enter into force in the same manner as this agreement, 28. The provisions of the present agreement may be supplemented by further arrangements concluded by the duly authorized representatives of NATO and the Government of the Republic of Moldova. 29. The present agreement may be terminated by either party by giving written notification of termination through diplomatic channels. The termination shall take effect six months after the date of receipt of the notification by the party concerned, except in respect of outstanding claims that arose before the day on which the termination took effect. If the foregoing is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Moldova, Uhave the honour to propose that this letter and your reply letter shall constitute an agreement between NATO and the Republic of Moldova which shall enter into force on the date of the receipt by NATO of the notification from the Republic of Moldova that the internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of the agreement have been fulfilled, Pending the completion of such internal procedures, the Republic of Moldova shalf give provisional effect to the proposed agreement set out above.” T have the honour to confirm that the proposals set out above are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Moldova, I have the further honour to confirm that your letter and this reply shall constitute an agreement between NATO and the Government of the Republic of Moldova which shall enter into force on the date of the receipt by NATO 6 of the notification from the Government of the Republic of Moldova that the internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of the agreement have been fulfilled. Pending the completion of such internal procedures, the Republic of Moldova shall give provisional effect to the proposed agreement set out above. Sincerely yours, Pavel Filip Prime Minister Ptin prezenta confirm ca textul aldturat este o copie autentic& de. ‘ntre Republica Moldova si Organizatia Tratatului Atlanticului de No rt privind Oficiul de Legatura NATO in Republica Moldova (Bruxelles, noiembrie 2016), originalul ciruia este depozitat la Arhiva Tratatelor a Ministerului Afacerilor Externe si Integr&rii Europene. “ Exteme gi Integrarii Europene al Republicii Moldova

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