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Universitatea din Craiova

Harnessing Technological
Transformation: An Exploration
of the Impact of Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning on English
Vocabulary Acquisition

Maria-Magdalena LĂPĂDAT*

This paper delves into the profound impact and the multifaceted influence of Mobile-
Assisted Language Learning (MALL) on the acquisition of English vocabulary. MALL,
a by-product of digital innovation, has revolutionized the traditional paradigms of
language learning, offering flexibility, convenience, and personalization. The
integration of mobile technology in language education has facilitated an
environment conducive to continuous and engaging vocabulary learning,
significantly enhancing learners' interaction with the target language. However,
alongside its benefits, the implementation of MALL introduces unique challenges,
such as issues of digital equity and the potential for distraction. This paper seeks to
provide a comprehensive examination of the transformative potential of MALL in
bolstering the process of English vocabulary learning, with a balanced evaluation of
its myriad advantages, disadvantages, and the effects of globalization on its
Keywords: MALL, impact, advantages, disadvantages, globalisation

Această lucrare analizează influența variantă și impactul profund al învățării
asistate de tehnologia mobilă (MALL) asupra însușirii vocabularului limbii engleze.
MALL, un produs secundar al inovației digitale, a revoluționat paradigmele
tradiționale ale învățării limbilor străine, oferind flexibilitate, comoditate și
personalizare. Integrarea tehnologiei mobile în educația lingvistică a facilitat un
mediu propice pentru învățarea continuă și captivantă a vocabularului,
îmbunătățind semnificativ interacțiunea cursanților cu limba țintă. Cu toate
acestea, pe lângă beneficiile sale, implementarea MALL introduce provocări unice,
cum ar fi problemele de echitate digitală și posibilitatea de distragere a atenției.
Această lucrare urmărește să ofere o examinare cuprinzătoare a influenței
transformatoare a MALL asupra dobândirii și stimulării vocabularului limbii

Department of Applied Modern Languages, Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova.

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engleze, luând în considerare o evaluare echilibrată a avantajelor, a dezavantajelor,
cât și a efectelor globalizării asupra implementării acesteia.

Cuvinte cheie: MALL, impact, avantaje, dezavantaje, globalizare

The proliferation of mobile technology has profoundly transformed
the setting of pedagogical practices, significantly influencing English
vocabulary acquisition. Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) has
emerged as a robust instrument, integrating the flexibility of mobile
devices with the dynamism of language learning strategies. Mobile-
Assisted Language Learning (MALL) represents an evolution from its
predecessor, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL, this research
endeavour being steered towards MALL, given its growing significance in
the contemporary context and the heightened interest observed amongst
students who utilize mobile devices for language practice. Presently, we
find ourselves in a technological era that is both fascinating and
challenging, and “the symbiosis between computer technology and
education can no longer be denied or overlooked” (Bărbuceanu,
2022:241). Computers have proven to be an invaluable asset in language
learning, and CALL has been the subject of extensive scholarly discourse.
Moreover, it provides learners with the flexibility to customize their
learning experience. They can choose the learning materials that suit their
learning styles and preferences, which “are a valuable contribution to the
psychoeducational diagnosis" (Scorțan, 2021:150), enhancing students’
engagement and motivation. Nevertheless, the current research seeks to
transcend the confines of CALL and venture into the realms of MALL. The
term 'mobile devices' encompasses a variety of gadgets including
smartphones, palmtops, PDAs, tablet PCs, laptop computers, and personal
media players. Despite the proliferation of tablets among students, mobile
phones remain the most readily accessible tool in the current context. As
mobile devices become more affordable and accessible, we can expect to
see more widespread use of MALL in education, especially since most
“students nowadays are interested in technology and are more than keen
on watching videos or listening to presentations about their object of
interest” (Boncea, 2021:132).
Researcher Laviniu Lăpădat describes how digital platforms “have
become a powerful unifying force, encompassing the communicative
energies of millions of people" (Lăpădat, 2022:83). Leveraging this force
within the realm of language learning, particularly in English vocabulary
acquisition, can lead to substantial improvements in learners'
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engagement and performance. Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)
platforms, designed with rich multimedia content and interactive
features, tap into these "communicative energies." They not only enable
users to learn at their own pace, but also foster a sense of community
among learners across the globe. In essence, the power of digital platforms
lies in their ability to create an inclusive, user-friendly, and accessible
learning environment. The interactive nature of these platforms allows
learners to receive instant feedback, engage in language games, and
connect with other learners, which significantly enhances their
vocabulary acquisition process. As a conduit of global communicative
energies, they encourage learners to immerse themselves fully in the
language, thereby promoting a more effective and holistic learning
Scholars have widely recognized that MALL facilitates effective
vocabulary acquisition through various means such as mobile
applications, text messaging, multimedia, and web-based platforms.
Warschauer and Liaw also posit MALL as an essential instrument that has
risen in prominence due to the global shift towards digital
interconnectedness: "In the wake of globalization, MALL has emerged as
a vital conduit for English vocabulary learning, catering to the needs of a
diverse, globalized learner populace and fostering competence in English
as a lingua franca" (Warschauer and Liaw, 2011:111). The authors
highlight that MALL is not only responding to the diverse needs of global
learners but also actively fostering the learning of English, which has been
identified as a universal language of communication, and underscoring
the transformative impact of MALL, driven by globalization, in shaping
English language learning practices and promoting global linguistic
competence. This essay delves into the ramifications of MALL on English
vocabulary acquisition, buttressed by research and academic opinions.
MALL has revolutionized English vocabulary acquisition, offering a
flexible, contextual, and collaborative learning environment. Despite
potential challenges, its benefits are profound, enabling learners to
seamlessly integrate language learning into their daily lives. As mobile
technology continues to advance, further research is required to maximize
its pedagogical potential and ensure the continued efficacy of MALL.

The Influence and Implications of MALL on English Vocabulary

The advent of mobile technology in the educational sphere has
engendered a seismic shift in pedagogical methodologies and the process
of language acquisition. Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is an
innovative paradigm that coalesces the ubiquity and convenience of

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mobile devices with the multifaceted process of learning a language. This
discourse explores the intricate ways in which MALL influences English
vocabulary acquisition, underscoring its transformative impact. Stockwell
and Hubbard (2013) poignantly state, "The use of mobile devices for
language learning serves as a medium that bridges formal and informal
learning settings, providing learners with opportunities for seamless
learning" (Stockwell and Hubbard, 2013:207). This affirms the capacity of
MALL to extend learning beyond traditional classroom confines, infusing
it into daily life. The ubiquitous nature of mobile devices enhances access
to learning materials, enabling learners to reinforce and expand their
English vocabulary at their convenience.
At the crux of MALL's impact is its ability to transcend traditional
spatial-temporal constraints, conferring a level of flexibility previously
unattainable in conventional language learning settings. In other words,
MALL dismantles the walls of a traditional classroom, extending the
learning milieu into the everyday life of the learner. This flexibility,
afforded by the omnipresence of mobile devices, enhances the learner's
exposure to English vocabulary, thereby fostering consistent engagement
with the language.
The principle of microlearning, inherent in the MALL approach,
further bolsters English vocabulary acquisition. This pedagogical strategy
revolves around delivering content in manageable, bite-sized units,
thereby reducing cognitive overload and facilitating efficient learning.
Vocabulary acquisition, in particular, benefits from such an approach as it
allows learners to gradually assimilate new words, fostering better
retention and application. Mobile devices, with their vast array of
language learning applications, are particularly well-suited to deliver such
compact learning experiences. In this sense, Kukulska-Hulme expounds,
"Mobile learning supports 'bite-sized' learning, or the learning of small,
manageable chunks of information at a time" (2013:146). This concept of
microlearning is germane to vocabulary acquisition. English learners can
master a limited number of words per session, reducing cognitive load
and facilitating better retention. MALL capitalizes on this approach,
providing learners with vocabulary flashcards, quizzes, and games that
can be accessed anytime, thereby nurturing a more efficient learning
Beyond mere rote memorization, meaningful vocabulary acquisition
necessitates contextual understanding. MALL provides an avenue for
contextualized and authentic learning experiences that are intrinsically
tied to learners' personal and cultural contexts. Several mobile
applications integrate real-world scenarios and interactive exercises,
enabling learners to comprehend and utilize new vocabulary in context.

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This process not only fortifies comprehension but also bolsters long-term
retention of new vocabulary. The significance of context in vocabulary
learning cannot be overstated, in this sense, Godwin-Jones elucidates that
"MALL can support contextualized, situated, and authentic learning that is
based on learners’ personal experiences" (Godwin-Jones, 2011:8). Mobile
applications often incorporate real-world scenarios, allowing learners to
apply new vocabulary in context, thereby reinforcing understanding and
long-term retention.
Collaborative learning is another significant facet of MALL,
characterized by peer interaction and collective problem-solving. By
facilitating communication and collaboration among learners, MALL
enhances the social aspect of language learning. Such interactions
necessitate the active usage of new vocabulary, thereby augmenting
language proficiency and promoting cultural exchange. As Burston (2013)
puts it, "MALL facilitates collaborative learning activities that increase
learners' interaction with the target language and culture" (Burston,
2013:41). This interaction encourages learners to use new English words
in conversations, developing their language skills and cultural awareness.
Nonetheless, while the advent of MALL heralds a transformative
shift in English vocabulary acquisition, it is not devoid of challenges.
Potential technical issues, distractions inherent in mobile devices, and the
need for consistent guidance underscore the importance of a balanced
approach to MALL implementation. It is crucial to harness the benefits of
MALL while judiciously mitigating its potential drawbacks.
Indubitably, MALL catalysed a revolution in English vocabulary
acquisition. Its ability to merge flexibility, contextual learning, and
collaborative learning under the umbrella of mobile technology paves the
way for a more dynamic and integrated learning experience. As the
trajectory of mobile technology continues to ascend, further exploration
and research into optimizing its pedagogical efficacy are of paramount
importance. Indeed, the transformative potential of MALL on English
vocabulary acquisition heralds a new era in language learning pedagogy.

The Advantages of MALL on English Vocabulary Acquisition

MALL’s most salient advantage lies in its capacity to transcend
traditional learning paradigms' spatial-temporal constraints. Mobile
devices, due to their portability and ubiquitous presence, enable learners
to seamlessly integrate English vocabulary learning into their quotidian
lives. This convenience fosters consistent and persistent engagement with
the language, thereby promoting efficient and effective learning.
Vocabulary acquisition, by its very nature, necessitates frequent and
repetitive exposure to new words for them to be firmly ingrained in a

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learner’s lexicon. By capitalizing on the omnipresence of mobile devices,
MALL facilitates constant interaction with the target language,
significantly enhancing the learner's exposure to new vocabulary. Such
frequent engagement fosters the assimilation of new words into
long-term memory, thereby fostering efficient vocabulary acquisition.
MALL also encapsulates the pedagogical principle of microlearning,
delivering learning content in manageable, bite-sized units. Vocabulary
learning, in particular, stands to benefit from such an approach as it
mitigates cognitive overload and promotes better retention. Mobile
applications, replete with interactive exercises, flashcards, and quizzes,
offer an ideal platform for such microlearning experiences. Learners can
incrementally assimilate new vocabulary, reducing the likelihood of
overwhelm and fostering effective learning.
Moreover, MALL facilitates contextualized learning experiences,
offering a significant advantage over traditional rote learning methods.
A considerable body of research posits that vocabulary is better retained
when learned in context. Mobile applications often incorporate real-world
scenarios and interactive exercises, thereby enabling learners to
comprehend and utilize new vocabulary in context. This process not only
bolsters comprehension but also fosters long-term retention and practical
application of new vocabulary.
Furthermore, MALL enhances the social dimension of language
learning by facilitating collaborative learning. Mobile devices offer myriad
avenues for communication and collaboration, such as chat functions,
discussion forums, and multiplayer games. These features foster
interaction among learners, necessitating the active usage of new
vocabulary. Such peer interactions enhance language proficiency and
provide opportunities for cultural exchange, fostering a more
comprehensive learning experience.
In addition, MALL offers personalized learning experiences, catering
to the diverse needs and learning styles of individual learners. The vast
array of mobile applications available offer different learning approaches,
from visual learning with the aid of images and infographics to auditory
learning with audio clips and recordings. This diversity allows learners to
choose the method that best suits their learning style, thereby enhancing
their engagement and learning efficiency.
Despite the myriad advantages, it is worth noting that the effective
implementation of MALL necessitates a balanced approach. Potential
distractions inherent in mobile devices and the need for consistent
guidance are factors to be considered. Furthermore, not all learners may
have equal access to mobile devices, which raises concerns about digital

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Ultimately, the inception of MALL marks a paradigm shift in English
vocabulary acquisition, offering a multitude of benefits. Its capacity to
offer flexible, contextual, and personalized learning experiences
significantly enhances vocabulary learning efficiency. Furthermore, its
ability to foster social interaction and cultural exchange enriches the
learning experience, promoting comprehensive language acquisition. As
the trajectory of mobile technology continues to ascend, the potential of
MALL in transforming language learning pedagogy is undeniable.
However, it is of paramount importance to mitigate potential challenges
and ensure equitable access to harness MALL's full potential.

The Disadvantages of MALL on English Vocabulary Acquisition

Despite the myriad advantages, it would be remiss to overlook the
potential pitfalls and challenges inherent in this approach. As Viberg and
Grönlund (2013) caution, "While MALL provides multiple opportunities
for language learning, it also presents challenges such as technical issues,
lack of guidance, and possible distraction" (Viberg and Grönlund,
2013:53). Hence, for effective implementation of MALL, a balanced
approach that mitigates these challenges is imperative. This discourse
aims to elucidate the disadvantages of MALL in the context of English
vocabulary acquisition, providing a balanced perspective on its
Perhaps the most prominent drawback of MALL pertains to the
distractions inherent in mobile devices. These devices, while repositories
of vast learning resources, also host a plethora of applications and
features that can easily divert a learner's attention. The constant barrage
of notifications and the temptation to switch between applications can
significantly hamper the learning process, reducing focus and impeding
vocabulary acquisition.
Closely related to the issue of distraction is the potential for
cognitive overload. While the concept of microlearning inherent in MALL
mitigates this to an extent, the sheer volume of information available
through mobile devices can be overwhelming for learners. As Warschauer
(2006) aptly puts it, "The challenge for learners is not a dearth of
information, but rather an overabundance, which may lead to cognitive
overload" (Warschauer, 2006:36). This can result in a superficial
engagement with new vocabulary, thereby undermining learning
efficiency and retention.
Technical issues represent another significant disadvantage of
MALL. Not all learners may have access to high-quality, reliable devices or
internet connectivity, which can impede their learning experience.
Moreover, technical glitches and software compatibility issues can disrupt

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the learning process, engendering frustration and potentially detracting
from the learner's motivation.
MALL's pedagogical efficacy also hinges on the quality of the
learning materials and applications. The vast array of mobile applications
available vary considerably in terms of their design, content quality, and
pedagogical underpinnings. Therefore, learners or educators might
struggle to discern the most effective resources for English vocabulary
acquisition, potentially leading to the use of subpar applications that fail
to facilitate effective learning.
Furthermore, the lack of structured guidance and personalized
feedback can be a significant drawback in MALL. In a traditional classroom
setting, teachers provide immediate feedback, correct errors, and guide
learners in their vocabulary acquisition journey. However, in the MALL
context, this personalized feedback and guidance might be lacking,
especially when learners engage with self-study applications. This could
lead to learners developing misconceptions or ineffective learning
strategies that go uncorrected.
It is also important to consider the digital divide, which refers to the
disparities in access to digital technology among different socio-economic
groups. This can lead to unequal opportunities for English vocabulary
acquisition, exacerbating educational inequalities.
In conclusion, while MALL offers a plethora of advantages in
facilitating English vocabulary acquisition, it also presents a unique set of
challenges. From the distractions inherent in mobile devices and potential
for cognitive overload to the lack of structured guidance and the issue of
digital equity, these disadvantages underscore the need for a judicious
approach to MALL implementation. It is imperative to strike a balance,
harnessing the benefits of MALL while mitigating its potential drawbacks
to ensure effective and equitable vocabulary learning for all learners.
While MALL offers a plethora of advantages in facilitating English
vocabulary acquisition, it also presents a unique set of challenges. From
the distractions inherent in mobile devices and potential for cognitive
overload to the lack of structured guidance and the issue of digital equity,
these disadvantages underscore the need for a judicious approach to
MALL implementation. It is imperative to strike a balance, harnessing the
benefits of MALL while mitigating its potential drawbacks to ensure
effective and equitable vocabulary learning for all learners.

The Importance of Globalization regarding Mobile-Assisted

Language Learning
Globalization, a phenomenon characterized by the unprecedented
integration of economies, societies, and cultures, has left an indelible

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imprint on every sphere of human activity, including education. The
advent of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL), an innovative
approach to language pedagogy, owes much to the processes of
globalization. This discourse aims to explore the importance of
globalization on MALL, particularly in the context of English language
One of the most significant impacts of globalization is the rapid
advancement and widespread availability of technology. As Warschauer
and Liaw aptly put it, "Digital devices, particularly mobile ones, have
become more accessible due to the increased global interconnectedness
and technological advancement" (Warschauer and Liaw, 2011:20). This
proliferation of mobile devices, a direct consequence of globalization, has
facilitated the emergence and growth of MALL.
Globalization has also engendered the necessity for competence in a
lingua franca, a common language that enables communication between
people of different linguistic backgrounds. English has emerged as this
lingua franca, further spurring the demand for innovative and effective
English language learning methodologies, such as MALL.
MALL, due to its inherent flexibility and convenience, caters to the
needs of the modern, globalized learner. As Kukulska-Hulme and Shield
elucidate, "In the context of globalization, the portability of mobile devices
meets the need for learning that is not confined by geographical or
temporal constraints" (2008:273). This convenience and flexibility, which
align with the fast-paced, mobile lifestyles of modern learners,
underscores the importance of MALL in a globalized world.
Moreover, in an attempt to go “beyond cultural borders and beyond
actual geographic borders” (Chirițescu and Păunescu, 2021:102),
globalization has fostered cultural exchange and diversity, creating a need
for language learning methodologies that cater to diverse linguistic
backgrounds and learning needs. MALL, with its vast array of applications
offering personalized learning experiences, is particularly suited to cater
to this diversity. The ability to tailor learning experiences to individual
learners' needs enhances engagement and learning efficiency, further
underscoring the importance of MALL in the context of globalization. The
global reach of mobile technology has facilitated the development of a
myriad of MALL resources, from language learning applications to online
dictionaries and translation tools. This diversity of resources provides
learners with multiple avenues for vocabulary acquisition, thereby
enhancing their learning experience.
Nevertheless, the intersection of globalization and MALL also
presents challenges. The digital divide, a disparity in access to digital
technology among different socio-economic groups, can lead to unequal

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opportunities for language learning. Additionally, the rapid pace of
technological advancement necessitates ongoing adaptation and learning,
both for learners and educators.
By facilitating the proliferation of mobile technology and fostering
the need for a lingua franca, globalization has played a significant role in
the emergence and growth of MALL. Moreover, the flexibility,
convenience, and personalization afforded by MALL cater to the needs of
the modern, globalized learner. Yet, the challenges posed by the digital
divide and the rapid pace of technological advancement underscore the
need for a balanced approach to harness the full potential of MALL in a
globalized world.

The Impact of MALL on English Vocabulary Learning and

As we emerge into the digital age, Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning (MALL) has emerged as a transformative force in the landscape
of language pedagogy. MALL, which melds the ubiquity of mobile
technology with the intricacies of language acquisition, has significantly
impacted both the learning and teaching of English vocabulary. This
discourse aims to delve into the implications of MALL on these twin facets
of language education.
From the perspective of learners, MALL offers a flexible and
engaging medium for vocabulary acquisition. Stockwell and Hubbard
astutely observe that "the use of mobile devices for language learning
serves as a medium that bridges formal and informal learning settings,
providing learners with opportunities for seamless learning" (Stockwell
and Hubbard (2013:207). This melding of formal and informal learning
spaces expands the scope of vocabulary acquisition beyond the confines
of the traditional classroom, fostering consistent engagement with the
target language.
MALL also facilitates the application of microlearning principles in
vocabulary acquisition. By presenting new vocabulary in bite-sized,
manageable units, learners can incrementally build their lexicon without
cognitive overload. Moreover, the interactive nature of many MALL
resources, including quizzes, games, and flashcards, increases learner
engagement, thereby enhancing retention and application of new words.
From a pedagogical standpoint, MALL provides educators with a
versatile tool to supplement traditional teaching methods. As Kukulska-
Hulme explains, "Mobile learning supports 'bite-sized' learning, or the
learning of small, manageable chunks of information at a time" (Kukulska-
Hulme, 2013:146). This ability to break down complex vocabulary lessons

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into manageable chunks enables educators to deliver more effective
instruction, tailored to the cognitive capabilities of their students.
Furthermore, MALL enhances the contextual teaching of vocabulary.
Many MALL applications incorporate real-world scenarios, enabling
educators to teach vocabulary in context, thus fostering better
comprehension and long-term retention. By situating vocabulary within
meaningful contexts, educators can facilitate deeper understanding and
more effective usage of new words.
Technology can provide learners with access to communication with
native speakers through social media platforms, language exchange
programs, or online tutoring: "The media today is perceived as an
essential component of the modern world." (Lăpădat & Păunescu,
2015:270). This perception of media as an indispensable component
extends to the realm of language learning, where digital platforms and
mobile technologies are increasingly shaping the learning process. Media,
in the form of digital content, interactive applications, podcasts, videos,
and social networks, has become integral to mobile-assisted language
learning (MALL). These media resources offer learners an array of
context-rich, authentic, and diverse language inputs that can significantly
boost English vocabulary acquisition. The media can bring the language to
life, facilitating exposure to English as it is used in real-world contexts,
thereby promoting a more natural and integrated vocabulary learning
experience. Moreover, the interactive nature of modern media allows
learners to engage with the language in a way that static textbooks cannot.
They can replay a video, interact with a language app, or communicate
with native speakers in real-time, allowing for immediate feedback and
However, the advent of MALL also necessitates a paradigm shift in
teaching methodologies, “innovative methods being an integral part of the
modernization of the whole system” (Chirițescu and Păunescu, 2017:381).
Educators need to adapt to this new digital pedagogy, “the teaching
methods need to be alternated to keep alive the attention and interest of
students in online courses” (Burtea-Cioroianu, 2022:137), thus,
incorporating MALL resources into their lesson plans and harnessing
their potential to enhance vocabulary instruction. This can represent a
steep learning curve for some educators and necessitates ongoing
professional development. While MALL provides a plethora of resources
for vocabulary instruction, the onus is on educators to discern high-
quality applications from the multitude available. The choice of
appropriate resources, aligned with the learning objectives and learners'
proficiency levels, is crucial to ensuring effective vocabulary instruction.

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MALL has indeed expanded the horizons of vocabulary acquisition,
transcending spatial and temporal boundaries and ushering in an era of
personalized, learner-centric pedagogy: "Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning (MALL) has radically reshaped the landscape of language
pedagogy, offering a fusion of flexibility, personalization, and immediacy
that has significantly enhanced English vocabulary acquisition"
(Kukulska-Hulme, 2013:147). However, while celebrating these
advancements, it is paramount to be cognizant of the potential challenges
associated with MALL. From the distractions inherent in mobile devices
to the issue of digital equity, these challenges necessitate a nuanced
approach to MALL implementation. It is also crucial to ensure that the
human element in language learning is not overshadowed by technology.
Personalized feedback, interaction, and active engagement – hallmarks of
effective language learning – should continue to be integral components
of the learning process.
As pointed out by Laviniu Lăpădat and Anca Păunescu language
learning "does not just mean memorising vocabulary or mastering
phonetical, morphological, grammatical or semantic structures, it is,
above all, embracing new pathways and methodologies referring to the
understanding of life and culture, new visions and perspectives
encompassing our national heritage, our Latin sense of belonging and
more contemporarily our connection and cohesion to solid and stable
European values" (2019:205). Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)
platforms, in this context, offer more than just vocabulary lists and
grammar exercises. They provide interactive and immersive content,
offering learners exposure to diverse cultural contexts, authentic
language use, and global perspectives. In harnessing the technological
transformation, these platforms have the potential to deliver a nuanced
understanding of English, going beyond the linguistic structures to
include socio-cultural elements and values. By doing so, they allow
learners to connect more deeply with the language, facilitating not only
vocabulary acquisition but also the development of cultural competence.
This holistic approach aligns with the vision of language learning as an
avenue for fostering greater cultural understanding and global cohesion.
Education is a critical aspect that outlines the progress of a society,
“it represents the starting engine for all the activities that run within each
society” (Stoian, 2019:126). Furthermore, according to Diana Marcu “the
success of the educational process is related to what learners expect from
the beginning, when they enrol to a specific program: if they are interested
in the traditional way of education or the virtual environment” (Marcu,

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In the light of our digital age, MALL is a powerful tool that, when
wielded judiciously, has the potential to significantly enhance English
vocabulary acquisition. As we navigate this promising frontier, it is our
responsibility as educators and learners to harness the potential of MALL
effectively, while mitigating its drawbacks, to ensure equitable and
efficient language learning for all.


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