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Time: 17th May – 21th May, 2021

Grade: 6th Grade

Lesson 1: Good vs Evil (The story of Darth Vader) – pagina 72

Obiective – să înțeleagă sensul global al unui text scris
- să identifice informații specifice

Who can you see in the picture?

Cuvinte necunoscute:
V1 V2
1 to become- became v = a devenit

2 to come – came to his son’s rescue v = l-a salvat

pe fiul său

3 to convince – convinced v = l-a convins

4 to die – died v = a murit

5 to defeat – defeated v = l-a învins

6 to fight – fought v= s-a luptat

7 power s = putere

8 rescue s = salvare

9 respect s = respect

10 spacecraft s = navă spațială

Exercițiul 1/p. 72 Citiți textul și puneți paragrafele în ordinea


Răspunsuri: 1 C; 2 A; 3 B.
Exercițiul 2/p. 72 Decideți dacă afirmațiile sunt T (adevărate),

F (false) sau DS (nu se specifică). Scrieți în caiet.

Răspunsuri: 1 T; 2 DS; 3 F

Who? = cine?

Why? = De ce?

Exercițiul 3/p. 72 Răspundeți la întrebări în caiet.

1. Princess Amidala

2. a Jedi teacher

3. Because he did many terrible things

Time: 17th May – 21th May, 2021

Grade: 6th Grade

Lesson 1: Good vs Evil (The story of Darth Vader) – pagina 72

Obiective – să înțeleagă sensul global al unui text ascultat
- să identifice informații specifice

Exercițiul 4/p. 73. Credeți că Darth Vader era bun sau rău? De ce?
I think Darth Vader was bad because he did many terrible things.

But he had a good heart because in the end he saved Luke


Exercițiul 5/p. 73 Citiți propozițiile A-F din exercițiul 5 ca să le

ordonați după ce ascultați descrierea lui Severus Snape.

then = apoi
after that = după aceea
in the end = în cele din urmă

Exercițul 6/p.73 Folosiți propozițiile de la exercițiul 5 ca să povestiți
povestea lui Snape.

1 Where did Snape study?

Snape studied at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

2 Who did he become friends with?

He became friends with some bad people. D
3 What group did he join?
Snape joined the Death Eaters. F
4 Who died?
The woman Snape was in love with died. B
5 What happened?
Snape joined the Order of the Phoenix. A
6 What did Snape do in the end?
He gave Harry his memories as he died. E
1 C; 2 D; 3F; 4 B; 5 A; 6 E
Ex. 7/p.73
Snape studied at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Then, He became friends with some bad people.

After that, he joined the Death Eaters.

But, one day, the woman he was in love with died.

And he joined the Order of the Phoenix.

In the end, he gave his memories to Harry Potter.

Exercițiul 7/p. 73 Copiați propozițiile de la Ex. 6 în caiet.

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